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Finite-Element Analysis of Shear-Off Failure of Keyed

Dry Joints in Precast Concrete Segmental Bridges

Rabee Shamass1; Xiangming Zhou, Ph.D., M.ASCE2; and Giulio Alfano, Ph.D.3

Abstract: The structural behavior of precast concrete segmental bridges largely depends on the behavior of the joints between segments. The
current practice of precast concrete segmental bridges is to use small keys that are usually unreinforced, normally dry, and distributed over the
height of the web and the ange of concrete segments. In this study, a numerical analysis model was established based on nite-element code to
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investigate structural behavior of keyed dry joints under direct shear. The concrete damage plasticity model along with the pseudodamping
scheme were incorporated to analyze the system for microcracks and to stabilize the solution, respectively. The numerical model was calibrated
by full-scale experimental results described in the literature. It was found that the predicted ultimate load, cracking evolution history, and nal
crack pattern agreed reasonably well with experimental results. The validated numerical model was then used for parametric study on factors
affecting shear behavior of keyed dry joints, in this case conning pressure. The authors found that shear capacity predicted by the AASHTO
code equation diverges from that predicted by numerical analysis at high conning pressure, because the contribution of friction in the total
shear capacity decreased with an increase in conning pressure. Hence, the authors recommend reducing the friction coefcient used in the
AASHTO code equation when high conning pressure is applied. Moreover, the propagation of inclined crack was arrested at high conning
pressure owing to the fact that the fracture propagation direction is governed by the criterion of the maximum energy release rate. DOI: 10.1061/
(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000669. This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license,
Author keywords: Concrete bridges; Failure modes; FEM; Joints; Precast concrete; Shear; Shear failures; Shear strength.

Introduction that affect the shear behavior of the keyed joints are the prestress
value, thickness of epoxy, shape of the key, surface preparation,
Precast concrete segmental box girder bridges externally prestressed concrete strength, contact area of the joint, and friction coefcient
have become more and more popular in construction resulting from between concrete-to-concrete surfaces (Buyukozturk et al. 1990).
the demand for economical and safe design; fast, versatile, and Epoxied joints are regarded as able to perform better in terms of
practical construction; and excellent serviceability of concrete bridges durability and ultimate shear capacity (Koseki and Breen 1983).
(Poston and Wouter 1998). The overall behavior of precast concrete However, it has been found that epoxied joints fail in a brittle
segmental bridges largely depends on the joints between segments, manner, which is not desirable in structural design. Besides, epoxy
which represent locations of discontinuity along a bridge span (Issa has to be put in a construction site, and the weather condition could
and Abdalla 2007). Compression and shear forces across bridge become a dominant factor in making the epoxys quality difcult to
sections are transmitted through these joints (Zhou et al. 2005). In- be controlled. It also takes time for epoxy to harden, which increases
dividual precast segments connected by such keyed joints are then the construction period. Turmo et al. (2006b) pointed out that, when
externally prestressed forming the bridge superstructure. The current possible, the use of epoxied joints should be avoided because it
practice is to use multiple castellated small keys that are usually redounds in time savings. Therefore, in modern precast concrete
unreinforced in the key zone and distributed over the height of the web segmental bridge construction, dry joints are used more frequently.
and anges, to provide an improved interlocking performance. Though concrete segmental bridges with dry joints may be sus-
The joints can be constructed and erected either using an epoxy ceptible to durability problems, this practice seems to be more and
layer between segments or in a dry condition. It has been concluded more popular owing to its simplicity in construction. However, the
based on experimental results that the most signicant parameters behavior of dry joints has not been understood well. Experimental
results from various studies all indicated that the failure model of the
Ph.D. Student in Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and De- shear keys was fracture of concrete along the joint with shearing off
sign, Brunel Univ., Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, U.K. E-mail: Rabee the keys (Buyukozturk et al. 1990; Zhou et al. 2005; Turmo et al.
[email protected] 2006b). Shear strength and stiffness of keyed dry joints increased
Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering Design, School of Engineering and with conning stress, i.e., prestress applied on the joint holding the
Design, Brunel Univ., Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, U.K. (corresponding male and female parts together. Most researchers accept that the
author). E-mail: [email protected] shear strength of keyed dry joints is the work of two different
Senior Lecturer in Computational Mechanics, School of Engineering mechanisms (Turmo et al. 2006a). The rst mechanism depends on
and Design, Brunel Univ., Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, U.K. E-mail:
the friction resistance between the at surfaces, which attempt to
[email protected]
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 24, 2014; approved slide against each other. This resistance is proportional to the ac-
on June 24, 2014; published online on August 6, 2014. Discussion period tuating compression load, i.e., the conning pressure. The second
open until January 6, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for in- mechanism represents the support effect of the castellated shear
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, keys, which behave like small plain concrete corbels when they are
ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702/04014084(12)/$25.00. in contact. If compression stresses exist, the keys turn out to be small

