World08 02 17
World08 02 17
World08 02 17
60th al Exhie the
Annu Antiqbit of
ECO AmeriCorps Race ue
Program Provides Cars
Opportunities for
Young Vermonters
page 3
Barre Heritage Festical SHINE!
page 19
An Opportunity to Learn MANUFACTURERS SHINE
About and Shoot
Crossbows by Bear X, REPS ON HAND!
Stryker, Horton,
Parker, Ten Point,
Wicked Ridge, & Excalibur R&L ARCHERY Inc.
Cate Farm
Organic Tomatoes
have arrived!
Farm Critters & Members of the Barre Elks Lodge (BPOE 1535) front row) delivered over $2500 of transitional supplies
for residents of The Veterans Place (back row), in Northfield, last Tuesday evening. The supplies are
Children's for those residents who are ready to move out and live on their own and need items both large and
small for their new home. Photo by Bill Croney
Play Area!
Providing comfort at the end of life.
$25 minimum per participant $50 per driver/$75 driver and passenger
Newly installed President of the Barre Lions Club, Paul Plante, thanks Immediate past President Tina
Golon for her year as president.
Enter to WIN a REGIS
2017 Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Stingray Boats Bring Your Favorite Activities To Life
Year Tree Farm Tour, Aug. 12 Energy-efcient Eco-friendly Construction - Several Models In Stock
Join the Vermont Tree Farm Program for
two events this August. On Saturday, August
tion, the tour will visit a farm site where a
culvert was replaced to meet the Acceptable
Get Ready for Summer Fun Now!
12 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. join us for a Management Practices standards. This tour Complete Boat Packages Complete Line of
tour of the Stoner Family Tree Farm with will be on easy to moderate terrain with with Trailer BOATING
David and Jenny Stoner, the 2017 Vermont trails.
Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year. The The second tour, Silviculture and Natural ACCESSORIES
Stoner Family Tree Farm is a 361 acre Communities, will venture on more moderate &
Fishing &
Certified Tree Farm (VT Tree Farm #1591) in to difficult, mostly off-trail terrain. WATER TOYS
Ski Boats
Greensboro, VT. The event begins at 8:30 Attendenees will walk to the top of the hill
a.m., with a welcome at 9 a.m. The tours through one of Vermonts more interesting
depart at 9:30 a.m. At 11:30 a,m, there will be natural communities, enriched northern hard- by...
a networking around the tent, and at 12:30 woods. They will then walk through two thin-
p.m. lunch will be served around the pond. nings to five, two-acre patch cuts laid out to Pontoon Boats
Following lunch at 1:30 p.m. there will be an the standards of Natural Resource Roll-In
awards ceremony and presentations. Conservation Services (NRCS) to improve 12 ft. to 28 ft. Dock Systems!
The Stoners have implemented a variety of habitat and regenerate hardwoods in insect by...
habitat management practices with assistance damaged areas.
from their consulting forester, their county The third tour will focus on Multiple Use
forester, the Natural Resources Conservation Over
Over 585251Years
Tree Farm Management, and explore how Over
Services (NRCS), and many more. The the Stoner Family Tree Farm encourages mul- Sales
Service Official Vermont Inspection Station
for Motorcycles and Trailers
Stoners have been an educational asset and tiple use of the forest and implements the goal 795 VT RT 14 SOUTH
role model to their community and family EAST MONTPELIER, VT 05651 Open Mon.-Fri. 8AM to 7PM
of the American Tree Farm System. This tour
members in their efforts to fulfill the four ten- will observe where the management has pro- 802-476-3101 Sat. 8AM to 4PM
ants of the American Tree Farm System: duced wood, provided recreational opportuni-
wildlife, water, recreation, and wood. ties, preserved water quality, and improved
As part of the Tree Farm Tour, there will be wildlife habitat. There will be a stop to look
three different morning tours of the property, at the Babcock Farm foundation and cover
beginning at 9:30 a.m., that attendees are easy to moderate terrain along ski trails main-
encouraged to register for. The Wildlife tained by the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. FOR THE MOST CURRENT CLASSIFIED ADS,
Habitat Management and Land Use History The Tree Farm Tour is $20 for adults and Classified
tour will explore over two decades of work $10/child 14 and younger (non-refundable).
done to improve habitat. Topics include Registration required. Deadline: August 4,
release and pruning of more than 300 wild
apples, planting berries and fruits, mowing
fields and maintaining edges, 2 acre clearcuts
to regenerate early successional species, and
2017. (Note: 2 Category 1 CFE credits will be
available for foresters.) Please register online
at, by email at
[email protected], or Vermont
Before 10AM
a beech tree release in a sugar bush. In addi- Woodlands Association at (802) 747-7900.
Instructor Bob Hamel of Lyndonville (left) encourages novice shooter Aden Cushman of Barre during
shotgun practice for the 2017 4-H Shooting Sports Jamboree, July 21-23 in St. Johnsbury. (photo: Lisa
Muzzey/UVM Extension 4-H)
Cabinetry Stone
Countertops Accessories
Plumbing Tile
"The Difference between
92 S. Main St. Barre VT 05641 479-7909 Ordinary and Extraordinary"
1-800-498-7909 Tammy & Neil Carbo, Managers
From Simple Refresh to Full Renovations, Offering Budget Friendly to High Quality
Shooting Sports Jamboree. Andy McReynolds, North Danville
The July 21-23 competition, sponsored by NOVICE: Uma Chirkova, Newbury; Aden
University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Cushman, Barre; Gabriel St. Martin, Wells.
4-H, took place at the Caledonia Forest and Honorable Mention: Isaac Osinchuk,
Stream Club in St. Johnsbury. Host clubs Springfield
were the Caledonia Sharp Shooters 4-H Club, PISTOL (.22 pistol or air pistol, depending on
Now Hiring Deli Help! Stop by for an application today! St. Johnsbury; Green Mountain 4-H Shooting competitors age):
Sports Club, Lyndonville; and the Upper SENIOR: Tracy Julve, Derby; Nigel Waring,
Valley Bullseyes 4-H Club, Bradford. Kirby; Zach Crawford-Smith, Bennington.
SPECIALS GOOD THROUGH SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 The 4-Hers worked with certified instruc- Honorable Mention: Hunter Smith,
OPEN AT 5:00AM WEEKDAYS AND 6:00AM SATURDAY & SUNDAY tors on Friday to hone their skills before Westminster
competing in archery, pistol, rifle, Seneca JUNIOR: Jacob Churchill, Groton; Taylor
Now carrying the Burlington Free Press 7 days a week Run (muzzleloader, hawk and knife throw, Tetreault, Groton; Andy McReynolds, North
instinctive bow, fire starting), shotgun and a Danville. Honorable Mention: Colby Butler,
Charmin Ultra Strong Cape Cod Chips hunting/wildlife contest on Saturday. The lat- Dorset
12 Double Rolls 1848 ct ....................... $5.99 Family Sz ter involved hunter safety, a timed compass NOVICE: Gabriel St. Martin, Wells; Uma
1 @reg price or ................... 2 for $5 course and identification of animal furs, Chirkova, Newbury; Julian Mercy, Barre.
GREAT PRICE! feathers, skulls, tracks and scat. Honorable Mention (tie): Alex Daisey, Orford,
Coca Cola Classic Deal of the HOT SUMMER BUY!
Gatorade 32 oz The 4-Hers competed by age group with New Hampshire, and Austin Schneider,
6 pk 12 oz cans Week!
1 @ 1.99 or ................. 2 for $3 +dep Cheerios 12 oz assorted flavors............5 for $5.00 gold, silver and bronze medals awarded to the Poultney
VT Maple Syrup .............. $16.99/qt Original or top scorers in each discipline. The three high- RIFLE:
Honey Nut
Shurfine English Muffins, est overall scorers in each age division also SENIOR: Ken Beaupre, Orford, New
earned medals.
Smartfood, Lays Hot Dog, Hamburger Rolls Hampshire; Zach Crawford-Smith,
or Doritos Family Size 2 for $5 & White Bread 14 oz ...2 for $3.00 The results of the competition, in order of Bennington; Nigel Waring, Kirby. Honorable
1 @ reg price or........... 2 for $6.00
Shurfine Milk placement, were as follows: Mention: Tyler Decker, Lake George, New
Bounty Dura White Skim, 1%,2% gallon...............................$2.99 OVERALL HIGH SCORERS: York
6 Roll 294 ct..........................................$5.99 SENIOR (14-18): Nigel Waring, Kirby; Ken
GREAT PRICE! Pepsi 12 pk cans 12 oz ................ $4.99+dep Beaupre, Orford, New Hampshire; Jonathan JUNIOR: Colby Butler, Dorset; Samantha
Green Mountain Hood Ice Cream Churchill, Groton. Honorable Mention: Tyler Beaupre, Orford, New Hampshire; Lauren
Coffee K-Cups 24 ct all flavors ........ $14.99 assorted flavors 48 oz ..................... $3.39/ea Decker, Lake George, New York Barrows, Arlington. Honorable Mention:
JUNIOR (11-13): Jacob Churchill, Groton; Taylor Tetreault, Groton
Colby Butler, Dorset; Taylor Tetreault, NOVICE: Bobby Brown, Lunenburg; Gabriel
TWO DAY MEAT SALE Groton. Honorable Mention (tie): Joseph St. Martin, Wells; Abby McReynolds, North
Friday & Saturday, August 4 &5 Connor, Orwell, and Luke McReynolds, Danville. Honorable Mention: Sara Cannon,
EXCELLENT VALUE! BEEF WHOLE EYE ROUNDS ...................................................................$2.99/lb North Danville Colchester
NOVICE (8-10): Gabriel St. Martin, Wells; SENECA RUN:
Pork Loins Whole Premium...........................................................................................................$1.98/lb
Noah Bruttomesso, Middletown Springs; SENIOR: Tracy Julve, Derby; Ken Beaupre,
GREAT ON THE GRILL! Hillshire Kielbasa or Cheddarwurst................................................$3.49/pkg Julian Mercy, Barre. Honorable Mention: Orford, New Hampshire; Austin Taylor,
Beef Ground Chuck Bag 5 lbs or more........................................................................................$3.89/lb Aden Cushman, Barre Westminster. Honorable Mention: Nigel
Chicken Breasts or Thighs Boneless Family Pk .........................................................................$1.98/lb Winners in the individual competitions, in Waring, Kirby
Vernon Manor Ham Steaks ..........................................................................................................$2.88/lb order of placement, were: JUNIOR: Andy McReynolds, North Danville;
Shurfine Bacon Reg or Thick Cut 1 lb .......................................................................................$3.98/pkg ARCHERY: Colby Butler, Dorset; Aidan McDermid,
SENIOR: Hunter Smith, Westminster; Tracy Rockingham. Honorable Mention: Audrey
Pork Chops or Spare Ribs Boneless Family Pk ..........................................................................$2.99/lb
Julve, Derby; Kodi Dyke, Piermont, New Chairvolotti, Grand Isle
Beef Sirloin Steak .........................................................................................................................$6.99/lb Hampshire. Honorable Mention: Destiny NOVICE: Julian Mercy, Barre; Noah
Kayem Natural Casing Franks.........................................................................................$9.88/2.5lb Box Lange, Wells River Bruttomesso, Middleton Springs; Jackson
Check out our PROUD TO SELL VP RACING Meat Dept. JUNIOR: Luke McReynolds, North Danville; Dwyer, Lyndonville. Honorable Mention:
FUELS GASOLINE Manager Audrey Puffer, Waterford; Noah David Foster, Summer Le, Colchester
Fresh Meats & Our 91 Octane Premium at the
Mike Ziter West Burke. Honorable Mention: Christian SHOTGUN:
pump is non-ethanol.
We also have specialty fuels Serving Aldrich, Lyndonville SENIOR: Kelsea Aldrich, Lyndonville;
EBT/SNAP available in 5-gallon cans.
Stop by and check our great selection Central VT NOVICE: Uma Chirkova, Newbury; Jackson Zachary Willson, Lyndonville; Nigel Waring,
Dwyer, Lyndonville; Noah Bruttomesso, Kirby. Honorable Mention: Ken Beaupre,
Cards Welcome of VP Merchandise!
for 50 Years
Middletown Springs. Honorable Mention Orford, New Hampshire
(three-way tie): Aden Cushman and Julian JUNIOR: Jonathan Churchill, Groton; Colby
OPEN EVERYDAY: Mon.-Thurs. 5a-9p, Fri. 5a-10p, Sat. 6a-10p, Sun. 6a-9p Mercy, both from Barre; Gavin Puffer, Butler, Dorset; Joseph Connor, Orwell.
Waterford Honorable Mention: Christian Aldrich,
Rt. 14, Williamstown 802 433-1038 HUNTING/WILDLIFE:
SENIOR: Kodi Dyke, Piermont, New
NOVICE: Noah Bruttomesso, Middletown
Most Cards Accepted DEBIT Hampshire; Nigel Waring, Kirby; Jonathan Springs; Gabriel St. Martin, Wells; Isaac
Churchill, Groton. Honorable Mention: Adam Osinchuk, Springfield. Honorable Mention:
Browe, Pawlet Julian Mercy, Barre
page 4 The WORLD August 2, 2017
has the
TENT and
WE have
the DEALS!
Tent sale prices in effect
UP $
TO 1,000!
Chimney Sweep II
with or without the tent.
Sponsor Lions Stacy Cadorette and Linda Mercy flank The Barre Lions Clubs newest members: Jason
Godfrey, Tammy Hall, and Abbie Henry. Lion Linda Mercy received the prestigious Key Award for
sponsoring two members that have remained active for over a year.
extend this program to accommodate more Treasurer of the Northeast Delta Dental
students from all over the state, and this grant Foundation.
is the first step. The college now has the Vermont Tech is very excited about this
means to purchase a large van and new dental generous gift from Delta Dental, commented
In Barre!
hygiene equipment which can be used to Vermont Techs President Patricia Moulton. AT
fashion a traveling dental hygienists office. This will allow us to expand our program to JIFFY
This will allow students to conduct screen- more areas of the state as well as deliver MART
ings and assessments in schools and nursing much-needed dental services around the state.
homes around Vermont. The van will be nick- It is a win-win for the college and dental
named The Molar Express.
hygiene in Vermont.
Community Raises Over $30,000 to Support 11AM to 2PM
350 NEW,
CVHHH Hospice at Annual Golf Tournament IN DRIVE-STUPER
On Wednesday, June 21, members of the Rousse, Steve Connor, Judy Guild and
central Vermont community, with CVHHH Danielle Hampton, PT. All of us at CVHHH
staff, management, and board members, gath- are so grateful.
ered at the Country Club of Barre for the 21st Sandy Rousse, President & CEO, wel-
Annual Hospice Memorial Golf Tournament comed the crowd, saying, We have the abil-
& Silent Auction. This was a record year for ity to touch the lives of those we care for
the tournament, with over $30,000 raised in today, and to provide for those we will care
sponsorships and donations. All proceeds
for in the future.
from the event will support CVHHHs hos-
Bill Patno, CVHHH board member and
pice program.
Thank you to all of our generous spon- tournament sponsor with Granite Financial
sors, says Kim Farnum, Manager of Group, took the first swing of the day after
saying a few words to the crowd, When care SEATINOGF
Community Relations & Development. We
had an incredible amount of support from our is provided at home, it is often more cost PARKI
community again this year, especially our effective and beneficial to the patients.
dedicated volunteer planning committee CVHHH provides services that are critical to
chaired by Rachael Richards with Eddie this community.
Raffle Winners Announced Aug. 7
Grand Prize - Free Coffee for a Year!
2ND Prize - Keurig Brewer w/K-Cups!
3RD Prize - Great Escape 4-Pk Adventure!
Many More Merchandise Prizes!
Norm Trepanier Kristian Page
Body Shop Manager Assistant Manager
See Mascots
World Publications
tended to provide a management system accessible to Veternarians. End
WHISTLEKICK is a provider and distributor of branded gear, accessories
scheduling and operating for practitioners. and clothing for martial artists. The company seeks further market pen-
etration with increased marketing of its brand by expansion of its prod-
VERMONT BACKHAND will introduce a safety product that will ease the uct lines with higher quality products, including media offerings such as
delivery of fuel oil and reduce back, neck and hip injuries from dragging books and internet content.
heavy hoses and nozzles. The result will be less personnel downtime,
scheduling problems and insurance claims.
The Bridge
Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation, Vermont Small Business Development Center,
Small Business Administrations (SBA), Revitalizing Waterbury, Office Block, Center for Leadership Skills, DBate Speaking, Orton Family Foundation
To learn more,
contact Bill Moore, President, Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce
at [email protected] or (802) 229-5941
page 6 The WORLD August 2, 2017
Many non-hunters enjoy having the same knowledge as their hunting family members.
Come join us!
e realize that you have a choice of how you buy your
Hands-on safety training & exercises
insurance. We feel that the Independent Insurance Classroom instruction
Agent distribution method is the best for the following Shoot & dont shoot exercise
Films & slides on rearm handling, safety, responsibility and ethics
Your Independent Insurance Agent treats you like a person, not just another number. 6:00 to 8:00 PM
You can develop a personal relationship with your Independent Insurance Agent. You can Barre Fish & Game Club on Gun Club Road in Barre Town
Course includes 6 sessions
go visit your Independent Insurance Agent because he or she lives in your community Thurs., Aug. 17 Mon., Aug. 21
and is always accessible. Thurs., Aug. 24 Mon., Aug. 28
Thurs., Aug. 31 Tues., Sept. 5
Unlike other agents, your Independent Insurance Agent is not tied to just one insurance 6:30 to 9:10 PM
company. An Independent Insurance Agent offers many plans through many companies, Test: Saturday, Sept. 9 at 9:00 AM
giving the customer the potential for the broadest range of coverage at a competitive Under 16: Parent Must
price. Your Independent Insurance Agent gives excellent service and competitive prices Attend Registration
because he or she can access coverage from more than one company. You dont need to For More Information:
change agencies as your insurance and service needs change. Mike @ 522-2499
Your Independent Insurance Agent provides personalized claims service. This is the
time that most people appreciate Independent Insurance Agents. You do not have to
fall guide
deal with phone mazes or talk to someone who does not understand you or your claim.
Your Independent Insurance Agent is there for you when you need help, and can act as
an important advocate for you during the claims process. Your Independent Agent can
contact the insurance company and get the claim process rolling, help you ll out claim
forms, advise you on the progress of your claim, and work closely with the insurance
company to make sure you get a prompt and fair settlement of a valid claim.
