DR Farah Deeba Nasrullah Asst Prof Dept of Obgyn Unit Ii Chk/Duhs
DR Farah Deeba Nasrullah Asst Prof Dept of Obgyn Unit Ii Chk/Duhs
DR Farah Deeba Nasrullah Asst Prof Dept of Obgyn Unit Ii Chk/Duhs
Risk Assessment
Low risk: no screening
Average risk: at 24-28 weeks
High risk: as soon as possible
Screening is usually initiated b/w24th and 28th weeks of
pregnancy or earlier in the presence of risk factors .
Screening test
Glucose Challenge Test (GCT): best screening test
for gestational diabetes. It includes measurement of
plasma glucose 1 hour after ingesting 50 g of glucose
without dietary preparation between 24-28 weeks of
cut-off value > 140 mg/dl identifies 80% women with GDM
cut-off value > 130 mg/dl identifies 90% women with GDM
Women with elevated GCT values require a diagnostic test
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT): After an overnight
fast measurement of plasma glucose after ingesting 100 g
of glucose.
Timing of National Carpenter and
measurement Diabetes Data Coustan (CC)
Group (1979) 1982
Fasting 105 mg/dl 95 mg/dl
1 hour 190 mg/dl 180 mg/dl
2 hour 165 mg/dl 155 mg/dl
3 hour 145 mg/dl 140 mg/dl
Congenital abnormalities
Neonatal hypoglycemia
Macrosmia (big baby syndrome > 4 Kg or >8 lb 13 oz)
Polycythemia / hyperviscosity syndrome
Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia
Birth trauma (due to macrosmia and shoulder
Hyaline membrane disease
Apnea and bradycardia
Cardiac Hypertrophy
Long term effects on cognitive development
Macrosomic infant
Macrosomia (large for gestational age or big baby
(birth weight >90% percentile for gestational age)
persistent maternal hyperglycemia leadS to fetal
hyperglycemia and prolonged fetal hyperinsulinism. This
stimulates excessive somatic growth mediated by insulin-like
growth factors (IGFs). Macrosomia affects all organs except
the brain.
Insulin in GDM
Insulin used if fasting blood glucose >105 mg/dl or 1 hr
postprandial blood glucose >120 mg / dl on a diet
Use basal bolus regime or pre-mixed insulin
Short acting insulins (e.g. Lispro and Aspart) can be used to
achieve postprandial control
Insulin requirements increase by 50% from 20-24 weeks to 30-32
weeks, after which insulin needs often stabilize.
Preconception counseling
All women with pre-existing type-1 or type-2 diabetes, when
planning on pregnancy, should receive pre-conception
counseling so that they understand the importance of
achieving near-normal blood glucose before conception to
reduce the risk of congenital malformations and
spontaneous miscarriage.
Laboratory parameters to be
monitored at antenatal visit
Blood Sugar
Urine microscopy and albumin
Tight glycemic targets are required for optimal maternal and fetal