Op 30 S.M. Rev 1

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The document appears to be a service manual for an ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 Digital Panoramic X-ray Unit, providing instructions for maintenance, safety procedures, and alignment of the device.

The document is a service manual for the ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 Digital Panoramic X-ray Unit, giving instructions for servicing and repairing the device.

The document outlines several safety precautions that should be taken when servicing the device, including warnings about radiation safety, mechanical safety, electrical safety, and preventing electrostatic discharge, as well as cautions about explosion hazards and cleaning.


Digital Panoramic X-ray Unit

Service manual

Number 208711 rev. 1 (2013-01)


Copyright Document code: 208711 ver. 1 (2013-01)

Copyright 2009 by PaloDEx Group Oy.
All rights reserved.

DENTAL/CLINIVIEW is a registered trademark/ a
common law trademark of Instrumentarium Dental, PaloDEx
Group Oy.

Documentation, trademark and the software are copyrighted

with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws the
documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced,
translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine
readable form in whole or part, without the prior written

The original language of this manual is English.

INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL reserves the right to make

changes in specification and features shown herein, or
discontinue the product described at any time without notice
or obligation. Contact your INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL's
representative for the most current information.

Manufactured by Instrumentarium Dental

Nahkelantie 160 (P.O. Box 20)
FI-04300 Tuusula
Tel. +358 (0)10 270 2000
Fax. +358 9 851 4048

For service, contact your local distributor.

Service manual III


IV Service manual


1. General Information .......................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Associated documentation ............................................................................ 1
1.3 Service precautions and warnings ................................................................ 1
Servicing precautions.................................................................................... 1
Warning - Radiation Safety ........................................................................... 2
Warning - Mechanical safety ......................................................................... 2
Warning - Electrical Safety ............................................................................ 2
Caution - electrostatic discharge................................................................... 3
Warning - Explosion hazard .......................................................................... 4
Warning - Cleaning the unit........................................................................... 4
1.4 Unauthorized Modifications ........................................................................... 4
1.5 Disclaimer ..................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Unit maintenance .......................................................................................... 5
Exposure switch and cable ........................................................................... 5
mA test .......................................................................................................... 5
kV test ........................................................................................................... 6
Beam alignment test .................................................................................... 7
Ground test .................................................................................................. 7
Motor movements ......................................................................................... 7
Position detectors ......................................................................................... 7
Patient Positioning Lasers ............................................................................ 8
Mains power supply cable............................................................................. 8
Tubehead ...................................................................................................... 8
Covers and Labels ........................................................................................ 8
Fire risk ......................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Disposal ........................................................................................................ 9

Service manual V

2. Unit description ............................................................................................... 10

2.1 The ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 ...................................................... 10
2.2 The main parts and assemblies ..................................................................11
2.3 Unit dimensions ........................................................................................... 14
2.4 Mechanical description ................................................................................ 15
2.5 Electrical description ................................................................................... 17
Circuit boards .............................................................................................. 17
Power supply .............................................................................................. 17
Main fuses .................................................................................................. 17
Unit control ................................................................................................. 18
Motors and motor control ............................................................................ 18
Exposure logic ............................................................................................ 19
Position control ........................................................................................... 20
A overview of the Imaging Chain ................................................................ 20
2.6 Wiring diagrams - overview ......................................................................... 22
2.7 Block diagram ............................................................................................. 25
2.8 Fuse diagram .............................................................................................. 26
3. Circuit Boards .................................................................................................. 27
3.1 L900, Display adapter ................................................................................. 27
3.2 L1200 CPU Board ....................................................................................... 29
3.3 L1500, CCD Power Supply ......................................................................... 32
3.4 L1600, Z-Motor Driver ................................................................................. 36
3.5 L1700 Connector Board .............................................................................. 40
3.6 L1800, Generator Board ............................................................................. 43
3.7 P1910, PFC Board ...................................................................................... 47
3.8 L1300 Interface Board ................................................................................ 51
3.9 L2100 Rotation Position Sensor Board ...................................................... 52
3.10 R5100, 3-Phase Microstepper Driver ........................................................ 54
3.11 CCD Sensor / Filter board ......................................................................... 56

VI Service manual

4. Troubleshooting .............................................................................................. 60
4.1 Initial checks ................................................................................................ 60
Restarting the unit ....................................................................................... 60
Error Codes................................................................................................. 60
Checking circuit boards............................................................................... 60
Checking cables and connectors ................................................................ 61
Power supply problems............................................................................... 61
4.2 Problems during start up ............................................................................. 62
Nothing happens when the unit is switched on ........................................... 62
Error E 3 (CFG Data lost) ........................................................................... 64
Error E 5 (Line voltage out of limits)............................................................ 64
Error E 8 (File system failure) ..................................................................... 65
Error E16 (Z lift not allowed due to duty cycle) ........................................... 65
Error E 18 (Display not connected) ............................................................. 65
Error E 19 (Exposure switch stuck down) ................................................... 66
Error E20 (PCF: POWERGOOD signal is down) ................................ 66
Error E22 (Button stuck) ..................................................................... 66
4.3 Problems while preparing the unit for an exposure ..................................... 67
Image of emergency button appears on main display ................................ 67
The side control panel Return key does not work ....................................... 67
Error E 7 (Opto or r-motor failed during r-movement) ................................. 67
Rotating unit stop rotating, no error code.................................................... 68
Patient positioning light(s) do not come on ................................................. 68
Up/down (Z-motor) keys do not work .......................................................... 69
4.4 Problems during exposure .......................................................................... 71
Nothing happens when the exposure button is pressed ............................. 71
Error code H1 (Exposure interupted) .......................................................... 71
Error codes E0, E1 and E2 ......................................................................... 72
Error E 10 (CCD initialization/configuration failure) .................................... 74
Error E 11 (CCD power failure) ................................................................... 74
Error E 12 (CCD line failure) ....................................................................... 75
Error E 13 (CCD Configuration checksum failure) ...................................... 75

Service manual VII


4.5 Problems after exposure ............................................................................. 76

Error E 4 (Tubehead too hot) ...................................................................... 76
Vertical white stripes on the image ............................................................. 76
Horizontal white stripes on the image ......................................................... 76
4.6 Bad quality images ...................................................................................... 77
Incorrect patient positioning ........................................................................ 77
A badly aligned unit ..................................................................................... 77
The CCD sensor is not calibrated ............................................................... 77
5. S2terminal and service commands ............................................................... 78
5.1 Using the S2terminal ................................................................................... 78
5.2 The Service commands............................................................................... 81
6. Updating unit firmware, core and display graphics ..................................... 89
6.1 Firmware zip file .......................................................................................... 89
6.2 Upgrading the unit firmware ........................................................................ 89
7. Replacing parts................................................................................................ 90
7.1 Removing covers ........................................................................................ 90
7.2 Replacing the tubehead .............................................................................. 91
Tools required ............................................................................................ 91
Replacement parts ...................................................................................... 91
Replacing the tubehead .............................................................................. 91
Calibrating the tube head and checking the alignment ............................... 93
7.3 Replacing the CCD sensor .......................................................................... 94
7.4 Replacing the collimator .............................................................................. 94
7.5 Replacing circuit boards .............................................................................. 94
L900 Display adaptor - additional instructions ............................................ 94
L1800 Generator board - additional instructions ......................................... 95
L1700 Connector board - additional instructions ........................................ 95
L1200 CPU board - additional instructions ................................................. 95
L1500 Power Supply board - additional instructions ................................... 95
L1910 PFC board - additional instructions .................................................. 95
7.6 Replacing the z-motor ................................................................................. 96

VIII Service manual


8. Aligning the unit ............................................................................................ 102

8.1 Removing the covers ................................................................................ 102
8.2 Checking and Aligning the CCD Sensor ................................................... 102
8.3 Checking and adjusting the position of the collimator ............................... 104
8.4 Checking and adjusting the Chin Support ................................................. 107
8.5 Checking and adjusting the focal trough ................................................... 109
8.6 Recheck the alignment ...............................................................................112
8.7 Calibrating the CCD sensor .......................................................................112

Service manual IX
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 1. General information

1. General Information
1.1 Introduction
This manual describes how to service second genera-
Panoramic X-ray Unit.

There are two versions of the unit:

- first generation these have serial numbers starting
with IV.

- second generation these have serial numbers starting

with IO.

1.2 Associated documentation

The unit user's manual.
The unit installation manual.
The unit spare-parts manual.

1.3 Service precautions and warnings

Servicing precautions
Only service personnel trained and approved by the
manufacturer of the unit are allowed to service the unit.

Before attempting to service the unit make sure that you

know how to operate it. Read the unit user's manual.

Read and familiarize yourself with the warnings and

precautions listed in the unit user's manual.


Systems spare parts when repairing the unit or replac-
ing parts.

The unit can operate using voltages:

100 to 120 VAC or 220 to 240 VAC.
The only difference between the two versions is the
supplied power cable.

Service manual 1
1. General Information ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Warning - Radiation Safety

Before servicing the unit familiarize yourself with local
and national radiation safety standards and require-
ments relating to dental x-ray equipment.

When taking test exposures take adequate precautions

to protect yourself from radiation. Stand behind a suit-
able radiation shield positioned at least two metres (six
feet) from the unit.

Warning - Mechanical safety

Disconnect the unit from the main power supply before
removing any covers.

Disconnect the unit from the main power supply before

repairing or replacing mechanical parts or installing ac-

Be careful when operating the unit not to get body parts

or clothing trapped between moving parts.

During operation some surfaces and components may

become hot. Take precautions to avoid burning yourself.

The aperture plate in the collimator is made of lead (Pb)

which is toxic. Do not touch it with your bare hands.

Do not open the tubehead. There are no serviceable

parts, mechanical or electrical, inside the tubehead.

Warning - Electrical Safety

Disconnect the unit from the main power supply before
replacing circuit boards or other electrical components.

If there are capacitors on a circuit board or electrical

component wait ten (10) minutes, after disconnecting
the unit from the power supply, before handling the
board or component.

2 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 1. General information

If you have to leave the unit unattended during servicing

or maintenance, disconnect the unit from main power
supply to protect people, who may touch the unit, from
electric shock.

This unit should be used only in areas that are provided

with a protective earth connection to ensure an equipo-
tential ground connection.

