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Some of the key takeaways are that differential settlements between pipelines and connected structures can cause excessive stresses and failures in pipelines. The use of rocker pipes and flexible joints can help redistribute stresses and accommodate such differential movements.

Pipeline failures can occur due to excessive bending stresses and shear forces induced by differential ground movements between a heavy yielding structure and a firmly connected pipeline. Such differential settlements are often underestimated in design and can lead to failures even before full commissioning of the pipeline.

Rocker pipes, which allow a permissible rotation, can help redistribute bending moments in pipelines to more acceptable levels, thereby alleviating distress. They work by redistributing the soil subgrade reaction and bending moment distribution along the pipeline due to non-uniform settlements.



Wijeyesekera D.C.
University of East London, Dockland, United Kingdom
Reginold, J.T.
University of East London, Dockland, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT: Soil-pipe interaction studies can help in the evaluation of settlement of pipelines. However, pipeline failures still
occur due to differential ground movements between a heavy yielding structure and a pipeline firmly connected to it. Such
differential movements induce excessive stress concentrations in the pipeline. Often pipeline failures are a consequence of such
movements, and the flexibility of plastic pipes can make them less vulnerable than rigid pipes.
The magnitude and location of the maximum bending moments in pipelines arising from the yielding of the heavy structure can be
determined by treating pipelines as beams on elastic foundation,. The provision of rocker pipe joints that entertain a permissible
rotation helps to redistribute the bending moments to acceptable levels and thereby alleviate distress in the pipeline. This paper
presents both a theoretical approach and a laboratory approach to the evaluation of the bending moment, shear force, vertical soil
resistance at soil pipe interface due to differential settlement and also assess the benefits of rocker joints to alleviate the distress in
pipelines. Innovative experimentation used in the laboratory research programme is presented.
The paper further presents results from a laboratory investigation of the soil structure interaction of flexible strip foundations and
articulated pipelines, with a view to establishing a method of assessing the distribution of soil sub grade reaction that is developed
as a consequence of non-uniform settlement. The influence of the stiffness of the structure on the soil reaction distribution is also
demonstrated and the effect of the various distributions on the bending moment distribution of the pipe is discussed. A few case
histories of failures are summarised, demonstrating these effects, and pointing the way to possible solutions, which could be
incorporated at the project design stage. Finally, the need for rational design procedures for pipeline foundations including rocker
pipes to be incorporated into codes of practice such as EN 1295 is emphasised.

Keywords: Differential Settlement, Displacement, Flexible joints, Soil sub grade reaction, Rocker pipes.

due to differential settlement and also assess the

benefits of rocker joints to alleviate the distress in
Both rigid and flexible pipelines are vulnerable to pipelines.
ground movements as a consequence of the
significant levels of stress induced in them. Any When differential settlements occur between a
form of unanticipated differential ground structure and the connected buried pipeline the
movements between a structure on a yielding pipes will be subjected to longitudinal bending, and
foundation and a pipeline attached to it, can further the joints to shear and angular rotation. Olliff et al,
exacerbate the stresses in the pipeline to 1994 [2] raised the awareness for provision to be
unacceptable levels. Often such differential made for such differential settlements. The
settlements that occur are either ignored or not Materials Selection for Sewers, Pumping mains and
allowed for in the design and the pipeline fails, Manholes (UK Water Industry Sewers and Water
subsequent to construction and even before it being Mains Committee, 1996 [6]) suggested that the first
fully commissioned. joint should be within 150 mm of the face of the
structure. Authors of this paper suggested the
Both theoretical approach and laboratory approach adoption of rocker pipes in Olliff et al, 2000 [4].
to the evaluation of the bending moment, shear Subsequently, section 4.6.6 of the Sewers for
force, vertical soil resistance at soil pipe interface adoption, 5th edition, 2001 [8] recommended the

