New England Journal Medicine: The of
New England Journal Medicine: The of
New England Journal Medicine: The of
journal of medicine
established in 1812 january 11, 2007 vol. 356 no. 2
A bs t r ac t
Since sunitinib malate has shown activity in two uncontrolled studies in patients From the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Can-
with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma, a comparison of the drug with interferon alfa cer Center, New York (R.J.M.); Baylor Sam-
mons Cancer CenterTexas Oncology, Dal-
in a phase 3 trial is warranted. las (T.E.H.); Klinika Onkologii Oddzial
Chemioterapii, Poznan, Poland (P.T.); Mas-
Methods sachusetts General Hospital Cancer Cen-
ter, Boston (M.D.M.); Cleveland Clinic
We enrolled 750 patients with previously untreated, metastatic renal-cell carcinoma Foundation, Cleveland (R.M.B.); Hpital
in a multicenter, randomized, phase 3 trial to receive either repeated 6-week cycles PitiSalptrire (O.R.) and Hpital Eu-
of sunitinib (at a dose of 50 mg given orally once daily for 4 weeks, followed by 2 weeks ropen Georges Pompidou (S.O.) both
in Paris; Centre Lon Brard, Lyon, France
without treatment) or interferon alfa (at a dose of 9 MU given subcutaneously three (S.N.); Military Institute of Medicine, War-
times weekly). The primary end point was progression-free survival. Secondary end saw, Poland (C.S.); Pfizer Global Research
points included the objective response rate, overall survival, patient-reported outcomes, and Development, La Jolla, CA (S.T.K., I.C.,
P.W.B., C.M.B.); and City of Hope Compre-
and safety. hensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles (R.A.F.).
Address reprint requests to Dr. Motzer at
Results the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cen-
ter, 1275 York Ave., New York, NY 10021,
The median progression-free survival was significantly longer in the sunitinib group or at [email protected].
(11 months) than in the interferon alfa group (5 months), corresponding to a hazard
ratio of 0.42 (95% confidence interval, 0.32 to 0.54; P<0.001). Sunitinib was also *A list of additional investigators who par-
ticipated in the study appears in the Ap-
associated with a higher objective response rate than was interferon alfa (31% vs. pendix.
6%, P<0.001). The proportion of patients with grade 3 or 4 treatment-related fatigue
was significantly higher in the group treated with interferon alfa, whereas diarrhea N Engl J Med 2007;356:115-24.
Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
was more frequent in the sunitinib group (P<0.05). Patients in the sunitinib group
reported a significantly better quality of life than did patients in the interferon alfa
group (P<0.001).
Progression-free survival was longer and response rates were higher in patients with
metastatic renal-cell cancer who received sunitinib than in those receiving interferon
alfa ( numbers, NCT00098657 and NCT00083889).
enal-cell carcinoma is the most dard treatment for metastatic renal-cell carcino-
common cancer of the kidney.1 Up to ma. The response rates, median progression-free
30% of patients with renal-cell carcino- survival, and overall survival with first-line inter-
ma present with metastatic disease,2,3 and recur- feron alfa treatment have been characterized from
rence develops in approximately 40% of patients the extensive use of this drug as a comparator in
treated for a localized tumor.2,4 Since renal-cell previous phase 3 trials.20
carcinoma is highly resistant to chemotherapy,
interleukin-2 or interferon alfa is widely used as Me thods
first-line treatment of metastatic disease. Response
rates with these cytokines are low (5 to 20%), Patients
and median overall survival is approximately 12 The study population consisted of patients who
months.5-9 were at least 18 years of age and had metastatic
Alternative treatments have been lacking for renal-cell carcinoma with a clear-cell histologic
renal-cell carcinoma that is resistant to cytokines. component, confirmed by the participating cen-
In two recent uncontrolled trials, sunitinib ma- ters. Patients who had not received previous treat-
late, an antiangiogenic agent, showed clinical ment with systemic therapy for renal-cell carcino-
activity in patients who had undergone previous ma were enrolled in the study. Other key eligibility
cytokine therapy.10,11 In a pooled analysis of these criteria included the presence of measurable dis-
phase 2 studies of sunitinib, the objective response ease, an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
rate was 42%.11 This rate exceeds the rates report- (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1, and adequate
ed for cytokines as first-line treatment of meta- hematologic, coagulation, hepatic, renal, and car-
static disease.5,7,9 diac function. Patients were ineligible if they had
Sunitinib is an orally administered inhibitor brain metastases, uncontrolled hypertension, or
of tyrosine kinases, including vascular endothe- clinically significant cardiovascular events or dis-
lial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) and plate- ease during the preceding 12 months. All patients
let-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR).12-14 gave written informed consent.
