Manual Greenseeker
Manual Greenseeker
Manual Greenseeker
Version 1.00
Revision M
April 2010
Part Number 500-1-032
*500-1-032* F
Trimble Navigation Limited How to Obtain Warranty Service
Trimble Agriculture To obtain warranty service for the Product, please contact your local
10355 Westmoor Drive Trimble authorized dealer. Alternatively, you may contact Trimble to
Suite #100 request warranty service at +1-408-481-6940 (24 hours a day) or e-mail
Westminster, CO 80021 your request to [email protected]. Please be prepared to
USA provide:
[email protected] your name, address, and telephone numbers proof of purchase
a copy of this Trimble warranty
Legal Notices a description of the nonconforming Product including the model
Copyright and Trademarks number
an explanation of the problem
2010, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved.
The customer service representative may need additional information
Trimble, the Globe & Triangle logo, AgGPS, FmX, GreenSeeker, Nomad, from you depending on the nature of the problem.
and Recon are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in
the United States and in other countries. Warranty Exclusions and Disclaimer
Microsoft, ActiveSync, Windows, Windows Mobile, and Windows Vista This Product limited warranty shall only apply in the event and to the
are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation extent that (a) the Product is properly and correctly installed,
in the United States and/or other countries. configured, interfaced, maintained, stored, and operated in accordance
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. with Trimble's applicable operator's manual and specifications, and; (b)
the Product is not modified or misused. This Product limited warranty
This product is covered by the following patents: 5,585,626, 5,296,702, shall not apply to, and Trimble shall not be responsible for, defects or
and 5,389,781. performance problems resulting from (i) the combination or utilization
of the Product with hardware or software products, information, data,
Release Notice systems, interfaces, or devices not made, supplied, or specified by
This is the April 2010 release (Revision M) of the GreenSeeker RT200 Trimble; (ii) the operation of the Product under any specification other
System Installation and Operation Guide, part number 500-1-032. It than, or in addition to, Trimble's standard specifications for its products;
applies to version 1.00 of the GreenSeeker RT200 system. (iii) the unauthorized installation, modification, or use of the Product;
(iv) damage caused by: accident, lightning or other electrical discharge,
LIMITED WARRANTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS fresh or salt water immersion or spray (outside of Product
Product Limited Warranty specifications); or exposure to environmental conditions for which the
Product is not intended; (v) normal wear and tear on consumable parts
Subject to the following terms and conditions, Trimble Navigation (e.g., batteries); or (vi) cosmetic damage. Trimble does not warrant or
Limited ("Trimble") warrants that for a period of one (1) year from date guarantee the results obtained through the use of the Product, or that
of purchase this Trimble product (the "Product") will substantially software components will operate error free.
conform to Trimble's publicly available specifications for the Product
and that the hardware and any storage media components of the NOTICE REGARDING PRODUCTS EQUIPPED WITH
Product will be substantially free from defects in materials and TECHNOLOGY CAPABLE OF TRACKING SATELLITE SIGNALS
Product software, whether built into hardware circuitry as firmware, TRIMBLE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OPERATION OR
provided as a standalone computer software product, embedded in flash FAILURE OF OPERATION OF ANY SATELLITE BASED
memory, or stored on magnetic or other media, is licensed solely for use POSITIONING SYSTEM OR THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY
with or as an integral part of the Product and is not sold. If accompanied SATELLITE BASED POSITIONING SIGNALS.
