UniversityPhysicsVolume1 OP
UniversityPhysicsVolume1 OP
UniversityPhysicsVolume1 OP
Volume 1
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Unit 1: Mechanics
Chapter 1: Units and Measurement
Chapter 2: Vectors
Chapter 3: Motion Along a Straight Line
Chapter 4: Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Chapter 5: Newtons Laws of Motion
Chapter 6: Applications of Newtons Laws
Chapter 7: Work and Kinetic Energy
Chapter 8: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
Chapter 9: Linear Momentum and Collisions
Chapter 10: Fixed-Axis Rotation
Chapter 11: Angular Momentum
Chapter 12: Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
Chapter 13: Gravitation
Chapter 14: Fluid Mechanics
Unit 2: Waves and Acoustics
Chapter 15: Oscillations
Chapter 16: Waves
Chapter 17: Sound
Unit 1: Thermodynamics
Chapter 1: Temperature and Heat
Chapter 2: The Kinetic Theory of Gases
Chapter 3: The First Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 4: The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Unit 2: Electricity and Magnetism
Chapter 5: Electric Charges and Fields
Chapter 6: Gausss Law
Chapter 7: Electric Potential
Chapter 8: Capacitance
Chapter 9: Current and Resistance
Chapter 10: Direct-Current Circuits
Chapter 11: Magnetic Forces and Fields
Chapter 12: Sources of Magnetic Fields
Chapter 13: Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter 14: Inductance
Chapter 15: Alternating-Current Circuits
Chapter 16: Electromagnetic Waves
Unit 1: Optics
Chapter 1: The Nature of Light
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4 Preface
Figure 1.1 This image might be showing any number of things. It might be a whirlpool in a tank of water or perhaps a collage
of paint and shiny beads done for art class. Without knowing the size of the object in units we all recognize, such as meters or
inches, it is difficult to know what were looking at. In fact, this image shows the Whirlpool Galaxy (and its companion galaxy),
which is about 60,000 light-years in diameter (about 6 10 17 km across). (credit: S. Beckwith (STScI) Hubble Heritage Team,
Chapter Outline
1.1 The Scope and Scale of Physics
1.2 Units and Standards
1.3 Unit Conversion
1.4 Dimensional Analysis
1.5 Estimates and Fermi Calculations
1.6 Significant Figures
1.7 Solving Problems in Physics
As noted in the figure caption, the chapter-opening image is of the Whirlpool Galaxy, which we examine in the first section
of this chapter. Galaxies are as immense as atoms are small, yet the same laws of physics describe both, along with all the
rest of naturean indication of the underlying unity in the universe. The laws of physics are surprisingly few, implying an
underlying simplicity to natures apparent complexity. In this text, you learn about the laws of physics. Galaxies and atoms
may seem far removed from your daily life, but as you begin to explore this broad-ranging subject, you may soon come to
8 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
realize that physics plays a much larger role in your life than you first thought, no matter your life goals or career choice.
Physics is devoted to the understanding of all natural phenomena. In physics, we try to understand physical phenomena at all
scalesfrom the world of subatomic particles to the entire universe. Despite the breadth of the subject, the various subfields
of physics share a common core. The same basic training in physics will prepare you to work in any area of physics and the
related areas of science and engineering. In this section, we investigate the scope of physics; the scales of length, mass, and
time over which the laws of physics have been shown to be applicable; and the process by which science in general, and
physics in particular, operates.
of the physics underlying these devices is required to shrink their size or increase their processing speed. Or, think about a
GPS. Physics describes the relationship between the speed of an object, the distance over which it travels, and the time it
takes to travel that distance. When you use a GPS in a vehicle, it relies on physics equations to determine the travel time
from one location to another.
Knowledge of physics is useful in everyday situations as well as in nonscientific professions. It can help you understand
how microwave ovens work, why metals should not be put into them, and why they might affect pacemakers. Physics allows
you to understand the hazards of radiation and to evaluate these hazards rationally and more easily. Physics also explains the
reason why a black car radiator helps remove heat in a car engine, and it explains why a white roof helps keep the inside of
a house cool. Similarly, the operation of a cars ignition system as well as the transmission of electrical signals throughout
our bodys nervous system are much easier to understand when you think about them in terms of basic physics.
Physics is a key element of many important disciplines and contributes directly to others. Chemistry, for examplesince
it deals with the interactions of atoms and moleculeshas close ties to atomic and molecular physics. Most branches of
engineering are concerned with designing new technologies, processes, or structures within the constraints set by the laws
of physics. In architecture, physics is at the heart of structural stability and is involved in the acoustics, heating, lighting, and
cooling of buildings. Parts of geology rely heavily on physics, such as radioactive dating of rocks, earthquake analysis, and
heat transfer within Earth. Some disciplines, such as biophysics and geophysics, are hybrids of physics and other disciplines.
Physics has many applications in the biological sciences. On the microscopic level, it helps describe the properties of
cells and their environments. On the macroscopic level, it explains the heat, work, and power associated with the human
body and its various organ systems. Physics is involved in medical diagnostics, such as radiographs, magnetic resonance
imaging, and ultrasonic blood flow measurements. Medical therapy sometimes involves physics directly; for example,
cancer radiotherapy uses ionizing radiation. Physics also explains sensory phenomena, such as how musical instruments
make sound, how the eye detects color, and how lasers transmit information.
It is not necessary to study all applications of physics formally. What is most useful is knowing the basic laws of physics
and developing skills in the analytical methods for applying them. The study of physics also can improve your problem-
solving skills. Furthermore, physics retains the most basic aspects of science, so it is used by all the sciences, and the study
of physics makes other sciences easier to understand.
10 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
Figure 1.3 (a) Using a scanning tunneling microscope, scientists can see the individual atoms (diameters around 10 10 m) that
compose this sheet of gold. (b) Tiny phytoplankton swim among crystals of ice in the Antarctic Sea. They range from a few
micrometers (1 m is 106 m) to as much as 2 mm (1 mm is 103 m) in length. (c) These two colliding galaxies, known as NGC
4676A (right) and NGC 4676B (left), are nicknamed The Mice because of the tail of gas emanating from each one. They are
located 300 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Coma Berenices. Eventually, these two galaxies will merge into
one. (credit a: modification of work by Erwinrossen; credit b: modification of work by Prof. Gordon T. Taylor, Stony Brook
University; NOAA Corps Collections; credit c: modification of work by NASA, H. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCSC/LO), M.
Clampin (STScI), G. Hartig (STScI), the ACS Science Team, and ESA)
Order of magnitude
The order of magnitude of a number is the power of 10 that most closely approximates it. Thus, the order of magnitude
refers to the scale (or size) of a value. Each power of 10 represents a different order of magnitude. For example,
10 1, 10 2, 10 3, and so forth, are all different orders of magnitude, as are 10 0 = 1, 10 1, 10 2, and 10 3. To find the
order of magnitude of a number, take the base-10 logarithm of the number and round it to the nearest integer, then the order
of magnitude of the number is simply the resulting power of 10. For example, the order of magnitude of 800 is 103 because
log 10 800 2.903, which rounds to 3. Similarly, the order of magnitude of 450 is 103 because log 10 450 2.653,
which rounds to 3 as well. Thus, we say the numbers 800 and 450 are of the same order of magnitude: 103. However, the
order of magnitude of 250 is 102 because log 10 250 2.397, which rounds to 2.
An equivalent but quicker way to find the order of magnitude of a number is first to write it in scientific notation and then
check to see whether the first factor is greater than or less than 10 = 10 0.5 3. The idea is that 10 = 10 0.5 is halfway
between 1 = 10 0 and 10 = 10 1 on a log base-10 scale. Thus, if the first factor is less than 10, then we round it down
to 1 and the order of magnitude is simply whatever power of 10 is required to write the number in scientific notation. On
the other hand, if the first factor is greater than 10, then we round it up to 10 and the order of magnitude is one power of
10 higher than the power needed to write the number in scientific notation. For example, the number 800 can be written in
scientific notation as 8 10 2. Because 8 is bigger than 10 3, we say the order of magnitude of 800 is 10 2 + 1 = 10 3.
The number 450 can be written as 4.5 10 2, so its order of magnitude is also 103 because 4.5 is greater than 3. However,
250 written in scientific notation is 2.5 10 2 and 2.5 is less than 3, so its order of magnitude is 10 2.
The order of magnitude of a number is designed to be a ballpark estimate for the scale (or size) of its value. It is simply a
way of rounding numbers consistently to the nearest power of 10. This makes doing rough mental math with very big and
very small numbers easier. For example, the diameter of a hydrogen atom is on the order of 1010 m, whereas the diameter
of the Sun is on the order of 109 m, so it would take roughly 10 9 /10 10 = 10 19 hydrogen atoms to stretch across the
diameter of the Sun. This is much easier to do in your head than using the more precise values of 1.06 10 10 m for a
hydrogen atom diameter and 1.39 10 9 m for the Suns diameter, to find that it would take 1.31 10 19 hydrogen atoms
to stretch across the Suns diameter. In addition to being easier, the rough estimate is also nearly as informative as the precise
Known ranges of length, mass, and time
The vastness of the universe and the breadth over which physics applies are illustrated by the wide range of examples of
known lengths, masses, and times (given as orders of magnitude) in Figure 1.4. Examining this table will give you a
feeling for the range of possible topics in physics and numerical values. A good way to appreciate the vastness of the ranges
of values in Figure 1.4 is to try to answer some simple comparative questions, such as the following:
How many hydrogen atoms does it take to stretch across the diameter of the Sun?
(Answer: 109 m/1010 m = 1019 hydrogen atoms)
How many protons are there in a bacterium?
(Answer: 1015 kg/1027 kg = 1012 protons)
How many floating-point operations can a supercomputer do in 1 day?
(Answer: 105 s/1017 s = 1022 floating-point operations)
In studying Figure 1.4, take some time to come up with similar questions that interest you and then try answering them.
Doing this can breathe some life into almost any table of numbers.
12 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
Figure 1.4 This table shows the orders of magnitude of length, mass, and time.
Visit this site ( to explore interactively the vast range of length
scales in our universe. Scroll down and up the scale to view hundreds of organisms and objects, and click on the
individual objects to learn more about each one.
Building Models
How did we come to know the laws governing natural phenomena? What we refer to as the laws of nature are concise
descriptions of the universe around us. They are human statements of the underlying laws or rules that all natural processes
follow. Such laws are intrinsic to the universe; humans did not create them and cannot change them. We can only discover
and understand them. Their discovery is a very human endeavor, with all the elements of mystery, imagination, struggle,
triumph, and disappointment inherent in any creative effort (Figure 1.5). The cornerstone of discovering natural laws is
observation; scientists must describe the universe as it is, not as we imagine it to be.
Figure 1.5 (a) Enrico Fermi (19011954) was born in Italy. On accepting the Nobel Prize in
Stockholm in 1938 for his work on artificial radioactivity produced by neutrons, he took his
family to America rather than return home to the government in power at the time. He became an
American citizen and was a leading participant in the Manhattan Project. (b) Marie Curie
(18671934) sacrificed monetary assets to help finance her early research and damaged her
physical well-being with radiation exposure. She is the only person to win Nobel prizes in both
physics and chemistry. One of her daughters also won a Nobel Prize. (credit a: United States
Department of Energy)
A model is a representation of something that is often too difficult (or impossible) to display directly. Although a model
is justified by experimental tests, it is only accurate in describing certain aspects of a physical system. An example is the
Bohr model of single-electron atoms, in which the electron is pictured as orbiting the nucleus, analogous to the way planets
orbit the Sun (Figure 1.6). We cannot observe electron orbits directly, but the mental image helps explain some of the
observations we can make, such as the emission of light from hot gases (atomic spectra). However, other observations
show that the picture in the Bohr model is not really what atoms look like. The model is wrong, but is still useful for
some purposes. Physicists use models for a variety of purposes. For example, models can help physicists analyze a scenario
and perform a calculation or models can be used to represent a situation in the form of a computer simulation. Ultimately,
however, the results of these calculations and simulations need to be double-checked by other meansnamely, observation
and experimentation.
The word theory means something different to scientists than what is often meant when the word is used in everyday
conversation. In particular, to a scientist a theory is not the same as a guess or an idea or even a hypothesis. The
phrase its just a theory seems meaningless and silly to scientists because science is founded on the notion of theories. To
a scientist, a theory is a testable explanation for patterns in nature supported by scientific evidence and verified multiple
times by various groups of researchers. Some theories include models to help visualize phenomena whereas others do not.
Newtons theory of gravity, for example, does not require a model or mental image, because we can observe the objects
directly with our own senses. The kinetic theory of gases, on the other hand, is a model in which a gas is viewed as being
composed of atoms and molecules. Atoms and molecules are too small to be observed directly with our sensesthus, we
picture them mentally to understand what the instruments tell us about the behavior of gases. Although models are meant
only to describe certain aspects of a physical system accurately, a theory should describe all aspects of any system that falls
within its domain of applicability. In particular, any experimentally testable implication of a theory should be verified. If an
experiment ever shows an implication of a theory to be false, then the theory is either thrown out or modified suitably (for
example, by limiting its domain of applicability).
A law uses concise language to describe a generalized pattern in nature supported by scientific evidence and repeated
experiments. Often, a law can be expressed in the form of a single mathematical equation. Laws and theories are similar
in that they are both scientific statements that result from a tested hypothesis and are supported by scientific evidence.
However, the designation law is usually reserved for a concise and very general statement that describes phenomena in
nature, such as the law that energy is conserved during any process, or Newtons second law of motion, which relates force
(F), mass (m), and acceleration (a) by the simple equation F = ma. A theory, in contrast, is a less concise statement of
observed behavior. For example, the theory of evolution and the theory of relativity cannot be expressed concisely enough to
be considered laws. The biggest difference between a law and a theory is that a theory is much more complex and dynamic.
A law describes a single action whereas a theory explains an entire group of related phenomena. Less broadly applicable
statements are usually called principles (such as Pascals principle, which is applicable only in fluids), but the distinction
between laws and principles often is not made carefully.
The models, theories, and laws we devise sometimes imply the existence of objects or phenomena that are as yet
unobserved. These predictions are remarkable triumphs and tributes to the power of science. It is the underlying order in
the universe that enables scientists to make such spectacular predictions. However, if experimentation does not verify our
predictions, then the theory or law is wrong, no matter how elegant or convenient it is. Laws can never be known with
absolute certainty because it is impossible to perform every imaginable experiment to confirm a law for every possible
scenario. Physicists operate under the assumption that all scientific laws and theories are valid until a counterexample is
observed. If a good-quality, verifiable experiment contradicts a well-established law or theory, then the law or theory must
be modified or overthrown completely.
The study of science in general, and physics in particular, is an adventure much like the exploration of an uncharted ocean.
Discoveries are made; models, theories, and laws are formulated; and the beauty of the physical universe is made more
sublime for the insights gained.
As we saw previously, the range of objects and phenomena studied in physics is immense. From the incredibly short lifetime
of a nucleus to the age of Earth, from the tiny sizes of subnuclear particles to the vast distance to the edges of the known
universe, from the force exerted by a jumping flea to the force between Earth and the Sun, there are enough factors of 10
to challenge the imagination of even the most experienced scientist. Giving numerical values for physical quantities and
equations for physical principles allows us to understand nature much more deeply than qualitative descriptions alone. To
comprehend these vast ranges, we must also have accepted units in which to express them. We shall find that even in the
potentially mundane discussion of meters, kilograms, and seconds, a profound simplicity of nature appears: all physical
quantities can be expressed as combinations of only seven base physical quantities.
We define a physical quantity either by specifying how it is measured or by stating how it is calculated from other
measurements. For example, we might define distance and time by specifying methods for measuring them, such as using
a meter stick and a stopwatch. Then, we could define average speed by stating that it is calculated as the total distance
traveled divided by time of travel.
Measurements of physical quantities are expressed in terms of units, which are standardized values. For example, the length
of a race, which is a physical quantity, can be expressed in units of meters (for sprinters) or kilometers (for distance runners).
Without standardized units, it would be extremely difficult for scientists to express and compare measured values in a
meaningful way (Figure 1.7).
Two major systems of units are used in the world: SI units (for the French Systme International dUnits), also known
as the metric system, and English units (also known as the customary or imperial system). English units were historically
used in nations once ruled by the British Empire and are still widely used in the United States. English units may also be
referred to as the footpoundsecond (fps) system, as opposed to the centimetergramsecond (cgs) system. You may also
encounter the term SAE units, named after the Society of Automotive Engineers. Products such as fasteners and automotive
tools (for example, wrenches) that are measured in inches rather than metric units are referred to as SAE fasteners or SAE
Virtually every other country in the world (except the United States) now uses SI units as the standard. The metric system
is also the standard system agreed on by scientists and mathematicians.
You are probably already familiar with some derived quantities that can be formed from the base quantities in Table 1.1.
For example, the geometric concept of area is always calculated as the product of two lengths. Thus, area is a derived
quantity that can be expressed in terms of SI base units using square meters (m m = m 2). Similarly, volume is a derived
quantity that can be expressed in cubic meters (m 3). Speed is length per time; so in terms of SI base units, we could
measure it in meters per second (m/s). Volume mass density (or just density) is mass per volume, which is expressed in
terms of SI base units such as kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3). Angles can also be thought of as derived quantities
because they can be defined as the ratio of the arc length subtended by two radii of a circle to the radius of the circle. This
is how the radian is defined. Depending on your background and interests, you may be able to come up with other derived
quantities, such as the mass flow rate (kg/s) or volume flow rate (m3/s) of a fluid, electric charge (A s), mass flux density
[kg/(m 2 s)], and so on. We will see many more examples throughout this text. For now, the point is that every physical
quantity can be derived from the seven base quantities in Table 1.1, and the units of every physical quantity can be derived
from the seven SI base units.
For the most part, we use SI units in this text. Non-SI units are used in a few applications in which they are in very common
use, such as the measurement of temperature in degrees Celsius (C), the measurement of fluid volume in liters (L), and
the measurement of energies of elementary particles in electron-volts (eV). Whenever non-SI units are discussed, they are
tied to SI units through conversions. For example, 1 L is 10 3 m 3.
Check out a comprehensive source of information on SI units ( at
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty.
Units of Time, Length, and Mass: The Second, Meter, and Kilogram
The initial chapters in this textbook are concerned with mechanics, fluids, and waves. In these subjects all pertinent physical
quantities can be expressed in terms of the base units of length, mass, and time. Therefore, we now turn to a discussion of
these three base units, leaving discussion of the others until they are needed later.
The second
The SI unit for time, the second (abbreviated s), has a long history. For many years it was defined as 1/86,400 of a mean
solar day. More recently, a new standard was adopted to gain greater accuracy and to define the second in terms of a
nonvarying or constant physical phenomenon (because the solar day is getting longer as a result of the very gradual slowing
of Earths rotation). Cesium atoms can be made to vibrate in a very steady way, and these vibrations can be readily observed
and counted. In 1967, the second was redefined as the time required for 9,192,631,770 of these vibrations to occur (Figure
1.8). Note that this may seem like more precision than you would ever need, but it isntGPSs rely on the precision of
atomic clocks to be able to give you turn-by-turn directions on the surface of Earth, far from the satellites broadcasting their
The meter
The SI unit for length is the meter (abbreviated m); its definition has also changed over time to become more precise. The
meter was first defined in 1791 as 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the equator to the North Pole. This measurement was
improved in 1889 by redefining the meter to be the distance between two engraved lines on a platinumiridium bar now
kept near Paris. By 1960, it had become possible to define the meter even more accurately in terms of the wavelength of
light, so it was again redefined as 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of orange light emitted by krypton atoms. In 1983, the meter
was given its current definition (in part for greater accuracy) as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a
second (Figure 1.9). This change came after knowing the speed of light to be exactly 299,792,458 m/s. The length of the
meter will change if the speed of light is someday measured with greater accuracy.
Figure 1.9 The meter is defined to be the distance light travels in 1/299,792,458 of a second in a vacuum. Distance
traveled is speed multiplied by time.
The kilogram
The SI unit for mass is the kilogram (abbreviated kg); it is defined to be the mass of a platinumiridium cylinder
kept with the old meter standard at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris. Exact replicas of the
standard kilogram are also kept at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), located in Gaithersburg,
Maryland, outside of Washington, DC, and at other locations around the world. Scientists at NIST are currently investigating
two complementary methods of redefining the kilogram (see Figure 1.10). The determination of all other masses can be
traced ultimately to a comparison with the standard mass.
There is currently an effort to redefine the SI unit of mass in terms of more fundamental processes by 2018. You
can explore the history of mass standards and the contenders in the quest to devise a new one at the website
( of the Physical Measurement Laboratory.
18 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
Figure 1.10 Redefining the SI unit of mass. Complementary methods are being investigated for use in an upcoming
redefinition of the SI unit of mass. (a) The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technologys watt balance is a machine that
balances the weight of a test mass against the current and voltage (the watt) produced by a strong system of magnets. (b) The
International Avogadro Project is working to redefine the kilogram based on the dimensions, mass, and other known properties of
a silicon sphere. (credit a and credit b: National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Metric Prefixes
SI units are part of the metric system, which is convenient for scientific and engineering calculations because the units are
categorized by factors of 10. Table 1.2 lists the metric prefixes and symbols used to denote various factors of 10 in SI units.
For example, a centimeter is one-hundredth of a meter (in symbols, 1 cm = 102 m) and a kilometer is a thousand meters (1
km = 103 m). Similarly, a megagram is a million grams (1 Mg = 106 g), a nanosecond is a billionth of a second (1 ns = 109
s), and a terameter is a trillion meters (1 Tm = 1012 m).
The only rule when using metric prefixes is that you cannot double them up. For example, if you have measurements in
petameters (1 Pm = 1015 m), it is not proper to talk about megagigameters, although 10 6 10 9 = 10 15. In practice, the
only time this becomes a bit confusing is when discussing masses. As we have seen, the base SI unit of mass is the kilogram
(kg), but metric prefixes need to be applied to the gram (g), because we are not allowed to double-up prefixes. Thus, a
thousand kilograms (103 kg) is written as a megagram (1 Mg) since
10 3 kg = 10 3 10 3 g = 10 6 g = 1 Mg.
Incidentally, 103 kg is also called a metric ton, abbreviated t. This is one of the units outside the SI system considered
acceptable for use with SI units.
As we see in the next section, metric systems have the advantage that conversions of units involve only powers of 10. There
are 100 cm in 1 m, 1000 m in 1 km, and so on. In nonmetric systems, such as the English system of units, the relationships
are not as simplethere are 12 in. in 1 ft, 5280 ft in 1 mi, and so on.
Another advantage of metric systems is that the same unit can be used over extremely large ranges of values simply by
scaling it with an appropriate metric prefix. The prefix is chosen by the order of magnitude of physical quantities commonly
found in the task at hand. For example, distances in meters are suitable in construction, whereas distances in kilometers are
appropriate for air travel, and nanometers are convenient in optical design. With the metric system there is no need to invent
new units for particular applications. Instead, we rescale the units with which we are already familiar.
Example 1.1
From Table 1.2, we see that 1016 is between peta- (1015) and exa- (1018). If we use the peta- prefix, then
we find that 1.93 10 16 g = 1.93 10 1 Pg, since 16 = 1 + 15. Alternatively, if we use the exa- prefix we
find that 1.93 10 16 g = 1.93 10 2 Eg, since 16 = 2 + 18. Because the problem asks for the numerical
value between one and 1000, we use the peta- prefix and the answer is 19.3 Pg.
It is easy to make silly arithmetic errors when switching from one prefix to another, so it is always a good idea to
check that our final answer matches the number we started with. An easy way to do this is to put both numbers in
scientific notation and count powers of 10, including the ones hidden in prefixes. If we did not make a mistake,
the powers of 10 should match up. In this problem, we started with 1.93 10 13 kg, so we have 13 + 3 = 16
powers of 10. Our final answer in scientific notation is 1.93 10 1 Pg, so we have 1 + 15 = 16 powers of 10. So,
everything checks out.
If this mass arose from a calculation, we would also want to check to determine whether a mass this large makes
any sense in the context of the problem. For this, Figure 1.4 might be helpful.
1.1 Check Your Understanding Restate 4.79 10 5 kg using a metric prefix such that the resulting number
is bigger than one but less than 1000.
20 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
It is often necessary to convert from one unit to another. For example, if you are reading a European cookbook, some
quantities may be expressed in units of liters and you need to convert them to cups. Or perhaps you are reading walking
directions from one location to another and you are interested in how many miles you will be walking. In this case, you may
need to convert units of feet or meters to miles.
Lets consider a simple example of how to convert units. Suppose we want to convert 80 m to kilometers. The first thing to
do is to list the units you have and the units to which you want to convert. In this case, we have units in meters and we want
to convert to kilometers. Next, we need to determine a conversion factor relating meters to kilometers. A conversion factor
is a ratio that expresses how many of one unit are equal to another unit. For example, there are 12 in. in 1 ft, 1609 m in 1
mi, 100 cm in 1 m, 60 s in 1 min, and so on. Refer to Appendix B for a more complete list of conversion factors. In this
case, we know that there are 1000 m in 1 km. Now we can set up our unit conversion. We write the units we have and then
multiply them by the conversion factor so the units cancel out, as shown:
80 m 1 km = 0.080 km.
1000 m
Note that the unwanted meter unit cancels, leaving only the desired kilometer unit. You can use this method to convert
between any type of unit. Now, the conversion of 80 m to kilometers is simply the use of a metric prefix, as we saw in the
preceding section, so we can get the same answer just as easily by noting that
80 m = 8.0 10 1 m = 8.0 10 2 km = 0.080 km,
since kilo- means 103 (see Table 1.2) and 1 = 2 + 3. However, using conversion factors is handy when converting
between units that are not metric or when converting between derived units, as the following examples illustrate.
Example 1.2
0.50 mile 1609 m 1 min = m/s = 13 m/s.
min 1 mile 60 s 60
Check the answer in the following ways:
1. Be sure the units in the unit conversion cancel correctly. If the unit conversion factor was written upside
down, the units do not cancel correctly in the equation. We see the miles in the numerator in 0.50
mi/min cancels the mile in the denominator in the first conversion factor. Also, the min in the
denominator in 0.50 mi/min cancels the min in the numerator in the second conversion factor.
2. Check that the units of the final answer are the desired units. The problem asked us to solve for average
speed in units of meters per second and, after the cancellations, the only units left are a meter (m) in the
numerator and a second (s) in the denominator, so we have indeed obtained these units.
1.2 Check Your Understanding Light travels about 9 Pm in a year. Given that a year is about 3 10 7 s,
what is the speed of light in meters per second?
Example 1.3
We need to convert grams to kilograms and cubic centimeters to cubic meters. The conversion factors we need are
1 kg = 10 3 g and 1 cm = 10 2 m. However, we are dealing with cubic centimeters (cm 3 = cm cm cm),
so we have to use the second conversion factor three times (that is, we need to cube it). The idea is still to multiply
by the conversion factors in such a way that they cancel the units we want to get rid of and introduce the units we
want to keep.
g kg 7.86
10 g 10 2 m
7.86 3
= kg/m 3 = 7.86 10 3 kg/m 3
cm (10 3)(10 6)
Remember, its always important to check the answer.
1. Be sure to cancel the units in the unit conversion correctly. We see that the gram (g) in the numerator
in 7.86 g/cm3 cancels the g in the denominator in the first conversion factor. Also, the three factors of
cm in the denominator in 7.86 g/cm3 cancel with the three factors of cm in the numerator that we get
by cubing the second conversion factor.
2. Check that the units of the final answer are the desired units. The problem asked for us to convert to
kilograms per cubic meter. After the cancellations just described, we see the only units we have left are
kg in the numerator and three factors of m in the denominator (that is, one factor of m cubed, or
m3). Therefore, the units on the final answer are correct.
1.3 Check Your Understanding We know from Figure 1.4 that the diameter of Earth is on the order of 107
m, so the order of magnitude of its surface area is 1014 m2. What is that in square kilometers (that is, km2)? (Try
doing this both by converting 107 m to km and then squaring it and then by converting 1014 m2 directly to
square kilometers. You should get the same answer both ways.)
Unit conversions may not seem very interesting, but not doing them can be costly. One famous example of this situation was
22 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
seen with the Mars Climate Orbiter. This probe was launched by NASA on December 11, 1998. On September 23, 1999,
while attempting to guide the probe into its planned orbit around Mars, NASA lost contact with it. Subsequent investigations
showed a piece of software called SM_FORCES (or small forces) was recording thruster performance data in the English
units of pound-seconds (lb-s). However, other pieces of software that used these values for course corrections expected them
to be recorded in the SI units of newton-seconds (N-s), as dictated in the software interface protocols. This error caused the
probe to follow a very different trajectory from what NASA thought it was following, which most likely caused the probe
either to burn up in the Martian atmosphere or to shoot out into space. This failure to pay attention to unit conversions cost
hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention all the time invested by the scientists and engineers who worked on the
1.4 Check Your Understanding Given that 1 lb (pound) is 4.45 N, were the numbers being output by
SM_FORCES too big or too small?
The dimension of any physical quantity expresses its dependence on the base quantities as a product of symbols (or powers
of symbols) representing the base quantities. Table 1.3 lists the base quantities and the symbols used for their dimension.
For example, a measurement of length is said to have dimension L or L1, a measurement of mass has dimension M or
M1, and a measurement of time has dimension T or T1. Like units, dimensions obey the rules of algebra. Thus, area is
the product of two lengths and so has dimension L2, or length squared. Similarly, volume is the product of three lengths
and has dimension L3, or length cubed. Speed has dimension length over time, L/T or LT1. Volumetric mass density has
dimension M/L3 or ML3, or mass over length cubed. In general, the dimension of any physical quantity can be written as
L a M b T c I d e N f J g for some powers a, b, c, d, e, f , and g. We can write the dimensions of a length in this form with
a = 1 and the remaining six powers all set equal to zero: L 1 = L 1 M 0 T 0 I 0 0 N 0 J 0. Any quantity with a dimension that
can be written so that all seven powers are zero (that is, its dimension is L 0 M 0 T 0 I 0 0 N 0 J 0 ) is called dimensionless
(or sometimes of dimension 1, because anything raised to the zero power is one). Physicists often call dimensionless
quantities pure numbers.
Physicists often use square brackets around the symbol for a physical quantity to represent the dimensions of that quantity.
For example, if r is the radius of a cylinder and h is its height, then we write [r] = L and [h] = L to indicate the
dimensions of the radius and height are both those of length, or L. Similarly, if we use the symbol A for the surface area of
a cylinder and V for its volume, then [A] = L2 and [V] = L3. If we use the symbol m for the mass of the cylinder and
for the density of the material from which the cylinder is made, then [m] = M and [] = ML 3.
The importance of the concept of dimension arises from the fact that any mathematical equation relating physical quantities
must be dimensionally consistent, which means the equation must obey the following rules:
Every term in an expression must have the same dimensions; it does not make sense to add or subtract quantities of
differing dimension (think of the old saying: You cant add apples and oranges). In particular, the expressions on
each side of the equality in an equation must have the same dimensions.
The arguments of any of the standard mathematical functions such as trigonometric functions (such as sine and
cosine), logarithms, or exponential functions that appear in the equation must be dimensionless. These functions
require pure numbers as inputs and give pure numbers as outputs.
If either of these rules is violated, an equation is not dimensionally consistent and cannot possibly be a correct statement
of physical law. This simple fact can be used to check for typos or algebra mistakes, to help remember the various laws of
physics, and even to suggest the form that new laws of physics might take. This last use of dimensions is beyond the scope
of this text, but is something you will undoubtedly learn later in your academic career.
Example 1.4
[r 2] = [] [r] 2 = 1 L 2 = L 2,
since the constant is a pure number and the radius r is a length. Therefore, r 2 has the dimension of area.
Similarly, the dimension of the expression 2r is
[2r] = [2] [] [r] = 1 1 L = L,
since the constants 2 and are both dimensionless and the radius r is a length. We see that 2r has the
dimension of length, which means it cannot possibly be an area.
We rule out 2r because it is not dimensionally consistent with being an area. We see that r 2 is dimensionally
consistent with being an area, so if we have to choose between these two expressions, r 2 is the one to choose.
This may seem like kind of a silly example, but the ideas are very general. As long as we know the dimensions
of the individual physical quantities that appear in an equation, we can check to see whether the equation is
dimensionally consistent. On the other hand, knowing that true equations are dimensionally consistent, we can
match expressions from our imperfect memories to the quantities for which they might be expressions. Doing this
will not help us remember dimensionless factors that appear in the equations (for example, if you had accidentally
conflated the two expressions from the example into 2r 2, then dimensional analysis is no help), but it does
help us remember the correct basic form of equations.
24 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
1.5 Check Your Understanding Suppose we want the formula for the volume of a sphere. The two
expressions commonly mentioned in elementary discussions of spheres are 4r 2 and 4r 3 /3. One is the
volume of a sphere of radius r and the other is its surface area. Which one is the volume?
Example 1.5
All three terms have the same dimension, so this equation is dimensionally consistent.
b. Again, there are no trigonometric, exponential, or logarithmic functions, so we only need to look at the
dimensions of each of the three terms appearing in the equation:
[s] = L
[vt 2] = [v] [t] 2 = LT 1 T 2 = LT
[at] = [a] [t] = LT 2 T = LT 1.
None of the three terms has the same dimension as any other, so this is about as far from being
dimensionally consistent as you can get. The technical term for an equation like this is nonsense.
c. This equation has a trigonometric function in it, so first we should check that the argument of the sine
function is dimensionless:
at 2 [a] [t] 2 LT 2 T 2 L
s = [s] = L
= = 1.
The argument is dimensionless. So far, so good. Now we need to check the dimensions of each of the two
terms (that is, the left expression and the right expression) in the equation:
[v] = LT 1
at 2
sin s = 1.
The two terms have different dimensionsmeaning, the equation is not dimensionally consistent. This equation
is another example of nonsense.
If we are trusting people, these types of dimensional checks might seem unnecessary. But, rest assured, any
textbook on a quantitative subject such as physics (including this one) almost certainly contains some equations
with typos. Checking equations routinely by dimensional analysis save us the embarrassment of using an incorrect
equation. Also, checking the dimensions of an equation we obtain through algebraic manipulation is a great way
to make sure we did not make a mistake (or to spot a mistake, if we made one).
One further point that needs to be mentioned is the effect of the operations of calculus on dimensions. We have seen that
dimensions obey the rules of algebra, just like units, but what happens when we take the derivative of one physical quantity
with respect to another or integrate a physical quantity over another? The derivative of a function is just the slope of the line
tangent to its graph and slopes are ratios, so for physical quantities v and t, we have that the dimension of the derivative of
v with respect to t is just the ratio of the dimension of v over that of t:
dv [v]
dt = [t] .
Similarly, since integrals are just sums of products, the dimension of the integral of v with respect to t is simply the
dimension of v times the dimension of t:
vdt = [v] [t].
By the same reasoning, analogous rules hold for the units of physical quantities derived from other quantities by integration
or differentiation.
On many occasions, physicists, other scientists, and engineers need to make estimates for a particular quantity. Other
terms sometimes used are guesstimates, order-of-magnitude approximations, back-of-the-envelope calculations, or Fermi
calculations. (The physicist Enrico Fermi mentioned earlier was famous for his ability to estimate various kinds of data with
surprising precision.) Will that piece of equipment fit in the back of the car or do we need to rent a truck? How long will
this download take? About how large a current will there be in this circuit when it is turned on? How many houses could
a proposed power plant actually power if it is built? Note that estimating does not mean guessing a number or a formula
at random. Rather, estimation means using prior experience and sound physical reasoning to arrive at a rough idea of a
quantitys value. Because the process of determining a reliable approximation usually involves the identification of correct
physical principles and a good guess about the relevant variables, estimating is very useful in developing physical intuition.
Estimates also allow us perform sanity checks on calculations or policy proposals by helping us rule out certain scenarios
or unrealistic numbers. They allow us to challenge others (as well as ourselves) in our efforts to learn truths about the world.
Many estimates are based on formulas in which the input quantities are known only to a limited precision. As you develop
physics problem-solving skills (which are applicable to a wide variety of fields), you also will develop skills at estimating.
You develop these skills by thinking more quantitatively and by being willing to take risks. As with any skill, experience
helps. Familiarity with dimensions (see Table 1.3) and units (see Table 1.1 and Table 1.2), and the scales of base
quantities (see Figure 1.4) also helps.
To make some progress in estimating, you need to have some definite ideas about how variables may be related. The
following strategies may help you in practicing the art of estimation:
Get big lengths from smaller lengths. When estimating lengths, remember that anything can be a ruler. Thus,
imagine breaking a big thing into smaller things, estimate the length of one of the smaller things, and multiply to
get the length of the big thing. For example, to estimate the height of a building, first count how many floors it
has. Then, estimate how big a single floor is by imagining how many people would have to stand on each others
26 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
shoulders to reach the ceiling. Last, estimate the height of a person. The product of these three estimates is your
estimate of the height of the building. It helps to have memorized a few length scales relevant to the sorts of
problems you find yourself solving. For example, knowing some of the length scales in Figure 1.4 might come
in handy. Sometimes it also helps to do this in reversethat is, to estimate the length of a small thing, imagine a
bunch of them making up a bigger thing. For example, to estimate the thickness of a sheet of paper, estimate the
thickness of a stack of paper and then divide by the number of pages in the stack. These same strategies of breaking
big things into smaller things or aggregating smaller things into a bigger thing can sometimes be used to estimate
other physical quantities, such as masses and times.
Get areas and volumes from lengths. When dealing with an area or a volume of a complex object, introduce a simple
model of the object such as a sphere or a box. Then, estimate the linear dimensions (such as the radius of the sphere
or the length, width, and height of the box) first, and use your estimates to obtain the volume or area from standard
geometric formulas. If you happen to have an estimate of an objects area or volume, you can also do the reverse;
that is, use standard geometric formulas to get an estimate of its linear dimensions.
Get masses from volumes and densities. When estimating masses of objects, it can help first to estimate its volume
and then to estimate its mass from a rough estimate of its average density (recall, density has dimension mass over
length cubed, so mass is density times volume). For this, it helps to remember that the density of air is around 1 kg/
m3, the density of water is 103 kg/m3, and the densest everyday solids max out at around 104 kg/m3. Asking yourself
whether an object floats or sinks in either air or water gets you a ballpark estimate of its density. You can also do
this the other way around; if you have an estimate of an objects mass and its density, you can use them to get an
estimate of its volume.
If all else fails, bound it. For physical quantities for which you do not have a lot of intuition, sometimes the best
you can do is think something like: Well, it must be bigger than this and smaller than that. For example, suppose
you need to estimate the mass of a moose. Maybe you have a lot of experience with moose and know their average
mass offhand. If so, great. But for most people, the best they can do is to think something like: It must be bigger
than a person (of order 102 kg) and less than a car (of order 103 kg). If you need a single number for a subsequent
calculation, you can take the geometric mean of the upper and lower boundthat is, you multiply them together
and then take the square root. For the moose mass example, this would be
10 10 3 = 10 2.5 = 10 0.5 10 2 3 10 2 kg.
The tighter the bounds, the better. Also, no rules are unbreakable when it comes to estimation. If you think the value
of the quantity is likely to be closer to the upper bound than the lower bound, then you may want to bump up your
estimate from the geometric mean by an order or two of magnitude.
One sig. fig. is fine. There is no need to go beyond one significant figure when doing calculations to obtain an
estimate. In most cases, the order of magnitude is good enough. The goal is just to get in the ballpark figure, so keep
the arithmetic as simple as possible.
Ask yourself: Does this make any sense? Last, check to see whether your answer is reasonable. How does it compare
with the values of other quantities with the same dimensions that you already know or can look up easily? If you
get some wacky answer (for example, if you estimate the mass of the Atlantic Ocean to be bigger than the mass of
Earth, or some time span to be longer than the age of the universe), first check to see whether your units are correct.
Then, check for arithmetic errors. Then, rethink the logic you used to arrive at your answer. If everything checks
out, you may have just proved that some slick new idea is actually bogus.
Example 1.6
following the advice to get areas and volumes from lengths again, we can approximate Earth as a sphere and
use the formula for the surface area of a sphere of diameter dthat is, A = d 2, to estimate the surface area of
the oceans. Now we just need to estimate the average depth of the oceans. For this, we use the advice: If all else
fails, bound it. We happen to know the deepest points in the ocean are around 10 km and that it is not uncommon
for the ocean to be deeper than 1 km, so we take the average depth to be around (10 3 10 4) 0.5 3 10 3 m.
Now we just need to put it all together, heeding the advice that one sig. fig. is fine.
We estimate the surface area of Earth (and hence the surface area of Earths oceans) to be roughly
A = d 2 = (10 7 m) 2 3 10 14 m 2.
Next, using our average depth estimate of D = 3 10 3 m, which was obtained by bounding, we estimate the
volume of Earths oceans to be
V = AD = (3 10 14 m 2)(3 10 3 m) = 9 10 17 m 3.
Last, we estimate the mass of the worlds oceans to be
M = V = (10 3 kg/m 3)(9 10 17 m 3) = 9 10 20 kg.
Thus, we estimate that the order of magnitude of the mass of the planets oceans is 1021 kg.
To verify our answer to the best of our ability, we first need to answer the question: Does this make any sense?
From Figure 1.4, we see the mass of Earths atmosphere is on the order of 1019 kg and the mass of Earth is on
the order of 1025 kg. It is reassuring that our estimate of 1021 kg for the mass of Earths oceans falls somewhere
between these two. So, yes, it does seem to make sense. It just so happens that we did a search on the Web for
mass of oceans and the top search results all said 1.4 10 21 kg, which is the same order of magnitude as our
estimate. Now, rather than having to trust blindly whoever first put that number up on a website (most of the other
sites probably just copied it from them, after all), we can have a little more confidence in it.
1.7 Check Your Understanding Figure 1.4 says the mass of the atmosphere is 1019 kg. Assuming the
density of the atmosphere is 1 kg/m3, estimate the height of Earths atmosphere. Do you think your answer is an
underestimate or an overestimate? Explain why.
How many piano tuners are there in New York City? How many leaves are on that tree? If you are studying photosynthesis
or thinking of writing a smartphone app for piano tuners, then the answers to these questions might be of great interest to
you. Otherwise, you probably couldnt care less what the answers are. However, these are exactly the sorts of estimation
problems that people in various tech industries have been asking potential employees to evaluate their quantitative reasoning
skills. If building physical intuition and evaluating quantitative claims do not seem like sufficient reasons for you to practice
estimation problems, how about the fact that being good at them just might land you a high-paying job?
For practice estimating relative lengths, areas, and volumes, check out this PhET
( simulation, titled Estimation.
28 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
Figure 1.11 shows two instruments used to measure the mass of an object. The digital scale has mostly replaced the
double-pan balance in physics labs because it gives more accurate and precise measurements. But what exactly do we
mean by accurate and precise? Arent they the same thing? In this section we examine in detail the process of making and
reporting a measurement.
Figure 1.11 (a) A double-pan mechanical balance is used to compare different masses. Usually an object with unknown mass
is placed in one pan and objects of known mass are placed in the other pan. When the bar that connects the two pans is
horizontal, then the masses in both pans are equal. The known masses are typically metal cylinders of standard mass such as 1
g, 10 g, and 100 g. (b) Many mechanical balances, such as double-pan balances, have been replaced by digital scales, which can
typically measure the mass of an object more precisely. A mechanical balance may read only the mass of an object to the nearest
tenth of a gram, but many digital scales can measure the mass of an object up to the nearest thousandth of a gram. (credit a:
modification of work by Serge Melki; credit b: modification of work by Karel Jakubec)
variation from one measurement to another. Notice that the concept of precision depends only on the actual measurements
acquired and does not depend on an accepted reference value.
The measurements in the paper example are both accurate and precise, but in some cases, measurements are accurate but
not precise, or they are precise but not accurate. Lets consider an example of a GPS attempting to locate the position
of a restaurant in a city. Think of the restaurant location as existing at the center of a bulls-eye target and think of each
GPS attempt to locate the restaurant as a black dot. In Figure 1.12(a), we see the GPS measurements are spread out far
apart from each other, but they are all relatively close to the actual location of the restaurant at the center of the target.
This indicates a low-precision, high-accuracy measuring system. However, in Figure 1.12(b), the GPS measurements are
concentrated quite closely to one another, but they are far away from the target location. This indicates a high-precision,
low-accuracy measuring system.
Figure 1.12 A GPS attempts to locate a restaurant at the center of the bulls-eye. The
black dots represent each attempt to pinpoint the location of the restaurant. (a) The dots
are spread out quite far apart from one another, indicating low precision, but they are each
rather close to the actual location of the restaurant, indicating high accuracy. (b) The dots
are concentrated rather closely to one another, indicating high precision, but they are
rather far away from the actual location of the restaurant, indicating low accuracy. (credit
a and credit b: modification of works by Dark Evil)
At any rate, the uncertainty in a measurement must be calculated to quantify its precision. If a reference value is known, it
makes sense to calculate the discrepancy as well to quantify its accuracy.
Percent uncertainty
Another method of expressing uncertainty is as a percent of the measured value. If a measurement A is expressed with
uncertainty A, the percent uncertainty is defined as
Example 1.7
Substitute the values into the equation:
1.8 Check Your Understanding A high school track coach has just purchased a new stopwatch. The
stopwatch manual states the stopwatch has an uncertainty of 0.05 s. Runners on the track coachs team
regularly clock 100-m sprints of 11.49 s to 15.01 s. At the schools last track meet, the first-place sprinter came
in at 12.04 s and the second-place sprinter came in at 12.07 s. Will the coachs new stopwatch be helpful in
timing the sprint team? Why or why not?
Uncertainties in calculations
Uncertainty exists in anything calculated from measured quantities. For example, the area of a floor calculated from
measurements of its length and width has an uncertainty because the length and width have uncertainties. How big is the
uncertainty in something you calculate by multiplication or division? If the measurements going into the calculation have
small uncertainties (a few percent or less), then the method of adding percents can be used for multiplication or division.
This method states the percent uncertainty in a quantity calculated by multiplication or division is the sum of the percent
uncertainties in the items used to make the calculation. For example, if a floor has a length of 4.00 m and a width of 3.00 m,
with uncertainties of 2% and 1%, respectively, then the area of the floor is 12.0 m2 and has an uncertainty of 3%. (Expressed
as an area, this is 0.36 m2 [ 12.0 m 2 0.03 ], which we round to 0.4 m2 since the area of the floor is given to a tenth of a
square meter.)
But because the radius has only two significant figures, it limits the calculated quantity to two significant figures, or
A = 4.5 m 2,
7.56 kg
6.052 kg
+13.7 kg
= 15.2 kg.
15.208 kg
Next, we identify the least-precise measurement: 13.7 kg. This measurement is expressed to the 0.1 decimal place,
so our final answer must also be expressed to the 0.1 decimal place. Thus, the answer is rounded to the tenths place,
giving us 15.2 kg.
Significant figures in this text
In this text, most numbers are assumed to have three significant figures. Furthermore, consistent numbers of significant
figures are used in all worked examples. An answer given to three digits is based on input good to at least three digits,
for example. If the input has fewer significant figures, the answer will also have fewer significant figures. Care is also
taken that the number of significant figures is reasonable for the situation posed. In some topics, particularly in optics, more
accurate numbers are needed and we use more than three significant figures. Finally, if a number is exact, such as the two
in the formula for the circumference of a circle, C = 2r, it does not affect the number of significant figures in a calculation.
Likewise, conversion factors such as 100 cm/1 m are considered exact and do not affect the number of significant figures in
a calculation.
Figure 1.13 Problem-solving skills are essential to your success in physics. (credit:
Problem-solving skills are clearly essential to success in a quantitative course in physics. More important, the ability
to apply broad physical principlesusually represented by equationsto specific situations is a very powerful form of
knowledge. It is much more powerful than memorizing a list of facts. Analytical skills and problem-solving abilities can be
applied to new situations whereas a list of facts cannot be made long enough to contain every possible circumstance. Such
analytical skills are useful both for solving problems in this text and for applying physics in everyday life.
As you are probably well aware, a certain amount of creativity and insight is required to solve problems. No rigid procedure
works every time. Creativity and insight grow with experience. With practice, the basics of problem solving become almost
automatic. One way to get practice is to work out the texts examples for yourself as you read. Another is to work as
many end-of-section problems as possible, starting with the easiest to build confidence and then progressing to the more
difficult. After you become involved in physics, you will see it all around you, and you can begin to apply it to situations
you encounter outside the classroom, just as is done in many of the applications in this text.
Although there is no simple step-by-step method that works for every problem, the following three-stage process facilitates
problem solving and makes it more meaningful. The three stages are strategy, solution, and significance. This process is
used in examples throughout the book. Here, we look at each stage of the process in turn.
Strategy is the beginning stage of solving a problem. The idea is to figure out exactly what the problem is and then develop
a strategy for solving it. Some general advice for this stage is as follows:
Examine the situation to determine which physical principles are involved. It often helps to draw a simple sketch
at the outset. You often need to decide which direction is positive and note that on your sketch. When you have
identified the physical principles, it is much easier to find and apply the equations representing those principles.
Although finding the correct equation is essential, keep in mind that equations represent physical principles, laws of
nature, and relationships among physical quantities. Without a conceptual understanding of a problem, a numerical
solution is meaningless.
Make a list of what is given or can be inferred from the problem as stated (identify the knowns). Many problems
are stated very succinctly and require some inspection to determine what is known. Drawing a sketch be very useful
at this point as well. Formally identifying the knowns is of particular importance in applying physics to real-world
situations. For example, the word stopped means the velocity is zero at that instant. Also, we can often take initial
time and position as zero by the appropriate choice of coordinate system.
Identify exactly what needs to be determined in the problem (identify the unknowns). In complex problems,
especially, it is not always obvious what needs to be found or in what sequence. Making a list can help identify the
Determine which physical principles can help you solve the problem. Since physical principles tend to be expressed
in the form of mathematical equations, a list of knowns and unknowns can help here. It is easiest if you can find
equations that contain only one unknownthat is, all the other variables are knownso you can solve for the
unknown easily. If the equation contains more than one unknown, then additional equations are needed to solve the
problem. In some problems, several unknowns must be determined to get at the one needed most. In such problems
it is especially important to keep physical principles in mind to avoid going astray in a sea of equations. You may
have to use two (or more) different equations to get the final answer.
The solution stage is when you do the math. Substitute the knowns (along with their units) into the appropriate equation
and obtain numerical solutions complete with units. That is, do the algebra, calculus, geometry, or arithmetic necessary to
find the unknown from the knowns, being sure to carry the units through the calculations. This step is clearly important
because it produces the numerical answer, along with its units. Notice, however, that this stage is only one-third of the
overall problem-solving process.
After having done the math in the solution stage of problem solving, it is tempting to think you are done. But, always
remember that physics is not math. Rather, in doing physics, we use mathematics as a tool to help us understand nature. So,
after you obtain a numerical answer, you should always assess its significance:
Check your units. If the units of the answer are incorrect, then an error has been made and you should go back over
your previous steps to find it. One way to find the mistake is to check all the equations you derived for dimensional
consistency. However, be warned that correct units do not guarantee the numerical part of the answer is also correct.
34 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
Check the answer to see whether it is reasonable. Does it make sense? This step is extremely important: the goal
of physics is to describe nature accurately. To determine whether the answer is reasonable, check both its magnitude
and its sign, in addition to its units. The magnitude should be consistent with a rough estimate of what it should
be. It should also compare reasonably with magnitudes of other quantities of the same type. The sign usually tells
you about direction and should be consistent with your prior expectations. Your judgment will improve as you solve
more physics problems, and it will become possible for you to make finer judgments regarding whether nature is
described adequately by the answer to a problem. This step brings the problem back to its conceptual meaning. If
you can judge whether the answer is reasonable, you have a deeper understanding of physics than just being able to
solve a problem mechanically.
Check to see whether the answer tells you something interesting. What does it mean? This is the flip side of the
question: Does it make sense? Ultimately, physics is about understanding nature, and we solve physics problems to
learn a little something about how nature operates. Therefore, assuming the answer does make sense, you should
always take a moment to see if it tells you something about the world that you find interesting. Even if the answer to
this particular problem is not very interesting to you, what about the method you used to solve it? Could the method
be adapted to answer a question that you do find interesting? In many ways, it is in answering questions such as
these science that progresses.
accuracy the degree to which a measured value agrees with an accepted reference value for that measurement
base quantity physical quantity chosen by convention and practical considerations such that all other physical quantities
can be expressed as algebraic combinations of them
base unit standard for expressing the measurement of a base quantity within a particular system of units; defined by a
particular procedure used to measure the corresponding base quantity
conversion factor a ratio that expresses how many of one unit are equal to another unit
derived quantity physical quantity defined using algebraic combinations of base quantities
derived units units that can be calculated using algebraic combinations of the fundamental units
dimension expression of the dependence of a physical quantity on the base quantities as a product of powers of symbols
representing the base quantities; in general, the dimension of a quantity has the form L a M b T c I d e N f J g for some
powers a, b, c, d, e, f, and g.
dimensionally consistent equation in which every term has the same dimensions and the arguments of any
mathematical functions appearing in the equation are dimensionless
dimensionless quantity with a dimension of L 0 M 0 T 0 I 0 0 N 0 J 0 = 1; also called quantity of dimension 1 or a pure
discrepancy the difference between the measured value and a given standard or expected value
English units system of measurement used in the United States; includes units of measure such as feet, gallons, and
estimation using prior experience and sound physical reasoning to arrive at a rough idea of a quantitys value; sometimes
called an order-of-magnitude approximation, a guesstimate, a back-of-the-envelope calculation, or a Fermi
kilogram SI unit for mass, abbreviated kg
law description, using concise language or a mathematical formula, of a generalized pattern in nature supported by
scientific evidence and repeated experiments
meter SI unit for length, abbreviated m
method of adding percents the percent uncertainty in a quantity calculated by multiplication or division is the sum of
the percent uncertainties in the items used to make the calculation.
metric system system in which values can be calculated in factors of 10
model representation of something often too difficult (or impossible) to display directly
order of magnitude the size of a quantity as it relates to a power of 10
percent uncertainty the ratio of the uncertainty of a measurement to the measured value, expressed as a percentage
physical quantity characteristic or property of an object that can be measured or calculated from other measurements
physics science concerned with describing the interactions of energy, matter, space, and time; especially interested in
what fundamental mechanisms underlie every phenomenon
precision the degree to which repeated measurements agree with each other
second the SI unit for time, abbreviated s
SI units the international system of units that scientists in most countries have agreed to use; includes units such as
meters, liters, and grams
significant figures used to express the precision of a measuring tool used to measure a value
36 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
theory testable explanation for patterns in nature supported by scientific evidence and verified multiple times by various
groups of researchers
uncertainty a quantitative measure of how much measured values deviate from one another
units standards used for expressing and comparing measurements
Percent uncertainty Percent uncertainty = A 100%
1.1 The Scope and Scale of Physics
Physics is about trying to find the simple laws that describe all natural phenomena.
Physics operates on a vast range of scales of length, mass, and time. Scientists use the concept of the order of
magnitude of a number to track which phenomena occur on which scales. They also use orders of magnitude to
compare the various scales.
Scientists attempt to describe the world by formulating models, theories, and laws.
The three stages of the process for solving physics problems used in this book are as follows:
Strategy: Determine which physical principles are involved and develop a strategy for using them to solve the
Solution: Do the math necessary to obtain a numerical solution complete with units.
Significance: Check the solution to make sure it makes sense (correct units, reasonable magnitude and sign) and
assess its significance.
1.1 The Scope and Scale of Physics 1.2 Units and Standards
1. What is physics? 7. Identify some advantages of metric units.
2. Some have described physics as a search for 8. What are the SI base units of length, mass, and time?
simplicity. Explain why this might be an appropriate
description. 9. What is the difference between a base unit and a derived
unit? (b) What is the difference between a base quantity and
3. If two different theories describe experimental a derived quantity? (c) What is the difference between a
observations equally well, can one be said to be more valid base quantity and a base unit?
than the other (assuming both use accepted rules of logic)?
10. For each of the following scenarios, refer to Figure
4. What determines the validity of a theory? 1.4 and Table 1.2 to determine which metric prefix on
the meter is most appropriate for each of the following
5. Certain criteria must be satisfied if a measurement or scenarios. (a) You want to tabulate the mean distance from
observation is to be believed. Will the criteria necessarily the Sun for each planet in the solar system. (b) You want
be as strict for an expected result as for an unexpected to compare the sizes of some common viruses to design a
result? mechanical filter capable of blocking the pathogenic ones.
(c) You want to list the diameters of all the elements on the
periodic table. (d) You want to list the distances to all the
6. Can the validity of a model be limited or must it be
stars that have now received any radio broadcasts sent from
universally valid? How does this compare with the required
Earth 10 years ago.
validity of a theory or a law?
38 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
19. Calculate the approximate number of atoms in a
1.1 The Scope and Scale of Physics bacterium. Assume the average mass of an atom in the
14. Find the order of magnitude of the following physical bacterium is 10 times the mass of a proton.
quantities. (a) The mass of Earths atmosphere:
5.1 10 18 kg; (b) The mass of the Moons atmosphere: 20. (a) Calculate the number of cells in a hummingbird
assuming the mass of an average cell is 10 times the mass
25,000 kg; (c) The mass of Earths hydrosphere: of a bacterium. (b) Making the same assumption, how
1.4 10 21 kg; (d) The mass of Earth: 5.97 10 24 kg; many cells are there in a human?
(e) The mass of the Moon: 7.34 10 22 kg; (f) The
21. Assuming one nerve impulse must end before another
EarthMoon distance (semimajor axis): 3.84 10 8 m; (g) can begin, what is the maximum firing rate of a nerve in
The mean EarthSun distance: 1.5 10 11 m; (h) The impulses per second?
equatorial radius of Earth: 6.38 10 6 m; (i) The mass of 22. About how many floating-point operations can a
an electron: 9.11 10 31 kg; (j) The mass of a proton: supercomputer perform each year?
than one but less than 1000. For example, 7.9 10 2 m 37. Mount Everest, at 29,028 ft, is the tallest mountain on
Earth. What is its height in kilometers? (Assume that 1 m =
could be written either as 7.9 cm or 79 mm. (a)
3.281 ft.)
7.59 10 7 m; (b) 0.0074 m; (c) 8.8 10 11 m; (d)
1.63 10 13 m. 38. The speed of sound is measured to be 342 m/s on
a certain day. What is this measurement in kilometers per
28. The following masses are written using metric hour?
prefixes on the gram. Rewrite them in scientific notation
in terms of the SI base unit of mass: the kilogram. For 39. Tectonic plates are large segments of Earths crust that
example, 40 Mg would be written as 4 10 4 kg. (a) 23 move slowly. Suppose one such plate has an average speed
of 4.0 cm/yr. (a) What distance does it move in 1.0 s at
mg; (b) 320 Tg; (c) 42 ng; (d) 7 g; (e) 9 Pg. this speed? (b) What is its speed in kilometers per million
29. The following masses are given in kilograms. Use
metric prefixes on the gram to rewrite them so the 40. The average distance between Earth and the Sun is
numerical value is bigger than one but less than 1000.
1.5 10 11 m. (a) Calculate the average speed of Earth in
For example, 7 10 4 kg could be written as 70 cg or
its orbit (assumed to be circular) in meters per second. (b)
700 mg. (a) 3.8 10 5 kg; (b) 2.3 10 17 kg; (c) What is this speed in miles per hour?
32. A car is traveling at a speed of 33 m/s. (a) What is its 44. A furlong is 220 yd. A fortnight is 2 weeks. Convert
speed in kilometers per hour? (b) Is it exceeding the 90 km/ a speed of one furlong per fortnight to millimeters per
h speed limit? second.
33. In SI units, speeds are measured in meters per second 45. It takes 2 radians (rad) to get around a circle, which
(m/s). But, depending on where you live, youre probably is the same as 360. How many radians are in 1?
more comfortable of thinking of speeds in terms of either
kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mi/h). In
this problem, you will see that 1 m/s is roughly 4 km/h 46. Light travels a distance of about 3 10 8 m/s. A
or 2 mi/h, which is handy to use when developing your light-minute is the distance light travels in 1 min. If the Sun
physical intuition. More precisely, show that (a) is 1.5 10 11 m from Earth, how far away is it in light-
1.0 m/s = 3.6 km/h and (b) 1.0 m/s = 2.2 mi/h.
34. American football is played on a 100-yd-long field, 47. A light-nanosecond is the distance light travels in 1 ns.
excluding the end zones. How long is the field in meters? Convert 1 ft to light-nanoseconds.
(Assume that 1 m = 3.281 ft.)
55. The arc length formula says the length s of arc 68. A good-quality measuring tape can be off by 0.50 cm
subtended by angle in a circle of radius r is given by over a distance of 20 m. What is its percent uncertainty?
the equation s = r . What are the dimensions of (a) s,
(b) r, and (c) ? 69. An infants pulse rate is measured to be 130 5 beats/
min. What is the percent uncertainty in this measurement?
1.5 Estimates and Fermi Calculations 70. (a) Suppose that a person has an average heart rate of
72.0 beats/min. How many beats does he or she have in 2.0
56. Assuming the human body is made primarily of water, years? (b) In 2.00 years? (c) In 2.000 years?
estimate the volume of a person.
71. A can contains 375 mL of soda. How much is left after
57. Assuming the human body is primarily made of water, 308 mL is removed?
estimate the number of molecules in it. (Note that water has
a molecular mass of 18 g/mol and there are roughly 1024
72. State how many significant figures are proper in the
atoms in a mole.)
results of the following calculations: (a)
(106.7)(98.2) / (46.210)(1.01); (b) (18.7) ; (c)
58. Estimate the mass of air in a classroom.
1.60 10 19(3712) 0.5 s, what is the heart rate and its uncertainty in beats per
73. (a) How many significant figures are in the numbers 77. What is the area of a circle 3.102 cm in diameter?
99 and 100.? (b) If the uncertainty in each number is 1,
what is the percent uncertainty in each? (c) Which is a
78. Determine the number of significant figures in the
more meaningful way to express the accuracy of these two
following measurements: (a) 0.0009, (b) 15,450.0, (c)
numbers: significant figures or percent uncertainties?
6103, (d) 87.990, and (e) 30.42.
80. Consider the equation y = mt +b, where the dimension 84. The sides of a small rectangular box are measured to
of y is length and the dimension of t is time, and m and b be 1.80 0.1 cm, 2.05 0.02 cm, and 3.1 0.1 cm long.
are constants. What are the dimensions and SI units of (a) Calculate its volume and uncertainty in cubic centimeters.
m and (b) b?
85. When nonmetric units were used in the United
81. Consider the equation Kingdom, a unit of mass called the pound-mass (lbm) was
s = s 0 + v 0 t + a 0 t 2 /2 + j 0 t 3 /6 + S 0 t 4 /24 + ct 5 /120, used, where 1 lbm = 0.4539 kg. (a) If there is an uncertainty
of 0.0001 kg in the pound-mass unit, what is its percent
where s is a length and t is a time. What are the dimensions uncertainty? (b) Based on that percent uncertainty, what
and SI units of (a) s 0, (b) v 0, (c) a 0, (d) j 0, (e) S 0, mass in pound-mass has an uncertainty of 1 kg when
and (f) c? converted to kilograms?
82. (a) A car speedometer has a 5% uncertainty. What is 86. The length and width of a rectangular room are
the range of possible speeds when it reads 90 km/h? (b) measured to be 3.955 0.005 m and 3.050 0.005 m.
Convert this range to miles per hour. Note 1 km = 0.6214 Calculate the area of the room and its uncertainty in square
mi. meters.
83. A marathon runner completes a 42.188-km course in 2 87. A car engine moves a piston with a circular cross-
h, 30 min, and 12 s. There is an uncertainty of 25 m in the section of 7.500 0.002 cm in diameter a distance of
distance traveled and an uncertainty of 1 s in the elapsed 3.250 0.001 cm to compress the gas in the cylinder. (a)
time. (a) Calculate the percent uncertainty in the distance. By what amount is the gas decreased in volume in cubic
(b) Calculate the percent uncertainty in the elapsed time. (c) centimeters? (b) Find the uncertainty in this volume.
What is the average speed in meters per second? (d) What
is the uncertainty in the average speed?
88. The first atomic bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945, In 1947, the U.S. government declassified a film reel of the
at the Trinity test site about 200 mi south of Los Alamos. explosion. From this film reel, British physicist G. I. Taylor
42 Chapter 1 | Units and Measurement
was able to determine the rate at which the radius of the (that is, kt TNT). Compare your answer with the quick-
fireball from the blast grew. Using dimensional analysis, he and-dirty estimate of 10 kt TNT made by physicist Enrico
was then able to deduce the amount of energy released in Fermi shortly after witnessing the explosion from what was
the explosion, which was a closely guarded secret at the thought to be a safe distance. (Reportedly, Fermi made his
time. Because of this, Taylor did not publish his results until estimate by dropping some shredded bits of paper right
1950. This problem challenges you to recreate this famous before the remnants of the shock wave hit him and looked
calculation. (a) Using keen physical insight developed from to see how far they were carried by it.)
years of experience, Taylor decided the radius r of the
fireball should depend only on time since the explosion, 89. The purpose of this problem is to show the entire
t, the density of the air, , and the energy of the initial concept of dimensional consistency can be summarized
explosion, E. Thus, he made the educated guess that by the old saying You cant add apples and oranges. If
r = kE a b t c for some dimensionless constant k and some you have studied power series expansions in a calculus
course, you know the standard mathematical functions such
unknown exponents a, b, and c. Given that [E] = ML2T2, as trigonometric functions, logarithms, and exponential
determine the values of the exponents necessary to make functions can be expressed as infinite sums of the form
this equation dimensionally consistent. (Hint: Notice the
equation implies that k = rE a b t c and that [k] = 1. an xn = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + , where
) (b) By analyzing data from high-energy conventional
the an are dimensionless constants for all
explosives, Taylor found the formula he derived seemed to
be valid as long as the constant k had the value 1.03. From n = 0, 1, 2, and x is the argument of the function.
the film reel, he was able to determine many values of r (If you have not studied power series in calculus yet, just
and the corresponding values of t. For example, he found trust us.) Use this fact to explain why the requirement
that after 25.0 ms, the fireball had a radius of 130.0 m. that all terms in an equation have the same dimensions is
Use these values, along with an average air density of 1.25 sufficient as a definition of dimensional consistency. That
kg/m3, to calculate the initial energy release of the Trinity is, it actually implies the arguments of standard
detonation in joules (J). (Hint: To get energy in joules, mathematical functions must be dimensionless, so it is not
you need to make sure all the numbers you substitute in really necessary to make this latter condition a separate
are expressed in terms of SI base units.) (c) The energy requirement of the definition of dimensional consistency as
released in large explosions is often cited in units of tons we have done in this section.
of TNT (abbreviated t TNT), where 1 t TNT is about
4.2 GJ. Convert your answer to (b) into kilotons of TNT
Figure 2.1 A signpost gives information about distances and directions to towns or to other locations relative to the location of
the signpost. Distance is a scalar quantity. Knowing the distance alone is not enough to get to the town; we must also know the
direction from the signpost to the town. The direction, together with the distance, is a vector quantity commonly called the
displacement vector. A signpost, therefore, gives information about displacement vectors from the signpost to towns. (credit:
modification of work by studio tdes/Flickr)
Chapter Outline
2.1 Scalars and Vectors
2.2 Coordinate Systems and Components of a Vector
2.3 Algebra of Vectors
2.4 Products of Vectors
Vectors are essential to physics and engineering. Many fundamental physical quantities are vectors, including displacement,
velocity, force, and electric and magnetic vector fields. Scalar products of vectors define other fundamental scalar physical
quantities, such as energy. Vector products of vectors define still other fundamental vector physical quantities, such as torque
and angular momentum. In other words, vectors are a component part of physics in much the same way as sentences are a
component part of literature.
In introductory physics, vectors are Euclidean quantities that have geometric representations as arrows in one dimension (in
a line), in two dimensions (in a plane), or in three dimensions (in space). They can be added, subtracted, or multiplied. In
this chapter, we explore elements of vector algebra for applications in mechanics and in electricity and magnetism. Vector
operations also have numerous generalizations in other branches of physics.
44 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Many familiar physical quantities can be specified completely by giving a single number and the appropriate unit. For
example, a class period lasts 50 min or the gas tank in my car holds 65 L or the distance between two posts is 100
m. A physical quantity that can be specified completely in this manner is called a scalar quantity. Scalar is a synonym of
number. Time, mass, distance, length, volume, temperature, and energy are examples of scalar quantities.
Scalar quantities that have the same physical units can be added or subtracted according to the usual rules of algebra for
numbers. For example, a class ending 10 min earlier than 50 min lasts 50 min 10 min = 40 min . Similarly, a 60-cal
serving of corn followed by a 200-cal serving of donuts gives 60 cal + 200 cal = 260 cal of energy. When we multiply
a scalar quantity by a number, we obtain the same scalar quantity but with a larger (or smaller) value. For example, if
yesterdays breakfast had 200 cal of energy and todays breakfast has four times as much energy as it had yesterday, then
todays breakfast has 4(200 cal) = 800 cal of energy. Two scalar quantities can also be multiplied or divided by each other
to form a derived scalar quantity. For example, if a train covers a distance of 100 km in 1.0 h, its speed is 100.0 km/1.0 h =
27.8 m/s, where the speed is a derived scalar quantity obtained by dividing distance by time.
Many physical quantities, however, cannot be described completely by just a single number of physical units. For example,
when the U.S. Coast Guard dispatches a ship or a helicopter for a rescue mission, the rescue team must know not only the
distance to the distress signal, but also the direction from which the signal is coming so they can get to its origin as quickly
as possible. Physical quantities specified completely by giving a number of units (magnitude) and a direction are called
vector quantities. Examples of vector quantities include displacement, velocity, position, force, and torque. In the language
of mathematics, physical vector quantities are represented by mathematical objects called vectors (Figure 2.2). We can
add or subtract two vectors, and we can multiply a vector by a scalar or by another vector, but we cannot divide by a vector.
The operation of division by a vector is not defined.
Lets examine vector algebra using a graphical method to be aware of basic terms and to develop a qualitative
understanding. In practice, however, when it comes to solving physics problems, we use analytical methods, which well
see in the next section. Analytical methods are more simple computationally and more accurate than graphical methods.
From now on, to distinguish between a vector and a scalar quantity, we adopt the common convention that a letter in bold
type with an arrow above it denotes a vector, and a letter without an arrow denotes a scalar. For example, a distance of 2.0
km, which is a scalar quantity, is denoted by d = 2.0 km, whereas a displacement of 2.0 km in some direction, which is a
vector quantity, is denoted by d .
Suppose you tell a friend on a camping trip that you have discovered a terrific fishing hole 6 km from your tent. It is unlikely
your friend would be able to find the hole easily unless you also communicate the direction in which it can be found with
respect to your campsite. You may say, for example, Walk about 6 km northeast from my tent. The key concept here is
that you have to give not one but two pieces of informationnamely, the distance or magnitude (6 km) and the direction
Displacement is a general term used to describe a change in position, such as during a trip from the tent to the fishing hole.
Displacement is an example of a vector quantity. If you walk from the tent (location A) to the hole (location B), as shown
in Figure 2.3, the vector D , representing your displacement, is drawn as the arrow that originates at point A and ends
at point B. The arrowhead marks the end of the vector. The direction of the displacement vector D is the direction of the
arrow. The length of the arrow represents the magnitude D of vector D . Here, D = 6 km. Since the magnitude of a vector
is its length, which is a positive number, the magnitude is also indicated by placing the absolute value notation around the
| |
symbol that denotes the vector; so, we can write equivalently that D D . To solve a vector problem graphically, we
need to draw the vector D to scale. For example, if we assume 1 unit of distance (1 km) is represented in the drawing
by a line segment of length u = 2 cm, then the total displacement in this example is represented by a vector of length
d = 6u = 6(2 cm) = 12 cm , as shown in Figure 2.4. Notice that here, to avoid confusion, we used D = 6 km to denote
the magnitude of the actual displacement and d = 12 cm to denote the length of its representation in the drawing.
Figure 2.4 A displacement D of magnitude 6 km is drawn
to scale as a vector of length 12 cm when the length of 2 cm
represents 1 unit of displacement (which in this case is 1 km).
Suppose your friend walks from the campsite at A to the fishing pond at B and then walks back: from the fishing pond at
B to the campsite at A. The magnitude of the displacement vector D AB from A to B is the same as the magnitude of the
displacement vector D BA from B to A (it equals 6 km in both cases), so we can write D AB = D BA . However, vector
D AB is not equal to vector D BA because these two vectors have different directions: D AB D BA . In Figure
2.3, vector D BA would be represented by a vector with an origin at point B and an end at point A, indicating vector
D BA points to the southwest, which is exactly 180 opposite to the direction of vector D AB . We say that vector
D BA is antiparallel to vector D AB and write D AB = D BA , where the minus sign indicates the antiparallel
Two vectors that have identical directions are said to be parallel vectorsmeaning, they are parallel to each other. Two
parallel vectors A and B are equal, denoted by A = B , if and only if they have equal magnitudes
| | | |
A = B .
Two vectors with directions perpendicular to each other are said to be orthogonal vectors. These relations between vectors
are illustrated in Figure 2.5.
Figure 2.5 Various relations between two vectors A and B . (a)
A B because A B . (b) A B because they are not
parallel and A B . (c) A A because they have different
| | |
directions (even though A = A = A) . (d) A = B
2.1 Check Your Understanding Two motorboats named Alice and Bob are moving on a lake. Given the
information about their velocity vectors in each of the following situations, indicate whether their velocity
vectors are equal or otherwise. (a) Alice moves north at 6 knots and Bob moves west at 6 knots. (b) Alice moves
west at 6 knots and Bob moves west at 3 knots. (c) Alice moves northeast at 6 knots and Bob moves south at 3
knots. (d) Alice moves northeast at 6 knots and Bob moves southwest at 6 knots. (e) Alice moves northeast at 2
knots and Bob moves closer to the shore northeast at 2 knots.
Figure 2.6 Displacement vectors for a fishing trip. (a) Stopping to rest at point C while walking from camp (point A) to the
pond (point B). (b) Going back for the dropped tackle box (point D). (c) Finishing up at the fishing pond.
Suppose your friend departs from point A (the campsite) and walks in the direction to point B (the fishing pond), but,
along the way, stops to rest at some point C located three-quarters of the distance between A and B, beginning from
point A (Figure 2.6(a)). What is his displacement vector D AC when he reaches point C? We know that if he walks
all the way to B, his displacement vector relative to A is D AB , which has magnitude D AB = 6 km and a direction
of northeast. If he walks only a 0.75 fraction of the total distance, maintaining the northeasterly direction, at point C he
must be 0.75D AB = 4.5 km away from the campsite at A. So, his displacement vector at the rest point C has magnitude
D AC = 4.5 km = 0.75D AB and is parallel to the displacement vector D AB . All of this can be stated succinctly in the
form of the following vector equation:
D AC = 0.75 D AB.
In a vector equation, both sides of the equation are vectors. The previous equation is an example of a vector multiplied by a
positive scalar (number) = 0.75 . The result, D AC , of such a multiplication is a new vector with a direction parallel to
the direction of the original vector D AB .
In general, when a vector A is multiplied by a positive scalar , the result is a new vector B that is parallel to A :
B = A .
The magnitude
| |
| |
B of this new vector is obtained by multiplying the magnitude A of the original vector, as expressed
by the scalar equation:
B = || A. (2.2)
In a scalar equation, both sides of the equation are numbers. Equation 2.2 is a scalar equation because the magnitudes
of vectors are scalar quantities (and positive numbers). If the scalar is negative in the vector equation Equation 2.1,
then the magnitude
| |
B of the new vector is still given by Equation 2.2, but the direction of the new vector B is
antiparallel to the direction of A . These principles are illustrated in Figure 2.7(a) by two examples where the length
of vector A is 1.5 units. When = 2 , the new vector B = 2 A has length B = 2A = 3.0 units (twice as long
as the original vector) and is parallel to the original vector. When = 2 , the new vector C = 2 A has length
C = | 2| A = 3.0 units (twice as long as the original vector) and is antiparallel to the original vector.
Now suppose your fishing buddy departs from point A (the campsite), walking in the direction to point B (the fishing
hole), but he realizes he lost his tackle box when he stopped to rest at point C (located three-quarters of the distance
between A and B, beginning from point A). So, he turns back and retraces his steps in the direction toward the campsite
and finds the box lying on the path at some point D only 1.2 km away from point C (see Figure 2.6(b)). What is his
displacement vector D AD when he finds the box at point D? What is his displacement vector D DB from point D to the
hole? We have already established that at rest point C his displacement vector is D AC = 0.75 D AB . Starting at point
C, he walks southwest (toward the campsite), which means his new displacement vector D CD from point C to point
D is antiparallel to D AB . Its magnitude
D CD is
| D CD = 1.2 km = 0.2D AB , so his second displacement vector is
D CD = 0.2 D AB . His total displacement D AD relative to the campsite is the vector sum of the two displacement
vectors: vector D AC (from the campsite to the rest point) and vector D CD (from the rest point to the point where he
finds his box):
D AD = D AC + D CD.
The vector sum of two (or more) vectors is called the resultant vector or, for short, the resultant. When the vectors on the
right-hand-side of Equation 2.3 are known, we can find the resultant D AD as follows:
D AD = D AC + D CD = 0.75 D AB 0.2 D AB = (0.75 0.2) D AB = 0.55 D AB.
When your friend finally reaches the pond at B, his displacement vector D AB from point A is the vector sum of his
50 Chapter 2 | Vectors
displacement vector D AD from point A to point D and his displacement vector D DB from point D to the fishing hole:
D AB = D AD + D DB (see Figure 2.6(c)). This means his displacement vector D DB is the difference of two
D DB = D AB D AD = D AB + ( D AD).
Notice that a difference of two vectors is nothing more than a vector sum of two vectors because the second term in
Equation 2.5 is vector D AD (which is antiparallel to D AD) . When we substitute Equation 2.4 into Equation
2.5, we obtain the second displacement vector:
D DB = D AB D AD = D AB 0.55 D AB = (1.0 0.55) D AB = 0.45 D AB.
This result means your friend walked D DB = 0.45D AB = 0.45(6.0 km) = 2.7 km from the point where he finds his tackle
box to the fishing hole.
When vectors A and B lie along a line (that is, in one dimension), such as in the camping example, their resultant
R = A + B and their difference D = A B both lie along the same direction. We can illustrate the addition
or subtraction of vectors by drawing the corresponding vectors to scale in one dimension, as shown in Figure 2.7.
To illustrate the resultant when A and B are two parallel vectors, we draw them along one line by placing the origin
of one vector at the end of the other vector in head-to-tail fashion (see Figure 2.7(b)). The magnitude of this resultant
is the sum of their magnitudes: R = A + B. The direction of the resultant is parallel to both vectors. When vector A
is antiparallel to vector B , we draw them along one line in either head-to-head fashion (Figure 2.7(c)) or tail-to-
tail fashion. The magnitude of the vector difference, then, is the absolute value D = | A B| of the difference of their
magnitudes. The direction of the difference vector D is parallel to the direction of the longer vector.
In general, in one dimensionas well as in higher dimensions, such as in a plane or in spacewe can add any number of
vectors and we can do so in any order because the addition of vectors is commutative,
A + B = B + A ,
and associative,
( A + B ) + C = A + ( B + C ).
1 A + 2 A = ( 1 + 2) A .
u u = 1 . The only role of a unit vector is to specify direction. For example, instead of saying vector D AB has a
Example 2.1
A Ladybug Walker
A long measuring stick rests against a wall in a physics laboratory with its 200-cm end at the floor. A ladybug
lands on the 100-cm mark and crawls randomly along the stick. It first walks 15 cm toward the floor, then it walks
56 cm toward the wall, then it walks 3 cm toward the floor again. Then, after a brief stop, it continues for 25 cm
toward the floor and then, again, it crawls up 19 cm toward the wall before coming to a complete rest (Figure
2.8). Find the vector of its total displacement and its final resting position on the stick.
If we choose the direction along the stick toward the floor as the direction of unit vector ^
u , then the direction
toward the floor is + ^
u and the direction toward the wall is ^
u . The ladybug makes a total of five
D 1 = (15 cm)( + ^
u ),
D 2 = (56 cm)( ^
u ),
D 3 = (3 cm)( + ^
u ),
D 4 = (25 cm)( + u ), and
D 5 = (19 cm)( ^
u ).
The total displacement D is the resultant of all its displacement vectors.
Figure 2.8 Five displacements of the ladybug. Note that in this schematic drawing,
magnitudes of displacements are not drawn to scale. (credit: modification of work by
Persian Poet Gal/Wikimedia Commons)
52 Chapter 2 | Vectors
The resultant of all the displacement vectors is
D = D 1+ D 2+ D 3+ D 4+ D 5
= (15 cm)( + ^
u ) + (56 cm)( ^
u ) + (3 cm)( + ^
u ) + (25 cm)( + ^
u ) + (19 cm)( ^
= (15 56 + 3 + 25 19)cm ^u
= 32 cm ^
In this calculation, we use the distributive law given by Equation 2.9. The result reads that the total
displacement vector points away from the 100-cm mark (initial landing site) toward the end of the meter stick
that touches the wall. The end that touches the wall is marked 0 cm, so the final position of the ladybug is at the
(100 32)cm = 68-cm mark.
2.2 Check Your Understanding A cave diver enters a long underwater tunnel. When her displacement with
respect to the entry point is 20 m, she accidentally drops her camera, but she doesnt notice it missing until she
is some 6 m farther into the tunnel. She swims back 10 m but cannot find the camera, so she decides to end the
dive. How far from the entry point is she? Taking the positive direction out of the tunnel, what is her
displacement vector relative to the entry point?
Figure 2.9 In navigation, the laws of geometry are used to draw resultant displacements on
nautical maps.
For a geometric construction of the sum of two vectors in a plane, we follow the parallelogram rule. Suppose two vectors
A and B are at the arbitrary positions shown in Figure 2.10. Translate either one of them in parallel to the beginning
of the other vector, so that after the translation, both vectors have their origins at the same point. Now, at the end of vector
A we draw a line parallel to vector B and at the end of vector B we draw a line parallel to vector A (the dashed
lines in Figure 2.10). In this way, we obtain a parallelogram. From the origin of the two vectors we draw a diagonal that is
the resultant R of the two vectors: R = A + B (Figure 2.10(a)). The other diagonal of this parallelogram is the
vector difference of the two vectors D = A B , as shown in Figure 2.10(b). Notice that the end of the difference
vector is placed at the end of vector A .
Figure 2.10 The parallelogram rule for the addition of two vectors. Make the parallel translation of each vector to a point
where their origins (marked by the dot) coincide and construct a parallelogram with two sides on the vectors and the other
two sides (indicated by dashed lines) parallel to the vectors. (a) Draw the resultant vector R along the diagonal of the
parallelogram from the common point to the opposite corner. Length R of the resultant vector is not equal to the sum of the
magnitudes of the two vectors. (b) Draw the difference vector D = A B along the diagonal connecting the ends of
the vectors. Place the origin of vector D at the end of vector B and the end (arrowhead) of vector D at the end of
vector A . Length D of the difference vector is not equal to the difference of magnitudes of the two vectors.
It follows from the parallelogram rule that neither the magnitude of the resultant vector nor the magnitude of the difference
vector can be expressed as a simple sum or difference of magnitudes A and B, because the length of a diagonal cannot be
expressed as a simple sum of side lengths. When using a geometric construction to find magnitudes
| | | |
R and D , we
have to use trigonometry laws for triangles, which may lead to complicated algebra. There are two ways to circumvent this
algebraic complexity. One way is to use the method of components, which we examine in the next section. The other way is
to draw the vectors to scale, as is done in navigation, and read approximate vector lengths and angles (directions) from the
graphs. In this section we examine the second approach.
If we need to add three or more vectors, we repeat the parallelogram rule for the pairs of vectors until we find the resultant
of all of the resultants. For three vectors, for example, we first find the resultant of vector 1 and vector 2, and then we
find the resultant of this resultant and vector 3. The order in which we select the pairs of vectors does not matter because
the operation of vector addition is commutative and associative (see Equation 2.7 and Equation 2.8). Before we state a
general rule that follows from repetitive applications of the parallelogram rule, lets look at the following example.
Suppose you plan a vacation trip in Florida. Departing from Tallahassee, the state capital, you plan to visit your uncle
Joe in Jacksonville, see your cousin Vinny in Daytona Beach, stop for a little fun in Orlando, see a circus performance
in Tampa, and visit the University of Florida in Gainesville. Your route may be represented by five displacement vectors
A , B , C , D , and E , which are indicated by the red vectors in Figure 2.11. What is your total displacement
when you reach Gainesville? The total displacement is the vector sum of all five displacement vectors, which may be
found by using the parallelogram rule four times. Alternatively, recall that the displacement vector has its beginning at
the initial position (Tallahassee) and its end at the final position (Gainesville), so the total displacement vector can be
drawn directly as an arrow connecting Tallahassee with Gainesville (see the green vector in Figure 2.11). When we use
the parallelogram rule four times, the resultant R we obtain is exactly this green vector connecting Tallahassee with
Gainesville: R = A + B + C + D + E .
54 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Figure 2.11 When we use the parallelogram rule four times, we obtain the resultant vector
R = A + B + C + D + E , which is the green vector connecting Tallahassee with Gainesville.
Drawing the resultant vector of many vectors can be generalized by using the following tail-to-head geometric
construction. Suppose we want to draw the resultant vector R of four vectors A , B , C , and D (Figure
2.12(a)). We select any one of the vectors as the first vector and make a parallel translation of a second vector to a position
where the origin (tail) of the second vector coincides with the end (head) of the first vector. Then, we select a third
vector and make a parallel translation of the third vector to a position where the origin of the third vector coincides with
the end of the second vector. We repeat this procedure until all the vectors are in a head-to-tail arrangement like the one
shown in Figure 2.12. We draw the resultant vector R by connecting the origin (tail) of the first vector with the end
(head) of the last vector. The end of the resultant vector is at the end of the last vector. Because the addition of vectors is
associative and commutative, we obtain the same resultant vector regardless of which vector we choose to be first, second,
third, or fourth in this construction.
Example 2.2
Figure 2.13 Vectors used in Example 2.2 and in the Check Your Understanding feature that follows.
In geometric construction, to find a vector means to find its magnitude and its direction angle with the horizontal
direction. The strategy is to draw to scale the vectors that appear on the right-hand side of the equation and
construct the resultant vector. Then, use a ruler and a protractor to read the magnitude of the resultant and the
direction angle. For parts (a) and (b) we use the parallelogram rule. For (c) we use the tail-to-head method.
For parts (a) and (b), we attach the origin of vector B to the origin of vector A , as shown in Figure 2.14,
and construct a parallelogram. The shorter diagonal of this parallelogram is the sum A + B . The longer of
56 Chapter 2 | Vectors
the diagonals is the difference A B . We use a ruler to measure the lengths of the diagonals, and a protractor
to measure the angles with the horizontal. For the resultant R , we obtain R = 5.8 cm and R 0 . For the
difference D , we obtain D = 16.2 cm and D = 49.3 , which are shown in Figure 2.14.
Figure 2.14 Using the parallelogram rule to solve (a) (finding the resultant, red) and (b) (finding
the difference, blue).
For (c), we can start with vector 3 B and draw the remaining vectors tail-to-head as shown in Figure 2.15.
In vector addition, the order in which we draw the vectors is unimportant, but drawing the vectors to scale is very
important. Next, we draw vector S from the origin of the first vector to the end of the last vector and place the
arrowhead at the end of S . We use a ruler to measure the length of S , and find that its magnitude is
S = 36.9 cm. We use a protractor and find that its direction angle is S = 52.9 . This solution is shown in Figure
Check Your Understanding Using the three displacement vectors A , B , and F in Figure
2.13, choose a convenient scale, and use a ruler and a protractor to find vector G given by the vector
equation G = A + 2 B F .
Observe the addition of vectors in a plane by visiting this vector calculator (
21compveccalc) and this Phet simulation ( .
Vectors are usually described in terms of their components in a coordinate system. Even in everyday life we naturally invoke
the concept of orthogonal projections in a rectangular coordinate system. For example, if you ask someone for directions to
a particular location, you will more likely be told to go 40 km east and 30 km north than 50 km in the direction 37 north
of east.
In a rectangular (Cartesian) xy-coordinate system in a plane, a point in a plane is described by a pair of coordinates (x, y).
In a similar fashion, a vector A in a plane is described by a pair of its vector coordinates. The x-coordinate of vector
A is called its x-component and the y-coordinate of vector A is called its y-component. The vector x-component is
a vector denoted by A x . The vector y-component is a vector denoted by A y . In the Cartesian system, the x and y
vector components of a vector are the orthogonal projections of this vector onto the x- and y-axes, respectively. In this way,
following the parallelogram rule for vector addition, each vector on a Cartesian plane can be expressed as the vector sum of
its vector components:
A = A x + A y.
As illustrated in Figure 2.16, vector A is the diagonal of the rectangle where the x-component A x is the side parallel
to the x-axis and the y-component A y is the side parallel to the y-axis. Vector component A x is orthogonal to vector
component A y .
58 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Figure 2.16 Vector A in a plane in the Cartesian coordinate
system is the vector sum of its vector x- and y-components. The
x-vector component A x is the orthogonal projection of vector
A onto the x-axis. The y-vector component A y is the
orthogonal projection of vector A onto the y-axis. The numbers
A x and A y that multiply the unit vectors are the scalar components
of the vector.
It is customary to denote the positive direction on the x-axis by the unit vector i and the positive direction on the y-axis
^ ^ ^
by the unit vector j . Unit vectors of the axes, i and j , define two orthogonal directions in the plane. As shown in
Figure 2.16, the x- and y- components of a vector can now be written in terms of the unit vectors of the axes:
^ (2.11)
A x = Ax i
A y = Ay j .
The vectors A x and A y defined by Equation 2.11 are the vector components of vector A . The numbers A x and
A y that define the vector components in Equation 2.11 are the scalar components of vector A . Combining Equation
2.10 with Equation 2.11, we obtain the component form of a vector:
^ ^ (2.12)
A = Ax i + Ay j .
If we know the coordinates b(x b, y b) of the origin point of a vector (where b stands for beginning) and the coordinates
e(x e, y e) of the end point of a vector (where e stands for end), we can obtain the scalar components of a vector simply
by subtracting the origin point coordinates from the end point coordinates:
A x = xe xb (2.13)
A y = y e y b.
Example 2.3
Figure 2.17 The graph of the displacement vector. The vector points from
the origin point at b to the end point at e.
Notice that the physical unithere, 1 cmcan be placed either with each component immediately before the unit
vector or globally for both components, as in Equation 2.14. Often, the latter way is more convenient because
it is simpler.
60 Chapter 2 | Vectors
^ ^
The vector x-component D x = 4.0 i = 4.0( i ) of the displacement vector has the magnitude
| || ||
D x
^ ^
= 4.0 i = 4.0 because the magnitude of the unit vector is i = 1 . Notice, too, that the direction
of the x-component is i , which is antiparallel to the direction of the +x-axis; hence, the x-component vector
D x points to the left, as shown in Figure 2.17. The scalar x-component of vector D is D x = 4.0 .
Similarly, the vector y-component D y = + 2.9 j of the displacement vector has magnitude
| ||||
^ ^
= 2.9 j = 2.9 because the magnitude of the unit vector is j = 1 . The direction of the y-component
is + j , which is parallel to the direction of the +y-axis. Therefore, the y-component vector D y points up, as
seen in Figure 2.17. The scalar y-component of vector D is D y = + 2.9 . The displacement vector D is
the resultant of its two vector components.
The vector component form of the displacement vector Equation 2.14 tells us that the mouse pointer has been
moved on the monitor 4.0 cm to the left and 2.9 cm upward from its initial position.
2.4 Check Your Understanding A blue fly lands on a sheet of graph paper at a point located 10.0 cm to the
right of its left edge and 8.0 cm above its bottom edge and walks slowly to a point located 5.0 cm from the left
edge and 5.0 cm from the bottom edge. Choose the rectangular coordinate system with the origin at the lower
left-side corner of the paper and find the displacement vector of the fly. Illustrate your solution by graphing.
When we know the scalar components A x and A y of a vector A , we can find its magnitude A and its direction angle
A . The direction angleor direction, for shortis the angle the vector forms with the positive direction on the x-axis.
The angle A is measured in the counterclockwise direction from the +x-axis to the vector (Figure 2.18). Because the
lengths A, A x , and A y form a right triangle, they are related by the Pythagorean theorem:
A 2 = A 2x + A 2y A = A 2x + A 2y. (2.15)
This equation works even if the scalar components of a vector are negative. The direction angle A of a vector is defined
via the tangent function of angle A in the triangle shown in Figure 2.18:
Ay A y (2.16)
tan A =
A = tan 1
A x .
Figure 2.18 For vector A , its magnitude A and its direction
angle A are related to the magnitudes of its scalar components
because A, A x , and A y form a right triangle.
When the vector lies either in the first quadrant or in the fourth quadrant, where component A x is positive (Figure 2.19),
the angle in Equation 2.16) is identical to the direction angle A . For vectors in the fourth quadrant, angle is
negative, which means that for these vectors, direction angle A is measured clockwise from the positive x-axis. Similarly,
for vectors in the second quadrant, angle is negative. When the vector lies in either the second or third quadrant, where
component A x is negative, the direction angle is A = + 180 (Figure 2.19).
Example 2.4
The magnitude of vector D is
2.5 Check Your Understanding If the displacement vector of a blue fly walking on a sheet of graph paper is
^ ^
D = (5.00 i 3.00 j )cm , find its magnitude and direction.
In many applications, the magnitudes and directions of vector quantities are known and we need to find the resultant of
many vectors. For example, imagine 400 cars moving on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco in a strong wind. Each
car gives the bridge a different push in various directions and we would like to know how big the resultant push can possibly
be. We have already gained some experience with the geometric construction of vector sums, so we know the task of finding
the resultant by drawing the vectors and measuring their lengths and angles may become intractable pretty quickly, leading
to huge errors. Worries like this do not appear when we use analytical methods. The very first step in an analytical approach
is to find vector components when the direction and magnitude of a vector are known.
Let us return to the right triangle in Figure 2.18. The quotient of the adjacent side A x to the hypotenuse A is the cosine
function of direction angle A , A x/A = cos A , and the quotient of the opposite side A y to the hypotenuse A is the sine
function of A , A y/A = sin A . When magnitude A and direction A are known, we can solve these relations for the
scalar components:
A x = A cos A (2.17)
A y = A sin A
When calculating vector components with Equation 2.17, care must be taken with the angle. The direction angle A
of a vector is the angle measured counterclockwise from the positive direction on the x-axis to the vector. The clockwise
measurement gives a negative angle.
Example 2.5
On the second leg of Troopers wanderings, the magnitude of the displacement is L 2 = 300.0 m and the
direction is north. The direction angle is 2 = + 90 . We obtain the following results:
On the third leg, the displacement magnitude is L 3 = 50.0 m and the direction is 30 west of north. The
direction angle measured counterclockwise from the eastern direction is 3 = 30 + 90 = + 120 . This gives
the following answers:
L 3x = L 3 cos 3 = (50.0 m) cos 120 = 25.0 m,
L 3y = L 3 sin 3 = (50.0 m) sin 120 = + 43.3 m,
^ ^ ^ ^
L 3 = L 3x i + L 3y j = (25.0 i + 43.3 j )m.
On the fourth leg of the excursion, the displacement magnitude is L 4 = 80.0 m and the direction is south. The
direction angle can be taken as either 4 = 90 or 4 = + 270 . We obtain
64 Chapter 2 | Vectors
On the last leg, the magnitude is L 5 = 150.0 m and the angle is 5 = 23 + 270 = + 247 (23 west of
south), which gives
L 5x = L 5 cos 5 = (150.0 m) cos 247 = 58.6 m,
L 5y = L 5 sin 5 = (150.0 m) sin 247 = 138.1 m,
^ ^ ^ ^
L 5 = L 5x i + L 5y j = (58.6 i 138.1 j )m.
2.6 Check Your Understanding If Trooper runs 20 m west before taking a rest, what is his displacement
Polar Coordinates
To describe locations of points or vectors in a plane, we need two orthogonal directions. In the Cartesian coordinate system
^ ^
these directions are given by unit vectors i and j along the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively. The Cartesian coordinate
system is very convenient to use in describing displacements and velocities of objects and the forces acting on them.
However, it becomes cumbersome when we need to describe the rotation of objects. When describing rotation, we usually
work in the polar coordinate system.
In the polar coordinate system, the location of point P in a plane is given by two polar coordinates (Figure 2.20). The first
polar coordinate is the radial coordinate r, which is the distance of point P from the origin. The second polar coordinate is
an angle that the radial vector makes with some chosen direction, usually the positive x-direction. In polar coordinates,
angles are measured in radians, or rads. The radial vector is attached at the origin and points away from the origin to point
P. This radial direction is described by a unit radial vector ^
r . The second unit vector t is a vector orthogonal to the
radial direction ^
r . The positive + t direction indicates how the angle changes in the counterclockwise direction. In
this way, a point P that has coordinates (x, y) in the rectangular system can be described equivalently in the polar coordinate
system by the two polar coordinates (r, ) . Equation 2.17 is valid for any vector, so we can use it to express the x-
and y-coordinates of vector
r . In this way, we obtain the connection between the polar coordinates and rectangular
coordinates of point P:
x = r cos (2.18)
y = r sin
Figure 2.20 Using polar coordinates, the unit vector r defines
the positive direction along the radius r (radial direction) and,
orthogonal to it, the unit vector t defines the positive direction of
rotation by the angle .
Example 2.6
Polar Coordinates
A treasure hunter finds one silver coin at a location 20.0 m away from a dry well in the direction 20 north of
east and finds one gold coin at a location 10.0 m away from the well in the direction 20 north of west. What are
the polar and rectangular coordinates of these findings with respect to the well?
The well marks the origin of the coordinate system and east is the +x-direction. We identify radial distances from
the locations to the origin, which are r S = 20.0 m (for the silver coin) and r G = 10.0 m (for the gold coin). To
find the angular coordinates, we convert 20 to radians: 20 = 20/180 = /9 . We use Equation 2.18 to find
the x- and y-coordinates of the coins.
The angular coordinate of the silver coin is S = /9 , whereas the angular coordinate of the gold coin is
G = /9 = 8/9 . Hence, the polar coordinates of the silver coin are (r S, S) = (20.0 m, /9) and those
of the gold coin are (r G, G) = (10.0 m, 8/9) . We substitute these coordinates into Equation 2.18 to obtain
rectangular coordinates. For the gold coin, the coordinates are
x G = r G cos G = (10.0 m) cos 8/9 = 9.4 m
(x G, y G) = (9.4 m, 3.4 m).
y G = r G sin G = (10.0 m) sin 8/9 = 3.4 m
directions, so we need not two but three unit vectors to define a three-dimensional coordinate system. In the Cartesian
^ ^
coordinate system, the first two unit vectors are the unit vector of the x-axis i and the unit vector of the y-axis j . The
third unit vector k is the direction of the z-axis (Figure 2.21). The order in which the axes are labeled, which is the
order in which the three unit vectors appear, is important because it defines the orientation of the coordinate system. The
^ ^ ^
order x-y-z, which is equivalent to the order i - j - k , defines the standard right-handed coordinate system (positive
In three-dimensional space, vector A has three vector components: the x-component A x = A x i , which is the part
of vector A along the x-axis; the y-component A y = A y j , which is the part of A along the y-axis; and the
z-component A z = A z k , which is the part of the vector along the z-axis. A vector in three-dimensional space is the
vector sum of its three vector components (Figure 2.22):
^ ^ ^ (2.19)
A = A x i + Ay j + Az k .
If we know the coordinates of its origin b(x b, y b, z b) and of its end e(x e, y e, z e) , its scalar components are obtained by
taking their differences: A x and A y are given by Equation 2.13 and the z-component is given by
A z = z e z b. (2.20)
A = A 2x + A 2y + A 2z . (2.21)
This expression for the vector magnitude comes from applying the Pythagorean theorem twice. As seen in Figure 2.22,
the diagonal in the xy-plane has length A 2x + A 2y and its square adds to the square A 2z to give A 2 . Note that when the
z-component is zero, the vector lies entirely in the xy-plane and its description is reduced to two dimensions.
Example 2.7
Takeoff of a Drone
During a takeoff of IAI Heron (Figure 2.23), its position with respect to a control tower is 100 m above the
ground, 300 m to the east, and 200 m to the north. One minute later, its position is 250 m above the ground, 1200
m to the east, and 2100 m to the north. What is the drones displacement vector with respect to the control tower?
What is the magnitude of its displacement vector?
We take the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system as the control tower. The direction of the +x-axis is given
68 Chapter 2 | Vectors
^ ^
by unit vector i to the east, the direction of the +y-axis is given by unit vector j to the north, and the direction
of the +z-axis is given by unit vector k , which points up from the ground. The drones first position is the origin
(or, equivalently, the beginning) of the displacement vector and its second position is the end of the displacement
We identify b(300.0 m, 200.0 m, 100.0 m) and e(480.0 m, 370.0 m, 250.0m), and use Equation 2.13 and
Equation 2.20 to find the scalar components of the drones displacement vector:
D x = x e x b = 1200.0 m 300.0 m = 900.0 m,
D y = y e y b = 2100.0 m 200.0 m = 1900.0 m,
D z = z e z b = 250.0 m 100.0 m = 150.0 m.
We substitute these components into Equation 2.19 to find the displacement vector:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
D = D x i + D y j + D z k = 900.0 m i + 1900.0 m j + 150.0 m k = (0.90 i + 1.90 j + 0.15 k ) km.
2.7 Check Your Understanding If the average velocity vector of the drone in the displacement in Example
^ ^ ^
2.7 is
u = (15.0 i + 31.7 j + 2.5 k )m/s , what is the magnitude of the drones velocity vector?
Vectors can be added together and multiplied by scalars. Vector addition is associative (Equation 2.8) and commutative
(Equation 2.7), and vector multiplication by a sum of scalars is distributive (Equation 2.9). Also, scalar multiplication
by a sum of vectors is distributive:
( A + B ) = A + B .
^ ^ ^
In this equation, is any number (a scalar). For example, a vector antiparallel to vector A = A x i + A y j + A z k can
be expressed simply by multiplying A by the scalar = 1 :
^ ^ ^ (2.23)
A = A x i A y j A z k .
Example 2.8
Direction of Motion
^ ^ ^
In a Cartesian coordinate system where i denotes geographic east, j denotes geographic north, and k
denotes altitude above sea level, a military convoy advances its position through unknown territory with velocity
^ ^ ^
v = (4.0 i + 3.0 j + 0.1 k )km/h . If the convoy had to retreat, in what geographic direction would it be
The velocity vector has the third component v z = ( + 0.1km/h) k , which says the convoy is climbing at a rate
of 100 m/h through mountainous terrain. At the same time, its velocity is 4.0 km/h to the east and 3.0 km/h to
the north, so it moves on the ground in direction tan 1(3 /4) 37 north of east. If the convoy had to retreat,
its new velocity vector
u would have to be antiparallel to
v and be in the form
u =
v , where
^ ^ ^
is a positive number. Thus, the velocity of the retreat would be
u = (4.0 i 3.0 j 0.1 k )km/h . The
negative sign of the third component indicates the convoy would be descending. The direction angle of the retreat
velocity is tan 1(3/ 4) 37 south of west. Therefore, the convoy would be moving on the ground in
direction 37 south of west while descending on its way back.
The generalization of the number zero to vector algebra is called the null vector, denoted by 0 . All components of the
^ ^ ^
null vector are zero, 0 = 0 i + 0 j + 0 k , so the null vector has no length and no direction.
Two vectors A and B are equal vectors if and only if their difference is the null vector:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
0 = A B = (A x i + A y j + A z k ) (B x i + B y j + B z k ) = (A x B x) i + (A y B y) j + (A z B z) k .
This vector equation means we must have simultaneously A x B x = 0 , A y B y = 0 , and A z B z = 0 . Hence, we can
write A = B if and only if the corresponding components of vectors A and B are equal:
A x = B x (2.24)
A y = B y.
A = B
A z = B z
Two vectors are equal when their corresponding scalar components are equal.
Resolving vectors into their scalar components (i.e., finding their scalar components) and expressing them analytically in
vector component form (given by Equation 2.19) allows us to use vector algebra to find sums or differences of many
vectors analytically (i.e., without using graphical methods). For example, to find the resultant of two vectors A and B
, we simply add them component by component, as follows:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
R = A + B = (A x i + A y j + A z k ) + (B x i + B y j + B z k ) = (A x + B x) i + (A y + B y) j + (A z + B z) k .
^ ^ ^
In this way, using Equation 2.24, scalar components of the resultant vector R = R x i + R y j + R z k are the sums of
corresponding scalar components of vectors A and B :
70 Chapter 2 | Vectors
R x = A x + B x,
R y = A y + B y,
R z = A z + B z.
Analytical methods can be used to find components of a resultant of many vectors. For example, if we are to sum up
^ ^ ^
N vectors F 1, F 2, F 3, , F N , where each vector is F k = F kx i + F ky j + F kz k , the resultant vector
F R is
^ ^
F R= F 1+ F 2+ F 3++ F N = F k= F kx i + F ky j + F kz k
k=1 k=1
N ^ N ^ N ^
= F kx i + F ky j + F kz k .
k = 1 k = 1 k = 1
N (2.25)
F Rx = F kx = F 1x + F 2x + + F Nx
F Ry = F ky = F 1y + F 2y + + F Ny
F = F = F + F + + F .
Rz k = 1 kz 1z 2z Nz
Having found the scalar components, we can write the resultant in vector component form:
^ ^ ^
F R = F Rx i + F Ry j + F Rz k .
Analytical methods for finding the resultant and, in general, for solving vector equations are very important in physics
because many physical quantities are vectors. For example, we use this method in kinematics to find resultant displacement
vectors and resultant velocity vectors, in mechanics to find resultant force vectors and the resultants of many derived vector
quantities, and in electricity and magnetism to find resultant electric or magnetic vector fields.
Example 2.9
For (a) we may substitute directly into Equation 2.24 to find the scalar components of the resultant:
R x = A x + B x + C x = 8.19 cm 2.39 cm + 6.93 cm = 12.73 cm
R y = A y + B y + C y = 5.73 cm 6.58 cm + 4.00 cm = 3.15 cm
^ ^ ^ ^
Therefore, the resultant vector is R = R x i + R y j = (12.7 i + 3.1 j )cm .
^ ^ ^ ^
Hence, the difference vector is D = D x i + D y j = (10.6 i + 12.3 j )cm .
For (c), we can write vector S in the following explicit form:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
S = A 3 B + C = (A x i + A y j ) 3(B x i + B y j ) + (C x i + C y j )
^ ^
= (A x 3B x + C x) i + (A y 3B y + C y) j .
Then, the scalar components of S are
S x = A x 3B x + C x = 8.19 cm 3(2.39 cm) + 6.93 cm = 22.29 cm
S y = A y 3B y + C y = 5.73 cm 3(6.58 cm) + 4.00 cm = 29.47 cm
^ ^ ^ ^
The vector is S = S x i + S y j = (22.3 i + 29.5 j )cm .
Having found the vector components, we can illustrate the vectors by graphing or we can compute magnitudes
and direction angles, as shown in Figure 2.24. Results for the magnitudes in (b) and (c) can be compared with
results for the same problems obtained with the graphical method, shown in Figure 2.14 and Figure 2.15.
Notice that the analytical method produces exact results and its accuracy is not limited by the resolution of a ruler
or a protractor, as it was with the graphical method used in Example 2.2 for finding this same resultant.
72 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Figure 2.24 Graphical illustration of the solutions obtained analytically in Example 2.9.
Check Your Understanding Three displacement vectors A , B , and F (Figure 2.13) are
specified by their magnitudes A = 10.00, B = 7.00, and F = 20.00, respectively, and by their respective direction
angles with the horizontal direction = 35 , = 110 , and = 110 . The physical units of the
magnitudes are centimeters. Use the analytical method to find vector G = A + 2 B F . Verify that
G = 28.15 cm and that G = 68.65 .
Example 2.10
We assume that east is the direction of the positive x-axis and north is the direction of the positive y-axis. As
in Example 2.9, we have to resolve the three given forces A (the pull from Ang), B (the pull from
Bing), and C (the pull from Chang)into their scalar components and then find the scalar components of the
resultant vector R = A + B + C . When the pulling force D from Dong balances out this resultant,
the sum of D and R must give the null vector D + R = 0 . This means that D = R , so the
pull from Dong must be antiparallel to R .
The direction angles are A = = 55 , B = 90 = 30 , and C = 90 + = 145 , and substituting
them into Equation 2.17 gives the scalar components of the three given forces:
A x = A cos A = (160.0 N) cos (55) = + 91.8 N
A y = A sin A = (160.0 N) sin (55) = 131.1 N
B x = B cos B = (200.0 N) cos 30 = + 173.2 N
B y = B sin B = (200.0 N) sin 30 = + 100.0 N
C x = C cos C = (140.0 N) cos 145 = 114.7 N
C y = C sin C = (140.0 N) sin 145 = + 80.3 N
Now we compute scalar components of the resultant vector R = A + B + C :
R x = A x + B x + C x = + 91.8 N + 173.2 N 114.7 N = + 150.3 N
R y = A y + B y + C y = 131.1 N + 100.0 N + 80.3 N = + 49.2 N
The antiparallel vector to the resultant R is
^ ^ ^ ^
D = R = R x i R y j = (150.3 i 49.2 j ) N.
2.9 Check Your Understanding Suppose that Bing in Example 2.10 leaves the game to attend to more
important matters, but Ang, Chang, and Dong continue playing. Ang and Changs pull on the toy does not
change, but Dong runs around and bites on the toy in a different place. With how big a force and in what
direction must Dong pull on the toy now to balance out the combined pulls from Chang and Ang? Illustrate this
situation by drawing a vector diagram indicating all forces involved.
74 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Example 2.11
Vector Algebra
Find the magnitude of the vector C that satisfies the equation 2 A 6 B + 3 C = 2 j , where
^ ^ ^ ^
A = i 2 k and B = j + k /2 .
We first solve the given equation for the unknown vector C . Then we substitute A and B ; group the
^ ^ ^
terms along each of the three directions i , j , and k ; and identify the scalar components C x , C y , and C z .
Finally, we substitute into Equation 2.21 to find magnitude C.
2 A 6 B +3 C = 2j
3 C = 2j 2 A +6 B
C = 2 j 2 A +2 B
3 3
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
= 2 j 2 ( i 2 k ) + 2 j + k = 2 j 2 i + 4 k 2 j + k
3 3 2 3 3 3
^ ^ ^
= 2 i + 2 2 j + 4 + 1 k
3 3 3
^ ^ ^
= 2 i 4 j + 7 k.
3 3 3
The components are C x = 2 /3 , C y = 4/3 , and C z = 7 /3 , and substituting into Equation 2.21 gives
Example 2.12
Displacement of a Skier
Starting at a ski lodge, a cross-country skier goes 5.0 km north, then 3.0 km west, and finally 4.0 km southwest
before taking a rest. Find his total displacement vector relative to the lodge when he is at the rest point. How far
and in what direction must he ski from the rest point to return directly to the lodge?
We assume a rectangular coordinate system with the origin at the ski lodge and with the unit vector i pointing
east and the unit vector j pointing north. There are three displacements: D 1 , D 2 , and D 3 . We
identify their magnitudes as D 1 = 5.0 km , D 2 = 3.0 km , and D 3 = 4.0 km . We identify their directions are
the angles 1 = 90 , 2 = 180 , and 3 = 180 + 45 = 225 . We resolve each displacement vector to its
scalar components and substitute the components into Equation 2.24 to obtain the scalar components of the
resultant displacement D from the lodge to the rest point. On the way back from the rest point to the lodge, the
displacement is B = D . Finally, we find the magnitude and direction of B .
Scalar components of the displacement vectors are
^ ^ ^ ^
Hence, the skiers net displacement vector is D = D x i + D y j = (5.8 i + 2.2 j )km . On the way back
^ ^ ^ ^
to the lodge, his displacement is B = D = (5.8 i + 2.2 j )km = (5.8 i 2.2 j )km . Its magnitude is
B = B 2x + B 2y = (5.8) 2 + (2.2) 2 km = 6.2 km and its direction angle is = tan 1(2.2/5.8) = 20.8 .
Therefore, to return to the lodge, he must go 6.2 km in a direction about 21 south of east.
Notice that no figure is needed to solve this problem by the analytical method. Figures are required when using a
graphical method; however, we can check if our solution makes sense by sketching it, which is a useful final step
in solving any vector problem.
Example 2.13
Displacement of a Jogger
A jogger runs up a flight of 200 identical steps to the top of a hill and then runs along the top of the hill 50.0 m
before he stops at a drinking fountain (Figure 2.26). His displacement vector from point A at the bottom of the
^ ^
steps to point B at the fountain is D AB = (90.0 i + 30.0 j )m . What is the height and width of each step in
the flight? What is the actual distance the jogger covers? If he makes a loop and returns to point A, what is his net
displacement vector?
The displacement vector D AB is the vector sum of the joggers displacement vector D AT along the stairs
(from point A at the bottom of the stairs to point T at the top of the stairs) and his displacement vector D TB on
the top of the hill (from point T at the top of the stairs to the fountain at point B). We must find the horizontal and
the vertical components of D TB . If each step has width w and height h, the horizontal component of D TB
must have a length of 200w and the vertical component must have a length of 200h. The actual distance the jogger
covers is the sum of the distance he runs up the stairs and the distance of 50.0 m that he runs along the top of the
In the coordinate system indicated in Figure 2.26, the joggers displacement vector on the top of the hill is
D TB = (50.0 m) i . His net displacement vector is
D AB = D AT + D TB.
Therefore, his displacement vector D TB along the stairs is
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
D AT = D AB D= (90.0 i + 30.0 j )m (50.0 m) i = [(90.0 + 50.0) i + 30.0 j )]m
^ ^
= (40.0 i + 30.0 j )m.
Its scalar components are D AT x = 40.0 m and D ATy = 30.0 m . Therefore, we must have
Thus, the actual distance he runs is D AT + D TB = 50.0 m + 50.0 m = 100.0 m . When he makes a loop and
comes back from the fountain to his initial position at point A, the total distance he covers is twice this distance,
or 200.0 m. However, his net displacement vector is zero, because when his final position is the same as his initial
position, the scalar components of his net displacement vector are zero (Equation 2.13).
In many physical situations, we often need to know the direction of a vector. For example, we may want to know the
direction of a magnetic field vector at some point or the direction of motion of an object. We have already said direction is
given by a unit vector, which is a dimensionless entitythat is, it has no physical units associated with it. When the vector
in question lies along one of the axes in a Cartesian system of coordinates, the answer is simple, because then its unit vector
of direction is either parallel or antiparallel to the direction of the unit vector of an axis. For example, the direction of vector
^ ^ ^ ^
d = 5 m i is unit vector d = i . The general rule of finding the unit vector V of direction for any vector V is
to divide it by its magnitude V:
^ (2.26)
V= V .
We see from this expression that the unit vector of direction is indeed dimensionless because the numerator and the
denominator in Equation 2.26 have the same physical unit. In this way, Equation 2.26 allows us to express the unit
vector of direction in terms of unit vectors of the axes. The following example illustrates this principle.
Example 2.14
The unit vector of the convoys direction of motion is the unit vector ^
v that is parallel to the velocity vector. The
unit vector is obtained by dividing a vector by its magnitude, in accordance with Equation 2.26.
The magnitude of the vector
v is
^ ^ ^
^ (4.000 i + 3.000 j + 0.100 k )km/h
v = vv =
^ ^ ^
(4.000 i + 3.000 j + 0.100 k )
4.000 ^ 3.000 ^ 0.100 ^
= i + j + k
5.001 5.001 5.001
^ ^ ^
= (79.98 i + 59.99 j + 2.00 k ) 10 2.
Note that when using the analytical method with a calculator, it is advisable to carry out your calculations to at
least three decimal places and then round off the final answer to the required number of significant figures, which
is the way we performed calculations in this example. If you round off your partial answer too early, you risk your
final answer having a huge numerical error, and it may be far off from the exact answer or from a value measured
in an experiment.
2.10 Check Your Understanding Verify that vector ^ v obtained in Example 2.14 is indeed a unit vector
by computing its magnitude. If the convoy in Example 2.8 was moving across a desert flatlandthat is, if the
third component of its velocity was zerowhat is the unit vector of its direction of motion? Which geographic
direction does it represent?
A vector can be multiplied by another vector but may not be divided by another vector. There are two kinds of products
of vectors used broadly in physics and engineering. One kind of multiplication is a scalar multiplication of two vectors.
78 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Taking a scalar product of two vectors results in a number (a scalar), as its name indicates. Scalar products are used to
define work and energy relations. For example, the work that a force (a vector) performs on an object while causing its
displacement (a vector) is defined as a scalar product of the force vector with the displacement vector. A quite different kind
of multiplication is a vector multiplication of vectors. Taking a vector product of two vectors returns as a result a vector, as
its name suggests. Vector products are used to define other derived vector quantities. For example, in describing rotations,
a vector quantity called torque is defined as a vector product of an applied force (a vector) and its distance from pivot to
force (a vector). It is important to distinguish between these two kinds of vector multiplications because the scalar product
is a scalar quantity and a vector product is a vector quantity.
where is the angle between the vectors (shown in Figure 2.27). The scalar product is also called the dot product
because of the dot notation that indicates it.
In the definition of the dot product, the direction of angle does not matter, and can be measured from either of
the two vectors to the other because cos = cos () = cos (2 ) . The dot product is a negative number when
90 < 180 and is a positive number when 0 < 90 . Moreover, the dot product of two parallel vectors is
A B = AB cos 0 = AB , and the dot product of two antiparallel vectors is A B = AB cos 180 = AB . The
scalar product of two orthogonal vectors vanishes: A B = AB cos 90 = 0 . The scalar product of a vector with itself
is the square of its magnitude:
2 (2.28)
A A A = AA cos 0 = A 2.
Figure 2.27 The scalar product of two vectors. (a) The angle between the two vectors. (b) The orthogonal projection A of
vector A onto the direction of vector B . (c) The orthogonal projection B of vector B onto the direction of vector
A .
Example 2.15
From Figure 2.13, the magnitudes of vectors A and F are A = 10.0 and F = 20.0. Angle , between
them, is the difference: = = 110 35 = 75 . Substituting these values into Equation 2.27 gives
the scalar product.
A straightforward calculation gives us
A F = AF cos = (10.0)(20.0) cos 75 = 51.76.
Check Your Understanding For the vectors given in Figure 2.13, find the scalar products A B
and F C .
In the Cartesian coordinate system, scalar products of the unit vector of an axis with other unit vectors of axes always vanish
because these unit vectors are orthogonal:
^ ^
^ ^
i j = i j cos 90 = (1)(1)(0) = 0,
^ ^
^ ^
i k = i k cos 90 = (1)(1)(0) = 0,
^ ^
^ ^
k j = k j cos 90 = (1)(1)(0) = 0.
|| || ||
^ ^ ^
In these equations, we use the fact that the magnitudes of all unit vectors are one: i = j = k = 1 . For unit vectors of
For example, in the rectangular coordinate system in a plane, the scalar x-component of a vector is its dot product with the
^ ^
unit vector i , and the scalar y-component of a vector is its dot product with the unit vector j :
| ||
i = A i cos A = A cos A = A x
| ||
^ ^
j = A j cos (90 A) = A sin A = A y
A B = B A ,
80 Chapter 2 | Vectors
A ( B + C ) = A B + A C .
We can use the commutative and distributive laws to derive various relations for vectors, such as expressing the dot product
of two vectors in terms of their scalar components.
2.12 ^ ^ ^
Check Your Understanding For vector A = A x i + A y j + A z k in a rectangular coordinate
^ ^
system, use Equation 2.29 through Equation 2.32 to show that A i = Ax A j = A y and
A k = Az .
When the vectors in Equation 2.27 are given in their vector component forms,
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
A = A x i + A y j + A z k and B = B x i + B y j + B z k ,
Since scalar products of two different unit vectors of axes give zero, and scalar products of unit vectors with themselves
give one (see Equation 2.29 and Equation 2.30), there are only three nonzero terms in this expression. Thus, the scalar
product simplifies to
A B = A x B x + A y B y + A z B z.
We can use Equation 2.33 for the scalar product in terms of scalar components of vectors to find the angle between two
vectors. When we divide Equation 2.27 by AB, we obtain the equation for cos , into which we substitute Equation
A x B x + Ay By + Az Bz (2.34)
cos = A B = .
Angle between vectors A and B is obtained by taking the inverse cosine of the expression in Equation 2.34.
Example 2.16
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
force F 1 = (10.0 i 20.4 j + 2.0 k )N , the second dog pulls with force F 2 = (15.0 i 6.2 k )N , and
^ ^
the third dog pulls with force F 3 = (5.0 i + 12.5 j )N . What is the angle between forces F 1 and F 2 ?
The components of force vector F 1 are F 1x = 10.0 N , F 1y = 20.4 N , and F 1z = 2.0 N , whereas those
of force vector F 2 are F 2x = 15.0 N , F 2y = 0.0 N , and F 2z = 6.2 N . Computing the scalar product of
these vectors and their magnitudes, and substituting into Equation 2.34 gives the angle of interest.
The magnitudes of forces F 1 and F 2 are
2 2 2
F 1 = F 1x + F 1y + F 1z = 10.0 2 + 20.4 2 + 2.0 2 N = 22.8 N
2 2 2
F 2 = F 2x + F 2y + F 2z = 15.0 2 + 6.2 2 N = 16.2 N.
Substituting the scalar components into Equation 2.33 yields the scalar product
F 1 F 2 = F 1x F 2x + F 1y F 2y + F 1z F 2z
= (10.0 N)(15.0 N) + (20.4 N)(0.0 N) + (2.0 N)(6.2 N)
= 162.4 N 2.
Finally, substituting everything into Equation 2.34 gives the angle
F 1 F 162.4N 2
cos = 2 = = 0.439 = cos 1(0.439) = 116.0.
F1 F2 (22.8 N)(16.2 N)
Notice that when vectors are given in terms of the unit vectors of axes, we can find the angle between them
without knowing the specifics about the geographic directions the unit vectors represent. Here, for example, the
+x-direction might be to the east and the +y-direction might be to the north. But, the angle between the forces in
the problem is the same if the +x-direction is to the west and the +y-direction is to the south.
82 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Check Your Understanding Find the angle between forces F 1 and F 3 in Example 2.16.
Example 2.17
Calculating the work is a straightforward application of the dot product:
W 3 = F 3 D = F 3x D x + F 3y D y + F 3z D z
= (5.0 N)(0.0 cm) + (12.5 N)(7.9 cm) + (0.0 N)(4.2 cm)
= 98.7 N cm.
The SI unit of work is called the joule (J) , where 1 J = 1 N m . The unit cm N can be written as
10 2 m N = 10 2 J , so the answer can be expressed as W 3 = 0.9875 J 1.0 J .
2.14 Check Your Understanding How much work is done by the first dog and by the second dog in
Example 2.16 on the displacement in Example 2.17?
A B = AB sin , (2.35)
where angle , between the two vectors, is measured from vector A (first vector in the product) to vector B
(second vector in the product), as indicated in Figure 2.29, and is between 0 and 180 .
According to Equation 2.35, the vector product vanishes for pairs of vectors that are either parallel = 0 or
antiparallel = 180 because sin 0 = sin 180 = 0 .
On the line perpendicular to the plane that contains vectors A and B there are two alternative directionseither up or
down, as shown in Figure 2.29and the direction of the vector product may be either one of them. In the standard right-
handed orientation, where the angle between vectors is measured counterclockwise from the first vector, vector A B
points upward, as seen in Figure 2.29(a). If we reverse the order of multiplication, so that now B comes first in the
product, then vector B A must point downward, as seen in Figure 2.29(b). This means that vectors A B
and B A are antiparallel to each other and that vector multiplication is not commutative but anticommutative. The
anticommutative property means the vector product reverses the sign when the order of multiplication is reversed:
A B = B A .
The corkscrew right-hand rule is a common mnemonic used to determine the direction of the vector product. As shown
in Figure 2.30, a corkscrew is placed in a direction perpendicular to the plane that contains vectors A and B , and
its handle is turned in the direction from the first to the second vector in the product. The direction of the cross product is
given by the progression of the corkscrew.
84 Chapter 2 | Vectors
Example 2.18
Figure 2.31 A wrench provides grip and mechanical advantage in applying torque to turn a nut. (a) Turn
counterclockwise to loosen the nut. (b) Turn clockwise to tighten the nut.
We adopt the frame of reference shown in Figure 2.31, where vectors R and F lie in the xy-plane and
the origin is at the position of the nut. The radial direction along vector R (pointing away from the origin)
is the reference direction for measuring the angle because R is the first vector in the vector product
= R F . Vector must lie along the z-axis because this is the axis that is perpendicular to the
xy-plane, where both R and F lie. To compute the magnitude , we use Equation 2.35. To find the
direction of , we use the corkscrew right-hand rule (Figure 2.30).
For the situation in (a), the corkscrew rule gives the direction of R F in the positive direction of the z-axis.
Physically, it means the torque vector points out of the page, perpendicular to the wrench handle. We identify
F = 20.00 N and R = 0.25 m, and compute the magnitude using Equation 2.11:
= R F = RF sin = (0.25 m)(20.00 N) sin 40 = 3.21 N m.
For the situation in (b), the corkscrew rule gives the direction of R F in the negative direction of
the z-axis. Physically, it means the vector points into the page, perpendicular to the wrench handle. The
magnitude of this torque is
= R F = RF sin = (0.25 m)(20.00 N) sin 45 = 3.53 N m.
The torque has the largest value when sin = 1 , which happens when = 90 . Physically, it means the
wrench is most effectivegiving us the best mechanical advantagewhen we apply the force perpendicular
to the wrench handle. For the situation in this example, this best-torque value is
best = RF = (0.25 m)(20.00 N) = 5.00 N m .
86 Chapter 2 | Vectors
When solving mechanics problems, we often do not need to use the corkscrew rule at all, as well see now in the
following equivalent solution. Notice that once we have identified that vector R F lies along the z-axis,
we can write this vector in terms of the unit vector k of the z-axis:
R F = RF sin k .
In this equation, the number that multiplies k is the scalar z-component of the vector R F . In the
computation of this component, care must be taken that the angle is measured counterclockwise from
R (first vector) to F (second vector). Following this principle for the angles, we obtain
RF sin ( + 40) = + 3.2 N m for the situation in (a), and we obtain RF sin (45) = 3.5 N m for the
situation in (b). In the latter case, the angle is negative because the graph in Figure 2.31 indicates the
angle is measured clockwise; but, the same result is obtained when this angle is measured counterclockwise
because +(360 45) = + 315 and sin ( + 315) = sin (45) . In this way, we obtain the solution without
reference to the corkscrew rule. For the situation in (a), the solution is R F = + 3.2 N m k ; for the
situation in (b), the solution is R F = 3.5 N m k .
2.15 Check Your Understanding For the vectors given in Figure 2.13, find the vector products
A B and C F .
Similar to the dot product (Equation 2.31), the cross product has the following distributive property:
A ( B + C )= A B + A C .
The distributive property is applied frequently when vectors are expressed in their component forms, in terms of unit vectors
of Cartesian axes.
^ ^ ^
When we apply the definition of the cross product, Equation 2.35, to unit vectors i , j , and k that define the positive
x-, y-, and z-directions in space, we find that
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (2.38)
i i = j j = k k = 0.
^ ^ ^
All other cross products of these three unit vectors must be vectors of unit magnitudes because i , j , and k are
^ ^
orthogonal. For example, for the pair i and j , the magnitude is
^ ^
| |
^ ^
i j = i j sin 90 = (1)(1)(1) = 1 . The direction
of the vector product i j must be orthogonal to the xy-plane, which means it must be along the z-axis. The only unit
^ ^ ^ ^
vectors along the z-axis are k or + k . By the corkscrew rule, the direction of vector i j must be parallel to the
^ ^ ^
positive z-axis. Therefore, the result of the multiplication i j is identical to + k . We can repeat similar reasoning for
the remaining pairs of unit vectors. The results of these multiplications are
^ ^ ^ (2.39)
i j = + k,
^j ^ ^
k = + i,
^k ^ ^
i = + j.
^ ^ ^
Notice that in Equation 2.39, the three unit vectors i , j , and k appear in the cyclic order shown in a diagram in
^ ^ ^ ^
Figure 2.32(a). The cyclic order means that in the product formula, i follows k and comes before j , or k follows
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
j and comes before i , or j follows i and comes before k . The cross product of two different unit vectors is always
a third unit vector. When two unit vectors in the cross product appear in the cyclic order, the result of such a multiplication
is the remaining unit vector, as illustrated in Figure 2.32(b). When unit vectors in the cross product appear in a different
order, the result is a unit vector that is antiparallel to the remaining unit vector (i.e., the result is with the minus sign, as
shown by the examples in Figure 2.32(c) and Figure 2.32(d). In practice, when the task is to find cross products of
vectors that are given in vector component form, this rule for the cross-multiplication of unit vectors is very useful.
Figure 2.32 (a) The diagram of the cyclic order of the unit vectors of the
axes. (b) The only cross products where the unit vectors appear in the cyclic
order. These products have the positive sign. (c, d) Two examples of cross
products where the unit vectors do not appear in the cyclic order. These
products have the negative sign.
^ ^ ^
Suppose we want to find the cross product A B for vectors A = A x i + Ay j + Az k and
^ ^ ^
B = B x i + B y j + B z k . We can use the distributive property (Equation 2.37), the anticommutative property
(Equation 2.36), and the results in Equation 2.38 and Equation 2.39 for unit vectors to perform the following algebra:
88 Chapter 2 | Vectors
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
A B = (A x i + A y j + A z k ) (B x i + B y j + B z k )
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
= A x i (B x i + B y j + B z k ) + A y j (B x i + B y j + B z k ) + A z k (B x i + B y j + B z k )
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
= A x B x i i + A x By i j + A x Bz i k
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
+ Ay B x j i + Ay By j j + Ay Bz j k
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
+ Az B x k i + Az By k j + Az Bz k k
^ ^
= A x B x(0) + A x B y( + k ) + A x B z( j )
^ ^
+ A y B x( k ) + A y B y(0) + A y B z( + i )
^ ^
+ A z B x( + j ) + A z B y( i ) + A z B z(0).
When performing algebraic operations involving the cross product, be very careful about keeping the correct order of
multiplication because the cross product is anticommutative. The last two steps that we still have to do to complete our task
are, first, grouping the terms that contain a common unit vector and, second, factoring. In this way we obtain the following
very useful expression for the computation of the cross product:
^ ^ ^ (2.40)
C = A B = (A y B z A z B y) i + (A z B x A x B z) j + (A x B y A y B x) k .
When finding the cross product, in practice, we can use either Equation 2.35 or Equation 2.40, depending on which one
of them seems to be less complex computationally. They both lead to the same final result. One way to make sure if the
final result is correct is to use them both.
Example 2.19
First, we want to find the vector product
u B , because then we can determine the magnetic force
using F =
u B . Magnitude F can be found either by using components, F = F x2 + F y2 + F z2 , or by
(a) The components of the magnetic field vector are B x = 7.2 , B y = 1.0 , and B z = 2.4 . Substituting them
into Equation 2.41 gives the scalar components of vector F =
u B :
F x = (u y B z u z B y) = [(2.0)(2.4) (3.5)(1.0)] = 8.3
F y = (u z B x u x B z) = [(3.5)(7.2) (5.0)(2.4)] = 13.2 .
F z = (u x B y u y B x) = [(5.0)(1.0) (2.0)(7.2)] = 19.4
^ ^ ^
Thus, the magnetic force is F = (8.3 i + 13.2 j + 19.4 k ) and its magnitude is
To compute angle , we may need to find the magnitude of the magnetic field vector,
2.16 ^ ^ ^ ^
Check Your Understanding Given two vectors A = i + j and B = 3 i j , find (a)
| |
A B , (b) A B , (c) the angle between A and B , and (d) the angle between A B and
^ ^
vector C = i + k .
In conclusion to this section, we want to stress that dot product and cross product are entirely different mathematical
objects that have different meanings. The dot product is a scalar; the cross product is a vector. Later chapters use the
terms dot product and scalar product interchangeably. Similarly, the terms cross product and vector product are used
anticommutative property change in the order of operation introduces the minus sign
antiparallel vectors two vectors with directions that differ by 180
parallel vectors two vectors with exactly the same direction angles
parallelogram rule geometric construction of the vector sum in a plane
polar coordinate system an orthogonal coordinate system where location in a plane is given by polar coordinates
polar coordinates a radial coordinate and an angle
radial coordinate distance to the origin in a polar coordinate system
resultant vector vector sum of two (or more) vectors
scalar a number, synonymous with a scalar quantity in physics
scalar component a number that multiplies a unit vector in a vector component of a vector
scalar equation equation in which the left-hand and right-hand sides are numbers
scalar product the result of the scalar multiplication of two vectors is a scalar called a scalar product; also called a dot
scalar quantity quantity that can be specified completely by a single number with an appropriate physical unit
tail-to-head geometric construction geometric construction for drawing the resultant vector of many vectors
unit vector vector of a unit magnitude that specifies direction; has no physical unit
unit vectors of the axes unit vectors that define orthogonal directions in a plane or in space
vector mathematical object with magnitude and direction
vector components orthogonal components of a vector; a vector is the vector sum of its vector components.
92 Chapter 2 | Vectors
vector equation equation in which the left-hand and right-hand sides are vectors
vector product the result of the vector multiplication of vectors is a vector called a vector product; also called a cross
vector quantity physical quantity described by a mathematical vectorthat is, by specifying both its magnitude and its
direction; synonymous with a vector in physics
vector sum resultant of the combination of two (or more) vectors
Multiplication by a scalar
(vector equation) B = A
Multiplication by a scalar
(scalar equation for B = || A
Resultant of two vectors D AD = D AC + D CD
Commutative law A + B = B + A
Associative law ( A + B )+ C = A +( B + C )
Distributive law 1 A + 2 A = ( 1 + 2) A
Magnitude of a vector in a
A = A 2x + A 2y
A y
A x
The direction angle of a vector A = tan 1
in a plane
A x = A cos A
Scalar components of a vector
in a plane A y = A sin A
x = r cos
Polar coordinates in a plane
y = r sin
^ ^ ^
Antiparallel vector to A A = A x i A y j A z k
A x = B x
A y = B y
A = B
A z = B z
Equal vectors
F Rx = F kx = F 1x + F 2x + + F Nx
Components of the resultant of F Ry = F ky = F 1y + F 2y + + F Ny
N vectors k=1
F = F = F + F + + F
Rz k = 1 kz 1z 2z Nz
General unit vector V= V
Definition of the scalar product A B = AB cos
^k ^ ^
i = + j.
2.1 Scalars and Vectors
A vector quantity is any quantity that has magnitude and direction, such as displacement or velocity. Vector
quantities are represented by mathematical objects called vectors.
Geometrically, vectors are represented by arrows, with the end marked by an arrowhead. The length of the vector is
its magnitude, which is a positive scalar. On a plane, the direction of a vector is given by the angle the vector makes
94 Chapter 2 | Vectors
with a reference direction, often an angle with the horizontal. The direction angle of a vector is a scalar.
Two vectors are equal if and only if they have the same magnitudes and directions. Parallel vectors have the same
direction angles but may have different magnitudes. Antiparallel vectors have direction angles that differ by 180 .
Orthogonal vectors have direction angles that differ by 90 .
When a vector is multiplied by a scalar, the result is another vector of a different length than the length of the original
vector. Multiplication by a positive scalar does not change the original direction; only the magnitude is affected.
Multiplication by a negative scalar reverses the original direction. The resulting vector is antiparallel to the original
vector. Multiplication by a scalar is distributive. Vectors can be divided by nonzero scalars but cannot be divided by
Two or more vectors can be added to form another vector. The vector sum is called the resultant vector. We can add
vectors to vectors or scalars to scalars, but we cannot add scalars to vectors. Vector addition is commutative and
To construct a resultant vector of two vectors in a plane geometrically, we use the parallelogram rule. To construct
a resultant vector of many vectors in a plane geometrically, we use the tail-to-head method.
their magnitudes by the sine of the angle between them. The direction of the vector product can be determined by the
corkscrew right-hand rule. The vector product of two either parallel or antiparallel vectors vanishes. The magnitude
of the vector product is largest for orthogonal vectors.
The scalar product of vectors is used to find angles between vectors and in the definitions of derived scalar physical
quantities such as work or energy.
The cross product of vectors is used in definitions of derived vector physical quantities such as torque or magnetic
force, and in describing rotations.
12. Can the magnitude of a particles displacement be
2.1 Scalars and Vectors greater that the distance traveled?
1. A weather forecast states the temperature is predicted to
be 5 C the following day. Is this temperature a vector or 13. If two vectors are equal, what can you say about their
a scalar quantity? Explain. components? What can you say about their magnitudes?
What can you say about their directions?
2. Which of the following is a vector: a persons height,
the altitude on Mt. Everest, the velocity of a fly, the age of 14. If three vectors sum up to zero, what geometric
Earth, the boiling point of water, the cost of a book, Earths condition do they satisfy?
population, or the acceleration of gravity?
3. Give a specific example of a vector, stating its 2.2 Coordinate Systems and Components of a
magnitude, units, and direction. Vector
15. Give an example of a nonzero vector that has a
4. What do vectors and scalars have in common? How do component of zero.
they differ?
16. Explain why a vector cannot have a component greater
5. Suppose you add two vectors A and B . What than its own magnitude.
relative direction between them produces the resultant with
the greatest magnitude? What is the maximum magnitude? 17. If two vectors are equal, what can you say about their
What relative direction between them produces the components?
resultant with the smallest magnitude? What is the
minimum magnitude?
18. If vectors A and B are orthogonal, what is the
6. Is it possible to add a scalar quantity to a vector component of B along the direction of A ? What is
the component of A along the direction of B ?
22. If the cross product of two vectors vanishes, what can 24. What is the dot product of a vector with the cross
you say about their directions? product that this vector has with another vector?
east. Use a graphical method to find the total distance the right.
plane covers from the starting point and the direction of the
path to the final position. 39. You drive 7.50 km in a straight line in a direction 15
east of north. (a) Find the distances you would have to drive
33. A trapper walks a 5.0-km straight-line distance from straight east and then straight north to arrive at the same
his cabin to the lake, as shown in the following figure. Use point. (b) Show that you still arrive at the same point if
a graphical method (the parallelogram rule) to determine the east and north legs are reversed in order. Assume the
the trappers displacement directly to the east and +x-axis is to the east.
displacement directly to the north that sum up to his
resultant displacement vector. If the trapper walked only in
40. A sledge is being pulled by two horses on a flat
directions east and north, zigzagging his way to the lake,
terrain. The net force on the sledge can be expressed in
how many kilometers would he have to walk to get to the
the Cartesian coordinate system as vector
^ ^ ^ ^
F = (2980.0 i + 8200.0 j )N , where i and j
denote directions to the east and north, respectively. Find
the magnitude and direction of the pull.
46. A fly enters through an open window and zooms 52. Assuming the +x-axis is horizontal to the right for
around the room. In a Cartesian coordinate system with the vectors given in the following figure, use the analytical
three axes along three edges of the room, the fly changes
method to find the following resultants: (a) A + B ,
its position from point b(4.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.5 m) to point e(1.0
m, 4.5 m, 0.5 m). Find the scalar components of the flys (b) C + B , (c) D + F , (d) A B , (e)
displacement vector and express its displacement vector in
vector component form. What is its magnitude? D F , (f) A + 2 F , (g) C 2 D + 3 F ,
and (h) A 4 D + 2 F .
^ ^
56. If D = (6.00 i 8.00 j )m ,
^ ^
B = (8.00 i + 3.00 j )m , and
^ ^
A = (26.0 i + 19.0 j )m , find the unknown constants a
and b such that a D + b B + A = 0 .
^ ^
57. Given the displacement vector D = (3 i 4 j )m,
find the displacement vector R so that
D + R = 4D j .
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(3 i j ) B , and (h) B B . D = (2.0 i 4.0 j + k )m makes with the x-, y-, and z-
68. Find the cross product A C for (a)
^ ^ ^
A = 2.0 i 4.0 j + k and
^ ^ ^
C = 3.0 i + 4.0 j + 10.0 k , (b)
^ ^ ^
A = 3.0 i + 4.0 j + 10.0 k and
63. Assuming the +x-axis is horizontal to the right for the
vectors in the preceding figure, find (a) the component of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
C = 2.0 i 4.0 j + k , (c) A = 3.0 i 4.0 j
vector A along vector C , (b) the component of vector ^ ^
^ and C = 3.0 i + 4.0 j , and (d)
C along vector A , (c) the component of vector i
^ ^ ^ ^
along vector F , and (d) the component of vector F C = 2.0 i + 3.0 j + 2.0 k and A = 9.0 j .
along vector i .
69. For the vectors in the earlier figure, find (a)
( A F ) D , (b) ( A F ) ( D B ) , and
64. Find the angle between vectors for (a)
^ ^ (c) ( A F )( D B ) .
D = (3.0 i 4.0 j )m and
^ ^
A = (3.0 i + 4.0 j )m and (b)
70. A F = B F , can we conclude
(a) If
^ ^ ^
D = (2.0 i 4.0 j + k )m and A = B ? (b) If A F = B F , can we
^ ^ ^
B = (2.0 i + 3.0 j + 2.0 k )m . conclude A = B ? (c) If F A = B F , can we
conclude A = B ? Why or why not?
65. Find the angles that vector
71. You fly 32.0 km in a straight line in still air in the axesnamely, the one rotated by 45 with respect to the
direction 35.0 south of west. (a) Find the distances you axes in (a).
would have to fly due south and then due west to arrive
at the same point. (b) Find the distances you would have 72. Rectangular coordinates of a point are given by (2, y)
to fly first in a direction 45.0 south of west and then and its polar coordinates are given by (r, /6) . Find y and
in a direction 45.0 west of north. Note these are the r.
components of the displacement along a different set of
73. If the polar coordinates of a point are (r, ) and What angle does the leash make with the vertical?
its rectangular coordinates are (x, y) , determine the polar
81. If the velocity vector of a polar bear is
coordinates of the following points: (a) (x, y), (b) (2x,
^ ^
2y), and (c) (3x, 3y). u = (18.0 i 13.0 j )km/h , how fast and in what
^ ^
geographic direction is it heading? Here, i and j are
74. Vectors A and B have identical magnitudes
of 5.0 units. Find the angle between them if directions to geographic east and north, respectively.
A + B =5 2j . 82. Find the scalar components of three-dimensional
vectors G and H in the following figure and write
75. Starting at the island of Moi in an unknown the vectors in vector component form in terms of the unit
archipelago, a fishing boat makes a round trip with two vectors of the axes.
stops at the islands of Noi and Poi. It sails from Moi for
4.76 nautical miles (nmi) in a direction 37 north of east
to Noi. From Noi, it sails 69 west of north to Poi. On
its return leg from Poi, it sails 28 east of south. What
distance does the boat sail between Noi and Poi? What
distance does it sail between Moi and Poi? Express your
answer both in nautical miles and in kilometers. Note: 1
nmi = 1852 m.
77. Show that when A + B = C , then
2 2 2
C = A + B + 2AB cos , where is the angle
between vectors A and B .
84. A force vector A has x- and y-components,
respectively, of 8.80 units of force and 15.00 units of
force. The x- and y-components of force vector B are,
respectively, 13.20 units of force and 6.60 units of force.
Find the components of force vector C that satisfies the
vector equation A B + 3 C = 0 .
85. Vectors A and B are two orthogonal vectors
in the xy-plane and they have identical magnitudes. If
^ ^
A = 3.0 i + 4.0 j , find B .
G H .
87. Show that ( B C ) A is the volume of the
parallelepiped, with edges formed by the three vectors in
the following figure.
cm long. Find the angle between these two vectors when
88. Vector B is 5.0 cm long and vector A is 4.0
A + B = 3.0 cm and A B = 3.0 cm .
| (a) Show that, during the transformation of rotation, the
coordinates in S are expressed in terms of the coordinates
in S by the following relations:
89. What is the component of the force vector x = x cos + y sin
^ ^ ^ .
G = (3.0 i + 4.0 j + 10.0 k )N along the force vector y = x sin + y cos
(x P x Q) 2 + (y P y Q) 2 = (x P x Q) 2 + (y P y Q) 2.
Figure 3.1 A JR Central L0 series five-car maglev (magnetic levitation) train undergoing a test run on the Yamanashi Test
Track. The maglev trains motion can be described using kinematics, the subject of this chapter. (credit: modification of work by
Maryland GovPics/Flickr)
Chapter Outline
3.1 Position, Displacement, and Average Velocity
3.2 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
3.3 Average and Instantaneous Acceleration
3.4 Motion with Constant Acceleration
3.5 Free Fall
3.6 Finding Velocity and Displacement from Acceleration
Our universe is full of objects in motion. From the stars, planets, and galaxies; to the motion of people and animals; down
to the microscopic scale of atoms and moleculeseverything in our universe is in motion. We can describe motion using
the two disciplines of kinematics and dynamics. We study dynamics, which is concerned with the causes of motion, in
Newtons Laws of Motion; but, there is much to be learned about motion without referring to what causes it, and this
is the study of kinematics. Kinematics involves describing motion through properties such as position, time, velocity, and
A full treatment of kinematics considers motion in two and three dimensions. For now, we discuss motion in one dimension,
which provides us with the tools necessary to study multidimensional motion. A good example of an object undergoing one-
dimensional motion is the maglev (magnetic levitation) train depicted at the beginning of this chapter. As it travels, say, from
Tokyo to Kyoto, it is at different positions along the track at various times in its journey, and therefore has displacements,
or changes in position. It also has a variety of velocities along its path and it undergoes accelerations (changes in velocity).
With the skills learned in this chapter we can calculate these quantities and average velocity. All these quantities can be
described using kinematics, without knowing the trains mass or the forces involved.
106 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
When youre in motion, the basic questions to ask are: Where are you? Where are you going? How fast are you getting
there? The answers to these questions require that you specify your position, your displacement, and your average
velocitythe terms we define in this section.
To describe the motion of an object, you must first be able to describe its position (x): where it is at any particular time.
More precisely, we need to specify its position relative to a convenient frame of reference. A frame of reference is an
arbitrary set of axes from which the position and motion of an object are described. Earth is often used as a frame of
reference, and we often describe the position of an object as it relates to stationary objects on Earth. For example, a rocket
launch could be described in terms of the position of the rocket with respect to Earth as a whole, whereas a cyclists position
could be described in terms of where she is in relation to the buildings she passes Figure 3.2. In other cases, we use
reference frames that are not stationary but are in motion relative to Earth. To describe the position of a person in an airplane,
for example, we use the airplane, not Earth, as the reference frame. To describe the position of an object undergoing one-
dimensional motion, we often use the variable x. Later in the chapter, during the discussion of free fall, we use the variable
If an object moves relative to a frame of referencefor example, if a professor moves to the right relative to a whiteboard
Figure 3.3then the objects position changes. This change in position is called displacement. The word displacement
implies that an object has moved, or has been displaced. Although position is the numerical value of x along a straight line
where an object might be located, displacement gives the change in position along this line. Since displacement indicates
direction, it is a vector and can be either positive or negative, depending on the choice of positive direction. Also, an analysis
of motion can have many displacements embedded in it. If right is positive and an object moves 2 m to the right, then 4 m
to the left, the individual displacements are 2 m and 4 m, respectively.
Figure 3.3 A professor paces left and right while lecturing. Her position relative to Earth
is given by x. The +2.0-m displacement of the professor relative to Earth is represented by
an arrow pointing to the right.
Displacement x is the change in position of an object:
x = x f x 0, (3.1)
We use the uppercase Greek letter delta () to mean change in whatever quantity follows it; thus, x means change in
position (final position less initial position). We always solve for displacement by subtracting initial position x 0 from final
position x f . Note that the SI unit for displacement is the meter, but sometimes we use kilometers or other units of length.
Keep in mind that when units other than meters are used in a problem, you may need to convert them to meters to complete
the calculation (see Appendix B).
Objects in motion can also have a series of displacements. In the previous example of the pacing professor, the individual
displacements are 2 m and 4 m, giving a total displacement of 2 m. We define total displacement x Total , as the sum
of the individual displacements, and express this mathematically with the equation
x Total = x i, (3.2)
x 1 = x 1 x 0 = 2 0 = 2 m.
x 2 = x 2 x 1 = 2 (2) = 4 m.
108 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
x Total = x 1 + x 2 = 2 4 = 2 m.
The total displacement is 2 4 = 2 m to the left, or in the negative direction. It is also useful to calculate the magnitude
of the displacement, or its size. The magnitude of the displacement is always positive. This is the absolute value of
the displacement, because displacement is a vector and cannot have a negative value of magnitude. In our example, the
magnitude of the total displacement is 2 m, whereas the magnitudes of the individual displacements are 2 m and 4 m.
The magnitude of the total displacement should not be confused with the distance traveled. Distance traveled x Total , is the
total length of the path traveled between two positions. In the previous problem, the distance traveled is the sum of the
magnitudes of the individual displacements:
x Total = |x 1| + |x 2| = 2 + 4 = 6 m.
Average Velocity
To calculate the other physical quantities in kinematics we must introduce the time variable. The time variable allows us not
only to state where the object is (its position) during its motion, but also how fast it is moving. How fast an object is moving
is given by the rate at which the position changes with time.
For each position x i , we assign a particular time t i . If the details of the motion at each instant are not important, the rate
is usually expressed as the average velocity v . This vector quantity is simply the total displacement between two points
divided by the time taken to travel between them. The time taken to travel between two points is called the elapsed time
t .
Average Velocity
If x 1 and x 2 are the positions of an object at times t 1 and t 2 , respectively, then
It is important to note that the average velocity is a vector and can be negative, depending on positions x 1 and x 2 .
Example 3.1
Delivering Flyers
Jill sets out from her home to deliver flyers for her yard sale, traveling due east along her street lined with houses.
At 0.5 km and 9 minutes later she runs out of flyers and has to retrace her steps back to her house to get more.
This takes an additional 9 minutes. After picking up more flyers, she sets out again on the same path, continuing
where she left off, and ends up 1.0 km from her house. This third leg of her trip takes 15 minutes. At this point
she turns back toward her house, heading west. After 1.75 km and 25 minutes she stops to rest.
a. What is Jills total displacement to the point where she stops to rest?
b. What is the magnitude of the final displacement?
c. What is the average velocity during her entire trip?
d. What is the total distance traveled?
e. Make a graph of position versus time.
A sketch of Jills movements is shown in Figure 3.4.
The problem contains data on the various legs of Jills trip, so it would be useful to make a table of the physical
quantities. We are given position and time in the wording of the problem so we can calculate the displacements
and the elapsed time. We take east to be the positive direction. From this information we can find the total
displacement and average velocity. Jills home is the starting point x 0 . The following table gives Jills time and
position in the first two columns, and the displacements are calculated in the third column.
t0 = 0 x0 = 0 x 0 = 0
t1 = 9 x 1 = 0.5 x 1 = x 1 x 0 = 0.5
t 2 = 18 x2 = 0 x 2 = x 2 x 1 = 0.5
t 3 = 33 x 3 = 1.0 x 3 = x 3 x 2 = 1.0
t 4 = 58 x 4 = 0.75 x 4 = x 4 x 3 = 1.75
a. From the above table, the total displacement is
e. We can graph Jills position versus time as a useful aid to see the motion; the graph is shown in Figure
110 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Figure 3.5 This graph depicts Jills position versus time. The
average velocity is the slope of a line connecting the initial and
final points.
Jills total displacement is 0.75 km, which means at the end of her trip she ends up 0.75 km due west of her
home. The average velocity means if someone was to walk due west at 0.013 km/min starting at the same time
Jill left her home, they both would arrive at the final stopping point at the same time. Note that if Jill were to
end her trip at her house, her total displacement would be zero, as well as her average velocity. The total distance
traveled during the 58 minutes of elapsed time for her trip is 3.75 km.
3.1 Check Your Understanding A cyclist rides 3 km west and then turns around and rides 2 km east. (a)
What is his displacement? (b) What is the distance traveled? (c) What is the magnitude of his displacement?
We have now seen how to calculate the average velocity between two positions. However, since objects in the real world
move continuously through space and time, we would like to find the velocity of an object at any single point. We can find
the velocity of the object anywhere along its path by using some fundamental principles of calculus. This section gives us
better insight into the physics of motion and will be useful in later chapters.
Instantaneous Velocity
The quantity that tells us how fast an object is moving anywhere along its path is the instantaneous velocity, usually
called simply velocity. It is the average velocity between two points on the path in the limit that the time (and therefore the
displacement) between the two points approaches zero. To illustrate this idea mathematically, we need to express position x
as a continuous function of t denoted by x(t). The expression for the average velocity between two points using this notation
x(t 2) x(t 1)
is v = t 2 t 1 . To find the instantaneous velocity at any position, we let t 1 = t and t 2 = t + t . After inserting
these expressions into the equation for the average velocity and taking the limit as t 0 , we find the expression for the
instantaneous velocity:
x(t + t) x(t) dx(t)
v(t) = lim = .
t 0 t dt
Instantaneous Velocity
The instantaneous velocity of an object is the limit of the average velocity as the elapsed time approaches zero, or the
derivative of x with respect to t:
Like average velocity, instantaneous velocity is a vector with dimension of length per time. The instantaneous velocity at
a specific time point t 0 is the rate of change of the position function, which is the slope of the position function x(t) at
t 0 . Figure 3.6 shows how the average velocity v = x between two times approaches the instantaneous velocity at t 0.
The instantaneous velocity is shown at time t 0 , which happens to be at the maximum of the position function. The slope
of the position graph is zero at this point, and thus the instantaneous velocity is zero. At other times, t 1, t 2 , and so on,
the instantaneous velocity is not zero because the slope of the position graph would be positive or negative. If the position
function had a minimum, the slope of the position graph would also be zero, giving an instantaneous velocity of zero there
as well. Thus, the zeros of the velocity function give the minimum and maximum of the position function.
Example 3.2
Figure 3.7 The object starts out in the positive direction, stops
for a short time, and then reverses direction, heading back
toward the origin. Notice that the object comes to rest
instantaneously, which would require an infinite force. Thus, the
graph is an approximation of motion in the real world. (The
concept of force is discussed in Newtons Laws of Motion.)
