Honeywell AGT1500
Honeywell AGT1500
Honeywell AGT1500
October 1995) 30
Units 36 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Description. The Honeywell AGT1500 is a two- Status. Initial production ended in 1995. A second
spool, axial-centrifugal-flow, recuperative, vehicular production run was begun at the end of the fourth
gas turbine engine developing about 1,500 shp quarter of 2005.
(1,118 kW).
Total Produced. At the start of 2008, more than
Sponsor. Development of the AGT1500 was spon- 12,264 AGT1500 engines had been built for all M1 tank
sored by the U.S. Department of Defense through the variants, including tanks manufactured in Egypt.
(then) U.S. Army, Tank-Automotive Command;
Warren, Michigan, USA.
Power Class. 1,500 shp (1118 kW) at 3,000 rpm
out-put speed. A power increase to 1,675 shp
(1,249 kW) has been proposed.
Application. Heavy tracked military vehicles. Current or proposed applications of the Honeywell AGT1500 include
the following:
Model Thrust or Units per
Variant Power Rating Application Vehicle
AGT1500 1,500 shp (1118 kW) General Dynamics M1/M1A1/M1A2 1
AGT1500 TME (a) 1,500 shp (1118 kW) (b) General Dynamics M1A1/M1A2 (proposed) 1
AGT1500 1,675 shp (1249 kW) (c) General Dynamics M1A1/M1A2 1
(a) AGT1500 Transverse Mounted Engine, a part of the Transverse Mounted Engine Propulsion System (TME-PS).
(b) Power output in excess of 1,700 shp (1,305 kW) is considered possible.
(c) Power increase proposed in 1991.
Price Range. FI estimates the 2008 price of a new- As of early 2008, only the Honeywell/GE LV100
build AGT1500 to range from $875,000-$925,000. vehicular gas turbine is considered a competitor to the
Competition. The AGT1500 faced competition from
diesel engines for the M1 application in particular the Among the current diesel engines that are considered
MTU 783/883, and the Makila TI for rail applications. serious competition to the AGT1500 is the General
Dynamics Land Systems AVDS-1790 at 1,500 shp.
20 08 January 2008
Page 2 Industrial & Marine Turbine Forecast
Honeywell AGT1500
Honeywell Aerospace - Engines, , 111 S 34th St, Phoenix, AZ 85034-2892 United
Systems & Services States, Tel: + 1 (602) 231-1000, Fax: + 1 (602) 231-5713, Prime
Bristol Aerospace Ltd, A Magellan, 660 Berry St, PO Box 874, Winnipeg, R3C 2S4 Manitoba, Canada,
Aerospace Co Tel: + 1 (204) 775-8331, Fax: + 1 (204) 775-7494, Email: [email protected] (Collector
Chromalloy Gas Turbine Corp, 4430 Director Dr, San Antonio, TX 78219-3299 United
States, Tel: + 1 (210) 333-6010, Fax: + 1 (210) 359-5570 (Steel Investment Cast
Donaldson Company Inc, Gas, 1400 W 94th St, PO Box 1299, Minneapolis, MN 55440
Turbine Systems United States, Tel: + 1 (952) 887-3131, Fax: + 1 (952) 887-3115 (Inertial Separator &
Barrier Filter - Strataclose)
General Plasma Associates 12 Thompson Rd, East Windsor, CT 06088 United States, Tel: + 1 (203) 623-9901,
Fax: + 1 (203) 623-4657 (Clearance Control Coatings - Compressor Inlet HSNG)
Globe Motors, 2275 Stanley Ave, Dayton, OH 45404 United States,
Tel: + 1 (937) 228-3171, Fax: + 1 (937) 229-8531 (Fuel Pump)
Goodrich Turbine Fuel, 811 4th St, PO Box 65100, West Des Moines, IA 50265-0100
Technologies United States, Tel: + 1 (515) 274-1561, Fax: + 1 (515) 271-7201 (Flow Divider Valve; Fuel
Nozzle; Ignition Lead)
Howmet Castings, Corporate, 145 Price Rd, Winsted Industrial Park, Winsted, CT 06098 United
Machining States, Tel: + 1 (860) 379-3314, Fax: + 1 (860) 379-4239 (Integral Investment Cast Airfoil