by a separate end user license agreement ("EULA"), use of any such THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY TERMS STATE TRIMBLE'S
software will be subject to the terms of such end user license agreement ENTIRE LIABILITY, AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES, RELATING
(including any differing limited warranty terms, exclusions, and TO THE TRIMBLE PRODUCT. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY
limitations), which shall control over the terms and conditions set forth PROVIDED HEREIN, THE PRODUCT, AND ACCOMPANYING
During the limited warranty period you will be entitled to receive such CREATION, PRODUCTION, INSTALLATION, OR DISTRIBUTION,
Fixes to the Product software that Trimble releases and makes INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
commercially available and for which it does not charge separately, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,
subject to the procedures for delivery to purchasers of Trimble products TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE STATED EXPRESS
generally. If you have purchased the Product from an authorized Trimble WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES
dealer rather than from Trimble directly, Trimble may, at its option, ON THE PART OF TRIMBLE ARISING OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION
forward the software Fix to the Trimble dealer for final distribution to WITH, ANY PRODUCT. BECAUSE SOME STATES AND JURISDICTIONS
you. Minor Updates, Major Upgrades, new products, or substantially DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON DURATION OR THE EXCLUSION
new software releases, as identified by Trimble, are expressly excluded OF AN IMPLIED WARRANTY, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT
from this update process and limited warranty. Receipt of software Fixes APPLY OR FULLY APPLY TO YOU.
or other enhancements shall not serve to extend the limited warranty
period. Limitation of Liability
For purposes of this warranty the following definitions shall apply: (1) SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE
"Fix(es)" means an error correction or other update created to fix a PRODUCT. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY
previous software version that does not substantially conform to its APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL TRIMBLE OR ITS SUPPLIERS
Trimble specifications; (2) "Minor Update" occurs when enhancements BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR
are made to current features in a software program; and (3) "Major CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE WHATSOEVER UNDER ANY
Upgrade" occurs when significant new features are added to software, or CIRCUMSTANCE OR LEGAL THEORY RELATING IN ANYWAY TO THE
when a new product containing new features replaces the further PRODUCTS, SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION
development of a current product line. Trimble reserves the right to AND MATERIALS, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES
determine, in its sole discretion, what constitutes a Fix, Minor Update, FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS
If the Trimble Product fails during the warranty period for reasons WHICH DEVELOPS OR HAS DEVELOPED BETWEEN YOU AND
covered by this limited warranty and you notify Trimble of such failure TRIMBLE. BECAUSE SOME STATES AND JURISDICTIONS DO NOT
during the warranty period, Trimble will repair OR replace the ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR
nonconforming Product with new, equivalent to new, or reconditioned CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE
parts or Product, OR refund the Product purchase price paid by you, at LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY OR FULLY APPLY TO YOU.
Trimble's option, upon your return of the Product in accordance with
Trimble's product return procedures then in effect. PLEASE NOTE: THE ABOVE TRIMBLE LIMITED WARRANTY
C WARNING This alert warns of a potential hazard, which, if not avoided, can cause
severe injury.
C CAUTION This alert warns of a hazard or unsafe practice which, if not avoided, can
cause injury or damage.
Note An absence of specific alerts does not mean that there are no safety risks involved.
C WARNING If someone else attempts to drive the vehicle while you are working on or
under it, you can suffer serious or fatal injuries. To avoid this possibility, install a lockout
box on the battery terminal to prevent the battery from being reconnected, remove the
key from the vehicle's ignition switch, and attach a "Do not operate" tag in the cab.
C WARNING Vehicle cabs can be quite high in the air. To avoid potentially serious injury
through falling from this height, always use the steps and handrails, and face the vehicle,
when you enter or exit it.
C WARNING Do not remove/cut or bypass the auto adapter end of the power adapter
cable for the PDA. Do not connect directly to 12 V DC as this will cause immediate failure
of the PDA.
C WARNING There are no field serviceable components of the electronic system; do not
attempt any field repair of a malfunctioning controller or sensors. If you experience
operating problems, contact your local dealer or representative or GreenSeeker
distributor for assistance.
C WARNING The system installation may bring you into contact with chemical substances,
such as oil, which can cause poisoning. Wash your hands thoroughly after you finish
working on the system.
C WARNING Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, which can cause serious illness. To avoid ingesting lead, wash your hands
thoroughly after touching the battery.
