DIS Strategic Plan Jan 2012 - Jan 2015 Reviewed February 2014

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Strategic Plan

2012 to 2015
Jeff Smith


Updated February 2014

Forever learning, forever achieving

DIS Vision

To create an outstanding, multi-cultural learning

community which empowers students to reach their
potential, become life-long learners and
responsible global citizens.

DIS Mission

At DIS we believe that all students will fulfill their potential in an inclusive, forward thinking and safe environment
in which each childs individuality is valued and encouraged.

Our committed team of educators will provide opportunities for creativity and global awareness through a holistic
and nurturing curriculum. They will hold high expectations, use innovative learning and teaching approaches, and
encourage the celebration of cultural diversity.

We will foster partnerships where students, parents, staff and the wider community will actively support and
contribute to the achievement of the DIS Vision.
To achieve our mission we will work to our core values and schools aims
The Core Values of Deira International School are to:

Pursue academic excellence

Celebrate achievement and participation
Guide and nurture individual development
Appreciate cultural diversity
Promote human rights and responsibilities
Cherish the community and the environment
Promote spiritual, moral and ethical values
Promote loyalty, pride, spirit, belonging and caring


Academic Progress

Deira International School is committed to providing an excellent education for all students enabling them to enjoy and achieve high levels of learning. We
address the diverse needs and aspirations of our students, offering an excellent foundation in all aspects of learning, to challenge and prepare them for a
successful future. Our students will be equipped to study at the most prestigious universities in the world.

Personal Development

Deira International School recognises and nurtures each student as a unique person. We are dedicated to developing in our students the qualities and skills
necessary to become safe, healthy, confident, self-motivated and independent individuals prepared for the responsibilities of adult life and their own economic

Tolerance and Awareness

Deira International School actively promotes respect and tolerance as well as environmental and social awareness. We encourage our students to make a
positive contribution and become committed and valued members of our school and, by supporting internationalism, be responsible citizens of the world.
FOR SCHOOL AIM 1: Academic Progress

We will ensure the quality of our education by:

providing a curriculum, based upon an adapted British Curriculum and International Baccalaureate Programme
systematically reviewing the curriculum to meet the needs of our students in the ever changing world
maintaining an excellent learning environment with the best teaching resources available to us
addressing the individual needs of all students including special needs, gifted and talented and English language learners
maintaining class sizes which maximise opportunities for individual learning and a favourable teacher/student ratio
providing a broad range of extra-curricular opportunities
recruiting and retaining well qualified, experienced and effective staff
assessing students attainment and progress throughout their school career
providing regular feedback on progress to students and parents
regularly reviewing school performance through monitoring and evaluation
providing quality professional development for staff
being open to new thinking and ideas
using technology to enhance the learning experience
recognising that different teaching methodologies are essential for effective learning to take place

so that our students are equipped to succeed in other education systems, enter higher education and the world of work.

FOR SCHOOL AIM 2: Personal Development

We will ensure the development of each individual student by:

ensuring a secure and caring environment where all students experience success
encouraging and developing leadership skills, and the ability to cooperate as part of a team
encouraging resilience and an ability to engage with change
fostering secure values, beliefs and morals by developing self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect
responding to individual circumstances
recognising and rewarding participation and achievement
providing a learning environment that ensures independent study and group work are meaningful and rewarding
offering enjoyable and exciting approaches and opportunities to stimulate enthusiasm and motivation for learning
encouraging students to apply their learning to new situations
fostering a sense of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
promoting the importance of healthy lifestyles and informed decision making

so that students become confident, self-motivated and independent lifelong learners.

FOR SCHOOL AIM 3: Tolerance and Awareness

We will ensure that our students have an appreciation of the important role they play as members of the school and of the local and international
community by:

maximising opportunities for students to participate in school activities

encouraging students to take pride in themselves and in their school
promoting an ethos of mutual respect and support in the school community
developing appropriate role models for our school community
promoting social awareness through actively encouraging all students to initiate and support charity work
teaching students to respect and care for the environment
enriching our curriculum with a wide variety of opportunities and a range of intercultural experiences
observing the spirit of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights
developing knowledge and understanding of the world, the UAEs place in it and appreciate local heritage and community

so that they develop as respectful, tolerant and self-aware individuals who will become responsible citizens of the world.

DIS - Definition of Internationalism

At Deira International School we are proud to be an international school and make every effort to incorporate internationalism into everything we do.