The graph contains three straight lines during three time intervals. We find the velocity during each time interval
by taking the slope of the line using the grid.
Figure 3.8 The velocity is positive for the first part of the trip,
zero when the object is stopped, and negative when the object
reverses direction.
During the time interval between 0 s and 0.5 s, the objects position is moving away from the origin and the
position-versus-time curve has a positive slope. At any point along the curve during this time interval, we can
find the instantaneous velocity by taking its slope, which is +1 m/s, as shown in Figure 3.8. In the subsequent
time interval, between 0.5 s and 1.0 s, the position doesnt change and we see the slope is zero. From 1.0 s to 2.0
s, the object is moving back toward the origin and the slope is 0.5 m/s. The object has reversed direction and has
a negative velocity.
In everyday language, most people use the terms speed and velocity interchangeably. In physics, however, they do not have
the same meaning and are distinct concepts. One major difference is that speed has no direction; that is, speed is a scalar.
We can calculate the average speed by finding the total distance traveled divided by the elapsed time:
Average speed is not necessarily the same as the magnitude of the average velocity, which is found by dividing the
magnitude of the total displacement by the elapsed time. For example, if a trip starts and ends at the same location, the total
displacement is zero, and therefore the average velocity is zero. The average speed, however, is not zero, because the total
distance traveled is greater than zero. If we take a road trip of 300 km and need to be at our destination at a certain time,
then we would be interested in our average speed.
However, we can calculate the instantaneous speed from the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity:
If a particle is moving along the x-axis at +7.0 m/s and another particle is moving along the same axis at 7.0 m/s, they have
different velocities, but both have the same speed of 7.0 m/s. Some typical speeds are shown in the following table.
114 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
dx(t) (3.7)
= nAt n 1.
Example 3.3
a. Using Equation 3.4 and Equation 3.7, find the instantaneous velocity at t = 2.0 s.
b. Calculate the average velocity between 1.0 s and 3.0 s.
Equation 3.4 give the instantaneous velocity of the particle as the derivative of the position function. Looking
at the form of the position function given, we see that it is a polynomial in t. Therefore, we can use Equation
3.7, the power rule from calculus, to find the solution. We use Equation 3.6 to calculate the average velocity of
the particle.
a. v(t) = = 3.0 + 1.5t 2 m/s .
Substituting t = 2.0 s into this equation gives v(2.0 s) = [3.0 + 1.5(2.0) 2] m/s = 9.0 m/s .
b. To determine the average velocity of the particle between 1.0 s and 3.0 s, we calculate the values of x(1.0
s) and x(3.0 s):
Example 3.4
The velocity of the particle gives us direction information, indicating the particle is moving to the left (west)
or right (east). The speed gives the magnitude of the velocity. By graphing the position, velocity, and speed as
functions of time, we can understand these concepts visually Figure 3.9. In (a), the graph shows the particle
moving in the positive direction until t = 0.5 s, when it reverses direction. The reversal of direction can also be
seen in (b) at 0.5 s where the velocity is zero and then turns negative. At 1.0 s it is back at the origin where it
started. The particles velocity at 1.0 s in (b) is negative, because it is traveling in the negative direction. But in
(c), however, its speed is positive and remains positive throughout the travel time. We can also interpret velocity
as the slope of the position-versus-time graph. The slope of x(t) is decreasing toward zero, becoming zero at 0.5 s
and increasingly negative thereafter. This analysis of comparing the graphs of position, velocity, and speed helps
catch errors in calculations. The graphs must be consistent with each other and help interpret the calculations.
116 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Figure 3.9 (a) Position: x(t) versus time. (b) Velocity: v(t) versus time. The slope of the position graph is the
velocity. A rough comparison of the slopes of the tangent lines in (a) at 0.25 s, 0.5 s, and 1.0 s with the values for
velocity at the corresponding times indicates they are the same values. (c) Speed: |v(t)| versus time. Speed is always a
positive number.
3.2 Check Your Understanding The position of an object as a function of time is x(t) = 3t 2 m . (a) What
is the velocity of the object as a function of time? (b) Is the velocity ever positive? (c) What are the velocity and
speed at t = 1.0 s?
The importance of understanding acceleration spans our day-to-day experience, as well as the vast reaches of outer space
and the tiny world of subatomic physics. In everyday conversation, to accelerate means to speed up; applying the brake
pedal causes a vehicle to slow down. We are familiar with the acceleration of our car, for example. The greater the
acceleration, the greater the change in velocity over a given time. Acceleration is widely seen in experimental physics. In
linear particle accelerator experiments, for example, subatomic particles are accelerated to very high velocities in collision
experiments, which tell us information about the structure of the subatomic world as well as the origin of the universe.
In space, cosmic rays are subatomic particles that have been accelerated to very high energies in supernovas (exploding
massive stars) and active galactic nuclei. It is important to understand the processes that accelerate cosmic rays because
these rays contain highly penetrating radiation that can damage electronics flown on spacecraft, for example.
Average Acceleration
The formal definition of acceleration is consistent with these notions just described, but is more inclusive.
Average Acceleration
Average acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes:
a = v = v f v 0 , (3.8)
t tf t0
a is average acceleration, v is velocity, and t is time. (The bar over the a means average acceleration.)
Because acceleration is velocity in meters divided by time in seconds, the SI units for acceleration are often abbreviated m/
s2that is, meters per second squared or meters per second per second. This literally means by how many meters per second
the velocity changes every second. Recall that velocity is a vectorit has both magnitude and directionwhich means that
a change in velocity can be a change in magnitude (or speed), but it can also be a change in direction. For example, if a
runner traveling at 10 km/h due east slows to a stop, reverses direction, continues her run at 10 km/h due west, her velocity
has changed as a result of the change in direction, although the magnitude of the velocity is the same in both directions.
Thus, acceleration occurs when velocity changes in magnitude (an increase or decrease in speed) or in direction, or both.
Acceleration as a Vector
Acceleration is a vector in the same direction as the change in velocity, v . Since velocity is a vector, it can change
in magnitude or in direction, or both. Acceleration is, therefore, a change in speed or direction, or both.
Keep in mind that although acceleration is in the direction of the change in velocity, it is not always in the direction of
motion. When an object slows down, its acceleration is opposite to the direction of its motion. Although this is commonly
referred to as deceleration Figure 3.10, we say the train is accelerating in a direction opposite to its direction of motion.
The term deceleration can cause confusion in our analysis because it is not a vector and it does not point to a specific
direction with respect to a coordinate system, so we do not use it. Acceleration is a vector, so we must choose the appropriate
sign for it in our chosen coordinate system. In the case of the train in Figure 3.10, acceleration is in the negative direction
in the chosen coordinate system, so we say the train is undergoing negative acceleration.
If an object in motion has a velocity in the positive direction with respect to a chosen origin and it acquires a constant
negative acceleration, the object eventually comes to a rest and reverses direction. If we wait long enough, the object passes
through the origin going in the opposite direction. This is illustrated in Figure 3.11.
118 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Figure 3.11 An object in motion with a velocity vector toward the east under
negative acceleration comes to a rest and reverses direction. It passes the origin going
in the opposite direction after a long enough time.
Example 3.5
First we draw a sketch and assign a coordinate system to the problem Figure 3.13. This is a simple problem, but
it always helps to visualize it. Notice that we assign east as positive and west as negative. Thus, in this case, we
have negative velocity.
Figure 3.13 Identify the coordinate system, the given information, and what you want to
We can solve this problem by identifying v and t from the given information, and then calculating the
v v
average acceleration directly from the equation
a = v = t f t 0 .
t f 0
First, identify the knowns: v 0 = 0, v f = 15.0 m/s (the negative sign indicates direction toward the west), t =
1.80 s.
Second, find the change in velocity. Since the horse is going from zero to 15.0 m/s, its change in velocity equals
its final velocity:
v = v f v 0 = v f = 15.0 m/s.
Last, substitute the known values ( v and t ) and solve for the unknown
a = v = 15.0 m/s = 8.33m/s 2.
t 1.80 s
The negative sign for acceleration indicates that acceleration is toward the west. An acceleration of 8.33 m/s2 due
west means the horse increases its velocity by 8.33 m/s due west each second; that is, 8.33 meters per second per
second, which we write as 8.33 m/s2. This is truly an average acceleration, because the ride is not smooth. We
see later that an acceleration of this magnitude would require the rider to hang on with a force nearly equal to his
3.3 Check Your Understanding Protons in a linear accelerator are accelerated from rest to 2.0 10 7 m/s
in 104 s. What is the average acceleration of the protons?
Instantaneous Acceleration
Instantaneous acceleration a, or acceleration at a specific instant in time, is obtained using the same process discussed
for instantaneous velocity. That is, we calculate the average velocity between two points in time separated by t and let
t approach zero. The result is the derivative of the velocity function v(t), which is instantaneous acceleration and is
expressed mathematically as
Thus, similar to velocity being the derivative of the position function, instantaneous acceleration is the derivative of the
velocity function. We can show this graphically in the same way as instantaneous velocity. In Figure 3.14, instantaneous
acceleration at time t0 is the slope of the tangent line to the velocity-versus-time graph at time t0. We see that average
a = v approaches instantaneous acceleration as t approaches zero. Also in part (a) of the figure, we see
that velocity has a maximum when its slope is zero. This time corresponds to the zero of the acceleration function. In
part (b), instantaneous acceleration at the minimum velocity is shown, which is also zero, since the slope of the curve is
zero there, too. Thus, for a given velocity function, the zeros of the acceleration function give either the minimum or the
maximum velocity.
120 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Figure 3.14 In a graph of velocity versus time, instantaneous acceleration is the slope of the tangent line. (a)
v vi
Shown is average acceleration
a = v = f between times t = t 6 t 1, t = t 5 t 2 , and
t tf ti
t = t 4 t 3 . When t 0 , the average acceleration approaches instantaneous acceleration at time t0. In view
(a), instantaneous acceleration is shown for the point on the velocity curve at maximum velocity. At this point,
instantaneous acceleration is the slope of the tangent line, which is zero. At any other time, the slope of the tangent
lineand thus instantaneous accelerationwould not be zero. (b) Same as (a) but shown for instantaneous
acceleration at minimum velocity.
To illustrate this concept, lets look at two examples. First, a simple example is shown using Figure 3.9(b), the velocity-
versus-time graph of Example 3.3, to find acceleration graphically. This graph is depicted in Figure 3.15(a), which is
a straight line. The corresponding graph of acceleration versus time is found from the slope of velocity and is shown in
Figure 3.15(b). In this example, the velocity function is a straight line with a constant slope, thus acceleration is a constant.
In the next example, the velocity function is has a more complicated functional dependence on time.
Figure 3.15 (a, b) The velocity-versus-time graph is linear and has a negative constant slope (a) that is equal to
acceleration, shown in (b).
If we know the functional form of velocity, v(t), we can calculate instantaneous acceleration a(t) at any time point in the
motion using Equation 3.9.
Example 3.6
By doing both a numerical and graphical analysis of velocity and acceleration of the particle, we can learn
much about its motion. The numerical analysis complements the graphical analysis in giving a total view of
the motion. The zero of the acceleration function corresponds to the maximum of the velocity in this example.
Also in this example, when acceleration is positive and in the same direction as velocity, velocity increases. As
acceleration tends toward zero, eventually becoming negative, the velocity reaches a maximum, after which it
starts decreasing. If we wait long enough, velocity also becomes negative, indicating a reversal of direction. A
real-world example of this type of motion is a car with a velocity that is increasing to a maximum, after which it
starts slowing down, comes to a stop, then reverses direction.
3.4 Check Your Understanding An airplane lands on a runway traveling east. Describe its acceleration.
In this table, we see that typical accelerations vary widely with different objects and have nothing to do with object size
or how massive it is. Acceleration can also vary widely with time during the motion of an object. A drag racer has a large
acceleration just after its start, but then it tapers off as the vehicle reaches a constant velocity. Its average acceleration can be
quite different from its instantaneous acceleration at a particular time during its motion. Figure 3.17 compares graphically
average acceleration with instantaneous acceleration for two very different motions.
124 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Figure 3.17 Graphs of instantaneous acceleration versus time for two different one-dimensional motions. (a) Acceleration
varies only slightly and is always in the same direction, since it is positive. The average over the interval is nearly the same as
the acceleration at any given time. (b) Acceleration varies greatly, perhaps representing a package on a post office conveyor
belt that is accelerated forward and backward as it bumps along. It is necessary to consider small time intervals (such as from
01.0 s) with constant or nearly constant acceleration in such a situation.
Learn about position, velocity, and acceleration graphs. Move the little man back and forth with a mouse and plot
his motion. Set the position, velocity, or acceleration and let the simulation move the man for you. Visit this link
( to use the moving man simulation.
You might guess that the greater the acceleration of, say, a car moving away from a stop sign, the greater the cars
displacement in a given time. But, we have not developed a specific equation that relates acceleration and displacement. In
this section, we look at some convenient equations for kinematic relationships, starting from the definitions of displacement,
velocity, and acceleration. We first investigate a single object in motion, called single-body motion. Then we investigate the
motion of two objects, called two-body pursuit problems.
First, let us make some simplifications in notation. Taking the initial time to be zero, as if time is measured with a stopwatch,
is a great simplification. Since elapsed time is t = t f t 0 , taking t 0 = 0 means that t = t f , the final time on the
stopwatch. When initial time is taken to be zero, we use the subscript 0 to denote initial values of position and velocity.
That is, x 0 is the initial position and v 0 is the initial velocity. We put no subscripts on the final values. That is, t is the
final time, x is the final position, and v is the final velocity. This gives a simpler expression for elapsed time, t = t . It also
simplifies the expression for x displacement, which is now x = x x 0 . Also, it simplifies the expression for change in
velocity, which is now v = v v 0 . To summarize, using the simplified notation, with the initial time taken to be zero,
t = t
x = x x 0
v = v v 0,
where the subscript 0 denotes an initial value and the absence of a subscript denotes a final value in whatever motion is
under consideration.
We now make the important assumption that acceleration is constant. This assumption allows us to avoid using calculus to
find instantaneous acceleration. Since acceleration is constant, the average and instantaneous accelerations are equalthat
a = a = constant.
Thus, we can use the symbol a for acceleration at all times. Assuming acceleration to be constant does not seriously limit
the situations we can study nor does it degrade the accuracy of our treatment. For one thing, acceleration is constant in
a great number of situations. Furthermore, in many other situations we can describe motion accurately by assuming a
constant acceleration equal to the average acceleration for that motion. Lastly, for motion during which acceleration changes
drastically, such as a car accelerating to top speed and then braking to a stop, motion can be considered in separate parts,
each of which has its own constant acceleration.
v = x .
Substituting the simplified notation for x and t yields
x x0
v= t .
Solving for x gives us
x = x 0 + vt, (3.10)
v0 + v (3.11)
v= .
v +v
The equation v = 0 reflects the fact that when acceleration is constant, v is just the simple average of the initial and
final velocities. Figure 3.18 illustrates this concept graphically. In part (a) of the figure, acceleration is constant, with
velocity increasing at a constant rate. The average velocity during the 1-h interval from 40 km/h to 80 km/h is 60 km/h:
v 0 + v 40 km/h + 80 km/h
v= = = 60 km/h.
2 2
In part (b), acceleration is not constant. During the 1-h interval, velocity is closer to 80 km/h than 40 km/h. Thus, the average
velocity is greater than in part (a).
126 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Figure 3.18 (a) Velocity-versus-time graph with constant acceleration showing the initial and final velocities v 0 and v .
The average velocity is 1 (v 0 + v) = 60km/h . (b) Velocity-versus-time graph with an acceleration that changes with time.
The average velocity is not given by 1 (v 0 + v) , but is greater than 60 km/h.
a = v .
Substituting the simplified notation for v and t gives us
v v0
a= t (constant a).
Example 3.7
Last, we determine which equation to use. To do this we figure out which kinematic equation gives the unknown
in terms of the knowns. We calculate the final velocity using Equation 3.12, v = v 0 + at .
Substitute the known values and solve:
Figure 3.19 is a sketch that shows the acceleration and velocity vectors.
Figure 3.19 The airplane lands with an initial velocity of 70.0 m/s and slows to a final velocity of 10.0 m/s before
heading for the terminal. Note the acceleration is negative because its direction is opposite to its velocity, which is
The final velocity is much less than the initial velocity, as desired when slowing down, but is still positive (see
figure). With jet engines, reverse thrust can be maintained long enough to stop the plane and start moving it
backward, which is indicated by a negative final velocity, but is not the case here.
In addition to being useful in problem solving, the equation v = v 0 + at gives us insight into the relationships among
velocity, acceleration, and time. We can see, for example, that
Final velocity depends on how large the acceleration is and how long it lasts
If the acceleration is zero, then the final velocity equals the initial velocity (v = v0), as expected (in other words,
velocity is constant)
If a is negative, then the final velocity is less than the initial velocity
All these observations fit our intuition. Note that it is always useful to examine basic equations in light of our intuition and
experience to check that they do indeed describe nature accurately.
v0 + v
= v 0 + 1 at.
2 2
v0 + v
Since = v for constant acceleration, we have
v = v 0 + 1 at.
Now we substitute this expression for v into the equation for displacement, x = x 0 + vt , yielding
Example 3.8
Figure 3.20 U.S. Army Top Fuel pilot Tony The Sarge
Schumacher begins a race with a controlled burnout. (credit: Lt.
Col. William Thurmond. Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army.)
First, lets draw a sketch Figure 3.21. We are asked to find displacement, which is x if we take x 0 to be zero.
(Think about x 0 as the starting line of a race. It can be anywhere, but we call it zero and measure all other
positions relative to it.) We can use the equation x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2 when we identify v 0 , a , and t from the
statement of the problem.
First, we need to identify the knowns. Starting from rest means that v 0 = 0 , a is given as 26.0 m/s2 and t is given
as 5.56 s.
Second, we substitute the known values into the equation to solve for the unknown:
x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2.
Since the initial position and velocity are both zero, this equation simplifies to
x = 1 at 2.
Substituting the identified values of a and t gives
What else can we learn by examining the equation x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2 ? We can see the following relationships:
Displacement depends on the square of the elapsed time when acceleration is not zero. In Example 3.8, the
dragster covers only one-fourth of the total distance in the first half of the elapsed time.
If acceleration is zero, then initial velocity equals average velocity (v 0 = v) , and
x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2 becomes x = x 0 + v 0 t.
Example 3.9
v 2 = 2.09 10 4 m
/s 2
An examination of the equation v 2 = v 20 + 2a(x x 0) can produce additional insights into the general relationships among
physical quantities:
The final velocity depends on how large the acceleration is and the distance over which it acts.
For a fixed acceleration, a car that is going twice as fast doesnt simply stop in twice the distance. It takes much
farther to stop. (This is why we have reduced speed zones near schools.)
Before we get into the examples, lets look at some of the equations more closely to see the behavior of acceleration at
extreme values. Rearranging Equation 3.12, we have
v v0
a= t .
From this we see that, for a finite time, if the difference between the initial and final velocities is small, the acceleration is
small, approaching zero in the limit that the initial and final velocities are equal. On the contrary, in the limit t 0 for a
finite difference between the initial and final velocities, acceleration becomes infinite.
Similarly, rearranging Equation 3.14, we can express acceleration in terms of velocities and displacement:
v 2 v 20
a= .
2(x x 0)
Thus, for a finite difference between the initial and final velocities acceleration becomes infinite in the limit the
displacement approaches zero. Acceleration approaches zero in the limit the difference in initial and final velocities
approaches zero for a finite displacement.
Example 3.10
Figure 3.22 Sample sketch to visualize deceleration and stopping distance of a car.
a. First, we need to identify the knowns and what we want to solve for. We know that v0 = 30.0 m/s, v = 0,
and a = 7.00 m/s2 (a is negative because it is in a direction opposite to velocity). We take x0 to be zero.
We are looking for displacement x , or x x0.
Second, we identify the equation that will help us solve the problem. The best equation to use is
v 2 = v 20 + 2a(x x 0).
This equation is best because it includes only one unknown, x. We know the values of all the other
variables in this equation. (Other equations would allow us to solve for x, but they require us to know the
stopping time, t, which we do not know. We could use them, but it would entail additional calculations.)
Third, we rearrange the equation to solve for x:
v 2 v 20
x x0 =
x = 64.3 m on dry concrete.
b. This part can be solved in exactly the same manner as (a). The only difference is that the acceleration is
5.00 m/s2. The result is
x wet = 90.0 m on wet concrete.
c. When the driver reacts, the stopping distance is the same as it is in (a) and (b) for dry and wet concrete.
So, to answer this question, we need to calculate how far the car travels during the reaction time, and then
132 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
add that to the stopping time. It is reasonable to assume the velocity remains constant during the drivers
reaction time.
To do this, we, again, identify the knowns and what we want to solve for. We know that v = 30.0 m/s ,
t reaction = 0.500 s , and a reaction = 0 . We take x 0-reaction to be zero. We are looking for x reaction .
Second, as before, we identify the best equation to use. In this case, x = x 0 + vt works well because the
only unknown value is x, which is what we want to solve for.
Third, we substitute the knowns to solve the equation:
x = 0 + (30.0 m/s)(0.500 s) = 15.0 m.
This means the car travels 15.0 m while the driver reacts, making the total displacements in the two cases
of dry and wet concrete 15.0 m greater than if he reacted instantly.
Last, we then add the displacement during the reaction time to the displacement when braking (Figure
x braking + x reaction = x total,
and find (a) to be 64.3 m + 15.0 m = 79.3 m when dry and (b) to be 90.0 m + 15.0 m = 105 m when wet.
Figure 3.23 The distance necessary to stop a car varies greatly, depending on road conditions and driver reaction
time. Shown here are the braking distances for dry and wet pavement, as calculated in this example, for a car
traveling initially at 30.0 m/s. Also shown are the total distances traveled from the point when the driver first sees a
light turn red, assuming a 0.500-s reaction time.
The displacements found in this example seem reasonable for stopping a fast-moving car. It should take longer
to stop a car on wet pavement than dry. It is interesting that reaction time adds significantly to the displacements,
but more important is the general approach to solving problems. We identify the knowns and the quantities to be
determined, then find an appropriate equation. If there is more than one unknown, we need as many independent
equations as there are unknowns to solve. There is often more than one way to solve a problem. The various parts
of this example can, in fact, be solved by other methods, but the solutions presented here are the shortest.
Example 3.11
Calculating Time
Suppose a car merges into freeway traffic on a 200-m-long ramp. If its initial velocity is 10.0 m/s and it accelerates
at 2.00 m/s2, how long does it take the car to travel the 200 m up the ramp? (Such information might be useful to
a traffic engineer.)
First, we draw a sketch Figure 3.24. We are asked to solve for time t. As before, we identify the known quantities
to choose a convenient physical relationship (that is, an equation with one unknown, t.)
Again, we identify the knowns and what we want to solve for. We know that x 0 = 0,
v 0 = 10 m/s, a = 2.00 m/s 2 , and x = 200 m.
We need to solve for t. The equation x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2 works best because the only unknown in the equation
is the variable t, for which we need to solve. From this insight we see that when we input the knowns into the
equation, we end up with a quadratic equation.
We need to rearrange the equation to solve for t, then substituting the knowns into the equation:
which yields two solutions: t = 10.0 and t = 20.0. A negative value for time is unreasonable, since it would mean
the event happened 20 s before the motion began. We can discard that solution. Thus,
t = 10.0 s.
Whenever an equation contains an unknown squared, there are two solutions. In some problems both solutions are
meaningful; in others, only one solution is reasonable. The 10.0-s answer seems reasonable for a typical freeway
3.5 Check Your Understanding A manned rocket accelerates at a rate of 20 m/s2 during launch. How long
does it take the rocket to reach a velocity of 400 m/s?
134 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Example 3.12
Acceleration of a Spaceship
A spaceship has left Earths orbit and is on its way to the Moon. It accelerates at 20 m/s2 for 2 min and covers a
distance of 1000 km. What are the initial and final velocities of the spaceship?
We are asked to find the initial and final velocities of the spaceship. Looking at the kinematic equations, we see
that one equation will not give the answer. We must use one kinematic equation to solve for one of the velocities
and substitute it into another kinematic equation to get the second velocity. Thus, we solve two of the kinematic
equations simultaneously.
x x 0 = v 0 t + 1 at
6 1
1.0 10 m = v 0(120.0 s) + (20.0m/s 2)(120.0 s) 2
v 0 = 7133.3 m/s.
There are six variables in displacement, time, velocity, and acceleration that describe motion in one dimension.
The initial conditions of a given problem can be many combinations of these variables. Because of this diversity,
solutions may not be easy as simple substitutions into one of the equations. This example illustrates that solutions
to kinematics may require solving two simultaneous kinematic equations.
With the basics of kinematics established, we can go on to many other interesting examples and applications. In the process
of developing kinematics, we have also glimpsed a general approach to problem solving that produces both correct answers
and insights into physical relationships. The next level of complexity in our kinematics problems involves the motion of
two interrelated bodies, called two-body pursuit problems.
Figure 3.25 A two-body pursuit scenario where car 2 has a constant velocity and car 1 is
behind with a constant acceleration. Car 1 catches up with car 2 at a later time.
The time and distance required for car 1 to catch car 2 depends on the initial distance car 1 is from car 2 as well as the
velocities of both cars and the acceleration of car 1. The kinematic equations describing the motion of both cars must be
solved to find these unknowns.
Example 3.13
Equation for the cheetah: The cheetah is accelerating from rest, so we use Equation 3.13 with x 0 = 0
and v 0 = 0 :
x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2 = 1 at 2.
2 2
Now we have an equation of motion for each animal with a common parameter, which can be eliminated
to find the solution. In this case, we solve for t:
x = vt = 1 at 2
t= a.
The gazelle has a constant velocity of 10 m/s, which is its average velocity. The acceleration of the
cheetah is 4 m/s2. Evaluating t, the time for the cheetah to reach the gazelle, we have
t = 2v
a = 4 = 5 s.
b. To get the displacement, we use either the equation of motion for the cheetah or the gazelle, since they
should both give the same answer.
Displacement of the cheetah:
x = 1 at 2 = 1 (4)(5) 2 = 50 m.
2 2
individual motion. It is also important to have a good visual perspective of the two-body pursuit problem to see
the common parameter that links the motion of both objects.
3.6 Check Your Understanding A bicycle has a constant velocity of 10 m/s. A person starts from rest and
runs to catch up to the bicycle in 30 s. What is the acceleration of the person?
An interesting application of Equation 3.4 through Equation 3.14 is called free fall, which describes the motion of an
object falling in a gravitational field, such as near the surface of Earth or other celestial objects of planetary size. Lets
assume the body is falling in a straight line perpendicular to the surface, so its motion is one-dimensional. For example, we
can estimate the depth of a vertical mine shaft by dropping a rock into it and listening for the rock to hit the bottom. But
falling, in the context of free fall, does not necessarily imply the body is moving from a greater height to a lesser height.
If a ball is thrown upward, the equations of free fall apply equally to its ascent as well as its descent.
The most remarkable and unexpected fact about falling objects is that if air resistance and friction are negligible, then in
a given location all objects fall toward the center of Earth with the same constant acceleration, independent of their mass.
This experimentally determined fact is unexpected because we are so accustomed to the effects of air resistance and friction
that we expect light objects to fall slower than heavy ones. Until Galileo Galilei (15641642) proved otherwise, people
believed that a heavier object has a greater acceleration in a free fall. We now know this is not the case. In the absence of
air resistance, heavy objects arrive at the ground at the same time as lighter objects when dropped from the same height
Figure 3.26.
Figure 3.26 A hammer and a feather fall with the same constant acceleration if air resistance is negligible. This is a general
characteristic of gravity not unique to Earth, as astronaut David R. Scott demonstrated in 1971 on the Moon, where the
acceleration from gravity is only 1.67 m/s2 and there is no atmosphere.
In the real world, air resistance can cause a lighter object to fall slower than a heavier object of the same size. A tennis ball
reaches the ground after a baseball dropped at the same time. (It might be difficult to observe the difference if the height is
not large.) Air resistance opposes the motion of an object through the air, and friction between objectssuch as between
clothes and a laundry chute or between a stone and a pool into which it is droppedalso opposes motion between them.
For the ideal situations of these first few chapters, an object falling without air resistance or friction is defined to be in
free fall. The force of gravity causes objects to fall toward the center of Earth. The acceleration of free-falling objects
is therefore called acceleration due to gravity. Acceleration due to gravity is constant, which means we can apply the
kinematic equations to any falling object where air resistance and friction are negligible. This opens to us a broad class of
interesting situations.
Acceleration due to gravity is so important that its magnitude is given its own symbol, g. It is constant at any given location
on Earth and has the average value
g = 9.81 m/s 2 (or 32.2 ft/s 2).
Although g varies from 9.78 m/s2 to 9.83 m/s2, depending on latitude, altitude, underlying geological formations, and
local topography, lets use an average value of 9.8 m/s2 rounded to two significant figures in this text unless specified
otherwise. Neglecting these effects on the value of g as a result of position on Earths surface, as well as effects resulting
from Earths rotation, we take the direction of acceleration due to gravity to be downward (toward the center of Earth).
In fact, its direction defines what we call vertical. Note that whether acceleration a in the kinematic equations has the
value +g or g depends on how we define our coordinate system. If we define the upward direction as positive, then
a = g = 9.8 m/s 2, and if we define the downward direction as positive, then a = g = 9.8 m/s 2 .
y = y 0 + v 0 t 1 gt 2 (3.16)
v 2 = v 20 2g(y y 0) (3.17)
Example 3.14
Choose the origin at the top of the building with the positive direction upward and the negative direction
downward. To find the time when the position is 98 m, we use Equation 3.16, with
y 0 = 0, v 0 = 4.9 m/s, and g = 9.8 m/s 2 .
a. Substitute the given values into the equation:
y = y 0 + v 0 t 1 gt 2
98.0 m = 0 (4.9 m/s)t 1 (9.8 m/s 2)t 2.
This simplifies to
t 2 + t 20 = 0.
This is a quadratic equation with roots t = 5.0s and t = 4.0s . The positive root is the one we are
interested in, since time t = 0 is the time when the ball is released at the top of the building. (The time
t = 5.0s represents the fact that a ball thrown upward from the ground would have been in the air for
5.0 s when it passed by the top of the building moving downward at 4.9 m/s.)
b. Using Equation 3.15, we have
v = v 0 gt = 4.9 m/s (9.8m/s 2)(4.0 s) = 44.1 m/s.
For situations when two roots are obtained from a quadratic equation in the time variable, we must look at the
physical significance of both roots to determine which is correct. Since t = 0 corresponds to the time when
the ball was released, the negative root would correspond to a time before the ball was released, which is not
physically meaningful. When the ball hits the ground, its velocity is not immediately zero, but as soon as the ball
interacts with the ground, its acceleration is not g and it accelerates with a different value over a short time to zero
velocity. This problem shows how important it is to establish the correct coordinate system and to keep the signs
of g in the kinematic equations consistent.
Example 3.15
Figure 3.28 A baseball hit straight up is caught by the catcher 5.0 s later.
140 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
Choose a coordinate system with a positive y-axis that is straight up and with an origin that is at the spot where
the ball is hit and caught.
a. Equation 3.16 gives
y = y 0 + v 0 t 1 gt 2
v 2 = v 20 2g(y y 0)
y = 30.6 m.
c. To find the time when v = 0 , we use Equation 3.15:
v = v 0 gt
This gives t = 2.5 s . Since the ball rises for 2.5 s, the time to fall is 2.5 s.
d. The acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 everywhere, even when the velocity is zero at the top of the path. Although
the velocity is zero at the top, it is changing at the rate of 9.8 m/s2 downward.
e. The velocity at t = 5.0s can be determined with Equation 3.15:
v = v 0 gt
= 24.5 m/s 9.8m/s 2(5.0 s)
= 24.5 m/s.
The ball returns with the speed it had when it left. This is a general property of free fall for any initial velocity. We
used a single equation to go from throw to catch, and did not have to break the motion into two segments, upward
and downward. We are used to thinking of the effect of gravity is to create free fall downward toward Earth. It is
important to understand, as illustrated in this example, that objects moving upward away from Earth are also in a
state of free fall.
3.7 Check Your Understanding A chunk of ice breaks off a glacier and falls 30.0 m before it hits the water.
Assuming it falls freely (there is no air resistance), how long does it take to hit the water? Which quantity
increases faster, the speed of the ice chunk or its distance traveled?
Example 3.16
Rocket Booster
A small rocket with a booster blasts off and heads straight upward. When at a height of 5.0 km and velocity of
200.0 m/s, it releases its booster. (a) What is the maximum height the booster attains? (b) What is the velocity of
the booster at a height of 6.0 km? Neglect air resistance.
We need to select the coordinate system for the acceleration of gravity, which we take as negative downward. We
are given the initial velocity of the booster and its height. We consider the point of release as the origin. We know
the velocity is zero at the maximum position within the acceleration interval; thus, the velocity of the booster is
zero at its maximum height, so we can use this information as well. From these observations, we use Equation
3.17, which gives us the maximum height of the booster. We also use Equation 3.17 to give the velocity at 6.0
km. The initial velocity of the booster is 200.0 m/s.
a. From Equation 3.17, v 2 = v 20 2g(y y 0) . With v = 0 and y 0 = 0 , we can solve for y:
v 20 (2.0 10 2 m/s) 2
y= = = 2040.8 m.
2g 2(9.8 m/s 2)
This solution gives the maximum height of the booster in our coordinate system, which has its origin at
the point of release, so the maximum height of the booster is roughly 7.0 km.
b. An altitude of 6.0 km corresponds to y = 1.0 10 3 m in the coordinate system we are using. The other
142 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
This section assumes you have enough background in calculus to be familiar with integration. In Instantaneous Velocity
and Speed and Average and Instantaneous Acceleration we introduced the kinematic functions of velocity and
acceleration using the derivative. By taking the derivative of the position function we found the velocity function, and
likewise by taking the derivative of the velocity function we found the acceleration function. Using integral calculus, we
can work backward and calculate the velocity function from the acceleration function, and the position function from the
velocity function.
Similarly, the time derivative of the position function is the velocity function,
d x(t) = v(t).
Thus, we can use the same mathematical manipulations we just used and find
v(t) = adt + C 1 = at + C 1.
Then, C1 = v0 and
v(t) = v 0 + at,
which is Equation 3.12. Substituting this expression into Equation 3.19 gives
x(t) = (v 0 + at)dt + C 2.
x(t) = v 0 t + 1 at 2 + C 2.
If x(0) = x0, we have
x 0 = 0 + 0 + C 2;
so, C2 = x0. Substituting back into the equation for x(t), we finally have
x(t) = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2,
which is Equation 3.13.
Example 3.17
Motion of a Motorboat
A motorboat is traveling at a constant velocity of 5.0 m/s when it starts to decelerate to arrive at the dock. Its
acceleration is a(t) = 1 t m/s 2 . (a) What is the velocity function of the motorboat? (b) At what time does
the velocity reach zero? (c) What is the position function of the motorboat? (d) What is the displacement of the
motorboat from the time it begins to decelerate to when the velocity is zero? (e) Graph the velocity and position
(a) To get the velocity function we must integrate and use initial conditions to find the constant of integration.
(b) We set the velocity function equal to zero and solve for t. (c) Similarly, we must integrate to find the position
function and use initial conditions to find the constant of integration. (d) Since the initial position is taken to be
zero, we only have to evaluate the position function at t = 0 .
We take t = 0 to be the time when the boat starts to decelerate.
144 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
a. From the functional form of the acceleration we can solve Equation 3.18 to get v(t):
At t = 0 we have v(0) = 5.0 m/s = 0 + C1, so C1 = 5.0 m/s or v(t) = 5.0 m/s 1 t 2 .
At t = 0, we set x(0) = 0 = x0, since we are only interested in the displacement from when the boat starts
to decelerate. We have
x(0) = 0 = C 2.
x(t) = 5.0t 1 t 3.
d. Since the initial position is taken to be zero, we only have to evaluate x(t) when the velocity is zero. This
occurs at t = 6.3 s. Therefore, the displacement is
Figure 3.30 (a) Velocity of the motorboat as a function of time. The motorboat decreases its velocity to zero in
6.3 s. At times greater than this, velocity becomes negativemeaning, the boat is reversing direction. (b) Position
of the motorboat as a function of time. At t = 6.3 s, the velocity is zero and the boat has stopped. At times greater
than this, the velocity becomes negativemeaning, if the boat continues to move with the same acceleration, it
reverses direction and heads back toward where it originated.
The acceleration function is linear in time so the integration involves simple polynomials. In Figure 3.30, we
see that if we extend the solution beyond the point when the velocity is zero, the velocity becomes negative and
the boat reverses direction. This tells us that solutions can give us information outside our immediate interest and
we should be careful when interpreting them.
3.8 Check Your Understanding A particle starts from rest and has an acceleration function 5 10tm/s 2 .
(a) What is the velocity function? (b) What is the position function? (c) When is the velocity zero?
146 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
acceleration due to gravity acceleration of an object as a result of gravity
average acceleration the rate of change in velocity; the change in velocity over time
average speed the total distance traveled divided by elapsed time
average velocity the displacement divided by the time over which displacement occurs
displacement the change in position of an object
distance traveled the total length of the path traveled between two positions
elapsed time the difference between the ending time and the beginning time
free fall the state of movement that results from gravitational force only
instantaneous acceleration acceleration at a specific point in time
instantaneous speed the absolute value of the instantaneous velocity
instantaneous velocity the velocity at a specific instant or time point
kinematics the description of motion through properties such as position, time, velocity, and acceleration
position the location of an object at a particular time
total displacement the sum of individual displacements over a given time period
two-body pursuit problem a kinematics problem in which the unknowns are calculated by solving the kinematic
equations simultaneously for two moving objects
Displacement x = x f x i
v = x = x 2 x 1
Average velocity t t2 t1
Instantaneous velocity v(t) =
a = v = v f v 0
Average acceleration t t f t0
Instantaneous acceleration a(t) =
v = v 0 + v
Average velocity 2
3.1 Position, Displacement, and Average Velocity
Kinematics is the description of motion without considering its causes. In this chapter, it is limited to motion along
a straight line, called one-dimensional motion.
Displacement is the change in position of an object. The SI unit for displacement is the meter. Displacement has
direction as well as magnitude.
Distance traveled is the total length of the path traveled between two positions.
Time is measured in terms of change. The time between two position points x 1 and x 2 is t = t 2 t 1 . Elapsed
time for an event is t = t f t 0 , where t f is the final time and t 0 is the initial time. The initial time is often taken
to be zero.
Average velocity v is defined as displacement divided by elapsed time. If x 1, t 1 and x 2, t 2 are two position time
points, the average velocity between these points is
x x
v = x = t 2 t 1 .
t 2 1
Negative acceleration (sometimes called deceleration) is acceleration in the negative direction in the chosen
coordinate system.
For objects in free fall, the upward direction is normally taken as positive for displacement, velocity, and
displacement over the time interval?
3.1 Position, Displacement, and Average
3.2 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
1. Give an example in which there are clear distinctions
among distance traveled, displacement, and magnitude of 7. There is a distinction between average speed and the
displacement. Identify each quantity in your example magnitude of average velocity. Give an example that
specifically. illustrates the difference between these two quantities.
2. Under what circumstances does distance traveled equal 8. Does the speedometer of a car measure speed or
magnitude of displacement? What is the only case in which velocity?
magnitude of displacement and displacement are exactly
the same? 9. If you divide the total distance traveled on a car trip
(as determined by the odometer) by the elapsed time of
3. Bacteria move back and forth using their flagella the trip, are you calculating average speed or magnitude of
(structures that look like little tails). Speeds of up to 50 m/ average velocity? Under what circumstances are these two
s (50 106 m/s) have been observed. The total distance quantities the same?
traveled by a bacterium is large for its size, whereas its
displacement is small. Why is this? 10. How are instantaneous velocity and instantaneous
speed related to one another? How do they differ?
4. Give an example of a device used to measure time and
identify what change in that device indicates a change in
time. 3.3 Average and Instantaneous Acceleration
11. Is it possible for speed to be constant while
5. Does a cars odometer measure distance traveled or acceleration is not zero?
12. Is it possible for velocity to be constant while
6. During a given time interval the average velocity of acceleration is not zero? Explain.
an object is zero. What can you say conclude about its
13. Give an example in which velocity is zero yet zero? (b) Does its velocity change direction? (c) Does the
acceleration is not. acceleration have the same sign on the way up as on the
way down?
14. If a subway train is moving to the left (has a negative
velocity) and then comes to a stop, what is the direction of 20. Suppose you throw a rock nearly straight up at a
its acceleration? Is the acceleration positive or negative? coconut in a palm tree and the rock just misses the coconut
on the way up but hits the coconut on the way down.
15. Plus and minus signs are used in one-dimensional Neglecting air resistance and the slight horizontal variation
motion to indicate direction. What is the sign of an in motion to account for the hit and miss of the coconut,
acceleration that reduces the magnitude of a negative how does the speed of the rock when it hits the coconut
velocity? Of a positive velocity? on the way down compare with what it would have been if
it had hit the coconut on the way up? Is it more likely to
dislodge the coconut on the way up or down? Explain.
3.4 Motion with Constant Acceleration
21. The severity of a fall depends on your speed when
16. When analyzing the motion of a single object, what
you strike the ground. All factors but the acceleration from
is the required number of known physical variables that
gravity being the same, how many times higher could a safe
are needed to solve for the unknown quantities using the
fall on the Moon than on Earth (gravitational acceleration
kinematic equations?
on the Moon is about one-sixth that of the Earth)?
27. The position of a particle moving along the x-axis is
3.1 Position, Displacement, and Average given by x(t) = 4.0 2.0t m. (a) At what time does the
Velocity particle cross the origin? (b) What is the displacement of
the particle between t = 3.0 s and t = 6.0 s ?
24. Consider a coordinate system in which the positive x
axis is directed upward vertically. What are the positions of
a particle (a) 5.0 m directly above the origin and (b) 2.0 m 28. A cyclist rides 8.0 km east for 20 minutes, then he
below the origin? turns and heads west for 8 minutes and 3.2 km. Finally,
he rides east for 16 km, which takes 40 minutes. (a) What
25. A car is 2.0 km west of a traffic light at t = 0 and 5.0 is the final displacement of the cyclist? (b) What is his
km east of the light at t = 6.0 min. Assume the origin of the average velocity?
coordinate system is the light and the positive x direction
is eastward. (a) What are the cars position vectors at these 29. On February 15, 2013, a superbolide meteor (brighter
two times? (b) What is the cars displacement between 0 than the Sun) entered Earths atmosphere over
min and 6.0 min? Chelyabinsk, Russia, and exploded at an altitude of 23.5
km. Eyewitnesses could feel the intense heat from the
26. The Shanghai maglev train connects Longyang Road fireball, and the blast wave from the explosion blew out
to Pudong International Airport, a distance of 30 km. The windows in buildings. The blast wave took approximately 2
journey takes 8 minutes on average. What is the maglev minutes 30 seconds to reach ground level. (a) What was the
trains average velocity? average velocity of the blast wave? b) Compare this with
the speed of sound, which is 343 m/s at sea level.
150 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
38. Dr. John Paul Stapp was a U.S. Air Force officer who
studied the effects of extreme acceleration on the human
body. On December 10, 1954, Stapp rode a rocket sled,
accelerating from rest to a top speed of 282 m/s (1015
km/h) in 5.00 s and was brought jarringly back to rest in
only 1.40 s. Calculate his (a) acceleration in his direction
of motion and (b) acceleration opposite to his direction
33. Given the following velocity-versus-time graph, of motion. Express each in multiples of g (9.80 m/s2) by
sketch the position-versus-time graph. taking its ratio to the acceleration of gravity.
52. (a) A light-rail commuter train accelerates at a rate of acceleration. (b) How long did the acceleration last?
1.35 m/s2. How long does it take to reach its top speed of
80.0 km/h, starting from rest? (b) The same train ordinarily 60. A swan on a lake gets airborne by flapping its wings
decelerates at a rate of 1.65 m/s2. How long does it take and running on top of the water. (a) If the swan must reach
to come to a stop from its top speed? (c) In emergencies, a velocity of 6.00 m/s to take off and it accelerates from
the train can decelerate more rapidly, coming to rest from
rest at an average rate of 0.35 m/s 2 , how far will it travel
80.0 km/h in 8.30 s. What is its emergency acceleration in
meters per second squared? before becoming airborne? (b) How long does this take?
53. While entering a freeway, a car accelerates from rest 61. A woodpeckers brain is specially protected from large
at a rate of 2.04 m/s2 for 12.0 s. (a) Draw a sketch of the accelerations by tendon-like attachments inside the skull.
situation. (b) List the knowns in this problem. (c) How While pecking on a tree, the woodpeckers head comes to
far does the car travel in those 12.0 s? To solve this part, a stop from an initial velocity of 0.600 m/s in a distance
first identify the unknown, then indicate how you chose of only 2.00 mm. (a) Find the acceleration in meters per
the appropriate equation to solve for it. After choosing second squared and in multiples of g, where g = 9.80 m/
the equation, show your steps in solving for the unknown, s2. (b) Calculate the stopping time. (c) The tendons cradling
check your units, and discuss whether the answer is the brain stretch, making its stopping distance 4.50 mm
reasonable. (d) What is the cars final velocity? Solve for (greater than the head and, hence, less acceleration of the
this unknown in the same manner as in (c), showing all brain). What is the brains acceleration, expressed in
steps explicitly. multiples of g?
54. Unreasonable results At the end of a race, a runner 62. An unwary football player collides with a padded
decelerates from a velocity of 9.00 m/s at a rate of 2.00 m/ goalpost while running at a velocity of 7.50 m/s and comes
s2. (a) How far does she travel in the next 5.00 s? (b) What to a full stop after compressing the padding and his body
is her final velocity? (c) Evaluate the result. Does it make 0.350 m. (a) What is his acceleration? (b) How long does
sense? the collision last?
55. Blood is accelerated from rest to 30.0 cm/s in a 63. A care package is dropped out of a cargo plane and
distance of 1.80 cm by the left ventricle of the heart. (a) lands in the forest. If we assume the care package speed on
Make a sketch of the situation. (b) List the knowns in impact is 54 m/s (123 mph), then what is its acceleration?
this problem. (c) How long does the acceleration take? To Assume the trees and snow stops it over a distance of 3.0
solve this part, first identify the unknown, then discuss how m.
you chose the appropriate equation to solve for it. After
choosing the equation, show your steps in solving for the 64. An express train passes through a station. It enters
unknown, checking your units. (d) Is the answer reasonable with an initial velocity of 22.0 m/s and decelerates at a rate
when compared with the time for a heartbeat? of 0.150 m/s 2 as it goes through. The station is 210.0 m
long. (a) How fast is it going when the nose leaves the
56. During a slap shot, a hockey player accelerates the station? (b) How long is the nose of the train in the station?
puck from a velocity of 8.00 m/s to 40.0 m/s in the same (c) If the train is 130 m long, what is the velocity of the end
direction. If this shot takes 3.33 10 2 s , what is the of the train as it leaves? (d) When does the end of the train
distance over which the puck accelerates? leave the station?
57. A powerful motorcycle can accelerate from rest to 65. Unreasonable results Dragsters can actually reach a
26.8 m/s (100 km/h) in only 3.90 s. (a) What is its average top speed of 145.0 m/s in only 4.45 s. (a) Calculate the
acceleration? (b) How far does it travel in that time? average acceleration for such a dragster. (b) Find the final
velocity of this dragster starting from rest and accelerating
at the rate found in (a) for 402.0 m (a quarter mile) without
58. Freight trains can produce only relatively small using any information on time. (c) Why is the final velocity
accelerations. (a) What is the final velocity of a freight train greater than that used to find the average acceleration?
that accelerates at a rate of 0.0500 m/s 2 for 8.00 min, (Hint: Consider whether the assumption of constant
starting with an initial velocity of 4.00 m/s? (b) If the train acceleration is valid for a dragster. If not, discuss whether
can slow down at a rate of 0.550 m/s 2 , how long will it the acceleration would be greater at the beginning or end
of the run and what effect that would have on the final
take to come to a stop from this velocity? (c) How far will
it travel in each case?
How long a time does he have to get out of the way if the
3.5 Free Fall shot was released at a height of 2.20 m and he is 1.80 m
66. Calculate the displacement and velocity at times of tall?
(a) 0.500 s, (b) 1.00 s, (c) 1.50 s, and (d) 2.00 s for a ball
thrown straight up with an initial velocity of 15.0 m/s. Take 74. You throw a ball straight up with an initial velocity of
the point of release to be y 0 = 0 . 15.0 m/s. It passes a tree branch on the way up at a height
of 7.0 m. How much additional time elapses before the ball
passes the tree branch on the way back down?
67. Calculate the displacement and velocity at times of (a)
0.500 s, (b) 1.00 s, (c) 1.50 s, (d) 2.00 s, and (e) 2.50 s for
75. A kangaroo can jump over an object 2.50 m high. (a)
a rock thrown straight down with an initial velocity of 14.0
Considering just its vertical motion, calculate its vertical
m/s from the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York City.
speed when it leaves the ground. (b) How long a time is it
The roadway of this bridge is 70.0 m above the water.
in the air?
81. A particle at rest leaves the origin with its velocity s, after which the particles velocity remains constant at 7.0
increasing with time according to v(t) = 3.2t m/s. At 5.0 s, m/s. (a) What is the acceleration of the particle as a function
the particles velocity starts decreasing according to [16.0 of time? (b) What is the position of the particle at t = 2.0 s,
1.5(t 5.0)] m/s. This decrease continues until t = 11.0 t = 7.0 s, and t = 12.0 s?
82. Professional baseball player Nolan Ryan could pitch 89. An electron is moving in a straight line with a velocity
a baseball at approximately 160.0 km/h. At that average of 4.0 10 5 m/s. It enters a region 5.0 cm long where it
velocity, how long did it take a ball thrown by Ryan to
reach home plate, which is 18.4 m from the pitchers undergoes an acceleration of 6.0 10 12 m/s 2 along the
mound? Compare this with the average reaction time of a same straight line. (a) What is the electrons velocity when
human to a visual stimulus, which is 0.25 s. it emerges from this region? b) How long does the electron
take to cross the region?
83. An airplane leaves Chicago and makes the 3000-km
trip to Los Angeles in 5.0 h. A second plane leaves Chicago 90. An ambulance driver is rushing a patient to the
one-half hour later and arrives in Los Angeles at the same hospital. While traveling at 72 km/h, she notices the traffic
time. Compare the average velocities of the two planes. light at the upcoming intersections has turned amber. To
Ignore the curvature of Earth and the difference in altitude reach the intersection before the light turns red, she must
between the two cities. travel 50 m in 2.0 s. (a) What minimum acceleration must
the ambulance have to reach the intersection before the
84. Unreasonable Results A cyclist rides 16.0 km east, light turns red? (b) What is the speed of the ambulance
then 8.0 km west, then 8.0 km east, then 32.0 km west, when it reaches the intersection?
and finally 11.2 km east. If his average velocity is 24 km/
h, how long did it take him to complete the trip? Is this a 91. A motorcycle that is slowing down uniformly covers
reasonable time? 2.0 successive km in 80 s and 120 s, respectively. Calculate
(a) the acceleration of the motorcycle and (b) its velocity at
the beginning and end of the 2-km trip.
85. An object has an acceleration of +1.2 cm/s 2 . At
t = 4.0 s , its velocity is 3.4 cm/s . Determine the 92. A cyclist travels from point A to point B in 10 min.
objects velocities at t = 1.0 s and t = 6.0 s . During the first 2.0 min of her trip, she maintains a uniform
acceleration of 0.090 m/s 2 . She then travels at constant
86. A particle moves along the x-axis according to the velocity for the next 5.0 min. Next, she decelerates at a
equation x(t) = 2.0 4.0t 2 m. What are the velocity and constant rate so that she comes to a rest at point B 3.0 min
acceleration at t = 2.0 s and t = 5.0 s? later. (a) Sketch the velocity-versus-time graph for the trip.
(b) What is the acceleration during the last 3 min? (c) How
far does the cyclist travel?
87. A particle moving at constant acceleration has
velocities of 2.0 m/s at t = 2.0 s and 7.6 m/s at
93. Two trains are moving at 30 m/s in opposite directions
t = 5.2 s. What is the acceleration of the particle? on the same track. The engineers see simultaneously that
they are on a collision course and apply the brakes when
88. A train is moving up a steep grade at constant velocity they are 1000 m apart. Assuming both trains have the same
(see following figure) when its caboose breaks loose and acceleration, what must this acceleration be if the trains are
starts rolling freely along the track. After 5.0 s, the caboose to stop just short of colliding?
is 30 m behind the train. What is the acceleration of the
caboose? 94. A 10.0-m-long truck moving with a constant velocity
of 97.0 km/h passes a 3.0-m-long car moving with a
constant velocity of 80.0 km/h. How much time elapses
between the moment the front of the truck is even with the
back of the car and the moment the back of the truck is even
with the front of the car?
95. A police car waits in hiding slightly off the highway. 104. Unreasonable results. A raindrop falls from a cloud
A speeding car is spotted by the police car doing 40 m/s. At 100 m above the ground. Neglect air resistance. What is
the instant the speeding car passes the police car, the police the speed of the raindrop when it hits the ground? Is this a
car accelerates from rest at 4 m/s2 to catch the speeding car. reasonable number?
How long does it take the police car to catch the speeding
car? 105. Compare the time in the air of a basketball player
who jumps 1.0 m vertically off the floor with that of a
96. Pablo is running in a half marathon at a velocity of player who jumps 0.3 m vertically.
3 m/s. Another runner, Jacob, is 50 meters behind Pablo
with the same velocity. Jacob begins to accelerate at 0.05 106. Suppose that a person takes 0.5 s to react and move
m/s2. (a) How long does it take Jacob to catch Pablo? (b) his hand to catch an object he has dropped. (a) How far
What is the distance covered by Jacob? (c) What is the final does the object fall on Earth, where g = 9.8 m/s 2 ? (b)
velocity of the Jacob?
How far does the object fall on the Moon, where the
acceleration due to gravity is 1/6 of that on Earth?
97. Unreasonable results A runner approaches the finish
line and is 75 m away; her average speed at this position is
8 m/s. She decelerates at this point at 0.5 m/s2. How long 107. A hot-air balloon rises from ground level at a
does it take her to cross the finish line from 75 m away? Is constant velocity of 3.0 m/s. One minute after liftoff, a
this reasonable? sandbag is dropped accidentally from the balloon.
Calculate (a) the time it takes for the sandbag to reach the
ground and (b) the velocity of the sandbag when it hits the
98. An airplane accelerates at 5.0 m/s2 for 30.0 s. During ground.
this time, it covers a distance of 10.0 km. What are the
initial and final velocities of the airplane?
108. (a) A world record was set for the mens 100-m dash
in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing by Usain Bolt of
99. Compare the distance traveled of an object that Jamaica. Bolt coasted across the finish line with a time
undergoes a change in velocity that is twice its initial of 9.69 s. If we assume that Bolt accelerated for 3.00 s to
velocity with an object that changes its velocity by four reach his maximum speed, and maintained that speed for
times its initial velocity over the same time period. The the rest of the race, calculate his maximum speed and his
accelerations of both objects are constant. acceleration. (b) During the same Olympics, Bolt also set
156 Chapter 3 | Motion Along a Straight Line
the world record in the 200-m dash with a time of 19.30 s. its velocity just before it strikes the floor. (b) Calculate its
Using the same assumptions as for the 100-m dash, what velocity just after it leaves the floor on its way back up.
was his maximum speed for this race? (c) Calculate its acceleration during contact with the floor
if that contact lasts 0.0800 ms (8.00 10 5 s) (d) How
109. An object is dropped from a height of 75.0 m above much did the ball compress during its collision with the
ground level. (a) Determine the distance traveled during the floor, assuming the floor is absolutely rigid?
first second. (b) Determine the final velocity at which the
object hits the ground. (c) Determine the distance traveled
111. An object is dropped from a roof of a building of
during the last second of motion before hitting the ground.
height h. During the last second of its descent, it drops a
distance h/3. Calculate the height of the building.
110. A steel ball is dropped onto a hard floor from a height
of 1.50 m and rebounds to a height of 1.45 m. (a) Calculate
112. In a 100-m race, the winner is timed at 11.2 s. The the finish line. If she is 300 m from the finish line when she
second-place finishers time is 11.6 s. How far is the starts to accelerate, how much time did she save? (c) The
second-place finisher behind the winner when she crosses second-place winner was 5.00 m ahead when the winner
the finish line? Assume the velocity of each runner is started to accelerate, but he was unable to accelerate, and
constant throughout the race. traveled at 11.8 m/s until the finish line. What was the
difference in finish time in seconds between the winner
113. The position of a particle moving along the x-axis and runner-up? How far back was the runner-up when the
winner crossed the finish line?
varies with time according to x(t) = 5.0t 2 4.0t 3 m. Find
(a) the velocity and acceleration of the particle as functions
115. In 1967, New Zealander Burt Munro set the world
of time, (b) the velocity and acceleration at t = 2.0 s, (c) the
record for an Indian motorcycle, on the Bonneville Salt
time at which the position is a maximum, (d) the time at
Flats in Utah, of 295.38 km/h. The one-way course was
which the velocity is zero, and (e) the maximum position.
8.00 km long. Acceleration rates are often described by the
time it takes to reach 96.0 km/h from rest. If this time was
114. A cyclist sprints at the end of a race to clinch a 4.00 s and Burt accelerated at this rate until he reached his
victory. She has an initial velocity of 11.5 m/s and maximum speed, how long did it take Burt to complete the
accelerates at a rate of 0.500 m/s2 for 7.00 s. (a) What is her course?
final velocity? (b) The cyclist continues at this velocity to
Figure 4.1 The Red Arrows is the aerobatics display team of Britains Royal Air Force. Based in Lincolnshire, England, they
perform precision flying shows at high speeds, which requires accurate measurement of position, velocity, and acceleration in
three dimensions. (credit: modification of work by Phil Long)
Chapter Outline
4.1 Displacement and Velocity Vectors
4.2 Acceleration Vector
4.3 Projectile Motion
4.4 Uniform Circular Motion
4.5 Relative Motion in One and Two Dimensions
To give a complete description of kinematics, we must explore motion in two and three dimensions. After all, most objects
in our universe do not move in straight lines; rather, they follow curved paths. From kicked footballs to the flight paths of
birds to the orbital motions of celestial bodies and down to the flow of blood plasma in your veins, most motion follows
curved trajectories.
Fortunately, the treatment of motion in one dimension in the previous chapter has given us a foundation on which to build,
as the concepts of position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration defined in one dimension can be expanded to two and
three dimensions. Consider the Red Arrows, also known as the Royal Air Force Aerobatic team of the United Kingdom.
Each jet follows a unique curved trajectory in three-dimensional airspace, as well as has a unique velocity and acceleration.
Thus, to describe the motion of any of the jets accurately, we must assign to each jet a unique position vector in three
dimensions as well as a unique velocity and acceleration vector. We can apply the same basic equations for displacement,
velocity, and acceleration we derived in Motion Along a Straight Line to describe the motion of the jets in two and three
dimensions, but with some modificationsin particular, the inclusion of vectors.
In this chapter we also explore two special types of motion in two dimensions: projectile motion and circular motion. Last,
we conclude with a discussion of relative motion. In the chapter-opening picture, each jet has a relative motion with respect
158 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
to any other jet in the group or to the people observing the air show on the ground.
Displacement and velocity in two or three dimensions are straightforward extensions of the one-dimensional definitions.
However, now they are vector quantities, so calculations with them have to follow the rules of vector algebra, not scalar
Displacement Vector
To describe motion in two and three dimensions, we must first establish a coordinate system and a convention for the axes.
We generally use the coordinates x, y, and z to locate a particle at point P(x, y, z) in three dimensions. If the particle is
moving, the variables x, y, and z are functions of time (t):
x = x(t) y = y(t) z = z(t). (4.1)
The position vector from the origin of the coordinate system to point P is
r (t). In unit vector notation, introduced in
Coordinate Systems and Components of a Vector,
r (t) is
^ ^ ^ (4.2)
r (t) = x(t) i + y(t) j + z(t) k .
Figure 4.2 shows the coordinate system and the vector to point P, where a particle could be located at a particular time
t. Note the orientation of the x, y, and z axes. This orientation is called a right-handed coordinate system (Coordinate
Systems and Components of a Vector) and it is used throughout the chapter.
With our definition of the position of a particle in three-dimensional space, we can formulate the three-dimensional
displacement. Figure 4.3 shows a particle at time t 1 located at P 1 with position vector
r (t 1). At a later time t 2, the
r =
r (t 2)
r (t 1). (4.3)
Vector addition is discussed in Vectors. Note that this is the same operation we did in one dimension, but now the vectors
are in three-dimensional space.
Figure 4.3 The displacement r = r (t 2) r (t 1) is
the vector from P 1 to P 2 .
Example 4.1
Figure 4.4 Two position vectors are drawn from the center of Earth,
which is the origin of the coordinate system, with the y-axis as north and the
x-axis as east. The vector between them is the displacement of the satellite.
r (t 1) = 6770. km j
^ ^
r (t 2) = 6770. km (cos 45) i + 6770. km (sin(45)) j .
r (t 1) = 6770. j
^ ^
r (t 2) = 4787 i 4787 j .
Note that the satellite took a curved path along its circular orbit to get from its initial position to its final position in this
example. It also could have traveled 4787 km east, then 11,557 km south to arrive at the same location. Both of these paths
are longer than the length of the displacement vector. In fact, the displacement vector gives the shortest path between two
points in one, two, or three dimensions.
Many applications in physics can have a series of displacements, as discussed in the previous chapter. The total
displacement is the sum of the individual displacements, only this time, we need to be careful, because we are adding
vectors. We illustrate this concept with an example of Brownian motion.
Example 4.2
Brownian Motion
Brownian motion is a chaotic random motion of particles suspended in a fluid, resulting from collisions with
the molecules of the fluid. This motion is three-dimensional. The displacements in numerical order of a particle
undergoing Brownian motion could look like the following, in micrometers (Figure 4.6):
^ ^ ^
r 1 = 2.0 i + j + 3.0 k
^ ^
r 2 = i + 3.0 k
^ ^ ^
r 3 = 4.0 i 2.0 j + k
^ ^ ^
r 4 = 3.0 i + j + 2.0 k .
We form the sum of the displacements and add them as vectors:
r Total r i=
= r 1+
r 2+
r 3+
r 4
^ ^ ^
= (2.0 1.0 + 4.0 3.0) i + (1.0 + 0 2.0 + 1.0) j + (3.0 + 3.0 + 1.0 + 2.0) k
^ ^ ^
= 2.0 i + 0 j + 9.0 k m.
Velocity Vector
In the previous chapter we found the instantaneous velocity by calculating the derivative of the position function with
respect to time. We can do the same operation in two and three dimensions, but we use vectors. The instantaneous velocity
vector is now
r (t + t)
r (t) d (4.4)
v (t) = lim = r .
t 0 t dt
Lets look at the relative orientation of the position vector and velocity vector graphically. In Figure 4.7 we show the
vectors r (t) and r (t + t), which give the position of a particle moving along a path represented by the gray line.
As t goes to zero, the velocity vector, given by Equation 4.4, becomes tangent to the path of the particle at time t.
^ ^ ^
r (t) = x(t) i + y(t) j + z(t) k ,
we can write
^ ^ ^ (4.5)
v (t) = v x(t) i + v y(t) j + v z(t) k
If only the average velocity is of concern, we have the vector equivalent of the one-dimensional average velocity for two
and three dimensions:
r (t 2) r (t 1) (4.7)
v = .
avg t2 t1
Example 4.3
dr(t) ^ ^ ^
(a) v(t) = = 4.0t i + 3.0 j + 5.0 k m/s
^ ^ ^
v (2.0s) = 8.0 i + 3.0 j + 5.0 k m/s
Speed | |
v (2.0 s) = 8 2 + 3 2 + 5 2 = 9.9 m/s.
^ ^
Check Your Understanding The position function of a particle is
r (t) = 3.0t 3 i + 4.0 j . (a) What is
the instantaneous velocity at t = 3 s? (b) Is the average velocity between 2 s and 4 s equal to the instantaneous
velocity at t = 3 s?
Independence of Motion
In the kinematic description of motion, we are able to treat the horizontal and vertical components of motion separately.
In many cases, motion in the horizontal direction does not affect motion in the vertical direction, and vice versa.
An example illustrating the independence of vertical and horizontal motions is given by two baseballs. One baseball is
dropped from rest. At the same instant, another is thrown horizontally from the same height and it follows a curved path. A
stroboscope captures the positions of the balls at fixed time intervals as they fall (Figure 4.8).
It is remarkable that for each flash of the strobe, the vertical positions of the two balls are the same. This similarity implies
vertical motion is independent of whether the ball is moving horizontally. (Assuming no air resistance, the vertical motion
of a falling object is influenced by gravity only, not by any horizontal forces.) Careful examination of the ball thrown
horizontally shows it travels the same horizontal distance between flashes. This is because there are no additional forces on
the ball in the horizontal direction after it is thrown. This result means horizontal velocity is constant and is affected neither
by vertical motion nor by gravity (which is vertical). Note this case is true for ideal conditions only. In the real world, air
resistance affects the speed of the balls in both directions.
The two-dimensional curved path of the horizontally thrown ball is composed of two independent one-dimensional
motions (horizontal and vertical). The key to analyzing such motion, called projectile motion, is to resolve it into motions
along perpendicular directions. Resolving two-dimensional motion into perpendicular components is possible because the
components are independent.
166 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Instantaneous Acceleration
In addition to obtaining the displacement and velocity vectors of an object in motion, we often want to know its acceleration
vector at any point in time along its trajectory. This acceleration vector is the instantaneous acceleration and it can be
obtained from the derivative with respect to time of the velocity function, as we have seen in a previous chapter. The only
difference in two or three dimensions is that these are now vector quantities. Taking the derivative with respect to time
v (t), we find
v (t + t)
v (t) d
v (t) (4.8)
a (t) = lim = .
t0 t dt
Also, since the velocity is the derivative of the position function, we can write the acceleration in terms of the second
derivative of the position function:
Example 4.4
^ ^ ^
(b) Evaluating
a (2.0 s) = 5.0 i + 4.0 j 24.0 k m/s 2 gives us the direction in unit vector notation. The
magnitude of the acceleration is | |
a (2.0 s) = 5.0 2 + 4.0 2 + (24.0) 2 = 24.8 m/s 2.
In this example we find that acceleration has a time dependence and is changing throughout the motion. Lets
consider a different velocity function for the particle.
Example 4.5
The velocity function is linear in time in the x direction and is constant in the y and z directions.
(b) Taking the derivative of the velocity function, we find
a (t) = 2 i m/s 2.
The acceleration vector is a constant in the negative x-direction.
(c) The trajectory of the particle can be seen in Figure 4.9. Lets look in the y and z directions first. The particles
position increases steadily as a function of time with a constant velocity in these directions. In the x direction,
however, the particle follows a path in positive x until t = 5 s, when it reverses direction. We know this from
looking at the velocity function, which becomes zero at this time and negative thereafter. We also know this
because the acceleration is negative and constantmeaning, the particle is decelerating, or accelerating in the
negative direction. The particles position reaches 25 m, where it then reverses direction and begins to accelerate
in the negative x direction. The position reaches zero at t = 10 s.
168 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Figure 4.9 The particle starts at point (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0) with position vector
r = 0. The projection of the trajectory onto the xy-plane is shown. The
values of y and z increase linearly as a function of time, whereas x has a turning
point at t = 5 s and 25 m, when it reverses direction. At this point, the x
component of the velocity becomes negative. At t = 10 s, the particle is back to 0
m in the x direction.
By graphing the trajectory of the particle, we can better understand its motion, given by the numerical results of
the kinematic equations.
4.2 Check Your Understanding Suppose the acceleration function has the form
^ ^ ^
a (t) = a i + b j + c k m/s 2, where a, b, and c are constants. What can be said about the functional form of
the velocity function?
Constant Acceleration
Multidimensional motion with constant acceleration can be treated the same way as shown in the previous chapter for
one-dimensional motion. Earlier we showed that three-dimensional motion is equivalent to three one-dimensional motions,
each along an axis perpendicular to the others. To develop the relevant equations in each direction, lets consider the two-
dimensional problem of a particle moving in the xy plane with constant acceleration, ignoring the z-component for the
moment. The acceleration vector is
^ ^
a = a 0x i + a 0y j .
Each component of the motion has a separate set of equations similar to Equation 3.10Equation 3.14 of the previous
chapter on one-dimensional motion. We show only the equations for position and velocity in the x- and y-directions. A
similar set of kinematic equations could be written for motion in the z-direction:
x(t) = x 0 + v 0x t + 1 a x t 2 (4.13)
v 2x(t) = v 20x + 2a x(x x 0) (4.14)
y(t) = y 0 + v 0y t + 1 a y t 2 (4.17)
v 2y(t) = v 20y + 2a y(y y 0). (4.18)
Here the subscript 0 denotes the initial position or velocity. Equation 4.11 to Equation 4.18 can be substituted into
Equation 4.2 and Equation 4.5 without the z-component to obtain the position vector and velocity vector as a function
of time in two dimensions:
^ ^ ^ ^
r (t) = x(t) i + y(t) j and
v (t) = v x(t) i + v y(t) j .
The following example illustrates a practical use of the kinematic equations in two dimensions.
Example 4.6
A Skier
Figure 4.10 shows a skier moving with an acceleration of 2.1 m/s 2 down a slope of 15 at t = 0. With the
origin of the coordinate system at the front of the lodge, her initial position and velocity are
^ ^
r (0) = (75.0 i 50.0 j ) m
^ ^
v (0) = (4.1 i 1.1 j ) m/s.
(a) What are the x- and y-components of the skiers position and velocity as functions of time? (b) What are her
position and velocity at t = 10.0 s?
170 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Figure 4.10 A skier has an acceleration of 2.1 m/s 2 down a slope of 15. The origin of the coordinate system is at
the ski lodge.
Since we are evaluating the components of the motion equations in the x and y directions, we need to find the
components of the acceleration and put them into the kinematic equations. The components of the acceleration
are found by referring to the coordinate system in Figure 4.10. Then, by inserting the components of the initial
position and velocity into the motion equations, we can solve for her position and velocity at a later time t.
(a) The origin of the coordinate system is at the top of the hill with y-axis vertically upward and the x-axis
horizontal. By looking at the trajectory of the skier, the x-component of the acceleration is positive and the
y-component is negative. Since the angle is 15 down the slope, we find
Inserting the initial position and velocity into Equation 4.12 and Equation 4.13 for x, we have
(b) Now that we have the equations of motion for x and y as functions of time, we can evaluate them at t = 10.0 s:
The magnitude of the velocity of the skier at 10.0 s is 25 m/s, which is 60 mi/h.
It is useful to know that, given the initial conditions of position, velocity, and acceleration of an object, we can
find the position, velocity, and acceleration at any later time.
With Equation 4.8 through Equation 4.10 we have completed the set of expressions for the position, velocity, and
acceleration of an object moving in two or three dimensions. If the trajectories of the objects look something like the Red
Arrows in the opening picture for the chapter, then the expressions for the position, velocity, and acceleration can be quite
complicated. In the sections to follow we examine two special cases of motion in two and three dimensions by looking at
projectile motion and circular motion.
At this University of Colorado Boulder website ( ,
you can explore the position velocity and acceleration of a ladybug with an interactive simulation that allows you
to change these parameters.
Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air, subject only to acceleration as a result of
gravity. The applications of projectile motion in physics and engineering are numerous. Some examples include meteors
as they enter Earths atmosphere, fireworks, and the motion of any ball in sports. Such objects are called projectiles and
their path is called a trajectory. The motion of falling objects as discussed in Motion Along a Straight Line is a simple
one-dimensional type of projectile motion in which there is no horizontal movement. In this section, we consider two-
dimensional projectile motion, and our treatment neglects the effects of air resistance.
The most important fact to remember here is that motions along perpendicular axes are independent and thus can be
analyzed separately. We discussed this fact in Displacement and Velocity Vectors, where we saw that vertical and
horizontal motions are independent. The key to analyzing two-dimensional projectile motion is to break it into two motions:
one along the horizontal axis and the other along the vertical. (This choice of axes is the most sensible because acceleration
resulting from gravity is vertical; thus, there is no acceleration along the horizontal axis when air resistance is negligible.)
As is customary, we call the horizontal axis the x-axis and the vertical axis the y-axis. It is not required that we use this
choice of axes; it is simply convenient in the case of gravitational acceleration. In other cases we may choose a different set
of axes. Figure 4.11 illustrates the notation for displacement, where we define s to be the total displacement, and x
y are its component vectors along the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. The magnitudes of these vectors are
172 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
s, x, and y.
Figure 4.11 The total displacement s of a soccer ball at a point along its path. The vector
s has
x and
y along the horizontal and vertical axes. Its magnitude is s and it makes an angle
with the horizontal.
To describe projectile motion completely, we must include velocity and acceleration, as well as displacement. We must find
their components along the x- and y-axes. Lets assume all forces except gravity (such as air resistance and friction, for
example) are negligible. Defining the positive direction to be upward, the components of acceleration are then very simple:
a y = g = 9.8 m/s 2 ( 32 ft/s 2).
Because gravity is vertical, a x = 0. If a x = 0, this means the initial velocity in the x direction is equal to the final velocity
in the x direction, or v x = v 0x. With these conditions on acceleration and velocity, we can write the kinematic Equation
4.11 through Equation 4.18 for motion in a uniform gravitational field, including the rest of the kinematic equations for
a constant acceleration from Motion with Constant Acceleration. The kinematic equations for motion in a uniform
gravitational field become kinematic equations with a y = g, a x = 0 :
Horizontal Motion
v 0x = v x, x = x 0 + v x t (4.19)
Vertical Motion
y = y 0 + 1 (v 0y + v y)t (4.20)
v y = v 0y gt (4.21)
y = y 0 + v 0y t 1 gt 2 (4.22)
v 2y = v 20y 2g(y y 0) (4.23)
Using this set of equations, we can analyze projectile motion, keeping in mind some important points.
v are v x = vcos and v y = vsin, where v is the magnitude of the velocity and is its direction relative
to the horizontal, as shown in Figure 4.12.
2. Treat the motion as two independent one-dimensional motions: one horizontal and the other vertical. Use the
kinematic equations for horizontal and vertical motion presented earlier.
3. Solve for the unknowns in the two separate motions: one horizontal and one vertical. Note that the only
common variable between the motions is time t. The problem-solving procedures here are the same as those
for one-dimensional kinematics and are illustrated in the following solved examples.
4. Recombine quantities in the horizontal and vertical directions to find the total displacement
s and velocity
v . Solve for the magnitude and direction of the displacement and velocity using
Figure 4.12 (a) We analyze two-dimensional projectile motion by breaking it into two independent one-dimensional motions
along the vertical and horizontal axes. (b) The horizontal motion is simple, because a x = 0 and v x is a constant. (c) The
velocity in the vertical direction begins to decrease as the object rises. At its highest point, the vertical velocity is zero. As the
object falls toward Earth again, the vertical velocity increases again in magnitude but points in the opposite direction to the initial
vertical velocity. (d) The x and y motions are recombined to give the total velocity at any given point on the trajectory.
174 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Example 4.7
The motion can be broken into horizontal and vertical motions in which a x = 0 and a y = g. We can then
define x 0 and y 0 to be zero and solve for the desired quantities.
(a) By height we mean the altitude or vertical position y above the starting point. The highest point in any
trajectory, called the apex, is reached when v y = 0. Since we know the initial and final velocities, as well as the
initial position, we use the following equation to find y:
v 2y = v 20y 2g(y y 0).
0 = v 20y 2gy.
Now we must find v 0y, the component of the initial velocity in the y direction. It is given by v 0y = v 0 sin 0,
where v 0 is the initial velocity of 70.0 m/s and 0 = 75 is the initial angle. Thus,
and y is
(67.6 m/s) 2
y= .
2(9.80 m/s 2)
Thus, we have
y = 233 m.
Note that because up is positive, the initial vertical velocity is positive, as is the maximum height, but the
acceleration resulting from gravity is negative. Note also that the maximum height depends only on the vertical
component of the initial velocity, so that any projectile with a 67.6-m/s initial vertical component of velocity
reaches a maximum height of 233 m (neglecting air resistance). The numbers in this example are reasonable for
large fireworks displays, the shells of which do reach such heights before exploding. In practice, air resistance is
not completely negligible, so the initial velocity would have to be somewhat larger than that given to reach the
same height.
(b) As in many physics problems, there is more than one way to solve for the time the projectile reaches its highest
point. In this case, the easiest method is to use v y = v 0y gt. Because v y = 0 at the apex, this equation reduces
to simply
0 = v 0y gt
v 0y
t = g = 67.6 m/s2 = 6.90s.
9.80 m/s
This time is also reasonable for large fireworks. If you are able to see the launch of fireworks, notice that several
seconds pass before the shell explodes. Another way of finding the time is by using y = y 0 + 1 (v 0y + v y)t. This
is left for you as an exercise to complete.
(c) Because air resistance is negligible, a x = 0 and the horizontal velocity is constant, as discussed earlier. The
horizontal displacement is the horizontal velocity multiplied by time as given by x = x 0 + v x t, where x 0 is
equal to zero. Thus,
x = v x t,
where v x is the x-component of the velocity, which is given by
When solving Example 4.7(a), the expression we found for y is valid for any projectile motion when air resistance is
negligible. Call the maximum height y = h. Then,
v 20y
h= .
This equation defines the maximum height of a projectile above its launch position and it depends only on the vertical
component of the initial velocity.
4.3 Check Your Understanding A rock is thrown horizontally off a cliff 100.0 m high with a velocity of
15.0 m/s. (a) Define the origin of the coordinate system. (b) Which equation describes the horizontal motion?
(c) Which equations describe the vertical motion? (d) What is the rocks velocity at the point of impact?
Example 4.8
Figure 4.14 The trajectory of a tennis ball hit into the stands.
Again, resolving this two-dimensional motion into two independent one-dimensional motions allows us to solve
for the desired quantities. The time a projectile is in the air is governed by its vertical motion alone. Thus, we solve
for t first. While the ball is rising and falling vertically, the horizontal motion continues at a constant velocity.
This example asks for the final velocity. Thus, we recombine the vertical and horizontal results to obtain v at
final time t, determined in the first part of the example.
(a) While the ball is in the air, it rises and then falls to a final position 10.0 m higher than its starting altitude. We
can find the time for this by using Equation 4.22:
y = y 0 + v 0y t 1 gt 2.
If we take the initial position y 0 to be zero, then the final position is y = 10 m. The initial vertical velocity is the
vertical component of the initial velocity:
we can combine them to find the magnitude of the total velocity vector v and the angle it makes with
the horizontal. Since v x is constant, we can solve for it at any horizontal location. We choose the starting point
because we know both the initial velocity and the initial angle. Therefore,
v x = v 0 cos 0 = (30 m/s)cos 45 = 21.2 m/s.
v y
v = tan 1v = tan 1 21.2 = 53.1.
x 15.9
(a) As mentioned earlier, the time for projectile motion is determined completely by the vertical motion. Thus,
any projectile that has an initial vertical velocity of 21.2 m/s and lands 10.0 m below its starting altitude spends
3.79 s in the air. (b) The negative angle means the velocity is 53.1 below the horizontal at the point of impact.
This result is consistent with the fact that the ball is impacting at a point on the other side of the apex of the
trajectory and therefore has a negative y component of the velocity. The magnitude of the velocity is less than the
magnitude of the initial velocity we expect since it is impacting 10.0 m above the launch elevation.
y y 0 = v 0y t 1 gt 2 = (v 0 sin 0)t 1 gt 2 = 0.
2 2
Factoring, we have
tv 0 sin 0 = 0.
Solving for t gives us
This is the time of flight for a projectile both launched and impacting on a flat horizontal surface. Equation 4.24 does not
apply when the projectile lands at a different elevation than it was launched, as we saw in Example 4.8 of the tennis player
hitting the ball into the stands. The other solution, t = 0, corresponds to the time at launch. The time of flight is linearly
proportional to the initial velocity in the y direction and inversely proportional to g. Thus, on the Moon, where gravity is
one-sixth that of Earth, a projectile launched with the same velocity as on Earth would be airborne six times as long.
The trajectory of a projectile can be found by eliminating the time variable t from the kinematic equations for arbitrary t and
solving for y(x). We take x 0 = y 0 = 0 so the projectile is launched from the origin. The kinematic equation for x gives
x = v 0x t t = vx = x .
0x v 0 cos 0
Substituting the expression for t into the equation for the position y = (v 0 sin 0)t 1 gt 2 gives
x 1 x
y = (v 0 sin 0)
v 0 cos 0 2 gv 0 cos 0 .
Rearranging terms, we have
g (4.25)
y = (tan 0)x x 2.
2(v 0 cos 0)
This trajectory equation is of the form y = ax + bx 2, which is an equation of a parabola with coefficients
a = tan 0, b = .
2(v 0 cos 0) 2
From the trajectory equation we can also find the range, or the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile. Factoring
Equation 4.25, we have
y = xtan 0 x .
2(v 0 cos 0) 2
The position y is zero for both the launch point and the impact point, since we are again considering only a flat horizontal
surface. Setting y = 0 in this equation gives solutions x = 0, corresponding to the launch point, and
2v 20 sin 0 cos 0
x= g ,
corresponding to the impact point. Using the trigonometric identity 2sincos = sin2 and setting x = R for range, we
v 20 sin2 0 (4.26)
R= g .
Note particularly that Equation 4.26 is valid only for launch and impact on a horizontal surface. We see the range is
directly proportional to the square of the initial speed v 0 and sin2 0 , and it is inversely proportional to the acceleration of
gravity. Thus, on the Moon, the range would be six times greater than on Earth for the same initial velocity. Furthermore, we
see from the factor sin2 0 that the range is maximum at 45. These results are shown in Figure 4.15. In (a) we see that
the greater the initial velocity, the greater the range. In (b), we see that the range is maximum at 45. This is true only for
conditions neglecting air resistance. If air resistance is considered, the maximum angle is somewhat smaller. It is interesting
that the same range is found for two initial launch angles that sum to 90. The projectile launched with the smaller angle
has a lower apex than the higher angle, but they both have the same range.
Example 4.9
the ball drop with a minimum amount of rolling after impact. Here, he angles the shot at 70 to the horizontal to
minimize rolling after impact. Both shots are hit and impacted on a level surface.
(a) What is the initial speed of the ball at the second hole?
(b) What is the initial speed of the ball at the fourth hole?
(c) Write the trajectory equation for both cases.
(d) Graph the trajectories.
We see that the range equation has the initial speed and angle, so we can solve for the initial speed for both (a)
and (b). When we have the initial speed, we can use this value to write the trajectory equation.
v sin2 Rg 90.0 m(9.8 m/s 2)
(a) R = 0 g 0 v 0 = = = 37.0 m/s
sin2 0 sin(2(70))
v sin2 Rg 90.0 m(9.8 m/s 2)
(b) R = 0 g 0 v 0 = = = 31.9 m/s
sin2 0 sin(2(30))
y = xtan 0 x
2(v 0 cos 0) 2
Second hole: y = xtan 70 9.8 m/s 2 x = 2.75x 0.0306x 2
2[(37.0 m/s)(cos 70)] 2
Fourth hole: y = xtan 30 9.8 m/s 2 x = 0.58x 0.0064x 2
2[(31.9 m/s)(cos30)] 2
(d) Using a graphing utility, we can compare the two trajectories, which are shown in Figure 4.16.
The initial speed for the shot at 70 is greater than the initial speed of the shot at 30. Note from Figure 4.16
that two projectiles launched at the same speed but at different angles have the same range if the launch angles
add to 90. The launch angles in this example add to give a number greater than 90. Thus, the shot at 70 has
to have a greater launch speed to reach 90 m, otherwise it would land at a shorter distance.
4.4 Check Your Understanding If the two golf shots in Example 4.9 were launched at the same speed,
which shot would have the greatest range?
When we speak of the range of a projectile on level ground, we assume R is very small compared with the circumference
of Earth. If, however, the range is large, Earth curves away below the projectile and the acceleration resulting from gravity
changes direction along the path. The range is larger than predicted by the range equation given earlier because the projectile
has farther to fall than it would on level ground, as shown in Figure 4.17, which is based on a drawing in Newtons
Principia . If the initial speed is great enough, the projectile goes into orbit. Earths surface drops 5 m every 8000 m. In 1 s
an object falls 5 m without air resistance. Thus, if an object is given a horizontal velocity of 8000 m/s (or 18,000mi/hr)
near Earths surface, it will go into orbit around the planet because the surface continuously falls away from the object. This
is roughly the speed of the Space Shuttle in a low Earth orbit when it was operational, or any satellite in a low Earth orbit.
These and other aspects of orbital motion, such as Earths rotation, are covered in greater depth in Gravitation.
Uniform circular motion is a specific type of motion in which an object travels in a circle with a constant speed. For
example, any point on a propeller spinning at a constant rate is executing uniform circular motion. Other examples are the
second, minute, and hour hands of a watch. It is remarkable that points on these rotating objects are actually accelerating,
although the rotation rate is a constant. To see this, we must analyze the motion in terms of vectors.
Centripetal Acceleration
In one-dimensional kinematics, objects with a constant speed have zero acceleration. However, in two- and three-
dimensional kinematics, even if the speed is a constant, a particle can have acceleration if it moves along a curved trajectory
such as a circle. In this case the velocity vector is changing, or d
v /dt 0. This is shown in Figure 4.18. As the particle
moves counterclockwise in time t on the circular path, its position vector moves from
r (t) to
r (t + t). The
velocity vector has constant magnitude and is tangent to the path as it changes from
v (t) to
v (t + t), changing its
v (t) is perpendicular to the position vector
direction only. Since the velocity vector r (t), the triangles formed by the
position vectors and v are similar. Furthermore, since
r , and the velocity vectors and r (t) = |
r (t + t)| | |
and |
v (t) = | | |
v (t + t) , the two triangles are isosceles. From these facts we can make the assertion
v = r or v = v r.
v r r
Figure 4.18 (a) A particle is moving in a circle at a constant speed, with position and velocity vectors at times t
and t + t. (b) Velocity vectors forming a triangle. The two triangles in the figure are similar. The vector v
points toward the center of the circle in the limit t 0.
The direction of the acceleration can also be found by noting that as t and therefore approach zero, the vector
approaches a direction perpendicular to
v . In the limit t 0,
v is perpendicular to
v . Since
v is tangent
to the circle, the acceleration d
v /dt points toward the center of the circle. Summarizing, a particle moving in a circle at
a constant speed has an acceleration with magnitude
2 (4.27)
a C = vr .
The direction of the acceleration vector is toward the center of the circle (Figure 4.19). This is a radial acceleration and
is called the centripetal acceleration, which is why we give it the subscript c. The word centripetal comes from the Latin
words centrum (meaning center) and petere (meaning to seek), and thus takes the meaning center seeking.
184 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Lets investigate some examples that illustrate the relative magnitudes of the velocity, radius, and centripetal acceleration.
Example 4.10
Creating an Acceleration of 1 g
A jet is flying at 134.1 m/s along a straight line and makes a turn along a circular path level with the ground. What
does the radius of the circle have to be to produce a centripetal acceleration of 1 g on the pilot and jet toward the
center of the circular trajectory?
Given the speed of the jet, we can solve for the radius of the circle in the expression for the centripetal
Set the centripetal acceleration equal to the acceleration of gravity: 9.8 m/s 2 = v 2/r.
Solving for the radius, we find
(134.1 m/s) 2
r= = 1835 m = 1.835 km.
9.8 m/s 2
To create a greater acceleration than g on the pilot, the jet would either have to decrease the radius of its circular
trajectory or increase its speed on its existing trajectory or both.
4.5 Check Your Understanding A flywheel has a radius of 20.0 cm. What is the speed of a point on the edge
of the flywheel if it experiences a centripetal acceleration of 900.0 cm/s 2 ?
Centripetal acceleration can have a wide range of values, depending on the speed and radius of curvature of the circular
path. Typical centripetal accelerations are given in the following table.
^ ^ (4.28)
r (t) = Acost i + Asin t j .
Here, is a constant called the angular frequency of the particle. The angular frequency has units of radians (rad) per
second and is simply the number of radians of angular measure through which the particle passes per second. The angle
that the position vector has at any particular time is t .
If T is the period of motion, or the time to complete one revolution ( 2 rad), then
= 2 .
Velocity and acceleration can be obtained from the position function by differentiation:
186 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
r (t) ^ ^ (4.29)
v (t) = = Asin t i + Acos t j .
It can be shown from Figure 4.20 that the velocity vector is tangential to the circle at the location of the particle, with
magnitude A. Similarly, the acceleration vector is found by differentiating the velocity:
v (t) ^ ^ (4.30)
a (t) = = A 2 cos t i A 2 sin t j .
From this equation we see that the acceleration vector has magnitude A 2 and is directed opposite the position vector,
toward the origin, because
a (t) = 2
r (t).
Example 4.11
^ ^
r (2.0 10 7 s) = A cos (2.0 10 7 s) i + A sin (2.0 10 7 s) j m
= 0.175cos[(2.856 10 7 rad/s)(2.0 10 7 s)] i
+0.175sin[(2.856 10 7 rad/s)(2.0 10 7 s)] j m
^ ^ ^ ^
= 0.175cos(5.712 rad) i + 0.175sin(5.712 rad) j = 0.147 i 0.095 j m.
From this result we see that the proton is located slightly below the x-axis. This is shown in Figure 4.21.
We picked the initial position of the particle to be on the x-axis. This was completely arbitrary. If a different
starting position were given, we would have a different final position at t = 200 ns.
aT = | |
d v
The direction of tangential acceleration is tangent to the circle whereas the direction of centripetal acceleration is radially
inward toward the center of the circle. Thus, a particle in circular motion with a tangential acceleration has a total
acceleration that is the vector sum of the centripetal and tangential accelerations:
a =
a T. (4.32)
188 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
The acceleration vectors are shown in Figure 4.22. Note that the two acceleration vectors
a C and
a T are
perpendicular to each other, with
a C in the radial direction and
a T in the tangential direction. The total acceleration
a points at an angle between
a T.
C and
Example 4.12
| |
a T = d v = 32 = 12.03 m/s 2 = 1.5 m/s 2.
dt t (2.0)
Total acceleration is
and = tan 1 3.1 = 64 from the tangent to the circle. See Figure 4.23.
The directions of centripetal and tangential accelerations can be described more conveniently in terms of a polar
coordinate system, with unit vectors in the radial and tangential directions. This coordinate system, which is used
for motion along curved paths, is discussed in detail later in the book.
Motion does not happen in isolation. If youre riding in a train moving at 10 m/s east, this velocity is measured relative to
the ground on which youre traveling. However, if another train passes you at 15 m/s east, your velocity relative to this other
train is different from your velocity relative to the ground. Your velocity relative to the other train is 5 m/s west. To explore
this idea further, we first need to establish some terminology.
Reference Frames
To discuss relative motion in one or more dimensions, we first introduce the concept of reference frames. When we say an
object has a certain velocity, we must state it has a velocity with respect to a given reference frame. In most examples we
have examined so far, this reference frame has been Earth. If you say a person is sitting in a train moving at 10 m/s east,
then you imply the person on the train is moving relative to the surface of Earth at this velocity, and Earth is the reference
frame. We can expand our view of the motion of the person on the train and say Earth is spinning in its orbit around the
Sun, in which case the motion becomes more complicated. In this case, the solar system is the reference frame. In summary,
all discussion of relative motion must define the reference frames involved. We now develop a method to refer to reference
frames in relative motion.
190 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Note the ordering of the subscripts for the various reference frames in Equation 4.33. The subscripts for the coupling
reference frame, which is the train, appear consecutively in the right-hand side of the equation. Figure 4.24 shows the
correct order of subscripts when forming the vector equation.
Adding the vectors, we find
v PE = 8 m/s i , so the person is moving 8 m/s east with respect to Earth. Graphically, this
is shown in Figure 4.25.
Figure 4.25 Velocity vectors of the train with respect to Earth, person with respect to the
train, and person with respect to Earth.
r =
r (4.34)
PS PS + S S.
The relative velocities are the time derivatives of the position vectors. Therefore,
v =
v (4.35)
PS PS + S S.
The velocity of a particle relative to S is equal to its velocity relative to S plus the velocity of S relative to S.
We can extend Equation 4.35 to any number of reference frames. For particle P with velocities
v PA,
v PB , and
v PC in frames A, B, and C,
v =
v (4.36)
PC PA + AB + BC.
We can also see how the accelerations are related as observed in two reference frames by differentiating Equation 4.35:
a =
a (4.37)
PS PS + S S.
This says the acceleration of a particle is the same as measured by two observers moving at a constant velocity relative to
each other.
192 Chapter 4 | Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Example 4.13
First, we must establish the reference frame common to both vehicles, which is Earth. Then, we write the
velocities of each with respect to the reference frame of Earth, which enables us to form a vector equation that
links the car, the truck, and Earth to solve for the velocity of the car with respect to the truck.
The velocity of the car with respect to Earth is
v CE = 80 km/h i . The velocity of the truck with respect to
Earth is
v TE = 70 km/h j . Using the velocity addition rule, the relative motion equation we are seeking is
v =
Here, v CT is the velocity of the car with respect to the truck, and Earth is the connecting reference frame.
Since we have the velocity of the truck with respect to Earth, the negative of this vector is the velocity of Earth
with respect to the truck:
v ET = v TE. The vector diagram of this equation is shown in Figure 4.28.
We can now solve for the velocity of the car with respect to the truck:
= tan 1 70.0 = 41.2 north of east.
Drawing a vector diagram showing the velocity vectors can help in understanding the relative velocity of the two
4.6 Check Your Understanding A boat heads north in still water at 4.5 m/s directly across a river that is
running east at 3.0 m/s. What is the velocity of the boat with respect to Earth?
Example 4.14
acceleration vector instantaneous acceleration found by taking the derivative of the velocity function with respect to
time in unit vector notation
angular frequency , rate of change of an angle with which an object that is moving on a circular path
centripetal acceleration component of acceleration of an object moving in a circle that is directed radially inward
toward the center of the circle
displacement vector vector from the initial position to a final position on a trajectory of a particle
position vector vector from the origin of a chosen coordinate system to the position of a particle in two- or three-
dimensional space
projectile motion motion of an object subject only to the acceleration of gravity
range maximum horizontal distance a projectile travels
reference frame coordinate system in which the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object at rest or moving is
relative velocity velocity of an object as observed from a particular reference frame, or the velocity of one reference
frame with respect to another reference frame
tangential acceleration magnitude of which is the time rate of change of speed. Its direction is tangent to the circle.
time of flight elapsed time a projectile is in the air
total acceleration vector sum of centripetal and tangential accelerations
trajectory path of a projectile through the air
velocity vector vector that gives the instantaneous speed and direction of a particle; tangent to the trajectory
^ ^ ^
Position vector r (t) = x(t) i + y(t) j + z(t) k
Displacement vector
r =
r (t 2)
r (t 1)
r (t + t)
r (t) d
v (t) = lim = r
Velocity vector
t 0 t dt
^ ^ ^
Velocity in terms of components v (t) = v x(t) i + v y(t) j + v z(t) k
2(v 0 sin)
Time of flight T tof = g
Trajectory y = (tan 0)x x 2
2(v 0 cos 0) 2
v 20 sin 2 0
Range R= g
Centripetal acceleration a C = vr
^ ^
Position vector, uniform circular motion r (t) = Acos t i + A sin t j
r (t) ^ ^
Velocity vector, uniform circular motion v (t) = = A sin t i + A cos t j
v (t) ^ ^
Acceleration vector, uniform circular motion a (t) = = A 2 cos t i A 2 sin t j
Tangential acceleration aT =
d v | |
a =
Total acceleration C+ T
4.1 Displacement and Velocity Vectors
The position function
r (t) gives the position as a function of time of a particle moving in two or three
dimensions. Graphically, it is a vector from the origin of a chosen coordinate system to the point where the particle
is located at a specific time.
The displacement vector
r gives the shortest distance between any two points on the trajectory of a particle in
two or three dimensions.
Instantaneous velocity gives the speed and direction of a particle at a specific time on its trajectory in two or three
dimensions, and is a vector in two and three dimensions.
The velocity vector is tangent to the trajectory of the particle.
r (t) can be written as a vector sum of the one-dimensional displacements
x (t),
y (t),
z (t)
along the x, y, and z directions.
v (t) can be written as a vector sum of the one-dimensional velocities v x(t), v y(t), v z(t) along the x, y,
and z directions.
The kinematic equations for constant acceleration can be written as the vector sum of the constant acceleration
equations in the x, y, and z directions.
2(v 0 sin)
T to f = g .
This equation is valid only when the projectile lands at the same elevation from which it was launched.
The maximum horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is called the range. Again, the equation for range is valid
only when the projectile lands at the same elevation from which it was launched.
Nonuniform circular motion occurs when there is tangential acceleration of an object executing circular motion such
that the speed of the object is changing. This acceleration is called tangential acceleration
a T. The magnitude of
tangential acceleration is the time rate of change of the magnitude of the velocity. The tangential acceleration vector
is tangential to the circle, whereas the centripetal acceleration vector points radially inward toward the center of the
circle. The total acceleration is the vector sum of tangential and centripetal accelerations.
An object executing uniform circular motion can be described with equations of motion. The position vector of the
^ ^
object is
r (t) = A cos t i + A sin t j , where A is the magnitude | r (t)|, which is also the radius of the
circle, and is the angular frequency.
If S and S are two reference frames moving relative to each other at a constant velocity, then the velocity of an
object relative to S is equal to its velocity relative to S plus the velocity of S relative to S.
If two reference frames are moving relative to each other at a constant velocity, then the accelerations of an object
as observed in both reference frames are equal.
9. A dime is placed at the edge of a table so it hangs over
4.1 Displacement and Velocity Vectors slightly. A quarter is slid horizontally on the table surface
1. What form does the trajectory of a particle have if perpendicular to the edge and hits the dime head on. Which
the distance from any point A to point B is equal to the coin hits the ground first?
magnitude of the displacement from A to B?
23. The position of a particle is
4.1 Displacement and Velocity Vectors ^ ^ ^
r (t) = 4.0t 2 i 3.0 j + 2.0t 3 k m. (a) What is the
17. The coordinates of a particle in a rectangular
coordinate system are (1.0, 4.0, 6.0). What is the position velocity of the particle at 0 s and at 1.0 s? (b) What is the
vector of the particle? average velocity between 0 s and 1.0 s?
18. The position of a particle changes from 24. Clay Matthews, a linebacker for the Green Bay
^ ^ Packers, can reach a speed of 10.0 m/s. At the start of a
r 1 = (2.0 i + 3.0 j )cm to play, Matthews runs downfield at 45 with respect to the
^ ^ 50-yard line and covers 8.0 m in 1 s. He then runs straight
r 2 = (4.0 i + 3.0 j ) cm. What is the particles
down the field at 90 with respect to the 50-yard line for
displacement? 12 m, with an elapsed time of 1.2 s. (a) What is Matthews
final displacement from the start of the play? (b) What is
19. The 18th hole at Pebble Beach Golf Course is a dogleg his average velocity?
to the left of length 496.0 m. The fairway off the tee is
taken to be the x direction. A golfer hits his tee shot a 25. The F-35B Lighting II is a short-takeoff and vertical
distance of 300.0 m, corresponding to a displacement landing fighter jet. If it does a vertical takeoff to 20.00-m
r 1 = 300.0 m i , and hits his second shot 189.0 m height above the ground and then follows a flight path
angled at 30 with respect to the ground for 20.00 km,
^ ^
with a displacement r 2 = 172.0 m i + 80.3 m j . what is the final displacement?
What is the final displacement of the golf ball from the tee?
of Mars? Note that Mars has an acceleration of gravity of its equator just above its surface. At what speed must the jet
2 travel if the magnitude of its acceleration is g?
3.7 m/s .
57. In 1999, Robbie Knievel was the first to jump the 67. A fan is rotating at a constant 360.0 rev/min. What is
Grand Canyon on a motorcycle. At a narrow part of the the magnitude of the acceleration of a point on one of its
canyon (69.0 m wide) and traveling 35.8 m/s off the takeoff blades 10.0 cm from the axis of rotation?
ramp, he reached the other side. What was his launch
angle? 68. A point located on the second hand of a large clock
has a radial acceleration of 0.1cm/s 2. How far is the point
58. You throw a baseball at an initial speed of 15.0 m/s at from the axis of rotation of the second hand?
an angle of 30 with respect to the horizontal. What would
the balls initial speed have to be at 30 on a planet that
has twice the acceleration of gravity as Earth to achieve the 4.5 Relative Motion in One and Two
same range? Consider launch and impact on a horizontal Dimensions
69. The coordinate axes of the reference frame S remain
59. Aaron Rogers throws a football at 20.0 m/s to his wide parallel to those of S, as S moves away from S at a
receiver, who runs straight down the field at 9.4 m/s for ^ ^ ^
constant velocity v S = (4.0 i + 3.0 j + 5.0 k ) m/s.
20.0 m. If Aaron throws the football when the wide receiver
has reached 10.0 m, what angle does Aaron have to launch (a) If at time t = 0 the origins coincide, what is the position
the ball so the receiver catches it at the 20.0 m mark? of the origin O in the S frame as a function of time?
(b) How is particle position for
r (t) and
r (t), as
measured in S and S, respectively, related? (c) What
4.4 Uniform Circular Motion
is the relationship between particle velocities
60. A flywheel is rotating at 30 rev/s. What is the total
v (t) and
v (t) ? (d) How are accelerations
angle, in radians, through which a point on the flywheel
rotates in 40 s?
a (t) and
a (t) related?
61. A particle travels in a circle of radius 10 m at a 70. The coordinate axes of the reference frame S remain
constant speed of 20 m/s. What is the magnitude of the
parallel to those of S, as S moves away from S at a
^ ^ ^
constant velocity v S S = (1.0 i + 2.0 j + 3.0 k )t m/s
62. Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers throws a perfect
. (a) If at time t = 0 the origins coincide, what is the
football spiral at 8.0 rev/s. The radius of a pro football is 8.5
position of origin O in the S frame as a function of time?
cm at the middle of the short side. What is the centripetal
acceleration of the laces on the football? (b) How is particle position for
r (t) and
r (t) , as
measured in S and S, respectively, related? (c) What
63. A fairground ride spins its occupants inside a flying is the relationship between particle velocities
saucer-shaped container. If the horizontal circular path the
v (t) and
v (t) ? (d) How are accelerations
riders follow has an 8.00-m radius, at how many
revolutions per minute are the riders subjected to a
a (t) and
a (t) related?
centripetal acceleration equal to that of gravity?
71. The velocity of a particle in reference frame A is
64. A runner taking part in the 200-m dash must run ^ ^
around the end of a track that has a circular arc with a (2.0 i + 3.0 j ) m/s. The velocity of reference frame A
radius of curvature of 30.0 m. The runner starts the race at ^
a constant speed. If she completes the 200-m dash in 23.2 with respect to reference frame B is 4.0 k m/s, and the
s and runs at constant speed throughout the race, what is velocity of reference frame B with respect to C is
her centripetal acceleration as she runs the curved portion ^
of the track? 2.0 j m/s. What is the velocity of the particle in reference
frame C?
65. What is the acceleration of Venus toward the Sun,
assuming a circular orbit? 72. Raindrops fall vertically at 4.5 m/s relative to the
earth. What does an observer in a car moving at 22.0 m/s in
66. An experimental jet rocket travels around Earth along a straight line measure as the velocity of the raindrops?
73. A seagull can fly at a velocity of 9.00 m/s in still air. to get across and how far downstream is the boat when it
(a) If it takes the bird 20.0 min to travel 6.00 km straight reaches the opposite shore?
into an oncoming wind, what is the velocity of the wind?
(b) If the bird turns around and flies with the wind, how 76. A small plane flies at 200 km/h in still air. If the
long will it take the bird to return 6.00 km? wind blows directly out of the west at 50 km/h, (a) in what
direction must the pilot head her plane to move directly
74. A ship sets sail from Rotterdam, heading due north at north across land and (b) how long does it take her to reach
7.00 m/s relative to the water. The local ocean current is a point 300 km directly north of her starting point?
1.50 m/s in a direction 40.0 north of east. What is the
velocity of the ship relative to Earth? 77. A cyclist traveling southeast along a road at 15 km/h
feels a wind blowing from the southwest at 25 km/h. To a
75. A boat can be rowed at 8.0 km/h in still water. (a) How stationary observer, what are the speed and direction of the
much time is required to row 1.5 km downstream in a river wind?
moving 3.0 km/h relative to the shore? (b) How much time
is required for the return trip? (c) In what direction must the 78. A river is moving east at 4 m/s. A boat starts from
boat be aimed to row straight across the river? (d) Suppose the dock heading 30 north of west at 7 m/s. If the river
the river is 0.8 km wide. What is the velocity of the boat is 1800 m wide, (a) what is the velocity of the boat with
with respect to Earth and how much time is required to respect to Earth and (b) how long does it take the boat to
get to the opposite shore? (e) Suppose, instead, the boat is cross the river?
aimed straight across the river. How much time is required
79. A Formula One race car is traveling at 89.0 m/s along
a straight track enters a turn on the race track with radius
of curvature of 200.0 m. What centripetal acceleration must
the car have to stay on the track?
85. A propeller blade at rest starts to rotate from t = 0 s to t velocity 5 s after the rockets fire?
= 5.0 s with a tangential acceleration of the tip of the blade
at 3.00 m/s 2. The tip of the blade is 1.5 m from the axis of 92. A crossbow is aimed horizontally at a target 40 m
rotation. At t = 5.0 s, what is the total acceleration of the tip away. The arrow hits 30 cm below the spot at which it was
of the blade? aimed. What is the initial velocity of the arrow?
86. A particle is executing circular motion with a constant 93. A long jumper can jump a distance of 8.0 m when he
angular frequency of = 4.00 rad/s. If time t = 0 takes off at an angle of 45 with respect to the horizontal.
corresponds to the position of the particle being located at Assuming he can jump with the same initial speed at all
y = 0 m and x = 5 m, (a) what is the position of the particle angles, how much distance does he lose by taking off at
at t = 10 s? (b) What is its velocity at this time? (c) What is 30 ?
its acceleration?
94. On planet Arcon, the maximum horizontal range of
87. A particles centripetal acceleration is a C = 4.0 m/s 2 a projectile launched at 10 m/s is 20 m. What is the
acceleration of gravity on this planet?
at t = 0 s. It is executing uniform circular motion about an
axis at a distance of 5.0 m. What is its velocity at t = 10 s?
95. A mountain biker encounters a jump on a race course
that sends him into the air at 60 to the horizontal. If he
88. A rod 3.0 m in length is rotating at 2.0 rev/s about
an axis at one end. Compare the centripetal accelerations at lands at a horizontal distance of 45.0 m and 20 m below his
radii of (a) 1.0 m, (b) 2.0 m, and (c) 3.0 m. launch point, what is his initial speed?
99. Worlds Longest Par 3. The tee of the worlds longest (b) In addition to clearing the crossbar, the football must
par 3 sits atop South Africas Hanglip Mountain at 400.0 be high enough in the air early during its flight to clear the
m above the green and can only be reached by helicopter. reach of the onrushing defensive lineman. If the lineman is
The horizontal distance to the green is 359.0 m. Neglect 4.6 m away and has a vertical reach of 2.5 m, can he block
air resistance and answer the following questions. (a) If the 45.7-m field goal attempt? (c) What if the lineman is 1.0
a golfer launches a shot that is 40 with respect to the m away?
horizontal, what initial velocity must she give the ball? (b)
What is the time to reach the green?
Figure 5.1 The Golden Gate Bridge, one of the greatest works of modern engineering, was the longest suspension bridge in the
world in the year it opened, 1937. It is still among the 10 longest suspension bridges as of this writing. In designing and building
a bridge, what physics must we consider? What forces act on the bridge? What forces keep the bridge from falling? How do the
towers, cables, and ground interact to maintain stability?
Chapter Outline
5.1 Forces
5.2 Newton's First Law
5.3 Newton's Second Law
5.4 Mass and Weight
5.5 Newtons Third Law
5.6 Common Forces
5.7 Drawing Free-Body Diagrams
When you drive across a bridge, you expect it to remain stable. You also expect to speed up or slow your car in response
to traffic changes. In both cases, you deal with forces. The forces on the bridge are in equilibrium, so it stays in place. In
contrast, the force produced by your car engine causes a change in motion. Isaac Newton discovered the laws of motion that
describe these situations.
Forces affect every moment of your life. Your body is held to Earth by force and held together by the forces of charged
particles. When you open a door, walk down a street, lift your fork, or touch a babys face, you are applying forces. Zooming
in deeper, your bodys atoms are held together by electrical forces, and the core of the atom, called the nucleus, is held
together by the strongest force we knowstrong nuclear force.
208 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
5.1 | Forces
Learning Objectives
By the end of the section, you will be able to:
Distinguish between kinematics and dynamics
Understand the definition of force
Identify simple free-body diagrams
Define the SI unit of force, the newton
Describe force as a vector
The study of motion is called kinematics, but kinematics only describes the way objects movetheir velocity and their
acceleration. Dynamics is the study of how forces affect the motion of objects and systems. It considers the causes of motion
of objects and systems of interest, where a system is anything being analyzed. The foundation of dynamics are the laws of
motion stated by Isaac Newton (16421727). These laws provide an example of the breadth and simplicity of principles
under which nature functions. They are also universal laws in that they apply to situations on Earth and in space.
Newtons laws of motion were just one part of the monumental work that has made him legendary (Figure 5.2). The
development of Newtons laws marks the transition from the Renaissance to the modern era. Not until the advent of modern
physics was it discovered that Newtons laws produce a good description of motion only when the objects are moving at
speeds much less than the speed of light and when those objects are larger than the size of most molecules (about 10 9
m in diameter). These constraints define the realm of Newtonian mechanics. At the beginning of the twentieth century,
Albert Einstein (18791955) developed the theory of relativity and, along with many other scientists, quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics does not have the constraints present in Newtonian physics. All of the situations we consider in this
chapter, and all those preceding the introduction of relativity in Relativity ( ,
are in the realm of Newtonian physics.
Figure 5.3 (a) An overhead view of two ice skaters pushing on a third skater.
Forces are vectors and add like other vectors, so the total force on the third
skater is in the direction shown. (b) A free-body diagram representing the forces
acting on the third skater.
Figure 5.3(b) is our first example of a free-body diagram, which is a sketch showing all external forces acting on an
object or system. The object or system is represented by a single isolated point (or free body), and only those forces acting
on it that originate outside of the object or systemthat is, external forcesare shown. (These forces are the only ones
shown because only external forces acting on the free body affect its motion. We can ignore any internal forces within the
body.) The forces are represented by vectors extending outward from the free body.
Free-body diagrams are useful in analyzing forces acting on an object or system, and are employed extensively in the study
and application of Newtons laws of motion. You will see them throughout this text and in all your studies of physics. The
following steps briefly explain how a free-body diagram is created; we examine this strategy in more detail in Drawing
Free-Body Diagrams.
We illustrate this strategy with two examples of free-body diagrams (Figure 5.4). The terms used in this figure are
explained in more detail later in the chapter.
210 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Figure 5.4 In these free-body diagrams, N is the normal force, w is the weight of
the object, and f is the friction.
The steps given here are sufficient to guide you in this important problem-solving strategy. The final section of this chapter
explains in more detail how to draw free-body diagrams when working with the ideas presented in this chapter.
Figure 5.5 The force exerted by a stretched spring can be used as a standard unit of force. (a)
This spring has a length x when undistorted. (b) When stretched a distance x , the spring exerts
a restoring force F restore, which is reproducible. (c) A spring scale is one device that uses a
spring to measure force. The force F restore is exerted on whatever is attached to the hook.
Here, this force has a magnitude of six units of the force standard being employed.
Lets analyze force more deeply. Suppose a physics student sits at a table, working diligently on his homework (Figure
5.6). What external forces act on him? Can we determine the origin of these forces?
Figure 5.6 (a) The forces acting on the student are due to the
chair, the table, the floor, and Earths gravitational attraction. (b) In
solving a problem involving the student, we may want to consider
the forces acting along the line running through his torso. A free-
body diagram for this situation is shown.
In most situations, forces are grouped into two categories: contact forces and field forces. As you might guess, contact
forces are due to direct physical contact between objects. For example, the student in Figure 5.6 experiences the contact
forces C , F , and T , which are exerted by the chair on his posterior, the floor on his feet, and the table on his
forearms, respectively. Field forces, however, act without the necessity of physical contact between objects. They depend
on the presence of a field in the region of space surrounding the body under consideration. Since the student is in Earths
gravitational field, he feels a gravitational force
w ; in other words, he has weight.
You can think of a field as a property of space that is detectable by the forces it exerts. Scientists think there are only four
fundamental force fields in nature. These are the gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak fields (we consider
these four forces in nature later in this text). As noted for
w in Figure 5.6, the gravitational field is responsible for the
weight of a body. The forces of the electromagnetic field include those of static electricity and magnetism; they are also
responsible for the attraction among atoms in bulk matter. Both the strong nuclear and the weak force fields are effective
only over distances roughly equal to a length of scale no larger than an atomic nucleus ( 10 15 m ). Their range is so small
that neither field has influence in the macroscopic world of Newtonian mechanics.
Contact forces are fundamentally electromagnetic. While the elbow of the student in Figure 5.6 is in contact with the
tabletop, the atomic charges in his skin interact electromagnetically with the charges in the surface of the table. The net
(total) result is the force T . Similarly, when adhesive tape sticks to a piece of paper, the atoms of the tape are intermingled
with those of the paper to cause a net electromagnetic force between the two objects. However, in the context of Newtonian
mechanics, the electromagnetic origin of contact forces is not an important concern.
direction of these forces along the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively) and a three-dimensional force in the form
^ ^ ^
F = a i + b j + c k . In Figure 5.3, lets suppose that ice skater 1, on the left side of the figure, pushes horizontally
with a force of 30.0 N to the right; we represent this as F 1 = 30.0 i N. Similarly, if ice skater 2 pushes with a force of
40.0 N in the positive vertical direction shown, we would write F 2 = 40.0 j N. The resultant of the two forces causes a
mass to acceleratein this case, the third ice skater. This resultant is called the net external force F net and is found by
taking the vector sum of all external forces acting on an object or system (thus, we can also represent net external force as
F ):
F net = F = F 1+ F 2+ (5.1)
measured from the positive x-axis, as shown in the free-body diagram in Figure 5.3(b).
^ ^ ^ ^
Lets suppose the ice skaters now push the third ice skater with F 1 = 3.0 i + 8.0 j N and F 2 = 5.0 i + 4.0 j N .
What is the resultant of these two forces? We must recognize that force is a vector; therefore, we must add using the rules
for vector addition:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
F net = F 1+ F 2
= 3.0 i + 8.0 j + 5.0 i + 4.0 j = 8.0 i + 12 j N
5.1 Check Your Understanding Find the magnitude and direction of the net force in the ice skater example
just given.
Experience suggests that an object at rest remains at rest if left alone and that an object in motion tends to slow down
and stop unless some effort is made to keep it moving. However, Newtons first law gives a deeper explanation of this
Note the repeated use of the verb remains. We can think of this law as preserving the status quo of motion. Also note the
expression constant velocity; this means that the object maintains a path along a straight line, since neither the magnitude
nor the direction of the velocity vector changes. We can use Figure 5.7 to consider the two parts of Newtons first law.
Figure 5.7 (a) A hockey puck is shown at rest; it remains at rest until an outside
force such as a hockey stick changes its state of rest; (b) a hockey puck is shown in
motion; it continues in motion in a straight line until an outside force causes it to
change its state of motion. Although it is slick, an ice surface provides some friction
that slows the puck.
Rather than contradicting our experience, Newtons first law says that there must be a cause for any change in velocity
(a change in either magnitude or direction) to occur. This cause is a net external force, which we defined earlier in the
chapter. An object sliding across a table or floor slows down due to the net force of friction acting on the object. If friction
disappears, will the object still slow down?
The idea of cause and effect is crucial in accurately describing what happens in various situations. For example, consider
what happens to an object sliding along a rough horizontal surface. The object quickly grinds to a halt. If we spray the
surface with talcum powder to make the surface smoother, the object slides farther. If we make the surface even smoother by
rubbing lubricating oil on it, the object slides farther yet. Extrapolating to a frictionless surface and ignoring air resistance,
214 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
we can imagine the object sliding in a straight line indefinitely. Friction is thus the cause of slowing (consistent with
Newtons first law). The object would not slow down if friction were eliminated.
Consider an air hockey table (Figure 5.8). When the air is turned off, the puck slides only a short distance before friction
slows it to a stop. However, when the air is turned on, it creates a nearly frictionless surface, and the puck glides long
distances without slowing down. Additionally, if we know enough about the friction, we can accurately predict how quickly
the object slows down.
Figure 5.8 An air hockey table is useful in illustrating Newtons laws. When the air is off,
friction quickly slows the puck; but when the air is on, it minimizes contact between the puck
and the hockey table, and the puck glides far down the table.
Newtons first law is general and can be applied to anything from an object sliding on a table to a satellite in orbit to
blood pumped from the heart. Experiments have verified that any change in velocity (speed or direction) must be caused
by an external force. The idea of generally applicable or universal laws is importantit is a basic feature of all laws of
physics. Identifying these laws is like recognizing patterns in nature from which further patterns can be discovered. The
genius of Galileo, who first developed the idea for the first law of motion, and Newton, who clarified it, was to ask the
fundamental question: What is the cause? Thinking in terms of cause and effect is fundamentally different from the typical
ancient Greek approach, when questions such as Why does a tiger have stripes? would have been answered in Aristotelian
fashion, such as That is the nature of the beast. The ability to think in terms of cause and effect is the ability to make a
connection between an observed behavior and the surrounding world.
Are inertial frames common in nature? It turns out that well within experimental error, a reference frame at rest relative
to the most distant, or fixed, stars is inertial. All frames moving uniformly with respect to this fixed-star frame are also
inertial. For example, a nonrotating reference frame attached to the Sun is, for all practical purposes, inertial, because its
velocity relative to the fixed stars does not vary by more than one part in 10 10. Earth accelerates relative to the fixed stars
because it rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun; hence, a reference frame attached to its surface is not inertial.
For most problems, however, such a frame serves as a sufficiently accurate approximation to an inertial frame, because
the acceleration of a point on Earths surface relative to the fixed stars is rather small ( < 3.4 10 2 m/s 2 ). Thus, unless
indicated otherwise, we consider reference frames fixed on Earth to be inertial.
Finally, no particular inertial frame is more special than any other. As far as the laws of nature are concerned, all
inertial frames are equivalent. In analyzing a problem, we choose one inertial frame over another simply on the basis of
v = constant when F net = 0 N.
This equation says that a net force of zero implies that the velocity
v of the object is constant. (The word constant can
indicate zero velocity.)
Newtons first law is deceptively simple. If a car is at rest, the only forces acting on the car are weight and the contact force
of the pavement pushing up on the car (Figure 5.9). It is easy to understand that a nonzero net force is required to change
the state of motion of the car. However, if the car is in motion with constant velocity, a common misconception is that the
engine force propelling the car forward is larger in magnitude than the friction force that opposes forward motion. In fact,
the two forces have identical magnitude.
Figure 5.9 A car is shown (a) parked and (b) moving at constant velocity.
How do Newtons laws apply to the parked car? What does the knowledge
that the car is moving at constant velocity tell us about the net horizontal force
on the car?
216 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Example 5.1
5.2 Check Your Understanding A skydiver opens his parachute, and shortly thereafter, he is moving at
constant velocity. (a) What forces are acting on him? (b) Which force is bigger?
Newtons second law is closely related to his first law. It mathematically gives the cause-and-effect relationship between
force and changes in motion. Newtons second law is quantitative and is used extensively to calculate what happens in
situations involving a force. Before we can write down Newtons second law as a simple equation that gives the exact
relationship of force, mass, and acceleration, we need to sharpen some ideas we mentioned earlier.
Figure 5.10 Different forces exerted on the same mass produce different accelerations. (a) Two students push a stalled car.
All external forces acting on the car are shown. (b) The forces acting on the car are transferred to a coordinate plane (free-body
diagram) for simpler analysis. (c) The tow truck can produce greater external force on the same mass, and thus greater
218 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
From this example, you can see that different forces exerted on the same mass produce different accelerations. In Figure
5.10(a), the two students push a car with a driver in it. Arrows representing all external forces are shown. The system of
interest is the car and its driver. The weight
w of the system and the support of the ground N are also shown for
completeness and are assumed to cancel (because there was no vertical motion and no imbalance of forces in the vertical
direction to create a change in motion). The vector f represents the friction acting on the car, and it acts to the left,
opposing the motion of the car. (We discuss friction in more detail in the next chapter.) In Figure 5.10(b), all external
forces acting on the system add together to produce the net force F net. The free-body diagram shows all of the forces
acting on the system of interest. The dot represents the center of mass of the system. Each force vector extends from this
dot. Because there are two forces acting to the right, the vectors are shown collinearly. Finally, in Figure 5.10(c), a larger
net external force produces a larger acceleration ( a >
a ) when the tow truck pulls the car.
It seems reasonable that acceleration would be directly proportional to and in the same direction as the net external force
acting on a system. This assumption has been verified experimentally and is illustrated in Figure 5.10. To obtain an
equation for Newtons second law, we first write the relationship of acceleration
a and net external force F net as the
a F net
where the symbol means proportional to. (Recall from Forces that the net external force is the vector sum
of all external forces and is sometimes indicated as F . ) This proportionality shows what we have said in
wordsacceleration is directly proportional to net external force. Once the system of interest is chosen, identify the external
forces and ignore the internal ones. It is a tremendous simplification to disregard the numerous internal forces acting
between objects within the system, such as muscular forces within the students bodies, let alone the myriad forces between
the atoms in the objects. Still, this simplification helps us solve some complex problems.
It also seems reasonable that acceleration should be inversely proportional to the mass of the system. In other words, the
larger the mass (the inertia), the smaller the acceleration produced by a given force. As illustrated in Figure 5.11, the
same net external force applied to a basketball produces a much smaller acceleration when it is applied to an SUV. The
proportionality is written as
where m is the mass of the system and a is the magnitude of the acceleration. Experiments have shown that acceleration is
exactly inversely proportional to mass, just as it is directly proportional to net external force.
Figure 5.11 The same force exerted on systems of different masses produces different accelerations. (a) A basketball
player pushes on a basketball to make a pass. (Ignore the effect of gravity on the ball.) (b) The same player exerts an
identical force on a stalled SUV and produces far less acceleration. (c) The free-body diagrams are identical, permitting
direct comparison of the two situations. A series of patterns for free-body diagrams will emerge as you do more problems
and learn how to draw them in Drawing Free-Body Diagrams.
It has been found that the acceleration of an object depends only on the net external force and the mass of the object.
Combining the two proportionalities just given yields Newtons second law.
but the first equation gives more insight into what Newtons second law means. When only the magnitude of force and
acceleration are considered, this equation can be written in the simpler scalar form:
F net = ma. (5.4)
The law is a cause-and-effect relationship among three quantities that is not simply based on their definitions. The validity
of the second law is based on experimental verification. The free-body diagram, which you will learn to draw in Drawing
Free-Body Diagrams, is the basis for writing Newtons second law.
Example 5.2
Figure 5.12 (a) The net force on a lawn mower is 51 N to the right. At what rate does the lawn mower
accelerate to the right? (b) The free-body diagram for this problem is shown.
This problem involves only motion in the horizontal direction; we are also given the net force, indicated by the
single vector, but we can suppress the vector nature and concentrate on applying Newtons second law. Since
F net and m are given, the acceleration can be calculated directly from Newtons second law as F net = ma.
The magnitude of the acceleration a is a = F net/m . Entering known values gives
a = 51 N .
24 kg
Substituting the unit of kilograms times meters per square second for newtons yields
51 kg m/s 2
a= = 2.1 m/s 2.
24 kg
The direction of the acceleration is the same direction as that of the net force, which is parallel to the ground.
This is a result of the vector relationship expressed in Newtons second law, that is, the vector representing net
force is the scalar multiple of the acceleration vector. There is no information given in this example about the
individual external forces acting on the system, but we can say something about their relative magnitudes. For
example, the force exerted by the person pushing the mower must be greater than the friction opposing the motion
(since we know the mower moved forward), and the vertical forces must cancel because no acceleration occurs
in the vertical direction (the mower is moving only horizontally). The acceleration found is small enough to be
reasonable for a person pushing a mower. Such an effort would not last too long, because the persons top speed
would soon be reached.
5.3 Check Your Understanding At the time of its launch, the HMS Titanic was the most massive mobile
object ever built, with a mass of 6.0 10 7 kg . If a force of 6 MN (6 10 6 N) was applied to the ship, what
acceleration would it experience?
In the preceding example, we dealt with net force only for simplicity. However, several forces act on the lawn mower. The
weight w (discussed in detail in Mass and Weight) pulls down on the mower, toward the center of Earth; this produces
a contact force on the ground. The ground must exert an upward force on the lawn mower, known as the normal force N
, which we define in Common Forces. These forces are balanced and therefore do not produce vertical acceleration. In
the next example, we show both of these forces. As you continue to solve problems using Newtons second law, be sure to
show multiple forces.
Example 5.3
We must consider Newtons first and second laws to analyze the situation. We need to decide which law applies;
this, in turn, will tell us about the relationship between the forces.
a. The forces are equal. According to Newtons first law, if the net force is zero, the velocity is constant.
b. In this case, F engine must be larger than F friction. According to Newtons second law, a net force is
required to cause acceleration.
These questions may seem trivial, but they are commonly answered incorrectly. For a car or any other object to
move, it must be accelerated from rest to the desired speed; this requires that the engine force be greater than
the friction force. Once the car is moving at constant velocity, the net force must be zero; otherwise, the car
will accelerate (gain speed). To solve problems involving Newtons laws, we must understand whether to apply
Newtons first law (where F = 0 ) or Newtons second law (where F is not zero). This will be
apparent as you see more examples and attempt to solve problems on your own.
222 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Example 5.4
Figure 5.14 A sled experiences a rocket thrust that accelerates it to the right.
Each rocket creates an identical thrust T. The system here is the sled, its rockets,
and its rider, so none of the forces between these objects are considered. The
arrow representing friction ( f ) is drawn larger than scale.
Although forces are acting both vertically and horizontally, we assume the vertical forces cancel because there
is no vertical acceleration. This leaves us with only horizontal forces and a simpler one-dimensional problem.
Directions are indicated with plus or minus signs, with right taken as the positive direction. See the free-body
diagram in Figure 5.14.
Since acceleration, mass, and the force of friction are given, we start with Newtons second law and look for ways
to find the thrust of the engines. We have defined the direction of the force and acceleration as acting to the
right, so we need to consider only the magnitudes of these quantities in the calculations. Hence we begin with
F net = ma
where F net is the net force along the horizontal direction. We can see from the figure that the engine thrusts add,
whereas friction opposes the thrust. In equation form, the net external force is
F net = 4T f .
5.4 Check Your Understanding A 550-kg sports car collides with a 2200-kg truck, and during the collision,
the net force on each vehicle is the force exerted by the other. If the magnitude of the trucks acceleration is
10 m/s 2, what is the magnitude of the sports cars acceleration?
F x=m
a x, F y=m
a y, and F z = m
a z. (5.5)
The second law is a description of how a body responds mechanically to its environment. The influence of the environment
is the net force F net, the bodys response is the acceleration
a , and the strength of the response is inversely
proportional to the mass m. The larger the mass of an object, the smaller its response (its acceleration) to the influence of the
environment (a given net force). Therefore, a bodys mass is a measure of its inertia, as we explained in Newtons First
224 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Example 5.5
F net = (1.20 N) 2 + (2.80 N) 2 = 3.05 N and = tan 1 2.80 = 66.8.
We must remember that Newtons second law is a vector equation. In (a), we are multiplying a vector by a scalar
to determine the net force in vector form. While the vector form gives a compact representation of the force
vector, it does not tell us how big it is, or where it goes, in intuitive terms. In (b), we are determining the actual
size (magnitude) of this force and the direction in which it travels.
Example 5.6
Mass of a Car
^ ^
Find the mass of a car if a net force of 600.0 j N produces an acceleration of 0.2 j m/s 2 .
Vector division is not defined, so m = F net/
a cannot be performed. However, mass m is a scalar, so we can
use the scalar form of Newtons second law, m = F net/a .
We use m = F net/a and substitute the magnitudes of the two vectors: F net = 600.0 N and a = 0.2 m/s 2.
m = anet = 600.0 N2 = 3000 kg.
0.2 m/s
^ ^
Force and acceleration were given in the i and j format, but the answer, mass m, is a scalar and thus is not
^ ^
given in i and j form.
Example 5.7
Because this is a two-dimensional problem, we must use a free-body diagram. First, F 1 must be resolved into
x- and y-components. We can then apply the second law in each direction.
We draw a free-body diagram as shown in Figure 5.15. Now we apply Newtons second law. We consider all
vectors resolved into x- and y-components:
F x = ma x F y = ma y
F 1x F 3x = ma x F 1y + F 4y F 2y = ma y
F 1 cos 30 F 3x = ma x F 1 sin 30 + F 4y F 2y = ma y
(10.0 N)(cos 30) 5.0 N = 4.0 kg a x
(10.0 N)(sin 30) + 2.0 N 40.0 N = 4.0 kga y
a x = 0.92 m/s 2. a y = 8.3 m/s 2.
which is a vector of magnitude 8.4 m/s 2 directed at 276 to the positive x-axis.
Numerous examples in everyday life can be found that involve three or more forces acting on a single object,
226 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
such as cables running from the Golden Gate Bridge or a football player being tackled by three defenders. We can
see that the solution of this example is just an extension of what we have already done.
5.5 Check Your Understanding A car has forces acting on it, as shown below. The mass of the car is 1000.0
kg. The road is slick, so friction can be ignored. (a) What is the net force on the car? (b) What is the acceleration
of the car?
dp (5.6)
F net = .
This means that Newtons second law addresses the central question of motion: What causes a change in motion of an
object? Momentum was described by Newton as quantity of motion, a way of combining both the velocity of an object
and its mass. We devote Linear Momentum and Collisions to the study of momentum.
For now, it is sufficient to define momentum
p as the product of the mass of the object m and its velocity
v :
p =m
v . (5.7)
dp dm v
F net = = .
dt dt
When m is constant, we have
F net = m =m
a .
Thus, we see that the momentum form of Newtons second law reduces to the form given earlier in this section.
Mass and weight are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. For example, our medical records often show
our weight in kilograms but never in the correct units of newtons. In physics, however, there is an important distinction.
Weight is the pull of Earth on an object. It depends on the distance from the center of Earth. Unlike weight, mass does not
vary with location. The mass of an object is the same on Earth, in orbit, or on the surface of the Moon.
Units of Force
The equation F net = ma is used to define net force in terms of mass, length, and time. As explained earlier, the SI unit of
force is the newton. Since F net = ma,
1 N = 1 kg m/s 2.
Although almost the entire world uses the newton for the unit of force, in the United States, the most familiar unit of force
is the pound (lb), where 1 N = 0.225 lb. Thus, a 225-lb person weighs 1000 N.
The gravitational force on a mass is its weight. We can write this in vector form, where
w is weight and m is mass,
w =m
g . (5.8)
Since g = 9.80 m/s 2 on Earth, the weight of a 1.00-kg object on Earth is 9.80 N:
When the net external force on an object is its weight, we say that it is in free fall, that is, the only force acting on the object
is gravity. However, when objects on Earth fall downward, they are never truly in free fall because there is always some
upward resistance force from the air acting on the object.
Acceleration due to gravity g varies slightly over the surface of Earth, so the weight of an object depends on its location and
is not an intrinsic property of the object. Weight varies dramatically if we leave Earths surface. On the Moon, for example,
acceleration due to gravity is only 1.67 m/s 2 . A 1.0-kg mass thus has a weight of 9.8 N on Earth and only about 1.7 N on
the Moon.
The broadest definition of weight in this sense is that the weight of an object is the gravitational force on it from the nearest
large body, such as Earth, the Moon, or the Sun. This is the most common and useful definition of weight in physics. It
differs dramatically, however, from the definition of weight used by NASA and the popular media in relation to space travel
and exploration. When they speak of weightlessness and microgravity, they are referring to the phenomenon we call
free fall in physics. We use the preceding definition of weight, force w due to gravity acting on an object of mass m,
and we make careful distinctions between free fall and actual weightlessness.
Be aware that weight and mass are different physical quantities, although they are closely related. Mass is an intrinsic
property of an object: It is a quantity of matter. The quantity or amount of matter of an object is determined by the numbers
of atoms and molecules of various types it contains. Because these numbers do not vary, in Newtonian physics, mass does
not vary; therefore, its response to an applied force does not vary. In contrast, weight is the gravitational force acting on an
object, so it does vary depending on gravity. For example, a person closer to the center of Earth, at a low elevation such as
New Orleans, weighs slightly more than a person who is located in the higher elevation of Denver, even though they may
have the same mass.
It is tempting to equate mass to weight, because most of our examples take place on Earth, where the weight of an object
varies only a little with the location of the object. In addition, it is difficult to count and identify all of the atoms and
molecules in an object, so mass is rarely determined in this manner. If we consider situations in which g is a constant on
Earth, we see that weight w =m
w is directly proportional to mass m, since g , that is, the more massive an object
is, the more it weighs. Operationally, the masses of objects are determined by comparison with the standard kilogram, as
we discussed in Units and Measurement. But by comparing an object on Earth with one on the Moon, we can easily
see a variation in weight but not in mass. For instance, on Earth, a 5.0-kg object weighs 49 N; on the Moon, where g is
1.67 m/s 2 , the object weighs 8.4 N. However, the mass of the object is still 5.0 kg on the Moon.
Example 5.8
Clearing a Field
A farmer is lifting some moderately heavy rocks from a field to plant crops. He lifts a stone that weighs 40.0 lb.
(about 180 N). What force does he apply if the stone accelerates at a rate of 1.5 m/s 2 ?
We were given the weight of the stone, which we use in finding the net force on the stone. However, we also need
to know its mass to apply Newtons second law, so we must apply the equation for weight, w = mg , to determine
the mass.
No forces act in the horizontal direction, so we can concentrate on vertical forces, as shown in the following free-
body diagram. We label the acceleration to the side; technically, it is not part of the free-body diagram, but it helps
to remind us that the object accelerates upward (so the net force is upward).
w = mg
m = w
g =
180 N = 18 kg
9.8 m/s 2
F = ma
Fw = ma
F 180 N = (18 kg)(1.5 m/s 2)
F 180 N = 27 N
F = 207 N = 210 N to two significant fig es
To apply Newtons second law as the primary equation in solving a problem, we sometimes have to rely on other
equations, such as the one for weight or one of the kinematic equations, to complete the solution.
5.6 Check Your Understanding For Example 5.8, find the acceleration when the farmers applied force is
230.0 N.
Can you avoid the boulder field and land safely just before your fuel runs out, as Neil Armstrong did in 1969? This
version of the classic video game ( accurately simulates
the real motion of the lunar lander, with the correct mass, thrust, fuel consumption rate, and lunar gravity. The real
lunar lander is hard to control.
We have thus far considered force as a push or a pull; however, if you think about it, you realize that no push or pull ever
occurs by itself. When you push on a wall, the wall pushes back on you. This brings us to Newtons third law.
simultaneously exerts a force F on A, or in vector equation form,
F AB = F BA .
Newtons third law represents a certain symmetry in nature: Forces always occur in pairs, and one body cannot exert a force
on another without experiencing a force itself. We sometimes refer to this law loosely as action-reaction, where the force
exerted is the action and the force experienced as a consequence is the reaction. Newtons third law has practical uses in
analyzing the origin of forces and understanding which forces are external to a system.
We can readily see Newtons third law at work by taking a look at how people move about. Consider a swimmer pushing
off the side of a pool (Figure 5.16). She pushes against the wall of the pool with her feet and accelerates in the direction
opposite that of her push. The wall has exerted an equal and opposite force on the swimmer. You might think that two equal
and opposite forces would cancel, but they do not because they act on different systems. In this case, there are two systems
that we could investigate: the swimmer and the wall. If we select the swimmer to be the system of interest, as in the figure,
then F wall on feet is an external force on this system and affects its motion. The swimmer moves in the direction of this
force. In contrast, the force F feet on wall acts on the wall, not on our system of interest. Thus, F feet on wall does not directly
affect the motion of the system and does not cancel F wall on feet . The swimmer pushes in the direction opposite that in
which she wishes to move. The reaction to her push is thus in the desired direction. In a free-body diagram, such as the one
shown in Figure 5.16, we never include both forces of an action-reaction pair; in this case, we only use F wall on feet , not
F feet on wall .
Figure 5.16 When the swimmer exerts a force on the wall, she accelerates in the opposite direction; in other
words, the net external force on her is in the direction opposite of F feet on wall . This opposition occurs because,
in accordance with Newtons third law, the wall exerts a force F wall on feet on the swimmer that is equal in
magnitude but in the direction opposite to the one she exerts on it. The line around the swimmer indicates the
system of interest. Thus, the free-body diagram shows only F wall on feet , w (the gravitational force), and BF,
which is the buoyant force of the water supporting the swimmers weight. The vertical forces w and BF cancel
because there is no vertical acceleration.
actually work better in a vacuum, where they can more readily expel the exhaust gases.
Helicopters create lift by pushing air down, thereby experiencing an upward reaction force.
Birds and airplanes also fly by exerting force on the air in a direction opposite that of whatever force they need. For
example, the wings of a bird force air downward and backward to get lift and move forward.
An octopus propels itself in the water by ejecting water through a funnel from its body, similar to a jet ski.
When a person pulls down on a vertical rope, the rope pulls up on the person (Figure 5.17).
Figure 5.17 When the mountain climber pulls down on the rope, the rope pulls up on the
mountain climber.
There are two important features of Newtons third law. First, the forces exerted (the action and reaction) are always equal
in magnitude but opposite in direction. Second, these forces are acting on different bodies or systems: As force acts on B
and Bs force acts on A. In other words, the two forces are distinct forces that do not act on the same body. Thus, they do
not cancel each other.
For the situation shown in Figure 5.6, the third law indicates that because the chair is pushing upward on the boy with
force C , he is pushing downward on the chair with force C . Similarly, he is pushing downward with forces F
and T on the floor and table, respectively. Finally, since Earth pulls downward on the boy with force
w , he pulls
upward on Earth with force w . If that student were to angrily pound the table in frustration, he would quickly learn the
painful lesson (avoidable by studying Newtons laws) that the table hits back just as hard.
A person who is walking or running applies Newtons third law instinctively. For example, the runner in Figure 5.18
pushes backward on the ground so that it pushes him forward.
232 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Figure 5.18 The runner experiences Newtons third law. (a) A force is
exerted by the runner on the ground. (b) The reaction force of the ground on
the runner pushes him forward.
Example 5.9
Figure 5.19 (a) The forces on a package sitting on a scale, along with their reaction forces. The force w is the
weight of the package (the force due to Earths gravity) and S is the force of the scale on the package. (b) Isolation
of the package-scale system and the package-Earth system makes the action and reaction pairs clear.
Example 5.10
Figure 5.20 A professor pushes the cart with her demonstration equipment. The lengths of the arrows are
proportional to the magnitudes of the forces (except for f , because it is too small to drawn to scale). System 1
is appropriate for this example, because it asks for the acceleration of the entire group of objects. Only F floo
and f are external forces acting on System 1 along the line of motion. All other forces either cancel or act on
the outside world. System 2 is chosen for the next example so that F prof is an external force and enters into
Newtons second law. The free-body diagrams, which serve as the basis for Newtons second law, vary with the
system chosen.
Since they accelerate as a unit, we define the system to be the professor, cart, and equipment. This is System
1 in Figure 5.20. The professor pushes backward with a force F foot of 150 N. According to Newtons third
law, the floor exerts a forward reaction force F floo of 150 N on System 1. Because all motion is horizontal,
we can assume there is no net force in the vertical direction. Therefore, the problem is one-dimensional along
the horizontal direction. As noted, friction f opposes the motion and is thus in the opposite direction of F floo .
We do not include the forces F prof or F cart because these are internal forces, and we do not include F foot
because it acts on the floor, not on the system. There are no other significant forces acting on System 1. If the net
external force can be found from all this information, we can use Newtons second law to find the acceleration as
requested. See the free-body diagram in the figure.
Newtons second law is given by
F net
a= m .
The net external force on System 1 is deduced from Figure 5.20 and the preceding discussion to be
F net = F floo f = 150 N 24.0 N = 126 N.
F net 126 N
a= m = = 1.5 m/s 2.
84 kg
None of the forces between components of System 1, such as between the professors hands and the cart,
contribute to the net external force because they are internal to System 1. Another way to look at this is that
forces between components of a system cancel because they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
For example, the force exerted by the professor on the cart results in an equal and opposite force back on the
professor. In this case, both forces act on the same system and therefore cancel. Thus, internal forces (between
components of a system) cancel. Choosing System 1 was crucial to solving this problem.
Example 5.11
F net
a= m .
F prof = F net + f .
The value of f is given, so we must calculate net F net. That can be done because both the acceleration and the
mass of System 2 are known. Using Newtons second law, we see that
F net = ma,
where the mass of System 2 is 19.0 kg ( m = 12.0 kg + 7.0 kg ) and its acceleration was found to be
a = 1.5 m/s 2 in the previous example. Thus,
This force is significantly less than the 150-N force the professor exerted backward on the floor. Not all of that
150-N force is transmitted to the cart; some of it accelerates the professor. The choice of a system is an important
236 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
analytical step both in solving problems and in thoroughly understanding the physics of the situation (which are
not necessarily the same things).
5.7 Check Your Understanding Two blocks are at rest and in contact on a frictionless surface as shown
below, with m 1 = 2.0 kg, m 2 = 6.0 kg, and applied force 24 N. (a) Find the acceleration of the system of
blocks. (b) Suppose that the blocks are later separated. What force will give the second block, with the mass of
6.0 kg, the same acceleration as the system of blocks?
Forces are given many names, such as push, pull, thrust, and weight. Traditionally, forces have been grouped into several
categories and given names relating to their source, how they are transmitted, or their effects. Several of these categories
are discussed in this section, together with some interesting applications. Further examples of forces are discussed later in
this text.
sags until the restoring force becomes as large as the weight of the load. At this point, the net external force on the load is
zero. That is the situation when the load is stationary on the table. The table sags quickly and the sag is slight, so we do not
notice it. But it is similar to the sagging of a trampoline when you climb onto it.
Figure 5.21 (a) The person holding the bag of dog food must supply an
upward force F hand equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to
the weight of the food w so that it doesnt drop to the ground. (b) The
card table sags when the dog food is placed on it, much like a stiff
trampoline. Elastic restoring forces in the table grow as it sags until they
supply a force N equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the
weight of the load.
We must conclude that whatever supports a load, be it animate or not, must supply an upward force equal to the weight of
the load, as we assumed in a few of the previous examples. If the force supporting the weight of an object, or a load, is
perpendicular to the surface of contact between the load and its support, this force is defined as a normal force and here is
given by the symbol N . (This is not the newton unit for force, or N.) The word normal means perpendicular to a surface.
This means that the normal force experienced by an object resting on a horizontal surface can be expressed in vector form
as follows:
N = m
g . (5.11)
N = mg. (5.12)
238 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
The normal force can be less than the objects weight if the object is on an incline.
Example 5.12
Weight on an Incline
Consider the skier on the slope in Figure 5.22. Her mass including equipment is 60.0 kg. (a) What is her
acceleration if friction is negligible? (b) What is her acceleration if friction is 45.0 N?
Figure 5.22 Since the acceleration is parallel to the slope and acting down the slope, it is most convenient to
project all forces onto a coordinate system where one axis is parallel to the slope and the other is perpendicular to it
(axes shown to the left of the skier). N is perpendicular to the slope and f is parallel to the slope, but
has components along both axes, namely, w y and w x . Here, w has a squiggly line to show that it has been
replaced by these components. The force N is equal in magnitude to w y , so there is no acceleration
perpendicular to the slope, but f is less than w x , so there is a downslope acceleration (along the axis parallel to the
This is a two-dimensional problem, since not all forces on the skier (the system of interest) are parallel. The
approach we have used in two-dimensional kinematics also works well here. Choose a convenient coordinate
system and project the vectors onto its axes, creating two one-dimensional problems to solve. The most
convenient coordinate system for motion on an incline is one that has one coordinate parallel to the slope and one
perpendicular to the slope. (Motions along mutually perpendicular axes are independent.) We use x and y for the
parallel and perpendicular directions, respectively. This choice of axes simplifies this type of problem, because
there is no motion perpendicular to the slope and the acceleration is downslope. Regarding the forces, friction is
drawn in opposition to motion (friction always opposes forward motion) and is always parallel to the slope, w x
is drawn parallel to the slope and downslope (it causes the motion of the skier down the slope), and w y is drawn
as the component of weight perpendicular to the slope. Then, we can consider the separate problems of forces
parallel to the slope and forces perpendicular to the slope.
The magnitude of the component of weight parallel to the slope is
w x = w sin 25 = mg sin 25,
and the magnitude of the component of the weight perpendicular to the slope is
a. Neglect friction. Since the acceleration is parallel to the slope, we need only consider forces parallel to the
slope. (Forces perpendicular to the slope add to zero, since there is no acceleration in that direction.) The forces
parallel to the slope are the component of the skiers weight parallel to slope w x and friction f. Using Newtons
second law, with subscripts to denote quantities parallel to the slope,
F net x
ax = m
where F net x = w x mg sin 25, assuming no friction for this part. Therefore,
F net x mg sin 25
ax = m = m = g sin 25
9.80 m/s (0.4226) = 4.14 m/s 2
is the acceleration.
b. Include friction. We have a given value for friction, and we know its direction is parallel to the slope and it
opposes motion between surfaces in contact. So the net external force is
F net x = w x f .
F net x w x f mg sin 25 f
ax = m = m = m .
This gives us
a x = 3.39 m/s 2,
which is the acceleration parallel to the incline when there is 45.0 N of opposing friction.
Since friction always opposes motion between surfaces, the acceleration is smaller when there is friction than
when there is none. It is a general result that if friction on an incline is negligible, then the acceleration down the
incline is a = g sin , regardless of mass. As discussed previously, all objects fall with the same acceleration in
the absence of air resistance. Similarly, all objects, regardless of mass, slide down a frictionless incline with the
same acceleration (if the angle is the same).
When an object rests on an incline that makes an angle with the horizontal, the force of gravity acting on the object
is divided into two components: a force acting perpendicular to the plane, w y , and a force acting parallel to the plane,
w x (Figure 5.23). The normal force N is typically equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the perpendicular
component of the weight w y . The force acting parallel to the plane, w x , causes the object to accelerate down the incline.
240 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Figure 5.23 An object rests on an incline that makes an angle with the
Be careful when resolving the weight of the object into components. If the incline is at an angle to the horizontal, then
the magnitudes of the weight components are
w x = w sin = mg sin
w y = w cos = mg cos .
We use the second equation to write the normal force experienced by an object resting on an inclined plane:
N = mg cos . (5.13)
Instead of memorizing these equations, it is helpful to be able to determine them from reason. To do this, we draw the right
angle formed by the three weight vectors. The angle of the incline is the same as the angle formed between w and w y .
Knowing this property, we can use trigonometry to determine the magnitude of the weight components:
cos = w , w y = w cos = mg sin
sin = wx , w x = w sin = mg sin .
5.8 Check Your Understanding A force of 1150 N acts parallel to a ramp to push a 250-kg gun safe into a
moving van. The ramp is frictionless and inclined at 17. (a) What is the acceleration of the safe up the ramp?
(b) If we consider friction in this problem, with a friction force of 120 N, what is the acceleration of the safe?
A tension is a force along the length of a medium; in particular, it is a pulling force that acts along a stretched flexible
connector, such as a rope or cable. The word tension comes from a Latin word meaning to stretch. Not coincidentally,
the flexible cords that carry muscle forces to other parts of the body are called tendons.
Any flexible connector, such as a string, rope, chain, wire, or cable, can only exert a pull parallel to its length; thus, a
force carried by a flexible connector is a tension with a direction parallel to the connector. Tension is a pull in a connector.
Consider the phrase: You cant push a rope. Instead, tension force pulls outward along the two ends of a rope.
Consider a person holding a mass on a rope, as shown in Figure 5.24. If the 5.00-kg mass in the figure is stationary, then
its acceleration is zero and the net force is zero. The only external forces acting on the mass are its weight and the tension
supplied by the rope. Thus,
F net = T w = 0,
where T and w are the magnitudes of the tension and weight, respectively, and their signs indicate direction, with up being
positive. As we proved using Newtons second law, the tension equals the weight of the supported mass:
T = w = mg. (5.14)
Thus, for a 5.00-kg mass (neglecting the mass of the rope), we see that
T = mg = 5.00 kg9.80 m/s 2 = 49.0 N.
If we cut the rope and insert a spring, the spring would extend a length corresponding to a force of 49.0 N, providing a direct
observation and measure of the tension force in the rope.
Flexible connectors are often used to transmit forces around corners, such as in a hospital traction system, a tendon, or a
bicycle brake cable. If there is no friction, the tension transmission is undiminished; only its direction changes, and it is
always parallel to the flexible connector, as shown in Figure 5.25.
242 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Figure 5.25 (a) Tendons in the finger carry force T from the muscles to other parts of the finger, usually changing
the forces direction but not its magnitude (the tendons are relatively friction free). (b) The brake cable on a bicycle
carries the tension T from the brake lever on the handlebars to the brake mechanism. Again, the direction but not the
magnitude of T is changed.
Example 5.13
Figure 5.26 The weight of a tightrope walker causes a wire to sag by 5.0 . The system of interest is the point in
the wire at which the tightrope walker is standing.
As you can see in Figure 5.26, the wire is bent under the persons weight. Thus, the tension on either side of the
person has an upward component that can support his weight. As usual, forces are vectors represented pictorially
by arrows that have the same direction as the forces and lengths proportional to their magnitudes. The system is
the tightrope walker, and the only external forces acting on him are his weight
w and the two tensions T L
(left tension) and T R (right tension). It is reasonable to neglect the weight of the wire. The net external force
is zero, because the system is static. We can use trigonometry to find the tensions. One conclusion is possible at
the outsetwe can see from Figure 5.26(b) that the magnitudes of the tensions T L and T R must be equal. We
know this because there is no horizontal acceleration in the rope and the only forces acting to the left and right are
T L and T R . Thus, the magnitude of those horizontal components of the forces must be equal so that they cancel
each other out.
Whenever we have two-dimensional vector problems in which no two vectors are parallel, the easiest method
of solution is to pick a convenient coordinate system and project the vectors onto its axes. In this case, the best
coordinate system has one horizontal axis (x) and one vertical axis (y).
First, we need to resolve the tension vectors into their horizontal and vertical components. It helps to look at a new
free-body diagram showing all horizontal and vertical components of each force acting on the system (Figure
Figure 5.27 When the vectors are projected onto vertical and horizontal axes, their components along these
axes must add to zero, since the tightrope walker is stationary. The small angle results in T being much
greater than w.
Consider the horizontal components of the forces (denoted with a subscript x):
F net x = T Rx T Lx.
The net external horizontal force F net x = 0, since the person is stationary. Thus,
F net x = 0 = T Rx T Lx
T Lx = T Rx.
Now observe Figure 5.27. You can use trigonometry to determine the magnitude of T L and T R :
T Lx
cos 5.0 = , T Lx = T L cos 5.0
cos 5.0 = Rx , T Rx = T R cos 5.0.
T L = T R = T,
as predicted. Now, considering the vertical components (denoted by a subscript y), we can solve for T. Again,
since the person is stationary, Newtons second law implies that F net y = 0 . Thus, as illustrated in the free-body
F net y = T Ly + T Ry w = 0.
We can use trigonometry to determine the relationships among T Ly , T Ry, and T. As we determined from the
analysis in the horizontal direction, T L = T R = T :
244 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
T Ly
sin 5.0 = , T Ly = T L sin 5.0 = T sin 5.0
T Ry
sin 5.0 = , T Ry = T R sin 5.0 = T sin 5.0.
Now we can substitute the vales for T Ly and T Ry , into the net force equation in the vertical direction:
F net y = T Ly + T Ry w = 0
F net y = T sin 5.0 + T sin 5.0 w = 0
2T sin 5.0 w = 0
2T sin 5.0 = w
w mg
T= = ,
2 sin 5.0 2 sin 5.0
70.0 kg9.80 m/s 2
T= ,
and the tension is
T = 3930 N.
The vertical tension in the wire acts as a force that supports the weight of the tightrope walker. The tension
is almost six times the 686-N weight of the tightrope walker. Since the wire is nearly horizontal, the vertical
component of its tension is only a fraction of the tension in the wire. The large horizontal components are in
opposite directions and cancel, so most of the tension in the wire is not used to support the weight of the tightrope
If we wish to create a large tension, all we have to do is exert a force perpendicular to a taut flexible connector, as illustrated
in Figure 5.26. As we saw in Example 5.13, the weight of the tightrope walker acts as a force perpendicular to the rope.
We saw that the tension in the rope is related to the weight of the tightrope walker in the following way:
T= w .
2 sin
We can extend this expression to describe the tension T created when a perpendicular force F
is exerted at the middle
of a flexible connector:
T= .
2 sin
The angle between the horizontal and the bent connector is represented by . In this case, T becomes large as approaches
zero. Even the relatively small weight of any flexible connector will cause it to sag, since an infinite tension would result
if it were horizontal (i.e., = 0 and sin = 0 ). For example, Figure 5.28 shows a situation where we wish to pull a car
out of the mud when no tow truck is available. Each time the car moves forward, the chain is tightened to keep it as straight
as possible. The tension in the chain is given by T = , and since is small, T is large. This situation is analogous
2 sin
to the tightrope walker, except that the tensions shown here are those transmitted to the car and the tree rather than those
acting at the point where F is applied.
Figure 5.28 We can create a large tension in the chainand potentially a big messby pushing on it perpendicular to its
length, as shown.
5.9 Check Your Understanding One end of a 3.0-m rope is tied to a tree; the other end is tied to a car stuck
in the mud. The motorist pulls sideways on the midpoint of the rope, displacing it a distance of 0.25 m. If he
exerts a force of 200.0 N under these conditions, determine the force exerted on the car.
