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ASNT Handbook Volume 2 Liquid Penetrant Testing

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Third Edition



Volume 2

Liquid Penetrant
Technical Editor
Noel A. Tracy

Patrick O. Moore

American Society for Nondestructive Testing



Volume 2

Liquid Penetrant
Technical Editor
Noel A. Tracy

Patrick O. Moore

American Society for Nondestructive Testing
Copyright 1999
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Nothing contained in this book is to be construed as a grant of any right of manufacture, sale or use in connection with
any method, process, apparatus, product or composition, whether or not covered by letters patent or registered
trademark, nor as a defense against liability for the infringement of letters patent or registered trademark.
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, its employees and the contributors to this volume are not responsible
for the authenticity or accuracy of information herein, and opinions and statements published herein do not necessarily
reflect the opinion of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing or carry its endorsement or recommendation.
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, its employees, and the contributors to this volume assume no
responsibility for the safety of persons using the information in this book.

American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Incorporated

1711 Arlingate Lane
PO Box 28518
Columbus, OH 43228-0518
(614) 274-6003; fax (614) 274-6899

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Liquid penetrant testing / technical editor, Noel A. Tracy ; editor, Patrick O.
p. cm. -- (Nondestructive testing handbook. Third edition ; v. 2)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13 978-1-57117-028-6
ISBN-10 1-57117-028-6
1. Penetrant inspection. I. Tracy, Noel A. II. Moore, Patrick O.
III. Series: Nondestructive testing handbook (3rd ed.) ; v. 2.
TA417.55.L57 1999
620.1127--dc21 99-34056

First printing 09/99.

Second printing 11/03.
Third printing 07/06, with new impositions for pages ii, 84.
Fourth printing 11/08.

Published by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Presidents Foreword

Liquid Penetrant Testing is the second The existence of Liquid Penetrant Testing
volume of the third edition of the is testimony to the commitment of the
Nondestructive Testing Handbook. This American Society for Nondestructive
volume continues to advance the series Testing (ASNT) to its missions of
mission of disseminating information providing technical information and
about the technology. instructional materials and of promoting
Nondestructive testing contributes to nondestructive testing technology as a
public safety and to our quality of life in profession.
countless ways. The technology has made
possible those advances in technology Robert E. Green, Jr.
that are the hallmark of this turn of the ASNT National President (1998-99)
Technology typically relies on things
that can be counted, on numbers on
measurements and data that can be
quantified, processed and stored by
computer. In such an age, liquid
penetrant testing occupies a special place
because it is a qualitative method that has
defied quantification. At the same time,
the method remains extremely sensitive,
reliable, cost effective and useful to
industry. Because liquid penetrant testing
relies so much on the training and
experience of the human inspector, an
authoritative handbook is especially
ASNT has been fortunate that the
Technical Councils Penetrant Committee
is superbly qualified to provide the
expertise needed to rewrite and review a
book of such importance and scope. The
collaboration between the volunteers and
staff in the writing and review of this
volume has made productive use of
ASNTs volunteer resources. Scores of
authors and reviewers have donated
thousands of hours to this volume.
Liquid Penetrant Testing was produced
under the guidance of ASNTs Handbook
Development Committee. A special note
of thanks is extended to Handbook
Development Director Gary Workman; to
recent Penetrant Committee Chairs
William E. Mooz, Vilma G. Holmgren,
Brian MacCracken and Michael L. White;
to Technical Editor Noel A. Tracy; and to
Handbook Editor Patrick Moore for their
dedicated efforts.

Liquid Penetrant Testing iii


for instance, may have little bearing on a

The Aims of a Handbook practical examination. Other parts of a
handbook are specific to a certain
The volume you are holding in your hand industry. Although a handbook does not
is the second in the third edition of the pretend to offer a complete treatment of
Nondestructive Testing Handbook. Now is a its subject, its value and convenience are
good time to reflect on the purposes and not to be denied.
nature of a handbook. The present volume is a worthy
Handbooks exist in many disciplines of addition to the third edition. The editors,
science and technology, and certain technical editors and many contributors
features set them apart from other and reviewers worked together to bring
reference works. A handbook should the project to completion. For their
ideally give the basic knowledge necessary scholarship and dedication I thank
for an understanding of the technology, them all.
including both scientific principles and
means of application. Gary L. Workman
The typical reader may be assumed to Handbook Development Director
have completed three years of college
toward a degree in mechanical
engineering or materials science and
hence has the background of an
elementary physics or mechanics course.
Occasionally an engineer may be
frustrated by the difficulty of the
discussion in a handbook. That happens
because the assumptions about the reader
vary according to the subject in any given
chapter. Computer science requires a sort
of background different from nuclear
physics, for example, and it is not possible
for the handbook to give all the
background knowledge ancillary to
nondestructive testing.
A handbook offers a view of its subject
at a certain period in time. Even before it
is published, it starts to get obsolete. The
authors and editors do their best to be
current but the technology will continue
to change even as the book goes to press.
Standards, specifications,
recommended practices and inspection
procedures may be discussed in a
handbook for instructional purposes, but
at a level of generalization that is
illustrative rather than comprehensive.
Standards writing bodies take great pains
to ensure that their documents are
definitive in wording and technical
accuracy. People writing contracts or
procedures should consult real standards
when appropriate.
Those who design qualifying
examinations or study for them draw on
handbooks as a quick and convenient way
of approximating the body of knowledge.
Committees and individuals who write or
anticipate questions are selective in what
they draw from any source. The parts of a
handbook that give scientific background,

iv Liquid Penetrant Testing


What could be simpler than directly in place of other, more expensive point
viewing a part with a suitable light to see sensitive techniques such as eddy current
an indication of a discontinuity produced testing. However, in some applications,
by dipping the part in a colored liquid, especially where residual compressive
washing excess liquid off with a water stresses exist, the surface opening of a
hose and drying the part? As one gains discontinuity may be too small for
experience with liquid penetrant testing, reliable liquid penetrant testing. A good
a more appropriate question may come to example is a small fatigue crack.
mind: how can a simple technique be so Liquid penetrant materials are
complex? constantly being improved to meet
Because the liquid penetrant test is general or specific application
fundamentally simple and the equipment requirements, to make the test process
(if any) is easy to operate, untrained more forgiving or to satisfy new
observers usually think they can save time environmental concerns. In some
and money by borrowing some liquid applications water washable liquid
penetrant materials and performing the penetrants are as sensitive as
test themselves. However, as training and postemulsifiable types. Equipment is also
experience show, the best materials are improving. Properly designed and
worthless without strict adherence to monitored automated processing systems
processing guidelines that direct and have the potential to more carefully
control the test from the preparation of control the liquid penetrant testing
the inspection surface (including the process while alleviating the monotony
crack surface), to the visual examination experienced by an inspector who applies
of the part to locate an indication. the test steps repetitively.
Furthermore, the materials themselves The technology of liquid penetrant
require some basic care so that they dont testing lacks a reliable and objective
spoil. Even experienced inspectors must scientific test for evaluating the sensitivity
avoid the trap of apparent simplicity, of a liquid penetrant test. Photometers
which breeds complacency. Inattention to have been used in the laboratory to assign
processing details and materials arbitrary sensitivity levels to liquid
maintenance will result in a test that will penetrant systems by measuring the
fail because it is out of control. The luminance of fluorescent indications.
editing of this volume has attempted to However, even with precisely controlled
emphasize these issues. processing parameters, the luminance
Perhaps complex is the wrong word to measurements on a set of low cycle
describe the test; methodical is probably a fatigue cracks have been reproducible
better descriptor. Apparent disadvantages only within 20 percent.
of the test can usually be overcome by Part of the problem has been the
modifying a step or applying a different difficulty of correlating the physical and
set of steps. For example, inspectors could chemical phenomena and properties of
work in tandem when testing large areas, liquid penetrants to practical liquid
for which process control is more penetrant test sensitivity. This difficulty
difficult, or use liquid penetrant that influenced the decision to limit the
requires more than just water to remove it theoretical discussions in this volume to
if removal of the liquid penetrant from the practical characteristics of liquid
shallow cracks is a concern. In another penetrant materials. Because an inspector
situation the requirement for strict is ultimately concerned about the
process control may be turned into an presence or absence of a relevant
advantage in that methodical adjustments indication, the more that is understood
in the process can adjust the sensitivity of about how the test process affects those
the test so that only the relevant characteristics, the more likely a visible
discontinuities are detected. indication will be produced.
Despite its subtlety liquid penetrant The future of liquid penetrant testing is
testing does work. Large areas, small areas, sure to include continued efforts to bring
plane surfaces, multifaceted surfaces, all machine vision and decision making up
can be inspected quickly and to the level of competency achieved with
economically. Because of this advantage it the human eye and brain. Initially,
is tempting to use liquid penetrant testing questions of economic feasibility will

Liquid Penetrant Testing v

have to be answered in light of the
current economic advantages of liquid
penetrant testing, but cheaper technology
that works will be used.
The Technical Editor is indebted to the
committee members, contributors,
reviewers who volunteered to help
assemble this book. The aim was to build
on the work of those who contributed to
previous editions, updating the technical
content while preserving the
technological story line of lessons learned.
The guidance and assistance of the ASNT
staff is also gratefully acknowledged.

Noel A. Tracy
Technical Editor

vi Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT00 (i-xii) 8/13/99 12:35 PM Page vii

Editors Preface

The third edition of the Nondestructive

Testing Handbook continues as the second
edition did, with a volume on liquid
penetrant testing. This third edition
volume is indebted to the preceding Handbook Development
editions volume in many ways. Much of Committee
the text is the same, despite significant
additions and alterations. Gary L. Workman, University of Alabama,
The technical content of this third Huntsville
edition volume differs in several ways Michael W. Allgaier, GPU Nuclear
from that of the second. (1) Pages have Albert S. Birks, AKZO Nobel Chemicals
been added to cover new applications, Richard H. Bossi, Boeing Company, Seattle
such as filtered particle testing of Lisa Brasche, Iowa State University
aerospace composites and quality control Lawrence E. Bryant, Jr., Los Alamos
of down hole oil field tubular assemblies. National Laboratory
(2) A new section on probability of William C. Chedister, Circle Chemical Co.
detection may help some facilities to James L. Doyle, Northwest Research
evaluate their inspection procedures. Associates, Inc.
(3) The introduction includes new Allen T. Green, Acoustic Technology
information on method history and Group
measurement units. (4) The text reflects Robert E. Green, Jr., The Johns Hopkins
the fact that materials degrading to the University
environment have been regulated. Matthew J. Golis, Advanced Quality
(5) A comprehensive glossary is provided. Concepts
(6) An extensive bibliography lists liquid Frank A. Iddings
penetrant testing publications, more than Charles N. Jackson, Jr.
some practitioners of the method might John K. Keve, DynCorp Tri-Cities Services
have expected. (7) This third edition Lloyd P. Lemle, Jr., BP Oil Company
volume pays more attention to standards Xavier P.V. Maldague, University Laval
documents than did the second edition; Michael L. Mester, The Timken Company
references to current standards have been Paul McIntire, American Society for
added throughout. Nondestructive Testing
The contributors and reviewers all Ronnie K. Miller, Physical Acoustics
brought their gifts individually to this Corporation
project collectively they made it better Scott D. Miller, Saudi Aramco
than a product of one person could be. Patrick O. Moore, American Society for
Among these volunteers, the editors Nondestructive Testing
would like to thank William E. Mooz for Stanley Ness
the time he invested in careful reading of Ronald T. Nisbet, IESCO
the entire book. Louis G. Pagliaro, Technical Associates of
ASNT is indebted to Technical Editor Charlotte
Noel A. Tracy and to all the technical Emmanuel P. Papadakis, Quality Systems
experts listed at the end of this foreword. Concepts
(Please note that people listed as J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt
contributors were also reviewers but are Associates
listed only once, as contributors.) Fred Seppi, Williams International
It is difficult to overstate the Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated
contributions of staff members Hollis Kermit S. Skeie, Kermit Skeie Associates
Humphries and Joy Grimm to the art, Roderic K. Stanley, Quality Tubing
layout and text of the book. I would also Holger H. Streckert , General Atomics
like to thank Publications Manager Paul Stuart A. Tison, Millipore Corporation
McIntire for his support throughout Noel A. Tracy, Universal Technology
production. Corporation
Mark F.A. Warchol, Aluminum Company
Patrick O. Moore of America
Editor Glenn A. Washer, Turner-Fairbank
Highway Research Center
George C. Wheeler, Materials & Processes

Liquid Penetrant Testing vii

Contributors Ronald T. Nisbet, IESCO
Clifford D. Smith, Smiths NDT Services
James S. Borucki, Gould Bass NDT
Clint E. Surber, Boeing Company, Seattle
Art Cedillos, Palomar Plating Company
Michael L. Turnbow, Tennessee Valley
Jeffrey F. Cook, JFC NDE Engineering
Robert L. Crane, Air Force Research
Alexander Waluszko, UVP, Incorporated
Mark F.A. Warchol, Alcoa Technical
Charles W. Eick, Dassault Falcon Jet
John J. Flaherty, Flare Technology
Matthew J. Golis, Advanced Quality
Bruce C. Graham Multimedia Contributors
Frank V. Gricus, Reynolds Metals Thomas H. Bennett, Howmet Corporation
Company Charles J. Hellier, III, Hellier Associates
Donald J. Hagemaier, Boeing Company,
Long Beach
Norman J. Hendle
Vilma G. Holmgren, Magnaflux Division
of Illinois Tool Works
Dennis G. Hunley, Quality Assurance
Robert J. Lord, Jr., Boeing Company,
St. Louis
Brian A. MacCracken, Pratt & Whitney
Joseph L. Mackin, International Pipeline
Inspectors Association
William E. Mooz, Met-L-Chek Company
Stanley Ness
Samuel J. Robinson, Sherwin Incorporated
David J. Ross, Spectronics Corporation
Ward D. Rummel, D&W Enterprises
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated
Kermit A. Skeie, Kermit Skeie Associates
Dennis S. Smith, Boeing Company, Long
Jack C. Spanner, Sr., Spanner Engineering
Holger H. Streckert, General Atomics
Richard Z. Struk, Shellcast Foundries
Noel A. Tracy, Universal Technology
Roger D. Wallace, Newport News
Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company
Michael L. White, Met-L-Chek Company

Robert A. Baker
Thomas H. Bennett, Howmet Corporation
Lisa Brasche, Iowa State University
Patrick Dubosc, Babb Company SA
Rob Hagen, NDT Europa BV
William O. Holden, William Holden
Stephen C. Hoyt, American Society for
Nondestructive Testing
James F. Jackson
Brian F. Larson, Iowa State University
Richard D. McGuire, National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
Gregory F. Monks, QC Technologies,

viii Liquid Penetrant Testing


Chapter 1. Introduction to Liquid Chapter 4. Care and Maintenance of

Penetrant Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Liquid Penetrant Test Materials . 99
Part 1. Nondestructive Testing . . . . 2 Part 1. Importance of Maintenance
Part 2. Management of Liquid of Liquid Penetrant
Penetrant Testing . . . . . . . . 7 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Part 3. Personnel Selection and Part 2. Care and Maintenance of
Qualification for Liquid Liquid Penetrant Testing
Liquid Penetrant Materials in Storage . . . . 101
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Part 3. Care and Maintenance of
Part 4. History of Liquid Penetrant Liquid Penetrants
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Part 5. Units of Measure for Part 4. Care and Maintenance of
Nondestructive Testing . . 27 Liquid Penetrant
Emulsifiers and Removers
in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Chapter 2. Principles of Liquid
Part 5. Care and Maintenance of
Penetrant Testing . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Developers in Use . . . . . 107
Part 1. Elements of Liquid Part 6. Quality Control Tests for
Penetrant Testing . . . . . . . 34 Liquid Penetrant
Part 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Part 7. Quality Control Tests for
Part 3. Principles of Emulsification Test Systems and
and Removal of Excess Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Surface Liquid
Penetrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Chapter 5. Interpretation of Liquid
Part 4. Principles of Application
Penetrant Indications . . . . . . . 125
and Operation of
Developers . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Part 1. Inspector Functions and
Part 5. Inspection and Terminology for
Interpretation of Liquid Interpretation and
Penetrant Indications . . . 59 Evaluation of Liquid
Penetrant Indications . . 126
Part 6. Field Techniques for Liquid
Penetrant Testing . . . . . . . 65 Part 2. General Interpretation of
Liquid Penetrant
Part 7. Maintenance of Liquid Indications . . . . . . . . . . 133
Penetrant Test Systems . . 69
Part 3. Processing Effects
Part 8. Health and Safety Influencing Liquid
Precautions . . . . . . . . 71 Penetrant Indications . . 136
Part 4. Establishing Acceptance
Chapter 3. Characteristics of Liquid Standards for Liquid
Penetrant and Processing Penetrant Indications . . 140
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Part 5. Interpretation of Liquid
Part 1. Liquid Properties of Liquid Penetrant Indications of
Penetrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Cracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Part 2. Liquid Penetrant Part 6. Interpretation of Liquid
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Penetrant Indications of
Part 3. Color of Liquid Laminar
Penetrants . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Discontinuities . . . . . . . 147
Part 4. Action of Developers . . . . 92 Part 7. Interpretation of Liquid
Penetrant Indications of
Part 5. Viewing Indications . . . . . 95 Porosity and Leaks . . . . . 149
Part 8. Nonrelevant and False
Liquid Penetrant
Indications . . . . . . . . . . 151

Liquid Penetrant Testing ix

Part 9. Recognition Training of Chapter 10. Liquid Penetrant System
Liquid Penetrant Chemistry and Effluent Waste . 287
Inspectors . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Part 1. Effects of Sulfur and
Part 10. Specifications and Guides Chlorine Impurities in
for Evaluation of Liquid Liquid Penetrant
Penetrant Indications . . 154 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Part 2. Mechanisms of Stress
Chapter 6. Surface Preparation and Corrosion Cracking of
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Austenitic Stainless
Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Part 1. Effects of Test Object
Surface Contamination Part 3. Methods for Sulfur and
or Irregularities . . . . . . . 162 Halogen Analysis of
Liquid Penetrant
Part 2. Procedures for Cleaning
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Surfaces before Liquid
Penetrant Testing . . . . . . 167 Part 4. Techniques for Control of
Pollution from Liquid
Part 3. Procedures for Postcleaning
Penetrant Waste . . . . . . . 306
Test Objects after Liquid
Penetrant Testing . . . . . . 178 Part 5. Recycling of Water Effluent
and Postemulsifiable
Part 4. Cleaning Requirements for
Liquid Penetrant . . . . . . 314
Fluorescent Liquid
Penetrant Testing in Part 6. Clarification and
Aircraft Overhaul . . . . . . 181 Distillation Recovery of
Waste Water . . . . . . . . . . 318
Part 5. Influence of Mechanical
Processing on Effectiveness
of Liquid Penetrant Chapter 11. Filtered Particle Testing . 325
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Part 1. Principles of Filtered
Particle Testing . . . . . . . 326
Chapter 7. Liquid Penetrant Testing Part 2. Mechanisms of
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Operation of Filtered
Part 1. Processing Equipment for Particle Tests . . . . . . . . . 328
Liquid Penetrant Part 3. Design and Selection of
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Filtered Particle Test
Part 2. Large Scale Automated Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Aerospace Liquid Part 4. Filtered Particle Test
Penetrant Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Part 5. Prewetting and Associated
Part 3. Lighting for Liquid Phenomena . . . . . . . . . . 335
Penetrant Testing . . . . . . 226 Part 6. Interpretation of Filtered
Part 4. Mechanized Scanning of Particle Test
Fluorescent Liquid Indications . . . . . . . . . . 337
Penetrant Indications . . 239 Part 7. Filtered Particle Testing
of Carbon Matrix
Components . . . . . . . . . 339
Chapter 8. Comparators and Reference
Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Part 1. Cracked Metal Chapter 12. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Comparator Blocks . . . . 246 in Primary Metals Production . 343
Part 2. Surface Cracked Part 1. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Nickel-Chrome Liquid in Foundries . . . . . . . . . 344
Penetrant Test Panels . . . 254 Part 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Part 3. Liquid Penetrant of Ferrous Metals . . . . . . 350
Comparators with Surface Part 3. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Indentations Simulating in Light Alloy
Discontinuities . . . . . . . 259 Foundries . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Part 4. Test Panels for
Measurement of Chapter 13. Electric Power Applications
Background Levels . . . . . 264 of Liquid Penetrant Testing . . . 361
Part 1. Applications of Liquid
Chapter 9. Liquid Penetrant Testing Penetrant Testing in
Crack Detection Capabilities Electric and Power
and Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362

x Liquid Penetrant Testing

Part 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing of Chapter 16. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Pressure Components of Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Nuclear Power Plants . . . 364
Part 3. Examples of Liquid
Chapter 17. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Penetrant Indications of
Discontinuities in Reactor Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Part 4. Personnel Performing Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Liquid Penetrant Testing
in Power Plants . . . . . . . 374
Figure Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

Chapter 14. Aerospace Applications of

Liquid Penetrant Testing . . . . . 379 Movie Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Part 1. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Process Specifications
in Aerospace
Manufacturing . . . . . . . . 380
Part 2. Liquid Penetrant
Performance without
Developer . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Part 3. Applications of Liquid
Penetrant Testing to
Liquid Oxygen Systems . 392
Part 4. Fluorescent Liquid
Penetrants with Depth
Sensing Capabilities . . . . 396
Part 5. Low Viscosity Liquid
Penetrant Testing of
Braze Bond Open Face
Honeycomb Seals . . . . . . 398
Part 6. Ultrasonic Enhancement
of Liquid Penetrant
Indications of Cracks in
Aerospace Structural
Weldments . . . . . . . . . . 402
Part 7. Applications of Liquid
Penetrant Testing in
Aircraft Fleet
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 404
Part 8. Liquid Penetrant Testing
of Radioisotope Heat
Source Capsules for Deep
Space Missions . . . . . . . . 407

Chapter 15. Various Applications of

Liquid Penetrant Testing . . . . . 415
Part 1. Liquid Penetrant Testing
of Metal Cutting Tools . . 416
Part 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing
of Oil Field Down Hole
Tubular Parts . . . . . . . . . 419
Part 3. Marine Applications of
Liquid Penetrant
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Part 4. Liquid Penetrant Testing
of Automotive Parts . . . . 425
Part 5. Liquid Penetrant Testing
of Plastic Materials . . . . . 429

Liquid Penetrant Testing xi

Multimedia Contents

Chapter 2. Principles of Liquid Movie. False indications. . . . . . . . 151

Penetrant Testing . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Movie. Nonrelevant indications
Movie. Bleeding suggests can mask relevant
discontinuity severity. . . . 35 ones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Movie. Fluorescent liquid Movie. Nonrelevant indication
penetrant. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 from part geometry. . . . .151
Movie. Liquid penetrant seeps
into discontinuity. . . . . . . 36 Chapter 6. Surface Preparation and
Movie. Solvent removes excess Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
liquid penetrant from Movie. Postcleaning. . . . . . . . . . .178
part surface. . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Movie. Nonaqueous wet
developer enhances Chapter 12. Liquid Penetrant
visible dye contrast. . . . . . 38 Testing in Primary Metals
Movie. Hydrophilic prerinse. . . . . 43 Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Movie. Dip in hydrophilic Movie. Rejectable
emulsifier; dwell. . . . . . . . 43 discontinuity. . . . . . . . . .347
Movie. Water wash. . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Movie. Porosity in casting. . . . . . 353
Movie. Developer application. . . . 43 Movie. Fluorescent bleedout
reveals shrinkage. . . . . . .353
Movie. Viewing of developed
indications. . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Movie. Developer is applied. . . . . . 44
Movie. Wipe part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Movie. Visible red dye liquid
penetrant bleeds out. . . . . 45
Movie. Indication in root pass
of weld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Movie. Water wash. . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Movie. Developer application. . . . 56
Movie. Nonaqueous wet
developer enhances
visible dye contrast. . . . . . 58
Movie. Shake the spray can. . . . . . 58

Chapter 3. Characteristics of Liquid

Penetrant and Processing
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Movie. Visible red dye liquid
penetrant bleeds out. . . . . 90

Chapter 5. Interpretation of Liquid

Penetrant Indications . . . . . . . 125
Movie. Fluorescent bleedout
reveals shrinkage. . . . . . 128
Movie. Quenching cracks. . . . . . . 130
Movie. Linear discontinuity. . . . . 133
Movie. Open and partially
open cracks. . . . . . . . . . . 133
Movie. Pitting and porosity. . . . . 133
Movie. Porosity in casting. . . . . . 149
Movie. Process control can
mask discontinuities. . . . 151

Liquid Penetrant Testing xii

3PT18 in (483-494) 8/13/99 1:01 PM Page 493

Figure Sources

The following list indicates owners of figures at time of submittal. Chapter 12

Figure 1 Reynolds Metals Company, Richmond, VA.
Chapter 1 Figures 2-3 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 1-2 D&W Enterprises, Limited, Littleton, CO.
Figures 3-5, 7-11, 14 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Chapter 13
Glenview, IL.
Figures 1-4 Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH.
Figure 6 Alys Alburger Braun, Somis, CA.
Figure 5 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX.
Figures 6-7 Stone and Webster, Boston, MA.
Chapter 2
Figures 1-11 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL. Chapter 14
Figure 1-6 Boeing Company, Long Beach, CA.
Chapter 3 Figure 8 Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, OH.
Figures 1-11 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 9-14 Rockwell International, Canoga Park, CA.

Chapter 4
Chapter 15
Figures 1-2, 5, 7, 9 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Toolworks, Glenview, IL.
Figure 1 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 3-4, 6 Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.
Figure 2-3 International Pipe Inspectors Association, Houston, TX.
Figure 8 Met-L-Chek, Santa Monica, CA.
Figure 4 Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, MI.
Figure 5 Gregory F. Monks, QC Technologies, Incorporated, Noblesville, IN.
Chapter 5 Figure 6 Dennis G. Hunley, Quality Assurance Corporation, Indianapolis, IN.
Figures 1-6, 8, 12-15, 18-25 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Toolworks,
Glenview, IL.
Figures 7, 26 Allied Signal Aerospace Company [formerly AiResearch
Manufacturing Division, Garrett Corporation], Los Angeles, CA.
Figure 16-17 Turbodyne Technologies, Incorporated, Woodland Hills, CA.

Chapter 6
Figures 2-11 Boeing Company, Long Beach, CA.
Figures 12-25 Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO.

Chapter 7
Figures 1-4f, 4h, 6-8a, 25-26, 31, 34, 36-43 Magnaflux Division of Illinois
Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 8b, 8c Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.
Figures 9-15 Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO.
Figure 17-24 Northrop Grumman Corporation, Los Angeles, CA.
Figures 33, 35a-35b Spectronics Corporation, Westbury, NY.
Figures 35c Ely Chemical Company, Aurora, IL.

Chapter 8
Figures 2-4 Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.
Figures 5-7, 9-12 Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO.
Figure 13 Turco Products, Incorporated, Long Beach, CA.

Chapter 9
Figures 1-7 D&W Enterprises, Limited, Littleton, CO.

Chapter 10
Figures 1-6 Westinghouse Hanford, Hanford, WA.
Figure 7 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 8-10 Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.

Chapter 11
Figures 1-13 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 14-15 Robert L. Crane, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

Movie Sources

All video is copyrighted by ASNT or reproduced by permission of the Chapter 6

copyright holders. The following list indicates copyright ownership at time of
submittal. The participation of ASNT Past President Charles N. Hellier, III as Movie. Postcleaning American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
narrator and instructor in many of these movies is gratefully acknowledged. Columbus, OH.

Chapter 2 Chapter 12
Movie. Bleeding suggests discontinuity severity Hellier Associates, Movie. Rejectable discontinuity Hellier Associates, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Incorporated, Niantic, CT. Movie. Porosity in casting American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Movie. Fluorescent liquid penetrant Hellier Associates, Incorporated, Columbus, OH.
Niantic, CT. Movie. Fluorescent bleedout reveals shrinkage ASM International, Materials
Movie. Liquid penetrant seeps into discontinuity ASM International, Park, OH.
Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Solvent removes excess liquid penetrant from part surface ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Nonaqueous wet developer enhances visible dye contrast ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Hydrophilic prerinse Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Dip in hydrophilic emulsifier; dwell Howmet Castings,
Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Water wash Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Developer application Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Viewing of developed indications Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Developer is applied American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Wipe part American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Visible red dye liquid penetrant bleeds out American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. Indication in root pass of weld Hellier Associates, Incorporated,
Niantic, CT.
Movie. Water wash Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Developer application Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Nonaqueous wet developer enhances visible dye contrast ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Shake the spray can Hellier Associated, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Movie. Nonaqueous wet developer enhances visible dye contrast ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.

Chapter 3
Movie. Visible red dye liquid penetrant bleeds out American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.

Chapter 5
Movie. Fluorescent bleedout reveals shrinkage ASM International,
Incorporated, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Quenching cracks Hellier Associate, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Movie. Linear discontinuity American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Open and partially open cracks American Society for Nondestructive
Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. Pitting and porosity American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Porosity in casting American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Process control can mask discontinuities American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. False indications Hellier Associates, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Movie. Nonrelevant indications can mask relevant ones American Society
for Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. Nonrelevant indication from part geometry American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.

1H A P T E R

Introduction to Liquid
Penetrant Testing

John J. Flaherty, Flare Technology, Incorporated, Elk

Grove Village, Illinois
Ward D. Rummel, D&W Enterprises, Limited, Littleton,
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
Holger H. Streckert, General Atomics, San Diego,
Noel A. Tracy, Universal Technology Corporation,
Dayton, Ohio
PART 1. Nondestructive Testing1

Nondestructive testing (NDT) has been sampling. Sampling (that is, less than 100
defined as comprising those test methods percent testing to draw inferences about
used to examine or inspect a part or the unsampled lots) is nondestructive
material or system without impairing its testing if the tested sample is returned to
future usefulness.1 The term is generally service. If the steel is tested to verify the
applied to nonmedical investigations of alloy in some bolts that can then be
material integrity. returned to service, then the test is
Strictly speaking, this definition of nondestructive. In contrast, even if
nondestructive testing includes spectroscopy used in the chemical testing
noninvasive medical diagnostics. X-rays, of many fluids is inherently
ultrasound and endoscopes are used by nondestructive, the testing is destructive if
both medical and industrial the samples are poured down the drain
nondestructive testing. Medical after testing.
nondestructive testing, however, has come Nondestructive testing is not confined
to be treated by a body of learning so to crack detection. Other discontinuities
separate from industrial nondestructive include porosity, wall thinning from
testing that today most physicians never corrosion and many sorts of disbonds.
use the word nondestructive. Nondestructive material characterization
Nondestructive testing is used to is a growing field concerned with material
investigate specifically the material properties including material
integrity of the test object. A number of identification and microstructural
other technologies for instance, radio characteristics such as resin curing, case
astronomy, voltage and amperage hardening and stress that have a direct
measurement and rheometry (flow influence on the service life of the test
measurement) are nondestructive but object.
are not used specifically to evaluate Nondestructive testing has also been
material properties. Radar and sonar are defined by listing or classifying the
classified as nondestructive testing when various techniques.1-3 This approach
used to inspect dams, for instance, but conveys a sense of nondestructive testing
not when they are used to chart a river that is a practical sense in that it typically
bottom. highlights methods in use by industry.
Nondestructive testing asks Is there
something wrong with this material?
Various performance and proof tests, in
contrast, ask Does this component Purposes of
work? This is the reason that it is not Nondestructive Testing
considered nondestructive testing when
an inspector checks a circuit by running Since the 1920s, the art of testing without
electric current through it. Hydrostatic destroying the test object has developed
pressure testing is another form of proof from a laboratory curiosity to an
testing, one that may destroy the test indispensable tool of production. No
object. longer is visual testing of materials, parts
Another gray area that invites various and complete products the principal
interpretations in defining nondestructive means of determining adequate quality.
testing is future usefulness. Some material Nondestructive tests in great variety are in
investigations involve taking a sample of worldwide use to detect variations in
the inspected part for testing that is structure, minute changes in surface
inherently destructive. A noncritical part finish, the presence of cracks or other
of a pressure vessel may be scraped or physical discontinuities, to measure the
shaved to get a sample for electron thickness of materials and coatings and to
microscopy, for example. Although future determine other characteristics of
usefulness of the vessel is not impaired by industrial products. Scientists and
the loss of material, the procedure is engineers of many countries have
inherently destructive and the shaving contributed greatly to nondestructive test
itself in one sense the true test object development and applications.
has been removed from service The various nondestructive testing
permanently. methods are covered in detail in the
The idea of future usefulness is relevant literature, but it is always wise to consider
to the quality control practice of objectives before details. How is

2 Liquid Penetrant Testing

nondestructive testing useful? Why do life were not well known. After relatively
thousands of industrial concerns buy the short periods of service some of these
testing equipment, pay the subsequent aircraft suffered disastrous failures.
operating costs of the testing and even Sufficient and proper nondestructive tests
reshape manufacturing processes to fit the could have saved many lives.
needs and findings of nondestructive As technology improves and as service
testing? requirements increase, machines are
Modern nondestructive tests are used subjected to greater variations and to
by manufacturers (1) to ensure product wider extremes of all kinds of stress,
integrity and, in turn, reliability; (2) to creating an increasing demand for
avoid failures, prevent accidents and save stronger or more damage tolerant
human life; (3) to make a profit for the materials.
user; (4) to ensure customer satisfaction
and maintain the manufacturers Engineering Demands for Sounder
reputation; (5) to aid in better product
design; (6) to control manufacturing Materials
processes; (7) to lower manufacturing Another justification for nondestructive
costs; (8) to maintain uniform quality tests is the designers demand for sounder
level; and (9) to ensure operational materials. As size and weight decrease and
readiness. the factor of safety is lowered, more and
These reasons for widespread profitable more emphasis is placed on better raw
use of nondestructive testing are sufficient material control and higher quality of
in themselves, but parallel developments materials, manufacturing processes and
have contributed to its growth and workmanship.
acceptance. An interesting fact is that a producer of
raw material or of a finished product
Increased Demand on Machines sometimes does not improve quality or
performance until that improvement is
In the interest of greater speed and rising demanded by the customer. The pressure
costs of materials, the design engineer is of the customer is transferred to
often under pressure to reduce weight. implementation of improved design or
This can sometimes be done by manufacturing. Nondestructive testing is
substituting aluminum alloys, magnesium frequently called on to deliver this new
alloys or composite materials for steel or quality level.
iron, but such light parts may not be the
same size or design as those they replace.
The tendency is also to reduce the size. Public Demands for Greater Safety
These pressures on the designer have The demands and expectations of the
subjected parts of all sorts to increased public for greater safety are apparent
stress levels. Even such commonplace everywhere. Review the record of the
objects as sewing machines, sauce pans courts in granting higher and higher
and luggage are also lighter and more awards to injured persons. Consider the
heavily loaded than ever before. The stress outcry for greater automobile safety, as
to be supported is seldom static. It often evidenced by the required auto safety
fluctuates and reverses at low or high belts and the demand for air bags,
frequencies. Frequency of stress reversals blowout-proof tires and antilock braking
increases with the speeds of modern systems. The publicly supported activities
machines and thus parts tend to fatigue of the National Safety Council,
and fail more rapidly. Underwriters Laboratories, the
Another cause of increased stress on Occupational Safety and Health
modern products is a reduction in the Administration and the Federal Aviation
safety factor. An engineer designs with Administration in the United States, as
certain known loads in mind. On the well as the work of similar agencies
supposition that materials and abroad, are only a few of the ways in
workmanship are never perfect, a safety which this demand for safety is expressed.
factor of 2, 3, 5 or 10 is applied. However, It has been expressed directly by
because of other considerations, a lower passengers who cancel reservations
factor is often used that depends on the following a serious aircraft accident. This
importance of lighter weight or reduced demand for personal safety has been
cost or risk to consumer. another strong force in the development
New demands on machinery have also of nondestructive tests.
stimulated the development and use of
new materials whose operating Rising Costs of Failure
characteristics and performance are not
completely known. These new materials Aside from awards to the injured or to
create greater and potentially dangerous estates of the deceased and aside from
problems. As an example, an aircraft part costs to the public (e.g. evacuation due to
was built from an alloy whose work chemical leaks), consider briefly other
hardening, notch resistance and fatigue factors in the rising costs of mechanical

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 3

failure. These costs are increasing for materials and structures without
many reasons. Some important ones are disruption or impairment of serviceability.
(1) greater costs of materials and labor; Nondestructive testing makes it possible
(2) greater costs of complex parts; for internal properties or hidden
(3) greater costs due to the complexity of discontinuities to be revealed or inferred
assemblies; (4) greater probability that by appropriate methods.
failure of one part will cause failure of Nondestructive testing is becoming
others because of overloads; (5) trend to increasingly vital in the effective conduct
lower factors of safety; (6) probability that of research, development, design and
the failure of one part will damage other manufacturing programs. Only with
parts of high value; and (7) part failure in appropriate nondestructive testing
an automatic production machine, methods can the benefits of advanced
shutting down an entire high speed, materials science be fully realized. The
integrated, production line. When information required for appreciating the
production was carried out on many broad scope of nondestructive testing is
separate machines, the broken one could available in many publications and
be bypassed until repaired. Today, one reports.
machine is tied into the production of
several others. Loss of such production is
one of the greatest losses resulting from
part failure. Classification of Methods
In a report, the National Materials
Applications of Nondestructive Advisory Board (NMAB) Ad Hoc
Testing Committee on Nondestructive Evaluation
adopted a system that classified
Nondestructive testing is a branch of the techniques into six major method
materials sciences that is concerned with categories: visual, penetrating radiation,
all aspects of the uniformity, quality and magnetic-electrical, mechanical vibration,
serviceability of materials and structures. thermal and chemical-electrochemical.3 A
The science of nondestructive testing modified version is presented in Table 1.1
incorporates all the technology for Each method can be completely
detection and measurement of significant characterized in terms of five principal
properties, including discontinuities, in factors: (1) energy source or medium used
items ranging from research specimens to to probe object (such as X-rays, ultrasonic
finished hardware and products in service. waves or thermal radiation); (2) nature of
By definition, nondestructive testing the signals, image and/or signature
methods are means for inspecting resulting from interaction with the object

TABLE 1. Nondestructive testing method categories.

Categories Objectives

Basic Categories

Mechanical-optical color; cracks; dimensions; film thickness; gaging; reflectivity; strain distribution and magnitude; surface
finish; surface flaws; through-cracks
Penetrating radiation cracks; density and chemistry variations; elemental distribution; foreign objects; inclusions; microporosity;
misalignment; missing parts; segregation; service degradation; shrinkage; thickness; voids
Electromagnetic-electronic alloy content; anisotropy; cavities; cold work; local strain, hardness; composition; contamination;
corrosion; cracks; crack depth; crystal structure; electrical and thermal conductivities; flakes; heat
treatment; hot tears; inclusions; ion concentrations; laps; lattice strain; layer thickness; moisture content;
polarization; seams; segregation; shrinkage; state of cure; tensile strength; thickness; disbonds
Sonic-ultrasonic crack initiaion and propagation; cracks, voids; damping factor; degree of cure; degree of impregnation; degree of
sintering; delaminations; density; dimensions; elastic moduli; grain size; inclusions;
mechanical degradation; misalignment; porosity; radiation degradation; structure of composites; surface stress;
tensile, shear and compressive strength; disbonds; wear
Thermal and infrared bonding; composition; emissivity; heat contours; plating thickness; porosity; reflectivity; stress; thermal
conductivity; thickness; voids
Chemical-analytical alloy identification; composition; cracks; elemental analysis and distribution; grain size; inclusions; macrostructure;
porosity; segregation; surface anomalies

Auxiliary Categories
Image generation dimensional variations; dynamic performance; anomaly characterization and definition; anomaly
distribution; anomaly propagation; magnetic field configurations
Signal image analysis data selection, processing and display; anomaly mapping, correlation and identification; image enhancement;
separation of multiple variables; signature analysis

4 Liquid Penetrant Testing

(attenuation of X-rays or reflection of discontinuities. Volumetric methods
ultrasound, for example); (3) means of include radiography, ultrasonic testing,
detecting or sensing resultant signals acoustic emission testing, certain infrared
(photoemulsion, piezoelectric crystal or thermographic techniques and less
inductance coil); (4) method of indicating familiar methods such as
and/or recording signals (meter deflection, acoustoultrasonic testing and magnetic
oscilloscope trace or radiograph); and resonance imaging. Through-boundary
(5) basis for interpreting the results (direct methods described include leak testing,
or indirect indication, qualitative or some infrared thermographic techniques,
quantitative and pertinent dependencies). airborne ultrasonic testing and certain
The objective of each method is to techniques of acoustic emission testing.
provide information about the following Other less easily classified methods are
material parameters: material identification, vibration analysis
1. discontinuities and separations (cracks, and strain gaging.
voids, inclusions, delaminations etc.); No one nondestructive testing method
2. structure or malstructure (crystalline is all-revealing. That is not to say that one
structure, grain size, segregation, method or technique of a method is
misalignment etc.); rarely adequate for a specific object or
3. dimensions and metrology (thickness, component. However, in most cases it
diameter, gap size, discontinuity size takes a series of test methods to do a
etc.); complete nondestructive test of an object
4. physical and mechanical properties or component. For example, if surface
(reflectivity, conductivity, elastic cracks must be detected and eliminated
modulus, sonic velocity etc.); and the object or component is made of
5. composition and chemical analysis ferromagnetic material, then magnetic
(alloy identification, impurities, particle testing would be the obvious
elemental distributions etc.); choice. If that same material is aluminum
6. stress and dynamic response (residual or titanium, then the choice would be
stress, crack growth, wear, vibration liquid penetrant or electromagnetic
etc.); and testing. However, for either of these
7. signature analysis (image content, situations, if internal discontinuities were
frequency spectrum, field to be detected, then ultrasonics or
configuration etc.). radiography would be the selection. The
exact technique in either case would
Terms used in this block are further depend on the thickness and nature of
defined in Table 2 with respect to specific the material and the type or types of
objectives and specific attributes to be discontinuities that must be detected.
measured, detected and defined.
The limitations of a method include
conditions required by that method: Value of Nondestructive Testing
conditions to be met for method The contribution of nondestructive
application (access, physical contact, testing to profits has been acknowledged
preparation etc.) and requirements to in the medical field and computer and
adapt the probe or probe medium to the aerospace industries. However, in
object examined. Other factors limit the industries such as heavy metals, though
detection and/or characterization of nondestructive testing may be grudgingly
discontinuities, properties and other promoted, its contribution to profits may
attributes and limit interpretation of not be obvious to management.
signals and/or images generated. Nondestructive testing is sometimes
thought of only as a cost item. One
Classification Relative to Test possible reason is industry downsizing.
When a company cuts costs, two
Object vulnerable areas are quality and safety.
Nondestructive testing methods may be When bidding contract work, companies
classified according to how they detect add profit margin to all cost items,
indications relative to the surface of a test including nondestructive testing, so a
object. Surface methods include liquid profit should be made on the
penetrant testing, visual testing, grid and nondestructive testing. However, when
moir testing, holography and production is going poorly and it is
shearography. Surface/near-surface anticipated that a job might lose money,
methods include tap, potential drop, it seems like the first corner that
magnetic particle and electromagnetic production personnel will try to cut is
testing. When surface or nondestructive testing. This is
surface/near-surface methods are applied accomplished by subtle pressure on
during intermediate manufacturing nondestructive testing technicians to
processes, they provide preliminary accept a product that does not quite meet
assurance that volumetric methods a code or standard requirement. The
performed on the completed object or attitude toward nondestructive testing is
component will reveal few rejectable

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 5

gradually improving as management nondestructive testing at the end of a
comes to appreciate its value. manufacturing process. This approach will
Nondestructive testing should be used ultimately increase production costs.
as a control mechanism to ensure that When used properly, nondestructive
manufacturing processes are within design testing saves money for the manufacturer.
performance requirements. It should Rather than costing the manufacturer
never be used in an attempt to obtain money, nondestructive testing should add
quality in a product by using profits to the manufacturing process.

TABLE 2. Objectives of nondestructive testing methods.

Objectives Attributes Measured or Detected

Discontinuites and separations

Surface anomalies roughness; scratches; gouges; crazing; pitting; inclusions and imbedded foreign material
Surface connected anomalies cracks; porosity; pinholes; laps; seams; folds; inclusions
Internal anomalies cracks; separations; hot tears; cold shuts; shrinkage; voids; lack of fusion; pores; cavities;
delaminations; disbonds; poor bonds; inclusions; segregations
Microstructure molecular structure; crystalline structure and/or strain; lattice structure; strain; dislocation; vacancy;
Matrix structure grain structure, size, orientation and phase; sinter and porosity; impregnation; filler and/or
reinforcement distribution; anisotropy; heterogeneity; segregation
Small structural anomalies leaks (lack of seal or through-holes); poor fit; poor contact; loose parts; loose particles; foreign objects
Gross structural anomalies assembly errors; misalignment; poor spacing or ordering; deformation; malformation; missing parts
Dimensions and metrology
Displacement; position linear measurement; separation; gap size; discontinuity size, depth, location and orientation
Dimensional variations unevenness; nonuniformity; eccentricity; shape and contour; size and mass variations
Thickness; density film, coating, layer, plating, wall and sheet thickness; density or thickness variations
Physical and mechanical properties
Electrical properties resistivity; conductivity; dielectric constant and dissipation factor
Magnetic properties polarization; permeability; ferromagnetism; cohesive force
Thermal properties conductivity; thermal time constant and thermoelectric potential
Mechanical properties compressive, shear and tensile strength (and moduli); Poissons ratio; sonic velocity; hardness; temper and
Surface properties color; reflectivity; refraction index; emissivity
Chemical composition and analysis
Elemental analysis detection; identification, distribution and/or profile
Impurity concentrations contamination; depletion; doping and diffusants
Metallurgical content variation; alloy identification, verification and sorting
Physiochemical state moisture content; degree of cure; ion concentrations and corrosion; reaction products
Stress and dynamic response
Stress; strain; fatigue heat treatment, annealing and cold work effects; residual stress and strain; fatigue damage and life (residual)
Mechanical damage wear; spalling; erosion; friction effects
Chemical damage corrosion; stress corrosion; phase transformation
Other damage radiation damage and high frequency voltage breakdown
Dynamic performance crack initiation and propagation; plastic deformation; creep; excessive motion; vibration; damping; timing of
events; any anomalous behavior
Signature analysis
Electromagnetic field potential; strength; field distribution and pattern
Thermal field isotherms; heat contours; temperatures; heat flow; temperature distribution; heat leaks; hot spots
Acoustic signature noise; vibration characteristics; frequency amplitude; harmonic spectrum and/or analysis; sonic and/or
ultrasonic emissions
Radioactive signature distribution and diffusion of isotopes and tracers
Signal or image analysis image enhancement and quantization; pattern recognition; densitometry; signal classification, separation
and correlation; discontinuity identification, definition (size and shape) and distribution analysis;
discontinuity mapping and display

6 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Management of Liquid Penetrant

indications and provides a contrasting

Synopsis of Liquid white background for visible (red) dye
liquid penetrant indications.
Penetrant Testing 5. Visually examine surfaces for liquid
Liquid penetrant testing can be defined as penetrant indications; interpret and
a physical and chemical nondestructive evaluate the indications.
testing procedure designed to detect and 6. Postclean the part to remove process
expose surface connected discontinuities residues if they will be detrimental to
in nonporous engineering materials. The subsequent operations or the parts
method relies on the physical interaction intended function. (In some cases, a
between an appropriately formulated treatment to prevent corrosion may be
chemical liquid and the surface of a part. required.)
This interaction causes the liquid to enter Liquid penetrant testing is popular
surface cavities and later to emerge, because it is relatively easy to use and has
visually indicating the location and a wide range of applications. Because it
approximate size and shape of the surface uses physical and chemical properties
opening. The objective of liquid penetrant rather than electrical or thermal
testing is to provide visual evidence of phenomena, it can be used in the field,
cracks, porosity, laps, seams and other far from power sources. Test equipment
surface discontinuities rapidly and can be as simple as a small, inexpensive
economically with a high degree of kit of aerosol cans or as extensive as a
reliability. This objective is facilitated by large mechanized and automated
formulating the liquid to include dyes installation. However, in all cases, the
that are highly visible with either white or success of liquid penetrant testing
near ultraviolet radiation. With proper depends on cleanliness of test surfaces, on
technique, liquid penetrant testing will absence of contamination or surface
detect a wide variety of discontinuities conditions that can interfere with liquid
ranging in size from readily visible to penetrant entry into and subsequent
microscopic. emergence from surface openings of
The liquid penetrant process consists of discontinuities, and on care by
six basic steps. inspectors/operators to ensure proper
1. Preclean and dry the test surfaces of processing techniques and observation of
the object to be tested. Cleaning is a test indications. Previous manufacturing
critical part of the liquid penetrant processes also may inhibit detection of
process and is emphasized because of some types of discontinuities by liquid
its effect on the test results. penetrants. For example, many seams and
Contaminants, soils or moisture, laps are forged shut by the hot rolling or
either inside a discontinuity or on the piercing processes that create these
part surface at the discontinuity elongated discontinuities; in addition,
opening, can reduce or completely local welding of the metal or trapping of
destroy the effectiveness of the test. heat treat byproducts within the opening
Etching and pickling are used at this can inhibit or prevent entry of the liquid
stage to remove smeared surface metal. penetrant, making testing ineffective.
2. Apply liquid penetrant to the test Liquid penetrant testing is also used for
surfaces and permit it to dwell on the leak testing. The same basic fundamentals
part surface for a period of time to apply but the liquid penetrant removal
allow it to enter and fill any step may be omitted. The container is
discontinuities open to the surface. either filled with liquid penetrant or the
3. Remove excess liquid penetrant from liquid penetrant is applied to one side of
the test surfaces. Care must be the container wall. The developer is
exercised to prevent removal of liquid applied to the opposite side, which is
penetrant contained in discontinuities. visually examined after allowing time for
4. Apply a developer, which aids in the liquid penetrant to seep through any
drawing any trapped liquid penetrant leak points. This method may be used on
from discontinuities and spreading it thin parts where there is access to both
on the test surface for improved surfaces and where the discontinuity is
discontinuity detection. Developer expected to extend through the material.
enhances the brightness of fluorescent

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 7

It may be further enhanced by the the inspector can visually see the
application of a pressure differential. discontinuity. Other methods such as
ultrasonic testing and eddy current
testing have a signal output that has
to be compared to that of a reference
Reasons for Selecting standard.
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Some of the reasons for choosing liquid
penetrant testing are as follows. Disadvantages and
1. Liquid penetrant testing can quickly Limitations of Liquid
examine all the accessible surfaces of
objects. Complex shapes can be Penetrant Testing
immersed or sprayed with liquid 1. Liquid penetrant testing depends on
penetrant to provide complete surface the ability of liquid penetrant to enter
coverage. and fill discontinuities. Liquid
2. Liquid penetrant testing can detect penetrant testing will only reveal
very small surface discontinuities. It is discontinuities open to the surface.
one of the most sensitive 2. Surfaces of objects to be tested must
nondestructive testing methods for be clean and free of organic or
detecting surface discontinuities. inorganic contaminants that will
3. Liquid penetrant testing can be used prevent interaction of the penetrating
on a wide variety of materials: ferrous media with a surface. Organic surface
and nonferrous metals and alloys; coatings, such as paint, oil, grease or
fired ceramics and cermets; powdered resin, are in this category. Any coating
metal products; glass; and some types that covers or blocks the discontinuity
of organic materials. Restrictions on opening will prevent liquid penetrant
materials imposed by the nature of the entry. Even when the coating does not
liquid penetrant process are covered in cover the opening, material at the
the discussion of limitations, below. edge of the opening may affect entry
4. Liquid penetrant testing can be or exit of liquid penetrant and greatly
accomplished with relatively reduce reliability of the test. Coatings
inexpensive, nonsophisticated in the vicinity of a discontinuity will
equipment. If the area to be tested is also retain liquid penetrant, causing
small, the test can be accomplished background indications. Cleaning test
with portable equipment. surfaces is discussed in more detail
5. Liquid penetrant testing magnifies the below.
apparent size of discontinuities, 3. It is also essential that the inside
making the indications more visible. surface of discontinuities be free of
In addition, the discontinuity materials such as corrosion,
location, orientation and approximate combustion products or other
size and shape are indicated on the contaminants that would restrict entry
part, making interpretation and of liquid penetrant. Because it is
evaluation possible. impossible to check inside
6. Liquid penetrant testing is readily discontinuities, one must trust that
adapted to volume processing, processes selected to clean test surfaces
permitting 100 percent surface testing. will clean inside surfaces of
Small parts may be placed in baskets discontinuities also.
for batch processing. Specialized 4. Mechanical operations, such as shot
systems may be partially or fully peening, some types of plastic media
automated to process many parts per blasting (PMB), machining, honing,
hour. abrasive blasting, buffing, brushing,
7. The sensitivity of a liquid penetrant grinding or sanding will smear or peen
testing process may be adjusted the surface of metals. This mechanical
through appropriate selection of liquid working closes or reduces the surface
penetrant, removal technique and opening of existing discontinuities.
type of developer. This allows the Mechanical working (smearing or
liquid penetrant process to be adapted peening) also occurs during service
to characteristics (e.g., composition, when parts are in contact or rub
surface condition) of the part together. Liquid penetrant testing will
requiring testing and to be tailored to not reliably detect discontinuities
detect specified minimum allowable when it is performed after a
discontinuities. Thus, inconsequential mechanical operation or service use
discontinuities can be suppressed that smears or peens the surface.
whereas larger discontinuities of more Depending on the severity of the
concern are indicated. mechanical operation, chemical
8. Liquid penetrant testing is a direct removal (etching) of smeared metal
nondestructive testing method in that may restore test reliability.

8 Liquid Penetrant Testing

5. Unless special procedures are used, discontinuities) produced by other
liquid penetrant testing is impractical nondestructive test techniques. For
on certain materials, such as some instance, a forged steel bracket might
types of anodized aluminum surfaces, have such a sharp change of section
other protective coatings and certain that test processes such as magnetic
nonmetallic parts. Liquid penetrant particle tests would show nonrelevant
rapidly enters pores of the material indications in that area. Or a weld
and becomes trapped. This can result might be so located that a change in
in an overall background fluorescence thickness could mask the X-ray
or color that could mask any potential indication of a crack.
discontinuity indications. In addition, 3. When the size or shape of the surface
removal of the liquid penetrant may discontinuity is such that it can escape
not be possible after the test. detection by other techniques. An
6. Penetrants, emulsifiers and some types aluminum forging may have a forging
of developers have very good wetting lap, almost sealed shut, which is so
and detergent properties. They can act small that only liquid penetrant
as solvents for fats and oils. They also testing can show it. A tiny crack in the
can clean ferrous materials so radius of a turbine bucket is very
thoroughly that rust will begin almost difficult to find by any means other
immediately if corrosion inhibitor is than liquid penetrant testing.
not applied. If allowed to remain in 4. When parts are to be tested in
contact with human skin for extended locations where electric power is not
periods, they may cause irritation. available or is too expensive or too
inconvenient to use or where
electricity creates a safety hazard.
When the surface of parts must be
Reasons for Using Liquid checked in the field, perhaps in
remote areas, liquid penetrant systems
Penetrant Testing are especially advantageous.
Liquid penetrant testing is often the first However, if the test material is
nondestructive testing method ferromagnetic, magnetic tests may offer
management considers for testing of advantages over liquid penetrant tests in
industrial products (1) because it often detection of near-surface discontinuities
requires minimal capital expenditure for and surface discontinuities that do not
implementation and (2) because it can permit entry of a liquid penetrant. If tests
accommodate a variety of test object for internal and surface soundness are
materials, shapes and sizes, test locations required, then liquid penetrant testing
and environmental conditions. However, can be used in addition to other
the outcome of a liquid penetrant test is nondestructive test methods such as
largely dependent on the human operator. penetrating radiation, ultrasonic or eddy
Liquid penetrant testing is a labor current tests.
intensive method. Therefore, labor
constitutes a high recurring test cost. In
short, the quality of the test and the cost
of testing warrant considerable Choosing Which Liquid
management attention to the selection,
training, management and audit of liquid Penetrant Process
penetrant testing personnel. When the decision to use liquid penetrant
Liquid penetrant testing detects only testing has been made, which system
those discontinuities that are present on should be selected? There are varieties of
or are open to the surface of the part. penetrants, liquid penetrant removal
Therefore, if only surface discontinuities systems and developers; there are also
are of interest, liquid penetrant processes many ways to combine these different
may be appropriate in the following liquid penetrant system elements. The
situations. manager must consider the specific
1. When the test material is a application. For the great majority of
nonmagnetic metal (such as annealed parts, the conventional water washable or
austenitic stainless steel, titanium, postemulsifiable penetrants are suitable
aluminum, magnesium and copper and adequate. However, many factors
alloys) or a nonmetallic material (such must be considered when selecting the
as plastics or ceramics). Although optimum liquid penetrant system. For
magnetic particle testing is usually example, the preferred system should
thought of for magnetic materials, (1) indicate significant discontinuities
liquid penetrant testing could also be open to part surfaces; (2) not adversely
used. affect the material or the part in later
2. When the geometry of the part is such service, (3) be affordable and (4) not take
that the shape itself may hide or so much time that it unreasonably
obscure indications (of surface disrupts production schedules.

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 9

What Material Is in Test Parts? test sensitivity. Depending on the
quantity involved, it may be more
Most materials, both metallic and
economical to install a conventional
nonmetallic, can be satisfactorily tested by
liquid penetrant system for the majority
conventional fluorescent or visible dye
of parts and send the one item with
penetrants. But austenitic stainless steels,
stricter requirements to a commercial
nickel base alloys and titanium (at
nondestructive testing laboratory for
elevated temperatures) are subject to stress
processing. (In like manner, many
corrosion; for these metals, the liquid
companies have their own X-ray machine
penetrant materials should be low in
for normal applications but have a
sulfur and in halogens, especially
commercial nondestructive test laboratory
chlorine. For materials harmed by water, a
handle parts requiring very large X-ray
nonaqueous system is indicated. Some
nonmetallic materials are affected by oil
base liquid penetrants or emulsifiers; for
these test objects, a water base liquid How Many Parts Are to Be Tested
penetrant system should be selected. and How Often?
After having established the size and type
What Type of Service Is Expected of discontinuity that must be found,
for Test Parts? managers may find that there are several
liquid penetrant systems that would
Ordinary liquid penetrant systems are
probably be equally suitable. Therefore,
suitable for nearly all parts. But if the
the choice in this case, will usually be
service involves exposure to liquid oxygen
based on cost factors such as the capital
or gaseous oxygen or in nuclear
investment required, the materials used,
applications, special penetrants should be
the volume of parts to be processed, the
necessity for treating waste water or the
plant space needed for test operations.
What Size of Discontinuity Is
Significant in Test Parts? Where Is Test to Be Performed?
The optimum liquid penetrant process Management must ask, especially if there
indicates surface discontinuities that are only a small number of parts to be
could adversely affect the serviceability of tested, whether it would be cheaper to use
test parts while minimizing nonrelevant a commercial nondestructive testing
indications from such causes as surface laboratory. Are commercial facilities easily
roughness. To select this optimum system, accessible or would it cause an
engineering must decide which unacceptable delay to ship parts into and
discontinuities are important: what type, out of the plant? How much space is
size and location will really affect service. available in the plant for liquid penetrant
Prior history from similar parts is very processing and where is it located? When
helpful in making such decisions. If the is the part to be checked: in receiving
operation is new or lacking good service inspection, in process, just before final
records, management can draw on the assembly, as the finished product or at
experience of liquid penetrant system several of these areas? Are there some
suppliers or reported information on the items that must be checked on test stands
capabilities of liquid penetrant testing. or high in the air, or in the field away
For instance, if small shallow from other installations? For these,
discontinuities on the surface do not portable liquid penetrant kits may be the
affect the part, one might select a water best selection.
washable fluorescent liquid penetrant
process. But if shallow discontinuities are
of major concern, this is not the best What Handling of Parts Is
choice, because trapped liquid penetrant Involved?
can be washed out of shallow What is the range of size, shape and
discontinuities so the discontinuity weight of part to be checked by liquid
indications cannot be formed. Sometimes, penetrant? Are the parts large, heavy and
one part will present a special problem unwieldy or are they small lightweight
because both large and small items or a mixture of both? Are additional
discontinuities are of consequence; a handling facilities required?
special liquid penetrant may be the
solution in this case.
What Is Surface Condition of Test
What Facility Should Test Parts?
Occasional Critical Test Parts? If most parts are checked in the as-cast
condition, this will be a big factor in
In typical cases, the great majority of parts selecting the best liquid penetrant system.
to be checked may be much alike, with If some are rough as-cast or as-forged parts
only one critical item demanding utmost and others are highly machined, the

10 Liquid Penetrant Testing

liquid penetrant test procedure may have
to be modified to get equally good results
on both types of surfaces.

Checklist of Factors for

Choosing Liquid Penetrant
Testing Technique
Managers are urged to consider the
following important factors and to discuss
them with suppliers of liquid penetrant
test equipment and processing materials
before reaching a decision on the type of
liquid penetrant testing system to install
or use:
1. test object material (aluminum,
magnesium, copper alloys, austenitic
stainless steel, nickel alloys, titanium,
iron, steel or others);
2. number of test parts or test areas to be
tested (per hour, per shift, per day or
per week);
3. size of test object to be handled
(largest dimension under 20 mm,
100 mm, 500 mm, 1 m, 2 m, 5 m,
10 m etc.);
4. weight of test objects to be handled
(1 to 300 g, 300 g to 1 kg, 1 to 3 kg, 3
to 10 kg, 10 to 30 kg, 30 to 100 kg
5. location at which testing is required
(receiving department, in process
along production line, during
assembly, as final inspection, in field
during erection, in service or at
maintenance bases);
6. types of discontinuities to be detected:
small, deep, large, shallow, clustered or
scattered; porosity, cracks, seams, laps,
7. surface condition of parts to be tested
(as-cast, as-forged, machined, ground,
lapped, polished, plated, painted,
corroded, oily, engine varnish, eroded,
scratched, scaled);
8. conditions to which parts will be
subjected after testing (medical,
nuclear, liquid or gaseous oxygen
systems; welding, plating or finishing
operation; high temperature,
aerospace, industrial or transportation
uses; inaccessible locations; consumer
products; etc.).

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 11

PART 3. Personnel Selection and Qualification
for Liquid Penetrant Testing4

Liquid Penetrant Testing

Qualification of Liquid Dependence on Management
Penetrant Testing Interest
Capabilities Inspectors with the proper temperament,
discipline, vigilance and integrity must be
Reliable liquid penetrant testing in selected and sustained by management to
industry requires (1) qualification of the ensure consistent and reliable
test method for revealing critical performance in the testing environment.
conditions in test parts to be evaluated; The effectiveness of liquid penetrant
(2) qualification of the test personnel for testing depends on management policy,
the method and performance level personnel selection and motivation and
required; and (3) management of test direct interest and involvement.
operations to ensure consistent However, liquid penetrant testing is
performance. also process dependent. Proper selection
Productivity in liquid penetrant testing and control of liquid penetrant process
requires consistent and reliable test variables are mandatory to qualify a liquid
performance at minimum cost. penetrant testing process to reveal critical
conditions in the part to be tested and to
Skill and Integrity of Liquid establish inspector confidence that the
Penetrant Testing Personnel task objectives of detection of critical
discontinuities are attainable. (Variables in
The success of a liquid penetrant test the liquid penetrant process are described
depends primarily on the personnel in detail elsewhere in this volume.)
performing the varying processing steps
and on their interpretation of the cause
and criticality of indications produced by
the test process. Qualification, skill and Requirements for Liquid
excellence in performance are important
to reliable liquid penetrant testing. Penetrant Testing
Liquid penetrant testing involves Personnel
skillful and judicious processing to Liquid penetrant testing requires that test
produce visible evidence of the soundness personnel be (1) physically and mentally
of a part. Vigilant observation and qualified to perform the required
decision making based on this visual processing steps; (2) skilled and
evidence is used to ascertain acceptance of experienced in performing the actual
test parts for service. Thus, liquid processing steps; (3) alert to consistent
penetrant testing is people dependent. In processing and resultant indications;
most cases, the skill and integrity of the (4) motivated to perform with vigilance at
liquid penetrant inspector must be equal the required detection and reliability
to or greater than that of the operator level; and (5) capable of consistent,
who produced the part. Unlike the independent and unbiased decisions
production of the part, there is usually no based on interpretation of resultant liquid
tangible evidence (no permanent record) penetrant indications.
of the quality of testing completed. The
reliability of and confidence in the test
(and ultimately in the part) depend on Qualification of Personnel for
the test operator. The test operator is a Liquid Penetrant Testing
professional and must be selected and Personnel qualification depends on
treated as one. Management inattention requirements of the test to be performed,
to human factors in liquid penetrant the individual capabilities of the inspector
testing will waste production resources and the management philosophy and skill
and may compromise the reliability of the applied. Qualification for one liquid
hardware submitted for testing. penetrant testing operation may not be
reasonable or valid for a second operation.
Personnel qualification cannot be
separated from the operating facility.
Thus, the nondestructive test method and

12 Liquid Penetrant Testing

management factors must be considered operation. In general, the inspector
for each application. should able to perform the test with little
The apparent simplicity of liquid physical discomfort and minimal fatigue
penetrant testing is deceptive. Very slight during the test.
process variations during the performance
of a test can invalidate the test by
counteracting the formation of
indications. It is essential that personnel Ensuring Good Vision of
performing liquid penetrant testing be Liquid Penetrant
trained and experienced in the liquid
penetrant process. All individuals who Inspectors
apply liquid penetrant materials or Liquid penetrant testing requires visual
examine components for penetrant examination of part surfaces under
indications should be qualified. conditions unique to the test process. The
Qualification requires classroom and conditions under which the human eye is
practical training, passing marks on used play a large role in determining the
examinations and experience. Typical behavior of the eye and must always be
qualification requirements are contained taken into account. No single test or set of
in ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for tests has been devised to screen operators
Qualification and Certification of for all conditions and characteristics
Nondestructive Testing Personnel;5 in EN important to liquid penetrant testing.
473, Qualification and Certification of NDT Factors that have been identified as
Personnel General Principles;6 in ISO influencing the visual capabilities of
9712, Nondestructive Testing liquid penetrant inspectors include vision
Qualification and Certification of Personnel;7 acuity, vernier acuity, color vision, motion
and in AIA/NAS 410, NAS Certification & detection, distance perception and dark
Qualification of Nondestructive Test adaptation. The characteristic of the eye
Personnel.8 Another widely used document that is probably of greatest interest to the
intended as a guideline for employers to optical engineer is its ability to recognize
establish their own written practice for small, fine details. Vision acuity is defined
the qualification and certification of their and measured in terms of the angular size
nondestructive testing personnel is ASNT of the smallest character that can be
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A.9 In recognized.
the 1990s, the American Society for Filtered mercury arc ultraviolet sources
Nondestructive Testing introduced the emit a substantial amount of 405 nm
ASNT Central Certification Program.10 (violet) radiation only dimly seen by the
human eye. The plastic lens implants that
result from cataract surgery are
transparent at 405 nm. An inspector with
Physical Qualifications of such plastic lens implants is thus
the Liquid Penetrant inspecting against a bright violet light
background and can easily overlook tiny
Inspector fluorescent indications. Goggles that filter
A liquid penetrant inspector must be ultraviolet radiation would be appropriate.
physically qualified to perform liquid
penetrant testing reliably. The inspectors Vision Acuity Examinations
capability depends on the inspectors
health, physical strength and dexterity, Various eye test methods have been
good vision and consistency in devised and are used routinely in industry
performance. to measure vision acuity. The vision
acuity of the liquid penetrant operator
must be sufficient to detect and evaluate
Motor Ability and Dexterity of the the indications produced by the test
Liquid Penetrant Inspector process. To confirm natural or corrected
The liquid penetrant inspectors vision, eyes should be examined initially
coordination must be sufficient to enable and periodically to ensure continuing
performance of precise, time dependent performance. Specifications and industrial
execution of all processing steps. Liquid standards set requirements for vision
penetrant inspectors must have the acuity and the frequency of its
physical capabilities necessary for timely reverification for liquid penetrant testing
application of fluids to test objects or for personnel.
timely movement of test parts through
various processing fluid exposures. Ensuring Adequate Color Vision
Inspectors must also be able to visually
test all critical areas of the test objects for The inspector must perceive color
evidence of anomalies. Physical strength, brightness and contrast to perform liquid
motor ability and dexterity requirements penetrant testing with visible dye (color
vary with the hardware to be tested and contrast) penetrants. One of the
with the nature of the production challenging unsolved problems of vision

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 13

is determination of the response of the After a short time, the eyes adjust or adapt
human eye to colors that differ in hue to the low light level and objects in the
and saturation as well as brightness. dark room become visible. The time
Tests of inspectors for color blindness required for dark adaptation before visual
are required by some liquid penetrant examination for indications can be
specifications, with varying criteria for performed varies with the individual and
acceptance. Although such tests provide depends on the overall health and age of
an indication of operator capability for the individual operator. A dark adaptation
performing liquid penetrant testing, they time of 1 min is usually sufficient for
do not definitively measure operator fluorescent liquid penetrant testing.
capability. If color vision tests indicate a (Complete dark adaptation may take as
color deficiency, the operator should be long as 20 min.)
tested on his ability to distinguish actual Suitable red lens eyeglasses may reduce
liquid penetrant indications. Color the required time for dark adaption but
blindness is usually inherited. Most forms should not be worn during inspection.
of inherited color blindness can occur
without being associated with other kinds Disuse of Photosensitive Eye
of visual anomalies. Color blindness is
usually found in both eyes but is Glasses
occasionally confined to one eye. There Photosensitive eyeglasses darken in the
are also acquired types of color blindness presence of ultraviolet radiation. Lens
that may affect performance. The type darkening is proportional to the amount
and severity of color blindness will of incident radiation. Although this type
determine the capability of an inspector of lens has advantages in sunlight
for liquid penetrant testing. In some cases, conditions, such glasses can decrease the
the type and severity of color blindness ability of an operator to perform
will permit the inspector to perform fluorescent liquid penetrant testing. Use
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing (color of photosensitive eyeglass lenses by liquid
contrast discrimination not required) even penetrant operators is not permitted. On
though the inspector is incapable of the other hand, suitable red eyeglasses
performing testing with color contrast may aid dark adaptation. Eyeglass frames
visible dye penetrants. that fluoresce and cause an unnecessary
background during fluorescent liquid
Ensuring Adequate Brightness penetrant testing should not be used.
Magnification in Evaluation of
Brightness discrimination is necessary for
fluorescent liquid penetrant inspectors. Small Liquid Penetrant Indications
The sensitivity of fluorescent liquid Testing using optical magnification can
penetrant is usually measured in terms of assist vision acuity of liquid penetrant
the brightness of the indications it inspectors, particularly when small
produces. Although color blindness is the indications are involved. A 10
usual cause for variation in discrimination magnifying glass or 10 magnifier on a
of brightness or contrast in white light, supporting stand should be included in
other factors may contribute. Inherited the standard equipment available to
anomalies, eye disease and external liquid penetrant inspectors. In this
factors such as photosensitive eyeglasses connection, the value of a broad field
may affect brightness discrimination. This microscope for critical viewing cannot be
factor is evaluated by observance of actual overemphasized. The microscope is an
liquid penetrant indications. indispensable tool for the analysis of
microindications (with 20 to 100
Ensuring Adequate Dark enlargements) as well as for determining
the extent and nature of macroindications
Adaptation (with 5 to 20 enlargements).
The lowest level of brightness that can be
seen or detected is determined by the
light level to which the eye has become
accustomed. When the illumination level Mental and Skill
is reduced, the pupil of the eye expands, Qualifications Required of
admitting more light. The retina of the
eye becomes more sensitive by switching the Liquid Penetrant
from cone vision to rod vision and also by Inspector
an electrochemical mechanism involving Liquid penetrant testing requires skillful,
rhodopsin, the visual purple pigment. repetitive performance of multiple
This process is called dark adaptation. processing steps and the interpretation of
Everyone has had the experience of not the resultant visual indications. To qualify
being able to see a thing on passing from as a liquid penetrant inspector, the
a brightly lighted room into a dark one. operator must not only understand and

14 Liquid Penetrant Testing

be familiar with test principles and production techniques, indications of a
execution steps but also with factors that relevant nature and specification
may influence the success and/or results interpretation comprise the elements of
of the liquid penetrant testing process. the training process for liquid penetrant
Liquid penetrant testing principles and inspectors. Skill in execution of liquid
practices are discussed in detail penetrant testing must then be developed
throughout this volume. The inspector by practice. Ideally, practice would
should be able to answer written and include experimental cross sectioning of
verbal questions concerning processing tested parts to determine the nature of
principles and to demonstrate a thorough discontinuities whose indications were
knowledge of the subject. Demonstrated observed and whose indications were
knowledge should include interpretation missed. This process of metallurgical
of causes for failure of the liquid evaluation is too costly in most industrial
penetrant process to reveal material operations, and practical skill must be
anomalies. This knowledge should cover gained by working with an experienced,
test procedures used and the production knowledgeable and skilled inspector.
history of the articles to be tested. Practice should develop skill in executing
the liquid penetrant testing process, skill
in performing the process and confidence
in the outcome of the process.
Ensuring Inspector After knowledge of the liquid penetrant
Knowledge of Types and process has been demonstrated by verbal
and written examination and after skill in
Locations of Indications the methods has been developed by
Sought practice, the inspector should be able to
Liquid penetrant testing reveals a variety demonstrate ability in liquid penetrant
of material surface conditions. Knowledge tests of typical production hardware
of the source and kinds of material containing known and documented
anomalies to be revealed by the liquid discontinuities. Demonstrations should be
penetrant process is required to use liquid repeated periodically to ascertain a
penetrant process principles effectively. In measure of performance and confidence
short, the inspector must know where to in the test. Skill and technique must be
look for indications, how to interpret the developed for each liquid penetrant
indications and how to judge system for each part type. Skill in testing
acceptability of test objects for use in of one part type, e.g., forgings, cannot be
service. The liquid penetrant inspector assumed in testing of a second part type,
must be able to recognize relevant e.g., weldments. Skill and technique for
indications and to distinguish relevant varying situations are developed by
indications from nonrelevant (noise) experience and no substitute for
indications. The inspector must then experience is known.
evaluate relevant indications with respect
to the requirements of the product being Attaining Productivity by Judicious
tested. This skill is gained by observation Application of Tools Available
and experience in liquid penetrant
testing. Liquid penetrant testing must detect
The liquid penetrant inspector must be discontinuities reliably and economically
able not only to perform the required to be of value in the production process.
liquid penetrant process and locate and The liquid penetrant inspector must in
evaluate liquid penetrant indications but turn perform the test reliably in the
the inspector must also determine the shortest practical time to be productive.
frequency and severity of discontinuities Productivity is measured both by the
and analyze these with respect to number of tests completed and by the
specification requirements. At first glance reliability of detection of rejectable
this task appears to be straightforward. For discontinuities, without rejection of
inspectors who work for a producer who acceptable test objects.
checks similar parts each day to company Test process output may be increased
specifications, this may be true. However, by the addition of tools, jigs, materials
the situation is quite different for and parts sequencing in the same manner
inspectors working for commercial as any other production process step.
laboratories. Interpretation and grading of Learning curves and shop efficiency
liquid penetrant test indications must be factors familiar to those dealing with
done in accordance with requirements of other shop operations are applicable to
the particular part involved and may liquid penetrant testing. However, check
involve understanding and interpretation and balance measurements with respect to
of both written and verbal instructions. operator performance are not as simple
Acquiring written and verbally and available as are those for other
demonstrated knowledge of liquid processes. No increase in productivity is
penetrant testing principles, part gained unless the reliability and

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 15

3PT01 (1-32) 8/13/99 12:30 PM Page 16

FIGURE 1. Aluminum alloy flat plate by crack length: (a) as machined; (b) after etch; (c) after

Probability of Detection (percent) 90









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual Crack Length, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual Crack Length, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual Crack Length, mm (in.)
= predicted probability of detection
X = hit data
Copyright 1999, D&W Enterprises, Littleton, CO.

16 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT01 (1-32) 8/13/99 12:31 PM Page 17

FIGURE 2. Aluminum alloy flat plate by crack depth: (a) as machined; (b) after etch; (c) after


Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20)
Actual Crack Depth, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20)
Actual Crack Depth, mm (in.)

Probability of Detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20)
Actual Crack Depth, mm (in.)
= predicted probability of detection
X = hit data
Copyright 1999, D&W Enterprises, Littleton, CO.

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 17

consistency of the testing process are Measuring Inspector Performance
maintained. in Terms of Throughput and
Before measuring an inspectors
Ensuring Reliability of Test performance, it is necessary to ensure that
Results rejectable discontinuities can be found by
the testing process. This task is a part of
When a test is performed, there are four the design qualification for a new
possible outcomes: (1) a discontinuity can production part. Reliable detection of
be found when a discontinuity is present; rejectable discontinuities should have
(2) a discontinuity can be missed even been demonstrated by actual test or by
when a discontinuity is present; (3) a similarity to parts for which testing has
discontinuity can be found when none is been demonstrated.
present; and (4) no discontinuity is found Because all discontinuities are not
when none is present. A reliable testing equally detectable, the type of
process and a reliable inspector should discontinuity to be detected must be the
find all discontinuities of concern with no basis for testing qualification. For
discontinuities missed (no errors as in example, machining tears may be easily
case 2, above) and no false callouts detected by a given liquid penetrant
(case 3, above). process whereas grinding cracks may be
To achieve this goal, the probability of completely missed by that specific
finding a discontinuity must be high and process. The liquid penetrant testing
the inspector must be both proficient in process must be qualified to the part
the testing process and motivated to produced.
perform a maximum efficiency. A reckless Because discontinuity size affects
inspector may accept parts that contain detection, the size of discontinuity to be
discontinuities, with the resultant detected must be the basis for test
consequences of possible inservice part qualification. Figures 1 and 2 and Table 3
failure. A conservative inspector may show actual demonstrated liquid
reject parts that contain actual penetrant detection reliability as a
discontinuities but the inspector also may function of fatigue crack size in
reject parts that do not contain aluminum alloy flat plate. A discontinuity
discontinuities, with the resultant size is shown at the inflection point of the
consequences of unnecessary scrap and curve. This process would be expected to
repair. Neither inspector is doing a good reliably detect discontinuities greater than
job. the threshold size. Acceptance criteria
should be based on discontinuities of this
size or larger.

TABLE 3. Probability of detection for fluorescent liquid penetrant testing of aluminum flat
plates (see Figs. 1 and 2). False calls were not documented.
Quantity Threshold for 90 Percent
of Cracks Probability of Detection
Data Set Condition Detected/Present mm (in.)

Crack Length
C1001C (Fig. 1a) as machined 233/311 7.95 mm (0.313 in.)
C1002C (Fig. 1b) after etch 260/311 2.69 mm (0.106 in.)
C1003C (Fig. 1c) after proof testing 280/306 1.50 mm (0.059 in.)
Crack Depth
C1001C (Fig. 2a) as machined 233/311 3.56 mm (0.140 in.)
C1002C (Fig. 2b) after etch 260/311 0.79 mm (0.031 in.)
C1003C (Fig. 2c) after proof testing 280/306 0.38 mm (0.015 in.)

18 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 4. History of Liquid Penetrant Testing11

Through their efforts, a number of found. There were no standards, no

creative people made significant penetration time, nothing about the
contributions to the technology of liquid quality of the materials or even what
penetrant testing, a major method of kinds of materials to use. People who used
nondestructive testing. The story should it could find gross discontinuities, but the
be especially interesting to readers results were not consistent. The
familiar with the green stuff, with its interesting thing was that, although the
features and problems, with its approach found and located
tremendous capabilities and its frustrating discontinuities, it had little to do with the
limitations. It is the story of problems and innovations that led to the useful and
how ingenious people solved them. practical techniques routinely used in the
fluorescent technique of liquid penetrant
testing. With the introduction of the
magnetic particle method in the 1930s,
Oil and Whiting the oil-and-whiting technique became
It is generally agreed that the origins of obsolete.4
the liquid penetrant testing method lie in
the railroad industry in a technique
known as the oil-and-whiting method.12
This approach was in use early in this Need for Nonferrous
century and possibly even before. It was a Surface Testing
craft that was used to test critical steel In the mid-1930s, the use of aluminum
components for discontinuities. and other nonmagnetic metals was
Basically, the oil-and-whiting increasing significantly. The need for a
technique worked as follows. The part to simple and effective nondestructive
be tested was cleaned and immersed in testing method for locating surface
dirty crankcase oil diluted in kerosene.12 discontinuities in these materials was
(The oil used in the large railroad engines obvious. Carl E. Betz, F.B. Doane and
was very heavy, on the order of 600 Taber DeForest were a few of the people
weight, and experience showed that dirty who were experimenting with everything
oil worked best.) The part was then and anything that might solve this
allowed to drain and was cleaned with a industrial need. Techniques using brittle
solvent. After this, it was covered with lacquer, electrolysis, anodizing, etching
whiting (powdered chalk).13 The and color contrast penetrants were all
entrapped oil would then bleed into the evaluated and generally discarded with
whiting (Fig. 3). It also has been reported the exception of the anodizing process.14
that alcohol based or water based chalk This was used by the military for detailing
suspension was used as the developer.4 cracks in critical aluminum airframe
The technique was widely used but members. A specification was generated to
never refined. Results were not consistent, define and control this process.15
and only gross discontinuities could be In the fall of 1941, Carl E. Betz (Fig. 4)
received a telephone call from a person
FIGURE 3. In the early 1930s, the oil-and-whiting method is who identified himself as Robert C.
used in a railroad shop on a locomotive coupler. Bleeding of Switzer (Fig. 5). Switzer said that he had
oil indicates crack. developed a new method for the detection
of surface cracks, and the claims had just
been allowed on the patent application.
He knew of Magnaflux and thought it
might be interested in some sort of
At that time, Betz was in charge of
Magnafluxs sales office in New York, NY.
Switzer had assumed that Magnaflux was
centered out of New York whereas it was
actually located in Chicago. This turned
out to be a fortunate mistake. Because of
Betzs previous work on the development
of nondestructive testing methods for

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 19

FIGURE 4. Carl E. Betz. FIGURE 6. James R. Alburger.

Joseph Switzer had a magic act that

FIGURE 5. Robert C. Switzer. consisted of an invisible presentation in
which the performers were all dressed in
black. When a particular event was to be
shown, it was painted white. The stage
was darkened, and white lights were used
so that only the objects that were painted
white were visible. Switzer had the idea of
using ultraviolet radiation and fluorescent
paint instead of white paint and white
lights.17 Ultimately Joseph Switzer and his
brother Robert set up a business called
Switzer Brothers Ultra-Violet Laboratories
and started to manufacture and sell
fluorescent equipment and chemicals in
August 1934.
The Switzer brothers abilities were
brought to the attention of Continental
Lithograph Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio.
Continental was a subsidiary of Warner
Brothers motion pictures and did all of
the printing for Warners advertising. In
1936 the brothers moved to Cleveland,
licensed Continental in all fields of
fluorescence and continued their
nonmagnetic materials, he was quick to development work.
realize the potential value of Switzers A very interesting use for fluorescence
claims. The phone call lasted several that had significant later implications for
hours and was soon followed by a visit to nondestructive testing was in law
Switzer by A.V. DeForest and his son enforcement. The Federal Bureau of
Taber.10 Investigation and the postal authorities
used some of Switzers materials and
Early Applications of Fluorescence equipment to track suspects. A superfine
pigment that had brilliant fluorescent
Fluorescent liquid penetrant is partially properties was often dusted on evidence
rooted in the theater. John Pop such as currency and was used as an
Shannon supplied liquid penetrant invisible branding mark. If the suspect
material to Flo Ziegfield who staged shows stole the evidence, the fine invisible
using fluorescent costumes and lighting. pigment was usually smeared all over the
James Alburger (Fig. 6), Shannons son-in- suspect, the suspects household and in
law, eventually branched out from many cases members of the suspects
theatrical and esoteric fluorescent family. Because the pigment was invisible
applications into liquid penetrant.16 under normal lighting, the suspect was
In another part of the country teenager not aware that he was being tracked.

20 Liquid Penetrant Testing

When the law enforcement people closed patents on discontinuity detection. He
in and used ultraviolet radiation in a was impressed with the scope of coverage
darkened area, the results were and decided to investigate the company
devastating and confessions usually further. He read everything he could
occurred on the spot. about Magnaflux while prosecuting his
patent application.
The patent office finally notified
Switzer in the summer of 1941 that his
Invention of Fluorescent claims were allowed and that the patent
Liquid Penetrant would be issued. Switzer immediately
called Carl Betz at Magnafluxs New York
One of the important observations made office.
was that it was difficult to remove the
fluorescent material. It was difficult
enough to remove the material even Successful Demonstration of
when you were aware of it, so the chances Liquid Penetrant Testing
of accidental removal were practically The two people that came to Switzers
zero. It was noted that you could scrub development were also very remarkable
and scrub, and the stuff would stay in the individuals (Fig. 7). A.V. DeForest had
cracks and pores of your hands. This already made his name as the chief
observation was the key to the later use of inventor of the magnetic particle
fluorescent materials for nondestructive process.19 Taber DeForests many
It turned out that Robert Switzer,
Josephs brother, had more interest
finding uses for fluorescent materials. In FIGURE 7. The DeForest brothers: (a) A.V.
late 1937, Switzer became aware of a DeForest; (b) Taber DeForest.
serious problem that one of the local (a)
casting companies was having with Ford
Motor Company. It seemed that a very
large batch of aluminum castings was
found to contain a significant number of
discontinuities, specifically surface cracks.
The cracks did not become visible until
the parts were machined.
Ford Motor was in the process of
attempting to collect damages for all
machining expenses as well as the cost of
the parts. Switzer remembered the
experience with the superfine fluorescent
pigment remaining in the cracks and
pores of his hands. He thought he might
be able to use that property of the fine
material to detail the surface cracks. He
had a friend who worked with the
company and was able to obtain samples
of the castings for his experiments.
Like most good ideas, it did not work at
first. His initial approach was to use the (b)
pigment that was used in the crime
detection effort. But surface cracks in
castings were not the same as the cracks in
ones hands. Switzer persisted and
developed the idea of using liquids to carry
the fluorescent material into the cracks.
He was not satisfied with his results
and continued his developmental efforts.
The work was done mostly in his home
because both Continental and his brother
Joseph Switzer were not interested in this
activity. On August 17, 1938, Robert
Switzer applied for a patent on the
process.18 Robert asked Joseph for his
share of the patent filing fee, which
amounted to fifteen dollars. Joseph
refused to spend the money.
Switzer did his own patent work and,
while performing the search, ran across a
number of Magnaflux Corporation

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 21

significant contributions to the Liquid Penetrant Testing Process
nondestructive testing field were yet to
The process used that day was very similar
come. However, he had been working on
in many ways to the process used today.
a visible dye liquid penetrant for several
The part was cleaned in a strong
years with no measurable success.12
chlorinated solvent, probably carbon
Switzer met with his guests at the
tetrachloride. The part was then immersed
Continental Lithograph laboratories and
in the liquid penetrant solution for more
spent most of the day trying to
than 10 min. Sometimes the part was
demonstrate his process. Things did not
heated. After penetration, it was rinsed
go well. His samples were castings that he
with a strong solvent and was wiped dry
hoped contained surface discontinuities.
until clean while being observed under
In his earlier work, after liquid penetrant
ultraviolet radiation. It was then subjected
testing revealed a discontinuity, Switzer
to repeated hammer blows. The purpose
had to section and thereby destroy the
of the last operation was to drive the
test sample. So he would start the test
entrapped material out of the surface
without knowing whether the sample
cracks into the openings on the surface.
contained discontinuities. As mentioned
Then the part was examined for
above, he was never completely satisfied
discontinuities under ultraviolet radiation.
with his results.
The number of variables was significant
At the end of many frustrating hours,
and results were not very repeatable.
A.V. DeForest quietly suggested that
Magnafluxs experience with magnetic
Robert Switzer try a sample that DeForest
particle testing had shown that
pulled from an old leather satchel. This
repeatability was a key to acceptance. It
was a sample that DeForest relied on for
was decided to continue the development
comparison between various experimental
effort to make the processing techniques
magnetic particle materials. He knew
more suitable to the production
where each discontinuity was located.
Switzer processed the part. As the
Magnaflux Corporation and the Switzer
indications became visible, all three were
Brothers then entered into a license
astounded by the results. Discontinuities
agreement through Continental
were displayed that DeForest had not seen
Lithograph.12 A joint development effort
before (Fig. 8). They looked back at the
was initiated. Many formulations were
castings and quickly noted that the
tried and many different techniques were
surfaces of these parts had been peened,
evaluated. The astounding results formed
so any discontinuities present were
the basis for developments years later. The
probably closed, making the samples very
Magnaflux effort was led by Greer Ellis
unsuitable for liquid penetrant testing.
(Fig. 9) and Taber DeForest. The
The effort that Switzer had spent
development work at Switzer Brothers was
improving the process from 1937 to 1941
done by Joseph Switzer (Fig. 10), who was
had paid off: the method was very
now very interested, and by R.A. Ward.12
sensitive to fine discontinuities.

FIGURE 8. Photograph of first penetrant test FIGURE 9. Greer Ellis.


22 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 10. Joseph Switzer (left) and Robert Switzer. FIGURE 11. The first liquid penetrant testing unit, model ZA1,
delivered on October 23, 1942.

Water Washable Liquid

Penetrant essentially described the hydrophilic
The most significant development to remover process. This was not introduced
come from this joint effort was the water commercially until 1963.
washable liquid penetrant. A line of
equipment for handling and processing
parts was also developed. In June 1942,
water washable materials and equipment Developers
were offered for sale (Fig. 11). A flood of
The introduction of developers shortly
inquiries resulted and a number of
followed.21 This was the result of efforts of
companies started using the process. The
Harry Kuhrt and Taber DeForest and was
first equipment sale occurred in October
heavily influenced by whiting in the
1942 to Aluminum Industries, Cincinnati,
oil-and-whiting process. The first
Ohio, for the testing of aluminum
commercial products were dry, yellowish
materials consisting mainly of talc. The
Some of the early applications were for
wet developer process did not appear until
the testing of aluminum propeller blades
late in 1944.11
and engine oil cases. Pistons, valves, spark
By 1942, a fluorescent water washable
plug housings and critical airframe
liquid penetrant and a dry developer were
structures also were tested. The most
commercially available. Processing
significant early use of the process was in
equipment was available and many trials
the maintenance and overhaul of aircraft
in industrial plants had been completed.
engines. The method worked very well
The first sale had taken place.
and in a short time gained wide
A patent on the water washable process
was applied for in June 1942 and was Development of Dye
issued in July 1945 to R.A. Ward.20 It is
interesting to note that in column five of Liquid Penetrant
the patents text, Ward states that the During this period, a need arose for a less
emulsifier agent could be used in the complex technique of surface crack
wash water and need not be included in testing for nonferrous components. The
the testing agent. Thus postemulsification fluorescent liquid penetrant testing
was mentioned long before it became a process as it existed required holding
commercial reality. Also, in describing the tanks, a water supply, electricity and a
inclusion in the wash water, Ward had darkened area for viewing the indications.

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 23

A great deal of development work was located. The area was very bright in the
going on in fluorescent liquid penetrant California daylight. Smith Sparling tried
testing technology: sensitivity and various ways to use the fluorescent
reliability were significantly improved, but techniques, but to no avail. She
the techniques were becoming more remembered her experience with the
complex in the process. The water oil-and-whiting technique in her early
washable technique was relatively simple railroad days. She decided to try to
and reasonably fast, but something even improve the process.
simpler was needed. She stated in one conversation, All
A Northrop metallurgist named housewives know this about cleaning
Rebecca Smith (later Rebecca Smith porcelain sinks. Dirt will remain in the
Sparling) in the mid-1940s had developed cracks in the sink and will be highlighted
a process that satisfied these needs.4,12 against the white background of the
This was the dye liquid penetrant testing porcelain. Smith Sparling enlisted the
technique, which has become one of the help of a Northrop chemist by the name
most commonly used techniques for of Loy Sockman (Fig. 13),22 as well as a
surface discontinuity detection. young man by the name of Elliot Brady,
Smith Sparling (Fig. 12) graduated from and pursued the development of this idea.
Vanderbilt University Nashville,
Tennessee, in 1932 with a masters degree
in physical chemistry. During the next ten
years, she worked at a number of forging
companies and in 1941 was in southern FIGURE 13. Rebecca Smith Sparling and Loy
Wisconsin, working for Lakeside Malleable Sockman (1950).
Casting. At this location, she had her first
detailed introduction to the
oil-and-whiting technique. Lakeside was
involved in the manufacture of castings
for both the railroad and the automotive
industries. She became familiar with the

FIGURE 12. Rebecca Smith Sparling (1949).

Smith Sparling would suggest an

approach and the chemists would work
on it. She would then evaluate and
comment on their progress and they
would modify and innovate. This process
continued for a number of years and
resulted in the first practical dye liquid
penetrant.19 A patent was applied for by
Sockman in March 1949.23 Smith Sparling
was also involved in setting up a number
of standards that were eventually to
become industry references for the dye
In the mid-1940s, Smith Sparling was liquid penetrant testing technique.
working in the Turbodyne Engine This new technique filled an important
Division of Northrop Corporation. She market need that Northrop recognized.
was involved in the final testing of jet The technology and patents were sold to
engines and was concerned with certain Turco Products. Sockman left Northrop
crack formation occurring on turbine and founded the company Met-L-Chek in
blades during the test cycle. The engines the early 1950s; there he developed and
were located at the top of a gantry some sold a dye liquid penetrant. Magnaflux
3 m (10 ft) off the floor, close to the offered their version of dye liquid
ceiling where overhead windows were penetrant in 1952.19

24 Liquid Penetrant Testing

A few years later, an interesting point overwash problem of the water washable
developed with respect to the Sockman process. A great deal of effort had been
patent: a patent interference occurred expended in an attempt to solve this
between it and claims filed by Robert problem, but with little success.
Switzer. To understand this fully, the Parker realized that the overwash was
original claims filed by Switzer in August caused by the emulsifiers being mixed in
1938 must be remembered. In this patent the liquid penetrant. For certain types of
application, Switzer included claims for gross discontinuities, the wash water
visible as well as fluorescent penetrants. could penetrate the discontinuity and
The patent office required division of the emulsify the retained liquid penetrant,
fluorescent from the visible claims as one and the wash cycle would remove the
of the early office actions. The fluorescent fluorescence. Parker removed the
patent was issued in 1941 to Switzer, as emulsifier from the liquid penetrant and
stated earlier. applied it later as a separate, independent
Robert Switzer filed the visible claims operating step, so shallow, open cracks
in 1945 as a continuation of the earlier could be detected easily with no overwash
filing. The interference occurred after problem.
Sockmans patent was issued in 1954. To In addition to this, a significant new
complicate the issue further, a number of capability for increased sensitivity was
other similar patents for dye penetrants added to liquid penetrant testing: the
were issued in this period.24,25 After a emulsification time and wash time were
number of years, the patent office ruled in now mutually exclusive variables. Each
favor of the Switzer claims, allowing the variable could now be adjusted for the
early filing date and assigning a number optimum time independently of the
of the issued visible dye liquid penetrant other.
patents to Switzer.11,18,26 The first postemulsification products
were introduced in 1953. A patent was
Postemulsification in Fluorescent applied for by Taber DeForest and Parker
in July 1954 on the process.28 In 1955,
Liquid Penetrant Testing Parker developed two new emulsifiers and
The next significant improvement applied for a patent in 1956.29
occurred in 1952 with the development of Parker and DeForest also experimented
the postemulsification process.27 This with other ideas concerning the removal
development was precipitated by the fact of the fluorescent background. Instead of
that Rebecca Smith Sparling used visible washing it off, they thought of quenching
dye liquid penetrant to find cracks in its fluorescence.30 This was eventually
turbine buckets that fluorescent liquid done by large quantities of ultraviolet
penetrant had missed.16 Tabor DeForest radiation acting on the dyes instability to
and Donald Parker (Fig. 14), both of high doses of energy. This approach,
Magnaflux, set out to improve the called the fugitive dye technique, was
performance of fluorescent liquid patented by DeForest and Parker.
penetrant. Parker was concerned with the Although much time was spent trying to
make it practical, it was never used
FIGURE 14. Donald Parker (1955).

Cascading Dyes
The next significant development was of
cascading dyes, first accomplished by
James Alburger. This became another
Parker effort.27 This approach permitted
another quantum leap in sensitivity.
Parker discovered that sensitivity could be
improved dramatically by combining
several different dyes in the liquid
penetrant. What occurred in this mixture
was a cascading effect or a linking between
the dyes. One dye had its absorption peak
in the ultraviolet range whereas its main
emission peak was in the blue range. The
other dye had its main absorption in the
blue and its main emission in the yellow
or yellow-green range. The cascading effect
had a net efficiency greater than that of a
single dye. A patent was applied for by
Parker and Joseph Switzer, and the process
was incorporated into commercial
products in 1954.32

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 25

So, in 1961, twenty years after Switzer
Value and Price had the first successful demonstration of
fluorescent penetrants, both fluorescent
In the mid-1950s, an interesting event and visible dye penetrants were being
pointed out the relationship and used by a number of industries. Materials
communication between users and of great sensitivity were available.
product developers. After the Industry and government standards were
breakthrough in cascading dyes, Parker being established. Water washable and
decided to develop the ultimate liquid postemulsification processes were in use,
penetrant. This would not be a commercial and developers were in common use.
product; rather, it would represent what a
liquid penetrant could do. It would be a
laboratory material a standard that all
new products would be referenced Other Contributors
against. It contained such a high level of
A number of other people have
dye that the selling price would be
contributed to the development of liquid
prohibitive.20 Parker developed the liquid
penetrant testing technology during this
penetrant, and it was good. One day, he
period. Frank Catlin of Magnaflux worked
demonstrated it to personnel of a large
on both fluorescent and dye penetrants in
aircraft manufacturer and showed them
the early years.13 Ferdi Stern of Magnaflux
how it could find very minute cracks on
worked with Greer Ellis on the field trials
their turbine blades. The users comment
of the early penetrants. Orlando Molino
on Parkers material was that they
of Rockwell developed and patented the
couldnt afford not to use it. So it became
high resolution liquid penetrant testing
a product. In fact, with some small
process in the late 1950s. About the same
refinements, it still is in use today.
time major improvements in the
sensitivity of water washable liquid
penetrants were introduced by James
Military Standards Alburger, who was also the first to
commercially introduce hydrophilic
The first military specification for liquid emulsifier a little later. J. Thomas Schmidt
penetrant testing was AN-1-30a, issued on of Magnaflux developed and refined the
September 18, 1946.33 It covered both the quality control and test procedures for
process and the material. It was a very product uniformity in the 1960s. People
general specification and allowed a great like Al Robinson at General Electric,
deal of latitude. A detailed process Victor McBride at Pratt & Whitney, O.E.
specification, MIL-I-6866, was issued in Stutsman of Wright Field and William
1950.34 Hitt of Douglas critiqued materials and
A key milestone occurred when the refined the processes. Other people,
military material specification unnamed here, made contributions to
MIL-I-25135 was issued on August 6, liquid penetrant testing in this period.
1956.35 This last specification resulted As a result of the efforts of all of these
from a meeting attended by industry and pioneering people, there has been a
military experts in 1955.9 As a result of dramatic increase in the reliability of our
this meeting, the first specific military aircraft engines and airframes. The
standards for liquid penetrant testing contributions of these people have made
materials were established. Some possible also some of the very significant
important long term policies were advances in aircraft performance that
specified, such as the concept of families have occurred in this period. Application
of penetrants. This standard lasted for of liquid penetrant testing has followed
thirty years with only minor changes. the increased use of a variety of
nonferrous metals in critical applications
in the nuclear, automotive, space,
ordnance and electronic fields.
Quantitative Approaches The next twenty-five years were to see
Used the following developments:
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a great (1) development of hydrophilic remover,
deal of work was done quantitatively to (2) development of the high sensitivity
analyze the performance of penetrants. water washable products, (3) refinements
Many data were generated. Details such as of military standards, (4) introduction of
effect of liquid penetrant film thickness, automatic test techniques and
ultraviolet radiation absorption and (5) investigations of heat fade and
theoretical effects of developers were statistical techniques of measurement.
studied and applied to new liquid Because of its sensitivity and economy,
penetrant development. The industry liquid penetrant testing will remain one
moved toward a more scientific phase of of the most important nondestructive
development.36 testing methods in the twenty-first

26 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Units of Measure for Nondestructive

through national standards organizations

Origin and Use of the SI and specialized information compiled by
technical organizations.36,37
In 1960 the General Conference on
Weights and Measures devised the
International System of Units. Le Systeme Multipliers
Internationale dUnites (SI) was designed so Very large or very small numbers with
that a single set of interrelated units are expressed by using the SI
measurement units could be used by all multipliers, prefixes of 103 intervals
branches of science, engineering and the (Table 7) in science and engineering. The
general public. Without SI, this multiplier becomes a property of the SI
Nondestructive Testing Handbook volume unit. For example, a millimeter (mm) is
could have contained a confusing mix of 0.001 meter (m). The volume unit cubic
Imperial units, obsolete centimeter (cm3) is (0.01)3 or 106 m3.
centimeter-gram-second (cgs) metric Unit submultiples such as the centimeter,
system version units and the units decimeter, dekameter (or decameter) and
preferred by certain localities or scientific hectometer are avoided in scientific and
specialties. technical uses of SI because of their
SI is the modern version of the metric variance from the 103 interval. However,
system and ends the division between dm3 and cm3 are in use specifically
metric units used by scientists and metric because they represent a 103 variance.
units used by engineers and the public.
Scientists have given up their units based
on centimeter and gram and engineers
made a fundamental change in TABLE 5. Derived SI units with special names.
abandoning the kilogram-force in favor of
the newton. Electrical engineers have Relation
retained their ampere, volt and ohm but to Other
Quantity Units Symbol SI Unitsa
changed all units related to magnetism.
The main effect of SI has been the
Frequency (periodic) hertz Hz 1s1
reduction of conversion factors between
Force newton N kgms2
units to one (1) in other words, to
eliminate them entirely. Pressure (stress) pascal Pa Nm2
Table 4 lists seven base units. Table 5 Energy joule J Nm
lists derived units with special names. Power watt W Js1
Table 6 gives examples of conversions to Electric charge coulomb C As
SI units. In SI, the unit of time is the Electric potentialb volt V WA1
second (s) but hour (h) is recognized for Capacitance farad F CV1
use with SI. Electric resistance ohm VA1
For more information, the reader is Conductance siemens S AV1
referred to the information available
Magnetic flux weber Wb Vs
Magnetic flux density tesla T Wbm2
Inductance henry H WbA1
Luminous flux lumen lm cdsr
TABLE 4. Base SI units.
Illuminance lux lx lmm2
Quantity Unit Symbol Plane angle radian rad 1
Length meter m Radioactivity becquerel Bq 1s1
Mass kilogram kg Radiation absorbed dose gray Gy Jkg1
Time second s Radiation dose equivalent sievert Sv Jkg1
Electric current ampere A Solid angle steradian sr 1
Temperaturea kelvin K Time hour h 3600 s
Amount of substance mole mol Volumec liter L dm3
Luminous intensity candela cd
a. Number one expresses dimensionless relationship.
a. Kelvin can be expressed in degrees celsius b. Electromotive force.
(C = K 273.15). c. The only prefixes that may be used with liter are milli (m) and micro ().

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 27

TABLE 6. Examples of conversions to SI units.
Quantity Measurement in Non-SI Unit Multiply by To Get Measurement in SI Unit

Area square inch (in.2) 645 square millimeter (mm2)

Distance angstrom () 0.1 nanometer (nm)
inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm)
Energy British thermal unit (BTU) 1.055 kilojoule (kJ)
calorie (cal) 4.19 joule (J)
British thermal unit per hour (BTUh1) 0.293 watt (W)
Specific heat British thermal unit per pound 4.19 kilojoule per kilogram per kelvin (kJkg1K1)
per degree Fahrenheit (BTUlbm1F1)
Force (torque, couple) foot-pound (ft-lbf) 1.36 joule (J)
Force or pressure pound force per square inch (lbfin.2) 6.89 kilopascal (kPa)
Frequency (cycle) cycle per minute 1/60 hertz (Hz)
Illuminance footcandle (ftc) 10.76 lux (lx)
phot (ph) 10 000 lux (lx)
Luminance candela per square foot (cdft2) 10.76 candela per square meter (cdm2)
candela per square inch (cdin. ) 1 550 candela per square meter (cdm2)
footlambert 3.426 candela per square meter (cdm2)
lambert 3 183 (= 10 000/) candela per square meter (cdm2)
nit (nt) 1 candela per square meter (cdm2)
stilb (sb) 10 000 candela per square meter (cdm2)
Radioactivity curie (Ci) 37 gigabecquerel (GBq)
Ionizing radiation exposure roentgen (R) 0.258 millicoulomb per kilogram (mCkg1)
Mass pound (lbm) 0.454 kilogram (kg)
Temperature (difference) degree fahrenheit (F) 0.556 degree celsius (C)
Temperature (scale) degree fahrenheit (F) (F 32)/1.8 degree celsius (C)
(F 32)/1.8) + 273.15 kelvin (K)

should be observed. For example, the

meanings of the prefix m (milli) and the
TABLE 7. SI multipliers. prefix M (mega) differ by nine orders of
Prefix Symbol Multiplier magnitude.

yotta Y 1024
zetta Z 1021
exa E 1018 SI Units to Express
peta P 1015 Particular Quantities in
tera T 1012 Nondestructive Testing
giga G 109
mega M 106
kilo k 103 Pressure
hectoa h 102 The pascal (Pa), equal to one newton per
deka (or deca)a da 10 square meter (1 Nm2), is used to express
decia d 101 pressure, stress etc. It is used in place of
centia c 102 units of pound force per square inch
milli m 103 (lbfin.2), atmosphere, millimeter of
micro 106 mercury (mm Hg), torr, bar, inch of
mercury (in. Hg), inch of water (H2O) and
nano n 109
other units. The text must indicate
pico p 1012
whether gage, absolute or differential
femto f 1015 pressure is meant.
atto a 1018
zepto z 1021
yocto y 1024
The cubic meter (m3) is the only volume
a. Avoid these prefixes (except in dm3 and cm3) for
science and engineering.
measurement unit in SI. It takes the place
of cubic foot, cubic inch, gallon, pint,
barrel and more. In SI, the liter (L) is also
Note that 1 cm3 is not equal to 0.01 m3. approved for use. The liter is a special
Also, in equations, submultiples such as name for cubic decimeter (1 L = 1 dm3 =
centimeter (cm) or decimeter (dm) should 103 m3). Only the milli (m) and micro ()
be avoided because they disturb the prefixes may be used with liter.
convenient 103 or 103 intervals that The fundamental units of time,
make equations easy to manipulate. temperature, pressure and volume are
In SI, the distinction between upper expressed every time movement of a fluid
and lower case letters is meaningful and (liquid or gas) is measured.

28 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Light is electromagnetic radiation in the TABLE 8. Abrasive particle size and sieve apertures.
visible range of wavelength or frequency. Mesh Designation Sieve Lines
___________________ Nominal ISO __________________
Vision requires a source of USA FEPA Sieve Aperture per (per
illumination. The light source is measured Grit Grit (m) 10 mm 1.0 in.)
in candela (cd), defined as the luminous
intensity in a given direction of a source 70 to 80 213 212 to 180 30.3 (76.9)
that emits monochromatic radiation of 80 to 100 181 180 to 150 39.4 (100.0)
540 1012 hertz (540 THz) at a radiant 100 to 120 151 150 to 125 43.7 (111.1)
intensity of 1/683 watt per steradian
120 to 150 126 125 to 106 49.2 (125.1)
(about 0.0015 Wsr1).
140 to 170 107 106 to 90 59.1 (150.1)
The luminous flux in a steradian (sr) is
measured in lumen (lm). The
measurement in lumen is the product of
candela and steradian (1 lm = 1 cdsr). from being indicated in tests. Finish also
A light flux of one lumen (1 lm) affects adherence of materials to a surface.
striking one square meter (1 m2) on the In preparation of test panels for
surface of the sphere around the source evaluation, the type and size of abrasive
illuminates it with one lux (1 lx), the blasting is often specified.
unit of luminance, or brightness. If the Abrasive particle size (coarse versus
source itself is scaled to one square meter fine) in the United States has traditionally
and emits one candela (1 cd), the been specified using industry accepted
luminance of the source is 1 cdm2. gage numbers that correspond to the
Some terms have been replaced in SI. number of lines (or wires) per inch in
Illumination is now illuminance. sieves used to sift the abrasive grit. A
Transmission factor is now transmittance. number of standards govern grit
Meter-candle is now lux. Nit is candela per specifications in the abrasive industries
square meter (cdm2). for example, ANSI B 74.16 for industrial
Old units are to be converted (Table 6). diamonds. Table 8 shows several of the
Footcandle (ftc) and phot (ph) now many levels of grit designations based on
convert to lux (lx). Stilb (sb), footlambert particle size.39
and lambert convert to candela per square Organizations that issue standards in
meter (cdm2). For measurement of this area include the American National
wavelength, nanometer (nm) obviates Standards Institute (ANSI), the American
angstrom (): 10 = 1 nm. Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),
the Federation of the European Producers
Viscosity of Abrasives (FEPA) and the International
Standardization Organization (ISO).
Dynamic viscosity is expressed in SI by the
pascal second. An older unit is the
poise (P), or centipoise (cP): 100 cP = 1 P =
0.1 Pas.
Kinematic viscosity is expressed in SI as
square meter per second, equivalent to
the dynamic viscosity divided by mass
density. An older unit is the stokes (St):
1 cSt = 0.01 St = 1 mm2s1; 1 St =
0.0001 m2s1.

Porosity is reported as a ratio of volume to
volume and can be expressed as a
percentage. For example, if hydrogen
content in aluminum is measured as
2.5 mm3g1, this value reduces to
2.50 mm3(0.37 cm3)1 1000 mm3cm3 =
0.675 or about 0.7 percent. Therefore the
hydrogen content should be reported as
6.75 mm3cm3 in volume for a porosity
of 0.7 percent.

Abrasives and Finish Treatment

Surface abrading is a matter of concern in
liquid penetrant testing because grinding,
shot peening and sand blasting can close
surface breaking cracks and so keep them

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 29


1. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 13. Swan, L.K. NDT Afloat: The

second edition: Vol. 10, Nondestructive Development of Nondestructive
Testing Overview. Columbus, OH: Testing at Newport News
American Society for Nondestructive Shipbuilding. Materials Evaluation.
Testing (1996). Vol. 44, No. 8. Columbus, OH:
2. Wenk, S.A. and R.C. McMaster. American Society for Nondestructive
Choosing NDT: Applications, Costs and Testing (July 1986): p 908-911.
Benefits of Nondestructive Testing in Your 14. Boisvert, B.W. The Fluorescent
Quality Assurance Program. Columbus, Penetrant Hydrophilic Remover
OH: American Society for Process. Report 81-463-3. Dayton,
Nondestructive Testing (1987). OH: Universal Technology
3. Nondestructive Testing Methods. Corporation (1981).
TO33B-1-1 (NAVAIR 01-1A-16) 15. MIL-I-8474, Anodizing Process for
TM43-0103. Washington, DC: Inspection of Aluminum Alloys and Parts
Department of Defense (June 1984). (18 September 1946).
4. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 16. Skeie, K.S. Forty Years with Green
second edition: Vol. 2, Liquid Penetrant Fingernails. Manuscript (1999).
Tests. Columbus, OH: American 17. Taylor, F.J. The Coldfire Boys.
Society for Nondestructive Testing Saturday Evening Post (1 January 1949):
(1982). p 29, 44.
5. ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for 18. Switzer, R.C. Flaw Detector. United
Qualification and Certification of States Patent 2 259 400 (applied for
Nondestructive Testing Personnel. August 1938; issued October 1941).
Columbus, OH: American Society for 19. Thomas, W.E. Magnaflux Corporation:
Nondestructive Testing. A History. Chicago, IL: Magnaflux
6. EN 473, Qualification and Certification Corporation (1979).
of NDT Personnel General Principles. 20. Ward, R.A. Method and Compositions for
Brussels, Belgium: European Locating Surface Discontinuities. United
Committee for Standardization. States Patent 2 405 078 (filed June
7. ISO 9712, Nondestructive Testing 1942: issued July 1946).
Qualification and Certification of 21. Hill, C. Letter to John Clarke (25 July
Personnel. Geneva, Switzerland: 1942).
International Organization for 22. Mooz, W.E. Retrospective of Loy W.
Standardization. Sockman. Materials Evaluation.
8. AIA NAS 410, Certification and Vol. 50, No. 8. Columbus, OH:
Qualification of Nondestructive Test American Society for Nondestructive
Personnel. Washington, DC: Aerospace Testing (August 1992): p 961-964.
Industries Association of America 23. Sockman, L.[W.] et al. Dye Solution
(May 1996). Flaw Inspection Method. United States
9. ASNT Recommended Practice No. Patent 2 667 070 (filed March 1949;
SNT-TC-1A. Columbus, OH: American issued January 1954).
Society for Nondestructive Testing. 24. Bloom, R. et al. Method of Detecting
10. ASNT Central Certification Program Flaws in Metal Articles. United States
(ACCP), Revision 3 (November 1997). Patent 2 420 646 (filed January 1945;
Columbus, OH: American Society for issued May 1947).
Nondestructive Testing (1998). 25. Stokely, J.M. Flaw Detection Fluid.
11. Flaherty, J.J. History of Penetrants: United States Patent 2 478 951 (filed
The First 20 Years, 1941-1961. May 1944; issued August 1949).
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 44, No. 12. 26. Interoffice memo to Robert Switzer.
Columbus, OH: American Society for Cleveland, OH: Dayglo Color
Nondestructive Testing (November Corporation (April 1965).
1986): p 1371-1374, 1376, 1378, 1380, 27. Parker, D. Laboratory notebook no. 1.
1382. Chicago, IL: Magnaflux (unpublished).
12. Betz, C.E. Principles of Penetrants. 28. DeForest, T. et al. Method of Detecting
Chicago, IL: Magnaflux Corporation Surface Discontinuities. United States
(1963): p 5-13. Patent 2 806 959 (filed February 1956;
issued September 1957).

30 Liquid Penetrant Testing

29. Parker, D. et al. Water Emulsifiable
Composition. United States Patent
2 978 418 (filed February 1956; issued
April 1961).
30. Parker, D. Chicago unpublished
laboratory report C-28. Chicago, IL:
Magnaflux (April 1952 and October
31. DeForest, T. et al. United States Patent
2 774 886, Method of Detecting Surface
Discontinuities (filed November 1952;
issued December 1956).
32. Switzer, J. et al. Fluorescent Penetrant
Inspection Materials and Methods.
United States Patent 2 920 203 (filed
September 1955; issued January 1960).
33. Military specification AN-I-30a,
Fluorescent Method of Inspection
(September 18, 1946).
34. MIL-I-6866, Penetrant Method of
Inspection (August 7, 1950).
35. MIL-I-25135, Inspection Materials:
Penetrants (August 6, 1956).
36. Thomas, W.E., An Analytic Approach
to Penetrant Performance (1963
Lester Honor Lecture). Nondestructive
Testing. Vol. 21, No. 6. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (November-December 1963):
p 354-368.
37. IEEE/ASTM SI 10-1997, Standard for Use
of the International System of Units (SI):
The Modernized Metric System. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1996).
38. Taylor, B.N. Guide for the Use of the
International System of Units (SI). NIST
Special Publication 811, 1995 edition.
Washington, DC: United States
Government Printing Office (1995).
39. B 74.16, Checking the Size of Diamond
and Cubic Boron Nitride Abrasive Grain.
New York, NY: American National
Standards Institute (1995).

Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing 31


Principles of Liquid
Penetrant Testing

Noel A. Tracy, Universal Technology Corporation,

Dayton, Ohio
James S. Borucki, Gould Bass NDT, Pomona, California
Art Cedillos, Palomar Plating Company, Escondido,
John J. Flaherty, Flare Technology, Elk Grove Village,
Bruce C. Graham, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Donald J. Hagemaier, Boeing, Long Beach, California
Robert J. Lord, Boeing, St. Louis, Missouri
Stanley Ness, Mission Viejo, California
J.T. Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates, Incorporated,
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Kermit S. Skeie, Kermit Skeie Associates, San Dimas,
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
PART 1. Elements of Liquid Penetrant Testing

the part surface at the discontinuity

Basic Liquid Penetrant opening, can reduce or completely
destroy the effectiveness of the test.
Testing Process 2. Apply liquid penetrant to the test surfaces
The basic principles of the liquid and permit it to dwell on the part
penetrant testing process have not surface for a period of time to allow it
changed from the oil-and-whiting days. to enter and fill any discontinuities
These principles are shown in Fig. 1. As open to the surface.
the liquid penetrant testing process 3. Remove the excess liquid penetrant from
evolved, additional steps were specified. the test surfaces. Care must be exercised
Presently, the process consists of six basic to prevent removal of liquid penetrant
steps. contained in discontinuities.
4. Apply a developer, which aids in
1. Preclean and dry the test surfaces of the
drawing any trapped liquid penetrant
object to be inspected. Cleaning is a
from discontinuities and spreading
critical part of the liquid penetrant
that liquid penetrant on the test
process and is emphasized because of
surface to improve the visibility of
its effect on the test results.
indications. The developer also
Contaminants, soils or moisture,
provides a contrasting background on
either inside the discontinuity or on
a part surface, especially for
nonfluorescent indications.
5. Visually examine surfaces for liquid
FIGURE 1. Basic liquid penetrant process: (a) penetrant indications; interpret and
apply liquid penetrant; (b) remove excess; evaluate the indications.
(c) apply developer. 6. Postclean the part to remove process
residues if they will be detrimental to
(a) subsequent operations or the parts
Liquid intended function. (In some cases, a
penetrant treatment to prevent corrosion may be
These six basic steps are followed
regardless of the type of fluorescent or
visible color dye used to form the liquid
penetrant indications. The fourth step,
application of a developer, is sometimes
omitted when testing newly
manufactured parts with fluorescent
(b) liquid penetrants but at the cost of lower
test sensitivity due to reduced visibility of

Materials That Can Be

Inspected by Liquid
Penetrant Tests
(c) Indication
Liquid penetrant testing is one of the best
Developer test methods for all types of
discontinuities open to accessible surfaces
in solid nonpermeable materials.
Laminations and lack of bond between
layers of laminated materials can be
detected with liquid penetrants only if
these laminar discontinuities extend to
Liquid penetrant exposed edges or holes where the liquid
penetrant can enter and indications can
be observed. Liquid penetrant testing has

34 Liquid Penetrant Testing

been used with excellent success on discontinuities. Thus, detection of
ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys, inconsequential discontinuities can be
fired ceramics and cermets, powdered minimized whereas larger
metal products, glass and some types of discontinuities of more concern are
plastics and synthetic organic materials. indicated.
Liquid penetrants are also used for
detection of leaks in tubing, tanks, welds
and components.
Disadvantages and
Limitations of Liquid
Reasons for Selecting Penetrant Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing 1. Liquid penetrant testing depends on
Some of the reasons for choosing liquid the ability of liquid penetrant to enter
penetrant testing are as follows. and fill discontinuities. Penetrant
1. Liquid penetrant testing can quickly testing will only reveal discontinuities
examine all the accessible surfaces of open to the surface.
objects. Complex shapes can be 2. Surfaces of objects to be inspected
immersed or sprayed with liquid must be clean and free of organic or
penetrant to provide complete surface inorganic contaminants that will
coverage. prevent interaction of the penetrating
2. Liquid penetrant testing can detect media with a surface. Organic surface
very small surface discontinuities. It is coatings, such as paint, oil, grease or
one of the most sensitive resin, are in this category. Any coating
nondestructive test methods for that covers or blocks the discontinuity
detecting surface discontinuities. opening will prevent liquid penetrant
3. Liquid penetrant testing can be used entry. Even when the coating does not
on a wide variety of materials: ferrous cover the opening, material at the
and nonferrous metals and alloys; edge of the opening may affect entry
fired ceramics and cermets; powdered or exit of liquid penetrant and greatly
metal products; glass; and some types reduce reliability of the test. Coatings
of organic materials. Restrictions on in the vicinity of a discontinuity will
materials imposed by the nature of the also retain liquid penetrant, causing
liquid penetrant process are covered in background fluorescence. Cleaning
the discussion of limitations, below. test surfaces is discussed in more detail
MOVIE. 4. Liquid penetrant testing can be below.
Bleeding accomplished with relatively 3. It is also essential that the inside
suggests inexpensive, nonsophisticated surface of discontinuities be free of
discontinuity equipment. If the area to be inspected materials such as corrosion, fluids,
severity. is small, the test can be accomplished combustion products or other
with portable equipment. contaminants that would restrict entry
5. Liquid penetrant testing magnifies the of liquid penetrant. Because it is
apparent size of discontinuities impossible to check inside
making the indications more visible. discontinuities, one must trust that
In addition, the discontinuity processes selected to clean test surfaces
location, orientation and approximate will clean inside surfaces of
size and shape are indicated on the discontinuities also.
part, making interpretation and 4. Mechanical operations, such as shot
evaluation possible. peening, plastic media blasting (PMB),
6. Liquid penetrant testing is readily machining, honing, abrasive blasting,
adapted to volume processing, buffing, brushing, grinding or sanding
permitting 100 percent surface will smear or peen the surface of
inspection. Small parts may be placed metals. This mechanical working
in baskets for batch processing. closes or reduces the surface opening
Specialized systems may be partially or of existing discontinuities. Mechanical
fully automated to process many parts working (smearing or peening) also
per hour. occurs during service when parts are
7. The sensitivity of a liquid penetrant in contact or rub together. Penetrant
testing process may be adjusted testing will not reliably detect
through appropriate selection of liquid discontinuities when it is performed
penetrant, removal technique and after a mechanical operation or service
type of developer. This allows the use that smears or peens the surface.
liquid penetrant process to be adapted In some cases chemical removal
to characteristics (e.g., composition, (etching) of smeared metal may
surface condition) of the part restore test reliability.
requiring testing and to be tailored to 5. Unless special procedures are used,
detect specified minimum rejectable liquid penetrant testing is impractical

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 35

on porous materials, such as some provides a high contrast background for
types of anodized aluminum surfaces, the colored liquid penetrant when viewed
other protective coatings and porous under the appropriate light. Red dye is
nonmetallic parts. Penetrant rapidly most common, although some blue dye is
enters pores of the material and also used.
becomes trapped. This can result in an
overall background fluorescence or Dual Mode (Both Visible and
color that could mask any potential
discontinuity indications. In addition, Fluorescent) Liquid Penetrant
removal of the liquid penetrant may Dual mode liquid penetrants contain dyes
not be possible after the test. that are both colored under white light
6. Penetrants, emulsifiers and some types and fluorescent under ultraviolet
of developers have very good wetting radiation. However, the intensities of the
and detergent properties. They can act visible color (usually red) and the
as solvents for fats and oils. They also fluorescent color (usually orange) are less
can clean ferrous materials so than the colors produced by the single
thoroughly that rust will begin almost mode visible and fluorescent liquid
immediately if corrosion inhibitor is penetrants respectively.
not applied. If allowed to remain in
contact with human skin for extended
periods, they may cause irritation.
Classification of Liquid
Penetrants by Removal
Classification of Liquid Method
A liquid penetrant is further classified by
Penetrants by Dye Type the technique used to remove it from the
Liquid penetrants are generally classified surface of a part after it has been on the
by type according to the dye contained in part a specified amount of dwell time
the liquid penetrant. The liquid penetrant during the test process. The liquid
testing process relies on liquid penetrant penetrants are formulated and
entering a discontinuity and subsequently manufactured for specific removal
being drawn back out and made easily techniques designed to minimize removal
visible on the surface of a part. The of the liquid penetrant that has seeped
amount of liquid penetrant material into a discontinuity. Each removal
entrapped in discontinuities is usually technique has advantages and
very small. If the discontinuity is to be disadvantages, discussed below.
detected, the very small amount of liquid
penetrant must be highly visible. In the Water Washable Liquid Penetrant
oil-and-whiting days, it was found that
used or dirty oil was much more visible Most liquid penetrants contain an oil base
than clean machine oil. Today chemists insoluble in and immiscible with water.
make liquid penetrants visible by This means that the excess liquid
dissolving highly colored dyes in a penetrant on a part cannot be removed
penetrating oil or other vehicle. Based on with water. However, some liquid
the dye, liquid penetrants are classified as penetrants are carefully compounded
MOVIE. one of the three types described below. mixtures of an oil base and an emulsifier,
Fluorescent and others have water or a surfactant as a
liquid base rather than oil. Manufacturers
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant provide these alternative formulations in
Fluorescent liquid penetrants contain ready-to-use liquid penetrants, which may
fluorescent dye that emits yellowish green be removed with water immediately after
light when exposed to near ultraviolet the liquid penetrant dwell. Depending on
radiation (with a wavelength of 320 to requirements imposed on the liquid
400 nm). This property is termed penetrant testing procedure by applicable
fluorescence. Very small quantities of process specifications, the removal may be
fluorescent liquid penetrant will emit accomplished by wiping the part surface
highly visible indications when exposed with a wet lintfree cloth (after wiping
MOVIE. to ultraviolet radiation. with a dry lintfree cloth first), by directing
Liquid a controlled spray onto the part or by
penetrant dipping and agitating the part in water.
seeps into Visible Liquid Penetrant
discontinuity. Visible dye or color contrast liquid
penetrants contain a dye that is visible Postemulsifiable Liquid Penetrant
under natural or white light. The visibility When used in the postemulsification
is further enhanced during the liquid process, liquid penetrants can be
penetrant process by the application of a formulated to optimize their penetrating
white developer. The white developer and visibility characteristics for higher

36 Liquid Penetrant Testing

sensitivity. Because postemulsifiable liquid
penetrants do not contain any
emulsifying agent, they are less likely to
Types of Emulsifiers
be removed from the discontinuity when Lipophilic emulsifiers are composed of
the surface liquid penetrant is being liquid blends that combine with oil based
removed with water. Removal from a liquid penetrants to form a mixture that
surface is accomplished by applying an can be removed with a water spray. They
emulsifier in a separate process step, are supplied in a ready-to-use form. Their
normally by dipping the part into a tank mode of action is based primarily on
of the emulsifier or spraying the diffusion and solubility into an oil base
emulsifier onto the part. Depending on liquid penetrant. Parts are generally
the type of emulsifier used, the emulsifier dipped into tanks of lipophilic emulsifier,
either converts the excess surface liquid withdrawn and placed at a drain station
penetrant into a mixture that forms an for a specified time. The diffusion rate
emulsion with the addition of water (emulsification time) will vary depending
(lipophilic) or acts directly with the liquid on the viscosity of the emulsifier and the
penetrant to form an emulsion physical action of drainoff. Therefore, it is
subsequently removed with water important to control the emulsification
(hydrophilic). time to prevent emulsification of the
A postemulsifiable liquid penetrant liquid penetrant in the discontinuity.
usually can be used with any emulsifier. Hydrophilic emulsifiers, often referred to
However, qualifying/approving agencies as removers, are composed of emulsifying
may choose to qualify a liquid agents dissolved in water and are supplied
penetrantemulsifier combination from in a concentrate form. They are diluted
the same manufacturer. The manufacturer with water at concentrations of 5 to 30
may offer the same liquid penetrant for percent and used as an immersion dip
use with different emulsifiers. A user with mild air or mechanical agitation or
could use any liquid penetrantemulsifier as a forced water spray rinse at dilution
combination that met the approval of a ratios up to a maximum of 5 percent. A
customer. prerinse with a water spray normally
precedes the application of hydrophilic
emulsifiers, so liquid penetrant
Solvent Removable Liquid contamination of the emulsifier is
Penetrant reduced. The term hydrophilic can be
The term solvent removable is often used as defined as having an affinity for water,
if it applied to a discrete class of liquid whereas lipophilic means having an
penetrants. In fact, all liquid penetrants affinity for oil.
can be removed with solvents. In most Hydrophilic emulsifiers function
applications the liquid penetrants used in through their detergent and scraping or
the solvent removable process are scrubbing (kinetic) action. Diffusion does
postemulsifiable; however, water washable not take place in this mechanism of
liquid penetrants can also be used. For action. The surface active agent in the
some applications a manufacturer may remover helps displace liquid penetrant
choose to offer a liquid penetrant from the surface and prevents
qualified for the solvent removable redeposition. Removal of excess surface
process only. liquid penetrant with hydrophilic
With this technique excess liquid emulsifiers in an immersion or dip mode
penetrant is removed from a test surface begins as the remover detaches the liquid
by first wiping the surface with a clean, penetrant from the surface. Mild agitation
dry, lintfree cloth or paper towel. After removes the displaced liquid penetrant
most of the surface liquid penetrant has from the part so that it cannot redeposit.
MOVIE. been removed, the remainder is removed When a spray is used, the impinging
Solvent with another clean cloth slightly droplets of water have the same effect as
removes excess moistened with the solvent. Because the agitation in a tank. The hydrophilic
liquid solvent removable technique is very labor emulsifier contact time is directly related
penetrant from intensive, it is normally used only when it to its concentration. This applies to both
part surface. is necessary to inspect a localized area of a immersion and spray applications. The
part or a part at its inservice site rather hydrophilic emulsification process affords
than in a production environment. When better control and, in addition, allows for
properly applied, the solvent removable an effective and practical treatment and
technique can be one of the most recycling of the liquid penetrant prerinse
sensitive liquid penetrant testing solution, thereby minimizing waste water
techniques available. pollution.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 37

as the aqueous soluble developers.
Solvent Removers However, suspendible developers must be
constantly agitated to keep the developer
Solvent removers have traditionally been suspended. Removal of dried suspendible
petroleum base or chlorinated solvents. developers may be more difficult because
However, because the former is flammable they are not soluble in water. All aqueous
and production of the latter ceased in developers necessarily contain biocides,
December 1995, use of detergent cleaners corrosion inhibitors and wetting agents.
or water base solvents is increasing. Water Nonaqueous (solvent suspendible)
itself can be used as a solvent for water developers are supplied in the MOVIE.
washable liquid penetrants. Often an ready-to-use condition, frequently in Nonaqueous
emulsifier contains enough solvency to aerosol cans. This type of developer is the wet developer
function as a hand wipe remover also. most sensitive form because the solvent enhances
action contributes to the absorption and visible dye
adsorption mechanisms of the developer contrast.
by entering the discontinuity and
Types of Developers dissolving into the liquid penetrant. This
The developer increases the intensity action increases the volume and reduces
(brightness) of fluorescent liquid the viscosity of the liquid penetrant and
penetrant indications and the contrast of leaches it to the surface. Nonaqueous
visible dye liquid penetrant indications. developers are suitable for testing of
The developer also provides a blotting installed parts or in nonproduction
action, which serves to draw liquid situations involving few parts or small
penetrant from within the discontinuity areas. With the discontinued use of
to the part surface until the thickness of chlorinated solvents, because of
the surface film of liquid penetrant environmental concerns, flammable
exuded from the discontinuity is solvents may be the only choice.
increased to levels above the threshold of
visibility. Another developer function is to
spread the liquid penetrant on the
surface, enlarging the appearance of the Qualified/Approved Liquid
indication. Penetrant Materials
Dry powder developers are applied to
dry part surfaces by air suspension, Although a qualifying/approving agency
electrostatic spraying or part immersion. may be an independent organization
The powder is light and fluffy and clings designated and approved by a governing
to the part surfaces in a fine film. Dry body or end user, a qualifying/approving
powder developers should not be used agency is ultimately a customer that
with visible liquid penetrant because they requires liquid penetrant materials to pass
do not produce a satisfactory contrast designated tests in order to be used for
coating on the surface of the part. inspecting the products it buys. A
Electrostatic spraying is common in customer may designate specific liquid
automated systems. For reasons of human penetrant materials to be used to inspect
safety, dry powder developers should be its products or may allow organizations
handled with care. Like any other dust performing tests to make appropriate
particle, it can dry the skin and irritate selections from a list of
the lining of the breathing passages. qualified/approved liquid penetrant
Water soluble developers consist of a materials to which the customer
powder dissolved in water and applied by subscribes. All materials in a given
dipping a part in the solution, by flowing classification category on such a list are
the solution over a part or by spraying the considered equivalent in meeting generic
solution onto the part. As the part is specification requirements. Consequently,
dried, a thin layer of the powder remains any manufacturers product listed on a
on the part. Stationary test equipment qualified/approved list may be substituted
usually includes a tank module for for any other product listed under the
aqueous developer. Complete coverage is same classification. In its listings of
easily obtained by dipping parts. However, materials, a qualified/approved list may
puddling of the developer in recesses of formalize the classification of types of
complex parts must be avoided so that all liquid penetrants, techniques of removal,
water evaporates during drying and the classes of solvents and forms of developers
developer coating has a uniform with number and/or letter designations
thickness. for easy reference.
Water suspendible developers are similar A typical example of a qualified and
to the water soluble type except that the approved list is QPL-AMS-2644,1 a
powder, insoluble in water, remains in qualified products list that has been
suspension until it precipitates onto the generated by the United States Air Force
part as it is dried. Aqueous suspendible for the Department of Defense and
developers are used in the same manner replaces QPL-25135.2 This qualified
products list itemizes materials that meet

38 Liquid Penetrant Testing

or exceed the requirements of the Brightness and Sensitivity of
SAE AMS 2644 specification for liquid Fluorescent Liquid Penetrants
penetrant testing materials.3 The current
trend is to have consensus industry There is considerable difference of
specifications instead of military opinion over the synonymous use of the
specifications, so the Department of terms brightness and sensitivity to describe
Defense (the customer) has chosen the performance of liquid penetrant materials
SAE document for its liquid penetrant and techniques. The difficulty arises from
product requirements. the absence of a reliable and objective
Listing of liquid penetrant materials on scientific test for evaluating liquid
a qualified products list does not penetrant sensitivity. Sensitivity tests rely
guarantee that subsequent batches of the mostly on comparative visual observation
same formulation will be acceptable. of indications of known crack patterns on
Listing on a qualified products list merely reference blocks. Such comparisons leave
indicates that the original raw materials, considerable uncertainty in individual
formulation and compounding practice interpretation of sensitivity. In addition to
can result in an acceptable liquid individual differences in interpretation,
penetrant test product. Many factors and individual differences in processing of
conditions involved in compounding and reference blocks or test parts may have a
manufacturing liquid penetrants can decided influence on evaluation
affect their performance. Specifications for performed in this manner.
liquid penetrant testing materials may The human perception of brightness is
include an option for a procuring activity a qualitative experience influenced by the
to contractually require a manufacturer to dark adaptation of the inspector's eyes
provide quality conformance test results and the contrast of the indication
for the lot/batch to be supplied and/or a intensity against the surrounding
sample of the material for independent background intensity. Instruments can
testing. measure the luminous intensity per unit
projected area (of the light source). For
example, intensity data gathered with a
photometer has been used to assign the
Sensitivity sensitivity levels to liquid penetrant
systems during qualification testing for
When applied to liquid penetrant testing
inclusion in QPL-AMS-2644.3
processes, the term sensitivity refers to the
Luminescence measurements are made
ability to detect discontinuities. In this
of fluorescent liquid penetrant indications
context, sensitivity is a relative factor.
produced by known crack patterns in
Higher sensitivity indicates that a test
specimens processed with standardized
process can detect smaller discontinuities
procedures. The assignment of sensitivity
than less sensitive processes. Several
levels is based on the premise that more
factors influence the sensitivity of a given
sensitive liquid penetrant systems produce
liquid penetrant testing process. The
brighter crack indications. Because of
cleaning techniques, the selected liquid
variables such as surface cleanliness,
penetrant materials and the procedure by
process control and interpretation, this
which the materials are processed affect
premise is valid only in a carefully
the sensitivity of the liquid penetrant
controlled scenario such as this
testing process.
qualification application. There is no
The sensitivity of a liquid penetrant
doubt that brighter indications are easier
testing process is not to be confused with
to detect, but the sensitivity of a liquid
sensitivity level of a liquid penetrant system,
penetrant process must be determined
a term used to classify the relative
empirically for each application. To
sensitivity of liquid penetrant systems
reiterate, the sensitivity level of a liquid
that are processed according to a
penetrant system is only a reference point
standardized procedure. A liquid
from which to start the empirical process.
penetrant system is normally designated
by type of dye in the liquid penetrant and
technique of removal. A postemulsifiable
liquid penetrant system includes a liquid
penetrant and an emulsifier, normally
Major Requirements of
from the same manufacturer. The Liquid Penetrants
sensitivity level facilitates the selection of A satisfactory liquid penetrant must meet
a system to obtain the desired test process several rather exacting requirements,
sensitivity. some of which are more or less in conflict
Therefore, if all processing variables are with the others. High on the list of
equal, a penetrant system with a higher desirable characteristics is penetrating
level of sensitivity will produce a action or the ability to enter extremely
detectable indication of a very small fine surface openings in test objects.
discontinuity, whereas a system with Fortunately most oily liquids penetrate
lower sensitivity may not.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 39

well, so this is not a restrictive Body and Volatility of Liquid
requirement. Penetrants
In other cases, the ability of a liquid
penetrant to become entrapped and held In addition to inherent penetrating ability
can become a problem. This need of the carrier liquid, numerous secondary
conflicts with the equally important qualities are necessary to permit use of its
requirement for suitable removability of penetrating power. The material should
excess liquid penetrant from the surface have sufficient body to hold the dye
of the part after discontinuities have been throughout the time necessary for
penetrated. penetration to take place. Some liquid
Another characteristic, of at least equal penetrants exhibit a certain amount of
importance to penetrating action, is volatility. It is reasoned that a small
visibility or the contrast between the amount of evaporation at the
liquid penetrant indication and the discontinuity could help to intensify dye
background against which it is viewed by brilliance and also prevent excessive
the inspector. spreading of indications. At the same
The degree to which each of the above time, a liquid that is too highly volatile is
features is present in a particular liquid undesirable. The highly volatile liquid
penetrant will depend on the application penetrants will evaporate rapidly from
for which it is intended but each property processing tanks. This evaporation can
will be found in any materials suitable for change the performance characteristics of
testing purposes. The means by which the liquid penetrant material and release
each property is obtained will also vary vapors that may be a nuisance or even a
widely among the various available liquid hazard.
Wetting Ability of Liquid
Liquid Vehicle Properties Wetting ability is another property that
does not seem to correlate directly with
and Penetrating Ability of ability to penetrate but it does have an
Liquid Penetrants important effect on overall performance.
Unfortunately, there is neither a simple A material that has good wetting
rule for formulating a highly penetrating properties will spread completely over the
liquid penetrant nor is there a fixed set of surface of the treated part in a smooth,
characteristics which, if provided, will even film despite the presence of a
ensure a final material that is completely reasonable amount of surface
satisfactory. Some properties that would contamination. On the other hand, a
seem absolutely necessary have little or no liquid of poor wetting characteristics will
effect on the ability of the liquid pull back on itself, leaving areas of the
penetrant to enter surface discontinuities, test surface completely devoid of liquid
although there may be other reasons for penetrant. When this occurs,
their control. Viscosity of liquid discontinuities that may be present in the
penetrants serves as a good illustration. It uncovered areas will not be visible, for
would seem logical to assume that a low there is no indicating material to enter
viscosity material would enter small them. This is very important when the
discontinuities more rapidly than one test surface is smooth (as with stainless
with a higher viscosity; however, many steel forgings).
highly viscous liquids are excellent liquid
penetrants because normal liquid
penetrant dwell times are long enough to
let tiny cracks be filled, regardless of
Liquid Penetrant
viscosity. The chemical composition of Requirements for Special
the liquid penetrant material also
influences the liquid penetrants ability to
seep into cracks. The aerospace and nuclear industries have
The penetrating ability of a complete imposed some special requirements on
liquid penetrant material is mainly a liquid penetrants for specific applications
function of the properties of the liquid that may or may not require specially
carrier or vehicle of the liquid penetrant formulated products. Examples of special
material. The functions of the liquid types of liquid penetrants include the
carrier or vehicle are (1) to hold the dye following.
in solution or suspension; (2) to distribute 1. Liquid penetrants used in inspection
the liquid penetrant evenly and of liquid oxygen or high pressure
completely over the surface to be gaseous oxygen systems. These must
inspected; and (3) to carry the liquid leave no contaminants or residues that
penetrant into any discontinuities present react with the oxygen.
on the test surface.

40 Liquid Penetrant Testing

2. Liquid penetrants with low content of
sulfur and/or halogen (e.g., chloride).
Sulfur or chlorine may be detrimental
to stainless steel or titanium metals or
alloy surfaces under subsequent high
temperature processing or service.
3. Liquid penetrants low in alkali metals
such as sodium and potassium and
low in low melting temperature metals
such as lead, tin and mercury.
4. Liquid penetrants for use at very low
or very high temperatures.
Whether or not these particular
requirements are imposed, the basic
procedures of liquid penetrant testing and
the mechanisms of operation of liquid
penetrant materials remain unchanged.
The difference lies only in the special
liquid penetrant products being used.

Liquid Penetrants for

Liquid or Gaseous Oxygen
System Components
Aerospace systems sometimes use liquid
oxygen or gaseous oxygen in their
propellant and life support systems.
Formulation of a liquid oxygen or gaseous
oxygen insensitive liquid penetrant
presents a formidable problem because all
organic chemicals are reactive with liquid
oxygen or gaseous oxygen to some degree.
Many of the common ingredients of
liquid penetrants are organic and are
therefore subject to liquid oxygen
reactivity. Even if organic ingredients are
present in very low concentrations, there
is always the possibility that they can
become concentrated through
evaporation or accumulation. ASTM
D 2512 covers the commonly accepted
test techniques for liquid oxygen
compatibility.4 Liquid penetrants that
meet these test requirements are available.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 41

PART 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing Processes

Because the processes for fluorescent 4. If dry or nonaqueous developers will

liquid penetrant and visible dye liquid be used later, dry the test parts
penetrant are similar, the process flow thoroughly following removal of
charts (Figs. 2, 3 and 5) are applicable to excess surface liquid penetrant. If wet
both. Processing variables including aqueous developer was used, dry the
liquid penetrant dwell time, test parts as soon as the excess
emulsification time, rinse water developer coating has drained off the
temperature and pressure, drying test parts. Oven drying may be
temperature and time, and intensity of desirable to reduce drying time. In the
ultraviolet or visible radiation (visible drying step, it is necessary to guard
light) are established by customer against excessive exposure to high
designated processing specifications. It is temperature. Excessive oven
very important to adhere to the temperature can degrade the
established parameters to control the fluorescent dyes in the liquid
quality of the test. penetrant. This can decrease test
sensitivity by decreasing or
eliminating the brightness of a
fluorescent indication.
Water Washable Liquid 5. If aqueous developer has not
Penetrant Process previously been applied to the wet
parts, apply dry or nonaqueous
To ensure that testing is reliable and developer to the dry test parts. Liquid
reproducible and remains sufficiently penetrant is drawn out of
sensitive for the purpose intended, the discontinuity entrapments to the part
water washable liquid penetrant test surface during the so called
procedure includes the following development time or developer dwell time.
operational steps. This liquid penetrant may spread into
1. Preclean and dry the surfaces the developer coating to form
(including crack surfaces) to be enhanced indications, as sketched in
inspected. A contaminated surface will Fig. 1c.
not provide reliable liquid penetrant 6. Observe and interpret the liquid
indications. In some cases, etching penetrant indications of surface
may be necessary to open up discontinuities under suitable
entrapment areas under smeared metal
2. Apply liquid penetrant to the dry part FIGURE 2. Water washable liquid penetrant process.
surfaces and allow sufficient time
(termed dwell time) for the surface
liquid penetrant to enter the Clean
discontinuities to form liquid
penetrant entrapments (Fig. 1a). Apply liquid penetrant
Liquid penetrant should wet the entire
test surface area with a uniform liquid Dwell
film. If the liquid penetrant pulls away
leaving bare areas, the part surface is Water wash
not clean enough.
3. Following a suitable dwell time, Aqueous
remove the excess surface liquid Dry Dry
penetrant by room temperature water
rinsing with a coarse spray applied at Nonaqueous
Dry developer Dry
an angle as sketched in Fig. 1b.
Rinsing should continue until no
traces of residual liquid penetrant are Dwell
visible on test surfaces when viewed
under suitable illumination. If wet Inspect
aqueous developer is to be used, it
should be applied to the wet part Postclean
surfaces following water rinsing.

42 Liquid Penetrant Testing

illumination. Evaluate each indication liquid penetrant indications in the same prerinse.
to determine if the indications way as in other liquid penetrant processes.
constitute cause for rejection, rework,
disposal or other action. This is an
essential step in any test process.
7. Perform postcleaning and treatment of Hydrophilic
test parts to remove residue of liquid Postemulsification Liquid Dip in
penetrant processing materials and
provide protection against corrosion. Penetrant Process hydrophilic
Figure 3b is a flow chart for the emulsifier;
hydrophilic postemulsification liquid dwell.
penetrant process. The initial steps of
Lipophilic precleaning, applying liquid penetrant
and allowing for a liquid penetrant dwell
Postemulsification Liquid and drain period are identical for all the
Penetrant Process liquid penetrant testing processes. As with
Figure 3a shows the procedure steps used the lipophilic process, an
Water wash.
with the lipophilic postemulsification emulsification/removal step is required.
liquid penetrant technique. The initial However, an additional prerinse is added
steps of precleaning, drying, applying immediately following the liquid
liquid penetrant and allowing liquid penetrant dwell time. After this first wash,
penetrant to drain for an adequate dwell usually only a thin film of liquid
time are identical to those used with penetrant held by molecular attraction MOVIE.
water washable liquid penetrants. Because remains on part surfaces. Through the Developer
the liquid penetrant does not contain an mechanical action of a water spray, much application.
emulsifier, an additional step of applying of the excess surface liquid penetrant is
emulsifier (Fig. 4b) and carefully removed. Application of the
controlling emulsifier dwell time (Fig. 4c) emulsifier/remover is accomplished by
must be provided to make the excess dipping a part in a hydrophilic emulsifier
surface liquid penetrant removable by solution or spraying a much more diluted
solution onto the part for a controlled MOVIE.
water spray washing (Fig. 4d). Following Viewing of
washing to remove surface liquid amount of time. Subsequent processing
steps are identical to the water washable developed
penetrant, test parts are dried, developer is indications.
applied, aqueous developers are applied and lipophilic postemulsification process.
before drying and parts are inspected for Because the prior water rinse removes
the bulk of the surface liquid penetrant,

FIGURE 3. Postemulsifiable liquid penetrant processes: (a) lipophilic; (b) hydrophilic. Shaded areas indicate
steps that differ between lipophilic and hydrophilic techniques.
(a) (b)

Clean Apply liquid penetrant

Apply liquid penetrant Dwell

Dwell Prerinse

Lipophilic emulsifier Hydrophilic emulsifier

Dwell Dwell

Water wash Water wash

Aqueous Aqueous
Dry Dry Dry Dry
developer developer

Nonaqueous Nonaqueous
Dry developer Dry Dry developer Dry
developer developer

Dwell Dwell

Inspect Inspect

Postclean Postclean

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 43

emulsifier contamination is minimized. density is less than waters. The liquid
Emulsifier diluted with three parts of penetrant waste floats and can be
water leaves only a thin surface film so skimmed off the surface of the water,
emulsifier dragout is reduced. The which prevents discharge of oily waste
prewash hydrophilic emulsifier technique into sewers and streams. In some cases,
decreases emulsifier consumption and the liquid penetrant materials collected in
lowers emulsifier cost. The biggest this manner can be recycled and reused.
advantage of this technique may be its
improved control of pollution caused by
liquid penetrant process waste materials.
The residual liquid penetrant removed in Solvent Technique for
the first water rinse is not water soluble. It Hand Wipe Liquid
separates from the rinse water because its
Penetrant Removal
The procedures for the third technique of
FIGURE 4. Lipophilic postemulsifiable liquid penetrant removing liquid penetrant by hand
process: (a) before emulsifier application; (b) after liquid wiping or solvent removal are shown in
penetrant dwell time; (c) surface liquid penetrant being Fig. 5. Materials used to remove excess
emulsified; (d) water spray removing emulsified liquid surface liquid penetrant are referred to as
penetrant. removers or as cleaners. The term cleaning
refers to preparation of the surface before
(a) testing and not to the removal of liquid
Liquid penetrant process residues following
penetrant completion of the test process. The term
remover is more appropriate to describe
the solvents used for removal of excess
surface liquid penetrant during processing
of test parts in liquid penetrant testing.
With the solvent removal process, the
available removers are often used also for
precleaning and for postcleaning of test
objects to remove liquid penetrant
(b) processing residues. However, the primary
purpose of solvent removers is removal of
excess liquid penetrant before application
Diffusion of emulsifier of developer.
into liquid penetrant Removers are normally petroleum base
starts here solvents but may be any solvent

FIGURE 5. Solvent removable liquid

penetrant process.

Emulsified liquid penetrant

Apply liquid penetrant

Emulsifier reaction zone
movement is stopped at
part surface (before it can Initial dry wipe
Liquid penetrant enter entrapment by careful
entrapped in defect timing before rinse starts
not emulsified Solvent wipe

Room temperature water spray at 45 degrees Final dry wipe
removes emulsified surface liquid penetrant only MOVIE.
Nonaqueous developer Developer is

Nonemulsified liquid
penetrant within
entrapment is not

44 Liquid Penetrant Testing

combination. Often an emulsifier actions, diffusion characteristics and
contains enough solvency to function as a solubilities. The speed with which test
remover. Alternatively, a product may be liquids enter into surface discontinuities
formulated for the express purpose of has a direct relation to their viscosities.
functioning as either a remover or an However, viscosity does not appear to
emulsifier. Removers are subject to the have any significant effect on the ultimate
same precautions in use as those described sensitivity or capability of a liquid
for use of liquid penetrants and penetrant to enter fine discontinuities,
emulsifiers. form a stable entrapment and later MOVIE.
migrate from this entrapment to form a Visible red dye
Procedures for Hand Wipe Solvent visible liquid penetrant indication on the liquid
part surface or developer coating. Many penetrant
MOVIE. Removal of Surface Liquid fine cracks are so shallow that even bleeds out.
Wipe part. Penetrant viscous liquids penetrate them easily. The
Liquid penetrant removers are used to characteristics of liquid penetrants and
remove excess surface liquid penetrant processing materials are discussed in detail
following liquid penetrant application. elsewhere in this volume.
Because the removers function by solvent The difficulty of correlating the
action, overremoval may be a problem if physical and chemical phenomena and
remover is used to excess. The properties of liquid penetrant liquids to
recommended hand wipe removal practical liquid penetrant test sensitivity
procedure includes the following steps. has thus far prevented the development
of accurate analytical models and
1. Wipe the test object surfaces with a predictions of liquid penetrant system
dry wiping instrument such as a dry performance sensitivity. Efforts to use
rag or soft absorbent paper. synthetic voids formed by mating two
2. Remove the remaining liquid finely machined surfaces did not show the
penetrant residues by wiping with a differences in inspection liquid
wiping instrument dampened with penetration that were anticipated from
solvent. chemical and physical considerations.
3. Wipe again with a dry rag or However, useful comparisons of
absorbent paper to remove any film of performance between various liquid
solvent remaining on the surfaces. penetrant and processing materials can be
When fine, shallow discontinuities are readily made with various types of liquid
under examination on smooth surfaces penetrant comparators or reference
such as test panels with cracked chrome panels.
plating, dry wiping is sufficient. Use of Measurements of surface energies,
any remover will result in overremoval of contact angles and other physical
liquid penetrant residues and resultant properties of liquid penetrants have
loss in sensitivity. suggested an elementary theory for
Caution. The hand wipe technique is predicting ability of liquid penetrants to
difficult to use on test parts with rough enter fine surface cracks and
surfaces or on recesses such as threads discontinuities. Additional work has been
because of the difficulty of wiping to the done by many research laboratories and
bottom of small, sharp recesses or by liquid penetrant manufacturers. Liquid
cleaning deep grooves. In addition, the penetrant testing has found wide and
cleaning cloth or paper should only be useful application despite the lack of
moistened lightly with solvent for final generally accepted theories for the
removal of surface liquid penetrant phenomena involved.
residues. Never immerse the cloth in
solvent nor saturate it with sprayed on
solvent when removing excess surface
liquid penetrant from test parts. The
Examination of Liquid
excess solvent would then diffuse into Penetrant Indications
liquid penetrant entrapments within Visible dye liquid penetrant indications
discontinuities and tend to remove part or can be viewed in daylight or by artificial
all of the liquid penetrant needed to form white light from tungsten filament or
discontinuity indications. fluorescent tubular lamps. Fluorescent
liquid penetrant shows discontinuity
indications as luminous yellow-green lines
or spots that provide a brightness contrast
Operating Mechanisms of with the darkened background.
Liquid Penetrant Systems Fluorescent dye liquid penetrants require
The mechanisms of operation of liquid excitation by near ultraviolet
penetrants and processing materials (ultraviolet-A) radiation to produce visible
would appear to be related to their surface indications. These fluorescent indications
energies or activities and to their capillary must be observed under subdued ambient
(white or scattered) light or in darkened

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 45

booths. Minimum ultraviolet radiation Advantages of Visible Dye
intensities are normally required by Penetrants
applicable specifications.
Dual response liquid penetrants Through its overall performance is
produce indications visible under both considered lower and production testing
ultraviolet radiation and natural or of small parts is slower, the visible dye
artificial white light. These liquid liquid penetrant process has some
penetrants also have dual sensitivity as advantages of its own. It does not require
well. The larger discontinuities are visible a darkened area or a source of electric
under both ultraviolet radiation and power for illumination. For these reasons,
natural white light. However, extremely it is more often used as a portable testing
tight discontinuities (fine cracks) may be tool in the shop or field. Large test parts,
seen as fluorescent indications visible difficult to move to a dark booth, can be
only under near ultraviolet radiation. inspected where they are located with
Typically, with dual sensitivity liquid visible dye liquid penetrants. The visible MOVIE.
penetrants, the visible dye indication is dye liquid penetrant is widely used for Indication in
red whereas the indication under inspection of weldments both in the shop root pass of
ultraviolet radiation fluorescences as and in the field. A weld discontinuity can weld.
bronze-orange or blue-green. be clearly visible when shown to the
In each case, the test operator must be welder who can grind out the
trained to look for relevant indications. discontinuity, reweld and reinspect, all
(Indications that have no relation to under natural light in the normal work
material discontinuities are nonrelevant area.
indications and not cause for rejection of
Caution. Fluorescent liquid penetrants
should not be applied to test objects that
Selection of Liquid
retain traces of visible dye liquid Penetrant Material and
penetrants or processing materials from Process
prior testing and vice versa. Water
washable and postemulsification types of
liquid penetrant should not be used on Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant
the same object. Residues from prior The techniques capable of the greatest
liquid penetrant processing often sensitivity are often the most costly. Many
diminish the contrast and visibility of tests require the ultimate sensitivity.
indications produced in subsequent However, high sensitivity is frequently
processing with a different liquid not required and may even produce
penetrant system. misleading results.
Users are urged to consider the
Advantages of Fluorescent Liquid following important factors and to discuss
Penetrants them with suppliers of liquid penetrant
test equipment and liquid penetrant
The inspector or operator can usually see materials before deciding on the type of
fluorescent indications in a dark test liquid penetrant testing system to install
booth more readily than the inspector can and/or use:
see relatively light red marks on a white
background produced by visible dye liquid 1. composition of parts to be inspected;
penetrants under normal light conditions. 2. number of parts or test areas to be
This is especially true in the case of liquid inspected per unit of time;
penetrant indications of minute cracks or 3. size and weight of parts to be handled;
pinholes. Therefore, because the 4. location at which testing is required
fluorescent liquid penetrant indications (that is, receiving department, in
are more visible, it is generally conceded process along a production line,
that fluorescent liquid penetrant testing is during assembly, as final inspection, in
more sensitive to small discontinuities the field during erection, at
than visible dye liquid penetrant testing is. maintenance facilities or in service);
Also, because the operator can locate 5. types of discontinuities to be expected,
luminous discontinuity marks readily, the for example, porosity, cracks, seams or
fluorescent dye liquid penetrant lends laps;
itself to faster readout. Aerospace industry 6. size of discontinuities to be detected
specifications often call for fluorescent (for example, small, deep, large,
liquid penetrant testing of critical parts shallow, clustered or scattered);
under very well controlled conditions 7. surface condition of parts to be
because very small discontinuity inspected (such as as-cast, as-forged,
indications must be sought and detected machined, ground, lapped, polished,
reliably. plated, painted, corroded, oily, covered
with combustion, scratched or scaled
parts); and

46 Liquid Penetrant Testing

TABLE 1. Selection of fluorescent liquid penetrant test method as function of test object surface condition and type of
discontinuity. The type of developer affects liquid penetrant system sensitivity. Nonaqueous wet developers are the
most sensitive, followed by aqueous developer, dry developer and no developer, in that order.
Polished or smooth Normal fine, Broad, shallow High temperature
surface with tight discontinuities discontinuities Very rough titanium or other
very fine shallow on smooth or on smooth or or porous alloys sensitive to
Type Fluorescent discontinuities roughened surfaces roughened surfaces cast surfaces extraneous elements

Water Washable Liquid Penetrant

Regular or high performance A A A C, E A, F
High or very high performance A A A C, E A, F
Postemulsifiable Liquid Penetrant
Regular performance A A A C, E A, F
High or very high performance A A A C, E A, F
Solvent Removable Liquid Penetrant
Regular performance B B B D, E B, F
High performance B B B D, E B, F

A = Caution is required in rinsing to avoid overrinsing.