need for a flexible joint to be provided as close as described. The method can be applied to pipes of
feasible to the outside face of any structure in which differing materials and different types of joints.
a pipe is built. Furthermore, the next length of pipe
(rocker pipe) away from the structure was
recommended to be as shown in table 1. 2. PIPELINE FLEXIBILITY NEAR SETTLING
Table 1 - Recommended rocker pipe length (modified from When differential settlements occur between a
Sewers for adoption; 2001 [8] ) structure and the connected buried pipeline the
pipes will be subjected to longitudinal bending, and
Nominal Effective Length to
diameter length Diameter
the joints to shear and angular rotation. The length
mm mm Ratio of the pipe section immediately adjacent to the
150 600 4.0 structure must be designed to keep all of these
<600-150 600 1.0 considerations within allowable limits. A method of
675 1000 1.5 determing this appropriate length of pipe section is
<750-675 1000 1.3 described. The method can be applied to pipes of
>750 1250 1.7
differing materials with different types of joints.

The term rocker pipe has caused much confusion

over the years. Engineers who are not acquainted 2.1 ANALYTICAL STUDY
with the subject seem to assume that some sort of
mystical qualities are somehow bestowed on pipes Failure to design pipelines to accommodate, or
as soon as they are described as rockers. In fact, avoid differential settlements is one of the more
there is nothing mystical about rocker pipes. They common causes of structural failure, and a design
are ordinary pipes, which because of their location, analysis should therefore be carried out for an
can rotate in the vertical plane, so that two ends are evaluation of permissible bending moments.
at different levels. This enables the pipe to
accommodate differential settlements. It is only the A prismatic beam (figure 2) connected to a structure
location of the pipe, not its length, which dictates and supported continuously along its length by a
that it will function as a rocker (Olliff et al, 2003 foundation will experience elastic deformation. The
[5]; Wijeyesekera et al 2006 [9,10 &11] ) resulting sub grade reaction can be assumed to be
linearly proportional to the beam deflection at any
point Wijeyesekera et al, 2006 [10&11]. Under such
150 mm 150 mm conditions the reaction per unit length of the beam
Maximum Maximum can be represented by the expression ksy, where y is
600 mm 600 mm the deflection and ks is a constant usually called the
modulus of the soil foundation. This constant
denotes the reaction per unit length when deflection
Flexible Joint
is equal to unity.

Rocker Pipe Rocker Pipe

This assumption helps in writing the stability
equations that are amenable to solution. This
represents an idealization closely approximating
Fig. 1. Typical Joint detail with flexible joint at 150mm from
many real situations. Beam behaviour of pipeline is
the face of structure analysed according to the theory of beams on elastic
foundations (Selvadurai, 1984 [7]), a theory
validated by the results of many field studies and
A length of the pipe section immediately adjacent to experiments (Olliff et al 2000, 2003 [3&4]).
the structure must be designed to keep all of these
considerations within allowable limits. A method of
identifying this appropriate length of pipe section is

M = 2 EIe x 2 (cos x sin x) (4)

Differentiating the equation 4 then gives the shear

force at x;
Soil Sub grade V = 4 EI 3 e x cos x (5)
Soil Foundation
In the analysis for the location of the first flexible
Y joint, the pipe length (AA1) is considered to be
Fig. 2. Semi-infinite beam on elastic foundation finite, see figure 3.

For this particular case the corresponding equations

In figure 2, x represents the location of the point
from the settling structure, at which the bending
moment is evaluated. The analysis presented here 150mm [Finite Pipe Length]
establishes the minimum length required to ensure Flexible Joint

that the allowable rotation of the flexible joint is not Heavy


exceeded. Knowledge of this length aids in Structure

determining the bending moments in the rocker pipe Soil Sub grade Reaction [kr]
and the shear forces at its ends. If these are A
Soil Foundation
excessive, they must be reduced to levels below the Y
allowable limits. This cannot of course, be done by
reducing the length of the rocker pipe, otherwise Fig. 3. Semi-infinite beam with flexible joint on elastic
the joint rotation criteria would not be met. foundation

The deformed shape of a beam on elastic foundation y = e x [A cos x + B sin x ] + e x [C cos x + D sin x ]
(Selvadurai, 1984 [7]) is given by the equation (1)
. .. .. (6)
y = e x [A cos x + B sin x ] + e x [C cos x + D sin x ] y ' = e x [ A(cos x + sin x) + B(cos x sin x)]

.(1) + e x [ C (sin x cos x) + D (cos x + sin x)]

