Structural Analysis of A Commercial Vehicle Disc Brake Caliper
Structural Analysis of A Commercial Vehicle Disc Brake Caliper
Structural Analysis of A Commercial Vehicle Disc Brake Caliper
The manuscript was received on 20 December 2010 and was accepted after revision for publication on 24 August 2011.
DOI: 10.1177/0954407011423447
Abstract: Disc brake calipers are subjected to significant mechanical loading, with design
requirements being particularly stringent with respect to the stresses, the deflections, the
installation envelope, the noise, vibration, and harshness, and the thermal aspects. Modern
finite element (FE) techniques can successfully model caliper assemblies; however, the limita-
tions in predicting the caliper behaviour are primarily related to accurate definition of the
boundary conditions, because of complex interactions between the individual components.
Traditionally, strain gauges and displacement transducers have been used for measuring the
caliper strains and deflections. This approach is expensive and time consuming, requiring
installation of numerous transducers and complex data processing, and has limited accuracy.
The application of digital image correlation (DIC) to a commercial vehicle disc brake caliper
provided valuable strain results. In comparison with strain gauges, DIC proved to be excep-
tionally easy to use and enables straightforward comparison of measured strains with FE pre-
dicted values. Initial work dealt with the static actuating forces, and excellent correlation
between the predicted and the measured strain values was achieved throughout the operating
range of clamp forces. The present authors are confident that the addition of the dynamic fric-
tional forces will give even more interesting results, providing insight into the interaction of
different components within the brake assembly.
Keywords: commercial vehicle, disc brake, caliper, finite element modelling, digital image
1 BACKGROUND and Ouyang [5], and Kim et al. [6]; brake squeal by
Bajer et al. [7]; pad wear by Hohmann and
Over the years, all types of brake caliper have been Schiffner [8]. There is little information about the
substantially developed and finite element (FE) mod- influences of the boundary conditions and com-
elling has, in recent times, considerably helped to ponent interaction on the caliper loading and
create new higher-performance designs. However, design optimization. There is even less published
most published work deals with the design aspects of work on commercial vehicle disc brakes, which
sliding calipers for passenger cars, such as the papers mostly deals with disc thermal aspects, the excep-
by Rath and Micke [1], and Samie and Sheridan [2]. tion being the papers by Micke et al. [9], and more
In addition to design considerations, other aspects of recently by Thomas and Jackson [10], who
the caliper operation have also been researched and explained in detail the complexities of commercial
reported: thermal aspects by Day et al. [3]; pres- vehicle caliper design.
sure distribution by Tirovic and Day [4], Bakar Some interesting results regarding the analysis,
boundary conditions, and design optimization of a
*Corresponding author: Cranfield University, Cranfield, fixed (opposed hydraulic piston) type of caliper for
Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK. high-performance cars were presented by Sergent
email: [email protected] and Tirovic [11]. The results indicated that, by
carefully considering the loading cases and boundary conditions obtained from the measured displace-
conditions and by applying optimization procedures, ments at the sample border were applied to FE
the caliper mass can be considerably reduced. The models. Although the paper deals with the fracture
present authors are following this approach and occurring in deep-drawing forming, the basic
investigating all parameters and procedures related approach in using the boundary conditions from
to caliper structural optimization. The initial results experimental investigations can be suitably applied
obtained by the present authors [12] in studying the in brake caliper modelling, in dynamic conditions,
caliper structural performance were published in when frictional forces are applied in the contact
2008, with further work reported here. areas. Fagerholt et al. [15] conducted an experimen-
Modelling and analysis of commercial vehicle tal and numerical investigation of the fracture beha-
calipers remain considerable challenges for numer- viour of a cast aluminium alloy. Newly developed
ous reasons. The definition of the boundary condi- software features allowed DIC to be used for detect-
tions is related to interaction of the components, ing and following crack propagation. Numerical cal-
and in particular to interface friction (on all contact culations included a user-defined material model
surfaces), thermal aspects (expansion, and change implemented in an explicit FE code. This is an inter-
in the material properties), and friction material esting approach which has potential application in
wear. These aspects, in addition to numerical prob- studying brake component fatigue in endurance
lems (model instability), are the limiting factors in tests.
obtaining accurate and reliable modelling results. It Brake calipers are notoriously difficult to model
should be noted here that experimental results, even under braking conditions because of complex inter-
when the measurements are conducted under action between the caliper components. As a result,
nominally identical conditions, may vary owing to the FE modelling results are highly dependent on
the changes in the parameters listed above. the boundary conditions, which can vary consider-
The values of the interface parameters are diffi- ably. DIC is expected to help to assess the caliper
cult to obtain in isolation, and measurements of strain fields in these dynamic conditions. It should
deflections and stresses on the entire caliper assem- be noted that the maximum strain (stress) levels are
blies are necessary in order to validate modelling often reached in non-accessible areas. Since DIC
work. Obviously, such experimental work can only can (only) measure strains within the field of view
be conducted on existing calipers, and utmost care (of two cameras), combination with strain gauge
is necessary in applying the findings to any new measurements and FE analyses is necessary, at this
designs, regardless of their apparent similarity to stage, to obtain full information about strain levels.
