Assignment 3 Study Skill and Habit
Assignment 3 Study Skill and Habit
Assignment 3 Study Skill and Habit
SEMESTER II 2015/2016
I/C: 850415-01-5062
NO TEL: 012-7696177
DATE: 9 May, 2016
Chapter one
A. Introduction
Research need to be done because many students did not know their study habit and
skill might influence student academic performance others than environmental factors. This
study will attempt to identify the study habit and skill that been using by the postgraduate
student of faculty education in order to know their strength and weaknesses.
Research Questions
1. Is there any significant differences in study skill and habit between male and female
Research Objective
The goal of this study is to identify the study skill and habit that used by the postgraduate
student between male and female from faculty of education.
Conceptual Framework
Theoretical framework
Term definition:
1) Time management
Time management has also been characterized as a habit developed only through
priorities, setting priorities and scheduling tasks (Jordan et al., 1989). Time
individual obtains control over the timing and the content of what he/she does and as
2) Study habit
manner which you consistently use to study for school or college or even for the next
day lesson. It also can be refers to the ways of studying on a particular subject
3) Study skill
4) Postgraduate student
It can be describe as one who directs zeal at a subject. Student is used for anyone
who is learning
Chapter 2
recommend that students study should have at least three hours out of class for
every hour spent in class. They also said that a student must have a special place to
study with plenty of room to work. And students should not be cramped. They
presupposes that study time will go better if a learner take a few minutes at the start
to straighten things up. A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best. Don't get
too comfortable--a bed is a place to sleep, not to study as what they said. A student
must have everything close at hand (book, pencils, paper, coffee, dictionary,
computer, calculator, tape recorder, etc.) before starting to study. Students are not
suggested to spend on time jumping up and down to get things. The PBCC
suggests also that distracting noise should be minimized however they said that
there are some people need sound and some like silence. In this case, a learner
must finds what works for him or her. Culprits are family and friends. consider a "do
not disturb" sign and turning on your answering machine is the way also to have
fail. What he founds to be true in that study habits survey was that more than 30
years ago still rings true today--students fail because they do not know how to
study .The best advice he can give is to develop sound study skills.
He said that a student should make sure that he/she has a good study environment,
a good desk, a sturdy chair, good light, comfortable room temperature and a quiet
atmosphere. That means he/she should eliminate all external and internal
distractions. Second, get a good overview of the assignment before starting the
work. Know what skills, facts and ideas that are expected to master and the ground
that are expected to cover. Start with most difficult subject first, while the mind is
students should be fully equip with high level of analytical skills, the capacity for
autonomously and exercise flexibility of mind (Simmons 2003). Study habits are said
to be improving because of the advent and wide use of the Internet, hypertext, and
multimedia resources which greatly affects the Study Habits (Liu, 2005). Karim and
Hassan (2006) also note the exponential growth digital information, which changes
the way students perceive studying and with printed materials that are to be use in
facilitating study. Liu (2005) and Ramirez (2003) report that students print material
from the Internet in order to study and read later on. Igun (2005) also found that
Reading is an attempt to absorb the thought of the author and know what
materials. Study habits and skills are particularly important for college students,
whose needs include time management, note taking, Internet skill, the elimination of
Fielden (2004) states that good study habits help the student in critical reflection in
(2002) states that study habits are learning tendencies that enable students work
and the individual's study habits showed that the main effect of drinking caffeine on
exam preparation was not significant There were participants, 20 male and 58
consumption of caffeine as well as their study habits when preparing for a test/exam.
It was hypothesized that the more caffeine a student consumes while studying, the
more accurately his or her study habits would be labeled as 'unhealthy', as
as low scores on amount of time per study session, time(in days) when preparation
began, and amount of information the participants believed they had retained. High
University of Albany said that Study habit, skill, and attitude inventories and
constructs were found to rival standardized tests and previous grades as predictors
predictive validity of 10 study skill constructs for college students. They found that
study skill inventories and constructs are largely independent of both high school
theories. Study motivation and study skills exhibit the strongest relationships with
both grade point average and grades in individual classes. They also said that
shown. Scores on traditional study habit and attitude inventories are the most
examined to date and should be regarded as the third pillar of academic success.
successful in their desired career have good study habits. It is stated in the website
that students apply these habits to all of their classes. The website also
recommends some tips in improving study habits. The website also suggests that
the student should try not to study all the subjects in just a period. The website also
added that if you try to do too much studying at one time, you will tire and your
studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter
periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy.
college success can be improved with the Student Attitude Inventory (SAI). The
inventory was developed in Britain and contains 47 items which attempt to identify
students in higher education on the basis of: (1) motivation, (2) study methods, (3)
examination technique, and (4) lack of distractions toward academic work. Students
in six Kentucky community colleges were asked to express their attitudes toward
study habits on the Student Attitude Inventory. There were 996 students in the
sample population (413 males and 583 females). A measure of ability (composite
average) were obtained for each student sampled. The Student Attitude Inventory
social activities with good study habits. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress
and help prevent from becoming fatigued. He said that a student should make sure
that he must take a break for an hour after studies to meet with friends, to play some
cards, work out at the gym, or to gab with a new acquaintance. For this way, that
afterwards. He said, To develop a healthy social life, develop routine study habits.
