1973 - Londe - Analysis of The Stability of Rock Slopes PDF
1973 - Londe - Analysis of The Stability of Rock Slopes PDF
1973 - Londe - Analysis of The Stability of Rock Slopes PDF
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1. Introduction
THE P R O B L E M S entailed by the stability of rock slopes are among the most difficult with
which the profession is faced. Yet they are not exclusively academic, as amply evidenced
by disasters such as the Malpasset Dam abutment failure and the Vajont rock slide.
Owing to the scale effect, strength properties vary generally with specimen size, and
little or nothing is known about the laws governing this variation. Fortunately, however,
there is practically no scale effect when the residual shear strength of a continuous layer
of soft material is considered. This is the case of fault gouge or sedimentary clayey joints
which are responsible for most failures of natural rock slopes. In view of this, and in the
present state of knowledge, only rock slopes with surfaces of separation of large extension
can be satisfactorily analyzed for stability.
A three dimensional method of analysis of such slopes has been worked out. The
principle of the method will be described first and then a few examples will be given of its
application to dam abutments. It is obvious that the process is perfectly valid for rock
slopes other than dam abutments provided there exist large surfaces of separation.
Q. Jl Engng Geol. Vol. 6, 1973, pp. 93-127, 42 figs. Printed in Great Britain.
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P. Londe
the fact that it succeeds in most practical instances because the influence of the moments
is generally small. Thus, only rupture by translation of the rock volume is considered.
The foregoing assumptions simplify the stabilityanalysis, as the following two deduc-
tions can be made: (a) the stress distribution on each face does not come into play, and
(b) only the direction of the resultant R of the applied forces intervenes in the stability and
not its magnitude.
Forces and Rupture. The forces taken into account are as follows:
The external forces The total weight W, which comprises the weight W1 of the rock
volume and the weight W2 of the part of any structure supported by this
The thrust Q of any structure, reduced to a single force, as the effect of the moments
is left out at the first stage;
The forces due to seepage water U1, U2 and U3 which are respectively applied to
planes P1, P2 and P3;
Possibly the force due to earthquakes, G, on the debatable but still commonly
accepted assumption that an earthquake can be represented by a static force and
the force T of pre-stressed ties if any.
The reactions of the base planes. They are designated by R1, R2 and R3. These forces
are compressive. They are, however, nil in the open planes, i.e. in those where
9" - ' ,. U}
9 . . /. "- .. 9
/ ~
~ s " ?"
9 t,( /. ","
9 "/.B-~-~/(-.d.. .
9 . / " . - j ~ .
;-: :../
Zo i,2 ll3
Zi D~RECTION O~ 2 & 3
' C
Z I. 2 DIRECTION 3 1 & 2
BETWEEN OA IL Oe 8 ~ ~/~Otl
, , A
Z 2 3 ~,RECT,~ I 2 a 3
BETWEEN 0 8 . & OC
Z 3.1 OmeCTION 3 a Z
Z 1,2.3 TRtHEDRON ! 1,2113
B ~A
FIG. 2.
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P. Londe
and which is that of perfect stability. The subscripts of Z show the faces which
separate from their base at the onset of rupture.
Conditions o f equilibrium--Construction on a sphere. As the moments of the forces are not
taken into account, at least in the first stage of the analysis, stability is governed only by
the direction of the resultant R of the external forces. By varying this direction, the
different forms of rupture shown in Fig. 2 can be obtained.
Consider a sphere (S) having its centre at O and its radius equal to unity. To each
direction in space of the forces - R (the vectorial sum of the reactions R~) passing
through O, there corresponds a point r on the sphere and vice-versa. This representation
in space was proposed for the first time by Vigier (Londe et al, 1970). Eight zones may be
distinguished for point r on the sphere (S) each of them corresponding to one of the
failure types Z o, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z12, Z23, Z31, Z123 (Fig. 3). These zones do not overlap and
cover the whole of the sphere surface. The boundary curve between two zones is always a
portion of a great circle.
The method of analysis basically consists of drawing first the eight zones on the unit
sphere (S). These zones depend only on the geometry of the problem, i.e. on the geological
data. Then point r is defined in terms of the forces, including uplift forces. Each point r
thus corresponds to only one possible type of rupture. However, stability can be ensured
FIG. 3. FIG. 4.
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Upper point a
FIG. 6.
~ /I
~ o I t'o .plone_._PPi.
