Eng Postgrad
Eng Postgrad
Eng Postgrad
Mission Statement.........................................................................................................................................................................................i
Message from the Dean............................................................................................................................................................................. ii
An Historical Note....................................................................................................................................................................................... iii
SECTION 0 - Staff Listing...................................................................................................................................... 1
Office of the Dean................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Department of Chemical Engineering......................................................................................................................................... 2
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering............................................................................................................ 5
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering .......................................................................................................... 6
Department of Geomatics Engineering and Land Management....................................................................................... 7
Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 1 - Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Engineering.................................................................. 11
Department of Chemical Engineering.......................................................................................................................................16
Programmes in Chemical & Process Engineering...........................................................................................................16
Programmes in Food Science & Technology....................................................................................................................20
Programmes in Petroleum Studies .....................................................................................................................................24
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering...............................................................................................................32
Programmes in Construction Management ...................................................................................................................33
Programmes in Coastal Engineering & Management...................................................................................................38
Programmes in Civil & Environmental Engineering......................................................................................................41
MSc in Environmental Engineering.....................................................................................................................................43
Programmes in Water and Wastewater Services Management................................................................................48
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering..............................................................................................................50
Programmes in Electrical & Computer Engineering......................................................................................................51
Department of Geomatics Engineering and Land Management.....................................................................................60
MPhil/PhD Degrees in Surveying & Land Information, Geoinformatics or Urban and
Regional Planning......................................................................................................................................................................61
PGDIP/MSc in Urban & Regional Planning........................................................................................................................61
Postgraduate Diploma in Land Administration..............................................................................................................65
PGDIP/MSc in Geoinformatics...............................................................................................................................................67
Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering................................................................................................69
Masters & Doctoral Programmes in Agricultural Engineering (Biosystems Engineering)..............................70
Masters & Doctoral Programmes in Mechanical, Manufacturing,
Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management & Production Engineering and Management..............72
MSc Programmes in Production Engineering & Management, Production Management &
Engineering Management......................................................................................................................................................77
MSc in Engineering Asset Management............................................................................................................................79
Office of the Dean..............................................................................................................................................................................86
MSc in Project Management..................................................................................................................................................86
MPhil/PhD in Project Management.....................................................................................................................................90
SECTION 2 - Regulations
Regulations for Postgraduate Diplomas....................................................................................................................................90
Regulations for Masters Degrees.................................................................................................................................................91
Regulations for MSc/MfGE Programmes...................................................................................................................................91
Regulations for Research Degrees...............................................................................................................................................92
Regulations for MPhil Qualifying Examinations.....................................................................................................................92
Regulations for Part-time Postgraduate Students.................................................................................................................93
Regulations for Certificate Courses ............................................................................................................................................93
Guidelines for Postgraduate Programmes: MSc/Diploma...................................................................................................94
Guidelines for Staff and Students on Plagiarism.....................................................................................................................95
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By their very nature, all postgraduate options are quite demanding, or at home may impede your performance please do not hesitate
particularly for the majority of our postgraduate students who are to contact the Postgraduate representative in your Department -
part-time and must balance their studies with the needs of the work there are far too many cases of students who wait until they record
place. This is why we suggest that students think carefully before a poor exam record, when it is far too late, to apprise us of personal
proceeding unto postgraduate study. In particular, those who have circumstances.
just completed their undergraduate study should consider gaining
at least a years experience in the world of work before registering Finally, you should utilise all the resources available to you consult
for a postgraduate programme in their discipline. We are doing the with lecturers and other course support staff. Resist the trap of
best we can to facilitate your learning and your interest in furthering allowing conflicts in personalities to block you from accessing the
your qualifications. Just as you pride yourselves on the high qual- learning support that we have provided for you. Above all, take
ity of professional work that we know you are capable of, we pride responsibility for your own learning. As Paul Robinson noted in
ourselves on the continuing success and reputation of the UWI, his popular book, What smart students know: Maximum Grades. Op-
built upon a solid foundation of quality input, quality delivery and timum Learning. Minimum Time,A students are not so much those
quality output. Together, we must therefore work hard to maintain who have high IQs as those who place full responsibility for their
and even enhance this. academic success on themselves, not their teachers. I highly recom-
mend this book to all who are in need of additional guidance.
What you may have not considered is the vital contribution you are
making to the development of your respective countries by virtue of We wish you the greatest success for the 2012/2013 Academic
your postgraduate registration. Indeed, an increase in the pool of ap- Year.
propriately trained and educated postgraduates would, if properly
utilised, enhance any countrys ability to produce goods, negotiate
and engage with external professionals, earn much needed income Brian Copeland
and support a healthier GDP. This is all the more reason why you BSc (Eng), MSc (Toronto), PhD (USC)
should strive to do well in your chosen field of study. Professor and Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Apart from your present qualifications, there are two key require-
ments for success in your respective programmes: you need a
sense of motivation and you need to plan your work. THEN you
must work your plan. Manage your time well as a rough guide
you should spend the same amount of time you spend in class or
in the labs in self-study. Be prepared to change your plan if it is not
working. If you suspect that your personal circumstances at work
P O S T GR A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2
The University of the West Indies was founded in 1948 at Mona,
Jamaica as a College in special relationship with the University
of London, to serve the British territories in the Caribbean area. It
achieved full University status by Royal Charter in 1962, thereby
becoming a degree-granting institution in its own right.
The initial layout comprised five (5) blocks with a total of 5,400
square metres of floor space of which the laboratories occupied
3,030 square metres.
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P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Outridge, Derek BSc (Eng) (UWI), MSc (Toronto), PhD (USC)
BSc, GDL(LPE), LPC, MPhil, MRICS, ACIarb, FQSc, Pmp Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(Quantity Surveying & Cost Engineering and Management, (Control Systems, Digital Electronics, Microprocessors)
Project Management Professional) Dean of Faculty
Ext. 83341 Exts. 82064/82198/82199
Sharma, Chandrabhan
Lee Young, Selwyn MAWEA, REng
BSc (Eng), PhD (Liverpool) Leader, Energy Systems Group
(Professional Practice) (Industrial & Commercial Power Systems, Energy Systems)
Ext. 83141
Trintoplan Consultants Limited Ibrir, Salim
BSc (Avionics) (Algeria)
Mellowes, Sean MSc, PhD (Eng) (France)
CEP Limited Ext. 83147
Joshi, Ajay
Dip, BS, PhD
DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL Leader, Computer Systems Engineering Group
& COMPUTER ENGINEERING (Embedded Systems, Advanced Computer Architecture)
Ext. 83144
Head of Department
Gift, Stephan J.G. Mallalieu, Kim
BSc (Eng), PhD (UWI), FAPETT, SMIEEE, MCAS, REng BSEE (MIT), M.Sc. (Rochester), PhD (Lond), MSPIE,
Professor of Electrical Engineering Leader, Communication Systems Group
Leader, Control Systems Group; Electronic Systems Group (Communications, Optics)
(Electronics & Control Systems) Ext. 83191
Ext. 82167
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
(Data Communications, Telecommunications)
Ext. 82073 Head of Department
Ramlal, Bheshem
Ganness, Marcus BSc (UWI), PGDip, MSc (ITC Netherlands), PhD (Maine),
BSc, (UWI), MASc (Toronto) Cert. Ed. (UBC), MISTT, MRICS
(Control Systems, Electromagnetic Field Theory) (Cartography, Geographic Information Systems, Surveying)
Ext: 83140 Exts. 82108/82109, 83312
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Ria Caliste
Taylor, Patrice
Ext. 83165
BArch (Tuskegee Univ.), MSc (Univ. Maryland)
(Graphic and Design Studio and Design for Development)
Ms. Nalinie Ragoonanan
Ext. 82071
Blaize, Colvin
BSc (UWI), LLB (Univ of London)
Mrs. June Charles-Noray
(Land Law)
Production Engineering and Management Office
(Postgraduate Office)
Boynes-Bardouille, Dena
Ext. 82067
BSc (UWI), DipEd (UWI) PG Certificate-Education Studies (UWI)
Ms. Nalini Chatelal
Production Engineering and Management Office
Charles, Ainsley
(Postgraduate Office)
Cert Hydrography
Ext. 82071
(Royal Naval School of Hydrographic Surveying),
(Land Surveying)
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Rampersad, Rudra
BSc (Eng) (UWI)
Ali, Tony
General Manager FACULTY OF
S. M. Jaleel Distributors Limited
Goyal, Arun
1.1 Introduction
Former General Manager
TCL Group 1.1.1 It is generally accepted that a Bachelors degree is only
the first step in the learning process that a professional
Khan, Zaid person should continue throughout his/her career.
In-Corr-Tech Ltd. 1.1.2 A first degree is an indication of a basic ability to
understand and apply the concepts underlying that
Jhagroo, Kishore discipline. It does not indicate competence as a
Head, Reliability Engineering, practitioner of the associated profession. That can
Petrotrin only come with experience and training within the
profession itself.
Quan-Vie, Valerie
Manager, Health Safety and Environment 1.2 Furthering Knowledge - MPhil, PhD
Petrotrin 1.2.1 One important element of any profession is that one
should be devoted to furthering the knowledge and
Redwood, Garnet understanding contained within the concepts that
Divisional Manager define the discipline.
Engineering & Maintenance Services
1.2.2 The task of furthering the frontiers of knowledge
normally falls upon those in academic fields and
specifically upon those undertaking postgraduate
studies towards research degrees.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
1.2.5 It should be noted that these research degrees are viii. Geoinformatics
not normally considered to be qualifications for ix. Water and Wastewater Services Management
professional practice in the broader sense, as they may
not necessarily allow for registration as a professional 1.3.5 The Faculty of Engineering currently offers the following
engineer. MSc degree programmes through examination by
written papers and a project:-
1.2.6 As a consequence, the Faculty of Engineering may i. Chemical & Process Engineering
allow suitably qualified non-engineering graduates, ii. Chemical & Process Engineering with
who obtained their degrees at the Honours level, to Management
register for higher degrees by research. iii. Chemical & Process Engineering with
Environmental Engineering
1.2.7 However, such students may be required to take iv. Civil Engineering
a qualifying examination within the Department v. Civil with Environmental Engineering
concerned, on topics that would enhance the students vi. Coastal Engineering & Management
academic competence in the area of the proposed vii. Construction Management (with a Major in
research. Operations)
viii Construction Management (with a Major in
1.2.8 Applicants wishing to register for the PhD who do Building)
not already have a Masters degree by research will xi. Electrical & Computer Engineering (MASc)
be required to register for the MPhil first and may be x. Engineering Asset Management
allowed to upgrade their registration to the PhD upon xi. Engineering Management
satisfying the appropriate regulations. xii. Environmental Engineering
xiii. Food Science & Technology
1.2.9 Candidates who have obtained a Master of Science
xiv. Geoinformatics
(MSc) degree with distinction maybe allowed to
xv. Manufacturing Engineering
register for the PhD provided a substantial part of
xvi. Petroleum Engineering
the MSc project has been carried out in the relevant
xvii. Production Engineering & Management
xviii. Production Management
xix. Project Management
1.3 In Career Training - Diploma, MSc, MASc
xx. Reservoir Engineering
1.3.1 It has often been demonstrated that the emphasis
xxi. Urban and Regional Planning
of the work undertaken by professional engineers
changes as their careers progress. Normally their xxii. Water and Wastewater Services Management
work becomes either more specifically technical within
a closely defined subject area, or it becomes more 1.3.6 Normally, entry to such programmes is available to
oriented towards management responsibilities rather those who have a Lower Second Class honours degree
than technical ones. Sometimes it involves both. or its equivalent in the specified subject area or in a
related area with a record of experience in the subject
1.3.2 As a result, professionals often require retraining or area.
further training during the course of their careers. For
this purpose, it is important to industry that there is a 1.3.7 Students with Third Class or Pass degrees or equivalent
wide ranging and active programme of postgraduate in the relevant field of study shall only be accepted for
studies available at the University. admission to an MSc/Diploma programme provided
they have obtained at least two years experience in
1.3.3 To this end, the Faculty of Engineering offers a range of the field and have a satisfactory confidential reference
MSc, MASc and Postgraduate Diploma courses which from their employer.
are primarily taught courses. The details of these are
included in this booklet. 1.4 Course of Study - MSc/MASc/Diploma
1.4.1 The courses of advanced study for a postgraduate
1.3.4 The Faculty of Engineering currently offers the Diploma or a Masters degree by examination by
following Postgraduate Diploma programmes through written papers include, in addition to the courses
examination by written papers and a project: of instruction, supervised research development or
i. Coastal Engineering & Management industry-oriented work culminating in the submission
ii. Construction Engineering & Management of a Project Report. Guidelines for submission of
iii. Construction Management (with a major in Project Reports are indicated under the relevant
Operations) programmes.
iv. Construction Management (with a major in
v. Food Science & Technology
vi. Land Administration
vii. Petroleum Engineering
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
-Candidates permitted a second attempt at a course, 1.6.2 A candidate for the PhD degree shall submit a thesis
having failed either the coursework or the written for examination within six (6) calendar years of initial
examination at the first attempt, will be required to registration for full-time studies, or eight (8) calendar
rewrite only that component (written examination or years for part-time studies.
coursework) failed, unless the Campus Committee in
any particular case otherwise decides. Marks allotted Research Seminars
to the component passed at the first attempt will be 1.7.1 All students registered for an MPhil degree must
credited to the candidate at his or her second attempt satisfactorily complete at least two (2) research seminars,
at the course. prior to submission of the MPhil thesis. Students
registered for the PhD degree must satisfactorily
-No candidate will be permitted to repeat the complete three (3) such seminars. Assessment of the
examination in any one course on more than one students seminars must be included in their Progress
occasion, unless the Board for Graduate Studies and Reports.
Research in any particular case otherwise decides.
1.7.2 This seminar is assessed normally by the Supervisor
1.4.3 A proportion of the marks which make up the final result of the students studies and is reported as being
of a particular course examined by a written Paper satisfactory or unsatisfactory on the students annual
may be derived from the candidates performance Progress Report. It is intended to:
in course work assignments, in course tests, etc. All
such assignments must be completed and submitted i. provide a forum for the critical appraisal of the
to the examiners before the date of the written objectives, methodology, direction and progress
examination. of the research being undertaken.
1.4.4 Candidates whose work is at any time reported by their ii. create a wider awareness in the University
Supervisors to be unsatisfactory or who do not satisfy community of the research activities within the
the Examiners on Courses or Project Reports that form Faculty.
part of the postgraduate programme may be removed
from the Register of Postgraduate Students. iii. provide additional means of monitoring the
progress of postgraduate students doing research
1.4.5 Such students shall not normally be readmitted for theses.
at least two years thereafter. Students readmitted to
MSc/MASc/Diploma programmes shall be eligible for iv. create and foster an appropriate research culture
credits for those courses passed creditably during their within the Faculty.
previous registration, provided that not more than five
years have elapsed since the applicants withdrew from 1.8 Procedural Guidelines for the Upgrading of an MPhil to
the University and that the course content has not to PhD
changed significantly in the interval. 1.8.1 Postgraduate students who are registered for the MPhil
Degree and who are contemplating the upgrading
of their registration status to that of the PhD are
required to do so within two (2) or three (3) years of
first registration.
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1.8.2 The following are the procedural guidelines for 1.9.2 The maximum length of Theses /Project Reports shall
upgrading of ones registration status: be as follows: -
i. The student should consult with his Supervisor(s) - PhD - 500 pages including Appendices.
on this matter. - MPhil - 250 pages including Appendices.
- MSc /MASc/ Diploma Project Reports 125
ii. The student will apply through his Supervisor(s) pages including Appendices
to the Head of Department, formally seeking - PG Diploma Project Reports 100 pages
upgrading, copying both the Assistant Registrar including Appendices
(Graduate Studies and Research) and the
Chairman, Faculty Sub-committee on Graduate 1.9.3 Essential, elements/components/constituents of the
Studies. proposed MSc Project Report should include the
iii. The Head of Department, if in agreement, consults Introduction
with the Supervisor and Chairman, Faculty Sub- Background
Committee on Graduate Studies and Research Motivation
and establishes an Upgrading Assessment Scope and limitations
Committee. Underlying principles/literature review/theory
and fundamentals
iv. The Upgrading Assessment Committee should Methods/approach adopted/used and why
normally comprise the Supervisor(s) plus two Results
Independent Assessors. Discussion of results/review of
v. Assessors should be chosen on the basis of their Conclusions and recommendations
knowledge and experience at the appropriate Closure/comment on the significance of
level in the area of the students research and the findings from work, its contribution
may be drawn from outside of The University of to knowledge in the area, and the lessons
the West Indies. that should be learned from the project
vi. The Chairman, Faculty Sub-Committee requests
from the student, a copy of his Proposal for The above items are listed in typical sequence. The
upgrading for each of the Assessors, and a mutually sequence itself is not fixed, and may be adjusted to
agreed date is set for the oral presentation by the some extent as appropriate to each particular case.
student of his:
(i) Report on work done under MPhil 1.10 Prizes
registration, 1.10.1 Prizes are awarded for excellent performance in
and Postgraduate Programmes as follows:
(ii) Research proposal to upgrade the work to
PhD. Construction Engineering & Management
Geotech Associates Ltd. Prize ($1,000)
vii. The Chairman, Faculty Sub-Committee chairs the Highest mark in Foundations Technology
oral presentation by the student of his Research
proposal and later receives from each Assessor, Scotia Trust & Merchant Bank Prize ($1,500)
a report with a recommendation regarding the Highest mark in Construction Accounting
requested upgrading. & Finance
viii. The Faculty Sub-Committee reviews the Reports NIPDEC Prize ($1,500)
and forwards a recommendation on upgrading Highest mark in Human Resources & Industrial
to the Campus Committee on Higher Degrees, Relations in Construction
through the Faculty Board.
