An Internship Report
Performance Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited
Supervised By:
Mohammad Rakiv
Submitted By:
Iftekhar Uz-Zaman Rony
Md. Rakiv
Dear Sir,
With the due respect I would like to state that, I have completed the internship program with
Rupali Bank Ltd. It is a pleasure for me to be able to present my internship report on
Performance Analysis Of Rupali Bank Ltd.. I express my gratitude to you for your
continuous support that made me possible to complete the report. I remember that you inspired
me a lot to complete this report.
Therefore, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to you for your full hearted inspiration,
instructions and valuable advices. Thank you for accepting the report. I am very glad to submit
the report to you.
Sincerely Yours,
My name is Iftekhar Uz-Zaman Rony, bearing Roll: 16, Reg.No: 243266, Batch No: 25th /B,
student of the BBA program of Dhaka International University. My major is in Accounting &
Information Systems; do hereby declare that the internship report entitles Performance Analysis
Of Rupali Bank Ltd. is an original. The assigned work is by me for partial fulfillment of my
BBA degree and as a part of the academic curriculum. It has not been submitted by me before for
any other degree.
In the beginning, I would express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for whose Mercy I am mentally
and physically sound in order to prepare this report. Other than that, I am thankful to many people
who have provided me with incentive and support during the whole time I was working with this
report. I am very grateful to Mohammad Rakiv, my respective faculty and advisor of my
internship report who assigned me with this topic and assisted me the whole time. He guided me
to finish this task successfully. Without his assistance, I would not have been able to complete my
report successfully. I would also like to thank my Office Supervisor, Ms.Snejuti Chattropadday,
Second Manager, RBL Dhanmondi Corporate Branch; Mr. Jubayed Rashid, Senior Officer;
Mr. Asaduzzaman, Senior Priciple Officer, Ms. Writu Bhattacharja, Senior Officer and Ms. Jebun
Nahar, Senior Officer; who have cordially helped me and provided me with the information that I
needed to prepare this report. Also, I am extremely thankful for all the websites, journals, research
papers, books and literature that provided me information on this issue, as without that, the
project would go nowhere. I would also like to thank my peers and friends who assisted me
during its preparation. Without their support, suggestion and cooperation, this project would have
remained a dream.
In the early of year 2017, there was opportunity to be employed by Rupali Bank Ltd, (Dhanmondi
Corporate Branch) as an Intern. Under their supervision, it was a great opportunity to undertake
90 days internship to expand the horizons and the way of thinking. The major job in the aforesaid
bank was based within the every department and primarily involved practical understanding under
the supervision of manager. During the internship period they gave opportunity to engage in
different types of banking service to enrich my domain of practical banking knowledge.
The study on performance analysis guides us to know the present condition of Rupali bank
limited. A bank provides the loan on the basis of its deposit collection and borrowings to get
interest as income. Deposit, loan and performance analysis help us to comment on the bank. Here
the operation has done on the performance analysis of Rupali bank limited.
Deposit is the main component of banks fund. The existence of a commercial bank is totally
impossible in the absence of deposit. So, every bank expects that deposits will be sufficient, safe
and the flow of deposit will remain smooth. Changes and different mixtures in economic and
commercial activities make deposit management challenging to the bank manager .The diversity
of transactions among money market and capital market participants continuously influence bank
The core objectives of deposit are collection of bank fund, ensure productive investment of the
scattered savings of the clients, extending the scope of loan, fulfilling the excess need for money
and maintaining social responsibility.
In real life individuals or institution face some situations when they feel the necessity of
collecting, achieving or using some things for which they may not have adequate required
purchasing power. On the other hand, there are individual or institution that have surplus funds
after fulfilling both of their recurring and invest requirements. By way of deposit, bank takes
these surplus funds in its custody. Bank again temporarily transfers these funds for a specific
duration in exchange of some interest or profit to those who do not have required purchasing
power but have capacity to utilize borrowed funds for some productive and profitable project.
Here temporarily means that the users will return the provided purchasing power as loans
after some time as per the terms of the contract.
Loan means the lending of a sum of money by a lender to a borrower to repay with a certain
amount of interest. Loans refer to a formal agreement between a bank and borrower to provide a
fixed amount of credit for a specified period.
So as a profit oriented business organization , if a bank gives its resources temporarily under
certain conditions and for a specific duration , it will be called loan time to time , the term loan ,
credit and advance are used separately in different spheres
Foreign exchange department plays a vital role in facilitating export and import of the country. It
comprises of export, import and foreign remittance section. Letter of credit is the key player in the
foreign exchange business.
Banking has a long and rich history. It started as a result of peoples need. And with ages it has
been playing an important role in fulfilling the dire needs of businessmen and others. As the size
and complexities of business is increasing day by day banking sector is also providing various
innovative services with basic functions to increase size but to reduce the complexities.
