¿Qué Preferirías? Ice Breaker Questions in Spanish: Sra. Cruz

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Ice Breaker Questions

in Spanish

Sra. Cruz
Page 3: Task Cards
Suggested Uses: 1) As a relationship-building
activity for the 1st days of school, the teacher
reads the task card and students can raise
their hand, move to a designated side of the
room, etc. to indicate what they would
choose. 2) As task cards, students can play
Scoot and write down what they would
choose for each card. 3) As writing prompts,
students can tell which scenario they would
prefer and why.

Pages 4-13: Slides

These can be projected using an LCD
projector or interactive board. Students can
either raise their hand or move to a side of
the room to indicate their choice.
Task Cards
Suggested Uses: 1) As a relationship-building activity for the 1st days of
school, thr teacher reads the task card and students can raise their hand,
move to a designated side of the room, etc. to indicate what they would
choose. 2) As task cards, students can play Scoot and write down what
they would choose for each card. 3) As writing prompts, students can tell
which scenario they would prefer and why.

1 Qu preferiras 2 Qu preferiras
vivir sin televisin o medir 3 pies o
vivir sin internet? medir 8 pies?
3 Qu preferiras 4 Qu preferiras
tener mucho pelo en todo el ser rico y feo o
cuerpo o
ser completamente calvo? ser pobre y guapo?

5 Qu preferiras 6 Qu preferiras
tener un tercer brazo o ser un perro o
tener un tercer ojo? ser un gato?

7 Qu preferiras 8 Qu preferiras
tener una cabeza del tamao de una
naranja o ver el futuro o
tener una cabeza del tamao de una
sanda? cambiar el pasado?

9 Qu preferiras 10 Qu preferiras
tener mucho fro o perder un brazo o
tener mucho calor? perder una pierna?
2015 Sra. Cruz

vivir vivir
sin o sin
televisin internet?

2015 Sra. Cruz


medir medir
3 o 8
pies pies?
2015 Sra. Cruz
mucho o ser
pelo en calvo?
todo el
2015 Sra. Cruz
ser ser
rico o pobre
y y
feo guapo?
2015 Sra. Cruz
tener tener
un o un
tercer tercer
brazo ojo?
2015 Sra. Cruz

ser ser
un o un
perro gato?
2015 Sra. Cruz
tener una tener una
cabeza o cabeza
del tamao del tamao
de una de una
naranja sanda?
2015 Sra. Cruz

ver cambiar
el o el
futuro pasado?

2015 Sra. Cruz


tener tener
mucho o mucho
fro calor?
2015 Sra. Cruz

perder perder
un o una
brazo pierna?
2015 Sra. Cruz
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