After supper, lug your books and homework to the library, find a comfortable and
quiet niche, and study for two or three hours, taking intermittent 10 minute breaks
every 45 minutes or so. Making friends with whom you share similar study habits,
and share a table or a study space with them would be a best way in developing
The researcher used simple random sampling to choose the subjects. Every
subject has equal chance to be selected as a sample. So, each participant in the faculty
education class are given a box and the box contain a number. When each of the subjects
already taken their number from the box, the researcher will only chooses the even number to
become their subject. The target population is the postgraduate students. The attachable
population is the postgraduate student in faculty education. All of the subjects are the second
year postgraduate student of faculty of education. The researcher chooses 30 students that
include 15 male and 15 female from different background of social class and religion. Also,
the researchers had read and explained each question loudly in a vernacular dialect
to the class and gave some specific examples that let students understand fully the
questions given and guided them upon answering so they can answer it whole
honestly. The gathered data was now then ready for the data analysis.
The researcher used study skill and habit questionnaires that consist of 53 items. The
subject needs to answer it within 10 minutes. Subjects are encouraged to respond to the
question at their own will. This questions is based on 5 likert scale that indicate 1 means rarely
or never like me, 2 is not often like me, 3 is sometimes like me, 4 is fairly like me and 5 is a lot or
always like me. It is given in order to identify the respondent study habit and skill mostly used by the
postgraduate student based on the gender male and female.
Data Analysis
This study used quantitative approach. For quantitative approach the researcher used both
descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to examine the data. T-test was used to examine
the significant difference between different social class mothers input. Then, correlation
analysis was used to determine if there was a significant difference between mothers verbal
school. It is important to gain insight about the factors regarding the poor study habit
The result of this thesis will benefit the school, teachers, students, to the
parents of the students, and to the researchers as well. For in this study, the school
will know the reason why their students had a poor study habits so that they can
make a possible action towards this concern. In this way, the school will certainly be
given an idea on how do they were going to face the fact that their students were
concerned problem raised by the teachers, and the findings will provide them some
basis in planning more effective educational guidance that geared towards the
To the Administrators, who are the policies making body of the school.
Through the findings of the study, they can formulate various policies, rules and
regulations that will help emphasize not only the importance of good education, and
the way to achieve it, but also on the value on good study habits that bring good
To the Teachers, the teachers are the facilitators of learning and the students
are the active participants of it and so both elements are needed for the learning
process to take place. And this study will provide them information to their concern
regarding the poor study habits of their students enrolled in Grade V and Grade VI,
Baluarte Elementary School. Through this study, they can think of a way on how they
can increase the interest of the students upon studying especially when talking
about their academic performances. They can also properly motivate and guide their
students toward acquiring good study habits, thus making the students perform well
in their academic responsibilities. In this way, the students hopefully will never gain
decreasing scores during their school performances but finally an increasing result.
To the Students, the students will be given an idea to know more about their
selves and on how they are going to determine their study habits so they can
improve it for the better. In this way, it is not just their study habits will change but
To the Parents, one of the reasons why the students will attend their classes
is their parents motivation to them. In this study, the parents will be able to know
their role upon improving their childrens study habits which then can help their
To the Researchers, the findings of this study may provide them information
about the study habits in which they can possibly make use in real life situation.
Furthermore, this study will not only give benefits to the following mentioned
above but also to the other factors that can affect each components of beneficiaries
created; the independent variables are the students profile such as parental
the students in the 3rd quarter major subjects grade (English, Filipino, Science, and
Mathematics); and teachers personality; while the dependent variable is the study
habit of the students in terms of their time management and study techniques. This
study did not aim to show all the factors that affect the students poor study habit;
neither did it intend to establish a standard for grade five and grade six students in
achieving good or bad study habits but to some factors that will certainly help the
Personality, 5 for Time Management and 5 for Students Study Techniques which are
all related to the concerned topic. Only the students study habits are recorded and
Definition of Terms
Academic Performance refers to the grades of the students they get in school
every end of the quarter wherein the students performances are based on the four
includes the income of the both parents and of the children if any.
its most comfortable way. This identifies the uniqueness of the learner in acquiring
Parental Involvement refers to the attitude of the parents to follow up the progress
of their children in school by monitoring their grades and behaviour in school. The
value of time they spent with their children to review things for their progress such as
assignments, quizzes, exams. It includes the parents discipline in imposing to their
Self determination refers to the will of the student to initiate in doing a task and
does not think of the external factors to affect his/her duty. The student is intrinsically
motivated despite of any constraints and thus practices mastery over things as a
Study habit refers to the students way of carrying out the task of studying by using
varied techniques in studying in order to keep him afloat and it includes wise use of
as, note taking, SQ3R, KWL that will help in students in adhering the ideas.
