Laboratory Management
Laboratory Management
Laboratory Management
Comparative assessment
This course deals with the study of basic Competence assessment
concepts of management, planning, organizing, leading,
staffing, controlling as applied to a clinical laboratory Equipment
set-up like quality assurance/quality control; policy and Suitable location
procedure manuals; infection controls, etc. Fit for purpose validation
The nature of management in clinical laboratory Instillation
Medical laboratory services Calibration documented programme
o Laboratory results are essential to all Maintenance
aspects of health care and they should Trouble shooting
be: Records
Reliable Money
Timely Revenue and cost accounting for medical
o 70% of clinical medicine decision laboratories salary
making is predicated upon, or Waste management
confirmed by medical laboratory test Laboratory budget
results o Proper maintenance of different
If inaccurate results are provided, the equipment
consequences can be very significant including: Material management
o Unnecessary treatment o Proper consumption of different
o Treatment complications laboratory reagents
o Failure to provide the proper treatment
o Delay in correct diagnosis Time
o Additional and unnecessary diagnostic Laboratory operations
testing o TAT turn around time
Complex interdigitating expertise in medical, o Working hours
scientific and technical areas in order to provide o Scheduling
efficient operation of clinical laboratory and
effective delivery of medical laboratory services Space
to the clinicians and patients Adequate space
Vitally dependent on: Adequate storage
o The management and communication Adequate segregation for incompatible
skills of laboratory directors, activities
supervisors and technologists Environmental conditions controlled and
Personnel General good housekeeping measures
Adequate number
Criteria for selection qualifications/experience Without laboratories, men of science are soldiers
Training procedures assessment of without arms.
competence -Louis Pasteur
Training records up to date, retraining if
Review of training
Appraisal of job performance