Body Condition Scoring As A Tool For Dairy Herd Management PDF
Body Condition Scoring As A Tool For Dairy Herd Management PDF
Body Condition Scoring As A Tool For Dairy Herd Management PDF
Herd Management
Research demonstrates that a cows body condition relates to
her overall performance and that body condition scoring can
be an important tool in dairy herd management. In scoring a
cow, the tail head and loin are the major areas to evaluate.
Target scores help determine what condition to aim for during
the different stages of lactation. If done on a regular basis,
body condition scoring can improve dairy herd nutrition,
health, and production. Proper conditioning, then, can be
accomplished by body condition scoring, paying close
attention to the animals, and ensuring that their nutrient
requirements are being met, but not exceeded.
Contact Information
Jud Heinrichs
Professor of Dairy Science
[email protected]
Coleen Jones
Research Associate
[email protected]
Virginia A. Ishler
Extension Dairy Specialist
[email protected]