The term Internationalism is understood within the DIS community of staff, students and parents as:

to nurture in every student an open and inquiring mind;

a caring and principled attitude towards people and the environment;
high linguistic proficiency in English, Arabic (mother tongue or Arabic as a Foreign Language) and an additional foreign language;
an ability to communicate, cooperate and collaborate with people from different cultural and national backgrounds;
an ability to adapt and find fulfillment in a competitive and highly technological world;
A unified sense of commitment to community and global sustainability.

DIS Governance and Management Policy

a) Deira International School is owned by the Al Futtaim Group, developer of Dubai Festival City. At the Schools inception, the Al Futtaim Group entered into
an agreement with Educational Services Overseas Ltd (ESOL) to manage the School. Under the management agreement between the two organisations, AFG
delegates to ESOL the authorities and responsibilities of managing all aspects of DISs operations. The DIS school board consists of both AFG and ESOL
personnel who meet primarily to oversee the Schools finances on behalf of the owner and to develop strategic intentions for the Schools future.

b) The School is accountable to the Governing Body/ESOL for its performance and quality in the following ways:

formal appraisal of the Director conducted by ESOL management at the beginning of the academic year and a mid-cycle review during February/March at
which all aspects of school performance are reviewed.
through the provision of a formal reporting mechanism to ESOL on three separate occasions. These reports require the inclusion of detail and evidence of
student achievement and teacher performance.
at weekly Business Senior Management Team meetings the Director and Principals provide a report on academic progress and associated matters to the
ESOL Regional Director.
at the weekly Business Senior Management Team meeting reports are also tabled in the areas of finances, human resources, student enrolment, general
administrative and infrastructure matters.

c) DIS is bound by ESOL Management Policy and its responsibilities to the UAE Ministry of Education to uphold its legal and ethical commitments to the school
community. ESOL provides an overarching policy manual by way of guidance for individual schools to use in the development of their own policies. In this
regard DIS has developed comprehensive policies in all areas of its operation.
Bringing our school improvement action planning together
The Link between - DSIB/SEF DIS School Improvement Plan - CIS Evaluation Sections
This document maps out the links between targets generated from the quality indicators identified by the DSIB/ SEF process, with our DIS improvement main targets, which
are then broken down into more specific action targets. This is then cross referenced against targets from the CIS evaluation sections. The aim is to ensure that the school
can focus on one set of targets in the DIS School Improvement Plan in the knowledge that we are responding to DSIB/SEF and CIS self-evaluation feedback.

DISB SEF - Key Questions and Quality Indicators DIS School Improvement Plan Main Targets CIS Standards for accreditation
(also strategic plan & action plan headings)
How good are the students 1.1 Attainment Improving academic rigour, attainment and progress B8, B10
attainment, progress and 1.2 Progress and developing students learning skills.
learning skills? 1.3 Quality of students learning skills
How good is the students 2.1 Personal responsibility To develop students personal and social development. A1,A2, A3,A4
personal and social 2.2 Students understanding of Islamic
development? values and their local, cultural and
global awareness F1
2.3 Community and environmental
How good are the teaching, 3.1 Teaching for effective learning To improve teaching and learning across the school. B6 C3
and assessment? E1,E2
3.2 Assessment To develop assessment practice- tracking progress, data
management, data analysis, reporting and use of data to
impact on learning.
How well does the curriculum 4.1 Curriculum quality To monitor, review and develop the curriculum. B1, B2, B3, B4, B9
meet the educational needs 4.2 Curriculum design to meet the F3
of all students? individual needs of students
How well does the school 5.1 Health and safety To develop consistent practice and a programme of A1 C3 G3 G4
protect and support 5.2 Quality of support guidance, care and support for all students. Ensure our E2, E3,E4, E5
students? students are always safe.
How good are the leadership 6.1 The quality of leadership Developing leadership capacity, CPD provision and the B5 D5
and management of the capacity to improve.
school? 6.2 Self-evaluation and improvement Developing monitoring and evaluation procedures in D4
planning school.
6.3 Parents and the community Improving communication and working with the school C1, C2,C3,C4
6.4 Governance community. F2
6.5 Management, including staffing, Managing resources including staffing B7 C5 D1,D2,D3,D4
facilities and resources G1, G2, G3, G4
The Reporting, Evaluation and Planning Self Review Process at DIS
Review - How are we doing?

