Legal Medicine Notes

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Chapter 1 ANATOMY

Posterior View Back side

Anterior View Front side

Types of Wounds
Incision sharp object was used, cut is
Laceration blunt weapon was used,
Lateral View - SideView cut is messy
Contusion injury where the blood
capillaries were ruptured ( Pasa )
Abrasion area damaged by scraping (

Chapter 2 DNA & Biometrics

Ventral View Front w/o head region
Dorsal View Back w/o head region Types of patterns
Finger Ridge Pattern (fingers)
Rostral (towards the head) and Caudal Finger Vein Pattern (fingers)
(towards the tail) Palm Pattern (palm)
Hand geometry
Retinal Pattern (eye)
Iris Pattern (eye)
Odontometrics (teeth)
Face Recognition (face)

Purpose of Biometrics
Regions of the Skull Verification

Parts of a fingerprint

Body Planes Kinds of Fingerprints


Arch Handwriting
Loops Voice
Whorls Scent
Gait (manner of walking)
Keystroke Pattern

Attributes of Handwriting
Basic Ridge Characteristics Degree of instictiveness

Legal Application of Behaviometrics

Negotiable Instruments

Forgery Basis of determining authenticity

Line quality

Dental Profiling Indicators of Forgery

Important when the cadaver is already Slowness of execution
decomposed Touching up
It can determine the persons age and Charge of hold
ancestry background Wavering
DNA is present in the tooths pulp Uncertain interrupted strokes
o Section 1. It shall be obligatory upon all
practitioners of dentistry to keep and Points of comparison
maintain an accurate and complete Strokes
record of the dentition of all their
patients which shall include a history Alignment
and description of the patient's dentition Spacing
and the treatments made thereon.
o Section 2. Upon the lapse of ten years T-bars and i-dots
from the last entry, dental practitioners Slant
shall turn over the dental records of their
patients to the National Bureau of Weight of strokes
Investigation for record purposes: Circle formation
Provided, that the said practitioners may
retain copies thereof for their own files. Initial and final strokes
o Section 3. Any violation of the Needle, wedge, round, and flat
provisions of this Decree shall be
punishable by a fine of not less than one
hundred pesos nor more than one
thousand peso Tools used

PCR (polymerase chain reaction)

Magnifying glass copies a particular DNA sequence to
Microscope identify the DNA
Digital imaging STR ( short tandem repeat) the
3-D imaging software introns are being analyzed
Infrared Viewing DNA extraction is valid, only
UltraViolet viewing testimonial evidence is prohibited
Fluorescent viewing
Infrared luminescence Chapter 3 Reproduction
Visible Filter Viewing
Sexual and Asexual
Voice recognition
The vocal chords vibrate to produce Asexual Reproduction
sound Gemules
Diarization - the process of partitioning an Budding
input audio stream into homogeneous Fragmentation
segments according to the speaker identity Regeneration
DNA Parthenogenesis (reproduction from
Deoxyribonucleic Acid an ovum without fertilization,
Present in the nucleus and the especially as a normal process in some
mitochondria invertebrates and lower plants.) ex.
Humans are comprised of 23 bees, wasps, ants, fish, reptiles.
chromosomes (tightly knit DNA)
Has two parts the Exon(coding part) Sexual
and the Intron(non-coding part) Ovum
The Intron is the DNA fingerprint, it is Sperm
what makes you unique from others
and contains unique repeating For Males
patterns Spermatogenesis in the testes, which is
the main organ of Reproduction

For Females
Oogenesis or the production of eggs in
the ovary which is the main organ of

Arousal Disorders
Impotence (male) Erectile
Disfunction (ED)
Frigiding (Female) failure to produce
liquids for lubrication, or failure to be
If number 2 has O (oxygen), it is considered as aroused
If number 2 is absent of O (oxygen), it is Causes of ED
deoxyribose (DNA) Diabetes
People vs Villejos Neurological problems

