A Study On Capital Structure Analysis of Tata Motors Limited

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International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

ISSN: 2455-1627, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 3; Issue 3; March 2017; Page No. 48-52

A study on capital structure analysis of Tata motors limited

B Navaneetha, 2 S Aadhi Shivani, 3 VS Aarthy, 4 A Abinayaa, 5 GK Akshaya
III B.Com (PA) Students, Department of B.Com (PA), PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
2- 5
Assistant Professor, Department of B.Com (PA), PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

The capital structure is an important decision of the business to fix the combination or mixture of debt and equity capital of the
company. The study examines the influence of capital structure on the performance of the company. In order to analyze the capital
structure of Tata Motors Limited, a study had been conducted with the help of secondary data for the period of 5 years (i.e.) 2012
to 2016. The companys performance is measured through financial tools such as, ratio analysis and leverage. The ratios and
leverage are the most important and reliable indicators to measure the financial performance of a company, as they check the current
performance of the company and are very helpful for the management to take remedial measure if there is a declining trend. There
are a number of determinants that affect the decisions taken whole determining the capital structure like cost of capital, control,
flexibility, etc. Hence, the decision regarding capital structure is the crucial decision which should be taken by every business, as
the positives and negatives of these decisions plays an important role in determining the future of the business.

Keywords: capital structure, ratio, leverage, debt and equity capital, optimum capital structure

Introduction enhance the rate of return to its equity holders. The companys
Capital structure is the combination of debt and equity which performance has been evaluated by analysing its financial
influences the overall cost of capital. The decision regarding statement. The financial condition and the liquidity status of
the capital structure is very important because it affects the the company are of fluctuating nature. The value of earning per
earnings per share or wealth of the shareholders. Capital share (EPS) varies highly due to the changes in the debt and
structure is the crucial decision to be taken by every business, equity mix in the recent years. Hence, the optimum capital
the positives and negatives of these decisions plays an structure can be obtained by appropriate capital decisions in
important role in determining the future of every business. order to standardize their earning capacity. In a developing
Capital structure plays a vital role in financial decision making country like India, it is more important to acquire funds
process, maximizing the firms performance and its value. The economically and allocate them effectively for the optimal
capital structure is the mix of different securities issued by growth of the company. Thus, attaining an optimum capital
firms for raising funds. Funds used for firms' operations are structure is a vital challenge for every company.
generated internally as well as externally. When raising funds
externally, firms choose between equity and debt. The overall Review of Literature
objective of the companies is to reduce the cost of capital and Kaur Raghvir and Rao N Krishnan (2009) [1], have made a
to maximize the value of the firm. Determinants of capital study on The Determinants of Capital Structure with the
structure are mainly short term debt to capital ratio, long term objective to attain the optimum capital structure. The study is
debt to capital ratio and total debt to capital ratio. Usually, based on secondary data, it have been collected from various
capital structure policy depends upon the companys size, sources like articles, publications, journals, and annual reports
ownership, profitability, various costs, earning growth and of the company. Ratios and multiple regression have been used
liquidity of a companys assets. In developing countries, to analyse the data. The study has highlighted the profitability,
optimum benefits of the debt and equity depends upon the growth opportunities, liquidity and business risk of the
managers that are engaged in the management of the financial company. It focused on the multiple and step wise regression
issues of the company. Most of the effort of financial decision analysis which has been carried out taking total debt to equity
making process is centred on the determination of the optimal ratio as the dependent variable. The study has concluded that
capital structure of a firm. the ratios and cost of debt and equity are the major
determinants of capital structure. The study has suggested to
Statement of the Problem minimize the overall cost of capital and to maximize the value
The financial success of every firm depends mainly on its of the firm.
capital structure. A good capital structure of the company leads In order to examine the Determinants of Capital Structure: A
to stable profit and high earnings to the shareholders. The case study of Automobile Manufacturing Companies listed in
choice of debt and equity in the firms capital structure is an NSE Riyazahmed (2012) [2] has made a study with an
important financial decision which influences both the return objective to identify the variables namely, size, business risk,
and risk of the shareholders. The excessive use of debt may growth, earning rate, dividend payout, debt service, capacity
endanger the survival of the corporate firm. At the same time, and degree of operating leverage to access the influence on
non-use of debt prevents the firm from an opportunity to capital structure. It has been identified that the appropriate
International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

combination of debt and equity capital could minimize the

overall cost of capital and maximise the value of the firm. The
study has concluded that the management of the firm prefers
the internal equity financing, debt financing and finally
external equity financing. The dividend payout, debt service Table 1: Ratio of reserves to equity capital (In crores)
capacity, degree of leverage and business risk is the statistically
Reserve Equity capital Ratio
significant determinants of financial leverage. Year
(Rs.) (Rs.) (In times)
2011-2012 18991.26 634.75 29.91
Objectives of the Study 2012-2013 18496.77 638.07 28.98
The following are the objectives of the study: 2013-2014 18532.87 643.78 28.78
To assess the changes in proportion of debt and equity. 2014-2015 14218.81 643.78 22.08
To determine the capital structure of TATA motors during 2015-2016 21688.90 679.18 31.93
the study period. (Source: www.moneycontrol.com)