4JEG 97
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P. Londe
Zone Z12, corresponding to possible rupture, which depends on the value of friction angle
4a with sliding on plane Pa, is triangle 3, 1.3, 2.3. It is again easy to determine zones Z23
and Zal in the same manner. Figure 3 shows the zoning of the sphere.
The friction angles being given, the boundary curve corresponding to limit equilibrium
can be plotted on the sphere. This closed curve obviously does not enter triangles 1, 2, 3
and 1.2, 2.3, 3.1. It cuts each zone Z o. or Z~ into two parts (Fig. 5). In zone Z12, for
instance, it is an arc of small circle, intersection on (S) of the friction cone relative to/'3-
The pole of this small circle is point 3, its angular distance from point 3 being ~a. In
zone Z~ the boundary curve is the arc of gleat circle, which joins the arcs of small circles
relative to zones Z~2 and Z13. Along this arc of great circle there is a linear relation between
tan ~1 and tan 43.
The above construction is immediately obtainable by using geographical co-ordinates
on a solid sphere. Thus half-meridians having a common vertical diameter are lines of
equal strike and horizontal parallels are lines of equal dip (Fig. 6). In this manner, points
1, 2, 3 are directly plotted from the geological report. Points 1.2, 2.3, 3.1 are then
obtained with a compass.
For convenience of language, a force E passing through O and represented by point e
on the sphere (s) may be said to have a strike d e and a dip Pe, these two angles being
defined as above from point e and corresponding to the plane normal to E.
Point r corresponding to the resultant - R is easily determined from the components:
-F = -(W+Q)
Force - F is generally well-known, whereas the uplift forces are not. For ease of
discussion, as will be shown below, it is convenient to write
U i -- u~UiTu i
vi being the unit vector normal to plane P~ and directed towards the inside of the rock
volume; Un- is the magnitude of the maximum possible uplift (for instance full
U13 U13T
U! T T
.f ,\
,. detail .,,3.. u
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FIG. 8.
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P. Londe
Thus, the three edges FU~, of the large parallelepiped will be projected along the
three well-defined great circles: (f-l) (passing through point f and point 1), (f-2) and
(f-3). Each is graduated in u~ starting at f, with the help of a simple auxiliary construction.
FIG. 9.
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(b) Central projection from point O. The great circles, and hence the boundary
between zones, are represented by straight lines. However, each point on the
diagram corresponds to two points on the sphere. This drawback is not serious
because, as a rule, the problem is clearly limited a priori to a few zones of the
sphere (Fig. 9).
(c) In addition, it is possible to transform the construction on the sphere algebraic-
ally so as to have a plane representation which gives, for instance, linear scales
in ul, u2, u3. This can be done by computer (Fig. 10). Any additional force, e.g.
cohesion, can be introduced in the diagram in terms of equivalent uplift com-
F3) / !
/, i
"---SCALE OF U .-..-,
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P. Londe
discussing the conditions of equilibrium and for assessing the weight of the various
parameters involved in the problem of stability he is investigating.
Weight of the various parameters in the case of the geometrical constructions (Figs. 8 and
9). The proposed method makes it easy to assess the weight of each kind of parameter in
turn, since they are only introduced in successive stages. What follows is valid either on
the sphere (S) or in its plane representations.
(a) Geometrical parameters (directions of geological discontinuities). The determina-
tion of the eight zones Zo, Z1, etc. depends exclusively on the geometrical para-
meters. The group of point 1, 2 and 3 corresponding to the in situ geological
measurements can be plotted. This gives a direct view of the scattering pattern.
In order to be sufficiently conservative, a spherical triangle (1, 2, 3) is drawn
small enough for most of the points to fall outside it. This reduces the zone Zo
of perfect stability.
Obviously, the more the contact on plane P~ is vital to stability and the closer
r is to the corresponding portion of the boundary curve, the more critical the
direction of this plane will be. Its weight is therefore closely related to that of
the parameter ffi.
(b) Friction coefficients. These coefficients determine the curve of limit equilibrium,
but each coefficient only influences part of the curve. If r is in zone Z~j, only the
parameter ffk has any weight. In a zone Z~, only the two parameters 'kt and ~
have any weight. The respective weights of each of these two parameters is then
seen directly on the sphere. They are in inverse proportion to the increments
A~bj or Affk which make the boundary curve pass through r (Fig. 11).
(c) Uplift. Uplift is only brought into play at the last stage of the plotting of the
diagram. The construction of r shows the influence of the Au~ increments.