Your Independent Insurance Agent offers one-stop shopping. Because of the variety
of companies that an Independent Insurance Agent represents, you have a full range of The 2017 Fall Guide offers you fresh ideas and
opportunities to generate business.
products available to you home, renters, auto, business and more. One call puts you in
touch with someone who can do the comparison for you. Prot through dynamic advertising in this
seasonal guide, with a 3 month shelf life and
FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION ON THIS TOPIC OR ANY OTHER, distribution of 16,000 copies to your local
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL ME ANYTIME. customers and out of town visitors.
ENTER TO WIN! Yes, were still
here with the
same quality
safe drivers are Did you know that sending or
reading a text takes your eyes service weve
off the road for five seconds?
offered for
focused drivers. At 55 mph, that's like driving
the length of an entire football
field with your eyes closed.
over 30 years
Dain Herring
The Noyle Johnson Group has Cellcontrol is an enforceable safe driving
partnered with Ohio Mutual Insurance
Group to help curb distracted driving.
solution that can disable the ability to text,
email, Tweet, post to Snapchat and Facebook,
FREE Green Technology
Guaranteed Repairs
Were raffling off 20 Cellcontrol devices, which are
Estimates! Certied Technicians
take selfies and much more while driving.
designed to limit cell phone distractions so that you & Free Estimate WATERBORNE
your family are safer on the road. Added bonus: you may 2 WAYS FACEBOOK:
Noyle Johnson Group
Expert Collision Repair PAINT SYSTEM
Direct Repair For Courtesy Shuttle Available
qualify for certain discounts on your auto policy with TO ENTER WEBSITE: Most Major Insurance
Ohio Mutual by using Cellcontrol for your young drivers! RAFFLE State Of The Art Spray Booth
Companies Wash & Vacuum Included
Noyle W. Johnson Insurance Sawyer and Ritchie Agency
119 River St., Montpelier, VT
198 Route 2 W., Danville, VT
August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 7
Kellogg-Hubbard are still the most popular part of our collection, but we have
books on CD, DVDs and two online services to download e-
Library News books or audio books. With your library card, you can down-
load e-books and audio books no matter where you areat
Montpelier home, on vacation or at work. (At work?)
Like ocean tides keeping the beach refreshed, our collec-
We are the largest 135 Main St, Montpelier, VT 05602 802-223-3338 tion goes up and down, as we add hundreds of new books
La-Z-Boy dealer Childrens Department: 802-223-4665 every year and weed out an equal number of old ones. When they come in the front door, some patrons turn right and head
in Northeastern directly to our ever-popular new books display. In addition to
Vermont Childrens Library - Summer Reading Programs the books on display, next to them we post a list of our new
Friday, August 4 | 4:00-5:00 p.m. Stuffed Animal Slee- books, since some of them are out, of course. We also take
pover requests for new or old books that we dont have. In the past
Drop your stuffed friend at the library, make a special per- year we have substantially increased our large print collection,
sonalized name tag, and hear a bedtime story. Stop by the which is now conveniently located on the first floor.
next morning (Saturday, August 5) at 10:30am to pick up your
stuffed animal & see the photos caught by our hidden camera! Free Museum and Park Passes
Ages 0-10. Looking for an economical family stay-cation? You can
borrow one of our passes to Vermont museums, parks and
Saturday, August 12 | 1:30 p.m. - Magic at the Library historic sites. We suggest calling the Childrens Department
Join us for an exciting performance by the Magic Camp (223-4665) ahead of time to reserve a pass in advance. We
with Rob Mermin. All Ages. Please enter by the School Street have passes to Fairbanks Museum, Billings Farm & Museum,
entrance since the library is closed. VINS, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne Farms, Vermont State
Parks, Vermont Historic Sites and the Vermont History Mu-
Saturday, August 19 | 1:30 p.m. - Twelfth Night seum. We also have a discount for ECHO Aquarium.
Watch the cast of Shakespeare Camp perform this fun com-
edy. The play is abridged to last about 1 hour. Ages 5 and up. Summer Book Sale
Route 5, Lyndonville, VT Please enter by the School Street entrance since the library is The Summer Book Sale has re-opened its doors with hun-
Mon. thru Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-3, Sun. Closed closed. dreds of new books. Stop by the Kellogg-Hubbard Library to
1-800-439-5996 Summer Reading Isnt Just for Kids
find great books at great prices.
296 Meadow St., Littleton, NH Although our summer reading program is just for kids, sum- August Art Exhibit
4584 U.S. Rte. 5, Newport, VT mer reading certainly isnt. We have 74,000 items in our col- Throughout the month of August, Squiggles, an exhibit of
lection and something for everyone. Traditional bound books Glen Hutchesons paintings on display in the Fiction Room.
the Chandler stage on Wednesday, August 2 at 7:30 p.m.
Together they will perform the Bach Sonata #3 for piano
and violin in E major, BWV 1016, the Chaconne Variations by
Philip Lasser, and the Beethoven Sonata #10 in G major, Op.
96. Ms. Fischer will perform Expanding Phrases by Randolph QUEEN SET
native Nico Muhly and One Atom of Faith by Californian Locally Owned & Operated By Mike & Amanda P.
composer/singer Lisa Bielawa. Dinnerstein will perform the 97 US Rt. 302 Barre-Montpelier Rd 802-479-0671
Bach Goldberg Variation #13. A reception for the artists and
the audience follows the recital.
Each of these artists has made multiple appearances on the
stage at Chandler over the years. Dinnerstein has performed as DONT PUT OFF TIL
a solo recitalist and in concert with cellist Zuill Bailey, clari-
netist Richard Stolzman, composer Nico Muhly, and the
American Contemporary Music Ensemble. Fischer has per- CAN SELL TODAY!
formed with the Chiara String Quartet on numerous occasions,
including a concert with her father, Norman Fischer of the 479-2582
Concord String Quartet in residence at Dartmouth College a Or Toll Free 1-800-639-9753
number of years ago.
Dinnerstein made her splash on the music scene by self- Simone Dinnerstein
Central Vermonts Newspaper
producing a recording of the Bach Goldberg Variations in
2007, an effort which won her many accolades, including
ranking No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Classical Chart in its first
week of sales and was named to many Best of 2007 lists 403 U.S. Route 302 - Berlin Barre, Vermont 05641
including those of The New York Times, The Los Angeles
Times, and The New Yorker. She has since had a busy yearly
national and international concert schedule, as a recitalist as
CCV. Because...
well as a soloist with major orchestras here and abroad. Just
before this Chandler appearance she will have completed a
three-week whirlwind tour with the Havana Lyceum Orchestra,
an initiative she began after concertizing with the ensemble in
Cuba and making a recording of their music together.
The Chiara String Quartet, of which Rebecca Fischer is the
first violinist, was founded in 2000, and has an equally busy
concert-touring life. They have been the Artists-in-Residence
at Harvard University, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York, and are currently at the Glenn Korff School of
Music at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. One of their
most recently and widely publicized initiatives was to record
and perform all of the Bela Bartok string quartets from mem-
ory, completely without the use of scores, the album named
Bartok By Heart. Fischer tours regularly in North America,
Europe and Asia, appearing as a soloist with many orchestras.
With the Quartet she has won top prizes in the Fischoff
National Chamber Music competition, the Paolo Borciani
Competition in Italy, the Astral Artistic Services audition, and
was awarded the Chamber Music America/ASCP Award for
Adventurous Programming.
Tickets for the Chandler concert are available online at or by calling the box office at (802)
728-6464 weekdays 12 to 5 p.m. 7/19/17
This concertis presented by Chandler Center for the Arts.
8/2/17 I wanted to expand my horizons and stay close to home.
Rebecca Fischer
Chandler Music Hall is fully accessible and equipped for Will Nally
the hearing impaired. Farm Hand
business formation issues
buy/sell arrangements wills/trusts
stock purchase agreements probate administration and
By Tom Hughes three times as many new jobs in California as there are
Energy Independent Vermont Vermonters.
ast week Governor Phil Scott took another step towards The Canadian province of British Columbia introduced a
real climate action. His signed an executive order creat- carbon pollution price in 2008 and their economys growth has
ing a Vermont Climate Action Commission and reaf- outpaced every other Canadian province the last three years
firmed the climate and clean energy goals set forth in the 2016 running. In fact, the policy has been so successful that Prime
Comprehensive Energy Plan. Minister Justin Trudeau is implementing a nation-wide carbon
In this era of federal backsliding, Gov. Scott has sided with price next year.
the facts. Further, he stacked the commission with thoughtful And look no further than Vermont. Republican Governor Jim
Vermont leaders experienced in building consensus to get Douglas authorized Vermonts first price on carbon pollution in
tough things done. There doesnt appear to be a climate science the electric sector by joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas CONSTRUCTION UPDATE
denier among them. Initiative and it is working. The economies in the nine RGGI
He tasked the commission with developing a strategy to MONTPELIER TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS
states are growing faster and emissions from the electric sec-
reduce greenhouse gas emissions that: tor are falling faster than in those states outside the compact.
Project Location: State Street, Main Street, and VT 12 Elm Street
Spurs economic activity, inspires and grows Vermont busi- As the Vermont 2017 Clean Energy Industry Report notes,
- Work to include milling, paving, manhole and drainage structure adjust-
ments and extensive sidewalk improvements. VT 12-Northfield Street - new
nesses, and puts Vermonters on a path to affordability; since 2013, clean energy employment has grown by 29 per- water, sewer, storm water improvements, sidewalks and a stabilized road
Engages all Vermonters, so that no individual or group of cent in Vermont, which amounts to a total of just over 19,000 base.
Vermonters is unduly burdened; and jobs. You cant argue with that success. Northfield Street Closure - Monday and Tuesday & possibly Wednes-
Provides solutions for all Vermonters to reduce their carbon There is a reason that economists from across the political day, Northfield Street will be closed to traffic in the area of #31 - #33
impact and save money. spectrum distinguished number crunchers like Joseph Stiglitz, Northfield Street while crews install water pipes across the street.
These are thoughtful parameters, though there should be one Lawrence Summers, Jeffrey Sachs, Robert Reich, Gregory See detour information below.
more: the commissions recommended solutions must be com- Mankiw, Martin Feldstein all support carbon pollution pric- Final paving of the Roundabout and the remainder of Main Street is sched-
mensurate to the challenge. ing: its smart economics.
uled for Tuesday night (8/1) and Wednesday night (8/2), weather permitting.
As the new commissioners will soon learn, despite decades By returning the carbon pollution revenue to Vermonters in VT 12/Elm Street With the night work in downtown Montpelier expected
of lofty rhetoric and good intentions, Vermonts total carbon to wrap up in the next week or two, crews will be gearing up to start day
the form of tax cuts or dividends every Vermonter would be
emissions are up since 1990. We are not on pace to meet any work on the VT 12/Elm Street section of the project by mid-August.
of the states three sets of greenhouse gas reduction goals: the engaged. We would have both the incentive and the means to Week of July 31st, 2017
goals that Gov. Scott voted for as senator, the Paris Climate transition to the cleaner, more advanced technologies of the
Night Work -
Accord goals he committed to by joining the U.S. Climate 21st century growing jobs and putting many more Vermonters
Alliance last month, or the Comprehensive Energy Plan goals to work. Main Street Roundabout Improvements (5:00 pm to 12:00 am)
he reaffirmed in his executive order last week. Finally, when it comes to saving Vermonters money, the Final paving and line striping is scheduled for Tuesday (8/1) and Wednes-
day (8/2) at the Roundabout. Following paving and line striping, expansion
In order to achieve any of our climate goals the commission sooner we transition off of fossil fuels the better. Even at joints will be installed on the Spring Street Bridge Thursday night (8/3) and
must recommend more comprehensive strategies than have todays low gasoline prices, it costs about 1/3 less to drive an Friday night (8/4), weather permitting.
been tried to date. Without bolder recommendations and electric vehicle in Vermont than one powered by an internal Roundabout Detour During active construction at the Roundabout, traf-
swift action by the governor and General Assembly the nay- combustion engine. An electric heat pump delivers BTUs to a fic will be directed to an alternate route marked with signs. Local traffic will
sayers who mock gubernatorial commissions as the place that home or business more cost-effectively than an oil burning have access to all businesses and/or residents between School Street and
good ideas go to die will be proved right once again. furnace. Carbon pollution pricing is a market-driven solution the roundabout while the detour is in use.
If the commissioners and the governor are serious about their that encourages adoption of these and other low-carbon, low- Main Street Paving (7:00 pm to 7:00 am) Final paving of the remaining
assignment, there is an effective climate strategy that conforms cost technologies that save Vermonters money. portion of Main Street from the rail crossing to State Street is scheduled to
to all of the governors conditions and is working elsewhere: The transition to the clean energy future is a win-win for the be completed Wednesday night, weather permitting.
carbon pollution pricing. Vermont economy and our climate. Sidewalk Replacement Work (7:00 pm to 11:00 am)
As President George W. Bushs Treasury Secretary Henry If admitting there is a problem is the first step to fixing it, This week, crews will continue replacing the various marked sidewalk
Paulson wrote in the New York Times, a price on carbon pollu- then Gov. Scott took that step last week. The Climate Action panels in the following locations at night:
tion would unleash a wave of innovation to develop technolo- Commission has a critical assignment and an opportunity. Main Street City Hall to the Kellogg Hubbard Library
gies, lower the costs of clean energy and create jobs. Want Identifying and advancing the policy solutions that meet the State Street Post ofce and Christ Church
proof? measure of the problem, like carbon pricing, will turn the chal- State Street Capitol Plaza area both sides of the Street
California implemented a price on carbon pollution in 2013, lenge Gov. Scott has put forward into the job-creating, money- The following driveway entrances have sidewalk panels that are scheduled
and has created 1.5 million new jobs since then. Thats almost saving, energy-innovating opportunity it provides. for replacement. Entrances will be closed to vehicles for 4-5 days while the
new concrete cures
President & CEO We were treated to an exhibition of horsemanship that few State Street Drive entrance to Shell Station (Est. 8/2)
ne of the great values of mem- witness. Kyler demonstrated his riding proficiency to our Day Work-
bership in the Central Vermont members. Now 14, Kyler has been riding since he was 2 Sign crews will continue installing new traffic signs throughout the project.
Chamber of Commerce is the years old. Minimal traffic impacts are expected.
ability to network with other business- He used his walker to mount a ramp and took a seat in the Northfield Street Update
es and professionals. We have a regular indoor arena. A lift donated to Rhythm of the Rein carefully Crews may be working Saturday, July 29, 2017.
after hours monthly networking event, lifted him over to and placed him upon his mount, Elly. Northeld Street Closure - Monday and Tuesday & possibly Wednesday,
the Chamber Mixer. Tyler rode Elly around the arena and then returned to the start- Northfield Street will be closed to traffic during the day in the area of #31 - #33
At these relaxed, social events, lead- ing point. He assumed his position in the lift and was returned Northfield Street while crews excavate across the street to install water pipes.
ers from a cross-section of the mem- to the elevated platform smiling broadly. His excitement was Local traffic wanting to access residences on Northfield Street will need to
bership gather at a members facility to seek out business palpable. follow the signed detour using Derby Street and Memorial Drive to access
either side of the closure.
opportunities. The hosts are given a few minutes to talk about The Chamber membership consists of the broad spectrum
Traffic will be directed to use the following signed detour routes during the
their businesses, we have door prize giveaways, a few laughs of businesses that make up Washington Countys economic closure period-
and a productive two hours away from the office. profile. This niche business, however, truly is unique. Dog River Road as a truck detour route.
Rather than meeting at someones office, a manufacturing Dianne and Rhythm of the Rein instructor, Libby Hale were
site, bank lobby or some other typical gathering spot this named Professionals of the Years (2013) by the Brain Injury Derby Drive - National Life Drive - Memorial Drive.
month, we ventured off to one of the more unique sites among Association of Vermont. In their nomination, Pride Support Sewer Installation Installation of the new sewer main pipe will continue
our membership. Services noted that, When someone comes to ride, even if from #52-#56 Northfield Street progressing towards Derby Drive.
This month, Chamber members were welcomed to Water they are in a wheelchair or use a walker (Diane and Libby) Water Installation Installation of the new water main will also continue
this week. Crews were not able to conduct any testing last week as they
Tower Farm in Marshfield by owner, Dianne Lashoones. dont see people who cannot get on a horse, they see each need to install a new valve before testing. Service connections are not
Water Tower Farm is a successful Tennessee Walking Horse person as an individual! They dont worry that someone expected to occur this week.
breeding, trading, and sales operation. It is also home to might not be able to ride a horse, they figure out how they are Traffic Alternating one-way traffic is anticipated all week.
Rhythm of the Rein. going to get on and ride, to them nothing is impossible. It is Motorists are strongly encouraged to seek alternative routes using Derby
Rhythm of the Rein, is a fascinating facility. Its mission is very difficult to explain how it feels to be free and moving Drive or Dog River Road during construction. Trafc delays of up to 10
to use Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT) to when riding, but it is an exhilarating experience that they minutes can be expected on Northfield Street.
enhance the well-being of individuals with physical, cogni- provide. It is illegal in VT to use any handheld portable electronic devices while
tive, and emotional challenges in Central Vermont and the It is businesses like Rhythm of the Rein that drive Central driving. The law carries fines of up to $200 with points assessed if the
Northeast Kingdom. Their programs are aimed at those with Vermonts economy. You can watch Kylers ride on our web- violation occurs in a work zone.
physical, developmental and cognitive challenges. site, Be sure to visit Rhythm of the Rein Contact Francine Perkins, Project Outreach Coordinator, FRP Enterprises,
Our members came away from this months Chamber online at LLC with any questions or concerns with regards to the project at 802-479-
Mixer with more than fists full of business cards, new busi- Join us at our next Chamber Mixer on August 24th at 6994. Construction updates will be posted on ,
ness contacts and new business opportunities. They took with Norwich University. You can register to attend on our web- The City of Montpeliers Front Porch Forum and Facebook Pages, Montpe-
lier Alives Facebook Page and Makeover Montpeliers Facebook Page.
them a profound appreciation for Rhythm of the Rein and the site. Well be looking for you.
August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 11
By G. E. Shuman
ell, fellow travelers, here we are Popsicles, and most importantly, the fact that school summer
Central Vermonts Newspaper again. For any who are unaware, vacation is not yet over. Oh, so much has changed.
we have all just arrived in the The reality is that August, truly, is a wonderful place to
wonderful land of August. If youre read- spend a month, and we all seem to stay here for exactly that
ing this, which you must be, you have been long, every time we visit. Isnt that strange? I love how long
to this beautiful place of sun and fun many and sunny these days are; how green and alive everything is.