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prestressed concrete corbels and the ultimate shear capacity of the V 0:14fcm Ak m Asm sn (2)
keyed joint increases as compression stresses increase. Though the
shear ow mechanisms across dry joints are qualitatively well where fcm , Ak , m, Asm , and sn in Eq. (2) refer to their respective
known, there is no consensus regarding their quantication. counterparts in Eq. (1). It can be seen that Rombachs formula is
Kaneko et al. (1993a) developed a simple mechanical model for similar to the AASHTO one, but it does not take into consideration
the analysis and design of plain or ber-reinforced concrete shear the internal friction of a keyed joint. It has been found that the
key joints. Their analysis used a single discrete crack model under application of Eqs. (1) and (2) leads to very different values for the
wedging force and a smeared crack model under remote shear force. ultimate shear capacity of the keyed dry joints compared with ex-
Their proposed formulation identied two main fracture mecha- perimental values, with some results that can vary by 100% (Zhou
nisms for shear-off failure of key joints: single curvilinear cracking et al. 2005; Turmo et al. 2006b).
and development of multiple diagonal cracks. Kaneko et al. (1993a) Though there are various experimental studies on shear keys
also proposed a simple design formula as a rst step in developing reported (notably Koseki and Breen 1983; Buyukozturk et al. 1990;
design aids for the shear strength of shear keys, and the authors Zhou et al. 2005; Turmo et al. 2006b; Li et al. 2013), there are limited
subsequently validated their fracture mechanics model (Kaneko numerical analyses on shear behavior of keyed joints published.
et al. 1993b). On the other hand, Kaneko and Mihashi (1999) pre- Rombach (1997) conducted numerical studies on keyed dry joints
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sented an analytical damage model that was able to predict the using ANSYS FE code and summarized the work by a shear design
nonlinear strain localization along the shear key base at the cracking formula [Eq. (2)]. Turmo et al. (2006a) conducted a FEM study on
transition for keyed dry joints. The model was able to describe the the structural behavior of simply supported segmental concrete
transition phenomenon between a large single curvilinear crack (S bridges with posttension and dry joints in which castellated keyed
crack) and diagonal multiple cracks (M crack) observed during the joints were analyzed (using a at-joint model to avoid very ne mesh
shear-off failure sequence of concrete shear key joints. needed for keys in a full FE model, to save computing cost). The joint
Though analytical models proposed by Kaneko et al. (1993a) and was modeled with interface elements with different constitutive laws
Kaneko and Mihashi (1999) are scientically sound, they are not easy depending on the geometry. Also, it should be noted that the at-
to adopt directly by structural engineers in daily work for designing joint model proposed by Turmo et al. (2006a) was a macromodel for
keyed dry joints. Neither are they easy to incorporate into a full nite- keyed joints, mainly aimed at reducing computation cost for analysis
element (FE) model for analyzing structural behavior of precast of concrete segmental bridges with keyed joints between segments.
concrete segmental bridges with keyed joints. More recently, Li et al. It is not possible to predict the stress, strain, and crack evolution in
(2013) conducted an experimental study, mainly on the behavior of keys in the joint by this model, as the keys are not modeled geo-
keyed joints in precast concrete segmental beams under shear, metrically. The model was proposed purely for the sake of structural
bending, and combined shear and bending. They deduced formulas to analysis of precast segmental concrete bridges, not for the keyed
evaluate the ultimate strength of keyed joints under combined shear joints themselves. Accordingly, it cannot be counted as a numerical
and bending; but, it should be noted that their formulas were proposed model for keyed dry joints.
for keyed joints subject to combined shear and bending, which is not For this purpose, a FE micromodel that falls within the scope of
necessarily applicable to keyed joints under direct shear, even as- this research is needed. Kim et al. (2007) presented a numerical
suming bending moment equal to zero in their formulas. study on the at joints between precast, posttensioned concrete
On the other hand, from a practical point of view, there are several segments in which the authors used modeling techniques very
formulas that have been proposed for ultimate shear strength of un- similar to those adopted by Turmo et al. (2006a). Turmo et al.
reinforced keyed dry joints, among which some are based on exper- (2012) presented a joint model for studying shear transfer between
imental results and some on theoretical or numerical analysis. These match-cast keyed dry joints between concrete segments. In their
formulas are all conceptually very similar, conforming to the shear model, interface elements were used to reproduce the nonlinear
stress transfer mechanism mentioned previously. Four et al. (1993) behavior of the joint, and parameters deduced from various tests
tested assemblies of three precast segments under external pre- were used to dene constitutive law of those interface elements for
stressing. A formula was proposed but needs to be checked more the joint. Alcalde et al. (2013) developed a FE model of four
extensively by comparison with other test results, and then simplied different types of joints, with a number of keys varying between
to make for practical use. Ramirez et al. (1993) theoretically deduced one and seven, to analyze the fracture behavior of keyed dry joints
a formulation to evaluate the shear strength of keyed dry joints, which under shear, focusing on the inuence of the number of keys on the
later was adopted by AASHTO by applying a safety factor, wj 5 0:75. joint capacity and its average shear stress. The results showed that
The AASHTO formulation (AASHTO 1999) for shear strength of the average shear stress transferred across joints decreased with the
keyed joints is as follows: number of keys, which is consistent with the experimental ndings
of Zhou et al. (2005).
p There are very limited numerical studies published on the
V Ak 6:792  1023 fcm 12 2:466sn m Asm sn (1)
structural behavior of keyed joints between concrete segments.
Thus, a numerical study was conducted by the authors based on
where fcm 5 characteristic compressive strength of concrete (MPa); ABAQUS 6.11-1 FE code to simulate the behavior of male-female
sn 5 average compressive stress in concrete across the key base area matching single-keyed dry joints under direct shear until failure.
(MPa); Ak 5 area of the base of all keys in the failure plane; Asm Ultimate load capacity in shear and evolution of deformation,
5 area of contact between at surfaces on the failure plane; and m stress, and crack in keyed dry joints were obtained through nu-
5 friction coefcient between concrete-to-concrete surfaces, which merical analyses and calibrated by full-scale experimental results
AASHTO suggests as 0.6. It is obvious that this formula separates presented elsewhere (Buyukozturk et al. 1990; Zhou et al. 2005).
the shear load-bearing capacity that the joint is capable of trans- The numerical model then was used for parametric studies on
mitting by the keys, Ak , and the at area, Asm , between the keys. structural behavior of keyed dry joints. Some interesting ndings
Based on nonlinear FE analysis results, Rombach (1997) pro- are presented in this paper, including a recommendation for the
posed another formula to calculate the shear capacity of keyed dry modication of AASHTOs formula [Eq. (1)] for shear capacity of
joints between bridge segments keyed dry joints.

