Nav Tex Reciever
Nav Tex Reciever
Nav Tex Reciever
NAVTEX is the primary means for transmitting coastal urgent marine safety informa-
tion to ships world wide. All NAVTEX broadcasts are made on 518 kHz, using 7-unit
forward error correcting (FEC) transmission. This type of transmission, usually
referred to as SITOR-B, is also known among radio amateurs as AMTOR FEC mode.
Broadcasts use 100 baud FSK modulation, with a frequency shift of 170 Hz [1, 2].
Urgent messages are transmitted immediately; routine broadcasts are sent every
four hours.
Recently several authorities have announced to implement additional broadcasts in
their national languages on 490 kHz. The British and French NAVTEX stations are
already on this frequency.
For the shortwave listener it can be quite interesting to monitor NAVTEX broadcasts.
This is possible with an amateur radio receiver or a communications receiver and a
suitable decoder. But it is also nice to have a dedicated NAVTEX receiver. The
construction of such a receiver is described here. A word of caution: Please do not
expect a perfect kit; this is more a report from the laboratory desk.
Principles of operation
The receiver is a direct conversion (D-C) image-cancelling receiver. The RF input
signal is converted to a centre frequency of 400 Hz. The image frequency (fin + or -
2 x fout, where fout = 400 Hz) is rejected by applying the SSB phase method [3, 4]. The
receiver is designed as a pure FM system with limiting amplifiers and has no
automatic gain control (fig. 1). It can operate on both 518 and 490 kHz. Unlike
commercial NAVTEX receivers for shipping, it does not feature a direct printout on
paper, but sends out the decoded data over a serial port. Virtually any terminal
program (e.g. Windows 95/98 Hypertrm.exe) can be used to view the messages and
save them to disk.
An image-rejecting receiver is more complex than a conventional D-C receiver. It
requires two mixers instead of one and carefully adjusted phase shifters. The circuit
can be simplified, however, if we assume that there are no stations transmitting on
adjacent channels, i.e. in the range 518 1 kHz or 490 1 kHz. This is usually the
A NAVTEX Receiver for the DXer 2
in figure 2. U3d amplifies the signal by a factor 100; strong signals are clipped in this
stage. The final limiting amplifier is built of unbuffered CMOS inverters (U5a-d).
An audio amplifier (U4) has been added to be able to judge the signal quality by ear.
The sound is somewhat fuzzy, particularly at levels where U3d just starts to clip; a
first-order low pass has been added to make it less annoyant. On the other hand, the
limiting property of U3d prevents the audio output from getting too loud in case of
strong impulses like atmospheric noise.
The demodulator is of the frequency-to-voltage converter type. A simple monoflop-
like circuit (U5e, U5f) triggers on both rising and falling edges. Its output pulses, now
with an average rate of 800 Hz, are fed to a 4th-order lowpass filter (U6c, U6d,
fc 70 Hz, Bessel filter characteristic). The DC voltage at the output of U6d is a
measure for the receiverss input frequency. A trigger circuit with floating threshold
(U6b) decides whether the received signal is a logical 0 or a 1.
dB re maximum
Frequency in kHz
Fig. 2. Measured filter response. No data was taken close to the oscillator
frequency at 489.6 kHz. Note the dip on the image frequency 489.2 kHz. A
common direct-conversion receiver without image cancelling would show the
same response here as on 490 kHz.
In spite of the rule that an RC oscillator is unsuitable as a receiver oscillator due to
its low Q and excessive phase noise, the circuit in fig. 4 makes use of the PLL ICs
built-in VCO. A relatively high reference frequency of 115.2 kHz and the fact that the
VCO frequency is divided by 4 makes the noise acceptable. The loop filter is
extremely simple. The noise characteristics can be adjusted with two trim potenti-
ometers between noisy, but low discrete sidebands and less noisy, but stronger
discrete lines.
A NAVTEX Receiver for the DXer 4
The effect of oscillator noise is an increase of noise in the receiver and hence a loss
of sensitivity due to reciprocal mixing [5]. The medium-wave broadcast band is too
far off to cause noticeable reciprocal mixing, but it may become a problem if there
are strong stations adjacent to the NAVTEX channels, military stations for example.