PTSC Prize ($1,000)
1.9 Theses and Project Reports Highest mark in Maintenance & Facilities
1.9.1 The form of presentation of Theses and Project Reports Management
must conform to the Universitys General Regulations
governing Higher Degrees. Students should consult JCC Prize ($1,000)
the University Library on this matter as well as Highest mark in Structure & Operation of the
the Universitys publication Theses and Research Construction Sector
Coosals Construction Prize ($1,000)
Highest mark in Construction Equipment
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MSc (Eng) in Chemical and Process Engineering
with Environmental Engineering
The Department of Chemical Engineering is part of the single
campus Faculty of Engineering with a commitment to providing The Aims and Objectives
national and regional service to the process industries. These Technical deepening and broadening beyond the level covered
industries include the full spectrum available in the Caribbean by the BSc Honours Degree:
including petroleum and petrochemicals, bauxite, sugar and food- (a) To allow students to engage in creative and innovative
processing. The Units of Food Science & Technology and Petroleum development of Engineering technology.
Studies are included in the Department of Chemical Engineering
with specific remits to serve those industries. (b) To gain experience in team-working while broadening the
knowledge base through research and experimentation.
The Department recognises the need to promote industrial
linkages, applied research, fundamental research and the (c) To meet the full requisites of UK SPEC for eventual
continuing education of persons in the relevant disciplines. The registration of our graduates as Chartered Engineers.
research efforts are essentially geared to the solving of problems
relevant to the region as a whole. Structure of Programmes
Offered Full-time and Part-time. However, at this point in time
Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering is aimed at it is offered on a part-time basis only.
the development of the indigenous resources of the Caribbean
region. The broad areas of research in the Department are as Duration of Study
follows: A minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 36 months.
Agricultural Crop Processing
Biochemical Engineering No. of Credits Required
Desalination Route 1-46 Credits
Electrochemistry, Petrochemicals, Molecular Route 2-43 Credits
Enhanced Oil Recovery ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
Food Science & Technology There are two routes of admission:
Food Safety & Risk Assessment Route 1: Four (4) continuous years of study leading to the award of
Food Product Development the BSc Honours and MSc (Eng) Degrees. These students would be
Food Dehydration expected to undergo a Co-op Industrial Attachment (June - August)
Food Fermentations before entering the programme in September.
Gas Hydrates
Heavy Oil Recovery Route 2: Successful completion of the BSc Honours Degree in
Industrial Pollution Control Chemical & Process Engineering followed by two (2) years of initial
Mineral Processing Professional Development in the workplace.
Natural Gas Engineering
Palaeontology Based on the route of admission taken, students are required to
Petroleum Processing Technology take the following courses:
Process Design, Optimisation and Control
Reaction Engineering Compulsory Requirement prior to entry into the Programme
Reservoir Engineering (Route 1)
Separation & Extraction Processes
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Course Course Number
Utilisation of Biomass Code Title of Credits
CHNG 6000 June - August C3
The Department offers programmes of study by research leading Co-op Industrial Attachment
to the MPhil and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering.
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Semester: 2 Semester: 2
Course Code: CHNG 6018 Course Code: CHNG 6202
Course Title: Energy & The Environment Course Title: Food Technology
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: Energy conservation, principles and definitions of Syllabus: Fundamentals of food processing with special
renewable energy and sustainable energy practice, reducing reference to pasteurisation, sterilisation, chilling and freezing,
the impact of energy use through renewable energy, solar dehydration, fermentation, curing and smoking and radiation.
thermal conversion: principles and practice, solar photovoltaic: Food packaging: metal, glass and flexible packaging. Food quality
introduction, principles and practice, wind turbines: characterising control.
the wind, wind turbine principles, hydro-power principles,
biomass characterisation and direct use of biomass, hydrogen Semester: 2
and fuel cells. Global case studies: discussion and application in Course Code: CHNG 6203
the Caribbean area. Course Title: Petroleum Processing Technology
No. of Credits: 3
Semester: 2 Prerequisites:
Course Code: CHNG 6101 Syllabus: Structure of the international petroleum industry.
Course Title: Advanced Chemical Engineering Analysis and test methods for crude petroleum including
Thermodynamics condensate and natural gas. Processing structure of petroleum
No. of Credits: 3 refineries for the manufacture of fuel products. Lubricants and
Prerequisites: petrochemical precursors. Processing of petrochemical feedstocks
Syllabus: Review of classical thermodynamics. Applications - oxidation, hydrogenation, chlorination, nitration, polymerisation,
to phase equilibrium: equation of state approach and mixed sulphonation and esterification, alkylation, synthesis of CO-H2
equation of state/activity coefficient model approach. mixtures. Refinery fuel products and lubricants specifications and
Applications to reaction equilibrium. Application to process test methods. Crude topping, distillate fractionation and vacuum
problems: equilibrium flash calculations, distillation problems, distillation - heaters, heat exchange equipment and distillation
multiphase reaction equilibrium, reactive distillation. towers. Conversion processes - cracking and reforming. Treatment
processes - desulphurisation, dewaxing, etc. Factors affecting
Semester: 2 investment decision in petroleum processing, scheduling. Process
Course Code: CHNG 6102 economics.
Course Title: Advanced Chemical Reaction
Engineering Semester: 2
No. of Credits: 4 Course Code: CHNG 6204
Prerequisites: Course Title: Utility Engineering
Syllabus: Flow models and reactor performance. Heterogeneous No. of Credits: 3
catalysis: kinetics of solid catalysed gaseous reactions. Catalyst Prerequisites:
types, characterisation, manufacture and industrial applications. Syllabus: Introduction to plant operation, plant start up prime
Biochemical kinetics and applications. Polymerisation kinetics movers, steam engines, steam turbines, internal combustion
and reactors. Gas/solid non-catalytic reactions, kinetics and engines, gas turbines, air compression C.S.A.B. - 52 lubrication.
applications. Gas/liquid reactions and industrial applications. Heating and air-conditioning systems and accessories,
Reactor modelling. Fixed-bed catalytic reactors, tower and bubble refrigeration systems. ASME Code Section 1, calculations of
(tank) reactors, fluidised bed reactors. Survey/analysis of existing cylindrical components, tubing, piping, stayed and unstayed
reactors. surfaces, openings and compensation, safety valves. Water
treatment impurities, internal and external treatment, analytical
Semester: 2 methods, industrial waste treatment, gas turbines, types,
Course Code: CHNG 6201 components, applications. Fuels, furnaces, design, ash handling,
Course Title: Biochemical Engineering II fluid gas treatment, draft, fan types, fan control, draft calculations,
No. of Credits: 3 steam turbines, principles of operation, construction, control,
Prerequisites: maintenance, commissioning, condensing equipment,
Syllabus: Application and analysis of advanced biological alternators, pressure vessels and components inspection, safety,
systems, biochemical engineering for graduate level students, hazards. Operation and maintenance, piping, support, expansion,
selected bioprocesses - bioremediation, introduction to bio- methods of connecting. Pumps, types, construction compressors,
process control - use of bio-sensors, design and implementation types, accessories, operation, maintenance, applications.
of bio-processes, advances in biochemical engineering,
bioprocess laboratory project/research paper, management of
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Semester: 2 Semester: 2
Course Code: CHNG 6205 Course Code: ENGR 6007
Course Title: Sugar Technology Course Title: Air Pollution Control
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: The sugarcane industry: geographical distribution, Syllabus: Introduction/sources of air pollution, air pollution,
cane production, economics and marketing. Cane preparation. effects, air pollution control laws and regulations, air pollution
Milling: theory of extraction, mill feeing, imbibition. Diffusion control philosophies, air pollution measurements, emission
processes. Chemical and biological reactions in sugar processing estimates, meteorology for air pollution control engineers, air
properties of sugar, inversion, action of micro-organism. Treatment pollutant concentration models, general ideas in air pollution
of mixed juices, clarification. Evaporation: multi-effects units, control, the nature of particulate pollutants, control of primary
steam economy. Crystallisation: theory, sugar boiling systems. particulates, control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), control
Centrifugal filtration. Sugar storage and handling. Quality control of sulphur oxides, control of nitrogen oxides, the motor vehicle
and instrumentation. Refining. By-products. problem, air pollution and the global climate. Control devices and
Semester: 2
Course Code: ENGR 6005 Semester: 2
Course Title: Pollution Prevention, Cleaner Course Code: MENG 6402
Production & Industrial Waste Abatement Course Title: Human Resource Management I
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: Preventative environmental strategies vs. end-of- Syllabus: Formal and informal organisation, the bureaucratic
pipe treatment, environmentally-friendly product design, low- model, the organisational environment, modern organisation
waste production technologies, efficient use of energy and raw theory, the individual in the organisation, SKAO, theories of
materials, optimisation of existing technologies, operational safety, motivation and leadership industrial relations, IRA, RSBA,
integrated approach to waste minimisation. In plant survey. Waste communication in organisations, performance appraisal systems.
minimisation through volume and strength reduction process
modification, separation and segregation, recycle and reuse Semester: 2
technology. Characterisation of liquid, solid and gaseous wastes Course Code: MENG 6405
from important industries of the country or region. Treatment Course Title: Total Quality Management
of wastes from different industries - case studies. Combined No. of Credits: 3
treatment plant for small-scale industries. Prerequisites:
Syllabus: Philosophy and principles of total quality
Semester: 2 management, customer satisfaction, quality systems, quality
Course Code: ENGR 6006 tools, continuous improvement, employee involvement and
Course Title: Water & Wastewater Engineering empowerment, supplier partnerships, benchmarking, quality
No. of Credits: 3 function deployment, statistical process control, Taguchis quality
Prerequisites: engineering, experimental design.
Syllabus: Water quality and beneficial uses. Water quality
criteria and drinking water guidelines and standards. Water quality Semester: 2
indices. Physicochemical processes for water and wastewater Course Code: MENG 6502
treatment, sedimentation, flotation, chemical coagulation and Course Title: Financial Management
flocculation, filtration, ion exchange, adsorption, precipitation, No. of Credits: 3
disinfectation, aeration, membrane processes, water demand Prerequisites:
and distribution. Wastewater quantities, wastewater collection Syllabus: Analysis of financial statements, financial forecasting
system and characteristics of municipal wastewater. Preliminary, and planning, risk, return and valuation, capital budgeting,
primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater. Reactor financial structure and leverage, cost of capital, financing mix
kinetics, reactor types and their analyses. Aerobic and anaerobic decisions, current asset management, cash, marketable securities,
process design. Activated sludge and its modification, trickling accounts receivables, inventory and short-term financing, long-
filer, rotating biological contractors, suspended and attached term financing, common stock, debt, preferred stock, term loans
growth anaerobic systems. Stabilisation ponds, aerated lagoons, and leasing, dividend policy.
etc. Sludge treatment and disposal. Treated effluent disposal in
inland waters and marine environment. On-site waste treatment.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: 2
Course Code: MENG 6507 Food Science &
Course Title: Entrepreneurship & Innovation
No. of Credits: 3 Technology Unit
Syllabus: Entrepreneurship (theory and practice). Regulations
Entrepreneurship in small businesses, entrepreneurial ventures.
Creative design and innovation. Patterns of creativity and
MSc in Food Science & Technology
The Regulations for the MSc in Food Science & Technology are the
innovation. Design, marketing and consumers; diffusion and same as the General Regulations for the MSc (Eng) in the Faculty of
transfer of technology and innovation. Strategic planning Engineering, except that candidates applying for registration should
(business planning and new ventures). normally have either:
a. A Bachelors Degree in Food Science & Technology, Natural
Semester: 3 Science or Nutrition (with Mathematics and/or Statistics
Course Code: ENGR 6701 and Chemistry at the Preliminary and Introductory Level)
Course Title: Management & Leadership Seminars or Agriculture, or Chemical Engineering or Agricultural
No. of Credits: 3 Engineering;
Prerequisites: or
Syllabus: Active participation in seminars and discussions on b. An equivalent academic or professional qualification
topics including: Project management, case studies in human acceptable to the Faculty of Engineering.
resource management, business processes and marketing, new
venture and product development, supply chain management,
HSE and other related areas. MPhil in Food Science &
Programmes in Food The Regulations for the MPhil in Food Science & Technology are the
same as the General Regulations for the MPhil except that candidates
Science & Technology applying for registration should normally have either:
MSc in Food Science & Technology a. A Bachelors Degree in Food Science & Technology or related
MPhil in Food Science & Technology discipline,
PhD in Food Science & Technology and
b. A Masters Degree in Food Science & Technology,
The Aims and Objectives or
a. To accommodate the useful application of knowledge to the c. An equivalent academic or professional qualification
developmental needs of the food industry in the Caribbean, acceptable to the Faculty of Engineering.
to the real world of commerce and to the public need.
b. To foster scholastic achievement in academics and in PhD in Food Science & Technology
the conduct of research by both applied and theoretical The Regulations for the PhD in Food Science & Technology are the
methods, thus producing individuals equipped for same as the University and Faculty of Engineering regulations for the
research, innovation and production in the food industry, in degree of Doctor of Philosophy except that candidates applying for
government institutions, in other universities and research registration should normally have either:
institutions, in development agencies, in other teaching and a. A Master of Philosophy Degree in Food Science & Technology
technical establishments, and in libraries and information of The University of the West Indies,
centres. or
b. An equivalent academic or professional qualification
acceptable to the Faculty of Engineering.
Entry Requirements
Candidates for registration in this programme must first hold a
degree in any of the following subjects:
Food Science & Technology;
Chemistry or Applied Chemistry;
Chemical, Biochemical or Agricultural Engineering;
Home Economics with a major in Nutrition or Food
Technology or other relevant qualifications acceptable to
the Faculty of Engineering.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Course Course Course Candidates will not be normally permitted to repeat the examination
Code Title Credit in any one course on more than one (1) subsequent occasion.
FOST 6001 Sanitation in Food Processing 3
FOST 6002 Food Packaging 2
FOST 6004 Food Processing Laboratories 3
FOST 6007 Preservation & Processing of Meat & Poultry 3
FOST 6008 Preservation & Processing of Fruits
and Vegetables 3
FOST 6009 Food Analysis 3
FOST 6010 Dairy Chemistry & Dairy Products Technology 3
FOST 6011 Beverage Processing 3
FOST 6012 Industrial Management 3
FOST 6013 Chemistry of Food Colours 3
FOST 6014 Chemistry & Processing of Fats & Oils 3
FOST 6015 Principles of Nutrition 3
FOST 6016 Preservation & Processing of Seafood 3
FOST 6017 Sensory Evaluation of Food 3
FOST 6018 Literature Survey 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: 2 Semester:
Course Code2: FOST 6008 Course Code: FOST 6012
Course Title: Preservation & Processing Fruits & Course Title: Industrial Management
Vegetables No. of Credits: 3
No. of Credits: 3 Prerequisites:
Prerequisites: Syllabus: Principles and models (qualitative and quantitative) that
Syllabus: Effect of post-harvest handling on the processing are critical to effective decision-making in Operations Management.
quality of fruits and vegetables. Unit operations of thermal Development and formulating operational strategies: capacity
processing, dehydration, refrigeration and freezing. Juices and strategy, product strategy, process strategy and human resource
beverages- their preparation and preservation. Processing of strategy. Technical support activities: aggregate planning, quality
miscellaneous vegetables. Jams, jellies and marmalades. Preserves, assurance - quality management control, cost control and shop
candied and crystallised products. Pickles and sauces. By-product floor control.