These receptor tyrosine kinases play a key role in
the pathogenesis of clear-cell carcinoma, the pre- Study Design
dominant type of renal-cell carcinoma, through The study was an international, multicenter, ran-
involvement of the von HippelLindau (VHL) gene. domized, phase 3 trial of sunitinib (Sutent [also
VHL is inactivated in up to 80% of sporadic cases called SU11248], Pfizer), as compared with inter-
of clear-cell carcinoma by deletion, mutation, or feron alfa. Randomization was stratified accord-
methylation. This tumor-suppressor gene encodes ing to baseline levels of lactate dehydrogenase (>1.5
a protein that is involved in the regulation of the vs. 1.5 times the upper limit of the normal range),
production of vascular endothelial growth factor ECOG performance status (0 vs. 1), and previous
(VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), nephrectomy (yes vs. no). Patients were randomly
and a number of other hypoxia-inducible proteins. assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either sunitinib or
Inactivation of the VHL gene causes overexpres- interferon alfa. Random permuted blocks of four
sion of these agonists of VEGFR and PDGFR, and were used to attain balance within strata.
the resulting persistent stimulation of the recep- Sunitinib was administered orally at a dose of
tors may promote tumor angiogenesis, tumor 50 mg once daily, taken without regard to meals,
growth, and metastasis.15-18 Yang et al.19 demon- in 6-week cycles consisting of 4 weeks of treat-
strated that bevacizumab, an anti-VEGF antibody, ment followed by 2 weeks without treatment.
has efficacy in renal-cell carcinoma. All these con- Sunitinib was provided by Pfizer, the sponsor of
siderations make the receptors for VEGF and the trial. Commercially available interferon alfa-2a
PDGF rational targets in the treatment of clear- (Roferon-A, Roche) was used in this study and
cell renal-cell carcinoma. was provided by Pfizer. Interferon alfa was given
We report on the results of a randomized, as a subcutaneous injection three times per week
phase 3 trial of sunitinib, as compared with inter- on nonconsecutive days at 3 MU per dose during
feron alfa, as first-line treatment of metastatic the first week, 6 MU per dose the second week,
renal-cell carcinoma. We selected interferon alfa and 9 MU per dose thereafter. A reduction in the
as a comparator because it is widely used as stan- dose of sunitinib (to 37.5 mg and then to 25 mg
velopment of the protocol. Data were collected by received at least one dose of interferon alfa. The
means of case-report forms and were analyzed by treatment groups were balanced with respect to
the sponsor. The decision to publish the trial data baseline demographic and disease characteris-
and final decisions with regard to the content of tics (Table 1).
the manuscript were made by the academic prin-
cipal investigator in consultation with the other Treatment Duration
authors. All authors had access to the primary At the time of analysis, the median duration of
data and take responsibility for the veracity and treatment was 6 months (range, 1 to 15) in the
completeness of the data reported. sunitinib group and 4 months (range, 1 to 13) in
the interferon alfa group. Treatment was ongo-
R e sult s ing among 248 patients in the sunitinib group
(66%) and 126 patients in the interferon alfa group
Patients (34%). Reasons for discontinuing treatment were
Between August 2004 and October 2005, 750 pa- progressive disease (in 25% of the patients in the
tients were enrolled at 101 centers in Australia, Bra- sunitinib group and 45% in the interferon alfa
zil, Canada, Europe, and the United States, with group, P<0.001), adverse events (8% and 13%, re-
375 patients in each treatment group (Fig. 1). All spectively; P = 0.05), withdrawal of consent (1% and
375 patients in the sunitinib group received at least 8%, respectively; P<0.001), and protocol violation
one dose of the study drug. Fifteen patients (4%) (<1% in each group).
