Victorian Act Imperial Acts Application Act 1922
Victorian Act Imperial Acts Application Act 1922
Victorian Act Imperial Acts Application Act 1922
Nor shall this section afreet the validity of any marriage heretofore
or hereafter celebrated or any established principle or rule of law
or equity or established jurisdiction form or course of pleading practice
or procedure or any existing usage franchise liberty custom privilege
restriction exemption office appointment payment allowance emolu-
ment or benefit notwithstanding that the same respectively may have
been in any manner affirmed recognised or derived by in or from any
enactment hereby repealed.
Nor shall this section revive or restore any jurisdiction office duty
drawback fee payment franchise liberty custom right title privilege
restriction exemption usage practice procedure or other matter or
thing not now existing or in force.
Provided also and without limiting the generality of the foregoing
provisos that the repeal effected by this section shall save as hereinafter
provided not affect any Statute or Ordinance made in Victoria or made
in New South Wales and in force in Victoria whether as regards the
past or the future and that such repeal shall not prevent the recognition
in Victoria of any status right title or other matter or thing elsewhere
acquired under any of the enactments repealed by this section in the
same circumstances and to the same extent as such recognition would
have been granted or given prior to the commencement of this Act.
Provided further that the repeal effected by this section shall affect
section two hundred and ten of the Supreme Court Act 1915 so far as
such section may be read as incorporating any enactment but not
further or otherwise.
8. The Governor in Council may at any time and from time to Powers of the
time by proclamation published in the Government Gazette indicate any council,
enactment or enactments as an enactment or enactments which
is or are to be added to those mentioned in the First Schedule to this First Schedule.
Act or to those mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Act or Second Schedule.
to those set out in Part II. of this Act and thereupon such enactment
or enactments shall be deemed to have been mentioned at the
appropriate place in such First Schedule or such Second Schedule
or such Part II. (as the case may be) and the effect shall be the same
as if the appropriate Schedule or Part had at the time of the passing
of this Act included such added enactment or enactments and sections
four six and seven of this Act shall be construed accordingly. In the
case of any enactment being so added to the First Schedule only, it
shall be deemed to be set out in full in Part II. whether it does or
does not fall under any of the Divisions of that Part.
Riding or Item, it is enacted, that no man great nor small, of what condition soever he be,
going armed except the King's servants in his presence, and his ministers in executing of the King's
in alfray of the precepts, or of their office, and such as be in their company assisting them, and also
upon a proclamation of deeds of arms in time of peace and that in places where
such deeds arc to be done, be so hardy to come before the King's justices, or other
of the King's ministers doing their office, with force and arms, nor bring no force
in affray of tho peace, nor to go nor ride armed by night nor by day, in fairs, markets,
nor in tho presence of tho justices or other ministers, nor in no part elsewhere, upon
pain to forfeit their armour to the King, and their bodies to prison
And that tho King's justices in their presence, sheriffs, and other ministers in their
bail wicks and . . . constables . . . shall have power to
execute this Act.
[1351-2] 25 EDWARD III. 8T. V. 0, II.
And if percase any man of
this realm ride armed openly or secretly with men of arms against any other, t o slay
him, or rob him, or take him, or retain him till he hath made fine or ransom for to have
his deliverance, it is not the mind of tho King nor his council, that in such case it
Certain offencoa ^ D0 judged treason, but shall be judged felony or trespass, according to the laws
not treason. of the land of old time used, and according as the case requireth
This Act only 5. Provided that nothing in this Act relateing to informations shall extend or be
extends to construed to extend to any other informations then such as are or shall be exhibited
by master of in the name of their Majesties coroner or attorney in the Court of King's Bench for
crown ollico. the time being (commonly called the master of the crowne office) any thing in the
said Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
Proviso for 6. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that upon the demise of any
demise of the King or Queen of this realme all pleas to informations in the said court shall stand and
be good in law without calling defendants to plead again to the same unlesse the
defendants desire so to do and make request of the said court for that purpose within
five months next after such demise any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
Court may allow 2. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that it shall be lawful for the
further time to said courts, or for any judge of the same respectively, upon
plead. sufficient cause shewn for that purpose, to allow further time for such defendant to
plead or demur to such information.
Prosecutions 8. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that in all cases
for of prosecutions for misdemeanors instituted by his Majesty's a t t o r n e y or solicitor
misdemeanors general in any of the courts aforesaid, the court shall, if required, make order
by the attorney
or solicitor t h a t a copy of the information . . . . shall be delivered, after appearance,
general, a copy to the party prosecuted, or his attorney, upon
of the application made for the same, free from all expence to the p a r t y so applying;
shall be provided that such party, or his attorney,
delivered to shall not have previously received a copy thereof.
the party.
In case such 9. Provided also, and be it further enacted, t h a t in case any prosecution for
prosecution is a misdemeanor instituted by his Majesty's attorney or solicitor general in any
not brought
to trial within of the courts aforesaid shall n o t be brought to trial within twelve calendar months
twelve calendar next after the plea of n o t guilty shall have been pleaded therein, it shall be
months, the lawful for the court in which such prosecution shall be depending, upon application
court may to be made on the behalf of any defendant in such prosecution, of which application
the defendant twenty days previous notice shall have been given to his Majesty's attorney or
to bring on the solicitor general, to make an order, if the said court shall see just cause so to do,
trial. authorizing such defendant to bring on the trial in such prosecution ; and it
shall thereupon bo lawful for such defendant to bring on such trial accordingly,
unless a nolle prosequi shall have been entered in such prosecution.
Saving as to 10. And be it further enacted, t h a t nothing in this Act contained shall extend
informations of or be construed to extend to any prosecution by information in nature of a quo
quo warranto,
Ac. warranto, or for the non-repair of any bridge or highway.
Every 3. And whereas it is expedient to prevent all doubts respecting the civil
punishment rights of persons convicted of felonies not capital who have undergone the
for felony not
punishable with punishment of which they were adjudged : Be it therefore enacted t h a t whore
death after it any offender h a t h been or shall be convicted of any felony n o t punishable with
lias been death and hath endured or shall endure the punishment to which such offender
endured shall
have the effect hath been or shall be adjudged for the same the punishment so endured hath and
of a pardon shall have the like effects and consequences as a pardon under the great seal as to
under the the felony whereof the offender was so convicted. Provided always t h a t nothing
creat seal.
herein contained nor the enduring of such punishment shall prevent or mitigate
any punishment to which the offender might otherwise be lawfully sentenced on
a subsequent conviction for any other felony.
13 GEO. V.J Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 11
[1275] 3 E D W A R D I. ( S T A T U T E O F W E S T M I N S T E R T H E F I R S T ) 0. V.
And because elections ought to be free, the King commandeth upon great Freedom of
forfeiture, that no man by force of arms, nor by malice, or menacing, shall disturb electloD.
any t o make free election.
[1742-3] 16 GEORGE II. c. XXXI. ss. 3, 4.
A.n Act for the further Punishment of Persons who shall
aid or assist Prisoners to attempt to escape out of
lawful Custody.
* * * * * * * * * *
3. And be it further enacted that To assist any
if any person shall, aid or assist any person to
prisoner to attempt to make his or her escape from the custody of a n y constable, escape from a
or other officer or person who, shall then have the being charged
lawful charge of such prisoner, in order to carry him or her to gaol, by virtue of with treason or
a warrant of commitment for treason or any felony
expressed in such warrant ; the offender
then every person so offending, and being lawfully convicted thereof, shall be shall be deemed
guilty of felony,
deemed and adjudged to be guilty of felony,(a)
4. Provided
[1267] 52 HENIIY III. C. XVII.
I t is provided, t h a t if land holden in socage bo in tho custody of tho kinsfolke The duty of
of t h e heir, because the heir is within ago, t h e guardians shall m a k e no waste, foctiBo"9
nor sale, nor any destruction of the same inheritance ; but safely shall keep it
to t h e use of the said heir : 80 that when ho cometh to his lawful age, they shall
answer to him for t h e issues of the said inheritance by a lawful accompt, saving to
the same guardians their reasonable costs. Neither shall the said guardians
give or sell the marriage of such an heir, b u t to tho advantage of tho foresaid
heir : But the next kinsfolke which had the ward, for all that time t h a t writs of
impleading did not lie, shall have such wardship unto tho advantage of tho heir,
as is said before, without waste, exile, or destruction making.
[1660] 12 CUAIILHS If. 0. XXIV, S3. 8 AND 9.
An Act takeing away the Court of Wards and Liveries and
Tenures in Capite and by Knights Service and Purvey-
ance, and for setling a Eevenue upon his Majesty in
Lieu thereof.
* * * * * * * * * *
8. And bee it further enacted by tho a u t h o r i t y aforesaid t h a t where any Fathers may
person hath or shall have any child or children under the ago of twenty one ( i , s P s e of the
onstofiv of
yeares and not married a t the time of his d e a t h t h a t it shall and may bo lawf nil children during
to and for the father of such child or children, whether borne a t the time of tho tlieir minority.
decease of tho father or a t that time in ventre sa mere, or whether such father be
within tho ago of twenty one yeares or of full ago by his deed executed in his life
time, or by his last will and testament in writeing in the presence of two or more
credible witnesses in such manner and from time to time as he shall respectively
thinke fitt to dispose of the custody and tuition of such child or children for
and dureing such time as he or they shall respectively remaine u n d e r tho ago of
t w e n t y one yeares or any lesser time to a n y person or persons in possession or
remainder and t h a t such disposition of
the custodie of such childe or children made since the twenty fourth of February
one thousand six hundred forty live or hereafter to bo made shall bo good and
effectuall against all and every person or persons claiming the c u s t o d y or tuition
of such childe or children as guardian in soccage or otherwise ; and that such
person or persons to whom the custodie of such childe or children hath beene or Actions 0?
shall bo soo disposed or devised as aforesaid shall and may maintaine an action ravishment
of ravishment of ward or trespasse against any person or persons which shall of ward for
wrongfully take away or detaino such child or children for tho recovery of such
childe or children and shall and may recover damages for the s a m e in the said
action for tho use and benefit of such childe or children.