Semester: Course Code: FOST 6013
Course Code: FOST 6009 Course Title: Chemistry of Food Colours
Course Title: Food Analysis No. of Credits: 3
No. of Credits: 3 Prerequisites:
Prerequisites: Syllabus: Occurrence, structure, physical and chemical properties
Syllabus: Principles and application of the chemical, physical of natural and synthetic food colours. The interaction between
and instrumental methods used to determine the constituents of colour substances and other food components during processing
foods. Separation techniques using GC and HPLC, and spectroscopic and storage. Analytical aspects of food colours.
techniques including UV/Vis and IR methods. Special consideration
applicable to the analysis of certain foods. Legal and governmental Semester:
regulations. Course Code: FOST 6014
Course Title: Chemistry & Processing of Fats and
Semester: Oils
Course Code: FOST 6010 No. of Credits: 3
Course Title: Dairy Chemistry & Dairy Products Prerequisites:
Technology Syllabus: Structure and composition of fats and oils and their
No. of Credits: 3 chemical and physical properties. Deterioration of natural fats and
Prerequisites: oils. Theoretical study of fat sources; the processing of fats and
Syllabus: Basic composition, structure and properties of milk. oils and their application in foods. Fractionation, purification and
Chemistry of changes occurring in the commercial processing of analysis of fats and oils. Chemistry of autooxidation, antioxidants
milk for utilisation as food. Manufacture of cheeses. Selection and and emulsifiers. Health aspects of fats and oils.
preparation of cream for butter-making. Manufacture of fermented
milk foods. Ice cream manufacture and processing of other dairy- Semester:
based products. Course Code: FOST 6015
Course Title: Principles of Nutrition
Semester: No. of Credits: 3
Course Code: FOST 6011
Course Title: Beverage Processing
Syllabus: Nutrition value of foods and metabolism of essential
No. of Credits: 3
nutrients. Basic and applied principles of nutrition to the formulation,
fabrication, processing and marketing of food products. The
Syllabus: Processing technology of the three major beverage
application of principles of nutrition to the requirements of normal
groups - carbonated, non-alcoholic (soft drinks); carbonated mildly
individuals throughout the life cycle.
alcoholic (beer); non-alcoholic, non-carbonated, stimulating (coffee,
tea). Raw material ingredients. Manufacturing processes. Standards
of identity and standards for grades. Nutritive, public health and
safety concerns. Course Code: FOST 6016
Course Title: Preservation & Processing of Seafood
No. of Credits: 3
Syllabus: Structure, physical and chemical composition
of important species. Post-mortem changes and fish quality.
Microbiology of fish. Handling and storage. Preservation and
processing: chilling, freezing, salting and marinating, drying and
smoking. Thermal processing. Fermented products. Fishery by-
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Course Code: FOST 6017 Programmes in Petroleum
Course Title: Sensory Evaluation of Foods
No. of Credits: 3
MSc in Petroleum Engineering
MSc in Reservoir Engineering
Syllabus: The physiology, psychology and chemistry of flavour
and flavour perception. Factual, visual and auditory components
influencing the acceptability of foods. The principles and application Overview
of preference and discriminatory testing, and the interpretation of The Subject
panel evaluation data. Petroleum engineering involves the application of earth and
physical sciences to the evaluation and exploitation of natural
SEMESTER: 1ST & 2ND Semesters hydrocarbon resources. The dominant problems of the petroleum
Course Code: FOST 6018 engineer are those of flow and equilibrium in porous media, in
Course Title: Literature Survey vertical and horizontal well bores, in surface pipelines and in
No. of Credits: 3 primary process equipment. The complexity of the hydrocarbon
Prerequisites: fluids, and the geological strata involved in flow in reservoirs
Syllabus: To undertake a literature review of a specific topic and production systems raises problems requiring sophisticated
in Food Science & Technology, to document and to present the numerical techniques for their solution. In the practical field, drilling
findings at a seminar. The topic should be very closely related to and production engineering continually pose new engineering
the area of research to be undertaken. problems requiring engineered solutions.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Each candidate will also be required to undertake PENG 6023 Information on Project
Research Methods (subject to availability) or Faculty Equivalent Each candidate will also be required to pass a Research Methods
COEM 6020 - Research Methods (Semester II); GINF 6024 Research course and submit a Project Report PENG 6024. This project would
Methodology (Semester I) or MENG 6508 Research Methods be a choice of:
(Semester II) (COEM 6020, GINF 6024 and MENG 6508 subject to (i) A traditional research project or
availability of space); followed by PENG 6024 Research Project (ii) A professional, industry-based project.
Note that not all courses listed will be offered in any given year. In both cases, the students will be examined by a written and, where
possible, an oral presentation.
N.B. Students who have already registered for PENG 6019
should continue to register for PENG 6019. All other students Course Listing
should register for PENG 6023 or Faculty Equivalent and An MSc (Eng) candidate in Reservoir Engineering will be required
PENG 6024. There may be field work on a Saturday and/or to pursue a course of study approved by the Board of the Faculty
on a Sunday. of Engineering. Such a course of study will normally be made up
of eight (8) of the following courses, a Research Methods course
and an Independent Project.
Course Course Number
MSc in Reservoir Engineering Code Title of Credits
PENG 6000* Petroleum Geoscience 4
Reservoir Engineering is a sub-set of Petroleum Engineering where
PENG 6001 Advanced Petroleum Geology & Geophysics 4
understanding of the reservoir is studied in more detail. Reservoir
PENG 6005* Reservoir Evaluation 4
Engineers seek to economically optimise the exploration of the
PENG 6006 Advanced Well Test Analysis 4
PENG 6007* Reservoir Engineering 4
PENG 6008 Advanced Reservoir Engineering 4
Regulations and Entry Requirements
PENG 6010* Improved Oil Recovery 4
1. The regulations for the MSc (Eng) in Reservoir Engineering are
PENG 6012* Natural Gas Engineering 4
the same as the General Regulations for the MSc (Eng) in the
PENG 6017* Selected Topics (Field Project) 4
Faculty of Engineering, except that the candidates applying
for registration should be in possession of at least:
* Currently offered in the Petroleum Engineering MSc.
a Second Class Honours degree from an approved
university, in Engineering or Natural Sciences (Physics,
Each candidate will also be required to undertake PENG 6023 -
Chemistry, or Mathematics majors) or Earth Sciences,
Research Methods (subject to availability) or Faculty Equivalent
and preferably at least one (1) year of relevant industry
COEM 6020 - Research Methods (Semester II); GINF 6024 - Research
Methodology (Semester I) or MENG 6508 - Research Methods
(Semester II) (COEM 6020, GINF 6024 and MENG 6508 subject to
2. A candidate applying for registration with a Pass degree may
availability of space); followed by PENG 6024 - Research Project
be considered for entry provided the candidate has acceptable
industrial experience.
Structure of Programme
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Structure of Programmes
Offered both Part-time and Full-time
a) Part-time students: - Normally required to complete the
written examinations within two (2) years of registration
Project should be started at the commencement of
the semester following the completion of the written
examinations and completed within nine (9) months
b) Full-time students: - Normally required to complete the
written examinations within one (1) year of registration
Project should be started at the commencement of
the semester following the completion of the written
examinations and completed within six (6) months
Duration of Study
a) Part-time students: Five (5) years.
b) Full-time students: Three (3) years.
No. of Credits: 24
Course Load: The normal load for a part-time student is half that
of a full-time student
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Course Course
Code Title
PENG 6009 Strategic Petroleum Management &
PENG 6011 Petroleum Economics Law & Contract
PENG 6013 Financial Management & Accounting
PENG 6018 Petroleum Engineering Research Project
PENG 6020 Economic & Quantitative Aids to Decision- Making
PENG 6021 Production Planning & Control
PENG 6022 Maintenance & Safety Management
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: PENG 6006 Course Code: PENG 6010
Course Title: Advanced Well Test Analysis Course Title: Improved Oil Recovery
No. of Credits: No. of Credits:
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: Diffusivity equation; Constant rate and constant Syllabus: Water influx; Waterflooding; Problems of
pressure; Solutions; Effects of total skin and wellbore storage; waterflooding. Models - Buckley Leverett, Stiles. Miscible and
Type-curve analysis; Varying wellbore storage; Determination Immiscible Fluid Displacements; Carbon dioxide flooding;
of average pressure; Radius of drainage and stabilisation time; Ternary Diagrams; Minimum Miscible Pressure; Thermal methods
Multiphase flow; Real gas potential application; Multi-rate, of oil recovery; Heavy oil problems relevant to Trinidad. Well
interference, pulse and vertical permeability testing; Layered completion types for thermal processes; Other IOR processes.
systems; Fractured reservoirs; Faults; Channel sands; Use of Screening Criteria; Reservoir simulation - single and multi-phase;
pressure and its time derivative in type curve matching; Gas well- Computer exercises.
testing; Real gas potential application; gas flow tests with non-
Darcy flow; extended well testing. Computerised methods of Semester:
analysis. Local field examples. Course Code: PENG 6011
Course Title: Petroleum Economics, Law & Contract
Semester: Administration
Course Code: PENG 6007 No. of Credits:
Course Title: Reservoir Engineering Prerequisites:
No. of Credits: Syllabus: World energy supply/demand; Oil pricing; Petroleum
Prerequisites: leasing/contracts; Petroleum taxation; Comparison of petroleum
Syllabus: Hydrocarbon Composition; Properties of reservoir natural gas; Managing petroleum resources; Petroleum act and
rocks and fluids; Phase behaviour; Vapour-liquid Equilibria; Oil and regulations; Petroleum taxes act; Income tax in aid of industry
gas reservoirs; Drive mechanisms; Pore Volume Compressibility; act; Contractual arrangements; Drilling contracts; Natural gas
Reservoir mechanics: PVT Analysis, General material balance; contracts; Service (rental) contracts; Services contracts; Oil sales/
Natural water influx. purchase contracts.
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: PENG 6008 Course Code: PENG 6012
Course Title: Advanced Reservoir Engineering Course Title: Natural Gas Engineering
No. of Credits: No. of Credits:
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: Dry gas, gas-condensate and oil reservoirs; Material Syllabus: Properties of Natural Gas Systems; Gas Volumes;
balance and applications; Tarners method; Natural water influx; Reserve estimates; Pressure Transient Testing of Gas Wells;
Immiscible flooding; Reservoir simulation - single and multi- Deliverability Testing of Gas Wells; Gas Flow Measurement;
phase; Compositional simulators; Computer simulation exercises. Compression of Natural Gas; Gas Conditioning and Processing;
Uses of natural gas; LNG; Field Development/Management;
Semester: Gas Transmission/Pipeline Design Considerations; Offshore
Course Code: PENG 6009 Operations; Gas Contracts.
Course Title: Strategic Petroleum Management &
Organisations Semester:
No. of Credits: Course Code: PENG 6013
Prerequisites: Course Title: Financial Management & Accounting
Syllabus: The nature and role of strategy in petroleum No. of Credits:
operations; Involvement of strategy in organisations; Structuring Prerequisites:
change; Leadership styles; Life cycles; Range of strategic planning Syllabus: Basic principles of financial management; Financial
and organisational behaviour; Learning and Development; reporting and the local regulatory framework; Financial ratio
Communicating strategy; Corporate cultures; Analysis of the analysis; Corporate report analysis; International differences in
corporate environment; Response to challenges. petroleum finance; Budgeting and budgetary control; Short-
term decision analysis; Long-term decision analysis; Introduction
to strategic financial management; Balance sheets; Profit and
loss accounts; Management of working capital; Preparation
of management accounting statements; Investment appraisal
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: PENG 6014 Course Code: PENG 6020
Course Title: Offshore Structures & Systems Course Title: Economic & Quantitative Aids
No. of Credits: to Decision-Making
Prerequisites: NO. OF CREDITS: 4
Syllabus: Oil and gas production facilities; Dynamics of floating PREREQUISITES: NONE
structures; Floating production systems; Offshore loading; Syllabus: Linear programming; Non-linear programming;
Offshore storage facilities; Articulated columns; Submerged Network planning techniques; Simulation in petroleum industry
production systems. situations; Demand and supply of key commodities in the
petroleum industry; Demand analysis; Energy market structures;
Semester: Pricing practices; The role of the state in the market economy;
Course Code: PENG 6015 Decision-making under uncertainty, time value of capital,
correlation and regression analysis, analysis of time-series data,
Course Title: Production Engineering
stochastic decision-making and Markov Analysis; Other decision-
No. of Credits:
making models.
Syllabus: Productivity Index (PI) and the Inflow Performance Semester:
Relationships (IPR) for oil and gas wells. Single and multiphase Course Code: PENG 6021
flow; tubing sizing; Nodal analysis; Natural and artificial lift Course Title: Petroleum Production Planning
methods and equipment; Typical production profiles (plateau & Control
and exponential decline). Control and instrumentation; Pressure NO. OF CREDITS: 4
and rate measurement; Production logging; Surface operations; PREREQUISITES: NONE
Wellhead systems; Surface facilities - onshore, offshore. Design Syllabus: Decision theory; Forecasting techniques in petroleum
and operation of crude oil separation, Emulsion breaking; liquid production operations; Processing and capacity planning;
recovery. Gas production. Sand control; Wax and asphaltine Inventory management; Material requirement planning;
problems, Hydrate prevention; Stimulation acidisation and Sequencing and line balancing; Scheduling operations; Resource
fracturing. HSE in production. Local field examples. allocation; Project management techniques.
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: PENG 6016 Course Code: PENG 6022
Course Title: Petroleum Economics & Management Course Title: Maintenance & Safety Management
No. of Credits: NO. OF CREDITS: 4
Syllabus: World energy supply/demand; Oil pricing; Petroleum Syllabus: Maintenance activities; Types of maintenance;
taxation systems and comparisons; Cash flow, profit and Trouble-shooting; Production equipment; Drilling equipment and
profitability; Uncertainty and risk; Incremental investments; maintenance; Scheduling planning activities for maintenance;
Contractual arrangements; Economic issues in natural gas; Repair and programming design and evaluation; Health safety
Managing petroleum resources. and welfare; Provision and role of the management in safety and
awareness; Management of health; Occupational safety; Accidents
and their causes; Financial implications of accidents; Protective
devices; Legislation for safety and environmental issues.
Course Code: PENG 6017
Course Title: Selected Topics
SYLLABUS: A series of lectures on topics of relevance to petroleum PREREQUISITES: NONE
engineering but not covered in other courses. SYLLABUS: Introduction to research methods. Research process
Assessment: Coursework only. from conceptualisation to analysis and conclusions. Types of
research, defining a research topic, originality and thinking of
Semester: research, identifying issues and objectives for research, developing
Course Code: PENG 6018 research methodology, literature review, finding research
Course Title: Human Resource Management material, data collection, referencing and citation, executing the
NO. OF CREDITS: 4 research, hypothesis testing, data analysis, reporting the findings
PREREQUISITES: NONE of the research, dealing with supervisors.
Syllabus: Social environment of the petroleum industry;
Managing change and creating effectiveness; Management COURSE CODE: PENG 6024
structures; Diagnosis of change; Conflict management; Leadership; COURSE TITLE: PROJECT
The strategy; Human resource planning; Organisations and culture; NO. OF CREDITS: 9
Communication; Labour markets; Trade unions and the collective PREREQUISITES:
bargaining process in petroleum industries; Work design and SYLLABUS: Each candidate will also be required to submit a
motivation; Management development; Evaluation and reward. Project Report of an individual analysis of a problem.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
SEMESTER 2 Candidates for the Diploma may be awarded the Diploma without
Course Course Number completing the Individual Investigative Project provided that they
Code Title of Credits have completed all core courses plus Practical Team Project (COEM
CIEN 6000 Advanced Environmental Engineering E4 6025) and have earned a minimum of 26 credits.
Systems Design
CIEN 6001 Advanced Structural Engineering E4 Other information
CIEN 6002 Road Network Conservation 1. Candidates pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma will be required to
E4 COEM 6012 Geotechnics follow and pass examinations in four (4) courses, and to complete
in Construction E4 the Practical Team Project (COEM 6025) carrying 5 Credits and an
Individual Investigative Project (COEM 6002) carrying 6 credits.
2. They will also be required to carry out coursework as
3. The examination will be conducted by means of written papers
and coursework. Candidates may also be orally examined on any
part of the examination.
4. Part-time students will be required to complete the written
examinations and submit the project within two (2) academic
5. Successful completion of the examinations will lead to the award
of a Diploma in Construction Management or Construction
Engineering & Management. The designation will depend upon
the course combinations.
6. Candidates registered for an MSc (Eng) may be awarded a
Postgraduate Diploma if they follow and pass examinations in
courses carrying a minimum of 26 credits at the graduate level,
as well as the prescribed coursework.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
PREREQUISITES: NONE SYLLABUS: The course deals with the genesis and nature of
SYLLABUS: An introduction to the different legal systems. The natural hazards, their physical and theoretical basis as well as
impact of law on the delivery of engineering goods and services; their operation and propagation. It deals with their economic and
Law and the construction sector. The making of law and the social impact; vulnerability of structures; policy and legislation;
courts; litigation. The elements of contract law and relation with planning response; engineering and physical response; the
the construction sector. Types of contracts; Different procurement development of site-specific disaster plans; international, regional
systems; Standard form building contracts (specifications codes of and local response agencies; evacuation and evacuation drills and
practice; Standards, statutes and local government regulations); simulations; search and rescue; recovery, emergency relief shelter
The elements of the Law of Tort, disputes and conflict resolution management and risk analysis.
methods; Professional associations, codes of ethics, professional
liability; Construction claims; Different forms of business SEMESTER: II
organizations; Business law and the company act; Health and COURSE CODE: COEM 6020
safety legislation; Environmental law; Introduction to intellectual COURSE TITLE: RESEARCH METHODS
property; Confidentiality of information; Warranties and indemnity. NUMBER OF CREDITS: 3
Introduction to international law. SYLLABUS: The topics covered in the unit will include: Principles
of research, information sources, research design, research
SEMESTER: 1 methodology, data collection, data analysis, presenting research
COURSE CODE: COEM 6013 proposals and writing research reports.