Teachers Motivation refers on how the teacher will take a move to serve as stimuli
towards the student in improving their study habits. The teachers impact to the
Time Management refers to the proper use of time in studying through planning and
most priority and the least event to be accomplished. This includes doing of a
planner to organize an individual activities for a month, week or even in a day. This
also includes how long and how many times a students spend his/her time in
Chapter 2
and literature or references gathered by the researchers that were anchored on. It
covers a review of existing relevant literatures which was explained according to its
concern. Such are presented as to connect the varied findings and theories in
Study habit is the daily routine of students with regards to their academic
duties and responsibilities. Each student has his own study habits varying on his
preferences with the place and time of studying, techniques in studying and more. It
will depend upon the person if he will not get bored to browse notes and can
media exposure, gaming addiction and more. Studying not only prepares a student
to excel in a class but reinforces the lessons already taught. Studying reawakens the
the grades a student earns for a period of learning has been done. It is believed that
concluded that they may also have learned a lot while low grades indicates lesser
learning. However, the one who facilitated the learning process should be the
teacher and the teacher will also help in understanding better the diversity of
learning of their students. As such, it is hoped that they could develop more effective
Elementary school is such an exciting and wonderful time for students and
their parents. This is the first real step to their education and their independence, but
the problem that the parents faced along these levels of learning were the ways on
how theyre going to let their children develop a study habit which can help their
children in learning as well. The parents let their children follow the rules in the
house and let them have their study habits in studying their lessons even a few
on their attitude, motivation performance for success, and study habit or skills that
people employ to pursue the desire outcome. Moreover, there were some factors
like the parental involvement, socio-economic status of the learner, and teachers
personality or approach to students that can affect the learning and as well as their
study habits. It has a big factor of a students learning the involvement of their
parents in their learning process. Whenever the parents get involved in the study-life
of their children, there was a great factor that urges the child to learn and be
interested in schooling. In this way the child will feel supported in any way as much
as he can do for his studying. If the parents will always be there to urge their children
in their study habit, then the child will respond to it positively. Thus, having the
parents child always on their side will have the tendency for a child to always lean
onto their parents every time and not standing anymore on their own. So, the
Furthermore, the socio-economic status can also affect the study habit of the
learner. In fact, this factor places a big challenge to the learners because this shows
their social stratification whether they belong to the upper, middle, or lower class. It
can affect to their study habits for some time they cant continue their studying
because take this example, if they dont have an electricity in their place, they cant
study their lessons especially during night time, so it really hinders to their learning.
Another thing is financial, when this aspect will be opened, everyone felt down. They
will come to think to a point that because of this financial problem they cant continue
to buy the necessary things needed for school and so there were no reason for them
to study since they dont have the materials to be used. In this case, the level of their
primary mover of the educational wheel while the learners are the key participants in
the learning process. The teacher is the role model, the manager, the counsellor,
leader, parent surrogate, facilitator, instructor, and a lot more. The students will learn
best also depends on the kind of teacher do they have. The teacher has the greatest
factor in the learning process and so his attitudes or personality in approaching the
In addition, Bakare (1975) opines that intelligence accounts for little variance
factors to non intellectual factors such as some personality variables like self
Based on the findings of Othis (1995), effective study skills usually come
the method used by a certain student/person to study much easier and more
These two factors also have a role to play in the learning process of a
student. Motivation serves as the fuel that keeps the child moving on their studying
and learning process. Because of this, aside from gaining incentives, they also gain
knowledge. While the learning styles of the student will also help him upon learning
for it gives him a reason to learn the things in the way he will learn. There will be no
pressure for a child to understand things if only he will learn everything through the
way he wanted to, for instance, if the student is a visual learner, then he can study
the lesson through seeing it with the eyes or watching videos that contained related
topics to the lesson presented. If a student is an audio learner he can learn his
lesson through listening to it attentively or let the other person discuss to him the
learner, he can learn his lessons through doing it on his own for example in a
laboratory session. Hence, learning skills refer to the skills that make learning
individual with different abilities, interests, and ways of thinking and responding thus
2008-2009). It is being realized that students use different learning strategies. They
Sometimes these strategies are useful, but some students develop pathological
learning strategies. To study effectively the students should be aware of learning
requires a high level of study skills and students must first learn these skills, practice
Everyone cannot be brilliant but everyone can learn how to study. Effective
study habits, even highly intelligent student failed due to inefficient work and lack of
knowledge on how to study effectively. Important skills for study have to be learned
and practiced.
have a better academic performance. Study habits tend to be formed in the early
grades and in the most instances, do not materially improve after elementary school.
Some students often complain about mental inability or strain or lack of interest in
In some cases, Fielden (2004) stated that good study habits help the student
synthesizing. While in the study of Nneji (2002) he added that study habits are
learning tendencies that enable students work privately. The study conducted by
caffeine consumption during his/her study session and the individual's study habits
showed that the main effect of drinking caffeine on exam preparation was not
amount of time per study session, time (in days) when preparation began, and
amount of information the participants believed they had retained. High scores on
While in Dumayags (2009) point of view, the effective study skills are
associated with positive outcomes across multiple academic content areas and for
strategies that are effective in helping students to improve their study skills. Study
habit, skill, and attitude inventories and constructs were found to rival standardized
Overall, study habit and skill measures improve prediction of academic performance,
more than any other non cognitive individual difference variable examined to date
and should be regarded as the third pillar of academic success. The substantive
aim of the study was to examine the effect of study habit on students.
improving study habits and suggested that the student should try not to study all the
subjects in just a period. It also added that if you try to do too much studying at one
time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you
have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental
Additionally, Mark E. Thompson (2005) undoubtedly affirmed to Mark Crillys
(2000) study that other students are able to balance social activities with good study
habits. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress and help prevent from becoming
fatigued. He said that a student should make sure that he must take a break for an
hour after studies to meet with friends, to play some cards, work out at the gym, or to
gab with a new acquaintance. For this way, that student will find concentration when
social life, develop routine study habits. After supper, lug your books and homework
to the library, find a comfortable and quiet niche, and study for two or three hours,
taking intermittent 10 minute breaks every 45 minutes or so. Making friends with
whom you share similar study habits, and share a table or a study space with them
To give a clearer view of each of the variables in this study, here are the
following discussions:
Study habit
S. Edwards (2006) said that learning to study is like learning to ride a bike-
once you get it you have the skills for life. Meaning that in steps to learning there are
bumps and bruises along the way because the process of learning is sometimes
creating a good study habit because learning is a lifetime process, it does not stop.
