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Vincent Green's Cross Complaint Against Proper Media

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John S. Kyle, Esq. (SBN 199196) Paul Batcher, Esq. (SBN 266928) KYLE HARRIS LLP 450 B Street, Suite 1410 San Diego, CA 92101 Tel: (619) 600-0086 Fax: (619) 600-5144 Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant VINCENT GREEN SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. PROPER MEDIA LLC, a California limited liability company; CHRISTOPHER RICHMOND, and individual; and DREW SCHOENTRUP, an individual, Plaintifis, v. VINCENT GREEN, an individual, Defendant. VINCENT GREEN, an individual, Cross-Complainant, v. PROPER MEDIA LLC, a California limited liability company; CHRISTOPHER RICHMOND, and individual; and DREW SCHOENTRUP, an individual, Cross-Defendants. Case No. 37-2017-00016433-CU-BC-CTL DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT. VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT. FOR: (1) INTENTIONAL, MISREPRESENTATION (2) FALSE PROMISE (3) NEGLIGENT MISREPRESENTATION (4) BREACH OF CONTRACT (OPERATING AGREEMENT) (5) BREACH OF CONTRACT (ORAL AGREEMENT) (6) BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY (7) WRONGFUL TERMINATION IN VIOLATION OF PUBLIC POLICY (8) RETALIATION IN VIOLATION OF LABOR CODE § 1102.5(C) & (H) (9) DECLARATORY RELIEF [JURY TRIAL DEMANDED] DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT KYLEHARRISLLP 450 B STREET SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 * aaw WL 12 13, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 2 23 24 25 26 7 28 NATURE OF THE ACTION 1. This is a case of greed run rampant in the management of intemet advertising ‘company Proper Media, LLC. 2 In June 2015, Vincent Green, a former United States Marine and veteran of an overseas deployment, helped establish Proper Media alongside Drew Schoentrup and. Christopher Richmond. 3. Within months, Proper Media had entered an agreement to provide advertising, web development, and hosting services for the popular website Snopes.com. This agreement, along with agreements with numerous other clients that Green helped to bring in, was extremely lucrative for Proper Media. 4. But this was not enough for Schoentrup and Richmond. 5. In 2016, Schoentrup and Richmond orchestrated the purchase of a 50% interest in Bardav, Inc., the company that owned and operated the Snopes.com website, Schoentrup and Richmond relied on a highly leveraged loan to finance the purchase, The lender demanded that all of Proper Media’s members sign personal guarantees for the multi-million dollar loan, Schoentrup promised Green that he, Richmond, and Proper Media would indemnify him in the event of a default, so Green signed the loan documents, 6. Although collectively Schoentrup and Richmond owned only a 40% interest in Bardav, they yeamed for a controlling interest in the company. Apparently, Schoentrup attempted to unilaterally appoint himself a director of Bardav, even though no shareholder vote! had ever elected him as a director. Schoentrup also sought to control various personnel and administrative decisions within Bardav and delayed approval for Green to take various actions’ requested by Bardav management. 7. Schoentrup and Richmond also hungered for ever more profits. In mid-2016, Schoentrup and Richmond concocted a scheme whereby they would move to Puerto Rico and establish a Puerto Rican shell company through which to route their income from Proper Media to avoid paying state and federal income tax. 7 [DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 2 KYLEHARRISLLP 450 8 STREET, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 Sew raia i 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 2 2B 24 25 26 27 28 8. Green voiced his concerns with the legality of this scheme, and continued voicing his concems even when Schoentrup and Richmond made clear that he had become a gadfly they would not tolerate. Schoentrup and Richmond terminated Green on February 18, 2017, 9. Shortly thereafter, Bardav, tired of Proper Media’s poor service and high prices! (and Schoentrup’s and Richmond’s tax avoidance scam), terminated its agreement with Proper| Media on March 9, 2017. 10, After firing Green from Proper Media, Schoentrup and Richmond reneged on. their promise to indemnify Green in the event of a default on the Barday interest financing loan. Instead, Schoentrup and Richmond threatened Green with financial ruin by insisting that he would be 100% liable for the entirety of the multi-million dollar Ioan in the event of a default. 11. Schoentrup and Richmond’s greed, hubris, and hunger for power knows no bounds. Schoentrup and Richmond squandered a golden opportunity with Bardav by seeking to leverage their minority interest in the company into a controlling interest, including by holding, hostage Bardav’s money and proprietary software. They defrauded Green into agreeing to loan terms that were much more favorable to Schoentrup and Richmond than to Green and misled Green into taking on a disproportionate burden under the loan, by promising and then failing to indemnify him in the event of a default, Schoentrup and Richmond then fired Green when he| refuused to remain quiet in the face of their risky and unethical business dealings, including by| blowing the whistle on their fraudulent tax avoidance scheme. It is time for them to be held to account. THE PARTIES 12, Defendant and Cross-Complainant Vincent Green (“Green”) is a former officer| and member of Proper Media, LLC. 13. Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant Drew Schoentrup (“Schoentrup”) is an individual who, on information and belief, currently resides in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Schoentrup is and/or was the President of Proper Media, LLC. Schoentrup is an attomey and a licensed member of| the State Bar of California, [DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 3 KYLEHARRISLLP 450 B STREET, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 Sew rxra MW 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 14, Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant Christopher Richmond (“Richmond”) is an individual who, on information and belief, currently resides in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Richmond is and/or was the Chief Executive Officer of Proper Media, LLC. 15. Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant Proper Media, LLC (“Proper Media”) is a| California limited liability company. Green is informed and believes that Proper Media is| headquartered in San Diego. 16. Green sues Cross-Defendants DOES | through 10 under fictitious names. Their true names and capacities, whether individual, corporate, associate or otherwise, are unknown to Green at this time. When Green ascertains their true names and capacities, he will seek permission from this Court to amend this Cross-Complaint to insert the true names and capacities of each fictitiously named Cross-Defendant. Green is informed and believes that each of these fictitiously named Cross-Defendants is responsible in some manner for the occurrences alleged herein, and that these Cross-Defendants directly and proximately caused Plaintiff's damages. 17. Green is informed and believes and thereon alleges that at all times mentioned in this Cross-Complaint, Cross-Defendants and each of them were the agents, servants, employees, and/or alter-egos of each of the other Cross-Defendants, and in doing the things alleged in this Cross-Complaint were acting within the scope of their authority as such agent, servant, employee, and/or alter-ego, and with the permission and consent of the other Cross-Defendants. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 18. This Court has jurisdiction over all causes of action asserted in this Cross-| Complaint pursuant to the California Constitution, Article VI, Section 10 and California Code of| Civil Procedure Section 410.10 by virtue of the fact that this is a civil action wherein the matter in controversy, exclusive of interest, exceeds $25,000, and because this case is a cause not given by statute to other trial courts. 19. Venue is proper in San Diego County under California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 395 and 395.5 because, on information and belief, Proper Media resides in San Diego County and because a substantial portion of the events giving rise to the causes of action asserted herein occurred in San Diego County, California. [DEFENDANTICROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 4 KYLE HARRIS LLP 450 BSTREET, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 Scar. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS, 20. Green met Schoentrup and Richmond in July 2014 through a mutual acquaintance. Shortly afterwards, Green began working for Schoentrup in connection with one| of Schoentrup’s website businesses, TVTropes.org. 21. Schoentrup is an attorney who worked briefly as an IP litigator at Fish & Richardson. Schoentrup is admitted to practice in California and Washington, 22, When Green began working with Schoentrup, TVTropes.org was in the initial stages of implementing an advertising technology software called header bidding. TVTropes used an early form header bidding to sell advertising on the website. Richmond, Schoentrup, Dunn, Miller, and Green came up with the idea of building an independent client services| business that would sell advertising inventory on behalf of third-party websites using header bidding software. 23. Another individual working on the TVTropes.org website, Ryan Miller (“Miller”), had brought the open-source header bidding software, prebid.js, to the group. Miller! proposed a name for this company: Proper Media. 