POETRY in VOICE Scoring-Rubric

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Scoring Rubric

Very weak Weak Average Good Excellent Outstanding

Stiff or agitated; Timid; unsure; Body language Comfortable; Poised; body Authoritative;
lacks eye eye contact and eye contact steady eye language and body language
Physical contact with and body are at times contact and eye contact and eye
presence audience; language reflect unsure, at times confident body reveal strong contact show
appears nervousness confident language stage presence compelling
uncomfortable stage presence

Inaudible; slow; Audible, but Clear; adequate Clear; Very clear; Very clear;
distracting quiet; too loud; intonation; even appropriate crisp; effective crisp; mastery
Voice and rhythm; monotone; pacing intonation and use of volume, of rhythm and
articulation singsong; unevenly paced; pacing intonation, pace; skillful use
hurried; mispro- affected tone rhythm, and of volume and
nunciations pacing intonation

Poem is Poem is second- Poem is neither Poem is Style of delivery Style of delivery
overshadowed ary to style of overwhelmed enhanced by reflects reflects
by significant delivery; in- nor enhanced style of delivery; precedence of internalization
distracting cludes instances by style of any gestures, poem; poems of poem; all
gestures, facial of distracting delivery facial voice is well gestures and
expressions, gestures, facial expressions, and conveyed movements
of inflections, or expressions, and movements are feel essential to
Dramatiza- accents; acting vocal appropriate to poems success
tion out of poem; inflections; poem
singing; over- inappropriate
emoting; inap- tone
propriate tone

Simple content; Straight-forward One element of Contains two Contains very Contains
easy language; language and challenging elements of challenging extremely chal-
short length content; content, challenging content and lenging content
Level of moderate language, or content, language; and language;
Difficulty length length language, or length is length is
length appropriate to challenging for
complexity of a poem of this
poem complexity

Obscures mean- Doesnt suffi- Satisfactorily Conveys mean- Interprets poem Masterfully
ing of poem ciently commu- communicates ing of poem very well for interprets poem
Evidence of
nicate meaning meaning of well audience; for audience,
Under- of poem poem nuanced deftly revealing
standing poems meaning

Ineffective or Inadequate Sufficient Enjoyable Inspired Captivating

inappropriate recitation; recitation; lacks recitation; performance Performance
recitation; does lacklustre; does meaningful successfully shows grasp of that is more
Overall disservice to disservice to impact on delivers poem recitation skills than the sum of
Performance poem poem audience and enhances its parts; shows
audiences mastery of
experience of recitation skills
the poem

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