in the interferon alfa group withdrew consent be-
fore starting treatment; the remaining 360 patients Adverse Events
Most general adverse events of all grades occurred
more frequently in the sunitinib group than in
750 Patients underwent the interferon alfa group (Table 2). The proportion
of patients with grade 3 or 4 adverse events was
relatively low in both groups. Treatment-related
grade 3 or 4 fatigue was significantly higher
among patients in the interferon alfa group than
in the sunitinib group (12% vs. 7%, P<0.05). Pa-
375 Assigned to sunitinib 375 Assigned to interferon alfa
tients in the sunitinib group, as compared with
those in the interferon alfa group, had higher rates
of grade 3 diarrhea (5% vs. no cases), vomiting
(4% vs. 1%), hypertension (8% vs. 1%), and the
15 Withdrew consent
handfoot syndrome (5% vs. no cases, P<0.05 for
all comparisons).
The incidence of a grade 3 decline in the left
375 Received sunitinib 360 Received interferon alfa ventricular ejection fraction was similar in the
sunitinib group and the interferon alfa group (2%
and 1%, respectively). In the sunitinib group, this
decline was not associated with clinical sequelae
127 Discontinued sunitinib 234 Discontinued interferon alfa and was reversible after a modification of the dose
92 Had progressive disease 170 Had progressive disease
30 Had an adverse event 47 Had an adverse event
or discontinuation of treatment. No grade 4 events
4 Withdrew consent 16 Withdrew consent were reported in this category.
1 Had a protocol violation 1 Had a protocol violation
As expected, adverse events that are typically
associated with interferon alfa such as pyrexia,
chills, myalgia, and influenza-like symptoms
375 Underwent analysis of pro- 375 Underwent analysis of pro-
were all reported more frequently in the interferon
gression-free survival gression-free survival alfa group than in the sunitinib group, but the
375 Underwent safety analysis 360 Underwent safety analysis
symptoms were generally mild to moderate in
Figure 1. Patient Enrollment and Outcomes. Grade 3 or 4 leukopenia, neutropenia, and
thrombocytopenia occurred more often in the
sunitinib group than in the interferon alfa group tors20 on the treatment effect with the use of a
(P<0.05 for all comparisons). Grade 3 or 4 neu- Cox proportional-hazards model, controlling for
tropenia was observed in 12% of patients in the each factor at a time. The benefit of sunitinib
sunitinib group and in 7% of those in the inter- over interferon alfa was observed across all sub-
feron alfa group; the condition was associated groups of patients (Fig. 3).
with fever in two patients receiving sunitinib. Patients were grouped according to prognos-
Grade 3 lymphopenia occurred with greater fre- tic risk category on the basis of Memorial Sloan-
quency in patients treated with interferon alfa Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) criteria.20 The
(P<0.05). three prognostic risk categories (favorable, inter-
A total of 38% of patients in the sunitinib mediate, and poor) were assigned on the basis of
group and 32% in the interferon alfa group had the baseline clinical features (Table 1). In all three
a dose interruption because of adverse events, prognostic risk groups, the median progression-
whereas 32% and 21%, respectively, had a dose free survival was longer for patients treated with
reduction. sunitinib than for those treated with interferon
alfa. In patients with favorable risk features, the
Objective Response Rate
Table 1. Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics.*
Sunitinib treatment was associated with a higher
objective response rate than was interferon alfa, as Sunitinib Interferon Alfa
assessed by blinded central review of imaging Variable (N = 375) (N = 375)
studies: 31% in the sunitinib group (95% confi- Sex no. (%)
dence interval [CI], 26 to 36) and 6% in the inter- Male 267 (71) 269 (72)
feron alfa group (95% CI, 4 to 9; P<0.001) (Table 3). Female 108 (29) 106 (28)
The results of investigator assessment were simi- Median age yr (range) 62 (2787) 59 (3485)
lar (37% and 9%, respectively; P<0.001).
