2 Formatting Exercises
2 Formatting Exercises
2 Formatting Exercises
1. In a new Word document, type the following contest announcement:
3. Format the title Literary City Bookstore Announces and The Annual Essay Contest at the top
of the document as bold and centre aligned.
4. Put a border around the title and shade the border navy blue, and then change the font colour
of the title to white.
5. Double space your work and use 18pt line spacing between each paragraph.
8. Format the paragraph that begins Thank you for browsing as bold.
9. Check the document for errors and misspellings and make any corrections.
4. Format both occurrences of Big Bass as italic and change the font colour to blue.
8. Create a header with the text BIG BASS MAGAZINE center aligned, and then change the font
size to 28pt and a font style of your choice.
9. Create a footer with your name followed by a space and the page number right aligned in the
format Bulhao Page 1 of 1.
10. Check the document for errors and misspellings and make any corrections.
3. Centre the title The Lovely Lily and change the font to Montotype Corsiva, size 26pt.
7. Change the font colour of the word pinks in the second paragraph to pink.
8. Select the phrase rich glow of gold at the end of the second paragraph and highlight it yellow.
9. Select the text Polyanna, Tiger Babies, Ariadne, Scheharzade in the third paragraph and change
the font to small caps.
10. Use the Format Painter option to apply the formatting that you did in Step 9 to the text Ace of
Hearts and the word Reveries in the last line of the 3rd paragraph.
12. Change the top, bottom, left and right margins to 2.5.
13. Create a header with your last name followed by a space and the page number right aligned in
the format Bulhao 1.