B = If solvent remover is used, use as little as possible. The wiping material should be barely damped to avoid overremoval of liquid
C = Liquid penetrants may leave excessive background on rough surfaces. The less sensitive types are preferred to the more sensitive types.
visible penetrant is commonly used in this situation.
D = Solvent remover is not recommended. Use only dry, clean, lint-free wiping material.
E = Also available are special low sensitivity penetrants for tests of rough castings and other objects where only gross indications are of
F = Use low sulfur chloride liquid penetrant and/or emulsifier or remover.

8. condition to which parts will be portable system using a solvent remover

subjected after testing (for example, wipe-off technique is usually the first
medical, nuclear or oxygen systems; choice. Selection of a visible dye liquid
welding, plating or finishing penetrant is largely dependent on
operations; high temperature, economic factors and the facilities
aerospace, industrial or transportation available. The visible dye liquid penetrant
uses; inaccessible locations; or class is not divided into performance
consumer products). grades as is the fluorescent liquid
The selection may be influenced by penetrant class.
such additional factors as specification The visibility or degree of contrast of
requirements, education and experience the red indications with respect to the
of personnel and the quality level of test white developer background is a key
required. The quality of the test parts to factor in successfully revealing tight
be inspected should never be allowed to discontinuities by the visible dye liquid
influence the quality level of testing. The penetrant technique. Color contrast
test quality is determined by the nature of fulfills the same role as brightness in the
test parts and the service conditions for fluorescent technique. The visibility of
which they are intended. The regular colored contrast liquid penetrants
performance water washable, fluorescent depends on the color dye concentration.
liquid penetrant is generally more Threshold (minimum perceptible)
practical for rough surface parts such as indications can be seen only by using
sand castings. The higher performance ultrahigh dye concentrations not
liquid penetrants are favored for normally encountered in the usual visible
inspecting forgings, machined surfaces dye liquid penetrants. Because visible dye
and more critical load carrying parts. liquid penetrants have not been
Table 1 may be used as a guide in categorized with respect to visibility or
selecting the grade of liquid penetrant to performance, the user should determine
be used on parts with different surface the differences in sensitivity and select
conditions. the desired liquid penetrant in accordance
with the users needs.

Visible Dye Liquid Penetrant

The selection of a visible dye liquid
penetrant is relatively uncomplicated
when compared to selection among
classes of fluorescent liquid penetrants. If
the test is to take place in the field, a

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 47

PART 3. Principles of Emulsification and
Removal of Excess Surface Liquid Penetrant

indications of significant discontinuities.

Purpose and Control of Noise refers to confusing background
layers of liquid penetrant materials that
Removal of Excess Surface reduce the contrast and visibility of
Liquid Penetrant significant indications.)
With good removal of excess surface
Liquid penetrants are designed to wet and
liquid penetrant, the discontinuity
cling to all exposed surfaces of parts so as
indications (after development) stand
to provide a nearly uniform film of the
forth clearly with high color or brightness
liquid penetrant. This surface liquid
contrast and can be seen readily. With
penetrant provides the source of liquid
inadequate removal of excess surface
penetrant to seep into surface
liquid penetrant, the background color or
discontinuities during liquid penetrant
fluorescence reduces color or brightness
application and the subsequent liquid
contrast. In this case, the observer will
penetrant dwell time. While this surface
have considerable difficulty in
film of liquid penetrant persists, it is not
discriminating significant discontinuity
necessary to have parts immersed in
indications from nonrelevant surface
liquid penetrant baths to provide the
background. In critical applications of
liquid penetrant needed to fill
liquid penetrant testing, this loss of test
entrapments within discontinuities.
reliability and sensitivity to small
Following a dwell time sufficient to
discontinuities could be intolerable. Thus,
permit the entrapment of liquid
care and control in removal of excess
penetrant, the excess surface film of liquid
surface liquid penetrant are vital to
penetrant must be removed from part
reliability assurance with liquid penetrant
surfaces. Emulsifiers act like detergent to
loosen and to suspend or dissolve liquid
penetrant. The two major classes of
emulsifiers are oil based, or lipophilic Advantages of Drain-Dwell
(Fig. 6), and water based, or hydrophilic Technique during Penetration
(Fig. 7).
Test parts can be immersed in the tank of
Ideally, during removal of surface
liquid penetrant and then removed to
liquid penetrant, all excess surface liquid
drain excess liquid penetrant off the part
penetrant should be removed from all
surface while penetration into surface
surface areas (including fillets, corners and
discontinuities continues. The penetration
recesses) without removing the liquid
time with this drain-dwell technique is
penetrant entrapments. It is these small
important in two ways. Longer
quantities of liquid penetrant trapped
penetration times mean that less liquid
within subsurface volumes of the
penetrant is still on the surface when the
discontinuities that form the visible or
liquid penetrant is washed off or when
fluorescent indications of surface
the emulsifier is applied. A thinner layer
connected discontinuities.
of liquid penetrant calls for a shorter wash
Unfortunately, with rough or porous
or emulsifier dwell time because less
surfaces on test parts or with some types
emulsifier diffusion is needed. Further,
of cracked or porous surface coatings,
with a thinner surface layer of liquid
these intentional surface irregularities
penetrant, the wash water contains less
behave like discontinuities in the
liquid penetrant and the emulsifier that
underlying base metal, in that they can
drains back carries less liquid penetrant
trap and hold minute amounts of liquid
contamination into the emulsifier
penetrant. If such nonsignificant minute
surface entrapments of the liquid
penetrant cannot be removed, they form
visible or fluorescent surface background
effects that reduce the contrast and may Water Washing of
even hide indications of significant
discontinuities. Self-Emulsifiable Liquid
An important purpose of surface liquid Penetrants
penetrant removal is to improve the
Water rinsing is the most common
signal-to-noise ratio of liquid penetrant
technique of liquid penetrant removal.
testing. (Here, signal refers to the

48 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Water washable or self-emulsifiable liquid
FIGURE 6. Mechanism of FIGURE 7. Mechanism of penetrants contain the emulsifier as an
action of lipophilic action of hydrophilic integral part of their formulation.
emulsifiers: (a) liquid emulsifiers: (a) liquid Following penetration, it is merely
penetration; (b) add penetration; (b) add necessary to rinse the excess liquid
emulsifier; (c) solution and prerinsing; (c) detergent penetrant from the surfaces of the test
diffusion begins; scrubbing begins; objects. The obvious advantage of water
(d) diffusion proceeds; (d) agitation and wash removal lies in economies when the
(e) rinsing; (f) clean surface. emulsification; (e) rinsing; separate step of applying an emulsifier is
(f) clean surface. not required. The water wash time,
pressure and temperature must be
(a) (a) precisely controlled because the liquid
penetrant trapped within the
Liquid penetrant Liquid penetrant discontinuities, as well as the excess
surface liquid penetrant, is emulsifiable.
Water washable liquid penetrants have
different degrees of water solubility. Some
wash readily from rough test object
surfaces whereas others with a lower
degree of solubility are almost impossible
to remove from such rough surfaces. The
water washable liquid penetrant that is
(b) (b) highly water soluble will be more
Emulsifier susceptible to over removal (removal of
trapped liquid penetrant as well as surface
liquid penetrant). Thus, extreme care
must be exercised in selecting a water
washable liquid penetrant that is least
susceptible to overremoval but that does
not leave an interfering background of
surface liquid penetrant on the types of
(c) (c) part surfaces being processed. Because
Emulsifier and
liquid penetrant emulsifier is already contained in
emulsion self-emulsifiable water washable liquid
penetrants, the test operator does not
have control of emulsifier dwell time. (By
contrast, with the postemulsifier and
liquid penetrant, control of contact time
between emulsifier and liquid penetrant is
essential to prevent overremoval and, at
the same time, to attain a low degree of
color or fluorescent background on part
(d) (d)

Water Rinse Removal of

Excess Surface
Self-Emulsifiable Liquid
(e) After the necessary liquid penetrant dwell
time, the surface film of liquid penetrant
remaining on the test parts is removed by
water washing (Figs. 8 and 9). Washing is
best done with a coarse pressure spray,
(rather than by a solid stream) of room
temperature water. A trial rinse is
recommended to avoid rinsing
complications. Special attention is given
(f) (f) to holes and threads to ensure that they
are washed clean. The use of a spray
nozzle is very desirable because the liquid
penetrant is more easily removed with the
physical agitating action of the water
droplets. With fluorescent liquid
penetrant, this washing operation should
be carried out under ultraviolet radiation

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 49

to permit monitoring for complete Selection of Rinse Water
cleaning of all surfaces and cavities of the Temperature
test objects.
Small test parts may be washed Rinse water temperature around 20 C
individually or by the basketful in a tank (70 F) is adequate when rinsing for
MOVIE. removal of water washable surface liquid
Water wash. suitable for containing the water spray
from either fixed or portable nozzles. penetrant. Low temperature rinse water
Small runs of parts are more easily washed (below 10 C or 50 F) may reduce the
with a hose and nozzle. However, in ease with which liquid penetrants can be
automatic production line washing units, rinsed off the test parts. Some
the design and placement of fixed spray manufacturers of liquid penetrants
nozzles can readily accomplish an recommend elevated rinse temperatures of
excellent washing job. Excessively high 30 to 45 C (or 90 to 110 F). Preferably,
water pressures greater than 275 kPa rinse water temperatures should be kept
(40 lbfin.2) or extended rinse times reasonably constant to avoid variations in
greater than 120 s (2 min) should be rinse effectiveness which can result from
avoided to guard against overrinsing, wide extremes of rinse water temperature.
particularly where surface discontinuities
may be wide and shallow. A good
indicator of overwashing is the total lack
of liquid penetrant residue on the part FIGURE 9. Optimum technique for water
surfaces. washing to remove excess liquid penetrant
avoids both underwashing that leaves liquid
penetrant background on test parts and
overwashing that can remove liquid
FIGURE 8. Techniques for water rinse penetrant from flaw entrapments, thus
removal of excess liquid penetrant: (a) weakening or preventing formation of flaw
proper use of coarse water spray at 45 indications: (a) penetrated flaw; (b) removal
degree angle to wash parts to remove water of excess liquid penetrant; (c) overwashing.
washable liquid penetrant; (b) improper
adjustment of water hose nozzle for parts (a)
washing. Liquid penetrant


Water spray

(b) liquid

Water spray

Lost liquid liquid
penetrant penetrant

50 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Controlling of Removal of Surface on the configuration of the discontinuity,
Liquid Penetrant by Water because mechanical action (scrubbing
action) of water sprays can remove even
Washing nonemulsified liquid penetrant from both
The adequacy of the water rinse is part surfaces and discontinuities. (This
normally judged through visual technique finds application in the case of
observation of test object surfaces during hydrophilic removers using agitation,
the rinse operation. With fluorescent described elsewhere in this chapter.)
liquid penetrant, rinsing is performed Because broad, shallow discontinuities do
under near ultraviolet (ultraviolet-A) not retain enough entrapped water
radiation illumination in a semidarkened washable self-emulsifiable liquid
area. The purpose is to rinse test objects penetrant to ensure visible indications,
completely enough to remove background postemulsifiable and other types of liquid
fluorescence but not so thoroughly that penetrants are preferred for detection of
relevant indications are removed. Where wide, shallow surface cracks.
smooth surfaces are involved, background
is relatively absent. However, in the case
of rough or porous surfaces, the problem
assumes a different dimension. It can Avoidance of Overremoval
readily be seen that the test operator may of Surface Liquid
be working against himself, so to speak,
because rinsing thoroughly enough to Penetrant
remove background may also remove The activity of an emulsifier determines
relevant indications. The test operator its speed of interaction with liquid
should monitor the rate of background penetrants. Emulsifier efficiency is a
removal. When the rate decreases to a principal contributor to activity. For
barely noticeable amount further washing lipophilic emulsifiers viscosity is also a
would probably be detrimental to major player; for hydrophilic emulsifiers
retaining relevant indications. Often it is concentration plays an important role.
possible to differentiate between Overremoval of surface liquid penetrant
background and relevant indications but by an emulsifier leads to removal of liquid
this is not always the case. penetrant from within discontinuity
entrapments and causes loss of liquid
penetrant test indications. Causes of
overremoval by emulsifiers include
Liquid Penetrant Removal (1) poor design such that lipophilic
by Postemulsification and emulsifier is overactive and diffuses into
the liquid penetrant too rapidly,
Water Washing (2) improper mixing of hydrophilic
The second common technique of liquid emulsifier that results in excessive
penetrant removal is by the procedure concentration and (3) excessive emulsifier
known as postemulsification. Following dwell time which results from leaving the
penetration (liquid penetrant dwell time), emulsifier in contact with the liquid
a material known as an emulsifier is penetrant for too long a period. (With
applied to the excess liquid penetrant on very active emulsifiers, control of
the test object surface. The action of the emulsifier dwell time becomes difficult
emulsifier on the liquid penetrant results because parts must be handled or rinsed
in a mixture of emulsifier and liquid after short, precisely timed intervals.) In
penetrant, and the mixture is removable either case, emulsification of entrapped
with water. Rinsing with water removes liquid penetrant occurs and subsequent
the excess liquid penetrant and emulsifier water rinsing may also remove emulsified
mixture from the surface of the parts. liquid penetrant from discontinuities. This
Care must be taken that removal of liquid can lead to failure to produce visible
penetrant from discontinuity entrapments discontinuity indications.
does not occur with postemulsification
When background fluorescence has
been removed, rinsing is discontinued. Significance of Emulsifier
With visible liquid penetrants, absence of Dwell Time with
visible color indicates that rinsing is
complete. Both high rinse water pressures Postemulsifiable Liquid
and overly long water rinse times should Penetrants
be avoided to minimize the possibility of
Careful control of emulsifier dwell time is
removing entrapped liquid penetrant
probably the most critical timing function
from discontinuities.
in liquid penetrant test processing. It is
Overrinsing alone may remove liquid
likely that liquid penetrant retained
penetrant entrapments from
within entrapments resists mixing with
discontinuities. This depends somewhat
the emulsifier only because it is

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 51

inaccessible in fine, tight surface it into the liquid penetrant layer faster
discontinuities. Time of exposure to the than diffusion alone and speeds up a
emulsifier must normally be controlled for process that otherwise would take hours.
this reason. Abnormally long duration For emulsifiers to function selectively,
emulsification times have an the diffusion must be stopped when
overemulsification effect. Abnormally enough emulsifier has diffused to the test
short emulsification times are insufficient piece surface to make all the excess
to permit the emulsifier to react surface liquid penetrant emulsifiable. The
adequately with excess surface liquid diffusion is stopped, of course, by washing
penetrant so as to ensure its removal. the emulsified liquid penetrant off the test
surface with water. At that moment, some
emulsifier has begun to diffuse into the
liquid penetrant entrapments as well. If
Action of Lipophilic diffusion is stopped at this point, there
Emulsifiers will not be enough emulsifier present to
make more than the outer edge of the
Lipophilic emulsifiers are composed of entrapment emulsifiable. If diffusion is
emulsifying agents dispersed or dissolved not stopped quickly enough, some of the
in an oil base and are used as supplied. entrapment will become emulsified and
Therefore, they are readily soluble and the liquid penetrant emulsifier system will
diffuse into oily liquid penetrants. Their be no more selective than an ordinary
mode of action is based primarily on water washable liquid penetrant system.
diffusion and solubility into the oily
liquid penetrant. This renders excess
liquid penetrant water emulsifiable. Control of Emulsifier Dwell Time
Figure 6 illustrates the basic mechanism of Timing of emulsifier dwell is crucial. Too
action. short a dwell time results in a heavy
The emulsifiers are applied to the outer background of residual liquid penetrant
surface of the liquid penetrant and on the test part surface. Too long a dwell
blending of diffusion begins there. means diminished contrast and visibility
Application by dipping is recommended of test indications. Control of the dwell
for uniform diffusion over the surface of time is improved if the diffusion is slowed
the liquid penetrant. Diffusions occurs in down (by making liquid penetrant and/or
both directions; as the emulsifier diffuses emulsifier more viscous) or by making the
into the liquid penetrant layer, liquid emulsifier less efficient in any of several
penetrant is diffusing outwardly into the ways. Then more emulsifier must diffuse
emulsifier. A gradient is set up with pure into the liquid penetrant layer to make it
emulsifier on the outside, pure liquid emulsifiable.
penetrant on the inside (or within cracks)
and a continuously varying mixture in
between. Diffusion is a dynamic Advantages of Drain-Dwell
phenomenon and concentrations keep Technique during Emulsification
changing until the total combined film of Diffusion is not the only mechanism by
emulsified liquid penetrant has the same which emulsifier combines with surface
composition everywhere and is liquid penetrant when a drain-dwell
everywhere water washable, even within technique is used during emulsification. If
cracks. it were, emulsifier dwell times would be
The diffusion rate (emulsification time) many times longer than they are because
will vary depending on the viscosity of diffusion is quite slow. The other
the lipophilic emulsifier. High viscosity mechanism is turbulence. When
emulsifiers on the order of 60 to emulsifier is applied to a test piece or
100 mm2s1 (60 to 100 cSt) are relatively surface, it drains downward and while
slow acting (2 to 4 min emulsification). doing so mixes into the liquid penetrant.
Low viscosity emulsifiers, on the order of What drains off is clearly a blend of
30 to 50 mm2s1 (30 to 50 cSt), are emulsifier and liquid penetrant that has
relatively fast acting (under 2 min been generated by disruptive flowing of
emulsification). Another factor affecting the emulsifier. Because such turbulence
the diffusion rate or emulsification rate is does not readily extend into fine cracks,
the drain-off or flow-off of emulsifier from this mechanism assists the selectivity of
the surface of the part. In other words, if a the technique besides speeding it up
part were only immersed in an emulsifier enough to make it practical.
bath and not withdrawn and drained, the
diffusion (emulsification) rate into the
liquid penetrant would be significantly
slower in comparison to the dip and drain Mechanism of Action of
procedure usually used in most liquid Hydrophilic Emulsifiers
penetrant lines. As emulsifier drains off
the part, it provides turbulence that mixes The term hydrophilic means having an
affinity for water, whereas lipophilic means

52 Liquid Penetrant Testing

having an affinity for oil. Hydrophilic
emulsifiers (sometimes referred to as
liquid penetrant removers or detergent
Reprocessing Test Parts
scrubbers), on the other hand, are after Inadequate Removal
composed of emulsifying agents (usually of Surface Liquid
nonionic surfactant concentrates)
dissolved in water and used as an
immersion dip (concentration range of An error in past practice in some facilities
5 to 30 percent with mild air or using postemulsification liquid penetrants
mechanical agitation) or as a forced water has been to return a part that does not
spray rinse at dilution ratios of five rinse clean easily to the emulsifier tank
percent maximum. Hydrophilic for reemulsification. Reemulsification of
emulsifiers function through their parts that have been in contact with rinse
detergent and scraping or scrubbing water is not an acceptable practice
(kinetic) action, as shown in Fig. 7. because it has two deleterious effects:
As a spray liquid penetrant remover, (1) reemulsification would cause loss of
the hydrophilic emulsifier concentrate is control of both the emulsification time
metered into the forceful water spray rinse and the emulsification process and
in high dilution ratios. The spray remover (2) reemulsification introduces water
serves to scrub layer after layer of excess contamination into the emulsifier tank.
surface liquid penetrant from the part, Presently accepted good practice with
always using a fresh detergent water test parts that do not rinse freely is to
solution. Diffusion does not take place in reprocess these test parts through the
this mechanism of action. The active entire liquid penetrant testing process. It
agent in the remover helps displace liquid is important to begin this reprocessing
penetrant from the surface and prevents with thorough cleaning of each test object
redeposition. Removal of excess surface to remove all residues of prior liquid
liquid penetrant with hydrophilic penetrant, emulsifier, emulsified liquid
emulsifiers in an immersion or dip mode penetrant and water. Thorough drying of
is basically a detergent action wherein the parts is essential before reprocessing. If
remover detaches the liquid penetrant these products were carried back into the
from the surface. Mild agitation removes liquid penetrant immersion tank (if used),
the displaced liquid penetrant from the liquid penetrant contamination and prior
part so that it cannot redeposit. The blockage of passageways into surface
hydrophilic emulsifier contact time is discontinuities could occur. To improve
directly related to its concentration. This the rinsability of test parts being entirely
applies to both immersion and spray reprocessed, it may be desirable to
application. This process affords better increase the emulsification time or
control and, in addition, allows for an strengthen the emulsifier bath by the
effective and practical treatment and addition of new emulsifier.
recycling of the liquid penetrant prerinse
solution, thereby minimizing waste water
Causes and Effects of
Contamination of
Test Conditions Emulsifier Tanks
Influencing Selection of It is apparent from the nature of the
postemulsification process that liquid
Emulsification Time penetrant carried into the emulsifier tank
It is advisable to select the emulsification on the test objects may gradually
time with consideration of the following contaminate the emulsifier bath. When
influential factors: (1) liquid penetrant liquid penetrant content exceeds the
and emulsifier being used, (2) type of liquid penetrant tolerance of the
surface under test, (3) performance desired emulsifier, the activity of the emulsifier is
and (4) type of rinse used. It can be seen lowered. With reduced emulsifier activity,
that compatibility of liquid penetrant and it is necessary to use longer emulsifier
emulsifier can be an important dwell times to attain results equivalent to
consideration. It is also obvious that the those obtained in uncontaminated
rinse time, pressure and temperature may emulsifier with normal emulsification
influence the process. Some suppliers dwell time. When emulsifier
advocate elevated rinse water contamination reaches excess levels, both
temperatures but the optimum emulsification and test object rinsing to
temperature depends on the chemical remove excess surface liquid penetrant are
makeup of the emulsifier and its impaired. Hydrophilic emulsifiers are
emulsifying characteristics. more susceptible to liquid penetrant
contamination because of their high
water content.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 53

Another common contaminant found
in lipophilic emulsifier tanks is water.
Although rinsing should be conducted
under conditions that result in the least
amount of splashing or direct water access
to the emulsifier tank, this practice is not
always followed. Another source of water
contamination results from
reemulsification of test parts or the
indirect emulsification process. Excessive
water contamination can usually be seen
by test operators because it is likely to
cause thickening, a creamy appearance or
separation of the lipophilic emulsifier.
(The care and maintenance of liquid
penetrant processing materials are
discussed elsewhere in this volume.)

54 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 4. Principles of Application and Operation
of Developers

Functions of Developers in Actions of Developers

Liquid Penetrant Testing
The most important basic function of a Actions of Developers in Forming
developer in liquid penetrant testing is to Liquid Penetrant Indications
extract liquid penetrant from an
entrapment within a discontinuity or Developer action appears to be a
surface discontinuity below the test part combination of solvency effect,
surface and to transfer at least some of adsorption and absorption. (Adsorption
this liquid penetrant to the surface to implies collection by adhesion to a
form a liquid penetrant indication that surface. Absorption refers to assimilation
can be seen by the inspector. The of liquid into the bulk of an absorbent
developer may also provide a mechanism material.) The developer powder exerts a
whereby the effective thickness of the combination of adsorptive and absorptive
surface film of liquid penetrant exuded effects on liquid penetrant residues,
from the liquid penetrant entrapment is drawing entrapped liquid penetrant to the
increased to levels above the threshold of test part surface. As the liquid penetrant
visibility. disperses in the developer powder, it
Another developer function is to forms test indications that can be readily
spread or disperse the liquid penetrant observed by the inspector. In the case of
over the part surface, thus increasing the the nonaqueous wet and special film type
apparent size (mainly width) of the developers, solvent action has been
indication exposed to the eye. The shown to play a part in promoting the
developer also provides a contrast increase withdrawal action and enhancing the
that enhances detection of an indication. liquid penetrant test indications.
Under near ultraviolet (ultraviolet-A)
radiation, the developer appears Undesirable Actions of Improperly
blue-black whereas the entrapped liquid Applied Developers
penetrant fluoresces yellowish green.
Visible dye developers provide a white Care is required to ensure that excess
background for the red or orange liquid surface liquid penetrant has been removed
penetrant indication. They also reduce from test object surfaces and that thin,
light reflection from shiny surfaces of test uniform developer coatings provide
parts so that eye fatigue is reduced. complete coverage of the entire test
surface. Application of developer coatings
of excessive thickness can cover, obscure
or extinguish the fluorescent or visible
Types of Developers color discontinuity indications by the
thick overlying layer of porous powder
There are several types of developers in developer. A normal effect of developer
common use in liquid penetrant testing: layers of appropriate thickness is the
(1) dry powder, (2) water soluble, lateral diffusion or bleeding of liquid
(3) water suspendible and (4) nonaqueous penetrant from discontinuity
(solvent suspendible). entrapments. This lateral migration of
The basic component of all developers liquid penetrant through the developer
is manufactured as a powder and performs coating may cause small adjacent
its basic function as a powder on the discontinuity indications to eventually
surface of a part being inspected. The become lost within the spreading
developers are distinguished by the listed indications from large discontinuity
types according to the condition of the entrapments. For this reason, it is often
developer at the time of application to a desirable for test operators to examine the
part during the liquid penetrant testing test parts soon after developer application
process. The second and third listed types and periodically thereafter throughout the
are often referred to as aqueous wet or recommended development time, to
simply aqueous and the fourth as observe the initial appearance and growth
nonaqueous wet because they are wet when of discontinuity indications.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 55

Disadvantages of Using Dry
Dry Developer Developers
An obvious disadvantage of dry
Techniques for Applying Dry developers is their extreme dustiness,
which requires air cleaning equipment
Developer and/or the use of respirators. Because dry
The dry developer is readily developers leave a nearly invisible film, it
distinguishable from the powder used in is often difficult to determine if a test
MOVIE. water for wet type developers by the very surface has been adequately covered.
Developer fluffy nature and low bulk density of dry A subtle but extremely important
application. developer. In normal use, the dry disadvantage of dry powder developers
developer is blown onto the surfaces of stems from the fact that the test surface
test parts from which excess liquid must be dried before developer
penetrant has been removed and surfaces application. Excessive drying at test piece
have been completely dried. A flock type temperatures over 60 C (140 F) for more
spray gun or an electrostatic spray gun than 10 min can decrease the intensity of
can be used to apply this dry powder. the fluorescent dye in liquid penetrants,
Alternatively, fluidized bed systems create especially the top layer. When the
clouds of dry powder, effective in coating developer is subsequently applied, the top
dry test parts with a thin film of layer of liquid penetrant that comes in
developer. The powder cloud can be contact with the developer will form an
created when a small amount of dry indication of diminished fluorescent
developer power is agitated by means of intensity. Solvent developers avoid this
an air blast from the bottom of the dry failure to form indications because the
developer tank. solvent reaches the deeper levels of
In other cases, test operators dip dry entrapped liquid penetrant and leaches it
test parts into a tank of fluffy dry to the surface. Aqueous developers do not
developer powder. With each application encounter this problem to the same
system and especially when dipping parts degree because the heating does not take
into dry powder, excess developer is place until the developer is already in
removed either by blowing it off with position and aqueous developers seem to
light puffs of air or by shaking the test insulate fluorescent indications against
objects. The fine adhering dry developer rapid thermal degradation.
particles tend to absorb residual entrapped
liquid penetrant and draw it from
discontinuities. Liquid penetrant
indications usually appear within a few Aqueous Developers
minutes after developer application as
entrapped liquid penetrant bleeds back
into the thin developer coating. A typical Types of Aqueous Developers
developing period is about half of liquid Two types of aqueous developer are in
penetrant dwell time. Often it is common use in liquid penetrant testing.
advantageous to examine parts for The first consists of insoluble developer
developing indications during particles suspendible in water, whereas the
development period to resolve fine second contains a powder that is actually
indications before they are lost in dissolved in water. The suspended
adjacent bleedouts. aqueous developer is mixed into water in
Caution. Dry powder developer beds can a concentration recommended by its
become contaminated with excess liquid manufacturer. Frequent stirring or
penetrant left on test parts. Visual agitation is needed to prevent the
examination of the developer powder developer powder from settling out of its
under near ultraviolet (ultraviolet-A) water suspension.
radiation will show fluorescent The soluble or aqueous developers are
indications of this contamination. This prepared merely by diluting them with
simple check should be made periodically water in the proportions recommended by
and contaminated developer replaced their manufacturers. These developers are
with fresh clean developer when needed. applied to test parts in the same manner
as the wet aqueous suspension developers
just described. With soluble developers,
Advantages of Dry Developers agitation is not required to maintain
The major advantage of using dry uniform consistency after the developer
developer is the simplicity of handling it. has been initially mixed with water.
It is easy to apply (even though Aqueous wet developers usually
monitoring coverage is difficult). Dry contain wetting agents and corrosion
powder developer is in no way corrosive inhibitors to minimize attack on test
and gives off no hazardous vapors. It objects and liquid penetrant processing
leaves no film behind to hinder equipment. When applied by dipping or
subsequent processing or operations. flowing, the thickness of the dried

56 Liquid Penetrant Testing

developer coating on test objects after Advantages of Using Aqueous
evaporation of the water vehicle is Developers
determined by the concentration of
developer in the water. With spray Aqueous developers give off no noxious
application of aqueous developer, coating and/or flammable vapors and no
thickness must be carefully controlled. If a annoying or hazardous dusts and thus
heavy film is applied, an excess of require no use of elaborate safety
developer powder remains after drying. equipment. Compared to solvent
Excess developer coating thickness tends developers, harmless and inexpensive
to obscure or hide liquid penetrant test water is being driven off, not costly and
indications and so reduces the reliability hazardous solvents. Whereas dry
of liquid penetrant testing. developers do not produce visible
coatings, aqueous developers have the
advantage of making the extent of
Techniques for Applying Aqueous developer coverage visible. If there is a
Wet Developer void in coverage, it is obvious.
Wet aqueous powder developer can be
applied to test part surfaces that have Disadvantages of Using Wet
previously been processed by liquid Aqueous Developers
penetrant application followed by dwell
time and removal of excess surface liquid The wetting agent functions as a liquid
penetrant by water washing. The preferred penetrant remover when aqueous
techniques of application of wet developer developer is applied by dipping or flowing
are gentle spraying, dipping or flowing onto test parts. As a result, wet developers
onto test parts. Caution must be used must be applied with some care to
when spraying, dipping or flowing prevent developer loss and liquid
aqueous developers because they contain penetrant loss from discontinuities.
wetting agents and function much as do For most applications, aqueous
very dilute hydrophilic removers. Not only developers are not recommended for use
does an additional and unwanted removal with water washable liquid penetrants.
occur but the developer can become Such usage may cause blurring or loss of
contaminated with liquid penetrant. discontinuity indications because liquid
Because the developer is in water penetrant entrapments are subject to
suspension or solution, it is possible to detergent action and removal by wetting
apply it to test objects whose surface agents in the developer system. If
liquid penetrant has been removed by specifications allow, developer choice
water spraying without requiring should be based on application specific
intermediate drying of the test parts. evaluations
Following the application of aqueous Spraying can lead to a nonuniform
developer, test parts are normally dried in coating of developer, leaving some areas
ovens operating at temperatures adequate devoid and others with excessive coating,
to evaporate the water from the surface, which can hide indications. Being liquid,
to leave a uniform coating of dried aqueous developers flow (like solvent
developer. Care is required to ensure that developers) before being fixed by drying
an excessive amount of wet developer is and may fill up recesses with gross
not applied because a high buildup of excesses of developer. Avoidance of this
developer coating will obscure or hide requires care in application and in
discontinuity indications. positioning test pieces.
Compared with solvent based
developers, aqueous developers suffer a
Techniques for Drying of Wet disadvantage (shared with dry developers)
Aqueous Developer Coatings in that there is no solvent action to assist
To promote drying into uniform coatings, in forming indications, only capillary
it is preferable to heat the test part surface action. This makes aqueous (and dry)
after the application of wet aqueous developers noticeably less sensitive than
developers. Many users prefer to apply the some solvent developers. Also, because
wet developer suspension by spraying it they contain wetting agents, aqueous
onto the wet test part surface resulting developers tend to cause foaming if
from the postemulsification or water handled too forcefully
washable removal process. Following Aqueous developer powders are prone
developer application, the surface is oven to deterioration in storage, a result of the
dried to promote evaporation of water corrosion inhibitor reacting with other
from the developer coating. As with essential ingredients of the developer.
drying operations before using other Also, while in the developer tank, soluble
developers, test piece temperature should developers are susceptible to attack by
not exceed 60 C (140 F). Indication bacteria and fungi. To guard against this
dimming by heat is minimal and the test problem, the developer contains biocides.
pieces can be handled less cautiously. If a developer tank does become infected,

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 57

it is necessary to dispose of the developer, required. However, the test part surface
to sanitize the developer tank if it must be completely dry before applying
becomes infected and then to change the the nonaqueous developer.
solution. The problem can be identified A thin film of the nonaqueous wet
immediately because clumps or colonies developer is desirable to give the ultimate
of the attacking microorganisms will be in sensitivity. Electrostatic spray guns or a
visible in the solution and may stink. fine atomizing spray from a paint spray
These colonies can interfere with the test gun or aerosol spray can will provide this
process by absorbing liquid penetrant and fine developer coverage. As with the
then appearing as a false indication. suspension type aqueous developer, it is
necessary to agitate the nonaqueous wet
Advantages of Water Soluble Wet developer before use to ensure that
developer particles are fully suspended. MOVIE.
Developer Agitation before application is also Shake the
Developer solubility eliminates the essential with nonaqueous wet developers spray can.
necessity of agitating the developer to packaged in spray cans. The use of
keep undissolved solids in suspension nonaqueous developer results in
while retaining the other advantages of indications with high visibility and
the wet developer. Drying results in a enables reliable detection of smaller
uniform film that performs the developer discontinuities.
function. In addition, because the dried
developer coating is water soluble, it is
much easier to remove the developer
coating during postcleaning than it is to Film Type Developer
remove the insoluble water suspended The film type developer, as the name
developer coatings. implies, forms a plastic film over the
liquid penetrant area as it dries. This
Disadvantages of Water Soluble developer is used infrequently, in special
Wet Developer applications. It is normally spray applied,
as with the nonaqueous wet type, and the
The water soluble wet developer also solvent carrier acts to draw liquid
retains some of the disadvantage of the penetrant into the developer film. As the
suspension type powder developer. It does film dries, the exposed liquid penetrant
not have much solvent action. Dip indications set in a pattern indicative of
application may result in local the discontinuities in the surface being
accumulations or a nonuniform developer inspected. This film provides a permanent
film, thus impairing liquid penetrant test record of the discontinuity pattern and
sensitivity. can be peeled from the surface and
Another disadvantage of soluble retained for reference. Resolution of the
developers is that they are difficult to film type developer is of a high order but
monitor for the correct solution its use is somewhat restricted to special
concentration and are difficult to correct applications because of the labor involved
if necessary. The proper concentration is in stripping the film from test parts. This
important because the sensitivity of the is more difficult than the ordinary tank
developer is a function of concentration type removal techniques used for other
and because deviations from it will affect types of developer.
the sensitivity of the test. Monitoring the Nonstrippable film developer may be
concentration requires that both the the most efficacious developer. However,
temperature and the specific gravity be its use would be limited to special
measured simultaneously because one applications where the film remaining on
varies with the other. Correcting the a surface would not be detrimental.
solution concentration requires involved
calculations that ought to be performed
by laboratory personnel.

Nonaqueous Wet
wet developer Developer
enhances Another common developer type is the so
visible dye called nonaqueous wet developer whose
contrast. developer solids come premixed and
suspended in a volatile solvent. The
volatile solvent tends to pull liquid
penetrant from indications by solvent
action. It also accelerates drying so that a
supplementary drying operation is not

58 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Inspection and Interpretation of Liquid
Penetrant Indications

Visibility of Liquid Formation and Bleeding of

Penetrant Test Indications Liquid Penetrant
Probably the one factor most responsible Indications
for the effectiveness of a liquid penetrant Liquid penetrant indications tend to bleed
is its visibility, often referred to as across the developer coating as time
brightness, contrast or brilliance. progresses after their formation. Thus, as
Carefully conducted experiments with the developer action progresses from the
glass plates clamped together and viewed time of its application, discontinuity
(through the mating surfaces) under indications appear gradually and then
monochromatic light have shown that reach their optimum visibility and clarity.
liquid penetrant materials of only Thereafter, as bleeding of liquid penetrant
medium or low performance can enter indications continues, the liquid
openings that are smaller in width than a penetrant spreads laterally into the
half wavelength of sodium light. Liquid developer coating. This gradually reduces
penetrant was determined to have entered the definition and intensity of the
to a plate gap of only 130 nm (about indications. The optimum indications are
5 106 in.). Taking into consideration typically reached with developing times
the extremely small amount of liquid in the range from 2 to 10 min (Fig. 10).
penetrant contained in a discontinuity of Excessive bleedout of entrapped liquid
this size and the fact that only a small penetrant may take 30 min or longer
portion of this liquid penetrant can be (Fig. 11).
bled back to the surface to become visible,
it is obvious that everything that will
enhance visibility should be used if
maximum liquid penetrant test Contrast of Visible Dye
performance is to be obtained.
Liquid Penetrant Test
Visual Examination of In the case of visible liquid penetrants,
increasing indication visibility means
Fluorescent Liquid incorporating the largest possible
Penetrant Test Indications quantities of dye in the liquid penetrant
vehicle and choosing the most intense
The inspector views the processed test dye colors with the highest contrast with
surfaces under ultraviolet radiation in a respect to the background against which
darkened test area when fluorescent liquid they will be viewed. In nearly all cases, MOVIE.
penetrant systems are used. Indications of this contrast is heightened by using the Nonaqueous
discontinuities fluoresce with an developer in such a manner that wet developer
intensity that provides contrast in developer (1) serves to bring liquid enhances
proportion to the ambient darkness, penetrant out of the discontinuity and visible dye
literally drawing the eye of the inspector (2) also covers the surface with a smooth, contrast.
to them. The darker the inspection area white coating against which the
and the more nearly dark adapted the indication stands out sharply.
eyes of the inspector, the more reliable All of the visible dye liquid penetrants
the inspection will be. If outdoor presently in use make themselves
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing is perceptible to the eye in one of two ways
necessary, it is often done at night or the either by reflecting a considerably
area of interest is shielded as much as smaller amount of light than the
possible from visible radiation (white background or by reflecting light of a
light). different color (usually red) than the
background (color contrast). The incident
light is not all absorbed by the liquid
penetrant, nor does the background
reflect all the light that strikes it. The
actual contrast ratios are extremely
difficult to measure but have been

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 59

FIGURE 10. Fluorescent liquid penetrant FIGURE 11. Examples of fluorescent liquid
indications of optimum resolution and penetrant indications with excessive
clarity, obtained without bleedout or bleedout or spreading of liquid penetrant
excessive spreading of liquid penetrant across developer film: (a) turbine blade;
across developer film: (a) gears; (b and c) structural parts; (d) casting.
(b) sprocket; (c) spindle; (d) links.
(a) (a)

(b) (b)


(d) (d)

60 Liquid Penetrant Testing

estimated at from 10:1 to 20:1, the surface liquid penetrant and intensity of
maximum contrast theoretically fluorescence is necessary to reduce the
obtainable. background fluorescence to a practical

Contrast of Fluorescent
Liquid Penetrant Test Placement of Light Sources
Indications in Liquid Penetrant Testing
In the case of fluorescent liquid penetrant Booth
discontinuity indications, visual Consideration should be given to the
perceptibility is enhanced by light disposition of lights within an inspection
emission mechanisms within the liquid booth and to the effect on an operator of
penetrant indications and conditions of placement of light sources. Although
viewing are quite different. Using ultraviolet-A radiation will not damage
brightness contrast, the bright the eye permanently, some of the layers of
yellow-green indication is seen against a the eyeball exhibit strong tendencies to
nearly black or at least a very dark fluoresce. If the inspection light is placed
background. The indication itself is so that its rays fall directly or are reflected
actually a source of light which, even into the eyes of operators, this eyeball
though small, is quite intense. Contrast fluorescence can become extremely
can be exceptionally high. Some estimates annoying and will impair inspector
give it a value as high as 100 to 1 or even effectiveness to a very marked degree.
much greater, because it is the presence of Use of special filtering eyeglasses will
light compared to absence of light. increase operator perception and reduce
With fluorescent liquid penetrants, the fatigue. Yellow tinted eyeglasses filter out
most effective way to increase visibility the ultraviolet radiation before it reaches
(and improve resolution of fine the eye, yet they do not reduce the
discontinuities) is to increase the visibility of fluorescent indications.
fluorescent brilliance of the liquid
penetrant material. The fluorescent
indications are generally viewed in the
substantial absence of visible light, so that Interpretation of Liquid
the background remains unseen. Penetrant Indications
The interpretation of liquid penetrant
Visibility of Fluorescent Liquid indications is normally a matter of
Penetrant Indications considerable judgment. It might be said
From the point of view of color contrast, that it involves three phases:
most fluorescent liquid penetrants provide (1) observation of indications,
yellow or yellow-green indications against (2) verification of indication cause and
a black background. This has been proven significance and (3) disposition of test
by research into visibility of such objects objects in accordance with applicable
as highway signs to be one of the most criteria for acceptance and rejection.
seeable combinations possible. The The first step is that of visually
normal human eye has its highest observing the indication and verifying
sensitivity in the yellow or yellow green that it is relevant, i.e., that it is indicating
wavelength range. In fluorescent testing, a discontinuity rather than a material
the eye looks at a fine source of light of characteristic that is a normal condition
high brightness. Under this condition, of the surface under investigation.
probably because of halation, the source Figures 12 and 13 show some typical
size appears to be greatly exaggerated liquid penetrant indications.
whereas the dark background tends to be The American Society for Testing and
minimized. Materials (ASTM) has issued ASTM E 433,
Standard Reference Photographs for Liquid
Penetrant Inspection.5 This publication
Background Fluorescence Caused contains reference photographs to be used
by Rough or Porous Surfaces as a means of establishing and classifying
In some practical applications where the type and characteristics of surface
test object surface is porous or rough, discontinuities detectable by liquid
fluorescent liquid penetrant tends to be penetrant test techniques. They may be
retained on the surface as well as in used as a reference for acceptance
discontinuities. This condition reduces standards, specifications and drawings.
contrast between the background and However, no attempt has been made to
indications and may impair establish limits of acceptability or the
discrimination. For this reason, a extent of the metallurgical discontinuity.
compromise between the removability of

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 61

FIGURE 12. Fluorescent liquid penetrant test indications under ultraviolet radiation:
(a) aluminum spar cap; (b) fatigue crack in bearing shell.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 13. Blow holes in casting shown by fluorescent liquid penetrant testing.

62 Liquid Penetrant Testing

In the event of questions of 1. What metal or alloy is involved in test
interpretation, supplemental means of objects?
observation may be necessary such as 2. If the test objects have a nonmetallic
viewing liquid penetrant indications surface, what is its composition?
under magnification or preparing 3. Where are the indications? Are they in
metallographs of cross sections of critical radii, on edges that will be
discontinuities encountered in production ground off, in parts designed for high
testing. strength applications or in thick
When it has been determined that an sections that may allow for removal of
indication is relevant, a further judgment surface discontinuities without
must be made as to the disposition of the sacrifice of function?
test objects to answer questions such as 4. Are the surface or surfaces repairable
the following. by welding or other means?
1. Should supplemental nondestructive 5. What is the cost of the part? It may be
tests such as ultrasonic or radiographic that the cost of a new part is so low
testing be used to attempt more that the expense of repair or rework of
complete definition of the an anomalous part is not warranted.
discontinuity causing the liquid Conversely, of course, one would not
penetrant indication? want to discard an expensive piece of
2. Can the surface be accepted as is or be hardware that could be reworked at a
reworked to eliminate the indicating considerable savings over the cost of a
discontinuity? new part.
3. Should the surface or part be
discarded as unserviceable?
Interpretation of indications is discussed Specifications Covering
in detail elsewhere in this volume.
Evaluation of Liquid
Penetrant Indications
Establishing Criteria for Some industries have prepared standards
for evaluation and acceptance/rejection of
Acceptance or Rejection hardware on the basis of liquid penetrant
Specifications or drawings for the parts or indications. These standards vary from
surface under examination should specify quite general to very detailed. Liquid
the nondestructive test method or penetrant users may find some of these
methods required for part acceptance. helpful or may prefer to prepare their
Moreover, drawings should specify the own. If they are working under a contract,
acceptance or rejection criteria or refer the it is mandatory that they determine the
inspector to supplemental documents specifications to which the contracting
such as applicable acceptance/rejection agency intends to hold them and
specifications. If liquid penetrant tests are conform thereto. Commonly, a general
being made on critical parts such as statement covering inspection policy may
nuclear hardware or a jet engine be encountered, such as, the inspection
component, an expert in evaluation of department shall pass only those parts
indications in the specific industry may that have no relevant liquid penetrant
have to be called on for a judgment. indications. Parts showing liquid
To establish acceptance/rejection penetrant indications should be referred
criteria, it may be necessary to conduct an to the metallurgy or design departments
extensive correlation study between for disposition. The metallurgy or design
nondestructive test indications and department shall decide which parts shall
destructive test results. This is the be accepted, reworked or rejected.
ultimate procedure but even it may leave There are many specifications covering
some doubt because discontinuities or the liquid penetrant products, liquid
indications do not always occur in exactly penetrant processing procedures and
the same place, with the same frequency certification of liquid penetrant test
or to the same extent. personnel. Some specifications have been
prepared by government agencies and
others by technical societies such as the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Factors Influencing (ASME), the American Society for Testing
Judgment of Test Object and Materials (ASTM) and SAE
International (formerly the Society of
Serviceability Automotive Engineers, or SAE). Numerous
It should be obvious that a number of specifications have been developed by
factors enter into the final judgment. companies using liquid penetrant testing.
Some of these are as follows. Because of frequent changes in
requirements, test personnel and facilities
should always check to verify that they

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 63

are using the revision or amendment of
the applicable test specifications called
out under contract.

Criteria for Critical Parts
Test acceptance/rejection criteria for parts
or surfaces would normally be referenced
by an applicable specification, standard
for a particular part or some other
governing document that would outline
what type of discontinuity would be cause
for rejection. An extreme example of this
would be the approach taken by
companies that are working with fracture
mechanics, whereby a particular structure
or part is analyzed for specific types of
discontinuities that may or may not
constitute a rejectable discontinuity.
Standards are then drawn up for the items
for nondestructive test criteria, which may
include liquid penetrant testing. These
would include minimum acceptable
indication size and strict uniform liquid
penetrant processing.
The importance of carefully controlled
liquid penetrant testing and the necessity
to record the exact techniques used to
process the parts on the technique card or
other applicable document cannot be over
emphasized. In a number of
specifications, porosity bleedout diameters
are specified as accept/reject criteria. The
maximum acceptable size limits for liquid
penetrant indications apply to the
bleedout indication immediately after
wiping the indication one time with a
swab or brush dipped in solvent.
Bleedback refers to the recurrence of the
liquid penetrant indication after once
wiping away the original indication.

64 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 6. Field Techniques for Liquid Penetrant

3. Note that pressurized cans and sprays

Field Techniques for Liquid atomize solvent materials, making
them more prone to combustion.
Penetrant Testing
It is often necessary to carry out liquid
penetrant testing in the field where little
or no equipment is available. Precleaning Field Preparation of Parts
before liquid penetrant testing can be
accomplished using a solvent cleaner. The
for Liquid Penetrant
liquid penetrant is applied to the part or Testing
the area being inspected by means of a The same general preparations used for
clean brush or swab, with a liquid field inspection with fluorescent liquid
penetrant spray can or with a spray gun. penetrants apply to visible liquid
Liquid penetrant should remain on the penetrants. The parts must be cleaned and
part for the length of time suggested with the rejectable discontinuities should not
water washable and postemulsifiable be contaminated with any materials that
liquid penetrants. may interfere with the ability of the liquid
As in all liquid penetrant techniques, penetrant to enter the rejectable
the length of time that the liquid discontinuity. For field application, a
penetrant must be on the part to enter prepared solvent cleaner may be used to
rejectable discontinuities depends to some remove oils, grease and other materials
extent on the type of materials, on that may confuse inspection or
temperature and on weather conditions. A contaminate rejectable discontinuities and
nominal visible dye liquid penetrant prevent the liquid penetrant from
dwell time of 5 to 10 min is adequate but entering. Loose scale, paint, carbon, engine
longer penetration times are in no way varnish, and other materials should be
detrimental, providing the surface is removed. After cleaning, the test surface
occasionally rewetted with liquid should be wiped dry with clean lint-free
penetrant, especially in a hot paper toweling or rags. If the towels or
environment. rags pick up dirt, the cleaning process
should be repeated. The solvent remover
used for liquid penetrant removal is a
convenient solvent precleaner.
Field Precautions for
Liquid Penetrant Testing
The following precautions should be
observed throughout the liquid penetrant
Field Application of Liquid
testing process. Penetrant
1. Particular care should be taken in The liquid penetrant is applied to the
handling liquid penetrant so as not to cleaned area with a brush (Fig. 14), spray
get it on clothing, bench tops, chairs, gun or from a pressure spray can. Visible
floors or parts not being tested. It may or fluorescent liquid penetrant can be
be extremely difficult to remove. used as appropriate. Either water washable
2. If liquid penetrant materials are used or postemulsifiable liquid penetrant is
from pressurized spray cans in a cold suitable. The entire surface to be inspected
environment, the temperature of the should be wet with the liquid penetrant.
cans should be no lower than 16 C If the liquid penetrant is allowed to
(60 F). To maintain this temperature, remain on the part too long, it may be
cans may be kept in insulated difficult to remove liquid penetrant from
enclosures until just before use. the test surface. Should this happen, the
Pressurized spray cans do not function inspector should apply more liquid
properly below this temperature. If the penetrant on the area and then proceed
materials are applied by brushing, it is with the cleaning. The reapplication of
possible to inspect at temperatures liquid penetrant will make the surface
near the freezing point of the liquid easy to clean. Reapplication should not be
penetrant. necessary unless unusually long liquid
penetrant dwell times are used.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 65

only enough solvent to obtain a reasonably
FIGURE 14. Fluorescent liquid penetrant test clean surface free from excessive
of landing gear forging on aircraft during background. It is best to dampen a cloth
maintenance operation: (a) application of slightly with solvent and use it to wipe the
liquid penetrant by brush to precleaned test part. If water washable liquid penetrant is
area; (b) wipe removal of excess surface used, dampen the cloth with water.
liquid penetrant from test area.

Field Application of
Nonaqueous Developers
A convenient developer for use under
field conditions is nonaqueous developer
applied from an aerosol container.
Before applying the developer, the
container should be shaken vigorously to
make certain the materials are well mixed
and all solids are brought into suspension.
The developer should be used sparingly.
Just enough developer is applied with a
spray can to cover the part thinly and
evenly. The proper developer thickness
will dry to a thin, translucent layer. Too
much developer may mask indications.
Care should be taken to use a short
distance of up to 0.3 m (12 in.) between
spray nozzles and test parts to ensure
application of a wet developer coat.
(b) Excessive spraying distances result in
solvent flashoff so that the benefits of a
nonaqueous developer that aids liquid
penetrant from entrapments to reach the
test surface will be lost. The user should
exercise caution because some developers
sprayed from aerosol cans are flammable.

Viewing of Fluorescent
Liquid Penetrant
For field inspection under ultraviolet
radiation, curtains or other means of
shutting out the natural light are
recommended. The darker the inspection
area, the more reliable the inspection will
be. Outdoor testing is often done at night.
Inspectors should accommodate their eyes
to darkness before inspection.

Solvent Wipe Removal of Advantages of Solvent

Excess Liquid Penetrant in Removable Liquid
Field Penetrant Process in Field
After sufficient penetration time has
elapsed, the excess liquid penetrant is In the field, it is common practice to use
removed from the surface of the test part. the solvent removable visible dye liquid
Most of the liquid penetrant can usually be penetrant process for liquid penetrant
removed by wiping with rags or paper testing in the following circumstances:
toweling (Fig. 14b). Solvent should never (1) if there is not a convenient water
be applied directly to test parts during supply, (2) if it is not permissible or
removal of excess surface liquid penetrant. practical to perform a rinsing operation or
If excessive amounts of solvent are used, (3) if the area to be inspected is only a
some liquid penetrant may be removed small part of a large assembly or part. The
from discontinuities. It is preferable to use chief advantage of the solvent removable
liquid penetrant testing technique is its

66 Liquid Penetrant Testing

portability. It is easy to carry the materials dye liquid penetrant indications of fatigue
needed for testing limited areas. The cracking in service. Discontinuities will be
solvent removal technique is also used for marked by brightly colored indications. If
inspecting local areas of large surfaces. the discontinuity is wide and deep, the
Precleaning of test objects is also generally indication will grow and spread. Porosity,
done with solvent, so that water is not shrinkage, lack of bond and leaks appear
required for this operation. as local dots or areas of color. These too
may grow and spread if the rejectable
discontinuity is large, covers an extensive
area or is quite deep.
Field Techniques for Visible
Dye Liquid Penetrant
Most of the techniques and precautions Leak Testing with Liquid
necessary to the proper use of fluorescent
liquid penetrants apply equally well when Penetrants
use is made of visible dye materials. Some Testing of materials for discontinuities
basic differences, however, should be that extend completely through the
taken into consideration. There are some section is termed leak testing. The
test problems and situations in which the technique of using liquid penetrants for
fluorescent liquid penetrant techniques leak testing is not usually limited to any
may be very inconvenient or impossible great degree by the geometry of parts to
to use. This is particularly true when there be inspected. An application especially
is no electric current available for an well suited to this technique is the
ultraviolet lamp or when electricity may inspection of items designed to contain
present a hazard, such as around aircraft liquid or gas. This is particularly true in
fuel tanks. If a darkened inspection area is cases where such containers (pipes, tubes,
not available or is not convenient to ducts, vessels etc.) have limited access to
simulate, fluorescent liquid penetrant their internal surface, thereby precluding
testing would be impractical. visual examination or the execution of
other test techniques. It also has the
advantage that it can be used on
subassemblies before the completion of
Viewing of Visible Dye the finished container. Leak testing by
Liquid Penetrant liquid penetrant is equally well suited to
ferrous, nonferrous or nonmetallic
Indications materials, with the precaution that the
Under proper conditions, large cracks will latter are not adversely affected by the
show up immediately as red lines on the liquid penetrant. Although there exist
part. Finer rejectable discontinuities numerous variations of the liquid
require a lighter, thinner film of developer penetrant leak test, the procedure
and it may take several seconds or described here shall be considered as basic
minutes before the red dye of the liquid for this technique.
penetrant appears through the thin Leak testing indicates only
developer film. Figure 15 shows visible discontinuities that extend completely
through the material. Therefore, the
absence of discontinuity indications does
not preclude the presence of extensive
FIGURE 15. Visible dye liquid penetrant indications of fatigue
discontinuities that are not, however,
cracking in fillet area of crankshaft.
completely through the material. Leak
testing by the liquid penetrant technique
cannot be substituted for pressure tests
directly where the applied stress and the
associated proof test factors are significant
in the test procedure.

Liquid Penetrant Application for

Leak Testing
Any liquid penetrant may be used
although the highest sensitivity
fluorescent liquid penetrant will reveal
the smallest leaks and do so more quickly.
For test purposes, no distinction need be
made regarding self-emulsification or
postemulsification or water soluble or
solvent soluble liquid penetrants, except
that consideration to final cleaning

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 67

convenience should be given. Apply the
liquid penetrant by a means that will
ensure complete coverage of one surface
being tested without allowing the liquid
penetrant to reach the opposite surface.
Exercise care to prevent the liquid
penetrant from passing around edges or
ends or through designed holes or
passages to the opposite surface. Apply
sufficient liquid penetrant during the
period of test to prevent drying of liquid
penetrant on the surface during leak

Developing of Leak Testing

Immediately following liquid penetrant
application, a developer is applied to the
surface opposite that on which the liquid
penetrant was placed. Nonaqueous
developer is usually most suitable.
Exercise care to prevent the developer
from contacting the liquid penetrant at
edges, ends or through designed holes or
passages and thereby destroying, through
absorption of liquid penetrant, the test
results over portions of the material being

Penetration Time for Leak Testing

with Liquid Penetrants
Penetration time shall be considered as
the period of time allowed for passage of
the liquid penetrant through any
discontinuities to the surface on which
the developer was placed. This time
period shall begin immediately on liquid
penetrant application. The extent of the
time period shall be determined by trial.
However, the initial trial period in all
cases shall be no less than three times
greater than the time normally used for
surface inspection of cracks. Generally,
the penetration time varies with the
thickness of the section being tested.

Viewing Leak Testing Results

Test results shall be considered conclusive
only after the lapse of the established
development time. The requirements for
illumination shall be either visible
radiation (white light) or near ultraviolet
radiation, whichever is applicable.

Interpretation of Leak Testing

When using the liquid penetrant testing
technique for leak testing, the
interpretation shall be restricted to citing
the presence or absence of leak
discontinuities and, when present, their
general nature (hole, crack etc.), their
magnitude and their location.

68 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 7. Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test

Manufacturers generally supply

Reasons for Maintenance information with such equipment,
outlining complete lubrication procedures
of Liquid Penetrant Testing and specifying the various types of oils or
Equipment grease that should be used for best results.
As in any manufacturing installation, a
liquid penetrant nondestructive testing Electrical Maintenance of Liquid
system requires a certain amount of Penetrant Processing Equipment
maintenance to ensure continuous
Electrical equipment, particularly in the
reliable test service and to make certain
more complicated machines, should be
that the results of the tests are consistent.
inspected regularly. Because many of the
Compared with other shop installations,
liquids used in liquid penetrant
service requirements are not extensive or
processing are electrically conductive,
difficult. However, a small amount of time
they can contribute to electrolytic
spent in making certain that equipment
corrosion between dissimilar metals. Such
and materials are in proper condition will
corrosion may occur even on a single
pay dividends in reliable inspection and
metal when the liquid gets onto it,
absence of downtime. It can also result in
particularly where the metal carries
large monetary savings by either
current and the liquid happens to be
(1) preventing the scrapping of good parts
where current can flow through it to the
or (2) preventing use of anomalous parts
metal. Conductive liquids can at times
in service.
cause trouble in program control circuits
by causing partial short circuits. These
may damage electrical equipment or cause
Types of Maintenance faulty operation of sensitive control
relays. It is a good policy to look over all
Required for Liquid electrical circuitry at each maintenance
Penetrant Testing Systems inspection and to remove all evidence of
liquids that may have splashed or
Maintenance is ordinarily of two different
otherwise gotten onto wiring or electrical
types. The first applies to the
maintenance of mechanical and electrical
The most important point for electrical
equipment and of any associated types of
maintenance of liquid penetrant test
accessories. The second has to do with the
equipment is the dryer. Failure of a dryer
maintenance of proper characteristics of
fan or thermostat could cause loss of
expendable materials such as the liquid
control of drying operations. Overheating
penetrants, emulsifiers, developers and
of aluminum alloy parts in the dryer
cleaners used to accomplish the tests. The
could cause overaging of these production
second type is covered elsewhere in this
parts. Automatic rinse stations should also
be watched for conditions of excessive
pressure or overly long rinse cycles. The
Mechanical Maintenance of Liquid rinse water temperature must also be
Penetrant Test Equipment controlled properly when working with
some types of liquid penetrants.
It is not feasible here to give specific
instructions applicable to all test
equipment that might be encountered.
There are some basic service precautions Maintenance of Plant
that should be observed, however. One of
the most important items is, of course, Safety Equipment in Liquid
lubrication of moving parts of liquid Penetrant Test Areas
penetrant test equipment. Even in the
Fire extinguishers, fire alarms and other
smaller units there may be fans, pumps
equipment used to prevent fire or
and the like that should be inspected for
explosion must be maintained in
lubrication regularly. In large production
accordance with fire prevention codes and
type liquid penetrant test equipment,
insurance requirements. Conformance
there will undoubtedly be conveyor
with all local, state or federal codes,
mechanisms of fairly complicated nature.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 69

including Occupational Safety and Health in the center of the ultraviolet light beam.
Administration regulations, is essential. Various specifications call for minimum
Large dividends in personnel safety and ultraviolet radiation intensities of 8.6 to
continuity of operations can be realized 10.2 Wm2 (865 to 1020 Wcm2).
through proper observance of fire and Higher minimum intensities need to be
safety regulations. Training of personnel established for each case, to permit
in proper procedures to report and to detection of discontinuities with sizes
control or extinguish fires is a normal approaching the visibility threshold.
precaution to aid in limiting injury or
damage to facilities.

Maintaining Cleanliness in
Control of Atmospheric Liquid Penetrant
Pollution from Liquid Processing and Test Areas
Good housekeeping in and around liquid
Penetrant Testing Systems penetrant test units should be observed at
Air sampling to ensure that the area all times. A clean piece of equipment not
surrounding the liquid penetrant only looks better but also provides a
processing is being maintained at safe much better inspection. Accumulations of
health levels is an advisable precaution, expendable test materials on equipment
particularly if toxic solvents are known to should be avoided. Liquid penetrant,
be involved. The Environmental either visible or fluorescent, can be
Protection Agency (EPA) has placed especially bad if allowed to collect on
restrictions on the concentrations of work surfaces. It can be picked up by parts
certain volatile solvents in the and may lead to false indications or, at
atmosphere,6 and the Occupational Safety least, confusion to the inspector.
and Health Administration administers Collection of quantities of fluorescent
regulations that limit the accumulated liquid penetrant on interior surfaces of
exposures of personnel to toxic gases or the ultraviolet radiation inspection booth
vapors.7 Continued monitoring of the can be particularly bad. Under the
atmosphere in work areas and of influence of the ultraviolet radiation
emissions from exhaust systems into the always present in the inspection booth,
environmental atmosphere may be masses of fluorescent material can easily
necessary to ensure compliance with these emit enough visible light to affect the
requirements. Some liquid penetrant inspectors darkness adaptation, thereby
processing materials have been specifically lowering the overall sensitivity of the
formulated to abide by air pollution entire liquid penetrant testing process.
restrictions such as those in Los Angeles Precautions must also be taken to
and San Francisco. Because of the rapid ensure that developer powder is free from
changes in environmental and health liquid penetrant contamination.
regulations, users of liquid penetrants and Fluorescent or color dyes in the developer
solvent materials should check their may be carried onto part surfaces with the
compliance with federal, state and developer to produce false indications.
municipal or other applicable codes and Bright fluorescent spots in tank developers
regulations on a continual basis. may also emit light that may interfere
with the inspectors dark adaptation.
Another common source of trouble is the
accumulation of dust behind the filter of
Ultraviolet Lamp the ultraviolet lamp. The filter should be
Maintenance removed and the back of the filter and the
face of the ultraviolet lamp bulb should
An integral part of the fluorescent liquid both be wiped clean whenever dust
penetrant system is the ultraviolet accumulates.
radiation source (ultraviolet lamp), the
intensity of which is vital to a reliable
result. It is recommended that this
intensity be checked weekly or more often
if the light is being operated at an
intensity level close to the minimum.
Ultraviolet radiation intensity should be
measured with a meter calibrated to
requirements of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. On a
commercially available ultraviolet
radiation meter, measurements are taken
at distances of 380 mm (15 in.) from the
face of the filter on the ultraviolet lamp,

70 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 8. Health and Safety Precautions

A number of governmental organizations to constant alertness to breakdown of the

around the world are involved with system and/or increased sensitivity of
promoting and enforcing safety and personnel.
health in the work place. Others aim at Many objects and materials fluoresce
protecting the environment from under ultraviolet radiation. The teeth and
contamination by industrial materials. In fingernails fluoresce with a bluish white
the United States two such organizations light. Dyes in clothing may fluoresce
are the Occupational Health and Safety brightly and not always the same color as
Administration (OSHA)7 and the that observed under white light.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).6 Laundering agents, starches and softeners
These and similar agencies are continually may fluoresce brightly. These conditions
examining industrial practices and add to eye fatigue and may reduce the
materials to eliminate hazards to reliability of the test. Eye fatigue because
personnel and the environment. For of extraneous light sources may be
example, certain ingredients used reduced by proper design of the work
formerly in liquid penetrants and station and by clothing selected to
emulsifiers have been required to be provide minimum background
replaced. One of the most notable has fluorescence.
been the elimination of halogenated General personnel restrictions
solvents. This chapter will cover personnel regarding cleanliness of the work area,
safety and health. Because most filtered wearing of safety shoes or limiting of
particle test fluids consist of particles loads to be lifted manually are applicable
suspended in light petroleum distillates, to liquid penetrant testing personnel and
the discussion below regarding liquid affect the ability of the operator to
penetrant fluid materials applies to the perform.
filtered particle fluids as well.
Environmental concerns with respect to
liquid penetrant test effluents are
discussed elsewhere in this volume. Potential Material Hazards
In the course of a test process liquid
penetrant materials can have direct,
unsafe effects on human operators, for
Maintaining Good Health example, topical exposure to chemical
of Penetrant Inspectors solvents. The expendable materials used
The physical health of liquid penetrant in liquid penetrant tests include organic
testing personnel should not be altered by pigments, petroleum distillates, wetting
performance of liquid penetrant testing agents, corrosion inhibitors, powders and
operations. To ensure health and freedom a variety of cleaning compounds and
from accidents or injury, test personnel solvents. As a group, they are not highly
should be aware of job related hazards dangerous chemicals but they must be
and safety precautions. Particular care is used with care.
required when handling unhealthy or
flammable liquids and vapors. Good Topical Exposure to Liquid
ventilation must be provided and care Penetrant Materials
should be taken to avoid exposure to hard
(short wavelength) ultraviolet radiation. Liquid penetrant test materials are
Safety requires good lighting and good carefully screened for potential health
housekeeping in work areas. Maintaining hazards and are qualified as safe for use by
good vision and appropriate ambient humans in an industrial operation. When
lighting is essential for reliable visual used in accordance with the
observation of penetrant test indications. manufacturers instructions, no general
Prolonged breathing of penetrant health hazard should be encountered.
vapors, emulsifier vapors or solvent Humans vary from person to person and
remover vapors may cause headaches, may react differently to liquid penetrant
nausea or tightness or pain in the chest. materials, usually in the form of allergic
To avoid this problem, forced air reactions. Allergies usually manifest
ventilation exhausting to the outside of themselves as a form of dermatitis on the
the building may be required in addition hands or arms. Other forms of allergic
reaction are more subtle and need to be

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 71

evaluated by competent medical skin to crack, these cracks may permit
personnel. If allergies persist, the operator infections to develop from any sources in
may be unable to perform liquid the environment. Skin damage or
penetrant testing routinely. dermatosis, could result from neglect of
Practically all liquid materials used in the precautions listed.
liquid penetrant testing, including
penetrant, cleaner and developers, have Flammability of Liquid Penetrant
very good wetting and detergent
properties. Most of them exhibit excellent Process Materials
solvent power for fats and oils. If these Flash point is the temperature to which a
materials are allowed to remain in contact material must be raised to create vapors of
with body surfaces for extended periods, a type and quantity that produce a
the natural oils will be dissolved from the combustible or explosive mixture with the
skin, causing it to become rough and red air immediately above the surface of the
and eventually to crack. In this condition, liquid. Several systems of measurement of
secondary infection can take place, flash points are in use. In general, the
causing severe irritation or dermatitis. technique of measurement involves
raising the temperature of the liquid in
Protection of Skin from accordance with a predetermined schedule
and periodically introducing a flame or
Dermatosis Caused by Contact other ignition means in the atmosphere
with Liquid Penetrant Process immediately above the liquid surface. The
Materials temperature at which the vapor-air
Preventive measures to lessen the mixture first ignites is the flash point.11
likelihood of skin infection should be Just what constitutes a safe flash point
used to protect personnel who handle depends on the conditions under which a
liquid penetrant processing materials and material is used and how it is to be
test parts that carry these materials on shipped. In the United States, rapidly
their surfaces. In many instances, changing regulations of the Occupational
synthetic rubber or other impervious Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)7
gloves are essential for handling baskets and other federal or state and local
and test parts during liquid penetrant regulations may dictate minimum
processing. In recent years the Federal allowable flash points that can be used.
Occupational Safety and Health Act has Requirements of the most recent
imposed restrictions on manufacturers regulations should be determined and
and users of liquid penetrant processing followed in choice of liquid penetrant
materials.7 These and state and local processing materials and work locations.
government restrictions must be observed If materials are used in very small
in all manufacturing processes, including quantities where ventilation is good,
testing of parts or products. (See Registry of extremely high flash points may not be
Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances,8 TLVs necessary. This is generally true in the
and Other Occupational Exposure Values9 case of portable kit-type liquid penetrant
and Occupational Diseases A Guide to test materials, where application is made
Their Recognition.10 by brushing or spraying. In this case,
The operators hands or any skin materials are kept in small containers that
surfaces contacted by liquid penetrants or are partially or completely closed. These
processing materials should be washed materials are brought into the open in
thoroughly with soap and water at least such small quantities that normal air
twice during each 8 h shift or working circulation should dilute their vapors to
period and before eating. This washing less dangerous concentrations.
(together with impervious gloves where Caution. Smoking while spraying or using
required) is usually sufficient protection if highly flammable materials must be
contact with liquid penetrant processing prohibited.
materials is only occasional. Some of the materials intended for use
Where continued or prolonged contact in small portable kits may have
with processing materials is necessary, a considerably lower flash points, possibly
protective cream resistant to the test as low as 5 C (40 F). When used with
materials being used should be applied to the precautions and in the manner
the skin and renewed, after thorough prescribed by their manufacturers and in
washing of hands, arms or portions of the work areas with ensured good ventilation,
body exposed to processing materials, as these materials can be used safely.
often as this cream wears off. If the skin However, it should always be borne in
reddens, the inflammation can often be mind that spray application of flammable
relieved by the use of cream or lotion liquids reduces the product to the form of
such as lanolin that contains animal fat. a fine mist composed of minute droplets.
Lanolin cannot restore the oil lost from In this form, atmospheric contamination
the skin but it can serve as a substitute for becomes more acute and the flammability
the lost skin oil. If loss of oil causes dry hazard is increased.

72 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Where materials are used in large open take place inside tanks or other closed
tanks with extensive exposed surface area, areas, inspectors should work with a
the problem is entirely different. The large companion. Within closed tanks, all
surface area fosters rapid liberation of personnel should be provided with
vapors. The dipping of test parts or adequate ventilation or with equipment
baskets into the liquid increases this to supply breathing air.
tendency toward evaporation. In addition,
the sides of the tank extending above the Safety Considerations for
liquid level act as a barrier that retains the
vapors and permits a high vapor Developers
concentration to accumulate. In this case, All of the developers procured as dry
materials that have flash points as high as powders offer, to some extent, the
practical should be used to keep the possibility of personnel inhalation of
hazard to a minimum. developer dust. The extremely fine
In the United States, Occupational particle size of the dry developer makes it
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) the most likely to be airborne in
regulations established the minimum reasonably high concentrations.
flash point at 93 C (200 F) for Preferably, this product should be applied
flammable liquids in large open tanks, in a well ventilated area or within a hood
used without special precautions. The equipped with an exhaust system to
Pensky-Martens closed cup technique11 is reduce inhalation hazard. Nonaqueous
the only technique for determining flash wet developer also involves some hazard
point permitted by the Occupational because of inhalation of the solvent
Safety and Health Administration for carriers in which the developer particles
these applications. It has also been are suspended. The solvent carriers are
required that specified automatic fire normally either relatively flammable,
protection apparatus must be installed relatively toxic or both. Precautions for
and maintained in operating condition use of flammable or toxic solvents should
when liquids with flash points below be observed when using nonaqueous
93 C are used in open tanks with liquid developers.
surface areas larger than 1 m2 (10 ft2).
Many plants have their own
regulations as to permissible flash points
for solvents and similar materials used in Material Safety Data
open tanks. In cases where such rulings Sheets
do not exist, the choice is the
responsibility of the facility management, In the past, it was often difficult to know
under applicable state and federal the hazards involved in the use of a
regulations. As a rough guide, a flash chemical product. If the product was
point of 93 C (200 F) should be highly flammable or toxic, a label was
considered as the minimum allowable for required to carry certain warnings.
liquid penetrant processing materials used However, as product liability cases began
in open tanks, unless required special to award large settlements to users injured
safety precautions can be enforced and by products carrying insufficient
suitable safety equipment is made apart of warnings, some suppliers began to provide
the installation. In the United States, relatively detailed hazard information
compliance with all applicable about their products.
Occupational Safety and Health It is standard industrial practice to
Administration or other federal, state and assess the hazards of chemical products
local regulations is essential. such as liquid penetrant testing materials
and to determine their safest use. A ruling
by the Occupational Safety and Health
Field Precautions for Solvent Administration, OSHA Hazard
Removers Communication Rule (29 CFR 1910.1200),12
Test operators and their management has mandated the use of a material safety
should be aware that most solvent data sheet (MSDS)13 (Fig. 16) for any
removers present fire and health hazards chemical that is hazardous or contains
in use. Do not use flammable solvents hazardous ingredients. The material safety
near ignition sources. Use volatile solvents data sheet must be supplied to a customer
only with ventilation adequate to carry with the initial shipment of any
solvent vapors away from closed areas. applicable chemical and must be updated
Before repair by welding after solvent whenever significant new information is
applications, use care to make certain that discovered. Material safety data sheets
all volatile material has evaporated from must be available to the user of the
test parts. product in the work area.
Sometimes it is not possible to use The format for the material safety data
solvent cleaners and developers only in sheet may be taken from the United States
open, ventilated areas. When testing must Department of Labors nonmandatory
form or it may be a suppliers

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 73

individualized form (alternate versions responsible party able to provide
must meet Occupational Safety and additional information about the
Health Administration requirements and product).
must present all the required Section I shows the date of the forms
information). The nonmandatory form preparation or its latest revision, to
shown in Fig. 16 is described in the text indicate the timeliness of its information.
below. Section I optionally identifies the
individual who completed the material
Product and Form Identification safety data sheet and could serve as a
source for further information.
Section I of the form identifies the party
responsible for the product. This section
includes the product name as found on Materials Listings
the container label and the name, address Section II lists all the hazardous materials
and telephone number of the in the product as well as an indication of
manufacturer, importer or distributor (a their breathing hazards. The permissible

FIGURE 16. Material safety data sheet.13

74 Liquid Penetrant Testing

exposure limit (PEL) mandated by the little of it can evaporate and enter the
Occupational Safety and Health atmosphere. Such materials often have a
Administration is the maximum boiling point over 200 C (400 F) or
concentration that an inspector is vapor pressure under 70 Pa (0.5 mm Hg).
permitted to breathe during 8 h in 24 h. The vapor density of a liquid is another
The American Conference of important characteristic noted in
Governmental Industrial Hygienists Section III. Vapors with high density tend
(ACGIH) is an advisory group that to sink, accumulate and spread. Inspectors
recommends the threshold limit value standing in the testing area may be
(TLV).9 This is the concentration of a unaware that a hazardous concentration
material that an individual can be of vapor exists at floor level. Most solvent
exposed to without harm, 8 h per day, vapors are denser than air and tend to
indefinitely. These concentrations are settle. Chlorinated solvent vapors are
usually expressed as parts per million much denser than air and their tendency
(LL1) in the air, by weight or as to settle is pronounced.
milligrams per cubic meter of air. Flammability is a physical property
Exposure limits for dusts are reported in that should be considered along with
millions of particles per cubic meter. By density and solubility characteristics.
way of comparison, ethyl alcohol, a Liquids that are insoluble in water and
typical health hazard, has a threshold less dense than water will float. If such
limit value of 1000 LL1 (about 1140 mg liquids are also flammable, water cannot
per 1 m3 of breathing air). extinguish their fire. If ignited, such
In many cases, neither the liquids can float on a water surface, spread
Occupational Safety and Health or travel with the water host. More
Administration nor the American detailed fire and explosion hazards can be
Conference of Governmental and listed in Section IV of the material safety
Industrial Hygienists has assigned an data sheet.
exposure limit to certain materials.
Industrial chemical substances are so Fire and Explosion Hazards
numerous that many have not yet been
evaluated. Under these circumstances, the Flash point is the accepted means for
manufacturer may recommend an measuring the fire hazard of liquid test
exposure limit, based on special tests or a materials. Flash point is a characteristic
close similarity to substances that have only of liquids and is defined as the
already been rated. A material or product lowest temperature at which the liquid
may be included in the Section II list gives off gases sufficient to form an
because it is a fire hazard, not a health ignitible vapor at the liquids surface.
hazard, or because it is hazardous to skin As long as the bulk liquid is kept below
or eyes. For these substances, breathing this temperature, not enough of it will
exposure limits may not have been vaporize to make the surrounding
established. When no actual or atmosphere explosive. The safest oil
recommended limit exists, that fact must vehicles have flash points over 90 C
be noted on the material safety data sheet. (200 F). The lower explosive limit (LEL)
The Section II list need not be a and upper explosive limit (UEL) indicate
complete listing of all the products the concentrations of vapor in air that are
ingredients. It is a mandatory listing of ignitible and potentially explosive.
hazardous ingredients of types and Concentrations below the lower explosive
concentrations specified elsewhere. limit are too lean to be fire hazards.
Above the upper explosive limit, the
concentrations are too rich to burn. A
Physical Properties typical lower explosive limit of one
Section III lists relevant physical percent is equivalent to 10 mLL1
properties of the product. These are (10 000 parts per million). A
important because they can aggravate or concentration this high is a serious health
sometimes diminish the effects of the hazard as well as a fire hazard.
hazards listed in Section II. Section IV of the material safety data
For instance, a volatile solvent (one sheet must list recommended
having a low boiling point, high vapor extinguishing media and special fire
pressure or high evaporation rate) is fighting procedures for hazardous or
doubly hazardous because much of it will explosive materials.
enter the breathing air during use. This
may then require special ventilation or Reactive Materials
respiratory protection for inspectors. Any
solvent with a boiling point lower than Section V lists materials that may be
water at 100 C (212 F) can be considered dangerously reactive. The intent of this
a low boiling point solvent. listing is to provide warnings about
By comparison, a moderately toxic air material compatibilities, as a guide for
pollutant may have such a high boiling storage or use of the substances in mutual
point and low evaporation rate that very contact.

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 75

Health Hazards most difficult section of the material
safety data sheet to prepare because the
Section VI specifies the types of exposure
supplier usually is not familiar with the
to guard against (route of entry) and the
testing environment or the level of
acute and chronic health conditions that
exposure at each testing site. The
can accompany overexposure to
organization that buys the material and
hazardous materials.
receives the material safety data sheet
A number of organizations are involved
must add its own knowledge of in-house
in testing chemical substances for
procedures to provide successful safety
carcinogenicity and chief among these
control measures.
organizations are the National Toxicology
Consider for example a slightly dusty
Program (NTP)14 and the International
product or a liquid that gives off some
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an
vapors. Such a material may be nearly
affiliate of the World Health Organization.
hazard free in an open and well ventilated
The Occupational Safety and Health
area, requiring minimum protection and
Administration also publishes a list of
no special ventilation. The same product
carcinogens.9,12 If any of these groups
used in a more confined and poorly
consider a product or its ingredients
ventilated space (a small testing booth, for
carcinogenic, that fact must be noted on
example) may require approved
the material safety data sheet.
respiratory protection or specially
A few chemical substances may
designed exhaust systems. Used inside a
aggravate existing medical conditions.
liquid storage tank or any enclosed
Where this relationship is known, it must
compartment, the products safe handling
be mentioned on the material safety data
could mandate a full mask with an
sheet. Regional poison control centers
independent air supply. Entry safety
may be contacted for advice in cases of
programs must be used when entering
confined spaces such as tanks.
The signs or symptoms of overexposure
The amount of the material being used
are provided on the form as an aid to
is a critical safety parameter. Ventilation
early treatment in the event of
and personal protection requirements are
vastly different when a product is used
Spillage of a chemical substance may
occasionally or sparingly rather than
cause a hazardous condition for personnel
continually or in large volumes.
in the vicinity. It may also merely be a
Liquid penetrant materials must by law
nuisance, depending on the substance. In
be well described in a material safety data
either case, techniques of dealing with a
sheet form. However, the ultimate
spill must be detailed in the material
responsibility for a safe workplace rests
safety data sheet. Waste disposal is an
with the organization that purchases the
important consideration for protection of
product and exposes its employees to it.
the environment.
Purchasers may expect material safety
data sheet compliance from their
Handling and Storage suppliers but it is the purchasers
Considerations responsibility to use the information
properly, to fully understand and alleviate
Earlier sections of the material safety data
the hazards involved. This is mandated
sheet point out safety hazards and discuss
under the Hazard Awareness
how to deal with them when they arise.
Communications Program administered
Sections VII and VIII discuss preventive
by the United States Department of Labor.
measures the means of avoiding
hazards in the first place.
Handling and storage precautions are
generally based on simple good Precautions with
housekeeping. Flammable, combustible or
pressurized products should not be stored Ultraviolet Radiation
near heat sources. Sources15
Chemical substances that are usually
hard to ignite can burn vigorously if
exposed to high temperatures such as Ultraviolet Radiation Source
those in a hot fire. Careless exposures The ultraviolet radiation used in
should be avoided breathing dusts, fluorescent liquid penetrant testing is
vapors or spray mists, leaving them on obtained by filtering hard ultraviolet
the skin or using the products around radiation out of radiation produced by a
open flames are all basic but vitally high intensity discharge (HID) lamp.
important considerations. Ultraviolet radiation sources are small
Section VIII on control measures electrical components that heat up during
provides detailed instructions on avoiding use and emit ultraviolet radiation.
hazards during the normal use of the Accordingly, these devices present a
specific chemical substance. This is the number of potential health and safety

76 Liquid Penetrant Testing

hazards. They can produce a severe visible light and infrared radiation. The
electrical shock. Many models become sun is the primary source of ultraviolet
extremely hot and can cause serious heat energy and its effects are well known. In
and radiation burns. In the presence of industry, artificial sources produce
flammable vapors, heat from such an ultraviolet radiation for germicidal
ultraviolet source can be sufficient for applications, carbon arcs,
ignition of the gas. High intensity photolithography, food irradiation,
discharge (HID) lamps operate at pressures vitamin D synthesis, curing certain
above atmospheric pressure and with plastics or paints, welding and cutting
impact can produce high velocity heated torches, as well as fluorescent magnetic
glass shards. particle testing and liquid penetrant
Despite these electrical and mechanical testing.
factors, the most serious safety concern is Ultraviolet radiation occupies the
the more subtle and less understood portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
hazard of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet between X-rays and visible light. The
radiation has long been known to International Committee on Illumination
produce physical, chemical and divides ultraviolet radiation into the three
physiological effects, so some discussion following ranges.
of these effects is in order. Ultraviolet Wavelengths from 320 to 400 nm (the
radiation can produce a variety of edge of the visible spectrum) are referred
physiological effects, depending strongly to as near ultraviolet (ultraviolet-A) or
on wavelength. long wave ultraviolet. (The paradoxical
Of interest to hygiene directors and term black light has become disfavored as
safety engineers are the effects of a term for ultraviolet radiation because
ultraviolet radiation on the operator. It the word light denotes radiation that is
has been rather conclusively visible.) The ultraviolet-A wavelengths are
demonstrated that ultraviolet radiation in those used for fluorescent liquid penetrant
the wavelength range normally used for tests, display illumination and for curing
test purposes can cause no permanent polymers sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.
damage to persons exposed, as long as The wavelengths from 280 to 320 nm
recommended filters are used on the are known as ultraviolet-B, midwave or
ultraviolet lamps. The 365 nm erythemal ultraviolet, so named for its
near ultraviolet (ultraviolet-A) wavelength reddening effect on the skin. The
is well out of the range where ultraviolet-B wavelengths can cause
physiological effects take place. Such sunburn and snow blindness. Such
effects as damage to the eye, sunburn and sources are not to be used for liquid
destruction of tissue do not come into penetrant applications.
evidence until wavelengths are reduced to Wavelengths from 100 to 280 nm are
the neighborhood of 320 nm. Here they known as ultraviolet-C, actinic, germicidal
become definitely injurious. or short wave ultraviolet. The
Proper operation of the ultraviolet ultraviolet-C wavelengths are used for
lamp used in fluorescent liquid penetrant germicidal purposes, sterilization, in
testing is essential to good testing and to bacteriology, vitamin D production and
operator comfort and efficiency. If an for erasing information in
ultraviolet lamp becomes damaged, ultraviolet-erasable, programmable
radiation with ultraviolet wavelengths memory and programmable logic
shorter than 310 nm may escape its semiconductor chips. The ultraviolet-C
protective enclosures or filters. Operator radiation can cause severe burns and eye
exposure to this short wavelength damage and, in the presence of oxygen,
radiation may cause a condition known as such short wavelengths can also generate
photokeratitis followed by conjunctivitis, ozone, toxic if inhaled.
similar to snowblindness. Symptoms may Do not use shorter wavelength
progress from a feeling of sand in the ultraviolet radiation sources for
eyes, allergy to light, tear formation and nondestructive testing applications. The
temporary blindness. These symptoms ultraviolet-B and ultraviolet-C ultraviolet
usually begin 6 to 12 h after exposure and radiation they emit is very hazardous and
last for 6 to 24 h, with all symptoms causes severe skin and eye damage after
disappearing in 48 h. There is no known very short exposure.
cumulative effect. It is essential that the
ultraviolet lamp not be used unless the Measuring Ultraviolet Energy
proper filter is in place and is undamaged.
The segmentation of ultraviolet
wavelengths into ultraviolet-A,
Characteristics of Ultraviolet ultraviolet-B and ultraviolet-C is
Energy analogous to the segmentation of visible
Ultraviolet radiation is an invisible radiant light into the wavelengths that produce
energy produced by natural and artificial the colors. Blue light, for example,
sources and is often accompanied by generally has wavelengths between 455 to

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 77

492 nm. Yellow light is between 577 and Near Ultraviolet Radiation
597 nm. Exposure Limits
This analogy might also be helpful to
those first learning to measure ultraviolet Ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths of
radiation. A certain intensity of yellow 320 to 400 nm is commonly called
light will produce a certain illuminance near ultraviolet, or ultraviolet-A. One
on a surface and this illuminance is study17 indicates that, at these
commonly measured in lux or footcandle. wavelengths, the indirect exposure of an
In the same way, a certain amount of inspectors face and eyes at a viewing
ultraviolet radiation will produce an distance of 750 mm (30 in.) is no greater
irradiance on a test object surface. than 6.5 Wcm2. This is for a standard
Irradiance is a time dependent measure of lamp fixture, a 100 W bulb and an
the amount of energy falling on a ultraviolet filter at 280 mm (11 in.) from a
prescribed surface area. Because ultraviolet pitted steel sample plate.
radiation is invisible (not the same The exposure value represents about
wavelengths as visible light), photometric 1/150 of the maximum continuous
measurement units such as the exposure level recommended by the
footcandle, lumen and lux do not apply. American Conference of Governmental
Ultraviolet radiation is commonly and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) and
measured in microwatt per square the National Institute for Occupational
centimeter (Wcm2), the power Safety and Health (NIOSH). Both NIOSH
(microwatt) falling on one square (in Criterion for a Recommended
centimeter (0.155 in.2) of surface area. At Standard Occupational Exposure to
higher irradiance levels, the watt per Ultraviolet Radiation)18 and the American
square meter (Wm2) is used Conference of Governmental and
(100 Wcm2 = 1 Wm2). Visible light is Industrial Hygienists have recommended
sometimes expressed in these units but the following limits for incoherent
ultraviolet radiation should never be radiation (not including lasers).
expressed in footcandle, lux or any other 1. For the ultraviolet spectral region of
photometric unit. 315 to 400 nm, total irradiance
incident on unprotected skin or eyes
Erythemal Ultraviolet Radiation shall not exceed 1.0 mWcm2 for
periods greater than 1000 s.
Hazards 2. For exposure times of 1000 s (about
Erythemal ultraviolet or ultraviolet-B 17 min) or less, the total radiant
radiation typically ranges in wavelength energy density shall not exceed
from 280 to 320 nm. It has been shown 1000 mWscm2 or 1 106 Wscm2
that ultraviolet-B radiation can damage (1.0 Jcm2). For the purposes of
human tissue. The ultraviolet sources used continuous tests, the total irradiance
for liquid penetrant tests are filtered to energy should not exceed
minimize the output of this midrange 1000 mWcm2.
ultraviolet but not all such radiation is
It has been noted that, over decades of
kept out of the testing environment.
application, there is no evidence of skin
There has been research into the
discoloration resulting from fluorescent
amount of 315 nm radiation transmitted
nondestructive testing procedures.19 In
by a 125 W bulb. One manufacturers
addition, the International Labour Office
source produces 2.9 percent as much
in Geneva, Switzerland has reported that
radiation in the 315 range as it does in
no cases of industrially induced skin
the 365 nm range. Another
cancer have been attributable to
manufacturers 100 W lamp, used with a
ultraviolet radiation from a lamp. It is
standard filter, produces about 1.5 percent
believed that indirect exposure to
as much 315 nm radiation as it does
ultraviolet-A radiation, either dermally or
365 nm radiation. The same lamp with a
ocularly, does not present a threat to the
different filter produces five percent
health and safety of liquid penetrant
hazardous ultraviolet-B wavelengths.
testing personnel.
Research contracted by the United
The major safety precautions for
States Food and Drug Administration
ultraviolet radiation sources then are as
included studies of three BLB tubes.16 The
data indicate that the ultraviolet-B
content of the sample bulbs ranged from 1. Eliminate the direct irradiation of the
0.73 percent to 6.2 percent of the unprotected hand when manipulating
radiation (320 to 400 nm) content. The small test objects. If an inspectors
ultraviolet-A content of BLB tubes is much hands are subject to 5000 Wcm2,
lower than that of 100 W bulbs. then the recommended daily
ultraviolet-A exposure can be exceeded
in 200 s.
2. Eliminate accidental direct viewing of,
and dermal exposure to, lamps used in

78 Liquid Penetrant Testing

other testing stations, lamps object and the source increases exposure
permanently mounted in the same to the worker. Table 3 shows the
booth and those being used by other irradiance for three different test objects
inspectors in the same area. exposed at 45 degree angles and 280 mm
Lamps using a 100 W bulb have an (11 in.) distances.
increased potential for unintentional The study also shows that the angle
hand irradiation because of the larger spot between the object and the ultraviolet
area. source affects the exposure to the
Unintentional viewing can occur easily inspector. The closer the source is to
as inspectors move around within the perpendicular, the greater the personnel
testing area. Varying or multiple source exposure (see Table 4).
heights increase the possibility of direct
exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The use
of suitable gloves, protective ultraviolet TABLE 3. Reflected radiation from
absorbing eyewear and opaque or closely ultraviolet source at 45 degrees and
woven clothing to cover potentially 280 mm (11 in.) from plates of various
exposed dermal areas are and should be materials.17
recommended to personnel operating in
such situations. Plate Reflected Ultraviolet Radiation
There is now good evidence indicating Materials (Wcm2)
that near ultraviolet radiation can be
Pitted steel 3.6 to 3.8
hazardous if allowed to fall on the eyes or
skin without limit. These effects vary in Galvanized steel 3.8 to 4.0
severity, depending on the extent of the Aluminum 3.0
exposure over time. In the past,
ultraviolet radiation damage was
popularly associated with irradiation of
the body at wavelengths shorter than
320 nm. Although the erythemological
efficiency may be 200 to 2000 times TABLE 4. Reflected radiation from
higher at the shorter wavelengths, animal ultraviolet source 280 mm (11 in.) from a
studies show that damaging effects also steel plate at varying angles.17
can occur from long exposures at Source-to-Object Reflected Ultraviolet
ultraviolet-A wavelengths. Angle Radiation
The following text details a study of (angular degrees) (Wcm2)
the irradiances experienced in a typical
work environment by the unprotected 5 1.2
face and hands. Measurements were made 25 1.7
with a simple radiometer and radiometers 30 2.1
equipped with photodetectors (a vacuum 45 2.6
photodiode or a broadband silicon
60 3.2
detector). At a distance of 1 m (3 ft), the
photodiode detected 1500 Wcm2 from 80 3.6
one ultraviolet source and 380 Wcm2
from a smaller model. The silicon detector
registered 1200 and 270 Wcm2 from
the same two sources.
For quantitative indirect exposure of Ocular Fluorescence from Long
inspectors, several tests were performed Wavelength Ultraviolet Radiation
using the low irradiance source tested As indicated above, long wavelength
above. The ultraviolet lamp was placed at ultraviolet radiation is a natural
varying distances from and varying angles component of the environment Earths
to a pitted steel plate. As shown in atmosphere does not completely filter out
Table 2, decreasing distance between the the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the
sun. Regardless of the source, natural or
artificial, ultraviolet radiation can cause
human eye media to fluoresce. This in
TABLE 2. Reflected radiation from turn produces uncomfortable sensations,
ultraviolet source at 45 degrees from irritation or pressure, especially in low
pitted steel plate.17 visible light levels. Ocular fluorescence is
Reflected Ultraviolet Distance between temporary but can be eliminated entirely
Radiation Source and Plate by using ultraviolet absorbing eyewear. In
(Wcm2) mm (in.) some cases, such eyewear can actually
increase the contrast (reduce ambient
4.3 180 (7) background levels) and thereby improve
3.8 280 (11) the sensitivity of fluorescent liquid
3.2 460 (18) penetrant tests because the ocular

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 79

fluorescence will reduce the vision acuity
of the inspector.
Long wavelength ultraviolet radiation
is considered relatively harmless when
compared to other parts of the ultraviolet
spectrum. However, in a few cases,
permanent histological changes have been
reported. Note also that abnormally high
sensitivities can be produced by certain
drugs and chemicals. People exposed to
these sensitizing agents or individuals
who are particularly photosensitive
should expect adverse reactions to long
wavelength ultraviolet radiation.
However, it is unusual for the symptoms
of photosensitization to be elicited solely
by the limited emission spectrum of the
lamps used in fluorescent liquid penetrant

Summary of Ultraviolet
Radiation Safety
With appropriate precautions, fluorescent
penetrant testing can be performed in a
safe and effective manner.
The general rules of ultraviolet safety
are designed to protect the people who
may be exposed to such radiation, directly
or accidentally.
The first level of protection includes
posting areas where ultraviolet radiation
exists in excess of safe limits. Legal
signage must display standard caution
ultraviolet radiation warnings and may
contain additional health protection
information. The color and size of such
signs should meet Federal and state
requirements (see 29 CFR 1910.115).7
Control of the environment is another
critical safety measure.
Equipment that produces ultraviolet
radiation should be enclosed by
partitions, screens or walls painted with
nonreflective paint. Paint containing
metallic particles should not be used. In
addition, this equipment must be labeled
to inform individuals of its potential
health and safety hazards.
Contact the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), the
American National Standards Institute
(ANSI), the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH) and the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
before performing any fluorescent liquid
penetrant test procedure.

80 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. QPL-AMS-2644, Qualified Products List Health, Education, and Welfare

of Products Qualified under SAE [DHEW]; Superintendent of
Aerospace Materials Specification Documents, United States
AMS 2644: Inspection Material, Government Printing Office (1977).
Penetrant. Philadelphia, PA: Naval 11. ASTM D 93, Standard Test Methods for
Publications and Forms (1998). Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed
2. QPL-25135-17, Inspection Materials, Cup Tester. West Conshohocken, PA:
Penetrants. Washington, DC: American Society for Testing and
Department of Defense, United States Materials (1997).
Air Force. 12. 29 CFR 1910.1200, OSHA Hazard
3. SAE AMS 2644, Inspection Material, Communication Standard. [Code of
Penetrant. Warrendale, PA: SAE Federal Regulations: Title 29, Labor.]
[Society of Automotive Engineers] Washington, DC: United States
International (1996). Department of Labor, Occupational
4. ASTM D 2512, Standard Test Method for Safety and Health Administration;
Compatibility of Materials with Liquid United States Government Printing
Oxygen (Impact Sensitivity Threshold and Office (1998).
Pass-Fail Techniques). West 13. OSHA 174, Material Safety Data Sheet.
Conshohocken, PA: American Society USGPO 1986-491-529/45775.
for Testing and Materials (1995). Washington, DC: United States
5. ASTM E 433, Standard Reference Department of Labor, Occupational
Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Safety and Health Administration;
Inspection. West Conshohocken, PA: Government Printing Office (1986).
American Society for Testing and 14. Eighth Report on Carcinogens.
Materials (1993). Washington, DC: National Toxicology
6. 40 CFR 63, National Emission Studies for Program, United States Department of
Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Health and Human Services (1998).
Categories. [Code of Federal Regulations: 15. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
Title 40, Protection of Environment.] second edition: Vol. 6, Magnetic Particle
Washington, DC: United States Testing. Columbus, OH: American
Environmental Protection Agency; Society for Nondestructive Testing
Government Printing Office (July (1989).
1998). 16. Mohan, K. et al. Optical Radiation from
7. 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and Selected Sources: Part 1, Quartz Halogen
Health Standards. [Code of Federal and Fluorescent Lamps. BRH Publication
Regulations: Title 29, Labor.] FDA 81-8136. Washington, DC: United
Washington, DC: United States States Food and Drug Administration
Department of Labor, Occupational (1981).
Safety and Health Administration; 17. Rhoads, J.L. Investigation of the
Government Printing Office (July Workplace Conditions Associated with
1998). Fluorescent Dye Penetrant Inspection.
8. NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Master of Science Thesis. Cincinnati,
Chemical Substances. HEW Publication OH: University of Cincinnati (1984).
NIOSH 78-104A. Washington, DC: 18. Criterion for a Recommended Standard:
United States Department of Health, Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet
Education and Welfare (1978). Radiation. HEW Publication
9. America Conference of Governmental HSM-049-71-36. Washington, DC:
Industrial Hygienists. TLVs and Other National Institute for Occupational
Occupational Exposure Values. CD-ROM. Safety and Health (1971).
Cincinnati, OH: American Conference 19. Sturges, D. and R. Wagner. Factors
of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Affecting Intensity of Black Lights
(1998). Used in FPI and MPI. Paper
10. Key, M.M. et al. Occupational Diseases Summaries: National Fall Conference
A Guide to Their Recognition. DHEW [Houston, TX]. Columbus, OH:
publication NIOSH 77-181. American Society for Nondestructive
Washington, DC: National Institute Testing (October 1980): p 153-154.
for Occupational Safety and Health
[NIOSH], United States Department of

Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing 81


Characteristics of Liquid
Penetrant and Processing

Vilma G. Holmgren, Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool

Works, Glenview, Illinois
Bruce C. Graham, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
PART 1. Liquid Properties of Liquid Penetrant

Penetrants and their ancillaries must have toward the liquids interior, and the
physical properties that fall within fairly surface acts like a skin. It acts to minimize
narrow ranges. None are difficult to attain the surface area of the liquid and it
but properties cannot stray very far from requires effort (the surface tension) to
optimum. The coverage of these topics is stretch this skin.
essentially practical. Some physical Contact angle is the measured angle
chemistry is included, particularly relating that a drop of liquid makes with a solid
to capillarity, light absorption and surface. If contact angle is zero, cos = 1
scattering but not enough to require that and the liquid will wet and spread. If the
the reader be a professional physical contact angle is 90 degrees or more, cos
chemist. Discussions are limited to = 0 and the liquid will not wet but will
descriptions of usable processes and how remain as a rounded drop. Intermediate
they work. No effort is made to discuss contact angles indicate intermediate
unproved processes or theories. degrees of wetting. Contact angles can be
For readers who have interests in other measured on special sample surfaces with
theories behind the mechanisms of special equipment.
penetration, surface wetting, adsorption Energy of adhesion is a measure of the
and development and other fundamental strength of attraction of a liquid to a solid
physical chemistries of liquid penetrant surface and is of more theoretical than
testing, additional readings1-7 are practical value.
suggested. Penetration of a discontinuity is
primarily a capillary effect. The forces
involved are those associated with
capillary action and are called capillary
Penetration pressure or excess surface pressure. This
The very name penetrant suggests that the pressure is given by Eq. 1:
ability to penetrate into voids is the major
feature of a penetrant. This is no doubt 2
(1) P =
true but it is not a critical feature. Very R
nearly any liquid will wet a solid surface
and penetrate into voids. In fact, it is not where is the surface tension of the liquid
easy to find a liquid that will not and R is the radius of curvature of the
penetrate. If it wets, it will penetrate; if liquid surface. The effect of this capillary
not, it will not. pressure can best be shown by examining
Wetting of smooth, chemically clean the two systems depicted in Figs. 1a
surfaces has been studied extensively with and 1b.
relationships worked out between surface In Fig. 1a the liquid wets the capillary
tension, interfacial tension, wetting and the pressure P1 is up. In Fig. 1b the
contact angle, energy of adhesion. None liquid does not wet the capillary and the
are very appropriate because many of pressure P2 is down. The ability to wet or
these quantities are not measurable on the not wet determines in which direction the
kinds of surfaces that are tested with surface will curve, whereas the degree of
liquid penetrant. Even a cleaned surface wetting determines to what extent the
can pick up a molecular monolayer of oil surface will curve. Therefore, the first
or oxide in a very short time. The requirement for penetration is its ability
slightest taint of oil on a surface can to wet the surface of the discontinuity.
change a surface and cause a penetrant The dimensions of the capillary are
film to become less wet and to pull up also important and the radius of the
into droplets. As a practical matter, this is capillary can be related to the capillary
not too serious. Reapplication of pressure by examining Fig. 1c. It is found
penetrant will usually dissolve this film that R = r/cos , i.e., cos = r/R, where r is
and allow testing to proceed. the radius of the tube and is the angle
Surface tension can be defined as the of contact of the liquid and the tube.
force needed to expand (or pull apart) the Equation 1 becomes:
surface of a liquid. It results from the
2 cos
attraction of all the molecules within the (2) P =
liquid for each other. At the surface, with r
no more liquid outside, the net force is

84 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 1. Liquid in capillary: (a) wet capillary, pressure up; (b) dry capillary, pressure down; (c) relationship of
capillary radius to capillary pressure.

(a) (b) (c)

R1 P1


R2 P2

P = pressure
R = radius of liquid surface curvature
r = tube radius
= angle of contact between liquid and tube

Using this equation and assuming = 8VL

0 degrees, the capillary pressure for tubes (4) T =
of various radii with liquids that have r 4 P
surface tensions of 0.025 and 0.035 Nm1
(1.7 103 and 2.4 103 lbfin.1) can be and because the tube is just being filled:
calculated. The latter two values are taken
because they span the range of most (5) V = r 2L
penetrants. Table 1 presents these data. then:
The capillary pressure increases directly
with the surface tension of a penetrant 8L2
and inversely with the radius of the (6) T =
capillary. But unless is less than 90 r 2P
degrees (cos > 0), P will be zero and Because the pressure P is given by Eq. 2,
there will be no wetting and no then:
The rate at which a liquid will fill a 4 L2
(7) T =
capillary is determined primarily by its r cos
viscosity. The coefficients of viscosity
are given by: Because L for most open voids is usually
very small, T is usually very small too (a
r 4 T P few seconds at most), unless the
(3) =
8V L viscosity is really huge. High viscosities
lead to too much dragout and wastage of
where T is the time for the volume V of penetrant, besides slow penetration.
liquid to flow through a tube of radius r Penetrants generally do not fill a void
and length L under the influence of a from the top down, compressing the air
pressure P. within it. It is often possible to observe
Solving for T, Eq. 3 becomes: bubbles leaving a submerged crack, as the

TABLE 1. Capillary pressure P versus surface tension.

Capillary Radius
1.0 mm 0.1 mm 0.01 mm 1.0 m 0.5 m
(4 102 in.) (4 103 in.) (4 104 in.) (4 105 in.) (2 105 in.)

Surface Tension Capillary Pressure P

Nm1 (lbfin.1) 2
Pa (lbfin. ) 2
Pa (lbfin. ) Pa (lbfin.2) Pa (lbfin.2) Pa (lbfin.2)

0.025 (1.7 103) 50 (7) 500 (70) 5000 (700) 50 000 (7000) 100 000 (200 000)
0.035 (2.4 103) 70 (10) 700 (100) 7000 (1000) 70 000 (10 000) 140 000 (20 000)

Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials 85

liquid penetrant fills it. Capillary pressure surfaces. Aside from the constant S,
is highest where the crack is narrowest; dragout is proportional to the square root
this is where the liquid penetrant of the liquid penetrants viscosity and
enters. The bubbles exit at the widest part. inversely to the square root of the drain
time. When penetrants are volatile, this
relationship breaks down, as evaporation
losses add to drainage losses and increase
Volatility of Liquid the measured value of D.
Penetrants Equation 8 is a basis for comparing the
economy of usage of low volatility liquid
Low volatility is a practical requirement of penetrants. On smooth surfaces, S is small
liquid penetrant; it plays only a small part and consumption of a liquid penetrant
in sensitivity. Low volatility has four will vary as the square root of its
advantages: (1) low economic loss because viscosity. For example, if liquid penetrant
of evaporation, (2) low fire hazard because X has a viscosity of 4 mm2s1 = 4 106
few flammable vapors form above the m2s1 (0.04 St) and liquid penetrant Y has
liquid, (3) low toxicity because of low a viscosity of 9 mm2s1 = 9 106 m2s1
hazardous vapor concentrations in the (0.09 St) then on the same smooth surface
test area and (4) uniform removal and and at the same drain time, 50 percent
fluorescent properties. The liquid more of liquid penetrant Y will be dragged
penetrant film during the liquid penetrant out or used: (9/4) = 3/2. If drain times
dwell time changes very little in were adjusted to equalize consumption,
composition, so that removal and liquid penetrant Y would have to drain 50
fluorescent properties do not vary over percent longer than liquid penetrant X.
the surface, where penetrant may be
present in both thick (slow drying) and
thin (fast drying) layers.
Volatility does not have to be as close
to zero as possible. A good level is that
which provides a flash point of slightly
over 93.3 C (200 F) in a closed cup
test. This puts it in the OSHA Class IIIB
fire hazard range8 yet does not force the
liquid penetrant to be uneconomically
viscous. Within most series of chemical
solvents, viscosity increases linearly as the
flash point rises. As a result, insisting on
higher flash points than optimum will
merely drive viscosity higher, along with
its increase in dragout losses.

Liquid penetrants drain off surfaces at a
rate that depends on their viscosities and
to an extent that depends on drainage
time and surface roughness. Studies in the
laboratory with nonvolatile liquids
draining from calibrated, vertical surfaces
led to Eq. 8:

(8) D = S + 7.86 10 3

where D is dragout (volume of liquid

penetrant in liter per 24.5 m2 of surface
(gallon per 1000 ft2 of surface), S is surface
volume (same units as for dragout), is
kinematic viscosity (in stokes [where 1 St
= 0.0001 m2s1]) and T is time (minute).
Surface volume S expresses the amount
of penetrant left behind after an
unlimited drain time and is a measure of
surface roughness. It is small for a mirror
smooth surface, around 0.004 Lm2 =
4 106 m3m2 (1 104 galft2 = 0.1 gal
per 1000 ft2), and much larger on rough

86 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Liquid Penetrant Removal

Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Solvent Rinse as well as the Department of
Transportation (DOT). Spot dry time is an
Solvent rinse or vapor degreasing have old fashioned, rough-and-ready test for
been tried in a few cases where it was very speed of drying. A droplet of solvent is
difficult to clean surfaces before applying placed on a filter paper circle and its
developer and inspecting. They quickly disappearance is timed to the minute and
and thoroughly remove liquid penetrant second. The data are scattered but it is
from all but the deepest of voids while obvious that dry time rises exponentially
leaving surfaces attractively clean. They with flash point.
are not recommended for liquid penetrant Ordinary varnish makers and painters
removal where sensitivity is important. (VM&P) naphtha flashes at around
12.8 C (55 F) and dries in about 85 s. A
safety solvent flashing at 37.8 C (100 F)
will take about 5 min to dry and one that
Solvent Wipeoff flashes at 48.9 C (120 F) will take nearly
Removing excess liquid penetrant by 10 min. Low volatility (high flash point)
wiping the surface with a solvent solvents can be used without slowing
dampened rag is the technique normally down the test time if they are applied
used with aerosol liquid penetrants and with dampened rags and are promptly
developers. It requires skill on the part of and completely removed with a clean, dry
the inspector but has worked well for over rag so as not to dilute indications and
40 years. stain the developer films. Drying time is
The solvent must dry quickly and not important if there is nothing left to
thoroughly so as not to dilute liquid be dried.
penetrant entrapments and dim their
fluorescence. Desirable properties are low
toxicity, solvency for liquid penetrants
and some compromise between maximum Water Wash
drying speed and minimum fire The earliest commercial fluorescent liquid
hazard. This is difficult because solvent penetrants, dating back to the 1940s, were
dry times increase rapidly at higher flash water washable. That is, they contained
points. Figure 2 plots data for a broad chemical emulsifying agents that forced
range of volatile chemical solvents. Flash the liquid penetrant to disperse
point is a familiar indicator of fire hazard spontaneously into a spray of rinse water
with limits proposed by the Occupational or into the water in an immersion wash
Water washable liquid penetrants are
FIGURE 2. Spot dry time versus flash point of volatile still widely used because of their
solvents. simplicity: simply rinse with water and
dry. Early water washable liquid
1000 penetrants contained sulfur bearing
emulsifying agents that washed more
quickly in hotter water. Modern water
washable liquid penetrants, formulated to
avoid the presence of sulfur, use agents
Spot dry time (s)

that act in a slower and more controllable

manner. It is a lot harder to overwash
However, if the test surface is hard to
rinse clean, the inspectors tendency is to
use a long and vigorous wash that can
still remove liquid penetrant from
entrapments and dim subsequent
10 indications. Solving this drawback led to
30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50
(22) (4) (14) (32) (50) (68) (86) (104) (122)
the development of postemulsifiable
liquid penetrants.
Flash point, C (F)

Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials 87

Lipophilic Emulsifier Hydrophilic Emulsifier
The lipophilic liquid penetrant system Hydrophilic emulsifiers are basically
uses two materials, a liquid penetrant and dispersant/detergent concentrates that are
a separate emulsifier. The liquid penetrant dissolved into water. They remove excess
is not emulsifiable and cannot be easily surface liquid penetrant by
removed by rinsing with water. The (1) preferentially wetting the test surface
emulsifier is applied at the end of the and literally peeling the liquid penetrant
desired liquid penetrant dwell time by away and (2) by dispersing or dissolving
dipping a part into the emulsifier droplets so that they do not redeposit on
reservoir. The lipophilic emulsifier is a the surface. This action occurs during
viscous liquid that slides off the test final rinse as well as during immersion,
surface and drains back into the reservoir, whether assisted by gentle agitation or
taking much of the surface excess of not.
liquid penetrant with it. The emulsifier Hydrophilic emulsifiers yield brighter
remaining on the part then slowly indications because they do not dissolve
diffuses into the surface liquid penetrant into and contaminate entrapped liquid
layer, making it emulsifiable and penetrant. Their propensity for removal of
removable with water. If the emulsifier entrapped liquid penetrant is minimal.
dwell is timed correctly, it does not diffuse For this reason, the hydrophilic emulsifier
much into liquid penetrant entrapments, liquid penetrant processing technique is
which remain inert to water rinsing. most often recommended for critical
The improved sensitivity allowed by hardware, e.g., rotating turbine engines.
this system made it the standard for high Dragout is low, as hydrophilic
sensitivity testing for many years. Its emulsifier solutions are nearly as thin as
disadvantages have become more obvious water. They yield brighter indications,
over the last few years and it is rapidly because they do not dissolve into liquid
becoming obsolete. penetrants and contaminate
The first disadvantage is the high rate them. Because of their high water
of consumption of the emulsifier. It has to content, however, they cannot tolerate as
be viscous or it removes liquid penetrant much liquid penetrant contamination as
too rapidly to control. But it drains from the lipophilic emulsifiers. A hydrophilic
surfaces very slowly, causing a high emulsifier solutions tolerance for liquid
dragout loss. This effect is aggravated on penetrant contamination depends on its
complex geometry parts, resulting in individual formula and also on the
nonuniform removal. Lipophilic contaminating liquid penetrants formula.
emulsifiers have a large liquid penetrant Tolerance for a liquid penetrant with a
tolerance and rarely need to be discarded high percentage of petroleum distillate is
because of excessive liquid penetrant lower than for one with less petroleum oil
contamination. However, the activity or or distillate. A generalization would be
diffusion rate of the emulsifier decreases that a 10 percent solution will tolerate
with increasing amounts of liquid two percent liquid penetrant
penetrant contamination. Their loss contamination before becoming spent; a
through dragout is so high that users 20 percent solution, four percent
must constantly replenish the reservoir contamination; and a 30 percent solution,
with fresh emulsifier that holds the six percent. A tank of spent hydrophilic
contamination at a low level. emulsifier solution must be emptied and
The excess emulsifier that does not recharged.
drain off ends up, of course, in the rinse Hydrophilic emulsifiers can be applied
water where it becomes a heavy dose of by spray or immersion and, in rare
water pollution a second major instances, as foam. Maximum
disadvantage. concentration for spray application is five
A third disadvantage became apparent percent and usually is applied in a much
when the hydrophilic emulsifier removal lower concentration, one or two percent.
technique was being developed in the Metering pumps are available that can
laboratory. At the end of the lipophilic meter such amounts directly into a water
emulsifier dwell time, emulsifier was stream. Sprayed hydrophilic emulsifiers
actually beginning to diffuse into liquid are not collected for reuse.
penetrant filled cracks. There was not For dip applications, concentrations
enough to make the entrapments emulsify range from five percent up to
but enough to contaminate them and dim 33 percent. Specific concentrations are
indication fluorescence. often mandated by specifications but also
can be worked out by experiment for each
The hydrophilic emulsifier is a
combination of solvents and dispersants
(wetting or surfactant agents). The

88 Liquid Penetrant Testing

solvents remove surface liquid penetrant
by dissolving action and the surface active
or dispersant agent by emulsifying action,
suspending and preventing the redeposit
of removed surface liquid penetrants.
Hydrophilic emulsifier formulations differ
between manufacturers. Some are more
solvent action dependent; others, more
surfactant dependent.
Typically, specifications for liquid
penetrant materials require an emulsifier
(hydrophilic or lipophilic) and a liquid
penetrant from the same manufacturer to
be used together according to specific
processing parameters. Otherwise, a liquid
penetrant test may become desensitized.
Water pollution can be minimized by
prerinsing the test piece with a plain
water spray before applying the
hydrophilic emulsifier. This removes the
loose surface excess of liquid penetrant by
mechanically emulsifying it. If the liquid
penetrant is completely water repellent,
entrapments within voids are not
touched. If the prerinse drainage is
contained, an oily liquid penetrant layer
quickly migrates to the top of the of fairly
clean rinse water, because the emulsion is
not chemically stabilized. Further, the
final removal step generates less water
pollution because up to 90 percent of the
oily liquid penetrant can be separated
from the prerinse drainage before it
becomes waste.
A prerinse decreases the necessary
exposure time to the emulsifier solution
very slightly. However, the prerinse
greatly extends the life of solutions used
in dip applications by eliminating about
90 percent of the contamination.
Experimentation has shown that the
final rinseoff of the emulsifier solution
can be overdone. Up to 2 min spraying on
a nickel chrome test panel can noticeably
dim indications. The best overall rule for
liquid penetrant removal is to do just
enough to clean excess fluorescence off
the surface. Doing the job more
thoroughly will not help but can surely

Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials 89

PART 3. Color of Liquid Penetrants

film. The Beer-Lambert law expresses this

MOVIE. Nonfluorescent Liquid relationship as:
Visible red dye
Penetrants (10) IT = I 0 10 ect
penetrant Indications from nonfluorescent (visible)
bleeds out. liquid penetrants cannot be seen unless Combining Eqs. 9 and 10, the amount
they contrast strongly with the test of light absorbed by a film of liquid
surface. The strongest contrast is dark on penetrant is:
white, typically dark red indications on a
snow white background. Thus, visible
liquid penetrants must be used with a
(11) IA = (
I 0 1 10 ect )
white developer and must be deeply where t is thickness (millimeter), the
colored. product (ec) is a constant for a particular
The relative sensitivity of visible liquid liquid penetrant and IA is a fraction of
penetrants can be displayed with I0. The relationship is presented
nickel-chrome test panels, chrome plated graphically in Fig. 3.
panels with cracks having depths equal to A good visible liquid penetrant is
the thickness of the plating. A panel with opaque in films thicker than 0.1 mm,
nickel-chrome plate of thickness of 50 m nearly opaque at 0.01 mm but falling off
(2.0 103 in.) contains cracks that have a to nearly transparent (and invisible) in
volume of about 2.5 103 mm3 per thinner layers. Smaller cracks yield smaller
1 mm of length (3.9 106 in.3 per seepages that approach invisibility at the
1 in. of length). Only this much liquid smallest sizes.
penetrant can be crammed into Finding the tiniest discontinuities
them. With a good liquid penetrant and requires sensitive fluorescent liquid
developer, the indications are fairly dark, penetrants.
continuous and easy to see. The cracks in
the 30 m (1.2 103 in.) panels have a
volume of only 9 104 mm3 per 1 mm
(1.4 106 in.3 per 1 in.), about a third as Fluorescent Liquid
much. Indications are spotty, a pale pink
and require a careful procedure, good Penetrants
lighting and a sharp eyed inspector to Before a fluorescent liquid penetrant can
find. Cracks in nickel-chrome test panels fluoresce, it must absorb near ultraviolet
with 20 and 10 m (8 107 and radiation (UV-A). The Beer-Lambert law
4 107 in.) deep cracks are generally (Eq. 11) applies, just as with
impossible to find with visible liquid nonfluorescent liquid penetrant
penetrants. Crack volumes are indications. The dye in fluorescent liquid
4 104 mm3 and 1 104 mm3 per 1 mm penetrants converts the absorbed near
of length (6.2 and 1.6 in.3 per 1 in. of ultraviolet radiation into visible light. The
length). resulting fluorescent brightness F is given
Deeply colored visible liquid penetrants by Eq. 12:
absorb light even in microscopically thin
layers. When a film of colored liquid (or (12) F = Q IA
visible liquid penetrant) is exposed to a
beam of light (of intensity I0), some of the where Q is the quantum efficiency of the
light IT is transmitted through the film dye. Q can be defined as the ratio of
and some light IA is absorbed within it. photons emitted as fluorescence to the
photons of near ultraviolet radiation
(9) I0 = IT + IA absorbed. Values of Q for liquid
penetrants seem to be below 0.1.
The small amount of light that is reflected Substituting IA from Eq. 11 gives:
from the surface is ignored.
The amount of light absorbed depends (13) F = Q I 0 (1 10 ect )
on the light absorption coefficient e of the
dye in the liquid penetrant, the With the variables Q, e and c constant for
concentration c of the dye and the a given liquid penetrant, the brightness
thickness t of the liquid penetrant curve is the same shape as in Fig. 3 but

90 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 3. Typical light absorption characteristics of liquid penetrant films.


Relative amount absorbed (IA/I0)






10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001
(400) (40) (4) (0.4) (0.04) (0.004) (0.0004)

Thickness, mm (103 in.)

extends into much thinner layers to the

Fluorescent liquid penetrants function
in very thin layers for three
reasons. (1) The absorption coefficient e is
about three times larger for fluorescent
dyes than for visible ones. (2) Visual
contrast is light-on-dark, much more
favorable than the dark-on-light contrast
of visible liquid penetrant. (3) Most
importantly, the light scattering that takes
place between developers and fluorescent
liquid penetrants increases indication
brightness by nearly an order of
magnitude. The effect of this light
scattering is covered below.

Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials 91

PART 4. Action of Developers

because they were too heavy to stick to

Developer Options seepage and build an indication.
Dry developer is nearly invisible on a
test surface and hence offers no contrast
No Developer to visible liquid penetrants. Therefore,
even though indications develop, they are
Liquid penetrant seeps into voids without
invisible. Dry developers are not approved
help. After excess surface liquid penetrant
for use with color contrast (visible) liquid
is removed, it can seep back out onto the

Dry Developers Aqueous Particulate Developers

These were first formulated in the
Fluffy dry developers contain particles
1940s. Basically they are powder
ranging from 0.1 m (4 106 in.) to
compositions that can be dispersed into
about 15 m (6 104 in.) in diameter
water, containing wetting agents and
and provide a superior capillary path to
corrosion inhibitors, to form a sort of
suck liquid penetrants out of voids and
spread them at up to 100 times the width
of the void. Figures 4 to 6 demonstrate
the simple magnifying effect of
developers. The developed indication is FIGURE 5. Photograph of fluorescent liquid
very much wider than the crack itself. penetrant indication of crack shown in Fig. 4
Note the increase in the area of the without developer.
indication in Fig. 6 compared with
Fig. 5. Like many other developers, dry
developers scatter light in a way that
greatly increases fluorescent output.
The trace seepage of liquid penetrants
is what allows fluffy dry developers to
work. Because the developer particles are
very small (less than 1 m in diameter)
they easily stick to the invisibly thin
liquid penetrant seepage at voids and
build up in a mound of particles that
pulls up most of the entrapped liquid
penetrant. Before 1950, dry developers
were coarse (greater than 10 m in
diameter) and showed poor sensitivity

FIGURE 6. Photograph of fluorescent liquid

FIGURE 4. Photograph of crack under white penetrant indication of crack shown in Fig. 4
light. with developer.

92 Liquid Penetrant Testing

whitewash. They are commonly referred but nonfluorescent green liquid
to as water suspendible developers. They beneath. All the near ultraviolet radiation
should be oven dried. They yield a white is absorbed in this thin top layer. No
film that is good for both visible and fluorescence is possible below this layer
fluorescent liquid penetrants. They are because no ultraviolet radiation is
easy to apply in high volume testing, emit left. Finally drop a pinch of fluffy dry
no hazardous dust or fumes and scatter developer onto the liquid surface. When
light. viewed from above, the developer glows
as brightly as the edge fluorescence. You
Solvent Based Particulate are seeing the effects of internal reflection
and of light scattering (Fig. 6).
Developers The fluorescent light that is emitted
Solvent based developers are the most from each tiny region of a liquid
sensitive. The thin, volatile solvents penetrant film radiates in all
speedily diffuse into liquid penetrant directions (see Fig. 7). It cannot escape
entrapments, dissolve them and quickly from the liquid surface to be seen unless it
drag them to the surface, after which they impinges on the surface at an angle less
evaporate away. The particles then spread than about 45 degrees from
the indications. They provide contrast for perpendicular. The exact angle at which
visible liquid penetrants and scatter light total internal reflection occurs depends on
for fluorescent ones. the liquid penetrants index of refraction:
The evaporating solvents pose both a
health hazard and a fire hazard. This 1
limits their use to locations where it is not (14) sin =
possible to use water and drying ovens in
fixed installations. They are the where n is the liquid penetrants index of
developers of choice for portable liquid refraction and is the angle at which
penetrant kits. total internal reflection begins. Most
penetrants have an index of refraction of
Water Soluble Developers about 1.4; consequently is near 45
degrees. Roughly 12.5 percent of the
Water soluble developers are designed to generated fluorescence reaches the surface
provide an aqueous developer that does within this 90 degree cone. The other
not need to be stirred up constantly and 87.5 percent is caught in this light
that rinses off easily. The sort of trap. With a highly reflective test surface
crystalline substances that dissolve readily more fluorescence may be reflected up,
into water usually dry to give a coarse but not reliably. The fluorescence that
grained film with marginal light scattering reaches the edge of the liquid penetrant
and capillarity. Like dry powder seepage may be bright but will remain
developers, they do not offer good unseen unless the inspector can bring
contrast for visible liquid penetrant eyes within a few micrometers of the test
indications. surface.
Developers break up this light trap by
Unusual Developers scattering the fluorescent light
(Fig. 8). Because of multiple reflections
Solvent based lacquer developers have had from particles, nearly all the fluorescent
a limited use, as they can (with some light escapes to be seen. This amounts to
difficulty) be peeled off a surface and an eight fold increase in fluorescent
mounted in a logbook for future brightness.
reference. Photography can provide a
better record of both fluorescent and
visible indications.
FIGURE 7. Fluorescent liquid penetrant light

Importance of Light
Scattering for Fluorescent
Liquid Penetrant Testing

Partially fill a clear glass container, beaker
or cylinder with fluorescent liquid
penetrant, place it under a near ultraviolet Penetrant layer
lamp and look at it from above. What you
see is a dim greenish fluorescent liquid
surface. Next squat down and view the Part surface
liquid penetrant surface from the
edge. What you now see is a thin bright Legend
yellow layer at the surface with nothing = Angle at which total internal reflection begins

Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials 93

test surface is not reflective, the light only
FIGURE 8. Breaking of light trap. passes through once.
Fine developer particles embedded in
the liquid penetrant seepage scatter the
ultraviolet radiation throughout the layer,
ensuring that it all gets absorbed by the
Layer of liquid liquid penetrant (see Fig. 10). Remember,
penetrant and it is not how much ultraviolet radiation is
developer present that matters; it is how much gets
absorbed. In effect, scattering the incident
ultraviolet radiation makes t very large,
maximizing visible light F of the
Part surface indication.

FIGURE 9. Ultraviolet radiation passing

through thin layer of fluorescent liquid
penetrant on a test surface.

I0 It

Penetrant layer

Part surface

FIGURE 10. Multiple scattering of ultraviolet radiation among

developer particles.


Layer of developer
and liquid penetrant

Part surface

Light scattering plays one more role in

enhancing light intensity and
sensitivity. As stated by Eq. 15, the
fluorescent brightness of a liquid
penetrant seepage is given by:

(15) F = Q I 0 (1 10 ect )

With tiny seepages, t is microscopically

small, which diminishes the value of
fluorescent brightness F. Figure 9 shows
that little of the exciting ultraviolet light
is absorbed as it passes through the thin
layer of liquid penetrant, is reflected by
the test surface and passes through the
layer for the second and last time. If the

94 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Viewing Indications

This is where operator skill is

Visible Indications important. A good inspector does not
splatter a heavy coat of developer in one
Visible liquid penetrants are sometimes or two quick, sloppy passes. Instead, he or
called color contrast liquid penetrants she applies a series of thin, fast drying
not a very accurate description. The layers; never allowing the surface to
contrast of dark indications against a become wet enough to get runny. Finally,
white background is far more striking the inspector stops spraying before the
than the contrast of, say, a green liquid film becomes thick enough to be dead
penetrant against a red or purple white and opaque. Fine liquid penetrant
background. Visible liquid penetrants are entrapments simply lack sufficient liquid
red because formulators can achieve much penetrant to soak through a thick
darker indications than with brighter developer coat in quantities capable of
colors such as green, yellow or orange. being detected. A good rule of thumb is to
Red indications appear black if viewed stop spraying a developer just before the
under green light or under white light test surface texture and color become
while the inspector wears green glasses. In totally hidden. This requires skill and
some test applications, this expedient practice. At this point the indication is
might usefully increase the contrast of the fully and visibly developed against a near
indication on the background and may be optimum white background.
worth trying. Lighting intensity for viewing is often
Developers that form an even, white specified. In general, lighting should be
film are required for use with visible about the same as is required for reading
liquid penetrants. Most test surfaces are fine print on white paper.
much too dark to provide contrast. Dry
powder developers leave transparent films
in normal thicknesses. If applied by
electrostatic spraying or fluid bed Fluorescent Indications
techniques, dry developers can be built up
When viewed under 10 Wm2
to thick white coatings that can slide off
(1000 Wcm2) of 365 nm ultraviolet
the test surface and take indications with
radiation, most indications fluoresce in a
them. Thin developer layers are not likely
range of intensities centered around 54 to
to fall off.
108 lx (5 to 10 ftc). If visible light
White developers deposited from liquid
intensity in the test area exceeds this
suspensions have superior cohesion and
level, there is a loss in contrast of the
adhesion; they cannot be jarred
indication to its background. Now the
loose. Water based developers are best
inspector is looking for bluish to greenish
applied by dipping, followed by draining
indications on a typically blue or white
and oven drying. Spraying is possible but
background. No brightness contrast, just
their necessary wetting agent content
color contrast. To avoid this predicament,
generates copious amounts of foam,
the test area must be kept dark. It should
which can obliterate indications. They
not be greater than 10.8 to 21.6 lx (1 to
can be air dried, if time is not important
2 ftc) because this much visible purple
but then indications tend to be faint and
(violet and red) radiation is emitted from
fuzzy. The wetting agent content of
the ultraviolet lamp. Actually, this
aqueous developers spreads indications
amount of purplish light is necessary;
too much during the extended air dry
without it the inspector would literally be
blind, stumbling around in total
Solvent based developers, on the other
darkness. What is not necessary is stray
hand, must be applied by
light from adjacent areas, leaky ultraviolet
spraying. Brushing or dipping dissolves
lamp housings, fluorescent clutter from
and brings far too much liquid penetrant
spilled liquid penetrant and optically
from the cracks on the test surface. This
bleached white clothing from within the
tends to deplete liquid penetrant
entrapments and smear them all over the
Preliminary laboratory work has shown
surface before drying is complete. Of
an approximate relationship between the
course, it is possible to spray on too much
intensity of visible light in an test area
solvent based developer, with the same
and the level of near ultraviolet radiation
unwanted results.

Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials 95

required to intensify indications enough
to offset the ambient light. As can be seen FIGURE 11. Intensity of near ultraviolet radiation required in
from Fig. 11, near ultraviolet intensity liquid penetrant test viewing area versus ambient visible light
requirements get absurdly high in well in area.
lighted surroundings.

intensity, Wm2 (Wcm2)

100 (10 000)
Table 2 shows representative visible

Required ultraviolet
light intensities measured in various
lighting environments. 10 (1000)
Eyesight is very important to any
inspector and much has been written
about the need for vision acuity and dark 1 (100)
adaptation. Other factors exist. Cataracts
can affect the ability of an inspector to see 0.1 (10)
fluorescent indications. First there is a 10.76 107.60 1076.00
defocusing that can be partially corrected (1) (10) (100)
with glasses. Second, the eyes lenses
become yellow and absorb the violet Ambient visible light intensity, Ix (ftc)
(405 nm) emission peak from the visible
fluorescent radiation, making it appear
red. Thus acuity decreases, but because
less violet radiation is seen the field of
view darkens and contrast
increases. Replacing cataracts with clear
plastic lenses allows the 405 nm radiation
to be seen. Ultraviolet lamps then seem to
emit an intense violet light that washes
out faint indications.
Assessing vision acuity can become
very complex, as there are a wide range of
eye conditions that may affect an
inspectors ability to see and evaluate
indications. Color blindness and ordinary
ability to resolve tiny lines and spots are
only the most well known
conditions. None of this has much to do
with liquid penetrant materials
themselves but as long as human eyes are
part of the liquid penetrant testing
process, their performance must be
anticipated in planning tests and
considered in evaluating test results.

TABLE 2. Representative ambient visible

light intensities. 10.8 lux (lx) =
1 footcandle (ftc).
Light conditions lx (ftc)

General plant 108 to 324 (10 to 30)

General office 270 to 324 (25 to 30)
Laboratory 324 to 432 (30 to 40)
Bright interior 1080 (100)
Storage area 54 to 75.6 (5 to 7)
inspection booth 10.8 to21.6 (1 to 2)

96 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. Section 7, Dynamic Characteristics of 8. 29 CFR 1910.106, Flammable and

Liquid Penetrants and Processing Combustible Liquids. [Code of Federal
Materials. Nondestructive Testing Regulations: Title 29, Labor.]
Handbook, second edition: Vol. 2, Washington, DC: United States
Liquid Penetrant Tests. Columbus, OH: Department of Labor, Occupational
American Society for Nondestructive Safety and Health Administration;
Testing (1982): p 273-319. United States Government Printing
2. Prokhorenko, P.P. and Office (1998).
N.P. Migun. Introduction to the Theory
of Capillary Testing. Minsk, Russia:
Nauka I Tekhnika (1988).
3. Prokhorenko, P., N. Migun and
A. Kornev. Influence of Gas
Dissolution and Diffusion in Defects
for Sensitivity of Penetrant Testing.
6th European Conference on
Non-Destructive Testing. [Nice, France,
24-28 October 1994]. Vol. 1. European
Council for Nondestructive Testing
(1994): p 479-480.
4. Prokhorenko, P., N. Migun and
N. Dezhkunov. Development of
Penetrant Test Theory Based on New
Physical Effects. Non-Destructive
Testing 92: Proceedings of the 13th World
Conference on Non-Destructive Testing
[Sao Paulo, Brazil, October
1992]. Vol. 1. C. Hallai and P. Kulcsar,
eds. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier
(1992): p 538-542.
5. Prokhorenko, P.P. and
N.P. Migun. Kinetics of Absorption of
Penetrant by Sorption Developer from
Defects of Porous Objects. Soviet
Journal of Nondestructive
Testing. Vol. 26, No. 1. New York, NY:
Plenum Consultants Bureau
(September 1990): p 53-59.
6. Dezhjunov, N.V. and
P.P. Prokhorenko. Interaction of Two
Liquids in a Capillary and Its Role in
the Technology of Liquid-Penetrant
Testing. Proceedings of the 12th World
Conference on Non-Destructive Testing
[Amsterdam, Netherlands, April
1989]. J. Boogaard and G.M. Van Dijk,
eds. Vol. 1. Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Elsevier Science Publishers (1989):
p 413-416.
7. Prokhorenko, P.P., N.P. Migun and
M. Adler. Sensitivity of Penetrant
Inspection in the Absorption of the
Penetrant by a Sorption Detector from
Plane Parallel Cracks. Soviet Journal of
Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 21,
No. 7. New York, NY: Plenum
Consultants Bureau (July 1985):
p 502-513.

Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials 97

4H A P T E R

Care and Maintenance of

Liquid Penetrant Test

William E. Mooz, Met-L-Chek, Santa Monica, California

James S. Borucki, Gould Bass NDT, Pomona, California
Donald J. Hagemaier, Boeing Company, Long Beach,
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates,
Incorporated, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
PART 1. Importance of Maintenance of
Liquid Penetrant Materials

The quality of an inspection made with review and the latest changes are often
liquid penetrants can be no better than important improvements over previous
the quality of the liquid penetrant test issues. Using the version specified by
materials used for the inspection. contract is essential if the liquid penetrant
Recognizing this basic fact requires that test system is subject to audit, because the
liquid penetrant materials meet certain auditor will immediately check to see that
industry standards before they are the correct issues are being followed.
purchased for use. It also requires that
these materials and the liquid penetrant
systems in which they are used be
monitored and tested on a periodic and
regular basis. To ensure the materials
purchased are of desired quality and that
the proper tests are made at the proper
intervals during their use, a variety of
specifications have been developed. A list
of some of the better known
nondestructive testing specifications
appears in the references.1-19
These specifications can be broadly
classified as to their origin, typically the
United States military, various United
States technical societies or corporate
users. Many of the specifications
describing the materials have common
threads running through them whereas
some have been specifically tailored to the
specialized use of a particular industry or
customer. For example, although virtually
every liquid penetrant in use has had to
meet the requirements of MIL-I-251351
(or its commercial replacement,
AMS-26442), liquid penetrants used in the
nuclear industry must additionally have
particularly low contents of certain low
melting metals, as well as sulfur and
halogens. Aircraft turbine engine
manufacturers require products with low
fluoride, sodium, chloride and sulfur
content. Specifications detailing the
testing of materials in use have revolved
mainly around the military specification
MIL-STD-68663 (or its commercial
replacement, ASTM E 14174) but other
corporate specifications may also exist.
These specifications, in turn, often refer to
tests which are called out in other
specifications. For example,
MIL-STD-68663 refers to tests which are
outlined and described in MIL-I-251351 or
AMS 2644,2 and NAVSHIPS 250-1500-120
refers to tests documented by the
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM).
When using any specification, it is
important to find out whether the latest
version of the specification is used.
Specifications are usually under constant

100 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Care and Maintenance of Liquid
Penetrant Testing Materials in Storage

The following admonitions apply to the temperatures should never exceed 55 C

storage of all liquid penetrant materials, (130 F).
that is, of liquid penetrants, of emulsifiers Aerosols do not have infinite shelf life,
or removers and of developers. Materials because there is always some slight
in storage can suffer either deterioration leakage of propellant through the valve.
or contamination if they are not properly This leakage usually does not cause a
cared for. significant change in performance until a
couple of years have passed. Aerosol
containers can eventually become
depressurized after storage for three to five
Deterioration years, although there are many instances
where aerosol containers spray well after
as long as 20 years.
New Liquid Penetrant Test
Deterioration is largely the result of time
and storage conditions. Most liquid Deterioration is unlikely in storage but
penetrant materials are not greatly contamination is always a possibility if
affected by time as long as they are kept care is not taken. For example, if drums
in closed storage containers. Liquid containing liquid are stored outside, they
penetrants stored in open or loosely can have water cover the top if it rains.
covered tanks or in improperly sealed Then, if the openings are not sealed
containers are subject to evaporation tightly, this water can be sucked into the
losses. drum as the temperature changes. If
Hot and cold storage conditions can containers are stored after they have been
affect liquid penetrants adversely. Cold opened and they are not properly
storage will cause freezing of many liquid resealed, dust, dirt or other foreign
penetrant materials. Freezing will not materials can possibly get into the
usually prevent the liquid penetrant test containers. Depending on what type of
material from performing properly after contamination enters the container, the
warming to the temperature of use, but in material can suffer a loss in performance
a few cases, freezing of liquid penetrant or even fail completely when it is used.
test materials has caused irreversible For developer powders, it is especially
separation of constituents and important to use proper storage. Dry
performance failure. This separation is developer powders can become damp and
rare with modern liquid penetrants and then clump, rendering them less sensitive
MIL-I-25135E contains liquid penetrant when used. Foreign material getting into
qualification tests designed to detect this dry developer could react with the liquid
irreversible separation.1 Hot storage up to penetrant and cause it to lose some of its
65 C (150 F) for limited periods of time brightness. If the contamination in the
usually has little effect. However, hot dry developer is fluorescent, it can cause
storage for long periods of time (months false calls.
or years) could cause internal reaction Soluble and suspendible developer
between some components and powders contain surfactants that are
degradation of fluorescent dyes, with hygroscopic. If their containers are not
subsequent loss of performance. tightly sealed, they can pick up moisture.
This can cause them to become difficult
to use and can also make them subject to
Aerosol Containers biological decay. Microorganisms find the
Materials packaged in aerosol spray surfactants very tasty. They can live in the
containers are also not affected by normal developer and eat all of the surfactant.
storage conditions. Cold storage reduces When this happens, the developer will no
the internal pressure so the can must be longer wet the surface of the parts and the
warmed to nearly room temperature to inspection will fail.
spray properly. Conversely, high storage
temperatures raise the pressure and General Rules
extremely high pressures can cause
bursting of the can. Therefore, aerosol can Many tests can be performed to ensure
that stored materials are still good but

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 101

common sense is one of the best things to
use. First, make sure that liquid penetrant
products are stored properly. This means
indoors and at temperatures which are
not either extremely hot or extremely
cold. Second, make sure that the
containers are well sealed. Third, make
sure that the containers are clearly
labeled. When removing something from
storage, first inspect the container. Look
for evidence of incorrectly sealed
containers. Look for evidence of water
that has been on the top of the container.
Look for evidence that someone has
opened the container, removed some of
the contents and then not resealed the
container properly. If everything looks
good, the contents are probably good.
Nevertheless, when taking material from
the container, look at it critically. If it is a
liquid, it should be clear in color, without
evidence of any foreign material. It should
have no milky streaks in it if it is a water
washable liquid penetrant or a lipophilic
emulsifier. There should be no particulate
matter evident. The liquid at the bottom
of the container should appear no
different than that that at the top.
If the container has developer in it, see
that it has no clumps that are damp. Look
for evidence of fungus or algae dark
spots which indicate that a colony of bugs
is there, eating the developer ingredients.
If all appears clean, dry and relatively free
flowing, the developer is probably in
excellent condition.
Finding any of the indications listed
above should make one suspect that the
material may not be in condition to use.
In that case, tests should be made as
outlined below for in-process materials.

102 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 3. Care and Maintenance of Liquid
Penetrants in Use

liquid penetrant eventually separates into

Liquid Penetrants in Open two distinct phases. The liquid may form
a gel.
Proper maintenance is more difficult with Effects of Water Contamination in
liquid penetrants used in open tanks
where parts are dipped into them than
Postemulsifiable Liquid Penetrants
when sprayed from storage cans. When Water contamination of postemulsifiable
expended as used, particularly in the types of liquid penetrant is seldom a
small portable test kits, liquid penetrants serious problem, because these materials
are subject to very little contamination or are not usually compatible with water.
degradation. This is particularly true of With no emulsifier present, water in the
liquid penetrants that are packaged in liquid penetrant dip tank will settle to the
aerosol spray cans. When used in dip bottom and may cause undetected
tanks or open containers, contaminating corrosion at the bottom of the tank.
materials can get into liquid penetrants Violent agitation may bring some water
quite easily. into suspension in the oil, causing slight
Some materials such as certain cleaners liquid penetrant turbidity, but when the
and solvents commonly used in agitation ceases, the liquid will clear quite
manufacturing plants can affect the rapidly as the water settles out. Because
wetting ability of liquid penetrants when water will not stay suspended in
present in sufficient quantity. In addition, postemulsifiable liquid penetrants, it is
the greater liquid surface areas exposed seldom necessary to conduct a water test.
with dip tanks make evaporation and loss However, if test parts are dipped to the
of light volatile constituents of liquid bottom of the tank, the accumulated
penetrants more likely. The large liquid water can be a problem during operations.
surface can absorb or condense moisture Water is frequently introduced into
from the atmosphere. This water can have liquid penetrants and processing materials
a deleterious effect on liquid penetrant from wet parts, through careless overspray
performance, as can water carried into from a wash station or from leaking pipes
liquid penetrant tanks on test objects. or roofs. Water can also enter a liquid
penetrant from the air, if the air is very
humid and the liquid penetrant
temperature is below the dew point.
In-Use Contamination Condensation of water from ambient air
can happen during a humid morning
following a night that was cold enough to
Effects of Water Contamination in chill the liquid penetrant in the
Water Washable Liquid Penetrants immersion or storage tank.
Presence of moisture in a liquid penetrant
is probably the most common cause of Effects of Contaminants (Other
failure in liquid penetrant testing. This is than Water) in Liquid Penetrants
particularly true of water washable liquid
penetrants, which contain emulsifiers so There are other contaminants that can
they can be readily removed by water affect the performance of fluorescent
washing. Water washable liquid liquid penetrants. Overall tests to disclose
penetrants have a definite water tolerance their presence are not very practical. Such
limit beyond which they do not function tests would involve complicated
properly. Added water reduces their laboratory analysis and each test would
fluorescence and penetrating ability and have to be directed specifically to a
also adversely affects their washability. particular contaminant. Fortunately, most
Water contamination in liquid of these contaminant materials have to be
penetrants may be first seen as a slight present in fairly large quantities before
cloudiness. This increases with rising they can seriously affect liquid penetrant
water content and is usually accompanied performance and their presence will be
by an increase in liquid penetrant made evident by a change in behavior of
viscosity. With more added water, the the process material. Foreign materials
liquid becomes somewhat striated and the such as cleaning solvents, heavy oils,

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 103

acids or chromates in liquid penetrants fluids can result in corrosion conditions.
will make their presence known by Residues from deburring, tumble
changes in liquid penetrant performance polishing or burnishing operations may
such as in wetting ability, drying fall in this third category.
characteristics or loss of fluorescent
brightness. Effects of Contamination of Liquid
Changes in wetting ability and drying
characteristics of liquid penetrants can Penetrants by Acids, Caustics and
generally be seen by operators. Changes Chromates
in fluorescent brightness can be detected Acids and caustics have an additional
during operations by placing a single drop adverse effect on any type of liquid
of used liquid penetrant on a filter paper penetrant in which they can be dissolved.
alongside a drop of new liquid penetrant These active chemical contaminants cause
and viewing the two under an ultraviolet loss of fluorescence in fluorescent liquid
lamp. This permits a very rough penetrant dyes. They have an adverse
comparison but is adequate in most cases. effect on nonwater washable
More accurate tests can be made by use of (postemulsifiable) liquid penetrants in
photometers, or fluorometers described which they are not soluble. Sometimes,
elsewhere in this volume. chromate residues from etching
operations may become trapped in
Effects of Organic Contamination discontinuities and subsequently destroy
of Test Objects on Liquid the fluorescent response of a liquid
penetrant entrapment. This effect is due
Penetrants mainly to the powerful ultraviolet
Another source of contamination of liquid absorbency of the chromate ion.
penetrants and processing materials is
formation of organic coatings on surfaces
of test objects. These organic
contaminants include grease, oil, In-Use Deterioration
preservative, paint and residues from
previous processing. These contaminants
cause serious problems when not removed Effects of Evaporation of Liquid
from the surface of test parts because they Penetrant Test Materials
may fill cracks and prevent the entrance One source of deterioration of materials is
of liquid penetrant. The organic evaporation. The liquid penetrants and
contaminants are usually soluble in liquid some of the emulsifiers often contain
penetrant and slowly increase in light oil fractions that evaporate at
concentration in the liquid penetrant. various rates, leaving an unbalanced
Undesired effects of organic contaminants liquid penetrant formula. Wet developers
in liquid penetrants include the following: and water base penetrants contain water
(1) diluting the dye in the liquid or organic solvent that will evaporate if
penetrant; (2) absorbing ultraviolet exposed for long periods. Some
radiation before it reaches the dye in the evaporation is unavoidable but the rate of
liquid penetrant indications; (3) changing evaporation is increased by higher
liquid penetrant viscosity; (4) unbalancing temperatures and large exposed surface
emulsifier systems; and (5) deterioration areas.
of liquid penetrants and process materials. The effects of evaporation of volatile
Most of these contaminants never get constituents of liquid penetrant
beyond the liquid penetrant tank or drain processing materials include increased
stations and do not affect the emulsifier viscosity, higher developer concentration,
or developer. changes in fluorescence, changes in water
tolerance and increased dragout.
Effects of Organic Solvent Also, evaporation will either speed or
Contamination of Liquid slow washing characteristics, depending
on the type of liquid penetrant material.
Penetrant Test Materials Therefore, evaporation of liquid penetrant
Still another type of contaminant often materials cannot be ignored. Evaporation
encountered is the organic solvent, such of liquid materials in tanks occurs
as degreaser fluid, gasoline or kerosene whether the material is used or not and at
carried on test object surfaces. These a rate so gradual that it is often
contaminants usually originate in a overlooked. Periodic checks are therefore
previous cleaning operation. Small required to ensure that excessive
amounts of these organic solvent evaporation has not occurred.
contaminants are not serious but large
amounts affect liquid penetrant
fluorescence and ease of washing to
remove excess surface liquid penetrant.
Carryover of some solvent degreasing

104 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Effects of Heat on Liquid
Penetrant Test Materials
Heat can be a cause of serious
deterioration of liquid penetrant
materials. A little heat continuously
applied increases the rate of liquid
penetrant evaporation. As the lighter
constituents evaporate, liquid penetrant
viscosity increases. This may actually
upgrade the liquid penetrant material
because, when lighter fractions evaporate,
dyestuff becomes more concentrated in
the less volatile oil that remains. However,
an increase in liquid penetrant viscosity
increases dragout on test parts, slows
penetration into discontinuities and
changes the wash characteristics. Liquid
penetrants that include coupling agents
that are more volatile than other
constituents may separate or gel as the
coupling agent evaporates. Such coupling
agents are used to prevent separation of
liquid penetrant constituents or to control
liquid penetrant tolerance for water.
High temperatures cause all of the
preceding effects and, in addition, can kill
fluorescence of dyes in liquid penetrants
or leak tracers. Therefore, heating of
liquid penetrant materials much above
room temperature, either locally or
completely, should be avoided if at all

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 105

PART 4. Care and Maintenance of Liquid
Penetrant Emulsifiers and Removers in Use

fairly well drained off the parts before

In-Use Contamination they enter the emulsifier. Particular
attention should be paid to reservoirs
(openings in test objects) or recessed areas
Deterioration of Emulsifiers by that hold more than a thin surface layer
Contamination with Water or of liquid penetrant. This may mean that
the parts must be turned over during the
Liquid Penetrant drain period but the extra effort will be
Whenever the washing of surface liquid justified by the reduced material loss and
penetrant from test parts becomes contamination.
noticeably difficult, the emulsifier
(whether lipophilic or hydrophilic) should
be checked immediately. The most
Sources of Water Contamination
probable cause of deterioration of in Emulsifiers
lipophilic emulsifiers is contamination of Any liquid penetrant testing system that
the oil base emulsifier with water. All uses emulsifiers also uses water to wash
lipophilic emulsifiers have a definite water the parts after they have been emulsified.
tolerance that may vary from five percent The close proximity of water to the
to practically unlimited amounts of water. emulsifier makes it relatively easy to
When water concentrations exceed the contaminate the emulsifier with water. In
water tolerance limit, the lipophilic any case where it has been found that
emulsifier is no longer effective as a liquid water contamination has taken place, the
penetrant remover. This loss in first thing to suspect is that water from
effectiveness is generally accompanied by the wash operation has gotten into the
changes in emulsifier appearance or emulsifier tank. In virtually every case,
physical properties. The low tolerance careful attention to procedures will reveal
emulsifiers usually become viscous or gel how contamination is happening. In one
completely, whereas the high tolerance instance, the operators were steadfast in
emulsifiers become cloudy or show a maintaining that it was not possible for
tendency to thicken. water to get in the tank but when the
Another important source of operation was observed, the situation was
contamination of emulsifier baths is very clear. The operators were holding the
liquid penetrant carried into emulsifiers parts by hand and spraying them with
during processing. If excessive liquid water. They held the parts in such a
penetrant contamination builds up, the position that the overspray was going
effectiveness of the emulsifier will directly into the emulsifier tank. It was
decrease noticeably. like rain.
Other sources of water are rare and not
Sources of Liquid Penetrant as obvious. In one case, a night janitor
found that, if he wanted to really clean
Contamination in Emulsifiers his mop, all that he needed to do was to
The most common source of liquid dip it into the emulsifier tank and then
penetrant contamination in emulsifiers is wash it with water. He repeated this many
that carried into emulsifiers by dragout on times each night and each time that the
test parts processed through a dip mop went into the tank, it put some
operation. This liquid penetrant reduces water into it. In just a few days, the
the emulsifying ability of the emulsifier, emulsifier was ruined. In another case, a
making it less effective. If the liquid new maintenance man had been hired
penetrant contamination reaches a high and he was anxious to show that he did
enough level, it destroys the emulsifier. In good work. The emulsifier tank was empty
many operations, the liquid penetrant and he cleaned it with water, doing a very
content reaches an equilibrium because good job. However, the tank had piping
emulsifier is carried out on the parts and connected to it and he left these pipes full
the necessary makeup emulsifier dilutes of water. When the tank was refilled with
the carried-in liquid penetrant. If the emulsifier, it was almost instantly
liquid penetrant content does reach contaminated.
excessive levels, the reason is often poor
test procedure. Liquid penetrant should be

106 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Care and Maintenance of Developers
in Use

There are four types of developer in formulations also include biocides to

common use. These are dry powder counteract this undesirable occurrence but
developer, water soluble developer, water they do not last indefinitely. The best
suspendible developer and nonaqueous practice to avoid infections is to keep the
developer. Each of these has distinctly tank covered when not in use. If an
different characteristics and different infection occurs, the cure is to drain the
susceptibilities to deterioration and tank, sterilize it and then refill it with
contamination. fresh developer solution. The developer
manufacturer has complete instructions
for this procedure.
Soluble developers can also become
Dry Powder Developer contaminated in various ways. The
Dry powder developer is not prone to concentration can go up or down
deteriorate. It is composed of chemically depending on evaporation of water from
stable absorbent powders that are unlikely the tank or the addition of water from
to decompose or otherwise change their wet parts being immersed. Fluorescent
composition in a way that would affect liquid penetrant can get into the
their performance. However, dry powder developer bath from the parts being
developers are prone to contamination of inspected. Also, it is possible to
various types. The most obvious of these contaminate the developer solution
is contamination by fluorescent liquid through electrolytic action. The developer
penetrant. When parts have been dipped is a solution of chemicals that ionize in
into the dry developer, the developer solution, creating an electrolyte. If a
adheres to the wet opening of basket of dissimilar metals is placed into
discontinuities because there is liquid the solution, electrolysis can occur in
penetrant there. The liquid penetrant which metal is dissolved from one of the
then is wicked into the developer and the dissimilar metals. The result can be cloudy
liquid penetrant makes the dry powder or murky solution that reduces the
wet and fluorescent. If particles of this developing ability of the solution.
wet, fluorescent powder fall free from the
part, they mix with the rest of the dry
powder, creating spots of fluorescence
that can later adhere to another part and Water Suspendible
cause a false indication. Developer
Dry powder developer can also become Water suspendible developers are prone to
damp or wet, causing it to clump. When some of the same contaminants that
this happens, it does not form a smooth soluble developers are, because they also
even coat on the parts being inspected contain surfactants and because they also
and it also may not stick to the wet have ionized components. This means
openings of the discontinuities, thereby that it is possible to have an infected
missing indications. Wetness can result developer bath and that it is possible to
from parts that are not completely dry have electrolytic effects. It is also possible
before being put into the developer and it to contaminate the suspension with liquid
can occur because of excessively high penetrant from the parts being inspected
humidity. and it is possible that the concentration
of the suspension will change as a result
of evaporation of water from the tank or
Water Soluble Developer the addition of water from the parts.

Water soluble developer may deteriorate

in use as a result of infections of bacteria,
algae or fungus, commonly termed bugs. Nonaqueous Wet
In order for the soluble developer to form Developer
a smooth coat on the parts, a surfactant is
included in the formulation. Surfactants Nonaqueous wet developers are usually
are a favorite food for bacteria, algae and used in aerosol form. Properly used, the
fungi and airborne bugs can land in the developer is not prone to either
solution and infect it. Soluble developer deterioration or contamination. If the

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 107

cans are not agitated before use, the
developer powder will not be properly
dispersed and this improper dispersion
will cause the developer coating to be
either too thick or too thin. The only
other failure that can occur is the loss of
pressure in the can, in which case the
developer may be good but cannot be
expelled from the can.
Nonaqueous developers used in bulk
form are prone to concentration changes
because of solvent evaporation and
should be kept in tightly closed
containers. If applied with a spray gun,
agitation must be used to keep the
developer particles in suspension.

