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Sbc302 Feb 2008 Final

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SBC 302


First Edition: January 2007


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this code may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
written permission of the Saudi Building Code National Committee.

ISBN: 9960-9885-4-6

General Secretariat of the Saudi Building Code National Committee



SBC 302 2007

In appreciation and gratitude to The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Prime Minister
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
And to the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and Aviation and
Inspector General
Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
For their continuous support and gracious consideration,
The Saudi Building Code National Committee is honored to present the first issue of
The Saudi Building Code (SBC).

SBC 302 2007 1/1

Saudi Building Code Requirements

201 Architectural
301 Structural Loading and Forces

302 Structural Testing and Inspection

303 Structural Soil and Foundations
304 Structural Concrete Structures
305 Structural Masonry Structures
306 Structural Steel Structures
401 Electrical

501 Mechanical

601 Energy Conservation

701 Sanitary
801 Fire Protection
901 Existing Buildings

SBC 302 2007



The Saudi Building Code is a set of legal, administrative and technical systems that
establish building construction in the Kingdom on scientific and engineering bases with the
aim of ensuring the minimum requirements of safety and public health. It started with the
issuance of the Royal Decree No. 7/B/3230 dated 11th June 2000 so as to form a national
committee composed of representatives of Saudi universities and the governmental and
private sectors. In the beginning of September 2001, the Council of Ministers approved the
general plan of the National Committee to prepare a unified building code for the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia.
To choose a reference code on which a Saudi Building Code is to be based, a number
of Arab and International experiences, building standards, regulations and plans of the
governmental departments and authorities have been studied. The National Committee has
also been acquainted with the results of the national researches and the international codes,
such as the regulations of the International Code Council (ICC) issued in U.S.A., European
Code (EC), Arab Codes, the Canadian Building Code (NBC). It has also sought the opinions
of specialists in relevant Saudi universities, governmental and private sectors through holding
a questionnaire, a symposium and specialized workshops, in the light of which, (ICC) has
been chosen. It has also endorsed the use of the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) in respect of the electrotechnical regulations and requirements, the codes of the
American Concrete Institute (ACI) for concrete and masonry structures, the American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for loading and forces and the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC) for steel structures.
The SBC code requirements materials have been done so with the permission of the
ICC, ACI, ASCE and IEC. These bodies are not responsible for any modifications or changes
that the SBC has made to accommodate local conditions.
Toward expanding the participation of all the specialists in the building and
construction industry in the Kingdom through the governmental and private sectors, the
universities and research centers, the National Committee took its own decisions related to
code content by holding specialized meetings, symposiums and workshops and by the help of
experts from inside and outside of Saudi Arabia.
The technical committees and sub-committees started their work in the beginning of
April 2003 to prepare the general framework of the Saudi Building Code that adapts the base
Code with the social and cultural environment, the natural and climatic conditions, types of
soil and properties of materials in the Kingdom. It was approved by the Council of Ministers
Decree No. 279 dated 19 December 2004. Then, the technical committees and the sub-
committees started preparing the technical requirements for the code.
The Saudi Building Code Structural Requirements for Testing and Inspection (SBC
302) were based on Chapter 17 and Section 109 of the International Building Code (IBC).
International Code Council (ICC) grants permission to the SBCNC to include all or portions
of ICC codes and standards in the SBC, and ICC is not responsible or liable in any way to
SBCNC or to any other party or entity for any modifications or changes that SBCNC makes
to such documents. These documents were modified to suit the Saudi Arabian environment
and conditions with due recognition of the material and practices in current use in the
The development process of SBC 302 followed the methodology approved by the
Saudi Building Code National Committee. Many changes and modifications were
implemented on Chapter 17 and Section 109. These changes range from replacing sections
with new ones, inserting additional sections such as precast concrete constructions, and
special inspections for wind requirements, removing irrelevant topics such as wood
construction, and wall panels and veneers.

SBC 302 2007 Preface/1


The Saudi Building Code National Committee

Mohammad H. Al-Nagadi, MSc. Chairman
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Mohammad S. Al-Haddad, PhD. Vice Chairman

King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology

Nabil A. Molla, MSc. Member

Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

Khalid M. Qattan, PhD. Member

Ministry of Interior

Abdul-Ghani H. Al-Harbi, BSc. Member

Ministry of Transportation

Ahmad A. Al-Yousef, BSc. Member

Ministry of Water and Electricity

Tamim A. Samman, PhD. Member

King Abdul-Aziz University

Rajeh Z. Al-Zaid, PhD. Member

King Saud University

Mustafa Y. Al-Mandil, PhD. Member

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Tariq M. Nahhas, PhD. Member

Umm Al-Qura University

Ali O. Al-Zaid, BSc. Member

Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Former Members of the Saudi Building Code National Committee

Khalid Y. Al-Khalaf, PhD. Chairman

Saudi Arabian Standards Organization 1423 up to 1426H
Abdul-Aziz A. Al-Abdul-Karim, BSc. Member
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Ahmad A. Al-Johdali, BSc. Member

Ministry of Transportation

SBC 302 2007 National Committee/1


The Consultative Committee

Ali O. Al-Zaid, BSc. Chairman

Member of the Saudi Building Code National Committee

Rajeh Z. Al-Zaid, PhD. Vice Chairman

Member of the Saudi Building Code National Committee

Siraj M. Mas'oudi, MSc. Member

Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

Mustafa Y. Al-Mandil, PhD. Member

Member of the Saudi Building Code National Committee

Ali A. Shash, PhD. Member

Head of the Administrative and Legal Technical Committee

Abdul-Rahman A. Al-Tassan, PhD. Member

Head of the Architectural Technical Committee

Ahmad B. Al-Shuraim, PhD. Member

Head of the Structural Technical Committee

Abdul-Hameed A. Al-Ohaly, PhD. Member

Head of the Electrical Technical Committee

Ala'uddin Shibl, PhD. Member

Head of the Mechanical Technical Committee

Ibrahim S. Al-Jadhai, PhD. Member

Head of the Sanitary Technical Committee

Abdullah I. Al-Boeis, BSc. Member

Head of the Fire Protection Technical Committee

Tariq A. Al-Khalifa, PhD. Member

Head of the Seismic Requirements Technical Committee

Secretariat General of the Saudi Building Code National Committee

Mohammad A. Bin-Hussien, PhD. Former Secretary
Former Secretary General

Mohammed G. Al-Najrani, BSc. Acting Secretary

Acting Secretary General

Fuad A. Bukhari, Arch. Coordinator

Director of Technical Affairs SBCNC

SBC 302 2007 Consultative Committee /1


The Saudi Building Code Structural Technical Committee


Ahmed B. Shuraim, PhD. Chairman

King Saud University
Hani H. Alnabulsi, BSc. Member
Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Civil Defence
Faisal A. Al-Mashary, PhD. Member
Ministry of Higher Education

Magdy Kamel Moustafa, PhD. Member

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Saleh H. Alsayed , PhD. Member

King Saud University
Abdulaziz I. Al-Negheimish , PhD. Member
King Saud University
Mosleh A. Al-Shamrani, PhD. Member
King Saud University

Yousef A. Al-Salloum, PhD. Member

King Saud University

Abdulsalam A. Alshogeir, PhD. Member

King Saud University
Ahmad O. AlQasabi, PhD. Member
King Saud University
Saeid A. Alghamdi, PhD. Member
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Nabeel S. Al-Gahtani, PhD. Member

