N at i o n a l M u s e u m o f
African American
H i s t o r y a n d C u lt u r e
through the streets of the city
new orleans
brass bands
1. Paul Barbarins Second Line Liberty Brass Band 4:14
(Paul Barbarin / Universal - Two Beat Music, BMI)
2. The Sheik of Araby Treme Brass Band 3:41 (Harry Smith - Francis Wheeler - Ted Snyder)
4. Liberty Funeral March Liberty Brass Band 4:52 (Michael G. White / MGW Jazz Publishing, ASCAP)
6. We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the City Treme Brass Band 4:12
(Arr. by Treme Brass Band)
7. Keepin It Funky Hot 8 Brass Band 6:43 (Terrell Batiste - Samuel Cyrus)
9. Grazing in the Grass Treme Brass Band 4:45 (Philemon Hou / Cherio Corporation, BMI)
10. New Orleans (After the City) Hot 8 Brass Band 6:48
(Chad Honore - Alvarez Huntley - Hot 8 Brass Band)
11. Give Me My Money Back Treme Brass Band 4:09 (James Andrews / Trombone Shorty Music, BMI)
12. Lily of the Valley Liberty Brass Band 3:23 (William C. Fry - Ira D. Sankey)
13. Shake It and Break It Hot 8 Brass Band 4:32 (Artie Matthews)
Through the Streets of the City: New Orleans Brass Bands
Michael G. White
Brass bands are a highly visible part of New Orleans cultureat parades, funerals, in
nightclubs, and at a variety of other events. They are also fixtures at international music
festivals and major concert halls, on recordings, in films, and on television. Despite the
bands widespread popularity, the history, function, and social relevance of these groups
remain largely unknown or misunderstood.
Its small-label recordings of Professor Longhairs Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Smokey
Johnsons It Aint My Fault, and the Dixie Cups Iko Ikoall featuring Batistes vocals
became local radio and juke box favorites, as well as new brass band standard songs.
In the mid-1970s young trumpeter Leroy Jones and several other first-generation
Fairview members formed the Hurricane Brass Band, which introduced a new look,
sound, and attitude. As the first truly revolutionary brass band, the Hurricane wore blue
jeans, t-shirts, no band caps, and featured Jones blazing modern jazz solos on top of
riffing horns playing traditional jazz standards and contemporary radio hits like the Nite-
Lighters K-Jee and the Meters Hey Pocky Way. The Hurricane was a popular new
thing in street parades until Jones started on a solo career soon thereafter. In 1977 drum-
mer Benny Jones and several ex-Hurricane members formed the Dirty Dozen, the seminal
group that would forever change the sound, image, and direction of New Orleans brass
bands. The Dozen actually consisted of eight instruments: two trumpets, a trombone,
two saxophones, a sousaphone, a snare drum, and a bass drum. The groups completely
new sound was a modern update that resulted from blending contemporary and tradition-
al jazz, rhythm & blues, funk, Mardi Gras Indian music, and school marching band style.
Faster tempos, catchy melodies, funky riffs, swinging sousaphone lines, and modern jazz-
style solos were hallmarks of the Dirty Dozens playing. The group quickly became pop-
ular among younger generations of social club members and second liners. Its fame soon
spread beyond local street parades to nightclubs, festivals, concert halls, international
tours, and major label recordings. While the Dirty Dozen was known for unique versions
of Lil Liza Jane and Blue Monk, it was even more successful with trademark original
songs such as Blackbird Special and My Feet Cant Fail Me Now.
By the early 1980s the Dirty Dozens success began to keep them on the road, open-
ing the door for new, young, modern-style brass bands to take their place in community
parades. There were still a few traditional bands and some older groups that were develop-
ing a more modern style of their own, but in 1982 teenagers Phillip Frazier, his brothers,
and Kermit Ruffins formed the Rebirth Brass Band. Though heavily influenced by the
Dozen, the Rebirth soon created a more laid-back, funky sound that eventually added
influences from the emerging popular rap style. The band composed and recorded a num-
ber of original songs, such as I Feel Like Funkin It Up and Leave That Pipe Alone.
Do Whacha Wanna became a major local hit and has remained a party and Mardi Gras
favorite that has been adopted by school marching bands across the nation. Though the
Rebirth also began a steady touring schedule, it continued to be the most popular and
visible brass band in community parades and funerals for many years. The groups success
culminated in a 2011 Grammy Award for its recording, Rebirth of New Orleansthe first
Grammy ever for a New Orleans brass band.