SYLLABUS: Factors affecting the choice and use of materials in COURSE TITLE: PRACTICAL TEAM PROJECT
construction. The general properties and behaviour of the major NUMBER OF CREDITS: 5
types of construction materials. Factors affecting the production SYLLABUS: The projects are based upon real schemes and involve
of the construction materials in major use in the Caribbean. information gathering, planning, organization, co-ordination,
Specifications, standards and testing of materials. Methods of detailed assessment of ideas, reporting and presentation.
improving the properties and performance of materials. Major-
project patterns in the Caribbean (e.g., marine projects) and
the resultant demands for materials performance. Materials
procurement, handling, storage, and extraction control.
SYLLABUS: Maintenance awareness. Planned maintenance,
maintenance management systems. Maintenance of facilities.
Maintenance policy - housing, offices, industries - private and
public sector projects. Maintenance surveys, repairs, rehabilitation
of structures. Corrosion in construction, building defects,
deterioration, repair procedures. Performance audit, reliability,
performance evaluation. Maintenance financing, budget. Planning
considerations, upgrading, recycling, reuse. Maintenance manuals,
checklists, information systems.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Regulations and Entry Requirements The Graduate Programme in Coastal Engineering and Management
The regulations for the MPhil in Construction Engineering &
in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering has two
Management or Construction Management would require:
(2) degree offerings:
1. A good honours degree (Upper Second Class) in one of the Postgraduate Diploma in Coastal Engineering and Management,
construction-related professions, e.g., Civil Engineering, and
Building Engineering, Architecture, Quantity Surveying, MSc in Coastal Engineering and Management
Planning, Land Surveying, etc.
2. At least one (1) year of relevant industrial experience. Aims of the Programme
3. Before completion must have passed a course in Research 1. To provide advanced and specialized knowledge in the field
Methodology of coastal engineering and management associated with the
natural and man-made coastal zone infrastructure.
For the Construction Management or Construction Engineering &
2. To equip the graduate with the knowledge of coastal
Management Programme, the applicant must possess:
processes and coastal engineering techniques required for
1. A first degree with Honours (Upper Second Class) in Civil or the assessment of coastal defence systems and the design
Structural Engineering, Construction, Building or Architectural of coastal engineering schemes, with particular emphasis on
Engineering or Caribbean conditions.
2. An equivalent acceptable qualification and 3. To produce a graduate capable of developing coastal
3. At least one (1) year of relevant industrial experience. management plans and management systems.
4. To produce a graduate capable of implementing and
A candidate may be required to sit an entrance examination
managing new research initiatives.
and/or complete introductory/qualifying courses before being
allowed to read for the MPhil or PhD degree.
Course Delivery
The Principal Areas of Research The course is designed to be delivered as a distance learning course
The principal areas of research are as follows: through the myelearning platform, to facilitate participation across
Caribbean Construction Firms all Caribbean Islands. To provide the students with some face
Construction Economics to face contact, both with staff and fellow students, the course
Construction Finance includes three one week intensive sessions for group activities, field
Construction Management & Administration trips and group design exercises. For students based in Trinidad,
Construction Materials face to face lecturing is also available.
Construction Public Policy
Construction Technology
Contract Procurement Systems Regulations and Entry Requirements
Expert Systems in Construction 1. A first degree (lower second class honours minimum) from an
Infrastructure Technology in Construction approved University in the Natural Sciences, Planning, Civil
Management Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Surveying, Land
Macro & Micro Economic Issues in Construction Information, or
Management of Quality in Construction
Productivity in Construction 2. An accredited BTech or HND/Associate Degree in Civil
Resource Management
Engineering plus five (5) years related postgraduate
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
SYLLABUS: Descriptive statistics; nearshore and upland SYLLABUS: Indicative Syllabus
sampling, measurements and monitoring techniques for 1 The material covered will be a reflection of the students own
storms, beach profiling, tidal, wind and wave measurements, requirements. In general, all projects will demand: - problem
currents and sediments; aqueous sampling techniques; coastal identification and definition of objectives; - planning and
resources, hazards, classification and configuration, coastal hazard execution within time and cost constraints; - information
vulnerability tools; database development; spatial techniques and search and its interpretation; - evaluation resulting in the
web-based solutions making of conclusions.
2 The project may be suggested by a member of staff, by the
SEMESTER: 2 individual student or an industrial concern. Industry generated
COURSE CODE: CZEM 6106 projects must be approved by academic staff as being suitable
NO. OF CREDITS: 4 3 Project allocation procedures provide each student to: - select
PREREQUISITES: NONE a preferred area, based upon a taught programme or upon
SYLLABUS: Deterministic and probabilistic design methods for previous experience; - discuss projects with prospective
coastal applications. supervisors; - agree on a particular project, supervisor and
The structural performance of coastal structures: Design wave outline project terms of reference.
loading; design methods for jetties, breakwaters, sea walls, 4 Each project will be supervised by a member of academic staff
revetments and beach renourishment. Design for enhancement who will monitor progress, offer guidance and encourage the
of capacity in response to climate change and sea level rise. student to take the active lead role in researching and the
development of the project. The need to plan the objective
SEMESTER: 2 and outcomes against a time scale will be stressed.
SYLLABUS: Principles of research, information sources, research
design, research methodology, data collection, data analysis,
presenting research proposals, writing research reports.
SYLLABUS: Introduction to modelling concepts, types and
time scales including process-based numerical models and
scaled physical models, behaviour-based numerical models,
Geomorphological analysis and parametric equilibrium models.
Concepts of computational fluid dynamics; Navier Stokes
equations, numerical solution techniques, practical application
of models. Wave model types and applicability. Coastal
morphodynamic model types and applications. Circulation
models. Physical models. Case studies; wave and current models
and morphodynamic models.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Duration of Study
MSc (technical) Minimum of three (3) semesters or a maximum of six (6)
This degree is accredited as meeting the requirements for Further
Learning for a Chartered Engineer (CEng) for candidates who
have already acquired an Accredited CEng (Partial) BEng (Hons) Students failing to complete all course requirements for the MSc
or an Accredited IEng (Full) BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first programme within the specified period but have obtained 28 or
degree. more credits may be granted a Post Graduate Diploma in Civil
Engineering or Civil with Environmental Engineering upon request.
See www.jbm.org.uk for further information. Students who are awarded the post graduate diploma shall not
be able to apply any of these credits for earning the MSc in Civil
There are two (2) Degrees offered in this programme:- Engineering and /or MSc in Civil with Environmental Engineering.
(i) MSc in Civil Engineering
(ii) MSc in Civil with Environmental Engineering Credits for the post graduate diploma shall comprise the
The Aims and Objectives 1. Twenty-eight (28) credits from the core courses; AND
a) To extend existing engineering and science knowledge 2. At least three (3) or four (4) other credits from the list of
beyond the level covered at the BSc Honours Degree level optional courses (or any other course approved by the
and to move to a professional, Masters output. Head of Department).
b) To widen existing engineering and science knowledge and to
include areas not covered in the BSc Honours Degree level. No. of Credits required: 40 or 41
c) To develop the skills required for team-working (and, for The credits required to complete the programme are dependent
CEng, leadership), social and business awareness, through on the electives chosen. The semester 1 workload is 16 credits,
further studies, such as law, finance, management, risk semester 2 has 15 or 16 credits and semester 3 (May to July) has
assessment and environmental issues. 9 credits.
d) To gain experience of team-working, ideally with cross-
disciplinary elements, integrating topics covered in the BSc
level and centered on real professional and business issues.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
SYLLABUS: Flexibility and stiffness methods; numerical methods in Environmental Engineering in the Caribbean is concerned primarily
Structural Engineering, non-linear analysis; computer aided analysis with the provision of an adequate supply of safe and potable water,
and design. the prevention of pollution of land, water and air, the collection,
treatment and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes, urban and
land drainage, forest and soil conservation, management and
COURSE TITLE: ROAD NETWORK CONSERVATION mitigation of natural and industrial disasters, safety, management
NO. OF CREDITS: 4 of resources in the coastal zone, the protection of public health
PREREQUISITES: NONE and the economics of sustainable development. The programme
SYLLABUS: Road networks, classes, function and configuration; provides both a theoretical and practical approach to environmental
Pavement Maintenance Management Systems; Roadway problems that will ultimately lead to improved effectiveness of
characteristics, vehicle fleet costs and performance; Maintenance environmental management.
and rehabilitation strategies and policies; Pavement design
and performance prediction models; Road pricing, sustainable THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
maintenance budgeting and financing, optimization and programme The overall aim of the programme is to provide advanced
development. education and training for graduates in Engineering, Science, and
(Coursework) related areas to meet current and future needs of environmental
engineering in the region.
SEMESTER: 2 Its objectives are:
To alert participants to major environmental concerns at the
global, regional and local levels.
PREREQUISITES: COMPLETION OF ALL REQUIRED CORE AND To promote, among participants, a holistic and proactive
OPTIONAL COURSES approach to the solution of environmental problems.
SYLLABUS: This course is a capstone project designed to generate To familiarise participants with instruments and techniques
a learning atmosphere that is close as possible to the experience of used for the prediction and measurement of environmental
working on the design of a real engineering project. The project work quality.
is carried out yearlong, engenders a sense of leadership in the student, To train participants in the planning and design of engineering
and draws on the first three years of learning in the programme. The works related to the preservation and improvement of the
emphasis is on self-learning, creativity, design, understanding, project
team-working and communication skills, as well as engineering
judgment and problem solving. The projects are interdisciplinary,
with the involvement of students from other departments,
The requirements for admission to the programme are as follows:
experienced practicing professional engineers in addition to the UWI
Applicants must have a Bachelors Degree in Engineering or an
supervisors and tutors, as well as other Engineering Departments in
equivalent qualification. Candidates with a Bachelors Degree in
the Faculty. Students may also pursue internship/industry projects
the physical sciences will be considered if they have at least one
that are approved by the Department. This course applies to the Civil
(1) year relevant work experience. Qualifying examinations may
Engineering programme.
also be prescribed for such candidates.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
The MSc Project will be evaluated based on the final report. The Syllabuses
MSc will be awarded with distinction to candidates who achieve
an overall average of 70% in the courses, as well as 70% in the
Students failing to complete all course requirements for the
MSc programme within the specified period but have obtained
24 or more credits will be granted a Post Graduate Diploma in
Environmental Engineering upon request.
SYLLABUS: The nature of the environment; environmental
concerns: global, regional, local; the environmental movement;
population and poverty; environmental management; evolution of
The programme will draw mainly on staff in the Departments of
environmental management, energy consumption; environmental
Chemical and Civil & Environmental Engineering, but staff in the
pathways; sustainable development; environment assessment
Departments of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering and
methods; life cycle assessment; environmental impact statements;
Surveying & Land Information and of Departments in the Faculties
economic assessments; environmental auditing; impact matrices;
of Science & Agriculture, Social Sciences, Medicine and Law will
environmental ethics; environmental design, environmental
also contribute to teaching. Teaching will be complemented by
management systems, integration with health, safety and quality
the services of visiting specialists from consulting firms, public
management systems; environmental standards and legislation
authorities, international agencies and industry. The programme
in the Caribbean; economic instruments for pollution control;
will be delivered through lectures, laboratory classes, field trips,
regulations for pollution control.
coursework assignments, design classes, mini projects, tutorials,
seminars and the Project.
The UWI Library has an excellent stock of books, journals and
reports relevant to the many discipline areas, which comprise the
MSc programme. This collection is continuously augmented by
SYLLABUS: Quality standards for the atmosphere, hydrosphere
annual additions.
and lithosphere and for the built environment; sampling
techniques; analysis and interpretation of results in connection
Laboratories and Equipment
with standard methods for the physical, chemical and biological
The laboratories that will be used for teaching are extensive and
examination of water, waste water, air quality and soil; statistical
well equipped. All the basic equipment for carrying out routine
methods in environmental data analysis.
analyses of water, wastewater and solid wastes are available in
the Environmental Engineering Laboratory of the Department.
These facilities are complemented by the generously equipped
laboratories of the University.
Computer Facilities
Students will have full access to the computer system that consists
of an interconnection of the computers of the five departments in a
SYLLABUS: Health effects of inorganic and organic contaminants;
Faculty network, and the INTERNET. Students will be trained in the
sanitation and health; pathogenic organisms; waterborne
use of the INTERNET and in tapping the vast information resources
diseases; airborne diseases; diseases spread by vermin; toxic
available therein. A large collection of specialized environmental
effects of inorganic and organic contaminants on flora and fauna;
software has also been acquired.
eutrophication; pollution and self purification of streams; living
indices of pollution.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
PREREQUISITES: SYLLABUS: Modelling of pollutant transport in watercourses and
SYLLABUS: Principles of integrated land-use planning; planning coastal water; the Navier-Stokes Equations; Diffusion Equations;
practice; managing forests and fragile eco-systems; managing numerical solutions using finite elements methods; modelling of
renewable resources; sustainable human settlement, principles pollutant transport in groundwater flow; Darcy Equation; Stream
of land surveying; aerial surveys and photographic interpretation; and potential functions; flow notes; flow modelling techniques;
data acquisition and analysis for geographic and land information numerical solution techniques; finite difference and finite element
systems. methods; the advection-dispersion equation; use of computer
models. Air pollution meteorology, ventilation, stagnation, wind,
SEMESTER: atmospheric stability, mixing height; modelling air pollution:
COURSE CODE: ENGR 6012 point, area and line sources; reactive pollutants; heavier than air
SYLLABUS: Catchment morphology; natural run-off processes COURSE CODE: ENGR 6015
in the humid tropics; linear theory and the unit hydrograph; COURSE TITLE: ENVIRONMENTAL SEPARATION PROCESSES
non-linear rainfall run-off models; lumped and distributed flow NO. OF CREDITS: 4
routing; catchment responses to changing land uses; the role of PREREQUISITES:
natural forests in catchment water balance relationships; design SYLLABUS: Screening of water, wastewater and liquids; settling
of land drainage and flood control systems; modelling of run-off and flotation; aerobic and biological processes; coagulation and
in urban catchments; effects of urban development on catchment flocculation; filtration; ion exchange; adsorption; disinfection
responses; lumped and continuous simulation models; numerical separation by membranes, sludge stabilization, thickening and
solution of the Saint Venant equations; design of storm-water conditioning, solidification. Settling of particulates by gravity,
drainage systems; erositivity and erodibility; modelling soil loss; inertia, electrostatic and wet collectors, gas and vapour absorption
erosion control; design of control structures; the role of forests processes; adsorption processes.
in limiting erosions; protecting soil quantity and modelling
flooding; effects of deforestation; agro-forest systems, forestry
SYLLABUS: Particle dispersion, solutions and solubility; acid-
base reactions; Redox reaction; the carbonate system; acidity and
alkalinity, laws relating to gases and gaseous mixtures; gas-liquid
transfer; mass and charge balances; Nernsts equation; corrosion;
chemical precipitation; chemical coagulation; precipitation of
iron and manganese; phosphate precipitation. Special reference
to water and waste treatment processes, chemical equilibria and
kinetics relevant to the water cycle allowing definition of water
quality parameters. Micro-organisms and their characteristics;
bacterial growth and death; viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa in
wastewater treatment processes and environmental pollution;
microbiology of soil, solid wastes, water, wastewater, the
atmosphere and indoor air; laboratory techniques for the culture
and identification of micro-organisms. The role of different species
in the various treatment processes. An outline of the bacterial
metabolism which occurs during aerobic biological sewage
treatment and anaerobic sewage sludge digestion.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME Thirty (30) credits must be completed for the postgraduate diploma,
1. To provide advanced and specialized knowledge in the field which include twenty four (24) credits from core courses and at
of water resources management. least six (6) credits from options.
2. To promote the adoption of sustainable approaches to
management of water resources.
3. To equip engineers and water resources professionals to
Candidates are required to select options approved by the
apply modern knowledge effectively in the water sector, and
Department, in Semester II, equivalent to at least six (6) credits.
hence to assist in the modernization and development of the
Caribbean region.
4. To develop postgraduate students intellectual abilities, critical
The core courses are:
faculties, transferable skills and knowledge in the interests of
Course Code Course Title Number of Credits
their personal development, career prospects and potential
CIEN 6000 Advanced Environmental Engineering E4
contribution to the economy and to society at large.
