5X80 User's Guide
5X80 User's Guide
5X80 User's Guide
Users Guide
Hand Held Products, Inc. (Hand Held Products) reserves the right to make
changes in specifications and other information contained in this document
without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult Hand Held
Products to determine whether any such changes have been made. The
information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of
Hand Held Products.
Hand Held Products shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or
omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All
rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced,
or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Hand
Held Products.
2002-2005 Hand Held Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
Web Address: www.handheld.com
Microsoft Windows is either a registered trademark or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and
other countries.
Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of other companies and are the property of their
respective owners.
The 5010/5080 or 5110/80 Image Engine, integrated into an OEM device, may
require testing by the OEM to insure compliance with the following federal
47 CFR Part 15
ECs Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC) and Low
Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC)
Laser Eye Safety Statement for 5310/80 Series Engines
The 5310/80 is intended for use in CDRH/IEC Class 2 devices.
The crossed out wheeled bin symbol informs you that the product should
not be disposed of along with municipal waste and invites you to use the
appropriate separate take-back systems for product disposal.
If you need more information on the collection, reuse, and recycling systems,
please contact your local or regional waste administration.
You may also contact your supplier for more information on the environmental
performances of this product.
Table of Contents
Chapter 4 - Output
Image VGA........................................................................... 4-1
Good Read Indicators ........................................................... 4-1
Beeper Good Read ...................................................... 4-1
Beeper Volume Good Read ........................................ 4-2
Beeper Pitch Good Read ............................................. 4-2
Beeper Duration Good Read ....................................... 4-3
LED Good Read.......................................................... 4-3
LED Good Read Polarity ............................................... 4-3
Number of Beeps Good Read ..................................... 4-4
Beep Polarity.................................................................. 4-5
Good Read Delay.................................................................. 4-6
User-Specified Good Read Delay......................................... 4-6
Trigger Modes ...................................................................... 4-6
Manual/Serial Trigger .................................................... 4-6
Snap and Ship................................................................. 4-8
Host Notify Mode .......................................................... 4-8
Scan Stand Mode .................................................................. 4-9
Scan Stand Symbol ........................................................ 4-9
Presentation Mode ................................................................ 4-9
Presentation LED Behavior after Decode .................... 4-10
Presentation LED Time-Out ........................................ 4-10
Presentation Sensitivity................................................ 4-10
Hands Free Time-Out ......................................................... 4-11
Reread Delay ...................................................................... 4-11
User-Specified Reread Delay ............................................. 4-12
LED Power Level ............................................................... 4-12
Illumination Lights ............................................................. 4-13
Imager Time-Out ................................................................ 4-13
Aimer Delay........................................................................ 4-14
User-Specified Aimer Delay ........................................ 4-14
Aimer Modes ...................................................................... 4-14
Thermal Considerations ............................................... 4-15
Centering............................................................................. 4-16
Decode Search Mode.......................................................... 4-18
Output Sequence Overview ................................................ 4-19
Output Sequence Editor ............................................... 4-22
Require Output Sequence............................................. 4-22
Multiple Symbols ............................................................... 4-22
No Read .............................................................................. 4-23
Print Weight........................................................................ 4-24
Video Reverse..................................................................... 4-24
Working Orientation........................................................... 4-25
To Add a Prefix or Suffix: .................................................... 5-2
To Clear One or All Prefixes or Suffixes:...................... 5-3
To Add a Carriage Return Suffix to all Symbologies .... 5-3
Prefix Selections............................................................. 5-4
Suffix Selections............................................................. 5-4
Function Code Transmit................................................. 5-4
Intercharacter, Interfunction, and Intermessage Delays ....... 5-5
Intercharacter Delay ....................................................... 5-5
User Specified Intercharacter Delay............................... 5-6
Interfunction Delay......................................................... 5-6
Intermessage Delay ........................................................ 5-7
Chapter 7 - Symbologies
Message Length Description................................................. 7-2
Codabar Start/Stop Characters....................................... 7-3
Codabar Check Character............................................... 7-3
Codabar Concatenation .................................................. 7-4
Codabar Message Length ............................................... 7-5
Code 39 Start/Stop Characters....................................... 7-6
Code 39 Check Character............................................... 7-6
Code 39 Message Length ............................................... 7-7
Code 39 Append............................................................. 7-8
Code 32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF) ................................ 7-8
Full ASCII ...................................................................... 7-9
Code 39 Code Page ...................................................... 7-10
Check Digit................................................................... 7-10
Interleaved 2 of 5 Message Length .............................. 7-11
Code 93 Message Length ............................................. 7-12
Code 93 Code Page ...................................................... 7-13
Straight 2 of 5 Industrial Message Length ................... 7-14
Straight 2 of 5 IATA Message Length......................... 7-15
Matrix 2 of 5 Message Length ..................................... 7-16
Check Digits Required ................................................. 7-17
Code 11 Message Length ............................................. 7-18
ISBT 128 Concatenation .............................................. 7-19
Code 128 Message Length ........................................... 7-20
Code 128 Code Page .................................................... 7-20
Telepen Output............................................................. 7-21
Telepen Message Length.............................................. 7-21
UPC-A Check Digit ..................................................... 7-22
UPC-A Number System............................................... 7-23
UPC-A Addenda .......................................................... 7-23