Several rock volumes limited by three sets of joints or faults belonging to the
same three families will often have to be studied on the same site. The result is
that the constructions above can be drawn once and for all. Only r will have to
be studied for each rock volume.
(d) Global visualization of the margins of error. Any curve of limiting equilibrium
can be replaced by a strip covering the possible real location of the actual curve.
Its width will point to the imprecision of the geometrical and strength parameters.
In the same way, given that the various uplift forces are situated between
limits u~ and u~ +Aug, r is found to be in an area limited by a hexagon. The
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It can then be seen at once whether point r has any chance of reaching the boundary
curve, and what is the most unfavourable combination of the large number of parameters
FIG. 11.
\\. UI ~
O\ t~
11 t I FRICTION 1~11 (~) (~)3
/ so-/. \
\'~ \ l
\ \ \ \ i
o 50% IOO%
FiG. 12.
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P. Londe
Weight of the various parameters in the case of computer programme (Fig. 10). In this case,
the graph is entirely determined by the computer and the construction does not enter the
various parameters in turn. The discussion of the weight of the parameters is, however,
basically the same. For uplift forces the evaluation is straightforward by a mere trial
variation Au~ of each term u~ (Fig. 12). The same applies to the friction angles. If the
directions of geological planes are considered together with the concept of strip of errors,
it is necessary to run the computer several times. This however is not a serious drawback
as each computation takes less than 10 seconds of execute time (IBM 360-40), and less
than half an hour of plotting. The use of the programme is a routine work easily per-
formed by a draughtsman.
Remark on earthquake effects. It is often assumed that an earthquake with an acceleration
of ~g is equivalent to the application of a supplementary force to the rock mass: IGI =
~lw[. It can have any direction. If R' is the resultant of the other directly applied forces,
then R = R' + G and the point R can be located at any point of a sphere centred at R' and
having the radius ~[W[ (Fig. 13).
The most adverse directions of - R are obviously in the cone of revolution having its
centre at O, circumscribed to this sphere and having a half-angle co:
~lwl ~lwl
sin co - whence co ~
If G is small as compared with R', as is frequently the case, it can be seen that the most
adverse directions of G are almost normal to R', i.e. they are not necessarily horizontal.
The cone cuts the sphere (S) along a small circle, which is the locus of r. It is centred
at a point r' (constructed like r above). The angular diameter 2oJ of this latter circle is
known from the weight W of the rock mass and from the three components of the force
- R = - (F + U1 + I52 + U3) in a rectangular system of axes.
These considerations of course imply increasing the area, locus of r, mentioned above.
Figure 9 is an example of the earthquake computation, assuming horizontal acceleration
Safety factor. It is widespread practice to measure the margin of safety of a structure by a
factor of safety. The margin of safety is a physical concept. In contrast, the factor of
safety is a conventional figure with a value depending on its definition, which is always
\ FIG. 13.
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5. Probability concept
Not all the values for a given parameter
have equal probability of occurrence. In
coming closer to reality, an attempt has
.... --
aUz ~ ~J fk
to be made to ascribe a certain probability
I to each value for each parameter. As a
result, the diagram on which the weight
of the parameters is discussed, can be
- - - - x divided into zones of differing probability.
In other words, any set of parameters
shown on the diagram gives conditions of
/ ~ PIU1)
limit equilibrium but one set has a higher
(a) probability than the others, i.e. not all
the points of the diagram have the same
probability. If curves of equal maximum
f probability are then plotted, meaningful
Aft, fk
(b) p(fk}
(c) FIG. 14.
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P. Londe
point r on the diagram will be examined (Fig. 14a). Let this probability be called P(r)
and assume first that r is in a zone Z~j where sliding can occur on plane Pk only.
If tan fie = fk, then
P(fk) = P(fk) " A(fk)
P(fk) is the probability of the value fk,
P(fk) is the function of distribution of P,
A(fk) is the selected interval (Fig. 14b).
We have necessarily:
P(fk) A(fk) = 1
6. Malpasset Dam
It was the Malpasset disaster which threw doubt on a technique which, until then, had
been considered as being thoroughly proved in practice and brought home to dam builders
throughout the world the absolute necessity of being able to understand and forecast the
behaviour and strength of the rock foundations of dams better than before. Laboratory
research and in situ tests were actively pursued. The science of rock mechanics, then in its
infancy, was appearing just at the right time.