9. And be it further enacted that such person or persons to whom the custody custody of
of such childe or children hath beene or shall be soo disposed or devised shall lands and
and may take into his or their custody to t h e use of such childe or children tho P^^', c s t a t e
proffitts of all lands tenements & hereditaments of such childe or children, and guardians, who
alsoe the custody tuition and mannagment of the goods chattells and personall may bring
estate of such childe or children till their respective age of t w e n t y one yeares or > *c-
a n y lesser time according to such disposition aforesaid, and m a y bring such
action or actions in relation thereunto as b y law a guardian in common soccage
might doe
14 13 GEO. V.] bnperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
How writs to 2. And to the intent t h a t n o e sheriffe goaler or other officer may pretend ignorance
be marked. of the import of any such writt bee it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid t h a t
all such writts shall be marked in this manner Per s t a t u t u m triccsimo primo Caroli
Persons Secundi Regis and shall be signed by the person t h a t awards the same. And if
committed, any person or persons shall be or stand committed or detained as aforesaid for
except for any crime unlesse for treason or fellony plainely expressed in the warrant of
treason and committment in the vacation time and out of terme it shall and may be lawfull
felony, &c.
may appeal to to and for the person or persons soe committed or detained (other t h e n persons
the lord convict or in execution) by legall processe or any one on his or their behalfe to
chancellor, &c. appeale or complaine to the lord chauncellour or lord keeper or any one of his
Majestyes justices either of the one bench or of the other or the barons of the
Proceedings Exchequer of the degree of the coife and the said lord chauncellor lord keeper
thereon. justices or barons or any of them upon view of the copy or copies of the warrant
or warrants of committment and detainer or otherwise upon o a t h made t h a t
such copy or copyes were denyed to be given by such person or persons in whose
custody the prisoner or prisoners is or are detained are hereby authorized and
required upon request made in writeing by such person or persons or any on his
her or their behalfe attested and subscribed by two witnesses t h a t were present
Habeas corpus at the delivery of the same to award and g r a n t an habeas corpus under the seale
may be of such court whereof he shall then be one of the judges to be directed to the
awarded; officer
(a) See Rules of the Supreme Court under title Habeas Corpus.
No subject to 11. And for preventing illegall imprisonments in prisons beyond the seas bee it
be sent further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that noe subject of this realme that now
prisoner into is or hereafter shall be an inhabitant or resiant of this Kingdome of England . .
any part
beyond the seas, . . shall or may be sent prisoner into . . . . any . . . . places beyond
the seas which are or at any time hereafter shall be within or without the dominions of
his Majestie his heircs or successors and thate^ery such imprisonment is hereby enacted
and adjudged to be illegall and that if any of the said subjects now is or hereafter shall
bee 8oe imprisoned every such person and persons soe imprisoned shall and may for
Action for every such imprisonment maintaine by vertue of this Act an action or actions of false
false imprisonment in any of His Majestyes courts of record against the person or persons by
imprisonment. whome he or sheshall be soe committed detained imprisoned sent prisoner or transported
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 17
contrary to the true meaning of this Act and against all or any person or persons
that shall frame contrive write scale or countersigne any warrant or writeing for such
committment detainer imprisonment or transportation or shall be adviseing aiding
or assisting in the same or any of them and the plaintiff o in every such action shall
have judgement to recover his . . . costs besides damages which damages soe to
be given shall not be lesse then five hundred pounds in which action noe delay stay or
stopp of proceeding by rulo order or command nor noe injunction protection or
priviledge whatsoever . . . shall be allowed excepting such rule of the court
wherein the action shall depend made in open court as shall bee thought in justice
necessary for speciall cause to be expressed in the said rulo and the person or persons
who shall knowingly frame contrive write scale or countersigne any warrant for such And the
committment detainer or transportation or shall soe committ detaine imprison or persons so
committing, &c
transport any person or persons contrary to this Act or be any wayes adviseing aiding disabled from
or assisting therein being lawfully convicted thereof shall be disabled from thence- office and incur
forth to beare any office of trust or proflitt within the said real me of England premunire
. . . . . or any of the islands territories or dominions thereunto belonging
and shall incurr and sustaine the paincs penalties and forfeitures limitted .ordained
and provided in the Statute of provision and premunire made in the sixteenth ycare
of King Richard the Second and be incapeab'.e of any pardon from the King his heives
or successors of the said forfeitures losses or disabilities or any of them.
12. Provided alwayes that nothing in this Act shall extend to give benefitt to any Proviso for
person who shall by contract in writeing agree with any merchant or owner of any contracts for
plantation or other person whatsoever to be transported to any parts beyond seas transportation.
and receive earnest upon such agreement although that .afterwards such person shall
renounce such contract.
1JJ. Provided alwayes and bee it enacted that if any person, or persons lawfully Proviso for
convicted of any felony shall in open court pray to be transported beyond the seas of transportation
( persons
and the court shall thinke ;tt to leave him or them in prison for that purpose such convicted of
person or persuns may bo transported into any parts beyond the seas this Act or any felony and
thing contained therein to the contrary notwithstanding. praying to bo
# :',: * :1s :',s -M. ^-. * # $
15. Provided alsoc that if any person or persons at any time resiant in this Proviso for
realme shall have committed any capitall offence iu Scotland or Ireland or any of the sending persons
to be tried in
islands or forreigne plantations of the King his heires or successors where he or she places where
ought to be tryed for such offence such person or persons may be sent to such place capital offence
there to receive such try all in such manner as the same might have beeno used before committed.
the makeing of this Act anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
10. Provided alsoc and bee it enacted that noe person or persons shall be sued Limitation of
prosecution for
impleaded molested or troubled for any oJTenee against this Act unlesse the partio offences against
offending be sued or impleaded for the same within two 3'eares at the most after such this Act.
time wherein the offence shall be committed in case the partie grieved shall not be
then in prison and if he shall be in prison then within the space of two yeares after
the decease of the person imprisoned or his or her delivery out of prison which shall
first happen.
17. And to the intent noo person may avoid his try all at the assizes or generall After assizes
goale-deiivery by procureing his removeall before the assizes at such time as he cannot proclaimed, no
person to bo
be brought backe to receive his try all there beo it enacted that after the assizes removed from
proclaimed for that county where the prisoner is detained noe person shall be removed common gaol
from the common goale upon any habeas corpus granted in pursuance of this Act but upon habeas
corpus, but
upon any such habeas corpus shall be brought before the judge of assize in open court brought before
who is thereupon to doe what to justice shall appertaine. judge of assize.
18. Provided neverthelesso that after the assizes are ended any person or persons After assizes
detained may have his or her habeas corpus according to the direction and intention detained may
of this Act. have habeas
19. And bee it also enacted by the authentic aforesaid that if any information In informations
suite or action shall be brought or exhibited against any person or persons for any <kc. brought for
oflence. committed or to be committed against the forme of this law it shall be lawfull offence against
this law;
for such defendants to pleade the generall issue t h a t they are not guilty or that they
owe nothing and to give such speciall matter in evidence to the jury that shall try the general issue.
same which matter being pleaded had beene good and sufficient matter in law to have
discharged the said defendant or defendants against the said information suite or
action and the said matter shall bo then as availeable to him or them to all intents
and purposes as if he or they had sufficiently pleaded sett forth or alledgcd the same
"tatter in barr or discharge of such information suite or action.
20. And
18 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Proviso as to 20. And because many times persons charged with petty treason or felony or as
removal or accessaries thereunto are committed upon suspicion onely whereupon they are baileable
bail of persons
charged as or not according as the circumstances makeing out that suspicion are more or lease
accessories weighty which are best knowne to the justices of peace that committed the persons
before the fact and have the examinations before them or to other justices of the peace in the county
to petty
treason or Bee it therefore enacted that where any person shall appeare to be committed by any
felony. judge or justice of the peace and charged as accessary before the fact to any petty
treason or felony or upon suspicion thereof or with suspicion of petty treason or felony
which petty treason or felony shall be plainely and specially expressed in the warrant
of committment that such person shall not be removed or bailed by vertue of this Act
or in any other manner then they might have beene before the makeing of this Act.
4. And be it further enacted by tho authority aforesaid, that the like proceeding The truth of
may be had in the court for controverting tho truth of the return to any such writ j ^ 0 return may
of habeas corpus awarded as aforesaid, although such writ shall be awarded by the in that court!
said court itself, or be returnable therein.
5. And be i t declared and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that a writ of habeas } V r i t i n a y run
corpus, according to the true intent and meaning of this Act, may be directed and jlJ'^iv^f n
run into any port, harbour, county.
road, creek, or bay, upon the coast of England or Wales, although the same should lie
out of the body of any county; any law or
usage t o the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.
6. And be it further enacted Iry tho authority aforesaid, that the several pro- Provisions of
visions made in this Act, touching the making writs of habeas corpus issuing in time this Act to
of vacation returnable into the said courts, or for making such writs awarded in term w r i t a o f na'b{>as
time returnable in vacation, as tho cases may respectively happen, and also for making corpus in cases
wilful disobedience thereto a contempt of t h e court, and for issuing warrants to ^'thin 9 0
apprehend and bring before the said justices or barons, or any of them, any person
or persons wilfully disobeying any such writ, and in case of neglect or refusal to
become bound as aforesaid, for committing tho person or persons so neglecting or
refusing to jail as aforesaid, respecting the recognizances to be taken as aforesaid, and
the proceeding or proceedings thereon, shall extend to all writs of habeas corpus
awarded in pursuance of t h e said Act passed in England in the thirty-first year of
the reign of King Charles the Second, . . .
. . . and hereinbefore recited, in as ample and beneficial a manner as if such writs
and the said cases arising thereon had been herein-before specially named and provided
for respectively. ^
20 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Punishment for And upon the foresaid article it is provided and granted, t h a t if any from hence-
unlawful forth take such revenges of his own authority, without award of the King's court as
distresses. before is said, and be convict thereof, he shall be punished by fine, and that according
to the trespass ; and likewise if one neighbour take a distress of another without
award of the King's court, whereby he hath damage, he shall bo punished in the
same wise, and that after the quantity of t h t trespass ; and nevertheless sufficient
and full amends shall he made to them that have sustained loss by such distresses.