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Numerical Study Additionally, the compressive damage parameter dc needs to be
dened at each inelastic strain level. It ranges from 0, for an un-
damaged material, to 1, when the material has totally lost its load-
Concrete Damage Plasticity Model bearing capacity. The value dc is obtained only for the descending
ABAQUS code provides tools for simulating damage in concrete branch of the stress-strain curve of concrete in compression as
using one of the crack models for RC, namely, smeared crack concrete follows (Fig. 2):
model, concrete damage plasticity (CDP) model, and brittle crack
model. The CDP model was chosen in the current study for sim- dc 0 c , c1
ulating concrete. It allows the denition of inelastic behavior of fcm 2 sc (10)
concrete in compression and tension stiffening in tension, including dc c $ c1
damage characteristics in both tension and compression. The CDP
model can be used in applications in which concrete is subject to Therefore, the plastic strains calculated using Eq. (11) always must
static and cyclic loading. be positive
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Initial Parameters
f f dc sco
The general CDP model parameters were chosen as follows pl
c c 2
in (11)
(Kmiecik and Kaminski 2011): dilation angle, ow potential ec- 1 2 dc Ecm
centricity, and viscosity parameter were assigned equal to 36, 0.1,
and 0, respectively; the ratio of the strength in the biaxial state to the
strength in the uniaxial state, sb0 =sc0 5 1:16; and the ratio of the
Postfailure Stress-Strain Relationship in Tension
second stress invariant on the tensile meridian, Kc 5 0:666.
(Tension Stiffening)
Tensile strength of concrete was taken as 10% of its compressive
Stress-Strain Curve of Concrete under Uniaxial Compression
strength. Tension stiffening refers to the phenomenon that concrete
As mentioned previously, the CDP model was selected for simu- can carry tension even after cracking, though tensile strength grad-
lating concrete cracking and crack propagation. To use this ap- ually decreases with increasing tensile strain. In this study, a linear
proach, stress-strain relationships for concrete in compression and
postfailure stress-strain relationship in tension are required. In this
study, the complete sc - c curve proposed by Eurocode 2 [British
Standards Institution (BSI) 2004] was adopted for concrete under
compression, which suggests the following expression:
k h 2 h2
sc fcm (3)
1 k 2 2h

h (4)

k 1:05 Ecm (5)
Fig. 1. Stress-strain diagram of concrete in compression according to
c1 & 0:7 fcm 0:31 # 2:8 (6) Eurocode 2

Ecm 220:1 fcm 0:3 (7)

where Ecm 5 elastic modulus (GPa) of concrete; and fcm 5 ultimate

compressive strength of concrete. Fig. 1 shows the complete com-
pressive stress-strain curve of concrete with the ultimate compressive
stress fcm (MPa), strain at peak stress c1 , and ultimate strain cu1,
which is taken as 0.0035 by Eurocode 2. A linear stress-strain re-
lationship, which obeys Hookes law, was assumed up to 40% of
ultimate compressive strength in the ascending branch.
Inelastic strains fin corresponding to compressive stresses s
c c
were used in the CDP model. To obtain them, one has to substitute
the total strain from elastic strain eloc , which corresponds to un-
damaged material as follows:

in 2 el
c c oc (8)

