Sub 155362
Sub 155362
Sub 155362
Abstract: Food is essential for nourishment and sustenance of life. The food sorting system gives us various information like color,
shape, size, defect etc. There are two way for inspecting food products, first is the external food inspection while other is the internal
food inspection. External inspection is done through image processing while internal measurement is done by sensors which can
calculate moisture content, sugar content etc. In this paper embedded system is designed for multisorting and it is implemented through
Matlab. It is a user dependent system, where user has to decide what type of sorting is required whether its on basis of color, size or
quality. Manual method is slow, costly and also lacks reliability and objectivity required in competitive food industries. The system
consist of one web camera, personal computer, two servomotors, one PCB, microcontroller working on Arduino platform, one LCD for
displaying on which mode are you working and other mechanical part. The samples of different vegetables are situated in front of
camera and are calibrated off line. All the information are extracted and saved in database.
2.2.1 Processing block: AVR family atmega 168,its a 28 pin Software used
ic,16kb flash memory,8 bit processor, 14 digital Arduino compilercontroller program
IP/OP port, 6 analog IP/OP port, 16 MHz clock Dock light hardware manual testing
frequency, 1 UART, cp2102.. USB to UART driver
2.2.2 Basic circuit elements: power source, clock, reset, Library used:
timers, memory, glue circuit for the elements linking Servo.h
and interfaces LiquidCrystal.h
3. Sorting based on quality Now in mode 1 if area is positive for red then red flag turns 1
If i=3 is selected than sorting will be done on basis of quality else 0. Similar process occurs for green and yellow colored
Grading vegetables on basis of quality is very important vegetables. Snapshots of the processed images are shown in
factor, for health benefits .here we done our experiment on figure for color sorting original image and corresponding its
tomatoes. There are several factors which decide the quality binary image is shown in figure 3.
of tomatoes. We have checked quality on basis of whether its
spotted tomato or spotless.
For finding defects or spots we following steps were done
1. With the help of matlab function regionprop first
centroid and bounding box were found.
2. Then this bounding box was passed to overall binary
image and all pixel values were checked. Pixel location
where value found is zero is counted. This is done because
all the pixel location where there is any defect that will
appear as black.
3. Then particular threshold value is selected by user if the
counted value is greater than the threshold value than the
tomato will be declared as defected, otherwise its a good
All algorithms for image processing were written in
MATLAB (The Math-works, inc,
USA). Figure 4 in next page showing flowchart sequence of
the work done in this research
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Author Profile
Archana Kumari received the Degree in
electronics and Electrical Engineering from kalinga
Institute of Industrial Technology, BBSR and
currently pursuing her M-tech from IGDTUW in
robotics and automation branch.