Ards Prone Position
Ards Prone Position
Ards Prone Position
Affiliations: Reanimation Medicale, Hopital de la Croix-Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Universite de Lyon,
Creatis INSERM 1044, Lyon, France.
Correspondence: Claude Guerin, Reanimation Medicale, Hopital de la Croix-Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon,
Universite de Lyon, Creatis INSERM 1044, 103 Grande Rue de la Croix-Rousse, Lyon 69004, France.
ABSTRACT Prone positioning has been used for many years in patients with acute lung injury (ALI)/
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), with no clear benefit for patient outcome. Meta-analyses have
suggested better survival in patients with an arterial oxygen tension (PaO2)/inspiratory oxygen fraction
(FIO2) ratio ,100 mmHg. A recent randomised controlled trial was performed in ARDS patients after a
1224 h stabilisation period and severity criteria (PaO2/FIO2 ,150 mmHg at a positive end-expiratory
pressure o5 cmH2O). This trial has demonstrated a significant reduction in mortality from 32.8% in the
supine group to 16% in the prone group (p,0.001). The reasons for this dramatic effect are not clear but
probably involves a reduction in ventilator-induced lung injury due to prone positioning, for which there is
ample evidence in experimental and clinical studies.
The aims of this article are to discuss: the rationale of prone positioning in patients with ALI/ARDS; the
evidence of its use based on trial analysis; and the limitations of its use as well as the current place of prone
positioning in the management of patients with ALI/ARDS.
From the currently available data, prone positioning should be used as a first-line therapy in patients with
severe ALI/ARDS.
Prone positioning and low tidal volume should be the first-line therapy in patients with continued
ARDS and severity criteria
It took almost 40 years from the early recommendation by BRYAN [1] to use prone positioning in patients
with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) to the demonstration of its beneficial effect on patient
survival (fig. 1) [2]. Meanwhile, research has explored the mechanisms by which prone positioning could
improve oxygenation and reduce ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). Furthermore, several randomised
controlled trials (RCTs) have been performed to test the effect of prone positioning on patient outcome. Of
interest over these 40 years was the continuous interaction between pathophysiological advances and the
search for clinical evidence of efficiency, and the continuous refinement in trial design. The aims of this
article are to summarise the rationale for prone positioning, the level of evidence supporting its use, its
limitations and its place in the current management of ARDS.
From an historical point of view, the first rationale for using prone positioning in ARDS patients is
improvement in oxygenation. We now know that this goal is less important than other rationale that will be
discussed later. A large number of reports have shown that the improvement in oxygenation in ARDS was
frequent, observed in ,75% of the cases, and sometimes dramatic, i.e. during a prone session. The
oxygenation response is commonly defined as an increase in the arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) by 20% or an
increase in the PaO2/inspiratory oxygen fraction (FIO2) ratio by o20 mmHg from the supine position.
Therefore, from the onset prone positioning has mainly been thought of and used as a rescue therapy to
relieve life-threatening hypoxaemia. For instance, in 1997 MURE et al. [3] reported on 13 ARDS patients,
mostly secondary lung injury (indirect lung injury stemming from nonrespiratory severe sepsis/septic
shock), who received low positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and high FIO2. 11 of the patients had a
PaO2/FIO2 ratio of ,100 mmHg in the supine position and in four patients this ratio was ,50 mmHg. In six
patients, the PaO2/FIO2 ratio increased by a factor of at least four in the prone position. From their results,
the authors concluded that prone positioning should be used as a first-line therapy before the use of nitric
oxide and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Moving forward into the RCT era, the effects on
oxygenation were then assessed for prone positioning using a group, not just as a single session. Therefore,
the effects on oxygenation in the prone position group were compared to the supine position group. Meta-
analyses showed a significantly greater risk, ,3040%, for better oxygenation in the prone position group [4, 5].
In 1988, LANGER et al. [6] reported on the effects of prone positioning on oxygenation in 13 ARDS patients,
mostly primary lung injury (direct lung injury mainly stemming from pneumonia or aspiration), who
received higher PEEP and lower FIO2. Furthermore, the authors performed lung computed tomography
(CT) scans in two patients, not only in the supine position but also in the prone position. In patient 4, PaO2
increased from 76 mmHg in the supine position to 141 mmHg in the prone position, with a similar PEEP
of 10 cmH2O and FIO2 of 0.60. The lung densities observed on the lung CT scan redistributed from the
dorsal to the ventral regions with the corresponding body position change. In contrast, in patient 9, for an
almost similar redistribution of the dorsal lung densities towards the ventral regions when in prone
position, PaO2 decreased from 101 mmHg to 64 mmHg from the supine to the prone position, with the
same PEEP of 10 cmH2O and FIO2 of 0.60. These unexpected findings have not been previously observed.