el (9) Fig. 2. CDP model in compression

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f st
tpl f
stress-strain relation (Fig. 3) was adopted for concrete in tension. It ck 2 dt
t (15)
assumed that the strain softening after the failure point reduces the 1 2 dt Ecm
stress linearly to zero at a total strain of approximately 10 times
the strain at tensile cracking, cr (ABAQUS). Cracking strains f ck
Crack Detection in Numerical Analysis
corresponding to tension stresses, st , were used in the CDP model
(Fig. 4). To obtain them, one has to subtract the elastic strain, elot , The CDP model does not support the concept of cracks developing
from the total tensile strain, t , as follows: at the material integration point. However, in this study, it was as-
sumed that cracking occurred at the point when the maximum
principal total strain exceeded the value of the strain, o 5 10 cr
ck 2 el
t t ot (12) (Fig. 3). Under such high strain, a concrete element totally loses its
resistance to tension.
el (13)
Material Properties for Reinforcement Bar

Similar to the case of compression, the tensile damage parameter dt Though it has been found that the stress in the reinforcement bar was
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needs to be dened at each cracking strain. The dt value is valid only far lower than its yielding strength throughout the loading until the
at the descending branch of the stress-strain curve of concrete in shear-off failure of concrete keys, without losing generality, in this
tension as follows (Fig. 4): study, a linear elastic and fully plastic bilinear stress-strain material
model was used for reinforcement bar in tension and compression.
The yield strength fy , elastic modulus Es , and Poissons ratio n of
dt 0 t , cr
reinforcement bar were taken as 400 MPa, 210 GPa, and 0.33,
f 2 st
dt t t $ cr respectively.
ft (14)
cr t Numerical Simulation
In this study, the single-keyed dry joints tested elsewhere by Zhou
The plastic strain is dened from the following equation: et al. (2005) and by Buyukozturk et al. (1990) were analyzed using
FE code ABAQUS, based on the model parameters discussed
previously. In Zhous specimens, the overall dimensions of the
single-keyed dry joints were 500 3 620 3 250 mm3 with 250 mm
as the thickness of the joint including a male part and a female part
(Fig. 5). The castellated joint had a 100 3 250 mm2 base area and
a 50 3 250 mm2 top area with a 50-mm depth. The most critical area
in which cracking happens is the castellated keyed area, where a ner
mesh with nominal element size of approximately 5 mm was used,
compared with a coarser mesh, with the nominal element size
of approximately 15 mm, that was used for the rest of the model
(Fig. 6). Four-node bilinear plane stress quadrilateral elements
(CPS4) were used for modeling the key assembly. The plane stress
thickness was taken as 250 mm. There were, in total, 2,255 elements
Fig. 3. Tensile s- curve for concrete: linear representation for a typical single-keyed dry joint assembly. A full integration
algorithm was used in numerical analyses. For those keyed joints
tested by Zhou et al. (2005), the specimen identier was represented
as Mi-D-Km-n, where M represented monotonic loading and the
numeral following M (in this case i) indicated the conning stress in
megapascals, D was identied as dry joint, K indicated keyed joint,
and m was the key number. Lastly, n represented the test number
under the same testing condition.
In the experiment reported by Buyukozturk et al. (1990), the
overall dimensions of the single-keyed dry joints were 533:4 3 251
3 76:2 mm3 (21 3 10 3 3 in:3 ) with 76.2 mm (3 in.) as the thickness
of the joint including a male part and a female part. The castellated
joint had a 76:2 3 98:425 mm2 (3 3 3:875 in:2 ) base area and
a 76:2 3 66:675 mm2 (3 3 2:625 in:2 ) top area, with a 31.75-mm
(1.25-in.) depth (Fig. 7). Again, the most critical area is the cas-
tellated keyed area, where a ner mesh with nominal element size of
approximately 3.5 mm was used, compared with a coarser mesh with
the nominal element size of approximately 712 mm that was used
for the rest of the model (Fig. 6). Similarly, four-node bilinear plane
stress quadrilateral elements (CPS4) with full integration algorithm
were used, and the plane stress thickness was taken as 76.2 mm.
There were, in total, 3,965 elements for a typical single-keyed dry
Fig. 4. CDP model in tension
joint assembly. In all cases, rst-order truss elements were used for
modeling the reinforcement bars embedded in the keyed joints.

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Fig. 5. Dimensions of the single-keyed joints tested by Zhou et al. (2005)

their results, values of 0.72 and 0.67 were taken for the cases of
Zhous and Buyukozturks experiments, respectively.

Simulation of Reinforcement Bars Embedded in Concrete

In this study, a technique was used to set embedded nodes at desired
locations with the constraints on translational degrees of freedom on
the embedded element by the host element. The reinforcement bars
were modeled as the embedded region in concrete using constraints
in the interaction model and designating concrete as the host region.
By doing so, the rebar elements could have only a translational
degree of freedom equal to that of the host elements surrounding
them (Garg and Abolmaali 2009). The bar sizes used to model the
reinforcements in Zhous and Buyukozturks specimens were 2F12
and 2F10 mm, respectively; their positions in the specimens are
shown in Figs. 5 and 7, respectively.

