Detecting Transformation From Delta Ferrite To Sigma Phase in Ss
Detecting Transformation From Delta Ferrite To Sigma Phase in Ss
Detecting Transformation From Delta Ferrite To Sigma Phase in Ss
of Delta-Ferrite to Sigma-Phase
in Stainless Steels
by Advaneed Metallographie Teehniques
R. J. Gray, V. K. Sikka, and R. T. King
Oak Ridge National Laboratory'
Oak Ridge, Tenn.
C containing
ertain mechanical properties of ferrite-
austenitic stainless steel base
sigma-phase.4 It has been reported5 that the
transformation of delta-ferrite to sigma in some
metal and weldments are usually adversely af- austenitic steels is related to the ferrite remov-
fected by prolonged exposure to temperatures ing chromium from the austenitic matrix dur-
in the 480-900C (900-1650F) range. One cause ing aging in the 450-900C (900-1650F) range,
of the property alteration is related to the trans- thus rendering the chromium-enriched ferrite
formation of relatively ductile delta-ferrite to susceptible to sigma formation. Frequently, the
less-ductile sigma-phase. composition of stainless steel castings and
This investigation is concerned with the mi- welds is adjusted intentionally in cast austeni-
crostructural responses of the ferromagnetic tic heat-resistant steels and in stainless steel
delta-ferrite and the paramagnetic sigma-phase welds to give rise to the formation of delta-
to a ferromagnetic iron colloid in a magnetic ferrite to avoid hot-tearing difficulties. The sub-
field. Such positive or negative responses ofthe sequent transformation of delta-ferrite to
two phases to the colloid offer a more definitive sigma-phase is of importance in commercial
identification. With this technique, the iden- applications because it usually adversely af-
tification of small amounts of these phases in fects the mechanical properties. 6 ,7
the microstructure is limited only by the high- A present concern is that the prominent con-
es~ magnification and resolution of the optical
struction materials considered in the design of
mlCroscope. liquid-metal fast-breeder reactor systems are
Sigma-phase was first detected in Fe-Cr-Ni types 304 and 316 stainless steel,'~-IO and pro-
alloys and reported in 1927.1 This component jected operating temperatures for much of the
has been identified as a hard, brittle, non- primary and secondary heat-transport systems
magnetic, intermediate phase with a tetragonal are 480C (900F) to -560C (1040F). While type
crystal structure, containing 30 atoms per unit 316 stainless steel and its associated type 316
cell, space group P42/mnm, occurring in many and 16-8-2 (16% Cr, 8% Ni, 2% Mo) weId metals
binary and ternary alloys of the transition ele- are generally preferred for use above 425C
ments.2 Although Fe-Cr sigma-phase is the (800F), some type 304 stainless-steel compo-
common form in steels, some 53 examples of nents welded with type 308 filler metal will
binary sigma-phase in various metallic systems probably operate above 480C (900F). Further,
have been reported. 3 the formation of sigma-phase is a generic prob-
Many ferritic and austenitic stainless steels lem, and many observations made on types 304
are capable of forming sigma-phase after pro- and 308 are relevant to type 316 and its weId
longed heat treatment, in the 450-900C (900- metal. It is therefore appropriate to examine
1650F) range. The presence of small amounts of types 304 and 308 stainless steels which have
delta-ferrite in an austenitic stainless steel has ?een thermally exposed to form sigma-phase,
been shown to accelerate the formation of In order to attempt to understand more about
the detailed mechanisms of the sigma-phase
* Operated by Union Carbide Corporation under contract W-7405-ENG-26
transformation and how it might affect impor-
with the U.S. Dept. of Energy. tant properties.