The 90 phase shift is carried out with two D-flip-flops (74HC74); in the process the
VCO frequency is divided by 4. Oscillator frequencies fed to the mixers are
489.6 kHz (17 x 28.8 kHz) and 518.4 kHz (18 x 28.8 kHz). Since the oscillator
operates below the input frequency at 490 kHz and above the input frequency at
518 kHz, the phase shift has to be reversed when switching between the two
frequencies. Otherwise the image cancelling mechanism would reject the wrong
sideband. For this reason an exclusive-or gate (1/4 x 74HC86) acts as a switchable
inverter on one of the two oscillator outputs.
On 518 kHz, the lower sideband is received, but the upper sideband 490 kHz. This
makes it necessary to invert the data polarity for one of the two channels. This is
done by the microcontroller; but of course one of the remaining 74HC86 ex-or gates
could have been used for this purpose as well.
An Atmel AT89C2051 (fig. 5) performs the following tasks:
bit synchronisation,
decoding the SITOR-B data stream and ASCII output via RS-232 line,
adding a time stamp,
driving status LEDs.
Data synchronisation on the bit level is performed by means of a 100 Hz software
oscillator, which can be phase-adjusted in steps of 312.5 s. For this purpose,
timer 0 of the 51 is running in the auto-reload mode, with an interrupt rate of
3200 Hz. On falling slopes in the raw data, a correction step shifts the centre of the
10 ms oscillator period towards the data edge. Not every falling slope is examined;
the rate is adjustable. As soon as the receiver has detected a SITOR-B phasing
sequence, the updates are made at a less frequent rate.
Commercial NAVTEX equipment can be programmed to respond to messages from a
particular station only; furthermore certain message types can be suppressed. These
features are not included here. Anything that is decoded is printed on the screen.
The output rate is fixed at 9600 Baud.
The receiver has a time stamp function, which is useful for unattended monitoring. If
activated, the actual time is printed in hhmm format at the beginning of each line.
The clock does not yet have a battery backup. It is planned to include a Dallas
DS1302 real-time clock in a future version of the receiver.
Each of three subassemblies receiver, oscillator and microcontroller was built on
cheap perforated board with strip-line copper cladding (fig. 6). The relatively large
aluminium enclosure makes tests and modifications easier, but a more compact
construction is certainly possible. Overall material costs were not calculated; the
cabinet was by far the most expensive part (about 35 DEM). According to the
A NAVTEX Receiver for the DXer 5
Practical experiences
In the first tests with an active rod antenna (Rhode & Schwarz HE-011), the receiver
performance was found to be surprisingly good. A couple of overnight logs to disk
revealed more than 30 stations from all over Europe, as well as a few stations from
Canada and the Near East.
A Wellbrook ALA 1530 wideband active loop antenna, however, caused occasional
AM breakthrough at nighttime, a common problem with D-C receivers. It is not yet
clear if this is simply induced by the higher output level of the ALA 1530, or if some
other problem is pending. Probably it can be cured by replacing the input circuit with
high Q filters that are switched between 490 and 518 kHz.
A few sample logs are shown in figs. 7 and 8.
[1] International Telecommunication Union: Recommendation ITU-R M.476-5.
Direct-printing telegraph equipment in the maritime mobile service. Geneva
1995 (first published in 1970, now superseded by ITU-R M.625-3)
[2] US Coast Guard Navigation Center:
[3] Jon B. Hagen: Radio-Frequency Electronics. Cambridge University Press 1996
[4] William E. Sabin, W0IYH: Receivers, Transmitters, Transceivers and Projects.
In: The ARRL Handbook 1998. The American Radio Relay League, Newington,
CT 1997
[5] David Stockton, GM4ZNX: AC/RF Sources. In: The ARRL Handbook 1998. The
American Radio Relay League, Newington, CT 1997
A NAVTEX Receiver for the DXer 6
Fig. 7. Screenshot of NAVTEX log in a terminal window, with time stamp function on.
zczc xz41
greenland 010212 2355 utc
no message on hand
zczc rx68
reykjavikradio 010212 0250 utc
vegna framkvaemda vid nausthamars-
bryggju i vestmannaeyjum ma buast
vid ad leidarljos er leida inn i
hoefnina verdi ovirk af og til a
timabilinu fra 12.feb. til 1. sept 2001.
siglingastofnun islands
Fig. 8. Two messages from Reykjavik Radio, the latter one in Icelandic.