& Hardware)
January 2008
Industrial & Marine Turbine Forecast Page 3
Honeywell AGT1500
McWilliams Forge Co Inc, 387 Franklin Ave, Rockaway, NJ 07866 United States,
Tel: + 1 (973) 627-0200, Fax: + 1 (973) 625-9316 (Turbine Disc & Sealing Plate - Stage 1)
Precision Castparts Corp, 4650 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 440, Portland, OR 97239-4262
United States, Tel: + 1 (503) 417-4800, Fax: + 1 (503) 417-4817,
Email: [email protected] (Structural Casting)
Special Metals Corp, 4317 Middle Settlement Rd, New Hartford, NY 13413
United States, Tel: + 1 (800) 334-8351, Fax: + 1 (315) 798-2001 (Waspaloy Billet)
Stalker Corp PO Box 404, Essexville, MI 48732 United States, Tel: + 1 (517) 893-7562 (Compressor
Turbo Products International Inc Pond Meadow Rd, Ivoryton, CT 06442 United States (Compressor Rotor Blade)
Woodward FST Inc, 700 N Centennial St, Zeeland, MI 49464 United States,
Tel: + 1 (616) 772-9171, Fax: + 1 (616) 748-7704 (Fuel Nozzle)
Wyman-Gordon Investment 839 Poquonnock Rd, PO Box 999, Groton, CT 06340 United States,
Castings Inc Tel: + 1 (860) 445-7421, Fax: + 1 (860) 449-8052 (Investment Cast Airfoil & Hardware)
Comprehensive information on Contractors can be found in Forecast Internationals International Contractors series. For a detailed description,
go to (see Products & Samples/Governments & Industries) or call + 1 (203) 426-0800.
Contractors are invited to submit updated information to Editor, International Contractors, Forecast International, 22 Commerce Road, Newtown,
CT 06470, USA; [email protected]
Technical Data
Note: The technical data that follow also pertain to the air recovers some of the heat from the exhaust and is
former AlliedSignal Engines and Textron Lycoming passed forward to enter the combustion chamber. The
AGT1500. cylindrical recuperator surrounds the output shaft/
reduction gear assembly, and consists of stacked
Design Features. The Honeywell AGT1500 has the
hydroformed plates which are resistance/laser-welded
following design features:
together. Air enters the recuperator with a temperature
Intake. Air enters vertically through a vehicle-mounted of over 850F (454C) and, after removing some of the
two-stage air filter, composed of an inertial particle heat from the exhaust gases, is channeled to the
separator and a barrier filter, and is turned 90 to flow combustor. Recuperator material is IN625.
axially through the compressor.
Combustor. Single tangential scroll-type reverse-flow
Low-Pressure Compressor. Five-stage, axial-flow annular combustor, with a Unison Industries (early built
stainless-steel LPC of constant outside diameter, with by AlliedSignal Controls & Accessories) exciter, single
variable inlet guide vanes. Stage 1 blades are mid-span spark igniter and fuel nozzle. Combustion air enters at
shrouded, and are of wider chord (low aspect ratio). 1,050F (566C) at 206 psi (1,420 kPa). A bolted cover
Two-piece compressor case. provides easy access to the combustor.
High-Pressure Compressor. The HPC consists of a High-Pressure Turbine. A single, air-cooled HP axial
four-stage, axial-flow unit followed by a single turbine drives the high-pressure compressor. Disc is
centrifugal compressor. The HPC counter-rotates forged Waspaloy. Cooling air enters the roots of the 28
relative to the LP compressor. Overall pressure ratio is turbine blades and exits through trailing edge holes.