The failure of the abutment at Malpasset Dam (Fig. 16) could not be satisfactorily or
completely explained until after five years of research, during which time eminent experts
were called to make a rigorous critical study of the facts and hitherto unknown properties
of rock were discovered in the laboratory. And yet from the first visit to the site after the
accident (Figs. 17 and 18), there was the feeling that hydraulic uplift pressures in the heart
of the rock had played a capital part in the process of destruction, but with no idea as to
the mechanism and even less as to the intensity of these uplift pressures. If a method of
stability analysis were to have a chance of representing actual conditions, it had to be a
three-dimensional one, as a plane section could evidently not hope to reproduce the
spatial complexity of the planes of weakness existing in the rock (Fig. 19) and the forces
acting on them.
These two considerations, the difficulty of assessing the internal hydrostatic forces and
the need for a three-dimensional type of analysis, were the basis for the method
Uz f"x~ P(r)j__-Q
0 0 it~
!~ 0.5 l,lO
15~ 30 a 45~
FIG. 15.
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P. Londe
subsequently developed by Coyne & Bellier, which has been regularly used for a
number of years now to analyze the stability of rock slopes.
Figure 20 shows the rock volume on the left bank used for the three-dimensional
analysis. Its shape is as observed after the accident (Fig. 18).
Malpasset Dam.
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FIG. 19. The main geological features of the Malpasset Dam site.
FIG. 20. Malpasset Dam. Rock volume used for three-dimensional analysis.
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P. Londe
Figure 21 shows the results obtained from the computer analysis, giving all possible
combinations of uplift pressures and friction coefficients for limit equilibrium. The graphi-
cal constructions in Figs. 8 and 9 represent the same relationships. It can be seen from
these that with full uplift on the upstream plane P1 and a more or less triangular distri-
bution on planes/)2 and/)3 (ul = l, u2 -- 0.5, u3 = 0.5), limit equilibrium requires that
the friction angle r on the downstream fault (plane/)2) must be greater than 30 ~ and
laboratory tests on the clayey breccia filling this fault gave a value of 30 ~ Hence, this
uplift assumption explains the failure.
On the other hand, it is clear that for full uplift on the upstream plane but zero uplift
on the downstream and base planes (ul = 1, u2 = 0, u3 = 0) failure is impossible as the
limit friction angle r on plane/)2 is only 15 ~ This means that the dam could not slide
on the downstream fault without uplift pressures existing downstream of the dam. This
diagram also shows that the assumption as to uplift u3 has little effect on the result, but
the assumption as to u2 and especially ua is on the contrary a determining factor for
Over the years during which the reservoir was slowly filling, the uplift pressures on the
three faces rose steadily. The diagram shows that the rock volume tended to slide by
moving upwards on the downstream fault, since in all cases there is a tendency for the
U 2 (%)
r (~on ~'l)
6c ............... ~ ---7- . . . . .
4c i 7 J----
/ /
// i
20" ~
70 U3(%) U~(%) \
100 ~'2 (Jan0'2}
0 -- v
~00 [J5 20~ 30~ 40~ 45~
(a) (b)
FIG. 21. Malpasset Dam. Results of computer analysis giving all possible combinations of
uplift pressures and friction coefficients for limit equilibrium.
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FIG. 22. Vouglans arch dam on the river Ain during construction.
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P. Londe
base plane P3 to open; this tendency results from the only two types of failure possible,
Z3 and Zal.
After a probing study of the Malpasset gneiss, special mechanisms were revealed
connected with the nature and structure of the site leading to the progressive appearance
of a high uplift value ul on the upstream plane P1. The movement was slow but, aided by
the pressure on plane P~, finally produced a crack in the zone that was to become plane
/3- The crack broke out into the reservoir and gave free passage for water to flow into the
deepest part of plane P~, which suddenly had to support the full hydrostatic load of the
reservoir. In the final stage, the uplift pressures were probably u~ = 1, u2 > 0.3, u3 > 0.5,
shown in Fig. 21 by point r'. In this case, failure must occur if the friction angle is not
greater than 30 ~.
, .L__ 300"
FIG. 24.
F~G. 25.
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7. Vouglans Dam
Electricit6 de France completed Vouglans arch dam on the river Ain in 1968 (Fig. 22).
The dam is 130 m high. The rock is a massive Jurassic limestone lying in horizontal
beds with thin but continuous interstratified layers of clay, especially at level 340, i.e. near
the foot of the valley flanks (Figs. 23 & 24). In addition to these horizontal planes of
weakness, there is a double system of vertical tectonic fractures running at 45 ~ across the
valley (Fig. 25). The clayey horizontal joint at elevation 340 (covering the whole area of the
site) and the vertical fractures meant that the dam abuts on both banks on large rock
volumes which could slide under the combined effect of dam thrust and pore pressures.