Modern banking is a result of evolution driven by changing economic activities and life styles.
Entering in to a new millennium, banking needs have become more diverse and exotic than ever
before. It is known now that commercial bank is a profit maximizing institution. Hence it should
provide loans to those sectors in which its return is higher. But the nationalized commercial banks
are conducting banking business with different purposes. The main purpose is not just to make
profit but also to maximize the social benefit. Commercial banks provide a variety of other
services to their customers as for example remittance facilities, credit information about
customers, financial advice, collection of debts and dues etc. Banks also provide a number of trust
services to their customers. These services may either corporate trust services, which arise in
connection with the issue of bonds; personal trust services under which they manage property on
behave of their clients or corporate pension funds that provide retirement benefit for their
employees. After the completion of four-years and twelve semesters academic BBA program I,
Iftekhar Uz-Zaman Rony, student of Dhaka International University, was placed in Rupali
Bank Limited for the Internship Program. As a requirement for the completion of the program I
need to submit a report, which includes Performance Analysis of Rupali Bank Ltd.
Origin of the Study
The BBA program of Dhaka International University is designed with an excellent combination of
theoretical and practical aspects. Internship provides the students to link up their theoretical
knowledge into practical fields. After the completion of the course requirement for the BBA
program, students are sent to various organizations where they are assigned to one or more task to
get three months practical experience. During this program, supervisor guides each student one
from the university and the other from the organization. In this connection, I was assigned to
Rupali bank Bangladesh Ltd, Dhanmondi Corporate Branch for my practical orientation.
At the end of the program, the internships are required to place the accomplishments and findings
of the project through the writing of the internship report covering the relevant topics.
This report, Performance Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited, has been prepared to fulfill the
partial requirement of BBA program as a mean of Internship Program. While preparing this
report, I had a great opportunity to have an in depth knowledge of all the banking activities of
Rupali Bank Ltd.
General Objective
The general objective of the report is to evaluate the financial performance of Rupali Bank
Specific Objectives
The following aspects can be listed as the specific objectives for this practical orientation in
Rupali Bank Limited:
To identify and assess the present financial performance of Rupali Bank Limited.
To calculate the financial ratios and identify the areas of concern.
To understand the implications in analyzing and interpreting the financial ratios.
To evaluate the financial performance of Rupali Bank Limited
To identify the findings and raise possible recommendations for improving the performance
of Rupali Bank Limited.
Research Design
This report is a descriptive type of research, which briefly reveals the overall activities performed
by Rupali Bank Ltd. It has also been administered by collecting secondary data. Annual reports of
RBL were the major secondary data sources in this regard. Ratio analysis and trend analysis have
also been used as major tools for the financial performance analysis. The study is performed
based on the information extracted from different sources collected by using a specific
methodology. This report is analytical in nature.
Primary data:
For the Financial Performance Evaluation of Rupali Bank Limited I mainly used Secondary
data. Besides this I also collect some information by taking expert opinion from the officers and
direct observation while I doing the internship program at the bank.
1. Ratio Analysis
2. Trend Analysis
Ratio Analysis:
The quantitative (such as ratio analysis) tools are used to analyze the gathered data and different
types of computer software are used for reporting the gathered information from the analysis such
as- Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel etc. Ratio can be classified into four broad groups-
1) Liquidity Ratio.
2) Activity Ratio.
3) Debt Ratio.
4) Profitability Ratio.
Trend Analysis:
It is really important to analysis trends in ratios as well as their absolute levels. This analysis
informs us whether a companys financial condition improving or deteriorating.
Observing and analyzing the broad performance of a bank and one of its Branches are not that
easy. Moreover due to obvious reasons of scrutiny and confidentiality, the bank personnel usually
dont want to disclose all the statistical information about their organization. Time is another
major limitation of the duration of the program was ten weeks only and being a temporary
member of the organization, it was not possible on my part to notice or express some of the
sensitive issues and other aspects.
However the some of the limitations I have face while preparing this Report are listed as follows:
Time Limitation: To complete the study, time was limited by two months. It was really
very short time to know details about an organization like Rupali Bank Ltd.
Inadequate Data: Lack of available information about export & import business
operations of Rupali Bank Ltd. Because of the unwillingness of the busy key persons, necessary
data collection became hard. The employees are extremely busy to perform their duty.
Lack of Record: Large-scale research was not possible due to constrains and restrictions
posed by the organization. Unavailability of sufficient written documents as required making a
comprehensive study. In many cases up-to-date information was not available.
Lack of experiences: Lack of experiences has acted as constraints in the way of
meticulous exploration on the topic. Being a member of the organization; it was not possible on
my part to express some of the sensitive issues. Lack of adequate knowledge about export &
import business of any organization.
Methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem. This job had been
completed by following systematic and sequential steps. Firstly, the research problem was
formulated. Secondly, an extensive survey had been taken place to gather relevant and required
literature. Thirdly, a research design had been determined. In the fourth stage as sampling
technique had been chosen which is called non probability judgment sampling. Sixthly, both the
Primary and secondary data were collected. At the final stage, collected data were analyzed and
arranged as per the study demands. The study has been initiated to explore the insight of the
critical issues of Loans & Advances. So the study is an exploratory research. To complete the
study both primary and secondary data has been used.
Primary data
The primary data has been collected from original sources by an investigation. The primary data
are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and are original in character. The data
was collected following an interview schedule for the employees of the bank.
Target Population
The target population of this report is the managers and loan department staffs of the bank.
Sampling Technique
To gather primary information from a sample size has been determined from a population by
selecting a sampling technique named judgment sampling technique which is non probability
Secondary Data
On the other hand, the secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone
else which have been collected through the statistical process. Secondary sources of data consist
of all published and reported materials including books, journals, articles etc.
Rupali Bank Ltd. (RBL) was constituted with the merger of 3 (three) erstwhile commercial banks
i.e. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd., Australasia Bank Ltd. And Standard Bank Ltd. operated in
the then Pakistan on March 26, 1972 under the Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) order 1972
(P.O. NO. 26 of 1972), with all their assets, benefits, rights, powers, authorities, privileges,
liabilities, borrowings and obligations. Rupali Bank worked as a nationalized commercial Bank
till December13, 1986. Rupali Bank Ltd. Emerged as the largest Public Limited Banking
Company of the country on December 14, 1986. Rupali Bank Ltd. Operates through 492
branches. It is linked to its foreign correspondents all over the world. The Corporate Head Office
of the bank is located at DHAKA with one local office (main branch), four corporate branches at
Dhaka, one in Chittagong and twenty-five zonal offices all over the country. The Board Of
directors is composed of eight members headed by a chairman and the directors comprise
representatives from both public and private sectors and shareholders. The Bank is headed by the
Managing Director (Chief executive) who is a reputed professional Banker. The Bank has an
authorized capital of TK. 7000 million with a paid up capital of TK. 1650 million. GOB owns
90.19% of its share while the private share constitutes only 09.81%.
Corporate Profile:
No. of Employees
No. of No. of
Employees Employees
as on as on
31-12-2016 31-12-2015
Managing Director 1 1
It is gaining global acceptance rapidly as a standard to resume sustainable and socially equitable
business practice. The role of business worldwide and specific lly in developed economies has
evolved from classical profit maximizing approach to a socially responsible approach, where
business is not only respo sible to its stockholders but a so to of its stakeholders in a broader
inclusive sense.
CSR as a concept is being interwoven into the psyche of local business. This is both internal and
external. The corporate houses are trying to integrate CSR within their own management
CSR initiatives of Rupali Bank Limited in fact aim at responding to the huge unmet demand of
the society. It tends to make business more committed towards social needs and national
development through legal and commercial conduct.
Business Partners
Customers and Clients are the business partners of the bank. Their relationship with the bank is
based on mutual trust and respect. The bank sincerely strives to improve business relationship
with them for mutual benefits and proudly offer various contemporary financial products and
services to meet their needs without any hidden cost. Rupali Bank is fully aware of increasing the
shareholders value by optimizing financial performance at least cost. Providing some modern
banking services like ATM service, Automated Remittance System, Spot Cash Payment and
online banking in many of its branches, the bank is enabling its customers in making easy and
seamless transaction.
Regulatory Authorities
Being a responsible corporate body, the bank conforms to all stringent regulations issued by the
Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Bank.
Human Resources
It is the distinctive resource and true capital of RBL. The bank treats its officers and staff as
human res urces rather only the employees. Rupali Bank Human Resource Development Centre
imparts huge training programs and workshops on different contemporary issues of anking for the
Rupali Bank encourages excellence in performance by reward and recognition. The bank ensures
a level playing ground for its women jobholders in terms of promotion, placement and delegation
of power. Following the governmental rules and regulations, women employees of the bank enjoy
six months Maternity Leave with other facilities.
The bank operates a Death Relief Grant Scheme. The scheme is applicable to all its employees
and payments out of this fund are made to the successors of the employees on their death while in
Banks service. The quantum of payment is determined as per scale and grade of such employees.
The bank also operates two alternative Retirement Benefit Schemes for its permanent employees.
They are Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) and General Provident Fund (GPF).