Research Methodology From the above table, it is noted that the ratio of reserves to
The study is based on the secondary data which have been equity capital is high in the year 2015-2016 with 31.93 times,
collected from various sources viz., published annual reports whereas, it is low in the year 2014-2015 with 22.08 times. The
and records of the company, journal, websites, etc., for the ratios had been in a fluctuating trend during the study period
period from 2011-12 to 2015-16. Ratio analysis and Leverage (2011 2016). The higher ratio shows a better financial
has been used to analyse the data. position of Tata Motors Ltd. Hence, the reserves and equity
capital has to be raised to a certain extent in order to maintain
Data Analysis and Interpretation an increasing trend in future.
Ratio analysis
A ratio is a simple arithmetical expression of the relationship Current assets to proprietors fund
of one number to another. It may be defined as the indicated The purpose of this ratio is to calculate the percentage of
quotient of two mathematical expressions. A ratio analysis is a shareholders funds invested in current assets. There is no rule
quantitative analysis of information contained in a companys of thumb for this ratio. Depending upon the nature of the
financial statements. business there may be different ratios for different firms.

Ratio of reserves to equity capital

This ratio establishes the relationship between the reserves and
equity share capital. It indicates the amount retained by the firm
for future growth. Higher the ratio better will be the position of
the firm.
Table 2: Current assets to proprietors fund, (In crores)
Year Current assets (Rs.) Proprietors fund (Rs.) Ratio (In percentage)
2011-2012 13712.96 19626.01 0.69
2012-2013 10134.96 19134.84 0.52
2013-2014 6739.06 19176.65 0.35
2014-2015 8572.97 14862.59 0.57
2015-2016 10705.91 22368.00 0.47
(Source: www.moneycontrol.com)

From the above table, it is found that the current assets to Table 3: Fixed assets turnover ratio, (In crores)
proprietors fund ratio show a fluctuating trend. The trend has Sales Fixed assets Ratio
occurred because the ratio is higher in the year 2011-2012 with Year
(Rs.) (Rs.) (times)
0.69% and it is lower in the year 2013-2014 with 0.35%. The 2011-2012 54005.40 19056.19 2.83
value of proprietors fund had been remained more or less same 2012-2013 44373.04 20208.54 2.19
during the first three years of the study. Therefore, the value of 2013-2014 33906.97 21595.64 1.57
current assets should be increased and kept constant in order to 2014-2015 35890.50 21824.02 1.64
overcome the fluctuating trend and to have a good financial 2015-2016 41948.00 22244.86 1.88
performance in future. (Source: www.moneycontrol.com)

Fixed assets turnover ratio From the above table, it is depicted that the fixed assets
This ratio measures the companys return on their investment turnover ratio is increasing in the year 2011-2012 with 2.83
in property, plant and equipment by comparing its net sales times whereas decreasing in the year 2013-2014 with 1.57
with fixed assets. It is the relationship between sales or cost of times. It has been found during the study that the ratio
goods sold and fixed/capital asset employed in the business. fluctuates. Hence, there had been a poor performance of Tata
Motors Ltd for the last three years, as it has not properly
utilized its fixed assets in generating the revenue.

International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

Capital gearing ratio

The term capital gearing is used to describe the relationship
between equity share capital including reserves and surpluses
to preference share capital and other fixed interest bearing

Table 4: Capital gearing ratio, (In crores)

Year Equity capital (Rs.) Reserve (Rs.) Long term debt (Rs.) Ratio (In times)
2011-2012 634.75 18991.26 8004.50 2.45
2012-2013 638.07 18496.77 8051.78 2.37
2013-2014 643.78 18532.87 9746.45 1.96
2014-2015 643.78 14218.81 12318.96 1.21
2015-2016 679.18 21688.90 10687.94 2.09
(Source: www.moneycontrol.com)