Specication of Support and Assignment of Applied Load

In numerical analysis, the bottom surface, which contacted the
Fig. 6. FE mesh, boundary conditions, loadings, and contact relation- ground, of the keyed joint specimen was restrained against all
ship for (a) specimens from Buyukozturk et al. (1990); (b) specimens translational degrees of freedom. On the other hand, in all experi-
from Zhou et al. (2005) ments conducted by Zhou et al. (2005) and Buyukozturk et al.
(1990), displacement-controlled loading was applied on the top of
the joint. Numerically, this was simulated by creating a boundary
Contact Relationship condition moving vertically downward, with a prescribed dis-
The node-to-surface contact discretization provided in ABAQUS placement rate as adopted in the experiments done by Zhou et al.
was adopted to formulate the contact simulation for both models (2005) and Buyukozturk et al. (1990), respectively, and assigning it
of Zhou et al. (2005) and Buyukozturk et al. (1990). In terms of to general-static step with damping factor used for automatic sta-
tracking approach for simulating the relative motion of two inter- bilization. For the case of Zhou et al. (2005) specimens, the conning
acting surfaces in mechanical contact simulations, the small sliding stress was simulated by applying constant uniform pressure on both
analysis procedure was used in the analysis (ABAQUS). Normally, sides of the model, covering a keyed area of 200 3 250 mm2 and
in a node-to-surface contact pair, the contact surface associated assigned to general-static step. The conning stress values were 1, 2,
with the key part that sits on the ground (i.e., lower part) was taken 3, 4, and 4.5 MPa, respectively, as per Zhou et al. (2005). Sim-
as the main surface and the other surface of the contact associated ilarly, for the case of the Buyukozturk et al. (1990) specimens, the
with upper key part was taken as a subordinate surface. The friction conning pressure was applied covering a keyed area of 254
coefcient for the contacting concrete surfaces in the keyed joints 3 76:2 mm2 and assigned to general-static step. The conning
was derived from experimental results of at joint tests conducted pressure values were 0.69, 2.07, and 3.45 MPa, respectively, as
by Zhou et al. (2005) and by Buyukozturk et al. (1990). Based on per Buyukozturk et al. (1990).

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Fig. 7. Dimensions of the single-keyed joints tested by Buyukozturk et al. (1990) (adapted from Buyukozturk et al. 1990)

Table 1. Ultimate Shear Strength of Single-Keyed Dry Joints: Experimental versus Numerical
Experimental ultimate Numerical ultimate
Test name fcm (MPa) strength (kN) strength (kN) VuNumerical =VuExperimental
M1-D-K1-1 38.7 193 180.8 0.94
M1-D-K1-2 50.0 211 219.1 1.04
M2-D-K1-1 56.2 335 294 0.88
M2-D-K1-2 59.6 337 314 0.93
M3-D-K1-1 80.1 448 429 0.96
M3-D-K1-2 48.8 360 324 0.90
M4-D-K1-1 37.1 354 312 0.88
M4-D-K1-2 36.7 392 309 0.79
M4.5-D-K1-1 37.7 375 332 0.89
Keyed Dry-0.69 MPa 48.4 66 59 0.9
Keyed Dry-2.07 MPa 47.6 84 78 0.93
Keyed Dry-3.45 MPa 49.44 111 99 0.89
Average 0.91

FE Analysis Results the base of the male part of the joint, which represents ultimate
failure of joint). Generally, the ultimate shear strength of the joint
increased as conning pressure increased. Also, a higher concrete
Load-Displacement Relationship strength led to higher ultimate shear strength of the joint. After shear-
The analytical values of the ultimate loads/shear strength of nine off failure of the keys, residual strength was kept, which is owing to
single-keyed dry joints are summarized in Table 1, along with the friction between cracked concrete surfaces under connement. The
corresponding experimental values reported by Zhou et al. (2005) residual strength of a joint largely depends on the conning pressure
and Buyukozturk et al. (1990). The predicted ultimate shear strength (Fig. 8). As conning pressure increased from 1 to 4.5 MPa, the
for joints are all in good agreement with the corresponding ex- residual strength generally increased; but, it also depends on con-
perimental results. The average deviation is approximately 9%. It crete strength. M3-D-K1-1 demonstrated the highest residual
appears that the model used in the analysis is reliable and it is strength owing to the highest concrete strength (80.1 MPa) of the
generally conservative in predicting the ultimate shear strength of nine single-keyed dry joints tested by Zhou et al. (2005). Also
a single-keyed dry joint. apparent from Fig. 8, the initial stiffness increased with the increase
Figs. 8 and 9 show numerical results of the applied load versus the of conning pressure, and the vertical deformation of the joint at
deection at the top surface of the joint. There is an obvious drop in peak load increased as conning pressure increased. For those
loading at ultimate strength in all the load-displacement curves single-keyed dry joints tested by Buyukozturk et al. (1990), these
obtained from numerical simulation, which is associated with shear- ndings are more obvious as the concrete for making the three keyed
off failure of the key (i.e., the corbel-like key is totally sheared off joints was the same grade of concrete. Both ultimate shear strength