Three-dimensional stability analyses were made for a number of these rock volumes
and one of these will be used as an example. Plane P1 is vertical and is an upstream
fracture; plane P2, also vertical, is a fracture downstream and plane/'3, which is horizon-
tal, is the clayey joint at elevation 340. Figure 26, which shows the result obtained with a
computer, is particularly eloquent. Point r corresponds to the set of uplift pressures ul,
u2, u3, which would probably exist if there were no drainage at all (full uplift upstream and
triangular uplift diagram on the other two faces). The type of failure possible is then
simultaneous sliding on planes P2 and P3 (zone Z1). If uplift is reduced, the same type of
failure can occur but only for very low values of the friction coe~fficient. Point r' represents
the case where conventional grouting and drainage are usec~ ~that is, where there is still
,~,.)., u1.0 9
FIG. 26.
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P. Londe
appreciable pressure on the upstream plane. Point r" represents a drainage system which,
in addition, also reduces pressure on the upstream plane. A glance at the relative positions
of the lines representing cases r, r' and r" on the graph of tan 4,ff versus tan 4,2' in Fig. 27
shows that stability depends basically on good drainage. The graph also shows that, in all
cases, the friction angle 4,3' on the horizontal clayey joint has more 'weight' than angle 4,2'
on the vertical joint.
It was therefore decided to (a) adopt a system of grouting and drainage which would
reduce uplift on the upstream plane, and (b) make in situ and laboratory measurements of
the shear strength of the clayey joint. The residual friction angle was found by the
various tests to be close to 25 ~ (Fig. 28). It was at this time that the large shear machine,
described in the first paper, was developed by the SElL laboratory.
As far as drainage and grouting were concerned, it was decided to incline the curtains
upstream, as shown in Fig. 29, so as to protect planes such as P1 against uplift. The dam
is now in operation and is behaving satisfactorily. The piezometric measurements give no
detrimental pressures and the leakage is nominal.
FIG. 27.
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8. R a p e l Dam
Rapel arch dam in Chile, built for the Electric Power C o m p a n y E N D E S A , is 110 m high
(Fig. 30). The geological formation is a massive granite and the most salient feature of
the site is the presence of faults of very large extension. A regional fault, called the La
(r/ I ,! ~v
/&'/ . . a ~ \
I (~"-7 )
eo oo
FIG. 31.
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/,, /
ton ~'3 ~ . ,
Lit I 0.0
/" ,,,
// { \
F [
U~: I
Uz : 0 . ~
U3 = 0 . 3
/ /
/ j
FIG. 33.
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N ~- 1 Ne 2
10" 20 ~ 30 ~ 40 ~ 50 ~
J ~ \I , ......
o.,s - U - ~ - - T - T,E- \~--T .... 5
-~ ~ k ; ~ -1 30* .~
i! jj
\.,!, i' tan ~'2 0 0.5 0.7 t on . ~lt2
Ul.: 1 U1 =1
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P. Londe
it as the circular locus of point r. The friction coefficients needed to ensure limit equili-
brium can be immediately derived. Figures 34 and 35 show at a glance the incidence of an
earthquake on stability.
It can be seen that in the unfavourable conditions assumed, the stability of the abut-
ment would be in danger if high uplift pressures u2 exist in fault F2 (here plane P2),
because it can be seen from the graphical construction in Fig. 34 that the friction coeffi-
cients on plane P2 and base plane P3 would have to be impossibly high. An earthquake
aggravates this situation still further. The bank must therefore be actively drained since
grouting alone cannot guarantee that high uplift pressures will not occur downstream of
the curtain. If Figs. 34 and 35 are compared, the influence of reduced uplift downstream
of plane P1 on the limit friction angles will be seen.
Very thorough drainage was obviously needed. This was done by making a sort of cage
of drain holes drilled from galleries (Fig. 36). In fact, the general outline of the drainage
system had been designed before the stability analyses were made, but the calculations did
serve to justify the arrangements planned.
9. Oymapinar Dam
The Oymapinar arch dam in Turkey is now at the final design stage. It will be of the double
curvature type with a height of 180 m (Fig. 37).