108 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 6. Quality Control Tests for Liquid
Penetrant Materials

The following information applies tension) upsets the liquid penetrant

generally to the testing of liquid formulas balance between adhesion and
penetrant materials to determine whether cohesion. This modifies the characteristics
they are still suitable for use after having of a liquid penetrant, even though the
been used for some period of time. Most penetrant-and-water mix remains clear.
liquid penetrant processes are run Also, chemicals with substantial water
according to certain specifications or contents and without inhibitors will
standards, such as MIL-STD-68663 or its contribute to rusting of test parts as well
replacement, ASTM E 1417.4 These as liquid penetrant processing equipment.
standards or specifications contain the A liquid penetrant with a high water
exact requirements for testing and content could be a source of corrosion.
reference the exact test techniques to be Enough added water eventually causes
used. Liquid penetrant users may refer to many liquid penetrant test materials to
the following discussion for general separate into two layers. Generally, but
information but should carefully follow not necessarily, the first sign of such
the requirements of the standard or separation is a cloudiness of the fluid.
specification under which they are Sometimes, this cloudiness is localized in
working. If no standard or specification is a small area of a tank, and stirring to
called out, it is wise to use ASTM E 14174 dilute the local high water content will
to ensure that the test process is in good clear the fluid. Therefore, care must be
condition. taken to ensure that a representative
sample is used. If the whole tank is
cloudy, the layers will often separate by
gravity. Even if they do not, the
Water Tolerance of Water effectiveness of the liquid penetrant test
Washable Liquid material is gone. The material must then
be replaced.
Penetrants and Lipophilic
A useful property test that may be Visible Determination of
performed on liquid penetrants is the
water tolerance test. This test is applicable Water Tolerance Limits
only to water washable liquid penetrants A simple test for water tolerance is to add
and to lipophilic emulsifiers used with known amounts of water to a known
postemulsifiable liquid penetrants because amount of material with mixing. When
these are the only materials affected by permanent cloudiness or gelling occurs,
small amounts of water contamination. the water tolerance limit has been
The water tolerance test is not usually determined. The amount of water used to
prescribed for postemulsifiable liquid produce cloudiness or gelling is a direct
penetrants themselves as they are not indication of how much more water the
water miscible in their original form. material will accept before breaking down.
Typically, water will sink to the bottom of It is wise to know the water tolerance
the postemulsifiable liquid penetrant tank of new liquid penetrant test materials.
and form a separate layer. This gives a base point that allows one to
When water is introduced into water determine if a large variation from the
washable liquid penetrants, it will mix, up base value has occurred in the test
to a point, causing some characteristic material. If such a large variation does
changes. First, it will usually result in occur, not only should one be prepared to
increased viscosity, thereby causing some replace the material but the probable
of the same changes as evaporation. The cause of the contamination should be
peak viscosity is often reached with a determined and, if possible, eliminated.
relatively small amount of added water. Regardless of the water tolerance of the
More water then reduces viscosity, in liquid penetrant, it must be checked
some cases to a value lower than normal. periodically in accordance with
In addition to the viscosity changes, water MIL-STD-68663 or ASTM E 14174 to
reduces the dye concentration, thereby determine that the maximum allowable
decreasing the performance of water water concentration has not been
washable liquid penetrants. Further, exceeded.
addition of water (with its high surface

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 109

Quantitative Water Selecting Standard
Content Measurements Materials for Evaluation of
A water content measurement may be Liquid Penetrant
desired instead of a water tolerance test Deterioration
and is necessary if one must know the
actual water content. This is usually done Most test procedures usable for the
by the ASTM D 9521 technique where a determination of liquid penetrant
known amount of material is refluxed material conditions do not give absolute
with the specific solvent xylene and the results but rather are comparisons to some
condensed vapors are caught in a water standard. Therefore, the choice and care
trap. Water and xylene boil at similar of standard samples of liquid penetrants
temperatures and so leave the mixture and processing materials for each liquid
together. The condensed liquids are not penetrant test system in use is very
mutually soluble, so they separate in the important. A good standard is new
condensation trap. The water is heavier so material saved from the original container
it settles to the bottom of the trap for at the time the material is put into use.
measurement. Most of the xylene is This type of standard eliminates any
returned to the original mixture. effects of batch-to-batch material
It is essential to use the specific solvent variation and previous storage. The new
known as xylene for these water content material standards should, of course, be
measurements. Many liquid penetrants stored in such a way that they will not
contain water soluble glycols or glycol deteriorate. Therefore, standards should
ethers which, though much less volatile be kept in tightly closed glass or metal
than water, are still distilled out to a small containers (not plastic containers) and
extent. They collect with the water and stored in a cool, dry place. Even with such
act to increase its volume. Solvents with a proper storage, these liquid penetrant and
higher boiling point than xylene extract processing material standard samples
more of these glycols or glycol ethers and should be checked against brand new
so yield higher apparent water contents. materials of the same types every two or
Solvents that are more volatile than three years to ensure that no deterioration
xylene extract less water. Use of xylene has occurred.
only, in water content tests, permits
equivalent results to be obtained in
different facilities. One way to avoid the
errors that glycols or glycol ethers can Procedures for Comparing
cause is to use a Karl Fischer analysis, a Standard Materials with
chemical titration technique for precise In-Use Liquid Penetrant
measurement of moisture.
It is possible to use very sophisticated
instrument analyses to check liquid
Precautions in Selecting penetrant materials during their use but
Samples of Liquid such sophistication is rarely justified. All
Penetrant Materials that is really necessary at the field level is
to know whether the material is
When liquid penetrant materials are to be performing as required and, if not, where
tested for contamination or deterioration, and how bad are its shortcomings. These
the first consideration is to ensure that a can be determined with a series of
truly representative sample is taken. The relatively simple, inexpensive test
product must be well mixed so that any procedures requiring a relatively small
sludge or separation layers are included in investment in test equipment.
the sample. The container used to store The most important test is the system
liquid penetrant samples must be clean performance test in which the in-use
and made of material that is not attacked materials are tested against standard
by and is not permeable to the liquid liquid penetrant test materials of the same
penetrant material. type on actual cracked reference test
objects. The specimens may be parts of
the type being tested and containing
known, naturally occurring
discontinuities or they may be test panels
with synthetic discontinuities. In any
case, the test parts must be clean and dry
before the test. With some test specimens,
half of the specimen can be treated with
in-use material and the other half with
standard material. With other specimens,

110 Liquid Penetrant Testing

it will be necessary to have two similar will show whether there is a noticeable
test pieces, one for in-use material and difference between them. If there is no
one for new. difference, the used material can be
assumed to be acceptable and further tests
are not necessary (but may be performed
if a numerical status rating is desired). If a
Processing Reference difference is noted, a decision must be
Specimens with Standard made as to whether this difference (1) is
significant enough to reject the used
and In-Use Liquid materials at this point or (2) justifies
Penetrant Materials further tests to determine the cause and
In the reference test procedure, standard degree of the problem.
materials are applied to one part of the
test piece, the used materials are applied
to the other part (or to a similar piece) Laboratory Fluorometers
and the two systems are processed
equally. If actual cracked parts are being for Fluorescent Brightness
used, the processing should be the same Measurements
as that used in normal production tests. If
synthetic discontinuity test pieces are One type of filter photometer that has
being used, procedures may have to be been used for fluorescent brightness
modified to handle the different surface measurement is shown in Fig. 1. These
and crack conditions of the synthetic fluorometers normally contain the
discontinuity pieces. The main photometer sample holder and the
requirement is to ensure that standard ultraviolet light source, all in one package.
and used material systems are processed They are normally designed to measure
identically. test tubes full of fluorescent liquid. With a
Close comparison of test indications special sample holder (Fig. 2) these
with standard and used material systems instruments can be used to measure

FIGURE 1. Laboratory fluorometer specified by MIL-I-251351 and ASTM E 11356 and

containing built-in ultraviolet radiation source and interchangeable filters for light

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 111

brightness of filter paper soaked with heat resistant type because it may be
highly diluted liquid penetrant. ASTM placed very near the hot light source.
E 11356 contains procedural details for The fluorometer must also be equipped
comparing the brightness of fluorescent with a secondary filter that corrects the
liquid penetrants. These instruments are photodetector to the desired wavelength
no longer manufactured but many are still response. The first job for the secondary
in use. filter is to remove stray ultraviolet
Figure 2 shows a sample holder that radiation. If ultraviolet radiation is not
can be built to accept soaked filter paper removed, one obtains a reflectance
samples. When such a sample holder is measurement rather than a fluorescence
used, it must be positioned properly in measurement and spurious results are
the instrument or no reading will be obtained. Many secondary filters will
obtained. Because most laboratory remove enough ultraviolet radiation to
fluorometers are arranged so that the give correct measurements. An ultraviolet
angle between the illumination source radiation filter may be added if excess
and the photometer is 90 degrees, the face ultraviolet radiation becomes a problem.
of the sample must be set halfway In addition to removing the ultraviolet
between these devices to permit passage wavelengths from the fluorescent
of light. Furthermore, the angle must be brightness measurement, the secondary
exactly the same for each sample filter should normally cause the
measured if extreme measurement instrument to respond to color as the
variations are to be avoided. Usually stops average human eye does. Most
are installed on the instrument case and fluorometers use photodetectors with the
sample holder for this purpose or the blue sensitive response. A filter
holder may be manually rotated until a combination must be used to correct the
maximum reading is obtained. response of these phototubes to
Another instrument that can be used approximate the human eye response.
with soaked filter paper is shown in Fig. 3.
The sample holder is pictured lying on its
side on top of the instrument. For
measurement, the sample holder is Test for Water
inserted in the slot in the front of the Contamination in
Lipophilic Emulsifier
The amount of water contamination in a
lipophilic emulsifier can be easily
Selection of Filters for determined by use of ASTM D 95.21 The
Fluorometer Measurement test procedure and apparatus are followed
exactly as described in the ASTM test
of Fluorescent Brightness
When fluorometers are used for liquid
penetrant brightness measurement, they
must be equipped with proper filters. FIGURE 3. Another type of fluorometer for measuring
First, of course, is the primary filter that penetrant brightness.
must pass ultraviolet-A radiation but
absorb visible light. Generally, this filter
must be made of cobalt glass, often of a

FIGURE 2. Special reflectance measuring sample holder for

use with fluorescence photometer.

112 Liquid Penetrant Testing

specification but anhydrous (waterfree) confirm or eliminate liquid penetrant
xylene must be used as the solvent content of emulsifier as a cause for a
(instead of the general solvent specified). performance deficiency.
It is most important that only the
waterfree xylene solvent material be used. Washability Test for Emulsifier
If this material cannot be obtained, a
satisfactory solvent can be prepared by Contamination Using Grit Blasted
distillation of the commercial grade of Test Panel
xylene by placing a suitable amount of A practical test for emulsifier
commercial xylene in a still and boiling contamination is a washability test on a
off ten percent by volume. Most of the grit blasted stainless steel panel. A drop of
water in the commercial xylene will be in-use emulsifier is placed on the panel
driven off in this first ten percent and is allowed to drain off to one side.
evaporation and the xylene residue will be Then the panel is washed in a very gentle
sufficiently dry to permit a reliable test for flow of tap water. Failure of the emulsifier
the water content of emulsifiers. Although streak to wash clean and without any
lipophilic emulsifiers are petroleum based, edge residues indicates the presence of
the water contamination test results are excessive liquid penetrant contamination.
affected by the type of solvent used in the Emulsifiers usually exhibit a sharp
ASTM D 95 test.21 (See above for detailed washability break at some critical
discussion of water content concentration of liquid penetrant
measurements.) contamination, at which point the streak
of emulsifier will not dissolve properly in
water. In conducting this washability test,
the panel should be examined under
Comparison Tests for ultraviolet radiation for the presence of
Determining unwashed residues.
Contamination of
Emulsifiers by Fluorescent Visual Monitoring of Hydrophilic
Emulsifiers Bath for Liquid
Liquid Penetrant Penetrant Contamination
Fluorescent liquid penetrant
contamination in emulsifiers can often be Visual monitoring of the hydrophilic
seen by illuminating the used emulsifier remover immersion bath, although not
with near ultraviolet (ultraviolet-A) precise, will give clues as to the general
radiation. The actual test for liquid condition and freedom from liquid
penetrant content in an emulsifier can be penetrant contamination. For example, a
quite simple or fairly complex, depending solution of 20 percent hydrophilic
on the amount of information desired. emulsifier in water has a clear, pinkish red
Essentially, the test involves preparation color in white light and exhibits a pinkish
of a standard series of emulsifier samples fluorescence under (near ultraviolet)
contaminated with various known ultraviolet-A radiation. A trace of
amounts of liquid penetrant. These are fluorescent liquid penetrant
then compared with the test sample of contamination in the hydrophilic
used emulsifier to determine the emulsifier bath will darken the emulsifier
approximate degree of its contamination solution color and the fluorescence will
with liquid penetrant. The comparison shift to a blue-white color. Much higher
can be made visually or with instruments, levels of liquid penetrant contamination
depending on the degree of sophistication cause the hydrophilic emulsifier solution
desired. to become cloudy. With still higher levels
The basic procedure for evaluating of liquid penetrant contamination, free
fluorescent liquid penetrant liquid penetrant will float on the surface
contamination in lipophilic emulsifiers is of the hydrophilic emulsifier bath
to make a series of mixtures of the same solution. A hydrophilic emulsifier bath
types of liquid penetrant and emulsifier that is cloudy or has free liquid penetrant
used in production. The mixtures should on its surface is generally considered to be
contain amounts such as 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 over contaminated. Such a bath can be
and 30 percent liquid penetrant. Smaller used but the free-floating liquid penetrant
increments are only confusing. The should be skimmed from the bath surface
solutions should be thoroughly mixed to prevent liquid penetrant
and placed in clear, nonfluorescing glass contamination of test parts as they are
containers. A similar container filled with removed from the hydrophilic emulsifier
a similar amount of test sample is then, bath.
under ultraviolet radiation, visually Noticeable changes in the hydrophilic
compared side by side with the standard emulsifier performance, especially
series. The estimation thus obtained will increased fluorescent background on the
be approximate but close enough to washed test parts, will accompany the
visual changes in the bath described

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 113

above. As the emulsifier bath becomes available from the emulsifier
more contaminated with liquid penetrant, manufacturer. Figure 5 shows an example
it will become less efficient in removing of the full range of refractive index values
excess surface liquid penetrant and will for concentrations varying from 0 to
require increased emulsifier contact time. 100 percent of a hydrophilic emulsifier in
The addition of hydrophilic emulsifier water. This refractive index test is
concentrate to a contaminated emulsifier applicable only to fresh, uncontaminated
bath is not recommended, because this emulsifier solutions. Therefore, the test is
leads to loss of control over the remover especially suited to solutions applied by
concentration. Properly diluted emulsifier spray. Contamination by liquid
concentrate (corresponding to the original penetrants can cause the refractive index
remover bath concentration) can be of hydrophilic emulsifier baths to shift
added to a tank that is subject to a heavy from the values for uncontaminated
dragout loss due to heavy use. baths.

Concentration Control of Quick Tests for

Hydrophilic Emulsifier or Performance Loss Due to
Remover Remover Contamination
The concentration of hydrophilic
emulsifier in water is important to both Test Procedure
its performance effectiveness and the
economies of its use. The concentration of A quick emulsifier bath performance test
hydrophilic emulsifier can be estimated uses reference panels for comparison tests
by comparing the color of standard to determine the loss in performance due
dilutions to those of the freshly mixed to contamination of hydrophilic
bath. This procedure is used for spray emulsifier baths. (See elsewhere in this
solutions rather than for the more highly volume for descriptions of test panels and
concentrated dip solutions. This color cracked blocks used for evaluating liquid
comparison technique is not usable for penetrant test system performance.) The
contaminated baths of hydrophilic background and indication brightness and
emulsifier. definition obtained when liquid penetrant
A useful technique for determining the coated test panels are exposed to
concentration of specific hydrophilic hydrophilic emulsifier for 15 s and 30 s
emulsifiers in water baths is the time periods are compared. Two grit
measurement of the refractive index of blasted steel test panels and two
the solution. Figure 4 shows a
refractometer being used to determine the
refractive index of a hydrophilic
emulsifier solution. Charts relating the FIGURE 5. Variations of refractive index of
concentration to the refractive index are specific hydrophilic emulsifier as function of
emulsifier concentration in water.

FIGURE 4. Refractometer test provides an 90

Concentration of emulsifier in water (percent)

immediate visual determination of

hydrophilic emulsifier concentration. 80








1.33 1.35 1.37 1.39 1.41 1.43 1.45 1.47

Refractive index

114 Liquid Penetrant Testing

chromium plated panels with fine cracks part for performance test or to alter the
are covered with liquid penetrant and test conditions to correspond to actual
allowed to drain in air for 5 min. The first liquid penetrant processing conditions in
set, including one grit blasted and one use in the specific facility.
cracked chromium plated panel, is
processed as follows: 15 s prerinse, 15 s
drain, 15 s agitated remover dip, 15 s
drain and 15 s wash. Visual Comparison Test for
The second set of similar panels is Dry Developer
processed like the first set, except that the
agitated remover dip is of 30 s duration. Performance
In this test, fresh hydrophilic remover at Developers may suffer degradation, which
20 percent dilution in water leaves no can affect performance and thus should
background residues on either grit blasted not be ignored. The best test of dry
test panel. The first cracked chromium developer is a visual comparison with new
sensitivity panel has good crack developer material under both white light
indications after the 15 s dip. The second and ultraviolet-A radiation. Limits may be
cracked chromium sensitivity panel has set if desired but the results of the
no indications or only faint indications performance test will normally determine
after its 30 s dip in agitated remover. Fresh whether the material is acceptable or not.
hydrophilic remover at 20 percent Water in dry developers usually comes
concentration leaves no background color from incompletely dried test parts,
or fluorescence on either grit blasted careless overspray during washing or
background test panel. All panels are dried leaking roofs or pipes. Added water causes
and developer applied before inspection. lumps in the dry developer tank or on the
These results are those for fresh, clean test parts, which may mask indications. If
hydrophilic remover bath. the contaminant is water, the developer
material may dry eventually, particularly
Interpretation of Results if heated. Liquid penetrant contamination
in dry developers causes bright color or
As the remover bath becomes fluorescent spots that form false
contaminated, similar test panels given indications. Liquid penetrant usually
similar processing show differences in enters the developer through careless
performance. Background is present after handling of washing and removal of
the 15 s dip and faint background after excess surface liquid penetrant. If the
the 30 s dip, on the grit blasted test developer is contaminated, the dry
panels. The cracked chromium plated test powder developer must be replaced.
panels show poor performance after 15 s
in the remover bath. Resolution on the
fine crack panel may improve after the
30 s dip, reinforcing the interpretation of Control and Maintenance
a loss in remover effectiveness with of Aqueous Wet Developer
contamination. A sample of fresh liquid
penetrant should be used periodically in Baths
these tests to determine whether The proper consistency of aqueous wet
contaminated liquid penetrant could be developer baths must be maintained by
responsible for the changes observed in replacing water lost through evaporation
performance. or powder lost through dragout. The
With a specific liquid penetrant and technique for measuring the consistency
remover, this comparison test indicated of the batch will depend on the type and
that no noticeable change in performance brand of material being used. The
occurred until the remover bath reached recommendation of the manufacturer
about four percent contamination. At should be followed in all cases.
four percent contamination with liquid
penetrant, heavy background appears on
the grit blasted test panel after a 15 s dip Visual Examination of Applied
and faint background remains even after a Developer
30 s dip. With about six percent One test involves pouring a streak of well
contamination, the difference in mixed developer bath onto a glossy black
background on the grit blasted test panels plate supplied as part of a comparator kit.
exposed to agitated remover for 15 and 30 The appearance of this streak is then
s is negligible. the comparison between compared with the developer streaks on a
the two dip periods is the guide to standard plate. The solution or suspension
remover condition. The test is only meant can then be adjusted by adding more
to be a quick, easy reference and is not water or more powder until the test streak
quantitative. With different test objects closely matches the proper standard
and processing requirements, the user streak. Any cracking of the developer
may find it beneficial to use an ideal test coating during the drying operation in

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 115

the normal test procedure indicates (1) a convenient surface for this test is a new,
serious loss of water or (2) an excessively clean, tin-plated lid from a gallon can. If
high concentration of developer powder. pulling apart or balling up of the coating
Both of these conditions can cause the occurs, the surface should be dried and
developer to obscure indications of fine then checked for even, complete
discontinuities. developer coverage.

Hydrometer Test for Evaluation of Fluorescent

Concentration of Aqueous Wet Contaminants in Developer
Developer Baths Coatings
Another technique of checking the bath Another test that should be applied to wet
concentration is by means of a developers is a check for fluorescence.
hydrometer with a suitable range. Before This is easily done by examining the two
checking the concentration with the developer coatings prepared for the
hydrometer, the developer bath should be evenness test under ultraviolet-A
at least 24 h old, soluble powders should radiation. Increased fluorescence of the
be completely dissolved and suspensions test material will be obvious. Whether the
should be thoroughly stirred. The fluorescence has reached a rejection level
hydrometer can be floated directly in the must be determined by the performance
bath or in a small vessel containing a test.
sample of the bath. Manufacturers of the Wet developer becomes fluorescent
developer will supply information as to mainly from liquid penetrant carried into
the correct hydrometer range for the it on test parts or that otherwise enters
developer and will furnish tables relating the developer. There is no way to reclaim
the developer bath concentration and liquid penetrant contaminated developer,
specific gravity. A high specific gravity so replacement is the only answer to such
reading can be lowered by adding water to a problem. Developer should not
the mixture. If the specific gravity is too normally become fluorescent; therefore,
low, add powder and stir thoroughly. the cause of the problem should be
Table 1 compares typical hydrometer determined and procedures should be
readings to developer bath particle altered to prevent recurrence.
concentration. Generally, the powder
concentration in water suspension ranges
from 40 to 240 g (1.4 to 8.5 ozm) of dry
powder concentrate per 1 L (0.25 gal) of Care and Maintenance of
water. This corresponds to 152 to 907 g Nonaqueous Wet
(0.33 to 2.0 lbm) of powder per 3.8 L
(1 gal) of water (4 to 24 percent by Developers
weight). Most of the developers used with portable
liquid penetrant test kits are of the
Evaluating Developer Wetting and nonaqueous wet type. The developers are
procured in a ready-to-use form and
Evenness of Coating contain the necessary developer powder
The coating test is simply to pour or suspended in a volatile liquid medium.
otherwise apply some of the material and With flammable solvent types, operators
some standard mixture to a smooth must avoid smoking or other source of
hard-to-wet metal surface and inspect for ignition while spraying developer from
signs of pulling apart or balling up of the pressurized spray cans. Solvent developers
wet developer coating material. A in bulk should be kept in covered or
closed containers to limit evaporation or
spreading of flammable vapors. If solvent
developers lose appreciable liquid through
TABLE 1. Aqueous developer concentrations of dissolved evaporation, the quality and effectiveness
or suspended particles as function of specific gravity of the developer will decrease
hydrometer readings of the bath. significantly. The solids must be in
Typical suspension, before use, to obtain proper
Specific Gravity
developer performance. Solvent
Developer Concentration
______________________ Hydrometer Readings
developers in pressure spray cans or other
gL1 (lbagal1) at 22 C (72 F) portable containers must be thoroughly
agitated before use to ensure the proper
120 (1.0) 1.052
suspension of developer in solvent when
96 (0.8) 1.042
applied to test parts. Developers in
72 (0.6) 1.032 pressurized spray cans generally do not
48 (0.4) 1.021 require maintenance precautions, because
24 (0.2) 1.011 they are primarily intended for use only
once. When developer is sealed in a spray
can, there is no way for it to become

116 Liquid Penetrant Testing

contaminated with liquid penetrant or
other foreign materials.
If it is necessary to check the content
of solids in nonaqueous solvent
developers, this can best be done by
weighing a well agitated sample of
developer, filtering out the solids and
then weighing the dried solids content.
Older techniques of allowing the solids to
settle out of a developer suspension have
fallen into disrepute.

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 117

PART 7. Quality Control Tests for Test Systems
and Procedures

Figure 6 is a drawing of a combination

Maintenance Checks for test panel devised to verify the
functioning of the liquid penetrant test
Expendable Liquid system. Proper performance of the test
Penetrant Process system can be ensured by processing this
performance test panel through all cycles
Materials of the system, from precleaning to
Expendable materials, once placed in readout of indications, at the beginning of
service in a liquid penetrant each work shift. One half of the
nondestructive test system, are not combination test panel consists of a metal
particularly susceptible to change or strip that has a rough, grit blasted,
variation. Most of the changes that do stainless steel surface. The other half of
take place will be apparent to experienced the combination test panel has a smooth
operators by variation in the performance chrome plated surface with five dimple
of the liquid penetrant or of the crack patterns imposed on it by a
processing materials. In most installations, hardness tester. The five dimple crack
alertness on the part of the operator may patterns range in size from very fine to
be all that is required to maintain all coarse. The combination panel can be
materials in satisfactory condition. used for judging both rough surface
However, it is advisable to carry out a washability and smooth surface
routine check on the test materials to washability, as well as for judging relative
ensure that reliable and consistent sensitivity of the liquid penetrant test
performance is being attained with the process conducted with a given test
test system. system at specified intervals. To remain
Selection of specific tests will depend useful, the combination test panel must
on the make and type of liquid penetrant
process materials being used. Tests
recommended by the manufacturer or FIGURE 6. Penetrant system monitor panel
supplier of the expendable liquid with rough, grit blasted section (at right) for
penetrant process materials may be used washability check and five crack centers in
as a guide. There are some generally chrome plated section (at left) for sensitivity
applicable tests, however, that can be evaluation.
applied advantageously, as described here
and elsewhere in this volume. Note that
these tests described are comparison tests
only; that is, a current result is compared
to a previous result or results obtained
with in-use materials are compared to
results obtained with retained unused

Checking Test System

Performance with Combination
Test Panel
The quality of indications on processed
test parts depends on proper functioning
of all phases of the entire liquid penetrant
test system, including the following:
effectiveness of precleaning of test objects;
condition of the liquid penetrant,
emulsifier and developer (all of which can
easily become contaminated or spent);
liquid penetrant and emulsifier dwell
times; temperature, pressure and
cleanliness of the wash water; drying time
and temperature; lighting in the
inspection area.

118 Liquid Penetrant Testing

be thoroughly cleaned immediately after discontinuities appear; the contrast of the
each use to remove all residues of liquid discontinuity indications; the degree of
penetrant processing materials and water. background color or fluorescence left on
(See elsewhere in this volume for test object surfaces after removal of excess
descriptions of additional artificial surface liquid penetrant and application
reference panels of various types). of developer. The stainless steel
combination grit blasted and chrome
Checking Test System plated test panel (Fig. 6) has been used for
several years to monitor for sudden
Performance Using Test Parts with changes. Another suitable test panel is an
Known Discontinuities unglazed ceramic plate or disk having a
Test parts with known typical surface porosity condition.
discontinuities and known washability Processing special test panels such as
levels can be retained as reference these can alert the inspector to a sudden
specimens and processed at the beginning shift in performance caused by the
of each shift or when inadequate system following: sudden increase in oven
performance is suspected. These test parts temperature; failure of developer dust
serve a function similar to that of the chamber; wash water temperature
combination test panel. The experienced increase; solvent contamination of
inspector will quickly spot a radical emulsifier; and other changes from
change in the liquid penetrant testing normal conditions
system performance by use of either the Though these monitoring panels do
combination panel or retained anomalous not measure the gradual shift in
test parts. A problem that must be performance and do not replace the
recognized is that, even after comparison test, they protect against the
discontinuities in test panels or test parts sudden failure and they can be processed
are cleaned, they may retain residues of quickly and easily.
liquid penetrants or processing materials
from previous liquid penetrant tests or
inspections of other types. The gradual
buildup of retained processing materials Tests for Effectiveness of
will then reduce the apparent size of the Liquid Penetrant Removal
liquid penetrant indications and the test A removability test, or washability test,
panels/parts must be replaced. often follows the fluorescence test (see
elsewhere in this volume for step
Frequency of Comparison Tests of sequence). These tests measure the
Liquid Penetrant Materials removability performance of the
individual process materials. Removal
In all probability, liquid penetrant performance is very important because
materials deterioration due to surplus liquid penetrant must be removed
evaporation, contamination and other from the surface of the part or the entire
causes will be gradual. The rate will vary part will have a high background
with such conditions as the work load, fluorescence. This will greatly reduce the
type of test parts, climatic conditions or contrast between the discontinuity
prior processing. The need for a indication and the rest of the surface area.
comparison test between materials in use On the other hand, if the liquid penetrant
and retained standards will not be the can be removed too easily, it will be
same for all liquid penetrant installations. washed out of the discontinuities. This
The frequency of tests may vary from as will cause greatly reduced discontinuity
often as twice daily to weekly or even detection sensitivity capability,
monthly. particularly for the shallower
Detecting Sudden Performance The test for effectiveness of removal of
Shifts in Test System Operation surface liquid penetrant may be
performed in a variety of ways but, with
It should be remembered that, in addition present procedures, it must always be
to gradual deterioration, there is always done as a comparison to standard
the danger of sudden deterioration of materials; this is because there is so much
materials or sudden change in the variation of the test parameters even
functioning of a processing stage. The when rigorous controls are applied. An
sudden change can be guarded against by accurate comparison can be made only if
processing known anomalous parts or standard and test materials are handled
special test panels with which the side by side.
technician is familiar at the beginning of
each shift or at other selected intervals.
An experienced inspector will detect a
change in familiar parts or test panels by
noting the following: whether the known

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 119

Selection and Renewal of
Removability Test Panels Purpose of Cracked
Removability is probably best tested on a Sample Tests
fairly rough surface such as the stainless A practical test of a liquid penetrant test
steel test panels sand blasted with 165 m system uses a test object or part of the
mesh aperture (100 lines per 1 in. mesh) type actually being inspected that
grit as specified by MIL-I-251351 or contains the smallest allowable
AMS 2644.2 Rough surfaces on test objects discontinuity. If this discontinuity is
are harder to wash than smooth surfaces, detected, the liquid penetrant test system
so they allow a better evaluation of wash is doing the minimum required job. How
capability. A problem with wash test well this smallest discontinuity is detected
panels is that, once used, a very slight can be determined by the brightness of
residue remains on the surface and affects the indication as measured with a
future tests. An effective procedure for photometer (Fig. 7), if such an instrument
cleaning removability test panels for reuse is available and the information is
includes the following processing steps: required. However, because each users
(1) use a soft brush under running water test parts and minimum allowable
to remove the developer, (2) dry, (3) dip discontinuity size will be different, there
in alcohol, (4) dry, (5) immerse in a is no way that individual ratings will be
solvent and ultrasonically clean and comparable when using different parts.
(6) dry. This entire cycle can be repeated if
necessary to remove all traces of prior
processing materials. If this procedure
does not completely clean the panels, Synthetic Crack Specimens
they can be sandblasted again and
probably should be after five or ten uses. for Comparison
Procedures for Performing In practice, there is a great need for
Removability Tests reproducible, synthetically produced
discontinuities that can be used to rate
When performing removability tests, and compare liquid penetrant test systems
standard and test materials should be and materials. Many attempts to produce
applied to separate panels that were grit such devices have been made over the
blasted simultaneously or adjoining areas years. Unfortunately, none of these
on a single test piece, being careful not to attempts has produced the ideal synthetic
allow the liquid penetrants to mix. The discontinuity. The big problem is
test should actually be run twice: once reproducibility. To rate liquid penetrant
with a minimum removal effort (short materials properly in different locations,
emulsification or wash) that will not quite
completely remove the standard materials
and once with a fairly strong removal
effort that will completely remove liquid FIGURE 7. Narrow angle photometer with digital readout and
penetrant from the standards. optical finder.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant

Removability Tests
If the test materials are more completely
removed than the standards, the test
materials are being removed too easily
and performance will suffer. This loss of
performance usually shows up on the
performance test, so the purpose of
removal test is to point out any poor
removability performance. This may be
obvious from the results being obtained
in the actual test operation where parts
being tested may be showing sufficiently
high residual background that complaints
arise. If so, the main use of this test is to
locate which material or materials are
causing the poor removability.

120 Liquid Penetrant Testing

the test parts must be identical and no indications on the two halves, whereupon
two parts of any current synthetic the last used material replaced by the new
discontinuity sample are identical. material may be considered at fault.
Without identical test discontinuities, Once the faulty material is found, the
there is no way to cause the rating of a necessary corrective measure may be
system done at one location to equal that obvious. If not, further tests may be
done at another. Even at one location any necessary but need be carried out on the
rating of a test system, process or material inferior material only. If no material is
is a comparative rating only. found faulty, one or more processing
Over the course of many years, two parameters or procedural steps may be at
types of synthetic discontinuity test fault. An audit of the test process or
panels have found wide use despite their having a different operator process the
inadequacies; the cracked chrome plated cracked specimens may help reveal the
brass panel and the quench cracked problem.
aluminum block. These are briefly In most cases comparable crack
described below and discussed in detail patterns appear immediately adjacent to
elsewhere in this volume. The normal each other on the two halves of a
procedure for checking a complete system specimen. The patterns should be
by means of cracked specimens is to treat observed not only for brightness but also
one half of each specimen with all new for crack definition as well. Photographic
materials and the other half with all records of crack patterns can aid observers
in-use materials. After processing is to make valid conclusions. Some
complete, the specimen is examined contaminants, particularly in liquid
closely under the appropriate light, penetrants, can cause bleeding of
according to the types of materials used. indications to such a degree that,
If a careful comparison reveals no although the indications may be larger,
outstanding difference between the two they are less well defined and may even
halves of the specimen, it can be assumed obscure other fine indications. In such a
that all materials are in usable condition. case, indications are usually less bright.
If the half that was processed with in-use
materials bears indications that are Cracked Nickel-Chromium Plated
definitely inferior, it indicates that at least
one of the in-use materials is not up to Specimens for Evaluating the
standard. The actual material(s) at fault Performance of Test Systems
can be pinpointed by carrying out further One synthetic discontinuity test panel is
tests, substituting new materials, one at a the cracked nickel-chrome plated panel.
time, for the in-use ones. This should be In this case the two halves are two
continued until the block shows equal

FIGURE 8. Two examples of matched halves of chrome plated, cracked panels for evaluating
liquid penetrant system performance: (a) coarse cracks, relatively deep; (b) fine cracks,
relatively shallow.

(a) (b)

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 121

separate panels made by cutting the
originally prepared panel completely in FIGURE 9. Quench cracked aluminum test panel specified by
half. Two examples of this type are shown MIL-I-25135,1 AMS 26442 and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
in Fig. 8. Code.22
The cracks extend entirely through the
brittle nickel-chrome plating to the brass
below, so the depth of the cracks is
controlled by the plating thickness.
Variation of the coating thickness thus
allows the production of different ranges
of crack size that can be used to test liquid
penetrant test systems with different
sensitivity levels. The nickel-chrome
plated crack specimens, especially the fine
grade, contain some of the smallest
discontinuities normally detectable by the
liquid penetrant method. Thus, they can
be used as go/no-go standards for the
rating the relative performance of a liquid
penetrant test system over a period of
A further advantage of these panels is
that they may be easily and completely
except the cracked aluminum blocks and
cleaned for reuse, by washing and
the cracked nickel-chromium plated
brushing off the developer coating and
panels. All others were too difficult to
then by soaking the panel in solvent
make, not reproducible enough or not
sufficiently indicative of performance.
There is still need for a better synthetic
Quench Cracked Aluminum discontinuity sample than those presently
Specimens for Evaluating the available.
Performance of Test Systems
A second type of synthetic discontinuity
sample in common use, especially for
visible dye liquid penetrant test systems,
is the quench cracked aluminum block
specified in AMS 26442 and elsewhere.1,22
This sample is produced by nonuniformly
heating a piece of rolled 2024-T3
aluminum alloy to nearly its melting
point, then by quenching the piece
quickly in cold water. This produces a
network of cracks of various sizes, as seen
in Fig. 9. Naturally, there is considerable
variation in crack patterns from piece to
piece and no two pieces are exactly alike.
Therefore, these samples also must be
used strictly for comparison of two liquid
penetrant test systems or materials on the
same piece at the same time.
These samples are suitable only for
systems of low sensitivity. To clean them
for reuse, it is necessary to wash and
brush off the developer, soak the panels in
solvent at least overnight and then reheat
them to about 30 C (50 F) less than the
original temperature. This procedure can
be repeated only three or four times for a
panel before it must be replaced.

Need for Improved

Synthetic Crack Specimens
Various other liquid penetrant test
reference samples have been tried over the
years but none has survived in general use

122 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. MIL-I-25135, Inspection Materials, Conshohocken, PA: American Society

Penetrants. Washington, DC: United for Testing and Materials (1992).
States Department of Defense (1989). 13. KSC-SPEC-Z-0013, Penetrant, Magnetic
(Cancelled January 1998; replaced by Particle and Ultrasonic Inspection,
SAE AMS 2644.) Requirements for, Specification for.
2. SAE AMS 2644, Inspection Material, Kennedy Space Center, FL: National
Penetrant. Warrendale, PA: SAE Aeronautics and Space Administration
International (1996). (1969).
3. MIL-STD-6866, Inspection, Liquid 14. MIL-STD-271, Nondestructive Testing
Penetrant. Washington, DC: Methods, Requirements for.
Department of Defense (1985). Washington, DC: Department of
(Canceled 22 November 1996; Defense; United States Government
replaced by ASTM E 1417.) Printing Office (June 1986). (Cancelled
4. ASTM E 1417, Standard Practice for May 1998; superseded by NAVSEA
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West Technical Publication
Conshohocken, PA: American Society T9074-AS-GIB-010/271.)
for Testing and Materials (1995). 15. MSFC-STD-366(1), Penetrant Inspection
5. ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for Method. Huntsville, AL: Marshall Space
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West Flight Center (1976). (Cancelled.)
Conshohocken, PA: American Society 16. SAE AMS 2647B, Fluorescent Penetrant
for Testing and Materials (1995). Inspection Aircraft and Engine
6. ASTM E 1135, Standard Test Method for Component Maintenance. Warrendale,
Comparing the Brightness of Fluorescent PA: SAE [Society of Automotive
Penetrants. West Conshohocken, PA: Engineers] International (1995).
American Society for Testing and 17. SAE AMS 3155C, Oil, Fluorescent
Materials (1992). Penetrant Solvent-Soluble. Warrendale,
7. ASTM E 1208, Standard Test Method for PA: SAE [Society of Automotive
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination Engineers] International (1994).
Using the Lipophilic Post-Emulsification 18. SAE AMS 3156C, Oil, Fluorescent
Process. West Conshohocken, PA: Penetrant Water Washable. Warrendale,
American Society for Testing and PA: SAE [Society of Automotive
Materials (1994). Engineers] International (1983).
8. ASTM E 1209, Standard Test Method for 19. SAE AMS 3161A, Oil, Odorless Heavy
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination Solvent. Warrendale, PA: SAE [Society
Using the Water-Washable Process. West of Automotive Engineers]
Conshohocken, PA: American Society International (1993).
for Testing and Materials (1994). 20. NAVSHIPS 250-1500-1, Welding
9. ASTM E 1210, Standard Test Method for Standard. Washington, DC: United
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination States Department of Defense (1995).
Using the Hydrophilic Post-Emulsification 21. ASTM D 95, Standard Test Method for
Process. West Conshohocken, PA: Water in Petroleum Products and
American Society for Testing and Bituminous Materials by Distillation.
Materials (1994). West Conshohocken, PA: American
10. ASTM E 1219, Standard Test Method for Society for Testing and Materials
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination (1990).
Using the Solvent-Removable Process. 22. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
West Conshohocken, PA: American Section V, Nondestructive Examination.
Society for Testing and Materials New York, NY: American Society of
(1994). Mechanical Engineers (1995).
11. ASTM E 1220, Standard Test Method for
Visible Liquid Penetrant Examination
Using the Solvent-Removable Process.
West Conshohocken, PA: American
Society for Testing and Materials
12. ASTM E 1418, Standard Test Method for
Visible Penetrant Examination Using the
Water-Washable Process. West

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 123

5H A P T E R

Interpretation of Liquid
Penetrant Indications

Charles W. Eick, Dassault Falcon Jet, Little Rock,

Art Cedillos, Palomar Plating Company, Escondido,
Donald J. Hagemaier, Boeing Company, Long Beach,
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates, Crystal
Lake, Illinois
PART 1. Inspector Functions and Terminology
for Interpretation and Evaluation of Liquid
Penetrant Test Indications

inspector sees can be accepted as that of a

Interpreting Results of bona fide discontinuity. The inspector
must further be able to derive all possible
Liquid Penetrant Tests significant information from the
All nondestructive testing methods, appearance of the indication itself. From
including liquid penetrant testing, this, the inspector may be able to declare
produce indirect indications of conditions that a crack or porosity or some
but do not by themselves tell exactly what nonrelevant condition is present.
these material conditions are. The test The task, however, becomes easier and
indications must be correctly interpreted the declaration more authoritative if the
before they give any useful information as inspector knows the background of the
to the actual conditions that exist in a part being tested. The inspector should
material. know the material, the process by which
it is made and the various processes it has
been through. The inspector should know
the kinds of discontinuities characteristic
Definitions of Liquid of the material and should be aware of
Penetrant Interpretation what discontinuities various processes are
likely to introduce. The inspector should
and Evaluation know enough about failure of parts in
There is often a tendency on the part of service to know where fatigue cracks are
an inspector to confuse the terms most likely to occur. In addition, of
interpretation and evaluation and to fail to course, the inspector must be familiar,
recognize that there is a significant from past experience, with the appearance
distinction between them. Actually, the of indications of these discontinuities in
terms refer to two entirely different steps similar parts or materials.
in the test process and require entirely
different categories of knowledge and
experience. To interpret an indication
means to give a decision as to what Experience Needed for
material condition is causing the Evaluation of Liquid
indication. There may be many possible
conditions: cracks, porosity, lack of results
Penetrant Indications
from the assembly of parts, such as a Once it is known that a crack or porosity
forced fit. Evaluation then follows or other discontinuity of given size or
interpretation. If it has been decided that direction is present, a decision as to the
a crack of given size and direction exists, disposition of the test parts depends on
the extent of its effect on the usefulness an evaluation of the significance of the
of the part must be evaluated before the discontinuity to the serviceability of the
part can be disposed of: either accepted as part. This is a question of stress and stress
is, reworked or scrapped. distribution or environmental
requirements and calls for the knowledge
of the designer and engineer responsible
for the performance of the part. For a
Experience Needed for given service, one direction of
Liquid Penetrant discontinuity may be harmless but the
same discontinuity that may be at right
Interpretation angles to the tensile stress may be highly
To interpret liquid penetrant indications objectionable. In the same way, a
correctly, the inspector must first of all be discontinuity in an area of low stress can
thoroughly familiar with the test method perhaps be tolerated but a similar
in use. The inspector must know that discontinuity in an area of high stress
liquid penetrant processing has been would cause rejection of the part. The
correct. In the case of fluorescent liquid usual way of expressing this idea is to
penetrants, for example, the inspector evaluate a discontinuity as a defect only
must be certain that washing has been when it will interfere with the usefulness
thorough, so that the indication the of the part in service.

126 Liquid Penetrant Testing

material from its raw state to finished
Importance of the form and on into its service life. This
classification is as follows.
Inspectors Evaluation 1. Inherent discontinuities are
Because correct liquid penetrant discontinuities introduced into the
evaluation depends on accurate basic materials as the result of its
interpretation, the inspector is the key initial production from ore to raw
person in the test process. In some mass components up to the point where it
inspection operations, the person who is ready for initial processing.
operates the test equipment merely 2. Processing discontinuities fall readily
segregates the parts that show indications. into two groups: (a) discontinuities
Others decide their disposition. In most introduced during primary processes
cases, however, the inspector who first such as casting, rolling, forging,
sees the indication is also expected to drawing, welding etc. and (b)
interpret it. Actually, if the inspector has discontinuities introduced during
any of the qualifying background, he or finishing processing, such as
she is the one best able to do this, because machining, heat treating, grinding,
the inspector is most familiar with all plating etc.
kinds of indications as they occur on the 3. Service discontinuities are those
parts the inspector handles. Also, the discontinuities that develop as the
inspector is best able, because he or she result of the material or part being in
performed the tests, to know that the service. This group includes fatigue,
process has been properly carried out or corrosion and damage from impact,
to know and assess any variations from overloads and environment.
normal behavior during the test. The
inspector therefore must be thoroughly
honest and dependable. The inspector
must be fully alert to the importance of
the work he or she is doing.
Testing in Primary Metals
Discontinuity detection with liquid Production
penetrants is more art than science. This By far the largest field of application of
is necessarily true unless or until some nondestructive tests is in the metal
successful means is evolved that can making industry, including ferrous alloys
automatically see and accurately interpret and the growing list of nonferrous metals
liquid penetrant indications. In the and alloys now being produced and used.
meantime, the inspector must be relied Time and space do not permit discussion
on to perform these functions. Skill and of all the types of discontinuities that are
proficiency in developing and then special to many of these materials or
interpreting indications must be acquired consideration of the many special
by experience. A skilled and experienced processes used to work them and the test
inspector can add greatly to the inherent problems they present. However, for the
effectiveness of liquid penetrant testing. usual metals and alloys, there is a
Assuming that the inspector knows considerable similarity both of processes
how to operate the instruments and carry and discontinuities that are encountered.
out the techniques, it is almost self Describing the production of basic metals
evident that the inspector cannot do a and pointing out the sources of
competent job unless he or she also discontinuities covers, by analogy except
knows the materials under test. The for detail, the discontinuities found in
inspector must know what they are, how many of the common metallic materials
they are made and how they have been as well. The problems of nondestructive
processed. This knowledge must include testing are still overwhelmingly concerned
an understanding of what discontinuities with the more common metals.
may be introduced during manufacture
and processing. If the inspector knows
what discontinuities to look for and Methods for Producing Metals
where they are likely to occur, the and Alloys
inspector can select the techniques Iron and the nonferrous metals are
available for their detection much more refined from their ores by a variety of
effectively. processes but most of them are ultimately
produced in molten form and the molten
metal is poured into molds and allowed to
solidify. These molds may be ingot molds
General Classification of from which the solidified ingot is taken
Discontinuities by Their through a variety of forming processes or
Origination they may be molds for casting the metal
into final shape, with little or no physical
Discontinuities are most commonly deformation to be made on the product
classified on the basis of the progress of subsequently.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 127

Sources of Impurities in Molten source of discontinuities in castings and
Metal much testing focuses on the location of
these undesirable conditions (Figs. 1
All care is taken and elaborate techniques and 2). This is true of nonferrous castings
have been devised to ensure that the as well as steel, and special types of
metal be as free as possible from MOVIE.
porosity are related to individual metals Fluorescent
unwanted foreign materials when it and casting processes, as for instance
solidifies. Inevitably, however, the metal bleedout
surface porosity in die cast magnesium reveals
does contain amounts of (1) dissolved or alloys.
entrapped gasses; (2) various nonmetallic shrinkage.
Shrinkage on cooling results in thermal
materials such as oxides and sulfides of cracks in castings, most often on the
the metal; and (3) finely dispersed surface and related to the shape of the
particles of slag. To some extent the casting but sometimes internal (see Figs. 3
behavior of the metal during cooling can and 4). Other casting discontinuities are
be controlled by size and shape of the hot tears and cold shuts, both being
mold, the technique of pouring and the surface discontinuities.
addition of suitable materials to assist in
the removal of gasses.
FIGURE 1. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indications of porosity
Sources of Discontinuities Related and shrinkage cracking in cast light alloy aircraft fittings.
to Metal Solidification
In spite of all precautions to produce and
solidify metal sound and free of foreign
materials and gasses, the solidified
product invariably contains a greater or
less quantity of such nonmetallic
materials. Most metals contain
nonmetallic inclusions of one sort or
another. Their presence is not in itself an
indication of poor quality; this is true of
steel, copper, brass, aluminum and other
metals. However, if not well distributed or
if the segregates are large, they may be
very objectionable. They will appear as
stringers or discontinuities in the final
rolled or forged product, which may
seriously affect the suitability of the metal
for many purposes.

Discontinuities in Metal Ingots

In solidifying and cooling, the metal
shrinks. This shrinkage may cause shrink FIGURE 2. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indications of porosity
cavities in the center of the ingot, usually in light alloy aircraft casting.
mostly confined to the top or
last-to-freeze portion. This section of the
ingot is normally cropped and discarded.
If it is not completely eliminated, such
internal discontinuities may show up in
the finished product as pipe in rolled bars
or as laminations in plate or strip.
Cracking also may occur on the surface
of ingots. These cracks are removed as
completely as possible by chipping or
scarfing so that they will not show up as
seams on the finished product.

Sources of Discontinuities in Metal

In the case of castings, where the metal
solidifies in final form, great care is taken
to place gates and risers by which surplus
metal is provided at favorable locations so
that impurities can float out of the casting
proper and gas can have a chance to
escape. Porosity and gas pockets along
with slag inclusions are still a major

128 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Sources of Discontinuities in The surface of blooms and billets may
Blooms and Billets contain seams due to rolled out ingot
cracks resulting from cooling stresses or
When cast into ingots, the metal is then bursts or tears or rolled-in scale or metal
further worked down into usable forms by particles. All of these surface
forging, rolling or pressing. The steel imperfections should be removed before
ingot, for example, is reheated to the the final finishing operation. Unless they
proper temperature and passed between are completely removed, the end product
heavy rolls to form blooms or billets. The will contain seams or other surface
size of ingots varies widely, depending on discontinuities that would be
the ultimate product to be made from objectionable. The surfaces of blooms and
them. Ingots of alloy and tool steel may billets may be freed of such objectionable
be quite small, weighing perhaps 100 kg conditions by chipping, grinding or flame
(220 lbm), whereas ingots from which scarfing. Billets, especially when intended
large forgings or large thick plate are to be for seamless tube piercing, are often
made may weigh many tons. Blooms and cleaned up by scaling, i.e., by taking a cut
billets are formed in an intermediate step off the surface in a lathe if the billet is
between the ingot and the finished size or round or by planing the surface if the
product. billet is square.

Sources of Discontinuities in Hot

Rolled Bars, Shapes, Plate or Strip
FIGURE 3. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indication of crack at The blooms or billets are often reheated to
attachment lug in cast light alloy aircraft part. proper working temperature and rolled
into bars, shapes, plate or strip. As has
been pointed out, seams, stringers and
laminations may appear in the finished
product as a result of rolling, forging or
extrusion. The rolling operation itself may
introduce certain discontinuities, of
which the most common are laps
resulting from too much or too little
metal to fill the rolls. Too rapid reduction
of cross section, especially if the metal is
at too low a temperature, may produce
tears and internal rupture called cupping.
Internal shrinkage cavities from the
ingot or gas pockets not completely
welded shut in the rolling operation may
result in laminations in plate or strip or in
pipe, bars or other shapes. Uneven
cooling of some types of steel may cause
cooling cracks to appear in bars and
shapes a type of damage that may be
very severe.

Sources of Discontinuities in
FIGURE 4. Thermal cracks and shrinkage in cast motor
housings. Forgings
If the ingot or billet is used for forging, a
variety of discontinuities can be produced,
usually because of improper handling of
the metal under the hammer or to
working at too low a temperature.
Common discontinuities are laps and
folds. Forging bursts, both external and
internal, can also occur. Figure 5 shows a
forging lap.
In the case of die or drop forging, laps
and surface tears and bursts may be
produced. In die forgings, excess metal is
forced out between the two halves of the
die forming the flash and this excess
metal is subsequently trimmed off. If not
properly done, flashline cracks or tears
may be formed. Another type of forging
discontinuity is the internal rupture

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 129

usually called flake, which occurs in the dimensional tolerances can thus be
process of cooling relatively large forgings. maintained and the metal becomes
These may be very severe and extremely somewhat work hardened. Die marks,
objectionable. scratches and surface imperfections
sometimes make their appearance in this
Sources of Discontinuities in process. Of course, the process does not
remove any seams or other discontinuities
Rolled and Pierced Products present in the material before the cold
In the production of seamless tubing, the finishing is applied.
billet is pierced. Discontinuities on the
inside surface of the pierced billet may Sources of Discontinuities in
take the form of tears. Seams may occur
on the outside surface, especially if the Fusion Weldments
surface of the billet or blank had not been Welding is a process that has its own
properly cleaned. group of typical discontinuities that must
be guarded against. In fusion welding
Sources of Discontinuities in processes, where liquid metal solidifies in
the weld, the same sort of discontinuities
Extrusions may occur as in castings namely, slag
Nonferrous seamless tubing is often made inclusions, gas porosity and thermal
by extrusion, starting with hollow or cracks. In addition, cracking in the parent
pierced billets or from solid ingots. metal may occur because of thermal
Discontinuities that occur may be checks stresses or as a consequence of hydrogen
and tears or imperfections may result pressure. There are also discontinuities
from uncovering or bringing to the due to lack of penetration of the weld and
surface internal discontinuities of the failure to get proper fusion of the weld
billets or ingots. In addition to tubing, metal to the parent metal.
many shapes and products are made
today by various extrusion processes. Sources of Discontinuities in Heat
Because of flow of the metal of the
original ingot during extrusion, oxide and Treating Processes
surface skin sometimes becomes folded Looking now at the various finishing
into the interior. A form of pipe also processes, most metal products undergo
results from this action, which is most some form of heat treatment to produce
objectionable when it appears in a desirable physical properties. In the course
finished shape. of heat treatment, discontinuities may be
produced, most often as the result of
Sources of Discontinuities in Cold warping or cracking. Quenching cracks
occur in steel when the process is not
Worked Metal Products properly carried out or when the design of
Cold rolling and cold drawing of strip, rod the part or the steel used is not adapted to
and wire is a process for improving the the operation. Quenching cracks are apt
surface finish of steel products. Close to appear in connection with changes in
cross section of the material that cause
excessive cooling stresses or at locations
FIGURE 5. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indication of forging where the contour of the surface permits
lap in aircraft turbine bucket (shown on as-forged surface stress concentrations to occur. Sometimes
which has not been machined). hardened parts are cracked when an
attempt is made to straighten those that
have warped slightly out of shape.
Special nondestructive test techniques
have been devised for checking hardness
against specification tolerances and for
such unwanted conditions as abnormal
grain size, segregations etc.

Sources of Discontinuities in
Machined and Ground Surfaces
Sometimes machining operations, as for
instance too heavy a cut with improper
tools, may cause surface damage, leaving
discontinuities in the form of surface
tears. Grinding of surfaces for accurate
dimensions or for finish is a prolific
source of surface cracking, especially on
hardened steel surfaces. Parts that have
been hardened may have residual internal

130 Liquid Penetrant Testing

stresses, produced in the quenching Significance of Surface
process and not subsequently removed by Discontinuities under Repeated
drawing or stress relieving. Such parts are
particularly sensitive to the formation of
Loading or Vibration
grinding checks. Fatigue cracks almost invariably start at
the surface and are initiated by conditions
that bring about locally high stresses.
Sources of Cracks during Plating These stress concentrations involve
or Chemical Treatment stresses above average for the part. The
Parts containing residual stresses from stresses may, in their local area, be above
heat treatment or perhaps simply from the fatigue strength of the metal. Surface
cold working may crack during plating scratches, cracks or other discontinuities
processes or during the pickling that may cause these local areas of high stress
precedes plating. This is because the (Fig. 7). Localized high stresses may also
pickling etch removes some of the metal be caused by design features of the part
surface containing compressive stresses, for example, high stresses occur around
permitting the internal tensile stress to be holes, fillets and stiffening members.
relieved through cracking. Embrittlement
by absorbed hydrogen during pickling Prevention of Fatigue Failures in
may sometimes be a factor in such
One of the main purposes of liquid
penetrant nondestructive testing is to
Sources of Fatigue Cracks Incurred locate and eliminate discontinuities likely
during Service Operation to lead to fatigue failures. However,
The last group of discontinuities are those fatigue cracking still occurs and is a
that occur after the part or material has serious indication sought by
been placed in service. Of this group, nondestructive techniques when the
fatigue cracking and failure resulting from
fatigue is by far the most important
group. Fatigue occurs during repeated or FIGURE 7. Example of working standard and interpretation
cyclic loading or stressing of materials (see guide for 356-T6 aluminum alloy casting with line of
Figs. 6 and 7). porosity that will propagate into a fatigue crack and cause
A fatigue failure starts with a crack failure. This condition is in stressed area, so fan casting
initiated by a variety of causes. Under should be rejected.
cyclic loads, this crack progresses through
the cross section of the metal until only a
small portion of the original section
remains sound. Finally failures occur even
when calculated or average stresses are far
below the elastic limit and do not depend
directly on whether the tensile strength of
the metal, as determined by static tests, is
either high or low.

FIGURE 6. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indications of fatigue

cracks in aircraft wheel.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 131

machine or structure is inspected at abnormal service conditions or simple
intervals during its service life. abuse of the engine or machine.
Fortunately, fatigue cracks do not often On the subject of sources of
propagate so rapidly that they cannot be discontinuities in all kinds of materials on
located early in their existence and the which nondestructive testing techniques
part replaced before failure. are commonly used, books have been
written that give useful references for
Sources of Failures Related to those in the field of nondestructive
testing.1-3 The material in the present
Corrosion chapter gives merely a general idea of
If a part that is subject to frequent stress how many typical and often encountered
reversals or fluctuations is at the same discontinuities are produced and to
time subject to corrosion, fatigue cracks provide background for later discussions
may appear very rapidly and may progress of nondestructive testing techniques
to failure in a very short period of time. designed to locate such discontinuities.
Corrosion leads to another type of
service failure through cracking of metal
subject to corrosion at the same time it is
under tensile stress. Stress corrosion
cracking of steel beams around bolt holes,
leading to bridge collapse, is an example.
Such cracking is analogous to cracks in
the surface of heat treated or cold worked
parts produced in pickling before plating,
where residual tensile stresses are left from
some previous operation. The corrosion
allows the tension stress at the surface to
be relieved by cracking (Fig. 8).

Other Causes of Service Damage

Other sources of service damage causing
cracking that can be located by
nondestructive techniques are abnormally
high stresses caused by vibration, as in
steam turbine blades and jet engine
buckets; impact due to wrecks and other
sudden stoppages; and overloads due to

FIGURE 8. Visible dye liquid penetrant indications (without

developer) of stress corrosion cracking of metallic sheet.

132 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. General Interpretation of Liquid
Penetrant Indications

Mechanism of Formation Appearance of Liquid

of Liquid Penetrant Penetrant Indications
Indications If fluorescent liquid penetrant is used, the
Any liquid penetrant indication marks the examination is made under ultraviolet
location of a discontinuity on the surface radiation, sound areas appear as deep
of the test object. There must be a surface violet-blue, whereas discontinuities glow
opening; liquid penetrants cannot detect with a brilliant, generally yellow-green
inclusions, chemical segregation, the light. The intensity of the fluorescence is
presence of foreign material or any other associated with the volume and
abnormality unless an opening is present. concentration of liquid penetrant retained
Because of the nature of liquid penetrant in the discontinuity. If visible dye liquid
testing, even a crack or void will remain penetrant is used, the examination is
undetected unless open to the part made in ordinary white light. The
surface. Liquid penetrants work equally developer forms a white background and
well on any nonporous metal, regardless discontinuities are made visible by a red
of magnetic properties, size, shape or color indication, whose richness is closely
chemical composition. related to the volume of entrapped liquid
Even ferromagnetic metals, which are penetrant.
usually checked by magnetic particle Several factors influence the exact
testing, are sometimes more easily appearance of individual liquid penetrant
inspected for surface cracks by liquid indications. However, there are certain
penetrants. For example, the sudden general trends that hold true for all sorts
change in section in sharp fillets or in the and forms of materials.
roots of threads may cause a nonrelevant MOVIE.
magnetic indication. Because liquid Interpretation of Continuous Line Linear
penetrant testing deals only with the Liquid Penetrant Indications discontinuity.
surface, it can be used with equal accuracy
in sharp corners or on wide, flat areas. A crack usually shows up as a continuous
linear liquid penetrant indication, as
shown in Fig. 9. The width and brightness
Evaluation of Liquid Penetrant
The presence of an indication poses three FIGURE 9. Typical liquid penetrant
questions. indications: (a) large crack or opening;
(b) tight crack or cold shut; (c) partially MOVIE.
1. What type of discontinuity causes this
welded lap; (d) pits or porosity. Open and
2. What is the extent of this (b) partially open
discontinuity? cracks.
3. What effect will this discontinuity
have on the anticipated service of the
On the answers to these three questions
depends the fate of the part acceptance
or rejection.
Quantitative information on the type
and size of discontinuity is not always (d) MOVIE.
obtainable from surface inspection alone. (c)
Pitting and
Liquid penetrant indications do, however, porosity.
provide the experienced inspector with
qualitative data on which to base a
decision in all obvious cases. The
inspector must know the kind of
discontinuity and its approximate
magnitude before attempting to solve the
third problem, that of estimating probable
damage to the part.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 133

of fluorescence or color depend on the be caused by insufficient cleaning before
volume of the crack. The line may be testing, by incomplete removal of excess
fairly straight or jagged, because it follows liquid penetrant, by too thick a coat of
the intersection of the crack with the developer. Weak indications extending
surface. A cold shut on the surface of a over a wide area should be regarded with
casting also appears as a continuous line, suspicion. It is usually wise to repeat the
generally a relatively narrow one. Because liquid penetrant test and to eliminate any
cold shuts are caused by imperfect fusion false indications due to faulty technique,
where two streams of metal meet but do rather than to attempt immediate
not merge, the liquid penetrant indication evaluation of a diffused indication.
is likely to be smooth in outline rather
than jagged. A forging lap may also cause Edges of Indications
a continuous line liquid penetrant
indication. The sharpness of liquid penetrant
indications is affected by the volume of
liquid retained in the discontinuity, the
Interpretation of Intermittent Line test conditions such as temperature and
Liquid Penetrant Indications time allowed for indications to develop
Many forging laps are partially welded and the type of liquid penetrant used.
during subsequent blows of the forging Generally, clear cut indications come from
hammer. The liquid penetrant indication narrow linear discontinuities.
caused by such forging laps is therefore an
intermittent linear indication. A Brilliance and Extent of Liquid
subsurface crack that does not reach the Penetrant Indications
surface for its entire length or a seam that
is partially filled also produces an The color or fluorescent brightness of
intermittent line or liquid penetrant liquid penetrant indications can be useful
indication, as shown in Fig. 9c. in estimating the seriousness of the
discontinuity. Brightness is directly related
to the amount of liquid penetrant present
Interpretation of Rounded Areas and therefore to the size of the
of Liquid Penetrant Indications discontinuity. It is difficult for the human
Rounded areas of liquid penetrant eye to detect slight differences in color of
indication signify gas holes or pin holes dye or brilliance of fluorescence. Tests
in castings or relatively large areas of show that although instruments can
unsoundness in any form of metal. The record four percent difference in
indications appear rounded because the brightness, the eye cannot see less than
volume of liquid penetrant entrapped; the 10 percent difference. It is fortunate that
actual discontinuities may be irregular in larger discontinuities nearly always
outline. Deep crater cracks in welds produce larger indications in addition to
frequently show up as rounded the increased brightness.
indications also, because a large amount
of liquid penetrant is entrapped and the
individual crack indications merge. FIGURE 10. Visible dye liquid penetrant
indication of crack in heat resistant alloy
Interpretation of Small Dot Liquid diesel valve.
Penetrant Indications
Liquid penetrant indications in the form
of small dots, as in Fig. 9d, result from a
porous condition. Such indications may
denote small pin holes or excessively
coarse grains in castings or may be caused
by a shrinkage cavity. In the latter case,
an overall indication pattern of fernlike or
dendritic outline is usually noted.

Interpretation of Diffuse Liquid

Penetrant Indications
Sometimes a large area presents a diffused
appearance. If fluorescent liquid
penetrants are used, the whole surface
may glow feebly; if visible dye liquid
penetrants are used, the background may
be pink instead of white. This diffused
condition may result from very fine,
widespread porosity, such as
microshrinkage in magnesium. Or it may

134 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Time for Liquid Penetrant
Indication to Develop
Other things being equal, the time
required for an indication to develop is
inversely proportional to the volume of
the discontinuity. The larger the
discontinuity, the more quickly will liquid
penetrant entrapped therein be pulled out
by the developer. The crack in the railroad
diesel engine valve in Fig. 10 appeared
immediately, showing that it was a
discontinuity of significant size. It is
important to allow sufficient time for the
appearance of minute indications from
fine discontinuities, such as tight fatigue
cracks. To use the time required for an
indication to develop as a measure of the
extent of the discontinuity, other
variables such as type of liquid penetrant,
sensitivity of technique, temperature of
part, dwell time and condition of
examination must be controlled.

Persistence of Liquid
Penetrant Indications
One good way to estimate the size of
discontinuity is by the persistence of the
indication. If it reappears after the
developer has been removed and
reapplied, there must be a reservoir of
liquid penetrant present. In case of faint
or weak indications where there is some
doubt as to the type or even the existence
of a discontinuity, it is good practice to
repeat the entire liquid penetrant test. If
the indication reappears, it is probably
due to a small discontinuity rather than
to incomplete cleaning.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 135

PART 3. Processing Effects Influencing Liquid
Penetrant Indications

machined parts or die forgings because

Influence of Liquid the various manufacturing processes result
in characteristic surface conditions that
Penetrant System frequently have individual types of
Selection on Interpretation discontinuities. Furthermore, some
operations may interfere with accurate
Various commercial materials are available
liquid penetrant testing. Table 1 gives the
for liquid penetrant testing, each of which
effects of metals manufacturing processes
has its special field of optimum
on liquid penetrant indications.
application. To a large extent, the
Therefore, any interpretation of liquid
sensitivity of the liquid penetrant test
penetrant indications should include
process can be varied at will by the proper
consideration of the test part and its
selection of liquid penetrant and
history. Is the surface porous? Is there a
developer. It is important for best results
possibility of embedded material that
to discuss with the manufacturers the
would clog openings, say, in lapped parts?
type of discontinuity that should be
Can the production techniques obscure a
found by liquid penetrant testing. Very
discontinuity, such as a seam or forging
high performance liquid penetrant
lap, by further working that tends to close
systems may cause unnecessary rejections
the discontinuity? Or does the shape of
due to indications from discontinuities
the surface tend to produce an irrelevant
that do not adversely affect that particular
indication, perhaps by trapping liquid
penetrant in the undercut area of a weld?
Obviously, paint or plating films interfere
with the entrance of liquid penetrants
Effects of Metals into discontinuities. Anodic or chromate
treatments reduce the detectability of
Manufacturing Processes many fluorescent liquid penetrant
on Liquid Penetrant indications, primarily because the porous
oxide absorbs penetrants and creates a
Indications bright fluorescent background. However,
Liquid penetrant indications can be special fluorescent liquid penetrants can
influenced seriously by previous be used successfully after anodic or
processing during manufacturing, chromate treatments. It is essential that
inspection or surface treatments of test the fabrication methods be considered
parts. Although the chemical composition when interpreting liquid penetrant
or form of material does not affect the indications.
indications obtained from liquid
penetrant testing, it is true that the same
technique will produce varying
indications on rough castings, finish

TABLE 1. Effects of metals manufacturing processes on liquid penetrant indications.

Process Obscured Discontinuities Irrelevant Indications

Casting rough surface retains liquid penetrant

Honing, lapping compound clogs openings oils and greases may fluoresce
Forging partially seals laps scale holds liquid penetrant
Shot blasting seals openings
Polishing metal flows over discontinuities
Heat treating scale holds liquid penetrant
Painting or plating fills openings
Anodizing reduces fluorescence porous oxide absorbs liquid penetrant
Chromate treatment reduces fluorescence
Rough machining in blind holes hard to remove excess liquid penetrant
Welding rough surface retains liquid penetrant

136 Liquid Penetrant Testing

indications: condition of surface,
Effects of Previous Testing temperature of the part or the liquid
penetrant, dwell times, amount of
on Liquid Penetrant washing, developer and conditions of
Indications examination.
Test processes, like fabrication, can change
the surface condition. It is not possible to Effects of Test Object Surface
determine the relative efficiency of Condition on Liquid Penetrant
various test processes by subsequent Indications
checks of the same part because many of
the materials used in magnetic particle, Surface conditions that influence liquid
fluorescent liquid penetrant and visible penetrant indications are given in Table 2.
dye liquid penetrant techniques are There are four general ways in which
incompatible. the condition of the surface can interfere
Discontinuities may remain undetected with the proper results from liquid
by liquid penetrant testing. If magnetic penetrant testing.
particle testing has been previously used, 1. Surface openings may be closed. This
the residual iron oxide may fill or bridge can occur when lubricants, polishing
the discontinuity. Similarly, fluorescent compounds, dirt, scale or other
liquid penetrant will often fail to show contaminants are forced into cracks or
discontinuities previously found by visible holes. Or metal can be peened over
dye liquid penetrant because the dye surface discontinuities by forging,
absorbs incident ultraviolet radiation or polishing or shot blasting.
perhaps reduces or even kills fluorescence. 2. Rough or porous areas may retain
Subsequent visible dye liquid penetrant liquid penetrant, producing irrelevant
testing may miss discontinuities indicated indications. Or naturally fluorescent
by fluorescent liquid penetrant, because materials (such as many oils and
the later affects the visible color dye. greases) may cause confusing
Therefore, in judging the presence or indications.
absence of liquid penetrant indications, 3. Deposits on the surface or in openings
the inspector must know whether the may dilute the liquid penetrant and
parts have been subjected to other test thus reduce its effectiveness, or such
processes. If such is the case, extreme care materials may react with the liquid
must be taken to clean parts thoroughly penetrant, destroying fluorescence or
before the additional liquid penetrant dye color.
testing. 4. Water or moisture within crack
discontinuities can prevent the liquid
Chromic Acid Anodic Treatment penetrant from entering the crack.
to Provide Acid Stain Indications Proper cleaning before liquid penetrant
testing will remove any dirt or other
Anodic treatment interferes with
contaminants, leaving surface openings
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing.
free to receive the liquid penetrant. For
However, chromic acid anodization serves
correct evaluation of the discontinuities
both manufacturing and inspection
found by liquid penetrant testing, it is
needs. Although its primary purpose does
essential that the surface be adequately
not include the detection of cracks, laps
or other surface discontinuities,
experience has shown that chromic acid
anodization does render such TABLE 2. Effects of surface conditions on liquid penetrant
discontinuities more visible. Any surface indications.
connected void retains some of the acid,
which then produces a directional Surface Condition Possible Result
chromic acid stain on the surface.
Although not so sensitive as liquid Oily or greasy no indications (openings closed) or false
penetrant testing, chromic acid fluorescence
anodization is accepted by some as an Dirty no indications (openings closed)
alternate method for detection of surface Shot blasted no indications (openings closed)
discontinuities in aluminum alloy Acid weak indications (reduced fluorescence)
forgings. Caustic weak indications (reduced fluorescence)
Wet weak indications (diluted penetrant)
Scale or rust no indications (openings closed) or false
Other Variables Affecting indications
Excessively rough weld false indications
Indication Appearance Rough castings surface false indications
The following variables have a marked Clean excellent
effect on the size, brilliance and
appearance of liquid penetrant

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 137

clean and dry. If it is impossible to attain action and (3) reducing glare from
satisfactory cleanliness, the inspector reflected light during observations of
must try to take this fact into account fluorescent indications. A thick film of
when weighing the importance of liquid developer may absorb liquid penetrant,
penetrant indications. resulting in faint indications or even
masking very fine discontinuities. The net
Effects of Temperature of Part or result of most faulty liquid penetrant
processing techniques is loss of
Liquid Penetrant on Indications indications, as indicated in Table 3.
The viscosity of most liquids increases at
low temperature and liquid penetrants are Effect of Examination Conditions
no exception. If a part is quite cold, say
under 16 C (60 F), the liquid penetrant on Visibility of Liquid Penetrant
may be chilled and thickened so that it Indications
does not enter very fine discontinuities in The correct interpretation of indications
the same dwell time as for higher from liquid penetrant testing is up to the
temperatures. If the part or liquid inspector. In addition to a knowledge of
penetrant is too hot, the volatile the meaning of indications and the
components of the liquid penetrant may
evaporate, changing the capability for
revealing small discontinuities. Material
FIGURE 11. Heat treatment cracks in forging:
temperatures from 10 to 52 C (50 to
(a) fluorescent indications; (b) cross section.
125 F) produce optimum results with
conventional liquid penetrants.4 However, (a)
special liquid penetrants developed for
aerospace and nuclear power programs
can be used in extremely cold
temperatures and others at relatively high

Effects of Dwell Time and

Washing on Liquid Penetrant
Fine liquid penetrant indications usually
denote fine discontinuities. However, fine
indications may be caused by insufficient
liquid penetrant dwell time. A diffused
indication may mean a generally porous
condition but may also imply incomplete
washing. If excess liquid penetrant is not (b)
removed, false indications are evident. On
the other hand, washing too long and too
hard can remove liquid penetrant from
large or shallow discontinuities, resulting
in less intense indications. Problems
resulting from poor washing are discussed
elsewhere in this volume.

Effect of Developer on Liquid

Penetrant Indications
The developer renders indications more
easily visible by (1) providing a
contrasting background, (2) pulling liquid
penetrant out of openings by a blotting

TABLE 3. Results of faulty liquid penetrant processing techniques.

Operation Too Low or Too Little Too High or Too Much

Temperature of part or fine defects missed fine defects missed

liquid penetrant
Dwell time fine defects missed removal difficult
Washing false indications liquid penetrant removed from shallow defects
Developer poor contrast hide fine defects

138 Liquid Penetrant Testing

variables affecting them, a good inspector
must have good eyesight and proper
lighting. The latter is especially important
for fluorescent liquid penetrants, which
should be viewed in a darkened area with
ultraviolet illumination.
An inspector whose eyesight was below
average because of a vitamin A deficiency
or whose eyes had not properly adjusted
to the darkened examination booth could
not have detected the fine heat treatment
cracks shown in Fig. 11a. As shown in
Fig. 11b, these cracks could be very
serious in this highly stressed aircraft

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 139

PART 4. Establishing Acceptance Standards for
Liquid Penetrant Indications

Types of Specifications for FIGURE 12. Crack in stainless steel tube: (a) fluorescent liquid
penetrant indication; (b) cross section.
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Specifications and standards applicable to
liquid penetrant testing may be divided
into two broad classes: (1) those dealing
with techniques and (b) those dealing
with materials. Each of these groups can
be broken down further. Some of the
subgroups are below.

Specifications and standards may apply to
the following types of techniques:
1. broad procedural guidelines; (b)
2. company procedural guidelines;
3. procedural guides for specific types of
products or for industries;
4. procedures for testing specific articles,
specified by a purchaser or by process
specifications internal to the
5. procedures specified for overall
inspection of a companys products;
6. specifications for certification of
7. standards for acceptance or rejection,
set up by buyer or by company for
quality control;
8. repair station requirements;
9. equipment specifications; and
10. instructions for operating specific
types of equipment or individual
special units.

by comparing it with standard film but
Specifications that apply to materials may the many factors affecting liquid
be of the following types: penetrant testing have retarded the
1. specifications designed for use in establishment of standards for this
purchasing liquid penetrants and process. Differences in indications may be
other materials and due to personnel or technique, as well as
2. specifications designed for testing and to variations in discontinuities. The
evaluating performance of liquid inspector must know the technique used
penetrants and other materials. and its effect on liquid penetrant
indications. Possible causes of inadequate
liquid penetrant indications are shown in
Table 4.
Lack of Standard Liquid
Penetrant Indications
There are as yet no standard liquid
penetrant indications for comparison.
Radiographers can judge the seriousness
of a discontinuity revealed on X-ray film

140 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Table 4. Possible causes of inadequate liquid penetrant indications compared to valid
indications from defects.
Cause Indications
Weak Faint Line Diffused Many, Small Heavy

Defect fine crack or cold shut general porosity porosity large flaws
Fabrication prior anodize or chromate embedded grease rough surface
Cleaning wet, acid, or caustic oily or greasy scale or rust
Temperature too low
Washing inadequate inadequate
Lighting inadequate
Inspector poor sighta poor sighta

a. Inadequate vision of inspector may be due to (1) inattention, (2) maladaption to darkness or (3) poor vision acuity,
which may be due to vitamin A deficiency.

Liquid Penetrant Reference Liquid Penetrant

Standards for Repetitive Indications of Leaks
Testing In any part such as a gas tank, tubing,
Companies performing repetitive testing fitting, flange or cylinder that must
of the same or similar parts make their maintain pressure, a liquid penetrant
own standards by photographing the indication through the wall is considered
indications and the sectioned parts. A to be cause for rejection. It makes no
series of such indications produced by difference whether the discontinuity is a
exactly the same technique, together with crack, a hole, lack of penetration in a weld
the discontinuities that were thus located, or a porous area. The fact that a liquid
help the inspector estimate both the type penetrant can pass through the wall
of discontinuity present and its proves that the vessel cannot hold
seriousness. For example, the indication pressurized fluids without leakage.
on the stainless steel tube shown in
Fig. 12a was caused by the crack pictured
in Fig. 12b. Where it is possible to display
actual sectioned parts instead of
photographs, this has proved even better.
As in any other nondestructive test, liquid
penetrant test standards must be
corroborated by destroying the part and
confirming the existence of the
discontinuity. The time and money spent
in selecting, photographing and
sectioning typical parts is a good
investment in quality control.

Indications of
Miscellaneous Parts
Many test laboratories handling a wide
variety of work do not have the advantage
of inspecting large quantities of any one
item. Most of these commercial
laboratories are performing tests to
government specifications and
consequently, the liquid penetrant
inspectors are trained and tested. There is
no substitute for experience, which is
gained only by seeing which
discontinuities caused which indications.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 141

PART 5. Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant
Indications of Cracks

made possible the successful repair of

Cracks Occurring on many fusion welds because discontinuities
are located immediately and accurately
Solidification and small cracks can be ground out and
Cracks may occur in castings during the the area rewelded. Cracks in the parent
solidification and cooling of the metal, metal adjacent to the weld are nearly
because of contraction. Indications of always cause for rejection. Welds may give
cracks are considered a basis for rejection straight line indications that look like
in almost all cases. Cracks not only reduce cracks but which are actually caused by
the strength of a part but they also may lack of penetration or lack of fusion.
propagate, especially under alternating or Whether or not this is a harmful
fatigue loads and they afford entrance for discontinuity depends on the design and
corrosive media. Shrinkage cracks in the service expected of the part.
castings are usually found in areas where
there is an abrupt change in the thickness Cracks in Brazed Bonds
of metal. They are caused by internal
stresses that develop because of the Brazed assemblies, like welds, may have
unequal cooling of the area between the cracks or lack of adhesion. Cracks are
heavy metal and the thin wall. Vibration rejectable, mainly because of their
and external stress would cause these tendency to spread. A certain amount of
cracks to become more extensive, lack of adhesion is tolerated in brazed
resulting in failure of the part. joints; only in very critical assemblies
Cold shuts are often confused with would 100 percent braze be required. The
cracks but the indications from cold shuts inspector must observe liquid penetrant
are usually narrow lines of smooth, indications closely to differentiate
curving outline. between the straight line from lack of
adhesion and the uneven meandering of a
Cracks in Fusion Welds Fluorescent liquid penetrant
Fusion welds may have cracks in the weld indications on tipped cutting tools are
metal like that shown in Fig. 13. Crater shown in Fig. 14. These indications show
cracks may produce rounded indications a lack of bond between the shank and the
because so much liquid penetrant is hard metal insert. Lack of bond in this
retained. These cracks are usually area would shorten the life of the tools
rejectable. Liquid penetrant testing has because there would not be sufficient
support for the tip. The broad, smudgy
indication in the illustration results from
FIGURE 13. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indication of crack in
stainless steel weldment.
FIGURE 14. Lack of bond on tools tipped with hard metal.

142 Liquid Penetrant Testing

the large amount of liquid penetrant
trapped in the void between the two FIGURE 15. Carbide-tipped tools:
pieces of metal. (a) photographed with white light;
(b) fluorescent indications of grinding cracks.

Cracks Occurring during
Processing of Metals
Hot and cold working of metals and alloys
can induce cracking. Hot short
materials can crack when hot working
stresses exceed loads that can be
supported at grain boundaries. Cold
working to excess leads to cracking as well
as work hardening. Heating and cooling
(as when hardening by quenching parts in
water after removal from hot furnaces)
can lead to thermal stress and quench

Forging Cracks
Forgings may have indications of cracks,
often at the juncture of light and heavy
sections or in thin fins. As in castings,
cracks are regarded as rejectable.
Indications similar to those from cracks
are produced by forging laps, discussed
elsewhere in this chapter.

Cracks in Sheets or Tubing
Formed parts such as sheet or tubing or
castings that have been straightened may
crack at the point of maximum stress.
Such cracks may be very small; there are
usually several in close proximity and
they are generally considered rejectable

Heat Treatment Cracks

Heat treatment cracks should be looked
for at the meeting of light and heavy
sections. They are nearly always deemed
detrimental and therefore a cause for

Machining Marks
Machining practice may produce cracklike
indications from dull tools, chatter marks
and similar tool marks. Such indications
are ordinarily not intense and are not
considered sufficient cause for rejection.

Grinding Cracks
Grinding cracks are minute, often Fig. 15a were taken under normal light;
invisible to the unaided eye and are cause the photographs in Fig. 15b show the
for rejection. The type of precision part same tools, processed with water washable
that must have a ground surface cannot liquid penetrant, under ultraviolet
tolerate any surface cracks, however small. radiation. These cracks would soon
While grinding cracks are extremely fine progress to failure if the tools were used.
and may be shallow, they usually occur in Notice that the indications are bright and
a definite network that is easily identified. well defined because the cracks are deep
Extensive grinding cracks are shown in and rather tight lipped.
the two carbide tipped cutting tools
illustrated in Fig. 15. The photographs in

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 143

indication on a cobalt base superalloy
Cracks Occurring during turbine blade. The original indication had
been removed with a pencil grinder in the
Service hope that it would be a shallow surface
Cracks can develop in service as a discontinuity. When developer was
consequence of fatigue under repeated reapplied, the indication again appeared,
loading, thermal cycling, heat checking or showing that all the crack had not been
stress corrosion. ground out. Figure 16b shows a cross
section through that crack and Fig. 16c
illustrates the path of the crack (about
Fatigue Cracks in Turbine Blades 100 magnification). A fatigue crack is a
One very serious type of crack occurs rejectable discontinuity.
during service as the result of fatigue or Two of the rotor buckets shown in
intermittent loading. Fatigue cracks often Fig. 17 have fatigue cracks that would
start at a stress raiser such as a sharp tool grow in size if the rotor were left in
mark, a nonmetallic inclusion or a service. The Christmas tree dovetails where
scratch. However, even in carefully the blades are fitted into the wheel are
prepared parts such as turbine blades, sharply visible because liquid penetrant
interrupted loading produces fatigue. has lodged in space between the dovetails
Figure 16a shows a faint liquid penetrant and the wheel. This latter indication is
normal in such a part, because the blades
and wheel, although a press fit, are not
FIGURE 16. Crack in superalloy turbine intended to be bonded to each other.
blade: (a) visible dye liquid penetrant
indication; (b) cross section through Fatigue Cracks in Aluminum
indication; (c) photomicrograph of crack. Pistons
The aluminum piston in Fig. 18 clearly
shows the difference between tight and
broad cracks. The crack between the fins
in the top of the piston is broad; the
liquid penetrant has bled out of this
crack. This is a condition that usually
occurs in wide, deep discontinuities. In
contrast, the cracks at the base of each
boss are much finer, indicating a crack of
smaller dimensions.

Fatigue Cracks in Light Alloy

Six of the eight spokes in the magnesium
wheel in Fig. 19 have fatigue cracks, four
of them almost to the web. Notice also
the start of cracks in the spokes near the
rim. There are also several generally
fluorescent areas indicating some porosity
but because no cracks seem to have grown

FIGURE 17. Fatigue cracks in assembled rotor buckets.


144 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT05 (125-160) 8/13/99 12:43 PM Page 145

from these areas, this porosity is probably cause for rejection unless they can be
harmless. lapped out within the acceptable
dimensional tolerance.
Cracks in Valve Heads
Some valves are faced with special alloys Stress Corrosion Cracks
to increase their resistance to heat and Another crack that is caused by operating
wear. Because this facing is nonmagnetic, conditions is stress corrosion cracking.
cracks can be detected only by liquid Deep drawn parts used to contain
penetrant testing (Fig. 20). Such cracks are chemicals and items for maritime service
are especially likely to crack from stress
corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking does
not necessarily start from an edge or stress
FIGURE 18. Fatigue cracks in aluminum piston head.
raiser. Indications of these cracks often
appear in a pattern at the area of
maximum stress and are easily identified.
Stress corrosion cracks are considered
cause for rejection.

Heat Checks
The third type of crack that may show up
on maintenance overhaul is the heat
check, occurring when surfaces are
overheated. Like grinding cracks (which
are initiated in the same way by local
overheating), heat checks are usually quite
shallow but occur in definite, recognizable
network. These indications may or may
not, be cause for rejection, depending on
the use of the part.

FIGURE 20. Comparison of cracks in diesel valves: (a) water

washable liquid penetrant indications; (b) postemulsification
liquid penetrant indications.


FIGURE 19. Fatigue cracks in magnesium wheel.


Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 145

Cracks in Plastics and Glass
Liquid penetrant testing can be used on
any nonporous material. It should not be
used on materials that might be adversely
affected by the liquid penetrant. Some
plastics are attacked by certain oil base
liquid penetrants but many plastics are
not affected. A water base liquid penetrant
should be used where it is found that the
usual oil base liquid penetrants react with
the plastic. Before inspecting plastics with
liquid penetrant techniques, it is wise to
try out the reaction of the test materials
on material similar to that of which the
part is made. Fatigue cracks may be found
in plastics as well as in metals. Liquid
penetrant testing can also be used on
glass, because it is nonporous. Electrified
particle testing in preferred for inspection
of glass and glazed ceramics; however,
liquid penetrants are more suitable for
determining leaks and lack of bond
between glass and metal.

146 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 6. Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant
Indications of Laminar Discontinuities

Cold Shut or Fold Forging Laps

As mentioned in the discussion of cracks, Forging laps, like cracks, produce linear
cold shuts or folds give liquid penetrant liquid penetrant indications and are
indications that are definitely lines, considered equally detrimental. It is
usually curving in a smooth outline. In especially hard to estimate the
highly stressed castings, a cold shut is a significance of a lap from the liquid
rejectable discontinuity because, like a penetrant indication because (1) forging
crack, it lessens the strength of the part tends partially to seal the lap on the
and is a point of high stress surface and (2) embedded scale and/or die
concentration. If the surface is to be lubricant may partially fill a lap. In either
machined and the cold shut can be of these cases, the resultant indication
removed, it may be accepted on condition would not denote the true degree of
that an additional liquid penetrant testing severity of the discontinuity. Forging laps
be performed after machining. are serious discontinuities and are cause
for rejection unless it is definitely known
Die Castings that they will be removed during
subsequent machining. Figure 21 shows
In die castings, however, slight cold shuts such laps in an aluminum forging. It is
or skin folds, less than 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) doubtful that the machining operation
in depth, are common. Because die would remove these laps, so the part
castings are seldom used for applications would probably be rejected. The
requiring very high strength, faint brightness of the indication and the
indications of cold shuts or skin folds are bleeding out of liquid penetrant show
not causes for rejection. The usual practice that these laps have considerable depth
is to remove some of the worst looking because they harbor so much liquid
discontinuities and estimate how deep penetrant.
they were, then make the decision of
acceptance or rejection.

FIGURE 21. Forging laps in aluminum forging. Seams in bar stock, laminations in sheet
or plate and seam conditions in forgings
give liquid penetrant indications similar
to those from extrusion discontinuities.
Seams are often extremely narrow, having
been compressed and elongated in
manufacture. Indication lines are usually
quite straight, easy to recognize and in
the longitudinal direction. They may be
only short lines when examined
transverse to the direction of rolling.
Seams are usually bases for rejection
(Fig. 22).

FIGURE 22. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indications of

prominent seam in bar stock.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 147

FIGURE 23. Liquid penetrant indications of discontinuities in
extruded, milled, aircraft wing spar.

Extrusion Discontinuities
Depending on the orientation of the
surface being examined, an extrusion
discontinuity may cause continuous or
dotted liquid penetrant indications. A
typical extrusion discontinuity is an internal
unsound area, longitudinally squeezed
during extrusion and sometimes
breaching the surface (Fig. 23). If the
extrusion is sectioned and a longitudinal
surface examined, the extrusion
discontinuity will show up as a line, like a
crack. If a cross section is inspected, liquid
penetrant indications will appear as short
lines or dots. An extrusion discontinuity
is usually considered a basis for rejection
in aircraft applications but may be
acceptable for other service where only
longitudinal strength is required.

148 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 7. Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant
Indications of Porosity and Leaks

Gas Holes FIGURE 25. Leak testing of welded seam with fluorescent
liquid penetrant: (a) spray application of liquid penetrant to
Liquid penetrant indications of gas holes interior wall at weld seam; (b) spray application of developer
are round blobs of rich color or to exterior wall at weld seam; (c) leak indications in welded
fluorescence. Large gas holes are bases for seam shown by fluorescence.
rejection, not only because they reduce
strength but also because they produce a (a)
rough surface. Small gas holes may not be
rejectable discontinuities, because they do
not have the serious effect on strength
that a crack or a lap does. If pressure
tightness or smooth surface is required,
then even tiny pinholes are considered a
basis for rejection. Figure 24 shows
fluorescent liquid penetrant indications of
extreme porosity in a casting.

Shrinkage Cavities
Porosity resulting from shrinkage cavities
may produce rounded liquid penetrant
indications or may give the appearance of
MOVIE. cracks. Usually, shrinkage cavities have a
Porosity in dendritic pattern that helps the inspector
casting. identify them. For high stress
applications, shrinkage cavities are (b)
rejectable discontinuities. These are cases
where the amount of shrinkage and its
location on the part do not detrimentally
affect service; in such cases the part is

FIGURE 24. Fluorescent liquid penetrant reveals extreme

porosity in casting.


Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 149

Some materials, especially magnesium
castings, have shrinkage cavities so fine
that they are almost invisible. These
openings are so tiny that instead of
getting a speckled condition with a
number of small spots, the liquid
penetrant indication is more likely to be a
generally diffused condition. To confirm
the actual presence of microshrinkage, it
is best to clean and reprocess the part.
Microshrinkage is not always a rejectable
discontinuity; rejection depends on size
and severity of microshrinkage, its
location and the end use of the part.

Porosity in Ceramics
Liquid penetrant testing is a good way to
locate porosity in ceramics. The
appearance and interpretation of
indications are the same as in metals,
with the one extra caution that special
attention must be paid to cleaning
because most ceramics are somewhat

Leak Testing of Welded

Liquid penetrants are often effective
tracers for detecting leaks that would
allow gases or liquids to pass through the
walls of welded containers such as pipes,
cans, boxes or other containment systems.
Figure 25 shows typical procedures and
indications produced by fluorescent liquid
penetrants on a corner welded sheet metal
box. Liquid penetrant is applied to seams
or other suspect areas on the outside (or
inside) surface of the containment. After
allowing dwell time sufficient to permit
liquid penetrant to seep through leaks,
examination for liquid penetrant
indications is carried out on the opposite
surface of the containment wall (with or
without developers, as appropriate). Either
visible dye or fluorescent liquid
penetrants can be used as leak tracers, as
convenient for visual examination.

150 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 8. Nonrelevant and False Liquid Penetrant

improper removal of excess surface liquid

MOVIE. Common Causes of penetrant must be cleaned and
Process control
can mask
Nonrelevant Liquid Lack of cleanliness in the inspection
discontinuities. Penetrant and False area is often a cause of false indications.
Except for the liquid penetrant containers,
Indications an inspection area should be free of all
Nonrelevant indications may be due to liquid penetrant. Liquid penetrant on
misapplied or improper testing procedures roller assemblies, dryer shelves or
or to actual discontinuities that do not inspection tables should be cleaned up
affect the usability of a part. False before parts are processed. Otherwise this
indications, a subcategory of nonrelevant liquid penetrant can be absorbed by the
indications, are best defined as indications developer and cause nonrelevant
MOVIE. that distract from the quality of the indications.
False inspection but do not indicate a Proper handling of parts during all
indications. discontinuity in a part. False indications phases of the liquid penetrant process is
are due to several causes but the primary important. Rubber gloves should be
cause is usually a deficiency in process cleaned between processing steps. Small
control. parts processed together should be
handled in a manner to prevent their
Poor Process Control rubbing against each other. Towels or rags
that are not lint free will leave lint on a
Regardless of the liquid penetrant part that will fluoresce under near
technique used, the level of sensitivity ultraviolet radiation and give the
can be adversely affected by poor process appearance of a crack. False indications
control, such as improper application of due to improper handling of parts can be
liquid penetrant, improper removal of easily prevented.
liquid penetrant, lack of cleanliness in the
inspection area and poor handling of
parts being processed. Any of these can Part Geometry and Surface
cause false indications that will interfere Condition MOVIE.
with or cause a distraction during the The geometry of a part or assembly can Nonrelevant
visual detection and interpretation of cause nonrelevant indications. The indication from
indications. indication of an interface between a part geometry.
Improper application of liquid turbine blade and a disk can not only
penetrant can cause pooling of the liquid produce a nonrelevant indication but also
penetrant. This produces an uneven mask possible small indications if the
coating of liquid penetrant on the surface bleedout from the interface is excessive.
of a part and, on certain types of Figure 17 shows an example of assembled
materials, results in areas of high rotor buckets being liquid penetrant
background bleedout. inspected. Note the liquid penetrant
Improper removal of liquid penetrant indications of the Christmas tree junctions
can cause either an overremoval or of the rotor (disk) and turbine blades. One
underremoval of excess surface liquid aid to the inspector is that the regular
penetrant. Overremoval is indicated by a pattern of the indications make them easy
complete lack of background or to identify. However, in many cases
indications; a slight background is inspection procedures will require that an
normal. Overremoval will not result in a assembly be completely disassembled
MOVIE. false indication but increases the chances before inspection.
Nonrelevant of removing a valid discontinuity Press fittings, like the example of
indications can indication. However, underremoval of turbine blades and disks above, are a
mask relevant excess liquid penetrant can cause a high source of nonrelevant indications caused
ones. background intensity and decrease the by part geometry. It is sometimes
contrast needed to reveal small impossible to completely disassemble a
indications. Another problem with part that must be inspected. The bleedout
underremoval is that the remaining liquid of the liquid penetrant around press
penetrant background may mask a fittings can be considerable and can mask
relevant discontinuity indication. In relevant indications. In these situations
either case, a part that has been subject to

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 151

inspectors must monitor the part very
closely during the developer dwell time to
properly evaluate the indications as they
are forming.
Another cause of false and nonrelevant
indications is a rough part surface. Welds
are very difficult to inspect, especially
with solvent removable method, because
of rough weld bead surfaces and weld
spatter. The major concern on a weld
bead is masking of relevant indications.
As-cast and as-forged surfaces may also
lead to nonrelevant indications due to
surface roughness or other irregularities.
Machined parts may have machining
grooves or marks or may have scratches
due to rough handling.

Evaluation of Nonrelevant
One technique that an inspector can use
to help identify a nonrelevant indication
is wiping off the indication with a solvent
dampened lint free swab or cloth and
reapplying the developer. The original
developer dwell time must be repeated;
however, the inspector should monitor
the bleedout to help evaluate the
indication. If there is no bleedout, the
original indication can be considered
nonrelevant or false. This technique may
also reveal multiple relevant indications
that had previously merged into one or
had been hidden by excessive bleedout
from an adjacent nonrelevant indication
during the developer dwell.

152 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 9. Recognition Training of Liquid
Penetrant Inspectors

penetrant and therefore will appear as fine

Sample Anomalous Parts lines.
Although many factors influence the
The most effective means for training exact size and shape of indications from
liquid penetrant inspectors to recognize liquid penetrant testing, most typical
and identify discontinuities is frequent discontinuities are easy to recognize. A
reference to a collection of parts with line of liquid penetrant signifies a crack,
typical discontinuities. Parts that have lap, cold shut, seam or other long
been rejected because of discontinuities discontinuity. A spot or blob denotes a
should be clearly marked or partially hole, large or small.
damaged so that they will not be By photographing typical indications
confused with acceptable parts. and pairing them with sectioned parts
The parts with known discontinuities showing the discontinuities causing those
could be processed with regular indications, standards for acceptance or
production parts. This would serve two rejection can be established in terms of
purposes: the inspector in training could the photographic appearance of liquid
be judged for discontinuity recognition penetrant indications.
and at the same time, the inspector could
be familiarizing himself with the type of
discontinuity indication considered to be
cause for rejection. However, with
continued processing, the known
discontinuities will clog with liquid
penetrant and developer residues. Special
cleaning of these parts with clogged
discontinuities will be necessary to
continue their use in recognition training.
Visible liquid penetrants tend to kill
the fluorescent qualities in fluorescent
liquid penetrants. After a part has been
inspected by using visible liquid
penetrant, it is not desirable to attempt to
reprocess with fluorescent liquid
penetrant. The results will not be reliable.
In all cases, parts should be cleaned
thoroughly and degreased before

Evaluating Indications to
Determine Causes of
It is possible to examine an indication of
a discontinuity and to determine its cause
as well as its extent. Such an appraisal can
be made if something is known about the
manufacturing processes to which the
part has been subjected. The extent of the
indication or accumulation of liquid
penetrant, will show the extent of
discontinuity and the breadth and
brilliance will be a measure of its depth.
Deep cracks will hold more liquid
penetrant and therefore will be broader
and more brilliant. Very fine openings can
hold only small amounts of liquid

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 153

PART 10. Specifications and Guides for
Evaluation of Liquid Penetrant Indications

expert in evaluation of indications may

Specifications and have to be called on for a judgment.
References Applicable to
Liquid Penetrant Establishing Criteria for
Interpretation Acceptance or Rejection in
Some industries have prepared standards
for evaluation and acceptance/rejection of Liquid Penetrant Testing
hardware on the basis of liquid penetrant To establish acceptance/rejection criteria,
indications. These can be anything from it may be necessary to conduct an
quite general to very detailed. Liquid extensive correlation study between
penetrant users may find some of these nondestructive test indications and
helpful or may prefer to prepare their destructive test results. This is the
own. If liquid penetrant inspectors are ultimate procedure but even it may leave
working under a contract, it is mandatory some doubt because discontinuities or
that they determine and conform to the indications do not always occur in exactly
specifications to which the contracting the same place, with the same frequency
agency intends to hold them. or to the same extent.
Commonly, a general statement may It should be obvious that a number of
be encountered, such as The inspection factors enter into the final judgment of
department shall pass only those parts acceptability of test parts during liquid
that are free of liquid penetrant penetrant testing, including: (1) the metal
indications. Parts showing liquid or metal alloy involved; (2) if a
penetrant indications should be referred nonmetallic surface, the composition of
to the metallurgy or design departments the nonmetal; (3) locations of the liquid
for disposition. The metallurgy or design penetrant indications, for example, in
department shall decide which parts shall critical radii, on edges that will be ground
be accepted, reworked or rejected. off, in parts designed for high strength
ASTM E 433, Standard Reference applications or in thick sections that may
Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspection, allow for removal without sacrifice of
contains reference photographs to be used function; (4) whether or not the surface or
as a means of establishing and classifying surfaces are repairable by welding or other
types and characteristics of surface means; and (5) the cost of the part. It may
discontinuities detectable by liquid be that the cost of a new part is so low
penetrant testing.5 They may be used as a that the expense of repair or rework of an
reference for acceptance standards, anomalous part is not warranted.
specifications and drawings. However, no Conversely, of course, one would not
attempt has been made to establish limits want to discard an expensive piece of
of acceptability or the extent of the hardware that could be reworked at a
metallurgical discontinuity. considerable saving over the cost of a new
Blueprint Notations Controlling In summary, it can be seen that liquid
penetrant evaluation is dependent on
Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant several factors that are not easily
Indications standardized. Further work in detecting,
Ideally, the manufacturers drawing or defining, describing and evaluating
print for the test part or surface under indications could be very helpful to the
examination will specify the science of liquid penetrant testing.
nondestructive test method or methods
required for acceptance. Moreover, it will
either specify the acceptance or rejection
criteria or refer the inspector to
supplemental documents such as
acceptance/rejection specifications. If
critical parts are involved (such as nuclear
hardware or jet engine components), an

154 Liquid Penetrant Testing

2. Any indication discernible as a crack
Examples of Interpretation when observed with 10
magnification shall be rejectable.
Guides Based on 3. Nonpropagating imperfections are
Appearance of Liquid acceptable and do not require removal
if the dimensional and smoothness
Penetrant Indications requirements established on the
In some cases, specifications provide a engineering drawing can be met.
guide to parts evaluation based primarily
Table 5 lists one companys acceptance
on the size, shape or location of liquid
and rejection criteria for commonly used
penetrant indications. For such purposes,
aerospace materials and conditions.
a linear liquid penetrant indication is
Questionable conditions are required to
defined as having a length greater than
be referred to quality control engineering
three times the width. Rounded liquid
for resolution. Rejected parts shall be
penetrant indications are those
disposed of in accordance with the
indications that are circular or elliptical
applicable procedures.
with the length less than three times the
width. In some code applications,
unacceptable discontinuities are then
defined in terms such as (1) any crack or Acceptance/Rejection
linear indication; (2) rounded indications
greater than 5 mm (or 0.2 in.) in Criteria for Liquid
dimension; (3) four or more rounded Penetrant Testing of Cast
indications in a line separated by 1.5 mm
(or 0.06 in.) or less, edge to edge; and
Turbine Blades
(4) ten or more rounded indications in An example of how one manufacturer
any 37.5 cm2 (6.0 in.2) of surface with the handles the liquid penetrant test
major dimension of this area not to requirements for gas turbine engine
exceed 150 mm (6.0 in.). The area must turbine blades and vanes is to issue a
be taken in the most unfavorable location specification that covers the
relative to the indications being acceptance/rejection criteria for visual,
evaluated. radiographic and liquid penetrant
indications. The specification indicates
that drawings shall designate zones on the
casting identified by letters A, B, C etc.
Representative Aerospace Each of these letters (or grades) as defined
Manufacturers Liquid in this specification establishes different
degrees of allowable discontinuities for
Penetrant Test visual, fluorescent liquid penetrant and
Interpretation Guide radiographic testing. The zones for each
casting are established by the
A typical aerospace manufacturers process
manufacturers materials engineering and
specification requires that visual
stress analysis group.
inspection areas shall be illuminated with
The specification emphasizes the
essentially white light. The intensity of
importance of carefully controlled liquid
white light at the visual test level shall be
penetrant testing and the necessity to
equivalent to at least 750 lx (70 ftc).
record on the technique card or other
Fluorescent liquid penetrant testing shall
applicable document the exact techniques
be conducted in a suitable darkened area
used to process the parts. In a number of
(with an ultraviolet radiation intensity of
specifications, porosity bleedout diameters
at least 10 Wm2 (1000 Wcm2) and
are specified as accept/reject criteria.
background illumination preferably not
These maximum acceptable size limits for
exceeding 20 lx (2.0 ftc). The following
liquid penetrant indications apply to the
lists the criteria for parts acceptance or
bleedout indication, viewed immediately
rejection in accordance with the aerospace
after wiping the indication only one time
companys quality requirements.
with a swab or cloth dampened with a
1. Propagating discontinuities, regardless suitable solvent. The recurrence of the
of location, are cause for rejection fluorescent liquid penetrant indication
unless completely removed within after once wiping clean is referred to as
drawing tolerances. Propagating bleedback.
discontinuities are those Positive surface discontinuities (excess
discontinuities that, because of their metal), such as mold ridge, fins, bumps
nature or geometry, may enlarge in etc., generally are not considered
any way during service life. Included potential stress raisers when not
are linear porosity, laps, seams and associated with severe undercutting at
cracks. their bases. These discontinuities are
permissible on turbine blade and vane
castings provided they can be removed

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 155

3PT05 (125-160) 8/13/99 12:43 PM Page 156

TABLE 5. Typical aerospace manufacturers liquid penetrant testing acceptance and rejection criteria.
Material and Stainless Iron Temperature
Discontinuity Aluminum Copper Magnesium Nickel Steel Alloy Titanium Alloy

Bar Stock
cracks N N N N N N N N
seams N N N N N N N N
cold shuts Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
cracks N N N N N N N N
porosity A A Q A A A A A
sand blisters A A A A A A A A
shrinkage Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
blisters N N N N N N N N
broken surface N N N N N N
deep scratches Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
die drag Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
die weld cracks N N N
cracks N N N N N N N N
inclusions Q Q N Q Q Q N Q
metal pick up A A A A A A A A
pitting A Q N Q Q A N Q
cracks N N N N N N N N
inclusions Q Q N Q Q Q N Q
laps N N N N N N N N
Formed Part
cracks N N N N N N N N
inclusions Q Q N Q Q Q N Q
metal pick up A A A A A A A A
orange peel Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Heat Treated
cracks N N N N N N N N
scale A A A
Machined parts
cracks N N N N N N N N
grinding cracks N N N N N N N N
tool marks Q Q N Q Q Q N Q
cracks N N N N N N N N
inclusions Q N N Q Q Q N Q
laminations N N N N N N N N
pitting A Q N Q Q A N Q
scratches A A N A A A N A
cracks N N N N N N N N
inclusions Q Q N Q Q Q N Q
laminations N N N N N N N N
pitting A Q N Q Q A N Q
scratches A A N A A A N A
A = Acceptable.
N = Not acceptable.
Q = Questionable.

156 Liquid Penetrant Testing

TABLE 6. Example of acceptance standards for nondestructive testing of cast turbine blades and vanes.
Grade Visual Testing Liquid Penetrant Testing Radiographic Testing

Grade A No defects allowed No bleedback allowed No defects allowed

Grade B Negative flaw of diameter Bleedback of diameter Diameter 0.4 mm (0.016 in.)
0.4 mm (0.016 in.) and 0.4 mm (0.016 in.) Any number allowed if clearly
estimated depth 0.2 mm Any number allowed if clearly separated a distance 3 mm
(0.008 in.) or 20 percent of separated a distance 3 mm (0.12 in.) apart, and each
local drawing minimum (0.12 in.) apart does not exceed 20 percent
thickness, whichever is less of the local drawing specified
Any number allowed if clearly thickness
spaced 3 mm (0.12 in.)
Grade C Allows same flaws as Grade B, Bleedback 0.4 mm (0.016 in.) Allows same indications as in
plus four negative flaws per diameter Grade B, plus 0.4 to 0.8 mm
side of 0.4 to 0.8 mm (0.016 Allows any number, plus four (0.016 to 0.032 in.) diameter
to 0.032 in.) diameter and 0.4 to 0.8 mm (0.016 to limited to four places per area
estimated depth 0.2 mm 0.032 in.) diameter designated, if clearly
(0.008 in.) or 20 percent of indications per side if all separated a distance 3 mm
local drawing minimum indications clearly separated a (0.12 in.), none exceeding
thickness, whichever is less, if distance 3 mm (0.12 in.) 20 percent of local drawing
clearly separated a distance specified thickness
3 mm (0.12 in.) apart
Grade D This grade is usually assigned to Bleedback allowed same as in Same as Grade C
blade root serrations and grade C except that there
allows essentially same flaws as shall be no 0.4 to 0.8 mm
under Grade C except that (0.016 to 0.032 in.)
there shall be no 0.4 to indications in serration root
0.8 mm (0.016 to 0.032 in.) radii; not more than two 0.4
indications in serration root to 0.8 mm (0.008 to
radii; not more than two 0.2 0.032 in.) indications per
to 0.8 mm (0.008 to 0.032 in.) serration; and not more than
indications per serration; and four 0.4 to 0.8 mm (0.008 to
not more than four 0.2 to 0.032 in.) indications in all
0.8 mm (0.008 to 0.032 in.) serrations on each side of
indications in all serrations on blade
each side of blade

Grade E Allows same flaws as Grade B, Allows same bleedback as in Allows same indications as in
plus four negative flaws per Grade B, plus four bleedback Grade B, plus diameter 0.4
side of 0.4 to 1.5 mm (0.016 indications per side of 0.4 to to 1.5 mm (0.016 to 0.06 in.)
to 0.06 in.) diameter and an 1.5 mm (0.016 to 0.06 in.) limited to four places per area
estimated depth 0.5 mm diameter if clearly separated a designated if clearly separated
(0.02 in.) or 25 percent of the minimum of 6 mm (0.24 in.) a distance 3 mm (0.12 in.)
local drawing thickness, apart apart and each does not
whichever is least, if clearly Allows indications 0.8 mm exceed 20 percent of the
separated a distance 6 mm (0.032 in.) diameter if spaced local drawing specified
(0.24 in.) apart 3 mm (0.12 in.) apart thickness
Negative flaws of diameter Allows indications of diameter
0.8 mm (0.032 in.) allowed 0.8 mm (0.032 in.) if
if spaced 3 mm (0.12 in.) spaced 3 mm (0.12 in.)

Stock surfaces, Negative defects allowed to For any grade, bleedback Unlimited flaws allowed to
all grades depth of machining stock allowed to depth of depth of machining stock
Negative flaws of 0.1 mm machining stock Negative flaws of 0.1 mm
(0.004 in.) diameter shall be Negative flaws of 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) diameter shall be
considered not interpretable (0.004 in.) diameter shall be considered not interpretable
and shall be acceptable considered not interpretable and shall be acceptable
regardless of location if clearly and shall be acceptable regardless of location if clearly
separated by 2.5 mm regardless of location if clearly separated by 2.5 mm
(0.1 in.) separated by 2.5 mm (0.1 in.)
Cracks, folds, cold shuts, or (0.1 in.) Cracks, folds, cold shuts, or
linear flaws (width 1/3 its Cracks, folds, cold shuts or linear flaws (width 1/3 its
length) are not allowed linear flaws (width 1/3 its length) are not allowed
length) are not allowed

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 157

without exceeding the minimum
FIGURE 26. Example of working standard dimensions on the drawings and are
and interpretation guide for shop personnel removed by approved techniques of
inspecting 356-T6 aluminum fan casting for grinding and polishing.
porosity bleedout diameter: (a) indications Negative discontinuities may be either
in fan blade fillet area (cause for rejection propagating (cracks, cold shuts, folds) or
because area is highly stressed so indications nonpropagating (oxide pits, small gas
propagate through part thickness); holes, shallow smooth bottomed
(b) indications in rim of fan, which has depressions). Propagating discontinuities
heavy wall thickness and is subject to lower are not acceptable regardless of location.
stress levels. Probing indicates depths of Negative discontinuities of the
about 0.3 mm (0.01 in.). Experience has nonpropagating type are acceptable to the
indicated that these have never extended limits set forth in Table 6. Any of the
through fan rim and therefore will not be above listed discontinuities that occur in
detrimental to use of fan. areas with stock to be removed in later
(a) operations shall not be immediate cause
for rejection. Such discontinuities may be
removed within the stock allowance limits
to ascertain that the requirements of this
companys standards are met. Figure 26
shows examples of working standards and
interpretation guides provided for shop
personnel for the case of a 356 aluminum
fan casting.


158 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. Polushkin, E.P. Defects and Failures of

Metals: Their Origin and Elimination.
New York, NY: Elsevier Publishing
Company (1956).
2. Barer, R.D. and B.F. Peters. Why Metals
Fail. New York, NY: Gordon and
Breach Science Publishers (1970).
3. Colangelo, V.J. and F.A. Heiser.
Analysis of Metallurgical Failure, second
edition. New York, NY: John Wiley &
Sons (1987).
4. ASTM E 1417, Standard Practice for
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1995).
5. ASTM E 433-71, Standard Reference
Photographs for Liquid Penetrant
Inspection. West Conshohocken, PA:
American Society for Testing and
Materials (1993).

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications 159


Surface Preparation and


Michael L. White, Met-L-Chek, Santa Monica,

Jeffrey F. Cook, JFC NDE Engineering, Idaho Falls,
Robert J. Lord, Boeing Company, St. Louis, Missouri
PART 1. Effects of Test Object Surface
Contamination or Irregularities

Other than removing loose dirt with After surface preparation and cleaning,
nonabrasive techniques and cleaning with any residues of cleaning agents, including
a simple solvent wipe, a nondestructive water, must be removed. The part and
testing inspector is unqualified to perform discontinuity surfaces must be not only
most cleaning operations. However, clean but also dry.
the inspector needs to know (1) what
contaminants and surface conditions
adversely affect the liquid penetrant test,
(2) the cleaning techniques or other Surface Conditions
processes required to eliminate the Interfering with Liquid
adverse conditions and (3) the
consequences of using those techniques Penetrant Testing
and processes. Knowledge of these Test material surface conditions that may
conditions and techniques enables the interfere with the application of liquid
inspector to request the proper operations penetrants or their entry into surface
and be assured that the surface is properly connected discontinuities may be
prepared for liquid penetrant testing. classified into two groups:
The mesh numbers used in this chapter (1) contaminants on the surface or within
to express the coarseness of grit used in discontinuities that prevent surface
mechanical processing correspond to wetting and capillary flow of the liquid
particle diameters, as explained in this penetrants; (2) contaminants or surface
volumes discussion of measurement conditions that physically block the
units. entrances to discontinuities so that liquid
penetrants cannot enter.
Similarly, surface conditions or
contaminants that trap liquid penetrant
Test Object Preparation for or tracer liquids to produce false
Liquid Penetrant Testing indications or inhibit or prevent
extraction of liquid penetrant retained in
The first step of the liquid penetrant test leaks or discontinuities during
process is the preparation and cleaning of development, can be classified into two
the test surface and any surface connected groups: (1) porous, adherent coatings or
discontinuities. Surface preparation aids contaminants providing interstices that
wetting and flow of the liquid penetrant. retain liquid penetrants on test object
Surface conditions, e.g., soil surfaces or impede their entry into
contamination or surface irregularities, underlying discontinuities or leaks; and
can reduce the effectiveness of the test (2) coatings on interior surfaces of
process by interfering with (1) wetting of discontinuities or leaks that have high
the test surface by the liquid penetrant, surface energies and resist extraction of
(2) entry of the liquid penetrant into the liquid penetrant from the
discontinuities and (3) subsequent discontinuities into the developer coating.
bleedout of liquid penetrant to form
discontinuity indications.
Such interfering surface conditions
must be eliminated by surface preparation Types of Surface
before application of liquid penetrant.
The surface preparation technique Contamination Found on
selected must effectively remove the Test Objects
potential sources of interference without Surface contamination and contamination
damaging the parts being processed. within leaks or surface connected
Reliable liquid penetrant testing cannot discontinuities can be of many types,
be expected unless the parts to be tested including (1) preservative, forming,
are free from contamination. Foreign machining or lubricating oils and other
material adhering to the surface or liquids containing organic constituents;
contained within the discontinuities or (2) carbon, varnish and other tightly held
leak passageways, as well as the surface soil; (3) scale, rust, oxides, corrosion
effects cited above, can produce erroneous products and weld metal and weld flux
test indications or prevent indications residues; (4) paint and organic protective
from forming. coatings; (5) water, hydrates or other

162 Liquid Penetrant Testing

residues left after evaporation of water; Effects of Contamination by Oils,
(6) strong acids, alkalis or other Grease, Organic Fluids or Residues
chemically active residues, including
halogens; (7) polishing, forming, drawing The performance of liquid penetrants can
or buffing lubricants; (8) residues from be affected by contamination of test
previous liquid penetrant testing or liquid surfaces and surfaces within
leak testing; and (9) surface treatments discontinuities by various processing
such as phosphate, chromate conversion substances. Typical examples of such
coatings, black oxide or temper colors. contaminants include preservative,
In some cases, sources of forming, drawing, cutting, machining or
contamination can be very subtle and lubricating oils; wax or crayon marks;
difficult to identify. For example, one dyes; greases; and ultrasonic test
aerospace manufacturer encountered couplants such as glycerine. Many
problems resulting from contamination analogous contaminants can result from
by the adhesive backing on sanding disks shop environments or industrial
that came off and adhered to weld pollution.
surfaces during mechanical cleaning. The Oily or greasy surfaces tend to impair
effects of each of these types of the action of liquid penetrants (1) by
contaminant will be discussed below. preventing formation of a continuous
Tables 1 and 2 summarize examples of layer of liquid penetrant over the surface
conditions interfering with penetrant area being tested or (2) by filling or
action and suggest treatments for removal blocking leaks and surface connected
or correction of interfering conditions. discontinuities so that the liquid
penetrant cannot enter and fill their
cavities. Contamination by addition of a

TABLE 1. Contaminants that are on the test object surface or contained in voids or discontinuities and that interfere
with liquid penetrant action during processing, with removal procedures or corrective treatments.

Types of Contaminants Interference Effects Removal Procedure or Treatment

1. Preservative, forming, Most oils fluoresce under ultraviolet radiation. 1. vapor degreasing
machining or lubricating This fluorescence can obscure 2. hot tank alkaline cleaning
oils fluorescent liquid penetrant indications or 3. steam cleaning
produce false indications.
4. solvent emulsion cleaning
Oily surfaces also tend to impair the action of the
liquid penetrant. 5. water emulsion cleaning
6. solvent washing
2. Carbon, varnish or other Surface soils tend to adsorb or absorb penetrant, 1. solvent type carbon removera
tightly held soil resulting in background color or fluorescence. 2. alkaline type removersa
These contaminants may also obstruct 3. wire brushing (caution)a,b
penetration into defects, impede wetting
4. vapor or sand blastinga,b
action or bridge discontinuities.

3. Scale, rust, oxides and Surface soils tend to adsorb or absorb penetrant, 1. alkaline or acid type removal procedures
corrosion resulting in background color or fluorescence. 2. wire brushingb
These contaminants may also obstruct 3. vapor or sand blastingb
penetration into defects, impede wetting 4. electrocleaning
action or bridge discontinuities.

4. Paint coatings Paint coatings impede wetting. 1. solvent type paint removers
Paint coatings may also obscure or bridge surface 2. alkaline type paint removers
discontinuity openings. 3. abrasive removal proceduresb
4. burning
5. Water Water impedes wetting and penetration. 1. air dry
2. force dry with dry air
3. oven dry at elevated temperature
6. Strong acids or alkalines Strong acids or alkalines impede wetting and 1. rinse with fresh water
penetration. 2. use neutralizing rinse, fresh water rinse and
These contaminants may also also may react with dry
penetrant to decompose or degrade dyes or
other constituents.

a. Agitation such as used in ultrasonic cleaning may be beneficial with this surface treatment.
b. Mechanical processes that peen or smear surface material may act to close openings into discontinuities so that liquid penetrant indications cannot form.
Such abrasive cleaning techniques are often prohibited or require a subsequent acid etching treatment to reopen the discontinuity to the part surface so that
penetrant can enter.

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 163

TABLE 2. Test object surface irregularities and conditions interfering with liquid penetrant action during processing, with
removal procedures or corrective treatments.

Types of Contaminants Interference Effects Removal Procedure or Treatment

1. Surface roughness reduces ease of rinsing; increases difficulty of 1. abrasive polishinga

hand wiping 2. electropolishing
2. Smeared metal resulting may cover flaws and prevent liquid penetration 1. acid etching
from forming operations 2. electropolishing
of surface abrasion
a. Mechanical processes that peen or smear surface material may act to close openings into discontinuities so that liquid penetrant indications cannot form. Such
abrasive cleaning techniques are often prohibited or require a subsequent acid etching treatment to reopen the discontinuity to the part surface so that
penetrant can enter.

second liquid to a liquid penetrant will Effects of Scale, Rust, Oxides,

modify the surface tension and change Corrosion Products and Weld
the wetting characteristics of the liquid
penetrant, typically with undesired
results. When a crack is coated with a Scale, rust, oxides and corrosion products
material that has a surface energy must also be removed from test surfaces
differing from that of the liquid before application of liquid penetrants.
penetrant, the penetrating action can be These surface layers tend to cover
changed. discontinuities so as to block entry of
Many oils can fluoresce under liquid penetrant. They may also cause
ultraviolet radiation. This fluorescence of confusing test indications by trapping and
oil may obscure a true liquid penetrant or holding liquid penetrant on the surface of
leak indication or result in a false the parts. The removal of scale, rust and
indication. Removal of all contamination oxides should be accomplished by
by oils or greasy fluids from the surfaces techniques that do not close entrances to
of the test object and any surface the discontinuities that may be present
connected discontinuities is essential and that will not impair the ultimate
before liquid penetrant testing. A check serviceability for which the part is
can be made with ultraviolet radiation to intended. In particular, it is desirable to
ensure proper removal of fluorescing oils. avoid techniques that will cover leak or
discontinuity openings by peening,
smearing or cold working the surfaces.
Effects of Contamination by Where the surface is suspected of having
Carbon, Engine Varnish or Tightly been adversely affected, a treatment to
Held Soil reopen the discontinuities is required
Tightly bonded contaminants such as before liquid penetrant testing (see
layers of carbon, engine varnish and other elsewhere for metal removal techniques).
soils are difficult to remove from test Care is also required to ensure that
surfaces. They can interfere seriously with residues left from cleaning processes are
liquid penetrant testing. They typically not retained to affect liquid penetrant
impede surface wetting by liquid processing or evaluation.
penetrant and may bridge over or obstruct
entry of liquid penetrant into Effects of Paint, Organic Coatings,
discontinuities. Such contaminant layers Carbon and Varnish
on the test part surface tend to absorb or
collect liquid on their surface; they may
also absorb or assimilate liquid into the Paint, varnish, organic coatings, enamels
interior of the contaminant layer. This or carbon contamination can completely
leads to background fluorescence or prevent detection of discontinuities by
visible dye staining of the surfaces of test liquid penetrant testing. Although some
objects, reducing indication contrast and conventional paints are readily removed
visibility. For these reasons such with standard procedures, recent advances
contaminants should be removed from in paint technology have resulted in
test parts before application of liquid finish systems with unique adherence and
penetrant. durability. Total removal of such adherent
coatings can be very difficult, even with
special products and processes developed
for this purpose. Even after removal of the
major part of such coatings, residues may
be left that obscure or bridge
discontinuities in the underlying metal or

164 Liquid Penetrant Testing

test material. Particular problems can arise penetrant. For this reason, it is desirable
when paint, other coating material or to rinse thoroughly any test object
residues from paint removal are firmly surfaces that have been exposed to acids
lodged within surface connected or chromates before liquid penetrant
discontinuities. In these cases, no cavity is testing. All residues of acidic etching
left for entrapment of liquid penetrant. To solutions such as those applied to remove
ensure reliable liquid penetrant testing, smeared surface metal must be eliminated
surface layers including materials by thorough washing.
imbedded within the discontinuities must
be removed completely before application Effects of Surface Contamination
of the liquid penetrant.
by Fingerprints
Effects of Water Contamination of The effects of fingerprints from manual
handling of tests parts are not always
Test Surfaces, Leaks and Surface recognized as sources of contamination.
Discontinuities Some individuals fingerprints are acidic
Special precautions are needed when test to the extent that they can etch or
parts may have been in contact with corrode a highly polished surface. Even
water, such as during water rinsing after when etching does not occur, the oils
chemical cleaning, before liquid penetrant associated with fingerprints can inhibit
testing and leak testing. It is important wetting by a liquid penetrant. Cotton or
that all traces of water be completely rubber gloves are recommended for parts
removed before application of liquid handling where fingerprints are a known
penetrants. Water must be removed not problem or where it is suspected that they
only from the surface of the parts but also could cause trouble during liquid
from any surface connected penetrant testing. This can be particularly
discontinuities that may be present; important on critical surfaces of machine
otherwise, water within discontinuities parts, aircraft components or nuclear
will minimize or prevent the penetrants components.
entry into surface discontinuities.
Generally, oil based liquid penetrants tend
to be immiscible with water.
An excellent means for drying smaller Effects of Residues from
parts before application of liquid Prior Visible Dye Liquid
penetrants is with the dryer normally Penetrant Testing or Leak
used to dry test parts. However, in many
cases, drying at room temperature until Testing
the surfaces appear dry will be adequate Residues retained from previous liquid
for liquid penetrant testing if time is not a penetrant or leak tests must be classified
factor. It is desirable to perform tests to as contaminants that may affect
determine the effects of drying for each subsequent tests adversely. If further
specific liquid penetrant testing system. liquid penetrant testing will be performed
However, much greater difficulty is on the part (either as further processing
involved in removal of water from leak takes place or when it is in service),
passageways before leak testing. Vacuum thorough and prompt postcleaning
drying before leak testing is helpful where should be practiced (see elsewhere about
it is feasible. A preferred procedure is to cleaning techniques after testing).
prevent water from contacting test objects Visible dye liquid penetrant residues
before leak testing. containing red dyestuffs act as ultraviolet
radiation filters. When mixed with
Effects of Contamination by fluorescent liquid penetrants, these
Strong Acids or Alkalis residues can appreciably diminish or
destroy fluorescent indication brightness.
Strong acids or alkalis used to clean test Consequently, visible dye liquid penetrant
parts before liquid penetrant or leak testing should be prohibited when
testing can impede surface wetting and fluorescent liquid penetrant tests will
penetration of test media into surface follow. When reinspection of a test object
discontinuities if proper water rinsing and is essential and preceding tests have used
drying are not performed. These acids and visible dye penetrants, the reinspection
alkalis may react to decompose or degrade should also be made with visible dye
dyes or other active constituents of liquid liquid penetrant, if possible. If such
penetrants. In particular, acid and reinspection is not possible, tests using
chromate residues may adversely affect cracked reference specimens and the
the dyes by decomposing them, resulting liquid penetrant systems in question
in weak or faint test indications. should be performed to verify the
Chromate residues also absorb ultraviolet effectiveness of any planned subsequent
radiation, which leaves less radiation to fluorescent liquid penetrant testing.
excite fluorescence in the liquid

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 165

Effects of Lack of
Cleanliness in Liquid
Penetrant Processing Areas
Lack of cleanliness in liquid penetrant
testing areas is a potential source of test
object contamination. If test objects are
placed on surfaces or in containers that
have previously been used for parts in
process, they may be contaminated by
liquid penetrants, emulsifiers, solvents,
water or developers. If, before the test
process, the test operator handles test
parts with hands contaminated with
materials used in the liquid penetrant
testing, these contaminants may be
deposited on the surfaces of the
previously cleaned test parts. Any such
prior contamination of the test objects
can interfere with the proper functioning
of the liquid penetrants and either can
lead to false indications or can obscure
valid indications. When doubt exists, it
may be preferable to subject test objects
suspected of being contaminated to
thorough recleaning and retesting.

166 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Procedures for Cleaning Surfaces before
Liquid Penetrant Testing

ultrasonic cleaning, (10) salt bath

Techniques of Precleaning descaling, (11) etching and
(12) combinations of these techniques.
Test Objects for Liquid The cleaning process selected must be
Penetrant Testing effective in removing soil or contaminants
but must not damage the test objects.
Both precleaning (before testing) and
Different cleaning processes may be
postcleaning (following liquid penetrant
required for different metals, alloys or
testing) are vital steps in the test process
nonmetallic objects and for different
(Fig. 1). Methods for precleaning of test
types of contaminants and surface
objects include (1) detergent cleaning,
(2) vapor degreasing, (3) steam cleaning,
Surface preparation by nondestructive
(4) solvent cleaning, (5) acid or alkaline
test personnel is usually limited to
cleaning, (6) abrasive cleaning, (7) paint,
removal of water or loose dirt and
varnish and carbon removal,
removal of oils and greases with solvents.
(8) electrocleaning, (9) agitation or
However, test personnel should be alert to

FIGURE 1. Flowsheet for cleaning processes used with liquid penetrant testing.

Incoming parts

Alkaline Steam Vapor degrease Solvent wash Chemical

Mechanical Paint stripper Ultrasonic




Water rinse Mechanical wash


Vapor degrease Solvent soak Ultrasonic clean

Outgoing parts

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 167

all surface contamination and request that cleaning magnesium or magnesium alloys
appropriately skilled personnel perform but can act as a strong etchant on
more thorough cleaning as required. aluminum alloys. Alternatively,
mechanical procedures (such as grit
blasting) recommended for removing
scale from some steels may cause
Selection of Cleaning excessive smearing of softer metals such
Processes as aluminum, magnesium or titanium.
Cleaning by polar inorganic chemicals,
Selection of cleaning processes for as in alkaline cleaning or acid etching, is
removal of soils and other contaminants not generally recommended for
from metallic test objects is influenced by assemblies that contain exposed joints or
the following factors: (1) types of junctions that could entrap the cleaning
contaminants to be removed materials. The entrapped materials can
(2) composition or alloy of the test object, not only contaminate liquid penetrant
(3) degree of cleanliness required for materials used later but can also cause
proper operation of liquid penetrant tests corrosion of parts after liquid penetrant
and (4) cost and time factors. testing.
In addition, the quantity of similar test
objects to be cleaned, their size and shape
and the ease with which they can be
handled are factors to be considered. Precautions in Cleaning
Multiple small test objects can often
best be cleaned by immersion in liquid and Processing of
cleaners or by mechanized processes such Nonmetallic Surfaces
as vapor degreasing, dipping or spraying Nonmetallic surfaces such as plastics and
of parts carried by conveyor lines. Large elastomers or ceramics and glass can have
parts that cannot be placed in cleaning different wetting characteristics than
tanks may be cleaned by spraying both surfaces of metals. The nonmetallic
cleaners and rinsers onto part surfaces. chemistry may resist removal of
Parts to be cleaned in the field or at contaminants. In addition, damaging
fixed locations in shops or test effects can occur from the liquid
laboratories can often be handled by penetrant materials. For example, liquid
wipe-on, wipe-off techniques. In wiping penetrant testing of acrylic plastics might
techniques, cleaning or removal fluids are result in crazing. Preliminary trials on
applied by lintfree rags moistened or reject or scrap surfaces and/or
wetted and wiped over test surfaces. consultation with the supplier of the test
Excess fluids and contaminants are object materials or the liquid penetrant
removed by wiping with dry rags or test materials is advisable in questionable
lintfree paper towels. In each case, caution cases. The same precautions for cleaning
is required to ensure that cleaning and metallic surfaces apply to cleaning of
rinsing fluids are free from excessive nonmetallic surfaces because cleaning
contamination that could reduce their techniques used for metallic surfaces may
effectiveness. Hazards to personnel from be ineffective or may damage the
toxic or flammable materials must be nonmetallic material. Because liquid
controlled or prevented. The cleaning penetrant testing of nonmetallics is a
agents must also be selected to be minor application, the following
nondamaging to test object materials and discussion deals with metals.
surfaces. Wiping material that is lint free
or has lint that does not fluoresce should
be used.
General Sequence of Steps
for Precleaning Test
Precautions in Cleaning of Surfaces
Metallic Surfaces Cleaning before liquid penetrant testing
Although liquid penetrant testing is of production parts generally has the
applicable to a wide variety of test following sequence: (1) removal of light
materials, metal surfaces are by far the oil or grease by treatments such as
most commonly tested. Various metals degreasing, emulsion cleaning, solvent
may be involved, including aluminum, wiping, alkaline cleaning or steam
magnesium, titanium, carbon and low cleaning; (2) rinsing if water base
alloy steels, stainless steels, high materials are used in the previous step;
temperature nickel base alloys and copper (3) removal of oxide, scale or rust by
alloys. The choice of cleaning chemicals mechanical means such as grit blasting or
should be specific to the method to be by chemical means such as acid pickling
cleaned. For example, a highly alkaline or or alkaline descaling; (4) etching if metal
caustic solution may be effective for might be smeared; (5) rinsing to remove

168 Liquid Penetrant Testing

all residues left from cleaning; and common unpigmented oils and greases
(6) drying to remove all traces of water from hot metals and alloys. Animal and
left from rinsing. vegetable oils that saponify at slow rates
However, it should be noted that many and are insoluble in water can be removed
inservice parts have an accumulation of by soaking or spraying with 80 C (180 F)
dirt mixed with oils that is not removable alkaline solutions.
by the techniques listed above.
Removal of Oily Soils Containing
Hard Particles
Problems Requiring Soils containing metal or abrasive
Complex Cleaning particles in an oil phase offer special
removal problems. The oil phases are
Procedures readily removed with solvent or vapor
Complex problems encountered in degreasing but the solid particle residues
precleaning of test objects for liquid are difficult to remove from metallic
penetrant tests may require several surfaces except by agitation. When soils
contaminant removal techniques. For contain solid particles, the baths of
example, scale removal by acid treatment cleaning compounds must usually be
must normally be preceded by alkaline agitated by a mechanical device, excited
cleaning or by some other technique that by ultrasonic vibrations (ultrasonic
removes the oil so that the acid can react cleaning) or applied by pressure spraying.
with surface contamination. Acids are not
generally good cleaners for oily soils. Difficulties in Removing Residues
The removal of scale and carbonaceous
deposits such as those on used jet engine of Magnetic Particle Testing or
blades usually requires a multistage Ultrasonic Testing
cleaning process. Procedures for cleaning Residues left on test surfaces by wet
highly critical products may necessitate magnetic particle testing are difficult to
careful processing with pure cleaning remove and can interfere with subsequent
products, followed by rinsing with liquid penetrant testing. It is essential to
deionized or distilled water. Such critical demagnetize the parts before attempting
applications are best considered on an to clean off these residues. Vapor
individual basis. degreasing acts to set the magnetic
particles rather than to remove them. The
extremely powerful magnetizing fields
used in magnetic particle testing result in
Types of Soil restricting the openings of surface
The term soil refers to undesired material discontinuities with magnetic particles. It
on a surface that is not an integral part of is so difficult to remove the magnetic
the surface. Oil, grease, dirt and loose particles that it is better not to try to
scale are soils. On the other hand, a reinspect the part with liquid penetrants.
decarburized skin or excess hard If both test methods are to be used, the
chromium are not considered to be soils. liquid penetrant test should be used first.
Soil can be classified into seven broad Liquid penetrant testing should also
groups: (1) pigmented drawing precede ultrasonic testing. The fluid
compounds, (2) unpigmented oil and couplants used with ultrasonic
grease, (3) chips and cutting fluids, transducers can also block or fill surface
(4) polishing and buffing compounds, discontinuities and may be quite difficult
(5) rust and scale, (6) carbonaceous to remove.
deposits and (7) miscellaneous
compounds such as lapping compounds,
ultrasonic test couplants and residue from
magnetic particle testing. Avoidance of Abrasive
Methods That Peen, Smear
Removal of Pigmented Drawing or Cold Work Metals
Lubricants Surface preparation by severe abrasion
All pigmented drawing lubricants are that peens, smears or cold works metallic
difficult to remove from metal parts. They surfaces should be avoided in precleaning.
usually contain substances such as Peening or cold working of metal surfaces
whiting, mica, graphite, white lead, zinc tends to close discontinuities. Thus
oxide, bentonite, flour, molybdenum techniques such as grit blasting, sand
disulfide and soaplike materials. Graphite, blasting, emery cloth, wire brushing or
white lead, molybdenum disulfide and metal scraping should be used only with
soaps are the most difficult soils to caution and only when no other
remove from metallic test objects. Vapor technique will suffice. Specifications
degreasing or solvent cleaning can remove usually prohibit such abrasive cleaning

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 169

techniques, particularly on soft materials regulations prohibiting the production
such as aluminum. and use of ozone depleting substances.
When abrasive treatments are
unavoidable and the metal surface is
suspected to having been adversely
affected, a treatment such as etching to Removal of Soluble Oils
reopen the surface discontinuities is and Greases
The removal of unpigmented oil and
grease such as common shop oils and
Restrictions on Grit Blasting or greases, rust preventive oils, lubricating
Soft Wire Brushing oils, drawing lubricants and quenching
Aerospace industries frequently prohibit oils can be effected by several different
grit blasting or wire brushing of parts cleaning processes, including (1) vapor
before liquid penetrant testing. In other degreasing, (2) hot tank alkaline cleaning,
applications, grit blasting with soft grit or (3) steam cleaning, (4) solvent emulsion
gentle brushing with soft wire brushes cleaning, (5) water emulsion cleaning,
may be used. These soft abrasion (6) solvent washing or wiping, (7) high
techniques are not so objectionable when pressure spray or air assisted spray and
used on metallic materials with (8) combinations of above cleaning
Rockwell C hardness of 40 or greater. techniques.
However, soft wire brushes may cause The spray cleaning techniques may be
smearing when the brush material wears used either in an automated cleaning
off and is deposited on the hard metal system or by using hand held hoses or
surface. Wire brush residue is also wands. Agitation is beneficial in tank
objectionable because it is a source of application and ultrasonic agitation is
metal contamination. Carbon steel wire particularly effective in certain
brushes are allowed only on carbon and applications.
low alloy steel. Austenitic stainless steel
wire brushes that have not been used
previously on other materials may be used Protection of Cleaned Test
manually on austenitic stainless steel to
prepare its surface for liquid penetrant Surfaces against Corrosion
application. After cleaning to remove surface oils and
grease, test objects that are thoroughly
clean and dry should (1) have the liquid
penetrant applied immediately or (2) be
Restrictions on Halogen, placed in clean, dry temporary storage
Sulfur, Potassium or and (3) possibly be treated with corrosion
Sodium Cleaning preventive materials. Clean steel parts can
rust in a few hours in a humid
Compounds atmosphere. If rust preventives are used
Some metals and alloys are sensitive to after precleaning, another cleaning
certain elements such as halogens, sulfur, operation is required before liquid
sodium and potassium. The aerospace and penetrant testing. Magnesium is also
nuclear industries have been concerned susceptible to corrosion if not treated.
about effects of halogenated solvents such
as have been used in vapor degreasing,
which can have damaging effects on
halide sensitive materials, particularly Vapor Degreasing
titanium and its alloys. (Some companies One of the most common techniques of
forbid vapor degreasing with halogenated preparing test parts for liquid penetrant
solvents to eliminate any possible effects testing is vapor degreasing. This process is
of chlorides or fluorides from the particularly suitable for removal of soluble
decomposition products.) Cleaning organic contaminants such as mineral oils
compounds that contain sulfur should and greases. Unfortunately, vapor
not be used with nickel or nickel base degreasing is not effective for removal of
alloys. Restrictions are placed on halogen solid contaminants such as carbon,
containing compounds on stainless steels varnish, paints, scale, corrosion products
and on both halogen and sulfur or oxides. Other means of removal are
containing compounds for use on nickel required. In some cases, restrictions are
base alloys for nuclear power industrial placed on vapor degreasing of chloride
applications. Restrictions on surface sensitive metals and alloys with
treatments of metals for military halogenated solvents (see discussion
equipment are cited in applicable elsewhere on restrictions on halogen,
specifications. sulfur, potassium or sodium compounds).
In the United States, precautions on When steel or other ferrous metal parts
halogenated solvents are moot in light of are vapor degreased, the metal is usually

170 Liquid Penetrant Testing

highly susceptible to atmospheric adversely affect the mucous membranes of
corrosion if the air has high humidity or the respiratory system. Symptoms of
contains acid vapors, combustion excessive inhalation or absorption include
products or other corrosives. All acids, headaches, fatigue, coughing, nausea, loss
cyanides or oxidizing agents should be of appetite and loss of sense of balance.
prevented from contaminating the Long term exposure may result in kidney
solvent used for cleaning steels. If the and liver damage.
solvent should become acidic, it can High temperatures and high intensity
attack steel, aluminum and magnesium ultraviolet radiation, such as produced by
alloys, which can lead to solvent arc welding, can oxidize or decompose
decomposition and formation of chlorinated hydrocarbon vapors to
contaminants that can affect stainless produce the highly toxic and dangerous
steels adversely. gas phosgene (a poison gas once used in
warfare). Other products of
Mechanism of Soil Removal in decomposition include hydrochloric acid,
carbon dioxide and dichloroacetyl
Vapor Degreasing chloride, which aid corrosion and are
In vapor degreasing the hot vapors of a strong irritants as well.
volatile solvent are used to remove oils, Like other fluids used in liquid
greases or waxes from metallic test objects penetrant testing, prolonged exposure of
in preparation for liquid penetrant the skin to vapor degreasing solvents can
testing. A steel tank fitted with a heater, extract oils from the skin, resulting in
solvent reservoir, condensing coil and cracking of the skin and dermatitis. Vapor
removable cover is used to heat the degreasing work areas should be
solvent to boiling, generating a vapor ventilated properly. Chlorinated
zone above the solvent. The vapor hydrocarbons should not be used in areas
condenses on the relatively cool metal close to welding or heat treating
surface of parts placed in the vapor operations or other sources of high
zone. The condensed solvent dissolves the temperatures. Smoking should be
organic contaminants on the part. prohibited in areas used for vapor
Contaminated solvent condensate then degreasing because phosgene gas may be
drips back into the tank reservoir, carrying formed inside the burning tobacco and
the contaminates into the bath. During the smoker will be exposed to it.
evaporation only clean solvent vapors are Disposal of sludge residues from
produced so that test parts are given cleaning operations must follow federal,
adequate exposure to clean soilfree state and local regulations and should not
solvent. The test objects come out of the be burned or discharged into steams or
vapor degreasing operation clean and dry, sewers (see discussion elsewhere on liquid
but warm. After cooling, the test objects penetrant effluent). The sludge residue is
are ready for application of the liquid toxic and may be flammable because it
liquid penetrant if no other forms of contains oil and grease collected during
contamination exist. the degreasing operations. Direct contact
For many years, the preferred solvent with hot residue is dangerous. Sludge
for vapor degreasing was residues should be disposed of in covered
1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl containers that should not be airtight.
chloroform), which was considered less
toxic than trichloroethylene or
perchloroethylene). All three have been
widely used because they are Solvent Precleaning of Test
nonflammable. More recent studies have Objects
found that there are significant health
risks with the latter two and In some field applications an inspector
1,1,1-trichloroethane is an environmental may be able to clean small areas with a
hazard as an ozone depeleter. Vapor rag dampened with solvent. The solvent
degreaser manufacturers have developed cleaner usually supplied with the hand
equipment that can more safely use wipe penetrant system for removal of
flammable solvents as vapor degreasing excess penetrant may also be adequate
fluids. Chemical manufacturers continue for precleaning oil and grease residues
to try to develop safer solvents for this from test objects before the liquid
cleaning method. penetrant is applied. The operator should
make certain that sufficient time has
elapsed after use of solvent precleaners for
Personnel Hazards and Safety the cleaner to have evaporated completely
with Vapor Degreasing from any discontinuities that may be
Personnel using vapor degreasing systems present, as well as from the exposed
should be aware of health hazards surfaces, before applying liquid penetrant
resulting from excessive inhalation of to test parts.
chlorinated hydrocarbon vapors, which

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 171

For more extensive solvent cleaning, test
objects are immersed and soaked in tanks
of common organic liquid solvents. The
Field Use of Pressurized
solvents are normally used at or near Spray Cans of
room temperature. Oil, grease and loose Cleaner/Remover Solvents
metal chips are removed from metal
Portable liquid penetrant kits for field use
surfaces, with or without agitation.
usually contain spray cans of liquid
Ultrasonic vibration is sometimes used to
penetrant, developer and cleaner/remover.
loosen soils such as abrasive compounds
The cleaner/remover serves a dual
from deep recesses or test object
purpose. It may be used to (1) clean the
discontinuities open to the part surface.
surface before liquid penetrant
After solvent cleaning, parts are dried
application, although other stronger
at room temperature or by external heat
solvents are also used for precleaning in
(such as that from a steam coil). Because
the field or (2) remove excess surface
contamination removed from test parts is
liquid penetrant on completion of the
retained in the solvent, both cleaning
liquid penetrant dwell.
efficiency and the final cleanliness of test
When used to preclean, the spray
objects can decrease with continued use.
solvent should be applied liberally and
Cleanliness requirements dictate when the
directly on the surface to be cleaned.
used solvent must be replaced with new
Contaminants and excess solvent can
or reclaimed solvent.
then be removed with dry, lintfree cloth
Cleaning inconsistency is a problem
or paper towels. Adequate time for
with solvent tank cleaning because the
evaporation of remaining surface solvent
rate of resoiling of part surfaces increases
must be allowed to dry before liquid
with greater contamination of the solvent.
penetrant application.
Most metals can be cleaned in common
When solvent removers are used for
solvents unless acid or alkali
removal of excess liquid penetrant,
contamination is introduced into the
caution must be excercised to prevent
solvents. Solvent cleaning is often used in
removal of the liquid penetrant from
combination with separate acid or
shallow flaws. The solvent should be
alkaline cleaning procedures for removal
applied sparingly to a cloth that is then
of complex soils.
used to wipe off the excess surface liquid
Common organic solvents include
penetrant. Never spray solvent directly on
aliphatic petroleum or chlorinated
the part surface to remove excess liquid
hydrocarbons (similar to those used in
vapor degreasing) or blends of two or
more solvents. Aliphatic petroleums
include such familiar fluids as kerosene, Personnel Hazards and Safety
naphtha, mineral spirits and Stoddard with Solvent Cleaning
solvent. Other solvents include alcohols
Personnel using solvent cleaning
(ethanol, isopropanol or methanol),
techniques should be aware of the hazards
ketones, benzol, toluol and glycol ethers.
of fire (with flammable solvents) and
toxicity (with chlorinated hydrocarbon
Precleaning by Spraying or solvents and ketones). The flash points
Wiping of Solvent Cleaners and permissible toxicity concentrations
are given in Table 3.1,2 Areas used for
Test objects that are located in the field or
solvent cleaning should have adequate
are too large to be immersed in tanks can
ventilation to remove fumes and prevent
be cleaned by spraying or wiping the
accumulation of vapors in explosive or
surfaces with solvent.
toxic concentrations. Flammable solvents
Caution. When spraying a flammable should be stored in safety cans or closed
solvent, dispersion of low flash point metal containers. Open flames or heaters
liquids creates an explosion hazard. with exposed coils must not be used in
Spraying is typically done with areas where solvent cleaners are available.
conventional paint spraying equipment, Smoking should be prohibited in solvent
airless spray, small bench type sprayers or cleaning areas, including areas used for
by aerosol spray cans. Where feasible, the solvent wiping and drying.
sprays should be directed into a vented Operators should be warned not to
fume collecting hood. Solvent cleaning is expose hands or skin to solvents because
also often used as a preliminary step they dissolve skin oils and can lead to
before acid or alkaline cleaning to remove dermatitis or cracking of the skin.
soils that could interfere with the action Protective gloves and ointments to restore
of these chemical means of skin oil should be used, when operators
decontamination. must be in contact with solvents. Vapors
of chlorinated hydrocarbons and alcohol
can have potentially lethal anesthetic
actions when they are inhaled. Use in

172 Liquid Penetrant Testing

closed areas, as within tanks, can be Precautions in Safe Use of
dangerous with high concentrations of Flammable Solvents during Hand
trichloroethylene or perchloroethylene,
both of which have a strong narcotic
effect. Generally speaking, hand wipe solvents
are either flammable or toxic or both. The
levels of flammability and toxicity can
vary with various types of solvents but in
Hand Wiping in Solvent all cases it is essential that precautions be
Cleaning of Test Objects taken to ensure adequate ventilation and to
observe fire safety precautions. The
Solvent application by hand wiping or extremely flammable ketone solvents such
spray wand can be used, in lieu of vapor as acetone and methyl ethyl ketone and
degreasing, in precleaning of test objects aromatic solvents such as benzene and
for liquid penetrant testing. In many toluene and their vapors are potentially
instances, the nature of the test object explosive. They should be treated with the
surface, the test object size and location same precautions as gasoline.
(as in the case of inservice testing) or Generally speaking, petroleum
other considerations dictate solvent solvents, although flammable, are
cleaning by hand wiping. This is time relatively less dangerous. Observance of
consuming but may be unavoidable in fire precautions and assurance of adequate
some cases. ventilation are nevertheless warranted.
Some solvents such as ketones are water
miscible whereas petroleum solvents,
TABLE 3. Flash points and relative toxicity values of chlorinated solvents and aromatic
common cleaning solvents.1,2 solvents are water immiscible. Thus, this
Threshold Limit Valuesb,c water miscibility characteristic may be of
Flash Pointa concern for some solvent wiping
Solvent C (F) LL1 mgm3 applications. Water miscible solvents can
Aliphatic Petroleums quickly remove water and many organic
Kerosene 65 (150) ___ ___ substances from surfaces, thus providing a
Mineral spirits 15 (59) ___ ___ more thorough cleaning. However, some
soils and contaminants are not soluble in
Naphtha, high flash 45 (110) ___ ___
water but are soluble only in water
Naphtha, VM&Pd 10 (50) 300 2000
immiscible solvents.
Stoddard solvent 40 (105) 100 525
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Chloroform none none 10 49
Precautions in Safe Use of Toxic
Methylene chloride none none 50 174 Solvents during Hand Wiping
Perchloroethylene none none 50 339 Chlorinated solvents are generally toxic and,
1,1,1-Trichloroethane none none 350 1900 although they are generally
Trichloroethylene none none 50 269 nonflammable, adequate ventilation must
Trichlorotrifluoroethane none none 1000 7600 be provided to avoid any physiological
effects from breathing their vapors. These
solvents are also of concern in some
Ethanol, specially denatured 14 (57) 1000 1900
applications because they contain
Isopropanol 12.7 (54) 400 980 chlorine that can react to form chlorides,
Methanol 12 (54) 200 260 with detrimental effects on certain alloys.
Other Solvents The fast evaporating solvents fall into
Acetone 18 (0) 750 1780 either the chlorinated or highly
Benzol (benzene) 11 (12) 1f ___ flammable class, so the property of fast
Ethyl cellosolve 44 (110) 5 18 drying can be realized only through a
Toluol (toluene) 8 (46) 50 188 compromise on safety. The petroleum
solvents, although relatively less
a. Tag closed cup. flammable, are also slower drying.
b. Key, M.M. et al. Occupational Diseases A Guide to Their Recognition.1 However, this loss in drying time may be
c. Permissible exposure limits given as threshold limit values (TLVs) by more than compensated for by the added
American Council of Government and Industrial Hygienists2 in parts per safety factor.
million and in milligram per cubic meter of air atmospheric pressure Fluorinated solvents are relatively less
refer to time-weighted average (TWA) values of concentrations per toxic than chlorinated solvents. However,
normal 8 h work day. Warning check against local regulations and
most recent federal and state regulations. they are halogenated and contain fluorine
d. Varnish makers and painters naphtha. and chlorine and their use is undesirable
e. Manufacture and use both illegal in the United States. for cleaning metals sensitive to halides.
f. 1 LL1 per 8 h day. The fluorinated solvents are also more
expensive but have the advantage of
leaving no residue following evaporation.

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 173

The treatments for removal of carbon,
Removal of Paint varnish and other tightly held solids
include (1) solvent type carbon removers,
Paint can obscure or bridge surface either brush-on, spray-on or tank types,
discontinuities in underlying metals of (2) alkaline or acid based removers, either
test objects and must be removed before brush-on, spray-on or tank types, (3) wire
liquid penetrant testing to obtain effective brushing or other abrasive cleaning,
liquid penetrant test indications. Paint (4) blasting with vapor, sand, seed or glass
removers are commercially available from beads (see cautions cited elsewhere on grit
various manufacturers for both in-place blasting), (5) electrocleaning and
and dip tank application. Because paint (6) combinations of these techniques.
removal technology is somewhat
complex, the recommended approach is
to enlist assistance from a supplier of
good paint removers. Recent advances in Removal of Scale, Rust,
paint technology have resulted in finished
systems removable only with special
Corrosion Products and
products. Factors that influence the ease Oxides
of paint removal include (1) surface Scale, rust, corrosion products and oxides
preparation before painting, (2) type of can usually be removed from test surfaces
paint primer, (3) type of paint used, by chemical means, provided the surfaces
(4) number of paint coats, (5) age or cure are accessible. Acid scale removal is
of the paint finish, (6) type of paint commonly used, with the type of acid or
removers used and (7) nature of the acids selected with consideration of
substrate. factors such as (1) the type of metal or
The treatments for paint removal from alloy surface, (2) the severity of the scale,
test objects before liquid penetrant testing (3) the dimensional tolerances permitted
include (1) solvent type paint removers, and (4) other limiting factors.
(2) alkaline or acid type paint removers, Alkaline type rust removers or
(3) abrasive removal procedures and descaling products are often effective and
(4) burning or ignition. may be preferable to acid cleaning,
Critical structures cannot tolerate the depending on the circumstances. After the
use of any products or paint removal use of either alkaline or acid products, it is
procedures that may be damaging to their necessary to rinse the test objects
metals or alloys. This requires careful thoroughly to ensure that acid or alkaline
attention when abrasive techniques are residues are not retained on test object
used for paint removal. Ignition or surfaces where they might later affect the
burning off of paint layers should never performance of the liquid penetrant.
be used on aircraft. When solvent
cleaning techniques are used, it is
essential to remove traces or residues from Removal of High Temperature
solvents and other contamination by Alloy Oxides
techniques such as have been Unique high temperature alloys are used
recommended for unpainted metallic in the hot sections of aircraft jet engines
parts. and rocket chambers and in nuclear
applications. These alloys operate under
conditions that result in deposits of
complex oxides on the surface of metallic
Removal of Carbon, parts. Removal of these oxides requires
Varnish and Other Tightly special procedures that usually involve
Held Soil several cleaning stages. Among those
commonly used are (1) high temperature
Carbon and varnish removal is similar to alkaline cleaning processes, (2) fused salts
paint removal and many of the descaling processes, (3) acid cleaning
procedures and products used for removal processes, (4) processing in alkaline
of paint are also used for removal of oxidizing solutions, (5) electrocleaning
carbon and varnish. Solvent carbon and (6) combinations of above processes.
removers are available for brush or spray Vapor or dry abrasive blasting (used with
application or for use in dip tanks. Dip due caution, where permissible) is
tank carbon removers are available that commonly required as a final step in
operate at ambient or elevated removal of tenacious oxides that are
temperatures. Carbon can also be integrally bonded to the alloy surfaces.
removed by alkaline products, depending High temperature alloys sensitive to
on the conditions and the nature of the certain elements such as chloride, sulfur,
carbonaceous deposits. Mechanical means sodium and potassium are subject to
are also used for removal of this type of restrictions that must be considered.
soil. Removal of these oxides is mandatory
if liquid penetrant testing of the high

174 Liquid Penetrant Testing

temperature alloy parts is to be successful. and a combination of wetting agents and
It is recommended that specialists in detergents, with or without heating, to
removal of high temperature oxides be remove oxides, shop soil and other
consulted for recommendations and contaminants from metal surfaces.
assistance in selecting and controlling the Acid solutions with 40 to 60 percent
cleaning processes. hydrochloric acid or 6 to 8 percent
sulfuric acid can be used at room
temperature for removing soil and light
rust. Phosphoric acid mixed with ethylene
Alkaline Cleaning glycol monobutyl ether is widely used for
Alkaline cleaners remove oily soils from removing grease, oil, drawing compounds
metals by detergent action that reduces and light rust from ferrous alloys. Citric
surface and interfacial tensions and acid is used to clean rust from iron and
permits the cleaning compound to wet steel without attacking the metal; it is also
the soils, seep under them and displace used in small concentrations in
them. This action is attributed to builders combination with sulfuric, phosphoric
(usually sodium compounds) that provide and other common acids to clean rust
alkalinity. They loosen, disperse and without attacking base metal.
emulsify soils removed from the metal Many proprietary acid compounds are
surface. In water solution, alkaline available and consultation with the
cleaners reduce the viscosity of the soil suppliers is recommended in selection of
and the water transmits agitation to the acid cleaners for various test object
work surface and flushes away the soils. materials and contamination conditions.
Cleaning action is provided by soaps and Inhibitors may be added to cleaners used
detergents added to the cleaning on ferrous metals to reduce acid
compounds that act as surface active or consumption and attack on base metal.
wetting agents.
The cleaner may function by the
mechanism of high alkalinity needed for
saponification reactions and must Salt Bath Descaling and
dissociate to provide ions. Most soaps or Deoxidizing
synthetic detergents are more efficient at Salt bath descaling and deoxidizing with
pH values from 7 to 13. This active reducing and electrolytic processes are
alkalinity is one of the working agents effective in attacking heavy, tightly
and is continually lost by saponification adhering scale that can form on carbon
and neutralization reactions and by and alloy steels, nickel and cobalt base
dragout on parts removed. This type of alloys and some grades of stainless steel.
cleaner should provide alkalinity that is The test objects are typically immersed in
continuously available and ionized to a 370 C (700 F) bath of molten sodium
replace the losses in active alkalinity. hydroxide containing 1.5 percent sodium
The alkaline cleaner must also disperse hydride. Immersion into the hot salt bath
soils removed from the test objects so that results in unequal thermal expansion of
fluid close to the part surface does not scale and base metal that cracks the scale.
become so highly contaminated as to The molten salt then penetrates through
redeposit soils on the surfaces being the cracks and chemically reduces the
cleaned. The builders should be soluble in oxides to lower oxides or metal. Following
cold water and have no affinity for the the salt bath treatment, the test parts are
object being cleaned. Traces of cleaner or water quenched. Thermal shock may
alkali remaining on test objects after cause the cracks to open further. Various
rinsing are objectionable because they amounts of scale can be blasted off the
might cause dermatitis or other health metal surface during quenching.
hazards or interfere with the action of Following quenching, the parts can be
liquid penetrants during the later test rinsed in water to reveal a bright, clean
operations. metal surface.
Advantages of salt bath descaling
include the following.
Acid Precleaning of Test 1. It can be used for all carbon and alloy
Objects steels, tool steels, stainless steels,
nickel or cobalt alloys and refractory
Acids are not generally good cleaners for metals and alloys based on copper,
oily soils, so oxide or scale removal by nickel, cobalt, molybdenum and other
acid means must normally be preceded by refractory metals.
alkaline cleaning or by some other 2. It provides very efficient removal of
technique that removes the oil so that the scale from surface discontinuities.
acid can react at the test object surfaces. 3. It decreases the time required for
Acid cleaning processes use solutions of descaling all grades of stainless steel.
mineral acids, organic acids or acid salt

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 175

4. It is less destructive to smooth finishes such as lapping or buffing compounds or
than mechanical descaling. oxidized oils. Cleanliness of the emulsion
5. It virtually eliminates metal loss and solution must be considered. The solution
avoids surface pitting and etching. should be replaced when it leaves smut or
Disadvantages of salt bath descaling deposits on the test objects or its cleaning
include the following. action has diminished noticeably.