By the 1990s a resurgence in the number of parading social clubs, an increase in local
tourism, and a renaissance of brass bands led to a flourishing of dozens of new young groups
to play parades, record, tour, and perform at events of every type. While all of todays
younger bands have continued in the funk/rap style pioneered by the Dirty Dozen and
Rebirth bands, several have evolved their own sound and repertoire, including the Soul
Rebels, Coolbone, Hot 8, Lil Rascals, Stooges, Baby Boyz, and To Be Continued brass
bands. The brass band renaissance that began in the 1980s also included other new-type
groups, such as the predominantly white Storyville Stompers and the all-female Pinettes.
The devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005during which 80% of New Orleans
flooded, untold numbers died, and long-term displacement and misery affected hundreds
of thousandsraised real concerns about the survival of the city and its indigenous cultur-
al traditions. Over nine years later New Orleans remains a wounded city trying to rebuild
and heal. In some ways it can never be the same place as before. The harsh realities of cli-
mate change, rising tides, a sinking city, and a future with more severe storms can no longer
be ignored. Even as the citys population and neighborhoods are being re-gentrified, major
social problems like crime, murder, drugs, illiteracy, poverty, and a poor education system
plague the city, with little relief in sight. The traditionally masked long-term racial divide
and economic imbalances continue to roll along like a Carnival parade, with general indif-
ference on all sides.
In spite of all of the problems, the tenacious spirit of citizens who have returned is
boldly evident, as traditional culture has served as an inspiration to many in their efforts
to rebuild and recover. In the months following the storm there was a massive citywide
second line parade in which dozens of clubs, bands, and citizens came togethermany
back for the first timein a show of strength, bonding, and common understanding.
Social club parades, jazz funerals, Mardi Gras Indians, jazz and brass bands are still a vital
part of local life. Today there are over two dozen brass bands and more than three dozen
parading social clubs in the city, so work is not lacking, but the growing number of groups
and competition keep pay relatively low (as has historically been the case for many local
musicians). Some groups like the Dirty Dozen, Rebirth, Hot 8, Stooges, and Soul Rebels
maintain heavy touring schedules in order to make a decent living.
An encouraging development for the future has been the start of programs by the
New Orleans Jazz Historical Park and the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation
designed to foster both traditional- and modern-style brass band playing among young-
sters: workshops, a school band competition, the forming of young bands, etc. Several
members of established funk-style groups have reached out to build mentorship-type
relationships with older, more traditionally oriented musicians in an effort to learn about
brass band history and incorporate traditional music into their repertoires. Camaraderie
among the various musicians from different generations and stylistic orientations has been
very high during these sessions. There seems to be a great common interest in recognizing
the importance of our musical heritage and sharing it with the world.
In New Orleans, brass bands have always reflected the spirit and needs of the peo-
ple. During the 19th century they served a military function and used music to help lead
soldiers to war in the service of their country. Later in the century they became a source
of pride and visibility for a people attempting to share the freedom and equality promised
by the nations founding principles. When the citys lingering African influences and black
folk music traditions blended with European musical instruments and concepts parallel-
ing the high-intensity struggle for social equality, strictly reading brass bands gradually
became improvising jazz bands. New Orleans jazza voice of freedom and collective
community celebrationremained the dominant form of brass band playing for nearly 80
years. But brass bands both preceded and survived the reign of traditional-style jazz. The
need for self-expression in a changing world that followed the counterculture movement
of the 1960s and 70s contributed to a modern evolution and eventual renaissance of
brass bands. This new approach incorporated a variety of local and popular styles into
a predominantly modern yet still uniquely New Orleans type of functional and commu-
nity-relevant musical expression. The increasingly rare traditional style can still produce
magical exciting moments, but it is uncertain if it will continue to exist in its birthplace in
the next 20 or 30 years.
As in the past, social conditions, education, economics, new musical styles, and the
transitioning city of New Orleans likely will influence the direction and sound of future
brass bands and community parades and funeralssharing their special yet universal
expressions of the human condition with many generations to come.
The Bands on This Recording
The groups heard on this recording are representative of three dominant stylistic trends
that coexist on the New Orleans brass band scene today: traditional, funk, and in-between
groups that can be called transitional. The oldest is the Liberty Brass Band, which I
formed in 1985 in an effort to help keep the authentic traditional style alive.
1. Paul Barbarins Second Line brass bands, the songs suggestive and
rather humorous lyrics are a showcase for
Libe rt y B r a s s B a n d Kenneth Terrys vocal style.
