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Volume : 2 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 ISSN No 2277 - 8160

Research Paper Engineering

A Comparative Study Of Wind Forces On High-Rise
Buildings as Per Is 875-Iii (1987) and Proposed Draft Code

Hemil M. Chauhan P.G. Student, G.E.C Dahod, Gujarat, India.

Asst. Prof. Applied Mechanics Department, G.E.C Dahod, Gujarat,
Manish M. Pomal
Asst. Prof. Applied Mechanics Department, G.E.C Dahod, Gujarat,
Gyayak N. Bhuta
ABSTRACT The correct estimation of the wind forces acting on tall buildings is very essential for the safe design of structural
elements. The influence of static & dynamic velocity fluctuations on the along wind loads for these structures are
determined using Force coefficient method & Gust Factor Method respectively. In this Paper 60 m & 120 m buildings is
analyzed using both the codes using ETABS Software v9.6 is done with variations in four Terrain Categories & Six basic wind speeds. Both codes
are used for analysis and results (calculations of S.F, B.M & Displacements) obtained are compared and discussed.

KEYWORDS: High rise buildings, Gust Factor Method, Along Wind Force, Comparison of codes.

INTRODUCTION ic (Gust) pressures and shear forces. Analysis is done in ETABS Software
Comparative study of the wind is done on a high rise buildings by using for correct and quick assessments of results.
the Indian standard codes such as IS: 875 (Part 3) 1987 and IS Draft :
875 (Part 3) 2011 and also using ETABS v9.6. Analytical Method given
in the IS codes is usually acceptable for a building with regular shape
and size mostly based on the geometric properties of the building and
without incorporating the effects of the nearby buildings.

Wind effects on static structures

In the case of static structures the flow interacts only with the exter-
nal shape of the structure. When the structure is very stiff, deflections
under the wind loads will not be significant, and the structure is said
to be Static. As the lowest mode frequencies are high, there is little
energy in the spectrum of atmospheric turbulence available to excite
resonance. The only design load parameter of importance is the maxi-
mum load likely to be experienced in its lifetime. The parameters most
relevant to the assessment of design loading are Influence functions,
size parameters of the structure, load duration and assessment of load
for design.

Wind effects on dynamic structures

In the case of dynamic structures, there is an additional interaction with
the motion of the structure. When the structure is sufficiently flexible,
the response to wind loads is significant to the design of the structure.
The conventional approach to the analysis of dynamic response of
lightly damped structures is by resolving the response into the natural
modes of vibration, characterizing each normal mode as a set of model
parameters: 1) Model shape, 2) Model mass, 3) Model stiffness and 4)
Model damping. Using these parameters a frequency response func-
tion can be defined that describes the dynamic characteristics of the

0.1 Analysis of building for variation

Wind Zone : All six basic wind speeds.
Terrain Category : I, II, III, and IV
Class of Building : C
Topography : Flat
Wind speeds, design wind pressure, loads to the building are calculated
using standard IS codal Provision.
2. Building description
Two multi storied RC buildings are considered for the study. Building
1 has plan dimension 24m in length & 18m in breadth and height is
considered 60m.Building 2 has plan dimension 30m in length & 24m
in breadth and height is considered 120m.The along wind direction is
considered along larger dimension of plan. Storey height is considered
3m for both cases and 6m c/c bay is taken for both directions for both

2.1 Static and Dynamic (Gust) pressures

A computer programmed is prepared for finding the static and Dynam-
Volume : 2 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 ISSN No 2277 - 8160

gives respectively 18.73%, 17.67%, 16.08%, 15.51%, 15.58% &

14.63% increase in base shear compared to IS Draft code.
Comparison of 60 m building in TC 4 under dynamic analyses for
wind speeds such as 33,39.44,47,50,55 m/s , the IS Draft code gives
respectively 19.51%, 20.93%, 22.41%, 23.32%, 24.34% & 26.14%
increase in base shear compared to IS Present code.
Comparison of 120 m building in TC 2 under dynamic analyses for
wind speeds such as 33,39.44,47,50,55 m/s , the IS Present code
gives respectively 10.42%, 8.80%, 7.76%, 5.96%, 5.93% & 5.30%
increase in base shear compared to IS Draft code.
Comparison of 120 m building in TC 4 under dynamic analyses
for wind speeds such as 33,39.44,47,50,55 m/s , the IS Draft code
gives respectively 98.14%, 101.85%, 105.75%, 107.71%, 109.98%
& 114.14% increase in base shear compared to IS Present code.
Static analysis gives critical results of S.F & B.M in TC 4 for both
The drastic increase in the force values is found because of the sig-
nificant change in K2 factors calculated as per IS draft code-2011.
3. Results and discussions The computation of along Wind Load as per the present code is
Both buildings, in static analysis, give almost same values of shear cumbersome and difficult to program as it uses various charts.
forces & bending moments for TC-1 & TC 2.But in TC 3 & TC 4, IS Further the present code makes use of mean hourly wind velocity,
draft code gives higher values of S.F & B.M. which is not consistent with other International Codes. The IS draft
Both buildings, in dynamic analysis, IS draft code gives less values code uses 3 second gust speed for computation of Gust factor (Dy-
of shear forces & bending moments for TC-1 & TC 2.But in TC 3 & TC namic Response factor) and gives simple formulas to evaluate the
4, IS draft code gives higher values of S.F & B.M. Gust factor and forces.
In general, IS draft code-2011 is more accurate and more direct
4. Conclusions than present code for estimating response parameters such as ac-
Comparison of 60 m building in TC 2 under dynamic analyses for celeration and forces.
wind speeds such as 33,39.44,47,50,55 m/s , the IS Present code

REFERENCES Holmes J.D., Tamura Y. and Krishna P.(2009), Comparison of wind loads calculated by fifteen different codes and standards, for low , medium
and high rise buildings, Proceeding of 11th | American Conference on Wind Engineering, San- Juan, Puerto Rico, June 22-26, 2009. | Suresh P.,
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Technology, May 2010. | Swati D. Ambadkar, Vipul S.Bawner (2012) Behavior of multistoried building under the effect of wind load, International Journal of Applied Sciences and
Engineering Research, 28 August 2012. | | | L.Halder and S.C.Dutta (2010) Wind effects on multistoried buildings: A critical review of Indian codal provisions with special references
to American standards, Asian Journal of civil Engg. (Building and Housing) Vol.11 No.3-2010. | IS 875-PART 3(1987) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. | | IS 875-PART 3(2011) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. | An explanatory handbook on Indian standard code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings & structures. | An
explanatory handbook on proposed IS 875(part III) wind loads on buildings & structures. | | ETABS Videos and Manuals. |


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