14.0:1. Axial stages are of stainless steel, centrifugal Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) is approximately
unit of steel. HPC case houses four brazed stator 2,180F (1,193C).
assemblies, the last stage of which has a double row of
Low-Pressure Turbine. A single, uncooled axial
vanes to remove all swirl to the centrifugal compressor.
stage drives the LPC via the inner coaxial shaft. The LP
Recuperator. High-pressure air from the centrifugal turbine nozzle has 23 nozzle vanes integrally cast with
compressor travels radially and is turned 90 to flow their inner and outer shrouds.
through the internal passages of the recuperator. The
20 08 January 2008
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Honeywell AGT1500
Power Turbine Assembly. Two-stage, uncooled Accessories. The auxiliary gearbox is located beneath
axial-flow-design power turbine drives the aft-mounted the compressor housing and is driven from the HP
output shaft; a reduction gearbox reduces the 22,500 compressor shaft. A vehicle hydraulic pump is driven
rpm to 3,000 rpm. Both stages are tip-shrouded. A by the gearbox, which provides hydraulic pressure for
variable power turbine inlet nozzle controls power the vehicles systems. FADEC is standard on the
output with shifting loads, thereby preventing overspeed AGT1500A.
and over-temperature.
Dimensions. The standard AGT1500 has the following dimensions:
Metric Units English Units
Length, maximum 1,629 mm 66.5 in
Width, maximum 991 mm 39.0 in
Height, maximum 807 mm 31.8 in
Weight, dry 1,134 kg 2,500 lb
AGT1500. The AGT1500 is the basic engine version Engine (TME) power package developed for possible
in the AGT1500 program. It develops approximately use in upgrades of the U.S. Armys M1 tank series. See
1,500 shp (1,118 kW). Power increase to 1,675 shp Program Review for a description of the TME
(1,249 kW) was at one time proposed. package.
AGT1500A. The AGT1500A is a product-improved
AGT1500 identified for use in the Transverse-Mounted
Program Review
Background. In November 1976, the U.S. Army program in the United States. The total procurement of
awarded the XM1 Main Battle Tank contract to the engine by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps at
Chrysler Corp, Detroit, Michigan. That decision marked that time was envisioned to exceed the 12,000-unit
a milestone in that the Chrysler entry used the Avco mark.
Lycoming (now a part of Honeywell International and
AGT1500 Development. Development of the
its now-invisible entity AlliedSignal Inc) AGT1500
AGT1500 began in the mid-1960s. Lycoming had put
vehicular gas turbine engine. The contract also initiated
over 12 years into the program prior to its acceptance in
the first large-scale gas turbine-powered vehicle
January 2008
Industrial & Marine Turbine Forecast Page 5
Honeywell AGT1500
1976. Originally conceived as an alternate engine for Prior to FY86, historical M1 procurement by the U.S.
the MBT 70 tank, the AGT1500 received initial funding Army was as follows: FY79, 110; FY80, 309; FY81,
from the Army Tank-Automotive Command and 569; FY82, 700; FY83, 855; FY84, 840; and FY85,
competed against two diesel designs for the contract. 840.
However, escalating costs, delays, and political
U.S. Marine Corps Funding. The U.S. Marine Corps,
constraints generated by the joint Germany/USA
in 1985, announced that it would replace its M60A1
program resulted in the MBT 70 effort being scrapped.
tanks with the M1A1, with funding starting in FY88.
Faced with the need for an M60 replacement, Congress The total procurement amount at the time was listed as
and the Army began a new program, with Chrysler and 545 units, with the possibility of 15 additional units for
General Motors as competitors. The effort was designated attrition. Minimal funding was authorized in FY88, and
XM1, and Chrysler selected the Connecticut-made gas the procurement started in FY89. While the service, in
turbine powerplant for its design. GM offered a Teledyne January 1988, sought 66 tanks in FY89, the Amended
Continental diesel-powered advanced design with FY89 Budget Request, submitted in February 1988,
increased acceleration characteristics. requested $36 million in procurement funds for 14
vehicles. A total of 66 vehicles were finally funded for
In the late 1970s, Chrysler came close to bankruptcy as the
FY89, and 155 in FY90. No vehicles were sought in
result of sagging auto sales. In order to raise funds under
the services FY91 or later budget submissions.