CIEN 6010 Advanced Engineering Hydrology E3
COEM 6006 Construction Accounting and Finance E4
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS COEM 6009 Contract Management and Construction Law E4
Candidates applying for registration should normally have a
minimum of one (1) year work experience in the water sector as SEMESTER II
well as either: The core courses are:
1. A BSc degree in a scientifically-based water programme, or Course Code Course Title Number of Credits
in engineering; or equivalent qualification. CIEN 6011 Water Resources Metrics E4
COEM 6025 Practical Team Project E5
It is an evening programme with lectures and tutorials being The optional courses are:
delivered between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm on weekdays, mainly Course Code Course Title Number of Credits
in a face-to-face mode; a portion of the course material may be CIEN 6009 EIA of Water Resources Projects E4
available on-line. Any other course approved by the Department
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Forty (40) credits must be completed for the MSc, which include COURSE TITLE: EIA OF WATER RESOURCES PROJECTS
thirty six (36) credits from core courses and four (4) credits from NUMBER OF CREDITS: 4
options. SYLLABUS: Objectives of EIA, legal context; scope of impacts
of water resource projects, visual, audible, smell, water quality,
COURSE LISTING contaminants in water and on sediments, pollution ecology,
Candidates are required to select options approved by the quality standards; the impact of water resource management
Department, in Semester II, equivalent to at least four (4) credits. on urban and rural communities; watershed impacts; mitigation
and remedial measures, control measures, consequences of
infringement, monitoring and management.
The core courses are: SEMESTER: I
Course Code Course Title Number of Credits COURSE CODE: CIEN 6010
CIEN 6010 Advanced Engineering Hydrology E3 NUMBER OF CREDITS: 3
COEM 6006 Construction Accounting and Finance E4 SYLLABUS: Hydrologic processes; climate change issues; hydrologic
COEM 6009 Contract Management and Construction Law E4 data; design of hydrometeorological networks; probability
and statistics for hydrology; modelling approaches; stochastic
SEMESTER II modelling; deterministic modelling; model applications.
The core courses are:
Course Code Course Title Number of Credits SEMESTER: II
CIEN 6011 Water Resources Metrics E4 COURSE CODE: CIEN 6011
COEM 6020 Research Methods E3 NUMBER OF CREDITS: 4
SYLLABUS: Descriptive statistics; measurements and monitoring
The optional courses are: techniques for hydrometeorological surveys; sediment and water
Course Code Course Title Number of Credits quality sampling techniques; emerging technologies and best
CIEN 6009 EIA of Water Resources Projects E4 practice; database development; spatial techniques.
Any other Departmental approved course, worth at least 4
credits. SEMESTER: I
Course Code Course Title Number of Credits NUMBER OF CREDITS: 4
COEM 6018 Research Project C9 SYLLABUS: Introduction to accounting: the nature and purpose
of financial accounting, business entity, different forms of
business organizations; business law and the company act, chart
of accounts, recording accounting transactions, the accounting
cycle, profit and loss statement, balance sheet, accounting ratios,
accounting controls. Introduction to Management Accounting: cost
classification, methods of costing, job costing and contract costing,
integrated accounts. Introduction to Financial Management: project
financing, budgeting, financial planning and cost control.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
SYLLABUS: The elements of the Law of Tort; The impact of law
on the delivery of goods and services; Types of contracts; different & COMPUTER
procurement systems; standard form of contracts (specifications
codes of practice; standards, statutes and local government
regulations). Identification of skills required, manpower planning
and development, education, training, recruitment, certification,
Industrial climate, politics, trade unionism, disputes and conflict Research
resolution methods; professional codes of ethics, professional GENERAL ACTIVITIES
liability; claims; the risk assessment of time, cost, quality, health The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (http://
& safety, sustainability and environmental issues. Introduction to www.eng.uwi.tt/depts/elec/) offers taught postgraduate pro-
international law. grammes leading to the award of a Master of Applied Science
(MASc) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical & Computer En-
SEMESTER: II gineering. It also offers programmes of study and research leading
COURSE CODE: COEM 6020 to MPhil and PhD degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering.
COURSE TITLE: RESEARCH METHODS Postgraduate programmes are conducted in four (4) major subject
NUMBER OF CREDITS: 3 areas: Communication Systems, Control Systems, Energy Systems
SYLLABUS: The topics covered in the unit will include: Principles and Integrated Systems. Departmental research activities are con-
of research, information sources, research design, research ducted in five (5) major subject areas: Communication Systems,
methodology, data collection, data analysis, presenting research Computer Systems Engineering, Control Systems, Electronic Sys-
proposals, writing research reports. tems and Energy Systems.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
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P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: 1 Semester: 1
Course Code: ECNG 6500 Course Code: ECNG 6504
Course Title: Computer-Aided Power Course Title: Electrical Drives & Industrial
System Analysis Power Systems
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to revisit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the utilisation
fundamental concepts and develop understanding of of electric power in electric systems. At the end of this course,
fundamental techniques employed for power systems analysis. students will be able to: define the components requires for system
At the end of this course, students will be able to: model the development; describe and understand the effects of three phase
components of power systems; statistically assess power systems short-circuit faults and unbalanced faults on the choice of circuit
and their components; apply the per-unit system to evaluate breaker and for specifying cables and transformers; understand
power system analyses; understand the power transfer problem; and apply the basic techniques in the analysis of the performance
calculate symmetrical and asymmetrical fault studies; apply of induction motors, d.c. motors and synchronous motors;
numerical techniques to the solution of large networks and apply describe and understand the main numerical methods available
computer-based applications for power systems analysis. for the determination of system parameters and their modification
in order to achieve optimal efficiency and performance.
Course Code: ECNG 6501 Semester: 2
Course Title: Power System Dynamics Course Code: ECNG 6505
No. of Credits: 3 Course Title: Surge Phenomena &
Insulation Coordination
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course treats with the study and
No. of Credits: 3
analysis of the dynamic behaviour of electric power systems in
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course presents the fundamental
response to small and large disturbances. The basic aim is to
types of overvoltages that can be encountered in electric
provide students with the knowledge involved in the operation,
networks, their typical scenarios and methods of analysis. At the
planning and design of electric power systems from the point of
end of this course, students will be able to: identify different types
view of stability. Additionally, students will learn about modelling
of sources of dielectric stress in the power system; understand
and simulation of power systems, especially the synchronous
the concepts of insulation coordination, insulation levels and
machine and its control systems. This course is designed to
related concepts; understand and use mathematical techniques
provide an adequate background for a career in the electric
to simulate and study the behaviours of electric networks under
utilities or in the energy-based industries.
transient conditions; analyse the response of the electric network
to different types of surges; understand the concepts of wave
propagation, calculation of line parameters and their frequency;
Course Code: ECNG 6502
understand and apply the concepts of different techniques for
Course Title: Power System Operation & Planning
the mitigation of overvoltages.
No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to cover a variety
of matters that relate to power system operation and planning. In
particular, it treats with economic and security methods in power
systems; control of interconnected systems; reliability analysis of
power systems; system planning and expansion.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: ECNG 6506 Course Code: ECNG 6510
Course Title: Optimisation Techniques Course Title: Power Systems Monitoring &
No. of Credits: 3 Control
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to cover a No. of Credits: 3
variety of techniques applicable to optimisation. In particular, it COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to cover a variety
treats with linear programming matters including simplex and of systems and techniques applicable to power systems monitoring
revised simplex methods, duality, sensitivity analysis as well as and control. In particular, it treats with SCADA systems, networking
dynamic programming, integer programming methods and applied to power systems; on-line load flow and security analysis;
network planning techniques. It also covers PERT/CPM; dynamic state estimation techniques and automatic load frequency control.
optimisation methods and applications to engineering systems. The course contextualizes these themes in explorations of modern
trends in power system monitoring and control.
Course Code: ECNG 6507 Semester: 2
Course Title: Energy Economics & Planning Course Code: ECNG 6600
No. of Credits: 3 Course Title: Real Time Systems
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to expose students No. of Credits: 3
to aspects of finance, economics, system design, economic COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides students with
operation and short term and long term generation planning in an understanding of Real Time Systems (RTS) theory and the
the context of electric energy systems. At the end of this course, practical issues involved when applying RTS principles to digital
students will be able to: define and analyse the problem of load control systems. At the end of this course, students will be able to:
forecasting; describe the different resources needed for system identify and discuss the real-time characteristics of an application;
development; understand and apply the basic techniques used utilise available techniques to (a) ranslate application-based
in the analysis of long term and short term generation planning; specifications into periodic/deadline specifications, (b) map
describe and understand the various financial and computer ideal priority levels onto available OS priorities and (c) alleviate
methods available for arriving at an optimal long term, least cost constraints due to hardware and interprocess communications;
utility development; characterise the basic principles used to produce schedules for cyclic executive, ideal DM, RM or EDF
model economic load dispatch; understand and describe the rules systems and demonstrate their validity by applying utilisation
and basis for cost allocation and classification in arriving at rates and response-time based criteria; identify the real-time specific
and tariffs. features of a real time OS and contrast it with ideal/open real-time
OS; produce a graphical representation of a RTS using UML and
Semester: related techniques; analyse a RTS in terms of its reliability and fault
Course Code: ECNG 6508 tolerance; propose a solution for a real-time scenario involving
Course Title: Power System Instrumentation hardware control and implement the solution using a real-time
No. of Credits: 3 OS kernel.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers a variety of topics that
relate to power systems instrumentation. In particular, it treats Semester: 2
with signal processing and conditioning; transducers; metering Course Code: ECNG 6601
technology (volts, amperes, watts, vars, frequency, etc.); application Course Title: Digital Electronic Systems
of P techniques in instrumentation; thermal measurements (flow No. of Credits: 3
pressure, temperature, etc.); networking of instruments; application COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course presents the methods and
of computers to measurement and display; transient data recorders design considerations for the implementation of digital systems
and maintenance of power system instruments. on FPGAs. At the end of this course, students will be able to: discuss
the timing issues in digital systems; explain the rationale for the
Semester: 2 techniques employed in implementing digital systems on FPGAs;
Course Code: ECNG 6509 use VHDL in designing Intellectual Property (IP) Core Modules;
Course Title: Switchgear & design a digital system; understand Functional Verification
Transformer Technology of Digital Systems; use effectively Xilinx ISE, Modelsim and a
No. of Credits: 3 Functional Verification Tool in FPGA-based design projects.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course reviews the physics of the
electric AC arc and its application to circuit breaking. At the end
of this course, students will be able to: understand and apply
circuit breakers and power transformers; analyse mathematically
the operation of circuit breakers and transformers; apply
engineering analysis in the selection of circuit breakers and
transformers; recognise the importance of the circuit breaker and
the transformer in the efficient operation of the power system;
understand the difference between the various types of arc media;
understand the maintenance requirements of the circuit breaker
and transformer.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester: 1
Course Code: ECNG 6602 Course Code: ECNG 6605
Course Title: Digital Electronic Design Course Title: Distributed Computer Control
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This digital design course focuses on COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the fundamental
digital electronic design using regionally accessible technology, concepts and theoretical issues in modern distributed computer
most particularly, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and controlled systems. At the end of this course, students will be
Programmable Array Logic(PAL)devices. The course covers logic able to: define terms and concepts used in distributed computer
design tools, design considerations and applications of IP cores controlled systems, distributed operating systems and distributed
in signal/image processing and digital communications. It also database systems; distinguish between the different hardware/
treats with the use of formal specification, formal hardware software architectural models used in the design of distributed
verification and reconfigurable computing. Students will develop systems; recognise the constraints placed on distributed system
a variety of relevant skills through supervised lab sessions, designs by ancillary issues and propose appropriate strategies/
classroom discussions, audio-visual presentations, unsupervised counter-measures; relate industrial practice and standards to
lab activities, research, project execution, report preparations and the theory of distributed systems; appraise the choice of physical
presentations. architecture/software infrastructure components for a distributed
system application.
Semester: 2 Semester:
Course Code: ECNG 6603 Course Code: ECNG 6606
Course Title: Modern Control Strategies Course Title: Optical Components
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to provide hands-on COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course identifies key components
immersion in advanced control systems design. Topics that will used in optical systems: fiber, sources, detectors, amplifiers,
be covered include: State Space methods; Optimal Control; Linear modulators, etc. It presents the theoretical foundation for the
Quadratic Regulation (LQR); Linear Quadratic Gaussion (LQG) physical phenomena utilised in the operation of the optical
methods; State Estimation; Optimal State Estimators and Kalman devices and then investigates the performance limitations
filters; Stochastic Control; Model Reference Adaptive Control imposed by these physical processes. Ideal and real characteristics
(MRAC); Self Tuning Regulators; Intelligent Control Systems and of the optical devices are related to performance specifications
Neuro-Fuzzy Control. represented in commercial data sheets. Case studies treat cost
analysis for system design.
Semester: 1
Course Code: ECNG 6604 Semester:
Course Title: Linear Control Systems Course Code: ECNG 6607
No. of Credits: 3 Course Title: Optical Applications
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course treats with the design of No. of Credits: 3
advanced control systems that utilise advanced analog or discrete COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course treats the design and
multivariable controllers. Topics that will be covered include: performance analysis of systems derived from a range of optical
mathematical representation of dynamic systems; matrix theory applications. Optical applications are drawn from Communications
review: eigenvalues and eigenvectors, generalised eigenvectors, and Instrumentation. At the end of this course, students will
Jordan form, functions of a square matrix; concept of state-space have an appreciation for the description of light in terms of its
description of dynamic systems; controllability and observability; degrees of freedom (amplitude, phase, frequency, polarisation
feedback control and state estimation; canonical decomposition and propagation direction) and the physical processes used
of state-space systems; system stability; non-linear systems to manipulate these parameters for communications, sensing
and their state-space representation; stability analysis; optimal and beam-positioning. Students should be able to evaluate the
control. performance of a range of systems and offer reasonable component
selection criteria for the design of such systems. Cost analysis is
Course Code: ECNG 6608
Course Title: Digital Integrated Circuits
No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course on digital integrated circuits
presents an introduction to Integrated Circuit (IC) fabrication
techniques and provides a comparative study of logic families. It
reviews the structure of memory elements and focuses heavily on
VLSI design using stick diagram, and other relevanttechniques.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
SEMESTER: Semester: 2
COURSE CODE: ECNG 6609 Course Code: ECNG 6613
COURSE TITLE: ANALOGUE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Course Title: Database Systems Principles & Design
NO. OF CREDITS: 3 No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This graduate course offers an advanced COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the principles and
treatment of the analysis and design of discrete analog electronic application associated with database systems. These principles
building blocks. In particular, the course treats with these aspects will be used to design and develop software to meet specific
as they relate to current sources as well as voltage sources and requirements and quality standards within the framework of time
references. It analyses amplifier characteristics and implementations and cost. At the end of this course, students will be able to: design
such as the differential amplifier and op-amp circuits. It also treats a DBMS for information processing of a given system; understand
special function circuits, both integrated and discrete; high power the concepts, tools and technologies related to information
audio amplifier techniques; switch mode power supply design and systems; design and develop PL/SQL programs for existing
high frequency amplifier design. databases for information extraction and decision making.
Semester: Semester: 1
Course Code: ECNG 6610 Course Code: ECNG 6614
Course Title: Digital System Hardware Course Title: Multiprocessor Systems
Organisation & Design No. of Credits: 3
No. of Credits: 3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to parallel
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This graduate course focuses on the processing techniques. It covers parallel processing languages and
architecture of representative processors. It includes coverage of algorithms as well as introduction topics relating to synchronous
hardware programming languages; machine organisation; hardware multiprocessing.
realisation; micro-programming; intersystem communication;
interrupt and memory mapped I/O; communication and error Semester:
control; large memory systems and high-speed computer arithmetic Course Code: ECNG 6616
realisations. Course Title: Computer Graphics
No. of Credits: 3
Semester: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces theory and practice
Course Code: ECNG 6611 techniques, which will enable the student to create, manipulate,
Course Title: Software Engineering II display and analyse digital data, using either a compiled (C/C++) or
No. of Credits: 3 an interpreted (MATLAB, Tcl) language and appropriate software
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course opens with a review of packages/ libraries. At the end of this course, students should
design methodologies,modularity and decomposition.It then be capable of implementing display/processing algorithms for
treats with programme design; design quality; programme digital data, by using appropriate theory/techniques drawn from
implementation and testing; system testing; performance testing the fields of Information Visualisation ,Computer Graphics, Digital
and documentation and maintenance. The course covers parallel Image Processing, Machine and Computer Vision.
programming and treats with practical aspects such as phased
development; changing schedules and requirements; productivity Semester:
and updating documentation. Course Code: ECNG 6617
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence Systems
Semester: No. of Credits: 3
Course Code: ECNG 6612 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers fuzzy computing; basic
Course Title: operating systemS definitions and terminology, fuzzy set operations, membership
No. of Credits: 3 functions, fuzzy relations, fuzzy if-then-else rules, fuzzy reasoning;
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course treats with a variety of topics adaptive networks; architecture, back propagation learning
that relate to operating systems. In particular, it includes coverage methods, associative memory learning methods, supervised and
of Communicating Sequential Process (CSP): symbolic description unsupervised learning neural networks, neuro-fuzzy modeling,
of processors, traces, communication channels, pipes, etc. with system identification; least squares methods; derivative-based
analysis of properties such as synchronisation, parallelism, deadlock and derivative free optimisation methods, genetic algorithms;
neuro-fuzzy computing applications.
and livelock and data flow, etc. It distinguishes between centralised
and distributed systems and comparesthe behaviour of centralised
operating systems vs. distributed operating systems. It treats with
synchronisation as well asdeadlock and livelock analysis using CS;
layered protocol and the client server model; ISO OSI model, layers,
interfaces and protocols; Remote Procedure calls and Distributed
File Systems, message transport over network, RPC GEN tools and
programming for operating system development. The course
recognizes UNIX as an industrialised standard platform.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
SEMESTER: 1 Semester: 2
COURSE CODE: ECNG 6619 Course Code: ECNG 6701
COURSE TITLE: VISUAL MEDIA PROCESSING I Course Title: Data Communication Networks
NUMBER OF CREDITS: 3 No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This optional post-graduate/final-year COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, networks are designed
course targets students who wish to understand the scope to support multi-service traffic. To guide the design process,
and limitations of digital visual media. It introduces common requirements specifications will be developed, taking account
standards, and explains the tradeoffs inherent in utilising these of user-defined service metrics such as mobility, security, and
standards in different application domains, such as cinema post- availability objectives. In this course, students will also be exposed
production, machine vision, and visual consumer electronics. to contemporary networking protocols and technologies, which
At the end of this course, students will be able to identify, will be used to synthesize logical network designs. For these
analyse, recommend, and justify use of image processing tools designs, issues such as logical addressing, routing, security,
in applications. Topics include: image filtering, image content and network management will be considered. This course
analysis, image compression, and motion estimation in image also exposes students to the use of computer-aided techniques
sequences. that employ protocol analysers and simulation tools for design
validation. This course forms the basis for further analysis and
SEMESTER: optimisation of communications networks and protocols.
