O Riordan 2015
O Riordan 2015
O Riordan 2015
Volume 168 Issue GE1 Geotechnical Engineering 168 February 2015 Issue GE1
Pages 3141 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/geng.13.00045
Seismic stability of braced excavations next Paper 1300045
to tall buildings Received 09/04/2013 Accepted 11/04/2014
Published online 15/08/2014
ORiordan and Almufti Keywords: dynamics/retaining walls/seismic engineering
It can take many years to complete the construction of deep, wide and long excavations in urban environments. In
seismically active areas, there is a finite probability that a significant earthquake could take place during the
construction period. The designer and builder are confronted with the need not only to maintain control of ground
and retaining wall movements during the normal construction conditions but also to protect surrounding buildings
during a seismic event. It follows that the seismic loads from adjacent structures and their foundations must be
considered together with the available load pathways through the propping system. The paper considers the
available methods of design and proposes a performance-based design philosophy in which the temporary shoring
system and permanent installation are designed for static loading conditions and for the seismic condition only in as
much as the performance objectives of adjacent buildings are achieved for various levels of earthquake shaking. An
example of the use of performance-based design is presented for the effects of a 130 m tall building of 30 m square
plan upon the temporary shoring system for a long and wide excavation. The results obtained are compared with
code-based calculations and general conclusions are drawn.
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
which the foundation is assumed to be rigid, fixed at the base and structures with foundations on linear elastic foundation soils (e.g.
subject to free-field representation of ground acceleration. They Yahyai et al., 2008). These tend to overstate the amount of
found that interaction at in-plane separation distances less than the width of
the smaller structure. Trombetta et al. (2012) carried out
(a) the fundamental period of the structure increases with the centrifuge testing of rigid dissimilar structures founded on pads
explicit inclusion of a foundation system and at higher aspect on dense sand with a site period of 0 .6 s. They modelled a low-
ratios (height/width), decreasing the flexural demands in the rise structure adjacent to a 29 .6 m high structure at prototype
building scale. These tests showed that, where the PGA exceeded 0 .3g,
(b) there was little apparent difference between structures on key parameters such as structural drift, foundation rotation and
piled and shallow foundations. structural demand are adversely affected.
In addition, higher mode response, which generally governs the Considerable effort is required to generalise these overall trends
shear demands in tall buildings, may be greatly reduced when in behaviour for above-ground structures. Further complications
kinematic effects are accounted for deep embedded basements arise where the adjacent structure involves the removal of soil
(Stewart and Tileylioglu, 2007). and an unloading stress path in the adjacent founding soil. The
magnitude of the SSSI effect can dominate the design of the
This means that the use of code-based seismic forces in a two- excavated structure.
dimensional pseudo-static analysis will tend to produce an over-
estimate of the demand on the structural support system for the The design of the excavation support system and the associated
underground structure where permanent underground installation adjacent to structures that
have a period, T, of more than 2 s is most economically carried
j structural foundations fall within the zone ACEDB of Figure 2 out using SSSI techniques. The process comprises the following
j the vertical stress that it imposes is lower than the operational steps
strength of the soil.
(a) selection of ground motions and return period
For situations with an operational soil strength of about 100 kPa (b) establishment of design basis and properties of adjacent
below line CD in Figure 2, adjacent buildings lower than about structures, including foundations
15 storeys would fall into this category. (c) computer simulation of excavation process and earthquake
Pseudo-static analysis can be appropriate for buildings with (d ) comparison of predicted earthquake performance of adjacent
fundamental period, T , 2 s, provided that the inclusion of the structure with design basis
building load does not reduce the factor of safety against basal (e) completion of design of temporary support and permanent
heave to below 1 .3. Furthermore, owing to the potential for installation.
conservatism in static design procedures, Bray et al. (2010) have
suggested that seismic earth pressures on retaining walls can be Figure 3 shows the code-intended seismic performance objectives
ignored where the peak ground acceleration (PGA) is less than for new buildings in the USA. These are designed under the implicit
0 .3g. It is therefore unlikely that seismic interaction with such objective of life safety performance in a design earthquake.
comparatively modest adjacent buildings will be a governing load Although it is not explicitly related to a specific intensity level, the
Performance level
For taller and/or heavier structures, the pseudo-static load effect Ground Immediate Collapse
Operational Life safety
motion occupancy prevention
can be examined by choosing a reasonable load pathway for the
seismic loads and by assuming that the load is transmitted
uniformly through the soil through a 40458 wedge. For a raft OCII: Ordinary
foundation at ground level, the addition of base shear is OCIV: Essential
OCIII: High occupancy
straightforward. Ways of including lateral loading effect from
adjacent piled buildings under static loading conditions are Design
discussed by Kaul (2010) for metro stations.