School self-evaluation is based upon an agreed cycle of activities. There is a constant review of performance throughout the school year and a summary at the end of the
academic year. This stage of the cycle involves considering each aspect of what the school does and how this impacts on the students. Using the DSIB Self-Evaluation
framework, the school evaluates its performance using the DSIB Quality Indicators against agreed Descriptors. We also audit targets for improvement that are identified
through the CIS accreditation and IB review processes. We seek student, teacher and parent opinions to ensure the views of stakeholders influence decision-making.
Members of the advisory or governance board are also closely involved in the process. School improvement planning and self-evaluation is led by teachers and middle
managers through our new automated REP (reporting, evaluating and planning) database. The database produces the whole school action plans which reflect the
prioritised targets from all middle management action plans. This information automatically feeds into the DSIB Self-Evaluation document. All school planning is in one
central location and is easily accessed by all teachers and managers.

Evidence - How do we know?

We use (and will be using) a range of evidence to inform our school about how well we are doing. Examples include CEM- ALIS, YELIS and MIDYIS attainment data, grade
predictions, value added data, survey results, students work and accreditation information, etc. This evidence is brought together to identify strengths and areas for
improvement in terms of students' performance. The judgments made by the school are based on the impact our actions have on student outcomes. This information is
used to establish or refine priorities within the overall school improvement plan.

Vision How well should we be doing?

We should be outstanding. Our vision, mission, core values and aims drive school improvement. Our commitment to our parents and students, to provide a high quality
education is an important focus for our school that we use to determine how well we should be doing and in what areas we could improve. We also compare our
performance with other similar schools, locally and internationally. All future policy documents and school procedures will have outcomes that reflect our stated Vision and
Mission Statement.

Planning What is next?

In our planning we prioritise the areas in need of improvement. As a school community of teachers, students, parents and governors, we agree on which actions will bring
about the desired change. Our school is clear about what we expect to see if our actions are successful. Our long-term Strategic Plan and short-term (yearly) improvement
plans guide us through this process.

A whole school improvement plan is produced after senior leaders have read and prioritised all plans produced by the middle managers in the school. This is a bottom
down approach where our teachers and middle leaders lead the whole school improvement process. The planning process is intrinsically linked to our new Monitoring and
Evaluation Strategy, CPD/Appraisal and assessment and reporting.
Action What will we do?

The whole school improvement action plans ensure that change is managed effectively and includes key personnel so that initiatives are embedded in practice, and to
develop ownership and collaboration. Clear time lines are given so that we can constantly review progress. Specific funding and time allocation is identified. Action plans
include pupil focused success criteria which are measurable in terms of impact on students. An evaluation column is used for regular updates and progress is annotated
onto the plans. A3 versions of department action plans are on walls so that they are live documents that are constantly and easily annotated. Our yearly action plans
contribute to the overall long-term strategic plan. The SLT review department plans with middle leaders and complete a written review/feedback sheet. These review
sheets are part of the Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy.

Monitoring Are we doing what we have agreed?

We are introducing a new Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy that is intrinsically linked to the self-review and planning process. This involves regular and rigorous monitoring
of practice and progress, and constant evaluation of where we are and what we need to do next. We are accountable to the community we serve and all members of the
learning community have a role in ensuring the school is held to account.

We will monitor:

the progress of our action plans which are evaluated against student focused outcomes;
the quality and impact of teaching and learning;
professional development participation and provide opportunities for all our staff;
the attainment of our students, the progress they make including personal and social development;
all assessment data and ensure data is used effectively by teachers to inform on their planning;
the curriculum and constantly evaluate the changing needs of our pupils and community;
the quality of our facilities and ensure the school community is safe;
the quality of leadership at all levels in the school;
the overall performance of the school.
THE REVIEW AND PLANNING PROCESS AT DIS - Gathering Evidence and Consulting

consultation and listening review action - improve consultation and listening

Parents questionnaires
Informal and formal feedback SLT, middle
Parents PTA
Parent representative meetings
managers and
Day-to-day feedback teachers consult to
Student Council SRC
Students Prefects
produce and
Student voice groups action plans
Student subject and teacher reviews

Reviewed and authorised

Day-to-day feedback
Department meetings
Staff Improvement plans Advisors
Working party feedback
Teachers meetings
Staff Committee School Board
Teachers reviews of managers

School Strategic Plan review

School Improvement Plan review
Standards and Initiatives findings
Self-evaluation feedback
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy feedback
The wider community feedback - including perceptions
Inspection response to DSIB reports

In the context of DIS Vision, Mission Statement, Core Values and Aims
The Strategic Action Plan - Jan 2012 to Jan 2015
Satisfactory - S Good with some satisfactory features - Gs Outstanding with still some good features - Og

