POETRY in VOICE Scoring-Rubric
POETRY in VOICE Scoring-Rubric
POETRY in VOICE Scoring-Rubric
Stiff or agitated; Timid; unsure; Body language Comfortable; Poised; body Authoritative;
lacks eye eye contact and eye contact steady eye language and body language
Physical contact with and body are at times contact and eye contact and eye
presence audience; language reflect unsure, at times confident body reveal strong contact show
appears nervousness confident language stage presence compelling
uncomfortable stage presence
Inaudible; slow; Audible, but Clear; adequate Clear; Very clear; Very clear;
distracting quiet; too loud; intonation; even appropriate crisp; effective crisp; mastery
Voice and rhythm; monotone; pacing intonation and use of volume, of rhythm and
articulation singsong; unevenly paced; pacing intonation, pace; skillful use
hurried; mispro- affected tone rhythm, and of volume and
nunciations pacing intonation
Poem is Poem is second- Poem is neither Poem is Style of delivery Style of delivery
overshadowed ary to style of overwhelmed enhanced by reflects reflects
by significant delivery; in- nor enhanced style of delivery; precedence of internalization
distracting cludes instances by style of any gestures, poem; poems of poem; all
gestures, facial of distracting delivery facial voice is well gestures and
expressions, gestures, facial expressions, and conveyed movements
of inflections, or expressions, and movements are feel essential to
Dramatiza- accents; acting vocal appropriate to poems success
tion out of poem; inflections; poem
singing; over- inappropriate
emoting; inap- tone
propriate tone
Simple content; Straight-forward One element of Contains two Contains very Contains
easy language; language and challenging elements of challenging extremely chal-
short length content; content, challenging content and lenging content
Level of moderate language, or content, language; and language;
Difficulty length length language, or length is length is
length appropriate to challenging for
complexity of a poem of this
poem complexity
Obscures mean- Doesnt suffi- Satisfactorily Conveys mean- Interprets poem Masterfully
ing of poem ciently commu- communicates ing of poem very well for interprets poem
Evidence of
nicate meaning meaning of well audience; for audience,
Under- of poem poem nuanced deftly revealing
standing poems meaning