Saline Water Conversion Corporation

Faisal Omar Binsiddiq, BSc. Member

Royal Commission of Jubail and Yanbu
Khaled M. Al-Sheref, BSc. Member
Saudi Aramco
Mohammed G. Najrani, BSc Coordinator
Saudi Building Code National Committee

SBC 302 2007 Technical Committee/1


Testing and Inspection Technical Sub Committee

Magdy Kamel Moustafa, PhD. Chairman

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

Abdulaziz I. Al-Negheimish, PhD. Member

King Saud University, Riyadh

Abdulrahman M. Alhozaimy, PhD. Member

King Saud University, Riyadh

Hani H. Alnabulsi, BSc. Member

Ministry of Interior Directorate of Civil Defence
Abdullah S. Al-Satarwah, BSc. Member
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu

Mohiaaldin Hussin El Qahtany, BSc. Member

Riyadh Municipality

Hassan El Harby, BSc. ** Member

Saudi Geological Survey

Mohammed M. Tabba, PhD. Member

National Consultants

** Partially.

SBC 302 2007 Sub- Committee/1


Table of Contents
Chapter 1 General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Inspections
1.4 Alternative Materials, Design and Methods of Construction and Equipment
1.5 Approvals

Chapter 2 Special Inspections

2.1 General
2.2 Inspection of fabricators
2.3 Steel construction
2.4 Concrete construction
2.5 Precast concrete construction
2.6 Masonry construction
2.7 Soil and foundations
2.8 Sprayed fire-resistant materials

Chapter 3 Seismic and Wind Resistant Constructions

3.1 Scope
3.2 Quality Assurance for Seismic Resistance
3.3 Special Inspections for Seismic Resistance
3.4 Structural Testing for Seismic Resistance
3.5 Special Inspections for Wind Requirements

Chapter 4 Special Conditions

4.1 Alternative Materials and Test Procedures
4.2 Test Safe Load
4.3 In-situ Load Tests
4.4 Preconstruction Load Tests



SBC 302 2007 Contents/1




1.1.0 The Saudi Building Code for Structural Tests and Inspections referred to as SBC
302, provides minimum requirements for Structural Tests and Inspections. SBC
302 shall govern the quality, workmanship and requirements for:
1. Approval procedures of inspection agencies, fabricators and others
required in SBC 302,
2. Special inspection of the materials, installation, fabrication, erection or
placement of components and connections requiring special expertise to
ensure compliance with approved construction documents and referenced
3. Seismic and wind resistant constructions,
4. New building materials or method of construction not provided for in the
Materials of construction and tests shall conform to the applicable standards listed
in SBC 301 through SBC 306.


1.2.0 The following words and terms shall, for the purposes of this code and as used
elsewhere in the SBC, have the meanings shown herein.

Approved agency. An established and recognized agency regularly engaged in

conducting tests or furnishing inspection services, when such agency has been

Approved fabricator. An established and qualified person, firm or corporation

approved by the building official pursuant to this code.

Certificate of compliance. A certificate stating that materials and products meet

specified standards or that work was done in compliance with approved
construction documents.

Fabricated item. Structural, load-bearing or lateral load-resisting assemblies

consisting of materials assembled prior to installation in a building or structure, or
subjected to operations such as heat treatment, thermal cutting, cold working or
reforming after manufacture and prior to installation in a building or structure.
Materials produced in accordance with standard specifications referenced by this
code, such as rolled structural steel shapes, steel-reinforcing bars, masonry units
and plywood sheets, shall not be considered fabricated items.

Inspection certificate. An identification applied on a product by an approved

agency containing the name of the manufacturer, the function and performance
characteristics, and the name and identification of an approved agency that

SBC 302 2007 1/1


indicates that the product or material has been inspected and evaluated by an
approved agency (see 1.5.5 and Label, Manufacturers designation and

Label. An identification applied on a product by the manufacturer that contains

the name of the manufacturer, the function and performance characteristics of the
product or material, and the name and identification of an approved agency and that
indicates that the representative sample of the product or material has been tested
and evaluated by an approved agency (see 1.5.5 and Inspection certificate,
Manufacturers designation and Mark).

Manufacturers designation. An identification applied on a product by the

manufacturer indicating that a product or material complies with a specified
standard or set of rules (see also Inspection certificate, Label and Mark).

Mark. An identification applied on a product by the manufacturer indicating the

name of the manufacturer and the function of a product or material (see also
Inspection certificate, Label and Manufacturers designation).

Special conditions not covered by the structural code. New building materials,
equipment, appliances, systems or methods of construction not covered by the
SBC, and any material of questioned suitability proposed for use in the construction
of a building or structure.

Special inspection. Inspection as herein required of the materials, installation,

fabrication, erection or placement of components and connections requiring special
expertise to ensure compliance with approved construction documents and
referenced standards. The special inspections shall be carried out by certified
special inspectors or approved agencies.

Special inspection, continuous. The full-time observation of work requiring

special inspection by an approved special inspector who is present in the area
where the work is being performed.

Special inspection, periodic. The part-time or intermittent observation of work

requiring special inspection by an approved special inspector who is present in the
area where the work has been or is being performed and at the completion of the

Sprayed fire-resistant materials. Cementitious or fibrous materials that are

spray applied to provide fire-resistant protection of the substrates.


1.3.1 General. Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to
inspection by the building official and such construction or work shall remain
accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved. Approval as a result
of an inspection shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the
provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Inspections
presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or of
other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. It shall be the duty of the
SBC 302 2007 1/2

permit applicant to cause the work to remain accessible and exposed for
inspection purposes. Neither the building official nor the jurisdiction shall be liable
for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material required to
allow inspection.
1.3.2 Preliminary inspection. Before issuing a permit, the building official is
authorized to examine or cause to be examined buildings, structures, sites and
approved drawings and specifications for which an application has been filed.
1.3.3 Required inspections. The building official, upon notification, shall make the
inspections set forth in Sections through Footing and foundation inspection. Footing and foundation inspections shall be
made after excavations for the foundations are complete and any required
reinforcing steel is in place. Inspection shall include shoring of adjacent building
structures, dewatering, and compaction if required. For concrete foundations, any
required forms shall be in place prior to inspection. Materials for the foundation
shall be on the job, except where concrete is ready mixed in accordance with
ASTM C 94, the concrete need not be on the job. Concrete slab and under-floor inspection. Concrete slab and under-floor
inspections shall be made after in-slab or under-floor reinforcing steel and
building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary
equipment items are in place, but before any concrete is placed or floor
sheathing installed, including the sub floor. Fire-resistant penetrations. Protection of joints and penetrations in fire-
resistance-rated assemblies shall not be concealed from view until inspected and
approved. Energy efficiency inspections. Inspections shall be made to determine
compliance with SBC 601 and shall include, but not be limited to, inspections for:
envelope insulation R and U values, fenestration U value, duct system R value, and
HVAC and water-heating equipment efficiency. Special inspections. For special inspections, see chapter 2. Final inspection. The final inspection shall be made after all work required by the
building permit is completed.
1.3.4 Inspection agencies. The building official is authorized to accept reports of
approved inspection agencies, provided such agencies satisfy the requirements as
to qualifications and reliability.
1.3.5 Inspection requests. It shall be the duty of the holder of the building permit or
their duly authorized agent to notify the building official when work is ready for
inspection. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to provide access to and means
for inspections of such work that are required by this code.
1.3.6 Approval required. Work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each
successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official.
The building official, upon notification, shall make the requested inspections and
shall either indicate the portion of the construction that is satisfactory as
completed, or notify the permit holder or his or her agent wherein the same fails to
comply with this code. Any portions that do not comply shall be corrected and such
portion shall not be covered or concealed until authorized by the building official.
SBC 302 2007 1/3