ECOG performance status no. (%)
* Listed are all treatment-related adverse events of interest and those occurring in at least 10% of patients in the suni-
tinib group. All severity was graded according to National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse
Events, version 3.0.
The comparison between the sunitinib group and the interferon alfa group was significant (P<0.05) with the use of
Fishers exact test applied to the sum of grade 3 and 4 adverse events. The significance of the comparison between
treatment groups for all grades of adverse events is not shown.
* Tumor response was assessed according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST). Listed are the numbers of patients
with measurable disease at baseline. Differences in the numbers of patients for independent central review and for investigator assessment
were predominantly due to the availability of imaging studies.
Imaging studies for 88 patients had not been sent or were available but had not been assessed by central review at the time of the analysis.
P<0.001 for the comparison between the sunitinib group and the interferon alfa group in both assessments.
Figure 3. Progression-free Survival in Subgroups, According to Baseline Factors (Independent Central Review).
Data are missing for time since diagnosis for 15 patients and for hemoglobin level and corrected serum calcium
level for 16 patients. To convert values for calcium to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.25. ECOG denotes Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group, ULN upper limit of the normal range, and LLN lower limit of the normal range.
tive response rate and better patient-reported out- treatment was discontinued in less than 10% of
comes in the sunitinib group than in the inter- patients because of adverse events.
feron alfa group. Response rates in the range of The group of patients in our trial consisted
30 to 40% have been observed in three trials of of a relatively unselected population of patients
sunitinib as first-line and second-line therapy.10,11 with metastatic clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma.
These rates are substantially higher than the rates The median age and sex distributions were typi-
reported for other cytokines or chemotherapeu- cal for this type of cancer, and patients with coex-
tic agents.31 The consistently higher scores for isting conditions (e.g., hypertension and diabe-
patient-reported outcomes in the sunitinib group tes) were allowed to enter the study as long as
indicated an improved sense of well-being, which such conditions were controlled medically. More-
is influenced by factors related to the adverse- over, when we examined the outcome according
event profile and efficacy of sunitinib. Hyperten- to known prognostic factors and risk groups, the
sion, the handfoot syndrome, vomiting, and di- benefit of sunitinib extended across all clinical
arrhea were observed with sunitinib treatment, prognostic subgroups studied, although the num-
as reported previously.10,11 The proportion of ber of patients in the poor-risk group was small.
grade 3 or 4 adverse events with sunitinib ranged Cytokine treatment has been standard thera-
from 1 to 13% for all categories (Table 2). Most py for metastatic renal-cell carcinoma for the past
sunitinib-related adverse events were ameliorat- 20 years. Interferon alfa monotherapy has been
ed by interruption or modification of the dose; associated with an improvement in survival among
patients with advanced renal-cell carcinoma, as agents (including sorafenib and bevacizumab) that
compared with a variety of controls.32-34 However, target the activity of angiogenic growth factors
previous trials have not shown the superiority of and show favorable results in clinical trials involv-
one cytokine treatment (interferon alfa or inter- ing patients with metastatic clear-cell renal-cell
leukin-2) over another.8,35 Interferon alfa was cho- carcinoma. The data from these trials9,38 indicate
sen as the comparator for this trial on the basis that inhibition of angiogenesis is a promising
of these data and the widespread use of this agent, strategy for the treatment of clear-cell renal-cell
which is the least toxic of the available cytokine carcinoma. Further studies are warranted to assess
treatments. In 1992, the Food and Drug Admin- the relationships among the response to sunitinib,
istration approved the use of high-dose interleu- genetic abnormalities, and the expression of an-
kin-2 for the treatment of renal-cell carcinoma giogenic growth factors in metastatic renal-cell
on the basis of phase 2 data, which showed pro- carcinoma.
longed complete remission in approximately 7% Supported by Pfizer.
