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Dance Rubric

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Rubric for Scoring Dance Performance Evaluation

Student ________________________________________________ Grade ______ Age ______ Date _________________________

School District___________________________________________ Building _____________________________________________

(0 Points) (1 Point each) (2 Points each) (3 Points each)
Memory and Recall in prepared Appears to have significant Completes dance with some Completes dance with few Completes dance with no
performance difficulty recalling or errors, appears to have some errors, generally appears to obvious errors, appears to
following choreography difficulty recalling or dance with focus and dance with focus and
following choreography confidence confidence

Memory and recall in other Requires ongoing support or Comprehends and Comprehends and Quickly comprehends and
performance evaluation activities assistance to remember remembers information and accurately remembers accurately remembers
information and follow directions with some information and directions, information and directions,
directions assistance some ability to dance in able to dance in movement
movement phrases phrases
Temporal awareness Unable to consistently Able to consistently match Able to consistently match Able to consistently match
(Time/Rhythm) in prepared match body movements body movements with beat body movements with beat, body movements with beat,
performance with beat; appears to reflects beat/rhythm in reflects beat/rhythm in
struggle to dance in rhythm whole body whole body; demonstrates
keen sense of time and
rhythm in performance
Temporal Awareness Unable to consistently Moves whole body to Moves whole body to Moves whole body to
(Time/Rhythm) in other match body movements underlying beat; able to underlying beat when underlying beat when
performance evaluation activities with beat; limited ability to repeat complex rhythmic requested; repeats complex requested; repeats complex
repeat complex rhythmic patterns with support or rhythmic patterns with few rhythmic patterns precisely;
patterns practice errors demonstrates keen sense of
time and rhythm in
Body awareness and control in Demonstrates below Demonstrates physical Demonstrates above average Demonstrates unusual
prepared performance average physical strength strength and flexibility physical strength and physical strength and
and flexibility typical of peers flexibility; Demonstrates flexibility; Demonstrates
above average balance and unusually advanced balance
physical control and physical control
Body awareness and control in Demonstrates below Demonstrates physical Demonstrates above average Demonstrates unusual
other performance evaluation average physical strength strength and flexibility physical strength and physical strength and
activities and flexibility typical of peers flexibility; Demonstrates flexibility; Demonstrates
above average balance and unusually advanced balance
physical control and physical control

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(0 Points) (1 Point each) (2 Points each) (3 Points each)
Movement quality awareness in Demonstrates below Demonstrates average range Demonstrates wide range of Demonstrates unusually full
prepared performance average range of movement of movement qualities (e.g. movement qualities (e.g. range of movement qualities
qualities (e.g. strong, gentle, strong, gentle, bouncy, and strong, gentle, bouncy, and (e.g. strong, gentle, bouncy,
bouncy, and swinging) swinging) swinging); demonstrates and swinging); demonstrates
ability to move with subtlety unusual ability to move with
and intensity subtlety and intensity
Movement quality awareness in Demonstrates below Demonstrates average range Demonstrates wide range of Demonstrates unusually full
other performance evaluation average range of movement of movement qualities (e.g. movement qualities (e.g. range of movement qualities
activities qualities (e.g. strong, gentle, strong, gentle, bouncy, and strong, gentle, bouncy, and (e.g. strong, gentle, bouncy,
bouncy, and swinging) swinging) swinging); demonstrates and swinging); demonstrates
ability to move with subtlety unusual ability to move with
and intensity subtlety and intensity
Expressiveness in prepared Demonstrates limited ability Average ability to Above average ability to Advanced ability to
performance to communicate ideas and communicate ideas and communicate ideas and communicate ideas and
feelings through movement feelings through movement feelings through movement feelings through movement;
dances with unusual
expressiveness, intensity
and subtlety
Expressiveness in other Requires assistance to Average ability to Above average ability to Advanced ability to
performance evaluation activities communicate ideas and communicate ideas and communicate ideas and communicate ideas and
feelings through movement feelings through movement feelings through movement feelings through movement;
uses whole body to dance
with unusual
expressiveness, intensity
and subtlety
Emerging Typical Above Average Superior
Total Points _________ Total Points _________ Total Points _________ Total Points _________

Scoring: Total Points_______________

Screening: 20-25
Identification: 26-30 Raters Signature _________________________________________ Date __________

Raters Comments

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