[1297] 25 EDWARD I. (.MAGNA CARTA) (a) C. XXIX.
Imprisonment, No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his freehold, or liberties
&c. contrary to o r froo customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed ; nor will we
P a s s n P o n him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his peers, or by the
Admitiistr;iti<n j a w 0 f j.j 10 ] a n c | \ y e w m HG\\ ^ 0 n o m a n w e will not denv or defer to anyJ man either
of justice. . ,. . ,,
justice or right.
Commands shall Item, it is accorded and established, that it shall not be commanded by the groat
not be in delay seal nor the little seal to disturb or delay common right; and though such command-
of justice.
ments do come, the justices shall not therefore leave to do right in any point.
[ m i ] 5 EDWARD III. (!. IX.
No unlawful Item, it is enacted, that no man from henceforth shall be attached by any accusa-
attachment, &c. tion, nor forejudged of life or limb, nor his lands, tenements, goods, nor chattels-
seised into the King's hands, against the form of the Groat Charter, and the law of tho
[1:551-21 25 EDWARD III. ST. V. c. IV.
None shall ho Item, whereas it is contained in the Great Charter of the franchises of England
taken upon t h a t none shall be imprisoned nor put out of his freehold, nor of his franchises nor
suggestion free custom, unless it be by the law of the land ; it is accorded assented, and stablished,
without lawful
presentment; t h a t from henceforth none shall be taken by petition or suggestion made to our lord
the King, or to his council, unless it be by indictment or presentment of good end
lawful peoplo of the same neighbourhood where such deeds bo done, in due manner,
nor or by process made by writ original at tho common law ; nor t h a t none be out of his
disfranchised, franchises, nor of his freeholds, unless ho bo duly brought into answer, and forejudged
but by course of the same by the course of the law ; and if any thing be done against tho same, it
of law.
shall be redressccd and holden for none.
[1354] 28 EDWARD III. 0. III.
None shall be Item, that no man of what estate or condition t h a t he be, shall bo put out of land
condemned or tenement, nor taken, nor imprisoned, nor disinherited, nor put to death, without
without due being brought in answer by due process of the law.
process of law.
(rt) This is a re-statement of the Great Charter of Henry III. and appears as 9 Henry III. in
the ordinary printed editions.
GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 21
[1368] 42 EDWARD III. c. III.
, ; ' , , ; , ' ; ^'lS None shall be
assented and accorded, for the good governance of the commons, t h a t no man be put P"t to answer
w ithout d u e
to answer without presentment before justices, or matter of record, or by duo process r
and writ original, according to the old law of the land : And if any thing from *
henceforth bo done to the contrary, it Email bo void in the law, and holden for error.
[11)87-8J 11 RICHARD 11. 0. X.
Item, it is ordained and established, that neither letters of the signet, nor of the Delays of law
King's privy seal, shall bo from honceforth sent in damage or prejudice of the realm, fUbiddcn8Cal
nor in disturbance of the law.
[1405-0] 7 1II3NTIY IV. 0. I.
And that the peace within the Peace shall bo
realm bo holden and kept, so that all the King's liege people and subjects may from k^pt, and
henceforth 3afely and peaceably go, come, and abide, according to the laws andusages J" st5cc d o n e -
of the same realm : And t h a t good justice and equal right be done to every person;
saving to the same our lord the King his regaltv and prerogative.
Farmers shall Also fermors, during their terms, shall not make waste, sale, nor exile of houses,
do no waste. woods, men, nor of any thing belonging to the tenements that they have to ferm,
without special licence had by writing of covenant, making mention t h a t they may do
Remedy i t ; which thing if they do, and thereof be convict, they shall yield full damage, and
thereon. shall be punished by amerciament grievously.
[1792] 32 GEORGE III. c. LX.
An Act to remove Doubts respecting the Functions of
Juries in Cases of Libel.
Preamble. 1. Whereas doubts have arisen whether on the trial of an indictment or information
for the making or publishing any libel, where an issue or issues are joined between
On the trial
of an indictment the Kiug and the defendant or defendants, on the plea of not guilty pleaded, it he
for a libel the competent to tho jury impanelled to try the same to give their verdict upon the
jury may give a wholo matter in issue : Bo it therefore declared and enacted
general verdict
upon the whole . . . . t h a t on every such trial the jury sworn to try the issue may give a general
matter put in verdict of guilty or not guilty upon the whole matter put in issue upon such indictment
issue and shall or information, and shall not be required or directed by the court or judge before
not be required
by the court whom such indictment or information shall be tried to find the defendant or defendants
to find the guilty merely on the proof of the publication by such defendant or defendants of the
defendant paper charged to be a libel, and of the sense ascribed to the same in such indictment
guilty merely or information.
on proof of the
publication and
of the sense 2. Provided always, that on every such trial the court or judge before whom such
ascribed to it in indictment or information shall be tried shall, according to their or his discretion,
the information
give their or his opinion and directions to the jury on the matter in issue between
But the court the King and the defendant or defendants, in like manner as in other criminal
shall give their
opinion and cases.
directions on the
matter in issue .'*. Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to
as in other extend to prevent the jury from finding a special verdict, in their discretion, as in
criminal cases.
other criminal oases.
Jury may find
a special 4. Provided also, that in case the jury shall find the defendant or defendants guilty
Defendant it shall and m a y be lawful for the said defendant or defendants to move in arrest of
found guilty judgement, on such ground and in such manner as by law he or they might have done
may move before tho passing of this Act, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith-
In arrest of standing.
Judgement as
before this Act.
[1819] 60 GEORGE III. 1 GEORGIA IV. 0. VIII. SS. 1, 2, 4, 8.
An Act for the more effectual Prevention and Punishment
of blasphemous and seditious Libels.
[30th December 1819.]
1. Whereas it is expedient to make more effectual provision for the punishment
of blasphemous and seditious libels: Be it enacted
. . . . . . . . . in every case in which any verdict or judgment by default
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. No. 3270 23
ahall be had against any person for composing, printing, or publishing any blasphemous After verdict,
libel, or any seditious libel tending to bring into hatred or contempt the person of &c. against any
his Majesty, his heirs or successors, or the government and person for
composing, Ac.
constitution of the United Kingdom as by law established, or cither House of Parlia- a blasphemous
ment, or to ex:cito his Majesty's subjects to attempt the alteration of any m a t t e r or seditious
as by law established, otherwise than by lawful means, it shall libel, the court
may make
b e lawful for t h e judge or the court before whom or in which such verdict shall have order for tbc
been given, or the court in which such judgment by default shall be had, to make seizure of
a n ordor for the seizure and carrying away and detaining in safe custody, in such libel copies of tbe
manner as shall be directed in such order, all copies of the libel which shall bo in the possession of
possession of the person against whom such verdict or judgment shall have been had, such person, Ac.
o r in the possession of any other person named in the order for his use, evidence upon
oath having been previously given to the satisfaction of such court or judge, t h a t a
copy or copies of the said libel is or are in the possession of such other person for the
use of the person against whom such verdict or judgment shall have been had as
aforesaid ; and in every such case it shall be lawful for any justice of tho peace or
for any constable or other peace officer acting under any such order, or for any person and search may
o r persons acting with or in aid of any such justico of the peace, constable, or other thereupon be
peace officer, t o search for any copies of such libel in any house, building, or other made for the
place whatsoever belonging to the person against whom any such verdict or judgment same.
shall have been had, or to any other person so named, in whose possession any copies
of any such libel, belonging to the person against whom any such verdict or judgment
shall have been had, shall b e ; and in case admission shall^be refused or not obtained
within a reasonable time after it shall have been first demanded, to enter by force by
clay into any such house, building, or place whatsoever, and to carry away all copies
of the libel there found, and to detain the same in safe custody, until the same shall
be restored under the provisions of this Act, or disposed of according to any further
order made in relation thereto.
2. And be it further enacted, that if in any such case as aforesaid judgment shall Copies of libels
be arrested, or if, after judgment shall have been entered, the same shall be reversed so seized shall
all copies so seized shall be forthwith returned to be restored if
judgment is
the person or persons from Avhom the same shall have been so taken a? aforesaid, free arrested, ivc;
of all charge and expence, and Avithout the payment of any fees whatever; and in but shall
every case in which final judgment shall be entered upon the verdict so found against otherwise ho
disposed of as
tho person or persons charged with having composed, printed, or published such libel, the court shall
then all copies so seized shall bo disposed of as the court in which such judgment shall direct.
be given shall order and direct.
4. And be it further enacted, that if any person shall, after the passing of this Punishment, of
Act, be legally convicted of having after the passing of this Act composed, printed, or persons
published any blasphemous libel or any such seditious libel as aforesaid, and shall convicted of a
second offence.
after being so convicted offend a second time, and be thereof legally convicted before
any commission of oyer and terminer or gaol delivery, or in his Majesty's Court of
King's Bench, such person may, on such second conviction, be adjudged, a t tho
discretion of the court, . . . t o suffer such punishment as may now by law be
inflicted in cases of high misdemeanors,
8. And bo it further enacted, that any action and suit which shall be brought, Limitation of
or commenced against any justice or justices of the peace, constable, peace officer, or actions. &c. in
other person or persons, within that part of Great Britain called England, . . . . England.
. . . for any thing done or acted in pursuance of this Act, shall be commenced
within six calendar months next after the fact committed, and not afterwards ;
and tho defendant or defendants in
every such action or suit may plead the general issue, and give this Act and the special
matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon ; and if such action or suit . .
shall be brought or commenced after the time limited for
bringing the same then the
jury shall find a verdict for fhc defendant or defendants;
[1588-91 31 ELIZAUHTH 0. V. s. I.