There are many factors to be considered in discussing the reasons behind the
formed study habit of the learners especially in the adolescent period. This is the
stage where critical period begin when they wanted to go out under the custody of
parents and its influence to the learners. The family monthly income is also one
factor to be considered because now a day there is no such thing as free. This
means that you dont get something without anything or without money. In addition, it
doesnt mean that students that are enrolled in a public school are absolutely free
from any expenses. Aside from the projects and assignment it cannot be missed at
school that there are biological needs of a man to be feed. In one way or another,
everybody will spend an ample amount for the desired learning. Learners academic
certain responses depending on how they perceive the actions of the mentioned
seriously by both parents and teachers. Their actions are important in motivating the
Time Management
Time management can be also the factor that can affect the study habit of the
student for the reason that a ones study habit is also connected with how a student
manage his time in accordance to its desired study time. Time management has
been described using many different terms including spontaneity, balance, flexibility,
and having control over time (Lakein, 1973). Time management has also been
scheduling tasks (Jordan et al., 1989). Time management can also be considered as
the process, by which an individual is more effectively accomplishes tasks and goals
(Schuler,1979), a process by which an individual obtains control over the timing and
the content of what he/she does and as what can be accomplished with time
(Onacken & Wass, 1985). In order to utilize time effectively, individuals must first be
able to predict or plan how much time is needed for the activity (Kelly, 2002). An
individual will become effective in using their time only when the individual clearly
knows what they want to do, what they need to do, and for which specific target date
(Soucie, 1986). Individuals need to become more disciplined in their use of time by
well as from situations that have the ability to displace priorities in terms of time and
one should do by setting goals, deciding which events are the most important and
realizing that other activities will have to be scheduled around them (prioritizing),
making decisions about how much time to allow for certain tasks (time estimation),
Manages your time can help you study your lesson in a desired time and doing it
Study Techniques
Study techniques can help an individual to study and form his study habit.
Study techniques are how someone studies in a way that he wants to remember
what he has studying. They are generally critical to success in school considering
the essential for acquiring good grades, and useful for learning throughout one's life.
There are an array of study skills, which may tackle the process of organizing and
Learning Styles
because there are factors that their learning styles influences their way of studying.
Different theorists and educationists have defined learning styles in their own way.
They believe that this is an important concept to be studied. The concept of style
helps to understand how the learners are same with each other, and how they differ
in terms of learning. There are three basic types of learning styles, the three most
common are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To learn, we depend on our senses to
process the information around us. Most people tend to use one of their senses
more than the others. However, Some theorists or practitioners explained that the
learning styles show how one particular individual will react to a specific situation
and how he or she will behave in a unique or common learning situation depends on
his/her learning style. This leads to a different interaction with the same learning
Learning styles are the different approaches and ways of learning. First, the
Visual Learners, they learn through seeing. These learners need to see the teacher's
body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson.
They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions
(e.g. people's heads). They may think in pictures and learn best from visual displays
often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information. Second, the Auditory
Learner, they learn through listening. They learn best through verbal lectures,
discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory
voice, pitch, speed and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning
until it is heard. These learners often benefit from reading text aloud and using a
tape recorder. Lastly, the Tactile or the Kinesthetic Learners, they learn through
moving, doing and touching. Tactile/Kinesthetic persons learn best through a hands-
on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it
hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity
and exploration.
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is needed in adolescent stage in monitoring the
number one reason of the students motivation and if student will see that their
parents pay less attention in their academic performance a usual response of the
theory the parents are the basic source or foundation of trust an individual can
according to the study of Chavkin (1993) that parent involvement or school
successful students. In addition parental involvement are the stimuli that serves so
learning skills and study techniques of the students. Parental monitoring is needed
so that student will feel that they need to do their best because their parents put a
great value in their studies. Furthermore it is the best influence of the parents to their
parents professional status. In this study, it focuses mainly on the family monthly
income of the parents or the other children of the family. This is fact that in our
society, to observe the difference well off family and to which is not. It is also
believed that a students interest in studies and academic performance are also
affected by the familys socio-economic status like the income that the family is
consuming in a day, month or year, (Eun Chul Seo 1999). In terms of the school
projects and assignment, students need to spend ample amount on the materials
needed like paper, ball pen etc. these things cannot be acquired without money. In
addition, the moment they saw the financial capability of their parents to provide
chances, then the students will be encourage in doing the task. Furthermore,
Academic Performance
their study habit if they got high scores in their previous grades consequently they
will exert more effort to give their best. Although it doesnt mean that those low
performance of the student you can clearly identify if their study habit is good or bad.
Teachers Personality
Rasmussen (2006) is concerned with the affective domain that includes maintaining
a positive attitude, believing one has control over what happens to oneself in school,
and effectively managing stress and anxiety. This factor is important in the part of the
teacher since teachers are the second parent of the students in school. In such
maintaining a positive attitude will become a motivation to the students to learn well.
Furthermore the statement believing one has control over what will be going to
happen means that the teacher can influence the behaviour of their student and thus
result into a positive response that will not cause stress and anxiety to everyone.
Teachers are influencing factor to students study habit through motivation and
The study focuses on the factors that affect the study habit of the students. In
line with this, the researchers would like to know the effect of the study habit to their
academic performances.
constantly in one learning process after the other and it is therefore important to be
understand that what might work for others do not necessarily have to work for
others as well. However, it is still important that students should be consistent along
with their studies. According to the theories of study habits, there are broadly two
types of students. The first category is of the students who study for a shorter
duration, have a good concentration and are able to get good scores without much
effort. The second category includes students who have a rather poor concentration,
and need a lot of hard work to get good scores. With a regular study habit you will
find that the child will study at a time that it is deemed normal to study.