In Applications of Newtons Laws, we extend the discussion on tension in a cable to include cases in which the angles
shown are not equal.
Friction is a resistive force opposing motion or its tendency. Imagine an object at rest on a horizontal surface. The net force
acting on the object must be zero, leading to equality of the weight and the normal force, which act in opposite directions. If
the surface is tilted, the normal force balances the component of the weight perpendicular to the surface. If the object does
not slide downward, the component of the weight parallel to the inclined plane is balanced by friction. Friction is discussed
in greater detail in the next chapter.
Spring force
A spring is a special medium with a specific atomic structure that has the ability to restore its shape, if deformed. To restore
its shape, a spring exerts a restoring force that is proportional to and in the opposite direction in which it is stretched or
compressed. This is the statement of a law known as Hookes law, which has the mathematical form
F = k
x .
The constant of proportionality k is a measure of the springs stiffness. The line of action of this force is parallel to the spring
axis, and the sense of the force is in the opposite direction of the displacement vector (Figure 5.29). The displacement
must be measured from the relaxed position; x = 0 when the spring is relaxed.
The crucial factor in determining whether a frame of reference is inertial is whether it accelerates or rotates relative to a
known inertial frame. Unless stated otherwise, all phenomena discussed in this text are in inertial frames.
The forces discussed in this section are real forces, but they are not the only real forces. Lift and thrust, for example, are
more specialized real forces. In the long list of forces, are some more basic than others? Are some different manifestations
of the same underlying force? The answer to both questions is yes, as you will see in the treatment of modern physics later
in the text.
Explore forces and motion in this interactive simulation ( as you
push household objects up and down a ramp. Lower and raise the ramp to see how the angle of inclination affects
the parallel forces. Graphs show forces, energy, and work.
The first step in describing and analyzing most phenomena in physics involves the careful drawing of a free-body diagram.
Free-body diagrams have been used in examples throughout this chapter. Remember that a free-body diagram must only
include the external forces acting on the body of interest. Once we have drawn an accurate free-body diagram, we can apply
Newtons first law if the body is in equilibrium (balanced forces; that is, F net = 0 ) or Newtons second law if the body is
accelerating (unbalanced force; that is, F net 0 ).
In Forces, we gave a brief problem-solving strategy to help you understand free-body diagrams. Here, we add some details
to the strategy that will help you in constructing these diagrams.
Lets apply the problem-solving strategy in drawing a free-body diagram for a sled. In Figure 5.31(a), a sled is pulled by
force P at an angle of 30 . In part (b), we show a free-body diagram for this situation, as described by steps 1 and 2 of the
problem-solving strategy. In part (c), we show all forces in terms of their x- and y-components, in keeping with step 3.
248 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Figure 5.31 (a) A moving sled is shown as (b) a free-body diagram and (c) a free-body
diagram with force components.
Example 5.14
Figure 5.32 (a) The free-body diagram for isolated object A. (b) The free-body diagram for isolated object B.
Comparing the two drawings, we see that friction acts in the opposite direction in the two figures. Because object A
experiences a force that tends to pull it to the right, friction must act to the left. Because object B experiences a
component of its weight that pulls it to the left, down the incline, the friction force must oppose it and act up the ramp.
Friction always acts opposite the intended direction of motion.
We now include any force that acts on the body. Here, no applied force is present. The weight of the object acts as
a force pointing vertically downward, and the presence of the cord indicates a force of tension pointing away from
the object. Object A has one interface and hence experiences a normal force, directed away from the interface.
The source of this force is object B, and this normal force is labeled accordingly. Since object B has a tendency
to slide down, object A has a tendency to slide up with respect to the interface, so the friction f BA is directed
downward parallel to the inclined plane.
As noted in step 4 of the problem-solving strategy, we then construct the free-body diagram in Figure 5.32(b)
using the same approach. Object B experiences two normal forces and two friction forces due to the presence of
two contact surfaces. The interface with the inclined plane exerts external forces of N B and f B , and the interface
with object B exerts the normal force N AB and friction f AB ; N AB is directed away from object B, and f AB
is opposing the tendency of the relative motion of object B with respect to object A.
The object under consideration in each part of this problem was circled in gray. When you are first learning how
to draw free-body diagrams, you will find it helpful to circle the object before deciding what forces are acting on
that particular object. This focuses your attention, preventing you from considering forces that are not acting on
the body.
Example 5.15
A 21 is the action force of block 2 on block 1. A 12 is the reaction force of block 1 on block 2. We use these
free-body diagrams in Applications of Newtons Laws.
250 Chapter 5 | Newton's Laws of Motion
Example 5.16
Each block accelerates (notice the labels shown for
a 1 and
a 2 ); however, assuming the string remains
taut, they accelerate at the same rate. Thus, we have
a 1=
a 2 . If we were to continue solving the problem,
we could simply call the acceleration a . Also, we use two free-body diagrams because we are usually finding
tension T, which may require us to use a system of two equations in this type of problem. The tension is the same
on both m 1 and m 2 .
5.10 Check Your Understanding (a) Draw the free-body diagram for the situation shown. (b) Redraw it
showing components; use x-axes parallel to the two ramps.
dynamics study of how forces affect the motion of objects and systems
external force force acting on an object or system that originates outside of the object or system
force push or pull on an object with a specific magnitude and direction; can be represented by vectors or expressed as a
multiple of a standard force
free fall situation in which the only force acting on an object is gravity
free-body diagram sketch showing all external forces acting on an object or system; the system is represented by a
single isolated point, and the forces are represented by vectors extending outward from that point
Hookes law in a spring, a restoring force proportional to and in the opposite direction of the imposed displacement
inertia ability of an object to resist changes in its motion
inertial reference frame reference frame moving at constant velocity relative to an inertial frame is also inertial; a
reference frame accelerating relative to an inertial frame is not inertial
law of inertia see Newtons first law of motion
net external force vector sum of all external forces acting on an object or system; causes a mass to accelerate
newton SI unit of force; 1 N is the force needed to accelerate an object with a mass of 1 kg at a rate of 1 m/s 2
Newtons first law of motion body at rest remains at rest or, if in motion, remains in motion at constant velocity unless
acted on by a net external force; also known as the law of inertia
Newtons second law of motion acceleration of a system is directly proportional to and in the same direction as the
net external force acting on the system and is inversely proportional to its mass
Newtons third law of motion whenever one body exerts a force on a second body, the first body experiences a force
that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that it exerts
normal force force supporting the weight of an object, or a load, that is perpendicular to the surface of contact between
the load and its support; the surface applies this force to an object to support the weight of the object
tension pulling force that acts along a stretched flexible connector, such as a rope or cable
thrust reaction force that pushes a body forward in response to a backward force
weight force
w due to gravity acting on an object of mass m
Net external force F net = F = F 1+ F 2+
Newtons first law v = constant when F net = 0 N
Newtons second law, vector form F net = F =m
Newtons second law, momentum form F net =
N = m
Normal force on an object resting on a
horizontal surface, vector form
Normal force on an object resting on a N = mg
horizontal surface, scalar form
Normal force on an object resting on an N = mgcos
inclined plane, scalar form
Tension in a cable supporting an object T = w = mg
of mass m at rest, scalar form
5.1 Forces
Dynamics is the study of how forces affect the motion of objects, whereas kinematics simply describes the way
objects move.
Force is a push or pull that can be defined in terms of various standards, and it is a vector that has both magnitude
and direction.
External forces are any outside forces that act on a body. A free-body diagram is a drawing of all external forces
acting on a body.
The SI unit of force is the newton (N).
Careful distinctions must be made between free fall and weightlessness using the definition of weight as force due
to gravity acting on an object of a certain mass.
(c) An elevator in free fall
5.1 Forces
(d) A space capsule orbiting Earth
1. What properties do forces have that allow us to classify
(e) An elevator descending uniformly
them as vectors?
5. A rock is thrown straight up. At the top of the trajectory, 12. Suppose that you are holding a cup of coffee in your
the velocity is momentarily zero. Does this imply that the hand. Identify all forces on the cup and the reaction to each
force acting on the object is zero? Explain your answer. force.
^ ^
5.1 Forces F 2 = 200.0 i , and F 3 = 800.0 j . (a) Find the
19. Two ropes are attached to a tree, and forces of net force on the telephone pole in component form. (b) Find
^ ^ ^ ^ the magnitude and direction of this net force.
F 1 = 2.0 i + 4.0 j N and F 2 = 3.0 i + 6.0 j N
are applied. The forces are coplanar (in the same plane). (a)
What is the resultant (net force) of these two force vectors?
(b) Find the magnitude and direction of this net force.
^ ^
1.5 m/s when the force F is removed. How far will the
= 75.0 i j N
22. Two forces of F and mower go before stopping?
34. A car with a mass of 1000.0 kg accelerates from 0 to 5.4 Mass and Weight
90.0 km/h in 10.0 s. (a) What is its acceleration? (b) What
41. The weight of an astronaut plus his space suit on
is the net force on the car?
the Moon is only 250 N. (a) How much does the suited
astronaut weigh on Earth? (b) What is the mass on the
35. The driver in the previous problem applies the brakes Moon? On Earth?
when the car is moving at 90.0 km/h, and the car comes to
rest after traveling 40.0 m. What is the net force on the car
42. Suppose the mass of a fully loaded module in which
during its deceleration?
astronauts take off from the Moon is 1.00 10 4 kg. The
36. An 80.0-kg passenger in an SUV traveling at thrust of its engines is 3.00 10 4 N. (a) Calculate the
1.00 10 3 km/h is wearing a seat belt. The driver slams modules magnitude of acceleration in a vertical takeoff
on the brakes and the SUV stops in 45.0 m. Find the force from the Moon. (b) Could it lift off from Earth? If not, why
of the seat belt on the passenger. not? If it could, calculate the magnitude of its acceleration.
37. A particle of mass 2.0 kg is acted on by a single force 43. A rocket sled accelerates at a rate of 49.0 m/s 2 .
^ Its passenger has a mass of 75.0 kg. (a) Calculate the
F 1 = 18 i N. (a) What is the particles acceleration?
horizontal component of the force the seat exerts against
(b) If the particle starts at rest, how far does it travel in the his body. Compare this with his weight using a ratio. (b)
first 5.0 s? Calculate the direction and magnitude of the total force the
seat exerts against his body.
38. Suppose that the particle of the previous problem
^ 44. Repeat the previous problem for a situation in which
also experiences forces F 2 = 15 i N and
the rocket sled decelerates at a rate of 201 m/s 2 . In this
F 3 = 6.0 j N. What is its acceleration in this case? problem, the forces are exerted by the seat and the seat belt.
Earths gravitational field with g = 9.80 m/s 2 . What is its double subscript notation (for instance, the contact force
of the history book pressing against physics book can be
described as F HP ), and determine the value of each of
48. A fireman has mass m; he hears the fire alarm and these forces, explaining the process used.
slides down the pole with acceleration a (which is less than
g in magnitude). (a) Write an equation giving the vertical
force he must apply to the pole. (b) If his mass is 90.0 kg
and he accelerates at 5.00 m/s 2, what is the magnitude of
his applied force?
57. Two teams of nine members each engage in tug-of- 64. One end of a 30-m rope is tied to a tree; the other
war. Each of the first teams members has an average mass end is tied to a car stuck in the mud. The motorist pulls
of 68 kg and exerts an average force of 1350 N horizontally. sideways on the midpoint of the rope, displacing it a
Each of the second teams members has an average mass of distance of 2 m. If he exerts a force of 80 N under these
73 kg and exerts an average force of 1365 N horizontally. conditions, determine the force exerted on the car.
(a) What is magnitude of the acceleration of the two teams,
and which team wins? (b) What is the tension in the section
65. Consider the baby being weighed in the following
of rope between the teams?
figure. (a) What is the mass of the infant and basket if a
scale reading of 55 N is observed? (b) What is tension T 1
58. What force does a trampoline have to apply to
Jennifer, a 45.0-kg gymnast, to accelerate her straight up in the cord attaching the baby to the scale? (c) What is
tension T 2 in the cord attaching the scale to the ceiling, if
at 7.50 m/s 2 ? The answer is independent of the velocity
of the gymnastshe can be moving up or down or can be the scale has a mass of 0.500 kg? (d) Sketch the situation,
instantly stationary. indicating the system of interest used to solve each part.
The masses of the cords are negligible.
59. (a) Calculate the tension in a vertical strand of spider
web if a spider of mass 2.00 10 5 kg hangs motionless
on it. (b) Calculate the tension in a horizontal strand of
spider web if the same spider sits motionless in the middle
of it much like the tightrope walker in Figure 5.26. The
strand sags at an angle of 12 below the horizontal.
Compare this with the tension in the vertical strand (find
their ratio).
71. The traffic light hangs from the cables as shown. Draw
66. What force must be applied to a 100.0-kg crate on a a free-body diagram on a coordinate plane for this situation.
frictionless plane inclined at 30 to cause an acceleration
of 2.0 m/s 2 up the plane?
^ ^
72. Two small forces, F 1 = 2.40 i 6.10t j N and
^ ^
F 2 = 8.50 i 9.70 j N, are exerted on a rogue
asteroid by a pair of space tractors. (a) Find the net force.
(b) What are the magnitude and direction of the net force?
(c) If the mass of the asteroid is 125 kg, what acceleration
does it experience (in vector form)? (d) What are the
magnitude and direction of the acceleration?
92. The block on the right shown below has more mass
than the block on the left ( m 2 > m 1 ). Draw free-body
diagrams for each block.
93. If two tugboats pull on a disabled vessel, as shown 96. A body of mass m moves in a horizontal direction
here in an overhead view, the disabled vessel will be pulled such that at time t its position is given by
along the direction indicated by the result of the exerted x(t) = at 4 + bt 3 + ct, where a, b, and c are constants. (a)
forces. (a) Draw a free-body diagram for the vessel.
What is the acceleration of the body? (b) What is the time-
Assume no friction or drag forces affect the vessel. (b) Did
dependent force acting on the body?
you include all forces in the overhead view in your free-
body diagram? Why or why not?
97. A body of mass m has initial velocity v 0 in the
positive x-direction. It is acted on by a constant force F for
time t until the velocity becomes zero; the force continues
to act on the body until its velocity becomes v 0 in the
same amount of time. Write an expression for the total
distance the body travels in terms of the variables
^ ^
104. At a circus, a donkey pulls on a sled carrying a small F 2
= 6.00 i 4.00 j N , and
^ ^
clown with a force given by 2.48 i + 4.33 j N . A horse ^ ^
pulls on the same sled, aiding the hapless donkey, with a
F 3
= 2.00 i + 5.00 j N . The object experiences
^ ^
force of 6.56 i + 5.33 j N . The mass of the sled is 575 acceleration of 4.23 m/s 2 . (a) Find the acceleration vector
^ ^ in terms of m. (b) Find the mass of the object. (c) If the
kg. Using i and j form for the answer to each problem, object begins from rest, find its speed after 5.00 s. (d) Find
find (a) the net force on the sled when the two animals the components of the velocity of the object after 5.00
act together, (b) the acceleration of the sled, and (c) the s.
velocity after 6.50 s.
108. In a particle accelerator, a proton has mass
105. Hanging from the ceiling over a baby bed, well out 1.67 10 27 kg and an initial speed of 2.00 10 5 m/s.
of babys reach, is a string with plastic shapes, as shown
here. The string is taut (there is no slack), as shown by the It moves in a straight line, and its speed increases to
straight segments. Each plastic shape has the same mass 9.00 10 5 m/s in a distance of 10.0 cm. Assume that the
m, and they are equally spaced by a distance d, as shown. acceleration is constant. Find the magnitude of the force
The angles labeled describe the angle formed by the exerted on the proton.
end of the string and the ceiling at each end. The center
length of sting is horizontal. The remaining two segments 109. A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-
each form an angle with the horizontal, labeled . Let T 1 covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.50 kg, and its
be the tension in the leftmost section of the string, T 2 be ^
velocity is 3.00 i m/s . After 10.0 s, the velocity is
the tension in the section adjacent to it, and T 3 be the ^ ^
9.00 i + 4.00 j m/s . If a constant force in the horizontal
tension in the horizontal segment. (a) Find an equation for
the tension in each section of the string in terms of the direction is causing this change in motion, find (a) the
variables m, g, and . (b) Find the angle in terms of components of the force and (b) the magnitude of the force.
Figure 6.1 Stock cars racing in the Grand National Divisional race at Iowa Speedway in May, 2015. Cars often reach speeds of
200 mph (320 km/h).
Chapter Outline
6.1 Solving Problems with Newtons Laws
6.2 Friction
6.3 Centripetal Force
6.4 Drag Force and Terminal Speed
Car racing has grown in popularity in recent years. As each car moves in a curved path around the turn, its wheels also spin
rapidly. The wheels complete many revolutions while the car makes only part of one (a circular arc). How can we describe
the velocities, accelerations, and forces involved? What force keeps a racecar from spinning out, hitting the wall bordering
the track? What provides this force? Why is the track banked? We answer all of these questions in this chapter as we expand
our consideration of Newtons laws of motion.
266 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Success in problem solving is necessary to understand and apply physical principles. We developed a pattern of analyzing
and setting up the solutions to problems involving Newtons laws in Newtons Laws of Motion; in this chapter, we
continue to discuss these strategies and apply a step-by-step process.
Problem-Solving Strategies
We follow here the basics of problem solving presented earlier in this text, but we emphasize specific strategies that
are useful in applying Newtons laws of motion. Once you identify the physical principles involved in the problem and
determine that they include Newtons laws of motion, you can apply these steps to find a solution. These techniques also
reinforce concepts that are useful in many other areas of physics. Many problem-solving strategies are stated outright in the
worked examples, so the following techniques should reinforce skills you have already begun to develop.
Lets apply this problem-solving strategy to the challenge of lifting a grand piano into a second-story apartment. Once we
have determined that Newtons laws of motion are involved (if the problem involves forces), it is particularly important to
draw a careful sketch of the situation. Such a sketch is shown in Figure 6.2(a). Then, as in Figure 6.2(b), we can represent
all forces with arrows. Whenever sufficient information exists, it is best to label these arrows carefully and make the length
and direction of each correspond to the represented force.
Figure 6.2 (a) A grand piano is being lifted to a second-story apartment. (b) Arrows are used to represent all forces: T is
the tension in the rope above the piano, F T is the force that the piano exerts on the rope, and w is the weight of the piano.
All other forces, such as the nudge of a breeze, are assumed to be negligible. (c) Suppose we are given the pianos mass and
asked to find the tension in the rope. We then define the system of interest as shown and draw a free-body diagram. Now F T
is no longer shown, because it is not a force acting on the system of interest; rather, F T acts on the outside world. (d)
Showing only the arrows, the head-to-tail method of addition is used. It is apparent that if the piano is stationary, T = w .
As with most problems, we next need to identify what needs to be determined and what is known or can be inferred from
the problem as stated, that is, make a list of knowns and unknowns. It is particularly crucial to identify the system of
interest, since Newtons second law involves only external forces. We can then determine which forces are external and
which are internal, a necessary step to employ Newtons second law. (See Figure 6.2(c).) Newtons third law may be used
to identify whether forces are exerted between components of a system (internal) or between the system and something
outside (external). As illustrated in Newtons Laws of Motion, the system of interest depends on the question we need
to answer. Only forces are shown in free-body diagrams, not acceleration or velocity. We have drawn several free-body
diagrams in previous worked examples. Figure 6.2(c) shows a free-body diagram for the system of interest. Note that no
internal forces are shown in a free-body diagram.
Once a free-body diagram is drawn, we apply Newtons second law. This is done in Figure 6.2(d) for a particular situation.
In general, once external forces are clearly identified in free-body diagrams, it should be a straightforward task to put them
into equation form and solve for the unknown, as done in all previous examples. If the problem is one-dimensionalthat
is, if all forces are parallelthen the forces can be handled algebraically. If the problem is two-dimensional, then it must be
broken down into a pair of one-dimensional problems. We do this by projecting the force vectors onto a set of axes chosen
for convenience. As seen in previous examples, the choice of axes can simplify the problem. For example, when an incline
is involved, a set of axes with one axis parallel to the incline and one perpendicular to it is most convenient. It is almost
always convenient to make one axis parallel to the direction of motion, if this is known. Generally, just write Newtons
second law in components along the different directions. Then, you have the following equations:
F x = ma x, F y = ma y.
(If, for example, the system is accelerating horizontally, then you can then set a y = 0. ) We need this information to
determine unknown forces acting on a system.
As always, we must check the solution. In some cases, it is easy to tell whether the solution is reasonable. For example,
it is reasonable to find that friction causes an object to slide down an incline more slowly than when no friction exists. In
practice, intuition develops gradually through problem solving; with experience, it becomes progressively easier to judge
whether an answer is reasonable. Another way to check a solution is to check the units. If we are solving for force and end
268 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Particle Equilibrium
Recall that a particle in equilibrium is one for which the external forces are balanced. Static equilibrium involves objects
at rest, and dynamic equilibrium involves objects in motion without acceleration, but it is important to remember that these
conditions are relative. For example, an object may be at rest when viewed from our frame of reference, but the same object
would appear to be in motion when viewed by someone moving at a constant velocity. We now make use of the knowledge
attained in Newtons Laws of Motion, regarding the different types of forces and the use of free-body diagrams, to solve
additional problems in particle equilibrium.
Example 6.1
Figure 6.3 A traffic light is suspended from two wires. (b) Some of the forces involved. (c) Only forces acting on
the system are shown here. The free-body diagram for the traffic light is also shown. (d) The forces projected onto
vertical (y) and horizontal (x) axes. The horizontal components of the tensions must cancel, and the sum of the vertical
components of the tensions must equal the weight of the traffic light. (e) The free-body diagram shows the vertical and
horizontal forces acting on the traffic light.
The system of interest is the traffic light, and its free-body diagram is shown in Figure 6.3(c). The three forces
involved are not parallel, and so they must be projected onto a coordinate system. The most convenient coordinate
system has one axis vertical and one horizontal, and the vector projections on it are shown in Figure 6.3(d).
There are two unknowns in this problem ( T 1 and T 2 ), so two equations are needed to find them. These two
equations come from applying Newtons second law along the vertical and horizontal axes, noting that the net
external force is zero along each axis because acceleration is zero.
First consider the horizontal or x-axis:
F net x = T 2x T 1x = 0.
T 2 = 1.225T 1.
Note that T 1 and T 2 are not equal in this case because the angles on either side are not equal. It is reasonable
that T 2 ends up being greater than T 1 because it is exerted more vertically than T 1.
This implies
T 1y + T 2y = w.
There are two unknowns in this equation, but substituting the expression for T 2 in terms of T 1 reduces this to
one equation with one unknown:
T 1(0.500) + (1.225T 1)(0.707) = w = mg,
which yields
1.366T 1 = (15.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2).
T 1 = 108 N.
Finally, we find the magnitude of T 2 by using the relationship between them, T 2 = 1.225T 1 , found above. Thus
we obtain
T 2 = 132 N.
Both tensions would be larger if both wires were more horizontal, and they will be equal if and only if the angles
on either side are the same (as they were in the earlier example of a tightrope walker in Newtons Laws of
270 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Particle Acceleration
We have given a variety of examples of particles in equilibrium. We now turn our attention to particle acceleration problems,
which are the result of a nonzero net force. Refer again to the steps given at the beginning of this section, and notice how
they are applied to the following examples.
Example 6.2
Figure 6.4 (a) A view from above of two tugboats pushing on a barge. (b) The free-body diagram for the ship
contains only forces acting in the plane of the water. It omits the two vertical forcesthe weight of the barge and the
buoyant force of the water supporting it cancel and are not shown. Note that F app is the total applied force of the
The directions and magnitudes of acceleration and the applied forces are given in Figure 6.4(a). We define the
total force of the tugboats on the barge as F app so that
F app = F 1 + F 2.
The drag of the water F D is in the direction opposite to the direction of motion of the boat; this force thus
works against F app, as shown in the free-body diagram in Figure 6.4(b). The system of interest here is the
barge, since the forces on it are given as well as its acceleration. Because the applied forces are perpendicular,
the x- and y-axes are in the same direction as F 1 and F 2. The problem quickly becomes a one-dimensional
problem along the direction of F app , since friction is in the direction opposite to F app. Our strategy is to
find the magnitude and direction of the net applied force F app and then apply Newtons second law to solve
for the drag force F D.
Since F x and F y are perpendicular, we can find the magnitude and direction of F app directly. First, the
resultant magnitude is given by the Pythagorean theorem:
F app F D = ma.
This can be solved for the magnitude of the drag force of the water F D in terms of known quantities:
F D = F app ma.
The direction of F D has already been determined to be in the direction opposite to F app, or at an angle of
53 south of west.
The numbers used in this example are reasonable for a moderately large barge. It is certainly difficult to obtain
larger accelerations with tugboats, and small speeds are desirable to avoid running the barge into the docks. Drag
is relatively small for a well-designed hull at low speeds, consistent with the answer to this example, where F D
is less than 1/600th of the weight of the ship.
In Newtons Laws of Motion, we discussed the normal force, which is a contact force that acts normal to the surface so
that an object does not have an acceleration perpendicular to the surface. The bathroom scale is an excellent example of a
normal force acting on a body. It provides a quantitative reading of how much it must push upward to support the weight of
an object. But can you predict what you would see on the dial of a bathroom scale if you stood on it during an elevator ride?
Will you see a value greater than your weight when the elevator starts up? What about when the elevator moves upward at
a constant speed? Take a guess before reading the next example.
272 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Example 6.3
Figure 6.5 (a) The various forces acting when a person stands on a bathroom scale in an elevator. The
arrows are approximately correct for when the elevator is accelerating upwardbroken arrows represent
forces too large to be drawn to scale. T is the tension in the supporting cable, w is the weight of the
person, w s is the weight of the scale, w e is the weight of the elevator, F s is the force of the scale
on the person, F p is the force of the person on the scale, F t is the force of the scale on the floor of
the elevator, and N is the force of the floor upward on the scale. (b) The free-body diagram shows only
the external forces acting on the designated system of interestthe personand is the diagram we use for
the solution of the problem.
If the scale at rest is accurate, its reading equals F p , the magnitude of the force the person exerts downward
on it. Figure 6.5(a) shows the numerous forces acting on the elevator, scale, and person. It makes this one-
dimensional problem look much more formidable than if the person is chosen to be the system of interest and a
free-body diagram is drawn, as in Figure 6.5(b). Analysis of the free-body diagram using Newtons laws can
produce answers to both Figure 6.5(a) and (b) of this example, as well as some other questions that might arise.
The only forces acting on the person are his weight
w and the upward force of the scale F s. According to
Newtons third law, F p and F s are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, so that we need to find
F s in order to find what the scale reads. We can do this, as usual, by applying Newtons second law,
F net =m
a .
From the free-body diagram, we see that F net = F s
w , so we have
F s w = ma.
Solving for F s gives us an equation with only one unknown:
F s = ma + w,
or, because w = mg, simply
F s = ma + mg.
No assumptions were made about the acceleration, so this solution should be valid for a variety of accelerations
in addition to those in this situation. (Note: We are considering the case when the elevator is accelerating upward.
If the elevator is accelerating downward, Newtons second law becomes F s w = ma. )
a. We have a = 1.20 m/s 2, so that
F s = 825 N.
b. Now, what happens when the elevator reaches a constant upward velocity? Will the scale still read
more than his weight? For any constant velocityup, down, or stationaryacceleration is zero because
a = v and v = 0. Thus,
F s = ma + mg = 0 + mg
F s = (75.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2),
which gives
F s = 735 N.
The scale reading in Figure 6.5(a) is about 185 lb. What would the scale have read if he were stationary? Since
his acceleration would be zero, the force of the scale would be equal to his weight:
F net = ma = 0 = F s w
F s = w = mg
F s = (75.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2) = 735 N.
Thus, the scale reading in the elevator is greater than his 735-N (165-lb.) weight. This means that the scale is
pushing up on the person with a force greater than his weight, as it must in order to accelerate him upward.
Clearly, the greater the acceleration of the elevator, the greater the scale reading, consistent with what you feel
in rapidly accelerating versus slowly accelerating elevators. In Figure 6.5(b), the scale reading is 735 N, which
274 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
equals the persons weight. This is the case whenever the elevator has a constant velocitymoving up, moving
down, or stationary.
6.1 Check Your Understanding Now calculate the scale reading when the elevator accelerates downward at
a rate of 1.20 m/s 2.
The solution to the previous example also applies to an elevator accelerating downward, as mentioned. When an elevator
accelerates downward, a is negative, and the scale reading is less than the weight of the person. If a constant downward
velocity is reached, the scale reading again becomes equal to the persons weight. If the elevator is in free fall and
accelerating downward at g, then the scale reading is zero and the person appears to be weightless.
Example 6.4
Figure 6.6 (a) Block 1 is connected by a light string to block 2. (b) The free-body diagrams of
the blocks.
We draw a free-body diagram for each mass separately, as shown in Figure 6.6. Then we analyze each one to
find the required unknowns. The forces on block 1 are the gravitational force, the contact force of the surface, and
the tension in the string. Block 2 is subjected to the gravitational force and the string tension. Newtons second
law applies to each, so we write two vector equations:
w 1 + N = m1
For block 1: T + a 1
w 2 = m2
For block 2: T + a 2.
Notice that T is the same for both blocks. Since the string and the pulley have negligible mass, and since there
is no friction in the pulley, the tension is the same throughout the string. We can now write component equations
for each block. All forces are either horizontal or vertical, so we can use the same horizontal/vertical coordinate
system for both objects
The component equations follow from the vector equations above. We see that block 1 has the vertical forces
balanced, so we ignore them and write an equation relating the x-components. There are no horizontal forces on
block 2, so only the y-equation is written. We obtain these results:
Block 1 Block 2
F x = ma x F y = ma y
T x = m 1 a 1x T y m 2 g = m 2 a 2y.
When block 1 moves to the right, block 2 travels an equal distance downward; thus, a 1x = a 2y. Writing the
common acceleration of the blocks as a = a 1x = a 2y, we now have
T = m1 a
T m 2 g = m 2 a.
From these two equations, we can express a and T in terms of the masses m 1 and m 2, and g :
a = m +2m g
1 2
m m
T = m 1+ m2 g.
1 2
Notice that the tension in the string is less than the weight of the block hanging from the end of it. A common
error in problems like this is to set T = m 2 g. You can see from the free-body diagram of block 2 that cannot be
correct if the block is accelerating.
6.2 Check Your Understanding Calculate the acceleration of the system, and the tension in the string, when
the masses are m 1 = 5.00 kg and m 2 = 3.00 kg.
Example 6.5
Atwood Machine
A classic problem in physics, similar to the one we just solved, is that of the Atwood machine, which consists of
a rope running over a pulley, with two objects of different mass attached. It is particularly useful in understanding
the connection between force and motion. In Figure 6.7, m 1 = 2.00 kg and m 2 = 4.00 kg. Consider the
pulley to be frictionless. (a) If m 2 is released, what will its acceleration be? (b) What is the tension in the string?
276 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Figure 6.7 An Atwood machine and free-body diagrams for each of the two
We draw a free-body diagram for each mass separately, as shown in the figure. Then we analyze each diagram to
find the required unknowns. This may involve the solution of simultaneous equations. It is also important to note
the similarity with the previous example. As block 2 accelerates with acceleration a 2 in the downward direction,
block 1 accelerates upward with acceleration a 1 . Thus, a = a 1 = a 2.
a. We have
For m 1, F y = T m 1 g = m 1 a. For m 2, F y = T m 2 g = m 2 a.
(The negative sign in front of m 2 a indicates that m 2 accelerates downward; both blocks accelerate at
the same rate, but in opposite directions.) Solve the two equations simultaneously (subtract them) and the
result is
(m 2 m 1)g = (m 1 + m 2)a.
Solving for a:
m m 4 kg 2 kg
a = m2 + m1g = (9.8 m/s 2) = 3.27 m/s 2.
1 2 4 kg + 2 kg
b. Observing the first block, we see that
T m1 g = m1 a
T = m 1(g + a) = (2 kg)(9.8 m/s 2 + 3.27 m/s 2) = 26.1 N.
The result for the acceleration given in the solution can be interpreted as the ratio of the unbalanced force on
the system, (m 2 m 1)g , to the total mass of the system, m 1 + m 2 . We can also use the Atwood machine to
measure local gravitational field strength.
6.3 Check Your Understanding Determine a general formula in terms of m 1, m 2 and g for calculating the
tension in the string for the Atwood machine shown above.
Example 6.6
a = v .
This is a reasonable result: The acceleration is attainable for an athlete in good condition. The force is about 50
pounds, a reasonable average force.
This example illustrates how to apply problem-solving strategies to situations that include topics from different
278 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
chapters. The first step is to identify the physical principles, the knowns, and the unknowns involved in the
problem. The second step is to solve for the unknown, in this case using Newtons second law. Finally, we
check our answer to ensure it is reasonable. These techniques for integrated concept problems will be useful in
applications of physics outside of a physics course, such as in your profession, in other science disciplines, and in
everyday life.
6.4 Check Your Understanding The soccer player stops after completing the play described above, but now
notices that the ball is in position to be stolen. If she now experiences a force of 126 N to attempt to steal the
ball, which is 2.00 m away from her, how long will it take her to get to the ball?
Example 6.7
6.5 Check Your Understanding Find the direction of the resultant for the 1.50-kg model helicopter.
Example 6.8
Baggage Tractor
Figure 6.8(a) shows a baggage tractor pulling luggage carts from an airplane. The tractor has mass 650.0 kg,
while cart A has mass 250.0 kg and cart B has mass 150.0 kg. The driving force acting for a brief period of time
accelerates the system from rest and acts for 3.00 s. (a) If this driving force is given by F = (820.0t) N, find the
speed after 3.00 seconds. (b) What is the horizontal force acting on the connecting cable between the tractor and
cart A at this instant?
Figure 6.8 (a) A free-body diagram is shown, which indicates all the external forces on the system
consisting of the tractor and baggage carts for carrying airline luggage. (b) A free-body diagram of the tractor
only is shown isolated in order to calculate the tension in the cable to the carts.
A free-body diagram shows the driving force of the tractor, which gives the system its acceleration. We only need
to consider motion in the horizontal direction. The vertical forces balance each other and it is not necessary to
consider them. For part b, we make use of a free-body diagram of the tractor alone to determine the force between
it and cart A. This exposes the coupling force T , which is our objective.
a. F x = m system a x and F x = 820.0t, so
Since acceleration is a function of time, we can determine the velocity of the tractor by using a = dv
with the initial condition that v 0 = 0 at t = 0. We integrate from t = 0 to t = 3:
Fx = m tractor a x
820.0t T = m tractor(0.7805)t
(820.0)(3.00) T = (650.0)(0.7805)(3.00)
T = 938 N.
Since the force varies with time, we must use calculus to solve this problem. Notice how the total mass of the
system was important in solving Figure 6.8(a), whereas only the mass of the truck (since it supplied the force)
was of use in Figure 6.8(b).
Recall that v = ds and a = dv . If acceleration is a function of time, we can use the calculus forms developed in Motion
dt dt
Along a Straight Line, as shown in this example. However, sometimes acceleration is a function of displacement. In
280 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
this case, we can derive an important result from these calculus relations. Solving for dt in each, we have dt = ds
v and
dt = dv ds dv
a . Now, equating these expressions, we have v = a . We can rearrange this to obtain a ds = v dv.
Example 6.9
The known force on the mortar shell can be related to its acceleration using the equations of motion. Kinematics
can then be used to relate the mortar shells acceleration to its position.
Initially, y 0 = 0 and v 0 = 50.0 m/s. At the maximum height y = h, v = 0. The free-body diagram shows F D
to act downward, because it slows the upward motion of the mortar shell. Thus, we can write
F y = ma y
F D w = ma y
0.0100v 2 98.0 = 10.0a
a = 0.00100v 2 9.80.
The acceleration depends on v and is therefore variable. Since a = f (v), we can relate a to v using the
rearrangement described above,
a ds = v dv.
We replace ds with dy because we are dealing with the vertical direction,
ady = vdv, (0.00100v 2 9.80)dy = vdv.
We now separate the variables (vs and dvs on one side; dy on the other):
dy =
0 50.0 (0.00100v 2 9.80)
0 0
dy =
vdv = (5 10 3)ln(0.00100v 2 + 9.80) .
0 50.0 (0.00100v 2 + 9.80)
Thus, h = 114 m.
Notice the need to apply calculus since the force is not constant, which also means that acceleration is not
constant. To make matters worse, the force depends on v (not t), and so we must use the trick explained prior to
the example. The answer for the height indicates a lower elevation if there were air resistance. We will deal with
the effects of air resistance and other drag forces in greater detail in Drag Force and Terminal Speed.
6.6 Check Your Understanding If atmospheric resistance is neglected, find the maximum height for the
mortar shell. Is calculus required for this solution?
6.2 | Friction
Learning Objectives
By the end of the section, you will be able to:
Describe the general characteristics of friction
List the various types of friction
Calculate the magnitude of static and kinetic friction, and use these in problems involving
Newtons laws of motion
When a body is in motion, it has resistance because the body interacts with its surroundings. This resistance is a force of
friction. Friction opposes relative motion between systems in contact but also allows us to move, a concept that becomes
obvious if you try to walk on ice. Friction is a common yet complex force, and its behavior still not completely understood.
Still, it is possible to understand the circumstances in which it behaves.
Friction is a force that opposes relative motion between systems in contact.
There are several forms of friction. One of the simpler characteristics of sliding friction is that it is parallel to the contact
surfaces between systems and is always in a direction that opposes motion or attempted motion of the systems relative
to each other. If two systems are in contact and moving relative to one another, then the friction between them is called
kinetic friction. For example, friction slows a hockey puck sliding on ice. When objects are stationary, static friction can act
between them; the static friction is usually greater than the kinetic friction between two objects.
Imagine, for example, trying to slide a heavy crate across a concrete flooryou might push very hard on the crate and not
move it at all. This means that the static friction responds to what you doit increases to be equal to and in the opposite
direction of your push. If you finally push hard enough, the crate seems to slip suddenly and starts to move. Now static
friction gives way to kinetic friction. Once in motion, it is easier to keep it in motion than it was to get it started, indicating
that the kinetic frictional force is less than the static frictional force. If you add mass to the crate, say by placing a box on
top of it, you need to push even harder to get it started and also to keep it moving. Furthermore, if you oiled the concrete
you would find it easier to get the crate started and keep it going (as you might expect).
Figure 6.10 is a crude pictorial representation of how friction occurs at the interface between two objects. Close-up
inspection of these surfaces shows them to be rough. Thus, when you push to get an object moving (in this case, a crate),
you must raise the object until it can skip along with just the tips of the surface hitting, breaking off the points, or both. A
considerable force can be resisted by friction with no apparent motion. The harder the surfaces are pushed together (such as
if another box is placed on the crate), the more force is needed to move them. Part of the friction is due to adhesive forces
between the surface molecules of the two objects, which explains the dependence of friction on the nature of the substances.
For example, rubber-soled shoes slip less than those with leather soles. Adhesion varies with substances in contact and
is a complicated aspect of surface physics. Once an object is moving, there are fewer points of contact (fewer molecules
adhering), so less force is required to keep the object moving. At small but nonzero speeds, friction is nearly independent
of speed.
Figure 6.10 Frictional forces, such as f , always oppose motion or
attempted motion between objects in contact. Friction arises in part because
of the roughness of the surfaces in contact, as seen in the expanded view.
For the object to move, it must rise to where the peaks of the top surface can
skip along the bottom surface. Thus, a force is required just to set the object
in motion. Some of the peaks will be broken off, also requiring a force to
maintain motion. Much of the friction is actually due to attractive forces
between molecules making up the two objects, so that even perfectly
smooth surfaces are not friction-free. (In fact, perfectly smooth, clean
surfaces of similar materials would adhere, forming a bond called a cold
The magnitude of the frictional force has two forms: one for static situations (static friction), the other for situations
involving motion (kinetic friction). What follows is an approximate empirical (experimentally determined) model only.
These equations for static and kinetic friction are not vector equations.
f s s N, (6.1)
where s is the coefficient of static friction and N is the magnitude of the normal force.
The symbol means less than or equal to, implying that static friction can have a maximum value of s N. Static
friction is a responsive force that increases to be equal and opposite to whatever force is exerted, up to its maximum limit.
Once the applied force exceeds
f s (max), the object moves. Thus,
f s(max) = s N.
f k = k N, (6.2)
A system in which f k = k N is described as a system in which friction behaves simply. The transition from static friction
to kinetic friction is illustrated in Figure 6.11.
Figure 6.11 (a) The force of friction f between the block and the rough surface opposes the direction of the applied force
F . The magnitude of the static friction balances that of the applied force. This is shown in the left side of the graph in (c). (b)
At some point, the magnitude of the applied force is greater than the force of kinetic friction, and the block moves to the right.
This is shown in the right side of the graph. (c) The graph of the frictional force versus the applied force; note that
f s(max) > f k. This means that s > k.
284 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
As you can see in Table 6.1, the coefficients of kinetic friction are less than their static counterparts. The approximate
values of are stated to only one or two digits to indicate the approximate description of friction given by the preceding
two equations.
Equation 6.1 and Equation 6.2 include the dependence of friction on materials and the normal force. The direction of
friction is always opposite that of motion, parallel to the surface between objects, and perpendicular to the normal force.
For example, if the crate you try to push (with a force parallel to the floor) has a mass of 100 kg, then the normal force is
equal to its weight,
w = mg = 100 kg9.80 m/s 2 = 980 N,
perpendicular to the floor. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.45, you would have to exert a force parallel to the floor
greater than
f s(max) = s N = (0.45)(980 N) = 440 N
to move the crate. Once there is motion, friction is less and the coefficient of kinetic friction might be 0.30, so that a force
of only
f k = k N = (0.30)(980 N) = 290 N
keeps it moving at a constant speed. If the floor is lubricated, both coefficients are considerably less than they would be
without lubrication. Coefficient of friction is a unitless quantity with a magnitude usually between 0 and 1.0. The actual
value depends on the two surfaces that are in contact.
Many people have experienced the slipperiness of walking on ice. However, many parts of the body, especially the joints,
have much smaller coefficients of frictionoften three or four times less than ice. A joint is formed by the ends of two
bones, which are connected by thick tissues. The knee joint is formed by the lower leg bone (the tibia) and the thighbone
(the femur). The hip is a ball (at the end of the femur) and socket (part of the pelvis) joint. The ends of the bones in the
joint are covered by cartilage, which provides a smooth, almost-glassy surface. The joints also produce a fluid (synovial
fluid) that reduces friction and wear. A damaged or arthritic joint can be replaced by an artificial joint (Figure 6.12). These
replacements can be made of metals (stainless steel or titanium) or plastic (polyethylene), also with very small coefficients
of friction.
Figure 6.12 Artificial knee replacement is a procedure that has been performed for more than 20 years. These post-operative
X-rays show a right knee joint replacement. (credit: Mike Baird)
Natural lubricants include saliva produced in our mouths to aid in the swallowing process, and the slippery mucus found
between organs in the body, allowing them to move freely past each other during heartbeats, during breathing, and when a
person moves. Hospitals and doctors clinics commonly use artificial lubricants, such as gels, to reduce friction.
The equations given for static and kinetic friction are empirical laws that describe the behavior of the forces of friction.
While these formulas are very useful for practical purposes, they do not have the status of mathematical statements that
represent general principles (e.g., Newtons second law). In fact, there are cases for which these equations are not even good
approximations. For instance, neither formula is accurate for lubricated surfaces or for two surfaces siding across each other
at high speeds. Unless specified, we will not be concerned with these exceptions.
Example 6.10
Figure 6.13 (a) A crate on a horizontal surface is pushed with a force P . (b) The forces on the crate. Here,
f may represent either the static or the kinetic frictional force.
286 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
The free-body diagram of the crate is shown in Figure 6.13(b). We apply Newtons second law in the horizontal
and vertical directions, including the friction force in opposition to the direction of motion of the box.
Newtons second law gives
F x = ma x F y = ma y
P f = ma x N w = 0.
Here we are using the symbol f to represent the frictional force since we have not yet determined whether the
crate is subject to station friction or kinetic friction. We do this whenever we are unsure what type of friction is
acting. Now the weight of the crate is
w = (20.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2) = 196 N,
which is also equal to N. The maximum force of static friction is therefore (0.700)(196 N) = 137 N. As long
as P is less than 137 N, the force of static friction keeps the crate stationary and f s = P . Thus, (a)
f s = 20.0 N, (b) f s = 30.0 N, and (c) f s = 120.0 N.
(d) If P = 180.0 N, the applied force is greater than the maximum force of static friction (137 N), so the crate
can no longer remain at rest. Once the crate is in motion, kinetic friction acts. Then
f k = k N = (0.600)(196 N) = 118 N,
This example illustrates how we consider friction in a dynamics problem. Notice that static friction has a value
that matches the applied force, until we reach the maximum value of static friction. Also, no motion can occur
until the applied force equals the force of static friction, but the force of kinetic friction will then become smaller.
6.7 Check Your Understanding A block of mass 1.0 kg rests on a horizontal surface. The frictional
coefficients for the block and surface are s = 0.50 and k = 0.40. (a) What is the minimum horizontal force
required to move the block? (b) What is the blocks acceleration when this force is applied?
Example 6.11
Downhill Skier
A skier with a mass of 62 kg is sliding down a snowy slope at a constant velocity. Find the coefficient of kinetic
friction for the skier if friction is known to be 45.0 N.
The magnitude of kinetic friction is given as 45.0 N. Kinetic friction is related to the normal force N by
f k = k N ; thus, we can find the coefficient of kinetic friction if we can find the normal force on the skier. The
normal force is always perpendicular to the surface, and since there is no motion perpendicular to the surface,
the normal force should equal the component of the skiers weight perpendicular to the slope. (See Figure 6.14,
which repeats a figure from the chapter on Newtons laws of motion.)
Figure 6.14 The motion of the skier and friction are parallel to the slope, so it is most convenient to project all
forces onto a coordinate system where one axis is parallel to the slope and the other is perpendicular (axes shown to
left of skier). The normal force N is perpendicular to the slope, and friction
f is parallel to the slope, but the
skiers weight w has components along both axes, namely w y and w x. The normal force N is equal in
magnitude to w y, so there is no motion perpendicular to the slope. However, f is less than w x in
magnitude, so there is acceleration down the slope (along the x-axis).
We have
N = w y = w cos 25 = mg cos 25.
Solving for k gives
fk fk fk
k = = = .
N w cos 25 mg cos 25
k = 45.0 N = 0.082.
(62 kg)(9.80 m/s 2)(0.906)
288 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
This result is a little smaller than the coefficient listed in Table 6.1 for waxed wood on snow, but it is still
reasonable since values of the coefficients of friction can vary greatly. In situations like this, where an object of
mass m slides down a slope that makes an angle with the horizontal, friction is given by f k = k mg cos .
All objects slide down a slope with constant acceleration under these circumstances.
We have discussed that when an object rests on a horizontal surface, the normal force supporting it is equal in magnitude
to its weight. Furthermore, simple friction is always proportional to the normal force. When an object is not on a horizontal
surface, as with the inclined plane, we must find the force acting on the object that is directed perpendicular to the surface;
it is a component of the weight.
We now derive a useful relationship for calculating coefficient of friction on an inclined plane. Notice that the result applies
only for situations in which the object slides at constant speed down the ramp.
An object slides down an inclined plane at a constant velocity if the net force on the object is zero. We can use this fact
to measure the coefficient of kinetic friction between two objects. As shown in Example 6.10, the kinetic friction on a
slope is f k = k mg cos . The component of the weight down the slope is equal to mg sin (see the free-body diagram in
Figure 6.14). These forces act in opposite directions, so when they have equal magnitude, the acceleration is zero. Writing
these out,
k mg cos = mg sin .
mg sin
k = = tan .
mg cos
Put a coin on a book and tilt it until the coin slides at a constant velocity down the book. You might need to tap the book
lightly to get the coin to move. Measure the angle of tilt relative to the horizontal and find k. Note that the coin does not
start to slide at all until an angle greater than is attained, since the coefficient of static friction is larger than the coefficient
of kinetic friction. Think about how this may affect the value for k and its uncertainty.
Figure 6.15 Two rough surfaces in contact have a much smaller area of actual contact
than their total area. When the normal force is larger as a result of a larger applied force,
the area of actual contact increases, as does friction.
However, the atomic-scale view promises to explain far more than the simpler features of friction. The mechanism for
how heat is generated is now being determined. In other words, why do surfaces get warmer when rubbed? Essentially,
atoms are linked with one another to form lattices. When surfaces rub, the surface atoms adhere and cause atomic lattices
to vibrateessentially creating sound waves that penetrate the material. The sound waves diminish with distance, and
their energy is converted into heat. Chemical reactions that are related to frictional wear can also occur between atoms
and molecules on the surfaces. Figure 6.16 shows how the tip of a probe drawn across another material is deformed by
atomic-scale friction. The force needed to drag the tip can be measured and is found to be related to shear stress, which is
discussed in Static Equilibrium and Elasticity. The variation in shear stress is remarkable (more than a factor of 10 12
) and difficult to predict theoretically, but shear stress is yielding a fundamental understanding of a large-scale phenomenon
known since ancient timesfriction.
Example 6.12
Sliding Blocks
The two blocks of Figure 6.17 are attached to each other by a massless string that is wrapped around a
frictionless pulley. When the bottom 4.00-kg block is pulled to the left by the constant force P , the top 2.00-kg
block slides across it to the right. Find the magnitude of the force necessary to move the blocks at constant speed.
Assume that the coefficient of kinetic friction between all surfaces is 0.400.
Figure 6.17 (a) Each block moves at constant velocity. (b) Free-body diagrams for the blocks.
We analyze the motions of the two blocks separately. The top block is subjected to a contact force exerted by
the bottom block. The components of this force are the normal force N 1 and the frictional force 0.400N 1.
Other forces on the top block are the tension Ti in the string and the weight of the top block itself, 19.6 N. The
bottom block is subjected to contact forces due to the top block and due to the floor. The first contact force has
components N 1 and 0.400N 1, which are simply reaction forces to the contact forces that the bottom block
exerts on the top block. The components of the contact force of the floor are N 2 and 0.400N 2. Other forces on
this block are P, the tension Ti, and the weight 39.2 N.
Since the top block is moving horizontally to the right at constant velocity, its acceleration is zero in both the
horizontal and the vertical directions. From Newtons second law,
Fx = m1 a x Fy = m1 ay
T 0.400N 1 = 0 N 1 19.6 N = 0.
Solving for the two unknowns, we obtain N 1 = 19.6 N and T = 0.40N 1 = 7.84 N. The bottom block is also
not accelerating, so the application of Newtons second law to this block gives
F x = m2 a x Fy = m2 ay
T P + 0.400 N 1 + 0.400 N 2 = 0 N 2 39.2 N N 1 = 0.
The values of N 1 and T were found with the first set of equations. When these values are substituted into the
second set of equations, we can determine N 2 and P. They are
Understanding what direction in which to draw the friction force is often troublesome. Notice that each friction
force labeled in Figure 6.17 acts in the direction opposite the motion of its corresponding block.
Example 6.13
Figure 6.18 (a) A crate rests on the bed of the truck that is accelerating forward. (b)
The free-body diagram of the crate.
The forces on the crate are its weight and the normal and frictional forces due to contact with the truck bed.
We start by assuming that the crate is not slipping. In this case, the static frictional force f s acts on the crate.
Furthermore, the accelerations of the crate and the truck are equal.
a. Application of Newtons second law to the crate, using the reference frame attached to the ground, yields
Fx = ma x Fy = ma y
2 2
f s = (50.0 kg)(2.00 m/s ) N 4.90 10 N = (50.0 kg)(0)
= 1.00 10 N N = 4.90 10 2 N.
We can now check the validity of our no-slip assumption. The maximum value of the force of static
friction is
s N = (0.400)(4.90 10 2 N) = 196 N,
whereas the actual force of static friction that acts when the truck accelerates forward at 2.00 m/s 2 is
only 1.00 10 2 N. Thus, the assumption of no slipping is valid.
b. If the crate is to move with the truck when it accelerates at 5.0 m/s 2, the force of static friction must be
292 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Since this exceeds the maximum of 196 N, the crate must slip. The frictional force is therefore kinetic and
f k = k N = (0.300)(4.90 10 2 N) = 147 N.
The horizontal acceleration of the crate relative to the ground is now found from
Fx = ma x
147 N = (50.0 kg)a x,
so a x = 2.94 m/s 2.
Relative to the ground, the truck is accelerating forward at 5.0 m/s 2 and the crate is accelerating forward
at 2.94 m/s 2 . Hence the crate is sliding backward relative to the bed of the truck with an acceleration
2.94 m/s 2 5.00 m/s 2 = 2.06 m/s 2 .
Example 6.14
Earlier, we analyzed the situation of a downhill skier moving at constant velocity to determine the coefficient
of kinetic friction. Now lets do a similar analysis to determine acceleration. The snowboarder of Figure 6.19
glides down a slope that is inclined at = 13 0 to the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the
board and the snow is k = 0.20. What is the acceleration of the snowboarder?
Figure 6.19 (a) A snowboarder glides down a slope inclined at 13 to the horizontal. (b) The free-body diagram of
the snowboarder.
The forces acting on the snowboarder are her weight and the contact force of the slope, which has a component
normal to the incline and a component along the incline (force of kinetic friction). Because she moves along the
slope, the most convenient reference frame for analyzing her motion is one with the x-axis along and the y-axis
perpendicular to the incline. In this frame, both the normal and the frictional forces lie along coordinate axes,
the components of the weight are mg sin along the slope and mg cos at right angles into the slope , and the
only acceleration is along the x-axis a y = 0.
We can now apply Newtons second law to the snowboarder:
Fx = ma x F y = ma y
mg sin k N = ma x N mg cos = m(0).
From the second equation, N = mg cos . Upon substituting this into the first equation, we find
a x = g(sin k cos )
= g(sin 13 0.20 cos 13) = 0.29 m/s 2 .
Notice from this equation that if is small enough or k is large enough, a x is negative, that is, the
snowboarder slows down.
6.8 Check Your Understanding The snowboarder is now moving down a hill with incline 10.0 . What is
the skiers acceleration?
In Motion in Two and Three Dimensions, we examined the basic concepts of circular motion. An object undergoing
circular motion, like one of the race cars shown at the beginning of this chapter, must be accelerating because it is changing
the direction of its velocity. We proved that this centrally directed acceleration, called centripetal acceleration, is given by
the formula
a c = vr
where v is the velocity of the object, directed along a tangent line to the curve at any instant. If we know the angular velocity
, then we can use
a c = r 2.
Angular velocity gives the rate at which the object is turning through the curve, in units of rad/s. This acceleration acts along
the radius of the curved path and is thus also referred to as a radial acceleration.
An acceleration must be produced by a force. Any force or combination of forces can cause a centripetal or radial
acceleration. Just a few examples are the tension in the rope on a tether ball, the force of Earths gravity on the Moon,
friction between roller skates and a rink floor, a banked roadways force on a car, and forces on the tube of a spinning
centrifuge. Any net force causing uniform circular motion is called a centripetal force. The direction of a centripetal force
is toward the center of curvature, the same as the direction of centripetal acceleration. According to Newtons second law
294 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
of motion, net force is mass times acceleration: F net = ma. For uniform circular motion, the acceleration is the centripetal
acceleration:. a = a c. Thus, the magnitude of centripetal force F c is
F c = ma c.
By substituting the expressions for centripetal acceleration a c (a c = vr ; a c = r 2), we get two expressions for the
centripetal force F c in terms of mass, velocity, angular velocity, and radius of curvature:
2 (6.3)
F c = m vr ; F c = mr 2.
You may use whichever expression for centripetal force is more convenient. Centripetal force F c is always perpendicular
to the path and points to the center of curvature, because a c is perpendicular to the velocity and points to the center of
curvature. Note that if you solve the first expression for r, you get
r = mv .
This implies that for a given mass and velocity, a large centripetal force causes a small radius of curvaturethat is, a tight
curve, as in Figure 6.20.
Figure 6.20 The frictional force supplies the centripetal force and is
numerically equal to it. Centripetal force is perpendicular to velocity and causes
uniform circular motion. The larger the F c, the smaller the radius of
curvature r and the sharper the curve. The second curve has the same v, but a
larger F c produces a smaller r.
Example 6.15
a. We know that F c = mv
r . Thus,
2 (900.0 kg)(25.00 m/s) 2
F c = mv
r = = 1125 N.
(500.0 m)
b. Figure 6.21 shows the forces acting on the car on an unbanked (level ground) curve. Friction is to the
left, keeping the car from slipping, and because it is the only horizontal force acting on the car, the friction
is the centripetal force in this case. We know that the maximum static friction (at which the tires roll but
do not slip) is s N, where s is the static coefficient of friction and N is the normal force. The normal
force equals the cars weight on level ground, so N = mg. Thus the centripetal force in this situation is
F c f = s N = s mg.
Now we have a relationship between centripetal force and the coefficient of friction. Using the equation
F c = m vr ,
we obtain
m vr = s mg.
s = rg
(Because coefficients of friction are approximate, the answer is given to only two digits.)
296 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
The coefficient of friction found in Figure 6.21(b) is much smaller than is typically found between tires and
roads. The car still negotiates the curve if the coefficient is greater than 0.13, because static friction is a responsive
force, able to assume a value less than but no more than s N. A higher coefficient would also allow the car to
negotiate the curve at a higher speed, but if the coefficient of friction is less, the safe speed would be less than
25 m/s. Note that mass cancels, implying that, in this example, it does not matter how heavily loaded the car is
to negotiate the turn. Mass cancels because friction is assumed proportional to the normal force, which in turn is
proportional to mass. If the surface of the road were banked, the normal force would be less, as discussed next.
6.9 Check Your Understanding A car moving at 96.8 km/h travels around a circular curve of radius 182.9 m
on a flat country road. What must be the minimum coefficient of static friction to keep the car from slipping?
Banked Curves
Let us now consider banked curves, where the slope of the road helps you negotiate the curve (Figure 6.22). The greater
the angle , the faster you can take the curve. Race tracks for bikes as well as cars, for example, often have steeply banked
curves. In an ideally banked curve, the angle is such that you can negotiate the curve at a certain speed without the aid
of friction between the tires and the road. We will derive an expression for for an ideally banked curve and consider an
example related to it.
Figure 6.22 The car on this banked curve is moving away and
turning to the left.
For ideal banking, the net external force equals the horizontal centripetal force in the absence of friction. The components
of the normal force N in the horizontal and vertical directions must equal the centripetal force and the weight of the car,
respectively. In cases in which forces are not parallel, it is most convenient to consider components along perpendicular
axesin this case, the vertical and horizontal directions.
Figure 6.22 shows a free-body diagram for a car on a frictionless banked curve. If the angle is ideal for the speed and
radius, then the net external force equals the necessary centripetal force. The only two external forces acting on the car are
its weight w and the normal force of the road N . (A frictionless surface can only exert a force perpendicular to the
surfacethat is, a normal force.) These two forces must add to give a net external force that is horizontal toward the center
of curvature and has magnitude mv 2 /r. Because this is the crucial force and it is horizontal, we use a coordinate system
with vertical and horizontal axes. Only the normal force has a horizontal component, so this must equal the centripetal force,
that is,
N sin = mv
r .
Because the car does not leave the surface of the road, the net vertical force must be zero, meaning that the vertical
components of the two external forces must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. From Figure 6.22, we see
that the vertical component of the normal force is N cos , and the only other vertical force is the cars weight. These
Now we can combine these two equations to eliminate N and get an expression for , as desired. Solving the second
equation for N = mg/(cos) and substituting this into the first yields
mg sin = mv
mg tan = mv
tan = rg
v 2 (6.4)
= tan 1 rg .
This expression can be understood by considering how depends on v and r. A large is obtained for a large v and a
small r. That is, roads must be steeply banked for high speeds and sharp curves. Friction helps, because it allows you to
take the curve at greater or lower speed than if the curve were frictionless. Note that does not depend on the mass of the
Example 6.16
we get
v = rg tan .
Airplanes also make turns by banking. The lift force, due to the force of the air on the wing, acts at right angles to the wing.
When the airplane banks, the pilot is obtaining greater lift than necessary for level flight. The vertical component of lift
298 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
balances the airplanes weight, and the horizontal component accelerates the plane. The banking angle shown in Figure
6.23 is given by . We analyze the forces in the same way we treat the case of the car rounding a banked curve.
Figure 6.23 In a banked turn, the horizontal component of lift is unbalanced and
accelerates the plane. The normal component of lift balances the planes weight. The
banking angle is given by . Compare the vector diagram with that shown in Figure
A circular motion requires a force, the so-called centripetal force, which is directed to the axis of rotation. This
simplified model of a carousel ( demonstrates this force.
Figure 6.24 (a) The car driver feels herself forced to the left
relative to the car when she makes a right turn. This is an inertial
force arising from the use of the car as a frame of reference. (b) In
Earths frame of reference, the driver moves in a straight line,
obeying Newtons first law, and the car moves to the right. There is
no force to the left on the driver relative to Earth. Instead, there is a
force to the right on the car to make it turn.
We can reconcile these points of view by examining the frames of reference used. Let us concentrate on people in a car.
Passengers instinctively use the car as a frame of reference, whereas a physicist might use Earth. The physicist might make
this choice because Earth is nearly an inertial frame of reference, in which all forces have an identifiable physical origin.
In such a frame of reference, Newtons laws of motion take the form given in Newtons Laws of Motion. The car is a
noninertial frame of reference because it is accelerated to the side. The force to the left sensed by car passengers is an
inertial force having no physical origin (it is due purely to the inertia of the passenger, not to some physical cause such as
tension, friction, or gravitation). The car, as well as the driver, is actually accelerating to the right. This inertial force is said
to be an inertial force because it does not have a physical origin, such as gravity.
A physicist will choose whatever reference frame is most convenient for the situation being analyzed. There is no problem
to a physicist in including inertial forces and Newtons second law, as usual, if that is more convenient, for example, on a
merry-go-round or on a rotating planet. Noninertial (accelerated) frames of reference are used when it is useful to do so.
Different frames of reference must be considered in discussing the motion of an astronaut in a spacecraft traveling at speeds
near the speed of light, as you will appreciate in the study of the special theory of relativity.
Let us now take a mental ride on a merry-go-roundspecifically, a rapidly rotating playground merry-go-round (Figure
6.25). You take the merry-go-round to be your frame of reference because you rotate together. When rotating in that
noninertial frame of reference, you feel an inertial force that tends to throw you off; this is often referred to as a centrifugal
force (not to be confused with centripetal force). Centrifugal force is a commonly used term, but it does not actually exist.
You must hang on tightly to counteract your inertia (which people often refer to as centrifugal force). In Earths frame of
reference, there is no force trying to throw you off; we emphasize that centrifugal force is a fiction. You must hang on to
make yourself go in a circle because otherwise you would go in a straight line, right off the merry-go-round, in keeping with
Newtons first law. But the force you exert acts toward the center of the circle.
300 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Figure 6.25 (a) A rider on a merry-go-round feels as if he is being thrown off. This inertial force is sometimes mistakenly
called the centrifugal force in an effort to explain the riders motion in the rotating frame of reference. (b) In an inertial frame
of reference and according to Newtons laws, it is his inertia that carries him off (the unshaded rider has F net = 0 and heads
in a straight line). A force, F centripetal , is needed to cause a circular path.
This inertial effect, carrying you away from the center of rotation if there is no centripetal force to cause circular motion, is
put to good use in centrifuges (Figure 6.26). A centrifuge spins a sample very rapidly, as mentioned earlier in this chapter.
Viewed from the rotating frame of reference, the inertial force throws particles outward, hastening their sedimentation. The
greater the angular velocity, the greater the centrifugal force. But what really happens is that the inertia of the particles
carries them along a line tangent to the circle while the test tube is forced in a circular path by a centripetal force.
Let us now consider what happens if something moves in a rotating frame of reference. For example, what if you slide a ball
directly away from the center of the merry-go-round, as shown in Figure 6.27? The ball follows a straight path relative to
Earth (assuming negligible friction) and a path curved to the right on the merry-go-rounds surface. A person standing next
to the merry-go-round sees the ball moving straight and the merry-go-round rotating underneath it. In the merry-go-rounds
frame of reference, we explain the apparent curve to the right by using an inertial force, called the Coriolis force, which
causes the ball to curve to the right. The Coriolis force can be used by anyone in that frame of reference to explain why
objects follow curved paths and allows us to apply Newtons laws in noninertial frames of reference.
Figure 6.27 Looking down on the counterclockwise rotation of a merry-go-round, we see that a ball slid straight toward the
edge follows a path curved to the right. The person slides the ball toward point B, starting at point A. Both points rotate to the
shaded positions (A and B) shown in the time that the ball follows the curved path in the rotating frame and a straight path in
Earths frame.
Up until now, we have considered Earth to be an inertial frame of reference with little or no worry about effects due to its
rotation. Yet such effects do existin the rotation of weather systems, for example. Most consequences of Earths rotation
can be qualitatively understood by analogy with the merry-go-round. Viewed from above the North Pole, Earth rotates
counterclockwise, as does the merry-go-round in Figure 6.27. As on the merry-go-round, any motion in Earths Northern
Hemisphere experiences a Coriolis force to the right. Just the opposite occurs in the Southern Hemisphere; there, the force
is to the left. Because Earths angular velocity is small, the Coriolis force is usually negligible, but for large-scale motions,
such as wind patterns, it has substantial effects.
The Coriolis force causes hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere to rotate in the counterclockwise direction, whereas
tropical cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere rotate in the clockwise direction. (The terms hurricane, typhoon, and tropical
storm are regionally specific names for cyclones, which are storm systems characterized by low pressure centers, strong
winds, and heavy rains.) Figure 6.28 helps show how these rotations take place. Air flows toward any region of low
pressure, and tropical cyclones contain particularly low pressures. Thus winds flow toward the center of a tropical cyclone
or a low-pressure weather system at the surface. In the Northern Hemisphere, these inward winds are deflected to the right,
as shown in the figure, producing a counterclockwise circulation at the surface for low-pressure zones of any type. Low
pressure at the surface is associated with rising air, which also produces cooling and cloud formation, making low-pressure
patterns quite visible from space. Conversely, wind circulation around high-pressure zones is clockwise in the Southern
Hemisphere but is less visible because high pressure is associated with sinking air, producing clear skies.
302 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Figure 6.28 (a) The counterclockwise rotation of this Northern Hemisphere hurricane is a major consequence of the Coriolis
force. (b) Without the Coriolis force, air would flow straight into a low-pressure zone, such as that found in tropical cyclones.
(c) The Coriolis force deflects the winds to the right, producing a counterclockwise rotation. (d) Wind flowing away from a
high-pressure zone is also deflected to the right, producing a clockwise rotation. (e) The opposite direction of rotation is
produced by the Coriolis force in the Southern Hemisphere, leading to tropical cyclones. (credit a and credit e: modifications of
work by NASA)
The rotation of tropical cyclones and the path of a ball on a merry-go-round can just as well be explained by inertia and
the rotation of the system underneath. When noninertial frames are used, inertial forces, such as the Coriolis force, must be
invented to explain the curved path. There is no identifiable physical source for these inertial forces. In an inertial frame,
inertia explains the path, and no force is found to be without an identifiable source. Either view allows us to describe nature,
but a view in an inertial frame is the simplest in the sense that all forces have origins and explanations.
Another interesting force in everyday life is the force of drag on an object when it is moving in a fluid (either a gas or a
liquid). You feel the drag force when you move your hand through water. You might also feel it if you move your hand
during a strong wind. The faster you move your hand, the harder it is to move. You feel a smaller drag force when you
tilt your hand so only the side goes through the airyou have decreased the area of your hand that faces the direction of
Drag Forces
Like friction, the drag force always opposes the motion of an object. Unlike simple friction, the drag force is proportional
to some function of the velocity of the object in that fluid. This functionality is complicated and depends upon the shape of
the object, its size, its velocity, and the fluid it is in. For most large objects such as cyclists, cars, and baseballs not moving
too slowly, the magnitude of the drag force F D is proportional to the square of the speed of the object. We can write this
relationship mathematically as F D v 2. When taking into account other factors, this relationship becomes
F D = 1 CAv 2, (6.5)
where C is the drag coefficient, A is the area of the object facing the fluid, and is the density of the fluid. (Recall that
density is mass per unit volume.) This equation can also be written in a more generalized fashion as F D = bv 2, where b
is a constant equivalent to 0.5CA. We have set the exponent n for these equations as 2 because when an object is moving
at high velocity through air, the magnitude of the drag force is proportional to the square of the speed. As we shall see in
Fluid Mechanics, for small particles moving at low speeds in a fluid, the exponent n is equal to 1.
Drag Force
Drag force F D is proportional to the square of the speed of the object. Mathematically,
F D = 1 C Av 2,
where C is the drag coefficient, A is the area of the object facing the fluid, and is the density of the fluid.
Athletes as well as car designers seek to reduce the drag force to lower their race times (Figure 6.29). Aerodynamic
shaping of an automobile can reduce the drag force and thus increase a cars gas mileage.
The value of the drag coefficient C is determined empirically, usually with the use of a wind tunnel (Figure 6.30).
304 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
The drag coefficient can depend upon velocity, but we assume that it is a constant here. Table 6.2 lists some typical drag
coefficients for a variety of objects. Notice that the drag coefficient is a dimensionless quantity. At highway speeds, over
50% of the power of a car is used to overcome air drag. The most fuel-efficient cruising speed is about 7080 km/h (about
4550 mi/h). For this reason, during the 1970s oil crisis in the United States, maximum speeds on highways were set at
about 90 km/h (55 mi/h).
Object C
Airfoil 0.05
Toyota Camry 0.28
Ford Focus 0.32
Honda Civic 0.36
Ferrari Testarossa 0.37
Dodge Ram Pickup 0.43
Sphere 0.45
Hummer H2 SUV 0.64
Skydiver (feet first) 0.70
Bicycle 0.90
Skydiver (horizontal) 1.0
Circular flat plate 1.12
Substantial research is under way in the sporting world to minimize drag. The dimples on golf balls are being redesigned,
as are the clothes that athletes wear. Bicycle racers and some swimmers and runners wear full bodysuits. Australian Cathy
Freeman wore a full body suit in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and won a gold medal in the 400-m race. Many swimmers
in the 2008 Beijing Olympics wore (Speedo) body suits; it might have made a difference in breaking many world records
(Figure 6.31). Most elite swimmers (and cyclists) shave their body hair. Such innovations can have the effect of slicing
away milliseconds in a race, sometimes making the difference between a gold and a silver medal. One consequence is that
careful and precise guidelines must be continuously developed to maintain the integrity of the sport.
Figure 6.31 Body suits, such as this LZR Racer Suit, have
been credited with aiding in many world records after their
release in 2008. Smoother skin and more compression forces
on a swimmers body provide at least 10% less drag. (credit:
NASA/Kathy Barnstorff)
Terminal Velocity
Some interesting situations connected to Newtons second law occur when considering the effects of drag forces upon a
moving object. For instance, consider a skydiver falling through air under the influence of gravity. The two forces acting
on him are the force of gravity and the drag force (ignoring the small buoyant force). The downward force of gravity
remains constant regardless of the velocity at which the person is moving. However, as the persons velocity increases, the
magnitude of the drag force increases until the magnitude of the drag force is equal to the gravitational force, thus producing
a net force of zero. A zero net force means that there is no acceleration, as shown by Newtons second law. At this point,
the persons velocity remains constant and we say that the person has reached his terminal velocity (v T). Since F D is
proportional to the speed squared, a heavier skydiver must go faster for F D to equal his weight. Lets see how this works
out more quantitatively.
At the terminal velocity,
F net = mg F D = ma = 0.
mg = F D.
mg = 1 CAv 2T.
Solving for the velocity, we obtain
vT = .
306 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
Assume the density of air is = 1.21 kg/m 3. A 75-kg skydiver descending head first has a cross-sectional area of
approximately A = 0.18 m 2 and a drag coefficient of approximately C = 0.70 . We find that
This means a skydiver with a mass of 75 kg achieves a terminal velocity of about 350 km/h while traveling in a pike (head
first) position, minimizing the area and his drag. In a spread-eagle position, that terminal velocity may decrease to about
200 km/h as the area increases. This terminal velocity becomes much smaller after the parachute opens.
Example 6.17
This result is consistent with the value for v T mentioned earlier. The 75-kg skydiver going feet first had a
terminal velocity of v T = 98 m/s. He weighed less but had a smaller frontal area and so a smaller drag due to
the air.
6.10 Check Your Understanding Find the terminal velocity of a 50-kg skydiver falling in spread-eagle
The size of the object that is falling through air presents another interesting application of air drag. If you fall from a 5-m-
high branch of a tree, you will likely get hurtpossibly fracturing a bone. However, a small squirrel does this all the time,
without getting hurt. You do not reach a terminal velocity in such a short distance, but the squirrel does.
The following interesting quote on animal size and terminal velocity is from a 1928 essay by a British biologist, J. B. S.
Haldane, titled On Being the Right Size.
To the mouse and any smaller animal, [gravity] presents practically no dangers. You can drop a mouse down a thousand-
yard mine shaft; and, on arriving at the bottom, it gets a slight shock and walks away, provided that the ground is fairly soft.
A rat is killed, a man is broken, and a horse splashes. For the resistance presented to movement by the air is proportional
to the surface of the moving object. Divide an animals length, breadth, and height each by ten; its weight is reduced to a
thousandth, but its surface only to a hundredth. So the resistance to falling in the case of the small animal is relatively ten
times greater than the driving force.
The above quadratic dependence of air drag upon velocity does not hold if the object is very small, is going very slow, or is
in a denser medium than air. Then we find that the drag force is proportional just to the velocity. This relationship is given
by Stokes law.
Stokes Law
For a spherical object falling in a medium, the drag force is
F s = 6rv, (6.6)
where r is the radius of the object, is the viscosity of the fluid, and v is the objects velocity.
Good examples of Stokes law are provided by microorganisms, pollen, and dust particles. Because each of these objects
is so small, we find that many of these objects travel unaided only at a constant (terminal) velocity. Terminal velocities for
bacteria (size about 1 m) can be about 2 m/s. To move at a greater speed, many bacteria swim using flagella (organelles
shaped like little tails) that are powered by little motors embedded in the cell.
Sediment in a lake can move at a greater terminal velocity (about 5 m/s), so it can take days for it to reach the bottom of
the lake after being deposited on the surface.
If we compare animals living on land with those in water, you can see how drag has influenced evolution. Fish, dolphins,
and even massive whales are streamlined in shape to reduce drag forces. Birds are streamlined and migratory species that
fly large distances often have particular features such as long necks. Flocks of birds fly in the shape of a spearhead as the
flock forms a streamlined pattern (Figure 6.32). In humans, one important example of streamlining is the shape of sperm,
which need to be efficient in their use of energy.
where b is a constant whose value depends on the dimensions and shape of the body and the properties of the liquid, and
v is the velocity of the body. Two situations for which the frictional force can be represented this equation are a motorboat
moving through water and a small object falling slowly through a liquid.
Lets consider the object falling through a liquid. The free-body diagram of this object with the positive direction downward
is shown in Figure 6.33. Newtons second law in the vertical direction gives the differential equation
308 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
mg bv = m dv ,
where we have written the acceleration as dv/dt. As v increases, the frictional force bv increases until it matches mg.
At this point, there is no acceleration and the velocity remains constant at the terminal velocity v T. From the previous
mg bv T = 0,
vT = .
We can find the objects velocity by integrating the differential equation for v. First, we rearrange terms in this equation to
dv = dt.
g (b/m)v
b v = t t ,
m lng m 0 |0
where v ' and t ' are dummy variables of integration. With the limits given, we find
b v lng] = t.
m [lng m
Since lnA lnB = ln(A/B), and ln(A/B) = x implies e x = A/B, we obtain
g (bv/m)
g = e bt/m,
v= (1 e bt/m).
Notice that as t , v mg/b = v T, which is the terminal velocity.
The position at any time may be found by integrating the equation for v. With v = dy/dt,
dy = (1 e bt/m)dt.
Assuming y = 0 when t = 0,
y mg t
dy =
b 0
(1 e bt '/m)dt,
which integrates to
mg m2 g
y= t + 2 (e bt/m 1).
b b
Example 6.18
m dv = bv,
Integrating this equation between the time zero when the velocity is v 0 and the time t when the velocity
is v , we have
v t
dv b dt.
= m
0 v 0
ln vv = m
b t,
v = v 0 e bt/m.
so we have
dx = v 0 e bt/m dt.
dx ' = v e bt '/mdt ',
mv 0 bt '/m t mv 0
0 = b (1 e
As time increases, e bt/m 0, and the position of the boat approaches a limiting value
mv 0
x max = .
Although this tells us that the boat takes an infinite amount of time to reach x max, the boat effectively
stops after a reasonable time. For example, at t = 10m/b, we have
v = v 0 e 10 4.5 10 5 v 0,
Therefore, the boats velocity and position have essentially reached their final values.
(b/m)(10 s)
b. With v 0 = 4.0 m/s and v = 1.0 m/s, we have 1.0 m/s = (4.0 m/s)e , so
b (10 s),
ln 0.25 = ln 4.0 = m
b 1 -1 -1
m = 10 ln 4.0 s = 0.14 s .
6.11 Check Your Understanding Suppose the resistive force of the air on a skydiver can be approximated
by f = bv 2 . If the terminal velocity of a 100-kg skydiver is 60 m/s, what is the value of b?
banked curve curve in a road that is sloping in a manner that helps a vehicle negotiate the curve
centripetal force any net force causing uniform circular motion
Coriolis force inertial force causing the apparent deflection of moving objects when viewed in a rotating frame of
drag force force that always opposes the motion of an object in a fluid; unlike simple friction, the drag force is
proportional to some function of the velocity of the object in that fluid
friction force that opposes relative motion or attempts at motion between systems in contact
ideal banking sloping of a curve in a road, where the angle of the slope allows the vehicle to negotiate the curve at a
certain speed without the aid of friction between the tires and the road; the net external force on the vehicle equals the
horizontal centripetal force in the absence of friction
inertial force force that has no physical origin
kinetic friction force that opposes the motion of two systems that are in contact and moving relative to each other
noninertial frame of reference accelerated frame of reference
static friction force that opposes the motion of two systems that are in contact and are not moving relative to each other
terminal velocity constant velocity achieved by a falling object, which occurs when the weight of the object is balanced
by the upward drag force
Magnitude of static friction fs s N
Centripetal force 2
F c = m vr or F c = mr 2
6.1 Solving Problems with Newtons Laws
Newtons laws of motion can be applied in numerous situations to solve motion problems.
Some problems contain multiple force vectors acting in different directions on an object. Be sure to draw diagrams,
resolve all force vectors into horizontal and vertical components, and draw a free-body diagram. Always analyze
the direction in which an object accelerates so that you can determine whether F net = ma or F net = 0.
The normal force on an object is not always equal in magnitude to the weight of the object. If an object is
accelerating vertically, the normal force is less than or greater than the weight of the object. Also, if the object is on
an inclined plane, the normal force is always less than the full weight of the object.
Some problems contain several physical quantities, such as forces, acceleration, velocity, or position. You can apply
concepts from kinematics and dynamics to solve these problems.
312 Chapter 6 | Applications of Newton's Laws
6.2 Friction
Friction is a contact force that opposes the motion or attempted motion between two systems. Simple friction is
proportional to the normal force N supporting the two systems.
The magnitude of static friction force between two materials stationary relative to each other is determined using
the coefficient of static friction, which depends on both materials.
The kinetic friction force between two materials moving relative to each other is determined using the coefficient of
kinetic friction, which also depends on both materials and is always less than the coefficient of static friction.
(The same slip-grab process occurs when tires screech on
6.1 Solving Problems with Newtons Laws pavement.)
1. To simulate the apparent weightlessness of space orbit,
astronauts are trained in the hold of a cargo aircraft that 5. A physics major is cooking breakfast when she notices
is accelerating downward at g. Why do they appear to that the frictional force between her steel spatula and Teflon
be weightless, as measured by standing on a bathroom frying pan is only 0.200 N. Knowing the coefficient of
scale, in this accelerated frame of reference? Is there any kinetic friction between the two materials, she quickly
difference between their apparent weightlessness in orbit calculates the normal force. What is it?
and in the aircraft?
16. When a toilet is flushed or a sink is drained, the water in free fall because the acceleration due to gravity is not
(and other material) begins to rotate about the drain on the 9.80 m/s 2 . Who do you agree with and why?
way down. Assuming no initial rotation and a flow initially
directly straight toward the drain, explain what causes the
rotation and which direction it has in the Northern 20. A nonrotating frame of reference placed at the center
Hemisphere. (Note that this is a small effect and in most of the Sun is very nearly an inertial one. Why is it not
toilets the rotation is caused by directional water jets.) exactly an inertial frame?
Would the direction of rotation reverse if water were forced
up the drain?
6.4 Drag Force and Terminal Speed
17. A car rounds a curve and encounters a patch of ice 21. Athletes such as swimmers and bicyclists wear body
with a very low coefficient of kinetic fiction. The car slides suits in competition. Formulate a list of pros and cons of
off the road. Describe the path of the car as it leaves the such suits.
22. Two expressions were used for the drag force
18. In one amusement park ride, riders enter a large experienced by a moving object in a liquid. One depended
vertical barrel and stand against the wall on its horizontal upon the speed, while the other was proportional to the
floor. The barrel is spun up and the floor drops away. Riders square of the speed. In which types of motion would each
feel as if they are pinned to the wall by a force something of these expressions be more applicable than the other one?
like the gravitational force. This is an inertial force sensed
and used by the riders to explain events in the rotating 23. As cars travel, oil and gasoline leaks onto the road
frame of reference of the barrel. Explain in an inertial frame surface. If a light rain falls, what does this do to the control
of reference (Earth is nearly one) what pins the riders to the of the car? Does a heavy rain make any difference?
wall, and identify all forces acting on them.
24. Why can a squirrel jump from a tree branch to the
19. Two friends are having a conversation. Anna says a ground and run away undamaged, while a human could
satellite in orbit is in free fall because the satellite keeps break a bone in such a fall?
falling toward Earth. Tom says a satellite in orbit is not
29. Two muscles in the back of the leg pull upward on the
Achilles tendon, as shown below. (These muscles are called
the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle.)
Find the magnitude and direction of the total force on the
Achilles tendon. What type of movement could be caused
by this force?
31. A 35.0-kg dolphin decelerates from 12.0 to 7.50 m/
s in 2.30 s to join another dolphin in play. What average
force was exerted to slow the first dolphin if it was moving
horizontally? (The gravitational force is balanced by the
buoyant force of the water.)
it goes from zero to the velocity found in (a). (c) What is 42. The device shown below is the Atwoods machine
the average force on the shell in the mortar? Express your considered in Example 6.5. Assuming that the masses of
answer in newtons and as a ratio to the weight of the shell. the string and the frictionless pulley are negligible, (a) find
an equation for the acceleration of the two blocks; (b) find
36. A 0.500-kg potato is fired at an angle of 80.0 above an equation for the tension in the string; and (c) find both
the acceleration and tension when block 1 has mass 2.00 kg
the horizontal from a PVC pipe used as a potato gun and
and block 2 has mass 4.00 kg.
reaches a height of 110.0 m. (a) Neglecting air resistance,
calculate the potatos velocity when it leaves the gun. (b)
The gun itself is a tube 0.450 m long. Calculate the average
acceleration of the potato in the tube as it goes from zero to
the velocity found in (a). (c) What is the average force on
the potato in the gun? Express your answer in newtons and
as a ratio to the weight of the potato.
38. A 20.0-g ball hangs from the roof of a freight car by 43. Two blocks are connected by a massless rope as shown
a string. When the freight car begins to move, the string below. The mass of the block on the table is 4.0 kg and
makes an angle of 35.0 with the vertical. (a) What is the the hanging mass is 1.0 kg. The table and the pulley are
acceleration of the freight car? (b) What is the tension in the frictionless. (a) Find the acceleration of the system. (b) Find
string? the tension in the rope. (c) Find the speed with which the
hanging mass hits the floor if it starts from rest and is
initially located 1.0 m from the floor.
39. A students backpack, full of textbooks, is hung from a
spring scale attached to the ceiling of an elevator. When the
elevator is accelerating downward at 3.8 m/s 2 , the scale
reads 60 N. (a) What is the mass of the backpack? (b) What
does the scale read if the elevator moves upward while
slowing down at a rate 3.8 m/s 2 ? (c) What does the scale
read if the elevator moves upward at constant velocity? (d)
If the elevator had no brakes and the cable supporting it
were to break loose so that the elevator could fall freely,
what would the spring scale read?
6.2 Friction
46. (a) When rebuilding his cars engine, a physics major
must exert 3.00 10 2 N of force to insert a dry steel
piston into a steel cylinder. What is the normal force
between the piston and cylinder? (b) What force would he
have to exert if the steel parts were oiled?
62. A contestant in a winter sporting event pushes a 68. What is the ideal speed to take a 100.0-m-radius curve
45.0-kg block of ice across a frozen lake as shown below. banked at a 20.0 angle?
(a) Calculate the minimum force F he must exert to get the
block moving. (b) What is its acceleration once it starts to
move, if that force is maintained? 69. (a) What is the radius of a bobsled turn banked at
75.0 and taken at 30.0 m/s, assuming it is ideally banked?
(b) Calculate the centripetal acceleration. (c) Does this
acceleration seem large to you?
73. A child of mass 40.0 kg is in a roller coaster car that accelerator at 5% of the speed of light? (The speed of
travels in a loop of radius 7.00 m. At point A the speed of light is v = 3.00 10 8 m/s. ) (b) What is the force on the
the car is 10.0 m/s, and at point B, the speed is 10.5 m/s. protons?
Assume the child is not holding on and does not wear a seat
belt. (a) What is the force of the car seat on the child at
77. A car rounds an unbanked curve of radius 65 m. If
point A? (b) What is the force of the car seat on the child at
the coefficient of static friction between the road and car is
point B? (c) What minimum speed is required to keep the
0.70, what is the maximum speed at which the car traverse
child in his seat at point A?
the curve without slipping?
80. A 60.0-kg and a 90.0-kg skydiver jump from an can be approximated by f = bv 2. If the terminal
airplane at an altitude of 6.00 10 3 m , both falling in the velocity of a 50.0-kg skydiver is 60.0 m/s, what is the value
pike position. Make some assumption on their frontal areas of b?
and calculate their terminal velocities. How long will it take
for each skydiver to reach the ground (assuming the time 89. A small diamond of mass 10.0 g drops from a
to reach terminal velocity is small)? Assume all values are swimmers earring and falls through the water, reaching a
accurate to three significant digits. terminal velocity of 2.0 m/s. (a) Assuming the frictional
force on the diamond obeys f = bv, what is b? (b) How
81. A 560-g squirrel with a surface area of 930 cm 2 far does the diamond fall before it reaches 90 percent of its
falls from a 5.0-m tree to the ground. Estimate its terminal terminal speed?
velocity. (Use a drag coefficient for a horizontal skydiver.)
What will be the velocity of a 56-kg person hitting the 90. (a) What is the final velocity of a car originally
ground, assuming no drag contribution in such a short traveling at 50.0 km/h that decelerates at a rate of
0.400 m/s 2 for 50.0 s? Assume a coefficient of friction of
1.0. (b) What is unreasonable about the result? (c) Which
82. To maintain a constant speed, the force provided by
premise is unreasonable, or which premises are
a cars engine must equal the drag force plus the force of
friction of the road (the rolling resistance). (a) What are the
drag forces at 70 km/h and 100 km/h for a Toyota Camry?
91. A 75.0-kg woman stands on a bathroom scale in an
(Drag area is 0.70 m 2 ) (b) What is the drag force at 70 km/
elevator that accelerates from rest to 30.0 m/s in 2.00 s. (a)
h and 100 km/h for a Hummer H2? (Drag area is 2.44 m 2) Calculate the scale reading in newtons and compare it with
Assume all values are accurate to three significant digits. her weight. (The scale exerts an upward force on her equal
to its reading.) (b) What is unreasonable about the result?
(c) Which premise is unreasonable, or which premises are
83. By what factor does the drag force on a car increase as
it goes from 65 to 110 km/h?
99. The two barges shown here are coupled by a cable
of negligible mass. The mass of the front barge is
2.00 10 3 kg and the mass of the rear barge is
3.00 10 3 kg. A tugboat pulls the front barge with a
horizontal force of magnitude 20.0 10 3 N, and the
frictional forces of the water on the front and rear barges
are 8.00 10 3 N and 10.0 10 3 N, respectively. Find
the horizontal acceleration of the barges and the tension in
the connecting cable.
105. A 2.0-kg object has a velocity of 4.0 i m/s at 110. A student is attempting to move a 30-kg mini-fridge
^ ^ into her dorm room. During a moment of inattention, the
t = 0. A constant resultant force of (2.0 i + 4.0 j ) N mini-fridge slides down a 35 degree incline at constant
then acts on the object for 3.0 s. What is the magnitude of speed when she applies a force of 25 N acting up and
the objects velocity at the end of the 3.0-s interval? parallel to the incline. What is the coefficient of kinetic
friction between the fridge and the surface of the incline?
106. A 1.5-kg mass has an acceleration of
^ ^ 111. A crate of mass 100.0 kg rests on a rough surface
(4.0 i 3.0 j ) m/s 2. Only two forces act on the mass. inclined at an angle of 37.0 with the horizontal. A
^ ^ massless rope to which a force can be applied parallel to the
If one of the forces is (2.0 i 1.4 j ) N, what is the surface is attached to the crate and leads to the top of the
magnitude of the other force? incline. In its present state, the crate is just ready to slip and
start to move down the plane. The coefficient of friction is
107. A box is dropped onto a conveyor belt moving at 3.4 80% of that for the static case. (a) What is the coefficient
m/s. If the coefficient of friction between the box and the of static friction? (b) What is the maximum force that can
belt is 0.27, how long will it take before the box moves be applied upward along the plane on the rope and not
without slipping? move the block? (c) With a slightly greater applied force,
the block will slide up the plane. Once it begins to move,
108. Shown below is a 10.0-kg block being pushed by what is its acceleration and what reduced force is necessary
to keep it moving upward at constant speed? (d) If the block
a horizontal force F of magnitude 200.0 N. The is given a slight nudge to get it started down the plane, what
coefficient of kinetic friction between the two surfaces is will be its acceleration in that direction? (e) Once the block
0.50. Find the acceleration of the block. begins to slide downward, what upward force on the rope is
required to keep the block from accelerating downward?
are 32.0 meters long. If the coefficient of kinetic friction 119. Railroad tracks follow a circular curve of radius
between tires and road is 0.550, and the acceleration was 500.0 m and are banked at an angle of 5.00 . For trains of
constant during braking, how fast was the car going when what speed are these tracks designed?
the wheels became locked?
120. A plumb bob hangs from the roof of a railroad car.
113. A crate having mass 50.0 kg falls horizontally off the The car rounds a circular track of radius 300.0 m at a speed
back of the flatbed truck, which is traveling at 100 km/h. of 90.0 km/h. At what angle relative to the vertical does the
Find the value of the coefficient of kinetic friction between plumb bob hang?
the road and crate if the crate slides 50 m on the road in
coming to rest. The initial speed of the crate is the same as
121. An airplane flies at 120.0 m/s and banks at a 30
the truck, 100 km/h.
angle. If its mass is 2.50 10 3 kg, (a) what is the
magnitude of the lift force? (b) what is the radius of the
118. When a body of mass 0.25 kg is attached to a vertical is the tension in the connecting string?
massless spring, it is extended 5.0 cm from its unstretched
length of 4.0 cm. The body and spring are placed on a
horizontal frictionless surface and rotated about the held
end of the spring at 2.0 rev/s. How far is the spring
129. In a later chapter, you will find that the weight of a of the arm, allowing it to swing outward during rotation
mgr 0 2 as shown in the bottom accompanying figure. At what
particle varies with altitude such that w = where angle below the horizontal will the cage hang when the
centripetal acceleration is 10g? (Hint: The arm supplies
r 0 is the radius of Earth and r is the distance from Earths
centripetal force and supports the weight of the cage. Draw
center. If the particle is fired vertically with velocity v 0 a free-body diagram of the forces to see what the angle
from Earths surface, determine its velocity as a function should be.)
of position r. (Hint: use a dr = v dv, the rearrangement
mentioned in the text.)
Figure 7.1 A sprinter exerts her maximum power to do as much work on herself as possible in the short time that her foot is in
contact with the ground. This adds to her kinetic energy, preventing her from slowing down during the race. Pushing back hard
on the track generates a reaction force that propels the sprinter forward to win at the finish. (credit: modification of work by
Marie-Lan Nguyen)
Chapter Outline
7.1 Work
7.2 Kinetic Energy
7.3 Work-Energy Theorem
7.4 Power
In this chapter, we discuss some basic physical concepts involved in every physical motion in the universe, going beyond the
concepts of force and change in motion, which we discussed in Motion in Two and Three Dimensions and Newtons
Laws of Motion. These concepts are work, kinetic energy, and power. We explain how these quantities are related to one
another, which will lead us to a fundamental relationship called the work-energy theorem. In the next chapter, we generalize
this idea to the broader principle of conservation of energy.
The application of Newtons laws usually requires solving differential equations that relate the forces acting on an object
to the accelerations they produce. Often, an analytic solution is intractable or impossible, requiring lengthy numerical
solutions or simulations to get approximate results. In such situations, more general relations, like the work-energy theorem
(or the conservation of energy), can still provide useful answers to many questions and require a more modest amount
of mathematical calculation. In particular, you will see how the work-energy theorem is useful in relating the speeds
of a particle, at different points along its trajectory, to the forces acting on it, even when the trajectory is otherwise
too complicated to deal with. Thus, some aspects of motion can be addressed with fewer equations and without vector
328 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
7.1 | Work
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Represent the work done by any force
Evaluate the work done for various forces
In physics, work represents a type of energy. Work is done when a force acts on something that undergoes a displacement
from one position to another. Forces can vary as a function of position, and displacements can be along various paths
between two points. We first define the increment of work dW done by a force F acting through an infinitesimal
displacement d
r as the dot product of these two vectors:
r = F d
dW = F d r cos .
| || | (7.1)
Then, we can add up the contributions for infinitesimal displacements, along a path between two positions, to get the total
The vectors involved in the definition of the work done by a force acting on a particle are illustrated in Figure 7.2.
We choose to express the dot product in terms of the magnitudes of the vectors and the cosine of the angle between
them, because the meaning of the dot product for work can be put into words more directly in terms of magnitudes and
angles. We could equally well have expressed the dot product in terms of the various components introduced in Vectors.
In two dimensions, these were the x- and y-components in Cartesian coordinates, or the r- and -components in polar
coordinates; in three dimensions, it was just x-, y-, and z-components. Which choice is more convenient depends on the
situation. In words, you can express Equation 7.1 for the work done by a force acting over a displacement as a product
of one component acting parallel to the other component. From the properties of vectors, it doesnt matter if you take the
component of the force parallel to the displacement or the component of the displacement parallel to the forceyou get the
same result either way.
Recall that the magnitude of a force times the cosine of the angle the force makes with a given direction is the component
of the force in the given direction. The components of a vector can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on whether
the angle between the vector and the component-direction is between 0 and 90 or 90 and 180 , or is equal to 90 .
As a result, the work done by a force can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on whether the force is generally in the
direction of the displacement, generally opposite to the displacement, or perpendicular to the displacement. The maximum
work is done by a given force when it is along the direction of the displacement ( cos = 1 ), and zero work is done
when the force is perpendicular to the displacement ( cos = 0 ).
The units of work are units of force multiplied by units of length, which in the SI system is newtons times meters, N m.
This combination is called a joule, for historical reasons that we will mention later, and is abbreviated as J. In the English
system, still used in the United States, the unit of force is the pound (lb) and the unit of distance is the foot (ft), so the unit
of work is the foot-pound (ft lb).
| ||
W AB = F d
r = F
r B
A = F r B
r |
A cos (constant force).
We can also see this by writing out Equation 7.2 in Cartesian coordinates and using the fact that the components of the
force are constant:
W AB = F d
r =
F x dx + F y dy + F z dz = F x dx + F y dy + F z dz
path AB path AB A A A
= F x (x B x A) + F y (y B y A) + F z (z B z A) = F (
r B
r A).
Figure 7.3(a) shows a person exerting a constant force F along the handle of a lawn mower, which makes an angle
with the horizontal. The horizontal displacement of the lawn mower, over which the force acts, is d . The work done on
the lawn mower is W = F d = Fd cos , which the figure also illustrates as the horizontal component of the force
times the magnitude of the displacement.
330 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
Figure 7.3 Work done by a constant force. (a) A person pushes a lawn
mower with a constant force. The component of the force parallel to the
displacement is the work done, as shown in the equation in the figure. (b) A
person holds a briefcase. No work is done because the displacement is zero. (c)
The person in (b) walks horizontally while holding the briefcase. No work is
done because cos is zero.
Figure 7.3(b) shows a person holding a briefcase. The person must exert an upward force, equal in magnitude to the weight
of the briefcase, but this force does no work, because the displacement over which it acts is zero. So why do you eventually
feel tired just holding the briefcase, if youre not doing any work on it? The answer is that muscle fibers in your arm are
contracting and doing work inside your arm, even though the force your muscles exert externally on the briefcase doesnt do
any work on it. (Part of the force you exert could also be tension in the bones and ligaments of your arm, but other muscles
in your body would be doing work to maintain the position of your arm.)
In Figure 7.3(c), where the person in (b) is walking horizontally with constant speed, the work done by the person on the
briefcase is still zero, but now because the angle between the force exerted and the displacement is 90 ( F perpendicular
to d ) and cos 90 = 0 .
Example 7.1
N at an angle 35 below the horizontal and pushes the mower 25.0 m on level ground?
We can solve this problem by substituting the given values into the definition of work done on an object by a
constant force, stated in the equation W = Fd cos . The force, angle, and displacement are given, so that only
the work W is unknown.
The equation for the work is
W = Fd cos .
Substituting the known values gives
W = (75.0 N)(25.0 m)cos(35.0) = 1.54 10 3 J.
Even though one and a half kilojoules may seem like a lot of work, we will see in Potential Energy and
Conservation of Energy that its only about as much work as you could do by burning one sixth of a gram of
When you mow the grass, other forces act on the lawn mower besides the force you exertnamely, the contact force of the
ground and the gravitational force of Earth. Lets consider the work done by these forces in general. For an object moving on
a surface, the displacement d r is tangent to the surface. The part of the contact force on the object that is perpendicular
to the surface is the normal force N . Since the cosine of the angle between the normal and the tangent to a surface is
zero, we have
dW N = N d
r = 0 .
The normal force never does work under these circumstances. (Note that if the displacement d r did have a relative
component perpendicular to the surface, the object would either leave the surface or break through it, and there would no
longer be any normal contact force. However, if the object is more than a particle, and has an internal structure, the normal
contact force can do work on it, for example, by displacing it or deforming its shape. This will be mentioned in the next
The part of the contact force on the object that is parallel to the surface is friction, f . For this object sliding along the
surface, kinetic friction f k is opposite to d
r , relative to the surface, so the work done by kinetic friction is negative.
If the magnitude of f k is constant (as it would be if all the other forces on the object were constant), then the work done
by friction is
B B (7.3)
W fr = f kd
r = fk |dr| = f k |l AB|,
where |l AB| is the path length on the surface. (Note that, especially if the work done by a force is negative, people may refer
to the work done against this force, where dW against = dW by . The work done against a force may also be viewed as
the work required to overcome this force, as in How much work is required to overcome?) The force of static friction,
however, can do positive or negative work. When you walk, the force of static friction exerted by the ground on your back
foot accelerates you for part of each step. If youre slowing down, the force of the ground on your front foot decelerates
you. If youre driving your car at the speed limit on a straight, level stretch of highway, the negative work done by kinetic
friction of air resistance is balanced by the positive work done by the static friction of the road on the drive wheels. You
can pull the rug out from under an object in such a way that it slides backward relative to the rug, but forward relative to
the floor. In this case, kinetic friction exerted by the rug on the object could be in the same direction as the displacement
332 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
of the object, relative to the floor, and do positive work. The bottom line is that you need to analyze each particular case to
determine the work done by the forces, whether positive, negative or zero.
Example 7.2
Moving a Couch
You decide to move your couch to a new position on your horizontal living room floor. The normal force on the
couch is 1 kN and the coefficient of friction is 0.6. (a) You first push the couch 3 m parallel to a wall and then 1 m
perpendicular to the wall (A to B in Figure 7.4). How much work is done by the frictional force? (b) You dont
like the new position, so you move the couch straight back to its original position (B to A in Figure 7.4). What
was the total work done against friction moving the couch away from its original position and back again?
The magnitude of the force of kinetic friction on the couch is constant, equal to the coefficient of friction times the
normal force, f K = K N . Therefore, the work done by it is W fr = f K d , where d is the path length traversed.
The segments of the paths are the sides of a right triangle, so the path lengths are easily calculated. In part (b),
you can use the fact that the work done against a force is the negative of the work done by the force.
a. The work done by friction is
W = (0.6)(1 kN)(3 m + 1 m) = 2.4 kJ.
b. The length of the path along the hypotenuse is 10 m , so the total work done against friction is
W = (0.6)(1 kN)(3 m + 1 m + 10 m) = 4.3 kJ.
The total path over which the work of friction was evaluated began and ended at the same point (it was a closed
path), so that the total displacement of the couch was zero. However, the total work was not zero. The reason is
that forces like friction are classified as nonconservative forces, or dissipative forces, as we discuss in the next
7.1 Check Your Understanding Can kinetic friction ever be a constant force for all paths?
The other force on the lawn mower mentioned above was Earths gravitational force, or the weight of the mower. Near
the surface of Earth, the gravitational force on an object of mass m has a constant magnitude, mg, and constant direction,
vertically down. Therefore, the work done by gravity on an object is the dot product of its weight and its displacement. In
many cases, it is convenient to express the dot product for gravitational work in terms of the x-, y-, and z-components of the
vectors. A typical coordinate system has the x-axis horizontal and the y-axis vertically up. Then the gravitational force is
mg j , so the work done by gravity, over any path from A to B, is
= mg j ( (7.4)
W grav, AB r B r A) = mg(y B y A).
The work done by a constant force of gravity on an object depends only on the objects weight and the difference in height
through which the object is displaced. Gravity does negative work on an object that moves upward ( y B > y A ), or, in other
words, you must do positive work against gravity to lift an object upward. Alternately, gravity does positive work on an
object that moves downward ( y B < y A ), or you do negative work against gravity to lift an object downward, controlling
its descent so it doesnt drop to the ground. (Lift is used as opposed to drop.)
Example 7.3
Shelving a Book
You lift an oversized library book, weighing 20 N, 1 m vertically down from a shelf, and carry it 3 m horizontally
to a table (Figure 7.5). How much work does gravity do on the book? (b) When youre finished, you move the
book in a straight line back to its original place on the shelf. What was the total work done against gravity, moving
the book away from its original position on the shelf and back again?
Figure 7.5 Side view of the paths for moving a book to and
from a shelf.
We have just seen that the work done by a constant force of gravity depends only on the weight of the object
moved and the difference in height for the path taken, W AB = mg(y B y A) . We can evaluate the difference in
height to answer (a) and (b).
a. Since the book starts on the shelf and is lifted down y B y A = 1 m , we have
W = (20 N)( 1 m) = 20 J.
b. There is zero difference in height for any path that begins and ends at the same place on the shelf, so
W = 0.
Gravity does positive work (20 J) when the book moves down from the shelf. The gravitational force between
two objects is an attractive force, which does positive work when the objects get closer together. Gravity does
zero work (0 J) when the book moves horizontally from the shelf to the table and negative work (20 J) when the
book moves from the table back to the shelf. The total work done by gravity is zero [20 J + 0 J + (20 J) = 0].
Unlike friction or other dissipative forces, described in Example 7.2, the total work done against gravity, over
any closed path, is zero. Positive work is done against gravity on the upward parts of a closed path, but an equal
amount of negative work is done against gravity on the downward parts. In other words, work done against
gravity, lifting an object up, is given back when the object comes back down. Forces like gravity (those that do
zero work over any closed path) are classified as conservative forces and play an important role in physics.
7.2 Check Your Understanding Can Earths gravity ever be a constant force for all paths?
334 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
Here, the components of the force are functions of position along the path, and the displacements depend on the equations
of the path. (Although we chose to illustrate dW in Cartesian coordinates, other coordinates are better suited to some
situations.) Equation 7.2 defines the total work as a line integral, or the limit of a sum of infinitesimal amounts of work.
The physical concept of work is straightforward: you calculate the work for tiny displacements and add them up. Sometimes
the mathematics can seem complicated, but the following example demonstrates how cleanly they can operate.
Example 7.4
The components of the force are given functions of x and y. We can use the equation of the path to express y and
dy in terms of x and dx; namely,
y = (0.5 m 1)x 2 and dy = 2(0.5 m 1)xdx.
Then, the integral for the work is just a definite integral of a function of x.
The infinitesimal element of work is
dW = F x dx + F y dy = (5 N/m)ydx + (10 N/m)xdy
= (5 N/m)(0.5 m 1)x 2 dx + (10 N/m)2(0.5 m 1)x 2 dx = (12.5 N/m 2)x 2 dx.
2m 3
W= (12.5 N/m 2)x 2 dx = (12.5 N/m 2) x 0 = (12.5 N/m 2)8 = 33.3 J.
0 3 3
This integral was not hard to do. You can follow the same steps, as in this example, to calculate line integrals
representing work for more complicated forces and paths. In this example, everything was given in terms of x-
and y-components, which are easiest to use in evaluating the work in this case. In other situations, magnitudes
7.3 Check Your Understanding Find the work done by the same force in Example 7.4 over a cubic path,
y = (0.25 m 2)x 3 , between the same points A = (0, 0) and B = (2 m, 2 m).
You saw in Example 7.4 that to evaluate a line integral, you could reduce it to an integral over a single variable or
parameter. Usually, there are several ways to do this, which may be more or less convenient, depending on the particular
case. In Example 7.4, we reduced the line integral to an integral over x, but we could equally well have chosen to reduce
everything to a function of y. We didnt do that because the functions in y involve the square root and fractional exponents,
which may be less familiar, but for illustrative purposes, we do this now. Solving for x and dx, in terms of y, along the
parabolic path, we get
B B B (7.5)
x 1 2 2
W spring, AB = F x dx = k xdx = k 2 A = 2 kx B x A.
336 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
Notice that W AB depends only on the starting and ending points, A and B, and is independent of the actual path between
them, as long as it starts at A and ends at B. That is, the actual path could involve going back and forth before ending.
Another interesting thing to notice about Equation 7.5 is that, for this one-dimensional case, you can readily see the
correspondence between the work done by a force and the area under the curve of the force versus its displacement. Recall
that, in general, a one-dimensional integral is the limit of the sum of infinitesimals, f (x)dx , representing the area of strips,
as shown in Figure 7.8. In Equation 7.5, since F = kx is a straight line with slope k , when plotted versus x, the
area under the line is just an algebraic combination of triangular areas, where areas above the x-axis are positive and
those below are negative, as shown in Figure 7.9. The magnitude of one of these areas is just one-half the triangles
base, along the x-axis, times the triangles height, along the force axis. (There are quotation marks around area because
this base-height product has the units of work, rather than square meters.)
Example 7.5
W = 1 k(x 2B x 2A).
For part (a), x A = 0 and x B = 6cm ; for part (b), x B = 6cm and x B = 12cm . In part (a), the work is given
and you can solve for the spring constant; in part (b), you can use the value of k, from part (a), to solve for the
a. W = 0.54 J = 1 k[(6 cm) 2 0] , so k = 3 N/cm.
7.4 Check Your Understanding The spring in Example 7.5 is compressed 6 cm from its equilibrium
length. (a) Does the spring force do positive or negative work and (b) what is the magnitude?
338 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
Its plausible to suppose that the greater the velocity of a body, the greater effect it could have on other bodies. This does not
depend on the direction of the velocity, only its magnitude. At the end of the seventeenth century, a quantity was introduced
into mechanics to explain collisions between two perfectly elastic bodies, in which one body makes a head-on collision with
an identical body at rest. The first body stops, and the second body moves off with the initial velocity of the first body. (If
you have ever played billiards or croquet, or seen a model of Newtons Cradle, you have observed this type of collision.)
The idea behind this quantity was related to the forces acting on a body and was referred to as the energy of motion. Later
on, during the eighteenth century, the name kinetic energy was given to energy of motion.
With this history in mind, we can now state the classical definition of kinetic energy. Note that when we say classical,
we mean non-relativistic, that is, at speeds much less that the speed of light. At speeds comparable to the speed of light,
the special theory of relativity requires a different expression for the kinetic energy of a particle, as discussed in Relativity
( .
Since objects (or systems) of interest vary in complexity, we first define the kinetic energy of a particle with mass m.
Kinetic Energy
The kinetic energy of a particle is one-half the product of the particles mass m and the square of its speed v:
K = 1 mv 2. (7.6)
We then extend this definition to any system of particles by adding up the kinetic energies of all the constituent particles:
K = 1 mv 2. (7.7)
Note that just as we can express Newtons second law in terms of either the rate of change of momentum or mass times
the rate of change of velocity, so the kinetic energy of a particle can be expressed in terms of its mass and momentum
(p =m v ), instead of its mass and velocity. Since v = p/m , we see that
p 2 p2
K = 1 mm =
2 2m
also expresses the kinetic energy of a single particle. Sometimes, this expression is more convenient to use than Equation
The units of kinetic energy are mass times the square of speed, or kg m 2 /s 2 . But the units of force are mass times
acceleration, kg m/s 2 , so the units of kinetic energy are also the units of force times distance, which are the units of work,
or joules. You will see in the next section that work and kinetic energy have the same units, because they are different forms
of the same, more general, physical property.
Example 7.6
thermal neutrons, traveling at about 2.2 km/s, play an important role. What is the kinetic energy of such a particle?
To answer these questions, you can use the definition of kinetic energy in Equation 7.6. You also have to look
up the mass of a neutron.
Dont forget to convert km into m to do these calculations, although, to save space, we omitted showing these
7.5 Check Your Understanding (a) A car and a truck are each moving with the same kinetic energy. Assume
that the truck has more mass than the car. Which has the greater speed? (b) A car and a truck are each moving
with the same speed. Which has the greater kinetic energy?
Because velocity is a relative quantity, you can see that the value of kinetic energy must depend on your frame of reference.
You can generally choose a frame of reference that is suited to the purpose of your analysis and that simplifies your
calculations. One such frame of reference is the one in which the observations of the system are made (likely an external
frame). Another choice is a frame that is attached to, or moves with, the system (likely an internal frame). The equations for
relative motion, discussed in Motion in Two and Three Dimensions, provide a link to calculating the kinetic energy of
an object with respect to different frames of reference.
Example 7.7
Since speeds are given, we can use 1 mv 2 to calculate the persons kinetic energy. However, in part (a), the
persons speed is relative to the subway car (as given); in part (b), it is relative to the tracks; and in part (c), it is
zero. If we denote the car frame by C, the track frame by T, and the person by P, the relative velocities in part (b)
are related by v PT = v PC + v CT. We can assume that the central aisle and the tracks lie along the same
line, but the direction the person is walking relative to the car isnt specified, so we will give an answer for each
possibility, v PT = v CT v PC , as shown in Figure 7.10.
340 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
Figure 7.10 The possible motions of a person walking in a train are (a) toward the front of the car and (b) toward
the back of the car.
a. K = 1 (75.0 kg)(1.50 m/s) 2 = 84.4 J.
b. v PT = (15.0 1.50) m/s. Therefore, the two possible values for kinetic energy relative to the car are
You can see that the kinetic energy of an object can have very different values, depending on the frame of
reference. However, the kinetic energy of an object can never be negative, since it is the product of the mass and
the square of the speed, both of which are always positive or zero.
7.6 Check Your Understanding You are rowing a boat parallel to the banks of a river. Your kinetic energy
relative to the banks is less than your kinetic energy relative to the water. Are you rowing with or against the
The kinetic energy of a particle is a single quantity, but the kinetic energy of a system of particles can sometimes be divided
into various types, depending on the system and its motion. For example, if all the particles in a system have the same
velocity, the system is undergoing translational motion and has translational kinetic energy. If an object is rotating, it could
have rotational kinetic energy, or if its vibrating, it could have vibrational kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of a system,
relative to an internal frame of reference, may be called internal kinetic energy. The kinetic energy associated with random
molecular motion may be called thermal energy. These names will be used in later chapters of the book, when appropriate.
Regardless of the name, every kind of kinetic energy is the same physical quantity, representing energy associated with
Example 7.8
In part (a), first find the horizontal speed of the basketball and then use the definition of kinetic energy in terms of
mass and speed, K = 1 mv 2 . Then in part (b), convert unified units to kilograms and then use K = 1 mv 2 to get
2 2
the average translational kinetic energy of one molecule, relative to the basketball. Then multiply by the number
of molecules to get the total result. Finally, in part (c), we can substitute the amount of kinetic energy in part (b),
and the mass of the basketball in part (a), into the definition K = 1 mv 2 , and solve for v.
a. The horizontal speed is (15 m)/(2 s), so the horizontal kinetic energy of the basketball is
1 (0.624 kg)(7.5 m/s) 2 = 17.6 J.
b. The average translational kinetic energy of a molecule is
1 (29 u)(1.66 10 27 kg/u)(500 m/s) 2 = 6.02 10 21 J,
In part (a), this kind of kinetic energy can be called the horizontal kinetic energy of an object (the basketball),
relative to its surroundings (the court). If the basketball were spinning, all parts of it would have not just the
average speed, but it would also have rotational kinetic energy. Part (b) reminds us that this kind of kinetic energy
can be called internal or thermal kinetic energy. Notice that this energy is about a hundred times the energy in part
(a). How to make use of thermal energy will be the subject of the chapters on thermodynamics. In part (c), since
the energy in part (b) is about 100 times that in part (a), the speed should be about 10 times as big, which it is (76
compared to 7.5 m/s).
We have discussed how to find the work done on a particle by the forces that act on it, but how is that work manifested in
the motion of the particle? According to Newtons second law of motion, the sum of all the forces acting on a particle, or
the net force, determines the rate of change in the momentum of the particle, or its motion. Therefore, we should consider
the work done by all the forces acting on a particle, or the net work, to see what effect it has on the particles motion.
Lets start by looking at the net work done on a particle as it moves over an infinitesimal displacement, which is
the dot product of the net force and the displacement: dW net = F net d
r . Newtons second law tells us that
F net = m(d v /dt) d
v /dt), , so dW net = m(d r . For the mathematical functions describing the motion of a
physical particle, we can rearrange the differentials dt, etc., as algebraic quantities in this expression, that is,
dW net = md v d
r = md
v d r = m
v d
v ,
dt dt
342 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
where we substituted the velocity for the time derivative of the displacement and used the commutative property of the
dot product [Equation 2.30]. Since derivatives and integrals of scalars are probably more familiar to you at this point,
we express the dot product in terms of Cartesian coordinates before we integrate between any two points A and B on the
particles trajectory. This gives us the net work done on the particle:
B (7.8)
W net, AB = (mv x dv x + mv y dv y + mv z dv z)
| |
2 | |
= 1 m v 2x + v 2y + v 2z A = 1 mv 2
2 A = K B K A.
In the middle step, we used the fact that the square of the velocity is the sum of the squares of its Cartesian components,
and in the last step, we used the definition of the particles kinetic energy. This important result is called the work-energy
theorem (Figure 7.11).
Work-Energy Theorem
The net work done on a particle equals the change in the particles kinetic energy:
W net = K B K A. (7.9)
Figure 7.11 Horse pulls are common events at state fairs. The work done by
the horses pulling on the load results in a change in kinetic energy of the load,
ultimately going faster. (credit: Jassen/ Flickr)
According to this theorem, when an object slows down, its final kinetic energy is less than its initial kinetic energy, the
change in its kinetic energy is negative, and so is the net work done on it. If an object speeds up, the net work done on it is
positive. When calculating the net work, you must include all the forces that act on an object. If you leave out any forces
that act on an object, or if you include any forces that dont act on it, you will get a wrong result.
The importance of the work-energy theorem, and the further generalizations to which it leads, is that it makes some types
of calculations much simpler to accomplish than they would be by trying to solve Newtons second law. For example, in
Newtons Laws of Motion, we found the speed of an object sliding down a frictionless plane by solving Newtons second
law for the acceleration and using kinematic equations for constant acceleration, obtaining
v 2f = v 2i + 2g(s f s i)sin ,
where y is positive up. The work-energy theorem says that this equals the change in kinetic energy:
mg(y f y i) = 1 m(v 2f v 2i ).
Using a right triangle, we can see that (y f y i) = (s f s i)sin , so the result for the final speed is the same.
What is gained by using the work-energy theorem? The answer is that for a frictionless plane surface, not much. However,
Newtons second law is easy to solve only for this particular case, whereas the work-energy theorem gives the final speed
for any shaped frictionless surface. For an arbitrary curved surface, the normal force is not constant, and Newtons second
law may be difficult or impossible to solve analytically. Constant or not, for motion along a surface, the normal force never
does any work, because its perpendicular to the displacement. A calculation using the work-energy theorem avoids this
difficulty and applies to more general situations.
Example 7.9
The frictionless track for a toy car includes a loop-the-loop of radius R. How high, measured from the bottom of
the loop, must the car be placed to start from rest on the approaching section of track and go all the way around
the loop?
The free-body diagram at the final position of the object is drawn in Figure 7.12. The gravitational work is the
only work done over the displacement that is not zero. Since the weight points in the same direction as the net
vertical displacement, the total work done by the gravitational force is positive. From the work-energy theorem,
344 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
the starting height determines the speed of the car at the top of the loop,
mg(y 2 y 1) = 1 mv 2 2,
where the notation is shown in the accompanying figure. At the top of the loop, the normal force and gravity are
both down and the acceleration is centripetal, so
F = N + mg = v 2 .
a top = m m R
The condition for maintaining contact with the track is that there must be some normal force, however slight; that
is, N > 0 . Substituting for v 22 and N, we can find the condition for y 1 .
Implement the steps in the strategy to arrive at the desired result:
mg + mv 22 mg + 2mg(y 1 2R)
N= = > 0ory 1 > 5R .
R R 2
On the surface of the loop, the normal component of gravity and the normal contact force must provide the
centripetal acceleration of the car going around the loop. The tangential component of gravity slows down or
speeds up the car. A child would find out how high to start the car by trial and error, but now that you know the
work-energy theorem, you can predict the minimum height (as well as other more useful results) from physical
principles. By using the work-energy theorem, you did not have to solve a differential equation to determine the
7.7 Check Your Understanding Suppose the radius of the loop-the-loop in Example 7.9 is 15 cm and the
toy car starts from rest at a height of 45 cm above the bottom. What is its speed at the top of the loop?
In situations where the motion of an object is known, but the values of one or more of the forces acting on it are not known,
you may be able to use the work-energy theorem to get some information about the forces. Work depends on the force and
the distance over which it acts, so the information is provided via their product.
Example 7.10
Figure 7.13 The boards exert a force to stop the bullet. As a result, the boards do work and the
bullet loses kinetic energy.
We can assume that under the general conditions stated, the bullet loses all its kinetic energy penetrating the
boards, so the work-energy theorem says its initial kinetic energy is equal to the average stopping force times
the distance penetrated. The change in the bullets kinetic energy and the net work done stopping it are both
negative, so when you write out the work-energy theorem, with the net work equal to the average force times the
stopping distance, thats what you get. The total thickness of eight 1-inch pine boards that the bullet penetrates is
8 3 in. = 6 in. = 15.2 cm.
Applying the work-energy theorem, we get
W net = F ave s stop = K initial,
1 mv 2
1 (2.6
10 3 kg)(335 m/s) 2
F ave = = = 960 N.
s stop 0.152 m
We could have used Newtons second law and kinematics in this example, but the work-energy theorem also
supplies an answer to less simple situations. The penetration of a bullet, fired vertically upward into a block
of wood, is discussed in one section of Asif Shakurs recent article [Bullet-Block Science Video Puzzle. The
Physics Teacher (January 2015) 53(1): 15-16]. If the bullet is fired dead center into the block, it loses all its kinetic
energy and penetrates slightly farther than if fired off-center. The reason is that if the bullet hits off-center, it has
a little kinetic energy after it stops penetrating, because the block rotates. The work-energy theorem implies that a
smaller change in kinetic energy results in a smaller penetration. You will understand more of the physics in this
interesting article after you finish reading Angular Momentum.
Learn more about work and energy in this PhET simulation (
21PhETSimRamp) called the ramp. Try changing the force pushing the box and the frictional force along the
incline. The work and energy plots can be examined to note the total work done and change in kinetic energy of
the box.
7.4 | Power
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Relate the work done during a time interval to the power delivered
Find the power expended by a force acting on a moving body
346 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
The concept of work involves force and displacement; the work-energy theorem relates the net work done on a body to the
difference in its kinetic energy, calculated between two points on its trajectory. None of these quantities or relations involves
time explicitly, yet we know that the time available to accomplish a particular amount of work is frequently just as important
to us as the amount itself. In the chapter-opening figure, several sprinters may have achieved the same velocity at the finish,
and therefore did the same amount of work, but the winner of the race did it in the least amount of time.
We express the relation between work done and the time interval involved in doing it, by introducing the concept of power.
Since work can vary as a function of time, we first define average power as the work done during a time interval, divided
by the interval,
P ave = W . (7.10)
Then, we can define the instantaneous power (frequently referred to as just plain power).
Power is defined as the rate of doing work, or the limit of the average power for time intervals approaching zero,
P = dW . (7.11)
If the power is constant over a time interval, the average power for that interval equals the instantaneous power, and the
work done by the agent supplying the power is W = Pt . If the power during an interval varies with time, then the work
done is the time integral of the power,
W = Pdt.
The work-energy theorem relates how work can be transformed into kinetic energy. Since there are other forms of energy
as well, as we discuss in the next chapter, we can also define power as the rate of transfer of energy. Work and energy
are measured in units of joules, so power is measured in units of joules per second, which has been given the SI name
watts, abbreviation W: 1 J/s = 1 W . Another common unit for expressing the power capability of everyday devices is
horsepower: 1 hp = 746 W .
Example 7.11
Pull-Up Power
An 80-kg army trainee does 10 pull-ups in 10 s (Figure 7.14). How much average power do the trainees muscles
supply moving his body? (Hint: Make reasonable estimates for any quantities needed.)
The work done against gravity, going up or down a distance y , is mgy. (If you lift and lower yourself at
constant speed, the force you exert cancels gravity over the whole pull-up cycle.) Thus, the work done by the
trainees muscles (moving, but not accelerating, his body) for a complete repetition (up and down) is 2mgy.
Lets assume that y = 2ft 60 cm. Also, assume that the arms comprise 10% of the body mass and are not
included in the moving mass. With these assumptions, we can calculate the work done for 10 pull-ups and divide
by 10 s to get the average power.
The result we get, applying our assumptions, is
10 2(0.9 80 kg)(9.8 m/s 2)(0.6 m)
P ave = = 850 W.
10 s
This is typical for power expenditure in strenuous exercise; in everyday units, its somewhat more than one
horsepower (1 hp = 746 W).
7.8 Check Your Understanding Estimate the power expended by a weightlifter raising a 150-kg barbell 2 m
in 3 s.
The power involved in moving a body can also be expressed in terms of the forces acting on it. If a force F acts on a
body that is displaced d
r in a time dt, the power expended by the force is
P = dW = F d r = F d r = F
v ,
dt dt dt
where v is the velocity of the body. The fact that the limits implied by the derivatives exist, for the motion of a real body,
justifies the rearrangement of the infinitesimals.
Example 7.12
Figure 7.15 We want to calculate the power needed to move a car up a hill at
constant speed.
348 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
At constant velocity, there is no change in kinetic energy, so the net work done to move the car is zero. Therefore
the power supplied by the engine to move the car equals the power expended against gravity and air resistance.
By assumption, 75% of the power is supplied against gravity, which equals m g
v = mgv sin , where
is the angle of the incline. A 15% grade means tan = 0.15. This reasoning allows us to solve for the power
Carrying out the suggested steps, we find
0.75 P = mgv sin(tan 1 0.15),
(1200 9.8 N)(90 m/3.6 s)sin(8.53)
P= = 58 kW,
or about 78 hp. (You should supply the steps used to convert units.)
This is a reasonable amount of power for the engine of a small to mid-size car to supply (1 hp = 0.746 kW).
Note that this is only the power expended to move the car. Much of the engines power goes elsewhere, for
example, into waste heat. Thats why cars need radiators. Any remaining power could be used for acceleration, or
to operate the cars accessories.
average power work done in a time interval divided by the time interval
kinetic energy energy of motion, one-half an objects mass times the square of its speed
net work work done by all the forces acting on an object
power (or instantaneous power) rate of doing work
work done when a force acts on something that undergoes a displacement from one position to another
work done by a force integral, from the initial position to the final position, of the dot product of the force and the
infinitesimal displacement along the path over which the force acts
work-energy theorem net work done on a particle is equal to the change in its kinetic energy
Work done by a force over an infinitesimal displacement
dW = F d
r = F d
r cos
| | |
W AB = F d
Work done by a force acting along a path from A to B
Work done going from A to B by Earths gravity, near its surface W grav, AB = mg(y B y A)
Work done going from A to B by one-dimensional spring force W spring,AB = 1 kx 2B x 2A
Kinetic energy of a non-relativistic particle K = 1 mv 2 =
2 2m
7.1 Work
The infinitesimal increment of work done by a force, acting over an infinitesimal displacement, is the dot product
of the force and the displacement.
The work done by a force, acting over a finite path, is the integral of the infinitesimal increments of work done
along the path.
The work done against a force is the negative of the work done by the force.
The work done by a normal or frictional contact force must be determined in each particular case.
The work done by the force of gravity, on an object near the surface of Earth, depends only on the weight of the
object and the difference in height through which it moved.
The work done by a spring force, acting from an initial position to a final position, depends only on the spring
constant and the squares of those positions.
350 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
7.4 Power
Power is the rate of doing work; that is, the derivative of work with respect to time.
Alternatively, the work done, during a time interval, is the integral of the power supplied over the time interval.
The power delivered by a force, acting on a moving particle, is the dot product of the force and the particles
7.1 Work
1. Give an example of something we think of as work in
everyday circumstances that is not work in the scientific
sense. Is energy transferred or changed in form in your
example? If so, explain how this is accomplished without
doing work.
by its cable to lift it 40.0 m at constant speed, assuming
7.1 Work friction averages 100 N. (b) What is the work done on the
23. How much work does a supermarket checkout lift by the gravitational force in this process? (c) What is the
attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.600 m total work done on the lift?
horizontally with a force of 5.00 N?
26. Suppose a car travels 108 km at a speed of 30.0 m/s,
24. A 75.0-kg person climbs stairs, gaining 2.50 m in and uses 2.0 gal of gasoline. Only 30% of the gasoline goes
height. Find the work done to accomplish this task. into useful work by the force that keeps the car moving
at constant speed despite friction. (The energy content of
gasoline is about 140 MJ/gal.) (a) What is the magnitude of
25. (a) Calculate the work done on a 1500-kg elevator car
the force exerted to keep the car moving at constant speed?
352 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
28. How much work is done by the boy pulling his sister
30.0 m in a wagon as shown below? Assume no friction
acts on the wagon.
31. A constant 20-N force pushes a small ball in the
direction of the force over a distance of 5.0 m. What is the
work done by the force?
37. How much work is done against the gravitational force
F(x) = a x + 9 m 9 m ,
9m x+9m
on a 5.0-kg briefcase when it is carried from the ground
floor to the roof of the Empire State Building, a vertical
climb of 380 m? where x is the stretch of the cord along its length and a is
a constant. If it takes 22.0 kJ of work to stretch the cord by
38. It takes 500 J of work to compress a spring 10 cm. 16.7 m, determine the value of the constant a.
What is the force constant of the spring?
42. A particle moving in the xy-plane is subject to a force
^ ^
39. A bungee cord is essentially a very long rubber band (x i + y j )
that can stretch up to four times its unstretched length. F (x, y) = (50 N m 2) 2 ,
(x + y 2) 3/2
However, its spring constant varies over its stretch [see
Menz, P.G. The Physics of Bungee Jumping. The Physics where x and y are in meters. Calculate the work done on the
Teacher (November 1993) 31: 483-487]. Take the length of particle by this force, as it moves in a straight line from the
the cord to be along the x-direction and define the stretch point (3 m, 4 m) to the point (8 m, 6 m).
x as the length of the cord l minus its un-stretched length
l 0; that is, x = l l 0 (see below). Suppose a particular 43. A particle moves along a curved path
bungee cord has a spring constant, for 0 x 4.88 m , of y(x) = (10 m) 1 + cos[(0.1 m
)x] ,
from x = 0 to
k 1 = 204 N/m and for 4.88 m x , of k 2 = 111 N/m. x = 10 m, subject to a tangential force of variable
(Recall that the spring constant is the slope of the force magnitude F(x) = (10 N)sin[(0.1 m 1)x]. How much
F(x) versus its stretch x.) (a) What is the tension in the
cord when the stretch is 16.7 m (the maximum desired for a work does the force do? (Hint: Consult a table of integrals
given jump)? (b) How much work must be done against the or use a numerical integration program.)
elastic force of the bungee cord to stretch it 16.7 m?
51. A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/ 60. A 2.0-kg block starts with a speed of 10 m/s at the
h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without bottom of a plane inclined at 37 to the horizontal. The
damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the coefficient of sliding friction between the block and plane is
shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the k = 0.30. (a) Use the work-energy principle to determine
magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses
0.200 m while bringing a 900-kg car to rest from an initial how far the block slides along the plane before
speed of 1.1 m/s. momentarily coming to rest. (b) After stopping, the block
slides back down the plane. What is its speed when it
reaches the bottom? (Hint: For the round trip, only the force
52. Boxing gloves are padded to lessen the force of a
of friction does work on the block.)
blow. (a) Calculate the force exerted by a boxing glove on
an opponents face, if the glove and face compress 7.50
cm during a blow in which the 7.00-kg arm and glove 61. When a 3.0-kg block is pushed against a massless
are brought to rest from an initial speed of 10.0 m/s. (b) spring of force constant constant 4.5 10 3 N/m, the
Calculate the force exerted by an identical blow in the gory spring is compressed 8.0 cm. The block is released, and it
old days when no gloves were used, and the knuckles and slides 2.0 m (from the point at which it is released) across
face would compress only 2.00 cm. Assume the change in a horizontal surface before friction stops it. What is the
mass by removing the glove is negligible. (c) Discuss the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the
magnitude of the force with glove on. Does it seem high surface?
enough to cause damage even though it is lower than the
force with no glove?
62. A small block of mass 200 g starts at rest at A, slides
to B where its speed is v B = 8.0 m/s, then slides along the
53. Using energy considerations, calculate the average
force a 60.0-kg sprinter exerts backward on the track to horizontal surface a distance 10 m before coming to rest
accelerate from 2.00 to 8.00 m/s in a distance of 25.0 m, at C. (See below.) (a) What is the work of friction along
if he encounters a headwind that exerts an average force of the curved surface? (b) What is the coefficient of kinetic
30.0 N against him. friction along the horizontal surface?
73. (a) How long will it take an 850-kg car with a useful
power output of 40.0 hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a
speed of 15.0 m/s, neglecting friction? (b) How long will
this acceleration take if the car also climbs a 3.00-m high
hill in the process?
70. (a) What is the average power consumption in watts of 79. An electron in a television tube is accelerated
an appliance that uses 5.00 kW h of energy per day? (b) uniformly from rest to a speed of 8.4 10 7 m/s over a
How many joules of energy does this appliance consume in distance of 2.5 cm. What is the power delivered to the
a year? electron at the instant that its displacement is 1.0 cm?
71. (a) What is the average useful power output of a 80. Coal is lifted out of a mine a vertical distance of 50 m
person who does 6.00 10 6 J of useful work in 8.00 h? by an engine that supplies 500 W to a conveyer belt. How
much coal per minute can be brought to the surface? Ignore
(b) Working at this rate, how long will it take this person
the effects of friction.
to lift 2000 kg of bricks 1.50 m to a platform? (Work done
to lift his body can be omitted because it is not considered
useful output here.) 81. A girl pulls her 15-kg wagon along a flat sidewalk by
applying a 10-N force at 37 to the horizontal. Assume
72. A 500-kg dragster accelerates from rest to a final that friction is negligible and that the wagon starts from
speed of 110 m/s in 400 m (about a quarter of a mile) and rest. (a) How much work does the girl do on the wagon in
encounters an average frictional force of 1200 N. What is the first 2.0 s. (b) How much instantaneous power does she
its average power output in watts and horsepower if this exert at t = 2.0 s ?
takes 7.30 s?
356 Chapter 7 | Work and Kinetic Energy
82. A typical automobile engine has an efficiency of 25%. 83. When jogging at 13 km/h on a level surface, a 70-kg
Suppose that the engine of a 1000-kg automobile has a man uses energy at a rate of approximately 850 W. Using
maximum power output of 140 hp. What is the maximum the facts that the human engine is approximately 25%
grade that the automobile can climb at 50 km/h if the efficient, determine the rate at which this man uses energy
frictional retarding force on it is 300 N? when jogging up a 5.0 slope at this same speed. Assume
that the frictional retarding force is the same in both cases.
84. A cart is pulled a distance D on a flat, horizontal ^ ^
surface by a constant force F that acts at an angle with F 1 = (2y) i + (3x) j . Find the work done by this force
the horizontal direction. The other forces on the object when the particle moves from the origin to a point 5 meters
during this time are gravity ( F w ), normal forces ( F N1 ) to the right on the x-axis.
and ( F N2 ), and rolling frictions F r1 and F r2 , as shown
89. A boy pulls a 5-kg cart with a 20-N force at an angle
below. What is the work done by each force? of 30 above the horizontal for a length of time. Over
this time frame, the cart moves a distance of 12 m on the
horizontal floor. (a) Find the work done on the cart by the
boy. (b) What will be the work done by the boy if he pulled
with the same force horizontally instead of at an angle of
30 above the horizontal over the same distance?
kinetic friction. For a puck moving along the x-axis, the mph) speed limit. Should you fight the speeding ticket in
coefficient of kinetic friction is the following function of x, court?
where x is in m: (x) = 0.1 + 0.05x. Find the work done
by the kinetic frictional force on the hockey puck when 95. A crate is being pushed across a rough floor surface.
it has moved (a) from x = 0 to x = 2 m , and (b) from If no force is applied on the crate, the crate will slow down
x = 2 m to x = 4 m . and come to a stop. If the crate of mass 50 kg moving at
speed 8 m/s comes to rest in 10 seconds, what is the rate
at which the frictional force on the crate takes energy away
92. A horizontal force of 20 N is required to keep a 5.0 from the crate?
kg box traveling at a constant speed up a frictionless incline
for a vertical height change of 3.0 m. (a) What is the work
96. Suppose a horizontal force of 20 N is required to
done by gravity during this change in height? (b) What is
maintain a speed of 8 m/s of a 50 kg crate. (a) What is the
the work done by the normal force? (c) What is the work
power of this force? (b) Note that the acceleration of the
done by the horizontal force?
crate is zero despite the fact that 20 N force acts on the crate
horizontally. What happens to the energy given to the crate
93. A 7.0-kg box slides along a horizontal frictionless as a result of the work done by this 20 N force?
floor at 1.7 m/s and collides with a relatively massless
spring that compresses 23 cm before the box comes to
97. Grains from a hopper falls at a rate of 10 kg/s
a stop. (a) How much kinetic energy does the box have
vertically onto a conveyor belt that is moving horizontally
before it collides with the spring? (b) Calculate the work
at a constant speed of 2 m/s. (a) What force is needed to
done by the spring. (c) Determine the spring constant of the
keep the conveyor belt moving at the constant velocity?
(b) What is the minimum power of the motor driving the
conveyor belt?
94. You are driving your car on a straight road with a
coefficient of friction between the tires and the road of 0.55.
98. A cyclist in a race must climb a 5 hill at a speed of 8
A large piece of debris falls in front of your view and you
immediate slam on the brakes, leaving a skid mark of 30.5 m/s. If the mass of the bike and the biker together is 80 kg,
m (100-feet) long before coming to a stop. A policeman what must be the power output of the biker to achieve the
sees your car stopped on the road, looks at the skid mark, goal?
and gives you a ticket for traveling over the 13.4 m/s (30
99. Shown below is a 40-kg crate that is pushed at 101. The force F(x) varies with position, as shown below.
constant velocity a distance 8.0 m along a 30 incline by Find the work done by this force on a particle as it moves
from x = 1.0 m to x = 5.0 m.
the horizontal force F . The coefficient of kinetic friction
between the crate and the incline is k = 0.40. Calculate
the work done by (a) the applied force, (b) the frictional
force, (c) the gravitational force, and (d) the net force.
104. Find the work done by the same force in Example s, its engine delivers 20 hp to its wheels. (a) What is the
7.4, between the same points, power delivered to the wheels when the car travels at 30 m/
A = (0, 0) and B = (2 m, 2 m) , over a circular arc of s? (b) How much energy does the car use in covering 10
radius 2 m, centered at (2 m, 0). Evaluate the path integral km at 15 m/s? At 30 m/s? Assume that the engine is 25%
using Cartesian coordinates. (Hint: You will probably need efficient. (c) Answer the same questions if the force of air
to consult a table of integrals.) resistance is proportional to the speed of the automobile. (d)
What do these results, plus your experience with gasoline
consumption, tell you about air resistance?
105. Answer the preceding problem using polar
108. Consider a linear spring, as in Figure 7.7(a), with
mass M uniformly distributed along its length. The left end
106. Constant power P is delivered to a car of mass m by
of the spring is fixed, but the right end, at the equilibrium
its engine. Show that if air resistance can be ignored, the
position x = 0, is moving with speed v in the x-direction.
distance covered in a time t by the car, starting from rest, is
What is the total kinetic energy of the spring? (Hint: First
given by s = (8P/9m) 1/2 t 3/2.
express the kinetic energy of an infinitesimal element of the
spring dm in terms of the total mass, equilibrium length,
107. Suppose that the air resistance a car encounters is speed of the right-hand end, and position along the spring;
independent of its speed. When the car travels at 15 m/ then integrate.)
Figure 8.1 Shown here is part of a Ball Machine sculpture by George Rhoads. A ball in this contraption is lifted, rolls, falls,
bounces, and collides with various objects, but throughout its travels, its kinetic energy changes in definite, predictable amounts,
which depend on its position and the objects with which it interacts. (credit: modification of work by Roland Tanglao)
Chapter Outline
8.1 Potential Energy of a System
8.2 Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
8.3 Conservation of Energy
8.4 Potential Energy Diagrams and Stability
8.5 Sources of Energy
In George Rhoads rolling ball sculpture, the principle of conservation of energy governs the changes in the balls kinetic
energy and relates them to changes and transfers for other types of energy associated with the balls interactions. In this
chapter, we introduce the important concept of potential energy. This will enable us to formulate the law of conservation
of mechanical energy and to apply it to simple systems, making solving problems easier. In the final section on sources of
energy, we will consider energy transfers and the general law of conservation of energy. Throughout this book, the law of
conservation of energy will be applied in increasingly more detail, as you encounter more complex and varied systems, and
other forms of energy.
360 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
In Work, we saw that the work done on an object by the constant gravitational force, near the surface of Earth, over any
displacement is a function only of the difference in the positions of the end-points of the displacement. This property allows
us to define a different kind of energy for the system than its kinetic energy, which is called potential energy. We consider
various properties and types of potential energy in the following subsections.
Figure 8.2 As a football starts its descent toward the wide receiver, gravitational potential energy is converted back into
kinetic energy.
Based on this scenario, we can define the difference of potential energy from point A to point B as the negative of the work
U AB = U B U A = W AB. (8.1)
This formula explicitly states a potential energy difference, not just an absolute potential energy. Therefore, we need to
define potential energy at a given position in such a way as to state standard values of potential energy on their own, rather
than potential energy differences. We do this by rewriting the potential energy function in terms of an arbitrary constant,
U = U(
r ) U(
r 0). (8.2)
The choice of the potential energy at a starting location of r 0 is made out of convenience in the given problem. Most
importantly, whatever choice is made should be stated and kept consistent throughout the given problem. There are some
well-accepted choices of initial potential energy. For example, the lowest height in a problem is usually defined as zero
potential energy, or if an object is in space, the farthest point away from the system is often defined as zero potential energy.
Then, the potential energy, with respect to zero at r 0, is just U
r .
As long as there is no friction or air resistance, the change in kinetic energy of the football equals the change in gravitational
potential energy of the football. This can be generalized to any potential energy:
K AB = U AB. (8.3)
Lets look at a specific example, choosing zero potential energy for gravitational potential energy at convenient points.
Example 8.1
x 1
3 |
U = W = ax 2 dx = 1 (3 N/m 2)x 2 1 m = 7 J.
b. The indefinite integral for the potential energy function in part (a) is
U(x) = 1 ax 3 + const.,
U(x) = 1 ax 3 + 0.5 J.
8.1 Check Your Understanding In Example 8.1, what are the potential energies of the particle at x = 1 m
and x = 2 m with respect to zero at x = 1.5 m ? Verify that the difference of potential energy is still 7 J.
You can see from this that the gravitational potential energy function, near Earths surface, is
You can choose the value of the constant, as described in the discussion of Equation 8.2; however, for solving most
problems, the most convenient constant to choose is zero for when y = 0, which is the lowest vertical position in the
Figure 8.3 Dont jumpyou have so much potential (gravitational potential energy, that is).
(credit: Andy Spearing)
Example 8.2
Figure 8.4 Sketch of the profile of Great Blue Hill, Milton, MA. The altitudes of the three levels are indicated.
First, we need to pick an origin for the y-axis and then determine the value of the constant that makes the potential
energy zero at the height of the base. Then, we can determine the potential energies from Equation 8.5, based
on the relationship between the zero potential energy height and the height at which the hiker is located.
a. Lets choose the origin for the y-axis at base height, where we also want the zero of potential energy to
be. This choice makes the constant equal to zero and
U(base) = U(0) = 0.
364 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
8.2 Check Your Understanding What are the values of the gravitational potential energy of the hiker at the
base, summit, and sea level, with respect to a sea-level zero of potential energy?
If the spring force is the only force acting, it is simplest to take the zero of potential energy at x = 0 , when the spring is at
its unstretched length. Then, the constant is Equation 8.7 is zero. (Other choices may be more convenient if other forces
are acting.)
Example 8.3
8.3 Check Your Understanding When the length of the spring in Example 8.3 changes from an initial
value of 22.0 cm to a final value, the elastic potential energy it contributes changes by 0.0800 J. Find the
final length.
Figure 8.5 A vertical mass-spring system, with the y-axis pointing upwards. The mass is initially at an
equilibrium position and pulled downward to y pull. An oscillation begins, centered at the equilibrium
First, lets consider the potential energy of the system. Assuming the spring is massless, the system of the block and Earth
gains and loses potential energy. We need to define the constant in the potential energy function of Equation 8.5. Often,
the ground is a suitable choice for when the gravitational potential energy is zero; however, in this case, the lowest point
or when h = 0 is a convenient location for zero gravitational potential energy. Note that this choice is arbitrary, and the
problem can be solved correctly even if another choice is picked.
We must also define the elastic potential energy of the system and the corresponding constant, as detailed in Equation 8.7.
The equilibrium location is the most suitable mathematically to choose for where the potential energy of the spring is zero.
Therefore, based on this convention, each potential energy and kinetic energy can be written out for three critical points of
the system: (1) the lowest pulled point, (2) the equilibrium position of the spring, and (3) the highest point achieved. We
note that the total energy of the system is conserved, so any total energy in this chart could be matched up to solve for an
unknown quantity. The results are shown in Table 8.1.
366 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
Figure 8.6 A bungee jumper transforms gravitational potential energy at the start of the jump
into elastic potential energy at the bottom of the jump.
Example 8.4
a. Since the gravitational potential energy is zero at the lowest point, the change in gravitational potential
energy is
U grav = mgy 0 = (12 N)(5.0 cm) = 0.60 J.
b. The equilibrium position of the spring is defined as zero potential energy. Therefore, the change in elastic
potential energy is
N (5.0 cm) 2 = 0.75 J.
U elastic = 0 1 ky 2pull = 1 6.0 m
2 2
c. The block started off being pulled downward with a relative potential energy of 0.75 J. The gravitational
potential energy required to rise 5.0 cm is 0.60 J . The energy remaining at this equilibrium position must
be kinetic energy. We can solve for this gain in kinetic energy from Equation 8.2,
K = (U elastic + U grav) = (0.75 J + 0.60 J) = 0.15 J.
Even though the potential energies are relative to a chosen zero location, the solutions to this problem would be
the same if the zero energy points were chosen at different locations.
8.4 Check Your Understanding Suppose the mass in Example 8.4 is in equilibrium, and you pull it down
another 3.0 cm, making the pulled-down distance a total of 8.0 cm. The elastic potential energy of the spring
increases, because youre stretching it more, but the gravitational potential energy of the mass decreases,
because youre lowering it. Does the total potential energy increase, decrease, or remain the same?
A sample chart of a variety of energies is shown in Table 8.2 to give you an idea about typical energy values associated
with certain events. Some of these are calculated using kinetic energy, whereas others are calculated by using quantities
found in a form of potential energy that may not have been discussed at this point.
In Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy, any transition between kinetic and potential energy conserved the
total energy of the system. This was path independent, meaning that we can start and stop at any two points in the problem,
and the total energy of the systemkinetic plus potentialat these points are equal to each other. This is characteristic of
a conservative force. We dealt with conservative forces in the preceding section, such as the gravitational force and spring
force. When comparing the motion of the football in Figure 8.2, the total energy of the system never changes, even though
the gravitational potential energy of the football increases, as the ball rises relative to ground and falls back to the initial
gravitational potential energy when the football player catches the ball. Non-conservative forces are dissipative forces such
as friction or air resistance. These forces take energy away from the system as the system progresses, energy that you cant
get back. These forces are path dependent; therefore it matters where the object starts and stops.
Conservative Force
The work done by a conservative force is independent of the path; in other words, the work done by a conservative
force is the same for any path connecting two points:
W AB, path-1 = F cons d r = W AB, path-2 = F cons d r . (8.8)
AB, path-1 AB, path-2
[In Equation 8.9, we use the notation of a circle in the middle of the integral sign for a line integral over a closed path, a
notation found in most physics and engineering texts.] Equation 8.8 and Equation 8.9 are equivalent because any closed
path is the sum of two paths: the first going from A to B, and the second going from B to A. The work done going along a
path from B to A is the negative of the work done going along the same path from A to B, where A and B are any two points
on the closed path:
0= F cons d r = F cons d r + F cons d r
AB, path-1 BA, path-2
= F cons d r F cons d r = 0.
AB, path-1 AB, path-2
You might ask how we go about proving whether or not a force is conservative, since the definitions involve any and all
paths from A to B, or any and all closed paths, but to do the integral for the work, you have to choose a particular path. One
answer is that the work done is independent of path if the infinitesimal work F d
r is an exact differential, the way
the infinitesimal net work was equal to the exact differential of the kinetic energy, dW net = m
v d
v = d 1 mv 2,
when we derived the work-energy theorem in Work-Energy Theorem. There are mathematical conditions that you
can use to test whether the infinitesimal work done by a force is an exact differential, and the force is conservative.
These conditions only involve differentiation and are thus relatively easy to apply. In two dimensions, the condition for
F d
r = F x dx + F y dy to be an exact differential is
dF x dF y (8.10)
= .
dy dx
You may recall that the work done by the force in Example 7.4 depended on the path. For that force,
F x = (5 N/m)y and F y = (10 N/m)x.
dF x /dy = 5 N/m dF y /dx = 10 N/m,
which indicates it is a non-conservative force. Can you see what you could change to make it a conservative force?
Example 8.5
Conservative or Not?
Which of the following two-dimensional forces are conservative and which are not? Assume a and b are constants
with appropriate units:
370 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
^ ^
^ ^ ^ ax i + ay j
(a) axy 3 i + ayx 3 j , (b) a y 2 /x i + 2y ln(x/b) j , (c)
x2 + y2
Apply the condition stated in Equation 8.10, namely, using the derivatives of the components of each force
indicated. If the derivative of the y-component of the force with respect to x is equal to the derivative of the
x-component of the force with respect to y, the force is a conservative force, which means the path taken for
potential energy or work calculations always yields the same results.
3 3
dF x daxy dF y dayx
a. = = 3axy 2 and = = 3ayx 2 , so this force is non-conservative.
dy dy dx dx
dF x day /x 2ay dF y d2ay ln(x/b) 2ay
b. = = x and = = x , so this force is conservative.
dy dy dx dx
2 2 2 2
dF x dax/x + y ax2y dF y day/x + y
c. = = = = , again conservative.
dy dy 2 2
2 dx dx
x + y
The conditions in Equation 8.10 are derivatives as functions of a single variable; in three dimensions, similar
conditions exist that involve more derivatives.
8.5 Check Your Understanding A two-dimensional, conservative force is zero on the x- and y-axes, and
satisfies the condition dF x /dy = dF y /dx = 4 N/m 3xy . What is the magnitude of the force at the point
x = y = 1 m?
Before leaving this section, we note that non-conservative forces do not have potential energy associated with them because
the energy is lost to the system and cant be turned into useful work later. So there is always a conservative force associated
with every potential energy. We have seen that potential energy is defined in relation to the work done by conservative
forces. That relation, Equation 8.1, involved an integral for the work; starting with the force and displacement, you
integrated to get the work and the change in potential energy. However, integration is the inverse operation of differentiation;
you could equally well have started with the potential energy and taken its derivative, with respect to displacement, to get
the force. The infinitesimal increment of potential energy is the dot product of the force and the infinitesimal displacement,
dU = F d l = F l dl.
Here, we chose to represent the displacement in an arbitrary direction by d l , so as not to be restricted to any particular
coordinate direction. We also expressed the dot product in terms of the magnitude of the infinitesimal displacement and the
component of the force in its direction. Both these quantities are scalars, so you can divide by dl to get
F l = dU . (8.11)
This equation gives the relation between force and the potential energy associated with it. In words, the component of a
conservative force, in a particular direction, equals the negative of the derivative of the corresponding potential energy,
with respect to a displacement in that direction. For one-dimensional motion, say along the x-axis, Equation 8.11 give the
^ ^
entire vector force, F = F x i = U i .
In two dimensions,
^ ^ ^ ^
F = F x i + F y j = U i U j .
x y
From this equation, you can see why Equation 8.11 is the condition for the work to be an exact differential, in terms of the
derivatives of the components of the force. In general, a partial derivative notation is used. If a function has many variables
in it, the derivative is taken only of the variable the partial derivative specifies. The other variables are held constant. In
three dimensions, you add another term for the z-component, and the result is that the force is the negative of the gradient
of the potential energy. However, we wont be looking at three-dimensional examples just yet.
Example 8.6
U(x) = 1 cx 4,
where c = 8 N/m 3. Its total energy at x = 0 is 2 J, and it is not subject to any non-conservative forces. Find (a)
the positions where its kinetic energy is zero and (b) the forces at those positions.
(a) We can find the positions where K = 0, so the potential energy equals the total energy of the given system.
(b) Using Equation 8.11, we can find the force evaluated at the positions found from the previous part, since
the mechanical energy is conserved.
a. The total energy of the system of 2 J equals the quartic elastic energy as given in the problem,
2 J = 1 8 N/m 3x f 4.
^ ^
F = (8 N/m 3)(1 m) 3 i = 8 N i .
At both positions, the magnitude of the forces is 8 N and the directions are toward the origin, since this is
the potential energy for a restoring force.
Finding the force from the potential energy is mathematically easier than finding the potential energy from the
force, because differentiating a function is generally easier than integrating one.
8.6 Check Your Understanding Find the forces on the particle in Example 8.6 when its kinetic energy is
1.0 J at x = 0.
372 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
In this section, we elaborate and extend the result we derived in Potential Energy of a System, where we re-wrote
the work-energy theorem in terms of the change in the kinetic and potential energies of a particle. This will lead us to a
discussion of the important principle of the conservation of mechanical energy. As you continue to examine other topics in
physics, in later chapters of this book, you will see how this conservation law is generalized to encompass other types of
energy and energy transfers. The last section of this chapter provides a preview.
The terms conserved quantity and conservation law have specific, scientific meanings in physics, which are different
from the everyday meanings associated with the use of these words. (The same comment is also true about the scientific and
everyday uses of the word work.) In everyday usage, you could conserve water by not using it, or by using less of it, or
by re-using it. Water is composed of molecules consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Bring these atoms
together to form a molecule and you create water; dissociate the atoms in such a molecule and you destroy water. However,
in scientific usage, a conserved quantity for a system stays constant, changes by a definite amount that is transferred to
other systems, and/or is converted into other forms of that quantity. A conserved quantity, in the scientific sense, can be
transformed, but not strictly created or destroyed. Thus, there is no physical law of conservation of water.
Conservation of Energy
The mechanical energy E of a particle stays constant unless forces outside the system or non-conservative forces do
work on it, in which case, the change in the mechanical energy is equal to the work done by the non-conservative
W nc, AB = (K + U) AB = E AB. (8.12)
This statement expresses the concept of energy conservation for a classical particle as long as there is no non-conservative
work. Recall that a classical particle is just a point mass, is nonrelativistic, and obeys Newtons laws of motion. In
Relativity ( , we will see that conservation of energy still applies to a non-
classical particle, but for that to happen, we have to make a slight adjustment to the definition of energy.
It is sometimes convenient to separate the case where the work done by non-conservative forces is zero, either because no
such forces are assumed present, or, like the normal force, they do zero work when the motion is parallel to the surface.
In this case, the conservation of mechanical energy can be expressed as follows: The mechanical energy of a particle
does not change if all the non-conservative forces that may act on it do no work. Understanding the concept of energy
conservation is the important thing, not the particular equation you use to express it.
Example 8.7
Simple Pendulum
A particle of mass m is hung from the ceiling by a massless string of length 1.0 m, as shown in Figure 8.8.
The particle is released from rest, when the angle between the string and the downward vertical direction is 30.
What is its speed when it reaches the lowest point of its arc?
Using our problem-solving strategy, the first step is to define that we are interested in the particle-Earth system.