UPC-A Addenda Required........................................... 7-24
UPC-A Addenda Separator .......................................... 7-24
UPC-A/EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code .................. 7-24
UPC-E0 Expand ........................................................... 7-25
UPC-E0 Addenda Required ......................................... 7-26
UPC-E0 Addenda Separator ........................................ 7-26
UPC-E0 Check Digit.................................................... 7-26
UPC-E0 Number System ............................................. 7-27
UPC-E0 Addenda......................................................... 7-27
EAN/JAN-13 Check Digit ........................................... 7-29
EAN/JAN-13 Addenda ................................................ 7-29
EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Required................................. 7-30
EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Separator ................................ 7-30
ISBN Translate............................................................. 7-30
EAN/JAN-8 Check Digit ............................................. 7-31
EAN/JAN-8 Addenda .................................................. 7-32
EAN/JAN-8 Addenda Required................................... 7-32
EAN/JAN-8 Addenda Separator .................................. 7-33
MSI Check Character................................................... 7-33
MSI Message Length ................................................... 7-34
Plessey Message Length .............................................. 7-35
RSS Expanded Message Length .................................. 7-37
PosiCode A and B ........................................................ 7-38
PosiCode Message Length ........................................... 7-39
Codablock F Message Length ...................................... 7-40
Code 16K Message Length .......................................... 7-41
Code 49 Message Length ............................................. 7-42
PDF417 Message Length ............................................. 7-43
MicroPDF417 Message Length.................................... 7-44
EANUCC Composite Codes ............................................. 7-44
UPC/EAN Version ....................................................... 7-45
EANUCC Composite Code Message Length ............. 7-45
Postnet .......................................................................... 7-47
Planet Code................................................................... 7-48
British Post ................................................................... 7-49
Canadian Post ............................................................... 7-49
Kix (Netherlands) Post ................................................. 7-49
Australian Post ............................................................. 7-50
Japanese Post................................................................ 7-50
China Post Message Length ......................................... 7-51
Korea Post Message Length ......................................... 7-52
QR Code Message Length............................................ 7-53
Data Matrix Message Length ....................................... 7-54
MaxiCode Message Length.......................................... 7-55
Aztec Code Message Length ........................................ 7-56
Aztec Runes.................................................................. 7-56
Creating an OCR Template............................................ 9-4
Stringing Together Multiple Formats
(Creating Or Statements) ............................................ 9-6
OCR User-Defined Variables ............................................... 9-6
Reading Multi-Row OCR .............................................. 9-7
OCR Check Character .......................................................... 9-8
OCR Modulo 10 Check Character ................................. 9-8
OCR Modulo 36 Check Character ................................. 9-9
OCR User-Defined Check Character.................................... 9-9
Weighting Options ....................................................... 9-10
OCR ISBN Application Example....................................... 9-12
OCR Template Codes ......................................................... 9-13
Chapter 10 - Utilities
To Add a Test Code I.D. Prefix to All Symbologies.......... 10-1
Show Software Revision..................................................... 10-1
Show Data Format .............................................................. 10-1
Resetting the Standard Product Defaults ............................ 10-2
2D PQA (Print Quality Assessment) .................................. 10-2
Visual Menu 2003............................................................... 10-3
Installing Visual Menu 2003 from the Web................. 10-4
Quick*View........................................................................ 10-4
Installing Quick*View from the Web .......................... 10-4
Chapter 12 - Maintenance
Repairs ................................................................................ 12-1
Maintenance........................................................................ 12-1
Cleaning the Imagers Window.................................... 12-1
Inspecting Cords and Connectors................................. 12-1
Troubleshooting .................................................................. 12-2
1 Getting Started
The 5X10/80 series of products is designed for integration into a wide range of
OEM devices. The engines compact mechanical design can drop into many
existing applications, allowing OEMs and third-party manufacturers to integrate
the benefits of image-based scanning into a variety of devices, including
handheld computers (PDTs), medical instrumentation, diagnostic equipment,
and robotics.
Two different decoding configurations provide OEMs the flexibility required to
address various application-specific needs. The 5X10, with linear and PDF417
decoding, delivers "laser-like" reading on linear codes, and point-and-shoot on
stacked codes. The 5X80 full-featured decoder incorporates Hand Held
Products comprehensive list of decoding capabilities. A Software Developers Kit
provides a simple software interface (APIs) to help ease integration. For
software updates and additional information, visit the Hand Held Products
website at www.handheld.com.
Note: The 5X80 decoded out image engine can be used by customers to
evaluate the 5X00 non decoded out image engine. Refer to the 5X00
Integration Manual for detailed part numbers and integration information.
RS-232 Interface
7. Verify the engine operation by scanning a bar code from the Sample
Symbols in the back of this manual. The engine beeps once when a bar
code is successfully decoded.
To connect an 5X10/80 engine to your host system, please refer to the
Integration Manual.
The aiming beam is smaller when the engine is closer to the code and larger
when it is farther from the code. Symbologies with smaller bars or elements (mil
size) should be read closer to the unit. Symbologies with larger bars or elements
(mil size) should be read farther from the unit. To read single or multiple symbols
The RS-232 Interface bar code is used when connecting to the serial port of a
PC or terminal. The following RS-232 Interface bar code also programs a
carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) suffix, baud rate, and data format as
indicated below:
Option Setting
Baud Rate 115200 bps
Data Format 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit
RS-232 Interface
IBM SurePos
(USB Handheld Imager)
IBM SurePos
(USB Tabletop Imager)
Each bar code above also programs the following suffixes for each symbology:
Symbology Suffix
EAN-8 0C
EAN-13 16
Code 39 00 0A 0B
Interleaved 2 of 5 00 0D 0B
Code 128 00 18 0B
Note: The following USB Plug and Play codes (USB Keyboard - PC, USB
Keyboard - Mac, and USB HID) are supported on specific OEM Engine
models. Refer to OEM Engine Models on page 1-2 to determine if this
interface applies to your engine.
Scan the following code to program the OEM Engine for USB HID bar code
imagers. Scanning this code changes the terminal ID to 131.
CTS/RTS Emulation
* Off
* Off
Terminal ID
If you want to change the pre-programmed interface of your image engine, refer
to Supported Terminals, below.