C WARNING Always wear protective equipment appropriate to the job conditions and
the nature of the vehicle. This includes wearing protective glasses when you use
pressurized air or water, and correct protective welder's clothing when welding. Avoid
wearing loose clothing or jewelry that can catch on machine parts or tools.
C WARNING Parts of the vehicle may be under pressure. To avoid injury from pressurized
parts, relieve all pressure in oil, air, and water systems before you disconnect any lines,
fittings, or related items. To avoid being sprayed by pressurized liquids, hold a rag over fill
caps, breathers, or hose connections when you remove them. Do not use your bare hands
to check for hydraulic leaks. Use a board or cardboard instead.
C WARNING Always install boom stop before working under or around raised spray
C CAUTION The GreenSeeker RT200 system works with GPS receivers and spray
controllers. Be sure to read and understand the other manufacturer's manuals and
equipment before operating the system.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
System overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Definitions of terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Care and maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
PDA support: Tripod Data Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Other resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
GPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Technical assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Your comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
A Cable Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
B Custom Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Custom Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Introduction 1
System overview
The GreenSeeker RT200 variable rate application and mapping system is a tool for
variably applying agricultural chemicals based on real-time measurements of the crop.
The sensors measure NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) of the plants
while traversing the field, and the software collects the data that can be used to
generate maps of the NDVI and rates (where applicable) for crop analysis and
historical data collection. This type of data can be used in conjunction with other
agronomic references to index nutrient response, crop condition, yield potential,
stress, pest, and disease impact in a quantitative manner. The RT200 system can be
used to monitor changing crop conditions during the growing season and the effects of
different levels of an input compared to a defined standard.
The applicator allows you to variably apply agricultural chemicals in real time (as the
applicator passes over the crop). The NDVI-based variable rate algorithm and
parameters may be selected in the field, and all rate changes are then made "on the go,"
so there are no lengthy delays between evaluating the crop and application. When
applying fertilizer or other material, the NDVI, the target rate on, and the applied rate
are mapped simultaneously with the GreenSeeker RT200 system. Some spray
controllers do not respond with an 'As Applied' value.
The GreenSeeker optical sensor emits light at two specific wavelengths, and measures
the reflected light. The microprocessor in the sensor analyzes the reflected light and
calculates the resulting Index value. The data from each sensor is collected by the
RT200 interface module, processed and then transmitted to a PDA in the cab running
one of the following:
RT Commander software
Version 3.0 or later of the AgGPS FmX integrated display
The RT Commander software displays the NDVI and location in real-time, logs the
output data to a file, and sends the appropriate rates to the applicator's rate controller
or FmX integrated display. The logged data is easily transferred to a desktop computer
for analysis.
The ruggedized PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) could be a Trimble Recon or
Nomad handheld computer. In this document, PDA refers to both handheld models:
If anything refers to only one model, this is clearly indicated.
Definitions of terms
The following terms occur throughout this manual and in the RT Commander
software. Becoming familiar with the terms will make using the RT Commander
software much easier.
C WARNING There are no field serviceable components of the electronic system; do not
attempt any field repair of a malfunctioning controller or sensors. If you experience
operating problems, contact your local reseller, representative, or GreenSeeker distributor
for assistance.
You must take good care of your GreenSeeker RT200 variable rate application and
mapping system to maintain high performance. At the end of each day of spraying, do
the following:
Check the detector and light source windows for dust and dirt, and wipe clean
with a soft rag.
Do not leave the GreenSeeker systemoutdoors during extreme weather
conditions. Wide temperature variations may reduce the operating life of the
Do not store a GreenSeeker system with the sensors facing upward. Doing so
may allow water to collect around the windows and gaskets, causing seal
failures in those areas. Direct sunlight can in some cases also focus enough
energy into the sensor to damage the detector.
When rinsing off the machine, take care not to use high pressure to directly
spray the sensors. Even though all connectors and modules are fully sealed,
there still exists potential leakage from a pressurized stream.
Every time the spray tank is filled, take a soft cloth and wipe the lenses of the
sensors if needed. Try to check sensors at least once a day during full-time
Be more aware of cleaning the sensors directly behind the machine.