Hormonal insufficiencies Surgical reconstructed Hymen

Cardiovascular disease Anorgasmic absent hymnen, but
never experienced orgasm
Drugs that causes ED True no penetrative sex of any kind
Antihistamines Medical Evidences
Muscle Relaxants Ruptured hymen
Pain relievers Presence of spermatozoa
Wounds both external and internal
Sterility or Infertility inability to procreate
Note: As long as the male penis touches the
Primary Infertility labia, it is considered rape
Unable to bear children
Unable to carry a pregnancy Physical Evidences
Physical exam
Secondary Infertility Pictures of wounds
Has been pregnant before but can no Xray
longer bear children or be pregnant. CT scan
Non-Conventional Pregnancy Blood Exam
Artificial Insemination Vaginal Discharge (for STD)
Invitro Fertilization Clothing
Surrogacy Pubic hair sample
Gamete interfallopian Transfer Fingernail scraping
Cloning Crime scene evidences

Chapter 4 Virginity and Rape Other Evidence

Blood grouping
Both Male and Female can be raped DNA to establish identity

Important Vaginal Parts Symptoms of Rape

Labia Majora outer lip Stomach ache, headache, nausea
Labia Minora inner lip Depression
Clittoris Pleasure Gland Vaginal pain
Hymen normally annular in shape, Fearfulness
important in determining virginity Nervousness
Inappropriate laughter
Types of Hymen Numbness
Annular Hostility and fear
Septate Rape Trauma Syndrome
Psyche trauma
Types of Virginity Both male and female
Anatomical intact Hymen Subset of PTSS (post traumatic stress
Physiological Absent Hymen syndrome)
Psycological absent Hymen, but Extent of psych damage
unwilling to have sex

Victims may have difficulty in

RTS Stages concentrating and some depression.
Acute stage Dissociation and trying to get back to
Outward Adjustment Stage their lives before the assault.
Underground Stage The underground stage may last for
Reorganization Stage years and the victim seems as though
Renormalization Stage they are "over it", despite the fact the
emotional issues are not resolved.
Acute Stage - The acute stage occurs in the
days or weeks after a rape. Durations vary as Reorganization Stage
to the amount of time the victim may remain
in the acute stage. The immediate symptoms May return to emotional turmoil
may last a few days to a few weeks and may The return of emotional pain can
overlap with the outward adjustment stage. extremely frighten people in this
Diminished alertness. Fears and phobias may develop. They
Numbness. may be related specifically to the
Dulled sensory, affective and memory assailant or the circumstances or the
functions. attack or they may be much more
Disorganized thought content. generalized.
Vomiting. Appetite disturbances such
Nausea. as nausea and vomiting. Rape
Paralyzing anxiety. survivors are also prone to
Pronounced internal tremor. developing anorexia
Obsession to wash or clean nervosa and/or bulimia.
themselves. Nightmares, night terrors feel like they
Hysteria, confusion and crying. plague the victim.
Bewilderment. Violent fantasies of revenge may also
Acute sensitivity to the reaction of arise
other people.
Renormalization Stage
Outward Adjustment Stage - Survivors in this
stage seem to have resumed their normal In this stage, the survivor begins to
lifestyle. However, they simultaneously suffer recognize his or her adjustment
profound internal turmoil, which may manifest phase
in a variety of ways as the survivor copes with survivors integrate the sexual
the long-term trauma of a rape assault into their lives so that the
rape is no longer the central focus
Underground Stage of their lives; negative feelings
such as guilt and shame become
Victims attempt to return to their lives resolved, and survivors no
as if nothing happened. longer blame themselves for the
May block thoughts of the assault from attack
their minds and may not want to talk
about the incident or any of the
related issues. (They don't want to
think about it).