For example, a USB HID POS device has a Terminal ID of 131. You would scan
the Terminal ID bar code, then 1, 3, 1 from the Programming Chart inside the
back cover of this manual, then Save. If you make an error while scanning the
digits (before scanning Save), scan the Discard code on the Programming
Chart, scan the Terminal ID bar code, scan the digits, and the Save code again.
Terminal ID
Note: After scanning one of these codes, you must power cycle your computer.
Supported Terminals
Terminal Model(s)
IBM SurePOS USB Handheld Imager 128
IBM SurePOS USB Tabletop Imager 129
RS-232 True 000
RS-232 TTL 000
USB COM Port Emulation 130
USB PC Keyboard 124
USB Mac Keyboard 125
* 115,200
RS-232 Handshaking
RS-232 handshaking is a set of rules concerning the exchange of data between
serially communicating devices.
If using RTS/CTS handshaking, the imager issues an active RTS signal to the
receiving device. The imager waits to send its data until it detects an active CTS
signal from the receiving device. The imager then sends its data while checking
the CTS signal before the transmission of each data character. If an inactive
Image VGA
You can set the image size to a VGA resolution, if necessary, to accommodate
older applications that require a smaller image size. When Image VGA is set to
On, the resultant image is 640x480 pixels. When Image VGA is Off, your image
is 752x480 pixels. Default = On.
* On
* On
* Normal Beep
Short Beep
* On
Active High
* Active Low
Number of Pulses
Active High
* Active Low
* No Delay
Trigger Modes
Manual/Serial Trigger
You can activate the imager either by providing an external hardware trigger, or
using a serial trigger command (see Trigger Commands on page 11-4). When
in manual trigger mode, the imager scans until a bar code is read, or until the
hardware trigger is released.
* Manual/Serial Trigger
Read Time-Out
Use this selection to set a time-out (in milliseconds) of the imagers trigger when
using serial commands to trigger the imager, or if the imager is in manual trigger
mode. Once the imager has timed out, you can activate the imager either by
pressing the trigger or using a serial trigger command. After scanning the Read
Time-Out bar code, set the time-out duration (from 0-300,000 milliseconds) by
scanning digits from the inside back cover, then scanning Save. Default = 0
(infinite, or no time-out).
Read Time-Out
Note:The imager automatically adjusts the illumination LEDs to the lowest light
level possible to maintain a good lock on the Scan Stand symbol. When a
symbol is presented, the imagers light levels adjust to the saved setting (see
Hands Free Time-Out on page 4-11).
Scan Stand Symbol
Presentation Mode
This programs the imager to work in Presentation mode. The LEDs are either off
or at the lowest power for ambient conditions until a bar code is presented to the
imager. Then the LEDs turn on automatically to read the code. Presentation
Mode uses ambient light to detect the bar codes. If the light level in the room is
not high enough, Presentation Mode may not work properly.
Presentation Mode
* LEDs On
LEDs Off
Presentation Sensitivity
Presentation Sensitivity is a numeric range that increases or decreases the
imager's reaction time to bar code presentation. To set the sensitivity, scan the
Sensitivity bar code, then scan the degree of sensitivity (from 0-20) from the
inside back cover, and Save. 0 is the most sensitive setting, and 20 is the least
sensitive. Default = 1.
Reread Delay
This sets the time period before the imager can read the same bar code a second
time. Setting a reread delay protects against accidental rereads of the same bar
code. Longer delays are effective in minimizing accidental rereads at POS (point
of sale). Use shorter delays in applications where repetitive bar code scanning
is required. Default = Medium.
Reread Delay only works when in Presentation Mode (see page 4-9)).
If you have an aimer delay programmed (see Aimer Delay on page 4-14), the
aimer will be at 100% power during the delay, regardless of the LED Power
Note: If you scan the Off bar code, both the aimer and illumination lights turn off,
making it difficult to scan bar codes in low light. To turn the LED Power
Level back on, move to a brightly lit area and scan either the Low or the
High bar code below.
Low (50%)
* High (100%)
* Lights On
Lights Off
Imager Time-Out
Imager Time-Out powers down the imager after the unit has been idle for the
specified time. To prevent the imager from powering down, set this time-out to
0. Scan the bar code below, then set the time-out by scanning digits (from 0 -
999,999 ms) from the inside back cover, then scanning Save. Default = 1 ms.
Imager Time-Out
200 milliseconds
400 milliseconds
Delay Duration
Aimer Modes
Interlaced In interlaced mode, the illumination and aiming timing is
automatically synchronized to the imager exposure period by the
Image Engine. The engine turns illumination on while the image is
being exposed, and it turns the aiming off at all other times. The
interlaced mode provides the lowest overall current draw and is
recommended for most applications. It also provides the brightest
aimer in most applications. The Image Engine software
automatically maintains an approximate 25% aimer duty cycle,
even when the imager exposure time is at its maximum in dark
operating environments.
* Interlaced
Thermal Considerations
Care must be taken when designing the Image Engine into any system. Internal
heating of the Image Engine can occur in high duty cycle scanning applications
in several ways. The high visibility aimer dissipates a significant amount of
power as heat. The illumination and aiming LEDs also release heat, and are a
major contributor to thermal increases in high use or in presentation mode.
Use Centering to narrow the imagers field of view to make sure the imager reads
only those bar codes intended by the user. For instance, if multiple codes are
placed closely together, centering will insure that only the desired codes are
read. (Centering can be used in conjunction with Aimer Delay, page 4-14, for
the most error-free operation in applications where multiple codes are spaced
closely together. Using the Aimer Delay and Centering features, the imager can
emulate the operation of older systems, such as linear laser bar code imagers.)
In the example below, the gray area is the full imager field of view and the white
area is the centering window. Bar Code 1 will not be read, while Bar Code 2 will
Bar Code 1
Bar Code 2
Bottom Default
If a bar code is not within the predefined window, it will not be decoded or output
by the imager. If centering is turned on by scanning Centering On, the imager
only reads codes that intersect the centering window you specify using the Top,
Bottom, Left, or Right bar codes.
