FP200 FR Expanding Foam: Abesco
FP200 FR Expanding Foam: Abesco
FP200 FR Expanding Foam: Abesco
technical datasheet
Extremely versatile solution Paintable and stainable
Abesco LLC Tel: 888-FIRESTP Basic Abesco Product Groups :
9561 Satellite Blvd. Tel: 407-851-3300
Unit 325 Email: [email protected] FR Sealants FR Expanding Foam
Orlando, FL 32837 Web: www.abesco.net Cable Transit Devices FR Mortar
USA www.FP200abesco.com Pipe Collars FR Putty
Application Physical Properties
Abesco FP200 FR Expanding Foam is suitable for use in most Application temperature: minimum 5C (41F) (surfaces),
buildings where a seal is required for through penetrations in fire rated 20C-25C (68F-77F) (Can)
floors and walls. It has excellent adhesion to various surfaces like Can must be inverted for dispensing
concrete, brick, wood, metal, aluminum and steel. It has no adhesion Flammable during dispensing
to polyethene, silicone and teflon. Easy wet cleanup using Acetone,
Tack free time: 5 - 10 minute, depending on temperature and
M.E.K., & Lacquer Thinner. humidity
Abesco LLC Tel: 888-FIRESTP As part of our policy of ongoing improvement, we reserve the right to modify, alter or change product
531 West Grant St. Tel: 407-851-3300 specifications without giving notice. Product illustrations are representations only. All information
Orlando, Florida Fax: 407-851-3388 contained in this document is provided for guidance only, and as Abesco has no control over the
installation methods of the products, or of the prevailing site conditions, no warranties expressed or
32805 USA Email: [email protected]
implied are intended to be given as to the actual performance of the products mentioned or referred
Web: www.abesco.net to, and no liability whatsoever will be accepted for any loss, damage or injury arising from the use
of the information given of products mentioned or referred to herein.
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