This document provides descriptions of feats useful for binders who specialize in sealing pacts with anima spirits. It summarizes 18 feats, including Alternate Warband which allows summoning more kinds of creatures for a binder's warband, and Archivist which allows binders to perform research more quickly using libraries. Other feats include Beloved Anima to more tightly bind with one favored anima spirit, and Eiditic Pact to quickly but briefly bind additional spirits of a focal constellation once per day.
This document provides descriptions of feats useful for binders who specialize in sealing pacts with anima spirits. It summarizes 18 feats, including Alternate Warband which allows summoning more kinds of creatures for a binder's warband, and Archivist which allows binders to perform research more quickly using libraries. Other feats include Beloved Anima to more tightly bind with one favored anima spirit, and Eiditic Pact to quickly but briefly bind additional spirits of a focal constellation once per day.
This document provides descriptions of feats useful for binders who specialize in sealing pacts with anima spirits. It summarizes 18 feats, including Alternate Warband which allows summoning more kinds of creatures for a binder's warband, and Archivist which allows binders to perform research more quickly using libraries. Other feats include Beloved Anima to more tightly bind with one favored anima spirit, and Eiditic Pact to quickly but briefly bind additional spirits of a focal constellation once per day.
This document provides descriptions of feats useful for binders who specialize in sealing pacts with anima spirits. It summarizes 18 feats, including Alternate Warband which allows summoning more kinds of creatures for a binder's warband, and Archivist which allows binders to perform research more quickly using libraries. Other feats include Beloved Anima to more tightly bind with one favored anima spirit, and Eiditic Pact to quickly but briefly bind additional spirits of a focal constellation once per day.
Here are feats useful to binders, particularly those who special-
BELOVED ANIMA You and one anima are tightly bound as one. Prerequisites: Bind favored spirit class ability, or Favored ize in sealing pacts with anima spirits. Anima and binder level 5th. Benefit: You enjoy a +6 bonus on the binding check when ALTERNATE WARBAND sealing a pact with the anima you selected for the Favored You can summon more kinds of creatures for your warband. Anima feat. Moreover, the anima cannot be expelled by exor- Prerequisites: Summon warband class ability, Knowledge cism. (arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks. Benefit: Whenever you use the warband ability, you may BONUS FOCAL SPIRIT select a creature available under the summon monster spell. The You can bind an extra low-level spirit of a constellation you highest level of summon monster you can access equals one-half have focused on. your binder level (round down). Your effective caster level Prerequisite: Focal Constellation (any). equals your binder level. Benefit: Select one constellation in which you have spe- cialized using Focal Constellation. You can bind one additional ARCHIVIST spirit of that constellation with a level at least 4 levels lower You can do research quickly and easily. than the level that is indicated as maximum for your class. You Prerequisites: Knowledge (any three) 2 ranks each. suffer a -4 penalty to your binding check for this spirit. Benefit: You can use a library, annex or similar area with Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, records to quickly gain information. To do research, pick a spe- you select a different a different constellation of spirits for cific topic and a related Knowledge skill such as arcana, nature which you have Focal Constellation. or the planes.You gain general understanding of that topic after 1d4 hours research and a successful DC 10 Knowledge check. BOOST BONUS SPIRIT [EPIC] The higher the check result, the more you learn. You gain a more powerful bonus spirit. There are four grades of libraries. Each grade grants a bonus Prerequisite: Bonus Spirit. on your check. Benefit: Increase by +1 the highest level of spirt gained through the Bonus Spirit feat. Thus, the bonus spirits level is Grade of Library Skill Check Bonus no more than 3 lower than the maximum level indicated for General purpose +1 your class. Spirits gained through this feat cannot be used to Library on knowledge skill area +2 bind epic level spirits. However, you are free as usual to bind multiple lower-level spirits in lieu of a single higher level one. Special collection on topic +4 Special: You can take this feat up to four times. Each time, Master collection (very rare) +6 increase the highest level of bonus spirit by +1 to a maximum spirit level equal to the maximum indicated for your class. The DC 10 check assumes a simple filing system. A complex system results in a DC of 15, 20, or even 30 in the case of EIDETIC PACT magical means to thwart