Caution - electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage or destroy
electronic components.

When servicing the unit take precautions to avoid elec-

trostatic build up and discharge (ESD). Follow the rec-
ommendations for the prevention of ESD that are used
in the country in which you are working. If no recom-
mendations are available, follow the guidelines below:

- Leave all new or replacement circuit boards and

electrical parts in their protective packaging until the
boards are needed.

- Before handling circuit boards and electrical parts

make sure that any static electricity charge that has
built up in you body is discharged.

- When examining and checking circuit boards use an

antistatic wrist wrap which is connected to a ground
point through a 1 Mohm current limiting cable. For a
ground point use water pipes, radiators or other ob-
jects that are known to be connected to the ground.
Also use a cable to connect the unit to the same
ground potential as the wrist wrap.

- When handling circuit boards hold them by their

edges and do not touch any components or connec-

- If an antistatic mat is used, connect the wrist wrap

to the mat and the mat to the ground potential.

- Wash the wrist wrap and check that it is in good

condition frequently.

Service manual 3
1. General Information ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Warning - Explosion hazard

Certain disinfectants and cleaning agents may vaporize
to form an explosive vapour. If such chemicals are used
the vapour should be allowed to disperse before switch-
ing the unit on.

Warning - Cleaning the unit

Switch the unit off and disconnect it from the main
power supply before cleaning or disinfecting the unit.

1.4 Unauthorized Modifications

Unauthorized changes or modifications to any part of
the unit or its equipment can have hazardous conse-
quences. Changes or modifications must not be made
unless specifically authorized by the manufacturer of
the unit.
When properly assembled with a compatible beam-lim-
iting unit, the diagnostic source assembly will fully meet
the United States of America Federal Performance
Standards for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their
Components (21 CFR 1020. 30-32) provided no compo-
nents or parts are removed from the unit and no unau-
thorized adjustments are made to the beam-limiting unit
or tube housing assembly.
Never remove or remanufacture any part of the tube
housing assembly or beam-limiting unit.
Never adjust any part of the beam-limiting unit unless
under the direction of the manufacturer of the unit or
their authorized distributor(s).

1.5 Disclaimer
The manufacturer of the unit shall have no liability for
consequential damages, personal injury, loss, damage
or expense directly or indirectly arising from the use of
its products. No agent, distributor or other party is au-
thorized to make any warranty or other liability on behalf
of the manufacturer of the unit with respect to its prod-

4 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 1. General information

1.6 Yearly maintenance

The following tests and inspections must be carried out
annualy by an authorized service person to verify that
the unit meets the specifications and performance crite-
ria essential for correct and safe operation.
When taking measurements that require a multimeter,
always use a digital multimeter (DMM).

Exposure switch and cable

Check that the exposure switch and cable are not dam-
aged. Check that the exposure switch button does
not stick down when pressed. Take a test exposure to
check that the exposure switch functions correctly. Re-
place the exposure switch and cable they are damaged
or do not function correctly.

mA test
WARNING: X-rays are generated when this test is car-
1. Connect the +probe of a DMM to test pin TP18
(mAfb) and the -probe to TP17(GND) on the L1800
Generator board.

2. Select service command exp and an exposure time

of 2000 ms (refer to section 4 Service assistant and
service functions, in this manual).

3. Protect yourself from radiation and take an expo-

sure. Check the feedback values from the DMM.
The feedback values must be within the tolerance.

Selected mA mAfb (V) Tolerance (V)

6 1.2 0.15 (1.05 - 1.35)
8 1.58 0.15 (1.43 - 1.73)
10 2.0 0.15 (1.85 - 2.15)
12 2.4 0.15 (2.25 - 2.55)

If the value is not within the tolerance, recalibrate

the Generator board, see section 5.2 Service Com-
mands (the calib command).

Service manual 5
1. General Information ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

kV test
WARNING: X-rays are generated when this test is car-
1. Connect the +probe of a DMM to test pin TP14
(kVfb) and the -probe to TP17(GND) on the Genera-
tor board.

2. Select service command exp and an exposure time

of 2000 ms (refer to section 4 Service assistant and
service functions, in this manual).

3. Protect yourself from radiation and take an expo-

sure. Check the feedback values from the DMM.
The feedback values must be within the tolerances.

Selected kV kVfb Tolerance (V)

66 3.00 0.1 (2.90 - 3.10)
70 3.18 0.1 (3.08 - 3.28)
73 3.32 0.1 (3.22 - 3.42)
77 3.50 0.1 (3.40 - 3.60)
81 3.68 0.1 (3.58 - 3.78)

If the values are not within the tolerances, recali-

brate the Generator board, see section 5.2 Service
Commands (the calib command).

Beam alignment test

Check the beam alignment. Refer to the Installation and
set-up manual for information on how to do this.

Ground test
Disconnect the unit from the main power supply before
carrying out this test.
impedance between the earth pin in the APPLIANCE
shall not exceed 0.1 ohm. The grounding resistance is
measured between APPLIANCE INLET ground pin and
any metal part of the unit.
The resistance MUST be <0.1 ohm.

6 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 1. General information

Motor movements
Switch the unit off and then manually rotate the rotating
unit to check that the stepper motor moves freely and
without any looseness.

Switch the T-mode "test" and then take an exposure to

check that the motors operate smoothly and without any

Press the up/down keys to check the Z-motor (vertical

carriage movement). The motor must operate smoothly
and without any noise.

Position detectors
Press the up key and drive the unit up. Make sure that
the unit stops moving at its uppermost position.
Press the down key and drive the unit down. Make sure
that the unit stops moving at its lowermost position.

Manually rotate the rotating unit to one of its end posi-

tions and then press the return button and make sure
that the rotating unit returns to the ready position. Re-
peat the test for the other end position.

Use service command optotest, see section 5.2 Ser-

vice Commands, to check the rotating unit optosensors.
Manually turn the rotating unit in one direction and then
press return. Repeat for the other direction.

Patient Positioning Lasers

Check that the patient positioning lasers work and are
positioned correctly. Refer to the Installation and set-up
manual for information on how to do this.

Mains power supply cable

Check the condition of main power supply cable and
replace it if damaged.

Service manual 7
1. General Information ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Make sure that oil is not leaking from the tubehead. If
the tubehead shows signs of oil leakage, replace it.

Covers and Labels

Check that all covers are correctly installed and in good
condition. Also check that all the labels are attached to
the unit and that they are all legible.

Fire risk
WARNING: Disconnect the unit from the main power
supply before carrying out the next task.
Use a vacuum cleaner to remove all dust that has accu-
mulated inside the unit and cover air vents to eliminate
the risk of fire. Remove all dust from the circuit boards,
and pay special attention to the Generator board L1800
and PFC P1910.

1.7 Disposal
At the end of useful working life of the unit, its spare
and replacement parts and accessories make sure that
you follow all local, national and international regula-
tions regarding the correct and safe disposal and/or
recycling of the unit, its spare and replacement parts
and accessories.

The unit and its spare parts and accessories may in-
clude parts that are made of or include materials that
are non-environmentally friendly or hazardous. These
parts must be disposed of in accordance with all lo-
cal, national and international regulations regarding the
disposal of non-environmentally friendly or hazardous

8 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 1. General information

The following hazardous materials and substances can

be found in the unit, its spare and replacement parts
and assemblies:

- Lead (Pb):
circuit boards, tubehead, collimator,
CCD sensor assembly
- Cadmium (Cd):
- Mercury (Mg):
- PBB Polybrominated biphenyls:
- PBDE polybrominated diphenyl ethers:

Other materials and substances in the unit, its spare

parts and assemblies that could be hazardous and are
non-environmentally friendly are:

- Mineral oil:

Service manual 9
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

2. Unit description
The ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 extraoral x-ray
unit is designed to take exposures of the dento-maxillo-
facial region.
The unit cannot be used to take x-ray exposures of any
other part of the human anatomy.

The unit can be used to take adult panoramic (full

width), child panoramic (reduced width), TMJ and bitew-
ing images.

The unit can operate using voltages:

from 100 to 120 VAC or 220 to 240 VAC

The unit is used with a PC in which Cliniview or some

other MDD approved dental imaging software are in-

For information on how to use the unit refer to the User


10 Service Manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

2.2 The main parts and assemblies

1 Column
2 Upper shelf
3 Tubehead
4 CCD sensor
Tubehead (3) + CCD sensor (4) = Rotating unit
5 Vertical carriage
6 Emergency stop button - Press to stop, rotate to release.
7 On / off switch (rear of column)
8 PC with MDD approved dental imaging software
9 Ethernet cable

Service Manual 11
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

1 Head support
2 Midsaggital light
3 Mirror
4 Frankfort light and light positioning knob
5 Focal trough positioning knob
6 Patient support
7 Focal trough light
8 Patient support handles

12 Service Manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

A side control panel

1 Lights key - switches the patient positioning lights on and off
2 Up key - drives the unit up
3 Down key - drives the unit down
4 Return key - drive the unit to the patient in/out position (PIO)

B main control panel

5 Program selection keys - P1 = adult pan, P2 = child pan, P3 = TMJ,
BW = bitewing
6 kV selection keys
7 Exposure values
8 Test key - operated the unit without x-rays
9 Service mode key
10 Dose Area Product (DAP)
11 Ready indicator light - unit ready for an exposure

Service Manual 13
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

2.3 Unit dimensions

14 Service Manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

2.4 Mechanical description

The unit comprises a column, a motorized carriage,
an upper shelf, a rotating unit and a patient support

The column is permanently fixed to the wall, using wall

bracket and, if required or necessary to the floor.
The unit can also be used free standing but it must be
attached to the show stand (part no. 9802666).

The motorized carriage is attached to the column and

can slide up and down the column (Z-movement, for
adjusting the height of the unit). The upper shelf is at-
tached to the top of the motorized carriage.

The rotating unit, which comprises the tubehead and

collimator and the CCD sensor, is attached to the un-
derside of the upper shelf. The rotating unit rotates to
take panoramic exposures (R-movement).

Service Manual 15
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Inside the tubehead there is the x-ray tube. It is a fixed

tungsten anode type.

The patient support assembly is attached to the bot-

tom of the vertical carriage. It comprises handgrips for
the patient to hold and the patient support.

The chin rest supports the patients lower jaw and the
two temple supports on the head support hold the up-
per part of the patient's skull.

