Airbags: It Is An Inflatable Membrane Which Absorb The Kinetic Energy of An Occupant During
Airbags: It Is An Inflatable Membrane Which Absorb The Kinetic Energy of An Occupant During
Airbags: It Is An Inflatable Membrane Which Absorb The Kinetic Energy of An Occupant During
accident. They inflate quickly and release the air gradually which create a damping effect for
the occupants motion as well as cushion effect to avoid the contact of occupant from hard
interior parts . Airbags play a vital role in saving human life and minimizing the injury risk.
. = ( )
= ( )
= ( )
: Mass of the occupant
: Acceleration of the occupant
: Pressure of gas within the airbag
: Ambient pressure
: Area of contact between the occupant and the airbag
: Density of the gas within the airbag
: Ideal gas constant
: Temperature of gas within the airbag
: Molar mass of gas within the airbag
: Mass of gas within the airbag
The mass of gas within the airbag having two vents at any time t, is given by
= 2
= 2
where mi is the mass of gas within the airbag at fully inflated state.
= ( )
Thus volume of airbag can be calculate by dividing it into two parts, i.e. internal cylinder
(V1) and external elliptical annulus (V2).
1 = ( )
2 2 2
2 = 4 ( ) ( )
2 2
So, V=V1+V2
Occupants Response
Now by substituting the above relationship into eq, we get the acceleration of occupant:
2 0 (2)
= +
2 2 2
(2) + 2
4( 2 ) ( 2)
[ 2 ]