of treated patients.9,36 The use of high-dose inter- Dr. Motzer reports receiving research grants from Pfizer and
leukin-2 has been limited because of significant Genentech, consulting fees from Wyeth, and lecture fees from
Bayer Pharmaceuticals; Dr. Hutson, consulting and lecture fees
cardiorespiratory adverse events.32,37 The ques- from Pfizer, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, and Onyx Pharmaceuticals;
tion of the relative merits of high-dose interleu- Dr. Michaelson, consulting fees from Pfizer and Wyeth Pharma-
kin-2 and sunitinib for patients who are eligible ceuticals and lecture fees from Pfizer; Dr. Bukowski, research
grants from Pfizer, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Genentech, Genzyme,
for high-dose interleukin-2 treatment has not been and Bristol-Myers Squibb and consulting and lecture fees from
settled, since the two agents have been shown to Pfizer, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Onyx Pharmaceuticals, and Ge-
be beneficial according to different end points. nentech; Dr. Rixe, consulting and lecture fees from Pfizer; Dr.
Oudard, consulting and lecture fees from Pfizer; Dr. Negrier,
Additional data on the durability of the response consulting fees from Pfizer and Bayer Pharmaceuticals; and Dr.
to sunitinib and the long-term outcome may fur- Figlin, research grants from Pfizer, consulting fees from Pfizer
ther clarify the survival benefit associated with and Onyx Pharmaceuticals, and lecture fees from Pfizer and Bayer
Pharmaceuticals. Ms. Kim and Drs. Chen, Bycott, and Baum report
each treatment. being full-time employees of Pfizer and having equity owner-
Renal-cell carcinoma of the clear-cell type over- ship in the company. No other potential conflict of interest rel-
expresses many cellular receptors related to angio- evant to this article was reported.
We thank all the patients and their families for their partici-
genesis and the maintenance of the tumor micro- pation in the study, and Acumed of Tytherington, United King-
vascular environment. Sunitinib is one of several dom, for editorial assistance.
In addition to the authors, the following investigators participated in the study: Australia A. Boyce, I. Davis, P. Mainwaring, N. Pav-
lakis, K. Pittman, G. Toner, S. Troon; Brazil C. Barrios, D. Herchenhorn, M. Zereu; Canada G. Bjarnason, S. Ernst, C. Kollmanns-
berger, A. Lavoie, H. Martins, D. Ruether, F. Saad, J. Sutherland, I. Tannock, P. Venner; France L. Geoffrois, B. Laguerre, F. Rolland;
Germany W. Eberhardt, V. Gruenwald, G. Jakse, M. Ringhoffer; Italy G. Carteni, P. Conte, G. Gasparini, C. Porta, E. Ruggeri, C.
Sternberg; Poland T. Demkow, J. Lorenz, M. Mazurkiewicz, A. Pluzanska, J. Rolski, E. Solska; Russia O. Gladkov, A. Kaprin, P.
Karlov, O. Karyakin, M. Lichinitser, V. Moiseyenko, I. Rusakov, E. Slonimskaya; Spain D. Castellano, X. Garcia del Muro, J.L. Gon-
zalez-Larriba, J.A. Moreno-Nogueira, J.L. Perez-Gracia; United Kingdom J. Barber, T. Eisen, P. Harper, R. Hawkins, P. Nathan;
United States R. Amato, J.C. Barrett, R. Belt, P. Benedetto, J. Clark, M. Cooney, T. Cosgriff, C. Croot, H. Drabkin, A. Dudek, J. Dutcher,
M. Ernstoff, M. Fishman, G. Hudes, R. Hauke, K. Karamlou, P. Kaywin, A. Keller, T. Kuzel, J. Lacy, F. Millard, D. Minor, M. Monte, R.
Pili, L. Puneky, D. Richards, C. Ryan, W. Samlowski, L. Schwartzberg, J. Sosman, J. Thompson, U. Vaishampayan, J. Vuky, G. Wilding. Data
and Safety Monitoring Committee: A. Tolcher, Cancer Therapy and Research Institute, San Antonio, TX; S. Bates, National Cancer Insti-
tute, Bethesda, MD; and S.L. George, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC.
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