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
design earthquake is approximately equivalent to a 475-year return used for the temporary condition and ASCE 37-02 (ASCE, 2002)
period earthquake (10% probability of exceedance in 50 years) in implies 20%. To put these recommendations into the context of
California. For comparison, Eurocode 8 (BSI, 2004) adopts a return probability of exposure, Figure 4 examines the situation for the
period of 475 years explicitly and similarly intends for life safety urban centre of San Francisco, whereby acceleration spectra are
performance. Building performance under frequent earthquakes derived for return periods of 50 and 100 years, normalised with
is rarely considered, although the implicit performance expectation the spectrum for a return period of 475 years. It can be seen that
is that new buildings would suffer minimal damage (ASCE 7-10 the Eurocode 8 and ASCE 37-02 recommendations, shown
(ASCE, 2010)) and Eurocode 8 has a damage limitation require- bracketed in Figure 4, are reasonable for situations where the
ment associated with a return period of 95 years. fundamental period of the system is greater than 2 s, but not for
systems with shorter fundamental periods. These include deep
For building structures, a performance-based design is used as a excavations and situations in which adjacent building perform-
means to demonstrate that the performance objectives intended ance is dominated by higher modes of vibration. For these, it may
by prescriptive code-based design are explicitly met. The per- be more appropriate to define a uniform hazard spectrum for the
formance objectives are defined by the amount of tolerable desired intensity level, as follows.
damage a building sustains for a particular severity of shaking.
To demonstrate the performance objectives are met, a non-linear The frequent-level earthquake ground motion is not defined in the
response history analysis (NLRHA) is typically required. building codes, but several performance-based design guidelines
(CTBUH, 2014; PEER TBI, 2014) recommend a return period
An analogous methodology may be employed for open excava- between 43 and 72 years. Table 1 gives the probability that the
tions in urban areas and enables a focused dialogue to take place
between the owner of the underground structure and the adjacent
building owner. The general performance-based philosophy is to
Ratio N-year/475-year RP spectral acceleration
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
frequent-level, 50-year earthquake ground motion will be exceeded 5.1 Effects of the excavation on soil response
during the period that the excavation remains open. Table 1 shows The response for the soil column directly below the excavation in
that the hazard level for the excavation depends on the length of the long-term future loading condition may not be the same as
time the excavation remains open, as well as on the earthquake predicted by the free-field motions at the state of stress in the
intensity level. The hazard level is not defined solely by adopting a ground pre-excavation. The excavation has the effect of reducing
pre-determined earthquake intensity. For comparison, the 475-year the effective stresses in the soils to a level below which they
return period earthquake has a 10% chance of being exceeded in cause the stiffness and strength to degrade.
the typically stated lifetime of a building (50 years). Table 1 shows
that the utilisation of a 50-year return period earthquake to analyse A one-dimensional site response analysis may also be performed
an excavation that is only open for a few years may be conservative using a reduced height of the soil column based on the completed
compared to traditional risk tolerance. The values in Table 1 were excavation depth to assess the potential of liquefiable soils within
determined using the following equation the excavation and at depth. The soil properties should be adjusted
to account for the reduction in stress and changes to other
PE 1e(n) engineering properties. The shear modulus reduction curve should
be adjusted so that the implied shear strength or apparent friction
angle is consistent with the new engineering properties and stress
where PE is probability of exceedance, is annual rate of state for each layer. The change in the small strain shear modulus
occurrence and n is the number of years the excavation is open. can be estimated using many of the available correlations from
The return period is calculated by 1/. Seed and Idriss (1970) to Darandeli (2001). An example of the
variation in shear modulus with increasing shear strain for a clay
A hazard level that aligns more closely with the traditional risk of medium plasticity and moderate over-consolidation ratio is
tolerance may be obtained as follows. given in Figure 5, in which the curve for static analysis (simulat-
ing the excavation sequence) is compared to that used for subse-
(a) Use a temporary level earthquake ground motion to assess quent dynamic analysis at any stage of excavation.