If you do not have ground protection devices on the boom, such as gauge wheels
or skids, take extra care to not run the boom into the ground. Also, be aware of
sensor vulnerability to stationary structures in the field. Sensors are usually
mounted on the front of the boom and do not have rigid protection.
Rinse the boom after the end of every day. This will keep the system clean and
wash any corrosive materials off. This will greatly extend the life of your
At the beginning of each season, and periodically as required, check the hose
clamps, plumbing connections, and other fluid handling system components for
tightness and leak free operation.
Make sure all wiring harness components remain fastened to the boom as to not
obstruct the view of the sensors and are free of any pinch points from boom
folding and movement.
Other resources
Nitrogen Use Efficiency,
Sensor-Based Nitrogen Rate Calculator,
Even if you have used other Global Positioning System (GPS) products before, Trimble
recommends that you spend some time reading this manual to learn about the special
features of this product. If you are not familiar with GPS, visit the Trimble website
( for an interactive look at Trimble and GPS.
Technical assistance
If you have a problem and cannot find the information you need in the product
documentation, contact Trimble technical support:
1. Go to the Trimble website (
2. Click the Support & Training link at the top of the screen, select Support and
then select Support AZ list of products.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the list.
4. Click the submit an inquiry link. A form appears.
5. Complete the form and then click Send.
Your comments
Your feedback about the supporting documentation helps us to improve it with each
revision. Email your comments to [email protected].
Installation and Setup 2
Power switch
h j
e i
l l
m m m m
Before mounting sensors, loosely route cables on the machine:
Route all cables in areas where protection from mechanical movement can be
Do not kink any of the cables. You must allow at least a 6-inch (15 cm) bend
radius in all cables.
Once cables are routed and all hardware is mounted, final placement of cables
can be made.
Finalize by securing cables with tie wraps, zip ties, and so on as required.
Cable placement is as follows:
For emergency repair and troubleshooting purposes, see Appendix A, Cable Diagrams.
These diagrams are provided for use by qualified technicians only.
Note Be careful not to loosen the black strain relief portion of the connector when
connecting or disconnecting.
Note If you are using the FmX display, the serial port is not used. Install the cable port
cap to protect this port:
User interface
Ruggedized PDA
The RT200 system includes a ruggedized PDA that is powered by a Windows Mobile
operating system and that is pre-loaded with the RT Commander software.
The Recon handheld uses 3 serial ports through a CF-to-2-port serial splitter.
The Nomad handheld uses a USB-to-4 port serial converter.
Note In this document, PDA refers to both handheld models: If anything refers to only
one model, this is clearly indicated.
A removable memory card is supplied and pre-installed in the PDA for easy data
transfer; alternatively, connect the PDA to a desktop computer for data transfer.
An adjustable mount is provided that allows you to easily mount and remove the PDA
in the cab. Place it where the operator can easily view it and select the buttons:
1. Assemble the entire mounting structure before mounting the base. Verify that
the mounting location allows for cable connections to the PDA (the bottom
and/or top as required by the specific PDA).
2. Mount the base securely in the cab and then place the PDA in its clip mount.
Snap the PDA into place until secure:
Note See also the corresponding System Layout diagrams: System layout with the
Trimble Recon handheld, page 18 and System layout with Trimble Nomad handheld,
page 19.
3. To keep the PDAs battery charged, plug the auto-adapter power cable (included)
into an available 12 V DC outlet in the cab.
C WARNING Do not remove/cut or bypass the auto adapter end of the power adapter
cable for the PDA. Do not connect directly to 12 V DC as this will cause immediate failure
of the PDA.
Note The auto adapter for the Recon and Nomad handhelds are not interchangeable.
4. Once all the cables are connected, secure the cables in the cab to avoid damage
to the cable.
GreenSeeker sensors
The sensor takes reflectance readings. The units generate their own illumination for
use in any lighting condition, day or night. When the unit is on, a red band of light
shows directly below the rectangular sensor window.