those not versed in its use. Similarly, You quickly but briefly bind spirits of your focal constellation. increase the time by +1 hour for each +5 increase in the DC. Requirements: Focal Constellation (any). A researcher can take 10, but the time remains the same. Benefit: Once daily, you may quickly and briefly bind a spirit AVATAR OF THE OUTER DARKNESS you know, in addition to any other spirits you have bound. The You can bind a fragment of an epic spirit. spirit must belong to a constellation you have the Focal Con- stellation Feat for, and may not be of a higher level than you Prerequisites: Able to bind 7th level spirits, Binder Prod- would usually be able to bind. You dont need to conduct the igy, Focal Constellation (any), Knowledge (arcana) 7 ranks, spirits ceremony, but you must meet its requirements and at- Knowledge (the planes) 13 ranks. tempt a binding check as usual. Binding this way is a full-round Benefit: Once per day, you may select one spirit of 7th level action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The pact lasts 2 or higher that is a member of the constellation you choose for minutes and then dissipates. the Focal Constellation feat. In lieu of this spirit, you gain one Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time or more abilities of an epic spirit of the same constellation. If gaining an additional daily use. the spirit is 7th level, you gain any one ability of your choice of the epic spirit. If the spirit is 8th or 9th level you gain two ESCHEW BINDING MATERIALS or three abilities, respectively. You must also attempt a DC 33 You do not need to expend materials to bind spirits. binding check. If you succeed, you gain one pact augmentation of your choice. If you succeed by 10 or more, you gain two Prerequisites: Charisma 17, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks. pact augmentations. If you fail by 10 or more, you suffer one Benefit: When binding a spirit, you do not need to pay ma- of the side effects listed for the epic spirit. Unlike a normal terial component costs that are less than or equal to 5 gp x the ceremony, Avatar of the Outer Darkness requires 1 hour of in- spirits level.You must pay any costs greater than this amount. tense monastic ritual and 1000 gp worth of special materials Normal: Sealing pacts with unique spirits may require ma- per ability gained.You are limited to one epic spirit at a time. terials, and binding anima spirits requires material components Special: This feat works normally with group pact magic. equal to 5 gp per spirit level. EXTEND SPIRIT AURA Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, Your spirit aura lasts longer and may boost morale. you may select another domain for which you qualify. Prerequisites: Spirit aura, Charisma 13. Focal Constellation Cleric Domain Options Benefit: Increase the duration of our spirit aura to 3 min- Portal Liberation, Planes, Travel utes +1 minute per point of Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Spider Chaos, Madness, Trickery Moreover, affected allies that succeed on their binding check Tree Animals, Plants, Weather enjoy a +2 morale bonus to resist mind-affecting effects while under the auras influence. Angel Glory, Good, Healing Normal: The aura lasts 3 rounds + 1 round per point of Knight Protection, Strength, War Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Crown Community, Law, Nobility Special: When using this feat with the Warbinder General Thief Charm, Luck, Music feat, apply the effects of this feat to allies normally affected by your spirit aura and apply the effects of the Warbinder General Dragon Dragon, Knowledge, Rune feat to creatures specified by that feat. Fiend Darkness, Destruction, Evil Ghoul Death, Necromancy, Repose EXTRA BINDING [EPIC] Genie Air, Earth, Fire, Water You can bind one more spirit. Magi Artifice, Creation, Magic Prerequisites: Able to bind spirits, character level 21st. Benefit: You may bind one additional level of spirits each Shadow Darkness, Shadow, Sun day, limited to your normal maximum level of spirit that you can bind. In practice, you can bind a 1st-level spirit when you Dragon Domain Spells: magic fang, resist energy, greater magic take this ability once, or you can bind multiple spirits as you fang, polymorph (dragon form only), true seeing, stoneskin, limited normally would, with one spirit having 1 higher level than nor- wish, mass suggestion, dominate monster. mal. For example, if you can normally bind one 9th-level spir- Music Domain Spells: ventriloquism, sound burst, sculpt sound, its, then you could bind two 5th-level spirits rather than one zone of silence, shout, song of discord, irresistible dance, greater shout, 5th-level spirit and one 4th-level spirit. wail of the banchee. You may not bind epic spirits using this feat. Necromancy Domain Spells: ray of enfeeblement, command Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, undead, vampiric touch, enervation, waves of fatigue, eyebite, control you can bind one additional