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Fig. 9. Load-displacement curves from numerical analysis for keyed

dry joints of Buyukozturk et al. (1990)

Fig. 8. Load-displacement curves from numerical analysis for keyed

dry joints of Zhou et al. (2005)

and residual strength of keyed dry joint increased as conning

pressure increased (Fig. 9). Again, initial stiffness and vertical
deformation of the joint at peak load increased as conning pressure

Crack Pattern
Figs. 10(a and b) show the crack patterns for the specimen M1-D-
K1-2 associated with tension strains of o (Fig. 3) or higher and
concrete crushing associated with compression strain 0.0035 or
higher (Fig. 1) at the applied loads of 161, 165, 219, 211, and 166 kN,
which correspond to the applied displacements of 0.157, 0.167, 0.28,
0.281, and 0.282 mm, respectively. Additionally, Figs. 11(a and b)
present the crack patterns and crush evolution of the specimen M3-
D-K1-1 at the applied loads of 328, 344, 429, and 383 kN, which
correspond to the applied displacements of 0.266, 0.289, 0.415, and Fig. 10. (a) Crack patterns of specimen M1-D-K1-2; (b) concrete
0.416 mm, respectively. Moreover, Figs. 12(a and b) show the crack crushing evolution on the root of the key specimen M1-D-K1-2
patterns and crush evolution of the specimen Keyed Dry-2.07 MPa
at the applied loads of 63, 68, 78, and 65 kN, which correspond to
the applied displacements of 0.251, 0.284, 0.358, and 0.360 mm,
respectively. obtained from numerical analysis to those from experiment (Figs. 13
From these predicted crack evolution histories, one can see that and 14), they are highly similar, further indicating that the microscopic
basically cracking initiates at the bottom corner of a key and prop- FE model developed in this study for keyed dry joints is reliable.
agates sideways and upward at approximately 45 to the horizontal; Numerous points on the FE-predicted load-displacement curve
then this crack ceases to grow. Later on, vertical cracking, which is in Fig. 10(a) for the specimen M1-D-K1-2, Fig. 11(a) for the
a new crack, initiates from the bottom of the key and propagates specimen M3-D-K1-1, and Fig. 12(a) for the specimen Keyed
upward vertically in the loading plane. It is this crack initiated later that Dry-2.07 MPa were chosen to interpret crack initiation and the
causes the ultimate shear-off failure of the key from its base when it propagation process. All these gures obtained from numerical
propagates to the top corner of the key. Comparing crack evolutions analyses from various specimens indicated similar crack evolution

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Fig. 11. (a) Crack patterns of specimen M3-D-K1-1; (b) concrete Fig. 12. (a) Crack patterns of specimen Keyed Dry-2.07 MPa;
crushing evolution on the root of the key specimen M3-D-K1-1 (b) concrete crushing evolution on the root of the key specimen Keyed
Dry-2.07 MPa

and ultimate shear-off failure. The crack pattern obtained nu-

merically revealed that the crack, which is called S crack, rst
formed at the bottom corner of the key of the male part of a joint at
approximately 7280% of the ultimate shear strength and prop-
agated sideways and upward from the base key at almost 45,
which is coincident with experimental observations (Figs. 13 and
14). As the load increased until the ultimate load, a complete S
crack happened and short diagonal cracks started to appear along
the root of the key once the load dropped beyond the ultimate load
and formed a compression strut. After that, the distribution of
diagonal cracks along the root key increased and formed multiple
Fig. 13. Crack pattern obtained from experiment reported by Zhou
cracks. That indicates all the concrete bers at the base key were
et al. (2005) (reprinted from Zhou et al. 2005, with permission from the
cracked and the compression struts between multiple diagonal
American Concrete Institute): (a) crack initiation; (b) crack propagation;
cracks exposed to crushing [Figs. 10(b), 11(b), and 12(b)], which
(c) nal crack pattern
coincides well with the experimental observation that there was
concrete in the surface of keyed area spalling (Zhou et al. 2005).
On the other hand, the experiments revealed the formation of the
Parametric Study: Effect of Confining Pressure
diagonal multiple cracks along the root of the key, which eventually
separated the key from the male part resulting in the so-called shear- Load-Displacement Relationship
off failure. The reason why numerical results showed a sudden de- The ultimate shear strength and structural behavior of a joint is af-
crease in the load-deection curve could be because all the concrete fected by concrete strength and conning pressure. Parametric study
bers along the root of the key were cracked and crushed simulta- was carried out on the specimens M2-D-K1-1, M3-D-K1-1, and
neously, owing to the same material properties being assumed for M3-D-K1-2, which had concrete compressive strengths equal to
the whole concrete volume. However, experimental observations do 56.2, 80.8, and 48.8 MPa, respectively, and were assigned different
not show a sudden drop in load, because a direct failure plane formed values of conning pressure ranging between 1 and 9 MPa. Re-
along the joint surface and the load then was carried mainly through stricting attention to the numerical results obtained for specimen
friction by aggregate interlock between cracked concrete surfaces, M2-D-K1-1, applied load versus the deection at the top surface of
which is not able to be simulated by the FE model developed in this the specimen of the joint is shown in Fig. 15. The initial stiffness,
study. vertical displacement at the peak load, and ultimate shear strength of

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the joint increased as conning pressure increased, similar to the
behavior of other prestressed concrete elements and structures. It is
the conning pressure enforced by prestressing or posttensioning
tendons that make the individual concrete segments form the bridge
superstructure and maintain the integrity of the bridge.