provisions of the U.S. Government Loan Guarantee
Program, Chrysler was forced to sell off its Defense M1 Block III Tank. In 1986, the U.S. Army began
Products Division in March 1982 to General Dynamics; investigating the next step beyond the M1A1/M1A2
the change in management had no impact upon Block II system, intended for service in the late 1990s
production. The tank program is currently run by GDs and beyond. The Armys Block III tank is, at present,
Land Systems Division; Detroit, Michigan. Production only a design concept. Forecast Internationals Military
took place in Warren, Michigan, and Lima, Ohio. Vehicles Forecast indicates that the tank could be
radically different from the current M1 tank. Among
AGT1500 Applications. To date, the sole
the options being explored are new engines, including
application of the AGT1500 has been the
diesels and a John Deere Model 580 three-rotor rotary
Chrysler/General Dynamics M1 Abrams tank series,
designed by Chrysler Corp, Defense Products Division,
and later sold to General Dynamics Corp, Land Systems Export Sales of M1A1. The M1 series of main battle
Division (Detroit, MI). The M1 combat weight is 61.5 tanks has garnered export sales.
tons (55.79 metric tons) as originally equipped, while
Egypt. The first export sale of the M1A1 came nearer
the M1A1 with the 120mm M256 cannon and depleted
to fruition in June 1987 when it was announced that an
uranium armor has a combat weight of 67.59 tons
agreement had been made with Egypt whereby that
(61.3 metric tons), and the M1A2 version, a weight of
nation would acquire 555 M1A1s. The program called
68.75 tons (62,48 metric tons). All are 32.3 feet
for General Dynamics to deliver 25 fully assembled
(9.85 m) in length, 12.0 feet (3.66 m) in width, and
tanks in 1991 (the vehicles were delivered by the end of
9.48 feet (2.89 m) in height. The M1/M1A1/M1A2 has
1991), followed by co-production of 530 tanks over a
a maximum speed of 41.7 mph (67.1 kmph) and a range
10-year period beginning in 1992. Egypt would
of between 240 and 310 miles (386-499 km), depending
initially assemble the tanks from kits provided from the
on model and whether or not NBC (nuclear, biological,
U.S., but would gradually produce components such as
chemical) equipment is in use. The last price quoted for
sprockets, wheels, and tracks. An estimated 81 percent
the tank for the U.S. Army was $4.285 million in
of the total work content, however, would remain in the
FY92/93, while the FY90 price for the M1A1 for the
U.S., with Egypt not producing components having a
U.S. Marine Corps was $2.517 million.
critical or classified technology such as armor, fire
U.S. Army M1 Procurement. Despite attempts at control systems, engines, and transmissions. In 1996,
multiyear funding by the U.S. Army, Congress has Egypt requested an additional 31 M1A1 kits from the
changed the tank authorization quantity virtually on a U.S.
year-by-year basis. Prior procurement quantities were:
As told to Gas Turbine Forecast on November 30,
FY86, 790; FY87, 810; FY88, 689; FY89, 555; FY90,
1988, Egypt acquired the AGT1500 engine as part of
481; FY91, 240; and FY92, 18. No procurement
the M1A1 package. Engines were shipped to GD.
funding was authorized by Congress in FY93 and
beyond. Recent funding has focused on M1A1/A2 Saudi Arabia. The second export sale was recorded in
block upgrade efforts. the summer of 1987 when Saudi Arabia ordered 315
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Honeywell AGT1500
M1A1s. A follow-on order for an additional 150 tanks growth of the weapon system having generated an all-
was subsequently placed. up weight of 67 tons, and over 70 tons (63.5 metric
tons) for an M1A1 variant, an increased-performance
Kuwait. Kuwait selected the M1A2 in October 1992.
AGT1500 might be deemed necessary if both the Army
As many as 285 engines were built in support of the
and Marine Corps wish to maintain their requirement
218-tank requirement.
for a tank with a power-to-weight ratio of 25
Other Potential Customers. The United Arab horsepower (18.64 kW) per ton. At that figure, 1,700
Emirates (UAE) requested an emergency evaluation of shp would be required for a 70-ton vehicle and 1,675
the M1A1 in mid-1990, and shortly thereafter requested horsepower for a 67-ton vehicle. The AGT1500 is
337 tanks. Early in its investigation of competing tank inherently capable of such growth without external
designs, the UAE considered competing the M1 buy dimension change or weight growth. Such growth
against the British Challenger and French LeClerc main would likely occur as a Component Improvement (CIP)
battle tanks. The UAE finally decided on the LeClerc. effort.