Optical metallographie techniques for the with a chemical staining technique so that di-
identification of delta-ferrite and sigma-phase reet labeling ofthe two phases can be made. In
have been confined primarily to chemical stain- addition, the heretofore unreported identifica-
ing etchants in the past. The delta-ferriteand tion of a third phase, austenite, in the delta-
sigma-phases are stained different colors but ferrite to sigma transformation is demon-
definition of the phases is not positive. Com- strated.
plementary application of another identifica- Two separate groups of specimens were sur-
tion technique would be very helpful to relate veyed in this study. These groups ofspecimens
specific colors to the delta-ferrite and sigma. consisted of one group of type 308 stainless
This report describes the use of another tech- steel weId metal and another group oftype 304
nique which offers a different approach to iden- stainless steel plate specimens. The results are
tification. The technique is used in conjunction reported separately.
The applieation of three analytieal metallographie tech-
niques on two separate groups of types 308 and 304
stainless-steel specimens is presented and correlated where
possible. These techniques are color metallography,
magnetic etching, and microprobe analysis.
Color Metallography
The identification of microstructural components
through the use of color staining 'has been reported previ-
ously.1112 Such techniques are often applicable to indicate
qualitative chemical changes in the microstructure.
In this investigation, compositional changes in the mi-
crostructure due to the sigma transformation were detected
in color through the use of an alkali ne potassium ~COVER SLIP
ferricyanide etchant at 90-95C (195-205F) (modified
Murakami). The composition of the etchant is as follows:
Figure 1. Application of Ferrofluid. Less than V4 drop (-5
30 g KOH, 30 g KaFe(CN)6, 150 ml H20 lambda [Al) of the iron colioid is applied to the specimen. A
No. 1 glass cover slip is placed on the surface and care-
The specimen was immersed in the etchant for -15 sec. The fully pressed down to obtain minimum fluid thickness.
matrix austenite and the ferrite phase are stained light and
medium tan colors, respectively, and the sigma-phase is
stained a reddish-brown color.
Magnetic Etching
Microscopic magnetic patterns on ferromagnetic phases
by means of a suspension of collodial magnetite have been
observed for many years. The technique was first applied in
a comparatively coarse manner in 1932 by Bittef 3 and inde-
pendently by Hamos and Thiessen.14 In the interim period,
reports1>-22 on various specific applications of magnetic
etching have demonstrated the procedure to be a valuable
laboratory tool.
Magnetic etching consists of placing a thin film of iron
colloid (sub-mieron iron-oxide particles suspended in a
fluid) on a suitably prepared specimen surface and observ-
ing attraction of the partieIes to phases in the presence or
absence of an externally applied magnetic field. Since
delta-ferrite is ferromagnetic and sigma is paramagnetie, Figure 2. Large coil magnet 'or magnetic etching. The
attraction ofthe colloid particles to delta-ferrite is very pro- aluminum spool (Va in. wall, 4Y2 in. ID, 2'l'a in. high) has 800
nounced and easily observed by optical metallography by turns of #18 AWG glass-covered copper wire. Power is
switching the external field on and off. Some residual supplied by a rectifier controlled by an AC Variac. Normal
magnetic response of the ferromagnetic delta-ferrite to the operation is at 4 A DC, 28 V. The contro! box contains the
ferromagnetic colloid particles in the absence ofthe magne- rectifier, choke, on-off switch, and a polarity switch. Flux lines
tic field is readily apparent. Previous work on etching of are normal to specimen surface, as shown by iron filings
ferromagnetic delta-ferrite to show domain patterns has display.
been reported.23 Extended applications of this technique
have included the revelation of strain-induced martensite SPECIMEN
in austeni tic stainless steels. 24 .25 In this report, the
maximum resolution of the optical metallograph is re-
quired to observe the transformation of delta-ferrite to
sigma-phase because the microstructural changes are rela-
tively minute.
The method of applying the colloid to an electropolished
specimen is shown in Figure 1. A magnetic coil is po-
sitioned on the metallograph stage as shown in Figure 2 OlL
with the specimen inverted on the stage in the center of the LENS
coil. A sketch showing the specimen ready for examination
is shown in Figure 3. The magnetic field is activated by a
double-pole/double-throw switch which controls the polar-
ity of the direct current to the coil. Figure 3. Schematic drawing of magnetic etching.