Crack Propagation
Fig. 16 shows the nal crack pattern of the M2-D-K1-1 single-keyed
dry joint under different values of conning pressure. As the con-
ning pressure increased, the length of the crack forming at the
bottom key of the male part of the joint (S crack) decreased, and,
therefore, most of the load was transferred through the bearing of the
lower surface of the key. Interestingly, when the conning pressure
increased to 6 MPa, this single crack disappeared. The S crack can be
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explained by the fact that this crack propagated sideways into a low
stress zone in the material and thus released energy (Bazant and
Pfeiffer 1986). Therefore, increasing conning pressure leads to
Fig. 14. Crack pattern obtained from experiment reported by Buyukozturk
a high compression stress zone at the entire key area, which arrests
et al. (1990) (reprinted from Buyukozturk et al. 1990, ASCE): (a)
the inclined crack and induces other cracks running vertically to
crack initiation; (b) crack propagation; (c) nal crack pattern
remain in a high stress zone, causing a large release of strain energy
enforced by the applied shear loading on the joint specimen.

Comparison with the AASHTO Formula

Shear capacities of the keyed dry joint obtained from numerical
analyses conducted on M2-D-K1-1, M3-D-K1-1, and M3-D-K1-2
in this study with counterparts estimated using the AASHTO for-
mula [Eq. (1)], under different values of conning pressure, are
illustrated in Figs. 1719. The results are almost identical under low
values of conning stress; however, the numerical analysis results
and AASHTO results start to diverge under high values of conning
pressure. For instance, the numerical results for M2-D-K1-1 and
M3-D-K1-2 diverged from AASHTO predictions after the conning
pressure became greater than 4 MPa, as shown in Figs. 17 and 19.
To explain the differences between the shear capacity of
a single-keyed dry joint predicted by the numerical analysis
established in this paper and the AASHTO formulation, the
numerical model was run for frictionless contact in the male-
Fig. 15. Load-displacement curves for specimen M2-D-K1-1 under
female joint while a zero friction coefcient was assigned to the
various values of conning pressure
AASHTO formula. The resulting shear capacities of various joint

Fig. 16. Final crack pattern of specimen M2-D-K1-1 under various values of conning pressure

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different trend; it shows an increase in friction contribution with
an increase in the conning pressure.
Friction between two contacting surfaces is produced when the
surfaces are not perfectly smooth (Turmo et al. 2006a). In a case of
solid-to-solid contact, surface roughness contributes to the relative
motion resistance of the contacting surfaces. The small protuber-
ances existing on the surfaces act against the relative displacement of
the contact surfaces. In cases of concrete surfaces, the protuberances
are cement paste debris spread on them (Tassios and Vintzeleou
1987). As conning pressure increases, a polishing effect takes
place, which slowly rubs the irregularities and reduces the friction
coefcient (Turmo et al. 2006a). With the increasing conning
pressure, the debris on the contacting surfaces of the male and female
parts of a keyed dry joint tends to be crushed into powder, which
reduces roughness of the contacting surfaces and in turn decreases
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Fig. 17. Ultimate shear strength of specimen M2-D-K1-1 from nu-

merical analysis and the AASHTO formula under various values of the friction coefcient. This polishing effect is visually inappreciable
conning pressure but can be observed when examining the surfaces once the male-
female keyed dry joints are disbanded after the test (Turmo et al.
2006a). The entire surface appears covered with a ne powder
produced during the test (Turmo et al. 2006a). Similar ndings have
been reported by Tassios and Vintzeleou (1987), who concluded
that the friction coefcient between two concrete surfaces decreases
with an increase in conning pressure.
Thus, it is reasonable to accept that shear capacity due to surface
friction of a keyed dry joint decreases with the increase in conning
pressure, and one may conclude that the friction should have a de-
creasing contribution to the overall shear capacity of a keyed dry
joint with increasing conning pressure, as the numerical analysis
discovered. Consequently, the results based on the numerical model
established in this paper are more reliable than the AASHTO pre-
dictions for keyed dry joints under high conning pressure. The
authors suggest that a reduced friction coefcient m should be
assigned in the AASHTO formula [Eq. (1)] under high conning

