Encourager For August 6, 2017

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Volume 26, Number 16 August 6, 2017 www.eastmont.


A Look Inside...
From your Promotion Sunday Missions T-Shirt Alabama/Auburn
Pastor August 6 Fundraiser School Supply Drive
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Mike Northcutt - [email protected] Jeremy Lynch - [email protected]

Childrens LifeGroup Teacher Social

I love the words of Kathy Mattes song
You got to sing like you dont need the money,
August 17 5:30-7:30 at Tina Thomas home
You got to love like youll never get hurt
Childrens Missions Festival @ WorldSong
You got to dance, dance, dance
October 13-14; Leaving at 3 PM on Friday and returning
Like nobodys watching
Its got to come from the heart Saturday around 8 PM. Cost: $50/person includes lodging
If you want it to work. & 3 meals. For boys & girls in grades 1-6. Children will hear
from missionaries and learn about living out the
What goes on around you is not nearly as important as
Great Commission in the expansive country of Russia.
what goes on within you. People rise above difficult and
dark situations every day. Some are life threatening. Others
Promotion Sunday - August 6
are just very painful. All can rob you of joy and peace.
for Toddlers through 12th Grade
So how do you find the strength to endure and keep going?
New rosters & class assignments will be posted on the
It comes from your heart. A decision from deep within
to put your faith in God who cares. Apostle Paul had bulletin board outside the Kindergarten office.
problems. All kinds of difficulties, He said I can do all
RA Soapbox Derby
things through Christ who strengthens me. Ten words.
That can keep you singing, dancing and loving. But its got
September 29-30 at FBC Jasper, AL
to come from the heart if you want it to work. Belief really Please note location change.
does change behavior if it comes from the heart.
RA Campout
Many of you have lots of acquaintances. But it is hard to November 10-11 Lads & Dads campout at Allen & Lori
find true friends. One of those I consider a true friend is Deals family farm.
Billy Dickey. We dont spend an abundance of time together.
We dont fish together, or hunt or jog. (I would show him up
if we did). We mainly work together. Yet theres no one that THANK YOU
I trust and share concerns with more than Billy. He is wise, Huge thanks to the Eastmont family who helped paint
sensitive, practical and spiritual. He loves the Lord Jesus and ALL of our Preschool and Childrens Ministry rooms and
this church. I cant begin to describe the multiple areas of hallways! Thanks Joe & Donna Clements, Charlie Bonnett,
ministry he leads. From Discipleship, Senior Adults, Facility Kent Harwell, Cary Brown, Bobby Mozingo, Jim Hyland,
Management, to Missions and Administration; he serves Jerry Bolling, Wayne Meadows, Kevin Porath, Andrew,
with excellence. And it comes from the heart. I admire Amy, Anna, Mark, & Matthew Buxbaum along with others
his involvement and dedication to his family. They are who helped out along the way.
simply really neat people. (Although Michelle can make me
nervous at times.) Billy is a servant. The real deal. He serves STUDENT MINISTRY
Cleve Mallory - [email protected]
our Lord, this church, his family and just about anywhere
needed. Why all this about Billy Dickey? Two reasons. 1) He
is a great role model. 2) He just completed ten years of full SUNDAY MORNING LIFE GROUPS
time ministry here at Eastmont. Congratulations and thank Sundays @ 9:20 AM, Explore the Bible: Psalms
you Billy. Some of you may wish to write a note to Billy and
Debbie expressing your appreciation that God put them
From 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. we will gather at the home
of Brian and Renee Clements for our final Home Groups
Our Wednesday night fellowship meal is a great ministry. meeting of the summer. Well swim and eat TACOS!!
It is good food at low cost ($5). Most importantly it enables
many to be involved in mission training, prayer group, Bible
study or choir. In July, we didnt provide a meal all month. OVERFLOW - AUGUST 19
Our attendance dropped from 200 average to 35. Dont A FREE night of worship at Frazer UMC begins at 7 p.m.
read too much into this. Our people are spiritual and dont Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Sign up on the wall outside the
come just to eat. But the convenience of a prepared meal TimeOut Room by Sunday, August 13.
enables them to come and enjoy fellowship. We could use
additional help in this great ministry. By serving only one SUNDAY, AUGUST 27
Wednesday night a month you can enable almost 200 to You asked, and you shall receive. At 5:00 p.m. we have
grow spiritually. Montgomerys longest Slip-N-Slide!!

Gene Kim - [email protected] Art Long - [email protected]