the seismic response of the adjacent building during the
temporary excavation. Where the results of one-dimensional analysis show that a layer
(b) Define this temporary level ground motion as having a 10% is liquefiable, its shear strength should be neglected when
probability of exceedance while the excavation is open. excavation stability is considered. A one-dimensional site re-
(c) Adopt a lower damping (e.g. 2% rather than the traditional sponse analysis excludes the stiffness of the shoring and bracing
5%) when generating the response spectrum of the adjacent system and should always be complemented by a more complete,
building. The building is not expected to yield during a low- three-dimensional soilstructure interaction analysis as follows.
intensity earthquake and so significant hysteretic damping is
unlikely to occur. 6. Structuresoilstructure interaction
(d ) An SSSI analysis may then be carried out as described below, analysis
to determine the structural demands on the walls and props. Consider, as an extreme example, the tall, heavy building,
These should then be compared to the yield capacities of the approximately 35 m 3 60 m in plan, located 10 m outside an
individual members and their connections. 18 .3 m deep excavation illustrated in Figure 6. In this situation,
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
Adjacent structure
Sand 1
Clay 1
Sand 2
Clay 2
Sand 3
Sand 4
failure surface
Clay 4
the building load applies a vertical static load of 500 kPa. This is
approximately four times the operational shear strength of the
soils at excavation level, which would be intersected by the
potential failure surface shown in Figure 6. In the static
condition, the stability of the excavation is slightly less than 1,
and additional deep support is needed. The first mode period of
the building is approximately 4 .5 s and the far-field site period is
approximately 1 .5 s.
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
Base shear: kN
The model for the adjacent building in this analysis may often be 4500
based on elastic properties because non-linearity in the structural
4 500
components is usually minor under frequent level shaking.
Damping is assumed to be 2% of critical which is consistent with 13 500
new research on tall buildings.
22 500
Details of the NLRHA are given in the appendix to this paper.
31 500
The results show that the overall performance of the building was 0 10 20 30 40 50
better in the temporary condition with the open excavation than it Time: s
was in the existing condition with no excavation. The improve-
ment results from the addition of the buried shear walls to the Figure 9. Shear at base of tower (Kobe earthquake input): elastic
shoring wall system (see Figure 6). During the earthquake, plastic base shear force at the underside of the mat of the adjacent
strains develop in the highly stressed soils beneath the building building
(Figure 6) and result in permanent settlements. Figure 8 shows
the settlements from one of the ground motion scenarios. The
vertical, seismically induced settlement with the temporary buried shear walls and in the original condition without an
excavation and shear walls present is slightly less than it would excavation. The maximum seismically induced base shear force
have been if there were no excavation. The other two ground in the direction of the excavation is about 27 500 kN, or an
motion scenarios exhibited similar response. average of 785 kN/m run of the 35 m wide piled mat.
Figure 9 shows the elastic base shear forces at the underside of Next, the seismic demands in the props are investigated to ensure
the adjacent tall building mat arising from earthquake loading. that they are within capacity. Figure 8 shows the prop locations
Base shear is similar in both the temporary situation with the and Table 2 provides a summary of predicted loads at completion
Sand 40 m
1 Prop 1 35 m Basement level (B1)
Prop 2
40 m 0
Seismically induced settlement below mat: mm
Clay Prop 3
1 40 m
Prop 4
Sands 45 m
2 and 3 25
2 50
58 m
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
rock Distance from excavation: m
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
Prop Depth: m Completion of excavation (LS-Dyna): Seismic load increment (LS-Dyna): Seismic load increment
kN/m run kN/m run (Wood, 1973):a kN/m run
of excavation and the increment added to those loads after compress the bottom prop. The rotational flexibility of this
seismic shaking. Values are expressed in kN/m run of wall and building may be greater than most, because the piles are not
are given for two locations: adjacent to the building and remote deeper than the zone CDE illustrated in Figure 2.
from it, where the buried shear walls are absent. The total force
in the remote props is the greater. This is due to the local This combination of static and dynamic analyses has enabled the
reduction of lateral stress from the building basement excavation examination of the permanent displacements and associated seis-
and the mobilisation of lateral resistance through the piled mat of mic force distributions from a tall, heavy building onto an adjacent
the building and the buried shear wall system. multi-propped excavation. The following conclusions are drawn.