Fig. 18. Ultimate shear strength of specimen M3-D-K1-1 from nu-

merical analysis and the AASHTO formula under various values of
Crack Width
conning pressure The calculated crack width for M2-D-K1-1 is presented at ultimate
shear strength under various values of conning pressure in Table 4.
The crack width is identied at the bottom corner of the key of the
male part of the joint, as shown in Fig. 20. The crack width was not
measured directly in experiment, but it deserves a comparison of
such a parameter under different values of conning stress. In
numerical analyses of this research, crack width was calculated by
multiplying the crack opening strain, which is equal to the strain
normal to the crack direction after the complete stress release with
the characteristic element length or crack bandwidth (Kaneko 1992).
The characteristic element length in ABAQUS is a typical length
of a line across an element for a rst-order element (Kaneko
1992). As evident from Table 4, the crack width decreased as the
conning pressure increased and became negligible under high
values of conning stress, which is consistent with crack evo-
lution observed experimentally. As previously stated, the S crack
disappeared under high values of conning pressure, indicating
that crack width may decrease to zero under certain high values of
Fig. 19. Ultimate shear strength of specimen M3-D-K1-2 from nu- conning pressure.
merical analysis and the AASHTO formula under various values of
conning pressure

specimens under different values of conning pressure are pre- This research aimed to better understand behavior of single-keyed
sented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The numerical results dry joints in precast concrete segmental bridges by establishing
indicate a decrease in friction contribution in the overall shear and validating a FE model for keyed dry joints under direct shear.
capacity of a keyed dry joint with an increase in the conning The numerical approach used to simulate the nonlinear behavior of
pressure. However, the AASHTO formulation demonstrates a concrete in this paper was the ABAQUS CDP model. The numerical

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Table 2. Friction Contribution from Numerical Analysis and the AASHTO Code (Specimen M3-D-K1-1)
Numerical analysis (kN) AASHTO formulation (kN)
pressure (MPa) With friction contact Frictionless contact Friction effect (%) With friction contact Frictionless contact Friction effect (%)
1 335 196 41.39 281 266 5.35
2 377 296 21.50 341 311 8.80
3 429 396 7.77 401 356 11.2
4 489 473 3.18 461 401 13.01
5 538 479 10.99 522 447 14.4
6 581 531 8.68 582 492 15.5
7 608 569 6.28 642 537 16.35
8 622 602 3.29 702 582 17.09
9 660 642 2.59 763 628 17.70
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Table 3. Friction Contribution from Numerical Analysis and the AASHTO Code (Specimen M3-D-K1-2)
Numerical analysis (kN) AASHTO formulation (kN)
pressure (MPa) With friction contact Frictionless contact Friction effect (%) With friction contact Frictionless contact Friction effect (%)
1 219 196 10.63 222 207 6.75
2.5 299 279 6.80 298 260 12.60
3 324 301 7.26 323 278 13.94
4 367 338 7.93 373 313 16.08
5 387 370 4.34 424 349 17.71
5.5 404 390 3.49 449 366 18.39
6 421 409 3.04 474 384 18.99

Table 4. Crack Width at the Ultimate Shear Strength of Keyed Dry Joints
from Numerical Analysis (Specimen M2-D-K1-1)
At the peak load
Conning pressure (MPa) Ultimate load (kN) Crack width (mm)
1 247 0.320
2 294 0.206
3 344 0.178
4 397 0.128
5 412 0.033
5.5 434 0.031
Fig. 20. Location where crack width was taken in numerical analysis
6 452 0.035

results were produced in the form of ultimate shear strength of keyed and upward at approximately 45; then this crack ceased to grow.
joint, load-deection curves, crack evolution, and concrete crushing Subsequently, vertical cracking, which was a new crack, initiated
evolution in keyed zone for various joints. The validated numerical from the bottom of the key and propagated upward vertically
model then was used for parametric studies on the behavior of keyed along the loading plane. It was this later crack that caused ultimate
dry joints, which were not physically tested. By comparing numerical shear-off failure of the key from its base when it propagated to its
results with experimental results published elsewhere, the following top corner.
conclusions may be drawn: The initial stiffness, vertical displacement at the peak load, and
Good agreement between experimental and numerical results ultimate shear strength of a keyed dry joint increased as the
was obtained for all 12 dry keyed joints tested elsewhere. Crack conning pressure increased. On the other hand, the length of the
propagation obtained from numerical simulation accords very crack that formed at the bottom key of the male part of the joint (S
well with that from experimental study for all the specimens. crack) decreased as the conning pressure increased, and, there-
The maximum deviation in the prediction of ultimate shear fore, most of the load was transferred through the bearing of the
strength was found to be 9%, and the results validated the FE lower surface of the key. At high conning stress, the S crack
model established in this study. The FE model can be used disappeared. This phenomenon may be explained in that the
conveniently to simulate shear behavior of multiple-keyed dry entire key area experienced a high stress zone under high
joints. conning pressure and, therefore, arrested the inclined crack and
The ultimate failure of the dry keyed joints was fracture of instead induced another cracking mechanism, which was ex-
concrete along the root of the key with shearing off. Cracking posed under a higher stress zone and caused a larger release of
initiated at the bottom corner of a key and propagated sideways strain energy. Moreover, the S crack width decreased as the

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