1. It uses high operating temperatures of

370 to 540 C (700 to 1000 F), which
require special heating equipment and Removal of Strong Acids
means for parts handling. or Alkalis from Test
2. It results in distortion of thin gage
materials of 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) gage Surfaces
and thinner. Strong acids or alkalis might be present
3. It is not usable with aluminum, on test object surfaces if rinsing was
magnesium, zinc, cadmium, lead and inadequate following cleaning by acids,
tin, because of either their reactivity or salt baths or alkaline solutions or if
low melting points. contamination with such materials had
4. It can embrittle titanium and titanium occurred during handling, storage or use.
base alloys and can actually ignite Acids or alkalis act to impede wetting and
titanium materials. penetration of liquid penetrants into
discontinuities. They may also react with
liquid penetrant materials to decompose
or degrade dyes or other active
Emulsion Precleaning constituents. Removal of acids or alkalis
Emulsion cleaning can remove many can be achieved by (1) rinsing with fresh
types of soils from test objects, including water or (2) rinsing with a neutralizing
pigmented drawing lubricants, rinse followed by a fresh water rinse. After
unpigmented oils and greases, cutting either of these treatments, the test objects
fluids and residues from polishing, buffing should be thoroughly dried by the
or magnetic particle testing. Emulsion techniques described for removal of water.
cleaning provides rapid superficial
cleaning and typically leaves on the work
a thin film of oil that provides some Removal of Water from
protection against rusting. This oil can be
removed by subsequent vapor degreasing Test Surfaces
or by two stage rinsing with an initial If test parts have been in contact with
rinse (typically in agitated cold water) and water, it is important that all traces of
a final rinse with hot water at 65 to 95 C water be removed before liquid penetrant
(150 to 200 F) to preheat the test objects testing or leak testing. Water must be
and aid in drying. removed not only from the surface of the
In some cases, emulsion cleaning part but also from surface discontinuities
following alkaline cleaning is used to that may be present; otherwise, liquid
provide temporary protection against penetrant will be prevented from entering
rusting of ferrous parts. However, unless the discontinuities. The dryer customarily
the residual oil film is completely used with liquid penetrant testing (to dry
removed before liquid penetrant testing, parts after water washing to remove
careful tests might be required to ensure surface liquid penetrant or to dry parts to
that it could not interfere with liquid which wet developer has been applied) is
penetrant action. an excellent means for drying test parts
The emulsion cleaner system typically before testing. Water can also be removed
involves stable emulsions of two by blowing it off with clean air (oil
immiscible liquids, such as a hydrocarbon contaminated air should not be used).
and water, whose stability is aided by The surface could also be allowed to air
addition of a suitable emulsifying agent. dry, though air drying under static
Depending on the nature of the conditions can take an excessively long
hydrocarbon solvent, the cleaning is done time; auxiliary drying techniques are
at temperatures of 60 to 80 C (140 to usually used for this reason.
180 F). The solvent is often of petroleum Alternative drying techniques include
compounds of naphthenic, paraffinic or wiping of the test objects with clean,
aromatic types. The low boiling solvents absorbent rags or rinsing test objects with
are usually more effective in removing fast drying, water soluble solvents, e.g.,
soils but increase hazards of fire or volatile alcohols, followed by drying. Heat
evaporation loss as boiling and flash lamps and other radiant heat sources can
points are approached. Both stable single also be used. Warning: Most fast drying,
phase and unstable multiphase emulsion water miscible solvents are flammable or
cleaners exist. The latter are used for the toxic and should be used with caution.
most difficult to remove hydrocarbon oils

176 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Smoking and open flames should not be
permitted in areas where such solvents are
used. Good ventilation is always essential.

Removal of Fingerprints
from Test Surfaces
Most cleaning techniques will remove
fingerprint contamination on test objects.
However, in critical applications, it may
be necessary to use special procedures
such as electrocleaning or special
fingerprint removal products. The
mandatory use of cotton gloves for
handling test parts may be justified where
contamination from fingerprints, during
test handling or operations, is suspected
of causing trouble.

Special Surface Treatments

Surface treatments such as phosphate,
chromate conversion coating and black
oxide are typically very adherent and tend
to become integral portions of the test
object metal surface. Some of these
coatings can act physically to impede
surface wetting and entry of liquid
penetrants into leaks or discontinuities.
Some phosphate and chromate coatings
can react with the liquid penetrant and
suppress fluorescent brightness. In
general, it is recommended that the test
be performed before the process that
applied the coatings, if practicable. When
the coatings are already in place, suppliers
of the coatings process should be
consulted for recommendations on
removal of the surface coatings.

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 177

PART 3. Procedures for Postcleaning Test
Objects after Liquid Penetrant Testing

test objects that are acceptable for service.

Need for Cleaning of Test As a general rule, the sooner the liquid
penetrant and developer residues are
Objects after Liquid removed by a cleaning process after
Penetrant Testing testing, the easier it will be to remove
Some form of posttreatment of test parts
The purpose of postcleaning is to
is generally required on completion of the
ensure that no deterioration of or damage MOVIE.
liquid penetrant test process. For example,
to the test objects can occur later as a Postcleaning.
rust preventive steps may be required for
consequence of the liquid penetrant test
carbon steel, because surfaces are left
process and to remove any residues that
relatively clean and free of light oils by
might interfere with subsequent
the liquid penetrant process. Exacting
processing. In the event that repair
surface cleanliness may be required if the
welding is required, liquid penetrant
test object is to be installed in a liquid
residues can have detrimental effects on
oxygen system. Whether or not the post
weld areas. Special care is required if the
treatment of the test object surface should
test objects will be used in nuclear service
be the responsibility of the inspection
or with liquid oxygen (LOX) systems.
department or of the production
Traces of hydrocarbons can lead to violent
department would depend on factors such
explosions when the test parts come into
as the need for swift action to prevent
contact with liquid oxygen. Extreme
corrosion of test objects and the physical
cleanliness is also essential for nuclear
location of the available cleaning
facilities. Regardless of where
In general, care should be taken to
responsibilities lies, personnel responsible
protect the test objects from corrosion or
for liquid penetrant testing should be
damage during parts handling, storage or
thoroughly cognizant with posttreatment
assembly. In some cases, by mutual
criteria. They should know the effects of
agreement with the user or customer,
liquid penetrant processing on the
protection against rusting or corrosion
subsequent deterioration, processing or
may be applied to preserve parts until
serviceability of test parts. Also, at the
ready for use.
minimum, test personnel should be
responsible for removal of residues left on
the surface by the liquid penetrant
process. This would apply especially to Procedures for Cleaning
residues conducive to corrosion and
would include developer coatings under Test Objects Following
many test conditions. Liquid Penetrant Testing
Questions to be asked in determining
Whether or not post treatment other than
whether or not posttreatment is necessary
developer coating removal is required or
and in selecting the cleaning procedures
desirable following completion of the
and materials to be used include the
liquid penetrant process must be
determined by conditions including
1. Is the condition of surface on (1) likelihood of corrosion, (2) texture of
conclusion of the liquid penetrant the surface, (3) intended use of the test
process likely to interfere with a object and (4) subsequent processing
subsequent process? scheduled. Cleaning following liquid
2. Is it conducive to corrosion or similar penetrant testing can generally be
effect? accomplished by one or more of the
3. Does the ultimate use of the test procedures discussed elsewhere in this
object demand cleanliness? chapter. Developer residues tend to be
After completion of the liquid somewhat tenacious at times. Part of this
penetrant test process, including tenacity may be caused by electrostatic
interpretation of test indications and attraction between the developer particles
sorting of test objects into acceptable, and the metallic surface of the tested
salvageable and reject categories, all traces parts. The longer the developer coating
of liquid penetrant materials or other aqueous or nonaqueous remains on
contaminants should be removed from test parts, the more difficult it will be to

178 Liquid Penetrant Testing

remove. Developer coating removal involves either self-development (using
should be done as soon as practical after no developer) or a dry powder developer
completion of liquid penetrant testing. system, there will be little absorbent
Combinations of one or more cleaning particle action to remove this liquid
techniques may be necessary during post penetrant residue. So, in addition to
cleaning, depending on (1) the types of removal of the developer coat,
liquid penetrant test resides involved, postcleaning (or posttreatment) is more
(2) the length of time these residues have often than not required to remove liquid
been left on the test objects and (3) the penetrant residues.
cleanliness required or specified.
Ultrasonic agitation of cleaning fluids
may be especially beneficial for removing
liquid penetrant process residues, Liquid Penetrant
particularly for tight clearance crevices, Emulsifiers in Postcleaning
blind holes and other surface conditions
that tend to trap and hold residues. of Liquid Penetrant
However, the user is cautioned that Residues
ultrasonic cleaning has certain limitations Although not a common practice and not
and it is advisable to explore these before as thorough as many other procedures,
adopting this method. Care must also be the emulsifier used to remove
exercised to ensure removal of all masking postemulsifiable liquid penetrants can be
and plugging materials. used for removing residual surface liquid
penetrant during postcleaning. The parts
are subjected to a prolonged emulsifier
Cleaning Action of Liquid dwell time. This procedure may be
relatively inexpensive, depending on the
Penetrant Testing cost of the emulsifier and the rate at
Processes which it becomes contaminated. In some
instances, such as in field testing of only a
The liquid penetrant process is itself a few parts, emulsification may be the most
cleaning operation. Liquid penetrant oils practical postcleaning technique. When
do a job of dissolving organic soils, the volume of testing is low and the
especially if the contact time or liquid requirement for a special cleaning
penetrant dwell time is extended. These procedure is absent, the emulsifier
liquid penetrant dissolved soils will be approach may be preferable.
removed. Further, developer particles are
absorbent and soak up oils, solvents and
similar contaminants. Thus, on
completion of the liquid penetrant Postcleaning of Test Parts
process and removal of the developer
coat, the surface of the test object may be to Be Plated, Anodized,
more nearly free of certain contaminants Painted or Coated
than when the test process began. If the test object is to be plated, anodized,
painted or treated with similar coating,
any oil film or developer particle surface
Postcleaning to Remove contamination will interfere with the
adhesion of the applied coating.
Liquid Penetrant Residues Normally, the department responsible for
The cleanliness condition following application of such coatings will have a
testing will vary with processing cleaning process. This cleaning would
techniques, liquid penetrant materials and precede the coating application whether
surface texture. Some liquid penetrants the part arrived from the liquid penetrant
such as water washable liquid penetrants station or from some other source. The
with a low level of water solubility may be liquid penetrant test department will
apt to leave a film of surface liquid seldom be responsible for delivering the
penetrant on test objects. However, some test objects in a condition ready for
water washable liquid penetrants, when anodizing, plating or even painting.
properly washed off, leave a cleaner
surface than lipophilic (oil base) Prevention of Corrosion of Carbon
emulsifiers. Rough surfaces such as sand Steel or Magnesium Parts
casting surfaces tend to retain liquid
penetrant in a multitude of pores. Some Very often, on completion of the liquid
test processors, fearing washout of liquid penetrant testing process, the test surface
penetrant from relevant wide open is cleaner than when the parts were
discontinuities, favor underwashing. They received for testing. Rust on carbon steel
intentionally leave a surface film of liquid surfaces and corrosion on magnesium
penetrant. However, where the test surfaces will appear almost
instantaneously under most climatic

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 179

conditions. Immediate rust prevention is nonabrasive medium, water and detergent
required. There are several approaches to is also effective.
this problem. A rust inhibitor additive
may be put into the final rinse water for Removal of Aqueous Soluble
postinspection cleaning to remove
developer. Following final cleaning, the Developers
part may be treated with light oil, a The aqueous soluble developer is a
temporary protective coating or a combination of white powders, wetting
commercial corrosion inhibitor. Additives agents, corrosion inhibitors and similar
like sodium nitrite and sodium chromate ingredients, all of which dissolve in water.
are environmental hazards and their use is Cleaning is not complicated, because all
restricted. of the developer ingredients are water
soluble. Plain water will quickly flush
most water soluble developers from the
test object surface. The mechanical action
Reasons for Removing of a pressurized spray will facilitate
Developer from Parts after removal.
Removal of Nonaqueous, Solvent
The developer is the last material applied
in the liquid penetrant process. It may be Suspendible Developers
one of several types: dry powder, The nonaqueous developer, typically a
nonaqueous, aqueous suspension, mixture of suspendible absorbent particles
aqueous soluble or one of the less such as calcium carbonate in a volatile
common types such as resin developer. solvent such as alcohol, is usually sprayed
After completion of the liquid penetrant on the test object surface. In a high
test process, including interpretation of percentage of applications, this developer
the test indications and sorting of test is applied to relatively small areas, such as
objects into acceptable, salvageable and a weld, from an aerosol spray can.
rejectable categories, the developer Small areas lend themselves to hand
coating should be removed. If the coating wiping. Most nonaqueous developers wipe
is not removed, the developer may readily from the surface with a dry, clean
interfere with subsequent processing such cloth or soft bristle brush sufficiently
as anodizing or act to absorb and hold clean to meet requirements. However, for
corrosion conducive moisture. Even if more thorough removal, a wipe with
there is not subsequent processing and no water moistened toweling, followed by a
corrosion concern, the developer residue dry wipe, may be in order.
may interfere with the proper function of Also, even though the area may be
the parts. There is generally at least a small, there may be threads, crevices and
cosmetic need to remove the developer surface recesses where trapped
coating before delivering the part. nonaqueous developer particles cannot be
reached by wiping. A forceful water spray,
Removal of Dry Powder plain or reinforced with detergent, will be
effective in removing trapped developer
Developers under these conditions. Where the test
Developer removal techniques must fit object is too large for manual wiping, this
the developer type. For example, the same water spray technique is the logical
fluffy dry powder developer, unless answer for removal of the nonaqueous
applied by an electrostatic spray developer coating. Ultrasonic cleaning
technique, will only adhere to areas that would also be very effective.
are wet with liquid penetrant (or other
liquid substances), although powder may
lodge in crevices. So, dry powder removal
is either unnecessary or can be
accomplished by a plain water wash, an
air blast or similar uncomplicated means.

Removal of Aqueous Suspendible

Aqueous wet suspendible developers are
more difficult to remove than dry powder
developers are. Typically, the aqueous wet
suspendible developer is dried on the test
part surface by means of an oven.
Removal is best accomplished by a
pressure spray water wash that contains
detergent. Hand wiping with a

180 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 4. Cleaning Requirements for Fluorescent
Liquid Penetrant Testing in Aircraft Overhaul

that accumulate on inservice equipment.

Precleaning Inservice Following induction into rework facilities,
those parts requiring liquid penetrant
Aircraft Components for testing begin precleaning processes that
Liquid Penetrant Testing vary with the alloys, surface coatings and
general condition of the part and whether
In liquid penetrant testing, during
it is to be processed through feeder shops,
overhaul of aircraft, cleaning is the most
remain on the aircraft or be part of a
important process if the test is to be valid.
component. Those parts to be processed
Where aircraft are returned from a service
through feeder shops will be discussed
tour for rework or repair, the cleaning and
its effect take on a special significance. On
With cleaning techniques where parts
a returned aircraft, the airframes and
are processed literally from tank to tank,
engines with their related components
precleaning is tailored to the parts. These
will all vary in surface conditions. These
parts being disassembled have very few
part surface conditions affect the test as
rivets or fasteners to cause entrapment
well as the cleaning requirements before
and usually offer good smooth surfaces.
liquid penetrant testing. Other factors
Structures and components that remain
that must be considered include (1) the
on the aircraft or are not disassembled
amount of disassembly required, (2) part
require a different approach.
configuration, (3) material composition
and (4) surface coating previously applied.
Chemical Cleaning of
Components Scheduled for Feeder
Disassembly of Aircraft Shops
Components scheduled for feeder shops
and Engine for Rework are removed from the engine or aircraft
and Inspection and disassembled and their parts are
Aircraft returning for rework or repair are cleaned and tested separately. Chemical
disassembled to the degree necessary to cleaning is a preferred technique and is
provide an airworthy product for another used as much as practical for paint
service tour. This disassembly includes stripping, derusting and descaling of
both the aircraft and engines. The amount parts. However, mechanical cleaning is
of disassembly an aircraft component required on some parts.
receives will govern its techniques of As most parts and components on
precleaning for the fluorescent liquid aircraft are painted as protection against
penetrant test. In general, the precleaning the operating environment, paint
may be divided into two major categories: stripping is usually the first precleaning
(1) precleaning of components that are process used. Parts are then chemically
completely disassembled and processed cleaned to remove corrosion products,
through feeder shops and their grease, carbon, dirt etc. This aids in
fluorescent liquid penetrant test stations; ensuring that surfaces are free of any
(2) precleaning of components and foreign materials that would either
structures that are fluorescent liquid prevent the liquid penetrants entry into
penetrant tested only in selected areas. discontinuities or would hold the liquid
Each of these categories entails different penetrant on the surface, causing false
precleaning processes. indications or masking relevant
indications. Etching of turbine blades is
but one example of the variety of
precleaning required to condition a part
Preparation of for liquid penetrant testing.
Components for
Inspection Restrictions on Mechanical
Cleaning of Components of
Before induction into rework facilities, the
aircraft and engines(s) are cleaned by
Inservice Aircraft
detergents, solvents, steam or other Even though chemical cleaning is the
techniques to remove soils, greases etc. preferred technique, mechanical cleaning

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 181

is required at times. Whenever scraping with a nonmetallic scraper
mechanical precleaning is used, the followed by chemical removal.
following restrictions are imposed. Assembled aircraft parts and structures
1. Rotary disks and wheels are will contain fasteners, overlapping joints
acceptable only when used at low and a myriad of other protrusions that
speeds. make precleaning difficult. Extreme care
2. Small areas are cleaned by hand must be used to remove the residue from
sanding. The sanding motion follows a around abutting surfaces and protrusions.
back and forth pattern in the same A fiber brush is used for this operation.
direction as a suspected discontinuity. Following the paint stripping, the areas
3. Abrasive blasting may be used only to are washed with a safety solvent and
the extent that the surface does not dried. Drying is at times assisted by air
become peened to a degree that could blasting with clean air. Oil contaminated
seal a discontinuity or contaminate air is prohibited. The final precleaning is
the opening with abrasive residue. The done by the liquid penetrant inspector.
blast dwell is kept to the absolute The entire area is precleaned with a liquid
minimum required to clean the metal penetrant precleaning solvent and dried.
surface. The area blasted is restricted
to the proximity of that area to be
tested. Causes and Prevention of
4. Steel wire brushes, either flat or rotary,
are not used on nonferrous metals. Improper Preparation of
Etching is at times used to assist in Aircraft Structures
opening the discontinuities. However, The results of the fluorescent liquid
etchants and the etching procedure are penetrant test for either of the two
authorized only by the materials or precleaning categories depend on the
quality laboratory having cognizance of thoroughness of the precleaning. Laxity
the test procedures. in any of the above processes can be
dangerous. Improper or incomplete
Final Precleaning by Vapor precleaning may be the result of many
Degreasing factors; time is a major one. Sufficient
dwell time is required to dissolve or
Vapor degreasing is a good technique of remove the extraneous materials that can
final precleaning. The use of chlorinated interfere with the test procedures. Trying
solvents to vapor degrease titanium is to rush parts or areas through precleaning
prohibited. The final precleaning of will probably account for more poor tests
titanium parts is with a Stoddard or than any other factor.
specialty solvent followed by oven drying Incomplete paint removal is an
at 50 C (120 F). Drying is necessary as example of hurrying the precleaning. The
the less volatile solvent could become items are coated with stripping
entrapped in cracks even though the compounds, the compounds and residue
surface may appear dry. are removed and the item is processed to
its next station. Many times a part will
appear clean to a casual observer but the
item will still have traces of primer intact.
Precleaning of Selective or These minute traces are often mistaken
Localized Areas of Aircraft for stains caused by anodizing or other
or Components treatments. In some cases, residues of
softened paint and/or paint removers are
Preparation of selected, localized surface fluorescent. Other examples include
areas can range from cleaning a complete inadequate derusting (or corrosion
wing spar to a small attach fitting. Some removal) and descaling.
large helicopter transmission housing and In addition to the problems previously
engine accessories cases also fall into this mentioned, there are those encountered
category. Because these parts cannot be where cleaning is required around
taken into the cleaning tanks, the fasteners, attachments etc. After stripping
precleaning techniques are much more the areas around these, protrusions
restrictive. usually contain small amounts of paint
Again, precleaning usually starts with residue softened by the stripper. They also
paint stripping. Chemical stripping is typically have scratches and tooling marks
generally used but mechanical stripping is which, through a period of time, have
substituted for some components having become corroded. This paint residue and
phenolic resins or baked enamels. corrosion serve as a blotter for the liquid
Mechanical stripping is usually grit penetrants, leading to unwanted
blasting of the approximate area to be fluorescent background.
tested. Many areas will have sealants
applied that must be removed, usually by

182 Liquid Penetrant Testing

will, in the end, save time. These areas
Conditions Interfering can be readily cleaned with a little solvent
and a fiber brush. This little effort will
with Liquid Penetrant provide much better testing of these
Testing of Inservice critical areas and also can avoid recycling
due to excessive bleedout. To summarize,
Aircraft fluorescent liquid penetrant can provide
Conditions listed below and many others economical and reliable testing after the
interfere with fluorescent liquid penetrant items to be tested are properly precleaned
testing for the reasons given. and processed. There are no short cuts in
1. Remaining scale, rust and paint precleaning for a reliable test.
residue will absorb liquid penetrant
and thereby give false indications or
mask relevant indications.
2. Residue remaining around fasteners
presents an additional masking
problem and causes such excessive
bleedout that cracks extending from
these areas have to propagate from
3 to 6 mm (0.125 to 0.25 in.) to be
These conditions also tend to cause
overcleaning and overremoval of liquid
penetrant by inspectors with limited
experience. This is especially true of
solvent removable liquid penetrant
process, referred to as Method C in SAE
AMS 26443 and ASTM E 1417.4 When
improper cleaning conditions are detected
by the inspector, the parts or areas must
be recycled through the precleaning
process and all subsequent liquid
penetrant processing steps. This is costly
in both time and production delay.
Other factors affecting the test system
are the maintenance of the liquid
penetrant tanks. Liquid penetrant
contamination is one concern; another
concern is a production line where parts
are continually fed into the liquid
penetrant tanks. Hot parts out of
degreasers, hot alkaline cleaners or ovens
can eventually heat the liquid penetrant
sufficiently to possibly change the liquid
penetrants solvent system, with a
resultant change of sensitivity. This
possibility, even though remote, should
be considered.

Quality Control during

Precleaning for Liquid
Penetrant Testing
To provide adequate precleaning, quality
control must start at the first cleaning
process and continue throughout. With
proper quality control, parts with residual
paint, corrosion etc. will be stopped and
properly precleaned before proceeding to
the next process. A savings in both time
and money is realized by this technique,
as the item does not have to back track
through the system.
A little extra time to test each
protrusion and fastener area for residue

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 183

PART 5. Influence of Mechanical Processing on
Effectiveness of Liquid Penetrant Testing

Liquid penetrant testing can be an mechanical process in question or a

effective test method only if the different test method should be used. In
discontinuities are open to the surface so addition, for a single mechanical process
that liquid penetrant can enter. When such as grit blasting, the required amount
performed before liquid penetrant testing, of chemical removal can vary, depending
some mechanical processes mask on the operating parameters chosen for
discontinuities by causing surface material the mechanical processing. Consequently,
to deform plastically and seal further investigation is needed for those
discontinuities. The so called soft metals processes or operating parameters not
such as aluminum and titanium are specified in the following examples.
especially susceptible to deformation by
mechanical processing. This problem is of
special concern to aircraft manufacturing
and transportation industries that use Examples of Mechanical
these metals. Obliteration of Crack
Indications in Aluminum
Types of Mechanical McFaul has reported unique photographic
Processing Preceding evidence of obliteration of liquid
Liquid Penetrant Testing penetrant indications of surface cracks in
aluminum alloys.5 These tests indicated
During the fabrication of components that obliteration of cracks by mechanical
such as in aircraft, a number of surface processing (except for shot
mechanical processes may be applied to peening) can be overcome by a mild etch,
the part. Titanium and aluminum parts if a postemulsifiable liquid penetrant
are frequently machined to their final system is used. The postemulsifiable
configuration. Steel parts are often grit liquid penetrant, compared to a water
blasted to remove heat treat scale. washable liquid penetrant, is more
Titanium and aluminum parts are impervious to the nullifying effects of
commonly tumble deburred or liquid possible residual acids and other
honed to improve the surface condition contaminants.
and remove burrs resulting from previous To conduct the tests, patterns of tight
operations. Shot peening is used to induce cracks with depth of 0.2 to 3 mm (0.01 to
a favorable stress pattern in the surface of 0.125 in.) were generated in 10 mm
some parts. Many parts are machined and (0.375 in.) thick blocks sliced from 75
then sanded to remove machining marks. 100 mm (3 4 in.) aluminum alloy bars
Liquid penetrant testing often is applied by repeated heating to 540 C (1000 F)
at several stages in the fabrication and quenching in ice water. After about
sequence and may directly follow any of the fifth quench, a network of high
the above mechanical processes. thermal stress, low cycle fatigue cracks
appeared. These crack specimens were
milled sufficiently to clean up both top
Need for Chemical and bottom surfaces of the blocks to a
0.8 mm (0.03 in.) root mean square (rms)
Removal of Surfaces surface finish.
Damaged by Mechanical Liquid penetrant tests were made with
a lipophilic postemulsifiable liquid
Processing penetrant system and a nonaqueous
The examples described elsewhere developer. Liquid penetrant dwell time
demonstrate the importance of chemical was 15 min. Excess liquid penetrant was
removal of surface material that has been then flushed off with water to reduce the
plastically deformed by mechanical subsequent emulsification time,
processing before liquid penetrant testing established at 1 min. After emulsification,
of titanium, aluminum and steel. If the parts were again thoroughly washed
chemical removal (etching) of surface with a spray rinse and checked with
metal is not feasible, liquid penetrant ultraviolet radiation. Specimens were then
testing should be carried out before the dried for 10 min in an 80 C (180 F)

184 Liquid Penetrant Testing

circulating hot air oven, allowed to cool Effect of Honing or Lapping on
and sprayed with a very light coat of Liquid Penetrant Crack Indications
nonaqueous developer. A minimum of 5
min developing time occurred before
in Aluminum Alloys
photographing the fluorescent indications Figure 2 simulates the effects on visibility
under ultraviolet radiation. Where there of fluorescent liquid penetrant crack
was no initial evidence of a returning indications of final honing or lapping of
crack pattern, as much as a half hour of the inside diameter of an aluminum
developing time was allowed. hydraulic cylinder. As shown in Fig. 2c,
honing completely obliterated all
evidence of cracks. Because an etch of the
Recovery of Crack Test Specimens lapped cylinder surface would destroy the
for Further Tests hydraulic seal effect of the lapped surface,
To remove residual liquid penetrant and it was necessary to conduct liquid
reuse the specimens, they were cleaned penetrant testing before honing or
for about 18 h, in a vapor degreaser. To lapping. Note in Figs. 2d and 2e that
probe the effectiveness of the cleaning anodic etching or milling restored the
techniques, these specimens were again crack indications on the cracked test
sprayed with nonaqueous developer, block.
allowed a development time of 3 h and
again examined under ultraviolet Effects of Sanding on Liquid
radiation. This technique of cleaning for
removal of residues from prior liquid
Penetrant Indications of Cracks in
penetrant processing proved satisfactory, Aluminum Alloys
because no evidence of liquid penetrant Figures 3 through 5 show effects of power
remained. The cracked test blocks were and hand sanding on fluorescent liquid
then given various mechanical surface penetrant indications of cracks in
treatments and again subjected to the aluminum alloys. In Figs. 3b, 4b and 5b, it
liquid penetrant test procedures. Results is evident that the finer the grit size used
of obliteration of liquid penetrant in sanding, the more severe the masking
indications by mechanical treatments and of crack indications becomes. Scraping,
their restoration by chemical etching are whose effects are shown in Fig. 6, can be
shown in the photographic sequences of used to avoid etching after sanding. If
Fig. 2 through 11. sanding and subsequent etching are used,
one of the several mild aluminum alloy

FIGURE 2. Effect of honing or lapping on liquid penetrant indications in cracked aluminum test specimens: (a) original crack
pattern of standard quench cracked block; (b) crack pattern after removal of 0.06 mm (0.0025 in.) of material using 30 grit
wheel with coolant and controlled feed and speed; (c) crack pattern after removal of 25 m (0.001 in.) by simulated cylinder
honing operation; (d) crack pattern after removal of 0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) per side by standard preanodic etch method;
(e) crack pattern after removal of 0.06 mm (0.0025 in.) by milling.
(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 185

FIGURE 3. Effect of hand sanding using 180 grit on liquid penetrant indications in cracked aluminum alloy test block:
(a) original crack pattern of standard quench cracked block; (b) crack pattern after removal of 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) by hand
sanding using 180 grit aluminum oxide paper; (c) crack pattern after 10 min preanodic etch, removing about 0.005 mm
(0.0002 in.) per side; (d) crack pattern after additional 5 min etch, making total of 0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) material removed
per side; (e) crack pattern after 0.06 mm (0.0025 in.) was removed by milling.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

FIGURE 4. Effect of hand sanding using 240 grit on liquid penetrant indications in cracked
aluminum alloy test block: (a) original crack pattern of standard quench cracked block;
(b) crack pattern after removal of 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) material by hand sanding using 240
aluminum oxide grit paper; (c) crack pattern after removal of 0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) per side
by standard preanodic etch method; (d) crack pattern after removal of 0.06 mm (0.0025 in.)
material by milling. Note that crack obscuring effect of 240 grit is noticeably more than that
indicated by use of coarser 180 grit.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

186 Liquid Penetrant Testing

etchants can be used. As seen in Figs. 3c crack pattern (where peening was less
and 3d, a 15 min etch in a preanodized severe). By milling to remove 0.1 to
cleaning etch bath restored the crack 0.25 mm (0.004 to 0.010 in.) from the
pattern. surface, the entire crack pattern was
restored, as shown in Fig. 7e.
Effects of Shot Peening on Liquid
Penetrant Indications of Cracks in Effects of Vapor Blasting on Liquid
Aluminum Alloys Penetrant Indications of Cracks in
Figures 7a and 7b show that all liquid Aluminum Alloys
penetrant indications were masked by Figures 8a and 8b show that nearly all
peening. A 15 min etch partially restored liquid penetrant indications were masked
the crack pattern, as shown in Fig. 7c. by vapor blasting (liquid honing). As
Figure 7d shows that milling 0.1 mm shown in Fig. 8c, the crack pattern was
(0.004 in.) from the aluminum surface nearly restored by a 15 min etch.
fully restored the center portion of the

FIGURE 5. Effect on liquid penetrant indications from combination of hand sanding of cracked
aluminum alloy test block with 80 grit paper and finish grind using motor driven 240 grit
quill: (a) original crack pattern of standard quench cracked block; (b) crack pattern after finish
grind; (c) crack pattern after removal of 0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) material per side by standard
preanodic etch; (d) crack pattern after removal of 0.06 mm (0.0025 in.) material by milling.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 6. Effect of hand scraping using carbide tip scraper on liquid penetrant indications in cracked aluminum alloy test
block: (a) original crack pattern of quench cracked block; (b) crack pattern after removal of 0.12 mm (0.005 in.) by hand
scraping entire surface; (c) crack pattern after removal of 0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) per side by preanodic etch. Note that some
streaking and slight loss of crack pattern is evidenced in Fig. 5b due to variations in scraping technique.

(a) (b) (c)

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 187

Effects of Tumble Deburring on aluminum alloy test block. Figure 11a
Liquid Penetrant Indications of shows the original crack pattern revealed
by fluorescent liquid penetrants.
Cracks in Aluminum Alloys Figure 11b shows the crack pattern
Figure 9 illustrates that tumble deburring, produced by the old technique using
like shot peening, masked nearly all liquid chromic acid bleedback for detection of
penetrant indications (Fig. 9). A 15 min cracks and discontinuities open to part
etch restored most of the largest crack surfaces. The chromic acid stain is light
indications as shown in Fig. 9c but failed brown in color and low in contrast
to restore the multitude of cracks in compared to the bright fluorescent liquid
evidence after a mill cut removed penetrant indications.
0.06 mm (0.0025 in.) of surface, as shown Figure 11c shows that use of
in Fig. 9d. postemulsifiable fluorescent liquid
penetrant on anodized aluminum alloy
Effects of Grit Blasting on Liquid surfaces is quite satisfactory in this case
where the cracks are relatively wide.
Penetrant Indications of Cracks in Fluorescent liquid penetrant indications
Aluminum Alloys of tight cracks may be obscured by
Figures 10a and 10b show that nearly all fluorescent background generated by the
of the liquid penetrant indications were porous anodized surface.
masked by grit blasting with 150 mesh
alum oxide grit. In aerospace industries,
grit blasting of spar caps is often
considered to be a suitable technique for Investigation of
the blending of surface irregularities after Mechanical Processes
machining. However, as with sanding of
aluminum surfaces, a 15 min etch after
Reducing Liquid Penetrant
grit blasting was required to restore the Sensitivity
total crack pattern shown in Fig. 10c. An investigation has been reported6
whose objectives were to (1) identify
Comparison of Chromic Acid several mechanical processes that reduce
Bleedback and Fluorescent Liquid the effectiveness of subsequent liquid
penetrant testing of aluminum, titanium
Penetrant Crack Indications in and steel and (2) determine techniques to
7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy restore liquid penetrant sensitivity after
Figure 11 compares two types of crack those mechanical processes. Quench
indications on the same 7075-T6 cracked steel and stress corrosion cracked

FIGURE 7. Effect of standard shot peen process on liquid penetrant indications in cracked aluminum alloy test block:
(a) original crack pattern of standard quench cracked block; (b) crack pattern after shot peen; (c) crack pattern after removal
of 0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) material per side by standard preanodic etch process; (d) crack pattern after removal of 0.12 mm
(0.005 in.) material by milling; (e) crack pattern after removal of an additional 0.12 mm (0.005 in.) by milling.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

188 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 8. Effect of standard vapor blast FIGURE 9. Effect of standard tumble deburr
operation on liquid penetrant indications in process on liquid penetrant indications in
cracked aluminum alloy test block: cracked aluminum alloy test block:
(a) original crack pattern of standard (a) original crack pattern of quench cracked
quench cracked block; (b) crack pattern block; (b) crack pattern after tumble deburr
after vapor blast; (c) crack pattern after operation; (c) crack pattern after 0.008 mm
0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) was removed per (0.0003 in.) material per side was removed
side by standard preanodic etch; (d) crack by standard preanodic etch; (d) crack
pattern after removal of 0.06 mm pattern after 0.06 mm (0.0025 in.) was
(0.0025 in.) material by milling. removed by milling. Note that crack
specimen was tumbled with another group
of production parts of about same weight.

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)

(d) (d)

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 189

titanium were subjected to grit blasting, chemical etching was used in incremental
shot peening, liquid honing, tumble steps on each of the materials to
deburring and sanding and the resultant determine the amount of material
effect on liquid penetrant effectiveness required to be removed to restore the
was noted. In addition, quench cracked original liquid penetrant indications. The
aluminum was machined, tumble required amount of surface material to be
deburred, sanded and subsequently tested removed by etching listed in Table 4
with liquid penetrant. Following this, summarizes their recommendations. This

FIGURE 10. Effect of grit blasting using 150 alum oxide grit on liquid penetrant indications in cracked
aluminum alloy test block: (a) original crack pattern of quench cracked block; (b) crack pattern after grit blast;
(c) crack pattern after 0.008 mm (0.0003 in.) per side was removed by standard preanodic etch. Note that
textured surface of block in Fig 5c definitely affected spread of liquid penetrant during development period.
Because liquid penetrant pattern was returned in its entirety, no further work was done with this example.

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 11. Effect of chromic anodic anodize treatment on liquid penetrant indications in cracked aluminum
alloy test block: (a) original crack pattern as developed in 7075-T6 block by quench crack method;
(b) chromic acid bleed back stain after anodizing; (c) crack pattern as developed by liquid penetrant process
after anodizing. Note that here, as in grit blasted specimen, surface texture promoted increased spreading of
liquid penetrant during development.

(a) (b) (c)

TABLE 4. Amount of surface material to be removed by etching to restore liquid penetrant indications.
Surface Material to Be Removed

Titanium 4340 Steel 300M Steel Aluminum

Process m (in. 106) m (in. 106) m (in. 106) m (in. 106)

No. 120 aluminum oxide grit blasting 7.5 300 1.8 70 0.8 30 ___ ___
No. 50 aluminum oxide grit blasting 100.0 4000 1.5 60 0.5 20 ___ ___
Liquid honing 2.5 100 1.8 70 0.8a 30 ___ ___
Shot penning 100.0 4000 4.5 180 2.5 100 ___ ___
Tumble deburring 2.5 100 1.5 60 1.0a 40 5 (200)
Sanding, 100 grit no effect 1.5a 60 no effect 5 (200)
Sanding, 180 grit 2.5 100 1.8a 70 no effect 5 (200)
Finish sanding of O-ring grooves ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1.3 (30)
Conventional machining ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 5 (200)

a. Process reduced the strength of the indications only.

190 Liquid Penetrant Testing

required amount was shown to vary with 180 grit butterfly type sanding air motor
the mechanical cleaning process and with units and (4) machining. Quench cracked
the test object materials.6 specimens were processed, liquid
penetrant tested, etched and again liquid
penetrant tested to determine the extent
of etching necessary to restore liquid
Evaluation of Effect of penetrant indications lost during
Mechanical Processing of mechanical processing.
Aluminum on Liquid
Techniques for Measuring Extent
Penetrant Sensitivity of Etching
Quench cracked 2024 aluminum alloy
specimens were investigated using the Coupons to be used for measuring the
procedures shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The extent of metal removal by etching were
liquid penetrant materials used in the cut from each specimen containing
evaluation were (1) a water washable cracks. The coupon surfaces were
fluorescent liquid penetrant and (2) a machined to a 0.8 m root mean square
lipophilic fluorescent postemulsifiable (3.2 105 in. root mean square) finish
liquid penetrant system used with two and opposite surfaces were machined
types of wet developer. The specimens parallel to 0.01 mm (0.0004 in.) across the
were cleaned after each liquid penetrant length of the coupon. Then the coupons
test by vapor degreasing to remove and parent specimens were etched
residues of liquid penetrants and according to the procedures indicated in
processing materials before retesting. Figs. 12 and 13. The thicknesses of
The effects of four mechanical material removed by etching were
processes were investigated: (1) tumble measured in millionths of an inch and
deburring, (2) sanding with 100 grit capable of readings accurate to five
emery cloth sanding disks with an air decimal places. The measured values have
motor unit in the same manner as been converted to micrometer in Table 4
standard milled part, (3) sanding with and Figs. 12 and 13. Before being
measured, the specimens were held in a
temperature controlled environment
FIGURE 12. Etching sequence after tumble deburring crack
aluminum panels.
FIGURE 13. Etching sequence after sanding
of cracked aluminum panels.
Tumble deburr

Sanded with 100 Sanded with 180

Liquid penetrant test grit emery cloth grit butterfly type
sanding units

Etch with proprietary

deoxidizer (3 to 10 min to
remove 1.3 m or Liquid penetrant test
0.00005 in. of material)

Etch with proprietary

Liquid penetrant test deoxidizer (3 to 10 min to
remove 1.3 m or 5 105 in.
of material)

Etch with
nitric-chromic-hydrofluoric Liquid penetrant test
Etch with proprietary
acid etch (1 L nitric acid,
alkaline etch cleaner
0.1 L hydrofluoric acid and
0.5 kg chromic acid) Etch for 10 min with nitric-chromic-hydrofluoric
acid etch (1 L nitric acid, 0.1 L hydrofluoric acid
and 0.5 kg chromic acid to remove 5 m or
0.0002 in.) of material
30 s etch 10 min 20 min
60 s etch 120 s etch 5 min etch
(remove etch etch
(remove (remove (remove
1.3 m or (Remove (remove
2.5 m or 5 m or 2.5 m or Etch with proprietary alkaline
0.00005 5 m or 7.5 m or
0.0001 in.) 0.0002 in.) 0.0001 in.) 0.0002 in.) etchant for 15 s to remove
in.) 0.0003 in.)
0.6 m (0.000025 in.) of

Liquid penetrant test Liquid penetrant test Liquid penetrant test

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 191

Effects of Etching of Tumble cleaner produced a better surface
Deburred or Sanded Aluminum condition than the nitric-chromic
hydrofluoric acid etch cleaner. The acid
Alloys etch cleaner pitted the surface somewhat.
Some of the liquid penetrant indications, This increased the fluorescent background
particularly those of fine cracks, were on part surfaces during subsequent liquid
obliterated when the 2024 aluminum penetrant testing. In addition, the acid
alloy specimens were either tumble etch cleaner discolored the surface and it
deburred or sanded. After etching with a was necessary to etch with the proprietary
proprietary alkaline etch cleaner for 60 s alkaline etch cleaner for 15 s to remove
or with a nitric-chromic hydrofluoric acid the discoloration. This discoloration
etch cleaner for 5 to 10 min, the water might have had no effect on the liquid
washable liquid penetrant indications penetrant process.
obtained without developer were restored
as shown in Fig. 14. It was necessary to
remove 5 m (0.0002 in.) of material to
Effects of Etching Conventional
restore the cracks that were obliterated and High Speed Machined
(see Table 4). The proprietary alkaline etch Aluminum
Conventional machining is used in
many industries to reduce plate and
FIGURE 14. Effect of sanding and etching on liquid penetrant
indications in 2024 aluminum specimens (water washable
liquid penetrant without developer): (a) after cracking; FIGURE 15. Effect of conventional machining on liquid
(b) after sanding; (c) after sanding, etching with deoxidizer, penetrant indications in 2024 aluminum specimens (water
and nitric-chromic-hydrofluoric acid etch. washable liquid penetrant with dry powder developer):
(a) (a) after machining, (b) after etching.




192 Liquid Penetrant Testing

forging material to the final part deburring, should be etched to remove
configuration. To determine the effect of about 5 m (2 104 in.) of material
machining of aluminum on the before any liquid penetrant test. Also,
sensitivity of a subsequent liquid aluminum parts subjected to a finish
penetrant test, quench cracked 2024 sanding operation with 320 to 400 grit
aluminum specimens were produced paper should be etched to remove at least
using the method previously described. about 1.3 m (5 105 in.) of material
The specimen surfaces were machined and before performing any liquid penetrant
liquid penetrant tested with a water test.
washable liquid penetrant and dry powder
developer. Next, the specimens were
etched and again liquid penetrant tested.
As indicated in Fig. 15, it was determined Evaluation of Effect of
that it was necessary to remove 5 m Mechanical Processing of
(2 104 in.) to restore the liquid
penetrant indications after conventional Steel on Liquid Penetrant
machining. Sensitivity
High speed machining is a machining Specimens of AISI 4130 and AISI 1018
approach designed to minimize tool steels were cracked by carburization and
vibrations and maximize metal removal
rate. For high speed machining of
aluminum, the surface speed of the cutter
typically exceeds 12.7 ms1 FIGURE 16. Effect of high speed machining on liquid
(2500 ftmin1). Quench cracked 2024 penetrant indications in 2024 aluminum specimens (water
aluminum specimens were produced washable liquid penetrant with dry powder developer):
using the method previously described. (a) after machining, (b) after etching.
The specimen surfaces were then high
speed machined with a spindle speed of (a)
34 000 rotations per minute and a feed
rate of 219 mms1 (518 in.min1). After
machining, the specimens were liquid
penetrant tested with a water washable
liquid penetrant and dry powder
developer. Next, the specimens were
etched to remove 5 m (2 104 in.) of
material and liquid penetrant tested
again. As indicated in Fig. 16, it was
determined that high speed machining
did not degrade liquid penetrant
indications in aluminum and that etching
is unnecessary.

Effects of Etching of Finish Sanded

Aluminum O-Ring Grooves
To investigate the effect of finish sanding
of O-ring grooves, two aluminum
specimens were tested as indicated in (b)
Fig. 17. The specimens were liquid
penetrant tested with water washable
liquid penetrant and nonaqueous wet
developer. Sanding obliterated most of the
crack indication in the O-ring grooves.
The indications were restored by etching
with a proprietary deoxidizer to remove
1.3 m (5 105 in.) of material (Fig. 18).

Recommended Metal
Removal by Etching of
Sanded Aluminum Parts
These results indicate that aluminum
parts subjected to (1) a sanding operation
with 180 grit butterfly type sanding units
or (2) a sanding operation with 100 grit
emery cloth sanding disks or (3) tumble

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 193

grinding (see Fig. 19). AISI 4340 and
FIGURE 17. Etching sequence after sanding of cracked 300M steels were intentionally quench
aluminum O-ring grooves. cracked (see Fig. 20). Thereafter, the 4340
steel was heat treated to the 1400 to
Quench crack two specimens 1550 MPa (2.0 105 to 2.2 105 lbfin.2)
strength range and the 300M steel was
heat treated to the 1850 to 2050 MPa
Machine O-ring grooves (2.7 105 to 3.0 105 lbfin.2) strength
range. The specimens were then tested
with a water washable fluorescent liquid
Vapor degrease and liquid penetrant. A 5 min liquid penetrant dwell
penetrant test
time was used and excess liquid penetrant
Specimen A Specimen B was removed using tap water with a spray
nozzle operating at 280 kPa (40 lbfin.2).
Etch with proprietary
After washing, the specimens were oven
deoxidizer (3 to 10 min to Sand with 320 to 400 dried at 60 C (140 F) for about 5 min. A
remove 1.3 m or grit paper
0.00005 in. of material)

FIGURE 18. Effect of sanding and etching on

Liquid penetrant test Liquid penetrant test liquid penetrant indications in aluminum
O-ring grooves (water washable liquid
penetrant with nonaqueous wet developer):
Etch for 10 min with Etch with proprietary (a) after sanding; (b) after sanding and
nitric-chromic-hydrofluoric deoxidizer (3 to 10 min to etching with proprietary deoxidizer.
acid etch to remove 5 m remove 1.3 m or 0.00005
(0.0002 in.) of material in. of material)

Liquid penetrant test Liquid penetrant test

Etch for 10 min with

Sand with 320 to 400 nitric-chromic-hydrofluoric
grit paper acid etch to remove 5 m
(0.0002 in.) of material

Liquid penetrant test Liquid penetrant test

Etch with proprietary End

deoxidizer (3 to 10 min to
remove 1.3 m or 0.00005
in. of material) (b)

Liquid penetrant test

Etch for 10 min with

acid etch to remove 5 m
(0.0002 in.) of material

Liquid penetrant test


FIGURE 19. Typical grinding crack pattern in carburized AISI 1018 steel.

194 Liquid Penetrant Testing

nonaqueous wet developer, applied with found to have affected the intensity or
spray cans to the AISI 4340 and AISI the number of crack indications. Etch rate
300M steels, remained in contact with the coupons were used to monitor the etching
specimen for 15 min. No developer was procedure as described previously for
used on the AISI 4130 and AISI 1018 aluminum. The etching was accomplished
steels. Following the initial liquid in incremental steps using a hydrochloric
penetrant testing, the specimens were acid pickle solution. After each etching
subjected to a trichloroethylene vapor step, the specimens were liquid penetrant
degrease to remove residual liquid tested using the initial procedure to note
penetrant. the change in the liquid penetrant
After the initial liquid penetrant test, indications.
the test specimens were subjected to
various mechanical surface processing
operations, details of which are given in
Table 5. After the mechanical processing Effects of Mechanical
the specimens were cleaned and retested Processing of Steels on
using the initial liquid penetrant
procedure. Liquid Penetrant
Technique for Measuring of The effects of mechanical processing on
Extent of Etching liquid penetrant indications are
summarized in Table 6. The effect on the
The AISI 4340 and AISI 300M steel
specimens where chemically etched after
the second liquid penetrant test if the
mechanical processing operation was
TABLE 5. Mechanical processing parameters for steel.
Operation Parameters
FIGURE 20. Typical quench cracks in 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) thick
Tumble deburring 1.5 to 2 h with triangular aluminum
AISI 4340 steel (water washable liquid penetrant with oxide chipsa
nonaqueous developer).
Sanding (air motor units) 100 grit emery cloth sanding diska;
180 grit butterfly typea
Grit blast 500 kPa (75 lbfin.2) 120 grit aluminum
oxidea; 500 kPa (75 lbfin.2) 50 grit
aluminum oxidea
Liquid hone 700 kPa (100 lbfin.2) 220 grit
aluminum oxidea; 550 kPa
(75 lbfin.2) 220 grit aluminum
Shot peen peening intensity of 0.008 Almen (steel

a. Quench cracked 4340 and 300M steel.

b. Grinding cracked 4130 and 1018 steel.

TABLE 6. Summary of mechanical processing effects on liquid penetrant indications. Blank boxes indicate that tests were
not performed under those conditions.a
1018 and Titanium
Operation Aluminum 4340 Steel 300M Steel 4130 Steel (6AI-4V)

Grit blasting, 120 grit aluminum oxide not performeda masked someb masked someb not performeda masked mostc
Grit blasting, 50 grit aluminum oxide not performeda masked someb masked someb not performeda masked mostc
Liquid honing not performeda masked someb reduced strengthd masked mostc masked someb
Shot peening not performeda masked mostc masked mostc not performeda masked mostc
Tumble deburring masked someb masked someb reduced strengthd not performeda masked someb
Sanding, 100 grit masked someb reduced strengthd no effecte not performeda no effecte
Sanding, 180 grit masked someb reduced strengthd no effecte not performeda masked someb
Finish sanding O-ring grooves masked mostc not performeda not performeda not performeda not performeda

a. Test not performed under indicated condition.

b. Masked some indications.
c. Masked most or all indications.
d. Reduced strength of indications only.
e. No effect.

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 195

liquid penetrant indications varied steel. Finally, both 100 grit and 180 grit
depending on the mechanical process and sanding had no observable effect on
the particular steel. For example, liquid 300M steel relative to either the number
honing of AISI 1018 and AISI 4130 steels of liquid penetrant indications or their
resulted in a total loss of liquid penetrant strength.
indications. However, liquid honing of
300M steel only reduced the strength of
the indications (Fig. 21). The most
detrimental mechanical processes were Recommended Metal
shot peening (in the case of AISI 4340 and Removal by Etching to
300M steels) and liquid honing (in the
case of AISI 4130 and AISI 1018 steels). Restore Indications in Steel
These treatments resulted in a total loss of The amount of etching required to restore
indications (see Fig. 22). The effectiveness masked liquid penetrant indications also
of the liquid penetrant testing was varied depending on the mechanical
reduced to a lesser degree by grit blasting process and the material (see Table 4). For
and tumble deburring (in the case of example, the average required amount of
AISI 4340 steel) and by grit blasting (in etching varied from 0.5 to 5 m (7 105
the case of AISI 300M steel). For those to 2 104 in.) for 300M steel. Etching of
processes, finer indications were lost but high strength steels is not always feasible
the larger indications remained (see because of the possibility of
Fig. 23). embrittlement. Consequently, when it is
Several of the processes only reduced not feasible to etch, these test results
the strength of the liquid penetrant indicate that it may be necessary to use a
indications as opposed to masking all or supplementary testing such as magnetic
some of them completely. These processes particle testing along with liquid
were sanding (both 100 and 180 grit) in penetrant testing if parts are to be tested
the case of 4340 steel and liquid honing after grit blasting or liquid honing.
and tumble deburring in the case of 300M

FIGURE 21. Effect of liquid honing on liquid penetrant indications in 300 M steel (water
washable liquid penetrant without developer): (a) before liquid honing; (b) after liquid


196 Liquid Penetrant Testing

processing on liquid penetrant test
Evaluation of Effect of sensitivity. Half of the specimens were
fabricated with the principal grain flow
Mechanical Processing of parallel to the thickness of the specimen;
Titanium on Liquid the remaining half were fabricated with
the principal grain flow perpendicular to
Penetrant Testing the thickness of the specimen. Each
Sensitivity specimen was initially liquid penetrant
Stress corrosion cracked specimens of tested using the parameters described for
annealed Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy were steel, except that a 10 min liquid
also investigated for effects of mechanical penetrant dwell time was used. A

FIGURE 22. Effect of shot peening on liquid penetrant indications in 300M steel: (a) as
cracked; (b) after shot peening; (c) after etching.




Surface Preparation and Cleaning 197

nonaqueous wet developer was used on
the specimens. TABLE 7. Mechanical processing parameters for titanium.
After the initial liquid penetrant test,
the test specimens were subjected to the Operation Parameters
mechanical processes described in Table 7.
After the processing the specimens were Tumble deburring deburred for 1.5 to 2 h using triangular
aluminum oxide chips (No. 3)
cleaned to remove residual liquid
penetrant, then retested using the initial Sanding (air motor units) 100 grit emery cloth sanding disk, 180
grit butterfly type
liquid penetrant procedure.
The specimens were chemically etched Grit blast 620 kPa (90 lbfin.2) 120 grit aluminum
after the second liquid penetrant test if
the mechanical processing operation was 620 kPa (90 lbfin.2) 50 grit aluminum
found to have affected the intensity or
the number of crack indications. Etch rate Liquid hone 550 kPa (80 lbfin.2) 220 grit aluminum
coupons were used to monitor the
etching, as previously described for Shot peen peening intensity of 0.008 Almen
aluminum and steel. The etching was (steel shot)
accomplished in incremental steps using a

FIGURE 23. Effect of grit blasting on liquid penetrant indications in 300M steel: (a) as cracked;
(b) after grit blasting; (c) after etching.



198 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 24. Effect of grit blasting on liquid penetrant FIGURE 25. Effect of liquid honing on liquid penetrant
indications in titanium (Ti-6AI-4V) alloy: (a) as cracked; indications in titanium (Ti-6AI-4V) alloy: (a) as cracked;
(b) after grit blasting; (c) after etching. (b) after liquid honing; (c) after etching.
(c) (a)



modified nitric-hydrofluoric acid pickle (c)

solution. After each etching step, the
specimens were liquid penetrant tested
using the initial liquid penetrant
procedure to note the change in the
liquid penetrant indications.

Effects of Mechanical
Processing of Titanium on
Liquid Penetrant
The effect of mechanical processing on
titanium can be seen in Table 6. The effect Recommended Metal
on the liquid penetrant indications varied
depending on the mechanical process. For
Removal by Etching to
example, grit blasting and shot peening Restore Indications in
resulted in a total loss of liquid penetrant Titanium
indications (see Fig. 24) and were the
most detrimental processes. Consequently, The amount of etching required to restore
it can be seen that if liquid penetrant masked liquid penetrant indications also
testing of titanium is performed varied depending on the mechanical
immediately after grit blasting or shot process and the material (see Table 4). The
peening without etching, the test would average required amount of etching for
be highly ineffective. The effectiveness of Ti-6Al-4V alloy varied from 2.5 to 100 m
the liquid penetrant testing was reduced (0.0001 to 0.004 in.).
to a lesser degree by liquid honing,
tumble deburring and 180 grit sanding
(see Fig. 25). For those processes, finer
indications were lost but the larger
indications remained. Finally, 100 grit
sanding had no observable effect on
either the number of liquid penetrant
indications or their strength.

Surface Preparation and Cleaning 199


1. Key, M.M. et al. Occupational Diseases

A Guide to Their Recognition. DHEW
publication NIOSH 77-181.
Washington, DC: National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health
[NIOSH], United States Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare
[DHEW]; Superintendent of
Documents, United States
Government Printing Office (1977).
2. Threshold Limit Values for Chemical
Substances and Physical Agents and
Biologic Exposure Indices. Cincinnati,
OH: American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists
3. SAE AMS 2644, Inspection Materials,
Penetrant. Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers (1996).
4. ASTM E 1417, Standard Practice for
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1995).
5. McFaul, H.J. Effect of Finishing
Processes on Detectability of Surface
Flaws by Penetrant Process. Materials
Evaluation. Vol. 23, No. 12. Columbus,
OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (December
1965): p 577-582.
6. Cook, J.F., R.J. Lord and R.J. Roehrs.
Quantitative Evaluation of the Effect
of Mechanical Processing on the
Effectiveness of Penetrant Inspection.
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 32, No. 7.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (July 1974)
p 133-141.

200 Liquid Penetrant Testing


Liquid Penetrant Testing


Michael L. White, Met-L-Chek, Santa Monica,

Vilma G. Holmgren, Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool
Works, Glenview, Illinois
Arthur Cedillos, Palomar Plating Company, Escondido,
John J. Flaherty, Flare Technology, Elk Grove Village,
Bruce C. Graham, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Donald J. Hagemaier, Boeing Company, Long Beach,
Norman J. Hendle, Roselle, Illinois
Robert J. Lord, Boeing Company, St. Louis, Missouri
David J. Ross, Spectronics Corporation, Westbury, New
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates, Crystal
Lake, Illinois
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
Kermit A. Skeie, Kermit Skeie Associates, San Dimas,
PART 1. Processing Equipment for Liquid
Penetrant Testing

lamp or other source. Where fluorescent

General Classification of liquid penetrant is desirable, the same
procedure can be carried out by
Liquid Penetrant Test substituting the proper fluorescent test
Equipment materials and by providing a portable
ultraviolet lamp and a screen or hood that
In many cases, when large numbers of
can be used to darken the test area.
production parts are to be tested, the
choice of equipment to be used for liquid
penetrant testing determines whether or Liquid Penetrant Testing Kits
not the test method will be economical To make portable applications convenient,
and productive. Inadequate or improper liquid penetrant test kits are available at
equipment could be costly and wasteful, low cost. These are small in size and
leading either to discarding of parts that weight and can be carried easily to any
may not be anomalous or to retaining and location. Fluorescent and visible liquid
using anomalous parts. In the broadest penetrant materials are available in kits.
sense, liquid penetrant test equipment All items necessary for testing are
may be classified in one of three included. The cases provide storage space
categories: (1) simple, hand operated, for application brushes or swabs, cleaning
portable equipment that can be moved rags and a brief instruction book. In some
about easily as needed, (2) larger and kits, the liquids are in containers with
more complete stationary equipment, broad screw tops, to make application by
somewhat universal in the variety of parts brush or swab convenient during spot
it can accommodate, and (3) specialized checks. In others, the liquid materials are
units built to accommodate specific types provided in pressurized cans so that the
of parts and generally designed to materials can be applied by spraying.
function as an integral part of a Fluorescent liquid penetrant kits
production line. generally include an ultraviolet radiation
source. The portable ultraviolet lamp can
be hand held and moved to any test
location or position quite easily. It is often
Portable Liquid Penetrant possible to use such a portable fluorescent
Test Equipment liquid penetrant test kit in subdued shop
Where only an occasional check is to be light by using shades to prevent the
made, no equipment may be needed ambient light from falling onto the test
other than the containers in which the area irradiated by ultraviolet radiation.
processing materials are obtained. An However, fluorescent liquid penetrant
example is a job shop in which there is no testing is not recommended in shop light
necessity for liquid penetrant testing of or daylight and should be used only
the parts actually manufactured but where under proper lighting conditions. Many
it is felt desirable to use liquid penetrant specifications prohibit liquid penetrant
for maintenance testing of some of the testing under improper lighting
shop equipment. Here it is quite feasible conditions. (See below for precautions and
to keep a small supply of liquid penetrant recommendations concerning ambient
test materials on hand and to use them in and ultraviolet radiation intensity levels
the simplest way. required for good viewing.)
An absolute minimum supply would be
spray cans of suitable visible dye liquid
penetrant, cleaner/remover and developer.
These materials could be taken to the
General Purpose
machine or part to be tested and the Stationary Liquid
materials are applied or removed by Penetrant Test Equipment
means of sprays, cloths and swabs.
Because visible dye liquid penetrants General purpose stationary test
require no special illumination, the actual equipment includes small units that
test could be carried out under good shop handle only a few parts per hour as well
illumination or, if necessary, with as combinations of larger test units
auxiliary light from a flashlight, trouble through which production quantities of
parts can be processed. The equipment,

202 Liquid Penetrant Testing

regardless of size or capacity, is generally one extra tank and drain rack, the
characterized by the following attributes. postemulsifier process can be used. The
1. All functions of the testing technique main unit, without the added emulsifier
are provided in a single piece of tank, occupies about 3 m2 (35 ft2) of floor
equipment or a collection of single space.
function units that can be arranged in
various sequences. Liquid Penetrant Dip-and-Drain
2. Processing is primarily carried out Station
manually or with the assistance of
simple handling devices such as roller The liquid penetrant is contained in a dip
conveyors and hoists. tank located at the left end of the unit
3. Within the dimensional limitations of and is usually applied to the part by
a particular unit, the number of dipping or brushing. A grilled drain
shapes or types of parts that can be section is located adjacent to the liquid
inspected is almost unlimited. penetrant tank. After test parts have been
covered with liquid penetrant, they can
be placed on this grill to allow excess
surface liquid penetrant to drain back into
the liquid penetrant tank for reuse. The
Small Self-Contained test parts should be left on the grill for a
Liquid Penetrant Test Units dwell time sufficiently long to allow
Typical of a smaller, completely liquid penetrant to enter all surface
self-contained test system is the unit discontinuities.
shown in Figs. 1 and 2. This unit provides
accommodations for carrying out the five Wash Station
steps of the liquid penetrant testing The wash station is located adjacent to
method where a water washable liquid the liquid penetrant drain grill at the
penetrant is to be used. By the addition of front center part of the unit. This station

FIGURE 1. Small self-contained water washable fluorescent liquid penetrant testing unit.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 203

FIGURE 2. Schematic diagram of water washable fluorescent liquid penetrant testing unit.

Inspection hood

Ultraviolet lamp for rinse table


Splash shield
Drain pan and grille C
D Ultraviolet lamp
B curtain

Hand hose

Whirl wash

A = liquid penetrant tank
B = drain area
C = rinse tank
D = drier
E = developer tank
F = inspection table

is equipped with a drain, hose and spray large pieces. Curtains to close the front of
nozzle for washing parts by hand. An the drier retain heat and maintain proper
ultraviolet radiation source is mounted air circulation inside the cabinet but are
over the wash tank so that the operator still convenient for in-and-out handling
can see when all excess liquid penetrant of parts.
has been removed in fluorescent liquid
penetrant testing. An automatic washer is
often incorporated into this wash tank, as
FIGURE 3. Automatic washer inserted in wash tank, as seen
shown in Fig. 3. This feature is desirable
from above.
when large numbers of parts are
inspected. With an automatic washer, no
personnel are required for the washing
operation. Parts are cleaned by multiple
water sprays as they rotate on the
automatic turntable located at the bottom
of the tank. Washing time can be
regulated to suit the application. The
wash station is plumbed with inline
pressure and temperature control devices.

Parts Drying Station

A warm air recirculating parts drier is
located at the center rear. Drying
temperature is thermostatically controlled
to avoid excessive temperatures and there
is provision for dry air replenishment and
temperature recovery. Even large and
complicated parts are dried quickly. A
removable center shelf accommodates

204 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Developer Application Station In processing oversize parts, it is
sometimes feasible to apply the processing
The developer tank next to the wash and
liquids by pouring them over the test
dry station is designed for use either with
objects and collecting the excess fluid that
dry power developer or aqueous types of
drains off test parts in the tanks. The
developers. When dry developer powder is
small size of the typical self-contained
used, parts are washed to remove excess
stationary system also limits the number
surface liquid penetrant and then are
of test operators and inspectors that can
dried thoroughly before the dry powder
be used efficiently on one unit. Multiple
developer is applied. Dry powder
general purpose test stations are
developer is usually applied by dipping
sometimes used, particularly when more
dry test parts into the tank of powder or
than one type of liquid penetrant is
by the preferred technique of dusting
required in day-to-day testing.
with dry powder. When wet aqueous
suspendible developer is used, the test
parts need not be dried before application
of the wet developer. In this case, the Multiple Component
clean, wet test parts are usually dipped
into the wet developer tank. A removable Stationary Liquid
grill placed over part of the developer Penetrant Testing Systems
tank can be used to drain excess developer
Where high production test rates or tests
from parts after dipping. Following
of large test objects are required, multiple
application of the wet developer, the
component stationary liquid penetrant
developer coated parts are dried in the
testing units offer advantages. Figure 4
drying oven described previously. After
illustrates the several components of a
drying, test parts can be placed on a
typical multiple component liquid
suitable clean grill to cool to temperatures
penetrant testing station. Figures 4g and
comfortable for further handling and
4h together constitute an in-line
testing. Note that following drying of
arrangement of test equipment made up
developer coatings or after applying dry
of several individual components. Such
developer to dried test parts, a sufficient
installations are not usually purchased as
period of time is required for liquid
single items; actually, they are an
penetrant indications to develop. This
assemblage of individual liquid penetrant
time period is often known as the
processing units, each designed for a
developer dwell time.
single phase of the testing procedure.
Multiple component test systems thus
Inspection Station offer extreme flexibility and permit the
The inspection station of the user to combine needed components into
self-contained test unit is a booth on the many combinations of optimum sizes.
right side of the unit shown in Figs. 1 and The liquid penetrant test system can then
2. This booth is enclosed with lightproof be tailored to meet specific needs or plant
curtains for fluorescent liquid penetrant layouts. In Figs. 4g and 4h, the multiple
testing. The curtains overhang the front unit equipment is set up for liquid
of the unit to give the inspector plenty of penetrant testing using water washable
room. Ventilation is provided. A source of liquid penetrant and dry developer. As
near ultraviolet radiation, white light or shown in Figs. 4g and 4h, the flow of test
both, is provided. The light source is parts being inspected is straight through
normally mounted on an adjustable the equipment line, starting at the left
bracket above the test table. Light sources end. Inspected test parts finally emerge
are typically removable for manually from the test booth at the right end of
directing the radiation around larger this arrangement.
Liquid Penetrant Dip-and-Drain
Limitations of Small Figure 4a shows a large tank for holding
liquid penetrant. The open grill of Fig. 4b
Stationary Self-Contained serves as the liquid penetrant drain and
Units dwell station in multiple component
Although the small, stationary general liquid penetrant test systems. Liquid
purpose liquid penetrant test unit of penetrant tanks can be obtained in a wide
Figs. 1 and 2 provides a means for liquid range of sizes including those large
penetrant testing at a small production enough to permit immersion of relatively
rate, it has certain limitations. Because of large test parts.
the physical size of the immersion tanks Liquid penetrant application is
used, test parts with dimensions greater generally by dipping. A small hoist can be
than the tank permits cannot be used to help the operator to handle heavy
immersed into the processing materials. test parts. For test parts too large to be

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 205

FIGURE 4. Modular construction of multiple component liquid penetrant test system permits straight line, L or U arrangement:
(a) liquid penetrant tank with cover; (b) drain and rest station; (c) wash station; (d) drying oven; (e) dry developer station;
(f) inspection station; (g, h) multiple component inline liquid penetrant testing system consisting of assembled units.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h)

206 Liquid Penetrant Testing

immersed in the tank, an alternative handing temperatures before entering the
technique of flooding or flowing liquid inspection booth or the dry developer
penetrant over the parts can be used. A station.
small pump and hose for flowing liquid
penetrant over parts can be installed so as Dry Developer Station
to use liquid penetrant from the dip tank.
In addition, application of liquid Figure 4e shows the dry developer
penetrant by spray guns is very effective, application station. Test parts must be
where suitable ventilating facilities are thoroughly dry before application of dry
provided for removal of vapors from spray powder developer. Test parts are dipped or
and part surfaces. Hazards also exist if swirled through a cloud of light, fluffy
flammable liquid penetrant vapors are powder that adheres to the part surface.
allowed to accumulate above the liquid
penetrant in closed tanks, as when the Inspection Station in Multiple
cover is closed in the unit shown in Component Liquid Penetrant Test
Fig. 4a. Good ventilation is appropriate
wherever volatile liquids capable of System
supporting combustion are used in The inspection station in which processed
industry. test parts are examined is shown in Fig. 4f
A roller top liquid penetrant drain or and at the right end of the assembly of
parts storage station is shown in Fig. 4b. Fig. 4h. This liquid penetrant inspection
The drain is equipped beneath the rollers booth may also have a roller table top and
or grill with a sloping tray that catches is equipped with one or more sources of
liquid penetrant draining from test parts. ultraviolet radiation or white light, as
Because of the possibility of appropriate. These directional ultraviolet
contamination of liquid penetrant in the radiation sources can be supported on
dip tank, it is recommended that the brackets and focused on specific areas or
drain not be plumbed back to the liquid removed from the brackets and directed
penetrant application tank. Care is by hand to illuminate hard-to-get-at
required to prevent dripping of liquid locations. Some inspection booths have
penetrants or processing materials onto high wattage flood overhead ultraviolet
work surfaces, floors or testing personnel. lamps built into the ceiling of the
Such oily wastes can lead to slipping and inspection booth for overall ultraviolet
hazards to personnel, as well as the illumination. Even with fluorescent liquid
possibilities of fires or explosions of penetrant, a white light fixture should
flammable vapors. Another result of also be provided for detection of visible
contaminated work surfaces or test discontinuities that may not necessarily
operator hands and clothing can be have been revealed by means of liquid
smears of liquid penetrant on test objects. penetrants or for checking the part
These smears could obscure relevant surface, to aid in interpretation of
liquid penetrant indications or confuse indications. A ventilating fan can be built
inspectors during interpretation of liquid into the ceilings of test booths for
penetrant indications. operator comfort during warm weather
and to minimize operator exposure to
Washing Station dust and fumes.

Figure 4c shows a typical washing unit

used to remove excess water washable Varieties of Multiple Component
liquid penetrant from test objects. This Liquid Penetrant Testing Systems
wash station may use either a hose and The individual components of multiple
spray nozzle manipulated by hand or it component liquid penetrant test system
may be an automatic washer (see Fig. 3). can be rearranged, removed or replaced
with other components with special
Drier and Cooling Station functions suitable for other liquid
penetrant processes. The combination can
The parts drier shown in Fig. 4d is an be adapted for use with the
electrically heated, thermostatically postemulsifiable liquid penetrant test
controlled, recirculating warm air oven. techniques by inserting dip-and-drain
This drier has a roller grill to support test tanks or additional apparatus for
parts during drying. Counterbalanced emulsifier immediately after the liquid
doors that open by sliding upward are penetrant tank similar to but larger
located at each end of this drier, so it is than the additional stations described
easy to move baskets of small parts or above for postemulsifiable liquid
individual large test parts into or entirely penetrant testing with self-contained
through the drying unit. A cooling table units. This tank could be of the same type
with roller top similar to that shown in as that shown in Fig. 4a.
Fig. 4b permits parts emerging from the
drying oven to air cool to comfortable

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 207

This special production equipment
Large Custom Designed may be designed to handle only one or a
few similar types of parts or a multitude
Dip Tank Stations of shapes and sizes. If properly designed
Special dip tanks for liquid penetrant, and built, it is capable of yielding the
emulsifier and wet developer can be made most productive uniform liquid penetrant
to almost any size requirements (Fig. 5). A testing attainable. Actual speed of testing
typical large unit might be 30 m (100 ft) is determined by the requirements of the
long, 1 m (3.5 ft) wide and 2.5 m (8 ft) production line; inspection booth size is
deep. Large tanks operate on the same determined by the number of inspectors
principle as those on smaller systems but needed. Test speed must also be
may have many times the capacity when compatible with requirements for liquid
used to process airframe components. penetrant and emulsifier dwell times and
Such a tank may contain more than for developing time. Speed can also be
60 m3 (1.5 104 gal) of fluid. Shown in limited by the capacities of the testing
Fig. 5 is a custom facility with an line process equipment. Test time on
overhead rail for traveling hoists to carry repetitive test parts can be reduced to a
large test objects or racks containing minimum by devices that make it
several smaller test parts. necessary only for the inspector to view
each test object as it revolves and to press
a pass or reject button that will cause the
machine to segregate the parts.
Specialized High Volume
Liquid Penetrant Test Units
In manufacturing operations where parts Automated Processing for
are made in high volume on conveyorized
production lines, testing of parts at
Production Line Liquid
production line speeds may be desirable. Penetrant Testing
The liquid penetrant method lends itself Production line testing can obviously be
to mechanization. In such cases, it is improved through automation when
necessary to design special equipment so production capacity requirements reach a
that test rates can be coordinated with point where manual testing operations
production manufacturing rates. can no longer match the production rates.
Conveyorized equipment is generally There are many examples where several
designed with moving part supports basic manual lines have been made
provided with holding fixtures. These obsolete by an automatic system with
require only the services of an operator to greater productive yield. In the aircraft
load parts onto the carrier. The parts then industry, for example, turbine blade
proceed unattended through the entire testing uses test systems capable of
processing operation and are finally handling several thousand blades per
presented for examination to an inspector hour, depending on part size and
in a suitable booth. configuration. There are many high
volume liquid penetrant testing
requirements in the general metalworking
FIGURE 5. Custom liquid penetrant dip tank facility to industry.
accommodate relatively large components. There are many other benefits to be
gained that contribute to increased
productivity through automating
production line testing. In addition to the
increase in production test capacity,
positive control over liquid penetrant test
processing is attained. Each phase of the
production line testing can be controlled
through proper handling equipment on
an automatic basis. Automatic sequencing
minimizes the possibility of
overprocessing or underprocessing, which
are constant concerns of nearly every
quality assurance group throughout
Much consideration has been given to
automating existing manual liquid
penetrant test equipment wherever
possible to increase production test
capacity and gain improved process
control. There are many instances where
funds are not available for capital

208 Liquid Penetrant Testing

equipment but such funds can often be testing is performed; and the criticality
justified and made available for of the part application.
modification and updating of existing 2. Different types of anomalies sought
equipment. This approach has worked during testing: nature of anomalies
very well in increasing production line sought and processing specification
test capabilities over manual operations. requirements.
3. Certain factors affect production rate:
Possibilities for Automating how parts arrive for processing;
reloading or repositioning of parts
Detection of Discontinuity required for liquid penetrant
Indications processing; part handling equipment
Future improvements in production line presently available; number and level
testing can be expected, particularly in or skill of operators and inspectors
the area of automatic testing. All parts available; unloading facilities required,
going through a liquid penetrant testing if any.
line obviously must be examined for 4. Particular processing requirements
discontinuity indications and the labor include maximum part temperature
cost associated with this visual and precleaning treatments.
examination by human operators is one 5. Equipment and facilities need to
of the largest cost factors of the entire comply with the requirements of
process. Automatic discontinuity reading various industrial safety or health
may play a major role in further reducing physics codes or standards, for the
production line testing costs (see sake of pollution control,
discussion of automated scanning, below). environmental safety requirements
and electrical hazards protection.
6. Special operating conditions influence
Limitations Involved with selection of the installation site:
Automated Liquid Penetrant Test available space (length, width,
Systems overhead); noise level requirements in
There are many considerations in the the general area; height of waste table
selection of fluorescent liquid penetrant (which could obviate pits); access for
testing equipment that can affect the rail or truck movement or to
productive yield of the process. A conveyors; and suitable utilities.
common pitfall in the selection of 7. Liquid penetrant test materials must
processing equipment is to assume that a be practical for use in intended
simple arrangement of dip tanks, rinse equipment. For example, highly
tanks, driers and inspection booths will volatile material would not be used in
suffice in all cases. It is usually better to open tanks; instead, this type of
build versatility into the test system, material would be handled by
rather than to limit it to present needs. enclosed spray systems.
Limitations of automated systems are 8. Extent of postcleaning of test objects
determined by factors such as (1) volume required following completion of
of work and economics of the system, liquid penetrant testing must be
(2) variations in test object sizes, shapes considered.
and surface conditions, (3) flexibility of
the system as compared with systems
using human operators, (4) space available
for installation and (5) risk that changes Example of Mechanized
in processing specifications will make the Conveyorized Liquid
system obsolete.
Penetrant Test System
Figure 6 shows a machine that has been
used for liquid penetrant testing of
Factors Influencing castings in a large tractor plant. After
Selection of Liquid being loaded onto the conveyor, the
castings are automatically carried through
Penetrant Test Equipment six processing operations and are finally
One logical approach to determining delivered into the inspection booth for
processing equipment requirements that examination of the liquid penetrant
will determine the production line indications. Detailed descriptions of each
capability would be to consider factors station used in this mechanized liquid
such as the following. penetrant test system are given below.
1. The type of part to be inspected must
be considered: the type of material
(titanium, aluminum etc.); the size,
shape and weight of test objects; the
stage in manufacturing process where

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 209

Conveyor System for Transporting permitted to fall in a curtain or shower
Castings through Mechanized from troughs in the top of the cabinet.
This falling curtain of liquid penetrant
Liquid Penetrant System covers the top surface of the part and in
A conveyor belt carries castings through most instances also wets the sides. If the
all stations of the mechanized liquid part is not completely covered, auxiliary
penetrant testing system shown in Fig. 6. sprays may be located at either side of the
Precleaned castings are loaded onto this conveyor to ensure complete coverage.
conveyor belt at the extreme left of the Additional sprays are located beneath the
unit. The conveyor belt system, moving belt to cover the underside of the part.
from left to right, extends continuously These sprays are generally pipes or tubes
through the entire length of the unit. The located below the conveyor belt. Holes
belt is of open wire mesh and may consist along the tops of these pipes serve as jets
of a single length of belting or a number through which liquid penetrant is
of sections arranged so that parts will sprayed.
transfer from a given section on to the Circulation of liquid penetrant through
next without manual assistance. In a the spray system is by means of a motor
typical machine, belt speeds are variable driven pump built into the tank. Because
between 0.15 and 0.6 m (6 and 24 in.) per a rather large volume of material is being
minute to permit selection of proper time circulated and velocity at the jets is quite
cycles for the various processing steps. high, a certain amount of vapor or spray
The conveyor belt carries the completely may be formed and may become
processed castings, after cooling, into the objectionable in the operating area. To
inspection booth shown at the extreme permit removal of fumes, a vent stack is
right of the unit for viewing and located in the top of the liquid penetrant
evaluation under ultraviolet radiation. application cabinet for connection to an
exhaust system.
Liquid Penetrant Spray Mist collectors create the negative
pressure required to contain the fumes
Application Station for Castings in and mist and also let the air be returned
Mechanized System to the factory. A series of filters in the
Water washable fluorescent liquid mist collector ensure that all liquid
penetrant is used for testing of tractor penetrant is removed from the air. An
castings in the mechanized processing alternative is to use a mist collector.
system of Fig. 6. Rough sandcast surfaces On emerging from the liquid penetrant
are often inappropriate for spray cabinet, the parts progress into an
postemulsifiable liquid penetrants because open area where excess liquid penetrant
it is difficult to remove background drains back into the sump and is reused.
residual fluorescence. After traveling a This open area of the conveyor serves for
short distance, castings enter a cabinet in liquid penetrant dwell time.
which the liquid penetrant is sprayed over
the entire surface. To obtain this complete Water Wash Station for Castings
surface coverage, liquid penetrant is
in Mechanized Liquid Penetrant
Test Systems
Following the liquid penetrant dwell time,
FIGURE 6. Mechanized liquid penetrant testing of castings in the castings enter the water wash station
tractor factory. for removal of excess surface liquid
penetrant. This water wash station is a
completely closed cabinet with solid sides
and top. The ends are closed by special
rolling curtains that permit the wet
castings to enter and leave on the
conveyor but that prevent wash water
from splashing outside the enclosure.
Washing is accomplished by streams of
water from moving spray nozzles. These
spray nozzles, located above, below and at
the side of the conveyor, oscillate
continuously back and forth through an
angle of about 45 degrees. This oscillatory
motion of the spray heads, in conjunction
with the forward motion of the conveyor
belt, ensures that the surface of the part is
completely covered and that a thorough
washing job is accomplished.

210 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Air Blowoff and Drier Stations of Parts Cooling Station in
Mechanized Liquid Penetrant Test Mechanized System for Inspecting
Systems Castings
To lighten the load on the drier and to In the system of Fig. 6, examination of
reduce its size, a major portion of the castings follows immediately after the
water remaining on the part as it emerges drying operation (because no developer is
from the wash station is removed by an used). Because test parts move steadily
air blowoff section located at the exit end along the conveyor system, it would be
of the wash station. Inside the cabinet are possible for these test objects to reach the
multiple jets that direct steams of air over inspector at a temperature too high for
the part and remove a major portion of comfortable handling. Therefore, a short
the water left on the surface. When parts cooling section is designed into the
fluorescent liquid penetrants are used, the unit between the drying oven and the
blowoff cabinet is often equipped with an evaluation station. This cooler is merely a
ultraviolet lamp to permit the operator to small enclosed cabinet with an exhaust
check on the thoroughness of the vent, equipped with fans below the
washing operation. conveyor. These fans draw in outside air
Parts pass directly from the blowoff and force it through the open meshes of
station to the drier, which is another the conveyor belt and up and around the
closed cabinet with the ends left open for test parts.
passage of the conveyor. The cabinet walls
are insulated and the interior is Ultraviolet Inspection Station in
electrically heated, with temperature
controlled by an adjustable thermostat. To Mechanized Liquid Penetrant Test
ensure even drying, the air inside the System
cabinet is continually recirculated by fans In the system of Fig. 6, examination of
built into the unit. Provision is made for processed castings for indications is done
the expulsion of a portion of the visually by one or more inspectors in the
circulating air and the intake of dry air for curtained booth located immediately
its replacement. The test parts should be following the cooler station. The conveyor
free of liquid penetrant so that only water belt continues entirely through the
is being evaporated within the drier; examination area. The viewing and
otherwise, evaporation of liquid penetrant evaluation booth of Fig. 6 is equipped
could contribute to air pollution. Note with large ultraviolet lamp fixtures
that air pollution is measured for the arranged to flood the entire test area with
entire liquid penetrant testing system and sufficient near ultraviolet intensity for
includes evaporation from parts, tanks, evaluation of fluorescent indications. In
spray booths and drain stations. Water addition, an ultraviolet lamp bulb in a
pollution could result from effluent wastes portable fixture can be used to direct
containing liquid penetrant and ultraviolet radiation into blind holes or
processing materials that flow into sewers other inaccessible places. A white light is
or streams. Both oily and fluorescent located in the ceiling of the booth for
components of liquid penetrants are general illumination when needed.
objectionable and readily traceable to
their sources.
Procedure for Inspection of
Castings in Mechanized Liquid
Omission of Developer
Penetrant System
Application Station in Mechanized
Casting Testing Examination of the processed castings for
fluorescent liquid penetrant test
In the machine illustrated in Fig. 6, no indications is done visually by one or
provision is made for the application of a more inspectors in the curtained darkened
developer. This specific unit was designed booth of the mechanized liquid penetrant
for testing of parts for large cracks and in testing system of Fig. 6. Processed parts
this particular situation developer is not emerge from the cooling station and are
required. If developer were necessary, a then carried through the inspection booth
station somewhat similar to the liquid on the conveyor belt. Ultraviolet radiation
penetrant application station would be illuminates all accessible surfaces, which
charged with wet developer to be applied are examined for fluorescent indications
onto the parts. Such a developer station of discontinuities. Each casting is then
would be located between the rinse rotated or turned over to reveal remaining
station and the drier. The air blowoff surfaces for examinations.
would not be used with the wet developer In most installations, sound parts are
system. permitted to pass out the right side of the
inspection booth and are deposited on
another conveyor that takes them to the
postcleaning operation. Here, all traces of

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 211

liquid penetrants or processing materials and transfer on part surfaces, spray
are removed. In some cases, further systems virtually eliminate contamination
treatment is provided to prevent corrosion of the reservoirs of liquid penetrants or
of parts in storage or service. However, in processing materials. The liquids are
the case of the tractor castings, the pumped directly from sealed containers
conveyor takes the parts to the next and no contaminated materials are
manufacturing operation where further returned to these source containers.
machining or finishing operations Figure 7b is a photograph of a smaller,
eliminate the need for postcleaning of semiautomatic spray station.
liquid penetrant residues from the

Limitations of Conveyorized FIGURE 7. Liquid penetrant spray station: (a) schematic

Liquid Penetrant Processing diagram of conventional configuration; (b) photograph of
Systems carousel design.
Dwell times in a conveyorized automatic
test system are usually determined by the (a)
conveyor speed and travel distance. Exhaust
Increasing the time of one processing step
by reducing conveyor speed will lengthen
the time of other process steps. For
example, a change in specifications may
require a longer liquid penetrant dwell. Parts
Bringing this about by slowing the
conveyor will lengthen the wash cycle
and the chance of overwashing and the
drying cycle and the chance of
overheating the part. Lack of flexibility is
one of the drawbacks of those completely
automated processing systems whose Drip tray Drip tray
processing dwell times are controlled by
conveyor belt speeds. More advanced
process systems permit individual Liquid penetrant containers
adjustment and control of each dwell
time and processing time interval. (b)
Modern microprocessor control systems
allow mechanized systems to respond
automatically to many operating
conditions and other variables that can
affect processing operations in liquid
penetrant testing.

Conventional Spray
Application of Liquid
Conventional or electrostatic techniques
of spray application of liquid penetrants,
emulsifiers, removers and developers
provide effective ways of applying these
liquids with complete coverage of the
surfaces of test objects. Spraying is usually
more economical than immersion dip
tanks, primarily because of reduced
formation of pools of liquid penetrant in
cavities. Pooling often results in
substantial dragout losses of liquids. The
conventional liquid penetrant spray
station sketched in Fig. 7a is typical of the
various liquid penetrant process spray
stations in common use. It can spray a
variety of part sizes and can be equipped
for quick changeover from one liquid
material to another. In contrast to
immersion tanks with their liquid dragout

212 Liquid Penetrant Testing

fluorescent liquid penetrants to parts with
Electrostatic Spray complex shapes. Figure 8c shows an
automatic reciprocating assembly of
Application of Liquid electrostatic spray guns applying liquid
Penetrants and Processing penetrant to both sides of conveyor borne
parts. Users indicate that liquid penetrant
Materials material usage with atomized and
Figure 8a shows typical components of an electrostatic spray systems is only about
electrostatic spray system used to apply 10 percent of that used in a dip tank
liquid penetrants and developers. application system. This economy of
Figure 8b shows a technician manually application results in other advantages
controlling an electrostatic spray of because less excess liquid material is

FIGURE 8. Application with electrostatic spray system minimizes consumption of liquid penetrant material and helps ensure
coverage of complete surface: (a) diagram shows arrangement of system components; (b) technician applies fluorescent liquid
penetrant with hand held electrostatic spray gun that makes atomized particles attracted to part; (c) two reciprocating
automatic electrostatic spray guns in conveyorized installation are used to apply liquid penetrant to one side of parts while
other guns (not illustrated) operate from opposite side further down line.

(a) Ventilation exhaust to pollution control system

Extractor or lamps
Power supply

Air hose

Air hose Conveyor openings

as required

Pressure tank Electrostatic

hand gun Spray booth
Fluid hose
High voltage cable

(b) (c)

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 213

available to add to evaporation or tanks be sand blasted and coated with a
drainage losses. The restricted dispersion suitable epoxy or polyvinyl chloride
of liquid penetrant materials also aids in coating to prevent corrosion from the
limiting air and water pollution resulting water in the water base emulsifier. The
from liquid penetrant processing. Quick prerinse station and associated liquid
changeover (as from low to high penetrant separator and recycling
performance liquid penetrants) is possible hardware can be added in line directly
in production test systems by use of a after the liquid penetrant drain/rest
quick changeover device that selects the station. The hydrophilic emulsifier station
drum of liquid material required. then follows. Next in line is the water
rinse station to which a liquid penetrant
rinse water effluent collection storage
tank or water treatment unit clarifier can
Dual Immersion Tank be added, if required.
Application of Normal and
High Performance Liquid
Penetrants Manual Liquid Penetrant
Selection of liquid penetrant application Test Installations Using
techniques and associated processing Hydrophilic Emulsifiers
equipment such as dip tanks or spray
booths depends on several factors such as Postemulsifier fluorescent liquid penetrant
specification requirements, part size and systems using hydrophilic emulsifiers are
configuration, production rates and equally suitable for manual or automatic
available space. Production liquid processing. A typical small, manual liquid
penetrant requirements in industry often penetrant test installation would include a
specify different types of liquid penetrants liquid penetrant immersion or flow-on
(normal and high sensitivity) on different booth equipped with a suitable drain area
test parts. Maintaining this processing feeding back to the main liquid penetrant
capability has required duplicate liquid reservoir. First stage rinsing is
penetrant processing lines in many cases, accomplished in a spray area equipped
especially where different emulsifiers are with a water gun. The next station is a
also required. An effective space savings hydrophilic remover tank where both
approach uses an arrangement of two immersion in an agitated bath and
liquid penetrant tanks either adjacent to draining take place. This is followed by
each other or in tandem. With this water rinsing. Normal drying and powder
arrangement, incoming parts can be development stages follow and a suitable
processed directly through the required darkened area is provided for inspection
liquid penetrant and then through the under a high intensity ultraviolet
remainder of the common processing line. radiation. It is important in a manual
plant of this kind to make sure the
requisite processing times are maintained
carefully. A clock timer should be
Conversion of Existing provided for operator use in checking
consistency in process timing.
Lipophilic to Hydrophilic Various modifications of liquid
Emulsifier Processing penetrant processing lines are possible.
Where major aircraft engine With low rates of testing, it may be
manufacturers and other industries have possible to eliminate one of the water
converted to hydrophilic liquid penetrant rinse areas. A spray tank using fixed or
removers, spray application of liquid moving jets may be convenient for
penetrants and processing materials washing certain classes of components. It
greatly simplifies test system may be economically convenient or
requirements. Existing postemulsifiable environmentally essential to use
liquid penetrant test lines can be recirculating rinses with appropriate
converted to accommodate the separation and purification equipment. In
hydrophilic emulsifier technique by some cases, air agitated water rinses have
(1) adding a prerinse station, (2) providing been found to give good results,
a hydrophilic emulsifier dip station with particularly at the postemulsifier rinsing
air or mechanical agitation for immersion stage.
tanks or a spray application station and Roller tracks may be convenient for
(3) adding a clarifying station to the final moving larger loads of test parts. If
rinse station where necessary. necessary, sections can be arranged so
In a simple conversion, the existing parts descend into processing tanks for
lipophilic emulsifier tank can be cleaned specified periods for semiautomatic
out and converted into a hydrophilic operation.
emulsifier station. If carbon steel tanks are
to be converted, it is advisable that the

214 Liquid Penetrant Testing

of maintenance or recycling may
Equipment for Dip Tank dictate three separate stations.
Hydrophilic Emulsifier
Station Spray Application of
The removal of excess surface liquid
penetrant through hydrophilic emulsifiers Foamed Hydrophilic
can be accomplished either through the Removers on Large Test
immersion technique or through spray
removal techniques. Either type of rinse
station should be of corrosion resistant During liquid penetrant testing of large
construction, such as stainless steel, when components or fixed test objects, it may
using these water base emulsifiers. The become desirable to apply hydrophilic
nominal concentration range for removers by spraying to avoid the
hydrophilic emulsifiers used in the dip necessity for large, heavy immersion tanks
mode is 5 to 30 percent in water. Test used for dip application. Spray application
parts are immersed in the hydrophilic works in practice only where complete
emulsifier dip tank. This remover bath is coverage of all test surfaces with the
continuously and mildly air agitated to hydrophilic emulsifier is attained.
provide the necessary scrubbing action to However, complete part coverage is not
strip the liquid penetrant from the surface always easy to achieve with manual
of each part. It is important that agitation spraying operations. A preferable
be gentle; vigorous agitation will cause technique may be to spray hydrophilic
too much foaming of the emulsifier. The emulsifier onto large parts as a foam so
excess liquid penetrant floats to the bath that complete coverage of test surfaces
surface and is skimmed off the surface can be verified by visual observation.
through skimming weirs. Foam application of hydrophilic
emulsifier is followed by normal spray
washing, drying and development of test
indications. Foamed hydrophilic
Equipment for Hydrophilic emulsifiers have also been used in static
Emulsifier Spray installations. Such systems are capable of
very high performance and they are
Application Station particularly suitable for detection of wide,
In the spray mode, hydrophilic emulsifiers shallow surface discontinuities.
remove surface liquid penetrant
effectively when used in the manual,
semiautomatic or automatic modes,
depending on the operational and testing Atomized and Electrostatic
requirements. Metering devices are used Spray Application of Liquid
to control concentration of hydrophilic
emulsifier in the water spray. The nominal
Penetrant Processing
concentration range for hydrophilic Materials
emulsifiers used in the spray mode is from Atomized and/or electrostatic application
0.05 to 5 percent of emulsifier in water. of liquid penetrant, hydrophilic
The duration of the spray removal cycle emulsifiers and developer offers
will depend on the concentration of the advantages of reduced dragout of
emulsifier and on the surface condition of materials on test parts and less pollution
the test parts. Spray rinsing is continued by wastes. However, for safety reasons,
until no interfering fluorescent most hand held electrostatic spray guns
background remains on the surfaces of will not handle water base (polar solvent)
test parts when examined under intense compositions such as water diluted
near ultraviolet light. hydrophilic emulsifiers. More elaborate
Theoretically, when using the spray automatic electrostatic spray equipment is
technique of applying the hydrophilic required to accommodate water diluted
emulsifier, all three stations (prerinse, hydrophilic emulsifiers. Atomized and
hydrophilic emulsifier spray scrubbing electrostatic spray application systems are
and final rinse) could be combined into particularly suitable for small components
one station. Suitable controls would such as air cooled turbine blades where
ensure proper sequencing and timing of solution bleedout from the drillways is a
the spray cycles. Where rinsings cannot problem when immersion processes are
be returned to waste, programmed valving used. An added advantage of these
is then required to direct rinsings to the spraying techniques is that liquid
necessary storage or separation facilities to penetrant, removers and developers are
permit recycling. Practical considerations, used directly from the supply containers
however such as production so that progressive contamination of the
requirements, equipment complexity, ease working solutions cannot occur.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 215

and out of the tank as it moves along. The
Water Recycling basket is carried over the liquid penetrant
drain area to the water spray wash station
Techniques Used with where most of the liquid penetrant is
Hydrophilic Removers stripped from the surface of the blades.
The basket moves on to the hydrophilic
Applications of liquid penetrant test
remover dip station where the blades are
systems embodying hydrophilic
immersed in agitated remover, after which
emulsifiers are preferred for reasons of
they move on to a water dip where the
performance, flexibility, reliability and
blades are immersed before passing
economy. The exorbitant water demand
through the final water spray rinse. The
of large plants operating on the straight
baskets then travel through a recirculating
through to waste system and the increasing
warm air drier where all traces of moisture
pressure for ecologically acceptable waste
are removed from the blade surfaces
water means that water recycling is
before they pass through the developer
essential for modern installations. With
chamber. A light coating of dry developer
hydrophilic emulsifier systems, water
is automatically applied to the blade
recycling can be achieved readily.
surfaces in the dry developer station. The
Recycling the first stage (preemulsifier)
baskets are removed from the conveyor
rinse can be simply accomplished. A
on emerging from the developer station.
rough separation of the liquid penetrant is
Testing is carried out in a separate station.
adequate in many cases. This may be
accomplished by gravity separation in
weirs, coalescers or other separating
devices. Centrifugal separation has also Equipment for Final Water
been used with limited success. In some
cases the liquid penetrant separated from Rinse Station of Liquid
the rinse water can also be reused. Water Penetrant Processing
recycling loops can be made to operate
with little need for additions of water, if
growth of bacteria in the rinse water can Direct water spray rinsing, without
be prevented. immersion rinsing, is commonly used to
Recycling is also possible on the second remove liquid penetrants and processing
stage (postemulsifier) wash. Here the materials from test parts after completion
contamination is a mixture of a smaller of testing. However, a water rinse
amount of liquid penetrant and some combining both initial immersion and a
dragout from the hydrophilic emulsifier later spray application does a superior job
tank. Purification means that have been of flushing the emulsified liquid
used include carbon filtration, ultra penetrant from within cavities in test
filtration, nanometer scaled filtration and parts, especially for hollow parts such as
reverse osmosis. This enables a constant jet engine blades and vanes.
sensitivity level to be maintained and Final water rinse stations should be
prevents rinse marks that would occur if constructed of corrosion resistant
liquid penetrant traces were allowed to materials such as stainless steel because
build up in the rinse circuit. Practical they are constantly exposed to water.
experience with such systems has again Furthermore, where immersion rinse
shown that several months of reliable tanks are used, provisions should be made
operation can be achieved without for skimming undesirable excess foaming
replacement of the circulating water or from the liquid surface in tanks of liquid
filter media. penetrant processing materials. Such
foaming can occur if the rate of air
agitation in the tank is too high.

Hydrophilic Liquid
Penetrant Removal System Disposal of Waste Liquid
for Automatic Testing of Penetrant Processing
Jet Engine Blades Materials
The flow-line sequence can be used in an
Control of effluents from liquid penetrant
automated liquid penetrant testing line
test processing systems constitutes a
for jet engine blade production capable of
unique waste treatment and
processing several baskets of blades per
environmental protection problem area.
hour. In this system, the baskets of blades
Local ordinances may not permit
are placed on hooks of the continuously
discharge of these waste materials into
moving overhead conveyor. The basket
municipal sewer systems or open streams.
then moves through the precleaning
More information on control of
system and to the liquid penetrant dip
effluents is provided elsewhere in this
tank. The conveyor dips the basket into

216 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Large Scale Automated Aerospace
Liquid Penetrant Test Equipment

be inspected in a typical testing facility, it

Typical Sequence of may be useful to develop technique cards
for racking the parts to ensure that the
Operations in Automated test personnel rack a particular part the
Liquid Penetrant Test same way each time. The automated
process is particularly effective for testing
System of large numbers of simple geometry parts
Automated systems for performing liquid such as stringers but more complex parts
penetrant tests of production aircraft and can be accommodated.
aerospace parts has become more
common in recent years. Such systems
have been installed at several aerospace
Automated Precleaning, Rinsing
companies to solve handling and testing and Drying of Parts
problems peculiar to their own situations. To prepare for application of the liquid
The following discussion outlines the penetrant, the parts are first moved
basic components of a representative through a series of modules that apply the
automated liquid penetrant system for use appropriate cleaning solutions. A typical
with a fluorescent water washable liquid sequence might be alkaline cleaning, tap
penetrant. water rinse, pickling, tap water rinse and
deionized water rinse, as shown in Fig. 9.
Techniques for Handling of Test Each chemical processing module is
preceded and followed by an air knife. The
Parts function of the air knife is to prevent
In a typical automated liquid penetrant solutions from contaminating the next
system, the parts to be inspected are processing solution. After cleaning and
initially racked on a load bar attached to rinsing, a hot air knife with typical air
an overhead conveyor system. The way in temperature of about 66 C (150 F) is
which the parts are racked is important in used to dry the parts thoroughly. For
order for full coverage by the cleaning some parts, such as those with a waffle
solutions, liquid penetrant, water and pattern on the surface, it may be
developer to take place. Such factors as necessary to hand dry some areas. Within
part size and geometry must be each processing module, the chemical
considered. If large varieties of parts are to solutions and rinse water are power

FIGURE 9. Automated liquid penetrant testing sequence.

Air Alkaline Air Air Tap Air

knife clean knife knife water knife

Air Tap Air Air Pickling if Deoxidize Air

knife water knife knife required etch knife

Tap water Air Air Deionized Air Hot air

rinse knife knife water knife knife
(optional) rinse

Remove excess Liquid

liquid penetrant
penetrant application

air Inspection

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 217

sprayed by a series of nozzles. The power Automated Hot Air Drying,
spraying assists the cleaning by Developing and Inspection of
mechanical force that helps to loosen and
remove surface contaminants. The
location and number of the nozzles and After the excess liquid penetrant has been
the resultant spray pattern can be an removed, the rack of parts is moved
important factor when cleaning parts with automatically into a hot air drying
complex geometries by spray techniques module where the air temperature is
because the solution should reach all typically 66 C (150 F). Then, after
surfaces of the test parts. The parts can be application of developer, if desired, the
moved through the processing modules at parts are moved into a totally enclosed
a controlled rate using continuously dark, viewing room that has near
moving, motor driven, speed adjustable ultraviolet lamps as well as hand held
overhead conveyors or a more complex spot lamps. Large parts can be lowered
overhead conveyor system that can into a floor pit or inspectors can be
engage and disengage the carriers or racks, elevated for ease of examination. Note the
letting them stop in each processing area. absence of a developer station. In product
Automatic controls actuate the spraying manufacturing, this may be appropriate
systems of each module when the parts and, with customer approval, acceptable.
are positioned to use the sprays.

Advantages and
Automated Electrostatic or Limitations of Automated
Atomized Spray Liquid Penetrant Testing
Application of Liquid Lines
Penetrants to Parts In summary, there are a number of
After the cleaning process, the parts are advantages to an automated liquid
automatically moved into the module penetrant testing system such as that just
where the liquid penetrant is applied. described. Possibilities of human error can
Reciprocating spray guns fed with liquid be minimized by the automatic
penetrant pumped directly from its movement of the parts through each
shipping barrel provide consistent phase of the liquid penetrant system.
coverage with minimum waste of liquid Large parts as well as small parts can be
penetrants. The spray guns might be inspected efficiently. Waste of cleaning
installed to oscillate vertically or in any solutions and liquid penetrant materials
other suitable paths. The liquid penetrant can be held to a minimum. Production
spray module is kept under negative testing rates can be more easily
pressure by the adjacent air knives and/or controlled.
a mist collector to eliminate drifting of
the liquid penetrant out of the spray
application module. The liquid penetrant
dwell time is controlled by the distance Precautions in Large Scale
and the rate of movement of the Automated Liquid
overhead load bar during transit from the
liquid penetrant spray modules to the
Penetrant Testing Systems
water spray module. Despite the many advantages of an
automated liquid penetrant system, a
number of cautions should be observed to
Automated Water Spray for maintain its consistent and optimum
Removal of Excess Surface Liquid performance. The manner in which the
Penetrant parts are initially racked must be carefully
The parts rack automatically moves into a considered to allow adequate cleaning,
water spray module that removes excess drying, liquid penetrant application and
liquid penetrant from the parts. A series of dwell, removal and drying. The
adjustable water nozzles are commonly application of emulsifiers or removers and
used in the module while air knives act to application of developers must also be
keep the water in the module. To prevent considered. In some cases, the only
overwashing, it may be necessary to adequate way to arrive at the best
conduct experiments to determine the technique is through a development
proper wash water temperature, spray program with cracked production parts.
nozzle water pressure, time of washing By observing these precautions, an
and positions of nozzles. Production parts efficient and effective automated liquid
with known cracks or discontinuities or penetrant system can be developed to
cracked reference panels could be used for improve the production liquid penetrant
this type of development program. testing of aerospace components.

218 Liquid Penetrant Testing

to 43 mms1 (1 to 8.5 ftmin1). Normal
Example of Automated conveyor speed is 1.5 mmin1
(5 ftmin1).
Liquid Penetrant Spray
Processing System in Automated Spray Equipment for
Aircraft Manufacturing Precleaning of Test Parts
The automated aerospace liquid penetrant Adjacent and parallel to the liquid
spray processing and testing system penetrant system is an automated spray
developed for a major aircraft company, chemical cleaning system (Fig. 12) that
shown in Figs. 10 to 15, is an installation operates as an integral part of the liquid
60 m (200 ft) long, stands 6 m (20 ft) high penetrant system by precleaning and
and is 4.5 m (15 ft) wide. It uses the postcleaning parts. It consists of two
electrostatic liquid penetrant spray tandem alkaline cleaning modules,
technique and consists of spray, wash, followed by rinse, deoxidizer, rinse,
drying and near ultraviolet radiation
viewing modules. A semidarkened
observation area with near ultraviolet
radiation is located on the outlet end of FIGURE 11. View of load bars and hangers at part loading
the liquid penetrant spray module to view area.
parts for full liquid penetrant coverage.
When developer is required, the
nonaqueous wet aerosol developer is
applied in the ultraviolet radiation
viewing booth. The viewing booth is
equipped with an exhaust system to
protect personnel during the application
of developer.

Part Conveyance in Automated

Liquid Penetrant Test System
Parts are moved through the system on
load bars hung from a motorized
overhead monorail conveyor. Parts are
mounted on special designed hangers that
are hung, as applicable, on the overhead
load bars (see Fig. 11). Parts hangers are
designed for a minimum of liquid
penetrant entrapment areas to preclude
bleedout of liquid penetrant on parts after
washing. The conveyor is equipped with a
variable speed control for speeds from 5

FIGURE 12. Overall view of chemical cleaning system. Vertical

FIGURE 10. Automated aerospace liquid penetrant spray stabilizer spars measuring 5.4 m (18 ft) long and 2.7 m (9 ft)
processing and inspection system. wide are ready to proceed through system.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 219

protective coating, hot water rinse, first load bar through the liquid penetrant
deionized rinse and hot air knife modules. system after every shutdown, no matter
The conversion coating application how brief. Testing of these known
module is only operated after anomaly specimens confirms proper
postcleaning, as applicable. Turntable system operation. The conveyor speed
conveyor systems with pneumatic through the liquid penetrant system of
lowering platforms (lowerators) are located Figs. 13 and 14 is set at 25 mms1 or
on both ends of the system to permit the 1.5 mmin1 (5 ftmin1). This speed
feeding of parts from cleaning to liquid permits the liquid penetrant dwell time
penetrant or reverse and the loading, on the material to be within specification.
unloading and temporary storing of parts,
whichever is needed. Techniques for Control of Spray
Liquid Penetrant Application and
Emergency Stops for Automated Surface Coverage
Liquid Penetrant Test System
The liquid penetrant reciprocator air spray
The automated liquid penetrant pressure gage is set at 125 to 140 kPa (18
processing system of Fig. 10 is equipped to 20 lbfin.2). This provides a light
with an alarm bell and emergency spot uniform coating of liquid penetrant on
control located in the testing module. If the parts and yet covers cavity areas
parts are stalled in the system because of adequately. Two liquid penetrant
conveyor problems, the alarm rings, reciprocators operate up and down
notifying the inspector to activate the stop vertically for a span of 3.6 m (12 ft) inside
control that shuts off all systems. This the spray module (see Fig. 14). They can
prevents overwashing and overdrying of each be at full vertical span or half span
parts while stalled in the system as well as (top half) depending on the volume of
preventing waste of liquid penetrant parts on the load bar. The liquid
material. Emergency shutoff controls are penetrant spray nozzles are activated by
also located on the central control panel photoelectric load sensors as the end of
and the liquid penetrant control panel. the load bar enters the spray module.
A curtained observation area with near
ultraviolet radiation is located at the part
exit end of the liquid penetrant
Operation of Automated application module for the examination
Aerospace Liquid of parts for adequate liquid penetrant
Penetrant Test System coverage. Observation platforms and six
banks of tubular ultraviolet lamps are
During loading of parts, electrical jumpers provided for this examination.
are connected from load bar suspension
straps to conductor lugs to provide the
necessary ground potential for the
electrostatic liquid penetrant spray. FIGURE 14. Liquid penetrant spray applicators mounted on
Cracked test specimens are loaded on the vertical conveyance system inside liquid penetrant spray

FIGURE 13. Overall view of liquid penetrant spray system

viewed from liquid penetrant spray application module end.

220 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Techniques for Control of Liquid ultraviolet radiation is performed
Penetrant Removal and Parts longitudinally along the load bar. Cracked
test coupons are examined for system
Drying performance before viewing of parts.
The water wash module is equipped with
several banks of water nozzle that provide
a mild water spray. Nozzles are adjustable
Postcleaning of Test Parts
from the outside for different types of Following Liquid Penetrant
parts. The wash water pressure is set at a Testing
mild 140 kPa (20 lbfin.2) to prevent Following viewing, load bars carrying
overwashing of parts. Parts exit the water acceptable parts are routed back through
wash module through forceful air knives the cleaning process to remove any liquid
that remove much of the surface wetness. penetrant or developer residue. If
The drier consists of two hot air knives required, a protective coating is applied
mounted vertically inside the module for during this cycle.
a 3.5 m (12 ft) span. The heaters are set to
produce a maximum 66 C (150 F)
temperature inside the module. Forceful
blowers enhance adequate drying of parts. Advantages of Automated
System in Liquid Penetrant
Intermediate Part Storage before Testing
Automation of parts handling during
Between the drier and the inspection liquid penetrant testing produces
module is a storage station where several uniformity of processing. All systems are
load bars may be stored while waiting adjusted to uniform and consistent part
entrance in the viewing booth. Audible travel speed, which provides uniformity
and visible signals are emitted inside the in liquid penetrant coverage, liquid
viewing booth when load bars are exiting penetrant dwell time, wash time and
the drier to alert inspectors that load bars drying time. This precludes inadequate
may be moved transversely (on overhead dwell periods, overwashing and
tracks), clearing the way for additional overdrying common discrepancies of
load bars. manually operated systems. The
automated chemical spray system can
Inspection Booth Operations handle large parts in less space than is
required in open tank systems. Parts of
Parts on the conveyor are moved with
unrestricted length can be processed.
long hooked poles into the viewing booth
Long spars of 24 m (80 ft) lengths are
(see Fig. 15). The load bar is moved into
readily processed through the system of
place on one of the two pneumatic
Fig. 13. This system can handle part
lowering platforms directly above two
widths up to 3.5 m (12 ft) and part
parallel pits. Parts are lowered into the
thicknesses up to 0.9 m (3 ft).
pits gradually as viewing with near
Even though liquid penetrant is not
reclaimed, the spray system uses about
one eighth of the volume of liquid
FIGURE 15. Outside view of ultraviolet radiation inspection penetrant used in open tank systems for
module from part exit end. an equal number of test parts and
minimizes potential contaminations. The
system is capable of handling tremendous
numbers of test parts. Two men can
operate the system and perform many
times the volume of viewing that can be
handled through open tank systems. The
system contains its own motorized
conveyor system, thus eliminating
overhead crane systems and reducing
ceiling height and loading area

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 221

fluorescent liquid penetrant testing
Second Example of system. Figure 18 shows the control
panel, which is the brain of the system.
Automated Liquid With its help, one man can operate the
Penetrant Testing System automated part of the testing process. A
computer controls the speed of the
for Aircraft Manufacturing conveyor, automatically turns each station
Figures 16 and 17 show another example on and off and, if a malfunction occurs,
of an automated liquid penetrant testing shuts down the whole system. One glance
system installed in an aircraft at the board tells the operator where the
manufacturing company plant. malfunction is located. The sequence of
Aluminum extrusions and sheets up to processing steps for this system includes
2.4 m (8 ft) wide and 8.5 m (28 ft) long the following.
can be handled by this fully automated
1. Preclean and dry test parts.

FIGURE 16. Schematic diagram of automated conveyorized liquid penetrant system layout. Cleaned parts are located on
conveyor; loaded parts travel through liquid penetrant spray booth; drain dwell time is consumed in travel to rinse station.
Following rinse, parts are dried in drier and nonaqueous developer is sprayed on parts in developer spray booth. Developing
time is consumed in travel to ultraviolet radiation inspection booth; white light inspection follows before parts unloading.

Ultraviolet radiation inspection

White light inspection

Unload area
Load area



Drain dwell

Liquid penetrant

FIGURE 17. Area for liquid penetrant testing of aviation FIGURE 18. Supervisory control panel for liquid penetrant
components includes dip tank operation (left) and testing system.
automated spray system (right). The spray system is painted
in bright reds, blues, yellows and oranges.

222 Liquid Penetrant Testing

2. Apply high performance water Water Spray Wash Station
washable fluorescent liquid penetrant.
Conveyor speed can be adjusted from a
3. Allow dwell time.
minimum of 10 mms1 (2 ftmin1) to a
4. Rinse with water.
maximum of 60 mms1 (12 ftmin1),
5. Dry.
depending on the complexity of parts to
6. Apply nonaqueous wet developer.
permit adjustment of the liquid penetrant
7. View under ultraviolet radiation.
dwell time. The water spray station of
This automated liquid penetrant testing Fig. 20 is designed so spray heads vary in
system has had a significant beneficial impingement force and flow rate,
impact on cost, schedule and quality guaranteeing an adequate washoff for
assurance. most parts. The second part of this booth
is equipped with near ultraviolet lamps so
operators can examine parts to ensure
adequate washing. Some complicated
Liquid Penetrant Spray parts may not be adequately washed and
Application Station hand hoses are provided to permit
manual touchup washing of parts.
Figure 19 shows parts entering station
where liquid penetrant is applied with
electrostatic spray guns. The guns are
triggered by photocells and, at this point,
the length of the part or parts rack is FIGURE 19. Electrostatic spray system: (a) parts enter station
recorded by a photoelectric cell at the where electrostatic sprays apply liquid penetrant; (b) spray
controls. This cell automatically turns on guns turn on only while parts move through their position.
the successive stations as the parts reach
them and turns them off when the parts (a)
leave. Electrostatic spray application of
liquid penetrant offers several advantages.
1. Initial product outlay is low because
liquid penetrant reserves can be stored
in a small feed tank. No large dip
tanks of any type are required.
2. Liquid penetrant waste is minimized
by eliminating overspraying. For
example, only one eighth the normal
volume of liquid penetrant materials
and about half of the nonaqueous
liquid penetrant developer are
3. Waste through drainoff is virtually
4. No manual handling is required
during the automated part of the
processing cycle.
The actual viewing of parts under near
ultraviolet radiation is performed with a
manually controlled system, allowing
adequate inspection time on the parts in
process. The electrostatic spray system
automatically adjusts for part size. Spray
guns are arranged in three banks over the
2.4 m (8 ft) chamber height (Fig. 19b).
Each bank is controlled separately with
photoelectric actuation so the width of
the entering part determines how many
spray banks are actuated. The information
recorded by the photoelectric cell is fed
into a memory computer that actuates
each of the successive work stations as the
rack of parts enters it.
When the part enters the water rinse
booth, the water is turned on; when the
part leaves, the water is turned off. The
process is similar when parts go through
the oven. In the same way, as the parts
enter, the developer station electrostatic
sprays are triggered like those in the
liquid penetrant station.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 223

Air Knife and Parts Drying Oven
FIGURE 21. Parts rack is shown in drying
The next station is an air knife that flows
oven, which is designed to dry parts
surface water from parts before they go
thoroughly without heating the skin
into the drying oven (shown in Fig. 21).
temperature over 66 C (150 F).
Parts are not heated beyond 66 C (150 F)
skin temperature. Heating elements of the
drier are interlocked electrically with the
memory system at the main control panel
so that as monorail speed increases, heat
input to the oven increases. Regardless of
speed, parts are heated to the proper
temperature without being overheated.

Electrostatic Spray
Application of Developer
After drying, developer (nonaqueous type)
is applied by electrostatic spray guns as
was done with the liquid penetrant. Spray
guns are shown in foreground of Fig. 21.
This permits a thin uniform developer
film, essential for maximum sensitivity
testing. Parts move from the developer
station to holding area, shown in Fig. 22,
before entering a darkroom inspection
booth. The holding area can
accommodate a backlog of at least 30 min
ahead of the inspection station.

FIGURE 20. Water spray wash station for

removal of surface liquid penetrant.

FIGURE 22. Developer station and holding area.

224 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Inspection with Near Built-in Safety Features of
Ultraviolet Radiation in Automated Testing System
Darkened Room If the monorail stops for any reason, the
To speed up testing, two monorail systems complete system is shut down. If any
run through the darkened room, where component malfunctions, the monorail
eight inspectors can work on parts stops and all stations shut off (except
simultaneously. Inspectors stand on exhaust blowers). If a major problem such
platforms to view the top edges of parts as a fire occurs, the entire system shuts
passing through vertically, as shown in down, including exhaust blowers. Trouble
Fig. 23. The monorail is lifted into the lights on the main control panel indicate
ceiling so bottom portions of parts are minor malfunctions. These features
brought to the eye level of the inspectors. provide for minimum downtime and
After parts are inspected, they are moved prevent parts from being damaged.
into a white light viewing area where
similar hoists are provided for inspectors
(see Fig. 24).

FIGURE 23. Darkroom inspection station.

FIGURE 24. After parts have been completely inspected in

dark room and monorail is lowered to down position, parts
continue to white light inspection area where flawed parts
are either passed or rejected. This photograph shows parts in
white light station and other parts entering into liquid
penetrant station.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 225

PART 3. Lighting for Liquid Penetrant Testing

measure the intensity of near ultraviolet

Sources of White Light for radiation. Further discussion on this
instrumentation can be found elsewhere
Visible Liquid Penetrant in this chapter.
Because liquid penetrant testing
techniques normally rely on the inspector Ultraviolet Lamps for
to see test indications, the lighting
provided for this examination is Fluorescent Liquid
extremely important. It not only affects Penetrant Testing
the sensitivity of the technique but also is
For best results, fluorescent indications
an important factor in reducing inspector
should be evaluated in a darkened area.
fatigue. White light sources for visible
The darker the area of testing, the more
liquid penetrant testing are no different
brilliant the indications appear. This is
from those used for other test
extremely important, particularly when
applications. Sunlight, incandescent
testing is being performed for very fine,
lamps, fluorescent tubes or vapor arc
cracklike anomalies that may have
lamps are generally quite satisfactory.
trapped only a small amount of liquid
penetrant. It is also desirable that the test
Spectral Characteristics of White table or darkened area should be free of
Light Sources for Viewing Visible random fluorescent materials. If liquid
Liquid Penetrants penetrant has been spilled in the test area,
on the table or on the operators hands, it
Spectral characteristics are usually not too will fluoresce brilliantly and is likely to
important when using white light sources distract the operators attention from
but it may be better to use a light source anomalies. Table 1 contains examples of
that is deficient in the light reflected by ambient visible light intensities for typical
the liquid penetrant but rich in the other situations.
components of the visible spectrum.
When such a light is used on a part
having a good white developer
background, the liquid penetrant TABLE 1. Ambient visible light intensity.
indication will look black and maximum lx (ftc) Remarks
contrast will be obtained. Floodlights are
advantageous for large and relatively flat 10 (1) best ultraviolet radiation booth
surfaces, because of the greater area made 100 (10) dim interior lighting
visible. On intricate parts where areas are 1000 (100) bright interior; deep shade outdoors
accessible with difficulty, hand held spot
10 000 (1000) open shadow, bright day
lamps may be even more effective.

Illumination Level for Visible

Liquid Penetrant Testing Interference by White Light
The proper intensity of white light Illumination during Fluorescent
illumination is determined by the nature Liquid Penetrant Testing
of the testing being carried out. For gross
The visible light intensity in a test area
anomalies where indications are large, a
has a dramatic effect on testing
brightness level of 300 to 550 lx (30 to
performance and reliability. More visible
50 ftc) at the surface of the part is
light makes fluorescent indications harder
generally sufficient. For extremely critical
to see, requiring higher ultraviolet
testing, higher intensities are required.
radiation intensity to permit detection of
Then, light levels should be at least
1000 lx (100 ftc).
Ultraviolet lamps (with filters) have
Photometers are used to measure the
some visible light output and because of
intensity of electromagnetic radiation in
the induced fluorescence from the test
the visible range. One of these
parts, the inspectors clothing and spills of
instruments is often combined in the
fluorescent material within the test
same package with a radiometer used to
booths also add to the ambient light.

226 Liquid Penetrant Testing

The intensity of ultraviolet radiation at region. This is just below the visible light
the test surface can be altered by adjusting range and is part of the larger ultraviolet
the distance between the ultraviolet range, which extends down to about
radiation source and the surface. A typical 100 nm in wavelength. Figure 25 shows
filtered 100 W ultraviolet lamp bulb with the relative position of this radiation in
recommended filters will produce the electromagnetic spectrum.
5.5 Wm2 peak intensity at 380 mm The eye is relatively unresponsive to
(15 in.) from the test surface. Bringing the ultraviolet radiation, particularly if there
ultraviolet radiation source to a point is visible light present. However, in the
closer to the surface will increase the absence of significant amounts of visible
intensity. About 50 mm (2 in.) is the light, the sensitivity of the eye greatly
shortest usable distance because test increases and large amounts of ultraviolet
surfaces would be blocked out by the radiation, particularly of the longer
lamp housing and could not be viewed by wavelengths, may be visible.
the inspector if the lamp were closer than Figure 26 shows the response of the
50 mm (2 in.). average human eye under various lighting
levels. Curve A depicts the highest level
Darkness Adaptation by shown as 340 cdm2 (100 footlambert),
which is a normal, bright light viewing
Inspectors condition. Here, the eye is almost totally
The eye normally adjusts itself to changes insensitive to ultraviolet radiation. The
between light and darkness or degrees of second highest light level shown by
light intensity by varying the size of the Curve B in Fig. 26 is the 3.4 cdm2
pupil. This adaptation is a natural (1 footlambert) level, which is about the
adjustment in normal vision and is not a average found in a well darkened
factor peculiar to fluorescent liquid inspection booth. In such a booth, total
penetrant testing. However, the change darkness is never achieved because (1) the
from bright, white light to the desirable light sources used to produce the
darkened area necessary for reliable ultraviolet radiation also put out some
ultraviolet radiation testing requires at blue and violet visible light and (2) most
least a minute for the eyes of the booths contain some sources of
inspector to adjust themselves. The time fluorescence, often the inspectors
required for dark adaptation generally clothing. In any case, at the 3.4 cdm2
increases with increasing age of the ambient light level, the eye becomes
inspector. The inspector should become almost 30 times as sensitive as under
accustomed to the darkened area before bright light in the 380 to 400 nm range.
looking for indications and should avoid This light will appear deep blue to the eye
going from the dark to the light and back, and is not all bad because it allows the
without allowing sufficient time for eyes inspector to move around the booth
to adapt to the dark. safely and locate objects in the booth, all
of which would otherwise have to be
done by touch.
The top response curve (Curve C) in
Response of Human Eye to Fig. 26 is the 0.03 cdm2
Ultraviolet Radiation (0.01 footlambert) level. This is almost
total darkness and is seldom encountered
Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic in liquid penetrant testing. It should be
radiation located in the 320 to 400 nm

FIGURE 25. Electromagnetic spectrum showing narrow range of ultraviolet radiation used for
inspection of fluorescent liquid penetrant indications.

400 to 700 nm
Very high frequency

1 mm to 1 m
X-rays Ultraviolet Infrared Radio waves

10 pm to 10 nm 4 to 400 nm 700 nm to 1 mm 10 m to 100 km

10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100

pm nm m mm m km

Near ultraviolet
320 to 400 nm

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 227

noted that the eye is over 800 times as
sensitive under these conditions, FIGURE 27. Threshold of vision. The minimum brightness
compared to normal levels and can detect perceptible drops sharply with time as eye adapts to
large amounts of ultraviolet radiation, darkness. Upper and lower dashed curves show effect of
even down to 350 nm. The eye will also high and low illumination levels, respectively, before
detect visible light much more easily at adaptation begins. For areas subtending more than
low background levels. 5 degrees, threshold is almost constant but rises rapidly as
target size is reduced. Curves shown below are for target
subtending above 2 degrees.
101 (3 105)
Response of Human Eye to
White Light and Colored
Light 102 (3 106)
The vision acuity of inspectors using

Least perceptible brightness, cdm2 (lambert)

white light illumination is affected by the
working environment and must be
sufficient for evaluation of visible dye 103 (3 107)
liquid penetrant indications. Vision acuity Fovea only
drops as the illumination (brightness
104 (3 108)

FIGURE 26. Relative average response of human eye to

various wavelengths in visible range, at three different levels
of ambient light: curve A, 340 cdm2 (100 footlambert); 105 (3 109) 10 degrees from fovea
curve B, 3.4 cdm2 (1 footlambert); curve C, 0.03 cdm2
(0.01 footlambert). Maximum response for curve A is set
arbitrarily at 1.0 on vertical scale for relative eye response,
corresponding to photopic eye at maximum sensitivity. 106 (3 1010)

Visible light

107 (3 1011)



0 10 20 30 40



Time (min)

FIGURE 28. Contrast sensitivity of eye as function of field

brightness. Smallest perceptible difference in brightness
100 between two adjacent fields B, as fraction of field
brightness B, remains quite constant for brightness above
1 cdm2 (3 footlambert) if field is large. Dashed line
indicates contrast sensitivity for field surrounded by dark.
B (One cdm2 is approximately equal to brightness of perfect
Eye response in relative units

diffuser illuminated by 3.4 lx).


Reciprocal contrast sensitivity (BB1)




Starlight Moonlight Interiors Exteriors

0.01 0.001 0.1 10 1000
(3 104) (3 102) (3) (300)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Wavelength (nm) Brightness, cdm2 (footlambert)

228 Liquid Penetrant Testing

level) decreases, as shown in Fig. 27. As A dark adaptation time of 1 min is usually
the brightness of a scene is diminished, sufficient for fluorescent liquid penetrant
the iris of the eye opens wider. The rods testing with satisfactory ultraviolet
take over the seeing task from the cones radiation illumination. Complete dark
in the retina of the eye. At low levels of adaptation may take as long as 20 min.
illumination, the eye is color blind The maximum sensitivity of the eye
because the rods are not color sensitive shifts in wavelength during dark
and the cones lack the sensitivity adaptation. Figure 30 shows the
necessary for it to respond to low levels of sensitivity of the eye as a function of light
The brightness of the area surrounding
the test surface or target of vision affects FIGURE 29. Vision acuity as function of object brightness.
vision acuity. Reducing the contrast of the Pupil diameters are larger in young and smaller in old,
target (an indication) with respect to the especially at lower brightnesses.
background area reduces vision acuity, as
shown in Fig. 28. Normally, vision acuity 2.0
is determined for white light illumination.
Monochromatic light vision acuity is very 1.8
slightly higher for the yellow and
yellow-green wavelengths. It is slightly 1.6
lower for red wavelengths, 10 to 20

Vision acuity (reciprocal min)

percent lower in the blue or far red 1.4
regions of the visible spectrum and 20 to
30 percent lower in violet wavelengths. 1.2


Dark Adaptation of Human 0.8

Pupil diameter, mm (in.)

Eye 0.6
The lowest level of brightness that can be 6 (0.24)
5 (0.20)
seen or detected is determined by the 0.4
4 (0.16)
light level to which the eye has become
3 (0.12)
accustomed. When the illumination level 0.2 Starlight
is reduced, the pupil of the eye expands Moonlight Interiors Sky
in diameter, admitting more light. The
0.001 0.1 10 1000
retina of the eye becomes more sensitive (3 107) (3 105) (0.003) (0.3)
during the process of dark adaptation.
Adaptation occurs as the eye switches Brightness, cdm2 (footlambert)
from cone vision to rod vision and is
assisted by an electrochemical mechanism Legend
involving rhodopsin, the visual purple = effect of increased surround brightness
pigment. To illustrate this effect, everyone = effect of decreased surround brightness
has experienced the phenomenon of not = effect of object brightness on pupil diameters
being able to see a thing on passing from a
brightly lighted area into a dark room.
After a short time, the eyes adjust or adapt
to the lower light level and objects in the
dark room become visible. FIGURE 30. Relative luminous efficiency curves for human eye
showing response as function of wavelength of light:
Need for Adequate Dark photopic vision with adequate illumination levels and
scotopic vision with dark adapted eye and low illumination.
Adaptation Period for Fluorescent
Liquid Penetrant Inspectors 1.0
Photopic vision refers to vision under
Relative visual response (V)

normal levels of illumination. Scotopic 0.8

vision is a term used to describe vision
under conditions of dark adaptation. The 0.6 Scotopic Photopic
change in perception by the human eye
for varying conditions of illumination is
shown schematically in Fig. 29. The dark 0.4
adaptation gap is that period of time
during which the eye is adapting and is 0.2
not capable of performing at maximum
sensitivity in either vision condition. The 0
time required for dark adaptation before 510 555
testing can be performed varies with the
individual and depends on the overall Wavelength (nm)
health and age of the individual operator.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 229

wavelength for normal levels of most actively to radiant energy with a
illumination and also for the dark adapted wavelength of about 365 nm. This
eye. As dark adaptation progresses, the wavelength represents near ultraviolet
peak sensitivity of the eye shifts toward radiation, light just outside the visible
the blue end of the visible spectrum. This range on the blue or violet side but not
Purkinje shift is due to the different sufficiently far removed to be in the
chromatic sensitivities of the rods and chemically active ultraviolet range.
cones of the retina. Some people wrongly suppose that the
glow emitted by fluorescing materials is
Avoidance of Photosensitive Eye ultraviolet radiation. In fact, it is visible
light that is emitted by a fluorescent
Glasses during Fluorescent material and that has been excited by
Inspection ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation
Photosensitive eyeglasses have become is invisible.
available in recent years. They darken in Because it is invisible, radiation at this
the presence of ultraviolet radiation. Lens frequency has sometimes been referred to
darkening is proportional to the amount as black light. Common sources of near
of incident daylight radiation. Although ultraviolet radiation include (1) enclosed
this type of lens has advantages under mercury vapor arc lamps, (2) metal halide
sunlight conditions, such glasses can or halogen lamps, (3) integrally filtered
decrease the ability of an operator to tubular fluorescent lamps, (4) tubular
perform fluorescent liquid penetrant fluorescent lamps, (5) metallic or carbon
testing if they are worn during viewing in arcs and (6) incandescent lamps.
a dark booth. Liquid penetrant test Because of insufficient output,
operators should not use photosensitive instability or other reasons, neither of the
eyeglass lenses during examination of first two is practical for test use. Because
fluorescent indications. the tubular fluorescent lamps are quite
On the other hand, wearing of suitable low in output, they are only usable in a
red eyeglasses while in lighted areas may very few special applications. The
aid dark adaptation. These glasses must be integrally filtered tubular fluorescent
removed after entry into the darkened lamps are similar to other ultraviolet
viewing booth, before viewing of tubular lamps except that they are
fluorescent liquid penetrant indications. integrally filtered. Because integrally
Eyeglass frames that fluoresce can cause filtered tubular fluorescent lamps also
glare or unnecessary fluorescent tend to have low near ultraviolet
background illumination and their use is intensity, their use is limited. The metal
not recommended in the inspection halide or halogen lamp is a relative
booth. newcomer for high intensity sources of
ultraviolet radiation. The most widely
used ultraviolet source has been the
Eyeball Fluorescence under mercury vapor arc lamp.
Ultraviolet Irradiation
It is possible that the operator may Mercury Vapor Arc Lamp Sources
experience a clouding of vision if the of Ultraviolet Radiation
ultraviolet radiation is permitted to shine
into the operators eyeball or if ultraviolet Mercury vapor lamps are gaseous
radiation is reflected into the operators discharge devices in which an electric arc
eye from highly reflective surfaces. This is takes place in a controlled atmosphere
because the liquid in the eyeball and emits light whose characteristics
fluoresces and causes a cloudy sensation depend on the nature of that atmosphere.
in the eye. As soon as the light no longer The construction of a typical mercury
enters the eye, the sensation will vapor bulb is shown in Fig. 31. A quartz
disappear. For this reason and for safety, it or hard glass cartridge contains the
is desirable to arrange ultraviolet lamps in mercury. The two main electrodes carry
the inspection areas so that neither direct current to the arc stream that takes place
nor reflected light shines into the along the length of the cartridge. An
operators eye. Yellow filter eyeglasses may auxiliary starting electrode is in series
be worn if this fluorescence is a serious with a current limiting resistor. The entire
problem. Ultraviolet protective eyewear is assembly is sealed in an outer protective
recommended. bulb, which may be either evacuated or
filled with air or an inert gas, depending
on the design of the bulb. The lamp is fed
from a current regulating ballast reactance
Sources of Near Ultraviolet or transformer. This is required because
Radiation the arc tube shows negative resistance
characteristics and would quickly destroy
Fluorescent materials used in itself if not throttled by an external
nondestructive testing generally respond device.

230 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Starting of Mercury Vapor Arc Transmission Characteristics of
Lamps Ultraviolet Radiation Filters
When the lamp is first turned on, the Because only the ultraviolet radiation
mercury in the cartridge is not in vapor portion is desired for testing, the
form but is condensed in droplets on the remainder of the radiation spectrum must
inside of the tube. Under this condition, be removed by filters. The most
it would be difficult or impossible to strike satisfactory is a red-purple glass filter,
the arc. To facilitate starting, a small generally of the heat resistant variety. A
amount of neon gas is incorporated into typical transmission curve peaks rather
the cartridge and a starting electrode is sharply at slightly over 360 nm and starts
sealed through one end of the tube near to rise again in the neighborhood of
one of the main electrodes. When voltage 700 nm. Because this second peak comes
is first applied, a discharge will take place at the very bottom of the visible red and
from the starting electrode through the in the invisible infrared region, the filter
neon. This glow discharge carries a small transmits little radiation other than the
current, limited by the protective resistor invisible ultraviolet radiation desired.
but sufficient to vaporize and ionize the
mercury and eventually cause an arc to Inspection Fixtures for Mercury
strike between the main electrodes. This
heating and ionization process requires Arc Ultraviolet Radiation Sources
from 5 to 15 min of starting time when A ultraviolet lamp mercury arc bulb
the lamp is first turned on. requires a housing and fixture (1) to
support the filter, (2) to prevent leakage of
Spectral Characteristics of unwanted visible light and (3) to permit
the operator to direct the beam onto the
Mercury Vapor Arc Sources of area to be inspected. Various ultraviolet
Ultraviolet Radiation lamp fixtures are commercially available.
One of the advantages of the mercury Some of these are small and portable,
vapor lamp is that its light output can be whereas others are mounted permanently
controlled by design and manufacture. By inside an inspection booth or on a
proper choice of vapor pressure, spectral
output can be varied from a few intense
but widely scattered lines (when the
pressures are near 1 mPa (1 108 atm) to FIGURE 32. Spectral emission of mercury arc and fluorescent
an almost continuous spectrum at about tubular types of ultraviolet radiation sources. The radiation
10 MPa (100 atm). At medium pressures intensity of the fluorescent lamp is actually much less than
from 100 to 1000 kPa (1 to 10 atm), the that of the mercury arc lamp.
light output is about evenly distributed
between the visible, ultraviolet radiation 100
and hard ultraviolet ranges. These
medium pressure lamps are ordinarily
used for test purposes. Figure 32 shows
the spectral emission of two ultraviolet Tubular
radiation sources.

FIGURE 31. Mercury vapor lamp construction (see Fig. 38 for 10

Response (percent of peak)

effect of operating voltage on ultraviolet radiation output).

Main electrode 1

Outer protective bulb Glass cartridge 1

containing mercury

mercury arc

Auxiliary starting electrode 300 350 400 450

Wavelength (nm)
Main electrode 2

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 231

FIGURE 33. Ultraviolet radiation sources: (a) 100 W ultraviolet lamp with ballast transformer;
(b) self-ballasted ultraviolet lamp; (c) 12 V battery operated portable ultraviolet lamp with
plastic housing; (d) portable, battery operated, tubular ultraviolet lamp; (e) 400 W ultraviolet
flood lamp; (f) low intensity, tubular ultraviolet lamp.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

232 Liquid Penetrant Testing

production machine. Figure 33 shows narrow beam, as seen in Fig. 34. For
examples of ultraviolet radiation sources. general testing work, this beam may be
The 400 W lamp is quite large and too narrow to provide adequate coverage
therefore limited to stationary mounting. of any but the smallest parts. For this
It puts out a large amount of light over a reason, 100 W lamps are commonly
large area and so is well adapted to supplied with ribbed or fluted filters,
flooding a large area with ultraviolet which partially disperse the narrow beam
radiation for quick location of large or to cover a slightly larger area with a
medium sized indications. It does not slightly lower intensity. This effect is also
have a high maximum intensity in any shown in Fig. 34. In the 1990s, several
one area as the 100 W bulb, however. manufacturers introduced 120 W and
Figure 34 shows the relative output of 150 W lamps that require no transformer.
several ultraviolet radiation sources There are also many smaller mercury
measured at various distances from the arc lamps ranging down to a 2 W pencil
center of the beam. size. These may find certain very
The 100 W lamp is small enough to be specialized uses in testing but are not
portable, although it is often mounted often suitable. They usually do not have
more or less permanently in a test unit. built in reflectors, so their usually lower
These lamps come in a variety of power is widely and unusably dispersed.
configurations from various Note care should be taken to avoid
manufacturers and all cannot be detailed breaking mercury arc or vapor lamps.
here. The bulbs themselves come in spot Mercury constitutes a significant health
and flood lamp types. The spot lamps are hazard. It may also lead to cracking of
used almost exclusively to attain the high aluminum and other metallic components
intensities required for local use. In fact, that it contacts.
the lamps produce a very intense but very

FIGURE 34. Ultraviolet radiation intensity varies in intensity as function of distance from center
of beam.
100 (10 000)

100 W spot, plain filter

100 W spot,
fluted filter

10 (1000)
Illumination intensity, Wm2 (Wcm2)

400 W bulb,
plain filter

1 (100)

40 W tubular

0.1 (10)
280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280
(11) (9.5) (7.9) (6.3) (4.7) (3.2) (1.6) (1.6)(3.2) (6.3) (4.7) (7.9) (9.5) (11)

Distance, mm (in.)

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 233

Fluorescent ultraviolet lamps, especially
Tubular Fluorescent Cold in the smaller sizes, are, however, the
most practical source for battery powered,
Discharge Ultraviolet portable ultraviolet lamps. They are more
Radiation Sources efficient in use of electricity than high
pressure arc lamps; even more important,
Electrically and mechanically, these
they start and reach full output in a few
standard fluorescent bulbs come in sizes
seconds rather than the 15 min required
from 2 to more than 60 W input. These
by the high pressure arc.
cold discharge tubular lamps contain low
pressure mercury vapor glow discharges.
Their primary radiation is hard ultraviolet Limitations of Incandescent
radiation of 253.7 nm wavelength. This is Filament Ultraviolet Radiation
used to excite a special cerium activated Sources
calcium phosphate phosphor coated on
the inside of the tube. This phosphor, Another ultraviolet radiation source is
when activated by ultraviolet radiation, available but is not suitable for testing
emits ultraviolet radiation with a range of use. This is the incandescent ultraviolet
320 to 440 nm, peaking at 360 nm. lamp bulb, which comes in 75 and 150 W
Because a significant amount of visible sizes. The bulbs come as standard
light is emitted along with the ultraviolet incandescent bulbs with a filter glass
radiation, these bulbs are often made of a envelope. They put out very little
purple-red filter glass similar to that used ultraviolet radiation and a large amount
over the high pressure arc lamps of visible light, so they are even less
previously described. This greatly reduces usable than fluorescent ultraviolet
the ultraviolet radiation emitted but still radiation sources. Measured on the
leaves what is often an excessive amount standard ultraviolet radiation meter, these
of visible blue light, considering the sources put out ultraviolet radiation
relatively low intensity of the ultraviolet intensity similar to that produced by 4 W
radiation produced. Figure 32 shows the fluorescent tubular ultraviolet lamps.
spectral emission of the fluorescent bulb However, they put out up to 30 times as
ultraviolet lamp as compared with that of much visible light as the fluorescent
the high pressure mercury arc. tubular ultraviolet lamps that are
themselves borderline on this property.
Experiments show that fine indications
Advantages and Limitations of cannot be detected with incandescent
Fluorescent Tubular Ultraviolet ultraviolet radiation sources whereas they
Radiation Sources can be detected with other sources.
Medium and large indications might be
Fluorescent ultraviolet lamp bulbs put out
weakly detectable but the high risk of
reasonable amounts of ultraviolet
missing indications makes use of
radiation but because of their
incandescent ultraviolet lamp bulbs
configuration they cannot be easily
focused. Therefore, their intensity per unit
area illuminated is much lower than that
provided by the high pressure mercury arc
lamps. Thus, fluorescent ultraviolet lamps Measuring Ultraviolet
are not usually considered adequate for
critical fluorescent liquid penetrant tests. Radiation in Fluorescent
Fluorescent lamp sources of ultraviolet Liquid Penetrant Testing
radiation for fluorescent liquid penetrant
The amount of ultraviolet radiation
testing offer the significant advances of
required to carry out a given test is often
instant starting, cool operation and low
difficult to determine. A suitable intensity
cost (as compared to the commonly used
can be determined by simple trials on
mercury arc lamps). Used in typical four
parts with known but very fine anomalies.
lamp fixtures, the 40 W integrally filtered
Most rules applicable to inspection under
tubular fluorescent lamps add up to 160
white light apply to inspection under
W and produce near ultraviolet radiation
ultraviolet radiation. Because different
intensities of 1 to 5 Wm2. Although
amounts of ultraviolet radiation are
tubular ultraviolet radiation sources may
necessary for different types of testing,
not quite meet the stringent specifications
some technique of evaluating and
of ASTM E 1417,1 they are commonly
specifying illumination intensity is
used in industrial applications where
needed. Experience indicates that
extreme performance of liquid penetrant
ultraviolet irradiation levels of 10 Wm2
testing is not required. In large inspection
(1000 Wcm2) at 380 mm (15 in.)
rooms, overall ultraviolet irradiation is
distance from the source are generally
often provided by several ultraviolet
adequate. A distance requirement has been
radiation fluorescent fixtures with four
treated as unnecessary in many European
specifications. Instead the irradiation
requirements are for the test surface.

234 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Early Selenium Cell Measurements
of Ultraviolet Radiation Intensity FIGURE 35. Photoelectric instruments for measurement of
As far back as 1942, selenium cell ultraviolet radiation intensity: (a) hand held digital ultraviolet
photoelectric meters were being used to radiometer measures near ultraviolet radiation in 0 to
measure ultraviolet radiation intensity. 19 990 Wcm2 range; (b) radiation monitoring and
The most common, easily used footcandle verification fixture ensures accurate measurement of ultraviolet
meters were designed for use by radiation at 300 mm (15 in.); (c) radiometer/photometer with
illumination engineers. The footcandle dual sensor for measuring ultraviolet radiation and visible
was used as a unit of visible light as seen (white) light.
by the human eye under photopic (a)
conditions. There is no such thing as a
footcandle of ultraviolet radiation. For
convenience, ultraviolet radiation was
incorrectly measured in footcandle for
many years, with an unfiltered footcandle
meter. Even though these readings did not
make sense, they did give reproducible
numbers. Further, no other meter capable
of true measurements in the near
ultraviolet wave length range was then

Modern Units for Measuring

Ultraviolet Radiation Intensity
Obviously, it is important to have a unit
of measurement for ultraviolet radiation
intensity. As previously noted, ultraviolet
radiation is electromagnetic radiation
similar in nature to radio and infrared
waves. These radiations are measured in (b)
units of energy per unit time, namely the
unit of watt (W). Total ultraviolet
radiation output can equally well be
measured in watt. It should be noted,
however, that although ultraviolet lamps
are commonly rated by their wattage, the
figures given are actually for electrical
energy input rather than radiated output.
The radiated output is much less than the
input because of conversion losses.

Examples of Ultraviolet
Radiation Measurement
Measurement of ultraviolet radiation
intensity requires a special meter
calibrated in watt per square meter or
microwatt per square centimeter. An
example is a commercially available, hand
held digital radiometer or photometer
(Fig. 35). The hand held instrument is
shock resistant and water resistant and
can be easily inserted in areas of limited
accessibility. Through two interchangeable
sensors, such portable radiometers provide
long wave coverage from 0 to
199.99 Wm2 (0 to 19999 Wcm2) and
visible light coverage from 0 to 1999 lx
(0 to 199.9 ftc).
Each sensor head contains an optical
stack of specialty components to provide
a cosine response, to define the spectral
bandpass and to convert light radiation
into electrical current.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 235

Some modern ultraviolet meters have to establish specific limits by trial on each
an optical stack featuring interference job, because it is only in this way that
filters that minimize the effects of other proper consideration can be given to all
unwanted radiation, such as visible and variables. Factors that have an effect on
infrared. Interference filters have a well the ultraviolet radiation intensity
defined bandpass with minimal necessary at the inspected surface include
transparency to other wavelengths. This (1) the nature of the inspected surface,
optical stack uses a metal-and-quartz (2) extraneous white light entering the
package ultraviolet photodiode for high booth, (3) the amount and location of
linearity and signal-to-noise ratio fluorescent materials near the inspector
response. The analog-to-digital converter and (4) the speed with which testing is to
uses a large scale integrated circuit and be carried out.
changes the direct current voltage into These factors are in addition to the
digital information. This digital obvious factors of size and type of
information is decoded into seven indications sought, which depend on the
segment information for the light service the part has to perform.
emitting diode display. In the past, there have been two
To collect the maximum amount of axioms used in selecting ultraviolet
light and render the most accurate radiation intensities: (1) the greater the
irradiance readings possible, including intensity of the ultraviolet radiation
applications with flooded and applied, the smaller the minimum
uncollimated sources, modern meters are detectable indications and (2) the lower
designed to have an excellent lambertian the visible white light level, the better the
or cosine response. contrast, hence the smaller the minimum
For maximum accuracy, calibration of detectable indication. These concepts are
these meters is done with an electrically still true but it is possible to operate under
calibrated pyroelectric radiometer (ECPR) less than optimum conditions with usable
traceable to the National Institute of results.
Standards and Technology (NIST) and is
correct to within five percent. Electrically,
the meters integrated circuitry features an
accuracy of 0.5 percent in overall system Fluorescent Liquid
performance. Penetrant Testing in
Preferred ultraviolet radiation intensity
meters measure only the ultraviolet Subdued White Light
radiation in reproducible radiation power The improved liquid penetrant processing
units such as watt per square meter. materials available now have made it
ASTM E 1417 calls for a minimum possible to test in less than total darkness.
ultraviolet radiation intensity of 10 Wm2 This does not mean darkened inspection
(1000 Wcm2) at the test surface.
Measurements at the test surface are
required because of the variation in FIGURE 36. Variations of ultraviolet radiation intensity with
intensity with distance frm the source distance from face of ultraviolet sources, for 400 W bulb,
(Fig. 36). 100 W bulb and 40 W tubular lamp.
ASTM E 1417 also requires a maximum
visible light intensity in the viewing area 200 (20 000)
(inspection booth) of 20 lx (2 ftc).1 True
measurement of the ambient visible light
Ultraviolet radiation intensity, Wm2 (Wcm2)

100 W bulb
can be made with the same style digital 100 (10 000)
radiometer as used for ultraviolet 80 (8000)
radiation. Several manufacturers offer 60 (6000)
50 (5000) 400 W
digital readout units that will accept a 40 (4000) bulb
visible light sensor. These sensors follow a
30 (3000)
standard curve of the International
Commission on Illumination (CIE) and 20 (2000)
mimic the human response to visible
light, peaking at a wavelength of 555 nm. 40 W
10 (1000) tubular
8 (800)
6 (600)
Selecting Ultraviolet 5
Irradiation Levels for 3 (300)

Fluorescent Liquid 2 (200)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Penetrant Inspection (4) (8) ( 12) (16) (20) (24) (28)
The amount of ultraviolet radiation
Distance from lamp to light meter, mm (in.)
necessary for any testing job depends on
the particular application. It is preferable

236 Liquid Penetrant Testing

booths are no longer necessary. It does depend, of course, on the size of the
mean that with bright liquid penetrant indication and type of liquid penetrant
indications and adequate ultraviolet system used. There will be applications
radiation intensity, medium and large where extremely high levels of ultraviolet
indications can be detected under radiation intensity will be required.
conditions of fairly high ambient white
light. This has made some fluorescent
liquid penetrant testing possible on
aircraft outdoors on the flight line. Care and Maintenance of
However, ambient white light Ultraviolet Lamps
requirements must be met by using black
cloth or other light shields.
Extremely dark testing areas and high Ultraviolet Lamp Warmup and
ultraviolet radiation levels are not always Restart Times
necessary. They are, however, always
helpful and do ease the testing chore When the current to an ultraviolet lamp
considerably. Further, in tests for the very bulb of the mercury arc type is first turned
smallest indications such as microcracks on, it takes 300 s or more for the bulb to
in jet turbine blades, they are necessary. warm up to its full output. No test should
In many instances, minute indications be started until this time has elapsed. If,
could only be detected by a dark adapted for any reason, the arc is extinguished, as
observer working in a booth with no by interruption of the current, the bulbs
more than 10 lx (1 ftc) of white light and will not respond immediately when the
then only by holding the part 50 or current is again turned on. Time must be
75 mm (2 or 3 in.) from a 100 W mercury allowed for the lamp to cool somewhat
arc source, producing 150 to 180 Wm2 and then for the arc to reestablish itself.
intensities on the part. This may take about 600 s.
The window lens of the visible Once having established a level of
radiation (white light) sensor must not illumination necessary for a particular job,
fluoresce. Under near ultraviolet radiation it is important to observe precautions to
of 35 Wm2 (3500 Wcm2), visible ensure that this level is maintained.
radiation of 4.8 klx (440 ftc) has been Various factors can affect the output of
reported instead of 13 lx (1.2 ftc) as light from an ultraviolet lamp bulb but
measured with a photometer with a the meters described earlier can be used to
nonfluorescing sensor window. maintain a check on performance.
The axiom that high ultraviolet Experience and tests have shown that
radiation levels and low ambient light light output of an ultraviolet radiation
levels produce the best performance is still source decreases gradually with age and
true. However, maximum performance is hours of service. When intensities drop
not always necessary, so tests can often be below usable levels, the situation should
carried out under far from ideal be corrected.
conditions. Figure 37 shows how contrast
ratio varies with ambient lighting. Proper Usage of Ultraviolet
Nevertheless, those ideal test conditions Radiation Sources for Liquid
will considerably ease the test and should Penetrant Testing
be used if at all possible.
As an example, an ultraviolet radiation Several things can cause reduction in light
illumination level of about 8 to 10 Wm2 from a fixture. The bulb itself will lose
(800 to 1000 Wcm2) is sufficient to output as it ages, because of discoloration
reveal most anomaly indications. This will of the cartridge or the outer container. As
a bulb nears the end of its life, output
may drop to as low as 25 percent of what
it was when the bulb was new. The lives
FIGURE 37. Contrast ratio of typical fluorescent liquid of these bulbs may vary widely. Nominal
penetrant system at various levels of white light. life expectancy is given by the
manufacturer (1000 h for the 100 W spot)
100 but the actual life of a bulb in testing
20 Wm2
ultraviolet service is less than this figure. The
10 Wm2 40 Wm2 manufacturers life tests are statistical
Contrast ratio

ultraviolet ultraviolet estimates based on continuous, steady

10 operation in a fixed and well ventilated
position. Ultraviolet lamps used in testing
are subject to numerous starts and
shutoffs and to rough handling. In
addition, because of the needs of filtering
0.1 1 10 100 1000 and portable housing, such lights may
operate at higher temperatures than
Background white light level (lx)
desirable. Fan cooled lamps are available
to offset these problems.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 237

Accumulations of oil, of films or dust tests, increasing supply voltage to between
and of dirt on the bulb and filter seriously 125 and 130 V resulted in burned out
reduce the ultraviolet radiation output, lamps in as little as 48 h. A second way to
sometimes by as much as 50 percent. This prolong life is to keep the number of
cause of variation can be avoided by starts as low as possible. Each time a lamp
keeping the filter clean but an output is started, a small amount of active
check with the meter is the only safe way material is removed from the electrodes. A
to make sure that the cleaning has been single start is equivalent to several hours
effective. of continuous burning. It is generally
Low voltage will extinguish the more economical to leave lamps burning
mercury arc and where line voltage is over rest periods and lunch hours than to
subject to wide fluctuations, with low turn them off and on again.
points at 90 V or less, the lamp may go
out (see Fig. 38). The lamp should be
energized from a power source that
maintains voltage as nearly constant as Physiological Effects of
possible. The simplest way of overcoming Ultraviolet Lamps
this difficulty is, of course, to connect the
lamp to a power line having extremely Not directly in line with use or
good voltage regulation. If such a line is maintenance of ultraviolet lamps but of
not available, an alternative is to install a interest to hygiene directors and safety
voltage regulating transformer between engineers are the effects of ultraviolet
the line and the lamp. An additional radiation on the operator. It has been
advantage is obtained by using such a demonstrated that moderate ultraviolet
transformer. Where power lines are radiation in the wavelength range
subject to sudden sharp drops in voltage normally used for liquid penetrant testing
when heavy machinery is started on the is unlikely to cause permanent damage to
power system, the regulating transformer persons exposed, so long as recommended
helps to eliminate the nuisance of having filters are used on the ultraviolet lamps.
lamps extinguish themselves and waste The 365 nm wavelength is out of the
operator time while the lamp cools off range where most physiological effects
and reignites. take place. Such effects as damage to the
eye, sunburn and destruction of tissue
come into evidence at wavelengths under
Extending Life of Ultraviolet 320 nm. Here they become definitely
Lamps injurious. Normal ultraviolet radiation as
The user can contribute to lamp life in used for testing purposes is safe.2
two ways. One of these is to avoid Near ultraviolet radiation is a normal,
operating lamps above their rated voltage. nonionizing radiation that shares some
Only slight increases in voltage will effects of sun light. To inhibit the
decrease lamp life tremendously. In some formation of cataracts, eyewear that
blocks near ultraviolet radiation is
recommended. Similarly, to inhibit the
formation of carcinomas on the skin, it is
FIGURE 38. Variation in ultraviolet radiation recommended that inspectors wear caps,
output of 100 W mercury arc bulb varies gloves when possible (depending for
with line voltage. Standard lamp power instance on dimensions of inspected
factor transformer, 117 V tap (see Fig. 31 for parts) and long sleeved shirts. It should be
sketch of lamp structure). noted that these recommendations are the
same as for people working in sun light.
110 Consideration should be given to the
disposition of lights within a booth and
to the effect on an operator of placement
Normal light output (percent)

100 of light sources. Although ultraviolet

radiation will not damage the eye
permanently, some of the layers of the
90 eyeball exhibit strong tendencies to
fluoresce. If the inspection light is placed
so that its rays fall directly into or are
reflected into the eyes of operators, this

eyeball fluorescence can become


70 extremely annoying and will impair

inspector effectiveness to a marked
60 More on safety aspects of liquid
80 90 100 110 120 130 penetrant testing can be found elsewhere
Line voltage (V) in this volume.

