FMR Apr2011
FMR Apr2011
FMR Apr2011
Dear Investor,
The month of May is special for our investors and Al Meezan, as we have successfully completed 16 years of operations.
Our journey began in May 1995 and from that time onward we have continued our efforts to provide diverse Shariah
compliant investment solutions. Currently we are managing eight mutual funds tailored to suit the needs of our valued
investors. It is indeed a proud moment for us to state that with the assets under management of Rs. 29.1bn, Al Meezan
is the largest private sector asset management company in Pakistan and has a huge investor base of 18,000 retail and
more than 300 institutional investors. This has truly been the result of your continued support and patronage and we
will look forward to a long-term relationship with you.
We are pleased to inform you that Al Meezan Mutual Fund (AMMF) -a closed end equity fund is going to be converted
to an open end scheme. Subsequent to the Board of Directors approval, the shareholders have also given their consent
in EOGM. The conversion will provide an opportunity to the investors to increase their exposure by enhancing their
investments whereas they are unable to do it in case of closed end structure. After the conversion of AMMF, investor
will have the ability to redeem the units with Al Meezan instead of going to the stock market and looking for a buyer
of shares of the fund. It will also benefit the investors as they can capture the entire gain of the fund by receiving the
actual value instead of discounted price on stock exchange whenever they want to redeem.
As we approach the end of the fiscal year, we would like to invite our investors to maximize their returns and avail
tax credit benefit by investing in Al Meezan funds and pension fund. You can invest in Al Meezan Funds upto Rs.
800,000/- and avail the tax credit upto Rs. 160,000 (salaried) or Rs. 200,000 (non-salaried). The details of tax benefit
with illustrations are available at our website.
At the end of April 2011, the assets under management of Al Meezan are over Rs. 29.1billion. The net assets of the
open end funds stood as follows:
Meezan Islamic Fund (MIF) Rs. 4,393 million
Meezan Islamic Income Fund (MIIF) Rs. 2,768 million
Meezan Cash Fund (MCF) Rs. 6,266 million
Meezan Sovereign Fund (MSF) Rs. 10,258 million
We are thankful for your valuable support and continued patronage. Fund Managers Report for the month of April
2011 is enclosed for your review and record.
Yours truly,
Ground Floor, Block B, Finance & Trade Centre, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 74400, Pakistan.
UAN: (92-21) 111-633-926 (111-MEEZAN) Fax: (92-21) 35630808, Toll Free: 0800 -HALAL (42525)
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Ground Floor, Block B, Finance & Trade Centre, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 74400, Pakistan.
UAN: (92-21) 111-633-926 (111-MEEZAN) Fax: (92-21) 35630808, Toll Free: 0800 -HALAL (42525)
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
April, 2011
Al Meezan Investments, the company in operation since 1995, has one of the longest track records of managing mutual funds in the private
sector in Pakistan. Al Meezan Investments manages eight mutual funds; namely Al Meezan Mutual Fund, Meezan Balanced Fund, Meezan
Islamic Fund, Meezan Islamic Income Fund, Meezan Tahaffuz Pension Fund, Meezan Capital Protected Fund I, Meezan Cash Fund and
Meezan Sovereign Fund.
The total funds under management of Al Meezan, the only full fledged Shariah compliant asset management company in Pakistan, have
reached Rs. 29.1 billion as on April 30, 2011. With AM2 rating which denotes high management quality, the company clearly stays well
ahead of all its competitors in the Islamic asset management market in Pakistan.
11,800 13.74
0 10,800
This publication is for informational purpose only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in
mutual funds are subject to market risk. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on force and factors affecting the capital markets. These
may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
April, 2011
Sector Allocation
Risk MeasuresApril11
KSE- KMI- 34% Oil & Gas
100 30
MIF index Index Chemicals
Standard Deviation 0.38 0.62 0.51
Sharpe Ratio 0.18 0.11 0.10 Construction and Materials
# KMI-30 replaced DJIIMPK as the Funds benchmark in
FY10 while KSE-100 index remained as the benchmark till
23% General Industrials
FY06 30%
6% Fixed Line Telecommunication
2% 5%
Disclaimer This publication is for informational purpose only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market
risk. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on force and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results. (This report has been prepared in line with MUFAPs recommended Format)
April 2011
Net Assets (Rs mn) 2,743 2,768 0.89% Century Paper & Board Mills Ltd. Forestry and Paper 3%
NAV Per Unit (Rs) 50.26 50.89 4.73% Sitara Chemicals Ltd. III Chemical 3%
Portfolio Composition
Mar11 Apr11
Credit Quality of portfolio Sukuks 29% 29%
Government Securities 39.5%
52% 51%
Government backed / Guaranteed Securities
Government Guaranteed 11.8%
Cash 18% 17%
AA+ 5.3%
AA 3.9% Others Including receivables 1% 3%
AA- 11.0%
A+ 3.4%
Details of Non Compliant Investment
A 9.4%
Below BBB 13.3%
Unrated 0.7%
Disclaimer This publication is for informational purpose only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market
risk. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on force and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results. (This report has been prepared in line with MUFAPs recommended Format)
April 2011
AA 27.8%
Placements with Banks and DFIs
Mar11 Apr11
Placements with Banks and
DFIs 42.4% 33.5%
Other Including receivables
Cash 55.6% 65.0%
Other Including receivables 2.0% 1.5%
Disclaimer This publication is for informational purpose only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market
risk. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on force and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results. (This report has been prepared in line with MUFAPs recommended Format)
April 2011
Registrar Meezan Bank Ltd ** Performance start date of Feb 10, 2010
Unit Types A, B , C & D
Front End Load 0.5% Fund Review
Fund Category Income
Back End Load Nil Net assets of Meezan Sovereign Fund (MSF) stood at Rs. 10.3 billion as at April 30, 2011.