.~! ! ! I ..~/v
I y I yf /~ fit
! Vy /~ f I,\~/
... /8 ~ ""'- i'., .--~______
, V ef
/6 A+M
~~-~~'~v ~./ ..--
14 1-
""" ~
! ~
i~ A'''A A +F
,/Kl)4' A YI ~ ----
! / V .1 f"'~ I
"-/ "<,,(/
/ / y > < / ..-- ~ ~."il. f.--":"
+ ~:; ~ p;;;-
\ /
~_. __ !~f-- Figure 4. Location of the
composition of the type
F\ V M+F ,
__..--- I Fturift
+ .. 308 stalnless steel weid
1\ /
10 /2 /4 /6 /8 20 22
24 26 28 Ja J2 J4 J6 J8 40
metaion the Schaeffler
diagram. Note the ferrite
Chromium E:quivolent. %er + %Mo + /.5. %Si + Q5 % Cb range of -3-18%.
Mleroprobe Analysis Note the sharp, angular outline ofthe phase. Magnetie eteh-
The electron beam mieroprobe as a praetieal analytical ing of the as-welded speeimen is shown in Figure 6. The
tool was developed by Castaing and Guinier in 1949.28 It is magnetic attraetion of the eolloid to the ferromagnetie
based on physieal prineiples diseovered by Moseley in 1913 delta-ferrite is very evident.
and developed over the yearS by Coster and Von Hevesey in
1923, Hamos in 1938, and Hillier in 1943.27. 30
The electron beam ean be seanned like a television raster
or held stationary on a given point, while the sam pIe ean be
moved independently. The seanning beam is used to pro-
duee eomposition maps on a eathode-ray tube. The station-
ary beam is used to aRalyze specifie areas such as a seeond
phase or interface; e.g., diffusion eouple.
,.. ~t'!!~
1, '-
areas. Note the lack ofresponse ofmost ofthe second phase '... '. ji!8 r
in the microstructure to the colloid, indicating nearly com-
plete transformation to sigma-phase. As described earlier I ','\ "~i '.
. .."..'"
for Specimen 2, the sigma-phase has assumed a rounded
15 M'CRONS 45
./.~. ~
---'--1500 X--L,----L,---'-0-.0..,0,2--1
0.0005 INCHES
~ .--'
"~~:i,"i: . . ".tr',, ~
6" ~~
. / 'Y
I' ~~~
, ~. ,<u
,/ er
.. I .~
-. "":
~~~--. (
Figure 10. Type 308 stainless steel weid, aged 20,000 hr at Figure 9. Magnetic etching of type 308 stainless steel weid
595C (1100F). Transformed sigma ((T), austenite (y), and re- after aging 20,000 hr at 480C (900F). Almost complete trans-
tained delta-ferrite () are identified. formation of the delta-ferrite to sigma-phase has occurred.
delta-ferrite contains slightly less iron, less nickel, and
more chromium than the matrix. Static electron be am ures 19, 20, 21.
counts of the delta-ferrite and matrix show nominal
compositions of these three elements.
Representative microstructures of the Group A tensile
specimens aged at 480C (900F), 595C (1100F), and 650C
(1200F) for 10,000 hr are shown in Figure 15 after etching
with alkali ne potassium ferricyanide reagent. The
reddish-brown sigma-phase is dark in a black-and-white
photomicrograph. A light-tan colored phase which tested to
be paramagnetic with the magnetic etch is identified as
austenite. The transformation of delta-ferrite after aging at
595C (1100F) and 650C (1200F) is, in fact, weIl demon-
strated to be a disproportionation: delta-ferrite to sigma +
Photomicrographs of some delta-ferrite islands in a
specimen aged at 650C (1200F) for 10,000 hr are shown in
Figure 16. The reddish-brown sigma-phase appears very
dark in the black-and-white photomicrograph after etching Figure 12. Delta-ferrite stringers in asreceived type 304
with alkaline potassium ferricyanide. The transformed aus- stainless steel plate. Etchant: alkaline potassium
tenite within the ferrite island perimeter is lighter than the ferricyanide.