existing solutions. Digital image correlation (DIC) The effective combination of the three methods is
provides a practical method to measure deflections seen as the next important development tool in
and strains in the caliper assemblies for validation designing stiffer and lighter calipers.
of the analysis results. As a first step in analysing the brake caliper struc-
DIC is a non-contact optical technique that uses tural behaviour, only actuating forces are applied,
one or more cameras to take a series of images dur- without any torque or thermal loading. In this man-
ing an experiment. These images can then be post- ner, all components will have a nominal geometry
processed to give full-field deformation information, and the caliper behaviour should be consistent; the
allowing the strain field to be calculated. This measurements are expected to give reliable and
method requires a stochastic pattern to be applied repeatable results. No doubt, friction material prop-
on to the surface of the test object. The experimen- erties represent the most likely source of uncertainty.
tal deformation and strain fields for the region of To limit potential variations in the results obtained, a
interest can then be directly used and/or compared new caliper and brand new pads with known friction
with other experimental or modelling results. material compressibility were used.
Publications on the use of DIC in structural analysis
are becoming more numerous but the present
authors are not aware of any publication related to 2 CALIPER DESIGN AND LOADING
friction brake analysis. Nevertheless, the work con-
ducted by Wang et al. [13], addressing FE model The computer-aided design (CAD) model of the
updating from full-field strain data, is considered brake assembly (without the pneumatic actuator) is
particularly useful since it combines DIC experi- shown in Fig. 1.
mental and FE modelling techniques. Pottier et al. The principle of caliper and brake operation is
[14] applied the FE updating inverse method to sev- schematically presented in Fig. 2. The disc 1 can
eral sample geometries using DIC. The boundary rotate but cannot move axially; the fixed (carrier)
mechanisms and in the sliding mechanisms (pins) Each camera takes the image of the component
guiding the sliding part 3 within the fixed part 2 of from a different view angle and both images are
the caliper. It is important to note that all these captured, logged, and processed by the computer
secondary frictional forces will change throughout and supporting software. When the component is
the brake application, even if the actuating forces loaded, it will deform, which will result in changes
remain constant. Heat generated at the discpad in both images (as captured by the two cameras),
interface will cause the components to expand, and this is the fundamental principle of DIC opera-
which will alter the relative positions and also tion. It is possible to measure small strains but the
influence the local coefficients of friction. The surfaces must be prepared and the set-up must be
change in the secondary frictional forces is influ- calibrated. The area of interest on the component
enced by many other parameters such as the local surface is first painted white and then sprayed with
temperatures, the interface pressures, the friction a mist of black paint, as shown in Fig. 3(b). A fine
lining wear, and the conditions of the surfaces random pattern is necessary for the measurement
(lubricated, painted, or corroded). As a result, these to give accurate results. Furthermore, the system
forces can vary substantially in magnitude and requires calibration by placing a special calibration
direction. plate (with a precisely produced chequered pattern,
Such complex relationships require careful as shown in Fig. 3(c)) in the proximity of the mea-
experimental investigation in order to obtain the sured area in various positions towards the cameras.
data necessary to define the boundary conditions Figure 4 shows the brake assembly installed on a
and component interactions required for adequate brake spin rig, with the DIC equipment set-up for
FE modelling and ultimately model validationcor- taking the measurements. More information about
relation. As the first step in this direction, a study of the brake assembly and rig installation has been
the static loading conditions has been performed; given by Culierat [16]. The figure also shows numer-
the pressure is applied in the system but the disc is ous thermocouples for investigating the thermal
not rotating. effects. The actuating air pressure is measured using
a pressure transducer, and the rod of the pneumatic
actuator is strain gauged for measuring the actuat-
3 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ing force. A specially adapted displacement transdu-
cer was suitably attached to the actuator rod to
As mentioned earlier, DIC was employed for mea- measure the stroke (displacement) during brake
surement of the experimental strain field. This is a application. For conducting the measurements and
non-contact test procedure, which allows three- data collection, a National Instruments (NI) DAQ-
dimensional (3D) measurements of the strain and 9172 data measurements, control, and logging sys-
deformation. The DIC method also has the ability to tem, suitable NI modules, and a computer running
cancel any rigid body motion. The DIC system used LabVIEW software were used. All transducers were
in this work was a Dantec Dynamics Q-400. The calibrated and, in order to assess the actuating force
basic principles are illustrated in Fig. 3. The two losses within the caliper, a special set of pads with
cameras (Fig. 3(a)) are directed towards the area of built-in force transducers was also used during the
interest of the component tested. set-up process. The entire procedure is well
Fig. 5 (a) Area of interest; (b), (c) images captured by the two cameras
Fig. 6 (a) Selection of the area of interest; (b) 3D representation; (c) strain distribution
Using DIC, it was possible to measure the strain further to the statistical errors. Systematic errors are
over a relatively large area, and also to monitor the introduced by the subpixel effects due to the discre-
strain change during time (loading and offloading), tization of the real speckle pattern by the charge-
i.e. to create a history plot. DIC enables rigid body coupled device pixels and potentially by non-linear
motions to be identified and isolated. distortion of the facets.