Scan Centering On, then scan one of the following bar codes to change the top,
bottom, left, or right of the centering window. Then scan the percent you want to
shift the centering window using digits on the inside back cover of this manual.
Scan Save. Default Centering = 40% for Top and Left, 60% for Bottom and
Centering On
* Centering Off
Full Omnidirectional
Quick Omnidirectional
Advanced Linear Decoding - Performs quick horizontal linear scans in a center
band of the image. This mode is not omnidirectional, but does quickly read linear
and stacked bar codes. Advanced Linear Decoding cannot read 2D, OCR, or
Postal symbols.
Note: This search mode is the default setting for the point-and-shoot PDF OEM
Note: To make Output Sequence Editor selections, youll need to know the code
I.D., code length, and character match(es) your application requires. Use
the Alphanumeric symbols (inside back cover) to read these options.
Note: You must hold the trigger while reading each bar code in the sequence.
To Add an Output Sequence
1. Scan the Enter Sequence symbol (see Require Output Sequence, page 4-
2. Code I.D.
On the Symbology Chart on page A-1, find the symbology to which you want
to apply the output sequence format. Locate the Hex value for that symbol-
ogy and scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart (inside back
3. Length
Specify what length (up to 9999 characters) of data output will be acceptable
for this symbology. Scan the four digit data length from the Programming
Chart. (Note: 50 characters is entered as 0050. 9999 is a universal num-
ber, indicating all lengths.) When calculating the length, you must count any
programmed prefixes, suffixes, or formatted characters as part of the length
(unless using 9999).
4. Character Match Sequences
On the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-4, find the Hex
value that represents the character(s) you want to match. Use the Program-
ming Chart to read the alphanumeric combination that represents the ASCII
characters. (99 is the Universal number, indicating all characters.)
5. End Output Sequence Editor
Scan F F to enter an Output Sequence for an additional symbology, or Save
to save your entries.
A - Code 39
B - Code 128
C - Code 93
You would set up the sequence editor with the following command line:
Enter Sequence
Default Sequence
When the output sequence is Off, the bar code data is output to the host as the
imager decodes it.
On/Not Required
Multiple Symbols
Note: This feature does not work when the Imager is in Low Power mode.
* Off
No Read
With No Read turned On, the Imager notifies you if a code cannot be read. If
using a Quick*View Scan Data Window, an NR appears when a code cannot
be read. If No Read is turned Off, the NR will not appear.
* Off
If you want a different notation than NR, for example, Error, or Bad Code,
you can edit the output message using the Data Formatter (page 6-5). The hex
code for the No Read symbol is 9C.
* Default
Video Reverse
Video Reverse is used to allow the imager to read bar codes that are inverted.
The Off bar code below is an example of this type of bar code. If additional
menuing is required, Video Reverse must be disabled to read the menu bar
codes and then re-enabled after menuing is completed.
Note: Images downloaded from the unit will not be reversed. This is a setting
for decoding only.
* Off
Upside Down:
Counterclockwise 90:
* Upright
Rotate Clockwise 90
Upside Down
Rotate Counterclockwise 90
Prefix/Suffix Overview
When a bar code is scanned, additional information is sent to the host computer
along with the bar code data. This group of bar code data and additional,
user-defined data is called a message string. The selections in this section are
used to build the user-defined data into the message string.
Prefix and Suffix characters are data characters that can be sent before and after
scanned data. You can specify if they should be sent with all symbologies, or
only with specific symbologies. The following illustration shows the breakdown
of a message string:
Add CR Suffix
All Symbologies
Add Prefix
Suffix Selections
Add Suffix
* Enable
Intercharacter Delay
An intercharacter delay of up to 495 milliseconds may be placed between the
transmission of each character of scanned data. Scan the Intercharacter Delay
bar code below, then scan the number of milliseconds and the SAVE bar code
using the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual.
1 2 3 4 5
Intercharacter Delay
Intercharacter Delay
To remove this delay, scan the Intercharacter Delay bar code, then set the
number of steps to 0. Scan the SAVE bar code using the Programming Chart
inside the back cover of this manual.
Delay Length
Interfunction Delay
An interfunction delay of up to 495 milliseconds may be placed between the
transmission of each segment of the message string. Scan the Interfunction
Delay bar code below, then scan the number of milliseconds and the SAVE bar
code using the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual.
STX 1 HT 2 3 4 5 CR LF
Interfunction Delays
Interfunction Delay
To remove this delay, scan the Interfunction Delay bar code, then set the
number of steps to 0. Scan the SAVE bar code using the Programming Chart
inside the back cover of this manual.
Intermessage Delay
To remove this delay, scan the Intermessage Delay bar code, then set the
number of steps to 0. Scan the SAVE bar code using the Programming Chart
inside the back cover of this manual.
Move Commands
F5 Move the cursor ahead nn characters from current cursor position.
Syntax = F5nn (nn stands for the numeric value (00-99) for the number of
characters the cursor should be moved ahead.)
F6 Move the cursor back nn characters from current cursor position.
Syntax = F6nn (nn stands for the numeric value (00-99) for the number of
characters the cursor should be moved back.)
F7 Move the cursor to the beginning of the data string. Syntax = F7.
EA Move the cursor to the end of the data string. Syntax = EA
Search Commands
F8 Search ahead for xx character from current cursor position, leaving cursor
pointing to xx character. Syntax = F8xx (xx stands for the hex value for
an ASCII code, see see ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page
F9 Search back for xx character from current cursor position, leaving cursor
pointing to xx character. Syntax = F9xx (xx stands for the hex value for
an ASCII code, see see ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page
E6 Search ahead for the first non xx character from the current cursor posi-
tion, leaving cursor pointing to non xx character. Syntax = E6xx (xx
stands for the hex value for an ASCII code, see ASCII Conversion Chart
(Code Page 1252), page A-4.