403 Route 302-Berlin, Barre, VT 05641
times before. (That is unless you are a child prodigy, the likes The more Augusts I experience, I think, the more I appreci-
Tel.: (802)479-2582 or 1-800-639-9753 of which the world has never seen, and you are reading this ate those things. Every summer, every August, I pray that I
Fax: (802)479-7916 on your rst birthday or something.) Discounting that improb-
email: [email protected] or [email protected] will see the next one. No, I really do. The green and alive
ability, it is a good bet that you have been to this place in the part of it all is a big reason for my love for this month, as
web site: year at least several dozens of times. My writing attracts few you could probably already tell. Alive is what we are sup-
MEMBER tweens and teens. posed to be, and being surrounded by life is just wonderful.
VERMONT In my particular case, Im making this visit to August for Maybe were not supposed to be green, but you get the idea.
OF the sixty-rst time. Im sixty years old, (barely) as I was born The warm nights in the land of August are wonderful too. My
in July, so, yeah, that makes sixty-one Augusts, I think. (By
wife works evenings, and its so neat that even at midnight the
Publishers: Gary Hass and Deborah Phillips. Classified the way, I gured that out all by my lonesome, without con-
two of us can enjoy a mild summer breeze together, talking
Manager: Ruth Madigan. Receptionist: Darlene Callahan. sulting Google or face book or twitter or anyone else.) Sadly,
Bookkeeping: Lisa Companion. Production Manager: its hard to imagine that someone with such boyish youth and and rocking on the front porch swing. (Yes, we really do have
Christine Richardson. Production: Kathleen Gonet. Copy good looks as myself could possibly have taken the magni- a front porch, and we really do have a front porch swing. This
Editor: Aaron Retherford. Sales Representatives: Kay Roberts cent voyage around the sun, (an event which we have chosen time of year we use them both, all the time.) If that sounds
Santamore, Mike Jacques. Circulation: Aeletha Kelly.
to represent the years of our lives,) over sixty times already, corny and dated to you, then you need to adjust your corny
Distribution: Jim Elliot, Gary Villa, Paul Giacherio.
and dated meter.
but Im afraid that it is true. My vehicle and yours is both the
The WORLD is published by WORLD Publications, Inc. in earth herself, and time, the combination of which never stops, That front porch swing is also useful in a very informal
Berlin, Vermont. The WORLD is distributed free, and serves game my wife and I tend to begin playing, at about this time
the residents of Washington and north-central Orange counties. or even slows, and ultimately proves, relentlessly and without
exception, to be deadly. And we all seem to be its semi-reluc- each year. The game has no name, but it involves being the
The WORLD you is published
run the Goldevery Wednesday.
VC Gold Standard publication may
until your current audit expires. Should your publication
tant passengers. But... Stop the world, I want to get off? No. rst to spot a bright red leaf peeking out from the green
The WORLD assumes no financial responsibility for depths, high in the very large and elderly maple tree on our
e Gold Standard scoring in future audits you may continue to
e Gold Standardtypographical
logo, or convert toerrors in advertising but will reprint in the I dont think so, and neither do you, really.
front lawn. When that happens, we both know that our visit to
the traditional CVC audit
f Gold Standardfollowing
scores are issue that part
not achieved. of any
Publishers withadvertisement in which the In my youth, August meant to me what it likely still means
nt audit status may display the CVC logo in their publication,
n marketing materials. errortooccurred.
Please refer Notice by advertisers of any error
the CVC Service to kids today. It meant days at the lake, being with friends, bike August has ended, in more ways than can be shown on a cal-
tions Agreementmust be given
regarding to this
logo usage upon newspaper
audit expiration.within five (5) business days riding, lawn mowing, beach-walking, car washing, shing, endar. The month is always quickly overtaken by those of fall;
of the date of publication. cookouts, sunbathing, strawberries, watermelon, the smell of that one red leaf is soon swallowed up in a sea of scarlet and
have any question please call (800)262-6392.
The WORLD reserves all rights to advertising copy produced coconut oil, the taste of corn on the cob, Popsicles, and most bronze. Then cooler evenings come, bringing smokey scents
by its own staff. No such advertisement may be used or importantly, the fact that school summer vacation was not yet from neighborhood wood stoves, and fewer visits to the front
reproduced without express permission. over. As an oldish, school-teaching, textbook toting visitor to porch swing.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Closed August for the sixty-rst time, it means days at the lake, being I hope you enjoy your thirty-one-day visit to the land of
Saturday and Sunday. with friends, bike riding, lawn mowing, beach-walking, car August as much as I will. Ill see you later. In fact, lets make a
Subscriptions: $8.00/month, $48.00/6 months, $96.00/year. washing, shing, cookouts, sunbathing, strawberries, water- date of it. Ill meet you back here, I promise, at this very spot,
First Class. melon, the smell of coconut oil, the taste of corn on the cob, exactly 365 days from now.
page 12 The WORLD August 2, 2017
nally found a computer down here bage had spent the winter turning itself into the most gorgeous BULLETIN BOARD
at the Cape unfortunately I have no dark black soil I have ever seen! Now all our property on Cape
idea how to use it! But I am going Cod is made of sand. Not a bit of green grass or anything that
to soldier on and try to tell you what I resembles grass. But because I want it to, I have been planting
want to tell you. Hydrangeas for years. They tried but sand is just no good for STATE OF VERMONT
Two years ago I gave Malcolm a nifty looking composter
for his birthday. I had no idea which kind to buy except that it
looked easy to use and was cheap. So we took it to the Cape to
any and all plants. However, when we dumped all the black
soil into the hole with the Hydrangeas the most beautiful and
hardy blue blossoms shocked your eyes. And although Im
Washington Unit
Docket No. 199-3-17 Wnpr
give it a try before we used it at home in Vermont. not a gardener, I know that our own homegrown compost has
Well that summer we had lots of visitors and grandchildren made all the difference to our owers.
and their friends and our little composter lled to the brim by Of course we bought another composter just like the rst SUSAN REMINGTON
the end of September. We had no idea what to do, so when one and it too has astonished us with wonderful compost. Not Classified & Display LATE OF:
we left to go home, we dripped a little water into the chock a only that it is a safe and easy way to dispose of your garbage. Plaineld, Vermont
block full container and waved it goodbye until next spring. And I think the State of Vermont who is going to insist on ADS Notice To Creditors
Now I should tell you that neither of us are great gardeners, composting will be thrilled to hear that many of us are going Now Placing Your
so when the time came to open the composter we were both to try and grow our own produce and by recycling our own Classified Or Display Ad To the creditors of Susan
shocked and surprised at what came out! All of our nasty gar- garbage. Give it a try, you will be thrilled at your results Is Even Easier! Remington, late of Plaineld,
I have been appointed to administer
this estate. All creditors having
claims against the decedent or the
The claim must be presented to
By Gabriel C. Lajeunesse children are grown and have left your home, you may need to me at the address listed below
hen your children leave home and you become an review and update your estate plans. with a copy sent to the Court.
empty nester, youll probably make several ad- Keep in mind, though, that empty nester status is not The claim may be barred forever
justments in your lifestyle. But how will your empty always permanent. Youve no doubt heard about boomerang Our E-mail address is if it is not presented within the
nest status affect your nancial situation? kids who return home after college and stay until they can af- four (4) month period.
Everyones story is different and involve a range of vari- ford a place of their own.
sales@vt-world Dated: July 26, 2017
ables. Here are a few issues to consider: If your children become boomerangers, even for a short .com Signed: Amanda Deubner,
Insurance If your kids are through school, your mortgage while, will it greatly affect your nancial situation? Probably Please include contact Fiduciary
is nearly paid off and your spouse has accumulated a reason- not. However, if your children are going to drive your car, you person & payment info c/o James Jamele, Esq.
P.O. Box 154
able amount of money in an employer-sponsored retirement may want to be sure that they are listed on your car insurance. ( Only) Plaineld, Vermont 05667
plan, you may not need life insurance to replace income or Also, if they are going to bring guests to your home, you might Phone: (802) 454-7825
pay off debts. However, you might start thinking about other want to consider an umbrella insurance policy, which typi- Name of Publication: The
goals, such as ensuring your savings will last your lifetime or cally provides you with signicantly greater liability protec- 479-2582 or WORLD
leaving a legacy to your loved ones or a charity. Life insurance tion than your regular homeowners policy. (In fact, it may be 1-800-639-9753 Publication Date: Aug. 2, 2017
may be able to help in these areas. a good idea to purchase an umbrella policy even if you dont Washington County Probate Court
Downsizing Deciding whether to downsize your living have grown kids at home, as this coverage offers you wide- 65 State Street
space isnt just a nancial decision its also a highly personal ranging protection from potentially devastating lawsuits that Montpelier, VT 05602
one. Still, downsizing can offer you some potential economic could arise from injuries on your property or through an auto
benets. For one thing, if you still are paying off your mort- accident in which you are involved.)
gage, a move to a smaller place could free up some of your You may have mixed feelings about becoming an empty
monthly cash ow, which, again, you could use to boost your nester, but, like most people, you will adjust. And by making SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT
retirement accounts. Furthermore, if your home has greatly the right nancial moves, you can get off to a good start on this Washington Unit Orange Unit
appreciated in value, you might make a sizable prot by sell- new phase of your life. PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION
ing. (If you are single, you may be able to exclude $250,000 of Gabriel C. Lajeunesse specializes as a nancial advisor Docket No. 250-4-17 Wnpr Docket No. 297-10-16 Oepr
the gain on the sale of your home; married couples may have with Edward Jones; believing that active portfolio manage- IN RE THE ESTATE OF:
a $500,000 exemption. Some restrictions exist on this exemp- ment is the cornerstones of sound investing. Gabe served in
tion, though, so youll need to consult with your tax advisor the Air Force for 20 years (1994-2004), including service as
before selling.) an advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and membership on LATE OF:
Estate plans Years ago, you might have made various ar- National Security Council Interagency Policy Committees at Northeld, Vermont Williamstown, Vermont
rangements in a will or a living trust that dealt with taking care the White House, under Presidents Bush and Obama. Gabe
of your children if something should happen to you and your earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Cen- Notice To Creditors Notice To Creditors
spouse. For example, you might have established a trust and ter in 2008; he teaches International Law and Policy at Nor- To the creditors of Loraine To the creditors of Harold Grout, Sr.,
directed it to make payments to your children at certain times wich University. He and his wife Kristen have three children F. Granai, late of Northeld, late of Williamstown, Vermont.
and for certain purposes, such as education. But once your and live in Northeld, VT. Vermont.
I have been appointed to administer
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having
this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the
claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in
A Foundation for Growth continued from previous page estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of
writing within four (4) months of the rst publication of this notice.
the rst publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me
save up to $26 million each year from the transition to new ing state agencies from sharing personal information for the at the address listed below with a
The claim must be presented to
health insurance plans for teachers, without asking them to purposes of creating a federal registry based on personal char- me at the address listed below copy sent to the Court. The claim
pay more or reducing services to our children. acteristics. may be barred forever if it is not
with a copy sent to the Court. presented within the four (4)
Ultimately, we increased funding for the Child Care Perhaps most importantly, we achieved all of this without The claim may be barred forever month period.
Financial Assistance Program by $2.5 million, and the asking you to pay more. if it is not presented within the Dated: July 14, 2017
Vermont State College system by $3 million to help stabilize For the first time in many years, state spending isnt grow- four (4) month period.
Signed: Dorothy Cadorette,
tuition, and established a full-time focus on career and techni- ing faster than our ability to pay for it. And, not a single piece Dated: July 17, 2017 Fiduciary
cal education at the Agency of Education. of legislation that I signed created or raised taxes or fees. That Signed: Mary Corrigan, Fiduciary 1251 Rood Pond Road
To strengthen our response to the opioid epidemic, I created means state government is doing its part to help families keep P.O. Box 151 Williamstown, Vermont 05679
the Opioid Coordination Council, appointed a director of drug Northeld Falls, Vermont 05664 Phone: (802) 505-3961
more of what they earn, and we did this while protecting Email: [email protected]
policy and prevention, and convened Vermonts first state- Phone: (802) 485-7076
essential services and the frontline workers who deliver Name of Publication: The WORLD
wide convention focused on growing the workforce to support them. Name of Publication: The
opioid and substance misuse treatment. WORLD Publication Dates: July 26, 2017
The path was sometimes challenging. For example, it took and August 2, 2017
We also took important steps toward modernizing state Publication Date: Aug. 2, 2017
government with the creation of the Agency of Digital a veto to ensure that for the first time in recent memory the Superior Court, Probate Division,
state budget didnt raise any taxes or fees, including property Superior Court, Washington Unit Orange Unit
Services, which merges dozens of IT management functions 65 State Street 5 Court Street
that were previously spread across state government, and taxes rates. We could have taken the easy path, but I believe Montpelier, VT 05602 Chelsea, VT 05038
making government more efficient through our Program to Vermonters elected me to improve state government and the
Improve Vermont Outcomes Together (PIVOT) initiative, states economic trajectory. And were getting there, but
which has asked frontline state employees for ways to make theres much more work to do.
our systems more efficient and easier to use. Overall, this legislative session resulted in real progress and Barre Supervisory Union
Acting quickly and decisively, we upheld long-standing an important shift in our thinking we have built a foundation Snow Plowing Services
values with the passage of S.79, An act relating to freedom
from compulsory collection of personal information. This
for stronger growth. When I think about the opportunities
ahead of us, Im more committed than ever to rolling up my
Request for Proposals
legislation proactively protects our Constitutional rights, and sleeves and building a stronger, more affordable and more Spaulding High School/Central Vermont
defends the state against federal overreach by clearly prohibit- prosperous Vermont. Career Center
155 Ayers Street
Barre City Elementary and Middle School
50 Parkside Terrace
Barre Town Middle and Elementary School
70 Websterville Road
Snow Plowing Services
October 1, 2017-May 30, 2019 (2-year contract)
Contractor agrees to clear all drives and parking areas on the
premises in such a way to allow full usage at all times of all
paved areas specied by the owner. All areas must be usable
by 7:00 a.m. Snow is to be cleared by plowing upon a fall
of 1-1/2 or more, unless warm temperatures would indicate
sufcient melting time over non-school periods.
A site visit is required to submit a bid.
Contact Jamie Evans, BSU Director of Facilities,
(802) 476-8119, [email protected]
August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 13
Whoever said being
a parent is easy?
For help call
Deadline Is bustle of daily life, but many serves dinner or brunch. Make
MONDAY couples are making concerted a reservation and enjoy cele-
Before 10AM efforts to ensure their anniver- brating in the spot where the
saries are celebrated as the memories all began.
special occasions they are. Take a second honeymoon.
WOMENS CHILDREN MATERNITY A first wedding anniversary Honor wedding memories by
is a special one. Some couples booking a second honeymoon
SAVE $$$$! celebrate their first anniversaries by enjoying at a special location.
Now Taking Womens Summer Clothing a piece of wedding cake that has been prop- Throw a party. Use your anniversary as an
On Consignment Curt's Drop-Off erly preserved in the freezer. Couples may excuse to have friends or family over for a
also dance to their wedding songs or enjoy a party. Be sure to include your wedding song
62 River Street Montpelier 229-4002 nice dinner at a favorite restaurant. The first on the music playlist.
Mon.-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4 SATURDAYS
anniversary also is a time to pull out the wed- Create a romantic evening. Rekindle the
near VT Granite Museum & ding video or photo album and reminisce romance by pulling out all the stops, complete
Faith Community Church about the wedding day. with a nice homecooked meal, candles and
in Barre
Anniversaries are a great way for couples mood music.
Thank You
3.25 per 30 gal. and/or
25 lb. rubbish bag
for 2 or more at
a time
to celebrate their time together by stepping
away from emails, text messages, work obli-
Wedding anniversaries present ideal opportu-
nities for couples to reminisce about their trip
Paul & Cecile 3.50
$ per 30 gal. and/or
25 lb. rubbish bag gations, and even mundane everyday tasks to down the aisle and all the entertaining
Carbonneau Free Recycling ~ Limits Apply once again remember a day and moment that moments from the wedding. Theyre also
See You 7:30AM to 1PM! changed their lives forever. Those who may opportunities to connect as a couple and focus
would like to thank need a little inspiration celebrating their anni- on each other.
family and friends for
the many cards, flowers,
phone calls and gifts for our Youre The Best Dad In The World!
Youre The Best Dad In The World!
Central Vermont Medical Center
We love you Dad
Jonathan, Marie & Dominic Love your sister,
The following birth announcements were submitted by Central Vermont Medical Center
Youre The Best Dad In The World!
on July 26, 2017. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to CVMC.
Happy Birthday!
Dont forget... 4-19 Elliott Ackerman, 30,
A son, Cameren Joseph Dopp, was born June 29 to Barre
8-9 Bob Evans, 63, Woodstock 4-20 Jessie Phillips, 26, E.
Jennesta Garrett and Richard Dopp of Middlesex. 8-16 Charlotte Edwards, Barre Mplr.
Town 4-30 Lillian Kasulka, 8, E.
A son, Troy Robert Kent, was born July 5 to Danielle 8-20 Rachel Salvas, Barre Montpelier
(Geno) and Adam Kent of Moretown. FROM 8-21 Chriiis 4-30 Darlene Callahan, 56,
A son, Wyatt Shaw Sulin, was born July 9 to Nielle Roselip BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. 8-24 Terry Spaulding,
Lewiston, ME
and Steve Sulin of Stowe. Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) and The WORLD would like to help you wish someone
The ConnieKitchen
Spaulding, 5-6 WORLD
Minot,and The
& Spirits Gary Villa, Washington
would like to help you wish a
ME 5-6 Jim Elliott, 51, Barre
A son, Ezra Thomas Lowe, was born July 11 to Amanda special a Happy Birthday. Just send their name, address & birthdate. Well publish the special couple a Happy Anniversary.
9-8 Arlo Benjamin Lefcourt, 7 Just send their
5-14 Snook Downing, name, address & wed-
names in this space each week. Plus, well draw one (1) winner each week for a FREE ding
Wilder and Ezra T. Lowe of Bethel. BIRTHDAY CAKE from Price Chopper (Berlin, VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Just 9-15 anniversary date. Each week5-22
Deborah Phillips we Ruth
publish the names,
Madigan P., 74, plus well have
Kelly, for a Gift Certificate
Barre for lunch or dinner at The Quarry
send birthday names two (2) weeks prior to birthdate, to: The WORLD, c/o BIRTHDAY
A son, Cooper Scott Ryan, was born July 14 to Melody CAKE, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please provide your name, address Kitchen & Spirits
9-28 Jessica in Barre.
