Organizational Feasibility Study

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Feasibility Study

Alen Astillero

Trisha Amor Gatdula

Joyce Montano

Nomer Palomar

Francis Joshua Rodriguez

Purpose of an Organizational Feasibility Study
To define the legal and corporate structure of the business. An
Organizational Feasibility Study may also include professional background
information about the founders and principals of the business and what skills
they can contribute to the business.

A legal structure (entity structure) is the legal definition of your

business e.g., corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship.

A normal corporate structure consists of various departments that

contribute to the company's overall mission and goals. Common departments
include Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Human Resource, and IT.

Your organizational feasibility study should include:

Description of Your Business Structure
Description of Your Organizational Structure
Internal and External Principles and Practices of the Business
Professional Skills and Resumes

Organizational Function
An organizational or business function is a core process or set of
activities carried out within a department or areas of a company. Common
functions include operations, marketing, human resources, information
technology, customer service, finance and warehousing.

General Management is concerned with the leadership and management of the

enterprise as a whole.
Business finance is a term that encompasses a wide range of activities and
disciplines revolving around the management of money and other valuable
Personnel administration is the phase of management concerned with the
engagement and effective utilization of manpower to obtain optimum efficiency of
human resources.
Marketing are activities of a company associated with buying and selling a
product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to
Production is a process of workers combining various material inputs and
immaterial inputs (plans, know-how) in order to make something for consumption
(the output). It is the act of creating output, a good or service which has value and
contributes to the utility of individuals.

Organizational Structure
Top management - The highest ranking executives (with titles such as
chairman/chairwoman, chief executive officer, managing director, president, executive
directors, executive vice-presidents, etc.) responsible for the entire enterprise.
Top management translates the policy (formulated by the board-of-directors) into goals,
objectives, and strategies, and projects a shared-vision of the future. It makes decisions that
affect everyone in the organization, and is held entirely responsible for the success or
failure of the enterprise.

Middle management - Comprises of managers who head specific departments (such

as accounting, marketing, production) or business units, or who serve as project managers
in flat organizations. Middle managers are responsible for implementing the top
management's policies and plans and typically have two management levels below them.
Usually among the first to be slashed in the 'resizing' of a firm, middle management
constitutes the thickest layer of managers in a traditional (tall pyramid shaped) organization.

Supervisory management - The action of overseeing and managing employees in

the workplace. Supervisory management is offered as a common course in many business
and trade schools in order to train people to work in a supervisory capacity and effectively
manage the work force in a company.

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