Rapture of The Saints
Rapture of The Saints
Rapture of The Saints
Just as the days of Noah were, so will the coming Parousia denotes both an arrival and the consequent pres-
[parousiva] of the Son of Man be. For as they were in ence with the arriving one (Vine 208). Thus, Christs com-
those days before the flood, eating and drinking, marrying ing will be His presence with His believers, and as such, it
and giving in marriage, until the day in which Noah will extend over a period of time. It will begin with the
entered into the ark, and they did not know that judg- rapture of the man-child to the throne of God in the
ment was coming until the flood came and took all away, heavens, which will transpire prior to the thousand two
so also will the coming [parousiva] of the Son of Man be. hundred and sixty days (Rev. 12:5-6), and with the rap-
ture of the firstfruits to the heavenly Mount Zion prior to
T hat the coming of the Son of Man will be like the the hour of His judgment, the fall of religious Babylon,
days of Noah indicates that the Lords coming and the worship of the beast (14:1-4, 7-9). Following this,
involves a period of time with a particular characteristic. Christ will continue His parousia by coming from heaven
Before the flood indicates a time of perceived prosperity, to the air, where He will still be concealed from the world
peace, and safety. At this time the ones eating, drinking, by being clothed with a cloud (10:1), at which time the
marrying, and giving in mar- majority of the believers will
riage will not know that judg- be raptured to the air (1 Thes.
ment is coming. In sharp con- The various mentions of the Lords 4:15-17), Christ will judge all
trast to this, the great tribulation coming indicate that the parousia the believers at His judgment
will commence with super- seat (2 Cor. 5:10), and the
natural calamities, a clear sign extends from the beginning marriage of the Lamb will take
of the time of the wrath of to the end of the three and a place (Rev. 19:7-9). Finally,
God, when men will call out half years of the great tribulation. Christ will complete His par-
to the mountains and rocks to ousia by coming from the air
fall upon them (Rev. 6:12-17). with His saints to appear on
Therefore, the days before the flood must refer to the the earth (19:11-16; Matt. 24:27; 2 Thes. 2:8).
time just prior to the great tribulation. It is at this point
that the Lords parousia begins. On the other hand, The Two Comings of Christ
Matthew 24:27 through 30 say,
As demonstrated by the above, the Scriptures reveal that
Just as the lightning comes forth from the east and shines the coming of Christ will be in two main stages, separat-
to the west, so will the coming [parousiva] of the Son of ed by the duration of the great tribulation. In His coming
Man beAnd immediately after the tribulation of those prior to the tribulation, Christ will come as a thief. In
days,the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, Matthew 24 Jesus said,
and then all the tribes of the land will mourn, and they
will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your
with power and great glory. Lord comes. But know this, that if the householder had
known in which watch the thief was coming, he would
After the tribulation of those days is strong proof that the have watched and would not have allowed his house to be
open coming of Christ will take place after the great broken into. For this reason you also be ready, because at
tribulation, at which time all Israel will see Him and an hour when you do not expect it, the Son of Man is
repent (Zech. 12:10), and He will defeat Antichrist and coming. (vv. 42-44)
his armies (Rev. 19:11-21). By this we can see that the
New Testament words for the Lords coming, particular-
ly parousia, refer to events both before and after the
great tribulation. George Eldon Ladd wrongly concludes,
S imilarly He said to the church in Sardis, Remember
therefore how you have received and heard, and keep
it and repent. If therefore you will not watch, I will come
If one can make anything of language at all, no distinc- as a thief, and you shall by no means know at what hour
tion can be made between the parousia, the apokalypse, I will come upon you (Rev. 3:3).2
S everal other prophetic indications point to the two they are caught up to meet Him in the air. (Writings
aspects of the Lords future coming. In His secret 11:115)
coming He will come as the morning star (Rev. 2:28;
22:16; 2 Pet. 1:19), which will dawn at the end of the This is the only accurate way to reconcile all the verses
dark age. The morning star is like the star that appeared we have cited above.