McLeon, 28, No obligation,
5-27 Candynothing
McLeon,to71, buy. Just send an-
& phone number for prize notification. niversary names two (2) weeks prior Hardwick
Hardwick to anniversary date, to: The WORLD,
Davis and Mason Ryan of Waitsfield. c/o HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, 403 U.S.Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please
AUGUST 2 AUGUST 7 provide name,
10-5 Lisa address & phone number
Companion, 6-3 Joey,
forWby Ctr,notifi
prize 40 cation.
Kendra Wilbur, 29, Moretown Derek Wilbur, 28, Moretown Waterbury 6-5 Rob Salvas, 56, Barre
Susan Dorothy Brown Companion, 10-18 Kay Santamore, 6-6 Heather Holmes, 50,
AUGUST 3 Plainfield Woodbury
Lila, 53, Plattsburgh, NY
Colby Jones, 17, Barre 11-15 Jessup Max Lefcourt, 4 7-11 Joslyn Richardson, 30,
Dont forget to AUGUST 4 Jocelyn Batchelder, 26, Plainfield 11-15 Bob Spaulding, Minot, Waterbury, VT
change this Jillian Quigley, 16, N. Brookfield, MA AUGUST 8
Valery Weston, 19, Barre Gary Hass, East Montpelier
11-19 Henry Kasulka, 13, E.
7-7 Marti Elliott, Barre
7-9 Pierce Salvas, 33, Barre
date to the AUGUST 5
Les Felch Jr, 51, Barre Mplr 210 North Main St.
11-23 Jason Lowe, 28, Wby
Marcus Hass, 29,
Thursday after Katie Weston, 22, Barre 11-28 Neil, 28, Waterbury
Please Send Us Your 7-12 Emily Rappold, Plainfield
7-18August Anniversaries
Ellison Fortin, 12, Graniteville
Gifford Medical Center Vanessa Weston, 10, Williamstown Mike Jacques, So. Barre
issue date... And Be Automatically Registered To Win A
AUGUST 6 Maria G. Poitras, 9, Barre 12-3 Peter Lefcourt, 44, Barre 7-22 Jennifer "Jen" Roberts
12-3 DOT! 64, Calais Geller, 40, Baltimore, MD
Holly Ruth Smith Gavin, 58, Riverton Shirley Combs, Randolph Gift Certificate
12-25 Jenna Companion, 19,From The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits
2 x 3.75 CAKE WINNER: Please call Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) at 479-9078 and
ask for Julie Fandino (Bakery Manager) or Beverlee Hutchins (Cake
Waterbury Ctr.
12-31 Chelsea Phillips, 29,
8-2 David Santamore, 66,
Plainfield LAS
Manassas, 8-8 Gary
Decorator) by Thursday, August 3 to arrange for cake pick-up. STAN & VA MARY AINSWORTH, HARDWICK,
8-8 Shirley 56 YEARS
Combs, Randolph
1-4 Betsy Cody, 61, Barre
This Weeks Cake Winner: 1-15 Peggy Zurla, 54, Mayaez,
The following birth announcements were submitted by Gifford Medical Center Puerto Rico
on July 25, 2017. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to Gifford.
is 25 YEARS OLD! 1-15 Shawn Kasulka, E.Mplr AUGUST 8
1-19 Kevn Sare, 36, Cabot
A daughter, Emilia Jennifer Kelly-Wakefield, was LISA & ARTHUR PLANT, BARRE, 30 YEARS
(no i)
born July 16 to Siobhan Kelly and Donald Wakefield of PRICE CHOPPER 1-27 Caitlyn Couture, 26,
BIRTHDAY DRAWING 1-31 Joyce LaMountain (The
A son, Francis Rye Champion Plotsky, was born July 16 Mail this coupon to: The WORLD c/o Birthday Cake HAPPY ANNIVERSARY
Plant Lady), 85, Adamant
1-31 Linda Couture, Barre
to Rita Champion and Andrew Plotsky of Bethel. 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin Mail this
1-31 Wayne coupon
Michaud, 70, to: The WORLD
Barre, VT 05641 Santa Rosa, CA c/o Happy Anniversary
A son, Calvin James Martin, was born July 14 Open to people of all ages. Just send in the entry blank below, and we will 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641
to Kasey Kathan and Skip Martin of Roxbury. publish it in this space each week. Plus, we will draw one (1) name each week 2-1 Nancy
Just send inPrescott,
the entry Barre
blank below, and we will publish it in this space each week.
for a FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE from the Price Chopper Super Center (Berlin, 2-6 Bob
Plus, Edwards,
we will 75 (1) couple each month for a gift certificate from The Quarry
draw one
A son, Cedar James Fox, was born July 12 VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks prior 2-8 Warren Lanigan
Kitchen & Spirits in Barre. No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two
to Emily (Baer) Fox and Timothy Fox of Woodstock. to birthdate. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be accepted. 2-12
(2) Joe Richardson,
weeks prior to anniversary date. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be
A son, Harrison Augustus Thibault Provoncha, was BIRTHDATE______________________________ 2-13 Sandy Salvas, Barre
born July 13 to Kayla Thibault and Israel Provoncha of ANNIVERSARY
2-14 Laura Rappold, E.
NAME___________________________________ Montpelier
2-16 Aaron Retherford YEARS______
A son, Carson Alexander Cramer, was born July 7 to AGE (this birthday)_________________________ 2-23 Pauline Nelson,
Kayla Therrien and Greg Cramer of Northfield. ADDRESS________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________
2-25 Meah & Mya Couture, 9,
A daughter, Erika Nicole Martin, was born July 9 to ________________________________________ _________________________________________
Kylie Duncanson and Patrick Martin Jr. of Northfield. 3-5 Rebecca Pressman
PHONE__________________________________ PHONE___________________________________
3-19 Ruth Weeks, Barre
3-22 Nicholas Salvas, 25
page 14 The WORLD August 2, 2017
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A
strong social whirl brings a new
round of good times to fun-loving
Rams and Ewes. Cupid also is busy
aiming arrows at single Lambs hop-
ing for a heart-to-heart encounter.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A romantic incident could take a
more serious turn if the Divine Bovine considers meeting Cupids
challenge. Meanwhile, a professional opportunity also is about to
turn up.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A bit of hardheaded realism could be
just what the Twins need at this emotionally challenged time. Face
the facts as they are, not as you want them to be. Good luck.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Many opportunities open up. But
you need to be aware of their actual pros and cons. Check them
all out and make your choice from those that offer more of what
you seek.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) A more stable situation begins, allow-
ing you to feel more secure about making important decisions.
Meanwhile, be sure to meet your project deadline so you can move
on to other things.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Congratulations. A new per-
sonal relationship thrives as you learn how to make room in your
busy life for this wonderfully warm and exciting emotional experi-
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A new contact opens some
doors. Thats the good news. But theres a caution involved: Be sure
you protect your rights to your work before showing it to anyone.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A former colleague might
seek to resume a working partnership. Ask yourself if you need it. If
yes, get more information. If no, respectfully decline the request.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Good times domi-
nate your aspect. So why not have a party to celebrate a loved ones
success? And do invite that special person you want to know bet-
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The shy side of the Sea
Goat soon gives way to your more assertive self. This should help
you when it comes time to speak up for yourself and your achieve-
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A new period of stability
will help you deal with some recently reworked plans. Once you
get your current task done, you can devote more time to personal
Kobe Hogan, 16, a student at Stowe High School, successfully The final $1000 PER (Past Exalted Ruler) from Barre Elks Lodge
completed the Extreme Military Challenge located at the 1535 was presented by PER Betty Cutler to Twinfield Graduate PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Things are nally much more
Battleground, Alabama facility. Young men and women from all over Connor Loso. In total, 5 $1000 scholarships were awarded to local stable these days, so you can restart the process of meeting your
the country and the world apply and are motivated to succeed in graduating seniors. The topic for this years essay contest was well-planned goals with fewer chances of interruption or delay.
this realistic and demanding military environment. This year the How did Social Media Influence the 2016 Election.
participants came from 29 states and 11 countries to test them- BORN THIS WEEK: You love being the brightest light wherever
selves. Hogan completed the realistic and physically challenging you are, and people love basking in your warmth and charm.
lifestyle program on July 9. (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Recognition
120 Hebert Road ~ Williamstown, VT 05679
Phone: 802.433.5350 ~
Fourth Marking Period 2016-17 Honor Roll
High Honors with Principals Recognition (Average of
4.0 or Higher)
Nicole Ashe, Jared Blanchard, Brody Brown, Brandon Carrier,
Evan Choquette, Lauren Covey, Moriah Covey, TJ DeRose, Eric
Hulbert, Hayden Lafond, Elizabeth Laughlin, Jonathan Myles,
Emily Noelk, Devin ONeill, Ronald Saldi, Meghan Sanborn,
Brittaney Townsend
High Honors (Average of 3.75 or Higher)
Seanna Amell, Ryan Ashe, Madison Ashford, Cannon Blanchard,
Taylor Clark, McKenzie Collins, Gabriel Dexter, Jayme Ducharme,
Eliza Dwinell, Austin Hegarty, Savannah King, Ayden LaPoint,
Alyssa Morande, Natalie Myles, Kaitlyn Trottier, Madison Varano
Parents have been asking for my aid, I guess you warranted. If you are unsure whether or not your
would call it First aid, in understanding when a child has their tetanus shots up to date, that war-
doctor should examine their childs cuts and bruis- rants a call as well.
es. Let me see if I can leave no one wounded with Of course the best way to deal with a cut is not
some information on minor cuts. let it happen, so make sure your home is safety-
Most cuts or scrapes to the skin surface can be proofed appropriately. Your pediatrician or child Therapeutic Practice & Apothecary
handled safely and well at home. The treatment is health care professional can help with this activity
simple. It begins with lots of washing of the cut as well. Rosalene Bussiere
with soap and water to clean debris out of the cut. Hopefully tips like this will bandage any con- Certified in Herbalism & Reiki III
Once clean, apply pressure to stop the bleeding cerns you have when it comes to knowing when to 652 Granger Rd., Berlin, VT 05641
with a gauze pad. Then cover the cut with a bandage on top of worry about your childs cuts and bruises. 802-793-9371
another gauze pad large enough to cover the cut and the skin Lewis First, MD, is chief of Pediatrics at The University of
that surrounds it. Vermont Childrens Hospital and chair of the Department of
When do you worry? If the edges of the cut are widely Pediatrics at the Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at
separated, the cut seems deep, or continues to ooze and bleed the University of Vermont. You can also catch First with
despite the pressure, then seek medical assistance. If the cut is Kids weekly on WOKO
on the lip and crosses onto the face, then a health care profes- 98.9FM and MyNBC 5, or
sional should be consulted. Its possible that stitches or spe- visit the First with Kids
cial adhesives are needed to bring the cut together. video archives at www.
If the cut is due to an animal bite or scratch, speak with
your childs health care professional to see if antibiotics are MedCenterFirstWithKids.
Secondhand News
advantage of tax benets while decluttering
their homes.
There is also an environmental advantage
DO walk around the house and gather
items that are no longer being used. Look
in basements, closets, garages, sheds, attics,
to donating items rather than putting them in and anywhere you are inclined to stash items
the trash. Goodwill Industries International, to get them out of the way. Pay special at-
Inc. says that, over the last few years, gener- tention to materials that you havent used in
ous people have helped to keep billions of months or years.
pounds of clothing and household items out DONT donate just anything. Ensure that
of landlls. items are in working condition and are in
Organizations that collect donations put good repair. Dont give away things with
them to use in many different ways. A por- rips or stains. Make sure electronics you plan
Save money, save the planet: Shop secondhand and recycle tion of donated items may be sold in charity to donate are operational.
shops and other retail centers. This provides DO call rst to nd out any rules or re-
your own goods at these thrift shops and consignment stores. an avenue for less fortunate individuals to strictions regarding donations. Some groups
purchase items that are steeply discounted wont accept items that have been recalled
from regular retail prices. Some clothing or do not meet current safety standards
Salvation Army donations are sold to recycling manufactur- (think some baby gear). Specialty items like
ers who turn them into rags or industrial computers, vehicles or mattresses may have
Thrift Store Sponsored by Auxiliary
cleaning materials. Donated clothing and specic requirements for donations.
15 Cottage St., Barre 479-4309 other items may even end up in the hands of DONT overlook the idea of selling items
545 No. Main St., Barre Weekdays 10 AM to 4 PM Saturday 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Household Items made from such sales toward their opera- items. Many organizations have their own
Furniture Toys TVs Barre 479-0629 tional expenses and to develop programs to eet of vans and trucks and will have spe-
~All Clothing Accepted~ B-M Road-Berlin 622-0250 continue to help the less fortunate. Chari- cic pickup windows during certain months.
CLOTHING & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Montpelier 223-0928 ties like Goodwill and The Salvation Army This helps make the donation process more
indicate on their websites that proceeds from efcient, and can reduce the hassle on
charity and thrift shops go directly to support donors.
page 18 The WORLD August 2, 2017
What was your favorite part of the Barre Heritage Festival?
AUG 16 - 18
instruction projects for all abilities. Barre Weekly Storytime. Next Chapter Bookstore,
Congregational Church, Mondays 1-4 p.m. 158 North Main St., Saturdays, 10:30 a.m.
479-9563 Info. 476-3114.
Rock & Soul Chorus. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Overeaters Anonymous. Barre Episcopal
Church of the Good Shepherd on 39 Washington Church of the Good Shepherd, 39 Washington
St. Sing songs from the Sixties and beyond. Ability St. Saturdays 8:30-9:30 a.m. Use side entrance,
WED, THURS, & FRIDAY to read music is not required. No audition, but go upstairs, and to the right. Info: Valerie, 279-
singers should be able to accurately sing back
1 PM + 6 PM whats been sung to them. All ages are welcome. Greater Barre Democrats. Town & City resi-
Children under 13 should come with a parent. dents welcome. Aldrich Public Library, last
Heart of Vermont Quilt Guild. Meets on third Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m. Info 476-4185.
With enormous gratitude to Tuesday of the month at First Presbyterian
Church on Seminary Street from 5:30-7:30
Play Group. St. Monicas Church, lower level,
Thursdays during school year, 9:30-11 a.m.
our sponsors: p.m.
Step n Time Line Dancers of Central
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 10. Meets at
the post, first Thursday of each month (not
Vermont. Thursdays at The Old Labor Hall, 46 July), 6:30 p.m.
Granite St. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Vermont Modelers Club. Building & flying
Playgroup. Universalist Church, Tuesdays model airplanes year-round, visitors welcome.
9:30-11 a.m., while school is in session. Info. 485-7144.
Sponsored by Building Bright Futures. Info. Community Breakfast. First Presbyterian
279-0993. Church, 78 Summer St., 3rd Sunday of month,
Additional Recyclables Collection Center. FREE, 7:30-9 a.m. 476-3966.
Open for collection Mon., Wed., Friday noon 6 Grandparents Raising Their Childrens
p.m., 3rd Saturdays 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 540 N. Main Children. Support group. 23 Summer St., 1st
St., Barre. Visit for list of & 3rd Weds., 10 a.m.-noon. 476-1480.
acceptable items.
Friends of Aldrich Public Library. Aldrich
TIX: SMIRKUS.ORG OR 1-877-764-7587 Jabbok Christian Center Prayer Meeting. 8
Daniel Dr. 6:30-8 p.m. 1st & 3rd Thursdays.
Library, 2nd floor boardroom, 4th Tuesday of
month, 6:30 p.m. Info. 476-7550.
Info: 479-0302 continued on next page
Auto Repair
ial Sup
t to the Flowers
A Spec
e s M y New Carpet
He r
Tree Service
uide to
Your g inesses Chimney
local b ice
BY Kids!
74 .com
641-22 vt-world
re, Vt 05 e-mail: sales@
lin, Bar
. R t. 302-Ber t-world. com
403 U.S 53 www.v
639-97 And More!
Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings in Barre, daily; call 802-229- Fridays 8:30-11 a.m. at the Chelsea at 3:20
Senior Center (in the United -- Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:25 MATINEES DAILY
5100 for latest times & locations; Church of Chelsea, 13 North Common. Free. Info/register: Megan
at 802-728-7714.
Hedding United Methodist Activities & Meetings. 40 6:15 & 9:15
6:30 & 9:05
Washington Street, 476-8156. Choir, Thursdays 7 p.m; Free Chelsea Historical Society House/Museum. Open 3rd Matinees Fri. at 3:15 -- Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15
-- Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:15 Matinees Fri. at 3:15
Community Supper, Fridays 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Community Saturdays May-October, FREE, 10 a.m.-noon. 685-4447. Sat. & Sun. at 12:35 & 3:15
Service & Food Shelf Hours: Weds & Thurs. 3-5 p.m. EAST BARRE - Story Hour. Aldrich Library York Branch, DETROIT --R--
6:15 & 9:15
Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:15
Turning Point Recovery Center. 489 N. Main St., Barre. Safe & Tuesdays, ages 0-3 10 a.m., ages 3-5 10:30 a.m. Info. 476-5118. Matinees Fri. at 3:15 -- Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15
EAST HARDWICK - Touch of Grace Assembly of God
-- Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:15
supportive place for individuals/families in or seeking substance 6:30 & 9:00
abuse recovery. Recovery coaching and other support programs; Church, corner Rts. 15 &16, Pastor Matt Preston, 472-5550. THE BIG SICK --R-- Matinees Fri. at 3:20
recreational facilities (pool, ping pong, games). Open Mon.-Wed. Sunday a.m. worship 10:00 (incl. 11:20 childrens church); adult 6:20 & 9:10
Matinees Fri. at 3:15 -- Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15
Sat. & Sun. at 12:30 & 3:20
Sunday School 9:00 (Sep. thru June). Tue. evening Bible study
Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:20
10 a.m.-5 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat. -- Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:15
6-11 p.m. Making Recovery Easier, Tuesdays at 6 p.m.; Wits (call for info). Wed. youth group: 5:00 dinner, 6:00 activity. 24-Hr Movie Line 229-0343 BUY TICKETS ONLINE AT:
End parent support group, Wednesdays at 6 p.m.; All Recovery
support group Fridays at 6 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous: Sane
& Sober group, Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; Living Sober group,
EAST MONTPELIER - Crossroads Christian Church. Mens
Ministry: For Men Only group. Monday nights 7-9 p.m. Mens CELEBRATING OUR 5TH YEAR AT JOES POND
Breakfast, 2nd Sat., 8 a.m. 272-7185. Sunday Service 9:30-11
Sundays at 8:30 a.m. Narcotics Anonymous: When Enough is
Enough group, Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. & Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
a.m. Pastor Thorsten Evans 476-8536. Church Office hours Tues
& Fri 9 a.m. to noon. 476-4843 SAMBEL'S TRUCK
Al-Anon: Courage to Change group, Saturdays at 5 p.m. Twin Valley Senior Center. 4583 U.S. Rte 2. Open Mon., Weds., NOW at
Joes Pond
Now Open (Beside
(childcare provided). For help, or Info on special programs, call Fri., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sign up for Meal-on-Wheels Program or join OPEN!