Chapter 5 Pregnancy
3rd week
Symptoms Detectable heartbeat
weight gain Tail disappearing
altered smell Uncurl from C position
altered taste Can thumbsuck
missed period Head nodding
fatigue About 3 inches long
spotting and cramping
Emesis Gravidarum ( morning sickness) 4th month
Linea nigra (stretch marks) Can hear
Chloasma (mask of pregnancy) All major organs complete
Can swallow and kick
Breast related symptoms Can identify gender via UTZ
Tingly prickly nipples 7 inches long
Tender swollen breast
Darkening nipples 5th month
Examinations conducted and signs Vernix casseosa covers and protects
Ballotment done by doctor at 18 the body
weeks Tiny white eyelashes and two arching
Pelvic examination eyebrows
Mc Donalds sign Fine wooly hairs called LARUGO
Braxton Hicks sign blanket the body
Enlarging abdomen 8-10 inches long

Postive signs of pregnancy 6th month

Mayors sign (fetal heart sound) 8-14 Normal growth
weeks If born prematurely in this period, the
Outlining of fetal parts baby will attempt to breath
Quickening (baby movement) as early 14 inches long
as 13 weeks
7th month
Fetal Development Blinks and eye opening
Fat tissue increase
1st month Taste buds forms
Fertilization Hearing fully develops
First heart beat
Tad pole looking 8th month
inch long Brain develops rapidly
Heart, lungs, liver, brain develops All organs except lungs mature
Skin stars to smoothen
2nd month Fingernails now reach beyond
Head forms (eyes, nose, mouth etc.) fingertips
Digestive organs forms 16-18 inches long
Sex organs forms

3. The penalty of prision correccional in its

medium and maximum periods, if the woman
9th month shall have consented.
Art. 257. Unintentional abortion. The
Vernix casseosa and larugo disappears penalty of prision correccional in its minimum
and medium period shall be imposed upon any
Delivery person who shall cause an abortion by
violence, but unintentionally.
Proof of previous pregnancy
Laxity of abdominal wall Art. 258. Abortion practiced by the woman
Breast is lax with enlarged nipple herself of by her parents. The penalty of
Striae of pregnancy (stretch marks) prision correccional in its medium and
maximum periods shall be imposed upon a
Estimate date of delivery woman who shall practice abortion upon
Ultra sound herself or shall consent that any other person
Pregnancy calculator should do so.
From 1st day of last menstruation, add Any woman who shall commit this offense to
7 days and count 3 months backwards conceal her dishonor, shall suffer the penalty
of prision correccional in its minimum and
Diagnosis of fetal death medium periods.
Uterine size remain unchanged If this crime be committed by the parents of
Negative endoctrine test the pregnant woman or either of them, and
they act with the consent of said woman for
Cessation of fetal movement
the purpose of concealing her dishonor, the
Absence of fetal heart sound
offenders shall suffer the penalty of prision
Palpation of softened fetal head
correccional in its medium and maximum
Breast ceases to enlarge
Chapter 6 Abortion
Art. 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or
midwife and dispensing of abortives. The
penalties provided in Article 256 shall be
Removal of the live fetus form the imposed in its maximum period, respectively,
womb upon any physician or midwife who, taking
Illegal and no exception advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill,
Therapeutic Abortion is present only shall cause an abortion or assist in causing the
when the fetus is already dead when same.
conducted. Any pharmacist who, without the proper
Laws prescription from a physician, shall dispense
any abortive shall suffer arresto mayor and a
Art. 256. Intentional abortion. Any person fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos
who shall intentionally cause an abortion shall
suffer: Chemical Abortion
1. The penalty of reclusion temporal, if he shall Methotrexate and Misoprostol
use any violence upon the person of the o 7 weeks of pregnancy
pregnant woman. o Metho first introduced then
2. The penalty of prision mayor if, without Miso afterwards
using violence, he shall act without the Methotrexate
consent of the woman.