1.4.1 General. The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of
any material or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically
prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved. An
alternative material, design or method of construction shall be approved where the
building official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with
the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work
offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this
code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety. Research reports. Supporting data, where necessary to assist in the approval of
materials or assemblies not specifically provided for in this code, shall consist of
valid research reports from approved sources. Tests. Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions
of this code, or evidence that a material or method does not conform to the
requirements of this code, or in order to substantiate claims for alternative
materials or methods, the building official shall have the authority to require tests
as evidence of compliance to be made at no expense to the jurisdiction. Test
methods shall be as specified in this code or by other recognized test standards. In
the absence of recognized and accepted test methods, the building official shall
approve the testing procedures. Tests shall be performed by an approved agency.
Reports of such tests shall be retained by the building official for the period
required for retention of public records.


1.5.1 Approved agency. An approved agency shall provide all information as necessary
for the building official to determine that the agency meets the applicable
requirements. Independent. An approved agency shall be objective and competent. The agency
shall also disclose possible conflicts of interest so that objectivity can be
confirmed. Equipment. An approved agency shall have adequate equipment to perform
required tests. The equipment shall be periodically calibrated. Personnel. An approved agency shall employ (experienced professional engineers
and qualified technicians) educated in conducting, supervising and evaluating tests
and/or inspections.

1.5.2 Written approval. Any material, appliance, equipment, system or method of

construction meeting the requirements of SBC shall be approved in writing
after satisfactory completion of the required tests and submission of required test

1.5.3 Approved record. For any material, appliance, equipment, system or method of
construction that has been approved, a record of such approval, including the
conditions and limitations of the approval, shall be kept on file in the building
SBC 302 2007 1/4

officials office and shall be open to public inspection at appropriate times.

1.5.4 Performance. Specific information consisting of test reports conducted by an

approved testing agency in accordance with standards sited in the Saudi Building
Code, or other such information as necessary, shall be provided for the building
official to determine that the material meets the applicable code requirements. Research and investigation. Sufficient technical data shall be submitted to the
building official to substantiate the proposed use of any material or assembly. If it is
determined that the evidence submitted is satisfactory proof of performance for the
use intended, the building official shall approve the use of the material or assembly
subject to the requirements of SBC. The cost offsets, reports and investigations
required under these provisions shall be paid by the permit applicant. Research reports. Supporting data, where necessary to assist in the approval of
materials or assemblies not specifically provided for in SBC, shall consist of valid
research reports from approved sources.

1.5.5 Labeling. Where materials or assemblies are required by SBC to be labeled, such
materials and assemblies shall be labeled by an approved agency in accordance
with 1.5.1. Products and materials required to be labeled shall be labeled in
accordance with the procedures set forth in Sections through Testing. An approved agency shall test a representative sample of the product or
material being labeled to the relevant standard or standards. The approved agency
shall maintain a record of the tests performed. The record shall provide sufficient
details to verify compliance with the test standard. Inspection and identification. The approved agency shall periodically perform
an inspection, which shall be in-plant if necessary, of the product or material that is
to be labeled. The inspection shall verify that the labeled product or material is
representative of the product or material tested. Label information. The label shall contain the manufacturers or distributors
identification, model number, serial number or definitive information describing
the product or materials performance characteristics and approved agencys

1.5.6 Evaluation and follow-up inspection services. Where structural components or

other items regulated by SBC are not visible for inspection after completion of a
prefabricated assembly, the permit applicant shall submit a report of each
prefabricated assembly. The report shall indicate the complete details of the
assembly, including a description of the assembly and its components, the basis upon
which the assembly is being evaluated, test results and similar information and other
data as necessary for the building official to determine conformance to SBC. Such a
report shall be approved by the building official. Follow-up inspection. The permit applicant shall provide for special inspections of
fabricated items in accordance with Section 2.2. Test and inspection records. Records of test and special inspection shall be
preserved by the special inspector (inspection agency) for 5 years after completion
of the project. Copies of necessary test and inspection records shall be filed with
the building official.
SBC 302 2007 1/5



2.1.0 Where application is made for construction as described in this chapter, the owner or
the registered design professional in responsible charge acting as the owners agent
shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspections during
construction on the types of work listed under Chapter 2. The special inspector
shall be a qualified person who shall demonstrate competence, to the satisfaction
of the building official, for inspection of the particular type of construction or
operation requiring special inspection. These inspections are in addition to the
inspections specified in Section 1.3.
1. Special inspections are not required for work of a minor nature as
approved by the building official.
2. Unless otherwise required by the building official, special inspections are
not required for occupancies in Group R-3 and occupancies in Group U
that are accessory to a residential occupancy including, but not limited to,
those listed in SBC 201.

2.1.1 Building permit requirement. The permit applicant shall submit a statement of
special inspections prepared by the registered design professional in responsible
charge in accordance with construction documents and other related provisions, as
a condition for permit issuance. This statement shall include a complete list of
materials and work requiring special inspections by this chapter, the inspections
to be performed and a list of the individuals, approved agencies or firms
intended to be retained for conducting such inspections.

2.1.2 Report requirement. Special inspectors shall keep records of inspections. The
special inspector shall furnish inspection reports to the building official, and to
the registered design professional in responsible charge. Reports shall indicate that
work inspected was done in conformance to approved construction documents.
Discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor for
correction. If the discrepancies are not corrected, the discrepancies shall be brought
to the attention of the building official and to the registered design professional in
responsible charge prior to the completion of that phase of the work. A final report
documenting required special inspections and correction of any discrepancies noted
in the inspections shall be submitted no later than 3 months of the completion of
the work.


2.2.0 Where fabrication of structural load-bearing members and assemblies is being

performed on the premises of a fabricators shop, special inspection of the fabricated
items shall be required by this chapter and as required elsewhere in SBC.

2.2.1 Fabrication and implementation procedures. The special inspector shall verify
that the fabricator maintains detailed fabrication and quality control procedures that
SBC 302 2007 2/1

provide a basis for inspection control of the workmanship and the fabricators
ability to conform to approved construction documents and referenced standards.
The special inspector shall review the procedures for completeness and adequacy
relative to the code requirements for the fabricators scope of work.
Exception: Special inspections as required by Section 2.2 shall not be required
where the fabricator is approved in accordance with Section 2.2.2.

2.2.2 Fabricator approval. Special inspections required by this code are not required
where the work is done on the premises of a fabricator registered and approved to
perform such work without special inspection. Approval shall be based upon review
of the fabricators written procedural and quality control manuals and periodic
auditing of fabrication practices by an approved special inspection agency. At
completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall submit a certificate of
compliance to the building official stating that the work was performed in
accordance with the approved construction documents.