479-7373. Take Your Dinner TO GO!
Beach) Great Foo
us for an On-site meal at 12:15 p.m. Seniors/$5, under 60/$6.
Now Open
Green Mountain Spirit Chapter. National women bikers club. Nobody turned away. Free bus service for seniors & disabled in C Rehearsals Call Us For All Your COMPL Legen At Tractor Supply on River St. Just like our
six towns served. Many classes offered from bone strengthening Anniversaries Take Your Catering Dinner TO GO! (B-M
Great Rd.) Montpelier ETE
who lost someone to suicide. CVMC, conf. room #1, 3rd Tai Chi Classes: Advanced Class Mondays and Fridays 1-2 p.m. OPEN
Fried Haddock ........................
HE The O
PEN FBenefit EShop
Broiled Haddock .....................
Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. Info. 223-0924. Beginner Class Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11 a.m. All ages wel- Your hosts Bob & Brenda Sambel Baked Haddock w/seafood FRI. &..............
topping SAT.$9.75Chicken Fingers......................
come. Free of charge.
Bereavement/Grief Support Group. CVHHH Conference Fried Haddock ....................................... $9.75Fried Scallops ........................
Death Cafe. 1st Friday of the month 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. OPEN English Cut Prime Rib ...............
Broiled Haddock .................................... $9.75
Center, 600 Granger Rd. Open to anyone who has experienced the
15FRI. & SAT. St.,
$9.75 Choice of salad or coleslaw, fries, mashe
death of a loved one. No fee. Group 1: 10-11:30 a.m. every other Discussions of events past, present, and future. All are welcome Cottage Barre
Fried Scallops 479-4309
Chicken Fingers.....................................
Wednesday starting May 10. Group 2: 6-7:30 p.m. every other and discussions are confidential. FOR LUNCH English Cut Prime Rib .............................$10.75
This free program offers education and support for 25 sessions within home, families, and communities. Info: Harriet Hall at 323-
throughout the year. Info/register: Megan at 802-728-7714. 3055 or Vermont Association of the Blind office at 505-4006
BRADFORD - Rockinghorse Circle of Support. For young Onion River Exchange Tool Library. Over 85 tools including:
women with or w/o kids, childcare & transportation avail- power tools, all sorts of hand tools including wrench kits, caulk-
able. Wednesdays, 1-2:30 p.m., Grace Methodist Church. ing guns, sawzall, tall tree branch cutter, belt sander, wet vac, drop
Info 479-1086.
New Hope II Support Group. Grace United Methodist, every
cloths, have a heart traps, bulb planter, and tool boxes to be used
for easy carry. Plus safety gear. 46 Barre St. Open during office INTERNATIONAL
hours: W 10-2, TH 10-2.
Mon., 7-9 p.m. Info. at 1-800-564-2106.
Rainbow Umbrella of Central Vermont, an adult LGBTQ Served 4:00
BROOKFIELD - MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers. Moms of group, meets the third Tuesday evening of the month at 5:45 for a
kids birth through kindergarten welcome. Meal & childcare casual dinner at a local restaurant. The gathering place is 58 Barre
to 9:30PM
provided. New Covenant Church, 2252 Ridge Rd., 3rd Fridays, St. in Montpelier. Info: [email protected]
Friday Night Group. Open to all LGBTQ youth ages 13-22.
Health-focused Group. Learn to cope w/ lifes passages. Weds, A FEATURED MEAT VS. TRADITIONAL HAM ON
Pizza & social time, facilitated by adults from Outright VT.
7-8 p.m.; Info 276-3142; Dr. Alice Kempe. Unitarian Church, 2nd & 4th Fridays, 6:30-8 p.m. 223-7035 or A GRILLED HOAGIE ROLL WITH MUSTARD:
Brookfield Community Singers Rehearsals. Pond Village [email protected] ITALIAN-CUBANO FEATURES PASTRAMI
Church. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Four-part choral group rehearses Meditation, Mondays at 1 p.m.; Intro to Yoga, Tuesdays 4 p.m.; AMERICAN-CUBANO FEATURES TURKEY
Wednesdays for June concert. If interested in joining, e-mail Consults, Fridays 11 a.m. Free classes, some limits apply. All at IRISH-CUBANO FEATURES CORNED BEEF Enjoy
Director Kathy Rotondi, at [email protected]. Fusion Studio, 56 East State St. 272-8923 or www.fusionstudio.
CABOT - Fiddle Lessons with Katie Trautz: Monday after- org
Ice Cold
noons, call 279-2236; Dungeons & Dragons, Fridays 3-5:30 Open Library. Open to all, books and DVDs for all ages.
Beer, Soda &
p.m. All at Cabot Library, 563-2721. Resurrection Baptist Church, open Sundays 12:30-2 p.m. Lemonade
CALAIS - Mens and Womens Bible Study Groups. County Central VT Roller Derbys Wrecking Doll Society. Intro to Today!
Road, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. 485-7577 or www.thefishermenmin- roller derby, gear supplied, bring a mouth guard. First time is free. Montpelier Rec. Center, Barre St., Saturdays 5-6:30 p.m. www.
CHELSEA - Story Time. Songs, stories & crafts for children
Enjoy Wayside-Made Ice Cream!
birth to 5 years. Chelsea Public Library, Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m.
685-2188. continued on next page BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. 223-6611
August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 21
Also purchase online or Family Operated
at the sugarhouse in Celiac Support Group. Tulsi Tea Room, 34 Elm MARSHFIELD - Story Time and Playgroup.
Since 1942
Randolph Center, VT St., 2nd Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m. Info. 598-9206. Jaquith Public Library. Wednesdays from 10 to
(802) 272-6249 It Runs in the Family MSAC Public Activities: FEAST Together 11:30 a.m. Join Sylvia Smith for story time, and (communal meal), suggested donation for follow up with playgroup with Cassie Bickford.
seniors 60+ is $7, under 60 price is $9. FEAST For children birth to age six and their grown-
Award-Winning Maple Syrup
Award-Winning Together is always available for takeout, with ups. We do not hold the program the days
the same donation and pricing. Tuesdays and Twinfield Union is closed.
Farm Prices: $45/Gal, $16/Qt Fridays from 12-1 p.m., RSVP 262-6288. Piano MORETOWN - Mad River Chorale. New
See us at the Capital City Farmers Market Workshop, informal time to play & listen,
Thursdays, 4-6 p.m. Living Strong, group loves
singers welcome. Rehearsals at Harwood Union
H.S., Mondays, 7-9 p.m. 496-2048.
Watch CBS YouTube on Silloway Maple to sing while exercising, Mondays 2:30-3:30 MORRISVILLE - Overeaters Anonymous.
p.m. & Fridays 2-3 p.m. Crafters Group, First Congregational Church, 85 Upper Main
Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m. All at Montpelier St., Fridays at noon. Info. 888-2356.
Senior Activity Center, 58 Barre St., 223-2518.
NORTHFIELD - Civil Air Patrol Cadet
A Course In Miracles study group. Everyone
DOWNLOAD OUR APP! is welcome and there is no charge. Christ
Church, Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Info. 229-5253.
Program. For ages 12-18. Readiness & Regional
Technology Center, Norwich campus, Tuesdays,
6-8:30 p.m. Info. [email protected]
Parents Group and Meet-Up. Connect with Clogging & Irish Step Lessons. W/Green
local parents to share advice & information, kids Mountain Cloggers, ages 8-78, donations.
World Publications welcome. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Hayes Rm,
first Mondays, 10-11:30 a.m. Info: mamasay-
Sundays 5-8 p.m. 522-2935.
E-mail [email protected]
Families Anonymous. For families or friends of
Playgroup. United Church of Northfield,
Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a.m. Held only when school
is in session. Info. 262-3292 x113.
9:30- 11:30 a.m. Info: 802-879-3000. Nursing Tuesdays, 9:30-11 a.m. 728-2270.
TH Beyond a Year Meetup. 3rd Fridays, 9:30- Storytime. Kimball Library, Wed., 11 a.m., ages
11:30 a.m. Info: 802-879-3000. Come join other 2-5; Toddlertime, Fri., 10:30 a.m.; Gathering for
nursing parents in a warm, supportive environ- hand work, 2nd & 4th Mon., 6 p.m.
ment to discuss the joys and challenges of an WAITSFIELD - Community Acupuncture
older nursling. Night. Free assessment & treatment, donations
Al-Anon. Trinity Methodist Church, Main St., welcome. Three Moons Wellness, 859 Old
Sun., 6:15-7:30 p.m. Info. 1-866-972-5266. County Rd., 2nd fl., last Weds., of month, 4-7
p.m. RSVP 272-3690.
ANNIVERSARY Al-Anon. Bethany Church basement, 115 Main
St., Tuesdays & Thursdays noon-1 p.m., WARREN - Knit and Play. Bring your kids
SEASON Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. Info. 1-866-972-5266. and your projects. All levels welcome. Warren
Public Library, Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
SL AA. 12-step recovery group for sex/relation-
ship problems. Bethany Church, Wed., 5 p.m. WASHINGTON - Central VT ATV Club.
Central Vermont Info. 802-249-6825.
Survivors of Incest Anonymous. Bethany
Washington Fire Station, 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.
Chamber Music Festival Church parlor, 115 Main St., Mondays, 5 p.m.
Please call first: 229-9036 or 454-8402.
Art and Adventure with April, 3rd Saturdays
at 11 a.m.; Storytime, Mondays at 11 a.m.; Tech
Help Drop-In, Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m. All at
Brain Injury Support Group. Unitarian
year only. a.m. Stimulate your babys developing intellect
with rhymes, songs, stories, music, and lap
Kindred Connections Peer to Peer Cancer games, suitable for newborns through 36
Support for Patients and Caregivers. Info 1-800- months.
652-5064 email [email protected]
WATERBURY CTR - Bible Study Group.
Ofce 802.728.6464 Christian Meditation. Christ Church, Mondays,
12-1 p.m.
Bring your bible, coffee provided. Waterbury
Center Grange, Sundays, 5-6 p.m. 498-4565.
continued on next page
page 22 The WORLD August 2, 2017
Older Items & Antiques
Call before you have a tag sale!
WEBSTERVILLE - Fire District #3, Prudential Committee.
Monthly meeting, 105 Main St., 2nd Tuesdays, 6 p.m.
Sunday, August 6 We Buy: Older Mixing Bowls, Pottery, China, Glass, Vases,
Candlesticks, Sterling, Coins, Costume Jewelry, Toys, Jugs,
WEST TOPSHAM - Bible Study. New Hope Methodist Church, ADAMANT - The Great Gatsby presented by QuarryWorks Crocks, Canning Jars & Bottles, Lamps, Prints, Paintings,
2 Gendron Rd. Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Theater. 2 p.m. The F. Scott Fitzgerald Jazz Age Classic. Call Knick-Knacks, Holiday Decorations, etc., etc.
802-229-6978 to reserve free seats. Full House - Attic/Basement Contents - Estate Liquidations
WILLIAMSTOWN - Bible Study. Christian Alliance Church,
Sun., 6 p.m. Info. 476-3221. BARRE - The American Legion Post 10 and Sherris Jubilee 802-563-2204 802-595-3632 CELL
present a benefit for John Copeland. Post 10, 320 N. Main St.
WOODBURY - Woodbury Community Library winter hours. 1-4 p.m. Spaghetti Dinner, salad, dessert, $8, children under 12 Rich Aronson
1-5 p.m. Mondays & Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays. free, silent raffle, 50/50 raffle. Have fun and support a neighbor!
Valley Lake Road. Info: 472-5710. Knitting/Handworkers MONTPELIER - Hiroshima Day Peace Walk. Gather on the
Circle, Saturdays, 10 a.m. to noon, all ages and abilities
WORCESTER - Knitting Night. The Wool Shed, Tuesdays,
lawn of the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. 6:45 p.m. Then we will
walk in silence down State St. to the sports field behind
Pick Your Own
6:30-8:30 p.m. Montpelier High School. There will be singing and all will be
invited to share their thoughts about peace.
Wednesday, August 2 NORTHFIELD - American Legion Breakfast Buffet. 8-11 a.m.
BARRE - Senior Day: Carrie McDougal Travelogue. Aldrich Open to the public. $9.00 adults, $4.00 children under 10. Eggs &
Public Library. 1:30 p.m. Carrie will regale us with tales and omelets made to order, chipped beef on toast, pancakes, French
photos from her extensive travels. Light refreshments served. toast, corned beef hash, bacon, sausage, home fries, fruit, juice,
coffee, tea, cash bar available after 10 a.m. specials on Bloody
506 Thistle Hill Road
Authors at the Aldrich: Kekla Magoon. Aldrich Public Library. Marys and Mimosas
6 p.m. Kekla is the author of the DCF nominee Shadows of Just off Rt. 2 by Marshfield Dam August
Sherwood, as well as seven other novels for children and young
adults. She teaches writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts. Tuesday, August 8 Mon.-Fri. 8AM-1PM All Day Sundays
Evenings By Appointment
HARDWICK - Balance Between Wildlife and Rural Life BARRE - Ice Cream Socials. East Barre Playground, 12 Pleasant
Discussion. Jeudevine Library. 7 p.m. As a follow-up discussion St. 6:30 p.m. This free family event promotes play and conversa-
to the book discussion from July 19, When the Killings Done by tion at each of the Towns parks.
Call for Picking Conditions 426-3889
T.C. Boyle, we will explore the impacts of human activity on MARSHFIELD - Bike Ride with GMC. Easy. 30 miles round
Vermonts wildlife populations and the tradeoffs we make in bal- trip. Cycle the Cross Vermont Trail. Marshfield to Groton. Enjoy
ancing the needs between people and wildlife. There will be des- a beautiful forest covered trail using the old railroad bed. Park at
serts from the Magic Spoon Bakery with lemonade. the Marshfield Town Office and leave there at 10 a.m. Ride up to
MIDDLESEX - Bob Amos & Catamount Crossing concert. the bed, take the bed down to Groton village, loop back on Rte.
The Bandstand is next to the Rumney School. 6:30 p.m. Free. Food 232 and a little section of Rte. 2 to connect back to the start. Bring
is available onsite from Mediterranean Mix and Chill. lunch. Contact: George Plumb at 883-2313 or
MONTPELIER - Hike Montpelier with GMC. Moderate. 4-5
miles. Hubbard Park. Well hike from after work until sunset along MONTPELIER - Lunch with City Leaders: Bob Gowans,
some of the less-traveled trails. Bring a light dinner or snacks, water Fire Chief. MSAC. Noon to 1 p.m. Join city leaders over lunch to Flash Ball 1: $150.
and headlamp. Contact co-leaders: Phyllis Rubenstein, Phyllis@ talk about the work they do, the city services they manage, recent Flash Ball 2: $1,000 or 802-793-6313 or Charlene successes and emerging challenges in our capitol city. Bring any
Bohl, or 229-9908 for meeting time and questions you have about city government, facilities, goals, and Mini Jackpot 52#'s: $4,100.
place. more. Come early to hear the band and enjoy our air-conditioned
space. All are welcome, reservations appreciated at 262-6288!
Jackpot 55#'s: $1,100.
Capital City Band Free Outdoor Concert. State House lawn. 7-8 Thursday Night
p.m. Come enjoy a picnic with neighbors or meet some new friends WEBSTERVILLE - Tuesday Morning Nature Walks. 44 Doors Open at 4:00 PM THIS WEEK'S
while enjoying this delightful Vermont musical tradition. Or, bring Brook St. 9 a.m. Join Marianne Kotch and Suzy Klinefelter for Premies at 6:00 PM
an instrument and play along with the band. Info: 456-7054. easy to moderate walks, exploring various trails and lookouts. If
we have enough people, well split into fast and slow walking Regular Games at 7:00 PM SPECIAL
STOWE - Dogfight...presented by Stowe Theatre Guild. 7:30 groups. All ages and newcomers are welcome. Walks last approx-
p.m. imately an hour and a half. Dogs on leashes are welcome. If its
raining enough for an umbrella, the walk will be cancelled.
ROUTE 14 479-9090 PASTA &
Thursday, August 3
Just outside of Barre
Matuto | September
FREE SHOW Sun,29, Sep2017. Opening reception Wednesday, July 12 from
3 @ 4:00pm
4-7 -p.m.
Dog Mountain St. Johnsbury, VT
The Avett Brothers {{SOLD OUT}} Sun, Sep 3 @
-- TheMuseum Vermont Governors Gallery presents A Path Well
6:30pm Shelburne - Shelburne, VT
The Lao Traveled
Tizer Band | FREE selected
SHOW Sun,works
@ 4:00pm Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT
On exhibit
Grand PointJuly 6 Sep
Sep 10 by Ed Epstein and George Kurjanowicz.
September 29. Opening reception Wednesday,
VT Grace Potters North Sat, 16 -
HOW Sun, SepJuly 12 from
17 Waterfront Park - 4-7 p.m.
Burlington, VT
The High and Mighty Brass Band | FREE SHOW
Sun, Sep--17 Mixing
@ 4:00pm Dog Primaries A Member Exhibit of the Art Resource
Mountain - St.
Johnsbury, VT T.W. Wood Gallery, 46 Barre St. August 1 to
The Head and The Heart Sun, Sep 24 @
September Museum8, 2017. VT Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday, noon to
8:00pm Shelburne
CHaD Hero4 p.m. and by
Half Marathon
- Shelburne,
Sun, appointment.
Oct 22 @ Opening reception Thursday, August
You Cant Take It With You
Wed, Aug 2 - Sat, Aug 12
Prydein | FREE SHOW
Sun, Aug 27 @ 4:00pm 479-2582
Shout Out3 Louds
fromSun,5-7 Nov p.m.
12:00am Dartmouth Green - Hanover, NH
5 @ 8:00pm Higher
McCarthy Arts Center - Colchester, VT
Rhiannon Giddens
Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT
John Mellencamp
Or Toll Free 1-800-639-9753
W Ground --- Annual
South Burlington,Summer
VT Juried show, works of 23 Vermont artists. Wed, Aug 2 @ 8:00pm Fri, Sep 1 @ 7:00pm
T.W. WoodNHGallery, 46 Barre St. Opens Tuesday, July 11.