A Staff Welfare Fund is being run by the bank out of the employees regular contribution to stand
by them for their well-being. Children Education Allowance is provided to all the employees of
Rupali Bank Limited who have children on study. Retired employees of the bank receive medical
allowance and half of his/her last basic as festival bonus twice a year until his/her death. The bank
ensures better healthcare of the employees with the help of Medical Consultant at Head Office.
Rupali Bank Krira Parishad organizes sports and cultural activities for its employees to shake off
their monotony. They also operate a library with huge number of books and magazines. Rupali
Banks cricket team has regularly been participating in the Cricket League. Rupali Bank Woman
Cricket Team clinched the title in the Premier Division Champion Woman Cricket League in 2016
in Bangladesh. It also became Runner-up in Premier Division Woman Cricket Le gue 2015.
Rupali Banks CSR actions generously contribute to save the e viro me t. Its lending policies and
practice are supportive in nourishing the enviro me t. Obtaining clearance from the Dep rtment of
Environment has been made m nd tory by the business entity before app ying for any credit
facility to the bank. ETPs in manufacturing establishments especially in dyeing industries are
made mandatory while financing by the bank. The bank is using a slogan Plant tree, nurse them
and save the environment in all its envelopes in building awareness among the people.
A general instruction is being followed in all the branches of the bank for efficient use of
electricity, printed stationary etc and maintaining cleanliness as part of efficient in-house
environment management. Ongoing automation program will help reducing the reliance on
printed documents and postage expenses or printing costs as well.
Any environment related organization that takes the effort of preserving the environment, the
bank stays by their side. Besides, in the field of tree plantation, green-belts, sanitation and pure
drinking water etc, the bank provide assistance. Preferences is given on uses of technology, solar
energy etc for promoting green banking.
Financial Inclusi n
The bank pens accounts with Tk. 10.00 for the freedom fighters, extreme poor, insolvent han
icaps, donation receivers from Hindu Religious Welfare Trust, allowance receivers un er Social
Safety Net Program and other have-nots of rural and urban population segments. It also opens
accounts with Tk. 50.00 and Tk. 100.00 for youth farmers and school students respectively. These
accounts are free of charges.
Rupali Bank also opens accounts with Tk. 10.00 for the street and working children with the help
of authorized NGO's by Bangladesh Bank. This is the first example in Bangladesh and perhaps
the first instance in the world as well. The objective is to bring the floating, homeless, working
children under banking channel and to establish their identity in the society. These accounts are
also free of charges.
Rupali Bank provides small scale credits as fishery loan, shrimp cultivation loan, goat/sheep
rearing loan, poultry loan, dairy loan, loan against crop storage in silos, micro-credit for the
handicapped, the tree plantation loan etc for socio-economic development of the country under
the policy pursued by the government. Bank-NGO Linkage Credit facility is also provided to
different NGOs.
2 Distributing Blankets among the Cold Wave Hit Distressed People 50.96 47.32
5 Institutions 0.43
116.80 87.39
2016 2015
Corporate Vision:
Our Vision is to expand our loyal customer base by being known as the financial partner of choice
that constantly exceeds customer expectations.
Corporate Mission:
Develop Long-term relationships that help our customers achieve financial success.
The first letters of the initial words from SPIRIT and carry equal importance.
Managing Director
General Manager
General Manager
RSSA: Rupali Student Saving Account can open with taka 100/- and no service charge. It gives
interest on 7% of the saving twice a year.
RMPS: Rupali Monthly Profit Scheme is for 3 year. It gives interest on 8% of the saving.
RMES: Rupali Monthly Earning Scheme is for 3 and 5 years. It gives interest on 8% and 8.5%
of the saving respectfully.
RMSS: Rupali Monthly Saving Scheme id for 2, 4 and 6 years. It gives 8.5%, 8% and 7.5%
interest on the saving respectfully.
FDR: Fixed Deposit for 3 months or more but less then 6 gets 8% interest, 6 months or more
but less then 1 year gets 8.5% interest and 1 year or more but almost 3 years dets 9% interest
on the deposit amount of money.
SBA: Customer gets best interest of 25% twice a year on Saving Account if they do not
withdraw money.
ATM: Customer can withdraw money from Rupali Bank, OMNIBUS and Q-Cash 24 hours
with ATM.
1. Deposit Scheme
4. Treasury
5. Fund Transfer
Deposit Scheme:
o General Products
Cash Credit (Hypothecation)
Cash Credit (Pledge)
Short Term Loan
SOE Loan
Overdraft (OD)
Loan against FDR
Loan against Deposit scheme
Industrial Project Loan (Long and Mid Term)
Syndicate Loan
Housing loan- General and Commercial
Personal Loan/ Professional Loan
Household Loan
Self Reliance and Special Program Loan
Local Bank guarantee
Loan under Equity Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF)
Student Loan