238 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 4. Mechanized Scanning of Fluorescent
Liquid Penetrant Indications

Advantages of Fluorescent Ultraviolet Radiation

Liquid Penetrant Test Scanning Systems
Systems Ultraviolet scanners consist essentially of
One of the most significant advances in (1) a source of ultraviolet radiation, (2) a
nondestructive testing was the photodetector sensitive to visible
introduction of fluorescence in liquid (converted) light but not to ultraviolet
penetrant testing. In this technique, the radiation and (3) the amplification and
test object can be subjected to large discrimination equipment necessary to
quantities of excitation energy (generally interpret the signal produced. Generally,
near ultraviolet) with virtually no glare or materials handling accessories will be
highlights reflected from the part being required to move the parts to be inspected
inspected. Because of this, liquid to and from the scanner, to index or
penetrant indications containing very move the parts under the scanner so that
minute amounts of retained material may all desired areas are inspected uniformly
be readily seen and, therefore, very high and to mark or separate those parts
sensitivity to small discontinuities is rejected. Obviously, a system containing
possible. Extraneous indications do all the above functions would be very
develop from fluorescent material trapped complex and may be expensive. It would
in scale or on some rough spot etc. These also probably have to be specifically
are generally referred to as background. In engineered for a particular part or group
many applications, the background level of similar parts, so it could be fairly
may limit the smallest size discontinuity inflexible. Two types of ultraviolet
that can be reliably detected. scanning equipment have been in comon
usage in the late 1900s the television
scanner and the laser scanner. Each will
be discussed separately here.
Functions of Scanning
Equipment for Liquid Television Scanner for Fluorescent
Penetrant Indications Liquid Penetrant Test Indications
The purpose of mechanized scanning of The television scanner illuminates the
fluorescent liquid penetrant test part with ordinary filtered ultraviolet
indications is to automate the viewing radiation. A closed circuit television
and interpretation portions of the liquid camera, equipped with a filter to remove
penetrant test process. This is the ultraviolet radiation, is used as the
advantageous in obtaining reliable and detector of the visible light test
reproducible results. The automatic indications in this apparatus. The output
scanning machine can theoretically be video signal is then processed through a
calibrated more accurately than the computer or other electronic equipment
human, so simple go/no-go interpretations programmed to recognize the signals from
could be made more uniformly. Naturally, rejectable anomalies. On receipt of a
in addition to the above advantages, rejectable anomaly signal, the computer
automated liquid penetrant testing usually is programmed to initiate some
potentially offers speed in inspecting large rejection action such as marking the spot
numbers of uniform parts that no human with paint for later disposal or sorting
test operator can match. rejected parts into a rejection bin. Some
Unfortunately, the potential has not pattern recognition and classification of
been fulfilled. Scanning units in anomalies are possible.
production applications have been too
slow and less sensitive than a human Laser Scanner for Fluorescent
operator and have had higher rates of Liquid Penetrant Test Indications
false calls.
The laser scanner uses a deep blue, violet
or ultraviolet laser beam to illuminate the
test parts. With this type of light source, a
very narrow, very intense beam is
produced. The scanning occurs as the

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 239

beam passes over the part, illuminating excited is very bright and easily
only a very small area at any one time. detected.
The direction of the laser beam may be 2. The detail discrimination is much
changed continuously by means of better because a phototube can handle
mirrors, the part may be moved under the a larger contrast ratio than a television
beam or both may occur simultaneously. tube.
In any case, the level of fluorescence 3. There are no depth of field problems
induced in the area covered by the beam because the fluorescent light is not
is low unless the laser beam strikes a imaged at any point. This makes part
discontinuity indication, in which case a positioning much less critical than if
larger amount of fluorescent (visible) an image must be formed.
radiation is emitted. The fluorescence is 4. The electronic circuitry required for
detected by a simple phototube equipped the detector is much simpler and more
with a filter to stop blue or ultraviolet troublefree than with a television
radiation from the illumination source system.
but permit the visible fluorescent light to
pass. The signal takes the form of pulses
that are then processed through a Flying Spot Laser Scanning of
computer or other electronic equipment. Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant
A program to discriminate rejectable Indications
anomalies from background and initiate
rejection action, is necessary. Pattern A technique has been developed that uses
recognition and anomaly classification are a flying spot laser for detection of
possible. fluorescent liquid penetrant indications.
As shown in Fig. 39, this system consists
of three functional parts: a scanning laser,
Comparison of Laser and a photodetector and a data processor. The
Television Scanning Systems scanning laser causes a laser beam to
The laser scanner is the newer and better move across the part to be inspected.
type of scanning system for the following When this exciting laser beam strikes
reasons. fluorescent liquid penetrant materials
retained in discontinuities open to the
1. The laser beam provides much more test object surface, a pulse of different
intense excitation illumination in the wavelength light is generated. The
area covered than an ordinary photodetector converts this fluorescence
ultraviolet lamp, so the fluorescence pulse into an electrical signal. The data
processor operates on these signals and

FIGURE 39. Functional components of flying spot laser scanning system for fluorescent liquid
penetrant test indications.

Scanning electronics

Light collecting mirror

Photocell Threshold

Scanner Fluorescent


240 Liquid Penetrant Testing

determines if they represent Photosensitive devices generally will
discontinuities through pattern detect both wavelengths so filters are
recognition techniques and signal required when either wavelength is used
intensity measurements. for automatic testing. The laser beam
The flying spot laser scanner with diameter is near 1 mm (0.04 in.) and the
pattern recognition capabilities simulates output power is nominally 15 mW. The
a human operator for testing of laser beam divergence is very small, so
fluorescent discontinuity indications in a generally no optical components are
large number of applications. The system required. It is possible to use a lens or
has very large depth of field because combination of lenses to reduce the beam
system resolution is determined by the diameter to a very small value and hence
scanning beam cross section and not by increase system resolution.
large aperture optical imaging devices (as
in the case of television devices). High Laser Beam Scanning Motions
density of excitation energy is available
with a laser and extremely high sensitivity Figure 40 shows the arrangement of the
photodetectors will allow pickup of weak components of the laser scanning system.
fluorescent liquid penetrant indications. The laser beam is directed to a scanning
The optical pattern recognition system mirror that causes the beam to move back
simulates the human interpretation in and forth across the test object and form,
that it recognizes shape and size for in effect, a line scan. The waveform used
discontinuity determination and generally to drive the scanning mirror motor is a
ignores background fluorescence effects. staircase function derived from the system
clock. Thus, each position of the scanning
mirror can be directly related to a given
Characteristics of Laser Beam clock pulse. The scan waveform is
The scanner portion of the system adjusted as required. The scan motion is
contains a helium-cadmium (He-Cd) laser at right angles to the motion of the object
operating at a deep blue wavelength of being inspected so the entire surface is
441.6 nm. The dyes and pigment used in covered by the scanning beam.
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing
materials will absorb blue as well as Signal Detection and Analog
ultraviolet excitation and emit visible
yellow light. Thus, a blue excitation Signal Processing
source may be used rather than the As the beam strikes the retained
familiar ultraviolet radiation. The blue has fluorescent material, it emits a pulse of
to be filtered out for visible interpretation, yellow fluorescent light. Some of this light
whereas ultraviolet is invisible. strikes the face of the photocell and is

FIGURE 40. Laser scanning arrangement for line scanning of test objects in motion.

Staircase System
generator clock

laser 441.6 nm
Scanning mirror


Stationary mirror
Motion of scanned object

Object to be scanned

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 241

converted into an electrical pulse signal. light to a line parallel to the lens axis and
The amplitude of this pulse is directly maintains the beams cross sectional
related to the intensity of the pulse of width in the orthogonal direction because
yellow light. The phototube pulses are it does no focusing in that axis. A
amplified and filtered and used to activate phototube detects and integrates the
a threshold circuit. The threshold circuit fluorescent flash that occurs when the
output signal is a digital pulse used as exciting beam is coincided with the
input to the pattern recognition circuit. discontinuity. This is the simplest
These pulses may be used to generate a approach but it requires good parallel
television image if desired, although this alignment of the beam and discontinuity
generally has no value in the automatic and limits the system flexibility. A similar
mode of operation. The beam position result can of course be obtained by laser
information plus the phototube analog beam scanning and electronically
output is all that is required for a integrating the photocell output. This has
television image. It is important to note the advantage of large depth of field but
that no optical lenses are used to generate requires the more complex scanning
this image. The image resolution depends arrangement. Figure 42 shows a laser
on the beam cross section dimension. scanning technique in which the line
Therefore, the depth of field of the shaped laser beam illuminates the entire
scanning system is very large because the length of a parallel fluorescent indication
laser beam has very small divergence. of a linear discontinuity. Far less
sensitivity would result if the beam and
discontinuity were not parallel (Fig. 43). A

Pattern Recognition of
Fluorescent Liquid
Penetrant Indications FIGURE 42. Example of test situation
producing sharp electrical signal pulse from
Recognition of significant test indications phototube detector: straight, linear
is generally the most complex part of the fluorescent test indication is parallel to line
automated scanning system. Pattern focused scanning laser beam.
recognition is accomplished by one of
Area scanned
three approaches: (1) an optical
technique, (2) a hardwired digital process
or (3) a microprocessor or digital

Optical Pattern Recognition

In optical pattern recognition, a line
shaped laser beam is oriented in the Seam
direction of the discontinuity (Fig. 41).
This illustrates the formation of a line of
light by use of anamorphic optics, that is,
Bearing rotation
a cylinder lens that focuses the collimated

FIGURE 41. Optical pattern recognition of straight, linear

fluorescent test indications. FIGURE 43. Example of test situation that
produces reduced signal pulse levels from
phototube detector when straight, linear
Collimated light test indication is perpendicular to line
focused laser scanning beam.

Cylinder lens Phototube

Direction of scan


Line of laser light Discontinuity Motion of


Object to
be scanned

242 Liquid Penetrant Testing

parallel line of exciting radiation results in
a form of optical integration of
fluorescent light from the entire length of
Flying Spot Fluorescent
the indication. Similar slits of excitation Liquid Penetrant Laser
illumination might conceivably permit Scanning
optical pattern recognition for straight
The purpose of the flying spot laser
line fluorescent test indications in other
system is to automate and speed detection
of fluorescent indications and
The background fluorescence usually
discontinuities. High volume testing of
consists mainly of the foggy yellow glow
steel billets, roller bearings, welded pipe,
and a few isolated bright spots. In
automotive parts and the like is feasible.
addition to this, indications that have
Inherently, the system minimizes the
many characteristics of discontinuities are
noise or confusion of surrounding
frequently present. This includes
indications and produces a discontinuity
indications caused by tool marks,
image that is more readily discernible.
scratches, thread crests and valleys, hole
The data processor operates on these
edges and others. A trained operator will
signals and is programmed to determine
ignore these and, if possible, so should
through pattern recognition and
the automatic system. This will increase
intensities if a discontinuity has been
the system complexity. In any case, most
detected. Automatic sorting and handling
applications do require some sort of
then takes over.
pattern recognition. This might range
The advantages of human expertise in
from the previous coincident light
observation and interpretation are
approach to a digital computer with
simulated through the systems attempts
pattern recognition algorithms
to recognize both shape and size in
programmed into its general operation.
discontinuity determination while
ignoring weaker signals from background
Hardwired Digital Processor for indications. The computer can be
Pattern Recognition programmed to recognize and act on
different discontinuity patterns. The
The hardwired digital processor for
system has a large depth of field capability
pattern recognition consists of multiple
because resolution is determined by the
circuit boards, some consisting of several
scanning beam cross section and not by
logic functions. The basic part of this
large aperture optical imaging devices,
portion is a large memory array; multiple
such as in television. In its broadest
bit elements are used. Each scan is
application, the system can be
adjusted for zone width. The input
programmed to sort and assemble
discontinuity signal is gated and fed into
potentially discrepant indications and
the array. The system clock pulses that
present them to the human operator for
were used to form the scanning waveform
are also used as shift pulses and the
Although automated readout has been
discontinuity signals shift along in
demonstrated to approach human
synchronism with the scanning beam.
capabilities in specific applications, the
Auxiliary registers are arranged at the
pattern recognition capability of the
output of each array. These are grouped
human operator exceeds that of
together to form a two-dimensional array.
automated readout systems. In addition,
the false call rate of automated systems
exceeds that of a human operator. Human
Digital Computer Pattern intervention is necessary for critical
The digital computer signal pattern
recognition technique is the most flexible
because patterns can be changed by using
different software programming. New
programs are easy to input and output
and may be continuously modified and
improved as experience is gained. The
software philosophy used is one of
adjacent cell linking. If test indications
(stored numbers in memory locations that
are an analog of their location on the
part) can be linked to adjacent
indications, the probability is high that
these are caused by discontinuities. The
greater the number of links, the greater
the discontinuity probability.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment 243


1. ASTM E 1417, Standard Practice for

Liquid Penetrant Examination. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1995).
2. Wald, G. Alleged Effects of the Near
Ultraviolet on Human Vision. Journal
of the Optical Society of America.
Vol. 42, No. 3. New York, NY:
American Institute of Physics
(March 1952): p 171-177.

244 Liquid Penetrant Testing


Comparators and
Reference Panels

Noel A. Tracy, Universal Technology Corporation,

Dayton, Ohio
Jeffrey F. Cook, JFC NDE Engineering, Idaho Falls,
Robert J. Lord, Boeing Company, St. Louis, Missouri
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates, Crystal
Lake, Illinois
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
PART 1. Cracked Metal Comparator Blocks

with predictable depths. Thus, the

Simulating Cracks Found in performance of a liquid penetrant system
can be precisely monitored.
Components One specialized application of this type
To conduct investigative programs on of specimen has been the classification of
liquid penetrant tests, cracked test liquid penetrant systems by the United
standards are needed. Panels containing States Air Force for inclusion in the
networks of cracks of varying sizes are qualified products list, QPL-AMS-2644.1
useful in establishing qualitatively the For this application five specimens are
effect of liquid penetrant variables on used, each having a crack with a length in
general liquid penetrant effectiveness. A the range of 0.5 to 1.5 mm (0.02 to
desirable characteristic of the cracks in 0.06 in.). In this application, this type of
cracked standards is that the size of the specimen provides a source for a single
cracks be representative of cracks unambiguous fluorescent liquid penetrant
encountered in production parts or indication that could be analyzed. The set
components. Of particular importance is is processed according to standardized
the width of the cracks, because this procedures specified in AMS 2644.2 The
dimension has an important effect on the luminance of each fluorescent indication
ease with which a liquid penetrant enters is measured with a photometer. The sum
the crack. During early experiments to of the measured luminances is then
artificially produce cracks simulating real compared to similar sums from a set of
process induced cracks, several production reference liquid penetrant systems that
aircraft parts that had been rejected produce a linearly increasing range of
because of process induced cracks were luminance values for the crack set. The
examined to determine the width of the reference system that produces the lowest
cracks. A summation of the crack widths sum produces no indication from the
in production aircraft parts is given in smallest crack.
Table 1. It should be pointed out that even
Various procedures have been tried to though indication luminance is used in
produce cracks that would be this application to assign sensitivity
representative of process induced or classifications to liquid penetrant systems,
service induced cracks. Some of those luminance is not an absolute measure of
procedures applied to a variety of system sensitivity. As discussed elsewhere
materials are described below. in this volume, lack of control of the
liquid penetrant processing variables, not
the least of which is precleaning, can
produce variations in brightness that do
Specimen with Low Cycle not correlate with the ability of a liquid
Fatigue Cracks penetrant system to indicate a small

Concept of Fatigue Crack

To emulate small, tight fatigue cracks that TABLE 1. Width of process induced cracks in production
might occur in gas turbine engine rotating parts.
parts, specimens have been manufactured Crack Width
with reduced fatigue cracks in each. High _______________________________
strength nickel and titanium alloys have Material Crack Origin m (in.)
been the materials of choice for these
Titanium forming cracks 7a (0.0003)a
specimens because these are the materials
used in the engines. The intent is not unknown 17b (0.0007)b
only to grow single cracks in each Aluminum forging laps 2 to 50a (0.0001 to 0.002)a
specimen but also to control the crack unknown 20 to 90b (0.0008 to 0.0035)b
growth by using precise measurement Stainless Steel welding defects 2a (0.00008)a
techniques to gage the length of each
crack after intervals of cyclically loading a. Measured metallographically after cross sectioning.
the specimen. Assuming a length-to-width b. Measured directly with electron microscope without cross sectioning.
aspect ratio of two to one leads to cracks

246 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Manufacturing of Low Cycle crack initiation damage site. After final
Fatigue Specimen3-6 machining, the crack is stressed open
again and measured to determine the
The specimen material can be rolled or final crack length. Additional machining
forged. In the former case, annealing is can reduce the depth of the crack if
recommended to eliminate residual desired. Final depth can be estimated
surface stresses. The approximate size of from the originally assumed two-to-one
each specimen, 150 25 6 mm (6.0 length-to-depth ratio and the amount of
1.0 0.25 in.), was chosen for material removed during machining. A
convenience in manufacturing and liquid light etch may be necessary after
penetrant testing. However, the size of machining, even if the specimen has been
each specimen set should be uniform. stressed to open the crack for
One side of each specimen is arbitrarily measurement. Etching is always
chosen as the face in which a fatigue recommended for panels to be used for
crack will be grown. The center section of liquid penetrant testing.
this surface is smoothed by sanding Occasionally two cracks will initiate.
followed by polishing with aluminum This may not be a problem if their
oxide powder with 3 m (1.2 104 in.) included length is within the target range
particle diameter. The edges along the because they will eventually join to
150 mm (6.0 in.) dimension are slightly produce a long shallow crack with a
rounded to eliminate stress points that length-to-depth ratio greater than
could result in undesired crack initiation two-to-one. Such cracks can facilitate the
during fatigue loading. evaluation of certain characteristics of
Various methods have been used to liquid penetrant systems. For example, a
initiate fatigue cracks, including electrical water washable liquid penetrant system
discharge machined slots, mechanical may not detect such a crack as well as a
notches in various forms and spot welds postemulsifiable system.
(thermal cracks). Spot welding has been
used in some studies to produce a stress
riser to initiate crack growth. Spot welds Disadvantages of Low Cycle
are easy to produce and almost always Fatigue Crack Specimens
result in the initiation of a crack. These specimens are relatively expensive
However, extreme care must be taken to to manufacture. Because they are
avoid multiple initiation or branching. generated in fatigue, they are very tight
Through experimentation, a heat and and therefore difficult to clean between
time setting for the welding equipment is repeated processing. Ultrasonic cleaning
found that will produce an area of in chlorinated solvents has been
damage about 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) in successful but chlorinated solvents have
diameter. This damage consists of an area fallen into disuse because of effects on the
of recast metal and the surrounding heat ozone layer.
affected zone. With this degree of damage, As of 1999, fatigue cracks were the only
fatigue cracks have been found to initiate test specimens that could be used to
and grow in titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) to a satisfy fracture critical requirements of the
detectable size after 20 000 to 50 000 National Aeronautics and Space
cycles. Administration, and were used to classify
Typically these low cycle fatigue cracks the sensitivity of fluorescent liquid
are generated at room temperature using a penetrant in accordance with
load frame fitted with a three point SAE AMS 2644.2
bending fixture. A computer controlled
servo hydraulic system is used to generate
sine wave cyclic loading. In one setup a
ratio R = min/max = 0.1 (where = stress) Quench Cracked
has been used with the maximum load set
to produce a bending stress of
Aluminum Comparator
approximately 80 percent of the material Blocks
yield stress. For tight fatigue cracks, a A tool that has been used to evaluate
stress level below 70 percent has been liquid penetrants and to judge the
recommended. continued serviceability of a liquid
During fatigue loading the crack starter penetrant testing system is the quench
defect is monitored with a microscope. cracked aluminum comparator block. The
Once a crack is detected, the length is cracked aluminum test block is described
carefully monitored in place or with a in both the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
separate microscope. The measurements Code (Part V, Article 6)3 and in SAE
can be more accurate if they are made AMS 2644.2
under bending stress to open the cracks. If It is important to note that quench
the crack length falls within the target cracks rarely provide discrimination
range, loading is discontinued and the necessary for modern liquid penetrant
cracked surface is machined to remove the materials and are not referenced in

Comparators and Reference Panels 247

fracture control specifications. The objects, a light surface machining
following discussion of quench crack operation may be used, if desired. Using a
panels is included primarily for historical 510 C (950 F) temperature indicating
reference. material,8 the panel is heated and then
quenched in cold water. The temperature
indicating material is applied in the exact
center of the block in an area about
Preparation of Quench 25 mm (1 in.) in diameter. A Bunsen
Cracked Aluminum Blocks burner flame is allowed to impinge on the
underside. Quenching in cold water to
The liquid penetrant comparator panel induce cracking takes place immediately
(Fig. 1) is made from as-rolled 2024-T3 on full and complete color change of the
aluminum, as required in the applicable temperature indicating material. Often,
codes or specifications (for example, several repeat heating and quenching
AMS 26442), when smooth surfaces are operations on the same block are needed
desired. The grain direction of these to produce adequate crack patterns. A
panels is parallel to the largest dimension. groove is then machined across the center
To simulate surface roughness on test

FIGURE 1. Cracked aluminum penetrant comparator block: (a) schematic; (b) planar view; (c) cross section;
(d) photograph of liquid penetrant processed cracked aluminum block, sometimes referred to as liqiud
penetrant comparator, used to compare performance of two different visible dye liquid penetrant processes.
Dimensions are for guidance only and are not critical.
(a) (b) (c)

2 mm (0.08 in.)

80 mm (3 in.)

1.5 mm (0.06 in.)


10 mm (0.4 in.)
40 mm (1.5 in.)
50 mm (2 in.)

248 Liquid Penetrant Testing

of each face of the panel, dividing it into
two 50 40 mm (2.0 1.5 in.) sections FIGURE 2. Aluminum block, cracked by
(see Fig. 2). heating and quenching, demonstrates
A distinguishing identification mark performance of water washable fluorescent
should be inscribed on each section of the liquid penetrant without developer.
block to act as a reference for later
determination of which material or
technique was applied to different
sections. A pencil mark is not satisfactory
for this identification because it will
usually be removed during processing. If
it is a production practice to use acid or
alkaline etching of parts before liquid
penetrant testing to remove corrosion
products, then cracked aluminum alloy
blocks should be similarly etched for valid

Procedures for Cracked Aluminum

Liquid Penetrant Comparator
Block FIGURE 3. When comparing liquid penetrant
performance at different temperatures, the
In use, test liquid penetrant is placed on liquid penetrant comparator is cut into
one section and standard liquid penetrant equivalent sections for processing. This
on the other section of the cracked photograph illustrates two fluorescent liquid
aluminum block. The groove separates the penetrant systems, one at 177 C (350 F),
two test sections. After liquid penetrant left, and the other at 27 C (80 F), right.
dwell, removal and developing, following
established procedures, the two sections
are usually compared for completeness of
discontinuity patterns, sharpness of
discontinuity delineation, color, general
visibility and similar characteristics of
interest. Either or both faces of the
cracked aluminum panel may be used, as
both top and bottom sides will have crack
patterns. See elsewhere in this volume on
the care and use of these panels.

Interference between Different

Liquid Penetrants on Cracked
Comparator Block
Two different liquid penetrants, coated on FIGURE 4. Liquid penetrant comparator
the separate sections of the cracked divided into two separate equivalent
aluminum panel but still adjacent to each sections to compare performance of same
other, have an effect on each other even visible dye liquid penetrant and nonaqueous
though the sections are separated by the developer at 121 C (250 F), left, and 27 C
groove. If the difference in surface tension (80 F), right.
of the liquid penetrant liquids is extreme,
the liquid penetrant with higher surface
tension is repelled from the center toward
the outer edge of the panel. The other
liquid penetrant with lower surface
tension may cross the groove during the
dwell period. Liquids that affect each
other in this way should be compared on
a panel cut into two separate sections, not
merely divided with a groove. The
sections should be well separated during
the liquid penetrant dwell. Cutting the
panel into sections facilitates the different
processing techniques, such as different
cleaning techniques or different penetrant at ambient temperature, it is
developing agents. If high temperature or almost essential for the panel to be cut
low temperature performance of a liquid into two separate sections (see Figs. 2
penetrant is to be compared to to 4).
performance of a standard liquid

Comparators and Reference Panels 249

Limitations of Cracked Aluminum indications may be quite subtle.
Liquid Penetrant Comparator Examination of the blocks and
interpretation of results should be done
Blocks by experienced personnel.
The quench cracked aluminum block Quench crack panels rarely provide
contains large and medium sized cracks necessary discrimination for modern
that are easily detected by all but the liquid penetrant materials and are not
lowest sensitivity materials. For this referenced in fracture control
reason, little difference between medium specifications.
and high performance liquid penetrant
test materials is detected on these pieces.
Any noticeable sensitivity difference
Renewal of Quench Cracked
becomes a gross difference in actual Aluminum Blocks
performance, so these quench cracked Best results are always obtained when new
aluminum pieces are of limited usefulness. test blocks are used. Some contaminating
The artificial cracks in the aluminum effect is likely to occur whenever tests are
blocks are nonuniform by nature. It is being made. Blocks should never be
impossible to make two blocks identical. reused without renewing them according
Some are more effective than others in to one of the procedures outlined below.
indicating differences in materials. It is A comparison should not even be made
important, therefore, to make a series of on the reverse side without first renewing
tests before reaching conclusions if results the entire block. In general, blocks
are critical. renewed more than three times are no
Theoretically, discontinuity patterns of longer reliable. One renewal procedure
the two sections of a cracked aluminum uses solvents and heat in the following
block should be uniform or identical but sequence.
although there should be similarity, the
1. Vapor phase degrease.
two sections will differ in crack patterns.
2. Scrub with a stiff brush, soap and
In some cases, the difference is sufficient
to make the panel of little value as a
3. Soak in acetone, at least overnight.
means of comparison. It is important to
4. Rinse with water.
recognize a faulty cracked aluminum test
5. Heat slowly with a gas burner to
panel as such and not misinterpret the
425 C (800 F).
poor reading as a faulty liquid penetrant.
Only new panels should be considered to Use temperature indicating material and
be valid comparators. quench in cold water. Reheat moderately
Adequate cleaning of cracked to drive off any water in cracks and allow
aluminum blocks to make them fully to cool to room temperature.
reusable is not possible. This is especially A much less time consuming method
true when panels have been exposed to of renewing cracked aluminum test blocks
red visible dyes. Once used for visible dye is ultrasonic cleaning in solvent. After
liquid penetrants, panels should never be ultrasonic cleaning, the cracked
used for fluorescent dye liquid penetrants aluminum blocks are dried, are sprayed
because traces of visible dye liquid with nonaqueous developer and are
penetrant seriously diminish the inspected with illumination suitable for
performance of fluorescent liquid revealing any traces of residual liquid
penetrant. Techniques of cleaning include penetrant. Blocks are recleaned if any
hot alkaline cleaners, ultrasonic cleaning liquid penetrant is visible.
with solvent, vapor degreasing and
repeating the heat quench cycle. No
cleaning technique is completely
satisfactory. However, some basis for Alternate Procedure for
judging performance should be obtainable Producing Cracked
if a series of three or more used but
cleaned panels are included in the
Aluminum Comparator
evaluation. Cleaning and reuse of panels Blocks
are discouraged and reuse of cracked A second procedure used to produce
aluminum test panels more than three 10 75 100 mm (0.4 3.0 4.0 in.)
times should be prohibited. Because 2024-T3 aluminum panels involved
aluminum surfaces oxidize in the heating in a furnace to 540 C (1000 F)
atmosphere, comparison test results can for 30 min and quenching in ice water.
vary considerably between a new block These specimens were quenched
slightly etched and a similar block individually and checked after each
allowed to remain exposed to the quench to obtain an acceptable crack
atmosphere for 30 days, for example. pattern with a minimum number of
When supposedly identical liquid severe cracks extending through the
penetrant materials are being compared specimens. The specimens that did not
on these blocks, differences in crack show an adequate crack pattern after

250 Liquid Penetrant Testing

twelve cycles of heating and quenching the case, test results obtained from the
were then heated with a torch and test standards in liquid penetrant
quenched in the same manner as the programs apply directly to normal
50 75 mm (2 3 in.) specimens until an production inspection. However, the
acceptable crack pattern was obtained. correlation between cracks generated in
These panels, cut from bar stock, the laboratory and cracks generated in the
represented an end grain condition manufacturing process must be verified
specifically, the grain direction was for each situation involving different
parallel to the 10 mm (0.4 in.) thickness material, part, configuration,
dimension. manufacturing process etc.

Characteristics of Cracks Induced

by Heating and Quenching Experimental Procedure
2024-T3 Aluminum Blocks for Producing Stress
Crack patterns were produced using the Corrosion Cracks in
two quench cracking procedures. Several
cycles of heating and quenching were Titanium Comparator
required to crack the specimens. Typical Blocks
crack dimensions are shown in Fig. 5. The
ranges of cracks widths were about the Procedures were evaluated for producing
same for the two grain directions. 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) thick cracked Ti-6Al-4V
Also shown in Fig. 5 are the width titanium alloy liquid penetrant standards.
dimensions of several naturally occurring The 50 125 mm (2 5 in.) specimens
process induced cracks in aluminum. were initially ground to produce a surface
These cracked parts were rejected from a finish of about 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) root
production liquid penetrant testing mean square using a 60 mesh grit wheel
facility. It can be seen that the widths of 300 mm (12.0 in.) in diameter and 25 mm
laboratory induced quench cracks were of (1.0 in.) wide, 33 rotations per second
the same general magnitude as some (2000 rotations per minute) wheel speed,
process induced cracks. Consequently, the 0.05 to 0.07 mm (0.002 to 0.003 in.)
laboratory quench cracked test standards down feed and about 2.5 mm (0.10 in.)
contained a range of cracks that simulated cross feed per pass. The work piece was
naturally occurring cracks. When this is flooded with coolant during grinding.

FIGURE 5. Comparison of sizes of process induced and laboratory induced cracks in

aluminum, titanium and steel.

m (in. 103)
25 000 (1000)
Crack width Crack depth
Aluminum process induced
Titanium stress

2500 (100)
cracked (end grain)
Aluminum quench

cracked (long grain)
Aluminum quench

Titanium process induced

Steel quench cracked

Aluminum quench
cracked (end grain)

250 (10)
Ti-6AI-4V stress
corrosion cracked

25 (1)
Aluminum quench
cracked (long grain)

2.5 (0.1)

0.25 (0.01)


Comparators and Reference Panels 251

(Note that the grinding of titanium or its
alloys can result in oxidation and
metallurgical damage at the roots of
Experimental Procedure
grinding grooves and can induce residual for Producing Quench
stress in surface layers.) Cracks in AISI 4340 Steel
Next, the specimens were placed in the
fixture shown in Fig. 6 and loaded to 20
Comparator Blocks
to 35 percent of the yield stress. The Although ferromagnetic production parts
loaded specimens were put into a solution are normally inspected using the
of anhydrous (water free) methanol and magnetic particle test method, liquid
table salt while still in the fixture. A penetrant testing is often used as a
satisfactory stress corrosion crack pattern supplementary test method.
developed in 6 to 24 h during exposure of Consequently, procedures were developed
methanol and salt. for producing cracked steel liquid
penetrant comparator blocks. (Note that
liquid penetrant tests should precede
Characteristics of Cracks Produced magnetic particle tests.)
by Stress Corrosion of Titanium The procedure for quench cracking
Alloy 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) thick AISI 4340 steel
The crack pattern produced by the was as follows. The 6.3 50 76 mm
methanol salt technique was satisfactory (0.25 2 3 in.) and 19 90 300 mm
in that it consisted of a network of cracks (0.75 3.5 12 in.) panels were
of varying size. Similar crack patterns were austenitized at 800 to 840 C (1475 to
produced in 31 specimens using this 1550 F) in a furnace and quenched in
procedure to verify that the cracking cold water. The final hardness of the
procedure was reproducible. It is material was Rockwell C 51 to 53.
suspected that the residual stress pattern Cracked standards were also
induced by harsh grinding is important to successfully produced from 19 mm
the cracking mechanism, although this (0.75 in.) thick 4340 steel by heating the
aspect has not been investigated material in a furnace to 800 to 840 C
extensively. (1475 to 1550 F) followed by water
It was found during the methanol salt quenching. Acceptable standards were
test that, after initial cracking occurred, produced from 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) thick
longer exposure or an increase in stress 4340 steel by heating with a hydrogen
only resulted in fracturing the specimen. torch. The material was heated
The original crack pattern was not nonuniformly to 980 C (1800 F) and
beneficially altered by varying the then water quenched. To crack the
exposure time or stress. As can be seen 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) thick 4340 steel, it was
from Fig. 5, the stress corrosion cracks are necessary to heat to 980 C (1800 F) and
of the same general magnitude in width quench several times. A photograph of
as the cracks induced in manufacturing typical cracks is shown in Fig. 7. The
processes. width of the cracks in the quench cracked
4340 steel panels varied from 5 to 15 m
(0.0002 to 0.0006 in.).

FIGURE 6. Fixture for stressing specimens.

FIGURE 7. Typical quench cracks in 6.3 mm
(0.25 in.) thick 4340 steel are revealed by
high performance water washable liquid
penetrant with nonaqueous wet developer.

252 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Experimental Procedure
for Producing Grinding
Cracks in Steel Comparator
Grinding cracks are sometimes produced
during fabrication. Several steels were
hardened and then ground severely to
produce this crack condition. The
hardening procedures used were as
1. A bar of 4340 modified (300M) steel
(AMS 6419), 4.8 mm (0.19 in.) thick,
was austenitized at 870 14 C (1600
25 F). Then it was quenched in oil
at 24 to 60 C (75 to 140 F). The
specimens were not tempered and the
as-quenched hardness of the material
was Rockwell C 58.
2. D6AC steel bar (MIL-S-8949), 22.4 mm
(0.88 in.) thick, was austenitized at
900 15 C (1650 25 F) and oil
quenched to 90 C (200 F). The
specimens were not tempered and the
as quenched hardness of the material
was Rockwell C 55.
3. AISI 1018 and AISI 4310 steels were
carburized in preparation for grinding.
Each AISI 1018, AISI 4130, AISI 300M and
D6AC specimen was then ground severely
to produce grinding cracks by the
following techniques. An aluminum
grinding wheel was used with a surface
velocity grinding speed of 30 ms1
(6000 ftmin1), with a commercial
The AISI 1018 and AISI 4130 steels
were successfully cracked by carburization
and grinding. Successful cracked liquid
penetrant comparators could not be
produced in 300M and D6AC steel by

Comparators and Reference Panels 253

PART 2. Surface Cracked Nickel-Chrome Liquid
Penetrant Test Panels

Description of Panels Characteristics of Cracked

The cracked chrome plated panel was Chromium Plated Test
developed for the United States Air Force Panels
under contract study programs. This type
of panel is made by burnishing a brass or The cracked chromium plated reference
copper panel to a mirror finish, then panel provides a surface containing cracks
electroplating a thin layer of nickel of known dimensions and these
followed by a layer of chrome on this discontinuities fall within a range of
polished surface. The chrome layer is magnitudes close to the limit of the
brittle and cracks can be generated in it
by bending the panel over a curved form.
Crack depth is controlled by the thickness FIGURE 8. Magnified cross section of
of the layer of chrome plating but there is medium crack nickel-chrome sensitivity
no control over crack width. Crack depth panel: (a) crack width = 3.3 m
may range from 1 or 2 m (4 105 or (1.3 104 in.); (b) crack width = 2.3 m
8 105 in.) to nearly 50 m (0.002 in.). (9 105 in.); (c) stage microscopic gage
Crack width is determined by the degree with scale where 1 division = 10 m
of deformation of the panel during (4 104 in.).
bending and straightening. The width
varies from a fraction of a micrometer (a)
(less than 4 105 in.) for thin chrome
layers) up to about 2 m (8 105 in.) for Brass
chrome layers having a thickness in the
range of 50 m (0.002 in.). By following
certain procedures, the cracked chrome
plated panels can be manufactured to an
excellent degree of reproducibility.

Crack Sizes in
Nickel-Chrome Test Panels
Variations in the composition of the
plating baths and plating techniques Chrome
determine the type and size of cracking in
the nickel-chrome test panels: (1) coarse (b)
crack panel with cracks measuring about
10 m (0.0004 in.) wide and 50 m
(0.002 in.) deep; (2) medium crack panel
with cracks about 2 to 3 m (8 105 to
1.2 104 in.) wide and 40 m
(0.0016 in.) deep; and fine crack panel
with cracks about 0.5 m (2 105 in.) in Nickel
Figure 8 shows a magnified cross
section of the plated portion of a medium
crack panel. The nickel-chrome sensitivity
panels of Fig. 9 lend themselves to reuse
with proper cleaning. The same panels Chrome
were used throughout a test program; it
was reported that, even after multiple use
in tests, the panels showed no evidence of (c)
change in crack size.

254 Liquid Penetrant Testing

ability of test liquid penetrants to reveal 1. The coarse crack panel is primarily
them. The chromium plated test panels used for visible dye liquid penetrants
are useful for evaluation of a liquid and low sensitivity fluorescent liquid
penetrant systems discontinuity detection penetrants.
performance. They can provide useful 2. The medium crack panel is used for
results in qualitative side-by-side medium and high fluorescent liquid
comparisons of liquid penetrant penetrants.
performance, as well as evaluation of 3. The fine crack panel is used for very
developer performance (see Fig. 8). high sensitivity fluorescent liquid
Generally, tests made with cracked penetrants.
chromium plated test panels do not A simultaneous comparison test of two
provide useful information on the different liquid penetrant systems can also
background color or fluorescence caused be made by dividing the chrome panel
by surface roughness of test parts or on into two equal sections by means of a
the ability of a liquid penetrant to reveal longitudinal wax line or narrow vinyl
microcracks in the presence of severe tape. One liquid penetrant is applied to
background porosity indications. one half and a second on the other half of
the panel. Using this technique, it is
possible to obtain a side-by-side
Application of Nickel comparison of two liquid penetrants or
process materials. However, evaluation of
Chrome Test Panels in variations in processing times and
Evaluating Liquid techniques is not so feasible. Liquid
penetrant systems should be compared
Penetrant Systems not only as to the completeness of the
Because the nickel chrome sensitivity discontinuity patterns but as to brightness
panel can be used over and over again, it and legibility of indications on the
is possible to compare one liquid cracked chrome test panels.
penetrant system to another sequentially Taper plated nickel-chrome panels are
by first testing one system and accurately used throughout the world. They are not
recording results and then, after cleaning merely reproducible but provide a built-in
and drying, testing the second system. metric for comparison as a function of
Panels are selected as follows. crack depth.

FIGURE 9. Cracked nickel-chrome panels for testing crack sensitivity of liquid penetrant tests: (a) cracked chrome panel is
made by plating brass panel with nickel and chromium, bending to create cracks and then straightening; (b) twin fine crack
panels used to compare brightness enhancement capabilities of two different powder developers (same fluorescent liquid
penetrant and processing procedures were used on both panels; (c) cracks in nickel-chrome panel run parallel to each other as
shown in coarse crack panels used to evaluate red visible dye liquid penetrant system with nonaqueous developer system.

(a) (b) (c)

Comparators and Reference Panels 255

Limitations of Cracked, Chrome
Removal of Excess Surface Plated Reference Panels
Liquid Penetrant from The cracked nickel-chrome plated panels
Nickel-Chrome Test Panels are not typical parts in that their surface
finish is almost mirror smooth. This
As the cracks are relatively shallow, the causes some liquid penetrants to dewet
removal procedure is critical with the the surface in a way that seldom occurs in
nickel chrome test panels. A liquid the field. This dewetting does not seem to
penetrant that reveals the crack pattern degrade sensitivity but looks as if it
with the wipeoff technique, using would. A practical problem is that liquid
toweling dampened with solvent remover, penetrant is very easily removed from the
may not do the job with toweling smooth, chrome plated surface, so
saturated with remover. Also, because of emulsification and washing proceed much
the shallow discontinuities a liquid faster than normal. In addition, the
penetrant that reveals the cracks with a discontinuities are classed as open cracks
15 s emulsifier dwell may not perform because they are fairly shallow in relation
with a 60 s emulsifier dwell. A water to their width, so liquid penetrant
washable liquid penetrant that does not washout occurs easily.
perform with a high pressure wash may Furthermore, because the surfaces are
reveal the cracks with a gentle wash, for highly reflective, the effectiveness of these
example. panels is reduced as a tool for comparing
Nickel chrome panels can be used to liquid penetrant visibility without
indicate relative resistance to depletion of developer. Chrome crack samples are very
indications during water washing. If two useful if their peculiarities are taken into
or three water washable liquid penetrants account. The results obtained cannot be
of the same nominal sensitivity are considered equal to those on most
applied side by side on the same panel industrial test parts subject to liquid
and if that panel is washed for a specified penetrant testing. Furthermore, no two
period (for example, 30 s) and then is air cracked specimens are identical, so these
dried and developed with the same specimens must be used strictly for
developer, the relative differences in comparison of two systems on separate
depletion rates are readily apparent. portions of the same crack specimen or on
Likewise, the relative activity of separate panels of a matched set obtained
different emulsifiers can be evaluated by by shearing one large panel into two.
closely controlling the emulsifier dwell
time or time of exposure while using the
same liquid penetrant. The relative rates
of depletion of emulsifiers can be Care and Handling of
evaluated similarly. However, production Nickel-Chrome Test Panels
emulsification times should be
determined on production parts. It is Use caution do not bend the nickel
important, when using chrome plated chrome panels. Flexing or bending will
crack specimens for these various types of increase the size of the existing cracks and
comparative tests, that all parameters may create new cracks. Postcleaning is
except the one being evaluated should be important after each test. A suggested
held constant. procedure for cleaning the panels between
tests is as follows.
1. Scrub the panels with a soft cloth
saturated with a mild liquid detergent
Viewing Crack Indications solution. A typical hydrophilic
on Nickel-Chromium emulsifier would be a suitable
Plated Test Panels detergent. Then rinse the panels
thoroughly with a water spray. This
Because the chromium surface plating is removes developer and some of the
highly reflective, the nickel chromium liquid penetrant.
crack test panel should be held at such an 2. Immerse the panels in acetone for
angle that the ultraviolet radiation beam several minutes with some agitation.
is not reflected directly into the observers This removes crack entrapped liquid
eyes. This reflective surface makes it penetrant. Replace the acetone at
difficult to read discontinuity indications frequent intervals. Use caution
produced without developer assistance. acetone is a hazardous and extremely
For this reason, evaluation of the flammable solvent.
self-developing characteristics of a liquid 3. Dry the panel. If cleaning does not
penetrant by means of nickel chromium seem complete, repeat these steps.
reference panels is difficult.
For more discussion on the use and care
of these panels, see elsewhere in this

256 Liquid Penetrant Testing

The exposure time for the water wash
Examples of Crack cycle for both the postemulsifiable and
water washable systems was 30 s, a little
Indications on Nickel longer than actually required and the
Chrome Test Panels pressure of the rinse was about 200 kPa
(30 lbfin.2).
Figures 10 and 11 show typical liquid
Liquid penetrants were applied by
penetrant comparisons obtained with
swabbing. The emulsifier was applied by
coarse crack nickel chrome reference
pouring from a beaker and the wet and
panels. To prevent the opposing liquid
dry developers were applied by
penetrants from running together, the
immersion. The nonaqueous developer
panel in Fig. 10 was divided into two
was applied by spraying. The cleaning
equal sections by means of a longitudinal
techniques used for the test specimens
wax line. In photographing, the panel was
were those prescribed by the supplier of
framed to prevent the recording of liquid
the test specimens.
penetrant entrapments in the wax.
A course crack panel was used to
Penetration time was 300 s for the
compare a self-emulsifiable liquid
postemulsifiable liquid penetrant and was
penetrant to a postemulsifiable standard.
180 s for the water washable liquid
The specimen had relatively large cracks
penetrant. Comparisons were made for
characterized by their width-to-depth
postemulsifiable and water washable
ratio of roughly 1 to 5, measuring about
liquid penetrants using dry powder and
10 m (0.0004 in.) wide and 50 m
nonaqueous wet developers.
(0.002 in.) deep. This would be considered
Several experiments were conducted to
a wide shallow crack.
establish the dwell time for the emulsifier.
No indications were obtainable on these
shallow cracks when the emulsifier dwell
time was long enough to remove surface Developers with Opaque
liquid penetrant. Therefore, to remove the
surface postemulsifiable liquid penetrant Crack Test Panels
without displacing the discontinuity In test panels and service parts that are
trapped liquid penetrant, a process of opaque, liquid penetrant entrapments are
flowing on the emulsifier, allowing to for the most part below the surface of the
stand 10 s, then rubbing lightly with the part where they cannot be seen. In such
fingers for 5 s to mix the emulsifier and cases, a developer must be used to draw
liquid penetrant, followed by washing the entrapments out to a point where
with water, was established. The total they can be seen. Usually, a developer also
emulsifier exposure time was no more augments the brightness of the
than 15 to 20 s. entrapment.
The brightness increase that results
from developer action involves at least
two mechanisms and sometimes three.
FIGURE 10. Two visible dye liquid penetrant systems
compared on single coarse crack nickel-chrome sensitivity
panel by dividing panel into equivalent sections with wax FIGURE 11. Two different sets of liquid penetrants on pairs
crayon line to prevent intermingling of liquid penetrant of coarse crack panels, water washable (left) and
materials. postemulsifiable (right) in each set: (a) with dry powder
developer; (b) with aqueous developer.
(a) (b)

Comparators and Reference Panels 257

1. The effective film thickness of an
entrapment is increased as the
entrapment is absorbed onto or into a
Laboratory Procedure for
layer of developer particles, thereby Comparison Evaluation of
making the fluorescence brighter. Remover Systems
2. The developer particles are normally
The following suggested laboratory testing
white and provide a reflective
technique is applicable to comparison
background, so that the brightness is
evaluations of postemulsifier systems or
further augmented.
solvent removal systems only. These
3. In many cases, the developer contains
artificial test conditions cannot be used in
a liquid ingredient and as the liquid
production liquid penetrant test processes
penetrant entrapment diffuses into or
where brushing and blotting are not
is absorbed into the developer coating,
acceptable techniques. If desired, two
an effect of dilution expansion
different material systems can be
augmentation of fluorescence response
processed simultaneously on the same test
takes place.
panel, the technique being modified to
Brightness augmentation by a accommodate the particular test being
developer can often exceed a full order of conducted.
magnitude. For this reason, it is very The following outline is applicable to
difficult to obtain repeatability in lipophilic postemulsifiable liquid
developer action to a reasonable degree of penetrants.
accuracy. By using great care in the
1. Apply the liquid penetrant over the
application of the developer, it is possible
entire surface of the test panel. Blot up
to make fairly accurate measurements of
excess liquid penetrant with cleansing
indication brightness, particularly where
tissue and wipe the panel carefully.
brightness ratios are sought in the
2. For each emulsifier, use a small brush
determination of equivalent crack
such as a solder flux acid brush or a
magnitudes. Also, side-by-side qualitative
small flat artists brush about 6 mm
comparisons can be made successfully.
(0.25 in.) wide to apply a streak of
emulsifier on the panel. Use two
brushes, one in each hand, to
Side-by-Side Comparison simultaneously apply emulsifier
streaks side by side.
Tests with Test Panels 3. Let the streaks of emulsifier(s) stand
Virtually any type of test panel may be for a precisely timed duration. In cases
used in side-by-side comparison tests and where a series of different emulsifier
may yield some useful information. A contact times are to be tested, apply
necessary precept for this is that the panel several streaks side by side at timed
shall contain a reasonably large number intervals.
of cracks or discontinuities distributed 4. Stop the emulsifier action at the
over its surface, all of which fall in the completion of the prescribed contact
same range of magnitude and time by means of a strong spray of
configuration. Clearly, the crack wash water. Use a sufficiently strong
distribution must be uniform; otherwise, spray so that most of the surface
different kinds and magnitudes of liquid penetrant is dislodged and
indications may be seen on different areas removed from the panel. This can be
of the panel. done with smooth panels, even
Side-by-side comparison tests are though the liquid penetrant is
qualitative in nature but may be very insoluble in water.
useful as a check on liquid penetrant 5. Dry the panel with compressed air
performance in comparison with a blast and inspect. Development is
reference liquid penetrant or as a check in necessary in the case of opaque test
comparing the relative merits of two or panels and this step may be included
more liquid penetrants with respect to a in any event where it is desired to
given performance characteristic. compare the behavior of two
developers. Nonaqueous type
developers may be applied to specific
areas of the test panel by temporarily
masking part of the panel. To avoid
damage to developer coatings, bend
the mask so that it touches the test
panel only at its edges. Solvent
removers may be compared by wiping
respective halves of a panel with
solvent dampened cloths. Wipe the
same number of times with each

258 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 3. Liquid Penetrant Comparators with
Surface Indentations Simulating Discontinuities

The performance of a liquid penetrant patterns are arranged in order of crack

system depends on processing material magnitude. The largest crack pattern is
quality, including the precleaning readily visible with low performance
chemicals, liquid penetrant, emulsifier liquid penetrant materials and has
and developer, plus the continued proper considerable peripheral cracking, as
functioning of the several processing shown in Fig. 12b. The smallest crack
stages such as the liquid penetrant dwell, pattern is difficult to observe even with
emulsifier dwell, wash, oven dry and high performance liquid penetrant
developer dwell. A sudden, undetected materials. On the same face of the panel
deterioration of one of the processing and adjacent to the strip of chrome
chemicals or a malfunction in one of the plating is an oxide grit blasted area of
stages may result in nondisclosure of a medium roughness. It is used to monitor
potentially dangerous discontinuity or in background color or fluorescence
the acceptance of an anomalous, cracked (Fig. 12c).
part. The liquid penetrant operator must
be alerted to the sudden change or Liquid Penetrant System
deterioration in materials and in
equipment as soon as possible and Characteristics Affecting Monitor
certainly before processing a substantial Panel Indications
quantity of parts. Continued reliable performance of liquid
penetrant systems is verified by detection
of the required number of crack centers.
The wash characteristics of the system are
Liquid Penetrants System verified by the appearance of the grit
Monitor Panel blasted area after processing. Changes in
The liquid penetrant system monitor any of the following aspects of a liquid
(PSM) panel was developed by Pratt & penetrant system can adversely affect its
Whitney Aircraft Corporation and can be performance: (1) liquid penetrant
used to detect major changes both in composition (or contamination);
fluorescent and visible color types of (2) emulsifier composition (or
liquid penetrant systems and in water contamination); (3) developer strength;
washable and postemulsifiable liquid (4) liquid penetrant dwell time and mode;
penetrant systems. The liquid penetrant (5) emulsifier dwell time and mode;
system monitor panel is normally (6) wash water pressure, temperature and
processed at the beginning of each shift. dwell; and (7) oven temperature and
It may be used more frequently, if the dwell. The liquid penetrant system
system has exhibited unreliable monitor panel alerts the technician to
characteristics, in order to verify system major shifts, such as those listed above,
performance. The liquid penetrant that affect performance. The panel should
monitor panel is also processed whenever be processed at frequent, regular intervals
the liquid penetrant system is suspect. on a definite schedule. The processing of
this liquid penetrant system monitor
panel does not replace the usual chemical
Design of Test Panels for examination of the liquid penetrant
Monitoring Liquid Penetrant materials, which is normally performed
Systems on a weekly or biweekly basis.
A liquid penetrant system monitor test
panel is made from stainless steel 2.3 mm Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant
(0.090 in.) in thickness, in the form of a System Performance with Monitor
rectangle measuring about 100 by 150 Panel
mm (4 by 6 in.). A strip of chrome plating
runs the length of one side of the panel. The effectiveness of the monitor panel of
Five crack centers induced by means of Fig. 12a is directly dependent on the skill
indentation by a hardness testing of the technician using the panel. The
apparatus with a variable load or by technician must be able to discern a
varying the backing are evenly spaced in difference in the panel appearance from
the chrome plating, as sketched in one test to another. The change might be
Fig. 12a. Raised circular or starlike crack an increase in background fluorescence or

Comparators and Reference Panels 259

3PT08 (245-274) 8/13/99 12:45 PM Page 260

a marked decrease in discontinuity chemical or in the performance of the

indication brightness (Figs. 12b and 12c). apparatus.
The skilled liquid penetrant technician
uses the monitor panel to advantage in
quality assurance programs.
The crack centers are examined for Maintenance and Storage
how, as well as if, they are shown. For of Liquid Penetrant System
example, if the developer system is not in
operation, crack centers of a given Monitor Panels
magnitude may still be revealed but they The monitor panel is fabricated from
will not be as bright as normal. The eye of stainless steel to give long service but, like
the experienced technician is required to any instrument, it should be handled
read the panel indications and to carefully. With improper maintenance,
recognize that something is wrong. corrosion pits may develop in the chrome
plating. The grit blasted section and the
Limitations of Liquid Penetrant chrome plating are not immune to
scratching. Constant wiping of the grit
System Monitor Test Panel blasted section will diminish roughness.
The liquid penetrant testing system The panel must be properly cleaned
monitor panel of Fig. 12 is not designed between tests. Crack centers must be free
to replace periodic examination of liquid of residual liquid penetrant from previous
penetrant processing chemicals for tests for accurate result. Further, without
brightness, water contamination or other proper cleaning between tests, the tighter
deterioration. Neither does it replace crack centers will become clogged with
periodic testing of pressure and oxidized liquid penetrant residue in a
temperature gages, nozzle apertures and brief period of time. This may prevent
other components of processing liquid penetrant entry in subsequent tests,
equipment. A gradual diminishment of which might lead to a false rating of the
brightness or other performance liquid penetrant system.
characteristics, in all probability, will not It is suggested that, immediately
be noted by the liquid penetrant system following each test, the panel be washed
monitor panel. The panel does permit test with a mild soap and very soft brush,
operators to detect sudden changes or dried and cleaned with an ultrasonic
major shifts in the characteristics of the cleaning unit charged with a solvent. If

FIGURE 12. Liquid penetrant system monitor panel includes five crack centers of different sizes for evaluating sensitivity and
includes grit blasted section for judging wash characteristics of liquid penetrant system: (a) drawing; (b) under white light;
(c) under ultraviolet radiation.
(a) (b) (c)

260 Liquid Penetrant Testing

such equipment is not available, the compounded because of separation of the
chrome plated section can be scrubbed laminated layers. Rarely would a cracking
with a volatile solvent; the entire panel is or stressing technique be able to produce
then soaked in the solvent for 10 to 15 equal crack width separations. If the
min. The panel is dried by blotting or pattern of separation is not reproducible,
with oven heat. then no single crack could be produced
It is important to verify that liquid twice without some variations in
penetrant has been thoroughly removed dimension.
from the cracks before storage. In many liquid penetrant test panels,
Application of a thin coat of nonaqueous the surface of a particular substrate is
developer should not produce fluorescent randomly cracked or perforated. This
indication on a clean panel. If an produces a massive bed of fine crack
indication is observed, the panel must be discontinuities. However, to use the data
recleaned and reverified. The panel must of liquid penetrant comparison tests for
also be recleaned to remove the developer statistical comparison, it should be
even if no indication was produced. possible to count the individual
Unfortunately, failure to remove residual indications, especially those indications
liquid penetrant can produce false with dimensions bordering the threshold
confidence in the liquid penetrant testing of visibility. This task can only be
process. Failure to remove residual liquid accomplished if the position of each
penetrants is a common error observed in indication is well defined and there is
liquid penetrant testing facilities. ample contrast between the indication
and the background.
Storage of Liquid Penetrant
System Monitor Panels
Between tests, test panels should be stored Test Panel with Controlled
completely immersed in a highly volatile Surface Cavities
solvent such as acetone or alcohol.
Halogenated solvents are not A liquid penetrant test panel has been
recommended because they are corrosive developed with small conical surface
and because, in the United States, cavities. This panel permits simple
production of certain chlorofluorocarbons comparisons of liquid penetrant systems
and hydrochlorofluorocarbons has been and was designed to meet the following
banned to prevent ozone depletion. criteria for reproducibility.
Before processing the panel through the 1. The dimension of indications should
system again, it is necessary to make be within the limits of visibility and
certain that all solvents have completely resolution of a healthy, unassisted eye
evaporated from the crack centers as well when the panels are processed in
as from the test panel surface. The panel accordance with production line
should be removed from the volatile liquid penetrant testing procedure.
storing solvent in sufficient time to 2. The dimension of discontinuities
permit complete evaporation of the should be equal to the dimension of
solvent before the panel is subjected to indications.
liquid penetrant application and 3. Individual discontinuities should be
processing. reproducible in every dimension.
4. Discontinuities should be produced in
a single alloy metallic substrate,
preferably of the same composition as
Limitations of the structural alloys used in aerospace
Reproducibility of Crack industry.
5. Discontinuities should be of such
Patterns on Test Panels dimension as to make their cleaning
Any type of crack or fracture, regardless of and reprocessing simple, fast and
the production technique involved, will reproducible.
have an initiation point of infinitesimally 6. The distribution pattern and the
small dimensions. This trouble zone of number of discontinuities per area
discontinuities with width (or length) less surface unit should be under exact
than 1 m (4 105 in.) maintains a control.
tremendous capillary force and is capable 7. A high degree of contrast should be
of entrapment and retention of all kinds present between background and
of contamination. This fact along with an indication.
almost impossible task of cleaning this Practically all modern nondestructive
area is a major reason for nonreproducible testing liquid penetrants are capable of
results on liquid penetrant test panels. If penetration into the finest cracks, down
the crack is produced on a laminated to a few micrometer (about 1 104 in.)
surface such as a plating or anodic wide. However, the human eye cannot
coating, the nonreproducibility problem is differentiate a discontinuity indication of

Comparators and Reference Panels 261

2 m (8 105 in.) width from a Examples of Test Panel with
discontinuity of 4 m (1.6 104 in.) Conical Surface Indentations
width. It is only by means of the
indications produced by the liquid Figure 13 shows a liquid penetrant test
penetrant entrapped within these panel on a 75 75 mm (3 3 in.) clad
discontinuities that the inspector can aluminum block. On the polished, clad
locate them. However, under normal surface there are impressed 50 or 100
inspection booth conditions, these conical, discontinuity simulating cavities,
indications are not visible to a healthy, as shown in Fig. 13. These cavities are
unassisted eye until their surface area has produced individually and all dimensions
expanded to several hundred square can be reproduced to within 13 m
micrometer (a few square millionths of an (0.0005 in.), as sketched in Fig. 14.9 The
inch). diameter and depth of conical holes can
Many processing variables influence be varied from 250 to 25 m (0.01 to
the final indication, from the liquid 0.001 in.) to produce surface
penetrant application stage to the discontinuities for evaluating liquid
inspection booth. If the size of the initial penetrants at various levels of sensitivity.
discontinuity were chosen to be equal to The data obtained from actual count of
the size of the final liquid penetrant the number of conical cavity
indication, then most of these variables discontinuity indications visible on the
would be eliminated. panels of Fig. 13 are quite reproducible
and suitable for statistical analyses. The
lower portion of these panels is sand
blasted to provide a background for
rinsing tests. The distribution of simulated
surface discontinuities takes on different
forms in three different types of conical
FIGURE 13. Design of liquid penetrant test panel with indentation test panels, as described next.
discontinuities simulated by conical surface indentations: The first type of panel contains two
(a) planar view of test panel, showing locations of 100 blocks, each with 50 discontinuities,
surface indentations simulating discontinuities of various separated by a central groove. All
depths and diameters; (b) cross sectional view of test panel discontinuities have the same dimensions,
showing surface indentations in aluminum cladding. in the range designed for the same liquid
penetrant sensitivity level. This panel is
(a) best suited for side-by-side comparison of
Indentations liquid penetrants or liquid penetrant
systems, as well as for maintaining quality
control between standard material and
material in use.
The second type of test panel has a
single face covered by 100 identical
conical discontinuity indentations. The
dimensions for these indentations can be
selected for particular test applications.
This panel can be used for comparing
complete liquid penetrant systems,
Indentations changes in individual processing steps or
changes in liquid penetrants and

FIGURE 14. Technique for indenting

(b) cladding of test panel (after Tahbaz9).
Indentations Cladding

Bit of indenting device

Conical part of bit with
diameter varying from 250 to
25 m (0.01 to 0.001 in.)

Cladding on back surface

262 Liquid Penetrant Testing

processing materials. It can also be used water and most liquid penetrants. One
for maintaining control over a liquid note of caution: ultrasonic cleaning is
penetrant systems performance and for detrimental to the conical indentation
statistical studies of performance test panels just described. Ultrasonic
variations from time to time or between cleaning at high vibrational power levels,
different liquid penetrant testing facilities. particularly if performed repeatedly, may
The third type of test panel has conical erode the metal surrounding the
indentations, whose dimensions vary in a indentations, thus reducing their
continuous gradient of sizes. Five or ten dimensional accuracy and performance
rows of discontinuity indentations are reproducibility.
arranged in order of decreasing
discontinuity size on the face of the test
panel. This gradient panel can be used to
determine the relative sensitivity of a
specific liquid penetrant used with various
processing conditions or to indicate
differences in performance levels of
various liquid penetrant materials used
under a single set of processing
conditions. The data obtained from the
actual counts of the number of
discontinuities whose liquid penetrant
indications are visible are quite
reproducible and can be used easily for
statistical analyses.

Liquid Penetrant Processing of

Conical Cavity Test Panels
The test panels shown in Fig. 13 can be
adapted for use in accordance with the
users liquid penetrant processing manual
or they can be used as a fast and simple
quality control gage. Normally, short and
quick liquid penetrant processing such as
follows will provide the necessary panel
comparisons: (1) liquid penetrant
application and dwell time of 60 s;
(2) emulsification time of 30 to 60 s;
(3) rinse time of 30 to 60 s at 150 to
200 kPa (20 to 30 lbfin.2) jet spray
pressure with water temperature of 15 to
20 C (60 to 70 F); and (4) forced air
drying of 300 s in 65 C (150 F) oven.
Because all the liquid penetrant
indications are the same size as the
conical cavity discontinuity itself and all
are within the visibility range, there is no
need for any developer and the panels are
ready for inspection. However, there is no
objection to developer.

Cleaning of Liquid Penetrant Test

Panels with Conical Surface
The cleaning of panels with conical
indentations is normally achieved by a
simple solvent rinse. The well defined
surface of individual discontinuities
allows the simplest cleaning procedure to
be the most complete. However, if
developer is used on these panels, a soft
brush scrub with detergent and water is
advisable. A solvent rinse should follow to
ensure the removal of any residual liquid
penetrant. Acetone is best suited for the
solvent rinse because it is miscible with

Comparators and Reference Panels 263

PART 4. Test Panels for Measurement of
Background Levels

using 414 kPa (60 lbfin.2) air pressure

Nature of Surface with the nozzle held normal to the
surface of the metal about 450 mm
Roughness on Liquid (18 in.) away. The panels are then cut to
Penetrant Background their final size, cleaned and processed
with a fluorescent liquid penetrant
Comparators system. After the developer is applied and
Liquid penetrant comparators and allowed to dwell, the panels are paired as
reference panels designed to measure closely as possible according to
effects of surface roughness, porosity or background fluorescence. It may take
cracks can be used to compare different several attempts of blasting and
means for removal of excess surface liquid processing before pairs of sufficiently
penetrant or to complete background identical backgrounds are achieved.
color or fluorescence levels. Any metallic,
ceramic or glass surface that has been grit
blasted to produce a rough surface will
Side-by-Side Comparisons of
have microscopic tears and fracture cracks Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant
where material has been gouged out by Backgrounds Using Two Panels
the impact of grit particles. The larger the Evaluation of fluorescent liquid penetrant
grit particles, the larger will be these tears background is a comparative process
and cracks. In the case of rough surfaces conducted with standardized procedures.
produced by metallized spray (such as the One way to use the panels is to process
coating on jet engine turbine blades), one panel of a matched pair with a
many interstices are formed between reference set of liquid penetrant materials
grains of the metallized spray. These are and the other panel with materials being
equivalent to cracks. They form liquid evaluated. The respective steps of each
penetrant entrapments in a manner process are timed identically, even run
similar to actual cracks. If surface simultaneously when possible. Washing,
roughness exists, microcracks also exist in the critical step, is usually done
most cases. If the magnitude of a simultaneously with the panels mounted
significant crack approaches the in a fixture with controlled water
magnitude of a background crack in a temperature, pressure, spray pattern and
rough surface coating, the two cannot be standoff distance. Both sides of the panels
differentiated by a liquid penetrant test. are sprayed simultaneously. Then follows
However, it is possible to design liquid drying of the panels and application of
penetrants to differentiate between dry developer.
background cracks and slightly larger Visual comparison of backgrounds may
significant cracks. Rough surface liquid be sufficient. For a more quantitative
penetrant comparator panels can be used comparison an electrooptical device (that
to evaluate liquid penetrants for these is, a photometer) may be used to measure
capabilities. the luminance of each panel. For
example, each panel in turn is exposed to
the same near ultraviolet radiation as an
operator measures the background
Metallic Grit Blasted luminance within three 9 mm (0.38 in.)
Panels diameter fields of view located specified
distances apart. The three readings on
each panel are averaged and compared.
Description of Panels Using a constant voltage transformer or
These panels are typically made from a voltage regulator for the electrical power
sheet of 16 gage Type 301 or 302 stainless inputs of both the ultraviolet lamp and
steel. The panels may be any size, but a the electrooptical measuring device will
typical size is 38 51 mm (1.5 2 in.). help minimize the systematic
Initially the sheet is cut into measurement errors.
100 150 mm (4 6 in.) sections. After
being thoroughly cleaned, each section is
grit blasted. Typically the grit blasting is
done with 80 mesh aluminum oxide grit

264 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Side-by-Side Comparisons of
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Anodized Aluminum Test
Backgrounds by Using Single Panels with Transparent
Panel Surface Layers
There are three important considerations An important category of liquid penetrant
that must be met in side-by-side test panels is designed in the form of
comparisons of liquid penetrants. First, aluminum sheets anodized by the sulfuric
the test panel must be uniform in its crack acid process to produce a brittle anodic
distribution or surface features. Second, surface coating. The anodic layer
the panel must be absolutely clean, thickness is accurately adjusted to a value
particularly in the case of anodized of 20 m (0.0008 in.). Various
aluminum. Third, streaks of test liquid configurations of surface porosity (sealed
penetrant must be applied side by side in or unsealed) and crack magnitudes are
such a way that they do not run together. available in typical test panels of this
The following procedure is suggested for series. Each type of panel is characterized
side-by-side comparisons of liquid by the transparency of the anodic layer
penetrants. that contains the cracks and porosity.
1. Before starting the test, examine the
panel under a near ultraviolet lamp in High Background Level, Crackfree
a dark work area. Make sure that there
are no residual traces of fluorescence Anodic Aluminum Test Panels
from previous tests. Where necessary, One type of anodic aluminum test panel
reclean the panel by soaking or rinsing has a smooth surface containing no
in solvent and then drying. cracks. These panels have surface
2. Apply streaks of the test liquid connected porosity in the anodic coating
penetrants, using a small, narrow layer. This type of panel is used for
brush applicator. Blot each streak with evaluating and comparing liquid
cleansing tissue before it has time to penetrants and remover systems with
spread, then wipe the streak carefully respect to residual liquid penetrant
to remove excess surface liquid adsorption or background noise (color or
penetrant. fluorescence). The high degree of porosity
3. If postemulsifiable liquid penetrants in the 20 m (0.0008 in.) thickness of
are being tested, follow an appropriate anodic coating can be further augmented
emulsification procedure. by a chemical treatment that yields a
4. Wash the prepared panel under surface with an extremely large liquid
controlled water temperature and spray solid interfacial area. Contact of a liquid
conditions for a prescribed wash time. penetrant with this large surface area
5. Stop the wash action by blowing the enhances any effects of adsorption that
surface water off with compressed air. are present. This crack free porous surface
Then dry the panel completely. panel has a strong adsorption effect that
6. Inspect the panel, with or without produces a bright fluorescent background
developer, as needed. when the panel is used with a high
sensitivity liquid penetrant.

Care of Grit Blasted Panels

Low Background Level Aluminum
Panels should be handled by their edges Test Panels with Cracked Anodic
and should be wrapped in paper for
protection against scratches and Layer
blemishes when not in use. Another type of surface condition is a
Panels should be cleaned immediately glassy smooth surface that results when
after each use and viewed under near the anodic layer is sealed with a thin film
ultraviolet radiation to check for any of sodium silicate (water glass). This
remnants of fluorescence, which if surface exhibits substantially no
detected requires recleaning of the panel. adsorption and results in minimal
One cleaning procedure is as follows. background fluorescence or color. Cracks
1. Wash panels in soapy water with a soft can then be generated in the anodic layer
brush or cloth to remove developer. either by bending the sheet over a curved
2. Dry panels by patting with a clean form or by stretching the sheet in a
towel or cloth. stretching fixture. In either case, the craze
3. Dip panels into alcohol to remove cracks that form have a depth that is
traces of water remaining in the panel limited by the thickness of the anodic
cracks and crevices. layer. These low background panels are
4. Immerse panels in a volatile solvent cracked by stretching to an elongation of
and clean ultrasonically for ten about 10 percent. This produces a pattern
minutes. of cracks parallel to the long side of the
5. Remove panels from solvent and air panel. The cracks are 20 m (0.0008 in.)
dry. in depth and vary in width up to 8 m

Comparators and Reference Panels 265

(0.0003 in.), with an average crack width
of 6 m (0.0002 in.). Cracks appear at a
spatial frequency of about 10 to 20 cracks
Effects of Crack Geometry
per millimeter (250 to 500 cracks per on Liquid Penetrant
inch). This low background craze cracked Indication Brightness
anodic aluminum test panel is used for
With regard to crack geometry, certain
measuring depletion of indications and
types of cracks have a constant width
effects of processing on the brightness of
from top to bottom. This type of crack
crack indications.
geometry is encountered in the cracked
chrome plate and cracked anodic
High Background Level Aluminum aluminum panels. When a crack pattern
Test Panels with Cracked Anodic of this kind is filled with a liquid
Layer penetrant, wash removal of surface liquid
penetrant may typically deplete the crack
An unsealed anodic layer is used to entrapment by only a few percentage
provide a high background level in an points with respect to crack depth.
anodic craze cracked test panel whose Because the cracks have a uniform width,
crack patterns are similar to those just the depletion with respect to the
described for sealed panels. The anodic entrapment volume will amount to the
surface between cracks has a fine porosity same number of percentage points.
so that these panels can be used for The fractured glass panel has a crack
measuring the signal to noise ratio (ratio geometry in which two features are
of crack indication brightness to surface significant. For one thing, the cracks in a
background brightness due to residual given step on this panel vary considerably
liquid penetrant). This type of reference in their width. This means that some large
panel permits measurements of both the wide cracks are present along with some
width and depth of cracks that are smaller, tight cracks. In the second place,
present. This type of panel can be used to it is probable that many of the cracks
determine the relative ease with which have a tapered configuration, such that
the liquid penetrant and remover diffuses they are wide at the surface and taper
into each other, a property called down to very narrow (zero) widths at
dispersibility. The greater the dispersibility, their bottom in the part interior. The
the more rapid will be the remover action, behavior of this crack geometry with
the shorter will be the depletion time respect to washing is somewhat different
constant and the larger will be the than that of the constant width cracks. A
depletion coefficient. The crack width to few percentage points of depletion, with
depth ratio is constant from one panel to respect to effective crack depth, may
the next, with a value near 0.33, with this result in a much larger percentage of
type of test panel. depletion with respect to crack volume.
This is because the initial few seconds of
Low Background Reference Panels washing removes a sizable portion of the
with Tight Cracks in Anodic Layer entrapments (in the wide region of the
A low background craze cracked anodic Accordingly, it is important to
aluminum reference panel is similar to the standardize and accurately control the
cracked panel just described except that wash time, wash temperature and water
the cracks are tight instead of wide. This pressure when making background
anodized panel is cracked by bending and comparisons. A suitable spray pattern is
restraightening so that the cracks tend to also essential. The washing can be
close tightly. In this panel, the average stopped by blowing the water off the test
width of the tight cracks is about 0.3 to panel with compressed air.
0.5 m (1.2 105 to 2 105 in.). This
minimal crack width is determined by
crack wall irregularities that prevent
cracks from closing up to zero width. The Fractured Glass Step
cracks are too tight to permit crack width
measurement by simple microscopic
Wedge Test Panels
examination. The inside surfaces of the To obtain quantitative comparative data
cracks will exhibit adsorption similar to for the detectability of a significant crack
that of the fine porosity in the unsealed in the midst of fluorescent background,
anodized surfaces of the high background fractured glass step wedge panels have
reference panels. However, in these low been used. Because these panels are
background, fine crack anodized panels, transparent to near ultraviolet radiation,
the anodic surface areas between the crack indications, whether because of
cracks are sealed to reduce background significant cracks or merely surface
color or fluorescence to low levels. roughness, can be related to flaw
magnitudes because the entrapped liquid
penetrant is visible.

266 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Characteristics The preferred cleaning procedure is to
soak the grit blasted plaques in a solvent
Fractured glass test panels that have
for about 4 or 5 min, until all traces of
roughened surfaces containing fracture
fluorescent residues are removed from the
cracks and tears produced by grit blasting
coarse plaque.
under conditions controlled by air
Occasionally, scumlike residue will
pressure and mesh size of the grit. The
accumulate on the panel, forming
50 100 mm (2 4 in.) black glass plate
spurious background indications. These
has six graduated steps or areas of
may result from fingerprints or they may
fractures whose discontinuity magnitudes
come from waxes that are deposited,
increase from about 3.5 m (1.4
adsorbed or precipitated from certain of
104 in.) at step 1 to about 20 m (8
the test liquid penetrants or emulsifiers.
104 in.) at step 6. The crack dimensions
Residues of this kind can usually be
of each individual step depend almost
removed by soaking the fractured glass
entirely on the grit size, which ranges
panel in concentrated nitric acid. Place
from about 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) for coarse
the panel face up in a dish or glass beaker
cracks to about 44 m (0.002 in.) for fine
and pour the nitric acid onto its surface.
cracks that is, from 16 to 325 mesh.
Let the acid treated panel stand for 5 or
The ratio of crack magnitudes between
10 min, then flush off the acid with tap
successive steps is about 1.4 (the square
water. Dry the panel with compressed air
root of 2). This permits the relative
and rerinse several times, with drying in
brightness values for successive steps to be
between, so as to obtain complete
measured and plotted on a logarithmic
removal of acid residues. Never use any
scale similar to that used for the well
etchant mixtures that contain
known Hurter and Driffield (H&D) film
hydrofluoric acid. Use caution acids are
density characteristic curves used in
hazardous. Personnel protection and
photography and X-ray film radiography.
caution in handling acids are
The black glass is not truly black and is
transparent to ultraviolet radiation.
However, the thick glass panel is
sufficiently opaque to visible light so that
internal reflections of light are eliminated. Reference Brightness
Entrapments of fluorescent liquid
penetrant can be seen and measured as to Conditions and
their brightness without interference from Measurement Corrections
light absorption or reflections.
It is necessary to establish reference
brightness conditions for discontinuity
Correlation of Fractured Glass entrapments (in a given test panel, for
Reference Panel and Porosity example). Throughout this discussion, it
Conditions should be remembered that the crack
magnitudes (in the test panels) are small
Many porosity conditions that are found enough so that fluorescence response is in
in production parts have effective the range where film thickness controls
magnitudes in the range of 5 to 10 m brightness levels for the particular liquid
(0.0002 to 0.0004 in.) or more. The penetrant being tested. Also, it should be
fractured glass step wedge test panel is a remembered that for most liquid
reasonable representation of such surface penetrants, the rate at which remover
porosities. However, it is apparent that contact depletion occurs is so rapid that a
there are significant differences in surface substantial amount of depletion occurs
structure between the fractured glass test within a few seconds of the initiation of
panel and surface porosity on service remover contact (emulsifier or water rinse
parts. Even through such differences exist, contact).
close correlation is possible between the In measuring the depletion of
test panel and real life porosity indications, it is necessary to determine a
conditions, insofar as indication depletion starting point. This starting point is the
rates are concerned. initial brightness reading that would
pertain if the cracks were completely filled
Cleaning of Fractured Glass Step with the test liquid penetrant. In view of
Wedge Panel for Reuse the fact that wash removal of surface
liquid penetrant also entails a partial
If handled with care, the step wedge test removal of the entrapment, it is not
panel can be used over and over and will possible to determine the initial
yield accurately reproducible brightness by direct measurement on the
measurement results. However, it is test liquid penetrant. It must be
necessary to remove completely all determined indirectly with a liquid
remaining entrapments of the previously penetrant that has a sufficiently large
used liquid penetrant before applying a depletion time constant so that surface
new liquid penetrant to the fractured glass liquid penetrant may be removed (by the
reference panel. scrubbing action of the spray wash)

Comparators and Reference Panels 267

without stripping the entrapment
significantly. Some liquid penetrants
satisfy this requirement but, even so,
Fluorescent Brightness
certain precautions must be taken. First, Data Obtained with
the effect of crack geometry must be Fractured Glass Panels
considered. Second, it is necessary to
consider the effect of relative values of
intrinsic brightness. Curves of Brightness Contrast
The intrinsic brightness varies between Obtained with Grit Blasted Step
different kinds of liquid penetrants and Wedge
between different levels of performance.
Although such variations may be only on When the fractured glass panel is
the order of a few percent at most, an processed using a particular combination
appropriate correction must be made in of fluorescent liquid penetrant and
brightness readings. For this purpose, the remover, the end result is a gray scale of
intrinsic brightness of a given liquid brightness values where brightness
penetrant is determined relative to a increases as the fracture crack magnitude
standard brightness plaque. increases. When these brightness values
are measured and plotted on log linear
graph paper, curves are obtained that are
similar to the photographic Hurter and
Calibration of Fractured Driffield (H&D) curve. They are also
similar to the Beers law curve of
Glass Test Panels fluorescence response transition. A great
Before depletion measurements can be deal can be learned from an examination
made on a test liquid penetrant, the test and analysis of curves of this kind,
panel must be calibrated. This is including an understanding of the
accomplished with standard liquid behavior of the test liquid penetrant with
penetrants. The panel is treated respect to intrinsic brightness,
successively with liquid penetrants of detectability (brightness) of large
each level of performance, with proper discontinuities, ability to see contrast for
cleaning of the panel between small discontinuities, suppression of
measurements. A stable arrangement for background porosity indications, stability
brightness measurements similar to that of crack indications, effects of developer
described for metallic grit blasted panels action and resolving power of the process
can be used. Inasmuch as the crack in the detection of microscopic
magnitude is usually smaller than a few discontinuities.
micrometer (about 1 104 in.), the
brightness of a given crack indication will
be less than the thick film (intrinsic)
brightness. The measured brightness will
be dependent on the crack magnitude, the TABLE 2. Measured values of brightness, brightness ratio
frequency of the cracks (number of cracks R and crack size for fractured glass test panel.
per millimeter), the liquid penetrant film
thickness and the level of liquid penetrant Crack Size
Panel Sensitivity
performance. Step Level Brightness R m (106 in.)
Use of standard reference liquid
penetrants serves two purposes. First, the Extra coarse 9 7.07
brightness ratio R between indications 3.258 12.0 (450)
1 2.17
resulting from two brightness steps may
be used conveniently to measure crack 11 7.31
2.025 11.0 (420)
magnitude for the panel. Second, the 3 3.61
brightness values for the particular
Coarse 9 6.97
performance level under test provides an 3.611 10.0 (400)
1 1.93
index of the initial brightness of the test
liquid penetrant, assuming of course that 11 7.21
2.333 8.6 (340)
appropriate corrections are made as 3 3.09
determined by relative values of intrinsic
brightness. Table 2 shows the result of Fine 9 5.33
4.717 3.0 (117)
calibration of an experimental fractured 3 1.13
glass test panel by determining the 11 6.59
brightness ratio R for indications derived 5.358 3.1 (123)
3 1.23
from standard liquid penetrants of
different relative sensitivity levels. Note Extra fine 11 4.14
5.24 1.2 (46)
that the calibration results are similar, 5 0.79
even when derived by different
11 4.14
combinations of liquid penetrants. 10.615 1.2 (45)
3 0.39

268 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Figure 15 illustrates two typical curve B at its inflection point. The slope
brightness contrast curves, such as might of this curve may be expressed as the ratio
be drawn from data derived from of I/t, as indicated. Here t is the
measurements on the fractured glass test magnitude (crack size) differential
panel. Curve A typifies the brightness corresponding to adjacent steps on the
contrast obtainable in a water washable panel and I is the differential of
liquid penetrant system; curve B indication intensity or brightness. The
represents the brightness contrast typical values for slopes are known as gamma ()
of a postemulsifier liquid penetrant values and they correspond to the gamma
system. values in photographic sensitometry. It
As the remover contact time (emulsifier should be noted that this procedure yields
contact or water wash time) is increased, gamma values dependent on the
the position of a curve on the chart is brightness reference standard used.
moved horizontally toward the right and Gamma values are reproducible, as long as
the toe portion of the curve is depressed. the same brightness reference standard is
The main features to note regarding these used.
curves are the brightness values in the
region of the fractured glass panel steps 2 Convergence of Seeability
and 3, the brightness value of step 6 and
the brightness contrast (steepness or slope Contrast Curves
of the curves). Observe that curve B of If a fractured glass panel with grit blasted
Fig. 15 exhibits a high level of steps were extended to a point where the
background indication brightness (in effective liquid penetrant film thickness
steps 1, 2, 3) whereas curve A shows a low magnitudes become equal to 60 or 80 m
level of background brightness. Also, (0.002 or 0.003 in.) and if a liquid
curve A exhibits a much higher brightness penetrant that has a reasonably high
contrast than curve B; this is indicated by discontinuity entrapment efficiency is
the steeper slope (or gamma) of curve A. used, then one would expect that the
measured brightness of the 80 m
Gamma Values for Brightness (0.003 in.) step would remain nearly
constant over a prolonged period of
Curves remover contact (emulsifier or wash time).
The preferred way to rate brightness This stability occurs because an equivalent
contrast of a particular liquid penetrant discontinuity magnitude of 80 m
process is to define it in terms of the slope (0.003 in.) yields discontinuity
of the response curve. In Fig. 15, a entrapments equivalent to a liquid
straight line has been drawn tangent to penetrant liquid film thickness of 80 m
(0.003 in.). This equivalency provides
brightness values that are at or above the
FIGURE 15. Typical fluorescent brightness shoulder of the brightness curve,
characteristic curves for fractured glass test regardless of the dye concentration level.
panels: water washable liquid penetrant A At the same time, it could be expected
and postemulsifiable liquid penetrant B. that the brightness values in thin film
steps 1, 2, 3 etc. of the fractured glass
panel would diminish rapidly as remover
contact time increases. This means that if
1 2 3 4 5 6 a family of brightness response curves are
1.2 plotted for various remover contact times,
A the curves will (or should) tend to
converge at the shoulder region and
diverge at the toe region of Fig. 15.
Obviously, the curves converge at the
extremes of both the toe and shoulder
Relative brightness

regions. However, the toe region of
interest is where the relative brightness
0.6 values are about 0.2 to 0.4.

0.4 Spread between Brightness

Contrast Curves for Various
B A Remover Times
Another feature that can be observed in
families of brightness contrast curves is
0 the extent to which the curves are
3.6 5 7 10 14 20 28 40 separated on the graph paper. Different
(1.4) (2) (2.8) (4) (5.5) (8) (11) (16)
liquid penetrants perform differently in
this regard. In cases where there is a wide
Flaw magnitude, m (in. 104)
spread between response curves, it means

Comparators and Reference Panels 269

that the liquid penetrant is overly penetrant and background indications. If,
sensitive to variations in remover contact during this step of remover application,
time. The ideal liquid penetrant system is severe variations in discontinuity
one in which there is very little spread in indication brightness occur as the result
a family of curves for remover contact of normal variations in remover contact
times ranging from 30 to 240 s. time (processing margin), then the liquid
penetrant process may be said to be
Extrapolation of Brightness unstable and unreliable. Where the family
of response curves is in proximity, the
Contrast Curves liquid penetrant process may be said to be
The fractured glass test panel has six steps forgiving within the remover processing
or grit blasted plaques and the fracture margin and relatively stable and
cracks have an equivalent magnitude of consistent in performance.
about 20 m (0.0008 in.) in step 6. Cracks
producing liquid penetrant film thickness Quantification of Discontinuity
indications larger than 20 m (0.0008 in.)
cannot be easily generated in the glass Detection Performance
panel without danger of destroying the With a properly calibrated fractured glass
panel. It is possible to extrapolate curves test panel, one can compare levels of
plotted from measurements on the six discontinuity detection performance and
step panel and the curves may be assign numbers for gradation in
extended out to an equivalent magnitude performance. In Fig. 15, the inflection
of 40 m (0.0016 in.) liquid penetrant point of a brightness response curve is at
film thickness or more, while retaining about 50 percent level with respect to
reasonable conformance to reality. maximum brightness. This inflection
A given brightness contrast curve must point is also the point where maximum
reach a maximum level of brightness. This slope or gamma is obtained on the
level may be determined with reasonable brightness characteristics curve. This half
accuracy by measuring the brightness of brightness point may be used as a
fractured glass panel step 6 under measure of system performance.
conditions where the liquid penetrant is Note that the half brightness value for
merely wiped from the rough surface, a given liquid penetrant and processing
without washing. Also, each family of condition is a mean value of performance
curves will tend to converge, so that the transition. It may be possible to detect
curves will meet at the shoulder point smaller discontinuities if care is taken in
where the measured brightness reaches its evaluating indications or to miss larger
maximum value. Finally, measurements discontinuities if a low gamma brightness
on the six calibrated steps of the panel transition value is applicable.
provide enough data to provide a clear
indication as to the direction that must be Interpolation of Discontinuity
taken in extrapolating a given curve.
Detection Sensitivity Values
Concept of Discontinuity The graphs of brightness transition,
exemplified by Fig. 15, are plotted on
Detection and Reliability linear graph paper. The scale of abscissas
Performance is one in which each major division
In liquid penetrant testing, an essential (panel step) differs in magnitude from the
step is the application of a remover to adjacent step by the square root of 2
remove unwanted smears of liquid (1.41). A special chart paper, with an

TABLE 3. Extrapolated and interpolated half brightness values of film thickness

corresponding to steps and fractions of steps on fractured glass step wedge test panels.
Step m (103 in.) Step m (103 in.) Step m (103 in.) Step m (103 in.)

1.0 3.53 (0.14) 3.0 7.07 (0.28) 5.0 14.1 (0.56) 7.0 28.3 (1.11)
1.2 3.78 (0.15) 3.2 7.55 (0.30) 5.2 15.1 (0.59) 7.2 30.2 (1.19)
1.4 4.06 (0.16) 3.4 8.10 (0.32) 5.4 16.2 (0.64) 7.4 32.4 (1.28)
1.6 4.35 (0.17) 3.6 8.70 (0.34) 5.6 17.4 (0.69) 7.6 34.8 (1.37)
1.8 4.66 (0.18) 3.8 9.30 (0.37) 5.8 18.6 (0.73) 7.8 37.2 (1.46)
2.0 5.00 (0.20) 4.0 10.0 (0.39) 6.0 20.0 (0.79) 8.0 40.0 (1.57)
2.2 5.35 (0.21) 4.2 10.7 (0.42) 6.2 21.4 (0.84) 8.2 42.8 (1.69)
2.4 5.75 (0.23) 4.4 11.5 (0.45) 6.4 23.0 (0.91) 8.4 46.0 (1.81)
2.6 6.15 (0.24) 4.6 12.3 (0.48) 6.6 24.6 (0.97) 8.6 49.2 (1.94)
2.8 6.60 (0.26) 4.8 13.2 (0.52) 6.8 26.4 (1.04) 8.8 52.8 (2.08)

270 Liquid Penetrant Testing

exponential scale of abscissas, could be preferably greater than 0.5 or 0.6. With
made but it is simpler to use linear graph liquid penetrant in Fig. 16d, this objective
paper and interpolate values if necessary. may be achieved with a wash time of
Table 3 lists half brightness values that 120 s or less. If the wash time is increased
correspond to the steps and fractions of to 240 s, a significant loss of brightness
steps on the fractured glass test panel. will be found in crack indications where
These values should be taken as the crack magnitudes are 20 m
theoretical because it is not possible to (0.0008 in.) or less.
fabricate a fractured glass panel having The family of curves in Fig. 16d is
crack magnitudes that conform exactly to interesting, in that the curves are located
the desired values that are indicated in down toward the bottom right of the
Table 3 for steps 1, 2, 3 etc. In any event, chart. This results from the fact that this
this table may be used to approximate liquid penetrant is readily soluble in
half brightness thicknesses of liquid water, so entrapments tend to deplete
penetrant films. For example, in curve A rapidly. In the family of curves in Fig. 16e,
of Fig. 15, the midpoint (with a relative it is seen that large cracks in the range of
brightness of 0.6 on step 5.1) yields an 20 m (0.0008 in.) or more yield bright
interpolated half brightness film thickness indications, even with wash times up to
value of about 15 m (0.0006 in.). 240 s. However, background porosities in
the range of 10 to 15 m (0.0004 to
0.0006 in.) in magnitude show excessively
bright indications at wash times less than
Examples of Brightness 240 s.
(Luminance) Contrast The curves in Fig. 16f are closely
spaced, indicating that the liquid
Curves penetrant is very forgiving to variations in
Figure 16 shows several families of wash time. Indications for 20 m
brightness contrast curves for various (0.0008 in.) film thicknesses are
water washable liquid penetrants. In all of somewhat brighter (for a 240 s wash) than
the tests that are illustrated, wash water for the liquid penetrant in Fig. 16e
temperature is 38 C (100 F). Also, each product but brightness contrast for the
family of curves shown in Fig. 16 covers a liquid penetrant is less (3.1) than that for
wash time span varying from 30 to 240 s. the liquid penetrant in Fig. 16e (3.4). In
For a better understanding of the the group of liquid penetrants illustrated
meaning of these curves, it should be in Fig. 16, each with the exception of the
noticed how steep the various curves are one in Fig. 16b exhibits excessive
and how far they are separated from one background indications on surfaces with
another (in a given family). The slope or 10 m (0.0004 in.) porosities.
gamma (), of a given curve serves as a Similar families of curves can be
measure of brightness contrast. For the generated to compare the effects of using
sake of establishing a reference point, the different postemulsification schemes.
slope of the curve is taken at its inflection
point, as indicated in Fig. 15. This slope
may be used as a measure of brightness
contrast. Thus, for liquid penetrant A of
Fig. 16, seeability contrast for a wash
time of 60 s is 2.1; for 120 s wash time, it
is 2.6.
The distance by which the curves are
separated provides an indication as to
how tolerant the liquid penetrant process
is to variable wash time. If the curves are
widely separated, it means that the liquid
penetrant process is somewhat intolerant
of variations in wash time. In such cases,
overwashing can readily take place and
significant indications may be lost. Note,
for example, in Fig. 16d, that the curves
are quite widely separated.
Discontinuity detection sensitivity may
also be indicated by examination of these
curves. For example, when seeking
discontinuities having effective liquid
penetrant film thickness values of 20 m
(0.0008 in.) corresponding to step 6, then
it is necessary that the curve for a
particular liquid penetrant and process
yield a relatively high brightness at step 6,

Comparators and Reference Panels 271

FIGURE 16. Curves relating brightness contrast to liquid penetrant indication film thickness derived from fractured glass step
wedge test panel brightness measurements, for various water washable liquid penetrants and processing conditions.

(a) (b) (c)

Step Step Step
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1.2 1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0 1.0

Relative brightness
Relative brightness

Relative brightness
0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
3.6 5 7 10 14 20 28 40 3.6 5 7 10 14 20 28 40 3.6 5 7 10 14 20 28 40
(1.4) (2) (2.8) (4) (5.5) (8) (11) (16) (1.4) (2) (2.8) (4) (5.5) (8) (11) (16) (1.4) (2) (2.8) (4) (5.5) (8) (11) (16)

Flaw magnitude, m (in. 104) Flaw magnitude, m (in. 104) Flaw magnitude, m (in. 104)

(d) (e) (f)

Step Step Step
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1.2 1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0 1.0

Relative brightness

Relative brightness
Relative brightness

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
3.6 5 7 10 14 20 28 40 3.6 5 7 10 14 20 28 40 3.6 5 7 10 14 20 28 40
(1.4) (2) (2.8) (4) (5.5) (8) (11) (16) (1.4) (2) (2.8) (4) (5.5) (8) (11) (16) (1.4) (2) (2.8) (4) (5.5) (8) (11) (16)

Flaw magnitude, m (in. 104) Flaw magnitude, m (in. 104) Flaw magnitude, m (in. 104)
= 30 s
= 1 min
= 2 min
= 4 min

272 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. QPL-AMS-2644, Qualified Products List

of Products Qualified under SAE
Aerospace Material Specification AMS
2644, Inspection Material, Penetrant.
Philadelphia, PA: Defense Automated
Printing (1998).
2. SAE AMS 2644, Inspection Materials,
Penetrant. Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers (1996).
3. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
Section V, Nondestructive Examination.
New York, NY: American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (1995).
4. Moore, D.G. and B.F. Larson. FAA
Fluorescent Penetrant Activities.
ASNT Fall Conference and Quality
Testing Show Paper Summaries
[Pittsburgh, PA]. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (October 1997): p 117-119.
5. NASA-STD-P-015 (1998). [Previous
version published as] MSFC-STD-1249,
Standard, NDE Guidelines and
Requirements for Fracture Control
Programs. Huntsville, AL: Marshall
Space Flight Center.
6. Rummel, W.D. et al. Recommended
Practice for Demonstration of
Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)
Reliability on Aircraft Production
Parts. Materials Evaluation. Vol. 40,
No. 8. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing
(August 1982): p 922-932.
7. Moore, D.G. FAA Fluorescent
Penetrant Activities An Update.
ASNT Fall Conference and Quality
Testing Show Paper Summaries
[Nashville, TN]. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (October 1998): p 108-110.
8. Kimmel, E. Temperature Indicating
Materials. Nondestructive Testing
Handbook, second edition: Vol. 8,
Visual and Optical Testing. Columbus,
OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (1993):
p 114-117.
9. Tahbaz, J.A. Flaw Penetrant Test Panel.
United States Patent 3 946 597 (March

Comparators and Reference Panels 273


Liquid Penetrant Testing

Crack Detection
Capabilities and Reliability

Ward D. Rummel, D&W Enterprises, Limited, Littleton,


Copyright 1999 by D&W Enterprises, Limited. Reprinted with permission.

liquid penetrant detection capabilities
Introduction may not be required. Inspections
requiring detection of small cracks and
Liquid penetrant testing is one of the critical inspection applications may
most widely applied methods of require demonstration of detection
nondestructive testing because of the low capabilities and rigid process control that
cost of application, the perceived includes periodic revalidation of detection
simplicity of the process and its ability to capabilities.
be applied to complex shapes with little
process adjustment. Liquid penetrant
testing is not, however, absolute and is
not capable of finding all cracks. The Probability of Detection
end-to-end liquid penetrant process is
bounded by a lower limit for the
(POD) As Measure of
detection of small cracks (detection Liquid Penetrant
threshold). In addition, the detection Performance
threshold is not a constant value but
depends on multiple parameters inherent The recognized metric for ascertaining the
to the test object and liquid penetrant detection capability for a liquid penetrant
procedure applied or are a function of procedure is the probability of detection
rigid process control in application. (POD). A characteristic POD curve is
Although some confidence may be generated by passing a large number of
provided by the ability of a liquid cracks of varying size through a liquid
penetrant procedure to reveal a known penetrant procedure and recording the
crack in a test coupon, the brightness or cracks that are detected. A standardized
contrast intensity of the liquid penetrant data analysis procedure is then used to
indication may be such that it would not produce a plot of probability of detection
be detected under field conditions if its as a function of crack size (typically crack
presence and location were not known. It length). Figure 1 is an example of a POD
is foolhardy to assume crack detection if curve for a given liquid penetrant test
the indication is small or dim or both. procedure.
The inspection result of importance is not By convention, the threshold detection
the smallest discontinuity detected but the point is that point where the POD curve
largest discontinuity missed by application crosses the 90 percent threshold and is
of a given liquid penetrant procedure. referred to as the 90/95 probability of
In many liquid penetrant testing detection value (assuming the number and
applications where requirements are for distribution of crack sizes meet the criteria
the detection of large cracks, exceeding for standardized analysis). In the example
25 mm (1 in.) long, demonstration of shown, the single valued detection
capability is at the 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) crack

FIGURE 1. General form of probability of detection curve for liquid penetrant testing
procedure. Accepted 90 percent threshold detection point is noted.


Probability of detection (percent)








0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)

Actual crack length, mm (in.)

= predicted probability of detection
X = hit datum (along top edge) or miss datum (along bottom edge)

276 Liquid Penetrant Testing

length. Although some cracks smaller variable that is most often measured,
than the 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) crack length reported or claimed.
were detected by the applied liquid The discontinuity form and state are
penetrant procedure (Xs plotted at the more difficult to quantify but must be
100 percent detection level) , the considered in each liquid penetrant
procedure did not reliably detect cracks application. It is obvious that a
smaller than the 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) crack discontinuity must be clean and dry to
size. support reliable liquid penetrant
The capability of the procedure is stated performance. Less obvious is the closure
as 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) crack length. and stress state of a discontinuity (crack).
The reliability for detection of cracks at It is known that the brightness of a liquid
the 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) level is 90 percent penetrant indication is decreased for a
and is a measure of the repeatability and crack under compressive load, thus small
reproducibility for finding a crack at that cracks will not be detectable under some
size. loading conditions. In addition, the past
The confidence level for detection at the load history (in particular, a high
3.5 mm (0.14 in.) level is derived from the overload) may change the configuration
number and distribution of cracks used to of a crack such that a liquid penetrant
determine the detection capability. indication is segmented, with the crack
ends visible and the connecting ligament
producing a very dim indication.
The test materials (liquid penetrant
Multiparameter Process materials) are known to affect the
Liquid penetrant testing is a sensitivity of a liquid penetrant and liquid
multiparameter process. Changes in one penetrant materials are classified by their
or more of the process parameters can ability to produce an indication under
significantly change the liquid penetrant standardized test conditions. A variety of
crack detection performance capability. liquid penetrants of differing sensitivity are
Liquid penetrant process performance commercially available and are intended
depends on the following: (1) test object, for use in different applications. For
(2) discontinuity type, (3) discontinuity example, a high sensitivity liquid
size, (4) discontinuity form and state, penetrant would not be suitable for the
(5) test materials, (6) test equipment, inspection of a porous material surface
(7) test process, (8) test environment, because of the background indications
(9) test procedure applied and (10) human produced.
factors. The inspection equipment introduces
The test object material, shape variables in the test process because of the
(configuration), surface texture (porosity inherent limits and variations for process
and surface finish), stress state, surface control. For example, a temperature
condition and object size are parameters nonuniformity in a drying oven will add
that may affect liquid penetrant process to the end-to-end process variance.
capability. For example, titanium alloys Ultraviolet radiation intensity, white light
wet differently than aluminum alloys background, tank contamination etc. are
used in aircraft. variables added by the type of equipment
The discontinuity type may be a or equipment maintenance.
significant factor; for example, a The inspection process may introduce
condition for detection is that the major variance in end-to-end
discontinuity must be open to the surface performance. For example, dry developer
and must have an opening such that versus wet developer; hydrophilic
liquid penetrant can be retained using the emulsifier versus a lipophilic emulsifier;
applied liquid penetrant procedure. It is or inspection without a developer.
obvious that a crack that is covered by a The inspection environment can produce
paint layer or smeared metal from a wide variances in process performance.
machining or grinding process will not be Consider variance between in-line
consistently detectable. processing in a factory environment
The discontinuity size i.e., length, during component overhaul versus field
depth and opening greatly affect inspection in the arctic.
detectability. The brightness of a liquid The inspection procedure applied may
penetrant indication for a small crack (less cause wide variance in process
than 0.75 mm [0.030 in.]) will be performance in the form of processing
significantly less than that for a larger times. The most critical process parameter
crack because of the reservoir size. The is the remover time or emulsification time
ability of a human reader to discriminate but wash times, dwell times, drying time
small indications is typically greater than etc. can add significant performance
0.75 mm (0.030 in.) in length. Because variance.
discontinuity size (length and depth) is a Human factors variables are listed last
basic material parameter used in static because the human operator has little
design and life cycle analyses, it is the chance for discontinuity detection if other

Liquid Penetrant Testing Crack Detection Capabilities and Reliability 277

end-to-end parameters are not controlled. reproducible results. Indeed, liquid
Human factors include the traditional penetrant testing without attention to
health, attitude, skill level and attention process control is often an exercise in
to detail that are related to training, parts washing. Process control aids and
experience and recent experience with the measurement tools such as ultraviolet
same or similar parts, equipment and radiation intensity measurement; artifact
processes. panels such as the testing and monitoring
(TAM) panels; and periodic measurement
of liquid penetrant material properties are
essential to reliable liquid penetrant
Process Control Is Critical process performance. In addition,
to Liquid Penetrant attention to detail in equipment and
processing materials unique to a particular
Performance test object or process line is required for
The multivariate nature of a liquid consistent performance.
penetrant process demands process Periodic proficiency demonstration and
control to effect repeatable and validation for human operators is also

FIGURE 2. Effect of ultraviolet radiation level for liquid penetrant testing procedure (water wash
process without developer, on tightly closed fatigue cracks in cobalt alloy; with 55 to 107 lx
[5 to 10 ftc] white light illumination): (a) 4 Wm2 (400 Wcm2) ultraviolet radiation;
(b) 12 Wm2 (1200 Wcm2) ultraviolet radiation.1
Probability of detection (percent)

0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)

Actual crack length, mm (in.)

Probability of detection (percent)

0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)

Actual crack length, mm (in.)

= predicted probability of detection
X = hit datum (along top edge) or miss datum (along bottom edge)

278 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 3. effect of developer for liquid penetrant testing procedure (water wash process on
tightly closed fatigue cracks in cobalt alloy): (a) without developer, (b) with developer.1



Probability of detection (percent) 90









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)

Actual crack length, mm (in.)


Probability of detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)

Actual crack length, mm (in.)

= predicted probability of detection
X = hit datum (along top edge) or miss datum (along bottom edge)

essential to end-to-end process control.

Additional training may be beneficial but
additional training without proficiency
Process Performance
demonstration is often a rerun of previous Assessment and
information and may have little benefit in Proficiency Demonstration
maintaining skill levels.
Variation in end-to-end liquid penetrant
process performance is readily observed
by comparison of probability of detection
(POD) data as a function of varying liquid
penetrant process parameters. Table 1 and
Figs. 2 to 5 are examples of the assessment
of liquid penetrant process parameters

Liquid Penetrant Testing Crack Detection Capabilities and Reliability 279

FIGURE 4. Effects of etching and proof test for liquid penetrant testing procedure (solvent
remover process; on tightly closed fatigue cracks in 6Al-4V titanium material): (a) as
machined condition; (b) after etch; (c) after proof load.1

Probability of detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual crack length, mm (in.)

Probability of detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual crack length, mm (in.)

Probability of detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual crack length, mm (in.)
= predicted probability of detection
X = hit datum (along top edge) or miss datum (along bottom edge)

280 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 5. Effects of etching and proof test for liquid penetrant testing procedure (solvent
remover process; on tightly closed fatigue cracks in AISI 4340 steel material): (a) as machined
condition; (b) after etch; (c) after etch and proof load.1

Probability of detection (percent) 80








0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45)(0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)
Actual crack length, mm (in.)

Probability of detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45) (0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)

Actual crack length, mm (in.)


Probability of detection (percent)









0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.2 11.4 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 17.8 19.1
0 (0.05) (0.10) (0.15) (0.20) (0.25) (0.30) (0.35) (0.40) (0.45)(0.50) (0.55) (0.60) (0.65) (0.70) (0.75)

Actual crack length, mm (in.)

= predicted probability of detection
X = hit datum (along top edge) or miss datum (along bottom edge)

Liquid Penetrant Testing Crack Detection Capabilities and Reliability 281

using the POD metric. Figures 2 and 3 interpretation problem is to identify the
show results with a heat resistant cobalt signal in a field that consists of signal plus
alloy resembling SAE AMS 5608D.2 noise.
Figure 2 shows the effect of ultraviolet Varying cases of relative levels of signal
radiation level on liquid penetrant and noise are shown in Fig. 6. Figure 6a is
performance. Figure 3 shows the benefit a case where the signal level is
of using developer on liquid penetrant significantly greater than the noise and
performance. Figures 4 and 5 show the clear discrimination is possible. Figure 6b
effects of etching and proof loading on is a case where the signal level overlaps
titanium and steel flat plate specimen. the noise and noise may be interpreted as
Human factors effects are reflected in all signal (false call) or a signal may be
data presented. Variations in human
factors were reduced by using the same
operators for each test sequence
presented. FIGURE 6. Three conditions of signal and noise, representing
The usefulness of the POD method of differing levels of defect detection: (a) clear signal-to-noise
liquid penetrant performance assessment discrimination; (b) small overlap of signal and noise, some
is self-evident for purposes of procedure false calls and misses; (c) overlapping signal and noise, poor
development, procedure improvement discrimination.
and the qualification and validation of
process and procedure. For critical
applications, POD qualification and

Probability density distribution

validation is often used as a requirement Noise Threshold Signal
for both facility and personnel Decision
performance demonstration.

(relative units)
Human Performance in
Liquid Penetrant Testing
The individual performance of the human
operator is a significant element in
end-to-end process performance capability
and reliability. Inspection process Signal amplitude
parameters are readily measured and (relative units)
controlled by application of appropriate
tools when applied by knowledgeable (b)
supervision. The readout or interpretation
Probability density distribution

of liquid penetrant indications by human Noise Signal

operators is more difficult and
encompasses the multiple factors of the
(relative units)

workplace environment and development

of skill levels applicable to the procedure False calls
being performed.
Training and skill development are
complimentary but not interchangeable.
Training denotes transfer of knowledge
whereas skill development denotes
application of knowledge, procedure and
experience in performing a specific task. Signal amplitude
When an operator views a liquid (relative units)
penetrant indication, interpretation is not (c)
a yes/no decision task as commonly
viewed and desired in production
Probability density distribution

application but is instead a problem in

conditional probability. The operator is Noise Signal
presented with a signal characterized
(relative units)

primarily by brightness, size and pattern.

The signal is superimposed on a
background (nonrelevant indications
inherent to the test object and liquid
penetrant process also termed clutter)
characterized by the same parameters but
of a lesser degree or level. For purposes of
discussion, the signal characteristics will
be termed signal and the background Signal amplitude
characteristics will be termed noise. The (relative units)

282 Liquid Penetrant Testing

TABLE 1. Accept/reject decision process.
Call Error Condition Decision
True positive none (discontinuity found when discontinuity is present) reject (correct reject)
False positive type II (discontinuity found when no discontinuity is present) reject (false call)
False negative type I (no discontinuity found when discontinuity is present) accept (miss)
True negative none (no discontinuity found when no discontinuity is present) accept (correct accept)

interpreted as noise (miss). Figure 6c is a

case where the signal and noise are FIGURE 7. Four possible outcomes of accept/reject decision.
superimposed and discrimination is not (Probability P is discussed with the published POD data.1)
possible. The greater the separation of
signal and noise, the greater the margin for Stimuli (discontinuity presence)
correct interpretation. Because signal is a
direct function of the size and brightness Positive (a) Negative (n)
of a liquid penetrant indication, large and

Nondestructive evaluation signal

bright indications should be readily

(Response to discontinuity
detectable and have a high probability of P(A,a) P(A,n)
detection. Positive (A) True positive (hit) False positive
No error Type II error
The varying cases of signal-to-noise
discrimination are consistent with the
POD results shown in Figs. 2 to 5. Larger
and brighter liquid penetrant indications
produce discrimination at a low level P(N,a) P(N,n)
Negative (N) False negative (miss) True negative
i.e., developer versus no developer, higher
Type I error No error
ultraviolet radiation levels and removal of
smeared surface material by etching.
As a result of this observation of the
liquid penetrant indications, the decision
of a human operator has four possible noted on engineering drawings are below
outcomes. the capabilities of the best performing test
1. A discontinuity may be called when a facilities. Qualification and validation of
discontinuity is present (correct call). test facilities, procedures and personnel
2. A discontinuity may be called when are therefore required for fracture critical
no discontinuity is present (Type II components.
error). Two modes of qualification and
3. A no discontinuity condition may be validation are in general use; these are the
called when no discontinuity is full POD demonstration and the subset
present (correct call). demonstration (widely known as the
4. A no discontinuity condition may be 29-out-of-29 method). A full POD
called when a discontinuity is present demonstration is always the most rigorous
(Type I error). mode and is used when dealing with new
materials, new fabrication processes or
The conditional probability new liquid penetrant processing facilities.
discrimination decision process is shown A full POD demonstration is desirable for
schematically in Fig. 7 and Table 1. qualification of less experienced
inspectors. Although the full POD
demonstration is desirable, the cost of test
components and the time involved
Liquid Penetrant Process warrant consideration of alternative
Performance methods. A large amount of liquid
Demonstration penetrant process characterization data
has been generated and is available.1
The structural integrity of modern When requirements are such that a
engineering materials, components, significant margin is realized by the use of
structures and systems are increasingly standard, generic liquid penetrant
dependent on the ability of processing techniques, no demonstration
nondestructive testing processes to find may be necessary. When standard, generic
small discontinuities. Components process techniques are applied to the
requiring test capabilities below the detection of small discontinuities within
general detection level are often termed the envelope of previously demonstrated
fracture critical. Although well intentioned, capabilities, a subset demonstration may
the assumed capabilities for a given liquid be considered.
penetrant test operation are generally
incorrect and, in some cases, the criteria

Liquid Penetrant Testing Crack Detection Capabilities and Reliability 283

A subset demonstration is conducted principles and technique described are
by generating at least 29 representative used, capable and reliable performance
discontinuities of nominally equal size may be expected and demonstrated to
(but within the previously demonstrated ensure continuing excellence in liquid
size envelope and using the same penetrant processing and continuing
materials) and near or below the confidence in the safety and structural
acceptance limit for the test component. integrity of engineering systems.
The additional specimens are then The smallest discontinuity found is of
considered to be a subset of those academic interest. The largest discontinuity
previously used for full POD missed is of critical importance to reliable
demonstration. The 29 discontinuities are liquid penetrant testing.
then subjected to the candidate test
procedure (operator) and the inspection is
completed. Success requires that all 29 of
the discontinuities are detected. If a
discontinuity is not detected, the
detection failure must be resolved. If there
is a legitimate cause for missing the
discontinuity, the discontinuity may be
replaced and the process repeated. Failure
to resolve and rectify a missed
discontinuity requires full demonstration
by the POD method. When the subset
method is used for operator skill
demonstration and qualification, a failure
to detect may be resolved by additional
skill development (training alone is not
sufficient) and retesting at the end of the
defined skill development period. The
subset, 29-out-of-29 method provides the
required number of test opportunities for
a 90 percent confidence level for a single
discontinuity size and is consistent with a
single point on a demonstrated full POD
The rationale, complexity and
analytical methods for full POD
demonstration are beyond the scope of
this publication. The reader is referred to
MIL-STD-1823 for requirements and
methodologies for a full POD

Liquid penetrant testing is an effective
and economical method of discontinuity
detection and is widely used in the
process of ensuring the safety and
structural integrity of engineering
materials, components, structures and
systems. Its wide use and superficially
simple application result in a wide range
of results that vary from consistent
detection of critical discontinuities to
parts washing exercises that do not add
value to the parts. Fortunately, it costs no
more to perform a valid inspection than it
does to conduct a parts washing exercise.
It is logical that a multiparameter testing
process requires attention to detail and
process control for successful application.
The tools and techniques for materials
and process control are readily available.
The end to end process performance may
also be quantified using the information
and techniques discussed herein. If the

284 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. Rummel, W.D. and G.A. Matzkanin.

Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)
Capabilities Data Book, third edition.
NTIAC DB-97-02. Austin, TX:
Nondestructive Testing Information
and Analysis Center (1997).
2. SAE AMS 5608D, Cobalt Alloy,
Corrosion and Heat Resistant,
Sheet Strip and Plate
Solution Heat Treated. Warrendale,
PA: Society of Automotive Engineers
3. MIL-STD-1823, Non-Destructive
Evaluation System Reliability Assessment.
Washington, DC: United States
Department of Defense.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Capabilities and Reliability 285

10C H A P T E R

Liquid Penetrant System

Chemistry and Effluent

Vilma G. Holmgren, Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool

Works, Glenview, Illinois
Bruce C. Graham, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Samuel J. Robinson, Sherwin Incorporated East,
Burlington, Kentucky
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates, Crystal
Lake, Illinois
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
Jack C. Spanner, Sr., Spanner Engineering, Richland,
PART 1. Effects of Sulfur and Chlorine Impurities
in Liquid Penetrant Materials

or drawing and stamping oils. These

Influence of Sulfur and fluids may contain high percentages of
sulfur and/or chlorides.
Halogens (Chlorides) in 3. Industrial waters may contain
Liquid Penetrant Testing relatively high contents of chloride.
Therefore cooling water, rinse water,
Materials makeup water for alkaline cleaners
Considerable concern in the and other types of chemical processes
nondestructive testing field is directed may contribute either chlorides or
toward the effects of sulfur and halogens, sulfur residues.
principally chlorides, present in small 4. In the case of jet engine components,
amounts in liquid penetrant testing ingestion of sea air or air containing
materials. This is largely attributable to high sulfur through industrial
various high temperature and exotic pollution can contribute very
alloys such as nickel base alloys, austenitic significantly to the amount of
stainless steels and titanium in the chlorides or sulfur gaining access to
aerospace and nuclear industries. Even high temperature alloy parts.
though liquid penetrants and processing 5. Another possible source for sulfur
materials are removed following testing, contamination in jet engine
residues may be retained in crevices, components would be the jet engine
joints and blind holes or other fuel itself. All petroleum derivatives
inaccessible areas. With inadequate tend toward trace amounts of sulfur
cleaning, such residues may react and, because of the high rates of
detrimentally with the alloy surface after throughput of jet engine fuel, the
the components are placed in service. aggregate amount could be

Sources of Sulfur and

Halogen in Liquid Specifications Restricting
Penetrant Testing Halogen Content of Liquid
Materials Penetrant Testing
There are several possible sources for the Materials
presence of sulfur and halogen in liquid
The continued incidence of stress
penetrant products. Raw materials from
corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless
which liquid penetrant products are
steels has focused increased attention on
formulated may contain either or both of
the halogen and sulfur content in liquid
these ingredients as constituents or as
penetrant materials used for
trace contaminants. Where extremely
nondestructive testing. Restrictions are
small amounts of these ingredients are of
placed on the halogen and sulfur
concern, contamination from a high
concentrations allowed in liquid
sulfur or high halogen atmosphere may
penetrant materials intended for use on
contribute trace amounts of sulfur or
austenitic stainless steels.
halides. There is considerable difference of
opinion as to the allowable limits of these
contaminants. Paradoxically, there are
numerous sources of sulfur and halide Influence of Sampling
contamination that far overshadow the
amounts present in liquid penetrant Procedures on
products, as in the following examples. Contamination
1. In certain techniques, precleaning Measurements
takes place before liquid penetrant
It is important to recognize that, because
testing. Conceivably, residues from
of the nature of certain liquid penetrant
these operations could contribute
materials, the sampling procedures can
significant residues.
often influence the results of a given way
2. Other in-process sources of
of measuring chloride concentration.
contamination include cutting fluids
When fluorocarbon propellants and

288 Liquid Penetrant Testing

halogenated hydrocarbon solvents (such were both sensitized and etched were
as 1,1,1-trichloroethane) were being used, included to examine the effect of
they affected the results of chloride microcrevices, which can conceivably
analysis, whether the test was performed retain appreciable quantities of liquid
on the whole sample or on the residue penetrant materials in spite of normal
after evaporation of solvent or propellant. postexamination cleaning procedures. On
Most specifications still require residue completion of the metallurgical
analysis that gives more consistent and conditioning processes, the specimens
meaningful results. were stressed using a stainless steel nut
and bolt. Figure 1 illustrates the specimen
configurations after forming and after
Significance of
Postcleaning of Test Application of Liquid Penetrant
Objects Testing Materials to Test
The purpose of the final postcleaning step Specimens
in a liquid penetrant examination is to The final step in preparing the specimens
remove, as thoroughly as possible, all for exposure testing was to apply the
liquid penetrant materials applied during liquid penetrant materials. This was
the test process. Thus, simple knowledge accomplished by immersing three stressed
of the halogen content in liquid specimens from each of the three
penetrant materials provides little useful metallurgical groups in a given liquid
information relative to the amount of penetrant material for about 6 h, after
halogen remaining on the part after liquid which the specimens were allowed to
penetrant testing. On the other hand, drain overnight in the open-end-down
even if all traces of halogen or sulfur position.
bearing liquid penetrant materials are
removed from the smooth surfaces of the
part, the possibility of retaining damaging Water Vapor Exposure Conditions
quantities of these compounds in macro for Test Specimens
(mechanical) or micro (intergranular) Each specimen was hung, open end
crevices should not be ignored. down, on a three layer rack formed from a
single length of AISI 304 stainless steel
tubing. The entire specimen and rack
assembly was subjected to a warm, moist
Stress Corrosion Testing of test atmosphere in an exposure chamber
AISI 304 Austenitic for a period of 80 days. A pool of distilled
Stainless Steel1 water was maintained in the bottom of
the chamber and the temperature was
The potential for liquid penetrant induced maintained about constant at 90 C
stress corrosion cracking in American Iron (195 F). Cold tap water was passed
and Steel Institute (AISI) 304 stainless through the tubing rack to condense
steel was investigated by coating U-bend moisture on the specimen surfaces.
test specimens with various liquid
penetrant materials and exposing them to
a moist 90 C (195 F) atmosphere for
about three months. Test specimens,
representing three different metallurgical
conditions, were used to evaluate
19 different liquid penetrant, developer, FIGURE 1. Stainless steel U-bend test specimens after forming
emulsifier and cleaner materials having (left) and after stressing (right).
different halogen content and
representing several manufacturers.

Metallurgical Conditioning of
AISI 304 Stainless Steel Specimens
Test specimens for each of the following
metallurgical conditions were used in the
evaluation: (1) solution annealed,
(2) sensitized and (3) sensitized and
etched. The solution annealed specimens
were included because AISI 304 stainless
steel in this metallurgical condition is
much less susceptible to halogen induced
stress corrosion cracking than material in
the sensitized condition. Specimens that

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 289

Results of Stress Corrosion 3. Etching of the sensitized specimens
Exposure Tests of AISI 304 did not appear to have reproducible
effects on the severity of attack for the
Stainless Steel liquid penetrant materials that
The effect of the moist exposure induced stress corrosion cracking.
conditions on test specimen integrity was
evaluated by metallographic examination.
First, several of the control specimens
were sectioned and examined at 100 FIGURE 2. Photomicrograph of sensitized
magnification as a check on the validity AISI 304 stainless steel specimen (typical of
of the test parameters. Specimens in the five control specimens not coated with liquid
sensitized and etched conditions, each of penetrant test materials), after 80 day stress
which had been coated with one of the corrosion test in warm, moist atmosphere
liquid penetrant materials, were similarly and after oxalic acid etch: (a) sensitized
examined for evidence of stress corrosion specimen; (b) etched specimen.
cracking. Examples of the metallographic
examination results are shown in Fig. 2 (a)
to 6. Figures 2a and 2b are typical of the
control specimens in the sensitized and in
the sensitized and etched conditions,
respectively. These uncontaminated
specimens were completely unaffected
during the 80 day exposure test, as were
most of the coated specimens.

Effects of Chlorine in Specific

Liquid Penetrant Cleaner and
Intergranular cracking to about
midthickness is evident in the AISI 304
stainless steel specimen which is shown in
Fig. 3 and which was sensitized and
coated with developer containing
0.2 percent chlorides. Figure 4 is typical of
the three specimens that were sensitized
and etched before being coated with the
same developer. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate
the severe intergranular and transgranular
cracking that occurred when sensitized
test specimens were coated with a cleaner
containing about 80 percent chlorides.
The specimen shown in Fig. 5 was in the (b)
sensitized condition whereas the
specimen in Fig. 6 had been sensitized
and etched to a depth of about 130 m
(0.005 in.) before application of the

Overall Results of Stress Corrosion

Tests on AISI 304 Stainless Steel
The overall results of the moisture
exposure tests on AISI 304 austenitic
stainless steel specimens are summarized
1. Specimens coated with a cleaner that
had a very high chloride content or a
developer with low chloride content
(see Figs. 3 to 6), consistently
exhibited stress corrosion cracking
after the 80 day exposure test when in
the sensitized or sensitized and etched
2. None of the other liquid penetrant
materials evaluated in this test caused
detectable stress corrosion cracking.

290 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 3. Photomicrograph of sensitized FIGURE 5. Photomicrograph of sensitized
specimen after 80 day exposure test and specimen after 80 day exposure test and
oxalic acid etch is typical of three specimens oxalic acid etch is typical of three specimens
coated with developer. coated with cleaner.

FIGURE 4. Photomicrograph of sensitized FIGURE 6. Photomicrograph of specimen

and etched specimen after 80 day exposure sensitized and etched to depth of about
test and oxalic acid etch is typical of three 130 m (0.005 in.) after 80 day exposure
specimens coated with developer. test and oxalic acid etch is typical of three
specimens coated with cleaner.

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 291

4. Specimens in the solution annealed Sources of Halogen Impurities in
condition exhibited no evidence of Liquid Penetrant Processing
stress corrosion attack.
5. Observations among triplicate
specimens were fully reproducible. Except for the certain cleaners and carriers
that use halogenated hydrocarbon
The results obtained during this study
compounds, liquid penetrant materials do
support the following conclusions.
not usually contain halogens as
1. The reproducibility of the exposure constituent elements. Rather, the
test results provides convincing halogens occur as impurities in the bulk
evidence that certain liquid penetrant chemicals used to formulate these liquid
materials can induce stress corrosion penetrant materials. Preceding tests also
cracking under the moderate exposure indicate that commercial liquid penetrant
conditions investigated. materials can exhibit a rather wide
2. The determination methods that were variation in chloride content. It is also
developed offer an economic and apparent that liquid penetrant materials
reliable means of measuring chloride quite low in hydrolyzable and even in
concentration in whole samples of total chloride content are available. The
liquid penetrant materials over the same statement can probably be made
range of 10 to 1000 gg1. about fluoride content.
3. Commercial liquid penetrant materials
with total chloride concentrations
below 1000 gg1 are available.
4. Liquid penetrant materials from Specification Restrictions
(refrigerant-12) pressurized spray cans
on Sulfur Content of
yield variable results when whole Liquid Penetrant and Leak
samples are analyzed, thus making it Testing Materials
impossible to perform a reliable
For years, most new standards have
determination of chloride
included an upper limit for total sulfur
impurities in expendable materials such as
liquid penetrants, cleaners and developers;
leak test fluids; coatings; adhesives;
lubricants; and ultrasonic couplants. In
Specifying Liquid contrast to the effect of halogens, sulfur
Penetrant Materials to and its compounds were not found to be
significantly corrosive nor otherwise
Avoid Induced Stress damaging to austenitic stainless steels at
Corrosion Cracking1 ambient temperatures. However, stress
It should be recognized that the cause of cracking does take place on high yield
the stress corrosion cracking observed in strength ferritic and austenitic steels when
the preceding tests is not actually known. sulfides exist in the aqueous phase and on
These tests were designed only to examine nickel and its alloys when sulfides are
the potential for liquid penetrant induced present during elevated temperature
stress corrosion cracking under a specific processing.
set of exposure conditions and were not Like halogens, sulfides have been
intended to isolate the cause of an attack related to the tendency toward hydrogen
that might be observed. Liquid penetrant embrittlement. Investigators agree that
materials that induced the observed stress minimizing residual amounts of sulfur in
corrosion cracking would qualify as materials applied to iron base and nickel
acceptable materials in accordance with base alloys will reduce the likelihood of
the halogen restrictions specified in stress corrosion or sulfide stress cracking.
applicable United States standards in Selection should be based on which
effect from 1971 through 1981. product has the lowest sulfur content, as
It thus appears that restrictions on well as the lowest halogen content. The
contaminant concentrations might be following information describes the
more appropriately specified for whole action of sulfur compounds on different
samples (including volatiles) instead of classes of structural materials.
only for the residue, as is the prevalent
practice. It also seems significant that,
although most specifications restrict total
halogens, none of the methods normally
used to verify compliance (including
those discussed herein) respond to
fluoride. Thus, in actual practice, the most
reactive of the halogen elements was
tacitly ignored until 1981.

292 Liquid Penetrant Testing

14 percent nickel, iron base material
Hydrogen Damage from was evaluated in five such alloys with
sulfur impurities: 80, 120, 240, 890 and
Sulfur Compounds in 1700 gg1. Nonstress corrosion rates
Nonstainless Steels appeared to be directly related to sulfur
content. Corrosion was uniform rather
When an acid solution attacks a carbon or
than localized. The extent of attack was
alloy steel surface, hydrogen is generated
slight compared with that found for
and deposited on the metal surface as an
commercial purity 14 percent chromium,
adsorbed film of atomic hydrogen.
14 percent nickel, 72 percent iron alloys
Normally, the film builds up and bubbles
and of commercial, high temperature
off the surface as molecular hydrogen gas.
steels such as AISI 304.
However, in the presence of even a few
Stressed U-bend samples of 14 percent
parts per million of hydrogen sulfide in
chromium, 14 percent nickel, iron base
the solution environment, much of the
alloy representing the five levels of sulfur
atomic hydrogen enters high strength
were exposed to 42 percent boiling
steel. The presence of a sulfide in the steel
magnesium chloride for 600 h. No
appears to catalyze the generation of
evidence of cracking was observed. Similar
hydrogen. The formation of molecular
alloys of commercial purity cracked after
hydrogen internally in voids produces
only 28 h exposure of the stressed
high pressure, creates blisters on the
samples to the strong chloride corrodent.
surface and reduces the ductility. Delayed
It was concluded that, to produce
failures then can occur at stress levels well
excellent corrosion resistance to aggressive
below the yield strength. The minimum
media, all impurities, rather than just
yield strength level for sulfide stress
sulfur, must be excluded from austenitic
cracking is about 600 MPa
stainless steels. Although increasing
(90 000 lbfin.2). The tendency for
additions of sulfur increased the corrosion
cracking is reduced as the pH rises from
rate slightly in the high purity austenitic
3 to 6 (solutions become less acid).
matrix, the corrosion rate of the
Inorganic and aliphatic organic sulfur
1700 gg1 or 0.17 percent sulfur alloy
compounds are generally more reactive
was much below that of commercial
than aromatic organics. Sulfide corrosion
purity materials. Residual sulfur
of nonstainless steel is reduced by the
accumulations from liquid penetrant
presence of halides in the low
materials would not pose a special
temperature aqueous phase.
corrosion or stress corrosion problem at
temperatures below 100 C (212 F) for
parts produced from austenitic stainless
Corrosive Effects of Sulfur steels.
on Various Alloys Nickel and Nickel Base Alloys
Materials in which nickel predominates
High Yield Strength Stainless are subject to intergranular attack when
Steels they are heated in the presence of sulfur
The high yield strength AISI 635 stainless and sulfur compounds. Grain boundary
steel (17 percent chromium, 7 percent stress corrosion cracking and nickel has
nickel) is very susceptible to cracking in a occurred in sulfide environments above
high sulfide environment (1000 gg1 of 643 C (1190 F), the melting point of the
hydrogen sulfide). Stainless steels with nickel/nickel sulfide eutectic.
chromium contents less than 9 percent Fuels used in the heat treatment of
may corrode faster in a given sulfide nickel base alloy materials must have a
concentration than carbon steel. low sulfur content. A marginal
concentration of sulfur is stated to be
0.73 gm3 of gases manufactured from
AISI 300 Austenitic Stainless Steels coal and oil. Lubricants for deep drawing
Adequate protection against sulfide and spinning nickel alloys generally
corrosion is provided by the lower contain sulfur or lead and therefore must
strength standard AISI 300 series be removed before annealing.
austenitic stainless steels with a basic alloy
content of 18 percent chromium and
8 percent nickel.

Iron Base Alloy with 14 Percent

Chromium and 14 Percent Nickel
The effect of sulfur as an impurity in a
completely stable austenitic structure
a high purity 14 percent chromium,

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 293

Environmental Conditions
Affecting Intergranular
Intergranular attack by sulfur has been
reported only for nickel base alloys
subjected to elevated temperatures.
However, it seems probable that austenitic
stainless steels could also be adversely
affected by exposure to sulfur or its
compounds in its sensitizing temperature
range of 590 to 650 C (1100 to 1200 F).
At temperatures below 150 C (300 F),
steels with a maximum yield strength of
520 MPa (75 000 lbfin.2) should not be
subject to sulfide stress cracking. The
tendency for hydrogen absorption and
embrittlement is reduced by raising the
pH of the environment to 6 or greater.
High yield strength austenitic such as
17 percent chromium, 7 percent nickel
alloys should not be susceptible to
cracking if the sulfide content of the
environment is kept well below
1000 gg1.

294 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Mechanisms of Stress Corrosion
Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steels

Restrictions on Halogens in Mechanisms of Stress

Expendable Test Materials Corrosion Cracking of
Used on Austenitic Austenitic Stainless Steels
Stainless Steels Austenitic stainless steels can fail by stress
For years, it was common practice in the corrosion cracking, a brittle failure in
aerospace industry to use halogenated ductile material which occurs as a result
cleaners, acids and degreasers in the of the combined action of tensile stress
treatment of AISI 300 series stainless and corrosion. Tensile stress may be
steels. However, pressure vessel codes and externally applied or residual but it must
other standards in the United States be sustained or static. Where allowable,
prohibit expendable cleaners, liquid shot peening to alleviate surface tensile
penetrants and processing materials stresses will reduce the tendency for
containing more than one percent cracking. Although the minimum stress to
halogens. Investigations of cause and initiate stress corrosion cracking will vary
prevention of stress corrosion cracking of with the environment and with steel
stainless steel have demonstrated that less composition differences, stresses
than 50 gg1 of certain hydrolyzable reportedly as low as 14 MPa
chlorides in combination with 1 to (2000 lbfin.2) have resulted in stress
200 gg1 of oxygen can cause cracking corrosion cracking of AISI 347 austenitic
under low stress and low temperature stainless steel. It would seem that
conditions. The likelihood of stress significant stress concentrators would
corrosion will diminish with decreases in have to be operating to bring about such
concentration of halides and/or oxygen, low stress failure in AISI 347 surrounded
with decreases in stress and with decreases by vapors at 200 C (400 F) containing
in temperature. Laboratory specimens of 50 gg1 of chloride.
stressed austenitic stainless steels failed
when immersed in a 5 gg1 chloride
solution at 93 C (200 F) and in a Other Mechanisms of
10 gg1 chloride solution at 74 C
(165 F). Cracking of Austenitic
Because chloride concentrations in Stainless Steels
normal environments and residual stresses
from fabrication and heat treatment Not all cracking occurring in fabrication
generally exceed these levels, one might or service is halide induced. Three other
wonder at the usual long life and high modes of failure exist that can take place
performance characteristics of most at stress levels below the yield strength of
stainless parts. There may be a austenitic stainless steel in a noncorrosive
relationship between hydrogen environment.
embrittlement and stress corrosion 1. Fatigue failure may be induced
cracking. A further restriction of hydrogen thermally, mechanically or by
generation in the right form and location vibration during operation.
could limit the chance for stress corrosion 2. Long time, elevated temperature stress
cracking to occur. rupture may occur.
The fact that many of the halogen 3. Differences in coefficient of expansion
compounds are volatile does not negate and in thermal conductivity between
the potential danger. Cyclic evaporation cladding and base metal may lead to
and subsequent condensation is actually a failure.
means of concentrating the halogen in a In boiling water reactors, nonstress
restricted area such as a crack or crevice. corrosion cracks were found to be
Entrapment and contamination with longitudinal in cold worked tube and
surface adherent material can reduce the circumferential in solution annealed
tendency of halogen compounds to tubing. Although all potential causes
become volatile. should be considered in a failure
investigation, good design should
minimize the likelihood of cracking from
mechanisms other than stress corrosion.

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 295

concentration (pH) of the solution. The
Fracture Paths Resulting concentration effect of intermittent
wetting and drying will shorten the time
from Stress Corrosion required for crack initiation. Under a
Both intergranular fracture and constant stress level, cracking will occur
transgranular fracture may occur as a most easily at 85 C (185 F), the
result of stress corrosion. Usually, cracking maximum temperature for corrosion
produced in stainless steel exposed to acceleration at a high enough level for
chlorides is transgranular. However, where crack initiation. The temperature
there is a continuous grain boundary limitation of 85 C provides a minimum
segregation, intergranular cracking will driving force for progressive corrosion
take place. There is a disposition toward a such that cracking must occur within 48 h
chemical concentration differential or the rate of passive film repair will
between grains and grain boundaries exceed the rate of penetration.
because impurities and alloy constituents
tend to diffuse to the boundaries.
Segregated solute such as silicon or
phosphorus can occur in the grain Test for Susceptibility to
boundaries of properly solution annealed Stress Corrosion
AISI 304. On the other hand, a
The establishment of a standard corrosion
continuous grain boundary part of second
medium could serve as a tool for
phase, alloy carbides is formed by a
measuring the susceptibility of material or
sensitizing treatment at 663 C (1225 F)
parts to stress corrosion cracking. Because
for 2 h followed by slow cooking. The
875 gg1 of sodium chloride vapors at
likelihood of forming continuous carbide
200 C (400 F) will produce severe
at the grain boundaries is a function of
cracking in a short time, this might be
grain size and carbon percent.
used as such a standard corrosion
The tendency for grain boundary
attack by a corrodent is independent of
pH between 4.7 and 9.4. Surface pickling
with boiling nitrate chromate can cause Electrochemical Theory of Crack
cracking only on sensitized material. Propagation
Intergranular attack on an oxide free
The electrochemical theory of stress
surface will only happen on stressed
corrosion assumes crack advancement by
material or in crevices.
anodic dissolution of stained metal at the
crack tip. It has been postulated that
nitrogen may be responsible for the
Causes of Crack Initiation corrosion attack on strained, crack
sensitive areas. Based on work with low
Plastic deformation may be a necessary nitrogen, 18 percent chromium, 8 percent
condition for establishing a propensity for nickel and 20 percent nickel alloys,
cracking. In austenitic stainless, even investigators suggest that nitrogen, under
elastic strain is associated with a small conditions of lattice strain, readily diffuses
amount of creep (plastic strain). Cracks to lattice imperfection sites. Nitride
can originate from elongated pits or from precipitation then forms a cathodic area
eroded grain boundaries. Reducing the that stimulates corrosion of the adjoining
temperature of the environment extends alloy, thereby favoring crack propagation.
the life of the part before crack initiation In nonsusceptible high nickel alloys,
but does not alter the minimum stress nickel apparently inhibits the formation
level requirements for cracking. of the cathodic precipitates. Electron
Stress corrosion cracking always microscopy has revealed what appear to
produces corrosion products. Apparently, be precipitated nitrides on slip planes. Slip
reaction of the chloride on bare metal increases the effective area of the cathodic
exposed at breaks in the protective oxide nitride precipitates and thereby increases
film on the stainless steel produces local galvanic corrosion and aids crack
anodic areas. The latter set up galvanic propagation. Cracking may occur at
action leading to pitting and thence to anodic paths because of reaction of
crack initiation when under tensile stress. stainless steel with corrosion produced
The minimum stress to initiate stress hydrogen. This hydrogen diffuses under
corrosion cracking depends on (1) the an applied load to form stress oriented
nature of the corrodent medium, transgranular bands of hydrogen strained
(2) temperature, (3) anion availability, ferrite. Such transformed bands, highly
(4) history of the material and anodic to the austenitic matrix, dissolve
(5) availability of minimum amounts of in a corrosive halide such as magnesium
chloride and oxygen or minimum chloride to cause cracking. In
amounts of hydroxide. nonsusceptible alloys, hydrogen
The rate of corrosion is unaffected by precipitates as a hydride.
varying the initial hydrogen ion

296 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Some investigators suggest that quantities of transformed austenite at the
cracking originates from a condition of tip of the crack or as a network of strain
reduced surface energy brought about by bands within the austenite grains.
the adsorption of some ion species from The trace of a crack on the surface does
the corrosive medium. Electrochemical not necessarily indicate that the same
processes might contribute to failure by propagation process fracture path has
removing existing films at localized areas occurred in the bulk. The three
that would otherwise prevent adsorption dimensional path of a crack is determined
of the critical ion species or, at higher mainly by the stress distribution near the
stress levels, might prevent healing of advancing edge. This is not necessarily
oxide films that become ruptured during related to microstructural features (grain
loading. size and orientation) or crystallographic
Theory of Crack Propagation Effect of Hydrogen Embrittlement
The electrochemical/mechanical theory of on Stress Corrosion Cracking
stress corrosion presupposes a two stage Hydrogen embrittlement must be
repeating cycle consisting of a short assumed to have relation to stress
period of chemical attack, which advances corrosion cracking. It is known that
the crack very little but which triggers a protons (hydrogen nuclei) can move
sudden mechanical fracture over a longer along with dislocations during plastic
distance and which is stopped apparently deformation because of the mobility of
by a soft slip plane. Once a crack is the proton. Hydrogen embrittlement can
initiated, it is not permanently arrested by only occur when the proton diffusion rate
contact with grain boundaries, twin is equal to or greater than the rate of
planes, or inclusions, nor is its movement of dislocations. Hydrogen
propagation influenced by changes in collects preferentially in the tetrahedral
applied stress or by changes in the nature lattice positions in the (112) planes, in the
of the medium. discontinuities associated with these
At a low stress level, cracking occurs planes and probably in the dislocations
only in the area of the highest stress. related to this crystallographic system.
Studies indicate that cracks extend in Movement of the most unstable
short bursts at average rates up to dislocations can be accomplished in the
4 mmh1 in the condensing vapors above presence of hydrogen by stresses well
an 875 gg1 sodium chloride solution at below the elastic limit, resulting in
204 C (400 F) or up to 10 mmh1, in a delayed failures.
boiling magnesium chloride environment.
Some investigators have recorded acoustic
emission, suggesting association with
crack extension. Other investigators were Stress Corrosion Immunity,
unable to detect acoustic emission during Susceptibility and
crack propagation.
These observations suggest that very Prevention
little acoustic emission activity Six general rules postulated for
accompanies intergranular stress corrosion susceptibility to stress corrosion are listed
cracking whereas the opposite is indicated below.
for transgranular stress corrosion cracking. 1. A pure metal is immune to stress
Perhaps high stacking fault energy, corrosion cracking.
indicating tangled dislocations and easy 2. Alloys made from pure metals may be
cross slips in an alloy, inhibits cracking. susceptible.
Rapid stress corrosion crack propagation 3. Corroding conditions (media or
occurs in alloys having highly oriented environment) that produce cracking
dislocations (low stacking fault energies) are specific to an alloy or alloy system.
and restricted slip. 4. Cathodic protection can prevent stress
corrosion cracking or even stop crack
Effect of Wedging Action of propagation if applied while cracking
Corrosion Products is in process.
5. One or more minor impurity elements
Deposition of corrosion products within in a metal or alloy can affect its degree
progressing cracks may provide a wedging of immunity or susceptibility.
action that causes brittle fracture beyond 6. Changes in structure or homogeneity
the tip of the crack. Pressures in excess of of an alloy by heat treatment can
50 MPa (7000 lbfin.2) have been influence its immunity or degree of
measured for the wedging action of the susceptibility.
corrosion product. It has been proposed
that the chemical aspects of cracking are
due to preferential attack on small

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 297

Effect of Cathodic TABLE 1. Effects of chlorides on stainless steels.
Protection on Stress Chlorides General Attack Stress Corrosion
Corrosion Cracking Ammonium chloride pitting slow (long exposure)
A small amount of cathodic protection Calcium chloride nil rapid
may inhibit stress corrosion cracking Chromium (III) chloride heavy nil
whereas a large amount may induce it. Iron (III) chloride heavy nil
Arrangement of anodes in reactors, piping Magnesium chloride nil rapid
and heat exchangers for sufficient Mercury (II) chloride heavy nil
protection is frequently impossible and Potassium chloride pitting slow (long exposure)
sacrificial anodes may be undesirable Sodium chloride pitting slow (long exposure)
because of the corrosion products
Zinc chloride nil rapid
introduced into the coolant. Where the
highly stressed component is the cathode,
stress corrosion cracking may be stopped
or restarted at will by applying an
external potential. Corrosive Environments
The rate of corrosive attack on stressed
stainless steel by various chlorides is
essentially inversely proportional to their
Conditions Conductive to rate of attack on unstressed stainless.
Stress Corrosion Cracking Information on the comparative effect of
specific chlorides on stressed versus
Wherever combinations of high residual
unstressed AISI 300 series stainless steels is
stress, crevices for entrapment of halides
given in Table 1.
or hydroxides, heat transfer, evaporation
It would appear that stress corrosion
and concentration occur, stress corrosion
requires selective localized attack, which
cracking is likely. Chlorides can also
can only be provided by corrodents that
concentrate in aluminum corrosion
do not affect the pure alloy.
products by an ion exchange mechanism.
Thus, fabricated stainless steel parts that
have been tested with liquid penetrants or
cleaned by chlorinated solvents are prime
targets for stress corrosion.
Chloride Removal
Following Liquid Penetrant
Testing of Stainless Steels
Conditions That Inhibit Stainless steel components should be as
free as possible of surface residual
Stress Corrosion Cracking chlorides after cleaning or liquid
Any approach to prevention or inhibition penetrant testing, particularly before heat
of stress corrosion cracking requires an treatment, welding or long term storage.
understanding of the mechanism of A quantitative chloride determination will
cracking. A reduction of stress level will be required to establish the accuracy of a
reduce the likelihood of rupture and will given flushing procedure. Acid treatment
increase the life of the part. As previously should be avoided to ensure that no
stated, reducing the temperature will intergranular corrosion produces a site for
extend part life but will not alter the liquid sodium attack in a breeder reactor
minimum stress level for cracking. Virtual or for stress concentration. Final flushing
elimination of either halides or oxygen after liquid penetrant testing of AISI 304
from the environment (including liquid stainless steel can be done with alcohol,
penetrant testing fluids) will prevent stress acetone or an aromatic hydrocarbon
corrosion as long as the hydroxide solvent such as benzene or toluene. The
concentration is under five percent. latter should provide effective removal of
Cathodic protection will be an effective adsorbed and entrapped chlorides.
deterrent where it is practicable. Changes However, all are highly flammable.
in design and operating conditions will be
helpful if, for example, opportunities for
fluid entrapment are reduced and
operating temperatures and stress levels Fluids for Cleaning of
can be lowered. A substitution of less Stainless Steels
susceptible material such as carbon steel,
Several chlorinated solvents such as
nickel base alloys or corrosion resistant
nonflammable, low toxicity
nickel-copper alloys for stainless steel is
trichlorotrifluoroethane (refrigerant-113)
another preventive measure. Tensile stress
can be used to clean austenitic stainless
relief by peening vibration or heat
steels regardless of heat sensitization and
treatment can reduce the effect of a
degree of stress. The accompanying low
corrosive medium.

298 Liquid Penetrant Testing

boiling point of 45.8 C (114 F) facilitates to 200 gg1 or less of oxygen can result
complete removal by evaporation.2 in stress corrosion cracking.
However, these solvents are no longer Low concentrations of total halides
available for cleaning. They were (5 to 50 gg1) cannot be accurately
regulated because of their high potential determined by current standard analytical
for ozone depletion. procedures. Ion chromatography can
It has been reported that sulfamic acid, analyze halide concentrations in this
HSO3NH2, can be used for cleaning range (see ASTM E 1654 for procedures).
austenitic steel without causing stress Final cleaning is recommended before
corrosion cracking. A five percent solution heat treatment, forming, fabrication,
of this acid at 70 C (160 F) can be storage or shipment to remove water,
applied for periods up to 24 h. No data dissolve grease and oil, float away
have been reported to suggest that insoluble particulate without
nonhydrolyzable halides such as promoting stress corrosion cracking.
fluorocarbons were associated with stress
corrosion cracking.
Superior resistance to stress corrosion
has been reported for a high alloy,
columbium stabilized, iron base,
nickel-chromium-molybdenum austenitic
stainless steel. This has a nominal analysis
of 30 percent chromium, 34 percent
nickel, 2.5 percent molybdenum and
3.5 percent copper. The high nickel
content is credited with supplying the
improved resistance to stress corrosion
cracking Laboratory tests in the most
severe corrodent, boiling magnesium
chloride, show more than a tenfold
increase in life for the columbium
stabilized nickel-chromium-molybdenum
austenitic stainless steel over AISI 304;
however, the cost of the high alloy
material is about four times that of
AISI 304 for tubular products.

Conclusions on Control of
Stress Corrosion Cracking
As long as the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code3 limits total halogens in liquid
materials for nondestructive testing
methods to one percent, materials for use
on austenitic stainless steel components
should be selected for minimum halide
content consistent with effectiveness and
cost. The lower the halide residual
concentration in the environment, the
lower the possibility of stress corrosion.
Thorough cleaning for removal of halide
containing materials after their use will
effectively eliminate any potential for
stress corrosion.
Stainless steels containing a nominal
8 percent nickel such as AISI 304,
AISI 316 and AISI 347 have maximum
sensitivity to chloride stress corrosion
cracking. Attainment of minimum stress
levels in stainless steel components is
therefore desirable. Thermal, vibrational
or peening stress relief can reduce residual
stresses. Residual and/or applied tensile
stresses as low as 14 MPa (2000 lbfin.2)
in combination with 74 C (165 F) or
higher fluid environments containing 1 to
50 gg1 or less of certain chlorides and 1

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 299

PART 3. Methods for Sulfur and Halogen
Analysis of Liquid Penetrant Materials

techniques either/or ion

Effects of Sulfur and chromotography,4 when liquid penetrant
testing materials are applied to nickel base
Halogens on Liquid alloys, austenitic stainless steels and
Penetrant Testing titanium. To accommodate requirements
that are more restrictive than those
Materials specified in the ASME Boiler Code,3
Liquid penetrant testing is used on most consideration has been given to lower
nonferrous metals, particularly aluminum, limits on impurities in expendable
magnesium, titanium, stainless steel and materials that will contact such metal
high nickel alloys. Stainless steels and surfaces.
titanium have been found to be subject to Contaminants levels are the result of
corrosion and embrittlement because of impurities in the bulk chemical
contact with chloride ions. High nickel ingredients used to formulate liquid
alloys have been found subject to penetrant materials. Therefore, some
corrosion and embrittlement by contact variations may be observed between
with sulfur in the form of sulfide ions at materials from different suppliers,
elevated temperatures. between different types of materials from
a single supplier and between samples of
the same type of material purchased from
a single supplier at different times.
Specifications Limiting
Sulfur and Halogen in
Liquid Penetrant Testing Specifications for Analysis
Materials for Sulfur or Halogens
Because of these findings, limits have Analyses for sulfur or halogen impurities
been placed on the amount of sulfur and usually are conducted by the following
halogen that may be present in liquid methods although other methods are
penetrant testing materials used on high known to be equivalent or superior in
nickel alloys, stainless steel and titanium, accuracy, reproducibility and repeatability.
particularly in components of nuclear
power plants. The specifications have 1. Analysis for water leachable chlorides
usually been for total sulfur content and is conducted according to
total halogen content. Here it was ASTM D 24417 (modified by water
assumed that the worst possible case reflux and potentiometric titration).
would be where the liquid penetrant 2. Analysis for halogenated compounds
testing materials are not cleaned off the is conducted according to
part after inspection and the test part is ASTM D 808.6 Chloride compounds
heated to temperature that will are absorbed in sodium carbonate
decompose the test materials, releasing (Na2CO3) solution. The chloride
the elements present for reaction with the content is determined by
metal of the part. potentiometric titration.
3. Analysis for sulfur is conducted
according to ASTM D 1295 or
ASTM D 1552.8
Impurity Level Some specifications stipulate evaporation
Requirements for Liquid of sample (preceding sample
decomposition) whereas other
Penetrant Testing specifications call for an untreated
Materials (whole) sample. For example, Section V
Impurity level requirements for liquid of the ASME Boiler Code3 specifies
penetrant testing materials are restricted ASTM D 1295 and either ASTM D 8086
by the ASME Boiler Code, Section V, or ion chromatography.4
Article 6.3 This code limits maximum
residual to 1 percent total sulfur and
1 percent total halogens as determined by
ASTM D 1295 and ASTM D 8086 analytical

300 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Detrimental Sulfur and Halogen Analysis only for ionizable sulfur and
Content of Liquid Penetrant halogen is probably adequate as long as
the tested parts will not be subjected to
Testing Materials conditions such as extreme heat that can
There is some difference of opinion on break down the residual liquid penetrant
how much sulfur or halogen content is testing material. The products of thermal
really detrimental to any material. This is or chemical breakdown are usually
because the sulfur or halogen may be ionizable compounds that may cause
present in a number of forms and degrees attack.
of permanence and much is still unknown
concerning the interactions of these
elements with sensitive metals. Some
specification writers feel that if the Sulfur Analysis of Liquid
undesired elements are present in any Penetrant Testing
form where they may be physically
captured for analysis and in any amount Materials
over the slightest trace, the test material is The most common sulfur test specified is
unacceptable. These users require analysis the ASTM D 1295 method for total sulfur
of the as-received liquid penetrant testing content. This sulfur analysis can be made
material from its manufacturer. on all organic materials. In this test, the
Other specification writers note that sample is first decomposed by burning in
liquid penetrant testing materials are a high pressure oxygen bomb. The sulfur
often sprayed on the parts and, in any present is thus converted to sulfur dioxide
case, are present only in thin layers on and sulfur trioxide. These are absorbed in
the part, often for considerable amounts a sodium carbonate solution, forming
of time. Thus, during normal testing, sodium sulfate. Barium chloride is added
considerable evaporation of volatiles may to convert the sulfur from soluble sodium
take place. The detrimental sulfur or sulfate to insoluble barium sulfate, which
halogen content then is considered to be is filtered out and weighed. The amount
that of the residue after normal of sulfur present is calculated from its
evaporation has taken place. This molecular fraction in barium sulfate.
evaporation can either increase or This method can reliably detect sulfur
decrease the apparent sulfur or halogen contents as low as 0.1 percent
content, depending on the form in which (1000 gg1). It becomes very unreliable
the contaminant is present. If the below this level because of weighing
contaminant is present as part of a inaccuracies and losses of materials that
volatile vehicle, its apparent amount is pass through the filter used to collect the
decreased by evaporation. Any final yield. Further problems can arise
contaminant present in the nonvolatile with many liquid penetrant testing
residue will be concentrated. materials containing elements such as
iron, aluminum, calcium, silicon or lead
Significance of Ionizable or substances such as silica, asbestos or
mica. All these substances cause
Compounds of Sulfur or Halogens precipitates that may falsely be measured
Still other specification writers feel that as the barium sulfate precipitate that
there is a difference between ionizable indicates sulfur by this test.
and nonionizable sulfur or halogen.
Actually, no attack on or reaction with
metal can occur unless the element can
ionize. Then it can leave the compound Alternative Tests for Total
in which it was originally bound and Sulfur Content
produce new bonds with the metal. Sulfur
and the halogens are normally found in Several sulfur tests can be used if preferred
both inorganic and organic forms. The or where ASTM D 1295 is not applicable.
inorganic forms of sulfur and the This ASTM D 15528 test method also
halogens usually ionize fairly easily and so measures total sulfur content. It operates
are readily available for reaction with the by burning the sample in a stream of pure
metal. The organic forms of sulfur and the oxygen to form the sulfur dioxide and
halogens usually are very tightly bound. sulfur trioxide. A starch iodate solution
As long as the organic compounds normally blue in color is bleached clear by
containing sulfur and halogen are stable, the absorption of sulfur oxides. The
these elements may be quite harmless to titrant is often added and the color
metal. For this reason, some specifications measured photoelectrically by an
require tests of aqueous extractions of the automatic or semiautomatic titrator. This
test materials. Ionizable contaminants test can measure as little as 600 gg1
that could attack parts are then detected sulfur in samples on which it is
whereas nonionizable contaminants are applicable.

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 301

Lamp Method for Total Sulfur anions of interest are separated on the
Content basis of their affinities for a strongly basic
anion exchanger. The separated anions are
A third method that has been proposed is measured by conductivity. They are
the ASTM D 12669 lamp method for total identified on the basis of retention time
sulfur content. Here the liquid sample is as compared to standards. Quantitation is
burned in a wick type lamp. An absorbent a measurement of peak area or peak
wick collects the combustion products height. For details of technique, see
including the sulfur oxidized to sulfuric Annex A4 of ASTM E 165.4
acid. Sulfur is then either determined This method provides a single,
acidimetrically by titration against instrumented technique for rapid,
standard sodium hydroxide or sequential measurement of common
gravimetrically by precipitation as barium anions such as bromide, chloride,
sulfate. fluoride, phosphate etc. and must be
The lamp method is sensitive because considered an alternative technique for
large samples are used. It will easily find testing for those compounds as well as for
20 gg1. However, it is usable only on sulfur. Ion chromatography is much easier
liquids that do not contain suspended and quicker to run than the standard
solids. Therefore, it would not work on ASTM D 1295 and is much more sensitive
liquid penetrant testing developers. with equivalent precision.
Further acid forming elements such as
phosphorus or halogens if present in
substantial quantity will interfere with
acidometry. Phosphorus is often a Halogen Analysis of Liquid
constituent of penetrant materials.
Penetrant Testing
Coulometric Measurement Materials
Halogen is the family name for the group
Instrumentation is available that burns
of elements including, from the lightest to
the sample in a stream of oxygen and
the heaviest, fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
inert gas (helium or argon). This converts
iodine and astatine. Astatine is not stable
the sulfur to sulfur dioxide, which flows
and is not normally found in measurable
into a titration cell where it reacts with an
or significant quantity in nature. For test
iodine solution. An electric current is run
purposes, it can be disregarded. Of the
through the cell to regenerate the iodine
other four elements, fluorine is the most
and the current required is a measure of
active and reacts differently from the
the sulfur content.
remaining three. Therefore, it requires
This test operates best with liquids but
different methods of analysis than the
can be adapted to solids as well. The
others. In fact, fluorine is not measured as
equipment for this test requires
part of the total halogen analysis that is
substantial investment.
often reported. Although there is evidence
that fluorine, in the form of fluoride ions,
Bomb Turbidemetric Sulfur Test may attack some metals, only limited
A fifth test that has been found very work has been done in this area. Limits
useful for the measurement of sulfur in on fluoride content are normally applied
materials that are completely combustible to test materials by only a few
is bomb decomposition as in specifications, so fluoride analysis will be
ASTM D 1295 followed by turbidemetric briefly detailed here. The reporting of
sulfur determination as in ASTM D 516.10 total halogens (not including fluorine) is
For this test, samples are burned in an required by most specifications (including
oxygen bomb as in ASTM D 1295 except Section V of the ASME Boiler Code3 and
that sodium hydroxide is used as the ANSI/ASME B 31.711) and is recommended
absorber instead of sodium carbonate. The by ASTM E 165.4
bomb washings are diluted to a known
volume; glycerin, sodium chloride and Difficulties in Analysis of Chlorine
barium chloride are added. Light Content
transmission measured photometrically
through the mixture is proportional to Chlorine is by far the most common and
the amount of barium sulfate precipitate. possibly the most troublesome halogen.
Most of the analytical procedures used for
the halogens are designated as chlorine
Ion Chromatography tests although, in most cases, they are
Still another method for sulfur testing is sensitive to bromine and iodine as well.
ion chromatography. After the sample is Thus, if the analysis must be for chlorine
prepared by bomb combustion, a filtered only, it is necessary to use special
aliquot is injected into a stream of procedures to remove the unwanted
carbonate/bicarbonate eluant and passes bromine and iodine before the chlorine
through a series of ion exchangers. The analysis is performed. Furthermore,

302 Liquid Penetrant Testing

fluorine will probably not be reported The procedure detects all the inorganic
because most of the tests applied in 1981 chlorine and most of the organic chlorine.
for chlorine will not respond to fluorine.
The chloride ion, when present in Bomb Decomposition
inorganic form, is very soluble in water
and so is readily available for a variety of Potentiometric Analysis for
analytical methods. Refluxing the sample Chlorine
is necessary to leach out all the chloride Another method for measuring chlorine is
for analysis. When chlorine is present in the bomb decomposition potentiometric
organic form, however, it binds very titration method. This method
tightly to the rest of the molecule and decomposes the sample in an oxygen
cannot usually be obtained for analysis bomb as in ASTM D 808.6 Analysis is done
unless the molecule is destroyed. This by potentiometric titration of the metallic
destruction is usually accomplished by sodium method described above.
heat, often in the presence of oxygen. The This method is sensitive, detecting
effluent gases are then absorbed in some chlorine in samples down to 3 gg1. The
solution for analysis. method, in common with many others,
actually measures bromides and iodides
Bomb Decomposition Gravimetric along with the chlorides. This method is
Analysis of Chlorine described in detail in Annex A2 of
ASTM E 165.4
Probably the most common test for
chlorine is the bomb decomposition
gravimetric analysis method of Characteristics of Various Methods
ASTM D 808.6 For this test, a weighed of Analysis for Chlorine Content
sample is burned with oxygen. The All of the preceding methods can properly
gaseous combustion products are absorbed be used for the measurement of chloride
into a sodium carbonate solution, which ions, so long as each is used within its
converts the chlorides to sodium chloride. particular limitations. All actually measure
Silver nitrate is added to precipitate the total chloride, bromide and iodide. The
chloride as silver chloride, which is then bomb method of ASTM D 8086 is less
filtered out and weighed. sensitive to bromide and iodide so these
The inadequacy of ASTM D 8086 is ions will not be fully detected. All may be
generally recognized because this chlorine subject to interference from other
test is not sensitive below 0.1 percent substances that may be present in liquid
(1000 gg1) nor above 50 percent penetrant testing materials, so that test
content. This test does break down and results may not always be accurate. The
measure all organic chlorides as well as best way to check for accuracy is to add a
the inorganic chlorides. It measures not known amount of chloride ion to the
only chlorine but also bromine and sample and remeasure. The percent of this
iodine, because the silver salts of these known amount actually recovered will
elements are very similar to the silver allow a good estimate of the accuracy of
chloride. The test will not measure any the analysis to be made.
reportable quantity of fluorine, nor will it
pick up all the bromine and iodine that
may be present. Phosphorous causes Ion Chromatography for Chlorine
interference with this test, leading to Analysis
falsely high readings. Another method for halogen testing is ion
chromatography. After the sample is
Metallic Sodium Method for prepared by bomb combustion, a filtered
Chlorine Analysis aliquot is injected into a stream of
carbonate/bicarbonate eluant and passes
Another method that was developed to through a series of ion exchangers. The
measure chlorine content is the metallic anions of interest are separated on the
sodium method. Here the sample is basis of their affinities for a strongly basic
refluxed with metallic sodium in a anion exchanger. The separated anions are
mixture of butanol and toluene. The measured by conductivity. They are
chlorides and other halogens are stripped identified on the basis of retention time
out and form sodium salts. Methanol and as compared to standards. Quantitation is
acetone are added to the mixture and the a measurement of peak area or peak
chloride is titrated with silver nitrate. The height.
end point is potentiometrically
determined by using a glass electrode
silver billet electrode system.
This sodium refluxing method of
chlorine analysis is quite sensitive,
detecting as little as 3 gg1 of chlorine.