Shawn Colvin Sat, Nov 11 @ 4:00pm Lebanon
Opera House - Lebanon,
Hopkins Center - Hanover, NH Champlain Valley Expo - Essex Junction, VT Central Vermonts Newspaper
Taj Weekes & Adowa | FREE SHOW Matuto | FREE SHOW
-- Connection: the Art of Coming Together. Vermont Arts Thu, Aug 3 @ 7:00pm Sun, Sep 3 @ 4:00pm
nover, Council Spotlight Gallery. June 5-October 6. Presents a survey of Colburn Park | Lebanon, NH Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT
contemporary Vermont art organized by artist networks rather Incendio | FREE SHOW
Sun, Aug 6 @ 4:00pm
The Lao Tizer Band | FREE SHOW
Sun, Sep 10 @ 4:00pm
than aesthetics or media. Open to the public and located in the Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT CLASSIFIEDS
corridor and conference room of the offices at 136 State St. A Midsummer Nights Dream Grace Potters Grand Point North 403 U.S. Route 302 - Berlin Barre, Vermont 05641
Wed, Aug 9 - Sun, Aug 13 Sat, Sep 16 - Sun, Sep 17
MORRISVILLE - Katie Loesel Geology in the Anthropocene Highland Center for the Arts | Greensboro, VT Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT
and Elise Whittemore Specimens. River Arts, 74 Pleasant St. Raymond & The Blackberry Bushes | FREE SHOW The High and Mighty Brass Band | FREE SHOW
June 6 - August 18. Loesel explores geological formations, including Thu, Aug 10 @ 7:00pm
Colburn Park | Lebanon, NH
Sun, Sep 17 @ 4:00pm
Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT
nover, Plastiglomerate, a new type of rock formed by sedimentary ele- HuDost | FREE SHOW The Head and The Heart
ments fused with plastic from the ocean. Whittemores exhibit of Sun, Aug 13 @ 4:00pm Sun, Sep 24 @ 8:00pm
woodblock prints was inspired by examining trays upon trays of Dog Mountain - St. Johnsbury, VT Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT
CVTV CHANNEL 194 Up-to-date schedules for CVTV can also
be viewed online at
ga, NY dried algae specimens at the Pringle Herbarium at UVM. Brett Dennen
Tue, Aug 15 @ 12:00am
CHaD Hero Half Marathon
Sun, Oct 22 @ 12:00am Wednesday 6 PM Barre Congregational Church 4:30 PM Rice TV Mass
PLAINFIELD - Goddard College presents Social Justice in Briggs Opera House - White River Junction, VT Dartmouth Green - Hanover, NH Community Bulletin Board 1a 7:30 PM Lutheran 5 PM Calvary Life
Race, Gender, Immigration, and the Environment. On exhibit in The Outdoor Type | FREE SHOW
Thu, Aug 17 @ 7:00pm
Shout Out Louds
Sun, Nov 5 @ 8:00pm
Barre City Council 9a,12p,3p
Democracy Now 6p
9 PM Calvary Life
10 PM Rice TV Mass
6 PM Washington Baptist Church
the Art Gallery on the main floor of the Pratt Center. Through Colburn Park | Lebanon, NH Higher Ground - South Burlington, VT Williamstown Select 7p, 10p Sunday
7 PM Faith Community Church
October 9, 2017 with an Opening Reception on August 3 from 5-7
8 PM Barre Congregational Church
Colin Hay Sun Shawn Colvin Thursday Community Bulletin Board 1a
9:30 PM Lutheran
p.m. Open Mon-Fri, 9-4. Aug 20 @ 7:30pm
Paramont Theatre - Rutland, VT
Sat, Nov 11 @ 4:00pm Lebanon Opera House -
Lebanon, NH
Community Bulletin Board 1a
Williamstown Select 6a, 9a, 12p
2 AM Barre Congregational Church
3:30 AM St. Monicas Mass 10 PM St. Monicas Mass
RANDOLPH - Chandler Gallery presents Scale: Models to Democracy Now 6p 4:30 AM Washington Baptist Church 11 PM Calvary Life
Monuments. June 24 through September 2. The show will consist For venue phone numbers, call
Barre Supervisory Union 3p,7p,10p
6:30 AM Barre Congregational
Community Bulletin Board 1a
of scale models or maquettes of pieces that have been made into The Point at 223-2396 9:00 to 5:00 Community Bulletin Board 1a 8 AM Calvary Life Statehouse Programming 6a,9a,12p
public art by contemporary artists from Vermont and beyond. Mon.-Fri., or visit our web site at
Barre Supervisory Union 6a,9a,12p 9 AM Washington Baptist Church Democracy Now 6p
Democracy Now 6p 10 AM 1st Presbyterian Church Barre Act 46 3, 7, 10p
Barre Town Select 3p,7p,10p 11 AM Barre Congregational
Saturday Church Tuesday
Community Bulletin Board 1a 12:30 PM Rice TV Mass Barre Act 46 6a,9a,12p
Barre Town Select 6a, 9a, 12p 1 PM St. Monicas Mass Statehouse Programming 3-5pm
4 PM Washington Baptist Church 2 PM Barre Congregational Church Democracy Now 6p
5 PM 1st Presbyterian Church 3:30 PM Washington Baptist Barre City Council Live 7pm
Bethel Braintree Montpelier Randolph Rochester U-32 District Towns Waterbury Schedules subject to change without notice. ALL PROGRAMING SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
ORCA Media Channel 15 dence Day Parade 12:30p Lets Talk About Lyme ORCA Media Channel 16 ORCA Media Channel 17
Public Access Friday, August 4 3:00p Solidarity March LGBTQ Education Access Government Access
5:00p Vote for Vermont Weekly Program Schedule Weekly Program Schedule
CVTV Channel 192 BARRE, VT
All schedules are subject to
Weekly Program Schedule 6:00a TBA change, please call us
Wednesday, August 2 7:00a Mad River Chorale 6:30p Everyday People Wednesday, August 2 Wed, Aug. 2
with questions - 479-1075.
Wednesday Opening 5:30 AM Talking About Movies
6:00a T.W. Wood Event 8:00a Democracy Now! 7:00p Gay USA 12:00p Rumney Memorial School 7:00a Vermont State House 1:00 AM The Artful Word 4:30 PM Holiday Fun 6:00 AM City Room with Steven
7:30a For the Animals 9:00a Randolph 4th of July Parade 8:00p You and Your Health 4:00p Berlin School Board 9:00a Green Mountain Care Board 1:30 AM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 5:00 PM Ghost Chronicles Pappas
3:00 AM Health Talk 6:00 PM 13 Most Haunted - MA 6:30 AM Ghost Chronicles
8:00a Democracy Now! 10:00a All Things LGBTQ 8:30p VTs Environment & the Trump 7:00p Montpelier School Board 3:00p Waterbury Trustees 3:30 AM New England Music Awards 6:30 PM Understanding PTSD 7:30 AM Gory Storytime
9:00a NOFAVT 11:00a Mont. Brown Bag Concert Series Administration Thursday, August 3 6:00p Montpelier City Council 5:30 AM The Better Part 8:00 PM Hunger Mountain Co-op 8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
10:30p NOFAVT 6:00 AM The Better Part 10:30 PM Issues of Aging 8:30 AM Energy Conservation
10:30a Extempo 12:00p Brunch With Bernie 12:00p Bethel School Board Thu, Aug. 3 6:30 AM Saturday 10:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
, VT
FREE 11:00a Bill Doyle on VT Issues 1:00p The Thom Hartmann Program Monday, August 7 3:00p Berlin School Board 7:00a Randolph Selectboard 8:00 AM Poetry Outloud - live broad- 2:30 AM Moose & Bears in NH 11:30 AM Will the Constitution
cast 4:00 AM Burlington Bookfest Preview 12:30 PM Lego Chat
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 2:00p Strategies to Reduce Tick & 6:00a Senior Moments 6:00p Orange SW Supervisory Union 11:30a Vermont State House 4:00 PM The Better Part 4:30 AM Sustainable Living Series 1:00 PM Community Producers
1:00p Bear Pond Books Mosquito Borne Illnesses 8:00a Democracy Now! 8:30p Authors at Aldrich 7:00p Waterbury Selectboard 4:30 PM The Better Part 6:00 AM Floor Hockey 1:30 PM Talking About Movies
3:00p Democracy Now! 9:00a Vote for Vermont 5:00 PM 7:00 AM Upper Valley Humane Society 2:00 PM City Room with Steven
3:00p Democracy Now! 9:30p UVM French Connections Fri, Aug. 4 6:32 PM 1st Wednesdays 7:30 AM SlowLiving Pappas
4:00p You and Your Health 4:00p Gay USA 10:00a Solidarity March - LGBTQ Friday, August 4 7:00a Bethel Selectboard 8:00 PM 30 Minutes with Bill Schmick 9:00 AM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 2:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
5:00p Senior Moments 12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 8:30 PM Conversations with Kay 12:00 PM Moose & Bears in NH 3:30 PM Gory Storytime
4:30p Brahms German Requiem 12:00p Wash. Central Supervisory Union 11:00a Moretown Selectboard 9:00 PM Vermont Historical Society 1:30 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 4:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
6:30p The Struggle 6:30p For the Animals 1:00p How to Kill a City 4:00p CCV Commencement Ceremony 4:00p Berlin Selectboard 10:00 PM The Artful Word 2:00 PM Sustainable Living Series 4:30 PM Energy Conservation
7:00p Strategies to Reduce Tick & 7:00p Bear Pond Books 3:00p Democracy Now! 8:00p U-32 School Board 8:00p Montpelier Planning Commission 10:30 PM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 3:30 PM Floor Hockey 6:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
Thursday 4:30 PM Upper Valley Humane Society 7:30 PM Will the Constitution
Mosquito Borne Illnesses 9:00p Gay USA 4:00p Sustainable Energy for All Saturday, August 5 Sat, Aug. 5 2:00 AM The State of Marriage 5:00 PM SlowLiving 8:30 PM Lego Chat
8:00p MonT. Brown Bag Concert Series 10:00p T.W. Wood Event 5:30p Black Lives Matter VT 12:00p Mont. High School Graduation 6:00a Vermont State House 3:00 AM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:30 PM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 9:00 PM Community Producers
9:30 PM Moose & Bears in NH
4:00 AM Taste for Life 9:30 PM Talking About Movies
9:00p Senior Moments Saturday, August 5 6:00p Unadilla Theatre 1:30p UVM French Connections 8:00a CV Regional Planning Comm. 4:30 AM On the Waterfront 11:00 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 10:00 PM City Room with Steven
10:30p Extempo 6:00a Lets Talk About Lyme 8:30p Abled and on Air 3:00p Johnson State College 11:00a Randolph Selectboard 5:00 AM 2015 Cornish Fair 11:30 PM Sustainable Living Series Pappas
5:30 AM Salaam/Shalom Sunday
11:00p Veterans Voice 8:30a The Struggle 9:00p Vermont Countryside 4:30p Parkinsons Performance Troupe 4:00p Vermont State House 6:30 AM Yoga To Go 1:30 AM Lego Chat
10:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
11:30 PM Gory Storytime
Thursday, August 3 9:00a Disaster Capitalism 10:00p The Struggle 6:30p U-32 Graduation 6:00p Bernie Sanders Town Meetings 7:30 AM RagFest Concerts 2:00 AM Community Producers Tuesday
8:30 AM Judge Ben 2:30 AM Talking About Movies
6:00a Strategies to Reduce Tick & 10:00a VTs Environment & the Trump 10:30p For the Animals 8:30p East Montpelier School Board 9:00p Green Mountain Care Board 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 3:00 AM Vaccine Mandates
3:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
4:00 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
Mosquito Borne Illnesses Administration 11:00p The Artful Word Sunday, August 6 Sun, Aug. 6 10:30 AM Its News to Us 3:30 AM Ghost Chronicles 5:00 AM Talking About Movies
11:30 AM The Y Connection 4:30 AM Gory Storytime
7:00a Warren, VTs Annual Independence 12:00p Spotlight: Sacha Pfeiffer Tuesday, August 8 12:00p U-32 School Board 7:00a Waterbury Trustees 12:00 PM Vermont Today 5:00 AM Green Mountain Vets for
6:00 AM Lifelines
1:30p T.W. Wood Event 6:30 AM For the Animals
Day Parade 6:00a Common Good Vermont 3:30p Montpelier School Board 10:30a Waterbury Selectboard 1:30 PM The State of Marriage Peace
7:00 AM Authors at the Aldrich
3:00p Slow Living Summit 3:00p Mont. Development Review Board 2:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:00 AM Holistically Speaking
8:00a Democracy Now! 8:00a Democracy Now! 7:30p Calais Elementary School Board 3:30 PM Taste for Life 6:30 AM Mountain Man Adventures 8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
4:30p Roman Catholic Mass 9:00a Slow Living Summit 9:30p David Budbill Memorial Celebration 6:00p Mont. Design Review Committee 8:30 AM Green Mountain Vets for
9:00a Moccasin Tracks 4:00 PM On the Waterfront 7:00 AM Cuban Bridge
5:00p Washington Baptist Church 10:30a Fit as a Fiddle 11:00p Authors at Aldrich 4:30 PM 2015 Cornish Fair 8:31 AM Car Stories
10:00a Black Lives Matter VT 8:00p Montpelier City Council 5:00 PM Salaam/Shalom 9:00 AM Health Talk 9:30 AM Holistically Speaking
10:30a Abled On Air 6:00p Mont. Brown Bag Concert Series 11:00a You and Your Health Monday, August 7 Mon, Aug. 7 6:00 PM Yoga To Go 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 10:00 AM Mountain Man Adventures
10:30 AM Cuban Bridge
11:00a Vermont Countryside 7:00p Vermont Treasures 11:30a Vermont Treasures 12:00p Rumney Memorial School 7:00a Moretown Selectboard 7:00 PM RagFest Concerts 10:30 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
11:00 AM Hometown Storytellers
8:00 PM Judge Ben 11:30 AM Talking About Movies
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 7:30p Eckankar 12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 3:00p East Montpelier School Board 11:00a Bethel Selectboard 9:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead 12:30 PM Lifelines 12:00 PM Car Stories
8:00p All Things LGBTQ 12:30 PM Health Talk
1:00p Mad River Chorale 1:00p All Things LGBTQ 6:00p David Budbill Memorial Celebration
2:00p Berlin Selectboard 10:00 PM Its News to Us 1:00 PM For the Animals
1:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
11:00 PM The Y Connection 1:30 PM Authors at the Aldrich
2:00p Extempo 9:30p Moccasin Tracks 2:00p Moccasin Tracks 7:30p Game of the Week 5:30p Montpelier Design Review Com- 11:30 PM Vermont Today 2:30 PM 2:00 PM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
10:30p Disaster Capitalism 3:00 PM Talking About Movies
2:30p Yoga for You 3:00p Democracy Now! 10:30p Parkinsons Performance Troupe mittee LIVE Friday 4:02 PM Truck Pull 2015
4:00 PM Lifelines
11:30p Black Lives Matter VT 1:00 AM Green Mountain Care Board 5:00 PM Cuban Bridge
3:00p Democracy Now! 4:00p Energy Week Tuesday, August 8 7:00p Montpelier Development Review 2:30 AM Twin St vs Granite St Derby 6:00 PM Conversations with Kay 4:30 PM For the Animals
4:00p Bill Doyle on VT Issues Sunday, August 6 5:00p Vermont Countryside 12:00p Calais Elementary School Board Board LIVE 4:00 AM WRJ Vet Center Grand 6:30 PM Vermont Historical Society 5:00 PM Authors at the Aldrich
6:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
Opening 7:30 PM Its News to Us
5:00p Disaster Capitalism 6:00a Washington Baptist Church 6:00p NOFAVT 3:00p VT State Board of Education Tue, Aug. 8 5:00 AM Holiday Fun 8:30 PM The Y Connection 6:30 PM Green Mountain Vets for
6:00p VTs Environment & the Trump 7:00a Gay USA 7:30p Bill Doyle on VT Issues 8:00p Bethel School Board 7:00a Vermont State House 5:30 AM Ghost Chronicles 9:00 PM Vermont Today Peace
6:30 AM 13 Most Haunted - MA 10:30 PM The State of Marriage 7:30 PM Holistically Speaking
Administration 8:00a Eckankar 8:30p Mad River Chorale 12:00p Central Vermont Regional Plan- 7:00 AM Understanding PTSD 11:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 8:00 PM Mountain Man Adventures
8:00p Vote for Vermont 8:30a Hunger Mtn Coop Workshop Series 9:30p Sustainable Energy for All ning Commission 8:30 AM Hunger Mountain Co-op Monday 8:30 PM Cuban Bridge
11:00 AM Issues of Aging 2:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 9:00 PM Hometown Storytellers
9:00p Solidarity March - LGBTQ 10:30a Roman Catholic Mass 11:00p Havana Fairfax Connection 4:00p Vermont State House 12:30 PM Green Mountain Care Board 3:30 AM Will the Constitution 10:00 PM Car Stories
11:00p Warren, VTs Annual Indepen- 11:00a Bear Pond Books 5:30p Montpelier Planning Commission 3:00 PM High on the Hog 4:30 AM Lego Chat 10:30 PM Health Talk
3:30 PM WRJ Vet Center Grand 5:00 AM Community Producers 11:00 PM Talking About Movies
Community Media (802) 224-9901 Check out our Web page at Up-to-date schedules for CVTV can also be viewed online at
Christian minister/cult leader David Koresh and his followers only difference is: they think it is right to kill for their
hen the media talks about a ter- were living apart from society, in an isolated beliefs while we know it is evil.
rorist, they are supposed to say compound outside of Waco, Texas. Their
that he is a brainwashed coward. crime was not bothering or hurting any out-
Yup. According to the talking heads on siders; it was buying weapons illegally.
CNN and Fox, every terrorist is the same: Koreshs followers fought off an ATF
cowardly and crazy. raid and killed four federal agents. The gov-
I dont know why it is against the rules ernment responded by busting in with tanks
of society to be honest about terrorism. and tear gas. On April 19, 1993, Koreshs
The truth is that some terrorists are not cowards. They put compound caught fire. 76 people were killed.
themselves at risk to be arrested, killed, and/or damned to fur- 4. The Brady Bill
ther a cause that they sincerely believe in. Looking back, The Brady Bill was little more than a rare,
The truth is that some terrorists have a well-thought out sys- minor legislative loss by the NRA.
tem of beliefs that they share with a lot of people. Its just that To already angry Timothy McVeigh, it was the final straw.
most people who share those beliefs arent willing to kill. First, the government had forced him to murder Arabs for no
Oklahoma City is a thought-provoking documentary about reason. Then, Uncle Sam had killed a bunch of gun owners who
an American terrorist and gun lover Timothy McVeigh who were minding their own business. Now, it seemed , US Marshals
murdered a bunch of people for reasons that are not crazy. were probably going to bust down HIS door and take his guns.