o For cancer and rheumatoid How to prove abortion

arthritis Testimonial evidence
o Inhibits synthesis of of DNA, Photograph of the fetus or parts of it
RNA and proteins
o Fetus does not form well Abortion Methods
Misoprostol Misoprostol
o For stomach ulcer Hormonal pills
o Induces labor Catheter
o Prevent post-partum bleeding Massage
Miferpristone and Misoprostol Aspirin
o Use up to the 1st 7-9 weeks of Traditional herbs
pregnancy Alcohol
Miferpristone Fasting
o For HIV infection and jumping
psychiatric condition
o Competitive progesterone Chapter 7 Infancy and Childhood
Physical Method
Manual Vacuum Aspiration Advantages of breastfeeding for the child
o Used as early as 3 to 12 weeks economical
since last period contains anti bodies to fight disesase
o Used to suck the baby out
decreases the likelihood of
Note: in the Philippines, life is
gastrointestinal infections
protected from conception
decreased incidence of diseases during
Dilatation and curetilage (Raspa)
o Suctioned and stirred
Advantages of breastfeeding for the mother
o 9 weeks
Dilatation and Extraction (used in
bigger fetus)
promotes weight loss
o Up to the 2nd trimester (not
natural contraceptive
exceeding 6 months)
o This procedure involves cutting decreased incidence of diseases
off parts the removing them
Child Abuse
Legal Grounds (in other countries)(when
abortion done is legal) Signs of Child Abuse (Child)
To save the life of the woman sudden change in behaviour
Preserve physical health deterioration of school performance
Preserve mental health learning problems
Rape or incest always watchful of surrounding and
always preparing for something to
Fetal impairment
Economic and social reasons
seems frightened to his parents
Available on request
Note: Autorization of Abortion requires
consultation with a panel of professionals

Signs of Child Abuse (Parents) Child pornography

little concern for the child Kinds
blames the child non sexual nude poses
asks teacher to discipline the child erotic nude
harshly explicitly sexual
rarely touches or talks to the child videos of sexual activity
consider their relationship extremely pay per view
Child Labor
Physical Signs of Child abuse Agricultural
unexplained bruises burns or bites o Aged 5-17
cigarette burns o 7days a week
scalds o P150 a day
puncture woulds o Mostly in rural areas
skull fractures Mining
rib fractures o Much worse due to the
presence of harmful
Skin Color Test substances such as mercury
red indicates immediate 24 hours Deep Sea Fishing
purple indicates more than 24hrs o Net and rope injuries
green - indicates 4-5 days Child Soldiering
yellow indicates 7-10 days
Effects of Child Abuse
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) Depression
too much shaking of the infant that Eating disorder
can lead to death Poor self esteem
it is because the infants head weighs Behavioural problems
more than of the body Crime during adulthood
impact is 30x that of gravity (naalog Self destructive behaviour
ang utak due to spaces in the head) Substance abuse
Signs of SBS Physical injury
irritability Sexualized behaviour
pale or blue skin
lethargic (inaantok) Infanticide
vomiting The crime of killing a child within a
breathing difficulties year of birth.
seizures Neonaticide
Killing within 24hrs after birth
SBS injuries Usually by mothers
retardation Direct/active Infanticide
paralysis Dehydration
death Starvation
Head Injuries