Thus, the authors performed a systematic investigation of lung CT scans in the supine and prone position in
normal subjects and in patients with acute respiratory failure [7]. The patients received, on average, PEEP of
11 cmH2O, FIO2 of 0.58 and tidal volume (VT) of 10 mL?kg-1 measured body weight. The gas/tissue ratio
assessed on the CT scan decreased progressively across the ventral to dorsal gradient in the supine position,
indicating a progressive loss of aeration. With the prone position, the gas/tissue ratio increased towards the
dorsal regions, reflecting more aeration in these regions, but was decreased in the ventral regions, which
were dependent on the gravitational force. Accordingly, the improvement in oxygenation in the prone
position is due to a reduction in intrapulmonary shunt [8] and results from the concomitant effect of the
increase in aeration in the dorsal lung regions, which was greater than the loss of aeration in the ventral
regions, and the prevalence of lung perfusion into those dorsal regions. The fact that blood continues to
flow towards the dorsal regions in the prone position has been demonstrated in many studies. Therefore,
the reduction in intrapulmonary shunt is due to more ventilation in well-perfused lung areas.
a) End-inspiration b) End-inspiration
Volutrauma Barotrauma
End-expiration c) End-expiration
FIGURE 2 a) The distribution of normally aerated (white circles), poorly aerated (grey circles), non-aerated (black
rectangle) and consolidated (green rectangle) lung areas during acute respiratory distress syndrome while in the supine
position during end-inspiration and end-expiration. b) Barotrauma (alveolar rupture with air leaks) and volutrauma
(overdistension in the normally aerated lung areas). c) Atelectrauma, i.e. shear stress in the poorly aerated lung areas close
to the consolidated non-recruitable lung areas. Biotrauma (biochemical and biological response) results from volutrauma
and/or atelectrauma with activation of pro-inflammatory mediators within the lungs and distant end organs. The red
circle represents the heart.
a) End-inspiration b) End-inspiration
End-expiration End-expiration
FIGURE 3 Homogenisation of the distribution of lung aeration as a result of moving from a) the supine to b) the prone
position during acute respiratory distress syndrome. The red circle represents the heart. White circles: normally aerated
lung areas; grey circles: poorly aerated lung areas; black rectangle: non-aerated lung areas; green rectangle: consolidated
lung areas.
Further findings pertaining to VILI prevention using prone positioning have increased over time in the
literature. Prone positioning makes the following more homogeneously distributed in the anterior-to-
posterior direction throughout the lungs: lung densities (fig. 3) [7, 21], as previously discussed;
intrapulmonary shunt [22]; lung ventilation [23]; and transpulmonary pressure [24]. By favouring such
a homogenisation, prone positioning prepares the lung to receive the strain imposed by mechanical
ventilation [25], and hence makes the distribution of the resulting stress more homogeneous across the
lung. Stress/strain homogenisation is associated with less risk for VILI. Furthermore, the global lung stress
and strain is reduced in the prone position. MENTZELOPOULOS et al. [26] found that transpulmonary
pressure, i.e. lung stress, and VT to end-expiratory lung volume ratio, i.e. lung strain, were lower in the
prone position than in the supine position. GALIATSOU et al. [27] performed a lung CT scan in ARDS
patients in the supine position and then in the prone position, same patient restricted to different
interventions. The authors found that the prone position was associated with significant alveolar
recruitment and less hyperinflation compared to the supine position, and that these effects were more
important in lobar than diffuse ARDS anatomical pattern. These findings were confirmed and even
expanded on by CORNEJO et al. [28], who assessed the lung recruitability in the supine position. The prone
position promoted lung recruitment and reduced overdistension in patients in both categories of low and
high recruitability at either low or high PEEP in the prone position. However, tidal recruitment and
derecruitment, i.e. cyclic opening and closing of the small airways (atelectrauma), and tidal hyperinflation
were significantly reduced in the prone position in only the subgroup of ARDS patients who had high
recruitability in the supine position and who were receiving higher PEEP in the prone position.
VILI is subtended by biochemical and biological events implicated in the regulation of lung inflammation, a
process termed biotrauma (fig. 2). PAPAZIAN et al. [29] found that the prone position was associated with
lower lung concentration of interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6 and IL-1b compared to the supine position in ARDS
patients ventilated with 6 mL?kg-1 predicted body weight VT and higher PEEP. In rodents subjected to
injurious mechanical ventilation (VT 18 mL?kg-1 and PEEP 0 cmH2O), prone ventilation has been shown to
maintain the expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-phosphatase 1, a pivotal regulator in
VILI, while the supine position was associated with a significant downregulation [30]. Mice deficient in
MAPK-phosphatase 1 were more susceptible to VILI [30].