Second, only the gravitational force is acting on the particle, which is conservative (step 3). We neglect air
resistance in the problem, and no work is done by the string tension, which is perpendicular to the arc of
the motion. Therefore, the mechanical energy of the system is conserved, as represented by Equation 8.13,
0 = (K + U) . Because the particle starts from rest, the increase in the kinetic energy is just the kinetic energy
at the lowest point. This increase in kinetic energy equals the decrease in the gravitational potential energy, which
we can calculate from the geometry. In step 4, we choose a reference point for zero gravitational potential energy
to be at the lowest vertical point the particle achieves, which is mid-swing. Lastly, in step 5, we set the sum of
energies at the highest point (initial) of the swing to the lowest point (final) of the swing to ultimately solve for
the final speed.
374 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
We are neglecting non-conservative forces, so we write the energy conservation formula relating the particle at
the highest point (initial) and the lowest point in the swing (final) as
K i + U i = K f + U f.
Since the particle is released from rest, the initial kinetic energy is zero. At the lowest point, we define the
gravitational potential energy to be zero. Therefore our conservation of energy formula reduces to
0 + mgh = 1 mv 2 + 0
v = 2gh.
The vertical height of the particle is not given directly in the problem. This can be solved for by using
trigonometry and two givens: the length of the pendulum and the angle through which the particle is vertically
pulled up. Looking at the diagram, the vertical dashed line is the length of the pendulum string. The vertical
height is labeled h. The other partial length of the vertical string can be calculated with trigonometry. That piece
is solved for by
cos = x/L, x = L cos .
Therefore, by looking at the two parts of the string, we can solve for the height h,
x+h = L
L cos + h = L
h = L L cos = L(1 cos ).
We substitute this height into the previous expression solved for speed to calculate our result:
v = 2gL(1 cos ) = 29.8 m/s 2(1 m)(1 cos 30) = 1.62 m/s.
We found the speed directly from the conservation of mechanical energy, without having to solve the differential
equation for the motion of a pendulum (see Oscillations). We can approach this problem in terms of bar graphs
of total energy. Initially, the particle has all potential energy, being at the highest point, and no kinetic energy.
When the particle crosses the lowest point at the bottom of the swing, the energy moves from the potential energy
column to the kinetic energy column. Therefore, we can imagine a progression of this transfer as the particle
moves between its highest point, lowest point of the swing, and back to the highest point (Figure 8.9). As the
particle travels from the lowest point in the swing to the highest point on the far right hand side of the diagram,
the energy bars go in reverse order from (c) to (b) to (a).
Figure 8.9 Bar graphs representing the total energy (E), potential energy (U), and kinetic energy (K) of
the particle in different positions. (a) The total energy of the system equals the potential energy and the
kinetic energy is zero, which is found at the highest point the particle reaches. (b) The particle is midway
between the highest and lowest point, so the kinetic energy plus potential energy bar graphs equal the total
energy. (c) The particle is at the lowest point of the swing, so the kinetic energy bar graph is the highest and
equal to the total energy of the system.
8.7 Check Your Understanding How high above the bottom of its arc is the particle in the simple pendulum
above, when its speed is 0.81 m/s ?
Example 8.8
Figure 8.10 A helicopter loses a panel that falls until it reaches terminal velocity of 45
m/s. How much did air resistance contribute to the dissipation of energy in this problem?
Step 1: Here only one body is being investigated.
Step 2: Gravitational force is acting on the panel, as well as air resistance, which is stated in the problem.
Step 3: Gravitational force is conservative; however, the non-conservative force of air resistance does negative
work on the falling panel, so we can use the conservation of mechanical energy, in the form expressed by
Equation 8.12, to find the energy dissipated. This energy is the magnitude of the work:
| |
E diss = W nc,if = |(K + U) if |.
Step 4: The initial kinetic energy, at y i = 1 km, is zero. We set the gravitational potential energy to zero at
ground level out of convenience.
Step 5: The non-conservative work is set equal to the energies to solve for the work dissipated by air resistance.
The mechanical energy dissipated by air resistance is the algebraic sum of the gain in the kinetic energy and loss
in potential energy. Therefore the calculation of this energy is
376 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
E diss = |K f K i + U f U i|
| |
= 1 15 kg(45 m/s) 2 0 + 0 15 kg9.8 m/s 2(1000 m) = 130 kJ.
Most of the initial mechanical energy of the panel U i , 147 kJ, was lost to air resistance. Notice that we were
able to calculate the energy dissipated without knowing what the force of air resistance was, only that it was
8.8 Check Your Understanding You probably recall that, neglecting air resistance, if you throw a projectile
straight up, the time it takes to reach its maximum height equals the time it takes to fall from the maximum
height back to the starting height. Suppose you cannot neglect air resistance, as in Example 8.8. Is the time the
projectile takes to go up (a) greater than, (b) less than, or (c) equal to the time it takes to come back down?
In these examples, we were able to use conservation of energy to calculate the speed of a particle just at particular points
in its motion. But the method of analyzing particle motion, starting from energy conservation, is more powerful than that.
More advanced treatments of the theory of mechanics allow you to calculate the full time dependence of a particles motion,
for a given potential energy. In fact, it is often the case that a better model for particle motion is provided by the form of
its kinetic and potential energies, rather than an equation for force acting on it. (This is especially true for the quantum
mechanical description of particles like electrons or atoms.)
We can illustrate some of the simplest features of this energy-based approach by considering a particle in one-dimensional
motion, with potential energy U(x) and no non-conservative interactions present. Equation 8.12 and the definition of
velocity require
K = 1 mv 2 = E U(x)
2(E U(x))
v = dx = m .
Separate the variables x and t and integrate, from an initial time t = 0 to an arbitrary time, to get
t x (8.14)
t = dt = dt .
0 2E U(x)/m
If you can do the integral in Equation 8.14, then you can solve for x as a function of t.
Example 8.9
Constant Acceleration
Use the potential energy U(x) = Ex/x 0, for E > 0, in Equation 8.14 to find the position x of a particle
as a function of time t.
Since we know how the potential energy changes as a function of x, we can substitute for U(x) in Equation
8.14, integrate, and then solve for x. This results in an expression of x as a function of time with constants of
energy E, mass m, and the initial position x 0.
Following the first two suggested steps in the above strategy,
2 (x x)
dx = 1 2 (x 0 x)| xx 0 = 0 .
2E/mx 0(x 0 x) 2E/mx 0 2E/mx 0
x 0
8.9 Check Your Understanding What potential energy U(x) can you substitute in Equation 8.13 that will
result in motion with constant velocity of 2 m/s for a particle of mass 1 kg and mechanical energy 1 J?
We will look at another more physically appropriate example of the use of Equation 8.13 after we have explored some
further implications that can be drawn from the functional form of a particles potential energy.
Often, you can get a good deal of useful information about the dynamical behavior of a mechanical system just by
interpreting a graph of its potential energy as a function of position, called a potential energy diagram. This is most easily
accomplished for a one-dimensional system, whose potential energy can be plotted in one two-dimensional graphfor
example, U(x) versus xon a piece of paper or a computer program. For systems whose motion is in more than one
dimension, the motion needs to be studied in three-dimensional space. We will simplify our procedure for one-dimensional
motion only.
First, lets look at an object, freely falling vertically, near the surface of Earth, in the absence of air resistance. The
mechanical energy of the object is conserved, E = K + U, and the potential energy, with respect to zero at ground level,
is U(y) = mgy, which is a straight line through the origin with slope mg . In the graph shown in Figure 8.11, the x-axis
is the height above the ground y and the y-axis is the objects energy.
378 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
The line at energy E represents the constant mechanical energy of the object, whereas the kinetic and potential energies,
K A and U A, are indicated at a particular height y A. You can see how the total energy is divided between kinetic and
potential energy as the objects height changes. Since kinetic energy can never be negative, there is a maximum potential
energy and a maximum height, which an object with the given total energy cannot exceed:
K = E U 0,
U E.
If we use the gravitational potential energy reference point of zero at y 0, we can rewrite the gravitational potential energy
U as mgy. Solving for y results in
y E/mg = y max.
We note in this expression that the quantity of the total energy divided by the weight (mg) is located at the maximum height
of the particle, or y max. At the maximum height, the kinetic energy and the speed are zero, so if the object were initially
traveling upward, its velocity would go through zero there, and y max would be a turning point in the motion. At ground
level, y 0 = 0 , the potential energy is zero, and the kinetic energy and the speed are maximum:
U 0 = 0 = E K 0,
E = K 0 = 1 mv 0 2,
v 0 = 2E/m.
The maximum speed v 0 gives the initial velocity necessary to reach y max, the maximum height, and v 0 represents
the final velocity, after falling from y max. You can read all this information, and more, from the potential energy diagram
we have shown.
Consider a mass-spring system on a frictionless, stationary, horizontal surface, so that gravity and the normal contact force
do no work and can be ignored (Figure 8.12). This is like a one-dimensional system, whose mechanical energy E is a
constant and whose potential energy, with respect to zero energy at zero displacement from the springs unstretched length,
x = 0, is U(x) = 1 kx 2 .
Figure 8.12 (a) A glider between springs on an air track is an example of a horizontal mass-spring system. (b) The
potential energy diagram for this system, with various quantities indicated.
You can read off the same type of information from the potential energy diagram in this case, as in the case for the body in
vertical free fall, but since the spring potential energy describes a variable force, you can learn more from this graph. As for
the object in vertical free fall, you can deduce the physically allowable range of motion and the maximum values of distance
and speed, from the limits on the kinetic energy, 0 K E. Therefore, K = 0 and U = E at a turning point, of which
there are two for the elastic spring potential energy,
x max = 2E/k.
The gliders motion is confined to the region between the turning points, x max x x max. This is true for any (positive)
value of E because the potential energy is unbounded with respect to x. For this reason, as well as the shape of the potential
energy curve, U(x) is called an infinite potential well. At the bottom of the potential well, x = 0, U = 0 and the kinetic
energy is a maximum, K = E, so v max = 2E/m.
However, from the slope of this potential energy curve, you can also deduce information about the force on the glider and
its acceleration. We saw earlier that the negative of the slope of the potential energy is the spring force, which in this case
is also the net force, and thus is proportional to the acceleration. When x = 0 , the slope, the force, and the acceleration are
all zero, so this is an equilibrium point. The negative of the slope, on either side of the equilibrium point, gives a force
pointing back to the equilibrium point, F = kx, so the equilibrium is termed stable and the force is called a restoring
force. This implies that U(x) has a relative minimum there. If the force on either side of an equilibrium point has a direction
opposite from that direction of position change, the equilibrium is termed unstable, and this implies that U(x) has a relative
maximum there.
Example 8.10
the equation U(x) = 0 , and the extremes determined by examining the first and second derivatives of U(x), as
shown in Figure 8.13.
Figure 8.13 The potential energy graph for a one-dimensional, quartic and quadratic
potential energy, with various quantities indicated.
You can find the values of (a) the allowed regions along the x-axis, for the given value of the mechanical energy,
from the condition that the kinetic energy cant be negative, and (b) the equilibrium points and their stability
from the properties of the force (stable for a relative minimum and unstable for a relative maximum of potential
You can just eyeball the graph to reach qualitative answers to the questions in this example. That, after all, is
the value of potential energy diagrams. You can see that there are two allowed regions for the motion (E > U)
and three equilibrium points (slope dU/dx = 0), of which the central one is unstable d 2 U/dx 2 < 0, and the
a. To find the allowed regions for x, we use the condition
K = E U = 1 2x 4 x 2 0.
If we complete the square in x 2 , this condition simplifies to 2x 2 1 1 , which we can solve to
2 4
1 1 x2 1 + 1.
2 8 2 8
dU/dx = 8x 3 4x = 0
d 2 U/dx 2 = 24x 2 4
is negative at x = 0 , so that position is a relative maximum and the equilibrium there is unstable. The
second derivative is positive at x = x Q , so these positions are relative minima and represent stable
The particle in this example can oscillate in the allowed region about either of the two stable equilibrium points
we found, but it does not have enough energy to escape from whichever potential well it happens to initially be in.
The conservation of mechanical energy and the relations between kinetic energy and speed, and potential energy
and force, enable you to deduce much information about the qualitative behavior of the motion of a particle, as
well as some quantitative information, from a graph of its potential energy.
8.10 Check Your Understanding Repeat Example 8.10 when the particles mechanical energy is
+0.25 J.
Before ending this section, lets practice applying the method based on the potential energy of a particle to find its position
as a function of time, for the one-dimensional, mass-spring system considered earlier in this section.
Example 8.11
Sinusoidal Oscillations
Find x(t) for a particle moving with a constant mechanical energy E > 0 and a potential energy U(x) = 1 kx 2 ,
when the particle starts from rest at time t = 0 .
We follow the same steps as we did in Example 8.9. Substitute the potential energy U into Equation 8.14 and
factor out the constants, like m or k. Integrate the function and solve the resulting expression for position, which
is now a function of time.
Substitute the potential energy in Equation 8.14 and integrate using an integral solver found on a web search:
t= dx x
= m sin 1 x sin 1 0 .
(k/m)(2E/k) 2
x k 2E/k 2E/k
From the initial conditions at t = 0, the initial kinetic energy is zero and the initial potential energy is
1 kx 2 = E, from which you can see that x / (2E/k) = 1 and sin 1 () = 90 0. Now you can solve for
2 0 0
x(t) = (2E/k) sin k/mt 90 0 = (2E/k) cos k/mt.
A few paragraphs earlier, we referred to this mass-spring system as an example of a harmonic oscillator. Here, we
anticipate that a harmonic oscillator executes sinusoidal oscillations with a maximum displacement of (2E/k)
382 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
(called the amplitude) and a rate of oscillation of (1/2) k/m (called the frequency). Further discussions about
oscillations can be found in Oscillations.
8.11 Check Your Understanding Find x(t) for the mass-spring system in Example 8.11 if the particle
starts from x 0 = 0 at t = 0. What is the particles initial velocity?
In this chapter, we have studied energy. We learned that energy can take different forms and can be transferred from one
form to another. You will find that energy is discussed in many everyday, as well as scientific, contexts, because it is
involved in all physical processes. It will also become apparent that many situations are best understood, or most easily
conceptualized, by considering energy. So far, no experimental results have contradicted the conservation of energy. In fact,
whenever measurements have appeared to conflict with energy conservation, new forms of energy have been discovered or
recognized in accordance with this principle.
What are some other forms of energy? Many of these are covered in later chapters (also see Figure 8.14), but lets detail a
few here:
Atoms and molecules inside all objects are in random motion. The internal kinetic energy from these random
motions is called thermal energy, because it is related to the temperature of the object. Note that thermal energy can
also be transferred from one place to another, not transformed or converted, by the familiar processes of conduction,
convection, and radiation. In this case, the energy is known as heat energy.
Electrical energy is a common form that is converted to many other forms and does work in a wide range of practical
Fuels, such as gasoline and food, have chemical energy, which is potential energy arising from their molecular
structure. Chemical energy can be converted into thermal energy by reactions like oxidation. Chemical reactions
can also produce electrical energy, such as in batteries. Electrical energy can, in turn, produce thermal energy and
light, such as in an electric heater or a light bulb.
Light is just one kind of electromagnetic radiation, or radiant energy, which also includes radio, infrared, ultraviolet,
X-rays, and gamma rays. All bodies with thermal energy can radiate energy in electromagnetic waves.
Nuclear energy comes from reactions and processes that convert measurable amounts of mass into energy. Nuclear
energy is transformed into radiant energy in the Sun, into thermal energy in the boilers of nuclear power plants, and
then into electrical energy in the generators of power plants. These and all other forms of energy can be transformed
into one another and, to a certain degree, can be converted into mechanical work.
Figure 8.14 Energy that we use in society takes many forms, which be converted from one into another depending on the
process involved. We will study many of these forms of energy in later chapters in this text. (credit sun: EIT SOHO
Consortium, ESA, NASA; credit solar panels: kjkolb/Wikimedia Commons; credit gas burner: Steven Depolo)
The transformation of energy from one form into another happens all the time. The chemical energy in food is converted
into thermal energy through metabolism; light energy is converted into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Another
example of energy conversion occurs in a solar cell. Sunlight impinging on a solar cell produces electricity, which can be
used to run electric motors or heat water. In an example encompassing many steps, the chemical energy contained in coal is
converted into thermal energy as it burns in a furnace, to transform water into steam, in a boiler. Some of the thermal energy
in the steam is then converted into mechanical energy as it expands and spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator
to produce electrical energy. In these examples, not all of the initial energy is converted into the forms mentioned, because
some energy is always transferred to the environment.
Energy is an important element at all levels of society. We live in a very interdependent world, and access to adequate and
reliable energy resources is crucial for economic growth and for maintaining the quality of our lives. The principal energy
resources used in the world are shown in Figure 8.15. The figure distinguishes between two major types of energy sources:
renewable and non-renewable, and further divides each type into a few more specific kinds. Renewable sources are energy
sources that are replenished through naturally occurring, ongoing processes, on a time scale that is much shorter than the
anticipated lifetime of the civilization using the source. Non-renewable sources are depleted once some of the energy they
contain is extracted and converted into other kinds of energy. The natural processes by which non-renewable sources are
formed typically take place over geological time scales.
384 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
Figure 8.15 World energy consumption by source; the percentage of renewables is increasing,
accounting for 19% in 2012.
Our most important non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. These account
for about 81% of the worlds energy consumption, as shown in the figure. Burning fossil fuels creates chemical reactions
that transform potential energy, in the molecular structures of the reactants, into thermal energy and products. This thermal
energy can be used to heat buildings or to operate steam-driven machinery. Internal combustion and jet engines convert
some of the energy of rapidly expanding gases, released from burning gasoline, into mechanical work. Electrical power
generation is mostly derived from transferring energy in expanding steam, via turbines, into mechanical work, which rotates
coils of wire in magnetic fields to generate electricity. Nuclear energy is the other non-renewable source shown in Figure
8.15 and supplies about 3% of the worlds consumption. Nuclear reactions release energy by transforming potential energy,
in the structure of nuclei, into thermal energy, analogous to energy release in chemical reactions. The thermal energy
obtained from nuclear reactions can be transferred and converted into other forms in the same ways that energy from fossil
fuels are used.
An unfortunate byproduct of relying on energy produced from the combustion of fossil fuels is the release of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere and its contribution to global warming. Nuclear energy poses environmental problems as well, including
the safety and disposal of nuclear waste. Besides these important consequences, reserves of non-renewable sources of
energy are limited and, given the rapidly growing rate of world energy consumption, may not last for more than a few
hundred years. Considerable effort is going on to develop and expand the use of renewable sources of energy, involving a
significant percentage of the worlds physicists and engineers.
Four of the renewable energy sources listed in Figure 8.15those using material from plants as fuel (biomass heat,
ethanol, biodiesel, and biomass electricity)involve the same types of energy transformations and conversions as just
discussed for fossil and nuclear fuels. The other major types of renewable energy sources are hydropower, wind power,
geothermal power, and solar power.
Hydropower is produced by converting the gravitational potential energy of falling or flowing water into kinetic energy and
then into work to run electric generators or machinery. Converting the mechanical energy in ocean surface waves and tides
is in development. Wind power also converts kinetic energy into work, which can be used directly to generate electricity,
operate mills, and propel sailboats.
The interior of Earth has a great deal of thermal energy, part of which is left over from its original formation (gravitational
potential energy converted into thermal energy) and part of which is released from radioactive minerals (a form of natural
nuclear energy). It will take a very long time for this geothermal energy to escape into space, so people generally regard it
as a renewable source, when actually, its just inexhaustible on human time scales.
The source of solar power is energy carried by the electromagnetic waves radiated by the Sun. Most of this energy is
carried by visible light and infrared (heat) radiation. When suitable materials absorb electromagnetic waves, radiant energy
is converted into thermal energy, which can be used to heat water, or when concentrated, to make steam and generate
electricity (Figure 8.16). However, in another important physical process, known as the photoelectric effect, energetic
radiation impinging on certain materials is directly converted into electricity. Materials that do this are called photovoltaics
(PV in Figure 8.15). Some solar power systems use lenses or mirrors to concentrate the Suns rays, before converting their
energy through photovoltaics, and these are qualified as CSP in Figure 8.15.
Figure 8.16 Solar cell arrays found in a sunny area converting the solar energy into stored
electrical energy. (credit: Sarah Swenty)
As we finish this chapter on energy and work, it is relevant to draw some distinctions between two sometimes
misunderstood terms in the area of energy use. As we mentioned earlier, the law of conservation of energy is a very useful
principle in analyzing physical processes. It cannot be proven from basic principles but is a very good bookkeeping device,
and no exceptions have ever been found. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system always remains
constant. Related to this principle, but remarkably different from it, is the important philosophy of energy conservation. This
concept has to do with seeking to decrease the amount of energy used by an individual or group through reducing activities
(e.g., turning down thermostats, diving fewer kilometers) and/or increasing conversion efficiencies in the performance of a
particular task, such as developing and using more efficient room heaters, cars that have greater miles-per-gallon ratings,
energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights, etc.
Since energy in an isolated system is not destroyed, created, or generated, you might wonder why we need to be concerned
about our energy resources, since energy is a conserved quantity. The problem is that the final result of most energy
transformations is waste heat, that is, work that has been degraded in the energy transformation. We will discuss this idea
in more detail in the chapters on thermodynamics.
386 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
conservative force force that does work independent of path
conserved quantity one that cannot be created or destroyed, but may be transformed between different forms of itself
energy conservation total energy of an isolated system is constant
equilibrium point position where the assumed conservative, net force on a particle, given by the slope of its potential
energy curve, is zero
exact differential is the total differential of a function and requires the use of partial derivatives if the function involves
more than one dimension
mechanical energy sum of the kinetic and potential energies
non-conservative force force that does work that depends on path
non-renewable energy source that is not renewable, but is depleted by human consumption
potential energy function of position, energy possessed by an object relative to the system considered
potential energy diagram graph of a particles potential energy as a function of position
potential energy difference negative of the work done acting between two points in space
renewable energy source that is replenished by natural processes, over human time scales
turning point position where the velocity of a particle, in one-dimensional motion, changes sign
Difference of potential energy U AB = U B U A = W AB
dF x dF y
Condition for conservative force in two dimensions dy = dx
8.1 Potential Energy of a System
For a single-particle system, the difference of potential energy is the opposite of the work done by the forces acting
on the particle as it moves from one position to another.
Since only differences of potential energy are physically meaningful, the zero of the potential energy function can
be chosen at a convenient location.
The potential energies for Earths constant gravity, near its surface, and for a Hookes law force are linear and
quadratic functions of position, respectively.
friction is negligible, describe changes in the potential
8.1 Potential Energy of a System energy of a diving board as a swimmer drives from it,
1. The kinetic energy of a system must always be positive starting just before the swimmer steps on the board until
or zero. Explain whether this is true for the potential energy just after his feet leave it.
of a system.
3. Describe the gravitational potential energy transfers and
2. The force exerted by a diving board is conservative, transformations for a javelin, starting from the point at
provided the internal friction is negligible. Assuming which an athlete picks up the javelin and ending when the
javelin is stuck into the ground after being thrown.
388 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
6. Two people observe a leaf falling from a tree. One 13. E = K + U constant is a special case of the work-
person is standing on a ladder and the other is on the energy theorem. Discuss this statement.
ground. If each person were to compare the energy of the
leaf observed, would each person find the following to be 14. In a common physics demonstration, a bowling ball is
the same or different for the leaf, from the point where it suspended from the ceiling by a rope.
falls off the tree to when it hits the ground: (a) the kinetic
energy of the leaf; (b) the change in gravitational potential The professor pulls the ball away from its equilibrium
energy; (c) the final gravitational potential energy? position and holds it adjacent to his nose, as shown below.
He releases the ball so that it swings directly away from
him. Does he get struck by the ball on its return swing?
8.2 Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces What is he trying to show in this demonstration?
8.3 Conservation of Energy 17. Neglecting air resistance, how much would I have to
10. When a body slides down an inclined plane, does raise the vertical height if I wanted to double the impact
the work of friction depend on the bodys initial speed? speed of a falling object?
Answer the same question for a body sliding down a curved
surface. 18. A box is dropped onto a spring at its equilibrium
position. The spring compresses with the box attached and
11. Consider the following scenario. A car for which comes to rest. Since the spring is in the vertical position,
friction is not negligible accelerates from rest down a hill, does the change in the gravitational potential energy of the
running out of gasoline after a short distance (see below). box while the spring is compressing need to be considered
The driver lets the car coast farther down the hill, then up in this problem?
and over a small crest. He then coasts down that hill into a
gas station, where he brakes to a stop and fills the tank with
gasoline. Identify the forms of energy the car has, and how
they are changed and transferred in this series of events.
(f) What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
8.1 Potential Energy of a System
19. Using values from Table 8.2, how many DNA
molecules could be broken by the energy carried by a single 8.2 Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
electron in the beam of an old-fashioned TV tube? (These 24. A force F(x) = (3.0/x) N acts on a particle as it
electrons were not dangerous in themselves, but they did
moves along the positive x-axis. (a) How much work does
create dangerous X-rays. Later-model tube TVs had
the force do on the particle as it moves from x = 2.0 m to
shielding that absorbed X-rays before they escaped and
exposed viewers.) x = 5.0 m? (b) Picking a convenient reference point of the
potential energy to be zero at x = , find the potential
20. If the energy in fusion bombs were used to supply energy for this force.
the energy needs of the world, how many of the 9-megaton
25. A force F(x) = 5.0x 2 + 7.0x N acts on a particle.
variety would be needed for a years supply of energy
(using data from Table 8.1)?
(a) How much work does the force do on the particle as
21. A camera weighing 10 N falls from a small drone it moves from x = 2.0 m to x = 5.0 m? (b) Picking a
hovering 20 m overhead and enters free fall. What is the convenient reference point of the potential energy to be
gravitational potential energy change of the camera from zero at x = , find the potential energy for this force.
the drone to the ground if you take a reference point of (a)
the ground being zero gravitational potential energy? (b) 26. Find the force corresponding to the potential energy
The drone being zero gravitational potential energy? What
U(x) = a/x + b/x 2.
is the gravitational potential energy of the camera (c) before
it falls from the drone and (d) after the camera lands on the
ground if the reference point of zero gravitational potential 27. The potential energy function for either one of the
energy is taken to be a second person looking out of a two atoms in a diatomic molecule is often approximated
building 30 m from the ground? by U(x) = a/x 12 b/x 6 where x is the distance between
the atoms. (a) At what distance of seperation does the
22. Someone drops a 50 g pebble off of a docked potential energy have a local minimum (not at x = ) ?
cruise ship, 70.0 m from the water line. A person on a (b) What is the force on an atom at this separation? (c) How
dock 3.0 m from the water line holds out a net to catch does the force vary with the separation distance?
the pebble. (a) How much work is done on the pebble
by gravity during the drop? (b) What is the change in 28. A particle of mass 2.0 kg moves under the influence
the gravitational potential energy during the drop? If the
of the force F(x) = (3/ x) N. If its speed at x = 2.0 m is
gravitational potential energy is zero at the water line, what
is the gravitational potential energy (c) when the pebble v = 6.0 m/s, what is its speed at x = 7.0 m?
is dropped? (d) When it reaches the net? What if the
gravitational potential energy was 30.0 Joules at water 29. A particle of mass 2.0 kg moves under the influence
level? (e) Find the answers to the same questions in (c) and
(d). of the force F(x) = 5x 2 + 7x N. If its speed at
x = 4.0 m is v = 20.0 m/s, what is its speed at
23. A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15 g is thrown x = 4.0 m ?
straight up with an initial speed of 3 m/s . Assume in this
problem that air drag is negligible. (a) What is the kinetic 30. A crate on rollers is being pushed without frictional
energy of the ball as it leaves the hand? (b) How much loss of energy across the floor of a freight car (see the
work is done by the gravitational force during the balls following figure). The car is moving to the right with a
rise to its peak? (c) What is the change in the gravitational constant speed v 0. If the crate starts at rest relative to
potential energy of the ball during the rise to its peak? (d) If
the gravitational potential energy is taken to be zero at the the freight car, then from the work-energy theorem,
point where it leaves your hand, what is the gravitational Fd = mv 2 /2, where d, the distance the crate moves, and
potential energy when it reaches the maximum height? (e) v, the speed of the crate, are both measured relative to the
What if the gravitational potential energy is taken to be zero freight car. (a) To an observer at rest beside the tracks, what
at the maximum height the ball reaches, what would the distance d is the crate pushed when it moves the distance
gravitational potential energy be when it leaves the hand? d in the car? (b) What are the crates initial and final speeds
390 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
v 0 and v as measured by the observer beside the tracks? 38. A 100 kg man is skiing across level ground at a
(c) Show that Fd = m(v) 2 /2 mv 0 2 /2 and, speed of 8.0 m/s when he comes to the small slope 1.8
m higher than ground level shown in the following figure.
consequently, that work is equal to the change in kinetic
(a) If the skier coasts up the hill, what is his speed when
energy in both reference systems.
he reaches the top plateau? Assume friction between the
snow and skis is negligible. (b) What is his speed when he
reaches the upper level if an 80 N frictional force acts
on the skis?
37. Assume that the force of a bow on an arrow behaves 43. The massless spring of a spring gun has a force
like the spring force. In aiming the arrow, an archer pulls constant k = 12 N/cm. When the gun is aimed vertically,
the bow back 50 cm and holds it in position with a force of a 15-g projectile is shot to a height of 5.0 m above the end
150 N . If the mass of the arrow is 50 g and the spring is of the expanded spring. (See below.) How much was the
massless, what is the speed of the arrow immediately after spring compressed initially?
it leaves the bow?
47. A particle of mass 4.0 kg is constrained to move 51. (a) Sketch a graph of the potential energy function
along the x-axis under a single force F(x) = cx 3, where U(x) = kx 2 /2 + Ae x , where k, A, and are
c = 8.0 N/m . The particles speed at A, where constants. (b) What is the force corresponding to this
potential energy? (c) Suppose a particle of mass m moving
x A = 1.0 m, is 6.0 m/s. What is its speed at B, where
with this potential energy has a velocity v a when its
x B = 2.0 m? position is x = a . Show that the particle does not pass
mv a 2 + ka 2
through the origin unless A .
48. The force on a particle of mass 2.0 kg varies with 2
21 e a
position according to F(x) = 3.0x 2 (x in meters, F(x)
in newtons). The particles velocity at x = 2.0 m is 5.0
m/s. Calculate the mechanical energy of the particle using
(a) the origin as the reference point and (b) x = 4.0 m
as the reference point. (c) Find the particles velocity at
x = 1.0 m. Do this part of the problem for each reference
63. A pogo stick has a spring with a spring constant of returns to the point marked O? (c) What is the speed of the
2.5 10 4 N/m, which can be compressed 12.0 cm. To block as it crosses the point marked O? (d) How high above
the point marked O does the block rise before coming to
what maximum height from the uncompressed spring can a
rest again?
child jump on the stick using only the energy in the spring,
if the child and stick have a total mass of 40 kg?
66. A T-shirt cannon launches a shirt at 5.00 m/s from
a platform height of 3.00 m from ground level. How fast
64. A block of mass 500 g is attached to a spring of spring
will the shirt be traveling if it is caught by someone whose
constant 80 N/m (see the following figure). The other end
hands are (a) 1.00 m from ground level? (b) 4.00 m from
of the spring is attached to a support while the mass rests
ground level? Neglect air drag.
on a rough surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.20
that is inclined at angle of 30. The block is pushed along
67. A child (32 kg) jumps up and down on a trampoline.
the surface till the spring compresses by 10 cm and is
The trampoline exerts a spring restoring force on the child
then released from rest. (a) How much potential energy
with a constant of 5000 N/m. At the highest point of the
was stored in the block-spring-support system when the
bounce, the child is 1.0 m above the level surface of the
block was just released? (b) Determine the speed of the
trampoline. What is the compression distance of the
block when it crosses the point when the spring is neither
trampoline? Neglect the bending of the legs or any transfer
compressed nor stretched. (c) Determine the position of the
of energy of the child into the trampoline while jumping.
block where it just comes to rest on its way up the incline.
69. A massless spring with force constant k = 200 N/m 71. Block 2 shown below slides along a frictionless table
hangs from the ceiling. A 2.0-kg block is attached to the as block 1 falls. Both blocks are attached by a frictionless
free end of the spring and released. If the block falls 17 cm pulley. Find the speed of the blocks after they have each
before starting back upwards, how much work is done by moved 2.0 m. Assume that they start at rest and that the
friction during its descent? pulley has negligible mass. Use m 1 = 2.0 kg and
m 2 = 4.0 kg.
70. A particle of mass 2.0 kg moves under the influence
of the force F(x) = 5x 2 + 7x N. Suppose a frictional
force also acts on the particle. If the particles speed when
it starts at x = 4.0 m is 0.0 m/s and when it arrives at
x = 4.0 m is 9.0 m/s, how much work is done on it by the
frictional force between x = 4.0 m and x = 4.0 m?
394 Chapter 8 | Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
Figure 9.1 The concepts of impulse, momentum, and center of mass are crucial for a major-league baseball player to
successfully get a hit. If he misjudges these quantities, he might break his bat instead. (credit: modification of work by Cathy
Chapter Outline
9.1 Linear Momentum
9.2 Impulse and Collisions
9.3 Conservation of Linear Momentum
9.4 Types of Collisions
9.5 Collisions in Multiple Dimensions
9.6 Center of Mass
9.7 Rocket Propulsion
The concepts of work, energy, and the work-energy theorem are valuable for two primary reasons: First, they are powerful
computational tools, making it much easier to analyze complex physical systems than is possible using Newtons laws
directly (for example, systems with nonconstant forces); and second, the observation that the total energy of a closed system
is conserved means that the system can only evolve in ways that are consistent with energy conservation. In other words, a
system cannot evolve randomly; it can only change in ways that conserve energy.
In this chapter, we develop and define another conserved quantity, called linear momentum, and another relationship (the
impulse-momentum theorem), which will put an additional constraint on how a system evolves in time. Conservation of
momentum is useful for understanding collisions, such as that shown in the above image. It is just as powerful, just as
important, and just as useful as conservation of energy and the work-energy theorem.
398 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Our study of kinetic energy showed that a complete understanding of an objects motion must include both its mass and its
velocity ( K = (1/2)mv 2 ). However, as powerful as this concept is, it does not include any information about the direction
of the moving objects velocity vector. Well now define a physical quantity that includes direction.
Like kinetic energy, this quantity includes both mass and velocity; like kinetic energy, it is a way of characterizing
the quantity of motion of an object. It is given the name momentum (from the Latin word movimentum, meaning
movement), and it is represented by the symbol p.
The momentum p of an object is the product of its mass and its velocity:
p =m
v . (9.1)
Figure 9.2 The velocity and momentum vectors for the ball
are in the same direction. The mass of the ball is about 0.5 kg, so
the momentum vector is about half the length of the velocity
vector because momentum is velocity time mass. (credit:
modification of work by Ben Sutherland)
As shown in Figure 9.2, momentum is a vector quantity (since velocity is). This is one of the things that makes momentum
useful and not a duplication of kinetic energy. It is perhaps most useful when determining whether an objects motion is
Figure 9.3 This supertanker transports a huge mass of oil; as a consequence, it takes a long
time for a force to change its (comparatively small) velocity. (credit: modification of work by
Figure 9.4 Gas molecules can have very large velocities, but
these velocities change nearly instantaneously when they collide
with the container walls or with each other. This is primarily
because their masses are so tiny.
Unlike kinetic energy, momentum depends equally on an objects mass and velocity. For example, as you will learn when
you study thermodynamics, the average speed of an air molecule at room temperature is approximately 500 m/s, with an
average molecular mass of 6 10 25 kg ; its momentum is thus
p molecule = 6 10 25 kg500 m 22 kg m
s = 3 10 s .
For comparison, a typical automobile might have a speed of only 15 m/s, but a mass of 1400 kg, giving it a momentum of
kg m
p car = 1400 kg15 m
s = 21,000 s .
These momenta are different by 27 orders of magnitude, or a factor of a billion billion billion!
400 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
We have defined momentum to be the product of mass and velocity. Therefore, if an objects velocity should change (due
to the application of a force on the object), then necessarily, its momentum changes as well. This indicates a connection
between momentum and force. The purpose of this section is to explore and describe that connection.
Suppose you apply a force on a free object for some amount of time. Clearly, the larger the force, the larger the objects
change of momentum will be. Alternatively, the more time you spend applying this force, again the larger the change of
momentum will be, as depicted in Figure 9.5. The amount by which the objects motion changes is therefore proportional
to the magnitude of the force, and also to the time interval over which the force is applied.
Mathematically, if a quantity is proportional to two (or more) things, then it is proportional to the product of those things.
The product of a force and a time interval (over which that force acts) is called impulse, and is given the symbol J .
Let F (t) be the force applied to an object over some differential time interval dt (Figure 9.6). The resulting impulse
on the object is defined as
d J F (t)dt.
f tf (9.3)
J = d J or J F (t)dt.
ti ti
Equation 9.2 and Equation 9.3 together say that when a force is applied for an infinitesimal time interval dt, it causes
an infinitesimal impulse d J , and the total impulse given to the object is defined to be the sum (integral) of all these
infinitesimal impulses.
To calculate the impulse using Equation 9.3, we need to know the force function F(t), which we often dont. However, a
result from calculus is useful here: Recall that the average value of a function over some interval is calculated by
f (x) ave = 1 f (x)dx
x x i
J = F ave t.
The idea here is that you can calculate the impulse on the object even if you dont know the details of the force as a function
of time; you only need the average force. In fact, though, the process is usually reversed: You determine the impulse (by
measurement or calculation) and then calculate the average force that caused that impulse.
402 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
To calculate the impulse, a useful result follows from writing the force in Equation 9.3 as F (t) = m
a (t) :
tf tf
J = F (t)dt = m a (t)dt = m
v (t f )
v i.
ti ti
For a constant force F ave = F = m
a , this simplifies to
J =m
a t = m
v fm
v i = m(
v f
v i).
That is,
J = m
v . (9.6)
Note that the integral form, Equation 9.3, applies to constant forces as well; in that case, since the force is independent of
time, it comes out of the integral, which can then be trivially evaluated.
Example 9.1
Figure 9.7 The Arizona Meteor Crater in Flagstaff, Arizona (often referred to as the Barringer Crater after the person
who first suggested its origin and whose family owns the land). (credit: Shane.torgerson/Wikimedia Commons)
It is conceptually easier to reverse the question and calculate the force that Earth applied on the meteor in order to
stop it. Therefore, well calculate the force on the meteor and then use Newtons third law to argue that the force
from the meteor on Earth was equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
Using the given data about the meteor, and making reasonable guesses about the shape of the meteor and impact
time, we first calculate the impulse using Equation 9.6. We then use the relationship between force and impulse
Equation 9.5 to estimate the average force during impact. Next, we choose a reasonable force function for the
impact event, calculate the average value of that function Equation 9.4, and set the resulting expression equal
to the calculated average force. This enables us to solve for the maximum force.
Define upward to be the +y-direction. For simplicity, assume the meteor is traveling vertically downward prior to
impact. In that case, its initial velocity is
v i = v i j , and the force Earth exerts on the meteor points upward,
F (t) = + F(t) j . The situation at t = 0 is depicted below.
V = 4 R 3.
Thus we obtain
V v 43 R 3
v f
v i
F ave = = .
t t
The problem says the velocity at impact was 1.28 10 4 m/s j (the final velocity is zero); also, we guess that
the primary impact lasted about t max = 2 s . Substituting these values gives
404 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
kg 4 3 m m^
7970 m 3 3 (25 m) 0 s 1.28 10 s j
F ave = .
= + 3.33 10 12 N j
This is the average force applied during the collision. Notice that this force vector points in the same direction as
the change of velocity vector v .
Next, we calculate the maximum force. The impulse is related to the force function by
t max
J = F (t)dt.
We need to make a reasonable choice for the force as a function of time. We define t = 0 to be the moment the
meteor first touches the ground. Then we assume the force is a maximum at impact, and rapidly drops to zero. A
function that does this is
t 2/2 2
F(t) = F max e .
(The parameter represents how rapidly the force decreases to zero.) The average force is
t max t 2/2 2
F ave = 1 F maxe dt
t 0
where t = t max 0 s . Since we already have a numeric value for F ave , we can use the result of the integral to
obtain F max .
Choosing = 1e t max (this is a common choice, as you will see in later chapters), and guessing that t max = 2 s ,
this integral evaluates to
F avg = 0.458 F max.
This is the force Earth applied to the meteor; by Newtons third law, the force the meteor applied to Earth is
2/8s 2
F (t) = 7.27 10 12 Ne ^
Figure 9.8 A graph of the average force (in red) and the force as a function of time (blue) of the
meteor impact. The areas under the curves are equal to each other, and are numerically equal to the
applied impulse.
Notice that the area under each plot has been filled in. For the plot of the (constant) force F ave , the area is a
rectangle, corresponding to F ave t = J . As for the plot of F(t), recall from calculus that the area under the
plot of a function is numerically equal to the integral of that function, over the specified interval; so here, that
t max
is F(t)dt = J . Thus, the areas are equal, and both represent the impulse that the meteor applied to Earth
during the two-second impact. The average force on Earth sounds like a huge force, and it is. Nevertheless, Earth
barely noticed it. The acceleration Earth obtained was just
12 ^
F ave 3.33 10 N j
= 5.6 10 13 m2 j
a =
M Earth
= 24
5.97 10 kg s
which is completely immeasurable. That said, the impact created seismic waves that nowadays could be detected
by modern monitoring equipment.
Example 9.2
Figure 9.9 The motion of a car and its driver at the instant before and the instant after colliding with
the wall. The restrained driver experiences a large backward force from the seatbelt and airbag, which
causes his velocity to decrease to zero. (The forward force from the seatback is much smaller than the
backward force, so we neglect it in the solution.)
We are given the drivers weight, his initial and final velocities, and the time of collision; we are asked to calculate
a force. Impulse seems the right way to tackle this; we can combine Equation 9.5 and Equation 9.6.
a. Define the +x-direction to be the direction the car is initially moving. We know
J = F t
J = m
v .
Since J is equal to both those things, they must be equal to each other:
F t = m
v .
Remembering that
v =
v f
v i , and noting that the final velocity is zero, we solve for the
^ ^
= 87.8 kg
0 vi i (27 m/s) i ^
F =m = (948 N) i .
t 2.5 s
The negative sign implies that the force slows him down. For perspective, this is about 1.1 times his own
b. Same calculation, just the different time interval:
F = 87.8 kg
(27 m/s) i ^
= (11,853 N) i
0.20 s
Effect of Impulse
Since an impulse is a force acting for some amount of time, it causes an objects motion to change. Recall Equation 9.6:
J = m
v .
Impulse-Momentum Theorem
An impulse applied to a system changes the systems momentum, and that change of momentum is exactly equal to
the impulse that was applied:
J =
p . (9.7)
Figure 9.10 Illustration of impulse-momentum theorem. (a) A ball with initial velocity
v 0 and momentum p 0 receives an impulse J . (b) This impulse is added
vectorially to the initial momentum. (c) Thus, the impulse equals the change in momentum,
J =
p . (d) After the impulse, the ball moves off with its new momentum
p f.
2. An impulse does not cause momentum; rather, it causes a change in the momentum of an object. Thus, you must
subtract the final momentum from the initial momentum, andsince momentum is also a vector quantityyou
must take careful account of the signs of the momentum vectors.
The most common questions asked in relation to impulse are to calculate the applied force, or the change of velocity that
occurs as a result of applying an impulse. The general approach is the same.
Example 9.3
Figure 9.11 The fictional starship Enterprise from the Star Trek adventures operated on so-called impulse engines
that combined matter with antimatter to produce energy.
Mister Sulu, take us out; ahead one-quarter impulse. With this command, Captain Kirk of the starship
Enterprise (Figure 9.11) has his ship start from rest to a final speed of v f = 1/43.0 10 8 m/s . Assuming this
maneuver is completed in 60 s, what average force did the impulse engines apply to the ship?
We are asked for a force; we know the initial and final speeds (and hence the change in speed), and we know
the time interval over which this all happened. In particular, we know the amount of time that the force acted.
This suggests using the impulse-momentum relation. To use that, though, we need the mass of the Enterprise. An
internet search gives a best estimate of the mass of the Enterprise (in the 2009 movie) as 2 10 9 kg .
Because this problem involves only one direction (i.e., the direction of the force applied by the engines), we only
need the scalar form of the impulse-momentum theorem Equation 9.7, which is
p = J
p = mv
J = Ft.
Equating these expressions gives
Ft = mv.
Solving for the magnitude of the force and inserting the given values leads to
9 7
mv 2 10 kg7.5 10 m/s
F= = = 2.5 10 15 N.
t 60 s
This is an unimaginably huge force. It goes almost without saying that such a force would kill everyone on board
instantly, as well as destroying every piece of equipment. Fortunately, the Enterprise has inertial dampeners. It
is left as an exercise for the readers imagination to determine how these work.
9.1 Check Your Understanding The U.S. Air Force uses 10gs (an acceleration equal to 10 9.8 m/s 2 )
as the maximum acceleration a human can withstand (but only for several seconds) and survive. How much
time must the Enterprise spend accelerating if the humans on board are to experience an average of at most
10gs of acceleration? (Assume the inertial dampeners are offline.)
Example 9.4
J =
F ave = .
Next, the change of momentum is
p = m
v .
We need to be careful with the velocities here; this is the change of velocity due to the collision with the floor.
But the phone also has an initial drop velocity [
v i = (0 m/s) j ], so we label our velocities. Let:
v i = the initial velocity with which the phone was dropped (zero, in this example)
v = the velocity the phone had the instant just before it hit the floor
v = the final velocity of the phone as a result of hitting the floor
Figure 9.12 shows the velocities at each of these points in the phones trajectory.
Figure 9.12 (a) The initial velocity of the phone is zero, just after the
person drops it. (b) Just before the phone hits the floor, its velocity is
v 1, which is unknown at the moment, except for its direction, which is
downward ( j ). (c) After bouncing off the floor, the phone has a velocity
v 2 , which is also unknown, except for its direction, which is upward
( + j ).
With these definitions, the change of momentum of the phone during the collision with the floor is
v = m
v 2
Since we assume the phone doesnt bounce at all when it hits the floor (or at least, the bounce height is negligible),
then v 2 is zero, so
m = m0 v 1 j
v = +mv 1 j .
We can get the speed of the phone just before it hits the floor using either kinematics or conservation of energy.
Well use conservation of energy here; you should re-do this part of the problem using kinematics and prove that
you get the same answer.
First, define the zero of potential energy to be located at the floor. Conservation of energy then gives us:
Ei = E1
Ki + Ui = K1 + U1
1 mv 2 + mgh 1 2
2 i drop = 2 mv 1 + mgh floo .
Defining h floo = 0 and using
v i = (0 m/s) j gives
1 mv 2 = mgh
2 1 drop
v 1 = 2gh drop.
Because v 1 is a vector magnitude, it must be positive. Thus, mv = mv 1 = m 2gh drop . Inserting this result
into the expression for force gives
F =
= m v
+mv 1 j
m 2gh ^
= j.
Finally, we need to estimate the collision time. One common way to estimate a collision time is to calculate how
long the object would take to travel its own length. The phone is moving at 5.4 m/s just before it hits the floor,
and it is 0.14 m long, giving an estimated collision time of 0.026 s. Inserting the given numbers, we obtain
9.2 Check Your Understanding What if we had assumed the phone did bounce on impact? Would this have
increased the force on the iPhone, decreased it, or made no difference?
p (9.8)
F ave = .
In words, the average force applied to an object is equal to the change of the momentum that the force causes, divided by the
time interval over which this change of momentum occurs. This relationship is very useful in situations where the collision
time t is small, but measureable; typical values would be 1/10th of a second, or even one thousandth of a second. Car
crashes, punting a football, or collisions of subatomic particles would meet this criterion.
For a continuously changing momentumdue to a continuously changing forcethis becomes a powerful conceptual tool.
In the limit t dt , Equation 9.2 becomes
dp (9.9)
F = .
This says that the rate of change of the systems momentum (implying that momentum is a function of time) is exactly
equal to the net applied force (also, in general, a function of time). This is, in fact, Newtons second law, written in terms
of momentum rather than acceleration. This is the relationship Newton himself presented in his Principia Mathematica
(although he called it quantity of motion rather than momentum).
If the mass of the system remains constant, Equation 9.3 reduces to the more familiar form of Newtons second law. We
can see this by substituting the definition of momentum:
d(m v )
F = = md v = m
a .
dt dt
The assumption of constant mass allowed us to pull m out of the derivative. If the mass is not constant, we cannot use this
form of the second law, but instead must start from Equation 9.3. Thus, one advantage to expressing force in terms of
changing momentum is that it allows for the mass of the system to change, as well as the velocity; this is a concept well
explore when we study the motion of rockets.
Although Equation 9.3 allows for changing mass, as we will see in Rocket Propulsion, the relationship between
momentum and force remains useful when the mass of the system is constant, as in the following example.
Example 9.5
This problem involves only one dimension because the ball starts from having no horizontal velocity component
before impact. Newtons second law stated in terms of momentum is then written as
F = .
As noted above, when mass is constant, the change in momentum is given by
p = mv = m(v f v i)
where we have used scalars because this problem involves only one dimension. In this example, the velocity just
after impact and the time interval are given; thus, once p is calculated, we can use F = to find the force.
To determine the change in momentum, insert the values for the initial and final velocities into the equation above:
p = m(v f v i)
= 0.057 kg(58 m/s 0 m/s)
kg m
= 3.3 s .
Now the magnitude of the net external force can be determined by using
kg m
p 3.3 s
F= = = 6.6 10 2 N.
t 5.0 10 3 s
where we have retained only two significant figures in the final step.
This quantity was the average force exerted by Venus Williams racquet on the tennis ball during its brief impact
414 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
(note that the ball also experienced the 0.57-N force of gravity, but that force was not due to the racquet). This
problem could also be solved by first finding the acceleration and then using F = ma , but one additional step
would be required compared with the strategy used in this example.
Recall Newtons third law: When two objects of masses m 1 and m 2 interact (meaning that they apply forces on each
other), the force that object 2 applies to object 1 is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that object 1
applies on object 2. Let:
F 21 = the force on m 1 from m 2
F 12 = the force on m 2 from m 1
(Recall that these two forces do not cancel because they are applied to different objects. F 21 causes m 1 to accelerate, and
F 12 causes m 2 to accelerate.)
Although the magnitudes of the forces on the objects are the same, the accelerations are not, simply because the masses (in
general) are different. Therefore, the changes in velocity of each object are different:
v 1 d
v 2
dt dt
However, the products of the mass and the change of velocity are equal (in magnitude):
v 1 d
v 2 (9.11)
m1 = m 2 .
dt dt
Its a good idea, at this point, to make sure youre clear on the physical meaning of the derivatives in Equation 9.3.
Because of the interaction, each object ends up getting its velocity changed, by an amount dv. Furthermore, the interaction
occurs over a time interval dt, which means that the change of velocities also occurs over dt. This time interval is the same
for each object.
Lets assume, for the moment, that the masses of the objects do not change during the interaction. (Well relax this
restriction later.) In that case, we can pull the masses inside the derivatives:
d m v
d m 2
v (9.12)
dt 1 1 = dt 2
and thus
p 1 d
p 2 (9.13)
= .
dt dt
This says that the rate at which momentum changes is the same for both objects. The masses are different, and the changes
of velocity are different, but the rate of change of the product of m and
v are the same.
Physically, this means that during the interaction of the two objects ( m 1 and m 2 ), both objects have their momentum
changed; but those changes are identical in magnitude, though opposite in sign. For example, the momentum of object 1
might increase, which means that the momentum of object 2 decreases by exactly the same amount.
In light of this, lets re-write Equation 9.12 in a more suggestive form:
p 1 d
p 2
+ = 0.
dt dt
This says that during the interaction, although object 1s momentum changes, and object 2s momentum also changes, these
two changes cancel each other out, so that the total change of momentum of the two objects together is zero.
Since the total combined momentum of the two objects together never changes, then we could write
d p 1+
p (9.15)
dt 2 = 0
As shown in Figure 9.14, the total momentum of the system before and after the collision remains the same.
416 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Figure 9.14 Before the collision, the two billiard balls travel with
p 3 . The total momentum of the system is the
1 and
sum of these, as shown by the red vector labeled p on the left.
After the collision, the two billiard balls travel with different momenta
p 1 and p 3 . The total momentum, however, has not changed, as
shown by the red vector arrow p on the right.
p 1+
p 2+
p 3+ +
p = constant (9.17)
p = constant.
Equation 9.17 is the definition of the total (or net) momentum of a system of N interacting objects, along with the
statement that the total momentum of a system of objects is constant in timeor better, is conserved.
Conservation Laws
If the value of a physical quantity is constant in time, we say that the quantity is conserved.
magnitude and opposite in sign. As a result, the change in momentum caused by each internal force is cancelled by
another momentum change that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Therefore, internal forces cannot
change the total momentum of a system because the changes sum to zero. However, if there is some external force
that acts on all of the objects (gravity, for example, or friction), then this force changes the momentum of the system
as a whole; that is to say, the momentum of the system is changed by the external force. Thus, for the momentum of
the system to be conserved, we must have
F ext = 0 .
A system of objects that meets these two requirements is said to be a closed system (also called an isolated system). Thus,
the more compact way to express this is shown below.
This statement is called the Law of Conservation of Momentum. Along with the conservation of energy, it is one of the
foundations upon which all of physics stands. All our experimental evidence supports this statement: from the motions of
galactic clusters to the quarks that make up the proton and the neutron, and at every scale in between. In a closed system,
the total momentum never changes.
Note that there absolutely can be external forces acting on the system; but for the systems momentum to remain constant,
these external forces have to cancel, so that the net external force is zero. Billiard balls on a table all have a weight force
acting on them, but the weights are balanced (canceled) by the normal forces, so there is no net force.
Figure 9.15 The two cars together form the system that is to be analyzed. It is important to
remember that the contents (the mass) of the system do not change before, during, or after the
objects in the system interact.
418 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Example 9.6
Colliding Carts
Two carts in a physics lab roll on a level track, with negligible friction. These carts have small magnets at their
ends, so that when they collide, they stick together (Figure 9.16). The first cart has a mass of 675 grams and is
rolling at 0.75 m/s to the right; the second has a mass of 500 grams and is rolling at 1.33 m/s, also to the right.
After the collision, what is the velocity of the two joined carts?
Figure 9.16 Two lab carts collide and stick together after the collision.
We have a collision. Were given masses and initial velocities; were asked for the final velocity. This all suggests
using conservation of momentum as a method of solution. However, we can only use it if we have a closed
system. So we need to be sure that the system we choose has no net external force on it, and that its mass is not
changed by the collision.
Defining the system to be the two carts meets the requirements for a closed system: The combined mass of the two
carts certainly doesnt change, and while the carts definitely exert forces on each other, those forces are internal to
the system, so they do not change the momentum of the system as a whole. In the vertical direction, the weights
of the carts are canceled by the normal forces on the carts from the track.
Conservation of momentum is
p f=
p i.
Define the direction of their initial velocity vectors to be the +x-direction. The initial momentum is then
^ ^
p i = m1 v1 i + m2 v2 i .
^ ^
(m 1 + m 2)
v f = m1 v1 i + m2 v2 i
m v + m v ^
v f = 1m 1 + m 2 2 i .
1 2
9.3 Check Your Understanding Suppose the second, smaller cart had been initially moving to the left. What
would the sign of the final velocity have been in this case?
Example 9.7
A Bouncing Superball
A superball of mass 0.25 kg is dropped from rest from a height of h = 1.50 m above the floor. It bounces with
no loss of energy and returns to its initial height (Figure 9.17).
a. What is the superballs change of momentum during its bounce on the floor?
b. What was Earths change of momentum due to the ball colliding with the floor?
c. What was Earths change of velocity as a result of this collision?
(This example shows that you have to be careful about defining your system.)
420 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Figure 9.17 A superball is dropped to the floor ( t 0 ), hits the floor ( t 1 ), bounces ( t 2 ), and returns to its
initial height ( t 3 ).
Since we are asked only about the balls change of momentum, we define our system to be the ball. But this
is clearly not a closed system; gravity applies a downward force on the ball while it is falling, and the normal
force from the floor applies a force during the bounce. Thus, we cannot use conservation of momentum as a
strategy. Instead, we simply determine the balls momentum just before it collides with the floor and just after,
and calculate the difference. We have the balls mass, so we need its velocities.
a. Since this is a one-dimensional problem, we use the scalar form of the equations. Let:
p 0 = the magnitude of the balls momentum at time t 0 , the moment it was released; since it
was dropped from rest, this is zero.
p 1 = the magnitude of the balls momentum at time t 1 , the instant just before it hits the floor.
p 2 = the magnitude of the balls momentum at time t 2 , just after it loses contact with the floor
after the bounce.
p p 2
= p 1
^ ^
= p 2 j p 1 j
= (p 2 + p 1) j .
Its velocity just before it hits the floor can be determined from either conservation of energy or
kinematics. We use kinematics here; you should re-solve it using conservation of energy and confirm you
get the same result.
We want the velocity just before it hits the ground (at time t 1 ). We know its initial velocity v 0 = 0 (at
time t 0 ), the height it falls, and its acceleration; we dont know the fall time. We could calculate that, but
instead we use
^ ^
v 1 = j 2gy = 5.4 m/s j .
Thus the ball has a momentum of
p 1
= 0.25 kg 5.4 m/s j
= 1.4 kg m/s j .
We dont have an easy way to calculate the momentum after the bounce. Instead, we reason from the
symmetry of the situation.
Before the bounce, the ball starts with zero velocity and falls 1.50 m under the influence of gravity,
achieving some amount of momentum just before it hits the ground. On the return trip (after the bounce),
it starts with some amount of momentum, rises the same 1.50 m it fell, and ends with zero velocity. Thus,
the motion after the bounce was the mirror image of the motion before the bounce. From this symmetry,
it must be true that the balls momentum after the bounce must be equal and opposite to its momentum
before the bounce. (This is a subtle but crucial argument; make sure you understand it before you go on.)
p 2 =
p 1 = + 1.4 kg m/s j .
Thus, the balls change of velocity during the bounce is
p =
p 2
p 1
^ ^
= 1.4 kg m/s j 1.4 kg m/s j
= + 2.8 kg m/s j .
b. What was Earths change of momentum due to the ball colliding with the floor?
Your instinctive response may well have been either zero; the Earth is just too massive for that tiny ball
to have affected it or possibly, more than zero, but utterly negligible. But noif we re-define our
system to be the Superball + Earth, then this system is closed (neglecting the gravitational pulls of the
Sun, the Moon, and the other planets in the solar system), and therefore the total change of momentum of
this new system must be zero. Therefore, Earths change of momentum is exactly the same magnitude:
p Earth = 2.8 kg m/s j .
c. What was Earths change of velocity as a result of this collision?
This is where your instinctive feeling is probably correct:
422 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
p Earth
v Earth =
M Earth
2.8 kg m/s ^
= j
5.97 10 24 kg
= 4.7 10 25 m/s j .
9.4 Check Your Understanding Would the balls change of momentum have been larger, smaller, or the
same, if it had collided with the floor and stopped (without bouncing)?
Would the balls change of momentum have been larger, smaller, or the same, if it had collided with the floor
and stopped (without bouncing)?
Example 9.8
Ice Hockey 1
Two hockey pucks of identical mass are on a flat, horizontal ice hockey rink. The red puck is motionless; the blue
puck is moving at 2.5 m/s to the left (Figure 9.18). It collides with the motionless red puck. The pucks have a
mass of 15 g. After the collision, the red puck is moving at 2.5 m/s, to the left. What is the final velocity of the
blue puck?
Were told that we have two colliding objects, were told the masses and initial velocities, and one final velocity;
were asked for both final velocities. Conservation of momentum seems like a good strategy. Define the system
to be the two pucks; theres no friction, so we have a closed system.
Before you look at the solution, what do you think the answer will be?
The blue puck final velocity will be:
Before the collision, the momentum of the system is entirely and only in the blue puck. Thus,
^ ^ ^
mv r f i + mv b i = mv b i
f i
^ ^ ^
v r f i + v b i = v b i .
f i
(Remember that the masses of the pucks are equal.) Substituting numbers:
^ ^
(2.5 m/s) i +
v bf = (2.5 m/s) i
v = 0.
Evidently, the two pucks simply exchanged momentum. The blue puck transferred all of its momentum to the red
puck. In fact, this is what happens in similar collision where m 1 = m 2.
9.5 Check Your Understanding Even if there were some friction on the ice, it is still possible to use
conservation of momentum to solve this problem, but you would need to impose an additional condition on the
problem. What is that additional condition?
Example 9.9
Landing of Philae
On November 12, 2014, the European Space Agency successfully landed a probe named Philae on Comet 67P/
Churyumov/Gerasimenko (Figure 9.19). During the landing, however, the probe actually landed three times,
because it bounced twice. Lets calculate how much the comets speed changed as a result of the first bounce.
424 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Figure 9.19 An artists rendering of Philae landing on a comet. (credit: modification of work by DLR German
Aerospace Center/Flickr)
Lets define upward to be the +y-direction, perpendicular to the surface of the comet, and y = 0 to be at the
surface of the comet. Heres what we know:
The mass of Comet 67P: M c = 1.0 10 13 kg
a = 5.0 10 3 m/s 2 j
The acceleration due to the comets gravity:
Philaes mass: M p = 96 kg
Initial touchdown speed:
v 1 = (1.0 m/s) j
Initial upward speed due to first bounce:
v 2 = (0.38 m/s) j
^ ^
= Mp
p 2 v 2
= 96 kg +0.38 m/s j = 36.5 kg m/s j .
Notice how important it is to include the negative sign of the initial momentum.
Now for the comet. Since momentum of the system must be conserved, the comets momentum changed by
exactly the negative of this:
p c =
p = 133 kg m/s j .
This is a very small change in velocity, about a thousandth of a billionth of a meter per second. Crucially, however,
it is not zero.
9.6 Check Your Understanding The changes of momentum for Philae and for Comet 67/P were equal (in
magnitude). Were the impulses experienced by Philae and the comet equal? How about the forces? How about
the changes of kinetic energies?
Although momentum is conserved in all interactions, not all interactions (collisions or explosions) are the same. The
possibilities include:
A single object can explode into multiple objects (one-to-many).
Multiple objects can collide and stick together, forming a single object (many-to-one).
Multiple objects can collide and bounce off of each other, remaining as multiple objects (many-to-many). If they do
bounce off each other, then they may recoil at the same speeds with which they approached each other before the
collision, or they may move off more slowly.
Its useful, therefore, to categorize different types of interactions, according to how the interacting objects move before and
after the interaction.
The first possibility is that a single object may break apart into two or more pieces. An example of this is a firecracker, or a
bow and arrow, or a rocket rising through the air toward space. These can be difficult to analyze if the number of fragments
after the collision is more than about three or four; but nevertheless, the total momentum of the system before and after the
426 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
explosion is identical.
Note that if the object is initially motionless, then the system (which is just the object) has no momentum and no kinetic
energy. After the explosion, the net momentum of all the pieces of the object must sum to zero (since the momentum of this
closed system cannot change). However, the system will have a great deal of kinetic energy after the explosion, although it
had none before. Thus, we see that, although the momentum of the system is conserved in an explosion, the kinetic energy
of the system most definitely is not; it increases. This interactionone object becoming many, with an increase of kinetic
energy of the systemis called an explosion.
Where does the energy come from? Does conservation of energy still hold? Yes; some form of potential energy is converted
to kinetic energy. In the case of gunpowder burning and pushing out a bullet, chemical potential energy is converted to
kinetic energy of the bullet, and of the recoiling gun. For a bow and arrow, it is elastic potential energy in the bowstring.
The second possibility is the reverse: that two or more objects collide with each other and stick together, thus (after the
collision) forming one single composite object. The total mass of this composite object is the sum of the masses of the
original objects, and the new single object moves with a velocity dictated by the conservation of momentum. However, it
turns out again that, although the total momentum of the system of objects remains constant, the kinetic energy doesnt; but
this time, the kinetic energy decreases. This type of collision is called inelastic.
In the extreme case, multiple objects collide, stick together, and remain motionless after the collision. Since the objects
are all motionless after the collision, the final kinetic energy is also zero; the loss of kinetic energy is a maximum. Such a
collision is said to be perfectly inelastic.
The extreme case on the other end is if two or more objects approach each other, collide, and bounce off each other, moving
away from each other at the same relative speed at which they approached each other. In this case, the total kinetic energy
of the system is conserved. Such an interaction is called elastic.
In any interaction of a closed system of objects, the total momentum of the system is conserved (
p f=
p i) but the
kinetic energy may not be:
If 0 < K f < K i , the collision is inelastic.
The point of all this is that, in analyzing a collision or explosion, you can use both momentum and kinetic energy.
Example 9.10
Formation of a Deuteron
A proton (mass 1.67 10 27 kg ) collides with a neutron (with essentially the same mass as the proton) to form
a particle called a deuteron. What is the velocity of the deuteron if it is formed from a proton moving with velocity
7.0 10 6 m/s to the left and a neutron moving with velocity 4.0 10 6 m/s to the right?
Define the system to be the two particles. This is a collision, so we should first identify what kind. Since we are
told the two particles form a single particle after the collision, this means that the collision is perfectly inelastic.
Thus, kinetic energy is not conserved, but momentum is. Thus, we use conservation of energy to determine the
final velocity of the system.
Treat the two particles as having identical masses M. Use the subscripts p, n, and d for proton, neutron, and
deuteron, respectively. This is a one-dimensional problem, so we have
Mv p Mv n = 2Mv d.
v d = 1.5 10 6 m/s i .
The velocity is thus
This is essentially how particle colliders like the Large Hadron Collider work: They accelerate particles up to
very high speeds (large momenta), but in opposite directions. This maximizes the creation of so-called daughter
Example 9.11
Ice Hockey 2
(This is a variation of an earlier example.)
Two ice hockey pucks of different masses are on a flat, horizontal hockey rink. The red puck has a mass of 15
grams, and is motionless; the blue puck has a mass of 12 grams, and is moving at 2.5 m/s to the left. It collides
with the motionless red puck (Figure 9.20). If the collision is perfectly elastic, what are the final velocities of
the two pucks?
428 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Figure 9.20 Two different hockey pucks colliding. The top diagram shows the pucks
the instant before the collision, and the bottom diagram show the pucks the instant after
the collision. The net external force is zero.
Were told that we have two colliding objects, and were told their masses and initial velocities, and one final
velocity; were asked for both final velocities. Conservation of momentum seems like a good strategy; define the
system to be the two pucks. There is no friction, so we have a closed system. We have two unknowns (the two
final velocities), but only one equation. The comment about the collision being perfectly elastic is the clue; it
suggests that kinetic energy is also conserved in this collision. That gives us our second equation.
The initial momentum and initial kinetic energy of the system resides entirely and only in the second puck (the
blue one); the collision transfers some of this momentum and energy to the first puck.
Conservation of momentum, in this case, reads
pi = pf
m 2 v 2,i = m 1 v 1,f + m 2 v 2,f .
9.7 Check Your Understanding There is a second solution to the system of equations solved in this example
(because the energy equation is quadratic): v 1,f = 2.5 m/s, v 2,f = 0 . This solution is unacceptable on
physical grounds; whats wrong with it?
Example 9.12
Again, Iron Mans initial velocity was zero. Conservation of momentum here reads:
M H v H = M H + M Iv.
Considering the uncertainties in our estimates, this should be expressed with just one significant figure;
thus, M H = 7 10 1 kg .
b. The initial kinetic energy of the system, like the initial momentum, is all in the hammer:
430 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
K i = 1 M H v 2H
= 1 70 kg(10 m/s) 2
= 3500 J.
K f = 1 M H + M Iv 2
= 1 70 kg + 200 kg(2.67 m/s 2
= 960 J.
Example 9.13
v T,i andv T,f be the velocities of the truck before and after the collision, respectively
v c,i andv c,f Z be the velocities of the car before and after the collision, respectively
K i and K f be the kinetic energies of the car immediately after the collision, and after the car has stopped
sliding (so K f = 0 ).
d be the distance the car slides after the collision before eventually coming to a stop.
Since we actually want the initial speed of the truck, and since the truck is not part of the work-energy calculation,
lets start with conservation of momentum. For the car + truck system, conservation of momentum reads
pi = pf
M c v c,i + M T v T,i = M c v c,f + M T v T,f .
Since the cars initial velocity was zero, as was the trucks final velocity, this simplifies to
v T,i = v .
M T c,f
So now we need the cars speed immediately after impact. Recall that
W = K
K = K f K i
= 0 1 M c v 2c,f .
W = F d = Fdcos.
The work is done over the distance the car slides, which weve called d. Equating:
Fdcos = 1 M c v 2c,f .
Friction is the force on the car that does the work to stop the sliding. With a level road, the friction force is
F = k M c g.
Since the angle between the directions of the friction force vector and the displacement d is 180 , and
cos(180) = 1, we have
k M c gd = 1 M c v 2c,f
(Notice that the cars mass divides out; evidently the mass of the car doesnt matter.)
Solving for the cars speed immediately after the collision gives
v c,f = 2 k gd.
v c,f = 2(0.62) 9.81 m2 (10 m).
= 11.0 m/s.
Now we can calculate the initial speed of the truck:
1200 kg
v T,i = 11.0 m
3000 kg s = 4.4 m/s.
This is an example of the type of analysis done by investigators of major car accidents. A great deal of legal and
financial consequences depend on an accurate analysis and calculation of momentum and energy.
432 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
9.8 Check Your Understanding Suppose there had been no friction (the collision happened on ice); that
would make k zero, and thus v c,f = 2 k gd = 0 , which is obviously wrong. What is the mistake in this
Figure 9.21 The Thomson and Rutherford models of the atom. The Thomson model predicted that nearly all of the incident
alpha-particles would be scattered and at small angles. Rutherford and Geiger found that nearly none of the alpha particles were
scattered, but those few that were deflected did so through very large angles. The results of Rutherfords experiments were
inconsistent with the Thomson model. Rutherford used conservation of momentum and energy to develop a new, and better
model of the atomthe nuclear model.
It is far more common for collisions to occur in two dimensions; that is, the angle between the initial velocity vectors is
neither zero nor 180 . Lets see what complications arise from this.
The first idea we need is that momentum is a vector; like all vectors, it can be expressed as a sum of perpendicular
components (usually, though not always, an x-component and a y-component, and a z-component if necessary). Thus, when
we write down the statement of conservation of momentum for a problem, our momentum vectors can be, and usually will
be, expressed in component form.
The second idea we need comes from the fact that momentum is related to force:
434 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
F = .
Expressing both the force and the momentum in component form,
dpx dpy d pz
Fx = , Fy = , Fz = .
dt dt dt
Remember, these equations are simply Newtons second law, in vector form and in component form. We know that
Newtons second law is true in each direction, independently of the others. It follows therefore (via Newtons third law) that
conservation of momentum is also true in each direction independently.
These two ideas motivate the solution to two-dimensional problems: We write down the expression for conservation of
momentum twice: once in the x-direction and once in the y-direction.
We solve each of these two component equations independently to obtain the x- and y-components of the desired velocity
m 1 v 1,i, x + m 2 v 2,i, x
v f, x = m
m 1 v 1,i, y + m 2 v 2,i, y
v f, y = m .
(Here, m represents the total mass of the system.) Finally, combine these components using the Pythagorean theorem,
vf =
v | f |= v 2f, x + v f,
436 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Example 9.14
Traffic Collision
A small car of mass 1200 kg traveling east at 60 km/hr collides at an intersection with a truck of mass 3000 kg
that is traveling due north at 40 km/hr (Figure 9.23). The two vehicles are locked together. What is the velocity
of the combined wreckage?
Figure 9.23 A large truck moving north is about to collide with a small car
moving east. The final momentum vector has both x- and y-components.
First off, we need a closed system. The natural system to choose is the (car + truck), but this system is not closed;
friction from the road acts on both vehicles. We avoid this problem by restricting the question to finding the
velocity at the instant just after the collision, so that friction has not yet had any effect on the system. With that
We have to be careful; the two initial momenta are not parallel. We must add vectorially (Figure 9.24).
If we define the +x-direction to point east and the +y-direction to point north, as in the figure, then (conveniently),
^ ^
p c = pc i = mc vc i
^ ^
p T = pT j = mT vT j .
m m
2 2
| v w| = m +c m v c + m +t m v t
c t c t
1200 kg 3000 kg m
2 2
= 16.67 m
s + 4200 kg 11.1 s
4200 kg
= m 2 + 7.93 m 2
4.76s s
= 9.25 m km
s 33.3 hr .
9.9 Check Your Understanding Suppose the initial velocities were not at right angles to each other. How
would this change both the physical result and the mathematical analysis of the collision?
Example 9.15
To use conservation of momentum, we need a closed system. If we define the system to be the scuba tank, this is
not a closed system, since gravity is an external force. However, the problem asks for the just the initial velocity
of the third piece, so we can neglect the effect of gravity and consider the tank by itself as a closed system. Notice
that, for this system, the initial momentum vector is zero.
We choose a coordinate system where all the motion happens in the xy-plane. We then write down the equations
for conservation of momentum in each direction, thus obtaining the x- and y-components of the momentum of the
third piece, from which we obtain its magnitude (via the Pythagorean theorem) and its direction. Finally, dividing
this momentum by the mass of the third piece gives us the velocity.
First, lets get all the conversions to SI units out of the way:
31.7 lb 14.4 kg
2.2 lb
10 lb 4.5 kg
235 miles 1 hour 1609 m = 105 m
hour 3600 s mile
7 lb 3.2 kg
172 mile = 77 ms
m 3 = 14.4 kg 4.5 kg + 3.2 kg = 6.7 kg.
p f,x = p 0,x
p 1,x + p 2,x + p 3,x = 0
m 1 v 1,x + m 2 v 2,x + p 3,x = 0
p 3,x = m 1 v 1,x m 2 v 2,x
p f,y = p 0,y
p 1,y + p 2,y + p 3,y = 0
m 1 v 1,y + m 2 v 2,y + p 3,y = 0
p 3,y = m 1 v 1,y m 2 v 2,y
p 3, x = m 1 v 1 m 2 v 2 cos
= 14.5 kg105 m m
s 4.5 kg77 s cos(19)
kg m
= 1850 s .
p 3 = p 23,x + p 23,y
kg m kg m
= 1850 s + 113 s
kg m
= 1854 s .
The direction of its velocity vector is the same as the direction of its momentum vector:
113 kg m
p 3,y
= tan 1 p = tan 1 s = 3.5.
3,x 1850 kgs m
Because is below the x -axis, the actual angle is 183.5 from the +x-direction.
The enormous velocities here are typical; an exploding tank of any compressed gas can easily punch through
the wall of a house and cause significant injury, or death. Fortunately, such explosions are extremely rare, on a
percentage basis.
9.10 Check Your Understanding Notice that the mass of the air in the tank was neglected in the analysis and
solution. How would the solution method changed if the air was included? How large a difference do you think
it would make in the final answer?
We have been avoiding an important issue up to now: When we say that an object moves (more correctly, accelerates) in a
way that obeys Newtons second law, we have been ignoring the fact that all objects are actually made of many constituent
particles. A car has an engine, steering wheel, seats, passengers; a football is leather and rubber surrounding air; a brick is
made of atoms. There are many different types of particles, and they are generally not distributed uniformly in the object.
How do we include these facts into our calculations?
Then too, an extended object might change shape as it moves, such as a water balloon or a cat falling (Figure 9.26). This
implies that the constituent particles are applying internal forces on each other, in addition to the external force that is acting
on the object as a whole. We want to be able to handle this, as well.
Figure 9.26 As the cat falls, its body performs complicated motions so it can land on its feet,
but one point in the system moves with the simple uniform acceleration of gravity.
The problem before us, then, is to determine what part of an extended object is obeying Newtons second law when an
external force is applied and to determine how the motion of the object as a whole is affected by both the internal and
external forces.
Be warned: To treat this new situation correctly, we must be rigorous and completely general. We wont make any
assumptions about the nature of the object, or of its constituent particles, or either the internal or external forces. Thus, the
arguments will be complex.
If we apply some net external force F ext on the object, every particle experiences some share or some fraction of that
external force. Let:
f j = the fraction of the external force that the jth particle experiences.
Notice that these fractions of the total force are not necessarily equal; indeed, they virtually never are. (They can be, but
they usually arent.) In general, therefore,
ext ext ext
f 1 f 2 f N .
Next, we assume that each of the particles making up our object can interact (apply forces on) every other particle of the
object. We wont try to guess what kind of forces they are; but since these forces are the result of particles of the object
acting on other particles of the same object, we refer to them as internal forces f j ; thus:
442 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
f j = the net internal force that the jth particle experiences from all the other particles that make up the object.
Now, the net force, internal plus external, on the jth particle is the vector sum of these:
int ext (9.20)
f j= f j + f j .
As a result of this fractional force, the momentum of each particle gets changed:
p j (9.21)
f j =
int ext d
p j
f j + f j = .
The net force F on the object is the vector sum of these forces:
int ext
F net = f j + f j
= f int
j + f ext
j .
j=1 j=1
This net force changes the momentum of the object as a whole, and the net change of momentum of the object must be the
vector sum of all the individual changes of momentum of all of the particles:
p j (9.23)
F net = dt
Lets now think about these summations. First consider the internal forces term; remember that each f j is the force
on the jth particle from the other particles in the object. But by Newtons third law, for every one of these forces, there
must be another force that has the same magnitude, but the opposite sign (points in the opposite direction). These forces do
not cancel; however, thats not what were doing in the summation. Rather, were simply mathematically adding up all the
internal force vectors. That is, in general, the internal forces for any individual part of the object wont cancel, but when all
the internal forces are added up, the internal forces must cancel in pairs. It follows, therefore, that the sum of all the internal
forces must be zero:
f int
j = 0.
(This argument is subtle, but crucial; take plenty of time to completely understand it.)
For the external forces, this summation is simply the total external force that was applied to the whole object:
f ext
j = F ext.
As a result,
p j (9.25)
F ext = dt
This is an important result. Equation 9.25 tells us that the total change of momentum of the entire object (all N particles)
is due only to the external forces; the internal forces do not change the momentum of the object as a whole. This is why
you cant lift yourself in the air by standing in a basket and pulling up on the handles: For the system of you + basket, your
upward pulling force is an internal force.
Then we have
p j,
p CM (9.26)
F = .
Since this change of momentum is caused by only the net external force, we have dropped the ext subscript.
This is Newtons second law, but now for the entire extended object. If this feels a bit anticlimactic, remember what is
hiding inside it:
p CM is the vector sum of the momentum of (in principle) hundreds of thousands of billions of billions
of particles (6.02 10 23) , all caused by one simple net external forcea force that you can calculate.
Center of Mass
Our next task is to determine what part of the extended object, if any, is obeying Equation 9.26.
Its tempting to take the next step; does the following equation mean anything?
F =M
a (9.27)
which follows because the derivative of a sum is equal to the sum of the derivatives.
p j is the momentum of the jth particle. Defining the positions of the constituent particles (relative to some
r j = x j, y j, z j , we thus have
coordinate system) as
r j
p j = mj
v j = mj .
Substituting back, we obtain
444 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
M = d mj
dt j = 1 dt
= d 2 mj
r j.
dt j = 1
Dividing both sides by M (the total mass of the extended object) gives us
N (9.28)
a = d 2 1 m j
r j.
dt M j = 1
Thus, the point in the object that traces out the trajectory dictated by the applied force in Equation 9.27 is inside the
parentheses in Equation 9.28.
Looking at this calculation, notice that (inside the parentheses) we are calculating the product of each particles mass with
its position, adding all N of these up, and dividing this sum by the total mass of particles we summed. This is reminiscent
of an average; inspired by this, well (loosely) interpret it to be the weighted average position of the mass of the extended
object. Its actually called the center of mass of the object. Notice that the position of the center of mass has units of meters;
that suggests a definition:
N (9.29)
CM M m j r j.
r 1
So, the point that obeys Equation 9.26 (and therefore Equation 9.27 as well) is the center of mass of the object, which
is located at the position vector
r CM .
It may surprise you to learn that there does not have to be any actual mass at the center of mass of an object. For example, a
hollow steel sphere with a vacuum inside it is spherically symmetrical (meaning its mass is uniformly distributed about the
center of the sphere); all of the spheres mass is out on its surface, with no mass inside. But it can be shown that the center
of mass of the sphere is at its geometric center, which seems reasonable. Thus, there is no mass at the position of the center
of mass of the sphere. (Another example is a doughnut.) The procedure to find the center of mass is illustrated in Figure
Figure 9.27 Finding the center of mass of a system of three different particles. (a) Position
vectors are created for each object. (b) The position vectors are multiplied by the mass of the
corresponding object. (c) The scaled vectors from part (b) are added together. (d) The final vector
is divided by the total mass. This vector points to the center of mass of the system. Note that no
mass is actually present at the center of mass of this system.
^ ^ ^
r j = x j i + y j j + z j k , it follows that:
N (9.30)
r CM,x = 1 m jx j
N (9.31)
r CM, y = 1 m jy j
N (9.32)
r CM, z = 1 m jz j
and thus
^ ^ ^
r CM = r CM,x i + r CM,y j + r CM,z k
r CM = r CM = r CM,x
| |2 2
+ r CM,y 2
+ r CM,z
446 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Therefore, you can calculate the components of the center of mass vector individually.
Finally, to complete the kinematics, the instantaneous velocity of the center of mass is calculated exactly as you might
N N (9.33)
v d1 m r 1 m
dt M j = 1 j
= j v
CM j j
and this, like the position, has x-, y-, and z-components.
To calculate the center of mass in actual situations, we recommend the following procedure:
Here are two examples that will give you a feel for what the center of mass is.
Example 9.16
From Appendix D,
m e = 5.97 10 24 kg
m m = 7.36 10 22 kg
r m = 3.82 10 5 m.
We defined the center of Earth as the origin, so r e = 0 m . Inserting these into the equation for R gives
5.97 10 24 kg(0 m) + 7.36 10 22 kg3.82 10 8 m
R =
5.98 10 24 kg + 7.36 10 22 kg
= 4.64 10 6 m.
The radius of Earth is 6.37 10 6 m , so the center of mass of the Earth-moon system is (6.37 4.64)
10 6 m = 1.73 10 6 m = 1730 km (roughly 1080 miles) below the surface of Earth. The location of the
center of mass is shown (not to scale).
9.11 Check Your Understanding Suppose we included the sun in the system. Approximately where would
the center of mass of the Earth-moon-sun system be located? (Feel free to actually calculate it.)
Example 9.17
We can look up all the ion masses. If we impose a coordinate system on the unit cell, this will give us the
positions of the ions. We can then apply Equation 9.30, Equation 9.31, and Equation 9.32 (along with the
Pythagorean theorem).
Define the origin to be at the location of the chloride ion at the bottom left of the unit cell. Figure 9.29 shows
the coordinate system.
so we have
m 1 = m 3 = m 6 = m 8 = 5.885 10 26 kg.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
r 7 = r 7x i + r 7y j + r 7z k = 2.36 10 10 m i + 2.36 10 10 m j + 2.36 10 10 m k
^ ^ ^ ^
r 8 = r 8y j + r 8z k = 2.36 10 10 m j + 2.36 10 10 m k .
| r CM,x| 2
= r CM,x 2
+ r CM,y 2
+ r CM,z
= 1 m j(r x) j
= 1 (m 1 r 1x + m 2 r 2x + m 3 r 3x + m 4 r 4x + m 5 r 5x + m 6 r 6x + m 7 r 7x + m 8 r 8x)
= 1
5.885 10
kg(0 m) + 3.816 10 26 kg2.36 10 10 m
3.8804 10 25 kg
+ 5.885 10 26 kg2.36 10 10 m
+ 3.816 10 26 kg2.36 10 10 m + 0 + 0
+ 3.816 10 26 kg2.36 10 10 m + 0
= 1.18 10 10 m.
Similar calculations give r CM,y = r CM,z = 1.18 10 10 m (you could argue that this must be true, by
symmetry, but its a good idea to check).
As it turns out, it was not really necessary to convert the mass from atomic mass units (u) to kilograms, since the
units divide out when calculating r CM anyway.
450 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
To express r CM in terms of magnitude and direction, first apply the three-dimensional Pythagorean theorem to
the vector components:
2 2 2
r CM = r CM,x + r CM,y + r CM,z
= 1.18 10 10 m 3
= 2.044 10 10 m.
Since this is a three-dimensional problem, it takes two angles to specify the direction of
r CM . Let be the
angle in the x,y-plane, measured from the +x-axis, counterclockwise as viewed from above; then:
r CM,y
= tan 1 r = 45.
Let be the angle in the y,z-plane, measured downward from the +z-axis; this is (not surprisingly):
R z
= tan 1
R y = 45.
Thus, the center of mass is at the geometric center of the unit cell. Again, you could argue this on the basis of
9.12 Check Your Understanding Suppose you have a macroscopic salt crystal (that is, a crystal that is large
enough to be visible with your unaided eye). It is made up of a huge number of unit cells. Is the center of mass
of this crystal necessarily at the geometric center of the crystal?
r = 1
r dm. (9.34)
In this context, r is a characteristic dimension of the object (the radius of a sphere, the length of a long rod). To generate
an integrand that can actually be calculated, you need to express the differential mass element dm as a function of the mass
density of the continuous object, and the dimension r. An example will clarify this.
Example 9.18
1 ^
r CM = M (rcos) i + (rsin) j dm.
In the diagram, we highlighted a piece of the hoop that is of differential length ds; it therefore has a differential
mass dm = ds . Substituting:
1 ^
r CM = M (rcos) i + (rsin) j ds.
= 1 (rcos) i + (rsin) j rd.
r CM M
One more step: Since is the linear mass density, it is computed by dividing the total mass by the length of the
= M
giving us
= 1 (rcos) i + (rsin) j M rd
r CM M 2r
= 1 (rcos) i + (rsin) j d.
2 a
Notice that the variable of integration is now the angle . This tells us that the limits of integration (around the
circular hoop) are = 0 to = 2 , so a = 0 and b = 2 . Also, for convenience, we separate the integral into
the x- and y-components of
r CM . The final integral expression is
^ ^
r CM = r CM,x i + r CM,y j
2 ^ 2^
= 1 (rcos)d i + 1 (rsin)d j
2 0 2 0
^ ^
=0i +0j = 0
as expected.
Its velocity is
r CM
r (9.35)
= 1 mj
v CM =
dt Mj=1 dt
After these masses move and interact with each other, the momentum of the center of mass is
v CM,f = mj
v j, f .
But conservation of momentum tells us that the right-hand side of both equations must be equal, which says
v CM,f =M
v CM,i.
This result implies that conservation of momentum is expressed in terms of the center of mass of the system. Notice
that as an object moves through space with no net external force acting on it, an individual particle of the object may
accelerate in various directions, with various magnitudes, depending on the net internal force acting on that object at any
time. (Remember, it is only the vector sum of all the internal forces that vanishes, not the internal force on a single particle.)
Thus, such a particles momentum will not be constantbut the momentum of the entire extended object will be, in accord
with Equation 9.36.
Equation 9.36 implies another important result: Since M represents the mass of the entire system of particles, it is
necessarily constant. (If it isnt, we dont have a closed system, so we cant expect the systems momentum to be conserved.)
As a result, Equation 9.36 implies that, for a closed system,
v =
v (9.37)
CM,f CM,i.
That is to say, in the absence of an external force, the velocity of the center of mass never changes.
You might be tempted to shrug and say, Well yes, thats just Newtons first law, but remember that Newtons first law
discusses the constant velocity of a particle, whereas Equation 9.37 applies to the center of mass of a (possibly vast)
collection of interacting particles, and that there may not be any particle at the center of mass at all! So, this really is a
remarkable result.
Example 9.19
Fireworks Display
When a fireworks rocket explodes, thousands of glowing fragments fly outward in all directions, and fall to Earth
in an elegant and beautiful display (Figure 9.31). Describe what happens, in terms of conservation of momentum
and center of mass.
454 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
Figure 9.31 These exploding fireworks are a vivid example of conservation of momentum and
the motion of the center of mass.
The picture shows radial symmetry about the central points of the explosions; this suggests the idea of center of
mass. We can also see the parabolic motion of the glowing particles; this brings to mind projectile motion ideas.
Initially, the fireworks rocket is launched and flies more or less straight upward; this is the cause of the more-or-
less-straight, white trail going high into the sky below the explosion in the upper-right of the picture (the yellow
explosion). This trail is not parabolic because the explosive shell, during its launch phase, is actually a rocket; the
impulse applied to it by the ejection of the burning fuel applies a force on the shell during the rise-time interval.
(This is a phenomenon we will study in the next section.) The shell has multiple forces on it; thus, it is not in
free-fall prior to the explosion.
At the instant of the explosion, the thousands of glowing fragments fly outward in a radially symmetrical pattern.
The symmetry of the explosion is the result of all the internal forces summing to zero f int = 0 ; for every
internal force, there is another that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
However, as we learned above, these internal forces cannot change the momentum of the center of mass of the
(now exploded) shell. Since the rocket force has now vanished, the center of mass of the shell is now a projectile
(the only force on it is gravity), so its trajectory does become parabolic. The two red explosions on the left show
the path of their centers of mass at a slightly longer time after explosion compared to the yellow explosion on the
upper right.
In fact, if you look carefully at all three explosions, you can see that the glowing trails are not truly radially
symmetric; rather, they are somewhat denser on one side than the other. Specifically, the yellow explosion and
the lower middle explosion are slightly denser on their right sides, and the upper-left explosion is denser on its
left side. This is because of the momentum of their centers of mass; the differing trail densities are due to the
momentum each piece of the shell had at the moment of its explosion. The fragment for the explosion on the
upper left of the picture had a momentum that pointed upward and to the left; the middle fragments momentum
pointed upward and slightly to the right; and the right-side explosion clearly upward and to the right (as evidenced
by the white rocket exhaust trail visible below the yellow explosion).
Finally, each fragment is a projectile on its own, thus tracing out thousands of glowing parabolas.
In the discussion above, we said, the center of mass of the shell is now a projectile (the only force on it
is gravity). This is not quite accurate, for there may not be any mass at all at the center of mass; in which
case, there could not be a force acting on it. This is actually just verbal shorthand for describing the fact that the
gravitational forces on all the particles act so that the center of mass changes position exactly as if all the mass of
the shell were always located at the position of the center of mass.
9.13 Check Your Understanding How would the firework display change in deep space, far away from any
source of gravity?
You may sometimes hear someone describe an explosion by saying something like, the fragments of the exploded object
always move in a way that makes sure that the center of mass continues to move on its original trajectory. This makes it
sound as if the process is somewhat magical: how can it be that, in every explosion, it always works out that the fragments
move in just the right way so that the center of mass motion is unchanged? Phrased this way, it would be hard to believe
no explosion ever does anything differently.
The explanation of this apparently astonishing coincidence is: We defined the center of mass precisely so this is exactly
what we would get. Recall that first we defined the momentum of the system:
p j
p CM = dt
We then concluded that the net external force on the system (if any) changed this momentum:
p CM
F =
and thenand heres the pointwe defined an acceleration that would obey Newtons second law. That is, we demanded
that we should be able to write
a = F
which requires that
a = d 2 1 m j
r j.
dt M j = 1
where the quantity inside the parentheses is the center of mass of our system. So, its not astonishing that the center of mass
obeys Newtons second law; we defined it so that it would.
Now we deal with the case where the mass of an object is changing. We analyze the motion of a rocket, which changes its
velocity (and hence its momentum) by ejecting burned fuel gases, thus causing it to accelerate in the opposite direction of
the velocity of the ejected fuel (see Figure 9.32). Specifically: A fully fueled rocket ship in deep space has a total mass
m 0 (this mass includes the initial mass of the fuel). At some moment in time, the rocket has a velocity v and mass m;
456 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
this mass is a combination of the mass of the empty rocket and the mass of the remaining unburned fuel it contains. (We
refer to m as the instantaneous mass and v as the instantaneous velocity.) The rocket accelerates by burning the fuel
it carries and ejecting the burned exhaust gases. If the burn rate of the fuel is constant, and the velocity at which the exhaust
is ejected is also constant, what is the change of velocity of the rocket as a result of burning all of its fuel?
Physical Analysis
Heres a description of what happens, so that you get a feel for the physics involved.
As the rocket engines operate, they are continuously ejecting burned fuel gases, which have both mass and velocity,
and therefore some momentum. By conservation of momentum, the rockets momentum changes by this same
amount (with the opposite sign). We will assume the burned fuel is being ejected at a constant rate, which means
the rate of change of the rockets momentum is also constant. By Equation 9.9, this represents a constant force on
the rocket.
However, as time goes on, the mass of the rocket (which includes the mass of the remaining fuel) continuously
decreases. Thus, even though the force on the rocket is constant, the resulting acceleration is not; it is continuously
So, the total change of the rockets velocity will depend on the amount of mass of fuel that is burned, and that
dependence is not linear.
The problem has the mass and velocity of the rocket changing; also, the total mass of ejected gases is changing. If we define
our system to be the rocket + fuel, then this is a closed system (since the rocket is in deep space, there are no external forces
acting on this system); as a result, momentum is conserved for this system. Thus, we can apply conservation of momentum
to answer the question (Figure 9.33).
At the same moment that the total instantaneous rocket mass is m (i.e., m is the mass of the rocket body plus the mass of the
fuel at that point in time), we define the rockets instantaneous velocity to be
v = v i (in the +x-direction); this velocity
is measured relative to an inertial reference system (the Earth, for example). Thus, the initial momentum of the system is
p i = mv i .
The rockets engines are burning fuel at a constant rate and ejecting the exhaust gases in the x-direction. During an
infinitesimal time interval dt, the engines eject a (positive) infinitesimal mass of gas dm g at velocity
u = u i ; note
that although the rocket velocity v i is measured with respect to Earth, the exhaust gas velocity is measured with respect
to the (moving) rocket. Measured with respect to the Earth, therefore, the exhaust gas has velocity (v u) i .
As a consequence of the ejection of the fuel gas, the rockets mass decreases by dm g , and its velocity increases by dv i .
Therefore, including both the change for the rocket and the change for the exhaust gas, the final momentum of the system is
p =
p +
f rocket gas
^ ^.
= m dm g(v + dv) i + dm g(v u) i
Since all vectors are in the x-direction, we drop the vector notation. Applying conservation of momentum, we obtain
pi = pf
mv = m dm g(v + dv) + dm g(v u)
mv = mv + mdv dm g v dm g dv + dm g v dm g u
mdv = dm g dv + dm g v.
Now, dm g and dv are each very small; thus, their product dm g dv is very, very small, much smaller than the other two
terms in this expression. We neglect this term, therefore, and obtain:
mdv = dm g u.
Our next step is to remember that, since dm g represents an increase in the mass of ejected gases, it must also represent a
decrease of mass of the rocket:
dm g = dm.
458 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
dv = u dm
Integrating from the initial mass mi to the final mass m of the rocket gives us the result we are after:
v m
v dv = u m
1 dm
i i
m i
v vi = u ln m
m (9.38)
v = u ln mi .
This result is called the rocket equation. It was originally derived by the Soviet physicist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in 1897.
It gives us the change of velocity that the rocket obtains from burning a mass of fuel that decreases the total rocket mass
from m 0 down to m. As expected, the relationship between v and the change of mass of the rocket is nonlinear.
Example 9.20
Thrust on a Spacecraft
A spacecraft is moving in gravity-free space along a straight path when its pilot decides to accelerate forward.
He turns on the thrusters, and burned fuel is ejected at a constant rate of 2.0 10 2 kg/s , at a speed (relative to
the rocket) of 2.5 10 2 m/s . The initial mass of the spacecraft and its unburned fuel is 2.0 10 4 kg , and the
thrusters are on for 30 s.
a. What is the thrust (the force applied to the rocket by the ejected fuel) on the spacecraft?
b. What is the spacecrafts acceleration as a function of time?
c. What are the spacecrafts accelerations at t = 0, 15, 30, and 35 s?
a. The force on the spacecraft is equal to the rate of change of the momentum of the fuel.
b. Knowing the force from part (a), we can use Newtons second law to calculate the consequent
acceleration. The key here is that, although the force applied to the spacecraft is constant (the fuel is being
ejected at a constant rate), the mass of the spacecraft isnt; thus, the acceleration caused by the force wont
be constant. We expect to get a function a(t), therefore.
c. Well use the function we obtain in part (b), and just substitute the numbers given. Important: We expect
that the acceleration will get larger as time goes on, since the mass being accelerated is continuously
The ejection velocity v = 2.5 10 2 m/s is constant, and therefore the force is
dp dm g
F= =v = v dm .
dt dt dt
dm g
Now, is the rate of change of the mass of the fuel; the problem states that this is 2.0 10 2 kg/s .
Substituting, we get
dm g
F =v
2 kg
= 2.5 10 2 m
s 2.0 10 s
= 5 10 4 N.
b. Above, we defined m to be the combined mass of the empty rocket plus however much unburned fuel it
contained: m = m R + m g . From Newtons second law,
F =
a=m F
mR + mg.
The force is constant and the empty rocket mass m R is constant, but the fuel mass m g is decreasing at a
uniform rate; specifically:
dm g
m g = m g(t) = m g 0
dt t.
This gives us
a(t) = F = F .
dm g dm g
m g i dt t M dt t
Notice that, as expected, the acceleration is a function of time. Substituting the given numbers:
a(t) = 5 10 4 N .
2.0 10 4 kg 2.0 10 2 s t
c. At t = 0 s :
a(0 s) = 5 10 4 N = 2.5 m2 .
2.0 10 4 kg 2.0 10 2 s (0 s) s
9.14 dm g
Check Your Understanding What is the physical difference (or relationship) between dm and
dt dt
in this example?
and so
mdv dm g u = mgdt
where we have again neglected the term dm g dv and dropped the vector notation. Next we replace dm g with dm :
dv = u dm
m gdt
and integrating, we have
m (9.39)
v = u ln mi gt.
center of mass weighted average position of the mass
closed system system for which the mass is constant and the net external force on the system is zero
elastic collision that conserves kinetic energy
explosion single object breaks up into multiple objects; kinetic energy is not conserved in explosions
external force force applied to an extended object that changes the momentum of the extended object as a whole
impulse effect of applying a force on a system for a time interval; this time interval is usually small, but does not have to
impulse-momentum theorem change of momentum of a system is equal to the impulse applied to the system
inelastic collision that does not conserve kinetic energy
internal force force that the simple particles that make up an extended object exert on each other. Internal forces can be
attractive or repulsive
Law of Conservation of Momentum total momentum of a closed system cannot change
linear mass density , expressed as the number of kilograms of material per meter
momentum measure of the quantity of motion that an object has; it takes into account both how fast the object is moving,
and its mass; specifically, it is the product of mass and velocity; it is a vector quantity
perfectly inelastic collision after which all objects are motionless, the final kinetic energy is zero, and the loss of kinetic
energy is a maximum
rocket equation derived by the Soviet physicist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in 1897, it gives us the change of velocity that
the rocket obtains from burning a mass of fuel that decreases the total rocket mass from m i down to m
system object or collection of objects whose motion is currently under investigation; however, your system is defined at
the start of the problem, you must keep that definition for the entire problem
p =m
Definition of momentum
Impulse J F (t)dt or J = F ave t
Impulse-momentum theorem J =
Average force from momentum F =
p d
Conservation of momentum 1 + 2 = 0 or
p 1+
p 2 = constant
dt dt
p j = constant
Generalized conservation of momentum
462 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
p f, x = p 1,i, x + p 2,i, x
Conservation of momentum in two dimensions p f, y = p 1,i, y + p 2,i, y
External forces F ext = dt
p CM
Newtons second law for an extended object F =
a d2 1 m r 1 m
Acceleration of the center of mass = = j a
dt 2 M j = 1 Mj=1
CM j j j
Position of the center of mass for a system
r 1 mj
CM Mj=1 j
of particles
v d1 m r 1 m
Velocity of the center of mass =
dt M j = 1 j
= j v
CM j j
9.1 Linear Momentum
The motion of an object depends on its mass as well as its velocity. Momentum is a concept that describes this. It is
a useful and powerful concept, both computationally and theoretically. The SI unit for momentum is kg m/s.
4. Why is a 10-m fall onto concrete far more dangerous 11. A sprinter accelerates out of the starting blocks. Can
than a 10-m fall onto water? you consider him as a closed system? Explain.
5. What external force is responsible for changing the 12. A rocket in deep space (zero gravity) accelerates by
momentum of a car moving along a horizontal road? firing hot gas out of its thrusters. Does the rocket constitute
a closed system? Explain.
6. A piece of putty and a tennis ball with the same mass
are thrown against a wall with the same velocity. Which
object experience a greater impulse from the wall or are the 9.4 Types of Collisions
impulses equal? Explain. 13. Two objects of equal mass are moving with equal and
opposite velocities when they collide. Can all the kinetic
energy be lost in the collision?
464 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
14. Describe a system for which momentum is conserved three large pieces for which air resistance is negligible.
but mechanical energy is not. Now the reverse: Describe How does the explosion affect the motion of the center of
a system for which kinetic energy is conserved but mass? How would it be affected if the pieces experienced
momentum is not. significantly more air resistance than the intact shell?
27. A cruise ship with a mass of 1.00 10 7 kg strikes a 33. A hockey puck of mass 150 g is sliding due east on
a frictionless table with a speed of 10 m/s. Suddenly, a
pier at a speed of 0.750 m/s. It comes to rest after traveling
constant force of magnitude 5 N and direction due north
6.00 m, damaging the ship, the pier, and the tugboat
is applied to the puck for 1.5 s. Find the north and east
captains finances. Calculate the average force exerted on
components of the momentum at the end of the 1.5-s
the pier using the concept of impulse. (Hint: First calculate
the time it took to bring the ship to rest, assuming a constant
28. Calculate the final speed of a 110-kg rugby player 34. A ball of mass 250 g is thrown with an initial velocity
who is initially running at 8.00 m/s but collides head-on of 25 m/s at an angle of 30 with the horizontal direction.
with a padded goalpost and experiences a backward force
Ignore air resistance. What is the momentum of the ball
of 1.76 10 4 N for 5.50 10 2 s . after 0.2 s? (Do this problem by finding the components of
the momentum first, and then constructing the magnitude
29. Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against and direction of the momentum vector from the
a wall at a rate of 50.0 kg/s and a speed of 42.0 m/s. components.)
Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the
waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
one another. Suppose two loaded train cars are moving a. What is the magnitude and direction of the
toward one another, the first having a mass of velocity of the block/bullet combination
^ immediately after the impact?
1.50 10 5 kg and a velocity of (0.30 m/s) i , and the b. What is the magnitude and direction of the
second having a mass of 1.10 10 5 kg and a velocity of impulse by the block on the bullet?
c. What is the magnitude and direction of the
(0.12 m/s) i . What is their final velocity? impulse from the bullet on the block?
d. If it took 3 ms for the bullet to change the speed
from 400 m/s to the final speed after impact, what is
the average force between the block and the bullet
during this time?
a. If a helium nucleus scatters to an angle of 120 during 1000-kg boulder. When the sled crashes into the boulder, he
an elastic collision with a gold nucleus, calculate the helium is propelled over the boulder and continues sliding over the
nucleuss final speed and the final velocity (magnitude and ice. If the boys mass is 40.0 kg and the sleds mass is 2.50
direction) of the gold nucleus. kg, what is the speed of the sled and the boulder after the
51. A 35-kg child sleds down a hill and then coasts along
the flat section at the bottom, where a second 35-kg child
jumps on the sled as it passes by her. If the speed of the
sled is 3.5 m/s before the second child jumps on, what is its
speed after she jumps on?
^ ^
(1.2 m/s) i (18.0 m/s) j . What is the velocity of the
rock on which they were standing?
and that of particle 1 are given as follows (where length is density. The density is such that when the rectangle is
in meters and t in seconds): placed in the xy-plane, the density is given by
x 1(t) = 4cos(2t), y 1(t) = 4sin(2t) (x, y) = 0 xy .
71. Find the center of mass of a rectangular material of Express your answers in a coordinate system that has the
length a and width b made up of a material of nonuniform origin at the center of the cylinder.
470 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
78. A rocket takes off from Earth and reaches a speed of (a) Calculate the initial speed of the squid if it leaves the
100 m/s in 10.0 s. If the exhaust speed is 1500 m/s and the water at an angle of 20.0, assuming negligible lift from the
mass of fuel burned is 100 kg, what was the initial mass of air and negligible air resistance.
the rocket? (b) The squid propels itself by squirting water. What
fraction of its mass would it have to eject in order to
79. Repeat the preceding problem but for a rocket that achieve the speed found in the previous part? The water
takes off from a space station, where there is no gravity is ejected at 12.0 m/s; gravitational force and friction are
other than the negligible gravity due to the space station. neglected.
(c) What is unreasonable about the results?
80. How much fuel would be needed for a 1000-kg rocket
(d) Which premise is unreasonable, or which premises are
(this is its mass with no fuel) to take off from Earth and
reach 1000 m/s in 30 s? The exhaust speed is 1000 m/s.
83. Two 70-kg canoers paddle in a single, 50-kg canoe. 90. Repeat the preceding problem, but including a drag
Their paddling moves the canoe at 1.2 m/s with respect force due to air of f drag = b
v .
to the water, and the river theyre in flows at 4 m/s with
respect to the land. What is their momentum with respect to
the land? 91. A 5.0-g egg falls from a 90-cm-high counter onto the
floor and breaks. What impulse is exerted by the floor on
84. Which has a larger magnitude of momentum: a the egg?
3000-kg elephant moving at 40 km/h or a 60-kg cheetah
moving at 112 km/h? 92. A car crashes into a large tree that does not move. The
car goes from 30 m/s to 0 in 1.3 m. (a) What impulse is
85. A driver applies the brakes and reduces the speed of applied to the driver by the seatbelt, assuming he follows
her car by 20%, without changing the direction in which the same motion as the car? (b) What is the average force
the car is moving. By how much does the cars momentum applied to the driver by the seatbelt?
93. Two hockey players approach each other head on,
86. You friend claims that momentum is mass multiplied each traveling at the same speed v i . They collide and get
by velocity, so things with more mass have more tangled together, falling down and moving off at a speed
momentum. Do you agree? Explain. v i/5 . What is the ratio of their masses?
98. Derive the equations giving the final speeds for two 107. Repeat the preceding problem if the balls collide
objects that collide elastically, with the mass of the objects when the center of ball 1 is at the origin and the center of
being m 1 and m 2 and the initial speeds being v 1,i and ball 2 is at the point (0, 2R) .
v 2,i = 0 (i.e., second object is initially stationary).
108. Repeat the preceding problem if the balls collide
when the center of ball 1 is at the origin and the center of
99. Repeat the preceding problem for the case when the ball 2 is at the point 3R/2, R/2
initial speed of the second object is nonzero.
100. A child sleds down a hill and collides at 5.6 m/s into a 109. Where is the center of mass of a semicircular wire of
stationary sled that is identical to his. The child is launched radius R that is centered on the origin, begins and ends on
forward at the same speed, leaving behind the two sleds that the x axis, and lies in the x,y plane?
lock together and slide forward more slowly. What is the
speed of the two sleds after this collision? 110. Where is the center of mass of a slice of pizza that
was cut into eight equal slices? Assume the origin is at the
101. For the preceding problem, find the final speed of apex of the slice and measure angles with respect to an edge
each sled for the case of an elastic collision. of the slice. The radius of the pizza is R.
102. A 90-kg football player jumps vertically into the 111. If the entire population of Earth were transferred to
air to catch a 0.50-kg football that is thrown essentially the Moon, how far would the center of mass of the Earth-
horizontally at him at 17 m/s. What is his horizontal speed Moon-population system move? Assume the population is
after catching the ball? 7 billion, the average human has a mass of 65 kg, and
that the population is evenly distributed over both the Earth
103. Three skydivers are plummeting earthward. They are and the Moon. The mass of the Earth is 5.97 10 24 kg
initially holding onto each other, but then push apart. Two and that of the Moon is 7.34 10 22 kg . The radius of the
skydivers of mass 70 and 80 kg gain horizontal velocities
of 1.2 m/s north and 1.4 m/s southeast, respectively. What Moons orbit is about 3.84 10 5 m .
is the horizontal velocity of the third skydiver, whose mass
is 55 kg? 112. You friend wonders how a rocket continues to climb
into the sky once it is sufficiently high above the surface
104. Two billiard balls are at rest and touching each other of Earth so that its expelled gasses no longer push on the
on a pool table. The cue ball travels at 3.8 m/s along the surface. How do you respond?
line of symmetry between these balls and strikes them
simultaneously. If the collision is elastic, what is the 113. To increase the acceleration of a rocket, should you
velocity of the three balls after the collision? throw rocks out of the front window of the rocket or out of
the back window?
472 Chapter 9 | Linear Momentum and Collisions
114. A 65-kg person jumps from the first floor window
of a burning building and lands almost vertically on the
ground with a horizontal velocity of 3 m/s and vertical
velocity of 9 m/s . Upon impact with the ground he is
brought to rest in a short time. The force experienced by his
feet depends on whether he keeps his knees stiff or bends
them. Find the force on his feet in each case.
What are the velocities of the ramp and the cart relative to
115. Two projectiles of mass m 1 and m 2 are red at the
the ground at the instant the cart leaves the ramp?
same speed but in opposite directions from two launch sites
separated by a distance D. They both reach the same spot in 118. Find the center of mass of the structure given in the
their highest point and strike there. As a result of the impact figure below. Assume a uniform thickness of 20 cm, and a
they stick together and move as a single body afterwards.
uniform density of 1 g/cm 3.
Find the place they will land.
Figure 10.1 Brazos wind farm in west Texas. As of 2012, wind farms in the US had a power output of 60 gigawatts, enough
capacity to power 15 million homes for a year. (credit: modification of work by ENERGY.GOV/Flickr)
Chapter Outline
10.1 Rotational Variables
10.2 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
10.3 Relating Angular and Translational Quantities
10.4 Moment of Inertia and Rotational Kinetic Energy
10.5 Calculating Moments of Inertia
10.6 Torque
10.7 Newtons Second Law for Rotation
10.8 Work and Power for Rotational Motion
In previous chapters, we described motion (kinematics) and how to change motion (dynamics), and we defined important
concepts such as energy for objects that can be considered as point masses. Point masses, by definition, have no shape and so
can only undergo translational motion. However, we know from everyday life that rotational motion is also very important
and that many objects that move have both translation and rotation. The wind turbines in our chapter opening image are a
prime example of how rotational motion impacts our daily lives, as the market for clean energy sources continues to grow.
We begin to address rotational motion in this chapter, starting with fixed-axis rotation. Fixed-axis rotation describes the
rotation around a fixed axis of a rigid body; that is, an object that does not deform as it moves. We will show how to apply
all the ideas weve developed up to this point about translational motion to an object rotating around a fixed axis. In the
next chapter, we extend these ideas to more complex rotational motion, including objects that both rotate and translate, and
objects that do not have a fixed rotational axis.
476 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
So far in this text, we have mainly studied translational motion, including the variables that describe it: displacement,
velocity, and acceleration. Now we expand our description of motion to rotationspecifically, rotational motion about
a fixed axis. We will find that rotational motion is described by a set of related variables similar to those we used in
translational motion.
Angular Velocity
Uniform circular motion (discussed previously in Motion in Two and Three Dimensions) is motion in a circle at
constant speed. Although this is the simplest case of rotational motion, it is very useful for many situations, and we use it
here to introduce rotational variables.
In Figure 10.2, we show a particle moving in a circle. The coordinate system is fixed and serves as a frame of reference to
define the particles position. Its position vector from the origin of the circle to the particle sweeps out the angle , which
increases in the counterclockwise direction as the particle moves along its circular path. The angle is called the angular
position of the particle. As the particle moves in its circular path, it also traces an arc length s.
The angle is related to the radius of the circle and the arc length by
= rs . (10.1)
The angle , the angular position of the particle along its path, has units of radians (rad). There are 2 radians in 360.
Note that the radian measure is a ratio of length measurements, and therefore is a dimensionless quantity. As the particle
moves along its circular path, its angular position changes and it undergoes angular displacements .
We can assign vectors to the quantities in Equation 10.1. The angle is a vector out of the page in Figure 10.2. The
angular position vector
r and the arc length
s both lie in the plane of the page. These three vectors are related to
each other by
s =
r . (10.2)
That is, the arc length is the cross product of the angle vector and the position vector, as shown in Figure 10.3.
Figure 10.3 The angle vector points along the z-axis and the
position vector and arc length vector both lie in the xy-plane. We
see that s = r . All three vectors are perpendicular
to each other.
The magnitude of the angular velocity, denoted by , is the time rate of change of the angle as the particle moves in its
circular path. The instantaneous angular velocity is defined as the limit in which t 0 in the average angular velocity
= :
= lim = d , (10.3)
t 0 t dt
where is the angle of rotation (Figure 10.2). The units of angular velocity are radians per second (rad/s). Angular
velocity can also be referred to as the rotation rate in radians per second. In many situations, we are given the rotation rate
in revolutions/s or cycles/s. To find the angular velocity, we must multiply revolutions/s by 2 , since there are 2 radians
in one complete revolution. Since the direction of a positive angle in a circle is counterclockwise, we take counterclockwise
rotations as being positive and clockwise rotations as negative.
We can see how angular velocity is related to the tangential speed of the particle by differentiating Equation 10.1 with
respect to time. We rewrite Equation 10.1 as
s = r.
Taking the derivative with respect to time and noting that the radius r is a constant, we have
ds = d (r) = dr + r d = r d
dt dt dt dt dt
where dr = 0 . Here ds is just the tangential speed v t of the particle in Figure 10.2. Thus, by using Equation 10.3,
dt dt
we arrive at
478 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
v t = r. (10.4)
That is, the tangential speed of the particle is its angular velocity times the radius of the circle. From Equation 10.4,
we see that the tangential speed of the particle increases with its distance from the axis of rotation for a constant angular
velocity. This effect is shown in Figure 10.4. Two particles are placed at different radii on a rotating disk with a constant
angular velocity. As the disk rotates, the tangential speed increases linearly with the radius from the axis of rotation. In
Figure 10.4, we see that v 1 = r 1 1 and v 2 = r 2 2 . But the disk has a constant angular velocity, so 1 = 2 . This
v v r
means r 1 = r 2 or v 2 = r 2 v 1 . Thus, since r 2 > r 1 , v 2 > v 1 .
1 2 1
Up until now, we have discussed the magnitude of the angular velocity = d/dt, which is a scalar quantitythe change
in angular position with respect to time. The vector is the vector associated with the angular velocity and points along
the axis of rotation. This is useful because when a rigid body is rotating, we want to know both the axis of rotation and the
direction that the body is rotating about the axis, clockwise or counterclockwise. The angular velocity gives us this
information. The angular velocity has a direction determined by what is called the right-hand rule. The right-hand rule
is such that if the fingers of your right hand wrap counterclockwise from the x-axis (the direction in which increases)
toward the y-axis, your thumb points in the direction of the positive z-axis (Figure 10.5). An angular velocity
points along the positive z-axis therefore corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation, whereas an angular velocity
points along the negative z-axis corresponds to a clockwise rotation.
We can verify the right-hand-rule using the vector expression for the arc length
s =
r , Equation 10.2. If we
differentiate this equation with respect to time, we find
ds = d(
r ) = d
r + d r = d
r .
dt dt dt dt dt
Since v = d s is the tangential velocity and
r is constant, the term d r = 0 . Since = d is the
dt dt dt
angular velocity, we have
v =
r . (10.5)
That is, the tangential velocity is the cross product of the angular velocity and the position vector, as shown in Figure 10.6.
From part (a) of this figure, we see that with the angular velocity in the positive z-direction, the rotation in the xy-plane is
counterclockwise. In part (b), the angular velocity is in the negative z-direction, giving a clockwise rotation in the xy-plane.
480 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
Figure 10.6 The vectors shown are the angular velocity, position, and tangential velocity.
(a) The angular velocity points in the positive z-direction, giving a counterclockwise rotation
in the xy-plane. (b) The angular velocity points in the negative z-direction, giving a
clockwise rotation.
Example 10.1
Rotation of a Flywheel
A flywheel rotates such that it sweeps out an angle at the rate of = t = (45.0 rad/s)t radians. The wheel
rotates counterclockwise when viewed in the plane of the page. (a) What is the angular velocity of the flywheel?
(b) What direction is the angular velocity? (c) How many radians does the flywheel rotate through in 30 s? (d)
What is the tangential speed of a point on the flywheel 10 cm from the axis of rotation?
The functional form of the angular position of the flywheel is given in the problem as (t) = t , so by taking the
derivative with respect to time, we can find the angular velocity. We use the right-hand rule to find the angular
velocity. To find the angular displacement of the flywheel during 30 s, we seek the angular displacement ,
where the change in angular position is between 0 and 30 s. To find the tangential speed of a point at a distance
from the axis of rotation, we multiply its distance times the angular velocity of the flywheel.
a. = d = 45 rad/s . We see that the angular velocity is a constant.
b. By the right-hand rule, we curl the fingers in the direction of rotation, which is counterclockwise in the
plane of the page, and the thumb points in the direction of the angular velocity, which is out of the page.
c. = (30 s) (0 s) = 45.0(30.0 s) 45.0(0 s) = 1350.0 rad .
d. v t = r = (0.1 m)(45.0 rad/s) = 4.5 m/s .
In 30 s, the flywheel has rotated through quite a number of revolutions, about 215 if we divide the angular
displacement by 2 . A massive flywheel can be used to store energy in this way, if the losses due to friction are
minimal. Recent research has considered superconducting bearings on which the flywheel rests, with zero energy
loss due to friction.
Angular Acceleration
We have just discussed angular velocity for uniform circular motion, but not all motion is uniform. Envision an ice skater
spinning with his arms outstretchedwhen he pulls his arms inward, his angular velocity increases. Or think about a
computers hard disk slowing to a halt as the angular velocity decreases. We will explore these situations later, but we can
already see a need to define an angular acceleration for describing situations where changes. The faster the change in
, the greater the angular acceleration. We define the instantaneous angular acceleration as the derivative of angular
2 (10.6)
= lim = d = d 2 ,
t 0 t dt dt
= as t 0 .
where we have taken the limit of the average angular acceleration,
In the same way as we defined the vector associated with angular velocity
, we can define
, the vector associated
with angular acceleration (Figure 10.7). If the angular velocity is along the positive z-axis, as in Figure 10.5, and d
is positive, then the angular acceleration is positive and points along the +z- axis. Similarly, if the angular velocity
is along the positive z-axis and d is negative, then the angular acceleration is negative and points along the +z -
We can express the tangential acceleration vector as a cross product of the angular acceleration and the position vector. This
expression can be found by taking the time derivative of v = r and is left as an exercise:
a =
r . (10.7)
The vector relationships for the angular acceleration and tangential acceleration are shown in Figure 10.8.
482 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
Figure 10.8 (a) The angular acceleration is the positive z-direction and produces a
tangential acceleration in a counterclockwise sense. (b) The angular acceleration is in the
negative z-direction and produces a tangential acceleration in the clockwise sense.
We can relate the tangential acceleration of a point on a rotating body at a distance from the axis of rotation in the same way
that we related the tangential speed to the angular velocity. If we differentiate Equation 10.4 with respect to time, noting
that the radius r is constant, we obtain
a t = r. (10.8)
Thus, the tangential acceleration a t is the radius times the angular acceleration. Equation 10.4 and Equation 10.8 are
important for the discussion of rolling motion (see Angular Momentum).
Lets apply these ideas to the analysis of a few simple fixed-axis rotation scenarios. Before doing so, we present a problem-
solving strategy that can be applied to rotational kinematics: the description of rotational motion.
Example 10.2
= because the final angular
The average angular acceleration can be found directly from its definition
velocity and time are given. We see that = fina initial = 250 rev/min and t is 5.00 s. For part (b),
we know the angular acceleration and the initial angular velocity. We can find the stopping time by using the
definition of average angular acceleration and solving for t , yielding
t =
a. Entering known information into the definition of angular acceleration, we get
= = 250 rpm .
t 5.00 s
Because is in revolutions per minute (rpm) and we want the standard units of rad/s 2 for angular
acceleration, we need to convert from rpm to rad/s:
10.1 Check Your Understanding The fan blades on a turbofan jet engine (shown below) accelerate from
rest up to a rotation rate of 40.0 rev/s in 20 s. The increase in angular velocity of the fan is constant in time. (The
GE90-110B1 turbofan engine mounted on a Boeing 777, as shown, is currently the largest turbofan engine in
the world, capable of thrusts of 330510 kN.)
(a) What is the average angular acceleration?
(b) What is the instantaneous angular acceleration at any time during the first 20 s?
Example 10.3
Wind Turbine
A wind turbine (Figure 10.10) in a wind farm is being shut down for maintenance. It takes 30 s for the
turbine to go from its operating angular velocity to a complete stop in which the angular velocity function is
(t) = [(ts 1 30.0) 2/100.0]rad/s . If the turbine is rotating counterclockwise looking into the page, (a) what
are the directions of the angular velocity and acceleration vectors? (b) What is the average angular acceleration?
(c) What is the instantaneous angular acceleration at t = 0.0, 15.0, 30.0 s ?
a. We are given the rotational sense of the turbine, which is counterclockwise in the plane of the page. Using
the right hand rule (Figure 10.5), we can establish the directions of the angular velocity and acceleration
b. We calculate the initial and final angular velocities to get the average angular acceleration. We establish
the sign of the angular acceleration from the results in (a).
c. We are given the functional form of the angular velocity, so we can find the functional form of the angular
acceleration function by taking its derivative with respect to time.
a. Since the turbine is rotating counterclockwise, angular velocity
points out of the page. But since the
angular velocity is decreasing, the angular acceleration
points into the page, in the opposite sense to
the angular velocity.
b. The initial angular velocity of the turbine, setting t = 0, is = 9.0 rad/s . The final angular velocity is
zero, so the average angular acceleration is
= = 0 = 0 9.0 rad/s = 0.3 rad/s 2.
t t t0 30.0 0 s
c. Taking the derivative of the angular velocity with respect to time gives = d = (t 30.0)/50.0 rad/s 2
We now have a basic vocabulary for discussing fixed-axis rotational kinematics and relationships between rotational
variables. We discuss more definitions and connections in the next section.
486 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
In the preceding section, we defined the rotational variables of angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular
acceleration. In this section, we work with these definitions to derive relationships among these variables and use these
relationships to analyze rotational motion for a rigid body about a fixed axis under a constant angular acceleration. This
analysis forms the basis for rotational kinematics. If the angular acceleration is constant, the equations of rotational
kinematics simplify, similar to the equations of linear kinematics discussed in Motion along a Straight Line and Motion
in Two and Three Dimensions. We can then use this simplified set of equations to describe many applications in physics
and engineering where the angular acceleration of the system is constant. Rotational kinematics is also a prerequisite to the
discussion of rotational dynamics later in this chapter.
= 0 + f .
From the definition of the average angular velocity, we can find an equation that relates the angular position, average
angular velocity, and time:
= .
Solving for , we have
f = 0 + (10.10)
where we have set t 0 = 0 . This equation can be very useful if we know the average angular velocity of the system. Then we
could find the angular displacement over a given time period. Next, we find an equation relating , , and t. To determine
this equation, we start with the definition of angular acceleration:
= d .
We rearrange this to get dt = d and then we integrate both sides of this equation from initial values to final values, that
is, from t 0 to t and 0 to f . In uniform rotational motion, the angular acceleration is constant so it can be pulled out of
the integral, yielding two definite integrals:
t f
dt = d.
t0 0
Setting t 0 = 0 , we have
t = f 0.
f = 0 + t, (10.11)
where 0 is the initial angular velocity. Equation 10.11 is the rotational counterpart to the linear kinematics equation
v f = v 0 + at . With Equation 10.11, we can find the angular velocity of an object at any specified time t given the initial
angular velocity and the angular acceleration.
Lets now do a similar treatment starting with the equation = d . We rearrange it to obtain dt = d and integrate both
sides from initial to final values again, noting that the angular acceleration is constant and does not have a time dependence.
However, this time, the angular velocity is not constant (in general), so we substitute in what we derived above:
( 0 + t)dt = d;
0 dt + tdt = d = 0 t + (t) 2 t = 0 t + t 2 = f 0,
t f t
2 0 2
t0 0
f = 0 + 0 t + 1 t 2. (10.12)
Equation 10.12 is the rotational counterpart to the linear kinematics equation found in Motion Along a Straight Line
for position as a function of time. This equation gives us the angular position of a rotating rigid body at any time t given the
initial conditions (initial angular position and initial angular velocity) and the angular acceleration.
We can find an equation that is independent of time by solving for t in Equation 10.11 and substituting into Equation
10.12. Equation 10.12 becomes
488 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
f 0 1 f 0 2
f = 0 + 0 + 2
0 f 20 1 2f 0 f 1 20
= 0 + +2 +2
2 2
= 0 + 1 f 1 0 ,
2 2
2f 20
f 0 =
2f = 20 + 2(). (10.13)
Equation 10.10 through Equation 10.13 describe fixed-axis rotation for constant acceleration and are summarized in
Table 10.1.
Example 10.4
Identify the knowns and compare with the kinematic equations for constant acceleration. Look for the appropriate
equation that can be solved for the unknown, using the knowns given in the problem description.
a. We are given and t and want to determine . The most straightforward equation to use is
f = 0 + t , since all terms are known besides the unknown variable we are looking for. We are given
that 0 = 0 (it starts from rest), so
f = i + i t + 1 t 2
= 0 + 0 + (0.500)110 rad/s 2(2.00 s) 2 = 220 rad.
In the preceding example, we considered a fishing reel with a positive angular acceleration. Now let us consider what
happens with a negative angular acceleration.
Example 10.5
Calculating the Duration When the Fishing Reel Slows Down and Stops
Now the fisherman applies a brake to the spinning reel, achieving an angular acceleration of 300 rad/s 2 . How
490 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
We solve the equation algebraically for t and then substitute the known values as usual, yielding
f 0 0 220.0 rad/s
t= = = 0.733 s.
300.0 rad/s 2
Note that care must be taken with the signs that indicate the directions of various quantities. Also, note that the
time to stop the reel is fairly small because the acceleration is rather large. Fishing lines sometimes snap because
of the accelerations involved, and fishermen often let the fish swim for a while before applying brakes on the reel.
A tired fish is slower, requiring a smaller acceleration.
10.2 Check Your Understanding A centrifuge used in DNA extraction spins at a maximum rate of 7000
rpm, producing a g-force on the sample that is 6000 times the force of gravity. If the centrifuge takes 10
seconds to come to rest from the maximum spin rate: (a) What is the angular acceleration of the centrifuge? (b)
What is the angular displacement of the centrifuge during this time?
Example 10.6
a. Since the angular velocity varies linearly with time, we know that the angular acceleration is constant and
does not depend on the time variable. The angular acceleration is the slope of the angular velocity vs. time
graph, = d . To calculate the slope, we read directly from Figure 10.12, and see that 0 = 30 rad/s
at t = 0 s and f = 0 rad/s at t = 5 s . Then, we can verify the result using = 0 + t .
b. We use the equation = d ; since the time derivative of the angle is the angular velocity, we can find
the angular displacement by integrating the angular velocity, which from the figure means taking the area
under the angular velocity graph. In other words:
f tf
d = f 0 = (t)dt.
0 t0
Then we use the kinematic equations for constant acceleration to verify the result.
a. Calculating the slope, we get
(0 30.0) rad/s
= tt 0 = = 6.0 rad/s 2.
0 (5.0 0) s
We see that this is exactly Equation 10.11 with a little rearranging of terms.
b. We can find the area under the curve by calculating the area of the right triangle, as shown in Figure
492 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
Figure 10.13 The area under the curve is the area of the right
= areatriangle;
= 1 (30 rad/s)(5 s) = 75 rad.
f = 0 + 0 t + 1 t 2.
Setting 0 = 0 , we have
0 = (30.0 rad/s)(5.0 s) + 1 (6.0 rad/s 2)(5.0 rad/s) 2 = 150.0 75.0 = 75.0 rad.
This verifies the solution found from finding the area under the curve.
We see from part (b) that there are alternative approaches to analyzing fixed-axis rotation with constant
acceleration. We started with a graphical approach and verified the solution using the rotational kinematic
equations. Since = d , we could do the same graphical analysis on an angular acceleration-vs.-time curve.
The area under an -vs.-t curve gives us the change in angular velocity. Since the angular acceleration is constant
in this section, this is a straightforward exercise.
In this section, we relate each of the rotational variables to the translational variables defined in Motion Along a Straight
Line and Motion in Two and Three Dimensions. This will complete our ability to describe rigid-body rotations.
Linear Rotational
Position x
Velocity v = dx = d
dt dt
Acceleration a = dv = d
dt dt
Lets compare the linear and rotational variables individually. The linear variable of position has physical units of meters,
whereas the angular position variable has dimensionless units of radians, as can be seen from the definition of = rs , which
is the ratio of two lengths. The linear velocity has units of m/s, and its counterpart, the angular velocity, has units of rad/s.
In Rotational Variables, we saw in the case of circular motion that the linear tangential speed of a particle at a radius r
from the axis of rotation is related to the angular velocity by the relation v t = r . This could also apply to points on a rigid
body rotating about a fixed axis. Here, we consider only circular motion. In circular motion, both uniform and nonuniform,
there exists a centripetal acceleration (Motion in Two and Three Dimensions). The centripetal acceleration vector
points inward from the particle executing circular motion toward the axis of rotation. The derivation of the magnitude of
the centripetal acceleration is given in Motion in Two and Three Dimensions. From that derivation, the magnitude of
the centripetal acceleration was found to be
v2 (10.14)
a c = rt ,
Figure 10.14 (a) Uniform circular motion: The centripetal acceleration a c has its vector inward toward the axis of
rotation. There is no tangential acceleration. (b) Nonuniform circular motion: An angular acceleration produces an
inward centripetal acceleration that is changing in magnitude, plus a tangential acceleration a t .
The centripetal acceleration is due to the change in the direction of tangential velocity, whereas the tangential acceleration
is due to any change in the magnitude of the tangential velocity. The tangential and centripetal acceleration vectors a t
and a c are always perpendicular to each other, as seen in Figure 10.14. To complete this description, we can assign a
total linear acceleration vector to a point on a rotating rigid body or a particle executing circular motion at a radius r from
a fixed axis. The total linear acceleration vector a is the vector sum of the centripetal and tangential accelerations,
a c+
a = a t. (10.15)
The total linear acceleration vector in the case of nonuniform circular motion points at an angle between the centripetal
and tangential acceleration vectors, as shown in Figure 10.15. Since a c a t , the magnitude of the total linear
acceleration is
| a | = a 2c + a 2t .
Note that if the angular acceleration is zero, the total linear acceleration is equal to the centripetal acceleration.
Rotational Translational
= +
f 0
t x = x + v t
f = 0 + t v f = v 0 + at
f = 0 + 0 t + 1 t 2 x f = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2
2 2
2f = 20 + 2() v 2f = v 20 + 2a(x)
2. The second correspondence has to do with relating linear and rotational variables in the special case of circular
motion. This is shown in Table 10.3, where in the third column, we have listed the connecting equation that relates
the linear variable to the rotational variable. The rotational variables of angular velocity and acceleration have
subscripts that indicate their definition in circular motion.
s = rs
vt v
= rt
at a
= rt
ac v2
a c = rt
Example 10.7
Since the centrifuge has a negative angular acceleration, it is slowing down. The total acceleration vector is as
shown in Figure 10.16. The angle with respect to the centripetal acceleration vector is
From Figure 10.16, we see that the tangential acceleration vector is opposite the direction of rotation. The
magnitude of the tangential acceleration is much smaller than the centripetal acceleration, so the total linear
acceleration vector will make a very small angle with respect to the centripetal acceleration vector.
10.3 Check Your Understanding A boy jumps on a merry-go-round with a radius of 5 m that is at rest. It
starts accelerating at a constant rate up to an angular velocity of 5 rad/s in 20 seconds. What is the distance
travelled by the boy?
So far in this chapter, we have been working with rotational kinematics: the description of motion for a rotating rigid body
498 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
with a fixed axis of rotation. In this section, we define two new quantities that are helpful for analyzing properties of rotating
objects: moment of inertia and rotational kinetic energy. With these properties defined, we will have two important tools we
need for analyzing rotational dynamics.
Figure 10.17 The rotational kinetic energy of the grindstone is converted to heat, light, sound,
and vibration. (credit: Zachary David Bell, US Navy)
Energy in rotational motion is not a new form of energy; rather, it is the energy associated with rotational motion, the
same as kinetic energy in translational motion. However, because kinetic energy is given by K = 1 mv 2 , and velocity is a
quantity that is different for every point on a rotating body about an axis, it makes sense to find a way to write kinetic energy
in terms of the variable , which is the same for all points on a rigid rotating body. For a single particle rotating around
a fixed axis, this is straightforward to calculate. We can relate the angular velocity to the magnitude of the translational
velocity using the relation v t = r , where r is the distance of the particle from the axis of rotation and v t is its tangential
speed. Substituting into the equation for kinetic energy, we find
K = 1 mv 2t = 1 m(r) 2 = 1 (mr 2) 2.
2 2 2
In the case of a rigid rotating body, we can divide up any body into a large number of smaller masses, each with a mass m j
and distance to the axis of rotation r j , such that the total mass of the body is equal to the sum of the individual masses:
M = m j . Each smaller mass has tangential speed v j , where we have dropped the subscript t for the moment. The total
kinetic energy of the rigid rotating body is
K = 1 m j v 2j = 1 m j (r j j) 2
2 j
K = 1 m j r 2j 2.
2 j
The units of Equation 10.16 are joules (J). The equation in this form is complete, but awkward; we need to find a way to
generalize it.
Moment of Inertia
If we compare Equation 10.16 to the way we wrote kinetic energy in Work and Kinetic Energy, 1 mv 2 , this suggests
we have a new rotational variable to add to our list of our relations between rotational and translational variables. The
quantity m j r 2j is the counterpart for mass in the equation for rotational kinetic energy. This is an important new term
for rotational motion. This quantity is called the moment of inertia I, with units of kg m 2 :
I = m j r 2j . (10.17)
For now, we leave the expression in summation form, representing the moment of inertia of a system of point particles
rotating about a fixed axis. We note that the moment of inertia of a single point particle about a fixed axis is simply mr 2 ,
with r being the distance from the point particle to the axis of rotation. In the next section, we explore the integral form of
this equation, which can be used to calculate the moment of inertia of some regular-shaped rigid bodies.
The moment of inertia is the quantitative measure of rotational inertia, just as in translational motion, and mass is the
quantitative measure of linear inertiathat is, the more massive an object is, the more inertia it has, and the greater is its
resistance to change in linear velocity. Similarly, the greater the moment of inertia of a rigid body or system of particles, the
greater is its resistance to change in angular velocity about a fixed axis of rotation. It is interesting to see how the moment of
inertia varies with r, the distance to the axis of rotation of the mass particles in Equation 10.17. Rigid bodies and systems
of particles with more mass concentrated at a greater distance from the axis of rotation have greater moments of inertia
than bodies and systems of the same mass, but concentrated near the axis of rotation. In this way, we can see that a hollow
cylinder has more rotational inertia than a solid cylinder of the same mass when rotating about an axis through the center.
Substituting Equation 10.17 into Equation 10.16, the expression for the kinetic energy of a rotating rigid body becomes
K = 1 I 2. (10.18)
We see from this equation that the kinetic energy of a rotating rigid body is directly proportional to the moment of inertia and
the square of the angular velocity. This is exploited in flywheel energy-storage devices, which are designed to store large
amounts of rotational kinetic energy. Many carmakers are now testing flywheel energy storage devices in their automobiles,
such as the flywheel, or kinetic energy recovery system, shown in Figure 10.18.
500 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
Figure 10.18 A KERS (kinetic energy recovery system) flywheel used in cars. (credit:
The rotational and translational quantities for kinetic energy and inertia are summarized in Table 10.4. The relationship
column is not included because a constant doesnt exist by which we could multiply the rotational quantity to get the
translational quantity, as can be done for the variables in Table 10.3.
Rotational Translational
I = m j r 2j m
K = 1 I 2 K = 1 mv 2
2 2
Example 10.8
a. We use the definition for moment of inertia for a system of particles and perform the summation to
evaluate this quantity. The masses are all the same so we can pull that quantity in front of the summation
b. We do a similar calculation.
c. We insert the result from (a) into the expression for rotational kinetic energy.
a. I = m j r 2j = (0.02 kg)(2 (0.25 m) 2 + 2 (0.15 m) 2 + 2 (0.05 m) 2) = 0.0035 kg m 2 .
In the next section, we generalize the summation equation for point particles and develop a method to calculate moments of
inertia for rigid bodies. For now, though, Figure 10.20 gives values of rotational inertia for common object shapes around
specified axes.
502 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
5. If nonconservative forces are present, mechanical energy is not conserved, and other forms of energy, such as
heat and light, may enter or leave the system. Determine what they are and calculate them as necessary.
6. Eliminate terms wherever possible to simplify the algebra.
7. Evaluate the numerical solution to see if it makes sense in the physical situation presented in the wording of
the problem.
Example 10.9
Figure 10.21 (a) Sketch of a four-blade helicopter. (b) A water rescue operation featuring a helicopter
from the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. (credit b: 111 Emergency/Flickr)
Rotational and translational kinetic energies can be calculated from their definitions. The wording of the problem
gives all the necessary constants to evaluate the expressions for the rotational and translational kinetic energies.
a. The rotational kinetic energy is
K = 1 I 2.
We must convert the angular velocity to radians per second and calculate the moment of inertia before we
can find K. The angular velocity is
The moment of inertia of one blade is that of a thin rod rotated about its end, listed in Figure 10.20. The
total I is four times this moment of inertia because there are four blades. Thus,
2 (50.0 kg)(4.00 m) 2
I = 4 Ml = 4 = 1067.0 kg m 2.
3 3
Entering and I into the expression for rotational kinetic energy gives
To compare kinetic energies, we take the ratio of translational kinetic energy to rotational kinetic energy.
504 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
This ratio is
2.00 10 5 J = 0.380.
5.26 10 5 J
The ratio of translational energy to rotational kinetic energy is only 0.380. This ratio tells us that most of the
kinetic energy of the helicopter is in its spinning blades.
Example 10.10
Energy in a Boomerang
A person hurls a boomerang into the air with a velocity of 30.0 m/s at an angle of 40.0 with respect to the
horizontal (Figure 10.22). It has a mass of 1.0 kg and is rotating at 10.0 rev/s. The moment of inertia of the
boomerang is given as I = 1 mL 2 where L = 0.7 m . (a) What is the total energy of the boomerang when it
leaves the hand? (b) How high does the boomerang go from the elevation of the hand, neglecting air resistance?
We use the definitions of rotational and linear kinetic energy to find the total energy of the system. The problem
states to neglect air resistance, so we dont have to worry about energy loss. In part (b), we use conservation of
mechanical energy to find the maximum height of the boomerang.
a. Moment of inertia: I = 1 mL 2 = 1 (1.0 kg)(0.7m) 2 = 0.041 kg m 2 .
12 12
Angular velocity: = (10.0 rev/s)(2) = 62.83 rad/s .
The rotational kinetic energy is therefore
E Before = 1 mv 2x + 1 mv 2y + 1 I 2.
2 2 2
E Final = 1 mv 2x + 1 I 2 + mgh.
2 2
By conservation of mechanical energy, E Before = E Final so we have, after canceling like terms,
1 mv 2 = mgh.
2 y
(19.28 m/s) 2
h= = 18.97 m.
2(9.8 m/s 2)
In part (b), the solution demonstrates how energy conservation is an alternative method to solve a problem that
normally would be solved using kinematics. In the absence of air resistance, the rotational kinetic energy was not
a factor in the solution for the maximum height.
10.4 Check Your Understanding A nuclear submarine propeller has a moment of inertia of 800.0 kg m 2 .
If the submerged propeller has a rotation rate of 4.0 rev/s when the engine is cut, what is the rotation rate of the
propeller after 5.0 s when water resistance has taken 50,000 J out of the system?
In the preceding section, we defined the moment of inertia but did not show how to calculate it. In this section, we show
how to calculate the moment of inertia for several standard types of objects, as well as how to use known moments of inertia
to find the moment of inertia for a shifted axis or for a compound object. This section is very useful for seeing how to apply
a general equation to complex objects (a skill that is critical for more advanced physics and engineering courses).
Moment of Inertia
We defined the moment of inertia I of an object to be I = m i r i2 for all the point masses that make up the object.
Because r is the distance to the axis of rotation from each piece of mass that makes up the object, the moment of inertia
506 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
for any object depends on the chosen axis. To see this, lets take a simple example of two masses at the end of a massless
(negligibly small mass) rod (Figure 10.23) and calculate the moment of inertia about two different axes. In this case, the
summation over the masses is simple because the two masses at the end of the barbell can be approximated as point masses,
and the sum therefore has only two terms.
In the case with the axis in the center of the barbell, each of the two masses m is a distance R away from the axis, giving a
moment of inertia of
I 1 = mR 2 + mR 2 = 2mR 2.
In the case with the axis at the end of the barbellpassing through one of the massesthe moment of inertia is
I 2 = m(0) 2 + m(2R) 2 = 4mR 2.
From this result, we can conclude that it is twice as hard to rotate the barbell about the end than about its center.
Figure 10.23 (a) A barbell with an axis of rotation through its center; (b) a barbell with an axis of rotation through
one end.
In this example, we had two point masses and the sum was simple to calculate. However, to deal with objects that are not
point-like, we need to think carefully about each of the terms in the equation. The equation asks us to sum over each piece
of mass a certain distance from the axis of rotation. But what exactly does each piece of mass mean? Recall that in our
derivation of this equation, each piece of mass had the same magnitude of velocity, which means the whole piece had to
have a single distance r to the axis of rotation. However, this is not possible unless we take an infinitesimally small piece of
mass dm, as shown in Figure 10.24.
The need to use an infinitesimally small piece of mass dm suggests that we can write the moment of inertia by evaluating
an integral over infinitesimal masses rather than doing a discrete sum over finite masses:
This, in fact, is the form we need to generalize the equation for complex shapes. It is best to work out specific examples in
detail to get a feel for how to calculate the moment of inertia for specific shapes. This is the focus of most of the rest of this
A uniform thin rod with an axis through the center
Consider a uniform (density and shape) thin rod of mass M and length L as shown in Figure 10.25. We want a thin rod
so that we can assume the cross-sectional area of the rod is small and the rod can be thought of as a string of masses along
a one-dimensional straight line. In this example, the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the rod and passes through the
midpoint for simplicity. Our task is to calculate the moment of inertia about this axis. We orient the axes so that the z-axis
is the axis of rotation and the x-axis passes through the length of the rod, as shown in the figure. This is a convenient choice
because we can then integrate along the x-axis.
We define dm to be a small element of mass making up the rod. The moment of inertia integral is an integral over the mass
distribution. However, we know how to integrate over space, not over mass. We therefore need to find a way to relate mass
to spatial variables. We do this using the linear mass density of the object, which is the mass per unit length. Since the
mass density of this object is uniform, we can write
= m or m = l.
If we take the differential of each side of this equation, we find
dm = d(l) = (dl)
since is constant. We chose to orient the rod along the x-axis for conveniencethis is where that choice becomes very
helpful. Note that a piece of the rod dl lies completely along the x-axis and has a length dx; in fact, dl = dx in this situation.
We can therefore write dm = (dx) , giving us an integration variable that we know how to deal with. The distance of each
piece of mass dm from the axis is given by the variable x, as shown in the figure. Putting this all together, we obtain
I = r 2 dm = x 2 dm = x 2 dx.
The last step is to be careful about our limits of integration. The rod extends from x = L/2 to x = L/2 , since the axis is
in the middle of the rod at x = 0 . This gives us
L/2 3
3 3
I = x dx = x
= 1 L L
3 3 2 2
L/2 L/2
1 L 3 3
= (2) = M 1 L (2) = 1 ML 2.
3 8 L 3 8 12
Next, we calculate the moment of inertia for the same uniform thin rod but with a different axis choice so we can compare
the results. We would expect the moment of inertia to be smaller about an axis through the center of mass than the endpoint
axis, just as it was for the barbell example at the start of this section. This happens because more mass is distributed farther
from the axis of rotation.
508 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
I = r 2 dm = x 2 dm = x 2 dx.
However, this time we have different limits of integration. The rod extends from x = 0 to x = L , since the axis is at the
end of the rod at x = 0 . Therefore we find
I = x dx = x
= 1 [(L) 3 (0) 3]
3 3
0 0
= 1 L 3 = M 1 L 3 = 1 ML 2.
3 L 3 3
Note the rotational inertia of the rod about its endpoint is larger than the rotational inertia about its center (consistent with
the barbell example) by a factor of four.
Parallel-Axis Theorem
Let m be the mass of an object and let d be the distance from an axis through the objects center of mass to a new axis.
Then we have
I parallel-axis = I center of mass + md 2. (10.20)
I end = I center of mass + md 2 = 1 mL 2 + mL = 1 + 1 mL 2 = 1 mL 2.
12 2 12 4 3
This result agrees with our more lengthy calculation from above. This is a useful equation that we apply in some of the
examples and problems.
10.5 Check Your Understanding What is the moment of inertia of a cylinder of radius R and mass m about
an axis through a point on the surface, as shown below?
Figure 10.27 Calculating the moment of inertia for a thin disk about an axis through
its center.
Since the disk is thin, we can take the mass as distributed entirely in the xy-plane. We again start with the relationship for the
surface mass density, which is the mass per unit surface area. Since it is uniform, the surface mass density is constant:
=m or A = m, so dm = (dA).
Now we use a simplification for the area. The area can be thought of as made up of a series of thin rings, where each ring is
a mass increment dm of radius r equidistanct from the axis, as shown in part (b) of the figure. The infinitesimal area of each
ring dA is therefore given by the length of each ring ( 2r ) times the infinitesimmal width of each ring dr:
A = r 2, dA = d(r 2) = dr 2 = 2rdr.
The full area of the disk is then made up from adding all the thin rings with a radius range from 0 to R. This radius range
then becomes our limits of integration for dr, that is, we integrate from r = 0 to r = R . Putting this all together, we have
I = r 2 (2r)dr = 2 r 3dr = 2 r
R 4 4
= 2 R 0
4 4
0 0
4 4
= 2 m R = 2 m 2 R = 1 mR 2.
A 4 R 4 2
Note that this agrees with the value given in Figure 10.20.
510 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
I total = I i. (10.21)
It is important to note that the moments of inertia of the objects in Equation 10.21 are about a common axis. In the case
of this object, that would be a rod of length L rotating about its end, and a thin disk of radius R rotating about an axis shifted
off of the center by a distance L + R , where R is the radius of the disk. Lets define the mass of the rod to be m r and the
mass of the disk to be m d.
The moment of inertia of the rod is simply 1 m r L 2 , but we have to use the parallel-axis theorem to find the moment of
inertia of the disk about the axis shown. The moment of inertia of the disk about its center is 1 m d R 2 and we apply the
parallel-axis theorem I parallel-axis = I center of mass + md 2 to find
I parallel-axis = 1 m d R 2 + m d (L + R) 2.
Adding the moment of inertia of the rod plus the moment of inertia of the disk with a shifted axis of rotation, we find the
moment of inertia for the compound object to be
I total = 1 m r L 2 + 1 m d R 2 + m d (L + R) 2.
3 2
Applying moment of inertia calculations to solve problems
Now lets examine some practical applications of moment of inertia calculations.
Example 10.11
Person on a Merry-Go-Round
A 25-kg child stands at a distance r = 1.0 m from the axis of a rotating merry-go-round (Figure 10.29). The
merry-go-round can be approximated as a uniform solid disk with a mass of 500 kg and a radius of 2.0 m. Find
the moment of inertia of this system.
This problem involves the calculation of a moment of inertia. We are given the mass and distance to the axis of
rotation of the child as well as the mass and radius of the merry-go-round. Since the mass and size of the child
are much smaller than the merry-go-round, we can approximate the child as a point mass. The notation we use is
m c = 25 kg, r c = 1.0 m, m m = 500 kg, r m = 2.0 m .
Example 10.12
Since we have a compound object in both cases, we can use the parallel-axis theorem to find the moment of inertia
512 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
about each axis. In (a), the center of mass of the sphere is located at a distance L + R from the axis of rotation.
In (b), the center of mass of the sphere is located a distance R from the axis of rotation. In both cases, the moment
of inertia of the rod is about an axis at one end. Refer to Table 10.4 for the moments of inertia for the individual
Using the parallel-axis theorem eases the computation of the moment of inertia of compound objects. We see that
the moment of inertia is greater in (a) than (b). This is because the axis of rotation is closer to the center of mass
of the system in (b). The simple analogy is that of a rod. The moment of inertia about one end is 1 mL 2 , but the
moment of inertia through the center of mass along its length is 1 mL 2 .
Example 10.13
Use conservation of energy to solve the problem. At the point of release, the pendulum has gravitational potential
energy, which is determined from the height of the center of mass above its lowest point in the swing. At the
bottom of the swing, all of the gravitational potential energy is converted into rotational kinetic energy.
The change in potential energy is equal to the change in rotational kinetic energy, U + K = 0 .
At the top of the swing: U = mgh cm = mg L (cos ) . At the bottom of the swing, U = mg L .
2 2
At the top of the swing, the rotational kinetic energy is K = 0 . At the bottom of the swing, K = 1 I 2 .
U + K = 0 (mg L (1 cos ) 0) + (0 1 I 2) = 0
2 2
1 I 2 = mg L (1 cos ).
2 2
Solving for , we have
10.6 | Torque
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Describe how the magnitude of a torque depends on the magnitude of the lever arm and the
angle the force vector makes with the lever arm
Determine the sign (positive or negative) of a torque using the right-hand rule
Calculate individual torques about a common axis and sum them to find the net torque
An important quantity for describing the dynamics of a rotating rigid body is torque. We see the application of torque in
many ways in our world. We all have an intuition about torque, as when we use a large wrench to unscrew a stubborn
bolt. Torque is at work in unseen ways, as when we press on the accelerator in a car, causing the engine to put additional
torque on the drive train. Or every time we move our bodies from a standing position, we apply a torque to our limbs. In
this section, we define torque and make an argument for the equation for calculating torque for a rigid body with fixed-axis
Defining Torque
So far we have defined many variables that are rotational equivalents to their translational counterparts. Lets consider what
the counterpart to force must be. Since forces change the translational motion of objects, the rotational counterpart must be
related to changing the rotational motion of an object about an axis. We call this rotational counterpart torque.
514 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
In everyday life, we rotate objects about an axis all the time, so intuitively we already know much about torque. Consider,
for example, how we rotate a door to open it. First, we know that a door opens slowly if we push too close to its hinges; it
is more efficient to rotate a door open if we push far from the hinges. Second, we know that we should push perpendicular
to the plane of the door; if we push parallel to the plane of the door, we are not able to rotate it. Third, the larger the force,
the more effective it is in opening the door; the harder you push, the more rapidly the door opens. The first point implies
that the farther the force is applied from the axis of rotation, the greater the angular acceleration; the second implies that the
effectiveness depends on the angle at which the force is applied; the third implies that the magnitude of the force must also
be part of the equation. Note that for rotation in a plane, torque has two possible directions. Torque is either clockwise or
counterclockwise relative to the chosen pivot point. Figure 10.31 shows counterclockwise rotations.
Figure 10.31 Torque is the turning or twisting effectiveness of a force, illustrated here for door rotation on its hinges (as
viewed from overhead). Torque has both magnitude and direction. (a) A counterclockwise torque is produced by a force
F acting at a distance r from the hinges (the pivot point). (b) A smaller counterclockwise torque is produced when a
smaller force F acts at the same distance r from the hinges. (c) The same force as in (a) produces a smaller
counterclockwise torque when applied at a smaller distance from the hinges. (d) A smaller counterclockwise torque is
produced by the same magnitude force as (a) acting at the same distance as (a) but at an angle that is less than 90 .
Now lets consider how to define torques in the general three-dimensional case.
When a force F is applied to a point P whose position is
r relative to O (Figure 10.32), the torque
O is
r F . (10.22)
Figure 10.32 The torque is perpendicular to the plane defined by r and F and its
direction is determined by the right-hand rule.
is perpendicular to the plane containing
From the definition of the cross product, the torque r and F and has
| | = | r |
F = rFsin ,
where is the angle between the vectors
r and F . The SI unit of torque is newtons times meters, usually written as
N m . The quantity r = rsin is the perpendicular distance from O to the line determined by the vector F and is
called the lever arm. Note that the greater the lever arm, the greater the magnitude of the torque. In terms of the lever arm,
the magnitude of the torque is
| | = r F. (10.23)
The cross product
r F also tells us the sign of the torque. In Figure 10.32, the cross product
r F is along
the positive z-axis, which by convention is a positive torque. If
r F is along the negative z-axis, this produces a
negative torque.
If we consider a disk that is free to rotate about an axis through the center, as shown in Figure 10.33, we can see how the
angle between the radius r and the force F affects the magnitude of the torque. If the angle is zero, the torque is zero;
if the angle is 90 , the torque is maximum. The torque in Figure 10.33 is positive because the direction of the torque by
the right-hand rule is out of the page along the positive z-axis. The disk rotates counterclockwise due to the torque, in the
same direction as a positive angular acceleration.
516 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
Figure 10.33 A disk is free to rotate about its axis through the center. The magnitude
of the torque on the disk is rFsin .When = 0 , the torque is zero and the disk does
not rotate. When = 90 , the torque is maximum and the disk rotates with maximum
angular acceleration.
Any number of torques can be calculated about a given axis. The individual torques add to produce a net torque about the
axis. When the appropriate sign (positive or negative) is assigned to the magnitudes of individual torques about a specified
axis, the net torque about the axis is the sum of the individual torques:
net =
| | (10.24)
Example 10.14
Calculating Torque
Four forces are shown in Figure 10.34 at particular locations and orientations with respect to a given
xy-coordinate system. Find the torque due to each force about the origin, then use your results to find the net
This problem requires calculating torque. All known quantitiesforces with directions and lever armsare given
in the figure. The goal is to find each individual torque and the net torque by summing the individual torques. Be
careful to assign the correct sign to each torque by using the cross product of
r and the force vector F .
| | =
= r F = rFsin to find the magnitude and
Use r F to determine the sign of the torque.
The torque from force 40 N in the first quadrant is given by (4)(40)sin 90 = 160 N m .