The M1 series has also been evaluated by Canada, In 1991, Textron proposed a Performance Recovery
Israel, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Program (PRP) for the AGT1500 which would raise the
engines power by up to 1,675 shp, resulting in
AGT1500 Continuing Engine Improvement
40 percent better fuel efficiency during training and
Program. Under U.S. Army RDT&E funding, the
15 percent better efficiency during battlefield condi-
AGT1500s low-power fuel economy was improved, as
tions. The increase in power would be attained by
was its air filtration system. Through FY82, the
increasing the power turbine speed by 20 percent and
AGT1500 Fuel Economy Program (FEP) component
improving the HPT efficiency. A two-stage reduction
hardware was fabricated and rig tested. One full engine
gearbox would enable the transmission to handle the
was tested offering a fuel mission improvement of
same input speed as before.
10 percent. This funding was extended to include
improvements to the module interchangeability feature. A 75-horsepower Combat Support Module (CSM)
From 1982-1984, the new self-cleaning air filter was would also be incorporated. The CSM consists of an
tested and verified and the development of the new auxiliary power unit (APU), exhaust duct and air inlet.
Pulse Jet Air Cleaner proceeded. Additionally, work on It would be mounted as a fifth module of the tank
a more efficient ceramic recuperator, more temperature- engine; would be connected to the engine accessory
tolerant turbine blades, and improved oil/bearing gearbox through a two-way clutch; and would use the
temperature tolerance began. main engine oil, fuel and filter air.
In May 1988, Textron Lycoming set up a task force to AGT1500 Transverse Mounted Engine
reduce the cost of training tank crews. It was (AGT1500 TME). Textron Lycoming has been devel-
determined that the excessive amount of time the M1 oping a product-improved version of the AGT1500
tank spent at idle provided an opportunity to reduce fuel engine, designated the AGT1500 Transverse Mounted
costs. An initial series of tests was begun at Fort Knox, Engine, for use in the Transverse Mounted Engine
Kentucky, with an M1 modified to accept a new Propulsion System (TME-PS) for the U.S. Army. The
Lycoming Digital Electronic Control Unit (DECU) and new propulsion package is mounted sideways, with the
the standard analog control unit. A series of follow-up TME engines centerline parallel to the transmission
tests were conducted at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, output centerline. For the AGT1500, the front power
Maryland, in June 1989. Compared with existing input module of the transmission is eliminated and the
engines, the tests demonstrated 11 percent to 26 percent left side output housing is modified to accept power
lower fuel consumption at idle. input. A power link from the AGT1500 TME (the
AGT1500A) engine to the Allison (now Rolls-Royce)
AGT1500 Increased Power? The possibility exists
XT1100-3 transmission was accomplished using simple
of additional government funding for an increased-
spur gears, which are located in a transfer gear case. In
horsepower AGT1500 to support vehicle weight growth
addition to housing the power link, the transfer gear
in the future. While major U.S. Army R&D efforts are
case serves many purposes in that it also functions as a
confined to advanced work in radial turbines, ceramic
rear engine mounting structure, houses the torque
components and coatings, and with the LV100,
converter, and acts as an accessory gearbox as well as a
Lycoming had held talks with the Army about raising
power takeoff (PTO) system. A Full Authority Digital
the power of the AGT1500 to 1,600 shp, and has done
Engine Control (FADEC) system replaces the current
design studies on its own of the merits of raising the
electrohydraulic transmission and engine control units.
power to 1,700 shp (267 kW). Indeed, with weight
A more compact and efficient air induction system,
January 2008
Industrial & Marine Turbine Forecast Page 7
Honeywell AGT1500
incorporating a self-cleaner, was developed by the ment, material management, field repair support, field
Donaldson Company Inc, Minneapolis, Minnesota. and overhaul data collection, and fact-based main-
tenance. The contract includes field support services in
Also incorporated into the TME-PS is an 80-
Kuwait and South Korea and at U.S. locations.
horsepower (59.6-kW) John Deere spark-ignition rotary
engine, which generates electrical power and drives the The goal of the program is to reduce operating costs
NBC system. The elimination of the turbine bleed air while doubling the service life of overhauled AGT1500
requirement thereby improves engine life and dramat- engines to 1,400 hours.
ically reduces the need to run the main engine at idle.