level of spirits each day. undead, horrid wilting, energy drain. Planes Domain Spells: summon monster I, resist energy, FAVORED ANIMA dimensional anchor, dismissal, plane shift, planar ally, ethereal jaunt, You are skilled binding one particular anima. dimension lock, astral projection. Prerequisites: Able to anima type spirits. Shadow Domain Spells: entropic shield, darkness, deeper dark- Benefit: Select one anima spirit that you are normally able ness, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, shadow walk, greater to bind. At any time when you would normally bind the selected shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, shades. anima, or when the anima is expelled against your will for any reason, you can bind it as a full round action without conducting FOE HUNTERS INSIGHT its ceremony or expending material components.While binding You identify your spirits favored foe with ease. this way, you are subject to attacks of opportunity.This feat does Prerequisite: Spirit Driven class feature. not ever grant a bonus bindable spirit. Benefit: Up to once daily per binder level, you can target Normal: Binding anima requires a ceremony and material one creature within 30 feet as a standard action. You immedi- components. ately learn whether the target qualities as one of your bound spirits favored foes. You must have bound a spirit to use this FOCAL VATIC SPELLBINDER ability. You gain access to cleric spells. Prerequisites: Focal Constellation (any), Knowledge GYRE AGAINST EXORCISM (arcana) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks, Charisma 11+. You and allies defend against exorcism. Benefit: Your bound spirit guides you to use spells. When- Prerequisites: Spirit aura, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, ever you are bound to a spirit that is a member of a constellation Charisma 13. for which you have the Focal Constellation feat, you may select Benefit: While using your spirit aura, you and affected allies one corresponding cleric domain from the list below. You can enjoy a morale bonus to resist attempts at exorcism. The bonus use each spell from the selected domain once per day as a spell- equals the spirits level + your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). like ability.You can only access spells of a level equal to or lower Moreover, while so protected, each time an opponent fails to than the spirits level, and the spells level must be equal to or exorcise a spirit of yours or of a protected ally, the opponent suf- less than your Charisma - 10. Your effective caster level equals fers untyped supernatural damage equal to 1d8 x spirits level. the sum of all your binder levels.The spells are Charisma-based. You can access to only one domain and use each spell only once HEALING SPIRIT AURA regardless of how many spirits you have bound. Allies affected by your spirit aura enjoy healing effects. The listed domains are found in the D20 SRD or defined Prerequisites: Spirit aura, able to bind 3rd level spirits, below. You do not gain the granted power associated with a Constitution 17. domains. Benefit: When you use your spirit aura, targeted allies who pass the binding check are cured 1d8 points per spirit level in- Benefit: This improves the Binder Prodigy feat, such that stead of the usual amount. Allies that fail the binding check heal you binder level increases by +2 but only for the purpose of half that amount. Moreover, allies who pass the binding check determining what level of spirits you can bind.The spirits level and who bear disease, poison or other ongoing afflictions gained cannot exceed one-half your binder level (round down) and from a failed Fortitude save may immediately attempt a second you are limited to binding 9th-level spirits. For example, a 6th save to end the effect of one affliction. Affiliations that did not level pact warrior is normally limited to 2nd-level spirits but allow a save or are not ongoing do not allow a new save. can bind 3rd-level spirits using this feat. Beginning at 20th level, a character can bind spirits of one MYSTIC SPIRIT AURA higher level than normal to a maximum of 9th-level spirits. Allies affected by your spirit aura resist enchantments. Special: Due to the feats restrictions, it offers no benefit to Prerequisites: Spirit aura, able to bind 3rd level spirits, members of the spirit binder class. Charisma 17. Benefit: When you use your spirit aura, targeted allies who POWER BOOST pass the binding check immediately recover 1d4+1 points of Your granted abilities are briefly super-charged. damage to one mental attribute (Intelligence,Wisdom, or Cha- Prerequisites: Able to bind spirits. risma) of your choice and enjoy a second save against all ongo- Benefit: Once per day as a swift action you can increase ing mind-affecting effects. Mind-affecting effects that did not your effective binder level and ability DCs by +1 for one spir- allow a save or are not ongoing do not allow one now. Allies it that you have bound. The effect lasts 2 minutes. When