24, Several months later, in June 2015, Schoentrup and Richmond created Proper Media. The parties involved understood that the equity in Proper Media would be split between Schoentrup, Richmond, Green, Miller, and another individual working on the project, Tyler Dunn (“Dunn”). The parties agreed to the following equity split for Proper Media: men 1 Member of Proper Media _| Percentage Interest in Proper Media Drew Schoentrup 40% Christopher Richmond —_| 40% Vincent Green 6.66% Ryan Miller 6.66% Tyler Dunn 6.68% 25. Proper Media’s tax returns confirm this equity split. However, the parties did not sign any operating agreement at that time. [DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 5 VLE HARRISLLP 450 B STREET, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 26. In or around August 2015, Proper Media entered a business relationship with Bardav, Inc. (“Bardav"). Bardav owns and operates the website Snopes.com, the preeminent] fact-checking site on the web. Bardav and Proper Media signed a General Services Agreement (“GSA”) on August 11, 2015. Proper Media agreed to provide certain advertising, web development, and hosting services to Bardav for the Snopes.com website, In exchange for these| services, Proper Media would receive half of the monthly revenue generated by Snopes.com in excess of a specified amount. Attached as Ex. A is a copy of the GSA. 27. At this time, Green was responsible at Proper Media for, among other things, handling payroll and staff onboarding and recruitment; managing the day-to-day affairs of the Proper Media office; paying invoices for certain contracts; assisting with the development of] Proper Media's ad products; soliciting clients for Proper Media, contributing directly to the! projects as a front-end developer; managing all the project management tool accounts; coordinating communication between Proper Media’s advertising team and development teams; acting as project manager for the Snopes.com account; assisting with business development for! Snopes.com; acting as the administrator for all Snopes.com tools provided through Proper Media; acting as Proper Media's point of contact for all Snopes.com staff, including David Mikkelson; and otherwise assisting with Snopes.com strategy and partnerships. 28. Schoentrup, Richmond, Green, Miller, and Dunn were interested in acquiring an interest in Bardav as early as summer 2015. In early 2016, Green learned that Schoentrup had begun clandestine discussions with Barbara Mikkelson (“Barbara”), David Mikkelson’s| estranged wife and co-owner of Bardav, to acquire Barbara’s 50% interest in Bardav. When Green confronted Schoentrup about this, Schoentrup showed Green a draft purchase agreement that had Schoentrup and Richmond acquiring Barbara's interest to the exclusion of the other| minority shareholders in Proper Media, namely Green, Miller, and Dunn. The opportunity to purchase 50% of Bardav was an opportunity that came to Schoentrup and Richmond as a result of their work for Proper Media and was an opportunity that did not belong solely to Schoentrup| and Richmond. Indeed, the opportunity would not have existed at all except for Green’s diligent mM DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 6 KYLE HARRIS LLP 450 BSTREBT, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 Sce ra work on the Snopes.com account. As such, Green insisted that all Proper Media members be given the opportunity to participate in any acquisition of Barbara's 50% interest. 29. Accordingly, Schoentrup and Richmond agreed that all Proper Media members would be able to participate in the purchase of Barbara's interest in Bardav. On May 17, 2016, Schoentrup sent an email to Richmond, Green, Miller, and Dunn, confirming this arrangement: Rumor on the street is we might buy Barbara's half of Snopes. These are the tentative agreements in place between us and Barbara. The current allocation is split along Proper equity lines, but is subject to change depending on the financing of the initial payment. 30. Barbara, Schoentrup, Richmond, Green, Miller, and Dunn signed a Stock Purchase Agreement with Barbara on May 19, 2016, whereby the members of Proper Medial would each acquire a portion of Barbara’s interest in Bardav. The members had until August 30, 2016 to obtain financing for the purchase. To this end, Schoentrup, Richmond, Green, and Miller began seeking a source of funding for the acquisition. 31. In early August 2016, Schoentrup discussed obtaining financing from a certain lender, but that initial financing fell through. The initial lender then referred Schoentrup to Diamond Creek Capital as another potential source of funding. 32. On August 19, 2016, Diamond Creek Capital (“DCC”) sent a draft loan agreement to Schoentrup. Schoentrup forwarded the draft loan agreement to Richmond, Green, Miller, and Dunn. In this email, Schoentrup stated: Here is a draft of the Joan agreement. I haven't reviewed, and I am not sure how much we will actually end up taking. The biggest issue for the union [e.g,, Green, Miller, and Dunn] is that you are personally listed on the Joan docs and joint and severally liable — meaning should we default, Diamond Creek can seek payment in full from any one of us individually — basically they will go where the money is. To mitigate any heartburn that this may cause, Chris and I will execute an indemnity agreement basically saying that should Diamond Creek come after anyone other than us, we will step in and assume that liability and the costs incurred. Attached as Ex. B is copy of Schoentrup’s August 20, 2016 email 33. Schoentrup’s email misrepresented and falsely stated that Schoentrup and Richmond would execute an indemnity agreement whereby Schoentrup and Richmond and/or! [DEFENDANTICROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 7 KYLE HARRIS LLP 450 B STREET, SUITE 1410 ‘SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 ew AH eRoED Se ul 12 1B 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Proper Media would “step in and assume” any liability and costs incurred in the event of al default. 