One Day I LL Fly Away PDF

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One Day I'll Fly Away m Words WillJennings/Masic Joo Sample € Slow = = eo + when HOVE is gone: Stil you made your Ta can't stand—the light tt When—will T be- D Gm/D D |© Copyright 1900 by Four Knights Music and Irving Music Ine, Los Angeles, USA/MCA Music Ltd, 138 Piccadilly London WIV SFH for the World excluding Western Hemisphere, including but not limited to North, Central and South America, Australasia, Japan, France (SACEM administered sritorien) Germary, Austria, Switzerland, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Turkey and Poland)/ jondor Music (London) Ld, 1a Parsons Green, London SW6 4TW for the United Kingdom, Eire, British Commonwealth excluding Canada & tales) < All rights reserved International copyright secured CHORUS & * —— Se day Py leave your lowe —— toyes dD GmyD D ANB Bm What more can your love do forme — Em? A Dm Dm? Ging Gin through through cr Be? F Bh /C /Db Eb ERO dream F AE Dm Dm? Gm7 7 To Coda® eS dread the day— that dream ing ends CHAT Dm Bbmaj? AT Dm er B Ebm/Bb Bb bbe Cm/Bb Ebm/Gh = Gm Dire Eb? Bb. DS. al Coda F Bbm/F Bbm /C (Db /Eb FOooAT copa Adib, repeat ca Pade One day rilfly —— Dm D Gm/D D

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