E7 Search back for the first non xx character from the current cursor position,
leaving cursor pointing to non xx character. Syntax = E7xx (xx stands for
the hex value for an ASCII code, see ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page
1252), page A-4.)
Miscellaneous Commands
FB Suppress all occurrences of up to 15 different characters, starting at the cur-
rent cursor position, as the cursor is advanced by other commands. When
the FC command is encountered, the suppress function is terminated. The
cursor is not moved by the FB command. Syntax = FBnnxxyy . .zz where
nn is a count of the number of suppressed characters in the list and xxyy ..
All Symbologies On
* On
* Dont Transmit
* No Check Character
Validate Modulo 16
and Transmit
Codabar Concatenation
Codabar supports symbol concatenation. When you enable concatenation, the
imager looks for a Codabar symbol having a D start character, adjacent to a
symbol having a D stop character. In this case the two messages are
concatenated into one with the D characters omitted. Default = On.
Character Start Stop Start Stop
A12D D34A
Select Require to prevent the imager from decoding a single D Codabar symbol
without its companion. This selection has no effect on Codabar symbols without
Stop/Start D characters.
* On
Code 39
* On
* Dont Transmit
* No Check Character
* Off
* Off
Interleaved 2 of 5
< Default All Interleaved 2 of 5 Settings >
Interleaved 2 of 5
* On
Check Digit
No Check Digit indicates that the imager reads and transmits bar code data with
or without a check digit.
When Check Digit is set to Validate, but Dont Transmit, the unit only reads
Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes printed with a check digit, but will not transmit the
check digit with the scanned data.
* No Check Digit
Code 93
* On
Straight 2 of 5 Industrial
* Off
Straight 2 of 5 IATA
* Off
Matrix 2 of 5
* Off
Code 11
* Off
Code 128
* On
* Off
<Default All Telepen Settings>
* Off
Telepen Output
Using AIM Telepen Output, the imager reads symbols with start/stop pattern 1
and decodes them as standard full ASCII (start/stop pattern 1). When Original
Telepen Output is selected, the imager reads symbols with start/stop pattern 1
and decodes them as compressed numeric with optional full ASCII (start/stop
pattern 2). Default = AIM Telepen Output.
* On
* On
* On
UPC-A Addenda
This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned UPC-A data.
Default = Off for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda.
2 Digit Addenda On
5 Digit Addenda On
* Not Required
* On
* On
Most U.P.C. bar codes lead with the 0 number system. For these codes, use the
UPC-E0 selection. If you need to read codes that lead with the 1 number
system, use UPC-E1 (page 7-28). Default = On.
* UPC-E0 On
UPC-E0 Off
UPC-E0 Expand
UPC-E Expand expands the UPC-E code to the 12 digit, UPC-A format.
Default = Off.
* Off
* Not Required
* On
* On
* On
UPC-E0 Addenda
This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned UPC-E data.
Default = Off for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda.
2 Digit Addenda On
5 Digit Addenda On
* UPC-E1 Off
<Default All EAN/JAN Settings>
* On
* On
EAN/JAN-13 Addenda
This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned EAN/JAN-13 data.
Default = Off for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda.
2 Digit Addenda On
5 Digit Addenda On
* Not Required
* On
Note: If you want to enable or disable EAN13 with Extended Coupon Code, refer
to UPC-A/EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code (page 7-24).
ISBN Translate
This selection causes EAN-13 Bookland symbols to be translated into their
equivalent ISBN number format. Default = Off.
* Off
* On
* On
2 Digit Addenda On
5 Digit Addenda On
* Not Required
* On
<Default All MSI Settings>
* Off
Plessey Code
<Default All Plessey Code Settings>
* Off
< Default All RSS-14 Settings >
* On
RSS Limited
* On
RSS Expanded
< Default All RSS Expanded Settings >
* On
PosiCode A and B
* On
A and B On
(No Limited)
Trioptic Code
Note: If you are going to scan Code 32 Pharmaceutical codes (page 7-8),
Trioptic Code must be off.
* Off
Codablock F
<Default All Codablock F Settings>
* Off
Code 16K
<Default All Code 16K Settings>
* Off
Code 49
<Default All Code 49 Settings>
* On
* On
< Default All MicroPDF417 Settings >
* On
* Off
UPC/EAN Version On
RSS Emulation
128 Emulation
* Off
* Off
* Off
* Off
Canadian Post
* Off
* Off
* Off
Japanese Post
* Off
China Post
<Default All China Post Settings>
* Off
Korea Post
* Off
QR Code
This selection applies to both QR Code and Micro QR Code.
* On
Data Matrix
* On
Note: MaxiCode can only be read by a 2D OEM Engine.
* On
Aztec Code
Note: Aztec Code can only be read by a 2D OEM Engine.
* On
Aztec Runes
Select Enable Runes if you are scanning Aztec runes, which are the smallest
type of Aztec Code symbol with the ability to encode a very short license plate
Enable Runes
* Disable Runes
Imaging Commands with their modifiers send imaging commands to the imager
on a single-use basis, and take effect for the next subsequent image capture.
Once that capture is complete, the imager reverts to its imaging default settings.
If you wish to change a default setting, you must use the serial default command
(see Imaging Default Commands on page 11-19). When the serial default
command is used, that selection becomes the new default setting for the imager.
IMGSNP Modifiers
P - Imaging Style: Sets the Image Snap style.
0P Decoding Style. This is similar to the current format for decoding,
however, this processing allows a few frames to be taken until the
exposure parameters are met. Then the last frame is available for
further use.
1P Photo Style (default). This attempts to mimic a simple digital
camera, and results in a visually optimized image.