34. On or about August 29, 2016 Green signed the DCC Loan Agreement and a personal guarantee for the loan. In doing so, Green relied on Schoentrup’s misrepresentation regarding defense and indemnity against any liabilities or costs. 35. Green subsequently paid at least $35,000 to Proper Media regarding his Barday interest. 36. Prior to execution of the Loan Agreement, DCC insisted that Proper Media have an operating agreement. Schoentrup hastily revised an operating agreement that had been in the works for over a year. On or about August 29, 2016, Schoentrup presented the Operating Agreement to Green, Miller, and Dunn. Green was given the option of either signing the operating agreement under intense time pressure or being cut out of the Bardav acquisition. Green therefore executed the Proper Media Operating Agreement on August 29, 2016. Again, Green executed the Operating Agreement in reliance on Schoentrup’s promise to defend and indemnify Green against any liability or costs arising to Green from the DCC loan, Attached as Ex. Cis a copy of the Proper Media Operating Agreement. 37. The Operating Agreement contained terms in a Schedule B goveming the| buyback of the membership interest of any member who dies, resigns, or withdraws from the company, 38. Schoentrup was an attorney and held himself out as General Counsel of Proper Media. When he made the representations identified above, Schoentrup never informed Green that he was acting as Proper Media's attorney and was not representing Green, and never informed Green in writing that he should seek independent legal counsel in connection with any of the transactions identified herein. 39. Schoentrup's promise that he and Richmond and/or Proper Media would indemnify Green in the event of any default was false because neither Schoentrup, nor Richmond, nor Proper Media executed any indemnity agreement in favor of Green, as Schoentrup promised they would do. DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 8 KYLE HARRIS 460 STREST, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 eda hee 10 il 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 40. To the contrary, Schoentrup and Richmond recently used the threat of liability under the DCC Loan Agreement to try to bludgeon Green into submission, 41. In connection with negotiating the sale of his Proper Media membership interest back to the company, Green requested that the parties address his obligations under the DCC Loan Agreement. Green proposed that the parties agree to certain specified payments to address Green’s portion of the loan amount, 42. In response, on April 24, 2017, Richmond sent Green a series of emails, stating: [W]e can’t sign anything for the debt as we are each liable for the entire debt amount, Considering the adverse effect you've caused to the company there is no way we will sign something saying you are responsible for a portion of the debt. You are responsible for 100% of the debt. 43. After Green responded that he understood that he had signed a personal guarantee iply trying to address his portion of the loan, with respect to the DCC Loan and was Richmond responded: You didn’t just sign a personal guarantee. The loan documents say we are each responsible for the entire debt amount, not just a portion based on equity lines. And I'm aftaid your actions already open us up to being in default of the loan. We will be in touch once we figure out what to do. 44, Additionally, in mid-2016, Schoentrup and Richmond began to implement a tax avoidance scam involving Schoentrup and Richmond relocating to Puerto Rico in order to take advantage of Puerto Rico's Promotion of Export Services Act (“Act 20°) and/or Puerto Rico’s| Act to Promote the Relocation of Individual Investors to Puerto Rico (“Act 22”), 45, Schoentrup moved to Puerto Rico on or about July 1, 2016. Richmond moved to| Puerto Rico on or about January 1, 2017. 46. One of the requirements for individuals residing in Puerto Rico to avoid U.S. federal income tax (and thereby receive the minimal or zero income tax benefits of the Puerto Rico Act 20 and/or Act 22) is that the taxpayer eannot receive any income from a U.S. company. We [DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 9 KYLE HARRIS LLP 460 8 STREET, SUITE 1410 3 3 ‘Therefore, in order to reap the tax benefits of Act 20 and/or Act 22, Schoentrup and Richmond could not receive any salary or distributions from Proper Media. 47. Schoentrup resigned his employment with Proper Media on or about July 1, 2016. Richmond resigned his employment from Proper Media on or about January 1, 2017. 