The cross product of
r and F is out of the page, positive.
The torque from force 20 N in the third quadrant is given by (3)(20)sin 90 = 60 N m .
The cross product of
r and F is into the page, so it is negative.
The torque from force 30 N in the third quadrant is given by (5)(30)sin 53 = 120 N m .
The cross product of
r and F is out of the page, positive.
The torque from force 20 N in the second quadrant is given by (1)(20)sin 30 = 10 N m .
The cross product of
r and F is out of the page.
Note that each force that acts in the counterclockwise direction has a positive torque, whereas each force that acts
in the clockwise direction has a negative torque. The torque is greater when the distance, force, or perpendicular
components are greater.
518 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
Example 10.15
| |
F 1 = 20 N,
| |
F 2 = 30 N ,
| |
F 3 = 30 N , and r = 0.5 m . Find the net torque on the flywheel about an
axis through the center.
We calculate each torque individually, using the cross product, and determine the sign of the torque. Then we sum
the torques to find the net torque.
We start with F 1 . If we look at Figure 10.35, we see that F 1 makes an angle of 90 + 60 with the
radius vector
r . Taking the cross product, we see that it is out of the page and so is positive. We also see this
from calculating its magnitude:
net = | i| = 5 15 = 10 N m.
The axis of rotation is at the center of mass of the flywheel. Since the flywheel is on a fixed axis, it is not free to
translate. If it were on a frictionless surface and not fixed in place, F 3 would cause the flywheel to translate,
as well as F 1 . Its motion would be a combination of translation and rotation.
10.6 Check Your Understanding A large ocean-going ship runs aground near the coastline, similar to the
fate of the Costa Concordia, and lies at an angle as shown below. Salvage crews must apply a torque to right the
ship in order to float the vessel for transport. A force of 5.0 10 5 N acting at point A must be applied to right
the ship. What is the torque about the point of contact of the ship with the ground (Figure 10.36)?
In this section, we put together all the pieces learned so far in this chapter to analyze the dynamics of rotating rigid bodies.
We have analyzed motion with kinematics and rotational kinetic energy but have not yet connected these ideas with force
and/or torque. In this section, we introduce the rotational equivalent to Newtons second law of motion and apply it to rigid
bodies with fixed-axis rotation.
a single particle rotating around an axis and executing circular motion. Lets exert a force F on a point mass m that is at
a distance r from a pivot point (Figure 10.37). The particle is constrained to move in a circular path with fixed radius and
the force is tangent to the circle. We apply Newtons second law to determine the magnitude of the acceleration a = F/m
in the direction of F . Recall that the magnitude of the tangential acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the
angular acceleration by a = r . Substituting this expression into Newtons second law, we obtain
F = mr.
i = I. (10.25)
The term I is a scalar quantity and can be positive or negative (counterclockwise or clockwise) depending upon the sign
of the net torque. Remember the convention that counterclockwise angular acceleration is positive. Thus, if a rigid body is
rotating clockwise and experiences a positive torque (counterclockwise), the angular acceleration is positive.
Equation 10.25 is Newtons second law for rotation and tells us how to relate torque, moment of inertia, and rotational
kinematics. This is called the equation for rotational dynamics. With this equation, we can solve a whole class of problems
involving force and rotation. It makes sense that the relationship for how much force it takes to rotate a body would include
the moment of inertia, since that is the quantity that tells us how easy or hard it is to change the rotational motion of an
We now form the cross product of Newtons second law with the position vector
r ,
r F )=
r (m
a )=m
a = mr 2
Identifying the first term on the left as the sum of the torques, and mr 2 as the moment of inertia, we arrive at Newtons
second law of rotation in vector form:
. (10.26)
This equation is exactly Equation 10.25 but with the torque and angular acceleration as vectors. An important point is
that the torque vector is in the same direction as the angular acceleration.
5. Apply i = I , the rotational equivalent of Newtons second law, to solve the problem. Care must be taken
to use the correct moment of inertia and to consider the torque about the point of rotation.
6. As always, check the solution to see if it is reasonable.
Example 10.16
The net torque is given directly by the expression i = I , To solve for , we must first calculate the net
torque (which is the same in both cases) and moment of inertia I (which is greater in the second case).
a. The moment of inertia of a solid disk about this axis is given in Figure 10.20 to be
1 MR 2.
To find the net torque, we note that the applied force is perpendicular to the radius and friction is
negligible, so that
= rFsin = (1.50 m)(250.0 N) = 375.0 N-m.
Now, after we substitute the known values, we find the angular acceleration to be
The total moment of inertia is the sum of the moments of inertia of the merry-go-round and the child
(about the same axis):
I = 28.13 kg-m 2 + 56.25 kg-m 2 = 84.38 kg-m 2.
The angular acceleration is less when the child is on the merry-go-round than when the merry-go-round is empty,
as expected. The angular accelerations found are quite large, partly due to the fact that friction was considered
to be negligible. If, for example, the father kept pushing perpendicularly for 2.00 s, he would give the merry-go-
round an angular velocity of 13.3 rad/s when it is empty but only 8.89 rad/s when the child is on it. In terms of
revolutions per second, these angular velocities are 2.12 rev/s and 1.41 rev/s, respectively. The father would end
up running at about 50 km/h in the first case.
10.7 Check Your Understanding The fan blades on a jet engine have a moment of inertia 30.0 kg-m 2 . In
10 s, they rotate counterclockwise from rest up to a rotation rate of 20 rev/s. (a) What torque must be applied to
the blades to achieve this angular acceleration? (b) What is the torque required to bring the fan blades rotating
at 20 rev/s to a rest in 20 s?
Thus far in the chapter, we have extensively addressed kinematics and dynamics for rotating rigid bodies around a fixed
axis. In this final section, we define work and power within the context of rotation about a fixed axis, which has applications
to both physics and engineering. The discussion of work and power makes our treatment of rotational motion almost
complete, with the exception of rolling motion and angular momentum, which are discussed in Angular Momentum. We
begin this section with a treatment of the work-energy theorem for rotation.
Note that d
r is zero because
r is fixed on the rigid body from the origin O to point P. Using the definition of work,
we obtain
W = F d
s = F (d
r ) = d (
r F )
where we used the identity
a ( b
c ) = b (
a ) . Noting that (
r F )=
, we arrive at
the expression for the rotational work done on a rigid body:
W =
d . (10.27)
The total work done on a rigid body is the sum of the torques integrated over the angle through which the body rotates. The
incremental work is
dW = i d
where we have taken the dot product in Equation 10.27, leaving only torques along the axis of rotation. In a rigid body,
all particles rotate through the same angle; thus the work of every external force is equal to the torque times the common
incremental angle d . The quantity i is the net torque on the body due to external forces.
Similarly, we found the kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating around a fixed axis by summing the kinetic energy of each
particle that makes up the rigid body. Since the work-energy theorem W i = K i is valid for each particle, it is valid for the
K = 1 I 2
and the rotational work done by a net force rotating a body from point A to point B is
B (10.30)
W AB =
i d.
We give a strategy for using this equation when analyzing rotational motion.
Lets look at two examples and use the work-energy theorem to analyze rotational motion.
Example 10.17
W AB = ( B A) = 1 I 2B 1 I 2A.
2 2
B = 6.3 rad/s.
Example 10.18
Looking at the free-body diagram, we see that neither B , the force on the bearings of the pulley, nor M
g ,
the weight of the pulley, exerts a torque around the rotational axis, and therefore does no work on the pulley. As
the pulley rotates through an angle , F acts through a distance d such that d = R.
Since the torque due to F has magnitude = RF , we have
W = = (FR) = Fd.
If the force on the string acts through a distance of 1.0 m, we have, from the work-energy theorem,
W AB = K B K A
Fd = 1 I 2 0
(50.0 N)(1.0 m) = (2.5 10 3 kg-m 2) 2.
Solving for , we obtain
= 200.0 rad/s.
P = dW .
If we have a constant net torque, Equation 10.25 becomes W = and the power is
P = dW = d () = d
dt dt dt
P = . (10.31)
Example 10.19
10.8 Check Your Understanding A constant torque of 500 kN m is applied to a wind turbine to keep it
rotating at 6 rad/s. What is the power required to keep the turbine rotating?
centripetal acceleration, which stands by itself. Table 10.6 summarizes the rotational and translational kinematic equations.
Table 10.7 summarizes the rotational dynamics equations with their linear analogs.
vt v
= rt
at a
= rt
ac v2
a c = rt
Rotational Translational
= +
0 x = x + v t
f = 0 + t v f = v 0 + at
f = 0 + 0 t + 1 t 2 x f = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at 2
2 2
2f = 2 0 + 2() v 2f = v 2 0 + 2a(x)
Rotational Translational
I = m i r i2 m
K = 1 I 2 K = 1 mv 2
2 2
i = I F i=m
i i
W = F d
W AB =
i d
P = P= F
angular acceleration time rate of change of angular velocity
angular position angle a body has rotated through in a fixed coordinate system
angular velocity time rate of change of angular position
instantaneous angular acceleration derivative of angular velocity with respect to time
instantaneous angular velocity derivative of angular position with respect to time
kinematics of rotational motion describes the relationships among rotation angle, angular velocity, angular
acceleration, and time
lever arm perpendicular distance from the line that the force vector lies on to a given axis
linear mass density the mass per unit length of a one dimensional object
moment of inertia rotational mass of rigid bodies that relates to how easy or hard it will be to change the angular
velocity of the rotating rigid body
Newtons second law for rotation sum of the torques on a rotating system equals its moment of inertia times its
angular acceleration
parallel axis axis of rotation that is parallel to an axis about which the moment of inertia of an object is known
parallel-axis theorem if the moment of inertia is known for a given axis, it can be found for any axis parallel to it
rotational dynamics analysis of rotational motion using the net torque and moment of inertia to find the angular
rotational kinetic energy kinetic energy due to the rotation of an object; this is part of its total kinetic energy
rotational work work done on a rigid body due to the sum of the torques integrated over the angle through with the body
surface mass density mass per unit area of a two dimensional object
Angular position = rs
Tangential speed v t = r
Angular acceleration 2
= lim = d = d 2
t 0 t dt dt
Tangential acceleration a t = r
Total acceleration
a =
a c+
a t
Moment of inertia I = m j r 2j
Torque vector =
r F
Magnitude of torque
| | = r F
Work-energy theorem W AB = K B K A
Rotational power P =
10.1 Rotational Variables
The angular position of a rotating body is the angle the body has rotated through in a fixed coordinate system,
which serves as a frame of reference.
The angular velocity of a rotating body about a fixed axis is defined as (rad/s) , the rotational rate of the body in
radians per second. The instantaneous angular velocity of a rotating body = lim = d is the derivative
t 0 t dt
with respect to time of the angular position , found by taking the limit t 0 in the average angular velocity
= . The angular velocity relates v to the tangential speed of a point on the rotating body through the
t t
relation v t = r , where r is the radius to the point and v t is the tangential speed at the given point.
constant angular acceleration. Similarly, since = d , the area under an angular acceleration-vs.-time graph gives
the change in angular velocity: f 0 = = (t)dt .
| |
the magnitude of the total linear acceleration is
a = a 2c + a 2t .
532 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
The moment of inertia for a system of point particles rotating about a fixed axis is I = m j r 2j , where m j is the
mass of the point particle and r j is the distance of the point particle to the rotation axis. Because of the r 2 term,
the moment of inertia increases as the square of the distance to the fixed rotational axis. The moment of inertia is
the rotational counterpart to the mass in linear motion.
In systems that are both rotating and translating, conservation of mechanical energy can be used if there are no
nonconservative forces at work. The total mechanical energy is then conserved and is the sum of the rotational and
translational kinetic energies, and the gravitational potential energy.
Moment of inertia is larger when an objects mass is farther from the axis of rotation.
It is possible to find the moment of inertia of an object about a new axis of rotation once it is known for a parallel
axis. This is called the parallel axis theorem given by I parallel-axis = I center of mass + md 2 , where d is the distance
from the initial axis to the parallel axis.
Moment of inertia for a compound object is simply the sum of the moments of inertia for each individual object that
makes up the compound object.
10.6 Torque
The magnitude of a torque about a fixed axis is calculated by finding the lever arm to the point where the force is
applied and using the relation | |
= r F , where r is the perpendicular distance from the axis to the line
upon which the force vector lies.
The sign of the torque is found using the right hand rule. If the page is the plane containing
r and F , then
r F is out of the page for positive torques and into the page for negative torques.
The net torque can be found from summing the individual torques about a given axis.
The total work done to rotate a rigid body through an angle about a fixed axis is the sum of the torques integrated
over the angular displacement. If the torque is a constant as a function of , then W AB = ( B A) .
The work-energy theorem relates the rotational work done to the change in rotational kinetic energy:
W AB = K B K A where K = 1 I 2.
The power delivered to a system that is rotating about a fixed axis is the torque times the angular velocity, P =
10. In circular motion, a tangential acceleration can
10.1 Rotational Variables change the magnitude of the velocity but not its direction.
1. A clock is mounted on the wall. As you look at it, what Explain your answer.
is the direction of the angular velocity vector of the second
hand? 11. Suppose a piece of food is on the edge of a rotating
microwave oven plate. Does it experience nonzero
2. What is the value of the angular acceleration of the tangential acceleration, centripetal acceleration, or both
second hand of the clock on the wall? when: (a) the plate starts to spin faster? (b) The plate rotates
at constant angular velocity? (c) The plate slows to a halt?
3. A baseball bat is swung. Do all points on the bat have
the same angular velocity? The same tangential speed?
10.4 Moment of Inertia and Rotational Kinetic
4. The blades of a blender on a counter are rotating Energy
clockwise as you look into it from the top. If the blender 12. What if another planet the same size as Earth were
is put to a greater speed what direction is the angular put into orbit around the Sun along with Earth. Would the
acceleration of the blades? moment of inertia of the system increase, decrease, or stay
the same?
10.2 Rotation with Constant Angular 13. A solid sphere is rotating about an axis through its
Acceleration center at a constant rotation rate. Another hollow sphere of
the same mass and radius is rotating about its axis through
5. If a rigid body has a constant angular acceleration, what
the center at the same rotation rate. Which sphere has a
is the functional form of the angular velocity in terms of the
greater rotational kinetic energy?
time variable?
6. If a rigid body has a constant angular acceleration, what 10.5 Calculating Moments of Inertia
is the functional form of the angular position?
14. If a child walks toward the center of a merry-go-round,
does the moment of inertia increase or decrease?
7. If the angular acceleration of a rigid body is zero, what
is the functional form of the angular velocity?
15. A discus thrower rotates with a discus in his hand
before letting it go. (a) How does his moment of inertia
8. A massless tether with a masses tied to both ends
change after releasing the discus? (b) What would be a
rotates about a fixed axis through the center. Can the total
good approximation to use in calculating the moment of
acceleration of the tether/mass combination be zero if the
inertia of the discus thrower and discus?
angular velocity is constant?
18. Why is the moment of inertia of a hoop that has a mass net force that is not zero?
M and a radius R greater than the moment of inertia of a
disk that has the same mass and radius? 24. Can a set of forces have a net force that is zero and a
net torque that is not zero?
10.6 Torque
19. What three factors affect the torque created by a force
25. In the expression
r F can | r | ever be less
relative to a specific pivot point? than the lever arm? Can it be equal to the lever arm?
23. Can a set of forces have a net torque that is zero and a
34. A gyroscope slows from an initial rate of 32.0 rad/s at
10.1 Rotational Variables a rate of 0.700 rad/s 2 . How long does it take to come to
28. Calculate the angular velocity of Earth. rest?
29. A track star runs a 400-m race on a 400-m circular 35. On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV (unmanned aerial
track in 45 s. What is his angular velocity assuming a vehicle) increase their angular velocity from rest at a rate of
constant speed? = (25.0t) rad/s for 3.0 s. (a) What is the instantaneous
angular velocity of the propellers at t = 2.0 s ? (b) What is
30. A wheel rotates at a constant rate of the angular acceleration?
2.0 10 rev/min . (a) What is its angular velocity in
radians per second? (b) Through what angle does it turn in 36. The angular position of a rod varies as 20.0t 2 radians
10 s? Express the solution in radians and degrees.
from time t = 0 . The rod has two beads on it as shown in
the following figure, one at 10 cm from the rotation axis
31. A particle moves 3.0 m along a circle of radius 1.5
and the other at 20 cm from the rotation axis. (a) What is
m. (a) Through what angle does it rotate? (b) If the particle
the instantaneous angular velocity of the rod at t = 5 s ?
makes this trip in 1.0 s at a constant speed, what is its
angular velocity? (c) What is its acceleration? (b) What is the angular acceleration of the rod? (c) What
are the tangential speeds of the beads at t = 5 s ? (d) What
32. A compact disc rotates at 500 rev/min. If the diameter are the tangential accelerations of the beads at t = 5 s ?
of the disc is 120 mm, (a) what is the tangential speed of a (e) What are the centripetal accelerations of the beads at
point at the edge of the disc? (b) At a point halfway to the t = 5 s?
center of the disc?
51. A child with mass 30 kg sits on the edge of a merry- 58. A diver goes into a somersault during a dive by
go-round at a distance of 3.0 m from its axis of rotation. tucking her limbs. If her rotational kinetic energy is 100 J
The merry-go-round accelerates from rest up to 0.4 rev/s in and her moment of inertia in the tuck is 9.0 kg m 2 , what
10 s. If the coefficient of static friction between the child
and the surface of the merry-go-round is 0.6, does the child is her rotational rate during the somersault?
fall off before 5 s?
59. An aircraft is coming in for a landing at 300 meters
52. A bicycle wheel with radius 0.3m rotates from rest to height when the propeller falls off. The aircraft is flying at
3 rev/s in 5 s. What is the magnitude and direction of the 40.0 m/s horizontally. The propeller has a rotation rate of
total acceleration vector at the edge of the wheel at 1.0 s? 20 rev/s, a moment of inertia of 70.0 kg-m 2 , and a mass of
200 kg. Neglect air resistance. (a) With what translational
53. The angular velocity of a flywheel with radius 1.0 velocity does the propeller hit the ground? (b) What is the
m varies according to (t) = 2.0t . Plot a c(t) and a t(t) rotation rate of the propeller at impact?
from t = 0 to 3.0 s for r = 1.0 m . Analyze these results
to explain when a c a t and when a c a t for a point 60. If air resistance is present in the preceding problem
and reduces the propellers rotational kinetic energy at
on the flywheel at a radius of 1.0 m. impact by 30%, what is the propellers rotation rate at
69. A solid sphere of radius 10 cm is allowed to rotate 74. When tightening a bolt, you push perpendicularly on a
freely about an axis. The sphere is given a sharp blow so wrench with a force of 165 N at a distance of 0.140 m from
that its center of mass starts from the position shown in the the center of the bolt. How much torque are you exerting in
following figure with speed 15 cm/s. What is the maximum newton-meters (relative to the center of the bolt)?
angle that the diameter makes with the vertical?
75. What hanging mass must be placed on the cord to keep
the pulley from rotating (see the following figure)? The
538 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
mass on the frictionless plane is 5.0 kg. The inner radius of 1 m connected to a pivot with a solid sphere attached at the
the pulley is 20 cm and the outer radius is 30 cm. other end with mass 0.5 kg and radius 30 cm. What is the
torque about the pivot when the pendulum makes an angle
of 30 with respect to the vertical?
79. A pendulum consists of a rod of mass 1 kg and length 83. What is the torque about the origin of the force
10.7 Newtons Second Law for Rotation 92. A pulley of moment of inertia 2.0 kg-m 2 is mounted
84. You have a grindstone (a disk) that is 90.0 kg, has a on a wall as shown in the following figure. Light strings
0.340-m radius, and is turning at 90.0 rpm, and you press are wrapped around two circumferences of the pulley and
a steel axe against it with a radial force of 20.0 N. (a) weights are attached. What are (a) the angular acceleration
Assuming the kinetic coefficient of friction between steel of the pulley and (b) the linear acceleration of the weights?
and stone is 0.20, calculate the angular acceleration of the Assume the following data:
grindstone. (b) How many turns will the stone make before r 1 = 50 cm, r 2 = 20 cm, m 1 = 1.0 kg, m 2 = 2.0 kg
coming to rest? .
constant 400 rev/min. After rotating at this angular speed in 105. A 2-kg block on a frictionless inclined plane at 40
a vacuum, air resistance is introduced and provides a force has a cord attached to a pulley of mass 1 kg and radius 20
0.15 N on the sphere opposite to the direction of motion. cm (see the following figure). (a) What is the acceleration
What is the power provided by air resistance to the system of the block down the plane? (b) What is the work done by
100.0 s after air resistance is introduced? the gravitational force to move the block 50 cm?
107. A cyclist is riding such that the wheels of the bicycle 110. With the aid of a string, a gyroscope is accelerated
have a rotation rate of 3.0 rev/s. If the cyclist brakes such from rest to 32 rad/s in 0.40 s under a constant angular
that the rotation rate of the wheels decrease at a rate of acceleration. (a) What is its angular acceleration in rad/s 2
0.3 rev/s 2 , how long does it take for the cyclist to come to ? (b) How many revolutions does it go through in the
a complete stop? process?
108. Calculate the angular velocity of the orbital motion 111. Suppose a piece of dust has fallen on a CD. If the spin
of Earth around the Sun. rate of the CD is 500 rpm, and the piece of dust is 4.3 cm
from the center, what is the total distance traveled by the
109. A phonograph turntable rotating at 33 1/3 rev/min dust in 3 minutes? (Ignore accelerations due to getting the
slows down and stops in 1.0 min. (a) What is the turntables CD rotating.)
angular acceleration assuming it is constant? (b) How many
revolutions does the turntable make while stopping? 112. A system of point particles is rotating about a fixed
axis at 4 rev/s. The particles are fixed with respect to each
other. The masses and distances to the axis of the point
542 Chapter 10 | Fixed-Axis Rotation
particles are m 1 = 0.1 kg, r 1 = 0.2 m , 116. Calculate the torque of the 40-N force around the axis
m 2 = 0.05 kg, r 2 = 0.4 m , m 3 = 0.5 kg, r 3 = 0.01 m . through O and perpendicular to the plane of the page as
shown below.
(a) What is the moment of inertia of the system? (b) What
is the rotational kinetic energy of the system?
121. The angular acceleration of a rotating rigid body opposing force at and parallel to the equator. Rotation Man
is given by = (2.0 3.0t) rad/s 2 . If the body starts is not immediately concerned, because he knows Zorch can
rotating from rest at t = 0 , (a) what is the angular only exert a force of 4.00 10 7 N (a little greater than
velocity? (b) Angular position? (c) What angle does it a Saturn V rockets thrust). How long must Zorch push
rotate through in 10 s? (d) Where does the vector with this force to accomplish his goal? (This period gives
perpendicular to the axis of rotation indicating 0 at t = 0 Rotation Man time to devote to other villains.)
lie at t = 10 s ?
125. A cord is wrapped around the rim of a solid cylinder
of radius 0.25 m, and a constant force of 40 N is exerted
122. Earths day has increased by 0.002 s in the last on the cord shown, as shown in the following figure. The
century. If this increase in Earths period is constant, how cylinder is mounted on frictionless bearings, and its
long will it take for Earth to come to rest?
moment of inertia is 6.0 kg m 2 . (a) Use the work energy
123. A disk of mass m, radius R, and area A has a surface theorem to calculate the angular velocity of the cylinder
mass density = mr (see the following figure). What is
after 5.0 m of cord have been removed. (b) If the 40-N force
AR is replaced by a 40-N weight, what is the angular velocity
the moment of inertia of the disk about an axis through the of the cylinder after 5.0 m of cord have unwound?
Figure 11.1 A helicopter has its main lift blades rotating to keep the aircraft airborne. Due to conservation of angular
momentum, the body of the helicopter would want to rotate in the opposite sense to the blades, if it were not for the small rotor
on the tail of the aircraft, which provides thrust to stabilize it.
Chapter Outline
11.1 Rolling Motion
11.2 Angular Momentum
11.3 Conservation of Angular Momentum
11.4 Precession of a Gyroscope
Angular momentum is the rotational counterpart of linear momentum. Any massive object that rotates about an axis carries
angular momentum, including rotating flywheels, planets, stars, hurricanes, tornadoes, whirlpools, and so on. The helicopter
shown in the chapter-opening picture can be used to illustrate the concept of angular momentum. The lift blades spin about a
vertical axis through the main body and carry angular momentum. The body of the helicopter tends to rotate in the opposite
sense in order to conserve angular momentum. The small rotors at the tail of the aircraft provide a counter thrust against the
body to prevent this from happening, and the helicopter stabilizes itself. The concept of conservation of angular momentum
is discussed later in this chapter. In the main part of this chapter, we explore the intricacies of angular momentum of rigid
bodies such as a top, and also of point particles and systems of particles. But to be complete, we start with a discussion of
rolling motion, which builds upon the concepts of the previous chapter.
546 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
Rolling motion is that common combination of rotational and translational motion that we see everywhere, every day. Think
about the different situations of wheels moving on a car along a highway, or wheels on a plane landing on a runway, or
wheels on a robotic explorer on another planet. Understanding the forces and torques involved in rolling motion is a crucial
factor in many different types of situations.
For analyzing rolling motion in this chapter, refer to Figure 10.20 in Fixed-Axis Rotation to find moments of inertia of
some common geometrical objects. You may also find it useful in other calculations involving rotation.
Figure 11.2 (a) The bicycle moves forward, and its tires do not slip. The bottom of the slightly deformed tire is at rest with
respect to the road surface for a measurable amount of time. (b) This image shows that the top of a rolling wheel appears blurred
by its motion, but the bottom of the wheel is instantaneously at rest. (credit a: modification of work by Nelson Loureno; credit b:
modification of work by Colin Rose)
To analyze rolling without slipping, we first derive the linear variables of velocity and acceleration of the center of mass of
the wheel in terms of the angular variables that describe the wheels motion. The situation is shown in Figure 11.3.
Figure 11.3 (a) A wheel is pulled across a horizontal surface by a force F . The force of static
f S, f
| |
S S N is large enough to keep it from slipping. (b) The linear velocity and
acceleration vectors of the center of mass and the relevant expressions for and . Point P is at rest
relative to the surface. (c) Relative to the center of mass (CM) frame, point P has linear velocity
R i .
From Figure 11.3(a), we see the force vectors involved in preventing the wheel from slipping. In (b), point P that touches
the surface is at rest relative to the surface. Relative to the center of mass, point P has velocity R i , where R is the
radius of the wheel and is the wheels angular velocity about its axis. Since the wheel is rolling, the velocity of P with
respect to the surface is its velocity with respect to the center of mass plus the velocity of the center of mass with respect to
the surface:
^ ^
v P = R i + v CM i .
Since the velocity of P relative to the surface is zero, v P = 0 , this says that
v CM = R. (11.1)
Thus, the velocity of the wheels center of mass is its radius times the angular velocity about its axis. We show the
correspondence of the linear variable on the left side of the equation with the angular variable on the right side of the
equation. This is done below for the linear acceleration.
If we differentiate Equation 11.1 on the left side of the equation, we obtain an expression for the linear acceleration of the
center of mass. On the right side of the equation, R is a constant and since = d , we have
a CM = R. (11.2)
Furthermore, we can find the distance the wheel travels in terms of angular variables by referring to Figure 11.4. As the
wheel rolls from point A to point B, its outer surface maps onto the ground by exactly the distance travelled, which is d CM.
We see from Figure 11.4 that the length of the outer surface that maps onto the ground is the arc length R . Equating the
548 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
d CM = R. (11.3)
Figure 11.4 As the wheel rolls on the surface, the arc length R
from A to B maps onto the surface, corresponding to the distance
d CM that the center of mass has moved.
Example 11.1
F x = ma x; F y = ma y.
Figure 11.5 A solid cylinder rolls down an inclined plane without slipping
from rest. The coordinate system has x in the direction down the inclined
plane and y perpendicular to the plane. The free-body diagram is shown with
the normal force, the static friction force, and the components of the weight
m g . Friction makes the cylinder roll down the plane rather than slip.
However, it is useful to express the linear acceleration in terms of the moment of inertia. For this, we
write down Newtons second law for rotation,
CM = I CM .
The torques are calculated about the axis through the center of mass of the cylinder. The only nonzero
torque is provided by the friction force. We have
f S r = I CM .
These equations can be used to solve for a CM, , and f S in terms of the moment of inertia, where we
have dropped the x-subscript. We write a CM in terms of the vertical component of gravity and the friction
force, and make the following substitutions.
a CM = gsin mS
fS = r =
From this we obtain
550 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
a CM = g sin ,
mr 2
mg sin
= .
m + (I CM/r 2)
mg sin
a CM = = 2 g sin .
m + (mr 2/2r 2) 3
Therefore, we have
a CM 2
= r = 3r g sin .
b. Because slipping does not occur, f S S N . Solving for the friction force,
Substituting this expression into the condition for no slipping, and noting that N = mg cos , we have
mgI CM sin
S mg cos
mr 2 + I CM
S tan .
1 + (mr 2/I CM)
S tan = 1 tan .
1 + (2mr 2/mr 2) 3
a. The linear acceleration is linearly proportional to sin . Thus, the greater the angle of the incline, the
greater the linear acceleration, as would be expected. The angular acceleration, however, is linearly
proportional to sin and inversely proportional to the radius of the cylinder. Thus, the larger the radius,
the smaller the angular acceleration.
b. For no slipping to occur, the coefficient of static friction must be greater than or equal to (1/3)tan .
Thus, the greater the angle of incline, the greater the coefficient of static friction must be to prevent the
cylinder from slipping.
11.1 Check Your Understanding A hollow cylinder is on an incline at an angle of 60. The coefficient of
static friction on the surface is S = 0.6 . (a) Does the cylinder roll without slipping? (b) Will a solid cylinder
roll without slipping?
It is worthwhile to repeat the equation derived in this example for the acceleration of an object rolling without slipping:
mg sin (11.4)
a CM = .
m + (I CM/r 2)
This is a very useful equation for solving problems involving rolling without slipping. Note that the acceleration is less than
that for an object sliding down a frictionless plane with no rotation. The acceleration will also be different for two rotating
cylinders with different rotational inertias.
Figure 11.6 (a) Kinetic friction arises between the wheel and
the surface because the wheel is slipping. (b) The simple
relationships between the linear and angular variables are no
longer valid.
Example 11.2
Figure 11.7 A solid cylinder rolls down an inclined plane from rest and
undergoes slipping. The coordinate system has x in the direction down the
inclined plane and y upward perpendicular to the plane. The free-body
diagram shows the normal force, kinetic friction force, and the components of
the weight m g .
The sum of the forces in the y-direction is zero, so the friction force is now f k = k N = k mgcos .
F x = ma x,
mg sin k mg cos = m(a CM) x,
(a CM) x = g(sin K cos ).
The friction force provides the only torque about the axis through the center of mass, so Newtons second law of
rotation becomes
CM = I CM ,
f k r = I CM = 1 mr 2 .
Solving for , we have
2f 2 g cos
= mrk = k r .
We write the linear and angular accelerations in terms of the coefficient of kinetic friction. The linear acceleration
is the same as that found for an object sliding down an inclined plane with kinetic friction. The angular
acceleration about the axis of rotation is linearly proportional to the normal force, which depends on the cosine of
the angle of inclination. As 90 , this force goes to zero, and, thus, the angular acceleration goes to zero.
E T = 1 mv 2CM + 1 I CM 2 + mgh.
2 2
In the absence of any nonconservative forces that would take energy out of the system in the form of heat, the total
energy of a rolling object without slipping is conserved and is constant throughout the motion. Examples where energy
is not conserved are a rolling object that is slipping, production of heat as a result of kinetic friction, and a rolling object
Example 11.3
Curiosity Rover
The Curiosity rover, shown in Figure 11.8, was deployed on Mars on August 6, 2012. The wheels of the rover
have a radius of 25 cm. Suppose astronauts arrive on Mars in the year 2050 and find the now-inoperative Curiosity
on the side of a basin. While they are dismantling the rover, an astronaut accidentally loses a grip on one of the
wheels, which rolls without slipping down into the bottom of the basin 25 meters below. If the wheel has a mass
of 5 kg, what is its velocity at the bottom of the basin?
We use mechanical energy conservation to analyze the problem. At the top of the hill, the wheel is at rest and
has only potential energy. At the bottom of the basin, the wheel has rotational and translational kinetic energy,
which must be equal to the initial potential energy by energy conservation. Since the wheel is rolling without
slipping, we use the relation v CM = r to relate the translational variables to the rotational variables in the
energy conservation equation. We then solve for the velocity. From Figure 11.8, we see that a hollow cylinder
554 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
is a good approximation for the wheel, so we can use this moment of inertia to simplify the calculation.
Energy at the top of the basin equals energy at the bottom:
mgh = 1 mv 2CM + 1 I CM 2.
2 2
On Mars, the acceleration of gravity is 3.71 m/s 2, which gives the magnitude of the velocity at the bottom of
the basin as
This is a fairly accurate result considering that Mars has very little atmosphere, and the loss of energy due to air
resistance would be minimal. The result also assumes that the terrain is smooth, such that the wheel wouldnt
encounter rocks and bumps along the way.
Also, in this example, the kinetic energy, or energy of motion, is equally shared between linear and rotational
motion. If we look at the moments of inertia in Figure 10.20, we see that the hollow cylinder has the largest
moment of inertia for a given radius and mass. If the wheels of the rover were solid and approximated by solid
cylinders, for example, there would be more kinetic energy in linear motion than in rotational motion. This would
give the wheel a larger linear velocity than the hollow cylinder approximation. Thus, the solid cylinder would
reach the bottom of the basin faster than the hollow cylinder.
Why does Earth keep on spinning? What started it spinning to begin with? Why doesnt Earths gravitational attraction not
bring the Moon crashing in toward Earth? And how does an ice skater manage to spin faster and faster simply by pulling
her arms in? Why does she not have to exert a torque to spin faster?
The answer to these questions is that just as the total linear motion (momentum) in the universe is conserved, so is the
total rotational motion conserved. We call the total rotational motion angular momentum, the rotational counterpart to
linear momentum. In this chapter, we first define and then explore angular momentum from a variety of viewpoints. First,
however, we investigate the angular momentum of a single particle. This allows us to develop angular momentum for a
system of particles and for a rigid body.
The intent of choosing the direction of the angular momentum to be perpendicular to the plane containing
r and
p is
similar to choosing the direction of torque to be perpendicular to the plane of
r and F , as discussed in Fixed-Axis
Rotation. The magnitude of the angular momentum is found from the definition of the cross-product,
l = rp sin ,
As with the definition of torque, we can define a lever arm r that is the perpendicular distance from the momentum
p to the origin, r = r sin . With this definition, the magnitude of the angular momentum becomes
l = r p = r mv.
556 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
d l =
Note the similarity with the linear result of Newtons second law, = F . The following problem-solving
strategy can serve as a guideline for calculating the angular momentum of a particle.
Example 11.4
We resolve the acceleration into x- and y-components and use the kinematic equations to express the velocity as
a function of acceleration and time. We insert these expressions into the linear momentum and then calculate the
angular momentum using the cross-product. Since the position and momentum vectors are in the xy-plane, we
expect the angular momentum vector to be along the z-axis. To find the torque, we take the time derivative of the
angular momentum.
The meteor is entering Earths atmosphere at an angle of 90.0 below the horizontal, so the components of the
acceleration in the x- and y-directions are
a x = 0, a y = 2.0 m/s 2.
Then, since d l =
, we have
= 7.5 10 5 N m k .
The units of torque are given as newton-meters, not to be confused with joules. As a check, we note that
the lever arm is the x-component of the vector r in Figure 11.10 since it is perpendicular to the force
acting on the meteor, which is along its path. By Newtons second law, this force is
^ ^ ^
F = ma( j ) = 15.0 kg(2.0 m/s 2)( j ) = 30.0 kg m/s 2( j ).
11.2 Check Your Understanding A proton spiraling around a magnetic field executes circular motion in the
plane of the paper, as shown below. The circular path has a radius of 0.4 m and the proton has velocity
4.0 10 6 m/s . What is the angular momentum of the proton about the origin?
for this angular momentum is l = r p , where the vector r is from the origin to the particle, and p is the
particles linear momentum. If we have a system of N particles, each with position vector from the origin given by r and
each having momentum
p i, then the total angular momentum of the system of particles about the origin is the vector
sum of the individual angular momenta about the origin. That is,
L = l 1 + l 2 + + l N.
The sum of the individual torques produces a net external torque on the system, which we designate
. Thus,
d L =
Equation 11.8 states that the rate of change of the total angular momentum of a system is equal to the net external torque
acting on the system when both quantities are measured with respect to a given origin. Equation 11.8 can be applied to
any system that has net angular momentum, including rigid bodies, as discussed in the next section.
Example 11.5
Figure 11.11 Three particles in the xy-plane with different position and momentum
Write down the position and momentum vectors for the three particles. Calculate the individual angular momenta
and add them as vectors to find the total angular momentum. Then do the same for the torques.
^ ^ ^ ^
a. Particle 1:
r 1 = 2.0 m i + 1.0 m j ,
p 1 = 2.0 kg(4.0 m/s j ) = 8.0 kg m/s j ,
l 1 =
r 1
p 1 = 16.0 kg m 2/s k .
^ ^ ^ ^
Particle 2:
r 2 = 4.0 m i + 1.0 m j ,
p 2 = 4.0 kg(5.0 m/s i ) = 20.0 kg m/s i ,
l 2 =
r 2
p 2 = 20.0 kg m 2/s k .
^ ^ ^ ^
Particle 3:
r 3 = 2.0 m i 2.0 m j ,
p 3 = 1.0 kg(3.0 m/s i ) = 3.0 kg m/s i ,
l 3 =
r 3
p 3 = 6.0 kg m 2/s k .
We add the individual angular momenta to find the total about the origin:
l T = l 1+ l 2+ l 3 = 30 kg m 2/s k .
b. The individual forces and lever arms are
^ ^ ^
r 1 = 1.0 m j , F 1 = 6.0 N i ,
1 = 6.0N m k
^ ^ ^
r 2 = 4.0 m i , F 2 = 10.0 N j , 2 = 40.0 N m k
^ ^ ^
r 3 = 2.0 m i , F 3 = 8.0 N j , 3 = 16.0 N m k .
i= 2+
1+ 3 = 30 N m k .
This example illustrates the superposition principle for angular momentum and torque of a system of particles.
Care must be taken when evaluating the radius vectors r i of the particles to calculate the angular momenta,
and the lever arms,
r i to calculate the torques, as they are completely different quantities.
Figure 11.12 (a) A rigid body is constrained to rotate around the z-axis. The rigid body is symmetrical about the z-axis. A
mass segment m i is located at position
r i, which makes angle i with respect to the z-axis. The circular motion of
an infinitesimal mass segment is shown. (b) l i is the angular momentum of the mass segment and has a component
along the z-axis ( l i) z .
Using the right-hand rule, the angular momentum vector points in the direction shown in part (b). The sum of the angular
momenta of all the mass segments contains components both along and perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Every mass
segment has a perpendicular component of the angular momentum that will be cancelled by the perpendicular component of
an identical mass segment on the opposite side of the rigid body. Thus, the component along the axis of rotation is the only
component that gives a nonzero value when summed over all the mass segments. From part (b), the component of l i
along the axis of rotation is
(l i) z = l i sin i = (r i m i v i)sin i,
= (r i sin i)(m i v i) = R i m i v i.
The net angular momentum of the rigid body along the axis of rotation is
L = ( l i) z = R i m i v i = R i m i(R i ) = m i(R i) .
i i i i
The summation m i(R i) is simply the moment of inertia I of the rigid body about the axis of rotation. For a thin hoop
rotating about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the hoop, all of the R i s are equal to R so the summation reduces to
R 2 m i = mR 2, which is the moment of inertia for a thin hoop found in Figure 10.20. Thus, the magnitude of the
angular momentum along the axis of rotation of a rigid body rotating with angular velocity about the axis is
L = I. (11.9)
This equation is analogous to the magnitude of the linear momentum p = mv . The direction of the angular momentum
vector is directed along the axis of rotation given by the right-hand rule.
Example 11.6
Figure 11.13 A robot arm on a Mars rover swings down and picks up a
Mars rock. (credit: modification of work by NASA/JPL-Caltech)
We use Equation 11.9 to find angular momentum in the various configurations. When the arm is rotating
downward, the right-hand rule gives the angular momentum vector directed out of the page, which we will call
the positive z-direction. When the arm is rotating upward, the right-hand rule gives the direction of the angular
momentum vector into the page or in the negative z-direction. The moment of inertia is the sum of the individual
moments of inertia. The arm can be approximated with a solid rod, and the forceps and Mars rock can be
approximated as point masses located at a distance of 1 m from the origin. For part (c), we use Newtons second
law of motion for rotation to find the torque on the robot arm.
a. Writing down the individual moments of inertia, we have
Robot arm: I R = 1 m R r 2 = 1 (2.00 kg)(1.00 m) 2 = 2 kg m 2.
3 3 3
Forceps: I F = m F r 2 = (1.0 kg)(1.0 m) 2 = 1.0 kg m 2.
Mars rock: I MR = m MR r 2 = (1.5 kg)(1.0 m) 2 = 1.5 kg m 2.
Therefore, without the Mars rock, the total moment of inertia is
I Total = I R + I F = 1.67 kg m 2
and the magnitude of the angular momentum is
564 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
The angular momentum vector is directed out of the page in the k direction since the robot arm is
rotating counterclockwise.
b. We must include the Mars rock in the calculation of the moment of inertia, so we have
I Total = I R + I F + I MR = 3.17 kg m 2
L = I = 3.17 kg m 2(0.1 rad/s) = 0.32 kg m 2/s.
Now the angular momentum vector is directed into the page in the k direction, by the right-hand rule,
since the robot arm is now rotating clockwise.
c. We find the torque when the arm does not have the rock by taking the derivative of the angular momentum
using Equation 11.8 d L =
. But since L = I , and understanding that the direction of the
angular momentum and torque vectors are along the axis of rotation, we can suppress the vector notation
and find
dL = d(I) = I d = I = ,
dt dt dt
which is Newtons second law for rotation. Since = 0.1 rad/s = rad/s 2 , we can calculate the net
0.1 s
11.3 Check Your Understanding Which has greater angular momentum: a solid sphere of mass m rotating
at a constant angular frequency 0 about the z-axis, or a solid cylinder of same mass and rotation rate about
the z-axis?
So far, we have looked at the angular momentum of systems consisting of point particles and rigid bodies. We have also
analyzed the torques involved, using the expression that relates the external net torque to the change in angular momentum,
Equation 11.8. Examples of systems that obey this equation include a freely spinning bicycle tire that slows over time due
to torque arising from friction, or the slowing of Earths rotation over millions of years due to frictional forces exerted on
tidal deformations.
Note that the total angular momentum L is conserved. Any of the individual angular momenta can change as long as
their sum remains constant. This law is analogous to linear momentum being conserved when the external force on a system
is zero.
As an example of conservation of angular momentum, Figure 11.14 shows an ice skater executing a spin. The net torque
on her is very close to zero because there is relatively little friction between her skates and the ice. Also, the friction is
exerted very close to the pivot point. Both
| |
F and | |
r are small, so | |
is negligible. Consequently, she can spin for
quite some time. She can also increase her rate of spin by pulling her arms and legs in. Why does pulling her arms and legs
in increase her rate of spin? The answer is that her angular momentum is constant, so that
L = L
I = I,
where the primed quantities refer to conditions after she has pulled in her arms and reduced her moment of inertia. Because
I is smaller, the angular velocity must increase to keep the angular momentum constant.
566 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
Figure 11.14 (a) An ice skater is spinning on the tip of her skate with her arms extended.
Her angular momentum is conserved because the net torque on her is negligibly small. (b) Her
rate of spin increases greatly when she pulls in her arms, decreasing her moment of inertia.
The work she does to pull in her arms results in an increase in rotational kinetic energy.
It is interesting to see how the rotational kinetic energy of the skater changes when she pulls her arms in. Her initial
rotational energy is
K Rot = 1 I 2,
whereas her final rotational energy is
K Rot = 1 I () 2.
Since I = I, we can substitute for and find
K Rot = 1 I () 2 = 1 I I = 1 I 2 I = K Rot I .
2 2 I 2 I I
Because her moment of inertia has decreased, I < I, her final rotational kinetic energy has increased. The source of this
additional rotational kinetic energy is the work required to pull her arms inward. Note that the skaters arms do not move
in a perfect circlethey spiral inward. This work causes an increase in the rotational kinetic energy, while her angular
momentum remains constant. Since she is in a frictionless environment, no energy escapes the system. Thus, if she were to
extend her arms to their original positions, she would rotate at her original angular velocity and her kinetic energy would
return to its original value.
The solar system is another example of how conservation of angular momentum works in our universe. Our solar system
was born from a huge cloud of gas and dust that initially had rotational energy. Gravitational forces caused the cloud to
contract, and the rotation rate increased as a result of conservation of angular momentum (Figure 11.15).
Figure 11.15 The solar system coalesced from a cloud of gas and dust that was originally
rotating. The orbital motions and spins of the planets are in the same direction as the original
spin and conserve the angular momentum of the parent cloud. (credit: modification of work by
Example 11.7
Coupled Flywheels
A flywheel rotates without friction at an angular velocity 0 = 600 rev/min on a frictionless, vertical shaft of
negligible rotational inertia. A second flywheel, which is at rest and has a moment of inertia three times that of the
rotating flywheel, is dropped onto it (Figure 11.16). Because friction exists between the surfaces, the flywheels
very quickly reach the same rotational velocity, after which they spin together. (a) Use the law of conservation
of angular momentum to determine the angular velocity of the combination. (b) What fraction of the initial
kinetic energy is lost in the coupling of the flywheels?
568 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
Part (a) is straightforward to solve for the angular velocity of the coupled system. We use the result of (a) to
compare the initial and final kinetic energies of the system in part (b).
a. No external torques act on the system. The force due to friction produces an internal torque, which does not
affect the angular momentum of the system. Therefore conservation of angular momentum gives
I 0 0 = (I 0 + 3I 0),
= 1 0 = 150 rev/min = 15.7 rad/s.
b. Before contact, only one flywheel is rotating. The rotational kinetic energy of this flywheel is the initial
rotational kinetic energy of the system, 1 I 0 20 . The final kinetic energy is 1 (4I 0) 2 = 1 (4I 0) 0 = 1 I 0 20.
2 2 2 4 8
Therefore, the ratio of the final kinetic energy to the initial kinetic energy is
1I 2
8 0 0 = 1.
1I 2 4
2 0 0
Thus, 3/4 of the initial kinetic energy is lost to the coupling of the two flywheels.
Since the rotational inertia of the system increased, the angular velocity decreased, as expected from the law
of conservation of angular momentum. In this example, we see that the final kinetic energy of the system has
decreased, as energy is lost to the coupling of the flywheels. Compare this to the example of the skater in Figure
11.14 doing work to bring her arms inward and adding rotational kinetic energy.
11.4 Check Your Understanding A merry-go-round at a playground is rotating at 4.0 rev/min. Three
children jump on and increase the moment of inertia of the merry-go-round/children rotating system by 25% .
What is the new rotation rate?
Example 11.8
can he execute if he comes out of the tuck at 1.8 m height? See Figure 11.17.
Figure 11.17 A gymnast dismounts from a high bar and executes a number of
revolutions in the tucked position before landing upright.
Using conservation of angular momentum, we can find his rotation rate when in the tuck. Using the equations of
kinematics, we can find the time interval from a height of 3.0 m to 1.8 m. Since he is moving horizontally with
respect to the ground, the equations of free fall simplify. This will allow the number of revolutions that can be
executed to be calculated. Since we are using a ratio, we can keep the units as rev/s and dont need to convert to
2(3.0 1.8)m
Time interval in the tuck: t = 2h
g = = 0.5 s .
9.8 m/s
In 0.5 s, he will be able to execute two revolutions at 4.0 rev/s.
Note that the number of revolutions he can complete will depend on how long he is in the air. In the problem,
he is exiting the high bar horizontally to the ground. He could also exit at an angle with respect to the ground,
giving him more or less time in the air depending on the angle, positive or negative, with respect to the ground.
Gymnasts must take this into account when they are executing their dismounts.
570 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
Example 11.9
Figure 11.18 A bullet is fired horizontally and becomes embedded in the edge of a
disk that is free to rotate about its vertical axis.
For the system of the bullet and the cylinder, no external torque acts along the vertical axis through the center
of the disk. Thus, the angular momentum along this axis is conserved. The initial angular momentum of the
bullet is mvR , which is taken about the rotational axis of the disk the moment before the collision. The initial
angular momentum of the cylinder is zero. Thus, the net angular momentum of the system is mvR . Since angular
momentum is conserved, the initial angular momentum of the system is equal to the angular momentum of the
bullet embedded in the disk immediately after impact.
The initial angular momentum of the system is
L i = mvR.
The moment of inertia of the system with the bullet embedded in the disk is
I = mR 2 + 1 MR 2 = m + M R 2.
2 2
The final angular momentum of the system is
L f = I f .
mvR = m + M R 2 f .
Solving for f ,
The system is composed of both a point particle and a rigid body. Care must be taken when formulating the
angular momentum before and after the collision. Just before impact the angular momentum of the bullet is taken
about the rotational axis of the disk.
Figure 11.19 shows a gyroscope, defined as a spinning disk in which the axis of rotation is free to assume any orientation.
When spinning, the orientation of the spin axis is unaffected by the orientation of the body that encloses it. The body or
vehicle enclosing the gyroscope can be moved from place to place and the orientation of the spin axis will remain the same.
This makes gyroscopes very useful in navigation, especially where magnetic compasses cant be used, such as in manned
and unmanned spacecraft, intercontinental ballistic missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and satellites like the Hubble Space
We illustrate the precession of a gyroscope with an example of a top in the next two figures. If the top is placed on a flat
surface near the surface of Earth at an angle to the vertical and is not spinning, it will fall over, due to the force of gravity
producing a torque acting on its center of mass. This is shown in Figure 11.20(a). However, if the top is spinning on its
axis, rather than topple over due to this torque, it precesses about the vertical, shown in part (b) of the figure. This is due to
the torque on the center of mass, which provides the change in angular momentum.
572 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
Figure 11.21 shows the forces acting on a spinning top. The torque produced is perpendicular to the angular momentum
vector. This changes the direction of the angular momentum vector L according to d L = dt, but not its
magnitude. The top precesses around a vertical axis, since the torque is always horizontal and perpendicular to L . If the
top is not spinning, it acquires angular momentum in the direction of the torque, and it rotates around a horizontal axis,
falling over just as we would expect.
Figure 11.21 The force of gravity acting on the center of mass produces a
torque in the direction perpendicular to L . The magnitude of L
doesnt change but its direction does, and the top precesses about the z-axis.
We can experience this phenomenon first hand by holding a spinning bicycle wheel and trying to rotate it about an axis
perpendicular to the spin axis. As shown in Figure 11.22, the person applies forces perpendicular to the spin axis in an
attempt to rotate the wheel, but instead, the wheel axis starts to change direction to her left due to the applied torque.
574 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
Figure 11.22 (a) A person holding the spinning bike wheel lifts it with her right hand and
pushes down with her left hand in an attempt to rotate the wheel. This action creates a torque
directly toward her. This torque causes a change in angular momentum L in exactly the
same direction. (b) A vector diagram depicting how L and L add, producing a new
angular momentum pointing more toward the person. The wheel moves toward the person,
perpendicular to the forces she exerts on it.
We all know how easy it is for a bicycle to tip over when sitting on it at rest. But when riding the bicycle at a good pace, it
is harder to tip it over because we must change the angular momentum vector of the spinning wheels.
View the video on gyroscope precession ( for a complete
demonstration of precession of the bicycle wheel.
Also, when a spinning disk is put in a box such as a Blu-Ray player, try to move it. It is easy to translate the box in a given
direction but difficult to rotate it about an axis perpendicular to the axis of the spinning disk, since we are putting a torque
on the box that will cause the angular momentum vector of the spinning disk to precess.
We can calculate the precession rate of the top in Figure 11.21. From Figure 11.21, we see that the magnitude of the
torque is
= rMg sin .
dL = rMg sin dt.
rMg (11.12)
P = .
In this derivation, we assumed that P , that is, that the precession angular velocity is much less than the angular
velocity of the gyroscope disk. The precession angular velocity adds a small component to the angular momentum along
the z-axis. This is seen in a slight bob up and down as the gyroscope precesses, referred to as nutation.
Earth itself acts like a gigantic gyroscope. Its angular momentum is along its axis and currently points at Polaris, the
North Star. But Earth is slowly precessing (once in about 26,000 years) due to the torque of the Sun and the Moon on its
nonspherical shape.
Example 11.10
Period of Precession
A gyroscope spins with its tip on the ground and is spinning with negligible frictional resistance. The disk of the
gyroscope has mass 0.3 kg and is spinning at 20 rev/s. Its center of mass is 5.0 cm from the pivot and the radius
of the disk is 5.0 cm. What is the precessional period of the gyroscope?
We use Equation 11.12 to find the precessional angular velocity of the gyroscope. This allows us to find the
period of precession.
The moment of inertia of the disk is
TP = 2 = 2.0 s.
3.12 rad/s
The precessional angular frequency of the gyroscope, 3.12 rad/s, or about 0.5 rev/s, is much less than the angular
velocity 20 rev/s of the gyroscope disk. Therefore, we dont expect a large component of the angular momentum
to arise due to precession, and Equation 11.12 is a good approximation of the precessional angular velocity.
11.5 Check Your Understanding A top has a precession frequency of 5.0 rad/s on Earth. What is its
precession frequency on the Moon?
576 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
angular momentum rotational analog of linear momentum, found by taking the product of moment of inertia and
angular velocity
law of conservation of angular momentum angular momentum is conserved, that is, the initial angular momentum
is equal to the final angular momentum when no external torque is applied to the system
precession circular motion of the pole of the axis of a spinning object around another axis due to a torque
rolling motion combination of rotational and translational motion with or without slipping
Velocity of center of mass of rolling object v CM = R
11.1 Rolling Motion
In rolling motion without slipping, a static friction force is present between the rolling object and the surface.
The relations v CM = R, a CM = R, and d CM = R all apply, such that the linear velocity, acceleration, and
distance of the center of mass are the angular variables multiplied by the radius of the object.
In rolling motion with slipping, a kinetic friction force arises between the rolling object and the surface. In this case,
v CM R, a CM R, and d CM R .
Energy conservation can be used to analyze rolling motion. Energy is conserved in rolling motion without slipping.
Energy is not conserved in rolling motion with slipping due to the heat generated by kinetic friction.
4. Which rolls down an inclined plane faster, a hollow
11.1 Rolling Motion cylinder or a solid sphere? Both have the same mass and
1. Can a round object released from rest at the top of a radius.
frictionless incline undergo rolling motion?
5. A hollow sphere and a hollow cylinder of the same
2. A cylindrical can of radius R is rolling across a radius and mass roll up an incline without slipping and
horizontal surface without slipping. (a) After one complete have the same initial center of mass velocity. Which object
revolution of the can, what is the distance that its center reaches a greater height before stopping?
of mass has moved? (b) Would this distance be greater or
smaller if slipping occurred?
11.2 Angular Momentum
3. A wheel is released from the top on an incline. Is the 6. Can you assign an angular momentum to a particle
wheel most likely to slip if the incline is steep or gently without first defining a reference point?
7. For a particle traveling in a straight line, are there any
578 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
14. Suppose the polar ice sheets broke free and floated
toward Earths equator without melting. What would 11.4 Precession of a Gyroscope
happen to Earths angular velocity? 17. Gyroscopes used in guidance systems to indicate
directions in space must have an angular momentum that
15. Explain why stars spin faster when they collapse. does not change in direction. When placed in the vehicle,
they are put in a compartment that is separated from the
16. Competitive divers pull their limbs in and curl up main fuselage, such that changes in the orientation of the
their bodies when they do flips. Just before entering the fuselage does not affect the orientation of the gyroscope.
water, they fully extend their limbs to enter straight down If the space vehicle is subjected to large forces and
(see below). Explain the effect of both actions on their accelerations how can the direction of the gyroscopes
angular velocities. Also explain the effect on their angular angular momentum be constant at all times?
18. Earth precesses about its vertical axis with a period
of 26,000 years. Discuss whether Equation 11.12 can be
used to calculate the precessional angular velocity of Earth.
through during his trip?
11.1 Rolling Motion
19. What is the angular velocity of a 75.0-cm-diameter tire 21. If the boy on the bicycle in the preceding problem
on an automobile traveling at 90.0 km/h? accelerates from rest to a speed of 10.0 m/s in 10.0 s, what
is the angular acceleration of the tires?
20. A boy rides his bicycle 2.00 km. The wheels have
radius 30.0 cm. What is the total angle the tires rotate 22. Formula One race cars have 66-cm-diameter tires. If
a Formula One averages a speed of 300 km/h during a
race, what is the angular displacement in revolutions of the wheel is to roll without slipping, what is the maximum
wheels if the race car maintains this speed for 1.5 hours? value of
| |
F ? The coefficients of static and kinetic
23. A marble rolls down an incline at 30 from rest. (a) friction are S = 0.40 and k = 0.30.
What is its acceleration? (b) How far does it go in 3.0 s?
38. Use the right-hand rule to determine the directions of (a) What is the expression for the angular momentum of
the angular momenta about the origin of the particles as the particle around the z-axis, which points directly out of
shown below. The z-axis is out of the page. the page as shown below? (b) Calculate the torque on the
particle around the z-axis. (c) Is the torque equal to the time
rate of change of the angular momentum?
launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a km and if the matter that made up these planetesimals that
tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when later became Neptune was spread out evenly on the edges
executing the cartwheels is 13.5 kg m 2 and her spin rate of it, what was the orbital period of the outer edges of the
primordial disk?
is 0.5 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air
if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.4 kg m 2 and she
has 2.0 s to do the flips in the air? 11.4 Precession of a Gyroscope
75. A gyroscope has a 0.5-kg disk that spins at 40 rev/s.
70. The centrifuge at NASA Ames Research Center has a The center of mass of the disk is 10 cm from a pivot which
radius of 8.8 m and can produce forces on its payload of 20 is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular
gs or 20 times the force of gravity on Earth. (a) What is the velocity?
angular momentum of a 20-kg payload that experiences 10
gs in the centrifuge? (b) If the driver motor was turned off 76. The precession angular velocity of a gyroscope is 1.0
in (a) and the payload lost 10 kg, what would be its new rad/s. If the mass of the rotating disk is 0.4 kg and its radius
spin rate, taking into account there are no frictional forces is 30 cm, as well as the distance from the center of mass to
present? the pivot, what is the rotation rate in rev/s of the disk?
71. A ride at a carnival has four spokes to which pods are 77. The axis of Earth makes a 23.5 angle with a
attached that can hold two people. The spokes are each 15
direction perpendicular to the plane of Earths orbit. As
m long and are attached to a central axis. Each spoke has
shown below, this axis precesses, making one complete
mass 200.0 kg, and the pods each have mass 100.0 kg. If the
rotation in 25,780 y.
ride spins at 0.2 rev/s with each pod containing two 50.0-kg
children, what is the new spin rate if all the children jump (a) Calculate the change in angular momentum in half this
off the ride? time.
(b) What is the average torque producing this change in
72. An ice skater is preparing for a jump with turns and angular momentum?
has his arms extended. His moment of inertia is
(c) If this torque were created by a pair of forces acting
1.8 kg m 2 while his arms are extended, and he is at the most effective point on the equator, what would the
spinning at 0.5 rev/s. If he launches himself into the air magnitude of each force be?
at 9.0 m/s at an angle of 45 with respect to the ice,
how many revolutions can he execute while airborne if his
moment of inertia in the air is 0.5 kg m 2 ?
78. A marble is rolling across the floor at a speed of 7.0 m/ (a) How far along the plane does the marble travel before
s when it starts up a plane inclined at 30 to the horizontal. coming to a rest? (b) How much time elapses while the
584 Chapter 11 | Angular Momentum
marble moves up the plane? momentum given to the engine if the handle of the crank
is 0.300 m from the pivot and the force is exerted to create
79. Repeat the preceding problem replacing the marble maximum torque the entire time?
with a hollow sphere. Explain the new results.
89. A solid cylinder of mass 2.0 kg and radius 20 cm is
80. The mass of a hoop of radius 1.0 m is 6.0 kg. It rolls rotating counterclockwise around a vertical axis through its
across a horizontal surface with a speed of 10.0 m/s. (a) center at 600 rev/min. A second solid cylinder of the same
How much work is required to stop the hoop? (b) If the mass is rotating clockwise around the same vertical axis
hoop starts up a surface at 30 to the horizontal with a at 900 rev/min. If the cylinders couple so that they rotate
about the same vertical axis, what is the angular velocity of
speed of 10.0 m/s, how far along the incline will it travel
the combination?
before stopping and rolling back down?
95. The truck shown below is initially at rest with solid cylindrical roll of paper sitting on its bed. If the truck
moves forward with a uniform acceleration a, what If the angular velocity is increased to 10.0 rad/s, what is
distance s does it move before the paper rolls off its back the new angle of the string? (b) Calculate the initial and
end? (Hint: If the roll accelerates forward with a , then final angular momenta of the ball. (c) Can the rod spin fast
is accelerates backward relative to the truck with an enough so that the ball is horizontal?
acceleration a a . Also, R = a a .)
Figure 12.1 Two stilt walkers in standing position. All forces acting on each stilt walker balance out; neither changes its
translational motion. In addition, all torques acting on each person balance out, and thus neither of them changes its rotational
motion. The result is static equilibrium. (credit: modification of work by Stuart Redler)
Chapter Outline
12.1 Conditions for Static Equilibrium
12.2 Examples of Static Equilibrium
12.3 Stress, Strain, and Elastic Modulus
12.4 Elasticity and Plasticity
In earlier chapters, you learned about forces and Newtons laws for translational motion. You then studied torques and the
rotational motion of a body about a fixed axis of rotation. You also learned that static equilibrium means no motion at all
and that dynamic equilibrium means motion without acceleration.
In this chapter, we combine the conditions for static translational equilibrium and static rotational equilibrium to describe
situations typical for any kind of construction. What type of cable will support a suspension bridge? What type of
foundation will support an office building? Will this prosthetic arm function correctly? These are examples of questions that
contemporary engineers must be able to answer.
The elastic properties of materials are especially important in engineering applications, including bioengineering. For
example, materials that can stretch or compress and then return to their original form or position make good shock
absorbers. In this chapter, you will learn about some applications that combine equilibrium with elasticity to construct real
structures that last.
588 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
We say that a rigid body is in equilibrium when both its linear and angular acceleration are zero relative to an inertial
frame of reference. This means that a body in equilibrium can be moving, but if so, its linear and angular velocities must be
constant. We say that a rigid body is in static equilibrium when it is at rest in our selected frame of reference. Notice that
the distinction between the state of rest and a state of uniform motion is artificialthat is, an object may be at rest in our
selected frame of reference, yet to an observer moving at constant velocity relative to our frame, the same object appears to
be in uniform motion with constant velocity. Because the motion is relative, what is in static equilibrium to us is in dynamic
equilibrium to the moving observer, and vice versa. Since the laws of physics are identical for all inertial reference frames,
in an inertial frame of reference, there is no distinction between static equilibrium and equilibrium.
According to Newtons second law of motion, the linear acceleration of a rigid body is caused by a net force acting on it, or
F k=m
a CM.
Here, the sum is of all external forces acting on the body, where m is its mass and a CM is the linear acceleration of its
center of mass (a concept we discussed in Linear Momentum and Collisions on linear momentum and collisions). In
equilibrium, the linear acceleration is zero. If we set the acceleration to zero in Equation 12.1, we obtain the following
The first equilibrium condition, Equation 12.2, is the equilibrium condition for forces, which we encountered when
studying applications of Newtons laws.
This vector equation is equivalent to the following three scalar equations for the components of the net force:
F kx = 0, F ky = 0, F kz = 0. (12.3)
k k k
. (12.4)
Here I is the rotational inertia of the body in rotation about this axis and the summation is over all torques k of
external forces in Equation 12.2. In equilibrium, the rotational acceleration is zero. By setting to zero the right-hand side
of Equation 12.4, we obtain the second equilibrium condition:
k= 0 . (12.5)
The second equilibrium condition, Equation 12.5, is the equilibrium condition for torques that we encountered when we
studied rotational dynamics. It is worth noting that this equation for equilibrium is generally valid for rotational equilibrium
about any axis of rotation (fixed or otherwise). Again, this vector equation is equivalent to three scalar equations for the
vector components of the net torque:
kx = 0, ky = 0, kz = 0. (12.6)
k k k
The second equilibrium condition means that in equilibrium, there is no net external torque to cause rotation about any axis.
The first and second equilibrium conditions are stated in a particular reference frame. The first condition involves only
forces and is therefore independent of the origin of the reference frame. However, the second condition involves torque,
which is defined as a cross product, k= r k F k, where the position vector r k with respect to the axis of
rotation of the point where the force is applied enters the equation. Therefore, torque depends on the location of the axis in
the reference frame. However, when rotational and translational equilibrium conditions hold simultaneously in one frame
of reference, then they also hold in any other inertial frame of reference, so that the net torque about any axis of rotation is
still zero. The explanation for this is fairly straightforward.
Suppose vector R is the position of the origin of a new inertial frame of reference S in the old inertial frame of reference
S. From our study of relative motion, we know that in the new frame of reference S, the position vector
r k of the
point where the force F k is applied is related to
r k via the equation
r k =
r k R .
k =
Now, we can sum all torques r k F k of all external forces in a new reference frame, S :
k =
r k F k = (
r k R ) F k =
r k F k R F k =
k R F k= 0 .
k k k k k k k
In the final step in this chain of reasoning, we used the fact that in equilibrium in the old frame of reference, S, the first term
vanishes because of Equation 12.5 and the second term vanishes because of Equation 12.2. Hence, we see that the net
torque in any inertial frame of reference S is zero, provided that both conditions for equilibrium hold in an inertial frame
of reference S.
The practical implication of this is that when applying equilibrium conditions for a rigid body, we are free to choose any
point as the origin of the reference frame. Our choice of reference frame is dictated by the physical specifics of the problem
we are solving. In one frame of reference, the mathematical form of the equilibrium conditions may be quite complicated,
whereas in another frame, the same conditions may have a simpler mathematical form that is easy to solve. The origin of a
selected frame of reference is called the pivot point.
In the most general case, equilibrium conditions are expressed by the six scalar equations (Equation 12.3 and Equation
12.6). For planar equilibrium problems with rotation about a fixed axis, which we consider in this chapter, we can reduce
the number of equations to three. The standard procedure is to adopt a frame of reference where the z-axis is the axis of
rotation. With this choice of axis, the net torque has only a z-component, all forces that have non-zero torques lie in the
xy-plane, and therefore contributions to the net torque come from only the x- and y-components of external forces. Thus, for
planar problems with the axis of rotation perpendicular to the xy-plane, we have the following three equilibrium conditions
for forces and torques:
F 1x + F 2x + + F Nx = 0 (12.7)
F 1y + F 2y + + F Ny = 0 (12.8)
1 + 2 + + N = 0 (12.9)
where the summation is over all N external forces acting on the body and over their torques. In Equation 12.9, we
simplified the notation by dropping the subscript z, but we understand here that the summation is over all contributions
590 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
along the z-axis, which is the axis of rotation. In Equation 12.9, the z-component of torque
k from the force F k is
k = r k F k sin (12.10)
where r k is the length of the lever arm of the force and F k is the magnitude of the force (as you saw in Fixed-Axis
Rotation). The angle is the angle between vectors r k and F k, measuring from vector r k to vector F k in
the counterclockwise direction (Figure 12.2). When using Equation 12.10, we often compute the magnitude of torque
and assign its sense as either positive ( + ) or negative ( ), depending on the direction of rotation caused by this
torque alone. In Equation 12.9, net torque is the sum of terms, with each term computed from Equation 12.10, and
each term must have the correct sense. Similarly, in Equation 12.7, we assign the + sign to force components in the
+ x-direction and the sign to components in the x-direction. The same rule must be consistently followed in
Equation 12.8, when computing force components along the y-axis.
Figure 12.2 Torque of a force: (a) When the torque of a force causes counterclockwise rotation
about the axis of rotation, we say that its sense is positive, which means the torque vector is parallel
to the axis of rotation. (b) When torque of a force causes clockwise rotation about the axis, we say
that its sense is negative, which means the torque vector is antiparallel to the axis of rotation.
In many equilibrium situations, one of the forces acting on the body is its weight. In free-body diagrams, the weight vector
is attached to the center of gravity of the body. For all practical purposes, the center of gravity is identical to the center of
mass, as you learned in Linear Momentum and Collisions on linear momentum and collisions. Only in situations where
a body has a large spatial extension so that the gravitational field is nonuniform throughout its volume, are the center of
gravity and the center of mass located at different points. In practical situations, however, even objects as large as buildings
or cruise ships are located in a uniform gravitational field on Earths surface, where the acceleration due to gravity has a
constant magnitude of g = 9.8 m/s 2. In these situations, the center of gravity is identical to the center of mass. Therefore,
throughout this chapter, we use the center of mass (CM) as the point where the weight vector is attached. Recall that the
CM has a special physical meaning: When an external force is applied to a body at exactly its CM, the body as a whole
undergoes translational motion and such a force does not cause rotation.
When the CM is located off the axis of rotation, a net gravitational torque occurs on an object. Gravitational torque is the
torque caused by weight. This gravitational torque may rotate the object if there is no support present to balance it. The
magnitude of the gravitational torque depends on how far away from the pivot the CM is located. For example, in the case
of a tipping truck (Figure 12.3), the pivot is located on the line where the tires make contact with the roads surface. If the
CM is located high above the roads surface, the gravitational torque may be large enough to turn the truck over. Passenger
cars with a low-lying CM, close to the pavement, are more resistant to tipping over than are trucks.
Figure 12.3 The distribution of mass affects the position of the center of mass (CM), where the weight vector w is
attached. If the center of gravity is within the area of support, the truck returns to its initial position after tipping [see the left
panel in (b)]. But if the center of gravity lies outside the area of support, the truck turns over [see the right panel in (b)]. Both
vehicles in (b) are out of equilibrium. Notice that the car in (a) is in equilibrium: The low location of its center of gravity makes it
hard to tip over.
If you tilt a box so that one edge remains in contact with the table beneath it, then one edge of the base of support
becomes a pivot. As long as the center of gravity of the box remains over the base of support, gravitational torque
rotates the box back toward its original position of stable equilibrium. When the center of gravity moves outside
of the base of support, gravitational torque rotates the box in the opposite direction, and the box rolls over. View
this demonstration ( to experiment with stable and unstable
positions of a box.
Example 12.1
We do not know the weight w of the car. All we know is that when the car rests on a level surface, 0.52w pushes
down on the surface at contact points of the front wheels and 0.48w pushes down on the surface at contact points
of the rear wheels. Also, the contact points are separated from each other by the distance d = 2.5 m. At these
contact points, the car experiences normal reaction forces with magnitudes F F = 0.52w and F R = 0.48w on
the front and rear axles, respectively. We also know that the car is an example of a rigid body in equilibrium
whose entire weight w acts at its CM. The CM is located somewhere between the points where the normal reaction
forces act, somewhere at a distance x from the point where F R acts. Our task is to find x. Thus, we identify three
forces acting on the body (the car), and we can draw a free-body diagram for the extended rigid body, as shown
in Figure 12.5.
We are almost ready to write down equilibrium conditions Equation 12.7 through Equation 12.9 for the car,
but first we must decide on the reference frame. Suppose we choose the x-axis along the length of the car, the
y-axis vertical, and the z-axis perpendicular to this xy-plane. With this choice we only need to write Equation
12.7 and Equation 12.9 because all the y-components are identically zero. Now we need to decide on the
location of the pivot point. We can choose any point as the location of the axis of rotation (z-axis). Suppose we
place the axis of rotation at CM, as indicated in the free-body diagram for the car. At this point, we are ready to
write the equilibrium conditions for the car.
Each equilibrium condition contains only three terms because there are N = 3 forces acting on the car. The first
equilibrium condition, Equation 12.7, reads
+F F w + F R = 0. (12.11)
This condition is trivially satisfied because when we substitute the data, Equation 12.11 becomes
+0.52w w + 0.48w = 0. The second equilibrium condition, Equation 12.9, reads
F + w + R = 0 (12.12)
where F is the torque of force F F, w is the gravitational torque of force w, and R is the torque of force
F R. When the pivot is located at CM, the gravitational torque is identically zero because the lever arm of the
weight with respect to an axis that passes through CM is zero. The lines of action of both normal reaction forces
are perpendicular to their lever arms, so in Equation 12.10, we have | sin | = 1 for both forces. From the
free-body diagram, we read that torque F causes clockwise rotation about the pivot at CM, so its sense is
negative; and torque R causes counterclockwise rotation about the pivot at CM, so its sense is positive. With
With the help of the free-body diagram, we identify the force magnitudes F R = 0.48w and F F = 0.52w, and
their corresponding lever arms r R = x and r F = d x. We can now write the second equilibrium condition,
Equation 12.13, explicitly in terms of the unknown distance x:
0.52(d x)w + 0.48xw = 0. (12.14)
Here the weight w cancels and we can solve the equation for the unknown position x of the CM. The answer is
x = 0.52d = 0.52(2.5 m) = 1.3 m.
Choosing the pivot at the position of the front axle does not change the result. The free-body diagram for this
pivot location is presented in Figure 12.6. For this choice of pivot point, the second equilibrium condition is
r w w + r R F R = 0. (12.15)
The answer obtained by solving Equation 12.13 is, again, x = 0.52d = 1.3 m.
Figure 12.6 The equivalent free-body diagram for the car; the
pivot is clearly indicated.
This example shows that when solving static equilibrium problems, we are free to choose the pivot location. For
different choices of the pivot point we have different sets of equilibrium conditions to solve. However, all choices
lead to the same solution to the problem.
12.1 Check Your Understanding Solve Example 12.1 by choosing the pivot at the location of the rear
12.2 Check Your Understanding Explain which one of the following situations satisfies both equilibrium
conditions: (a) a tennis ball that does not spin as it travels in the air; (b) a pelican that is gliding in the air at a
constant velocity at one altitude; or (c) a crankshaft in the engine of a parked car.
A special case of static equilibrium occurs when all external forces on an object act at or along the axis of rotation or when
the spatial extension of the object can be disregarded. In such a case, the object can be effectively treated like a point mass.
In this special case, we need not worry about the second equilibrium condition, Equation 12.9, because all torques are
identically zero and the first equilibrium condition (for forces) is the only condition to be satisfied. The free-body diagram
and problem-solving strategy for this special case were outlined in Newtons Laws of Motion and Applications of
Newtons Laws. You will see a typical equilibrium situation involving only the first equilibrium condition in the next
594 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
View this demonstration ( to see three weights that are
connected by strings over pulleys and tied together in a knot. You can experiment with the weights to see how they
affect the equilibrium position of the knot and, at the same time, see the vector-diagram representation of the first
equilibrium condition at work.
Example 12.2
A Breaking Tension
A small pan of mass 42.0 g is supported by two strings, as shown in Figure 12.7. The maximum tension that the
string can support is 2.80 N. Mass is added gradually to the pan until one of the strings snaps. Which string is it?
How much mass must be added for this to occur?
This mechanical system consisting of strings, masses, and the pan is in static equilibrium. Specifically, the knot
that ties the strings to the pan is in static equilibrium. The knot can be treated as a point; therefore, we need only
the first equilibrium condition. The three forces pulling at the knot are the tension T 1 in the 5.0-cm string, the
tension T 2 in the 10.0-cm string, and the weight w of the pan holding the masses. We adopt a rectangular
coordinate system with the y-axis pointing opposite to the direction of gravity and draw the free-body diagram
for the knot (see Figure 12.8). To find the tension components, we must identify the direction angles 1 and
2 that the strings make with the horizontal direction that is the x-axis. As you can see in Figure 12.7, the
strings make two sides of a right triangle. We can use the Pythagorean theorem to solve this triangle, shown in
Figure 12.8, and find the sine and cosine of the angles 1 and 2. Then we can resolve the tensions into their
rectangular components, substitute in the first condition for equilibrium (Equation 12.7 and Equation 12.8),
and solve for the tensions in the strings. The string with a greater tension will break first.
The weight w pulling on the knot is due to the mass M of the pan and mass m added to the pan, or w = (M + m)g.
With the help of the free-body diagram in Figure 12.8, we can set up the equilibrium conditions for the knot:
in the x-direction, T 1x + T 2x = 0
in the y-direction, +T 1y + T 2y w = 0.
From the free-body diagram, the magnitudes of components in these equations are
T 1x = T 1 cos 1 = T 1/ 5, T 1y = T 1 sin 1 = 2T 1/ 5
T 2x = T 2 cos 2 = 2T 2/ 5, T 2y = T 2 sin 2 = T 2/ 5.
We substitute these components into the equilibrium conditions and simplify. We then obtain two equilibrium
equations for the tensions:
in x-direction, T 1 = 2T 2
2T 1 T 2
in y-direction, + = (M + m)g.
5 5
The equilibrium equation for the x-direction tells us that the tension T 1 in the 5.0-cm string is twice the tension
T 2 in the 10.0-cm string. Therefore, the shorter string will snap. When we use the first equation to eliminate
T 2 from the second equation, we obtain the relation between the mass m on the pan and the tension T 1 in the
shorter string:
2.5T 1/ 5 = (M + m)g.
596 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
The string breaks when the tension reaches the critical value of T 1 = 2.80 N. The preceding equation can be
solved for the critical mass m that breaks the string:
m = 2.5 g1 M = 2.5 2.80 N2 0.042 kg = 0.277 kg = 277.0 g.
5 5 9.8 m/s
Suppose that the mechanical system considered in this example is attached to a ceiling inside an elevator going
up. As long as the elevator moves up at a constant speed, the result stays the same because the weight w does
not change. If the elevator moves up with acceleration, the critical mass is smaller because the weight of M + m
becomes larger by an apparent weight due to the acceleration of the elevator. Still, in all cases the shorter string
breaks first.
All examples in this chapter are planar problems. Accordingly, we use equilibrium conditions in the component form of
Equation 12.7 to Equation 12.9. We introduced a problem-solving strategy in Example 12.1 to illustrate the physical
meaning of the equilibrium conditions. Now we generalize this strategy in a list of steps to follow when solving static
equilibrium problems for extended rigid bodies. We proceed in five practical steps.
Note that setting up a free-body diagram for a rigid-body equilibrium problem is the most important component in the
solution process. Without the correct setup and a correct diagram, you will not be able to write down correct conditions for
equilibrium. Also note that a free-body diagram for an extended rigid body that may undergo rotational motion is different
from a free-body diagram for a body that experiences only translational motion (as you saw in the chapters on Newtons
laws of motion). In translational dynamics, a body is represented as its CM, where all forces on the body are attached and
no torques appear. This does not hold true in rotational dynamics, where an extended rigid body cannot be represented by
one point alone. The reason for this is that in analyzing rotation, we must identify torques acting on the body, and torque
depends both on the acting force and on its lever arm. Here, the free-body diagram for an extended rigid body helps us
identify external torques.
Example 12.3
For the arrangement shown in the figure, we identify the following five forces acting on the meter stick:
w 1 = m 1 g is the weight of mass m 1; w 2 = m 2 g is the weight of mass m 2;
w = mg is the weight of the entire meter stick; w 3 = m 3 g is the weight of unknown mass m 3;
We choose a frame of reference where the direction of the y-axis is the direction of gravity, the direction of the
x-axis is along the meter stick, and the axis of rotation (the z-axis) is perpendicular to the x-axis and passes through
598 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
the support point S. In other words, we choose the pivot at the point where the meter stick touches the support.
This is a natural choice for the pivot because this point does not move as the stick rotates. Now we are ready to set
up the free-body diagram for the meter stick. We indicate the pivot and attach five vectors representing the five
forces along the line representing the meter stick, locating the forces with respect to the pivot Figure 12.10. At
this stage, we can identify the lever arms of the five forces given the information provided in the problem. For the
three hanging masses, the problem is explicit about their locations along the stick, but the information about the
location of the weight w is given implicitly. The key word here is uniform. We know from our previous studies
that the CM of a uniform stick is located at its midpoint, so this is where we attach the weight w, at the 50-cm
With Figure 12.9 and Figure 12.10 for reference, we begin by finding the lever arms of the five forces acting
on the stick:
r1 = 30.0 cm + 40.0 cm = 70.0 cm
r2 = 40.0 cm
r = 50.0 cm 30.0 cm = 20.0 cm
rS = 0.0 cm (because F S is attached at the pivot)
r3 = 30.0 cm.
Now we can find the five torques with respect to the chosen pivot:
1 = +r 1 w 1 sin 90 = +r 1 m 1 g (counterclockwise rotation, positive sense)
2 = +r 2 w 2 sin 90 = +r 2 m 2 g (counterclockwise rotation, positive sense)
= +rw sin 90 = +rmg (gravitational torque)
S = r S F S sin S = 0 (because r S = 0 cm)
3 = r 3 w 3 sin 90 = r 3 m 3 g (clockwise rotation, negative sense)
The second equilibrium condition (equation for the torques) for the meter stick is
1 + 2 + + S + 3 = 0.
When substituting torque values into this equation, we can omit the torques giving zero contributions. In this way
the second equilibrium condition is
+r 1 m 1 g + r 2 m 2 g + rmg r 3 m 3 g = 0. (12.17)
Selecting the +y -direction to be parallel to F S, the first equilibrium condition for the stick is
w 1 w 2 w + F S w 3 = 0.
We solve these equations simultaneously for the unknown values m 3 and F S. In Equation 12.17, we cancel
the g factor and rearrange the terms to obtain
r 3 m 3 = r 1 m 1 + r 2 m 2 + rm.
r r
m 3 = r 1 m 1 + r 2 m 2 + rr m
3 3 3
= 70 (50.0 g) + 40 (75.0 g) + 20 (150.0 g) = 316.0 2 g 317 g.
30 30 30 3
To find the normal reaction force, we rearrange the terms in Equation 12.18, converting grams to kilograms:
F S = (m 1 + m 2 + m + m 3)g
= (50.0 + 75.0 + 150.0 + 316.7) 10 3 kg 9.8 m2 = 5.8 N.
Notice that Equation 12.17 is independent of the value of g. The torque balance may therefore be used to
measure mass, since variations in g-values on Earths surface do not affect these measurements. This is not the
case for a spring balance because it measures the force.
12.3 Check Your Understanding Repeat Example 12.3 using the left end of the meter stick to calculate
the torques; that is, by placing the pivot at the left end of the meter stick.
In the next example, we show how to use the first equilibrium condition (equation for forces) in the vector form given by
Equation 12.7 and Equation 12.8. We present this solution to illustrate the importance of a suitable choice of reference
frame. Although all inertial reference frames are equivalent and numerical solutions obtained in one frame are the same as
in any other, an unsuitable choice of reference frame can make the solution quite lengthy and convoluted, whereas a wise
choice of reference frame makes the solution straightforward. We show this in the equivalent solution to the same problem.
This particular example illustrates an application of static equilibrium to biomechanics.
Example 12.4
We identify three forces acting on the forearm: the unknown force F at the elbow; the unknown tension
T M in the muscle; and the weight w with magnitude w = 50 lb. We adopt the frame of reference with
the x-axis along the forearm and the pivot at the elbow. The vertical direction is the direction of the weight,
which is the same as the direction of the upper arm. The x-axis makes an angle = 60 with the vertical. The
y-axis is perpendicular to the x-axis. Now we set up the free-body diagram for the forearm. First, we draw the
axes, the pivot, and the three vectors representing the three identified forces. Then we locate the angle and
represent each force by its x- and y-components, remembering to cross out the original force vector to avoid
double counting. Finally, we label the forces and their lever arms. The free-body diagram for the forearm is shown
in Figure 12.12. At this point, we are ready to set up equilibrium conditions for the forearm. Each force has
x- and y-components; therefore, we have two equations for the first equilibrium condition, one equation for each
component of the net force acting on the forearm.
Notice that in our frame of reference, contributions to the second equilibrium condition (for torques) come only
from the y-components of the forces because the x-components of the forces are all parallel to their lever arms,
so that for any of them we have sin = 0 in Equation 12.10. For the y-components we have = 90 in
Equation 12.10. Also notice that the torque of the force at the elbow is zero because this force is attached at the
pivot. So the contribution to the net torque comes only from the torques of T y and of w y.
We see from the free-body diagram that the x-component of the net force satisfies the equation
+F x + T x w x = 0 (12.21)
Equation 12.21 and Equation 12.22 are two equations of the first equilibrium condition (for forces). Next,
we read from the free-body diagram that the net torque along the axis of rotation is
+r T T y r w w y = 0. (12.23)
Equation 12.23 is the second equilibrium condition (for torques) for the forearm. The free-body diagram shows
that the lever arms are r T = 1.5 in. and r w = 13.0 in. At this point, we do not need to convert inches into SI
units, because as long as these units are consistent in Equation 12.23, they cancel out. Using the free-body
diagram again, we find the magnitudes of the component forces:
F x = F cos = F cos 60 = F / 2
T x = T cos = T cos 60 = T / 2
w x = w cos = w cos 60 = w / 2
F y = F sin = F sin 60 = F 3 / 2
T y = T sin = T sin 60 = T 3 / 2
w y = w sin = w sin 60 = w 3 / 2.
We substitute these magnitudes into Equation 12.21, Equation 12.22, and Equation 12.23 to obtain,
F /2 + T /2 w/2 = 0
F 3/2 + T 3/2 w 3/2 = 0
r T T 3 / 2 r w w 3 / 2 = 0.
When we simplify these equations, we see that we are left with only two independent equations for the two
unknown force magnitudes, F and T, because Equation 12.21 for the x-component is equivalent to Equation
12.22 for the y-component. In this way, we obtain the first equilibrium condition for forces
F+T w=0 (12.24)
and the second equilibrium condition for torques
r T T r w w = 0. (12.25)
answer is
F = 383.3 lb = 383.3(4.448 N) = 1705 N downward
T = 433.3 lb = 433.3(4.448 N) = 1927 N upward.
Two important issues here are worth noting. The first concerns conversion into SI units, which can be done at the
very end of the solution as long as we keep consistency in units. The second important issue concerns the hinge
joints such as the elbow. In the initial analysis of a problem, hinge joints should always be assumed to exert a
force in an arbitrary direction, and then you must solve for all components of a hinge force independently. In
this example, the elbow force happens to be vertical because the problem assumes the tension by the biceps to be
vertical as well. Such a simplification, however, is not a general rule.
Suppose we adopt a reference frame with the direction of the y-axis along the 50-lb weight and the pivot placed
at the elbow. In this frame, all three forces have only y-components, so we have only one equation for the first
equilibrium condition (for forces). We draw the free-body diagram for the forearm as shown in Figure 12.13,
indicating the pivot, the acting forces and their lever arms with respect to the pivot, and the angles T and w
that the forces T M and
w (respectively) make with their lever arms. In the definition of torque given by
Equation 12.10, the angle T is the direction angle of the vector T M, counted counterclockwise from the
radial direction of the lever arm that always points away from the pivot. By the same convention, the angle w
is measured counterclockwise from the radial direction of the lever arm to the vector
w . Done this way, the
non-zero torques are most easily computed by directly substituting into Equation 12.10 as follows:
r T T 3 / 2 r w w 3 / 2 = 0. (12.26)
From the free-body diagram, the first equilibrium condition (for forces) is
F + T w = 0. (12.27)
Equation 12.26 is identical to Equation 12.25 and gives the result T = 433.3 lb. Equation 12.27 gives
F = T w = 433.3 lb 50.0 lb = 383.3 lb.
We see that these answers are identical to our previous answers, but the second choice for the frame of reference
leads to an equivalent solution that is simpler and quicker because it does not require that the forces be resolved
into their rectangular components.
12.4 Check Your Understanding Repeat Example 12.4 assuming that the forearm is an object of uniform
density that weighs 8.896 N.
Example 12.5
We can identify four forces acting on the ladder. The first force is the normal reaction force N from the floor in
the upward vertical direction. The second force is the static friction force f = s N directed horizontally along
the floor toward the wallthis force prevents the ladder from slipping. These two forces act on the ladder at its
contact point with the floor. The third force is the weight w of the ladder, attached at its CM located midway
between its ends. The fourth force is the normal reaction force F from the wall in the horizontal direction away
from the wall, attached at the contact point with the wall. There are no other forces because the wall is slippery,
which means there is no friction between the wall and the ladder. Based on this analysis, we adopt the frame of
reference with the y-axis in the vertical direction (parallel to the wall) and the x-axis in the horizontal direction
(parallel to the floor). In this frame, each force has either a horizontal component or a vertical component but
not both, which simplifies the solution. We select the pivot at the contact point with the floor. In the free-body
diagram for the ladder, we indicate the pivot, all four forces and their lever arms, and the angles between lever
arms and the forces, as shown in Figure 12.15. With our choice of the pivot location, there is no torque either
from the normal reaction force N or from the static friction f because they both act at the pivot.
604 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
From the free-body diagram, the net force in the x-direction is
+f F = 0 (12.28)
where w is the torque of the weight w and F is the torque of the reaction F. From the free-body diagram,
we identify that the lever arm of the reaction at the wall is r F = L = 5.0 m and the lever arm of the weight
is r w = L / 2 = 2.5 m. With the help of the free-body diagram, we identify the angles to be used in Equation
12.10 for torques: F = 180 for the torque from the reaction force with the wall, and
w = 180 + (90 ) for the torque due to the weight. Now we are ready to use Equation 12.10 to compute
We obtain the normal reaction force with the floor by solving Equation 12.29: N = w = 400.0 N. The
magnitude of friction is obtained by solving Equation 12.28: f = F = 150.7 N. The coefficient of static
friction is s = f / N = 150.7 / 400.0 = 0.377.
The net force on the ladder at the contact point with the floor is the vector sum of the normal reaction from the
floor and the static friction forces:
^ ^ ^ ^
F floo = f + N = (150.7 N)( i ) + (400.0 N)( + j ) = (150.7 i + 400.0 j ) N.
Its magnitude is
We should emphasize here two general observations of practical use. First, notice that when we choose a pivot
point, there is no expectation that the system will actually pivot around the chosen point. The ladder in this
example is not rotating at all but firmly stands on the floor; nonetheless, its contact point with the floor is a good
choice for the pivot. Second, notice when we use Equation 12.10 for the computation of individual torques,
we do not need to resolve the forces into their normal and parallel components with respect to the direction of
the lever arm, and we do not need to consider a sense of the torque. As long as the angle in Equation 12.10
is correctly identifiedwith the help of a free-body diagramas the angle measured counterclockwise from the
direction of the lever arm to the direction of the force vector, Equation 12.10 gives both the magnitude and
the sense of the torque. This is because torque is the vector product of the lever-arm vector crossed with the
force vector, and Equation 12.10 expresses the rectangular component of this vector product along the axis of
This result is independent of the length of the ladder because L is cancelled in the second equilibrium condition,
Equation 12.31. No matter how long or short the ladder is, as long as its weight is 400 N and the angle with the
floor is 53, our results hold. But the ladder will slip if the net torque becomes negative in Equation 12.31.
This happens for some angles when the coefficient of static friction is not great enough to prevent the ladder from
12.5 Check Your Understanding For the situation described in Example 12.5, determine the values of the
coefficient s of static friction for which the ladder starts slipping, given that is the angle that the ladder
makes with the floor.
Example 12.6
The forces that the door exerts on its hinges can be found by simply reversing the directions of the forces that the
hinges exert on the door. Hence, our task is to find the forces from the hinges on the door. Three forces act on
the door slab: an unknown force A from hinge A, an unknown force B from hinge B, and the known
weight w attached at the center of mass of the door slab. The CM is located at the geometrical center of the
door because the slab has a uniform mass density. We adopt a rectangular frame of reference with the y-axis
along the direction of gravity and the x-axis in the plane of the slab, as shown in panel (a) of Figure 12.17,
and resolve all forces into their rectangular components. In this way, we have four unknown component forces:
two components of force A
A x and A y, and two components of force B (B x and B y. In the free-
body diagram, we represent the two forces at the hinges by their vector components, whose assumed orientations
are arbitrary. Because there are four unknowns A x, B x, A y, and B y, we must set up four independent
equations. One equation is the equilibrium condition for forces in the x-direction. The second equation is the
equilibrium condition for forces in the y-direction. The third equation is the equilibrium condition for torques in
rotation about a hinge. Because the weight is evenly distributed between the hinges, we have the fourth equation,
A y = B y. To set up the equilibrium conditions, we draw a free-body diagram and choose the pivot point at the
upper hinge, as shown in panel (b) of Figure 12.17. Finally, we solve the equations for the unknown force
components and find the forces.
Figure 12.17 (a) Geometry and (b) free-body diagram for the door.
From the free-body diagram for the door we have the first equilibrium condition for forces:
in x-direction: A x + B x = 0 A x = B x
in y-direction: + A y + B y w = 0 A y = B y = w = 400.0 N = 200.0 N.
2 2
We select the pivot at point P (upper hinge, per the free-body diagram) and write the second equilibrium condition
for torques in rotation about point P:
pivot at P: w + Bx + By = 0. (12.32)
We use the free-body diagram to find all the terms in this equation:
w = dw sin() = dw sin = dw b / 2 = w b
d 2
Bx = aB x sin 90 = + aB x
By = aB y sin 180 = 0.
In evaluating sin , we use the geometry of the triangle shown in part (a) of the figure. Now we substitute these
torques into Equation 12.32 and compute B x :
The forces on the hinges are found from Newtons third law as
^ ^
on the upper hinge: F door on A = 100.0 N i 200.0 N j
^ ^
on the lower hinge: F door on B = 100.0 N i 200.0 N j .
608 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
Note that if the problem were formulated without the assumption of the weight being equally distributed between
the two hinges, we wouldnt be able to solve it because the number of the unknowns would be greater than the
number of equations expressing equilibrium conditions.
12.6 Check Your Understanding Solve the problem in Example 12.6 by taking the pivot position at the
center of mass.
12.7 Check Your Understanding A 50-kg person stands 1.5 m away from one end of a uniform 6.0-m-long
scaffold of mass 70.0 kg. Find the tensions in the two vertical ropes supporting the scaffold.
12.8 Check Your Understanding A 400.0-N sign hangs from the end of a uniform strut. The strut is 4.0 m
long and weighs 600.0 N. The strut is supported by a hinge at the wall and by a cable whose other end is tied to
the wall at a point 3.0 m above the left end of the strut. Find the tension in the supporting cable and the force of
the hinge on the strut.
A model of a rigid body is an idealized example of an object that does not deform under the actions of external forces.
It is very useful when analyzing mechanical systemsand many physical objects are indeed rigid to a great extent. The
extent to which an object can be perceived as rigid depends on the physical properties of the material from which it is made.
For example, a ping-pong ball made of plastic is brittle, and a tennis ball made of rubber is elastic when acted upon by
squashing forces. However, under other circumstances, both a ping-pong ball and a tennis ball may bounce well as rigid
bodies. Similarly, someone who designs prosthetic limbs may be able to approximate the mechanics of human limbs by
modeling them as rigid bodies; however, the actual combination of bones and tissues is an elastic medium.
For the remainder of this chapter, we move from consideration of forces that affect the motion of an object to those that
affect an objects shape. A change in shape due to the application of a force is known as a deformation. Even very small
forces are known to cause some deformation. Deformation is experienced by objects or physical media under the action of
external forcesfor example, this may be squashing, squeezing, ripping, twisting, shearing, or pulling the objects apart. In
the language of physics, two terms describe the forces on objects undergoing deformation: stress and strain.
Stress is a quantity that describes the magnitude of forces that cause deformation. Stress is generally defined as force per
unit area. When forces pull on an object and cause its elongation, like the stretching of an elastic band, we call such
stress a tensile stress. When forces cause a compression of an object, we call it a compressive stress. When an object
is being squeezed from all sides, like a submarine in the depths of an ocean, we call this kind of stress a bulk stress (or
volume stress). In other situations, the acting forces may be neither tensile nor compressive, and still produce a noticeable
deformation. For example, suppose you hold a book tightly between the palms of your hands, then with one hand you press-
and-pull on the front cover away from you, while with the other hand you press-and-pull on the back cover toward you. In
such a case, when deforming forces act tangentially to the objects surface, we call them shear forces and the stress they
cause is called shear stress.
The SI unit of stress is the pascal (Pa). When one newton of force presses on a unit surface area of one meter squared, the
resulting stress is one pascal:
In the British system of units, the unit of stress is psi, which stands for pound per square inch lb/in 2. Another unit that
is often used for bulk stress is the atm (atmosphere). Conversion factors are
1 psi = 6895 Pa and 1 Pa = 1.450 10 4 psi
1 atm = 1.013 10 5 Pa = 14.7 psi.
An object or medium under stress becomes deformed. The quantity that describes this deformation is called strain. Strain
is given as a fractional change in either length (under tensile stress) or volume (under bulk stress) or geometry (under shear
stress). Therefore, strain is a dimensionless number. Strain under a tensile stress is called tensile strain, strain under bulk
stress is called bulk strain (or volume strain), and that caused by shear stress is called shear strain.
The greater the stress, the greater the strain; however, the relation between strain and stress does not need to be linear.
Only when stress is sufficiently low is the deformation it causes in direct proportion to the stress value. The proportionality
constant in this relation is called the elastic modulus. In the linear limit of low stress values, the general relation between
stress and strain is
As we can see from dimensional analysis of this relation, the elastic modulus has the same physical unit as stress because
strain is dimensionless.
We can also see from Equation 12.33 that when an object is characterized by a large value of elastic modulus, the
effect of stress is small. On the other hand, a small elastic modulus means that stress produces large strain and noticeable
deformation. For example, a stress on a rubber band produces larger strain (deformation) than the same stress on a steel
band of the same dimensions because the elastic modulus for rubber is two orders of magnitude smaller than the elastic
modulus for steel.
The elastic modulus for tensile stress is called Youngs modulus; that for the bulk stress is called the bulk modulus; and
that for shear stress is called the shear modulus. Note that the relation between stress and strain is an observed relation,
measured in the laboratory. Elastic moduli for various materials are measured under various physical conditions, such
as varying temperature, and collected in engineering data tables for reference (Table 12.1). These tables are valuable
references for industry and for anyone involved in engineering or construction. In the next section, we discuss strain-stress
relations beyond the linear limit represented by Equation 12.33, in the full range of stress values up to a fracture point. In
the remainder of this section, we study the linear limit expressed by Equation 12.33.
Compressive stress and strain are defined by the same formulas, Equation 12.34 and Equation 12.35, respectively. The
only difference from the tensile situation is that for compressive stress and strain, we take absolute values of the right-hand
sides in Equation 12.34 and Equation 12.35.
612 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
Youngs modulus Y is the elastic modulus when deformation is caused by either tensile or compressive stress, and is defined
by Equation 12.33. Dividing this equation by tensile strain, we obtain the expression for Youngs modulus:
F / A F L 0 (12.36)
Y = tensile stress = = .
tensile strain L / L 0 A L
Example 12.7
First we find the weight of the 3.0-m-long top section of the pillar. The normal force that acts on the cross-section
located 3.0 m down from the top is the sum of the pillars weight and the sculptures weight. Once we have the
normal force, we use Equation 12.34 to find the stress. To find the compressive strain, we find the value of
Youngs modulus for granite in Table 12.1 and invert Equation 12.36.
The volume of the pillar segment with height h = 3.0 m and cross-sectional area A = 0.20 m 2 is
With the density of granite = 2.7 10 3 kg/m 3, the mass of the pillar segment is
The weight of the sculpture is w s = 1.0 10 4 N, so the normal force on the cross-sectional surface located 3.0
m below the sculpture is
F = w p + w s = (1.568 + 1.0) 10 4 N = 2.568 10 4 N.
Youngs modulus for granite is Y = 4.5 10 10 Pa = 4.5 10 7 kPa. Therefore, the compressive strain at this
position is
Notice that the normal force acting on the cross-sectional area of the pillar is not constant along its length, but
varies from its smallest value at the top to its largest value at the bottom of the pillar. Thus, if the pillar has a
uniform cross-sectional area along its length, the stress is largest at its base.
12.9 Check Your Understanding Find the compressive stress and strain at the base of Nelsons column.
Example 12.8
Stretching a Rod
A 2.0-m-long steel rod has a cross-sectional area of 0.30 cm 2. The rod is a part of a vertical support that holds
a heavy 550-kg platform that hangs attached to the rods lower end. Ignoring the weight of the rod, what is the
tensile stress in the rod and the elongation of the rod under the stress?
First we compute the tensile stress in the rod under the weight of the platform in accordance with Equation
12.34. Then we invert Equation 12.36 to find the rods elongation, using L 0 = 2.0 m. From Table 12.1,
Youngs modulus for steel is Y = 2.0 10 11 Pa.
Substituting numerical values into the equations gives us
F (550 kg)(9.8 m/s 2)
= = 1.8 10 8 Pa
A 3.0 10 5 m 2
F L 2.0 m
L = 0 = (1.8 10 8 Pa) = 1.8 10 3 m = 1.8 mm.
A Y 2.0 10 11 Pa
Similarly as in the example with the column, the tensile stress in this example is not uniform along the length of
the rod. Unlike in the previous example, however, if the weight of the rod is taken into consideration, the stress in
the rod is largest at the top and smallest at the bottom of the rod where the equipment is attached.
12.10 Check Your Understanding A 2.0-m-long wire stretches 1.0 mm when subjected to a load. What is
the tensile strain in the wire?
Objects can often experience both compressive stress and tensile stress simultaneously Figure 12.20. One example is a
long shelf loaded with heavy books that sags between the end supports under the weight of the books. The top surface of
the shelf is in compressive stress and the bottom surface of the shelf is in tensile stress. Similarly, long and heavy beams
sag under their own weight. In modern building construction, such bending strains can be almost eliminated with the use of
I-beams Figure 12.21.
Figure 12.20 (a) An object bending downward experiences tensile stress (stretching) in the upper section and
compressive stress (compressing) in the lower section. (b) Elite weightlifters often bend iron bars temporarily during
lifting, as in the 2012 Olympics competition. (credit b: modification of work by Oleksandr Kocherzhenko)
A heavy box rests on a table supported by three columns. View this demonstration
( to move the box to see how the compression (or tension) in the
columns is affected when the box changes its position.
The bulk strain results from the bulk stress, which is a force F normal to a surface that presses on the unit surface area
A of a submerged object. This kind of physical quantity, or pressure p, is defined as
F (12.38)
pressure = p .
We will study pressure in fluids in greater detail in Fluid Mechanics. An important characteristic of pressure is that it is
a scalar quantity and does not have any particular direction; that is, pressure acts equally in all possible directions. When
you submerge your hand in water, you sense the same amount of pressure acting on the top surface of your hand as on the
bottom surface, or on the side surface, or on the surface of the skin between your fingers. What you are perceiving in this
case is an increase in pressure p over what you are used to feeling when your hand is not submerged in water. What
you feel when your hand is not submerged in the water is the normal pressure p 0 of one atmosphere, which serves as a
reference point. The bulk stress is this increase in pressure, or p, over the normal level, p 0.
When the bulk stress increases, the bulk strain increases in response, in accordance with Equation 12.33. The
proportionality constant in this relation is called the bulk modulus, B, or
p V (12.39)
B = bulk stress = = p 0 .
bulk strain V / V 0 V
The minus sign that appears in Equation 12.39 is for consistency, to ensure that B is a positive quantity. Note that the
minus sign ( ) is necessary because an increase p in pressure (a positive quantity) always causes a decrease V in
volume, and decrease in volume is a negative quantity. The reciprocal of the bulk modulus is called compressibility k, or
V / V 0 (12.40)
k= 1 = .
B p
The term compressibility is used in relation to fluids (gases and liquids). Compressibility describes the change in
the volume of a fluid per unit increase in pressure. Fluids characterized by a large compressibility are relatively easy
to compress. For example, the compressibility of water is 4.64 10 5 /atm and the compressibility of acetone is
1.45 10 4 /atm. This means that under a 1.0-atm increase in pressure, the relative decrease in volume is approximately
three times as large for acetone as it is for water.
Example 12.9
Hydraulic Press
In a hydraulic press Figure 12.23, a 250-liter volume of oil is subjected to a 2300-psi pressure increase. If the
compressibility of oil is 2.0 10 5 / atm, find the bulk strain and the absolute decrease in the volume of oil
when the press is operating.
We must invert Equation 12.40 to find the bulk strain. First, we convert the pressure increase from psi to atm,
p = 2300 psi = 2300 / 14.7 atm 160 atm, and identify V 0 = 250 L.
Substituting values into the equation, we have
bulk strain = V = = kp = (2.0 10 5 /atm)(160 atm) = 0.0032
V0 B
answer: V = 0.0032 V 0 = 0.0032(250 L) = 0.78 L.
Notice that since the compressibility of water is 2.32 times larger than that of oil, if the working substance in the
hydraulic press of this problem were changed to water, the bulk strain as well as the volume change would be
2.32 times larger.
12.11 Check Your Understanding If the normal force acting on each face of a cubical 1.0-m 3 piece of steel
is changed by 1.0 10 7 N, find the resulting change in the volume of the piece of steel.
solid object, causing no deformation in the transverse direction to the line of force, as in the typical example of shear stress
illustrated in Figure 12.24. Shear deformation is characterized by a gradual shift x of layers in the direction tangent to
the acting forces. This gradation in x occurs in the transverse direction along some distance L 0. Shear strain is defined
by the ratio of the largest displacement x to the transverse distance L 0
Shear strain is caused by shear stress. Shear stress is due to forces that act parallel to the surface. We use the symbol F
for such forces. The magnitude F per surface area A where shearing force is applied is the measure of shear stress
F (12.42)
shear stress = .
The shear modulus is the proportionality constant in Equation 12.33 and is defined by the ratio of stress to strain. Shear
modulus is commonly denoted by S:
F / A F L 0 (12.43)
S = shear stress = = .
shear strain x / L 0 A x
Example 12.10
An Old Bookshelf
A cleaning person tries to move a heavy, old bookcase on a carpeted floor by pushing tangentially on the surface
of the very top shelf. However, the only noticeable effect of this effort is similar to that seen in Figure 12.24, and
it disappears when the person stops pushing. The bookcase is 180.0 cm tall and 90.0 cm wide with four 30.0-cm-
deep shelves, all partially loaded with books. The total weight of the bookcase and books is 600.0 N. If the person
gives the top shelf a 50.0-N push that displaces the top shelf horizontally by 15.0 cm relative to the motionless
bottom shelf, find the shear modulus of the bookcase.
The only pieces of relevant information are the physical dimensions of the bookcase, the value of the tangential
force, and the displacement this force causes. We identify F = 50.0 N, x = 15.0 cm, L 0 = 180.0 cm,
and A = (30.0 cm)(90.0 cm) = 2700.0 cm 2, and we use Equation 12.43 to compute the shear modulus.
Substituting numbers into the equations, we obtain for the shear modulus
F L 0
S= = 50.0 N 180.0 cm. = 2 N 2 = 2 10 4 N2 = 20 10 3 Pa = 2.222 kPa.
A x 2700.0 cm 2 15.0 cm. 9 cm 9 m 9
If the person in this example gave the shelf a healthy push, it might happen that the induced shear would collapse
it to a pile of rubbish. Much the same shear mechanism is responsible for failures of earth-filled dams and levees;
and, in general, for landslides.
12.12 Check Your Understanding Explain why the concepts of Youngs modulus and shear modulus do not
apply to fluids.
We referred to the proportionality constant between stress and strain as the elastic modulus. But why do we call it that?
What does it mean for an object to be elastic and how do we describe its behavior?
Elasticity is the tendency of solid objects and materials to return to their original shape after the external forces (load)
causing a deformation are removed. An object is elastic when it comes back to its original size and shape when the load is
no longer present. Physical reasons for elastic behavior vary among materials and depend on the microscopic structure of
the material. For example, the elasticity of polymers and rubbers is caused by stretching polymer chains under an applied
force. In contrast, the elasticity of metals is caused by resizing and reshaping the crystalline cells of the lattices (which are
the material structures of metals) under the action of externally applied forces.
The two parameters that determine the elasticity of a material are its elastic modulus and its elastic limit. A high elastic
modulus is typical for materials that are hard to deform; in other words, materials that require a high load to achieve
a significant strain. An example is a steel band. A low elastic modulus is typical for materials that are easily deformed
under a load; for example, a rubber band. If the stress under a load becomes too high, then when the load is removed, the
material no longer comes back to its original shape and size, but relaxes to a different shape and size: The material becomes
permanently deformed. The elastic limit is the stress value beyond which the material no longer behaves elastically but
becomes permanently deformed.
Our perception of an elastic material depends on both its elastic limit and its elastic modulus. For example, all rubbers are
620 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
characterized by a low elastic modulus and a high elastic limit; hence, it is easy to stretch them and the stretch is noticeably
large. Among materials with identical elastic limits, the most elastic is the one with the lowest elastic modulus.
When the load increases from zero, the resulting stress is in direct proportion to strain in the way given by Equation
12.33, but only when stress does not exceed some limiting value. For stress values within this linear limit, we can describe
elastic behavior in analogy with Hookes law for a spring. According to Hookes law, the stretch value of a spring under
an applied force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force. Conversely, the response force from the spring to
an applied stretch is directly proportional to the stretch. In the same way, the deformation of a material under a load is
directly proportional to the load, and, conversely, the resulting stress is directly proportional to strain. The linearity limit
(or the proportionality limit) is the largest stress value beyond which stress is no longer proportional to strain. Beyond the
linearity limit, the relation between stress and strain is no longer linear. When stress becomes larger than the linearity limit
but still within the elasticity limit, behavior is still elastic, but the relation between stress and strain becomes nonlinear.
For stresses beyond the elastic limit, a material exhibits plastic behavior. This means the material deforms irreversibly and
does not return to its original shape and size, even when the load is removed. When stress is gradually increased beyond the
elastic limit, the material undergoes plastic deformation. Rubber-like materials show an increase in stress with the increasing
strain, which means they become more difficult to stretch and, eventually, they reach a fracture point where they break.
Ductile materials such as metals show a gradual decrease in stress with the increasing strain, which means they become
easier to deform as stress-strain values approach the breaking point. Microscopic mechanisms responsible for plasticity of
materials are different for different materials.
We can graph the relationship between stress and strain on a stress-strain diagram. Each material has its own characteristic
strain-stress curve. A typical stress-strain diagram for a ductile metal under a load is shown in Figure 12.25. In this figure,
strain is a fractional elongation (not drawn to scale). When the load is gradually increased, the linear behavior (red line) that
starts at the no-load point (the origin) ends at the linearity limit at point H. For further load increases beyond point H, the
stress-strain relation is nonlinear but still elastic. In the figure, this nonlinear region is seen between points H and E. Ever
larger loads take the stress to the elasticity limit E, where elastic behavior ends and plastic deformation begins. Beyond the
elasticity limit, when the load is removed, for example at P, the material relaxes to a new shape and size along the green
line. This is to say that the material becomes permanently deformed and does not come back to its initial shape and size
when stress becomes zero.
The material undergoes plastic deformation for loads large enough to cause stress to go beyond the elasticity limit at E. The
material continues to be plastically deformed until the stress reaches the fracture point (breaking point). Beyond the fracture
point, we no longer have one sample of material, so the diagram ends at the fracture point. For the completeness of this
qualitative description, it should be said that the linear, elastic, and plasticity limits denote a range of values rather than one
sharp point.
The value of stress at the fracture point is called breaking stress (or ultimate stress). Materials with similar elastic
properties, such as two metals, may have very different breaking stresses. For example, ultimate stress for aluminum is
2.2 10 8 Pa and for steel it may be as high as 20.0 10 8 Pa, depending on the kind of steel. We can make a quick
estimate, based on Equation 12.34, that for rods with a 1-in 2 cross-sectional area, the breaking load for an aluminum
rod is 3.2 10 4 lb, and the breaking load for a steel rod is about nine times larger.
622 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
breaking stress (ultimate stress) value of stress at the fracture point
bulk modulus elastic modulus for the bulk stress
bulk strain (or volume strain) strain under the bulk stress, given as fractional change in volume
bulk stress (or volume stress) stress caused by compressive forces, in all directions
center of gravity point where the weight vector is attached
compressibility reciprocal of the bulk modulus
compressive strain strain that occurs when forces are contracting an object, causing its shortening
compressive stress stress caused by compressive forces, only in one direction
elastic object that comes back to its original size and shape when the load is no longer present
elastic limit stress value beyond which material no longer behaves elastically and becomes permanently deformed
elastic modulus proportionality constant in linear relation between stress and strain, in SI pascals
equilibrium body is in equilibrium when its linear and angular accelerations are both zero relative to an inertial frame of
first equilibrium condition expresses translational equilibrium; all external forces acting on the body balance out and
their vector sum is zero
gravitational torque torque on the body caused by its weight; it occurs when the center of gravity of the body is not
located on the axis of rotation
linearity limit (proportionality limit) largest stress value beyond which stress is no longer proportional to strain
normal pressure pressure of one atmosphere, serves as a reference level for pressure
pascal (Pa) SI unit of stress, SI unit of pressure
plastic behavior material deforms irreversibly, does not go back to its original shape and size when load is removed and
stress vanishes
pressure force pressing in normal direction on a surface per the surface area, the bulk stress in fluids
second equilibrium condition expresses rotational equilibrium; all torques due to external forces acting on the body
balance out and their vector sum is zero
shear modulus elastic modulus for shear stress
shear strain strain caused by shear stress
shear stress stress caused by shearing forces
static equilibrium body is in static equilibrium when it is at rest in our selected inertial frame of reference
strain dimensionless quantity that gives the amount of deformation of an object or medium under stress
stress quantity that contains information about the magnitude of force causing deformation, defined as force per unit
stress-strain diagram graph showing the relationship between stress and strain, characteristic of a material
tensile strain strain under tensile stress, given as fractional change in length, which occurs when forces are stretching an
object, causing its elongation
tensile stress stress caused by tensile forces, only in one direction, which occurs when forces are stretching an object,
causing its elongation
Youngs modulus elastic modulus for tensile or compressive stress
First Equilibrium Condition F k= 0
Second Equilibrium Condition k = 0
12.1 Conditions for Static Equilibrium
A body is in equilibrium when it remains either in uniform motion (both translational and rotational) or at rest.
When a body in a selected inertial frame of reference neither rotates nor moves in translational motion, we say the
body is in static equilibrium in this frame of reference.
Conditions for equilibrium require that the sum of all external forces acting on the body is zero (first condition of
equilibrium), and the sum of all external torques from external forces is zero (second condition of equilibrium).
These two conditions must be simultaneously satisfied in equilibrium. If one of them is not satisfied, the body is not
in equilibrium.
The free-body diagram for a body is a useful tool that allows us to count correctly all contributions from all external
forces and torques acting on the body. Free-body diagrams for the equilibrium of an extended rigid body must
indicate a pivot point and lever arms of acting forces with respect to the pivot.
object or medium and is due to an external forces acting along only one direction perpendicular to the cross-section.
Bulk strain is the response of an object or medium to bulk stress. Here, the elastic modulus is called the bulk
modulus. Bulk stress causes a change in the volume of the object or medium and is caused by forces acting on the
body from all directions, perpendicular to its surface. Compressibility of an object or medium is the reciprocal of its
bulk modulus.
Shear strain is the deformation of an object or medium under shear stress. The shear modulus is the elastic modulus
in this case. Shear stress is caused by forces acting along the objects two parallel surfaces.
the floor is frictionless?
12.1 Conditions for Static Equilibrium
1. What can you say about the velocity of a moving body 11. Show how a spring scale and a simple fulcrum can
that is in dynamic equilibrium? be used to weigh an object whose weight is larger than the
maximum reading on the scale.
2. Under what conditions can a rotating body be in
equilibrium? Give an example. 12. A painter climbs a ladder. Is the ladder more likely to
slip when the painter is near the bottom or near the top?
3. What three factors affect the torque created by a force
relative to a specific pivot point?
12.3 Stress, Strain, and Elastic Modulus
4. Mechanics sometimes put a length of pipe over the Note: Unless stated otherwise, the weights of the wires,
handle of a wrench when trying to remove a very tight bolt. rods, and other elements are assumed to be negligible.
How does this help?
Elastic moduli of selected materials are given in Table
For the next four problems, evaluate the statement as either
true or false and explain your answer. 13. Why can a squirrel jump from a tree branch to the
ground and run away undamaged, while a human could
5. If there is only one external force (or torque) acting on break a bone in such a fall?
an object, it cannot be in equilibrium.
14. When a glass bottle full of vinegar warms up, both
6. If an object is in equilibrium there must be an even the vinegar and the glass expand, but the vinegar expands
number of forces acting on it. significantly more with temperature than does the glass.
The bottle will break if it is filled up to its very tight cap.
7. If an odd number of forces act on an object, the object Explain why and how a pocket of air above the vinegar
cannot be in equilibrium. prevents the bottle from breaking.
8. A body moving in a circle with a constant speed is in 15. A thin wire strung between two nails in the wall
rotational equilibrium. is used to support a large picture. Is the wire likely to
snap if it is strung tightly or if it is strung so that it sags
9. What purpose is served by a long and flexible pole considerably?
carried by wire-walkers?
16. Review the relationship between stress and strain. Can
you find any similarities between the two quantities?
12.2 Examples of Static Equilibrium
10. Is it possible to rest a ladder against a rough wall when 17. What type of stress are you applying when you press
49. A farmer making grape juice fills a glass bottle to the 58. A suspender rod of a suspension bridge is 25.0 m long.
brim and caps it tightly. The juice expands more than the If the rod is made of steel, what must its diameter be so that
glass when it warms up, in such a way that the volume it does not stretch more than 1.0 cm when a 2.5 10 4 -kg
increases by 0.2%. Calculate the force exerted by the juice truck passes by it? Assume that the rod supports all of the
per square centimeter if its bulk modulus is weight of the truck.
1.8 10 9 N / m 2, assuming the bottle does not break.
59. A copper wire is 1.0 m long and its diameter is 1.0
50. A disk between vertebrae in the spine is subjected to mm. If the wire hangs vertically, how much weight must be
a shearing force of 600.0 N. Find its shear deformation, added to its free end in order to stretch it 3.0 mm?
using the shear modulus of 1.0 10 9 N/m 2. The disk is
60. A 100-N weight is attached to a free end of a metallic
equivalent to a solid cylinder 0.700 cm high and 4.00 cm in
wire that hangs from the ceiling. When a second 100-N
weight is added to the wire, it stretches 3.0 mm. The
diameter and the length of the wire are 1.0 mm and 2.0 m,
51. A vertebra is subjected to a shearing force of 500.0 respectively. What is Youngs modulus of the metal used to
N. Find the shear deformation, taking the vertebra to be manufacture the wire?
a cylinder 3.00 cm high and 4.00 cm in diameter. How
does your result compare with the result obtained in the
preceding problem? Are spinal problems more common in 61. The bulk modulus of a material is 1.0 10 11 N/m 2.
disks than in vertebrae? What fractional change in volume does a piece of this
material undergo when it is subjected to a bulk stress
52. Calculate the force a piano tuner applies to stretch a increase of 10 7 N/m 2 ? Assume that the force is applied
steel piano wire by 8.00 mm, if the wire is originally 1.35 uniformly over the surface.
m long and its diameter is 0.850 mm.
62. Normal forces of magnitude 1.0 10 6 N are applied
53. A 20.0-m-tall hollow aluminum flagpole is equivalent
uniformly to a spherical surface enclosing a volume of a
in strength to a solid cylinder 4.00 cm in diameter. A strong
liquid. This causes the radius of the surface to decrease
wind bends the pole as much as a horizontal 900.0-N force
from 50.000 cm to 49.995 cm. What is the bulk modulus of
on the top would do. How far to the side does the top of the
the liquid?
pole flex?
tension of 3.94 10 3 N in a wire that is stretched between Added load (including pan) Scale reading
two supporting poles that are 15.0 m apart. The wire has (N) (cm)
a diameter of 0.50 cm when it is not stretched. When the
walker is on the wire in the middle between the poles the 15 4.036
wire makes an angle of 5.0 below the horizontal. How 25 4.073
much does this tension stretch the steel wire when the
35 4.109
walker is this position?
45 4.146
64. When using a pencil eraser, you exert a vertical force 55 4.181
of 6.00 N at a distance of 2.00 cm from the hardwood-
eraser joint. The pencil is 6.00 mm in diameter and is held 65 4.221
at an angle of 20.0 to the horizontal. (a) By how much 75 4.266
does the wood flex perpendicular to its length? (b) How
much is it compressed lengthwise? 85 4.316
69. The coefficient of static friction between the rubber
eraser of the pencil and the tabletop is s = 0.80. If the
force F is applied along the axis of the pencil, as shown
below, what is the minimum angle at which the pencil can
stand without slipping? Ignore the weight of the pencil.
the floor and the plank to prevent the plank from slipping?
73. Two thin rods, one made of steel and the other of
aluminum, are joined end to end. Each rod is 2.0 m long
and has cross-sectional area 9.1 mm 2. If a 10,000-N
tensile force is applied at each end of the combination,
find: (a) stress in each rod; (b) strain in each rod; and, (c)
elongation of each rod.
71. A uniform 4.0-m plank weighing 200.0 N rests against 74. Two rods, one made of copper and the other of steel,
the corner of a wall, as shown below. There is no friction have the same dimensions. If the copper rod stretches by
at the point where the plank meets the corner. (a) Find the 0.15 mm under some stress, how much does the steel rod
forces that the corner and the floor exert on the plank. (b) stretch under the same stress?
What is the minimum coefficient of static friction between
76. When a motor is set on a pivoted mount seen below,
75. A horizontal force F is applied to a uniform sphere
its weight can be used to maintain tension in the drive belt.
in direction exact toward the center of the sphere, as shown
When the motor is not running the tensions T 1 and T 2 are
below. Find the magnitude of this force so that the sphere
remains in static equilibrium. What is the frictional force of equal. The total mass of the platform and the motor is 100.0
the incline on the sphere? kg, and the diameter of the drive belt pulley is 16.0 cm.
when the motor is off, find: (a) the tension in the belt, and
(b) the force at the hinged platform support at point C.
Assume that the center of mass of the motor plus platform
is at the center of the motor.
632 Chapter 12 | Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
Figure 13.1 Our visible Universe contains billions of galaxies, whose very existence is due to the force of gravity. Gravity is
ultimately responsible for the energy output of all starsinitiating thermonuclear reactions in stars, allowing the Sun to heat
Earth, and making galaxies visible from unfathomable distances. Most of the dots you see in this image are not stars, but
galaxies. (credit: modification of work by NASA)
Chapter Outline
13.1 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
13.2 Gravitation Near Earth's Surface
13.3 Gravitational Potential Energy and Total Energy
13.4 Satellite Orbits and Energy
13.5 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
13.6 Tidal Forces
13.7 Einstein's Theory of Gravity
In this chapter, we study the nature of the gravitational force for objects as small as ourselves and for systems as massive as
entire galaxies. We show how the gravitational force affects objects on Earth and the motion of the Universe itself. Gravity
is the first force to be postulated as an action-at-a-distance force, that is, objects exert a gravitational force on one another
without physical contact and that force falls to zero only at an infinite distance. Earth exerts a gravitational force on you,
but so do our Sun, the Milky Way galaxy, and the billions of galaxies, like those shown above, which are so distant that we
cannot see them with the naked eye.
636 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
We first review the history of the study of gravitation, with emphasis on those phenomena that for thousands of years have
inspired philosophers and scientists to search for an explanation. Then we examine the simplest form of Newtons law of
universal gravitation and how to apply it.
where F 12 is the force on object 1 exerted by object 2 and ^
r 12 is a unit vector that points from object 1 toward
object 2.
As shown in Figure 13.2, the F 12 vector points from object 1 toward object 2, and hence represents an attractive force
between the objects. The equal but opposite force F 21 is the force on object 2 exerted by object 1.
These equal but opposite forces reflect Newtons third law, which we discussed earlier. Note that strictly speaking,
Equation 13.1 applies to point massesall the mass is located at one point. But it applies equally to any spherically
symmetric objects, where r is the distance between the centers of mass of those objects. In many cases, it works reasonably
well for nonsymmetrical objects, if their separation is large compared to their size, and we take r to be the distance between
the center of mass of each body.
Although gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature, its attractive nature is what holds us to Earth,
causes the planets to orbit the Sun and the Sun to orbit our galaxy, and binds galaxies into clusters, ranging from a few to
millions. Gravity is the force that forms the Universe.
Example 13.1
A Collision in Orbit
Consider two nearly spherical Soyuz payload vehicles, in orbit about Earth, each with mass 9000 kg and diameter
4.0 m. They are initially at rest relative to each other, 10.0 m from center to center. (As we will see in Keplers
Laws of Planetary Motion, both orbit Earth at the same speed and interact nearly the same as if they were
isolated in deep space.) Determine the gravitational force between them and their initial acceleration. Estimate
how long it takes for them to drift together, and how fast they are moving upon impact.
We use Newtons law of gravitation to determine the force between them and then use Newtons second law to
find the acceleration of each. For the estimate, we assume this acceleration is constant, and we use the constant-
acceleration equations from Motion along a Straight Line to find the time and speed of the collision.
The magnitude of the force is
| |
F 12 = F 12 = G
m1 m2
= 6.67 10 11 N m 2 /kg 2
(9000 kg)(9000 kg)
(10 m) 2
= 5.4 10 5 N.
The vehicles are 4.0 m in diameter, so the vehicles move from 10.0 m to 4.0 m apart, or a distance of 3.0
m each. A similar calculation to that above, for when the vehicles are 4.0 m apart, yields an acceleration of
3.8 10 8 m/s 2 , and the average of these two values is 2.2 10 8 m/s 2 . If we assume a constant acceleration
of this value and they start from rest, then the vehicles collide with speed given by
v 2 = v 20 + 2a(x x 0), where v 0 = 0,
These calculationsincluding the initial forceare only estimates, as the vehicles are probably not spherically
symmetrical. But you can see that the force is incredibly small. Astronauts must tether themselves when doing
work outside even the massive International Space Station (ISS), as in Figure 13.4, because the gravitational
attraction cannot save them from even the smallest push away from the station.
13.1 Check Your Understanding What happens to force and acceleration as the vehicles fall together? What
will our estimate of the velocity at a collision higher or lower than the speed actually be? And finally, what
would happen if the masses were not identical? Would the force on each be the same or different? How about
their accelerations?
640 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
The effect of gravity between two objects with masses on the order of these space vehicles is indeed small. Yet, the effect
of gravity on you from Earth is significant enough that a fall into Earth of only a few feet can be dangerous. We examine
the force of gravity near Earths surface in the next section.
Example 13.2
Figure 13.5 Galaxies interact gravitationally over immense distances. The Andromeda galaxy
is the nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, and they will eventually collide. (credit: Boris
As in the preceding example, we use Newtons law of gravitation to determine the force between them and then
use Newtons second law to find the acceleration of the Milky Way. We can consider the galaxies to be point
masses, since their sizes are about 25 times smaller than their separation. The mass of the Sun (see Appendix
D) is 2.0 10 30 kg and a light-year is the distance light travels in one year, 9.5 10 15 m .
The magnitude of the force is
m1 m2 [(800 10 9)(2.0 10 30 kg)] 2
F 12 = G 2
= (6.67 10 11 N m 2 /kg 2) = 3.0 10 29 N.
r [(2.5 10 6)(9.5 10 15 m)] 2
The acceleration of the Milky Way is
F =
a=m 3.0 10 29 N = 1.9 10 13 m/s 2.
(800 10 9)(2.0 10 30 kg)
Does this value of acceleration seem astoundingly small? If they start from rest, then they would accelerate
directly toward each other, colliding at their center of mass. Lets estimate the time for this to happen. The initial
acceleration is ~ 10 13 m/s 2 , so using v = at , we see that it would take ~ 10 13 s for each galaxy to reach a
speed of 1.0 m/s, and they would be only ~ 0.5 10 13 m closer. That is nine orders of magnitude smaller than
the initial distance between them. In reality, such motions are rarely simple. These two galaxies, along with about
50 other smaller galaxies, are all gravitationally bound into our local cluster. Our local cluster is gravitationally
bound to other clusters in what is called a supercluster. All of this is part of the great cosmic dance that results
from gravitation, as shown in Figure 13.6.
Figure 13.6 Based on the results of this example, plus what astronomers have observed elsewhere in the Universe,
our galaxy will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in about 4 billion years. (credit: NASA)
In this section, we observe how Newtons law of gravitation applies at the surface of a planet and how it connects with what
we learned earlier about free fall. We also examine the gravitational effects within spherical bodies.
642 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
Recall that the acceleration of a free-falling object near Earths surface is approximately g = 9.80 m/s 2 . The force causing
this acceleration is called the weight of the object, and from Newtons second law, it has the value mg. This weight is present
regardless of whether the object is in free fall. We now know that this force is the gravitational force between the object and
Earth. If we substitute mg for the magnitude of F 12 in Newtons law of universal gravitation, m for m 1 , and M E for
m 2 , we obtain the scalar equation
mM E
mg = G
where r is the distance between the centers of mass of the object and Earth. The average radius of Earth is about 6370 km.
Hence, for objects within a few kilometers of Earths surface, we can take r = R E (Figure 13.7). The mass m of the object
cancels, leaving
ME (13.2)
g=G .
This explains why all masses free fall with the same acceleration. We have ignored the fact that Earth also accelerates
toward the falling object, but that is acceptable as long as the mass of Earth is much larger than that of the object.
Figure 13.7 We can take the distance between the centers of mass of
Earth and an object on its surface to be the radius of Earth, provided
that its size is much less than the radius of Earth.
Example 13.3
b. Estimate the value of g on the Moon. Use the fact that the Moon has a radius of about 1700 km (a value of
this accuracy was determined many centuries ago) and assume it has the same average density as Earth,
5500 kg/m 3 .
With the known values of g and R E , we can use Equation 13.2 to find M E . For the Moon, we use the
assumption of equal average density to determine the mass from a ratio of the volumes of Earth and the Moon.
a. Rearranging Equation 13.2, we have
gR 2E 9.80 m/s 2 (6.37 10 6 m) 2
ME = = = 5.95 10 24 kg.
G 6.67 10 11 N m 2 /kg 2
b. The volume of a sphere is proportional to the radius cubed, so a simple ratio gives us
M M R 3M (1.7 10 6 m) 3
= 3 MM = (5.95 10 24 kg) = 1.1 10 23 kg.
(6.37 10 m) 3
As soon as Cavendish determined the value of G in 1798, the mass of Earth could be calculated. (In fact, that was
the ultimate purpose of Cavendishs experiment in the first place.) The value we calculated for g of the Moon
is incorrect. The average density of the Moon is actually only 3340 kg/m 3 and g = 1.6 m/s 2 at the surface.
Newton attempted to measure the mass of the Moon by comparing the effect of the Sun on Earths ocean tides
compared to that of the Moon. His value was a factor of two too small. The most accurate values for g and the
mass of the Moon come from tracking the motion of spacecraft that have orbited the Moon. But the mass of
the Moon can actually be determined accurately without going to the Moon. Earth and the Moon orbit about a
common center of mass, and careful astronomical measurements can determine that location. The ratio of the
Moons mass to Earths is the ratio of [the distance from the common center of mass to the Moons center] to [the
distance from the common center of mass to Earths center].
Later in this chapter, we will see that the mass of other astronomical bodies also can be determined by the period
of small satellites orbiting them. But until Cavendish determined the value of G, the masses of all these bodies
were unknown.
Example 13.4
13.2 Check Your Understanding How does your weight at the top of a tall building compare with that on
the first floor? Do you think engineers need to take into account the change in the value of g when designing
structural support for a very tall building?
Figure 13.9 For a person standing at the equator, the centripetal acceleration (a c) is in
the same direction as the force of gravity. At latitude , the angle the between a c and the
force of gravity is and the magnitude of a c decreases with cos .
With rotation, the sum of these forces must provide the centripetal acceleration, a c . Using Newtons second law, we have
2 (13.3)
F = F s mg = ma c where a c = vr .
Note that a c points in the same direction as the weight; hence, it is negative. The tangential speed v is the speed at the
equator and r is R E . We can calculate the speed simply by noting that objects on the equator travel the circumference of
Earth in 24 hours. Instead, lets use the alternative expression for a c from Motion in Two and Three Dimensions.
Recall that the tangential speed is related to the angular speed () by v = r . Hence, we have a c = r 2 . By
rearranging Equation 13.3 and substituting r = R E , the apparent weight at the equator is
F s = mg R E 2.
Substituting for the values or R E and , we have R E 2 = 0.0337 m/s 2 . This is only 0.34% of the value of gravity, so it
is clearly a small correction.
Example 13.5
a c = vr = g
The period T is the time for one complete rotation. Therefore, the tangential speed is the circumference divided
by T, so we have
v = 2r
2(6.37 10 6 m)
T = 2r
v = 3
= 5.06 10 3 s.
7.91 10 m/s
each body acts as if it were at the center of the body. Since Equation 13.2 is derived from Equation 13.1, it is also valid
for symmetrical mass distributions, but both equations are valid only for values of r R E . As we saw in Example 13.4,
at 400 km above Earths surface, where the International Space Station orbits, the value of g is 8.67 m/s 2 . (We will see
later that this is also the centripetal acceleration of the ISS.)
For r < R E , Equation 13.1 and Equation 13.2 are not valid. However, we can determine g for these cases using a
principle that comes from Gausss law, which is a powerful mathematical tool that we study in more detail later in the
course. A consequence of Gausss law, applied to gravitation, is that only the mass within r contributes to the gravitational
force. Also, that mass, just as before, can be considered to be located at the center. The gravitational effect of the mass
outside r has zero net effect.
Two very interesting special cases occur. For a spherical planet with constant density, the mass within r is the density
times the volume within r. This mass can be considered located at the center. Replacing M E with only the mass within r,
M = (volume of a sphere) , and R E with r, Equation 13.2 becomes
ME 4/3r
g=G = G = 4 Gr.
R 2E r2 3
The value of g, and hence your weight, decreases linearly as you descend down a hole to the center of the spherical planet.
At the center, you are weightless, as the mass of the planet pulls equally in all directions. Actually, Earths density is not
constant, nor is Earth solid throughout. Figure 13.10 shows the profile of g if Earth had constant density and the more
likely profile based upon estimates of density derived from seismic data.
Figure 13.10 For r < R E , the value of g for the case of constant density is
the straight green line. The blue line from the PREM (Preliminary Reference
Earth Model) is probably closer to the actual profile for g.
The second interesting case concerns living on a spherical shell planet. This scenario has been proposed in many science
648 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
fiction stories. Ignoring significant engineering issues, the shell could be constructed with a desired radius and total mass,
such that g at the surface is the same as Earths. Can you guess what happens once you descend in an elevator to the inside of
the shell, where there is no mass between you and the center? What benefits would this provide for traveling great distances
from one point on the sphere to another? And finally, what effect would there be if the planet was spinning?
We studied gravitational potential energy in Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy, where the value of g
remained constant. We now develop an expression that works over distances such that g is not constant. This is necessary
to correctly calculate the energy needed to place satellites in orbit or to send them on missions in space.
Recall that work (W) is the integral of the dot product between force and distance. Essentially, it is the product of the
component of a force along a displacement times that displacement. We define U as the negative of the work done by
the force we associate with the potential energy. For clarity, we derive an expression for moving a mass m from distance
r 1 from the center of Earth to distance r 2 . However, the result can easily be generalized to any two objects changing their
separation from one value to another.
Consider Figure 13.11, in which we take m from a distance r 1 from Earths center to a distance that is r 2 from the center.
Gravity is a conservative force (its magnitude and direction are functions of location only), so we can take any path we wish,
and the result for the calculation of work is the same. We take the path shown, as it greatly simplifies the integration. We
first move radially outward from distance r 1 to distance r 2 , and then move along the arc of a circle until we reach the final
position. During the radial portion, F is opposite to the direction we travel along d
r , so E = K 1 + U 1 = K 2 + U 2.
Along the arc, F is perpendicular to d
r , so F d
r = 0 . No work is done as we move along the arc. Using the
expression for the gravitational force and noting the values for F d
r along the two segments of our path, we have
r2 r2
r = GM E m dr2 = GM E mr1 r1 .
U = F d
r1 r r 1 2
GM E m (13.4)
U= r .
Note two important items with this definition. First, U 0 as r . The potential energy is zero when the two masses
are infinitely far apart. Only the difference in U is important, so the choice of U = 0 for r = is merely one of
convenience. (Recall that in earlier gravity problems, you were free to take U = 0 at the top or bottom of a building,
or anywhere.) Second, note that U becomes increasingly more negative as the masses get closer. That is consistent with
what you learned about potential energy in Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy. As the two masses are
separated, positive work must be done against the force of gravity, and hence, U increases (becomes less negative). All
masses naturally fall together under the influence of gravity, falling from a higher to a lower potential energy.
Example 13.6
Lifting a Payload
How much energy is required to lift the 9000-kg Soyuz vehicle from Earths surface to the height of the ISS, 400
km above the surface?
Use Equation 13.2 to find the change in potential energy of the payload. That amount of work or energy must
be supplied to lift the payload.
Paying attention to the fact that we start at Earths surface and end at 400 km above the surface, the change in U
GM E m GM E m
R E + 400 km RE
U = U orbit U Earth = .
and convert 400 km into 4.00 10 5 m . We find U = 3.32 10 10 J . It is positive, indicating an increase in
potential energy, as we would expect.
For perspective, consider that the average US household energy use in 2013 was 909 kWh per month. That is
energy of
650 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
So our result is an energy expenditure equivalent to 10 months. But this is just the energy needed to raise the
payload 400 km. If we want the Soyuz to be in orbit so it can rendezvous with the ISS and not just fall back to
Earth, it needs a lot of kinetic energy. As we see in the next section, that kinetic energy is about five times that of
U . In addition, far more energy is expended lifting the propulsion system itself. Space travel is not cheap.
13.3 Check Your Understanding Why not use the simpler expression U = mg(y 2 y 1) ? How
significant would the error be? (Recall the previous result, in Example 13.4, that the value g at 400 km above
the Earth is 8.67 m/s 2 .)
Conservation of Energy
In Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy, we described how to apply conservation of energy for systems
with conservative forces. We were able to solve many problems, particularly those involving gravity, more simply using
conservation of energy. Those principles and problem-solving strategies apply equally well here. The only change is to place
the new expression for potential energy into the conservation of energy equation, E = K 1 + U 1 = K 2 + U 2 .
Note that we use M, rather than M E , as a reminder that we are not restricted to problems involving Earth. However, we
still assume that m< <M . (For problems in which this is not true, we need to include the kinetic energy of both masses and
use conservation of momentum to relate the velocities to each other. But the principle remains the same.)
Escape velocity
Escape velocity is often defined to be the minimum initial velocity of an object that is required to escape the surface of a
planet (or any large body like a moon) and never return. As usual, we assume no energy lost to an atmosphere, should there
be any.
Consider the case where an object is launched from the surface of a planet with an initial velocity directed away from
the planet. With the minimum velocity needed to escape, the object would just come to rest infinitely far away, that is,
the object gives up the last of its kinetic energy just as it reaches infinity, where the force of gravity becomes zero. Since
U 0 as r , this means the total energy is zero. Thus, we find the escape velocity from the surface of an astronomical
body of mass M and radius R by setting the total energy equal to zero. At the surface of the body, the object is located at
r 1 = R and it has escape velocity v 1 = v esc . It reaches r 2 = with velocity v 2 = 0 . Substituting into Equation 13.5,
we have
1 mv 2 GMm = 1 m0 2 GMm = 0.
2 esc R 2
v esc = 2GM .
Notice that m has canceled out of the equation. The escape velocity is the same for all objects, regardless of mass. Also, we
are not restricted to the surface of the planet; R can be any starting point beyond the surface of the planet.
Example 13.7
13.4 Check Your Understanding If we send a probe out of the solar system starting from Earths surface, do
we only have to escape the Sun?
equationthe direction of the velocity plays no role in conservation of energy. It is possible to have a gravitationally bound
system where the masses do not fall together, but maintain an orbital motion about each other.
We have one important final observation. Earlier we stated that if the total energy is zero or greater, the object escapes.
Strictly speaking, Equation 13.5 and Equation 13.6 apply for point objects. They apply to finite-sized, spherically
symmetric objects as well, provided that the value for r in Equation 13.5 is always greater than the sum of the radii of
the two objects. If r becomes less than this sum, then the objects collide. (Even for greater values of r, but near the sum of
the radii, gravitational tidal forces could create significant effects if both objects are planet sized. We examine tidal effects
in Tidal Forces.) Neither positive nor negative total energy precludes finite-sized masses from colliding. For real objects,
direction is important.
Example 13.8
1 mv 2 GMm = 1 mv 2 GMm
2 1 r1 2 2 r2
1 m(3.010 3 m/s) 2 (6.67 10
N m/kg 2)(1.99 10 30 kg)m
2 1.50 10 11 m
(6.67 10 11
N m/kg 2)(1.99 10 30 kg)m
= 1 m0 2 r2
where the mass m cancels. Solving for r 2 we get r 2 = 3.0 10 11 m . Note that this is twice the initial distance
from the Sun and takes us past Marss orbit, but not quite to the asteroid belt.
The object in this case reached a distance exactly twice the initial orbital distance. We will see the reason for this
in the next section when we calculate the speed for circular orbits.
13.5 Check Your Understanding Assume you are in a spacecraft in orbit about the Sun at Earths orbit, but
far away from Earth (so that it can be ignored). How could you redirect your tangential velocity to the radial
direction such that you could then pass by Marss orbit? What would be required to change just the direction of
the velocity?
The Moon orbits Earth. In turn, Earth and the other planets orbit the Sun. The space directly above our atmosphere is filled
with artificial satellites in orbit. We examine the simplest of these orbits, the circular orbit, to understand the relationship
between the speed and period of planets and satellites in relation to their positions and the bodies that they orbit.
Circular Orbits
As noted at the beginning of this chapter, Nicolaus Copernicus first suggested that Earth and all other planets orbit the Sun
in circles. He further noted that orbital periods increased with distance from the Sun. Later analysis by Kepler showed that
these orbits are actually ellipses, but the orbits of most planets in the solar system are nearly circular. Earths orbital distance
from the Sun varies a mere 2%. The exception is the eccentric orbit of Mercury, whose orbital distance varies nearly 40%.
Determining the orbital speed and orbital period of a satellite is much easier for circular orbits, so we make that
assumption in the derivation that follows. As we described in the previous section, an object with negative total energy is
gravitationally bound and therefore is in orbit. Our computation for the special case of circular orbits will confirm this. We
focus on objects orbiting Earth, but our results can be generalized for other cases.
Consider a satellite of mass m in a circular orbit about Earth at distance r from the center of Earth (Figure 13.12). It has
centripetal acceleration directed toward the center of Earth. Earths gravity is the only force acting, so Newtons second law
GmM E mv 2orbit
= ma c = r .
We solve for the speed of the orbit, noting that m cancels, to get the orbital speed
GM E (13.7)
v orbit = r .
Consistent with what we saw in Equation 13.2 and Equation 13.6, m does not appear in Equation 13.7. The value
of g, the escape velocity, and orbital velocity depend only upon the distance from the center of the planet, and not upon
the mass of the object being acted upon. Notice the similarity in the equations for v orbit and v esc . The escape velocity is
exactly 2 times greater, about 40%, than the orbital velocity. This comparison was noted in Example 13.7, and it is true
for a satellite at any radius.
To find the period of a circular orbit, we note that the satellite travels the circumference of the orbit 2r in one period T.
Using the definition of speed, we have v orbit = 2r/T . We substitute this into Equation 13.7 and rearrange to get
r3 . (13.8)
T = 2
We see in the next section that this represents Keplers third law for the case of circular orbits. It also confirms Copernicuss
observation that the period of a planet increases with increasing distance from the Sun. We need only replace M E with
M Sun in Equation 13.8.
We conclude this section by returning to our earlier discussion about astronauts in orbit appearing to be weightless, as if they
were free-falling towards Earth. In fact, they are in free fall. Consider the trajectories shown in Figure 13.13. (This figure
is based on a drawing by Newton in his Principia and also appeared earlier in Motion in Two and Three Dimensions.)
All the trajectories shown that hit the surface of Earth have less than orbital velocity. The astronauts would accelerate toward
Earth along the noncircular paths shown and feel weightless. (Astronauts actually train for life in orbit by riding in airplanes
that free fall for 30 seconds at a time.) But with the correct orbital velocity, Earths surface curves away from them at exactly
the same rate as they fall toward Earth. Of course, staying the same distance from the surface is the point of a circular orbit.
We can summarize our discussion of orbiting satellites in the following Problem-Solving Strategy.
Example 13.9
r 3 = 2 (6.37 10 6 + 4.00 10 5 m) 3
T = 2 = 5.55 10 3 s
GM E (6.67 10 11 N m 2 /kg 2)(5.96 10 24 kg)
656 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
13.6 Check Your Understanding By what factor must the radius change to reduce the orbital velocity of a
satellite by one-half? By what factor would this change the period?
Example 13.10
T = 2 r3
2 3 4 2 (3.84 10 8 m) 3
M E = 4 r2 = 11 2 2 6 2
= 6.01 10 24 kg.
G (6.67 10 N m /kg )(2.36 10 m)
Compare this to the value of 5.96 10 24 kg that we obtained in Example 13.5, using the value of g at the
surface of Earth. Although these values are very close (~0.8%), both calculations use average values. The value
of g varies from the equator to the poles by approximately 0.5%. But the Moon has an elliptical orbit in which the
value of r varies just over 10%. (The apparent size of the full Moon actually varies by about this amount, but it is
difficult to notice through casual observation as the time from one extreme to the other is many months.)
13.7 Check Your Understanding There is another consideration to this last calculation of M E . We derived
Equation 13.8 assuming that the satellite orbits around the center of the astronomical body at the same radius
used in the expression for the gravitational force between them. What assumption is made to justify this? Earth
is about 81 times more massive than the Moon. Does the Moon orbit about the exact center of Earth?
Example 13.11
F =
a=m 3.0 10 29 N = 1.9 10 13 m/s 2.
(800 10 9)(2.0 10 30 kg)
Since the galaxies are in a circular orbit, they have centripetal acceleration. If we ignore the effect of other
galaxies, then, as we learned in Linear Momentum and Collisions and Fixed-Axis Rotation, the centers
of mass of the two galaxies remain fixed. Hence, the galaxies must orbit about this common center of mass. For
equal masses, the center of mass is exactly half way between them. So the radius of the orbit, r orbit , is not the
same as the distance between the galaxies, but one-half that value, or 1.25 million light-years. These two different
values are shown in Figure 13.14.
Figure 13.14 The distance between two galaxies, which determines the gravitational force between them, is r, and is
different from r orbit , which is the radius of orbit for each. For equal masses, r orbit = 1/2r . (credit: modification of
work by Marc Van Norden)
Solving for the orbit velocity, we have v orbit = 47 km/s . Finally, we can determine the period of the orbit directly
from T = 2r/v orbit , to find that the period is T = 1.6 10 18 s , about 50 billion years.
The orbital speed of 47 km/s might seem high at first. But this speed is comparable to the escape speed from the
Sun, which we calculated in an earlier example. To give even more perspective, this period is nearly four times
longer than the time that the Universe has been in existence.
In fact, the present relative motion of these two galaxies is such that they are expected to collide in about 4 billion
years. Although the density of stars in each galaxy makes a direct collision of any two stars unlikely, such a
collision will have a dramatic effect on the shape of the galaxies. Examples of such collisions are well known in
13.8 Check Your Understanding Galaxies are not single objects. How does the gravitational force of one
galaxy exerted on the closer stars of the other galaxy compare to those farther away? What effect would this
have on the shape of the galaxies themselves?
See the Sloan Digital Sky Survey page ( for more
information on colliding galaxies.
In the last step, we multiplied by r on each side. The right side is just twice the kinetic energy, so we have
K = 1 mv 2 = .
2 2r
The total energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies, so our final result is
We can see that the total energy is negative, with the same magnitude as the kinetic energy. For circular orbits, the magnitude
of the kinetic energy is exactly one-half the magnitude of the potential energy. Remarkably, this result applies to any two
masses in circular orbits about their common center of mass, at a distance r from each other. The proof of this is left as an
exercise. We will see in the next section that a very similar expression applies in the case of elliptical orbits.
Example 13.12
We now ask, what total energy change in the Soyuz vehicle is required to take it from Earths surface and put it in
orbit with the ISS for a rendezvous (Figure 13.15)? How much of that total energy is kinetic energy?
Figure 13.15 The Soyuz in a rendezvous with the ISS. Note that this diagram is not to scale; the Soyuz is very small
compared to the ISS and its orbit is much closer to Earth. (credit: modification of works by NASA)
The energy required is the difference in the Soyuzs total energy in orbit and that at Earths surface. We can use
Equation 13.9 to find the total energy of the Soyuz at the ISS orbit. But the total energy at the surface is simply
the potential energy, since it starts from rest. [Note that we do not use Equation 13.9 at the surface, since we are
not in orbit at the surface.] The kinetic energy can then be found from the difference in the total energy change
and the change in potential energy found in Example 13.8. Alternatively, we can use Equation 13.7 to find
v orbit and calculate the kinetic energy directly from that. The total energy required is then the kinetic energy plus
the change in potential energy found in Example 13.8.
From Equation 13.9, the total energy of the Soyuz in the same orbit as the ISS is
E orbit = K orbit + U orbit =
(6.67 10 11 N m 2 /kg 2)(9000 kg)(5.96 10 24 kg)
= = 2.65 10 11 J.
2(6.36 10 6 + 4.00 10 5 m)
The total energy at Earths surface is
E surface = K surface + U surface = 0 r
(6.67 10 11 N m /kg )(9000 kg)(5.96 10 24 kg)
2 2
(6.36 10 6 m)
= 5.63 10 11 J.
660 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
The change in energy is E = E orbit E surface = 2.98 10 11 J . To get the kinetic energy, we subtract the
change in potential energy from Example 13.6, U = 3.32 10 10 J . That gives us
11 10 11
K orbit = 2.98 10 3.32 10 = 2.65 10 J . As stated earlier, the kinetic energy of a circular orbit is
always one-half the magnitude of the potential energy, and the same as the magnitude of the total energy. Our
result confirms this.
The second approach is to use Equation 13.7 to find the orbital speed of the Soyuz, which we did for the ISS in
Example 13.9.
The kinetic energy of the Soyuz is nearly eight times the change in its potential energy, or 90% of the total energy
needed for the rendezvous with the ISS. And it is important to remember that this energy represents only the
energy that must be given to the Soyuz. With our present rocket technology, the mass of the propulsion system
(the rocket fuel, its container and combustion system) far exceeds that of the payload, and a tremendous amount
of kinetic energy must be given to that mass. So the actual cost in energy is many times that of the change in
energy of the payload itself.
Using the precise data collected by Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler carefully analyzed the positions in the sky of all the
known planets and the Moon, plotting their positions at regular intervals of time. From this analysis, he formulated three
laws, which we address in this section.
Figure 13.16 (a) An ellipse is a curve in which the sum of the distances from a point on the curve to two foci
( f 1 and f 2) is a constant. From this definition, you can see that an ellipse can be created in the following way. Place a
pin at each focus, then place a loop of string around a pencil and the pins. Keeping the string taught, move the pencil
around in a complete circuit. If the two foci occupy the same place, the result is a circlea special case of an ellipse. (b)
For an elliptical orbit, if m M , then m follows an elliptical path with M at one focus. More exactly, both m and M
move in their own ellipse about the common center of mass.
For elliptical orbits, the point of closest approach of a planet to the Sun is called the perihelion. It is labeled point A in
Figure 13.16. The farthest point is the aphelion and is labeled point B in the figure. For the Moons orbit about Earth,
those points are called the perigee and apogee, respectively.
An ellipse has several mathematical forms, but all are a specific case of the more general equation for conic sections. There
are four different conic sections, all given by the equation
= 1 + ecos. (13.10)
The variables r and are shown in Figure 13.17 in the case of an ellipse. The constants and e are determined by the
total energy and angular momentum of the satellite at a given point. The constant e is called the eccentricity. The values of
and e determine which of the four conic sections represents the path of the satellite.
662 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
One of the real triumphs of Newtons law of universal gravitation, with the force proportional to the inverse of the distance
squared, is that when it is combined with his second law, the solution for the path of any satellite is a conic section. Every
path taken by m is one of the four conic sections: a circle or an ellipse for bound or closed orbits, or a parabola or hyperbola
for unbounded or open orbits. These conic sections are shown in Figure 13.18.
If the total energy is negative, then 0 e < 1 , and Equation 13.10 represents a bound or closed orbit of either an ellipse
or a circle, where e = 0 . [You can see from Equation 13.10 that for e = 0 , r = , and hence the radius is constant.]
For ellipses, the eccentricity is related to how oblong the ellipse appears. A circle has zero eccentricity, whereas a very long,
drawn-out ellipse has an eccentricity near one.
If the total energy is exactly zero, then e = 1 and the path is a parabola. Recall that a satellite with zero total energy has
exactly the escape velocity. (The parabola is formed only by slicing the cone parallel to the tangent line along the surface.)
Finally, if the total energy is positive, then e > 1 and the path is a hyperbola. These last two paths represent unbounded
orbits, where m passes by M once and only once. This situation has been observed for several comets that approach the Sun
and then travel away, never to return.
We have confined ourselves to the case in which the smaller mass (planet) orbits a much larger, and hence stationary, mass
(Sun), but Equation 13.10 also applies to any two gravitationally interacting masses. Each mass traces out the exact same-
shaped conic section as the other. That shape is determined by the total energy and angular momentum of the system, with
the center of mass of the system located at the focus. The ratio of the dimensions of the two paths is the inverse of the ratio
of their masses.
You can see an animation of two interacting objects at the My Solar System page at Phet
( . Choose the Sun and Planet preset option. You can also view
the more complicated multiple body problems as well. You may find the actual path of the Moon quite surprising,
yet is obeying Newtons simple laws of motion.
Orbital Transfers
People have imagined traveling to the other planets of our solar system since they were discovered. But how can we best do
this? The most efficient method was discovered in 1925 by Walter Hohmann, inspired by a popular science fiction novel of
that time. The method is now called a Hohmann transfer. For the case of traveling between two circular orbits, the transfer
is along a transfer ellipse that perfectly intercepts those orbits at the aphelion and perihelion of the ellipse. Figure 13.19
shows the case for a trip from Earths orbit to that of Mars. As before, the Sun is at the focus of the ellipse.