Director Barak Goodman does an amazing job of showing us On April 19, 1995 (the anniversary of Waco), Timothy
the four things that motivated the Oklahoma City bomber. McVeigh detonated a homemade bomb on the bottom floor of
1. Operation Desert Shield the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168
What better place for a young gun lover than the US Army? people.
Timothy McVeigh was a proud, happy soldier until he was sent Timothy McVeigh was proud and unapologetic. He was
to the Middle East. executed by lethal injection in 2001.
McVeigh thought that killing enemy soldiers would be thrill- The Oklahoma City bombers intentions were as clear as his
ing. Instead - he recounts from prison years later he felt like actions were monstrous. McVeigh was inspired by.White
the Arab men he was murdering were just like him. And it made Supremacy!
him sick. McVeigh began to realize that Uncle Sam is a bully. Wait! What? In the final act, director Barak Goodman throws
At least the government wasnt bullying Americans back us an absurd, politically-motivated curve ball. His conclusion is
home that Timothy McVeigh was a natural culmination of the White
2. Ruby Ridge Power movement. Never mind that McVeigh never attended a
In the 80s, Randy Weaver decided to move his family as far White Power meeting and, based on prison interviews, wasnt
away from society as he could. He was living on the top of a concerned about race at all.
mountain in northern Idaho with no electricity or plumbing. It is Fortunately for us and unfortunately for Mr. Goodman, he BERLIN BARRE MONTPELIER
hard to be less of a menace to society than Mr. Weaver. The Feds accidentally told the truth for most of his film. The truth is that 622-0250 479-0629 223-0928
had a different idea. Timothy McVeigh was furious about Federal overreach and Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun. Open 5am-10pm Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun.
18-PACK 12-OZ. CAN SALE Out Our Glassware Giveaway!
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Long Trail Hopper IPA ...$1899** Moo Buzz Chardonnay ................ 750 ml Peter Vella
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Mix Or Match
Otter Creek Daily Dose IPA ......... $1649** $1499* $1799*-$1899*
Z Brown Uncaged Pinot Noir . 750 ml Ass't Flavors .....................5 liters
HEADY TOPPER Magic Hat IPA Variety Playlist . .. $1649** 6-PK 12-PK 99
1.25 Liters ............. ** MILK Franzia
Kim Crawford
18 14
Available Monday & Saturday Sam Adams Light . ........................... $1649** $ 99** $ 99** Coke & Diet Coke 2% Skim & 1% Whole
24-pack 12-oz. cans $399 $379 $429 1699*
Sauvignon Blanc............................... 750 ml $
Ass't Flavors .....................5 liters
Available Thursday & Saturday 21st Amendment . ............................. $1799**
$ 99**
* = +Tax ** = +Tax+Dep.
Hurry, Limited Supply On All Specials!
Specials Good Thru 8/27/2017
Vermont We Sell Hunting & Fishing Licenses
Open Everyday!
Monday-Friday 6AM-9PM
Liquor Checks By Courtesy Card Only! EBT Saturday & Sunday 7AM-9PM
411 North Main St., Barre
Stores 479-9227 476-4962 Fax 479-9348 ATM
LP Gas Grill
Bottle Drives Welcome
Advance notice appreciated
Fast, Courteous
Bottle Redemption
Other Store Specials Too Numerous To Mention!
SALES FOR THE MONTH OF AUG. Items on sale for the month of August 2017 Only!
18 99 $
SAVE $5.00
99 $
SAVE $3.00
99 $
18 99 $
28 99
SAVE $3.00 SAVE $3.00 SAVE $6.00
19 99 $
16 99 $
33 99 $
SAVE $3.00
99 $
23 99
SAVE $3.00
SAVE $8.00 SAVE $3.00 SAVE $6.00
One Mile
Female: Ages 0-13
Elizabeth Toborg 7:08
Ages 30-39
Erin King 11:24
Male: Ages 0-13
Matthew Toborg 7:16
Ages 40-49
Roger King 10:10
Two Miles
Male Ages- 14-29
David Toborg 13:24
Ages 40-49
William Toborg 16:39
Ages 60+
Bob Murphy 19:09
Michael Chernick 23:58
Three Miles
Female Ages - 0-13
Gillian Smoller 33:06
Four Miles
Female: Ages - 50-59
Lisa Carlson 39:50
Male Ages- 14-29
Avery Paull 29:17
Nathan Zimit 35:50
Ages 60+
Keith Boniface 30:29
John Martin 36:43
John Valentine 36:43
Mitch Smoller 42:33
Six Miles
Female: Ages - 50-59
Dot Martin 47:51
Male: Ages - 14-29
Avi Zimit 42:38
Ages 40-49
Chris Lacey 45:48
Ages - 50-59
Mack Gardner-Morse 41:59
Ages - 60+ The Barre 10-11-year-old All-Star Team (RED STORM) defeated Williston, 3-2, last Saturday and 2-0 the next day to win the state championship. RED STORM also went
Tim Noonan 47:51 undefeated in its District tournament in Lyndonville. The team traveled to Beverly Mass. on August 1 to compete in the Regional tournament. Pictured: (L-R Front) Brady
Manny Sainz 48:07 Lewis, Camden Burke, Jaymeson Locarno, Noah Long, Gabe Hoar, Camron Locarno. (L-R Middle) Alec Croteau, Averill Parker, Logan Kelley, Matthew Redmond, Brody
Rock, Brayden Cushing, Dominic Concessi, (L-R Back) Jason Cushing, Jeremy Lewis, Jalen Lewis, Mike Concessi, Dave Redmond, Manager Chad Burke, Mike Kelley, Craig
Fun runs of one, two, four and Locarno
six miles are held Tuesdays at
5:30 p.m. from May to October.
The meeting place is on the
bike path just beyond the Classified
Montpelier High School track. Deadline Is
Before 10AM
Bobolinks are one of several species of grassland birds whose populations are in decline in Vermont.
The history of grassland bird nesting over the past two birds can do so through the Bobolink Project. The Bobolink
Project uses donated funds to provide financial assistance to
2 adults & 2 kids ing in these newly created grassland habitats. As natural young. This year, the project worked with 17 farmers to pro-
prairies in the midwestern and western states and provinces tect more than 600 acres of grassland habitat.
were plowed under to make way for corn and soy crops in the For more information go to, or twentieth century, nesting grounds for these bird species were for landowner management assistance see www.vtfishand-
lost. Additionally, as eastern pastures began once again
page 26 The WORLD August 2, 2017
Vermont continues to have some of the best turkey hunting in New England. VTF&W photo by John
Hall Sat, 8/5/2017 2:00pm Vermont Ravens v Warhawks @ Dover, NH
Hunters Take a Record 6,570 Turkeys Sun, 8/13/2017 1:00pm Monadnock Marauders v Vermont Ravens @ So Burlington HS
We Are Taking We are looking for someone experienced with
ous employees. TIP: Investi-
gate earning potential claims
of businesses by requesting
Applications For crushing, screening, wash plants and associated written information from them
before you send any money,
support equipment is a plus. However, we would or by calling the ATTORNEYS
be willing to train the right candidate. This is a GENERAL CONSUMER AS-
hands on position and requires a willingness to 1-800-649-2424.
Westview Meadows
risk. No money out of pocket. your ad in over 140 commu-
Bumper Stickers, Call COLLECTIBLES/ nity newspapers, with circu-
lation totaling over 10 million
802-454-8561 WANT A CURE-ALL?
Health fraud is a business
RESTORATION homes. Contact Independent Residential Care Home (16 Residents)
FREE COUCH! that sells false hope. Beware Free Papers of America IFPA
PLAINFIELD BUYING ANTIQUES at danielleburnett-ifpa@live.
of unsubstantiated claims for
Furniture and Smalls. com or visit our website cad- Seeking a qualified person for a:
Residential Care Director (RN)
health products and services. for more informa-
G.S. Antiques
There are no Quick Cures 802-461-3004 tion.
HEALTH CARE no matter what the ad is
on promises of a money back We BuySell - FOOD GRADE 100% OMRI
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain?
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-
guarantee! Watch out for key Trade- Estate Sales ListedMeets Organic Use We offer competitive pay, benefits and opportunity
Standards. BUY ONLINE
relieving brace at little or NO
words such as exclusive se- Call For appointment
802-461-6441 ONLY: to spend time with our best benefit of all ~
cret, amazing results, or
cost to you. Medicare Patients
scientific breakthrough. For our residents!
Call Health Hotline Now! STILL UNPACKING Dish Network-Satellite Televi-
1-844-502-1809 more information on health re- sion Services. Now Over 190
lated products or services, call Glassware & Wood items channels for ONLY $49.99/ For Consideration please forward a resume to:
GOT KNEE PAIN? BACK the ATTORNEY GENERALS Lots of Surprises! mo! HBO-FREE for one year, Westview Meadows
FREE installation, FREE
Get a pain-relieving brace at
PROGRAM at 1-800-649-
Johnson Antiques
Streaming, FREE HD. Add 171 Westview Meadows Road
4 Summer St. E.Barre
little or NO cost to you. Medi- 2424, or consult a health care 802-249-2525, 8:30-3:30 Internet for $14.95 a month. Montpelier VT 05602
care Patients, Call Health provider. Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri; Sat till 1-800-718-1593 or email: [email protected]
Hotline Now! 1-800-279-6038 noon; Closed Sun & Tues.
continued on page 30
Requirements: CUSTODIANS
*Cosmetology License and Teaching Endorsement thru Secretary of Seeking experienced and motivated workers to perform office, classroom, dormitory cleaning,
and other duties in assigned work locations. High school diploma or equivalent is required as
States Office are required well as one to two years related experience or training. Some overtime and weekend work may
*An Associates degree is preferred and 5 or more years of experience be required.
*Eligible to enroll in the VT Teacher Preparation Program for Technical UNIFORM STORE CLERK PART-TIME
Instructors (3 year program through Vermont Technical College) Four hours/day from late August to May 31 when school is in session accept payment and
Please apply through our District website at A completed application make change for customers; accept items for laundry services and dry cleaning; assist students
with uniform exchanges; and assist in restocking and labeling inventory in store and in the
must include: cover letter, resume, transcripts, three letters of reference, tests warehouse.
results and license/certifications.
To apply: please submit a cover letter, resume,
Access our website for more information and Norwich application:
about The Central Vermont Career Center at
Norwich University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to providing a positive
Penny Chamberlin, Director education and work environment that recognizes and respects the dignity of all students, faculty and
Central Vermont Career Center staff. Reasonable accommodations will be made for the known disability of an otherwise qualified
155 Ayers Street, Suite #2 applicant. Please contact the Office of Human Resources at [email protected] for assistance.
Barre, Vermont 05641
Phone: 802-476-6237, ext. 1139 All candidates must be authorized to work for any U.S. employer. A post offer, pre-employment
background check will be required of the successful candidate. Must successfully pass a post-offer
Email: [email protected] pre-employment physical examination for these positions.
August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 29
Thomas Hirchak Company MULTI-FAMILY
54 Jalbert Rd, 2nd house on Saturday, AugustKeene
FROM: Terra 5 Garage Sale gust 5, 2017 From 9:00AM TO
right, Friday & Saturday, Au- Phone:9-2800-634-7653 85 Perrin St 3:00PM at 69 Plateau Drive
gust 4+5, 9-4. 455 Camp St
Barre City. and other locations in Par-
Barre, Vt Fri. Aug 11 tridge Farms Neighborhood.
HUGE GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug 12 Watch for signs at Partridge
Old/ New/ In between, No Early Birds 8-4. Farms Road/CVS Pharmacy
Friday & Saturday in Berlin.
314 Hill street Sale items to include house- Garage Sale, YARD SALE
Barre Vt hold goods, furniture, antique
AUGUST 3,4,5, to Benefit
and collectibles, clothing, 8-3. Barre Figure Skating Club
LAWN SALEBookcases,
Christmas decorations, tools, 97 CHURCH HILL RD 53 Cobble Hill Meadows
Dinette set, small microwave,
and more. Something for ev- Websterville, VT Barre Town
coffee table, various small Books, Clothes, Antiques, Friday (8/4) 7:30-2
plant stands, misc. glassware eryone!
Friday, August 4, and
Collectibles,and Toys. Saturday (8/5) 8-12
items, Roll top desk. Saturday, August 5. 8:00 AM Household and kid items
PM. 89 West
67 North Street, Apt. 2, TO: Cobble
[email protected]
V E!
Northfield, VT. Hill Road, Barre.
Saturday 12-6
Sunday 10-6 1C=1.48; 2C=3.1; 3C=4.68; 4C=6.3
August 5 & 6
MISCELLANEOUS 24/7 Helpline for alcohol & Meshbags $8.00/e a. Free You And Your Family May Be
continued drug addiction treatment. Get delivery to Seniors. 802-279- Entitled To Significant Cash
help! It is time to take your 2595 Award. Call 866-428-1639
FUNERALS CAN BE VERY life back! Call Now: 855-836- for Information. No Risk. No
EXPENSIVE. Can your loved 6433 HARDWOOD KINDLING, Money Out of Pocket.
Thomas Hirchak Co. 800-634-7653 ones afford it? Protect them Meshbags $8.00/e a. Free
with Final Expense Insurance. GOLF delivery to Seniors. 802-279- MOBILEHELP, AMERICAS
Call today to learn more. 800- NEW & USED SETS 2595 PREMIER MOBILE MEDICAL
758-0417 Full Sets & Bags ALERT SYSTEM. Whether
Drivers, 3&5 Woods, Putters HERO MILES-to find out more
FOR THE MOST CURRENT CLASSIFIED ADS, VISIT OUR WEB PAGE: about how you can help our youre Home or Away. For
& Many Others.
Across from E.Montpelier service members, veterans Safety and Peace of Mind. No
Town Clerks Office. and their families in their time Long Term Contracts! Free
of need, visit the Fisher House Brochure! Call Today! 1-844-
website at www.fisherhouse. 892-1017
HughesNet: Gen4 satellite in- where. No tanks to refill. No
ternet is ultra fast and secure. deliveries. The All-New Inogen
Plans as low as $39.99 in One G4 is only 2.8 pounds!
select areas. Call 1-855-440- FAA approved! FREE info kit:
Use your V
ISA/M 4911 now to get a $50 Gift 844-558-7482
9-2582 or
and call 47 53
403 U.S. RT. 302 - BERLIN BARRE, VT 05641-2274 LIFE ALERT. 24/7. One press (3) Excellent Condition, Less
of a button sends help FAST! than 8 Hrs. 802-244-6670
479-2582 1-800-639-9753 FAX 479-7916 Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even
if you cant reach a phone! SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB
FREE brochure. CALL 800- #1 Selling Walk-in tub in No.
LINE RATE 1-3 Words Per Line $1.75/LINE
4 for 3
457-1917 America. BBB Accredited.
Arthritis Foundation Com-
LIFELOCK Identity Theft Pro- mendation. Therapeutic Jets.
SPECIAL Capitalizing more than the first 2 words, etc. 70/WORD tection. Do not Wait! Start MicroSoothe Air Therapy Sys-
Guarding Your Identity Today. tem. Less that 4 Inch Step-In.
Run The Same DEADLINE: For The WORLD is MONDAY by 10:00 3 layers of protection? Detect, Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors.
Classified for AM Alert, Restore. Receive 10% American Made. Call 855-400-
off? Call for Details 1-855-3 0439 for up to $1500. Off.
3 Consecutive Weeks-
ORD CANCELLATIONS: A classified ad cancelled before 10:00 AM 2089
PER W MIN. Get 4th Week on Monday will receive credit for the remaining paid weeks. SELL YOUR STRUCTURED
$3.P5e0r Week
Lung Cancer? And 60+ Years SETTLEMENTS or annu-
Per A
(Any changes void free week)
The WORLD asks that you check your ad on its first publication. If you find an error
please notify us immediately so that corrections can be made. The WORLD will not be
responsible for more than one incorrect publication of the ad.
Old? If So, You And Your Fam- ity payments for CASH NOW.
ily May Be Entitled To A Sig- you dont have to wait for your
nificant Award. Call 877-648- future payments any longer!
6308 To Learn More. No Risk. Call 1-800-938-8092
No Money Out Of Pocket.
CHECK HEADING: continued on next page
Animals-Farm ......................500
PHONE NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________ Animals-Pet .........................430
LAST NAME _______________________________________________________________________________
Antiques/Restorations .........144
Baby/Children Items ............140 Treadle Sewing
FIRST NAME ______________________________________________________________________________
Bicycles ...............................220
Boating/Fishing ...................210
Building Materials................300
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ Business Items....................080 Q: I hope you can help me. I
Business Opportunities .......060 read your column in the Decatur Tribune. I am 98 years old
Camping ..............................205 and have in my basement my grandmothers Singer sewing
CITY _______________________________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP _______________
Childcare Service ................030 machine. It is a treadle machine driven by foot power. I
would like to sell it and hope you can help me.
START DATE: ___________ NUMBER OF ISSUES: __________ Christmas Trees ..................370
-- Natica, Arcola, Illinois
Class & Workshops .............103
Clothing & Accessories .......130
A: Singer treadle machines were built to last. Because of
EXACTLY HOW YOU WANT THE AD TO READ Computers/Electronics ........100
that, hundreds of thousands have survived and many are
Please print, we cannot be responsible for words we can't read. Farm/Garden/Lawn .............410
Free Ads..............................108 still in use in American homes. When my mother died sev-
Furniture..............................180 eral years ago, she had three Singers scattered around her
________________________________________________________________ Garage Sales/Flea Mkt. ......145 house, two that she used fairly frequently. Most of the early
Health ..................................113 Singers I have spotted in antique and secondhand shops
________________________________________________________________ Home Appliances ................160 have been priced in the $150 to $250 range. My advice is
Hunting/Guns/Archery.........305 to see if there are any sewing groups in your area, because
________________________________________________________________ Insurance/Investments ........090 that is where you might find a buyer for the one you have.
Job Opportunities................020 ***
Q: I have a vase that is marked Abington USA and was
________________________________________________________________ Lost and Found ...................110
given to my mother during the 1940s. Can you tell me
Miscellaneous .....................150
anything about this company? -- Brenda, Vermont
________________________________________________________________ Musical ................................200
Personals ............................105
A: I found a reference to Abington pottery in one of my
________________________________________________________________ Professional Services .........540
favorite reference books, U.S. Marks on Pottery, Porcelain
Rideshare ............................125
and Clay by Lois Lehner (Collector Books, $24.95).