Uncertainty analysis of the entire experimental 3D reconstruction errors are related to the uncer-
process is a complex task, considering the variables tainties in the calibration parameters, which lead to
measured and the equipment used. For measure- errors when reconstructing the 3D coordinates from
ments of the caliper forcedisplacement relation- correlated facets of the two cameras. Calibration
ships, which also include the actuating air pressure, errors appear in a systematic manner as a function
a wealth of experience has been gained over the of the facet positions in the camera frames, causing
years. This enables accurate prediction of uncertain- local distortions of the reconstructed 3D space.
ties and detailed insight into the caliper amplifica- Detailed uncertainty analysis is very complex
tion ratio, caliper and pad deflections, friction but typically, for full-field displacement and strain
losses, and hysteresis within the actuating mechan-
ism. For the measurements presented here (Figs 4
to 7), of particular interest are the uncertainties
related to DIC measurements. From the information
provided by the system supplier Dantec Dynamics
[17], the accuracy of DIC analysis is strongly linked
to the resolution and quality of images. More specif-
ically, the Dantec Technical Note for the system
used (Q-400) states that corresponding data uncer-
tainties, originating from different sources, can be
grouped into two categories: correlation errors and
3D reconstruction errors.
Correlation errors can be divided into statistical
and systematic errors. Statistical errors primarily
result from the limited number of pixels and corre-
sponding grey values in each facet. These errors
decrease with increasing square root of the number
of facet pixels. Different illumination conditions for
the two cameras, the image contrast and size of the
speckle pattern on the specimen surface, and the Fig. 7 (a) Strain contour plot and (b) history (step)
statistical noise of the grey values all contribute variation for the selected point
further modelling work and design optimization. 10 Thomas, P. and Jackson, J. Modular approach to
The use of DIC is seen as a necessary and effective disc brake adjusters and disc brake design. In Pro-
way to define interactions between brake assembly ceedings of the IQPC Innovative Braking 2007 Con-
components. These studies are vital in providing gress, Frankfurt, Germany, 2007.
11 Sergent, N. and Tirovic, M. Brake caliper design
improved boundary conditions for defining and
optimisation. In Proceedings of the Braking 2009
loading brake components in numerical modelling Conference, York, UK, 910 June 2009, pp. 131138.
analysis for existing calipers and, more importantly, 12 Tirovic, M., Sergent, N., Campbell, J., Roberts, P.,
for the synthesis of novel optimized caliper solu- and Vignjevic, R. Validation of disc brake caliper
tions. DICs further crucial role is in validating these structural performance using digital image correla-
designs. tion. In Proceedings of the Brems-tech 2008 Con-
gress, Munich, Germany, 2008, paper no. 7.
13 Wang, W., Mottershead, J. E., Sebastian, C. M.,
and Patterson, E. A. Shape features and finite ele-
ment model updating from full-field strain data.
The authors are grateful to former MSc students Int. J. Solids Structs, 2011, 48, 16441657.
Benjamin Robinet and Jeremy Culierat for their 14 Pottier, T., Toussaint, F., and Vacher, P. Contribu-
modelling and experimental work on this brake tion of heterogeneous strain field measurements
assembly. and boundary conditions modelling in inverse
identification of material parameters. Eur. J. Mech.
A/Solids, 2011, 30, 373382.
15 Fagerholt, E., Drum, C., Brvik, T., Laukli, H. I.,
This work was supported by Meritor Heavy Vehicle and Hopperstad, O. S. Experimental and numeri-
Braking System (UK) Ltd, Cranfield University, and cal investigation of fracture in a cast aluminium
the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research alloy. Int. J. Solids Structs, 2010, 47, 33523365.
Council, UK [grant no. GR/T18424/01]. 16 Culierat, J. Experimental investigation of commer-
cial vehicle disc brake in respect of parking braking.
Authors 2011 MSc Thesis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bed-
fordshire, UK, 2008.
17 Dantec Dynamics, Laser Optical Measurements
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