48. In order for Schoentrup and Richmond to continue receiving money from Proper Media, they concocted a scheme whereby they created PubLife, a Puerto Rico limited liability company, and said that Proper Media would sign a “consulting” agreement with PubLife. Instead of making distributions to members, Proper Media would pay a “consulting fee” to PubLife and would compensate its other members (Green, Miller, and Dunn) with year-end mnuses” in lieu of membership distributions. According to Schoentrup and Richmond, the amount of each of the PubLife “consulting fee” and the year-end bonuses to Green, Miller, and Dunn would be commensurate with each member's percentage ownership in Proper Media, Being paid in “bonuses” instead of distributions would create negative tax consequences for Green. 49. Green is informed and believed that, using the above scheme, Schoentrup and Richmond intended not to pay any federal income tax on the money they received from Proper Media through PubLife. 50. 26 United States Code section 7201 provides: Any person who willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or the payment thereof shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation), or imprisoned not ‘more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution 51. Green had serious concems with the legality of Schoentrup and Richmond's tax avoidance scheme. In particular, Green was concemed that Schoentrup and Richmond's PubLife scheme crossed the line into illegal conduct. Green was particularly coneemed about the impact of such potential tax law violations on Proper Media. Green voiced his concems with Schoentrup’s and Richmond’s PubLife scheme as early as June 2016 during a series of meetings with Schoentrup and Richmond. Me [DEFENDANTICROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 10 VLE ARRIS LLP 450 8 STREET, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 W 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a 22 23 25 26 27 28 52, Schoentrup and Richmond also revealed that PubLife intended to search for and potentially acquire websites. The opportunity of website acquisition was specifically within the scope of Proper Media's business and to the extent that PubLife acquired any such websites, Schoentrup and Richmond would be taking a corporate opportunity of Proper Media. Green told Schoentrup and Richmond that he objected to PubLife acquiring any such websites or otherwise taking any of Proper Media’s corporate opportunities. 53. Schoentrup’s and Richmond’s relocation to Puerto Rico had other deleterious effects on Proper Media, Schoentrup and Richmond appeared to stop working on Proper Media's day-to-day affairs and were generally unreachable for large periods of time. On numerous occasions, Green found himself having to explain to other Proper Media employees why Richmond or Schoentrup were unavailable to assist with projects they had formerly worked ‘onat Proper Media. Green voiced these concems to Schoentrup as well 54, When Richmond left for Puerto Rico in January 2017, Green once again voiced his concems regarding Schoentrup and Richmond’ tax avoidance scheme including the potential legal implications, especially for Proper Media, Green also made it known to Schoentrup and Richmond that their absence from Proper Media's offices was having a negative impact on the company’s operations. 58. In mid-February 2017, Schoentrup and Richmond were in the United States. On February 18, 2017, Schoentrup and Richmond called a meeting with Green. During this meeting, Schoentrup and Richmond told Green that they felt that Green did not respect them, that Green did not work well with Richmond, and that the personality conflict between Richmond and Green had made it impossible for Green to continue working for Proper Media. Schoentrup and Richmond further told Green that he should leave Proper Media, clear out his office, and not return to work. 56. Immediately after the February 18, 2017 meeting, Richmond sent Green a message stating: Mm Me [DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT ul 1 We will work out some proposals for the buy out and get back to you. No need to come to the office. You can start passing over any projects, accounts, logins, ete 2 to us. And of course you will still be getting your salary this month while we make the transition, 4 57, Green is informed and believes that Schoentrup and Richmond terminated Green| 5 || from Proper Media because Green opposed Schoentrup’s and Richmond’s tax avoidance scheme| and voiced his concer to his supervisors (Schoentrup and Richmond) that the scheme could be illegal, 6 7 8 58. The Proper Media Operating Agreement provides as follows with respect to 9 || termination of members: 0 ‘The Company's Members shall each have voting power equal to their share of Membership Interest in the Company. However, in the case of terminating a i Member's employment with the Company, at lest one Member in addition to Christopher Richmond and Drew Schoentrup must vote in favor of termination. g 12 22013 59. On information and belief, no member aside from Schoentrup and Richmond %E 14 || voted in favor of terminating Green. Bs ZS 1s 60. The Operating Agreement further provides: 82 16 1. Loyalty and Care. Except to the extent otherwise provided herein, each 3 Member shall have a fiduciary duty of loyalty and care similar to that of members 7 of limited liability companies organized under the laws of California 18 2. Competition with the Company. The Members shall refrain from dealing with the Company in the conduct of the Company's business as or on behalf of a party 19 having an interest adverse to the Company unless a majority of the Members excluding the interested Member, consents thereto. The Members shall refrain 20 from competing with the Company in the conduct of the Company's business unless a majority of the Members excluding the interested Member, consents 21 thereto. In the event that a Member is the sole Member of the Company, no vote shall be required. 