2P Manual Style. This is an advanced style, and should not normally
be used. It allows you the most freedom to set up the imager, and
has no auto-exposure.
B - Beeper: Causes a beep to sound after an image is snapped.
0B No beep (default)
1B Sounds a beep when the image is captured, notifying the user that
the imager can be moved.
E - Exposure: This allows you to set the exposure time. Units are 127
microseconds. For example, an exposure setting of 50 x .000127ms = 6.35ms
esposure time. Exposure is used in Manual Style only. (Default = 7874)
nE Range: 0 - 7874
IMGSHP Modifiers
A - Infinity Filter: Enhances pictures taken from very long distances (greater
than 10 feet or 3 m).
0A Infinity filter off (default)
1A Infinity filter on
C - Compensation: Flattens the image to account for variations in illumination
across the image.
0C Compensation disabled (default)
1C Compensation enabled
D - Pixel Depth: Indicates the number of bits per pixel in the transmitted
image (KIM or BMP format only).
8D 8 bits per pixel, grayscale image (default)
1D 1 bit per pixel, black and white image
E - Edge Sharpen: Causes the transmitted image to be convolved with an
edge sharpening filter. Entering a 23E gives the sharpest edges, but also
increases noise in the image.
0E Dont sharpen image (default)
14E Apply edge sharpen for typical image
ne Apply edge sharpen using strength n (n = 1-24)
F - File Format: Indicates the desired format for the image.
0F KIM format
1F TIFF binary
2F TIFF binary group 4, compressed
3F TIFF grayscale
4F Uncompressed binary (upper left to lower right, 1 pixel/bit, 0
padded end of line)
5F Uncompressed grayscale (upper left to lower right, bitmap format)
6F JPEG image (default)
8F BMP format (lower right to upper left, uncompressed)
IMGBOX Modifiers
D - Pixel Depth: Indicates the number of bits per pixel in the transmitted
8D 8 bits per pixel, grayscale image
1D 1 bit per pixel, black and white image
Use this section to program the Imager for optical character recognition (OCR).
The 2D OEM Engine reads 6 to 60 point OCR typeface.
Note: OCR is not as secure as bar codes. To enhance security in OCR
applications, create an OCR template to match the data, and print an
OCR check character.
The 2D OEM Engine will read OCR-A, OCR-B, U.S. Currency Serial Number
(Money), MICR E-13B, and SEMI fonts.
You can either select an OCR default, or create your own custom template for
the type of OCR format you intend to read. See "OCR" on page 9-1 for
programming codes that will enable your imager to read OCR-A, OCR-B, U.S.
Currency, MICR E-13B, or SEMI fonts. See "OCR Templates" on page 9-3 if
you want to create a custom template, or character string that defines the
length and content of OCR strings that will be read with your imager.
Note: Setting the template and check character options are essential for OCR
OCR Fonts
Default All OCR Settings turns off all OCR capability in the imager, so the
imager will be able to scan linear, stacked, matrix, and composite bar codes, but
not OCR fonts. In addition, any OCR templates you have created are erased.
The eight digit default templates are reinstated for any future use of the OCR On
codes listed below.
< Default All OCR Settings >
Note: OCR symbols can misread when scanned sideways or upside down. Use
Working Orientation, page 4-25, if your OCR symbols will not usually be
presented upright to the scanner.
Only one OCR symbology can be read at a time.
OCR-B On allows you to scan characters in the OCR-B font. The default setting
allows you to scan any eight digit combination. If you have created an OCR
template, character combinations that fit the template can be scanned (see
Creating an OCR Template, page 9-4).
U.S. Currency On
SEMI Font On allows you to scan the SEMI font used in the semiconductor
SEMI Font On
All OCR Off turns off all OCR capability in the imager, so the imager will be able
to scan linear, stacked, matrix, and composite bar codes, but not OCR fonts.
However, any OCR templates you have created will be retained in memory.
OCR Templates
You can create a custom template, or character string that defines the length
and content of OCR strings that will be read with your imager. There are several
choices when creating a custom template for your application. You can create a
template for a single format, you can string together several formats, and you can
create a template for a user-defined variable. These choices are described in
detail below.
Template Characters
a represents any alphanumeric character (digit or letter)
c represents a check character position
d represents any digit
e represents any available OCR character
g represents character from user-defined variable g
h represents character from user-defined variable h
l represents any uppercase letter
t marks the start of a new template
r multi row indicator
All other characters represent themselves. Spaces can be used.
Note: In MICR E-13B templates, TOAD characters (capital letters T, O, A, and D),
represent Transit, On Us, Amount, and Dash.
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Enter
OCR Template symbol (page 9-13), then scan the d from the OCR
Programming Chart in the back of this manual eight times. Scan Save OCR
Template (page 9-14). This would let you read any string of eight digits, for
Example: You need to read three digits, three specific characters (ABC), three
digits. The template would be:
hex codes for
letters A, B, and C
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Enter
OCR Template symbol (page 9-13). Scan the d from the OCR Programming
Chart in the back of this manual three times. Then scan 414243 from the
inside back cover (the hex characters for A, B, and C), and scan the d
three more times. Scan Save OCR Template, page 9-14. This would let you
read any string of three digits, ABC, then any string of three digits, for
Adding Spaces
You may also need to put spaces in your template.
Example: You need to read three digits, space, three specific characters (ABC),
space, three digits. The template would be:
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Enter
OCR Template symbol (page 9-13). Scan the d from the OCR Programming
Chart in the back of this manual three times, then scan 2041424320 from the
Programming Chart on the inside back cover (the hex characters for space,
A, B, C, space). Scan the d three more times, then scan Save OCR
Template (page 9-14). This would let you read any string of three digits,
space, ABC, space, then any string of three digits. For example:
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Enter
OCR Template symbol (page 9-13). Scan the d from the OCR Programming
Chart in the back of this manual eight times, then scan the t to create the or
statement. Then you would scan the characters for the second template.