To conclude, study habits may vary from student to student perspective
because not everyone achieve the style of learning process like what other can
achieve for their selves. There may be a lot of factors that can affect the study habit
of one student but its all depend to him on how he can manage to do his studies
without minding the hindrances and acquire study habits in the end.
Chapter 3
This chapter presented the methodology utilized in this study. Included here
were the discussions of the subtopics; namely: (1) research design (2) research
setting, (3) respondents and sampling procedure, (4) data gathering and instrument
Research Design
described and analysed the study habit of the students at Baluarte Elementary
School. This study tried to find out the study habit of the Grade V and VI students in
Research Setting
This study was conducted among the Grade V and grade VI students of
Cagayan de Oro City. This was a public school consisted a total number of nine (9)
rooms including their school library and principals office having one (1) teacher in
each year level. The school environment has a wide garden and field fronting the
school gate. Each classroom can accommodate fifteen to fifty (15-50) students
depending on the grade level. Their rooms were well-ventilated and also have
complete materials needed for the students. As a matter of fact, the school came up
with different concerns for their school but the researchers chosen the problem
regarding the poor study habit among grade five (5) and grade six (6) students.
items: 18 standard questions for the Learning Style, 5 for study techniques, 5
questions for time management, 5 for parental involvement and 5 for teachers
personality which are related to the concerned topic. They were also asked by the
researcher for the profiling of the respondents; these questions are about their
Family monthly income, and 3 questions for time management on how theyll going
to manage their time in their study and to the 4 major subjects namely; Mathematics,
purposively gathered the profile information of all the students under grade V and
of 38 questions that were used to determine the profile of the students regarding to
their study habits. The survey questionnaire contained questions that shows their
kinds of study techniques, learning style, and time management; as well as their
profiles about their economic status, teachers attitude or personality towards them,
and their parents involvement when comes to their school matters. Also, the
researchers had read and explained each question loudly in a vernacular dialect to
the class and gave some specific examples that let students understand fully the
questions given and guided them upon answering so they can answer it whole
honestly. The gathered data was now then ready for the data analysis.
Scoring Guidelines
The data that had been gathered by the researchers was analysed using the
used to explain the study habits of Grade V and VI students in Baluarte Elementary
School. The Frequency and Percentage distribution is a display of data that specifies
the percentage observation that exist for each data parts. It is particularly useful
method of expressing the relative frequency survey responses and other data. Many
pie charts. The process of creating a percentage frequency distribution involves first
total number of observations within each data point or grouping of data points; and
then dividing the number of observations within each data point or grouping of data
points. Thus, the following were the guidelines used by the researchers upon
2. Socio-Economic Status
3. Academic Performance
Academic Performance
Grade Interval Description
90-100 Advance
85-89 Proficient
80-84 Approaching-Proficiency
75-79 Developing
60-74 Beginning
4. Learning Styles
This chapter presents how the gathered data was collected, organized,
presented and analyzed. The researchers final respondents were lowered into thirty
four (34) from the expected number of forty two (42) due to the absence of some
These tables were illustrated as one for these are the variables which do not
have indicators in the study. Thus, in a Family Monthly Income group of Table 1.1,
more than half (61.75) of the respondents were said to belong in a family that have a
monthly income of 5,000Php and below. However, in an Academic Performance, the
which is consistent to the overall mean of 80.14, to their four major subjects such as
Learning Styles, nearly half of them having a 41.18% (14) were said to be a VISUAL
LEARNERS and next to it were the 32.35% (11) respondents were said to be an
gathering the data because there were also different statuses that a certain student
has. Others have a high income of the family while others have the opposite. In the
area where the Baluarte Elementary School was located, many of the respondents
have a parents working as farmers and earning a low income. With the ups and
downs of the national economy, everyone needs to manage their money carefully.
Though more than half of them belonged to a family who have a very low monthly
income, still many of them are sent to school by their parents for education; poverty
is not a hindrance for them actually. Moreover, those respondents who belonged to a
VERY LOW family income are said to have a low performance in school. That was
supported by the study of Eun Chul Seo (1999), that a students interest in studies
and academic performance are also affected by the familys socio-economic status
like the income that the family is consuming a day, month, or year. Even on a low
income, there are always a way to survive economically. This may be true for many
people, but current research shows that a family's income affects all aspects of a
child's life.
