Surico - Rheological Study
Surico - Rheological Study
Surico - Rheological Study
Superplasticizers Four commercially available superplasticizers
were used, two of them based on PolyNaphataleneSulphonate
(PNS1, PNS2), the other two being a PolyCarboxylate (PCE1) and
a novel type of Polycarboxylate based polymer with improved
workability retention ability [3] (WES1). The characterization of
the superplasticizers used is shown in table 1.
Cement An Arabic Portland cement (CEM type I according to
ASTM C150 04) was used, whose composition and characteristics
are reported in table 2.
Aggregates All crushed aggregates used for concrete mixes were
from the valley region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Their par-
ticle size distribution is plotted in Fig. 1.
Test methods
Rheological Tests Flow and oscillatory rheological tests were
performed using a TA Instruments rheometer model ARG2. The
dosages of all superplasticizers ranged from 0,8 to 1,5% expressed
as mass of product by the mass of cement. The cement pastes were
prepared using 200g of cement and water enough for w/c = 0,35
after calculation of water contribution of the superplasticizers. The
cement and the superplasticizer solution were first mixed by hand
for 1 minute and then for 2 minutes by mechanical mixing (IKA
labortechnik RW20 ) at 450 rpm. To perform the tests after 30 and
60 minutes, the cementitious paste was mixed for 30 second by
hand and then for 1 minute with the laboratory mixer at 450 rpm.
The mixing water temperature was kept at 35C in a thermostatic
bath and so was the cementitious paste while waiting to perform
the 30 and 60 minutes tests. [4] The test temperature was kept at
35 C by a Peltier plate. The geometry used was plate-plate with
upper plate dimension of 40 mm. The gap was set at 1000 m and
during the tests a solvent trap was used to limit evaporation. The
measurement tests were performed using a flow and oscillatory
procedure [5]. The flow test was performed by applying a shear
rate increasing the shear rate from 0 to 50 s-1. This procedure al-
lows to derive the samples flow curve from which it was possible
to plot the viscosity ( ) and to evaluate the yield stress, the viscosi-
ty being the ratio between shear stress and shear rate. The yield
stress is the energy required by the cement paste to start flowing
and corresponds to the maximum viscosity in the flow of the sam-
The oscillatory test, a stress sweep, consisted in applying a stress
from 0.001 to 1000 [Pa] at 1 [Hz] of frequency and measuring G.
Usually this curve allows to identify the linear domain of the sam-
ple behavior, as a plateau of G, before critical stress of , called
c, at which G drops, usually, of several order of magnitude.
Rheological Tests
The estimated viscosity values of the samples at yield point and
different superplasticizer concentrations, measured at 0, 30 and 60
minutes are showed in figure 2a, 2b and 2c. A flow curve, in which
shear stress is measured as a function of shear rate, is often used as
a mean of characterizing paste rheology. A structurally meaningful
rheological parameter, the yield, sometimes defined as the mini-
mum energy to be imparted to a sample to initiate flow, can be es-
timated by the stress at which the viscosity is maximum. Oscillato-
ry measurements are even more significant to give indication about
the system structure [6, 7], indeed they allow to identify the elastic
vs. viscous nature of the sample. Flocculated suspensions, in which
particles form a three-dimensional network, typically show a beha-
vior marked by a high yield in flow curve characterizations and
elastic behavior at low stress in oscillatory test. Cement pastes
without superplasticizers at low w/c levels are flocculated, while
pastes with superplasticizers are expected to be partially or fully
dispersed, depending on the combination of cement and superplas-
ticizer. A typical rheological response of cement paste in oscillato-
ry shear G vs. shear stress is illustrated in Fig. 5 and a typical flow
curve in Fig. 6, these two measurements have been taken at 0 mi-
nutes with every dosage of the admixtures listed. The pastes added
with PNS1 and PNS2 showed an high viscosity value and this cha-
racteristic was maintained up to 60 minutes. Only high dosages of
PNS1 were effective in reducing the viscosity of the paste, but still
not sufficient to retain the system dispersed for 30 and 60 minutes.