There are three patient positioning lasers, midsagittal

laser, Frankfort (horizontal) laser and Focal through

16 Service Manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

2.5 Electrical description

Circuit boards
Circuit boards are described in detail in section 3. Cir-
cuit Boards.

Power supply
Mains voltage is supplied to P1910 PFC Power Supply
Board via L1600 Z-Motor Driver. P1910 supplies power
to L1800 Generator Board and L1500 Power Supply
board which supplies low voltages to all the other circuit

The power for the AC-motor (Z-Motor) comes from an

autotransformer that is automatically set to the correct
voltage. The Z-Motor input voltage is always 230 VAC.
The autotransformer is connected to L1600.

Main fuses
Two T-10A-H-250V.
Dimensions 6.3x32mm / 1/4x1-1/4". UL approved.

They are located below the main power supply cable at

the rear of the column.

Service Manual 17
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Unit control
The unit is controlled by a microprocessor on L1200
(CPU board). It continually monitors and controls the
operation of the unit. A serial peripheral interface com-
munication protocol (SPI - RS485) and direct digital I/O
are used to monitor most of the unit functions.
The microprocessor:
- monitors the optosensors

- monitors control (touch) panel keys

- controls unit movements during exposures

- starts, controls and stops x-ray generation

- controls the digital imaging chain

- controls unit / PC communications

The necessary unit settings and parameters for all the
imaging programs are stored in the memory which is
also on L1200.

Motors and motor control

There is one stepper motor and one AC-motor in the
The stepper motor drives the rotating unit (R-move-
ment). The stepper motor is driven and controlled by
R5100 (3-Phase Microstepper Driver).

The AC-motor (Z-motor) adjusts the height of the unit

(Z-movement), and the motor is activated by L1600. To
activate the Z-motor L1600 must receive a control sig-
nal from L1200 and a separate control (enable) signal
from the Z-movement (up/down) keys.
An emergency switch on the front of unit disables the Z-
motor (Z-movement) and stepper motor (R-movement)
when pressed.

18 Service Manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

Exposure logic
An exposure can only be taken when the unit is in the
ready state (the exposure ready light on the control
panel is on) and the exposure button is pressed and
held down.
The Generator board receives the correct kV and mA
references from the CPU. A few milliseconds after the
exposure button is pressed (Expsw) preheat is enabled
(Preh). After 800ms the exposure will start (ExpEna).
The tubehead will receive power from the Generator
board and the Generator board will also start to regulate
the mA and kV according to mA- and kV- feedback.

Service Manual 19
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Position control
The position of the rotating unit (R-movement) is moni-
tored by optosensors on L2100 (Rotation Position Sen-
sor Circuit). The optosensors indicate in which sector
the rotating unit is. The optosensors ensure that the
rotating unit is in the correct position, start or PIO (Pa-
tient In/Out), for an exposure.
The statuses of the optosensors are monitored continu-
ally by the unit software.

The upper and lower limits of the vertical carriage (Z-

movement) are monitored by microswitches.

A overview of the Imaging Chain

This description assumes that the unit is ready to take
an exposure.

Image acquisition is controlled by the DSD software

component which is installed in the PC connected to the

When an exposure is taken L1200 (the CPU) then

sends a PPOWER and CCDENA signal. CCDENA sig-
nal activates voltages for the CCD sensor.

The CPU's control software continuously monitors the

status of the connection with the DSD driver. After im-
age exposure but before image transfer the CPU sends
a label that includes the imaging and dose parameters
(kV/mA/ s) and an imaging program identifier.

The CPU enables the IMAGE signal to activate pixel

clocking. The CPU then produces the TDI clock signal,
which clocks the pixels from the CCD sensor. Derivation
of several CCD clock signals from the TDI clock is done
by the CCD sensor board.

20 Service Manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

Radiation striking the CCD sensor is converted to vis-

ible light which is detected by the CCD cell. A binning
procedure is carried out on individual pixels, i.e. two ad-
jacent pixels in a row and column (2 x 2 binning) forms
one large pixel (96m x 96m). The output voltage of
the CCD is fed to a 14-bit A/D converter.

The CCD sensor board sends the image data (now 12

bits) to the CPU board where they are saved on the
SDRAM. The image information is transferred to the PC
via the Ethernet cable.

In the PC there is a Network Interface Card (NIC). After

image data transfer the DSD preprocesses the raw
image, for example it interpolates gaps between CCD
chips, and carries out dark current correction and gain
correction (the pixels do not have equal characteristics).

Service Manual 21
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

2.6 Wiring diagrams - overview


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22 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

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Service manual 23
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

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24 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 2. Unit Description

2.7 Block diagram

Service manual 25
2. Unit Description ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

2.8 Fuse diagram

26 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L900

3. Circuit Boards
NOTE: An asterisk (*) after a signal name indicates an active low-level signal.

3.1 L900, Display adapter

L900 - Location
In the rotating unit on the CCD sensor side.
To access remove sensor external cover.

Service manual 27
3. Circuit Boards - L900 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

L900 - Field replaceable parts


L900 - Description
L900 is a display adapter/interface board that controls
the display (touch screen interface). L900 reads touch
screen data and sends it to L1200 CPU board via the
SPI interface. L1200 CPU board drives the display data
throught the L900 board.
L900 board produces supply voltages +3.3V for the
display and +15.8V for the display backlight.

L900 - Indicator LEDs

LED Colour Indicates
H1 green 3.3V OK
H2 green +15.8V OK
H3 green +5V OK

L900 - Test Points


28 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1200

3.2 L1200 CPU Board

L1200 - Location
In rotating unit on the CCD sensor side. To access re-
move the sensor external cover (see section 7.1).

L1200 - Field replaceable parts


Service manual 29
3. Circuit Boards - L1200 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

L1200 - Description
The CPU board controls the unit. It controls the rota-
tion and Z movements, the operation of the X-ray tube
and reads the signals from the touch panel. It uses an
embedded microcontroller on an Altera Cyclone FPGA
circuit. The board also has an Ethernet transceiver (for
PC connection), I/O buffers, and a 14-bit A/D converter.
The image data are saved in an SDRAM.

L1200 - Indicator LEDs

LED Colour Indicates
D6 green +5V on
D8 green Ethernet signal activity
D9 green 10-Base-T (10Mbit/s) in use
D10 green 100-Base-T (100MBit/s) in use
D11 green 1000-Base-T (1000MBit/s) not supported
D12 green Full Duplex mode in use
D13 green +1.2V
D14 green +1.8V
D20 green +5V
D23 green +3.3V
TEST1 green Flashing = Core functioning
TEST2 green Flashing = Firmware functioning
TEST3 green Flashing = Not currently used

L1200 - Test Points


30 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1200

L1200 - Block Diagram

Service manual 31
3. Circuit Boards - L1500 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3.3 L1500, CCD Power Supply

L1500 - Location
In the rotating unit on the the CCD sensor side.
To access remove sensor external cover.

L1500 - Field replaceable parts


32 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1500

L1500 - Description
L1500 supplies different voltages to most of the circuit
boards in the unit. L1500 receives +27V5 and -20V from
P1910 PFC and regulates these voltages to produce
the other voltages that the unit requires.
The CCD sensor require +3.3V, +3.3V, +3V, +15V,
-9.4V, +5V.
L900 and the 3-phase stepper motor require 24V.
L1200 and peripheral electronics require a regulated
5VDC power supply.

P1910 measures mains voltage. This value is converted

to frequency signal and is then transferred to L1500
board. On L1500 board the signal is converted to DC
voltage. This DC voltage is measured by AD-converters
on L1200 CPU board.

Service manual 33
3. Circuit Boards - L1500 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

L1500 - Block diagram

34 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1500

L1500 - Indicator LEDs

LED Colour Indicates
D8 green +15V_CCD on
D9 green +3.0V_CCD on
D10 green +3.3V_CCD on
D12 green +5V on
D13 green +5.0V_CCD on
D14 green -9.4V_CCD on
D16 green +24V on
D17 green +3.3V on

L1500 - Test Points

Number Description Value
TP1 +24V +24V
TP5 CCDENA 5V on, 0V off
TP7 +5.0V
TP8 +5.0V_CCD
TP10 +3.3V
TP11 +3.0V_CCD
TP12 +15V
TP15 U_IN Between 1.3V and 3.5V
TP18 -9.4V_CCD
TP25 GND (logic) 0V
TP40 +3.3V_CCD
TP65 GND (logic) 0V
TP65 GND (logic) 0V

Service manual 35
3. Circuit Board - L1600 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3.4 L1600, Z-Motor Driver

L1600 - Location
On the upper shelf.
To access remove shelf upper cover (see section 7.1).

36 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1600

L1600 - Field replaceable parts

The fuses used MUST be the approved type, UL listed
and CSA certified.

Approved fuses:

Fuse F1
2AT/250VAC Cooper Bussmann MDL-2
2AT/250VAC Littelfuse 0313002 HXP

Fuse F2
8AF/250V Littelfuse 0312008 312 series
8AF/250V Cooper Bussman AGE

Dimensions 6.3 mm x 32 mm.

L1600 - Description
L1600 (Z-Motor Driver) controls the AC-motor that
drives the unit up and down. Membrane switches on
the side of the vertical carriage are used to activate the

Micro switches at the top and bottom of the column

monitor the upper and lower positions of the Z-move-
ment. Based on the logic on the circuit board, the move-
ment of the AC motor is enabled or prohibited. Three
triacs control the Z-motor currents. Outputs are opto-
coupled from the user inputs with TLP3063 circuits. The
board also includes light controls for the laser position-
ing lights.

L1600 also sets the autotransformer input winding.

There are three SET signals, SET 100V, SET 115V and
SET 230V that control what mains voltage goes to what
input winding of the autotransformer.
The auto transformer output voltage is always 230 VAC

Service manual 37
3. Circuit Board - L1600 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

L1600 - Block diagram

38 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1600

L1600 - Indicator lamp

Lamp Function Indicates
LA1 GLIM AC indicator lamp L1600 receiving line voltage.