Satisfactory with good features - Sg Good - G Outstanding in all areas - *O

Good with some outstanding features - Go Red writing identifies targets/recommendations from
DSIB report 2014 and CIS accreditation targets
Good with many outstanding features - Goo

to outstanding

DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 Years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets
Improving academic Prepare a monitoring and Ensure targets for improvements are Extract report targets for Tutors and HOY Underachievers are identified quickly
rigour, attainment and mentoring strategy to track and on long reports. so that students are kept on target across from interim and long reports.
progress, and developing deal with underperformance. subject areas. Intervention and learning support
students learning skills. Develop a plan to improve the HOYs/Tutors track attainment and Underachievers are tracked, monitored and strategies ensure all learners make
reading and writing skills of performance and deal with mentored by subject departments and excellent progress.
ELL students. underperformance. Tutors/HOY. Interventional strategies are in
Improve SEN, G &T and ELL Improve ELL, SEN and G &T ELL, SEN and G & T support is good due ELL, SEN and G & T support is
support. support by ensuring greater to better consistency in approaches. SEN outstanding. Students are identified,
consistency in the identification, students who improve come off the SEN supported and monitored effectively.
Improve teaching in targeted quality of support and monitoring of list.
subjects. progress of SEN students. Improve teaching in TOK, better prepare TOK and Extended Study results
students for their TOK and Extended Study show high understanding and
Improve the use of assessment Improved consistency in teaching essays. Improve Technology Coursework attainment. (also technology
data to impact on learning in and use of assessment. attainment. Appoint a TOK EE Cordinator. courswork)
targeted subject. All subject teachers deal with literacy,
Write a policy for attainment, Subject teachers start to deal with numeracy and e-learning.
monitoring progress and literacy and numeracy and e-
reporting. learning. Attainment is raised due to the impact of all
Work with the Arabic, Islamic Implement strategies to accelerate Progress can be easily demonstrated for all
Education and Science students progress and raise levels learners.
Departments to develop a of attainment in Arabic, Islamic Implement strategies to accelerate students Evaluate the effectiveness of the
strategy to accelerate students Studies and Science/Physics (at progress and raise levels of attainment in improvement strategy to accelerate
progress and raise levels of KS5). Arabic, Islamic Studies and Physics (at students progress and raise levels of
attainment. G Raise attainment in primary science KS5). attainment in Arabic, Islamic Studies
G Raise the expectations and level of and Science (at KS5)
challenge in these areas. G Og
DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

To develop students Deputy Principal Secondary to Citizenship is brought into the Life The S4L programme delivered to same high The CARE and S4L programme are
personal and social take charge of personal and Skills programme. standards as all subjects, and includes: vertically mapped across the whole
development. social development and the attitudes and behaviour, understanding of school and fulfill the schools vision
Life Skills programme across DP Secondary and Year Leaders Islam, traditions and culture, civic to produce outstanding personal and
the Secondary School. work with Tutors to develop responsibility, economic well-being, social development of our students.
personal and social development environmental understanding and healthy
Devise a programme for Learn and the Life Skills programme lifestyles.
to Learn and ensure students across the Secondary School. Link the secondary S4L programme to the
are coached on learning CARE programme in primary.
strategies and know their Use every opportunity to reiterate LETs and LETs and 6Rs vocabulary permeate
learning style. One Tutor per tutor group to the 6Rs vocabulary in both schools. the school so that the IB learner
improve accountability. profile is relevant to all year groups.
All students progress is tracked.
Tutors now play a key role in tracking. Students are tracked by accurate
Improve punctuality to Improved punctuality to lessons. monitoring processes and mentored in
lessons. No lesson punctuality issues. all areas of academic and personal
Introduce Careers Guidance in KS 3,4,5. development.
Create Careers Guidance Careers Guidance in place KS4&,5.
programme for KS 3,4,5. A coaching programme to teach students Students attitudes to learning and
how they learn and the best ways to revise sense of responsibility are
is fully embedded into the Life Skills outstanding.
+94% attendance. +95% attendance. programme.
+ 96% attendance.
Develop a system to log students Deepen students understanding of Emirati
progress in the Life Skills traditions and global issues by putting more There is a thorough understanding of
programme examples into the S4L programme and Emirati traditions, The UAEs place in
highlighting these aspects in regular the world and global issues.

Increase opportunities for student leadership

Go by creating responsibilities for students
across the school.
More students take part in MUN.