For any ellipse, the semi-major axis is defined as one-half the sum of the perihelion and the aphelion. In Figure 13.17,
the semi-major axis is the distance from the origin to either side of the ellipse along the x-axis, or just one-half the longest
axis (called the major axis). Hence, to travel from one circular orbit of radius r 1 to another circular orbit of radius r 2 , the
aphelion of the transfer ellipse will be equal to the value of the larger orbit, while the perihelion will be the smaller orbit.
The semi-major axis, denoted a, is therefore given by a = 1 (r 1 + r 2) .
Lets take the case of traveling from Earth to Mars. For the moment, we ignore the planets and assume we are alone in
Earths orbit and wish to move to Mars orbit. From Equation 13.9, the expression for total energy, we can see that the
total energy for a spacecraft in the larger orbit (Mars) is greater (less negative) than that for the smaller orbit (Earth). To
move onto the transfer ellipse from Earths orbit, we will need to increase our kinetic energy, that is, we need a velocity
boost. The most efficient method is a very quick acceleration along the circular orbital path, which is also along the path
of the ellipse at that point. (In fact, the acceleration should be instantaneous, such that the circular and elliptical orbits are
congruent during the acceleration. In practice, the finite acceleration is short enough that the difference is not a significant
consideration.) Once you have arrived at Mars orbit, you will need another velocity boost to move into that orbit, or you
will stay on the elliptical orbit and simply fall back to perihelion where you started. For the return trip, you simply reverse
the process with a retro-boost at each transfer point.
To make the move onto the transfer ellipse and then off again, we need to know each circular orbit velocity and the transfer
orbit velocities at perihelion and aphelion. The velocity boost required is simply the difference between the circular orbit
velocity and the elliptical orbit velocity at each point. We can find the circular orbital velocities from Equation 13.7. To
determine the velocities for the ellipse, we state without proof (as it is beyond the scope of this course) that total energy for
664 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
an elliptical orbit is
where M S is the mass of the Sun and a is the semi-major axis. Remarkably, this is the same as Equation 13.9 for circular
orbits, but with the value of the semi-major axis replacing the orbital radius. Since we know the potential energy from
Equation 13.4, we can find the kinetic energy and hence the velocity needed for each point on the ellipse. We leave it as
a challenge problem to find those transfer velocities for an Earth-to-Mars trip.
We end this discussion by pointing out a few important details. First, we have not accounted for the gravitational potential
energy due to Earth and Mars, or the mechanics of landing on Mars. In practice, that must be part of the calculations.
Second, timing is everything. You do not want to arrive at the orbit of Mars to find out it isnt there. We must leave Earth
at precisely the correct time such that Mars will be at the aphelion of our transfer ellipse just as we arrive. That opportunity
comes about every 2 years. And returning requires correct timing as well. The total trip would take just under 3 years! There
are other options that provide for a faster transit, including a gravity assist flyby of Venus. But these other options come
with an additional cost in energy and danger to the astronauts.
Visit this site ( for more details about planning a trip to
Figure 13.20 The shaded regions shown have equal areas and
represent the same time interval.
Comparing the areas in the figure and the distance traveled along the ellipse in each case, we can see that in order for the
areas to be equal, the planet must speed up as it gets closer to the Sun and slow down as it moves away. This behavior
is completely consistent with our conservation equation, Equation 13.5. But we will show that Keplers second law is
actually a consequence of the conservation of angular momentum, which holds for any system with only radial forces.
Recall the definition of angular momentum from Angular Momentum, L =
p . For the case of orbiting
motion, L is the angular momentum of the planet about the Sun,
r is the position vector of the planet measured from
the Sun, and
p =m
v is the instantaneous linear momentum at any point in the orbit. Since the planet moves along the
p is always tangent to the ellipse.
We can resolve the linear momentum into two components: a radial component
p rad along the line to the Sun, and a
p perp perpendicular to
r . The cross product for angular momentum can then be written as
L =
p =
p rad +
perp =
p rad +
p perp .
Figure 13.21 The element of area A swept out in time t as the planet moves
through angle . The angle between the radial direction and
v is .
The areal velocity is simply the rate of change of area with time, so we have
areal velocity = A = L .
t 2m
Since the angular momentum is constant, the areal velocity must also be constant. This is exactly Keplers second law. As
with Keplers first law, Newton showed it was a natural consequence of his law of gravitation.
You can view an animated version ( of Figure 13.20,
and many other interesting animations as well, at the School of Physics (University of New South Wales) site.
T = 2 r3 .
666 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
For an ellipse, recall that the semi-major axis is one-half the sum of the perihelion and the aphelion. For a circular orbit, the
semi-major axis (a) is the same as the radius for the orbit. In fact, Equation 13.8 gives us Keplers third law if we simply
replace r with a and square both sides.
2 (13.11)
T 2 = 4 a 3
We have changed the mass of Earth to the more general M, since this equation applies to satellites orbiting any large mass.
Example 13.13
a = GM2 T 2
(6.67 10 11 N m 2 /kg 2)(2.00 10 30 kg)
= (75.3 yr 365 days/yr 24 hr/day 3600 s/hr) 2 .
4 2
a = 1 (aphelion + perihelion)
aphelion = 2a perihelion.
Substituting for the values, we found for the semi-major axis and the value given for the perihelion, we find the
value of the aphelion to be 35.0 AU.
Edmond Halley, a contemporary of Newton, first suspected that three comets, reported in 1531, 1607, and 1682,
were actually the same comet. Before Tycho Brahe made measurements of comets, it was believed that they were
one-time events, perhaps disturbances in the atmosphere, and that they were not affected by the Sun. Halley used
Newtons new mechanics to predict his namesake comets return in 1758.
13.9 Check Your Understanding The nearly circular orbit of Saturn has an average radius of about 9.5 AU
and has a period of 30 years, whereas Uranus averages about 19 AU and has a period of 84 years. Is this
consistent with our results for Halleys comet?
The origin of Earths ocean tides has been a subject of continuous investigation for over 2000 years. But the work of Newton
is considered to be the beginning of the true understanding of the phenomenon. Ocean tides are the result of gravitational
tidal forces. These same tidal forces are present in any astronomical body. They are responsible for the internal heat that
creates the volcanic activity on Io, one of Jupiters moons, and the breakup of stars that get too close to black holes.
Lunar Tides
If you live on an ocean shore almost anywhere in the world, you can observe the rising and falling of the sea level about
twice per day. This is caused by a combination of Earths rotation about its axis and the gravitational attraction of both the
Moon and the Sun.
Lets consider the effect of the Moon first. In Figure 13.22, we are looking down onto Earths North Pole. One side of
Earth is closer to the Moon than the other side, by a distance equal to Earths diameter. Hence, the gravitational force is
greater on the near side than on the far side. The magnitude at the center of Earth is between these values. This is why a
tidal bulge appears on both sides of Earth.
Figure 13.22 The tidal force stretches Earth along the line between Earth and the Moon. It is the
difference between the gravitational force from the far side to the near side that creates the tidal bulge
on both sides of the planet. Tidal variations of the oceans are on the order of few meters; hence, this
diagram is greatly exaggerated.
The net force on Earth causes it to orbit about the Earth-Moon center of mass, located about 1600 km below Earths surface
along the line between Earth and the Moon. The tidal force can be viewed as the difference between the force at the center
of Earth and that at any other location. In Figure 13.23, this difference is shown at sea level, where we observe the ocean
tides. (Note that the change in sea level caused by these tidal forces is measured from the baseline sea level. We saw earlier
that Earth bulges many kilometers at the equator due to its rotation. This defines the baseline sea level and here we consider
only the much smaller tidal bulge measured from that baseline sea level.)
668 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
Figure 13.23 The tidal force is the difference between the gravitational
force at the center and that elsewhere. In this figure, the tidal forces are shown
at the ocean surface. These forces would diminish to zero as you approach
Earths center.
Why does the rise and fall of the tides occur twice per day? Look again at Figure 13.22. If Earth were not rotating
and the Moon was fixed, then the bulges would remain in the same location on Earth. Relative to the Moon, the bulges
stay fixedalong the line connecting Earth and the Moon. But Earth rotates (in the direction shown by the blue arrow)
approximately every 24 hours. In 6 hours, the near and far locations of Earth move to where the low tides are occurring,
and 6 hours later, those locations are back to the high-tide position. Since the Moon also orbits Earth approximately every
28 days, and in the same direction as Earth rotates, the time between high (and low) tides is actually about 12.5 hours.
The actual timing of the tides is complicated by numerous factors, the most important of which is another astronomical
bodythe Sun.
Figure 13.24 (a and b) The spring tides occur when the Sun and the Moon are aligned,
whereas (c) the neap tides occur when the Sun and Moon make a right triangle with Earth.
(Figure is not drawn to scale.)
The magnitude of the tides, however, is far more complicated. The relative angles of Earth and the Moon determine spring
and neap tides, but the magnitudes of these tides are affected by the distances from Earth as well. Tidal forces are greater
when the distances are smaller. Both the Moons orbit about Earth and Earths orbit about the Sun are elliptical, so a spring
tide is exceptionally large if it occurs when the Moon is at perigee and Earth is at perihelion. Conversely, it is relatively
small if it occurs when the Moon is at apogee and Earth is at aphelion.
The greatest causes of tide variation are the topography of the local shoreline and the bathymetry (the profile of the depth)
of the ocean floor. The range of tides due to these effects is astounding. Although ocean tides are much smaller than a meter
in many places around the globe, the tides at the Bay of Fundy (Figure 13.25), on the east coast of Canada, can be as much
as 16.3 meters.
670 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
Figure 13.25 Boats in the Bay of Fundy at high and low tides. The twice-daily change in sea level creates a real challenge to
the safe mooring of boats. (credit: Dylan Kereluk)
Example 13.14
The Moons gravitational force is nearly 7% higher at the near side of Earth than at the far side, but both forces
are much less than that of Earth itself on the 1.0-kg mass. Nevertheless, this small difference creates the tides. We
now repeat the problem, but substitute the mass of the Sun and the mean distance between the Earth and Sun. The
results are
F near = 5.89975 10 3 N and F far = 5.89874 10 3 N.
We have to keep six significant digits since we wish to compare the difference between them to the difference for
the Moon. (Although we cant justify the absolute value to this accuracy, since all values in the calculation are the
same except the distances, the accuracy in the difference is still valid to three digits.) The difference between the
near and far forces on a 1.0-kg mass due to the Moon is
F near = 3.44 10 5 N 3.22 10 5 N = 0.22 10 5 N,
whereas the difference for the Sun is
F near F far = 5.89975 10 3 N 5.89874 10 3 N = 0.101 10 5 N.
Note that a more proper approach is to write the difference in the two forces with the difference between the near
and far distances explicitly expressed. With just a bit of algebra we can show that
F tidal = GMm GMm = GMm(r 2 r 1)(r 2 + r 1) ,
r 12 r 22 r 12 r 22
where r 1 and r 2 are the same to three significant digits, but their difference (r 2 r 1) , equal to the diameter of
Earth, is also known to three significant digits. The results of the calculation are the same. This approach would
be necessary if the number of significant digits needed exceeds that available on your calculator or computer.
Note that the forces exerted by the Sun are nearly 200 times greater than the forces exerted by the Moon. But the
difference in those forces for the Sun is half that for the Moon. This is the nature of tidal forces. The Moon has a
greater tidal effect because the fractional change in distance from the near side to the far side is so much greater
for the Moon than it is for the Sun.
13.10 Check Your Understanding Earth exerts a tidal force on the Moon. Is it greater than, the same as, or
less than that of the Moon on Earth? Be careful in your response, as tidal forces arise from the difference in
gravitational forces between one side and the other. Look at the calculations we performed for the tidal force on
Earth and consider the values that would change significantly for the Moon. The diameter of the Moon is one-
fourth that of Earth. Tidal forces on the Moon are not easy to detect, since there is no liquid on the surface.
Figure 13.26 Dramatic evidence of tidal forces can be seen on Io. The eruption seen in blue is
due to the internal heat created by the tidal forces exerted on Io by Jupiter.
For some stars, the effect of tidal forces can be catastrophic. The tidal forces in very close binary systems can be strong
672 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
enough to rip matter from one star to the other, once the tidal forces exceed the cohesive self-gravitational forces that hold
the stars together. This effect can be seen in normal stars that orbit nearby compact stars, such as neutron stars or black
holes. Figure 13.27 shows an artists rendition of this process. As matter falls into the compact star, it forms an accretion
disc that becomes super-heated and radiates in the X-ray spectrum.
Figure 13.27 Tidal forces from a compact object can tear matter away from an
orbiting star. In addition to the accretion disc orbiting the compact object, material is
often ejected along relativistic jets as shown. (credit: modification of work by
European Southern Observatory (ESO))
The energy output of these binary systems can exceed the typical output of thousands of stars. Another example might be
a quasar. Quasars are very distant and immensely bright objects, often exceeding the energy output of entire galaxies. It is
the general consensus among astronomers that they are, in fact, massive black holes producing radiant energy as matter that
has been tidally ripped from nearby stars falls into them.
Newtons law of universal gravitation accurately predicts much of what we see within our solar system. Indeed, only
Newtons laws have been needed to accurately send every space vehicle on its journey. The paths of Earth-crossing
asteroids, and most other celestial objects, can be accurately determined solely with Newtons laws. Nevertheless, many
phenomena have shown a discrepancy from what Newtons laws predict, including the orbit of Mercury and the effect that
gravity has on light. In this section, we examine a different way of envisioning gravitation.
A Revolution in Perspective
In 1905, Albert Einstein published his theory of special relativity. This theory is discussed in great detail in Relativity
( , so we say only a few words here. In this theory, no motion can exceed the
speed of lightit is the speed limit of the Universe. This simple fact has been verified in countless experiments. However,
it has incredible consequencesspace and time are no longer absolute. Two people moving relative to one another do not
agree on the length of objects or the passage of time. Almost all of the mechanics you learned in previous chapters, while
remarkably accurate even for speeds of many thousands of miles per second, begin to fail when approaching the speed of
This speed limit on the Universe was also a challenge to the inherent assumption in Newtons law of gravitation that gravity
is an action-at-a-distance force. That is, without physical contact, any change in the position of one mass is instantly
communicated to all other masses. This assumption does not come from any first principle, as Newtons theory simply does
not address the question. (The same was believed of electromagnetic forces, as well. It is fair to say that most scientists were
not completely comfortable with the action-at-a-distance concept.)
A second assumption also appears in Newtons law of gravitation Equation 13.1. The masses are assumed to be exactly
the same as those used in Newtons second law, F = m a . We made that assumption in many of our derivations in
this chapter. Again, there is no underlying principle that this must be, but experimental results are consistent with this
assumption. In Einsteins subsequent theory of general relativity (1916), both of these issues were addressed. His theory
was a theory of space-time geometry and how mass (and acceleration) distort and interact with that space-time. It was not
a theory of gravitational forces. The mathematics of the general theory is beyond the scope of this text, but we can look at
some underlying principles and their consequences.
Figure 13.28 According to the principle of equivalence, the results of all experiments performed in a
laboratory in a uniform gravitational field are identical to the results of the same experiments performed in
a uniformly accelerating laboratory.
How can these two apparently fundamentally different situations be the same? The answer is that gravitation is not a force
between two objects but is the result of each object responding to the effect that the other has on the space-time surrounding
it. A uniform gravitational field and a uniform acceleration have exactly the same effect on space-time.
Figure 13.29 A smaller mass orbiting in the distorted space-time of a larger mass. In fact, all
mass or energy distorts space-time.
For weak gravitational fields, the results of general relativity do not differ significantly from Newtons law of gravitation.
But for intense gravitational fields, the results diverge, and general relativity has been shown to predict the correct results.
Even in our Suns relatively weak gravitational field at the distance of Mercurys orbit, we can observe the effect. Starting
in the mid-1800s, Mercurys elliptical orbit has been carefully measured. However, although it is elliptical, its motion
is complicated by the fact that the perihelion position of the ellipse slowly advances. Most of the advance is due to the
gravitational pull of other planets, but a small portion of that advancement could not be accounted for by Newtons law.
At one time, there was even a search for a companion planet that would explain the discrepancy. But general relativity
correctly predicts the measurements. Since then, many measurements, such as the deflection of light of distant objects by
the Sun, have verified that general relativity correctly predicts the observations.
We close this discussion with one final comment. We have often referred to distortions of space-time or distortions in both
space and time. In both special and general relativity, the dimension of time has equal footing with each spatial dimension
(differing in its place in both theories only by an ultimately unimportant scaling factor). Near a very large mass, not only is
the nearby space stretched out, but time is dilated or slowed. We discuss these effects more in the next section.
Black Holes
Einsteins theory of gravitation is expressed in one deceptively simple-looking tensor equation (tensors are a generalization
of scalars and vectors), which expresses how a mass determines the curvature of space-time around it. The solutions to
that equation yield one of the most fascinating predictions: the black hole. The prediction is that if an object is sufficiently
dense, it will collapse in upon itself and be surrounded by an event horizon from which nothing can escape. The name
black hole, which was coined by astronomer John Wheeler in 1969, refers to the fact that light cannot escape such an
object. Karl Schwarzschild was the first person to note this phenomenon in 1916, but at that time, it was considered mostly
to be a mathematical curiosity.
Surprisingly, the idea of a massive body from which light cannot escape dates back to the late 1700s. Independently, John
Michell and Pierre Simon Laplace used Newtons law of gravitation to show that light leaving the surface of a star with
enough mass could not escape. Their work was based on the fact that the speed of light had been measured by Ole Roemer
in 1676. He noted discrepancies in the data for the orbital period of the moon Io about Jupiter. Roemer realized that the
difference arose from the relative positions of Earth and Jupiter at different times and that he could find the speed of light
from that difference. Michell and Laplace both realized that since light had a finite speed, there could be a star massive
enough that the escape speed from its surface could exceed that speed. Hence, light always would fall back to the star.
676 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
Oddly, observers far enough away from the very largest stars would not be able see them, yet they could see a smaller star
from the same distance.
Recall that in Gravitational Potential Energy and Total Energy, we found that the escape speed, given by Equation
13.6, is independent of the mass of the object escaping. Even though the nature of light was not fully understood at the
time, the mass of light, if it had any, was not relevant. Hence, Equation 13.6 should be valid for light. Substituting c, the
speed of light, for the escape velocity, we have
v esc = c = 2GM .
Thus, we only need values for R and M such that the escape velocity exceeds c, and then light will not be able to escape.
Michell posited that if a star had the density of our Sun and a radius that extended just beyond the orbit of Mars, then light
would not be able to escape from its surface. He also conjectured that we would still be able to detect such a star from the
gravitational effect it would have on objects around it. This was an insightful conclusion, as this is precisely how we infer
the existence of such objects today. While we have yet to, and may never, visit a black hole, the circumstantial evidence for
them has become so compelling that few astronomers doubt their existence.
Before we examine some of that evidence, we turn our attention back to Schwarzschilds solution to the tensor equation
from general relativity. In that solution arises a critical radius, now called the Schwarzschild radius (R S) . For any mass
M, if that mass were compressed to the extent that its radius becomes less than the Schwarzschild radius, then the mass will
collapse to a singularity, and anything that passes inside that radius cannot escape. Once inside R S , the arrow of time takes
all things to the singularity. (In a broad mathematical sense, a singularity is where the value of a function goes to infinity. In
this case, it is a point in space of zero volume with a finite mass. Hence, the mass density and gravitational energy become
infinite.) The Schwarzschild radius is given by
R S = 2GM . (13.12)
If you look at our escape velocity equation with v esc = c , you will notice that it gives precisely this result. But that is
merely a fortuitous accident caused by several incorrect assumptions. One of these assumptions is the use of the incorrect
classical expression for the kinetic energy for light. Just how dense does an object have to be in order to turn into a black
Example 13.15
We use Equation 13.12 for this calculation. We need only the masses of Earth and the Sun, which we obtain
from the astronomical data given in Appendix D.
Substituting the mass of the Sun, we have
2(6.67 10 11 N m 2 /kg 2)(1.99 10 30 kg)
R S = 2GM2
= 8 2
= 2.95 10 3 m.
c (3.0 10 m/s)
This is a diameter of only about 6 km. If we use the mass of Earth, we get R S = 8.85 10 3 m . This is a
diameter of less than 2 cm! If we pack Earths mass into a sphere with the radius R S = 8.85 10 3 m , we get
a density of
5.97 10 24 kg
= mass = = 2.06 10 30 kg/m 3.
volume 3
( 43 )8.85 10 3
A neutron star is the most compact object knownoutside of a black hole itself. The neutron star is composed
of neutrons, with the density of an atomic nucleus, and, like many black holes, is believed to be the remnant of
a supernovaa star that explodes at the end of its lifetime. To create a black hole from Earth, we would have to
compress it to a density thirteen orders of magnitude greater than that of a neutron star. This process would require
unimaginable force. There is no known mechanism that could cause an Earth-sized object to become a black hole.
For the Sun, you should be able to show that it would have to be compressed to a density only about 80 times
that of a nucleus. (Note: Once the mass is compressed within its Schwarzschild radius, general relativity dictates
that it will collapse to a singularity. These calculations merely show the density we must achieve to initiate that
13.11 Check Your Understanding Consider the density required to make Earth a black hole compared to
that required for the Sun. What conclusion can you draw from this comparison about what would be required to
create a black hole? Would you expect the Universe to have many black holes with small mass?
Figure 13.30 The space distortion becomes more noticeable around increasingly larger masses. Once the mass density
reaches a critical level, a black hole forms and the fabric of space-time is torn. The curvature of space is greatest at the surface
of each of the first three objects shown and is finite. The curvature then decreases (not shown) to zero as you move to the
center of the object. But the black hole is different. The curvature becomes infinite: The surface has collapsed to a singularity,
and the cone extends to infinity. (Note: These diagrams are not to any scale.)
The physics of stellar creation and evolution is well established. The ultimate source of energy that makes stars shine is the
self-gravitational energy that triggers fusion. The general behavior is that the more massive a star, the brighter it shines and
the shorter it lives. The logical inference is that a mass that is 4 million times the mass of our Sun, confined to a very small
region, and that cannot be seen, has no viable interpretation other than a black hole. Extragalactic observations strongly
suggest that black holes are common at the center of galaxies.
Visit the UCLA Galactic Center Group main page (
for information on X-ray binaries and gravitational lensing. Visit this page (
21galacenter02) to view a three-dimensional visualization of the stars orbiting near the center of our galaxy,
where the animation is near the bottom of the page.
Dark matter
Stars orbiting near the very heart of our galaxy provide strong evidence for a black hole there, but the orbits of stars far
from the center suggest another intriguing phenomenon that is observed indirectly as well. Recall from Gravitation Near
Earths Surface that we can consider the mass for spherical objects to be located at a point at the center for calculating
their gravitational effects on other masses. Similarly, we can treat the total mass that lies within the orbit of any star in our
galaxy as being located at the center of the Milky Way disc. We can estimate that mass from counting the visible stars and
include in our estimate the mass of the black hole at the center as well.
But when we do that, we find the orbital speed of the stars is far too fast to be caused by that amount of matter. Figure
13.32 shows the orbital velocities of stars as a function of their distance from the center of the Milky Way. The blue line
represents the velocities we would expect from our estimates of the mass, whereas the green curve is what we get from
direct measurements. Apparently, there is a lot of matter we dont see, estimated to be about five times as much as what
we do see, so it has been dubbed dark matter. Furthermore, the velocity profile does not follow what we expect from the
observed distribution of visible stars. Not only is the estimate of the total mass inconsistent with the data, but the expected
distribution is inconsistent as well. And this phenomenon is not restricted to our galaxy, but seems to be a feature of all
galaxies. In fact, the issue was first noted in the 1930s when galaxies within clusters were measured to be orbiting about the
center of mass of those clusters faster than they should based upon visible mass estimates.
680 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
Figure 13.32 The blue curve shows the expected orbital velocity of
stars in the Milky Way based upon the visible stars we can see. The green
curve shows that the actually velocities are higher, suggesting additional
matter that cannot be seen. (credit: modification of work by Matthew
There are two prevailing ideas of what this matter could beWIMPs and MACHOs. WIMPs stands for weakly interacting
massive particles. These particles (neutrinos are one example) interact very weakly with ordinary matter and, hence, are
very difficult to detect directly. MACHOs stands for massive compact halo objects, which are composed of ordinary
baryonic matter, such as neutrons and protons. There are unresolved issues with both of these ideas, and far more research
will be needed to solve the mystery.
action-at-a-distance force type of force exerted without physical contact
aphelion farthest point from the Sun of an orbiting body; the corresponding term for the Moons farthest point from Earth
is the apogee
apparent weight reading of the weight of an object on a scale that does not account for acceleration
black hole mass that becomes so dense, that it collapses in on itself, creating a singularity at the center surround by an
event horizon
escape velocity initial velocity an object needs to escape the gravitational pull of another; it is more accurately defined
as the velocity of an object with zero total mechanical energy
event horizon location of the Schwarzschild radius and is the location near a black hole from within which no object,
even light, can escape
gravitational field vector field that surrounds the mass creating the field; the field is represented by field lines, in which
the direction of the field is tangent to the lines, and the magnitude (or field strength) is inversely proportional to the
spacing of the lines; other masses respond to this field
gravitationally bound two object are gravitationally bound if their orbits are closed; gravitationally bound systems
have a negative total mechanical energy
Keplers first law law stating that every planet moves along an ellipse, with the Sun located at a focus of the ellipse
Keplers second law law stating that a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times, meaning it has a constant areal
Keplers third law law stating that the square of the period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the orbit
neap tide low tide created when the Moon and the Sun form a right triangle with Earth
neutron star most compact object knownoutside of a black hole itself
Newtons law of gravitation every mass attracts every other mass with a force proportional to the product of their
masses, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, and with direction along the line
connecting the center of mass of each
non-Euclidean geometry geometry of curved space, describing the relationships among angles and lines on the
surface of a sphere, hyperboloid, etc.
orbital period time required for a satellite to complete one orbit
orbital speed speed of a satellite in a circular orbit; it can be also be used for the instantaneous speed for noncircular
orbits in which the speed is not constant
perihelion point of closest approach to the Sun of an orbiting body; the corresponding term for the Moons closest
approach to Earth is the perigee
principle of equivalence part of the general theory of relativity, it states that there no difference between free fall and
being weightless, or a uniform gravitational field and uniform acceleration
Schwarzschild radius critical radius ( R S ) such that if a mass were compressed to the extent that its radius becomes
less than the Schwarzschild radius, then the mass will collapse to a singularity, and anything that passes inside that
radius cannot escape
space-time concept of space-time is that time is essentially another coordinate that is treated the same way as any
individual spatial coordinate; in the equations that represent both special and general relativity, time appears in the
same context as do the spatial coordinates
spring tide high tide created when the Moon, the Sun, and Earth are along one line
theory of general relativity Einsteins theory for gravitation and accelerated reference frames; in this theory,
gravitation is the result of mass and energy distorting the space-time around it; it is also often referred to as Einsteins
682 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
theory of gravity
tidal force difference between the gravitational force at the center of a body and that at any other location on the body;
the tidal force stretches the body
universal gravitational constant constant representing the strength of the gravitational force, that is believed to be
the same throughout the universe
m1 m2 ^
Newtons law of gravitation F 12 =G r 12
Orbital speed v orbit = r
Orbital period = 2 r3
Energy in circular orbit E =K+U =
= 1 + ecos
Conic sections r
Keplers third law 2 = 4 a 3
13.1 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
All masses attract one another with a gravitational force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them.
Spherically symmetrical masses can be treated as if all their mass were located at the center.
Nonsymmetrical objects can be treated as if their mass were concentrated at their center of mass, provided their
distance from other masses is large compared to their size.
masses ( ~ m 1 m 2 ). While all scientific conjectures must
13.1 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
be experimentally verified, can you provide arguments as
1. Action at a distance, such as is the case for gravity, was to why this must be? (You may wish to consider simple
once thought to be illogical and therefore untrue. What is examples in which any other form would lead to
the ultimate determinant of the truth in science, and why contradictory results.)
was this action at a distance ultimately accepted?
2. In the law of universal gravitation, Newton assumed 13.2 Gravitation Near Earth's Surface
that the force was proportional to the product of the two 3. Must engineers take Earths rotation into account when
684 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
14. Estimate the gravitational force between two sumo
13.1 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation wrestlers, with masses 220 kg and 240 kg, when they are
13. Evaluate the magnitude of gravitational force between embraced and their centers are 1.2 m apart.
two 5-kg spherical steel balls separated by a center-to-
center distance of 15 cm. 15. Astrology makes much of the position of the planets
30. Find the escape speed of a projectile from the surface 41. Find the mass of Jupiter based on the fact that Io, its
of Jupiter. innermost moon, has an average orbital radius of 421,700
km and a period of 1.77 days.
31. What is the escape speed of a satellite located at the
Moons orbit about Earth? Assume the Moon is not nearby. 42. Astronomical observations of our Milky Way galaxy
indicate that it has a mass of about 8.0 10 11 solar
32. (a) Evaluate the gravitational potential energy between masses. A star orbiting on the galaxys periphery is about
two 5.00-kg spherical steel balls separated by a center-to- 6.0 10 4 light-years from its center. (a) What should the
center distance of 15.0 cm. (b) Assuming that they are
both initially at rest relative to each other in deep space, orbital period of that star be? (b) If its period is 6.0 10 7
use conservation of energy to find how fast will they be years instead, what is the mass of the galaxy? Such
traveling upon impact. Each sphere has a radius of 5.10 calculations are used to imply the existence of other matter,
cm. such as a very massive black hole at the center of the Milky
33. An average-sized asteroid located 5.0 10 7 km from
43. (a) In order to keep a small satellite from drifting into
Earth with mass 2.0 10 13 kg is detected headed directly a nearby asteroid, it is placed in orbit with a period of
toward Earth with speed of 2.0 km/s. What will its speed be 3.02 hours and radius of 2.0 km. What is the mass of the
just before it hits our atmosphere? (You may ignore the size asteroid? (b) Does this mass seem reasonable for the size of
of the asteroid.) the orbit?
34. (a) What will be the kinetic energy of the asteroid in 44. The Moon and Earth rotate about their common center
the previous problem just before it hits Earth? b) Compare of mass, which is located about 4700 km from the center
this energy to the output of the largest fission bomb, 2100 of Earth. (This is 1690 km below the surface.) (a) Calculate
TJ. What impact would this have on Earth? the acceleration due to the Moons gravity at that point. (b)
Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the center of Earth
35. (a) What is the change in energy of a 1000-kg payload as it rotates about that point once each lunar month (about
taken from rest at the surface of Earth and placed at rest on 27.3 d) and compare it with the acceleration found in part
the surface of the Moon? (b) What would be the answer if (a). Comment on whether or not they are equal and why
the payload were taken from the Moons surface to Earth? they should or should not be.
Is this a reasonable calculation of the energy needed to
move a payload back and forth? 45. The Sun orbits the Milky Way galaxy once each
2.60 10 8 years , with a roughly circular orbit averaging
13.4 Satellite Orbits and Energy a radius of 3.00 10 4 light-years. (A light-year is the
distance traveled by light in 1 year.) Calculate the
36. If a planet with 1.5 times the mass of Earth was
centripetal acceleration of the Sun in its galactic orbit. Does
traveling in Earths orbit, what would its period be?
your result support the contention that a nearly inertial
frame of reference can be located at the Sun? (b) Calculate
37. Two planets in circular orbits around a star have the average speed of the Sun in its galactic orbit. Does the
speeds of v and 2v. (a) What is the ratio of the orbital radii answer surprise you?
of the planets? (b) What is the ratio of their periods?
46. A geosynchronous Earth satellite is one that has an
38. Using the average distance of Earth from the Sun, orbital period of precisely 1 day. Such orbits are useful
and the orbital period of Earth, (a) nd the centripetal for communication and weather observation because the
acceleration of Earth in its motion about the Sun. (b) satellite remains above the same point on Earth (provided
Compare this value to that of the centripetal acceleration at it orbits in the equatorial plane in the same direction as
the equator due to Earths rotation. Earths rotation). Calculate the radius of such an orbit based
on the data for Earth in Appendix D.
39. What is the orbital radius of an Earth satellite having
a period of 1.00 h? (b) What is unreasonable about this
result? 13.5 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
47. Calculate the mass of the Sun based on data for
40. Calculate the mass of the Sun based on data for Earths average Earths orbit and compare the value obtained with
orbit and compare the value obtained with the Suns actual
the Suns commonly listed value of 1.989 10 30 kg .
48. Io orbits Jupiter with an average radius of 421,700 km 1.0-kg mass on the near side of Io and far side due to
and a period of 1.769 days. Based upon these data, what is Jupiter? Io has a mean radius of 1821 km and a mean
the mass of Jupiter? orbital radius about Jupiter of 421,700 km. (b) Compare
this difference to that calculated for the difference for Earth
49. The mean orbital radius listed for astronomical due to the Moon calculated in Example 13.14. Tidal
objects orbiting the Sun is typically not an integrated forces are the cause of Ios volcanic activity.
average but is calculated such that it gives the correct
period when applied to the equation for circular orbits. 55. If the Sun were to collapse into a black hole, the point
Given that, what is the mean orbital radius in terms of of no return for an investigator would be approximately
aphelion and perihelion? 3 km from the center singularity. Would the investigator
be able to survive visiting even 300 km from the center?
50. The perihelion of Halleys comet is 0.586 AU and Answer this by finding the difference in the gravitational
the aphelion is 17.8 AU. Given that its speed at perihelion attraction the black holes exerts on a 1.0-kg mass at the
is 55 km/s, what is the speed at aphelion ( head and at the feet of the investigator.
1 AU = 1.496 10 11 m )? (Hint: You may use either
conservation of energy or angular momentum, but the latter 56. Consider Figure 13.23 in Tidal Forces. This
is much easier.) diagram represents the tidal forces for spring tides. Sketch
a similar diagram for neap tides. (Hint: For simplicity,
imagine that the Sun and the Moon contribute equally.
51. The perihelion of the comet Lagerkvist is 2.61 AU and Your diagram would be the vector sum of two force fields
it has a period of 7.36 years. Show that the aphelion for this (as in Figure 13.23), reduced by a factor of two, and
comet is 4.95 AU. superimposed at right angles.)
59. A neutron star is a cold, collapsed star with nuclear doubled and its radius is halved; (b) its mass density is
density. A particular neutron star has a mass twice that of doubled and its radius is unchanged; (c) its mass density is
our Sun with a radius of 12.0 km. (a) What would be the halved and its mass is unchanged.
weight of a 100-kg astronaut on standing on its surface? (b)
What does this tell us about landing on a neutron star? 63. Suppose you can communicate with the inhabitants
of a planet in another solar system. They tell you that on
60. (a) How far from the center of Earth would the net their planet, whose diameter and mass are 5.0 10 3 km
gravitational force of Earth and the Moon on an object
be zero? (b) Setting the magnitudes of the forces equal and 3.6 10 23 kg , respectively, the record for the high
should result in two answers from the quadratic. Do you jump is 2.0 m. Given that this record is close to 2.4 m on
understand why there are two positions, but only one where Earth, what would you conclude about your extraterrestrial
the net force is zero? friends jumping ability?
61. How far from the center of the Sun would the net 64. (a) Suppose that your measured weight at the equator
gravitational force of Earth and the Sun on a spaceship be is one-half your measured weight at the pole on a planet
zero? whose mass and diameter are equal to those of Earth. What
is the rotational period of the planet? (b) Would you need to
62. Calculate the values of g at Earths surface for the take the shape of this planet into account?
following changes in Earths properties: (a) its mass is
688 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
65. A body of mass 100 kg is weighed at the North Pole 74. What is the orbital velocity of our solar system about
and at the equator with a spring scale. What is the scale the center of the Milky Way? Assume that the mass within a
reading at these two points? Assume that g = 9.83 m/s 2 at sphere of radius equal to our distance away from the center
is about a 100 billion solar masses. Our distance from the
the pole. center is 27,000 light years.
66. Find the speed needed to escape from the solar system 75. (a) Using the information in the previous problem,
starting from the surface of Earth. Assume there are no what velocity do you need to escape the Milky Way galaxy
other bodies involved and do not account for the fact that from our present position? (b) Would you need to accelerate
Earth is moving in its orbit. [Hint: Equation 13.6 does a spaceship to this speed relative to Earth?
not apply. Use Equation 13.5 and include the potential
energy of both Earth and the Sun.
76. Circular orbits in Equation 13.10 for conic sections
must have eccentricity zero. From this, and using Newtons
67. Consider the previous problem and include the fact second law applied to centripetal acceleration, show that
that Earth has an orbital speed about the Sun of 29.8 km/ the value of in Equation 13.10 is given by
s. (a) What speed relative to Earth would be needed and in
what direction should you leave Earth? (b) What will be the = L2 where L is the angular momentum of the
shape of the trajectory? GMm 2
orbiting body. The value of is constant and given by this
68. A comet is observed 1.50 AU from the Sun with a expression regardless of the type of orbit.
speed of 24.3 km/s. Is this comet in a bound or unbound
orbit? 77. Show that for eccentricity equal to one in Equation
13.10 for conic sections, the path is a parabola. Do this
69. An asteroid has speed 15.5 km/s when it is located by substituting Cartesian coordinates, x and y, for the polar
2.00 AU from the sun. At its closest approach, it is 0.400 coordinates, r and , and showing that it has the general
AU from the Sun. What is its speed at that point?
form for a parabola, x = ay 2 + by + c .
70. Space debris left from old satellites and their launchers
is becoming a hazard to other satellites. (a) Calculate the 78. Using the technique shown in Satellite Orbits and
speed of a satellite in an orbit 900 km above Earths Energy, show that two masses m 1 and m 2 in circular
surface. (b) Suppose a loose rivet is in an orbit of the orbits about their common center of mass, will have total
same radius that intersects the satellites orbit at an angle Gm 1 m 2 Gm 1 m 2
of 90 . What is the velocity of the rivet relative to the energy E = K + E = K 1 + K 2 r =
satellite just before striking it? (c) If its mass is 0.500 g, . We have shown the kinetic energy of both masses
and it comes to rest inside the satellite, how much energy in explicitly. (Hint: The masses orbit at radii r 1 and r 2 ,
joules is generated by the collision? (Assume the satellites
velocity does not change appreciably, because its mass is respectively, where r = r 1 + r 2 . Be sure not to confuse
much greater than the rivets.) the radius needed for centripetal acceleration with that for
the gravitational force.)
71. A satellite of mass 1000 kg is in circular orbit about
Earth. The radius of the orbit of the satellite is equal to 79. Given the perihelion distance, p, and aphelion
two times the radius of Earth. (a) How far away is the distance, q, for an elliptical orbit, show that the velocity
satellite? (b) Find the kinetic, potential, and total energies 2GM Sun q
at perihelion, v p , is given by v p = . (Hint:
of the satellite. (q + p) p
Use conservation of angular momentum to relate v p and
72. After Ceres was promoted to a dwarf planet, we now
recognize the largest known asteroid to be Vesta, with a v q , and then substitute into the conservation of energy
mass of 2.67 10 20 kg and a diameter ranging from 578 equation.)
km to 458 km. Assuming that Vesta is spherical with radius
520 km, find the approximate escape velocity from its 80. Comet P/1999 R1 has a perihelion of 0.0570 AU and
surface. aphelion of 4.99 AU. Using the results of the previous
problem, find its speed at aphelion. (Hint: The expression is
73. (a) Using the data in the previous problem for the for the perihelion. Use symmetry to rewrite the expression
asteroid Vesta, what would be the orbital period for a space for aphelion.)
probe in a circular orbit of 10.0 km from its surface? (b)
Why is this calculation marginally useful at best?
81. A tunnel is dug through the center of a perfectly 86. Using Figure 13.9, carefully sketch a free body
spherical and airless planet of radius R. Using the diagram for the case of a simple pendulum hanging at
expression for g derived in Gravitation Near Earths latitude lambda, labeling all forces acting on the point
Surface for a uniform density, show that a particle of mass, m. Set up the equations of motion for equilibrium,
mass m dropped in the tunnel will execute simple harmonic setting one coordinate in the direction of the centripetal
motion. Deduce the period of oscillation of m and show that acceleration (toward P in the diagram), the other
it has the same period as an orbit at the surface. perpendicular to that. Show that the deflection angle
, defined as the angle between the pendulum string and
82. Following the technique used in Gravitation Near the radial direction toward the center of Earth, is given
Earths Surface, find the value of g as a function of by the expression below. What is the deflection angle at
the radius r from the center of a spherical shell planet of latitude 45 degrees? Assume that Earth is a perfect sphere.
constant density with inner and outer radii R in and g
tan( + ) = tan , where is the angular
(g 2 R E)
R out . Find g for both R in < r < R out and for r < R in
velocity of Earth.
. Assuming the inside of the shell is kept airless, describe
travel inside the spherical shell planet.
87. (a) Show that tidal force on a small object of mass
m, defined as the difference in the gravitational force that
83. Show that the areal velocity for a circular orbit of
would be exerted on m at a distance at the near and the
radius r about a mass M is A = 1 GMr . Does your far side of the object, due to the gravitation at a distance
t 2
expression give the correct value for Earths areal velocity R from M, is given by F tidal = 2GMm
r where r is
about the Sun? R
the distance between the near and far side and r< <R
84. Show that the period of orbit for two masses, m 1 and . (b) Assume you are falling feet first into the black hole
at the center of our galaxy. It has mass of 4 million solar
m 2 , in circular orbits of radii r 1 and r 2 , respectively, masses. What would be the difference between the force at
about their common center-of-mass, is given by your head and your feet at the Schwarzschild radius (event
3 horizon)? Assume your feet and head each have mass 5.0
T = 2 r where r = r 1 + r 2 . (Hint: The
G(m 1 + m 2) kg and are 2.0 m apart. Would you survive passing through
the event horizon?
masses orbit at radii r 1 and r 2 , respectively where
r = r 1 + r 2 . Use the expression for the center-of-mass to 88. Find the Hohmann transfer velocities, v EllipseEarth
relate the two radii and note that the two masses must have and v EllipseMars , needed for a trip to Mars. Use
equal but opposite momenta. Start with the relationship of
the period to the circumference and speed of orbit for one Equation 13.7 to find the circular orbital velocities for
of the masses. Use the result of the previous problem using Earth and Mars. Using Equation 13.4 and the total energy
momenta in the expressions for the kinetic energy.) of the ellipse (with semi-major axis a), given by
GmM s
E= , find the velocities at Earth (perihelion)
85. Show that for small changes in height h, such that 2a
h< <R E , Equation 13.4 reduces to the expression and at Mars (aphelion) required to be on the transfer ellipse.
The difference, v , at each point is the velocity boost or
U = mgh .
transfer velocity needed.
690 Chapter 13 | Gravitation
Figure 14.1 This pressure map (left) and satellite photo (right) were used to model the path and impact of Hurricane Arthur as
it traveled up the East Coast of the United States in July 2014. Computer models use force and energy equations to predict
developing weather patterns. Scientists numerically integrate these time-dependent equations, along with the energy budgets of
long- and short-wave solar energy, to model changes in the atmosphere. The pressure map on the left was created using the
Weather Research and Forecasting Model designed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The colors represent the
height of the 850-mbar pressure surface. (credit left: modification of work by The National Center for Atmospheric Research;
credit right: modification of work by NRL Monterey Marine Meteorology Division, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Chapter Outline
14.1 Fluids, Density, and Pressure
14.2 Measuring Pressure
14.3 Pascal's Principle and Hydraulics
14.4 Archimedes Principle and Buoyancy
14.5 Fluid Dynamics
14.6 Bernoullis Equation
14.7 Viscosity and Turbulence
Picture yourself walking along a beach on the eastern shore of the United States. The air smells of sea salt and the sun warms
your body. Suddenly, an alert appears on your cell phone. A tropical depression has formed into a hurricane. Atmospheric
pressure has fallen to nearly 15% below average. As a result, forecasters expect torrential rainfall, winds in excess of 100
mph, and millions of dollars in damage. As you prepare to evacuate, you wonder: How can such a small drop in pressure
lead to such a severe change in the weather?
Pressure is a physical phenomenon that is responsible for much more than just the weather. Changes in pressure cause ears
692 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
to pop during takeoff in an airplane. Changes in pressure can also cause scuba divers to suffer a sometimes fatal disorder
known as the bends, which occurs when nitrogen dissolved in the water of the body at extreme depths returns to a gaseous
state in the body as the diver surfaces. Pressure lies at the heart of the phenomena called buoyancy, which causes hot air
balloons to rise and ships to float. Before we can fully understand the role that pressure plays in these phenomena, we need
to discuss the states of matter and the concept of density.
Matter most commonly exists as a solid, liquid, or gas; these states are known as the three common phases of matter. We
will look at each of these phases in detail in this section.
Characteristics of Solids
Solids are rigid and have specific shapes and definite volumes. The atoms or molecules in a solid are in close proximity
to each other, and there is a significant force between these molecules. Solids will take a form determined by the nature
of these forces between the molecules. Although true solids are not incompressible, it nevertheless requires a large force
to change the shape of a solid. In some cases, the force between molecules can cause the molecules to organize into a
lattice as shown in Figure 14.2. The structure of this three-dimensional lattice is represented as molecules connected by
rigid bonds (modeled as stiff springs), which allow limited freedom for movement. Even a large force produces only small
displacements in the atoms or molecules of the lattice, and the solid maintains its shape. Solids also resist shearing forces.
(Shearing forces are forces applied tangentially to a surface, as described in Static Equilibrium and Elasticity.)
Characteristics of Fluids
Liquids and gases are considered to be fluids because they yield to shearing forces, whereas solids resist them. Like solids,
the molecules in a liquid are bonded to neighboring molecules, but possess many fewer of these bonds. The molecules in
a liquid are not locked in place and can move with respect to each other. The distance between molecules is similar to the
distances in a solid, and so liquids have definite volumes, but the shape of a liquid changes, depending on the shape of
its container. Gases are not bonded to neighboring atoms and can have large separations between molecules. Gases have
neither specific shapes nor definite volumes, since their molecules move to fill the container in which they are held (Figure
Figure 14.2 (a) Atoms in a solid are always in close contact with neighboring atoms, held in place by forces represented here
by springs. (b) Atoms in a liquid are also in close contact but can slide over one another. Forces between the atoms strongly resist
attempts to compress the atoms. (c) Atoms in a gas move about freely and are separated by large distances. A gas must be held in
a closed container to prevent it from expanding freely and escaping.
Liquids deform easily when stressed and do not spring back to their original shape once a force is removed. This occurs
because the atoms or molecules in a liquid are free to slide about and change neighbors. That is, liquids flow (so they are a
type of fluid), with the molecules held together by mutual attraction. When a liquid is placed in a container with no lid, it
remains in the container. Because the atoms are closely packed, liquids, like solids, resist compression; an extremely large
force is necessary to change the volume of a liquid.
In contrast, atoms in gases are separated by large distances, and the forces between atoms in a gas are therefore very weak,
except when the atoms collide with one another. This makes gases relatively easy to compress and allows them to flow
(which makes them fluids). When placed in an open container, gases, unlike liquids, will escape.
In this chapter, we generally refer to both gases and liquids simply as fluids, making a distinction between them only when
they behave differently. There exists one other phase of matter, plasma, which exists at very high temperatures. At high
temperatures, molecules may disassociate into atoms, and atoms disassociate into electrons (with negative charges) and
protons (with positive charges), forming a plasma. Plasma will not be discussed in depth in this chapter because plasma has
very different properties from the three other common phases of matter, discussed in this chapter, due to the strong electrical
forces between the charges.
Suppose a block of brass and a block of wood have exactly the same mass. If both blocks are dropped in a tank of water,
why does the wood float and the brass sink (Figure 14.3)? This occurs because the brass has a greater density than water,
whereas the wood has a lower density than water.
694 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
Figure 14.3 (a) A block of brass and a block of wood both have the same weight and mass, but the block of wood has a much
greater volume. (b) When placed in a fish tank filled with water, the cube of brass sinks and the block of wood floats. (The block
of wood is the same in both pictures; it was turned on its side to fit on the scale.)
Density is an important characteristic of substances. It is crucial, for example, in determining whether an object sinks or
floats in a fluid.
The average density of a substance or object is defined as its mass per unit volume,
=m (14.1)
where the Greek letter (rho) is the symbol for density, m is the mass, and V is the volume.
The SI unit of density is kg/m 3 . Table 14.1 lists some representative values. The cgs unit of density is the gram per cubic
centimeter, g/cm 3 , where
The metric system was originally devised so that water would have a density of 1 g/cm 3 , equivalent to 10 3 kg/m 3 . Thus,
the basic mass unit, the kilogram, was first devised to be the mass of 1000 mL of water, which has a volume of 1000 cm 3 .
As you can see by examining Table 14.1, the density of an object may help identify its composition. The density of gold,
for example, is about 2.5 times the density of iron, which is about 2.5 times the density of aluminum. Density also reveals
something about the phase of the matter and its substructure. Notice that the densities of liquids and solids are roughly
comparable, consistent with the fact that their atoms are in close contact. The densities of gases are much less than those of
liquids and solids, because the atoms in gases are separated by large amounts of empty space. The gases are displayed for a
standard temperature of 0.0C and a standard pressure of 101.3 kPa, and there is a strong dependence of the densities on
temperature and pressure. The densities of the solids and liquids displayed are given for the standard temperature of 0.0C
and the densities of solids and liquids depend on the temperature. The density of solids and liquids normally increase with
decreasing temperature.
Table 14.2 shows the density of water in various phases and temperature. The density of water increases with decreasing
temperature, reaching a maximum at 4.0C, and then decreases as the temperature falls below 4.0C . This behavior of
the density of water explains why ice forms at the top of a body of water.
Substance (kg/m3)
Substance (kg/m3)
The density of a substance is not necessarily constant throughout the volume of a substance. If the density is constant
throughout a substance, the substance is said to be a homogeneous substance. A solid iron bar is an example of a
homogeneous substance. The density is constant throughout, and the density of any sample of the substance is the same as
its average density. If the density of a substance were not constant, the substance is said to be a heterogeneous substance. A
chunk of Swiss cheese is an example of a heterogeneous material containing both the solid cheese and gas-filled voids. The
density at a specific location within a heterogeneous material is called local density, and is given as a function of location,
= (x, y, z) (Figure 14.4).
Figure 14.4 Density may vary throughout a heterogeneous mixture. Local density at a point is
obtained from dividing mass by volume in a small volume around a given point.
Local density can be obtained by a limiting process, based on the average density in a small volume around the point in
question, taking the limit where the size of the volume approaches zero,
= lim m (14.2)
V 0 V
Since gases are free to expand and contract, the densities of the gases vary considerably with temperature, whereas the
densities of liquids vary little with temperature. Therefore, the densities of liquids are often treated as constant, with the
density equal to the average density.
Density is a dimensional property; therefore, when comparing the densities of two substances, the units must be taken
into consideration. For this reason, a more convenient, dimensionless quantity called the specific gravity is often used to
compare densities. Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water at 4.0 C
and one atmosphere of pressure, which is 1000 kg/m 3 :
Density of material
Specific ravity = .
Density of water
The comparison uses water because the density of water is 1 g/cm 3 , which was originally used to define the kilogram.
Specific gravity, being dimensionless, provides a ready comparison among materials without having to worry about the unit
of density. For instance, the density of aluminum is 2.7 in g/cm 3 (2700 in kg/m 3 ), but its specific gravity is 2.7, regardless
of the unit of density. Specific gravity is a particularly useful quantity with regard to buoyancy, which we will discuss later
in this chapter.
You have no doubt heard the word pressure used in relation to blood (high or low blood pressure) and in relation to
weather (high- and low-pressure weather systems). These are only two of many examples of pressure in fluids. (Recall that
we introduced the idea of pressure in Static Equilibrium and Elasticity, in the context of bulk stress and strain.)
Pressure (p) is defined as the normal force F per unit area A over which the force is applied, or
p = F. (14.3)
To define the pressure at a specific point, the pressure is defined as the force dF exerted by a fluid over an infinitesimal
element of area dA containing the point, resulting in p = dF .
A given force can have a significantly different effect, depending on the area over which the force is exerted. For instance,
a force applied to an area of 1 mm 2 has a pressure that is 100 times as great as the same force applied to an area of 1 cm 2.
That is why a sharp needle is able to poke through skin when a small force is exerted, but applying the same force with a
finger does not puncture the skin (Figure 14.5).
Figure 14.5 (a) A person being poked with a finger might be irritated, but the force has little
lasting effect. (b) In contrast, the same force applied to an area the size of the sharp end of a
needle is enough to break the skin.
Note that although force is a vector, pressure is a scalar. Pressure is a scalar quantity because it is defined to be proportional
to the magnitude of the force acting perpendicular to the surface area. The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa), named
after the French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal (16231662), where
1 Pa = 1 N/m 2.
Several other units are used for pressure, which we discuss later in the chapter.
698 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
Since the density is constant, the weight can be calculated using the density:
w = mg = Vg = Ahg.
The pressure at the bottom of the container is therefore equal to atmospheric pressure added to the weight of the fluid
divided by the area:
p = p0 + = p 0 + hg.
This equation is only good for pressure at a depth for a fluid of constant density.
Where p is the pressure at a particular depth, p 0 is the pressure of the atmosphere, is the density of the fluid, g is
the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the depth.
Example 14.1
The average pressure p due to the weight of the water is the pressure at the average depth h of 40.0 m, since
pressure increases linearly with depth. The force exerted on the dam by the water is the average pressure times
the area of contact, F = pA.
a. The average pressure due to the weight of a fluid is
p = hg. (14.5)
Entering the density of water from Table 14.1 and taking h to be the average depth of 40.0 m, we obtain
9.80 m2
p = (40.0 m) 10 3
m 3 s
= 3.92 10 5 N2 = 392 kPa.
b. We have already found the value for p. The area of the dam is
A = 80.0 m 500 m = 4.00 10 4 m 2,
so that
700 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
14.1 Check Your Understanding If the reservoir in Example 14.1 covered twice the area, but was kept to
the same depth, would the dam need to be redesigned?
Figure 14.8 Forces on a mass element inside a fluid. The weight of the element itself is shown in the free-body
Since the element of fluid between y and y + y is not accelerating, the forces are balanced. Using a Cartesian y-axis
Note that if the element had a non-zero y-component of acceleration, the right-hand side would not be zero but would
instead be the mass times the y-acceleration. The mass of the element can be written in terms of the density of the fluid and
the volume of the elements:
m = | Ay| = Ayy > 0.
Putting this expression for m into Equation 14.6 and then dividing both sides by Ay , we find
Taking the limit of the infinitesimally thin element y 0 , we obtain the following differential equation, which gives the
variation of pressure in a fluid:
dp (14.8)
= g.
This equation tells us that the rate of change of pressure in a fluid is proportional to the density of the fluid. The solution of
this equation depends upon whether the density is constant or changes with depth; that is, the function (y).
If the range of the depth being analyzed is not too great, we can assume the density to be constant. But if the range of depth
is large enough for the density to vary appreciably, such as in the case of the atmosphere, there is significant change in
density with depth. In that case, we cannot use the approximation of a constant density.
Pressure in a fluid with a constant density
Lets use Equation 14.9 to work out a formula for the pressure at a depth h from the surface in a tank of a liquid such as
water, where the density of the liquid can be taken to be constant.
We need to integrate Equation 14.9 from y = 0, where the pressure is atmospheric pressure (p 0), to y = h, the
y-coordinate of the depth:
p h (14.9)
p d p = gdy
0 0
p p 0 = gh
p = p 0 + gh.
Hence, pressure at a depth of fluid on the surface of Earth is equal to the atmospheric pressure plus gh if the density of the
fluid is constant over the height, as we found previously.
Note that the pressure in a fluid depends only on the depth from the surface and not on the shape of the container. Thus, in
a container where a fluid can freely move in various parts, the liquid stays at the same level in every part, regardless of the
702 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
You may have encountered the ideal gas law in the form pV = nRT , where n is the number of moles and R is the gas
constant. Here, the same law has been written in a different form, using the density instead of volume V. Therefore, if
pressure p changes with height, so does the density . Using density from the ideal gas law, the rate of variation of pressure
with height is given as
dp mg
= p
k B T ,
where constant quantities have been collected inside the parentheses. Replacing these constants with a single symbol ,
the equation looks much simpler:
= p
p = dy
p(y) y
dp = dy
p0 0
ln(p) p 0 = [y] 0y
ln(p) ln(p 0) = y
ln p = y
Thus, atmospheric pressure drops exponentially with height, since the y-axis is pointed up from the ground and y has
positive values in the atmosphere above sea level. The pressure drops by a factor of 1e when the height is
1 , which gives
1 is a length scale that characterizes how pressure varies with height and
us a physical interpretation for : The constant
is often referred to as the pressure scale height.
We can obtain an approximate value of by using the mass of a nitrogen molecule as a proxy for an air molecule. At
temperature 27 C, or 300 K, we find
Therefore, for every 8800 meters, the air pressure drops by a factor 1/e, or approximately one-third of its value. This gives
us only a rough estimate of the actual situation, since we have assumed both a constant temperature and a constant g over
such great distances from Earth, neither of which is correct in reality.
Direction of pressure in a fluid
Fluid pressure has no direction, being a scalar quantity, whereas the forces due to pressure have well-defined directions:
They are always exerted perpendicular to any surface. The reason is that fluids cannot withstand or exert shearing forces.
Thus, in a static fluid enclosed in a tank, the force exerted on the walls of the tank is exerted perpendicular to the inside
surface. Likewise, pressure is exerted perpendicular to the surfaces of any object within the fluid. Figure 14.10 illustrates
the pressure exerted by air on the walls of a tire and by water on the body of a swimmer.
Figure 14.10 (a) Pressure inside this tire exerts forces perpendicular to all surfaces it contacts. The arrows represent directions
and magnitudes of the forces exerted at various points. (b) Pressure is exerted perpendicular to all sides of this swimmer, since
the water would flow into the space he occupies if he were not there. The arrows represent the directions and magnitudes of the
forces exerted at various points on the swimmer. Note that the forces are larger underneath, due to greater depth, giving a net
upward or buoyant force. The net vertical force on the swimmer is equal to the sum of the buoyant force and the weight of the
In the preceding section, we derived a formula for calculating the variation in pressure for a fluid in hydrostatic equilibrium.
As it turns out, this is a very useful calculation. Measurements of pressure are important in daily life as well as in science
704 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
and engineering applications. In this section, we discuss different ways that pressure can be reported and measured.
Absolute Pressure
The absolute pressure, or total pressure, is the sum of gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure:
p abs = p g + p atm (14.11)
where p abs is absolute pressure, p g is gauge pressure, and p atm is atmospheric pressure.
For example, if a tire gauge reads 34 psi, then the absolute pressure is 34 psi plus 14.7 psi ( p atm in psi), or 48.7 psi
(equivalent to 336 kPa).
In most cases, the absolute pressure in fluids cannot be negative. Fluids push rather than pull, so the smallest absolute
pressure in a fluid is zero (a negative absolute pressure is a pull). Thus, the smallest possible gauge pressure is p g = p atm
(which makes p abs zero). There is no theoretical limit to how large a gauge pressure can be.
Measuring Pressure
A host of devices are used for measuring pressure, ranging from tire gauges to blood pressure monitors. Many other types
of pressure gauges are commonly used to test the pressure of fluids, such as mechanical pressure gauges. We will explore
some of these in this section.
Any property that changes with pressure in a known way can be used to construct a pressure gauge. Some of the most
common types include strain gauges, which use the change in the shape of a material with pressure; capacitance pressure
gauges, which use the change in electric capacitance due to shape change with pressure; piezoelectric pressure gauges,
which generate a voltage difference across a piezoelectric material under a pressure difference between the two sides; and
ion gauges, which measure pressure by ionizing molecules in highly evacuated chambers. Different pressure gauges are
useful in different pressure ranges and under different physical situations. Some examples are shown in Figure 14.11.
Figure 14.11 (a) Gauges are used to measure and monitor pressure in gas cylinders. Compressed gases are used in many
industrial as well as medical applications. (b) Tire pressure gauges come in many different models, but all are meant for the same
purpose: to measure the internal pressure of the tire. This enables the driver to keep the tires inflated at optimal pressure for load
weight and driving conditions. (c) An ionization gauge is a high-sensitivity device used to monitor the pressure of gases in an
enclosed system. Neutral gas molecules are ionized by the release of electrons, and the current is translated into a pressure
reading. Ionization gauges are commonly used in industrial applications that rely on vacuum systems.
One of the most important classes of pressure gauges applies the property that pressure due to the weight of a fluid of
constant density is given by p = hg . The U-shaped tube shown in Figure 14.12 is an example of a manometer; in part
(a), both sides of the tube are open to the atmosphere, allowing atmospheric pressure to push down on each side equally so
that its effects cancel.
A manometer with only one side open to the atmosphere is an ideal device for measuring gauge pressures. The gauge
pressure is p g = hg and is found by measuring h. For example, suppose one side of the U-tube is connected to some
source of pressure p abs, such as the balloon in part (b) of the figure or the vacuum-packed peanut jar shown in part (c).
Pressure is transmitted undiminished to the manometer, and the fluid levels are no longer equal. In part (b), p abs is greater
than atmospheric pressure, whereas in part (c), p abs is less than atmospheric pressure. In both cases, p abs differs from
atmospheric pressure by an amount hg, where is the density of the fluid in the manometer. In part (b), p abs can
support a column of fluid of height h, so it must exert a pressure hg greater than atmospheric pressure (the gauge pressure
p g is positive). In part (c), atmospheric pressure can support a column of fluid of height h, so p abs is less than atmospheric
pressure by an amount hg (the gauge pressure p g is negative).
Figure 14.12 An open-tube manometer has one side open to the atmosphere. (a) Fluid depth must be the same on both sides, or
the pressure each side exerts at the bottom will be unequal and liquid will flow from the deeper side. (b) A positive gauge
pressure p g = hg transmitted to one side of the manometer can support a column of fluid of height h. (c) Similarly,
atmospheric pressure is greater than a negative gauge pressure p g by an amount hg . The jars rigidity prevents atmospheric
pressure from being transmitted to the peanuts.
Manometers typically use a U-shaped tube of a fluid (often mercury) to measure pressure. A barometer (see Figure 14.13)
706 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
is a device that typically uses a single column of mercury to measure atmospheric pressure. The barometer, invented by
the Italian mathematician and physicist Evangelista Torricelli (16081647) in 1643, is constructed from a glass tube closed
at one end and filled with mercury. The tube is then inverted and placed in a pool of mercury. This device measures
atmospheric pressure, rather than gauge pressure, because there is a nearly pure vacuum above the mercury in the tube. The
height of the mercury is such that hg = p atm . When atmospheric pressure varies, the mercury rises or falls.
Weather forecasters closely monitor changes in atmospheric pressure (often reported as barometric pressure), as rising
mercury typically signals improving weather and falling mercury indicates deteriorating weather. The barometer can also
be used as an altimeter, since average atmospheric pressure varies with altitude. Mercury barometers and manometers are
so common that units of mm Hg are often quoted for atmospheric pressure and blood pressures.
Example 14.2
The pressure at points at the same height on the two sides of a U-tube must be the same as long as the two points
are in the same liquid. Therefore, we consider two points at the same level in the two arms of the tube: One point
is the interface on the side of the Liquid 2 and the other is a point in the arm with Liquid 1 that is at the same level
as the interface in the other arm. The pressure at each point is due to atmospheric pressure plus the weight of the
liquid above it.
Pressure on the side with Liquid 1 = p 0 + 1 gh 1
Pressure on the side with Liquid 2 = p 0 + 2 gh 2
Since the two points are in Liquid 1 and are at the same height, the pressure at the two points must be the same.
Therefore, we have
p 0 + 1 gh 1 = p 0 + 2 gh 2.
1 h 1 = 2 h 2.
This means that the difference in heights on the two sides of the U-tube is
h 2 h 1 = 1 p 1 h 2.
The result makes sense if we set p 2 = p 1, which gives h 2 = h 1. If the two sides have the same density, they
have the same height.
14.2 Check Your Understanding Mercury is a hazardous substance. Why do you suppose mercury is
typically used in barometers instead of a safer fluid such as water?
Units of pressure
As stated earlier, the SI unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa), where
1 Pa = 1 N/m 2.
In addition to the pascal, many other units for pressure are in common use (Table 14.3). In meteorology, atmospheric
pressure is often described in the unit of millibars (mb), where
708 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
1000 mb = 1 10 5 Pa.
The millibar is a convenient unit for meteorologists because the average atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth
is 1.013 10 5 Pa = 1013 mb = 1 atm . Using the equations derived when considering pressure at a depth in a fluid,
pressure can also be measured as millimeters or inches of mercury. The pressure at the bottom of a 760-mm column of
mercury at 0 C in a container where the top part is evacuated is equal to the atmospheric pressure. Thus, 760 mm Hg
is also used in place of 1 atmosphere of pressure. In vacuum physics labs, scientists often use another unit called the torr,
named after Torricelli, who, as we have just seen, invented the mercury manometer for measuring pressure. One torr is equal
to a pressure of 1 mm Hg.
Unit Definition
SI unit: the Pascal 1 Pa = 1 N/m 2
English unit: pounds per square inch ( lb/in. 2 or psi) 1 psi = 7.015 10 3 Pa
1 bar = 10 5 Pa
1 torr = 1 mm Hg = 122.39 Pa
In 1653, the French philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal published his Treatise on the Equilibrium of Liquids, in which he
discussed principles of static fluids. A static fluid is a fluid that is not in motion. When a fluid is not flowing, we say that the
fluid is in static equilibrium. If the fluid is water, we say it is in hydrostatic equilibrium. For a fluid in static equilibrium,
the net force on any part of the fluid must be zero; otherwise the fluid will start to flow.
Pascals observationssince proven experimentallyprovide the foundation for hydraulics, one of the most important
developments in modern mechanical technology. Pascal observed that a change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is
transmitted undiminished throughout the fluid and to the walls of its container. Because of this, we often know more about
pressure than other physical quantities in fluids. Moreover, Pascals principle implies that the total pressure in a fluid is the
sum of the pressures from different sources. A good example is the fluid at a depth depends on the depth of the fluid and
the pressure of the atmosphere.
Pascals Principle
Pascals principle (also known as Pascals law) states that when a change in pressure is applied to an enclosed fluid, it is
transmitted undiminished to all portions of the fluid and to the walls of its container. In an enclosed fluid, since atoms of the
fluid are free to move about, they transmit pressure to all parts of the fluid and to the walls of the container. Any change in
pressure is transmitted undiminished.
Note that this principle does not say that the pressure is the same at all points of a fluidwhich is not true, since the pressure
in a fluid near Earth varies with height. Rather, this principle applies to the change in pressure. Suppose you place some
water in a cylindrical container of height H and cross-sectional area A that has a movable piston of mass m (Figure 14.15).
Adding weight Mg at the top of the piston increases the pressure at the top by Mg/A, since the additional weight also acts
over area A of the lid:
p top = .
Figure 14.15 Pressure in a fluid changes when the fluid is compressed. (a)
The pressure at the top layer of the fluid is different from pressure at the bottom
layer. (b) The increase in pressure by adding weight to the piston is the same
everywhere, for example, p top new p top = p bottom new p bottom .
According to Pascals principle, the pressure at all points in the water changes by the same amount, Mg/A. Thus, the pressure
at the bottom also increases by Mg/A. The pressure at the bottom of the container is equal to the sum of the atmospheric
pressure, the pressure due the fluid, and the pressure supplied by the mass. The change in pressure at the bottom of the
container due to the mass is
p bottom = .
Since the pressure changes are the same everywhere in the fluid, we no longer need subscripts to designate the pressure
change for top or bottom:
p = p top = p bottom = p everywhere.
We can derive a relationship between the forces in this simple hydraulic system by applying Pascals principle. Note first
that the two pistons in the system are at the same height, so there is no difference in pressure due to a difference in depth.
The pressure due to F 1 acting on area A 1 is simply
p1 = , as defined y p = F .
A1 A
According to Pascals principle, this pressure is transmitted undiminished throughout the fluid and to all walls of the
container. Thus, a pressure p 2 is felt at the other piston that is equal to p 1 . That is, p 1 = p 2. However, since
p 2 = F 2 /A 2, we see that
F1 F2 (14.12)
= .
A1 A2
This equation relates the ratios of force to area in any hydraulic system, provided that the pistons are at the same vertical
height and that friction in the system is negligible.
Hydraulic systems can increase or decrease the force applied to them. To make the force larger, the pressure is applied to
a larger area. For example, if a 100-N force is applied to the left cylinder in Figure 14.16 and the right cylinder has an
area five times greater, then the output force is 500 N. Hydraulic systems are analogous to simple levers, but they have the
advantage that pressure can be sent through tortuously curved lines to several places at once.
The hydraulic jack is such a hydraulic system. A hydraulic jack is used to lift heavy loads, such as the ones used by auto
mechanics to raise an automobile. It consists of an incompressible fluid in a U-tube fitted with a movable piston on each
side. One side of the U-tube is narrower than the other. A small force applied over a small area can balance a much larger
force on the other side over a larger area (Figure 14.17).
Figure 14.17 (a) A hydraulic jack operates by applying forces (F 1 , F 2) to an incompressible fluid in a U-tube, using
a movable piston (A 1, A 2) on each side of the tube. (b) Hydraulic jacks are commonly used by car mechanics to lift
vehicles so that repairs and maintenance can be performed.
From Pascals principle, it can be shown that the force needed to lift the car is less than the weight of the car:
F1 = F ,
A2 2
where F 1 is the force applied to lift the car, A 1 is the cross-sectional area of the smaller piston, A 2 is the cross sectional
area of the larger piston, and F 2 is the weight of the car.
Example 14.3
Figure 14.18 Hydraulic brakes use Pascals principle. The driver pushes the brake pedal, exerting a force
that is increased by the simple lever and again by the hydraulic system. Each of the identical wheel cylinders
receives the same pressure and, therefore, creates the same force output F 2 . The circular cross-sectional areas
of the pedal and wheel cylinders are represented by A 1 and A 2 , respectively.
We are given the force F 1 applied to the pedal cylinder. The cross-sectional areas A 1 and A 2 can be calculated
from their given diameters. Then we can use the following relationship to find the force F 2 :
F1 F2
= .
A1 A2
Manipulate this algebraically to get F 2 on one side and substitute known values.
F1 F2
Pascals principle applied to hydraulic systems is given by = :
A1 A2
A2 r 2
F2 = F 1 = 22 F 1
A1 r 1
(1.25 cm) 2
= 500 N = 1.25 10 4 N.
(0.250 cm) 2
This value is the force exerted by each of the four wheel cylinders. Note that we can add as many wheel cylinders
as we wish. If each has a 2.50-cm diameter, each will exert 1.25 10 4 N. A simple hydraulic system, as an
example of a simple machine, can increase force but cannot do more work than is done on it. Work is force times
distance moved, and the wheel cylinder moves through a smaller distance than the pedal cylinder. Furthermore,
the more wheels added, the smaller the distance each one moves. Many hydraulic systemssuch as power brakes
and those in bulldozershave a motorized pump that actually does most of the work in the system.
14.3 Check Your Understanding Would a hydraulic press still operate properly if a gas is used instead of a
When placed in a fluid, some objects float due to a buoyant force. Where does this buoyant force come from? Why is it that
some things float and others do not? Do objects that sink get any support at all from the fluid? Is your body buoyed by the
atmosphere, or are only helium balloons affected (Figure 14.19)?
Figure 14.19 (a) Even objects that sink, like this anchor, are partly supported by water when submerged. (b) Submarines have
adjustable density (ballast tanks) so that they may float or sink as desired. (c) Helium-filled balloons tug upward on their strings,
demonstrating airs buoyant effect. (credit b: modification of work by Allied Navy; credit c: modification of work by
Answers to all these questions, and many others, are based on the fact that pressure increases with depth in a fluid. This
means that the upward force on the bottom of an object in a fluid is greater than the downward force on top of the object.
There is an upward force, or buoyant force, on any object in any fluid (Figure 14.20). If the buoyant force is greater than
the objects weight, the object rises to the surface and floats. If the buoyant force is less than the objects weight, the object
sinks. If the buoyant force equals the objects weight, the object can remain suspended at its present depth. The buoyant
force is always present, whether the object floats, sinks, or is suspended in a fluid.
714 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
Buoyant Force
The buoyant force is the upward force on any object in any fluid.
Archimedes Principle
Just how large a force is buoyant force? To answer this question, think about what happens when a submerged object is
removed from a fluid, as in Figure 14.21. If the object were not in the fluid, the space the object occupied would be filled
by fluid having a weight w fl . This weight is supported by the surrounding fluid, so the buoyant force must equal w fl , the
weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
Archimedes Principle
The buoyant force on an object equals the weight of the fluid it displaces. In equation form, Archimedes principle is
F B = w fl ,
where F B is the buoyant force and w fl is the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
This principle is named after the Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes (ca. 287212 BCE), who stated this
principle long before concepts of force were well established.
Figure 14.21 (a) An object submerged in a fluid experiences a buoyant force F B. If F B is greater than the weight of the
object, the object rises. If F B is less than the weight of the object, the object sinks. (b) If the object is removed, it is replaced
by fluid having weight w fl . Since this weight is supported by surrounding fluid, the buoyant force must equal the weight of
the fluid displaced.
Archimedes principle refers to the force of buoyancy that results when a body is submerged in a fluid, whether partially
or wholly. The force that provides the pressure of a fluid acts on a body perpendicular to the surface of the body. In other
words, the force due to the pressure at the bottom is pointed up, while at the top, the force due to the pressure is pointed
down; the forces due to the pressures at the sides are pointing into the body.
Since the bottom of the body is at a greater depth than the top of the body, the pressure at the lower part of the body is higher
than the pressure at the upper part, as shown in Figure 14.20. Therefore a net upward force acts on the body. This upward
force is the force of buoyancy, or simply buoyancy.
The exclamation Eureka (meaning I found it) has often been credited to Archimedes as he made the discovery
that would lead to Archimedes principle. Some say it all started in a bathtub. To read the story, visit NASA
( or explore Scientific American
( to learn more.
The volume submerged equals the volume of fluid displaced, which we call V f l . Now we can obtain the relationship
between the densities by substituting = m into the expression. This gives
V fl m fl / fl
= ,
V obj m obj / obj
where obj is the average density of the object and fl is the density of the fluid. Since the object floats, its mass and that
716 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
of the displaced fluid are equal, so they cancel from the equation, leaving
fraction submerged = .
Figure 14.22 An unloaded ship (a) floats higher in the water than a loaded ship (b).
Example 14.4
We know both the fraction submerged and the density of water, so we can calculate the womans density.
Entering the known values into the expression for her density, we obtain
kg kg
person = 0.970 10 3
m 3
= 970 3 .
The womans density is less than the fluid density. We expect this because she floats.
Numerous lower-density objects or substances float in higher-density fluids: oil on water, a hot-air balloon in the
atmosphere, a bit of cork in wine, an iceberg in salt water, and hot wax in a lava lamp, to name a few. A less obvious
example is mountain ranges floating on the higher-density crust and mantle beneath them. Even seemingly solid Earth has
fluid characteristics.
Measuring Density
One of the most common techniques for determining density is shown in Figure 14.23.
Figure 14.23 (a) A coin is weighed in air. (b) The apparent weight of the coin is determined while it is completely submerged
in a fluid of known density. These two measurements are used to calculate the density of the coin.
An object, here a coin, is weighed in air and then weighed again while submerged in a liquid. The density of the coin, an
indication of its authenticity, can be calculated if the fluid density is known. We can use this same technique to determine
the density of the fluid if the density of the coin is known.
All of these calculations are based on Archimedes principle, which states that the buoyant force on the object equals the
weight of the fluid displaced. This, in turn, means that the object appears to weigh less when submerged; we call this
measurement the objects apparent weight. The object suffers an apparent weight loss equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced. Alternatively, on balances that measure mass, the object suffers an apparent mass loss equal to the mass of
fluid displaced. That is, apparent weight loss equals weight of fluid displaced, or apparent mass loss equals mass of fluid
The first part of this chapter dealt with fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest. The rest of this chapter deals with fluid
dynamics, the study of fluids in motion. Even the most basic forms of fluid motion can be quite complex. For this reason,
we limit our investigation to ideal fluids in many of the examples. An ideal fluid is a fluid with negligible viscosity.
Viscosity is a measure of the internal friction in a fluid; we examine it in more detail in Viscosity and Turbulence. In
a few examples, we examine an incompressible fluidone for which an extremely large force is required to change the
volumesince the density in an incompressible fluid is constant throughout.
Characteristics of Flow
Velocity vectors are often used to illustrate fluid motion in applications like meteorology. For example, windthe fluid
motion of air in the atmospherecan be represented by vectors indicating the speed and direction of the wind at any given
point on a map. Figure 14.24 shows velocity vectors describing the winds during Hurricane Arthur in 2014.
718 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
Figure 14.24 The velocity vectors show the flow of wind in Hurricane
Arthur. Notice the circulation of the wind around the eye of the hurricane.
Wind speeds are highest near the eye. The colors represent the relative
vorticity, a measure of turning or spinning of the air.
Another method for representing fluid motion is a streamline. A streamline represents the path of a small volume of fluid as
it flows. The velocity is always tangential to the streamline. The diagrams in Figure 14.25 use streamlines to illustrate two
examples of fluids moving through a pipe. The first fluid exhibits a laminar flow (sometimes described as a steady flow),
represented by smooth, parallel streamlines. Note that in the example shown in part (a), the velocity of the fluid is greatest
in the center and decreases near the walls of the pipe due to the viscosity of the fluid and friction between the pipe walls
and the fluid. This is a special case of laminar flow, where the friction between the pipe and the fluid is high, known as
no slip boundary conditions. The second diagram represents turbulent flow, in which streamlines are irregular and change
over time. In turbulent flow, the paths of the fluid flow are irregular as different parts of the fluid mix together or form small
circular regions that resemble whirlpools. This can occur when the speed of the fluid reaches a certain critical speed.
Figure 14.25 (a) Laminar flow can be thought of as layers of fluid moving in parallel, regular
paths. (b) In turbulent flow, regions of fluid move in irregular, colliding paths, resulting in
mixing and swirling.
Q = dV (14.13)
where V is the volume and t is the elapsed time. In Figure 14.26, the volume of the cylinder is Ax, so the flow rate is
Q = dV = d (Ax) = A dx = Av.
dt dt dt
The SI unit for flow rate is m 3 /s, but several other units for Q are in common use, such as liters per minute (L/min). Note
that a liter (L) is 1/1000 of a cubic meter or 1000 cubic centimeters (10 3 m 3 or 10 3 cm 3).
Flow rate and velocity are related, but quite different, physical quantities. To make the distinction clear, consider the flow
rate of a river. The greater the velocity of the water, the greater the flow rate of the river. But flow rate also depends on the
size and shape of the river. A rapid mountain stream carries far less water than the Amazon River in Brazil, for example.
Figure 14.26 illustrates the volume flow rate. The volume flow rate is Q = dV = Av, where A is the cross-sectional
area of the pipe and v is the magnitude of the velocity.
The precise relationship between flow rate Q and average speed v is
Q = Av,
where A is the cross-sectional area and v is the average speed. The relationship tells us that flow rate is directly proportional
to both the average speed of the fluid and the cross-sectional area of a river, pipe, or other conduit. The larger the conduit,
the greater its cross-sectional area. Figure 14.26 illustrates how this relationship is obtained. The shaded cylinder has a
volume V = Ad , which flows past the point P in a time t. Dividing both sides of this relationship by t gives
V = Ad .
t t
We note that Q = V/t and the average speed is v = d / t . Thus the equation becomes Q = Av .
Figure 14.27 shows an incompressible fluid flowing along a pipe of decreasing radius. Because the fluid is incompressible,
the same amount of fluid must flow past any point in the tube in a given time to ensure continuity of flow. The flow is
continuous because they are no sources or sinks that add or remove mass, so the mass flowing into the pipe must be equal
the mass flowing out of the pipe. In this case, because the cross-sectional area of the pipe decreases, the velocity must
necessarily increase. This logic can be extended to say that the flow rate must be the same at all points along the pipe. In
particular, for arbitrary points 1 and 2,
Q 1 = Q 2, (14.14)
A 1 v 1 = A 2 v 2.
This is called the equation of continuity and is valid for any incompressible fluid (with constant density). The consequences
720 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
of the equation of continuity can be observed when water flows from a hose into a narrow spray nozzle: It emerges with a
large speedthat is the purpose of the nozzle. Conversely, when a river empties into one end of a reservoir, the water slows
considerably, perhaps picking up speed again when it leaves the other end of the reservoir. In other words, speed increases
when cross-sectional area decreases, and speed decreases when cross-sectional area increases.
Figure 14.27 When a tube narrows, the same volume occupies a greater length. For the same
volume to pass points 1 and 2 in a given time, the speed must be greater at point 2. The process
is exactly reversible. If the fluid flows in the opposite direction, its speed decreases when the
tube widens. (Note that the relative volumes of the two cylinders and the corresponding velocity
vector arrows are not drawn to scale.)
Since liquids are essentially incompressible, the equation of continuity is valid for all liquids. However, gases are
compressible, so the equation must be applied with caution to gases if they are subjected to compression or expansion.
Example 14.5
v= = .
A r 2
A1 r 2 r2
v2 = v 1 = 12 v 1 = 12 v 1.
A2 r 2 r2
Mass Conservation
The rate of flow of a fluid can also be described by the mass flow rate or mass rate of flow. This is the rate at which a mass
of the fluid moves past a point. Refer once again to Figure 14.26, but this time consider the mass in the shaded volume.
The mass can be determined from the density and the volume:
m = V = Ax.
dm dm (14.15)
dt 1 = dt 2
1 A 1 v 1 = 2 A 2 v 2.
Equation 14.15 is also known as the continuity equation in general form. If the density of the fluid remains constant
through the constrictionthat is, the fluid is incompressiblethen the density cancels from the continuity equation,
A 1 v 1 = A 2 v 2.
The equation reduces to show that the volume flow rate into the pipe equals the volume flow rate out of the pipe.
As we showed in Figure 14.27, when a fluid flows into a narrower channel, its speed increases. That means its kinetic
energy also increases. The increased kinetic energy comes from the net work done on the fluid to push it into the channel.
Also, if the fluid changes vertical position, work is done on the fluid by the gravitational force.
A pressure difference occurs when the channel narrows. This pressure difference results in a net force on the fluid because
the pressure times the area equals the force, and this net force does work. Recall the work-energy theorem,
W net = 1 mv 2 1 mv 20.
2 2
The net work done increases the fluids kinetic energy. As a result, the pressure drops in a rapidly moving fluid whether or
not the fluid is confined to a tube.
There are many common examples of pressure dropping in rapidly moving fluids. For instance, shower curtains have a
disagreeable habit of bulging into the shower stall when the shower is on. The reason is that the high-velocity stream of
water and air creates a region of lower pressure inside the shower, whereas the pressure on the other side remains at the
standard atmospheric pressure. This pressure difference results in a net force, pushing the curtain inward. Similarly, when
a car passes a truck on the highway, the two vehicles seem to pull toward each other. The reason is the same: The high
velocity of the air between the car and the truck creates a region of lower pressure between the vehicles, and they are pushed
together by greater pressure on the outside (Figure 14.29). This effect was observed as far back as the mid-1800s, when it
was found that trains passing in opposite directions tipped precariously toward one another.
Consider an incompressible fluid flowing through a pipe that has a varying diameter and height, as shown in Figure 14.30.
Subscripts 1 and 2 in the figure denote two locations along the pipe and illustrate the relationships between the areas of the
cross sections A, the speed of flow v, the height from ground y, and the pressure p at each point. We assume here that the
density at the two points is the sametherefore, density is denoted by without any subscriptsand since the fluid in
incompressible, the shaded volumes must be equal.
Figure 14.30 The geometry used for the derivation of Bernoullis equation.
We also assume that there are no viscous forces in the fluid, so the energy of any part of the fluid will be conserved. To
derive Bernoullis equation, we first calculate the work that was done on the fluid:
dW = F 1 dx 1 F 2 dx 2
dW = p 1 A 1 dx 1 p 2 A 2 dx 2 = p 1 dV p 2 dV = (p 1 p 2)dV.
The work done was due to the conservative force of gravity and the change in the kinetic energy of the fluid. The change in
the kinetic energy of the fluid is equal to
dK = 1 m 2 v 22 1 m 1 v 21 = 1 dV v 22 v 21.
2 2 2
The change in potential energy is
dU = mgy 2 mgy 1 = dVg(y 2 y 1).
p 1 + 1 v 21 + gy 1 = p 2 + 1 v 22 + gy 2.
2 2
This relation states that the mechanical energy of any part of the fluid changes as a result of the work done by the fluid
external to that part, due to varying pressure along the way. Since the two points were chosen arbitrarily, we can write
Bernoullis equation more generally as a conservation principle along the flow.
Bernoullis Equation
For an incompressible, frictionless fluid, the combination of pressure and the sum of kinetic and potential energy
densities is constant not only over time, but also along a streamline:
724 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
p + 1 v 2 + gy = constant (14.16)
A special note must be made here of the fact that in a dynamic situation, the pressures at the same height in different parts
of the fluid may be different if they have different speeds of flow.
p 1 + gh 1 = p 2 + gh 2.
We can further simplify the equation by setting h 2 = 0. (Any height can be chosen for a reference height of zero, as is
often done for other situations involving gravitational force, making all other heights relative.) In this case, we get
p 2 = p 1 + gh 1.
This equation tells us that, in static fluids, pressure increases with depth. As we go from point 1 to point 2 in the fluid, the
depth increases by h 1 , and consequently, p 2 is greater than p 1 by an amount gh 1 . In the very simplest case, p 1 is zero
at the top of the fluid, and we get the familiar relationship p = gh . (Recall that p = gh and U g = mgh.) Thus,
Bernoullis equation confirms the fact that the pressure change due to the weight of a fluid is gh . Although we introduce
Bernoullis equation for fluid motion, it includes much of what we studied for static fluids earlier.
Bernoullis principle
Suppose a fluid is moving but its depth is constantthat is, h 1 = h 2 . Under this condition, Bernoullis equation becomes
p 1 + 1 v 21 = p 2 + 1 v 22.
2 2
Situations in which fluid flows at a constant depth are so common that this equation is often also called Bernoullis
principle, which is simply Bernoullis equation for fluids at constant depth. (Note again that this applies to a small volume
of fluid as we follow it along its path.) Bernoullis principle reinforces the fact that pressure drops as speed increases in a
moving fluid: If v 2 is greater than v 1 in the equation, then p 2 must be less than p 1 for the equality to hold.
Example 14.6
Calculating Pressure
In Example 14.5, we found that the speed of water in a hose increased from 1.96 m/s to 25.5 m/s going
from the hose to the nozzle. Calculate the pressure in the hose, given that the absolute pressure in the nozzle is
1.01 10 5 N/m 2 (atmospheric, as it must be) and assuming level, frictionless flow.
Level flow means constant depth, so Bernoullis principle applies. We use the subscript 1 for values in the hose
and 2 for those in the nozzle. We are thus asked to find p1 .
Solving Bernoullis principle for p 1 yields
p 1 = p 2 + 1 v 22 1 v 21 = p 2 + 1 (v 22 v 21).
2 2 2
Figure 14.31 Entrainment devices use increased fluid speed to create low pressures, which then entrain one fluid into another.
(a) A Bunsen burner uses an adjustable gas nozzle, entraining air for proper combustion. (b) An atomizer uses a squeeze bulb to
create a jet of air that entrains drops of perfume. Paint sprayers and carburetors use very similar techniques to move their
respective liquids. (c) A common aspirator uses a high-speed stream of water to create a region of lower pressure. Aspirators may
be used as suction pumps in dental and surgical situations or for draining a flooded basement or producing a reduced pressure in a
vessel. (d) The chimney of a water heater is designed to entrain air into the pipe leading through the ceiling.
Velocity measurement
Figure 14.32 shows two devices that apply Bernoullis principle to measure fluid velocity. The manometer in part (a) is
connected to two tubes that are small enough not to appreciably disturb the flow. The tube facing the oncoming fluid creates
a dead spot having zero velocity ( v 1 = 0 ) in front of it, while fluid passing the other tube has velocity v 2 . This means that
Bernoullis principle as stated in
p 1 + 1 v 21 = p 2 + 1 v 22
2 2
p 1 = p 2 + 1 v 22.
Thus pressure p 2 over the second opening is reduced by 1 v 22 , so the fluid in the manometer rises by h on the side
connected to the second opening, where
726 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
h 1 v 22.
(Recall that the symbol means proportional to.) Solving for v 2 , we see that
v 2 h.
Part (b) shows a version of this device that is in common use for measuring various fluid velocities; such devices are
frequently used as air-speed indicators in aircraft.
Figure 14.32 Measurement of fluid speed based on Bernoullis principle. (a) A manometer is connected to two tubes that are
close together and small enough not to disturb the flow. Tube 1 is open at the end facing the flow. A dead spot having zero speed
is created there. Tube 2 has an opening on the side, so the fluid has a speed v across the opening; thus, pressure there drops. The
difference in pressure at the manometer is 1 v 22 , so h is proportional to 1 v 22. (b) This type of velocity measuring device is a
2 2
Prandtl tube, also known as a pitot tube.
A fire hose
All preceding applications of Bernoullis equation involved simplifying conditions, such as constant height or constant
pressure. The next example is a more general application of Bernoullis equation in which pressure, velocity, and height all
Example 14.7
We must use Bernoullis equation to solve for the pressure, since depth is not constant.
Bernoullis equation is
p 1 + 1 v 21 + gh 1 = p 2 + 1 v 22 + gh 2
2 2
where subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the initial conditions at ground level and the final conditions inside the nozzle,
respectively. We must first find the speeds v 1 and v 2 . Since Q = A 1 v 1 , we get
Q 3 3
v1 = = 40.0 10 m /s = 12.4m/s.
A 1 (3.20 10 2 m) 2
Similarly, we find
v 2 = 56.6 m/s.
This rather large speed is helpful in reaching the fire. Now, taking h 1 to be zero, we solve Bernoullis equation
for p 2 :
p 2 = p 1 + 1 (v 21 v 22) gh 2.
Substituting known values yields
In Applications of Newtons Laws, which introduced the concept of friction, we saw that an object sliding across the
floor with an initial velocity and no applied force comes to rest due to the force of friction. Friction depends on the types of
materials in contact and is proportional to the normal force. We also discussed drag and air resistance in that same chapter.
We explained that at low speeds, the drag is proportional to the velocity, whereas at high speeds, drag is proportional to the
velocity squared. In this section, we introduce the forces of friction that act on fluids in motion. For example, a fluid flowing
through a pipe is subject to resistance, a type of friction, between the fluid and the walls. Friction also occurs between the
different layers of fluid. These resistive forces affect the way the fluid flows through the pipe.
Figure 14.34 (a) Laminar flow occurs in layers without mixing. Notice that viscosity causes drag between layers as well as
with the fixed surface. The speed near the bottom of the flow ( v b ) is less than speed near the top ( v t ) because in this case, the
surface of the containing vessel is at the bottom. (b) An obstruction in the vessel causes turbulent flow. Turbulent flow mixes the
fluid. There is more interaction, greater heating, and more resistance than in laminar flow.
Turbulence is a fluid flow in which layers mix together via eddies and swirls. It has two main causes. First, any obstruction
or sharp corner, such as in a faucet, creates turbulence by imparting velocities perpendicular to the flow. Second, high speeds
cause turbulence. The drag between adjacent layers of fluid and between the fluid and its surroundings can form swirls and
eddies if the speed is great enough. In Figure 14.35, the speed of the accelerating smoke reaches the point that it begins to
swirl due to the drag between the smoke and the surrounding air.
Figure 14.36 shows how viscosity is measured for a fluid. The fluid to be measured is placed between two parallel plates.
The bottom plate is held fixed, while the top plate is moved to the right, dragging fluid with it. The layer (or lamina) of
fluid in contact with either plate does not move relative to the plate, so the top layer moves at speed v while the bottom
layer remains at rest. Each successive layer from the top down exerts a force on the one below it, trying to drag it along,
producing a continuous variation in speed from v to 0 as shown. Care is taken to ensure that the flow is laminar, that is, the
layers do not mix. The motion in the figure is like a continuous shearing motion. Fluids have zero shear strength, but the
rate at which they are sheared is related to the same geometrical factors A and L as is shear deformation for solids. In the
diagram, the fluid is initially at rest. The layer of fluid in contact with the moving plate is accelerated and starts to move due
to the internal friction between moving plate and the fluid. The next layer is in contact with the moving layer; since there is
internal friction between the two layers, it also accelerates, and so on through the depth of the fluid. There is also internal
friction between the stationary plate and the lowest layer of fluid, next to the station plate. The force is required to keep the
plate moving at a constant velocity due to the internal friction.
A force F is required to keep the top plate in Figure 14.36 moving at a constant velocity v, and experiments have shown
that this force depends on four factors. First, F is directly proportional to v (until the speed is so high that turbulence
occursthen a much larger force is needed, and it has a more complicated dependence on v). Second, F is proportional
to the area A of the plate. This relationship seems reasonable, since A is directly proportional to the amount of fluid being
moved. Third, F is inversely proportional to the distance between the plates L. This relationship is also reasonable; L is
like a lever arm, and the greater the lever arm, the less the force that is needed. Fourth, F is directly proportional to the
730 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
coefficient of viscosity, . The greater the viscosity, the greater the force required. These dependencies are combined into
the equation
F = vA .
This equation gives us a working definition of fluid viscosity . Solving for gives
= FL (14.17)
Air 0 0.0171
20 0.0181
40 0.0190
100 0.0218
Ammonia 20 0.00974
Carbon dioxide 20 0.0147
Helium 20 0.0196
Hydrogen 0 0.0090
Mercury 20 0.0450
Oxygen 20 0.0203
Steam 100 0.0130
Liquid water 0 1.792
20 1.002
37 0.6947
40 0.653
100 0.282
Whole blood 20 3.015
37 2.084
Blood plasma 20 1.810
37 1.257
Ethyl alcohol 20 1.20
Methanol 20 0.584
Figure 14.37 (a) If fluid flow in a tube has negligible resistance, the speed is the same all
across the tube. (b) When a viscous fluid flows through a tube, its speed at the walls is zero,
increasing steadily to its maximum at the center of the tube. (c) The shape of a Bunsen burner
flame is due to the velocity profile across the tube. (credit c: modification of work by Jason
The resistance R to laminar flow of an incompressible fluid with viscosity through a horizontal tube of uniform radius r
and length l, is given by
8l (14.18)
R= .
r 4
This equation is called Poiseuilles law for resistance, named after the French scientist J. L. Poiseuille (17991869), who
derived it in an attempt to understand the flow of blood through the body.
Let us examine Poiseuilles expression for R to see if it makes good intuitive sense. We see that resistance is directly
proportional to both fluid viscosity and the length l of a tube. After all, both of these directly affect the amount of friction
encounteredthe greater either is, the greater the resistance and the smaller the flow. The radius r of a tube affects the
resistance, which again makes sense, because the greater the radius, the greater the flow (all other factors remaining the
same). But it is surprising that r is raised to the fourth power in Poiseuilles law. This exponent means that any change in
the radius of a tube has a very large effect on resistance. For example, doubling the radius of a tube decreases resistance by
a factor of 2 4 = 16 .
p2 p1 8l
Taken together, Q = and R = 4 give the following expression for flow rate:
R r
(p 2 p 1)r 4 (14.19)
Q= .
This equation describes laminar flow through a tube. It is sometimes called Poiseuilles law for laminar flow, or simply
Poiseuilles law (Figure 14.38).
Example 14.8
We need to compare the artery radius before and after the flow rate reduction. Note that we are given the diameter
of the conduit, so we must divide by two to get the radius.
a. Assuming a constant pressure difference and using the viscosity = 0.0181 mPa s ,
(0.054 Pa)(3.14)(0.09 m) 4 3
Q= 3
= 3.84 10 3 ms .
80.0181 10 Pa s(20 m)
Thus, the radius of the conduit decreases by half reduces the flow rate to 6.25% of the original value.
In general, assuming laminar flow, decreasing the radius has a more dramatic effect than changing the length. If
the length is increased and all other variables remain constant, the flow rate is decreased:
734 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
(p 2 p 1)r 4A
QA 8l A lB
= =
QB (p 2 p 1)r B4 lA
8l B
QB = Q .
lB A
Doubling the length cuts the flow rate to one-half the original flow rate.
If the radius is decreased and all other variables remain constant, the volume flow rate decreases by a much larger
(p 2 p 1)r 4A
QA 8l A 4
= = r A
QB (p 2 p 1)r B4 B
8l B
r B
QB = r A Q A
Cutting the radius in half decreases the flow rate to one-sixteenth the original flow rate.
In this case, p 2 is the pressure at the water works and R is the resistance of the water main. During times of heavy use,
the flow rate Q is large. This means that p 2 p 1 must also be large. Thus p 1 must decrease. It is correct to think of flow
and resistance as causing the pressure to drop from p 2 to p 1 . The equation p 2 p 1 = RQ is valid for both laminar and
turbulent flows.
We can also use p 2 p 1 = RQ to analyze pressure drops occurring in more complex systems in which the tube radius
is not the same everywhere. Resistance is much greater in narrow places, such as in an obstructed coronary artery. For a
given flow rate Q, the pressure drop is greatest where the tube is most narrow. This is how water faucets control flow.
Additionally, R is greatly increased by turbulence, and a constriction that creates turbulence greatly reduces the pressure
downstream. Plaque in an artery reduces pressure and hence flow, both by its resistance and by the turbulence it creates.
Measuring Turbulence
An indicator called the Reynolds number N R can reveal whether flow is laminar or turbulent. For flow in a tube of
uniform diameter, the Reynolds number is defined as
2vr (14.20)
NR = (fl w in tube)
where is the fluid density, v its speed, its viscosity, and r the tube radius. The Reynolds number is a dimensionless
quantity. Experiments have revealed that N R is related to the onset of turbulence. For N R below about 2000, flow is
laminar. For N R above about 3000, flow is turbulent.
For values of N R between about 2000 and 3000, flow is unstablethat is, it can be laminar, but small obstructions and
surface roughness can make it turbulent, and it may oscillate randomly between being laminar and turbulent. In fact, the
flow of a fluid with a Reynolds number between 2000 and 3000 is a good example of chaotic behavior. A system is defined
to be chaotic when its behavior is so sensitive to some factor that it is extremely difficult to predict. It is difficult, but not
impossible, to predict whether flow is turbulent or not when a fluids Reynolds number falls in this range due to extremely
sensitive dependence on factors like roughness and obstructions on the nature of the flow. A tiny variation in one factor has
an exaggerated (or nonlinear) effect on the flow.
Example 14.9
a. Using the values given:
Q 3.84 10 3 ms
v = = = 0.15 m
r 2 3.14(0.09 m) 2
kg m
0.15 s (0.09 m)
R = = 3
= 1835.
0.0181 10 Pa s
Since the Reynolds number is 1835 < 2000, the flow is laminar and not turbulent. The assumption that
the flow was laminar is valid.
736 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
b. To find the maximum speed of the air to keep the flow laminar, consider the Reynolds number.
R = 2000
20000.0181 10 3 Pa s
= 0.16 m
v = s.
21.23 3 (0.09 m)
When transferring a fluid from one point to another, it desirable to limit turbulence. Turbulence results in wasted
energy, as some of the energy intended to move the fluid is dissipated when eddies are formed. In this case, the air
conditioning system will become less efficient once the velocity exceeds 0.16 m/s, since this is the point at which
turbulence will begin to occur.
absolute pressure sum of gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure
Archimedes principle buoyant force on an object equals the weight of the fluid it displaces
Bernoullis equation equation resulting from applying conservation of energy to an incompressible frictionless fluid:
p + 1 v 2 + gh = constant, throughout the fluid
Bernoullis principle Bernoullis equation applied at constant depth:
p 1 + 1 v 21 = p 2 + 1 v 22
2 2
buoyant force net upward force on any object in any fluid due to the pressure difference at different depths
density mass per unit volume of a substance or object
flow rate abbreviated Q, it is the volume V that flows past a particular point during a time t, or Q = dV/dt
fluids liquids and gases; a fluid is a state of matter that yields to shearing forces
gauge pressure pressure relative to atmospheric pressure
hydraulic jack simple machine that uses cylinders of different diameters to distribute force
hydrostatic equilibrium state at which water is not flowing, or is static
ideal fluid fluid with negligible viscosity
laminar flow type of fluid flow in which layers do not mix
Pascals principle change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to all portions of the
fluid and to the walls of its container
Poiseuilles law (p 2 p 1)r 4
rate of laminar flow of an incompressible fluid in a tube: Q = .
Density of a sample at constant density =m
Pressure p=F
F1 F2
Pascals principle =
A1 A2
Viscosity = FL
Poiseuilles law for resistance R=
r 4
(p 2 p 1)r 4
Poiseuilles law Q=
14.1 Fluids, Density, and Pressure
A fluid is a state of matter that yields to sideways or shearing forces. Liquids and gases are both fluids. Fluid statics
is the physics of stationary fluids.
Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance or object, defined as = m/V. The SI unit of density is kg/m 3.
Pressure is the force per unit perpendicular area over which the force is applied, p = F/A. The SI unit of pressure
is the pascal: 1 Pa = 1 N/m 2 .
Pressure due to the weight of a liquid of constant density is given by p = gh , where p is the pressure, h is the
depth of the liquid, is the density of the liquid, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
weight, the object will rise to the surface and float. If the buoyant force is less than the objects weight, the object
will sink. If the buoyant force equals the objects weight, the object can remain suspended at its present depth. The
buoyant force is always present and acting on any object immersed either partially or entirely in a fluid.
Archimedes principle states that the buoyant force on an object equals the weight of the fluid it displaces.
Flow rate and velocity are related by Q = Av where A is the cross-sectional area of the flow and v is its average
The equation of continuity states that for an incompressible fluid, the mass flowing into a pipe must equal the mass
flowing out of the pipe.
p 1 + 1 v 21 + gh 1 = p 2 + 1 v 22 + gh 2.
2 2
Bernoullis principle is Bernoullis equation applied to situations in which the height of the fluid is constant. The
terms involving depth (or height h) subtract out, yielding
p 1 + 1 v 21 = p 2 + 1 v 22.
2 2
Bernoullis principle has many applications, including entrainment and velocity measurement.
The Reynolds number N R can reveal whether flow is laminar or turbulent. It is N R = .
For N R below about 2000, flow is laminar. For N R above about 3000, flow is turbulent. For values of N R
between 2000 and 3000, it may be either or both.
3. Explain how the density of air varies with altitude.
14.1 Fluids, Density, and Pressure
1. Which of the following substances are fluids at room 4. The image shows a glass of ice water filled to the brim.
temperature and atmospheric pressure: air, mercury, water, Will the water overflow when the ice melts? Explain your
glass? answer.
5. How is pressure related to the sharpness of a knife and 14.2 Measuring Pressure
its ability to cut?
15. Explain why the fluid reaches equal levels on either
side of a manometer if both sides are open to the
6. Why is a force exerted by a static fluid on a surface atmosphere, even if the tubes are of different diameters.
always perpendicular to the surface?
7. Imagine that in a remote location near the North Pole, 14.3 Pascal's Principle and Hydraulics
a chunk of ice floats in a lake. Next to the lake, a glacier
with the same volume as the floating ice sits on land. If both 16. Suppose the master cylinder in a hydraulic system is at
chunks of ice should melt due to rising global temperatures, a greater height than the cylinder it is controlling. Explain
and the melted ice all goes into the lake, which one would how this will affect the force produced at the cylinder that
cause the level of the lake to rise the most? Explain. is being controlled.
12. Is there a net force on a dam due to atmospheric 14.6 Bernoullis Equation
pressure? Explain your answer. 22. You can squirt water from a garden hose a
considerably greater distance by partially covering the
opening with your thumb. Explain how this works. 33. Based on Bernoullis equation, what are three forms of
energy in a fluid? (Note that these forms are conservative,
23. Water is shot nearly vertically upward in a decorative unlike heat transfer and other dissipative forms not
fountain and the stream is observed to broaden as it rises. included in Bernoullis equation.)
Conversely, a stream of water falling straight down from a
faucet narrows. Explain why. 34. The old rubber boot shown below has two leaks. To
what maximum height can the water squirt from Leak 1?
24. Look back to Figure 14.29. Answer the following How does the velocity of water emerging from Leak 2
two questions. Why is p o less than atmospheric? Why is differ from that of Leak 1? Explain your responses in terms
of energy.
p o greater than p i ?
values are parts by mass, not volume.) Assume that this is
14.1 Fluids, Density, and Pressure a simple mixture having an average density equal to the
41. Gold is sold by the troy ounce (31.103 g). What is the weighted densities of its constituents.
volume of 1 troy ounce of pure gold?
50. The tip of a nail exerts tremendous pressure when
42. Mercury is commonly supplied in flasks containing hit by a hammer because it exerts a large force over a
34.5 kg (about 76 lb.). What is the volume in liters of this small area. What force must be exerted on a nail with
much mercury? a circular tip of 1.00-mm diameter to create a pressure
of 3.00 10 9 N/m 2 ? (This high pressure is possible
43. What is the mass of a deep breath of air having a because the hammer striking the nail is brought to rest in
volume of 2.00 L? Discuss the effect taking such a breath such a short distance.)
has on your bodys volume and density.
51. A glass tube contains mercury. What would be the
44. A straightforward method of finding the density of an height of the column of mercury which would create
object is to measure its mass and then measure its volume pressure equal to 1.00 atm?
by submerging it in a graduated cylinder. What is the
density of a 240-g rock that displaces 89.0 cm 3 of water? 52. The greatest ocean depths on Earth are found in the
(Note that the accuracy and practical applications of this Marianas Trench near the Philippines. Calculate the
technique are more limited than a variety of others that are pressure due to the ocean at the bottom of this trench, given
based on Archimedes principle.) its depth is 11.0 km and assuming the density of seawater is
constant all the way down.
45. Suppose you have a coffee mug with a circular cross-
section and vertical sides (uniform radius). What is its 53. Verify that the SI unit of hg is N/m 2 .
inside radius if it holds 375 g of coffee when filled to a
depth of 7.50 cm? Assume coffee has the same density as
54. What pressure is exerted on the bottom of a gas tank
that is 0.500-m wide and 0.900-m long and can hold 50.0
kg of gasoline when full?
46. A rectangular gasoline tank can hold 50.0 kg of
gasoline when full. What is the depth of the tank if it is
55. A dam is used to hold back a river. The dam has a
0.500-m wide by 0.900-m long? (b) Discuss whether this
height H = 12 m and a width W = 10 m. Assume that
gas tank has a reasonable volume for a passenger car.
the density of the water is = 1000 kg/m 3. (a) Determine
47. A trash compactor can compress its contents to 0.350 the net force on the dam. (b) Why does the thickness of the
times their original volume. Neglecting the mass of air dam increase with depth?
expelled, by what factor is the density of the rubbish
14.5 Fluid Dynamics 84. Suppose you have a wind speed gauge like the pitot
75. What is the average flow rate in cm 3 /s of gasoline to tube shown in Figure 14.32. By what factor must wind
the engine of a car traveling at 100 km/h if it averages 10.0 speed increase to double the value of h in the manometer?
km/L? Is this independent of the moving fluid and the fluid in the
76. The heart of a resting adult pumps blood at a rate of
85. If the pressure reading of your pitot tube is 15.0 mm
5.00 L/min. (a) Convert this to cm 3 /s . (b) What is this rate Hg at a speed of 200 km/h, what will it be at 700 km/h at
in m 3 /s ? the same altitude?
77. The Huka Falls on the Waikato River is one of New 86. Every few years, winds in Boulder, Colorado, attain
Zealands most visited natural tourist attractions. On sustained speeds of 45.0 m/s (about 100 mph) when the
average, the river has a flow rate of about 300,000 L/s. jet stream descends during early spring. Approximately
At the gorge, the river narrows to 20-m wide and averages what is the force due to the Bernoulli equation on a roof
20-m deep. (a) What is the average speed of the river in the having an area of 220m 2 ? Typical air density in Boulder is
gorge? (b) What is the average speed of the water in the
1.14kg/m 3 , and the corresponding atmospheric pressure
river downstream of the falls when it widens to 60 m and
its depth increases to an average of 40 m? is 8.89 10 4 N/m 2 . (Bernoullis principle as stated in the
text assumes laminar flow. Using the principle here
78. (a) Estimate the time it would take to fill a private produces only an approximate result, because there is
swimming pool with a capacity of 80,000 L using a garden significant turbulence.)
hose delivering 60 L/min. (b) How long would it take if you
could divert a moderate size river, flowing at 5000 m 3 /s 87. What is the pressure drop due to the Bernoulli Effect
90. A fluid of a constant density flows through a reduction 96. (a) Verify that a 19.0% decrease in laminar flow
in a pipe. Find an equation for the change in pressure, in through a tube is caused by a 5.00% decrease in radius,
terms of v 1, A 1, A 2 , and the density. assuming that all other factors remain constant. (b) What
increase in flow is obtained from a 5.00% increase in
radius, again assuming all other factors remain constant?
98. An oil gusher shoots crude oil 25.0 m into the air a 0.100-m diameter. The vertical pipe is 50 m long. Take
through a pipe with a 0.100-m diameter. Neglecting air the density of the oil to be 900 kg/m 3 and its viscosity to
resistance but not the resistance of the pipe, and assuming
laminar flow, calculate the pressure at the entrance of the be 1.00(N/m 2) s (or 1.00 Pa s ).
50.0-m-long vertical pipe. Take the density of the oil to
be 900 kg/m 3 and its viscosity to be 1.00(N/m 2) s (or 101. Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water
1.00 Pa s ). Note that you must take into account the through (a) a nozzle with a radius of 0.250 cm and (b) a
pressure due to the 50.0-m column of oil in the pipe. garden hose with a radius of 0.900 cm, when the nozzle is
attached to the hose. The flow rate through hose and nozzle
is 0.500 L/s. Can the flow in either possibly be laminar?
99. Concrete is pumped from a cement mixer to the place
it is being laid, instead of being carried in wheelbarrows.
The flow rate is 200 L/min through a 50.0-m-long, 102. A fire hose has an inside diameter of 6.40 cm.
8.00-cm-diameter hose, and the pressure at the pump is Suppose such a hose carries a flow of 40.0 L/s starting at a
8.00 10 6 N/m 2 . (a) Calculate the resistance of the hose. gauge pressure of 1.62 10 6 N/m 2 . The hose goes 10.0
(b) What is the viscosity of the concrete, assuming the m up a ladder to a nozzle having an inside diameter of
flow is laminar? (c) How much power is being supplied, 3.00 cm. Calculate the Reynolds numbers for flow in the
assuming the point of use is at the same level as the pump? fire hose and nozzle to show that the flow in each must be
You may neglect the power supplied to increase the turbulent.
concretes velocity.
103. At what flow rate might turbulence begin to develop
100. Verify that the flow of oil is laminar for an oil gusher in a water main with a 0.200-m diameter? Assume a 20 C
that shoots crude oil 25.0 m into the air through a pipe with temperature.
104. Before digital storage devices, such as the memory 300 years, although their use has greatly declined in recent
in your cell phone, music was stored on vinyl disks with years (early models had a nasty habit of exploding). How
grooves with varying depths cut into the disk. A much force must the latches holding the lid onto a pressure
phonograph used a needle, which moved over the grooves, cooker be able to withstand if the circular lid is 25.0 cm in
measuring the depth of the grooves. The pressure exerted diameter and the gauge pressure inside is 300 atm? Neglect
by a phonograph needle on a record is surprisingly large. If the weight of the lid.
the equivalent of 1.00 g is supported by a needle, the tip of
which is a circle with a 0.200-mm radius, what pressure is
109. Bird bones have air pockets in them to reduce their
exerted on the record in Pa?
weightthis also gives them an average density
significantly less than that of the bones of other animals.
105. Water towers store water above the level of Suppose an ornithologist weighs a bird bone in air and in
consumers for times of heavy use, eliminating the need for water and finds its mass is 45.0 g and its apparent mass
high-speed pumps. How high above a user must the water when submerged is 3.60 g (assume the bone is watertight).
level be to create a gauge pressure of 3.00 10 5 N/m 2 ? (a) What mass of water is displaced? (b) What is the
volume of the bone? (c) What is its average density?
106. The aqueous humor in a persons eye is exerting a
110. In an immersion measurement of a womans density,
force of 0.300 N on the 1.10-cm 2 area of the cornea. What
she is found to have a mass of 62.0 kg in air and an apparent
pressure is this in mm Hg? mass of 0.0850 kg when completely submerged with lungs
empty. (a) What mass of water does she displace? (b) What
107. (a) Convert normal blood pressure readings of 120 is her volume? (c) Calculate her density. (d) If her lung
over 80 mm Hg to newtons per meter squared using the capacity is 1.75 L, is she able to float without treading
relationship for pressure due to the weight of a fluid water with her lungs filled with air?
(p = hg) rather than a conversion factor. (b) Explain
why the blood pressure of an infant would likely be smaller 111. Some fish have a density slightly less than that of
than that of an adult. Specifically, consider the smaller water and must exert a force (swim) to stay submerged.
height to which blood must be pumped. What force must an 85.0-kg grouper exert to stay
submerged in salt water if its body density is
108. Pressure cookers have been around for more than 1015 kg/m 3 ?
112. The human circulation system has approximately the foundation wall, losing 0.500 m in height, and widens
1 10 9 capillary vessels. Each vessel has a diameter of to 4.00 cm in diameter. What is the pressure now? You may
neglect frictional losses in both parts of the problem.
about 8m . Assuming cardiac output is 5 L/min,
determine the average velocity of blood flow through each
116. A glucose solution being administered with an IV has
capillary vessel.
a flow rate of 4.00 cm 3 /min . What will the new flow rate
be if the glucose is replaced by whole blood having the
113. The flow rate of blood through a 2.00 10 6 m same density but a viscosity 2.50 times that of the glucose?
-radius capillary is 3.80 10 9 cm 3 /s . (a) What is the All other factors remain constant.
speed of the blood flow? (b) Assuming all the blood in the
body passes through capillaries, how many of them must 117. A small artery has a length of 1.1 10 3 m and
there be to carry a total flow of 90.0 cm 3 /s ?
a radius of 2.5 10 5 m . If the pressure drop across the
artery is 1.3 kPa, what is the flow rate through the artery?
114. The left ventricle of a resting adults heart pumps (Assume that the temperature is 37 C .)
blood at a flow rate of 83.0 cm 3 /s , increasing its pressure
by 110 mm Hg, its speed from zero to 30.0 cm/s, and its 118. Angioplasty is a technique in which arteries partially
height by 5.00 cm. (All numbers are averaged over the blocked with plaque are dilated to increase blood flow. By
entire heartbeat.) Calculate the total power output of the left what factor must the radius of an artery be increased in
ventricle. Note that most of the power is used to increase order to increase blood flow by a factor of 10?
blood pressure.
119. Suppose a blood vessels radius is decreased to
115. A sump pump (used to drain water from the basement 90.0% of its original value by plaque deposits and the body
of houses built below the water table) is draining a flooded compensates by increasing the pressure difference along
basement at the rate of 0.750 L/s, with an output pressure the vessel to keep the flow rate constant. By what factor
of 3.00 10 5 N/m 2 . (a) The water enters a hose with a must the pressure difference increase? (b) If turbulence is
3.00-cm inside diameter and rises 2.50 m above the pump. created by the obstruction, what additional effect would it
What is its pressure at this point? (b) The hose goes over have on the flow rate?
120. The pressure on the dam shown early in the problems 123. Logs sometimes float vertically in a lake because one
section increases with depth. Therefore, there is a net end has become water-logged and denser than the other.
torque on the dam. Find the net torque. What is the average density of a uniform-diameter log that
floats with 20.0% of its length above water?
121. The temperature of the atmosphere is not always
constant and can increase or decrease with height. In a 124. Scurrilous con artists have been known to represent
neutral atmosphere, where there is not a significant amount gold-plated tungsten ingots as pure gold and sell them at
of vertical mixing, the temperature decreases at a rate of prices much below gold value but high above the cost of
approximately 6.5 K per km. The magnitude of the tungsten. With what accuracy must you be able to measure
decrease in temperature as height increases is known as the mass of such an ingot in and out of water to tell that it
the lapse rate (). (The symbol is the upper case Greek is almost pure tungsten rather than pure gold?
letter gamma.) Assume that the surface pressure is
p 0 = 1.013 10 5 Pa where T = 293 K and the lapse 125. The inside volume of a house is equivalent to that of
a rectangular solid 13.0 m wide by 20.0 m long by 2.75 m
rate is = 6.5 K . Estimate the pressure 3.0 km above high. The house is heated by a forced air gas heater. The
km main uptake air duct of the heater is 0.300 m in diameter.
the surface of Earth. What is the average speed of air in the duct if it carries
a volume equal to that of the houses interior every 15
122. A submarine is stranded on the bottom of the ocean minutes?
with its hatch 25.0 m below the surface. Calculate the force
needed to open the hatch from the inside, given it is circular 126. A garden hose with a diameter of 2.0 cm is used to
and 0.450 m in diameter. Air pressure inside the submarine fill a bucket, which has a volume of 0.10 cubic meters. It
is 1.00 atm. takes 1.2 minutes to fill. An adjustable nozzle is attached
to the hose to decrease the diameter of the opening, which
748 Chapter 14 | Fluid Mechanics
increases the speed of the water. The hose is held level to 129. Fluid originally flows through a tube at a rate of
the ground at a height of 1.0 meters and the diameter is 100 cm 3 /s . To illustrate the sensitivity of flow rate to
decreased until a flower bed 3.0 meters away is reached.
various factors, calculate the new flow rate for the
(a) What is the volume flow rate of the water through the
following changes with all other factors remaining the same
nozzle when the diameter is 2.0 cm? (b) What is the speed
as in the original conditions. (a) Pressure difference
of the water coming out of the hose? (c) What does the
increases by a factor of 1.50. (b) A new fluid with 3.00
speed of the water coming out of the hose need to be to
times greater viscosity is substituted. (c) The tube is
reach the flower bed 3.0 meters away? (d) What is the
replaced by one having 4.00 times the length. (d) Another
diameter of the nozzle needed to reach the flower bed?
tube is used with a radius 0.100 times the original. (e) Yet
another tube is substituted with a radius 0.100 times the
127. A frequently quoted rule of thumb in aircraft design original and half the length, and the pressure difference is
is that wings should produce about 1000 N of lift per square increased by a factor of 1.50.
meter of wing. (The fact that a wing has a top and bottom
surface does not double its area.) (a) At takeoff, an aircraft
130. During a marathon race, a runners blood flow
travels at 60.0 m/s, so that the air speed relative to the
increases to 10.0 times her resting rate. Her bloods
bottom of the wing is 60.0 m/s. Given the sea level density
viscosity has dropped to 95.0% of its normal value, and the
of air as 1.29 kg/m 3 , how fast must it move over the blood pressure difference across the circulatory system has
upper surface to create the ideal lift? (b) How fast must increased by 50.0%. By what factor has the average radii of
air move over the upper surface at a cruising speed of her blood vessels increased?
245 m/s and at an altitude where air density is one-fourth
that at sea level? (Note that this is not all of the aircrafts 131. Water supplied to a house by a water main has a
liftsome comes from the body of the plane, some from pressure of 3.00 10 5 N/m 2 early on a summer day
engine thrust, and so on. Furthermore, Bernoullis principle
when neighborhood use is low. This pressure produces a
gives an approximate answer because flow over the wing
flow of 20.0 L/min through a garden hose. Later in the day,
creates turbulence.)
pressure at the exit of the water main and entrance to the
house drops, and a flow of only 8.00 L/min is obtained
128. Two pipes of equal and constant diameter leave a through the same hose. (a) What pressure is now being
water pumping station and dump water out of an open end supplied to the house, assuming resistance is constant? (b)
that is open to the atmosphere (see the following figure). By what factor did the flow rate in the water main increase
The water enters at a pressure of two atmospheres and a in order to cause this decrease in delivered pressure? The
speed of v 1 = 1.0 m/s . One pipe drops a height of 10 m. pressure at the entrance of the water main is
What is the velocity of the water as the water leaves each 5.00 10 5 N/m 2 , and the original flow rate was 200 L/
pipe? min. (c) How many more users are there, assuming each
would consume 20.0 L/min in the morning?
Figure 15.1 (a) The Comcast Building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, looming high above the skyline, is approximately 305
meters (1000 feet) tall. At this height, the top floors can oscillate back and forth due to seismic activity and fluctuating winds. (b)
Shown above is a schematic drawing of a tuned, liquid-column mass damper, installed at the top of the Comcast, consisting of a
300,000-gallon reservoir of water to reduce oscillations.
Chapter Outline
15.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
15.2 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
15.3 Comparing Simple Harmonic Motion and Circular Motion
15.4 Pendulums
15.5 Damped Oscillations
15.6 Forced Oscillations
We begin the study of oscillations with simple systems of pendulums and springs. Although these systems may seem
quite basic, the concepts involved have many real-life applications. For example, the Comcast Building in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, stands approximately 305 meters (1000 feet) tall. As buildings are built taller, they can act as inverted,
physical pendulums, with the top floors oscillating due to seismic activity and fluctuating winds. In the Comcast Building,
a tuned-mass damper is used to reduce the oscillations. Installed at the top of the building is a tuned, liquid-column mass
damper, consisting of a 300,000-gallon reservoir of water. This U-shaped tank allows the water to oscillate freely at a
frequency that matches the natural frequency of the building. Damping is provided by tuning the turbulence levels in the
moving water using baffles.
750 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
When you pluck a guitar string, the resulting sound has a steady tone and lasts a long time (Figure 15.2). The string
vibrates around an equilibrium position, and one oscillation is completed when the string starts from the initial position,
travels to one of the extreme positions, then to the other extreme position, and returns to its initial position. We define
periodic motion to be any motion that repeats itself at regular time intervals, such as exhibited by the guitar string or
by a child swinging on a swing. In this section, we study the basic characteristics of oscillations and their mathematical
f = 1. (15.1)
The SI unit for frequency is the hertz (Hz) and is defined as one cycle per second:
1 Hz = 1 sec or 1 Hz = 1s = 1 s 1.
Example 15.1
The period (T) is given and we are asked to find frequency (f).
f = 1 = 1 .
T 0.400 10 6 s
Solve to find
f = 2.50 10 6 Hz.
This frequency of sound is much higher than the highest frequency that humans can hear (the range of human
hearing is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz); therefore, it is called ultrasound. Appropriate oscillations at this frequency
generate ultrasound used for noninvasive medical diagnoses, such as observations of a fetus in the womb.
A good example of SHM is an object with mass m attached to a spring on a frictionless surface, as shown in Figure 15.3.
The object oscillates around the equilibrium position, and the net force on the object is equal to the force provided by the
spring. This force obeys Hookes law F s = kx, as discussed in a previous chapter.
If the net force can be described by Hookes law and there is no damping (slowing down due to friction or other
nonconservative forces), then a simple harmonic oscillator oscillates with equal displacement on either side of the
equilibrium position, as shown for an object on a spring in Figure 15.3. The maximum displacement from equilibrium is
called the amplitude (A). The units for amplitude and displacement are the same but depend on the type of oscillation. For
the object on the spring, the units of amplitude and displacement are meters.
752 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
What is so significant about SHM? For one thing, the period T and frequency f of a simple harmonic oscillator are
independent of amplitude. The string of a guitar, for example, oscillates with the same frequency whether plucked gently or
Two important factors do affect the period of a simple harmonic oscillator. The period is related to how stiff the system is.
A very stiff object has a large force constant (k), which causes the system to have a smaller period. For example, you can
adjust a diving boards stiffnessthe stiffer it is, the faster it vibrates, and the shorter its period. Period also depends on the
mass of the oscillating system. The more massive the system is, the longer the period. For example, a heavy person on a
diving board bounces up and down more slowly than a light one. In fact, the mass m and the force constant k are the only
factors that affect the period and frequency of SHM. To derive an equation for the period and the frequency, we must first
define and analyze the equations of motion. Note that the force constant is sometimes referred to as the spring constant.
Equations of SHM
Consider a block attached to a spring on a frictionless table (Figure 15.4). The equilibrium position (the position where
the spring is neither stretched nor compressed) is marked as x = 0 . At the equilibrium position, the net force is zero.
Work is done on the block to pull it out to a position of x = + A, and it is then released from rest. The maximum
x-position (A) is called the amplitude of the motion. The block begins to oscillate in SHM between x = + A and x = A,
where A is the amplitude of the motion and T is the period of the oscillation. The period is the time for one oscillation.
Figure 15.5 shows the motion of the block as it completes one and a half oscillations after release. Figure 15.6 shows
a plot of the position of the block versus time. When the position is plotted versus time, it is clear that the data can be
modeled by a cosine function with an amplitude A and a period T. The cosine function cos repeats every multiple of 2,
whereas the motion of the block repeats every period T. However, the function cos2 t repeats every integer multiple of
the period. The maximum of the cosine function is one, so it is necessary to multiply the cosine function by the amplitude
x(t) = Acos2 t = Acos(t). (15.2)
Recall from the chapter on rotation that the angular frequency equals = d . In this case, the period is constant, so the
angular frequency is defined as 2 divided by the period, = 2 .
754 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
Figure 15.5 A block is attached to one end of a spring and placed on a frictionless table. The other end of the spring is
anchored to the wall. The equilibrium position, where the net force equals zero, is marked as x = 0 m. Work is done on the
block, pulling it out to x = + A , and the block is released from rest. The block oscillates between x = + A and x = A .
The force is also shown as a vector.
The equation for the position as a function of time x(t) = Acos(t) is good for modeling data, where the position of the
block at the initial time t = 0.00 s is at the amplitude A and the initial velocity is zero. Often when taking experimental
data, the position of the mass at the initial time t = 0.00 s is not equal to the amplitude and the initial velocity is not zero.
Consider 10 seconds of data collected by a student in lab, shown in Figure 15.7.
The data in Figure 15.7 can still be modeled with a periodic function, like a cosine function, but the function is shifted to
the right. This shift is known as a phase shift and is usually represented by the Greek letter phi () . The equation of the
position as a function of time for a block on a spring becomes
x(t) = Acost + .
This is the generalized equation for SHM where t is the time measured in seconds, is the angular frequency with units
of inverse seconds, A is the amplitude measured in meters or centimeters, and is the phase shift measured in radians
(Figure 15.8). It should be noted that because sine and cosine functions differ only by a phase shift, this motion could be
modeled using either the cosine or sine function.
The velocity of the mass on a spring, oscillating in SHM, can be found by taking the derivative of the position equation:
The acceleration of the mass on the spring can be found by taking the time derivative of the velocity:
The maximum acceleration is a max = A 2 . The maximum acceleration occurs at the position (x = A) , and the
acceleration at the position (x = A) and is equal to a max .
Here, A is the amplitude of the motion, T is the period, is the phase shift, and = 2 = 2 f is the angular frequency
of the motion of the block.
Example 15.2
= 2 = 4.00 s 1;
1.57 s
v max = A = 0.02m4.00 s 1 = 0.08 m/s;
a max = A 2 = 0.02 m4.00 s 1 = 0.32 m/s 2.
The position, velocity, and acceleration can be found for any time. It is important to remember that when using
these equations, your calculator must be in radians mode.
d 2 x = k x.
dt 2
Substituting the equations of motion for x and a gives us
k Acost + .
A 2 cost + = m
Cancelling out like terms and solving for the angular frequency yields
= m
The angular frequency depends only on the force constant and the mass, and not the amplitude. The angular frequency is
defined as = 2/T, which yields an equation for the period of the motion:
T = 2 m . (15.10)
The period also depends only on the mass and the force constant. The greater the mass, the longer the period. The stiffer the
spring, the shorter the period. The frequency is
f = 1 = 1 m
T 2
When the block reaches the equilibrium position, as seen in Figure 15.9, the force of the spring equals the weight of the
block, F net = F s mg = 0 , where
ky = mg.
From the figure, the change in the position is y = y 0 y 1 and since ky = mg , we have
k(y 0 y 1) mg = 0.
If the block is displaced and released, it will oscillate around the new equilibrium position. As shown in Figure 15.10, if
the position of the block is recorded as a function of time, the recording is a periodic function.
If the block is displaced to a position y, the net force becomes F net = k(y y 0) mg = 0 . But we found that at the
equilibrium position, mg = ky = ky 0 ky 1 . Substituting for the weight in the equation yields
Recall that y 1 is just the equilibrium position and any position can be set to be the point y = 0.00m. So lets set y 1 to
y = 0.00 m. The net force then becomes
F net = ky;
d2 y
m = ky.
dt 2
This is just what we found previously for a horizontally sliding mass on a spring. The constant force of gravity only
served to shift the equilibrium location of the mass. Therefore, the solution should be the same form as for a block on a
horizontal spring, y(t) = Acost + . The equations for the velocity and the acceleration also have the same form as for
the horizontal case. Note that the inclusion of the phase shift means that the motion can actually be modeled using either a
cosine or a sine function, since these two functions only differ by a phase shift.
Figure 15.10 Graphs of y(t), v(t), and a(t) versus t for the motion of an
object on a vertical spring. The net force on the object can be described
by Hookes law, so the object undergoes SHM. Note that the initial
position has the vertical displacement at its maximum value A; v is
initially zero and then negative as the object moves down; the initial
acceleration is negative, back toward the equilibrium position and
becomes zero at that point.
760 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
To produce a deformation in an object, we must do work. That is, whether you pluck a guitar string or compress a cars
shock absorber, a force must be exerted through a distance. If the only result is deformation, and no work goes into thermal,
sound, or kinetic energy, then all the work is initially stored in the deformed object as some form of potential energy.
Consider the example of a block attached to a spring on a frictionless table, oscillating in SHM. The force of the spring is a
conservative force (which you studied in the chapter on potential energy and conservation of energy), and we can define a
potential energy for it. This potential energy is the energy stored in the spring when the spring is extended or compressed.
In this case, the block oscillates in one dimension with the force of the spring acting parallel to the motion:
xf xf xf
W = F x dx = kxdx = 1 kx 2 x i = 1 kx 2f 1 kx i2 = U f U i = U.
x x
2 2 2
i i
When considering the energy stored in a spring, the equilibrium position, marked as x i = 0.00 m, is the position at which
the energy stored in the spring is equal to zero. When the spring is stretched or compressed a distance x, the potential energy
stored in the spring is
U = 1 kx 2.
Energy and the Simple Harmonic Oscillator
To study the energy of a simple harmonic oscillator, we need to consider all the forms of energy. Consider the example
of a block attached to a spring, placed on a frictionless surface, oscillating in SHM. The potential energy stored in the
deformation of the spring is
U = 1 kx 2.
In a simple harmonic oscillator, the energy oscillates between kinetic energy of the mass K = 1 mv 2 and potential energy
1 2
U = kx stored in the spring. In the SHM of the mass and spring system, there are no dissipative forces, so the total
energy is the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy. In this section, we consider the conservation of energy of the
system. The concepts examined are valid for all simple harmonic oscillators, including those where the gravitational force
plays a role.
Consider Figure 15.11, which shows an oscillating block attached to a spring. In the case of undamped SHM, the energy
oscillates back and forth between kinetic and potential, going completely from one form of energy to the other as the system
oscillates. So for the simple example of an object on a frictionless surface attached to a spring, the motion starts with all
of the energy stored in the spring as elastic potential energy. As the object starts to move, the elastic potential energy is
converted into kinetic energy, becoming entirely kinetic energy at the equilibrium position. The energy is then converted
back into elastic potential energy by the spring as it is stretched or compressed. The velocity becomes zero when the kinetic
energy is completely converted, and this cycle then repeats. Understanding the conservation of energy in these cycles will
provide extra insight here and in later applications of SHM, such as alternating circuits.
Figure 15.11 The transformation of energy in SHM for an object attached to a spring on a
frictionless surface. (a) When the mass is at the position x = + A , all the energy is stored as
potential energy in the spring U = 1 kA 2 . The kinetic energy is equal to zero because the
velocity of the mass is zero. (b) As the mass moves toward x = A , the mass crosses the
position x = 0 . At this point, the spring is neither extended nor compressed, so the potential
energy stored in the spring is zero. At x = 0 , the total energy is all kinetic energy where
K = 1 m(v max) 2 . (c) The mass continues to move until it reaches x = A where the mass
stops and starts moving toward x = + A . At the position x = A , the total energy is stored as
potential energy in the compressed U = 1 k(A) 2 and the kinetic energy is zero. (d) As the
mass passes through the position x = 0 , the kinetic energy is K = 1 mv 2max and the potential
energy stored in the spring is zero. (e) The mass returns to the position x = + A , where K = 0
and U = 1 kA 2 .
Consider Figure 15.11, which shows the energy at specific points on the periodic motion. While staying constant, the
energy oscillates between the kinetic energy of the block and the potential energy stored in the spring:
E Total = U + K = 1 kx 2 + 1 mv 2.
2 2
The motion of the block on a spring in SHM is defined by the position x(t) = Acost + with a velocity of
k , we can find
v(t) = Asint + . Using these equations, the trigonometric identity cos 2 + sin 2 = 1 and = m
the total energy of the system:
762 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
2 2
= 1 kA 2 cos 2 t + + 1 kA 2 sin 2 t +
2 2
= kA cos t + + sin 2 t +
1 2 2
= kA 2.
The total energy of the system of a block and a spring is equal to the sum of the potential energy stored in the spring plus
the kinetic energy of the block and is proportional to the square of the amplitude E Total = (1/2)kA 2. The total energy of
the system is constant.
A closer look at the energy of the system shows that the kinetic energy oscillates like a sine-squared function, while
the potential energy oscillates like a cosine-squared function. However, the total energy for the system is constant and
is proportional to the amplitude squared. Figure 15.12 shows a plot of the potential, kinetic, and total energies of the
block and spring system as a function of time. Also plotted are the position and velocity as a function of time. Before time
t = 0.0 s, the block is attached to the spring and placed at the equilibrium position. Work is done on the block by applying
an external force, pulling it out to a position of x = + A . The system now has potential energy stored in the spring. At
time t = 0.00 s, the position of the block is equal to the amplitude, the potential energy stored in the spring is equal to
U = 1 kA 2 , and the force on the block is maximum and points in the negative x-direction F S = kA . The velocity and
kinetic energy of the block are zero at time t = 0.00 s. At time t = 0.00 s, the block is released from rest.
Figure 15.12 Graph of the kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy of a block oscillating on a spring in SHM.
Also shown are the graphs of position versus time and velocity versus time. The total energy remains constant, but the
energy oscillates between kinetic energy and potential energy. When the kinetic energy is maximum, the potential energy is
zero. This occurs when the velocity is maximum and the mass is at the equilibrium position. The potential energy is
maximum when the speed is zero. The total energy is the sum of the kinetic energy plus the potential energy and it is
The potential energy curve in Figure 15.13 resembles a bowl. When a marble is placed in a bowl, it settles to the
equilibrium position at the lowest point of the bowl (x = 0) . This happens because a restoring force points toward the
equilibrium point. This equilibrium point is sometimes referred to as a fixed point. When the marble is disturbed to a
different position (x = + A) , the marble oscillates around the equilibrium position. Looking back at the graph of potential
energy, the force can be found by looking at the slope of the potential energy graph F = dU . Since the force on either
side of the fixed point points back toward the equilibrium point, the equilibrium point is called a stable equilibrium point.
The points x = A and x = A are called the turning points. (See Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy.)
Stability is an important concept. If an equilibrium point is stable, a slight disturbance of an object that is initially at the
stable equilibrium point will cause the object to oscillate around that point. The stable equilibrium point occurs because the
force on either side is directed toward it. For an unstable equilibrium point, if the object is disturbed slightly, it does not
return to the equilibrium point.
Consider the marble in the bowl example. If the bowl is right-side up, the marble, if disturbed slightly, will oscillate around
the stable equilibrium point. If the bowl is turned upside down, the marble can be balanced on the top, at the equilibrium
point where the net force is zero. However, if the marble is disturbed slightly, it will not return to the equilibrium point, but
will instead roll off the bowl. The reason is that the force on either side of the equilibrium point is directed away from that
point. This point is an unstable equilibrium point.
Figure 15.14 shows three conditions. The first is a stable equilibrium point (a), the second is an unstable equilibrium point
(b), and the last is also an unstable equilibrium point (c), because the force on only one side points toward the equilibrium
764 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
Figure 15.14 Examples of equilibrium points. (a) Stable equilibrium point; (b) unstable equilibrium point;
(c) unstable equilibrium point (sometimes referred to as a half-stable equilibrium point).
The process of determining whether an equilibrium point is stable or unstable can be formalized. Consider the potential
energy curves shown in Figure 15.15. The force can be found by analyzing the slope of the graph. The force is
F = dU . In (a), the fixed point is at x = 0.00 m. When x < 0.00 m, the force is positive. When x > 0.00 m, the
force is negative. This is a stable point. In (b), the fixed point is at x = 0.00 m. When x < 0.00 m, the force is negative.
When x > 0.00 m, the force is also negative. This is an unstable point.
Figure 15.15 Two examples of a potential energy function. The force at a position is equal to the negative of the
slope of the graph at that position. (a) A potential energy function with a stable equilibrium point. (b) A potential
energy function with an unstable equilibrium point. This point is sometimes called half-stable because the force on
one side points toward the fixed point.
A practical application of the concept of stable equilibrium points is the force between two neutral atoms in a molecule. If
two molecules are in close proximity, separated by a few atomic diameters, they can experience an attractive force. If the
molecules move close enough so that the electron shells of the other electrons overlap, the force between the molecules
becomes repulsive. The attractive force between the two atoms may cause the atoms to form a molecule. The force between
the two molecules is not a linear force and cannot be modeled simply as two masses separated by a spring, but the atoms of
the molecule can oscillate around an equilibrium point when displaced a small amount from the equilibrium position. The
atoms oscillate due the attractive force and repulsive force between the two atoms.
Consider one example of the interaction between two atoms known as the van Der Waals interaction. It is beyond the scope
of this chapter to discuss in depth the interactions of the two atoms, but the oscillations of the atoms can be examined by
considering one example of a model of the potential energy of the system. One suggestion to model the potential energy of
this molecule is with the Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential:
12 6
U(x) = 4x x .
A graph of this function is shown in Figure 15.16. The two parameters and are found experimentally.
Figure 15.16 The Lennard-Jones potential energy function for a system of two
neutral atoms. If the energy is below some maximum energy, the system oscillates
near the equilibrium position between the two turning points.
From the graph, you can see that there is a potential energy well, which has some similarities to the potential energy well
of the potential energy function of the simple harmonic oscillator discussed in Figure 15.13. The Lennard-Jones potential
has a stable equilibrium point where the potential energy is minimum and the force on either side of the equilibrium point
points toward equilibrium point. Note that unlike the simple harmonic oscillator, the potential well of the Lennard-Jones
potential is not symmetric. This is due to the fact that the force between the atoms is not a Hookes law force and is not
linear. The atoms can still oscillate around the equilibrium position x min because when x < x min , the force is positive;
when x > x min , the force is negative. Notice that as x approaches zero, the slope is quite steep and negative, which means
that the force is large and positive. This suggests that it takes a large force to try to push the atoms close together. As x
becomes increasingly large, the slope becomes less steep and the force is smaller and negative. This suggests that if given a
large enough energy, the atoms can be separated.
If you are interested in this interaction, find the force between the molecules by taking the derivative of the potential energy
function. You will see immediately that the force does not resemble a Hookes law force (F = kx) , but if you are familiar
with the binomial theorem:
n(n 1) 2 n(n 1)(n 2) 3
(1 + x) n = 1 + nx + x + x + ,
2! 3!
the force can be approximated by a Hookes law force.
compresses. At time t = T/2 , the block reaches x = A . Here the velocity and kinetic energy are equal to zero. The force
on the block is F = + kA and the potential energy stored in the spring is U = 1 kA 2 . During the oscillations, the total
energy is constant and equal to the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy of the system,
E Total = 1 kx 2 + 1 mv 2 = 1 kA 2. (15.12)
2 2 2
The equation for the energy associated with SHM can be solved to find the magnitude of the velocity at any position:
k A 2 x 2.
|v| = m
The energy in a simple harmonic oscillator is proportional to the square of the amplitude. When considering many forms of
oscillations, you will find the energy proportional to the amplitude squared.
15.1 Check Your Understanding Why would it hurt more if you snapped your hand with a ruler than with a
loose spring, even if the displacement of each system is equal?
15.2 Check Your Understanding Identify one way you could decrease the maximum velocity of a simple
harmonic oscillator.
An easy way to model SHM is by considering uniform circular motion. Figure 15.17 shows one way of using this method.
A peg (a cylinder of wood) is attached to a vertical disk, rotating with a constant angular frequency. Figure 15.18 shows
a side view of the disk and peg. If a lamp is placed above the disk and peg, the peg produces a shadow. Let the disk have a
radius of r = A and define the position of the shadow that coincides with the center line of the disk to be x = 0.00 m . As
the disk rotates at a constant rate, the shadow oscillates between x = + A and x = A . Now imagine a block on a spring
beneath the floor as shown in Figure 15.18.
Figure 15.18 Light shines down on the disk so that the peg makes a
shadow. If the disk rotates at just the right angular frequency, the shadow
follows the motion of the block on a spring. If there is no energy dissipated
due to nonconservative forces, the block and the shadow will oscillate back
and forth in unison. In this figure, four snapshots are taken at four different
times. (a) The wheel starts at = 0 o and the shadow of the peg is at
x = + A , representing the mass at position x = + A . (b) As the disk
rotates through an angle = t , the shadow of the peg is between
x = + A and x = 0 . (c) The disk continues to rotate until = 90 0 , at
which the shadow follows the mass to x = 0 . (d) The disk continues to
rotate, the shadow follows the position of the mass.
If the disk turns at the proper angular frequency, the shadow follows along with the block. The position of the shadow can
be modeled with the equation
Recall that the block attached to the spring does not move at a constant velocity. How often does the wheel have to turn
to have the pegs shadow always on the block? The disk must turn at a constant angular frequency equal to 2 times the
frequency of oscillation = 2 f .
Figure 15.19 shows the basic relationship between uniform circular motion and SHM. The peg lies at the tip of the radius,
a distance A from the center of the disk. The x-axis is defined by a line drawn parallel to the ground, cutting the disk in
half. The y-axis (not shown) is defined by a line perpendicular to the ground, cutting the disk into a left half and a right
half. The center of the disk is the point x = 0, y = 0. The projection of the position of the peg onto the fixed x-axis gives
the position of the shadow, which undergoes SHM analogous to the system of the block and spring. At the time shown in
the figure, the projection has position x and moves to the left with velocity v. The tangential velocity of the peg around the
circle equals v max of the block on the spring. The x-component of the velocity is equal to the velocity of the block on the
We can use Figure 15.19 to analyze the velocity of the shadow as the disk rotates. The peg moves in a circle with a speed
of v max = A . The shadow moves with a velocity equal to the component of the pegs velocity that is parallel to the
surface where the shadow is being produced:
15.3 Check Your Understanding Identify an object that undergoes uniform circular motion. Describe how
you could trace the SHM of this object.
15.4 | Pendulums
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
State the forces that act on a simple pendulum
Determine the angular frequency, frequency, and period of a simple pendulum in terms of the
length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity
Define the period for a physical pendulum
Define the period for a torsional pendulum
Pendulums are in common usage. Grandfather clocks use a pendulum to keep time and a pendulum can be used to measure
the acceleration due to gravity. For small displacements, a pendulum is a simple harmonic oscillator.
Consider the torque on the pendulum. The force providing the restoring torque is the component of the weight of the
pendulum bob that acts along the arc length. The torque is the length of the string L times the component of the net force
that is perpendicular to the radius of the arc. The minus sign indicates the torque acts in the opposite direction of the angular
= Lmg sin ;
I = Lmg sin ;
I d 2 = Lmg sin ;
mL 2 d 2 = Lmg sin ;
d 2 = g sin .
dt 2 L
The solution to this differential equation involves advanced calculus, and is beyond the scope of this text. But note that
for small angles (less than 15 degrees), sin and differ by less than 1%, so we can use the small angle approximation
sin . The angle describes the position of the pendulum. Using the small angle approximation gives an approximate
solution for small angles,
d 2 = g . (15.17)
dt 2 L
Because this equation has the same form as the equation for SHM, the solution is easy to find. The angular frequency is
g (15.18)
T = 2 L
The period of a simple pendulum depends on its length and the acceleration due to gravity. The period is completely
independent of other factors, such as mass and the maximum displacement. As with simple harmonic oscillators, the period
T for a pendulum is nearly independent of amplitude, especially if is less than about 15. Even simple pendulum clocks
can be finely adjusted and remain accurate.
Note the dependence of T on g. If the length of a pendulum is precisely known, it can actually be used to measure the
acceleration due to gravity, as in the following example.
Example 15.3
We are asked to find g given the period T and the length L of a pendulum. We can solve T = 2 L
g for g,
assuming only that the angle of deflection is less than 15 .
772 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
1. Square T = 2 L
g and solve for g:
g = 4 2 L2 .
2. Substitute known values into the new equation:
g = 4 2 0.75000 m2 .
(1.7357 s)
3. Calculate to find g:
g = 9.8281 m/s 2.
This method for determining g can be very accurate, which is why length and period are given to five digits in
this example. For the precision of the approximation sin to be better than the precision of the pendulum
length and period, the maximum displacement angle should be kept below about 0.5 .
15.4 Check Your Understanding An engineer builds two simple pendulums. Both are suspended from
small wires secured to the ceiling of a room. Each pendulum hovers 2 cm above the floor. Pendulum 1 has a bob
with a mass of 10 kg. Pendulum 2 has a bob with a mass of 100 kg. Describe how the motion of the pendulums
will differ if the bobs are both displaced by 12 .
Physical Pendulum
Any object can oscillate like a pendulum. Consider a coffee mug hanging on a hook in the pantry. If the mug gets knocked,
it oscillates back and forth like a pendulum until the oscillations die out. We have described a simple pendulum as a point
mass and a string. A physical pendulum is any object whose oscillations are similar to those of the simple pendulum, but
cannot be modeled as a point mass on a string, and the mass distribution must be included into the equation of motion.
As for the simple pendulum, the restoring force of the physical pendulum is the force of gravity. With the simple pendulum,
the force of gravity acts on the center of the pendulum bob. In the case of the physical pendulum, the force of gravity acts
on the center of mass (CM) of an object. The object oscillates about a point O. Consider an object of a generic shape as
shown in Figure 15.21.
When a physical pendulum is hanging from a point but is free to rotate, it rotates because of the torque applied at the CM,
produced by the component of the objects weight that acts tangent to the motion of the CM. Taking the counterclockwise
direction to be positive, the component of the gravitational force that acts tangent to the motion is mg sin . The minus
sign is the result of the restoring force acting in the opposite direction of the increasing angle. Recall that the torque is
equal to r F . The magnitude of the torque is equal to the length of the radius arm times the tangential
component of the force applied, || = rFsin . Here, the length L of the radius arm is the distance between the point of
rotation and the CM. To analyze the motion, start with the net torque. Like the simple pendulum, consider only small angles
so that sin . Recall from Fixed-Axis Rotation on rotation that the net torque is equal to the moment of inertia
I = r 2 dm times the angular acceleration , where = d 2 :
I = net = L(mg)sin .
d 2 = mgL .
dt 2 I
Once again, the equation says that the second time derivative of the position (in this case, the angle) equals minus a constant
I times the position. The solution is
(t) = cost + ,
mgL (15.20)
= .
774 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
T = 2 I . (15.21)
Note that for a simple pendulum, the moment of inertia is I = r 2 dm = mL 2 and the period reduces to T = 2 L
Example 15.4
We are asked to find the length of the physical pendulum with a known mass. We first need to find the moment
of inertia of the beam. We can then use the equation for the period of a physical pendulum to find the length.
1. Find the moment of inertia for the CM:
2. Use the parallel axis theorem to find the moment of inertia about the point of rotation:
I = I CM + L M = 1 ML 2 + 1 ML 2 = 1 ML 2.
4 12 4 3
3. The period of a physical pendulum has a period of T = 2 I . Use the moment of inertia to solve for
the length L:
1 2
T = 2 I = 2 3 ML = 2 L ;
MgL MgL 3g
2 2
L = 3g T = 3 9.8 m2 2 s = 2.98 m.
2 s 2
There are many ways to reduce the oscillations, including modifying the shape of the skyscrapers, using multiple
physical pendulums, and using tuned-mass dampers.
Torsional Pendulum
A torsional pendulum consists of a rigid body suspended by a light wire or spring (Figure 15.22). When the body is
twisted some small maximum angle () and released from rest, the body oscillates between ( = + ) and ( = ) .
The restoring torque is supplied by the shearing of the string or wire.
d 2 = .
dt 2 I
This equation says that the second time derivative of the position (in this case, the angle) equals a negative constant times
the position. This looks very similar to the equation of motion for the SHM d 2x = m
k x , where the period was found to
be T = 2 m . Therefore, the period of the torsional pendulum can be found using
T = 2 I . (15.22)
776 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
The units for the torsion constant are [] = N-m = kg m2 m = kg m2 and the units for the moment of inertial are
s s
[I] = kg-m 2, which show that the unit for the period is the second.
Example 15.5
Figure 15.23 (a) A rod suspended by a string from the ceiling. (b) Finding the rods moment of
We are asked to find the torsion constant of the string. We first need to find the moment of inertia.
1. Find the moment of inertia for the CM:
+L/2 +L/2
3 3
I CM = x 2dm = x 2 dx = x L/2 = 2L = M 2L = 1 ML 2.
L/2 3 24 L 24 12
2. Calculate the torsion constant using the equation for the period:
T = 2 I ;
2 2
= I 2 = 1 ML 22 ;
T 12 T
= 1 4.00 kg(0.30 m) 2 2 = 4.73 N m.
12 0.50 s
Like the force constant of the system of a block and a spring, the larger the torsion constant, the shorter the period.
In the real world, oscillations seldom follow true SHM. Friction of some sort usually acts to dampen the motion so it dies
away, or needs more force to continue. In this section, we examine some examples of damped harmonic motion and see
how to modify the equations of motion to describe this more general case.
A guitar string stops oscillating a few seconds after being plucked. To keep swinging on a playground swing, you must
keep pushing (Figure 15.24). Although we can often make friction and other nonconservative forces small or negligible,
completely undamped motion is rare. In fact, we may even want to damp oscillations, such as with car shock absorbers.
Figure 15.25 shows a mass m attached to a spring with a force constant k. The mass is raised to a position A 0 , the initial
amplitude, and then released. The mass oscillates around the equilibrium position in a fluid with viscosity but the amplitude
decreases for each oscillation. For a system that has a small amount of damping, the period and frequency are constant and
are nearly the same as for SHM, but the amplitude gradually decreases as shown. This occurs because the non-conservative
damping force removes energy from the system, usually in the form of thermal energy.
778 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
Consider the forces acting on the mass. Note that the only contribution of the weight is to change the equilibrium position,
as discussed earlier in the chapter. Therefore, the net force is equal to the force of the spring and the damping force F D . If
the magnitude of the velocity is small, meaning the mass oscillates slowly, the damping force is proportional to the velocity
and acts against the direction of motion F D = bv . The net force on the mass is therefore
ma = bv kx.
Writing this as a differential equation in x, we obtain
2 (15.23)
m d 2x + b dx + kx = 0.
dt dt
To determine the solution to this equation, consider the plot of position versus time shown in Figure 15.26. The curve
resembles a cosine curve oscillating in the envelope of an exponential function A 0 e t where = b . The solution is
b t (15.24)
x(t) = A 0 e cost + .
It is left as an exercise to prove that this is, in fact, the solution. To prove that it is the right solution, take the first and second
derivatives with respect to time and substitute them into Equation 15.23. It is found that Equation 15.24 is the solution
k b .
= m 2m
Recall that the angular frequency of a mass undergoing SHM is equal to the square root of the force constant divided by the
mass. This is often referred to as the natural angular frequency, which is represented as
0 = m
2 (15.26)
= 20 b .
Figure 15.26 Position versus time for the mass oscillating on a spring in a viscous fluid.
Notice that the curve appears to be a cosine function inside an exponential envelope.
Recall that when we began this description of damped harmonic motion, we stated that the damping must be small. Two
questions come to mind. Why must the damping be small? And how small is small? If you gradually increase the amount
of damping in a system, the period and frequency begin to be affected, because damping opposes and hence slows the back
and forth motion. (The net force is smaller in both directions.) If there is very large damping, the system does not even
oscillateit slowly moves toward equilibrium. The angular frequency is equal to
k b .
= m 2m
k b becomes smaller and eventually reaches zero when b = 4mk . If b becomes any larger,
As b increases, m 2m
k b k b
2 2
m 2m becomes a negative number and m 2m is a complex number.
Figure 15.27 shows the displacement of a harmonic oscillator for different amounts of damping. When the damping
constant is small, b < 4mk , the system oscillates while the amplitude of the motion decays exponentially. This system
is said to be underdamped, as in curve (a). Many systems are underdamped, and oscillate while the amplitude decreases
exponentially, such as the mass oscillating on a spring. The damping may be quite small, but eventually the mass comes
to rest. If the damping constant is b = 4mk , the system is said to be critically damped, as in curve (b). An example
of a critically damped system is the shock absorbers in a car. It is advantageous to have the oscillations decay as fast
as possible. Here, the system does not oscillate, but asymptotically approaches the equilibrium condition as quickly as
possible. Curve (c) in Figure 15.27 represents an overdamped system where b > 4mk. An overdamped system will
approach equilibrium over a longer period of time.
780 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
Figure 15.27 The position versus time for three systems consisting of a mass and a spring in a
viscous fluid. (a) If the damping is small b < 4mk , the mass oscillates, slowly losing amplitude as
the energy is dissipated by the non-conservative force(s). The limiting case is (b) where the damping is
b = 4mk . (c) If the damping is very large b > 4mk , the mass does not oscillate when displaced,
Critical damping is often desired, because such a system returns to equilibrium rapidly and remains at equilibrium as well.
In addition, a constant force applied to a critically damped system moves the system to a new equilibrium position in the
shortest time possible without overshooting or oscillating about the new position.