From the above table, it is noticed that the capital gearing ratio Debt equity ratio
shows a fluctuating trend. The ratio is higher in the year 2011- Debt Equity ratio, is also known as External Internal Equity
2012 with 2.45 times and it is lower in the year 2014-2015 with ratio which is calculated to measure the relative claims of
outsiders and the owners (i.e. shareholders) against the firms
1.21 times. There had been a little change in the value of equity
asset. The two basic components of the ratio are outsiders
capital over the period of study. Therefore, the ratio had funds (external equities) and shareholders funds (internal
depicted a healthier position of the company because the equity equities).
and reserves are more sufficient to meet out the fixed bearing

Table 5: Debt equity ratio, (In crores)

Year Outsiders Fund (Rs.) Shareholders fund (Rs.) Ratio (In times)
2011-2012 29187.04 19626.01 1.48
2012-2013 28885.25 19134.84 1.50
2013-2014 27806.55 19176.65 1.45
2014-2015 32363.3 14862.59 2.18
2015-2016 27433.63 22368.00 1.23
(Source: www.moneycontrol.com)

From the above table, it is found that the debt equity ratio Fixed assets to funded debt ratio
shows a fluctuating trend. The ratio is increasing in the year The ratio measures the relationship between the fixed assets
2014-2015 with 2.18 times and it is decreasing in the year and the funded debt and is very useful to the long term
2015-2016 with 1.23 times. There had been a sudden change creditors.
in the value of outsiders fund and shareholders fund in the year
2014-2015 when compared to other years of the study. Hence,
the expected debt equity ratio will depend upon the future
borrowings of the Tata Motors Ltd.
Table 6: Fixed assets to funded debt ratio, (In crores)
Year Fixed assets (Rs.) Long term debt (Rs.) Short term debt (Rs.) Funded debt (Rs.) Ratio (In percentage)
2011-2012 19056.19 8004.50 3007.13 1011.63 1.73
2012-2013 20208.54 8051.78 6216.91 14268.69 1.42
2013-2014 21595.64 9746.45 4769.08 14515.53 1.49
2014-2015 21842.02 12318.96 7762.01 20080.97 1.09
2015-2016 22244.86 10687.94 3351.74 14039.68 1.58
(Source: www.moneycontrol.com)

From the above table, it is depicted that the fixed assets to ability to use fixed cost assets or funds to increase the return to
funded debt ratio is high in the year 2011-2012 with 1.73% and its owners i.e. equity shareholders. It is the power and
it is low in the year 2014-2015 with 1.09%. It has been found relationship between two inter-related variables and these
during the study that this ratio shows a fluctuating trend. variables can be of output, sales, cost and profit.
Therefore, the future performance of Tata Motors Ltd can
either grow or decline based on the funded debts and fixed Financial leverage
assets of the future period. Financial Leverage is known as trading on equity and it is used
to magnify the earnings of the shareholders. Financial leverage
Leverage is associated with financial activities and it results from the
The term leverage is commonly used to describe the firms presence of fixed financial charges in the income with the
International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

firms EBIT.
Year Sales EBIT (Rs.) Ratio (In times)
2011-2012 54306.56 4166.39 13.03
2012-2013 44765.22 3380.31 13.24
2013-2014 34288.11 2382.02 14.39
Table 7: Financial leverage, (In crores) 2014-2015 36294.74 240.18 151.11
2015-2016 42369.82 4085.25 10.37
Year EBIT (Rs.) EBT (Rs.) Ratio (In Times)
2011-2012 4166.39 2947.77 1.41 (Source: www.moneycontrol.com)
2012-2013 3380.31 1992.55 1.69 From the above table, it is found that the operating leverage is
2013-2014 2382.02 1044.50 2.28
increasing in the year 2014-2015 with 151.11times and it is
2014-2015 240.18 -1371.50 -0.17
2015-2016 4085.25 2604.14 1.56 decreasing in the year 2015-2016 with 10.37 times. It has been
(Source: www.moneycontrol.com) found from the study period that the operating leverage shows
a fluctuating trend. Hence, in future, the Tata Motors Ltd
From the above table, it is noted that the financial leverage is should use the maximum level of operating costs in order to
higher in the year 2013-2014 with 2.28 times and it is lower in meet the future effects of changes in sales on its earnings before
the year 2014-2015 with -0.17 times. It had been found during interest and taxes.
the study that the financial leverage show a fluctuating trend.
The ratio was negative in the year 2014-2015, as the earnings Combined leverage
before tax (EBT) was negative in that particular year. Hence, Both financial and operating leverage magnify the revenue of
the Tata Motors Ltd should try to lower the degree of financial
the firm. Since, both these leverages are closely related with
leverage in order to lower the financial risk in the future.
the ascertainment of the firms ability to cover fixed charges
(fixed operating cost in the case of operating leverage and fixed
Operating leverage
Operating leverage may be defined as the firms ability to use financial costs in the case of financial leverage), the sum of
operating costs to magnify the effects of changes in sales on its them gives the total leverage or combined leverage.
earnings before interest and taxes.
Combined Leverage
= Operating Leverage x Financial Leverage