Listing ISE For the month of April, the fund has provided an annualized return of 12.24% as
Management Fee 1% compared to its benchmark which has provided an annualized return of 8.29% during the
same period.
Auditors A.F. Ferguson & Co.
Benchmark Average return on
6-month Islamic
bank deposits
Leverage Nil
Weighted average
1.96 Years
time to maturity
AMC Rating AM2
Rating Agency JCRVIS
Fund Stability Rating AA+ (f)
Salient Features
Pricing Mechanism Forward
Maximum Preservation of Principal Investment
Valuation Days Mon-Fri
Primary Investments in securities issued by Government
Subscription/ Mon-Fri 9am3 pm of Pakistan
Redemption Days Sat 9am 12:00pm Key Benefits Very Low Risk
Fund Manager M. Ali, CFA, FRM
Liquidity (Redemption on average in 2-3 working days)
Members of M. Shoaib, CFA Tax Credit as per tax laws
Investment Muhammad Asad
Committee Sanam Zaib Investments in High Grade & Liquid avenues:
Madiha Javed Minimum 70% Investment in Government backed /
M. Ali, CFA, FRM Investment Policy and issued securities (rated AAA)
M. Farhan Lakhani Strategy Placements in top rated banks and financial institutions
Fund Assets: Weighted Average Time to Maturity of Portfolio : Not
more than 4 years
Mar Apr MoM
Benchmark Average return on 6-month Islamic bank deposits
'11 '11 %
Mar Apr
11 11
Other Including receivables
Government Guaranteed 85% 77%
Cash 11% 19%
Other Including receivables 4% 4% 19%
Disclaimer This publication is for informational purpose only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market
risk. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on force and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results. (This report has been prepared in line with MUFAPs recommended Format)
April 2011
Funds Details Cumulative Returns
Fund Type Open End 1M 3M 6M YTD 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr PSD**
Risk Level Minimal MTPF- Equity 2.1% 2.8% 22.8% 34.9% 23.3% 11.8% - 36.0%
Launch Date 28-Jun-07 12.6% 11.9% 9.8% 10.5% 10.1% 9.6% - 9.3%
MTPF- Debt*
Trustee CDC -
MTPF- MMkt* 11.6% 10.5% 10.5% 10.5% 10.1% 9.6% 9.2%
Registrar Meezan Bank Ltd
Fund Category Pension ** Performance start date of June 28, 2007,
E & Y Ford Rhodes * annualized return
Sidat Hyder & Co. Annual Returns
AMC Rating AM2
FY10 FY09 FY08 FY07 FY06 FY05 FY04
Rating Agency JCRVIS
MTPF- Equity 31.50% -25.80% 3.10% - - - -
Pricing Mechanism Forward
MTPF- Debt 8.50% 10.20% 8.30% - - - -
Valuation Days Mon-Fri
Subscription/ MTPF- MMkt 8.50% 11.10% 7.70% - - - -
Redemption Day Mon-Fri 9 am 3 pm
Fund Review
Fund Manager Muhammad Asad
Members of As at April 30, 2011, total size of Meezan Tahaffuz Pension Fund (MTPF) stood at Rs.
M. Shoaib, CFA
Investment Muhammad Asad 364 million. For the month of April, the NAV of equity sub fund appreciated by 2.1%
Committee while the NAV of debt and money sub funds posted an annualized return of 12.6% and
Sanam Zaib
Madiha Javed 11.6% respectively.
M. Ali, CFA, FRM
M. Farhan Lakhani
Funds Assets
Mar Apr MoM
Rs (Mn) '11 '11 %
Sector Weightage as a % of Net Assets (MTPF Equity)
MTPF- Equity 145 154 6.0%
Funds Details Cumulative Returns
Fund Type Open End 1M 3M 6M FYTD 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr PSD**
Risk Level Minimal MCPF-1 1.05% 2.82% 7.85% 12.77% 26.01% - - 28.90%
Fund Assets:
Mar Apr MoM %
'11 '11 Sector Allocation
Net Assets (Rs mn) 709 716 1.05%
Mar Apr
'11 '11
Murabahah Placement
Equity 13.1% 13.6%
Disclaimer This publication is for informational purpose only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market
risk. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on force and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results. (This report has been prepared in line with MUFAPs recommended Format)
April 2011
Month on Month Mar '11 Apr '11 Month on Month Mar '11 Apr '11
Return on KMI-30 Index* 7.45% 1.75% Return on KMI-30 Index 7.45% 1.75%
Return on KMI-30 Index* 37.67% 40.09% Return on KMI-30 Index 37.67% 40.09%
Net Assets (mn) 1,658 1,685 1.63% Net Assets (mn) 1,475 1,496 1.45%
NAV Per Unit (Rs) 12.05 12.25 1.63% NAV Per Unit (Rs) 12.29 12.47 1.45%
Disclaimer This publication is for informational purpose only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject to market
risk. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on force and factors affecting the capital markets. These may go up or down based on market conditions. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results. (This report has been prepared in line with MUFAPs recommended Format)