4. And bo it alsoe enacted by the authentic aforesaid, that if any informacion Defendants in
suit or accion shalbe brought or exhibited against any person or persons for any offence penal actions
committed or t o bo committed against the form of any penall law, either by or on may plend the
the behalfe of the King or by any other, or on the behalf of the King and any other, general issue.
it shall bo lawful for such defendants to pleade the generall issue that they arj not
guiltie, or that they owo nothing, and to give such specinll matter in evidence to the
jury t h a t shall t r y the same ; which matter being pleaded had bene good and sufficient
matter in law t o havo discharged tho said defendant or defendants against the infor-
macion suit or accion, and the said matters shalbe then as availeablc to him or them
to all intents and purposes as if he or they had sufficientlio pleaded sett forth or
alledged tho same matter in barro or discharge of such informacion suit or accion.
5. Provided alwaies, that this Act or any clause contayned therein, shall not Exceptions;
extend to any informacion suit or
accion for maintenance champeitye maintenance;
26 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Amplication. [No. 3270
Proviso for 6. Provided likewise and bo it enacted that this Act or any thing therein contained
privilege of shall not extend to deprive either of the Houses of Parliament or any of theire members
debate in of theire just ancient frcodomo and priviledge of debating any matters or busines
which shall bo propounded or debated in either of the said houses or a t t any conferences
and for repeal or committees of both or either of the said Houses of Parliament or touching the
or alteration repeal or alteraeion of any old or preparing any new lawos or t h e redressing any
of laws, or publique grievance but that the said members of either of the said houses
redressing publia
grievances. . . and every of them shall have the same f reodome of speech and all other priviledges
whatsoever as they had before t h e making of this Act any thing in this Act to the
contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
No process 4. And it is hereby enacted, t h a t no action, suit, process, order, judgement, decree,
against the or proceeding in law or equity against the King's original and immediate debtor, for
King's debtor the recovery or obtaining of any debt or duty originally and immediately due or
to be stayed payable unto his Majesty, his heirs or successors, or against any accountant or person
by privilege
of Parliament answerable or liable to render a n y account unto his Majesty, his heirs or successors,
for any part or branch of a n y of his or their revenues, or other original and immediate
debt or duty, or the execution of any such process, order, judgement, decree, or pro-
ceedings, shall bo impeached, stayed, or delayed in any court in Great Britain or
Ireland, by or under the colour or pretence of any privilege of the Parliament of Great
B r i t a i n ; yet so nevertheless t h a t the person of any such debtor or accountant or
(a) See The Constitution Att Amendment Act 1915 s. 12 and see also Division 17 Parliament.
Speeches in.
Several sorts of First, concerning lands that many times are given upon condition, that is to wit
gltts of lands where any giveth his land to any man and his wife, and to the heirs begotten of the
npon condition; bodies of the same man and his wife, with such condition expressed that if the same
man and his wife die without heir of their bodies between them begotten, the land
so given shall revert to the giver or his heir : In case also where one giveth lands in
free marriage, which gift hath a condition annexed, though it bo not expressed in the
deed of gift, which is this, that if the husband and wife die without heir of their bodies
begotten, the land so given shall revert to the giver or his heir : In case also where one
giveth land to another, and the heirs of his body issuing ; it seemed very hard, and yet
seemeth to the givers and their heirs, that their will being expressed in the gift, was
not heretofore, nor yet is observed: For in all the cases aforesaid, after issue begotten
and born between them, to whom the lands were given under such condition, heretofore
such feoffees had power to aliene the land so given, and to disherit their istue of the
land, contrary to the minds of the givers, and contrary to the form expressed in the
gift: And further, when the issue of such feoffee is failing, the land so given ought
to return to the giver, or his heir, by form of the gift expressed in the deed, though the
issue, if any were, had died : Yet by the deed and feoffment of them, to whom land
was so given upon condition, the donors have heretofore been barred of their reversion,
which was directly repugnant to the form of the gift: Wherefore our lord the King
In such gifts perceiving how necessary and expedient it should be to provide remedy in the aforesaid
the donor's
will shall bo cases hath ordained, that the will of the giver, according to the form in the deed of
observed. gift manifestly expressed, shall be from henceforth observed ; so that they to whom
the land was given under such condition, shall have no power to aliene the land so
given, but that it shall remain unto the issue of them to whom it was given after their
death, or shall revert unto the giver or his heirs, if issue fail either by reason that
there is no issue at all, or if any issue be, it fail by death, the heir of such issue failing,
Neither shall the second husband of any such woman, from henceforth, have any thing
in the land so given upon condition, after the death of his wife, by the law of England,
nor the issue of the second husband and wife shall succeed in the inheritance, but
immediately after the death of the husband and wife, to whom the land was so given
it shall return to their issue or to the giver, or his heir, as before is said
And if a fine be levied hereafter upon
such lands, it shall be void in the law; neither shall the heirs, or such as the reversion
belongeth unto, though they be of full age, within England, and out of prison, need
to make their claim.
* * * * * * * * *
[ 1289 90]
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 31
[1289-90] 18 EDWARD I. (QUIA. EMPTORES) CO. I., II.
A Statute of our Lord the King, concerning the Selling and
Buying of Land.
I henceforth it shall be Freeholders
lawful to every freeman to sell at his own pleasure his lands and tenements, or part of may sell their
lands so that
them ; so that the feoffee shall hold the same lands or tenements of the samo chief the feoffee do
lord, and by the same services (a) and customs as his feoffor held before. hold of the
II. And if he sell any part of such lands or tenements to any, the feoffee shall chiof lord.
immediately hold it of the chief lord, and shall bo forthwith charged with the services, Sale of part.
for so much as pcrtaineth, or ought to pertain to the said chief lord for the same
parcel, according to the quantity of the land or tenement so sold : And so in this Apportloiuuent
case the same part of the service shall cease to be taken by the chief lord by the hands of services.
of the feoffor, from the time that the feoffee ought to be a t t e n d a n t and answerable
to the same chief lord, according to the quantity of the land or tenement sold, for
the parcel of the service so due.
In case of uses 8. And where also dyvers persons stond and be seasid of and in any landes tene-
for payment of mentes or hereditamentes in fee symple or otherwise, to the use or intent t h a t some
any rents, the other person or persones shall have and perceyvc yercly to them and to his or theyr
parties intitled
to the rents heyres one annuell rent of x li. or more or lesso out of the same landes and tenementes,
shall be and some other person one other annuel rent to hym and hys assignes for terme of lyf
deemed In or ye res or for some other specyall tyme, according to suche entent and use as hath
possession and
seizin tliereof. bene heretofore declarid lymyted and made therof ; bo it therforo enacted by tho
auctorite aforseid that in every suche case the same persones theyr heyres and
assignes, that have suche use and interest to have and pcrceyve any such annuell rentes
out of anye landes tenementes or hereditamentes, that they and every of them theyr
heyres and assignes be adjugid and domyd to be in possession and season of the same
rent, of and in such lyke estate as they had in tho title interest or use of the said rent
or proflytt, and as if a suffyeyent graunt or other laufull conveyance had be made &
executed to them by suche as were or shalbe seased to the use or intent of anye suche
rent to be hadde made or paide accordyng to the very trust and intent therof. And
that all and every suche persone or persones as have or hereafter shall have any title
use and interest in or to anye such rent or proffytte, shall laufully distrayne for none
payment of the seid rent and in theyr owne names make advowryes or by theyr
baylyffcs or servauntes make conysaunccs and justyfycacions, and have al other
suytes entros and remedies for such rentes, as if the same rentes hadde be actuallye
and really graunted to them with suffyeyent clauses of dystresse reentro or otherwyse,
according to such condicions peynes or other thynges lymyted and apoyntid upon the
trust and entent for payment or suertic of such rente.
* * * * * * * * * *
This Act shall 8. Provided also t h a t this present Acte nor any thyng therin conteiynid extend
not extinguish nor be a t any tyme hereafter interpretated expounded or taken to extincte release
&c. discharge or suspende any statute reconisaunce or other bonde by the execucion of
any estate of or in any landes tenementes or hereditamentes by thauctorite of this
Acte to any person or persones or bodyes p o l y t y k e ; any thyng conteynid in this Act
to the contrary therof notwithstonding.
* * * * * * * * * *
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 33
[1535-6] 27 HENRY VIII. 0. XVI. S. 1.
An Acte concemyng enrolmentes or* bargaines & contractes
of Landes & Tenementes.
1. Be it enacted that No land shall
no manours londes tenementes or other hereditamentcs pass by bargain
shall passe alter or chaunge from one t o another, whorby any estate of enheritauncc "" :.s(ii\>eJinless
or freehold shalbc made or take eft'ecte in any personne or personncs or any use thcrof sealed and
to be made by reason oonly of any bargayne and sale thcrof, excepte the same bargaync inrolled within
and sale be made by writing indented sealed and enrolled in oon of the Kinges courtes ,?, 1110nf1 '^
of recordc at Westmynster ; . . . . . courts of record
at Westminster,
or at the
[1539] 31 11EN11Y VIII. C. I. sessions of the
An Acte for joynt Tenauntes & Tenauntes in comon.