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 303

beryllium, iron, potassium, sodium,
Fluorine Contamination of ammonia, phosphate and sulfate.
Two other titrimetric methods operate
Liquid Penetrant Materials on the basis of adding titrant and
Fluorine is the most active of the detecting the first excess of titrant, thus
halogens, so it can cause all the problems indicating that all fluoride has reacted.
ascribed to the other halogens plus some One of these titrations uses calcium
of its own. However, until 1981, most nitrate titrant; the other is the lead
specifications did not test for or limit nitratehydrochloric acid reaction. The
fluorine content, because adequate tests calcium method, of course, would not
did not exist and sufficient work to work with developers that contain large
determine valid limits was not done. amounts of calcium, and the lead nitrate
Fluorine can exist in either organic or method is subject to the same long list of
inorganic compounds. Only the ionizable interferences as ferric alum, noted above.
inorganics are likely to be reactive but the Probably the most promising of the
organics can be converted to inorganics titrimetric procedures is the thorium
by the application of heat, so the safest nitrate titration with sodium alizarin
course is to test for total fluoride rather sulfonate indicator. This method is only
than just readily ionizable fluoride. For partially applicable to liquid penetrant
this reason, it is normally necessary to testing materials because of certain
decompose the test material, thus interferences. Even in small quantities,
liberating the fluorides to inorganic, phosphate is a serious interference,
ionizable form. This is best accomplished causing a red color which hides the end
by oxygen bomb decomposition. (See point completely. Phosphorous is often a
Annex 3 and Annex 4 of ASTM E 165.4) constituent of test materials. Another
interference is any acid insoluble solid,
e.g., many developer ingredients; these
Tests for Fluoride Content completely mask the end point.
A number of tests have been used with
more or less success for the determination
of fluoride content. In all cases, a general
Photometric Method for Fluoride
precaution is in order. Fluoride tests Analysis
cannot use glass apparati because the A third general procedure that has been
fluoride ion reacts rapidly with silica, used is the reaction of the dissolved
forming a nonreactive complex resistant fluorides with some color forming reagent
to all methods of analysis. This effect also to produce a solution capable of being
makes the analysis of silica containing measured photometrically. In these tests,
developers for fluoride very difficult. the depth of color is proportional to the
fluoride concentration. Probably the best
Possible Methods of Fluoride known of these analyses is the method of
ASTM D 1179,12 which uses a compound
Analysis of sodium, 2-(parasulfophenylazo),
The fluoride ion behaves quite differently 1,8-dihydroxy and 3,6-naphthalene
from the other halogens, so special tests disulfonate (SPADNS). This material,
are necessary to obtain valid results. dissolved in water and mixed with a
Fluoride is not detected along with the zirconyl chloride hydrochloric acid
other halogens by standard tests, such as mixture, is bleached by fluoride. The
ASTM D 808.6 A number of other amount of bleaching is then measured
analytical methods have been used with photometrically.
varying success, however. All of the The ASTM D 1179 method is subject to
described methods are assumed to be interference from aluminum, iron,
performed using the fully ionized product phosphate and sulfate, all of which may
of a bomb decomposition. The earliest be present in liquid penetrant materials.12
fluoride analyses used gravimetric
techniques, which are low in sensitivity,
tedious and subject to many interferences.
Fluoride Electrode Method for
They were seldom used after 1981. Fluoride Analysis
A device available in the 1980s eliminates
Titrimetric Methods for Fluoride most of the problems of the other
methods and is now the preferred method
Analysis for some fluoride measurements. This
Many titrimetric procedures have also device is the fluoride specific ion
been developed. One of these involves electrode. When the electrode is
titration of the dissolved fluoride with a immersed in a solution containing
silver nitrate potassium thiocyanate fluoride ions, an electrical potential is
reagent and a ferric alum indicator. developed between the fluoride electrode
Unfortunately, the method is subject to and a reference electrode also placed in
many interferences, including aluminum, the solution. The potential decreases with

304 Liquid Penetrant Testing

increasing fluoride content. Further, the
specific ion electrode responds only to
fluoride ion and hydroxide ion if
hydroxide is in greater concentration than
fluoride. The proportion can be controlled
easily by adjusting to a lower pH.
Fluoride ions can be lost through its
complexing with cations such as
aluminum (III) (Al3+); ferric ion or
iron (III) (Fe3+); or silicon (IV) (Si4+). This
interference can be eliminated by the
addition of an agent such as citrate,
(cyclohexylenedinitrilo)acetic acid (CDTA)
or ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA).
Another limitation to fluoride
measurements with the specific ion
electrode is that the response is not
directly to concentration but to the ion
activity. The activity of an ion in solution
is modified by other ions in solution. If
the fluoride present is ionized and the pH
is properly controlled, there are essentially
no interferences with this method.

Ion Chromatography for Fluoride

Another method for fluoride testing is ion
chromatography. After the sample is
prepared by bomb combustion, a filtered
aliquot is injected into a stream of
carbonate/bicarbonate eluant and passes
through a series of ion exchangers. The
anions of interest are separated on the
basis of their affinities for a strongly basic
anion exchanger. The separated anions are
measured by conductivity. They are
identified on the basis of retention time
as compared to standards. Quantitation is
a measurement of peak area or peak

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 305

PART 4. Techniques for Control of Pollution
from Liquid Penetrant Waste

4. Apply emulsifier sparingly and allow

Liquid Penetrant to dwell the required time. Spray
techniques use less than dip
Constituents Contributing techniques of emulsifier application.
to Waste Pollution 5. Rinse the part with water immediately
to stop emulsification.
Liquid penetrants may contain a
6. Rinse water washable or emulsified
considerable variety of chemical
postemulsifiable liquid penetrant
compounds. Among those fairly widely
residues in two stages: (a) the first
used are petroleum products ranging from
rinse water may be recycled until
relatively low boiling range solvents to
contaminated beyond use and
high boiling oils. Another generic group
(b) second rinse water effluent can be
are nonionic surface active agents.
added to the first rinse water as
Anionic surface active agents are less
commonly used because their presence in
7. Rinse waters can be treated to separate
liquid penetrants has disadvantages. These
out the emulsifier and liquid
are generally considered to outweigh their
penetrant by using special membrane
excellent surface active properties and,
filters. Activated charcoal can be used
what is perhaps more important in the
to remove the color, oil and most of
present context, the comparative ease
the emulsifier (wetting agent).
with which they are biologically
8. Filtration of rinse water will remove
degraded. Other constituents present in
developer residues, if any.
significant proportions may be alcohols,
glycol ethers and esters, to name but a Specific recommendations for waste
few. Finally, liquid penetrants contain disposal treatment and the cost of such a
dyes, both visible and fluorescent. These system depend on numerous factors, such
dyes are the most troublesome as (1) the type of liquid penetrant or
contaminants because they are visibly emulsifier used, (2) whether application is
detectable at low concentration and can by dip or spray, (3) the volume and type
be readily traced back to the source of of work being processed, (4) the facilities
pollution. and equipment in use and (5) the
particular restrictions of applicable city,
county, state or federal codes.

Techniques for Reducing

Liquid Penetrant Process Treatment Processes
Wastes Applicable to Liquid
The following chemical engineering
and/or liquid penetrant processing steps
Penetrant Effluents
are suggested to reduce the amount of The actual effluent arising from a liquid
liquid penetrant product residues in the penetrant process generally consists of a
waste effluent from liquid penetrant dilute emulsion formed by direct
testing processing systems. emulsification of the liquid penetrant
with water, in the case of water washable
1. Minimize the amount of liquid
liquid penetrants. Similar dilute emulsions
penetrant applied. Electrostatic spray
can be formed by the action of an
or spray application is preferable.
auxiliary emulsifier or liquid penetrant
2. Drain the liquid penetrant as long as
remover in the case of postemulsifiable
possible to reduce carry over.
liquid penetrants. The auxiliary
3. Rinse postemulsifiable liquid
emulsifying agents may contain
penetrant before applying emulsifier.
constituents broadly similar to those of
This liquid penetrant will separate
the liquid penetrants themselves and the
from the rinse water and may be
surfactant system may be either lipophilic
skimmed off or otherwise separated.
or hydrophilic in nature. The effluent
This step can allow the rinse water to
emulsion generally contains less than one
be recycled.
percent by weight of nonaqueous matter
and is usually fairly stable. Conventional
treatment can be designed to break the

306 Liquid Penetrant Testing

emulsion and thus separate nonaqueous consume about 2.5 to 3.0 g of oxygen in
matter. It involves collecting and treating this manner. Thus, 1 L of rinsings
the effluent successively with strong containing 1 g of oily liquid penetrant
electrolytes and flocculating agents in a may show a chemical oxygen demand of
series of vats or tanks. 2500 to 3000 gL1. More dilute rinsing
The coagulated contaminants are may show a lower chemical oxygen
separated by filtration and finally demand. The chemical oxygen demand
incinerated, leaving water of acceptable technique of monitoring pollution
purity for discharge or reuse. This is concentration can be related empirically
essentially a batch process, relying for its to the biological oxygen demand (BOD).
efficiency on accurate pH control. It also The biological oxygen demand test
requires time and space: time for the measures the oxygen used during a
various additives to become fully effective specified incubation period for the
and space to accommodate the plant, the biochemical degradation of organic
size of which is determined by the volume material and the oxygen used to oxidize
of effluent requiring treatment in a given inorganic material such as sulfides and
period of time. Where liquid penetrant ferrous iron.
processes are used intensively and
continuously, correspondingly large Avoidance of Environmental
volumes of water are required for rinsing.
More recently, membrane filtration has Water Contamination by Liquid
been used as a way of treating the effluent Penetrants
on a continuous basis and feeding back Where local regulations allow some oil to
the purified water into the process and in be present in the plant effluent, the liquid
effect creating a closed circuit system that penetrant rinsings, combined with other
is economical in the use of water. nonoily waste streams from within the
plant, may happen to yield a total
effluent within the acceptable range. In
most cases, though, the situation is not
Effects of Liquid Penetrant this simple. Then something must be
Waste Materials in Sewage done with the liquid penetrant removal
and Streams operation to lower the oil content of the
When an inspection liquid penetrant is Worldwide, many attempts have been
rinsed from the test surface, it enters the made to manage liquid penetrant removal
rinse water as a fine, stable, oily emulsion. without contaminating the environment.
Typically, this emulsion is not considered Some of these techniques use liquid
to be toxic but does make the effluent penetrant compositions that meet
turbid. It can leave an oil slick on the prevailing pollution control regulations.
waters surface and even deplete some of Other control techniques alter the process
the oxygen supply in the water. All these so that the wastes never leave the test
results lower the value of the water. area. Still other techniques treat the
Sewage regulations in some localities rinsings to concentrate the oily
allow plant effluent water to contain as contaminants for easy disposal.
much as 600 gg1 of such oils whereas
other regulations allow none at all. The
rinsings from liquid penetrant removal
operations normally contain from 200 to Compositions of Liquid
1000 gg1 oil and are usually not an Penetrant Materials to
acceptable waste.
Avoid Pollution
Measuring Concentration of Oily One approach to the pollution problem is
Contaminants in Waste Water to alter the liquid penetrants composition
so that the rinsings are less objectionable.
Oily contaminants can be detected either For instance, formulating a liquid
as hexane solubles or by the chemical penetrant to be completely water soluble
oxygen demand (COD). Extraction of would avoid the formation of turbidity
rinsings by hexane yields their total and oil slicks.13 Such rinsings might pass
nonvolatile oil content. The chemical all tests, even though the rinse water
oxygen demand test measures the would still be contaminated. However,
concentration of organic contaminants complete solubility makes effluent
(oil, surfactants etc.) by the amount of treatment more difficult. Liquid
oxygen used in oxidizing them penetrants that are completely water
completely by a dichromate reflux soluble have been available since 1953.
technique. The results are expressed in
milligram of oxygen per liter of test
solution or in parts per million. One gram
of a typical oily liquid penetrant may

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 307

theory may not be true. This very limited
Biodegradable Liquid study found that each of the studied
factors important to a publicly owned
Penetrants to Reduce treatment works (POTW) treatment
Pollution time, inhibition, respiration rate, percent
biological oxygen demand (BOD) removal
Another way to alter a liquid penetrants
is more favorable with an oil based
composition is to make it biodegradable.
liquid penetrant than with a surfactant
Such a liquid penetrant need not be water
based liquid penetrant. It further showed
soluble, yet it can have the same removal
that even oil free liquid penetrants test
properties as oily liquid penetrants. The
positively for oil when tested in the
rinsings consist of the same sort of fine
emulsion but with an important
difference. Within a few days, the oily
liquid penetrant is almost completely Waste Water Disposal to Publicly
decomposed by organisms in the water. Owned Treatment Works
The liquid penetrant decomposition will
The greatest challenge to liquid penetrant
use up a large amount of free oxygen
users is knowing whether waste water
from the stream that contains the oily
from liquid penetrant processes can be
wastes. This behavior limits the locations
sent out to publicly owned treatment
where such a liquid penetrant can be
works through the sewer system.17 The
legally used.
first step in finding the answer is to ask
It would be objectionable if liquid
the operators of publicly owned treatment
penetrant effluents were emptied directly
works if liquid penetrant waste water is
into natural bodies of water where the
acceptable for treatment at these facilities.
oxygen depletion could harm the
Waste water treatability depends on how
environment. Oily waste processed in a
microorganisms in waste water treatment
sewage treatment plant in the presence of
plants respond to the waste stream.
ample oxygen and a large population of
Conducting tests on fluorescent dye
hungry microorganisms will disappear
liquid penetrants using a respirometer
without harmful effects. This will increase
simulated the treatment of liquid
the work load of the sewage treatment
penetrant materials in the activated
plant and perhaps might result in
sludge system. Activated sludge consists of
increased sewer charges. Biodegradable
microorganisms cultured in a controlled
types of liquid penetrant testing materials
environment where waste water enters
are commercially available for use in
and clean water (effluent) exits. The
situations where suitable treatment plants
microorganisms are fed oxygen, mixed,
are available.
retained for a period of time, then settled.
Most waste treatment plants use the
activated sludge treatment system to
Recent Developments in reduce the soluble (dissolved) organic
strength waste before the waste water is
Liquid Penetrant Waste discharged to a river, stream or lake.
Water Disposal This reduction in organic strength is
accomplished not only because the
The increasing regulatory restrictions on
United States Environmental Protection
water pollution brought greater scrutiny
Agency requires it but also because the
of liquid penetrant materials getting into
waste water would quickly deplete the
waste water.14 Tests were conducted to
oxygen in the receiving stream. The
develop a better understanding of waste
publicly owned treatment works objective
water characteristics resulting from liquid
is to remove organic and solid and soluble
penetrant materials introduced around
organic waste. Anything that threatens
1990.15 The focus was on two distinct
the achievement of this goal is a concern
formulation approaches compositions
of the facility.
based on petroleum distillates and those
based on surface active agents (surfactants),
more commonly referred to as Drain Disposability
biodegradable liquid penetrant. The study Drain disposability is a term loosely used
investigated the treatability of waste water to denote the environmental friendliness
generated in the normal course of of a particular waste when it is put in a
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing. sewer system. In the case of activated
The popular theory at the time was sludge systems, drain disposability would
that surfactant based liquid penetrants, mean that the waste water can be treated
because they were oilfree, were more without hurting the microorganisms,
biodegradable than the traditional oil within the capability of the air supply
based formulations.16 Hence making them system (aeration) and within the
more drain disposable. However, the study treatment time (detention time). Drain
came to the conclusion that the popular disposability largely depends on the

308 Liquid Penetrant Testing

strength of the waste. Strength of waste is ferrous chloride must be added to the
measured with the five day biological collected rinsings to decompose any
oxygen demand test, which measures the unreacted permanganate. The resulting
depletion of oxygen from primarily ferric oxide floc helps absorb more liquid
microbiological metabolism (respiration). penetrant.
The higher the biological oxygen demand, The liquid penetrant floc mixture can
the larger the tank capacity and air be easily separated by filtration or
requirements. Liquid penetrant materials decantation but the technique is slow.
that result in low biological oxygen Pound for pound, permanganate is more
demand values are more likely to be expensive than liquid penetrant. Finally,
treated within the detention time allotted the chemical additions must be
by publicly owned treatment works to painstakingly balanced so that something
treat waste water. In some tests, all oil more obnoxious than the original liquid
based materials tested resulted in oxygen penetrant does not go down the sewer
uptake rates below normal requirements unneutralized.
whereas most surfactant based samples
tested exceeded the maximum allowable Reverse Osmosis Technique for
range. In summary, all liquid penetrant
products exerted certain amount of Removal of Waste Liquid
organic strength measured as biological Penetrant
oxygen demand and thus may require In reverse osmosis, the impure water is
pretreatment before disposal to publicly forced through an osmotic membrane
owned treatment works. under pressures up to 2.80 MPa
(400 lbfin.2). In a single stage, from half
to three fourths of the water passes
through the membrane. The
Techniques of contaminants that cannot pass through
Posttreatment of Liquid the membrane are concentrated in the
Penetrant Rinsings for remaining waste water. Although such
equipment is primarily used to separate
Pollution Control pure water from mineral laden water, it
Several liquid penetrant waste purification also works well with water washable
processes result in water pure enough to liquid penetrants that are surfactant
reuse in the rinsing step. Most of these based.
processes rely on posttreatment of the Figure 7 shows schematically how a
rinsings. Posttreatment processes for membrane separator works and includes a
liquid penetrant rinsings can be placed simple flow diagram. This is a soluble oil
into four groups: (1) chemical destruction waste treatment system in which the
of the emulsion; (2) molecular filtration, separation is nearly quantitative.
such as reverse osmosis; (3) absorption of Beginning with municipal water laden
the emulsion onto a suitable substrate; with 2000 gg1 of emulsified liquid
and (4) a remover that forms an unstable penetrant (chemical oxygen demand
emulsion that separates easily. Each of about 4000 gg1), it is possible to salvage
these techniques of pollution control is 65 percent of the water. This recovered
described in detail below. water contains less than 10 gg1
impurities, largely a water soluble
emulsifying agent, and had a chemical
Technique for Chemical oxygen demand of 60 gg1. The waste
Destruction of Water Liquid water is about 35 percent of the total. This
Penetrant waste water contains over 90 percent of
Surface active agents that allow liquid the mineral content of the original sample
penetrant removal by water also stabilize and all but a trace of the original liquid
the resulting emulsion. These surfactants penetrant. Its chemical oxygen demand is
can be destroyed by oxidizing agents. One around 18 000 gg1. The reverse osmosis
of the most effective oxidizing agents is process concentrates the oily contaminant
potassium permanganate. With the into 35 percent of the original waste
surface active agent destroyed, the fine water, which is still too bulky for disposal.
emulsion can separate. The oily However, this concentrated waste can be
constituent is absorbed onto the forced through another osmotic
manganese dioxide floc that forms and membrane to salvage more pure water
settles out when the permanganate reacts. and shrink the volume of the waste water.
This oxidation is a slow process. If
permanganate is added to the collected Performance of Osmotic Liquid
rinsings in an amount equal to that of the Penetrant Removal System
liquid penetrant and the mixture is not
heated, it takes about 2 h to break the In one series of tests with the permeator
emulsion. At this point, a small excess of of Fig. 7, liquid penetrant rinsings were
subjected to three stages of purification.

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 309

Overall, about 94 percent of the rinsings depending on impurity level, pressure and
was salvaged as pure water. The efficiency separation ratio. Unfortunately, it is
of the separation, as well as the rate of damaged by traces of chlorine and oil in
output, dropped as more concentrated water. In addition, it still requires disposal
water was fed to the permeator. The of a significant volume of waste materials.
purified water from the first stage
separation had a chemical oxygen Filtration
demand of 60 gg1. By the third stage,
enough impurities were passing to raise There are a variety of membrane materials
the chemical oxygen demand to and configurations. Membranes are made
110 gg1. Table 2 shows the chemical from polymers, stainless steel and
oxygen demand values for the initial ceramics. Membrane selection is based on
rinsings along with the values for reject the size of the particles to be separated
and product water for each of the three and the chemistry of the effluent stream
successive stages. as it relates to the chemistry of the
The standard membrane delivery
system is a dead end filtration, so called
TABLE 2. Effect of successive rinses on because the feed fluid flow is directed at a
waste water purity. right angle to the membrane without any
Chemical Oxygen Demand attempt to control the thickness of the
concentrate boundary layer at the filters
Stage Waste Product surface. Rapid buildup of retained solids
to the membrane surface and continuous
Initial 4000 buildup of materials severely limit the
1 18 000 50 flow and separation of the effluent. The
2 32 000 75 most widely used dead end filters are the
3 66 000 110 cartridge filters. Generally the cartridge
filters are limited to feed streams of low
viscosity and solid content. Once the filter
flow rate has dropped off to an
This does not represent much unaccepted level, the cartridge filter must
contamination but there is another limit be discarded.
on the degree of waste concentration that To achieve relief from the
can be obtained. The mineral content of accumulation of rejected effluent
the waste water also increases at each materials and the increasing pressure
stage. Eventually it exceeds the solubility drop, filtration systems have been
and precipitates out to form scale on the developed to flow the effluent stream
membrane, which stops further action. parallel to the membranes surface in cross
The scale can be removed but only by flow filtration, or tangential flow filtration.
shutting down the permeator and In tangential flow filtration, the effluent
flushing it out with scale dissolving feed is pumped at a high velocity in an
chemicals. attempt to shear away the concentration
The permeator can treat from 6 to 10 L polarization layer and minimize its effect
(1.5 to 2.5 gal) of water per minute, on the separation. Turbulent flow designs

FIGURE 7. Schematic cross section drawing of permeator showing membrane used to pass oil
free water radially outward and retain oily contaminants in tubular enclosure.


oil feed Oil concentrate


Ultrafiltration process

310 Liquid Penetrant Testing

operate at high shear rates and achieve can be separated by any of the following
higher filtration efficiencies. techniques: (1) stratification, (2) filtration
Conventional tangential flow filtration or (3) centrifugation.
configurations include plate and frame,
spiral wound (stacks of membrane sheets Stratification for Recovery of
with turbulent promoting screens
between layers), hollow fibers (bundles of Waste Water
filament membranes) and tubular designs Flocculated solid particles settle loosely at
(membrane tubes). The spiral wound the bottom of the tank, allowing the
configuration is easily serviced and is the purified water to be decanted off. The
most energy efficient tangential flow filter bottom layer (about 20 percent of the
design. It is used in the food, chemical original volume) will then have to
and environmental industries for undergo further processing such as
ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis evaporation or filtration to reduce it to a
applications. more easily disposable, compact, wet solid

Reuse of Separated Pure Filtration for Recovery of Waste

The filtration of the treated effluent batch
The separated pure water can be drained can be accomplished by using a precoated
into the sewer or it can be reused in the horizontal plate filter. The end products of
liquid penetrant removal process. The this technique are purified water (oil
small amount of impurities that passed content is about 25 gg1) and a wet solid
through the first stage did not increase cake that has only slightly more bulk than
after six cycles of liquid penetrant reuse the removed liquid penetrant itself.
and contamination. Table 3 shows the
chemical oxygen demand values of the
product water after six cycles of reuse (see Centrifugation for Recovery of
chart). Different liquid penetrants should Waste Water
be checked for compatibility and A successful extraction of solid particles of
processing characteristics. clay from the treated batch of effluent was
also achieved by means of a simple cream
separator. However, a continuous
separation would require special
TABLE 3. Purity of separated water after equipment that, although industrially
six cycles of reuse. available, is much more expensive than
Cycle Chemical Oxygen Depletion an ordinary centrifuge.
Number (gg1)

1 60.8
2 57.6 Water Immiscible Solvent
3 57.2 Removers
4 64.0 Another approach to the effluent problem
5 48.0 is the removal of nonwater washable
6 64.0 liquid penetrants by aqueous dispersions
of volatile, water immiscible solvents. This
results in an effluent whose typical
composition is as follows: (1) 99 percent
water, (2) 0.98 percent solvent and
(3) 0.02 percent liquid penetrant.
Liquid Penetrant Removal The mutual compatibility of the liquid
by Adsorption penetrant and solvent remover and their
Studies have shown that the clarification combined immiscibility in water
of effluent containing liquid penetrant predetermines an easy separation of water
waste also can be accomplished by the by centrifugation or gravity stratification
adsorption technique. It is essentially in a holding tank. Apart from exhibiting a
based on the affinity of certain absorbent slight bluish fluorescence, the recovered
particles toward typical ingredients of water is sufficiently uncontaminated (oil
liquid penetrants. In practice, the oil content less than 100 gg1) to be
contaminant is extracted by stirring disposed of as a regular aqueous waste.
vigorously 7 kg (15 lb) of absorbent into The density of the removing solvent must
10 000 L (2600 gal) of waste water be either lighter than water or heavier
containing about 0.06 percent liquid than water in order for it to be separated
penetrant. A solution of a flocculating by centrifugation or gravity. The
agent is then added and the treated batch considerably smaller volume of the

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 311

remaining remover liquid penetrant this and filtration. This is confirmed by
mixture can then be distilled to recover the fact that a combination of activated
the volatile solvent, leaving behind carbon and filter aid, such as for example,
proportionally minute quantities of pearlite or diatomaceous earth, is more
somewhat contaminated liquid penetrant. effective than either one of these on its
Or it can be skimmed off and collected for own. If only carbon is used, the oily
disposal as oily waste. The solvent fraction matter in the effluent quite soon forms an
will have mostly liquid penetrant oils and oily coating on the carbon particles that
traces of water and can be incinerated or effectively prevents their functioning as
used as a fuel blend. adsorbents for the dye. If only pearlite or
It follows that the solvent removal of diatomaceous earth is used, only a
liquid penetrants represents a foundation filtration effect is attained, with little or
for a closed circuit system that eliminates no adsorption of dye taking place.
effluent entirely by reusing water and the Experimental work has shown that a
remover and by collecting the liquid sandwich arrangement, whereby the
penetrant waste in concentrated form. effluent flows first through the filter aid
and subsequently through the activated
carbon, practically doubles filter life, that
is, its capacity to function before reaching
Technique for Liquid actual or apparent saturation.
Penetrant Waste
Purification with Activated Recycling of Purified Water after
Carbon Carbon Filtration
The technique of filtration through Carbon filtration, with the correct grades
activated carbon and other filter media for of carbon and filter aid, will produce
decolorizing is a well known and clean water that may be discharged to
established technique. It is usually carried waste. The only contaminants that may
out by making a slurry of carbon in the still be present in the water are the
liquid from which the color is to be strongly hydrophilic elements of the
removed and by heating it if possible. surfactant system of the liquid penetrant
After a suitable reaction time, which may or emulsifier. If the water is to be
vary from a few minutes to several hours discharged to waste, it is important that
depending on the nature of the coloring only surfactants that can be readily and
matter and its concentration, the carbon substantially broken down by biological
is separated by filtration. Where large organisms like biodegradable detergents
amounts of color have to be removed, it is be used in the liquid penetrant or
generally necessary to repeat the process emulsifier formulation.
several times. It is clearly a batch process In the present state of knowledge, the
suffering from limitations of time and choice of suitable nonionics that also
space. meet the other required criteria is limited.
However, it has been found that it is However, a postemulsified liquid
possible to achieve the same end by penetrant process in which a hydrophilic
allowing the effluent to flow through a liquid penetrant remover is used presents
bed of activated carbon and other filter a further problem if the rinse water is
media on a continuous basis. Two major recirculated. Under such conditions the
factors determine the success of this concentration of liquid penetrant remover
technique. First, the type and particle size in the rinse water gradually builds up to a
of carbon and filter medium is specific for level where it causes excessive foaming.
a particular emulsion and apparently This foam is deposited and dries on the
depends on its hydrophilic lipophilic parts being processed, staining them and
balance (HLB). Secondly, the ratio of the thus hindering inspection.
rate of flow of effluent to the volume of
carbon is highly critical in determining
the rate at which color is removed. This in Adsorption of Surfactants
turn varies with the amount of
contamination present in the carbon and onto Carbon
filter medium, so that the rate of removal Certain types of carbon are capable of
of color reduces as the degree of removing surfactants. However, it was
contamination of the filter media discovered that types of carbon that
increases. remove surfactants have no decolorizing
properties with respect to the type of dye
Mechanisms of Waste Purification generally used in fluorescent liquid
by Carbon Filtration penetrants. Therefore, one has to adopt a
sandwich arrangement of the two types of
Waste purification is not simply a matter carbon, separated by a perforated plate,
of removing the organic dyes by a process set up so that the effluent water passes
of adsorption but rather a combination of

312 Liquid Penetrant Testing

first through the layer of decolorizing
carbon and thereafter through the layer of
carbon that removes the surfactants. It
was also found that if the order of the two
carbon types is reversed or if they are
intimately mixed or blended, the desired
effect is not produced. Reverting,
therefore, to what has been said
previously about filter aids, a three layered
sandwich consisting of one layer of filter
aid and two layers of carbon is required
for some applications. Disposal of the
saturated carbon is best carried out by
incineration, which destroys the adsorbed
organic matter. If the quantities justify it,
regeneration of the carbon may be
economically attractive.

Carbon Filters with Hydrophilic

In view of the relatively high price of
activated carbon, the cost of the carbon
filter process is not insignificant and ways
of improving the economics have
therefore been sought. One technique
that shows worthwhile savings uses a
postemulsifiable hydrophobic liquid
penetrant in conjunction with a
hydrophilic liquid penetrant remover. In
such a system, a preliminary water rinse is
carried out before immersion in the liquid
penetrant remover. This rinse removes the
bulk of the excess liquid penetrant by
mechanical action without forming an
emulsion. Then, this liquid penetrant may
be recovered from the water by a
centrifuge or coalescer. Both achieve
almost 100 percent separation, producing
clean water for reuse or discharge and
actually recovering usable liquid
penetrant. In one particular installation,
about 4 L (1 gal) of liquid penetrants
(representing about 65 percent by volume
of the total dragout) are recovered daily.
This process, which may be carried out
continuously, achieves a double effect. It
economizes in expensive liquid penetrant
and, by ensuring that far less liquid
penetrant is carried over to the second
rinse, reduces the amount of liquid
penetrant to be removed by the carbon
filter, thus increasing its service life and
reducing the operating costs of the

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 313

PART 5. Recycling of Water Effluent and
Postemulsifiable Liquid Penetrant

loop liquid penetrant processes where

Hydrophilic Concept for waste water and unexpended liquid
penetrants are recycled through the
Recovery of Liquid system rather than expelled into the
Penetrant environment.
The prewash or prerinse concept, which
uses a postemulsifiable liquid penetrant Development of Prewash Concept
and a hydrophilic emulsifier, is known as In 1967, data were presented showing
the hydrophilic postemulsification liquid that higher liquid penetrant system
penetrant process. This process permits performance and greater reliability were
recycling of the wash water. The possible with the prewash approach.18
technique calls for removing the bulk of Test data support the hypothesis that
the postemulsifiable liquid penetrant from emulsifier contact time is not as critical in
the surface with a plain water wash before this system as in lipophilic
treatment with an emulsifier. Properly postemulsification.
formulated postemulsifiable liquid
penetrant used in the prewash mode will
yield nonemulsified effluent that separates Potential Advantages of Prewash
by gravity when agitation ceases. The Techniques
liquid penetrant should float for easy The prewash system answers two
removal by skimming and for possible contemporary exigencies: conservation of
reuse if carefully collected. The water that petroleum derived products and water
remains on the bottom of the collection pollution control. Its use results in lower
tank may also be reused in the prerinse material costs. Also, lower pollution
step. Further processing may be required abatement expenses will be experienced as
if separation is incomplete as evidenced the primary wash water is recycled
by discoloration or organic without treatment and the second wash
contamination. The prewash concept can water is recycled with only minimal
be used in closed loop liquid penetrant treatment. This is accomplished with a
processes where waste water and liquid penetrant system that (according to
unexpended liquid penetrants are recycled some authorities) has higher levels of
through the system rather than expelled performance and reliability than the
into the environment. existing water washable and
postemulsifiable techniques.

Prewash Concept for Potential Advantages of the

Recovery of Liquid Hydrophilic Technique
Penetrant The main advantage of the prewash
technique from an environmental
Another approach to control of liquid standpoint is control of water pollution. If
penetrant waste pollution uses a recycling of the liquid penetrant is
nonwater washable liquid penetrant and possible, the decrease in material costs is
gravity separation. This system permits an added benefit. Pollution abatement
recycling of the liquid penetrant as well as expenses will decrease also as the primary
the rinse water. The technique calls for wash water is recycled without treatment.
removing the bulk of the nonwater
washable liquid penetrant from the
surface with a plain water wash before Example of Prewash Separation of
treatment with an emulsifier. Therefore, Liquid Penetrant Oil and Water
the principal effluent of this prewash Figure 8 compares the effluent generated
technique is a nonemulsified mixture of by the prewash process to the effluents of
liquid penetrant oil and water; the the conventional water washable
mixture quickly and completely separates lipophilic and postemulsification
by gravity. The liquid penetrant is processes. The prewash effluent shown in
skimmed off. The water is drawn from the beaker 2 is in two layers: liquid penetrant
holding tank and recirculated. The oil and water. The liquid penetrant floats
prewash concept can be useful in closed whereas the water is completely clean

314 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT10 (287-324) 8/13/99 12:47 PM Page 315

except for a few globules clinging to the

sides of the beaker. Effluents in the other FIGURE 8. Prewash liquid penetrant effluent floats (center
two beakers are stable, colored emulsions. beaker) whereas effluents from water washable (hydrophilic)
The first beaker contains the effluent of liquid penetrant (left) and postemulsifiable (lipophilic) liquid
a water washable fluorescent liquid penetrant (right) form emulsions.
penetrant. The effluent in the third beaker
is a mixture of a postemulsifiable
fluorescent liquid penetrant and a
lipophilic emulsifier. For photographic
purposes, the effluents are 10 percent
solutions, much higher than would result
in practice. However, even though more
concentrated than found under actual
conditions, the results of stable, colored
emulsions from the nonprewash processes
and a floating liquid penetrant from the
prewash process are accurately portrayed
in the photograph.

Economic Feasibility of
Liquid Penetrant Waste Comparison of Hydrophilic with
Water Clarification Lipophilic Liquid Penetrant
In many localities, effluents from Techniques
nonprewash liquid penetrant processes
cannot go directly to the sewer. They Using the hydrophilic technique is like
require extensive treatment (1) to break using the lipophilic postemulsification
the emulsion, (2) to separate the organics technique inasmuch as a postemulsifiable
and (3) to clarify the water. Although liquid penetrant is used for both.
water may be reclaimed after expensive Nevertheless, the two processes differ
processing, the separated liquid penetrant slightly. In the hydrophilic process, a
and emulsifier oils will be chemically plain water wash precedes application of
altered and the economics of reclaiming an emulsifying agent. Also, instead of a
these materials might be questioned. If full strength emulsifier solution, the
the effluent is not an emulsion, then hydrophilic system relies on a very dilute
treatment costs are reduced. A solution of hydrophilic emulsifier. The
nonemulsified effluent separates by hydrophilic and lipophilic systems are
gravity. Whether the pollutants float to distinguished elsewhere in this volume.
the top of the tank or sink to the bottom Although an additional step is required to
depends on their specific gravity. In either perform the hydrophilic process, this
case, separation takes place without disadvantage may be more than offset by
expensive filtration or chemical addition. savings in the costs of material and
Therefore, a nonemulsified effluent can reclaiming rinse water.
minimize water clarification cost.

Equipment for Prewash Principles of Operation of

Separation of Liquid Penetrant Hydrophilic Liquid
and Water Penetrant Systems
The equipment required to capture and
Prewashing with plain water physically
recycle liquid penetrant and rinse water
removes from the surface all but a trace of
from the prewash stage need not be
the liquid penetrant. How completely the
elaborate. However, coalescers,
liquid penetrant is removed depends on
precipitators, aerators, flocculators or
factors such as (1) surface roughness,
similar devices are available to improve
(2) water pressure and scrubbing action,
and hasten separation, especially if the
(3) duration of the wash and (4) liquid
water is going to be reused. In addition,
penetrant characteristics such as viscosity
there need be no chemical treatment of
and adhesive properties. On a typical
the effluent. The equipment needs only to
turbine blade, for example, a nonwater
use the gravity separation principle. Such
washable fluorescent liquid penetrant
equipment may involve holding tanks
with balanced adhesive and cohesive
that allow the liquid penetrant to be
properties and relatively low viscosity will
skimmed from the surface of the tank or
be removed from the surface with a water
the water to be drained from the bottom.
wash so that the remaining liquid
penetrant is only a microscopic film, as

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 315

judged from its appearance under either stages of the hydrophilic process on a set
white light or ultraviolet radiation. of relatively smooth turbine blades. Blade
1 is coated with fluorescent liquid
Removal of Microscopic Surface penetrant. Blade 2 has received a prewash.
Blade 3 has gone through the complete
Film of Liquid Penetrant after processing cycle, including treatment in a
Plain Water Wash 5 percent solution of emulsifier. The
After removing all but a trace of the procedure for removing the residual liquid
surface liquid penetrant with water, the penetrant after the prewash is to immerse
next step is to convert this remaining the blade in the weak hydrophilic
nonwater washable liquid penetrant to a emulsifier solution, remove it and allow it
water miscible product, so it can be to drain for 60 to 120 s. Then the blade is
washed completely from the surface. This flushed with water. Allowing the
is accomplished by applying a hydrophilic emulsifier solution to drain back to the
emulsifier. Because the remaining liquid tank conserves the solution and
penetrant film is microscopically thin, the minimizes waste water contamination by
coating of hydrophilic emulsifier can also reducing dragout. Also, because the water
be microscopically thin. This contrasts portion of the emulsifier solution
with the conventional postemulsifiable substantially evaporates during the drain,
process where a heavy layer of liquid the solution concentrates for maximum
penetrant requires a heavy layer of effectiveness.
emulsifier. With the hydrophilic Before using this procedure, allowing
technique, only a thin coat of emulsifier the emulsifier to sit on the part, a test
is needed. should be run to determine that
The final wash effluent is produced by discontinuity detection is not degraded.
the thin film of liquid penetrant and
overlying film of hydrophilic emulsifier.
Although it is an emulsion, it is highly
diluted. If it were determined that this Evaluation of Hydrophilic
effluent required treatment, the cost of Technique on Liquid
such treatment would be greatly reduced. Penetrant System Monitor
A charcoal filter may provide a practical
means of handling the final effluent. Panel
Figure 10 is a composite ultraviolet
radiation photograph that again illustrates
the three stages of the process. The test
Example of Hydrophilic piece is a liquid penetrant system monitor
Treatment of Jet Engine panel. This stainless steel panel has a
Turbine Blades chrome strip with five induced crack
centers of varying magnitude whereas the
For demonstration purposes, the white balance of the panel has been sand
light photograph of Fig. 9 shows the three blasted. The panel facilitates simultaneous
sensitivity and washability evaluation. At

FIGURE 9. White light photograph shows three stages of

FIGURE 10. Ultraviolet fluorescent photograph shows three
prewash system: blade 1, liquid penetrant coated; blade 2,
stages of prewash system on liquid penetrant system
following plain water wash; and blade 3, after process
monitor panel: liquid penetrant coated panel (left), following
plain water wash (center) and after process completed

316 Liquid Penetrant Testing

the left of the composite photograph, the
panel is shown after being coated with
fluorescent liquid penetrant. In the
middle position, the panel has been
washed, substantially removing the liquid
penetrant from the smooth chrome plated
strip. The quantity of liquid penetrant
remaining on the blasted section may be
considered objectionable. The right
section shows the panel after full
processing; four or five crack patterns are
clearly delineated and the fluorescent
background on the blasted section is at an
acceptable level.

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 317

PART 6. Clarification and Distillation Recovery of
Waste Water

reached where they become unstable and

Clarification of Waste break apart into oil-detergent fragments
that disperse in the water through
Water Containing Liquid dilution. Similar emulsification and
Penetrant and Emulsifier solution mechanisms occur in virtually
every soap and detergent composition.
Contaminants Hence, it is possible to group all soaps,
Modern inspection liquid penetrants are emulsifiable oils and liquid penetrants
commonly made in the form of the oil together, insofar as their solution
phase system. This oil phase structure mechanism is concerned.
includes both postemulsifiable and water
washable materials. The essential
difference between the two types of
Detergents Producing True
materials is that, in the postemulsifier Solutions of Oil in Water
process, the emulsifier (detergent) is a In some cases, where the detergent system
separate process material whereas, in the in the emulsifier is designed for such
water washable liquid penetrant process, purposes, the oil constituent of the liquid
the emulsifier is included as a constituent penetrant may be carried into true
of the liquid penetrant. solution. According to the classic micelle
The liquid penetrant process causes theory, such materials remain as stable
problems of water pollution generally oil-water micelle clusters even with very
produced by industrial and household large additions of water. Resulting
detergents and by solubilized oils such as mixtures often have the clarity of true
industrial cutting oils and inspection solutions and behave in all respects like
liquid penetrants. A suitable clarifier true solutions.
material acts to precipitate detergent When industrial process materials that
materials out of solution and permits contain detergents are dispersed in wash
separation from water by means of a water, an unusual form of pollution
conventional settling tank clarifier occurs. Many modern detergents of
(described below) or a continuous flow nonionic nature do not respond to
centrifugal separator. The clarifier material chemical treatment, as do some ionic
completely precipitates and adsorbs solutes. Also, the water mixtures are
dissolved detergents along with essentially free from solid matter, except
complexed oils, solvent couplers and for solid soil carried into suspension by
fluorescent dyes, leaving only a few parts detergent action. Hence, detergent
per million of dissolved residue. containing water wastes possess a type of
pollution or contamination that is
difficult to extract from the water.
Function of Detergents in Pollution Resulting from
Oil Phase Liquid Emulsifiers
Penetrants In the postemulsifier liquid penetrant
The function of the detergent ingredient system, contamination of wash water
in oil phase liquid penetrants is to render effluent by oil carryover on parts may be
the oil constituent of the material minimized by removal of excess oil before
emulsifiable in water. The detergent acts the step of emulsification by using a high
to combine with the oily liquid penetrant pressure spray of water. The water
and when test parts coated with the liquid insoluble liquid penetrant floats to the
penetrant/detergent mixture are washed surface of the water in a sump tank and
with water, the liquid penetrant oil is may be recovered by means of a simple
flushed from the test surfaces and is weir arrangement. Although this helps in
emulsified and partially solubilized. the overall problem of water pollution, it
The mechanics of oil emulsification still leaves the water contamination that
imply that water added to an emulsifiable results from the emulsifier used in the
oil mixture forms molecular clusters process. Lipophilic emulsifiers are
known as micelles. These micelles become themselves mixtures of oil and detergent
enlarged as water is added, until a point is materials.

318 Liquid Penetrant Testing

stirred into the waste water being treated
Effects of Detergent and is allowed to settle, as in a settling
tank clarifier. Another technique of usage
Contamination of Lakes is the filtration mode, in which the
and Streams clarifier powder is included as part or all
of the filter bed. Conventional nylon
Modern detergents, both industrial and
fabric grids in a spin filter configuration
household, have presented tremendous
may be used to retain the clarifier powder.
problems of water pollution. Several years
After use, the clarifier powder along with
ago, the detergent manufacturers were
precipitated detergents may be recovered
seeking commercially acceptable detergent
by conventional backwash and flushing
products that were readily biodegradable.
The idea was that all would be well if
effluent waters containing such
compounds would readily decompose or Chemical Behavior of Clarifier
be eaten up by biological organisms. In many respects, the clarifier behaves in
Unfortunately, the idea of enhancing accordance with normal chemical
biodegradability of detergents did not principles. The clarifiers adsorption and
solve the pollution problem. Some lakes precipitating action is a predictable
and streams have such high concentration function of mole ratios of the clarifier and
of detergent contaminants that thick the detergent material in the waste water.
layers of foam or suds remain and act to However, the reaction of the clarifier goes
choke off oxygen from marine life. In beyond a simple precipitation reaction
certain cases of high biodegradability, with detergents.
algae proliferate to the point where the It has been found that the effect of oil
algae consume all the nutrients in the solubilization in the presence of
water. Then the algae die and create detergents is such that molecular clusters
further damage by exhausting the water (or micelles) of oil, detergent and water
of dissolved oxygen through the process occur as more or less firmly bound
of decay and decomposition called complexes. The result is that when the
eutrophication. It is becoming more and detergent substance becomes precipitated
more evident that the only permanent by reaction with a clarifier, it carries down
solution to the problem of detergent with it the various other constituents that
pollution of water is to remove the may be present in the micelle structure.
detergent contaminants before the waste This phenomenon extends even to
water is discharged into outfall sewers or fluorescent dyes and certain solvent
into waterways. couplers that may be present in an
Some detergents contain nonionic emulsifier or water washable liquid
surfactants that are easily biodegradable. penetrant.
However, the issue of oxygen depletion by A typical water washable liquid
these surfactants has necessitated penetrant consists of a mineral oil, an
regulatory controls for waste water oil-water emulsifying detergent, a solvent
disposal. coupler and one or more fluorescent dyes.
When clarifier is added to the water, a
precipitation of the detergent takes place.
In addition, many of the related
Possible Techniques for constituents are carried down out of the
Clarifiers to Precipitate solution along with the detergent, leaving
Detergent Wastes water with only a few parts per million of
residual contamination.
A possible useful approach to the Some pollutants in water take the form
extraction of detergent contaminants of colloidal dispersions or partial solutions
from water has been found in clarifier of oil. Waste water of this kind may be
materials that have a unique property of purified in a two-step process, in which a
causing the precipitation of the detergent detergent is first added to the waste water
substances out of a water solution. to initiate the formation of oil-detergent
Although there may be some detergent micelles, after which clarifier is added to
materials that do not respond to the the water. When the detergent is
clarification action of a suitable clarifier, precipitated, it carries down with it the
no such material has yet been found. The dispersed oil along with any other
clarifier serves to completely precipitate contaminants that can form micelle
all types of detergents, regardless of complexes with the detergent.
whether their chemistry has a linear or
branched chain nature.
In physical form, the clarifier is a fine, Determination of Reaction Ratios
white, inert powder that may be readily of Clarifier
dispersed in water. If used in the If it is desired to provide an economically
dispersion mode, the clarifier is simply attractive process of water purification, it

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 319

is necessary that the clarifier material be settled sludge in such a way that it passes
used at its highest possible efficiency. For out through an exit port in the bottom of
rapid and complete precipitation, a slight the tank. This type of equipment requires
excess of clarifier or some simple means a fairly large tank area and the movement
must be used to determine when the of the water must be slow enough to
clarifier is completely consumed. permit settling of the fine particles of
The technique of mixing clarifier into suspended matter.
waste water and subsequent removal of Centrifugal separation may be
the precipitate by settling or centrifuging accomplished with equipment
provides a highly efficient process. The considerably smaller and somewhat more
clarifier particles normally remain efficient in operation than the settling
suspended in the water for a sufficient tank clarifier. Here the water is injected
time to permit the precipitation reaction into a vertical cylindrical tank rotating at
to go to completion. On settling or high speed. Centrifugal force drives the
centrifuging, the detergent and other heavy suspended particles toward the
complexed materials are separated from walls of the tank. A screw conveyor or
the water, leaving only a few parts per spiral scraper blade moves the separated
million of dissolved material. In this sludge toward the bottom of the tank and
mode of usage, it is desirable to determine out through a conical orifice. The purified
the percent of detergent contamination of water flows over a weir lip at the top of
the waste water in order to add the the tank and is recovered.
correct quantity of clarifier.
Recovery of Clarifier Material for
Technique of Filtering Waste Reuse
Water through Clarifier The clarifier material is consumed while
In the filter mode of usage, waste water dissolved detergent is precipitated.
containing dissolved detergents and However, the reaction is reversible in the
complexed oils is pumped through a filter same way that water softening reactions
bed or clarifier. In this process, the waste are reversible. Thus, the exhausted
water passes through the filter bed clarifier may be reclaimed, reconstituted
rapidly, so that the precipitation reaction and reused.
may not go to completion in one pass
through the filter. Recirculation of the Onsite Clarification of Waste
water through the filter will serve to
extract the dissolved detergents fully. In Water
this mode of usage, it is desirable to know Waste water that contains detergents and
when the filter bed of clarifier becomes oil/detergent complexes and that is
exhausted. discharged into sewage lines may first be
The detergency of the waste water may treated by the clarifier process. Systems for
be determined by relatively simple treating water by county sanitation
techniques. One such technique involves departments or by municipalities must be
the evaluation of surface tension of the properly designed and engineered with
water and comparison with samples regard to appropriate projections of flow
having known detergency. Thus, it is not rates. In addition, accessory systems must
difficult to determine the detergent be included for recovery and recycling of
content of waste water, either before or the clarifier material and the detergents
after treatment with clarifier. Certain and oils that are removed from the water.
techniques of fluorescence analysis permit For such onsite clarification, small units
the quantitative measurement of residual may be constructed from currently
contaminants by the degree of available components. Various bag or grid
fluorescence response. filters are available, as are various sizes of
centrifugal separators. Recovery and
Clarifier Equipment for Separating recycling of the clarifier material itself
could be carried out in separate processing
Solid Precipitates from Water plants.
Dissolved detergents are precipitated by a
clarifier in the form of particulate solids.
This solid material may be separated from
the water by means of a settling tank Closed Loop Liquid
clarifier or by means of a continuous flow Penetrant Testing System
centrifugal separator. The settling tank
clarifier consists of a large circular tank The closed loop concept evolved from the
with a shallow sloping bottom. Water desire to implement an apparently simple
containing suspended particles is pumped and obvious expedient of recovering the
into the tank where particles settle to the liquid penetrant process materials for
bottom and clear water flows over a weir reuse. However, the implementation of
at the top. A rotating scraper moves the this idea was not all that simple. First, it

320 Liquid Penetrant Testing

should be noted that complete recovery of Recycling Liquid Penetrant after
the process materials will not be possible Solvent Distillation
if any of the materials undergo a
substantial physical chemical change The new slow solubility liquid penetrants
during use. may be recycled in a closed loop
One of the reasons for failure of water operation through three stages. First,
purification and chemical recovery surface liquid penetrant is stripped from
systems in the case of emulsified oils is parts by means of a pressure spray of wash
the fact that the liquid penetrant oil water. The liquid penetrant thus removed
undergoes a substantial physical change does not dissolve rapidly in the water;
by being emulsified in the wash water. instead, it tends to float on the surface of
The micelles or molecular clusters of oil the wash water and may be drawn off
and detergent become tightly bound to over a drainage weir and recovered.
water molecules and then resist
separation. Recycling of Wash Water
The wash water is circulated from a
Slow Solubility Liquid Penetrants reservoir through wash nozzles and back
Some water washable fluorescent liquid to the reservoir. After considerable use,
penetrants, referred to as slow solubility the wash water becomes saturated with
liquid penetrants, disperse in water without dissolved liquid penetrant. It is necessary
undergoing emulsification. Thus, the to extract the dissolved liquid penetrant
dissolved or dispersed liquid penetrant is continuously from the wash water to
not tightly bound to the water in the preserve its ability to dissolve liquid
conventional micelle emulsion structure. penetrant from test surfaces. This
Another interesting feature of the slow extraction is carried out as outlined above.
solubility liquid penetrants is that they If it were required to purify the used
exhibit a high degree of discontinuity prewash water enough to drink, liquid
entrapment efficiency. Their entrapments penetrant contamination would have to
in cracks are slow to dissolve and tend to be reduced to a value of about 5 gg1 or
remain in the cracks throughout a less. For purposes of prewash treatment in
relatively prolonged washing period. the closed loop process, it is not necessary
Depletion time constants are controllable for wash water to be so pure.
within broad limits, so the liquid
penetrants can be designed to meet any Process Diagrams for Closed Loop
desired condition of discontinuity System
entrapment efficiency. (Depletion time
constants are described elsewhere.) For reasons of economic feasability, the
Another, very important feature of the closed loop, water washable liquid
slow solubility liquid penetrants is that penetrant testing technique has not been
they exhibit very little tendency to developed commercially, specified in
become adsorbed onto fine porosity standards or implemented by industry as
surfaces. Conventional emulsion forming of 1999. The process would consist
water washable liquid penetrants and essentially of five interlocking loops
even postemulsifiable liquid penetrants, (Fig. 11).
are characterized by an effect of
adsorption at the liquid solid interface on
test parts. Where the solid surface has a FIGURE 11. Interlocking loops of closed loop system for
large area, as in anodized surfaces for water washable liquid penetrant testing process.
example, this feature of adsorption
produces an excessive amount of
background fluorescence, resulting in poor Liquid
signal-to-noise ratio. Adsorption and penetrant
unwanted background are minimized in
the slow solubility liquid penetrants.
The first of the two new chemical Solvent
categories is exemplified by liquid Process
penetrants characterized by a relatively
rapid rate of wash removal with a hot Liquid
water spray wash at temperatures in the penetrant
Parts Distillation
vicinity of 55 C (130 F). The second Skim Solvent
category liquid penetrants are chemically extraction
different and provide progressively larger
indication depletion time constants. Inspect

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 321

1. Test parts would be processed through
the steps of (a) liquid penetrant
application, (b) wash removal of
surface liquid penetrant and
(c) inspection for indications.
Development, of course, would be
included as part of the inspection step.
2. Part of the liquid penetrant would
float and would be skimmed and
retained for testing to determine its
suitability for continued use.
3. Used wash water would be cycled
through a solvent extraction stage and
the purified water would be returned
to the wash water reservoir.
4. The solvent that contains extracted
dissolved liquid penetrant would be
cycled through a distillation column
and recovered solvent would be
returned to the extraction column.
5. Liquid penetrant recovered by
distillation of extraction solvent would
be retained for testing to determine its
suitability for continued use.

322 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. Spanner, J.C. [Sr.] Methods and 13. Goff, R. and S. J. Robinson.

Reasons for Measuring the Chloride Water-Base (WB) Penetrants
Content in Liquid Penetrant Advantages and Disadvantages. ASNT
Materials. Materials Evaluation. Fall Conference and Quality Testing Show
Vol. 30, No. 6. Columbus, OH: Paper Summaries [Nashville, TN].
American Society for Nondestructive Columbus, OH: American Society for
Testing (June 1972): p 126-135. Nondestructive Testing
2. ASTM A 380, Recommended Practice for (October 1998): p 114-116.
Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of 14. Robinson, S.J. Issues Concerning the
Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Disposal of Waste Penetrant Materials
Systems. West Conshohocken, PA: (Back to Basics). Materials Evaluation.
American Society for Testing and Vol. 49, No. 8. Columbus, OH:
Materials (1996). American Society for Nondestructive
3. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Testing (August 1991): p 962-967, 969.
New York, NY: American Society of 15. Holmgren, V. and M. Plamoottil.
Mechanical Engineers. Testing of Detrimental Elements in
4. ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for Penetrant Materials. 1992 ASNT Fall
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West Conference and Quality Testing Show
Conshohocken, PA: American Society [Chicago, IL]. Columbus, OH:
for Testing and Materials (1995). American Society for Nondestructive
5. ASTM D 129, Standard Test Method for Testing (November 1992): p 179-180.
Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General 16. Holmgren, V. Penetrant Materials
Bomb Method). West Conshohocken, Are They Biodegradable? 1989 Fall
PA: American Society for Testing and Conference ASNT Program and Paper
Materials (1995). Summaries [Valley Forge, PA].
6. ASTM D 808, Standard Test Method for Columbus, OH: American Society for
Chlorine in New and Used Petroleum Nondestructive Testing
Products (Bomb Method). West (October 1989): p 39-40.
Conshohocken, PA: American Society 17. Hessinger, P. and M.L. White.
for Testing and Materials (1995). Treatment Alternatives for Liquid
7. ASTM D 2441, Standard Test Method for Penetrant Rinse Water. Materials
Hydrolyzable Chlorine Compounds in Evaluation. Vol. 56, No. 8. Columbus,
Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons OH: American Society for
(Askarels) by Refluxing. West Nondestructive Testing (August 1998):
Conshohocken, PA: American Society p 969-970.
for Testing and Materials (1995). 18. Birley, R.E., N.H. Hyam and T.
8. ASTM D 1552, Standard Test Method for Tebbenham. Removal Techniques in
Sulfur in Petroleum Products Liquid Penetrant Inspection Processes,
High-Temperature Method). West Their Development and Effect on
Conshohocken, PA: American Society Sensitivity. Proceedings of the Fifth
for Testing and Materials (1995). International Conference on
9. ASTM D 1266, Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Testing [Montreal,
Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp Canada, May 1967]. Ottawa, Canada:
Method. West Conshohocken, PA: Queens Printer (1969): p 222-225.
American Society for Testing and
Materials (1991).
10. ASTM D 516-90, Standard Test Method
for Sulfate Ion in Water. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1995).
11. ANSI/ASME B 31, Code for Pressure
Piping. Washington, DC and New York,
NY: American National Standards
12. ASTM D 1179, Standard Test Methods
for Fluoride Ion in Water. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1993).

Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste 323


Filtered Particle Testing

Robert L. Crane, Air Force Research Laboratory,

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
PART 1. Principles of Filtered Particle Testing1

deposited on the part surface. The

Nondestructive Testing of particles may be colored or fluorescent.
Generally speaking in industry,
Porous Materials fluorescent filtered particle tracers are
Visible and fluorescent liquid penetrant used to the exclusion of all others. These
test techniques can be used on most solid fluid tracers may be of any base, although
materials. However, if the test materials sharp boiling point hydrocarbons are
are porous, the background haze or preferred because of their economy and
coloration of the entire surface by the reasonable safety hazards.
penetrant reduces the contrast of
indications. The surfaces of such porous
materials trap so much test fluid that
delineation of a discontinuity is no longer Forms of Filtered Particle
possible. For this sort of test condition, Testing Media
the filtered particle test technique is
Filtered particle test media commonly
used in industry today are of two types:
The procedure for locating
(1) a vehicle containing solid tracer
discontinuities with filtered particles is to
particles only and (2) a liquid vehicle with
apply a liquid dispersion of properly sized
soluble dye tracer and tracer particles.
and shaped particles to a porous material
The standard form of filtered particle
suspected of having discontinuities open
testing medium consists of fluorescent
to the surface. If a crack exists, a highly
particles and a base oil. When sprayed on
visible indication will appear almost at
a porous material such as clay, carbon,
certain powdered metals and concrete, it
This test is useful for testing of a wide
will produce a highly visible indication, as
range of porous materials. Generally
shown in Fig. 1. The indication reveals
speaking, the filtered particle technique
the location of the discontinuity and the
operates on those materials whose particle
part may be rejected without further
size is 150 m (0.006 in.) (100 mesh) or
work. This material is used where salvage
smaller. Thus the area of effectiveness of
is not possible or worthwhile.
this technique is fairly well bracketed by
The soluble dye form of filtered particle
the 150 m (0.006 in.) limitation on one
test medium is commonly used in certain
hand and the failure of liquid penetrants
segments of the clayware industry where
to work on the other. The filtered particle
salvage is desirable. In this case, soluble
test was developed by Taber DeForest and
dyes are included in the test liquid in
Henry N. Staats in 1946.2-4
addition to the particles. The filtered solid
particles form the indication of the
discontinuity on the surface.
Principles of Operation of
Filtered Particle Test FIGURE 1. Fluorescent filtered particle indication on unfired
Technique clay insulator.
The filtered particle test technique
depends on selective motions of liquid
and solid matter. The test fluid consists of
a liquid vehicle (or tracer when it
contains soluble dyes) that carries solid
dyed particle tracers in suspension. This
fluid, generally oil based, is sprayed on a
porous material suspected of having a
discontinuity or anomaly. At the site of a
discontinuity, more liquid is absorbed
than anywhere else, because of the extra
liquid tracer absorption area in the
discontinuity. The liquid enters the
discontinuity opening while the
suspended particles are filtered out and

326 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Next the operator scrapes away or
chases the discontinuity and reveals the
soluble dye indication below the surface.
The particles indicate the discontinuity at
the surface, whereas the soluble dyes
penetrate the piece and concentrate in the
discontinuity. The discontinuity is chased
until no traces of the dye material remain
at the test site. This does not necessarily
mean that the discontinuity has been
completely removed.
Just as it is necessary to recheck in
other techniques, it is essential in this
case too. In continued salvage, water must
be added to the surface of the material.
This is known as prewetting and is always
essential in salvage work. After the water
has been absorbed, a fresh application of
test medium can be used and a new
surface particle indication developed.
Salvage work can then continue.
The test medium fires off during the
processing of clayware and leaves no
residue. Filtered particle test media
containing water have been developed
and can be used on portland cement

Applications of Filtered
Particle Tests
The most significant use of filtered
particle testing is in the clayware
industry.5-8 This is particularly true of
sanitary ware and high tension insulator
manufacture.9 Here, the objects under test
usually are relatively expensive or involve
a great deal of workmanship. The filtered
particle technique is important in these
two industries, because a crack in unfired
clay always opens on firing. In the case of
sanitary ware, if the crack opens wide
enough to break open the glaze, the ware
will have unsightly marks on it and
cannot be sold. Opening of a crack during
the firing process will provide a path for
electrical breakdown on high tension
insulators so that they cannot be used in
service. Another application of filtered
particle testing is for testing carbide
inserts for cutting tools before final firing.

Filtered Particle Testing 327

PART 2. Mechanisms of Operation of Filtered
Particle Tests

practice, cracks are nearly always wedge

Selective Fluid Absorption shaped.
If 1700 mm3 (0.11 in.3) of a fluid are
in Porous Test Materials placed on the surface containing the
Porous materials, in general, will absorb discontinuity and a uniform entry of
liquids in proportion to their surface area. 10 mm (0.4 in.) is accomplished on all
More fluid is absorbed at a discontinuity surfaces, the manner of penetration by
in porous materials than anywhere else, diffusion and capillary action is
because of the extra absorption area of the substantially as shown in Fig. 3. If no
sidewalls in the discontinuity. The crack were present the volume of liquid
absorption is so pronounced that the absorbed would be proportional to
suspended particles are drawn to the site 700 mm3 (0.04 in.3), as indicated by the
of the discontinuity. Being wider than the portion above line Y in Fig. 3. Because
dimensions of the top edges of the crack, the specimen contains a crack, fluid will
they filter out and form a surface also be absorbed in the shaded zone
indication. Because a striking effect is below line Y. This crack region will
produced readily, it seems reasonable to contain about 1000 mm3 (0.06 in.3).
believe that very large differential Suppose the width of the crack W to be
absorption rates are involved. 1 mm (0.04 in.). A slice X of unchecked
porous material of similar dimension will
possess a total volume of 10 mm3
Example of Crack Absorption of (6 104 in.3). Comparing the absorption
Liquid Tracer in Porous Material at point W and point X, it will be noted
Figure 2 shows a cross section of a porous that 1000 mm3 (0.06 in.3) of liquid are
material containing an idealized crack. absorbed at point W and 10 mm3
The section is assumed to be 1 mm (6 104 in.3) at point X. Thus, there
(0.04 in.) thick , 70 mm (2.75 in.) wide exists a differential absorption ratio of
and 70 mm (2.75 in.) high. Assume that 1000 to 10 or 100 to 1. It is assumed that
the crack is 50 mm (2.00 in.) deep and the volume of the imaginary crack is
has a width at the opening of 1 mm equal to the volume of contained liquid,
(0.04 in.). The crack is schematically which, of course, is never the case.
drawn in rectangular form although, in The dimensions and figures given are
only illustrative for the purpose of
showing the phenomenon of differential
absorption. In practice, it has been noted
that the ratio of crack width to depth is
FIGURE 2. Schematic cross section of porous on the order of 1 to 300. Therefore, to be
material containing crack.
1 mm
(0.04 in.)
FIGURE 3. Schematic cross section of porous
material containing crack, showing
penetration of liquid.


Line Y
50 mm (2 in.)

70 mm
(2.75 in.)

1 mm (0.04 in.)

70 mm (2.75 in.)

328 Liquid Penetrant Testing

more exact, the crack width at point W particle testing technique to locate
may be considered to be 50/300 or about discontinuities reliably. The abilities of
0.15 mm (0.006 in.). Other dimensions various fluids to penetrate porous
remain the same. Thus, with point W at materials depend to a large extent on the
0.15 mm (0.006 in.) and point X at type of material to be tested. Porous
0.15 mm (0.006 in.) width, the concrete can be readily tested with solid
differential absorption ratio would be tracer particles suspended in water
1000 mm3 (0.06 in.3) at point W and containing a wetting agent. The same
1.5 mm3 (9 105 in.3) at point X, a ratio water base medium used on clay will
of 1000 to 1.5 or about 600 to 1. dissolve it. If the viscosity of the fluid
From this simple example, it can be vehicle is increased, the absorption rate
seen that high forces are involved in may be retarded, thus preventing the
producing an indication on a porous differential forces from operating
material. The example given is idealized: a efficiently.
variety of factors may prevent such The concentration of solid tracer
differential forces from ever being particles in the test fluid must be kept in
encountered in practice. Under certain certain limits. If the concentration is too
conditions, it may be possible to increase high, excessive backgrounds may form,
or aid those forces by timely water tending to reduce the visibility of the
barriers. discontinuity indication. If the
concentration is too low, the result may
be a weak indication, lacking in
Characteristics of
Differential Absorption Effects of Substances Absorbed in
The phenomenon of differential Test Object Pores
absorption depends on a variety of Water or other substances that may be
factors, including (1) porosity present in the pores of the material to be
characteristics of the test object, tested can influence the differential
(2) substances in the pores of the test absorption forces in such a way as to aid
object and (3) characteristics of the test or hinder the technique in its proper
medium. operation. For example, unfired or green
hotel chinaware may not be porous
Effect of Size of Porosity of Test enough for testing when the included
Object water content exceeds 10 percent by
weight. However laminar discontinuities
If there is excessive porosity relative to can be located in green tile bodies with
the solid portion of the material to be moisture contents ranging up to
tested, the porous body will absorb liquid 12 percent.
too rapidly and the differential forces may
be too low to produce an effective
indication. If the size of the individual
pores is relatively larger than the Classification of Test
discontinuity width, the pores may be
indicated more prominently than the Object Porosity
discontinuity itself. In some cases, the Porosity is relative and the best test for
amount of interconnection of the pores workability of the filtered particle test
influences the absorption characteristics technique is an actual test on the material
of the material considerably. Some types in question. Generally, porous materials
of ceramics have an extensive pore may be divided into five groups, as
structure but each pore may be sealed off described in subsequent paragraphs.
from its neighbors, thus preventing
adequate penetration of the test fluids. Very Porous Material
Very porous material can be illustrated by
Effects of Characteristics of the porosity of a fired grinding wheel
Filtered Particle Test Media made from 250 m (0.01 in.), or 60 mesh,
The size and shape of the solid tracer particles or by the porosity in fired
particles used in detecting cracks are quite refractories where very large particles are
critical. If the tracer particles are too bonded to still larger particles and the
small, they may enter the discontinuity subtended spaces are left empty. The
rather than filter out. If the tracer filtered particle technique rarely works on
particles are too large, they may lack coarse material of this type. Attempts
mobility and drop out of suspension at have been made, without success, to fill
random rather than filter out selectively the voids temporarily to create an
over the discontinuity. The penetrating artificially good grain structure that will
power of the suspending medium is also a permit detection of discontinuities in this
critical factor in the ability of the filtered type of material.

Filtered Particle Testing 329

Moderately Porous Material differential absorption forces can operate.
For instance, if there were water or wax
Examples of moderately porous materials
present in the porous test material, the
are fired grinding wheels made from
pores may be filled and the absorption
100 m (0.004 in.) or 150 mesh particles,
forces cannot work as they would
some refractories and carbon materials
normally. However, it is frequently
whose range of particle size is smaller
possible to remove the space filler before
than in the first classification. Certain
powdered metal compacts and some types
of portland cement concrete belong in
this category. The filtered particle test Slightly Porous Materials
technique begins to operate on materials More difficulty occurs with testing of
of this type. The indications may be slightly porous materials. A structure is
slightly erratic because of cracks running present that may or may not have
through zones of large pores where complete interconnection between bubble
differential absorption forces cannot porosities. A void may or may not be
operate effectively. Figure 4 shows a fired, present at the surface. Examples of this
porous, combustion tube containing a type of material are certain types of fired,
fluorescent indication of a crack. The partially vitrified, unglazed ceramic
background coloration indicates that the materials; some cermets; and certain types
area that does not contain the crack is of carbon and graphite. In general, the
absorbing excessive amounts of fluid and technique will operate on materials of this
that the differential absorption forces are sort, although very poor differential
much reduced. absorption forces are present and the
sensitivity limit is in sight.
Porous Materials for Filtered
Particles Tests Filtered Particle Tests of Porous
Examples of medium porosity are many, Glazed Materials
for this group includes nearly all types of Examples of porous glazed materials are
unfired dried clayware and certain fired semivitreous wares that have a glazed
porous ceramics. In this group also are surface. If there are cracks in the glazed
certain refractories, both fired and surface that extend through to the porous
unfired; semivitreous materials that are underbody, the filtered particle test
unglazed; unfired and fired cermets; and technique will operate efficiently.
some fired compacts such as carbon and
graphite. The filtered particle technique
operates decisively and reliably on this
group of materials. Figure 5 illustrates FIGURE 5. Fluorescent indications of typical laminar cracks in
typical indications of laminar dried clay tile.
discontinuities in dried clay tile. Cracks of
this type are usually caused by the
entrapment of air at the time of pressing.
The filtered particle technique will operate
on materials of this type, providing

FIGURE 4. Fired, porous combustion tube with fluorescent

indication of crack.

330 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 3. Design and Selection of Filtered
Particle Test Media

glaze slips are applied onto clayware and

Selection of Suspending other materials after testing, the
suspending medium and particles fire off
Medium for Filtered with no known effect on the glaze.
The fluid vehicle used for filtered particle
test medium of most porous materials in Types of Fluorescent
industry is a light petroleum distillate.
This material is a compromise between Filtered Particle Test Media
cost, safety, odor and reasonably fast In the manufacture of many clay
drying action. It has been highly products, the existence of a crack in
satisfactory on all types of clayware, the unfired clayware is sufficient justification
solvent residues firing off in kilns with no for scrapping the material. For instance, it
complications. This solvent does not is neither economical nor generally
affect glaze slips applied over it. possible to repair cracks in dishes. The
In some cases where a ceramic glaze is same thing is true in the testing of tile.
fired at the same time as the body, as is On certain unfired porous products such
the case with sanitary ware fired once, it as insulators and fired ceramic materials,
is advisable to let the ware air dry for at the existence of a crack is cause for
least 15 min after testing before glaze is rejection. No repair techniques are
applied. Sometimes, if glaze slip is applied generally feasible. On these materials, it is
to freshly tested ware, the surface pores sufficient to provide a readily seen surface
will be plugged with petroleum distillate indication only.
and slip will not adhere tightly. This
sometimes causes crawling of the glaze.
This effect is the same as applying a glaze
Filtered Particle Test Media for
slip to a piece of clayware that had been Location of Surface Cracks Only
freshly soaked with water. The fluorescent test medium
For special applications, suspending recommended for surface indications only
media other than petroleum distillate may is a light petroleum distillate base in
be used. Suspensions have been made which are suspended vividly yellow
successfully with water, glycols, heavy fluorescent particles. The material is
petroleum distillate and alcohol. In shipped ready to use. Figure 6 illustrates
general, the suspending medium will be in schematic form a cross section of an
light petroleum distillate, now considered idealized discontinuity in clay containing
standard. Any suspending medium other a surface indication only.
than the standard distillate increases the
cost of the basic material, because the
solvents are inherently more expensive. FIGURE 6. Schematic cross section of crack in clay with
The one exception is water itself. surface particle indication of defect.
However, water tends to cause clay to Yellow fluorescent
dissociate and thus is not usable. particles at defect
Suspensions with fluid bases other than
light petroleum distillate must be custom Random background particles
made for the specific application.

Solid Tracer Particles for fluid
Test Media
In all filtered particle test fluids, the solid
tracer particles are selected for proper size Porous material
and shape. The particles are extensively generally dark purple
milled to produce a wide range of particle under ultraviolet
sizes with a predominance of particles of radiation
micrometer size. In all cases, these
particles will fire off at temperatures of
200 to 315 C (400 to 600 F). Where

Filtered Particle Testing 331

Filtered Particle Media for chase out a discontinuity, that is, dig into
Location of Repairable Cracks in the discontinuity, following it to the
bottom. Figure 7 shows a typical
Unfired Ware fluorescent indication of a crack in the
On unfired sanitary ware, high tension foot of a toilet bowl. Figure 8 illustrates
insulators or other cast, assembled or how the inside of the crack is stained with
machined green clay products, the surface fluorescent dyes, so that the discontinuity
indication of a discontinuity is not may be chased out.
necessarily a reason for their rejection. Figure 9 illustrates in schematic form
With green clayware, it is usually possible the cross section of a discontinuity where
to remove or peg the discontinuity or the surface as well as the subsurface
crack and salvage the piece. For example, portion is indicated by fluorescent
if a crack appears in the body of an materials. Here the dye tracer colors in
extremely large high tension insulator, it order of viewing are as follows.
probably will be cause for rejection.
1. On the surface, yellow fluorescent
However, if the crack appears in the
particles are found with a fluorescent
petticoat or skirt of the insulator, it may
red yellow background.
be possible to chase out the discontinuities
2. About halfway down the crack, a red
and thus salvage the piece, providing the
fluorescent indication with a
shape change does not affect the electrical
fluorescent yellowish background will
characteristics of the completed, fired
be found.
3. Below this zone, a yellowish blue
Where salvage of a porous object is
fluorescent indication with a purple
desired, a test medium is used whose
background will be found.
particles indicate the crack at the surface
and whose staining dyes color the inside
of the crack so that an inspector may
Nonfluorescent Filtered
FIGURE 7. Fluorescent indication of crack in foot of toilet Particle Test Media
bowl. Colored but nonfluorescent test
suspensions, although as sensitive in
operating ability on porous materials,
cannot be seen so readily as fluorescent
materials on complex shapes such as
insulators, sanitary ware or parts with
hidden curves or recesses. Fluorescent
material is recommended for such
inspection problems. Generally, the
nonfluorescent materials can be used on
simple shapes such as bricks, carbon and
concrete, although fluorescent materials
may be simpler to use and more decisive.

FIGURE 9. Schematic cross section of defect containing

subsurface as well as surface fluorescent indication.

FIGURE 8. Subsurface indication of crack after removal of Yellow fluorescent

surface material. particles at defect

Random background particles

Red fluorescent

Yellow fluorescent
penetrating fluid

Porous material
generally dark purple
under ultraviolet

332 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 4. Filtered Particle Test Equipment

Light Sources for Filtered Equipment for Applying

Particle Testing Filtered Particle
For effective, rapid and reliable testing of Suspensions
fluorescent filtered particle indications, To get maximum benefits in the testing of
the near ultraviolet radiation output porous products, it is essential that the
should be of high intensity. Ultraviolet test suspension be applied in such a way
radiation sources that meet this as to let the particles move about freely
requirement generally consist of five and penetrate discontinuities. In general,
items: a special bulb; a special filter; a the correct amount of fluid to place on a
fixture or shell, generally portable and piece to be tested is just enough to wet
with a handle; a transformer; and the surface or make it shiny. Any material
interconnecting wires. Generally, 120 V, in excess of this is generally wasted and
60 Hz alternating current is required. anything less than this will not provide
Figure 10 illustrates a typical portable sufficient particle mobility.
ultraviolet lamp used widely in industry. Any equipment that disturbs the
After application of the fluorescent test mobility of the particles is to be avoided.
materials, the test object is illuminated by In the past, kerosene has been painted on
the lamp held by the operator. clay objects to detect discontinuities. One
Discontinuities indicated by flowing lines should avoid the temptation to use a
readily attract the operators eye. brush with a filtered particle medium,
because the bristles of the brush tend to
line up the particles in such a manner as
to create false indications. These resemble
FIGURE 10. Portable ultraviolet lamp used in fluorescent true discontinuity indications and may
inspection of high tension bushing. confuse the observer.
Spray guns or similar equipment that
apply the fluid by an exterior force should
be used with caution, because it is
possible to remove indications by
applying the liquid with too great a force.

Pressure Gun for Spraying Filtered

Particle Suspensions
A portable spray gun has been designed to
spray a narrow, 60 degree spray pattern of
test liquid onto porous objects without
interfering with the formation of
indications. This gun will hold about
0.5 L (0.1 gal) of liquid at an air pressure
of 275 kPa (40 lbfin. 2), which is placed
on top of the liquid through a special
valve. The air line can be disconnected
and the gun carried about as a portable
instrument. This feature is particularly
valuable when the operator does not wish
to be tied down by a hose connecting
device. If desired, the air hose can be left
connected and the gun filled to its
capacity (1 L or 0.25 gal) and used at a
fixed location.

Filtered Particle Testing 333

Tank Pressure Equipment for
Filtered Particle Tests
Tank equipment is the equivalent of a
pressure gun, except that more than 4 L
(1 gal) of test fluid is held in a tank that
rests on a small dolly. Air can be
pressurized and the hose removed to
allow equipment to be moved about. The
filtered particle test material is sprayed on
the pieces through a 3 m (10 ft) hose by a
gun with a nozzle similar to the pressure
gun mentioned earlier. This equipment is
small enough to be shaken occasionally to
maintain the suspension in proper
condition. Similar equipment is provided
for the spraying of water.

Drum Agitator Equipment for

Filtered Particle Tests
A larger type of equipment consists of a
heavy duty pump and motor that can be
mounted on a rack or a high table. A full
drum of filtered particle suspension can
be placed underneath and specially
designed mixing hoses introduced into
the drum. A long pair of hoses is attached
directly to the pump and the liquid is
continually recirculated in such a manner
as to stir the contents of the drum and
provide a constant concentration of
particles in liquid to the operator. The
fluid is applied with a gun similar to that
used in the pressure tank equipment
mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
This equipment may be piped for
supplying up to ten inspectors operating
off the system.

Other Techniques for Application

of Filtered Particle Test Media
Filtered particle test fluid can be applied
by rather simple measures, depending on
the object to be tested. For instance, some
users have tested pole type electric power
insulators that are about 600 mm (24 in.)
long with a hole 50 mm (2 in.) in
diameter running almost the entire length
of the object. Cracks occasionally occur at
the bottom on the inside. In this case,
regular pressure type equipment may not
be as useful as an ordinary eyedropper,
tablespoon or an oil squirt gun. When
using equipment of this type, it is
essential that the test medium be poured
or squirted as evenly as possible to avoid
drain marks.
A simple pump spray applicator, such
as is sold in supermarkets for household
use with window cleaner etc., will also
work well. These devices have adjustable
nozzles, and the spray may be adjusted to
suit the test. The operator must remember
to shake these from time to time to
ensure complete suspension of particles in
the fluid.

334 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Prewetting and Associated Phenomena

discontinuity and penetrate where no

Effect of Water on water barrier is encountered. The dotted
line Y shows the penetration of the fluid
Fluorescent Particle without benefit of water addition.
Many users of the filtered particle test Differential Absorption Ratios
technique have observed that water plays with Prewetting
a very important role in the reproduction
If the absorption at point W is compared
of an indication. As pointed out earlier,
with that at point X in Fig. 11, it will be
the forces involved in differential
noted that about 1600 mm3 (0.1 in.3) of
absorption are extremely large, running as
fluid are absorbed at point W and only
high as 600 to 1. Water can increase this
4 mm3 (2.4 104 in.3) at point X. By
differential ratio. Figure 11 shows a cross
comparing amounts of fluid penetrant, it
section of a porous material containing a
will be noted that the ratio is 1600 to 4 or
crack. The dimensions are similar to those
400 to 1.
shown in Fig. 2. If 200 mm3 (0.012 in.3)
Again, as indicated earlier, it has been
of water are placed on the surface
noted that the ratio of crack width to
containing the discontinuity and it
depth is of the order of 300 to 1.
penetrates uniformly, the manner of
Therefore, the crack width at point W is
penetration is substantially as shown in
0.15 mm (0.006 in.); all other dimensions
Fig. 11. The water forms a band or layer,
remain the same. Thus, with point W at
about 2 mm (0.08 in.) thick and about
0.15 mm (0.006 in.) and point X at
2 mm (0.08 in.) below the surface. A
0.15 mm (0.006 in.) width, the
limited amount of penetration will occur
differential absorption ratio would be
in the confines of the crack itself.
1600 mm3 (0.1 in.3) at point W and
0.6 mm3 (3.7 105 in.3) at point X. This
is a ratio of 1600 to 0.6 or 2700 to 1.
Penetration of Oil Based
Fluid above Water Barrier
If 1700 mm3 (0.11 in.3) of an oil based Effects of Prewetting in
fluid are placed on the surface containing Filtered Particle Testing
the discontinuity, a uniform penetration
From this simple idealized example of the
will occur as shown in Fig. 11. Because
effect of water, it can be seen that the
the oil is not miscible in the water, it can
forces involved in producing a filtered
only fill the vacant pores about line Z.
particle indication where prewetting
The remainder must enter the
occurs are much higher than where no
water is used at all. In practice, prewetting
has the advantage of aiding in the
FIGURE 11. Schematic cross section of defect, illustrating production of sharp, clean cut crack
penetration of oil based fluid with water. indications with a substantially reduced
background. Prewetting tends to slow the
absorption rate; however, in most cases
Line Z
Water this has been no disadvantage. The value
Line Y of prewetting may be nullified if the test
operator allows too much time between
the application of water and application
of test fluid. Too much water applied to
the porous surface of claylike objects may
prevent indications from forming by
clogging pores in cracks.

Indicating Contained Water in

Green Clay Materials
The application of water to clay is usually
discussed in terms of prewetting rather

Filtered Particle Testing 335

than of water already contained in the Cracks Missed in Testing of
clay. If clay is not completely dried, the Clayware
body may contain enough water to
prevent the absorption of any externally In certain instances in the past, there
applied fluid. Prewetting is only have been occasions when the filtered
advantageous when used on dried clay particle test technique seemingly missed
materials. cracks. In almost every case investigated,
In some instances, it is possible to use it was proved that the filtered particle
test fluids as a rough indicator of the technique missed cracks in unfired ware
amount of water contained in clay. For only because the cracks were not actually
example, one filtered particle test medium present at the time of the testing. It is
contains, among other things, red thought that the cracks were produced
fluorescent dye. Under certain conditions, after testing.
this dye is a soluble in water as well as oil.
In dry clay, the test medium will Cracks Produced by Glaze
temporarily stain it a bright pink color. If Application
the clay is damp, the red dye tends to
dissolve into the water (contained in the This strange situation may be explained as
clay) and will stain the surface of the clay follows: A crack in a porous product is an
object a very faint pink. indication of a stress that was present at
that site at one time. The existence of the
crack is evidence that the stress relieved
Applications of Prewetting itself. It is entirely possible that other
Technique stresses locked in clay are not of sufficient
The addition of water to clay plays a still magnitude to produce a crack unless
more important role with test fluids for encouraged to do so. Of all the things that
detecting discontinuities. In some seem to encourage the releasing of a
instances, water is required. On clay locked in stress, water seems the most
surfaces that have been abraded with steel likely. In the case mentioned above,
wool, turning tools, emery paper or the where cracks seemingly were missed, it
like, it is absolutely essential to prewet the has been fairly well established that the
ware before testing. If they are small water applied at the time of the glaze
enough, as are some electrical bushings, it application to clayware could have
is frequently easier to dip test objects very released some of the stresses and
quickly into a tank of water and test in produced cracks that opened in firing.
5 min. On sanitary ware or other large Thus, where clay products may have
objects, the water may be sprayed or locked in stresses that have not produced
sponged on just before testing. Generally, cracks, it is possible to release them by
the amount of water required on the applying water to the areas in question.
surface of the clay is just enough to This allows the cracks to open up and
change the color of the base material. If permits indication of discontinuities by
too much water is used, absorption of the filtered particle tests.
test fluid is slowed, though not stopped.
Practice will determine how much water
is required.
Detecting Locked In Stress
One way to determine whether locked in
Exceptions to Prewetting stresses are present is to use filtered
In some cases, water need not be used particles to test the ware after drying,
before filtered particle testing. On as-cast marking and locating any cracks and then
clayware that is free of flash and abrasion, indicating them on a sketch. The clay
it is frequently possible to test the ware object is placed in a dryer or allowed to
without the prewetting operation. dry in air for 24 h and then is retested. If
However, a universal rule is always prewet locked in stresses are present, more cracks
when in doubt. will occur in the clay product the
following day. In some cases it is possible
to develop new cracks every additional
day that the piece of ware is allowed to
Reapplication of Filtered dry. Water tends to encourage the
Particle Test Media swelling and reshrinkage of clay. This
tends to encourage the relief of stresses,
In all cases, regardless of the initial test
with the resultant production of cracks
technique, if it is desired to chase down
that may be detected with the filtered
the discontinuity and recheck with test
particle test fluid.
fluid, it is absolutely essential that the
chased area be prewet before a
reapplication of test fluid. It is impossible
to develop indications on reworked clay
without prewetting.

336 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 6. Interpretation of Filtered Particle Test

discontinuities in two hotel chinaware

Significance of plates, one fired and one unfired.
Interpretation Tightly Closed Cracks
The success of any technique of testing
depends to a large extent on the There have been instances in which
interpretation of the indications of cracks, reliably established as present in
discontinuities. In addition, there is the unfired ware, did not appear to open up
problem of interpreting false or on firing. At one hotel chinaware plant,
misleading markings that frequently cracks were found in two types of plates
resemble true discontinuity indications. before bisque firing. The cracks were
S-shaped and occurred in the center of
both dinner plates and saucers. On firing,
the cracks in the dinner plates invariably
Discontinuities in Unfired opened widely and the cracks in the
saucers did not. It was suspected that the
Clayware crack indications on the unfired saucers
Many kinds of discontinuities occur in had been false. When the fired saucers
unfired clayware before firing. They may were examined closely under a
be contaminants such as iron, copper or microscope, cracks were found in the
plaster in clayware or they may be cracks same locations as predicted. The cracks
and voids. No doubt there are many other were so tightly closed that simple visual
types as well. One of the most irritating examination could not detect them
and persistent of all discontinuities without filtered particle tests.
appearing in unfired clayware is
unquestionably the crack. It may have
been caused by rough handling, mold
sticking, improper forming and shaping Cracks in Fired Clayware
techniques or incorrect drying and After several years of experimental work
shrinkage. In most cases, the crack is open in potteries, a universal rule has been
to the surface and generally invisible to established: a crack in unfired ware always
the unaided eye. When examining wares results in a crack in fired ware. Despite
after firing, inspectors sometimes confuse this, when a glaze is fired at the same
cracks that had been present before firing time as the body, the results sometimes
with cracks caused by the firing itself. appear to be erratic. A crack in the unfired
Figure 12 shows comparable body will always result in an open crack
after firing; however, its presence may be
disguised by the covering glaze. Predicting
which crack will break through the glaze
after firing is possible only after becoming
FIGURE 12. Unfired (left) and fired (right) hotel chinaware completely familiar with the type of
containing similar defects. discontinuities that cause trouble in a
particular plant.

Stress Relief Cracking in Firing

Cracks may be considered as an indication
of stress that has partially or completely
relieved itself. Small cracks in unfired
clayware frequently result in very much
larger discontinuities in fired ware. This is
a rough indication that at the time of
firing, the crack, still being under stress,
tends to relieve itself much in the manner
of a run in a stocking. Very large cracks in
unfired clayware nearly always maintain
their size after firing.

Filtered Particle Testing 337

Chasing out Avoid Drain Marks in
Discontinuities in Green Filtered Particle Testing
Clayware The interpretation of fluorescent
When unfired ware is repaired by chasing indications on porous materials is not
or cutting out an anomalous area, it is particularly difficult, but some instances
considered good practice to recheck the call for experience. In every instance
repaired area by filtered particle testing to when too much test fluid is placed in a
make sure that a new discontinuity has restricted cavity or on a cuplike surface,
not been formed that might be more an excess of fluid will develop in puddles
serious than the original one. It is also that tend to drop out particles in a typical
essential to determine the true length of a ringlike manner. Sometimes these drain
crack and to repair it accordingly. On marks appear to resemble cracks,
sanitary ware, if a small discontinuity is particularly if they appear in the same
chased out but the ends are not direction as genuine discontinuities.
completely removed, these ends may act Many times it is possible to prevent the
as stress raisers during firing and produce formation of ring marks by continuous
relatively large discontinuities after final movement of the part while the test fluid
firing. When discontinuities are patched, is still mobile on the surface of the porous
a rechecking of the area is in order. If the object. This technique, of course, can only
patching tool is used too roughly and the be used on objects that are small enough
clay is too dry, a multitude of cracks will to be manipulated.
form that may open widely enough in
firing to cause rejection.
Irrelevant Indications in
Filtered Particle Tests
Interpreting Crack When test fluids are applied to porous
Indications in Large surfaces repeatedly, an overlapping of the
Structural Ceramic Bodies respective treatments tends to produce
more marks and rings, which sometimes
On large structured bodies, cracks due to lead to confusion. Only experience can
the firing procedure may appear as if they assist the viewer in identifying drain
had been unfired cracks. An easy way to marks, overlaps, scratch marks and true
tell the difference is to make a thorough crack indications. Frequently, horizontal
check of the clayware before firing. Thus, scratches or grooves have a misleading
fired ware that contains this type of appearance. True crack indications are
discontinuity can be identified as such totally different from those of purely
and not confused with true unfired cracks. mechanical markings. Crack indications
However, if stresses have been locked in generally look like cracks. In other words,
the unfired ware, as discussed earlier, the they are slightly jagged and invariably
exact identification of a crack can only be occur in places where they might be
made by the appearance of the internal expected to occur, such as sharp corners
faces of the fired discontinuity. Figure 13 and joints.
illustrates the fired appearance of typical If there is doubt concerning a
cracks that occurred in an unfired body. particular mark or indication, it is possible
to wipe away the existing indication and
repeat the application of fluid. If a crack is
present, it will repeat itself. Drain marks
FIGURE 13. Fired appearance of cracks in rarely show up in the same manner twice.
unfired ware. When reproducing filtered particle
indications, the initial application of fluid
will have plugged many of the pores, thus
reducing the sensitivity of the technique
slightly. A short wait before reapplication
of test fluid is always advisable.

338 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 7. Filtered Particle Testing of Carbon
Matrix Components

Carbon Matrix Material Case Study

Conventional liquid penetrant testing A research program in the United States
does not work well with porous materials. Air Force explored the concept of using
Conventional test methods such as carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix
radiographic or ultrasonic testing also composite materials in turbine blades and
frequently yield unsatisfactory results on vanes.
these materials. It is in this situation that
filtered particle testing can be used to Test Materials and Conditions
great benefit. The method was developed
for green or lightly fired ceramic Filtered particle solutions were made by
components. Application of filtered adding brightly colored daylight
particle testing to candidate turbine fluorescing pigment particles to an
components should illustrate that the isopropanol carrier fluid. Daylight
method is effective when conventional fluorescing pigments appear to emit more
methods are not. visible light than would be reflected from
Carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix them. This occurs because the ultraviolet
composite materials have been considered portion of the radiation illuminating the
for possible use in turbine blades and specimen is down converted to visible
vanes. Components made of these light by the pigment. Both yellow and red
composites have many advantages, pigments were used because they
including low density, high temperature produced the greatest contrast between
strength and stiffness and high toughness the light gray background of the silicon
or minimal sensitivity to cracklike carbide coatings and the discontinuity
discontinuities. However, these materials indications. No attempt was made to
do have one significant disadvantage: optimize the particulate concentration of
they are combustible and therefore must the solutions or the wetting characteristics
be protected from the oxidation of the carrier.
environment of the gas turbine engine. Furthermore, prewetting was not used
For this reason, these materials have only to enhance the sensitivity of the test
been considered for use in nonpiloted air described herein. Specimens were
vehicles or as nonstructural elements in examined with standard white,
piloted air vehicles. fluorescent light sources. The only
Carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix enhancement to this setup was to place
materials are often protected with a the light sources on both sides of the
coating of silicon carbide (SiC). This is a specimen to illuminate it slightly off
stoichiometric carbide that is stable to grazing incidence. This produced a useful
very high temperatures and forms a visual crack enhancement. The fluorescing
protective, oxidation resistant silicon pigment emits light spherically, so the
dioxide (SiO2) film in the operating discontinuity indications do not have
environment of a turbine engine. Because shadows. As a consequence of this, the
the composites are sensitive to oxidation, crazing indications appear to be much
the integrity of this silicon carbide film is larger than those produced in a normal
key to their use in high temperature, filtered particle test.
oxidizing environments. Any breach in
this protective layer could be catastrophic, Discontinuity Indications and
so the breaks in the silicon carbide film Interpretation
must be detected with a reliable test
method. However, silicon carbide coated The discontinuity indications produced
carbon matrix material is very porous. from the examination of the silicon
Conventional nondestructive testing carbide coated carbon matrix specimens
cannot be used to detect discontinuities (Figs. 14 and 15) were very different from
in this coating. This situation is perfect what might be expected from
for filtered particle testing. conventional test experience. Whereas
one expects a single or at most a small
number of indications, there are many
crack indications on the candidate turbine
vanes. On careful examination up to three

Filtered Particle Testing 339

different levels of crack indications may the component cools below 550 C
be discerned, each following the (1020 F). The extensive crazing of these
underlying weave pattern of the carbon components is evident in Figs. 14 and 15.
matrix substrate. This seems reasonable The nondestructive testing engineer
when one considers the expansion must not only detect and quantify
characteristics of the carbon matrix discontinuities but, to surmise their
substrate and the silicon carbide coating. significance, should also be aware of how
Silicon carbide is a typical material with a discontinuities might be generated during
positive, linear expansion coefficient. manufacture or service. In this study, the
Carbon-to-carbon composite materials, on inspector might have expected to see a
the other hand, have expansion single crack in the silicon carbide coating
coefficients that change from negative to as the dominant discontinuity permitting
positive above some temperature. The oxidation attack of the carbon matrix
expansion coefficient of the carbon substrate. However, in this case, it is not
matrix used in the vanes shown in Figs. the extensive crazing but rather absence
14 and 15 is positive above about 550 C of crazing that indicates the presence of a
(1020 F) and negative below this discontinuity. A regular pattern of cracks
temperature. The silicon carbide oxidation indicates that the tensile stresses that
resistant coating is applied at a result from the expansion differences
temperature well above 1000 C (1800 F) between the substrate and coating were
and then cooled to room temperature relieved on cooling from fabrication
where it was inspected. At the fabrication temperatures. An area of the coating that
temperature the coating and substrate are does not contain a regular crazing pattern
in mechanical equilibrium, but on cooling is one in which these thermal stresses
stresses build up in the two materials were not relieved in a small area. The
because the expansion coefficients are not most probable cause of this appearance is
equal. This stress buildup is fairly the presence of a delamination between
common in many manufacturing the coating and substrate. The size of the
processes involving dissimilar materials. cracks at the boundary of a noncrazed
However, the stress buildup is aggravated plate would be several times larger than
if the substrate were to stop contracting or those in the uniform cracks associated
worse were to begin to expand on with the craze pattern. The large crack
cooling as it does with carbon matrix. would be the last to close on heating and
Therefore, one would expect the thin, would most likely permit atmospheric
polycrystalline silicon carbide coating to attack of the susceptible carbon matrix
craze in a fairly regular pattern upon substrate. This was partially confirmed by
cooling and for this crazing to increase as sectioning and examining several vanes
after simulated engine testing. There
could well be other discontinuities
associated with atmospheric attack of
FIGURE 14. Filtered particle indications of crazing in oxidation vanes that failed during other tests but an
resistant coating of carbon matrix composite compressor exhaustive study of coating failures was
vane: (a) concave or pressure surface; (b) convex or suction not pursued.
surface. The vane has silicon dioxide coating from high
temperature exposure in simulated jet engine test. Red
filtered particles are daylight fluorescing pigment.
The results of this limited study indicate
(a) that filtered particle testing can be used to

FIGURE 15. Filtered particle indications of crazing in oxidation

resistant coating of carbon matrix composite compressor
vane. Vane is as fabricated, not mounted, for simulated jet
engine testing. Yellow filtered particles are daylight
fluorescing pigment.


340 Liquid Penetrant Testing

detect discontinuities in porous materials
and coatings when conventional methods
fail. An exhaustive study of test
indications and coating discontinuities
was not attempted. However, the filtered
particle test did show that the absence of
a multiple discontinuity pattern can
indicate the presence of a discontinuity.
This situation would be different than one
might expect from previous test
Additionally, this test offered the
opportunity for an enhancement of the
filtered particle test method. The concept,
in this case, would be to modify the
composition of the particles to provide a
surface treatment at the site of a crack in
addition to providing a crack indication.
Because only the surface of the particle is
involved in the test, there is the
opportunity to alter the chemical
composition of its bulk for various
beneficial treatments at a crack site. Thus
if the materials engineer wished to apply a
surface treatment at the site of a crack,
the filtered particle test provides this
opportunity in addition to a detection

Filtered Particle Testing 341


1. DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats.

Section 14, Principles and Techniques
of Filtered Particle Inspection.
Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 2, Liquid Penetrant
Tests. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing
(1982): p 575-594.
2. DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats. Method of
Detecting Cracks in Porous Surfaces.
United States Patent 2 516 857
(August 1950).
3. DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats. Method of
Detecting Cracks in Porous Surfaces.
United States Patent 2 635 329
(April 1953).
4. DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats. Method of
Detecting Cracks in Porous Surfaces.
United States Patent 2 636 127
(April 1953).
5. Betz, C.E. Two New Testing Methods
for Ceramic Products. Nondestructive
Testing. Vol. 7, No. 2. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (Fall 1948): p 22-26.
6. Staats, H.N. Which Nondestructive
Test for Finding Defects in Ceramic
Parts. Materials and Methods. Vol. 36,
No. 3. New York, NY: Reinhold
Publishing Corporation (1952): p 116.
7. Staats, H.N. Nondestructive Testing of
Green Ware. American Ceramic Society
Bulletin. Vol. 29, No. 11. Westerville,
OH: American Ceramic Society
(November 1950): p 411-415.
8. Staats, H.N. The Testing of Ceramics.
Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 10, No. 3.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (Winter 1952):
p 23-26.
9. Staats, H.N. Filtered Particle
Inspection of High Tension
Insulators. Nondestructive Testing.
Vol. 11, No. 3. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (January 1953): p 21-24.

342 Liquid Penetrant Testing


Liquid Penetrant Testing in

Primary Metals Production

Frank V. Gricus, Reynolds Metals Company, Richmond,

Richard Z. Struk, Shellcast Foundries, Incorporated,
Montreal, Canada
PART 1. Liquid Penetrant Testing in Foundries

and improper washing may leave a

Reasons for Liquid masking film. The discontinuities may
also be coarse and have a tendency to
Penetrant Testing in bleed profusely.
Primary Metal Production Of course, the greatest application of
liquid penetrant testing occurs when the
Liquid penetrant testing does not find
primary metals have been formed and
extensive application in large scale
machined into final forms and products
production of primary metals, because
whose serviceability and appearance
many stages of production of metals and
requirements can be very severe. Other
alloys represent intermediate products.
chapters in this volume describe uses of
Ingots, billets, bars, rod, slabs, sheet and
liquid penetrant testing in transportation
strip are produced rapidly in great
and other industries where control of
quantities at relatively low costs. Time
surface quality is vital to ensure adequate
delays and costs involved in liquid
performance and freedom from premature
penetrant testing would be unacceptable
where large tonnages of product are
produced each day.
However, detailed surface testing may
be desired on certain finished metal Fluorescent Liquid
materials such as sheet and strip.
Discontinuities in surface finish of sheet Penetrant Testing of
and strip will persist into final forms and Precision Investment
such discontinuities may make final
products unacceptable. Typically, in such
cases, direct visual testing is used for most Because of the nature of investment
of the production lots and only small casting operations and the critical
areas are subjected to sensitive tests to applications of many precision
detect surface blemishes. investment castings such as jet engine
Liquid penetrant testing is generally blades and aerospace system components,
not used for steels. Ferromagnetic quick and accurate systems for testing are
materials are most frequently inspected by imperative. Investment casting involves
magnetic particles or flux leakage tests. pouring liquid metal into cavities that
For carbon steels, which are magnetic, have been left after wax patterns have
magnetic particle testing offers the ability been melted and burned out of the
to detect discontinuities not open to the ceramic mold that surrounds them. The
surface. Only where the metal is not method is often used when the particular
ferromagnetic would liquid penetrant part is too complex in shape to be
testing be the preferred test method. machined. Design engineers tool up a die
However, liquid penetrant testing could from customer specifications, generally
be used. Surface anomalies on ingots, working with the customers engineers to
billets, bars and slabs, for example, are make sure the most efficient design
often extended and become unacceptable results. For instance, it is often possible to
in the final finished sheet, strip or other redesign several parts originally fabricated
shapes produced from these intermediate by welding so that a one piece part can be
forms. In these cases, surface testing of cast by the investment process. If the die
the large metal pieces can often be checks out with the prints, wax is injected
justified before rolling or forming them into it and a series of patterns is formed
into materials with much greater surface and then gated together in clusters. The
area that must be free from clusters are dipped into a slurry of fine
discontinuities. Examples of such testing grain investment material and then
are of light alloys such as aluminum, of stuccoed, a process that involves pouring
magnesium and of nonferromagnetic a coarser sand over the damp slurry.
steels. The clusters are placed in metal flasks
If parts are tested with liquid and the final investment material is
penetrant, care must be taken when poured into them. The flasks are baked
washing the liquid penetrant off the and fired to melt out the wax and burn
carbon steel casting surfaces because these away most of the volatile material. Then
surfaces are normally rough and coarse the castings are poured and after cooling,

344 Liquid Penetrant Testing

the investment ceramic cores and shell Another is the danger that the solvent
molds are removed and the cast parts are may start to dissolve the liquid penetrant
trimmed of excess metal, including gates in the discontinuities if left on the surface
and risers. The precisely dimensioned cast too long.
parts are then typically inspected by
radiographic testing (for internal cavities, Postemulsifiable Liquid Penetrant
cooling channels and discontinuities) and
by magnetic particle testing (if The postemulsifiable liquid penetrants are
ferromagnetic) or liquid penetrant testing difficult to handle on the relatively coarse
(if nonmagnetic). Many investment as-cast surfaces. This also applies to
castings are of either austenitic or castings, mainly aluminum ones, that
martensitic stainless steels or of refractory have very intricate configurations. On
high temperature alloys. A sensitive and such castings, the liquid penetrant film is
precise test is needed for the final parts to of uneven thickness and is trapped in the
ensure freedom from discontinuities and hollows of the rough surface and in the
accuracy in dimensions. Tests are made pockets between intersecting structural
for cracks and cuts, for ceramic inclusions members. If the emulsification time is too
or plugs in coolant passageways, porosity short, the trapped thick layer of liquid
and shrinkage discontinuities. For the penetrant will not be sufficiently affected;
nonferromagnetic types of investment if the emulsification time is too long, the
castings, fluorescent liquid penetrant liquid penetrant in existing
testing is widely used for detection of discontinuities may be completely
surface discontinuities. Sensitive liquid emulsified and subsequently removed by
penetrant systems described elsewhere in washing.
this volume have been developed for
testing of turbine blades. Control of Liquid Penetrant
Materials and Processes
The liquid penetrant process is used in
Liquid Penetrants in many nondestructive testing departments
Primary Metals Production and is tightly controlled. Control of liquid
penetrant materials and control of the
processing system in which they are used
Water Washable Liquid Penetrant are vital for optimum results.
The physical and chemical
Water washable liquid penetrant can be characteristics of liquid penetrant
either visible dye or fluorescent. This type materials are certified by the
of liquid penetrant contains an emulsifier manufacturers to comply with the
in its composition and is removed from requirements of relevant specifications.
the surface of castings by a direct water Certificates of compliance are issued by
wash. Even though visible red dye water the manufacturers for each specific batch
washable liquid penetrant is frequently number. Numerical values for typical
used on larger steel castings, the water characteristics such as fluorescent
washable fluorescent liquid penetrant is brightness, flash point, water tolerance
the mainstay of liquid penetrant testing etc. are listed on this certificate.
in the aluminum foundry. This type of The control of the liquid penetrant
liquid penetrant is best suited for system consists of daily, weekly and
aluminum foundry work. monthly checks to assure the inspector
that the characteristics of the liquid
Solvent Removable Liquid penetrant being used have not
Penetrant deteriorated to values lower than the
minimum permitted by the appropriate
Solvent removable liquid penetrant can be specification. These checks also determine
extremely sensitive. This liquid penetrant if the other components of the system
is dissolved and removed from the surface such as water pressure, water temperature,
by the chemical action of the solvent. It is ultraviolet radiation intensity are
used on small parts or small areas such as within the limits of the procedure.
those formed by welds. The solvent is These controls and checks, especially in
applied with a lightly moistened cloth. It the aerospace industry, are rigidly
cannot be used in the manner of the enforced. Materials and process
water rinse because the action of the specifications are continually updated to
solvent is much more vigorous than that ensure the latest technology is applied to
of water and can easily lead to provide the optimum liquid penetrant
overremoval. Solvent removable liquid test.
penetrant is not recommended for large
castings or large production runs. One
reason is the additional cost and labor
involved in wiping liquid penetrant from
large areas or a large number of castings.

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 345

The strength of etching solutions and
Liquid Penetrant Process the length of the application must be
controlled. Overetching may create
A liquid penetrant system can be problems by enlarging discontinuities and
assembled in a number of ways. For occasionally combining them into linear
example, it can be designed to provide patterns. Etching acids are dangerous and
maximum sensitivity, to perform well on must be used in properly ventilated rooms
rough surfaces or to satisfy particular and by operators wearing protective
demands of a specification. Nevertheless, equipment.
all systems will follow this fundamental
sequence of steps with some
modifications. The steps outlined below Application of Liquid Penetrant
are treated more thoroughly elsewhere in The liquid penetrant may be applied to
this volume. the surface of the casting by spraying,
dipping or brushing. It will remain on the
Precleaning surface for the length of time prescribed
by experience or by specification. The
Any substances on the surface of the dwell time (the time the liquid penetrant
casting that may block the openings of remains on the surface of the casting)
discontinuities must be removed. This must be long enough to let enough liquid
operation is essential. Methods of penetrant seep into the discontinuities. If
precleaning include spraying with beads, the testing is done by dipping the casting
which removes scale; brushing or in a line of tanks, the casting is immersed
scraping, which removes paint; and in the liquid and placed on a shelf above
solvent cleaning and vapor degreasing, the liquid penetrant to reclaim some of
which remove grease and dirt. Acid the liquid by allowing it to drip back into
etching is another means of precleaning the tank. When large castings are tested
that is often used on aircraft castings. One on the floor of the foundry, the excess
or more of these techniques may be liquid penetrant runs into a drain.
involved in the preparation of a casting Recovery depends on provisions of the
for liquid penetrant testing. Any form of plant drainage system.
cleaning that may close or smear over the
discontinuities must be followed by an
appropriate etch. Washing
Washing is a simple yet critical operation.
Acid Etching The dangers of overwashing and
underwashing are always present. In the
Some aerospace and military case of extreme overwashing, the liquid
specifications require castings to be etched penetrant is completely removed from the
or pickled before a liquid penetrant test. relevant discontinuities and no indication
Etching is an acid bath that reacts with can be formed. To prevent this, water
the surface of the casting to remove dirt washable liquid penetrants are removed
and some of the metal. Because of this by a water spray under controlled angle,
last characteristic, etching is also known pressure, temperature and time; solvent
as chemical milling. Depending on its removable liquid penetrants are wiped off
strength, etching acid can strip 0.03 to with rags moistened by the solvent.
0.01 mm (0.001 to 0.0004 in.) of metal Fluorescent water washable liquid
per minute. Bright etch or triacid etch penetrants are rinsed under ultraviolet
(nitric, chromic, hydrofluoric) is radiation. The rinsing stops when the
commonly used on castings. Aluminum, surface of the casting is free from visible
which is perhaps etched more often than dye or fluorescent background. The
other metals, turns silvery white in the underwashing of the red dye liquid
triacid bath hence the name bright penetrant leaves enough of the liquid on
etch. the surface to tint the developer.
Another etching solution is sodium Underwashing fluorescent liquid
hydroxide or caustic soda. Unlike the penetrant will give the developer a
triacid etch, sodium hydroxide attacks the fluorescent glow. In both cases, the
metal preferentially, meaning that it does visibility of indications can be seriously
not react with all surface conditions in reduced.
the same manner. In aluminum, for
example, it will make the surface look
blotchy. It will discolor areas of cutoff Drying
gates. It reacts differently with cast areas Solvent liquid penetrant removers
as opposed to ground areas. Both sodium evaporate and do not require drying in an
hydroxide and triacid etches will strongly oven. Small aluminum or steel castings
tint all welds. Sodium hydroxide is that are washed by water are put into an
sometimes regarded as too damaging for oven and left there for a predetermined
regular etching jobs. length of time at a set temperature. Larger

346 Liquid Penetrant Testing

castings are left to dry in still air or are from a crack may look like a bleedout
exposed to a flow of air from a fan. from a gas hole.
It is a common practice with
Development fluorescent liquid penetrants to locate the
bleedouts under ultraviolet radiation and
The function of the developer is to reverse to investigate their cause under ordinary
the capillary and provide a contrasting white light. Omitting the developer
background. The liquid penetrant that eliminates one step in the liquid
entered the discontinuities open to the penetrant process and a condition that
surface of the casting is now drawn from tends to promote a misjudgment as to the
them by the blotting action of the size of the discontinuity. The bleedout can
developer. The relatively minute amount be magnified by the developer when the
of liquid penetrant extracted from the fluorescent flow becomes concentrated in
discontinuities spreads out in the the domelike buildup over the
developer and clearly indicates the discontinuity. This is particularly
location of the discontinuities. The noticeable on large castings where the
developers can be applied as dry powder amount of applied developer may be
or suspended in liquid that evaporates, relatively large.
leaving a dry powder film. Wet developers
are sprayed onto the surface of the casting
and require drying time unless they are
suspended in a solvent. Dry developers Components of Liquid
are either sprayed on or applied inside Penetrant Testing System
tanks where fans disperse them into a fine
cloud. Liquid penetrant testing can be conducted
using conventional liquid penetrant
equipment or automatic systems.
Viewing and Interpretation
The viewing of liquid penetrant Conventional Liquid Penetrant
MOVIE. indications is most effective when the
Rejectable formation and progress of the bleedouts is Equipment
discontinuity. observed from the very beginning. This Of all the nondestructive testing
can be done best by spraying a solvent equipment currently in use, conventional
suspended, fast drying developer over liquid penetrant equipment is the
small areas of a casting. The simplest to use. It is not, however,
characteristics of the discontinuities can without controls, gages and thermometers
be judged and evaluated by observing the that regulate its operation.
developing bleedouts. Conventional liquid penetrant
On larger areas and on castings that equipment can be divided into portable
were processed in developer tanks, the equipment such as aerosol cans or larger
indications or bleedouts are inspected pressurized tanks and stationary lines of
after some time has elapsed. They are by processing tanks. The type of equipment
then in an advanced, enlarged and to be used will be determined by the size
possibly deformed state. The of the castings and the sensitivity
wipe-and-watch technique is frequently requirements of the specification.
used to clarify the connection between The aerosol cans serve as a general
the shape of the bleedout and the shape purpose liquid penetrant for quick local
of the discontinuity that caused it. In this applications. All types of liquid penetrants
technique, the bleedout is gently removed and sensitivity levels can be obtained in
with a solvent and the new reappearing the aerosol systems. Apart from spot
bleedout is observed and evaluated. In the application, they are not economical.
early stages of developing, the bleedout Furthermore, they cannot always be used
closely resembles the shape of the under the controlled conditions (pressure,
discontinuity. Even though this technique temperature etc.) required by many
is recommended, it is time consuming specifications.
and, on large production runs, Aerosol liquid penetrants, especially
economically prohibitive. It is generally the visible dye liquid penetrants, have a
reserved for suspected cracks and tears. sensitivity advantage on small areas
Because liquid penetrant indications because an indication can be observed as
grow and change with time, the it develops. Portable pressurized tanks are
interpreter must always remember that used on larger castings. This type of
the size of the bleedout may not be a equipment, along with electrostatic
dependable indicator as to the size or spraying units, can be applied efficiently
depth of the discontinuity and that the and economically when testing large
shape of the bleedout alone is not a castings. Liquid penetrant sprayed from
dependable indicator of the shape of the portable tanks is generally not recovered,
discontinuity. After a while, a bleedout which adds to the cost of testing. The
waste of liquid penetrant in electrostatic

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 347

spraying is substantially less. (Electrostatic In liquid penetrant testing, there is no
spraying works best on flat surfaces; on way to check or prove that the liquid
castings with curved surfaces or recesses, penetrant has entered all the
the charged liquid droplets may be discontinuities open to the surface. In
attracted by the nearer surface.) magnetic particle testing, the existence of
In steel and aluminum foundries that a field can be checked and it can be
cast small parts, the most frequently used assumed that a crack cutting across it will
liquid penetrant setup is the line of tanks. develop an indication; in ultrasonic
These lines usually include a liquid testing, the inspector knows that the
penetrant dipping tank, dwell stack, wash beam has entered the part because it is
tank, drier oven and developer tank. The reflected from the back wall. In liquid
sizes of the tanks will depend on the sizes penetrant testing, there is no way to know
and volumes of castings processed. If what is happening after application; there
fluorescent liquid penetrant is used, the is no feedback. Because of this, strong
line will be enclosed in a darkened area. process control of all factors affecting the
Ultraviolet lamps will be included over liquid penetrants application, removal
the wash tank and the examination table. and development are crucial.
Foundries making castings for the The two most dangerous conditions
aerospace industry will often perform that can arise during liquid penetrant
special precleaning operations such as testing are underwashing and
degreasing or etching. Etching and overwashing. Some specifications, such as
degreasing require their own location, ASTM E 1417,1 reflect this concern. Both
safety equipment and calibration underwashing and overwashing are of
procedures. special interest on castings with rough
surfaces (e.g., sand castings) or very
Automatic Liquid Penetrant complex configurations. Such castings are
difficult to wash properly because
Systems underwashing will leave a masking
Automatic liquid penetrant systems of the background and overwashing will remove
carousel type are often installed when liquid penetrant from discontinuities.
large quantities of small parts are Process control and periodic checks of
processed. The parts are sent through all a liquid penetrant system may be
the stages of the liquid penetrant accomplished by physical and chemical
operation by means of rotating (or tests of the liquid penetrant materials and
straight) conveyors. Operations such as calibration of thermometers, pressure
spraying, drying and timing are done gages and ultraviolet lamps.
automatically. Viewing and Many of the physical and chemical
acceptance/rejection functions are tests, usually performed monthly, require
performed by human inspectors. laboratory equipment and trained
Computerized robotic systems technicians. Many foundries use outside
manipulate parts for application of liquid sources to perform these tests. Other
penetrants and developers and for final checks, usually performed weekly and
viewing and evaluation. Optoelectronics daily, are done in house. Gages and
may be used for viewing with a computer thermometers are normally calibrated and
program to establish the boundary certified annually by outside service
conditions of acceptance. In some types laboratories.
of foundry operations, these advanced Typical checks include daily checks on
systems have an economic advantage. sensitivity and fluorescent background,
Computer programs for evaluation of water temperature and pressure, dryer
discontinuities are still in the temperature and developer
development stage. contamination; weekly checks on
ultraviolet radiation intensity; a weekly
Control of Liquid Penetrant comparison check of used versus unused
liquid penetrant; and monthly checks on
Process dryer uniformity, developer brightness,
Regardless of what product is being tested, precipitation, liquid penetrant brightness,
liquid penetrant testing is rigidly checked water content, water washability,
and controlled in accordance with many sensitivity and ambient white light.
specifications. Because the effectiveness of Typical liquid penetrant system
liquid penetrants depends on their ability materials and process specifications are
to enter discontinuities open to the ASTM E 1417,1 ASTM E 165,2
surface and remain there after all SAE AMS 26443 and ASME Boiler Code,
processing has been completed, the Section V, Article 24.4 Control of the
factors that affect that ability such as liquid penetrant testing process is covered
wetability, water contamination, in more detail elsewhere in this volume.
temperature and pressure of the rinse are
checked periodically.

348 Liquid Penetrant Testing

inspectors refer to a totally different field
Drawbacks to Liquid of investigation, such as metallurgical
analysis, for an answer. The lack of a good
Penetrant Testing of liquid penetrant reference standard is,
Castings unfortunately, a shortcoming inherent to
the method.
It has already been stated that liquid
Even though bleedouts are not always
penetrant testing is an extremely sensitive
an accurate guide as to the size of an
method. This sensitivity is based on the
indication, their size can be used to locate
ability of liquid penetrants to enter even
linear indications. A linear indication is
the smallest and shallowest
defined as an indication with a length
discontinuities and surface depressions
that is at least three times larger than its
and the natural tendency of liquid
width. On castings, a literal application of
penetrants to resist being rinsed out of
this definition can lead to considerable
such discontinuities and depressions.
problems and indecision. On a raw
This kind of sensitivity is desired in
casting, there will always be a number of
liquid penetrants; however, on many cast
bleedouts that will fit this definition.
surfaces, this property is also a drawback.
On some raw cast surfaces and even on
the fine surfaces of precision cast parts
with complex configurations, the number The Future
of bleedouts can be very large. Most but
not all of these bleedouts or indications In the 1990s, the liquid penetrant method
will be evaluated as irrelevant. The iron has not been integrated into the world of
rule of nondestructive testing is that no image intensification, computerized
indication is irrelevant until proven so. analysis and automation to the extent
Practical resolution of such problems may that radiography has been, nor have
take considerable time and an inspector liquid penetrant test processing
with considerable foundry experience. parameters been stored in an electronic
Another problem sometimes emerges box as ultrasonic and eddy current test
when the irrelevant indications have been parameters have been.
eliminated and the relevant ones have to Like other nondestructive testing
be evaluated. In liquid penetrant testing, methods, liquid penetrant testing
reference standards may consist of black indicates discontinuities and announces
and white photographs that are difficult their presence. The tests of liquid
to evaluate because liquid penetrant penetrant chemistry, the checks of the
testing is always in color. The written system and the calibration of the
descriptions with these standards may equipment are intimately related to that
describe parameters such as the maximum indicating aspect, because it is paramount
size of permitted indications, their for the liquid penetrant to get into the
distances from one another and their discontinuities and stay there so it can
number per unit of area. Such references eventually be developed and seen.
are difficult to use because their in-process Because there is no feedback on the
applications are lengthy and their formation of an indication to provide a
practical value questionable. Bleedouts are basis for adjusting the test process, the
often very small (in the range of 0.8 to operator has only one chance to correctly
1.6 mm or 0.03 to 0.06 in.) and control the processing parameters to
measurements are cumbersome and produce a discontinuity indication.
inaccurate. There will continue to be further
One source of confusion during the improvements in the performance of
measurement of relevant indications is liquid penetrants and further tightening
whether the discontinuity or the bleedout of system calibration and process control.
is to be measured. If possible, the actual For small castings, automatic processing
discontinuity should be measured. systems will most likely become more
Bleedouts are not usually measured sophisticated. Such systems may be able
because their size grows during the early to segregate parts with indications from
stages of development and often parts without them.
misrepresents the size of the discontinuity
they indicate. The measurement of
discontinuities is not always easy,
particularly when the discontinuities are
very small. One result of these difficulties
is that questionable areas are often
inspected by another nondestructive
testing method. Radiography is often used
to find and measure subsurface
discontinuities that are large relative to
their surface opening. Sometimes the

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 349

PART 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing of Ferrous

discontinuities and by radiography for

Low Carbon Alloy Steels internal ones.
Low carbon alloy steels have a better
castability than high carbon steels. Their Cast Irons
fluidity is better and their resistance to Cast iron tends to be microscopically
cracking is higher. There is, however, a porous and liquid penetrant testing may
little difference in the response to be difficult because the porous surface
nondestructive testing between low alloy bleeds and forms a film that masks
and carbon steels. indications.
Because low carbon alloy steels are
magnetic, liquid penetrant testing is not
used. If liquid penetrant testing has to be
Stainless Steel
used, its sensitivity should not be too There may be times when the visual
high. Low or medium sensitivity as inspection process needs help to find
specified by SAE AMS 26443or equivalent hard-to-see surface discontinuities. When
is best suited for cast surfaces of steel or this happens on magnetic steel products,
aluminum. a magnetic particle test is often used.
On large areas that require time for However, when the same problem arises
testing, fluorescent liquid penetrants are with a nonmagnetic steel product, liquid
often substituted for red dye liquid penetrant testing is used to reveal the
penetrants. presence of minute surface imperfections
not apparent with normal visual testing of
surface conditioned slabs of stainless steel.
This procedure has been used to predict
High Carbon Alloy Steels hot band surface quality accurately on
Ferromagnetic products of the steel certain critical products.
industry are typically subjected to eddy Most stainless steels have excellent
current and flux leakage magnetic field castability, particularly the 300 series. The
tests in large scale automated test systems. main problems are not cracking and
Some stainless steels with martensitic shrinkage but inclusions and porosity.
structure (e.g., the AISI 400 series) lend Normally, liquid penetrant testing is not
themselves to testing by magnetic used on martensitic steels.
techniques. Liquid penetrant testing on
large area steel products is often not Work Rolls in Steel Rolling Mills
feasible because of surface conditions,
In steel manufacturing operations, work
speed of travel and high temperatures of
rolls of the tandem mill are subjected to
steel on processing lines. The fact that
severe stresses when cold working sheet
austenitic grades of stainless steels
steel. Four stands of work rolls and one
(including the AISI 300 series) are not
stand of skin pass rolls, each with two
ferromagnetic rules out magnetic particle
pairs of rolls, must be removed for surface
and flux leakage tests. For this reason,
grinding and shot peening after 6 h of
there has been more liquid penetrant
use. Occasionally a strip will break or a
testing on stainless steel than on the
piece of slag will mark the roll before
carbon and alloy steel grades. Where
completion of 6 h of use. These events
surface finish is required in many stainless
can cause cracks in work roll surfaces, so
steel products, there has been a heavy
rolls are removed from service and
emphasis on visual testing supplemented
inspected with liquid penetrant testing.
by liquid penetrant testing.
Markings on the steel from a tandem mill
may indicate fatigue cracks in a roll
Austenitic Steel surface. This condition also requires an
Because the 300 series austenitic steels are early removal of rolls from service for
nonmagnetic, liquid penetrant testing liquid penetrant testing.
becomes the primary method for Visible dye liquid penetrant techniques
detection of surface discontinuities. of testing are applied to the working zone
Austenitic steels can be tested dependably of these large work rolls. Their working
by liquid penetrants for external zone is about 0.54 m (21 in.) in diameter
and 1.65 m (65 in.) long. All liquid

350 Liquid Penetrant Testing

penetrant testing materials are applied improves foundry practice and reduces
from aerosol cans. Tiny indications will the number of anomalous parts cast.
usually be remedied when grinding the
surface of the roll. However, large
indications will mean that the roll must
be scrapped to avoid a costly roll failure in
service. Experienced liquid penetrant
inspectors can make this judgment. After
indications have been found and the roll
is surface ground to remove cracks, each
roll is again tested with liquid penetrant
before being returned to service. In one
large mill, production interruptions due
to roll failure were a monthly occurrence
before introduction of liquid penetrant
testing; after introduction of liquid
penetrant testing, it was many years since
the last work roll failure in service.

Fluorescent Liquid
Penetrant Testing Used in
Malleable and Gray Iron
Malleable and gray iron castings are
widely used in heavy machinery and
transportation industries producing diesel
engines, tractors and earthmoving
equipment, for example. Foundry testing
of pilot castings and sampling testing of
production runs by fluorescent liquid
penetrants allows the foundrymen to see
immediately whenever one of the many
variables in casting is out of control. This
dictates changes in gating procedures,
pouring temperatures, metal composition,
molding sand etc., to permit pouring of
good castings and to avoid the expense of
scrap castings.
In many facilities, experience with
liquid penetrant testing began on a small
scale with hand processing and visual
testing of critical castings, both in the
foundry and in the customers receiving
test departments. As needs increased,
automatic conveyorized liquid penetrant
processing equipment was installed in
larger plants. Fluorescent indications are
viewed with overhead ultraviolet lamps in
test booths or with portable ultraviolet
lamps. Inspectors evaluate the seriousness
of casting discontinuities and set aside
rejectable anomalous castings for disposal.
Effective control of malleable and gray
iron is claimed by liquid penetrant
testing. Some castings are spot checked;
more critical parts are often given 100
percent testing. A reject during spot
checking results in 100 percent checking
of the entire lot of castings. Experience
shows that although control of castings is
thorough with liquid penetrant testing,
an actual decrease in numbers of rejects is
often realized. Intelligent use of
information on discontinuities located

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 351

PART 3. Liquid Penetrant Testing in Light Alloy

penetrant testing include cold shuts,

Metallurgical Aspects of cracks, blows, shrinkage and dross. Also
found are small surface pits and metal
Cast Aluminum Alloys flow lines. The latter are usually ground
Apart from special applications, pure off the surface to improve the appearance
aluminum is rarely used for castings; of the castings. Otherwise, many
however, aluminum alloys are used customers may misinterpret these minor
frequently. Just as in steel, the alloying discontinuities, mistaking them for
elements change the properties of porosity, dross or cold shuts and may
aluminum. often reject the castings.
Common aluminum alloying elements This ease of misinterpretation of liquid
include magnesium, copper, nickel and penetrant indications is one of the
silicon. Magnesium strengthens objectionable characteristics of the
aluminum and silicon improves corrosion fluorescent liquid penetrant testing
resistance and the fluidity of the molten process. It makes discontinuities look
metal a property much desired by the larger than they actually are and therefore
foundry worker. Most modern aluminum exaggerates their importance. Fluorescent
alloys, however, derive their properties liquid penetrant testing is excellent for
from more than one alloying element. finding sharp discontinuities such as
Alloys such as 355, 356, 357 and 712, cracks, cold shuts and heavy shrinkage
which are regarded as the most suitable that extend to the surface but all other
for investment castings, belong to this discontinuity indications require further
category. nondestructive tests before castings are
rejected. One foundry reported that about
95 percent of all parts returned by
Reasons for Nondestructive customers as fluorescent liquid penetrant
Testing of Light Alloy Castings rejections were salvaged. Only a minor
Testing of aluminum and magnesium amount of grinding was required to
alloy castings in a foundry has one remove the objectionable indications
primary objective to make sure that noted. The number of castings rejected for
parts being processed actually meet all fluorescent liquid penetrant discontinuity
required specifications established by the indications is often greatly reduced as the
buyer. If nondestructive testing is customers test department becomes more
performed in close cooperation with the familiar with this method. Foundries have
foundrys quality control department by also become more adept in determining
keeping the department advised of any what types of surface indications should
and all deviations in procedure, the be removed to prevent misinterpretation
quality control department can then during liquid penetrant testing.
make the necessary adjustments in
foundry practice to ensure high quality Discontinuities Common to
To prevent the production of excessive
scrap castings, it is necessary for the Aluminum and its alloys have a number
nondestructive testing department to of casting characteristics that can cause
catch a faulty casting as soon as possible. problems when using nondestructive
In this way, the faulty casting can be testing. Generally, radiography and liquid
isolated so no further labor or time will be penetrant testing are the most effective
wasted on it and secondly, the quality nondestructive testing methods used to
control department can make corrections detect discontinuities in aluminum
before too many castings are poured. castings.
When using liquid penetrant testing, it
should be mentioned that there are types
of aluminum alloys (e.g., 21 percent
Discontinuities Sought by silicon) that are very difficult to test. They
Liquid Penetrant Testing of are porous, absorb liquid penetrant and
retain a very strong fluorescent or visible
Light Alloy Castings dye background masking indications after
The casting discontinuities for which the washing.
inspector looks during fluorescent liquid

352 Liquid Penetrant Testing

It is advisable to test for surface be below acceptance standards by
discontinuities in aluminum castings after radiography. This is logical, of course,
the T4 heat treatment. The high because a liquid penetrant can only show
temperature of this treatment will open discontinuities that are on or are
any existing tight discontinuities as well connected to the casting surface.
as discontinuities hiding just under the However, most shrinkage is completely
surface. Furthermore, the rapid quenching internal and radiography is ideal for
from the high temperature may induce detection of internal discontinuities.
stresses and distortions that may result in

Multiple Method Testing
Most castings are tested by more than one
Porosity is a common discontinuity in method. Problems may arise if the
aluminum castings. It usually appears on sequence of tests and the discontinuity
a radiographic film as distinct, globular, evaluation process are not clearly
MOVIE. gas voids. Porosity can also be detected by
Porosity in established. Assume that a casting has to
liquid penetrant testing if the gas voids be examined by liquid penetrant testing
casting. are on the surface of the casting. Porosity and radiography. It should be understood
is formed at elevated temperatures when that, for example, if radiography is
aluminum absorbs hydrogen. As the performed before any removal of
temperature of the aluminum rises, discontinuities, including excavations and
hydrogen separates from moisture in the subsequent repairs, the results of these
contact with the molten metal. When the procedures must be verified by
metal cools near to the point of radiography. Liquid penetrant testing will
solidification, its capacity to hold be used also to verify the discontinuity
hydrogen in solution drops drastically. excavations and the repairs. However, if
The hydrogen then comes out of solution an attempt is made to check a
and is embedded in the casting as radiographically tested excavation by
porosity. liquid penetrant, some difficulties may be
encountered. What is acceptable
Eutectic Melting radiographically may not be accepted by
Eutectic melting is a rare metallurgical liquid penetrant.
deformation caused by exceeding the There is one exception to this rule.
melting point of the eutectic component Because liquid penetrant lacks clearly
in the casting during heat treatment. defined acceptance reference standards,
Radiography rarely detects eutectic radiography is sometimes used on thin
melting because the cavities left by it are walled aluminum castings to check
too small to appear on the film. Liquid whether the discontinuities detected by
penetrant testing will reveal eutectic liquid penetrant are within the acceptable
melting if the indications form as a mass range. This exception is only valid when
of minute discontinuities on the surface.

Limitations in Detecting Shrinkage FIGURE 1. Photograph of aluminum housing shows typical

Because light alloys are less prone to fluorescent liquid penetrant indications of shrinkage under
tearing and cracking than steel is, spongy ultraviolet radiation.
shrinkage and porosity are the
discontinuities encountered most often.
Fluorescent liquid penetrant testing can
be used to find sharp discontinuities such
as cracks, cold shuts and heavy shrinkage
that extend to the surface of castings. All
other discontinuity indications require
further testing before castings are rejected.
Unless the shrinkage extends to the
surface of the castings, it will not be
MOVIE. revealed. If shrinkage does extend to the
Fluorescent surface of castings, the discontinuity is
bleedout clearly visible with liquid penetrant
reveals (Fig. 1). Foundry control castings that
shrinkage. under ultraviolet radiation would appear
to have liquid penetrant indications of
serious shrinkage have been shown by
X-ray to be well within acceptance
standards. Conversely, foundry control
castings that looked perfect under
ultraviolet radiation have been shown to

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 353

the acceptance grade is the same for 5. final testing after heat treatment,
liquid penetrant testing and radiography. picking and straightening. Because
most of the testing is concentrated in
Checking Internal Quality of Light the early stages of production,
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing is
Alloy Castings by Radiography one of the rough test methods.
The internal quality of light alloy castings As soon as a casting is shaken out of
is typically controlled as follows. Before the sand, it is tested visually for gross
any job goes into production, the gating discontinuities. New or troublesome
technique is checked by sample castings castings are rushed to fluorescent liquid
made for examination both by fluorescent penetrant testing before any further
liquid penetrant and by radiography. operation is performed. Castings often
Production is not started until these reach the fluorescent liquid penetrant
initial castings have been approved by the while still warm from the shakeout
quality control department. However, operation, with the gates and risers still in
quality control approval is never given place. Troublesome castings may be tested
until the sample castings show that the three or more times before being shipped.
parts to be produced will be well above When the gates and risers are removed,
the minimum required standards, even if the castings are lightly sand blasted with
four or five samples must be made to sharp grit sand. Then visual testing for
attain this result. Thereafter, no changes large discontinuities is carried out in
are made in the gating system without the conjunction with the rough grinding.
approval or permission of the quality Following this, regular fluorescent liquid
control department and such changes are penetrant testing is carried out. Final
usually followed by a new radiographic tooling and a cleanup are also
control. By following this type of accomplished at this stage.
procedure, some foundries have been able
to keep radiographic rejection rates lower
than 0.1 percent. Using radiographic Advantages of Prompt Testing of
control in combination with fluorescent First Castings in Each Run
liquid penetrant testing permits light An average molder with an average
alloy foundries to turn out better quality squeezer pattern will produce several sand
castings. molds per hour. The pouring, cooling and
shakeout will require about 30 min. By
Liquid Penetrant Testing the time the first casting reaches the
Liquid penetrant testing is the standard initial or hot test, there are probably
method for detection of surface several molds already made. If this initial
discontinuities. Porosity in aluminum is casting in the run contains a
often open to the surface and readily discontinuity not seen by the inspector, it
revealed by the liquid penetrant method. may be several hours before the trouble is
On thin parts, liquid penetrant may be found later in testing. By that time, a
washed out of discontinuities that go considerable number of castings will have
through the section. Aluminum castings been made that probably contain the
quenched in polyalkaline glycol and not same discontinuities. Therefore, it is
washed properly carry a gelatinous film vitally important that foundry test
that interferes with liquid penetrant departments be given every facility
testing. needed to locate trouble as soon as
The water washable fluorescent liquid
penetrant testing process has many
Procedure for Overall advantages that fit test needs at light alloy
foundries. The cost of liquid penetrants
Foundry Inspection of and processing materials used to test a
Light Alloy Castings casting is low and the liquid penetrant
A brief outline of a typical foundrys process is fast enough to keep up with
procedure for production testing of light production and give quick and accurate
alloy castings includes the following: answers on casting quality. Additionally,
there is no objectionable residue left on
1. hot testing of castings at the time of tested castings that could interfere with
shakeout; subsequent machining or finishing
2. rough testing for dimension and operations.
quality after removal of cores, gates
and risers;
3. fluorescent liquid penetrant testing for
surface connected discontinuities;
4. dimensional checking after trimming
operations and before heat treatment
of castings; and

354 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Procedure for Fluorescent Preparation of Aluminum
Liquid Penetrant Testing in Product Surfaces for Liquid
the Foundry Penetrant Testing
Foundry nondestructive testing with For each of the following examples of
water washable fluorescent liquid liquid penetrant testing in the aluminum
penetrants is completed in seven steps, as industry, proper preparation of the test
follows. surface is critical to the ability of the
1. Each casting is cleaned of sand and inspector to discern and to characterize
any other adhering foreign material. certain discontinuities. Using liquid
2. A thin film of fluorescent liquid penetrants on unprepared aluminum
penetrant is applied over the casting surfaces will usually disclose gross
by immersion, spraying or pouring porosity and large cracks. However, for
and adequate dwell time is allowed for the most part, it is essential to use
the capillary action of the liquid machining, caustic etching, acid pickling
penetrant to take place, causing it to or a combination of these surface
flow into any surface discontinuities. treatments before application of liquid
This liquid penetrant dwell time is penetrants, to permit the inspectors to
accomplished while castings are on distinguish fine porosity and cracking
the drain rack. Excess liquid penetrant from other superficial anomalies on the
returns to the tanks. surfaces of aluminum and its alloys. This
3. Each casting is subjected to a preparation is also required after any
thorough water spray wash under grinding, excavating or sand blasting.
ultraviolet radiation, to remove excess Aluminum, however, poses some
surface liquid penetrant. problems in the process of cleaning and
4. Wet soluble aqueous developer is used preparing the surfaces for liquid
at a concentration specified by the penetrants. In some cases and particularly
manufacturer. This consistency is with aluminum ingot and heavy plate
closely maintained to ensure sections, preferential etching of
uniformity in the inspection. constituents in the alloys can create
5. The castings are dried in a superfluous liquid penetrant indications.
recirculating, thermostatically In these instances, acid pickling is
controlled hot air dryer. recommended in preference to caustic
6. Before visual inspection for liquid etching.
penetrant indications, the castings are
allowed to cool (after removal from Acid Pickling of Aluminum before
the dryer) for about 10 min. This gives Liquid Penetrant Testing
the developer ample time to complete
the developing action. It acts like a If substantial metal removal is required,
blotter, bringing the liquid penetrant longer pickling times will cause an
trapped within discontinuities back to increase in the level of background liquid
the developer surface. penetrant indications due to pitting. This
7. The castings are then visually should be taken into consideration when
inspected for fluorescent indications of making the final test.
discontinuities under ultraviolet
radiation. Castings containing
discontinuities are sent to the rework Interpretation of Liquid
department. During the grinding
operation (when removing surface Penetrant Indications
discontinuities), dry or nonaqueous Interpretation of liquid penetrant
developer is used to bring back liquid indications of aluminum can be
penetrant indications of remaining accomplished on both the macroscopic
discontinuities. The grinder operator and microscopic scales. Macroscopic
applies the developer and rechecks the examination of the surface under testing,
casting under ultraviolet radiation. using either incidental or direct lighting
When all signs of the discontinuity will sometimes alleviate confusion as to
have been removed, the casting is characterization of discontinuities. With
sand blasted and sent back to the fluorescent liquid penetrants, ultraviolet
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing irradiation in a darkened room can be
area for a final test. used with macroscopic testing while the
liquid penetrant indications are still
shown by their fluorescence. This practice
enables the inspector to distinguish
readily between actual discontinuities and
surface anomalies such as etch pits,
machining discontinuities and other

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 355

extraneous discontinuities causing Metallography to Aid
background indications in materials in Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant
primary aluminum production facilities.
Metallographic examination remains a
most important aspect of determining
cause and microscopic features of
discontinuities found in aluminum and
FIGURE 2. Porosity in aluminum ingot: its alloys by liquid penetrant testing.
(a) hydrogen content of 2.50 mm3g1 = When using this technique to determine
2.5 mm3(0.37 cm3)1 = 6.75 mm3cm3 = the cause of liquid penetrant indications
0.675 or about 0.7 percent; more accurately, however, care should be
(b) photomicrograph of pore corresponding taken in the preparation of
to liquid penetrant indication. metallographic samples. Metal must not
(a) be allowed to flow and fill the surface
openings of the discontinuities during
polishing of metallographic test
specimens. This is necessary so that
microscopic details of the discontinuities
remain intact. Unfortunately, it is often
not possible to achieve exact correlation
of liquid penetrant indications to
microscopic discontinuities. In these
cases, quantitative metallographic
procedures are used to reinforce
interpretations based on liquid penetrant
test indications.

Fluorescent Penetrant
Testing in Aluminum
Through refinements of test techniques
and the addition of macroscopic visual
examination, both the locating and the
characterization of smaller discontinuities
in aluminum and its alloys have come
within the realm of liquid penetrant
testing. In the primary aluminum
production industry, liquid penetrant
testing has expanded from a single
go/no-go testing to its use in actual process
quality control.

Liquid Penetrant Testing of
Aluminum Ingots
Cross sections of all sizes of aluminum
ingots are inspected for cracks and
porosity before and after macroetching.
Most cracks and gross porosity can be
detected readily on the machined surface
of the ingot slice. However, macroetching
is usually required to permit the inspector
to distinguish fine porosity (see Fig. 2).
Testing of this type can be used as a
routine check on degassing and casting
practices in primary production of
Porosity is reported as a ratio of
volume to volume and can be expressed
as a percentage. For the case in Fig. 2,
hydrogen content in aluminum was
measured as 2.5 mm3g1. This calculates
to 2.50 mm3(0.37 cm3)1 =
6.75 mm3cm3 = 0.675 or about
0.7 percent. Therefore the hydrogen

356 Liquid Penetrant Testing

content should be reported as 6.75 General Inspection of Aluminum
mm3cm3 in volume for a porosity of Parts Cast, Fabricated, Welded
0.7 percent.
or in Service
The profound ability of liquid penetrant
Heavy Rolled Aluminum Plate testing to detect quench cracks, fatigue
Although ultrasonic testing is widely used cracks and the fine cracks resulting from
as a test method for heavy gage rolled stress corrosion has often prevented
aluminum alloy plate, liquid penetrant catastrophic failure of a part or possible
testing can be used to locate fine installation of a anomalous part. The
hydrogen related porosity of a size smaller aircraft industry commonly uses liquid
than that which can be detected through penetrant testing as the final assurance of
ultrasonics (see Fig. 3). Again, the cross quality of aluminum components before
sectioned surface of the aluminum plate is installation in aircraft. Automobile
machined and prepared either by manufacturers use liquid penetrant testing
macroetching or by acid pickling. The on aluminum automotive pistons, valves,
aircraft industry also commonly uses the steering and suspension components and
methods of liquid penetrant testing for aluminum alloy wheels.
examination of components machined Liquid penetrant testing is also an
from heavy gage aluminum alloy plate. important nondestructive test used to
ensure quality in welding of aluminum
Aluminum Alloy Forgings and its alloys. In the field, where
radiographic test equipment is not
The objective of liquid penetrant testing available, liquid penetrants are used in the
of machined or macroprepared aluminum weld area to detect weld cracks and base
forgings is detection of incipient cracking, metal cracks open to the surface. Liquid
delamination and forging lap folds with penetrants are often also used in
associated included oxides. Proper conjunction with radiographic testing of
preparation of test surfaces for liquid aluminum welds to discern those cracks
penetrant testing of aluminum alloy not oriented perpendicular to the part
forgings is critical as this type of working surface (that cannot always be detected by
tends to close up openings and disguise radiographic testing). Thus, liquid
discontinuities. Only those discontinuities penetrant testing has become a useful tool
that are open to the surface and that can for both aluminum fabricators and users.
entrap liquid penetrant will be detected in If proper liquid penetrant processing and
liquid penetrant testing. Longer liquid test procedures are used, discontinuities
penetrant dwell time on test surfaces can cannot only be located; they can also be
also help to define those discontinuities characterized as to their form and size.
that are partially closed during
mechanical working.

Aerospace Applications

Early Aerospace Manufacturing

FIGURE 3. Porosity in heavy aluminum plate.
Photomicrograph of pores corresponding to liquid penetrant
Experience in Testing of Light
indication near center of plate. Alloy Castings
Typical of the requirements established by
the customers for light alloy foundries are
those developed by early airframe
manufacturers during inspection. These
manufacturers found a high rate of
rejection on nonferrous castings because
of porosity, gas pockets, warps,
dimensional error, shrink, core shift and
cracked parts. These rejections were taking
place somewhere along the production
line, during machining or on completion
of the parts. It was then decided to set up
a receiving inspection and precision
dimensional checking of castings received
from foundries. Precision mechanical
gaging inspectors were assigned to set up
and precision check incoming castings
and forgings. Castings not built to
blueprint dimensions were returned to the
vendors. This dimensional testing took
care of the part of the problem involving

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 357

dimensional errors due to print change, penetrant testing were found to contain
warp, shrinkage or core shift. casting discontinuities in the same area.
The early experience of aerospace
X-Ray Fluoroscopic and Liquid manufacturers established the policies
that generally apply today in procurement
Penetrant Incoming Testing by of light alloy castings. Castings purchased
Customers for aerospace systems should meet the
Aerospace manufacturers then set up dimensional requirement of the drawings,
fluorescent liquid penetrant and X-ray taking care of warp, core shifts and other
fluoroscopic testing of light alloy castings causes of dimensional discrepancies.
and forgings to detect those that should Other factors such as cracks, excessive
be rejected because of cracks, porosity, gas porosity and gas pockets are not desirable
pockets and shrinkage. These tests found in castings and represent a problem that
failures due to stress raisers set up by the foundries are forced to face if they
shrinkage, failures due to porosity and intend to meet competition. Until
failures because of gas pockets in critical foundries set up a control on these
areas. It was also determined that factors, there remains a problem of
fluorescent liquid penetrant and cooperation between customers and
fluoroscopic testing should precede foundries to assist the foundries in
precision dimensional testing because supplying the best material possible.
only a fraction of the time required for
precision gaging would be required for
liquid penetrant or fluoroscopic testing.
These lower cost, high speed
nondestructive tests permitted immediate
rejection of parts on which precision test
time would otherwise be wasted.
It was found that two operators could
provide fluorescent liquid penetrant
testing of about 2500 average size castings
per day. The equipment in use was
composed of a liquid penetrant dip tank
and drain station; a water spray rinse
station for use with water washable liquid
penetrants, with overhead ultraviolet
lamps; a wet developer tank; a drying
oven; and two separate ultraviolet
radiation inspection booths. The
additional booth was used as a review
booth for engineering salvage of castings
in which discontinuities had been found.
This salvage operation involved decision
by qualified engineers as to which parts
would be serviceable in spite of the
discontinuities. Such rejected but
salvageable parts were sometimes salvaged
by grinding out the discontinuities or by

Customer Cooperation with

Foundries in Correction of
Unacceptable Castings
In early aerospace industry experience,
during a 60 day period, some 21 000 parts
were tested with fluorescent liquid
penetrants, of which 1413 were returned
to the vendor as not acceptable. To assist
the vendors in handling of parts returned
because of discontinuities, every possible
effort was made to test the castings as
soon as possible after receiving them.
Some vendors were able to make changes
in foundry technique by the addition of
gates and risers, slight changes in fillet
sections and by analyzing the
discontinuities found. Many orders of like
parts rejected by fluorescent liquid

358 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. ASTM E 1417, Standard Practice for

Liquid Penetrant Examination. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1995).
2. ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1995).
3. SAE AMS 2644, Inspection Materials,
Penetrant. Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers (1996).
4. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
Section V, Nondestructive Examination.
New York, NY: American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (1995).

Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production 359


Electric Power Applications

of Liquid Penetrant Testing

Jeffrey F. Cook, JFC NDE Engineering, Idaho Falls,

Matthew J. Golis, Advanced Quality Concepts,
Columbus, Ohio
PART 1. Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing
in Electric Power Plants

Electricity is created when the rotors of before welded installation. These

electrical generators are forced to spin inspections ensure that contaminants
within a static magnetic field. The entrapped within the base materials do
rotational forces are derived usually from not induce weaknesses in the final weld.
steam turbines and in some cases from Joint preparations are inspected by liquid
hydroelectric turbines. Steam used to penetrant testing before welding to avoid
drive the turbines can come from the conditions such as escape of fluids
burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) in entrained in laminations or porosity. Such
large boilers or by the use of steam conditions tend to interfere with the
generators (special pressure vessels) that welding process. Welding of stainless steel
derive their thermal drive from heated components and cladding deposited
water that has passed through a nuclear within carbon-steel pressure vessels in
reactor. Thus we speak of fossil power nuclear power plants is another common
plants and nuclear power plants. use of liquid penetrant testing.
Liquid penetrant testing is used to Another example is the testing of hard
detect discontinuities and time based surfacing on the seats of valve bodies.
degradation processes within the moving Cracks in these seats tend to lead to
parts of the electrical generation system as premature failure of a valve, usually
well as the pressure containing complex resulting in excessive leaking. When an
of pressure vessels and associated piping in-process repair must be made during the
subassemblies of nuclear power plants. It manufacture of components, especially if
also finds application in support of the it involves the repair of questionable
general integrity of structures found welding in stainless steel components, the
within the balance of plant facilities. repair welds are inspected using liquid
However, because fossil plants are penetrant testing to ensure absence of
constructed primarily from ferromagnetic questionable surface connected
materials, magnetic particle inspection discontinuities.
tends to be the preferred mode of surface
sensitive nondestructive testing. As is the
case of other complex engineering
systems, the use of liquid penetrant Inservice Inspection
testing varies somewhat from one Liquid penetrant testing is used to verify
situation to the next but the fundamental equipment condition on a continuing,
principles of its application remain the periodic basis after components have been
same as for other field related inspections. put into service.
Liquid penetrant testing is used as part Operating components suffer
of the quality assurance programs degradation from both variable
associated with new equipment mechanical stresses and extreme
manufacture and installation, with temperatures. Because power plant
ongoing inservice maintenance components are exposed to wide
inspections and technical support of temperature extremes, mechanical stresses
investigations, research and development are induced because of thermal expansion
projects as well as occasional procedure, cycles. Welds often retain residual stresses
process or personnel qualification that can lead to stress cracking in some
activities. environments. Vibrations and differential
loading also tend to initiate stress
relieving cracking. In exceptionally high
temperature areas, metal creep can occur
New Manufacture in pressurized piping systems. Turbine
Liquid penetrant testing is used to inspect blades are exposed to high frequency
original equipment integrity before oscillations that induce fatigue cracking in
components are put into service the protective cobalt based alloy on their
(including both fabrication and leading edges. Aluminum fan blades on
installation). electrical generators are inspected using
A typical example is the checking of liquid penetrant testing as are other
raw materials (forgings, castings, pipe, nonferromagnetic blades found on gas
fittings, and attachments) made of turbines.
aluminum, brass, copper, steel and nickel

362 Liquid Penetrant Testing

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Routine inspections, including those

done using liquid penetrant testing, are
used to detect the presence of such
potential failure modes before they can
cause a serious operational problem.
These inspections are conducted during
routine maintenance outages and as part
of an overall program of plant
assessments conducted on a partial plant,
rotating schedule.

Support of Other
Liquid penetrant testing is performed for
purposes other than assessing the
integrity of items for their acceptance for
future use.
A third general and equally important
function of liquid penetrant testing is its
use in assisting in determining: (1) the
extent of cracking associated with
component failure investigations, (2) the
demonstrated performance of unusual
liquid penetrant testing applications as
part of research and development
activities, and (3) support for procedure,
process and personnel qualification. This
last class of liquid penetrant testing
applications is very popular in that it
accommodates the need to get a spot
check on the severity of surface connected
discontinuities, often identified at the
specific location of a failure or other area
of special interest. It represents an
intermediate step between general visual
examination and the detailed sectioning
and microscopic analysis of test pieces.
For example, liquid penetrant tests of
copper-nickel steam condenser tubes,
subjected to adverse chemical
environmental conditions, assisted in
demonstrating the adverse effects of
different test conditions. Experimental
evaluation of automatic welding
equipment for nickel clad tube sheet used
liquid penetrant testing to validate welds
made during remote operations in nuclear
facilities. Liquid penetrant testing was
used to confirm the through-wall nature
of cracks found in the base welds of male
slip joints used in steel transmission line
poles. When radiography determined the
presence of galvanizing coating materials
within the cracks, an investigation found
that the base welds had been repaired
earlier to remove some root cracking. The
repairs had been finished off with a
regalvanizing touchup. It was evident that
the hot ticking method of regalvanizing
was the root cause of the recurring base
weld cracking.

Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 363

PART 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing of Pressure
Components of Nuclear Power Plants

The ASME Boiler Code, Section V,

Standards for Liquid Article 24, Liquid Penetrant Standards,
contains ASTM E 1652 and lists other
Penetrant Testing in ASTM nondestructive testing standards
Nuclear Power Plants accepted by the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Inspection of the most critical parts and
systems of nuclear power plants in the
United States is governed by the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, ASME Boiler Code
Nuclear Power Plant Components, and
Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Definitions of Visual,
Nuclear Power Plant Components. Section V, Surface and Volumetric
Nondestructive Examination, contains the
requirements and methods for
nondestructive examination.1 ASME Boiler Code, Section XI, Article
The ASME Boiler Code, Section V, IWA-2000, Examination and Inspection,
Article 1, General Requirements, defines the term examination to denote
describes the purpose and scope of the the performance of all visual observation
nondestructive testing methods, the and nondestructive testing such as
manufacturers examination radiography, ultrasonic, liquid penetrant
responsibility, the duties of the authorized and magnetic particle methods. It further
inspector and required written test defines the term flaw indication as
procedures and qualifications required of denoting the evidence or signal obtained
nondestructive examination personnel. by application of a nondestructive test
Article 1 also defines the special that may reveal the presence of a
distinction established in the various discontinuity. These discontinuity
ASME Boiler Code sections between indications may be caused by cracks, slag
inspection and examination and the inclusions or segregates, aligned or
personnel performing them. The term clustered porosity, lack of weld
inspection applies to the functions penetration, lack of weld fusion,
performed by the authorized inspector but laminations or combinations of these
the term examination applies to those conditions. Methods, techniques and
quality control functions performed by procedures for the inservice inspections
personnel employed by the manufacturer. are titled visual, surface and volumetric.
It also states that the terms inspection, Each of these terms denotes a general
testing and examination used in documents method and permits a selection of
of the American Society for Testing and different techniques or procedures
Materials (ASTM) do not describe duties of restricted to that method to accommodate
the authorized code inspector but rather varying degrees of accessibility and
denote the things to be done by the radiation levels and the automation of
manufacturers examination personnel. nondestructive testing equipment.
ASME Boiler Code, Section XI, covers
the Rules of Inservice Inspection of Nuclear ASME Boiler Code Description of
Power Plant Components. Article 6 of ASME
Boiler Code, Section V, Liquid Penetrant
Visual Examination and Lighting
Examination, describes the liquid A visual test is used to provide a report of
penetrant method, procedures and tests the general condition of the part,
and the qualification of liquid penetrant component or surface to be examined in a
procedures for nonstandard temperatures. nuclear power plant application.
It also limits liquid penetrant and Examples of conditions to be observed
processing material contaminants to not and reported include scratches, wear,
exceed one percent by weight of sulfur cracks, corrosion or erosion of the
when using liquid penetrant testing for surfaces; misalignment or movement of
nickel base alloys or one percent by the part or component; or evidence of
weight of total residual halogen content leakage. Access, lighting and angles of
when examining austenitic stainless steels vision are important considerations in
or titanium. performing visual testing either directly or

364 Liquid Penetrant Testing

remotely, depending on existing discontinuity if the detected area of the
conditions. indication is oriented primarily in any
Direct visual testing may usually be single plane, other than parallel to the
made when access is sufficient to permit surface of a component, and if any
the examiners eye to be placed within portion of the indication penetrates a
0.6 m (24 in.) of the surface to be surface of the component. Linear
examined and at an angle no less than indications are defined as those in which
30 degrees to the plane of the surface to the length is more than three times the
be inspected. Mirrors may be used to width. No linear indications are
improve the angle of vision and aids such acceptable in welds or in bolts, studs etc.
as a magnifying lens may be used to assist (unless such indications are axially
tests. Lighting, natural or artificial, oriented). In forgings, bar, plates, tubular
sufficient to illuminate the area to be products and castings, only indications
examined, is required. In the area to be over 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) in length are
examined, the lighting shall be a considered relevant. Acceptance criteria
minimum of 540 lx (50 ftc). Visual testing for rounded (nonlinear) indications are
personnel shall have an annual vision identical for welds and for nuclear power
acuity examination to ensure natural or piping. In all cases, however, the
corrected near distance vision acuity such applicable or specified version of the
that they can read standard J-1 letters on ASME Boiler Code should be consulted to
standard Jaeger test type charts for near determine the applicable acceptance
vision or demonstrate equivalent vision criteria.
acuity by other means of evaluation.
Because of recognized variations in ASME Boiler Code Description of
Jaeger vision test charts, Section XI of the
ASME Boiler Code specifies near distance Volumetric Examination
acuity of 20/25 or greater Snellen fraction A volumetric test has the purpose of
and provides maximum test chart indicating the presence of subsurface
character heights, depending on near discontinuities with a technique that can
vision test acuity test distance (refer to examine the entire volume of material
IWA-2322 in Section XI). beneath the surface to be examined.
For inservice nondestructive testing of Obviously, liquid penetrant testing is not
nuclear power plant systems or volumetric. Radiographic testing and
components according to Section XI of ultrasonic testing are typically used for
the ASME Boiler Code, remote visual volumetric inspection of nuclear power
testing may have to be substituted for plant components and systems.
direct visual testing. Remote visual testing
may use visual aids such as mirrors,
telescopes, borescopes, fiber optics,
cameras, television or other suitable Surface Examinations
instruments. Such systems shall have a Liquid Penetrant versus
resolution capability at least equivalent to
that obtainable by direct visual Magnetic Particle
observation. Liquid penetrant testing is used on
The ASME Boiler Code specifies that nuclear power plant piping, welds,
lighting for examination of visible dye pressure vessels, valves and fittings.
liquid penetrants must be adequate to Fittings may be castings or forgings.
ensure that no loss of sensitivity occurs in Liquid penetrant testing is used for surface
the liquid penetrant test. Some situations inspection of magnetic as well as
may require levels of lighting or visual nonmagnetic materials. Magnetic particle
aids comparable to those described here testing may sometimes not be feasible
for visual testing to achieve the optimum because of inaccessibility for applying
level of vision acuity in observing liquid magnetizing current prods to root welds
penetrant indications. or small fittings such as elbows. Visibility
in areas requiring surface inspection may
ASME Boiler Code Description of be so limited that measurement of particle
accumulations is difficult. Visible dye
Surface Examination and liquid penetrant testing avoids both of
Discontinuity Indications these problems. Where only a small area
A surface test is specified to delineate or of material requires inspection, such as
verify the presence of surface or near with a repair weld, liquid penetrant tests
surface cracks or discontinuities. It may be are frequently used to avoid moving
conducted by either magnetic particle magnetic particle power supplies and test
testing or liquid penetrant testing where equipment for such a small job.
the surface condition, material and
accessibility permit such a test. In surface
inspection, a continuous indication shall
be considered as a surface planar

Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 365

testing only before pneumatic pressure
Liquid Penetrant Testing of testing.
Nuclear Power Plant Tubular Products
Components Nuclear power tubular products, both
Liquid penetrant tests are used seamless and welded without filler metal,
throughout the construction and life cycle require performance of one of the
of nuclear power plants on components following types of tests: (1) liquid
ranging from the smallest valves to the penetrant testing, (2) magnetic particle
largest and most critical pressure vessels. testing, (3) ultrasonic testing,
The discontinuities sought during liquid (4) radiographic testing or (5) eddy
penetrant testing are those common to current testing. Class 3 components
pressurized systems in conventional require liquid penetrant testing or
nonnuclear power plants and pressure magnetic particle testing on piping or
vessels and components throughout tubular products over 100 mm (4.0 in.)
industry. Common discontinuities are pipe size.
caused by cracks, porosity, laminations, Magnetic particle testing is used for
weld discontinuities and other much of the surface testing of carbon steel
discontinuities open to exposed surfaces. piping in boiling water reactors. However,
Discontinuities may be judged as in both boiling water reactors and
acceptable or be rejected, depending on pressurized water reactors where austenitic
the specified acceptance criteria. stainless piping is used, low halogen
Many of the tests performed are liquid penetrant materials are specified for
required by regulatory agencies in nondestructive testing of welds and
conformance with applicable provisions piping. This requires low halogen liquid
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel penetrant testing materials consisting of
Code.1 However, many other tests are the cleaner, liquid penetrant, removers
performed by manufacturers and erectors and developers.
as an economic consideration, as
inprocess steps before expensive
fabrication or testing operations.
Onsite Liquid Penetrant
Materials and Fasteners Examination of Nuclear
Nuclear power plant materials in ASME Power Plant Systems
Boiler Code Class 1 (the most critical of the
ASME Boiler Code requirements for critical
ASME Boiler Code Section III code classes)
Class 1 nuclear components permit
require surface testing: (1) pressure
fluorescent or visible dye liquid penetrant
retaining materials with outlet sizes
systems designated as either solvent
greater than 50 mm (2 in.); (2) forgings
removable or postemulsifiable. However,
and bars; (3) tubular products welded with
liquid penetrant testing at the
filler metal; (4) castings, all surfaces; and
construction site is almost without
(5) bolts, studs and nuts greater than
exception accomplished with solvent
25 mm (1 in.) bolt size. Classes 2 and 3 of
removable visible dye liquid penetrant
ASME Boiler Code materials are tested in
materials packaged in spray cans. These
accordance with the requirements of the
materials are readily portable in kit form
applicable material specification
and do not require special processing
contained in the ASME Boiler Code,
facilities or wash water, hot air dryers or
Section II.
dark room examination facilities. Spray
cans of liquid penetrant, cleaner and wet
Welds and Seals developer suspensions are stamped with
Class 1 welds of specially designed seals the identification number and material
and Class 1 and 2 welds of the following batch analysis taken before packaging into
listing require surface testing: (1) pipe spray cans. This makes possible both
welds; (2) vessel welds; (3) corner welds; traceability and validation of material
(4) fillet and socket welds; (5) welded type and quality. Spray cans prevent
branch and piping connections; (6) butt contamination of the materials during or
welded nozzles; (7) deposited metal used between use periods.
as reinforcement of openings for nozzles,
branch and piping connections; and Operating Conditions in Onsite
(8) structural attachments. Liquid Penetrant Examinations
For fabrication, all hard surfacing
(except on valves with inlet connections Onsite liquid penetrant testing of nuclear
less than 100 mm (4 in.) nominal pipe power plant systems is often
size), tube-to-tube sheet welds and weld accomplished under difficult conditions.
metal cladding require liquid penetrant Testing may be done in the swamps of
testing. Vessels require liquid penetrant tropical areas where the worst process

366 Liquid Penetrant Testing

interference comes from operator preparation of test surfaces either by
perspiration or in cold climates where one grinding or by manual wire brushing
of the major problems is spraying liquid (with the brush wire material matching
penetrants or developers while wearing the material to be examined). When
mittens. The examiner may be testing unacceptable liquid penetrant indications
many small welds while crammed into a are found, the discontinuities they reveal
hole where the biggest problem is to are removed by grinding or thermal
provide illumination required by code. Or techniques. To be sure that the
the examiner may be examining a seam discontinuity has been removed
weld while suspended in a crane cage at completely or reduced to an acceptable
the top of a nuclear reactor containment size, the entire original liquid penetrant
structure where the major problem is to test procedure is applied again. (Etching is
avoid looking downward. Many other not used to determine that the
examples of operator discomfort, discontinuity has been fully removed.
distraction or hazard could be listed. Spot etching, however, is sometimes
required to confirm removal of smeared
Temperature Conditions in Onsite metal.) If repair welding is needed to
restore dimensions, the repair surface is
Liquid Penetrant Examinations prepared as described above and is again
Inspectors working at nuclear power plant examined, using the full liquid penetrant
construction sites commonly use liquid test procedure. Pipes that have been bent
penetrant systems qualified to operate at in the field are frequently examined with
temperatures from 2 to 130 C (36 to liquid penetrant to make sure that the
270 F). Some manufacturers of liquid strains and stresses developed during
penetrant materials have systems qualified bending did not initiate cracking. If
to operate at temperatures as low as necessary, their surfaces should also be
12 C (10 F). High temperature liquid prepared by grinding or wire brushing as
penetrants have proven to be very useful described above. (High speed wire
in nuclear power plant inspection, brushing may necessitate spot etching to
especially for multipass welds. High remove smeared metal.)
temperature liquid penetrant test
materials save time by eliminating part of
the waiting period required for welds to
cool before inspection. Liquid penetrant Timing of Steps in Onsite
manufacturers offer specialized liquid Liquid Penetrant Tests
penetrant testing materials for use on
surfaces at 175 C (350 F), a typical weld In the case of many fillet welds on
preheat temperature. nuclear power plant structures, liquid
Use caution irritating vapors are penetrant testing may be the only type of
generated more rapidly when volatile nondestructive testing applied. (Critical
materials such as solvent type cleaners, butt welds are often examined by
removers or developers are applied to radiographic or ultrasonic testing.)
high temperature surfaces. Care should be Proper sequencing of liquid penetrant
taken to provide adequate ventilation. tests and care on the part of each test
The ASME Boiler Code (Section V, Article 6) operator is needed. For example, if several
specifies a procedure for qualification of areas or parts are to be examined
liquid penetrant procedures for use at simultaneously by liquid penetrant
nonstandard temperatures, using cracked testing, the operator should perform each
aluminum reference blocks. When it is step of the test by using the same
not practical to make a liquid penetrant sequence of parts. If this is not done,
test within the standard temperature confusing variations may arise. A part that
range of 10 to 52 C (50 to 125 F), the has had the longest penetration time or
nondestructive test at the proposed the longest developing time can have
nonstandard temperature requires indications that appear to be quite
qualification. different from those on parts that receive
minimum penetration or developing
times, especially when the extremes of
time variations allowed by the test
Surface Preparation for procedures are approached. If an operator
tries to apply liquid penetrant test
Liquid Penetrant Testing of materials simultaneously to too great a
Nuclear Components length of weld or to too many small welds
Preparation of material surfaces for liquid in a system and runs into trouble
penetrant testing may be unnecessary for completing processing steps within their
some raw or semifinished materials allotted time, it creates an obvious cause
having good surface finishes. All types of of discrepancies in examination and
welding, except inert gas tungsten arc evaluation of discontinuity indications.
welding (GTAW), generally require

Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 367

Avoiding Interference Limitations of Liquid
among Multiple Operators Penetrant Testing for
During onsite liquid penetrant tests of Nuclear Power Plant
nuclear power plant systems, two or more Inspection
test operators working in the same area
may interfere with each others test Although many indications have been
processes in ways that might not be detected and analyzed correctly for
noticed. For example, if liquid penetrant nuclear power systems, both preservice
tests are being performed in too close and inservice, it cannot be positively
proximity, one operator might stated that all existing discontinuities
inadvertently spray developer on the have been detected by liquid penetrant
other operators test surface area, possibly testing or other nondestructive testing
just before the other operators visual methods. An example is a reactor pressure
examination and interpretation of vessel where cracking of weld deposited
indications. The second application of cladding was suspected. This cracking was
developer could cover an existing confirmed before service through liquid
indication and, if the second operator penetrant testing but most of the cracks
performs the interpretation before the were not apparent during subsequent
liquid penetrant has had a chance to inservice inspection. The problem was
bleed through the new covering of that the corrosion product (scale)
developer, a discontinuity could be developed in service had completely
missed. However, the operator who covered the crack. Therefore, because of
applies developer last can use care to see if interference from the scale, liquid
there is developer on an adjacent test area penetrant testing could not detect cracks
and avoid this type of interference with in the underlying metallic cladding. Only
another test. after the scale was removed by grinding
Another situation of interference was liquid penetrant testing able to reveal
between adjacent liquid penetrant test liquid penetrant indications of the cracks.
operators is more difficult to recognize. This problem has been observed on other
Suppose that, in a confined area, one reactor systems.
operator develops the test area first but Despite the fact that nondestructive
inadvertently applied developer to testing cannot always detect a significant
another adjacent clean area of weld that discontinuity in a nuclear piping system,
has no visual indication under test. there are other additional safeguards
However, if the second operator had just against disastrous failures.
applied cleaner/remover to that weld area 1. The moisture detection system will
and it had not completely evaporated, the detect small leaks.
premature coating of developer could 2. The material used in construction of
absorb the cleaner, leaving a layer of the critical piping system are resistant
relatively inactive developer on that to fast fracture.
section of the weld. If the second operator 3. The containment vessel is designed to
now sprays developer on that section of protect the public against radiation
the weld, waits the prescribed time and release due to a break in the largest
examines this surface for indications, it is pipe housed in the containment
possible that the cleaner or remover in vessel.
the underlying developer layer will
interfere with proper development of There have been no recorded instances of
indications. failure to detect significant discontinuities
This type of coincidence is most likely in the reactor pressure vessel; in fact, very
when the two operators are working on small discontinuities have been detected
opposite sides of a welded barrier and and correctly analyzed. Even though these
have to reach around the edges of this safeguards exist, research has sought to
barrier to apply processing materials and increase the reliability of nondestructive
must use an inspection mirror to see the testing methods for nuclear power
resultant indications. In this case, one systems.
operator may not be fully aware that the
second operator is working on the
adjacent area and could be unaware of the
interfering operations that have occurred.
Neither may notice the developer
inadvertently sprayed onto the back side
of the weld and indications might be

368 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 3. Examples of Liquid Penetrant
Indications of Discontinuities in Reactor Piping

Indication of Lack of Fusion at

Liquid Penetrant Weld Root in Pipe
Indications of Cracking in Figure 1 shows the type of liquid
Reactor Cooling Systems penetrant indications observed when
detecting and identifying the extent of
Ultrasonic testing, occasionally supported lack of fusion between a weld root insert
by radiographic testing, was used to (Grinnel insert) and pipe base metal.
identify questionable welds at several Figure 1a shows a white light photograph
nuclear power plants. Liquid penetrants of the partially sectioned pipe segment.
were often used to try to confirm the The relatively rough contours in the
presence of inservice cracking in welds vicinity of the root can be seen, as well as
once they had been removed from service a ground out area in the center of the
and split longitudinally to permit access picture between the 6 and 8 in. marks.
to their inside diameter surfaces. Typical Figure 1c shows a close up of the cut
examples included core spray lines as well surface, near the right side of Fig. 1b. The
as valve bypass lines. slight indication near the root of the weld
In this case, ultrasonic tests had tends to follow the contour of what
indicated several sections of 250 mm would be the remnants of the unfused
(10 in.) American Iron and Steel Institute Grinnel insert. Figure 1d shows a close up
(AISI) type 304 stainless steel piping of the same area after metallurgical
suspected of containing stress corrosion sectioning and preparation. The
cracks. indication is along the line between the
These intergranular cracks are caused coarse and fine grained insert base metals.
by residual stresses within the welds used More detailed sectioning and examination
to join pipe sections and attachments to of this region showed oxide inclusions in
fittings such as elbows, tees, pumps and unfused regions.
valves. Residual stresses are often
compounded by the presence of applied
stresses found in piping systems attached
to rigid structures such as pressure vessels. Liquid Penetrant
The presence of trace amounts of Indications in Base Metal
contaminants in the circulating water as
well as grinding marks on the inside near Nuclear Pipe Weld
diameter of the pipes near the weldments Figure 2 shows examples of liquid
are all considered to be factors penetrant indications observed in a
contributing to the onset of the stress boiling water reactor (BWR) stainless steel
cracking. pipe material. The discontinuity lies near
Four typical examples of the weld a girth weld and is oriented
conditions and the types of indications circumferentially. Indications near welds
found are shown in the photographs of are often expected to have been caused by
Figs. 1 to 4. The liquid penetrant the welding process.
indications were obtained after the pipe The pipe segment is shown in the
segments were halved so that access to white light photograph of Fig. 2a. Note
the inside diameter surface was available. that the root area near the weld has been
In each case, the inside surface of the ground to a fairly rough surface finish and
pipes had to be descaled to lower the a large change in wall thickness occurs
excessive radiation levels and to remove between the pipe segment (bottom) and
sites for the entrapment of liquid the elbow fitting to which the pipe is
penetrants, a potential source of excessive attached (top). This highly irregular
background indications. contour and the as-welded condition of
The investigations showed the presence the outside surface made this type of joint
not only of intergranular stress corrosion very difficult to test ultrasonically.
cracking but also of internal material Figure 2b shows a close up fluorescent
inclusions and incomplete fusion of liquid penetrant indication in the vicinity
backing materials into the pipe materials of the weld. Note how the indications
during original working. appear to be in a straight yet broken line
with the leftmost indications somewhat
rounded. These indications are caused by

Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 369

FIGURE 1. Lack of fusion between weld root FIGURE 2. Surface defects in base metal near circumferential
insert and pipe base metal in nuclear power weld in nuclear power plant piping: (a) white light
plant piping: (a) white light photograph of photograph of inside surface, showing weld location and
partially sectioned pipe segments, showing contour of weld root area (note wall thickness change at
partially ground area between 6 and 8 in. weld); (b) fluorescent liquid penetrant indications in base
marks; (b) fluorescent liquid penetrant metal, paralleling weld root area between 13 and 18 inch
indication at weld root insert edge; marks; (c) microscopic photograph of cross section through
(c) closeup macroscopic photograph of pipe wall showing nonmetallic sliver in base metal.
weld root with fluorescent liquid penetrant
indication of weld root notch at bottom; (a)
(d) photograph of cut surface, after
metallurgical sectioning and preparation,
with dark diagonal line indicating lack of




Notch indication


370 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 3. Stress corrosion cracking in nuclear grade type 304 stainless steel piping: (a) white light photograph of typical pipe
to pipe weld segment; (b) fluorescent liquid penetrant indications of cracks angled to and parallel to weld center line;
(c) closeup photograph of long, parallel fluorescent crack indication in Fig. 3b; (d) closeup photograph of short, angled crack
indications in Fig. 3b; (e) photograph of sample, broken through stress corrosion crack; (f) cross section of typical stress
corrosion crack in pipe wall.
(a) (e)




Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 371

nonmetallic slivers embedded in the base
material that have emerged during the FIGURE 4. Cracking in heat affected zone of weld base
grinding operations. metal, paralleling weld center line: (a) fluorescent liquid
Figure 2c shows a micrograph taken penetrant indication of base metal cracking; (b) transverse
through one of the slivers. Note that the section through crack in base metal, with liquid penetrant
discontinuity existed only in the pipe indication; (c) microscopic photograph on left, showing
base material, adjacent to the weld zone initiation site for corrosion cracking, and macroscopic
and was not induced in service; it was a photograph on right, showing initiation site for corrosion
manufacturing discontinuity that was not cracking.
large enough to be readily detected during
fabrication and processing testing. (a)

Examples of Liquid
Penetrant Indications of
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Figure 3 shows an example of the types of
liquid penetrant indications observed
when detecting the presence of stress
corrosion cracking near the heat affected
zones of circumferential welds in nuclear
grade type 304 stainless steel piping.
Figure 3a shows a photograph of a typical
pipe-to-pipe weld segment. The root area
is slightly rough and some hint of
counterbore preparation can be seen just
adjacent to the weld root. The as-welded
condition on the outside diameter is quite
acceptable for most nondestructive testing
However, Fig. 3b shows the presence of
several severe cracks when viewed under
ultraviolet radiation and when fluorescent
liquid penetrants are used for detection
purposes. The 60 mm (2.5 in.) long crack (b)
in the center of the pipe is aligned in a
circumferential direction (as would be
expected from the stress distribution in
such piping assemblies). The angled cracks
at the left are neither parallel nor
perpendicular to the weld center line and
were not detected when using generally
accepted inservice ultrasonic test
procedures. The indications from the large
crack appear to be very diffuse because
the liquid penetrant was running out of
the crack while the photograph was being
taken. The tighter, angled cracks did not
have this problem because the
photographs were taken only seconds into
the development period.
Figure 3c and 3d show close ups of the
long and angled cracks, respectively. The
long crack was broken open and found to
extend more than halfway through the
pipe wall. A 10 photographic
enlargement of the broken sample is
shown in Fig. 3e. The granular type of
surface morphology can be seen in the Stress corrosion crack
upper part of the photograph; the normal initiation site
ductile fracture of stainless steel can be
seen in the lower portion. Figure 3f shows Enlarged area,
the typical crack morphology when showing region of
depleted grain boundaries
sectioned in the transverse direction.

372 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Cracking Parallel to Weld Center
FIGURE 5. Remotely controlled mechanized scanning system Line and in Heat Affected Zone
for liquid penetrant testing of outside surface of nuclear
piping welds: (a) schematic drawing; (b) system in Figure 4 shows weld cracking parallel to
laboratory; (c) inspection of nuclear pipe weld in nuclear the weld center line exclusively in the
plant. Liquid penetrant indications are displayed on remote predicted direction. The crack travel tends
color monitor and are video taped. to follow in the grinding marks found on
the inside diameter surface of the pipe. As
the photographs show, the cracking is just
(a) adjacent to the welds and usually found
in the heat affected regions of the base

Example of Mechanized
Remote Liquid Penetrant
Pipe Weld Testing Device
Two basic problems involved in liquid
penetrant testing of nuclear power
systems are (1) lack of adequate access for
human test operators and observers and
(2) presence of high radiation fields in
areas to be inspected. Figure 5 shows a
device developed specifically for remote
liquid penetrant testing of piping welds
from the outside surface. This device
cleans the surface, applies liquid
(b) penetrant, removes excess liquid
penetrant, applies developer and presents
images of the liquid penetrant indications
by means of fiber optics and a remote
color television monitor. Visual and
position data are recorded in real time by
means of a video recorder. Test
identification data may be recorded
directly on the record tape by using the
keyboard printer and special effects


Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 373

PART 4. Personnel Performing Liquid Penetrant
Testing in Power Plants

Ensuring Test Quality Psychology of Field Test

through Independent Surveillance Operations
Inspections and Audits Essential to the success of surveillance is
An essential part of a quality program, the the conversation during the waiting
structure of which will be discussed later, periods required in liquid penetrant
is the assurance of consistent quality and testing. The operator must be put at ease
independence of its inspections and tests. to perform as nearly normally as possible.
The best way quality can be ensured is by If this cannot be done, the type and
the performance of periodic surveillance. amount of nervousness must be evaluated
There are standard provisions for periodic and used to interpret any errors made.
audits of operations but these are Mistakes made under surveillance are
designed more as a check on the normally on the conservative side, that is,
completeness and accuracy of to reject more than normal or necessary.
documentation, proper systems When mistakes tend in the other
interfacing and the functioning of direction, it indicates that the operator
management controls. These audits can be feels justified doing so. This should be
helpful in determining whether investigated and then judged accordingly.
nondestructive tests are performed The time during the waiting periods
properly, particularly in radiography. A can be put to other uses too. This is an
system of slightly less formal surveillance opportunity to encourage the operator to
is invaluable in evaluating the talk about problems either technical
performance of liquid penetrant test problems with the testing procedures or
personnel and equipment. In summary, equipment or scheduling and access
surveillance of liquid penetrant testing problems that can give information about
operations is used to evaluate the test the total program. It is essential that the
operators (1) procedure knowledge and surveillance be carried out by qualified
conformance, (2) technique of application and knowledgeable nondestructive testing
and (3) judgment and motivation. personnel. A rote audit by an uninformed
administrator with a checklist negates the
benefits and can negate motivation.
Motivation of Inspectors Doing
Repetitive Work
A major problem in repetitive tests on FIGURE 6. Liquid penetrant inspector evaluation checklist.
large structures is boredom. Because the
operations are largely rote, there are no
tangible results of the labor and it is
hoped that, discontinuities occur very
rarely. The inspector tends to have a
feeling of not contributing to the total
job. Surveillance counteracts this in two
ways. It shows the inspector that
management feels that the work is
important by their monitoring and it
gives the staff an opportunity to discuss
the importance of the work with the
inspector as that inspector performs tests.
When liquid penetrant testing is the only
inspection required, it assumes as much
importance as the most sophisticated
ultrasonic or radiographic tests performed
in other instances. Figure 6 shows a
portion of a liquid penetrant inspector
evaluation sheet, which allows the observer
to record a variety of information on the
performance of the liquid penetrant test

374 Liquid Penetrant Testing

nondestructive testing division by means
Retraining Test Operators of surveillance, technical assistance and
procedure writing for field activities and
for Recertification review and approval of vendor
Periodic retraining of test operators for nondestructive testing procedures.
recertification is a necessary part of a good One of the main duties of a
liquid penetrant testing program. This is nondestructive testing function is to
necessary for familiarization with changes promote high quality of all
in codes, standards and procedures. This nondestructive testing essential to the
is also a time to warn about errors of quality of materials and workmanship in
familiarization, mistakes made because an a power plant.
operator is too experienced. These take
the form of engineering judgments made
by nondestructive testing personnel. For
example, the operator may decide not to Training of Personnel for
retest an indication that proved to be a Power Plant Inspections
surface irregularity coupled with
The problems associated with inservice
inadequate removal of excess surface
inspection include the scarcity of
liquid penetrant. But the instance in
personnel trained and qualified for reactor
which the operator decides not to retest
system examination; the variability in
may be the case in which a combination
procedures and data recording among
of inadequate cleaning and slightly too
inspection agencies in the United States
much developer blurs the darker center
and worldwide; and the increasing
line and masks a relevant indication. This
problem of radiation exposure of test
external vigilance is not inbred; it is
personnel in nuclear plants.
promoted by certification, continual
The scarcity in the general labor force
monitoring and retraining.
of qualified, trained and experienced
Retraining is the time for the examiner
personnel whose standards or
to emphasize the reasoning behind the
certifications can be compared among
waiting times, the sequence of operations
inspection agencies is a major problem.
and all those other things the examiner
Each inspection agency trains its own
wants to tell a liquid penetrant test
personnel, because it is practically
operator, now that the examiner is not
impossible to obtain personnel with the
afraid of confusing the operator and
necessary training and experience to be
making the operator forget to wait at least
immediately used in performance of
7 min before interpretation. This should
inservice inspection unless they are hired
provide another opportunity to elicit
from another inservice inspection agency.
feedback to the original training program
The unique requirements of materials,
or to the test procedure writers.
component geometry and standards of
inspection require that personnel require
Organization of Power System extensive training before they perform
Quality Assurance Department independent tests. Owing to economic
necessity, the training program of each
Organization for a quality assurance
inspection agency must be adequate to
program is shown in Fig. 7a. The
maintain the labor force required. The
functions of a quality assurance
principal problem arises during peak
department are as follows.
reactor outage periods or is due to a
1. Identify quality requirements. generic problem that requires inspection
2. Determine how and when to measure of a large number of systems in a short
quality. period of time.
3. Keep records of the above functions.
4. For quality control, document all
materials, fabrication processes and
fabrication quality. Nondestructive Testing
The structure of a typical quality Personnel Certification
control department is shown in Fig. 7b.
Liquid penetrant testing is performed by
the nondestructive testing group in the Pressure Vessels and Piping
field. Records are filled out there and Power plants, contractors and agencies
fitted into system packages by the concerned with the qualification and
documentation section. In the certification of nondestructive testing
manufacturers plants, liquid penetrant personnel must begin by referring to the
testing is witnessed by a qualified standards that govern the operation of
inspector who performs duties parallel to their facilities. In the United States and
the field sites documentation section. The many other nations, the standard is the
quality control phase of all nondestructive ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
testing is overseen by the headquarters

Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 375

published by the American Society of ASNT Recommended Practice No.
Mechanical Engineers.1 SNT-TC-1A
Fossil power plants must be concerned
with vessels and connections for fuel. The Personnel certification and standards of
American Petroleum Institute publishes certification of nondestructive testing
ANSI/API 510 (for pressure vessels) and personnel are described by the American
API 570 (for piping) for organizations that Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
employ or have access to technically in its ASNT Recommended Practice
qualified engineering and inspection No. SNT-TC-1A: Personnel Qualification and
personnel.3,4 Certification in Nondestructive Testing.5 This

FIGURE 7. Typical quality assurance department of nuclear power system: (a) organizational
chart; (b) personnel structure.


Quality Quality Quality

control assurance or control
construction nondestructive shop
monitoring testing monitoring

Staff Staff

Construction District offices


of inspection
and testing

Quality control


Quality control

Supervisor Supervisor

Nondestructive Welding Electrical

Calibration Civil

Piping Mechanical Instrumentation Documentation

376 Liquid Penetrant Testing

document has been adopted by the may only be certified to a document
American Society of Mechanical Engineers based on ISO 9712 and not to ISO 9712
for use in sections of the ASME Boiler and itself.
Pressure Vessel Code.1
ASNT NDT Level III The present ISO 9712 document stipulates
The competence of Level III personnel that the organization that represents a
before 1977 had tended to vary widely country in the International Organization
between different inspection agencies. for Standardization (ISO), which
Because the Level III personnel prepare organization for the United States is the
the tests and provide training for working American National Standards Institute
technicians at Levels I and II, the (ANSI), is supposed to recognize the
qualifications of these test operators also national certifying body (NCB) for central
tended to vary widely. However, in 1977, certification of nondestructive testing
the American Society for Nondestructive personnel; however, the American
Testing established the ASNT NDT National Standards Institute has not had
Level III examination service for Level III any mechanism to recognize a national
nondestructive testing personnel. If certifying body, so no ISO 9712 compliant
stipulated by the producer and consumer, program existed for industry recognition
the ASNT NDT Level III examination can in the United States in the early 1990s.
be used to show compliance with the Accordingly, the American Society for
basic and method parts of the Level III Nondestructive Testing chose to develop
recommended practices. Specific Level III and implement a central certification
examination areas are devoted to each of program that has not only provided for
several basic nondestructive testing compliance but in many ways has
methods. exceeded the minimum requirements of
ISO 9712 while addressing inspection
ANSI/ASNT CP-189 personnel performance.
The American Society for
ANSI/ASNT CP-189, ASNT Standard for Nondestructive Testing Central
Qualification and Certification of Certification Program (ACCP) was
Nondestructive Testing Personnel,6 provides developed because there was a need in the
minimum requirements for certification United States for independent, third party
that are more stringent than the qualification and certification of
recommendations of ASNT Recommended nondestructive testing personnel. The
Practice No SNT-TC-1A. CP-189 requires recognition of this need evolved
central certification plus employer gradually. The American Society for
certification of Level III personnel and Nondestructive Testing had been
employer certification of Levels I and II. developing parallel portions of such a
In the United States, central certification program since 1988, including centralized
entails personnel examination through qualification and certification for
the ASNT NDT Level III program. CP-189 nondestructive testing Level II personnel
is little used by electric utilities, however, and a program for NDT Level III
because its requirements are redundant personnel that was more comprehensive
with other applicable standards and than the ASNT NDT Level III program of
programs, such as the ACCP, described the mid-1990s.
below. The choice between an employer based
certification or an ACCP certification is a
International Standards function of the relationship between
employees, employers, and customers.
ISO 9712, Non-Destructive Testing These certification alternatives are only
Qualification and Certification of Personnel,7 meaningful in the context of the choice
is used in many nations and in different resulting from the particular needs and
parts of the world. Developed by the expectations of the employee, employer
International Organization for and customer. The employer and
Standardization, the standard requires customer have expectations and need to
central certification of nondestructive determine the program of nondestructive
testing personnel. A similar document for testing personnel qualification and
Europe is EN 473, Qualification and certification that is best for them.
Certification of NDT Personnel General Rationally, no single product, service,
Principles.8 or program can best meet the
ISO 9712 and EN 473 stipulate central expectations and needs for all. For this
certification without providing it. Just as reason, the American Society for
individuals cannot be certified to Nondestructive Testing offers SNT-TC-1A,
SNT-TC-1A but rather only to an ANSI/ASNT CP-189 and the ACCP.
employer based written practice as
recommended by ASNT Recommended
Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, so too individuals

Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 377


1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

New York, NY: American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (1998).
2. ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West
Conshohocken, PA: American Society
for Testing and Materials (1995).
3. ANSI/API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection
Code: Maintenance Inspection, Rating,
Repair, and Alteration, eighth edition.
Washington, DC: American Petroleum
Institute (June 1997).
4. API 570, Piping Inspection Code:
Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and
Rerating of In-Service Piping Systems,
second edition. Washington, DC:
American Petroleum Institute (October
5. ASNT Recommended Practice No.
SNT-TC-1A. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing.
6. ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for
Qualification and Certification of
Nondestructive Testing Personnel.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing.
7. ISO 9712, Nondestructive Testing
Qualification and Certification of
Personnel. Geneva, Switzerland:
International Organization for
8. EN 473, Qualification and Certification
of NDT Personnel General Principles.
Brussels, Belgium: European
Committee for Standardization.
9. ASNT Central Certification Program
(ACCP), Revision 2. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (September 1998).

378 Liquid Penetrant Testing


Aerospace Applications of
Liquid Penetrant Testing

Brian MacCracken, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford,

Robert L. Crane, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
Donald J. Hagemaier, Boeing Company, Long Beach,
Robert J. Lord, Boeing Company, St. Louis, Missouri
Dennis S. Smith, Boeing Company, Long Beach,
Noel A. Tracy, Universal Technology Corporation,
Dayton, Ohio

Portions of Part 1, Copyright 1995 by the American Society for Testing and Materials. Reprinted with permission.
PART 1. Liquid Penetrant Testing Process
Specifications in Aerospace Manufacturing

information on the expendable test

Aerospace Industry materials and families of materials,
together with the controlling
Requirements for Liquid specifications. The specifications would be
Penetrant Process accompanied by a statement of
requirements for materials used in liquid
Specifications penetrant testing, such as the following
To establish a liquid penetrant testing excerpt.
procedure, a number of engineering Materials. All materials used for liquid
requirements must be generated. Among penetrant testing shall conform to and be
these are (1) requirements and procedures qualified per SAE AMS 2644 and appear
for application of the liquid penetrant on its qualified products list except as
method, (2) product acceptance classes noted in the table.1
and (3) requirements and procedures for
the qualification and control of the
equipment and personnel. Once the Example of Equipment
engineering requirements are decided on, Information in Aerospace Process
a way is needed to implement those Specification
requirements and to ensure their proper
Test equipment such as that necessary for
application both in prime manufacturers
applying the liquid penetrant materials
facilities in house and at subcontractor
and for drying the parts to be inspected
facilities. The common means of
may be described in an equipment section
implementing liquid penetrant testing in
of an aerospace industry process
the aerospace industry is the process
specification. An excerpt from an
equipment section is as follows.
Drying Equipment. The drying equipment
for drying after cleaning shall consist of
Arrangement of Liquid heated dryers with temperature controls
to maintain dryer operating temperatures.
Penetrant Process The drying equipment for drying after
Specification removal of excess liquid penetrant shall
An aerospace liquid penetrant process consist of circulating hot air ovens with
specification is typically divided into temperature controls to maintain dryer
several sections. A section might list all operating temperature or hot air blast
documents and related process heaters with controls such that the hot air
specifications applicable to the liquid temperature at the part surface does not
penetrant testing specification. Such listed exceed the maximum allowed.
documents should include related military
specifications, consensus standards and
other company process specifications
(such as cleaning process specifications).
Process Control
Other sections of the liquid penetrant Information in Aerospace
process specification might describe the Process Specification
materials used in the liquid penetrant
testing process. Requirements for the A process control section might detail the
various steps in performing the liquid requirements for periodically checking the
penetrant test include cleaning the parts liquid penetrant materials and the
before liquid penetrant testing, the liquid equipment used during inspection.
penetrant dwell time and the conditions The following properties are commonly
under which the part must be inspected. checked or calibrated periodically:
(1) water content of the liquid penetrant
(water washable liquid penetrant);
Example of Materials Information (2) liquid penetrant sensitivity; (3) liquid
in Aerospace Process Specification penetrant fluorescent brightness;
A typical aerospace industry process (4) liquid penetrant removability;
specification for liquid penetrant testing (5) emulsifier concentration (hydrophilic);
would contain a section providing (6) water content of lipophilic emulsifier;
(7) emulsifier removability; (8) water and

380 Liquid Penetrant Testing

air pressure gages; (9) temperature gages; Example of Process Control
(10) white light and ultraviolet radiation Specification on Selection of
meters; (11) ambient white light in the
inspection booth; and (12) radiation
Liquid Penetrant Materials
intensity of ultraviolet lamps. The requirements related to the choice of
The following items are commonly liquid penetrant testing materials should
checked daily: (1) system performance; be clearly detailed in the liquid penetrant
(2) contamination of liquid penetrant; testing process specification or in a
(3) contamination of developer (aqueous quality assurance document or on an
soluble and suspendable); (4) developer engineering drawing. A different liquid
condition (dry powder); (5) pressure and penetrant type might be required
temperature gages; (6) ultraviolet depending on the application. For
radiation intensity; (7) ultraviolet filters example, a low sensitivity liquid
on white light inspection lamps; and penetrant might be acceptable for use on
(8) cleanliness of inspection areas. a raw forging whereas an ultrahigh
sensitivity (SAE AMS 26441 Level 4) liquid
penetrant might be required for a major
Example of Process Control rotating component. Or a particular
Specification for Water Content of developer type might be required for
Liquid Penetrant Process Materials inspection of certain components. A
An example of an aerospace sample of requirements for liquid
manufacturers process control penetrant materials is quoted in the
specification covering water content paragraphs below.
control of water washable liquid Liquid Penetrant Materials. Liquid
penetrants or lipophilic emulsifiers used penetrant testing shall be performed with
in dip tanks is given below. high sensitivity, water washable
Water Content. When tanks are used for fluorescent liquid penetrant
applying water washable liquid penetrant (SAE AMS 26441 Level 3, Method A,
or when lipophilic emulsifier is used, the Type 1) or medium sensitivity
water content of any of the materials that postemulsifiable fluorescent liquid
have any water solubility shall be checked penetrant (SAE AMS 26441 Level 2,
at minimum intervals of 30 days. Water Method B, Type 1) unless indicated
content tests shall be performed according otherwise by drawing note.
to ASTM D 95.2 Test results shall be Developer. A nonaqueous wet developer
recorded. shall be used when it is specified on the
applicable engineering drawing, process
specification, material specification or
Examples of Process Control purchase orders.
Specification for Developers
The following excerpt is an example of an
aerospace manufacturers process
specification for control of developers Example of Aerospace
used in liquid penetrant testing. Specification Requirement
Developer Characteristics. The specific
gravity of aqueous wet developer shall be
for Personnel Qualification
checked initially and at least weekly with Liquid penetrant testing, in most cases,
an accurate hydrometer. The specific depends on human judgment for
gravity recommended by the supplier interpretation of results. In certain
shall be maintained. Both wet and dry instances, where large numbers of simple
developers shall be checked for symmetrically shaped parts are to be
fluorescence daily with an ultraviolet inspected, the parts can be accepted or
lamp. Any developer fluorescence is rejected by automated means. But by and
unacceptable and requires replacement large, the inspections are conducted and
with fresh developer. Before use, aqueous the results interpreted by people.
developers shall be checked for Therefore, the skill competence and
discoloration or agglomerated solids, knowledge of the person performing the
scum on the surface or inability to inspection are highly important.
completely wet the surface being An important specification
inspected. Any of the foregoing shall be requirement, then, for an aerospace liquid
cause for rejection and subsequent penetrant testing performed either in
replacement. Test results shall be house or by outside subcontractors is that
recorded. of personnel qualification. Such a
requirement is as follows.
Personnel Qualification. Personnel
performing nondestructive tests described
herein shall be qualified in accordance
with ASNT Recommended Practice No.

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 381

SNT-TC-1A4 and NAS 410.5 The practical Example of Written Procedure
portion of the qualification shall from Aerospace Subcontractors
emphasize applicable procedures on
components representative of the An example of the written procedure
products to be inspected. Personnel who requirement that might be included in a
read and interpret indications for this liquid penetrant testing process
testing process shall be qualified to specification is as follows.
Level II of ASNT Recommended Practice No. Procedure Requirement. A detailed
SNT-TC-1A.4 written procedure shall be prepared by the
As cited above, one method of inspection group for the liquid penetrant
personnel qualification used in the testing performed on parts and materials
aerospace industry is based on ASNT under this specification. Before
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A. performing any inspections according to
SNT-TC-1A was compiled by the American this specification, unless otherwise
Society for Nondestructive Testing and is specified, this procedure and revision
recognized in the aerospace industry as a shall be approved by quality assurance
recommended practice for qualification qualified/certified personnel. The written
and certification of nondestructive test procedure shall contain the date, a
personnel. An individual is required to procedure identification number and the
obtain necessary classroom training, latest revision or process bulletin to which
on-the-job experience and passing grades the procedure applies. The written
in selected specific and general procedure shall comply with the general
inspections for qualification. In addition requirements contained in this process
to vision acuity and color perception, it specification and shall include at least the
may be required that all qualified following information:
personnel meet or exceed the 1. brand names and specific types
requirements of AIA NAS 410.5 The liquid (number or letter designation if
penetrant process specification also may available) of test materials used in
require that the records of certification for liquid penetrant testing system;
personnel conducting the liquid penetrant 2. details of the technique of
testing be available at the inspection preinspection cleaning and drying,
facility. including cleaning materials used and
time allowed for drying;
3. details of the technique of liquid
penetrant application, the length of
Written Procedures time that the liquid penetrant remains
Required by Aerospace on the surface and the temperature of
Specifications the surface and liquid penetrant
during the inspection;
A subcontractor working to an aerospace 4. details of the technique of removing
prime contractors specification must excess liquid penetrant from the
make decisions on how the particular surface and of drying the surface
liquid penetrant testing is to be carried before applying the developer. For
out. The liquid penetrant process water spray rinsing, indicate the water
specification provides the basic pressure, air pressure and water
information on how to conduct the liquid temperature;
penetrant test but it is the responsibility 5. details of the technique of applying
of the subcontractor to decide, based on the developer and length of
the general specification requirements, developing time before inspection (for
what are the detail requirements of the aqueous wet developer, indicate drying
particular test. The specific liquid temperature to be used);
penetrant procedure will be affected by 6. details of inspection procedure
such factors as (1) the material from including maximum white light
which the part is fabricated, (2) the stage intensity in the inspection booth,
in the fabrication process in which the ultraviolet light intensity used, dark
test is performed and (3) the liquid adaptation time and the acceptance
penetrant system normally used by the requirement or standard to be used;
subcontractor. To more effectively control 7. technique of postinspection cleaning;
the liquid penetrant testing system used 8. statement to the effect that this
by a subcontractor, some aerospace procedure complies with all
companies require, in their liquid manufacturers specification
penetrant process specification, that the requirements that are not specifically
subcontractor submit a written procedure mentioned in this procedure.
for approval. If the procedure is judged
acceptable by the prime contractor, the Reapproval is required (1) when any
subcontractor is given permission to previous processing that may affect the
inspect parts to that procedure. liquid testing is changed (included here
are processes that may close the surface

382 Liquid Penetrant Testing

openings of discontinuities or leave required. The part and liquid penetrant
interfering deposits); (2) when a change or shall both be in the range from 4 to 49 C
substitution is made in the type of (40 to 120 F) for fluorescent (Type 1)
cleaning materials or methods; or liquid penetrants unless otherwise
(3) when a change or substitution is made specified. The liquid penetrant dwell time,
in the type of liquid penetrant materials unless otherwise specified, shall be a
(including developer etc.) or in the minimum of 10 min. Rotate or otherwise
processing technique. move components, if required, during
dwell time to prevent pooling of the
liquid penetrant in holes and pockets. For
dwell times greater than 2 h, the liquid
Aerospace Process penetrant shall be reapplied to prevent
Specification for Cleaning drying. If the dip (immersion) application
technique is used, the component shall be
of Parts before Testing immersed for no longer than half the
Having made provisions for the choice of total dwell time.
liquid penetrant materials and personnel
qualification, the process specification
should control each step in the inspection
as it is to be performed by the test Example of Aerospace
personnel. First, the parts must be Process Specification for
properly cleaned to remove all grease, oil
or other contaminants that could prevent Removal of Excess Liquid
entrance of the liquid penetrant into Penetrant
existing discontinuities. The exact After the liquid penetrant has been on the
cleaning procedure to be used can be part for the required dwell time, the
specified or, if the cleaning procedures are excess liquid penetrant must be removed.
detailed in other process specifications, Both water washable and postemulsifiable
they might be referenced instead. The fluorescent liquid penetrants are widely
following is an example of the latter. used in the aerospace industry and, of
Cleaning. Clean all parts to be liquid course, the removal requirements depend
penetrant inspected in accordance with on the type of system used. Typical
applicable process specifications. Cleaning requirements for removal of water
methods, including etching, selected for a washable liquid penetrant are as follows.3
particular component shall be consistent Method A Process. Water washable liquid
with the contaminants to be removed and penetrants shall be removed with a
shall not be detrimental to the manual water spray, automated water
component or its intended function. spray, a manual wipe or an air agitated
immersion wash.
Manual Spray. Water pressure adequate to
Example of Aerospace remove the liquid penetrant shall be used
but shall not exceed 275 kPa (40 lbfin.2).
Process Specifications for Water temperature shall be between 10 to
Liquid Penetrant 38 C (50 to 100 F). When hydro air
Application nozzles are used the air pressure shall not
exceed 172 kPa (25 lbfin.2). A coarse
After the parts have been properly spray shall be used with a minimum
prepared for inspection, they are ready for distance of 300 mm (12 in.), when
the application of the liquid penetrant. possible between the spray nozzle and the
The manner in which the liquid part. Washing shall be conducted under
penetrant is applied to the parts and the appropriate illumination. Caution shall be
length of time that the liquid penetrant is exercised to ensure that overwashing does
to remain in contact with the parts (dwell not occur. Overwashed components shall
time) are generally controlled by the be thoroughly dried and reprocessed.
process specification. The minimum and After rinsing, drain water from the
maximum liquid penetrant dwell time is component and use repositioning,
usually based on consensus standards or suction, blotting with clean absorbent
manufacturers specification requirements. materials or filtered shop air at less than
An example of a process specification 172 kPa (25 lbfin.2) to prevent pooling in
callout for liquid penetrant application is cavities, recesses and pockets.
shown below. Caution. Overremoval of the surface
Application of Liquid Penetrant. Unless liquid penetrant shall require that the
otherwise specified, the entire surface of component be cleaned and reprocessed. A
the part shall be covered with liquid good indicator of overwash or
penetrant. Liquid penetrant shall be overremoval of the surface liquid
applied by spraying, dipping, brushing or penetrant is evidenced by the total lack of
other technique to provide coverage as

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 383

residue that may occur on all or a specific
area of the part (see ASTM E 165 6). Example of Aerospace
Automated Spray. For automated spray
systems, the wash parameters shall be
Process Specification for
such that the requirements of this practice Application of Developer
are met. Water temperature shall be After washing and drying, the parts are
maintained at 10 to 38 C (50 to 100 F). ready for developer application, if
Manual Wipe. Excess liquid penetrant required. A specification callout
shall be removed with a clean, dry, controlling the application of nonaqueous
lintfree cloth or absorbent toweling. The wet developer is as follows.3
remainder of the surface liquid penetrant Developing. Unless otherwise specified,
shall then be removed with a water developers shall be used for liquid testing.
dampened cloth or towel. The surface Fluorescent (Type 1) liquid penetrants
shall not be flushed with water and the qualified to SAE AMS 26441 may be used
cloth or towel shall not be saturated with without developer under either one of the
water. The component shall be inspected following conditions: manufacturing
under appropriate illumination to ensure inspection of castings (except machined
adequate removal of the surface liquid surfaces) classified by MIL-STD-21757 as
penetrant. The surface shall be dried by Class 3 or 4, or with the express approval
blotting with a clean, dry towel or cloth of the contracting agency. Minimum and
or by evaporation. maximum liquid penetrant bleedout times
Immersion. Immersion wash may be used without developer shall be 10 min and
if the water is air agitated and good 2 h respectively. In all cases, components
circulation is maintained throughout the that are not inspected before the
wash operation. Water temperature shall maximum bleedout time shall be cleaned
be maintained at 10 to 38 C (50 to and reprocessed.
100 F). Dry Developers. Components shall be dry
As can be seen, restrictions are put on before the developer is applied. Dry
the rinse water pressure and temperature developer shall be applied in such a
because, if these are too high, manner as to contact all surfaces to be
overwashing can occur. The temperature inspected. Excess dry developer may be
of the drying air is controlled because, if removed after the development time by
the temperature is too high, the light tapping or light air blowoff with air
fluorescence of the liquid penetrant can pressure not exceeding 35 Pa (5 lbfin.2).
be adversely affected. Minimum and maximum developer dwell
times shall be 10 min and 4 h
respectively. Dry developers shall not be
used with Type 2 liquid penetrants.
Example of Aerospace Nonaqueous Developers. Components or
Process Specification for areas requiring inspection shall be dry
Drying before application of the developer.
Nonaqueous developer shall be applied by
After the removal of excess liquid spraying. For fluorescent (Type 1) liquid
penetrant, the part is ready to be dried penetrants, the developer shall be applied
unless an aqueous developer is to be used. as a uniform thin coating over the entire
A sample specification requirement for surface to be inspected. For visible dye
drying parts is as follows. (Type 2) liquid penetrants, the developer
Drying. The parts shall be dried before shall be applied over the entire surface to
application of dry developer, before form a uniform, white coating to provide
nonaqueous developer or before suitable color contrast for the liquid
inspection without developer. The parts penetrant indications. The uniformity and
should be drained of excess water but not thickness of the developer coating is
dried before application of aqueous important for both types of liquid
developers. Parts shall be air dried at room penetrant systems. If the developer
temperature or in a drying oven. Oven coating is too thick for fluorescent
temperatures shall not exceed 70 C (Type 1) systems such that the metallic
(160 F). Drying time shall only be that surface is completely masked, the
necessary to dry the part. Be sure parts are component shall be cleaned and
not put in the oven with pooled water, reprocessed. Unless otherwise specified,
pooled aqueous solutions or pooled the minimum and maximum
aqueous suspensions. development times for nonaqueous
developers are 10 and 60 min respectively.
For nonaqueous suspendable developer,
the developer container shall be
frequently agitated during application.
Aqueous Developer. Aqueous soluble
developers shall not be used with visible

384 Liquid Penetrant Testing

dye (Type 2) liquid penetrants or
fluorescent (Type 1), Method A liquid
penetrants. Aqueous suspendable
Example of Aerospace
developers can be used with both Liquid Penetrant Testing of
fluorescent (Type 1) and visible dye Parts Acceptance
(Type 2) liquid penetrants. Aqueous
developers may be applied to the
component after rinsing. Developers shall For the parts to be properly dispositioned
be applied by spray, flowing or after testing (accept, reject or rework),
immersion. The applied developer shall acceptance criteria must be defined. The
not be allowed to puddle and shall chosen acceptance criteria are usually
completely cover all surfaces to be established by structural and design
inspected. Components shall be air dried engineering personnel. All types of liquid
or oven dried. Minimum and maximum penetrant indications should be included
development times, after the part is dry, in the acceptance criteria. An example of
are 10 min and 2 h respectively. Aqueous acceptance criteria is cited below.
suspendable developers must be either
constantly agitated to keep the particles Acceptance Criteria
from settling out of suspension or they
must be thoroughly agitated before use to Penetrant indications shall be
ensure that particles are in suspension. dispositioned according to the following
acceptance criteria.
Linear Indications. Linear indications are
unacceptable. Linear indications are those
Example of Aerospace indications in which the length is more
Process Specification for than three times the width. All linear
indications shall be marked on the part.
Inspection of Liquid
Rounded Indications. Acceptance classes
Penetrant Indications in applicable standards and specifications
After the required development time, the govern the acceptability of rounded liquid
parts are ready for inspection. As penetrant indications.
previously mentioned, fluorescent liquid
1. The maximum permissible numbers of
penetrant systems are widely used in the
rounded indications noted earlier
aerospace industry and special
relate to those contained in any
circumstances are required for proper
surface area of 40 cm2 (6 in.2) with the
inspection when using these liquid
major dimension of this area not to
penetrants. The darkness of the inspection
exceed 150 mm (6 in.) and with the
booth and the intensity of the ultraviolet
area located to contain the maximum
radiation are two important parameters
number of indications being
for inspecting with fluorescent liquid
penetrants. A specification callout for
2. Each indication must be separated
inspection of parts is cited below:
from another indication by a distance
Inspection. Inspect parts or material after of at least four times the diameter of
the required developer dwell time. When the largest adjacent indication (edge to
ultraviolet radiation is used during edge) except as noted elsewhere in this
inspection, allow the bulb to warm up for specification document.
a minimum of 5 min before its use in 3. Linearly disposed indications are
inspection. Allow a minimum of 1 min acceptable except when there are four
for dark adaptation of the eyes when or more such rounded indications
inspecting with fluorescent liquid linearly disposed and each is separated
penetrant. from the adjacent indication by less
Inspect in a darkened booth where the than four times the diameter of the
ambient white light intensity is less than largest adjacent indication (edge to
20 lx (2 ftc). During testing with edge).
fluorescent liquid penetrants, position the 4. Reject all parts containing rounded
ultraviolet lamp at a distance from the indications in excess of those
test part surface such that the ultraviolet permitted by the applicable acceptance
radiation intensity is a minimum of standard.
10 Wm2 (1000 Wcm2) at the test part 5. If the indications will be removed in
surface. Measure the ultraviolet radiation subsequent machining or are
intensity of the lamp with a calibrated removable within engineering
ultraviolet radiation meter. dimensional requirements, accept the

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 385

PART 2. Liquid Penetrant Performance without
Developer 8

As the approach to classifying the

Background sensitivity of fluorescent liquid penetrants
for the United States Department of
Before development of the high Defense changed to using the brightness
sensitivity water washable liquid of developer enhanced indications of
penetrants, postemulsified liquid small low cycle fatigue cracks as the
penetrants were used for final testing of metric, all water washable liquid
aerospace parts. As aircraft grew in size it penetrants then in use failed the
became difficult to emulsify the large sensitivity test without developer.
parts within the required dwell time, A study was initiated to evaluate the
which affected the sensitivity of the liquid capability of currently qualified water
penetrant. To remedy this problem, washable liquid penetrants to detect
Douglas Aircraft approached the liquid manufacturing discontinuities in
penetrant manufacturers for a solution. aluminum parts without developer
The answer was to reformulate the low (excluding fracture critical parts and parts
sensitivity water washable liquid that have been subjected to fatigue).
penetrants to perform at an equivalent Members of the Nondestructive Testing
sensitivity to the postemulsified liquid Committee of the Aerospace Industries
penetrants. The newly developed water Association of America (AIA) and the
washable liquid penetrants were capable Materials Directorate of the Air Force
of producing the equivalent sensitivity on Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson
aluminum parts without developer. Air Force Base participated in the round
robin study.

FIGURE 1. Cross section of extrusion blank with typical groove locations.

74.7 mm (2.94 in.)

22.1 mm
(0.87 in.)

55.6 mm
(2.19 in.)

67.8 mm
(2.67 in.)

33.0 mm
(1.30 in.)
4.8 mm (0.19 in.) radius 21.6 mm
(0.85 in.)

43.4 mm (1.71 in.)

53.3 mm (2.10 in.)

96.8 mm (3.81 in.)

386 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Description of Test Liquid Penetrant
Specimens Performance Test
Ten aluminum test specimens were Procedure
selected for the liquid penetrant The test procedure was written in
performance study. Two of the specimens accordance with requirements equivalent
were production parts with manufacturing to those in ASTM E 1417.3 It was then
discontinuities. The remaining eight reviewed and commented on by ten
specimens had been used as part of a round robin participants.
nondestructive testing comparison
sensitivity evaluation.9 These eight
specimens were made from
FIGURE 2. Metallographic sections through
2024 aluminum extrusion blanks. To
two compressed notch discontinuities:
simulate cracks, vee grooves were
(a) groove retained; (b) groove machined
machined in the blanks and electric
discharged machined (EDM) notches of
various lengths were fabricated in the (a)
bottom of the grooves. (See Fig. 1 for
groove locations.) The extrusion blanks
were then positioned in a tensile machine
and the notches were compressed.
Following compression, the blanks were
milled to remove the grooves to establish
a smoothly machined surface.
Photomicrographs of sections through
two compressed notch discontinuities in
the extruded aluminum specimens are
shown in Fig. 2. One section was obtained
with the groove retained and the other
was made from a specimen with the
groove machined away. These
discontinuity widths are of the order of
5 m (0.0002 in.) wide although the
discontinuity opening at the surface of
the specimen from which the groove has
been machined away has a constriction
that reduced the width to 2.5 m
(0.0001 in.) or less. This is perhaps
evidence of a surface smearing tendency 0.33 mm (0.013 in.)
associated with machining of aluminum
alloys and that sometimes leads to a (b)
requirement of an etch cleaning before
liquid penetrant testing.
Figure 3 presents fractographs of the
compressed electric discharge machined
notches in the aluminum cruciform
extrusion specimens revealing the contour
of the electric discharge machined
electrode having a 90 degree included
angle and a 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) tip
The notches were randomly located in
the flanges of the extrusions and ranged
in length from 2.5 to 10 mm (0.10 to
0.40 in.). A serial number was vibration
etched on the end of each extrusion
specimen and the flanges were marked for
identification. This identifying system was
used to document the discontinuities
when photographing the liquid penetrant
One forging and one joggle formed
extrusion were representative of the two
0.33 mm (0.013 in.)
production parts. The manufacturing
discontinuities were a forging lap and a
0.090 forming crack in the radius of the
extrusion (see Fig. 4).

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 387

Specimen Preparation procedure was used to evaluate the ten
test specimens with and without
All of the test specimens were visually
inspected with a 3 magnifying glass for
minor surface imperfections that could 1. Precleaning. Solvents shall be used to
cause false indications. Scratches and clean the parts before liquid penetrant
gouges were evident on the eight testing. To facilitate the removal of
extrusion test specimens from previous liquid penetrant entrapped in
testing. Corrosion was also evident on the discontinuities from previous tests, the
extrusion test specimens, so after all of specimens should be immersed in a
the imperfections had been blended, the solvent such as acetone,
eight specimens were cleaned in a triacid methyl-ethyl-ketone or
aluminum etch before the first liquid trichloroethylene and ultrasonically
penetrant evaluation. The remaining two cleaned for 20 to 30 min. Examine the
production parts were solvent cleaned. An parts under ultraviolet radiation before
evaluation test kit was assembled to processing, to ensure that all residual
protect the parts during shipping to the liquid penetrant has been removed.
participants. 2. Penetrant Application. Immerse parts
in a Type 1, Level 2 or 3 water
washable liquid penetrant (Level 2
Liquid Penetrant Processing and
Evaluation Procedure
The test was performed by personnel
certified to either Level II or Level III in FIGURE 4. Test specimens: (a) specially made extrusion; (b)
the test method and application. Each production parts.
participant completed an equipment and
process data sheet as part of the
evaluation procedure. The following test

FIGURE 3. Two representative fractographs of

compressed notch discontinuities in
extruded aluminum specimens.



3.63 mm (0.143 in.)


3.63 mm (0.143 in.)

388 Liquid Penetrant Testing

preferred). Remove and let parts dwell part at a 45 degree angle as shown in
for 10 min. Fig. 5. The ultraviolet radiation intensity
3. Penetrant Removal. Rinse parts using a at the part surface should be about
coarse spray with a maximum 275 Pa 30 Wm2 (3000 Wcm2). Position and
(40 lbfin.2) pressure and a focus the camera to provide a 2
temperature range of 10 to 38 C (50 magnification. Use a 150 mm (6.0 in.)
to 100 F). Parts shall be observed scale to aid in setting up the camera.
under adequate ultraviolet radiation Before the actual test parts are
during rinsing. Caution shall be photographed, set up another part with a
exercised to ensure overwashing does fluorescent indication to establish a
not occur. After rinsing, rotate parts to correct exposure.
remove water from cavities and A white light exposure (see Table 1)
recesses to prevent pooling of water. shall be added to the ultraviolet radiation
4. Drying Parameters. Place parts in a exposure to increase the definition of the
recirculating air oven. The temperature part and separate it from the background.
of the oven shall be a maximum of The white light should be 100 lx (10 ftc)
70 C (160 F). Drying time shall not at the part surface and positioned so that
exceed 30 min. it does not illuminate the indication areas
5. Inspection without Developer. Allow either directly or by highlight. Prepare as
parts to bleedout for 10 min and then much of the photographic setup in
examine parts under ultraviolet advance as possible. This will enable the
radiation with minimum intensity of development cycle of the liquid penetrant
10 Wm2 (1000 Wcm2) at the part
surface. When a discontinuity is
discovered it shall be photographed as
prescribed in the photographic FIGURE 5. Setup for ultraviolet radiation photography.
documentation procedure.
6. Inspection with Developer. Subject
Immediately following step 5, dust all
part surfaces with dry developer
(supplied with parts). Allow 5 min
developing before reinspection.
Photograph discontinuities as
7. Postcleaning and Preservation.
Remove the dry developer by wiping
the surfaces with a clean dry cloth.
The liquid penetrant shall remain in 100 W 100 W
the discontinuities until the next ultraviolet ultraviolet
liquid penetrant evaluation. This will lamp lamp
inhibit corrosion of the discontinuity
interfaces. Corrosion inhibiting oils
shall be avoided to prevent
contamination of the discontinuities
and subsequent cleaning difficulties. Filter
Test parts shall be replaced in their
protective packaging for shipping. Camera

Photographic Documentation
The following equipment is used:
100 125 mm (4 5 in.) positive printing
camera, back mounted camera or enlarger
with stand; macro lens or enlarger lens
(2 magnification); light yellow filter;
maximum f-stop 16 aperture setting;
exposure times (see Table 1); TABLE 1. Photographic exposure data (filter over lens
100 125 mm (4.0 5.0 in.) instant, during all exposures).
positive printing, black-and-white film; Exposure Times
mercury vapor ultraviolet lamps and ______________________
indirect white light; 150 mm (6.0 in.) Positive Print, Aperture Ultraviolet White
scale graduated in tenths and hundredths; Instant Film Setting Radiation Light
background material or manila folder
paper or equivalent. ISO 400 f16 20 s 2s
In a room darkened to about 30 lx
(3 ftc) ambient light, position a 100 W Type 53 ISO 800 f16 10 s 1s
ultraviolet lamp on each side of the test

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 389

testing procedure to be consistent. All 1. Ten different participating companies
photographs shall include a 150 mm processed the ten aluminum test
(6.0 in.) scale and identify with the serial specimens using a Type 1, Level 2 or 3,
number of the test part. water washable liquid penetrant with
and without developer as a
comparison of sensitivity.
2. All of the evaluations were processed
Test Results in accordance with a consensus test
The results of the liquid penetrant procedure, which complied with
performance study are as follows. ASTM E 1417.3

FIGURE 6. Ultraviolet radiation images of fatigue cracks in extruded aluminum specimens,

without and with developer: (a) 4.6 mm (0.18 in.) long; (b) 2.3 mm (0.09 in.) long;
(c) 2.5 mm (0.098 in.) long.
Without developer With developer

Without developer With developer

Without developer With developer

390 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3. Table 2 shows the test results of the 10
evaluations. There were 10 test parts
with 22 discontinuities (representing
manufacturing discontinuities), which As previously mentioned in the report,
equates to 220 possible finds. Of the the eight cruciform extrusions were
220 possible finds 216 were found and etched before the first evaluation to
documented, resulting in a 98 percent remove corrosion and oxidation from the
efficiency. test surface, with all subsequent cleaning
4. In all cases, discontinuities detected done with solvents. Even though the test
with the application of dry developer specimens were protected between
were also detected without developer. evaluations, the eight month period
For examples see Fig. 6. needed to complete the study became a
5. On the basis of the test results, factor with evidence of some degradation
increased ultraviolet radiation of the indications because of oxidation.
intensity at the part surface of This demonstrates the fact that proper
30 Wm2 (3000 Wcm2) during cleaning before liquid penetrant testing is
inspection was recommended. a key factor in detection of surface
6. With proper approval, it might be discontinuities.
appropriate to perform liquid To further compare the sensitivity of
penetrant testing to detect crack detectability using fluorescent water
manufacturing discontinuities in washable liquid penetrant with and
nonfracture critical aluminum parts. without developer, two aluminum fatigue
Demonstration of the efficacy of such crack blocks were picked from another set
a test on specific parts is of blocks. The test blocks were processed
recommended. with the same test procedure except the
liquid penetrant dwell time was increased
to 15 min instead of 10 min. The liquid
penetrant sensitivity was classified as
Level 2.
TABLE 2. Liquid penetrant test results with and without Again the cracks were found with and
developer. Discontinuity lengths were measured from without developer. Although the
undeveloped indications during first inspection. photographs in Fig. 6 do show an
improvement in the appearance of the
Discontinuity Indication
_____________________________________________ cracks after application of the developer,
Discontinuity With and Detecteda Faint these cracks were seen when viewed under
Length, without only with without False ultraviolet radiation intensity of 30 Wm2
mm (in.) Developer Developer Developer Negativeb (3000 Wcm2) at the test part surface.
This test was conducted, not to promote
2.54 (0.100) 9 0 0 1 liquid penetrant testing without developer
3.30 (0.130) 10 0 0 0 on parts subjected to fatigue, but rather to
3.56 (0.140) 8 0 1 1 evaluate the qualitative difference in
3.81 (0.150) 10 0 0 0 fluorescent brilliance from fatigue cracks
3.81 (0.150) 9 0 1 0 as compared with manufacturing
4.06 (0.160) 10 0 0 0 discontinuities. The comparison proves
4.06 (0.160) 10 0 0 0 that fatigue cracks, being tighter and
4.32 (0.170) 9 0 1 0 usually having a smaller reservoir, will not
trap as much liquid penetrant as a
4.32 (0.170) 10 0 0 0
manufacturing discontinuity. Therefore
4.32 (0.170) 10 0 0 0
developer is usually required to enhance
4.57 (0.180) 10 0 0 0 the indication by drawing the entrapped
5.08 (0.200) 9 0 0 1 liquid penetrant to the surface.
5.08 (0.200) 10 0 0 0
5.59 (0.220) 10 0 0 0
5.59 (0.220) 10 0 0 0
5.84 (0.230) 10 0 0 0 The tests made in these studies are
applicable to the narrowly defined cracks
6.10 (0.240) 5 0 4 1
tested and in the materials tested. Nonuse
6.35 (0.250) 10 0 0 0
of developer may require a waiver of
7.62 (0.300) 10 0 0 0 specification requirements and may have
10.16 (0.400) 10 0 0 0 to be supported by a test program on the
uncertain 10 0 0 0 actual parts to be tested.
2.29 (0.090) 10 0 0 0
a. Discontinuity present and indication detected.
b. Discontinuity present but indication not detected.

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 391

PART 3. Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing
to Liquid Oxygen Systems

completely volatile, so that they dissipate

Reactivity and Hazards of from test parts by evaporation (see Fig. 7).
The second and preferred approach is
Liquid Oxygen to use a system that lends itself to
Certain parts used in space vehicles, such complete removal of residues during
as valves, pipelines, tanks and even postcleaning. Water soluble materials,
structural members, may be in contact especially those that can be thinned with
with liquid oxygen during normal use. water to nearly infinite dilution, are
Any residues of oxygen reactive materials preferred where liquid oxygen
that remain on the surfaces of such parts compatibility is of concern. Not only do
or in porosities or cracks or between water soluble liquid penetrant materials
faying surfaces are potential sources of dissolve in water base cleaning agents but,
trouble due to the vigorous reactions that once dissolved, the contaminated
can take place with liquid oxygen. cleaning agent itself can be flushed away
Liquid oxygen not only has an with water.
extremely high degree of chemical
reactivity but, under conditions of impact,
shock or vibration, exhibits this reactivity
in the form of potentially catastrophic Water Base Liquid
detonations. It therefore becomes an Penetrants for Testing of
important consideration to ensure that
any liquid penetrant process materials
Liquid Oxygen Related
that are allowed to come into contact Apparatus
with liquid oxygen usage parts shall either Because of ease of postcleaning, water
be completely removed or else shall be base liquid penetrants, both visible and
compatible with liquid oxygen. fluorescent, that use water instead of a
In the 1970s, liquid penetrant tests of hydrocarbon as the thinner have been
liquid oxygen systems used chlorinated accepted for inspection of liquid oxygen
hydrocarbons as emulsifiers. related apparatus. (Water base liquid
Environmental regulations prevented use penetrants, if their water content is
of such emulsifiers in the 1990s. Removal sufficiently high, are found to be liquid
of liquid penetrant residue remains a oxygen insensitive when subjected to the
challenge for liquid penetrant testing of impact test. However, as the water
oxygen systems. evaporates, such liquid penetrants lose
their inherent liquid oxygen compatibility
characteristics and residues would not be
classified as liquid oxygen insensitive.)
Requirements for Liquid Success with water base liquid penetrants
Oxygen Compatible Liquid under liquid oxygen usage conditions is
Penetrant Testing attributed to the ease of removal of
residues, both on the surface and
In brief, a liquid penetrant system for entrapped in discontinuities. This residue
inspection of liquid oxygen system parts will be primarily a water soluble, surface
must be compatible with liquid oxygen. active agent, detergent in itself, which
This must be combined with an facilitates postcleaning (the most critical
appropriate level of discontinuity step in the process when liquid oxygen
detection sensitivity. This means that the usage is involved).
liquid penetrant system must have a
properly designed capability for detecting
surface discontinuities while being safe
from the standpoint of liquid oxygen Self-Developing Water
Two approaches to the design of liquid
Base Fluorescent Liquid
oxygen usage liquid penetrant materials Penetrant for Liquid
are given here. One approach involves the Oxygen Apparatus
design of liquid penetrant process
materials, all elements of which are Postcleaning is simplified if the water base
liquid penetrant is of the self-developing
fluorescent type. Because there is no

392 Liquid Penetrant Testing

remover (other than water) and no compatibility. The test material is placed
developer, the postcleaning operation in a liquid oxygen environment and
involves only liquid penetrant residue and impacted by dropping a weight on it. A
can be tailored for the single residue. typical aerospace specification10 calls for
Usually, the residue of the water soluble dropping a plummet weighing 9 kg
liquid penetrant dissolves more rapidly (20 lbm) through a distance of 1.0 m
when the water base cleaner includes an (40 in.) onto a striker pin that in turn
additive such as a volatile glycol ether or impacts a cup containing the test
light alcohol to lower the residues substance. This will transmit an impact
viscosity. energy of about 90 J (70 ft-lbf) to the test
sample. The material is tested 20 times.
Test to Determine Liquid Oxygen Cause for rejection is (1) an audible
explosion, (2) a visible flash in a darkened
Nonreactive Characteristics room, (3) discolorations and (4) charring
Agencies and contractors concerned with or other evidence of burning.
the manufacture of liquid oxygen
equipment and apparatus usually require
testing of each individual bath of liquid
penetrant material (as well as greases, oils
and various coating) for liquid oxygen

FIGURE 7. Dissipation of volatile tracer with heat: (a) oil phase liquid penetrant, before heat;
(b) oil phase liquid penetrant, after heat; (c) self-destruct liquid penetrant, before heat;
(d) self-destruct liquid penetrant, after heat. After heating test blocks in oven for 15 min at
93 C (200 F), indications of oil phase liquid penetrant are blurred but still present, while
indications of self-destruct liquid penetrant are completely dissipated.

(a) (c)

Before heat

(b) (d)

After heat

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 393

for the liquid penetrant. A dye indicator,
Procedures Used to Avoid usually a fluorescent dye, must be used to
display the presence of surface
Liquid Oxygen Reactions discontinuities. Residues of the dye
with Liquid Penetrant Test remaining after the liquid penetrant
carrier evaporates will result in a liquid
Materials oxygen-reactive situation.
There are two obvious ways to avoid Dyestuffs of the coumarin class or
liquid oxygen reactions. chemical group are particularly
1. Remove reactive and potentially advantageous with respect to their ability
reactive residues completely. to apparently sublime at room
2. Use only those process materials that temperature or up to temperatures in the
are chemically inert. range of 50 to 65 C (120 to 150 F).
Other specially prepared nondye
These two ways may be obvious but they fluorescent compounds have been
are not exactly simple. For example, the developed that are capable of yielding
process of solvent cleaning of residues brilliant fluorescence and that will
from a surface may progress nicely as long dissipate entirely from relatively deep
as the residues are entirely on the surface. surface cracks after about 24 h at room
However, entrapments of residues in temperature. When the temperature of
microscopic pinholes or porosities in the the test part is raised to about 90 C
surface or even in regions where the (194 F), the question to be answered
surface is somewhat rough can be must be, Will it redeposit in an area that
removed only through a mechanism of will be subjected to liquid oxygen? Also,
molecular diffusion. Removal of before acceptance of this theory,
entrapments by molecular diffusion in the determination of 100 percent dissipation
liquid phase can be very slow. The liquid merely by disappearance of indication
viscosity is a controlling factor. If a does not mean a residue free crack or
process of gaseous diffusion is possible, surface. Application of heat will thin the
where the entrapped residues are allowed liquid to a point where attenuation of
to evaporate, then the removal process thin film fluorescence is significant and,
becomes relatively rapid. Evaporative of course, application of heat can cause
removal of residues would, therefore, molecular change or chemical breakdown
appear to be a desirable technique for so that the substance is no longer
cleaning liquid oxygen usage parts. fluorescent.

Selection of Materials for Selection of Removers and

Volatile Liquid Penetrants Developers for Liquid
For a self-destruct or self-dissipating liquid Oxygen Applications
penetrant system, it is desirable to select
ingredients all of which are volatile to a In a volatile, self-destruct liquid penetrant
sufficient degree that they will dissipate system, the liquid penetrant is the critical
by evaporation within some reasonable component, because it is the only
time interval, either at room temperature component that contains a dye. The other
or at some nominal elevated temperature. components, these being the solvent
Of course, elevated temperatures may be remover and developer, may be
impractical for large test objects and must formulated using pure volatile liquids.
be avoided if test objects are susceptible to With respect to the remover or surface
heat damage. Many kinds of volatile cleaner component in a liquid penetrant
liquids may thus be selected that will system, it should be noted that
evaporate completely from test parts with conventional emulsifiers or high viscosity
in a few minutes or hours, as may be liquids are not liquid oxygen compatible
desired. Such volatile materials should be because of their nonvolatile character.
of sufficient purity as to contain Low viscosity, volatile solvent removers,
negligible nonvolatiles and leave no when used in the conventional manner,
residues. tend to strip liquid penetrant entrapments
out of shallow surface discontinuities.
Hence, if a high degree of discontinuity
Selection of Dye Indicators for entrapment efficiency is wanted, it may
Liquid Oxygen Usage Liquid be necessary to limit the contact time of
Penetrants the test part with the volatile solvent
remover to an extremely short interval,
In the course of devising a workable
such as a few seconds.
self-destruct inspection liquid penetrant
system, a problem presents itself with
regard to the selection of an indicator dye

394 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Spray Removers with Diluted residues from surface discontinuities can
Solvents be readily demonstrated with the ceramic
test block of Fig. 7.
A technique has been developed for
applying solvent remover liquids to test
surfaces, whereby discontinuity
entrapment efficiencies close to 100 Controlling Performance
percent may be achieved. This technique
adapts the spray scrubber technique that
Level of Liquid Oxygen
has been successfully used with Compatible Liquid
postemulsifiable liquid penetrants. Penetrants
A volatile solvent material such as
alcohol may be diluted with water to Dimensional sensitivity in a fluorescent
depress its solvent characteristics (its liquid penetrant is defined as the
ability to dissolve the indicator dye or threshold thickness of a film of liquid
surface liquid penetrant). Under this penetrant liquid below which the
condition of dilution, residues of dry dye fluorescence response law that produces
on the surface of a test part may be this extinction of fluorescence only
washed away by the mechanical applies in liquid solutions of fluorescent
scrubbing impact of spray droplets of the materials.
diluted solvent. By virtue of the depressed The operation of a self-destruct type of
solvent activity of the wash liquids, liquid oxygen usage liquid penetrant
entrapments of the liquid penetrant down depends on the evaporation of the liquid
inside a crack in the test part will not carrier, leaving the fluorescent dye in a
become dissolved. This minimizes concentrated form. In this case, the
stripping out of liquid penetrant from performance level of the liquid penetrant
discontinuity entrapments and permits is a function of the amount of indicator
development of brighter or finer liquid dye that accumulates in a crack and its
penetrant indications. visibility when properly drawn out of the
discontinuity by a suitable developer
liquid. It is possible to evaluate liquid
penetrant performance by side-by-side
Volatile Developer for comparison tests on cracked
nickel-chrome panels or cracked
Liquid Oxygen Usage aluminum blocks.
After wash removal of surface liquid
penetrant, development of indications
may be carried out by applying a fine
Characteristics of Liquid
spray of a suitable solvent liquid of Oxygen Usage Dual
medium volatility onto the test surface. Sensitivity Liquid
The function of this liquid is twofold.
First, it dissolves the dry dye within the Penetrant System
discontinuity entrapments, then enhances Liquid oxygen usage liquid penetrant
the brightness of liquid penetrant must consist of ingredients that are
indications by expanding the film essentially nonreactive with liquid
thicknesses. Under proper conditions of oxygen. Inasmuch as all organic dyes are
use, intensely brilliant fluorescent inherently reactive with liquid oxygen,
indications of microdiscontinuities may the reactivity of a dye indicator in a liquid
be obtained. The ability of a liquid penetrant must be depressed or inhibited
penetrant system to reveal the presence of by means of some suitable nonreactive
surface discontinuities can be readily and nonvolatile ingredient that will retain
demonstrated with a ceramic test block. the dye in solution. Furthermore, the dye
The ceramic test block has a porous or dyes must exhibit color and/or
surface that is glasslike and sufficiently fluorescence, as the case may be, when
transparent so that entrapments of dye or dissolved in this nonreactive ingredient.
dyed liquid penetrant inside surface cracks Similar requirements are found for liquid
can easily be seen (see Fig. 7). oxygen usage developers for liquid
After inspection is completed, the test penetrants.
part may be placed in an oven and The combination of conditions that
warmed for an appropriate interval of must be met to provide a workable liquid
time so as to dissipate all of the volatile oxygen usage liquid penetrant and
residues. The liquid penetrant uses a developer system is quite difficult to
special nonfluorescent indicator that satisfy.
yields bright bluish white fluorescent
indications. After use, all residues will
dissipate within about 24 h at room
temperature. The dissipation of the dye

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 395

PART 4. Fluorescent Liquid Penetrants with
Depth Sensing Capabilities

small amount of a chelating agent to a

Testing for Water Entry low surface tension carrier. Organic
chelating agents possess a chemical
Potential affinity for metallic ions and are
One of the most difficult procedures frequently used in chemical analysis to
performed during maintenance of aircraft detect their presence. They accomplish
structures is the test for water entry and this by binding to the metal ion to form a
corrosion in structures containing chemical complex that fluoresces in the
honeycomb core (see Fig. 8). It is difficult visible spectrum under ultraviolet light.
to detect corrosion byproducts and it is The fluorescence spectra of this complex
particularly difficult to determine those shifts from the ultraviolet, of the original
discontinuities that permit water entry organic molecule, to longer wavelengths
into the structure. X-radiography is often of the visible spectrum. Therefore, the
used to detect water present at the time of liquid penetrant is colorless until it comes
inspection or to detect separation of in contact with a metal at which time it
honeycomb nodal bonds as a result of fluoresces an easily detected color. This
corrosion. The technique outlined here is distinctive action allows this liquid
a simple modification of the fluorescent penetrant to differentiate between
liquid penetrant technique to indicate discontinuities that penetrate to a metal
which discontinuities e.g., pores, cracks substrate and those that do not. Chelating
etc. could permit water entry into a compounds can be quite specific in that
honeycomb structure. It also may be used they will bind with certain metal ions and
to detect which discontinuities in a not to others. These materials are often
nonmetallic coating penetrate to a used in the qualitative and quantitative
metallic substrate, for example, the analyses of metals, including aluminum,
penetration of paint or other protective bismuth, cadmium, copper, iron,
coating on metal. magnesium, nickel, zinc etc.

Liquid Penetrants That Detection of Corrosion

Detect Metals Initiations
A liquid penetrant capable of detecting To demonstrate this concept, small
depth can be formulated by adding a amounts, from 0.1 to 20 mgg1 (0.01 to

FIGURE 8. Schematic representation of typical aircraft structural component composed of

aluminum honeycomb core and graphite epoxy skin.

Graphite epoxy
leading edge skin
Graphite epoxy inbound and outbound
leading edge spar
Actuator cover
Full depth aluminum Closeout ribs
honeycomb core
Machined aluminum
ribs, both ends

slab ribs

Graphite epoxy skins

396 Liquid Penetrant Testing

TABLE 3. Colors of fluorescent compounds after chelating with aluminum.
Compound Fluorescence Color

2,2-Dihydroxyazobenzene yellow
8-Hydroxyquinoline yellow
2,2-Dihydroxy1,1-azonaphthalene, 4-sulfonic acid, sodium salt red
2,2-Dihydroxy1,1-naphthalene, azobenzene5-sulfonic acid, sodium salt orange
2,4,2-Trihydroxyazobenzene5-sulfonic acid, sodium salt yellow
SalicylidenceOaminophenol green
2,3,4,5,7-Pentahydroxyflavone blue
2-Hydroxy3-naphthoic acid blue

2.0 percent by weight), of the chelating the raw materials cost little and its use
agent 8-hydroxyquinoline were dissolved requires only minor changes to existing
in isopropyl alcohol, which served as the liquid penetrant techniques. Third, this
carrier. Using standard liquid penetrant system avoids oil contamination that can
techniques, this solution was applied to make repair of a composite structure
the surface of an organic matrix difficult.
composite aircraft component with an
aluminum honeycomb core. Some cracks
and indentations were quickly outlined by Alternative Chelating
a fluorescent halo when the part was
viewed under near ultraviolet light. Agents for Liquid
Because the dry fluorescence of the Penetrant Systems
chelate complex is frequently brighter
than wet fluorescence, it is advisable to It is possible to use any one of many
permit the solution to dry before an chelating agents to make a workable
inspection is performed. A developer liquid penetrant system. A compound
could also be applied to the component to might, for example, be chosen because it
absorb the chelated solution and thus detects a specific metal to the exclusion
enhance the indication. In this inspection of others. Several chelating compounds
those discontinuities that penetrated the are listed in Table 3 along with their
composite skin to the aluminum fluorescence color after chelation with
honeycomb core were easily detected. aluminum. It should be noted that some
While many surface discontinuities could of these compounds may have toxic
be seen, only those that would have properties. Even those thought to be safe
permitted water to penetrate to the should be used with caution particularly
aluminum core and thus cause corrosion when long exposures are involved.
were detected.

Advantages of Chelate
Liquid Penetrant System
If chelating compounds specific to a
particular metal are used, then different
metals can be detected by the color of
their fluorescence. In this way the depth
of the discontinuity can often be
determined. This liquid penetrant
technique can also be used to detect
through-thickness discontinuities in the
corrosion protective coatings on metal
holding tanks. Three important features of
the chelating liquid penetrant system
should be noted. First, the low surface
tension isopropyl alcohol carrier appears
to penetrate into very small cracks faster
than water or oil base liquid penetrants.
Second, this system is inexpensive because

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 397

PART 5. Low Viscosity Liquid Penetrant Testing
of Braze Bond Open Face Honeycomb Seals

darkened cells caused by poor quality

Liquid Penetrant Testing of braze joints. The trichlorotrifluoroethane
vaporizes quickly and the parts do not
Open Face Honeycomb need to be cleaned after inspection.
Gas Turbine Seals Inspection was performed under a forced
air vent hood to limit inspector exposure
Various nondestructive testing techniques
to the vapors.
and methods have been developed to
determine the braze quality of
honeycomb structures for aerospace Technique with Low Viscosity
applications. Generally, honeycomb test Fluorescent Tracer Additives
methods are designed for inspecting
A mixture of 1 mL of supersensitive
honeycomb structures with two facing
fluorescent liquid penetrant was added to
sheets. The following discussion applies to
1200 mL of trichlorotrifluoroethane to
open face honeycomb ring seals in which
enhance the contrast of the test results.
the honeycomb is open at the inner
The resultant solution then was used as
diameter and brazed to a ring at the outer
shown in Fig. 9f. The part was inspected
diameter. Seals of this type are in general
under an ultraviolet (360 nm) lamp. This
use in hot gas turbines where the turbine
technique clearly defined the disbonded
blades cut a gastight seal in the open
and leaking cells in relation to bonded
honeycomb face. Seals of this nature
ones. Figure 10f does not illustrate the
provide for a slight variation in
various colors that can be seen under the
dimensional tolerances and concentricity
inspection lamp. The brazed cells are
between mating components. A low
somewhat blue whereas the unbrazed cells
viscosity liquid penetrant testing
are dark and are outlined by a greenish
technique is described and compared with
tint. The parts were ultrasonically cleaned
other nondestructive test methods such as
after testing.
radiographic, ultrasonic, thermographic
and conventional liquid penetrant testing.
A number of honeycomb seals were used
to establish comparisons of the several Discussion of Mechanisms
nondestructive test methods for
determining the braze quality of the of Penetration Action
honeycomb-to-ring bond; these methods The open face honeycomb core was
are illustrated in Fig. 9 and 10. nonperforated, resistance welded type, per
AMS 5850.11 The foil material was made
Technique with Low Viscosity from a nickel-chromium alloy with good
oxidation resistance at high temperatures
Liquids and resistance to chloride ion stress
Liquids with low specific gravity have corrosion cracking, to corrosion by high
been used for open face honeycomb purity water and to caustic corrosion; the
inspection. In one investigation, foil was 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) thick, with a
trichlorotrifluoroethane (CCl2FCClF2) was cell size of 1.6 mm (0.063 in.). Because of
chosen as the test solution for evaluation. the variety of materials encountered in
The rings were placed in a clear the braze ring and the difference in
trichlorotrifluoroethane solution, about surface tension between test media and
150 mm (6 in.) at a time, and allowed to the ring, calculation of the forces involved
dwell until air bubbles were out of the is difficult. However, the mechanism
cells (see Fig. 9e). The ring was then involved is described in Fig. 11 and
removed from the solution and rotated Eqs. 1 to 3:
about 30 degrees circumferentially. As the
honeycomb drained for about 30 s, the
area was inspected under visible white
light for anomalous braze joints. If the
(1) Fx = LV sin A = 0
cells were of good quality, a meniscus
formed across the top of the cell. If the
braze quality was poor, the level of the
solution lowered, forming a shadow area
(2) Fy = SV SL LV cos = 0
within the cell. Figure 10e shows the

398 Liquid Penetrant Testing

FIGURE 9. Nondestructive test methods for inspecting open face honeycomb seal rings: (a) X-radiography; (b) ultrasonic scan
facsimile recording method; (c) thermography; (d) visible dye liquid penetrant testing; (e) trichlorotrifluoroethane
(refrigerant-113) method using white light; (f) trichlorotrifluoroethane (refrigerant-113) method using ultraviolet radiation.

Honeycomb ring
35 mm film

Honeycomb ring


Rod anode
X-ray tube
Focused ultrasonic probe Automatic
probe scan
(b) Rotary drive wheel
Water level

Drive chuck geared to rotate

at end of each longitudinal
Rotary drive wheel

Thermal indicating
paint sprayed on inside Rotations per minute
diameter cell crowns established from test

Quartz lamp
500 W quartz lamp


needle Section A-A
Rotated by application A A

Application point
Developer sprayed application
Application point on this face before
(e) applying liquid
White light

Ring removed from solution

Shallow pan and rotated 30 degrees
circumferentially during
60 degrees
Trichlorotrifluoroethane with Ultraviolet radiation
fluorescent liquid penetrant

Ring removed from solution

Shallow and rotated 30 degrees
pan circumferentially during

60 degrees

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 399

(3) SV SL = LV cos forces are so great that the medium does
not flow out of good quality cells even
when the ring is rotated 90 degrees.
where adhesive force A = LV sin , total
hydrostatic pressure F = 0.5 WLH2, Limitations of Liquid Penetrant
pressure head H = height to free liquid Testing of Open Face Honeycomb
surface, L = length of cell wall segment, One problem to be considered in tests of
W = weight per unit volume of fluid, LV = open face honeycomb is that the liquid
surface tension of liquid-to-vapor film, also will flow out if a poor resistance weld
SL = surface tension of solid-to-liquid exists in the cell material. However, this
film, SV = surface tension of problem was not encountered, possibly
solid-to-vapor film and = contact angle. because a poorly welded ribbon is sealed
The low viscosity liquid testing by the alloy during brazing. A second
medium readily runs out through the consideration that has not been
openings when disbonded cells are open completely evaluated is the ability of the
to the edge of the ring. However, when fluid to flow out of disbonded cells,
these cells are not open to the edge, the surrounded by good cells, when the
test still reveals the voids. As the ring is height to width increases to a ratio above
rotated through an angle of 30 to 45 3:1 (which has been the upper limit
degrees, the force and pressure are studied). It appears that for ratios above
increased as a result of the change in 3:1, the surface tension and capillary
potential energy caused by the change in forces may prevent the fluid from flowing.
height of the medium. If the cell is not This is not true for disbonds open to the
brazed, the liquid flows downhill into the edge.
adjacent good cells. The surface tension

FIGURE 10. Nondestructive test results from inspection of brazed open face honeycomb ring seals. Arrows denote same
defective area during each test method: (a) radiography; (b) reverse ultrasonic C-scan facsimile recording; (c) thermographic
temperature indicating paint; (d) liquid penetrant testing with water base visible dye placed along edges of honeycomb;
(e) test method with normal white light background using trichlorotrifluoroethane; (f) test method using
trichlorotrifluoroethane and fluorescent liquid penetrant photographed under ultraviolet radiation.

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

400 Liquid Penetrant Testing

results are shown in Fig. 10d. The dye
Liquid Penetrant Testing of liquid penetrant technique was only
successful on rings having edge disbonds.
Brazed Ring Seals
Fluorescent Technique
Visible Dye Technique For inspecting the braze quality in open
For visible dye liquid penetrant tests, the face honeycomb seal rings, the low
inside diameter cells were first sprayed viscosity (<1 106 m2s1 [<1 centistokes]),
with a light coating of developer. Liquid liquid penetrant test technique is low in
penetrant was applied to the edge of the cost, fast and reliable for detecting
ring-to-ribbon braze joint with a small disbonds. The addition of fluorescent
hypodermic syringe or a cotton swab additives to the liquid enhances the
applicator; the ring was slowly rotated as sensitivity of the test. Proof of the ability
the liquid penetrant was applied. When a of these test methods to reveal braze bond
disbond is open to the edge, the liquid quality was provided by metallurgical
penetrant is drawn very rapidly by evaluation.
capillary action into the opening. The

FIGURE 11. Surface tension forces acting on honeycomb cells using low viscosity liquids:
(a) unbrazed cells open to edge; (b) unbrazed cells not open to edge.
(a) (b)
Solid-to-vapor film

Liquid-to-vapor film
Vapor A

Ribbon LV

Solid-to-liquid film

Unbrazed cell not open to edge

Unbrazed cells open to edge of ring.
Trichlorotrifluoroethane runs out.


LV 30 degrees


A = adhesive force, N (lbf)
F = total hydrostatic force, N (lbf)
H = pressure head, m (in.)
L = length of cell wall segment, m (in.)
P = hydrostatic pressure, Pa (lbfin.2)
LV = surface tension of liquid-to-vapor film, N (lbf)
SL = surface tension of solid-to-liquid film, N (lbf)
SV = surface tension of solid-to-vapor film, N (lbf)
= contact angle between liquid and solid (degree)

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 401

PART 6. Ultrasonic Enhancement of Liquid
Penetrant Indications of Cracks in Aerospace
Structural Weldments
conventional techniques adequately
Detecting Cracking in cleansed the discontinuity interfaces. The
remaining contaminants were observed to
Precision Aerospace actually repel the liquid penetrant
Weldments material and in some cases to negate
The combination of supersensitive liquid
penetrants capable of fluorescence at very
thin film levels with ultrasonic fluid Ultrasonic Pumping to Enhance
excitation during precleaning and during Liquid Penetrant Performance
liquid penetrant application provides a
In an attempt to overcome the limitations
means of reliably demonstrating the
of static processing, ultrasound at an
presence of extremely tight fatigue cracks
optimized frequency can be used as a
in small precision weldments. A similar
means of pumping the fluorescent liquid
problem is that of microscopic
penetrant into places it would not
intergranular cracking in small, precision
otherwise enter or where it would enter
investment castings required to function
but perhaps not in sufficient quantity to
in a high temperature environment where
bleed back at a useful rate. The ultrasonic
thermal cycling accelerates crack
energy transmitted through a liquid
propagation and early failure. Another
penetrant medium acts (1) to shake loose
typical example is inspection of an
trapped adherents (2) to flush entrapped
investment cast bearing housing welded to
contaminants from the discontinuity
a high temperature strength sheet material
interfaces and (3) to deposit the
(nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum alloy
discontinuity indicating fluid rapidly and
resistant to oxidation and stress corrosion
minimize the required liquid penetrant
cracking). Extremely tight microshrinkage
dwell time.
existed in this casting before welding but
was frequently missed both by
radiography and conventional fluorescent
liquid penetrant testing. Unfortunately, Ultrasonically Enhanced
after welding, a final fluorescent liquid
penetrant testing revealed, with Liquid Penetrant Testing of
embarrassing clarity, typical and Small Weldments
unacceptable shrinkage and chicken wire
With ultrasonic liquid penetrant testing
crack complexes.
equipment embodying all the steps of the
liquid penetrant process, including the
Difficulty of Detecting Microcracks spray rinse and the various associated
with Conventional Liquid timing devices, the time from beginning
Penetrant Process of the procedure to the dry and
ready-to-inspect stage is 5 min or less. The
It is desirable to identify the maverick procedure lends itself well to automation.
pieces before welding, when the Thus, it permits inspecting a continuous
ingredients of the problem are present but flow of moderately sized precision
latent, before the welding operation. weldments. Tests indicate that more liquid
Many pieces, subjected to liquid penetrant penetrant is deposited more positively
testing and then destroyed, provided and at greater speed with ultrasonic
abundant evidence that the liquid excitation than would otherwise be the
penetrant had entered the minute cracks. case. The sequence and timetable shown
It had not, however, exuded at a rate in Table 4 is used with ultrasonic
capable of overcoming the thin film enhancement and postemulsifiable liquid
fluorescence threshold. Thus, on penetrants.
inspection with ultraviolet radiation, no The precleaning is optional, because
indications were evident at the surface. the liquid penetrants themselves are
On parts removed from service for excellent cleaners and inhibitors.
routine inspection, the presence of acids, Ultrasonic cleaning is a well known
chromates and combustion byproducts in industrial means for obtaining maximum
tight discontinuities further hampers the cleaning action yet is rapid and gentle
mechanics of the static liquid penetrant enough to cleanse parts otherwise too
process. No amount of precleaning by

402 Liquid Penetrant Testing

TABLE 4. Ultrasonic enhancement process.
Step Time (s)

1. Immerse in precleaning solvent

in ultrasonic tank at room
temperature 30
2. Dry (infrared) 60
3. Immerse in liquid penetrant,
ultrasonic tank 30
4. Emulsify, static tank 30
5. Controlled temperature,
spray rinse 30
6. Dry 120
7. Develop 60
8. Inspect

fragile to be processed. step 4 may be

eliminated if gel forming, water washable
liquid penetrant materials are used in
place of the postemulsifiable types.

Selecting Frequency of Ultrasonic

Excitation of Liquid Penetrants
Choice of ultrasonic frequency will
depend on the size of the test parts and
their fragility. Lower frequencies produce
greater penetrating power (more suitable
for massive parts and penetrating deep
into interstices). Below 20 kHz, the noise
is bordering on the audible and fragile
parts, as well as ears, have been
superficially damaged at that level. The
unique feature of ultrasonic cavitation is
that it can be generated anywhere that a
sound wave of sufficient intensity can
penetrate, so that cleaning action might
occur deep within the interstices of a part
or assembly and may be effective in some
parts with complicated geometric

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 403

PART 7. Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing
in Aircraft Fleet Maintenance

Forms of Nondestructive Testing

Preventive and Corrective in Aircraft Maintenance
Maintenance of Many forms of nondestructive testing are
Commercial Aircraft used in airline maintenance, ranging from
the simple visual check given the control
Top quality maintenance is the key to surface before flight to the highly
successful operation of any airline. scientific inspection of hidden structures
Because reliable day-after-day service during overhaul. Radiography, of course,
depends on thorough maintenance, all has become one of the most valuable
efforts of an airline maintenance base are tools in airline maintenance. Also used
directed toward achieving the utmost in extensively are fluorescent liquid
safety and continuous serviceability while penetrants, magnetic and ultrasonic tests
offering the public an economical, and various electronic test instruments.
attractive, modern and comfortable means Together these forms of nondestructive
of transportation. testing trigger a significant amount of the
While corrective maintenance is total maintenance work that is done on
sometimes necessary to overcome any aircraft in airline service.
malfunctioning of aircraft components,
far greater emphasis is placed on
preventive maintenance. It is extremely Fatigue Cracks in Aircraft
important, from the standpoint of cost as Structures
well as of safety, that discontinuities be Although corrosion is replacing fatigue
discovered in their incipient state rather life as the limiting factor for continued
than after they have developed to such a flight of aging aircraft, detecting fatigue
degree that they impair airworthiness. cracks is still a major concern. Fatigue
cracks are normally quite small and in
Phases of Airline Maintenance many locations are extremely difficult to
detect. They have been known to develop
Essentially, there are three phases of undisclosed under rivet heads, for
airline maintenance that blend together example. If they are not detected in their
to activate the overall program. Each very early stages, they can endanger the
phase uses various inspection techniques. structural integrity of the aircraft and
1. Preflight check includes walk-around eventually result in the necessity for
visual testing of such items as the major and possibly emergency repairs.
airframe and control surfaces as well as Early discovery, on the other hand,
operational check of engines and permits the operator to schedule repairs
flight controls. without disruption to services and at a
2. Line servicing encompasses detailed fraction of major repair cost.
repetitive inspection of prescribed
components and structures. It is
performed at specific operating
intervals, usually every 100 to 125 h. Aircraft Structural Integrity
3. Base overhaul encompasses planned Program
replacement and overhaul of
removable components, meticulous Experience gained in past years with large
inspection and repair of the airframe pressurized airliners has emphasized the
structure and modification of airframe importance of maintaining a high level of
and components for improved structural integrity, particularly through
serviceability. Overhaul is performed vigilance against fatigue deterioration.
progressively by most airlines at This, in turn, has emphasized the
specific operating intervals ranging importance of inspection programs under
from 2000 to 5000 h. It is mainly in which aircraft may attain long, safe
the base overhaul phase of airline service lives. Such programs must cover
maintenance that nondestructive the primary structure and structural joints
testing is most important. systematically and must give attention to
hidden areas and members subject to
repetitive cyclic loads.

404 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Specifications for Aircraft of inspections of the structural inspection
Structural Integrity Programs program or an addition of new tests.
An assessment of structural integrity is
based on thorough review of the airplane Fail Safe Aircraft Design
structure, with particular attention to All modern airliners built in the United
service experience, vital joints, critical States are constructed so that each can
members and points, stress levels, shape continue to land safely even though some
and associated factors. A structural structural member has failed (cracked,
integrity program specifies structural areas stretched, warped, fractured, sheared or
and items to be inspected and frequency snapped). This design concept is called fail
of inspection. The combination of safe and is applied particularly to the wing
inspection intervals and levels for each and fuselage structure. By incorporating
area or structural item is selected to design features such as multiple structure
provide for continuously adequate and multiple load paths, each airframe is
knowledge of the condition of that engineered to accommodate some
structure as related to the individual unpredictable loads, stress concentrations
airplane and/or a fleet of airplanes and for or deterioration by fatigue and corrosion
detection of fatigue cracks or other without significant effect on the overall
deterioration at an early stage. structural integrity. Thus, it is readily
apparent that structural integrity
Organization of Inspection of programs are aimed at preserving the
inherent soundness of the fail safe design
Inservice Aircraft throughout the service life of the aircraft.
The entire aircraft structure is given a
routine visual testing at each visit to the
airline overhaul base. These tests are
Problems of Sealants on Aircraft
supplemented by a standard and a special Structures
level of inspection of certain primary One of the major problems confronting
structural elements. These are airline inspectors is the presence of
accomplished repetitively on all fleet sealing materials at joints in aircraft
airplanes at appropriate frequencies and structures. Sealant is used either to
scheduled to provide for effective confine fuel in tank compartments or to
continuous monitoring of the fleet. maintain air pressure within the aircraft
Further, fleetwide sampling inspections cabin. Sealants have a density comparable
are provided for the more significant to the density of aluminum. Even a thin
structural items and are required on a film of sealing compound can seriously
fixed percentage of the fleet annually. affect the performance of liquid penetrant
Finally, numerous special programs are set tests. Sealants may prevent entry of liquid
up to provide for extraordinary penetrant into surface discontinuities.
maintenance of certain removable Also, cracks or voids in sealants may
components, for removal of certain other possibly be interpreted as cracks in the
components to permit inspection of metallic aircraft structure. Undoubtedly
hidden areas and for other preventive there are cases where sealant has obscured
measure such as replacement of certain minor discontinuities in the structure.
structural fasteners.

Action Resulting from Inspection Fluorescent Liquid

of Inservice Aircraft
Penetrant Testing of
From these tests, the experiences of other
airline operators and studies by the Aircraft Components
airframe industry, patterns of incipient Fluorescent liquid penetrant testing is
structural discontinuities come to light used in inspecting many aircraft parts,
from time to time. When this occurs, the especially those that are nonmagnetic.
findings are evaluated (usually in While this type of nondestructive test is
conjunction with the aircraft quite commonplace, certain precautions
manufacturer) and appropriate action is must be taken to ensure detection of
taken to safeguard airworthiness. extremely small, tight discontinuities.
This action may consist of one or more Cleanliness is most critical. Rubber,
of the following procedures: carbon, grease and other foreign materials
(1) accelerated fleet sampling; (2) one may contaminate cracks, clogging the
time fleet campaign testing; (3) interim openings so that the liquid penetrant
repetitive inspection, pending final cannot enter.
evaluation and corrective action; Although many types of cleaners may
(4) corrective action to maintain or remove surface dirt from magnesium,
improve the integrity of the structure; and aluminum and stainless steel parts, it is
(5) adjustment of the scope and frequency most important to determine first

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 405

whether these cleaners will affect the problem because these parts are all
fluorescent properties of the liquid inspected in shops designed for this type
penetrant. With some cleaners, the degree of inspection. However, on the aircraft
of fluorescence is markedly reduced; in many problems exist, such as whether the
other instances all trace of fluorescence airplane is in the field or hangar, whether
disappears. access is possible to the area to be
inspected and whether test equipment is
available. All of these factors must be
taken into consideration when selecting a
Skills and Training of liquid penetrant that will highlight the
Aircraft Inspectors type of discontinuity sought. This
problem becomes a prime consideration
Many forms of nondestructive testing for line and field teams who must literally
have become so common that some work out of a tool box with minimum
industries tend to assume that the average support equipment.
worker can operate specialized equipment.
Although most test machines are
relatively simple to use, optimum results Limitations of Fluorescent Liquid
can be obtained only by skilled, highly Penetrants in Field
trained personnel. In airline applications, This process presents problems of having
the nondestructive test operator should to mask or shield each area of inspection
have a thorough knowledge of test from white light to conduct an
equipment, aircraft structure and inspection. The hooding or masking is
manufacturing and repair techniques. In cumbersome and time consuming, as each
addition, the operator should possess area requires its own makeshift cover.
inherent curiosity and a high level of These hoods can also present a hazard to
interest, permitting accurate the inspector, who at times is required to
interpretations and prompting the inspect wings etc. from stands and
operator to verify questionable platforms. These facts are especially true
indications. And finally, the operator for inspectors on the line and in the field.
should have a well developed ability to A lesser problem is encountered in the
weigh facts and render sound decisions. A inspection of rough castings such as the
skilled operator can reap a fine harvest of transmission housings on helicopters.
savings for the employer whereas a poorly When the residual liquid penetrant has to
trained or careless operator is apt to plow be removed by hard wiping, it is
under the potential benefits and possibly sometimes difficult to obtain a low
generate false confidence in the fluorescent background without risking an
performance capability of the aircraft overwash and removal of the liquid
components and structures. penetrant indications.

Limitations of Using Both Visible

Field Liquid Penetrant and Fluorescent Liquid Penetrants
Testing of Military Aircraft If visible dye liquid penetrant is allowed,
All types of military aircraft require there may be the problem of resolving
rework for updating and extending the questionable indications encountered
service of the aircraft and also repairing with visible liquid penetrants. Even after
damaged aircraft. Damages range from recleaning the questionable area for
minor to crash damage. Much repair work reinspection with fluorescent liquid
is done by field teams at outlying bases. penetrant, there could be no assurance
All aircraft receive thorough inspection of that all of the visible dye had been
their structures both before and during removed from the suspected
rework or repair. Liquid penetrants are discontinuities. Because the dye of visible
instrumental in conducting these liquid penetrants will quench the
inspections. fluorescence of fluorescent liquid
When aircraft are returned to rework or penetrants, a reinspection by this
repair, there are considerable variations in technique would not provide conclusive
the surface conditions of their structures. results.
These variations are caused by many
factors such as age, operating
environment and past maintenance.
These and other factors also affect the
selection of the liquid penetrants and
processing materials required to conduct
an inspection and still maintain a high
quality and airworthy product. With
components and small parts, the liquid
penetrant testing process presents no

406 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 8. Liquid Penetrant Testing of
Radioisotope Heat Source Capsules for Deep
Space Missions
50 m (0.002 in.). Maintaining such
Liquid Penetrant Testing of tolerances requires careful handling and a
minimum number of handling
Fragile Radioisotope operations. Inspection operations are not
Capsule Parts exempted from this handling criterion.
Liquid penetrant testing was one of the
Fabrication and inspection of exotic alloy
principal nondestructive tests used to
parts of large radioisotope heat source
determine the integrity of the deep drawn
capsules used for long life deep space
capsule parts. A way to perform this test
missions require careful handling and
that minimized handling was required. It
processing to prevent damage and
was particularly desirable to use a readily
contamination of these fragile and critical
removable developer, because normal
components. Capsules in service can
developers can be difficult to remove from
experience temperatures as high as
reentrant cavities, posing handling
1100 C (2000 F) with internal pressures
damage and contamination problems.
up to 14 MPa (2000 lbfin.2) for periods of
five years. Close dimensional control of
capsule parts must be obtained and
maintained to ensure easy assembly after Self-Developing Liquid
fueling because assembly must be
performed remotely with thermally hot Penetrant System
parts fitted with cold parts. Cleanliness is It should be noted that special
essential to avoid material degradation applications such as vehicles for deep
from small quantities of contaminants space missions require specially developed
under severe service conditions. liquid penetrant process specifications
Figure 12 depicts a typical radioisotope rather than conventional standards.
capsule configuration with an exterior To reduce handling and cleaning of the
140 mm (5.5 in.) long by 63 mm (2.5 in.) nuclear heat source capsules, a
diameter. The wall thicknesses are fluorescent, water washable liquid
0.76 mm (0.03 in.) to 2.3 mm (0.09 in.) penetrant system not requiring a
for the tantalum alloy shells and 0.5 mm developer was used. This eliminated the
(0.02 in.) for the platinum alloy shells. operations of applying a developer and of
Maximum permissible deviation from postcleaning to remove the developer.
form (sphericity and cylindricity) is This final cleaning operation was

FIGURE 12. Typical large radioisotope heat source capsule design. Capsule outside diameter is
63 mm (2.5 in.), with an overall length of 140 mm (5.5 in.).

Fuel annulus

Iron titanate
emittance coating
Oxidation barrier

Al2O3 diffusion barrier

Structural shell

Outer liner
Inner liner

Retainer ring
Impact absorber

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 407

considered to have the greatest potential radioisotope capsule parts, a mixture of
for damage to parts as a result of liquid sensitivity 2.5 was found to be optimum.
penetrant testing. This mixture provided a maximum
Control of parts contamination was sensitivity level compatible with the metal
less troublesome, because the degree of forming processes and the finish
removal of the water washable liquid characteristics of the capsule alloy that
penetrant from the inspected parts could did not yield excessive numbers of
be established simply by inspecting the nonrelevant liquid penetrant indications.
postcleaned parts under an ultraviolet The test procedure used a
radiation source. The time required to self-developing fluorescent liquid
process a group of parts was reduced, penetrant of appropriate sensitivity.
because a 2 min penetration time 1. Cleaned parts were received after
followed by a 2 min self-developing time passing a water break test in
was feasible without reduction in the accordance with ASTM F 22-65,
reliability of discontinuity detection. Hydrophobic Surface Films by the Water
Break Test.12
Sensitivity Control 2. Parts were dipped in the liquid
The proprietary water washable, penetrant at temperatures of 15 to
self-developing fluorescent liquid 50 C (60 to 120 F), were removed
penetrant system used to inspect the and drained for at least 2 min.
radioisotope capsules permits liquid 3. Excess liquid penetrant was removed
penetrant sensitivity control by mixing by flooding with tap water followed
ultrahigh and moderate sensitivity by a distilled water rinse. Rinsing was
components to achieve a liquid penetrant performed under an ultraviolet light to
with an intermediate sensitivity. prevent overwashing, discontinuing
Caution mixing of conventional liquid rinsing as soon as the liquid penetrant
penetrants is unacceptable because most background glow disappeared.
liquid penetrant systems are 4. Parts were inspected for fluorescent
incompatible. Table 5 below shows indications immediately after drying,
relative sensitivities of the family of using standard fluorescent liquid
compatible liquid penetrants used in this penetrant ultraviolet lighting of
research. The listed SAE AMS 26441 365 nm wavelength and 30 Wm2
sensitivity levels are valid only when (3000 Wcm2) minimum
developer is used. illumination.
Figure 13 shows a graph relating the
sensitivity of the liquid penetrant mixture
to the proportions of two members of the
family of compatible fluorescent liquid
penetrants. The sensitivity numbers FIGURE 13. Developerless fluorescent penetrant system
shown on the ordinate scale of Fig. 13 are variable sensitivity mixture ratios.
inversely proportional to the liquid
penetrant sensitivity levels. The ultrahigh 3.0
sensitivity level is identified as P-1
whereas the lower liquid penetrant 2.8
sensitivity level is identified as P-3. For
liquid penetrant testing of the 2.6
Penetrant mixture sensitivity

2.4 P-2.5

TABLE 5. Relative sensitivities of compatible liquid


penetrants for inspection of radioisotope capsules.
Number Relative Sensitivity 1.8

1.0 Ultrahigh sensitivity useful principally for 1.6

investigations such as displaying very small
discontinuities on specimens prepared for 1.4
metallographic studies
2.0 Very high sensitivity equivalent to 1.2
SAE AMS 2644, Level 4,1 useful where high
discontinuity detection reliability is mandatory as 1.0
required for fracture critical aircraft structures
2.5 High sensitivity equivalent to sensitivity of P-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
liquid penetrants of SAE AMS 2644, Level 31 P-3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3.0 Medium sensitivity equivalent to sensitivity of Mixture ratio by volume
liquid penetrants of SAE AMS 2644, Level 21 (relative units)

408 Liquid Penetrant Testing

The developerless water washable corrosion resistant nickel-chromium alloy.
fluorescent liquid penetrant was found to This loss-of-fuel-test reactor is at a test
be effective for surface testing of the facility of the Idaho National Engineering
critical radioisotope capsule parts whereas Laboratory whose fuel elements are
risk of handling damage and heavily instrumented.
contamination was substantially reduced. High sensitivity fluorescent liquid
Additionally, the short penetration and penetrants without developer have been
development times could yield substantial permitted with customer approval in
cost savings for large scale production certain applications in the aerospace
quantities of parts. industry. In the absence of special
procedures developed and approved for
special applications, those performing
liquid penetrant tests must follow
High Sensitivity applicable standards and use materials on
Fluorescent Liquid the corresponding qualified products lists
in the same manner in which they were
Penetrant Examination of qualified.
Welds in Fuel Module
Assemblies Procedure for Liquid Penetrant
Spray applied, nonaqueous wet developers Testing of Module Assembly for
are used extensively with color contrast Loss of Fuel Test
liquid penetrants for inspection of welds A special procedure using a high
on nuclear power plant components. This sensitivity fluorescent liquid penetrant
technique, however, was determined to be without developer was established for the
unsatisfactory for testing of an LOFT fuel module assembly welds. The
experimental fuel assembly because liquid penetrant is applied to the localized
spraying of the developer contaminated area of the welds using cotton swabs.
areas between instrumentation leads. After a liquid penetrant dwell time of 10
Figure 14 shows a loss of fuel test (LOFT) to 20 min, the excess liquid penetrant is
fuel module assembly with welds that are removed using dry cotton swabs followed
liquid penetrant tested. The tubing is by cotton swabs dampened with solvent
stainless steel; the base material is a remover. The welds are then inspected
under ultraviolet radiation. A minimum
intensity of 30 Wm2 (3000 Wcm2) is
used. If developer were used, the
FIGURE 14. Fuel module assembly. Insulated bushings for
minimum specified ultraviolet radiation
instrument leads are typically welded into three locations.
intensity would be 10 Wm2
Liquid penetrant testing is used to reveal any weld cracks.
(1000 Wcm2). The higher intensity of
Tests are made remotely.
30 Wm2 (3000 Wcm2) helps to
compensate for not using developer. The
special procedure using the high
sensitivity fluorescent liquid penetrant
without developer solved the cleaning
problem and provided increased
discontinuity detection capabilities over
the color contrast, solvent removable
technique used with nonaqueous wet
leads (typically
three places)

Liquid Penetrant
Examination of Automatic
Machine Welding of
Irradiated Fuel Rods
Remote assembly of irradiated fuel rods
for the power burst test facility required
weld certification of two hot cell
technicians for the remote automatic
welding of the end cap to cladding and
fill tube seal welds. Testing of the welds
consists of a remote liquid penetrant test
followed by a metallographic inspection.
For the liquid penetrant test, the welds
were to be inspected for all surface

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 409

indications, particularly cracks, at 4 Cleaning before Inspection of Fuel
magnification using a stereo periscope Elements
mounted for viewing through the cell
wall. The surface of all materials and parts to be
The liquid penetrant initially specified inspected shall be free of oil, grease, dirt,
for the test was solvent removable dye. scale, weld flux and other matter that
However, it was very difficult to remove might interfere with proper application or
the excess liquid penetrant using remote distribution of the liquid penetrant. The
handling methods. A considerable test surface and any adjacent area within
amount of liquid penetrant remained on at least 25 mm (1 in.) of it shall be free of
the surface, enough to mask relevant grease, oil, paint, loose scale or other
indications. It was decided to try a water conditions that might obscure the surface
washable dye liquid penetrant to openings or interfere with accurate
efficiently remove the excess liquid interpretation of indications. Drying of
penetrant. A spray developer was then the cleaned surface shall be by normal
used for interpretation. This technique evaporation for a minimum of 5 min. The
proved to be successful. All test welds and surface must be completely dry before
fabrication welds are liquid penetrant application of liquid penetrant.
tested in this manner.
Restrictions on Surface
Treatments of Fuel Elements
End Fittings and Welds on The following surface treatments will
bridge over discontinuities and shall not
Advanced Test Reactor be used before liquid testing: (1) plating,
Fuel Elements (2) anodizing, (3) painting and (4) dye or
Each end fitting for the advanced test layout paint. The following cleaning
reactor (ATR) fuel element is inspected for methods tend to limit the effectiveness of
surface discontinuities by liquid penetrant liquid penetrant testing and shall not be
to the requirements described in United used before liquid penetrant testing
States Department of Energy Standard without specific written approval: shot
RDT F3-6T.13 blasting, sand blasting, vapor blasting,
The liquid penetrant used is a visible, buffing, burnishing or any other surface
solvent removable liquid penetrant. The treatment that will have a smearing or
penetration time is 20 min minimum and peening action on the surface.
the developing time is 10 min minimum.
All surfaces inspected must be free of Procedure for Applying Liquid
linear discontinuities (cracks, laps, fissures Penetrant to Fuel Elements
etc.) and of four or more rounded
discontinuities separated by 1.6 mm A film of the liquid penetrant shall cover
(0.06 in.) or less distance from edge to all surfaces to be inspected and may be
edge. applied by brushing. Caution liquid
penetrant must be kept out of
fuel-plate-to-side-plate swage joint. Both
the surface to be inspected and the liquid
Inspection of penetrant shall be at a temperature not
less than 15 C (60 F) nor more than
End-Fitting-to-Side-Plate 50 C (120 F) throughout the inspection
Welds on Advanced Test period. Penetration time shall not be less
Reactor Fuel Elements than 10 min or more than 20 min. If
liquid penetrant materials are allowed to
The following liquid penetrant procedure dry, repeat test including cleaning of test
is applicable to advanced test reactor fuel surfaces.
element end-fitting-to-side plate welds
using visible solvent removable liquid
penetrant on the outside only with the Removing Excess Liquid Penetrant
following materials: (1) bleached from Fuel Elements
cheesecloth or (2) acetone reagent grade. The surface film of liquid penetrant shall
The liquid penetrant system consists of be thoroughly cleaned from the part after
(1) visible dye liquid penetrant, the penetration time has elapsed. This
(2) solvent remover and (3) nonaqueous cleaning must be complete so that the
developer. Components of approved only liquid penetrant remaining will be
liquid penetrant systems may not be within the discontinuities of the parts.
intermixed. With solvent removable liquid penetrant,
excess liquid penetrant, insofar as
possible, shall be removed by using clean,
dry cloths or absorbent paper. The
operation should be repeated until most

410 Liquid Penetrant Testing

traces of liquid penetrant have been (4) four or more rounded indications in a
removed. A clean, dry cloth or absorbent line separated by 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) or less
paper shall then be dampened with from edge to edge; (5) six or more
solvent and the surface shall be wiped indications in any 40 cm2 (6 in.2) of weld
lightly until all remaining traces of excess surface with the major dimension of this
liquid penetrant have been removed. Care area not to exceed 150 mm (6 in.), with
shall be used not to use an excess of the the area taken in the most unfavorable
solvent, to avoid removing liquid location relative to the indications being
penetrant from discontinuities. Flushing evaluated; (6) aligned indications in
the surface with solvent following the which the average of the distance from
application of the liquid penetrant and center to center between any one
before developing is prohibited. Special indication and the two adjacent
care shall be exercised to remove all liquid indications in a straight line is less than
penetrant from holes and corners. All 5 mm (0.2 in.). Only those indications
parts shall be dried thoroughly by normal with major dimensions greater than
evaporation for a minimum of 5 min 0.4 mm (0.06 in.) are considered relevant
before application of developer. for item 6.

Applying Developer to Fuel Confirmation of Nonrelevant

Elements Indications on Fuel Elements
The developer shall be applied to Any indication that is believed to be
advanced test reactor fuel elements by nonrelevant shall be regarded as a
spraying as soon as possible after the discontinuity and shall be reinspected to
liquid penetrant removal step and shall verify whether or not actual
not exceed a time interval of 15 min. discontinuities are present. Surface
Caution developer must be kept out of conditioning may precede the
the swage joint joining the fuel plates to reinspection. Nonrelevant indications and
the side plate. Nonaqueous developer broad areas of pigmentation that would
shall be thoroughly agitated by shaking or mask indications of discontinuities are
stirring before and during the time of unacceptable.
application. For best results and greatest
sensitivity, the developer shall be applied Cleaning of Fuel Elements after
by spraying a light, even coat, avoiding
laps, runs and heavy deposits. Inspection
After completing inspection, all liquid
Examination of Indications on Fuel penetrant and developer materials shall be
removed using clean cheesecloth with
Elements solvent remover or acetone. Components
Sufficient time shall be allowed between shall be cleaned to the extent that no
the application of developer and the contamination of any surface is visible to
inspection of parts for the indications to a person with normal vision acuity,
appear. Final interpretation shall be made natural or corrected. Lighting in
after allowing the liquid penetrant to inspection areas shall provide an
bleed out for a minimum of seven illumination level of at least 1 klx
minutes to a maximum of thirty minutes. (100 ftc) on surfaces being inspected.
If the surface is sufficiently large to
preclude complete inspection within the
prescribed time, the surface shall be
inspected in suitable increments. Quality and Examination
Personnel performing liquid testing to the
Rejection Criteria for procedure shall be qualified and certified
in accordance with the requirements
Advanced Test Reactor of ASNT Recommended Practice
Fuel Elements No. SNT-TC-1A4 or ANSI/ASNT-CP-189.14
For all welds, the following relevant Personnel qualified and certified as Level I
indications are unacceptable: (1) any may perform liquid testing processes if
cracks; (2) any linear indications; under the supervision of a Level II but
(3) rounded indications with major shall not have responsibility for technique
dimensions greater than 0.40 mm selection.
(0.016 in.) or with dimensions exceeding
ten percent of the nominal weld thickness
or 3 mm (0.13 in.), whichever is smaller
(rounded indications separated by 1.6 mm
(0.06 in.) or less from edge to edge shall
be evaluated as single indications);

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 411

Record of Examination of
Advanced Test Reactor
Fuel Elements
Liquid testing reports shall be filled out
and signed by certified personnel and
shall document the following
information: (1) examiners name;
(2) procedure used (number and latest
revision); (3) ASNT certification level;
(4) date of inspection; (5) part inspected;
(6) area inspected; (7) governing
documents; (8) liquid penetrant,
developer and cleaner batch numbers,
type and manufacturer; (9) disposition of
part; and (10) reinspection information (if

Identification of Liquid Penetrant

Testing Materials
Each acceptable batch of liquid penetrant,
developer and cleaning materials will be
identified by a quality assurance tag
containing the following information:
(1) manufacturer, (2) purchase order
number, (3) batch number of product,
(4) certification that contents meet
RDT F3-6T13 requirements per
ASTM D 80815 and ASTM D 129,16
(5) quality assurance laboratory report
number, (6) date of report and
(7) acceptance stamp.

Certification of Advanced
Test Reactor Fuel Element
Inspections conducted using this
procedure are certified as being in
accordance with the requirements of the
following standards and specifications:
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section V, Nondestructive Examination;17
RDT F3-6T;13 ANC IN-F-9-ATR;18
RDT F6-2T;19 ASNT Recommended Practice
No. SNT-TC-1A;4 and ANSI/ASNT-CP-189.14

412 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. SAE AMS 2644. Inspection Material, 12. ASTM F 22, Standard Test Method for
Penetrant. Warrendale, PA: Society of Hydrophobic Surface Films by the Water
Automotive Engineers (1996). Break Test. West Conshohocken, PA:
2. ASTM D 95. Standard Test Method for American Society for Testing and
Water in Petroleum Products and Materials (1992).
Bituminous Materials by Distillation. 14. ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for
West Conshohocken, PA: American Qualification and Certification of
Society for Testing and Materials Nondestructive Testing Personnel.
(1990). Columbus, OH: American Society for
3. ASTM E 1417, Standard Practice for Nondestructive Testing.
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West 15. ASTM D 808, Standard Test Method for
Conshohocken, PA: American Society Chlorine in New and Used Petroleum
for Testing and Materials (1998). Products (Bomb Method). West
4. ASNT Recommended Practice Conshohocken, PA: American Society
No. SNT-TC-1A. Columbus, OH: for Testing and Materials (1995).
American Society for Nondestructive 16. ASTM D 129, Standard Test Method for
Testing. Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General
5. AIA NAS 410, Certification and Bomb Method). West Conshohocken,
Qualification of Nondestructive Test PA: American Society for Testing and
Personnel. Washington, DC: Aerospace Materials (1995).
Industries Association of America 17. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
(May 1996). Section V, Nondestructive Examination.
6. ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for New York, NY: American Society of
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West Mechanical Engineers (1998).
Conshohocken, PA: American Society 13. RDT F3-6T, Nondestructive Examination.
for Testing and Materials (1995). Washington, DC: United States
7. MIL-STD-2175, Castings, Classification Department of Energy.
and Inspection of. Washington, DC: 18. ANC IN-F-9-ATR, Specification for
United States Department of Defense. Advanced Test Reactor Mark VII Zone
8. Smith, D.S. Penetrant Performance Loaded Fuel Elements. Washington, DC:
with and without Developer. United States Department of Energy.
MDC 96K0028. Long Beach, CA: 19. RDT F6-2T, Welding of Reactor Core
McDonnell Douglas Corporation Components and Test Assemblies.
(1996). Presented at ASNT 1996 Spring Washington, DC: United States
Conference/Fifth Annual Research Department of Energy.
Symposium [Norfolk, MD]. Columbus,
OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (March 1996):
p 139-141.
9. Southworth, H.L. et al. Practical
Sensitivity Limits of Production
Nondestructive Testing Methods in
Aluminum and Steel. AFML-TR-74-241.
Seattle, WA (Boeing Commercial
Airplane Company for Air Force
Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base, OH) (March 1975).
10. Specification MSFC-SPEC-106, Testing
Compatibility of Materials for Liquid
Oxygen Systems. Huntsville, AL:
George C. Marshall Space Flight
Center, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
11. SAE AMS 5850. Steel, Corrosion and
Heat Resistant, Honeycomb Core
Resistance Welded, Square Cell.
Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive
Engineers (1993).

Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 413


Various Applications of
Liquid Penetrant Testing

Dennis G. Hunley, Quality Assurance Corporation,

Indianapolis, Indiana
Joseph L. Mackin, International Pipe Inspectors
Association, Houston, Texas
Roger D. Wallace, Newport News Shipbuilding and
Dry Dock Company, Newport News, Virginia
PART 1. Liquid Penetrant Testing of Metal
Cutting Tools

themselves to magnetic particle testing

Need for Nondestructive and for hard, cobalt based alloy tools,
which are nonmagnetic. It is also
Testing of Machine Tool applicable to testing of carbide tipped
Bits tools, both for cracks and discontinuities
in the tip material and for poor braze
Metal cutting tools, ranging from small
bonds between tip material and support
bits and drills to costly milling cutters, are
materials. Fluorescent liquid penetrant
replacement items that influence costs in
testing permits inspection of the complete
manufacturing industries, particularly if
tool surface and provides adequate test
some tools are anomalous or
sensitivity that can be controlled for
dysfunctional. Even excellent tools can be
specific testing needs. In small plants,
misapplied or used improperly and
liquid penetrant testing is used by shop
perfectly good tools can be used to
personnel to detect problems in heat
produce either quality products or scrap,
treating, brazing and grinding processes.
depending on how they are assigned and
Shop personnel can acquire the needed
used. Reasonable standards of tool quality
skills readily, with proper instruction and
can be agreed on by both manufacturer
and user to achieve economy in tool use.
Standards on limits, tolerances and test
methods for tools and on the ability of
the tool to produce results, can be based Equipment and Techniques
on nondestructive tests and
manufacturing experience. for Liquid Penetrant
Various types of discontinuities in Testing of Cutting Tools
cutting tools can cause problems for their
General purpose stationary liquid
manufacturers and users. High speed steel
penetrant testing equipment used for
cutting tools may contain voids or
testing of small parts finds wide use in
inclusions in the metal, cracks produced
testing of cutting tools. It includes liquid
by heat treatment, variations in stress
penetrant dip and drain station, wash
relief or grinding checks. Carbide tools
station, recirculating hot air dryer and
have potentials for brazing, grinding and
developing and inspection stations.
lapping discontinuities. Hard, cobalt
Penetration times may vary, depending on
based alloy tools may be subject to
the type of tool material and the tightness
difficulties related to welding, porosity or
of discontinuities to be detected.

Advantages of Liquid Interpreting Liquid

Penetrant Testing of Penetrant Indications on
Cutting Tools Cutting Tools
Liquid penetrant indications produced by
Sensitive liquid penetrant testing reveals
tool discontinuities will vary in brilliance,
many types of relevant discontinuity
depending on the depth, width and
conditions and permits anomalous or
length of the discontinuities and on the
dysfunctional tools to be eliminated from
particular liquid penetrant systems used.
those to be sold or used in production. It
Porosity in braze bonds will show up as
also assists the tool manufacturer in early
brilliant fluorescent specks along the bond
detection and correction of faulty
line. If there is depth or an extended
methods of processing tools during their
subsurface area of porosity, the indication
manufacture. Anomalous materials can be
will grow in size and brilliance with time
weeded out of incoming stock before
after application of developer.
costly processing has been wasted on
Under certain processing conditions,
them. Magnetic particle testing can be
shims and sandwich braze, used to
used only on ferromagnetic materials such
eliminate brazing strain and other
as high speed tool steels. Fluorescent
problems, may result in porosity. When
liquid penetrant testing is recommended
questionable porosity occurs in braze
for carbide tools, which do not lend

416 Liquid Penetrant Testing

bonds, its position and the service quality averages graphically. Any trend
conditions in which the tool will be used toward excess scrap can be noticed and
should be deciding factors in evaluating corrective measures taken. Similar
the acceptability of the tool. The desirable procedures can demonstrate the efficiency
factors of good thermal conductivity of of an individual machine or process.
the braze metal and its cushioning effect When such records are properly used,
should be compared (in light of the job the specialized job knowledge of the
the tool must do) with the fact that the practical person is coordinated with that
braze bond may be soft and consequently of test personnel and should result in
may not provide sufficient rigidity and reduced scrap loss. The tool user must
support for the cutting tip in service. have the right tools available for repeat
usage. Otherwise quick decisions are often
necessary to select the optimum tool for
the job from the types of tools that
Evaluating Liquid happen to be available. It would be
Penetrant Indications of desirable to keep shop records showing
the length of service between grindings as
Cracks in Cutting Tools well as the ultimate life of certain types of
Liquid penetrant indications of minute tools as used for various processes. Similar
checks and larger cracks can be identified records of tool regrinding for individual
on tools. Because scratches are relatively machines could assist the selection of
wide and shallow, as compared with proper tool grinding wheels, speeds and
cracks that are narrow and deep, they will feeds.
not show at all with conventional water
washable liquid penetrant systems
because washing removes liquid penetrant
from scratches. Inspection of Carbide
Discontinuities such as cracks are Tipped Milling Cutters
probably due to combined brazing strain
and improper grinding. Although these Carbide tipped milling cutters each
are rejected because of their directions normally contain between 8 and 24
and locations, it is conceivable that tools cutting blades, yet if only one tip shatters
with cracks in certain locations and and drops out of its blade during the
generally parallel to the principal stress, machining cycle and the operator does
would give satisfactory service. The value not immediately back off on the controls,
of the tool relative to the value of the then the entire cutter and possibly the
work in process and the danger involved workpiece could be ruined. Machine
would probably be deciding factors but downtime also would result, which is
the problem should receive much quite costly for some of the larger milling
consideration. machines.

Evaluating Liquid Penetrant Causes of Failure of Carbide

Indications of Cracks and Checks Cutting Tips
in Thread Gages The most frequent cause of carbide tip
fracture is tiny, hairlike cracks that form
Indications of extensive cracks and in the carbide section during heat
minute indications extending over one treating, brazing and grinding operations.
thread only were found on a hard, cobalt Manufacturers of milling cutters try to
based alloy thread gage. Slight cracks in prevent such cracks throughout tool
the rough stage after welding grew during fabrication, grinding, shipping and
the following grinding and thread cutting handling. Combinations of standard and
operations. The minute indications metallurgical tests and nondestructive
correspond to grinding checks that testing methods are used. Large scale users
originated in the final grinding. The of milling cutters who resharpen their
indications are similar to those of pickling own cutters can benefit by using these
cracks and, in this case, were caused by procedures.
acid attacking areas of high residual stress The carbide tips are brazed into a
during macroetching. variety of blade materials in various ways,
depending on their ultimate use. For
Correlating Liquid Penetrant Test example, a tip would be brazed into the
Results with Tool Service Life tool body with copper brazing if a high
amount of heat is expected to be
For control of quality, in many cases, it generated during cutting. Some tips are
may be desirable to keep records of brazed in with silver solder where less
quality or of the life expectancy of typical heat is generated. During the brazing,
tools. The manufacturer may plot the uneven material stresses could cause tiny
percentage of anomalous tools on a cracks to form in the carbide.
day-to-day or lot-to-lot basis to illustrate

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 417

Liquid Penetrant Processing of Liquid penetrant test kits are available
Carbide Tipped Milling Cutters for small lot postproduction test needs. To
inspect parts with this kit, the operator
Once the tips are brazed into the cutting sprays them with a cleaner, wipes them
tool bodies, they are sent in baskets to the dry and sprays on a red dye liquid
blade inspection area. Here, they are first penetrant. After this is wiped from the
put through a postemulsification surface, the operator sprays on a white
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing developer. Any crack that is present will
station to seek the almost invisible cracks then show up as a red line on the white
that might be present. This equipment background. The cleaner is also used
will reveal the tiny cracks under elsewhere for general parts cleaning.
ultraviolet radiation after they have been
One man handles the entire operation.
It takes about 25 min for a part to go
through this test from liquid penetrant
application through ultraviolet radiation
inspection. However, the operator has
many different parts in various stages of
preparation on the roller conveyor.

Fluorescent Inspection of Carbide

Tips and Blades
Each blade tip is then viewed under
ultraviolet radiation. At this point in the
test, the tiniest cracks in the carbide tips
will show up as thin, brightly flowing
lines. Cracked blades discovered at the
test station are not necessarily scrapped. If
economical, they are sent back to
production to have anomalous inserts
removed and new ones brazed in. The
reinserted blades must then go through
the entire liquid penetrant procedure
When the blades pass the liquid
penetrant test, they go through to the
identification station. Here, numbers and
letters are etched into the blades with an
acid pad and stencil. The blades then
undergo a Rockwell hardness test if a
special blade shank hardness is read. If a
10 percent random sample of the batch
passes this test, the entire batch is allowed
to pass.
Then the blades go to the size test. At
this station, the inspector compresses the
size of the production blade with a master
blade in a tabletop comparator. At this
100 percent go or no-go testing, the
blades that do not pass are scrapped.
Replacement blades that pass are ready for
shipment. Others go to the assembly area
where they are inserted in milling cutter
bodies and given a final grinding

Final Inspection of Cutter

Assemblies after Finish Grinding
Because final grinding could cause tiny
checks in the carbide tips, the entire
cutter assembly goes to the liquid
penetrant station for final testing. This
time, the body and blades are processed
overall and the entire assembly is
inspected for cracks in critical areas.

418 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Liquid Penetrant Testing of Oil Field
Down Hole Tubular Parts

the rotation of the bottom hole assembly

Range of Applications while it is bent from compression or in a
dogleg. Stress corrosion cracking
Most of the products used in drilling an originates from the bore of the
oil well are made of ferrous steels and nonmagnetic bottom hole assembly
therefore inspected with magnetic particle (Fig. 1). Stress corrosion cracking is caused
and electromagnetic methods. Some by a combination of stress and corrosion.
products used down hole are made of These cracks can be either longitudinal or
austenitic stainless steels or beryllium transverse.
copper. These parts are normally used for
directional survey or other application
where a magnetic field would interfere
with the results that would be obtained Cleaning
with ferromagnetic materials.
Steam cleaning is the method of choice
These tubulars normally fall into the
for cleaning bottom hole assembly
category of bottom hole assembly (BHA)
components. The heat both opens the
components. The bottom hole assembly is
cracks and makes the thread lubricant less
used to put weight on the bit so that it
viscous. For this system to work the
will break up the formation as it rotates.
cleaning must be done for sufficient time
The tubulars have large outside diameters
to warm up both the bottom hole
and minimal inside diameters to
assembly material and any thread
maximize weight on the bit and stability.
The cross section of the nonmagnetic
If steam cleaning is not available
tubular shown in Fig. 1, is 200 mm
solvent is the next choice. Solvent can
(7.75 in.) outside diameter and 70 mm
also be used after steam cleaning, to
(2.8 in.) inside diameter.
remove the detergent residue. The final
During use, the nonmagnetic bottom
cleaning solvent should be one that the
hole assembly components develop cracks
liquid penetrant manufacturer has
because of fatigue and stress corrosion.
deemed compatible. Residues from
Fatigue cracks originate in the thread
cleaning agents, strong alkalies, picking
roots because this is the weak point for
solutions and chromate may adversely
cyclic stress. The cyclic stress is caused by
react with the liquid penetrant and reduce
sensitivity and performance.

FIGURE 1. Cross section of nonmagnetic tubular from bottom

hole assembly.
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Technique Selection
Visible dye liquid penetrants are used to
inspect nonmagnetic bottom hole
assembly materials. Visible dyes provide
the required sensitivity for the type and
size of cracks found in nonmagnetic
bottom hole assemblies. Further, because
nonmagnetic bottom hole assembly
connections are inspected many times in
their life and it is not advisable to use
fluorescent liquid penetrant after visible
dye liquid penetrant, the use of
fluorescent is avoided.
Liquid penetrant used to inspect the
threaded area is normally removed by the
solvent wipe technique. Because of the
restricted access to the box threads and
the difficulty in removing excess water,
water washable liquid penetrant is not

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 419

Because of the small inside diameters, not normally a problem, because the
water washable liquid penetrant is the solvent dries quickly.
most appropriate for the bore. Either
postemulsifiable or water washable liquid Developer Application
penetrant is used for the outside diameter
surface. Solvent based (nonaqueous wet developer)
spray-on developer is normally used in
the testing of bottom hole assembly
threaded areas. This of course is difficult
Test Process in rotary shouldered connections,
particularly the box, because you cannot
spray directly on the thread roots because
Temperature of the restricted diameter. Emphasis for an
Surface temperature is normally the even thin coating should be focused on
biggest problem in testing of oil field the thread roots because that is the
equipment. The acceptable range of location of cracks.
temperatures for liquid penetrant testing For the inside and outside diameter
is 10 to 52 C (50 to 125 F), it is surfaces dry powder developer is also
important that the temperature remain used.
within this range throughout the testing
process. Because most of these tests are Evaluation
done in the field, the inspector has little
control over the environment. If steam The area to be inspected should be
cleaning is done, the bottom hole observed periodically during the
assembly must be allowed to cool to an development time. In the evaluation
appropriate temperature. In the winter process, the observations concerning
while doing the testing outdoors, the indication development will be helpful.
bottom hole assembly may be too cold to The test should be done with at least
do a reliable test. In this case the bottom 500 lx (50 ftc) light intensity at the
hole assembly must be moved inside and surface to be inspected. The final
allowed to warm up before testing. It is examination is only done after the full
important that the surface temperature development time has elapsed. Figure 2
remain within the proper range during shows crack indications on the
the entire test time. connection outside diameter after the
The bottom hole assembly temperature development time.
is the main consideration for dwell time. Cracks regardless of size render the
As the temperature approaches the bottom hole assembly unfit for further
minimum temperature of 10 C (50 F) service and the part is rejected. Other
the dwell time should be extended to indications are classified according to the
30 min. Longer dwell times do not affect appropriate testing standard.
the sensitivity of the test as long as the
liquid penetrant is not allowed to dry, so
if in doubt extend the dwell time. FIGURE 2. Crack indications on connection outside diameter
after development time.
Removing Excessive Liquid
Standard liquid penetrant removal
procedures are used for the removal of
both the postemulsifiable and water
washable liquid penetrants. When liquid
penetrant is removed with a solvent wipe,
a technique for both the dry wipe and
damp wipe should be developed so that
the minimum number of passes over the
surface are required to thoroughly clean
the surface. Ideally, if all the excessive
liquid penetrant could be removed with
one pass of the dry cloth and one with
the dampened cloth the optimum result
for the test would be achieved.

The surfaces of the bottom hole assembly
to be inspected must be completely dry
before the application of the developer.
With the solvent remover system, this is

420 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 3. Marine Applications of Liquid Penetrant

components. Many different applications

Liquid Penetrant Testing in occur in the cargo handling equipment
and piping systems of specialized ships
Shipbuilding, such as liquid sulfur tankers, refrigerated
Maintenance, Overhaul ships and liquid natural gas carriers.
Liquid penetrant nondestructive testing
and Repair Yards is also used in recreational boating. Many
Liquid penetrant testing has been used in skippers in the highly competitive sailing
shipyards since the first half of the races have titanium or stainless fitting in
twentieth century.1 The methods the rigging checked before races. In power
applications in shipyards are varied. The boat racing, the stainless steel fittings in
uses range from checking many sizes of control systems are checked by many
ship propellers to inspecting welded or operators and owners.
brazed joints in small diameter stainless
steel tubing used for instrumentation on
turbines and boilers. Generally an all
Components Typically Inspected
inclusive procedure specification (typically by Liquid Penetrants in Ship
ASTM E 1652) covering the different Repair Yards
liquid penetrant techniques is the basis The following are typical applications of
for testing. The United States Coast liquid penetrant testing in ship repair
Guard, American Bureau of Shipping, facilities:
United States Navy, Lloyds Registry, Det
Norske Veritas etc. each have specific 1. checking for cracks and discontinuities
areas for which they require liquid in bronze and stainless steel propeller
penetrant nondestructive testing and in blades and hubs;
some cases they have established 2. checking for cracks in castings with
acceptance criteria. as-cast surfaces (for example, checks
for cracks can be made in valve bodies
where surfaces are too rough for dry
Liquid Penetrant Testing in New powder magnetic particle testing);
Ship Construction 3. checking for cracks in bronze pump
Typical applications of liquid penetrant castings and impellers;
testing that may be required include the 4. checking highly polished tail shaft and
following: (1) testing of welded or brazed rudder stock tapers (often it is more
joints in austenitic piping, (2) checking convenient to use visible dye liquid
nickel copper, stainless and other penetrants because there is no need
nonferrous alloy cladding or buttering of then to bring magnetic particle test
steel components, (3) inspecting welded equipment or electric power leads into
joints in reactor piping systems using shaft alleys);
nonmagnetic materials, (4) testing of ship 5. checking for through-wall cracks in
propellers where both hub and blades are bulkhead welds by application of
visually inspected with the aid of visible liquid penetrant on one side and
dye liquid penetrants and (5) checking developer on the other;
joints and nozzles in stainless steel 6. checking welds on copper or brass
pressure vessels and steam accumulator pipe used on salt water service lines;
tanks. 7. checking crank pins and crank webs
Good marine workmanship requires on diesel engine crankshafts, cylinder
liquid penetrant testing to check many liners and connecting rods; and
other welded joints in nonmagnetic 8. checking hydraulic pump and motor
materials. parts (pistons, plungers, rods, cranks
and ported heads).
Liquid Penetrant Testing in Ship The above components are usually
checked with a standard visible dye liquid
Repair and Maintenance penetrant. Testing with fluorescent liquid
Applications of liquid penetrant testing in penetrants is seldom used in shipyards
ship repair are generally the same as those because it is difficult to isolate test parts
in shipbuilding. However, it is also used in a darkened area after installation.
in the overhaul of turbines, reduction
gears, pumps and other ship machinery

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 421

TABLE 1. Typical United States Navy standards and specifications on liquid penetrant testing of ship hulls
and nonnuclear machinery.
Item Fabrication or Inspection Document Acceptance Standard

Welding of pipe, pressure vessels, machinerya NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AR-GIB-010/2783 MIL-STD-20354
Structural welds, ships hullsb MIL-STD-16895
Structural welds, HY-80 submarine hulls NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AD-GIB-010/16883
Castings of pressure vessels NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AR-GIB-010/2783
Machinery-bronze propeller blades NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AR-GIB-010/2783
Hull castings other than HY-80 MIL-STD-16895 MIL-STD-16895
HY-80 hull castings NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AD-GIB-010/16883 NAVSEA Technical Publication

a. Technique requirements (how to do inspection) are covered in NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074-AS-GIB-010/271.3
b. Other than HY-80 submarine hulls.

(see Table 2). These basic fabrication and

Liquid Penetrant Testing testing documents specify (1) what to
inspect, (2) where to inspect,
Specifications in Marine (3) acceptance criteria and (4) test
Industries methods. The acceptance criteria
requirements of these
Liquid penetrant testing requirements in
fabrication/inspection documents
the marine construction industry are as
generally invoke an acceptance standard,
varied as the applications. Marine
such as MIL-STD-2035.4 This acceptance
specifications fall into two broad
standard requires a certain class or
classifications: (1) United States Navy new
severity level to be used for the various
construction and overhaul/repair
components or areas to be inspected. In
requirements and (2) maritime
some cases, the fabrication/inspection
(commercial) new construction and
documents specify that particular
repair/overhaul. Table 1 lists typical
materials be used for a component and
nonnuclear United States Navy
the material must be inspected in
specifications controlling liquid penetrant
accordance with specification. A typical
situation of this type would be that of
machinery studs fabricated to
Specifications for Liquid The test method requirements given in
the fabrication and inspection documents
Penetrant Testing of generally invoke NAVSEA Technical
United States Navy Vessels Publication T9074-AS-GIB-010/271.3
However, many times this standard is
For construction of new United States
invoked with limitations and
Navy vessels, each ship (or ship class) has
modifications. It should also be noted
a set of detail specifications that invoke
that ship detail specifications may also
basic fabrication and test requirements
limit or modify the basic fabrication
documents, acceptance criteria or method
TABLE 2. Maximum permissible rounded indication
sizes. Total indication area is 0.50 percent of weld Specifications Covering Liquid
surface area. Penetrant Testing in Nuclear Navy
Maximum Permissable Ship Systems
Nominal Weld Thickness
____________________________ Rounded Indication
______________________ United States Navy nuclear
mm (in.) mm (in.) fabrication/inspection requirements are
generally contained in
3.2 ( 0.125) 2.0 (0.08) NAVSHIPS 250-1500-16 as invoked by the
3.2 to 4.8 (0.125 to 0.19) 2.0 (0.08) ships specifications. For some
4.8 to 6.4 (0.19 to 0.25) 2.4 (0.09) applications, the test methods are
6.4 to 9.5 (0.25 to 0.375) 2.4 (0.09) specified in accordance with
9.5 to 12.7 (0.375 to 0.50) 3.2 (0.125) MIL-STD-2132.7
12.7 to 19.0 (0.5 to 0.75) 3.2 (0.125)
19.0 mm ( 0.75 in.) 3.2 (0.125)

422 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Specifications Covering Liquid American Bureau of Shipping
Penetrant Testing in Navy Ship Requirements for Maritime Ship
Repair and Overhaul Construction
Repair and overhaul requirements are The American Bureau of Shipping
given in the overhaul work package requirements for liquid penetrant testing
(OWP) or the repair contract and invoke in maritime (commercial) ship
the Naval Ships Technical Manual construction are given in the Rules for
(NSTM).8 The NSTM is published in Building and Classing Steel Vessels.12
chapters as a NAVSEA document. Typical Sections invoking requirements are 30, 32,
of these is Chapter 556 on hydraulic 43 and 44 of these American Bureau of
equipment (NAVSEA 0901-LP-556-000).9 Shipping rules. American Bureau of
These documents specify (a) what to Shipping surveyors (inspectors) will
inspect, (b) where to inspect, (c) how to generally accept procedures satisfactory to
inspect and (d) the acceptance criteria for United States Coast Guard requirements
each component. because American Bureau of Shipping
rules in some areas are not definitive as to
test methods and acceptance criteria. Both
the American Bureau of Shipping and the
Specification for Liquid United States Coast Guard regulatory
Penetrant Testing of New agencies rely on ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code11 Requirements and ASTM
Commercial Ship standards for basic inspection
Construction specifications.
New construction of commercial
(maritime) ships starts in accordance with
the ships specifications issued by the Confirmation of Liquid
owners. This document gives the ship
engineering and naval architect Penetrant Indications in
requirements for the ships machinery and Ship Structures
hull structure. These design requirements
also state that these components and All indications at the toe of weld and in
structure shall be in accordance with the weld craters shall be considered relevant
requirements of the regulatory agencies. and shall be evaluated in accordance with
This means that the requirements of the the applicable acceptance standards. If
United States Coast Guard (USCG) and indications are believed to be nonrelevant
the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) or false, the area in question shall be
are invoked. investigated by the following means:
1. liquid penetrant retesting after
United States Coast Guard complete cleaning of the area;
2. 5 magnification visual testing; and
Requirements for Maritime 3. exploration of at least 10 percent of
(Commercial) Ship Construction the area in question by removing the
The United States Coast Guard surface condition believed to have
requirements for new commercial ship caused the indications.
construction are contained in Title 46 of The absence of indications during
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), retesting by liquid penetrant testing after
Subchapter F-Marine Engineering.10 For elimination of conditions believed to have
test methods, this subchapter invokes the caused the indications shall be considered
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.11 to prove that the indications were
Section V of the ASME Code is used as the nonrelevant or false with respect to actual
basis of the liquid penetrant testing discontinuities. If reinspection reveals any
procedure. However, because the liquid indication(s), these indications and all of
penetrant procedure of the ASME Code, the original indications shall be
Section V, is based on ASTM E 165, considered to be relevant and shall be
Standard Recommended Practice for Liquid evaluated in accordance with the
Penetrant Testing Method,2 the United applicable acceptance standards. A
States Coast Guard will accept this ASTM description and the location of all liquid
procedure. Part 56 of subchapter F of Title penetrant indications dispositioned as
46 of the CFR specifies (a) what to nonrelevant and the means of
inspect, (b) where to inspect and (c) the confirmation shall be recorded in the
acceptance criteria for liquid penetrant inspection report.
testing during commercial (maritime) ship
construction in the United States.

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 423

Fire Prevention
Acceptance and Rejection During liquid penetrant testing of ships,
Criteria for Welds in dispose of all wiping cloths and papers by
depositing in a closed metal container. Do
United States Surface Ship not dispose of wiping materials or liquids
and Submarine Structure in open containers. Do not subject liquid
penetrant materials to heat. Do not smoke
in a space where liquid penetrants are
Linear Indications being or have just been, used. Do not use
All welds and at least 13 mm (0.5 in.) of liquid penetrants or process materials near
adjacent base metal on each side shall be open flames. Make certain that welding
free of linear indications greater than on a common bulkhead is not being
1.6 mm (0.06 in.) long, except for performed in the adjacent space when
acceptable undercut and base metal using liquid penetrants aboard ships.
indications that meet the base metal Flammable liquids should be dispersed
specification requirements. Indications only from approved safety cans. Only
1.6 mm (0.06 in.) and less shall be explosion proof portable lights should be
considered nonlinear. used in flammable atmospheres.

Nonlinear Indications
Nonlinear indications meeting the
standards of Table 2 are acceptable.

Nonrelevant indications
Rounded indications with diameter of
0.4 mm (0.016 in.) and less shall be
disregarded for material with thickness of
4.8 mm (0.19 in.) and less.
Rounded indications with diameter of
0.8 mm (0.03 in.) and less shall be
disregarded for material with thickness
greater than 4.8 mm (0.19 in.).

Linearly Aligned Indications

Linearly aligned indications shall be cause
for rejection if one or more of the aligned
indications is 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) or greater.

Precautions in Liquid
Penetrant Testing of Ship

Operator Safety
Operators should avoid skin contact with
liquid penetrant materials. The inhalation
of oils and possibly certain other
components of liquid penetrant materials
in moist form can cause lipoid
pneumonia. To protect against this
hazard, use a half mask respirator with
organic vapor cartridges while spraying.
At other times, avoid prolonged breathing
of vapors or volatile components. If
natural ventilation is poor, use exhaust
ventilation to prevent a high atmospheric
droplets from the air. Keep respirator on if
mist is visible in the air.

424 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 4. Liquid Penetrant Testing of Automotive

Liquid Penetrant Testing of Fluorescent Liquid

Automotive Engine Blocks Penetrant Testing of
The automotive industry uses liquid Aluminum Automobile
penetrant testing primarily during the Engine Components
development of parts design and a little in
maintenance of production equipment. Fluorescent water washable liquid
When an engine manufacturing plant penetrant testing is also used on
found visible cracks in the bottom of experimental aluminum automotive
cylinder bores of certain engine cylinder engine components, new and used, such
blocks after machining, all cylinder blocks as (1) aluminum pistons, (2) aluminum
of this type were subjected to visible dye connecting rods, (3) aluminum manifolds
liquid penetrant testing until the cause and (4) radiators.
was remedied. Magnetic particle testing Procedural steps are as follows:
was not used because cracks were in an (1) clean parts by vapor degreasing;
inaccessible area for prods and because (2) dip parts into tank of fluorescent
the area was finish machined. Procedural liquid penetrant for 5 s; (3) drain parts
steps included the following: (1) clean held by wire hanger for 10 min; (4) rinse
parts thoroughly; (2) apply liquid parts with water spray at 45 degree angle
penetrant to parts and allow 10 min to for about 15 s (rinse is performed in a
penetrate; (3) remove surface liquid darkened booth with a 100 W ultraviolet
penetrant from parts, using a clean cloth lamp to ensure uniform removal of
dampened with cleaner; (4) apply background indications); (5) dry parts for
developer powder to parts and allow 4 min, using forced air at 71 C (160 F);
5 min for powder to dry and indication to (6) dip parts into dry developer powder
form; (5) inspect parts under white light; for 3 min; (7) inspect parts within 0.4 m
and (6) clean parts, using a cloth (15 in.) of a 100 W ultraviolet spot lamp;
dampened with cleaner. and (8) clean parts in industrial washer.

Liquid Penetrant Testing of Fluorescent Liquid

Aluminum Alloy Penetrant Testing of
Automotive Parts Automotive Engine Piston
Visible dye liquid penetrant testing has Figure 3 is a photograph of sectioned
been used to inspect experimental hemi head engine piston used in
aluminum automotive power train maximum performance (racing)
components in service, including applications. In the pristine condition, no
(1) aluminum cases of automatic fluorescent liquid penetrant indications
transmissions, (2) aluminum wheels, are allowed in these forged aluminum
(3) aluminum rocker arm supports and alloy parts. Frequently, some polishing is
(4) aluminum rocker arm covers. required to remove surface folds etc. The
Procedural steps include the following: most severe discontinuity is any
(1) clean parts thoroughly; (2) apply detectable discontinuity in the three
liquid penetrant to part and allow 10 to oclock to nine oclock orientation about
15 min to penetrate; (3) remove surface the 28 mm piston pin hole. This
liquid penetrant from parts, using a clean disqualifies the part for use.
cloth dampened with cleaner; (4) apply Figure 3a shows a used piston with
developer powder to parts and allow 5 to several indications. First, the head area
15 min for powder to dry and indication shows indications in all four head-to-skirt
to form; (5) inspect parts under white reinforcing rib sections. These are through
light: (6) clean parts, using a cloth cracks and are probably caused by the
dampened with cleaner. extreme stresses from engine operation.
This racing engine had more hours of run
on it than would be encountered in
service. Secondly, in Fig. 3b an indication

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 425

of a through crack in the upper ring fits, stemming from increased complexity
groove area (compression ring) is present in parts and systems. Increasing
for about 20 mm on the photo. Finally, popularity of nonmagnetic materials
there is an indication of a through crack aluminum, magnesium, cements, plastics
in the bottom ring groove (oil ring) and fiber glass adds to the shop
almost halfway around the piston and problem in determining the condition of
through the plane of the sectioning. The key parts. Under ultraviolet radiation, the
postemulsifiable liquid penetrant testing developed liquid penetrant highlights
procedure used for these pistons included fatigue, grinding, heat treating or casting
the following steps. cracks, forging laps, porosity areas or
1. Vapor degrease at 80 C (180 F) and other imperfections, in brilliant color.
allow to cool to room temperature.
2. Dip part in liquid penetrant, remove Fluorescent Leak Testing
and drain for 15 min. A firm specializing in rebuilding
3. Dip part in emulsifier, remove and automatic transmissions has always found
drain for 60 s, dip part again in it difficult to locate the source of leaks
emulsifier, remove and drain for 60 s. that could be either in the engine or the
4. Wash part to remove emulsifier using transmission and to make certain that
warm water, at about 27 C (80 F) there were no leaks in rebuilt engines. A
under moderate pressure. wrong guess could mean taking a
5. Place part in forced heated air drying transmission apart in a vain effort to find
oven at 65 C (150 F) until dry.
6. Remove part from oven and apply dry
7. Inspect parts under ultraviolet light for FIGURE 4. Fluorescent liquid penetrant testing of racing
discontinuities. wheel: (a) test station; (b) indication under ultraviolet
Fluorescent Liquid
Penetrant Testing of Cars
in Service
Liquid penetrant testing can be used by
the automotive service technician to save
and reuse sound parts and to detect and
discard anomalous ones. Modern
automotive design features thinner
sections of material, in line with higher
strength-to-weight ratios and more precise

FIGURE 3. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indications on

sectioned hemi head forged aluminum alloy engine piston:
(left) through cracks in head-to-skirt reinforcing rib section;
(right) through crack in compression (upper) ring groove
and in oil (bottom) ring groove. Scale is in inches (b)
(1.0 in. = 25.4 mm).

