Lesson Plan Year 3 Bakawali Language Arts Banana Song

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Target level : Year 3

Date : 18th of September 2013

Time : 1.40 p.m -2.40 p.m (60 minutes)

Class : Year 3 Bakawali

Proficiency level : Average

Enrollment : 40

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : The Banana Song

Main skill : Language Arts

Integrated skills : Listening And Speaking, Reading

Previous knowledge : Students know how to read simple sentences.

Content Standard :

4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs.
4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative work for
Learning Standard :

4.1.2 Able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on:
(c) action songs
Language focus : Vocabulary (action words-peel, chop, punch, shake ,slice, stir)

Behavioural Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

1. show actions based on their feelings

2. produce stick banana puppets creatively.
3. perform The Banana Song together with actions and banana stick puppets

Educational Emphases :

1. Creative and Critical Thinking Skill


2. Creativity and Innovation

3. Moral values
Ex- Eat fruits everyday so that you stay healthy.

Instructional Materials: Word Cards, Picture Cards, Lyrics of the song The Banana Song , Banana stick puppet

Stages/Min Content/Skill Teaching And Learning Rationale Remarks

Set Induction Whole class 1. Teacher enters into the class with an To catch students
envelope. interest on the topic.
( 5 minutes)
Material: 2. Teacher sticks scrambled parts of a
picture on the board (picture doing To get students
Picture the action push) (Refer to Appendix attention for the lesson.

(Refer To A).
Appendix A) To give a general idea
3. Teacher asks the students to help her
on what is going to be
unscramble the parts of the picture
and form a complete picture.

4. Teacher asks the students about the To get learners to think

picture and what does the action the and get ready for the
person doing in the picture. lesson.

5. Teacher tell the students that they are

going to learn about action words.

1. Teacher shows an action by doing To test students

Presentation Whole class
towards a fruit (banana) and asks knowledge on the
students to name the action. action words.
(20 minutes) Materials:
2. Teacher asks students to volunteer
To scaffold or help
1. Picture Cards to pick the picture card students for tasks in the
( Appendix B) (Refer to Appendix B) and word classroom activities that
(peel, chop, card (Refer to Appendix C) which will be given later in the
punch, shake, match her action and stick it on the lesson. (singing song)
slice, stir) board.
To integrate reading
3. Teacher asks the students to do the
and listening and
2.Word cards speaking skills
4. Teacher continues step 1 to 3 with
(peel, chop,
other actions words.
punch, shake, Helps the teacher to
5. Teacher introduces and drills
slice, stir ) lead in students to the
students with different types of
(Appendix C) subject matter that will
action words.
be taught.
3. Lyrics of the
6. Teacher gives the lyrics of the song
song The The Banana Song adapted from To make them get
Banana Song the song Go Bananas to the interested and build in
(Refer Appendix students. (Refer to Appendix D) confidence on the topic.
7. Teacher asks pupils to read aloud The visual (pictures) will
If the teacher the lyrics after her. tap on their prior
shows the action knowledge about
8. Teacher asks students to identify
of peel, then a emotions and will aid in
the action words learned in the
student has to lyrics earlier and do the actions. their understanding of
pick the picture the action words.
9. Teacher and the students sing the
and word card of
song together and also do the
peel and stick on Drilling would help
the board. students to retain the
different types of action

Educational Emphasis

Generating Ideas
(Students have to relate the
action performed by the

Practice Materials: 1. Teacher divides the class into 4 To develop students

(10 minutes) 1. Lyrics of the groups. listening skill by making
song The them to listen to specific
Banana Song 2. Teacher asks the students to details.
(Refer Appendix practise the song in their groups.
D) To integrate reading
3. Teacher facilitates the groups while and listening and
they practise the song. speaking.
The activities allow
them to practice the
action words and the

To allow them to focus

on specific elements
like the action words.

The usage of song will

make learning more fun
and meaningful and
students will enjoy the

1. Teacher tells the students that they The activities allow

Production Materials:
are going to sing the song with a students to check on
(20 minutes) 1. Banana stick
stick puppet. (Refer To Appendix their understanding.
puppet templates
(Refer To Reinforce their
Appendix E) 2. Teacher gives the banana stick understanding of action
puppet template and asks the words.
2. Coloured students to write the action that they
Help students to
ice-cream sticks would like to do towards the
remember action words
banana. Teacher also asks students
to stick the template on the in a fun way.
coloured sticks given to them.
To allow students to
3. Teacher asks students to do their apply what they have
performance in groups by singing learnt.
the song with their stick puppets on
The usage of the stick
and also together with the actions.
puppets is to help
4. Teacher gives her feedback and students to remember
corrects them if they are inaccurate. the action.

To integrate listening
and speaking skills.
Educational Emphasis:

Creativity and innovation

(Students make the stick
To know how much
1. Teacher names an action and the
Closure If the teacher input students have
students have to do the action.
says peel then received and digested.
(5 minutes) students have to 2. Teacher sums up the lesson. To get some feedback

do the action of from the students.

Acts as a consolidation
Appendix A
Appendix B

Picture Cards:






Appendix C






Appendix D

Peel banana, peel peel banana

Chop banana, chop chop banana

Punch banana, punch punch banana

Shake banana, shake banana

Slice banana, slice slice banana

Stir banana, stir stir banana

Appendix E

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