the that fail the binding check heal 1 point of damage to one mental boost ends, you must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or attribute of your choice. be fatigued (or exhausted if already fatigued, or unconscious if already exhausted). The effect goes away as normal. OCCULT RUNESCRIBE [ITEM CREATION] You can draw runes that synergize with your bound spirit. RAVAGEMENT REDEEMED Prerequisites: Binder level 1st. You can suppress the effects of one flaw. Benefit: You can create a scroll of any pact magic related Prerequisites: One or more flaws, character level 5th. feat that you know. Unlike a normal scroll, a rune scroll can be Benefit: Whenever you would be subject to a flaws effects, used more than once. Scribing a rune scroll takes one day for you may choose to ignore those effects except when you are each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a rune scroll is unconscious, stunned, or below 0 hit points. In those special 150 gp x the number of uses, with a maximum number of uses cases, you may still ignore those effects on a binder level check equal to your binder level. To scribe a rune scroll, you must (d20 + binder level + Charisma modifier) against DC 15. If spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials you fail the check, you suffer the flaws effects until the start of costing one-half of this base price. the next day or until you seal a pact with a spirit. Any character bound with a spirit can activate a rune scroll as a standard action and enjoy the benefits of the feat for 2 SUPERNATURAL DABBLER minutes provided he meets the feats prerequisites. A character You forfeit spell-like abilities to gain brief access to a spirits who does not meet the feats prerequisites activates the rune supernatural abilities. scroll and expends a use but gains no benefit. A successful DC Prerequisites: Possess a spell-like ability, Charisma 11. 12 Knowledge (arcana) check reveals the rune scrolls benefit Benefit: At the start of each day, you specify one (or more) without activating it. A character is limited to benefiting from spell-like abilities that you immediately forfeit in order to gain one rune scroll at a time. Reading a second rune scroll causes access to one (or more) spirit granted abilities instead. For the effects of the first scroll to immediately end. each forfeit spell-like ability, you specify one granted ability. Any rune scroll that stores a feat with a costly material com- You gain access to that granted ability as a swift action any time ponent or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In ad- later that day for a duration of 2 minutes. dition to the costs derived from the base price, you must ex- The granted ability must be from a spirit with a level equal to pend the material component or pay the XP when scribing the or lower than the level of the spell-like ability. For example, a rune scroll. vrock demon might forfeit its once-daily use of heroism to gain one granted ability of a 3rd-level spirit. PACTMASTER OCCULT PRIEST If you have unlimited uses of a spell-like ability, then you ex- You can select the Pact Magic cleric domain. change all those uses and gain one granted ability that you have Prerequisites: Bonus domain class ability. access to for 24 hours (rather than 2 minutes). When you gain Benefit: The next time you select a cleric domain using the multiple granted abilities, they may be from the same spirit or bonus domain class ability, you can select the Pact Magic do- from different spirits. main, even though that domain normally takes up two do- You bind spirits as normal using your caster level as your ef- mains. You can apply this feat to a bonus domain that you have fective binder level. Use your Charisma score to modify your just gained as part of leveling up. binding check. Use your Constitution to modify the ability Normal: The bonus domain class ability allows access to DCs.You must meet the spirits requirements, perform its cer- only a normal cleric domain. emony, and so forth as usual for binding spirits.You can select a spirits capstone ability only if you succeed on the spirits bind- PARAGON BINDER ing check by 10 or more. You can seal pacts with spirits more powerful than normal. When a spirit is expelled before you can use its granted abil- Prerequisites: Binder Prodigy. ity, you regain access to your spell-like ability. Taking this feat counts as being able to bind spirits for the purpose of qualifying VATIC SHOT, GREATER for other feats. Your weapon or unarmed attacks cause extra damage. If your race grants you daily use of psionic powers, you may Prerequisites: Able to bind spirits, Vatic Shot, base attack substitute those powers as if they were spell-like abilities. bonus +5. Benefit: You can draw upon truly dark and terrible energy SWIFT SPIRIT AURA to enhance your ranged weapon attacks.When using Vatic Shot, You can extend your spirit aura as a swift action. your attack deals an extra 4d6 points of damage (instead of an Prerequisites: Spirit