Bsc. (Hons) Web Technologies: Cohort: Bwt/08/Ft

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(Hons) Web Technologies

Cohort: BWT/08/FT

Examinations for 2010 - 2011 / Semester 1



Duration: 3 Hours

Instructions to Candidates:

1. Answer all four questions.

2. Questions may be answered in any order but your answers must show
the question number clearly.
3. Always start a new question on a fresh page.
4. All questions carry equal marks of 25.
5. Total marks 100.

This question paper contains 4 questions and 6 pages.

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QUESTION 1: Enterprise Applications Integration: (25 MARKS)

The figure 1 below depicts the conceptual diagram of a banking


Figure 1

(a) Describe one example relevant to the system in figure, for each of the 4
types of enterprise applications integration.
(8 marks)
(b) Should legacy systems be phased out or stay? Discuss from an EAI
(5 marks)

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(c) Describe how XML can be a point of integration in Enterprise Applications
(4 marks)

(d) With the evolution of distributed computing and client server architecture
towards SaaS and Cloud Computing, what are the new programming
paradigms or concepts enabling EAI ?
(4 marks)

(e) Assuming for the web delivery services different servers are identified;
web servers, media servers, portal servers, and application servers. Give
1 current product on the market for each of them.
(4 marks)

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QUESTION 2: Enterprise Architecture: (25 MARKS)

(a) With the help of a diagram, describe the TOGAF framework for enterprise
(8 marks)

(b) Where would you position enterprise architectures in an enterprise

strategic framework? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)

(c) Two of the many architectural principles set by the bank (figure 1 from
Question 1) enterprise architectural committee are:
i. Applications and technology components (processors, networks,
etc.) should be architected in such a manner that the components
are separable to be able to evolve independently.

ii. The architecture will support all forms of information (data, text,
voice, video, and image) in an integrated manner.

Explain the possible motivation(s) behind i and ii.

(5 marks)
(d) As shown in figure 1 from Question 1, the customer applications can be
extended through the web that is the Internet and to hand held devices.
How does the enterprise architecture add business values with these

(4 marks)
(e) Propose an IT governance framework model for the implementation of the
enterprise architecture in figure 1 from Question 1.
(4 marks)

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QUESTION 3: Enterprise Business Process: (25 MARKS)

Consider a research paper submission process. The process starts when an

author submits a draft research paper (the paper may have up to 3 authors) to
the chair of the organizing committee of an international conference. Upon
receiving the paper, 2 reviewers are assigned the exercise to review the paper
and submit a report with comments and scores for the various selection criteria
which are originality, relevancy, practicability, language, future work .Each
criterion is assessed on a scale of 10 marks. If the total mark is 30 and originality
is given 6 or above, the authors are notified about acceptance of the paper. The
authors are then requested to re-submit the paper according to the conference
format in .pdf and to submit a duly filled and signed copyright form necessary for
publication. Moreover, at least one of the authors should register that is complete
a registration form with payment effected before a specified date for the paper to
be published in the conference proceedings. Concurrently, all the authors are
sent an invitation letter for visa procedures and access to the conference
premises and the process ends.

(a) Model this process using the notations in YAWL as per Appendix A.
(8 marks)

(b) The process described is an AS-IS one, imagine the process was
conducted through emails. Propose an online solution for the process to
be conducted otherwise.
(7 marks)
(c) In which circumstances other than the initial phase in an Enterprise
Software Development are business process models very helpful.
(5 marks)
(d) What could be the consequences if there is mismatch between the
business process model and the software or system design?
(5 marks)

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QUESTION 4: Enterprise Resource Planning (25 MARKS)

(a) The table contains empty cells for Pros & Cons for different types of ERP
solutions. Input one Pro and one Con for each row.
Pros Cons
Free & Open Source
Proprietary Software
Old Technology
New Technology

(6 marks)
(b) List 4 factors responsible for failures in ERP implementation.
(4 marks)

(c) List 3 selection criteria for ERP for a utility public company. Give 2
selection criteria which are specific or more relevant to SMEs.
(5 marks)

(d) State 5 ERP products names present in Mauritian local organizations.

(5 marks)

(e) Explain why ERP modules & functionalities are being extended to
handheld devices. Give one example of a real life and real time ERP
application extended to a smart phone.
(5 marks)

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