For the particular problem illustrated in figure 1, the
following boundary conditions apply; Reginold . .. .. (7)
(2006) [5] y '' = 2 2 e x ( A sin x B cos x) + 2 2 e x
For a semi infinite pipe (when x >150mm) the (C sin x + D cos x)
deflection, y is zero. At the interface of the structure . .. .. (8)
and the pipe ( x = 0 ) the pipe deflection will be the
same as that of the settling structure () and the y ''' = 2 3 e x [ A(cos x sin x) + B (sin x + cos x)]
slope of the pipe will be zero. + 2 3 e x [ C (cos x + sin x) D(sin x cos x)]

The equation 1 then reduces to . .. .. (9)

For a 40mm diameter pipe, the solutions for the
y = e x [cos x + sin x] . (2) equations 6 to 9 are presented graphically in figures
3 and 4. The vertical displacement variations in
Differentiation of equation 2 gives the slope at x to figure 5 for the three pipe lengths of 1.5 and 3.0m
be are coincident. The maximum uplift (1.60 to
y ' = 2 e x sin x .. (3) 1.75mm) of the pipes occur at x= 2782 mm (x/D
of 2.2 to 5.5). These variations are very coincident
Differentiation of equation 3 gives the bending and this is illustrated in figures 4 and 5.
moment, M, at x;

Vertical Displacement along the length of Pipe

Vertical Displacement "mm"

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Length of Pipe "mm"

20 10mm Settlement for L=3m

20mm Settlement for L=3m
40mm Settlement for L=3m
40 10mm Settlement for L=1.5m
20mm Settlement for L=1.5m
40mm Settlement for L=1.5m

Fig.4.Vertical displacement variations for pipe lengths of

3m and 1.5m
Fig. 6. Flexible Joint at structure pipe interface

Longitudinal Bending Moment along the

length of Pipe


-3.E-03 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Longitudinal Bending
moment "Nmm"

Length of Pipe "mm"

10mm Settlement for L=3m
8.E-03 20mm Settlement for L=3m
40mm Settlement for L=3m
1.E-02 10mm Settlement for L=1.5m
20mm Settlement for L=1.5m
2.E-02 40mm Settlement for L=1.5m

Fig.5.Variation of bending moment in pipe lengths of

3m and 1.5m

As sometimes adopted in practice, it is prudent to

Flexible Joint
provide a flexible joint ( /rocker) at a distance no
greater than 150mm from the face of the structure
rather than providing one at at x=0, (Figure1).

This figure further illustrates the provision of a

Rocker pipe
permissible 2 rotation at this first flexible joint. with Flexible Joint
Figure 6 shows the adoption of this concept. Figure
7 and 8 also illustrates the adoption of these in Flexible Joint with
Allowable angle of Rotation
manholes both constructed in situ and prefabricated.

Figure 8 illustrates an example where the bending

moment at the structure is so severe that failure
occurred at 36.28m (13xD) from the face of the
structure. Failure can be alleviated by providing
rocker pipes ie further (2nd and 3rd) flexible joints
away from the structure. Following from the
discussions above the author considers the analysis
of a second flexible joint, with the first joint at a Fig 7. Rocker pipe location for 100mm diameter pipe
distance of x =150mm from the face of the connected to cast insitu manhole

Longitudinal Bending Moment for Fully Fixed and Flexible
Joint Condition for 10mm Settlement
3 GRP intake pipelines on -2.E-03
compressible -1.E-03
marine foundation

L o ng itudina l B ending
0 200 400 600 800 1000

M o m ent "kN .m "

Distance along the Pipe "mm"

2.E-03 Fully Fixed Condition - 10mm Settlement

One joint Condition - 10mm Settlement
Position of 3.E-03 Two joint Condition - 10mm Settlement

Fig.10. Influence of flexible rocker joints on

bending moment for varying settlement of 10mm.
Fractured GRP pipes
( 3 No.) at site due to Figure 11 is a design chart developed to facilitate
differential settlement
the evaluation of the number of rocker pipes that
need to be provided to meet an anticipated
differential ground movement of .