________________________________________________________________ Snow Removal Equip. .........355
Snowmobiles/Access. .........360 According to Lehner, the company opened in Abington,
Sporting Equipment ............250 Illinois, in 1908. It originally manufactured plumbing fix-
________________________________________________________________ Storage................................235 tures, but added a line of vases, cookie jars and other deco-
Support Groups ..................107 rative pieces during the 1930s. In 1950, the art-pottery kiln
________________________________________________________________ Tools ....................................330 was destroyed by fire. Prices vary, and to determine how
Wanted ................................120 much your vase is worth, you need to contact a good
________________________________________________________________ Wood/Heating Equip............350 appraiser.
Work Wanted .......................040 ***
Q: Although I am not a collector, I have two Pez dispensers
THE COST OF YOUR AD IN THE WORLD AUTOMOTIVE that I am curious about. One is of Casper, the friendly
Each separate word, each phone number counts as one word Campers/Motor Homes .......845 ghost, which I remember from when I was in grade school
Cars & Accessories ............875 during the 1950s. The second is Bambi.
Motorcycles/ATVs ...............850 -- Steve, Rapid City, South Dakota
Number of words ____________ times 35($3.50 min.)_________________ (cost for one week) Trucks/Vans/Jeeps Access. .870
Vintage/Classic Vehicles .....873 A: I found both of your dispensers referenced in Warmans
Work Vehicles/Heavy Equip. ....855 Pez, by Shawn Peterson. According to this reference,
times number of weeks __________ 4 for 3 Special TOTAL COST __________________ Casper is valued in the $150 to $175 range. A die-cut base
REAL ESTATE would add about $50 to its value. Bambi is valued in the
Apts./House for Rent...........630 $59 to $75 range. With copyright, add $100.
Camps for Sale ...................650
$ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM Comm. Rentals/Sales .........605 Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive,
Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@
MasterCard Condominiums ....................680 Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr.
Apt. Blds. for Sale................685
Visa Homes .................................690 Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor
Credit Card does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring
Number ____________________________________________________ Discover Land for Sale.......................670
return mail.
Mobile Homes .....................600
CVC#______ Vacation Rentals/Sales .......645
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Signature __________________________________________Exp. Date ___________________ Wanted to Rent/Buy ............610
Custom smoke & cure. We do Quality Dependable Stumps for reasonable prices,
SideBoards/Floor Soft 8525
Good Tires cornbeef. Orange. 802-498- Service since 2005, Call Randy Pickel Tree
Rugged Frame QUALITY FIREWOOD, Cut/ 4550. Monday-Friday 9-5:30, Bob Morin Service at 802-479-3403/802-
$250.00 OBO Split and Delivered. ONLY BY APPOINTMENT 802-522-9753 249-7164
802-479-3684 802-279-2155 SATURDAYS/SUNDAYS
WE CAN remove bankrupt- STUMPS STUMPS STUMPS $30 or $60 per acre, 3 acre from your attic, basement or
cies, judgments, liens, and We Grind All Stumps for rea- PROFESSIONAL minimum. Slightly over grown
lawns extra. Bob Morin
garage. Call Joe 802-498-
bad loans from your credit le sonable prices, Call Randy
forever! The Federal Trade Pickel Tree Service at 802- SERVICES 802-522-9753.
Commission says companies 479-3403/802-249-7164 WET BASEMENT??
that promise to scrub your MICHELS TREE SERVICE Let Us help x the problem
credit report of accurate nega- DELIVERED TO YOUR SITE $ CASH $
FOR JUNK VEHICLES Fruit Tree Pruning forever from the outside of
tive information for a fee are PLENTY OF STORAGE TRAILERS FARM/GARDEN/ Paying reasonable amounts Tree Removal
Stone Walls Reclaimed
the Foundation. We will exca-
vate and install an underdrain
lying. Under FEDERAL law, depending on the Fluctuation
accurate negative informa-
& CONTAINERS AVAILABLE LAWN of the market for cars and Property Line Maintenance
Prompt Service/Fair Prices
system with Perforate pipe,
clean stone, and Filter Fabric.
tion can be reported for up to Call For Prices trucks, FREE Local Scrap
seven years, and some bank- Metal Pick-up. Call Barre, 60 Bucket Truck w/chipper Free Estimates, Call Sunrise
ruptcies for up to 10 years. 1-877-204-3054 HOGGING 802-917-2495, 802-476-4815, Insured Construction LLC at 802-461-
Learn about managing credit Bob. H: 802-586-2223 6441
Serving Vermont C:802-730-2645
and debt at A Fully Insured
Thank You For Saying
message from The World and 802-883-5090 ANTIQUE & VINTAGE
the FTC. CLOCKS NEED HELP around home or
Professionally Cleaned & ofce? Handyman services
DRY MULCH hay. Call 802-
HOME Royalton, VT
off I-89
279-6675. Repaired. Reasonable Prices,
Pickup/Delivery Available,
available. Call Joe. 802-498-
3692. I Saw It In
1-877-204-3054 (802) 763-7876
APPLIANCES FOOD GRADE Barrels totes, ClockWork Wayne,
We have over 700 in stock 802-431-5416
Whats the Best Dog for a
from 2 1/2Gal275 Gal totes. (Rochester VT)
Call for Info; Bicknell Barrels
several in very good condi-
tion. 1@ $40.00, 2 for $50.00 EQUIPMENT
The Barrel Man. 802-439-
5149/802-439-5519. Small Apartment?
each. 802-272-6933.
FORD 1520 from 1989, 22 HP,
ER, hardly used, Sells for
Boards with Bags, HOME-
Diesel Engine, 4WD, Cruise
Control, Power Steering.
$2500.00 will sell for $1500.00. MADE, $95. Tractor is in perfect condition. UPHOLSTERY ment building doesnt
802-272-0862 allow dogs or cats, but I
Call Holly, 802-276-3466 $2300. Call: 802-456-0806
CLEANING just found out from a
We Grind All Stumps for rea-
Residential & Commercial neighbor (who was
sonable prices, Call Randy 223-6490 walking her cat outside)
FREE COUCH! ARCHERY Pickel Tree Service at 802- Our Reputation Is Clean! that the management
does allow therapy
PLAINFIELD, 802-454-7898 479-3403/802-249-7164
LIVE BAIT pets or companion ani-
MUSICAL Shiners, Crawlers, Perch Bait TIRED OF BARK MULCH? BRUSH HOGGING large or mals, with a doctors
OPEN EARLYOPEN LATE COLORED STONE ROCKS! small areas, Rhett Savoie, letter. What kind of dog is best for a small apartment,
MICHAEL RICCIARELLI, call anytime. New landscape stone in stock, 802-272-7130. though? Sign me -- Not a Cat Person
Fretted Instrument Repair. Route 12, Putnamville. 1 winter white marble chips
3/4 Pink granite chips. BRUSH
802-229-0952 or 802-229-4246 HOGGING DEAR NOT A CAT PERSON: There are a number of dog
802-272-1875 www.north- landscapestonesofvermont. breeds you might consider for a companion pet, and Im
co Black Rock Coal, Serving Vermont
East Montpelier, VT. Fully Insured glad youre taking the size of your apartment into consid-
802-223-4385 802-883-5090 eration. Once you have the doctors letter and management
approval, take some extra time -- plenty of it -- to consider
BOATING & 1-800-639-3197.
versatility in abrasive selection.
kit. Lightweight and compact, the lithium-ion Bosch driver
delivers 265 inch-pounds of torque and is great for overhead For cutting, grinding, sanding, carving and polishing, allows the vacuum to come on and go off automatically when
and tight area work. the Dremel 3000 Rotary Tool with 24 accessories is a good the tool is turned on or off.
For projects that require crosscutting, whether straight or at choice. The upgraded tool features an EZ Twist nose To learn more about these and other products, visit your
an angle for joining crown molding, framing doors and win- cap with an integrated wrench that allows the nose cap to local Woodcraft store, call (800) 535-4482 or visit www.
dows and more, the lightweight, portable DeWalt 10 Single function as a wrench to tighten accessories. A more efficient
All tools do not necessarily have to be stored in a garage mise the tools. Keep cords neatly wound and secured as well. Power tools may benefit from compressed air being blown
or work shed. Many homeowners like to keep smaller tools into smaller crevices to dislodge sawdust and other debris.
in the house so that frequently used items are within reach. Rely on original cases Lubricate any moving parts with a product recommended by
A hammer, wrench, pliers, and a few screwdrivers are Power tools typically are packaged in hard plastic cases. the manufacturer.
handy tools to have around inside the house. This keeps the tools secure and often is the best method of Keeping tools clean and in good repair goes a long way
toward safer, more efficient home improvement projects.
GARAGES 24 x 24 or 24 x 28
AND COMMERCIAL 86 Ceiling Height
CUSTOMERS (2) 8x9 Garage Doors
Thomas Property Management specializes in exemplary Entry Door
grounds maintenance, landscaping enhancement Vinyl Windows
and installation services, landscape design, pressure
washing, stone patios, walkways and walls, mowing and Painted
excavating for commercial & residential properties. Shingle or Corrugated Metal Roofing Hood Building and Contracting
call us Today! 802-793-5422 802-276-3637 or 802-522-6006
August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 33
catch any drips or spills. Safety goggles and a dust mask
provide protection if sanding is required prior to staining. Remember to remove knobs, hinges, and handles from a
If sanding is necessary, homeowners will need an orbital piece before staining
DONT PUT OFF 5 Residential & 6 Commercial Free Estimates / Fully Insured
Quality In
We Service All
Makes & Models
Fleet & Commercial
Accounts Welcome
Extended Warranties
ATVS JEEPS/ACCESS. ACCESSORIES The Dust Has Settled Super Saver Discount
1981 HONDA CB750 CUS-
2011 FORD E-150 CARGO
VAN V8 4 spd auto, only 7800 1931 FORD MODEL A 2Dr
& Its A New Year. SPEND THIS... SAVE THIS...
TOM. 16,700 miles, very good
shape, new tires, $1,100.00.
mi, Excellent condition, asking
$19,000. 802-476-6076
sedan older restoration, re-
built engine, new interior, one Welcome To Our $49 TO $99 $10
802-454-7767. owner last 50 years priced to $100 TO $199 $20
2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 Ex-
tended Cab, Long Box, 4WD
sell $9500, 223-5456
New Facility. $200 TO $299 $30
FXDF DYNA Fat Bob Black,
Vance & Hines Exhaust,
Work Truck(36916A) 6spd,
Auto. Now $22,988 Cody
$4,995 East Barre Auto Sales Come Visit Our New $300 TO $499 $45
1584CC, Back Rest, 9,456 Chevrolet-Cadillac, Barre- 476-5370 OR 866-928-9370
miles, LED tail light, Master
TTS Kit, 1 owner, $10,500.00
Montpelier Rd. Montpelier. For more details text 15YX to
Store & Receive $500 TO $699 $60
223-6337 or 1-800-278-CODY,
Huge Discounts
Most vehicles. May not be combined with any
2007 TOYOTA PIRUS. other offers or specials. Must present coupon
CICI SCOOTER 260CC, Wa- 2016 GMC SIERRA 1500 !40,364 miles, V.G. condition. when order is written. Plus tax & supplies. Valid
ter cooled automatic transmis-
sion. 6,000 miles, $2600. 802-
Crew Cab, Standard Box,
4WD, SLE(28916b) Now
Included are a set of 4 stud-
ded snow tires. Good mileage
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August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 35
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page 36 The WORLD August 2, 2017
Advertising Deadline Is
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Call 479-2582 Before 10AM
up in Armstrong Trailer Park in Benson Arizona, Deed RV sites
Randolph Center. comes with with City Utilities(Snowbird MORTGAGE! 7 HideAwayy Drive #1 CCovered Porch & Rear Deck
8x8 shed. ready to move in to. Hill), $22,500+ www.cochise- Beautiful 10 y/o energy ef-
cient 3BR 1.5BA house on Upper
p Garden Flat in Berlin
$14000. phone 802-728-4451,
leave message. or 520-720-0824
/ 520-820-1678. 1.4 acres in Williamstown on Now Placing FOR SALE $210,000
a dead end road includes 1BR
1BA in-law apt renting at $875 Your Ad Is 3 Bedroom + Den & 3.5 Bathrooms
COMMERCIAL Mirror Lake w/Charming UP- /mo! Tile oor and nice interior Even Easier! Attached One Car Garage
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RENTALS/SALES Beach access, Canoe avail- Easy access to VAST and hik-
[email protected]
Please include
able. ing trails and a private grass contact person LOW MONTHLY CONDO FEES - ONLY $125!
2 BAY COMMERCIAL SPACE, $450 Weekly airstrip! Only $239,900 This
2 Over head doors 10 High, $65 Over Night wont last!
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1200 sq/ft, More space avail- $25 Day Use Call Karl for details and pics! Interior Townhouse in Barre
able if needed. Williamstown, 802-456-1706 802-272-7422
VT 802-433-5832 FOR SALE $210,000
3 Bedroom + Den & 3.5 Bathrooms
Attached One Car Garage
New To Market
Two Bedrooms, Family Room With Woodstove,
Updated Windows
Just Outside Village, Public Water/Sewer
On 1.18 Acres, Brook
Plainfield $146,000
Contact Tim, 552-0184
Apple Trees, Walking Paths, Spring Fed Pond,
utdoor entertaining areas are popular among homeowners, and firepits are one
Waterfall of the most sought-after additions to such spaces. In fact, a 2016 survey from the
Shed, On 7 Acres American Society of Landscape Architects found that fireplaces and firepits were
East Montpelier $185,000 the most popular outdoor design element in 2016.Various styles are available to
Contact Monique, 552-0262 homeowners who want to add firepits to their backyards, and choosing the right type may
come down to budget, the amount of yard space available or even personal preference.
Wood repit: As their name suggests, wo od repits burn Gas re tables come in a variety of shapes and sizes and, like
wood, which may appeal to homeowners who already have gas repits, theres no need to struggle with lighting a re or
wood-burning replaces inside their homes. Because they carrying rewood.
dont require homeowners to tap into gas lines, wood repits Tabletop repits: Homeowners, condominium or apartment
are generally easy to set up and install, and many homeown- dwellers with limited backyard space may want to consider
ers prefer the aesthetic appeal of crackling wood and ames the convenience of tabletop repits. Restaurants may use
thats synonymous with wood repits.
tabletop repits in their outdoor seating areas because they
Gas repit: Gas repits are touted for their convenience,
provide warmth and ambiance without taking up much
as they dont require homeowners to carry wood and build
space. Tabletop repits fueled by gas will not need to be con-
On 50 Acres! res. Upon being connected to a gas source, gas repits
provide re at the click of a switch. Gas repits are also nected to a gas source, which may appeal to consumers who
Custom Built, Open Concept want something thats simple as well as small.
appreciated for their safety, as there is little or no risk that
Two Bedroom, Gas Fireplace ames from gas repits will grow too large and become dif- Fire urns: While they might not technically qualify as
Sunroom, Deck, Two Car Garage cult to control. repits, re urns provide a similar effect as repits. Fire urns
Gas re tables: Gas re tables might be ideal for those ho- are typically gas-powered and may be an ideal choice for
Price Just Lowered Orange $239,000
meowners whose sense of decor favors more modern looks. homeowners who are looking for
Contact Michelle, 505-2050
V isit
Updated Kitchen, Sunroom, 4 Bedrooms
Two Car Garage, Tennis Court, 1.01 Acres Searching for your dream home? Mention this a
for a FREE Homd
Montpelier $362,000
Contact Tim, 552-0184 e
for a FREE, no commitment Mortgage Pre-Approval assessment
Now Placing
81 Main St., Montpelier 229-0345 Patti Shedd Your Ad Is
Loan Consultant
Even Easier!
135 Washington St., Barre 476-6500 NMLS#98725
(802) 476-7000 [email protected]
Please include
1-800-696-1456 [email protected] contact person
14 North Main Street, Ste 5015 | Barre, VT 05641
& payment info
Equal Housing Lender | Licensed Lender State of VT | NMLS#854380
Cannot combine with any other offer. Minimum mortgage amount of $80,000. Must close your mortgage financing with Premium
Mortgage. Other restrictions may apply.
164 So. Main St., Barre, VT 05641
nancing since 1999.
P: 802-479-1154
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Wanda French
Mortgage Loan Officer
NMLS ID: 101185 NMLS ID 3113
VT License # 101185 Corp. License #6289 and 1068MB
Berlin! Low-traffic side street, just off the Barre/
Montpelier Road, half way between Montpelier
and Barre. Equipped kitchen with plenty of
cabinets plus a pantry, formal dining room, and
Call us! spacious living room. Mudroom entry and a
802-477-1343 1-bay garage, too. Large lawn with berries and
garden space. Motivated Seller! $137,500.
Up to $45,000 in down
payment assistance* 92.8 Acres with Updated 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Home!
$10,000 toward the purchase Known locally as The Gulf House, this 1925
vintage Williamstown residence has an upgraded
of a Montpelier home* kitchen with stainless steel appliances and
granite counter-tops, modern wiring & insulation,
updated baths, security system and a whole
workshops house Kohler generator! Primarily exposed hard
and softwood flooring on both living levels.
Financial counseling Wide open living space with double living room,
family room, formal dining room and office
Home repair loans* space. Heated workshop. Mostly wooded hillside
acreage has trails, waterfalls (2nd branch of the
All from a reputable, private White River) and is enrolled in the Current Use
program for property tax savings. Great exposure and easy access, too, if you have plans for a
non-profit organization. commercial venture. Exceptionally well priced at $275,000.
o w n * Income limits, home purchase price limits & Jack Associates
d Ext. 1
other conditions apply. Call for details. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
August 2, 2017 The WORLD page 39
Dont leave
B Abuying
R R E or
E S S Eyour
X Jhome
C T. to
S T. J OWeH Nsee
SB many
URY buyers
ST that
OW start
E looking
S T Rfor
AT aThome
O N in Chittenden
W O O D SCounty
TO C Kbut end up in
central Vermont because they realize that our area represents
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N8S0B2U. 4 a much better real
R7Y9. 3S3T6O6 W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K making the
estate value for their money. They often end up
mistake of using a Burlington broker to represent them in Washington County. We live and work in central Vermont. We know local property
8 02 . 479. 3 3 6 6
values and we know things about the inventory that might not show up in the MLS or on some national website. Indep
Buy with condence. Use a local William Raveis agent. John B. Indep
Come work with a local family-owned company that knows the market and gets results.
John Biondolillo Marcia Biondolillo
Butch Churchill Courtney Brummert Kevin Copeland Kevin Petrochko Lisa Brassard Michele Smedy Michelle Hebert Rich Ibey Sarah Pregent Sue Arguin
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N S B U R Y S T O W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
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B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N S B U R Y S T O W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
Independently Owned and Operated
8 02 . 479. 3 3 6 6
page 40 The WORLD August 2, 2017 Independently Owned and Operated