22 3. Duties Only to the Company. ‘The Member's fiduciary duties of loyalty and 2B care are to the Company and not to the other Members. The Members shall owe fiduciary duties of disclosure, good faith and fair dealing to the Company and to 4 the other Members. A Member who so performs their duties shall not have any liability due to being or having been a Member. 25 26 1. Loyalty and Care. Except to the extent otherwise provided herein, each Officer 27 shall have a fiduciary duty of loyalty and care similar to that of officers of limited liability companies organized under the laws of California. DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 12 KYLE HARRIS LLP 450.8 STREET, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 10 nN 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. Competition with the Company. ‘The Officers shall refrain from dealing with the Company in the conduct of the Company's business as or on behalf of a party having an interest adverse to the Company unless a majority of the Members, excluding the interested Officer if that Officer is a Member, consents thereto. The Officers shall refrain from competing with the Company in the conduct of the Company's business unless a majority of the Members, excluding the interested Officer if that Officer is a Member, consents thereto. In the event that the interested Officer is the sole Member, no vote shall be required. 3. Duties Only to the Company. ‘The Officers’ fiduciary duties of loyalty and care are to the Company and not to the Members or other Officers. The Officers shall ‘owe fiduciary duties of disclosure, good faith and fair dealing to the Company and to the Members, but shall owe no such duties to Officers unless the Officer is a Member. An Officer who so performs their duties shall not have any liability due to being or having been an Officer. 61 On March 9, 2017, Bardav sent a notice of termination of the General Services Agreement to Proper Media. On information and belief, Bardav terminated the GSA in part because of the Puerto Rico tax avoidance scheme Richmond and Schoentrup had cooked-up without Bardav’s knowledge or consent. 62. Also on March 9, 2017, Schoentrup sent Green a message stating that Schoentrup| wanted to move forward quickly with the buyout of Green’s Proper Media interest. 63. Between March 17, 2017 and April 3, 2017, Schoentrup and Richmond negotiated with Green the terms of his Proper Media buyout. Among the terms that Schoentrup and Richmond demanded was that Green sign a voting proxy for his Bardav interest that would give Schoentrup and Richmond the power to vote Green's 3.33% interest in Barday. Schoentrup and Richmond also proposed a buyout price that was far less than what Green was entitled to under the buyout provision of the Operating Agreement. 64. On April 3, 2017, Green sent an email to Richmond stating that he could not accept the additional terms that Schoentrup and Richmond were attempting to impose upon the| buyback of his membership interest and that he would therefore insist upon the buyback occurring according to the terms set forth in the Operating Agreement Schedule B, 65. On May 2, 2017 at 9:41 am., Schoentrup sent Green an email stating: MW it u [DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 2B RIS LLP KYLE 450 8 STREET, SUITE 1410 ‘SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 ‘As you may know, we have some significant disputes with you regarding you breaching your duties to Proper Media and its other members as a result of working for Bardav and interfering with Proper Media’s contract with Bardav. For this reason, we would like to have a mediation session on the phone today at either 3:00 p.m, or 5:00 p.m. PST. The conference call-in information is: 719- 394-0492 PIN 68101. 66. Green responded to this email on May 2, 2017 at 9:58 a.m., stating in relevant part T'll get back to you on this after I speak with my lawyer regarding my obligations to participate. 67. The Proper Media Operating Agreement states with respect to mediation: All Members agree to enter into mediation before filing suit against any other Member or the Company for any dispute arising from this Agreement or Company. Members agree to attend one session of mediation before filing suit. If any Member does not attend mediation, or the dispute is not settled after one session of mediation, the Members are free to file suit, Any law suits will be under the jurisdiction of the state of California. 68. Schoentrup, Richmond, and Proper Media did not wait for Green to consult counsel and respond to Schoentrup’s mediation request. ‘The parties held no mediation session. Instead, Schoentrup, Richmond, and Proper Media filed a complaint against Green three days later, on May 5, 2017. 