2.3.0 The special inspections for steel elements of buildings and structures shall be as
required by this section and Table 2.3.
1. Special inspection of the steel fabrication process shall not be required where the
fabricator does not perform any welding, thermal cutting or heating operation of any
kind as part of the fabrication process. In such cases, the fabricator shall be required
to submit a detailed procedure for material control that demonstrates the fabricators
ability to maintain suitable records and procedures such that, at any time during
the fabrication process, the material specification, grade and mill test reports
for the main stress-carrying elements are capable of being determined.
2. The special inspector need not be continuously present during welding of the
following items, provided the materials, welding procedures and qualifications of
welders are verified prior to the start of the work; periodic inspections are made of
the work in progress and a visual inspection of all welds is made prior to
completion or prior to shipment of shop welding.
a. Single-pass fillet welds not exceeding 8 mm in size.
b. Floor and roof deck welding.
c. Welded studs when used for structural diaphragm.
d. Welded sheet steel for cold-formed steel framing members such as studs and
e. Welding of stairs and railing systems.

2.3.1 Welding. Welding inspection shall be in compliance with AWS D1.1. The basis for
welding inspector qualification shall be AWS D1.1.

2.3.2 Details. The special inspector shall perform an inspection of the steel frame to verify
compliance with the details shown on the approved construction documents, such
as bracing, stiffening, member locations and proper application of joint details at
each connection.

SBC 302 2007 2/2


2.3.3 High-strength bolts. Installation of high-strength bolts shall be periodically

inspected in accordance with AISC specifications. General. While the work is in progress, the special inspector shall determine that
the requirements for bolts, nuts, washers and paint; bolted parts and installation and
tightening in such standards are met. For bolts requiring pre-tensioning, the special
inspector shall observe the pre-installation testing and calibration procedures
when such procedures are required by the installation method or by project plans
or specifications; determine that all plies of connected materials have been drawn
together and properly snugged and monitor the installation of bolts to verify that the
selected procedure for installation is properly used to tighten bolts. For joints
required to be tightened only to the snug-tight condition, the special inspector
need only verify that the connected materials have been drawn together and
properly snugged. Periodic monitoring. Monitoring of bolt installation for pretensioning is permitted

to be performed on a periodic basis when using the turn-of-nut method with match
marking techniques, the direct tension indicator method or the alternate design
fastener (twist-off bolt) method. Joints designated as snug tight need be inspected
only on a periodic basis. Continuous monitoring. Monitoring of bolt installation for pretensioning using
the calibrated wrench method or the turn-of-nut method without match
marking shall be performed on a continuous basis.

listed listed

1. Material verification of high-strength bolts, nuts and

Applicable ASTM material

Identification markings to conform to ASTM standards
a. X specifications; AISC 335, Section
specified in the approved construction documents.
A3.4; SBC 306, Section 1.3.3

b. Manufacturer's certificate of compliance required. X

2. Inspection of high-strength bolting.

a. Bearing-type connections. X SBC 306, Section 13.2.5& SBC
b. Slip-critical connections. X 302 (2.3.3)
3. Material verification of structural steel:
a. Identification markings to conform to ASTM standards X ASTM A 6 or ASTM A 568 &
specified in the approved construction documents. SBC 302 (3.3.4)
b. Manufacturers' certified mill test reports. X ASTM A 6 or ASTM A 568

4. Material verification of weld filler materials:

a. Identification markings to conform to AWS X AISC ASD, Section A3.6;
specification in the approved construction documents. SBC 306, Section 1.3.5
b. Manufacturer's certificate of compliance required. X
5. Inspection of welding:
a. Structural steel:
1) Complete and partial penetration groove welds X
2) Multipass fillet welds. X AWS D1.1 & SBC 302 (2.3.1)
3) Single-pass fillet welds > 8 mm X
4) Single-pass fillet welds < 8 mm X
5) Floor and deck welds. X AWS D1.3

6. Inspection of steel frame joint details for compliance with

approved construction documents:
a. Details such as bracing and stiffening.
b. Member locations. SBC 302 (2.3.2)
c. Application of joint details at each connection.

SBC 302 2007 2/3



2.4.0 Concrete construction. The special inspections and verifications for concrete
construction for compliance with approved design drawings and with SBC
requirements shall be as required by this section and Table 2.4.
Exception: Special inspections shall not be required for minor constructions such
as fence walls, driveways and nonstructural concrete elements.

2.4.1 Materials. In the absence of sufficient data or documentation providing evidence of

conformance to quality standards for materials, the building official shall require
testing of materials in accordance with the appropriate standards and criteria for the
material in Section 3.0 SBC 304.

VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION during task during task
listed listed
1. Inspection of structural layout and members dimensions
for compliance with approved design drawings and
construction tolerances X
2. Inspection of reinforcing steel, including prestressing
X SBC 304 (3.5, 7.1-7.7)
tendons, and placement.
3. Inspection of formwork X SBC 304 (6.1-6.2)
4. Inspection of concrete mix
a. Verify the use of required design mix X SBC 304 (4, 5.2-5.4)
b. Verify that the delivery is from certified batch X
5. At the time fresh concrete is sampled to fabricate ASTM C 172
specimens for strength tests, perform slump and X ASTM C 31
determine the temperature of the concrete. SBC 304 (5.6, 5.8)
6. Inspection of concrete placement for proper application X
SBC 304 (5.9, 5.10)
7. Inspection of curing techniques and hot weather
X SBC 304 (5.11-5.13)
8. Inspection of prestressed concrete:
a. Application of prestressing forces. X SBC 304 (18.20)
b. Grouting of bonded prestressing tendons in the X
SBC 304 (18.18.4)
seismic-force-resisting system.
9. Verification of in-situ concrete strength, prior to
stressing of tendons in post-tensioned concrete and
X SBC 304 (6.2)
prior to removal of shores and forms from beams and
structural slabs.


2.5.0 The special inspections and verifications for the precast concrete elements for
compliance with the approved design drawings, shop drawings, the approved
manufacturer procedure and SBC requirements shall be as required by this section
and Table 2.5.
Exception: Special inspection shall not be required for non-structural precast
elements such as curb stones, and pavers.

SBC 302 2007 2/4


VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION during task during task
listed listed
1. Shop drawings shall be reviewed for compliances X
with the contract specifications and drawings
prior to fabrication.
2. Form work, rebar, location of lifting hooks and X SBC 304 (3.5, 7.1-7.7,
embedded items including pre-stressed tendons 16.7)
and post tension duct.
3. Concrete mix design approval and verify the use X SBC 304 (4, 5.2-5.4)
of the approved concrete mix.
a. Conveying and placing concrete techniques. X SBC 304 (5.9 & 5.10)
b. Samples of the concrete to determine slump X ACI 301, Section
test, temperature, air and the strength of the, e, f & g
5. Precast with pretension
a. Verification of tendons for prestressed X SBC 304 (3.5)
b. Verification tensile stresses in the tendons X SBC 304 (18.18)
and measurement of tendon elongation.
c. Verification of anchorage end blocks X SBC 304 (18.13.2)
strength to support prestressing forces.
6. Curing techniques including curing by high X SBC 304 (5.11 & 5.13)
pressure steam to accelerate strength gain and
reduce time of curing.
X ACI 301 Section 5.3.3
7. Finishing
& 5.3.4
8. Precast with post-tension
a. Verification of the concrete strength before X
the post tension takes place.
b. Verification of ducts and end anchorage X ACI 301, Section 9.2
c. Verification of the profile of ducts in the X SBC 304 (18.15)
member as per design drawings.
d. Verification of prestressing force and X SBC 304 (18.18)
measurement of tendon elongation.
e. Grouting of ducts. X SBC 304 (18.16)
f. Verification of anchorage and couplers. X SBC 304 (18.19)
9. Transportation
a. Verification of precast elements transported X SBC 304 (16.6)
position consistent with their shape and
design to avoid excessive handling stress.
b. Verification of concrete strength before X SBC 304 (16.6)
transportation. Member should have
attained 85% of the concrete compressive
10. Storage and handling at the job site. X SBC 304 (16.9)
11. Lifting and erection of the elements. X
12. Connection type and technique. X SBC 306, AWS (D1.1),
Refer to Table 2.3 ASTM A 325, ASTM
ASTM A 307 Regular

SBC 302 2007 2/5



2.6.0 The special inspection and verifications for masonry construction shall be as
required by this section and table 2.6.
Exception: Special inspections shall not be required for minor construction such
as fence walls.