Develop a Student Charter that ensures

teachers and students understand and work *O
to high expectations. Students will know
what to expect from teachers.
Primary students are members of the SRC
from Years 3 to 6 Og
DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

To improve teaching and Develop forums to share good Develop Teacher Learning Increase TLC participation - all teachers 50% of teaching is outstanding and 40
learning across the school. practice. Community groups (TLC). involved. % good with no unsatisfactory.
Good practice notice boards. Increase number of learning walks All teachers observe minimum number of
Feedback on all lesson and share all feedback. lessons. Teaching pedagogy and standards are
observations and learning Increase staff training. LETS firmly in place and understood. consistently good/outstanding.
walks by SLT and HODs. Embed LETS Good practice is shared across the
Focus on LETS Introduce compulsory peer Teachers, students and parents are school in a variety of forums.
Further develop a T & L observations. introduced to the new VLE. Teachers, students and parents make
group. E learning coordinator in place. All teachers have I Pads to use in the good use of VLE to improve learning.
Appoint E-Learning Learning group lead on T&L classroom. The T & L group lead and implement
Coordinator. Improved consistency in teaching in T & L group lead T & L in school. the T& L strategy.
Improve the consistency in targeted subject areas. E-Learning has an impact.
teaching in targeted subject More staff use of I Pads and Apps in the
areas. ASSFL is embedded. classroom. Excellent use of personal devices by
Continued focus on ASSFL. Appraisal system is further Teaching and learning is consistent across teachers and students to access 24/7
Review Appraisal system. developed the school and ICT is heavily used. learning.
Strong use of ASSFL that impacts on
Appraisal system has an impact on learning
Internal CPD programme in place and professional development. Introduce
Plan internal CPD programme with a focus on T& L. clear appraisal expectations (the triangle of Outstanding appraisal and CPD
to develop teaching skills. expectations). programmes in place.
Introduce a support strategy for
underperforming teachers.
All departments and key stages have
incorporated the following six High quality internal CPD programme in
All departments and key stages domains into their planning: inquiry place with a focus on T&L.
plan to incorporate the based learning, Learning to Learn, Excellent and comprehensive programme of
following six domains into questioning techniques, student learning outside the classroom
their planning: inquiry based differentiation, assessment for (mapped).
learning, Learning to Learn, learning and raising attainment. All departments and key stages have
questioning techniques, embedded the following six domains into
differentiation, assessment for Identify targets for improvement on their planning: inquiry based learning,
learning and raising reports. All teachers adopt a T (in a Learning to Learn, questioning techniques,
attainment. circle) symbol for a target set when differentiation, assessment for learning and
marking. raising attainment. These areas can be
G shown to have an impact on learning. All lessons have pace that raising
Raise expectations in the classroom by expectations and puts more challenge
Gs extending students with more challenge and into lessons.
increase the pace in Secondary lessons
Goo Og
DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

To develop assessment Training for CEM packages Introduce CEM packages ALIS, Value added data available for school VA data analysed and used for
practice- tracking YELIS, INSIGHT and MIDYIS analysis. planning.
progress, data Training for increased use of plus e-PIPS. Increasing amount of data centralised All data centralised and effectively
management, data PASS to record all assessment All assessment data centralised. used by all teachers and managers.
analysis, reporting and use data. Teachers have instant access to data. All teachers using data for planning. Student data clearly shows attainment
of data to impact on Develop an in-house Access Ensure all staff has access to the Teaching better matches needs of the and incremental progress of all
learning. database to record, track and new Assessment database and use students. School analysis of data drives students across the school.
analyse all assessment data for the data to inform on planning. improvements.
EY1 to IB. Be able to show Progress is monitored throughout the Pupil progress is accurately tracked
attainment and progress for all Improve the accuracy of school. across the primary school and
students across all phases. measurements to monitor/track Intervention strategies identify secondary school.
Ensure all teachers have student progress. underachievement and mentor students to
increased access to all data improve in the secondary school.