While the Abrams modernization plan calls for moving
The complete TME-PS power package weighs approxi- from five or six variant to two variants, the M1A2
mately 7,800 pounds (3,538 kg), and is 2.13 meters System Enhanced Program (SEP) variant and the
long, 1.98 meters wide and 1.18 meters high. The hull Abrams Integrated Management (AIM) variant, the
space freed up approximately 56 cubic feet (1.58 cu m) TIGER program is unaffected by this proposal.
that can be used to carry add-itional fuel, ammunition,
With enough data, a future logistician involved in fleet
electronic countermeasures, NBC equipment, or an
management can determine that a part or engine needs
maintenance prior to a mission, or make better decisions
The XT1100-3 transmission is reportedly only on deployment, support and material management.
46 percent common to the in-service X1100-3B unit.
The data can also determine, for example, if there is a
The newer unit has seven, as opposed to four, forward
consistent problem with a particular part. The TIGER
gears, plus two reverse gears.
program will look at the quality of the parts provided
TIGER Program Launched and help suppliers improve their products. Through a
Web-based database, FBM will enable maintenance and
With the Armys M1 series Abrams tanks expected to parts management. For example, the database will be
remain in the force beyond 2030, the service tapped able to provide information on a particular part failing,
Honeywell, in early 2006 under a contract with a which could lead to a fix or to a determination that
potential value of $1.4 billion over 48 months to another supplier needs to be found.
improve the Abrams engine performance as well as
save money. Honeywell is already starting to explore performance-
based logistics at the macro level. In a separate
The Total InteGrated Engine Revitalization (TIGER) program, Honeywell works on diagnostics and prog-
program for the AGT1500 turbine calls on the company nostics for the Armys Future Combat Systems
to provide performance-based logistics and engineering program.
design improvements.
The Army will transition the responsibility for on-time
Under the teaming arrangement, the company will bring acquisition and delivery of all engine parts to
its expertise to bear and work in a complementary role. Honeywell during TIGERs first phase. This integrated
The TIGER contract has been signed, and the first year approach is expected to lower operating and
will mainly comprise putting the program in place. sustainment costs, improve parts availability, and boost
Honeywell will provide engineering support, design the overall quality of engine components.
improvements, integrated supply chain manage-
No major U. S. Army funding for the Honeywell AGT1500 has been awarded recently.
20 08 January 2008
Page 8 Industrial & Marine Turbine Forecast
Honeywell AGT1500
Contractor ($ millions) Date/Description
Honeywell 27.643 Jul 2005 FFP contract for rebuild work on the AGT1500. (DAAE07-00-C-
International N131)
Doncasters Group 4.897 May 2005 Delivery order amount of $4.897 million as part of a $49.741
million FFP contract for AGT1500 compressor blades. (W56HZV-05-D-
Honeywell 13.804 Apr 2005 Modification to an FFP contract for rebuild work.