L1600 - Indicator LEDs

LED Colour Indicates
D1 green +5V on
D2 green ZACT-movement key pressed
D3 green ZON on
D4 red ESTOP on. Emergency stop button is on.
D5 green SET 100V: autotransformer tapping 100V
D6 green SET 115V: autotransformer tapping 115V
D7 green SET 230V: autotransformer tapping 230V

L1600 - Test Points

Number Signal Value
TP1 ESTOP_5V +5V normally, 0 ... +0.5V when emergency
button pressed down
TP2 ZDIR 0V driving up, +4.8V...+5V driving down
TP3 ZON +3V when up/down key pressed, 0V when not.
TP4 +5V +5V
TP6 ZACT* 0 ... +0.5 when up/down key pressed,
otherwise close to +5V.

Service manual 39
3. Circuit Boards - L1700 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3.5 L1700 Connector Board

L1700 - Location
In the rotating unit on the the CCD sensor side.
To access remove sensor external cover.

L1700 - Field replaceable parts


40 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1700

L1700 - Description
L1700 routes most of the signals to the other boards.
L1700 receives signals from the tubehead (kVfb, mafb,
and tubeheat) and scales the voltage swing (0+5V)
linearly to (1.25V3.75 V) which is the input for the
A/D converter on the CPU board. L1700 also includes
external warning and ready light circuitry. The ESTOP
signal enables stepper motor rotation and the exposure

L1700 - Indicator LEDs


L1700 - Test Points

Number Description Value

Service manual 41
3. Circuit Boards - L1700 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

L1700 - Block Diagram

42 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1800

3.6 L1800, Generator Board


Do not touch the Generator Board until the capaci-
tors have discharged. After switching the unit off
wait 10 minutes for the capacitors to discharge.
When LED H1 goes out the capacitors are dis-

L1800 - Location
In rotating unit on the tubehead side. To access remove
the tubehead external cover (see section 7.1).

L1800 - Field replaceable parts


Service manual 43
3. Circuit Boards - L1800 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

L1800 - Description
The Generator board receives kV and mA reference
signals from L1200 as PWM modulated signal. Based
on the kV-reference value, the Generator board gener-
ates the corresponding high voltage between the cath-
ode and anode of the x-ray tube. Based on milliampere
reference value, the generator board generates pre-
heat current (to warm up the filament before x-rays are
switched on) and filament current (during exposure).
The Generator board receives kV and mA feedback
signals from the tubehead that are used to monitor and
adjust the generated values. The Generator board pro-
duces its own supply voltages.

44 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1800

L1800 - Block diagram

Service manual 45
3. Circuit Boards - L1800 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

L1800 - Indicator lights

LED Colour Indicates
H1 green +380V (capacitors charged)
H2 green +15V
H3 yellow Exposure
H4 red Tube fail
H5 yellow Preheat
H6 green +15V_HVGND

L1800 - Test Points

Number Signal Value
TP1 +27V5
TP4 +15V
TP8 +17V
TP11 mAref Calibrated by the CPU
TP12 kVref Counted from value 1V=22kV
TP14 kVfb Counted from value 1V=22kV
TP15 EXPENA on to enable off to disable
TP16 MAFB_INT 0.2V=1mA
TP18 mAfb 0.2V=1mA
TP19 Tubeheat
TP20 - J2 closed=25V (default); J2 open=20.7V
TP22 HVGND Mains voltage side, ground
TP23 HV310 +380V (HVGND)

46 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - P1910

3.7 P1910, PFC Board

P1910 - Location
DANGER: High voltage on this board.
Do not touch this board when the unit is switched
There is high voltage on the large heat sink on this
board when the unit is switched on.
Do not touch this board until the capacitors have
discharged. After switching the unit off wait 10 min-
utes for the capacitors to discharge.

P1910 - Field replaceable parts

Fuse FH2: SIBA FF6.3A 70 125 40. 6.3A

Service manual 47
3. Circuit Boards - P1910 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

P1910 - Description
The P1910 PFC (Power Factor Correction) power sup-
ply board generates the supply voltages for the unit.
This board works with mains voltages between 100VAC
to 240VAC, 50/60Hz.
The board produces the +380Vdc for the generator
board. The board also has auxiliary flyback converter
that produces the lower raw voltages for the L1500
power supply board.

The major features of the board:

- the supply voltages do not depend on the line volt-
age (PFC)

- it supplies voltages +380VDC and +17VDC (against


- it supplies voltages +27.5VDC, -15VDC and

-20VDC (against GND)

- it monitors the line voltage (FMON) and PFC middle

circuit voltage (PWR_OK)

48 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - P1910

P1910 - Block diagram

Service manual 49
3. Circuit Boards - P1910 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

P1910 - Indicator LEDs

LED Colour Indicates
A5 green +380V
A8 green +27V5
A9 green +20V
A10 green 17V_HVGND
A15 green -15V

P1910 - Test Points


50 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L1300

3.8 L1300 Interface Board

L1300 - Location
At the rear of the column near the base.

L1300 - Field replaceable parts


L1300 - Description
L1300 serves as an external interface to the outside
environment. The exposure button and the remote ex-
posure button are connected to this board.

L1300 - Indicator LEDs


L1300 - Test Points


Service manual 51
3. Circuit Boards - L2100 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3.9 L2100 Rotation Position Sensor Board

L2100 - Location
Inside the rotating unit under the head support. To
access, remove the head support and then the lower
protective cover (see section 7.1).

L2100 - Field replaceable parts


L2100 - Description
L2100 is used to detect the position of the rotating unit.
L2100 has two optical switches that generate sensor
signals ROTSW1 and ROTSW2 according to which
position is activated.
L2100 includes a transmitter LED, and a receiver, or
base. The sensor signals remain on as long as the base
receives light from the LED. When the light to the base
is cut off by the positioning rail, the sensor signal is
switched off.

52 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - L2100

L2100 - Indicator LEDs


L2100 - Test Points


Service manual 53
3. Circuit Boards - R5100 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3.10 R5100, 3-Phase Microstepper Driver

R5100 - Location
Inside the rotating unit, above the head support. To ac-
cess, remove the head support, lower protective cover
(see section 7.1).

R5100 - Field replaceable parts


R5100 - Description
R5100 controls the 3-phase stepper motor that drives
the Rotating Unit. The board receives in three control
signals: clk, dir, and ena. It produces phase voltages for
the stepper motor windings.

54 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - R5100

R5100 - Indicator LEDs

LED Colour Indicates
D1 green +5V on
D2 green +24V on

R5100 - Test Points

Number Description Value
TP2 VREF 0.97V 0.1V; when HICUR* = '1'
1.95V 0.1V; when HICUR* = '0' (default value)
TP3 CLK +5V freq <15kHz
TP4 ENA +5V active, 0V idle
TP5 DIR +5V when idle or when moving to the
PIO position.
0V when driving to end position.

Service manual 55
3. Circuit Boards - CCD Sensor / Filter ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3.11 CCD Sensor / Filter board

CCD / Filter - Location

In rotating unit. To access, remove the sensor inner
cover (see section 7.1).

CCD - Field replaceable parts

None. Inside the CCD Sensor there is the CCD Sensor
board. The board cannot be accessed.

CCD - Description
CCD sensor converts X-ray radiation to visible light and
and then the CCD semiconductor chips measure the
intensity of the visible light. The analog signal is A/D-
converted and sent in parallel data lines to the CPU

56 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - CCD Sensor / Filter

CCD - Indicator lights

Remove the covers from the CCD side of the rotating
unit On the rear of the CCD sensor there are a number
of LEDs that indicate the status of the CCD sensor.

LED Colour Indicates

Power Yellow Indicates that the power signal is active.

Image Yellow Indicates image signal activity. It tells the CCD sensor
A/D-converter to sample image data according to the
TDI frequency.

TDI Clk Yellow Indicates that the clocking frequency of the CCD is
Off TDI frequency is between 0...50Hz.
On TDI frequency is between 100 Hz...1kHz.
Flashing TDI frequency is between 50...100Hz or above 1kHz.

Power Supply Indicate the different voltages required by the CCD

sensor. The microcontroller in the CCD sensor monitors
the voltages and activates the LEDs accordingly.
There are software set limits for the various supply
voltages. The LEDs come on during image capture.

1 Yellow +3.3V and +1.8V LEDs

Supply voltages for the CCD clock controlling FPGA.
The +3.3V is generated by L1500.
The +1.8V step down is generated in CCD sensor
board from +3.3V.
+3.3V between +3.0 and +3.6V.
+1.8V between +1.71V and +1.89V.

2 Yellow Analog +5V LED.

Supply voltage for AD-converters.
between +4.5V and +5.5V

Service manual 57
3. Circuit Boards - CCD Sensor / Filter ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3 Yellow +15V, +3V and 9.4V LED

CCD gate voltages
+15V between +13.5V to +16.5V
+3V between +2.4V and +3.6V
-9V between -9.92V and -9.17V

Another required voltage is C +3.3V. It is used to

power the microcontroller, +3.3VD_CCD.


Yellow Serial communication.
In normal operation they flash intermittently.
They indicate communication activity.
If CCD RxD is off (passive CCD sensor), CCD TxD
will also be off.

If CCD TxD is off, CCD RxD is on and
the CCD status LED flashes during and after image
capture it indicates that the CCD sensor tried to
receive the image, but the transmit communication
routine failed.

CCD Status 3-color It indicates that the CCD is connected, all the software
has been downloaded and it is ready to take an image.

Green Stand-by mode.

Yellow Image capture mode (power on).

Red In position but not yet ready, SW is being loaded.

Red flashing
Fatal SW error / communication routine failure after
an image has been taken.
If this happens, switch the unit off for 10 seconds and
then switch the unit on again.

58 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 3. Circuit Boards - CCD Sensor / Filter

Filter - Field replaceable parts


Filter - Description
Sensor filter board is a low pass type RF-filter board
which filters electromagnetic interference (EMI) from all
CCD-signal and and power supply lines.

Filter - Test Points


Service manual 59
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

4. Troubleshooting
4.1 Initial checks

Restarting the unit

If the unit fails to operate, does not operate correctly or
if an error code appears, switch the unit off, wait for a
few seconds and then switch the unit on again. If the
unit still does not operate correctly or the error message
reappears, follow the troubleshooting procedures de-
scribed here to correct the problem.

If there is a problem with image transfer, close and reo-

pen the dental imaging software and/or restart the PC.