NUMBER OF CREDITS: 3 Course Title: Principles of Switching
PRE-REQUISITE: ECNG6619 Visual Media Processing I No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This optional post-graduate/final-year COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course treats switched networks
course targets students who wish to investigate and/or manipulate for telecommunications appllications. It includes coverage of
digital visual media in their capstone project. Students will teletraffic analysis; digital circuit switching; integrated digital
explore the tradeoffs inherent in utilising industrial standards in networks; packet switching and signaling and control in digital
image and video communication (e.g. JPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG4) in telephone networks.The course contextualizes these topics
different application domains, such as cinema post-production, in explorations of new developments in digital telephone
machine vision, and visual consumer electronics. At the end of networks.
this course students will be able to use, design and exploit image
processing tools for creation/ manipulation of visual media. Semester: 1
Course Code: ECNG 6703
Semester: 1 Course Title: Principles of Communication
Course Code: ECNG 6700 No. of Credits: 3
Course Title: Stochastic Processes COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines those digital
No. of Credits: 3 communication techniques employed at the physical layer
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course demonstrates that models for the reliable and efficient transfer of information across a
in which there is uncertainty or randomness play a very important communication channel in the presence of additive, white
role in the analysis and design of engineering systems. These Gaussian Noise (AWGN). This course examines those functional
models are used in a variety of applications where the signals elements that comprise a digital communications link, particularly
as well as the system parameters may change randomly and source encoding, channel encoding, and modulation, and
where the signals may also be corrupted with noise. This course determines how optimal performance can be achieved. In the
provides the tools required to be able to model mathematically examination of the functional elements, a discrete source is
such processes and ask questions such as: assumed. Students engage in simulation exercises using MATLAB
What are the spectral properties of a process? to help reinforce the understanding of the behaviour and the
How does noise affect system performance? performance of these digital communication techniques.
What is a receivers ability to recover transmitted data
What is the optimum processing algorithm that a receiver
should use?
What is the best model of a process?
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: 2 Semester:
Course Code: ECNG 6704 Course Code: ECNG 6707
Course Title: Performance Engineering of Computer Course Title: Multimedia Communication Systems
Communication Systems No. of Credits: 3
No. of Credits: 3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course recognizes that multimedia
COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, the performance of communication technologies have propelled the development and
multi-service communication networks will be investigated using
the popularity of the World Wide Web as a means of communication,
analytic and simulation-based methods. The requirements of
various classes of applications will be mapped to performance and as a source of information and entertainment. Image, audio
metrics such as throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss rate. and video compression and coding techniques facilitate the
Passive and active techniques for quantifying these metrics will be proper functioning of multimedia applications by reducing
explored. From an empirical standpoint, input analysis performed load requirements on networks while network protocols play a
on the real-world traffic will be used to drive simulation models complementary role by ensuring that data is transmitted efficiently
which in turn will be used to predict the performance for a wider with little compromise in quality. With these technologies industries
range of scenarios. However, prediction will also be performed across the region can be assisted in becoming more integrated as
using analytic means by assuming input distributions and they are able to increase interaction and maketheir services more
using tools such as discrete-time and continuous-time Markov easily accessible to each other and to citizens. The resulting boost
chains, queuing models, and models for networks of queues. in productivity will stimulate growth, as well as help increase the
Performance predictions and knowledge of quality-of-service international competitiveness in these sectors. This course will
(QoS) architectures will be used to inform strategies for the examine fundamental concepts and technologies necessary to
improvement of network performance. multimedia communications.
Semester: Semester: 2
Course Code: ECNG 6705 Course Code: ECNG 6708
Course Title: Applied Probability Course Title: Transmission Systems
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course treats a variety of topics COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, the design of transmission
relating to applied probability. In particular, it treats with modeling, systems employed in communication networks for the delivery of
quantification and analysis of uncertainty; formulation and solution data, voice and video traffic will be performed. To drive this design
in sample space; random variables, transform techniques, simple process, requirements specifications for the physical layer, which
random processes and their probability distributions; Markov include coverage, capacity, and error-performance objectives will
processes; Limit theorems; Elements of statistical interference, be developed, taking into account a logical network design and
and decision-making under uncertainty; and Interpretations. pertinent geographical information. In both the wired and wireless
The course includes a rich portfolio of applications and lecture domains, contemporary transmission and access technologies, as
demonstrations. well as their governing standards, will be considered. Suitable
simulation tools will be used to validate the design.
Course Code: ECNG 6706 SEMESTER: 1
Course Title: Antennas & Radiation COURSE CODE: ECNG 6709
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course investigates analysis and NO. OF CREDITS: 3
design techniques for basic antenna systems employed in wireless COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to the
communication systems. This course examines those functional rudiments and the operations of managing business organizations
elements that comprise the wireless communications link, with in a real world scenario. The course provides students with a
focus upon the transceiver front-end, waveguides, the propagation working knowledge of the foundation elements of successful
channel and the antenna itself. Traditional analytical techniques planning, operation and control of industries and businesses as
will be complimented with computer-aided tools for both the they relate to the functioning in todays business and operational
analysis and design of antenna systems. These will aid in reinforcing environment. The areas of study will cover: leadership and
the understanding the concepts presented and provide a basis management or organizations; the legal and regulatory framework
for investigating performance of these systems. The theoretical of business; ethics and professional practice; managerial finance and
approach will be enhanced with coverage of practical issues such accounting; and sustainable economic development.
as performance measurement, EMC, and RF safety. Contemporary
technologies involving antennas will be investigated through SEMESTER: 2
examination of the role of antenna systems and processing COURSE CODE: ECNG 6710
techniques in emerging standards and technologies. COURSE TITLE: RESEARCH METHODS
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the concepts of
research methods in detail, from conceptualization to conclusion.
Major topics include principle qualitative methods of research;
statistical methods of data estimation, testing.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
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P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Postgraduate Diploma in
Land Administration
This programme is being developed to address the reform of the
PREREQUISITES: NONE policies, procedures, statutes and institutions involved in Land
Syllabus: Cultural basis for design, new approaches: smart
Administration and Management throughout the Caribbean. This
cities, sustainable cities, new urbanism. The competing goals and
programme is a response to the need to maintain and strengthen
objectives in urban design, Users versus providers of the built
the human resources employed in land administration and land
environment, urban structure, public space, safety and security in
urban design. Elements and components: neighbourhood, block, management in key institutions of the state, and private quasi-
street, individual building. Guidelines and standards. state sectors.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
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P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: 2
Course code: GINF 6022
Course title: Spatial Analysis and Modelling
Number of credits:
Prerequisites: GINF 6100 or Equivalent MECHANICAL &
Syllabus: Introduction to spatial analysis; spatial phenomena
types and relationships. Spatial analysis and GIS; raster and vector
capabilities, network analysis, spatial phenomena and relationships;
analysis for discrete entries, spatial data modelling; cartographic
modelling, vector and raster overlay. Statistical analysis of attributes: ENGINEERING
univariate and bivariate descriptions. Spatial interpolation;
polynomials, splines, TIN, Geostatistics; spatial correlation, modelling
of a spatial process, geostatistical interpolation, semivariogram,
The Department offers the facilities to carry out research leading
kriging, Digital Elevation Models, surface analysis techniques. Spatial
to the MPhil and PhD Degrees in a wide range of important areas:
Analysis Applications.
Mechanical, Industrial and Agricultural Engineering (Biosystems),
Semester: 1 Production Engineering & Management.
Course code: GINF 6023
Course title: Enterprise GIS Design and Research students register for the MPhil degree in the first instance
Development and then, subject to the Faculty and Universitys Regulations,
Number of credits: 4 may upgrade to the PhD degree. Students who already have a
Prerequisites: GINF 6100 or Equivalent Masters degree obtained through a substantial research project,
Syllabus: Enterprise GIS design concepts and issues; user may register directly for the PhD. A research student works in his
requirements analysis including the design of URA questionnaires; chosen field of research under the guidance of a supervisor who
conceptual and logical design strategies; executing and evaluating pilot has substantial expertise and experience in the field.
studies, benchmarking methodologies, planning for data collection
and automation; GIS system integration, application development, Persons interested in pursuing research leading to the MPhil or
Graphic User Interface development and customisation. PhD degrees in Agricultural, Industrial, Mechanical or Production /
Manufacturing Engineering & Management are invited to contact
Semester: 2 the Head of Department to discuss their research interests and
Course code: GINF 6024 for further information on research opportunities within the
Course title: Research Methodology Department. The Department may be able to provide some financial
Number of credits: 3 support for specific research projects.
Syllabus: Research and its characteristics, types of research, A sample of recent Research Theses and Projects are listed as
defining a research topic, originality and thinking of research, follows:
identifying issues and objectives for research, developing research i. Neural Network Model for a Cement Kiln.
methodology, literature review, finding research material, referencing ii. An Exergy Analysis of a Hydrocarbon Processing Unit.
and citation, executing the research, reporting the findings of the
iii. Solids of Revolution: Pose from Symmetry.
research, dealing with supervisors.
iv. Heat Transfer Mechanism in Biological Fibrous
Semester: 2
Course code: GINF 6025 v. An Investigation into Wave Energy Potential of the
Course title: Professional Internship Caribbean and Application of Symmetrical Heaving
Number of credits: 3 Body Recovery Systems.
Prerequisites: On completion of a minimum vi. Deep Drawing with a Novel Technique for Blank
of 2 core courses Holding.
Syllabus: The content of this course will vary with the agency to vii. Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Local Building
which the student is assigned. Materials.
viii. Post-harvest Handling and Processing Systems for
Semester: Peanuts, Nutmegs, etc.
Course code: GINF 6006 ix. Refrigerated and Controlled Atmosphere Storage for
Course title: Research Project Breadfruit, Mangoes, Carambola, etc.
Number of credits: 12 x. Osmotic and Air-drying Behaviour of Fruit and Fish.
Prerequisites: NONE xi. A Reliability Centred Maintenance Programme.
Syllabus: A Research Project is required to be completed for the xii. Induction Melting of Iron Carbide.
MSc Geoinformatics. The research project report is expected to be xiii. Strategic Remodelling of the Quality Systems of the
the result of a comprehensive investigation and independent in- Laboratories at the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
depth analysis of a topic that is germane to the concentration that is (CEC).
being pursued by the student. The goal of the research should be to
study a specific area or phenomenon and to provide an incremental
contribution of new knowledge to the field of study or produce a new
interpretation of existing information.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
The Degree in Engineering Design Finally, the student will be asked to give a mandatory research
The Research Degree in Engineering Design is aimed at training Seminar within three (MPhil) or four (PhD) Semesters of first
students to carry out research and development in the area of Tool registration.
and Equipment Design for agriculture and related industry. This
will cover field equipment from hand tools and special accessories The Degree structure therefore comprises the following: -
for local crops and products, to handling and pre-processing i. An MPhil or PhD Thesis
equipment for the food industry. Farm machinery design and ii. Departmental Courses (three for MPhil, four for PhD)
development for small farm usage and for tropical crops will be iii. A Research Seminar
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Syllabuses Semester:
Semester: Course Code: AENG 6007
Course Code: AENG 6000 Course Title: Irrigation & Drainage Engineering
Course Title: Research Methodology No. of Credits:
No. of Credits: Prerequisites:
Prerequisites: Syllabus: Surface, sprinkler and trickle irrigation, land grading;
Syllabus: Critical discussion of the application of scientific methodology On-farm and scheme water requirements; Scheduling of irrigation;
to research in agricultural economics. The role of inductive and Design of canals and hydraulic structures; Drainage design theories;
deductive logic in scientific research in the Caribbean. Drain spacing and depth requirement for irrigated areas; Drainage
system monitoring; Computer applications.
Course Code: AENG 6001 Semester:
Course Title: Processing & Storage of Perishable Crops Course Code: AENG 6008
No. of Credits: Course Title: Soil Mechanics & Cultivation
Prerequisites: No. of Credits:
Syllabus: Harvesting and handling of perishable crops; Post-harvest Prerequisites:
physiology; Crop pre-treatment for storage and processing; Water Syllabus: Soil shear strength; Coulomb equation; Mohr-Coulomb
activity; Intermediate moisture foods; Principles of refrigeration and failure criteria; Active and passive Rankine states; Bearing capacity;
application to chilling and freezing; Thermal properties; Packing-house The general soil mechanics equation; Techniques for predicting
requirements; Packaging; Perishable process/Preservation principles. forces on soil engaging tools; Soil cultivation requirements and
techniques for effective crop production.
Course Code: AENG 6002 Semester:
Course Title: Processing & Storage of Durable Crops Course Code: AENG 6009
No. of Credits: Course Title: Soil & Water Conservation
Prerequisites: Engineering
Syllabus: Crop physical properties and characteristics; Harvest No. of Credits:
methods; Transient heat and mass transfer; Psychrometrics; Handling; Syllabus: Soil erosion study as a basis for designing soil conservation
Cleaning; Drying and storage systems; Dehydration; Pest control; schemes; Water and wind erosion; Erositivity; Erodibility; Soil loss
Primary processing operations; Milling; Separation and Extraction; prediction; Design of terraces; Waterways; Shelter belts; Gully control
Processing of selected tropical crops. structures; Conservation tillage; Water resources conservation and
development. Computer applications.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
At the undergraduate level in Mechanical & Manufacturing Full-time students: Normally expected to complete the course
Engineering, students are founded on the areas of Engineering examination requirements within two (2) semesters for MPhil
Mechanics and Design, Thermal Engineering and Energy Systems, and three (3) semesters for PhD, and complete the programme in
and Manufacturing Design, Processes and Systems. Students accordance with the relevant University Regulations.
acquire the ability to deal with interrelated activities and operations
involving product design, materials selection, production planning, Departmental Courses
quality assurance and management, and development of methods Depending upon their academic background, students will
for integrating facilities and systems by which products may be be required to take three (MPhil) or four (PhD) Departmental
manufactured economically. courses. These courses will be used to direct the students
approach towards the research topic in particular, strengthening
At the undergraduate level in Industrial Engineering, students are their knowledge base in their area of interest and to research
grounded in Information Systems and Technology, Manufacturing methodology in general.
Systems and Technology, Human Factors Engineering, and
Management Science Operations Research. The current emphasis A. Compulsory Course
of IE is on the design, improvement and installation of integrated MENG 6508 Research Methods
systems of people, material, equipment, information and energy.
Graduates are employed in the service and manufacturing b. Elective Courses in PRODUCTION
industries to harness and manage resources for sustainable ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT /
development in the Caribbean region. Industrial Engineering
Course Course
The Aims and Objectives Code Title
The objectives of the MPhil/PhD programmes in Mechanical/ IENG 6000 Total Quality Management
Manufacturing/Industrial Engineering by research are: IENG 6001 Expert Systems (COMP 2800 OR IENG 3004)*
IENG 6002 Distributed Information
a. To provide training at the postgraduate level in specialised Systems & Databases (IENG 3013)*
Mechanical / Manufacturing/Industrial Engineering subject IENG 6003 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
areas through teaching and to solve engineering problems IENG 6004 Occupational Biomechanics
through research. IENG 6005 Industrial Ergonomics
b. To assist in the transfer of new, emerging and advanced IENG 6006 Occupational Safety & Health
technologies to the businesses of the Region through the IENG 6007 Industrial Automation
mechanism of research projects. IENG 6009 Robotic Technology & Applications
c. To develop and augment the regions pool of expertise in IENG 6010 Operations Research in Manufacturing I
Mechanical/Manufacturing/Industrial Engineering. (IENG 3007)*
d. To assist in the development of the Region through an IENG 6011 Operations Research in Manufacturing II
outreach programme. (IENG 3007)*
IENG 6012 Operations Research in Services (IENG 3007)*
Entry Requirements IENG 6013 Directed Readings
a. BSc Honours Degree in Industrial, Mechanical, Manufacturing MATH 3530 Mathematics III (MATH 2240)*
or Electrical Engineering or equivalent. Only in exceptional MENG 6506 Project Management
circumstances will candidates with pass degrees be
b. Normally, at least one (1) year of industrial experience is
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: IENG 6006 Course Code: IENG 6012
Course Title: Occupational Safety & Health Course Title: Operations Research in Services
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: IENG 3007
Syllabus: Introduction to occupational safety and health. Syllabus: Application of operations research methodology to
Occupational health. Occupational safety. Ergonomics applied strategy, facilities, logistics, and scheduling decisions in service
to occupational safety and health. Insurance. Management of organisations.
occupational safety and health. Information sources and databases.