15.5 Check Your Understanding Why are completely undamped harmonic oscillators so rare?
Sit in front of a piano sometime and sing a loud brief note at it with the dampers off its strings (Figure 15.28). It will
sing the same note back at youthe strings, having the same frequencies as your voice, are resonating in response to the
forces from the sound waves that you sent to them. This is a good example of the fact that objectsin this case, piano
stringscan be forced to oscillate, and oscillate most easily at their natural frequency. In this section, we briefly explore
applying a periodic driving force acting on a simple harmonic oscillator. The driving force puts energy into the system at a
certain frequency, not necessarily the same as the natural frequency of the system. Recall that the natural frequency is the
frequency at which a system would oscillate if there were no driving and no damping force.
Most of us have played with toys involving an object supported on an elastic band, something like the paddle ball suspended
from a finger in Figure 15.29. Imagine the finger in the figure is your finger. At first, you hold your finger steady, and
the ball bounces up and down with a small amount of damping. If you move your finger up and down slowly, the ball
follows along without bouncing much on its own. As you increase the frequency at which you move your finger up and
down, the ball responds by oscillating with increasing amplitude. When you drive the ball at its natural frequency, the balls
oscillations increase in amplitude with each oscillation for as long as you drive it. The phenomenon of driving a system
with a frequency equal to its natural frequency is called resonance. A system being driven at its natural frequency is said
to resonate. As the driving frequency gets progressively higher than the resonant or natural frequency, the amplitude of the
oscillations becomes smaller until the oscillations nearly disappear, and your finger simply moves up and down with little
effect on the ball.
Figure 15.29 The paddle ball on its rubber band moves in response to the finger
supporting it. If the finger moves with the natural frequency f 0 of the ball on the
rubber band, then a resonance is achieved, and the amplitude of the balls oscillations
increases dramatically. At higher and lower driving frequencies, energy is transferred
to the ball less efficiently, and it responds with lower-amplitude oscillations.
Consider a simple experiment. Attach a mass m to a spring in a viscous fluid, similar to the apparatus discussed in the
damped harmonic oscillator. This time, instead of fixing the free end of the spring, attach the free end to a disk that is driven
by a variable-speed motor. The motor turns with an angular driving frequency of . The rotating disk provides energy
to the system by the work done by the driving force F d = F 0 sin(t) . The experimental apparatus is shown in Figure
782 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
Using Newtons second law ( F net = m a ), we can analyze the motion of the mass. The resulting equation is similar
to the force equation for the damped harmonic oscillator, with the addition of the driving force:
2 (15.27)
kx b dx + F 0 sin(t) = m d 2x .
dt dt
When an oscillator is forced with a periodic driving force, the motion may seem chaotic. The motions of the oscillator is
known as transients. After the transients die out, the oscillator reaches a steady state, where the motion is periodic. After
some time, the steady state solution to this differential equation is
Once again, it is left as an exercise to prove that this equation is a solution. Taking the first and second time derivative of
x(t) and substituting them into the force equation shows that x(t) = Asint + is a solution as long as the amplitude is
equal to
F0 (15.29)
m 2 20 + b 2 2
where 0 = m k is the natural angular frequency of the system of the mass and spring. Recall that the angular frequency,
and therefore the frequency, of the motor can be adjusted. Looking at the denominator of the equation for the amplitude,
when the driving frequency is much smaller, or much larger, than the natural frequency, the square of the difference of the
two angular frequencies 2 20 is positive and large, making the denominator large, and the result is a small amplitude
for the oscillations of the mass. As the frequency of the driving force approaches the natural frequency of the system, the
denominator becomes small and the amplitude of the oscillations becomes large. The maximum amplitude results when the
frequency of the driving force equals the natural frequency of the system A max = 0 .
Figure 15.31 shows a graph of the amplitude of a damped harmonic oscillator as a function of the frequency of the periodic
force driving it. Each of the three curves on the graph represents a different amount of damping. All three curves peak at the
point where the frequency of the driving force equals the natural frequency of the harmonic oscillator. The highest peak, or
greatest response, is for the least amount of damping, because less energy is removed by the damping force. Note that since
the amplitude grows as the damping decreases, taking this to the limit where there is no damping (b = 0) , the amplitude
becomes infinite.
Note that a small-amplitude driving force can produce a large-amplitude response. This phenomenon is known as resonance.
A common example of resonance is a parent pushing a small child on a swing. When the child wants to go higher, the parent
does not move back and then, getting a running start, slam into the child, applying a great force in a short interval. Instead,
the parent applies small pushes to the child at just the right frequency, and the amplitude of the childs swings increases.
It is interesting to note that the widths of the resonance curves shown in Figure 15.31 depend on damping: the less the
damping, the narrower the resonance. The consequence is that if you want a driven oscillator to resonate at a very specific
frequency, you need as little damping as possible. For instance, a radio has a circuit that is used to choose a particular radio
station. In this case, the forced damped oscillator consists of a resistor, capacitor, and inductor, which will be discussed later
in this course. The circuit is tuned to pick a particular radio station. Here it is desirable to have the resonance curve be
very narrow, to pick out the exact frequency of the radio station chosen. The narrowness of the graph, and the ability to pick
out a certain frequency, is known as the quality of the system. The quality is defined as the spread of the angular frequency,
or equivalently, the spread in the frequency, at half the maximum amplitude, divided by the natural frequency Q =
as shown in Figure 15.32. For a small damping, the quality is approximately equal to Q 2b
m .
784 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
These features of driven harmonic oscillators apply to a huge variety of systems. For instance, magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) is a widely used medical diagnostic tool in which atomic nuclei (mostly hydrogen nuclei or protons) are made to
resonate by incoming radio waves (on the order of 100 MHz). In all of these cases, the efficiency of energy transfer from the
driving force into the oscillator is best at resonance. Figure 15.33 shows a photograph of a famous example (the Tacoma
Narrows bridge) of the destructive effects of a driven harmonic oscillation. The Millennium bridge in London was closed
for a short period of time for the same reason while inspections were carried out. Observations lead to modifications being
made to the bridge prior to the reopening.
Figure 15.33 In 1940, the Tacoma Narrows bridge in the state of Washington collapsed.
Moderately high, variable cross-winds (much slower than hurricane force winds) drove the
bridge into oscillations at its resonant frequency. Damping decreased when support cables broke
loose and started to slip over the towers, allowing increasingly greater amplitudes until the
structure failed.
15.6 Check Your Understanding A famous magic trick involves a performer singing a note toward a crystal
glass until the glass shatters. Explain why the trick works in terms of resonance and natural frequency.
amplitude (A) maximum displacement from the equilibrium position of an object oscillating around the equilibrium
critically damped condition in which the damping of an oscillator causes it to return as quickly as possible to its
equilibrium position without oscillating back and forth about this position
elastic potential energy potential energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic object, such as the stretching of
a spring
equilibrium position position where the spring is neither stretched nor compressed
force constant (k) characteristic of a spring which is defined as the ratio of the force applied to the spring to the
displacement caused by the force
frequency (f) number of events per unit of time
natural angular frequency angular frequency of a system oscillating in SHM
oscillation single fluctuation of a quantity, or repeated and regular fluctuations of a quantity, between two extreme
values around an equilibrium or average value
overdamped condition in which damping of an oscillator causes it to return to equilibrium without oscillating; oscillator
moves more slowly toward equilibrium than in the critically damped system
period (T) time taken to complete one oscillation
periodic motion motion that repeats itself at regular time intervals
phase shift angle, in radians, that is used in a cosine or sine function to shift the function left or right, used to match up
the function with the initial conditions of data
physical pendulum any extended object that swings like a pendulum
resonance large amplitude oscillations in a system produced by a small amplitude driving force, which has a frequency
equal to the natural frequency
restoring force force acting in opposition to the force caused by a deformation
simple harmonic motion (SHM) oscillatory motion in a system where the restoring force is proportional to the
displacement, which acts in the direction opposite to the displacement
simple harmonic oscillator a device that oscillates in SHM where the restoring force is proportional to the
displacement and acts in the direction opposite to the displacement
simple pendulum point mass, called a pendulum bob, attached to a near massless string
stable equilibrium point point where the net force on a system is zero, but a small displacement of the mass will cause
a restoring force that points toward the equilibrium point
torsional pendulum any suspended object that oscillates by twisting its suspension
underdamped condition in which damping of an oscillator causes the amplitude of oscillations of a damped harmonic
oscillator to decrease over time, eventually approaching zero
Relationship between frequency and period f = 1
Position in SHM with = 0.00 x(t) = Acos(t)
f = 1 mk
Frequency of a mass-spring system in SHM 2
The x-component of the velocity of the edge of a rotating disk v(t) = v max sint +
d2 = g
Force equation for a simple pendulum L
dt 2
Angular frequency for a simple pendulum =
Angular frequency of a physical pendulum =
T = 2 I
Period of a physical pendulum mgL
Newtons second law for harmonic motion m d 2x + b dx + kx = 0
dt dt
b t
Solution for underdamped harmonic motion 2m
x(t) = A 0 e cost +
Angular frequency of underdamped 2
= 20 b
harmonic motion 2m
Newtons second law for forced, kx b dx + F o sin(t) = m d 2x
damped oscillation dt dt
Solution to Newtons second law for forced, x(t) = Acost +
damped oscillations
Amplitude of system undergoing forced, A=
damped oscillations m 2 2o + b 2 2
15.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
Periodic motion is a repeating oscillation. The time for one oscillation is the period T and the number of oscillations
per unit time is the frequency f. These quantities are related by f = 1 .
Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is oscillatory motion for a system where the restoring force is proportional to the
displacement and acts in the direction opposite to the displacement.
Maximum displacement is the amplitude A. The angular frequency , period T, and frequency f of a simple
k , T = 2 m , and f = 1 k , where m is the mass of the system and k
harmonic oscillator are given by = m
k 2 m
is the force constant.
Displacement as a function of time in SHM is given by x(t) = A cos2 t + = Acost + .
k .
The velocity is given by v(t) = Asint + = v max sint + , where v max = A = A m
k .
The acceleration is a(t) = A 2 cost + = a max cost + , where a max = A 2 = A m
E Total = 1 mv 2 + 1 kx 2 = 1 kA 2 = constant.
2 2 2
The magnitude of the velocity as a function of position for the simple harmonic oscillator can be found by using
k A 2 x 2.
|v| = m
15.4 Pendulums
A mass m suspended by a wire of length L and negligible mass is a simple pendulum and undergoes SHM for
amplitudes less than about 15 . The period of a simple pendulum is T = 2 L
g , where L is the length of the string
and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
The period of a physical pendulum T = 2 I can be found if the moment of inertia is known. The length
between the point of rotation and the center of mass is L.
The period of a torsional pendulum T = 2 I can be found if the moment of inertia and torsion constant are
ground than when manufactured. Should they install stiffer
15.1 Simple Harmonic Motion springs? Explain your answer.
1. What conditions must be met to produce SHM?
2. (a) If frequency is not constant for some oscillation, can 15.2 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
the oscillation be SHM? (b) Can you think of any examples 7. Describe a system in which elastic potential energy is
of harmonic motion where the frequency may depend on stored.
the amplitude?
8. Explain in terms of energy how dissipative forces such
3. Give an example of a simple harmonic oscillator, as friction reduce the amplitude of a harmonic oscillator.
specifically noting how its frequency is independent of Also explain how a driving mechanism can compensate. (A
amplitude. pendulum clock is such a system.)
4. Explain why you expect an object made of a stiff 9. The temperature of the atmosphere oscillates from a
material to vibrate at a higher frequency than a similar maximum near noontime and a minimum near sunrise.
object made of a more pliable material. Would you consider the atmosphere to be in stable or
unstable equilibrium?
5. As you pass a freight truck with a trailer on a highway,
you notice that its trailer is bouncing up and down slowly.
Is it more likely that the trailer is heavily loaded or nearly 15.3 Comparing Simple Harmonic Motion and
empty? Explain your answer.
Circular Motion
10. Can this analogy of SHM to circular motion be carried
6. Some people modify cars to be much closer to the
25. A stroboscope is set to flash every 8.00 10 5 s .
15.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
What is the frequency of the flashes?
21. Prove that using x(t) = Asint + will produce the
same results for the period for the oscillations of a mass 26. A tire has a tread pattern with a crevice every 2.00 cm.
and a spring. Why do you think the cosine function was Each crevice makes a single vibration as the tire moves.
chosen? What is the frequency of these vibrations if the car moves
at 30.0 m/s?
22. What is the period of 60.0 Hz of electrical power?
27. Each piston of an engine makes a sharp sound every
23. If your heart rate is 150 beats per minute during other revolution of the engine. (a) How fast is a race car
strenuous exercise, what is the time per beat in units of going if its eight-cylinder engine emits a sound of
seconds? frequency 750 Hz, given that the engine makes 2000
revolutions per kilometer? (b) At how many revolutions per
minute is the engine rotating?
24. Find the frequency of a tuning fork that takes
2.50 10 3 s to complete one oscillation.
28. A type of cuckoo clock keeps time by having a mass
790 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
bouncing on a spring, usually something cute like a cherub 1.40 10 4 N/m . (a) What is the frequency at which he
in a chair. What force constant is needed to produce a
bounces, given his mass plus and the mass of his equipment
period of 0.500 s for a 0.0150-kg mass?
are 90.0 kg? (b) How much would this rope stretch to break
the climbers fall if he free-falls 2.00 m before the rope runs
29. A mass m 0 is attached to a spring and hung vertically. out of slack? (Hint: Use conservation of energy.) (c) Repeat
The mass is raised a short distance in the vertical direction both parts of this problem in the situation where twice this
and released. The mass oscillates with a frequency f 0 . If length of nylon rope is used.
33. It is weigh-in time for the local under-85-kg rugby 40. Reciprocating motion uses the rotation of a motor to
team. The bathroom scale used to assess eligibility can produce linear motion up and down or back and forth. This
be described by Hookes law and is depressed 0.75 cm is how a reciprocating saw operates, as shown below.
by its maximum load of 120 kg. (a) What is the springs
effective force constant? (b) A player stands on the scales
and depresses it by 0.48 cm. Is he eligible to play on this
under-85-kg team?
s can be driven with mental energy or psycho kinetically, by 3.0% during each cycle. What percentage of the
because its period is the same as an average heartbeat. True mechanical energy of the oscillator is lost in each cycle?
or not, what is the length of such a pendulum?
54. (a) How much will a spring that has a force constant
48. (a) A pendulum that has a period of 3.00000 s and
of 40.0 N/m be stretched by an object with a mass of 0.500
that is located where the acceleration due to gravity is
kg when hung motionless from the spring? (b) Calculate the
9.79 m/s 2 is moved to a location where the acceleration decrease in gravitational potential energy of the 0.500-kg
due to gravity is 9.82 m/s 2 . What is its new period? (b) object when it descends this distance. (c) Part of this
Explain why so many digits are needed in the value for the gravitational energy goes into the spring. Calculate the
period, based on the relation between the period and the energy stored in the spring by this stretch, and compare it
acceleration due to gravity. with the gravitational potential energy. Explain where the
rest of the energy might go.
49. A pendulum with a period of 2.00000 s in one location
55. Suppose you have a 0.750-kg object on a horizontal
( g = 9.80m/s 2 ) is moved to a new location where the surface connected to a spring that has a force constant of
period is now 1.99796 s. What is the acceleration due to 150 N/m. There is simple friction between the object and
gravity at its new location? surface with a static coefficient of friction s = 0.100 .
(a) How far can the spring be stretched without moving
50. (a) What is the effect on the period of a pendulum if the mass? (b) If the object is set into oscillation with an
you double its length? (b) What is the effect on the period amplitude twice the distance found in part (a), and the
of a pendulum if you decrease its length by 5.00%? kinetic coefficient of friction is k = 0.0850 , what total
distance does it travel before stopping? Assume it starts at
the maximum amplitude.
15.5 Damped Oscillations
51. The amplitude of a lightly damped oscillator decreases
56. Suppose you attach an object with mass m to a vertical (c) If the spring has a force constant of 10.0 M/m and
spring originally at rest, and let it bounce up and down. a 0.25-kg-mass object is set in motion as described, find
You release the object from rest at the springs original rest the amplitude of the oscillations. (d) Find the maximum
length, the length of the spring in equilibrium, without the velocity.
mass attached. The amplitude of the motion is the distance
between the equilibrium position of the spring without the 57. A diver on a diving board is undergoing SHM. Her
mass attached and the equilibrium position of the spring mass is 55.0 kg and the period of her motion is 0.800 s.
with the mass attached. (a) Show that the spring exerts an The next diver is a male whose period of simple harmonic
upward force of 2.00mg on the object at its lowest point. oscillation is 1.05 s. What is his mass if the mass of the
(b) If the spring has a force constant of 10.0 N/m, is hung board is negligible?
horizontally, and the position of the free end of the spring
is marked as y = 0.00 m , where is the new equilibrium
58. Suppose a diving board with no one on it bounces up
position if a 0.25-kg-mass object is hung from the spring? and down in a SHM with a frequency of 4.00 Hz. The board
792 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
has an effective mass of 10.0 kg. What is the frequency of 62. At what rate will a pendulum clock run on the Moon,
the SHM of a 75.0-kg diver on the board? where the acceleration due to gravity is 1.63 m/s 2 , if it
keeps time accurately on Earth? That is, find the time (in
59. The device pictured in the following figure entertains hours) it takes the clocks hour hand to make one revolution
infants while keeping them from wandering. The child on the Moon.
bounces in a harness suspended from a door frame by a
spring. (a) If the spring stretches 0.250 m while supporting 63. If a pendulum-driven clock gains 5.00 s/day, what
an 8.0-kg child, what is its force constant? (b) What is the fractional change in pendulum length must be made for it
time for one complete bounce of this child? (c) What is the to keep perfect time?
childs maximum velocity if the amplitude of her bounce is
0.200 m?
64. A 2.00-kg object hangs, at rest, on a 1.00-m-long
string attached to the ceiling. A 100-g mass is fired with a
speed of 20 m/s at the 2.00-kg mass, and the 100.00-g mass
collides perfectly elastically with the 2.00-kg mass. Write
an equation for the motion of the hanging mass after the
collision. Assume air resistance is negligible.
68. A suspension bridge oscillates with an effective force 69. Near the top of the Citigroup Center building in New
constant of 1.00 10 8 N/m . (a) How much energy is York City, there is an object with mass of 4.00 10 5 kg
needed to make it oscillate with an amplitude of 0.100 m? on springs that have adjustable force constants. Its function
(b) If soldiers march across the bridge with a cadence equal is to dampen wind-driven oscillations of the building by
to the bridges natural frequency and impart 1.00 10 4 J oscillating at the same frequency as the building is being
of energy each second, how long does it take for the driventhe driving force is transferred to the object, which
bridges oscillations to go from 0.100 m to 0.500 m oscillates instead of the entire building. (a) What effective
amplitude. force constant should the springs have to make the object
oscillate with a period of 2.00 s? (b) What energy is stored function of r. Consider a small displacement r = R o + r
in the springs for a 2.00-m displacement from equilibrium? and use the binomial theorem:
71. Consider the van der Waals potential 73. (a) The springs of a pickup truck act like a single
spring with a force constant of 1.30 10 5 N/m . By how
12 6
U(r) = U o ro 2 ro , used to model the
much will the truck be depressed by its maximum load of
1000 kg? (b) If the pickup truck has four identical springs,
potential energy function of two molecules, where the what is the force constant of each?
minimum potential is at r = R o . Find the force as a
794 Chapter 15 | Oscillations
16 | WAVES
Figure 16.1 From the world of renewable energy sources comes the electric power-generating buoy. Although there are many
versions, this one converts the up-and-down motion, as well as side-to-side motion, of the buoy into rotational motion in order to
turn an electric generator, which stores the energy in batteries.
Chapter Outline
16.1 Traveling Waves
16.2 Mathematics of Waves
16.3 Wave Speed on a Stretched String
16.4 Energy and Power of a Wave
16.5 Interference of Waves
16.6 Standing Waves and Resonance
In this chapter, we study the physics of wave motion. We concentrate on mechanical waves, which are disturbances that
move through a medium such as air or water. Like simple harmonic motion studied in the preceding chapter, the energy
transferred through the medium is proportional to the amplitude squared. Surface water waves in the ocean are transverse
waves in which the energy of the wave travels horizontally while the water oscillates up and down due to some restoring
force. In the picture above, a buoy is used to convert the awesome power of ocean waves into electricity. The up-and-down
motion of the buoy generated as the waves pass is converted into rotational motion that turns a rotor in an electric generator.
The generator charges batteries, which are in turn used to provide a consistent energy source for the end user. This model
was successfully tested by the US Navy in a project to provide power to coastal security networks and was able to provide
an average power of 350 W. The buoy survived the difficult ocean environment, including operation off the New Jersey
coast through Hurricane Irene in 2011.
The concepts presented in this chapter will be the foundation for many interesting topics, from the transmission of
information to the concepts of quantum mechanics.
796 Chapter 16 | Waves
We saw in Oscillations that oscillatory motion is an important type of behavior that can be used to model a wide
range of physical phenomena. Oscillatory motion is also important because oscillations can generate waves, which are of
fundamental importance in physics. Many of the terms and equations we studied in the chapter on oscillations apply equally
well to wave motion (Figure 16.2).
Figure 16.2 An ocean wave is probably the first picture that comes to mind when you hear the
word wave. Although this breaking wave, and ocean waves in general, have apparent
similarities to the basic wave characteristics we will discuss, the mechanisms driving ocean
waves are highly complex and beyond the scope of this chapter. It may seem natural, and even
advantageous, to apply the concepts in this chapter to ocean waves, but ocean waves are
nonlinear, and the simple models presented in this chapter do not fully explain them. (credit:
Steve Jurvetson)
Types of Waves
A wave is a disturbance that propagates, or moves from the place it was created. There are three basic types of waves:
mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves, and matter waves.
Basic mechanical waves are governed by Newtons laws and require a medium. A medium is the substance a mechanical
waves propagates through, and the medium produces an elastic restoring force when it is deformed. Mechanical waves
transfer energy and momentum, without transferring mass. Some examples of mechanical waves are water waves, sound
waves, and seismic waves. The medium for water waves is water; for sound waves, the medium is usually air. (Sound
waves can travel in other media as well; we will look at that in more detail in Sound.) For surface water waves, the
disturbance occurs on the surface of the water, perhaps created by a rock thrown into a pond or by a swimmer splashing
the surface repeatedly. For sound waves, the disturbance is a change in air pressure, perhaps created by the oscillating cone
inside a speaker or a vibrating tuning fork. In both cases, the disturbance is the oscillation of the molecules of the fluid.
In mechanical waves, energy and momentum transfer with the motion of the wave, whereas the mass oscillates around an
equilibrium point. (We discuss this in Energy and Power of a Wave.) Earthquakes generate seismic waves from several
types of disturbances, including the disturbance of Earths surface and pressure disturbances under the surface. Seismic
waves travel through the solids and liquids that form Earth. In this chapter, we focus on mechanical waves.
Electromagnetic waves are associated with oscillations in electric and magnetic fields and do not require a medium.
Examples include gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet waves, visible light, infrared waves, microwaves, and radio waves.
Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum at the speed of light, v = c = 2.99792458 10 8 m/s. For example,
light from distant stars travels through the vacuum of space and reaches Earth. Electromagnetic waves have some
characteristics that are similar to mechanical waves; they are covered in more detail in Electromagnetic Waves
( .
Matter waves are a central part of the branch of physics known as quantum mechanics. These waves are associated with
protons, electrons, neutrons, and other fundamental particles found in nature. The theory that all types of matter have wave-
like properties was first proposed by Louis de Broglie in 1924. Matter waves are discussed in Photons and Matter
Waves ( .
Mechanical Waves
Mechanical waves exhibit characteristics common to all waves, such as amplitude, wavelength, period, frequency, and
energy. All wave characteristics can be described by a small set of underlying principles.
The simplest mechanical waves repeat themselves for several cycles and are associated with simple harmonic motion. These
simple harmonic waves can be modeled using some combination of sine and cosine functions. For example, consider the
simplified surface water wave that moves across the surface of water as illustrated in Figure 16.3. Unlike complex ocean
waves, in surface water waves, the medium, in this case water, moves vertically, oscillating up and down, whereas the
disturbance of the wave moves horizontally through the medium. In Figure 16.3, the waves causes a seagull to move up
and down in simple harmonic motion as the wave crests and troughs (peaks and valleys) pass under the bird. The crest is
the highest point of the wave, and the trough is the lowest part of the wave. The time for one complete oscillation of the
up-and-down motion is the waves period T. The waves frequency is the number of waves that pass through a point per
unit time and is equal to f = 1/T. The period can be expressed using any convenient unit of time but is usually measured
in seconds; frequency is usually measured in hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz = 1 s 1.
The length of the wave is called the wavelength and is represented by the Greek letter lambda () , which is measured in
any convenient unit of length, such as a centimeter or meter. The wavelength can be measured between any two similar
points along the medium that have the same height and the same slope. In Figure 16.3, the wavelength is shown measured
between two crests. As stated above, the period of the wave is equal to the time for one oscillation, but it is also equal to the
time for one wavelength to pass through a point along the waves path.
The amplitude of the wave (A) is a measure of the maximum displacement of the medium from its equilibrium position. In
the figure, the equilibrium position is indicated by the dotted line, which is the height of the water if there were no waves
moving through it. In this case, the wave is symmetrical, the crest of the wave is a distance +A above the equilibrium
position, and the trough is a distance A below the equilibrium position. The units for the amplitude can be centimeters or
meters, or any convenient unit of distance.
798 Chapter 16 | Waves
Figure 16.3 An idealized surface water wave passes under a seagull that bobs up and down in
simple harmonic motion. The wave has a wavelength , which is the distance between adjacent
identical parts of the wave. The amplitude A of the wave is the maximum displacement of the wave
from the equilibrium position, which is indicated by the dotted line. In this example, the medium
moves up and down, whereas the disturbance of the surface propagates parallel to the surface at a
speed v.
The water wave in the figure moves through the medium with a propagation velocity v . The magnitude of the wave
velocity is the distance the wave travels in a given time, which is one wavelength in the time of one period, and the wave
speed is the magnitude of wave velocity. In equation form, this is
v = = f. (16.1)
This fundamental relationship holds for all types of waves. For water waves, v is the speed of a surface wave; for sound, v
is the speed of sound; and for visible light, v is the speed of light.
Figure 16.4 (a) In a transverse wave, the medium oscillates perpendicular to the wave velocity. Here, the spring moves
vertically up and down, while the wave propagates horizontally to the right. (b) In a longitudinal wave, the medium oscillates
parallel to the propagation of the wave. In this case, the spring oscillates back and forth, while the wave propagates to the right.
A simple graphical representation of a section of the spring shown in Figure 16.4(b) is shown in Figure 16.5. Figure
16.5(a) shows the equilibrium position of the spring before any waves move down it. A point on the spring is marked with
a blue dot. Figure 16.5(b) through (g) show snapshots of the spring taken one-quarter of a period apart, sometime after
the end of` the spring is oscillated back and forth in the x-direction at a constant frequency. The disturbance of the wave is
seen as the compressions and the expansions of the spring. Note that the blue dot oscillates around its equilibrium position a
distance A, as the longitudinal wave moves in the positive x-direction with a constant speed. The distance A is the amplitude
of the wave. The y-position of the dot does not change as the wave moves through the spring. The wavelength of the wave
is measured in part (d). The wavelength depends on the speed of the wave and the frequency of the driving force.
Figure 16.5 (a) This is a simple, graphical representation of a section of the stretched spring shown in
Figure 16.4(b), representing the springs equilibrium position before any waves are induced on the spring.
A point on the spring is marked by a blue dot. (bg) Longitudinal waves are created by oscillating the end of
the spring (not shown) back and forth along the x-axis. The longitudinal wave, with a wavelength , moves
along the spring in the +x-direction with a wave speed v. For convenience, the wavelength is measured in
(d). Note that the point on the spring that was marked with the blue dot moves back and forth a distance A
from the equilibrium position, oscillating around the equilibrium position of the point.
Waves may be transverse, longitudinal, or a combination of the two. Examples of transverse waves are the waves on stringed
instruments or surface waves on water, such as ripples moving on a pond. Sound waves in air and water are longitudinal.
With sound waves, the disturbances are periodic variations in pressure that are transmitted in fluids. Fluids do not have
appreciable shear strength, and for this reason, the sound waves in them are longitudinal waves. Sound in solids can have
both longitudinal and transverse components, such as those in a seismic wave. Earthquakes generate seismic waves under
Earths surface with both longitudinal and transverse components (called compressional or P-waves and shear or S-waves,
respectively). The components of seismic waves have important individual characteristicsthey propagate at different
speeds, for example. Earthquakes also have surface waves that are similar to surface waves on water. Ocean waves also
have both transverse and longitudinal components.
800 Chapter 16 | Waves
Example 16.1
Wave on a String
A student takes a 30.00-m-long string and attaches one end to the wall in the physics lab. The student then holds
the free end of the rope, keeping the tension constant in the rope. The student then begins to send waves down the
string by moving the end of the string up and down with a frequency of 2.00 Hz. The maximum displacement of
the end of the string is 20.00 cm. The first wave hits the lab wall 6.00 s after it was created. (a) What is the speed
of the wave? (b) What is the period of the wave? (c) What is the wavelength of the wave?
a. The speed of the wave can be derived by dividing the distance traveled by the time.
b. The period of the wave is the inverse of the frequency of the driving force.
c. The wavelength can be found from the speed and the period v = /T.
a. The first wave traveled 30.00 m in 6.00 s:
v = 30.00 m = 5.00 m
6.00 s
b. The period is equal to the inverse of the frequency:
T=1= 1 = 0.50 s.
f 2.00 s 1
c. The wavelength is equal to the velocity times the period:
= vT = 5.00 m
s (0.50 s) = 2.50 m.
The frequency of the wave produced by an oscillating driving force is equal to the frequency of the driving force.
16.1 Check Your Understanding When a guitar string is plucked, the guitar string oscillates as a result of
waves moving through the string. The vibrations of the string cause the air molecules to oscillate, forming
sound waves. The frequency of the sound waves is equal to the frequency of the vibrating string. Is the
wavelength of the sound wave always equal to the wavelength of the waves on the string?
Example 16.2
Characteristics of a Wave
A transverse mechanical wave propagates in the positive x-direction through a spring (as shown in Figure
16.4(a)) with a constant wave speed, and the medium oscillates between +A and A around an equilibrium
position. The graph in Figure 16.6 shows the height of the spring (y) versus the position (x), where the
x-axis points in the direction of propagation. The figure shows the height of the spring versus the x-position
at t = 0.00 s as a dotted line and the wave at t = 3.00 s as a solid line. (a) Determine the wavelength and
amplitude of the wave. (b) Find the propagation velocity of the wave. (c) Calculate the period and frequency of
the wave.
a. The amplitude and wavelength can be determined from the graph.
b. Since the velocity is constant, the velocity of the wave can be found by dividing the distance traveled by
the wave by the time it took the wave to travel the distance.
b. The distance the wave traveled from time t = 0.00 s to time t = 3.00 s can be seen in the graph.
Consider the red arrow, which shows the distance the crest has moved in 3 s. The distance is
8.00 cm 2.00 cm = 6.00 cm. The velocity is
height and slope. You should choose two points that are most convenient. The displacement can also be found
using any convenient point.
16.2 Check Your Understanding The propagation velocity of a transverse or longitudinal mechanical wave
may be constant as the wave disturbance moves through the medium. Consider a transverse mechanical wave:
Is the velocity of the medium also constant?
In the previous section, we described periodic waves by their characteristics of wavelength, period, amplitude, and wave
speed of the wave. Waves can also be described by the motion of the particles of the medium through which the waves
move. The position of particles of the medium can be mathematically modeled as wave functions, which can be used to
find the position, velocity, and acceleration of the particles of the medium of the wave at any time.
A pulse can be described as wave consisting of a single disturbance that moves through the medium with a constant
amplitude. The pulse moves as a pattern that maintains its shape as it propagates with a constant wave speed. Because the
wave speed is constant, the distance the pulse moves in a time t is equal to x = vt (Figure 16.8).
y = A by a mechanical device at a constant frequency. Figure 16.9 shows snapshots of the wave at an interval of an
eighth of a period, beginning after one period (t = T).
Figure 16.9 Snapshots of a transverse wave moving through a string under tension, beginning at
time t = T and taken at intervals of 1 T. Colored dots are used to highlight points on the string.
Points that are a wavelength apart in the x-direction are highlighted with the same color dots.
Notice that each select point on the string (marked by colored dots) oscillates up and down in simple harmonic motion,
between y = + A and y = A, with a period T. The wave on the string is sinusoidal and is translating in the positive
x-direction as time progresses.
At this point, it is useful to recall from your study of algebra that if f(x) is some function, then f (x d) is the same function
translated in the positive x-direction by a distance d. The function f (x + d) is the same function translated in the negative
x-direction by a distance d. We want to define a wave function that will give the y-position of each segment of the string for
every position x along the string for every time t.
Looking at the first snapshot in Figure 16.9, the y-position of the string between x = 0 and x = can be modeled as a
sine function. This wave propagates down the string one wavelength in one period, as seen in the last snapshot. The wave
therefore moves with a constant wave speed of v = /T.
Recall that a sine function is a function of the angle , oscillating between +1 and 1 , and repeating every 2 radians
(Figure 16.10). However, the y-position of the medium, or the wave function, oscillates between +A and A , and
repeats every wavelength .
804 Chapter 16 | Waves
To construct our model of the wave using a periodic function, consider the ratio of the angle and the position,
= 2 ,
= 2 x.
Using = 2 x and multiplying the sine function by the amplitude A, we can now model the y-position of the string as a
function of the position x:
y(x) = A sin2 x.
The wave on the string travels in the positive x-direction with a constant velocity v, and moves a distance vt in a time t. The
wave function can now be defined by
y(x, t) = A sin2 (x vt).
It is often convenient to rewrite this wave function in a more compact form. Multiplying through by the ratio 2 leads to
the equation
y(x, t) = A sin2 x 2 vt.
The value 2 is defined as the wave number. The symbol for the wave number is k and has units of inverse meters,
m :
k 2 (16.2)
Recall from Oscillations that the angular frequency is defined as 2 . The second term of the wave function becomes
2 vt = 2 t = 2 t = t.
The wave function for a simple harmonic wave on a string reduces to
y(x, t) = A sin(kx t),
where A is the amplitude, k = 2 is the wave number, = 2 is the angular frequency, the minus sign is for waves
moving in the positive x-direction, and the plus sign is for waves moving in the negative x-direction. The velocity of the
wave is equal to
v = = 2 = . (16.3)
T T 2 k
Think back to our discussion of a mass on a spring, when the position of the mass was modeled as x(t) = A cost + .
The angle is a phase shift, added to allow for the fact that the mass may have initial conditions other than x = +A and
v = 0. For similar reasons, the initial phase is added to the wave function. The wave function modeling a sinusoidal wave,
allowing for an initial phase shift , is
The value
kx t +
is known as the phase of the wave, where is the initial phase of the wave function. Whether the temporal term t is
negative or positive depends on the direction of the wave. First consider the minus sign for a wave with an initial phase
equal to zero = 0. The phase of the wave would be (kx t). Consider following a point on a wave, such as a
crest. A crest will occur when sin (kx t) = 1.00 , that is, when kx t = n + , for any integral value of n. For
instance, one particular crest occurs at kx t = . As the wave moves, time increases and x must also increase to keep
the phase equal to . Therefore, the minus sign is for a wave moving in the positive x-direction. Using the plus sign,
kx + t = . As time increases, x must decrease to keep the phase equal to . The plus sign is used for waves moving in
2 2
the negative x-direction. In summary, y(x, t) = A sinkx t + models a wave moving in the positive x-direction and
y(x, t) = A sinkx + t + models a wave moving in the negative x-direction.
Equation 16.4 is known as a simple harmonic wave function. A wave function is any function such that
f (x, t) = f (x vt). Later in this chapter, we will see that it is a solution to the linear wave equation. Note that
y(x, t) = A coskx + t + works equally well because it corresponds to a different phase shift = .
2. The amplitude can be read straight from the equation and is equal to A.
3. The period of the wave can be derived from the angular frequency T = 2
Example 16.3
k = 2 .
= 2 = 2 = 1.0 m.
k 6.28 m 1
3. The period of the wave can be found using the angular frequency:
= 2 .
T = 2
2 = 4 s.
1.57 s 1
4. The speed of the wave can be found using the wave number and the angular frequency. The direction of
the wave can be determined by considering the sign of kx t : A negative sign suggests that the wave
is moving in the positive x-direction:
|v| = = 1.57 s 1 = 0.25 m/s.
k 6.28 m
All of the characteristics of the wave are contained in the wave function. Note that the wave speed is the speed
of the wave in the direction parallel to the motion of the wave. Plotting the height of the medium y versus the
position x for two times t = 0.00 s and t = 0.80 s can provide a graphical visualization of the wave (Figure
Figure 16.11 A graph of height of the wave y as a function of position x for snapshots of the wave at two times. The
dotted line represents the wave at time t = 0.00 s and the solid line represents the wave at t = 0.80 s. Since the
wave velocity is constant, the distance the wave travels is the wave velocity times the time interval. The black dots
indicate the points used to measure the displacement of the wave. The medium moves up and down, whereas the wave
moves to the right.
There is a second velocity to the motion. In this example, the wave is transverse, moving horizontally as the
medium oscillates up and down perpendicular to the direction of motion. The graph in Figure 16.12 shows the
motion of the medium at point x = 0.60 m as a function of time. Notice that the medium of the wave oscillates
up and down between y = + 0.20 m and y = 0.20 m every period of 4.0 seconds.
Figure 16.12 A graph of height of the wave y as a function of time t for the position x = 0.6 m. The medium
oscillates between y = + 0.20 m and y = 0.20 m every period. The period represented picks two convenient
points in the oscillations to measure the period. The period can be measured between any two adjacent points with
the same amplitude and the same velocity, ( y/ t). The velocity can be found by looking at the slope tangent to the
point on a y-versus-t plot. Notice that at times t = 3.00 s and t = 7.00s, the heights and the velocities are the
same and the period of the oscillation is 4.00 s.
16.3 Check Your Understanding The wave function above is derived using a sine function. Can a cosine
function be used instead?
the medium, not the speed of the particles that make up the medium. The particles of the medium oscillate around an
equilibrium position as the wave propagates through the medium. In the case of the transverse wave propagating in the
x-direction, the particles oscillate up and down in the y-direction, perpendicular to the motion of the wave. The velocity
of the particles of the medium is not constant, which means there is an acceleration. The velocity of the medium, which
is perpendicular to the wave velocity in a transverse wave, can be found by taking the partial derivative of the position
equation with respect to time. The partial derivative is found by taking the derivative of the function, treating all variables
as constants, except for the variable in question. In the case of the partial derivative with respect to time t, the position x is
treated as a constant. Although this may sound strange if you havent seen it before, the object of this exercise is to find the
transverse velocity at a point, so in this sense, the x-position is not changing. We have
y(x, t) = A sin(kx t + )
y(x, t)
v y(x, t) = = A sin(kx t + )
t t
= A cos(kx t + )
= v y max cos(kx t + ).
| |
The magnitude of the maximum velocity of the medium is v y max = A . This may look familiar from the Oscillations
and a mass on a spring.
We can find the acceleration of the medium by taking the partial derivative of the velocity equation with respect to time,
a y (x, t) = = A coskx t +
t t
= A 2 sinkx t +
= a y max sinkx t + .
| |
The magnitude of the maximum acceleration is a y max = A 2. The particles of the medium, or the mass elements,
oscillate in simple harmonic motion for a mechanical wave.
2 y(x, t)
t2 A 2 sinkx t +
y(x, t) Ak 2 sinkx t +
= 2 = v 2,
Equation 16.6 is the linear wave equation, which is one of the most important equations in physics and engineering. We
derived it here for a transverse wave, but it is equally important when investigating longitudinal waves. This relationship
was also derived using a sinusoidal wave, but it successfully describes any wave or pulse that has the form
y(x, t) = f (x vt). These waves result due to a linear restoring force of the mediumthus, the name linear wave
equation. Any wave function that satisfies this equation is a linear wave function.
An interesting aspect of the linear wave equation is that if two wave functions are individually solutions to the linear wave
equation, then the sum of the two linear wave functions is also a solution to the wave equation. Consider two transverse
waves that propagate along the x-axis, occupying the same medium. Assume that the individual waves can be modeled with
the wave functions y 1 (x, t) = f (x vt) and y 2 (x, t) = g(x vt), which are solutions to the linear wave equations and
are therefore linear wave functions. The sum of the wave functions is the wave function
y 1 (x, t) + y 2 (x, t) = f (x vt) + g(x vt).
Example 16.4
2 y(x, t) 2
1 y(x, t) .
the velocity of the resulting wave using the linear wave equation =
x2 v2 t2
First, write the wave function for the wave created by the second student. Note that the angular frequency of
the second wave is twice the frequency of the first wave (2) , and since the velocity of the two waves are the
same, the wave number of the second wave is twice that of the first wave (2k). Next, write the wave equation
for the resulting wave function, which is the sum of the two individual wave functions. Then find the second
partial derivative with respect to position and the second partial derivative with respect to time. Use the linear
wave equation to find the velocity of the resulting wave.
1. Write the wave function of the second wave: y 2 (x, t) = A sin(2kx + 2t).
k = 2 , |v| = .
v k
The speed of the resulting wave is equal to the speed of the original waves v = . We will show in the next
section that the speed of a simple harmonic wave on a string depends on the tension in the string and the mass per
length of the string. For this reason, it is not surprising that the component waves as well as the resultant wave all
travel at the same speed.
16.4 2 y(x, t) 2
1 y(x, t) works for any wave of the
Check Your Understanding The wave equation =
x2 v2 t2
form y(x, t) = f (x vt). In the previous section, we stated that a cosine function could also be used to model a
simple harmonic mechanical wave. Check if the wave
y(x, t) = 0.50 m cos0.20 m 1 x 4.00 s 1 t +
is a solution to the wave equation.
Any disturbance that complies with the wave equation can propagate as a wave moving along the x-axis with a wave speed
v. It works equally well for waves on a string, sound waves, and electromagnetic waves. This equation is extremely useful.
For example, it can be used to show that electromagnetic waves move at the speed of light.
The speed of a wave depends on the characteristics of the medium. For example, in the case of a guitar, the strings vibrate
to produce the sound. The speed of the waves on the strings, and the wavelength, determine the frequency of the sound
produced. The strings on a guitar have different thickness but may be made of similar material. They have different linear
densities, where the linear density is defined as the mass per length,
In this chapter, we consider only string with a constant linear density. If the linear density is constant, then the mass (m)
of a small length of string (x) is m = x. For example, if the string has a length of 2.00 m and a mass of 0.06 kg, then
0.06 kg kg
the linear density is = = 0.03 m . If a 1.00-mm section is cut from the string, the mass of the 1.00-mm length
2.00 m
is m = x = 0.03 m 0.001 m = 3.00 10 5 kg. The guitar also has a method to change the tension of the strings.
The tension of the strings is adjusted by turning spindles, called the tuning pegs, around which the strings are wrapped. For
the guitar, the linear density of the string and the tension in the string determine the speed of the waves in the string and the
frequency of the sound produced is proportional to the wave speed.
If you pluck a string under tension, a transverse wave moves in the positive x-direction, as shown in Figure 16.14. The
mass element is small but is enlarged in the figure to make it visible. The small mass element oscillates perpendicular to the
wave motion as a result of the restoring force provided by the string and does not move in the x-direction. The tension F T
in the string, which acts in the positive and negative x-direction, is approximately constant and is independent of position
and time.
812 Chapter 16 | Waves
Assume that the inclination of the displaced string with respect to the horizontal axis is small. The net force on the element
of the string, acting parallel to the string, is the sum of the tension in the string and the restoring force. The x-components
of the force of tension cancel, so the net force is equal to the sum of the y-components of the force. The magnitude of the
x-component of the force is equal to the horizontal force of tension of the string F T as shown in Figure 16.14. To obtain
1 and tan = 2 . The tan is equal to the slope of a function at
the y-components of the force, note that tan 1 = 2
a point, which is equal to the partial derivative of y with respect to x at that point. Therefore, is equal to the negative
slope of the string at x 1 and 2 is equal to the slope of the string at x 2 :
F1 y F y
= x 1 and 2 = x 2.
FT x FT x
y y
F T x 2 x 1 = ma,
x x
y y 2 y
F T x 2 x 1 = x 2 .
x x t
y y
x x 2 x x 1
2 y
x FT t2
y y
x x x 1 2 y
lim x 2 =
x 0 x FT t2
2 y 2 y
= .
x 2 F T t2
2 y(x, t) 2 y(x, t)
= 12 .
x v t2
1 = .
v2 FT
Solving for v, we see that the speed of the wave on a string depends on the tension and the linear density.
where F T is the tension in the string and is the mass per length of the string.
Example 16.5
has a linear density of Low E = 5.78 10 3 kg/m. (a) If the high E string is plucked, producing a wave in the
string, what is the speed of the wave if the tension of the string is 56.40 N? (b) The linear density of the low E
string is approximately 20 times greater than that of the high E string. For waves to travel through the low E string
at the same wave speed as the high E, would the tension need to be larger or smaller than the high E string? What
would be the approximate tension? (c) Calculate the tension of the low E string needed for the same wave speed.
a. The speed of the wave can be found from the linear density and the tension v = .
b. From the equation v = , if the linear density is increased by a factor of almost 20, the tension would
need to be increased by a factor of 20.
c. Knowing the velocity and the linear density, the velocity equation can be solved for the force of tension
F T = v 2.
a. Use the velocity equation to find the speed:
FT 56.40 N
v= = = 427.23 m/s.
3.09 10 4 kg/m
b. The tension would need to be increased by a factor of approximately 20. The tension would be slightly
less than 1128 N.
c. Use the velocity equation to find the actual tension:
F T = v 2 = 5.78 10 3 kg/m(427.23 m/s) 2 = 1055.00 N.
on the speed of the waves on the string and the wavelength of the waves. The six strings have different linear
densities and are tuned by changing the tensions in the strings. We will see in Interference of Waves that
the wavelength depends on the length of the strings and the boundary conditions. To play notes other than the
fundamental notes, the lengths of the strings are changed by pressing down on the strings.
16.5 Check Your Understanding The wave speed of a wave on a string depends on the tension and the
linear mass density. If the tension is doubled, what happens to the speed of the waves on the string?
The elastic property describes the tendency of the particles of the medium to return to their initial position when perturbed.
The inertial property describes the tendency of the particle to resist changes in velocity.
The speed of a longitudinal wave through a liquid or gas depends on the density of the fluid and the bulk modulus of the
of the change in volume to the initial volume, and m is the mass per unit volume. For example, sound is a mechanical
wave that travels through a fluid or a solid. The speed of sound in air with an atmospheric pressure of 1.013 10 5 Pa
and a temperature of 20C is v s 343.00 m/s. Because the density depends on temperature, the speed of sound in air
depends on the temperature of the air. This will be discussed in detail in Sound.
All waves carry energy, and sometimes this can be directly observed. Earthquakes can shake whole cities to the ground,
performing the work of thousands of wrecking balls (Figure 16.15). Loud sounds can pulverize nerve cells in the inner
ear, causing permanent hearing loss. Ultrasound is used for deep-heat treatment of muscle strains. A laser beam can burn
away a malignancy. Water waves chew up beaches.
Figure 16.15 The destructive effect of an earthquake is observable evidence of the energy
carried in these waves. The Richter scale rating of earthquakes is a logarithmic scale related to
both their amplitude and the energy they carry.
In this section, we examine the quantitative expression of energy in waves. This will be of fundamental importance in later
discussions of waves, from sound to light to quantum mechanics.
Energy in Waves
The amount of energy in a wave is related to its amplitude and its frequency. Large-amplitude earthquakes produce large
ground displacements. Loud sounds have high-pressure amplitudes and come from larger-amplitude source vibrations than
soft sounds. Large ocean breakers churn up the shore more than small ones. Consider the example of the seagull and the
water wave earlier in the chapter (Figure 16.3). Work is done on the seagull by the wave as the seagull is moved up,
changing its potential energy. The larger the amplitude, the higher the seagull is lifted by the wave and the larger the change
in potential energy.
The energy of the wave depends on both the amplitude and the frequency. If the energy of each wavelength is considered to
be a discrete packet of energy, a high-frequency wave will deliver more of these packets per unit time than a low-frequency
wave. We will see that the average rate of energy transfer in mechanical waves is proportional to both the square of the
amplitude and the square of the frequency. If two mechanical waves have equal amplitudes, but one wave has a frequency
equal to twice the frequency of the other, the higher-frequency wave will have a rate of energy transfer a factor of four
times as great as the rate of energy transfer of the lower-frequency wave. It should be noted that although the rate of energy
transport is proportional to both the square of the amplitude and square of the frequency in mechanical waves, the rate of
energy transfer in electromagnetic waves is proportional to the square of the amplitude, but independent of the frequency.
Power in Waves
Consider a sinusoidal wave on a string that is produced by a string vibrator, as shown in Figure 16.16. The string vibrator
is a device that vibrates a rod up and down. A string of uniform linear mass density is attached to the rod, and the rod
oscillates the string, producing a sinusoidal wave. The rod does work on the string, producing energy that propagates along
the string. Consider a mass element of the string with a mass m , as seen in Figure 16.16. As the energy propagates along
the string, each mass element of the string is driven up and down at the same frequency as the wave. Each mass element
of the string can be modeled as a simple harmonic oscillator. Since the string has a constant linear density = m , each
mass element of the string has the mass m = x.
816 Chapter 16 | Waves
The total mechanical energy of the wave is the sum of its kinetic energy and potential energy. The kinetic energy
K = 1 mv 2 of each mass element of the string of length x is K = 1 (m)v 2y, as the mass element oscillates
2 2
perpendicular to the direction of the motion of the wave. Using the constant linear mass density, the kinetic energy of each
mass element of the string with length x is
K = 1 xv 2y.
A differential equation can be formed by letting the length of the mass element of the string approach zero,
dK = 1 dxA cos(kx t) 2,
= 1 dxA 2 2 cos 2 (kx t).
The wave can be very long, consisting of many wavelengths. To standardize the energy, consider the kinetic energy
associated with a wavelength of the wave. This kinetic energy can be integrated over the wavelength to find the energy
associated with each wavelength of the wave:
motion, the spring constant is equal to k s = m 2. The potential energy of the mass element is equal to
U = 1 k s x 2 = 1 m 2 x 2.
2 2
Note that k s is the spring constant and not the wave number k = 2 . This equation can be used to find the energy over a
wavelength. Integrating over the wavelength, we can compute the potential energy over a wavelength:
dU = 1 k s x 2 = 1 2 x 2 dx,
2 2
U = 1 2 A 2 cos 2 (kx)dx = 1 A 2 2 .
2 4
The potential energy associated with a wavelength of the wave is equal to the kinetic energy associated with a wavelength.
The total energy associated with a wavelength is the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy:
E = U + K ,
E = 1 A 2 2 + 1 A 2 2 = 1 A 2 2 .
4 4 2
The time-averaged power of a sinusoidal mechanical wave, which is the average rate of energy transfer associated with a
wave as it passes a point, can be found by taking the total energy associated with the wave divided by the time it takes to
transfer the energy. If the velocity of the sinusoidal wave is constant, the time for one wavelength to pass by a point is equal
to the period of the wave, which is also constant. For a sinusoidal mechanical wave, the time-averaged power is therefore
the energy associated with a wavelength divided by the period of the wave. The wavelength of the wave divided by the
period is equal to the velocity of the wave,
E 1 2 2 1 2 2 (16.10)
P ave = = A = A v.
T 2 T 2
Note that this equation for the time-averaged power of a sinusoidal mechanical wave shows that the power is proportional
to the square of the amplitude of the wave and to the square of the angular frequency of the wave. Recall that the angular
frequency is equal to = 2 f , so the power of a mechanical wave is equal to the square of the amplitude and the square
of the frequency of the wave.
Example 16.6
P = 1 A 2 2 v.
The amplitude is given, so we need to calculate the linear mass density of the string, the angular frequency
of the wave on the string, and the speed of the wave on the string.
2. We need to calculate the linear density to find the wave speed:
818 Chapter 16 | Waves
m s 0.070 kg
= = = 0.035 kg/m.
Ls 2.00 m
3. The wave speed can be found using the linear mass density and the tension of the string:
FT 90.00 N
v= = 0.035 kg/m = 50.71 m/s.
4. The angular frequency can be found from the frequency:
= 2 f = 2 60 s 1 = 376.80 s 1.
5. Calculate the time-averaged power:
kg 2
P = 1 A 2 2 v = 1 0.035 m (0.040 m) 2 376.80 s 1 50.71 m
s = 201.59 W.
2 2
The time-averaged power of a sinusoidal wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave and
the square of the angular frequency of the wave. This is true for most mechanical waves. If either the angular
frequency or the amplitude of the wave were doubled, the power would increase by a factor of four. The time-
averaged power of the wave on a string is also proportional to the speed of the sinusoidal wave on the string. If
the speed were doubled, by increasing the tension by a factor of four, the power would also be doubled.
16.6 Check Your Understanding Is the time-averaged power of a sinusoidal wave on a string proportional
to the linear density of the string?
The equations for the energy of the wave and the time-averaged power were derived for a sinusoidal wave on a string.
In general, the energy of a mechanical wave and the power are proportional to the amplitude squared and to the angular
frequency squared (and therefore the frequency squared).
Another important characteristic of waves is the intensity of the waves. Waves can also be concentrated or spread out. Waves
from an earthquake, for example, spread out over a larger area as they move away from a source, so they do less damage
the farther they get from the source. Changing the area the waves cover has important effects. All these pertinent factors are
included in the definition of intensity (I) as power per unit area:
I = P, (16.11)
where P is the power carried by the wave through area A. The definition of intensity is valid for any energy in transit,
including that carried by waves. The SI unit for intensity is watts per square meter (W/m2). Many waves are spherical waves
that move out from a source as a sphere. For example, a sound speaker mounted on a post above the ground may produce
sound waves that move away from the source as a spherical wave. Sound waves are discussed in more detail in the next
chapter, but in general, the farther you are from the speaker, the less intense the sound you hear. As a spherical wave moves
out from a source, the surface area of the wave increases as the radius increases A = 4r 2. The intensity for a spherical
wave is therefore
I = P 2. (16.12)
If there are no dissipative forces, the energy will remain constant as the spherical wave moves away from the source, but
the intensity will decrease as the surface area increases.
In the case of the two-dimensional circular wave, the wave moves out, increasing the circumference of the wave as the
radius of the circle increases. If you toss a pebble in a pond, the surface ripple moves out as a circular wave. As the ripple
moves away from the source, the amplitude decreases. The energy of the wave spreads around a larger circumference and
the amplitude decreases proportional to 1r , and not 12 , as in the case of a spherical wave.
Up to now, we have been studying mechanical waves that propagate continuously through a medium, but we have not
discussed what happens when waves encounter the boundary of the medium or what happens when a wave encounters
another wave propagating through the same medium. Waves do interact with boundaries of the medium, and all or part of
the wave can be reflected. For example, when you stand some distance from a rigid cliff face and yell, you can hear the
sound waves reflect off the rigid surface as an echo. Waves can also interact with other waves propagating in the same
medium. If you throw two rocks into a pond some distance from one another, the circular ripples that result from the two
stones seem to pass through one another as they propagate out from where the stones entered the water. This phenomenon is
known as interference. In this section, we examine what happens to waves encountering a boundary of a medium or another
wave propagating in the same medium. We will see that their behavior is quite different from the behavior of particles and
rigid bodies. Later, when we study modern physics, we will see that only at the scale of atoms do we see similarities in the
properties of waves and particles.
Figure 16.17 (a) One end of a string is fixed so that it cannot move. A wave propagating on
the string, encountering this fixed boundary condition, is reflected 180( rad) out of phase
with respect to the incident wave. (b) One end of a string is tied to a solid ring of negligible mass
on a frictionless lab pole, where the ring is free to move. A wave propagating on the string,
encountering this free boundary condition, is reflected in phase 0(0 rad) with respect to the
Part (a) of the Figure 16.17 shows a fixed boundary condition. Here, one end of the string is fixed to a wall so the end
of the string is fixed in place and the medium (the string) at the boundary cannot move. When the wave is reflected, the
amplitude of the reflected way is exactly the same as the amplitude of the incident wave, but the reflected wave is reflected
180( rad) out of phase with respect to the incident wave. The phase change can be explained using Newtons third
law: Recall that Newtons third law states that when object A exerts a force on object B, then object B exerts an equal and
opposite force on object A. As the incident wave encounters the wall, the string exerts an upward force on the wall and the
wall reacts by exerting an equal and opposite force on the string. The reflection at a fixed boundary is inverted. Note that
the figure shows a crest of the incident wave reflected as a trough. If the incident wave were a trough, the reflected wave
would be a crest.
Part (b) of the figure shows a free boundary condition. Here, one end of the string is tied to a solid ring of negligible mass
on a frictionless pole, so the end of the string is free to move up and down. As the incident wave encounters the boundary of
the medium, it is also reflected. In the case of a free boundary condition, the reflected wave is in phase with respect to the
incident wave. In this case, the wave encounters the free boundary applying an upward force on the ring, accelerating the
ring up. The ring travels up to the maximum height equal to the amplitude of the wave and then accelerates down towards
the equilibrium position due to the tension in the string. The figure shows the crest of an incident wave being reflected in
phase with respect to the incident wave as a crest. If the incident wave were a trough, the reflected wave would also be a
trough. The amplitude of the reflected wave would be equal to the amplitude of the incident wave.
In some situations, the boundary of the medium is neither fixed nor free. Consider Figure 16.18(a), where a low-linear
mass density string is attached to a string of a higher linear mass density. In this case, the reflected wave is out of phase with
respect to the incident wave. There is also a transmitted wave that is in phase with respect to the incident wave. Both the
incident and the reflected waves have amplitudes less than the amplitude of the incident wave. If the tension is the same in
both strings, the wave speed is higher in the string with the lower linear mass density.
Figure 16.18 Waves traveling along two types of strings: a thick string with a high linear density and a thin
string with a low linear density. Both strings are under the same tension, so a wave moves faster on the low-
density string than on the high-density string. (a) A wave moving from a low-speed to a high-speed medium
results in a reflected wave that is 180( rad) out of phase with respect to the incident pulse (or wave) and a
transmitted wave that is in phase with the incident wave. (b) When a wave moves from a low-speed medium to a
high-speed medium, both the reflected and transmitted wave are in phase with respect to the incident wave.
Part (b) of the figure shows a high-linear mass density string is attached to a string of a lower linear density. In this case, the
reflected wave is in phase with respect to the incident wave. There is also a transmitted wave that is in phase with respect to
the incident wave. Both the incident and the reflected waves have amplitudes less than the amplitude of the incident wave.
Here you may notice that if the tension is the same in both strings, the wave speed is higher in the string with the lower
linear mass density.
To analyze the interference of two or more waves, we use the principle of superposition. For mechanical waves, the principle
of superposition states that if two or more traveling waves combine at the same point, the resulting position of the mass
element of the medium, at that point, is the algebraic sum of the position due to the individual waves. This property is
exhibited by many waves observed, such as waves on a string, sound waves, and surface water waves. Electromagnetic
waves also obey the superposition principle, but the electric and magnetic fields of the combined wave are added instead of
the displacement of the medium. Waves that obey the superposition principle are linear waves; waves that do not obey the
superposition principle are said to be nonlinear waves. In this chapter, we deal with linear waves, in particular, sinusoidal
The superposition principle can be understood by considering the linear wave equation. In Mathematics of a Wave, we
defined a linear wave as a wave whose mathematical representation obeys the linear wave equation. For a transverse wave
on a string with an elastic restoring force, the linear wave equation is
2 y(x, t) 2
1 y(x, t) .
x2 v2 t2
Any wave function y(x, t) = y(x vt), where the argument of the function is linear (x vt) is a solution to the linear
wave equation and is a linear wave function. If wave functions y 1 (x, t) and y 2 (x, t) are solutions to the linear wave
equation, the sum of the two functions y 1 (x, t) + y 2 (x, t) is also a solution to the linear wave equation. Mechanical waves
that obey superposition are normally restricted to waves with amplitudes that are small with respect to their wavelengths. If
the amplitude is too large, the medium is distorted past the region where the restoring force of the medium is linear.
Waves can interfere constructively or destructively. Figure 16.20 shows two identical sinusoidal waves that arrive at
the same point exactly in phase. Figure 16.20(a) and (b) show the two individual waves, Figure 16.20(c) shows the
resultant wave that results from the algebraic sum of the two linear waves. The crests of the two waves are precisely aligned,
as are the troughs. This superposition produces constructive interference. Because the disturbances add, constructive
interference produces a wave that has twice the amplitude of the individual waves, but has the same wavelength.
Figure 16.21 shows two identical waves that arrive exactly 180 out of phase, producing destructive interference.
Figure 16.21(a) and (b) show the individual waves, and Figure 16.21(c) shows the superposition of the two waves.
Because the troughs of one wave add the crest of the other wave, the resulting amplitude is zero for destructive
interferencethe waves completely cancel.
Figure 16.20 Constructive interference of two identical waves produces a wave with twice the
amplitude, but the same wavelength.
824 Chapter 16 | Waves
Figure 16.21 Destructive interference of two identical waves, one with a phase shift of
180( rad) , produces zero amplitude, or complete cancellation.
When linear waves interfere, the resultant wave is just the algebraic sum of the individual waves as stated in the principle
of superposition. Figure 16.22 shows two waves (red and blue) and the resultant wave (black). The resultant wave is the
algebraic sum of the two individual waves.
Figure 16.22 When two linear waves in the same medium interfere, the height of resulting wave is the
sum of the heights of the individual waves, taken point by point. This plot shows two waves (red and blue)
added together, along with the resulting wave (black). These graphs represent the height of the wave at
each point. The waves may be any linear wave, including ripples on a pond, disturbances on a string,
sound, or electromagnetic waves.
The superposition of most waves produces a combination of constructive and destructive interference, and can vary from
place to place and time to time. Sound from a stereo, for example, can be loud in one spot and quiet in another. Varying
loudness means the sound waves add partially constructively and partially destructively at different locations. A stereo has
at least two speakers creating sound waves, and waves can reflect from walls. All these waves interfere, and the resulting
wave is the superposition of the waves.
We have shown several examples of the superposition of waves that are similar. Figure 16.23 illustrates an example of the
superposition of two dissimilar waves. Here again, the disturbances add, producing a resultant wave.
826 Chapter 16 | Waves
At times, when two or more mechanical waves interfere, the pattern produced by the resulting wave can be rich in
complexity, some without any readily discernable patterns. For example, plotting the sound wave of your favorite music can
look quite complex and is the superposition of the individual sound waves from many instruments; it is the complexity that
makes the music interesting and worth listening to. At other times, waves can interfere and produce interesting phenomena,
which are complex in their appearance and yet beautiful in simplicity of the physical principle of superposition, which
formed the resulting wave. One example is the phenomenon known as standing waves, produced by two identical waves
moving in different directions. We will look more closely at this phenomenon in the next section.
Try this simulation ( to make waves with a dripping faucet,
audio speaker, or laser! Add a second source or a pair of slits to create an interference pattern. You can observe one
source or two sources. Using two sources, you can observe the interference patterns that result from varying the
frequencies and the amplitudes of the sources.
When these two waves exist in the same medium, the resultant wave resulting from the superposition of the two individual
waves is the sum of the two individual waves:
y R (x, t) = y 1 (x, t) + y 2 (x, t) = A sinkx t + + A sin(kx t).
The resultant wave can be better understood by using the trigonometric identity:
sin u + sin v = 2 sinu + v cosu v ,
2 2
where u = kx t + and v = kx t . The resulting wave becomes
y R (x, t) = 2A cos sinkx t + .
2 2
The resultant wave has the same wave number and angular frequency, an amplitude of A R = 2A cos , and a phase
shift equal to half the original phase shift. Examples of waves that differ only in a phase shift are shown in Figure 16.24.
The red and blue waves each have the same amplitude, wave number, and angular frequency, and differ only in a phase
shift. They therefore have the same period, wavelength, and frequency. The green wave is the result of the superposition
of the two waves. When the two waves have a phase difference of zero, the waves are in phase, and the resultant wave
has the same wave number and angular frequency, and an amplitude equal to twice the individual amplitudes (part (a)).
This is constructive interference. If the phase difference is 180, the waves interfere in destructive interference (part (c)).
The resultant wave has an amplitude of zero. Any other phase difference results in a wave with the same wave number
and angular frequency as the two incident waves but with a phase shift of /2 and an amplitude equal to 2A cos(/2).
Examples are shown in parts (b) and (d).
828 Chapter 16 | Waves
Figure 16.24 Superposition of two waves with identical amplitudes, wavelengths, and
frequency, but that differ in a phase shift. The red wave is defined by the wave function
y 1 (x, t) = A sin(kx t) and the blue wave is defined by the wave function
y 2 (x, t) = A sinkx t + . The black line shows the result of adding the two
waves. The phase difference between the two waves are (a) 0.00 rad, (b) /2 rad, (c)
rad, and (d) 3/2 rad .
Throughout this chapter, we have been studying traveling waves, or waves that transport energy from one place to another.
Under certain conditions, waves can bounce back and forth through a particular region, effectively becoming stationary.
These are called standing waves.
Another related effect is known as resonance. In Oscillations, we defined resonance as a phenomenon in which a small-
amplitude driving force could produce large-amplitude motion. Think of a child on a swing, which can be modeled as a
physical pendulum. Relatively small-amplitude pushes by a parent can produce large-amplitude swings. Sometimes this
resonance is goodfor example, when producing music with a stringed instrument. At other times, the effects can be
devastating, such as the collapse of a building during an earthquake. In the case of standing waves, the relatively large
amplitude standing waves are produced by the superposition of smaller amplitude component waves.
Standing Waves
Sometimes waves do not seem to move; rather, they just vibrate in place. You can see unmoving waves on the surface of
a glass of milk in a refrigerator, for example. Vibrations from the refrigerator motor create waves on the milk that oscillate
up and down but do not seem to move across the surface. Figure 16.25 shows an experiment you can try at home. Take a
bowl of milk and place it on a common box fan. Vibrations from the fan will produce circular standing waves in the milk.
The waves are visible in the photo due to the reflection from a lamp. These waves are formed by the superposition of two
or more traveling waves, such as illustrated in Figure 16.26 for two identical waves moving in opposite directions. The
waves move through each other with their disturbances adding as they go by. If the two waves have the same amplitude and
wavelength, then they alternate between constructive and destructive interference. The resultant looks like a wave standing
in place and, thus, is called a standing wave.
Figure 16.26 Time snapshots of two sine waves. The red wave is moving in the x-direction and
the blue wave is moving in the +x-direction. The resulting wave is shown in black. Consider the
resultant wave at the points x = 0 m, 3 m, 6 m, 9 m, 12 m, 15 m and notice that the resultant
wave always equals zero at these points, no matter what the time is. These points are known as fixed
points (nodes). In between each two nodes is an antinode, a place where the medium oscillates with
an amplitude equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves.
Consider two identical waves that move in opposite directions. The first wave has a wave function of
y 1 (x, t) = A sin(kx t) and the second wave has a wave function y 2 (x, t) = A sin(kx + t) . The waves interfere and
form a resultant wave
y(x, t) = y 1 (x, t) + y 2 (x, t),
y(x, t) = A sin(kx t) + A sin(kx + t).
which simplifies to
Notice that the resultant wave is a sine wave that is a function only of position, multiplied by a cosine function that is a
function only of time. Graphs of y(x,t) as a function of x for various times are shown in Figure 16.26. The red wave moves
in the negative x-direction, the blue wave moves in the positive x-direction, and the black wave is the sum of the two waves.
As the red and blue waves move through each other, they move in and out of constructive interference and destructive
Initially, at time t = 0, the two waves are in phase, and the result is a wave that is twice the amplitude of the individual
waves. The waves are also in phase at the time t = T . In fact, the waves are in phase at any integer multiple of half of a
Finding the positions where the sine function equals zero provides the positions of the nodes.
sin(kx) = 0
kx = 0, , 2, 3,...
2 x = 0, , 2, 3,...
x = 0, , , 3 ,... = n n = 0, 1, 2, 3,....
2 2 2
There are also positions where y oscillates between y = A . These are the antinodes. We can find them by considering
which values of x result in sin(kx) = 1 .
sin(kx) = 1
kx = , 3 , 5 ,...
2 2 2
2 x = , 3 , 5 ,...
2 2 2
x = , 3 , 5 ,... = n n = 1, 3, 5,....
4 4 4 4
832 Chapter 16 | Waves
What results is a standing wave as shown in Figure 16.27, which shows snapshots of the resulting wave of two identical
waves moving in opposite directions. The resulting wave appears to be a sine wave with nodes at integer multiples of half
wavelengths. The antinodes oscillate between y = 2A due to the cosine term, cos(t) , which oscillates between 1 .
The resultant wave appears to be standing still, with no apparent movement in the x-direction, although it is composed of
one wave function moving in the positive, whereas the second wave is moving in the negative x-direction. Figure 16.27
shows various snapshots of the resulting wave. The nodes are marked with red dots while the antinodes are marked with
blue dots.
Figure 16.27 When two identical waves are moving in opposite directions, the
resultant wave is a standing wave. Nodes appear at integer multiples of half wavelengths.
Antinodes appear at odd multiples of quarter wavelengths, where they oscillate between
y = A. The nodes are marked with red dots and the antinodes are marked with blue
A common example of standing waves are the waves produced by stringed musical instruments. When the string is plucked,
pulses travel along the string in opposite directions. The ends of the strings are fixed in place, so nodes appear at the ends
of the stringsthe boundary conditions of the system, regulating the resonant frequencies in the strings. The resonance
produced on a string instrument can be modeled in a physics lab using the apparatus shown in Figure 16.28.
Figure 16.28 A lab setup for creating standing waves on a string. The string has a node on
each end and a constant linear density. The length between the fixed boundary conditions is
L. The hanging mass provides the tension in the string, and the speed of the waves on the
string is proportional to the square root of the tension divided by the linear mass density.
The lab setup shows a string attached to a string vibrator, which oscillates the string with an adjustable frequency f. The
other end of the string passes over a frictionless pulley and is tied to a hanging mass. The magnitude of the tension in the
string is equal to the weight of the hanging mass. The string has a constant linear density (mass per length) and the speed
FT mg
at which a wave travels down the string equals v = = Equation 16.7. The symmetrical boundary conditions
(a node at each end) dictate the possible frequencies that can excite standing waves. Starting from a frequency of zero and
slowly increasing the frequency, the first mode n = 1 appears as shown in Figure 16.29. The first mode, also called the
fundamental mode or the first harmonic, shows half of a wavelength has formed, so the wavelength is equal to twice the
length between the nodes 1 = 2L . The fundamental frequency, or first harmonic frequency, that drives this mode is
f1 = v = v ,
1 2L
where the speed of the wave is v = . Keeping the tension constant and increasing the frequency leads to the second
harmonic or the n = 2 mode. This mode is a full wavelength 2 = L and the frequency is twice the fundamental
f 2 = v = v = 2 f 1.
2 L
Figure 16.29 Standing waves created on a string of length L. A node occurs at each
end of the string. The nodes are boundary conditions that limit the possible frequencies
that excite standing waves. (Note that the amplitudes of the oscillations have been kept
constant for visualization. The standing wave patterns possible on the string are known as
the normal modes. Conducting this experiment in the lab would result in a decrease in
amplitude as the frequency increases.)
The next two modes, or the third and fourth harmonics, have wavelengths of 3 = 2 L and 4 = 2 L, driven by
3 4
frequencies of f 3 = 3v = 3 f 1 and f 4 = 4v = 4 f 1. All frequencies above the frequency f 1 are known as the overtones.
2L 2L
The equations for the wavelength and the frequency can be summarized as:
n = 2n L n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (16.15)
fn = n v = n f1 n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (16.16)
The standing wave patterns that are possible for a string, the first four of which are shown in Figure 16.29, are known
as the normal modes, with frequencies known as the normal frequencies. In summary, the first frequency to produce a
normal mode is called the fundamental frequency (or first harmonic). Any frequencies above the fundamental frequency are
834 Chapter 16 | Waves
overtones. The second frequency of the n = 2 normal mode of the string is the first overtone (or second harmonic). The
frequency of the n = 3 normal mode is the second overtone (or third harmonic) and so on.
The solutions shown as Equation 16.15 and Equation 16.16 are for a string with the boundary condition of a node
on each end. When the boundary condition on either side is the same, the system is said to have symmetric boundary
conditions. Equation 16.15 and Equation 16.16 are good for any symmetric boundary conditions, that is, nodes at both
ends or antinodes at both ends.
Example 16.7
a. The velocity of the wave can be found using v = . The tension is provided by the weight of the
hanging mass.
b. The standing waves will depend on the boundary conditions. There must be a node at each end. The
first mode will be one half of a wave. The second can be found by adding a half wavelength. That is
the shortest length that will result in a node at the boundaries. For example, adding one quarter of a
wavelength will result in an antinode at the boundary and is not a mode which would satisfy the boundary
conditions. This is shown in Figure 16.31.
c. Since the wave speed velocity is the wavelength times the frequency, the frequency is wave speed divided
by the wavelength.
Figure 16.31 (a) The figure represents the second mode of the string
that satisfies the boundary conditions of a node at each end of the string.
(b)This figure could not possibly be a normal mode on the string because
it does not satisfy the boundary conditions. There is a node on one end,
but an antinode on the other.
a. Begin with the velocity of a wave on a string. The tension is equal to the weight of the hanging mass. The
linear mass density and mass of the hanging mass are given:
FT mg 2 kg9.8 ms
v= = = kg
= 57.15 m/s.
0.006 m
b. The first normal mode that has a node on each end is a half wavelength. The next two modes are found
by adding a half of a wavelength.
c. The frequencies of the first three modes are found by using f = w .
v w 57.15 m/s
f1 = = = 14.29 Hz
1 4.00 m
f 2 = w = 57.15 m/s = 28.58 Hz
2 2.00 m
v w 57.15 m/s
f3 = = = 42.87 Hz
3 1.333 m
The three standing modes in this example were produced by maintaining the tension in the string and adjusting
the driving frequency. Keeping the tension in the string constant results in a constant velocity. The same modes
could have been produced by keeping the frequency constant and adjusting the speed of the wave in the string (by
changing the hanging mass.)
16.7 Check Your Understanding The equations for the wavelengths and the frequencies of the modes of a
wave produced on a string:
n = 2n L n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... and
f n = n v = n f 1 n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
were derived by considering a wave on a string where there were symmetric boundary conditions of a node
at each end. These modes resulted from two sinusoidal waves with identical characteristics except they were
moving in opposite directions, confined to a region L with nodes required at both ends. Will the same equations
work if there were symmetric boundary conditions with antinodes at each end? What would the normal modes
look like for a medium that was free to oscillate on each end? Dont worry for now if you cannot imagine such
a medium, just consider two sinusoidal wave functions in a region of length L, with antinodes on each end.
836 Chapter 16 | Waves
The free boundary conditions shown in the last Check Your Understanding may seem hard to visualize. How can there be
a system that is free to oscillate on each end? In Figure 16.32 are shown two possible configuration of a metallic rods
(shown in red) attached to two supports (shown in blue). In part (a), the rod is supported at the ends, and there are fixed
boundary conditions at both ends. Given the proper frequency, the rod can be driven into resonance with a wavelength equal
to length of the rod, with nodes at each end. In part (b), the rod is supported at positions one quarter of the length from
each end of the rod, and there are free boundary conditions at both ends. Given the proper frequency, this rod can also be
driven into resonance with a wavelength equal to the length of the rod, but there are antinodes at each end. If you are having
trouble visualizing the wavelength in this figure, remember that the wavelength may be measured between any two nearest
identical points and consider Figure 16.33.
Note that the study of standing waves can become quite complex. In Figure 16.32(a), the n = 2 mode of the standing
wave is shown, and it results in a wavelength equal to L. In this configuration, the n = 1 mode would also have been
possible with a standing wave equal to 2L. Is it possible to get the n = 1 mode for the configuration shown in part (b)?
The answer is no. In this configuration, there are additional conditions set beyond the boundary conditions. Since the rod is
mounted at a point one quarter of the length from each side, a node must exist there, and this limits the possible modes of
standing waves that can be created. We leave it as an exercise for the reader to consider if other modes of standing waves
are possible. It should be noted that when a system is driven at a frequency that does not cause the system to resonate,
vibrations may still occur, but the amplitude of the vibrations will be much smaller than the amplitude at resonance.
A field of mechanical engineering uses the sound produced by the vibrating parts of complex mechanical systems to
troubleshoot problems with the systems. Suppose a part in an automobile is resonating at the frequency of the cars
engine, causing unwanted vibrations in the automobile. This may cause the engine to fail prematurely. The engineers use
microphones to record the sound produced by the engine, then use a technique called Fourier analysis to find frequencies of
sound produced with large amplitudes and then look at the parts list of the automobile to find a part that would resonate at
that frequency. The solution may be as simple as changing the composition of the material used or changing the length of
the part in question.
There are other numerous examples of resonance in standing waves in the physical world. The air in a tube, such as found
in a musical instrument like a flute, can be forced into resonance and produce a pleasant sound, as we discuss in Sound.
At other times, resonance can cause serious problems. A closer look at earthquakes provides evidence for conditions
appropriate for resonance, standing waves, and constructive and destructive interference. A building may vibrate for several
seconds with a driving frequency matching that of the natural frequency of vibration of the buildingproducing a resonance
resulting in one building collapsing while neighboring buildings do not. Often, buildings of a certain height are devastated
while other taller buildings remain intact. The building height matches the condition for setting up a standing wave for
that particular height. The span of the roof is also important. Often it is seen that gymnasiums, supermarkets, and churches
suffer damage when individual homes suffer far less damage. The roofs with large surface areas supported only at the edges
resonate at the frequencies of the earthquakes, causing them to collapse. As the earthquake waves travel along the surface
of Earth and reflect off denser rocks, constructive interference occurs at certain points. Often areas closer to the epicenter
are not damaged, while areas farther away are damaged.
838 Chapter 16 | Waves
antinode location of maximum amplitude in standing waves
constructive interference when two waves arrive at the same point exactly in phase; that is, the crests of the two
waves are precisely aligned, as are the troughs
destructive interference when two identical waves arrive at the same point exactly out of phase; that is, precisely
aligned crest to trough
fixed boundary condition when the medium at a boundary is fixed in place so it cannot move
free boundary condition exists when the medium at the boundary is free to move
fundamental frequency lowest frequency that will produce a standing wave
intensity (I) power per unit area
interference overlap of two or more waves at the same point and time
linear wave equation equation describing waves that result from a linear restoring force of the medium; any function
that is a solution to the wave equation describes a wave moving in the positive x-direction or the negative x-direction
with a constant wave speed v
longitudinal wave wave in which the disturbance is parallel to the direction of propagation
mechanical wave wave that is governed by Newtons laws and requires a medium
node point where the string does not move; more generally, nodes are where the wave disturbance is zero in a standing
normal mode possible standing wave pattern for a standing wave on a string
overtone frequency that produces standing waves and is higher than the fundamental frequency
pulse single disturbance that moves through a medium, transferring energy but not mass
standing wave wave that can bounce back and forth through a particular region, effectively becoming stationary
superposition phenomenon that occurs when two or more waves arrive at the same point
transverse wave wave in which the disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of propagation
wave disturbance that moves from its source and carries energy
wave function mathematical model of the position of particles of the medium
wave number 2
wave speed magnitude of the wave velocity
wave velocity velocity at which the disturbance moves; also called the propagation velocity
wavelength distance between adjacent identical parts of a wave
Wave speed v = = f
Linear mass density mass of the string
length of the string
Phase of a wave kx t +
16.1 Traveling Waves
A wave is a disturbance that moves from the point of origin with a wave velocity v.
A wave has a wavelength , which is the distance between adjacent identical parts of the wave. Wave velocity and
wavelength are related to the waves frequency and period by v = = f .
Mechanical waves are disturbances that move through a medium and are governed by Newtons laws.
Electromagnetic waves are disturbances in the electric and magnetic fields, and do not require a medium.
Matter waves are a central part of quantum mechanics and are associated with protons, electrons, neutrons, and
other fundamental particles found in nature.
A transverse wave has a disturbance perpendicular to the waves direction of propagation, whereas a longitudinal
wave has a disturbance parallel to its direction of propagation.
Given a function of a wave that is a snapshot of the wave, and is only a function of the position x, the motion of the
pulse or wave moving at a constant velocity can be modeled with the function, replacing x with x vt . The minus
sign is for motion in the positive direction and the plus sign for the negative direction.
The wave function is given by y(x, t) = A sinkx t + where k = 2/ is defined as the wave number,
= 2/T is the angular frequency, and is the phase shift.
The wave moves with a constant velocity v w , where the particles of the medium oscillate about an equilibrium
position. The constant velocity of a wave can be found by v = = .
T k
The time-averaged power of a sinusoidal wave on a string is found by P ave = 1 A 2 2 v, where is the linear
mass density of the string, A is the amplitude of the wave, is the angular frequency of the wave, and v is the
speed of the wave.
Intensity is defined as the power divided by the area. In a spherical wave, the area is A = 4r 2 and the intensity is
I = P 2 . As the wave moves out from a source, the energy is conserved, but the intensity decreases as the area
called overtones.
10. Does the vertical speed of a segment of a horizontal
16.1 Traveling Waves taut string through which a sinusoidal, transverse wave is
1. Give one example of a transverse wave and one propagating depend on the wave speed of the transverse
example of a longitudinal wave, being careful to note the wave?
relative directions of the disturbance and wave propagation
in each. 11. In this section, we have considered waves that move at
a constant wave speed. Does the medium accelerate?
2. A sinusoidal transverse wave has a wavelength of 2.80
m. It takes 0.10 s for a portion of the string at a position 12. If you drop a pebble in a pond you may notice that
x to move from a maximum position of y = 0.03 m to several concentric ripples are produced, not just a single
ripple. Why do you think that is?
the equilibrium position y = 0. What are the period,
frequency, and wave speed of the wave?
16.3 Wave Speed on a Stretched String
3. What is the difference between propagation speed and
13. If the tension in a string were increased by a factor of
the frequency of a mechanical wave? Does one or both
four, by what factor would the wave speed of a wave on the
affect wavelength? If so, how?
string increase?
18. Two strings, one with a low mass density and one student holding each end. Each student gives the end a flip
with a high linear density are spliced together. The higher sending one wavelength of a sinusoidal wave down the
density end is tied to a lab post and a student holds the spring in opposite directions. When the waves meet in the
free end of the low-mass density string. The student gives middle, what does the wave look like?
the string a flip and sends a pulse down the strings. If the
tension is the same in both strings, does the pulse travel at 27. Many of the topics discussed in this chapter are useful
the same wave velocity in both strings? If not, where does beyond the topics of mechanical waves. It is hard to
it travel faster, in the low density string or the high density conceive of a mechanical wave with sharp corners, but
string? you could encounter such a wave form in your digital
electronics class, as shown below. This could be a signal
from a device known as an analog to digital converter,
16.4 Energy and Power of a Wave in which a continuous voltage signal is converted into a
19. Consider a string with under tension with a constant discrete signal or a digital recording of sound. What is the
linear mass density. A sinusoidal wave with an angular result of the superposition of the two signals?
frequency and amplitude produced by some external
driving force. If the frequency of the driving force is
decreased to half of the original frequency, how is the time-
averaged power of the wave affected? If the amplitude of
the driving force is decreased by half, how is the time-
averaged power affected? Explain your answer.
22. The energy from the sun warms the portion of the earth
facing the sun during the daylight hours. Why are the North
and South Poles cold while the equator is quite warm?
31. Wine glasses can be set into resonance by moistening 33. Consider a standing wave modeled as
your finger and rubbing it around the rim of the glass. y(x, t) = 4.00 cm sin3 m 1 xcos4 s 1 t. Is there a
node or an antinode at x = 0.00 m ? What about a
32. Air conditioning units are sometimes placed on the standing wave modeled as
roof of homes in the city. Occasionally, the air conditioners y(x, t) = 4.00 cm sin3 m 1 x + cos4 s 1 t ? Is there
cause an undesirable hum throughout the upper floors of 2
the homes. Why does this happen? What can be done to a node or an antinode at the x = 0.00 m position?
reduce the hum?
to the right of a person, whose ears are approximately 18
16.1 Traveling Waves cm apart, and the speed of sound generated is 340 m/s. How
34. Storms in the South Pacific can create waves that long is the interval between when the sound arrives at the
travel all the way to the California coast, 12,000 km away. right ear and the sound arrives at the left ear? (b) Assume
How long does it take them to travel this distance if they the same person was scuba diving and a low-frequency
travel at 15.0 m/s? sound source was to the right of the scuba diver. How long
is the interval between when the sound arrives at the right
ear and the sound arrives at the left ear, if the speed of
35. Waves on a swimming pool propagate at 0.75 m/s. You
sound in water is 1500 m/s? (c) What is significant about
splash the water at one end of the pool and observe the
the time interval of the two situations?
wave go to the opposite end, reflect, and return in 30.00 s.
How far away is the other end of the pool?
43. (a) Seismographs measure the arrival times of
earthquakes with a precision of 0.100 s. To get the distance
36. Wind gusts create ripples on the ocean that have a
to the epicenter of the quake, geologists compare the arrival
wavelength of 5.00 cm and propagate at 2.00 m/s. What is
times of S- and P-waves, which travel at different speeds. If
their frequency?
S- and P-waves travel at 4.00 and 7.20 km/s, respectively,
in the region considered, how precisely can the distance to
37. How many times a minute does a boat bob up and the source of the earthquake be determined? (b) Seismic
down on ocean waves that have a wavelength of 40.0 m and waves from underground detonations of nuclear bombs can
a propagation speed of 5.00 m/s? be used to locate the test site and detect violations of test
bans. Discuss whether your answer to (a) implies a serious
38. Scouts at a camp shake the rope bridge they have limit to such detection. (Note also that the uncertainty is
just crossed and observe the wave crests to be 8.00 m greater if there is an uncertainty in the propagation speeds
apart. If they shake the bridge twice per second, what is the of the S- and P-waves.)
propagation speed of the waves?
44. A Girl Scout is taking a 10.00-km hike to earn a merit
39. What is the wavelength of the waves you create in a badge. While on the hike, she sees a cliff some distance
swimming pool if you splash your hand at a rate of 2.00 Hz away. She wishes to estimate the time required to walk
and the waves propagate at a wave speed of 0.800 m/s? to the cliff. She knows that the speed of sound is
approximately 343 meters per second. She yells and finds
40. What is the wavelength of an earthquake that shakes that the echo returns after approximately 2.00 seconds. If
you with a frequency of 10.0 Hz and gets to another city she can hike 1.00 km in 10 minutes, how long would it take
84.0 km away in 12.0 s? her to reach the cliff?
41. Radio waves transmitted through empty space at the 45. A quality assurance engineer at a frying pan company
speed of light v = c = 3.00 10 8 m/s by the Voyager
is asked to qualify a new line of nonstick-coated frying
pans. The coating needs to be 1.00 mm thick. One method
spacecraft have a wavelength of 0.120 m. What is their to test the thickness is for the engineer to pick a percentage
frequency? of the pans manufactured, strip off the coating, and measure
the thickness using a micrometer. This method is a
42. Your ear is capable of differentiating sounds that arrive destructive testing method. Instead, the engineer decides
at each ear just 0.34 ms apart, which is useful in that every frying pan will be tested using a nondestructive
determining where low frequency sound is originating method. An ultrasonic transducer is used that produces
from. (a) Suppose a low-frequency sound source is placed sound waves with a frequency of f = 25 kHz. The sound
844 Chapter 16 | Waves
waves are sent through the coating and are reflected by the frequency, (d) wave speed, (e) phase shift, (f) wavelength,
interface between the coating and the metal pan, and the and (g) period of the wave.
time is recorded. The wavelength of the ultrasonic waves in
the coating is 0.076 m. What should be the time recorded if 52. A surface ocean wave has an amplitude of 0.60 m and
the coating is the correct thickness (1.00 mm)? the distance from trough to trough is 8.00 m. It moves at a
constant wave speed of 1.50 m/s propagating in the positive
x-direction. At t = 0, the water displacement at x = 0
16.2 Mathematics of Waves is zero, and v y is positive. (a) Assuming the wave can be
46. A pulse can be described as a single wave disturbance
modeled as a sine wave, write a wave function to model
that moves through a medium. Consider a pulse that is
the wave. (b) Use a spreadsheet to plot the wave function at
defined at time t = 0.00 s by the equation
times t = 0.00 s and t = 2.00 s on the same graph. Verify
y(x) = 6.00 m 3 centered around x = 0.00 m. The that the wave moves 3.00 m in those 2.00 s.
x + 2.00 m 2
pulse moves with a velocity of v = 3.00 m/s in the 53. A wave is modeled by the wave function
positive x-direction. (a) What is the amplitude of the pulse? y(x, t) = (0.30 m)sin 2 x 18.00 m
s t. What are
(b) What is the equation of the pulse as a function of 4.50 m
position and time? (c) Where is the pulse centered at time the amplitude, wavelength, wave speed, period, and
t = 5.00 s ? frequency of the wave?
47. A transverse wave on a string is modeled with the 54. A transverse wave on a string is described with the
wave function wave function
1 1
y(x, t) = (0.20 cm)sin2.00 m 1 x 3.00 s 1 t + . y(x, t) = (0.50 cm)sin1.57 m x 6.28 s t . (a)
What is the height of the string with respect to the What is the wave velocity of the wave? (b) What is the
equilibrium position at a position x = 4.00 m and a time magnitude of the maximum velocity of the string
perpendicular to the direction of the motion?
t = 10.00 s ?
55. A swimmer in the ocean observes one day that the
48. Consider the wave function ocean surface waves are periodic and resemble a sine wave.
y(x, t) = (3.00 cm)sin0.4 m 1 x + 2.00 s 1 t + . The swimmer estimates that the vertical distance between
10 the crest and the trough of each wave is approximately 0.45
What are the period, wavelength, speed, and initial phase m, and the distance between each crest is approximately
shift of the wave modeled by the wave function? 1.8 m. The swimmer counts that 12 waves pass every two
minutes. Determine the simple harmonic wave function
49. A pulse is defined as that would describes these waves.
2.00(x 2.00 m/s(t))
5.00 m 56. Consider a wave described by the wave function
y(x, t) = e . Use a spreadsheet,
y(x, t) = 0.3 m sin2.00 m 1 x 628.00 s 1 t. (a) How
or other computer program, to plot the pulse as the height of
medium y as a function of position x. Plot the pulse at times many crests pass by an observer at a fixed location in 2.00
t = 0.00 s and t = 3.00 s on the same graph. Where is the minutes? (b) How far has the wave traveled in that time?
pulse centered at time t = 3.00 s ? Use your spreadsheet to
check your answer. 57. Consider two waves defined by the wave functions
y 1 (x, t) = 0.50 m sin 2 x + 2 t and
50. A wave is modeled at time t = 0.00 s with a wave
3.00 m 4.00 s
function that depends on position. The equation is y 2 (x, t) = 0.50 m sin 2 x 2 t. What are the
6.00 m 4.00 s
y(x) = (0.30 m)sin6.28 m 1 x . The wave travels a similarities and differences between the two waves?
distance of 4.00 meters in 0.50 s in the positive x-direction.
Write an equation for the wave as a function of position and 58. Consider two waves defined by the wave functions
y 1 (x, t) = 0.20 m sin 2 x 2 t
6.00 m 4.00 s
51. A wave is modeled with the function y 2 (x, t) = 0.20 m cos 2 x 2 t. What are the
6.00 m 4.00 s
y(x, t) = (0.25 m)cos0.30 m 1 x 0.90 s 1 t + .
3 similarities and differences between the two waves?
Find the (a) amplitude, (b) wave number, (c) angular
59. The speed of a transverse wave on a string is 300.00 1 = 0.0025 kg/m and string 2 has a linear mass density
m/s, its wavelength is 0.50 m, and the amplitude is 20.00 of 2 = 0.0035 kg/m. Transverse wave pulses are
cm. How much time is required for a particle on the string
to move through a distance of 5.00 km? generated simultaneously at opposite ends of the strings.
How much time passes before the pulses pass one another?
62. A piano wire has a linear mass density of 70. Two strings are attached between two poles separated
= 4.95 10 3 kg/m. Under what tension must the by a distance of 2.00 meters as shown in the preceding
figure, both strings have a linear density of
string be kept to produce waves with a wave speed of
1 = 0.0025 kg/m, the tension in string 1 is 600.00 N
500.00 m/s?
and the tension in string 2 is 700.00 N. Transverse wave
63. A string with a linear mass density of pulses are generated simultaneously at opposite ends of the
= 0.0060 kg/m is tied to the ceiling. A 20-kg mass is strings. How much time passes before the pulses pass one
tied to the free end of the string. The string is plucked,
sending a pulse down the string. Estimate the speed of the
71. The note E 4 is played on a piano and has a frequency
pulse as it moves down the string.
of f = 393.88. If the linear mass density of this string
64. A cord has a linear mass density of = 0.0075 kg/m of the piano is = 0.012 kg/m and the string is under a
and a length of three meters. The cord is plucked and it tension of 1000.00 N, what is the speed of the wave on the
takes 0.20 s for the pulse to reach the end of the string. string and the wavelength of the wave?
What is the tension of the string?
72. Two transverse waves travel through a taut string.
65. A string is 3.00 m long with a mass of 5.00 g. The The speed of each wave is v = 30.00 m/s. A plot of the
string is held taut with a tension of 500.00 N applied to the vertical position as a function of the horizontal position
string. A pulse is sent down the string. How long does it is shown below for the time t = 0.00 s. (a) What is the
take the pulse to travel the 3.00 m of the string? wavelength of each wave? (b) What is the frequency of
each wave? (c) What is the maximum vertical speed of each
66. A sound wave travels through a column of nitrogen at string?
STP. Assuming a density of = 1.25 kg/m 3 and a bulk
modulus of = 1.42 10 5 Pa, what is the approximate
speed of the sound wave?
69. Two strings are attached between two poles separated maximum vertical speed of the wave is
by a distance of 2.00 m as shown below, both under the v y max = 0.30 cm/s. The wave is modeled with the wave
same tension of 600.00 N. String 1 has a linear density of
846 Chapter 16 | Waves
equation y(x, t) = A sin6.00 m 1 x 24.00 s 1 t. (a) 70.00 W/m 2 , what area should your array have to gather
What is the amplitude of the wave? (b) What is the tension energy at the rate of 100 W? (b) What is the maximum cost
in the string? of the array if it must pay for itself in two years of operation
averaging 10.0 hours per day? Assume that it earns money
at the rate of 9.00 cents per kilowatt-hour.
74. The speed of a transverse wave on a string is
v = 60.00 m/s and the tension in the string is
83. A microphone receiving a pure sound tone feeds an
F T = 100.00 N . What must the tension be to increase the oscilloscope, producing a wave on its screen. If the sound
speed of the wave to v = 120.00 m/s? intensity is originally 2.00 10 5 W/m 2 , but is turned
up until the amplitude increases by 30.0% , what is the new
16.4 Energy and Power of a Wave
75. A string of length 5 m and a mass of 90 g is held 84. A string with a mass of 0.30 kg has a length of 4.00 m.
under a tension of 100 N. A wave travels down the string If the tension in the string is 50.00 N, and a sinusoidal wave
that is modeled as with an amplitude of 2.00 cm is induced on the string, what
1 1
y(x, t) = 0.01 m sin0.40 m x 1170.12 s . What is must the frequency be for an average power of 100.00 W?
the power over one wavelength?
85. The power versus time for a point on a string
= 0.05 kg/m in which a sinusoidal traveling wave is
76. Ultrasound of intensity 1.50 10 2 W/m 2 is
induced is shown in the preceding figure. The wave is
produced by the rectangular head of a medical imaging modeled with the wave equation
device measuring 3.00 cm by 5.00 cm. What is its power 1
y(x, t) = A sin20.93 m x t . What is the frequency
and amplitude of the wave?
77. The low-frequency speaker of a stereo set has a
surface area of A = 0.05 m 2 and produces 1 W of 86. A string is under tension F T1 . Energy is transmitted
acoustical power. (a) What is the intensity at the speaker? by a wave on the string at rate P 1 by a wave of frequency
(b) If the speaker projects sound uniformly in all directions,
f 1 . What is the ratio of the new energy transmission rate
at what distance from the speaker is the intensity
0.1 W/m 2 ? P 2 to P 1 if the tension is doubled?
78. To increase the intensity of a wave by a factor of 50, 87. A 250-Hz tuning fork is struck and the intensity at the
by what factor should the amplitude be increased? source is I 1 at a distance of one meter from the source.
(a) What is the intensity at a distance of 4.00 m from the
79. A device called an insolation meter is used to measure source? (b) How far from the tuning fork is the intensity a
the intensity of sunlight. It has an area of 100 cm 2 and tenth of the intensity at the source?
registers 6.50 W. What is the intensity in W/m 2 ?
88. A sound speaker is rated at a voltage of
P = 120.00 V and a current of I = 10.00 A. Electrical
80. Energy from the Sun arrives at the top of Earths
power consumption is P = IV . To test the speaker, a
atmosphere with an intensity of 1400 W/m 2 . How long
signal of a sine wave is applied to the speaker. Assuming
does it take for 1.80 10 9 J to arrive on an area of that the sound wave moves as a spherical wave and that all
1.00 m 2 ? of the energy applied to the speaker is converted to sound
energy, how far from the speaker is the intensity equal to
3.82 W/m 2 ?
81. Suppose you have a device that extracts energy from
ocean breakers in direct proportion to their intensity. If the
device produces 10.0 kW of power on a day when the 89. The energy of a ripple on a pond is proportional to the
breakers are 1.20 m high, how much will it produce when amplitude squared. If the amplitude of the ripple is 0.1 cm
they are 0.600 m high? at a distance from the source of 6.00 meters, what was the
amplitude at a distance of 2.00 meters from the source?
82. A photovoltaic array of (solar cells) is 10.0%
efficient in gathering solar energy and converting it to
electricity. If the average intensity of sunlight on one day is
106. Consider a rod of length L, mounted in the center 113. A string is fixed at both end. The mass of the string
to a support. A node must exist where the rod is mounted is 0.0090 kg and the length is 3.00 m. The string is under
on a support, as shown below. Draw the first two normal a tension of 200.00 N. The string is driven by a variable
modes of the rod as it is driven into resonance. Label the frequency source to produce standing waves on the string.
wavelength and the frequency required to drive the rod into Find the wavelengths and frequency of the first four modes
resonance. of standing waves.
114. The frequencies of two successive modes of standing What are the wave speed, wavelength, frequency, and
waves on a string are 258.36 Hz and 301.42 Hz. What is period of the standing wave?
the next frequency above 100.00 Hz that would produce a
standing wave? 116. Sine waves are sent down a 1.5-m-long string fixed at
both ends. The waves reflect back in the opposite direction.
115. A string is fixed at both ends to supports 3.50 m The amplitude of the wave is 4.00 cm. The propagation
apart and has a linear mass density of = 0.005 kg/m. velocity of the waves is 175 m/s. The n = 6 resonance
The string is under a tension of 90.00 N. A standing wave mode of the string is produced. Write an equation for the
is produced on the string with six nodes and five antinodes. resulting standing wave.
117. Ultrasound equipment used in the medical profession 122. A tuning fork vibrates producing sound at a
uses sound waves of a frequency above the range of human frequency of 512 Hz. The speed of sound of sound in air is
hearing. If the frequency of the sound produced by the v = 343.00 m/s if the air is at a temperature of 20.00C .
ultrasound machine is f = 30 kHz, what is the What is the wavelength of the sound?
wavelength of the ultrasound in bone, if the speed of sound
in bone is v = 3000 m/s? 123. A motorboat is traveling across a lake at a speed
of v b = 15.00 m/s. The boat bounces up and down every
118. Shown below is the plot of a wave function that 0.50 s as it travels in the same direction as a wave. It
models a wave at time t = 0.00 s and t = 2.00 s . The bounces up and down every 0.30 s as it travels in a direction
dotted line is the wave function at time t = 0.00 s and the opposite the direction of the waves. What is the speed and
solid line is the function at time t = 2.00 s . Estimate the wavelength of the wave?
amplitude, wavelength, velocity, and period of the wave.
124. Use the linear wave equation to show that the wave
speed of a wave modeled with the wave function
y(x, t) = 0.20 m sin3.00 m 1 x + 6.00 s 1 t is
v = 2.00 m/s. What are the wavelength and the speed of
the wave?
0.40 m. The string is under a tension of F T = 600.00 N that would have if the laser beam entered your eye. Note
. The wave moves in the negative x-direction. Write an how your answer depends on the time duration of the
equation to model the wave. exposure.
133. A transverse wave on a string has a wavelength of 139. Consider what is shown below. A 20.00-kg mass
5.0 m, a period of 0.02 s, and an amplitude of 1.5 cm. The rests on a frictionless ramp inclined at 45 . A string with
average power transferred by the wave is 5.00 W. What is a linear mass density of = 0.025 kg/m is attached to the
the tension in the string?
20.00-kg mass. The string passes over a frictionless pulley
of negligible mass and is attached to a hanging mass (m).
134. (a) What is the intensity of a laser beam used to burn
The system is in static equilibrium. A wave is induced on
away cancerous tissue that, when 90.0% absorbed, puts
the string and travels up the ramp. (a) What is the mass of
500 J of energy into a circular spot 2.00 mm in diameter the hanging mass (m)? (b) At what wave speed does the
in 4.00 s? (b) Discuss how this intensity compares to the wave travel up the string?
average intensity of sunlight (about) and the implications
144. A copper wire has a radius of 200 m and a length
of 5.0 m. The wire is placed under a tension of 3000 N
and the wire stretches by a small amount. The wire is
plucked and a pulse travels down the wire. What is the
propagation speed of the pulse? (Assume the temperature
g N .)
does not change: = 8.96
cm 3
, Y = 1.1 10 11 m
148. The wave function that models a standing wave is when you add the two functions is
given as y R (x, t) = 6.00 cm sin3.00 m 1 x + 1.20 rad
y R = 2A sinkx + cost + . Consider the case
2 2
cos6.00 s 1 t + 1.20 rad . What are two wave functions
where A = 0.03 m 1, k = 1.26 m 1, = s 1 , and
that interfere to form this wave function? Plot the two wave = . (a) Where are the first three nodes of the standing
functions and the sum of the sum of the two wave functions 10
at t = 1.00 s to verify your answer. wave function starting at zero and moving in the positive
x direction? (b) Using a spreadsheet, plot the two wave
149. Consider two wave functions functions and the resulting function at time t = 1.00 s to
y 1 (x, t) = A sin(kx t) and verify your answer.
y 2 (x, t) = A sinkx + t + . The resultant wave form
17 | SOUND
Figure 17.1 Hearing is an important human sense that can detect frequencies of sound, ranging between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.
However, other species have very different ranges of hearing. Bats, for example, emit clicks in ultrasound, using frequencies
beyond 20 kHz. They can detect nearby insects by hearing the echo of these ultrasonic clicks. Ultrasound is important in several
human applications, including probing the interior structures of human bodies, Earth, and the Sun. Ultrasound is also useful in
industry for nondestructive testing. (credit: modification of work by Angell Williams)
Chapter Outline
17.1 Sound Waves
17.2 Speed of Sound
17.3 Sound Intensity
17.4 Normal Modes of a Standing Sound Wave
17.5 Sources of Musical Sound
17.6 Beats
17.7 The Doppler Effect
17.8 Shock Waves
Sound is an example of a mechanical wave, specifically, a pressure wave: Sound waves travel through the air and other
media as oscillations of molecules. Normal human hearing encompasses an impressive range of frequencies from 20 Hz to
20 kHz. Sounds below 20 Hz are called infrasound, whereas those above 20 kHz are called ultrasound. Some animals, like
the bat shown in Figure 17.1, can hear sounds in the ultrasonic range.
Many of the concepts covered in Waves also have applications in the study of sound. For example, when a sound wave
encounters an interface between two media with different wave speeds, reflection and transmission of the wave occur.
Ultrasound has many uses in science, engineering, and medicine. Ultrasound is used for nondestructive testing in
engineering, such as testing the thickness of coating on metal. In medicine, sound waves are far less destructive than X-rays
and can be used to image the fetus in a mothers womb without danger to the fetus or the mother. Later in this chapter, we
discuss the Doppler effect, which can be used to determine the velocity of blood in the arteries or wind speed in weather
854 Chapter 17 | Sound
The physical phenomenon of sound is a disturbance of matter that is transmitted from its source outward. Hearing is the
perception of sound, just as seeing is the perception of visible light. On the atomic scale, sound is a disturbance of atoms
that is far more ordered than their thermal motions. In many instances, sound is a periodic wave, and the atoms undergo
simple harmonic motion. Thus, sound waves can induce oscillations and resonance effects (Figure 17.2).
Figure 17.2 This glass has been shattered by a high-intensity sound wave of the same
frequency as the resonant frequency of the glass. (credit: ||read||/Flickr)
A speaker produces a sound wave by oscillating a cone, causing vibrations of air molecules. In Figure 17.3, a speaker
vibrates at a constant frequency and amplitude, producing vibrations in the surrounding air molecules. As the speaker
oscillates back and forth, it transfers energy to the air, mostly as thermal energy. But a small part of the speakers
energy goes into compressing and expanding the surrounding air, creating slightly higher and lower local pressures. These
compressions (high-pressure regions) and rarefactions (low-pressure regions) move out as longitudinal pressure waves
having the same frequency as the speakerthey are the disturbance that is a sound wave. (Sound waves in air and most
fluids are longitudinal, because fluids have almost no shear strength. In solids, sound waves can be both transverse and
Figure 17.3(a) shows the compressions and rarefactions, and also shows a graph of gauge pressure versus distance from
a speaker. As the speaker moves in the positive x-direction, it pushes air molecules, displacing them from their equilibrium
positions. As the speaker moves in the negative x-direction, the air molecules move back toward their equilibrium positions
due to a restoring force. The air molecules oscillate in simple harmonic motion about their equilibrium positions, as shown
in part (b). Note that sound waves in air are longitudinal, and in the figure, the wave propagates in the positive x-direction
and the molecules oscillate parallel to the direction in which the wave propagates.
Figure 17.3 (a) A vibrating cone of a speaker, moving in the positive x-direction, compresses the air in front of it and
expands the air behind it. As the speaker oscillates, it creates another compression and rarefaction as those on the right move
away from the speaker. After many vibrations, a series of compressions and rarefactions moves out from the speaker as a
sound wave. The red graph shows the gauge pressure of the air versus the distance from the speaker. Pressures vary only
slightly from atmospheric pressure for ordinary sounds. Note that gauge pressure is modeled with a sine function, where the
crests of the function line up with the compressions and the troughs line up with the rarefactions. (b) Sound waves can also be
modeled using the displacement of the air molecules. The blue graph shows the displacement of the air molecules versus the
position from the speaker and is modeled with a cosine function. Notice that the displacement is zero for the molecules in
their equilibrium position and are centered at the compressions and rarefactions. Compressions are formed when molecules on
either side of the equilibrium molecules are displaced toward the equilibrium position. Rarefactions are formed when the
molecules are displaced away from the equilibrium position.
This equation is similar to the periodic wave equations seen in Waves, where P is the change in pressure, P max
is the maximum change in pressure, k = 2 is the wave number, = 2 = 2 f is the angular frequency, and is
the initial phase. The wave speed can be determined from v = = . Sound waves can also be modeled in terms of
k T
the displacement of the air molecules. The displacement of the air molecules can be modeled using a cosine function:
s(x, t) = s max coskx t + . (17.2)
Not shown in the figure is the amplitude of a sound wave as it decreases with distance from its source, because the energy
of the wave is spread over a larger and larger area. The intensity decreases as it moves away from the speaker, as discussed
in Waves. The energy is also absorbed by objects and converted into thermal energy by the viscosity of the air. In addition,
during each compression, a little heat transfers to the air; during each rarefaction, even less heat transfers from the air,
and these heat transfers reduce the organized disturbance into random thermal motions. Whether the heat transfer from
856 Chapter 17 | Sound
compression to rarefaction is significant depends on how far apart they arethat is, it depends on wavelength. Wavelength,
frequency, amplitude, and speed of propagation are important characteristics for sound, as they are for all waves.
Sound, like all waves, travels at a certain speed and has the properties of frequency and wavelength. You can observe direct
evidence of the speed of sound while watching a fireworks display (Figure 17.4). You see the flash of an explosion well
before you hear its sound and possibly feel the pressure wave, implying both that sound travels at a finite speed and that it
is much slower than light.
Figure 17.4 When a firework shell explodes, we perceive the light energy before the sound
energy because sound travels more slowly than light does.
The difference between the speed of light and the speed of sound can also be experienced during an electrical storm. The
flash of lighting is often seen before the clap of thunder. You may have heard that if you count the number of seconds
between the flash and the sound, you can estimate the distance to the source. Every five seconds converts to about one mile.
The velocity of any wave is related to its frequency and wavelength by
v = f , (17.3)
where v is the speed of the wave, f is its frequency, and is its wavelength. Recall from Waves that the wavelength is the
length of the wave as measured between sequential identical points. For example, for a surface water wave or sinusoidal
wave on a string, the wavelength can be measured between any two convenient sequential points with the same height and
slope, such as between two sequential crests or two sequential troughs. Similarly, the wavelength of a sound wave is the
distance between sequential identical parts of a wavefor example, between sequential compressions (Figure 17.5). The
frequency is the same as that of the source and is the number of waves that pass a point per unit time.
Figure 17.5 A sound wave emanates from a source, such as a tuning fork, vibrating at a frequency f. It propagates at
speed v and has a wavelength .
v = .
The speed of sound in a solid the depends on the Youngs modulus of the medium and the density,
v = Y . (17.5)
858 Chapter 17 | Sound
In an ideal gas (see The Kinetic Theory of Gases ( ), the equation for the
speed of sound is
RT K (17.6)
v= ,
where is the adiabatic index, R = 8.31 J/mol K is the gas constant, T K is the absolute temperature in kelvins, and
M is the molecular mass. In general, the more rigid (or less compressible) the medium, the faster the speed of sound. This
observation is analogous to the fact that the frequency of simple harmonic motion is directly proportional to the stiffness of
the oscillating object as measured by k, the spring constant. The greater the density of a medium, the slower the speed of
sound. This observation is analogous to the fact that the frequency of a simple harmonic motion is inversely proportional to
m, the mass of the oscillating object. The speed of sound in air is low, because air is easily compressible. Because liquids
and solids are relatively rigid and very difficult to compress, the speed of sound in such media is generally greater than in
Medium v (m/s)
Gases at 0C
Air 331
Carbon dioxide 259
Oxygen 316
Helium 965
Hydrogen 1290
Liquids at 20C
Ethanol 1160
Mercury 1450
Water, fresh 1480
Sea Water 1540
Human tissue 1540
Solids (longitudinal or bulk)
Vulcanized rubber 54
Polyethylene 920
Marble 3810
Glass, Pyrex 5640
Lead 1960
Aluminum 5120
Steel 5960
Because the speed of sound depends on the density of the material, and the density depends on the temperature, there is
a relationship between the temperature in a given medium and the speed of sound in the medium. For air at sea level, the
speed of sound is given by
TC m TK (17.7)
v = 331 m
s 1 + 273C = 331 s 273 K
where the temperature in the first equation (denoted as T C ) is in degrees Celsius and the temperature in the second
equation (denoted as T K ) is in kelvins. The speed of sound in gases is related to the average speed of particles in the gas,
3k B T 23
v rms = m , where k B is the Boltzmann constant (1.38 10 J/K) and m is the mass of each (identical) particle
in the gas. Note that v refers to the speed of the coherent propagation of a disturbance (the wave), whereas v rms describes
the speeds of particles in random directions. Thus, it is reasonable that the speed of sound in air and other gases should
depend on the square root of temperature. While not negligible, this is not a strong dependence. At 0C , the speed of sound
is 331 m/s, whereas at 20.0C , it is 343 m/s, less than a 4% increase. Figure 17.6 shows how a bat uses the speed of
sound to sense distances.
Figure 17.6 A bat uses sound echoes to find its way about and to catch prey. The time for the
echo to return is directly proportional to the distance.
dm = d V = d Ax = A dx = Av.
dt dt dt dt
The continuity equation from Fluid Mechanics states that the mass flow rate into a volume has to equal the mass flow
rate out of the volume, in A in v in = out A out v out.
860 Chapter 17 | Sound
Now consider a sound wave moving through a parcel of air. A parcel of air is a small volume of air with imaginary
boundaries (Figure 17.8). The density, temperature, and velocity on one side of the volume of the fluid are given as
, T, v, and on the other side are + d, T + dT, v + dv.
The continuity equation states that the mass flow rate entering the volume is equal to the mass flow rate leaving the volume,
Av = + dA(v + dv).
This equation can be simplified, noting that the area cancels and considering that the multiplication of two infinitesimals is
approximately equal to zero: d(dv) 0,
v = + d(v + dv)
v = v + (dv) + dv + d(dv)
0 = (dv) + dv
dv = vd.
The net force on the volume of fluid (Figure 17.9) equals the sum of the forces on the left face and the right face:
F net = p dy dz p + d pdy dz
= p dy dz pdy dz d p dy dz
= d p dy dz
ma = d p dy dz.
The acceleration is the force divided by the mass and the mass is equal to the density times the volume,
m = V = dx dy dz. We have
ma = d p dy dz
d p dy dz d p dy dz dp
a = m = =
dx dy dz dx
dv = d p
dt dx
dp dp 1
dv = dt = v
v dv = d p.
vdv = d p
vdv = d p
v = .
Consider a sound wave moving through air. During the process of compression and expansion of the gas, no heat is added or
removed from the system. A process where heat is not added or removed from the system is known as an adiabatic system.
Adiabatic processes are covered in detail in The First Law of Thermodynamics (
latest/) , but for now it is sufficient to say that for an adiabatic process, pV = constant, where p is the pressure, V is the
volume, and gamma () is a constant that depends on the gas. For air, = 1.40 . The density equals the number of moles
times the molar mass divided by the volume, so the volume is equal to V = nM
. The number of moles and the molar mass
are constant and can be absorbed into the constant p 1
= constant. Taking the natural logarithm of both sides yields
ln p ln = constant. Differentiating with respect to the density, the equation becomes
ln p ln = constant
d ln p ln = d (constant)
d d
1 dp = 0
p d
dp p
= .
If the air can be considered an ideal gas, we can use the ideal gas law:
pV = nRT = m RT
p = m RT = RT .
862 Chapter 17 | Sound
Since the speed of sound is equal to v = , the speed is equal to
v= .
Note that the velocity is faster at higher temperatures and slower for heavier gases. For air, = 1.4, M = 0.02897 ,
and R = 8.31 J . If the temperature is T = 20C(T = 293 K), the speed of sound is v = 343 m/s.
mol K C
The equation for the speed of sound in air v = can be simplified to give the equation for the speed of sound in air as
a function of absolute temperature:
v =
RT 273 K (273 K)R T
= =
M 273 K M 273 K
331 m T
s 273 K .
One of the more important properties of sound is that its speed is nearly independent of the frequency. This independence
is certainly true in open air for sounds in the audible range. If this independence were not true, you would certainly notice
it for music played by a marching band in a football stadium, for example. Suppose that high-frequency sounds traveled
fasterthen the farther you were from the band, the more the sound from the low-pitch instruments would lag that from
the high-pitch ones. But the music from all instruments arrives in cadence independent of distance, so all frequencies must
travel at nearly the same speed. Recall that
v = f .
In a given medium under fixed conditions, v is constant, so there is a relationship between f and ; the higher the frequency,
the smaller the wavelength (Figure 17.10).
Example 17.1
Calculating Wavelengths
Calculate the wavelengths of sounds at the extremes of the audible range, 20 and 20,000 Hz, in 30.0C air.
(Assume that the frequency values are accurate to two significant figures.)
To find wavelength from frequency, we can use v = f .
1. Identify knowns. The value for v is given by
v = (331 m/s) T .
273 K
2. Convert the temperature into kelvins and then enter the temperature into the equation
Because the product of f multiplied by equals a constant, the smaller f is, the larger must be, and vice versa.
The speed of sound can change when sound travels from one medium to another, but the frequency usually remains the
same. This is similar to the frequency of a wave on a string being equal to the frequency of the force oscillating the string.
If v changes and f remains the same, then the wavelength must change. That is, because v = f , the higher the speed of
a sound, the greater its wavelength for a given frequency.
17.1 Check Your Understanding Imagine you observe two firework shells explode. You hear the explosion
of one as soon as you see it. However, you see the other shell for several milliseconds before you hear the
explosion. Explain why this is so.
Although sound waves in a fluid are longitudinal, sound waves in a solid travel both as longitudinal waves and transverse
waves. Seismic waves, which are essentially sound waves in Earths crust produced by earthquakes, are an interesting
example of how the speed of sound depends on the rigidity of the medium. Earthquakes produce both longitudinal and
transverse waves, and these travel at different speeds. The bulk modulus of granite is greater than its shear modulus. For
that reason, the speed of longitudinal or pressure waves (P-waves) in earthquakes in granite is significantly higher than the
speed of transverse or shear waves (S-waves). Both types of earthquake waves travel slower in less rigid material, such as
sediments. P-waves have speeds of 4 to 7 km/s, and S-waves range in speed from 2 to 5 km/s, both being faster in more rigid
material. The P-wave gets progressively farther ahead of the S-wave as they travel through Earths crust. The time between
the P- and S-waves is routinely used to determine the distance to their source, the epicenter of the earthquake. Because S-
waves do not pass through the liquid core, two shadow regions are produced (Figure 17.11).
As sound waves move away from a speaker, or away from the epicenter of an earthquake, their power per unit area
decreases. This is why the sound is very loud near a speaker and becomes less loud as you move away from the speaker.
This also explains why there can be an extreme amount of damage at the epicenter of an earthquake but only tremors are
felt in areas far from the epicenter. The power per unit area is known as the intensity, and in the next section, we will discuss
how the intensity depends on the distance from the source.
In a quiet forest, you can sometimes hear a single leaf fall to the ground. But when a passing motorist has his stereo turned
up, you cannot even hear what the person next to you in your car is saying (Figure 17.12). We are all very familiar with the
loudness of sounds and are aware that loudness is related to how energetically the source is vibrating. High noise exposure
is hazardous to hearing, which is why it is important for people working in industrial settings to wear ear protection. The
relevant physical quantity is sound intensity, a concept that is valid for all sounds whether or not they are in the audible
Figure 17.12 Noise on crowded roadways, like this one in Delhi, makes it hard to hear others
unless they shout. (credit: Lingaraj G J/Flickr)
In Waves, we defined intensity as the power per unit area carried by a wave. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred
by the wave. In equation form, intensity I is
I = P, (17.8)
where P is the power through an area A. The SI unit for I is W/m 2. If we assume that the sound wave is spherical, and that
no energy is lost to thermal processes, the energy of the sound wave is spread over a larger area as distance increases, so the
intensity decreases. The area of a sphere is A = 4r 2. As the wave spreads out from r 1 to r 2, the energy also spreads
out over a larger area:
P1 = P2
I 1 4r 12 = I 2 4r 22;
866 Chapter 17 | Sound
2 (17.9)
I 2 = I 1 r 1 .
The intensity decreases as the wave moves out from the source. In an inverse square relationship, such as the intensity, when
you double the distance, the intensity decreases to one quarter,
2r 1 = 4 I 1.
I 2 = I 1 r 1 = I 1 1
Generally, when considering the intensity of a sound wave, we take the intensity to be the time-averaged value of the power,
denoted by P , divided by the area,
P (17.10)
I= .
The intensity of a sound wave is proportional to the change in the pressure squared and inversely proportional to the density
and the speed. Consider a parcel of a medium initially undisturbed and then influenced by a sound wave at time t, as shown
in Figure 17.13.
As the sound wave moves through the parcel, the parcel is displaced and may expand or contract. If s 2 > s 1 , the volume
has increased and the pressure decreases. If s 2 < s 1, the volume has decreased and the pressure increases. The change in
the volume is
V = As = A(s 2 s 1) = As(x + x, t) s(x, t).
The fractional change in the volume is the change in volume divided by the original volume:
dV = lim As(x + x, t) s(x, t) = s(x, t) .
V x 0 Ax x
p(x, t)
The fractional change in volume is related to the pressure fluctuation by the bulk modulus = . Recall that
the minus sign is required because the volume is inversely related to the pressure. (We use lowercase p for pressure to
s(x, t)
distinguish it from power, denoted by P.) The change in pressure is therefore p(x, t) = dV = . If the
V x
sound wave is sinusoidal, then the displacement as shown in Equation 17.2 is s(x, t) = s max coskx t + and the
pressure is found to be
s(x, t)
p(x, t) = dV = = ks max sinkx t + = p max sinkx t + .
V x
The intensity of the sound wave is the power per unit area, and the power is the force times the velocity, I = P = Fv = pv.
Here, the velocity is the velocity of the oscillations of the medium, and not the velocity of the sound wave. The velocity of
the medium is the time rate of change in the displacement:
ks 2max
To find the time-averaged intensity over one period T = 2
for a position x, we integrate over the period, I = .
Using p max = ks max, v = , and v = , we obtain
That is, the intensity of a sound wave is related to its amplitude squared by
(p max) 2 (17.11)
I= .
Here, p max is the pressure variation or pressure amplitude in units of pascals (Pa) or N/m 2 . The energy (as kinetic
energy 1 mv 2 ) of an oscillating element of air due to a traveling sound wave is proportional to its amplitude squared. In
this equation, is the density of the material in which the sound wave travels, in units of kg/m 3, and v is the speed of
sound in the medium, in units of m/s. The pressure variation is proportional to the amplitude of the oscillation, so I varies
as p 2. This relationship is consistent with the fact that the sound wave is produced by some vibration; the greater its
pressure amplitude, the more the air is compressed in the sound it creates.
The outer ear, or ear canal, carries sound to the recessed, protected eardrum. The air column in the ear canal resonates and
is partially responsible for the sensitivity of the ear to sounds in the 20005000-Hz range. The middle ear converts sound
into mechanical vibrations and applies these vibrations to the cochlea.
Watch this video ( for a more detailed discussion of the
workings of the human ear.
The range of intensities that the human ear can hear depends on the frequency of the sound, but, in general, the range is
quite large. The minimum threshold intensity that can be heard is I 0 = 10 12 W/m 2. Pain is experienced at intensities of
I pain = 1 W/m 2. Measurements of sound intensity (in units of W/m 2 ) are very cumbersome due to this large range in
values. For this reason, as well as for other reasons, the concept of sound intensity level was proposed.
The sound intensity level of a sound, measured in decibels, having an intensity I in watts per meter squared, is defined
(dB) = 10 log 10 I ,
I 0
where I 0 = 10 12 W/m 2 is a reference intensity, corresponding to the threshold intensity of sound that a person with
normal hearing can perceive at a frequency of 1.00 kHz. It is more common to consider sound intensity levels in dB than
in W/m 2. How human ears perceive sound can be more accurately described by the logarithm of the intensity rather than
directly by the intensity. Because is defined in terms of a ratio, it is a unitless quantity, telling you the level of the sound
relative to a fixed standard ( 10 12 W/m 2 ). The units of decibels (dB) are used to indicate this ratio is multiplied by 10 in
its definition. The bel, upon which the decibel is based, is named for Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone.
The decibel level of a sound having the threshold intensity of 10 12 W/m 2 is = 0 dB, because log 10 1 = 0. Table
17.2 gives levels in decibels and intensities in watts per meter squared for some familiar sounds. The ear is sensitive to as
little as a trillionth of a watt per meter squaredeven more impressive when you realize that the area of the eardrum is only
about 1 cm 2, so that only 10 16 W falls on it at the threshold of hearing. Air molecules in a sound wave of this intensity
vibrate over a distance of less than one molecular diameter, and the gauge pressures involved are less than 10 9 atm.
10 1 10 11 Rustle of leaves
30 1 10 9 Quiet home
40 1 10 8 Average home
60 1 10 6 Normal conversation
Table 17.2 Sound Intensity Levels and Intensities [1] Several government agencies and health-related
professional associations recommend that 85 dB not be exceeded for 8-hour daily exposures in the absence of
hearing protection.
An observation readily verified by examining Table 17.2 or by using Equation 17.12 is that each factor of 10 in intensity
corresponds to 10 dB. For example, a 90-dB sound compared with a 60-dB sound is 30 dB greater, or three factors of 10
(that is, 10 3 times) as intense. Another example is that if one sound is 10 7 as intense as another, it is 70 dB higher (Table
I2 /I1 2 1
2.0 3.0 dB
I2 /I1 2 1
5.0 7.0 dB
10.0 10.0 dB
100.0 20.0 dB
1000.0 30.0 dB
Example 17.2
(p) 2
2. Enter these values and the pressure amplitude into I = .
This 87-dB sound has an intensity five times as great as an 80-dB sound. So a factor of five in intensity
corresponds to a difference of 7 dB in sound intensity level. This value is true for any intensities differing by a
factor of five.
Example 17.3
We are given that the ratio of two intensities is 2 to 1, and are then asked to find the difference in their sound
levels in decibels. We can solve this problem by using of the properties of logarithms.
1. Identify knowns:
The ratio of the two intensities is 2 to 1, or
= 2.00.
We wish to show that the difference in sound levels is about 3 dB. That is, we want to show:
2 1 = 3 dB.
Note that
log 10 b log 10 a = log 10 ba .
2. Use the definition of to obtain
2 1 = 10 log 10 2 = 10 log 10 2.00 = 10(0.301) dB.
2 1 = 3.01 dB.
This means that the two sound intensity levels differ by 3.01 dB, or about 3 dB, as advertised. Note that because
only the ratio I 2 /I 1 is given (and not the actual intensities), this result is true for any intensities that differ by a
factor of two. For example, a 56.0-dB sound is twice as intense as a 53.0-dB sound, a 97.0-dB sound is half as
intense as a 100-dB sound, and so on.
17.2 Check Your Understanding Identify common sounds at the levels of 10 dB, 50 dB, and 100 dB.
Another decibel scale is also in use, called the sound pressure level, based on the ratio of the pressure amplitude to a
reference pressure. This scale is used particularly in applications where sound travels in water. It is beyond the scope of this
text to treat this scale because it is not commonly used for sounds in air, but it is important to note that very different decibel
levels may be encountered when sound pressure levels are quoted.
shape of the wave that arises from the many reflections, resonances, and superposition in an instrument.
A unit called a phon is used to express loudness numerically. Phons differ from decibels because the phon is a unit of
loudness perception, whereas the decibel is a unit of physical intensity. Figure 17.15 shows the relationship of loudness
to intensity (or intensity level) and frequency for persons with normal hearing. The curved lines are equal-loudness curves.
Each curve is labeled with its loudness in phons. Any sound along a given curve is perceived as equally loud by the
average person. The curves were determined by having large numbers of people compare the loudness of sounds at different
frequencies and sound intensity levels. At a frequency of 1000 Hz, phons are taken to be numerically equal to decibels.
Figure 17.15 The relationship of loudness in phons to intensity level (in decibels) and
intensity (in watts per meter squared) for persons with normal hearing. The curved lines are
equal-loudness curvesall sounds on a given curve are perceived as equally loud. Phons and
decibels are defined to be the same at 1000 Hz.
Example 17.4
Measuring Loudness
(a) What is the loudness in phons of a 100-Hz sound that has an intensity level of 80 dB? (b) What is the intensity
level in decibels of a 4000-Hz sound having a loudness of 70 phons? (c) At what intensity level will an 8000-Hz
sound have the same loudness as a 200-Hz sound at 60 dB?
The graph in Figure 17.15 should be referenced to solve this example. To find the loudness of a given sound,
you must know its frequency and intensity level, locate that point on the square grid, and then interpolate between
loudness curves to get the loudness in phons. Once that point is located, the intensity level can be determined
from the vertical axis.
1. Identify knowns: The square grid of the graph relating phons and decibels is a plot of intensity level
versus frequencyboth physical quantities: 100 Hz at 80 dB lies halfway between the curves marked 70
and 80 phons.
Find the loudness: 75 phons.
2. Identify knowns: Values are given to be 4000 Hz at 70 phons.
Follow the 70-phon curve until it reaches 4000 Hz. At that point, it is below the 70 dB line at about 67
Find the intensity level: 67 dB.
17.3 Check Your Understanding Describe how amplitude is related to the loudness of a sound.
In this section, we discussed the characteristics of sound and how we hear, but how are the sounds we hear produced?
Interesting sources of sound are musical instruments and the human voice, and we will discuss these sources. But before we
can understand how musical instruments produce sound, we need to look at the basic mechanisms behind these instruments.
The theories behind the mechanisms used by musical instruments involve interference, superposition, and standing waves,
which we discuss in the next section.
Interference is the hallmark of waves, all of which exhibit constructive and destructive interference exactly analogous to
that seen for water waves. In fact, one way to prove something is a wave is to observe interference effects. Since sound is
a wave, we expect it to exhibit interference.
y(x, t) = 2A cos sinkx t + .
2 2
One way for two identical waves that are initially in phase to become out of phase with one another is to have the waves
travel different distances; that is, they have different path lengths. Sound waves provide an excellent example of a phase
shift due to a path difference. As we have discussed, sound waves can basically be modeled as longitudinal waves, where
the molecules of the medium oscillate around an equilibrium position, or as pressure waves.
When the waves leave the speakers, they move out as spherical waves (Figure 17.16). The waves interfere; constructive
inference is produced by the combination of two crests or two troughs, as shown. Destructive interference is produced by
the combination of a trough and a crest.
874 Chapter 17 | Sound
Figure 17.16 When sound waves are produced by a speaker, they travel at the
speed of sound and move out as spherical waves. Here, two speakers produce the
same steady tone (frequency). The result is points of high-intensity sound
(highlighted), which result from two crests (compression) or two troughs
(rarefaction) overlapping. Destructive interference results from a crest and trough
overlapping. The points where there is constructive interference in the figure
occur because the two waves are in phase at those points. Points of destructive
interference (Figure 17.17) are the result of the two waves being out of phase.
Figure 17.17 Two speakers being driven by a single signal generator. The sound waves
produced by the speakers are in phase and are of a single frequency. The sound waves interfere
with each other. When two crests or two troughs coincide, there is constructive interference,
marked by the red and blue dots. When a trough and a crest coincide, destructive interference
occurs, marked by black dots. The phase difference is due to the path lengths traveled by the
individual waves. Two identical waves travel two different path lengths to a point P. (a) The
difference in the path lengths is one wavelength, resulting in total constructive interference and
a resulting amplitude equal to twice the original amplitude. (b) The difference in the path
lengths is less than one wavelength but greater than one half a wavelength, resulting in an
amplitude greater than zero and less than twice the original amplitude. (c) The difference in the
path lengths is one half of a wavelength, resulting in total destructive interference and a
resulting amplitude of zero.
The phase difference at each point is due to the different path lengths traveled by each wave. When the difference in the
path lengths is an integer multiple of a wavelength,
876 Chapter 17 | Sound
r = |r 2 r 1| = n, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3,,
the waves are in phase and there is constructive interference. When the difference in path lengths is an odd multiple of a
half wavelength,
r = |r 2 r 1| = n , where n = 1, 3, 5,,
the waves are 180( rad) out of phase and the result is destructive interference. These points can be located with a sound-
level intensity meter.
Example 17.5
The wave velocity is equal to v = = f . The frequency is then f = v . A minimum intensity indicates
destructive interference and the first such point occurs where there is path difference of r = /2, which can
be found from the geometry.
1. Find the path length to the minimum point from each speaker.
= 2r = 2(0.39 m) = 0.78 m
3. Find the frequency.
17.4 Check Your Understanding If you walk around two speakers playing music, how come you do not
notice places where the music is very loud or very soft, that is, where there is constructive and destructive
The concept of a phase shift due to a difference in path length is very important. You will use this concept again
in Interference ( and Photons and Matter Waves (
content/m58757/latest/) , where we discuss how Thomas Young used this method in his famous double-slit experiment
to provide evidence that light has wavelike properties.
17.5 Check Your Understanding Describe how noise-canceling headphones differ from standard
headphones used to block outside sounds.
Where else can we observe sound interference? All sound resonances, such as in musical instruments, are due to
878 Chapter 17 | Sound
constructive and destructive interference. Only the resonant frequencies interfere constructively to form standing waves,
whereas others interfere destructively and are absent.
When these two waves interfere, the resultant wave is a standing wave:
y R (x, t) = 2A sin(kx)cos(t).
Resonance can be produced due to the boundary conditions imposed on a wave. In Waves, we showed that resonance
could be produced in a string under tension that had symmetrical boundary conditions, specifically, a node at each end. We
defined a node as a fixed point where the string did not move. We found that the symmetrical boundary conditions resulted
in some frequencies resonating and producing standing waves, while other frequencies interfere destructively. Sound waves
can resonate in a hollow tube, and the frequencies of the sound waves that resonate depend on the boundary conditions.
Suppose we have a tube that is closed at one end and open at the other. If we hold a vibrating tuning fork near the open
end of the tube, an incident sound wave travels through the tube and reflects off the closed end. The reflected sound has the
same frequency and wavelength as the incident sound wave, but is traveling in the opposite direction. At the closed end of
the tube, the molecules of air have very little freedom to oscillate, and a node arises. At the open end, the molecules are free
to move, and at the right frequency, an antinode occurs. Unlike the symmetrical boundary conditions for the standing waves
on the string, the boundary conditions for a tube open at one end and closed at the other end are anti-symmetrical: a node at
the closed end and an antinode at the open end.
If the tuning fork has just the right frequency, the air column in the tube resonates loudly, but at most frequencies it
vibrates very little. This observation just means that the air column has only certain natural frequencies. Consider the lowest
frequency that will cause the tube to resonate, producing a loud sound. There will be a node at the closed end and an
antinode at the open end, as shown in Figure 17.19.
The standing wave formed in the tube has an antinode at the open end and a node at the closed end. The distance from a node
to an antinode is one-fourth of a wavelength, and this equals the length of the tube; thus, 1 = 4L. This same resonance
can be produced by a vibration introduced at or near the closed end of the tube (Figure 17.20). It is best to consider this a
natural vibration of the air column, independently of how it is induced.
Figure 17.20 The same standing wave is created in the tube by a vibration
introduced near its closed end.
Given that maximum air displacements are possible at the open end and none at the closed end, other shorter wavelengths
can resonate in the tube, such as the one shown in Figure 17.21. Here the standing wave has three-fourths of its wavelength
in the tube, or 3 3 = L, so that 3 = 4 L. Continuing this process reveals a whole series of shorter-wavelength and
4 3
higher-frequency sounds that resonate in the tube. We use specific terms for the resonances in any system. The lowest
resonant frequency is called the fundamental, while all higher resonant frequencies are called overtones. All resonant
frequencies are integral multiples of the fundamental, and they are collectively called harmonics. The fundamental is the
first harmonic, the first overtone is the second harmonic, and so on. Figure 17.22 shows the fundamental and the first three
overtones (the first four harmonics) in a tube closed at one end.
Figure 17.22 The fundamental and three lowest overtones for a tube closed at one end. All have maximum air
displacements at the open end and none at the closed end.
The relationship for the resonant wavelengths of a tube closed at one end is
880 Chapter 17 | Sound
n = 4n L n = 1, 3, 5, ... (17.13)
Now let us look for a pattern in the resonant frequencies for a simple tube that is closed at one end. The fundamental has
= 4L, and frequency is related to wavelength and the speed of sound as given by
v = f .
f 3 = 3 v = 3 f 1.
Because f 3 = 3 f 1, we call the first overtone the third harmonic. Continuing this process, we see a pattern that can be
generalized in a single expression. The resonant frequencies of a tube closed at one end are
f n = n v , n = 1, 3, 5, ..., (17.14)
where f 1 is the fundamental, f 3 is the first overtone, and so on. It is interesting that the resonant frequencies depend on
the speed of sound and, hence, on temperature. This dependence poses a noticeable problem for organs in old unheated
cathedrals, and it is also the reason why musicians commonly bring their wind instruments to room temperature before
playing them.
Figure 17.23 The resonant frequencies of a tube open at both ends, including the fundamental and the first three overtones.
In all cases, the maximum air displacements occur at both ends of the tube, giving it different natural frequencies than a tube
closed at one end.
The relationship for the resonant wavelengths of a tube open at both ends is
n = 2n L, n = 1, 2, 3,.... (17.15)
Based on the fact that a tube open at both ends has maximum air displacements at both ends, and using Figure 17.23 as a
guide, we can see that the resonant frequencies of a tube open at both ends are
f n = n v , n = 1, 2, 3..., (17.16)
where f 1 is the fundamental, f 2 is the first overtone, f 3 is the second overtone, and so on. Note that a tube open at both
ends has a fundamental frequency twice what it would have if closed at one end. It also has a different spectrum of overtones
than a tube closed at one end.
Note that a tube open at both ends has symmetrical boundary conditions, similar to the string fixed at both ends discussed in
Waves. The relationships for the wavelengths and frequencies of a stringed instrument are the same as given in Equation
17.15 and Equation 17.16. The speed of the wave on the string (from Waves) is v = . The air around the string
vibrates at the same frequency as the string, producing sound of the same frequency. The sound wave moves at the speed of
sound and the wavelength can be found using v = f .
17.6 Check Your Understanding How is it possible to use a standing waves node and antinode to
determine the length of a closed-end tube?
17.7 Check Your Understanding You observe two musical instruments that you cannot identify. One plays
high-pitched sounds and the other plays low-pitched sounds. How could you determine which is which without
hearing either of them play?
Some musical instruments, such as woodwinds, brass, and pipe organs, can be modeled as tubes with symmetrical boundary
conditions, that is, either open at both ends or closed at both ends (Figure 17.24). Other instruments can be modeled
as tubes with anti-symmetrical boundary conditions, such as a tube with one end open and the other end closed (Figure
882 Chapter 17 | Sound
Figure 17.24 Some musical instruments can be modeled as a pipe open at both ends.
Figure 17.25 Some musical instruments can be modeled as a pipe closed at one end.
Resonant frequencies are produced by longitudinal waves that travel down the tubes and interfere with the reflected waves
traveling in the opposite direction. A pipe organ is manufactured with various tubes of fixed lengths to produce different
frequencies. The waves are the result of compressed air allowed to expand in the tubes. Even in open tubes, some reflection
occurs due to the constraints of the sides of the tubes and the atmospheric pressure outside the open tube.
The antinodes do not occur at the opening of the tube, but rather depend on the radius of the tube. The waves do not fully
expand until they are outside the open end of a tube, and for a thin-walled tube, an end correction should be added. This
end correction is approximately 0.6 times the radius of the tube and should be added to the length of the tube.
Players of instruments such as the flute or oboe vary the length of the tube by opening and closing finger holes. On a
trombone, you change the tube length by using a sliding tube. Bugles have a fixed length and can produce only a limited
range of frequencies.
The fundamental and overtones can be present simultaneously in a variety of combinations. For example, middle C on a
trumpet sounds distinctively different from middle C on a clarinet, although both instruments are modified versions of a
tube closed at one end. The fundamental frequency is the same (and usually the most intense), but the overtones and their
mix of intensities are different and subject to shading by the musician. This mix is what gives various musical instruments
(and human voices) their distinctive characteristics, whether they have air columns, strings, sounding boxes, or drumheads.
In fact, much of our speech is determined by shaping the cavity formed by the throat and mouth, and positioning the tongue
to adjust the fundamental and combination of overtones. For example, simple resonant cavities can be made to resonate with
the sound of the vowels (Figure 17.26). In boys at puberty, the larynx grows and the shape of the resonant cavity changes,
giving rise to the difference in predominant frequencies in speech between men and women.
Figure 17.26 The throat and mouth form an air column closed at one end that
resonates in response to vibrations in the voice box. The spectrum of overtones and
their intensities vary with mouth shaping and tongue position to form different
sounds. The voice box can be replaced with a mechanical vibrator, and
understandable speech is still possible. Variations in basic shapes make different
voices recognizable.
Example 17.6
a. Identify knowns: The fundamental frequency is 128 Hz, and the air temperature is 22.0C .
Use f n = n v to find the fundamental frequency ( n = 1 ),
f1 = v .
Enter the values of the speed of sound and frequency into the expression for L.
If you have two tubes with the same fundamental frequency, but one is open at both ends and the other is closed at one
end, they would sound different when played because they have different overtones. Middle C, for example, would sound
richer played on an open tube, because it has even multiples of the fundamental as well as odd. A closed tube has only odd
Resonance occurs in many different systems, including strings, air columns, and atoms. As we discussed in earlier chapters,
resonance is the driven or forced oscillation of a system at its natural frequency. At resonance, energy is transferred rapidly
to the oscillating system, and the amplitude of its oscillations grows until the system can no longer be described by Hookes
law. An example of this is the distorted sound intentionally produced in certain types of rock music.
Wind instruments use resonance in air columns to amplify tones made by lips or vibrating reeds. Other instruments also use
air resonance in clever ways to amplify sound. Figure 17.27 shows a violin and a guitar, both of which have sounding
boxes but with different shapes, resulting in different overtone structures. The vibrating string creates a sound that resonates
in the sounding box, greatly amplifying the sound and creating overtones that give the instrument its characteristic timbre.
The more complex the shape of the sounding box, the greater its ability to resonate over a wide range of frequencies. The
marimba, like the one shown in Figure 17.28, uses pots or gourds below the wooden slats to amplify their tones. The
resonance of the pot can be adjusted by adding water.
Figure 17.27 String instruments such as (a) violins and (b) guitars use resonance in their sounding boxes to amplify and enrich
the sound created by their vibrating strings. The bridge and supports couple the string vibrations to the sounding boxes and air
within. (credit a: modification of work by Feliciano Guimares; credit b: modification of work by Steve Snodgrass)
Figure 17.28 Resonance has been used in musical instruments since prehistoric times. This
marimba uses gourds as resonance chambers to amplify its sound. (credit: APC Events/Flickr)
We have emphasized sound applications in our discussions of resonance and standing waves, but these ideas apply to any
system that has wave characteristics. Vibrating strings, for example, are actually resonating and have fundamentals and
overtones similar to those for air columns. More subtle are the resonances in atoms due to the wave character of their
electrons. Their orbitals can be viewed as standing waves, which have a fundamental (ground state) and overtones (excited
states). It is fascinating that wave characteristics apply to such a wide range of physical systems.
886 Chapter 17 | Sound
17.6 | Beats
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Determine the beat frequency produced by two sound waves that differ in frequency
Describe how beats are produced by musical instruments
The study of music provides many examples of the superposition of waves and the constructive and destructive interference
that occurs. Very few examples of music being performed consist of a single source playing a single frequency for an
extended period of time. You will probably agree that a single frequency of sound for an extended period might be boring
to the point of irritation, similar to the unwanted drone of an aircraft engine or a loud fan. Music is pleasant and interesting
due to mixing the changing frequencies of various instruments and voices.
An interesting phenomenon that occurs due to the constructive and destructive interference of two or more frequencies of
sound is the phenomenon of beats. If two sounds differ in frequencies, the sound waves can be modeled as
y 1 = A cosk 1 x 2 f 1 t and y 2 = A cosk 2 x 2 f 2 t.
Using the trigonometric identity cos u + cos v = 2 cosu + v cosu v and considering the point in space as
2 2
x = 0.0 m, we find the resulting sound at a point in space, from the superposition of the two sound waves, is equal to
Figure 17.29:
| f 2 f 1|
y(t) = 2A cos2 f avg tcos 2
2 t,
where the beat frequency is
Figure 17.29 Beats produced by the constructive and destructive interference of two sound waves that differ in frequency.
These beats can be used by piano tuners to tune a piano. A tuning fork is struck and a note is played on the piano. As the
piano tuner tunes the string, the beats have a lower frequency as the frequency of the note played approaches the frequency
of the tuning fork.
Example 17.7
| |
We use f beat = f 2 f 1 :
17.8 Check Your Understanding What would happen if more than two frequencies interacted? Consider
three frequencies.
888 Chapter 17 | Sound
The study of the superposition of various waves has many interesting applications beyond the study of sound. In later
chapters, we will discuss the wave properties of particles. The particles can be modeled as a wave packet that results from
the superposition of various waves, where the particle moves at the group velocity of the wave packet.
The characteristic sound of a motorcycle buzzing by is an example of the Doppler effect. Specifically, if you are standing
on a street corner and observe an ambulance with a siren sounding passing at a constant speed, you notice two characteristic
changes in the sound of the siren. First, the sound increases in loudness as the ambulance approaches and decreases in
loudness as it moves away, which is expected. But in addition, the high-pitched siren shifts dramatically to a lower-pitched
sound. As the ambulance passes, the frequency of the sound heard by a stationary observer changes from a constant high
frequency to a constant lower frequency, even though the siren is producing a constant source frequency. The closer the
ambulance brushes by, the more abrupt the shift. Also, the faster the ambulance moves, the greater the shift. We also hear
this characteristic shift in frequency for passing cars, airplanes, and trains.
The Doppler effect is an alteration in the observed frequency of a sound due to motion of either the source or the observer.
Although less familiar, this effect is easily noticed for a stationary source and moving observer. For example, if you ride a
train past a stationary warning horn, you will hear the horns frequency shift from high to low as you pass by. The actual
change in frequency due to relative motion of source and observer is called a Doppler shift. The Doppler effect and Doppler
shift are named for the Austrian physicist and mathematician Christian Johann Doppler (18031853), who did experiments
with both moving sources and moving observers. Doppler, for example, had musicians play on a moving open train car and
also play standing next to the train tracks as a train passed by. Their music was observed both on and off the train, and
changes in frequency were measured.
What causes the Doppler shift? Figure 17.30 illustrates sound waves emitted by stationary and moving sources in a
stationary air mass. Each disturbance spreads out spherically from the point at which the sound is emitted. If the source is
stationary, then all of the spheres representing the air compressions in the sound wave are centered on the same point, and
the stationary observers on either side hear the same wavelength and frequency as emitted by the source (case a). If the
source is moving, the situation is different. Each compression of the air moves out in a sphere from the point at which it
was emitted, but the point of emission moves. This moving emission point causes the air compressions to be closer together
on one side and farther apart on the other. Thus, the wavelength is shorter in the direction the source is moving (on the
right in case b), and longer in the opposite direction (on the left in case b). Finally, if the observers move, as in case (c),
the frequency at which they receive the compressions changes. The observer moving toward the source receives them at a
higher frequency, and the person moving away from the source receives them at a lower frequency.
Figure 17.30 Sounds emitted by a source spread out in spherical waves. (a) When the source, observers, and air are stationary,
the wavelength and frequency are the same in all directions and to all observers. (b) Sounds emitted by a source moving to the
right spread out from the points at which they were emitted. The wavelength is reduced, and consequently, the frequency is
increased in the direction of motion, so that the observer on the right hears a higher-pitched sound. The opposite is true for the
observer on the left, where the wavelength is increased and the frequency is reduced. (c) The same effect is produced when the
observers move relative to the source. Motion toward the source increases frequency as the observer on the right passes through
more wave crests than she would if stationary. Motion away from the source decreases frequency as the observer on the left
passes through fewer wave crests than he would if stationary.
We know that wavelength and frequency are related by v = f , where v is the fixed speed of sound. The sound moves
in a medium and has the same speed v in that medium whether the source is moving or not. Thus, f multiplied by is a
constant. Because the observer on the right in case (b) receives a shorter wavelength, the frequency she receives must be
higher. Similarly, the observer on the left receives a longer wavelength, and hence he hears a lower frequency. The same
thing happens in case (c). A higher frequency is received by the observer moving toward the source, and a lower frequency
is received by an observer moving away from the source. In general, then, relative motion of source and observer toward
one another increases the received frequency. Relative motion apart decreases frequency. The greater the relative speed, the
greater the effect.
The Doppler effect occurs not only for sound, but for any wave when there is relative motion between the observer and
the source. Doppler shifts occur in the frequency of sound, light, and water waves, for example. Doppler shifts can be used
to determine velocity, such as when ultrasound is reflected from blood in a medical diagnostic. The relative velocities of
stars and galaxies is determined by the shift in the frequencies of light received from them and has implied much about the
origins of the universe. Modern physics has been profoundly affected by observations of Doppler shifts.
Figure 17.31 A stationary source sends out sound waves at a constant frequency
f s, with a constant wavelength s, at the speed of sound v. Two stationary
observers X and Y, on either side of the source, observe a frequency f o = f s , with a
wavelength o = s.
Now consider a stationary observer X with a source moving away from the observer with a constant speed v s < v (Figure
17.32). At time t = 0 , the source sends out a sound wave, indicated in black. This wave moves out at the speed of sound v.
The position of the sound wave at each time interval of period T s is shown as dotted lines. After one period, the source has
moved x = v s T s and emits a second sound wave, which moves out at the speed of sound. The source continues to move
and produce sound waves, as indicated by the circles numbered 3 and 4. Notice that as the waves move out, they remained
centered at their respective point of origin.
Figure 17.32 A source moving at a constant speed v s away from an observer X. The moving source sends out sound waves at
a constant frequency f s, with a constant wavelength s , at the speed of sound v. Snapshots of the source at an interval of T s
are shown as the source moves away from the stationary observer X. The solid lines represent the position of the sound waves
after four periods from the initial time. The dotted lines are used to show the positions of the waves at each time period. The
observer hears a wavelength of o = s + x = s + v s T s .
Using the fact that the wavelength is equal to the speed times the period, and the period is the inverse of the frequency, we
can derive the observed frequency:
o = s + x
vT o = vT s + v s T s
v = v = vs = v + vs
fo fs fs fs
f o = f s v +v v .
As the source moves away from the observer, the observed frequency is lower than the source frequency.
Now consider a source moving at a constant velocity v s, moving toward a stationary observer Y, also shown in Figure
17.32. The wavelength is observed by Y as o = s x = s v s T s. Once again, using the fact that the wavelength is
equal to the speed times the period, and the period is the inverse of the frequency, we can derive the observed frequency:
o = s x
vT o = vT s v s T s
v = v vs = v vs
fo fs fs fs
f o = f s v v v .
When a source is moving and the observer is stationary, the observed frequency is
f o = f s v v v ' (17.18)
where f o is the frequency observed by the stationary observer, f s is the frequency produced by the moving source, v is
the speed of sound, v s is the constant speed of the source, and the top sign is for the source approaching the observer and
the bottom sign is for the source departing from the observer.
What happens if the observer is moving and the source is stationary? If the observer moves toward the stationary source,
the observed frequency is higher than the source frequency. If the observer is moving away from the stationary source, the
observed frequency is lower than the source frequency. Consider observer X in Figure 17.33 as the observer moves toward
a stationary source with a speed v o . The source emits a tone with a constant frequency f s and constant period T s. The
observer hears the first wave emitted by the source. If the observer were stationary, the time for one wavelength of sound
to pass should be equal to the period of the source T s. Since the observer is moving toward the source, the time for one
wavelength to pass is less than T s and is equal to the observed period T o = T s t. At time t = 0, the observer starts
at the beginning of a wavelength and moves toward the second wavelength as the wavelength moves out from the source.
The wavelength is equal to the distance the observer traveled plus the distance the sound wave traveled until it is met by the
s = vT o + v o T o
vT s = (v + v o)T o
v 1 = (v + v o) 1
fs fo
v + v o
fo = fs v .
892 Chapter 17 | Sound
If the observer is moving away from the source (Figure 17.34), the observed frequency can be found:
s = vT o v o T o
vT s = (v v o)T o
v 1 = (v v o) 1
fs fo
f o = f s
v vo
v .
The equations for an observer moving toward or away from a stationary source can be combined into one equation:
v v o (17.19)
fo = fs v ,
where f o is the observed frequency, f s is the source frequency, v w is the speed of sound, v o is the speed of the observer,
the top sign is for the observer approaching the source and the bottom sign is for the observer departing from the source.
Equation 17.18 and Equation 17.19 can be summarized in one equation (the top sign is for approaching) and is further
illustrated in Table 17.4:
v v (17.20)
f o = f s v vo ,
Stationary source fo = fs v + v o f o = f s
v vo
fo = fs v v
v + v v v
Source moving towards f o = f s v v v f o = f s v vo f o = f s v vo
observer s s s
v + v v v
Source moving away f o = f s v +v v f o = f s v + vo f o = f s v + vo
from observer s s s
Table 17.4
where f o is the observed frequency, f s is the source frequency, v w is the speed of sound, v o is the speed of the observer,
v s is the speed of the source, the top sign is for approaching and the bottom sign is for departing.
The Doppler effect involves motion and a video ( will help
visualize the effects of a moving observer or source. This video shows a moving source and a stationary observer,
and a moving observer and a stationary source. It also discusses the Doppler effect and its application to light.
Example 17.8
a. Enter known values into f o = f s v v v :
f o = f s v v v = (150 Hz) 340 m/s
340 m/s 35.0 m/s
Use the same equation with the plus sign to find the frequency heard by a stationary person as the train
f o = f s v +v v = (150 Hz) 340 m/s
340 m/s + 35.0 m/s
b. Identify knowns:
It seems reasonable that the engineer would receive the same frequency as emitted by the horn,
because the relative velocity between them is zero.
Relative to the medium (air), the speeds are v s = v o = 35.0 m/s.
The first Doppler shift is for the moving observer; the second is for the moving source.
The quantity in the square brackets is the Doppler-shifted frequency due to a moving observer. The factor
on the right is the effect of the moving source.
Because the train engineer is moving in the direction toward the horn, we must use the plus sign for v obs;
however, because the horn is also moving in the direction away from the engineer, we also use the plus
sign for v s. But the train is carrying both the engineer and the horn at the same velocity, so v s = v o. As
a result, everything but f s cancels, yielding
f o = f s.
For the case where the source and the observer are not moving together, the numbers calculated are valid when
the source (in this case, the train) is far enough away that the motion is nearly along the line joining source and
observer. In both cases, the shift is significant and easily noticed. Note that the shift is 17.0 Hz for motion toward
and 14.0 Hz for motion away. The shifts are not symmetric.
For the engineer riding in the train, we may expect that there is no change in frequency because the source and
observer move together. This matches your experience. For example, there is no Doppler shift in the frequency of
conversations between driver and passenger on a motorcycle. People talking when a wind moves the air between
them also observe no Doppler shift in their conversation. The crucial point is that source and observer are not
moving relative to each other.
17.9 Check Your Understanding Describe a situation in your life when you might rely on the Doppler shift
to help you either while driving a car or walking near traffic.