TABLE 1 Characteristics of the five largest randomised controlled trials testing the role of prone positioning in patient survival
Patients n
Supine position 152 378 60 174 229
Prone position 152 413 76 168 237
Patients with ARDS %
Supine position 93.3 28 100 100 100
Prone position 94.7 33.9 100 100 100
PaO2/FIO2 at inclusion mmHg 127 150 147 113 100
Tidal volume at inclusion mL?kg-1 10.3 MBW 8 MBW 8.4 PBW 8 PBW 6.1 PBW
PEEP at inclusion cmH2O 10 8 12 10 10
Prone position session duration# h 7 8 17 18 17
Mortality %
Supine position 25 31.5 58 32.8 32.8
Prone position 21.1 32.4 43 31 16
ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; PaO2: arterial oxygen tension; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure;
MBW: measured body weight; PBW: predicted body weight. #: average hours per session.
So, there is large body of evidence supporting the fact that prone position ventilation has relevant beneficial
physiological effects in ARDS. These benefits were progressively discovered together with major advances in
mechanical ventilation. Whether these physiological benefits can translate into improvement in patient
outcome will be discussed in the next section.
To date, five large RCTs (table 1), as well as some smaller ones, have tested the role of prone positioning in
patient survival. Over time there has been a continuous refinement of the design of the RCTs taking into
account the advances made in mechanical ventilation (table 2). For example, protective lung ventilation was
only applied in the two most recent trials [2, 34], the duration of prone sessions was increased from the
third trial onwards [2, 33, 34], and the targeted population focused on the most severe ARDS patients in
terms of hypoxaemia, and crossover was not allowed for patients allocated to the supine position group
except as a rescue therapy in the two most recent trials [2, 34]. The four largest RCTs performed meta-
analyses on both study and patient levels [3134]. Both analyses consistently found that prone positioning
was associated with a significant reduction in mortality in the subgroup of patients with a PaO2/FIO2 ratio
,100 mmHg.
We designed, performed and published the fifth large RCT on prone positioning in a specific ARDS
subgroup, termed severe ARDS [2]. This was defined according to local criteria before the Berlin definition
was released [35]. We found a significant reduction in 28-day mortality (the primary end-point) with 32.8%
mortality in the supine group versus 16% mortality in the prone group (p,0.001). At 90 days, mortality in
the supine and prone groups was 41% and 23.6%, respectively (p,0.001).
Our RCT included 10 specific features (table 3), which, in addition to the physiological benefits of prone
positioning discussed previously, may explain this result. The stabilisation period of 1224 h we mandated
had previously been used by VILLAR et al. [36] to select the most severe ARDS patients. It could be that this
stabilisation period in our RCT included selected patients who may have benefited from prone positioning.
However, it remains unclear whether this had occurred and what could be the mechanisms underlying this
hypothesis. It should be stressed that the PROSEVA (Proning Severe ARDS Patients) trial [2] included
highly selected patients by study design: severity criteria, stabilisation period, and several noninclusion
criteria. Therefore, one issue for a wider use of prone positioning may be related to the capability to select
the right patients. Furthermore, the skills of the caregivers are essential for the safety of the procedure. This
important point will be discussed below.
The PROSEVA trial [2] and the second Italian RCT (PSII: Prone Supine II) [34] were very close in their
design to the five largest RCTs (table 4), as they implemented most of the advances achieved in mechanical
ventilation, prone positioning and adjunct therapies. The reasons why PROSEVA succeeded and PSII did
not are unclear but may be related to the items presented in table 4, in particular strict lung protective
ventilation, concentrated prone period, less complications and larger sample size in the former study.
It should also be highlighted that, for a greater severity of patients enrolled in the PROSEVA trial, the
outcome in the control group was similar to that in the PSII trial (table 1). This finding may reflect the
continuous improvement in the patients care and the skills in performing prone positioning in the
participating intensive care units in the PROSEVA trial. This latter argument is supported by the fact that
the same rate of complications between the two groups was observed in the PROSEVA trial contrary to the
previous RCTs, including PSII.
Our trial has some limitations as the two groups were not completely balanced (by chance) at the time of
randomisation. In particular, the Sequential Organ Function Assessment score was lower in the prone
group. This was observed even though in order to be included the patients had to have a mean arterial
blood pressure o65 mmHg. Even though this criterion was met by every patient in both groups, the rate of
patients receiving vasopressors was greater in the supine group. However, in the multivariate analysis the
effect of the prone position was still highly significant.