Pass 30% use. Pass 50% use Increase staff Improve the tracking of students in the Students work is regularly moderated
training. primary school. Use this data to inform on to improve the consistency of marking
progress at key transitional stages (EY2, Y2 and assessment.
Train staff to use more Develop a system to record and Y6)
functions in PASS. students achievements and Replace primary ePips with INCAS INCAS in place and data informs on
contributions in and out of school. Increase the regularity for teacher students areas for development and
moderation of students work/marking progress.
SEN, ELL, Emirate and G & T Pass 70% use
details recorded on PASS easily Pass 90% use
accessible to all teachers. Record students achievements and Assessment data is used by all
Prepare report systems for new contributions in and out of school. teachers in planning which can be
report format. Review and improve interim reports Excellent accessible data and guidance to shown to have an impact on improved
to include cause for concern fields teachers for all learners needs. Information learning for all learners.
to identify underachievers. used for planning to impact on learning.
Automate report processes. Report format is of the highest quality.
Improve format of long summary Report format is improved. Teacher reports are of a high standard
reports to include subject context, Teacher reports are of a high standard with with specific targets for improvement.
targets for improvement section and specific targets for improvement.
a format for the written comment. Quality control of reports is in place. Parents have access to the Parent
Portal which enables them to view
Parent Portal enables parents to Parent Portal enables parents to track attendance data, print and save school
Open Parent Portal so that access attendance data and school overall progress of their child. reports, and monitor the progress
parents can access their childs reports. VLE also gives parent access to curriculum across all subjects for their child- on
reports online. information line. VLE is extensively used by
S Og parents.
DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

To monitor, review and Review BTEC courses Investigate more BTEC courses. Year 6 curriculum model firmly A range of BTEC courses in place.
develop the curriculum. Successful IB 5 year review. Year 6 follow primary curriculum model established.
Year 6 pupils prepare for with a hybrid secondary arrangement. The curriculum offered suits the
primary curriculum model Some alignment of primary and G & T extended study projects in place needs of all learners.
Merged timetable for the secondary TT. and available to Years 5-10.
Secondary School. Introduce gifted and talented extended Appropriate learning pathways are
study projects for P2 and KS3. Introduce a band programme in Year 6 available to all learners.
Plan to enhance support for Departments deal with G &T students. with free brass and wind tuition. Expand
SEN, ELL, G & T and Emirati the Peripatetic music programme at DIS A brass and wind ban will be
students. Introduce IB Psychology performing at DIS.
Introduce Computer Programming as an The performing arts are of a high
Introduce IB SL Sport Science IGCSE course. order at DIS with large numbers of
Introduce programming and robotics students involved.
into the primary curriculum.
Computer programming is embedded
Increase student learning outside the Excellent and comprehensive into the curriculum at DIS.
classroom. programme of student learning outside
Map student learning outside the classroom (mapped).
the classroom. Implement cross curricular themes
Plan for more cross curricular themed projects to further develop opportunities
teaching in KS2 and KS3 to further for students to apply critical thinking
develop opportunities for students to skills and to give rise to more
apply critical thinking skills and to give independent learning opportunities. A Cross curricular approach is
rise to more independent learning Departments will create learning mapped into the KS2 and KS3
opportunities. Departments will map out opportunities to develop critical thinking curriculum.
opportunities to develop critical thinking and opportunities for independent
and opportunities for independent learning at KS4.
learning at KS4. The curriculum is planned
The curriculum between phases is extensively across transistion
mapped to show planning and phases through integrated
Be compliant for Arabic and Islamic progression across transition stages. subject planning between
Studies teaching. Secondary departments plan with schools.
primary subject leaders.
Plan for compliance for Arabic
and Islamic Studies teaching. Fully compliant for Islamic and Arabic
G Implement a secondary school Careers
Programme from years 9-13, particularly
developing Year 9-11.
G Ensure Early Years outdoor learning Outdoor learning resources
builds seamlessly on to classroom match indoor resources
learning. Og Og
DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