69. Schoentrup and Richmond now have total control over the business of Proper Media. Using that control, they are now holding Bardav hostage by (1) refusing to allow Proper Media to pay Bardav’s share of revenue it generated through advertising on Snopes.com, where all such revenues are paid to Proper Media and where Proper Media should distribute Bardav’s share of those revenues in accordance with the GSA; and (2) wrongfully withholding Bardav's intellectual property, including their secret and copyrighted source code that would allow Bardav to extricate itself from its relationship with Proper Media, Richmond, and Schoentrup. Such conduct has had a negative impact on the value of Green’s ownership interest in Bardav. Mt MW DBFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 14 KYLE HARRIS LLP 450 B STREET, SUITE 1410 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 10 ul 12 13 14 Is 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION INTENTIONAL MISREPRESENTATION (Against Schoentrup) 70. Green incorporates by reference as though fully set forth he the allegations in each of the foregoing Paragraphs of the Cross-Complaint. 71. Schoentrup represented to Green on August 19, 2016 that “[tJo mitigate any’ heartbum that this may cause, Chris and I will execute an indemnity agreement basically saying that should Diamond Creek come after anyone other than us, we will step in and assume that liability and the costs incurred.” 72. Schoentrup’s representation was false, including but not limited to because neither Schoentrup nor Richmond signed any indemnification agreement in favor of Green with respect to the DCC loan and because Schoentrup and Richmond have affirmatively threatened Green with the possibility that DCC may come afier him for 100% of the multi-million dollar} Joan amount. 73. Schoentrup knew that the representation was false when he made it, or he made the representation recklessly and without regard for its truth, Green is informed and believes that Schoentrup never intended to sign any indemnification agreement and never intended that he or Richmond would indemnify Green in the event that DCC came after Green for the loan, 74, Schoentrup intended that Green rely on the representation and, on information and belief, Schoentrup made the representation specifically in order to entice Green to sign the DCC Loan Agreement and the personal guarantee. 75. Green reasonably relied on Schoentrup’s false statement, including by signing the DCC Loan Agreement and the personal guarantee. 76. Green was harmed as a result of Schoentrup’s fraud, including without limitation, by being exposed to liability in the event of a default on the DCC loan and by impairing the value of Green’s ownership interest in Bardav. Green’s reliance on Schoentrup’s representation was a substantial factor in causing his harm, i DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 15 we KYLE HARRI 450 STREET, SUITE 1410 ‘SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 yauas 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 2 22 23 25 26 27 28 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION FALSE PROMISE (Against Schoentrup) 77. Green incorporates by reference as though fully set forth herein the allegations in each of the foregoing Paragraphs of the Cross-Complaint. 78. Schoentrup promised to Green on August 19, 2016 that “[tJo mitigate any heartbum that this may cause, Chris and I will execute an indemnity agreement basically saying that should Diamond Creek come after anyone other than us, we will step in and assume that liability and the costs incurred,” 79. Schoentrup’s representation was important to the transaction, including because DCC was demanding personal guarantees that would obligate each of the borrowers, including Green, to personally guarantee repayment of the entirety of the multi-million dollar loan. 80. Schoentrup did not intend to perform this promise when he made it. Green is informed and believes that Schoentrup never intended to sign any indemnification agreement and never intended that he or Richmond would indemnify Green in the event that DCC came after Green for the loan. 81. —Schoentrup intended that Green rely on the promise and, on information and belief, Schoentrup made the promise specifically in order to entice Green to sign the DCC Loan Agreement and the personal guarantee. 82, Green reasonably relied on Schoentrup’s false statement, including by signing the. DCC Loan Agreement and the personal guarantee. 83. Schoentrup did not perform the promised act. Neither Schoentrup nor Richmond ever signed any indemnification agreement in favor of Green with respect to the DCC loan. 84. Green was harmed as a result of Schoentrup’s fraud, including without limitation| by being exposed to liability in the event of a default on the DCC loan and by impairing the value of Green's ownership interest in Bardav. Green’s reliance on Schoentrup’s representation \was a substantial factor in causing his harm. Ml DEFENDANT/CROSS-COMPLAINANT VINCENT GREEN'S CROSS-COMPLAINT 16

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