Error Codes
If the unit malfunctions or if it is used incorrectly an error
code will appear on the main control panel.
There are two categories of error code:
- H, user errors, and

- E, system errors.
When an error code appears on the display the unit will
stop working. The unit cannot be operated while the er-
ror code is on the display.
To clear an error code from the display, correct the error
and then press any key on the main control panel (NOT
the side control panel).
Error E18, display failure can only be seen on the serv-
ice assistant.

Checking circuit boards

Circuit boards cannot be repaired in the field. On some
boards some fuses can be replaced. But, if a board is
faulty, replace it.

On most of the circuit boards there are indicator LEDs,

that allow the operation of the board to be monitored,
and test pins (TP), that allow the operation of the board
to be checked. LED and test pin descriptions for each
circuit board are in the section 3 Circuit Boards.
Use a digital multimeter (DMM) when checking boards.

60 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

Checking cables and connectors

Visually check cables for mechanical damage, cuts,
damaged insulation and twists. If a cable is damaged in
any way replace it.

If there is no obvious mechanical damage to a cable but

you think that it may be faulty, use a digital multimeter
(DMM) to check the resistance of the different wires
within the cable. An undamaged wire will have close
to no resistance (>0 ohm), a damaged wire will have a
high resistance value.

Make sure that all cables are correctly and securely at-
tached to their respective connectors. Connectors must
not be loose or misaligned. If the connector has a lock-
ing mechanism make sure that it is locked.

If you find a loose or misaligned connector, disconnect

it and check for bent, broken or missing pins. If there
is damage that can be easily repaired, for example
straightening a bent pin, repair the damage and recon-
nect the connector. If the damage cannot be repaired
replace the cable.
Note that if the connector on the board is also dam-
aged, the board may also have to be replaced.

Power supply problems

Power supply problems are described in section - 4.2
Problems during start up.

Service manual 61
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

4.2 Problems during start up

Nothing happens when the unit is switched on

The on/off switch light does not come on.

Power cut.
Check to see if the power has been cut off.

Unit not connected to the main power supply
Make sure that the unit is connected to the main power
supply. Check the condition of the power supply cable.
If it is damaged, replace it.

The main fuses (2) have blown.
Disconnect the main power supply cable from the unit
and then replace the main fuses (2). They are located
below the main power supply cable at the rear of the
The fuse ratings are stated in chapter 2.5 Electrical
description - Main fuses.

The on/off switch light comes on but the display

does not come on.
L900 (Control panel) is not receiving power or is faulty.
Check the supply of power to L900. Power is routed to
L900 as follows:
1. Mains power is supplied to L1600 (Z-Motor Driver.
If L1600 is receiving power lamp LA1 (on L1600)
will be on.
If it is not, check the cables and connectors be-
tween the on/off switch and L1600 (J105 and J106)
and replace the cables if they are faulty.
If the cables are okay, replace L1600.

62 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

2. L1600 (Z-motor driver) supplies mains voltage to

the P1910 (FPC board) via a filter.
Check that LEDs
A5 = +380V,
A8 = 27V5,
A9 = -20V,
A10 = +17V
and A15 = -15V on P1910 are on.
If they are not on check fuse FH2, and replace if
If the fuse is not blown check and if necessary re-
place the cables between L1600 and the filter and
between the filter and P1910.
If the LEDs on P1910 still remain off, replace

If the P1910 LEDs are on but the display is not

working, check the LEDs on L1500 (Power Supply
Board). LED:
D8 = +15V on when CCDENA is active
D9 = +3V on when CCDENA is active
D10 = +3.3VD on when CCDENA is active
D12 = +5V, must be on
D13 = +5V on when CCDENA is active
D14 = -9.9V on when CCDENA is active
D16 = +24V, must be on
D17 = +3.3V, must be on

Test jumper J23 can be used to set on CCDENA;

Open=default, closed=CCDENA enabled

If the LEDs do do not function as described above,

check the cable between P1910 and L1500. Re-
place if faulty.

3. L1500 supplies 24V to L900. At normal state, the

leds burn when 24V voltage is connected to L900.
H1 is +3.3V indicator led, touch controller ic pow-
ered with +3.3V. H2 is +15.8V indicator led for LCD
backlight voltage(OPTREX T-55265GD057J-LW-
CAN not default).
Check that LED H1 is on (green). Check that LED
H2 is on (green). If LEDs H1 and H2 are not on
replace L900.
H3 is on (green) as the +5V comes from L1200
(CPU board).

4. Check the cables between L900 and the LCD-dis-

play. If the cables are okay, replace LCD-display.
Check the cable between L900 and L1200, replace
if faulty.

Service manual 63
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

The display backlight power level has been set to OFF.
Use the service terminal to change the display backlight
power level.

Error E3 (CFG Data lost)

L1200, CPU board, has lost the calibration data and
Recalibrate L1200, see 5. Service Assistant and Ser-
vice Functions.
The required calibrations are:
- IP address will default, must be reset if another ad-
dress is required (see installation manual)
- tubehead calibration: service command "calib"
- line voltage calibration
- set the serial number
If the error message reappears after recalibration,
L1200 is faulty. Replace, see 7.5 Replacing circuit

Error E5 (Line voltage out of limits)

Line voltage to high or low.
The error code will clear automatically when the voltage
returns to its normal level.
If the voltage is not stable where the unit is being used,
you may have to instal a voltage stabilizer.

Line voltage has not been calibrated.
Calibrate the line voltage.

Faulty cable(s).
Check cables and connections between
P1910 and L1500
L1500 and L1700
L1700 and L1200.
Replace any faulty cables or boards with faulty connec-

64 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

Error E8 (File system failure)

GUI graphics are corrupted.
Update the GUI graphics.

Error E16 (Z lift not allowed due to duty cycle)

Z-motor over heated.
Allow motor to cool down.

Error E18 (Display not connected)

Check Service Assistant for information about this
error code

Cable from L1500 to L900 faulty.
Replace cable.

L1500 faulty.
Replace L1500.

Cable between L1200 and L900 faulty.
Replace cable.

Cable between L900 and LCD display faulty.
Replace cable.

L900 faulty.
Replace L900.

LCD display is faulty.
Replace LCD display.

Service manual 65
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Error E19 (Exposure switch stuck down)

Exposure switch stuck down during unit start up.
Switch the unit off and check that the exposure switch
is not stuck in the exposure position. Switch the unit on
again. If the message reappears, the switch is faulty,

Error E20 (PCF: POWERGOOD signal is down)

No power signal.
Check to see if the signal is present on L1500.
If the signal is not present, replace P1910.
If signal is present, the fault could be in the signal rout-
ing. Check signal on L1500, L1700 and L1200 and in
the relevant cables. Replace any faulty boards or ca-

Error E22 (Button stuck)

Appears only on start-up
The membrane switches on the column are stuck.
Reboot, if problem persists, replace the membrane but-

66 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

4.3 Problems while preparing the unit for an exposure

Image of emergency button appears on main display

The emergency switch has been pressed down.
NOTE: LED D4 (ESTOP on) on L1600 will come on
when the emergency switch is pressed down.
Turn the emergency switch clockwise to release it.

The side control panel Return key does not work

The Membrane key panel is faulty.
Press some of the other keys to see if they work cor-
rectly. If they do it indicates that the return membrane
key is faulty and the membrane key panel must be

Error E 7 (Opto or r-motor failed during r-movement)

L2100 or R5100 or rotating unit stepper motor is faulty.
The rotating unit cannot position itself correctly and
keeps on rotating, until the timeout (E 9) stops move-
ment, because L2100 is faulty.
The rotating unit does not move when the R key is
L2100 can be checked by using the service command
"optotest", see section Service Assistant and Service
The optotest command displays values that indicate
the position of L2100. When you manually rotate the
rotating unit the values should change, sector 0, sector
1, sector 2 and sector 3, which indicates that the op-
tosensors on the board are working and that L2100 is
functioning correctly.
If the values do not change, L2100 or the cable from
L1700 to L2100 is defective.
If L2100 is functioning correctly it indicates that there is
a problem with the stepper motor.
Check if R5100, the stepper motor or cable from R5100
to the stepper motor are faulty. Replace any that are.

Service manual 67
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Rotating unit stop rotating, no error code

Faulty R5100 or stepper motor.
Check the cables connected to R5100. If ok, replace
If the unit still does not work, replace the stepper motor.

Patient positioning light(s) do not come on

The patient positioning lights (lasers) come on when:
- the light key is pressed
- or the up or down key is pressed

One of lights does not come on.

The light is faulty.
Check the cable and connector from the L1600 (Z-
motor driver) to the light and replace the cable and light
if faulty.
Realign the light, refer to the installation manual.
If the cable is okay replace the L1600 (Z-motor driver).

None of the lights come on.

The emergency stop button has been pressed down.
The emergency stop icon appears on main display.
NOTE: LED D4 (ESTOP on) on L1600 will come on
when the emergency switch is pressed down.
Turn the emergency switch clockwise to release it.

The emergency stop icon appears on the main display
but does not clear when the emergency stop button is
released. The patient positioning lasers do not come
Check connector JP129 on L1600 (Z-motor driver).
Check cable between L1600 and the emergency stop
When LED D1, on L1600 (Z-motor driver), is on it in-
dicates that the board is receiving 5VDC from L1500
(CCD power supply). If the LED D1 is not on there is a
power supply problem.

68 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

CAUSE C (Unlikely)
All the lights are faulty.
Replace all the lights, they are connected to L1600 (Z-
motor driver) and then realign them. Refer to the instal-
lation manual.

Up/down (Z-motor) keys do not work

The emergency switch has been pressed down.
Image of emergency button appears on main display.
NOTE: LED D4 (ESTOP on) on L1600 will come on
when the emergency switch is pressed down.
Turn the emergency switch clockwise to release it.

Z-motor not receiving power.
Check to see if lamp LA1 and LED D1 on L1600 are on.
If they are not then check fuses F1 and F2. Replace if
If after replacing fuse F2 lamp LA1 comes on but LED
D1 still does not come on,check cables between L1600
and L1700. If the cables are OK, check if D12 is on on
L1500. If it's not, replace L1500.

If LA1 and D1 are on check the cable from L1600

(J104) to the Z-motor. Replace if faulty.
If the cable is not faulty measure the AC voltage from
the Z-motor connector, on L1600, to the Z-motor. Press
the UP/DOWN key and check that there is an AC-volt-
Note that you need to connect the DMM differently
when running the unit in the Up direction and in the
Down direction.
If no voltage can be measured, replace L1600.
If there is voltage but the Z-motor does not operate,
replace the Z-motor.