Continuous Periodic
SBC 305
listed task listed 6/TMS 602

1-As masonry construction begins, the following

shall be verified to ensure compliance with the
approved submittals
a. Certificate for materials used in masonry
construction including but not limited
Masonry units,
Mortar and grout material, X 3. Art. 1.5
Anchors, ties, fasteners, and metal accessories,
b. Proportions of site-prepared mortar. X Art. 2.6A
2-The inspection program shall verify
compliance with construction documents and
code provisions.
a. Size, location, and alignment of structural
elements and construction. X Art. 3.3G

b. Placement of masonry units and mortar. X 4.1.2 Art 3.3

c. Placement of reinforcement, tie and anchor.
X 4.8 Art. 3.4

d. Protection of masonry during cold weather or hot

weather. X 4.3, 4.4 Art.1.8C, 1.8D

3-Prior to grouting, the following shall be

verified to ensure compliance with code.
a. Grout space is clean. X Art. 3.2D
Art. 3.4
b. Placement of reinforcement and connectors. X
Art. 2.6B
c. Proportions of site-prepared grout. X
4-Grout placement shall be verified to ensure
compliance with code.
X Art 3.5

5-Preparation of any required grout specimens, Art. 1.4

X 5.2.2, 5.3
mortar specimens and/or prisms shall be observed.


2.7.0 The special inspections for existing site soil conditions, fill placement and load-
bearing requirements shall be as required by this section and Table 2.7. The
approved soils report, required by Section 2.2 SBC 303, shall be used to determine

SBC 302 2007 2/6


Continuous Periodic REFERENCE STANDARD
VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION during task during task
listed listed SBC 303 ASTM
1. Geotechnical Investigation Chapter 2 D-420
a. Particle Size Analysis of Soils X D-422, D-1140
b. Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit X D4318
c. Standard Penetration Test X D-1586
d. Soil Classification X D-2487
2. Earthwork Chapter 3
a. Excavation X
b. Backfill - Compaction
b.1 Moisture Density Relations X D-698, D-1557
b.2 Density by Nuclear Methods X D-2922
c. Drainage X Chapter 13
3. Dewatering X Chapter 13
4. Bearing Capacity Chapter 4
a. Plate Load Test X D-1194
b. Field Vane Test in Cohesive Soils X D-2573
c. Direct Shear Strength X D-3080
5. Footings and Foundations X Chapters 5, 6, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12
6. Retaining Walls X Chapter 7
7. Damp proofing & Waterproofing X Chapter 13
8. Pier & Pile Foundations Chapter 14
a. Friction Cone Penetration Test X D-3441
b. (Testing) Pile under Axial Load X D-1143
9. Expansive & Collapsible Soils X Chapter 2
10. Sabkha Soils X SBC 302 (2.7.5)
11. Random & Artificial Backfill X SBC 302 (2.7.4)

2.7.1 Site preparation. Prior to placement of the prepared fill, the special inspector
shall determine that the site has been prepared in accordance with the approved
soils report.

2.7.2 During fill placement. During placement and compaction of the fill material, the
special inspector shall determine that the material being used and the maximum lift
thickness comply with the approved report, as specified in Section 3.10 SBC 303.

2.7.3 Evaluation of in-place density. The special inspector shall determine, at the
approved frequency, that the in-place dry density of the compacted fill complies
with the approved report.

2.7.4 Special conditions. Random backfill or artificial backfill when encountered in

reclaimed land (along shorelines, wadi slopes, etc.) shall be treated with utmost
care, to make sure that soil conditions are satisfactory, otherwise soil improvement
techniques should be used to avoid future structural damage.

2.7.5 Sabkha soils. Building foundations built over Sabkha soils, encountered in many
locations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, should be protected. Special precaution
shall be taken regarding the control of humidity in the ground. Replacement of
Sabkha soils shall be considered where possible.

2.7.6 Pile foundations. A special inspector shall be present when pile foundations are
being installed and during tests. The special inspector shall make and submit to the
building official records of installation of each pile and results of load tests.

SBC 302 2007 2/7


Records shall include the cutoff and tip elevation of each pile relative to a
permanent reference.
2.7.7 Pier foundations. Special inspection is required for pier foundations for buildings
assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D.

2.8.0 Special inspections for sprayed fire-resistant materials applied to structural
elements and decks shall be in accordance with Section 2.8.1 through 2.8.5.
Special inspections shall be based on the fire-resistance design as designated
in the approved construction documents.

2.8.1 Structural member surface conditions. The surfaces shall be prepared in

accordance with the approved fire-resistance design and the approved
manufacturers written instructions. The prepared surface of structural members to
be sprayed shall be inspected before the application of the sprayed fire-resistant

2.8.2 Application. The substrate shall have a minimum ambient temperature before and
after application as specified in the approved manufacturers written instructions.
The area for application shall be ventilated during and after application as required
by the approved manufacturers written instructions.

2.8.3 Thickness. The average thickness of the sprayed fire-resistant materials applied to
structural elements shall not be less than the thickness required by the approved
fire-resistant design. Thickness shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E
605. Samples of the sprayed fire-resistant materials shall be selected in accordance
with Section and Floor, roof and wall assemblies. The thickness of the sprayed fire-resistant
material applied to floor, roof and wall assemblies shall be determined in
accordance with ASTM E 605, taking the average of not less than four
measurements for each 100 m2 of the sprayed area on each floor or part thereof. Structural framing members. The thickness of the sprayed fire-resistant material
applied to structural members shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 605.
Thickness testing shall be performed on not less than 25 percent of the structural
members on each floor.

2.8.4 Density. The density of the sprayed fire-resistant material shall not be less than the
density specified in the approved fire-resistant design. Density of the sprayed fire-
resistant material shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 605.

2.8.5 Bond strength. The cohesive/adhesive bond strength of the cured sprayed fire-
resistant material applied to structural elements shall not be less than 7 kN/m2. The
cohesive/adhesive bond strength shall be determined in accordance with the field test
specified in ASTM E 736 by testing in-place samples of the sprayed fire-resistant
material selected in accordance with and Floor, roof and wall assemblies. The test samples for determining the cohesive/
adhesive bond strength of the sprayed fire-resistant materials shall be selected
from each floor, roof and wall assembly at the rate of not less than one sample for
SBC 302 2007 2/8

every 1000 m2 or part thereof of the sprayed area in each story. Structural framing members. The test samples for determining the cohesive/
adhesive bond strength of the sprayed fire-resistant materials shall be selected
from beams, girders, joists, trusses and columns at the rate of not less than one
sample for each type of structural framing member for each 1000 m2 of floor area
or part thereof in each story.