Sunday Night Bible Study Single Adult Luau - August 12

Join us Sunday nights at 5 PM for Bible Study in the college @ the Torrillos home (3851 Dalraida Pl) Cost: $5 for meal
room. Meal served at 5:30 PM. Come early to swim. Sign up in
The Generations Ministry LifeGroups this Sunday or contact Art Long or Joseph
This is an opportunity to be matched with a spiritual Hooper. Bring snacks, desserts & drinks to share.
mentor to help guide you in your spiritual journey. Meet Single Adult Beach Retreat
when convenient, learn about topics that meet you where September 22-25, 2017 at the Dunes of Seagrove Resort
you are. Contact Gene for more details. Cost: $180 ($50 nonrefundable deposit due by August 13)
College/Career Luau Sign up in LifeGroups this Sunday or contact Art Long.
Whole roasted pig, games, prizes and more. Join us Sat, MISSIONS
8/26 from 6-8 PM. Billy Dickey - [email protected] (international)
Gene Kim - [email protected] (local / national)
Home Groups
Will return to Thursday nights at 7 PM beginning T-Shirt Fundraisers
September 7. More details to come. T-shirt sales have begun. Cost is $20 per shirt;
two colors available. Shirts will be sold in the
MUSIC & WORSHIP long connecting hallway on Sunday mornings.
Lance Maddox - [email protected]
Missions Breakfast Fundraiser
Call Gayla or Lance if you have any questions at 277-6300. Breakfast will be served to our life groups for a donation to
missions on Sunday, August 20. Order forms will be made
available to LifeGroups on Sunday August 13.
off with a BIG celebration this year on August 6th. This is
for 1st-6th grade and the Pre-school choir is for 3-5yr olds. WELCOME TO EASTMONT
Theyre going to be working on another exciting musical!
Janice Culpepper (7/23/17)
Statement of Faith
Kidz Choir Help Needed
Help needed with Kidz Choir this year. Begins August TJ McGough (7/2/17)
6 and runs through January 31. This is an awesome Profession of Faith & Baptism
opportunity to minister to our children. Contact Gayla in
the choir suite or call 420-6311 for more information. SYMPATHY TO...
Jamie & Pam Jarman in the loss of his father, Ken
SENIOR ADULTS Jarman on July 23.
Billy Dickey - [email protected]
Christi & John Lawrence in the loss of their baby girl
Forever Young - August 22, at 10 AM in room 205 Emma. Cindy & Wayne Porterfield are the grandparents
Special Guest: Teman Knight and Sue Cobb is the great grandmother
*Note date change due to election
Covered dish luncheon to follow. MISCELLANEOUS
Christmas in Nashville! Alabama - Auburn School Supply Drive
November 29 - December 1, 2017 The Single Adults Ministry will be collecting school
3 Days, 2 Nights at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and much supplies for local area school. You can turn in donations
more. Cost: $615/person (double occupancy) in the ministry baskets around the church. Stick a note on
Now open to all Eastmont members & friends. Contact the supplies designating your favorite team (Alabama or
Cheryl in the church office (277-6300) to sign up. The trip Auburn only). We will take donations until August 6th.
is a go at this time, but we still would like 5 to 10 more to
First Place 4 Health
sign up.
led by Vickie Lavender in room 112. It is a Christ
We Need You! centered healthy living & Bible study class. The first
Greeters needed for Sunday School and special events class (orientation) is August 6 and is mandatory for new
hosted by Eastmont. Please contact Art Long for more members. Weigh-ins begin at 4:30 and class begins at
information (277-6300). 5:00 PM in room 112. Cost is $30 for book & materials.

The Encourager Periodicals Postage
Eastmont Baptist Church Paid
4505 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, AL

Montgomery, Alabama 36109

The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed
bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4505 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to
Encourager, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109.


August 9, 2017
Sunday, August 6 Sunday, August 13 Chicken Tenders, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Roll,
8:10 AM Worship Service 8:10 AM Worship Service Green Salad, Dessert, Fruit & Drink
9:20 AM LifeGroups 9:20 AM LifeGroups
10:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Worship Service
August 16, 2017
Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Lima Beans,
5:00 PM Discipleship 4:45 Kidz Choir
Green Salad, Dessert, Fruit & Drink
5:00 PM Family Fun Night 5:00 PM Discipleship
$5/Adult $2/Children (Max. $15/family)
Monday, August 7 Monday, August 14 LIFE GROUP TOTALS
5:00 PM RE@CH 6:00 PM Ladies Bible Study July 23, 2017 July 30, 2017
6:00 PM Ladies Bible Study 6:00 PM Revelation Bible Study Preschool.................................70 Preschool.................................68
6:00 PM Revelation Bible Study Children...................................69 Children...................................58
Students...................................46 Students...................................54
Wednesday, August 16 Adults.....................................526 Adults.....................................530
Wednesday, August 9 5:15 PM Fellowship Meal Total........................................711 Total........................................710
5:15 PM Fellowship Meal 6:00 PM Adult Choir
6:00 PM Adult Choir Orchestra Practice WEEKLY GIVING
Orchestra Practice 6:15 PM Timeout (youth) July 23, 2017 July 30, 2017
6:15 PM Timeout (youth) Mission Groups General Budget General Budget
Mission Groups Prayer Meeting $24,185.38 $16,630.36
Prayer Meeting Emergency Fund Emergency Fund
Thursday, August 17 $1,695.00 $1,015.00
Thursday, August 10 10:00 AM Bible Study BUS MINISTRY
10:00 AM Bible Study
August 6, 2017 August 13, 2017
Larry Connell - 857-2381 Mark Luker - 271-2423
August 6, 2017 August 13, 2017
Danny McDonald & Mike Atcheson Julian Prince & Richard Cartwright

Office: (334) 277-6300 Fax: (334) 277-6322 Careline: (334) 277-6384 Website: eastmont.org Kindergarten: (334) 244-9324
Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: facebook.com/eastmont Twitter: @eastmontbaptist


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