These results are confirmed by oscillatory measurements (Figs. 4a,
4b, and 4c) in which the maximum value of elastic modulus (G) is
plotted. This indicates a cement flocculated system, as the conse-
quence of a very high modulus (higher than 105 [Pa]). In these
measurements WES1 and PCE1 admixtures imparted to the system
a good initial dispersion effect, but only WES1 maintained the sys-
tem dispersed for 60 minutes (figs. 4b, and 4c). PNS1 and PNS2
were less effective in keeping the system fluid of both WES1 and
PCE1 even at higher dosages.
Mini-slump Tests
Tests results are shown in Fig. 7. They indicate, in accordance with
rheological measurements, that PNS1 and PNS2 show less effec-
tiveness when compared to PCE1 and WES1. When low dosages
were used the initial paste flow diameters were quite similar for
PNS1 and PNS2, but, while PNS1 became effective at dosage of
1,5%, PNS2 showed consistent flow ability and increasing reten-
tion of flow when increasing the dosage. PCE1 became effective
for both initial flow and retention of workability from 1,2%,
WES1 imparted high fluidity and outstanding retention of flow
even when dosed at 0.6% by weight of cement.
Concrete Tests
The results showed in Table 4 clearly indicate that PNS1 was una-
ble to retain a slump value higher than 160 mm for more than 30 or
60 minutes. PNS2 and PCE1 showed similar behavior with PCE1
needing slightly higher dosages than PNS2 but being slightly faster
in mechanical strength development. With both normal grade and
high grade concrete mixes WES1 required less dosage to achieve
the target slump of 210 mm at equal w/c compared to the other su-
perplasticizers and was able to impart an excellent workability re-
tention over 90 minutes even at 35C.
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3. T. Cerulli, P. Clemente, G. Ferrari, M. Gamba, A. Lolli, D. Pi-
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tures in Concrete, Ed. V. M. Malhotra, Sorrento, Italy, 2006,
pp. 263-272.
4. M. Nehdi, S. Al Martini, Effect of temperature on oscillatory
shear behavior of Portland cement paste incorporating chemi-
cal admixture , Journal of materials in civil engineering, De-
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5. S. Al Martini, M. Nehdi, Effect of chemical admixtures rhe-
ology of cement paste ad high temperature, Journal of ASTM
International, Vol.4, No.3, Paper ID JAI100554.
6. C.T. Chen, L.J. Struble, H. Zhang, Using dynamic rheology
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International, March 2006, Vol.3, No.3, Paper ID JAI12787.
7. Y. Chen, R.P.Bright, Compatibility of superplasticizers with
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one, Charlotte, NC, USA, June 04, 2008, pp. 44-52.
Table 1. Characteristics of the superplasticizers used.
Workability Extender
WES1 40 1,10
Table 2. Composition and characteristics of the cement used.
Normal High
Strength Strength
w/c 0,50 0,38
Cement kg/m3 330 420
Washed Sand kg/m3 415 400
Unwashed Sand kg/m3 415 400
Gravel kg/m3 270 240
Gravel kg/m3 350 340
Gravel kg/m3 490 470
Admixture Slump (mm) Strength at
Cement Air 20C (MPa)
Dos. kg/m3 %
Type % 0 30 60 90 1d 7d 28d
PNS1 1,3 326 0,50 3,3 205 140 80 20 21,7 29,2 37,7
PNS2 1,1 328 0,50 2,2 210 170 120 95 16,9 28,7 38,4
PCE1 1,3 325 0,50 2,0 210 185 140 95 20,1 30,1 39,5
WES1 1,0 325 0,50 3,2 210 200 200 180 17,7 27,9 38,8
PNS1 1,6 416 0,38 2,3 210 180 90 35 16,9 42,5 51,2
PNS2 1,4 415 0,38 2,9 200 160 140 75 9,5 46,8 55,9
PCE1 1,5 417 0,38 2,3 210 180 110 60 16,5 43,6 53,7
WES1 1,3 412 0,38 1,9 210 230 200 180 10,3 44,6 57,8
Fig. 1. Cumulative Kept (%) vs. Diameter (mm) of Arabian
tim e = 0 m in
Viscosity [Pa*s]
0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6
superplasticizers [%]
a) 0 min
tim e = 30 m in
Viscosity [Pa*s]
Yield [Pa]
0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6
superplasticizers [%]
a) 0 min
tim e = 30 m in
Yield [Pa]
max G' [Pa]
0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6
superplasticizers [%]
at 0 min
tim e = 30 m in
max G' [Pa]