Figure 13. Magnetic etching of delta-ferrite stringers in type 304 stainless steel plate. a) Colloid applied, magnet off; b) Colloid
applied, magnet on "+") c) Colloid applied, magnet on "-". Note domain pattern changes (b, c) with change in polarity.
Ni Cr ~ Fe
304 stainless steel.
Figure 17. Transformation of delta-ferrite to sigma-phase in Figure 18. Major and minor fracture characteristics in trans-
type 304 stainless steel after 10,000 hr at 650C (1200F). Note formed delta-ferrite to sigma-phase, type 304 stainless steel
that the sigma-phase is oriented in this ferrite island so the after 10,000 hr at 650C (1200F). Note that the fractu res follow
edges of the platelets are visible. sigma-phase at original delta-ferrite/austenite interface, and
that trans-delta-ferrite island fractures propagate in sigma-
suggestions from J. M. Leitnaker, J. L. Scott, and G. M. Tensile and Creep Properties ofTypes 304 and 316 Stainless Steel," pp. 316-350
in Symposium on Structural Materials for Elevated Temperature Service in
Adamson. Felicia M. Foust played a valuable role through Nuclear Power Generation Service ed. by A. O. Schaefer, American Society of
her suggestions in the preparation of the manuscript. Mec;hanical Engineers, New York, NY, 1975
1E. C. Bain and W. E. Griffiths, AIMME, 75 (1927) p. 166
2 "Definitions Relating to Metals and Metal Working," in Metals Handbook, ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Vol. I, 8th ed., p. 34: Ameriean Society for Metals, Metals Park. Oh.,
3 E. O. Hall and S. H. Algie, Met. Review, 11, (1966) p. 61
R. J. Gray has been Supervisor, Metallog-
F. R. Beckitt, "The Formation of Sigma-Phase from Delta-Ferrite in a Stain-
less Steel," J. of Iron and Steel Institute, 207 (1969) pp. 632-638 raphy Laboratories, Oak Ridge National
"Wrought Stainless Steels," in Metals Handbook, 8th ed., Metals Park, Ohio, Laboratory, for 30 years. He is president of
pp. 419-422: American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Oh., the International Metallographie Soeiety
6 L. R. Poole, "Sigma Phase-An Unwanted Constituent in Stainless Weid
Metai," Metal Progress, 65 (6) (1954) pp. 108-112 and is a Fellow of Ameriean Soeiety for
7 J. O. Stiegler, G. M. Goodwin, and R. T. King, "Effect ofResidual Elements on Metals. He has been a strang proponent of
Fracture Characteristics and Creep Ductility ofType 308 Stainless Weid Metai," the use of color metallography and
J. Eng. Mater. Techno!., 97, (3) (1975) pp. 245-250
Donald F. Baxter, Jr., "A Look at the Chromium Situation," Metal Progress,
magnetie etehing as diagnostie tools in
109 (6) (1976) pp. 24-31 metallography. Mr. Gray has reeeived
9 John Graham, "Nuc1ear Safety Design of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor numerous metallographie awards, inelud-
Plant," in Nud. Safety 16 (5) (1975) ing the Franeis F. Lueas Award in 1953,
10 V. K. Sikka, H. E. McCoy, Jr., M. K. Booker, and C. R. Brinkman, "Heat-to-
Heat Variation in Creep Properties ofTypes 304 and 316 Stainless Steels," J. of 1958,1964, and 1971. He is the author of more than 85 teehni-
Pressure Vessel Technology (November 1975), pp. 243-251 eal papers on the development and applieation of
11 R. J. Gray, "Modern Metallographie Techniques," in Fifty Years of Progress metallographie teehniques and investigations. He reeeived
in MetaUographic Technique, STP 430, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pa
12 R. S. Crouse, B. C. Leslie, and R. J. Gray, "Applications ofColor in Metallog-
his BA degree in bioehemistry from Sterling College, Sterling,
raphy and Photography," in Interpretive Techniques in Microstructural Kansas in 1941.