aura. extra 2d6 damage). Benefit:You can activate a spirit aura as a swift action. Normal: Activating a spirit aura is a standard action. VATIC WEAPONSMITH [ITEM CREATION] You can craft magic weapons, armor, and shields. THEURGIC BINDER Prerequisites: Binder level 5th, able to bind spirits of the You can summon extraplanar creatures to aid you. knight constellation, Craft (armorsmithing, bowmaking, or Prerequisites: Focal Constellation (portal, angel, fiend or weaponsmithing) 5 ranks. genie), Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 Benefit: When bound with a spirit of the knight constella- ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks. tion you can create any magic weapon, armor, or shield whose Benefit: You are adept at summoning extraplanar creatures prerequisites you meet excluding caster level (substitute bind- in addition to binding spirits. Whenever you bind a spirit of er level instead). Enhancing a weapon, suit of armor, or shield the constellation for which you have Focal Constellation, you takes one day for each 1,000 gp in the price of its magical fea- gain access to the Theurgic cleric spell domain (below).You are tures. To enhance a weapon, suit of armor, or shield, you must limited to spells equal to or less than the highest level spirit spend 1/25 of its features total price in XP and use up raw you can bind, and you can only summon creatures relevant to materials costing one-half of this total price. the spirits constellation, such as evil outsiders for the fiend The cost for armor and shields equals 1,000 gp x the desired constellations, good outsiders for the angel constellation, el- enhancement bonus x the desired enhancement bonus. The ementals for the genie constellation, or any outsider for the cost of a weapon equals twice that amount. Moreover, your portal constellation. binder level must be at least 3x the enhancement bonus. In Theurgy Domain Spells: protection from evil*, eagles splendor, addition to enhancement, you can add a granted ability to an magic circle against evil*, lesser planar ally, dismissal, planar ally, item. The items user can activate or otherwise benefit from banishment, greater planar ally, gate. the granted ability while equipped with the item for at least * May substitute any alignment axis except those opposite 24 hours. Each granted ability adds +1 per spirit level to the your own. items effective enhancement bonus. For example, a +2 suit of armor with Vandraes shadow blend ability has an effective UNDEAD BINDER [MONSTROUS] enhancement of +5 (since Vandrae is a 3rd-level spirit). Despite having no soul of your own, you maintain the ability to The weapon, armor, or shield to be enhanced must be a mas- bind spirits through force of will alone. terwork item that you provide. Its cost is not included in the Prerequisites: Charisma 15, Undead type. above cost. Benefits: You use your Charisma score to determine the You can also mend a broken magic weapon, suit of armor, or saving throw DCs to resist your granted abilities. Also, you can shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the qualify for any pact magic feat with a Constitution prerequisite, XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to as long as your Charisma score is equal to or greater than the craft that item in the first place. required level of Constitution. WARBINDER LIEUTENANT VATIC BINDER You can extend granted abilities to your cohort and followers. You seal pacts with unique spirits in addition to anima spirits. Prerequisites: Spirit aura, Leadership. Prerequisites: Able to bind at least one 1st-level anima and Benefit: When you use your spirit aura, the benefits extend unable to bind unique spirits. to your cohort and all of your followers within 10 ft per binder Benefit: When you would normally bind an anima spirit, level, plus up to 1 Hit Die per binder level of additional allies you may instead bind a unique spirit of the same level. Unique within range, all of whom must be at least 2 levels lower (or spirits are those with a unique name, legend, allies and foes, have 2 fewer Hit Dice) than you. These additional creatures and so forth. follow the usual spirit aura rules.
Your ranged weapon causes extra damage. You can extend granted abilities to your army for long periods. Prerequisites: Able to bind spirits, Dexterity 13, Point Prerequisites: Warbinder Lieutenant Blank Shot. Benefit: This works like Warbinder Lieutenant, except you Benefit: While bound with a spirit, up to once per round affected up to 10 Hit Dice of additional allies per binder level your ranged weapon delivers an extra 2d6 hit point damage. and the auras duration extends to 30 minutes + 10 minutes You decide whether or not to use this feat prior to attacking. per point of Charisma bonus (minimum 1) for all creatures If you miss, you still expend the use of this feat. Once you use with 2 or fewer Hit Dice than you. this feat you must wait 5 rounds before using it again, or you may spend a standard action to regain its use.