1. Forasmuche as by the comen lawes of this rcalme, diverse of the Kinges subjeetes Inconveniences
ro u t n fr0IU
being seised of mannors landes tenementes & hereditamentes as joynt tenauntes or ? '| | fi
as tenauntes in comen with other, of a n y estate of enheritauncc, in their owne rightes ^ Ci undivided.
or in the right of their wyiTes, hy purchase disccnt or otherwise, and every of them so
being joynt tenauntes or tenauntes in comen hathe like righto title interest and pos-
session in the same mannors landes tenementes and hereditamentes for their partes or
porcions joyntlye or in comen undcvydedlye together withe other, and none of them
by the lawc doeth or maye knowo their severall partes or porcions in the same, or
t h a t t h a t ys his or theirs by hit sclfe undevyded, and cannot by the lawes of this realme
otherwise occupye or take tho profytt of the same, or make any severans division or
particion thereof, without either of their mutuall consentcs and assentes ; by reason
whereof diverse and many of them, beingo so joyntly and undevidedly seised of the saide
mannors landes tenementes and hereditamentes, often tymes of their perverse covetous
and malicious myndes and willes, ayens all right justice equitie and good conscience by
strenghe and power, hath not onlye c u t t and fallen downe all the woodes and trees
growingc uppon the same, but also hathe extirpedsubverted pulled downeanddistroyed
all the houses edilhyons a n d buyldynges meadowes pastures commons and the hoole
commodities of the same, and hath taken and converted them to their owne uses and
behoodes, to the open wronge & disherison & ayens t h e myndes and willes of other
holdinge the same mannors landes tenementes & hereditamentes joyntlye or in common
withe them, and they have bene alwaies without assured remedy for the same ; bo it .loint-tenants
therefore enacted by the Kingo our most drede soveraignc lorde and by thassent of his and tenants In
c inmon
lordes spirituall and temporall and by the commons i n this present Parliament as- shall
sembled, that all joynttenauntes and tenauntes in common, t h a t nowe be or hereafter ^0 make
shalbe of enny estate or estates of enheritauncc in their owne rightes or in the righto partition, In
n e i n a n n e r na
of their wyfl'es, of any manners landes tenementes or hereditamentes within this
realme of Englande Wales or the mersches of the same, shall and mayo be coactcd and
compelled by vertuc of this present Acte, to make particion betwene them of all suche
mannors landes tenementes and hereditamentes as they nowe holde or hereafter shall
holde as joynttenauntes or tenauntes in common, b y writtdo participaciono faciend, in
t h a t case to be devised in the Kingo our soveraignc lordes Courte of Chauncerie, in like
manner and forme as coperceners by tho comen lawes of this rcalme have byne and
are compellable to doe, and the same writt to be pursued at the commen lawc.
2. Provided alwayc a n d bo i t enacted, that everyo of the saide joynttenauntes or After partition
tenauntes in commen and their beires after suche particion made, shall and may have akl'of the other
ayde of the other, or of their heires, to thentent to dcraigne the warrantyc paramount
and to recover for the rate as is used betwene coperceners after particion made by the
order of the comen lawe ; any thinge in this Acte conteyned to the contrarie notwith-
Such partition 2. Provided alway and be it enacted that no suche partition nor severaunce
shall not hereafter to be made by force of this Acte be nor shalbe prejudiciall or hurtefull to
prejudice anny personne or personnes their heirs or succcssours other than suche whiche be
others, not
parties. parties unto the said partition their executors or assigneis.
11584-5] 27 ELIZABETH 0. IV. (a) ss. 1, 2, 3, I.
11677] 29 C H A R L E S 11. C. V I I . SS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.
(a) See Justices Act 1915 and Supreme Court Act 1915.
42 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
and such us by the payment of money, although money be not there taken in the name of or for
are opened for admittance, or at the time when persons enter into or depart from such house, room or
publick place; and any house, room or place which shall be opened or used for any publick
or debate on entertainment or amusement or for publick debate on the Lord's Day, at the expence
Sundays by of any number of subscribers or contributors to the carrying on any such entertainment
subscription, or amusement or debate on the Lord's Day, and to which persons shall be admitted by
Ac, shall be
liable to the tickets, to which the subscribers or contributors shall be intitled, shall be deemed a
penalties house, room or place to which persons are admitted by the payment of money within
inflicted by the meaning of this Act.
this Act.
3. And for the better preventing persons assembling on the Lord's Day for such
Penalty on ineligious purposes as aforesaid, be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,
advertising any
such publick that any person advertising or causing to be advertised any publick entertainment
amusement for or amusement or any publick meeting for debating on a n y subject whatsoever on
Sunday, and on the Lord's Day, to which persons are to be admitted by the payment of money or
printing such
advertisement. by tickets sold for money, and any person printing or publishing any such advertise-
ment, shall respectively forfeit the sum of fifty pounds for every such offence to any
person who will sue for the same.
Penalties how 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that any person intitled
to be recovered. to either of the aforesaid forfeitures may sue for the same by action of debt in any
of his Majesty's courts of record a t Westminster, in which it shall bo sufficient to
declare that the defendant is indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of being
the sum demanded by tho said action, being forfeited by an Act made in the twenty-
first year of the reign of his Majesty King George tho Third, intituled " An Act for
preventing certain abuses and profanations on the Lord's Day, called S u n d a y ; "
and the plaintiff, if he recover in any such action, shall have his full costs.
Actions to be 5. Provided t h a t no action shall be brought for either of the said penalties by
brought within this Act imposed unless t h same be brought within six calendar months next after
6 montlis. the offence committed.
Persons sued 0. Provided also, t h a t if any action or suit shall be brought against any person
for things done for any thing done in pursuance and in execution of this Ac^; the defendant may
pursuant to plead the general issue
this Act may
plead the
general issue,
[1735-6] 9 G E O R G E I I . 0. V. SS. 3, 4.
After 24 June, 3. And be it further enacted, that from and after the said twenty fourth day of
1736, no person June, no prosecution, suit, or proceeding shall be commenced or carried on against
to be
prosecuted for any person or persons for witchcraft, sorcery, inchantment, or conjuration, or for
witchcraft, &c. charging another with any such offence, in any court whatsoever in Great Britain.
4. And for the more effectual preventing and punishing of any pretences to such
arts or powers as are before mentioned, whereby ignorant persons are frequently
deluded and defrauded, be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if any
Persons person shall from and after the said twenty fourth day of J u n e pretend to exercise
pretending to or use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, inchantment, or conjuration, or undertake
exercise to tell fortunes, or pretend from his or her skill or knowledge in any occult or crafty
witchcraft, toll
fortunes, or by science, to discover where or in what manner any goods or chattels supposed to have
crafty science been stolen or lost m a y be found, every person so offending, being thereof lawfully
to discover convicted on indictment or information in t h a t part of Great Britain called England,
stolen goods. shall for every puch offence suffer
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 43
imprisonment by the space of one whole year to be
and also shall (if the court by which such judgment ^ y S j 0 1 " * ^
shall be given shall think (it) be obliged t o give sureties for his or her good behaviour u n d bo \ intl for
in such sum and for such time as the said court shall judge proper according to the good behaviour,
circumstances of the offence, and in such case shall be further imprisoned until such
sureties be given.
[1562-3] 5 B L I Z A B K T H 0. I X . S. 6.
ti. Provided also and bee yt further enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid, that yf any penalty on all
person or persons dpon whom any proces out of any of the courtcs of recorde within witnesses
this realnie or Wales, shalbee served to teste fie or dopose concerning any cause or "ff^^'no 1 0 \
matter depending in any of the same courtcs, and having tondrod unto him or thorn, recomi'enoe to
according to his or their countenance or calling, suche reasonable somnies of moneye the party
for his or their eostes and chardges as having rogardo to the distance of the places " ri, ' vt>( l-
ys neeessarye to beo allowed in that behalfe, doo not appoare according to the tonour
of the said proces, having not a laufull and reasonable lett or impedyiuont to the
contrarye, that then the partie making defaulto to lose and forfeito for every suche
offence tenne pounds, and to yeldo suche further recompence to t h e partio grieved as
by the discretion of the judge of the courte out of the wliiche the said proces shalbee
awarded, according to the losse and hindrance that the partie which procured the
said proces shall sustayne by reason of the non appaerance of the said witnes or
witnesses ; the said sevorall sommes to bee recovered by the partie so grooved against
thoffendour or olfendours by accion of det bill plaint or informacion in any of the
Quenes Majesties courtes of recorde. in which no wager of lawe essoigne or proteccion
to bee alowed.
Where bills for 12. Where in any session any bill is introduced into either House
continuing Act
which would of Parliament for the continuance of any Act which would expire in
expire during
the session such session and such Act has expired before the bill for continuing
sh'ill not pass
before the Acts the same has received the Koyal assent such continuing Act shall be
expire such deemed and taken to have effect from the date of the Act intended to
Acts sh ill be
deemed to
continue from
be continued as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if
their such continuing Act had actually passed before the expiration of such
48 Geo. III.
Act except it is otherwise specially provided in such continuing Act.
o. 106. Provided that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed
to extend to affect any person with any punishment penalty or
forfeiture whatsoever by reason of anything done or omitted to be
done by any such person contrary to the provisions of the Act so
continued between the expiration of the same and the date at which
the Act continuing the same receives the Royal assent.
Obligation to 14. If any person takes possession of and in any manner adminis-
take out
probate or ters any part of the estate of a deceased person without obtaining
a grant of probate of his will or a grant of administration of his estate
55 Geo. III.
c. 184 s. 37. or a grant of administration of or including such part within six months
English liill after his decease or if there is any action or dispute respecting the will
1893 cl. 1.
or the right to administration which is not ended within four calendar
months after his decease within two months after the determination
of that action or dispute he shall (if the estate is such that after making
all proper deductions duty would in the appropriate circumstances
be payable thereon under Part VI. of the Administration and Probate
Act 1915 or any corresponding enactment hereafter in force) be liable
to forfeit Fifty pounds and a further sum at the rate of ten per centum
on the amount of such duty and any sum so forfeited shall be and shall
be recoverable as a debt due from him to the Crown.
Power of Court
to insure due
and to call on
15. The Supreme Court or any Judge thereof may require any
representative representative of a deceased person to exhibit on oath an inventory
to account and
to exhibit an and account of the estate of the deceased and may call any such
21 Henry VIII.
representative to account for and touching the estate of the deceased
c. 5 s. 2. and upon hearing and due consideration may order and make just
22 and 23 Chas.
II. c. 10 s. 1. distribution of such estate and may decree and settle such distribution
See English Bill and compel any representative to observe the same in due course of
cl. 3.
See Supreme law.
Court Act 191")
s. 17. 16. (1) A person
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 45
16. (1) A person doing or permitting any act in good faith under Protection of
persona acting
a probate or administration duly granted and issued in respect of the on probate or
estate of a deceased person shall be exempt from liability in respect administration.
20 and 21 Vict,
thereof notwithstanding any defect in or other circumstances affecting c. 77 ss. 77-78.
the validity of the probate or administration. English Bill
18013 cl. 4.
