Filing of An Appeal - Petition For Review (PetRev) - Department of Justice - Republic of The Philippines - Tel - (+632) 523 8481, (+632) 523 6826

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7/24/2017 Filing of an Appeal/Petition for Review (PetRev) :: Department of Justice - Republic of the Philippines :: Tel: (+632) 523 8481,

hilippines :: Tel: (+632) 523 8481, (+632) 523 6826

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24 July 2017 Filing of an Appeal/Petition for Review (PetRev)



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DOJ Action Center

Ground Floor, Forum Building,
Padre Faura Street, Ermita,
Manila 1000
Republic of the Philippines

T: (+632) 521 2930

(+632) 523 8481 local 403
E: [email protected]
Schedule of Availability of Service:
Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with no noon break

Documentary Requirements as per DOJ Circular No. 70 & 70-A s. 2000:

A. Verified petition for review stating/containing:

1. Names and addresses of the parties involved;
2. NPS Docket number (formerly I.S. Number) and criminal case number, if any, and title of the case including
offense charged in the complaint or information;
Inter-Agency Council Against 3. Proof of service of a copy/ies of the appeal/petition for review to the adverse party/ies or counsel and the
Trafficking (IACAT) Prosecution Office concerned;
c/o Department of Justice 4. The venue of the preliminary investigation;
Padre Faura Street
5. The specific material dates showing that it was filed on time;
Ermita, Manila 1000
Republic of the Philippines 6. A clear and concise statement of the facts, the assignment of errors, and the legal basis of the
appeal/petition for review;
T: (+632) 523-8481 ext. 216
F: (+632) 526-2748
E: [email protected] B. Legible duplicate original or certified true copy of the resolution appealed from.

C. Legible certified true copies of the complaint, affidavits/sworn statements.

Draft Criminal Code of the
D. Other evidence submitted by parties during the preliminary investigation/reinvestigation.
E. Copy of motion to defer proceedings as received by the court, if the case has been filed in court.

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7/24/2017 Filing of an Appeal/Petition for Review (PetRev) :: Department of Justice - Republic of the Philippines :: Tel: (+632) 523 8481, (+632) 523 6826

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