SBC 302 2007 2/9




The provisions of this chapter apply to Quality assurance, Special inspections and
Testing for Seismic Resistance and Special inspections for Wind requirements.
Provisions in chapter 15 SBC 301 shall apply when not in conflict with the seismic
provisions of this chapter.


3.2.1 Scope. A quality assurance plan for seismic requirements shall be provided in
accordance with Section 3.2.2 for the following:
1. The seismic-force-resisting systems in structures assigned to Seismic Design
Category C or D.
2. Designated seismic systems in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category
3. The following additional systems in structures assigned to Seismic Design
Category C:
a. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) ductwork
containing hazardous materials and anchorage of such ductwork.
b. Piping systems and mechanical units containing flammable,
combustible or highly toxic materials.
c. Anchorage of electrical equipment used for emergency or standby
power systems.
4. The following additional systems in structures assigned to Seismic Design
Category D:
a. Systems required for Seismic Design Category C.
b. Exterior wall panels and their anchorage.
c. Suspended ceiling systems and their anchorage.
d. Access floors and their anchorage.
e. Steel storage racks and their anchorage, where the factor, Ip,
determined in Section 12.15, SBC 301, is equal to 1.5.
A quality assurance plan is not required for structures designed and constructed
in accordance with the following:
1. The structure is constructed of light framed cold-formed steel; the design
spectral response acceleration at short periods, SDS, as determined in Section
9.4 SBC 301, does not exceed 0.5g, and the height of the structure does
not exceed 10000 mm above grade plane; or

SBC 302 2007 3/1


2. The structure is constructed using a reinforced masonry structural system or

reinforced concrete structural system; the design spectral response
acceleration at short periods, SDS, as determined in section 9.4 SBC 301,
does not exceed 0.5g, and the height of the structure does not exceed 8000
mm above grade plane; or
3. The structure is a detached one- or two-family dwelling not exceeding two
stories in height; and
a. The structure is classified as Occupancy Category I, as determined in
Section 9.5, SBC 301; and
b. The structure does not have any of the following plan or vertical
irregularities as defined in Section 10.3.2, SBC 301:
i. Torsional irregularity.
ii. Nonparallel systems.
iii. Stiffness irregularityextreme soft story and soft story.
iv. Discontinuity in capacityweak story.

3.2.2 Quality assurance plan preparation. The design of each designated seismic
system shall include a quality assurance plan prepared by a registered
professional structural engineer. The quality assurance plan shall identify the
1. The designated seismic systems and seismic-force-resisting systems that are
subject to quality assurance in accordance with Section 3.2.1.
2. The special inspections and testing to be provided as required by Chapter 2
and section 3.4 and other applicable sections of SBC, including the
applicable standards referenced by SBC.
3. The type and frequency of testing required.
4. The type and frequency of special inspections required.
5. The required frequency and distribution of testing and special inspection

3.2.3 Contractor responsibility. Each contractor responsible for the construction of a

seismic-force-resisting system, designated seismic system, or component listed in
the quality assurance plan shall submit a written contractors statement of
responsibility to the building official and to the owner prior to the commencement
of work on the system or component. The contractors statement of responsibility
shall contain the following:
1. Acknowledgment of awareness of the special requirements contained in
the quality assurance plan.
2. Acknowledgment that control will be exercised to obtain conformance
with the construction documents approved by the building official.
3. Procedures for exercising control within the contractors organization, the
method and frequency of reporting and the distribution of the reports.
4. Identification and qualifications of the person(s) exercising such control
and their position(s) in the organization.

SBC 302 2007 3/2



3.3.1 General. Special inspection as specified in this section is required for the
following, where required in Section 2.1. Special inspections itemized in Section
3.3.2 through 3.3.6 are required for the following:
1. The seismic-force-resisting systems in structures assigned to Seismic
Design Category C or D, as determined in Section 9.6, SBC 301.
2. Designated seismic systems in structures assigned to Seismic Design
Category D.
3. Architectural, mechanical and electrical components in structures
assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D that are required in Section
3.3.5 and 3.3.6.

3.3.2 Structural steel. Continuous special inspection for structural welding in

accordance with AISC 341.
1. Single-pass fillet welds not exceeding 8 mm in size.
2. Floor and roof deck welding.

3.3.3 Cold-formed steel framing. Periodic special inspections during welding

operations of elements of the seismic-force-resisting system. Periodic special
inspections for screw attachment, bolting, anchoring and other fastening of
components within the seismic-force-resisting system, including struts, braces, and

3.3.4 Storage racks and access floors. Periodic special inspection during the anchorage
of access floors and storage racks 2500 mm or greater in height in structures
assigned to Seismic Design Category D.

3.3.5 Architectural components. Periodic special inspection during the erection and
fastening of exterior cladding, interior and exterior nonbearing walls and interior and
exterior veneer in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D.
1. Special inspection is not required for architectural components in
structures 9000 mm or less in height.
2. Special inspection is not required for cladding and veneer weighing 250
N/m2 or less.
3. Special inspection is not required for interior nonbearing walls
weighing 750 N/m2 or less.

3.3.6 Mechanical and electrical components. Periodic special inspection is required

during the anchorage of electrical equipment for emergency or standby power
systems in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D. Periodic
special inspection is required during installation of piping systems intended to
carry flammable, combustible or highly toxic contents and their associated

SBC 302 2007 3/3


mechanical units in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D. Periodic

special inspection is required during the installation of HVAC ductwork that will
contain hazardous materials in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C
or D. Component inspection. Special inspection required for the installation of the
following components, where the component has a Component Importance Factor
of 1.0 or 1.5 in accordance with Section 12.1.5 SBC 301, shall maintain an
approved quality control program. Evidence of the quality control program shall
be permanently identified on each piece of equipment by a label.
1. Equipment using combustible energy sources.
2. Electrical motors, transformers, switchgear unit substations and motor
control centers.
3. Reciprocating and rotating-type machinery.
4. Piping distribution systems 75 mm and larger.
5. Tanks, heat exchangers and pressure vessels. Component and attachment testing. The component manufacturer shall test or
analyze the component and the component mounting system or anchorage for the
design forces in SBC 301 for those components having a Component Importance
Factor of 1.0 or 1.5 in accordance with SBC 301. The manufacturer shall submit a
certificate of compliance for review and acceptance by the registered design
professional responsible for the design, and for approval by the building official.
The basis of certification shall be by test on a shaking table, by three-dimensional
shock tests, by an analytical method using dynamic characteristics and forces from
SBC 301 or by more rigorous analysis. The special inspector shall inspect the
component and verify that the label, anchorage or mounting conforms to the
certificate of compliance.


3.4.1 Masonry. Testing and verification of masonry materials and assemblies

prior to construction shall comply with the requirements of Section 3.4.1,
and Table 3.4.

Certificates of compliance used in masonry construction.
Verification of f m' prior to construction and every 500 square meters
during construction.
Verification of proportions of materials in mortar and grout as
delivered to the site.

3.4.2 Testing for seismic resistance. The tests specified in Section 3.4.3 through 3.4.5
are required for the following:
1. The seismic-force-resisting systems in structures assigned to Seismic
SBC 302 2007 3/4

Design Category C or D, as determined in SBC 301.