Fig 8. Photographic evidence of offshore GRP pipeline

failure at pipe structure interface.
Full length pipe-No Rocker Pipe Joint

3. ROCKER PIPE DESIGN One Flexible Joint Rocker Pipe
0.8 Two Flexible Joint Rocker Pipe
The analysis described above established the
minimum length required to ensure that the
allowable joint rotation is not exceeded, and 0.4

knowing this length, the bending moments in the 0.2

rocker pipe, and the shear forces at its ends, can be 0.0
calculated. If these are excessive, they must be 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
reduced by increasing the number of rocker pipes. /D
Figures 9 and 10 compare the influence of one / two
joints on the vertical displacement and bending Fig.11. Rocker pipe joint design chart
moment profile respectively.
M CRITICAL: Maximum bending moment
M FAILURE: Bending moment at failure
Comparision of Results for Fully Fixed and Flexible Joint
Condition for 10mm Settlement

From the information available from the
pipe/flexible joint manufactures and soil

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Distance along the Pipe "mm"
investigation for structural foundation, the design

4 engineer can easily estimate the anticipated

Fully Fixed Condition - 10mm Settlement
differential settlement. And the required number of
flexible rocker pipe joints to accommodate the
One joint Condition - 10mm Settlement
Two joint Condition - 10mm Settlement
12 distress induced on connected pipeline due to
differential settlement within the transition zone,
Fig.9. Influence of flexible rocker joint for varying see figure 12.
settlement of 10mm.

Intermediate length Original Position Differential
of the pipeline of the Pipeline Settlement

Flexible pipeline Position of the pipeline Settled profile of the

joint after differential pipeline after
settlement differential
l Rocker Pipe
Transition Zone
Unsettled Flexible Joint
ground profile

Fig.12. Influence of flexible rocker joint for varying Fig.14. Rocker pipe location for 100mm diameter pipe
settlement of 10mm. connected to prefabricated manhole

Other options for dealing with this conflict include

the following: The above description of the problems of designing
pipelines with rigid pipes to accommodate
Reducing the backfill load by replacing some of differential settlements highlights the potential
the fill by expanded polystyrene. This will advantage of continuous, fusion jointed
reduce the settlement, and also reduce the polyethylene or polypropylene pipelines. These will
bending moment and shear forces. conform to a settled soil profile by bending, and
only if the bending is very severe, will there be a
Increase the effective bending and shear risk of failure, by buckling.
strengths of the rocker pipe, by supporting it
on a reinforced concrete beam. (Note: The use
of reinforced concrete beams can also serve to 4. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY
increase the effective length of the rocker pipe.
Two or more standard length pipes laid on the
In view of the dearth of information from the
same beam will rock as if they were a single
reviewed papers that deal with the soil interaction
with buried rigid/flexible conduits subjected to a
vertical movement/settlement, a laboratory research
Inspection program was performed.
Prototype field experiments to investigate the soil
structure interaction can be very expensive. In this
research programme, a series of laboratory soil box
test with specially design and built loading frame is
used to induce settlement of the structure relative to
the connecting pipeline (see figure 15). The
Rocker Pipe objective of the laboratory research programme is to
observe, evaluate and compare the mathematical
Flexible Joint predictions for the stress strain regimes around a
pipe subjected to differential settlement.

The laboratory tests were carried out with small

Fig.13. Rocker pipe location for large diameter pipe
diameter plastic pipe generally used in the
connected to insitu inspection chamber residential drainage connections. Literature research
reviewed that such similar works are not carried out

in the past to practically design the rocker pipe sensors (PS), eleven linear displacement transducers
length. (DS), one load cell (LC) and eight strain gauges (S).

Following are the test assumptions made during the

testing, observation and analysis:
Fixed Boundary conditions during soil box
investigation. The pipe used in the soil box test is
very flexible, and is not stiff enough to elongate
laterally to exert horizontal thrust on the soil mass
with decreasing vertical diameter.

