May 2013 1368714277 8ba15 26
May 2013 1368714277 8ba15 26
May 2013 1368714277 8ba15 26
KEYWORDS: High rise buildings, Gust Factor Method, Along Wind Force, Comparison of codes.
INTRODUCTION ic (Gust) pressures and shear forces. Analysis is done in ETABS Software
Comparative study of the wind is done on a high rise buildings by using for correct and quick assessments of results.
the Indian standard codes such as IS: 875 (Part 3) 1987 and IS Draft :
875 (Part 3) 2011 and also using ETABS v9.6. Analytical Method given
in the IS codes is usually acceptable for a building with regular shape
and size mostly based on the geometric properties of the building and
without incorporating the effects of the nearby buildings.
REFERENCES Holmes J.D., Tamura Y. and Krishna P.(2009), Comparison of wind loads calculated by fifteen different codes and standards, for low , medium
and high rise buildings, Proceeding of 11th | American Conference on Wind Engineering, San- Juan, Puerto Rico, June 22-26, 2009. | Suresh P.,
Panduranga R., Rama J.S.,(2012) Influence of diagonal braces in RCC multi-storied frames under wind loads, International Journal of Civil and
Structural Engineering, August 2012. | | B. Dean Kumar, B.L.P. Swami (2010) Wind effects on tall building frames-influence of dynamic parameters, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, May 2010. | Swati D. Ambadkar, Vipul S.Bawner (2012) Behavior of multistoried building under the effect of wind load, International Journal of Applied Sciences and
Engineering Research, 28 August 2012. | | | L.Halder and S.C.Dutta (2010) Wind effects on multistoried buildings: A critical review of Indian codal provisions with special references
to American standards, Asian Journal of civil Engg. (Building and Housing) Vol.11 No.3-2010. | IS 875-PART 3(1987) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. | | IS 875-PART 3(2011) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. | An explanatory handbook on Indian standard code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings & structures. | An
explanatory handbook on proposed IS 875(part III) wind loads on buildings & structures. | | ETABS Videos and Manuals. |