Infills in Opensees
Infills in Opensees
Infills in Opensees
DOI 10.1007/s40091-015-0086-5
Received: 18 July 2014 / Accepted: 30 March 2015 / Published online: 15 April 2015
The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at
118 Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127
Fig. 1 a Infill walls collapse (Romao et al. 2013), b soft-storey mechanism (Costa et al. 2010) and c out-of-plane and in-plane damage
mechanisms in exterior masonry walls (Romao et al. 2013)
Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127 119
panel nonlinear material properties. Lofti and Shing studied proposed methods for calculating the effective diagonal
in 1991 the efficiency of homogenous smeared-crack strut width based on experimental tests.
models to capture the response of reinforced masonry wall, Klingler and Bertero (1978) considered the nonlinear
and they showed that the smeared-crack model can accu- behaviour of the masonry infill wall when submitted to
rately capture the flexural failure of the reinforced masonry dynamic loadings, and Liauw and Kwan (1984) developed
wall (Lofti and Shing 1991). Mehrabi and Shing (1997) a semiempirical equation to compute the strut width as a
proposed a simplified micro-modelling model that function of other geometrical parameters of the panel.
simulated the cracking, crushing and sliding of masonry Zarnic and Tomazevic (1988) proposed a macro-model that
panel for cyclic and monotonic response. Lourenco and takes into account the strength and stiffness of the infills.
Rots (1997) developed in 1997 an elasto-plastic constitu- Saneinejad and Hobbs (1995) tried to predict their non-
tive model for interface element which shows the ability to linear behaviour through a numerical model that represents
capture the peak load and post-peak behaviour of the infill the stiffness and strength degradation of one infill panel.
panel when compared to experimental results. Zarnic and Gostic (1997b) proposed an empirical equation,
Oliveira and Lourenco (2004) developed a constitutive which was later modified by Dolsek and Fajfar (2002) to
model based on the earlier interface element to simulate the compute the shear ultimate strength of the masonry infill
cyclic behaviour of the interface element recurring to wall. Dolsek and Fajfar (2002) also defined a tri-linear
8-node continuum plane stress element to model the ma- response of the single-strut model, including an elastic,
sonry units. Most recently, Stavridis and Shing (2010) and hardening and post-capping branch. Flanagan and Bennet
Koutromanos et al. (2011) proposed different micro-mod- (1999) focused on the modelling of the corner crushing
elling approaches, and another couple of micro-modelling strength and stiffness of the infills.
approaches can be found at Asteris et al. (2013). Later, through the obtained results it becomes clear that
using only one single strut was insufficient to model the
Macro-modelling entire behaviour of the infill panel. The shear forces and the
bending moment in the frame members cannot be
The masonry infill walls can be analysed through simpli- adequately given using one single strut connected to the
fied macro-models that use different strategies, ranging two loaded corners. Different complex macro-models were
from very simple models such as the equivalent strut model proposed based on the number of diagonal struts which has
to much more complex models like the double- and triple- the main advantage of representing the real behaviour of
strut model as illustrated in Fig. 3ac, respectively the infill panel when submitted to seismic actions.
(Crisafulli 1997a). Syrmakesis and Vratsanou (1986) changed this strut
Polyakov (1960) suggested the possibility of considering model to a five-diagonal strut model that can model the
the effect of modelling the infills as equivalent to one di- global forcedisplacement response but otherwise is not
agonal strut, which was later modified by Holmes (1961) able to capture the interaction between infill panel and the
that replaced the infill panel with an equivalent pin-jointed surrounding frame. Schmidt (1989) proposed a double strut
diagonal strut made of the same material and having the that takes into account with the frameinfill interaction and
same thickness of the masonry infill wall. Later, Smith also the strength and stiffness of the panel. Chrystomou
(1962) based on the experimental tests found the need of (1991) increases the number of struts in order to represent
introducing new required parameters to modelling the in- the infill panel response with three parallel struts in which
fills. Mainstone and Weeks (1970) and Mainstone (1974) direction.
120 Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127
Crisafully (1997a) investigated the influence of different behaviour in the other direction. Therefore, the proposed
multi-strut models on the structural response of masonry model represents more accurately the global response and
infill walls, focusing in particular on the interaction with energy dissipation during structural response.
surrounding frames and the stiffness of the structure.
Crisafulli (Smyrou et al. 2011) adopted a double-strut
model approach that is accurate enough and less compli- Proposed procedure for masonry infill wall
cated than other models. modelling in OpenSees
El-Dakhakhni et al. (2003) developed a model with
three non-parallel struts to reproduce the proper moment The macro-model proposed here to be used in the computer
diagram of the columns in an infilled due to the interaction program OpenSees (Mckenna et al. 2000) is based on the
between infill and the surrounding frame and also to Rodrigues et al. (2010) proposal model which is an im-
adequately capture the corner crushing failure mechanism. provement of the commonly used equivalent bi-diagonal
Crisafulli and Carr (2007) proposed a new macro-model strut model, as said before. This simplified macro-model
as a four-node panel, which is connected to the frame at the does not take into account the short-column effects. For
beamcolumn joints and is composed of two parallel struts infilled frames where the short-column effect can be in-
and a shear spring in each direction, takes into account the duced, multiple-strut model strategy should be adopted.