(2) Where a probate or administration is duly revoked all payments
made in good faith to a representative under the probate or adminis-
tration before the revocation thereof shall be a legal discharge to the
person making the same ; and the representative who has acted under
the revoked probate or administration may retain and reimburse
himself in respect of any payments made by him which the person to
whom probate or administration is afterwards granted might have
lawfully made.
Liability of
17. If any person to the defrauding of creditors or persons inter- person
ested in the estate of an intestate or without full and valuable obtaining fraudulently
consideration obtains or holds any estate or the release of any retaining
personal estate
debt or liability owing from him to the intestate he shall be charged as of deceased.
an executor in his own wrong to the extent of the estate received 43 Eliz. c. 8.
English Bill
or held by him or the debt or liability released to him less any 1898 cI. 5.
debt for valuable consideration and without fraud due to him from the
intestate and any payment made by him which could lawfully be
made by a representative.
18. Where a person dies intestate his personal estate until ad- Vesting of
personal estate
ministration is granted in respect thereof shall vest in the Chief Justice between death
of the Supreme Court who may by order under his hand direct the and grant of
Curator of the estates of deceased persons to take possession of and 13 Edw. I . e . 10.
manage and preserve the same or any specified part thereof and any 21 and 22 Vict.,
c. 05 s. 19.
charges and expenses incurred by such Curator in so doing shall be English Bill
189:5 cl. (1.
deemed to be a debt of the intestate.
19. Where a person is at the time of his death the sole executor Executor of
of a deceased person the executor of that testator shall be the executor represent
of that deceased person and have the same rights of action and other ('rI"laI t e ^ t o r
2;> J^clw. I I I .
rights and obligations in respect of the estate of the deceased person st. r> c. 5.
as his own testator would if living have had and shall be answerable fJlf^Ji1. S.'U
accordingly to the extent of the estate of the deceased person which
comes to his hands.
2 0 . Where administration has been granted of any portion of the as No one may act
estate of a deceased person no person shall have power to take any while
proceeding or act as executor of the deceased person in respect of the is in force.
estate comprised in or affected by the grant until the same has been 20 and 21 Vict.
c. 77 s. 75.
recalled or revoked. English Bill
1893 cl. 11.
2 1 . When legal proceedings are commenced in any court by or Continuance of
against a temporary administrator and the temporary administration legalproceedings
terminates while the proceeding is pending that court may order that after
termination of
the proceedings be continued by or against the new representative in temporary
like manner as if the same had been originally commenced by or administration.
20 and 21 Vict,
c. 77 s. 76.
against him but subject to such conditions and variations if any as English Bill
the court directs. 1893 cl. 13.
4 2 . (1) Where
46 13 G E O . V.J Imperial Acts Application. [No 3270
Grant of special 2 2 . (1) Where at the expiration of twelve months from the death
of a person in respect of whose estate probate or administration has
is abroad. been granted there is no representative of the deceased residing within
38 Geo. 111.
c. 87 ss. 1, 5. Victoria the Supreme Court may on the application of any creditor
20 and 21 Vict. next of kin or legatee of the deceased grant to him special administra-
<:. 77 s. 74.
21 and 22 Viet, tion of the estate or part of the estate of the deceased.
c. 95 s. 18.
English bill (2) The Supreme Court or a judge thereof may order that any part
189.*i el. 14.
of the personal estate be brought into court for the purpose of any
matter t o which the special administrator is party and all companies
and persons shall obey any such order.
(3) The costs of and incidental to the special administration and
to the proceedings in any action by or against the special adminis-
trator shall be paid by such person or out of such fund as the Supreme
Court or a Judge thereof directs.
3 3 . In the three last preceding sections " e s t a t e " means the Meaning of
"est'ite" and
surplus remaining after deducting, or making according to law proper "part of an
provision for, all debts funeral expenses testamentary expenses tho^preraiing
administration expenses and all other lawful liabilities and charges to B(>,,(l0llH-
which the estate is subject and where in the last preceding section
part of an estate is referred to the property available lor distribution
as such part shall be determined according to the law for the time being
in force with reference to the incidence as between various parts of
the estate of such debts expenses and other liabilities and charges
and after deducting or making according to law proper provision
therefor so far if at all as such part is affected thereby.
34. In the case of any person dying before the commencement saving as to
of this Act the Statutes and laws in force at the commencement of bSe 3 1 y "g
this Act relating to the distribution of the estates of deceased persons o n !S" cemenS
shall notwithstanding anything in this Act contained have the like
force and effect as if this Act had not passed.
References t o the Statutes of Distributions or references to the like iteferenoe t<0
re . - . , , T -n . Statutes of
enect m an instrument inter vivos made or in a will coming into Distributions
operation after the commencement of this Act shall unless the con- 10W(, lls,ue
trary intention appears be construed as references to this Division.
35. Nothing
50 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Police 46. The Chief Commissioner of Police shall direct that a sufficient
attendance at
criminal number of members of the police force shall be present to keep order
in and within the precincts of the court-room at all sittings of the
14 Chas. II.
c. 21. Supreme Court in its criminal jurisdiction and of the Court of General
50 and 51 Vict,
c. 55 a. 9.
Sessions in its criminal jurisdiction and shall at the request of the
cf. Police presiding judge or chairman direct that an additional number of such
Regulation Act members shall be present at any particular sitting with respect to
1015 s. 18.
which the request is made.
Sentence by a 47. (1) When upon the trial of any indictable offence a verdict of
judge other
than the judge guilty has been found or a plea of guilty has been received but no
presiding at a
trial. judgment or sentence has been given or passed thereon and the judge
of. 1 Edw. VI. or chairman of general sessions (as the case may be) presiding at the
c. 7 8. 5.
trial dies or it appears to be probable that by reason of incapacitating
illness or other serious cause he will be unable within a reasonable
time to give judgment or pass sentence any other judge of the Supreme
Court or chairman of general sessions (as the case may be) may in
open Court take (if necessary) all steps preliminary to the giving of
judgment or passing of sentence and may give judgment or pass
sentence which shall for all purposes have the same effects and con-
sequences as if it had been given or passed by such judge or chairman
(as the case may be) presiding at the trial.
In all cases where it is possible so to do the judge or chairman (as
the case may be) presiding at the trial shall be consulted before such
judgment is given or such sentence is passed but non-compliance with
this provision shall not affect the validity of such judgment or sen-
The question whether it appears probable that the judge or chair-
man (as the case may be) presiding at the trial will be unable for the
causes abovementioned within a reasonable time to give judgment or
pass sentence shall be decided after such inquiry or upon such infor-
mation as they think fit by the majority of the judges of the Supreme
Court or the majority of the chairmen of general sessions (as the case
may be) and such decision shall not be challenged on any ground
Sentence (2) When upon the trial of any indictable offence a verdict of
determined by
one judge guilty has been found or a plea of guilty has been received and all
pronounced by
another. preliminary steps necessary for the giving of judgment or the passing
of sentence have been taken but no judgment or sentence has been
given or passed any such judge or chairman (as the case may be) may
give any judgment or pass any sentence determined by the judge or
chairman (as the case may be) presiding at the trial and such judgment
or sentence shall for all purposes have the same effects and consequences
as if it had been given or passed by the judge or chairman (as the case
may be) presiding at the trial.
Sentence by
another judge
(3) Where upon arraignment for or at any time before the
where a commencement of the trial of any indictable offence the accused
person pleads
guilty on person pleads guilty any such judge or chairman (as the case may
be) other than the judge or chairman (as the case may be) receiving
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 53
such plea may take (if necessary) all steps preliminary to the giving
of judgment or passing of sentence and may give judgment or pass
sentence upon the person so pleading guilty and such judgment or
sentence shall for all purposes have the same effects and consequences
as if it had been given or passed by the judge or chairman (as the
case may be) who received such plea.
4 8 . Whenever a sentence may be lawfully imposed for any Time and place
indictable offence it maybe imposed in open court at any time and
at any place in Victoria at which sittings of the Supreme Court or
Court of General Sessions (as the case may be) are held and the
judge or chairman (as the case may be) presiding at the trial or
receiving any plea of guilty or any other judge or chairman
empowered to impose such sentence when he thinks it desirable in
the interests of justice so to do may and from time to time if
necessary fix or indicate by reference to some fact or event the time
and fix the place at which such sentence is to be imposed and (unless
he thinks fit to release such person on recognizances conditioned for
such person's appearance at the proper time and place which he is
hereby empowered to do) make an order or orders for the removal
in custody of such person from one place in Victoria to another and
such person during such removal and pending the imposition of such
sentence shall be deemed to be in the lawful custody of the gaoler or
other officer having the custody of such person for the purpose of
carrying out any such order.
This and the last preceding section shall not be construed as being
in derogation of the powers possessed by a judge or chairman (as the
case may be) under any other enactment or at common law.
4 9 . It shall be lawful to and for the respective governors and Money insured
T i e rn , T i on houseB burnt
directors ot any insurance office or persons granting policies or in- may be laid
surance for insuring houses or other buildings against loss by fire, and J^bSiding.
they are hereby authorized and required, on the request of any person 14 Geo. in.
interested in or entitled to any house or other building which here- cLan(Uord ani
after is burned down demolished or damaged by fire, to cause the Tenant Act
191') s lfi
money for which such house or building has been insured by the
occupier thereof or by any other person to be laid out and expended as
far as the same will go towards re-building re-instating or repairing
such house or other building so burned down demolished or damaged by
fire ; unless the person claiming such insurance money within thirty
days next after his claim is adjusted gives a sufficient security to the
governors or directors of the insurance office where such house or other
building is insured that the same insurance money will be laid out and
expended as aforesaid ; or unless the said insurance money is in that
time settled and disposed of to and amongst all the contending parties
to the satisfaction and approbation of such governors or directors of
such insurance office or such persons aforesaid respectively.
50. No
54 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Meaning of 56. In section eighty-six of the Police Offences Act 1915 for
Police Offences
the expression " Lottery " and the words immediately following such
Act 1915 B. 86. expression there shall be substituted the following :" Lottery"
includes any scheme whether real or pretended by which prizes whether
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 55
60. Any person who keeps any house or place to exercise keep Keeping a house
<V-C for DiimosQ
open show or expose to be played or drawn or thrown at or in any lottery of a lottery.
or who knowingly suffers to be exercised kept open shown or exposed J 2 / ^ 1 " '
to be played at or in any lottery in his house or place shall be liable for
a first offence to a penalty of not more than Two hundred pounds and
for any subsequent offence besides such penalty to imprisonment for
a term of not more than six months.