either totally or partially, or

some essential organ of
Causes of Infanticide reproduction.
Unwanted pregnancy RPC art 263 (1) physical injuries
Superstitions resulting to insanity and imbecility
Poverty o The penalty of prision mayor, if
Post-partum psychosis in consequence of the physical
Genetic injuries inflicted, the injured
person shall become insane,
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) imbecile, impotent, or blind;
Sudden death of an infant which is not o Deprived completely of reason,
predicted by any medical history discernment, and freedom of
Remains unexplained will
No signs of struggling People vs Madarang
Highest risk during sleep o For insanity to be exempting,
the accused must have
Prevention of SIDS completely no power to
Put to sleep in supine position discern between right and
(nakadapa) wrong.
No loose bedding RPC art 263 (2) - The penalty of prision
Firm mattress separate from but close correccional in its medium and
to caregivers maximum periods, if in consequence of
the physical injuries inflicted, the
person injured shall have lost the use
of speech or the power to hear or to
Chapter 8 Physical Injuries smell, or shall have lost an eye, a hand,
a foot, an arm, or a leg or shall have
Types of Wounds lost the use of any such member, or
shall have become incapacitated for
Incision sharp object was used, cut is
the work in which he was therefor
habitually engaged;
Laceration blunt weapon was used,
o Physical injuries which leads to
cut is messy
blindness and impotence
Contusion injury where the blood
Physical Injuries causing Impotence
capillaries were ruptured ( Pasa )
o Traumatic brain Injury
Abrasion area damaged by scraping (
Motor vehicle
Aguirre vs Sec. Of justice
o Spinal cord injury
o Removal of an essential
Motor vehicle
reproductive organ
o Art. 262. Mutilation. The
penalty of reclusion temporal
Acts of violence
to reclusion perpetua shall be
Physical Injuries causing blindness
imposed upon any person who
o Hits to the occipital region of
shall intentionally mutilate
the head, where the part of the
another by depriving him,

brain responsible for sight is

located Velocity
o Head trauma Medium velocity
o Delayed diagnosis due to High velocity more damage
unconsciousness o If more than 1500 ft/sec
o Motor vehicle accidents o Uses larger cartridges/bullets
o Burns
o Chemical injuries Contact Gunshot Wound
Loss of hearing, speech, and ability to Usually with burnt muzzle imprint,
smell normally seen is suicide cases or
o Brain injury gunpoint scenarios
o Olfactory nerve injury
o Medication Intermediate Gunshot Wound
Art 263 (3) - The penalty of prision Point blank range
correccional in its minimum and o Lesser burnt muzzle imprint
medium periods, if in consequence of
the physical injuries inflicted, the Distant Gunshot Wound
person injured shall have become Much clearer wound
deformed, or shall have lost any other Hexagonal appearance
part of his body, or shall have lost the No muzzle imprint
use thereof, or shall have been ill or
incapacitated for the performance of Exit wound
the work in which he as habitually Wound where the bullet exited the
engaged for a period of more than body
ninety days;
Art 263 (4) - The penalty of arresto Re-entrant Gunshot Wound
mayor in its maximum period to Bullet enters one part of the body,
prision correccional in its minimum then exits, then enters another part of
period, if the physical injuries inflicted the body
shall have caused the illness or
incapacity for labor of the injured Vital Organs to note
person for more than thirty days Brain
Gunshot Wounds
Rifle weapons
Smooth-bored weapons (shotguns)
Chapter 9 gender and sexuality
Factors affecting magnitude of injury
Frontal Area Gender and Sexuality
Velocity Can be distinguished by morphology
Distance Note: female brain is more unorganized
compared to males
Frontal Area

Gender XXX 40% normal, 60% required

Male special education
Female XYY typically normal, normally taller
Intesex than others
Hermaphroditism have both male and
Terms female karyotypes
Gender neutrality
Gender identity Determinant of sexual orientation
o Cis Gender youre a female Biological
and you think that youre a o Genetic
female and vice versa o Developmental
o TransGender youre male but o Biological sex
your brain thinks youre female Social
Sexual Orientation o Family upbringing
o Heterosexual excited by the o Cultural
opposite sex
o Homosexual excited by the Chapter 10 Insanity
same sex
o Bi sexual excited by both
o Asexual not excited by
o Transsexual person who
changed his or her sexual
orientation mostly by sexual

Biological genetic differences

Male karyotype (XY chromosome)
Female Karyotype (XX or YY

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Cells doesnt respond to androgen
It will result in female characteristics

XX female
XO Turners syndrome (normally
webbed neck)
XXY Klinefelters syndrome(affects
males) (lower testosterone level and
sometimes testicles fail to develop or
shrink in size)
XY Male
OY Lethal (cannot survive)
OXY lethal

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