2. Designated seismic systems in structures assigned to Seismic Design
Category D.
3. Architectural, mechanical and electrical components in structures
assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D that are required in Section

3.4.3 Reinforcing and prestressing steel. Certified mill test reports shall be provided for
each shipment of reinforcing and prestressing steel used to resist flexural, shear and
axial forces in reinforced concrete intermediate frames, special moment frames and
boundary elements of special reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry shear

3.4.4 Structural steel. The testing shall be as required by AISC 341 and the additional
requirements herein. The acceptance criteria for nondestructive testing shall be as
required in AWS D1.1 or specified by the registered design professional.

3.4.5 Mechanical and electrical equipment. Each manufacturer of designated seismic

system components shall test or analyze the component and its mounting system or
anchorage and submit a certificate of compliance for review and acceptance by
the registered design professional in responsible charge of the design of the
designated seismic system and for approval by the building official. The evidence
of compliance shall be by actual test on a shake table, by three-dimensional shock
tests, by an analytical method using dynamic characteristics and forces, by the use
of experience data (i.e., historical data demonstrating acceptable seismic
performance) or by more rigorous analysis providing for equivalent safety.
The special inspector shall examine the designated seismic system and determine
whether the anchorages and label conform with the evidence of compliance.


3.5.0 Inspection of Structural Connections in wind exposure Categories C and D where

the 3-second gust basic wind speed is 175 km/h or greater, shall be in accordance
to Table 3.5.

Exception: Fabrication of manufactured components and assemblies that have a

label indicating compliance with the wind-load and impact-resistance
requirements of this code.

SBC 302 2007 3/5


Continuous Periodic
VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION during task during task
listed listed
1. Roof connections and roof framing X SBC 306
2. Wall connections to roof and floor X SBC 306
diaphragms and framing.
3. Roof and floor diaphragm systems, including X SBC 306
collectors, drag struts and boundary elements.
4. Vertical windforce-resisting systems, X SBC 306
including braced frames, moment frames and
shear walls.
5. Windforce-resisting system connections to the X SBC 306
6. Fabrication and installation of components X
and assemblies required to meet the impact- SBC 306
resistance requirements.
7. Precast concrete wall elements during the X SBC 306

SBC 302 2007 3/6




4.1.1 Conformance to standards. The design strengths and permissible stresses of any
structural material that are identified by a manufacturers designation as to
manufacture and grade by mill tests, or the strength and stress grade is otherwise
confirmed to the satisfaction of the building official, shall conform to the
specifications and methods of design of accepted engineering practice or the
approved rules in the absence of applicable standards.

4.1.2 New materials. For new materials that are not specifically provided for in this
code, the design strengths and permissible stresses shall be established by tests as
provided for in Section 4.1.3.

4.1.3 Test procedure. In the absence of approved rules or other approved standards, the
building official shall make, or cause to be made, the necessary tests and
investigations; or the building official shall accept duly authenticated reports from
approved agencies in respect to the quality and manner of use of new materials or
assemblies as provided for in Section 1.4. The cost of all tests and other
investigations required under the provisions of this code shall be borne by the
permit applicant.


4.2.0 Where proposed construction is not capable of being designed by approved

engineering analysis, or where proposed construction design method does not
comply with the applicable material design standard, the system of construction or
the structural unit and the connections shall be subjected to the tests prescribed in
Section 4.4. The building official shall accept certified reports of such tests
conducted by an approved testing agency, provided that such tests meet the
requirements of SBC and approved procedures.


4.3.1 General. Whenever there is a reasonable doubt as to the stability or load-bearing

capacity of a completed building, structure or portion thereof for the expected loads,
an engineering assessment shall be required. The engineering assessment shall
involve either a structural analysis or an in-situ load test, or both. The structural
analysis shall be based on actual material properties and other as-built conditions
that affect stability or load-bearing capacity, and shall be conducted in accordance
with the applicable design standard. If the structural assessment determines that
the load-bearing capacity is less than that required by the code, load tests shall be
conducted in accordance with Section 4.3.2. If the building, structure or portion
thereof is found to have inadequate stability or load-bearing capacity for the expected
loads, modifications to ensure structural adequacy or the removal of the inadequate
construction shall be required.
SBC 302 2007 4/1

4.3.2 Test standards. Structural components and assemblies shall be tested in accordance
with the appropriate material standards listed in SBC. In the absence of a standard
that contains an applicable load test procedure, the test procedure shall be developed
by a registered design professional and approved. The test procedure shall simulate
loads and conditions of application that the completed structure or portion thereof
will be subjected to in normal use.

4.3.3 In-situ load tests. In-situ load tests shall be conducted in accordance with Section or and shall be supervised by a registered design professional. The
test shall simulate the applicable loading conditions specified in SBC 301 as
necessary to address the concerns regarding structural stability of the building,
structure or portion thereof. Load test procedure specified. Where a specialized code or standard listed in SBC
contains an applicable load test procedure and acceptance criteria, the test
procedure and acceptance criteria in the standard shall apply. In the absence of
specific load factors or acceptance criteria, the load factors and acceptance criteria
in Section shall apply. Load test procedure not specified. In the absence of applicable load test
procedures contained within a standard referenced by this code or acceptance
criteria for a specific material or method of construction, such existing structure
shall be subjected to a test procedure developed by a registered design professional
that simulates applicable loading and deformation conditions. For components
that are not a part of the seismic-load-resisting system, the test load shall be equal
to two times the unfactored design loads. The test load shall be left in place for a
period of 24 hours. The structure shall be considered to have successfully met the
test requirements where the following criteria are satisfied:
1. Under the design load, the deflection shall not exceed the limitations
specified in SBC 301.
2. Within 24 hours after removal of the test load, the structure shall have
recovered not less than 75 % of the maximum deflection.
3. During and immediately after the test, the structure shall not show
evidence of failure.


4.4.1 General. In evaluating the physical properties of materials and methods of

construction that are not capable of being designed by approved engineering
analysis or do not comply with applicable material design standards listed in SBC,
the structural adequacy shall be predetermined based on the load test criteria
established in Section 4.4.

4.4.2 Load test procedures specified. Where specific load test procedures, load
factors and acceptance criteria are included in the applicable design standards
listed in SBC, such test procedures, load factors and acceptance criteria shall apply.
In the absence of specific test procedures, load factors or acceptance criteria, the
corresponding provisions in Section 4.4.3 shall apply.

SBC 302 2007 4/2


4.4.3 Load test procedures not specified. Where load test procedures are not specified
in the applicable design standards listed in SBC, the load-bearing and deformation
capacity of structural components and assemblies shall be determined on the basis
of a test procedure developed by a registered design professional that simulates
applicable loading and deformation conditions. For components and assemblies
that are not a part of the seismic-load-resisting system, the test shall be as specified
in Section Load tests shall simulate the applicable loading conditions
specified in SBC 301. Test procedure. The test assembly shall be subjected to an increasing

superimposed load equal to not less than two times the superimposed design load.
The test load shall be left in place for a period of 24 hours. The tested assembly
shall be considered to have successfully met the test requirements if the assembly
recovers not less than 75 % of the maximum deflection within 24 hours after the
removal of the test load. The test assembly shall then be reloaded and subjected
to an increasing superimposed load until either structural failure occurs or the
superimposed load is equal to two and one-half times the load at which the
deflection limitations specified in Section were reached, or the load is
equal to two and one-half times the superimposed design load. In the case of
structural components and assemblies for which deflection limitations are not
specified in Section, the test specimen shall be subjected to an increasing
superimposed load until structural failure occurs or the load is equal to two and
one-half times the desired superimposed design load. The allowable superimposed
design load shall be taken as the lesser of:
1. The load at the deflection limitation given in Section
2. The failure load divided by 2.5.
3. The maximum load applied divided by 2.5. Deflection. The deflection of structural members under the design load shall not
exceed the limitations in SBC 301.