Check the autotransformer connection.

Make sure that only one of the primary windings is con-
D5 = SET 100V
D6 = SET 115V
D7 = SET 230V

Service manual 69
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

The side control panel (up/down keys) has failed
If D2 and D3 on L1600 do not come on when the up/
down keys are pressed it indictes that the side control
panel or the cable from the control panel are faulty and
must be replaced.

CAUSE D (Unlikely)
The Z-movement end microswitch (top or bottom has
failed) and the mechanical Z-movement end stops have
stopped the Z-carriage.
Check to see if D3 on L1600 is on. If on it indicates that
the top or bottom Z-movement end microswitch has not
been activated.

The autotransformer internal thermal switch has
opened. The thermal switch will open if the winding
temperature goes over 110C.
There is a probably a short circuit inside the transformer
winding that has caused it to overheat.
Replace the transformer.

The Z-motor internal thermal switch has opened. If the
unit is driven up and down for a long period time the
Z-motor can overheat and cause the thermal switch to
Wait for the Z-motor to cool down and the thermal
switch to close.

70 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

4.4 Problems during exposure

Nothing happens when the exposure button is pressed

Exposure switch failed.
Replace the exposure switch.

Unit not in ready mode,no PC-connection or no active
client reserving the unit.
Check PC connection and SW status.

Faulty cable(s) between L1300 (Interface board) and
L1600 (Z-motor driver), or between L1600 and L1700
(Connector board), or between L1700 and L1200
(CPU board), or between L1700 and L1800 (Generator
Replace faulty cable(s).

Error code H1 (Exposure interupted)

OPERATOR ERROR. The exposure button was re-
leased during an exposure.
Advise the operator to hold down the exposure button
for the duration of the exposure.

The exposure button failed while it was being pressed
during an exposure.
Take a test exposure to see if the same error code ap-
pears again. If it does, replace the exposure button.

Service manual 71
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Error codes E0, E1 and E2

Error codes E0, E1, E2 all indicate that the tubehead
and/or Generator board are not functioning correctly.

E0 (Tube arcing)
Tube arcing.
Check the tube fail LED (red) in the upper right corner
of the Generator board. If it is on it indicates that the
tube is arcing.
E1 (tubehead voltage)
Tubehead voltage (kV) out of limits.
E2 (tubehead current)
Tubehead current (mA) out of limits.
Use the S2terminalt to check the mA and kV feedback
signals from the tubehead to see if the tube voltage and
current are correct (Software Check).
See S2terminal and service functions.

If the feedback values are not correct use the exp ser-
vice function to measure and compare the values (Re-
fer to Service Assistant and Service functions in section

Select an exposure time of 2000 ms (2 seconds) or

greater so that the mAfb and kVfb ADC values can be

Protect yourself from radiation when carrying out
this procedure.

Press and hold down the exposure button. The "actual"

mAfb and kVfb ADC values will appear on the display
next to "target" values.
If the "actual" values differ by less that 2kV from the
target values, the tubehead is working correctly.

72 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

If the "actual" values differ by more than 2kV from the

target values, it indicates that there is a problem and
the tubehead must be recalibrated.

From the Service Assistant select calib and calibrate

the tubehead.
Keep exposure switch pressed for the duration of the
calibration program.
After recalibrating the tubehead check if the calibration
was successful.

If the calibration is successful select the exp function

again and confirm that the mA and kV feedback signals
are correct.

If the calibration was unsuccessful and the unit still

does not work correctly, check the hardware.

Hardware check
Remove the cables from the tubehead side of the rotat-
ing unit. Check the cables between the Tubehead and
the Generator board. Replace them if they are faulty
and then recalibrate (calib) the tubehead.

If recalibration is not sucessful, measure the feedback

signals from the L1800 Generator board. From the Ser-
vice Assistant select exp.

Connect a DMM to the TP14 (kVfb) and TP17 (GND) on

the Generator board and take an expose.

Then connect the DMM to TP18 (mAfb) and TP17

(GND) and take another exposure.
The values for feedback signals can be counted as de-
scribed in chapter 3.6 L1800, Generator Board - Test

If values for the feedback signals are not within the lim-
its, and recalibration does not help, measure the refer-
ence signals from L1800 Generator board.

Service manual 73
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Connect a DMM to TP12 (kVref) and TP17 (GND) on

L1800 and take an exposure.

Then connect the DMM to TP11 (mAref) and TP17

(GND) and take another exposure.
The values for feedback signals can be counted as de-
scribed in chapter 3.6 L1800, Generator Board - Test

If the reference values are correct, but feed back values

are not, the Tubehead and/or the Generator board may
be faulty and must be replaced.
If there are no reference signals check the cabling be-
tween the L1800 Generator board and L1700. Replace
if faulty.

Error E10 (CCD initialization/configuration failure)

There is no serial bus connection or the CCD sensor
could not configure itself.
Check the condition of all the cables and connectors to/
from the CCD sensor as well as the cables from CPU
to L1700 and cables between L1700 and L1500. Check
that none of the fuses on L1500 have blown.
Check that CCD filter board is mounted correctly and
cables are properly connected. If the problem still
exists, replace sensor.

Error E11 (CCD power failure)

Supply voltages to the CCD sensor were not within tol-
erances during imaging.
Check the condition of all the cables and connectors to/
from the CCD sensor.
Check the voltages on L1500 by checking the refer-
ence LEDs. Always measure the voltages from the test
points. Note that the voltages are only enabled during
an exposure. To enable the CCD voltages without tak-
ing an exposure, connect a jumper to J23. Remove the
the jumper after taking measurements.

74 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

Error E12 (CCD line failure)

The image data flow from the CCD sensor to L1200
was interrupted during the exposure.
Refer to the trouble shooting information given in error
code E11.

Error E13 (CCD Configuration checksum failure)

L1200 CPU failed to read CCD configuration param-
Reboot the unit. If the problem persists, change the
CCD sensor.

Service manual 75
4. Troubleshooting ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

4.5 Problems after exposure

Error E4 (Tubehead too hot)

The tube head has overheated (> 55).
Wait for the tubehead to cool down.
When the tubehead reaches the right temperature the
error message will automatically disappear. Note that
this could take over 45 minutes.
Note that you will not be able to clear the error mes-
sage until the tube head has cooled to the correct tem-
perature. If the error message appears even if the unit
has not been used a lot, switch the unit off and then on

The tube heat signal is missing.
If the error message never clears check the path of the
tube heat signal. The tubehead and/or the generator
board may be faulty and must be replaced.

Vertical white stripes on the image

Probably due to tube arcing.
Refer to the trouble shooting information given in error
code E0.

Horizontal white stripes on the image

Recalibrate the CCD.
Refer to the section Calibrating the CCD sensor in the
installation manual.

76 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 4. Troubleshooting

4.6 Bad quality images

Bad quality images can be due to one or more of the
- incorrect patient positioning

- a badly aligned unit

- the CCD sensor is not calibrated

Incorrect patient positioning

If the unit is producing bad quality images, first make
sure that the user is positioning the patients correctly.
For information on how to position the patient refer to
the User's Manual.

A badly aligned unit

If patient positioning is correct, check the alignment of
the unit.
For information on how to align the unit refer to the In-
stallation and set-up manual.

The CCD sensor is not calibrated

Calibrate the CCD.
Refer to the section Calibrating the CCD sensor in the
installation manual.

Service manual 77
5. S2terminal and service commands ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

5. S2terminal and service commands

5.1 Using the S2terminal
The S2terminal utility includes a number of commands
that allow the unit to be tested and configured during
installation, set up and service.

To open the S2terminal:

1. Make sure that the dental imaging program being
used is closed.

2. The PC's IP address must be in same subnet. If not,

modify it according to installation manual.

3. Create a new folder in the PC connected to the unit

and copy the s2terminal files into the new folder.

4. Open the Command Prompt. (Start\Programs\Ac-


5. In the Command prompt key in cd, space and then

the path where the s2terminal files are installed
(e.g. c:\s2terminal).

cd c:\s2terminal

Press ENTER.

6. Key in s2terminal, space and then the IP address

of the unit. The IP address can be displayed by
touching the settings button on the GUI.


Press ENTER to open the s2terminal and make a

connection to the unit.

7. To enter the SERVICE state key in "s" and press



78 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 5. S2terminal and service commands

8. Key in "help" and press ENTER.



A list of commands will appear.

The list may vary according to unit version
CMD DESCRIPTION (* available also in normal mode)
calib calibrates generator references and preheat
conf display summary of configuration data
confccd display summary of CCD configuration data
dap dose area product calibration value [<value>]
dc takes dark current image
demo enter demo mode
display display power level (<value>)
endu endurance test, drives rotating unit 75 rounds
exitdemo exit demo mode
exp exposure (<time>) in milliseconds, default is 1000
expcnt exposure counter, use [<clear>] option to clear it
help display info on command (help [cmd] or h [cmd])
imagecalib takes a calibration image for calibrating the DSD
ip configure ip address
kVcheck test kV/mA combinations
log service log [<all> <clear> <newest> <statistics>]
logsign make a service signature for current events
mac print mac address
maincalib calibrates main voltage high and low limits
parameters: <current voltage>
mainsprint print current mains voltage value
motortest run exposure ramp
optotest prints optosensor values until user types 'q' on keyboard
patt generates test pattern from CCD module
printgen prints the generator settings
quit quit service terminal
reset reboot the unit
restore restore factory configuration
serno print unit serial number
setserno configure serial number (and MAC accordingly)
stillmode still image exposure mode
warmup tubehead warmup before first use



Service manual 79
5. S2terminal and service commands ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

9. To select a function key in the function name,

for example exp, into the field at the bottom of
the service terminal.


Information about the selected function will ap-

pear at the bottom of the list of functions.

10. To display information about an individual

command key in help cmd, where cmd is the
command name in question.

>help cmd

11. To exit the service terminal, key in quit.



Then press Enter.

80 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 5. S2terminal and service commands

5.2 The Service commands


calib calibrates generator references and preheat

Calibrates the voltage (kV), current (mA) and preheat
(mApreh) reference values for the tubehead and gen-
erator board.