Paul Barbarins Second Line has
remained among the most popular tradi-
tional jazz songs since it was composed
3. Panama
by the legendary drummer in the 1950s. Libert y Brass Ban d
Like some other Liberty songs, this one
This march dates back to 1911 and was
has been influenced by the modern stage
popular among reading bands throughout
presentation style, which can be heard in
the country. In New Orleans it became
the inclusion of solos between the predom-
an improvised jazz standard played by all
inantly ensemble passages.
traditional-style bands. Involved marches
like Panamawith their characteristic
2. The Sheik of Araby introductions, numerous sections, and
changes of keys and volumewere once
Tre m e B r as s B a n d a staple of brass band repertoire but are
rarely heard today.
Originally a Tin Pan Alley hit from the
1920s, inspired by Rudolph Valentinos
film image, this song became a popular
traditional jazz standard. Though it has
not often been played by New Orleans
4. Liberty Funeral March neered on the Olympia Brass Bands 1980s
version of Mardi Gras New Orleans.
Libe rt y B r a s s B a n d Steamin Blues and the other two Hot 8
originals heard here are prime examples
This original composition is influenced by of the raw, emotional, rhythm-driven,
the now-extinct practice of loosely playing hip-hop-influenced funk style popular in
dirges from written scores in jazz funerals. most New Orleans second line parades
The intent was to sing out the parts in and funerals today.
the emotional manner of wailing family
members and a mournful crowd praying or
offering condolences. The melody is based 6. We Shall Walk Through the
on variations of the rhythm that forms the
main theme of Chopins Funeral March,
Streets of the City
which is also the standard New Orleans Treme Brass Ban d
brass band bass drum introduction to
dirges and slow hymns. This joyous hymn, which has the same
melody as Red River Valley, has been a
popular standard in social club parades,
5. Steamin Blues church processions, and jazz funerals for
many years. The common use of such tra-
H ot 8 B r as s B a n d
ditional Baptist hymns has been one of the
Steamin Blues was written by Hot 8 main features distinguishing New Orleans
trombonist Joseph Shotgun Williams, jazz from offshoots, like the Chicago style.
who was killed by the New Orleans police Its typical stage-style presentation here
under controversial circumstances in 2004. includes featured solos.
This medium-tempo 12-bar blues is a
funkier, updated version of the style pio-
7. Keepin It Funky 9. Grazing in the Grass
H ot 8 B r as s B a n d Tr eme Brass Ban d
Terrell Batiste and Samuel Cyrus wrote Among the Tremes favorite requests is
Keepin It Funky, which is a typical their version of Hugh Masekelas classic
modern, funk-style tune. After being set 1968 pop hit Grazing in the Grass. Here
up by the sousaphone and drums, the song the band mixes elements of the traditional
features a call-and-response vocal before brass band style, modern jazz, rhythm &
melodic horn riffs and laid-back dancing blues, and school marching bands to create
saxophone, trumpet, and trombone solos. a contemporary sound that preceded the
funk- and hip-hop-influenced style of
groups like the Rebirth and Soul Rebels.
8. Old Rugged Cross This very danceable rendition is enhanced
Libe rt y B r a s s B a n d by funky saxophone and trombone solos.
the tune. The song reflects the sentiments
of most locals by expressing pride about
12. Lily of the Valley
being in and from New Orleans, as it men- Libert y Br ass Ban d
tions unique aspects of New Orleans life
Lily of the Valley is an up-tempo hymn
and repeats: We live down by the river
typical of those played in most social club
/ under the lake / below sea level / thats
and church parades, and during the last
where I stay / even though were always
part of jazz funerals. The open spaces in
gone / theres no place like home.
the trumpets melodic line would regularly
elicit a number of improvised responses
11. Give Me My Money Back both from other instruments and the dance
movements of second liners.
Tre m e B r as s B a n d
14. Amazing Grace 15. Whoopin Blues
Tre m e B r as s B a n d Libert y Br ass Ban d
The long-time favorite Amazing Grace This rousing, medium-tempo 12-bar blues
has not been among the standard hymns has been among the favorite songs in street
played by most New Orleans brass bands parades for decades and has been played
throughout the 20th century, despite by all styles of brass bands. Credited to
having a familiar melody and harmonic the Young Tuxedo Brass Bands founder,
structure. The Treme presents the song clarinetist John Casimir, it was among the
here as a reflective, dirge-style tribute to songs on the bands classic 1958 Atlantic
Uncle Lionel Batiste, featuring a mournful label recording. The Libertys version here
clarinet solo. has the typical bluesy break that still elicits
screams of yeah! from audiences and
jumps from second liners at the appropri-
ate moment.