International (DAAEE07-00-C-N131)
Triumph Precision 1.281 Apr 2005 Delivery order amount of $1.281 million as part of a $32.972
Castings Co million FFP contract for Stage 1 turbine rotor blades. (W56HZV-05-D-
New Hampshire 0.298 Feb 2005 Delivery order amount of $0.289 million as part of a $7.938
Balls Bearing Inc million FFP contract for ball bearings. (W56HZV-05-D-0036)
Month Year Major Development
1964 Avco awarded initial design contract
Oct 1965 Prototype AGT1500 engine development funded by U.S. Army
Jun 1973 XM1 Tank Validation Phase initiated (GM/Chrysler);
Chrysler selects AGT1500 for the XM1
Nov 1976 Tank FSED Phase initiated
Mar 1978 First 11 full-scale engineering development engines delivered
May 1979 Army AGT1500 production
Nov 1979 First production AGT1500 engines delivered
Jan 1981 First M1-equipped unit formed in USA for testing
Sep 1981 U.S. DoD full-scale M1 production decision
1983 M1 production reaches 60-per-month rate
Jun 1983 U.S. House of Representatives rejects second-source AGT1500 proposal
Nov 1983 Avco announces industrial AGT 1500
1984 M1 production reaches 70-per-month level
Jan 1984 Avco ships 1,000th AGT 1500
Aug 1985 First M1A1 delivered to U.S. Army
Oct 1986 AGT1500 TME effort begun
Nov 1986 Multiyear engine contract (to 1991) awarded
Jun 1987 Approval granted for M1A1 licensed assembly/production in Egypt
May 1988 Lycoming task force established to reduce tank training costs: DECU effort begun
Nov 1988 7,000th engine delivered
Jun 1989 DECU follow-on tests begun at Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Sep 1989 8,000th engine delivered
Jul 1990 Saudi Arabia buy of 315 M1 tanks announced
Sep 1990 9,000th engine delivered
Late 1990 Initial deliveries of M1A1 tanks for U.S. Marine Corps
Late 1991 First deliveries of M1A1 to Egypt
1992 First tanks delivered to Saudi Arabia
1994 First tanks delivered to Kuwait
May 1994 AlliedSignal and Textron sign MoU on AlliedSignal acquisition of Textron Lycoming
Oct 1995 Last series-production AGT1500 completed (October 30)
1997 Stratford Army Engine Plant closes
4Q 2005 AGT1500 production resumes for Egyptian requirement
3Q 2007 Egypt purchases 125 M1A1 tanks, bringing its inventory to 1,005
2007-15 Further production of AGT1500 for other applications investigated
January 2008
Industrial & Marine Turbine Forecast Page 9
Honeywell AGT1500
Worldwide Distribution/Inventories
At the start of 2008, almost 9,400 M1/M1A1/M1A2 vehicles had been built, including 765 vehicles by GD/Egypt
Tank PL for Egyptian use. The 9,400 tanks have required over 12,268 engines.
The worldwide inventory of M1/M1A1/M1A2 vehicles is as follows: Australia (59); Egypt (1,005); Kuwait (218);
Saudi Arabia (315); U.S. (8,040).
Forecast Rationale
With no new-build M1 series tank production planned for A more powerful version of the AVDS-1790 diesel engine
the U.S. military, Honeywell had, until mid-2005, been family has long been proposed for the M1 series of
relegated to merely producing spare AGT1500 parts for Abrams tanks. An improved version is now being
the U.S. Army and a few nations outside the U.S. to assure developed as a private undertaking. The new version of
adequate supplies. A number of engines for Foreign the AVDS-1790 has an electronic common rail
Military Sales (FMS) needs for example, for Kuwait fuel-injection system in place of the mechanical
were taken from U.S. military inventory. fuel-injection of earlier engines. It also has larger
after-cooling turbochargers, but is similar in weight to
After nearly 12,170 engines were produced, production of
earlier versions. The uprated engine can be coupled to a
the AGT1500 ended, and the Stratford Army Engine Plant
number of transmissions, including the Rolls-Royce
where the engine was built closed in 1997. For quite some
X1100 series installed in the M1 and other heavy armored
time, Honeywell did not overtly pursue further vehicular
turbine engine development since neither the AGT1500
nor the LV100 was selected for the next generation of U.S. With the only new-production M1A1 tanks coming off the
armored vehicles, leaving these engines without vehicular line being those in Egypt, our forecast calls for 61 new
applications. AGT1500s, by Honeywell in Arizona, extending into
2009. The total could increase should the U.S. remain in
In July-August 2005, the AGT1500 was reloaded onto the
Iraq and Afghanistan for years to come.
production line in Phoenix for a few hundred more
new-build engines for Egypt plus, we believe, a few The GE/Honeywell LV100 may be substituted as a
(quickly and quietly sidelined) engines for U.S. needs. lighter and more efficient drop-in replacement as the
steady sand-blasting takes its toll on the engines in the
This engine has generated considerable interest and a large
following in military circles due to the fact that it is easily
Ten-Year Outlook
Thru 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total
Honeywell Inc
AGT 1500 <> SHP 1,500 to < 2,500 <> Drive for Heavy Tracked Vehicles
12,264 36 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61
Total 12,264 36 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61
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Page 10 Industrial & Marine Turbine Forecast
Honeywell AGT1500
January 2008