Training programmes in occupational safety and health. Economics. Semester:
Analytical tools. Legal aspects of occupational safety and health. Course Code: IENG 6013
Course Title: Directed Readings
Semester: No. of Credits: 3
Course Code: IENG 6007 Prerequisites:
Course Title: Industrial Automation Syllabus: A critical review of the current literature in a special
No. of Credits: 3 topic of importance to Industrial Engineering.
Syllabus: Introduction to control systems. Discrete models for Semester:
machines and processes. Analog and discrete controllers. The Course Code: MATH 3530)
B-transform. Transfer functions and block diagrams. Solution Course Title: Mathematics III
of difference equations. Stability analysis. Discrete function No. of Credits: 3
generation. Response of computer control systems. Final value Prerequisites: MATH 2240
theorem. Discrete controller design. Sampling. Feedforward and Syllabus: Linear algebra. Systems of equation, vector spaces,
cascaded control systems. Binary logic. Architecture of computer determinants, eigen values, similarity, positive definite matrices,
systems. Assembly programming. Interfacing techniques. Boolean singular value decomposition. Optimisation and mathematical
algebra. Ladder diagrams. Sequential logic design. programming. Calculus of variations.
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: IENG 6009 Course Code: MENG 6200
Course Title: Robotic Technology & Applications Course Title: Production Technology
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: MENG 2008
Syllabus: Basic structure of robotics; classification and structure Syllabus: This course follows on from the fundamental principles
of robotic systems. Drives and control systems. Co-ordinate of the manufacturing process and design in the undergraduate
transformation and kinematic analysis. Trajectory planning programme and emphasises the broader aspects of the production
and control. Programming. Intelligent robotic systems. Robotic systems as opposed to the processes themselves. Topics will include
applications and installations. welding design considerations and specifications, foundry systems,
metal-forming equipment, polymer technology, machining system,
Semester: automation and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Course Code: IENG 6010
Course Title: Operations Research in Semester:
Manufacturing I Course Code: MENG 6201
No. of Credits: 3 Course Title: Machine Tool Technology
Prerequisites: IENG 3013 No. of Credits: 3
Syllabus: Application of Operations Research methodology Prerequisites:
to Strategy, Planning, Scheduling, Sequencing, and distribution Syllabus: Functional study of different types of machine tool
decisions in manufacturing organisations. elements such as spindles drives, bedways, bearings, tool holders,
and work holding devices; effect of vibrations and methods of
Semester: controlling vibrations; lubrication and cooling; acceptance test
Course Code: IENG 6011 for machine tools; machine tools for newer machining techniques;
Course Title: Operations Research in large machine tool systems, numerical control of machine tools.
Manufacturing II
No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: IENG 3007
Syllabus: Application of operations research methodology to
distribution, Independent inventory, layout and handling, and
Maintenance decisions in manufacturing organisations.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: MENG 6202 Course Code: MENG 6302
Course Title: Applied Materials Technology Course Title: Design of Plant & Services
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: This course follows on from the fundamental principles Syllabus: Product, process and schedule design, line balancing;
in the undergraduate programme and goes further into the more Activity relationships and space requirements; Personnel
applied aspects of materials performance. The emphasis would be requirements; Material handling including robotic and automatic-
on preventive and investigative methods and would include such guided vehicles; Plant layout; Computer-aided plant layout;
topics as inspection techniques, failure mechanisms and analysis. Receiving and shipping; Storage and warehousing; Office
planning; Facility services - electricity, water, air-conditioning
Semester: communications.
Course Code: MENG 6203
Course Title: Robotic Technology & Applications Semester:
No. of Credits: 3 Course Code: MENG 6303
Prerequisites: Course Title: Computer Control Systems
Syllabus: Basic structure of robots; Classification and structure No. of Credits: 3
of robotic systems; Drives and control systems; Co-ordinate Prerequisites:
transformation and kinematic analysis; Trajectory planning Syllabus: Concepts of computer control; Process modelling,
and control; Programming; Intelligent robotic systems; Robotic solution of difference equations; Stability analysis; System inputs
applications and installation. Programmable Logic Controls. and generating functions; System response; Discrete controller
design, stability and realisability; sample period selection, feed
Semester: forward control and cascade control; control computers; computer
Course Code: MENG 6300 interfacing and sensors for computer control.
Course Title: Applied Ergonomics
No. of Credits: 3 Semester:
Prerequisites: Course Code: MENG 6400
Syllabus: Effect of heat on workers, acclimatisation; noise Course Title: Production Planning & Control
in industry, hearing loss, noise control; Colours in working No. of Credits: 3
environments; Light sources, illumination standards, brightness and Prerequisites:
contrast, visual fatigue; Levers, dials and controls; Human vibration Syllabus: Computer-controlled production and inventory
control; Man-machine systems; Work design, hand-tool design, systems; Computer-aided process planning techniques; Database
work-station design; Wider application of ergonomics. configuration and techniques for forecasting and implementation
of aggregate plans; Groups Technology for planning and control;
SEMESTER: Manufacturing Automation Protocol at the Shop Floor; Computer-
COURSE CODE: MENG 6301 controlled scheduling and sequencing techniques; Computerised
NO. OF CREDITS: 3 Semester:
Syllabus: This course provides an overview of how computers Course Title: Advanced Production Management
are used to improve competitiveness in manufacturing enterprises. No. of Credits: 3
It takes a holistic viewpoint, tying together more detailed Prerequisites: IENG 3006 for the Project
considerations of elements of the manufacturing business that are Management Course only
presented in other courses. Understanding how computers and Syllabus: Designing, managing and improving operations
especially modelling and simulation have transformed product in competitive environments; Supply chain management/
and process development is a key theme. Another is how computer logistics in operations; Management of the global business/
applications are used in management of production operations operations environment; Managing technology and innovation
and support functions. for competitive advantage.
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: MENG 6301 Course Code: MENG 6402
Course Title: Computer Applications Course Title: Human Resource Management I
in Manufacturing No. of Credits: 3
No. of Credits: 3 Prerequisites:
Prerequisites: Syllabus: Formal and informal organisation; The bureaucratic
Syllabus: Introduction to artificial intelligence, artificial neural model; The organisational environment; Modern organisation
networks, expert systems, fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems and their theory; The individual in the organisation; SKAO; Theories
applications in the manufacturing and process industries.* of motivation and leadership industrial relations; IRA, RSBA;
Communication in organisations; Performance appraisal systems.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: MENG 6403 Course Code: MENG 6502
Course Title: Human Resource Management II Course Title: Financial Management
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: External staffing; Internal staffing; Base wage and Syllabus: Analysis of financial statements; Financial forecasting
salary systems; Training and development; Job evaluation and planning; Risk, return and valuation; Capital budgeting;
systems; HRM planning; OD and change; Occupational health and Financial structure and leverage; Cost of capital; Financing mix
safety; Future issues. decisions; Current asset management: Cash, marketable securities,
accounts receivables, inventory and short-term financing; Long-
Semester: term financing; Common stock, debt, preferred stock, term loans,
Course Code: MENG 6404 and leasing; Dividend policy.
Course Title: Maintenance Engineering
& Management Semester:
No. of Credits: 3 Course Code: MENG 6503
Prerequisites: Course Title: Applied Operations Research
Syllabus: Objectives and policies of maintenance; Reliability, No. of Credits: 3
availability, and maintainability; Failure statistics and analysis. Prerequisites:
Terotechnology and life cycle costing; Preventive maintenance: Syllabus: Modelling and optimisation of large scale systems;
Condition-based and scheduled maintenance; Corrective Linear and non-linear models, stochastic models, multi-criteria
maintenance and overhauls; Plant turnarounds; Work-planning models; Use of computer software packages; Decision support
and control; Performance and productivity analysis; Quantitative systems.
technique; Computer in maintenance.
Semester: Course Code: MENG 6504
Course Code: MENG 6405 Course Title: Technology & Product Development
Course Title: Total Quality Management No. of Credits: 3
No. of Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MENG 3013
Prerequisites: Syllabus: Relationship between technology transfers,
Syllabus: Philosophy and principles of total quality technological change and economic development. Technology
management; Customer satisfaction; Quality systems; Quality diffusion and innovation industry; Technology selection and
tools; Continuous improvement; Employee involvement and capacity planning; Design axioms and corollaries; Features in
empowerment; Supplier partnerships; Benchmarking; Quality design and manufacturing; Management of product development;
function deployment; Statistical process control; Taguchis quality Strategic approval; Integration of expert systems; Databases and
engineering; Experimental design. CAD; Neural networks in design of products.
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: MENG 6500 Course Code: MENG 6505
Course Title: Industrial Marketing Course Title: Health, Safety & The Environment
No. of Credits: 3 No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Syllabus: Nature and scope of marketing; Characteristics of Syllabus: Hazards associated with manual work, machinery,
industrial marketing; Organisational buyer behaviour; Industrial mechanical systems, construction and other common industrial
marketing research; Industrial marketing planning; Product scenarios; Safety technology and engineering controls; Electricity
planning, industrial innovation and new product strategies; and fire; Principles of industrial hygiene; Occupational health
Choice of channels and physical distribution; Price determination; hazards; Personal Protective Equipment; Ergonomics; Welfare
issues - the working environment; Risk assessment and hazard
Industrial advertising and sales promotion; Personal selling;
analysis; Job safety analysis; Safe systems of work, including permit
Marketing audit, cost analysis and controls. to work systems; Inspection techniques; Accidents: causation,
investigation, reporting and costs; Communication; Motivation
Semester: and training; Psychological factors in safe behaviour; Safety and
Course Code: MENG 6501 health legislation (in Trinidad and Tobago, and key legislation in
Course Title: Statistical Methods in Engineering the UK and USA).
No. of Credits: 3
Syllabus: Probability distributions; Estimation and hypothesis
testing; Correlation and regression analysis of variance;
Experimental design; Multivariate statistics.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Course Code: MENG 6506
MSc Programmes in
Course Title: Project Management
No. of Credits: 3
Production Engineering &
Prerequisites: Management,
Syllabus: Project identification in context of investment
programme at national and sectorial level; Pre-investment studies; Production Management,
Detailed project preparation, development and evaluational
project organisation; Project analysis and evaluation (technical, AND Engineering Management
economics, financial, social and environmental). Project MSc in Production Engineering & Management
implementation (procurement/contracts programming and MSc in Production Management
control); ex-post evaluation. MSc in Engineering Management
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
5. A part-time candidate who fails not more than one (1) course Course Listing
in a semester may be allowed a second attempt at the A. Production Technology and Materials
examination in that course. Course Course
Code Title
6. Candidates will not normally be permitted to repeat the MENG 6200) Production Technology MENG 2008*
examination of any one (1) course on more than one MENG 6201 Machine Tool Technology
subsequent occasion. MENG 6202 Applied Materials Technology MENG 3015
MENG 6203 Robotic Technology & Applications
Entry Requirements
The requirements for admission to the Programme are as B. Production Systems Design
follows: Course Course
i. MSc in Production Engineering & Management: Code Title
A BSc Degree in Mechanical, Industrial or Production MENG 6300 Applied Ergonomics
Engineering or an equivalent. MENG 6301 Computer Applications in Manufacturing
MENG 6302 Design of Plant & Services
MSc in Production Management: MENG 6303 Computer Control Systems
BSc Degree in Engineering or Science or an equivalent.
Candidates with other qualifications will be considered C. Production Management & Control
if they have at least ten (10) years industrial experience Course Course
in the area of Production Management. Qualifying Code Title
examinations may also be prescribed for such MENG 6400 Production Planning & Control
candidates. MENG 6401 Advanced Production Management MENG 3006
MENG 6402 Human Resource Management I
MSc in Engineering Management: MENG 6403 Human Resource Management II
BSc in Engineering or an equivalent. Candidates with MENG 6404 Maintenance Engineering & Management
other qualifications will be considered if they have at MENG 6405 Total Quality Management
least ten (10) years industrial experience in the area of
Engineering Management. Qualifying examinations D. Engineering Management & Optimisation
may also be prescribed for such candidates. Course Course
Code Title
ii. Normally, at least one (1) year of industrial experience MENG 6500 Industrial Marketing
is desirable. MENG 6501 Statistical Methods in Engineering
MENG 6502 Financial Management
MENG 6503 Applied Operations Research
MENG 6504 Technology & Product Development
(MENG 3013)
MENG 6505 Health, Safety & The Environment
MENG 6506 Project Management
MENG 6600 Final Project
MENG 6508 Research Methods
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
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P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Graduates in Engineering or Science wishing to pursue careers in The programme stresses university-industry linkages. Student
Engineering Asset Management may also apply. projects will normally be provided and sponsored by companies in
which a joint advisory committee of Faculty members and corporate
personnel will provide guidance.
MSc in Manufacturing
Course Listing
Engineering (MfgE) Compulsory Courses:
Course Course
The Aims and Objectives Code Title
i) To provide students with greater depth of technical MENG 6207 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
knowledge in manufacturing and greater breadth and MENG 6208 Product Tool & Manufacturing Analysis
options in related areas; MENG 6505 Health, Safety & The Environment
ii) To develop an understanding of manufacturing systems, MENG 6507 Entrepreneurship & Innovation
modelling and simulation. MENG 6508 Research Methods
iii) To provide a deeper understanding of the knowledge MENG 6603 Group Project
required for designing products, tools and manufacturing ENGR 6701 Management & Leadership
systems in a concurrent engineering perspective; MENG 6600 Final Project
iv) To synthesise and apply the knowledge and techniques in
the taught courses in project work; and One (1) course to be chosen from the following:
v) To develop an understanding of the multi-disciplinary Course Course
nature of manufacturing through group design projects Code Title
that provide experience in team-based business and design MENG 6402 Human Resource Management I
projects. MENG 6506 Project Management
Two (2) courses to be chosen from the following:
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: Semester:
Course Code: MENG 6207 Course Code: MENG 6401
Course Title: COMPUTER INTERGRATED Course Title: Advanced Production Management
MANUFACTURING No. of Credits: 3
No. of Credits: 3 Prerequisites: MENG 3006
Prerequisites: Syllabus: Designing, managing and improving operations in
Syllabus: Introduction to CIM; Role of the computer in competitive environments by focusing on key elements: Quality,
manufacturing; Hardware and software components of productivity and technology; Supply chain management/logistics
computer automation; Advanced computer architectures used in operations; Management of the global business/operations
in manufacturing; Computer Aided Design (CAD); Computer environment; Integrated flow of funds, data and materials;
Aided Manufacturing (CAM); Linking CAD with CAM; Control of Industrial ecology process and product audits, EIA and ISO 14000;
manufacturing equipment; Computer controlled parts handling Management and the legal environment.
and assembly; Simulation of manufacturing processes; Quality in
CIM perspective; Programmable factory. Semester:
Course Code: MENG 6402
Semester: Course Title: Human Resource Management I
Course Code: MENG 6208 No. of Credits: 3
Course Title: PRODUCT TOOL & MANUFACTURING Prerequisites:
ENGINEERING Syllabus: Formal and informal organisations; The bureaucratic
No. of Credits: 3 model; The organisational environment; Modern organisation
Prerequisites: theory; The individual in the organisation; SKAO; Theories
Syllabus: Product domain/process domain; Product design/ of motivation and leadership; Industrial relations; IRA, RSBA;
product quality; Process flow chart; Sheet metal forming design Communication in organisations; Performance appraisal systems.
considerations; Metal cast parts design; Plastic component design;
Wood products design; Design for assembly; Finishes; Detailed Semester:
tool, dye and mould design; Equipment selection; Manufacturing Course Code: MENG 6405
support systems. Course Title: Total Quality Management
No. of Credits: 3
Semester: Prerequisites:
Course Code: MENG 6304 Syllabus: Philosophies and principles of total quality
Course Title: Advanced Manufacturing Systems management; Customer satisfaction; Quality systems; Quality
No. of Credits: 3 tools; Continuous improvement; Employee involvement and
Prerequisites: empowerment; Supplier partnerships; Benchmarking; Quality
Syllabus: Flexible manufacturing concepts: Planning and function deployment; Statistical process control; Taguchi's quality
Control of FMS; Cellular manufacturing; Case studies in flexible engineering; Experimental design.
manufacturing; Global strategy issues: Structuring international
capacity; strategic management of advanced integrated Semester:
manufacturing technologies; Methods and tools for agile Course Code: MENG 6504
manufacturing; Manufacturing strategy for globally competitive Course Title: Technology & Product Development
market evaluation, selection and adoption of AMS: Decision No. of Credits: 3
support system for evaluating and selecting projects incorporating Prerequisites: MENG 3013
strategic business objectives; Planning and justification of Syllabus: Relationship between technology transfers,
advanced manufacturing technologies; Implementation issues; technological change and economic development. Technology
Practices for implementing concurrent engineering; Simulation diffusion and innovation industry; Technology selection and
for cellular layouts; Internet for manufacturing managers and capacity planning; Design axioms and corollaries; Features in
researchers. design and manufacturing; Management of product development;
Strategic approval; Integration of expert systems; Databases and
SEMESTER: CAD; Neural networks in design of products.