On the other hand, the respondents Academic Performance, the Table 1.1
the respondents 4 major subjects in their 3 rd Grading grade which was consistent to
their overall mean of 80.14. The students in Baluarte Elementary School resulted to
the students need a little of teachers attention towards their academic aspects as
well as the support of their parents for their education. In fact, academic
performance refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with
or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers. Thus, this was
supported in the study in Imus Institute that the Grading system of K-12 Program of
developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings, and with
little guidance from the teacher and/or with some assistance from peers, can transfer
Another, on the respondents Learning Styles, the Table 1.1 shows nearly half
of the students resulted to be a VISUAL LEARNER. This is because the students are
used to learn by seeing the instructional materials used by their teachers and/or
understanding the lesson through writing or anything that involves vision. A study of
Visual learners remember best what they see--pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time
lines, films, and demonstrations. Verbal learners get more out of words--written and
was intended for the teacher and he stated that a teaching strategy for visual
learners should include the use of demonstrations and visually pleasing materials,
parental involvement. More than half of the respondents (76.48%) have a GOOD-
FAIR parental involvement and which are consistent to their overall mean of 2.75
Table 1.2 Distributions of the Respondents According to their Parental Involvement (n=34)
Parental Involvement
Majority of the parents there fairly involve their selves towards their childrens
activities in school especially in their study habits because there are some factors
that resulted for the good and/or parental involvement. It can be a problem in
family. This was supported in the study according to Wanat (1992, p.47), "Schools
must understand that lack of participation by parents does not necessarily mean
they are neglecting their responsibilities. They simply may not have the time,
resources, or know-how to help out". These are some of the few reasons why many
In connection with the major table results, the indicators show the good
parental involvement which is consistent to the overall mean. This implies that
despite the fact that there are many factors that make a good/fair parental
involvement, more than half of the respondents do still have parents that supports
them in any way. In such, Vandergrift and Greene (1992, p.57) mentioned that there
are two key elements that work together to make up the concept of parental
(3.49) that falls into the description of Very Good, which implies that the respondents
Table 2.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to their Teachers Personality (n=34)
Teachers Personality
The indicator shows that the highest mean of (3.71) obtained the description
of Very Good which implies that the teacher uses varied instructional materials so
that she can provide the respondents learning needs. The respondents appreciate
the management of instruction of their teacher which shows in the result that turn out
to be very good. Using varied instructional materials in that area is very applicable to
gain the interest of the students along the discussion. Since student in rural area are
not exposed to different media, if teacher use different instructional materials, her
student will really pay attention to any interesting instructional aides she will use.
Whether rural or urban they have different learning needs to be cater this is
supported by the study of McDavid (2009) which states that The students usually
have different abilities, skills task, and learning styles, so teachers must modify
instruction to fit each students need. Moreover, this applies to the self-
relatedness which will result into a well determined individual. The indicators lowest
mean of (3.29) though the description remains Very good however the least thing
that the respondents observed in their teacher which is the teachers encouragement
on them to do well in school. Respondents may think though the results are very
good that their teacher has lesser encouragement work because their parents do
more than the teacher encourages them. According to the study of Sheridan et. al.
(2001) that there was a high percentage of ratings among student when ask about
according to their time management with an overall mean of (3.06) that falls into the
description of Good, which implies that the respondents are good in their Study
Table 3.1 Distribution of the Respondents Study Habit according to their Time Management (n=34)
Time Management
1. I am spending enough time planning on 3.27 Very Good
academic matters.
2. I find time to study my lesson. 3.12 Good
3. I do task in order of their importance. 3.09 Good
4. I am making to do list on the things Im 2.53 Good
going to do for a month, week or day.
5. I organize my time to meet deadline. 3.32 Very Good
The indicator shows that the highest mean of (3.32) obtained the description
of Very Good which implies that the respondents agreed on the fifth statement that
they organize their time to meet deadline. The students were practiced to meet
deadlines because that is how their teacher wanted them to do when it comes to the
supporting relationship between her students so that she can monitor the students
overall progress this is supported in the study of Ancess (2003) that says Teacher
advisors follow up on assignments required for students help them organize their
work and meet deadlines.., it shows that one factor for a very good ratings on the
meeting of deadlines was the effort of the teacher and thus promote relatedness.
Furthermore, that relatedness eventually will turn into more determined students
according to the self-determination of Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. The second
higher mean is (3.27) with same description mentioned above Very Good, which
implies that the respondents also agreed that they spend enough time planning on
the academic matters. Since the respondents had a good ratings towards their
Teachers Personality and good in Parental involvement and these two plays an
academic matters considering that most of them belong to low family monthly
incomes. They are motivated to give their best to their studies because that is one
way they believed that will alleviate their living in the near future. Furthermore
students whether in rural and urban setting could plan enough time for academic
matters if their parents and teachers put on emphasis on this by encouraging the
students this is supported in the study of Research & Education Association (2000)
that says teachers, parents and other members of the community are playing an
increasingly important role in setting school policies and goals. Meaning if lack of
these goal setting there would be a possibility to have poor result in the respondents
spending of time planning on the academic matters. The rest of the indicators were
just Good such as finding time always to study, doing their task according to their
importance and making of to do list was due to their family situation, although they
are good in planning but not on executing what has been planned because some
parents allowed their children to help in finding their living the reason why results
Table 3.2 presents the distribution of the respondents study habit according
to their study techniques with an overall mean of (2.92) that falls into the description
of Good, which implies that the respondents have good study habits in terms of their
study techniques.
Table 3.2 Distribution of the Respondents Study Habit According to their Study Techniques (n=34)
Study Techniques
The indicator shows that the highest mean of (3.38) obtained the description
of Very Good which implies that the respondents always practices taking down notes
the teachers writing on the board is the same as note taking since Elementary
students are more on copying the writings of the teachers on the board. According
to Kuhlthau (2007) that many students have difficulty in deciding exactly what to
take down in their notes and yes this true to the researchers observations that most
of the students in Baluarte Elementary School will have a hard time what to take
down notes for the very reason that even simple spelling of the words they do not
know, you need to write it on the board for them to get the exact spelling. On the
other hand the lowest mean among the indicator is (2.41) which states that students
love to study that playing because they know that studying is more important that
spending too much in playing. According to George Scarlett (2004) that All children
want to perform and demonstrate their new skills during the elementary school
years. How they do so may vary depending on the values most cherished and
encouraged in their culture. In such we cannot say that merely studying without
playing is doing well because it does not carry the same meaning in all families, in all
communities and all times. Even if there are various studies that proves that
studying without playing is imbalance because every individual has its own belief
and principle in which they stand, we cannot super impose what is the right thing to
The Table 4.1.1 shows the distribution of test of statistics of the significant
Parental Involvement.