compressive and shear behaviour of the infill panel. In this model (Rodrigues et al. 2010), each infill panel is
Recently, Rodrigues et al. (Rodrigues 2005) proposed a defined by considering four support strut elements, with
simplified macro-model which is an upgrading of the rigid in-plane behaviour, and a central element, where the
equivalent bi-diagonal compression strut model (as shown in-plane nonlinear hysteretic behaviour is concentrated, as
in Fig. 4), commonly used to simulate the nonlinear be- illustrated in Fig. 5a, b. The forces developed in the central
haviour of infill masonry panels subjected to cyclic loads element are purely of tensile or compressive nature when
and validate with experimental results obtained. Each submitted to in-plane solicitations. The idealization of the
masonry panel is structurally defined by four support strut central element nonlinear monotonic behaviour was char-
elements with rigid behaviour and one central strut ele- acterized by a multi-linear curve, defined by eight pa-
ment, where the nonlinear hysteretic behaviour is concen- rameters (Fig. 5c), representing: (a) cracking (cracking
trated (Fig. 4). This particular macro-model considers how force Fc and cracking dc); (b) yielding (yielding force Fy
the in-plane damage in one direction affects the infills and yielding displacement dy); (c) maximum strength,
corresponding to the beginning of crushing (Fmax and
corresponding displacement dmax); (d) residual strength
(Fu) and corresponding displacement (du). The hysteretic
rules calibrated for infills models are controlled by three
additional parameters such: stiffness degradationa,
pinching effectb and strength degradationc.
The proposed macro-model for masonry infill walls was
implemented in OpenSees (Mckenna et al. 2000) with the
association of the available OpenSees materials, sections
and elements commands. The infill model is composed of
four elastic beam columns for the diagonal elements and
one nonlinear beam column for the central element. The
Fig. 4 Rodrigues et al.s simplified macro-model (Rodrigues 2005) Pinching 4 uniaxial material model (Fig. 6) was used to
Force (kN)
Diagonal strut
dc dy dFmax du Inter-Storey
drift (%)
Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127 121
represent the hysteretic rule and was calibrated with ex- masonry crack stress obtained based on experimental tests;
perimental characteristics of the infills. the t, Lin and h0 are the thickness, length and height of the
This uniaxial material is adopted to represents a pin- panel, respectively.
ched load-deformation response which exhibits degrada- q
Lin t ftp
tion under cyclic loading. The strength and stiffness cyclic Fmax 0:818 1 CI2 1 1
degradation occur in three ways: unloading stiffness
degradation, reloading stiffness degradation and strength Lin
CI 1:925 2
degradation. h0
The parameters required to define this uniaxial material The ratio of cracking and maximum strength (Fy/Fcr) is
hysteric behaviour can be obtained following different adopted as 0.55 following Dolsek and Fajfar (2008) rec-
authors and international codes recommendations. Previous ommendations and the experimental tests performed by
tests performed by different authors showed that the first Manzouri (1995).
crack appears to drift values between 0.05 and 0.15 % of The post-peak strength degradation is based on Dolsek
drift (dc), and the respective cracking force (Fc) can be and Fajfar (2008) that estimate the displacement at residual
determined through the relationship between dc and Em, strength (du) is five times of the displacement of maximum
which is the elasticity modulus of the infill panel. stress. The value of the residual strength is about 20 % of
Manzouri (1995) and Shing et al. (2009) found that the the maximum strength (Fu).
maximum strength (Fcr) occurs at approximately 0.25 % of
drift (dcr). The maximum strength can be calculated
through Eq. (1) proposed by Zarnic and Gornic (1997a) and Calibration of the proposed model
later modified by Dolsek and Fajfar (2008) where ftp is the
The proposed macro-model presented here to represent the
masonry infill walls in OpenSees (Mckenna et al. 2000)
was calibrated the results of a cyclic in-plane test per-
formed by Pires (1990). The infilled RC is a single bay,
scaled 2:3 with hollow clay bricks. The geometric char-
acteristics of the frame, the cross section dimensions and
the reinforcement detailing of the columns and beam are
presented in Fig. 7.
The axial load was applied on the top of the columns to
simulate the dead load, and imposed cyclic horizontal
displacements were applied. The mechanical properties of
each material are determined experimentally and are pre-
sented in Table 1. Additional information about the mate-
Fig. 6 Pinching 4 uniaxial materialgeneric hysteretic behaviour in rial properties and the materials experimental tests can be
OpenSees (Mckenna et al. 2000) found in Pires (1990)
(a) (b)
Fig. 7 Single-storey single-bay infilled masonry RC frame: a frame geometry. b Cross section dimensions and detailing of RC elements
122 Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127
Fig. 8 a Hysteretic behaviour of the masonry infill wall, b base sheartop displacement, c shear-drift envelope and d energy dissipated results of
experimental test and the numerical model
The RC frame was modelled using beam with hinges which are based on recommendations from past re-
elements. The properties of the models (RC frame and infill searchers, experimental tests and are in accordance with
panel) were calibrated with test results from material spe- the FEMA 356 (2000) recommendations, and the hysteretic
cimens (Table 1). curve of the central element is illustrated in Fig. 8a. The
The reference parameters adopted for the central ele- numerical model results were calibrated with the ex-
ment followed the proposed values by Zarnic and Gostic perimental results in terms of shear-top displacement
(1997c) and later modified by Dolsek and Fajfar (2008) (Fig. 8b), shear-drift envelopes (Fig. 8c) and energy
Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127 123
Fig. 10 a Bare frame (BF) model, b full infill (INF) model and c soft-storey (SS) model
124 Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127
Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127 125
2000-year RP 1
-1 0 15
126 Int J Adv Struct Eng (2015) 7:117127
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