at the birth of Christ (Matt. 2:2, 9-10). At that time the
Jews had mental knowledge in dead letters concerning However, in order to maintain the posttribulational con-
Christ, but the magi received a living vision concerning cept, some have attempted to compress the Lords
Him. Similarly, in the first stage of His second appearing, coming for and with the saints into a single, two part
Christ will not be seen by the Jews and the unbelieving motion, two aspects of a single indivisible event (Ladd
world. Rather, He will be the morning star to His over- 91), that takes place at Christs coming in glory at the end
comers who watch for His coming. To all the others He of the tribulation. Alexander Reese says,
will appear only as the Sun of righteousness on the day of
Jehovah, a day that comes, burning like a furnace (Mal. At the Parousia in triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ, His
4:1-2). This will transpire at the end of the great tribula- faithful people, as they see Him coming, will be caught
tion when Christ comes with power to be seen by all up to meet Him in the air: they go forth to meet Him,
Israel and the world. and then return with Him to earth to share His triumph
in the Kingdom of Glory. Christ has come for His saints,
and with them at the same crisis. (238-239)
Coming for the Saints and with the Saints
The Two Stages of the Rapture astonishing removal of certain chosen ones, accounted wor-
thy, owing to their distinctive faith in Gods promises, to
The Theocratic Kingdom by George N. H. Peters, a par- escape. Let this event occur just as it is described; let here
ticipant in the prophetic Bible conferences of the 1870s one and there one of the believing and watching be taken,
and 1880s, is considered perhaps the most factual and and surely those who believe in Gods Word and are left
voluminous written defense of the premillennial system behind will be most wonderfully affected by the event
(Stanton 154), from which Lewis Sperry Chafer quotes The Churchwill recognize its chronological position, will
extensively and frequently. It is presented in the form of see what is before it, and, energetically infused by fear and
two hundred and six propositions in three volumes. The hope, prepare itself for the fearful ordeal through which it
thesis of Proposition 130 is that both the second coming must pass. And we are assured that the Church in this
of the Lord and the accompanying rapture of the saints contest, overpowered as she will be, will sustain the per-
should not be considered as a single event. Peters says, secution with triumphant faith. (327-328)
Comparing all the events that are included in the Sec. As to who will be raptured at the secret coming of Christ,
Advent, it is simply impossible, without great violation of Peters notes,
order, etc., to crowd them all together as the instanta-
neous resultants of such a Coming. This, then, impresses There is a difference between mere salvation and the spe-
caution in not compressing what is intimated concerning cial honor, station, dignity, etc., that God in addition may
the translation or removal of saints necessarily to one be pleased to bestow upon certain ones. There were other
transaction or day. (315) pious ones when Enoch and Elijah were translated, and
yet they only were favored; and we doubt not that many
I t is crucial to understand to whom this prophecy of the tion, beginning with the abomination of desolation, the
kingdom was spoken and to whom it applies. Dispen- setting up of the image of Antichrist in the rebuilt temple
sational teaching emphasizes in Jerusalem. This idol will be
the application of the Gospel another sign of the consumma-
of Matthew to the Jews and All the tribulations tion of this age. Following this,
the political nation of Israel. of the New Testament age verses 27 through 30 portray the
C. I. Scofield summarizes this Lords open coming in power,
view by the following system- are used by God to produce His which will take place at the
atic precepts: many sons so that He can end of the great tribulation.
constitute the church in this age. No one knows the length of
Israel is in the foreground from time spanning the events men-
the call of Abram to the resur- tioned in verses 4 through 14,
rection of ChristThe mission of Jesus was, primarily, to but the prophecy in verses 15 through 31, concerning the
the JewsThe doctrines of grace are to be sought in the remnant of the Jews, will be fulfilled in the last three and
Epistles, not in the Gospelsthe Gospels do not unfold a half years of this age, the second half of the seventieth
the doctrine of the ChurchThe Gospels present a week prophesied in Daniel 9:27.
group of Jewish disciples, associated on earth with a
Messiah in humiliation[Much in the Gospels] belongs Dispensational Theology and the
in strictness of interpretation to the Jew[Matthew] is Jewish Character of the Prophecy of the Kingdom
peculiarly the Gospel for Israel. (vi, 989-990, 993)
To cast Matthew 24 and 25 primarily in view of the rem-
Robert Anderson, who preached with Darby in western nant of the Jews at the end of the age obscures a
Ireland, speaks even more emphatically of Matthew in significant word of prophecy for the New Testament
particular: believers, particularly concerning the rapture of the saints
of the church age. The dispensational view is that the
The First Gospel does not contain a single word that is reference [in Matthew 24] to Daniel and the great tribu-
inconsistent with its scope and purpose in the Divine lation, which never concerns the church, but Israel,
scheme of revelation, as a record of the Lords mission shows us that we are not on Christian, but Jewish
and ministry as Israels Messiah; and it will be studied by ground (Ladd 131). Stanton speaks very strongly in this
believing Israelites in days to come as if the present manner:
Christian dispensation had never intervened. (126)