Problem 4: Are there significant differences in their study habits when grouped
Table 4.1.1 Test of Statistics on the Significant Differences in the Respondents Study Habits when
The table presented the very good description to the parental involvement of
the respondents towards their study habits of VERY GOOD group which is
consistent to the overall mean of 3.44 and a very good description. The same as to
towards their study habits that is consistent to the overall mean and description
illustrated above. It shows that the respondents parental involvement reached the
overall mean of 2.75 which indicates as Good. Yet, still theres a need for
improvement because the highest is Very Good. The table presents those students
who have a very good parental involvement got the mean of 3.60 which indicates
very good time management. On the other hand, those students who have good
poor parental involvement got only good time management as well as their study
depends from a very good parental involvement. The result was supported by the
study of Karen Smith Conway (2008); she found that parental involvement has a
strong, positive effect on students achievement. Therefore, students study habits do
Therefore, those respondents who have very good parental involvement also
do have a very good overall result towards their study habits, in consistent to their
mean. This implies that with parents that give attention to their childrens need
resulted to have a very good study habits because since the parents are always
there for them, they will be guided upon the fulfilment of their goals, if ever. While
a good results towards their study habits, that is consistent to their means. This
implies that even that their parents fairly involve their selves in their childrens school
matters, still the parental spirit of a parent prevails in the end. In result, a highly
significant data was gathered. And this result to the rejection of the null hypothesis
The Table 4.1.2 shows the distribution of test of statistics of the significant
differences in the respondents study habits when grouped according to their Family
Monthly Income.
Table 4.1.2 Test of Statistics on the significant difference on the respondents Study Habits according
It shows that those students study habits in the aspect of time management
when group according to family monthly income: very high, above average, and
average, below average, very low have a good time management. Time
management does not matter on the students family class standing. Yet, study habit
in the aspect of time management has a significant difference when group according
according to them that the poor performance was caused by financial resources to
purchase educational materials. But these was contradicted by the study of Conger
et al 1992., Guo and Harris, 2000., they said that economic hardship causes
emotional distressed in parents which, in return, causes to be less attentive and less
interested in their childrens education. Therefore, the students although they are
because their parents do not support them about their school matters. Those
Moreover, students study habits in the aspect of study technique when group
according to their family monthly income, the very high group, above average group,
and the average-low families monthly income has a good study technique. A study
technique does not matter of the students family class standing and there is no
significant difference in the students study habit in the aspects of study techniques
Therefore, those respondents who have whether a high or low family monthly
respondents study habits when grouped according to their family monthly income
because a childs managing of time also differ like in the resources that he/she has if
he/she can afford or not, that means if he has the materials with him then he can go
on to his school works immediately; and also to its study techniques because though
it has a not significant data at first, still when looking in the overall, the study
techniques placed an impact to the students. This is because when he saw the
financial capability of their parents to provide chances, then the students will be
encourage in doing his task (Eun Chul Seo, 1999). This result rejected the null
The Table 4.1.3 shows the distribution of test of statistics of the significant
Learning Styles.
Table 4.1.3. Test of Statistics on the significant difference on the respondents Study Habits according
audio-visual, kinea-
STUDY visual, Audio-kinae, F-value
HABITS Visual Auditory Kinae-audio-visual
x desc. x desc. x desc.
Time 0.56
2.98 Good 3.16 Good 3.07 Good
Management (ns)
Study 0.28
2.87 Good 3.00 Good 2.89 Good
Techniques (ns)
2.93 Good 3.08 Good 2.98 Good
LEGEND: * -Significant **- Highly Significant
significant difference in their study habit when grouped according to learning style.
Learning styles are different approaches and ways of learning. The result was
supported by the study of Gordon (1998), he said that to learn, we depend in our
senses to process the information around us. Learning style shows how one
particular individual will react to a specific situation and how he will behave in a
unique learning situation and depends on his learning style, he also stated that
Therefore, the respondents learning styles have a not significant data in the
overall results which were consistent to their means towards their F-value and this
implies that a ones learning style is innate for an individual and only a person
himself can do his management of time and the technique in studying. Generally,
learning is central to all behaviour. Each learner is unique individual with different
abilities, and ways of thinking and responding thus these characteristics have a
significant influence on ones learning style (Figueroa, 2008-2009). This result does
not reject the null hypothesis stated in the first chapter of this study.
The Table 4.1.4 shows the distribution of test of statistics of the significant
Academic Performance.
Advance Developing
(90-100) and Approaching- (75-79) and
ST UDY Proficient Proficiency Beginning F-value
HABITS (85-89) (80-84) (60-74)
x desc. x desc. x desc.
