Distillation Operation Difficulties
Distillation Operation Difficulties
Distillation Operation Difficulties
Column Diameter
Most of the above factors that affect column operation is due to vapour flow conditions: either
excessive or too low. Vapour flow velocity is dependent on column diameter. Weeping
determines the minimum vapour flow required while flooding determines the maximum
vapour flow allowed, hence column capacity. Thus, if the column diameter is not sized
properly, the column will not perform well. Not only will operational problems occur, the
desired separation duties may not be achieved.
State of Trays and Packings
Remember that the actual number of trays required for a particular separation duty is
determined by the efficiency of the plate, and the packings if packings are used. Thus, any
factors that cause a decrease in tray efficiency will also change the performance of the column.
Tray efficiencies are affected by fouling, wear and tear and corrosion, and the rates at which
these occur depends on the properties of the liquids being processed. Thus appropriate
materials should be specified for tray construction.
Weather Conditions
Most distillation columns are open to the atmosphere. Although many of the columns are
insulated, changing weather conditions can still affect column operation. Thus the reboiler
must be appropriately sized to ensure that enough vapour can be generated during cold and
windy spells and that it can be turned down sufficiently during hot seasons. The same applies
to condensers.
These are some of the more important factors that can cause poor distillation column
performance. Other factors include changing operating conditions and throughputs, brought
about by changes in upstream conditions and changes in the demand for the products. All these
factors, including the associated control system, should be considered at the design stages
because once a column is built and installed, nothing much can be done to rectify the situation
without incurring significant costs. The control of distillation columns is a field in its own right,
but that's another story.