Dispensationalists hold that Matthew 24 speaks of Israel
This extreme and peculiar conclusion virtually erases the in the Tribulation and not of the Church, which they
Gospel of Matthew from the Christians Bible, except to believe to be already rapturedThe setting and the cast
make it a historical appendix to the story of Israel.4 of the chapter is unmistakably JewishThe Church and
This most important and unequivocal statement by our 3J. Barton Payne attempts a synthesis of the two views in
Lord sets aside the opinion that all Christians will escape which the coming of Christ is both posttribulational and immi-
irrespective of their moral state, and also negatives the nent. However, he accomplishes this only by avoiding rigorous
notion that no escape is possible. There is a door of futurism (105) in the interpretation of prophecy. According to
escape; but as with all doors, only those who are awake his view, many of the antecedents to the Lords coming
will see it, and only those who are in earnest will reach it including the seventieth week of Daniel 9, the time of Jacobs
ere the storm bursts. (38) trouble, and the ten horns (Rev. 13:1)may be past (106-108,
115-116), and the great tribulation is potentially present, and
The condition for the rapture of the believers prior to the perhaps almost finished (133), except for a brief portion yet
great tribulation is not merely regeneration but also to come (114, 141). Thus, the requisite signs of Christs com-
watchfulness in life and faithfulness in work after a person ing and His coming itself can still be as occurring at once (92),
is saved. If regeneration were the only condition, there and Christs coming at the end of the tribulation still might be
would be no reason for the Lord to exhort us to be watch- tonight (102). However, this interpretation is not based on the
ful. In Matthew 24:40-42 the Lord did not entreat the more accurate futurist interpretation of prophecy. Payne calls
disciples to repent, believe in Him, and be regenerated. his view the classical viewpoint of the early and the reforma-
He charged them only to be watchful. Hence, the one tion church (158-159), although he admits that Irenaeus,
Justin Martyr. Dialogue with Trypho. The Ante-Nicene Reiter, Richard R., Paul D. Feinberg, Gleason L. Archer, and
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1. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979. Tribulational? Grand Rapids: Academie, 1984.
Kelly, William. Pamphlets. Sunbury: Believers Bookshelf, 1971. Reese, Alexander. The Approaching Advent of Christ: An
Examination of the Teachings of J. N. Darby and His
Ladd, George Eldon. The Blessed Hope. Grand Rapids: Followers. London: Marshall, Morgan, and Scott, 1937.
Eerdmans, 1956.
Scofield, C. I. The Scofield Reference Bible. New York: Oxford
Lang, George H. Firstfruits and Harvest. Miami Springs: University Press, 1945.
Conley & Schoettle, 1985.
Stanton, Gerald B. Kept from the Hour. Miami Springs:
Lee, Witness. Life-study of Matthew. Anaheim: Living Stream Schoettle, 1991.
Ministry, 1986.
Thayer, Joseph H. Thayers Greek-English Lexicon of the New
. Footnotes. Recovery Version of the Bible. Anaheim: Testament. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2003.
Living Stream Ministry, 2003.
Vine, W. E. An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Nee, Watchman. The Collected Works of Watchman Nee. 62 with Their Precise Meanings for English Readers. Vol. 1. Old
vols. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1992-1994. Tappan: Fleming H. Revell, 1966.
Panton, David. M. Rapture. Miami Springs: Schoettle, 1988. Walvoord, John F. The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation: A
Historical and Biblical Study of Posttribulationism. Grand
Payne, J. Barton. The Imminent Appearing of Christ. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 1980.
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1962.
. The Rapture Question. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979.
Peters, George N. H. The Theocratic Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus,
the Christ, as Covenanted in the Old Testament and Presented Young, Robert. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. Grand
in the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1952. Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.
And I saw, and behold, there was a white cloud, and on the cloud One like the Son of Man sitting, having a golden
crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud
voice to Him who sat on the cloud, Send forth Your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come because the
harvest of the earth is ripe. And He who sat on the cloud thrust His sickle upon the earth, and the earth was
reaped (Rev. 14:14-16).
sharp: The sharp sickle in the Lord's hand indicates that the Lord is the One who reaps Gods field.
harvest: The harvest of the earth is Gods people on earth, the believers in Christ (1 Cor. 3:9). At His first
coming to the earth, the Lord sowed Himself into His believers (Matt. 13:3-8, 24). All the believers since
that time, who have received Him as the seed of life, have become Gods crop on the earth. The first-ripe
ones will be reaped as the firstfruits to God before the great tribulation, as indicated in vv. 1-5. The major-
ity will ripen with the help of the sufferings in the great tribulation and will be reaped, raptured, at the
end of the great tribulation.
ripe: Lit., dried. To be ripe is to be dried of all the earthly water. The suffering of the great tribulation,
like the parching sun, will dry up the earthly waters from the believers who are left on the earth in the
great tribulation, enabling the believers to ripen.
reaped: The reaping here will take place after Antichrist forces people to worship him and his image (v. 9).
Hence, it refers to the rapture of the majority of the believers, who are left on the earth to pass through
the great tribulation.