From the onset it was pointed out that the procedure of prone positioning exposes serious complications, in
particular those related to airways, such as endotracheal tube displacement (main stem intubation or non-
scheduled extubation), endotracheal tube obstruction or kinking, and vascular access kinking or removal. In
our trial [32], as in others [31, 33], the rate of complications was significantly greater in the prone group
compared to the supine group [4]. However, the mortality was not higher in the prone group. The same was
true in the PSII RCT, in which the use of rotoprone was implicated in the observed higher rate of
complications in the prone group. Therefore, the caregivers were very reluctant to expand the use of prone
positioning in their intensive care unit given the lack of a clear significant benefit. The benefit/risk ratio was
judged to not be in favour of extensive use of prone positioning. In the PROSEVA trial, for the first time,
the rate of serious complications was similar between the two groups. This finding is probably the result of
the expertise and skills of the centres involved in the trial that performed the procedure safely. Following the
PROSEVA trial the benefit/risk ratio has greatly improved due to the significant increase in survival.
TABLE 3 Key features in the PROSEVA trial on prone positioning in severe acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS) patients
PROSEVA: Proning Severe ARDS Patients; PaO2: arterial oxygen tension; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction;
PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; VT: tidal volume.
TABLE 4 Characteristics of the PSII and PROSEVA randomised controlled trials on prone positioning in acute respiratory
disease syndrome patients
Centres n 25 27
Support Rotoprone in 20 centres Standard bed
Patients n
Supine position 168 229
Prone position 174 237
Inclusion criteria PaO2/FIO2 f200 mmHg + PEEP 510 cmH2O PaO2/FIO2 ,150 mmHg + PEEP o5 cmH2O + FIO2 o0.60
Stratification of randomisation Yes No
Stabilisation period No Yes
Stopping prone criteria Resolution of ARF Improvement in oxygenation (PaO2/FIO2 .150 mmHg +
PEEP ,10 cmH2O + FIO2 ,0.60)
Target tidal volume mL?kg-1 8 PBW 6 PBW
PEEP management Local PEEP/FIO2 table PEEP/FIO2 table used in the ARMA trial
Target oxygenation PaO2 7090 mmHg PaO2 5580 mmHg
Target plasma pH 7.307.45 7.207.45
SAPS II 4115 4616
SOFA score 6.83.9 10.03.3
PaO2/FIO2 at inclusion mmHg 11339 10425
PEEP at inclusion cmH2O 103 104
Tidal volume at inclusion mL?kg-1 8.01.7 PBW 6.10.6 PBW
Pplat at inclusion cmH2O Not available 245
Average prone session duration h 184 174
Time in prone# % 50 73
Average prone position sessions 86 44
per patient in the prone position
Data are presented as mean SD, unless otherwise stated. PSII: Prone Supine II: PROSEVA: Prone Severe ARDS Patients; PaO2: arterial oxygen
tension; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; ARF: acute respiratory failures; SAPS: Simplified Acute
Physiology Score; SOFA: Sequential Organ Function Assessment; Pplat: plateau pressure; PBW: predicted body weight. #: time spent in the prone
position between the start of the first session and the end of the last session.
However, there is another side-effect of prone positioning that may cause some concern to the patients,
their family and the caregivers, namely pressure ulcers. Previous trials and meta-analyses, also reported a
greater incidence of pressure ulcers with the use of prone positioning. Furthermore, the facial location of
pressure ulcers may have a psychological impact on the patients and their family. In the PROSEVA trial, as
an ancillary study, the location and stage of pressure ulcers at time of inclusion, 7 days after inclusion and at
intensive care unit discharge was prospectively reported in both groups. A greater incidence of new pressure
ulcers was found in the prone position group during the first week and at the time of intensive care unit
discharge [37]. However, in the logistic regression analysis the position group was no longer significantly
associated with new pressure ulcers. An unresolved issue was the role of prone position per se and greater
survival in the prone group with the subsequent greater risk for pressure ulcers. At any rate, preventive
means should be tested in the prone position.
thresholds, respectively. It is unclear whether mortality does regularly increase from the mild to the severe
ARDS category in the Berlin definition [42].
Based on the positive results of the ACURASYS and PROSEVA trials, it would be more appropriate to split
ARDS patients into only two categories, a PaO2/FIO2 ratio of ,150 mmHg and .150 mmHg assessed at
PEEP o5 cmH2O. In ARDS patients with an PaO2/FIO2 ratio ,150 mmHg, the mechanical ventilation
should start with the following settings: lower VT, neuromuscular blockade for the first 48 h and prone
positioning for long sessions until PaO2/FIO2 is .150 mmHg.
Large multicentre trials are ongoing to investigate the effects of the following interventions on patient
outcome: PEEP set according to end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure, ECMO and spontaneous
ventilation. It is worth noting that in the control group, i.e traditional lung protective ventilation, the use of
prone positioning is not mandated. These trials were, however, designed before the release of the results of
the PROSEVA trial.
In conclusion, there is now a large body of evidence supporting the fact that prone positioning improves
mortality in patients with severe ARDS. Accordingly, prone positioning should be used as a first-line
therapy in this setting.
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