4.4.4 Wall and partition assemblies. Load-bearing wall and partition assemblies shall
sustain the test load both with and without window framing. The test load shall
include all design load components. Wall and partition assemblies shall be tested
both with and without door and window framing.

4.4.5 Test specimens. Test specimens and construction shall be representative of the
materials, workmanship and details normally used in practice. The properties of the
materials used to construct the test assembly shall be determined on the basis of
tests on samples taken from the load assembly or on representative samples of the
materials used to construct the load test assembly. Required tests shall be conducted
or witnessed by an approved agency.

SBC 302 2007 4/3


These are the standards referenced within SBC 302. The standards are listed herein by the
promulgating agency of the standard, the standard identification, the effective date and title.
The application of the referenced standards shall be as specified in SBC.

1. American Concrete Institute (ACI), "Specifications for Masonry Structures", ACI

530.1-02, Farmington Hills, MI 483333-9094.

2. American Concrete Institute (ACI), "Specifications for Structural Concrete", ACI 301,
Farmington Hills, MI 483333-9094.

3. American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC), Specification for Structural

Steel Buildings Allowable Stress Design and Plastic Design, including Supplement
No. 1, 2001, AISC 335-89S1 Chicago, IL 60601-2001.

4. American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC), Load and Resistance Factor
Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings LRFD 1999, Chicago, IL 60601-

5. American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC), Seismic Provisions for

Structural Steel Buildings, AISC 341-02 Chicago, IL 60601-2001.

6. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE/SEI), Structural Engineering Institute,

Specification for Masonry Structures, ASCE 6-02, Reston, VA 20191-4400.

7. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM A 6/A 6M-01b Specification for
General Requirements for Rolled Steel, Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and
Sheet Piling), West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

8. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM A 307-00 Specification for
Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength).

9. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM A 568/A 568M01

Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and
Cold-Rolled, General Requirements).

10. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM C 31/31M98 Practice for
Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field).

11. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM C 17299 Practice for Sampling
Freshly Mixed Concrete).

12. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D 42298 Test Method for
Particle-size Analysis of Soils).

13. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D114381 (1994) E01 Test
Method for Piles Under Static Axial Compressive Load).

14. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D1557-00 Test Method for
Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (2,700kN
SBC 302 2007 References/1
15. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D1586-99 Specification for
Penetration Test and Split-barrel Sampling of Soils).

16. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D2487-00 Practice for
Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System).

17. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM E 605-00 Test Method for
Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to
Structural Members)

18. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM E 73600 Test Method for
Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-resistive Materials Applied to Structural

19. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM A325M-93 Standard
Specification for High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints)

20. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM A490-97 Standard Specification
for Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts for Structural Steel Joints).

21. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D420 Standard Guide to Site
Characterization for Engineering, Design, and Construction Purposes).

22. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D1140 Standard Test Methods
for Amount of Material in Soils Finer than No. 200 (75 m ) Sieve).

23. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D4318-05 Standard Test Methods
for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils)

24. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D698 Standard Test Methods for
Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (600kN-m/m3)

25. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D2922-01 Standard Test Methods
for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).

26. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM, (D1194-94 Standard Test
Method for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load and Spread Footings).

27. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D2573-01Standard Test Method
for Field Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soil).

28. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D3080-04 Standard Test Method
for Direct Shear Test of Soils under Consolidated Drained Conditions).

29. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D3441-05 Standard Test Method
for Mechanical Cone Penetration Tests of Soil).

30. American Welding Society (AWS), "Structural Welding CodeSteel", D1.100,

Miami, FL 33126.

SBC 302 2007 References/2


BOLTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 2.3.3

High strength, steel ............................................................................................................ 3.3.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4
CONCRETE ....................................................................................................................................... 2.4, 2.5
Inspections ........................................................................................................................... 1.2,1.3, 2.4
Materials ........................................................................................................................................ 2.4.1
CONCRETE MASONRY ................................................................................................... 2.6, 3.4.1
Testing ................................................................................................................................., 3.4
FOUNDATION .............................................................................................................................. 2.7
Special inspections ............................................................................................... 1.2, 2.1, 2.7, 3.3, 3.5
INSPECTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 2.1
Fire-resistant materials ............................................................................................................... 1.2,2.8
Approval required ......................................................................... 1.5, Table 2.3, Table 2.5, Table 2.6
Pile ................................................................................................................................................ 2.7.6
Reinforcing steel .............................................................................................................................. 3.4
Seismic ............................................................................................................................................. 3.3
Special .................................................................................................................. 1.2, 2.1, 2.7, 3.3, 3.5
Steel, structural ............................................................................................................. 2.3, 3.3.2, 3.4.4
Steel framing, cold-formed .................................................................................................... 2.3, 3.3.3
Welding ........................................................................................................................ Table 2.3, 2.3.1
MASONRY ..................................................................................................................................... 2.6
Inspection ............................................................................................................................... Table 2.6
Test procedures ............................................................................................................................. 4.1.3
MATERIALS .............................................................................................................................. 2.4.1
Testing ......................................................................................................................., 2.4.1, 3.4
MECHANICAL ................................................................................................................ 3.3.6, 3.4.5
Seismic inspection and testing ............................................................................................... 3.3, 3.4.2
REINFORCED CONCRETE .................................................................................................... 3.4.3
Inspections .......................................................................................................................... 1.2,1.3, 2.4
SEISMIC ...................................................................................................................................... 3.2.1
Structural observations ..................................................................................................................... 3.4
Quality assurance ................................................................................................................... 3.2, 3.2.2
Structural testing .............................................................................................................................. 3.4
SPRAY-APPLIED FIRE RESISTANT MATERIALS ............................................. 1.2, 2.8, 2.8.5
Inspection ........................................................................................................................................ 2.8,
STEEL ................................................................................................................................... 2.3, 3.3.2
High strength bolts ........................................................................................................................ 2.3.1
STRUCTURAL TESTS AND SPECIAL INSPECTIONS ........................................................ 3.4
Alternative test procedure ................................................................................................... 4.1,
Approvals ......................................................................................................................................... 1.5
General .......................................................................................................................................
In-situ load tests ............................................................................................................................... 4.3
Material and test standards ............................................................................................................ 4.3.2
Preconstruction load tests ................................................................................................................ 4.4
Quality assurance ................................................................................................................... 3.2, 3.2.2
Special inspections ............................................................................................... 1.2, 2.1, 2.7, 3.3, 3.5
Structural testing .............................................................................................................................. 3.4
Test safe load ................................................................................................................................... 4.2
Roof tile ......................................................................................................................................
Seismic .......................................................................................................................................... 3.4.2
Structural .......................................................................................................................................... 3.4
WINDOW .................................................................................................................................... 4.4.4
Exterior, structural testing ............................................................................................................. 3.3.5

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