The sensor operates by emitting light from the rectangular window onto a crop's
canopy. Reflected light from the canopy is focused on a detector behind the circular
Both the rectangular and circular windows need to be free of any viewing
obstructions when mounted.
Mount the sensor so that there is at least 12'' (0.3 m) in front and 6'' (0.15 m) in
back of the lenses' peripheral view.
Keep at least 12'' (0.3 m) for the peripheral side view of the sensor free of objects.
The sensor is designed for an optimal height of 28'' to 48'' (0.7 m to 1.2 m) from the
rectangular LED window to the crop canopy. The extended range (with greater
deviation) is 26'' to 62'' (0.6 m to 1.6 m). The field of view (the width of the sensor
measurement) is ~24'' (0.6 m) within the sensor's optimal height range.
Sensor readings are nearly constant with the optimal height range, but will vary
somewhat over the extended range. Momentary movement out of the operating height
range does not significantly affect performance of the RT200 system, but take care to
keep sensors within the recommended height range most of the time.
The two outer sensors will have only one cable connected. The other port in the
outer sensors must be electrically terminated using a small plug device called a
CAN terminator. (The CAN terminator is usually pre-installed in two sensors.)
Mount these sensors in the outside (end) positions.
The bracket can be secured to most boom structures with standard size U-bolts.
One set of U-bolts is included with the system. Some booms may require
different U-bolts and/or custom fabricated brackets.
The sensor is bolted to the bracket with two 5/16" bolts (provided).
For crops such as wheat and canola, the RT200 system works best when sensors
are evenly spaced across the swath of the boom. For example, if a boom is 60 feet
wide then the sensors would be spaced approximately 10 feet apart and the
outer two sensors would be spaced approximately 5 feet from the tips. Boom
folding procedures may prevent even spacing of sensors. This is acceptable as
long as the sensors are spread across the boom as evenly as possible. For row
crop applications, sensors must be positioned directly over a row. When used in
fields with a "guess row" or "wide and narrow row" you may have to mount the
sensor within your planter width.
Once the sensors are mounted, connect the sensor cables (400-1-265-240) as
shown in the system layout figure:
a. These cables have a 12-pin connector on each end. Slide the connector into
one of the ports on the sensor with the keyed side towards the front of the
b. After firmly seating the connector, use a Phillips screwdriver to secure the
connectors retaining ring. It does not matter which port the 400-1-265-240
cables are connected to. The two outer sensors will have only one cable
connected. The other port in the outer sensors must be terminated.
c. Insert the terminator (if not already installed) in the unused port of the
outer sensors and then secure the retaining ring.
As described in previous sections, use the 400-1-277 cables to connect the two
inner sensors to the interface module in the same way used for the
400-1-265-240 cables. Once all cables are connected, secure the cables to the
boom. Verify that cables will not be damaged by moving parts.
GPS receiver
A GPS receiver is necessary for logging geo-referenced data and viewing on-the-go
mapping. An applicator may already use a GPS receiver for other operations such as
guidance. In many cases it can be shared. The RT200 accepts a serial connection
(RS-232) from a GPS receiver to the ruggedized PDA through a serial-to-USB converter.
Field information
Before the GreenSeeker applicator can be used to apply nitrogen (N) across a field, you
must establish a nitrogen rich reference strip (NRS) before or shortly after planting.
This reference strip determines the amount of nitrogen being made available to the
plant by the environment mineralization and importantly, the present year's expected
maximum yield potential and response to additional nitrogen. The ideal NRS runs the
length of the field, but it should at least be 300 feet (91 m) long. Establish the NRS in a
representative portion of the field (that is, not in a high or low spot). The rate of N
necessary to establish a NRS depends on the crop and region, and should be equivalent
to the highest rate necessary to satisfy crop needs throughout the growing season. For
example, winter wheat grown in the Southern Great Plains should have a minimum of
100 lbs N/acre applied to establish the NRS. Lower pre-plant N rates should be applied
across the rest of the field. Application of 20 to 30 lbs of pre-plant N/acre would be
ideal for this situation.