Table 8: Operating leverage. (In crores)

Table 9: Combined leverage
Year Financial leverage Operating leverage Ratio (In times)
2011-2012 1.41 13.03 18.37
2012-2013 1.696 13.24 22.47
2013-2014 2.28 14.39 32.83
2014-2015 -0.17 151.11 -26.46
2015-2016 1.569 10.37 16.27
(Source: www.moneycontrol.com)

From the above table, it is depicted that the combined leverage increased and kept constant in order to have a good
shows a fluctuating trend. The combined leverage is high in the financial performance in future.
year 2013-2014 with 32.83 times and it is low in the year 2014- The fixed assets turnover ratio is increased in the year
2015 -26.46 times. The negative value of combined leverage in 2011-2012 with 2.83 times and it is decreased in the year
the year 2014-2015 was due to the negative value of financial 2013-2014 with 1.57 times. This ratio shows a poor
leverage in that particular year. Therefore, the future combined performance of the company, as it has not properly utilized
leverage may be expected to increase or decrease depending on its fixed assets in generating the revenue.
the future performance of operating and financial leverage of The capital gearing ratio shows a fluctuating trend. The
Tata Motors Ltd. ratio is higher in the year 2011-2012 with 2.45 times and
lower in the year 2014-2015 with 1.21 times. The ratio had
Findings and Suggestions of the Study depicted a healthier position of the company because the
Ratio analysis equity and reserves are more sufficient to meet out the fixed
The reserves to equity capital ratio are high in the year bearing expenses.
2015-2016 with 31.93 times and it is lower in the year The debt equity ratio is increased in the year 2014-2015
2014-2015 with 22.08. The higher ratio shows a better with 2.18 times and it is decreased in the year 2015-2016
financial position of the company. with 1.23 times. The debt equity ratio will depend upon the
The current assets to proprietors fund ratio are used to future borrowings of the company.
calculate the percentage of shareholders fund invested in Fixed assets to funded debt ratio is high in the year 2011-
current assets. This ratio is higher in the year 2011-2012 12 with 1.73% and it is low in the year 2014-2015 with
with 0.69% and it is lower in the year 2013-2014 with 1.09%. The future performance of the can either grow or
0.35%. Therefore, the value of current assets should be
International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

decline based on the funded debts and fixed assets of the

future period.

The financial leverage is higher in the year 2013-2014 with
2.28 times and it is lower in the year 2014-2015 with -0.17
times. The company should try to lower the degree of
financial leverage in order to lower the financial risk in the
The operating leverage is higher in the year 2014-2015 with
151.11 times and it is low in the year 2015-2016 with 10.37
times. Hence, in future, the company should use the
maximum level of operating costs in order to meet the
future effects of changes in sales on its earnings before
interest and taxes.
The combined leverage is high in the year 2013-2014 with
32.83 times and it is low in the year 2014-2015 with -26.46
times. The future combined leverage may be expected to
increase or decrease depending on the future performance
of operating and financial leverage of the company.

Every concern has the aim to frame the optimum capital
structure to its business as maximising the value of the firm and
minimising the cost of capital. The study is aimed to analyse
the capital structure of Tata Motors Limited for the period of
2012-2016. The study has given the knowledge about the
application of financial tools, its importance and its usefulness
in determining the capital structure of Tata Motors Limited.
The study has concluded that the optimum capital structure of
Tata Motors Limited could be ascertained by using various
ratios and leverage. The overall results of the study have shown
that the equity and reserves of the firm should be sufficient to
meet out the fixed bearing expenses and it has to lower the
degree of financial leverage in order to overcome the financial
risk in future. Thus, the capital structure of the TATA
MOTORS shows a satisfactory position.

1. Shashi K, Gupta Sharma RK, Neeti Gupta. Management
accounting, Third Revised Edition, Kalyani Publishers.
2. Maheswari SN, Maheswari SK. Accounting for
Management, First Edition, Vikas Publication House Pvt
3. www.google.com
4. www.wikipedia.com
5. www.moneycontrol.com
6. www.scribd.com
7. www.capitalstructure. com
8. www.leverages.com


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