Scan d four times, scan l two times, then scan d two more times. Scan Save
OCR Template (page 9-14). This would let you read either type of format, for
You can string together as many templates as you need.
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Enter
User-Defined Variable g symbol (page 9-13). Scan 414243 from the
Programming Chart (the hex characters for A, B, and C). Scan Save
OCR Template (page 9-14). This will let you read either A or B or C in any
position where you place the g. For example, you could create the following
First, enable the OCR-A font. To read the first row of OCR data, you would
program the following template:
This template is the default OCR template. If you wanted to read the second
line of data, you would use the following template:
To read both lines of OCR at one time, use the variable r to indicate the start
of a new row. All the other templating variables for the individual rows work
the same as previously described. For instance, in the above example, you
would use the following template to read both rows:
To read the three rows below, you would use the template command
Example: You need to read any combination of seven digits, with a modulo 10
check character in the eighth position. The template would be:
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Modulo
10 Check Character symbol. Then scan the Enter OCR Template symbol,
and scan the d from the OCR Programming Chart seven times, and scan the
c once. Scan Save OCR Template (page 9-14). This template will let you
read any combination of six digits with a correct check character after. (If the
check character is invalid, the imager will issue an error beep.) For example,
the following string could be scanned:
and the output would be: 0123456
The imager performs the following check character computation:
(6 + 5 + 1 + 2 +3 + 5 + 1 + X) modulo 11 = 0
Since the result is zero, the message is considered to be valid, so the reader
outputs the message: 6512351
After you enter all the desired hex values, scan the Save bar code on the
inside back cover of this manual.
Weighting Options
By default, the check character computation is unweighted. It is possible to use
one of two weighted modulo 10 schemes. Weighting is often used to detect if
two neighboring characters are transposed, a common error when an operator
keys in data.
3-1-3-1 Weighted Modulo 10 Check Character
Starting with the check character and working backward through the message,
the imager applies a multiplier of 1, then 3, then 1, then 3, and so on. This is the
checking scheme used in many EANUCC symbologies, including U.P.C. and
Interleaved 2 of 5 (when a check digit is invoked). To apply this weighting
scheme, set the OCR check character to 0123456789x3x1 or scan the
following symbol:
Then scan the string below:
The reader performs the check character computation below:
(0 x 3 + 1 x 1 + 2 x 3 + 3 x 1 + 4 x 3 + 5 x 1 + 6 x 3 + 5 x 1) modulo 10 = 0
Then scan the string below:
The reader performs the check character computation below:
(0 x 1 + 1 x 2 + 2 x 1 + 8 x 2 + 4 x 1 + 5 x 2 + 4 x 1) modulo 10
= (0 + 2 + 2 + (1 + 6) + 4 + (1 + 0) + 4) modulo 10
Since the result is zero, the message is considered to be valid, so the reader
outputs the message: 012845
OCRENA2,TMPISBNggggggggggggctCdddd hdddEtCdddd
These commands can be encoded into the following Aztec Code symbol:
Enter User-Defined
Variable g
Enter User-Defined
Variable h
One or more two-digit numbers and Save are required after reading this
programming symbol. Refer to the Programming Chart on the inside the back
cover of this manual.
Show Revision
Test Menu
When you scan the Test Menu On code, then scan a programming code in this
manual, the imager displays the content of a programming code. The
programming function will still occur, but in addition, the content of that
programming code is output to the terminal.
Note: This feature should not be used during normal imager operation.
* Off
To communicate with an imager, Visual Menu 2003 requires that the PC have at
least one available serial communication port and an RS-232 cable to connect
the port to the device. A power supply, which plugs into the cable, is also
Note: If you already have a copy of Visual Menu, please note that older versions
of Visual Menu will not work with the OEM Engine. You must use Visual
Menu 2003 with the OEM Engine.
Quick*View is a Microsoft Windows program that displays decoded symbol
messages and captures images (for instance, ID photographs) from the OEM
Engine. Bar code information and images are displayed in the Quick*View
Note: Scan the bar code below and the unit will communicate in RS-232 mode,
allowing it to work with Quick*View. To convert the imager back to the
original settings, cycle the power.
The serial programming commands can be used in place of the programming bar
codes. Both the serial commands and the programming bar codes will program
the OEM Engine. For complete descriptions and examples of each serial
programming command, refer to the corresponding programming bar code in
this manual.
The device must be set to an RS-232 interface (see page 2-1). The following
commands can be sent via a PC COM port using terminal emulation software.
The following conventions are used for menu and query command descriptions:
parameter A label representing the actual value you should send as part of a
[option] An optional part of a command.
{Data} Alternatives in a command.
bold Names of menus, menu commands, buttons, dialog boxes, and
windows that appear on the screen.
* What is the range of possible values for the setting(s). (The de-
vices response uses a dash (-) to indicate a continuous range of
values. A pipe (|) separates items in a list of non-continuous val-
Tag Field Usage
When a query is used in place of a Tag field, the query applies to the entire set
of commands available for the particular storage table indicated by the Storage
field of the command. In this case, the SubTag and Data fields should not be
used because they are ignored by the device.
SubTag Field Usage
When a query is used in place of a SubTag field, the query applies only to the
subset of commands available that match the Tag field. In this case, the Data
field should not be used because it is ignored by the device.
Data Field Usage
When a query is used in place of the Data field, the query applies only to the
specific command identified by the Tag and SubTag fields.
The device responds to serial commands with one of three responses:
ACK Indicates a good command which has been processed.
ENQ Indicates an invalid Tag or SubTag command.
NAK Indicates the command was good, but the Data field entry was out of the
allowable range for this Tag and SubTag combination, e.g., an entry for a
minimum message length of 100 when the field will only accept 2
Deactivate: SYN U CR
The imager scans until a bar code has been read, until the deactivate command
is sent, or until the serial time-out has been reached (see "Read Time-Out" on
page 4-7 for a description, and the serial command on page 11-7).