The site is a deep short canyon, cut in Paleozoic limestone (Fig. 38). The bedding is
vertical. The left bank is particularly steep: a narrow spur of rock has to be used for the
dam abutment; it forms a vertical cliff on the upstream side, more than 100 m high
(Fig. 39). The salient feature of the site, not to speak of its karstic nature, is the fact
i Z:S~.~::.~__._2_:._?.~]:~.~_.~.__2__Zz__~2~__2L_L_. ....
i / -W
-- I % J. I
n ., o\., /" c~
e. Fz Fl
lO -
O --
..... DRAIN
N~fl~ll'l'l'l'l'l'tli'['l'l'lq~ GROUTING
FIG. 36.
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that it is divided by a great number of joints. They are of varying importance to the
designer depending on their extension, continuity, density and spacing, filling material
and their position in relation to the arch dam planned.
A total of 19 250 joints were surveyed in adits and at the surface. They have been
classified as:
thin joints bedding joints
tectonic tight joints
j o i n t s with calcite filling
open joints with clay and sand filling
Four sub-areas (A, B, C and D) have been the subject of separate statistical studies as
shown in Fig. 40. Although fracturing is complex and involves a wide range of directions
and extensions, there is a marked trend for major joints to be sub-vertical and perpendi-
cular to the river. Conversely, extensive sub-horizontal joints are rare in the left bank and
hardly noticeable in the right bank.
Only a short summary of the stability analysis will be given here. Plane P1 is taken in the
system of joints marked )(3, sub-area A (Fig. 40). It is also in the vicinity of the system of
tight joints J4. Whatever the case, plane P1 is not made of a continuous surface of separa-
tion and most probably has high strength. None of the major joints could be found to be a
critical direction on the left bank. Plane P2 is taken in a sub-horizontal system, not fre-
quent but well defined and extensive. Plane/'3, in the stratification joints, is vertical,
along the upstream toe of the dam.
The rock volumes considered are six in number: two directions for joint P~, and three
levels (elevations 0, 70 and 130) for joint/'2- Figure 41 shows the position of the dam in
~.r.- -~
FIG. 37. Site plan of the Oymapinar dam, Turkey. 1. Arch dam; 2. Spillway intakes; 3.
Intakes; 4. Underground power station; 5. Diversion tunnel.
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P. Londe
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P. Londe
relation to the six rock tetrahedrons. Results of the analysis, by computer, are given in
Fig. 42 for three of them.
Point R in each diagram corresponds to ul = 25 per cent, u2 = 25 per cent, u3 = 100
per cent. The latter value corresponds to direct loading of plane/>3 by the water pressure
of the reservoir. The values of 25 per cent on the other two planes mean, however, that a
thorough system of grouting and drainage has to be carried out. In view of the design
adopted (concrete lining of the rock upstream of the dam, and drainage by many adits and
boreholes), it is likely that the uplifts will be substantially less than 25 per cent of full
hydrostatic pressure. Points R show that, in these conditions, stability is ensured, and
that there is an ample margin of safety for uplift and friction angle variations. The other
combinations of joints which have been tried are not less safe than the ones presented
The conclusions to be drawn from this analysis are as follows:
(a) The extensive grouting and drainage system is vital in preventing seeping
water from developing detrimental pore pressures in the rock mass.
(b) The margin of safety of the abutment is satisfactory considering the actual
geological structure, depth of excavation and thrust of the dam.
(c) The margin of safety increases from bottom to top of the abutments.
(d) More precise analysis of the safety requires tests for a better knowledge of the
shear strength of the joints playing an important part in the stability (here joints
X3 and J4). Laboratory tests on large size core samples will be adequate.
(e) Careful observation of the seepage conditions in the abutment by means of
drain discharge and piezometric measurements will increase safety during
operation of the scheme by giving advance warning of any development of
abnormal conditions.
10. Conclusion
The method proposed for analyzing the stability of a rock slope cut by weak geological
surfaces of separation enables the enginer to assess the factors which are vital to the
safety of the rock mass. No attempt is made to define a factor of safety owing to the
number of parameters involved. The approach is typical of problems where the answer is
not well-defined either because the data are not sufficiently well-known or because too
many variables are introduced, a condition which prevails in rock mechanics. Although
several simplifying assumptions have to be made, this method has already been used with
success for practical cases. Studies are under way with a view to improving the approach
and to taking account of other mechanisms of failure such as sliding with rotation.
11. Reference
LOND~, P., VIGmR, G. & VOrtMEmNGER, R. Stability of slopes, Graphical Methods. J. Soit
Mech. Found. Div., ASCE, Vol. 96, No. SM4, 1970, pp. 1411-34.