This calibration procedure must be carried out when the

- tubehead
- generator
- or CPU are replaced.

Protect yourself from radiation when carrying out
this procedure.
Press and hold down the exposure button for the dura-
tion of the procedure, which will last up to three min-
utes. During the calibration procedure you will hear the
exposure warning signal and calibration values, current
at the start and calibrated at the end, will appear on the
When the calibration procedure is successful completed
the message,
will appear.

Exit (quit) the service assistant.

If the calibration procedure is not successful the mes-
!!!!! Calibration was NOT successful !!!!!
will appear.

If this happens repeat the calibration (calib) procedure.

If the calibration procedure is still not successful after
repeating the procedure two or three times there is a
hardware problem. See error codes E0, E1 and E2.

Service manual 81
5. S2terminal and service commands ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

conf display summary of configuration data

Displays all the current configuration parameters of the
unit. The figures in brackets (1) are factory settings.
If you wish to restore the factory settings use the re-
store command.

default program 1 = adult pan, 2 = child pan, 3 = TMJ
and 5 = Test.

confccd display summary of CCD configuration data

Displays the factory and current configuration param-
eters of the CCD sensor. These values are for informa-
tion only.

dap dose area product calibration value [<value>]

Displays the dose area product (DAP) calibration value
Use values 8mA, 70kV and 1sec.

dc takes dark current image (dc = dark current)

Is used to check if the CCD sensor is working.
Press the "Return" key to start the check.
During the check a series of values will appear in the
service assistant window.
When the check is complete the image will be trans-
When the sensor is working correctly the vertical centre
of the image will be slightly gray because of noise.

If an image does not appear, then the CCD sensor is

demo enter demo mode

Enters the unit demonstration mode.
X-rays shall be disabled and unit shall be in ready state
even without computer.
This is for exhibition use.

display display power level (<value>)

Sets the power level of the display. Upper or lower case
text can be used.
82 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 5. S2terminal and service commands

endu endurance test, drives rotating unit 75 rounds

Automatically drives the rotating unit through 75 rotation
cycles. No radiation in generated during rotation.
This command is used during factory testing.

exitdemo exit demo mode

Exits the unit demonstration mode.

exp exposure (<time>) in milliseconds, default is 1000

Generates x-rays. The CCD sensor is not activated and
the rotating unit does not move.
It is used to check the beam alignment during unit
installation (refer to the Installation manual for more
information), and to trouble shoot the tubehead and
generator board.

Protect yourself from radiation when using this
The default exposure time is 1000 ms (when "exp" is
keyed in). If you wish to have a longer exposure time
key in "exp" and them enter a value, for example:

>exp 3000

will result an exposure time of 3000 ms. The minimum

value you can key in is 100 ms and the maximum is

Press and hold down the exposure button to activate


If exposure times of 1000 ms or longer are used, the

mAfb and kVfb ADC values will appear.

To exit the command key in q and then press Enter or

press the RETURN key on the unit control panel.

The kV value used for the exposure will be the one
selected before entering the service mode. The kV
value cannot be changed while the unit is in the service
mode. If you wish to change the kV, you must exit the
service mode.

Service manual 83
5. S2terminal and service commands ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

The "still" command, described later, generates x-rays
and activates the CCD sensor but the rotating unit
does not move.

expcnt exposure counter, use [<clear>] option to clear it

Displays the total number of exposures taken with the

To zero the exposure counter enter clear,


>expcnt clear

and then press Enter.

Always zero the exposure counter when the tubehead
is replaced.

help display info on command (help [cmd] or h [cmd])

Displays the service command list and information
about the commands.

imagecalib takes a calibration image for calibrating the DSD

Creates a technical image which is then used by the im-
age capturing driver for image correction.

This function can also be carried out using the unit GUI.
See the section "Calibrating the CCD sensor" in the
installation manual.

ip configure ip address
Displays the current IP address of the unit.

To change the IP address enter the new one,


> ip aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd (the new IP address)


and then press Enter.

84 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 5. S2terminal and service commands

After changing the IP address of the unit, communica-

tion between the unit and the PC will be lost and the link
to the PC will have to be reconfigured. Refer to section,
3.5 Configuring the communication link to the PC, in
the installation manual.

The IP address can also be reset using the driver tools

kVcheck test kV/mA combinations

Displays feedback values of all kV/mA combinations.

log service log [<all> <clear> <newest> <statistics>]

Displays exposure logs.
There are several log options:
<all> = (default) display the complete log
<clear> erase all log entries
<newest> display the latest log entry
<statistics> display the log statistics.

To select one of the log options enter the required com-


> log clear


and then press Enter.

logsign make a service signature for current events

Allows a short note to be added to a log entry.

Add the note,


> logsign Note ......


and then press Enter. The note will appear in the log.

mac print mac address

Displays the current MAC address of the unit.

Service manual 85
5. S2terminal and service commands ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

mainscalib calibrates mains voltage

parameters: <current voltage>
Recalibrates the mains voltage if L1200 CPU board is

Use a RMS multimeter to measure the actual supply

voltage (from the mains plug, P1910 or L1500) and then
enter this value.

>mainscalib xxx
(xxx is the value read from multimeter)

and then press Enter.

mainsprint print current mains voltage value

Displays the current line voltage value as measured by
the unit.

Useful for debugging when the unit displays error E5.

motortest run exposure ramp

A test drive for the rotation motor. The test checks that
motor is driven to the correct angle and that it works as

optotest prints optosensor values for 30 seconds

Allows L2100 to be checked. Optosensors on L2100
monitor the position of the rotating unit.

The "optotest" command displays, for 30 seconds, val-

ues that indicate the position of the L2100 board. When
you manually rotate the rotating unit the values should

sector 0
sector 1
sector 2
sector 3

which indicates that the optosensors on the L2100

board are working and that the board is functioning cor-
If the values do not change, the L2100 board or the
cabling is faulty.

86 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 5. S2terminal and service commands

patt generates test pattern from CCD module

Produces a test pattern image from the CCD.

The pattern shows a number of two-tone gray vertical

lines. These indicate that the data lines to the CCD sen-
sor are working correctly.

printgen prints the generator settings

Displays the settings that are stored in the configuration

quit quit service terminal

Exits and closes the service terminal.

reset reboot the unit

Reboots the unit.

restore restore factory configuration

Restores the configuration settings to the default factory
settings. You must key in restore configuration.

> restore configuration


and then press Enter.

Service manual 87
5. S2terminal and service commands ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

setserno configure serial number (and MAC accordingly)

To display the CURRENT setting key in

> serno => the current serial number appears


and then press Enter.

To change the serial number, e.g. if you change the

CPU board key in


(new serial number)

and then press Enter.

stillmode still image exposure

Generates x-rays and activates the CCD sensor but the
rotating unit does not move.
It is used to check the beam alignment during unit
installation (refer to the Installation manual for more

Protect yourself from radiation when carrying out
this procedure.

Press and hold the exposure switch to take a still image


The "exp" command, described earlier, generates x-
rays but does not activate the sensor or move the rotat-
ing unit.

warmup tubehead warmup before first use

Initializes the tubehead. Must be used when the unit is
installed or if the unit has not been used for a long time.

Protect yourself from radiation when carrying out
this procedure.

Press and hold the exposure switch until the procedure

is complete. The procedure may take some minutes.

88 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 6. Updating the firmware and the core

6. Updating unit firmware, core and display graphics

6.1 Firmware zip file
INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL will supply a zip file con-
taining all the necessary files for the upgrade.

The zip file will include the following:

- s2terminal for the update

- Firmware file (ELEOfw_r1.00.srec)

- Core file (ELEOcore_r36.rbf)

- Graphics file (ImagesPO_r1.bin)

- Upgrade manifest file (ELEO_r1.txt)

6.2 Upgrading the unit firmware

1. Extract the zip files into a suitable path on your PC.

2. Open the terminal connection.

3. Key in command xu X and press ENTER

Version number X is the version of the manifest file.

A message will appear asking if you wish to update

the firmware. Click Yes. The files are automatically
uploaded to the unit in correct order.

4. When files are updated, follow the instructions on

the terminal.

5. Restart the unit when requested.

Service manual 89
7. Replacing parts ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

7. Replacing parts.
7.1 Removing covers

Instruction on how to remove the ss cover are in

section 7.6 Replacing the z-carriage motor.

90 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 7. Replacing parts

7.2 Replacing the tubehead

Tools required
The normal installation and alignment tools.

Replacement parts
- New tubehead
- Tubehead label

Replacing the tubehead

1. Switch the unit off and disconnect it from the
main power supply.

2. Remove the tubehead inner cover and the

tubehead outer cover from the tubehead side
of the rotating unit.

Service manual 91
7. Replacing parts ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

3. Remove the EMC cover (4 screws), and then

the clear plastic PFC and generator protec-
tion insulator (3 screws)

4. Disconnect all cables and the ground cable

from the tubehead.

92 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 7. Replacing parts

5. Remove the four (4) nuts that hold the tube-

head to the rotating unit frame and remove
the tubehead.

6. Attach the new tubehead to the rotating unit

frame with the four (4) nuts.

6. Reconnect all the cables.

Calibrating the tube head and checking the alignment

1. Reconnect the unit to the power supply and
then switch the unit on.

2. Open the service assistant.

Carry out the calib procedure.
Also set the exposure counter to zero (expcnt

3. Realign the unit (refer to section 8. Aligning

the unit).

4. Carry out the image calibration. See the instal-

lation manual for details.

5. Replace the covers.

6. Attach the new tubehead label to the under-

side of the tubehead side of the rotating unit.

Service manual 93
7. Replacing parts ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

7.3 Replacing the CCD sensor

After replacing the CCD sensor, realign the unit (refer to
section 8. Aligning the unit).

7.4 Replacing the collimator

After replacing the collimator, realign the unit (refer to
section 8. Aligning the unit).

7.5 Replacing circuit boards

1. Switch the unit off and disconnect it from the
power supply.

2. Remove the appropriate cover(s) so that you

can access the circuit board you wish to re-

3. Disconnect all the cables from the circuit

board, remove the board and install the new

L900 Display adaptor - additional instructions

After replacing L900 and display assembly (rev 6 and
later) check that the jumpers on the board are in the
correct positions for the touch display installed in the
For touch display:
SW1 = on, SW2 = on

For touch display:

SW1 = off, SW2 = on

When L900 and display assemblies are ordered as
spareparts, they are always preset and tested at the

The switch information is just for your information.