The Doppler effect and the Doppler shift have many important applications in science and engineering. For example, the
Doppler shift in ultrasound can be used to measure blood velocity, and police use the Doppler shift in radar (a microwave) to
measure car velocities. In meteorology, the Doppler shift is used to track the motion of storm clouds; such Doppler Radar
can give the velocity and direction of rain or snow in weather fronts. In astronomy, we can examine the light emitted from
distant galaxies and determine their speed relative to ours. As galaxies move away from us, their light is shifted to a lower
frequency, and so to a longer wavelengththe so-called red shift. Such information from galaxies far, far away has allowed
us to estimate the age of the universe (from the Big Bang) as about 14 billion years.
When discussing the Doppler effect of a moving source and a stationary observer, the only cases we considered were cases
where the source was moving at speeds that were less than the speed of sound. Recall that the observed frequency for a
moving source approaching a stationary observer is f o = f s v v v . As the source approaches the speed of sound, the
observed frequency increases. According to the equation, if the source moves at the speed of sound, the denominator is
equal to zero, implying the observed frequency is infinite. If the source moves at speeds greater than the speed of sound, the
observed frequency is negative.
What could this mean? What happens when a source approaches the speed of sound? It was once argued by some scientists
that such a large pressure wave would result from the constructive interference of the sound waves, that it would be
impossible for a plane to exceed the speed of sound because the pressures would be great enough to destroy the airplane.
But now planes routinely fly faster than the speed of sound. On July 28, 1976, Captain Eldon W. Joersz and Major George
T. Morgan flew a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird #61-7958 at 3529.60 km/h (2193.20 mi/h), which is Mach 2.85. The Mach
number is the speed of the source divided by the speed of sound:
M = vs . (17.21)
You will see that interesting phenomena occur when a source approaches and exceeds the speed of sound.
Figure 17.35 Because of the Doppler shift, as a moving source approaches a stationary observer, the observed frequency is
higher than the source frequency. The faster the source is moving, the higher the observed frequency. In this figure, the source in
(b) is moving faster than the source in (a). Shown are four time steps, the first three shown as dotted lines. (c) If a source moves
at the speed of sound, each successive wave interfere with the previous one and the observer observes them all at the same
Now, as v s approaches the speed of sound, f o approaches infinity, because the denominator in f o = f s v v v
approaches zero. At the speed of sound, this result means that in front of the source, each successive wave interferes with
the previous one because the source moves forward at the speed of sound. The observer gets them all at the same instant, so
the frequency is infinite [part (c) of the figure].
Figure 17.36 Sound waves from a source that moves faster than the speed of sound spread spherically from
the point where they are emitted, but the source moves ahead of each wave. Constructive interference along the
lines shown (actually a cone in three dimensions) creates a shock wave called a sonic boom. The faster the
speed of the source, the smaller the angle .
Constructive interference along the lines shown (a cone in three dimensions) from similar sound waves arriving there
simultaneously. This superposition forms a disturbance called a shock wave, a constructive interference of sound created
by an object moving faster than sound. Inside the cone, the interference is mostly destructive, so the sound intensity there
is much less than on the shock wave. The angle of the shock wave can be found from the geometry. In time t the source has
moved v s t and the sound wave has moved a distance vt and the angle can be found using sin = vvtt = vv . Note that the
s s
Mach number is defined as vs so the sine of the angle equals the inverse of the Mach number,
sin = wv = 1 . (17.22)
s M
You may have heard of the common term sonic boom. A common misconception is that the sonic boom occurs as the
plane breaks the sound barrier; that is, accelerates to a speed higher than the speed of sound. Actually, the sonic boom occurs
as the shock wave sweeps along the ground.
An aircraft creates two shock waves, one from its nose and one from its tail (Figure 17.37). During television coverage
of space shuttle landings, two distinct booms could often be heard. These were separated by exactly the time it would take
the shuttle to pass by a point. Observers on the ground often do not see the aircraft creating the sonic boom, because it has
passed by before the shock wave reaches them, as seen in the figure. If the aircraft flies close by at low altitude, pressures
in the sonic boom can be destructive and break windows as well as rattle nerves. Because of how destructive sonic booms
can be, supersonic flights are banned over populated areas.
Figure 17.37 Two sonic booms experienced by observers, created by the nose and tail of an
aircraft as the shock wave sweeps along the ground, are observed on the ground after the plane
has passed by.
898 Chapter 17 | Sound
Shock waves are one example of a broader phenomenon called bow wakes. A bow wake, such as the one in Figure 17.38,
is created when the wave source moves faster than the wave propagation speed. Water waves spread out in circles from
the point where created, and the bow wake is the familiar V-shaped wake, trailing the source. A more exotic bow wake
is created when a subatomic particle travels through a medium faster than the speed of light travels in that medium. (In a
vacuum, the maximum speed of light is c = 3.00 10 8 m/s; in the medium of water, the speed of light is closer to 0.75c.)
If the particle creates light in its passage, that light spreads on a cone with an angle indicative of the speed of the particle, as
illustrated in Figure 17.39. Such a bow wake is called Cerenkov radiation and is commonly observed in particle physics.
beat frequency frequency of beats produced by sound waves that differ in frequency
beats constructive and destructive interference of two or more frequencies of sound
bow wake v-shaped disturbance created when the wave source moves faster than the wave propagation speed
Doppler effect alteration in the observed frequency of a sound due to motion of either the source or the observer
Doppler shift actual change in frequency due to relative motion of source and observer
fundamental the lowest-frequency resonance
harmonics the term used to refer collectively to the fundamental and its overtones
hearing perception of sound
loudness perception of sound intensity
notes basic unit of music with specific names, combined to generate tunes
overtones all resonant frequencies higher than the fundamental
phon numerical unit of loudness
pitch perception of the frequency of a sound
shock wave wave front that is produced when a sound source moves faster than the speed of sound
sonic boom loud noise that occurs as a shock wave as it sweeps along the ground
sound traveling pressure wave that may be periodic; the wave can be modeled as a pressure wave or as an oscillation of
sound intensity level unitless quantity telling you the level of the sound relative to a fixed standard
sound pressure level ratio of the pressure amplitude to a reference pressure
timbre number and relative intensity of multiple sound frequencies
transducer device that converts energy of a signal into measurable energy form, for example, a microphone converts
sound waves into an electrical signal
Pressure of a sound wave P = P max sinkx t +
Decrease in intensity as a spherical wave expands 2
I 2 = I 1 r 1
Mach number M = vs
17.1 Sound Waves
Sound is a disturbance of matter (a pressure wave) that is transmitted from its source outward. Hearing is the
perception of sound.
Sound can be modeled in terms of pressure or in terms of displacement of molecules.
The human ear is sensitive to frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.
(p) 2
I= ,
2 v
where is the density of the medium in which the sound wave travels and v w is the speed of sound in the medium.
The perception of frequency is pitch. The perception of intensity is loudness and loudness has units of phons.
17.6 Beats
When two sound waves that differ in frequency interfere, beats are created with a beat frequency that is equal to the
absolute value of the difference in the frequencies.
When a sound source moves faster than the speed of sound, a shock wave is produced as the sound waves interfere.
A sonic boom is the intense sound that occurs as the shock wave moves along the ground.
service to their downtown from the towns outskirts. The
17.1 Sound Waves current sound intensity level, even though the rail yard is
1. What is the difference between sound and hearing? blocks away, is 70 dB downtown. The mayor assures the
public that there will be a difference of only 30 dB in
sound in the downtown area. Should the townspeople be
2. You will learn that light is an electromagnetic wave
concerned? Why?
that can travel through a vacuum. Can sound waves travel
through a vacuum?
17.4 Normal Modes of a Standing Sound Wave
3. Sound waves can be modeled as a change in pressure.
Why is the change in pressure used and not the actual 11. You are given two wind instruments of identical
pressure? length. One is open at both ends, whereas the other is closed
at one end. Which is able to produce the lowest frequency?
17.2 Speed of Sound 12. What is the difference between an overtone and a
harmonic? Are all harmonics overtones? Are all overtones
4. How do sound vibrations of atoms differ from thermal
is such that the speed of a wave on the string is the highest frequency? Which observer will observe the
v = 343 m/s. A tube with symmetric boundary conditions lowest frequency? What can be said about the frequency
has a length L and the speed of sound in the tube is observed by observer 3?
v = 343 m/s. What could be said about the frequencies
of the harmonics in the string and the tube? What if the
velocity in the string were v = 686 m/s ?
17.6 Beats
18. Two speakers are attached to variable-frequency signal
generator. Speaker A produces a constant-frequency sound 24. Shown below is a stationary source and moving
wave of 1.00 kHz, and speaker B produces a tone of 1.10 observers. Describe the frequencies observed by the
kHz. The beat frequency is 0.10 kHz. If the frequency observers for this configuration.
of each speaker is doubled, what is the beat frequency
19. The label has been scratched off a tuning fork and you
need to know its frequency. From its size, you suspect that
it is somewhere around 250 Hz. You find a 250-Hz tuning
fork and a 270-Hz tuning fork. When you strike the 250-Hz
fork and the fork of unknown frequency, a beat frequency
of 5 Hz is produced. When you strike the unknown with
the 270-Hz fork, the beat frequency is 15 Hz. What is
25. Prior to 1980, conventional radar was used by weather
the unknown frequency? Could you have deduced the
forecasters. In the 1960s, weather forecasters began to
frequency using just the 250-Hz fork?
experiment with Doppler radar. What do you think is the
advantage of using Doppler radar?
20. Referring to the preceding question, if you had only
the 250-Hz fork, could you come up with a solution to the
problem of finding the unknown frequency? 17.8 Shock Waves
26. What is the difference between a sonic boom and a
21. A showy custom-built car has two brass horns that
shock wave?
are supposed to produce the same frequency but actually
emit 263.8 and 264.5 Hz. What beat frequency is
produced? 27. Due to efficiency considerations related to its bow
wake, the supersonic transport aircraft must maintain a
cruising speed that is a constant ratio to the speed of sound
(a constant Mach number). If the aircraft flies from warm
17.7 The Doppler Effect
air into colder air, should it increase or decrease its speed?
22. Is the Doppler shift real or just a sensory illusion? Explain your answer.
23. Three stationary observers observe the Doppler shift 28. When you hear a sonic boom, you often cannot see the
from a source moving at a constant velocity. The observers plane that made it. Why is that?
are stationed as shown below. Which observer will observe
s(x, t) = 6.00 nm cos54.93 m 1 x 18.84 10 3 s 1 t.
17.1 Sound Waves
What is the shortest time required for an air molecule to
29. Consider a sound wave modeled with the equation
move between 3.00 nm and 3.00 nm?
s(x, t) = 4.00 nm cos3.66 m 1 x 1256 s 1 t. What is
the maximum displacement, the wavelength, the frequency, 31. Consider a diagnostic ultrasound of frequency 5.00
and the speed of the sound wave? MHz that is used to examine an irregularity in soft tissue.
(a) What is the wavelength in air of such a sound wave if
30. Consider a sound wave moving through the air the speed of sound is 343 m/s? (b) If the speed of sound in
modeled with the equation tissue is 1800 m/s, what is the wavelength of this wave in
904 Chapter 17 | Sound
tissue? 39. Bats use sound waves to catch insects. Bats can detect
frequencies up to 100 kHz. If the sound waves travel
32. A sound wave is modeled as through air at a speed of v = 343 m/s, what is the
P = 1.80 Pa sin55.41 m 1 x 18,840 s 1 t. What is wavelength of the sound waves?
38. Porpoises emit sound waves that they use for 46. Calculate the speed of sound on a day when a 1500-Hz
navigation. If the wavelength of the sound wave emitted frequency has a wavelength of 0.221 m.
is 4.5 cm, and the speed of sound in the water is
v = 1530 m/s, what is the period of the sound? 47. (a) What is the speed of sound in a medium where
a 100-kHz frequency produces a 5.96-cm wavelength? (b)
Which substance in Table 17.1 is this likely to be? 55. During a 4th of July celebration, an M80 firework
explodes on the ground, producing a bright flash and a
48. Show that the speed of sound in 20.0C air is loud bang. The air temperature of the night air is
T F = 90.00F. Two observers see the flash and hear the
343 m/s, as claimed in the text.
bang. The first observer notes the time between the flash
and the bang as 1.00 second. The second observer notes the
49. Air temperature in the Sahara Desert can reach difference as 3.00 seconds. The line of sight between the
56.0C (about 134F ). What is the speed of sound in air two observers meet at a right angle as shown below. What
at that temperature? is the distance x between the two observers?
53. Ultrasonic sound waves are often used in methods of 56. The density of a sample of water is
nondestructive testing. For example, this method can be = 998.00 kg/m and the bulk modulus is
used to find structural faults in a steel I-beams used in = 2.15 GPa. What is the speed of sound through the
building. Consider a 10.00 meter long, steel I-beam with
a cross-section shown below. The weight of the I-beam is sample?
3846.50 N. What would be the speed of sound through in
the I-beam? Y steel = 200 GPa, steel = 159 GPa . 57. Suppose a bat uses sound echoes to locate its insect
prey, 3.00 m away. (See Figure 17.6.) (a) Calculate the
echo times for temperatures of 5.00C and 35.0C. (b)
What percent uncertainty does this cause for the bat in
locating the insect? (c) Discuss the significance of this
uncertainty and whether it could cause difficulties for the
bat. (In practice, the bat continues to use sound as it closes
in, eliminating most of any difficulties imposed by this and
other effects, such as motion of the prey.)
62. What sound intensity level in dB is produced by efficiencies. Calculate the power input needed to produce
earphones that create an intensity of 4.00 10 2 W/m 2 ? a 90.0-dB sound intensity level for a 12.0-cm-diameter
speaker that has an efficiency of 1.00% . (This value is the
sound intensity level right at the speaker.)
63. What is the decibel level of a sound that is twice as
intense as a 90.0-dB sound? (b) What is the decibel level of
a sound that is one-fifth as intense as a 90.0-dB sound? 73. The factor of 10-12 in the range of intensities to which
the ear can respond, from threshold to that causing damage
after brief exposure, is truly remarkable. If you could
64. What is the intensity of a sound that has a level 7.00
measure distances over the same range with a single
dB lower than a 4.00 10 9 -W/m 2 sound? (b) What instrument and the smallest distance you could measure
is the intensity of a sound that is 3.00 dB higher than a was 1 mm, what would the largest be?
4.00 10 9 -W/m 2 sound?
74. What are the closest frequencies to 500 Hz that an
65. People with good hearing can perceive sounds as low average person can clearly distinguish as being different
as 8.00 dB at a frequency of 3000 Hz. What is the in frequency from 500 Hz? The sounds are not present
intensity of this sound in watts per meter squared? simultaneously.
66. If a large housefly 3.0 m away from you makes a noise 75. Can you tell that your roommate turned up the sound
of 40.0 dB, what is the noise level of 1000 flies at that on the TV if its average sound intensity level goes from 70
distance, assuming interference has a negligible effect? to 73 dB?
67. Ten cars in a circle at a boom box competition produce 76. If a woman needs an amplification of 5.0 10 5
a 120-dB sound intensity level at the center of the circle. times the threshold intensity to enable her to hear at all
What is the average sound intensity level produced there frequencies, what is her overall hearing loss in dB? Note
by each stereo, assuming interference effects can be that smaller amplification is appropriate for more intense
neglected? sounds to avoid further damage to her hearing from levels
above 90 dB.
68. The amplitude of a sound wave is measured in terms
of its maximum gauge pressure. By what factor does the 77. A person has a hearing threshold 10 dB above normal
amplitude of a sound wave increase if the sound intensity at 100 Hz and 50 dB above normal at 4000 Hz. How much
level goes up by 40.0 dB? more intense must a 100-Hz tone be than a 4000-Hz tone if
they are both barely audible to this person?
69. If a sound intensity level of 0 dB at 1000 Hz
corresponds to a maximum gauge pressure (sound
amplitude) of 10 9 atm , what is the maximum gauge 17.4 Normal Modes of a Standing Sound Wave
pressure in a 60-dB sound? What is the maximum gauge 78. (a) What is the fundamental frequency of a 0.672-m-
pressure in a 120-dB sound? long tube, open at both ends, on a day when the speed of
sound is 344 m/s? (b) What is the frequency of its second
70. An 8-hour exposure to a sound intensity level of 90.0 harmonic?
dB may cause hearing damage. What energy in joules falls
on a 0.800-cm-diameter eardrum so exposed? 79. What is the length of a tube that has a fundamental
frequency of 176 Hz and a first overtone of 352 Hz if the
71. Sound is more effectively transmitted into a speed of sound is 343 m/s?
stethoscope by direct contact rather than through the air,
and it is further intensified by being concentrated on the 80. The ear canal resonates like a tube closed at one
smaller area of the eardrum. It is reasonable to assume end. (See [link]Figure 17_03_HumEar[/link].) If ear canals
that sound is transmitted into a stethoscope 100 times as range in length from 1.80 to 2.60 cm in an average
effectively compared with transmission though the air. population, what is the range of fundamental resonant
What, then, is the gain in decibels produced by a frequencies? Take air temperature to be 37.0C, which is
stethoscope that has a sound gathering area of 15.0 cm 2 , the same as body temperature.
and concentrates the sound onto two eardrums with a total
area of 0.900 cm 2 with an efficiency of 40.0% ? 81. Calculate the first overtone in an ear canal, which
resonates like a 2.40-cm-long tube closed at one end, by
taking air temperature to be 37.0C . Is the ear particularly
72. Loudspeakers can produce intense sounds with
surprisingly small energy input in spite of their low sensitive to such a frequency? (The resonances of the ear
87. Students in a physics lab are asked to find the length 96. Consider the sound created by resonating the tube
of an air column in a tube closed at one end that has shown below. The air temperature is T C = 30.00C . What
a fundamental frequency of 256 Hz. They hold the tube are the wavelength, wave speed, and frequency of the
vertically and fill it with water to the top, then lower the sound produced?
water while a 256-Hz tuning fork is rung and listen for
the first resonance. (a) What is the air temperature if the
resonance occurs for a length of 0.336 m? (b) At what
length will they observe the second resonance (first
908 Chapter 17 | Sound
97. A student holds an 80.00-cm lab pole one quarter of 107. The middle C hammer of a piano hits two strings,
the length from the end of the pole. The lab pole is made of producing beats of 1.50 Hz. One of the strings is tuned to
aluminum. The student strikes the lab pole with a hammer. 260.00 Hz. What frequencies could the other string have?
The pole resonates at the lowest possible frequency. What
is that frequency? 108. Two tuning forks having frequencies of 460 and 464
Hz are struck simultaneously. What average frequency will
98. A string on the violin has a length of 24.00 cm and a you hear, and what will the beat frequency be?
mass of 0.860 g. The fundamental frequency of the string is
1.00 kHz. (a) What is the speed of the wave on the string? 109. Twin jet engines on an airplane are producing an
(b) What is the tension in the string? average sound frequency of 4100 Hz with a beat frequency
of 0.500 Hz. What are their individual frequencies?
99. By what fraction will the frequencies produced by a
wind instrument change when air temperature goes from 110. Three adjacent keys on a piano (F, F-sharp, and G)
10.0C to 30.0C ? That is, find the ratio of the are struck simultaneously, producing frequencies of 349,
frequencies at those temperatures. 370, and 392 Hz. What beat frequencies are produced by
this discordant combination?
17.6 Beats
100. What beat frequencies are present: (a) If the musical 17.7 The Doppler Effect
notes A and C are played together (frequencies of 220 and 111. (a) What frequency is received by a person watching
264 Hz)? (b) If D and F are played together (frequencies of an oncoming ambulance moving at 110 km/h and emitting
297 and 352 Hz)? (c) If all four are played together? a steady 800-Hz sound from its siren? The speed of sound
on this day is 345 m/s. (b) What frequency does she receive
101. What beat frequencies result if a piano hammer hits after the ambulance has passed?
three strings that emit frequencies of 127.8, 128.1, and
128.3 Hz? 112. (a) At an air show a jet flies directly toward the stands
at a speed of 1200 km/h, emitting a frequency of 3500
102. A piano tuner hears a beat every 2.00 s when Hz, on a day when the speed of sound is 342 m/s. What
listening to a 264.0-Hz tuning fork and a single piano frequency is received by the observers? (b) What frequency
string. What are the two possible frequencies of the string? do they receive as the plane flies directly away from them?
103. Two identical strings, of identical lengths of 2.00 m 113. What frequency is received by a mouse just before
and linear mass density of = 0.0065 kg/m, are fixed on being dispatched by a hawk flying at it at 25.0 m/s and
emitting a screech of frequency 3500 Hz? Take the speed of
both ends. String A is under a tension of 120.00 N. String
sound to be 331 m/s.
B is under a tension of 130.00 N. They are each plucked
and produce sound at the n = 10 mode. What is the beat
114. A spectator at a parade receives an 888-Hz tone from
an oncoming trumpeter who is playing an 880-Hz note.
At what speed is the musician approaching if the speed of
104. A piano tuner uses a 512-Hz tuning fork to tune a sound is 338 m/s?
piano. He strikes the fork and hits a key on the piano and
hears a beat frequency of 5 Hz. He tightens the string of
115. A commuter train blows its 200-Hz horn as it
the piano, and repeats the procedure. Once again he hears a
approaches a crossing. The speed of sound is 335 m/s. (a)
beat frequency of 5 Hz. What happened?
An observer waiting at the crossing receives a frequency of
208 Hz. What is the speed of the train? (b) What frequency
105. A string with a linear mass density of does the observer receive as the train moves away?
= 0.0062 kg/m is stretched between two posts 1.30 m
apart. The tension in the string is 150.00 N. The string 116. Can you perceive the shift in frequency produced
oscillates and produces a sound wave. A 1024-Hz tuning when you pull a tuning fork toward you at 10.0 m/s on a
fork is struck and the beat frequency between the two day when the speed of sound is 344 m/s? To answer this
sources is 52.83 Hz. What are the possible frequency and question, calculate the factor by which the frequency shifts
wavelength of the wave on the string? and see if it is greater than 0.300%.
106. A car has two horns, one emitting a frequency of 199 117. Two eagles fly directly toward one another, the first
Hz and the other emitting a frequency of 203 Hz. What beat at 15.0 m/s and the second at 20.0 m/s. Both screech, the
frequency do they produce? first one emitting a frequency of 3200 Hz and the second
one emitting a frequency of 3800 Hz. What frequencies do 123. A jet flying at an altitude of 8.50 km has a speed of
they receive if the speed of sound is 330 m/s? Mach 2.00, where the speed of sound is v = 340.00 m/s.
How long after the jet is directly overhead, will a stationary
118. Student A runs down the hallway of the school at observer hear a sonic boom?
a speed of v o = 5.00 m/s, carrying a ringing 1024.00-Hz
tuning fork toward a concrete wall. The speed of sound is 124. The shock wave off the front of a fighter jet has an
v = 343.00 m/s. Student B stands at rest at the wall. (a) angle of = 70.00 . The jet is flying at 1200 km/h. What
What is the frequency heard by student B? (b) What is the is the speed of sound?
beat frequency heard by student A?
125. A plane is flying at Mach 1.2, and an observer on
the ground hears the sonic boom 15.00 seconds after the
119. An ambulance with a siren f = 1.00kHz blaring is
plane is directly overhead. What is the altitude of the plane?
approaching an accident scene. The ambulance is moving
Assume the speed of sound is v w = 343.00 m/s.
at 70.00 mph. A nurse is approaching the scene from the
opposite direction, running at v o = 7.00 m/s. What
frequency does the nurse observe? Assume the speed of 126. A bullet is fired and moves at a speed of 1342 mph.
sound is v = 343.00 m/s. Assume the speed of sound is v = 340.00 m/s. What is the
angle of the shock wave produced?
120. The frequency of the siren of an ambulance is 900
Hz and is approaching you. You are standing on a corner 127. A speaker is placed at the opening of a long
and observe a frequency of 960 Hz. What is the speed horizontal tube. The speaker oscillates at a frequency of f,
of the ambulance (in mph) if the speed of sound is creating a sound wave that moves down the tube. The wave
v = 340.00 m/s? moves through the tube at a speed of v = 340.00 m/s.
The sound wave is modeled with the wave function
s(x, t) = s max coskx t + . At time t = 0.00 s , an
121. What is the minimum speed at which a source must
travel toward you for you to be able to hear that its air molecule at x = 2.3 m is at the maximum displacement
frequency is Doppler shifted? That is, what speed produces of 6.34 nm. At the same time, another molecule at
a shift of 0.300% on a day when the speed of sound is 331 x = 2.7 m has a displacement of 2.30 nm. What is the
m/s? wave function of the sound wave, that is, find the wave
number, angular frequency, and the initial phase shift?
17.8 Shock Waves 128. An airplane moves at Mach 1.2 and produces a shock
122. An airplane is flying at Mach 1.50 at an altitude wave. (a) What is the speed of the plane in meters per
of 7500.00 meters, where the speed of sound is second? (b) What is the angle that the shock wave moves?
v = 343.00 m/s. How far away from a stationary observer
will the plane be when the observer hears the sonic boom?
129. A 0.80-m-long tube is opened at both ends. The
air temperature is 26C. The air in the tube is oscillated
using a speaker attached to a signal generator. What are the
wavelengths and frequencies of first two modes of sound
waves that resonate in the tube?
131. Consider the following figure. The length of the 136. The Doppler shift for a Doppler radar is found by
string between the string vibrator and the pulley is 1 + vc
L = 1.00 m. The linear density of the string is f = fR
1 vc , where f R is the frequency of the radar,
= 0.006 kg/m. The string vibrator can oscillate at any f is the frequency observed by the radar, c is the speed
frequency. The hanging mass is 2.00 kg. (a)What are the of light, and v is the speed of the target. What is the beat
wavelength and frequency of n = 6 mode? (b) The string frequency observed at the radar, assuming the speed of the
oscillates the air around the string. What is the wavelength target is much slower than the speed of light?
of the sound if the speed of the sound is v s = 343.00 m/s
? 137. A stationary observer hears a frequency of 1000.00
Hz as a source approaches and a frequency of 850.00 Hz as
a source departs. The source moves at a constant velocity
of 75 mph. What is the temperature of the air?
139. Two sound speakers are separated by a distance d, each sounding a frequency f. An observer stands at one
Quantity Common Unit Unit in Terms of Base SI
Symbol Units
a m/s2 m/s2
Angular acceleration
rad/s2 s2
Angular velocity
rad/s s1
Area A m2 m2
Atomic number Z
Capacitance C farad (F) A 2 s 4 /kg m 2
Current I ampere A
Current density A/m2 A/m2
Dielectric constant
Electric dipole moment
p Cm Asm
Electric field E N/C kg m/A s 3
Electric flux N m 2 /C kg m 3 /A s 3
Entropy S J/K kg m 2 /s 2 K
Length: , L meter m
Displacement x,
Distance d, h
Position x, y, z,
Magnetic dipole A m2
tesla(T) = Wb/m 2
Magnetic field B kg/A s 2
Mass m, M kilogram kg
Molar specific heat C J/mol K kg m 2 /s 2 mol K
Moment of inertia I kg m 2 kg m 2
p kg m/s kg m/s
Period T s s
Permeability of free 0 2
N/A =(H/m) kg m/A 2 s 2
Permittivity of free 0 C 2 /N m 2 =(F/m) A 2 s 4 /kg m 3
Potential V volt(V) = (J/C) kg m 2 /A s 3
Temperature T kelvin K
Time t second s
Torque kg m 2 /s 2
Volume V m3 m3
Wavelength m m
Work W joule(J) = (N m) kg m 2 /s 2
m cm km
1 meter 1 102 103
1 centimeter 102 1 105
1 kilometer 103 105 1
1 inch 2.540 10 2 2.540 2.540 10 5
1 foot 0.3048 30.48 3.048 10 4
1 mile 1609 1.609 10 4 1.609
1 angstrom 1010
1 fermi 1015
1 light-year 9.460 10 12
in. ft mi
1 meter 39.37 3.281 6.214 10 4
1 centimeter 0.3937 3.281 10 2 6.214 10 6
1 kilometer 3.937 10 4 3.281 10 3 0.6214
Table B1 Length
1 cm 2 = 0.155 in. 2
1 m 2 = 10 4 cm 2 = 10.76 ft 2
1 in. 2 = 6.452 cm 2
s min h day yr
1 second 1 1.667 10 2 2.778 10 4 1.157 10 5 3.169 10 8
1 minute 60 1 1.667 10 2 6.944 10 4 1.901 10 6
1 hour 3600 60 1 4.167 10 2 1.141 10 4
1 day 8.640 10 4 1440 24 1 2.738 10 3
1 year 3.156 10 7 5.259 10 5 8.766 10 3 365.25 1
Table B2 Time
Table B3 Speed
1 m/s 2 = 100 cm/s 2 = 3.281 ft/s 2
kg g slug u
1 kilogram 1 103 6.852 10 2 6.024 10 26
1 gram 103 1 6.852 10 5 6.024 10 23
1 slug 14.59 1.459 10 4 1 8.789 10 27
1 atomic mass unit 1.661 10 27 1.661 10 24 1.138 10 28 1
Table B4 Mass
N dyne lb
1 newton 1 105 0.2248
Table B5 Force
1 bar 105
1 torr 1 (mmHg)
*Where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.80665 m/s2 and the temperature is 0C
Table B6 Pressure
J erg
1 joule 1 107 0.7376
1 erg 107 1 7.376 10 8
1 foot-pound 1.356 1.356 10 7 1
1 W = 1 J/s
1 hp = 746 W = 550 ft lb/s
1 Btu/h = 0.293 W
920 Appendix B
Quantity Symbol Value
Atomic mass unit u 1.660 538 782 (83) 10 27 kg
931.494 028 (23) MeV/c 2
Bohr radius
a0 = 2 5.291 772 085 9 (36) 10 11 m
me e2 ke
Table C1 Fundamental Constants Note: These constants are the values recommended in
2006 by CODATA, based on a least-squares adjustment of data from different measurements.
The numbers in parentheses for the values represent the uncertainties of the last two digits.
922 Appendix C
Table C1 Fundamental Constants Note: These constants are the values recommended in
2006 by CODATA, based on a least-squares adjustment of data from different measurements.
The numbers in parentheses for the values represent the uncertainties of the last two digits.
Celestial Mean Distance Period of Revolution Period of Eccentricity
Object from Sun (million (d = days) (y = years) Rotation at of Orbit
km) Equator
Sun 27 d
Mercury 57.9 88 d 59 d 0.206
Venus 108.2 224.7 d 243 d 0.007
Earth 149.6 365.26 d 23 h 56 min 4 s 0.017
Mars 227.9 687 d 24 h 37 min 23 s 0.093
Jupiter 778.4 11.9 y 9 h 50 min 30 s 0.048
Saturn 1426.7 29.5 6 10 h 14 min 0.054
Uranus 2871.0 84.0 y 17 h 14 min 0.047
Neptune 4498.3 164.8 y 16 h 0.009
Earths 149.6 (0.386 from 27.3 d 27.3 d 0.055
Moon Earth)
Celestial Equatorial Diameter Mass (Earth = 1) Density (g/cm3)
Object (km)
Sun 1,392,000 333,000.00 1.4
Mercury 4879 0.06 5.4
Venus 12,104 0.82 5.2
Earth 12,756 1.00 5.5
Mars 6794 0.11 3.9
Jupiter 142,984 317.83 1.3
Saturn 120,536 95.16 0.7
Uranus 51,118 14.54 1.3
Neptune 49,528 17.15 1.6
Earths 3476 0.01 3.3
Other Data:
Mass of Earth: 5.97 10 24 kg
Quadratic formula
If ax 2 + bx + c = 0, then x = b b 4ac
Table E1 Geometry
Trigonometric Identities
1. sin = 1/csc
2. cos = 1/sec
3. tan = 1/cot
4. sin90 0 = cos
5. cos90 0 = sin
6. tan90 0 = cot
7. sin 2 + cos 2 = 1
8. sec 2 tan 2 = 1
9. tan = sin /cos
10. sin = sin cos cos sin
tan tan
12. tan =
1 tan tan
1. Law of sines: a = b = c
sin sin sin
3. Pythagorean theorem: a 2 + b 2 = c 2
Series expansions
n(n 1)a n 2 b 2 n(n 1)(n 2)a n 3 b 3
1. Binomial theorem: (a + b) n = a n + na n 1 b + + +
2! 3!
n(n 1)x 2
2. (1 x) n = 1 nx + x 2 < 1
1! 2!
n(n + 1)x 2
3. (1 x) n = 1 nx + x 2 < 1
1! 2!
3 5
4. sin x = x x + x
3! 5!
2 4
5. cos x = 1 x + x
2! 4!
3 5
6. tan x = x + x + 2x +
3 15
7. e x = 1 + x + x +
1. d a f (x) = a d f (x)
dx dx
5. d x m = mx m 1
6. d sin x = cos x
7. d cos x = sin x
8. d tan x = sec 2 x
9. d cot x = csc 2 x
12. d ex = ex
13. d ln x = 1
dx x
14. d sin 1 x = 1
dx 1 x2
15. d cos 1 x = 1
dx 1 x2
16. d tan 1 x = 1
dx 1 + x2
1. a f (x)dx = a f (x)dx
f (x) + g(x)dx = f (x)dx + g(x)dx
x m dx =x (m 1)
3. m+1
= ln x(m = 1)
4. sin x dx = cos x
5. cos x dx = sin x
6. tan x dx = ln|sec x|
928 Appendix E
7. sin 2 ax dx = 2x sin4a2ax
8. cos 2 ax dx = 2x + sin4a2ax
9. sin ax cos ax dx = cos2ax
10. e ax dx = 1a e ax
11. xe ax dx = e 2 (ax 1)
12. ln ax dx = x ln ax x
13. dx = 1 tan 1 x
a 2 + x 2 a a
dx = 1 ln x + a
a 2 x 2 2a x a | |
15. dx = sinh 1 x
a2 + x2
16. dx = sin 1 x
a2 x2
17. a 2 + x 2 dx = x a 2 + x 2 + a sinh 1 ax
2 2
18. a 2 x 2 dx = x a 2 x 2 + a sin 1 ax
2 2
930 Appendix F
Gamma Omicron O
Delta Pi
Epsilon E Rho P
Zeta Z Sigma
Eta H Tau T
Theta Upsilon
lota I Phi
Kappa K Chi X
Lambda Psi
Mu M Omega
1.1. 4.79 10 2 Mg or 479 Mg
1.2. 3 10 8 m/s
1.3. 10 8 km 2
1.4. The numbers were too small, by a factor of 4.45.
1.5. 4r 3 /3
1.6. yes
1.7. 3 10 4 m or 30 km. It is probably an underestimate because the density of the atmosphere decreases with altitude. (In fact,
30 km does not even get us out of the stratosphere.)
1.8. No, the coachs new stopwatch will not be helpful. The uncertainty in the stopwatch is too great to differentiate between the
sprint times effectively.
1. Physics is the science concerned with describing the interactions of energy, matter, space, and time to uncover the fundamental
mechanisms that underlie every phenomenon.
3. No, neither of these two theories is more valid than the other. Experimentation is the ultimate decider. If experimental evidence
does not suggest one theory over the other, then both are equally valid. A given physicist might prefer one theory over another
on the grounds that one seems more simple, more natural, or more beautiful than the other, but that physicist would quickly
acknowledge that he or she cannot say the other theory is invalid. Rather, he or she would be honest about the fact that more
experimental evidence is needed to determine which theory is a better description of nature.
5. Probably not. As the saying goes, Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
7. Conversions between units require factors of 10 only, which simplifies calculations. Also, the same basic units can be scaled up
or down using metric prefixes to sizes appropriate for the problem at hand.
9. a. Base units are defined by a particular process of measuring a base quantity whereas derived units are defined as algebraic
combinations of base units. b. A base quantity is chosen by convention and practical considerations. Derived quantities are
expressed as algebraic combinations of base quantities. c. A base unit is a standard for expressing the measurement of a base
quantity within a particular system of units. So, a measurement of a base quantity could be expressed in terms of a base unit in any
system of units using the same base quantities. For example, length is a base quantity in both SI and the English system, but the
meter is a base unit in the SI system only.
11. a. Uncertainty is a quantitative measure of precision. b. Discrepancy is a quantitative measure of accuracy.
13. Check to make sure it makes sense and assess its significance.
15. a. 103; b. 105; c. 102; d. 1015; e. 102; f. 1057
17. 102 generations
19. 1011 atoms
21. 103 nerve impulses/s
23. 1026 floating-point operations per human lifetime
25. a. 957 ks; b. 4.5 cs or 45 ms; c. 550 ns; d. 31.6 Ms
27. a. 75.9 Mm; b. 7.4 mm; c. 88 pm; d. 16.3 Tm
29. a. 3.8 cg or 38 mg; b. 230 Eg; c. 24 ng; d. 8 Eg e. 4.2 g
31. a. 27.8 m/s; b. 62 mi/h
33. a. 3.6 km/h; b. 2.2 mi/h
35. 1.05 10 5 ft 2
37. 8.847 km
39. a. 1.3 10 9 m; b. 40 km/My
41. 10 6 Mg/L
43. 62.4 lbm/ft3
45. 0.017 rad
47. 1 light-nanosecond
49. 3.6 10 4 m 3
51. a. Yes, both terms have dimension L2T-2 b. No. c. Yes, both terms have dimension LT-1 d. Yes, both terms have dimension
934 Answer Key
53. a. [v] = LT1; b. [a] = LT2; c. vdt = L; d. adt = LT ; e. da = LT
1 3
55. a. L; b. L; c. L0 = 1 (that is, it is dimensionless)
57. 1028 atoms
59. 1051 molecules
61. 1016 solar systems
63. a. Volume = 1027 m3, diameter is 109 m.; b. 1011 m
65. a. A reasonable estimate might be one operation per second for a total of 109 in a lifetime.; b. about (109)(1017 s) = 108 s, or
about 10 ns
67. 2 kg
69. 4%
71. 67 mL
73. a. The number 99 has 2 significant figures; 100. has 3 significant figures. b. 1.00%; c. percent uncertainties
75. a. 2%; b. 1 mm Hg
77. 7.557 cm2
79. a. 37.2 lb; because the number of bags is an exact value, it is not considered in the significant figures; b. 1.4 N; because the
value 55 kg has only two significant figures, the final value must also contain two significant figures
81. a. [s 0] = L and units are meters (m); b. [v 0] = LT 1 and units are meters per second (m/s); c. [a 0] = LT 2 and units
are meters per second squared (m/s2); d. [ j 0] = LT 3 and units are meters per second cubed (m/s3); e. [S 0] = LT 4 and units
2.1. a. not equal because they are orthogonal; b. not equal because they have different magnitudes; c. not equal because they have
different magnitudes and directions; d. not equal because they are antiparallel; e. equal.
2.2. 16 m; D = 16 m ^ u
2.3. G = 28.2 cm, G = 291
2.4. ^ ^
D = (5.0 i 3.0 j )cm ; the fly moved 5.0 cm to the left and 3.0 cm down from its landing site.
2.5. 5.83 cm, 211
2.6. ^
D = (20 m) j
2.7. 35.1 m/s = 126.4 km/h
2.8. ^ ^
G = (10.25 i 26.22 j )cm
2.9. D = 55.7 N; direction 65.7 north of east
2.10. ^ ^ ^
v = 0.8 i + 0.6 j , 36.87 north of east
A B = 57.3 , F C = 27.8
2.13. 131.9
2.14. W 1 = 1.5 J , W 2 = 0.3 J
2.15. ^
A B = 40.1 k or, equivalently,
A B = 40.1 , and the direction is into the page;
| |
C F = + 157.6 k or, equivalently, C F = 157.6 , and the direction is out of the page.
2.16. a. 2 ^
k , b. 2, c. 153.4 , d. 135
1. scalar
3. answers may vary
5. parallel, sum of magnitudes, antiparallel, zero
7. no, yes
9. zero, yes
11. no
13. equal, equal, the same
15. a unit vector of the x-axis
17. They are equal.
19. yes
21. a. C =
A B , b. C = A B or C = A B , d. C = A B , e.
C = A B , c.
C + 2 A = B , f. C = A B , g. left side is a scalar and right side is a vector, h. C = 2 A B , i.
C = A /B , j. C = A /B
23. They are orthogonal.
25. h = 49 m ^ u , 49 m
27. 30.8 m, 35.7 west of north
29. 134 km, 80
31. 7.34 km, 63.5 south of east
33. 3.8 km east, 3.2 km north, 7.0 km
35. 14.3 km, 65
37. a. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
A = + 8.66 i + 5.00 j , b. B = + 30.09 i + 39.93 j , c. C = + 6.00 i 10.39 j , d.
^ ^ ^ ^
D = 15.97 i + 12.04 j , f. F = 17.32 i 10.00 j
936 Answer Key
47. a. ^ ^
A + B = 4 i 6 j , |
A + B = 7.211, = 213.7 ; b. ^ ^
A B =2i 2j ,
A B = 2 2, = 45
49. a. ^ ^ ^
C = (5.0 i 1.0 j 3.0 k )m, C = 5.92 m ;
b. ^ ^ ^
D = (4.0 i 11.0 j + 15.0 k )m, D = 19.03 m
51. ^ ^ ^
D = (3.3 i 6.6 j )km , i is to the east, 7.34 km, 63.5
53. a. ^ ^ ^ ^
R = 1.35 i 22.04 j , b. R = 17.98 i + 0.89 j
55. ^ ^
D = (200 i + 300 j )yd , D = 360.5 yd, 56.3 north of east; The numerical answers would stay the same but the physical
unit would be meters. The physical meaning and distances would be about the same because 1 yd is comparable with 1 m.
57. ^ ^
R = 3 i 16 j
59. ^ E = 357.8V/m , E z = 0.0V/m , E = tan 1(2)
E = EE , E x = + 178.9V/m , y
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
61. a. R B = (12.278 i + 7.089 j + 2.500 k )km , R D = (0.262 i + 3.000 k )km ; b.
D = 14.414 km
63. a. 8.66, b. 10.39, c. 0.866, d. 17.32
65. i = 64.12, j = 150.79, k = 77.39
67. a. 119.98 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
k , b. 173.2 k , c. +93.69 k , d. 413.2 k , e. +39.93 k , f. 30.09 k , g. +149.9 k , h. 0
69. a. 0, b. 173,194, c. +199,993 ^
71. a. 18.4 km and 26.2 km, b. 31.5 km and 5.56 km
73. a. (r, + /2) , b. (2r, + 2) , (c) (3r, )
75. d PM = 33.12 nmi = 61.34 km, d NP = 35.47 nmi = 65.69 km
77. proof
79. a. 10.00 m, b. 5 m , c. 0
81. 22.2 km/h, 35.8 south of west
83. 240.2 m, 2.2 south of west
85. ^ ^ ^ ^
B = 4.0 i + 3.0 j or B = 4.0 i 3.0 j
87. proof
89. G = 2375 17 9792
91. proof
3.1. (a) The riders displacement is x = x f x 0 = 1 km . (The displacement is negative because we take east to be positive
and west to be negative.) (b) The distance traveled is 3 km + 2 km = 5 km. (c) The magnitude of the displacement is 1 km.
3.2. (a) Taking the derivative of x(t) gives v(t) = 6t m/s. (b) No, because time can never be negative. (c) The velocity is v(1.0 s) =
25. a.
^ ^
x 1 = (2.0 m) i ,
x 2 = (5.0 m) i ; b. 7.0 m east
27. a. t = 2.0 s; b. x(6.0) x(3.0) = 8.0 (2.0) = 6.0 m
29. a. 150.0 s, v = 156.7 m/s ; b. 45.7% the speed of sound at sea level
938 Answer Key
35. a. v(t) = (10 4t)m/s ; v(2 s) = 2 m/s, v(3 s) = 2 m/s; b. |v(2 s)| = 2 m/s, |v(3 s)| = 2 m/s ; (c) v = 0 m/s
37. a = 4.29m/s 2
41. a = 11.1g
43. 150 m
45. a. 525 m;
b. v = 180 m/s
47. a.
c. x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 at = 1 at = 2.40 m/s (12.0 s) = 172.80 m , the answer seems reasonable at about 172.8 m; d.
2 2 2 2
2 2
v = 28.8 m/s
55. a.
b. t = 6.67 10 3 s ;
a = 40.0 m/s 2
a = 4.08 g
63. Knowns: x = 3 m, v = 0 m/s, v 0 = 54 m/s . We want a, so we can use this equation: a = 486 m/s 2 .
65. a. a = 32.58 m/s 2 ;
b. v = 161.85 m/s ;
c. v > v max , because the assumption of constant acceleration is not valid for a dragster. A dragster changes gears and would have
a greater acceleration in first gear than second gear than third gear, and so on. The acceleration would be greatest at the beginning,
so it would not be accelerating at 32.6 m/s 2 during the last few meters, but substantially less, and the final velocity would be less
than 162 m/s .
y = 8.23 m
67. a. ;
v 1 = 18.9 m/s
y = 18.9 m
b. ;
v 2 = 23.8 m/s
y = 32.0 m
c. ;
v 3 = 28.7 m/s
y = 47.6 m
d. ;
v 4 = 33.6 m/s
y = 65.6 m
v 5 = 38.5 m/s
b. y = y 0 + v 0 t 1 gt y = v 0 t 1 gt = 1.4 m/s(1.8 sec) 1 (9.8)(1.8 s) = 18.4 m and the origin is at the rescuers,
2 2
2 2 2
who are 18.4 m above the water.
2 2
71. a. v 2 = v 20 2g(y y 0) y 0 = 0 v = 0 y = 0 = (4.0 m/s) = 0.82 m ; b. to the apex v = 0.41 s times 2 to the
2g 2(9.80)
board = 0.82 s from the board to the water y = y 0 + v 0 t 1 gt 2 y = 1.80 m y 0 = 0 v 0 = 4.0 m/s
1.8 = 4.0t 4.9t 2 4.9t 2 4.0t 1.80 = 0 , solution to quadratic equation gives 1.13 s; c.
v 2 = v 20 2g(y y 0) y 0 = 0 v 0 = 4.0 m/s y = 1.80 m
v = 7.16 m/s
73. Time to the apex: t = 1.12 s times 2 equals 2.24 s to a height of 2.20 m. To 1.80 m in height is an additional 0.40 m.
Take the positive root, so the time to go the additional 0.4 m is 0.04 s. Total time is 2.24 s + 0.04 s = 2.28 s .
2 2
75. a. v = v 0 2g(y y 0) y 0 = 0 v = 0 y = 2.50 m ; b. t = 0.72 s times 2 gives 1.44 s in the air
v 20 = 2gy v 0 = 2(9.80)(2.50) = 7.0 m/s
77. a. v = 70.0 m/s ; b. time heard after rock begins to fall: 0.75 s, time to reach the ground: 6.09 s
x(t) = v(t)dt + C 2 = At 2 Bt 3 /2dt + C 2 = 1 At 2 4 Bt 5 /2 + C 2
3 2 15
1 2
x(0) = 0 = C 2 so x(t 0) = At 0 Bt 0 4 5/2
2 15
5.0 t 11.0 s 2
x(5 s) = 1.6(5.0) 2 = 40 m = 16(5.0 s) 1.55 5.0(5.0) + C 2
b. 40 = 98.75 + C 2 C 2 = 58.75
x(7.0 s) = 16(7.0) 1.57 5.0(7) 58.75 = 69 m
x(t) = 7.0dt + C 2 = 7t + C 2
t 11.0 s
x(11.0 s) = 16(11) 1.511 5.0(11) 58.75 = 109 = 7(11.0 s) + C 2 C 2 = 32 m
x(t) = 7t + 32 m
x 11.0 s x(12.0 s) = 7(12) + 32 = 116 m
83. Take west to be the positive direction.
1st plane: = 600 km/h
2nd plane
= 667.0 km/h
vv 3.4 cm/s v 0
85. a= tt0, t = 0, a = = 1.2 cm/s 2 v 0 = 8.2 cm/s v = v 0 + at = 8.2 + 1.2 t ;
0 4s
v = 7.0 cm/s v = 1.0 cm/s
87. a = 3 m/s 2
89. a.
v = 8.7 10 5 m/s ;
b. t = 7.8 10 8 s
the equation for displacement with x 0 = 0 : x = x 0 + v t = v t ; Equation for the police car: This car is accelerating, so use the
1 2 1 2
equation for displacement with x 0 = 0 and v 0 = 0 , since the police car starts from rest: x = x 0 + v 0 t + at = at ; Now
2 2
we have an equation of motion for each car with a common parameter, which can be eliminated to find the solution. In this case,
we solve for t . Step 1, eliminating x : x = v t = 1 at ; Step 2, solving for t : t = 2v
2 a . The speeding car has a constant velocity
of 40 m/s, which is its average velocity. The acceleration of the police car is 4 m/s2. Evaluating t, the time for the police car to
reach the speeding car, we have t = 2v
a = = 20 s .
97. At this acceleration she comes to a full stop in t = a 0 = 8 = 16 s , but the distance covered is
x = 8 m/s(16 s) 1 (0.5)(16 s) 2 = 64 m , which is less than the distance she is away from the finish line, so she never finishes
the race.
99. x 1 = v 0 t
x2 = 5 x1
101. 0 = 7.9 m/s velocity at the bottom of the window.
v = 7.9 m/s
v 0 = 14.1 m/s
103. a. v = 5.42 m/s ;
b. v = 4.64 m/s ;
c. a = 2874.28 m/s 2 ;
d. (x x 0) = 5.11 10 3 m
105. Consider the players fall from rest at the height 1.0 m and 0.3 m.
0.9 s
0.5 s
107. a. t = 6.37 s taking the positive root;
b. v = 59.5 m/s
109. a. y = 4.9 m ;
b. v = 38.3 m/s ;
c. 33.3 m
111. h = 1 gt , h = total height and time to drop to ground
2 h = 1 g(t 1) 2 in t 1 seconds it drops 2/3h
3 2
2 1 gt 2 = 1 g(t 1) 2 or t 2 = 1 (t 1) 2
3 2 2 3 2
0 = t 2 6t + 3 t = 6 6 4 3 = 3 24
2 2
t = 5.45 s and h = 145.5 m. Other root is less than 1 s. Check for t = 4.45 s h = 1 gt = 97.0 m = (145.5)
2 3
113. a. v(t) = 10t 12t 2 m/s, a(t) = 10 24t m/s 2 ;
b. v(2 s) = 28 m/s, a(2 s) = 38m/s 2 ; c. The slope of the position function is zero or the velocity is zero. There are two
possible solutions: t = 0, which gives x = 0, or t = 10.0/12.0 = 0.83 s, which gives x = 1.16 m. The second answer is the correct
choice; d. 0.83 s (e) 1.16 m
115. 96 km/h = 26.67 m/s, a =
26.67 m/s = 6.67m/s 2 , 295.38 km/h = 82.05 m/s, t = 12.3 s time to accelerate to
4.0 s
maximum speed
x = 504.55 m distance covered during acceleration
4.1. (a) Taking the derivative with respect to time of the position function, we have
^ ^
v (t) = 9.0t 2 i and
v (3.0s) = 81.0 i m/s. (b) Since the velocity function is nonlinear, we suspect the average velocity is
not equal to the instantaneous velocity. We check this and find
^ ^
r (t 2) r (t 1)
r (4.0 s) r (2.0 s) (144.0 i 36.0 i ) m ^
v avg = t2 t1 = = = 54.0 i m/s,
4.0 s 2.0 s 2.0 s
which is different from ^
v (3.0s) = 81.0 i m/s.
4.2. The acceleration vector is constant and doesnt change with time. If a, b, and c are not zero, then the velocity function must be
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
linear in time. We have
v (t) = a dt = (a i + b j + c k )dt = (a i + b j + c k )t m/s, since taking the derivative of
the vertical motion, but since y 0 = 0 and v 0y = 0, these equations simplify greatly to become y = 1 (v 0y + v y)t = 1 v y t,
2 2
v y = gt, y = 1 gt ,
and v 2y = 2gy. (d) We use the kinematic equations to find the x and y components of the
velocity at the point of impact. Using v 2y = 2gy and noting the point of impact is 100.0 m, we find the y component of the
velocity at impact is v y = 44.3 m/s. We are given the x component, v x = 15.0 m/s, so we can calculate the total velocity at
impact: v = 46.8 m/s and = 71.3 below the horizontal.
4.4. The golf shot at 30.
4.5. 134.0 cm/s
4.6. Labeling subscripts for the vector equation, we have B = boat, R = river, and E = Earth. The vector equation becomes
v BE = v BR + v RE. We have right triangle geometry shown in Figure 04_05_BoatRiv_img. Solving for v BE , we
v BE = v 2BR + v 2RE = 4.5 2 + 3.0 2
v BE = 5.4 m/s, = tan 1 3.0 = 33.7.
944 Answer Key
1. straight line
3. The slope must be zero because the velocity vector is tangent to the graph of the position function.
5. No, motions in perpendicular directions are independent.
7. a. no; b. minimum at apex of trajectory and maximum at launch and impact; c. no, velocity is a vector; d. yes, where it lands
9. They both hit the ground at the same time.
11. yes
13. If he is going to pass the ball to another player, he needs to keep his eyes on the reference frame in which the other players on
the team are located.
17. ^ ^ ^
r = 1.0 i 4.0 j + 6.0 k
^ ^
r Total = 472.0 m i + 80.3 m j
23. a. ^ ^ ^ ^
v (t) = 8.0t i + 6.0t 2 k , v (0) = 0, v (1.0) = 8.0 i + 6.0 k m/s ,
^ ^
v avg = 4.0 i + 2.0 k m/s
^ ^ ^
r 1 = 20.00 m j ,
r 2 = (2.000 10 4 m) (cos30 i + sin 30 j )
^ ^
r = 1.700 10 4 m i + 1.002 10 4 m j
^ ^ ^ ^
27. a. r (t) = (2.0t 2 i + 3 t 2 j ) m ,
v (t) = (4.0t i + 3.0t j )m/s, 2
2 3 2 2 x
b. x(t) = 2.0t m, y(t) = t m, t = y = x
2 2 4
29. a. ^ ^ ^
v (t) = (6.0t i 21.0t 2 j + 10.0t 3 k )m/s ,
b. ^ ^ ^
a (t) = (6.0 i 42.0t j 30t 4 k )m/s 2 ,
c. ^ ^ ^
v (2.0s) = (12.0 i 84.0 j + 1.25 k )m/s ,
^ ^ ^
v (1.0 s) = 6.0 i 21.0 j + 10.0 k m/s, | v (1.0 s)| = 24.0 m/s
v (3.0 s) = 18.0 i 189.0 j + 0.37 k m/s, | v (3.0 s)| = 199.0 m/s ,
^ ^ ^
e. ^ ^ ^
r (t) = (3.0t 2 i 7.0t 3 j 5.0t 2 k )cm
^ ^ ^
v avg = 9.0 i 49.0 j 6.3 k m/s
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
v (t) = sin(1.0t) i + cos(1.0t) j + k , b.
31. a. a (t) = cos(1.0t) i sin(1.0t) j
33. a. t = 0.55 s , b. x = 110 m
35. a. t = 0.24s, d = 0.28 m , b. They aim high.
946 Answer Key
37. a., t = 12.8 s, x = 5619 m b. v y = 125.0 m/s, v x = 439.0 m/s, | v | = 456.0 m/s
39. a. v y = v 0y gt, t = 10s, v y = 0, v 0y = 98.0 m/s, v 0 = 196.0 m/s , b. h = 490.0 m,
c. v 0x = 169.7 m/s, x = 3394.0 m,
x = 2545.5 m
d. = 465.5 m
^ ^
s = 2545.5 m i + 465.5 m j
b. t = 3 s v 0x = 18 m/s x = 54 m ,
c. y = 100 m y 0 = 0 y y 0 = v 0y t 1 gt
100 = 24t 4.9t 2 t = 7.58 s ,
d. x = 136.44 m ,
e. t = 2.0 s y = 28.4 m x = 36 m
t = 4.0 s y = 17.6 m x = 22.4 m
t = 6.0 s y = 32.4 m x = 108 m
47. v 0y = 12.9 m/s y y 0 = v 0y t 1 gt
20.0 = 12.9t 4.9t 2
t = 3.7 s v 0x = 15.3 m/s x = 56.7 m
So the golfers shot lands 13.3 m short of the green.
49. a. R = 60.8 m ,
b. R = 137.8 m
2 2
51. a. v y = v 0y 2gy y = 2.9 m/s
y = 3.3 m/s
v 20y (v 0 sin) 2
y= = sin = 0.91 = 65.5
2g 2g
53. R = 18.5 m
55. y = (tan 0)x x 2 v 0 = 16.4 m/s
2(v 0 cos 0)
v sin 2 0
57. R = 0
g 0 = 15.0
59. It takes the wide receiver 1.1 s to cover the last 10 m of his run.
2(v 0 sin)
T tof = g sin = 0.27 = 15.6
61. a C = 40 m/s 2
63. a C = v v 2 = r a C = 78.4, v = 8.85 m/s
T = 5.68 s, which is 0.176 rev/s = 10.6 rev/min
65. Venus is 108.2 million km from the Sun and has an orbital period of 0.6152 y.
r = 1.082 10 11 m T = 1.94 10 7 s
v = 3.5 10 4 m/s, a C = 1.135 10 2 m/s 2
67. 360 rev/min = 6 rev/s
v = 3.8 m/s a C = 144. m/s 2
= ^ ^ ^
b. r PS r PS + r S S, r (t) =
r (t) + (4.0 i + 3.0 j + 5.0 k )t m ,
c. ^ ^ ^
v (t) =
v (t) + (4.0 i + 3.0 j + 5.0 k ) m/s , d. The accelerations are the same.
^ ^ ^
v PC = (2.0 i + 5.0 j + 4.0 k )m/s
73. a. A = air, S = seagull, G = ground
v = 9.0 m/s velocity of seagull with respect to still air
v =
AG = ? v SG = 5 m/s v SG = v SA + v AG v AG v SG v SA
v AG = 4.0 m/s
b. v SG = v SA + v
v = 13.0 m/s
6000 m = 7 min 42 s
13.0 m/s
75. Take the positive direction to be the same direction that the river is flowing, which is east. S = shore/Earth, W = water, and B
= boat.
v = 11 km/h
t = 8.2 min
v = 5 km/h
t = 18 min
c. v BS = v
v = 22 west of north
t = 6.0 min
948 Answer Key
Downstream = 0.3 km
v =
v CG
77. AG AC +
v AC = 25 km/h |
v CG = 15 km/h | |
v AG = 29.15 km/h |
v AG = v AC + v CG
The angle between v AC and v AG is 31, so the direction of the wind is 14 north of east.
79. a C = 39.6 m/s 2
81. 90.0 km/h = 25.0 m/s, 9.0 km/h = 2.5 m/s, 60.0 km/h = 16.7 m/s
2 2 2
a T = 2.5 m/s , a C = 1.86 m/s , a = 3.1 m/s
4 2 R E cos
83. The radius of the circle of revolution at latitude is R E cos . The velocity of the body is 2r . a C = for
T T 2
= 40, a C = 0.26% g
85. a T = 3.00 m/s 2
v(5 s) = 15.00 m/s a C = 150.00 m/s 2 = 88.8 with respect to the tangent to the circle of revolution directed inward.
| |
a = 150.03 m/s 2
87. ^ ^
a (t) = A 2 cos t i A 2 sin t j
a C = 5.0 m 2 = 0.89 rad/s
^ ^
v (t) = 2.24 m/s i 3.87 m/s j
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
r 1 = 1.5 j + 4.0 k
r 2 =
r +
r 1 = 2.5 i + 4.7 j + 2.8 k
91. v x(t) = 265.0 m/s
v y(t) = 20.0 m/s
^ ^
v (5.0 s) = (265.0 i + 20.0 j )m/s
93. R = 1.07 m
95. v 0 = 20.1 m/s
97. v = 3072.5 m/s
a C = 0.223 m/s 2
v 2
99. a. 400.0 m = v 0y t 4.9t 2 359.0 m = v 0x t t = 359.0 400.0 = 359.0 0y 4.9( 359.0 )
v 0x v 0x v 0x
400.0 = 359.0 tan 40 631,516.9 v 20x = 900.6 v 0x = 30.0 m/s v 0y = v 0x tan 40 = 25.2 m/s
v 20x
v = 39.2 m/s , b. t = 12.0 s
^ ^ 2
101. a.
r TC = (32 + 80t) i + 50t j , | r TC| = (32 + 80t) 2 + (50t) 2
5.1. 14 N, 56 measured from the positive x-axis
5.2. a. His weight acts downward, and the force of air resistance with the parachute acts upward. b. neither; the forces are equal in
5.3. 0.1 m/s 2
5.4. 40 m/s 2
5.10. ;
1. Forces are directional and have magnitude.
3. The cupcake velocity before the braking action was the same as that of the car. Therefore, the cupcakes were unrestricted bodies
in motion, and when the car suddenly stopped, the cupcakes kept moving forward according to Newtons first law.
5. No. If the force were zero at this point, then there would be nothing to change the objects momentary zero velocity. Since we
do not observe the object hanging motionless in the air, the force could not be zero.
7. The astronaut is truly weightless in the location described, because there is no large body (planet or star) nearby to exert a
gravitational force. Her mass is 70 kg regardless of where she is located.
9. The force you exert (a contact force equal in magnitude to your weight) is small. Earth is extremely massive by comparison.
Thus, the acceleration of Earth would be incredibly small. To see this, use Newtons second law to calculate the acceleration you
would cause if your weight is 600.0 N and the mass of Earth is 6.00 10 24 kg .
11. a. action: Earth pulls on the Moon, reaction: Moon pulls on Earth; b. action: foot applies force to ball, reaction: ball applies
force to foot; c. action: rocket pushes on gas, reaction: gas pushes back on rocket; d. action: car tires push backward on road,
reaction: road pushes forward on tires; e. action: jumper pushes down on ground, reaction: ground pushes up on jumper; f. action:
gun pushes forward on bullet, reaction: bullet pushes backward on gun.
13. a. The rifle (the shell supported by the rifle) exerts a force to expel the bullet; the reaction to this force is the force that the bullet
exerts on the rifle (shell) in opposite direction. b. In a recoilless rifle, the shell is not secured in the rifle; hence, as the bullet is
pushed to move forward, the shell is pushed to eject from the opposite end of the barrel. c. It is not safe to stand behind a recoilless
950 Answer Key
15. a. Yes, the force can be acting to the left; the particle would experience deceleration and lose speed. B. Yes, the force can be
acting downward because its weight acts downward even as it moves to the right.
17. two forces of different types: weight acting downward and normal force acting upward
19. a. ^ ^
F net = 5.0 i + 10.0 j N ; b. the magnitude is F net = 11 N , and the direction is = 63
21. a. ^ ^
F net = 660.0 i + 150.0 j N ; b. F net = 676.6 N at = 12.8 from Davids rope
^ ^ ^ ^
23. a.
F net = 95.0 i + 283 j N ; b. 299 N at 71 north of east; c. F DS
= 95.0 i + 283 j N
25. Running from rest, the sprinter attains a velocity of v = 12.96 m/s , at end of acceleration. We find the time for acceleration
using x = 20.00 m = 0 + 0.5at 1 2 , or t 1 = 3.086 s. For maintained velocity, x 2 = vt 2 , or
t 2 = x 2/v = 80.00 m/12.96 m/s = 6.173 s . Total time = 9.259 s .
m astro a astro
27. a. m = 56.0 kg ; b. a meas = a astro + a ship, where a ship = m ship ; c. If the force could be exerted on the astronaut
by another source (other than the spaceship), then the spaceship would not experience a recoil.
29. F net = 4.12 10 5 N
31. a = 253 m/s 2
33. F net = F f = ma F = 1.26 10 3 N
2 2 2
35. v = v 0 + 2ax a = 7.80 m/s
F net = 7.80 10 3 N
37. a. ^
F net a = 9.0 i m/s 2 ; b. The acceleration has magnitude 9.0 m/s , so x = 110 m .
39. 1.6 ^i 0.8 ^j m/s 2
w Moon = mg Moon
41. a. m = 150 kg ; b. Mass does not change, so the suited astronauts mass on both Earth and the Moon is
w Earth = 1.5 10 3 N
150 kg.
F h = 3.68 10 3 N and
43. a. w = 7.35 10 2 N ;
w = 5.00 times greater than weight
F net = 3750 N
= 11.3 from horizontal
w = 19.6 N
45. net = 5.40 N
F net = ma a = 2.70 m/s 2
47. 0.60 ^i 8.4 ^j m/s 2
49. 497 N
51. a. F net = 2.64 10 7 N; b. The force exerted on the ship is also 2.64 10 7 N because it is opposite the shells direction
of motion.
53. Because the weight of the history book is the force exerted by Earth on the history book, we represent it as
F EH = 14 j N. Aside from this, the history book interacts only with the physics book. Because the acceleration of the
history book is zero, the net force on it is zero by Newtons second law: F PH + F EH = 0 , where F PH is the force
^ ^
exerted by the physics book on the history book. Thus, F PH = F EH = 14 j N = 14 j N. We find that the physics
book exerts an upward force of magnitude 14 N on the history book. The physics book has three forces exerted on it: F EP due to
Earth, F HP due to the history book, and F DP due to the desktop. Since the physics book weighs 18 N,
F EP = 18 j N.
From Newtons third law, F HP = F PH, so
F HP = 14 j N. Newtons second law applied to the physics book gives
^ ^ ^
F = 0 , or F DP + F EP + F HP = 0 , so F DP
= 18 j 14 j = 32 j N. The desk exerts an
upward force of 32 N on the physics book. To arrive at this solution, we apply Newtons second law twice and Newtons third law
55. a. The free-body diagram of the pulley closest to the foot:
a = 0.11 m/s 2;
Thus, the heavy team wins.
T 9F 1 = 9m 1 a T = 9m 1 a + 9F 1
= 1.2 10 4 N
59. a. T = 1.96 10 4 N;
T = 4.71 10 4 N
T = 2.40 times the tension in the vertical strand
952 Answer Key
F y net = F 2T sin = 0
F = 2Tsin
2 sin
63. a. see Example 5.13; b. 1.5 N; c. 15 N
65. a. 5.6 kg; b. 55 N; c. T 2 = 60 N ;
73. 5.90 kg
77. a. F net =
m(v 2 v 0 2) ; b. 2590 N
^ ^
F net = 4.05 i + 12.0 j N
^ ^
F net =m
a = 0.405 i + 1.20 j m/s 2
F net = F A+ F B
^ ^ ^
net = A i + 1.41A i 1.41A j
^ ^
F net
= A 0.41 i 1.41 j
= 254
(We add 180 , because the angle is in quadrant IV.)
83. F = 2kmx ; First, take the derivative of the velocity function to obtain a = 2kx . Then apply Newtons second law
F = ma = m(2kx) = 2kmx .
85. a. For box A, N A = mg and N B = mg cos ; b. N A > N B because for < 90 , cos < 1 ; c. N A > N B when
= 10
87. a. 8.66 N; b. 0.433 m
89. 0.40 or 40%
91. 16 N
93. a.
; b. No; F R is not shown, because it would replace F 1 and F 2 . (If we want to show it, we could
draw it and then place squiggly lines on F 1 and F 2 to show that they are no longer considered.
95. a. 14.1 m/s; b. 601 N
F t2
97. m
99. 936 N
^ ^
101. a = 248 i 433 j m/s 2
103. 0.548 m/s 2
2mg mg 2mg
T2 = = arctan1 tan ;
105. a. T1 =
, sinarctan12 tan , T3 =
; b.
c. 2.56 ; (d)
x = d2 cos + 2 cosarctan1 tan + 1
954 Answer Key
^ 3.00 ^ ^ ^
a = 5.00
m i + m j m/s ; b. 1.38 kg; c. 21.2 m/s; d. v = 18.1 i + 10.9 j m/s
2 2
107. a.
6.1. F s = 645 N
6.2. a = 3.68 m/s 2, T = 18.4 N
2m m
1 2 g (This is found by substituting the equation for acceleration in Figure 6.7 (a), into the equation for tension
6.3. T = m +
1 m2
in Figure 6.7 (b).)
6.4. 1.49 s
6.5. 49.4 degrees
6.6. 128 m; no
6.7. a. 4.9 N; b. 0.98 m/s2
6.8. 0.23 m/s 2 ; the negative sign indicates that the snowboarder is slowing down.
6.9. 0.40
6.10. 34 m/s
6.11. 0.27 kg/m
1. The scale is in free fall along with the astronauts, so the reading on the scale would be 0. There is no difference in the apparent
weightlessness; in the aircraft and in orbit, free fall is occurring.
3. If you do not let up on the brake pedal, the cars wheels will lock so that they are not rolling; sliding friction is now involved
and the sudden change (due to the larger force of static friction) causes the jerk.
5. 5.00 N
7. Centripetal force is defined as any net force causing uniform circular motion. The centripetal force is not a new kind of force.
The label centripetal refers to any force that keeps something turning in a circle. That force could be tension, gravity, friction,
electrical attraction, the normal force, or any other force. Any combination of these could be the source of centripetal force, for
example, the centripetal force at the top of the path of a tetherball swung through a vertical circle is the result of both tension and
9. The driver who cuts the corner (on Path 2) has a more gradual curve, with a larger radius. That one will be the better racing line.
If the driver goes too fast around a corner using a racing line, he will still slide off the track; the key is to stay at the maximum
value of static friction. So, the driver wants maximum possible speed and maximum friction. Consider the equation for centripetal
force: F c = m v where v is speed and r is the radius of curvature. So by decreasing the curvature (1/r) of the path that the car
takes, we reduce the amount of force the tires have to exert on the road, meaning we can now increase the speed, v. Looking at
this from the point of view of the driver on Path 1, we can reason this way: the sharper the turn, the smaller the turning circle; the
smaller the turning circle, the larger is the required centripetal force. If this centripetal force is not exerted, the result is a skid.
11. The barrel of the dryer provides a centripetal force on the clothes (including the water droplets) to keep them moving in a
circular path. As a water droplet comes to one of the holes in the barrel, it will move in a path tangent to the circle.
13. If there is no friction, then there is no centripetal force. This means that the lunch box will move along a path tangent to the
circle, and thus follows path B. The dust trail will be straight. This is a result of Newtons first law of motion.
15. There must be a centripetal force to maintain the circular motion; this is provided by the nail at the center. Newtons third law
explains the phenomenon. The action force is the force of the string on the mass; the reaction force is the force of the mass on the
string. This reaction force causes the string to stretch.
17. Since the radial friction with the tires supplies the centripetal force, and friction is nearly 0 when the car encounters the ice, the
car will obey Newtons first law and go off the road in a straight line path, tangent to the curve. A common misconception is that
the car will follow a curved path off the road.
19. Anna is correct. The satellite is freely falling toward Earth due to gravity, even though gravity is weaker at the altitude of the
satellite, and g is not 9.80 m/s 2 . Free fall does not depend on the value of g; that is, you could experience free fall on Mars if you
jumped off Olympus Mons (the tallest volcano in the solar system).
21. The pros of wearing body suits include: (1) the body suit reduces the drag force on the swimmer and the athlete can move
more easily; (2) the tightness of the suit reduces the surface area of the athlete, and even though this is a small amount, it can
make a difference in performance time. The cons of wearing body suits are: (1) The tightness of the suits can induce cramping and
breathing problems. (2) Heat will be retained and thus the athlete could overheat during a long period of use.
23. The oil is less dense than the water and so rises to the top when a light rain falls and collects on the road. This creates a
dangerous situation in which friction is greatly lowered, and so a car can lose control. In a heavy rain, the oil is dispersed and does
not affect the motion of cars as much.
25. a. 170 N; b. 170 N
^ ^
27. F = ( 7 i + 2 j + 4 k ) N
29. 376 N pointing up (along the dashed line in the figure); the force is used to raise the heel of the foot.
31. 68.5 N
33. a. 7.70 m/s 2 ; b. 4.33 s
35. a. 46.4 m/s; b. 2.40 10 3 m/s 2 ; c. 5.99 103 N; ratio of 245
37. a. 1.87 10 4 N; b. 1.67 10 4 N; c. 1.56 10 4 N; d. 19.4 m, 0 m/s
39. a. 10 kg; b. 90 N; c. 98 N; d. 0
41. a. 3.35 m/s 2 ; b. 4.2 s
43. a. 2.0 m/s 2; b. 7.8 N; c. 2.0 m/s
45. a. 0.933 m/s 2 (mass 1 accelerates up the ramp as mass 2 falls with the same acceleration); b. 21.5 N
47. a. 10.0 N; b. 97.0 N
49. a. 4.9 m/s 2 ; b. The cabinet will not slip. c. The cabinet will slip.
51. a. 32.3 N, 35.2; b. 0; c. 0.301 m/s 2 in the direction of F tot
net F y = 0 N = mg cos
53. net F x = ma
a = gsin k cos
55. a. 1.69 m/s 2; b. 5.71
57. a. 10.8 m/s 2; b. 7.85 m/s 2; c. 2.00 m/s 2
59. a. 9.09 m/s 2; b. 6.16 m/s 2; c. 0.294 m/s 2
61. a. 272 N, 512 N; b. 0.268
63. a. 46.5 N; b. 0.629 m/s 2
65. a. 483 N; b. 17.4 N; c. 2.24, 0.0807
67. 4.14
69. a. 24.6 m; b. 36.6 m/s 2; c. 3.73 times g
71. a. 16.2 m/s; b. 0.234
73. a. 179 N; b. 290 N; c. 8.3 m/s
75. 20.7 m/s
77. 21 m/s
79. 115 m/s or 414 km/h
81. v T = 25 m/s;v 2 = 9.9 m/s
99. a x = 0.40 m/s 2 and T = 11.2 10 3 N
101. m(6pt + 2q)
pt 2 ^ qt 2 ^ pt 2 3 ^ qt 3 ^
103. v (t) = m + nt i + j and
r (t) = + nt i + j
2m 2 2m 6m 60m
105. 9.2 m/s
107. 1.3 s
109. 5.4 m/s 2
111. a. 0.60; b. 1200 N; c. 1.2 m/s 2 and 1080 N; d. 1.2 m/s 2; e. 120 N
113. 0.789
115. a. 0.186 N; b. 774 N; c. 0.48 N
117. 13 m/s
119. 20.7 m/s
121. a. 28,300 N; b. 2540 m
123. 25 N
125. a = k g
127. 14 m
129. v = v 0 2 2gr 0 1 r0
131. 78.7 m
133. a. 53.9 m/s; b. 328 m; c. 4.58 m/s; d. 257 s
135. a. v = 20.0(1 e 0.01t); b. v limiting = 20 m/s
7.1. No, only its magnitude can be constant; its direction must change, to be always opposite the relative displacement along the
7.2. No, its only approximately constant near Earths surface.
7.3. W = 35 J
7.4. a. The spring force is the opposite direction to a compression (as it is for an extension), so the work it does is negative. b. The
work done depends on the square of the displacement, which is the same for x = 6 cm , so the magnitude is 0.54 J.
7.5. a. the car; b. the truck
7.6. against
7.7. 3 m/s
7.8. 980 W
1. When you push on the wall, this feels like work; however, there is no displacement so there is no physical work. Energy is
consumed, but no energy is transferred.
3. If you continue to push on a wall without breaking through the wall, you continue to exert a force with no displacement, so no
work is done.
5. The total displacement of the ball is zero, so no work is done.
7. Both require the same gravitational work, but the stairs allow Tarzan to take this work over a longer time interval and hence
gradually exert his energy, rather than dramatically by climbing a vine.
1 2 1 2
9. The first particle has a kinetic energy of 4( mv ) whereas the second particle has a kinetic energy of 2( mv ), so the first
2 2
particle has twice the kinetic energy of the second particle.
11. The mower would gain energy if 90 < < 90. It would lose energy if 90 < < 270. The mower may also lose
energy due to friction with the grass while pushing; however, we are not concerned with that energy loss for this problem.
13. The second marble has twice the kinetic energy of the first because kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass, like the
work done by gravity.
15. Unless the environment is nearly frictionless, you are doing some positive work on the environment to cancel out the frictional
work against you, resulting in zero total work producing a constant velocity.
17. Appliances are rated in terms of the energy consumed in a relatively small time interval. It does not matter how long the
appliance is on, only the rate of change of energy per unit time.
19. The spark occurs over a relatively short time span, thereby delivering a very low amount of energy to your body.
21. If the force is antiparallel or points in an opposite direction to the velocity, the power expended can be negative.
23. 3.00 J
25. a. 593 kJ; b. 589 kJ; c. 0
27. 3.14 kJ
29. a. 700 J; b. 0; c. 700 J; d. 38.6 N; e. 0
31. 100 J
33. a. 2.45 J; b. 2.45 J; c. 0
35. a. 2.22 kJ; b. 2.22 kJ; c. 0
37. 18.6 kJ
39. a. 2.32 kN; b. 22.0 kJ
41. 835 N
43. 257 J
45. a. 1.47 m/s; b. answers may vary
47. a. 772 kJ; b. 4.0 kJ; c. 1.8 10 16 J
49. a. 2.6 kJ; b. 640 J
51. 2.72 kN
53. 102 N
55. 2.8 m/s
57. W(bullet) = 20 W(crate)
59. 12.8 kN
61. 0.25
63. a. 24 m/s, 4.8 m/s2; b. 29.4 m
65. 310 m/s
67. a. 40; b. 8 million
69. $149
71. a. 208 W; b. 141 s
73. a. 3.20 s; b. 4.04 s
75. a. 224 s; b. 24.8 MW; c. 49.7 kN
77. a. 1.57 kW; b. 6.28 kW
79. 6.83W
81. a. 8.51 J; b. 8.51 W
83. 1.7 kW
85. 15 N m
87. 39 N m
89. a. 208 N m ; b. 240 N m
91. a. 0.9 N m ; b. 0.83 N m
93. a. 10. J; b. 10. J; c. 380 N/m
95. 160 J/s
97. a. 10 N; b. 20 W
99. If crate goes up: a. 3.46 kJ; b. 1.89 kJ; c. 1.57 kJ; d. 0; If crate goes down: a. 0.39 kJ; b. 1.18 kJ; c. 1.57 kJ; d. 0
101. 8.0 J
103. 35.7 J
105. 24.3 J
107. a. 40 hp; b. 39.8 MJ, independent of speed; c. 80 hp, 79.6 MJ at 30 m/s; d. If air resistance is proportional to speed, the car
gets about 22 mpg at 34 mph and half that at twice the speed, closer to actual driving experience.
958 Answer Key
8.1. (4.63 J) (2.38 J) = 7.00 J
8.2. 35.3 kJ, 143 kJ, 0
8.3. 22.8 cm. Using 0.02 m for the initial displacement of the spring (see above), we calculate the final displacement of the spring
to be 0.028 m; therefore the length of the spring is the unstretched length plus the displacement, or 22.8 cm.
8.4. It increases because you had to exert a downward force, doing positive work, to pull the mass down, and thats equal to the
change in the total potential energy.
8.5. 2.83 N
8.6. F = 4.8 N, directed toward the origin
8.7. 0.033 m
8.8. b. At any given height, the gravitational potential energy is the same going up or down, but the kinetic energy is less going
down than going up, since air resistance is dissipative and does negative work. Therefore, at any height, the speed going down is
less than the speed going up, so it must take a longer time to go down than to go up.
8.9. constant U(x) = 1 J
8.10. a. yes, motion confined to 1.055 m x 1.055 m ; b. same equilibrium points and types as in example
8.11. x(t) = (2E/k) sin k/mt and v 0 = (2E/m)
1. The potential energy of a system can be negative because its value is relative to a defined point.
3. If the reference point of the ground is zero gravitational potential energy, the javelin first increases its gravitational potential
energy, followed by a decrease in its gravitational potential energy as it is thrown until it hits the ground. The overall change in
gravitational potential energy of the javelin is zero unless the center of mass of the javelin is lower than from where it is initially
thrown, and therefore would have slightly less gravitational potential energy.
5. the vertical height from the ground to the object
7. A force that takes energy away from the system that cant be recovered if we were to reverse the action.
9. The change in kinetic energy is the net work. Since conservative forces are path independent, when you are back to the same
point the kinetic and potential energies are exactly the same as the beginning. During the trip the total energy is conserved, but
both the potential and kinetic energy change.
11. The car experiences a change in gravitational potential energy as it goes down the hills because the vertical distance is
decreasing. Some of this change of gravitational potential energy will be taken away by work done by friction. The rest of the
energy results in a kinetic energy increase, making the car go faster. Lastly, the car brakes and will lose its kinetic energy to the
work done by braking to a stop.
13. It states that total energy of the system E is conserved as long as there are no non-conservative forces acting on the object.
15. He puts energy into the system through his legs compressing and expanding.
17. Four times the original height would double the impact speed.
19. 40,000
21. a. 200 J; b. 200 J; c. 100 J; d. 300 J
23. a. 0.068 J; b. 0.068 J; c. 0.068 J; d. 0.068 J; e. 0.068 J; f. 46 cm
25. a. 120 J; b. 120 J
27. a. 2a
; b. 0 ; c. x 6
29. 14 m/s
31. 14 J
33. proof
35. 9.7 m/s
37. 39 m/s
39. 1900 J
41. 151 J
43. 3.5 cm
45. 10x with x-axis pointed away from the wall and origin at the wall
47. 4.6 m/s
49. a. 5.6 m/s; b. 5.2 m/s; c. 6.4 m/s; d. no; e. yes
51. a. where k = 0.02, A = 1, = 1 ; b. F = kx xAe x 2 ; c. The potential energy at x = 0 must be less than the kinetic
plus potential energy at x = a or A 1 mv 2 + 1 ka 2 + Ae a . Solving this for A matches results in the problem.
2 2
53. 8700 N/m
55. a. 70.6 m/s; b. 69.9 m/s
57. a. 180 N/m; b. 11 m
59. a. 9.8 10 3 J ; b. 1.4 10 3 J ; c. 14 m/s
61. a. 47.6 m; b. 1.88 10 5 J ; c. 373 N
63. 33.9 cm
65. a. 0.0269 J; b. U = 0 ; c. 1.11 m/s; d. 4.96 cm
67. 42 cm
69. 0.44 J
71. 3.6 m/s
73. bD 4 /4
75. proof
77. a. 2m 2 gh ; b. mMgh
k(m + M) m+M
79. a. 2.24 m/s; b. 1.94 m/s; c. 1.94 m/s
81. 18 m/s
83. v A = 24 m/s; v B = 14 m/s; v C = 31 m/s
85. a. Loss of energy is 240 N m ; b. F = 8 N
87. 89.7 m/s
89. 32 J
9.1. To reach a final speed of v f = 1 3.0 10 m/s at an acceleration of 10g, the time
required is
10g =
1 3.0 10 8 m/s
t =
vf 4 = 7.7 10 5 s = 8.9 d
10g 10g
9.2. If the phone bounces up with approximately the same initial speed as its impact speed, the change in momentum of the phone
= 2m
will be p = m v m v v . This is twice the momentum change than when the phone does not bounce,
so the impulse-momentum theorem tells us that more force must be applied to the phone.
9.3. If the smaller cart were rolling at 1.33 m/s to the left, then conservation of momentum gives
^ ^
(m 1 + m 2)
v f = m1 v1 i m2 v2 i
m v m v ^
v f = 1m 1 + m 2 2 i
1 2
0.675 kg(0.75 m/s) 0.500 kg(1.33 m/s) ^
= i
1.175 kg
= (0.135 m/s) i
Thus, the final velocity is 0.135 m/s to the left.
9.4. If the ball does not bounce, its final momentum
p 2 is zero, so
960 Answer Key
p p 2
= p 1
^ ^
= (0) j 1.4 kg m/s j
= + 1.4 kg m/s j
9.5. Consider the impulse momentum theory, which is J = p . If J = 0 , we have the situation described in the
example. If a force acts on the system, then J = F ave t . Thus, instead of p f = p i , we have
F ave t = p = p f p i
where F ave is the force due to friction.
9.6. The impulse is the change in momentum multiplied by the time required for the change to occur. By conservation of
momentum, the changes in momentum of the probe and the comment are of the same magnitude, but in opposite directions, and the
interaction time for each is also the same. Therefore, the impulse each receives is of the same magnitude, but in opposite directions.
Because they act in opposite directions, the impulses are not the same. As for the impulse, the force on each body acts in opposite
directions, so the forces on each are not equal. However, the change in kinetic energy differs for each, because the collision is not
9.7. This solution represents the case in which no interaction takes place: the first puck misses the second puck and continues on
with a velocity of 2.5 m/s to the left. This case offers no meaningful physical insights.
9.8. If zero friction acts on the car, then it will continue to slide indefinitely ( d ), so we cannot use the work-kinetic-energy
theorem as is done in the example. Thus, we could not solve the problem from the information given.
9.9. Were the initial velocities not at right angles, then one or both of the velocities would have to be expressed in component
form. The mathematical analysis of the problem would be slightly more involved, but the physical result would not change.
9.10. The volume of a scuba tank is about 11 L. Assuming air is an ideal gas, the number of gas molecules in the tank is
2500 psi0.011 m
6894.8 Pa
N = PV =
RT (8.31 J/mol K)(300 K) 1 psi
= 7.59 10 1 mol
The average molecular mass of air is 29 g/mol, so the mass of air contained in the tank is about 2.2 kg. This is about 10 times
less than the mass of the tank, so it is safe to neglect it. Also, the initial force of the air pressure is roughly proportional to the
surface area of each piece, which is in turn proportional to the mass of each piece (assuming uniform thickness). Thus, the initial
acceleration of each piece would change very little if we explicitly consider the air.
9.11. The average radius of Earths orbit around the Sun is 1.496 10 9 m . Taking the Sun to be the origin, and noting that the
mass of the Sun is approximately the same as the masses of the Sun, Earth, and Moon combined, the center of mass of the Earth +
Moon system and the Sun is
m Sun R Sun + m em R em
R CM = m Sun
1.989 10 30 kg(0) + 5.97 10 24 kg + 7.36 10 22 kg1.496 10 9 m
1.989 10 30 kg
= 4.6 km
Thus, the center of mass of the Sun, Earth, Moon system is 4.6 km from the center of the Sun.
9.12. On a macroscopic scale, the size of a unit cell is negligible and the crystal mass may be considered to be distributed
homogeneously throughout the crystal. Thus,
N N N j
CM = M m j r j = M m r j = M r j = M
r 1 1 m Nm j=1
j=1 j=1 j=1
where we sum over the number N of unit cells in the crystal and m is the mass of a unit cell. Because Nm = M, we can write
N j N
= 1
CM = M r j = M
r m Nm j=1
r j.
N Nj=1
This is the definition of the geometric center of the crystal, so the center of mass is at the same point as the geometric center.
9.13. The explosions would essentially be spherically symmetric, because gravity would not act to distort the trajectories of the
expanding projectiles.
9.14. The notation m g stands for the mass of the fuel and m stands for the mass of the rocket plus the initial mass of the fuel.
Note that m g changes with time, so we write it as m g (t) . Using m R as the mass of the rocket with no fuel, the total mass of the
rocket plus fuel is m = m R + m g (t) . Differentiation with respect to time gives
dm = dm R + dm g (t) = dm g (t)
dt dt dt dt
dm R
where we used = 0 because the mass of the rocket does not change. Thus, time rate of change of the mass of the rocket is
the same as that of the fuel.
1. Since K = p 2 /2m , then if the momentum is fixed, the object with smaller mass has more kinetic energy.
3. Yes; impulse is the force applied multiplied by the time during which it is applied ( J = Ft ), so if a small force acts for a long
time, it may result in a larger impulse than a large force acting for a small time.
5. By friction, the road exerts a horizontal force on the tires of the car, which changes the momentum of the car.
7. Momentum is conserved when the mass of the system of interest remains constant during the interaction in question and when
no net external force acts on the system during the interaction.
9. To accelerate air molecules in the direction of motion of the car, the car must exert a force on these molecules by Newtons
second law F =d
p /dt . By Newtons third law, the air molecules exert a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite
direction on the car. This force acts in the direction opposite the motion of the car and constitutes the force due to air resistance.
11. No, he is not a closed system because a net nonzero external force acts on him in the form of the starting blocks pushing on
his feet.
13. Yes, all the kinetic energy can be lost if the two masses come to rest due to the collision (i.e., they stick together).
15. The angle between the directions must be 90. Any system that has zero net external force in one direction and nonzero net
external force in a perpendicular direction will satisfy these conditions.
17. Yes, the rocket speed can exceed the exhaust speed of the gases it ejects. The thrust of the rocket does not depend on the
relative speeds of the gases and rocket, it simply depends on conservation of momentum.
19. a. magnitude: 25 kg m/s; b. same as a.
21. 1.78 10 29 kg m/s
63. With the origin defined to be at the position of the 150-g mass, x CM = 1.23cm and y CM = 0.69cm
h 1 gt 2, t < T
65. y CM = 2 4
h 2 gt 4 gT 2 + 12 gtT,
1 2 1
m1 x1 + m2 x2 m1 y1 + m2 y2
67. a. R1 = 4 m , R2 = 2 m ; b. X CM = m 1 + m 2 , Y CM = m 1 + m 2 ; c. yes, with
R=m + 16m 21 + 4m 22
1 m2
1 + 0
69. x cm = 3 L
4 1 + 2 0
71. 2a , 2b
3 3
73. (x CM, y CM, z CM) = (0,0, h/4)
75. (x CM, y CM, z CM) = (0, 4R/(3), 0)
77. (a) 0.413 m/s, (b) about 0.2 J
79. 1551 kg
81. 4.9 km/s
84. the elephant has a higher momentum
86. Answers may vary. The first clause is true, but the second clause is not true in general because the velocity of an object with
small mass may be large enough so that the momentum of the object is greater than that of a larger-mass object with a smaller
88. 4.5 10 3 N
J = m g 1 e bt/mdt = m g e b/m 1
90. g m
0 b
^ ^
92. a. 2.1 10 3 kg m/s i , b. 24 10 3 N i
94. a. 1.1 10 3 kg m/s i , b. 0.010 kg m/s ^i , c. (0.00093 m/s) ^i , d. (0.0012 m/s) ^i
108. ball 1: (1.4 m/s) ^i (1.7 m/s) ^j , ball 2: (2.8 m/s) ^i + (0.012 m/s) ^j
116. Conservation of momentum demands m 1 v 1,i + m 2 v 2,i = m 1 v 1,f + m 2 v 2,f . We are given that m 1 = m 2 , v 1,i = v 2,f ,
and v 2,i = v 1,f = 0 . Combining these equations with the equation given by conservation of momentum gives v 1,i = v 1,i , which
2 2 2 2
is true, so conservation of momentum is satisfied. Conservation of energy demands 12 m 1 v 1,i + 12 m 2 v 2,i = 12 m 1 v 1,f + 12 m 2 v 2,f
. Again combining this equation with the conditions given above give v 1,i = v 1,i , so conservation of energy is satisfied.
118. Assume origin on centerline and at floor, then (x CM, y CM) = (0,86 cm)
10.1. a. 40.0 rev/s = 2(40.0) rad/s , = = 2(40.0) 0 rad/s = 2(2.0) = 4.0 rad/s 2 ; b. Since the angular
t 20.0 s
velocity increases linearly, there has to be a constant acceleration throughout the indicated time. Therefore, the instantaneous
angular acceleration at any time is the solution to 4.0 rad/s 2 .
7000.0(2 rad)
10.2. a. Using Equation 10.25, we have 7000 rpm = = 733.0 rad/s,
60.0 s
0 733.0 rad/s
= t = = 73.3 rad/s 2 ;
10.0 s
b. Using Equation 10.29, we have
2 20 0 (733.0 rad/s) 2
2 = 20 + 2 = = = 3665.2 rad
2 2(73.3 rad/s 2)
(5.0 0)rad/s
10.3. The angular acceleration is = = 0.25 rad/s 2 . Therefore, the total angle that the boy passes through is
20.0 s
2 20 (5.0) 2 0
= = = 50 rad .
2 2(0.25)
Thus, we calculate
s = r = 5.0 m(50.0 rad) = 250.0 m .
10.4. The initial rotational kinetic energy of the propeller is
K 0 = 1 I 2 = 1 (800.0 kg-m 2)(4.0 2 rad/s) 2 = 2.53 10 5 J .
2 2
At 5.0 s the new rotational kinetic energy of the propeller is
K f = 2.03 10 5 J .
and the new angular velocity is
2(2.03 10 5 J)
= = 22.53 rad/s
800.0 kg-m 2
which is 3.58 rev/s.
2 2 2 2
10.5. I parallel-axis = I center of mass + md = mR + mR = 2mR
10.6. The angle between the lever arm and the force vector is 80; therefore, r = 100m(sin80) = 98.5 m . The cross
product =
r F gives a negative or clockwise torque. The torque is then
1. The second hand rotates clockwise, so by the right-hand rule, the angular velocity vector is into the wall.
3. They have the same angular velocity. Points further out on the bat have greater tangential speeds.
5. straight line, linear in time variable
7. constant
9. The centripetal acceleration vector is perpendicular to the velocity vector.
11. a. both; b. nonzero centripetal acceleration; c. both
13. The hollow sphere, since the mass is distributed further away from the rotation axis.
15. a. It decreases. b. The arms could be approximated with rods and the discus with a disk. The torso is near the axis of rotation
so it doesnt contribute much to the moment of inertia.
17. Because the moment of inertia varies as the square of the distance to the axis of rotation. The mass of the rod located at
distances greater than L/2 would provide the larger contribution to make its moment of inertia greater than the point mass at L/2.
19. magnitude of the force, length of the lever arm, and angle of the lever arm and force vector
21. The moment of inertia of the wheels is reduced, so a smaller torque is needed to accelerate them.
23. yes
25. | r | can be equal to the lever arm but never less than the lever arm
27. If the forces are along the axis of rotation, or if they have the same lever arm and are applied at a point on the rod.
29. =
2 rad = 0.14 rad/s
45.0 s
s 3.0 m = 2.0 rad ; b. = 2.0 rad = 2.0 rad/s ; c. v 2 (3.0 m/s) 2
31. a. = r = 2
1.5 m 1.0 s r = 1.5 m = 6.0 m/s .
0 rad/s 10.0(2) rad/s
33. The propeller takes only t = = = 31.4 s to come to rest, when the propeller is at 0 rad/s,
2.0 rad/s 2
it would start rotating in the opposite direction. This would be impossible due to the magnitude of forces involved in getting the
propeller to stop and start rotating in the opposite direction.
35. a. = 25.0(2.0 s) = 50.0 rad/s ; b. =
d = 25.0 rad/s 2
37. a. = 54.8 rad/s ;
b. t = 11.0 s
39. a. 0.87 rad/s 2 ;
b. = 66,264 rad
41. a. = 42.0 rad/s ;
v t = 42 m/s
b. = 200 rad ; c.
a t = 4.0 m/s 2
= tan 1 6.28 = 1.8 in the clockwise direction from the centripetal acceleration vector
51. ma = 40.0 kg(5.1 m/s 2) = 204.0 N
The maximum friction force is S N = 0.6(40.0 kg)(9.8 m/s 2) = 235.2 N so the child does not fall off yet.
v t = r = 1.0(2.0t) m/s
v 2t (2.0t) 2
53. ac = r = = 4.0t 2 m/s 2
1.0 m
a t(t) = r(t) = r d = 1.0 m(2.0) = 2.0 m/s 2.
The tangential acceleration is constant, while the centripetal acceleration is time dependent, and increases with time to values much
greater than the tangential acceleration after t = 1s. For times less than 0.7 s and approaching zero the centripetal acceleration is
much less than the tangential acceleration.
55. a. K = 2.56 10 29 J;
b. K = 2.68 10 33 J
57. K = 434.0 J
59. a. v f = 86.5 m/s ;
b. The rotational rate of the propeller stays the same at 20 rev/s.
61. K = 3.95 10 42 J
63. a. I = 0.315 kg m 2 ;
b. K = 621.8 J
65. I =
7 mL 2
67. v = 7.14 m/s.
69. = 10.2
71. F = 30 N
73. a. 0.85 m(55.0 N) = 46.75 N m ; b. It does not matter at what height you push.
4.9 N m
75. m 2 = 9.8(0.3 m) = 1.67 kg
P = 2.0 10 6 W = 9.5 10 5 N m
97. =
2.1 rad/s
99. a. K = 888.50 J ;
b. = 294.6 rev
101. a. I = 114.6 kg m 2 ;
b. P = 104,700 W
103. v = L = 3Lg
105. a. a = 5.0 m/s 2 ; b. W = 1.25 N m
107. t = 10.0 s
109. a. 0.06 rad/s 2 ; b. = 105.0 rad
111. s = 405.26 m
113. a. I = 0.363 kg m 2 ;
b. I = 2.34 kg m 2
5.36 J = 1.10 rad/s
115. =
4.4 kgm 2
117. F = 23.3 N
190.0 N-m = 64.4 rad/s 2
119. = 2
2.94 kg-m
121. a. = 2.0t 1.5t 2 ; b. = t 2 0.5t 3 ; c. = 400.0 rad ; d. the vector is at 0.66(360) = 237.6
2 2
123. I = mR
125. a. = 8.2 rad/s ; b. = 8.0 rad/s
11.1. a. S 2
1 + (mr 2/I CM) ; inserting the angle and noting that for a hollow cylinder I CM = mr , we have
S tan 60 = 1 tan 60 = 0.87; we are given a value of 0.6 for the coefficient of static friction, which is less
1 + (mr 2/mr 2) 2
than 0.87, so the condition isnt satisfied and the hollow cylinder will slip; b. The solid cylinder obeys the condition
S 1 tan = 1 tan 60 = 0.58. The value of 0.6 for S satisfies this condition, so the solid cylinder will not slip.
3 3
11.2. From the figure, we see that the cross product of the radius vector with the momentum vector gives a vector directed out of
the page. Inserting the radius and momentum into the expression for the angular momentum, we have
^ ^ ^
l =
p = (0.4 m i ) (1.67 10 27 kg(4.0 10 6 m/s) j ) = 2.7 10 21 kg m 2/s k
2 2 1 2
11.3. I sphere = mr , I cylinder = mr ; Taking the ratio of the angular momenta, we have:
5 2
L cylinder I cylinder 0 12 mr 2 5
= = = . Thus, the cylinder has 25% more angular momentum. This is because the cylinder has
L sphere I sphere 0 2 mr 2 4
more mass distributed farther from the axis of rotation.
11.4. Using conservation of angular momentum, we have
I(4.0 rev/min) = 1.25I f , f = 1.0 (4.0 rev/min) = 3.2 rev/min
11.5. The Moons gravity is 1/6 that of Earths. By examining Equation 11.83, we see that the tops precession frequency is
linearly proportional to the acceleration of gravity. All other quantities, mass, moment of inertia, and spin rate are the same on the
x x 0 = v 0 t 1 a CM t 2 a CM = 2.96 m/s 2,
I CM = 0.66 mr 2
27. = 67.9 rad/s 2 ,
(a CM) x = 1.5 m/s 2
29. W = 1080.0 J
31. Mechanical energy at the bottom equals mechanical energy at the top;
1 mv 2 + 1 1 mr 2v 0 = mgh h = 1 1 + 1 v 2 ,
2 0 2 2 r
g 2 4 0
h = 7.7 m, so the distance up the incline is 22.5 m .
33. Use energy conservation
1 mv 2 + 1 I 2 = mgh ,
2 0 2 Cyl 0 Cyl
1 mv 2 + 1 I 2 = mgh
2 0 2 Sph 0 Sph .
Subtracting the two equations, eliminating the initial translational energy, we have
1 I 2 1 I 2 = mg(h h ) ,
2 Cyl 0 2 Sph 0 Cyl Sph
2 2
1 mr 2 ( v 0 ) 1 2 mr 2 ( v 0 ) = mg(h h ) ,
2 r 23 r Cyl Sph
1 v 2 1 2 v 2 = g(h h ) ,
2 0 23 0 Cyl Sph
h Cyl h Sph = 1g 1 1 v 20 = 1 2
(5.0 m/s) = 0.43 m .
2 3 9.8 m/s 2 6
Thus, the hollow sphere, with the smaller moment of inertia, rolls up to a lower height of 1.0 0.43 = 0.57 m.
35. The magnitude of the cross product of the radius to the bird and its momentum vector yields rp sin , which gives r sin
968 Answer Key
as the altitude of the bird h. The direction of the angular momentum is perpendicular to the radius and momentum vectors, which
we choose arbitrarily as ^
k , which is in the plane of the ground:
^ ^ ^
L =
p = hmv k = (300.0 m)(2.0 kg)(20.0 m/s) k = 12,000.0 kg m 2/s k
37. a. ^
l = 45.0 kg m 2/s k ;
b. ^
= 10.0 N m k
39. a. l 1 = 0.4 kg m 2/s k , l 2 = l 4 = 0,
^ ^
l 3 = 1.35 kg m 2/s k ; b. L = 0.95 kg m 2/s k
41. a. L = 1.0 10 11 kg m 2/s ; b. No, the angular momentum stays the same since the cross-product involves only the
perpendicular distance from the plane to the ground no matter where it is along its path.
43. a.
^ ^ ^
v = gt j , r = d i , l = mdgt k ;
^ ^
b. F = mg j , = dmg k ; c. yes
1 2 12
45. a. mgh = m(r) + mr 2 2 ;
2 25
= 51.2 rad/s ;
L = 16.4 kg m 2 /s ;
b. = 72.5 rad/s ;
L = 23.2 kg m 2 /s
47. a. I = 720.0 kg m 2 ; = 4.20 rad/s 2 ;
(10 s) = 42.0 rad/s ; L = 3.02 10 4 kg m 2/s ;
(20 s) = 84.0 rad/s ;
b. = 3.03 10 3 N m
49. a. L = 1.131 10 7 kg m 2/s ;
b. = 3.77 10 4 N m
51. = 28.6 rad/s L = 2.6 kg m 2/s
2 3 2 2
53. L f = 5 M S (3.5 10 km) T ,
I bug = 2.0 10 4 kg m 2 ,
2 = 14.0 rad/s
b. K = 0.014 J ;
c. 3 = 10.0 rad/s back to the original value;
L f = 500.0 kg m 2 ,
= 0.80 rad/s
63. I 0 = 340.48 kg m 2 ,
I f = 268.8 kg m 2 ,
f = 25.33 rpm
65. a. L = 280 kg m 2/s ,
I f = 89.6 kg m 2 ,
f = 3.125 rad/s ; b. K i = 437.5 J ,
K f = 437.5 J
67. Moment of inertia in the record spin: I 0 = 0.5 kg m 2 ,
I f = 1.1 kg m 2 ,
f = f f = 155.5 rev/min
If 0
69. Her spin rate in the air is: f f = 2.0 rev/s ;
She can do four flips in the air.
71. Moment of inertia with all children aboard:
I 0 = 2.4 10 5 kg m 2 ;
I f = 1.5 10 5 kg m 2 ;
f f = 0.3rev/s
73. I 0 = 1.00 10 10 kg m 2 ,
I f = 9.94 10 9 kg m 2 ,
f f = 3.32 rev/min
75. I = 2.5 10 3 kg m 2 ,
P = 0.78 rad/s
77. a. L Earth = 7.06 10 33 kg m 2/s ,
L = 5.63 10 33 kg m 2/s ;
b. = 1.7 10 22 N m ;
c. The two forces at the equator would have the same magnitude but different directions, one in the north direction and the other
in the south direction on the opposite side of Earth. The angle between the forces and the lever arms to the center of Earth is 90
, so a given torque would have magnitude = FR E sin 90 = FR E . Both would provide a torque in the same direction:
= 2FR E F = 1.3 10 15 N
79. a CM =
10 ,
v 2 = v 20 + 2a CM x v 2 = (7.0 m/s) 2 2 3 gx, v 2 = 0 x = 8.34 m;
v v0
b. t = a , v = v 0 + a CM t t = 2.38 s ;
The hollow sphere has a larger moment of inertia, and therefore is harder to bring to a rest than the marble, or solid sphere. The
distance travelled is larger and the time elapsed is longer.
970 Answer Key
81. a. W = 500.0 J ;
b. K + U grav = constant ,
500 J + 0 = 0 + (6.0 kg)(9.8 m/s 2)h ,
h = 8.5 m, d = 17.0 m ;
The moment of inertia is less for the hollow sphere, therefore less work is required to stop it. Likewise it rolls up the incline a
shorter distance than the hoop.
83. a. = 34.0 N m ;
b. l = mr 2 = 3.6 rad/s
85. a. d M = 3.85 10 8 m average distance to the Moon; orbital period 27.32d = 2.36 10 6 s ; speed of the Moon
= 4.19 rad/s 2, = 0 + t ,
(5 s) = 21.0 rad/s, L = 2.84 kg m 2/s ,
(10 s) = 41.9 rad/s, L = 5.66 kg m/s 2
89. In the conservation of angular momentum equation, the rotation rate appears on both sides so we keep the (rev/min) notation
as the angular velocity can be multiplied by a constant to get (rev/min):
L i = 0.04 kg m 2(300.0 rev/min),
L f = 0.08 kg m 2 f f f f = 150.0 rev/min clockwise
91. I 0 0 = I f f ,
I 0 = 6120.0 kg m 2 ,
I f = 1180.0 kg m 2 ,
f = 31.1 rev/min
93. L i = 1.00 10 7 kg m 2/s ,
I f = 2.025 10 5 kg m 2 ,
f = 7.86 rev/s
95. Assume the roll accelerates forward with respect to the ground with an acceleration a . Then it accelerates backwards relative
to the truck with an acceleration (a a) .
Also, R = a a I = 1 mR
F x = f s = ma ,
= f s R = I = I a R a f s = I2 (a a) = 12 m(a a) ,
1 a
Solving for a : f s = m(a a) ; a = 3 ,
x x 0 = v 0 t + 1 at 2; d = 1 at 2; t = 3d
2 3
therefore, s = 1.5d
97. a. The tension in the string provides the centripetal force such that T sin = mr 2 . The component of the tension that
is vertical opposes the gravitational force such that T cos = mg . This gives T = 5.7 N . We solve for r = 0.16 m . This
gives the length of the string as r = 0.32 m .
At = 10.0 rad/s , there is a new angle, tension, and perpendicular radius to the rod. Dividing the two equations involving the
tension to eliminate it, we have sin = (0.32 m sin ) 1 = 0.32 m 2 ;
cos g cos g
cos = 0.31 = 72.2 ; b. l initial = 0.08 kg m 2/s ,
l fina = 0.46 kg m 2/s ; c. No, the cosine of the angle is inversely proportional to the square of the angular velocity, therefore in
order for 90, . The rod would have to spin infinitely fast.
12.1. x = 1.3 m
12.2. (b), (c)
12.3. 316.7 g; 5.8 N
12.4. T = 1963 N; F = 1732 N
12.5. s < 0.5 cot
12.6. F
^ ^ ^ ^
door on A = 100.0 N i 200.0 N j ; F door on B = 100.0 N i 200.0 N j
12.7. 711.0 N; 466.0 N
12.8. 1167 N; 980 N directed upward at 18 above the horizontal
12.9. 206.8 kPa; 4.6 10 5
12.10. 5.0 10 4
12.11. 63 mL
12.12. Fluids have different mechanical properties than those of solids; fluids flow.
1. constant
972 Answer Key
75. F = Mg tan ; f = 0
77. with the horizontal, = 42.2; = 17.8 with the steeper side of the wedge
79. W(l 1/l 2 1); Wl 1/l 2 + mg
81. a. 1.1 mm; b. 6.6 mm to the right; c. 1.11 10 5 N
13.1. The force of gravity on each object increases with the square of the inverse distance as they fall together, and hence so does
the acceleration. For example, if the distance is halved, the force and acceleration are quadrupled. Our average is accurate only
for a linearly increasing acceleration, whereas the acceleration actually increases at a greater rate. So our calculated speed is too
small. From Newtons third law (action-reaction forces), the force of gravity between any two objects must be the same. But the
accelerations will not be if they have different masses.
13.2. The tallest buildings in the world are all less than 1 km. Since g is proportional to the distance squared from Earths center,
a simple ratio shows that the change in g at 1 km above Earths surface is less than 0.0001%. There would be no need to consider
this in structural design.
13.3. The value of g drops by about 10% over this change in height. So U = mg(y 2 y 1) will give too large a value. If we use
g = 9.80 m/s , then we get U = mg(y 2 y 1) = 3.53 10 10 J which is about 6% greater than that found with the correct
13.4. The probe must overcome both the gravitational pull of Earth and the Sun. In the second calculation of our example, we
found the speed necessary to escape the Sun from a distance of Earths orbit, not from Earth itself. The proper way to find this
value is to start with the energy equation, Equation 13.26, in which you would include a potential energy term for both Earth
and the Sun.
13.5. You change the direction of your velocity with a force that is perpendicular to the velocity at all points. In effect, you
must constantly adjust the thrusters, creating a centripetal force until your momentum changes from tangential to radial. A simple
momentum vector diagram shows that the net change in momentum is 2 times the magnitude of momentum itself. This turns
out to be a very inefficient way to reach Mars. We discuss the most efficient way in Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion.
13.6. In Equation 13.32, the radius appears in the denominator inside the square root. So the radius must increase by a factor of
4, to decrease the orbital velocity by a factor of 2. The circumference of the orbit has also increased by this factor of 4, and so with
half the orbital velocity, the period must be 8 times longer. That can also be seen directly from Equation 13.33.
13.7. The assumption is that orbiting object is much less massive than the body it is orbiting. This is not really justified in the
case of the Moon and Earth. Both Earth and the Moon orbit about their common center of mass. We tackle this issue in the next
13.8. The stars on the inside of each galaxy will be closer to the other galaxy and hence will feel a greater gravitational force than
those on the outside. Consequently, they will have a greater acceleration. Even without this force difference, the inside stars would
be orbiting at a smaller radius, and, hence, there would develop an elongation or stretching of each galaxy. The force difference
only increases this effect.
13.9. The semi-major axis for the highly elliptical orbit of Halleys comet is 17.8 AU and is the average of the perihelion and
aphelion. This lies between the 9.5 AU and 19 AU orbital radii for Saturn and Uranus, respectively. The radius for a circular orbit
is the same as the semi-major axis, and since the period increases with an increase of the semi-major axis, the fact that Halleys
period is between the periods of Saturn and Uranus is expected.
13.10. Consider the last equation above. The values of r 1 and r 2 remain nearly the same, but the diameter of the Moon,
(r 2 r 1) , is one-fourth that of Earth. So the tidal forces on the Moon are about one-fourth as great as on Earth.
13.11. Given the incredible density required to force an Earth-sized body to become a black hole, we do not expect to see such
small black holes. Even a body with the mass of our Sun would have to be compressed by a factor of 80 beyond that of a neutron
star. It is believed that stars of this size cannot become black holes. However, for stars with a few solar masses, it is believed that
gravitational collapse at the end of a stars life could form a black hole. As we will discuss later, it is now believed that black holes
are common at the center of galaxies. These galactic black holes typically contain the mass of many millions of stars.
1. The ultimate truth is experimental verification. Field theory was developed to help explain how force is exerted without objects
being in contact for both gravity and electromagnetic forces that act at the speed of light. It has only been since the twentieth
century that we have been able to measure that the force is not conveyed immediately.
3. The centripetal acceleration is not directed along the gravitational force and therefore the correct line of the building (i.e., the
plumb bob line) is not directed towards the center of Earth. But engineers use either a plumb bob or a transit, both of which respond
to both the direction of gravity and acceleration. No special consideration for their location on Earth need be made.
5. As we move to larger orbits, the change in potential energy increases, whereas the orbital velocity decreases. Hence, the ratio
is highest near Earths surface (technically infinite if we orbit at Earths surface with no elevation change), moving to zero as we
reach infinitely far away.
7. The period of the orbit must be 24 hours. But in addition, the satellite must be located in an equatorial orbit and orbiting in
the same direction as Earths rotation. All three criteria must be met for the satellite to remain in one position relative to Earths
surface. At least three satellites are needed, as two on opposite sides of Earth cannot communicate with each other. (This is not
technically true, as a wavelength could be chosen that provides sufficient diffraction. But it would be totally impractical.)
9. The speed is greatest where the satellite is closest to the large mass and least where farther awayat the periapsis and apoapsis,
respectively. It is conservation of angular momentum that governs this relationship. But it can also be gleaned from conservation
of energy, the kinetic energy must be greatest where the gravitational potential energy is the least (most negative). The force, and
hence acceleration, is always directed towards M in the diagram, and the velocity is always tangent to the path at all points. The
acceleration vector has a tangential component along the direction of the velocity at the upper location on the y-axis; hence, the
satellite is speeding up. Just the opposite is true at the lower position.
11. The laser beam will hit the far wall at a lower elevation than it left, as the floor is accelerating upward. Relative to the lab, the
laser beam falls. So we would expect this to happen in a gravitational field. The mass of light, or even an object with mass, is
not relevant.
13. 7.4 10 8 N
974 Answer Key
m J = 1.90 10 27 kg
F J = 1.35 10 6 N
= 0.521
17. a. 9.25 10 6 N ; b. Not very, as the ISS is not even symmetrical, much less spherically symmetrical.
19. a. 1.41 10 15 m/s 2 ; b. 1.69 10 4 m/s 2
21. a. 1.62 m/s 2 ; b. 3.75 m/s 2
23. a. 147 N; b. 25.5 N; c. 15 kg; d. 0; e. 15 kg
25. 12 m/s 2
27. (3/2)R E
29. 5000 m/s
31. 1440 m/s
33. 11 km/s
35. a. 5.85 10 10 J ; b. 5.85 10 10 J ; No. It assumes the kinetic energy is recoverable. This would not even be reasonable
if we had an elevator between Earth and the Moon.
37. a. 0.25; b. 0.125
39. a. 5.08 10 3 km ; b. This less than the radius of Earth.
41. 1.89 10 27 kg
43. a. 4.01 10 13 kg ; b. The satellite must be outside the radius of the asteroid, so it cant be larger than this. If it were this
size, then its density would be about 1200 kg/m 3 . This is just above that of water, so this seems quite reasonable.
45. a. 1.66 10 10 m/s 2 ; Yes, the centripetal acceleration is so small it supports the contention that a nearly inertial frame of
reference can be located at the Sun. b. 2.17 10 5 m/s
47. 1.98 10 30 kg ; The values are the same within 0.05%.
49. Compare Equation 13.33 and Equation 13.53 to see that they differ only in that the circular radius, r, is replaced by the
semi-major axis, a. Therefore, the mean radius is one-half the sum of the aphelion and perihelion, the same as the semi-major
51. The semi-major axis, 3.78 AU is found from the equation for the period. This is one-half the sum of the aphelion and
perihelion, giving an aphelion distance of 4.95 AU.
53. 1.75 years
55. 19,800 N; this is clearly not survivable
57. 1.19 10 7 km
59. a. 1.85 10 14 N ; b. Dont do it!
61. 1.49 10 8 km
63. The value of g for this planet is 2.4 m/s2, which is about one-fourth that of Earth. So they are weak high jumpers.
65. At the North Pole, 983 N; at the equator, 980 N
67. a. The escape velocity is still 43.6 km/s. By launching from Earth in the direction of Earths tangential velocity, you need
43.4 29.8 = 13.8 km/s relative to Earth. b. The total energy is zero and the trajectory is a parabola.
69. 44.9 km/s
71. a. 1.3 10 7 m ; b. 1.56 10 10 J ; 3.12 10 10 J ; 1.56 10 10 J
73. a. 6.24 10 3 s or about 1.7 hours. This was using the 520 km average diameter. b. Vesta is clearly not very spherical, so
you would need to be above the largest dimension, nearly 580 km. More importantly, the nonspherical nature would disturb the
orbit very quickly, so this calculation would not be very accurate even for one orbit.
75. a. 323 km/s; b. No, you need only the difference between the solar systems orbital speed and escape speed, so about
323 228 = 95 km/s .
77. Setting e = 1 , we have r = 1 + cos = r + rcos = r + x ; hence, r 2 = x 2 + y 2 = ( x) 2 . Expand and collect
to show x =
1 y2 + .
2 2
79. Substitute directly into the energy equation using pv p = qv q from conservation of angular momentum, and solve for v p .
d2 r
81. g = 4 Gr F = mg = 4 Gm r , and from F = m 2 , we get
d 2 r = 4 G r where the first term is 2 .
3 3 3
dt dt 2
Then T = = 2
3 = M 3 , we get the same expression as for the period of orbit R.
4G and if we substitute 4/3R
83. Using the mass of the Sun and Earths orbital radius, the equation gives 2.24 10 15 m 2 /s . The value of R 2ES /(1 year)
gives the same value.
GM E m GM E m r f r i
85. U = U f U i = r f + ri = GM E m r r where h = r f r i . If h< <R E , then r f r i R 2E , and
f i
upon substitution, we have U = GM E m h2 = m 2 E h where we recognize the expression with the parenthesis as the
definition of g.
87. a. Find the difference in force,
F tidal = = 2GMm r ;
b. For the case given, using the Schwarzschild radius from a previous problem, we have a tidal force of 9.5 10 3 N . This
wont even be noticed!
14.1. The pressure found in part (a) of the example is completely independent of the width and length of the lake; it depends only
on its average depth at the dam. Thus, the force depends only on the waters average depth and the dimensions of the dam, not
on the horizontal extent of the reservoir. In the diagram, note that the thickness of the dam increases with depth to balance the
increasing force due to the increasing pressure.
14.2. The density of mercury is 13.6 times greater than the density of water. It takes approximately 76 cm (29.9 in.) of mercury to
measure the pressure of the atmosphere, whereas it would take approximately 10 m (34 ft.) of water.
14.3. Yes, it would still work, but since a gas is compressible, it would not operate as efficiently. When the force is applied, the
gas would first compress and warm. Hence, the air in the brake lines must be bled out in order for the brakes to work properly.
1. Mercury and water are liquid at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Air is a gas at room temperature and atmospheric
pressure. Glass is an amorphous solid (non-crystalline) material at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. At one time, it was
thought that glass flowed, but flowed very slowly. This theory came from the observation that old glass planes were thicker at the
bottom. It is now thought unlikely that this theory is accurate.
3. The density of air decreases with altitude. For a column of air of a constant temperature, the density decreases exponentially
with altitude. This is a fair approximation, but since the temperature does change with altitude, it is only an approximation.
5. Pressure is force divided by area. If a knife is sharp, the force applied to the cutting surface is divided over a smaller area than
the same force applied with a dull knife. This means that the pressure would be greater for the sharper knife, increasing its ability
to cut.
7. If the two chunks of ice had the same volume, they would produce the same volume of water. The glacier would cause the
greatest rise in the lake, however, because part of the floating chunk of ice is already submerged in the lake, and is thus already
contributing to the lakes level.
9. The pressure is acting all around your body, assuming you are not in a vacuum.
11. Because the river level is very high, it has started to leak under the levee. Sandbags are placed around the leak, and the water
held by them rises until it is the same level as the river, at which point the water there stops rising. The sandbags will absorb water
until the water reaches the height of the water in the levee.
13. Atmospheric pressure does not affect the gas pressure in a rigid tank, but it does affect the pressure inside a balloon. In general,
atmospheric pressure affects fluid pressure unless the fluid is enclosed in a rigid container.
15. The pressure of the atmosphere is due to the weight of the air above. The pressure, force per area, on the manometer will be
the same at the same depth of the atmosphere.
17. Not at all. Pascals principle says that the change in the pressure is exerted through the fluid. The reason that the full tub
requires more force to pull the plug is because of the weight of the water above the plug.
976 Answer Key
19. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. The greater the density of the fluid, the less fluid that is needed
to be displaced to have the weight of the object be supported and to float. Since the density of salt water is higher than that of fresh
water, less salt water will be displaced, and the ship will float higher.
21. Consider two different pipes connected to a single pipe of a smaller diameter, with fluid flowing from the two pipes into the
smaller pipe. Since the fluid is forced through a smaller cross-sectional area, it must move faster as the flow lines become closer
together. Likewise, if a pipe with a large radius feeds into a pipe with a small radius, the stream lines will become closer together
and the fluid will move faster.
23. The mass of water that enters a cross-sectional area must equal the amount that leaves. From the continuity equation, we know
that the density times the area times the velocity must remain constant. Since the density of the water does not change, the velocity
times the cross-sectional area entering a region must equal the cross-sectional area times the velocity leaving the region. Since the
velocity of the fountain stream decreases as it rises due to gravity, the area must increase. Since the velocity of the faucet stream
speeds up as it falls, the area must decrease.
25. When the tube narrows, the fluid is forced to speed up, thanks to the continuity equation and the work done on the fluid. Where
the tube is narrow, the pressure decreases. This means that the entrained fluid will be pushed into the narrow area.
27. The work done by pressure can be used to increase the kinetic energy and to gain potential energy. As the height becomes
larger, there is less energy left to give to kinetic energy. Eventually, there will be a maximum height that cannot be overcome.
29. Because of the speed of the air outside the building, the pressure outside the house decreases. The greater pressure inside the
building can essentially blow off the roof or cause the building to explode.
31. The air inside the hose has kinetic energy due to its motion. The kinetic energy can be used to do work against the pressure
33. Potential energy due to position, kinetic energy due to velocity, and the work done by a pressure difference.
35. The water has kinetic energy due to its motion. This energy can be converted into work against the difference in pressure.
37. The water in the center of the stream is moving faster than the water near the shore due to resistance between the water and
the shore and between the layers of fluid. There is also probably more turbulence near the shore, which will also slow the water
down. When paddling up stream, the water pushes against the canoe, so it is better to stay near the shore to minimize the force
pushing against the canoe. When moving downstream, the water pushes the canoe, increasing its velocity, so it is better to stay in
the middle of the stream to maximize this effect.
39. You would expect the speed to be slower after the obstruction. Resistance is increased due to the reduction in size of the
opening, and turbulence will be created because of the obstruction, both of which will clause the fluid to slow down.
41. 1.610 cm 3
43. The mass is 2.58 g. The volume of your body increases by the volume of air you inhale. The average density of your body
decreases when you take a deep breath because the density of air is substantially smaller than the average density of the body.
45. 3.99 cm
47. 2.86 times denser
49. 15.6 g/cm 3
51. 0.760 m = 76.0 cm = 760 mm
53. proof
55. a. Pressure at h = 7.06 10 6 N ;
b. The pressure increases as the depth increases, so the dam must be built thicker toward the bottom to withstand the greater
57. 4.08 m
59. 251 atm
61. 5.76 10 3 N extra force
63. If the system is not moving, the friction would not play a role. With friction, we know there are losses, so that
W o = W i W f ; therefore, the work output is less than the work input. In other words, to account for friction, you would need
to push harder on the input piston than was calculated.
65. a. 99.5% submerged; b. 96.9% submerged
67. a. 39.5 g; b. 50 cm 3 ; c. 0.79 g/cm 3 ; ethyl alcohol
F = pA p = F ,
83. A
[p] = N/m 2 = N m/m 3 = J/m 3 = energy/volume
85. 135 mm Hg
87. a. 1.58 10 6 N/m 2 ; b. 163 m
89. a. v 2 = 3.28 s ;
b. t = 0.55 s
x = vt = 1.81 m
91. a. 3.02 10 3 N ; b. 1.03 10 3
93. proof
95. 40 m/s
97. 0.537r ; The radius is reduced to 53.7% of its normal value.
99. a. 2.40 10 9 N s/m 5 ; b. 48.3 (N/m 2) s ; c. 2.67 10 4 W
101. a. Nozzle: v = 25.5 s
105. 30.6 m
b. Since an infant is only approximately 20 inches tall, while an adult is approximately 70 inches tall, the blood pressure for an
infant would be expected to be smaller than that of an adult. The blood only feels a pressure of 20 inches rather than 70 inches, so
the pressure should be smaller.
109. a. 41.4 g; b. 41.4 cm3; c. 1.09 g/cm3. This is clearly not the density of the bone everywhere. The air pockets will have a
density of approximately 1.29 10 3 g/cm 3 , while the bone will be substantially denser.
111. 8.21 N
113. a. 3.02 10 2 cm/s . (This small speed allows time for diffusion of materials to and from the blood.) b. 2.37 10 10
capillaries. (This large number is an overestimate, but it is still reasonable.)
115. a. 2.76 10 5 N/m 2 ; b. P 2 = 2.81 10 5 N/m 2
117. 8.7 10 2 mm 3 /s
119. a. 1.52; b. Turbulence would decrease the flow rate of the blood, which would require an even larger increase in the pressure
difference, leading to higher blood pressure.
121. p = 0.99 10 5 Pa
15.1. The ruler is a stiffer system, which carries greater force for the same amount of displacement. The ruler snaps your hand
with greater force, which hurts more.
15.2. You could increase the mass of the object that is oscillating. Other options would be to reduce the amplitude, or use a less
stiff spring.
15.3. A ketchup bottle sits on a lazy Susan in the center of the dinner table. You set it rotating in uniform circular motion. A set of
lights shine on the bottle, producing a shadow on the wall.
15.4. The movement of the pendulums will not differ at all because the mass of the bob has no effect on the motion of a simple
pendulum. The pendulums are only affected by the period (which is related to the pendulums length) and by the acceleration due
to gravity.
15.5. Friction often comes into play whenever an object is moving. Friction causes damping in a harmonic oscillator.
15.6. The performer must be singing a note that corresponds to the natural frequency of the glass. As the sound wave is directed
at the glass, the glass responds by resonating at the same frequency as the sound wave. With enough energy introduced into the
system, the glass begins to vibrate and eventually shatters.
1. The restoring force must be proportional to the displacement and act opposite to the direction of motion with no drag forces or
friction. The frequency of oscillation does not depend on the amplitude.
3. Examples: Mass attached to a spring on a frictionless table, a mass hanging from a string, a simple pendulum with a small
amplitude of motion. All of these examples have frequencies of oscillation that are independent of amplitude.
5. Since the frequency is proportional to the square root of the force constant and inversely proportional to the square root of the
mass, it is likely that the truck is heavily loaded, since the force constant would be the same whether the truck is empty or heavily
7. In a car, elastic potential energy is stored when the shock is extended or compressed. In some running shoes elastic potential
energy is stored in the compression of the material of the soles of the running shoes. In pole vaulting, elastic potential energy is
stored in the bending of the pole.
9. The overall system is stable. There may be times when the stability is interrupted by a storm, but the driving force provided by
the sun bring the atmosphere back into a stable pattern.
11. The maximum speed is equal to v max = A and the angular frequency is independent of the amplitude, so the amplitude
would be affected. The radius of the circle represents the amplitude of the circle, so make the amplitude larger.
13. The period of the pendulum is T = 2 L/g. In summer, the length increases, and the period increases. If the period should
be one second, but period is longer than one second in the summer, it will oscillate fewer than 60 times a minute and clock will
run slow. In the winter it will run fast.
15. A car shock absorber.
17. The second law of thermodynamics states that perpetual motion machines are impossible. Eventually the ordered motion of
the system decreases and returns to equilibrium.
19. All harmonic motion is damped harmonic motion, but the damping may be negligible. This is due to friction and drag forces.
It is easy to come up with five examples of damped motion: (1) A mass oscillating on a hanging on a spring (it eventually comes
to rest). (2) Shock absorbers in a car (thankfully they also come to rest). (3) A pendulum is a grandfather clock (weights are added
to add energy to the oscillations). (4) A child on a swing (eventually comes to rest unless energy is added by pushing the child).
(5) A marble rolling in a bowl (eventually comes to rest). As for the undamped motion, even a mass on a spring in a vacuum will
eventually come to rest due to internal forces in the spring. Damping may be negligible, but cannot be eliminated.
21. Proof
23. 0.400 s/beat
25. 12,500 Hz
27. a. 340 km/hr; b. 11.3 10 3 rev/min
29. f = f 0
31. 0.009 kg; 2%
33. a. 1.57 10 5 N/m ; b. 77 kg, yes, he is eligible to play
35. a. 6.53 10 3 N/m ; b. yes, when the man is at his lowest point in his hopping the spring will be compressed the most
37. a. 1.99 Hz; b. 50.2 cm; c. 0.710 m
39. a. 0.335 m/s; b. 5.61 10 4 J
1 1
41. a. x(t) = 2 mcos0.52s t ; b. v(t) = (1.05 m/s)sin0.52s t
43. 24.8 cm
45. 4.01 s
47. 1.58 s
49. 9.82002 m/s 2
51. 9%
53. 141 J
55. a. 4.90 10 3 m ; b. 1.15 10 2 m
57. 94.7 kg
59. a. 314 N/m; b. 1.00 s; c. 1.25 m/s
61. ratio of 2.45
63. The length must increase by 0.0116%.
65. = (0.31 rad)sin3.13 s t
67. a. 0.99 s; b. 0.11 m
69. a. 3.95 10 6 N/m ; b. 7.90 10 6 J
71. F constant r
73. a. 7.54 cm; b. 3.25 10 4 N/m
16.1. The wavelength of the waves depends on the frequency and the velocity of the wave. The frequency of the sound wave is
equal to the frequency of the wave on the string. The wavelengths of the sound waves and the waves on the string are equal only
if the velocities of the waves are the same, which is not always the case. If the speed of the sound wave is different from the speed
of the wave on the string, the wavelengths are different. This velocity of sound waves will be discussed in Sound.
16.2. In a transverse wave, the wave may move at a constant propagation velocity through the medium, but the medium oscillates
perpendicular to the motion of the wave. If the wave moves in the positive x-direction, the medium oscillates up and down in the
y-direction. The velocity of the medium is therefore not constant, but the mediums velocity and acceleration are similar to that of
the simple harmonic motion of a mass on a spring.
16.3. Yes, a cosine function is equal to a sine function with a phase shift, and either function can be used in a wave function.
Which function is more convenient to use depends on the initial conditions. In Figure 16.11 , the wave has an initial height of
y0.00, 0.00 = 0 and then the wave height increases to the maximum height at the crest. If the initial height at the initial time
was equal to the amplitude of the wave y0.00, 0.00 = +A, then it might be more convenient to model the wave with a cosine
16.4. This wave, with amplitude A = 0.5 m, wavelength = 10.00 m, period T = 0.50 s, is a solution to the wave
equation with a wave velocity v = 20.00 m/s.
16.5. Since the speed of a wave on a taunt string is proportional to the square root of the tension divided by the linear density, the
wave speed would increase by 2.
16.6. At first glance, the time-averaged power of a sinusoidal wave on a string may look proportional to the linear density of the
1 2 2
string because P = A v; however, the speed of the wave depends on the linear density. Replacing the wave speed with
F T shows that the power is proportional to the square root of tension and proportional to the square root of the linear mass
P = 1 A 2 2 v = 1 A 2 2 T = 1 A 2 2 F T .
2 2 2
16.7. Yes, the equations would work equally well for symmetric boundary conditions of a medium free to oscillate on each end
980 Answer Key
where there was an antinode on each end. The normal modes of the first three modes are shown below. The dotted line shows the
equilibrium position of the medium.
Note that the first mode is two quarters, or one half, of a wavelength. The second mode is one quarter of a wavelength, followed
by one half of a wavelength, followed by one quarter of a wavelength, or one full wavelength. The third mode is one and a half
wavelengths. These are the same result as the string with a node on each end. The equations for symmetrical boundary conditions
work equally well for fixed boundary conditions and free boundary conditions. These results will be revisited in the next chapter
when discussing sound wave in an open tube.
1. A wave on a guitar string is an example of a transverse wave. The disturbance of the string moves perpendicular to the
propagation of the wave. The sound produced by the string is a longitudinal wave where the disturbance of the air moves parallel
to the propagation of the wave.
3. Propagation speed is the speed of the wave propagating through the medium. If the wave speed is constant, the speed can
be found by v = = f . The frequency is the number of wave that pass a point per unit time. The wavelength is directly
proportional to the wave speed and inversely proportional to the frequency.
5. No, the distance you move your hand up and down will determine the amplitude of the wave. The wavelength will depend on
the frequency you move your hand up and down, and the speed of the wave through the spring.
7. Light from the Sun and stars reach Earth through empty space where there is no medium present.
9. The wavelength is equal to the velocity of the wave times the frequency and the wave number is equal to k =
2 , so yes, the
wave number will depend on the frequency and also depend on the velocity of the wave propagating through the spring.
11. The medium moves in simple harmonic motion as the wave propagates through the medium, continuously changing speed,
therefore it accelerates. The acceleration of the medium is due to the restoring force of the medium, which acts in the opposite
direction of the displacement.
13. The wave speed is proportional to the square root of the tension, so the speed is doubled.
15. Since the speed of a wave on a string is inversely proportional to the square root of the linear mass density, the speed would be
higher in the low linear mass density of the string.
17. The tension in the wire is due to the weight of the electrical power cable.
E 1 2 2 1 2 2
19. The time averaged power is P = = A = A v. If the frequency or amplitude is halved, the power
T 2 T 2
decreases by a factor of 4.
21. As a portion on the string moves vertically, it exerts a force on the neighboring portion of the string, doing work on the portion
and transferring the energy.
P ,
23. The intensity of a spherical wave is I = if no energy is dissipated the intensity will decrease by a factor of nine at
4r 2
three meters.
25. At the interface, the incident pulse produces a reflected pulse and a transmitted pulse. The reflected pulse would be out of
phase with respect to the incident pulse, and would move at the same propagation speed as the incident pulse, but would move
in the opposite direction. The transmitted pulse would travel in the same direction as the incident pulse, but at half the speed.
The transmitted pulse would be in phase with the incident pulse. Both the reflected pulse and the transmitted pulse would have
amplitudes less than the amplitude of the incident pulse.
29. It may be as easy as changing the length and/or the density a small amount so that the parts do not resonate at the frequency of
the motor.
31. Energy is supplied to the glass by the work done by the force of your finger on the glass. When supplied at the right frequency,
standing waves form. The glass resonates and the vibrations produce sound.
33. For the equation y(x, t) = 4.00 cm sin3 m 1 xcos4 s 1 t, there is a node because when x = 0.00 m ,
sin3 m 1 (0.00 m) = 0.00, so y(0.00 m, t) = 0.00 m for all time. For the equation
y(x, t) = 4.00 cm sin3 m 1 x + cos4 s 1 t, there is an antinode because when x = 0.00 m ,
sin3 m 1 (0.00 m) + = + 1.00 , so y(0.00 m, t) oscillates between +A and A as the cosine term oscillates between +1
and -1.
35. 2d = vt d = 11.25 m
v = f , so that f = 0.125 Hz, so that
N = 7.50 times
39. v = f = 0.400 m
41. v = f f = 2.50 10 9 Hz
43. a. The P-waves outrun the S-waves by a speed of v = 3.20 km/s; therefore, d = 0.320 km. b. Since the uncertainty in the
distance is less than a kilometer, our answer to part (a) does not seem to limit the detection of nuclear bomb detonations. However,
if the velocities are uncertain, then the uncertainty in the distance would increase and could then make it difficult to identify the
source of the seismic waves.
v = 1900 m/s
t = 1.05 s
47. y(x, t) = 0.037 cm
982 Answer Key
57. They have the same angular frequency, frequency, and period. They are traveling in opposite directions and y 2 (x, t) has
twice the wavelength as y 1 (x, t) and is moving at half the wave speed.
59. Each particle of the medium moves a distance of 4A each period. The period can be found by dividing the velocity by the
wavelength: t = 10.42 s
61. a. = 0.040 kg/m; b. v = 15.75 m/s
63. v = 180 m/s
65. v = 547.723 m/s, t = 5.48 ms
67. v s = 347.56 m/s
69. v 1 t + v 2 t = 2.00 m, t = 1.69 ms
71. v = 288.68 m/s, = 0.73 m
73. a. A = 0.0125 cm; b. F T = 0.96 N
75. v = 74.54 m/s, P = 91.85 W
I = P , A = 10.0 m 2
77. a. I = 20.0 W/m 2; b. A
A = 4r 2, r = 0.892 m
79. I = 650 W/m 2
P 2 X 2
P E I X2
P 1 X 1
P 2 = 2.50 kW
I 1 X 1
I X2
I 2 X 2
I 2 = 3.38 10 5 W/m 2
85. f = 100.00 Hz, A = 1.10 cm
2 2
87. a. I 2 = 0.063I 1 ; b. I 1 4r 1 = I 2 4r 2
r 2 = 3.16 m
89. 2r 1 A 2 = 2r 2 A 2, A 1 = 2
1 2 r 1 A 1 = 0.17 m
b. = 2.0 m, A = 4 m ; c. R = 2.0 m, A R = 6.93 m
101. y R (x, t) = 2A cos coskx t + ; The result is not surprising because cos() = sin + .
2 2 2
n = 2.00
n L, fn = v
103. 1 = 4.00 m, f 1 = 12.5 Hz
2 = 2.00 m, f 2 = 25.00 Hz
3 = 1.33 m, f 3 = 37.59 Hz
100 = 0.06 m
109. v = 56.8 m/s, f n = n f 1, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
f 100 = 947 Hz
117. = 0.10 m
119. a. f = 4.74 10 14 Hz; b. = 422 nm
121. = 16.00 m, f = 0.10 Hz, T = 10.00 s, v = 1.6 m/s
123. = (v b + v)t b, v = 3.75 m/s, = 3.00 m
984 Answer Key
2 (y 1 + y 2)
= A 2 sin(kx t) A 2 sinkx t +
2 (y 1 + y 2)
= Ak 2 sin(kx t) Ak 2 sinkx t +
125. 2 y(x, t) 2
= 1 y(x, t)
x2 v2 t2
A sin(kx t) A 2 sinkx t + = 12 Ak 2 sin(kx t) Ak 2 sinkx t +
1 1
127. y(x, t) = 0.40 m sin0.015 m x + 1.5 s t
P = 1 A 2 2 f 2 F T
131. 2
= 2.00 10 4 kg/m
2 2
133. P = 1 A , = 0.0018 kg/m
2 T
135. a. A R = 2A cos , cos = 1, = 0, 2, 4,... ; b. A R = 2A cos , cos = 0, = 0, , 3, 5...
2 2 2 2
1 1
137. y R (x, t) = 0.6 m sin4 m xcos3 s t
2L f n + 1 n + 1 2L f n + 1
f n = nv , v = , n = , 1 + 1n = 1.2, n = 5
2L n+1 2L f n
143. a. ; b. F T = 245.76 N
n = 2
n L, 5 = 1.6 m, 6 = 1.33 m
145. a. Moves in the negative x direction at a propagation speed of v = 2.00 m/s . b. x = 6.00 m; c.
sin(kx t) = sinkx + cost + coskx + sint +
2 2 2 2
sinkx t + = sinkx + cost + + coskx + sint +
2 2 2 2
sin(kx t) + sinkx + t + = 2 sinkx + cost +
2 2
y R = 2 A sinkx + cost +
2 2
sinkx + = 0, kx + = 0, , 2, 1.26 m 1 x + = , 2, 3
149. 2 2 20 ;
x = 2.37 m, 4.86 m, 7.35 m
17.1. Sound and light both travel at definite speeds, and the speed of sound is slower than the speed of light. The first shell is
probably very close by, so the speed difference is not noticeable. The second shell is farther away, so the light arrives at your eyes
noticeably sooner than the sound wave arrives at your ears.
17.2. 10 dB: rustle of leaves; 50 dB: average office; 100 dB: noisy factory
17.3. Amplitude is directly proportional to the experience of loudness. As amplitude increases, loudness increases.
17.4. In the example, the two speakers were producing sound at a single frequency. Music has various frequencies and
17.5. Regular headphones only block sound waves with a physical barrier. Noise-canceling headphones use destructive
interference to reduce the loudness of outside sounds.
17.6. When the tube resonates at its natural frequency, the waves node is located at the closed end of the tube, and the antinode
is located at the open end. The length of the tube is equal to one-fourth of the wavelength of this wave. Thus, if we know the
wavelength of the wave, we can determine the length of the tube.
17.7. Compare their sizes. High-pitch instruments are generally smaller than low-pitch instruments because they generate a smaller
17.8. An easy way to understand this event is to use a graph, as shown below. It appears that beats are produced, but with a more
complex pattern of interference.
17.9. If I am driving and I hear Doppler shift in an ambulance siren, I would be able to tell when it was getting closer and also if
it has passed by. This would help me to know whether I needed to pull over and let the ambulance through.
986 Answer Key
1. Sound is a disturbance of matter (a pressure wave) that is transmitted from its source outward. Hearing is the human perception
of sound.
3. Consider a sound wave moving through air. The pressure of the air is the equilibrium condition, it is the change in pressure that
produces the sound wave.
5. The frequency does not change as the sound wave moves from one medium to another. Since the speed changes and the
frequency does not, the wavelength must change. This is similar to the driving force of a harmonic oscillator or a wave on the
7. The transducer sends out a sound wave, which reflects off the object in question and measures the time it takes for the sound
wave to return. Since the speed of sound is constant, the distance to the object can found by multiplying the velocity of sound by
half the time interval measured.
9. The ear plugs reduce the intensity of the sound both in water and on land, but Navy researchers have found that sound under
water is heard through vibrations mastoid, which is the bone behind the ear.
11. The fundamental wavelength of a tube open at each end is 2L, where the wavelength of a tube open at one end and closed at
one end is 4L. The tube open at one end has the lower fundamental frequency, assuming the speed of sound is the same in both
13. The wavelength in each is twice the length of the tube. The frequency depends on the wavelength and the speed of the sound
waves. The frequency in room B is higher because the speed of sound is higher where the temperature is higher.
15. When resonating at the fundamental frequency, the wavelength for pipe C is 4L, and for pipes A and B is 2L. The frequency is
equal to f = v/. Pipe C has the lowest frequency and pipes A and B have equal frequencies, higher than the one in pipe C.
17. Since the boundary conditions are both symmetric, the frequencies are f n = 2L . Since the speed is the same in each, the
frequencies are the same. If the wave speed were doubled in the string, the frequencies in the string would be twice the frequencies
in the tube.
19. The frequency of the unknown fork is 255 Hz. No, if only the 250 Hz fork is used, listening to the beat frequency could only
limit the possible frequencies to 245 Hz or 255 Hz.
21. The beat frequency is 0.7 Hz.
23. Observer 1 will observe the highest frequency. Observer 2 will observe the lowest frequency. Observer 3 will hear a higher
frequency than the source frequency, but lower than the frequency observed by observer 1, as the source approaches and a lower
frequency than the source frequency, but higher than the frequency observed by observer 1, as the source moves away from
observer 3.
25. Doppler radar can not only detect the distance to a storm, but also the speed and direction at which the storm is traveling.
27. The speed of sound decreases as the temperature decreases. The Mach number is equal to M = vs , so the plane should slow
29. s max = 4.00 nm, = 1.72 m, f = 200 Hz, v = 343.17 m/s
31. a. = 68.60 m; b. = 360.00 m
33. a. k = 183.09m 1;
b. P = 1.11 Pa
k = 5.28 10 3 m
s(x, t) = 4.50 nm cos5.28 10 3 m 1 x 2(5.00 MHz)t
39. = 3.43 mm
= 6.00 m
s max = 2.00 mm
v = 600 m/s
T = 0.01 s
43. (a) f = 100 Hz, (b) = 3.43 m
45. f = 3400 Hz
47. a. v = 5.96 10 3 m/s ; b. steel (from value in Table 17.1)
49. v = 363 s
51. x = 924 m
V = 0.05 m 3
m = 392.5 kg
= 7850 kg/m 3
v = 5047.54 m/s
I 2 X 2
I X2 , so that X 2 = 10 6 atm.
I 1 X 1
91. 1.56 m
93. The pipe has symmetrical boundary conditions;
n = 2n L, f n = nv , n = 1, 2, 3
1 = 6.00 m, 2 = 3.00 m, 3 = 2.00 m
f 1 = 57.17 Hz, f 2 = 114.33 Hz, f 3 = 171.50 Hz
6 = 0.5 m
95. v = 1000 m/s
F T = 6500 N
97. f = 6.40 kHz
99. 1.03 or 3%
fB = | f 1 f 2|
101. |128.3 Hz 128.1 Hz| = 0.2 Hz;
|128.3 Hz 127.8 Hz| = 0.5 Hz;
|128.1 Hz 127.8 Hz| = 0.3 Hz
v = 155.54 m/s,
105. f string = 971.17 Hz, n = 16.23
f string = 1076.83 Hz, n = 18.00
The frequency is 1076.83 Hz and the wavelength is 0.14 m.
f 2 = 4099.750 Hz
f 1 = 4100.250 Hz
111. a. 878 Hz; b. 735 Hz
113. 3.79 10 3 Hz
115. a. 12.9 m/s; b. 193 Hz
117. The first eagle hears 4.23 10 3 Hz. The second eagle hears 3.56 10 3 Hz.
v s = 31.29 m/s
f o = 1.12 kHz
f obs f obs = f s v v v obs = v v v
121. An audible shift occurs when 1.003 ; s fs s
v s = 0.990 m/s
= 30.02
123. v s = 680.00 m/s
tan = v t , t = 21.65 s
sin = 1 , = 56.47
125. M
y = 9.31 km
s 1 = 6.34 nm
s 2 = 2.30 nm
kx 1 + = 0 rad
kx 2 + = 1.20 rad
k(x 2 x 1) = 1.20 rad
k = 3.00 m 1
= 1019.62 s 1
s 1 = s max coskx 1
= 5.66 rad
s(x, t) = 6.30 nmcos3.00 m 1 x 1019.62 s 1 t + 5.66
129. v s = 346.40 m/s ;
n = 2n L fn =
1 = 1.60 m f 1 = 216.50 Hz
2 = 0.80 m f 1 = 433.00 Hz
6 = 0.40 m
; b. s = 2.40 m
v = 57.15 m
131. a.
f 6 = 142.89 Hz
v = 344.08 ms
v A = 29.05 m
s , v B = 33.52 m/s
f A = 961.18 Hz,
f B = 958.89 Hz
f A, beat = 161.18 Hz, f B, beat = 158.89 Hz
m W W
135. v = 345.24 s ; a. I = 31.62 2 ; b.
I = 0.16 2 ; c. s max = 104.39 m ; d. s max = 7.43 m
m m
Af v+v
s A f m
137. f = v v s , (v v s) f = v + v s, v = 347.39 s
T C = 27.70
990 Answer Key
x 2 + d 2 x = , x 2 + d 2 = ( + x) 2
x 2 + d 2 = 2 + 2x + x 2, d 2 = 2 + 2x
139. 2
d 2 vf
2 vf
r = d sin
141. a. For maxima
d sin = n n = 0, 1, 2...., = sin 1 n n = 0, 1, 2....
r = d sin
d sin = n + 1 n = 0, 1, 2....
b. For minima, 2
= sin 1 n + 1 n = 0, 1, 2....
2 d
143. a. v string = 160.73 s , f string = 535.77 Hz ; b. f fork = 512 Hz ; c. n
f fork = , F T = 141.56 N
145. a. f = 268.62 Hz ; b. f 1 f = 1.34 Hz
2 FT
147. a. v = 466.07 s ; b. 9 = 51.11 mm ; c. f 9 = 9.12 kHz ;
d. f sound = 9.12 kHz ; e. air = 37.86 mm
A bow wake, 898, 899 derived units, 15, 35
absolute pressure, 704, 737 Brahe, 636 destructive interference, 823,
acceleration due to gravity, 137, breaking stress (ultimate 838
146 stress), 622 deuteron, 427
acceleration vector, 166, 195 Brownian motion, 161 difference of two vectors, 50, 91
accuracy, 28, 35 bulk modulus, 610, 622, 866 dimension, 22, 35
action-at-a-distance force, 673, bulk strain, 609, 622 dimensionally consistent, 23, 35
681 bulk stress, 609, 622 dimensionless, 22, 35
air resistance, 137 bungee cord, 353 direction angle, 60, 91
airbag, 405 bungee jumper, 366 discrepancy, 29, 35
amplitude, 797 buoyant force, 713, 737 displacement, 45, 91, 106, 146
amplitude (A), 751, 785 displacement vector, 159, 195
C distance traveled, 108, 146
Andromeda galaxy, 640
Cavendish, 637 distributive, 50, 91
angle between two vectors, 80
center of gravity, 590, 622 Doppler effect, 888, 899
angular acceleration, 480, 529
center of mass, 444, 461 Doppler shift, 888, 899
angular frequency, 185, 195,
centrifugal force, 299 dot product, 78, 91
centrifuge, 300 drag coefficient, 303
angular momentum, 555, 576
centripetal acceleration, 183, drag force, 270, 302, 311
angular position, 476, 529
195, 293, 493 dynamics, 208, 252
angular velocity, 477, 529
centripetal force, 293, 311
anticommutative property, 83,
Cerenkov radiation, 898 E
chemical energy, 382 Einstein, 672
antinode, 831, 838
closed system, 417, 461 elapsed time, 108, 146
antiparallel, 46
coefficient of kinetic friction, 283 elastic, 426, 461, 609, 619, 622
antiparallel vectors, 91
coefficient of static friction, 283 elastic limit, 619, 622
aphelion, 661, 681
coefficient of viscosity, 730 elastic modulus, 622
apparent weight, 644, 681
commutative, 50, 91 elastic potential energy, 364,
Archimedes, 714
component form of a vector, 91 760, 785
Archimedes principle, 714, 737
compressibility, 616, 622 elastic property, 857
artificial joint, 284
compressions, 854 Electrical energy, 382
associative, 50, 91
compressive strain, 622 Electromagnetic waves, 797
atmospheric pressure, 698, 704
compressive stress, 609, 622 elevator, 271
Atwood machine, 275
conservative force, 368, 386 energy conservation, 372, 386
average acceleration, 117, 146
conserved quantity, 372, 386 English units, 15, 35
average power, 346, 349
constructive interference, 823, entrainment, 725
average speed, 113, 146
838 equal vectors, 69, 91
average velocity, 108, 146
contact forces, 211 equation of continuity, 719
B conversion factor, 20, 35 equilibrium, 215, 588, 622
banked curve, 296, 311 coordinate system, 57 equilibrium point, 379, 386
bar graphs of total energy, 374 Copernicus, 636 equilibrium position, 752, 785
barometer, 705 Coriolis force, 301, 311 escape velocity, 650, 681
Barringer Crater, 402 corkscrew right-hand rule, 83, estimation, 25, 35
base quantities, 15 91 event horizon, 675, 681
base quantity, 35 critically damped, 779, 785 exact differential, 369, 386
base unit, 15, 35 cross product, 82, 91 explosion, 426, 461
beat frequency, 886, 899 Curie, 13 external force, 209, 252, 441,
beats, 886, 899 461
Bell, 868
damped harmonic motion, 777 F
Bernoulli, 722
dark matter, 679 Fermi, 13
Bernoullis equation, 722, 737
decibels, 868 fictitious forces, 246
Bernoullis principle, 724, 737
deformation, 609 field forces, 211
black hole, 675, 681
density, 694, 737 first equilibrium condition, 622
boomerang, 504
derived quantity, 15, 35 fixed boundary condition, 819,
992 Index
normal force, 237, 252, 271 potential energy difference, 360, shear, 609
normal mode, 833, 838 386 shear modulus, 610, 622
normal pressure, 616, 622 power, 346, 349 shear strain, 622
notes, 871, 899 power of a mechanical wave, shear stress, 289, 609, 622
Nuclear energy, 382 817 shock wave, 897, 899
null vector, 69, 91 Prandtl tube, 726 SI units, 15, 35
precession, 571, 576 significant figures, 31, 35
O precision, 28, 35 simple harmonic motion (SHM),
orbital period, 653, 681 pressure, 615, 622, 697, 737 751, 785
orbital speed, 653, 681 principle of equivalence, 673, simple harmonic oscillator, 751,
order of magnitude, 10, 35 681 760, 785
orthogonal vectors, 46, 91 principle of superposition., 809 simple pendulum, 770, 785
oscillation, 751, 785 projectile motion, 172, 195 solar power, 384
overdamped, 779, 785 proportionality, 620 solids, 692
overtone, 833, 838 Ptolemy, 636 sonic boom, 897, 899
overtones, 879, 899 pulsar, 580 sound, 854, 899
P pulse, 802, 838 sound intensity level, 868, 899
parallel axis, 508, 529 sound pressure level, 871, 899
R space-time, 673, 681
parallel vectors, 46, 91 radial coordinate, 64, 91
parallel-axis theorem, 508, 529 specific gravity, 696, 737
radiant energy, 382 spring tide, 668, 681
parallelogram rule, 91 range, 178, 195
particle acceleration, 270 Stability, 763
rarefactions, 854 stable equilibrium point, 763,
particle equilibrium, 268 red shift, 895
pascal, 707 785
reference frame, 189, 195 standing wave, 828, 838
pascal (Pa), 622 relative velocity, 190, 195
Pascals principle, 708, 737 standing waves, 878
renewable, 383, 386 static equilibrium, 588, 622
pendulum bob, 770 resonance, 781, 785, 829, 837
percent uncertainty, 30, 35 static fluid, 700
Resonance, 878 static friction, 282, 311
perfectly inelastic, 426, 461 resonant cavities, 883
perihelion, 661, 681 strain, 609, 609, 622
restoring force, 210, 763, 785 stress, 622
period (T), 750, 785 resultant vector, 49, 91
periodic driving force, 780 stress-strain diagram, 620, 622
Reynolds number, 735, 737 superposition, 822, 838
periodic motion, 750, 785 right-hand rule, 478
phase of the wave, 805 surface mass density, 509, 529
rigid body, 475 system, 417, 461
phase shift, 755, 785, 826 rocket equation, 458, 461
phases of matter, 692 rolling motion, 546, 576 T
Philae, 423 rotational dynamics, 520, 529 tail-to-head geometric
phon, 872, 899 rotational kinetic energy, 498, construction, 54, 91
physical pendulum, 772, 785 529 tangential acceleration, 187,
physical quantity, 15, 35 rotational work, 524, 529 195, 493
physics, 8, 35 Rutherford, 432 tangential velocity, 769
pitch, 871, 899 tensile strain, 609, 622
pivot point, 589 S tensile stress, 609, 622
plasma, 693 scalar, 44, 91 tension, 240, 252
plastic behavior, 620, 622 scalar component, 58, 91 terminal velocity, 305, 311
Poiseuille, 732 scalar equation, 48, 91 the component form of a vector,
Poiseuilles law, 732, 737 scalar product, 78, 91 58
Poiseuilles law for resistance, scalar quantity, 44, 91 the parallelogram rule, 53
732, 737 Schwarzschild, 675 theory, 14, 36
polar coordinate system, 64, 91 Schwarzschild radius, 676, 681 theory of general relativity, 673,
polar coordinates, 64, 91 seatbelt, 405 681
position, 106, 146 second, 16, 35 thermal energy, 382
position vector, 158, 195 second equilibrium condition, thrust, 230, 252
potential energy, 360, 386 622 tidal force, 667, 682
potential energy diagram, 377, Seismic waves, 864 timbre, 871, 899
994 Index