Figure 10 shows how the prop forces change during an earth- (a) The seismic forces taken by the lowest level of props amount
quake. The lowest level of props, which are approximately 2 .4 m to about 75% of the NLRHA base shear force under the
on centre, are resisting a significant proportion of the seismic adjacent building mat.
load while the loads in the higher levels of props reduce during (b) The seismic force attracted to the buried shear wall system
and after seismic shaking. This behaviour, together with the force below the excavation that is, the difference between the
distributions remote from the building, are insightful results from NLRHA calculated base shear force and the force taken by
NLRHA and are not as expected from code-based formulations. the props is approximately 25% of the base shear force.
These results can be attributed to three-dimensional effects and, (c) The horizontal line of reaction to the base shear is close to
after seismic shaking, to the rotational flexibility of the adjacent the base of the piles of the adjacent building, and this does
building at its base, which tends to unload the top props and not conform to the force distribution predicted using
conventional pseudo-static formulations such as Mononobe
0 Okabe (Seed and Whitman, 1970) or Wood (1973).
(d ) The seismic effects on the stability of a multi-propped
excavation from adjacent, tall, heavy buildings can be
Prop force: kN/prop
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
05 Free field
10 One-dimensional site response analysis
Acceleration: g
Spectral acceleration: g
02 06
0 03
001 01 1 10 02
Period: s
Figure 11. 100-year site-adjusted top of rock mean equal hazard 0
response spectrum 001 01 1 10
Period: s
Numerical analysis tools now allow SSSI analyses that incorpo- Acknowledgements
rate dynamic, seismic shaking. These tools can help in under- The authors are grateful to their colleagues Michael Willford,
standing the complex interaction of the soil, shoring system for Brian Simpson, Payman Khalili-Tehrani, Yuli Huang, Kirk Ellison
the excavation, the completed underground structure and adjacent and Stephen McLandrich in supporting this research. The authors
buildings. The shoring system for a new excavation adjacent to also thank the Transbay Joint Powers Authority for the opportu-
tall, heavy buildings with T . 2 s and insufficiently deep founda- nity to publish some of the findings arising from the design of the
tions in areas with PGA . 0 .3g will require an augmented Transbay Transit Center, San Francisco in this paper.
shoring system to take account of seismic interaction effects.
After the underground structure has been constructed, the effects Appendix: Details of non-linear response
of new, tall buildings to be sited adjacent to that structure can be history analysis used in the example
evaluated. Tall, heavy buildings with T . 2 s in areas with (a) Bedrock input motion (see Figure 11).
PGA . 0 .3g may well require foundations that are significantly (b) Free-field response in LS-Dyna compared to representative
deeper and stiffer than would be required to satisfy only static one-dimensional site response analysis (Deepsoil) (see
loading constraints. Figure 12).
PGA: g (Kobe (Nishi-Akashi)) max / vo : g (Kobe (Nishi-Akashi)) Max shear strain: % (Kobe (Nishi-Akashi))
0 005 010 015 020 025 030 0 005 010 015 020 025 0 02 04 06
0 0 0 0
Fill 125
50 Marine 50 50
Lower 65
Bay mud 75
marine sands
100 100 100
Depth: ft
Depth: ft
Depth: ft
Weathered 233
250 250 250 250
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Geotechnical Engineering Seismic stability of braced excavations
Volume 168 Issue GE1 next to tall buildings
ORiordan and Almufti
Free field Under tower
embedded retaining walls subjected to seismic loading.
Proceedings of Workshop on Eurocode 8: Perspectives from
an Italian Standpoint, Naples, Italy, pp. 110.
Spectral acceleration: g
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ORiordan and Almufti
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