Percentages Can Be
Percentages Can Be
Percentages Can Be
Decimals can be written as a percentages by moving the decimal point two places to the right:
To convert a percentage to a fraction, divide by 100 and reduce the fraction (if possible):
2) The price of a $1.50 candy bar was to be increased by 20%. What was the new price?
3) The tax on an item is $6.00. The tax rate is 15%. What is the price without tax?
Similar types of problems to those in the examples above are solved in a series of three mini-
lessons on Calculating with Percent. These are listed below.
#1: Introduction
#3: Calculating with Percent e.g. 6 out of 8 is what % and 15 is 30% of what?
Percentage Chart
This Percentage Chart shows what 15% of $1 through $100 is although it is customizable so you can
set the percentage and the numbers to whatever you want.
Find 1% - The Unitary Method
Handy Tip: A good way of finding percentages is to start by finding what 1% is.
Example: What is 6% of 31?
We now know what 1% is. We just need to multiply it by 6 to find 6% .31 x 6 = 1.86
6% of 31 is 1.86
You can practice calculating percentages by first finding 1% (and/ or finding 10%) and then
multiplying to get your final answer using this Calculating Percentages in Two Steps Worksheet. There
are also more percentage worksheets here too.
Common error when finding a percentage
Since percentages are often thought of as parts of a larger whole thing, there can a tendency to
divide instead of multiply when faced with a problem such as "find 35% of 80." As the example below
shows, after converting the percent to a decimal, the next step is to multiply, not divide.