The rest of the field is referred to as the Non-Reference (Non-Ref) portion. It may also
be referred to as the N-limited area or farmer practice region.
For best results, use the RT200 interface module to "read" the NRS and apply N at
growth stages dependent upon the crop algorithm used. For Trimble-supplied
algorithms the following is typically:
Wheat: Feekes growth stage 4-6
Corn: V8-V12.
For the sensors to accurately determine NDVI for topdressing (or sidedressing), plant
coverage should be at least 50%. The RT200 system with RT Commander can use the
sensor mounted booms to read the NRS, or the GreenSeeker handheld sensor can be
used to determine field conditions.
To collect sensor readings for the NRS, pass the boom-mounted sensor (or handheld
sensor) over the crop at 32'' to 48" (81 cm to 122 cm) above the canopy. Sense a large
area of the NRS and non-reference portion of the field to accurately determine their
respective NDVI values. Once you have measured the NDVI values, enter them into the
RT Commander software. You can do this automatically with the boom-mounted
sensors, or manually with the GreenSeeker handheld sensor. The RT Commander
software and the RT200 system allows for "straddling" the edge of the NRS and using
either the right side or left side of the boom for reading the respective areas, for
example, with three sensors over the NRS and three over the rest of the field. You can
also use the complete boom (with all sensors) to "read" NDVI in each area separately.
If response is obviously variable across the field, select an area where the difference
between the Reference and the Non-Reference areas are most apparent. This ensures
that the algorithm determines a rate that uses the highest yield potential prediction
and maximum response to N for that year.
To estimate yield potential, an environmental factor (Growing Degree Days) is used,
which takes into account weather and time since planting.
Note Different GDD variations are used for different crops. To obtain the GDD value, you
need the planting date and sensing date. Regional values for GDD are available on the
Internet. For more information, see Where to Find GDD Information at
6. Match nozzles and/or rate control system to maximize response time and
performance for each field's requirements. For more information, see Delivery
system and liquid control, page 47. Also refer to the application equipment and
rate control systems manuals.
A table is then created with NDVI values corresponding to application rates. These
values are entered into the Custom Formula application table. See Appendix B, Custom
The following table (and the resultant Calibration Graph) is an example for defoliant
variable rate application in cotton:
These values are only an example; the grower/consultant must develop these rates.
Also keep the rate range ability of the specific rate controller and nozzles used to
achieve these rates in mind when developing the rates.
To use the Custom Formula feature, you must enter some required values as shown
below. The default is zero; enter a value ( for example, 1) in the Non-Ref, Ref and Ref-
Peak, and the GDD fields and then tap OK:
Configuration and Operation 3
Logging options
The Recording Interval is the rate at which data points are
written to the file. It defaults to 1000 ms (1 second) and
should always be less than or equal to the GPS rate.
Data output
The data from the GreenSeeker sensors is collected by the RT200 interface module
over the CAN bus, and then output as ASCII text in RS-232 format (38, 400, 8, N, 1) to
the RT Commander software that is running on the PDA.
At each sample interval, the data is transmitted based on the selected options for the
RT200 system. In particular, each line of data includes the value of NDVI and the value
for a second VI chosen by the user.
Diagnostic tools
To view the Status screen, tap Task and then tap Show Status. The screen has three
Status tab
This shows the following details. Data here indicates
positive communication to these devices.
GPS detail status.
RT200 Sensor status. This includes the number of
sensors detected on system and error reporting.
The RT200 system monitors the sensors for correct
operation, and if a sensor reports erroneous data,
the data is not included in the rate control
calculation. Incorrect data can come from mud on
the sensor lenses, sensors viewing concrete, snow,
wet asphalt, or other non-soil or plant surfaces. The
Sensor Errors field reports the number of sensors
reporting NDVI out of expected values. For more
information, see Data output, page 44.