Developing leadership Working groups on CIS Training in place on the new school HOD/middle managers lead on SEF One process in place for all school
capacity, CPD provision sections in place. improvement planning process. completion and department plans are self-evaluation and improvement
and the capacity to Respond to action plans from All teachers have an input into linked to REP process. planning. All staff understands the
improve. working groups. department DIPs SMT review process in place planning process and departments
Departments produce DIPs Central REP database for planning in In house CPD has high attendance rates. produce high quality improvement
New school improvement place. In house professional tracking action plans.
planning process introduced. Introduce SMT planning review sheets introduced.
to feedback to middle managers. Staff electronic CPD portfolios in place. In house CPD programme well
Introduce M & E strategy and In house voluntary CPD programme Introduce Lets Share Walks for teachers. established.
develop middle leadership introduced and led by teachers, In house professional tracking in
roles to promote distributed including a middle managers CPD Offer more professional development place.
leadership. programme. opportunities to all support staff. Delegated leadership in place.
Full first-term induction plan for new Prepare for Investors in People
teachers in place. All staff at DIS are entitled to, and
Implement a new meeting Middle managers lead school do access , professional development.
structure for Sunday (all staff) Middle leaders start to lead school developments.
meetings using a five week development and improvement. Middle leaders run M & E Strategy The training CPD programme for
rotation plan. Middle leaders start to lead M & E Regular programme of First Aid training teachers is focused on school targets
Strategy. in place. to make teaching consistently
Create a new school Implement a programme of staff First Teacher retention improves due to new outstanding at DIS.
management structure Aid training. Plan to be a training school management structure.
proposal. for Emirati teachers. Phase 2 new management structure in Teachers watch outstanding teachers
Phase 1 new management structure. place. teach.
Evaluate the work of the new Whole
Appoint a whole school CPD manager School CPD Manager.
Plan to appoint a Whole Evaluate staff training and share good
Evaluate the effectiveness of the training practice in areas of: High quality staff training is an
School CPD manager integral part of teachers professional
on the Child Protection Policy. Better differentiation in the
Plan to implement training for all development.
Ensure all staff are annually classroom
trained in the schools Child teachers on: Teaching better matches the
protection policy at the start of Better differentiation in the needs of all students, especially
each year. classroom SEN students.
Teaching better matches the Critical thinking and
needs of all students, especially independent learning.
Gs SEN students. Understanding of learning
Critical thinking and objectives and success criteria.
independent learning. Ensure all IB teachers are trained.
Improve lesson observation feedback Lesson feedback is of high quality
from SLT and HODs and has impact on staff training.
Goo Og
DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

Developing monitoring Introduce new M & E Strategy M & E strategy in place led by SMT HOD/middle managers lead M & E Middle leaders run M & E Strategy
and evaluation procedures M & E schedule in place for Learning walks Strategy with SMT overview. School makes accurate assessments
in school. 2012/13 Student tracking Learning walks in place. of its strengths and weaknesses and
Evaluating aspects Student tracking in place areas for development.
Gs Forums to share good practice Evaluating aspects in place. Evidence for self-evaluation and
Introduce TLCs. Forums to share good practice fully review is off the shelf due to
REP process automated and linked to developed. information gathered through M & E
M&E. TLC groups in place. activities.
Goo Fully automated REP process working
well. Very accurate judgments are made
by managers in the self-evaluation
An M & E schedule highlights all process. The school has the capacity
aspects of self-review process. to improve.
Students appraise the quality of the
Introduce new student appraisal of teaching in the school.
teachers for September 2014 and 360 Teachers appraise the quality of
reviews of SLT school managers.
Improving communication Student surveys completed All surveys in place. All surveys in place.
and working with the Parent surveys completed Students course reviews in place Students course reviews in place and
school and outside Teacher surveys completed Increase opportunities to work with the analysis impacts on planning.
community. Parents Rep meetings taking community and review impact. Increase opportunities to work with the
place. Improve website parent and student community and review impact.
Community activities logged. portal Text messaging to parents fully in place.
SRC active. VLE trial Improve website parent and student VLE is widely used by students,
SRC forums developed further. portal. teachers and parents.
VLE in place student access 24/7
Directors Coffee Meetings in Directors Coffee Meetings are well SRC feedback impacts on school All Parents Evenings are managed
place for mornings and attended and a good conduit for planning. and booked online.
evenings to allow all parents to communication. Implement a Parents Evening web
attend. based booking package. Twitter and Facebook regularly used
Parents use Parent Portal. Further develop Twitter and Facebook. to inform on school activity.
Parents have access to Parent Parent Portal is well established and Parent Portal is fully established and
Portal. Put a Virtual Tour on the school website enables parents to track student progress. enables parents to track student
to help recruitment and enrolment. progress across all subjects.
Text messaging package Introduce Twitter and Facebook as Improve the information that helps
purchased. another line of communication. parents understand our curriculum, Parents understand our curriculum
Gs particularly IGCSE and the Early Years and have accurate and frequent
Text messaging to parents in place. Framework. information.
Goo Og *O
DIS School Improvement June 2012 2 year by June 2013 3 years by June 2014 4 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