Further Reading Further Listening
Brothers, Thomas. 2006. Louis Armstrongs (Currently available CD reissues of early and definitive
New Orleans. New York: W. W. Norton & recordings by each group)
Bunks Brass Band:
Burns, Mick. 2008. Keeping the Beat on the Street: Bunks Brass Band and Dance Band 1945
The New Orleans Brass Band Renaissance. Baton (American Music)
Rouge: LSU Press.
Dejans Olympia Brass Band:
Knowles, Richard. 1996. Fallen Heroes: A History of The Olympia Brass Band of New Orleans (GHB)
New Orleans Brass Bands. New Orleans: Jazzology
Dirty Dozen Brass Band:
My Feet Cant Fail Me Now (Floating World)
Schafer, William J. 1977. Brass Bands and New Orleans
Eureka Brass Band:
Jazz. Baton Rouge: LSU Press.
New Orleans Funeral & Parade (American Music)
Sublette, Ned. 2008. The World That Made New The Music of New Orleans: Music of the Eureka Brass
Orleans: From Spanish Silver to Congo Square. Band (Folkways Records)
Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books.
Rebirth Brass Band:
White, Michael G. 2010. Dr. Michael White: The Doc I Feel Like Funkin It Up (Rounder)
Paulin Years (197579). Jazz Archivist XXIII:120. Rebirth of New Orleans (Basin Street)
______. 2008. New Orleans African American Young Tuxedo Brass Band:
Musical Traditions, chap. 7 in Seeking Higher Ground: Jazz Begins: Sounds of New Orleans Streets
The Hurricane Katrina Crisis, Race, and Public Policy Funeral and Parade Music of the Young Tuxedo Brass
Reader, ed. Manning Marable and Kristen Clarke, Band (Collectables)
87106. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
______. 2000. The New Orleans Brass Band:
A Cultural Tradition, chap. 3 in Triumph of the
Soul: Cultural and Psychological Aspects of African
American Music, ed. Ferdinand Jones and Arthur
Jones, 6996. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Credits About Michael White
Produced by Michael G. White and Daniel E. Sheehy Michael White is a relative of first-generation New
Recorded and mixed by Mark Bingham and Orleans jazz musicians and has been widely acclaimed
Wesley Fontenot as a jazz clarinetist, composer, bandleader, writer,
Recorded at Piety Street Studio, producer, and historian. He received a PhD in
728 Piety Street, New Orleans, LA 70117 Spanish and taught Spanish and African American
Mastered by Pete Reiniger music at Xavier University, where he currently holds
Annotated by Michael G. White the Charles and Rosa Keller Endowed Chair in the
Photos by Eric Waters, except p. 19 by Gerald Humanities. White has performed and toured inter-
Villavasso and p. 24 by Shawn Colin nationally for over 35 years with numerous bands,
Executive Producers: Daniel E. Sheehy and has made over 60 recordings, and has appeared in
D. A. Sonneborn numerous films and television shows. Many of his
Production manager: Mary Monseur original songs have been included on his Basin Street
Editorial assistance by Carla Borden Records releases since 2000. White has been the
Design and layout by Sonya Cohen Cramer recipient of numerous awards and honors, including
the National Heritage Fellowships Award, Louisiana
Smithsonian Folkways staff: Richard James Burgess,
State Humanist of the Year, and the French Chevalier
associate director for business strategies; Cecille Chen,
royalty manager; Laura Dion, sales and marketing; Toby of Arts and Letters. Dr. White appears courtesy of
Dodds, technology director; Claudia Foronda, customer Basin Street Records.
service; Henri Goodson, financial assistant; Will Griffin,
marketing and sales; Emily Hilliard, fulfillment; Meredith Hot 8 Band appears courtesy of Tru Thoughts
Holmgren, web production and education; David Horgan, Recordings. www.tru-thoughts.com.uk
online marketing; Helen Lindsay, customer service; Keisha
Martin, manufacturing coordinator; Jeff Place, archivist;
Sayem Sharif, director of financial operations; Ronnie
Simpkins, audio specialist; Stephanie Smith, archivist; Atesh
Sonneborn, associate director for programs and acquisitions;
Sandy Wang, web designer; Jonathan Wright, fulfillment.
About Smithsonian Folkways
SFW CD 40212 2014 Smithsonian Folkways Recordings