The RT200 interface module hardware and
software version report. This also confirms that the
interface module and user interface are
communicating. The NDVI shown is the combined
real-time value from all sensors on the left and
right booms respectively.
Note The Version 1.2 Status screen does not show the NDVI table.
Errors tab
To make setup and troubleshooting easier, this tab shows
the ID and error codes from each sensor (version 1.3x of
the RT Commander software and later). Error codes are
short messages to help diagnose any problems related to
a sensor. The ID is the last two characters of the serial
number of the sensor.
NDVI values for crop analysis should range from 0.000 to
0.999. Therefore, the RT200 system uses negative NDVI
numbers to communicate error conditions to the RT
Commander software.
While the system does not enforce this, it is convenient to mount the sensors in
numerical order (by convention, with the lowest on the driver's left side) to aid in
diagnosis, or if doing high-resolution mapping with the RT220 system. If there is a
problem with a sensor or a connection, use this screen to isolate the location.
Error conditions
Error conditions include sensors disconnected from the CAN bus, or a sensor
transmitting invalid data. Invalid data could occur if the sensor malfunctions, or more
commonly, if it is seeing a target other than plants and soil. For example, when setting
up, the sensors may be pointed in the air, or against wet asphalt; either of these will
likely generate an error code from a sensor. The following errors are identified:
Data management
The default location for RT Commander files is My Documents. To save these files to
another location on the PDA, select a different location when setting up a new job. The
new location must be below My Documents.
The RT Commander software creates the following files that are typically used for
creating maps of the data using a shape file format:
C CAUTION If the PDA has not been charged for several days, data will be lost. To avoid
this, do one of the following:
- Run the Backup Now utility installed on the PDA. This built-in backup is now done at the
factory to preserve the software installation. For information on using the backup utility,
see the Trimble Recon Getting Started Guide.
- Transfer the data from the PDA and save it to your computer.
- Copy the files to the CompactFlash card.
Application information
Selecting a nozzle
It is usually best to match nozzles to the lower midrange of the typical rates shown on
the application graph. It is ultimately up to the grower or crop consultant to determine
the min/max rates and nozzles that are most appropriate.
If most of your NDVI readings (in the area of the field not
in the NRS) are around 0.53, and the application graph
shows at 0.53 NDVI you should apply 15 GPA, select a
nozzle that can change rates above and below this NDVI
reading. You could select a nozzle that puts out 12.5 GPA
at its lowest pressure ( for example, 20 psi) and 21 GPA at
its highest pressure ( for example, 60 psi). Since the
penalty to under-fertilize (harm yield) is usually greater
than to over-fertilize (waste fertilizer), it may be best to
choose a strategy similar to the one shown here. Modify
the settings to fit your circumstances and to meet local
field and delivery system conditions.
If you do not hear the chimes after turning on the PDA (see Setup and
configuration, page 35) or do not get serial communication to GPS and/or the
RT200 system, perform a soft reset by holding the Power button down for
approximately eight seconds. Then turn off and turn on the PDA. If you still do
not hear the chimes, the PDA does not have a chimes featurewait at least 10
seconds before opening any applications. Do not launch the RT Commander
software until you hear both chimes or until at least 10 seconds have passed.
Trimble recommends that you run a backup often to ensure you never lose any
data due to an unforeseen hard reset. For more information, refer to the Trimble
Recon Handheld Getting Started Guide.
If you do not see a black path being drawn on the map screen, verify that the
signal quality of GPS is set no higher than 1. Go to GPS Setup and then select the
Quality tab.
Note Rate commands are not sent unless a valid GPS signal is received. If there is not an
adequate GPS signal, switch to GPS Setup / Simulation to set up the rate controller.
For more information, refer to the online troubleshooting document. Go to and then select Support / Technical Notes /RT200
Troubleshooting Tree.
Cable Diagrams A
Custom Algorithm B
Custom Formula
1. Select New Custom Formula from the drop-down