94 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 7. Replacing parts

L1800 Generator board - additional instructions

After replacing the board use the Service Assistant to
recalibrate the unit:
- calib
Refer to section 5. Service Assistant and Service

L1700 Connector board - additional instructions

After replacing the board use the Service Assistant to
recalibrate the unit:
- calib
Refer to section 5. Service Assistant and Service

L1200 CPU board - additional instructions

After replacing the board use the Service Assistant to
recalibrate the unit and the power supply limits and
reset the serial number.
- calib
- mainscalib
- change the IP address, if required
- update the FW, if required
- serno
Refer to section 5. Service Assistant and Service

L1500 Power Supply board - additional instructions

After replacing the board use the Service Assistant to
recalibrate the unit.
- mainscalib
Refer to section 5. S2terminal and service com-

L1910 PFC board - additional instructions

After replacing the board use the Service Assistant to
recalibrate the unit.
- mainscalib
Refer to section 5. Service Assistant and Service

Service manual 95
7. Replacing parts ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

7.6 Replacing the z-motor

DO NOT attempt to replace the z-motor while the unit is
in the vertical position, either when attached to the wall
or to an exhibition base.
The rotating unit must be removed from the z-carriage
and then the unit removed from the wall and placed on
the floor before the z-motor is replaced.

1. Switch the unit off and disconnect it from the

power supply.

2. Remove the covers from the bottom of the


Remove the long screws (4) that hold the

Front Cover A to the bottom of the column, the
screws can be accessed from the rear of the
column, and remove the front cover.

Remove the screws (2 x 2) that hold the two

Side Covers, B, to the bottom of the column
and remove the Side Covers.

96 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 7. Replacing parts

3. Remove the upper shelf top cover (4 x M4

screws) from the upper shelf.

3. Remove the stiffening plate (10 screws) from

the top of the upper self and then disconnect
all the cables that connect the rotating unit to
the L1600 - Z-motor board. Also disconnect
the Ethernet cable and the ground leads.


Place some soft material on the ground so that
the rotating unit will not be damaged when it is
removed from the upper shelf and placed on
the ground.

Service manual 97
7. Replacing parts ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

Loosen the 4 nuts that hold the rotating unit

to the upper shelf and then slide the rotating
unit off of the upper shelf and place it on the


Remove the unit from the wall or exhibition
stand and lay it on the floor.
For information on how to do this refer to the
installation instructions and follow, in reverse
order, the instructions on how to attach the unit
to the wall or exhibition stand.

6. Loosen the nuts (4) that hold the column upper

front plate in position. There are two at the top
of the front plate and two at the bottom.

98 Service manual
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 7. Replacing parts

7. Carefully slide the column upper front plate off

of the column.
Be careful not to damage the surface finish.

Service manual 99
7. Replacing parts ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

8. Remove the two nuts that hold the safety nut

to the bottom of the z-carriage assembly and
then slide the z-carriage upwards away from
the safety nut.

9. Remove the terminal plate from the column

assemble (2 screws) and then disconnect the
motor power supply cables from the terminal
block and the ground cable from the motor.

100 Service manual

ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 7. Replacing parts

10. Remove the three nuts that hold the z-motor to

the bottom of the column assembly

and remove the motor.

11. Install a new z-motor, connect all the cables

and then replace all part and covers.

12. Reattach the unit to the wall or exhibition stand

and then reinstall the rotating unit.

13. Level the unit and check the alignment as de-

scribed in the installation manual.

Service manual 101

8. Aligning the unit ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30

8. Aligning the unit

After replacing one of more of the following:
tubehead, collimator, CCD sensor, the alignment of
the unit must be checked and if required adjusted.

8.1 Removing the covers

1. Remove the covers from the unit if they have
not been removed already.

8.2 Checking and Aligning the CCD Sensor

1. Switch the unit and PC on.

2. PC: Open the digital imaging software you are

using and open a patient card where the align-
ment images can be stored.

3. PC: Enable image capture.

4. PC: Make sure that the stillmode in the serv-

ice assistant is still selected.

5. Protect yourself from radiation.

Press and hold down the exposure button to
take an exposure.

6. The image should show a vertical black line

(the beam) in the middle of a vertical light gray
area (the CCD aperture). Both the beam (black
line) and the CCD aperture (light gray area)
must be vertical and the bottom edge of the
beam (black line) must be between 0.1 and
2mm from the bottom edge of the image.
If the beam (black line) is not in the middle of

102 Service manual

ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 8. Aligning the unit
the CCD aperture (the gray area), the position
of the CCD Sensor must be adjusted to the
right or left.

If the CCD aperture (gray area) is not vertical,

the CCD sensor must be rotated slightly until it
is vertical.

Screws 7. Loosen the nuts (4) that hold the CCD sensor
in place and then adjust its position with the
screws (2) on the left-hand side.

Adjust and recheck the position of the CCD

sensor until the beam is vertical and centered
in the middle of the CCD aperture.


Service manual 103

8. Aligning the unit ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30
8.3 Checking and adjusting the position of the collimator
1. Manually rotate the Rotating Unit to the Patient
In/Out (PIO) position (rotating unit parallel to
the front of the upper shelf and the tubehead
(t/h) on the right.
Insert a 4 mm hexagon socket wrench into the
locking hole in the guide pin assembly to hold
the rotating unit in position.

2. Attach the alignment cone assembly to the

chin support.

3. Protect yourself from radiation

Press and hold down the exposure switch to
take an exposure.

104 Service manual

ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 8. Aligning the unit
4. Remove the hexagon socket wrench from the
locking hole and then manually rotate the ro-
tating unit 180 so that the tubehead (t/h) is on
the left (opposite the PIO positon).
Reinsert the hexagon socket wrench into the
locking hole in the guide pin assembly to hold
the rotating unit in position.

5. Protect yourself from radiation.

Press and hold down the exposure switch to
take an exposure.

6. Compare the two images just taken.

Use the measuring tools in the dental imag-
ing software to measure the white sections
(the alignment cone) in the middle of the dark
exposed areas.

If the collimator is in the correct position the

white section in the images will be the same
size ( 0.25mm).

If the white section in the "tubehead on right"

image is greater than the white section in the
"tubehead on left" image, the collimator must
be moved to the right (turn the collimator ad-
justing screw clockwise).

If the white section in the "tubehead on right"

image is less that the white section in the
"tubehead on left", the collimator must be
moved to the left (turn the collimator adjusting
screw counter-clockwise).

Service manual 105

8. Aligning the unit ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30
To adjust the collimator loosen the nuts (2) that
hold the collimator assembly in position and
the adjust the left/right position of the collima-
tor with the screw (1) on the right-hand side.

7. Recheck the position of the collimator and

readjust if necessary.

8. Remove the hexagon socket wrench from the

locking hole when you have completed this

106 Service manual

ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 8. Aligning the unit
8.4 Checking and adjusting the Chin Support
1. PC: Enable image capture.

2. Make sure that the chin support is in the 0

position and then attach the alignment cone
assembly to the chin support.

3. Manually rotate the Rotating Unit so that it is

parallel to the side of the upper shelf and the
tubehead is at the front. Insert a 4mm hexagon
socket wrench into the locking hole in the Ro-
tation bearing to hold the rotating unit in posi-

Service manual 107

8. Aligning the unit ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30
4. Protect yourself from radiation.
Press and hold down the exposure switch to
take an exposure.

5. Examine the image.

If the chin support (CS) is in the correct posi-

tion the top point of the alignment cone will be
in the center of the exposed area.

If you only see the sides of the alignment

cone, the chin support must be moved to the
left or the right.

To adjust the positon of the chin support

loosen the two screws that hold it in place (on
the underside of the chin support) and adjust

Check and if necessary adjust the position of
the midsagittal light if you adjust the position of
the chin support.

108 Service manual

ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 8. Aligning the unit
8.5 Checking and adjusting the focal trough
1. PC: Enable image capture.

2. Make sure that the chin support is in the 0

position and then attach the alignment cone
assembly to the chin support.

3. Manually rotate the Rotating Unit to the Patient

In/Out (PIO) position. Rotating Unit parallel to
the front of the upper shelf and the tubehead
(t/h) is on the right.
Insert a 4 mm hexagon socket wrench into the
locking hole in the Rotation Bearing to hold the
Rotating Unit in position.

Service manual 109

8. Aligning the unit ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30
4. Protect yourself from radiation.
Press and hold down the exposure switch to
take an exposure.

5. Examine the image.

If the focal trough is in the correct position the

top point of the alignment cone will be seen in
the center of the exposed area.

If you only see the sides of the alignment

cone, the focal trough is not in the correct
position and it must be adjusted by moving the
rotating unit (RU) backwards or forwards.

To adjust the positon of the rotating unit loosen

the two nuts that hold the rotation bearing in

Rotation bearing

Turn the adjusting screw to move the Rotating

Unit backwards or forwards.
Counter clockwise will move the Rotating Unit
towards the column and clockwise away from

110 Service manual

ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30 8. Aligning the unit
6. Take a panoramic exposure with the ball/pin
phantom attached, for the fine adjustment of
the focal through.
If the center ball is not round, with no more
than 0.2mm difference between the horizontal
and vertical diameter, or the distance between
the center ball and the left and right hand balls
is same with no more than 2.0 mm deiffer-
ence, the Rotating Unit must be positioned in
the forward/backward position.

If the middle ball in the image is too wide, turn

the adjusting screw clockwise.

If the middle ball in the image is too narrow

turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise.

Repeat this procedure until the middle ball is

round according to the tolerance.

Service manual 111

8. Aligning the unit ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP30
8.6 Recheck the alignment
1. Take a ball-pin exposure to confirm that the
unit is now correctly aligned. Refer to the
Installation Manual section 5. Checking the
If the unit needs realigning, adjust accordingly.

8.7 Calibrating the CCD sensor

1. PC: Enable image capture.

2. PC: Select the imagecalib, refer to the instal-

lation manual for information on how to do this.

3. Protect yourself from radiation, and take an


4. Examine the image. It should be evenly grey

all over with no granularity nor horizontal lines/
stripes. If the image is not evenly grey repeat
the calibration until it is.

112 Service manual

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