Penalty on
6 1 . Any person who plays draws throws stakes or adventures at players &c.
or in any lottery or contributes any money or other valuable property 10 William III.
c. 23 (or 17)
matter or thing to any sale or disposition of property by way of lottery s. 3.
8 Geo. I. c. 2
shall be liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty pounds. s. 37.
12 Geo. II.
c. 28 8. 3.
13 Geo. I I .
c. 19 8. 9.
18 Geo. II.
c. 34 3. 2.
Agreement to
62. Any person who receives or causes to be received any money pay money &c.
or other valuable property matter or thing in consideration of any on result of
money or other valuable property matter or thing to be paid transferred G Geo. II. c. 35
or given in case any ticket-number or chance in any lottery shall prove s. 29.
42 Geo. III.
fortunate and any person who on or under any pretence form denomina- c. 119 s. 5
tion or description whatsoever promises or agrees to pay transfer or
56 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Saving. 6 3 . Nothing in this Division shall limit the effect of the last
2oKXi^w,88 P a r a g r a P n f section eighty-eight of the Police Offences Act 1915 and
such paragraph shall be given effect to as if it had been passed after
the coming into operation of this Act.
Degrees of 6 4 . The following and none other shall be the persons who shall be
and affinity. deemed to be within the degrees of consanguinity and affinity which
25 Henry VIII. may affect at law the validity of a marriage in fact celebrated :
c. 22.
28 Henry VIII.
c. 7 s. 7. (a) In relation to a man :
28 Henry VIII.
c. 16. Any ancestor or descendant of his.
32 Henry VIII. His father's wife.
c. 38.
2 and 3 Edw. His grandfather's wife.
VI. c. 23.
1 and 2 Phillip
His wife's grandmother.
and Mary c. 8 His father's sister.
8. 4.
1 Eliz. c. 1.8.3- His mother's sister.
His father's brother's wife.
His mother's brother's wife.
His wife's father's sister.
His wife's mother's sister.
His wife's mother.
His wife's daughter.
His son's wife.
His sister.
His wife's sister. ()
His brother's wife.
His son's son's wife.
His daughter's son's wife.
His wife's son's daughter.
His wife's daughter's daughter.
His brother's daughter.
His sister's daughter.
His brother's son's wife.
His sister's son's wife.
His wife's brother's daughter.
His wife's sister's daughter.
(6) In
(a) But see the next section.
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 57
66. When the Governor by proclamation summons the Legislative summoning of
Council and the Legislative Assembly for the despatch of the business 37^^!
of Parliament on any day not less than six days from the day of the c. 127 s. 1/
date of such proclamation the Houses of Parliament shall thereupon UL^U^?.'
stand prorogued or adiourned (as the case may be) to the day and constitution
. Act Amendment
time declared in such proclamation notwithstanding any previous Act 1915 s. 31.
prorogation of the Council and Assembly to any longer day and
58 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
How in case of 6 ? . All and singular the order or orders made by the Council or
o?dereo?either the Assembly and appointed for the day to which the Council or the
emedBtoniiave Assembly (as the case may be) has been adjourned or to any day or
been appointed. days subsequent thereto other than and except any order or orders! 14 s. 2' specially appointed for particular days and declared to be so fixed
notwithstanding any meeting under this enactment and other than
and except any order or orders made under the express provisions of
any Act of Parliament shall be deemed and taken to have been ap-
pointed for the day on which the Council and the Assembly shall meet
in pursuance of such proclamation.
72. In the construction of this Division the expression " writ" interpretation,
includes any process.
73. Any person who having reasonable notice that he is required Neglect to aid
to assist the sheriff or any deputy sheriff in arresting any person or in ^"^ 9
preserving the peace omits without reasonable excuse so to do shall 50 and 51 Vict
c 55 a 8
be liable to a penalty of not more than One hundred pounds and if a ' ', "
L J L Queensland
bailiff or assistant of the sheriff or a member of the police force shall code s. 203.
be guilty of a misdemeanour and liable to a fine of not more than
One hundred pounds or to imprisonment for a term of not more than
one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.
74. If
60 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Powers of 74. If the sheriff or any deputy sheriff finds any resistance in the
50 and 51 Vict,
execution of a writ he shall take with him such assistants as he thinks
c. 55 s. 8 (2). desirable and shall go in person to do execution and may arrest the
13 Edw. I. c.
39. resisters and bring them before a justice of the peace to be dealt with
according to law and every such resister shall be guilty of a mis-
Duties as to
execution of
75. The sheriff at the request of a person delivering a writ to him
writs. for execution shall give a receipt for that writ stating the day of its
50 and 51 Vict. delivery.
c. 55 s. 10.
cf. 13 Edw. I.
c. 39.
2 Edw. III.
Duties on 76. (1) Where the sheriff or any officer or other person employed
receipt of debt
to Crown. in collecting by process from any Court any debt* due to the Crown
GO and 51 Vict,
c. 55 s. 11.
receives from any person a sum as being due to the Crown he shall
3 Geo. I. c. If give a receipt to such person for that sum, and the sheriff shall forth-
s. 13.
with take all necessary steps to procure in respect of that sum the
effectual discharge of the debtor paying the same.
(2) An officer receiving any such sum shall account for it to the
sheriff and the sheriff shall give a receipt for such sum.
(3) In case of any default under this section the sheriff and his
representatives shall be liable to pay any damages suffered by a debtor
in consequence of such default.
Duties on arrest
of civil debtors.
77. (1) Where an officer being a sheriff deputy sheriff bailiff or
50 and 51 Vict. other officer whatsoever arrests or has in custody any person in the
o. 55 s. 14. course of a civil proceeding whether at the suit of the Crown or otherwise
of. 32 Geo. II.
c. 28 ss. 1-4. such officer shall not
(a) convey such person without his free consent to any house
licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor or to the private
house of such officer or any tenant or relative of such
officer ;
(b) charge such person with any sum for or procure him to call
or pay for any liquor food or thing whatsoever except what
he freely asks for ;
(c) take such person to any gaol within twenty-four hours of his
arrest unless such person fails to name or refuses to be
carried to some safe and convenient house of his own
nomination being within three miles of the place at which
he was arrested and not being the private dwelling-house
of such person,
but shall during such twenty-four hours permit such person to send for
and have brought to him at reasonable times in the day and in reasonable
quantities any food or liquor from what place he thinks fit and also to
have and use such bedding linen and other necessary things as he has
occasion for or is supplied with and shall not purloin or detain the
same or require any payment for the use thereof or restrict the use
(2) For
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Applicatim. [No. 3270 61
(2) For the purpose of making known the provisions of this section
a printed copy thereof shall be delivered by the sheriff or other person
intrusted with causing the execution of any writ order or attachment
to the bailiff officer or other person employed to execute the same,
and such bailiff officer or other person after making an arrest shall
forthwith show a printed copy of such section to the person arrested
or if such person is unable to read shall forthwith make known the
provisions of such section to the person arrested.
(3) Subject to the foregoing provisions any person so arrested
shall be lodged in the gaol nearest to the place of his arrest or with
his consent in any other gaol and shall be there detained until the
Supreme Court or a Judge thereof shall order his discharge or until
he is otherwise discharged by due course of law.
(4) In this and the next succeeding section the expression "gaol 5?
has the meaning assigned to it in the Gaols Act 1915.
78. A person unlawfully imprisoned by the sheriff or any of his Liability for
. . . wroivful
officers shall have an action against the sheriff m like manner as against imprisonment.
any other person that should imprison him without warrant. The rf^ soviet.
Judges of the Supreme Court may make rules providing that in 13 Edw. i. o. is
such circumstances as may be specified in such rules security for
costs shall be given by the plaintiff.
79. If a person in the custody of the sheriff or any of his officers L,bI,ity for
or of any other person either in execution or for non-performance of 50 ami 51 vict.
a judgment or order of the Supreme Court or for contempt of that g'^m80J'12
Court or otherwise in the course of a civil proceeding escapes out of 8-5-
legal custody such sheriff or other person shall be liable to pay the vict. c? 98.
damages sustained by the person at whose suit such prisoner was taken ctf s''^ei11''
into custody and all costs of any action or other proceeding to recover a. 219.
the same but not any further sum.
Provided that there shall be no liability under this section for the victV^i.41
escape of any prisoner when confined in any gaol.
Section two hundred and nineteen of the Supreme Court Act 1915
is hereby repealed.
80. The sheriff or any officer concerned in the execution of any ^JJJ^"de
process directed to the sheriff may demand take and receive such 29 EHZ. C. 4.
poundage as may be fixed by rules made by the Judges of the s. >' ' "
50 and 51 V i c t
Supreme Court.
c. 55 s. 20.
8 1 . All accounts of the sheriff or any deputy sheriff shall be sheriffs
transmitted examined verified and audited in such maimer and at j;f l^a 51
such times as is or are provided by law or as the Governor in vict.c.55 s.21.
Council may by order from time to time direct.
All sums received by a sheriff and not fully accounted for shall
be answered for by himself or his representatives or otherwise in due
course of law.
82. When the sheriff dies any person nominated by a Law Officer Execution of
pending the appointment of a sheriff may execute the office of sheriff S}nsCheriff.death
in the name of the deceased sheriff and be answerable for the n>. s. 25.
execution *"'
62 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
execution of the said office as the deceased sheriff would have been
by law if living and the security given to the sheriff so deceased
by any deputy sheriff shall remain and be a security to the Crown
and to all persons whomsoever for such deputy sheriff's due execution
of the office of deputy sheriff.
Outgoing 8 3 . (1) Every sheriff shall at the expiration of his term of office
sheriff to turn
over prisoners make out and deliver to the incoming sheriff a correct list and account
and process to
incoming sheriff. of all prisoners in his custody or lodged in gaol by him and of all writs
50 and 51 Vict, and attachments in his hands not wholly executed by him with all
c. 55 s. 28.