To develop consistent DIS student Code of Conduct Code of conduct adhered to by all Code of conduct adhered to by all
practice and a programme in place. students. students.
of guidance, care and Develop personal Students are accountable for their Students are accountable for their
support for all students. accountability of students. actions. actions.
Ensure our students are Review welfare and specialist Welfare support is developing. Welfare support is well developed
always safe. support. Specialist support is available Specialist support is available and used.
Appoint a school doctor. Doctor in place and educational role Doctor in place and promote a healthy
Review traffic flow and safety. developing. school.
Review emergency Improved traffic flow, safety improved. Improved traffic flow, safety improved.
procedures. Improve emergency procedures. Emergency procedures outstanding.
Ensure fire drill is silent. Proactive hygiene and maintenance plan Proactive hygiene and maintenance plan
in place. effective.
Improve school hygiene. One Tutor per tutor group to improve Implement improved fire evacuation
accountability. drills and attendance checking.
Improve SEN and ELL Team of mentors introduced to assist All students progress is tracked.
support. HOYs/Tutors with monitoring and Tutors now play a key role in tracking
mentoring programmes. academic progress.
New design IEPs in place and written in Evaluate the understanding of IEPs by
Look at the writing of and the a student friendly language. Ensure students and the use by teachers in
design of SEN students IEPs students and parents have access to planning to ensure teaching better
to ensure they are in a more IEPs matches all students needs.
accessible language for Introduce monitoring and mentoring Students IEPs available on PASS.
students. programme for underachievers in both Heads of year and tutors run monitoring
Develop a plan to improve schools. and mentoring programmes for
pastoral student tracking, Use report data to identify underachievers.
monitoring and mentoring. underachievers in both schools. The Tutor and Head of Year role in
Students contributions and academic monitoring is embedded.
Attendance + 94% achievements are electronically recorded
Student attendance certificates in a database. Students are punctual to all lessons.
in place. Introduce the DIS Diploma/Merit Award
for contributions to four areas: action, Attendance +96%.
Introduce an improved Student service to others, performing or creative Continually enforce dress codes.
Planner. arts and good actions, Ensure greater consistency in the
Improve punctuality to all lessons identification, quality of support and
+95% attendance. monitoring of the progress of SEN
Address uniform issues. Ensure Tutors and parents sign Student students. Ensure SEN students are
Planner. removed from SEN list when
G Uniform Issues changes to IB girls appropriate.
uniform. Use more outside specialist to help
No trainers shoes only identify SEN needs
Go *O
DIS School Improvement June 2012 1 year by June 2013 2 years by June 2014 3 years by June 2015
Plan Main Targets

Managing resources New build of Multi-Purpose MPH in use Plan for new build Science and
including staffing Hall. 6 Science labs in secondary SEN/ELL needs are met by optimum ICT/Technology block including
Plan for PortaCabins and More home-base classrooms in primary. staffing numbers. Lecture Theatre?
furniture for Term1 2012 Music, secondary Art, Technology and Develop a soft play room in the Primary Plan for new build IB Centre
PE established in new MPH. School. including Examination Hall?
Create a staffing plan as Plan for additional sport field space. Plan for new build Early Years
student population increases. Plan for pavilion changing facilities near Centre?
sports fields. ICT plan in place with ongoing New
Create an SEN policy that has Plan for one staffroom. hardware and software refreshment plan.
agreed SEN quotas per year Build Pavilion for sports fields.
group. Increase staffing in SEN/ELL Prioritise planning for a new Library and Create a whole school staff room
department. media learning resource block. Technology has Laser Cutter and 3 D
Plan to increase learning Restrict SEN/ELL students to an agreed printers.
support staffing. quota per year group.
Appoint an E-learning ICT plan implemented Implement Phase 2 for Ipads for all
Coordinator PASS developed to include Parent teachers. *O
Complete ICT development Portal.
Plan. VLE in place. Formula funding for departments fully in
Text messaging system Implement Phase 1 plan for IPads for all place using pupil weighting formulas.
purchased. teachers.
Toilets required for the sports field
Plan to charge for text books School management areas have control
for examination classes. A of pupil weighted department budgets.
book fee for all students. Og
Plan for a change to financial
accountability for school
managers. G

Satisfactory - S Good with some satisfactory features Gs Outstanding with still some good features - Og
Satisfactory with good features - Sg Good G Outstanding in all areas - *O
Good with some outstanding features - Go
Good with many outstanding features - Goo
Abbreviations used
SLT Senior Leadership Team HOD - Head of Department TLC Teacher Learning Community MPH Multi-Purpose Hall
IB International Baccalaureate HOY Head of Year VLE Visual Learning Environment P1 - Primary 1 Key Stage 1
REP Reporting Evaluation and Planning ASSFL Assessment for Learning M&E Monitoring and Evaluation P2 - Primary 2 Key Stage 2
S4L Secondary Skills for Life programme CEM The Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring EY Early Years
SEN Special Educational Needs ELL English Language Learners IEP Individual Education Plan G & T Gifted and Talented
CPD Continuing Professional Development T & L Teaching and Learning

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