Analysis, ed. by JamesL. McCall and E. J. Myers, Plenum Press, New York, NY
13 F. Bitter, "On Inhomogeneities in the Magnetization ofFerromagnetic Mate-
rials," Phys. Rev., 38 (1931) p. 1903 R. T. King has been a staff member at Oak
,. L. von Hamos, and P. A. Thiessen, "Uber die Sichtbarmachung von Bzirken Ridge National Laboratory sinee 1965. He
verschiedeman ferromagnetischen Zustandes festen Korpen," Z. Phys., 71 reeeived his BS, MS, and PhD degrees
(1931) p. 442
15 F. Bitter, "Experiments on the Nature of Ferromagnetism," Phys. Rev., 41
from Carnegie-Mellon University in Metal-
(1932) p. 507 lurgy and Materials Seience. He has pub-
16 L. W. McKeehan, and W. C. Elmore, "Surface Magnetization in Ferro Magne- lished more than 50 teehnieal reports and
tic Crystals," Phys. Rev., 46 (1934) p. 226 papers on the meehanieal and physieal
17 H. S. Avery, V. O. Homerbert, and E. Cook, "Metallographie Identification of
Ferro Magnetic Phases," Metals Alloys, Vol. 10 (1935) pp. 353-355 metallurgy of struetural materials for nu-
18 W. C. Elmore, "Ferromagnetic Colloid for Studying Magnetie Phases," Phys. elear reaetor service, and more reeently,
Rev., 32 (1938) pp. 309-310 for fossil energy systems. He manages the
19 E. A. M. Harvey, "Metallographie Identification of Ferro-Magnetic Phases,"
Metallurgia, 32 (June 1945) pp. 71-73 Fossil Energy Materials Program in the
20 P. F. Weinrich, "Microferrographic Technique," Australasian Engr. (N 0- Metals and Ceramies Division at ORNL, and is aetive in a
vember 1948) pp. 42-44 number of eommittees for ASME, the ASTM. and the Metals
21 George Fisinai, "Magnetie Oxide 'Etchant'," Metal Progress 17 (October
Properties Couneil.
1956) pp. 120-122
22 R. Carey, and E. D. Isaac, eds., Magnetic Domains and Techniquesfor Their
Observation, Academic Press, New York, 1966 v. K. Sikka (MS, PhD, Metallurgieal Engi-
23 R. J. Gray, "Revealing Ferromagnetic Microstructures with Ferrofluid," Pro- neering, 1970, 1973, University of Cinein-
ceedings of the International Microstructural Analysis Society, (September
1971) pp. 21-23 nati, Ohio) joined Oak Ridge National Lab-
2. R. J. Gray, "The Detection of Ferromagnetic Phases in Types 304 and 301 oratory in 1974 and has been working on
Stainless Steels by Epitaxial Ferromagnetic Etching," in Microstructural Sei- the elevated-temperature meehanieal
ence, Val. 1 ed. by R. J. Grayand J. L. McCall, American Elsevier Publishing
Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1973 properties of austenitie and ferritie stain-
25 R. J. Gray, "Magnetic Etching with Ferrofluid," in MetaUographic Specimen less steels. His MS and Ph.D. work are re-
Preparation, ed. by J. L. McCall and W. M. Mueller, Plenum Publishing Corp., lated to high-temperature oxidation and
New York, NY
26 R. Castaing, and A. Guinier, Proc. First Internat. Conf. EZectron Microscopy,
irradiation damage of metals and alloys.
Delft, 1949, p. 60 He has published more than 40 teehnieal
27 H. Moseley, Phi!. Mag., 26 (1913) p. 26; ibid 27 (1914) p. 704 reports and papers.