20 Geo. II. c 37 such particulars as may be necessary to explain to the incoming sheriff
4 Geo. IV. the several matters intended to be transferred to him and shall there-
c. 37 s. 1.
upon turn over and transfer to the custody of the incoming sheriff all
such prisoners so in custody and all such writs and attachments and all
records books and matters appertaining to the office of sheriff.
(2) The incoming sheriff shall thereupon sign and give to the
outgoing sheriff a duplicate of such list and account which shall be a
good and sufficient discharge to him of and from all the prisoners therein
mentioned and the execution of the writs and other matters therein
contained and thereupon the incoming sheriff shall stand charged
with the said prisoners so in custody, and with the execution and
care of the said writs and attachments and other matters contained
in the said list and account.
Punishment for 8 4 . (1) Tf any person being a sheriff deputy sheriff or bailiff or
50 and 51 Vict, other such officer or being employed in levying or collecting debts
c. 55 s. 29. due to the Crown by process of any court or being an officer to whom
the return or execution of writs belongs does any of the following
things that is to say :
3 Edw. I. c. 9. (a) unlawfully lets go at large a prisoner or unlawfully withholds
23 Henry VI.
c. 9. a prisoner entitled to be released; or
(b) grants a warrant for the execution of any writ before he
has actually received that writ; or
(c) is guilty of an offence against or breach of the provisions of
this Division or of any wrongful act or default in the
execution of his office or of any contempt of the Supreme
he and any person procuring the commission of any such offence shall
without prejudice to any other punishment under the provisions of
this Division but subject as hereinafter mentioned be liable
(i) to be punished by the Supreme Court as hereinafter mentioned J
(ii) if any person is aggrieved to forfeit Two hundred pounds and
to pay all damages suffered by such person ;
and such forfeiture and damages may be recovered by such person as a
debt by an action in the Supreme Court.
(2) The Supreme Court or any Judge thereof may on complaint
made of any such offence as aforesaid having been committed and
on proof on oath given by the examination of witnesses or by affidavit
or on interrogatories of the commission of the alleged offence and after
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 63
hearing anything which the alleged offender may urge in his defence
(which evidence and hearing may be taken and had in a summary
manner) punish the offender or cause proceedings to be taken for his
punishment in like manner as a person guilty of contempt of the said
Court may be punished.
(3) The Supreme Court or Judge may order the costs of or occasioned 3 eo. i. c. 13
by any such complaint to be paid by either party to the other and
an order by the Supreme Court or Judge to pay any costs damages
or penalty shall be of the same effect as a judgment of such Court
and may be enforced accordingly.
(4) The said Court may also proceed for and deal with such offence
in like manner as for any contempt of such Court.
(5) If any person not being a deputy sheriff bailiff or other such
officer assumes or pretends to act as such or demands or takes any
fee or reward under colour or pretext of such office he shall be guilty
of contempt of the Supreme Court and be liable to be punished in
manner provided by this section as if he were a deputy sheriff guilty
of a contempt of such Court.
(6) Any proceeding in pursuance of this section against a sheriff
deputy sheriff or any other person to whom this section applies shall
except as provided in the next succeeding sub-section be taken within
six months after the alleged offence was committed and not subse-
(7) Nothing in this section shall render a person liable to be
punished twice for the same offence but if any proceeding within such
period of six months is taken against a person under this section for
any offence the Supreme Court or any Judge thereof may whether
such period of six months has expired or not postpone or stay such
proceeding and direct any other available proceeding for punishing
such offence to be taken.
8 5 . (1) Nothing in this Division shall affect saving.
. . . _ . ., ,...,..... , - 50 and 51 Vict
{a) any such power right privilege obligation liability or duty 01 c 5.> s. 39.
any sheriff or officer of a sheriff as exists by common law
at the commencement of this Act.
(b) any legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such power
right privilege obligation liability or duty and any such
legal proceeding or remedy may be carried on or had as if
this Act had not been passed.
(2) Any fees or poundage authorized to be taken by or in pursuance
of any enactment in force at the commencement of this Act may
continue to be taken until altered in pursuance of this Division.
86. In the construction of this Division unless inconsistent with interpretation,
the context or subject-matter
" Solicitor " includes attorney solicitor or proctor and also a
barrister or a barrister and solicitor when practising as an
attorney solicitor or proctor.
2574.-5 8 7 . Except
64 13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
9 1 . If any solicitor acts as agent in any such action suit or other solicitors not
proceeding as is mentioned in section eighty-seven for any person not duly foVpereMisgnot
qualified to act as a solicitor or if any solicitor permits or suffers his iuallfled-
. . . . 0 and 7 Vict
name to be in any way made use of in any such action suit or proceeding c'73 s. 32. '*
upon the account or for the profit of any person not duly qualified as 2 Geo. n
aforesaid or if any solicitor sends any process or does any other act 22 George 11.
thereby to enable any person not duly qualified as aforesaid to appear c - 40a - ll#
act or practise as a solicitor in any such action suit or other proceeding
knowing such person not to be duly qualified as aforesaid any such
solicitor may upon the application of any person complaining thereof
and upon proof made thereof upon oath either oral or by affidavit to
the satisfaction of the Supreme Court that such solicitor wilfully
and knowingly offended therein be struck off the roll and such
Court may make such order as to costs as it thinks just.
9 2 . Nothing in this Division shall limit the jurisdiction or control saving
of any Court with respect to solicitors given by the Legal Profession
Practice Act 1915 s. 8 or by any other enactment or law in force at
the commencement of this Act.
Compulsion how 9 5 . A person who takes any such oath or engagement as is men-
far H defence.
tioned in the two last preceding sections cannot set up as a defence
Codes. 49. that he was compelled to do so unless within fourteen days after
taking it or if he is prevented by actual force or sickness within
fourteen days after the termination of such prevention he declares by
information on oath before some member of the Executive Council
or justice of the peace or if he is on actual service in His Majesty's
forces by sea or land either by such information or by information to
his commanding officer the whole of what he knows concerning the
matter, including the person or persons by whom and in whose presence
and the place where and the time when the oath or engagement was
administered or taken.
Elfect of 96. A person who has been tried and convicted or acquitted on
lb. s. HO.
a charge of any of the offences mentioned in this Division shall not
be afterwards prosecuted upon the same facts for treason or for failing
when he knows that any person intends to commit treason to give
information tliereof with all reasonable despatch to a justice or use
other reasonable endeavours to prevent the commission of the crime.
Correction in 9 7 . In Part II. of the First Schedule to the Supreme Court
Part II. of First Act 1915 there shall be substituted for the words and figures " 2 1 Jac.
Schedule to
Supreme Court 1 c. 16 ss. 3, 4, 5, and 7 " the words and figures " 21 Jac. 1 c. 16 ss. 3,
4, 6, and 7 " and after the words and figures "4 and 5 Anne c. 16 s. 19 "
there shall be added the words " (except so far as it relates to
seamen's wages)" and such substitution shall be deemed to tiave
been made as from the commencement of the said Act.
Revival of Act 9 8 . The Act 7 William IV. and 1 Victoria c. lxxxviii. is hereby
relating to
piracy &c. adopted in and for Victoria save that for the words " three years " in
See 2 Vict.
No. io
section three of such Act there shall be substituted the words " ten
The years (a)
Criminal Law
and Practice 9 9 . Section
Statute, 1805.
(a) This Act relates to punishment for piracy, as to which see the Acts set out in the
Second Schedule.
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 67
Limitation of
9 9 . Section three hundred and eight of the Crimes Act 1915 shall effect of Crimes
as to any crime punishable with death not apply to limit the effect of Act 1915 s. 308.
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
() This is a restatement of the Gre it Charter of Henry III. and appears as 9 Henry III. la
ordinary printed editions.
(b) Ss. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 in some printed editions.
(e) See Heal Property Act 1915, Part XVIII.
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270 69
13 GEO. V.j Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Enactments. Subject-matter.
& 57 Victoria c. LIIT. See also the Commonm!i\th"Crime7ActiQli.
{(1) Amended by 7 William IV. & 1 Victoria c. LXXXVIII. See s. 98 of this Act. As to Piracy
iVc. and Offences Abroad, see also 10 George TIT. c. LTV. 12 & 13 Victoria c. XCVI. (s. 2 of which
has been repealed) 37 & 38 Victoria c. XXVTT. and 41 & 42 Victoria c. LXXI1I.
(e) See 11. v. Vaughan, Burrows Reports, p. 2500, and 49 George III. c. 120.
(/) Part preceding c. I. in the ordinary printed editions. See 10 Charles I. c. XIV. for confirmation
(<7) Tie general declarations of the Bill of Rights are as follows :
That the pretended power of suspending of laws or the execution of laws by regal! authority
without consent of Parlyament is illegal!. *
That the pretended power of dispensing with laws or the execution of laws by recall
authoritie as it hath beenc assumed and exorcised of late is illegall.
That the commission for erecting the late Court of Commissioners for ecclesiastical causes and
^ ^ all other commissions and courts of like nature are illegall and pernicious.
That levying money for or to the use of the Crowne by pretence of prerogative w'thout
grant of Parlyament for longer time or in other manner then the same is or shall be
granted is illegall.
That it is the right of the subjects to petition the King and all commitments and prosecutions
t ^ for such petitioning are illegall.
That the raising or keeping a standing army within the Kingdome in time of peace unless it
be with consent of Parlyament is against law.
'* * * * * * *
That elections of members of Parlyament ought to be free.
That the frcodome of speech and debates or proceedings in Parlyament ought not to be
impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parlvament.
That excessive baile ought not to be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruell and
unusuall punishments inflicted.
That jurors ought to be duely impannellcd and returned.
(7i) 11 it 12 AYJlliam III. in the ordinaryprinted editions.
(ij C. XVII. in the ordinary printed editions.
13 GEO. V.] Imperial Acts Application. [No. 3270
Enactments. Subject-matter.
Enactments. Subject-matter.