Setting Command
Selection Page
* Indicates default # Indicates a
numeric entry
Factory Default Settings Default DEFALT 11-4
Terminal Interfaces
Terminal ID TERMID###
Output Selections
Off IMGVGA0 4-1
Image VGA
*On IMGVGA1 4-1
Off BEPBEP0 4-2
Beeper - Good Read
*On BEPBEP1 4-1
Off BEPLVL0 4-1
Prefix/Suffix Selections
Add CR Suffix to All Symbologies VSUFCR 5-3
Add Prefix PREBK2## 5-4
Prefix Clear One Prefix PRECL2 5-4
Clear All Prefixes PRECA2 5-4
Add Suffix SUFBK2## 5-4
Suffix Clear One Suffix SUFCL2 5-4
Clear All Suffixes SUFCA2 5-4
*Enable RMVFNC0 5-4
Function Code Transmit
Disable RMVFNC1 5-4
Intercharacter Delay Range 0 - 495 ms DLYCHR## 5-5
Delay Length
User Specified DLYCRX## 5-6
(0 - 495 ms)
Intercharacter Delay
Character to Trigger Delay DLY_XX### 5-6
Interfunction Delay Range 0 - 495 ms DLYFNC## 5-6
Intermessage Delay Range 0 - 495 ms DLYMSG## 5-7
All Symbologies Off ALLENA0 7-2
All Symbologies
All Symbologies On ALLENA1 7-2
Default All Codabar
Codabar CBRDFT 7-3
OCR Selections
Default All OCR Settings OCRDFT 9-1
OCR U.S. Currency On OCRENA3 9-2
* All OCR Off OCRENA0 9-3
Enter OCR Template OCRTMP 9-13
Enter User-Defined Variable g OCRGPG 9-13
Enter User-Defined Variable h OCRGPH 9-13
OCR Modulo 10 Check Char- OCRCHK01234
OCR Templates acter 56789
OCR Modulo 36 Check Char-
Repairs and/or upgrades are not to be performed on this product. These
services are to be performed only by an authorized service center. See
"Customer Support" on page 13-1 for further information.
The OEM Engine provides reliable and efficient operation with a minimum of
care. Although specific maintenance is not required, the following periodic
checks ensure dependable imager operation:
! Caution:
Do not submerge the imager in water. Do not use
abrasive wipes or tissues on the imagers window
abrasive wipes may scratch the window.
Reprogram the imager with the correct Plug and Play or Terminal selection
bar code. See Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.
The imager may not be programmed to output your bar code data properly.
For example, you scan 12345 and the host displays A12345B.
Reprogram the imager with the proper symbology selections. See Chapter 7.
North America
Hand Held Products Corporate Offices
Telephone: (800) 782-4263, Option 3
Fax: (704) 566-6015
E-mail: [email protected]
America Latina
Hand Held Products America Latina
Telfono: (239) 263-7600
Fax: (239) 263-9689
E-mail: [email protected]
Hand Held Products Brazil
Telephone: +55 (21) 2176-0250
Fax: +55 (21) 2176-0249
E-mail: [email protected]
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Hand Held Products Europe
Telephone: + 31 (0) 40 29 01 633
Fax: + 31 (0) 40 2901631
E-mail: [email protected]
Asia Pacific
Hand Held Products Asia/Pacific
Telephone: +852-2511-3050
Fax: +852-2511-3557
E-mail: [email protected]
Hand Held Products Japan
Telephone: +81-3-5770-6312
Fax: +81-3-5770-6313
E-mail: [email protected]
North America/Canada:
Telephone: (800) 782-4263, option 4 (8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST)
Fax: (315) 685-4960
E-mail: [email protected]
America Latina:
Telfono: (704) 998-3998, opcin 8
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Telephone: +55 (21) 2176-0250
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Europe, Middle East, and Africa:
European Ofc: Int+31 (0) 40 79 99 393
U.K. Ofc: Int+44 1925 240055
E-mail: [email protected]
Asia Pacific:
Telephone: Int+852-3188-3485 or 2511-3050
E-mail: [email protected]
Limited Warranty
Hand Held Products, Inc. ("Hand Held Products") warrants its products to be free
from defects in materials and workmanship and to conform to Hand Held
Products published specifications applicable to the products purchased at the
time of shipment. This warranty does not cover any Hand Held Products product
which is (i) improperly installed or used; (ii) damaged by accident or negligence,
including failure to follow the proper maintenance, service, and cleaning
schedule; or (iii) damaged as a result of (A) modification or alteration by the
purchaser or other party, (B) excessive voltage or current supplied to or drawn
from the interface connections, (C) static electricity or electro-static discharge,
(D) operation under conditions beyond the specified operating parameters, or (E)
repair or service of the product by anyone other than Hand Held Products or its
authorized representatives.
All provisions of this Limited Warranty are separate and severable, which means
that if any provision is held invalid and unenforceable, such determination shall
not affect the validity of enforceability of the other provisions hereof. Use of any
peripherals not manufactured/sold by Hand Held Products voids the warranty.
This includes but is not limited to: cables, power supplies, cradles, and docking
stations. Hand Held Products, Inc. extends these warranties only to the first end-
users of the products. These warranties are nontransferable.
The limited duration of the warranty for the OEM Engine is for one (1) year.
Symbology Chart
Code 93
6543210 RSS-14
Car Registration
Micro PDF417
Package Label
Test Message
Note: If you make an error while scanning the letters or digits (before scanning
Save), scan Discard, scan the correct letters or digits, and Save.
Hand Held Products, Inc.
700 Visions Drive
P.O. Box 208
Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0208
5X10-80-UG Rev A