Time 1.16
2.85 Good 3.02 Good 3.15 Good
Management (ns)
Study 4.74
2.47 Fair 2.98 Good 3.04 Good
Techniques (*)
2.66 Good 3.02 Good 3.09 Good
LEGEND: ns- Not Significant * -Significant
but fair in their study techniques. There is no significant difference in study habits in
On the other hand, study techniques show significant difference on study habit when
must balance playing and studying because it could benefit childrens intelligence
and psychosocial development. Fair study techniques may lead to poor academic
performance, but according to Annie Murphy Paul (2013), she said that highlighting
and underlining lead the authors list of ineffective learning strategies. She also
emphasize the techniques in studying offer no benefit beyond simply reading the
reading, it may hamper the process of making connections and drawing inferences,
accounts for little variance in academic performance (Bakare, 1975). More emphasis
personality variables like self-concept and study habit. Me Comb et al (1990) said
performance for success, and study habits. This result rejected the null hypothesis
The Table 4.1.2 shows the distribution of test of statistics of the significant
Teachers Personality.
Table 4.2.1 Test of Statistics on the significant difference on the respondents Study Habits according
Very Good
(2.50-3.24; 1.75-2.49;
STUDY HABITS (3.25-4.00) T-stat value
x desc. x desc.
Time Management 3.16 Good 2.78 Good
Study Techniques 3.03 Good 2.60 Good
3.10 Good 2.69 Good
LEGEND: * -Significant **- Highly Significant
management and the ranges from 1.00-3.24 are the group for a good-poor teachers
personality shows also a good time management. Yet, theres still a need for
improvement. Thus, there were significant differences in study habits in the aspect of
time management and study techniques. The result was supported by Hanbbel Meer
of hub, it was stated that, a good teacher has a good personality.
Therefore, students always get attracted to teachers with good personalities and
good results. However, not all the time if the teacher has a very good personality
means the student performance is also good. We should also consider other factors
the one who is in-charge of the learning of the students for their education inside the
classroom. Both the Very Good group and the poor-good group resulted to have a
GOOD description towards their study habits in consistent to their means. Moreover,
enthusiastic teachers can create a lively and energetic classroom. Students will be
satisfied with whatever teachers teach. Teacher can lead them in the learning
process and they follow what teachers perform as well. (Cruickshank et. al., 2003,
p.332). This result rejected the null hypothesis stated in the first chapter of this study.
Chapter 5
This chapter will present the summary, the conclusion and recommendations
The study was conducted to find out the study habits of grade V and VI
by the researchers to answer the question posed for this research work. One set of
another set of questionnaire are questions that helps to determine the respondents
Aside from the 38 item survey questionnaire is a set of questions that determines the
their four major subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English, and Filipino.
Another source of information used in this study was the record of the
students 3rd grading grades of grade V and VI provided by the mentors of the two
In analysing the data, the researchers used the Frequency and Percentage
Distribution in order to understand and interpret these data correctly. The T-test and
The data were classified in different tables and grouped together in relation to
four problems posed in this particular study; thus, the researchers came up with the
following findings:
1. It was found that out of the 34 respondents, there were more male
parents are good in any active school activities and also help them in their
belonged to Below Average Class with the familys income from 5,001-
income is from 10,000-19,999. Yet, there was only one student who
20,000-24,999, and one student who belong to a Very High class whose
5. Regarding their academic performance, half of the total number of the
respondents spent their time in studying for this subject was 20-30
study techniques. It also indicated that they are good in making their own
notes and it can be seen also that they rather study at home than playing.
11. When grouped according to Parental Involvement, there was no significant
difference that was revealed in the students study habits in the aspects on
significant difference that was shown in the students study habits in the
differences that were shown in the students study habits in the aspects of
differences that were revealed in the students study habits in the aspects
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
that Students will know what kind of learner he/she to fit what kind of Study
There is a need to consider the family monthly income in any school works.
Teachers personality may be the factor to a good time management but the
parental involvement as it show high significant effect in the study habit of the
In general, the results of the study implies that the factors that affects the
study habit of the students in Baluarte elementary School are the very low family
monthly income of the students that hinders to them to do well in School and not so
full Involvement of the Parents in monitoring their child in their Study habit in terms
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are given:
To the parents, whose still need for improvement on how involve they are on
To the teachers, it may be helpful to give projects that do not involve financial
matters considering family monthly income. Teachers may also give projects using
indigenous materials considering the different learning styles of the students; this
them appreciate the value of good study habit, peer acceptance, and guidance
assess low performing students and will encourage self-awareness in order to help
To the future researchers you may considered the factors that affect poor
may also use Random Sampling Method for your data gathering.
Cruickshank, D.R., Jenkins, D.B. and Metacalf, K.K.(2003). The Act of Teaching.
3rd ed. McGraw-Hill.
Demarest, E.J., Reisner, E.R., Anderson, L.M., Humphrey, D.C., Farquhar, E., &
Stein, S.E. (1993). Review of research on achieving the nation's readiness
goal. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Kuhlthau (2007). Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century. Greenwood
Publishing Group. Page 89
R.E.A. (2000). Careers for the Year 2000 and Beyond. Research & Education
Association. Page 34
Wanat, C. (1992). Meeting the needs of Single-Parent Children: School and parent
Views Differ. NASSP Bulletin, 76(543), 43-48.
Internet Links
Dumayag, Harlie Marie. (2009). Thesis about Study Habits. Retrieved from
Karim and Hassan. (2012). Effects of Study Habits on the Academic Achievement
Retrieved form
Edwards, S. (2007). 50 Plus One Ways to Improve Your Study Habits. Retrieved
Standifer, B.H., & Branch-Smith. (1968). A Practical Guide to Good Study Habits.
Retrieved from
Hunbbel Meer. (2010). Children should play and study rather than learn how to do
household chores. Retrieved from
Andrew J. Houtenville and Karen Smith Conway. Parental Effort, School Resources,
and Student Achievement. J. Human Resources, XLIII(2): 437-453