A mathematical model for defining the soil pipeline

interaction in response to differential settlement was
described in section 2.1. The results of the physical
full scale analysis described in this paper was
compared further with the mathematical modelling
outlined and referring to displacement from
differential settlement and pipeline joint
rotation/Rocker pipe is proposed , see figure 17.
View: A View: B

45 Test No: SB-FL1-h0 -J0-Y1

Fig.15. Soil Box used and instrumentation setup Predicted values and Observed values 100% Perfect
40 for a vertical end settlement of 40mm 1 Match

30 2
Predicted Value

25 1st Flexible Joint

@ X=150m m

20 1500mm
11 2
15 1
Fully 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Imposed
Restrained End h=0mm Settlement End
SB-FL1-h0 -J2-Y1-40mm 2nd Flexible Joint
5 @ X=250m m
3 CH4-FF-Analy-40mm
3 Section
4-11 0 4-11 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Observed Value

Fig.17. Compression of observed and predicted pipe

deformation for a differential settlement of 40mm with
two flexible rocker joints


The following conclusions can be drawn from the


Fig.16. Detailed Instrumentation along the length of the Established pipeline design procedures
pipe frequently ignore or underestimate the
settlements of soil masses, pipelines and
Thirty observations were monitored in the soil box Analysis of pipelines as strip foundations can
experiments (see figure 9). Data logging was carried provide a useful estimate of likely settlements.
out using the programmable data logging device to Pipeline design should include analysis of
record observations from ten flexi force pressure settlements, and the provision of measures to

limit them and/or enable the pipelines to 5. Reginold J.T., (2006) Rocker pipe solution
accommodate their effects. to alleviate differential settlement induced
The ability to accommodate settlements should distress in flexible pipes. Ph.D Thesis,
be considered during the pipe material selection University of East London, London, United
process. Kingdom.
The effective modulus of a pipeline foundation
will vary from place to place, reflecting 6. Robert S.,(1996) Material selection for
inconsistencies in the placing and compaction of sewers, pumping mains and manholes. UK
bedding material, variations in bedding water industry sewers and water mains
thickness, and in sub-grade properties. committee.
The first flexible joint or rocker pipe needs to be
within the first 150 mm from the yielding
structure. 7. Selvadurai A.P.S., (1984) The flexure of an
If there is no provision in the form of rocker infinite strip of finite width embedded in an
pipes made, a failure of the pipe can occur at a isotropic Elastic Medium of finite Extent
distance of 10 15 diameters from the face of ,International Journal of Numerical and
the yielding structure. Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,Vol.8.

8. Sewers for adoption manual, 5th edition,

UK, 2001.
I am highly obliged and owe a great debt of
gratitude to my supervisor Professor D.C. 9. Wijeyesekera D.C.,Reginold J.T.,(2006)
Wijeyesekera. Jonathan Olliff of Montgomery Rocker pipe- A solution for differential
Watson, with their expertise in buried pipeline settlement induced distress in pipeline.
design. Ralph Potter for allowing me to use the ASME 6th International Pipeline
Pipeline Technology laboratory. I wish to especially Conference Proceeding IP2006, Calgary,
thank my father for sharing his worldly expertise in Canada.
the field of civil engineering.
10. Wijeyesekera D.C.,Reginold J.T.,(2006)
Rocker pipe solution to alleviate differential
REFERENCES settlement induced distress in flexible pipes.
Advances in computing and technology
Conference Proceeding AC&T2006,
1. Civil Engineering Specification for the London, United Kingdom.
Water Industry, 5th Edition, 2003.
11. Wijeyesekera D.C.,Reginold J.T.,(2006)
2. Olliff J.L.,(1994) Pipeline Foundation Study of the use of rocker pipes to allow for
Design, Document C164/165/JWG1, CEN. differential ground movement in pipelines.
Plastic Pipes conference- xiii, Washington
3. Olliff J.L., Rolfe S., Wijeyesekera DC, USA.
D.C.,Reginold J.T., (2000) Soil Structure
Pipe interaction with particular reference to 12. Wijeyesekera D.C.,Reginold J.T.,(2007)
ground movement induced failures, Plastic Mathematical and Physical study of pipelines
Pipes conference- xi, Germany , pp 941-950. subjected to differential settlement. Advances in
computing and technology Conference
4. Olliff J.L., Rolfe S., Wijeyesekera Proceeding AC&T2007, London, United
D.C.,Reginold J.T., (2003) Settlement Kingdom.
induced failures of plastic and other pipes,
Plastic Pipes conference- xii, Italy.

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