Syllabus: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA).
Material properties. Truss and beam elements. Two-dimensional
brick elements. Combining elements. Static linear analysis,
modal analysis and buckling. Verification of accuracy of results.
Introduction to non-linear analysis. Application to manufacturing
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
SYLLABUS: Maintainability Functions and Measures.
Maintainability Tools. Availability. Maintainability Design
Characteristics. Maintainability Design for Human Factors and
Safety. Maintainability Prediction and Demonstration.
SYLLABUS: Reliability of components and systems. Reliability
Modeling and Prediction Failure Mode Effects and Criticality
Analysis. Fault Tree Analysis. Design for Reliability Reliability Data
Collection and Analysis. Reliability Testing and Demonstration.
Root Cause Failure Analysis. Reliability Improvement
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
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P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: 2 SEMESTER: 1
Course Code: PRMG 6007 COURSE CODE: PRMG 6015
Course Title: Procurement Management, COURSE TITLE: Contract Management & Contract Law
Logistics & Contracting for Project Managers
No. of Credits: 3 NO. OF CREDITS: 3
Prerequisites: SYLLABUS: An introduction of the different legal systems, the
Syllabus: Principles and concepts essential to effecting large hierarchy of local courts, creation of laws and the role of the
procurement programmes. Planning, sourcing and contractual Parliament and Statute. Contract and the conduct of business.
design for diverse acquisitions. This course examines processes Types of Contracts (Oral v. Written). Employment contract,
through which works, goods and services are acquired in the contracts of service and contracts for services (Consultation, etc).
project management. Topics include: What is procurement Elements of the law of Contract and application to business. Sale
management, contract and procurement strategies [IDB, WB, EEC, of Goods Contracts, Insurance Contracts, Warranties, Guarantees.
CDB, private sector and public sector]; legal issues, contracting Different types of Contracts, Admeasurement Contracts, Cost
pricing alternatives; writing terms; reference, technical, managerial plus Imbursement Contracts, Lump Sum Contracts, Labour only
and commercial requirements, request for proposals (RFP) contracts, their Application and Management. Standard Form
development, source selection, invitation to bid, bid evaluation Contracts and their parts. Standards, Specification and Codes of
(process criteria report), risk assessment, contract negotiation and Practice. The different procurement systems; Design and Build
administration, contract close out and case studies. (D&B) Turnkey contracts, Design, Finance and Contracts.
Semester: 2
Course Code: PRMG 6010 Syllabuses for Electives
Course Title: Risk Management for Project Semester: 2
Managers Course Code: PRMG 6005
No. of Credits: 3 Course Title: Marketing Management & Business
Prerequisites: Communication
Syllabus: This course will emphasise risks and risk management No. of Credits: 3
processes in projects and firms that are involved in project Prerequisites:
management. It will discuss and explore the concept of risk Syllabus: This course presents a structured approach to
management both from the strategic and tactical levels. Topics: understanding the marketing function. Each student chooses
Why project risk management? The risk management cycle, a product or service and develops a written marketing plan to
the nature of risk management, risk and decision-makers, learn how to determine and integrate the elements of marketing
integration, general approach and definitions, risk identification, strategy. Topics include: marketing segregation, targeting and
risk assessment goals and methodology, computer applications, positioning, market research, product decisions, pricing, channels
risk response and documentation, management of contingency of distribution, sales management, advertising, marketing
allowances, managing the risks of the project environment dealing budgets. Business communication emphasises communication
with risks in contracts and project risk analysis and management competencies that can help ensure business success. Topics
(tools and techniques) e.g. assumption analysis, check lists, prompt covered include how to conduct research, analyse information
lists, brainstorming, Delphi technique, probability impact tables, and prepare business reports, deliver effective information and
interviews, risk register, decision trees, influence diagrams, Monte persuasive oral presentations, work successfully with an assigned
Carlo simulation, sensitivity analysis, PERT and control techniques). group and communicate effectively in a global workplace.
The practical use of statistics in collecting, organising, analysing,
interpreting and presenting data both descriptive and inferential Semester: 1
techniques are covered. The perspective will be aimed at medium Course Code: PRMG 6008
and upper level project managers in various organisations. Course Title: Project Estimating &
Cost Management
No. of Credits: 3
Syllabus: This course addresses the need for project managers
to understand and apply advance tools and techniques to the
development and management of project financial plans. Topics
include project cost and benefit estimation, project financial
analysis, project simulation, budgeting, cost/schedule integration,
the cost breakdown structure, the cost commitment profile,
techniques for monitoring and controlling project cost, methods
of payment and their uses, types of estimate, estimates at different
stages of the project life cycle, estimating methods such as:
parametric, comparative, bottom-up estimating, computerised
tools, analytical, accuracy of estimates, earned value management
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Semester: 2 SEMESTER: 1
Course Code: PRMG 6009 COURSE CODE: PRMG 6016
Technology Projects NO OF CREDITS: 3
Prerequisite: PRMG 6002 SYLLABUS: The course treats with the historical evolution of the
Syllabus: This course addresses all areas of IT project management, concept of ethics from antiquity to the present debate within the various
hardware, software, systems integration, and human resources. It professions. It relates ethics to several areas of the Law, Contract, Statute
extends traditional project management concepts into the IT arena. and Tort. The course is then divided into the Old challenges, Registration
Topics covered: IT project phases, strategies for IT projects, Project Boards, Registration Acts, Abuse of Privilege, Office and power, Conflict
initiation and requirements definition, establishing IT project teams, of interest and the role of professional bodies. The course then discusses
project planning estimation, project execution and control, project
the new challenges, Environmental Ethics, Whistle Blowing and Business
close-out, managing hardware and telecommunications projects,
Ethics, Medical Research, Integrity legislation, Plagiarism, Copyright,
managing software projects, managing systems, integration
Intellectual property and Confidentiality. The course then seeks to
ground the discussion on the ethical dilemma through case studies and
Semester: 2 finally the development of a unified code of ethics.
Course Code: PRMG 6011
Course Title: Advanced Project SEMESTER: 2
Management Practice COURSE CODE: PRMG 6017
Syllabus: Advanced PM practice and professional exam NO OF CREDITS: 3
preparation examines current topics in the project management PREREQUISITES: NONE
field and provides a comprehensive review of the project SYLLABUS: The course discusses the business environment within the
management body of knowledge PMBOK (USA) and BOK (Europe). informal sector, small and medium enterprises, sole traders, the NGOs,
Topics include: global project management, leadership, virtual and CBOs. It discusses the unique challenges to the conduct of business
teams and project information systems. within this sector. It treats with the principal weaknesses of management
operations and practice in the sector and the role of documentation,
Semester: 1 availability and use of technology, written and oral communication
Course Code: PRMG 6012 and the preparation of a business plan as well as managing finance,
Course Title: Value Engineering & Management organizational structure, applications of management tools in respect of
No. of Credits: 3 time, cost and quality management. It discusses the unique challenges
Prerequisites: of applying management tools to this sector. The course is about
Syllabus: This course provides students with central concepts identifying and studying the unique nature of small business and seeks
and practical tools and techniques in Value Engineering (VE), Value to answer the question; does small business require a separate and
Management (VM) and Value Analysis (VA). Topics include: the distinct managerial strategy and distinct tools?
value concept, value engineering methodology [information phase,
speculative phase, analytical phase, proposal phase and final report SEMESTER: 2
phase]. Several techniques for project selection e.g., breakdown
analyses, cost modelling techniques, delphi techniques, energy
modelling, lifecycle cost model. Life cycle costing methodology.
Value management plan, keys to successful VE implementation and
programme management strategy for a VE/VA programme. INSTITUTIONS)
Course Code: PRMG 6013 MANAGERS
Course Title: International Project Management PRMG 6004 PROJECT ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE
No. of Credits: 3 SYLLABUS: The course is offered as a specialist course in Risk
Prerequisites: Management as it applies to the financial sector. It provides knowledge
Syllabus: Geography, culture and society, transnational and understanding of the key elements of risk management and
commerce and finance; international principles and regulations for their ability to protect business organizations and add value to the
procurement of finance, goods and services, tendering procedures; organization and shareholder value. It identifies the key risks facing
project preparation, planning, financing and execution; international financing services institutions and identifies the source of risks especially
contract law and operations in the conduct of transnational projects, in banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions. It
preparing contracts, negotiating contracts, dispute resolution; discusses the question of due diligence and the role of central banks
transnational joint ventures and the management of resources for and regulatory legislation. It explores the relevance and application of
project execution and closure. various statistical measures within risk analysis. It also discusses special
issues e.g. Efficient Market Hypothesis; Mean Variance Portfolio Theory,
Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Factor Models and Risk Adjusted Measures.
The course uses case studies as the principal vehicle of treating with
financial risk management practices.
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P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
The results of the examination shall be published in a Pass List Candidates whose work is at any time reported by their Supervisors
in which names of the successful candidates shall be arranged to be unsatisfactory or who do not satisfy the Examiners on Courses
alphabetically as follows: or Project Work that form part of the programme will be required to
i. Distinction withdraw and will be removed from the Register of Postgraduate
ii. Pass students.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Such students shall not normally be readmitted for at least two (2)
years thereafter. Students readmitted to these programmes shall be
eligible for credits for those courses passed creditably during their
previous registration, provided that not more than five (5) years
have elapsed since the applicants withdrew from the University MPHIL QUALIFYING
and that the course content has not changed significantly in the
General Regulations
Any person wishing to proceed to MPhil in the Faculty of
Engineering must take a qualifying examination unless:
RESEARCH DEGREES a) He/she possesses at least a an Upper Second Class Honours
Degree or equivalent in the area in which he/she is working
General Regulations
or in a related area;
A candidate for the MPhil degree is required to read courses
totaling a minimum of six (6) credits. A candidate for the PhD
b) He/she has been appointed to the post of Assistant Lecturer
degree is required to read courses totaling a minimum of nine (9)
or higher in the Faculty;
credits. Candidates are required to pass both the coursework and
the written examinations before submitting the thesis.
c) The Board for Graduate Studies and Research exempts him/
her on the recommendation of the Faculty Sub-committee of
Where graduate students write undergraduate examinations
the Board for Graduate Studies and Research.
for graduate credit, or where they are writing qualifying or
departmental examinations, they must pass both components of
The qualifying examination shall consist of at least two (2) papers
the course (i.e. coursework and written examination) in accordance
lasting three (3) hours each.
with the Universitys marking scheme before proceeding to
graduate work.
Normally, one of the papers shall be taken from the BSc (Eng)
Degree Examination or be of equivalent standard and one will be
Master of Philosophy
specific paper in the specialist area of interest.
The MPhil Degree shall be awarded on the basis of an examination
by thesis and the appropriate University Regulations for the
There shall be a Moderator appointed by the Dean on the
Masters Degree shall apply.
recommendation of the Head of Department from among persons
not working in the Department(s) involved in the research.
Candidates applying for registration should normally be holders
of a Bachelors Degree in Engineering or other appropriate field
The Head of the Department will assign the responsibility for
of at least the standard of at least an Upper Second Class Honours
the preparation of the question papers and the marking of the
Degree of The University of the West Indies. Holders of lower
class Degrees or a General Bachelors Degree must normally pass
qualifying examinations. The Moderator mentioned in the Regulations above shall be
required to examine the question papers before the examination
Doctor of Philosophy and to examine the scripts after they have been marked. He may, if
The appropriate University and Faculty of Engineering Regulations he wishes, require an oral examination. In order for the candidate to
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall apply. pass, the Examiners must certify to the Board for Graduate Studies
and Research that the candidate has reached at least a standard
Attendance at the oral examination for the PhD Degree in equivalent to Second Class Honours in the papers examined and
the Faculty of Engineering shall be open to the academic and the Moderator must give his approval of the examination.
professional community. A minimum of seven days notice shall
be given before the examination.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
On acceptance for postgraduate studies a part-time student shall They will also be required to carry out coursework as prescribed.
be assigned to one or more supervisors to whom the student shall
report in person or in writing not less than once every term. The examination will be conducted by means of written papers
and course work. Candidates may be orally examined on any part
All part-time postgraduate students may be required to attend such of the examinations.
postgraduate seminars as may be arranged by the department in
the Faculty of Engineering during the academic year. Part-time students will be required to take examinations in two (2)
courses in the first year and the third course in the second year.
Not less than two (2) calendar years (unless the Faculty relaxes this
requirement if it can be shown that the candidates employment The Board of the Faculty of Engineering may recommend to the
is such that his normal work is the same as the research work Senate the withdrawal of any candidate whose performance it
for his degree) after passing the qualifying examination a part- considers unsatisfactory.
time student for the MPhil will present a dissertation and may
also be orally examined on the general field of study or on the Successful completion of the examination will lead to the award
dissertation. of a Certificate in Construction Engineering or Construction
Management or Construction Engineering & Management. The
A part-time student for the PhD will submit a thesis and be orally designation will depend on the course combinations.
examined in the general field of study and on the thesis not less than
three (3) calendar years (unless the Faculty relaxes this requirement The results of the examinations shall be published in a Pass List in
if it can be shown that the candidates employment is such that his which the names of the successful candidates shall be arranged
normal work is the same as the research work for his degree) after alphabetically.
registration for the degree.
The reports of the examiners and the Pass List shall be laid before
The award to a part-time student of the postgraduate degree, be it the Senate for approval.
Master's or PhD Degree, will be subject to the conditions of award
to full-time postgraduate students. A Certificate in Construction Engineering or Construction
Management or Construction Engineering & Management under
For part-time students, an MPhil thesis must be submitted normally the seal of the University shall be sent thereafter to each successful
not later than six (6) years after the date of registration. Similarly, candidate.
a PhD thesis must be submitted not later than eight (8) years after
the date of registration.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
PROGRAMMES: project mark is 50%) all examiners should normally concur. Where
there is no-agreement among examiners, the Board of Examiners
will decide on the appropriate action to be taken. For programmes
MSc/MASc/DIPLOMA with less than 25% project credit rating, the use of an external
examiner could be avoided.
Guideline for Postgraduate Programmes: MSc
The following are the approved guidelines for the conduct of Withdrawal
Graduate Programme in the Faculty of Engineering. A candidate required to withdraw will not be considered for re-
admission within two (2) years of their withdrawal, but within five
Registration (5) years after withdrawal. The candidate will retain credits for
A full-time candidate will not normally be permitted to register for courses already successfully completed. Candidates who voluntarily
more than 18 credits per semester, and a part-time candidate for withdraw may be allowed to re-enter at the next available
not more than 9 credits. opportunity. In this case, all credits previously accumulated will
be retained by the candidate (normally for up to five (5) years
A full-time student should complete all the course requirements thereafter, at the discretion of the department).
(including project) within two (2) years, a part-time student within
four (4) years. No extensions will be granted to students beyond three (3) years
full-time and six (6) years of part-time.
Total Number of Credits in Master's Programme
The total number of credits should normally be set at 45 in
accordance with the recommendations of the Board for Graduate
Performance of Students:
Qualifying candidates may normally be allowed one (1) attempt
at the original examination for any one course.
Masters/Diploma candidates may normally not have more than
two (2) attempts at an examination for any one course.
To maintain registration, candidates should normally pass a
minimum of 50% of the course load in each semester.
Oral Examination
Students may be orally examined at the discretion of the Depart-
ment, subject to the approval of The Office of Graduate Studies
and Research.
Marking System
Examination of Project Report
Examiners must observe the University guidelines for report
marking. Marks awarded for each section should be indicated in
the report together with brief comments. Where this is not done,
the report will be sent back to the examiner for re-examination.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
It is now a requirement for all students to pass their written
assignments, be it coursework, theses, research papers, project
reports through plagiarism detection software. In the case of
theses, research papers and project reports, supervisors are
required to sit with their students and run the thesis, research
paper or project report through Turnitin in order to provide
guidance on any revisions that may be required as a result of
this process.
Supervisors must then sign the relevant forms indicating that
the student has indeed run their work through a plagiarism
detection software.
Post Graduate Students submitting theses, research papers
or project reports for examination must submit an electronic
copy of the Turnitin report to the Office of Graduate Studies
and Research.
The similarity index in the Turnitin report should not be higher
than 9%.
Please note that if it exceeds 9% the thesis, project report or
research paper will not be accepted for examination by the
Office of Graduate Studies and Research.
P O S T G R A D U A T E R E G U L A T I O N S & S Y L L A B U S E S 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3