426 Liquid Penetrant Testing

a leak, which would later turn up in the are lines, continuous or broken, and may
engine. Leaking rebuilt units mean lost be caused by cracks or other serious
time and extra cost. The high intensity discontinuities such as cold shuts or
ultraviolet radiation beam is used to misruns in castings and such as laps or
examine the underside of cars to bursts in forgings.
determine the source of any leak. The
appearance of oil under ultraviolet Cluster Porosity and
radiation gives the answer: transmission
oil appears purple and engine oil brown. Microshrinkage
Fluorescent liquid penetrant additives that Cluster porosity or microshrinkage shall
can be added to the oil in the automotive not exceed 13 mm (0.5 in.) square and
crankcase or transmission are also the frequency of the indications in the
available. These additives produce a bright affected area must be less than 50 percent
fluorescent indication at the point of the of the area. Cluster indications on the
leak exit when inspected with ultraviolet opposite side must not exceed 6 mm
radiation. Parts that go into rebuilt (0.25 in.) square in area and the frequency
transmissions are sprayed with fluorescent of indications must not exceed 50 percent
liquid penetrant on one side, then of the area. These cluster porosity or
inspected on the other side under microshrinkage indications are acceptable
ultraviolet radiation. Liquid penetrant when they are not within 13 mm (0.5 in.)
soaks through the leaks and reveals them of a bolt hole, rim edge or spokes or of
by brilliant fluorescent indications. any radius on the wheel configuration.

Maintenance Inspection of Open Porosity

Wheel Racing Cars13 Scattered indications of porosity up to
In 1965, the Nondestructive Testing 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) maximum in diameter
Committee of the United States Auto Club and individual (isolated) indications of
(USAC) was formed for the inspection of porosity up to 4.8 mm (0.19 in.)
cars participating in the Indianapolis 500 maximum in diameter are acceptable.
formula race. The committee has written Parts with discontinuities that can be
specifications for formula racers and the removed by a suitable blending procedure
United States Auto Club has mandated while still maintaining minimum wall
that all a cars critical components thickness in the affected area will be
transmission, steering, suspension, wheels accepted after retest.
be inspected before the car is permitted
on the track. In maintenance of formula Indication Evaluation
racing cars, liquid penetrant testing is
used to inspect aluminum and Rounded indications that exceed the
magnesium brackets, aluminum and specified class level when invoked for the
magnesium gear box housings, specific component shall be cause for
magnesium wheels and aluminum rejection. Linear indications that exceed
pistons. Figure 4 shows the application of the specified class level when invoked for
liquid penetrant testing to a racing wheel. the specific component shall be cause for
If allowed by the specific procedure,
indications may be evaluated by wiping
Nondestructive Testing of the indication with a solvent dampened
Magnesium Wheels of swab, allowing the area to dry, and by
redeveloping. Redevelopment time shall
Open Wheel Racing Cars14 be as long as the original development
The following procedure shall apply to time. If no indication reappears, the
the inspection of magnesium wheels original indication is considered false.
(Fig. 5) as required by the competition This procedure may be performed twice
rules of the United States Auto Club. for any given original indication.
When allowed by the specific
examination procedure, discontinuities
Linear Indications may be removed by an approved
All surfaces shall be free of linear procedure such as sanding, either powered
indications and free of linearly disposed or manual, or grinding to determine the
rounded indications where there are four depth and extent of the discontinuities.
or more rounded indications in a line and After the mechanical operation, the area
each is separated from the adjacent shall be cleaned, etched (if permitted) and
indications by less than 1.6 mm reinspected. The process used for
(0.063 in.). Rounded indications are any reinspection shall be at least as sensitive
indications that are circular or elliptical as the original process.
with the long axis less than three times
that of the other axis. Linear indications

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 427

FIGURE 5. Fluorescent liquid penetrant indications in magnesium wheel of open wheel racing car.

Linear disposed rounded

Cluster each space less than 1.6 mm (0.06 in.)


Rounded Cluster
Linear (cluster)

Linear Linear


Cluster not to
exceed 6.3 mm
(0.25 in.) diameter
on one side and
13 mm (0.5 in.)
diameter on the

Wheels must be free of surface
contamination (especially in the bead seat
area) that would prevent liquid penetrant
from entering any discontinuities. Special
attention should be given to areas of
highest stress such as the pin drive holes
in the hub and the junction of the spokes
to the web, with both the hub and the
rim. The attached sketch is an example of
the inner wheel area only. The entire
wheel is to be inspected using the same
accept/reject criteria.
Marking of parts shall be per
This procedure is not intended to limit
the type or amount of testing performed.
It is recommended that, whenever
practical, further testing be conducted to
reveal any potentially harmful internal
discontinuities and surface anomalies.

428 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Liquid Penetrant Testing of Plastic

producing a product already anomalous,

Causes of Cracks in Plastic which would be rejected as scrap on final
testing. Liquid penetrant testing, along
Products with other nondestructive tests, is used
Cracks in molded organic resins or for this objective in most industries.
plastics can result from stresses set up in The third philosophy, which results in
the molding process or in cooling, substantial returns, simply uses
handling or assembly operations, as well systematically the information developed
as from chemical environments. Inservice under the first two. By tabulating and
cracking of plastics can also result from analyzing the nature and times of
mechanical shock and electrical and occurrence of the various discontinuities,
thermal loads. These discontinuities in a found during manufacture, raw materials
broad spectrum of plastic components can may be better selected, designs improved
easily be detected by liquid penetrant and processes corrected to the end that
testing. This method has been applied to the incidence of discontinuities is reduced
the design and processing of such plastic or eliminated, production costs lowered
products as electronic insulators, business and the service life of the product
machine housings, plastic pipe, small extended.
gears and bearings, tetrafluoroethylene When liquid penetrants are used to
sheet, phenolic resin parts and switch find cracks that develop in service, the
housings for high altitude aircraft and prime purpose is to avoid failures during
missiles. operation, with their resultant losses. By
intelligent use of data on location and
character of discontinuities, permanent
improvement in materials and designs can
Reasons for Testing of be made if the information is fed back to
Plastics the proper places.
Nondestructive testing has become a tool
of increasing value for industries that
produce plastic products. Tests are used Selection of Liquid
with three different philosophies, each
having a different principal objective.
Penetrants for Tests of
One approach is for quality assurance, Plastics
testing for discontinuities to ensure that Water washable liquid penetrants,
the final product is as free as possible postemulsifiable liquid penetrants and
from discontinuities that would interfere water base liquid penetrants, both
with its satisfactory performance. This fluorescent and visible dye, are the basic
objective alone justifies a large effort and types used in nondestructive testing of
expenditure for inspection and testing plastic materials. In addition, filtered
equipment. But, if applied only to this particle testing is used on porous
end, much of what can be realized from materials, including some reinforced
testing is lost. plastics. No special techniques are
The second philosophy includes required in most plastics applications,
quality assurance but adds to it this except that care must be taken that the
important concept. By applying plastic in question is not attacked by the
nondestructive tests on new materials and liquids used in the particular liquid
at various strategic times during penetrant system being considered. In
processing, an actual dollar profit will those cases where standard liquid
result and at the same time, the original penetrants and plastics are incompatible,
objective will still be reached. The basic several special formulations have been
principle is to use nondestructive testing made to handle the testing problem.
at such times that the tests locate
anomalous material as soon as it becomes
anomalous and then remove this material
from further processing before additional
work has been performed. Thus,
production personnel time is devoted to
producing usable products and not to

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 429

Fluorescent Water Washable mica, are used in making many types of
Liquid Penetrants insulated electronic devices. Depending
on the type, the material can be precision
Molded phenolic resin parts for electrical molded to size, compression molded in
components such as distributor caps and sheets for fabrication or machined in the
switch housings are examined for cracks plant. The precision molding operation is
using the standard water wash liquid extremely critical, because small
penetrant formula, because this type of variations in temperatures or pressure can
plastic is unaffected by most liquids. cause the parts to crack. It is difficult to
Indications are in the form of minute predict the exact requirements for a given
molding cracks. An interesting type of job.
molded product is made by precision Fluorescent liquid penetrant testing
molding a mixture of mica and glass detects the cracked parts. With previous
(glass bonded mica) into complex parts, test techniques, the parts were molded
many of which are used for electrical and annealed. Only at the end of an 8 h
insulating purposes such as tube sockets annealing was the first check on product
and coil forms. Liquid penetrant testing quality obtained. Until they had been put
has shown indications of cracks in glass through annealing, there was no way of
bonded mica insulators. knowing to what extent the pieces would
Another application of water wash be free of failure because of knit lines and
fluorescent testing is the plastic switch cracks.
housings used in high altitude aircraft and The liquid penetrant process is used to
missiles. Switching components housed in determine in advance whether or not the
a plastic case are of pure silver and gold, pieces will be good after they have come
so that they can be stored for long periods through the annealer. The molding cycle
of time without problems of damage and can be modified until the desired results
corrosion. Because moisture entering the are obtained. No time is wasted on further
housing will affect the switching processing of anomalous parts. This
components, no cracks can be tolerated. control process gives a high percentage of
Another application of water wash liquid good parts, whereas the old process might
penetrants is in checking the bond in produce a total loss for the 8 h run.
printed circuit boards.

Visible Dye Liquid Penetrants

Color contrast liquid penetrants are also
used successfully in many plastic testing
applications. Cracks that occur in plastics
are usually clean and easy to find with
liquid penetrants. Color contrast liquid
penetrants are used to test sheets of
tetrafluoroethylene resin for surface
characteristics such as degree of porosity.
Lack of bond between inserts or
reinforcements in molded plastics is
another use in this field; an example is
the testing of the edges of thick canvas
phenolic resin sheets for lack of bond
between resin and reinforcements.

Interpretation of Glass
Bonded Mica and
Glass bonded mica products are formed
by pressure blending powdered glass and
mica into electrical insulators. The
resultant mixture becomes a workable
material called glass bonded mica that
combines the advantages of low loss
factor and high dielectric strength while
eliminating the major deficiencies of the
brittleness of glass and the weak structural
homogeneity of mica.
Glass bonded mica and ceramoplastics,
a blend of powdered glass with synthetic

430 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. Swann, L.K. NDT Afloat The 12. Rules for Building and Classing Steel
Development of Nondestructive Vessels. Paramus, NJ: American Bureau
Testing at Newport News of Shipping.
Shipbuilding (Yesteryears). Materials 13. Monks, G. and L. Niro. NDT A
Evaluation. Vol. 44, No. 8. Columbus, Critical Procedure in Indy-Style Auto
OH: American Society for Racing. Materials Evaluation. Vol. 45,
Nondestructive Testing (July 1986): No. 10. Columbus, OH: American
p 908-911. Society for Nondestructive Testing
2. ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for (1987): p 1154-1156.
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West 14. Nondestructive Testing Manual.
Conshohocken, PA: American Society Indianapolis, IN: United States Auto
for Testing and Materials (1995). Club (1994).
3. NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074,
Requirements for Nondestructive Testing
Methods. Philadelphia, PA: Naval
Inventory Control Point (April 1997).
4. MIL-STD-2035, Nondestructive Testing
Acceptance Criteria [superseding
NAVSHIPS 0900-003-8000].
Washington, DC: United States
Department of Defense.
5. MIL-STD-1689A, Fabrication, Welding,
and Inspection of Ships Structure
[superseding MIL-STD-1689, December
1983]. Washington, DC: United States
Department of Defense (November
6. NAVSHIPS 250-1500-1, Welding
Standard. Washington, DC: United
States Department of Defense, Naval
Sea Systems Command (revised 1993;
accepted June 1995).
7. MIL-STD-2132A, Nondestructive
Examination Requirements for Special
Applications [superceding
MIL-STD-2132, January 1981].
Washington, DC: United States
Department of Defense (March 1985).
8. Naval Ships Technical Manual (NSTM).
Washington, DC: United States
Department of Defense.
9. NAVSEA 59086-54-STM-010/CH556,
Naval Ships Technical Manual.
Chapter 556, Hydraulic Equipment
(Power Transmission and Control).
Washington, DC: United States
Department of Defense (August 1997).
10. 46 CFR 56, Piping Systems and
Appurtenances. [Code of Federal
Regulations: Title 46, Shipping.]
Washington, DC: United States
Department of Transportation, United
States Coast Guard; United States
Government Printing Office (1995).
11. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
New York, NY: American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.

Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing 431


Liquid Penetrant Testing

age hardening: Process of aging that
Introduction increases hardness and strength but
that ordinarily decreases ductility. Also
Most of the definitions in this glossary are known as precipitation hardening.3,10
adapted from the text of published agency: Organization selected by an
volumes of the Nondestructive Testing authority to perform nondestructive
Handbook.1-10 The definitions in this testing, as required by a specification
glossary have been modified to satisfy or purchase order.2,10
peer review and editorial style. For this ambient light: Light in environment as
reason, references given in this glossary opposed to illumination provided by
should be considered not attributions but the testing system.8,10
rather acknowledgments and suggestions ambient or atmospheric temperature:
for further reading. Temperature of surrounding
The definitions in this Nondestructive atmosphere. Also called dry bulb
Testing Handbook volume should not be temperature.10
referenced for inspections performed angle: See field angle.10
according to standards or specifications or Angstrom unit (): Disused unit to
in fulfillment of contracts. Standards express electromagnetic radiation
writing bodies take great pains to ensure wavelength. 1 = 0.1 nm.
that their documents are definitive in annealing: Process of heating and cooling
wording and technical accuracy. People a material, usually to reduce residual
working to written contracts or stresses or to make it softer.2,3,8,10
procedures should consult definitions anomaly: Variation from normal material
referenced in real standards when or product quality.4,10
appropriate. AOQ: Average outgoing quality.10
This glossary is provided for AOQL: Average outgoing quality limit.10
instructional purposes. No other use is AQL: See acceptable quality level.10
intended. arc strikes: Localized burn damage to
object from arc caused by breaking an
energized electric circuit. Also called
arc burns.6,10,11
Glossary Entries arc welding: See electric arc welding.10
artifact: In nondestructive testing, an
A indication that may be misinterpreted
as a discontinuity.2,10
absolute temperature: Temperature ASNT: American Society for
measured from absolute zero Nondestructive Testing.10
temperature, expressed in kelvin (K) in ASNT Recommended Practice
SI.1,10 No. SNT-TC-1A: Set of guidelines for
acceptable quality level (AQL): employers to establish and conduct
Maximum percent defective (or the nondestructive testing personnel
maximum number of units with qualification and certification
rejectable anomalies per hundred programs. SNT-TC-1A was first issued
units) that, for purposes of sampling in 1968 by the Society for
tests, can be considered satisfactory as Nondestructive Testing (SNT, now
process average.8,10 ASNT) and has been revised every few
acceptance criteria: Standard against years since.8,10
which test results are to be compared atmosphere: See standard atmospheric
to establish functional acceptability of conditions.10
part or system being examined.10 automated system: Acting mechanism
acceptance standard: Specimen similar to that performs required tasks at a
the test object containing natural or determined time and in a fixed
artificial discontinuities that are well sequence in response to certain
defined and similar in size or extent to conditions.8,10
the maximum acceptable in the
product. See reference standard and
standard.4,6,7,10 B
accommodation: Of the eye, adjustment background: Surface of object on which
of the lens focusing power by indication is viewed in surface
changing the thickness and curvature methods such as liquid penetrant and
of lens by tiny muscles attached to magnetic particle testing. It may be
lens.8,10 the natural surface of the object or the
accuracy: Degree of conformity of developer coating on the object
measurement to a standard or true surface. This background may contain
value.1,10 irrelevant information that can
adaptive thresholding: Threshold value interfere with indication
varying with inconstant background visibility.2,6,10,11
gray level.8,10

434 Liquid Penetrant Testing

background fluorescence: Fluorescent borescope: Industrial endoscope;
residue observed over the part surface periscope or telescope using mirrors,
or in localized areas caused by surface prisms, lenses, optic fibers or
contamination or surface finish, which television wiring to transmit images
interferes with liquid penetrant from inaccessible interiors for visual
removal or is due to improper testing. Originally used in machined
technique for liquid penetrant process apertures such as gun bores. There are
removal. both flexible and rigid, fiber optic and
black light: Disfavored term for geometric light borescopes.8,10
electromagnetic radiation or light borescope, fiber optic: Borescope that
energy in the near ultraviolet range uses fiber optic materials (such as glass
(UV-A) with wavelengths from 320 to or quartz) in optical path and for
400 nm, just below the wavelengths of transmission of light to and from test
visible light. Also a term for ultraviolet surface.8,10
radiation source used in fluorescent borescope, ultraviolet: Borescope
nondestructive testing. Near equipped with ultraviolet lamps, filters
ultraviolet sources often have a and special transformers to transmit
predominant wavelength of 365 nm. radiation of ultraviolet
See the preferred term, ultraviolet wavelengths.8,10
radiation.2,6,8,10,11 brinell hardness: Measure of metal
black light filter: Filter that transmits hardness. Determined by pressing hard
ultraviolet radiation between 320 and steel ball into smooth surface under
400 nm wavelengths while absorbing standard conditions.10
or suppressing the transmission of the brinelling: Stripe indentations made by
visible radiation and hard ultraviolet spherical object. False brinelling refers
radiation with wavelengths less than to type of surface wear.8,10
320 nm.6,10,11 brittle crack propagation: Very sudden
blacklight: See black light.10 propagation of crack with absorption
bleedback: Ability of liquid penetrant to of no energy except that stored
bleed out of a discontinuity elastically in body. Microscopic
subsequent to removal of the examination may reveal some
indication without reapplying the deformation even though it is not
liquid penetrant.2,10 visible to unaided eye.2,10 See ductile
bleedout: Action by which a liquid crack propagation.
penetrant exudes from discontinuities brittleness: Quality of material that leads
onto the surface of a material. Action to crack propagation without
of the entrapped liquid penetrant in appreciable plastic deformation.2,10
spreading out from surface buckle: Indentation in casting, resulting
discontinuities to form an from expansion of molding sand.3,10
indication.2,10 burnt-in sand: Discontinuity consisting
blind spot: Portion of the retina where of mixture of sand and metal cohering
the optic nerve enters, without rods to surface of casting.3,10
and cones and hence insensitive to burr: Raised or turned over edge occurring
light.8,10 on a machined part and resulting from
blister: Discontinuity in metal, on or near cutting, punching or grinding.8,10,12
the surface, resulting from the burst: In metal, external or internal
expansion of gas in a subsurface zone. rupture caused by improper
Very small blisters are called pinheads forming.8,10
or pepper blisters.2,10 butt weld or butt joint: Weld joining two
blotch: (1) Irregularly spaced area of color metal pieces in the same plane.8,10
change on a surface. (2) Nonuniform
condition of surface characterized by C
such blotches.8,10
blotting: Action of developer in soaking caked: Of dry developer, having a
up liquid penetrant from surface of a semisolid condition caused by
discontinuity so as to cause maximum moisture or other liquid
bleedout of liquid penetrant for contaminants.
increased contrast and sensitivity.2,10 candela: Base unit of measure in SI for
blowhole: Hole in casting or weld caused measuring luminous intensity.
by gas entrapped during Luminous intensity in a given
solidification.2,3,10 direction of a source that emits
blue hazard: Exposure to high frequency monochromatic radiation of frequency
visible light at intensities and 5.4 1014 Hz and that has a radiant
durations that may damage the retina, intensity in that direction of
particularly with overheating.8,10 1.464 mWsr1. Symbolized cd.
Formerly known as candle.8,10
candle: Former name for candela.8,10

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 435

capillary action: Tendency of liquids to cold cracks: Discontinuities appearing as
penetrate or migrate into small straight lines usually continuous
openings, such as cracks, pits or throughout their length and generally
fissures. The positive force that causes existing singly. Cold cracks start at the
movement of certain liquids along surface and result from cold working
narrow or tight passages.2,10 or stressing of metallic materials.2,10
carrier fluid: (1) Fluid that acts as a cold light: Obsolete word for
carrier for the active materials. fluorescence.8,10
(2) Fluid in which fluorescent and cold shut: (1) Casting discontinuity
visible dyes are dissolved or caused by two streams of semimolten
suspended, in liquid penetrants or leak metal coming together inside a mold
tracers.2 but failing to fuse. Cold shuts are
case crushing: Mechanism producing sometimes called misruns but the
fracture of the case, like subcase latter term correctly describes
fatigue but attributable to static incomplete filling of the mold.3
overloading rather than to fatigue (2) Discontinuity that appears on
alone. In many instances the surface of test metal as result of two
movement of the subcase causes the streams of liquid meeting and failing
case to crack or spall.8,10 to unite. A cracklike discontinuity
cast weld assembly: Assembly formed by caused by forging, where two surfaces
welding one casting to another.3,10 of metal fold against each other to
casting: Object of shape obtained by produce discontinuity at the point of
solidification of a substance in a folding. This is usually at some angle
mold.10 to the surface. It may also be a
certification: Process of providing written separate piece of metal forged into the
testimony that an individual is main component. See lap. (3) Portion
qualified. See also certified.8,10 of the surface of forging that is
certified: Having written testimony of separated in part from main body of
qualification. See also certification.8,10 metal by oxide.2,3,10
chalk test: Past method of locating cracks color: Visual sensation by means of which
by applying penetrating liquid to an humans distinguish light of differing
object and then removing excess from hue (predominant wavelengths),
surface. After the surface is coated saturation (degree to which those
with whiting or chalk, liquid radiations predominate over others)
penetrant seeps out of the cracks into and lightness.10
whiting, causing an appreciable color blindness: Deficiency in ability to
difference in whiteness. Also known as perceive or distinguish hues.8,10
oil and whiting method.2,10 color contrast dye: Dye that can be used
chatter: (1) In machining or grinding, in liquid penetrant to impart sufficient
vibration of tool, wheel or workpiece color intensity to give good color
producing a wavy surface on the work. contrast indications against
(2) Finish produced by such background on a test surface when
vibration.2,10 viewed under visible light.2,10
checks: Numerous, very small cracks in color contrast liquid penetrant: Liquid
metal or other material caused in penetrant incorporating dye, usually
processing. Minute cracks as in a die nonfluorescent, sufficiently intense to
impression, usually at a corner, caused give good visibility to discontinuity
by forging strains. Also called grinding indications under visible light.2,10
checks and check marks.2,10 color discrimination: Perception of
clean: Free from interfering solid or liquid differences between two or more
contamination on the test surface and hues.8,10
within voids or discontinuities.2,10 comparator, penetrant: Test block or
cleaner: Volatile solvent used to clean a reference panel with artificial cracks or
surface before liquid penetrant special surface conditions, typically
application or to remove excess liquid having two separate but adjacent areas
penetrant. for application of different liquid
cocoa: Debris (usually oxides of the penetrants or processing materials or
contacting metals) of fretting wear, operations so that direct visual
retained at or near the site of its comparison can be made between
formation a condition especially different liquid penetrant processes or
helpful during visual tests. With materials.2,10
ferrous metals, the debris is brown, red
or black, depending on type of iron
oxide formed. For this reason, ferrous
debris is called cocoa or, when mixed
with oil or grease, red mud.8,10
code: Standard enacted or enforced as a

436 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT16 (433-452) 8/13/99 3:08 PM Page 437

complete testing: Testing of entire crack: (1) Break, fissure or rupture, usually
production lot in prescribed manner. V shaped and with a relatively high
Sometimes complete testing entails depth-to-width aspect ratio. A
inspection of only critical regions of discontinuity that has a relatively
part. One hundred percent testing large cross section in one direction
requires inspection of the entire part and a small or negligible cross section
by prescribed methods. Compare when viewed in a direction
sampling, partial.8,10 perpendicular to the first.2,10
confidence level: Level of assurance for (2) Propagating discontinuity caused
detecting a specified discontinuity size by stresses such as heat treating or
with a specified probability. grinding. Difficult to detect unaided
contact time: See dwell time. because of fineness of line and pattern
contaminant: Any foreign substance (cracks together may have a radial or
present on the surface of a part, in the latticed appearance).6,10
cracks or in the inspection materials crack contaminant: Material that fills a
that will adversely affect the crack and that may prevent liquid
performance of liquid penetrant penetrants from entering or from
materials. forming indications.2,10
continuous casting: Casting technique in crack, base metal: Cracks existing in base
which an ingot, billet, tube or other metal before a manufacturing or
shape is continuously solidified while welding operation or occurring in base
being poured so that its length is not metal during the operation.2,10
determined by mold dimensions.3,10 crack, cold: Cracks that occur in a casting
contrast: Difference in visibility after solidification, due to excessive
(brightness or coloration) between an stress generally resulting from
indication and the surrounding nonuniform cooling.2,10
surface.13 crack, cooling: Cracks in bars of alloy or
control: See in control, process control and tool steels resulting from uneven
quality control.10 cooling after heating or hot rolling.
cooling stresses: Residual stresses They are usually deep and lie in a
resulting from nonuniform longitudinal direction, but are usually
distribution of temperature during not straight.2,10
cooling.2,3,10 crack, crater: Multisegment crack in a
corrosion: Deterioration of a metal by weld crater. Segments radiate from a
chemical or electrochemical reaction common point, often called star
with its environment. Removal of cracks.10
material by chemical attack, such as crack, fatigue: Progressive cracks that
the rusting of automobile develop in the surface and are caused
components.2,10 by the repeated loading and unloading
corrosion, crevice: Type of galvanic of the object.2,10
corrosion caused by differences in crack, forging: Crack developed in the
metal ion concentrations in forging operation because of forging at
neighboring portions of the too low a temperature, resulting in
corrodent.8,10 rupturing of the steel.2,10
corrosion embrittlement: Severe loss of crack, grinding: Thermal crack caused by
ductility of a metal, resulting from local overheating of surface being
corrosive attack, usually intergranular ground.2,10
and often not visually apparent.2,10 crack, hot: Crack that develops before
corrosion fatigue: Fatigue cracking casting has completely cooled, as
caused by repeated load applications contrasted with cold cracks, which
on metal in a corrosive develop after solidification.2,10
environment.2,10 crack, longitudinal: Crack parallel to
corrosion, fretting: Corrosion facilitated length of the test object.2,10
by fretting, particularly where a crack, machining: Crack caused by too
protective surface has been chafed in a heavy a cut, a dull tool or chatter.
corrosive environment.8,10 Typically called machining tear.2,10
corrosion, poultice: Corrosion occurring crack, pickling: Crack caused by
under a layer of foreign material (e.g. immersing objects with high internal
under mud in automobile rocker stresses in an acid solution.2,10
panels).8,10 crack, plating: Crack similar to pickling
corrosion-erosion: Simultaneous cracks, but occurring during plating
occurrence of erosion and when the object is immersed in a
corrosion.8,10 strong electrolyte.2,10
coupon: Piece of metal from which a test
object is prepared, often an extra
piece, as on a casting or forging.3,10

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 437

crack, quenching: Rupture produced delamination: Laminar discontinuity,
during quenching of hot metal occurring where two layers of differing
because of more rapid cooling and materials are bonded together
contraction of one portion of test depth of field: In photography, the range
object than occurs in adjacent of distance over which an imaging
portions.2,10 system gives satisfactory definition
crack, transverse: Crack at right angles to when its lens is in the best focus for a
the length of the test object.2,10 specific distance.8,10
crack, weld: Crack in weld fusion zones descaling: Removing the thick layer of
or adjacent base metal. Usually a result oxides formed on some metals at
of thermal expansion or contraction elevated temperatures.2,10
stresses related to temperature changes detergent remover: Liquid penetrant
during welding.2,10 remover that is a solution of a
crater: (1) In machining, depression in detergent in water.2,10
cutting tool face eroded by chip developer: In liquid penetrant testing, a
contact. (2) In arc or gas fusion material that is applied to the surface
welding, cavity in the weld bead after excess liquid penetrant has been
surface, typically occurring when heat removed and that is designed to
source is removed and insufficient enhance the liquid penetrant bleedout
filler metal is available to fill the to form indications. May be a fine dry
cavity.2,10 powder, a solution that dries to form a
creep: Gradual and permanent change of dry powder or a suspension (in solvent
shape in a metal under constant load, or water) that dries leaving an
usually at elevated temperature. absorptive film on the test surface.2,10
Occurs in three stages: primary creep, developer, dry: Dry, fine powder applied
secondary creep and tertiary creep. See to the surface after excess liquid
also deformation.8,10 penetrant is removed and the surface
crevice corrosion: See corrosion, crevice.10 dried in order to increase the bleedout
crush: Casting discontinuity caused by a by means of capillary action.2,10
partial destruction of the mold before developer, nonaqueous: Sometimes
the metal was poured.3,10 called nonaqueous wet developer or
solvent developer. Fine particles
D suspended in a volatile solvent. The
volatile solvent helps to dissolve the
dark adaptation: Adjustment of the eye liquid penetrant out of the
over time to reduced illumination, discontinuity and brings it to the
including increased retinal sensitivity, surface. It then dries, fixing the
dilation of the pupil and other reflex indication.2,10
physical changes.2,6,10,11 developer, soluble: Fine particles
dark adapted vision: See scotopic vision.10 completely soluble in its carrier (not a
deburring: Removing burrs, sharp edges suspension of powder in a liquid) that
or fins from metal objects by filing, dries to form an adsorptive coating.2,10
grinding or rolling the work in a barrel developer, solvent: See developer,
with abrasives suspended in a suitable nonaqueous.2,10
liquid medium. Sometimes called developer, suspendible: Developer that
burring.2,3,10 consists of fine particles suspended in
deep etching: Severe etching of a metallic water and that dries to an absorptive
surface for examination at a coating. Applied to the part after
magnification of ten diameters or less removal of excess liquid penetrant and
to reveal gross features such as before drying.
segregation, cracks, porosity or grain developer, wet: Liquid penetrant
flow.2,10 developer that is wet when applied to
defect: Discontinuity whose size, shape, a surface. See developer, soluble;
orientation or location make it developer, solvent; developer,
detrimental to the useful service of its suspendible.
host object or which exceeds the developing time: Elapsed time necessary
accept/reject criteria of an applicable for the applied developer to absorb
specification. Note that some and show indications from penetrant
discontinuities may not affect entrapments.2,10
serviceability and are therefore not dewetting: Flow and retraction of liquid
defects. Compare discontinuity, flaw on a surface, caused by contaminated
and indication.2,6,8,10,12 surfaces or dissolved surface
deformation: Change of shape under coatings.8,10
load. See also creep.8,10 diffuse indications: Indications not
degreasing fluid: Solvents or cleaners clearly defined for example,
employed to remove oil and grease indications from surface
from test surfaces before the liquid contamination.2,10
penetrant is applied.2,10

438 Liquid Penetrant Testing

dip rinse: Means of removing excess drop: Discontinuity in a casting due to a
surface liquid penetrant in which the portion of the sand dropping from the
test objects are dipped into a tank of cope or overhanging section of the
agitated water or remover.2,10 mold.3,10
direct viewing: Viewing of test object in dross: Scum that forms on the surface of
the viewers immediate presence. The molten metals largely because of
term direct viewing is used in the fields oxidation but sometimes because of
of robotics and surveillance to the rising of impurities to the
distinguish conventional from remote surface.3,10
viewing.8,10 dry bulb temperature: Alternate term for
directional lighting: Lighting provided ambient or atmospheric
on the work plane or object temperature.1,10
predominantly from a preferred drying oven: Oven used for increasing
direction.8,10,14 the evaporation rate of rinse water or
discernible image: Image capable of of an aqueous developer vehicle from
being recognized by sight without the parts.
aid of magnification.2,10 drying time: Time allotted for an object
discontinuity: Intentional or to dry in a drying oven.
unintentional interruption in the dual response penetrant: Liquid
physical structure or configuration of a penetrant that produces discontinuity
part. After nondestructive testing, an indications that can be seen under
unintentional discontinuity either ultraviolet radiation or visible
interpreted as detrimental in the host light.2,10
object may be called a flaw or defect. ductile crack propagation: Slow crack
Compare defect, flaw and propagation that is accompanied by
indication.6,8,10,11 noticeable plastic deformation and
discontinuity, artificial: Reference requires energy to be supplied from
discontinuities such as holes, outside the body.2,10 See brittle crack
indentations, cracks, grooves or propagation.
notches that are introduced into a dwell time: Total time that the liquid
reference standard to provide penetrant or emulsifier is in contact
accurately reproducible indications for with the test surface, including the
determining sensitivity levels.2,10 time required for application and the
discontinuity, inherent: Material drain time.2,10
anomaly originating from
solidification of cast metal or weld E
material. Pipe and nonmetallic
inclusions are the most common and electric arc welding: Joining of metals by
can lead to other types of heating with electric arc. Also called
discontinuities in fabrication.8,10,12 arc welding.8,10
discontinuity, primary processing: electrostatic spraying: Technique of
Material anomaly produced from the spraying a uniform surface coating,
hot or cold working of an ingot into wherein the material being sprayed is
forgings, rod and bar.8,10,12 given a high electrical charge
discontinuity, secondary processing: (potential) while the test piece is
Material anomaly produced during grounded.2,10
machining, grinding, heat treating, emulsification time: In liquid penetrant
plating or other finishing testing, the period of time that an
operations.8,10,12 emulsifier is permitted to combine
discontinuity, service induced: Material with liquid penetrant before removal.
anomaly caused by the intended use Also called emulsifier dwell time.2,10
of the part.8,10 emulsifier: Liquid that mixes with an oily
distal: In manipulative or interrogating liquid penetrant such that the mixture
system, of or pertaining to the end can then be washed from the surface
opposite from the eyepiece and with water.
farthest from the person using the emulsifier, contact: Emulsifier that
system. Objective; tip.8,10 begins emulsifying liquid penetrant
dragout: Carryout or loss of liquid upon simple contact with the liquid
penetrant materials as a result of their penetrant. Usually oil based
adherence to objects dipped into the (lipophilic).13
materials. emulsifier, hydrophilic: Water based
drain time: Portion of dwell time during liquid that interacts with the liquid
which the excess liquid penetrant, penetrant oil in the manner of a
emulsifier, detergent remover or detergent, allowing the liquid
developer drains off an object.2,10 penetrant to be washed from the
surface with water.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 439

emulsifier, lipophilic: Oil based liquid eye sensitivity curve: Graphic expression
that mixes with liquid penetrant oil to of vision sensitivity characteristics of
form an emulsion that can be the human eye. In the case of a
removed from the surface with water. physical photometer, the curve should
emulsion: Dispersion of fine droplets of be equivalent to the standard observer.
one liquid in another that can be The required match is typically
stabilized by the addition of an achieved by adding filters between the
emulsifier.2,10 sensitive elements of the meter and
endoscope: Device for viewing the the light source.8,10
interior of objects. From the Greek
words for inside view, the term F
endoscope is used mainly for medical
instruments. Nearly every medical false indication: Test indication that
endoscope has an integral light source; could be interpreted as originating
many incorporate surgical tweezers or from a discontinuity but which
other devices. Compare borescope.8,10 actually originates where no
equivalent 20/20 near vision acuity: discontinuity exists. Distinct from
Vision acuity with remote viewing or nonrelevant indication. Compare
other nondirect viewing that defect.2,7,8,10
approximates 20/20 direct viewing family: Obsolete term, formerly denoting
closely enough to be considered the a complete series of materials from
same for visual testing purposes.8,10 one manufacturer necessary to
equivalent sphere illumination: Level of perform a specific process of liquid
perfectly diffuse (spherical) penetrant testing.2,10
illuminance that makes the visual task farsightedness: Vision acuity functionally
as photometrically visible within a adequate for viewing objects at a
comparison test sphere as it is in the distance, generally beyond arms
real lighting environment.8,10 length. Also called hyperopia. Compare
erosion-corrosion: Simultaneous nearsightedness.8,10
occurrence of erosion and fatigue fracture: Progressive fracture of a
corrosion.8,10 material that begins at a discontinuity
etch crack: Shallow crack in hardened and increases under repeated cycles of
steel containing high residual surface stress. The phenomenon leading to
stresses produced by etching in an fracture under repeated or fluctuating
acid.2,8,10,12 stresses having a maximum value less
etching: Cleaning process for the than the tensile strength of the
controlled removal of surface material material.2,10
by chemical agents before liquid filled crack: Cracklike discontinuity, open
penetrant application. Subjecting the to the surface, but filled with some
surface of a metal to preferential foreign material, such as oxide, grease,
chemical or electrolytic attack in order etc. that tends to prevent liquid
to reveal structural details.2,10 penetrants from entering.2,10
evaluation: Process of determining the fillet weld: Weld at the corner of two
magnitude and significance of a metal pieces.8,10
discontinuity after the indication has fine crack: Discontinuity in a solid
been interpreted as relevant. material with a very fine opening to
Evaluation determines if the test the surface, but possessing length and
object should be rejected, repaired or depth greater than the width of this
accepted. See indication and opening. Usually the depth is many
interpretation.2,6,7,10 times the width.2,10
examination: Study of test object flakes: Short discontinuous internal
indications to determine if the test fissures in ferrous metals attributed to
object meets specified acceptance stresses produced by localized
criteria.6,10 transformation and/or decreased
exfoliation: Corrosion that progresses solubility of hydrogen during cooling
approximately parallel to the outer usually after hot working. On a
surface of the metal, causing layers of fractured surface, flakes appear as
the metal to be elevated by the bright silvery areas; on an etched
formation of corrosion product.2,10 surface they appear as short,
external discontinuities: Discontinuities discontinuous cracks.8,12 Also called
on the outside or exposed surface of a shatter cracks and snowflakes.2,10
test object.2,10 flash point: Lowest temperature at which
vapors of a substance ignite in air
when exposed to flame.6,10,11
flaw: Anomaly or unintentional
discontinuity. Compare defect and

440 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT16 (433-452) 8/13/99 3:08 PM Page 441

fluorescence: Emission of visible light general examination: Test or

from a material in response to examination of a persons knowledge,
ultraviolet or X-radiation. Formerly typically (in the case of nondestructive
called cold light.8,10 testing personnel qualification) a
fluorescent contamination: written test on the basic principles of a
Unintentional presence of fluorescent nondestructive testing method and
liquid penetrant on parts, in general knowledge of basic equipment
emulsifier, in developer or in the used in the method. (According to
examination area. ASNTs guidelines, the general
fluorescent liquid penetrant: Highly examination should not address
penetrating liquid used in the knowledge of specific equipment,
performance of liquid penetrant codes, standards and procedures
testing and characterized by its ability pertaining to a particular application.)
to fluoresce under ultraviolet Compare practical examination and
radiation.2,10 specific examination.8,10
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing: glare: Excessive brightness (or brightness
Technique of liquid penetrant testing varying by more than 10:1 within the
that uses fluorescent liquid field of view) which interferes with
penetrant.10 clear vision, critical observation and
focus: Position of a viewed object and a judgment.8,10
lens system relative to one another to gouge: Surface indentation caused by
offer a distinct image of the object as forceful abrasion or impact or flame
seen through the lens system. See cutting. Also called nick. Compare tool
accommodation and depth of field.8,10 mark.8,10
footcandle: Former unit of measure for grain boundary: Interface that forms
illumination, equivalent to one lumen between grains of solidifying metal as
evenly distributed over a square foot the random oriented crystal lattices
or to a surface illumination at a meet.8,10
distance of one foot from a point of grain size: Size of the crystals in metal.
one candela. Abbreviated ftc or fc. See When compared with a standard,
also lux.8,10 usually referred to as being fine,
footlambert: Former unit of luminance. medium or coarse.2,10
Measured in the SI system by candela grinding cracks: Shallow cracks formed
per square meter.8,10 in the surface of relatively hard
forging crack: Discontinuity formed materials because of excessive grinding
during mechanical shaping of heat or the high sensitivity of the
metal.8,10 material. Grinding cracks typically are
FPI: Fluorescent penetrant inspection. See 90 degrees to the direction of
fluorescent penetrant testing. grinding.2,8,10,12
fracture: Break, rupture or crack large
enough to cause a full or partial H
partition of a casting or other
part.2,3,10 halide: Compound of two or more
fretting: Action that results in surface elements, one of which is a
damage, especially in a corrosive halogen.1,10
environment, when there is low hardness: Resistance of metal to plastic
amplitude motion between solid deformation, usually by indentation.
surfaces in contact under pressure. However, the term may also refer to
Also called fretting corrosion.2,10 stiffness or temper or to resistance to
fretting corrosion: See corrosion, fretting.10 scratching, abrasion or cutting.2,10
heat affected zone (HAZ): Base metal not
melted during brazing, cutting or
G welding, but whose microstructure
galling: Type of adhesive wear more gross and physical properties were altered by
than fretting.8,10 the heat.2,10
gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW): Inert heat checking: Surface cracking caused
gas shielded arc welding using a when metal rapidly heated (or cooled
tungsten electrode. Also called tungsten and heated repeatedly) is prevented
inert gas (TIG) welding.8,10 from expanding freely by colder metal
below the surface. Friction may
produce the heat. Sometimes called
thermal fatigue.8,10
heat treatment: Heating and cooling a
metal or alloy in such a way as to
obtain desired conditions or
properties. Heating for the sole
purpose of working is excluded from
the meaning of this definition.2,3,10

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 441

high temperature penetrant: Liquid incomplete penetration: In welding, root
penetrant material specifically penetration less than complete, or
designed for use on high temperature failure of a root pass and a backing
surfaces where conventional liquid pass to fuse with each other. Also
penetrant would be unsatisfactory.2,10 called lack of fusion.2,10
hot cracks: Ragged dark lines of variable indication: Nondestructive testing
width and numerous branches. They response that requires interpretation
have no definite line of continuity to determine its relevance. Compare
and may exist in groups. They may defect, discontinuity and false
originate internally or at the surface. indication.8,10
Cracks occurring in hot solid metals, indication, discontinuity: Visible
caused by stresses of thermal evidence of a material discontinuity.
expansion or contraction and Subsequent interpretation is required
originating either internally or at the to determine the significance of an
surface.2,3,10 indication.2,10
hot tear: Fracture formed in a metal indication, false: Indication produced by
during solidification because of something other than a discontinuity.
hindered contraction. Surface cracks Can arise from improper test
on castings produced by contraction procedures.6,10
of the metal during cooling. Hot tears indication, nonrelevant: Indication due
often occur where areas of different to misapplied or improper testing.
thickness adjoin.2,3,8,10 May also be an indication caused by
hot working: Deforming metal plastically an actual discontinuity that does not
at temperature and rate such that affect the usability of the object (a tool
strain hardening does not occur. Low mark, for instance).2,10
temperature limit is recrystallization indication, relevant: Indication from a
temperature.2,10 discontinuity (as opposed to a
hundred percent testing: See one hundred nonrelevant indication) requiring
percent testing.10 evaluation by a qualified inspector,
hydrophilic emulsifier or remover: See typically with reference to an
emulsifier hydrophilic. acceptance standard, by virtue of the
discontinuitys size or location.8,10,11
I inert gas shielded arc welding: Joining
of metals by heating them with an
icicles: Coalescence of metal protruding electric arc between the electrode(s)
beyond the root of the weld. and the work piece, using an inert gas
Sometimes called burn through.2,10 to shield the electrode(s). See also gas
illuminance: Density of luminous flux on tungsten arc welding.8,10
a surface. Measured in the SI system inherent discontinuity: Discontinuity
by lux.8,10 produced in the material at the time it
illuminate: Shed light on.8,10 is formed (for example, during
illumination: Act of illuminating or state solidification from the molten
of being illuminated. See also state).2,10
illuminate. Compare illuminance.8,10,14 inherent fluorescence: Fluorescence that
image: Visual representation of a test is an intrinsic characteristic of a
object or scene.8,10 material.6,10,11
image guide: Fiber bundle that carries the inspection: See examination and
picture formed by the objective lens at inspection, nondestructive. Sometimes
the distal end of a fiber optic inspection denotes that part of the
borescope back to the eyepiece.8,10 liquid penetrant testing process
image segmentation: Process in which involving visual examination of a part
the image is partitioned into regions, for test indications after completion of
each homogeneous.8,10 the liquid penetrant processing steps.
impurity: Element or compound whose intensity, radiant: Luminous flux per
presence in a material is unintentional steradian emanating from a visible
or unwanted.2,3,10 source, measured in lmsr1. Also, from
in control: Within prescribed limits of a nonvisible source, the radiant flux
process control.8,10 per steradian emanating from that
incandescence: Emission of visible source and measured in Wsr1.10
radiation due to thermal excitation.8,10 intergranular corrosion: Corrosion
incomplete fusion: Fusion less than occurring preferentially at grain
complete. Failure of weld metal to fuse boundaries.2,10
completely with and bond to the base
metal or preceding bead.2,10

442 Liquid Penetrant Testing

interpretation: Determination of the light: Radiant energy that can excite the
significance of test indications from retina and produce a visual sensation.
the standpoint of their relevance or Visible portion of the electromagnetic
irrelevance. The determination of the spectrum, from about 380 to
cause of an indication or the 770 nm.8,10,14
evaluation of the significance of limited certification: Individuals certified
discontinuities from the standpoint of only for specific operations are usually
whether they are detrimental or called limited Level (I, II or III) or
inconsequential.2,10 designated as having limited
iris: Ring of variable area around the certification because they are not
pupil and in front of the lens of the qualified to perform the full range of
eye. The surface area of the iris adjusts activities expected of personnel at that
spontaneously to change the amount level of qualification.8,10
of light entering the eye.8,10 lipophilic emulsifier or remover: See
irradiance: Power of electromagnetic emulsifier, lipophilic.
radiant energy incident on the surface liquid penetrant: Liquid that can enter
of a given unit area. Compare discontinuities open to the test surface
radiance.8,10 and that is adapted to the liquid
penetrant test process by being made
J highly visible in small traces.
Fluorescent liquid penetrants fluoresce
Jaeger eye chart: Eye chart used for near brightly under ultraviolet radiation
vision acuity examinations.8,10 and visible liquid penetrants are
joint penetration: Distance that weld intensely colored to be readily visible
metal and fusion extend into a on developer backgrounds when
joint.2,10 illuminated with visible light.2,10
liquid penetrant comparator: See
K comparator, penetrant.10
liquid penetrant leak testing: Technique
known discontinuity test standard: Part of liquid penetrant testing in which
containing known discontinuities and the liquid penetrant is applied to one
used to perform system performance surface of a test material while the
checks and to classify liquid opposite surface is tested for
penetrants. indications that would identify a
through leak or void passing through
L the material thickness.2,10
lack of fusion: Discontinuity due to lack liquid penetrant system: In certain
of union between weld metal and specifications for liquid penetrant
parent metal or between successive materials, the designation given to a
weld beads. Also called incomplete water washable liquid penetrant, or to
penetration.2,10 a postemulsifiable liquid penetrant
lamination: Discontinuity in plate, sheet and emulsifier combination, that
or strip caused by pipe, inclusions or meets the technical requirements of
blowholes in the original ingot or by the specification.
rollover during rolling mill operations. liquid penetrant testing (PT):
After rolling, laminations are usually Nondestructive testing method using
flat and parallel to the outside liquid penetrant.10
surface.6,10 liquid penetrant, fluorescent: Liquid
lap: Surface discontinuity, usually parallel penetrant characterized by its ability
to the surface, appearing as a fold or to fluoresce when excited by near
tangential seam in a wrought product ultraviolet radiation.2,10
and caused by folding over of a hot liquid penetrant, postemulsifiable:
metal fin or sharp corner in a thin Liquid penetrant that requires the
plate, then rolling or forging it into application of a separate emulsifier to
the surface but not welding it. See also render the excess surface liquid
cold shut.2,6,10 penetrant water washable.2,10
leaker penetrant: Liquid penetrant liquid penetrant, visible: Liquid
especially designed for leak testing.2,10 penetrant characterized by an intense
level, acceptance: Test level above or visible color dye that allows it to give
below which, depending on the test contrasting indications on a white
parameter, test objects are acceptable. liquid penetrant system developer
See level, rejection.2,10 background.2,10
level, rejection: Value established for a liquid penetrant, water washable:
test signal above or below which, Liquid penetrant with built in
depending on the test parameter, test emulsifier that makes it directly water
objects are rejectable or otherwise washable.2,10
distinguished from the remaining longitudinal direction: Principal
objects.2 See level, acceptance.10 direction of flow in a worked metal.2,10

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 443

LOX-safe penetrant: Liquid penetrant mesopic vision: Vision adapted to light
material or system specifically level between photopic at
designed to be compatible with or 3.4 102 cdm2 (3.2 103 cdft2)
nonreactive in presence of liquid and scotopic at 3 105 cdm2
oxygen.2,10 (2.7 106 cdft2).8,10
lumen: Luminous flux per steradian from metallic discontinuity: Break in the
source whose luminous intensity is 1 continuity of metal of an object. May
candela. Symbolized lm.8,10 be located on the surface (e.g., a crack)
luminance: Ratio of surfaces luminous or deep in the interior of the object
intensity in a given direction to a unit (e.g., gas pocket).2,10
of projected area. Measured in candela micro: Prefix that divides a basic unit of
per square meter.8,10 measure by one million (1 106).2,10
luminosity: Luminous efficiency of microfissure: Crack of microscopic
radiant energy.8,10 proportions.2,10
luminous efficacy: Ratio of total micrograph: Graphic reproduction of the
luminous flux of a light source to total surface of a prepared object, usually
radiant flux or to power input. etched, at a magnification greater than
Sometimes called luminous ten diameters. If produced by
efficiency.8,10 photographic means it is called a
luminous efficiency: See luminous photomicrograph (not a
efficacy.10 microphotograph).2,10
luminous flux: Radiant energys time rate microporosity: Porosity visible only with
of flow. Measured in lumen.8,10 aid of a microscope.2,10
luminous intensity: Luminous flux on a microscope: Instrument that provides
surface normal to the direction from enlarged images of very small
its light source, divided by the solid objects.8,10
angle the surface subtends at the microscope, compound: Conventional
source. Measured in candela. Also microscope, using geometrical optics
known as candlepower.8,10 for magnification.8,10
lux: Unit of measure for illuminance in microscope, interference: Magnifier
SI. Equivalent to lumen per square using the wavelength of light as a unit
meter and symbolized lx. Formerly of measure for surface contour and
known as meter-candle.8,10 other characteristics.8,10
microsegregations: (1) Segregation within
M a grain, crystal or small particle. Also
called coring. (2) Extremely narrow
macrostructure: Structure of metals as cracks, usually long and straight, on
revealed by examination of the etched the surfaces of highly finished
surface of a polished object at a wrought metals. Often very shallow,
magnification not exceeding ten their identity must be established to
diameters.2,10 ensure that indications are not from
malleable cast iron: Cast iron made by detrimental cracks, deep laps or long
prolonged anneal of white cast iron in inclusion stringers.2,6,10
which decarburization or microstructure: Structure of polished and
graphitization or both, take place to etched metal as revealed by a
eliminate some or all of the cementite. microscope at a magnification greater
The graphite is in the form of temper than ten diameters.2,10
carbon.3,10 monochromatic light: Light from a very
material safety data sheet: Document narrow portion of the visible
that contains information relative to spectrum.8,10
safety and health in handling and multiaxial stresses: Any stress state in
disposal of chemicals. Manufacturers which two or three principal stresses
of liquid penetrant materials are are not zero.2,10
required to provide material safety multiparameter: Of or pertaining to the
data sheets to users in accordance with many parameters of a test system.
the OSHA Hazard Communication These parameters often affect test
Standard.14 response and can often be
mechanical properties: Properties of a distinguished with a multifrequency
material that reveal its elastic and technique.4,10
inelastic behavior where force is
applied, thereby indicating its
suitability for mechanical applications N
(for example, modulus of elasticity, NDC: Nondestructive characterization.10
tensile strength, elongation, hardness NDE: (1) Nondestructive evaluation.
and fatigue limit).2,10 (2) Nondestructive examination.8,10
NDI: Nondestructive inspection.8,10
NDT: Nondestructive testing.8,10

444 Liquid Penetrant Testing

near ultraviolet radiation: Ultraviolet nonrelevant indication: See indication,
radiation with wavelengths ranging nonrelevant.10
from about 320 to about 400 nm
(UV-A). Sometimes called black O
near vision: Vision of objects nearby, objective: In discussion of a lens system
generally within arms length. (camera, borescope, microscope,
Compare far vision.8,10 telescope), of or pertaining to the end
nearsightedness: Vision acuity or lens closest to the object of
functionally adequate for viewing examination at the end opposite
objects nearby, generally within arms from the eyepiece. Distal; tip.8,10
length but not at greater distances. oil and whiting: See chalk test.
Also called myopia. Compare one hundred percent testing: Testing of
farsightedness.8,10 all parts of an entire production lot in
nick: Surface indentation caused by a prescribed manner. Sometimes,
forceful abrasion or impact. Also called complete testing entails the testing of
gouge. Compare tool mark.8,10 only the critical portions of the part.
nit: Former unit for measuring Compare sampling, partial.8,10
luminance, equivalent to one candela organoleptic: Relying on or using sense
per square meter. Abbreviated nt.8,10 organs, such as the human eye.8,10
nodular cast iron: Cast iron that has overemulsification: Excessive emulsifier
been treated while molten with a dwell time that results in removal of
master alloy containing an element liquid penetrants from some
such as magnesium or cerium to give discontinuities.
primary graphite in the spherultic overwashing: Too long or too vigorous
form.3,10 washing or both, which results in
nonaqueous developer: See developer, removal of liquid penetrant from some
nonaqueous. discontinuities.
nondestructive characterization (NDC):
Branch of nondestructive testing P
concerned with the description and
prediction of material properties and parts per million (ppm): Concentration
behaviors of components and of a substance in a mixture. For
systems.10 example, the amount of solvent vapor
nondestructive evaluation (NDE): in a working environment that is a
Another term for nondestructive testing. health and safety hazard. The ratio of
In research and academic parts per million is expressed in
communities, the word evaluation is units for example, gg1.
often preferred because it emphasizes penetrability: Condition of being
interpretation by knowledgeable penetrable so that liquid can enter
personnel.8,10 into very fine openings such as cracks.
nondestructive examination (NDE): Often erroneously used to describe the
Another term for nondestructive testing. property of a liquid penetrant that
In the utilities and nuclear industry, causes it to find its way into very fine
examination is sometimes preferred openings.2,10
because testing can imply performance penetrant: See liquid penetrant.
trials of pressure containment or penetration time: Dwell time allowed,
power generation systems.8,10 after liquid penetrant has been applied
nondestructive inspection (NDI): to a surface, for the liquid penetrant to
Another term for nondestructive testing. enter discontinuities that may be
In some industries (utilities, aviation), present.
the word inspection often implies photometric brightness: Luminance of a
maintenance for a component that light source.8,10
has been in service.8,10 photometry: Science and practice of the
nondestructive testing (NDT): measurement of light or photon-
Determination of the physical emitting electromagnetic radiation.
condition of an object without See also relative photometry.8,10
affecting that objects ability to fulfill photon: Particle of light.8,10
its intended function. Nondestructive photopic vision: Vision adapted to
testing techniques typically use a daylight and mediated mainly by the
probing energy form to determine cones. Vision is wholly photopic when
material properties or to indicate the the luminance of the test surface is
presence of material discontinuities above 0.034 cdm2 (0.0032 cdft2).
(surface, internal or concealed). See Also known as foveal vision and light
also nondestructive evaluation, adapted vision. Compare mesopic vision
nondestructive examination and and scotopic vision.8,10,14
nondestructive inspection.8,10

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 445

pitting: Discontinuity consisting of psychophysics: Interaction between
surface cavities. See also cavitation vision performance and physical or
fatigue and pitting fatigue.8,10 psychological factors. One example is
pitting fatigue: Discontinuity consisting the so-called vigilance decrement, the
of surface cavities typically due to degradation of reliability based on
fatigue and abrasion of contacting performing visual and/or repetitive
surfaces undergoing compressive activities over a period of time.8,10
loading. See also cavitation fatigue and PT: Liquid penetrant testing.10
pitting.8,10 pupil: Aperture in the center of an eyes
pooling: Collection of excessive amounts iris, through which light focused by
of liquid penetrant, emulsifier, water the lens passes.8,10
or developer in an incompletely
drained area of a part. Q
pores: (1) Small voids within a metal.
(2) Minute cavities, sometimes qualification: (1) Process of
intentional, in a powder metallurgy demonstrating that an individual has
compact. (3) Minute perforations in an the required amount and the required
electroplated coating.2,10 type of training, experience,
porosity: Discontinuity in metal resulting knowledge and capabilities. See also
from the creation or coalescence of qualified.8,10 (2) Process of
gas. Very small pores are called demonstrating that a liquid penetrant
pinholes.8,10,12 testing material meets the property
postcleaning: Removal of liquid and performance requirements of a
penetrant testing residues from the governing material specification.
test piece at the end of a liquid qualified: (1) Having demonstrated the
penetrant test. required amount and the required
postemulsification: Liquid penetrant type of training, experience,
removal technique using a separate knowledge and abilities.8,10 (2) Having
emulsifier applied over the surface passed the required property and
liquid penetrant to make it removable performance tests. See also
with water spray.2,10 qualification.
practical examination: In certification of quality: The ability of a process or
nondestructive testing personnel, a product to meet specifications or to
hands-on examination using test meet the expectations of its users in
equipment and sample test objects. terms of efficiency, appearance,
Compare general examination and longevity and ergonomics.8,10
specific examination.8,10 quality assurance: Administrative actions
precleaning: Removal of surface that specify, enforce and verify a
contamination from the test piece so quality program.8,10
that it cannot interfere with the liquid quality control: Physical and
penetrant testing process.2,10 administrative actions required to
prewash technique: Liquid penetrant ensure compliance with the quality
removal technique in which major assurance program. May include
portion of a nonwater washable liquid nondestructive testing in the
penetrant is mechanically removed manufacturing cycle.8,10
with a water spray prior to application quality of lighting: Level of distribution
of emulsifier. Formerly called of luminance in a visual task or
prerinsing. environment.8,10
process: Repeatable sequence of actions to quenching of fluorescence: Extinction of
bring about a desired result.8,10 fluorescence by causes other than
process control: Application of quality removal of the ultraviolet radiation
control principles to the management (the exciting radiation).2,10
of a repeated process.8,10
process testing: Initial product testing to R
establish correct manufacturing
procedures and then by periodic tests radiance: Radiant flux per unit solid
to ensure that the process continues to angle and per unit projected area of
operate correctly.2,10 the source. Measured in watt per
pseudoisochromatic plates: Color plates square meter steradian. Compare
used for color vision examinations. irradiance.8,10
Each plate bears an image which may radiant energy: Energy transmitted
be difficult for the examinee to see if through a medium by electromagnetic
his or her color vision is impaired.8,10 waves. Also known as radiation.8,10
radiant flux: Radiant energys rate of
flow, measured in watt.8,10

446 Liquid Penetrant Testing

radiant intensity: Electromagnetic energy rinse: Process of removing liquid
emitted per unit time per unit solid penetrant testing materials from the
angle. Measured in watt per surface of a test object by means of
steradian.8,10 washing or flooding with another
radiant power: Total radiant energy liquid, usually water. Also called
emitted per unit time.8,10 wash.2,10
radiometer: Instrument for measuring robotic system: Automated system
radiant power of specified frequencies. programmed to perform purposeful
Different radiometers exist for movements in variable sequences.8,10
different frequencies.8,10 root crack: Crack in either the weld or
radiometric photometer: Radiometer for heat affected zone at the root of a
measuring radiant power over a weld.2,10
variety of wavelengths.8,10 root penetration: Depth to which weld
recommended practice: Set of guidelines metal extends into the root of a
or recommendations.8,10 joint.2,10
Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A: See
ASNT Recommended Practice S
No. SNT-TC-1A.10
reference standard: Typical test object sampling, partial: Testing of less than
with known artificial or natural one hundred percent of a production
discontinuities of various specific sizes, lot. See one hundred percent testing.8,10
used as a basis for test comparisons, sampling, random partial: Partial
equipment calibration or determining sampling that is fully random.8,10
the efficiency of the discontinuity sampling, specified partial: Partial
detection process. Also called reference sampling in which a particular
or test panel, reference or test block and frequency or sequence of sample
reference or test piece.2 See also selection is prescribed. An example of
acceptance standard.10 specified partial sampling is the testing
refractometer: Device that measures the of every fifth unit.8,10
refractive index of a liquid. This value scale: Oxide formed on metal by chemical
increases in proportion to the action of the surface metal with
dissolved solids in the liquid and oxygen from the air.2,10
hence has been used to measure scale pit: Shallow surface depression in
hydrophilic remover concentration. metal, caused by scale.2,10
reinforcement of weld: (1) In a butt scaling: (1) Forming a layer of oxidation
joint, weld metal on the face of the product on metals, usually at high
weld that extends out beyond a temperatures. (2) Deposition of
surface plane common to the insoluble constituents on a metal
members being welded. (2) In a fillet surface, as in cooling tubes and water
weld, weld metal that contributes to boilers.8,10,12
convexity. (3) In a flash, upset or gas scoring: (1) Marring or scratching of any
pressure weld, weld metal exceeding formed part by metal pickup on a
base metal diameter or thickness.2,10 punch, die or guide. (2) Reducing the
relative photometry: (1) Evaluation of thickness of a part along a line to
desired photometric characteristic weaken it purposely at a specific
based on assumed lumen output of location.8,10,12
test lamp. (2) Measurement of one scotopic vision: Dark adapted vision,
uncalibrated light source relative to using only the rods in the retina,
another uncalibrated light source.8,10 where differences in brightness can be
repeatability: Ability to reproduce a detected but differences in hue
detectable indication in separate cannot. Vision is wholly scotopic
processings and tests from a constant when the luminance of the test
source.1,2,10 surface is below 3 105 cdm2
reserve vision acuity: The ability of an (2.7 106 cdft2). Also known as
individual to maintain vision acuity parafoveal vision. Compare mesopic
under poor viewing conditions. A vision and photopic vision.8,10
visual system with 20/20 near vision
acuity under degraded viewing
conditions has considerable reserve
vision acuity compared to that of an
individual with 20/70 near vision
retina: In the eye, the tissue that senses

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 447

seam: (1) On the surface of metal, an shrinkage: See macroshrinkage and
unwelded fold or lap that appears as a microshrinkage.2,3,10
crack, usually resulting from a shrinkage cavities: Cavities in castings
discontinuity obtained in casting or caused by lack of sufficient molten
working. (2) Mechanical or welded metal as the casting cools.2,3,10
joints.3 (3) Longitudinal surface shrinkage cracks: Hot tears associated
discontinuity on metal originating with shrinkage cavities.2,3,10
from a surface crack or blowhole near shrinkage porosity or sponge: Porous
the surface of the ingot, that is drawn metal often with a network of fine
out during rolling and follows the cracks formed during solidification of
rolling direction. Also due to overfill molten metal. At a surface, may form
while rolling. After forging, seams a localized, lacy or honeycombed
generally follow the direction of flow liquid penetrant indication.2,10
lines.2,10 SI: The International System of units of
seeability: Characteristic of an indication measurement. An international system
and/or liquid penetrant that enables of measurement based on seven base
an observer to see it against the units: meter (m), kilogram (kg),
adverse conditions of background, second (s), kelvin (K), ampere (A),
outside light etc.2,10 candela (cd) and mole (mol).10
self emulsifiable: Of or pertaining to SNT-TC-1A: See ASNT Recommended
liquid penetrant able spontaneously to Practice No. SNT-TC-1A.10
form an emulsion with water, a soak time: Period of time when the
property that lets it be rinsed off with emulsifier remains in contact with the
water, with more control than if it liquid penetrant on the surface of the
actually dissolved in the rinse water. test object. Soak time ceases when the
Also called water washable. See liquid penetrant emulsifier is
penetrant, water washable.2,10 quenched with water or completely
sensitivity: (1) Performance characteristic removed by water rinsing. Also called
of a liquid penetrant system, of a emulsification time.2,10
developer or of an entire liquid solvent action: Ability of a liquid to
penetrant process that provides a dissolve another material.2,10
relative measure of the ability to solvent developer: See developer,
detect discontinuities. (2) Enumerated nonaqueous.
level of performance of a liquid solvent removal: Process of removing
penetrant system determined by excess liquid penetrant from the
applying standardized processing surface of a test object by hand wiping
procedures on reference standards with a solvent dampened cloth.2,10
with known defects. solvent remover: Volatile liquid that can
shallow discontinuity: Discontinuity dissolve liquid penetrant and that is
open to the surface of a solid object used to remove excess surface liquid
that possesses little depth in penetrant from object surfaces by
proportion to the width of this appropriate hand wiping
opening. A scratch or nick may be a techniques.2,10
shallow discontinuity in this sense.2,10 spalling: Cracking or flaking of small
shear break: Open break in metal at the particles of metal, usually in thin
periphery of a bolt, nut, rod or layers, from the surface of an
member at approximately a 45 degree object.2,10
angle to the applied stress. Occurs special application: Of a remover or
most often with flanged products. Also developer, qualified for use only with
called shear crack.8,10,12 a specific liquid penetrant.
shear crack: See shear break.10 specific examination: In certification of
shot peening: Cold working the surface nondestructive testing personnel, a
of a metal by metal shot written examination that addresses the
impingement.3,10 specifications and products pertinent
shoulder: Cylindrical metal component to the application. Compare general
surface, machined to receive threading examination and practical
indentations but in fact not threaded, examination.8,10
where the thread stops on the outside specific gravity: Ratio of the density of a
surface.8,10 substance (usually aqueous developer)
shrink: Internal rupture occurring in to the density of water, usually
castings due to contraction during measured at 15.6 C (60 F).
cooling, usually caused by variations specification: Set of instructions or
in solidification rates in the mold. standards invoked by a specific
Includes shrinkage sponge, small voids customer to govern the results or
(stringers or bunches) or a fingerprint performance of a specific set of tasks
pattern of semifused seams. Also or products.8,10
applied to surface shrinkage

448 Liquid Penetrant Testing

specular: Pertaining to a mirror-like system: With respect to liquid penetrant
reflective finish, as of a metal. testing materials, a combination of
Compare lambertian.8,10 liquid penetrant and emulsifier that
spot check tests: Testing a number of are furnished by the same
objects from a lot to determine the manufacturer and are qualified
lots quality, the sample size being together. For water washable and
chosen arbitrarily, such as five or ten solvent removable liquid penetrants, a
percent. This does not provide system consists of liquid penetrants
accurate assurance of the lots only.
spot examination: Local examination of T
welds or castings.2,10
spray scrubber: Technique of pressure temperature: Measure of intensity of
washing nonwater soluble liquid particle motion in degrees Celsius (C)
penetrant from the surface by or degrees Fahrenheit (F) or, in the
introducing a hydrophilic emulsifier absolute scale, kelvin (K) or degrees
or detergent into the water wash.2,10 Rankine (R), where 1 K = 1 C =
standard: (1) A physical object with 1.8 R = 1.8 F.
known material characteristics used as temperature envelope: Temperature
a basis for comparison or calibration.10 range over which a particular liquid
(2) A concept established by authority, penetrant testing technique will
custom or agreement to serve as a operate.2,10
model or rule in the measurement of test: See examination.10
quantity or the establishment of a test object: Part subjected to testing.10
practice or procedure.7,10 test surface: Exposed surface of test
(3) Document to control and govern object.2,7,10
practices in an industry or application,
applied on a national or international U
basis and usually produced by
consensus. See also acceptance standard, ultraviolet borescope: See borescope,
working standard and reference ultraviolet.10
standard.4,8,10,11 ultraviolet radiation: (1) Electromagnetic
steel: Iron alloy, usually with less than radiation with wavelengths ranging
two percent carbon.8,10 from about 4 to about 400 nm,
stress: (1) In physics, the force in a between visible light and X-rays.
material that resists external forces Compare near ultraviolet radiation.8
such as tension and compression. (2) The range of wavelengths used for
(2) Force per unit area.8,10 fluorescent nondestructive testing is
stress corrosion cracking: Failure by typically between 320 and
cracking under combined action of 400 nm (UV-A). Shorter wavelengths
corrosion and stress, either applied or are very hazardous. Compare black
residual. Cracking may be either light.6,10
intergranular or transgranular, ultraviolet radiometer: Meter, usually
depending on the metal and corrosive calibrated at 365 nm, used in
medium.2,10 fluorescent liquid penetrant and
stress raiser: Contour or property change magnetic particle testing to measure
that causes local concentration of the viewing conditions under near
stress.8,10 ultraviolet irradiation.
stress riser: See stress raiser.10 UV: Ultraviolet.
stringer: In wrought materials, an UV-A radiation: Near ultraviolet
elongated configuration of radiation.
microconstituents or foreign material
aligned in the direction of working. V
Commonly, the term is associated vigilance decrement: Degradation of
with elongated oxide or sulfide reliability during performance of
inclusions in steel.2,10 visual activities over a period of time.
substrate: Layer of metal underlying a See also psychophysics.8,10
coating, regardless of whether the viscosity: State or degree of being viscous.
layer is base metal.2,10 The resistance of a fluid to the motion
subsurface discontinuity: Any of its particles.13
discontinuity that does not extend
through the surface of the object in
which it exists.2,10

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 449

visibility: Quality or state of being W
perceivable by the eye. In many
outdoor applications, visibility is water break free: Rinse water, having the
defined in terms of the distance at ability to cover an entire surface in an
which an object can be just perceived unbroken film.2,10
by the eye. In indoor applications it water content: Proportion of water
usually is defined in terms of the contamination of a sample of water
contrast or size of a standard test washable liquid penetrant or lipophilic
object, observed under standardized emulsifier taken from process tank.
viewing conditions, having the same water suspendable particle developer:
threshold as the given object.8,10,14 Developer in which the developer
visible dye penetrant: Liquid penetrant particles are mixed with water to form
characterized by its intense visible a suspension.13
color, usually red. Also called color water tolerance: Amount of water that a
contrast or nonfluorescent penetrant.13 liquid penetrant or emulsifier or wet
visible light: Radiant energy generated in developer can absorb before its
the 400 to 700 nm wavelength effectiveness is impaired.2,10,13
range.6,10,11 water wash: Liquid penetrant removal
vision: Perception by eyesight. See mesopic technique wherein excess liquid
vision, near vision, photopic vision, penetrant is washed or flushed from
scotopic vision.8,10 the test surface with water.13
vision acuity: Ability to distinguish fine water washable penetrant: Liquid
details visually. Quantitatively, it is the penetrant that contains its own
reciprocal of the minimum angular emulsifier, making it water washable.13
separation in minutes of two lines of weld crack: Crack in weld metal.2,10
width subtending one minute of arc wet developer: Developer in which
when the lines are just resolvable as developing powder is applied as
separate.8,10,14 suspension or solution in a liquid,
visual acuity: See vision acuity.10 usually water or solvent.2,10
visual efficiency: Reliability of a visual wetting action: Action of liquid in
system. The term visual efficiency uses spontaneously spreading over and
20/20 near vision acuity as a baseline adhering to solid surfaces.2,10
in the United States for 100 percent white light: Light combining all
visual efficiency.8,10 frequencies in the visible spectrum
visual field: Locus of objects or points in and in equal proportions.8,10
space that can be perceived when head working standard: Work piece or energy
and eyes are kept fixed. The field may source calibrated and used in place of
be monocular or binocular.8,10,14 expensive reference standards. In
visual perception: Interpretation of calibrating of photometers, the
impressions transmitted from the standard would be a light source.8,10
retina to the brain in terms of
information about a physical world
displayed before the eye. Visual
perception involves any one or more
of the following: recognition of the
presence of something (object,
aperture or medium); identifying it;
locating it in space; noting its relation
to other things; identifying its
movement, color, brightness or
visual performance: Quantitative
assessment of the performance of a
visual test, taking into consideration
speed and accuracy.8,10,14
visual task: Appearance and immediate
background of those details and
objects that must be seen for the
performance of a given activity. The
term visual task is a misnomer because
it refers to the visual display itself and
not the task of extracting information
from it.8,10,14
visual testing: Method of nondestructive
testing using electromagnetic radiation
at visible frequencies.8,10
voids: Hollow spots, depressions or
cavities. See also discontinuity.8,10

450 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, third 13. Nondestructive Testing: Liquid Penetrant,

edition: Vol. 1, Leak Testing. fourth edition. Programmed
Columbus, OH: American Society for Instruction Handbook PI-4-2. Ft.
Nondestructive Testing (1998). Worth, Texas: General Dynamics,
2. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, Convair Division (1977).
second edition: Vol. 2, Liquid Penetrant 14. IES Lighting Handbook: Reference
Tests. Columbus, OH: American Volume. New York, NY: Illuminating
Society for Nondestructive Testing Engineering Society of North America
(1982). (1984).
3. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 15. 29 CFR 1910.1200, OSHA Hazard
second edition: Vol. 3, Radiography and Communication Standard. Washington,
Radiation Testing. Columbus, OH: DC: Occupational Safety and Health
American Society for Nondestructive Administration, United States
Testing (1985). Department of Labor (1998).
4. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 4, Electromagnetic
Testing. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing
5. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 5, Acoustic
Emission Testing. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (1987).
6. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 6, Magnetic Particle
Testing. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing
7. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 7, Ultrasonic
Testing. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing
8. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 8, Visual and
Optical Testing. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (1993).
9. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 9, Special
Nondestructive Testing Methods.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (1995).
10. Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
second edition: Vol. 10, Nondestructive
Testing Overview. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (1997).
11. 1997 Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
Section 3, Metals Test Methods and
Analytical Procedures: Vol. 03.03,
Nondestructive Testing. Philadelphia,
PA: American Society for Testing and
Materials (1997).
12. EPRI Learning Modules. Charlotte, NC:
Electric Power Research Institute
(various years).

Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary 451


Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT17 (453-482) 8/13/99 12:57 PM Page 454

Introduction General
This bibliography lists published works
cited in the references at the end of each Engineering
chapter, as well as other works not cited
elsewhere in this volume. A listing in this Colangelo, V.J. and F.A. Heiser. Analysis of
bibliography is not be construed as any Metallurgical Failure, second edition.
sort of endorsement or recommendation New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
of a technique, a service or equipment (1987).
described. Gruzleski, J.E. and B. Closet. The Treatment
The bibliography is divided into of Liquid Aluminum-Silicon Alloys. Des
sections, and a published work is Plaines, IL: American Foundrymens
generally cited only once. The reader is Society (1990).
therefore urged to look in more than one IES Lighting Handbook: Reference Volume.
section of the bibliography. A publication New York, NY: Illuminating
on fluorescent indication enhancement, Engineering Society of North America
for example, may be found under Specific (1984).
Techniques or under Evaluation of Liquid Lide, D.R., ed. CRC Handbook of Chemistry
Penetrant Materials and Systems or under and Physics, 76th edition. Cleveland,
Lighting and Indication Visibility but not OH: Chemical Rubber Company
under more than one of those headings. (1995-96).
The bibliography headings are the Polushkin, E.P. Defects and Failures of
following. Metals: Their Origin and Elimination.
New York, NY: Elsevier Publishing
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Company (1956).
Engineering Rogers, B.A. The Nature of Metals. ASM
Nondestructive Testing International, Materials Park, OH;
History Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA
Measurement Units (1964).
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Specific Techniques Nondestructive Testing
Specific Applications
Barer, R.D. and B.F. Peters. Why Metals
Liquid Penetrant Materials . . . . . . . . 462
Fail. New York, NY: Gordon and
Chemistry Breach Science Publishers (1970).
Environmental and Safety Concerns
Bray, D.E. and R.K. Stanley. Nondestructive
Liquid Penetrant System and Evaluation: A Tool in Design,
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 Manufacturing, and Service, revised
Precleaning edition. Boca Raton, LA: CRC Press
Automation (1996).
Lighting and Indication Visibility . . . 472 EPRI Learning Modules. Charlotte, NC:
Ultraviolet Radiation
Electric Power Research Institute
(various years).
Evaluation of Liquid Penetrant Halmshaw, R. Non-Destructive Testing.
Materials and Systems . . . . . . . . . . 473 London, United Kingdom: Edward
Sensitivity Arnold (Publishers) Limited (1987).
Standard Test Pieces for Reference and Hull, B. and V. John. Non-Destructive
Comparison Testing. Basingstoke, Hampshire,
Standards and Specifications . . . . . . 477 United Kingdom: Macmillan Press
Personnel Qualification and Limited (1988).
Certification McGonnagle, W.J. Nondestructive Testing.
Process Oriented, Current New York, NY: Gordon and Breach
Process Oriented, Inactive Science Publishers (1961).
Product Oriented, Current NASA-STD-P-015 (1998). [Previous version
Product Oriented, Inactive published as] MSFC-STD-1249,
Other Methods Using Liquid Standard, NDE Guidelines and
Penetrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Requirements for Fracture Control
Filtered Particle Testing Programs. Huntsville, AL: Marshall
Leak Testing Space Flight Center.
Radiometrically Opaque Liquid Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second
Penetrants edition: Vol. 10, Nondestructive Testing
Overview. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing

454 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Nondestructive Testing Manual. Taylor, B.N. The International System of
Indianapolis, IN: United States Auto Units (SI). NIST Special Publication 330
Club (1994). [translation of International Bureau of
Struk, D. NDT in the Foundry. Columbus, Weights and Measures, Le Systme
OH: American Society for International dUnits (SI), sixth edition
Nondestructive Testing (1995). (1991)]. Gaithersburg, MD: United
Wenk, S.A. and R.C. McMaster. Choosing States Department of Commerce
NDT: Applications, Costs and Benefits of (1991).
Nondestructive Testing in Your Quality
Assurance Program. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive Liquid Penetrant Testing
Testing (1987).
Abend, K. Surface Crack Detection Using
Magnetic Particle Techniques and
History Penetrant Inspection Method. 7th
European Conference on Non-Destructive
Flaherty, J.J. History of Penetrants: The Testing: Proceedings. [Copenhagen,
First 20 Years, 1941-61 (Yesteryears). Denmark]. Vol. 3. Broendby, Denmark:
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 44, No. 12. 7th ECNDT (May 1998): p 2886-2892.
Columbus, OH: American Society for Betz, C.E. Principles of Penetrants. Chicago,
Nondestructive Testing (November IL: Magnaflux Corporation (1963).
1986): p 1371-1374, 1376, 1378, Second edition (1976).
1380, 1382. Beza, P.M. Standard Processes for Liquid
Mooz, W.E. Retrospective of Loy W. Penetrant Inspection [in Romanian
Sockman (Yesteryears). Materials with English abstract]. Simpozionul
Evaluation. Vol. 50, No. 8. Columbus, Asociatiei Romane de Examinari
OH: American Society for Nedistructive [Hunedoara, Romania].
Nondestructive Testing (August 1992): Vol. 1-A. Bucharest, Romania:
p 961-964. Romanian Association for
Skeie, K.S. Forty Years with Green Nondestructive Testing [ARoENd]
Fingernails. Manuscript (1999). (May 1994): p 175-183.
Taylor, F.J. The Coldfire Boys. Saturday Boisvert, B.[W.] Principles and Applications
Evening Post (1 January 1949): p 29, 44. of Liquid Penetrant Testing: A Classroom
Thomas, W.E. Magnaflux Corporation: Training Text. Columbus, OH:
A History. Chicago, IL: Magnaflux American Society for Nondestructive
Corporation (1979). Testing (1993).
Boisvert, B.W. The Fluorescent Penetrant
Hydrophilic Remover Process. Report
Measurement Units 81-463-3. Dayton, OH: Universal
Technology Corporation (1981).
Guide to the Use of the Metric System [SI Borovikov, A.S. Current State and
Version], fourteenth edition. Prediction of Development of
Northridge, CA: United States Metric Penetration Flaw Inspection Methods.
Association (1999). Technical Diagnostics and Nondestructive
IEEE/ASTM SI 10-1997, Standard for Use of Testing. Vol. 3, No. 4. Kiev, Ukraine:
the International System of Units (SI): E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute,
The Modernized Metric System. National Academy of Sciences of the
Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Ukraine (October-December 1991):
Testing and Materials (1996). p 243-254.
Quantities and Units: ISO Standards Bossi, R.H. and J.R. Ambrosino. Penetrant
Handbook, third edition. [Contains and Magnetic-Particle Inspection for
ISO 31 and ISO 1000.] Geneva, Material Integrity. Livermore, CA:
Switzerland: International Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Organization for Standardization (August 1983).
(1993). Available from American Bouzard, C. Principles of Nondestructive
National Standardization Institute, Testing Using Penetrants [in French].
New York, NY. Qualit Revue Pratique de Contrle
Le Systme International d'Units (SI), 1998: Industriel. Vol. 24, No. 135.
The International System of Units (SI), (November 1985): p 67-68.
seventh edition. Svres, France: Bureau Brittain, P.I. The Selection and Use of
International des Poids et Mesures Modern Fluorescent Penetrant
(1998). Systems. Conference Proceedings: The
Taylor, B.N. Guide for the Use of the Seventh International Conference on
International System of Units (SI). NIST Nondestructive Testing [Warsaw,
Special Publication 811, 1995 edition. Poland]. Vol. 2, Paper E-06. Warsaw,
Washington, DC: United States Poland: Instytut Podstawowych
Government Printing Office (1995). Problemw Techniki Polskiej Akademii
Nauk (June 1973): p 189-193.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 455

Broz, A.L. Fluorescent Penetrant Hurst, T. Penetrant and Magnetic Particle
Inspection: Lessons Learned. ASNT Proof (Tech Tips). Materials
Fall Conference and Quality Testing Show Evaluation. Vol. 53, No. 4. Columbus,
Paper Summaries [Nashville, TN]. OH: American Society for
Columbus, OH: American Society for Nondestructive Testing (April 1995):
Nondestructive Testing p 488.
(October 1998): p 107. Iddings, F.A. The Basics of Liquid
Canadian General Standards Board. Penetrant Testing (Back to Basics).
Manual on Liquid Penetrant Inspection. Materials Evaluation. Vol. 44, No. 12.
48-GP-1212M. Ottawa, Ontario, Columbus, OH: American Society for
Canada: Canadian Government Nondestructive Testing (November
Publishing Center (1977). 1986): p 1364.
DeForest, T. Penetrant Testing. Lednick, C.W.H. and B.A. Collins.
Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 16, No. 4. Reminders for Liquid Penetrant
Columbus, OH: American Society for Inspectors. Materials Evaluation.
Nondestructive Testing (July-August Vol. 42, No. 8. Columbus, OH:
1958): p 333-337. American Society for Nondestructive
Everett, R. Magnetic Particle and Testing (July 1984): p 980-981.
Penetrant Testing. Nondestructive Lomerson, E.O., Jr. Liquid Penetrants
Testing Australia. Vol. 22, No. 2. (Back to Basics). Materials Evaluation.
Parkville, Victoria, Australia: Australian Vol. 35, No. 11. Columbus, OH:
Institute for Non-Destructive Testing American Society for Nondestructive
(March-April 1985): p 41-46. Reprinted Testing (November 1977): p 24, 26,
in Canadian Society for Nondestructive 28-30.
Testing Journal. Vol. 6, No. 9. Lomerson, E.O., Jr. Liquid Penetrants
Mississauga, Canada: Canadian Society (Back to Basics). Materials Evaluation.
for Nondestructive Testing Vol. 36, No. 1. Columbus, OH:
(November 1985): p 46-48, 50, 52-53. American Society for Nondestructive
Fricker, R.T. Training and Qualification of Testing (January 1978): p 22-28.
Liquid Penetrant Inspectors. Paper Lovejoy, D.[J.] Penetrant Testing: A Practical
Summaries: Spring Conference [Phoenix, Guide. London, United Kingdom:
AZ]. Columbus, OH: American Society Chapman and Hall (1991).
for Nondestructive Testing (March Lovejoy, D.J. The Past, Present and
1977). Future of Penetrant Testing. Insight.
General Dynamics. Programmed Instruction Vol. 38, No. 7. Northampton, United
Handbook PI-4-2. Nondestructive Testing: Kingdom: British Institute of
Liquid Penetrant, fourth edition. Fort Non-Destructive Testing (July 1996):
Worth, TX: General Dynamics, p 509-511.
Convair Division (1977). Lovejoy, D.J. Penetrant Methods: Part 1,
General Dynamics. Classroom Training The Penetrant Method in Outline.
Handbook, CT-6-2. Nondestructive Insight. Vol. 41, No. 5. Northampton,
Testing: Liquid Penetrant, fourth United Kingdom: British Institute of
edition. Fort Worth, TX: General Non-Destructive Testing (May 1999):
Dynamics, Convair Division (1977). p 310-311.
Graham, B.[C.] Selection of a Penetrant Lovejoy, D.J. Penetrant Methods: Part 2,
Method. Paper Summaries: 37th Penetrant Removal. Insight. Vol. 41,
National Fall Conference [Detroit, MI]. No. 6. Northampton, United
Columbus, OH: American Society for Kingdom: British Institute of Non-
Nondestructive Testing (October Destructive Testing (June 1999):
1977): p 391-392. p 396-397.
Hagemaier, D.J. Replication of Penetrant Lovejoy, D.J. Penetrant Methods: Part 3,
and Magnetic Particle Crack Drying, Developer Application and
Indications. 11th World Conference on Inspection. Insight. Vol. 41, No. 7.
Nondestructive Testing [Las Vegas, Northampton, United Kingdom:
Nevada]. Vol. 1. Columbus, OH: British Institute of Non-Destructive
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (July 1999): p 466-467.
Testing (November 1985): p 323-329. Marks, D. Problems in the NDT World:
Hardy, G.L. Liquid Penetrant Inspection The Penetrant Inspection Method
Technology: Today and Tomorrow. (Back to Basics). Materials Evaluation.
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 49, No. 9. Vol. 52, No. 10. Columbus, OH:
Columbus, OH: American Society for American Society for Nondestructive
Nondestructive Testing (September Testing (October 1994): p 1152-1156,
1991): p 1174, 1176. 1158-1159.

456 Liquid Penetrant Testing

3PT17 (453-482) 8/13/99 12:57 PM Page 457

Migoun, N. and P. Prokhorenko. Alburger, J.R. Signal-to-Noise Ratio in the

Development of Theory and Practice Inspection Penetrant Process.
of Liquid Penetrant Testing. 7th Materials Evaluation. Vol. 32, No. 9.
European Conference on Non-Destructive Columbus, OH: American Society for
Testing: Proceedings [Copenhagen, Nondestructive Testing (September
Denmark]. Vol. 3. Broendby, Denmark: 1974): p 193-200.
7th ECNDT (May 1998): p 2871-2878. Alburger, J.R. Spray-Scrubber Materials
Nondestructive Testing Handbook, first and Use Methods in Inspection
edition: Vol. 1. Sections 6-8. New Penetrant Processes. Materials
York, NY: Ronald Press (1959). Evaluation. Vol. 29, No. 1. Columbus,
Columbus, OH: American Society for OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (reprint). Nondestructive Testing (January 1971):
Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second p 13-19.
edition: Vol. 2, Liquid Penetrant Tests. Alburger, J.R. Two New Approaches to
Columbus, OH: American Society for the Design of LOX-Usage Inspection
Nondestructive Testing (1982). Penetrant Systems, Materials
Nondestructive Testing Methods. TO33B-1-1 Evaluation. Vol. 28, No. 2. Columbus,
(NAVAIR 01-1A-16) TM43-0103. OH: American Society for
Washington, DC: Department of Nondestructive Testing (February
Defense (June 1984). 1970): p 32-36.
Prokhorenko, P.P. and N.P. Migun. Allinikov, S. Fluorescent Detection of Flaws.
Introduction to the Theory of Capillary United States Patent 4 331 871
Testing. Minsk, Russia: Nauka I (May 1982).
Tekhnika (1988). Armstrong, C.H. High Defect-Resolution
RN 33572, Practical Surface Methods Capability from a
(Dye Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Computer-Controlled Fluorescent
Inspection). TSD-9-83, Mini-Seminar Penetrant Processing and Viewing
on Nondestructive Testing [Pretoria, System. Materials Evaluation. Vol. 44,
South Africa]. Pretoria, South Africa: No. 12. Columbus, OH: American
Council for Scientific and Industrial Society for Nondestructive Testing
Research, Production Engineering (November 1986): p 1426-1429.
Advisory Service, Technical Services Aufricht, G. and H.W. Berg. Application
Department (October 1983). of the Electrostatic Spray Method.
Selner, R. Dye Penetrant and Magnetic 2nd European Conference on
Particle Inspection. Welding Journal. Non-Destructive Testing. Vienna,
Vol. 61, No. 2. Miami, FL: American Austria: Austrian Society of
Welding Society (February 1982): Non-Destructive Testing (September
p 28-31. 1981): p 204-207.
Smilie, R.W., ed. Classroom Training Bailey, W.H. An Untypical Fluorescent
Handbook, CT-2. Nondestructive Testing: Penetrant Evaluation (Back to Basics).
Liquid Penetrant, fourth edition. Materials Evaluation. Vol. 40, No. 13.
Harrisburg, NC: PH Diversified (1998). Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (December
1982): p 1336, 1338-1340.
Birley, R.E., N.H. Hyam and T.
Miscellaneous Tebbenham. Removal Techniques in
Penetrant Inspection Processes, Their
Development and Effect on
Specific Techniques Sensitivity. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on
Alburger, J.R. A Do-It-Yourself Approach Nondestructive Testing [Montreal,
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Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 463

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Removers (Back to Basics). Materials Liquid Penetrant Composition for
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OH: American Society for Patent 2 096 161 (November 1982).
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p 18, 30. Post-Emulsion Fluorescent Penetrant
Mooz, W.E. Technical Differences among Inspection. Nondestructive Testing.
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464 Liquid Penetrant Testing

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Vol. 37, No. 10. Columbus, OH: Interaction of Two Liquids in a
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Testing (September 1979): p 52-56, 61. Technology of Liquid-Penetrant
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OH: American Society for Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier
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Journal, Japan. Vol. 1, No. 4. Tokyo, Lovejoy, D.J. Replacing Volatile Organic
Japan: Energiteknik (November 1983): Solvents in Penetrant Testing. Insight.
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Show Paper Summaries [Seattle, WA]. Molina, O.G. Dry Developer Composition for
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Nondestructive Testing (October Employing Same. United States
1996): p 61-63. Patent 4 069 419 (January 1978).
Molina, O.G. Extender for Dye Penetrant
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Patent Cooperation Treaty Wo. Application. United States
9 107 654 (May 1991). Patent 4 041 310 (August 1977).

Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 465

Mooz, W.E. Aerosol Propellant Changes Yamada, H., T. Kaneko and K. Kitamura.
for Penetrant Spray Cans. Materials Development of Low Temperature
Evaluation. Vol. 37, No. 9. Columbus, Penetrant [in Japanese]. Journal of
OH: American Society for JSNDI. Vol. 41, No. 5. Tokyo, Japan:
Nondestructive Testing (August 1979): Japanese Society for Nondestructive
p 17-18. Inspection (May 1992): p 275-281.
Penetrant Community Responds Zhenwang, L., T. Huifang and H. Xiutang.
(Forum). Materials Evaluation. Vol. 51, Metallic Penetrant Testing
No. 6. Columbus, OH: American Mechanism and Penetrant Agent
Society for Nondestructive Testing Molecular Structure. Seventh
(June 1993): p 728. Asian-Pacific Conference on
Prokhorenko, P.P. and N.P. Migoun. Nondestructive Testing {Shanghai,
Kinetics of the Process of Absorption China]. Shanghai, China: APCNDT:
of the Penetrant by Sorption p 728-733.
Developer in Penetrant Inspection.
I. Plane Parallel Cracks. Defektoskopiya
The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Environmental and Safety
Testing. No. 9. New York, NY: Concerns
Consultants Bureau (1985): p 77-89.
Purex Corporation Limited. Heat Stable, ASTM D 93, Standard Test Methods for
Flaw Detecting, Fluorescent Penetrant Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed
Composition. British Patent 2 109 395 Cup Tester. West Conshohocken, PA:
(July 1983). American Society for Testing and
Robertson, A.J. Heat Stable Fluorescent Materials (1997).
Penetrants. Paper S 2. 4th Pan Pacific Alburger, J.R. Clarification of Waste
Conference on Nondestructive Testing Water Containing Inspection
[Sydney, Australia]. Vol. 1. Parkville, Penetrant and Emulsifier
Victoria, Australia: Australian Institute Contaminants. Materials Evaluation.
for Non-Destructive Testing Vol. 31, No. 9. Columbus, OH:
(November 1983). American Society for Nondestructive
Sarpotdar, P.P. Transdermal Steroid Penetrant Testing (September 1973): p 188-192.
Compositions and Methods Utilizing America Conference of Governmental
Isopropanol and Isobutanol. United Industrial Hygienists. TLVs and Other
States Patent 4 942 158 (July 1990). Occupational Exposure Values. CD-ROM.
Schmidt and S.H. Song. Halogen Testing Cincinnati, OH: American Conference
of Penetrant Inspection Materials. of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 31, No. 8. (1998).
Columbus, OH: American Society for Brown, G. Aircraft Penetrant Inspection
Nondestructive Testing (August 1973): Environmental Health and Safety
p 155-163. Changes. Non-Destructive Testing
Spanner, J.C. Methods and Reasons for Australia. Vol. 32, No. 1. Parkville,
Measuring the Chloride Content in Victoria, Australia: Australian Institute
Liquid Penetrant Materials. Materials for Non-Destructive Testing
Evaluation. Vol. 30, No. 6. Columbus, (January-February 1995): p 11-12.
OH: American Society for 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and
Nondestructive Testing (June 1972): Health Standards. [Code of Federal
p 126-135. Regulations: Title 29, Labor.]
Tugrul, A.B. Capillarity Effect Analysis for Washington, DC: United States
Alternative Liquid Penetrant Department of Labor, Occupational
Chemicals. NDT&E International. Safety and Health Administration;
Vol. 30, No. 1. Kidlington, Oxford, Government Printing Office (1998).
United Kingdom: Elsevier Science 29 CFR 1910.106, Flammable and
Limited (1997): 18-23. Combustible Liquids. [Code of Federal
Warren, L.F., Jr. Chemiluminescent Dye Regulations: Title 29, Labor.]
Penetrant Process and Composition. Washington, DC: United States
United States Patent 5 389 302 Department of Labor, Occupational
(February 1995). Safety and Health Administration;
Weissteiner, R., O. Ganglbauer and United States Government Printing
H. Klumpf. Physical-Chemical Office (1998).
Parameters [of] Liquid Penetrant 29 CFR 1910.1200, OSHA Hazard
Testing. 2nd European Conference on Communication Standard. [Code of
Non-Destructive Testing. Vienna, Federal Regulations: Title 29, Labor.]
Austria: Austrian Society for Washington, DC: United States
Nondestructive Testing (September Department of Labor, Occupational
1981): p 201-203. Safety and Health Administration;
United States Government Printing
Office (1998).

466 Liquid Penetrant Testing

40 CFR 63, National Emission Studies for Malins, R. J., D. McCall and G.W. Rhodes.
Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Systems Level Considerations for
Categories. [Code of Federal Regulations: Environmentally Responsive
Title 40, Protection of Environment.] Fluorescent Penetrant Testing (FPT).
Washington, DC: United States Materials Evaluation. Vol. 51, No. 3.
Environmental Protection Agency; Columbus, OH: American Society for
Government Printing Office (July Nondestructive Testing (March 1993):
1998). p 338-346, 348, 350-351; see also
Eighth Report on Carcinogens. Washington, Vol. 51, No. 5 (May 1993), p 554;
DC: National Toxicology Program, Vol. 51, No. 6 (June 1993): p 728.
United States Department of Health Molina, O.G. Extended Biodegradable Dye
and Human Services (1998). Penetrant Composition. United States
Groeninger, S. Environmental Aspects of Patent 4 392 982 (July 1983).
Liquid Penetrant Inspection. NDT Molina, O.G. Liquid Oxygen Compatible
Tools of Tomorrow: CSNDT 30th Biodegradable Dye Penetrant and Method
Anniversary Conference Proceedings of Dye. United States Patent 3989949
[Niagara Falls, Canada]. Mississauga, (November 1976).
Canada: Canadian Society for Molina, O.G. Liquid Oxygen Compatible
Nondestructive Testing (May 1995): Biodegradable Dye Penetrant
p 80-86. Compositions and Method of Dye.
Hahn, J.A. Penetrant Waste Disposal United States Patent 4 035 641 (July
The Waste Treatment Plant 1977).
Perspective. Materials Evaluation. Mooz, W.E. Safety Aspects of Aerosol
Vol. 52, No. 3. Columbus, OH: Penetrant Materials (Back to Basics).
American Society for Nondestructive Materials Evaluation. Vol. 42, No. 10.
Testing (March 1994): p 361-362. Columbus, OH: American Society for
Harding, N.G. and D.J. Lovejoy. Nondestructive Testing (September
Environmental Controls for 1984): p 1192, 1194; See also Materials
Penetrant Inspection. CSNDT Journal. Evaluation, Vol. 42, No. 13 (December
Vol. 12, No. 6. Mississauga, Canada: 1984): p 1561-1562.
Canadian Society for Nondestructive Mooz, W.E. The Interaction of
Testing (December 1991): p 22-26. Flammability and Toxicity in an
Hardy, G.L. and W.E. Mooz. The Impact Aerosol Product (in NDT Penetrants).
of Environmental Concerns on Journal of Hazardous Materials. Vol. 10,
Penetrant Inspection Materials. No. 2-3. (July 1985): p 179-187.
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 50, No. 11. NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical
Columbus, OH: American Society for Substances. HEW Publication NIOSH
Nondestructive Testing (November 78-104A. Washington, DC: United
1992): p 1283-1285. States Department of Health,
Hessinger, P. and M.L. White. Treatment Education and Welfare (1978).
Alternatives for Liquid Penetrant Rinse Okada, K. Development of the
Waters. Materials Evaluation. Vol. 56, Chlorofluorocarbon-Free Visible Dye
No. 8. Columbus, OH: American Penetrant [in Japanese]. Journal of
Society for Nondestructive Testing JSNDI. Vol. 42, No. 8. Tokyo, Japan:
(August 1998): p 969-970. Japanese Society for Nondestructive
Holmgren, V.[A.G.] Penetrant Materials Inspection (August 1993): p 441-447.
Are They Biodegradable? 1989 Fall OSHA 174, Material Safety Data Sheet.
Conference ASNT Program and Paper USGPO 1986-491-529/45775.
Summaries [Valley Forge, PA]. Washington, DC: United States
Columbus, OH: American Society for Department of Labor, Occupational
Nondestructive Testing Safety and Health Administration;
(October 1989): p 39-40. Government Printing Office (1986).
Jacobsen. Control of Effluents Arising Robinson, S.J. Here Today, Gone
from Liquid Penetrant Processes. Tomorrow: Replacing Methyl
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 31, No. 6. Chloroform in the Penetrant Process
Columbus, OH: American Society for (NDT Solution). Materials Evaluation.
Nondestructive Testing (June 1973): Vol. 50, No. 8. Columbus, OH:
p 106-108. American Society for Nondestructive
Key, M.M. et al. Occupational Diseases A Testing (August 1992): p 936, 938-940,
Guide to Their Recognition. DHEW 942-943, 945-946.
publication NIOSH 77-181. Robinson, S.J. Issues Concerning the
Washington, DC: National Institute Disposal of Waste Penetrant Materials
for Occupational Safety and Health (Back to Basics). Materials Evaluation.
[NIOSH], United States Department of Vol. 49, No. 8. Columbus, OH:
Health, Education, and Welfare American Society for Nondestructive
[DHEW]; Superintendent of Testing (August 1991): p 962-967, 969.
Documents, United States
Government Printing Office (1977).

Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 467

Schmidt, J.T. Management of Inspection
Material Waste. Materials Evaluation.
Vol. 44, No. 12. Columbus, OH:
Liquid Penetrant System
American Society for Nondestructive and Process
Testing (November 1986):
Alburger, J.R. A Closed-Loop Inspection
p 1430-1434.
Penetrant System. Materials
Sherwin, A.G. [and S.J. Robinson]. Issues
Evaluation. Vol. 33, No. 3. Columbus,
Concerning the Disposal of Waste
OH: American Society for
Penetrant Materials. 1990 ASNT Fall
Nondestructive Testing (March 1975):
Conference and Quality Testing Show
p 61-66.
[Boston, MA]. Columbus, OH:
Alburger, J.R. CRISP-E Penetrant System.
American Society for Nondestructive
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 36, No. 12.
Testing (September 1990): p 152-154.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Sherwin, A.G. Recycling the
Nondestructive Testing (November
Nonwater-Washable Inspection
1978): p 33-40.
Penetrant. Materials Evaluation.
Alburger, J.R. Method and Means of
Vol. 33, No. 1. Columbus, OH:
Accelerating Removal of Background
American Society for Nondestructive
Entrapments in the Inspection Penetrant
Testing (January 1975): p 16-18, 24.
Process. United States Patent 3 931 733
Sherwin, A.[G.]. and S.[J.]. Robinson.
(January 1976).
Methyl Chloroform, the
Boisvert, B.W., G. Hardy, J.F. Dorgan and
Nonflammable Solvent: Is It Really
R.H. Selner. The Fluorescent
Gone? Materials Evaluation. Vol. 52,
Penetrant Hydrophilic Remover
No. 8. Columbus, OH: American
Process (Part 1) (Back to Basics).
Society for Nondestructive Testing
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 41, Nos. 1.
(August 1994): p 910-911.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Shizong, C. and C. Gouyu. Control of
Nondestructive Testing (January 1983):
Harmful Impurities in Test Agents
p 34, 36, 38, 40-42. Part 2, No. 2
Applied on Workpiece Surfaces.
(February 1983): p 134-137.
Non-Destructive Testing 92: Proceedings
Brandt, H.J. Criterions for the Choice of
of the 13th World Conference on
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Non-Destructive Testing [So Paulo,
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Brazil]. Vol. 1. Amsterdam,
Materialprfung. Vol. 25, No. 5. Berlin,
Netherlands: Elsevier Science
Germany: Bundesanstalt fr
Publishers (October 1992): p 527-529.
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Simon, Harald. Treatment of Industrial
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Burkle, W.S. and B.K. Fraser. The Effect of
Situation, Problems, Solutions [in
Mechanical Paint Removal on the
German]. Materialprfung. Vol. 29,
Detectability of Cracks by Visual,
No. 5. Dsseldorf, Germany:
Magnetic Particle, and Liquid Dye
VDI-Verlag (May 1987): p 132-136.
Penetrant Testing (Back to Basics).
Threshold Limit Values for Chemical
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 45, No. 8.
Substances and Physical Agents and
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Biologic Exposure Indices. Cincinnati,
Nondestructive Testing (August 1987):
OH: American Conference of
p 874-875.
Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Campbell, W.B. and R.C. McMaster.
Derivation of Penetrant-Developer
Wheeler, D.G. Penetrant Systems,
Resolution. Materials Evaluation.
Minimisation of Adverse
Vol. 25, No. 5. Columbus, OH:
Environmental Impact. 6th European
American Society for Nondestructive
Conference on Non Destructive Testing
Testing (May 1967): p 126-128.
[Nice, France]. Vol. 1. Paris, France:
Conrad, D.A. and G.R. Caudill.
Confederation Franaise pour les Essais
Determination of Effects of Plastic
Non Destructifs (COFREND); for the
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Nondestructive Testing [ECNDT]
Inspection in Wrought Aluminum
(October 1994): p 699-702.
Alloys. Materials Evaluation. Vol. 48,
No. 8. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing
(August 1990): p 985-990, 1000.

468 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Cook, J.F., R.J. Lord and R.J. Roehrs. Prokhorenko, P.P. and N.P. Migun.
Quantitative Evaluation of the Effect Kinetics of Absorption of Penetrant
of Mechanical Processing on the by Sorption Developer from Defects of
Effectiveness of Penetrant Inspection. Porous Objects. Soviet Journal of
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 32, No. 7. Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 26, No. 1.
Columbus, OH: American Society for New York, NY: Plenum Consultants
Nondestructive Testing (July 1974): Bureau (September 1990): p 53-59.
p 133-141. Purex Corporation. Post Emulsifiable
Engelbart, R.W. Etching for Localized Fluorescent Penetrant. United States
Penetrant Inspection. Materials Patent 4 377 492 (March 1983).
Evaluation. Vol. 43, No. 9. Columbus, Rudis, R.J. Penetrant Inspection by
OH: American Society for Electrostatic Spray Method. Materials
Nondestructive Testing (August 1985): Evaluation. Vol. 27, No. 4. Columbus,
p 1062. OH: American Society for
Garcia, V.A. Time-Concentration Nondestructive Testing (April 1969):
Envelope of Hydrophilic Removers p 25A.
11th World Conference on Nondestructive Schaefer, L.A. A Review of Pre-Penetrant
Testing [Las Vegas, NV]. Vol. 1. Surface Enhancement Techniques and
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Nondestructive Testing Approach. ASNT Spring Conference
(November 1985): p 311-316. [Orlando, FL]. Columbus, OH:
Magnaflux Corporation. Dual-Purpose American Society for Nondestructive
Penetrant System. United States Testing (March-April 1992): p 171-173.
Patent 4 331 027 (May 1982). Sekerin, A.M. and A.P. Kornev. Effect of
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Temperature Penetrant System. Efficiency of Product Inspection with
United States Patent 4 351 185 the Use of Liquid Penetrants. Russian
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Malkes, L.Y., L.I. Sukiasova, A.K. Denel Vol. 32, No. 10. New York, NY:
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(February 1985): p 392-395. OH: American Society for
McFaul, H.J. Effect of Finishing Processes Nondestructive Testing (March 1974):
on Detectability of Surface Flaws by p 63-67.
Penetrant Process. Materials Sherwin, A.G. Overremoval Propensities
Evaluation. Vol. 23, No. 12. Columbus, of the Prewash Hydrophilic Emulsifier
OH: American Society for Fluorescent Penetrant Process.
Nondestructive Testing (December Materials Evaluation. Vol. 41, No. 3.
1965): p 577-582. Columbus, OH: American Society for
McGarry, G. Fluorescent Penetrant Nondestructive Testing (March 1983):
Remote Visual Inspection. ASNT 1992 p 294-299.
Fall Conference and Quality Testing Show Sherwin, A.G. Still a Good Rule: Visible
[Chicago, IL]. Columbus, OH: Penetrant Inspection Not to Precede
American Society for Nondestructive Fluorescent (Back to Basics). Materials
Testing (November 1992): p 186-187. Evaluation. Vol. 48, No. 12. Columbus,
McGarry, G. Fluorescent Penetrant OH: American Society for
Remote Visual Inspection. ASNT 1993 Nondestructive Testing (December
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System and Method for Using Same. Parkville, Victoria, Australia: Australian
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United States Patent 2 871 697
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Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 469

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476 Liquid Penetrant Testing

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Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 477

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Mooz, W.E. Important Changes in U.S. ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP),
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Ness, S., W.O. Holden and C.E. Moss. NDT Personnel General Principles.
Need for Clarity in Military Standards Brussels, Belgium: European
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Radiation in Penetrant and Magnetic ISO 9712, Nondestructive Testing
Particle NDT Inspection Processes. Qualification and Certification of
Materials Evaluation. Vol. 48, No. 3. Personnel. Geneva, Switzerland:
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p 354, 357-358, 360, 362, 364-365. Magnetic Particle and Penetrant Testing
Ostrowski, R. The Need to Unify the (AINDT Syllabus and Examination
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in Penetrant Inspection. Proceedings of Nondestructive Testing Australia.
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Publishers (April 1989): p 421-423. Walter, K.D. An Innovative Approach to
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478 Liquid Penetrant Testing

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: 46 CFR 56, Piping Systems and
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Mechanical Engineers. Washington, DC: United States
ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for Department of Transportation, United
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West States Coast Guard; United States
Conshohocken, PA: American Society Government Printing Office (1995).
for Testing and Materials (1995). KSC-SPEC-Z-0013, Penetrant, Magnetic
ASTM E 433, Standard Reference Particle and Ultrasonic Inspection
Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Requirements for, Specification for.
Inspection. West Conshohocken, PA: Washington, DC: National
American Society for Testing and Aeronautical and Space
Materials (1993). Administration, Kennedy Space
ASTM E 1135, Standard Test Method for Center.
Comparing the Brightness of Fluorescent MIL-HDBK-728/3, Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Penetrants. West Conshohocken, PA: Washington, DC: United States
American Society for Testing and Department of Defense (Validation
Materials (1992). Notice July 1992).
ASTM E 1208, Standard Test Method for MSFC-STD-366(1), Penetrant Inspection
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination Method. Huntsville, AL: Marshall Space
Using the Lipophilic Post-Emulsification Flight Center.
Process. West Conshohocken, PA: MIL-STD-1689A, Fabrication, Welding, and
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Materials (1994). [superseding MIL-STD-1689, December
ASTM E 1209, Standard Test Method for 1983]. Washington, DC: United States
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Using the Water-Washable Process. West 1990).
Conshohocken, PA: American Society MIL-STD-1907, Inspection, Liquid Penetrant
for Testing and Materials (1994). and Magnetic Particle, Soundness
ASTM E 1210, Standard Test Method for Requirements and Materials, Parts and
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Using the Hydrophilic Post-Emulsification Department of Defense; United States
Process. West Conshohocken, PA: Government Printing Office.
American Society for Testing and MIL-STD-2035, Nondestructive Testing
Materials (1994). Acceptance Criteria [supersedes
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Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination Washington, DC: United States
Using the Solvent-Removable Process. Department of Defense.
West Conshohocken, PA: American MIL-STD-2132A, Nondestructive
Society for Testing and Materials Examination Requirements for Special
(1994). Applications. Washington, DC: United
ASTM E 1220, Standard Test Method for States Department of Defense (March
Visible Liquid Penetrant Examination 1985). (Superceding MIL-STD-2132,
Using the Solvent-Removable Process. January 1981.)
West Conshohocken, PA: American MIL-STD-2175, Castings, Classification and
Society for Testing and Materials Inspection of. Washington, DC: United
(1992). States Department of Defense.
ASTM E 1316, Standard Terminology for NAVSEA Technical Publication T9074,
Nondestructive Examination. West Requirements for Nondestructive Testing
Conshohocken, PA: American Society Methods. Philadelphia, PA: Naval
for Testing and Materials (1998). Inventory Control Point (April 1997).
ASTM E 1417A, Standard Practice for Liquid NAVSEA 59086-54-STM-010, Naval Ships
Penetrant Examination. West Technical Manual. Washington, DC:
Conshohocken, PA: American Society United States Department of Defense
for Testing and Materials (1995). (1997).
ASTM E 1418, Standard Test Method for NAVSHIPS 250-1500-1, Welding Standard.
Visible Penetrant Examination Using the Washington, DC: United States
Water-Washable Process. West Department of Defense, Naval Sea
Conshohocken, PA: American Society Systems Command (revised 1993;
for Testing and Materials (1992). accepted June 1995).
ASTM F 601, Standard Practice for Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels.
Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection of Paramus, NJ: American Bureau of
Metallic Surgical Implants. West Shipping.
Conshohocken, PA: American Society SAE AMS 2647B, Fluorescent Penetrant
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Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 479

SAE AMS 3155C, Oil, Fluorescent Penetrant MIL-STD-6866, Inspection, Liquid Penetrant.
Solvent-Soluble. Warrendale, PA: SAE Washington, DC: Department of
[Society of Automotive Engineers] Defense; United States Government
International (1994). Printing Office (1985). (Cancelled
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Water Washable. Warrendale, PA: SAE E 1417.)
[Society of Automotive Engineers] MSFC-STD-366, Penetrant Inspection
International (1983). Method. Washington, DC: United
SAE AMS 3161A, Oil, Odorless Heavy States Department of Defense (1976).
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of Automotive Engineers] Washington, DC: United States
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Automotive Engineers] International. SAE AMS 3157C, Oil Fluorescent Penetrant
High Fluorescence, Solvent Soluble.
Warrendale, PA: SAE [Society of
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(superseded by ASTM E 1316). West SAE [Society of Automotive Engineers]
Conshohocken, PA: American Society International (1996).
for Testing and Materials.
MIL-C-25343, Certification of Penetrant
Inspection Personnel. Washington, DC: Product Oriented, Active as of
United States Department of Defense July 1999
(cancelled August 1962; superseded by
MIL-STD-410). ASTM A 903/A 903M, Standard
MIL-I-8474, Anodizing Process for Inspection Specification for Steel Castings, Surface
of Aluminum Alloys and Parts Acceptance Standards, Magnetic Particle
(18 September 1946). Washington, and Liquid Penetrant Inspection. West
DC: United States Department of Conshohocken, PA: American Society
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MIL-I-19684, Inspection Penetrants, QPL-AMS-2644, Qualified Products List of
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DC: United States Department of Materials Specification AMS 2644:
Defense (cancelled November 1965). Inspection Material, Penetrant.
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MIL-I-6866B, Inspection, Liquid Penetrant. International (1996).
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Inspection (September 1946).
MIL-STD-271, Nondestructive Testing Product Oriented, Inactive
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Defense; United States Government Inspection Unit, Type MA1. Washington,
Printing Office (June 1986). (Cancelled DC: United States Department of
May 1998; superseded by NAVSEA Defense (Cancelled April 1966;
Technical Publication superseded by MIL-F-38762).
T9074-AS-GIB-010/271.) MIL-F-38762, Fluorescent Penetrant
Inspection Units. Washington, DC:
United States Department of Defense
(cancelled July 1995).

480 Liquid Penetrant Testing

MIL-I-25105, Inspection Unit, Fluorescent Filtered Particle Testing
Penetrant, Type MA2. Washington, DC:
United States Department of Defense Betz, C.E. Two New Testing Methods for
(1955). (Superseded by MIL-F-38762.) Ceramic Products. Nondestructive
MIL-I-25106, Inspection Unit, Fluorescent Testing. Vol. 7, No. 2. Columbus, OH:
Penetrant, Type MA3. Washington, DC: American Society for Nondestructive
United States Department of Defense Testing (Fall 1948): p 22-26.
(1955). DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats. Section 14,
MIL-I-25135, Inspection Materials, Principles and Techniques of Filtered
Penetrants. Washington, DC: United Particle Inspection. Nondestructive
States Department of Defense (1989). Testing Handbook, second edition:
(Cancelled January 1998; superseded Vol. 2, Liquid Penetrant Tests.
by SAE AMS 2644.) Columbus, OH: American Society for
MIL-I-9445A, Inspection Unit, Fluorescent Nondestructive Testing (1982):
Penetrant, General Specification for. p 575-594.
Washington, DC: United States DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats. Method of
Department of Defense (Cancelled Detecting Cracks in Porous Surfaces.
November 1957; superseded by United States Patent 2 516 857
MIL-F-38762). (August 1950).
MIL-P-47158, Penetrant Inspection, DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats. Method of
Soundness Requirements for Materials, Detecting Cracks in Porous Surfaces.
Parts and Weldments. Washington, DC: United States Patent 2 635 329
United States Department of Defense (April 1953).
(1974). (Cancelled August 1989; DeForest, T. and H.N. Staats. Method of
superseded by MIL-STD-1907).) Detecting Cracks in Porous Surfaces.
QPL-25135-17, Inspection Materials, United States Patent 2 636 127
Penetrants. Washington, DC: United (April 1953).
States Department of Defense Staats, H.N. Which Nondestructive Test
(superseded by QPL-AMS-2644, March for Finding Defects in Ceramic Parts.
1998). Materials and Methods. Vol. 36, No. 3.
SAE AMS 3155C, Oil, Fluorescent Penetrant New York, NY: Reinhold Publishing
Solvent-Soluble. Warrendale, PA: SAE Corporation (1952): p 116.
[Society of Automotive Engineers] Staats, H.N. Nondestructive Testing of
International (1994). Green Ware. American Ceramic Society
SAE AMS 3156C, Oil, Fluorescent Penetrant Bulletin. Vol. 29, No. 11. Westerville,
Water Washable. Warrendale, PA: SAE OH: American Ceramic Society
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International (1983). Staats, H.N. The Testing of Ceramics.
Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 10, No. 3.
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Nondestructive Testing (Winter 1952):
Other Methods Using p 23-26.
Staats, H.N. Filtered Particle Inspection of
Liquid Penetrants High Tension Insulators.
Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 11, No. 3.
AT&T. Detecting Flaws in Patterned
Columbus, OH: American Society for
Substrate, by Incorporating
Nondestructive Testing (January 1953):
Fluorescent Dye and Exposing to
p 21-24.
Electromagnetic Radiation (for
Electronic Boards). British Patent
2 144 923 (April 1985); European Leak Testing
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Eapen, A.C., B.L. Ajmera and S.M. Agashe. Davis, L. Pinpointing Vehicle Leaks
Pipeline Leak Location Using Radiotracer Faster with Ultraviolet Light.
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Atomic Research Centre (1983). Columbus, OH: American Society for
IBM Corporation. Detection of Flaws in Nondestructive Testing (November
Printed Circuit Board By Applying 1989): p 1248-1250.
Fluorescing Dye in Polymerisable Marrano, G. Fluorescent Tracer Additives
Solution Curing and Encapsulating as a Nondestructive Inspection
Sample. European Patent 71 872 Technique for Leak Testing (Back to
(April 1983). Basics). Materials Evaluation. Vol. 51,
No. 4. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing
(April 1993): p 436, 438.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography 481

Marrano, G. Leak Detection Using Poeth, D.F., II, C.O. Ruud and S.H. Levine.
UV-Fluorescent Tracers in Power The Measurement of Neutron Cross
Plants (Back to Basics). Materials Sections for Contrast-Enhancing
Evaluation. Vol. 51, No. 6. Columbus, Penetrant Fluids. Research in
OH: American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 8, No. 2.
Nondestructive Testing (June 1993): Columbus, OH: American Society for
p 646. Nondestructive Testing (1996):
Migun, N.P. Calculating the p 67-82.
Characteristics of the Process of Leak Shelton, C.G. and P.R. Marks. Failure of
Tightness Inspection by the Penetrant Ductile Interlayer Composites:
Method. Soviet Journal of High-Resolution X-Radiographic
Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 22, No. 11. Examination Using an Opaque
New York, NY: Plenum/Consultants Penetrant. Journal of Materials Science
Bureau (July 1987): p 789-794. Letters. Vol. 7, No. 6. Norwell, MA:
Kluwer Academic Publishers
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RadiometrIcally Opaque Liquid
Cotterell, K. and R.S. Sharpe. The Use of
Carbon Tetrachloride As a Radiopaque
Penetrant. Nondestructive Testing.
Vol. 20, No. 4. Columbus, OH:
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (July-August 1962): p 234-237.
Kolker, H. and P. Henze. Application of
Microfocus Radiology and Dye
Penetrants in Quality and Fracture
Toughness Determination of Ceramic
Samples. Euro-Ceramics: Vol. 2,
Properties of Ceramics. Amsterdam,
Netherlands: Elsevier Applied Science;
for the European Ceramic Society, c/o
Institute of Materials, Shelton,
Stoke-on-Trent (1989): p 2.192-2.196.
Kolker, H., P. Henze, K.A. Schwetz and A.
Lipp. X-Ray Microfocus and Dye
Penetrant Techniques for Crack
Detection in Ceramics. Proceedings of
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Ceramic Materials and Components for
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November 1988]. Columbus, OH:
American Chemical Society (1989):
p 1122-1140.
Mahoon, A. and F. Stewart. The Use of
Radio-Opaque Penetrants for Study of
Damage in Composites. NDT-86.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual British
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Warley, West Midlands, United
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Poeth, D.F. The Development of the
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Abstracts International. Vol. 54, No. 5
(DA 9326926). Ann Arbor, MI: UMI
(November 1993): P.2685-B.

482 Liquid Penetrant Testing


Readers are encouraged to consult this volumes glossary: glossary entries are detection probability of cracks in flat plates, 16-17, 18
not entered in this index. discontinuities, 352-353
etching, 191-192
fan blades, 158, 362
A fatigue cracks, 246
fluorescent compound chelation with, 397
abrasive blasting. See grit blasting
forgings, 147, 357
abrasive particle size and sieve apertures, 29
ingots, 356-357
abrasive precleaning, 167, 169-170
liquid penetrant testing, 128, 129, 352-358
absolute pressure, 28
mechanical processing effects on liquid penetrant testing, 184-193
absorption, of light. See light absorption
pistons, 144, 145
acceptance/rejection criteria
process induced versus laboratory induced cracks, 251
aerospace applications, 155-158, 385
self-developing liquid penetrant testing, 386-391
critical parts, 64
transparent surface layer test panels, 265-266
decision process, 283
ambient visible light intensity, 226
establishing, 63, 140-141, 154-158
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) requirements, 423
heat source capsule welds, 411
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 75, 80
Navy ships, 424
near ultraviolet exposure limits, 78
acid contamination, 104, 163, 165
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) steel types
removal, 176
AISI 300 series, 350
acid precleaning, 167, 174, 175
AISI 300 or 300M, 190, 193-196, 198, 253, 293, 295, 298
activated carbon, for liquid penetrant recovery, 312-313
AISI 304, 288-292, 293, 296, 298, 299, 369
adhesion energy, 84
AISI 316, 299
aerosol cans. See spray cans
AISI 347, 295, 299
aerospace applications, 46
AISI 400 series, 350
acceptance/rejection criteria, 155, 156-157, 158
AISI 635, 293
automated equipment, 217-225
AISI 1018, 196, 253
cleaning restrictions, 170, 182
AISI 4130, 195-196, 253
custom designed dip stations, 208
AISI 4340, 190, 193-196, 252, 281
depth sensing capability liquid penetrants, 396-397
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 80, 377
developerless, 386-391
ANSI/API 510, 376
fleet maintenance, 404-406
ANSI/ASNT CP-189, 13
fluorescent liquid penetrant cleaning, 181-183
American Petroleum Institute (API), ANSI/API 510, 376
heat source capsules for deep space missions, 407-412
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
history of liquid penetrant testing, 23-26
ANSI/ASNT CP-189, 13, 377
importance of good eyesight for inspectors, 139
Central Certification Program, 13, 377
jet engine blade automatic testing system, 216
NDT Level III, 377
light alloy castings, 357-358
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, 13, 376-377, 381-382
liquid oxygen systems, 393-395
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 63
low/high temperature liquid penetrants, 138
D 95, 110, 112-113, 381
open face honeycomb seals, 398-401
D 129, 300-301, 302
specifications, 380-385
D 516, 302
structural weldment crack enhancement, 402-403
D 808, 300, 303, 304
without developer, 386-391
D 1179, 304
Aerospace Industries Association of America (AIA)
D 1266, 302
AIA NAS 410, 13, 382
D 1552, 300-301
agitation cleaning, 167
D 2441, 300
AIA. See Aerospace Industries Association of America
D 2512, 41
aircraft component testing. See aerospace applications
E 165, 299, 302, 303, 304, 348, 423
aircraft structural integrity program, 404-406
E 433, 61, 154
air knife, 217, 224
E 1417, 100, 109, 183, 236, 348
air pollution control, 70
E 1135, laboratory fluorometer specified by, 111
AISI. See American Iron and Steel Institute
F 22-65, 408
Alburger, James, 20, 25
See also Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography
alkali contamination, 104, 163, 165
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 63
removal, 176
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 247, 300, 348, 364-367, 375, 423
alkaline precleaning, 167, 174, 175
AMS. See SAE International
aluminum and alloys, 9, 344
analog signal processing, laser scanning system, 241-242
alloys, 122, 192, 352, 357
anodized aluminum test panels, 265-266
anodized test panels, 265-266
ANSI/API 510, 376
automotive parts, 425
ANSI/ASNT CP-189, 13, 377
controlled surface cavity test panels, 261-263
aqueous soluble developers. See water soluble developers
cracked comparator blocks, 122, 185-190, 247-251
aqueous suspendible developers. See water suspendible developers chelating liquid penetrant system, 396-397
arc welding, 171 chemical cleaning, 167
ASME. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers aircraft components, 181
ASTM. See American Society for Testing and Materials surfaces damaged by mechanical processing, 184
atomized spray application systems, 215 chemical oxygen demand (COD), 307
audits, nuclear power plants, 374 chinaware cracks, 337
austenitic stainless steel, 345 chlorides
liquid penetrant restrictions, 10 analysis methods, 302-303
liquid penetrant testing, 350 analysis specifications, 300-301
stress corrosion mechanism, 295-299 content restrictions, 41, 288
stress corrosion testing, 289-292 effects on stainless steels, 298
sulfide corrosion, 293 removal, 298
automated liquid penetrant test systems, 8, 35 stress corrosion effects, 289-292
aerospace applications, 217-225 chlorinated hydrocarbon cleaners, 171, 172, 173, 298-299
primary metals production applications, 348 Christmas tree, 144
production line systems, 208-209 chromate residue contamination, 104, 165
automotive part testing, 425-428 chromatography. See ion chromatography
chromic anodization treatment, 137
effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 188, 190
B clarifiers, 318, 319-320
clay tile, laminar cracks in, 330
balling up, wet developers, 116
clayware cracks, filtered particle testing, 327-341
bases, contamination by. See alkali contamination
discontinuities in unfired, 337
bearing shells, 62
prewetting, 335-336
Beer-Lambert law, 90
cleaning, 7, 8, 34
Betz, Carl E., 19-20
aerospace applications, 181-183, 383
bibliography, 453-482
contamination effects, 162-166
billets, 129
and diffuse liquid penetrant indications, 134
biodegradable liquid penetrants, 308
field preparation of parts, 65
biological oxygen demand (BOD), 307
importance of, 35
black light. See ultraviolet radiation
oil field down hole tubular parts, 419
bleedback, 155
postcleaning procedures, 178-180
bleedout, contamination and, 162
precautions, 168
blooms, 129
precleaning procedures, 167-177
blow holes, 62
procedures for various contamination types, 162-165
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME, 247, 300, 348, 364-367, 375, 423
process flowsheet, 167
bomb turbidemetric sulfur test, 302
process selection, 168
bottom hole assembly, 419-420
surface contamination, 163, 164
Brady, Elliot, 24
surfaces damaged by mechanical processing, 184
braze bonds
See also postcleaning; precleaning; removal, liquid penetrants; removers
copper, 417
cleanliness, of processing area, 70
cracks in, 142-143
and surface contamination, 166
open face honeycomb seals, 398-401
clumping, of dry developers, 101
brightness discrimination, 14, 134
coating contamination, 104, 163, 164
reference conditions, 267-268
removal, 177
test panels for background brightness, 264-272
cobalt alloys, fatigue cracks, 279, 282
broad field microscopes, use in liquid penetrant testing, 14
cold discharge tubular fluorescent lamps, 234
brushing, 8, 35
cold shut, 147
buffing, 8, 35
cold working, 130, 169-170
builders, alkaline cleaners, 175
cracks, 143
color, liquid penetrants, 90-91
color blindness, 14, 96
C color contrast liquid penetrants. See visible liquid penetrant testing
candela, 29 color vision, 13-14
capillary pressure, liquid penetrants, 45, 84-86 comparators, comparator blocks and panels
carbide cutting tool testing, 143, 416-418 aluminum quench cracks, 122, 246-251
carbon, 330 controlled surface cavities, 261-263
surfactant adsorption onto, 312-313 liquid penetrant system monitor panel, 259-261
carbon contamination, 163, 164, 174 steel grinding cracks, 253
carbon matrix composite materials, filtered particle testing, 339-341 steel quench cracks, 252
carbon steel, 344 titanium stress corrosion cracking, 251-252
liquid penetrant testing, 350-351 composite carbon matrix materials, filtered particle testing, 339-341
postcleaning to prevent corrosion, 179-180 conical surface indentations, test panels with, 262-263
carcinogens, 76 contact angle, liquid penetrants, 84
care and maintenance. See maintenance contamination, 7, 8, 34
cascading dye process, 25 developers in use, 107-108
cast aluminum alloys, 352-358 effects on liquid penetrant indications, 137
castings, 47 and emulsifier effectiveness, 88
excessive bleedout indications, 60 emulsifiers and removers in use, 106
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing, 344-349, 351 emulsifier tanks, 53-54
liquid penetrant indications, 134 liquid penetrants in storage, 101
mechanized conveyorized test system, 210-212 liquid penetrants in use, 103-104
sources of discontinuities, 128-129 precleaning, 167-177
cast irons, liquid penetrant testing, 350, 351 prior liquid penetrant testing residues, 165
cataracts, and fluorescent liquid penetrant indication viewing, 96 types, effects, and removal procedures, 162-165
Central Certification Program, American Society for Nondestructive Testing See also specific contaminants
(ASNT), 13, 377 contrast, 40
centrifugation, for liquid penetrant removal from waste water, 311 eye sensitivity to, 228
ceramics, 9, 35 fluorescent liquid penetrants, 60, 61, 91, 95, 237, 269-271, 272
filtered particle testing, 326-341 visible dye liquid penetrants, 59, 61, 90, 95, 429, 430
porosity, 150 conveyorized liquid penetrant test system, 209-212
ceramoplastics, 430 copper
cermets, 35 alloys, 9
filtered particle testing, 330 brazing, 417
certification, of liquid penetrant testing personnel, 13, 375-377

484 Liquid Penetrant Testing

corrosion wetting and detergent properties, 36
chlorine, 289-292 See also dry powder developers; solvent developers; water soluble
liquid penetrant processing equipment, 69 developers; water suspendible developers
contamination of product, 163, 164 development time, 42
protecting cleaned surfaces from, 170 dexterity, of liquid penetrant testing personnel, 13
removal, 174 die castings, 147
sources of failures related to, 132 differential pressure, 28
sulfur, 292-294 diffuse liquid penetrant indications, 134, 141
See also stress corrosion cracking digital computer pattern recognition, 243
cracked metal comparator blocks, 246-253 dip-and-drain stations (dip tanks)
crack initiation, 296 custom designed, 208
crack propagation, 296-297 hydrophilic emulsifier station, 215
cracks, 2, 46 in multicomponent test unit, 205, 206, 207
aerospace structural weldment crack enhancement, 402-403 in self-contained test unit, 203
anodized aluminum test panels, 265-266 liquid penetrant care and maintenance with, 103
in clayware, filtered particle testing, 327 disbonds, 2
cutting tools, 417 discontinuities, 2, 4
filled, 104, 163-164 automated detection, 209
geometry effects on indication brightness, 266 chasing out, in unfired ware, 332, 338
liquid penetrant detection, 7, 11, 39, 276-284 laminar, 147-148
liquid penetrant indications, 126, 142-146 light alloy castings, 352-353
plastics, 429 liquid penetrant detection, 7, 11
simulation, 246 liquid penetrant indication classification, 127
sources in primary metals production, 128-132 minimum allowable, 8
synthetic specimens, 120-122 optical pattern recognition, 242-243
See also quenching cracks; stress corrosion cracking porous materials, 326
crack size, 246 sources in primary metals production, 127-132
process induced versus laboratory induced, various metals, 251 discontinuity size, 10, 35, 46
production parts, various metals, 246 and liquid penetrant testing reliability, 18
and reliability of detection, 16-17, 18 and sensitivity level, 39
crankshaft, 67 dispersants, in hydrophilic emulsifiers, 88-89
critical test parts, 10, 47 dispersibility, 266
fracture critical components, 283 down hole tubular parts, 419-420
cupping, 129 dragout, emulsifiers, 88
dragout, liquid penetrants, 86, 106
drain dwell technique, 48, 52
D drying, 42, 43, 45
aerospace applications, 380, 383
dark adaptation, 14
oil field down hole tubular parts, 420
in fluorescent testing, 227, 229-230
primary metal production applications, 346-347
deburring. See tumble deburring
drying stations
deep space missions, heat source capsules for, 407-412
in automated aerospace systems, 218, 221, 224
DeForest, A. V., 20, 21-22
in mechanized conveyorized system, 211
DeForest, Taber, 20, 21-22, 23, 25, 326
in multicomponent test unit, 206, 207
depth sensing fluorescent liquid penetrants, 396-397
in self-contained test unit, 204
dry powder developers, 38, 55, 92
in hydrophilic emulsifiers, 88-89
advantages and disadvantages, 56
in precleaning, 167
aerospace applications, 385
pollution from, 318-319, 321
application technique, 56
care and maintenance, 107
developers in use, 57, 107-108
clumping, 101
emulsifiers and removers in use, 106
postcleaning, 179, 180
liquid penetrants in storage, 101-102
visual test for degradation, 115
liquid penetrants in use, 103-104
dual immersion tank application system, 214
standard materials for evaluation of, 110
dual mode liquid penetrants, 36
developer, dry powder. See dry powder developers
viewing indications, 46
developer, nonaqueous. See nonaqueous developers
dwell time, 42, 43, 48
developer, soluble. See nonaqueous developers
effects on liquid penetrant indications, 138
developer, solvent suspendible. See solvent developers
postemulsifiable liquid penetrants, 51-52
developer, suspendible. See water suspendible developers
dye type
developer application stations
liquid penetrant classification by, 36
in automated aerospace systems, 224
and sensitivity level, 39
in multicomponent test unit, 206, 207
dynamic viscosity, 29
in self-contained test unit, 204, 205
developer dwell time, 42
developerless liquid penetrants. See self-developing liquid penetrants
developers, 7, 34
aerospace applications, 381, 384-385 electrically calibrated pyroelectric radiometer (ECPR), 236
application techniques, 56-58 electric current units, 27
care and maintenance in storage, 101-102 electric power applications, 361-378
care and maintenance in use, 57, 107-108 power plants, 362-363
crack visibility with/without developer, 92 high tension bushing, 333
development of, 23 electrocleaning, 167, 174
and diffuse liquid penetrant indications, 134 electromagnetic spectrum, 227
effects on liquid penetrant indications, 138 electrostatic spray application systems, 38, 213-215
fluorescent liquid penetrant interactions, 91, 93-94 automated aerospace systems, 218-225
liquid oxygen applications, 394-395 with solvent suspendible developers, 58
mechanism of action, 55 Ellis, Greer, 22
oil-and-whiting method, 19 emulsification time, 53
oil field down hole tubular parts, 420 emulsifier, hydrophilic. See hydrophilic emulsifiers
with opaque crack test panels, 257-258 emulsifier, lipophilic. See lipophilic emulsifiers
postcleaning, 178-180 emulsifiers, 37, 87-89
primary metal production applications, 347 care and maintenance in storage, 101-102
principles of application, 55-58 care and maintenance in use, 106
types, 55, 92-94 contamination sources, 53-54
for visible liquid penetrants, 90, 95 contamination tests, 112-115

Index 485
pollution from, 318 fire alarms, 69
in postcleaning, 179 fired ceramic materials, 330
principles of application, 48-54 fire extinguishers, 69
washability break, 113 fire hazards, 72-73, 75
wetting and detergent properties, 36 flammability, 75
See also lipophilic emulsifiers; hydrophilic emulsifiers liquid penetrants, 72-73
emulsion postcleaning, 179 flash point, 72, 75
emulsion precleaning, 176 common solvents, 173
EN 473, 13 and spot dry time, 87
engine varnish contamination, 163, 164 fleet maintenance applications, aircraft, 404-406
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 70, 71 flooding, 207
equipment, for liquid penetrant testing. See liquid penetrant testing floodlights, 226
equipment fluorescent brightness, 268-272
erythemal ultraviolet radiation, 77, 78 background test panels, 264-268
etching, 7, 8, 167 contrast curves, 271, 272
aluminum, 191-193 measurement, 111-112
primary metal production applications, 345 fluorescent compounds, chelation with aluminum, 397
steel, 195-196 fluorescent liquid penetrant testing, 36
surface removal necessary to restore liquid penetrant indications, 190 advantages, 46
titanium, 198, 199 aircraft components, 181-183, 405-406
eutectic melting, 353 aluminum alloys, 355, 356-357
eutrophication, 319 automotive parts, 425-428
evaporation, liquid penetrants, 104 basic processes, 42-46
explosion hazards, 75 brazed ring seals, 401
explosive limits, 75 brightness, 39
exposure limits, 74-75 color, 90-91
ultraviolet radiation, 78-79 contrast, 60, 61, 91, 95, 237, 269-271
extrusion discontinuities, 130, 148 contrast ratio, 237
eyes, 13-14, 39 dark adaptation, need for adequate, 229-230
brightness discrimination, 14, 134 depth sensing capabilities, 396-397
cataracts, 96 developers with, 92-94
contrast sensitivity, 228 development of, 20-22
fatigue, 71 field techniques, 66
fluorescence of eyeball, 61, 79-80, 230 filtered particle test media, 331-332, 335
relative luminosity efficiency curves, 229 light sources for, 226-238
response to ultraviolet radiation, 227-228 mechanized scanners, 239-243
response to various light wavelengths, 228 optical pattern recognition, 242-243
response to white and colored light, 228-229 plastics, 430
vision threshold, 228 portable kits, 202
and vitamin A deficiency, 139 precision investment castings, 344-349
reapplication, 336
selection, 46-47
F self-developing, 392-393
sensitivity, 39
fail safe aircraft design, 405
ultraviolet level selection, 236
failure, rising costs of, 3-4
ultraviolet measurement, 234-236
far ultraviolet radiation. See ultraviolet radiation
viewing indications, 45-46, 59, 95-96
false indications, 151-152, 162
welds in heat source capsules, 409
fatigue cracks
white light interference, 226-227, 236-237
aircraft structures, 131, 404
See also ultraviolet radiation; ultraviolet lamps
aluminum alloys, 246
fluorescent liquid penetrant light trap, 93, 94
cobalt alloys, 279, 282
fluorescent tubes, 226
low cycle specimens, 246-247
ultraviolet radiation sources, 234
metal comparator block specimens, 246-253
fluorine, analysis methods, 304-305
prevention, 131-132
fluorometers, 111-112
in service, 144-145
flying spot fluorescent liquid penetrant laser scanning, 240-242, 243
sources, 131
foamed hydrophilic emulsifiers, 215
steel, 246, 281
footcandle, 235
titanium alloys, 246, 247, 280
forging laps, 130, 147
Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, 72
forgings, 47, 134, 136, 138
ferrous metals, 8, 350-351
cracks, 138, 143
See also steel
sources of discontinuities, 129-130
field techniques, 7, 9, 10, 65-68
formula racing cars. See racing cars
military aircraft inspection, 406
fossil fuel power plants, 362
nuclear power plants, psychology of, 374
foundry applications, 344-349
precautions, 65
light alloys, 352-358
precleaning process selection, 168
fracture critical components, 283
pressurized solvent spray cans, 172-173
fractured glass step wedge test panels, 266-271
safety considerations, 73
fugitive dye technique, 25
See also portable liquid penetrant kits
fusion weld cracks, 142
filled cracks, 104, 163-164
future usefulness, and nondestructive testing, 2
film type developers, 58
filtered particle testing
applications, 327
carbon matrix composite materials, 339-341
design and selection, 331-332 gage pressure, 28
differential absorption in, 329 gamma values, 269
equipment, 333-334 gas holes, 149
indication interpretation, 337-338 gears, 60
media, 326-327, 329, 331-332 glass, 35
mechanism of operation, 328-330 cracks, 146
prewetting, 327, 335-336 fractured glass step wedge test panels, 266-271
principles, 326-327 glass bonded mica, 430
filtration, for liquid penetrant removal from waste water, 310-311 glossary, 433-451
fingerprint contamination, 165 graphite, 330
removal, 177

486 Liquid Penetrant Testing

grease contamination, 35, 104, 163-164 aircraft structural integrity program, 405
precleaning, 169, 170 automotive parts, 425-428
green clayware, chasing out discontinuities, 332, 338 castings, 344-345, 349, 350
grey iron castings, 351 cutting tools, 416-418
grinding, 8, 29, 35 electric power components, 361-378
sources of discontinuities, 130 ferrous metals, 350-351
grinding cracks, 143 light alloys, 352-358
steel comparator blocks, 253 nuclear power plants, 374, 375
grit coarseness. See mesh plastics, 429-430
grit blasted test panels radioisotope capsules for space travel, 407-412
emulsifier washability test, 113 ships, 421-424
for fluorescent background measurement, 264-266 inspection stations
fractured glass step wedge panels, 266-271 in automated aerospace systems, 219, 221, 225
grit blasting, 8, 29, 35, 170, 174, 184 in mechanized conveyorized system, 211
effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 188, 190 in multicomponent test unit, 206, 207
etching of steel after, 195-196 in self-contained test unit, 204, 205
etching of titanium after, 198, 199 insulators, high tension, 327, 332
See also abrasive precleaning intergranular attack, sulfur, 293-294
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 76
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 377
H ISO 9712, 13, 377
International System of Units (SI), 27
halogens, 41, 295
investment casting, 344
analysis methods, 302-305
ion chromatography
analysis specifications, 300-301
for chlorine analysis, 303
cleaning compound restrictions, 170
for fluorine analysis, 305
content restrictions, 288
for halogen analysis, 300
stress corrosion effects, 289-292
for sulfur analysis, 300, 302
hand creams, 72
irrelevant indications. See nonrelevant indications
hand wiping
ISO 9712, 13, 377
developers, 180
in solvent cleaning, 37, 44-45, 87, 173
Hazard Awareness Communications Program, 76
health and safety hazards
material hazards, 71-73 jet engine blades, automatic testing system, 216
material safety data sheets, 73-76
solvent cleaning, 172-173
ultraviolet radiation precautions, 76-80 K
vapor degreasing, 171
kinematic viscosity, 29
heat checks, 145
Kuhrt, Harry, 23
heat source capsules, for deep space missions, 407-412
heat treating processes, 130
heat treatment cracks, 138, 143
high carbon alloy steels, 350-351
high temperature alloy oxides. See oxide contamination laboratory fluorometers, 111-112
high temperature liquid penetrants, 41 lacquer developers, solvent based, 93
high tension insulators, 327, 332 lamps. See ultraviolet lamps
high volume liquid penetrant testing equipment, 8, 35, 202, 208 lapping, effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 185
honeycomb seals, open face, 398-401 laser scanning systems, 239-243
honeycomb structures, depth sensing liquid penetrant testing, 396-397 law enforcement, use of fluorescent materials, 20-21
honing, 8, 35 lead, 41
effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 185 leak testing
etching of steel after, 195-196 car transmissions, 426-427
etching of titanium after, 198, 199 with liquid penetrant testing, 7-8, 35, 67-68, 141, 150
Hurter and Driffield (H&D) film density curves, 267, 268 prior testing residues, 165
hydrogen embrittlement, 131, 297 welded seams, 150
hydrogen precipitation as hydride in nickel alloys, 296 length units, 27
hydrophilic emulsifiers, 37, 88-89 light absorption
avoiding overremoval, 51 fluorescent liquid penetrants, 90-91, 93-94
basic process, 43-44, 48, 49 visible liquid penetrants, 90, 91
care and maintenance, 106 light alloys, 128, 129, 352-358
concentration control, 114 fatigue cracks, 144-145
contamination in tanks, 53 lighting equipment, 226-238
converting lipophilic test systems to, 214 light intensity
dip tank station, 215 ambient visible light, 226
manual test installations, 214 and fluorescent liquid penetrant indications, 95-96
mechanism of action, 52-53 various industrial conditions, 96
postemulsification process, 314-316 and visible liquid penetrant indications, 95
refractive index, 114 light scattering
spray application of foamed, 215 and developers, 93-94
tests for contamination by, 114-115 fluorescent liquid penetrants, 91, 93-94
visual monitoring for contamination, 113-114 light units, 28
See also ultraviolet lamps
linear indications
I acceptance/rejection criteria, aerospace applications, 385
acceptance/rejection criteria, Navy applications, 424
illuminance, 29
interpretation, 133-134
incandescent lamps, 226
links, 60
incandescent ultraviolet radiation sources, 234
lipophilic emulsifiers, 37, 88
index of refraction, liquid penetrants, 93
avoiding overremoval, 51
indications. See liquid penetrant indications
basic process, 43, 43, 44, 48, 49
ingot molds, 127
care and maintenance, 106
ingots, 128
contamination in tanks, 53
inherent discontinuities, 127
converting test systems to hydrophilic, 214
inspection, 34
disadvantages, 88
aircraft components, 181-182, 357-358, 379-406
mechanism of action, 52

Index 487
postcleaning, 179 prior testing residues, 165
postemulsification process, 43 process selection, 9-11, 46-47
water contamination test, 112-113 productivity, 15, 18
water tolerance, 109 quality control tests, 118-122
liquid oxygen (LOX) systems, 40-41 reasons for selecting, 8, 9, 11, 35
aerospace applications, 392-395 reliability, 18
postcleaning restrictions, 178 repetitive testing standards, 141
liquid penetrant, color contrast. See visible liquid penetrant testing sensitivity, 8, 35, 39
liquid penetrant, fluorescent. See fluorescent liquid penetrant testing signal-to-noise ratio, 48, 282-283
liquid penetrant, solvent removable. See solvent removable liquid penetrants surface conditions interfering with, 162
liquid penetrant, visible dye. See visible liquid penetrant testing test object preparation, 162
liquid penetrant incoming testing, aerospace industry, 358 waste pollution control, 306-313
liquid penetrant indications See also field techniques; liquid penetrant indications; specific applications
acceptance standards, 140-141 and materials
appearance, 133-134 liquid penetrant testing applications. See aerospace applications; nuclear
classification by discontinuity, 127 power plants; primary metals production
crack geometry effects on brightness, 266 liquid penetrant testing equipment, 202-216
cracks, 142-146 aerospace automated applications, 217-225
ensuring inspector knowledge of, 15 automated production line system, 208-209
evaluation, 126-132, 133 high volume, 8, 35, 202, 208
evaluation specifications, 63-64, 154-158 lighting equipment, 226-238
faulty technique effects, 138 maintenance, 69-70
field techniques, 66, 67 mechanized conveyorized, 209-212
filtered particle testing, 337-338 mechanized scanners, 239-243
importance of excess liquid penetrant removal, 48 portable, 202
inadequate, possible causes, 141 primary metal production applications, 347-348
interpretation, 42-43, 61-63, 126, 133-135 quality control tests, 118-122
laminar discontinuities, 147-148 selection, 209
mechanism of formation, 133 specialized, 202, 208
mechanized scanners, 239-243 stationary, 202-208
nonrelevant and false, 46, 151-152, 162, 338, 424 low carbon alloy steels, 350
persistence, 135 lower explosive limit (LEL), 75
primary metal production applications, 347, 355-356 low temperature liquid penetrants, 41
processing effects influencing, 136-139 LOX systems. See liquid oxygen (LOX) systems
recognition training, 153 lubricant contamination, 163
surface condition effects, 137 luminance, 29
time to develop, 135 luminous flux, 29
variables affecting, 137-139 luminous intensity, 27, 29
viewing, 42, 45-46, 59-61, 95-96
liquid penetrants
biodegradable, 308 M
care and maintenance in storage, 100-102
machines, increased demand on, 3
care and maintenance in use, 103-105
machining, 8, 35, 184
classification by dye type, 36
etching of aluminum after, 192-193
classification by removal method, 36-37
machining cracks, 143
color, 90-91
magnesium, 9, 134, 344
disposal, 216
microshrinkage in, 150
dual mode, 36, 46
open wheel racing cars, 145, 427-428
evaporation, 104
postcleaning to prevent corrosion, 179-180
heat effects, 105
magnetic particle testing, 19
light absorption of films, 91
fossil fuel power plants, 362
liquid oxygen applications, 392
liquid penetrant testing contrasted for nuclear power applications, 365
major requirements of, 39-40
residue removal, 169
material hazards, 71-73
magnification, use in liquid penetrant testing, 14
physical properties, 40, 84-86
prewash concept, 314-315
developers, 107-108
qualified/approved, 38-39
emulsifiers, 106
quality control tests for, 109-117
liquid penetrants in storage, 100-102
removal. See removal, liquid penetrants
liquid penetrants in use, 103-105
selection, 46-47
liquid penetrant test systems, 69-70
slow solubility, 321
removers, 106
special application requirements, 40-41
ultraviolet lamps, 237-238
waste treatment by adsorption, 311, 312-313
malleable iron castings, 351
wetting and detergent properties, 36
marine applications, 421-424
See also fluorescent liquid penetrant testing; visible liquid penetrant
martensitic stainless steel, 345
testing; water washable liquid penetrants; postemulsifiable liquid
liquid penetrant testing, 350
mass units, 27
liquid penetrant system monitor panel, 259-261, 316-317
material hazards, 71-73
liquid penetrant testing
material safety data sheets (MSDS), 73-76
basic process, 7-8, 34, 42-46
mechanical processing
bibliography, 453-482
cracks from, 143
cleanliness of processing area, 70, 166
and liquid penetrant testing indications, 8, 35, 136-139, 184-199
closed loop system, 320-322
and surface contamination, 164
disadvantages and limitations, 8-9, 35-36
See also specific operations, i.e., shot peening
glossary, 433-451
mechanical working, 8, 35
history, 19-26
mechanized conveyorized liquid penetrant test system, 209-212
human performance, 282-284
mechanized scanning
key individuals in development of, 19-26
for fluorescent liquid penetrant testing, 239-243
labor intensiveness, 9, 12
nuclear power plant piping, 373
with leak testing, 7-8, 35, 67-68, 141, 150
mental qualifications, of liquid penetrant testing personnel, 14-15
lighting, 226-238
mercury, 41
management interest and, 12
mercury vapor arc ultraviolet sources, 13, 230-233
management of, 7-11
radiation intensity variation with distance, 233
materials inspectable, 9, 34-35
various commercial, 232
personnel selection and qualification, 12-18
mesh measurement of grit coarseness, 29, 185-190, 193, 198, 329, 330

488 Liquid Penetrant Testing

metal cutting tool testing, 416-418 O
metallic materials, 9, 10
methyl chloroform (1,1,1-trichloroethane), 171 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 70, 71, 72, 80
metric system, 27 carcinogens, 76
micelles, 318 Hazard Communication Rule, 73
micelle theory, 318 material safety data sheets (MSDS), 73-76
microscopes, use in liquid penetrant testing, 14 ocular fluorescence, 61, 79-80, 230
microshrinkage, 128, 150 oil-and-whiting method, 19, 36
military specifications, 26, 100 oil contamination, 35, 104, 163-164
AN-1-30a, 26 precleaning, 169, 170
cleaning compound restrictions, 170 oil field down hole tubular parts, 419-420
laboratory fluorometer specified by, 111, 112 open face honeycomb seals, 398-401
MIL-I-6866, 26, 100, 109 open wheel racing cars, 426-428
MIL-I-25135, 26, 100, 101, 120 optical pattern recognition, 242-243
MIL-S-8949, 101 organic coating contamination, 104, 164-165
MIL-STD-1823, 284 organic fluid contamination, 163-164
MIL-STD-2035, 422 oxide contamination, 163, 164
MIL-STD-2132, 422 removal, 174-175
MIL-STD-2175, 384
NAVSEA 250-1500-1, 100
NAVSEA Technical Publications, 422-423 P
NAVSHIPS 250-1500-1, 422 paint contamination, 35, 104, 163, 164-165
Navy specifications, 422-423 removal, 174
QPL-25135, 38 paint stripping, 167, 174
QPL-AMS-2644, 38-39, 246 aircraft components, 182
milling cutters, carbide tipped, 417-418 Parker, Donald, 25, 26
minimum allowable discontinuities, 8 part drying stations. See drying stations
moisture contamination. See water contamination part handling, 10
motor ability, of liquid penetrant testing personnel, 13 peening, 169-170
multiple component stationary liquid penetrant test units, 205-207 See also shot peening
penetrants. See liquid penetrants
penetrant testing. See liquid penetrant testing
N penetrating ability, 40
narrow angle photometer, 120 Pensky-Martens closed cup technique, 73
national certifying body, 13, 377 perchloroethylene, 171
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 80 permissible exposure limit (PEL), 74-75
near ultraviolet exposure limits, 78-79 personnel certification, 13, 375-377
National Materials Advisory Board (NMAB) Ad Hoc Committee on nuclear power plants, 375
Nondestructive Evaluation, 4 personnel qualification, 12-18
National Toxicology Program (NTP), 76 aerospace applications, 13, 381-382, 406
Naval Ships Technical Manual, 423 nuclear power plants, 374
near ultraviolet radiation (ultraviolet-A radiation). See ultraviolet radiation photoelectric meters, 235
nickel and alloys photometers, 120, 264
cleaning compound restrictions, 170 photopic vision, 229
liquid penetrant restrictions, 10 photosensitive eyeglasses, avoidance of, 14, 230
sulfide corrosion, 293 physical qualifications, of liquid penetrant testing personnel, 13-14
nickel chrome test panels, 90 pickling, 7
emulsifier overspraying effects, 89 aluminum alloy castings, 355
surface cracked, 254-258 pickling cracks, 417
90/95 probability of detection value, 276 pierced products, 130
nonaqueous developers. See solvent developers pigmented drawing lubricants, removal, 169
nondestructive material characterization, 2 pipe weld testing device, 373
nondestructive testing, 2 piping, nuclear power plants, 369-373
method categories, 4 plastic media blasting (PMB), 8, 35
method classification, 4-6 plastics, 9, 35
method objectives, 6 cracks, 146
purposes, 2-4 discontinuity sources, 429-430
units of measure for, 27-29 porosity
nonferrous metals, 8, 35 aluminum castings, 128, 353, 356
surface testing, 19-21 automotive parts, 427
See also aluminum and alloys; titanium and alloys cutting tools, 416-417
nonfluorescent liquid penetrants. See visible liquid penetrant testing fractured glass step wedge test panels, 267
nonmetallic inclusions, 128 liquid penetrant indications, 126, 149-150
nonmetallic materials, 9, 10, 35 sources in primary metals production, 128, 130
carbon matrix composites, 339-341 porosity units, 28
ceramics, 330-338 porous materials, 48
clayware, 330-338 background fluorescence caused by, 61
plastics, 429-430 filtered particle testing, 326-341
precleaning, 168 nondestructive testing, 326
nonrelevant indications, 46, 151-152 selective fluid absorption, 328
acceptance/rejection criteria, Navy applications, 424 small dot liquid penetrant indications, 134
filtered particle testing, 338 portable liquid penetrant kits, 202
nuclear power plants, 100, 362 solvent based developers for, 93
low/high temperature liquid penetrants, 138 solvent spray cans for, 172
onsite liquid penetrant examinations, 366-367 portable liquid penetrant test equipment, 35, 202
personnel issues, 374-377 portable radiometers, 235
piping discontinuity testing, 369-373 postcleaning, 7, 34, 165, 167
postcleaning restrictions, 178 procedures, 178-180
precleaning restrictions, 170 sulfur and halogen compound removal, 289
pressure component testing, 364-368 postemulsifiable liquid penetrants, 36-37, 87, 184
in service inspection, 362-363 basic process, 43-44, 51
care and maintenance in use, 103
development of, 23, 25
hydrophilic process for recovery, 314-316
primary metal production applications, 345

Index 489
waste water clarification, 318 rounded indications
posttreatment, of liquid penetrant rinsings, 309-311 acceptance/rejection criteria, aerospace applications, 385
potassium compounds, 41 interpretation, 134
cleaning compound restrictions, 170 rust contamination, 163, 164
powdered metal products, 35 removal, 174
precleaning, 7, 34, 162
aircraft components, 181-183
primary metal production applications, 345 S
procedures, 167-177
SAE International (formerly Society of Automotive Engineers [SAE]), 63
pressure units, 28
AMS 2644, 39, 100, 120, 183, 246, 247, 248, 348, 350, 380, 381, 384,
prewash concept, 314-315
388, 408
prewetting, filtered particle testing, 327, 335-336
AMS 6419, 253
primary metals production
AMS 5608D, 282
cracks, 143
AMS 5850, 398
discontinuity sources, 127-132
See also Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography
ferrous metals, 350-351
safety. See health and safety hazards
foundry applications, 344-349, 352-358
safety factor, 3
light alloy foundry applications, 352-358
salt bath descaling/deoxidizing, 167, 175-176
probability of detection curve, 276
sampling, 2
processing discontinuities, 127
liquid penetrant materials, 110
production line liquid penetrant testing systems, 208-209
sand blasting. See grit blasting
productivity, of liquid penetrant testing, 15, 18
sanding, 8, 35, 184
pulling apart, wet developers, 116
effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 185, 186, 187
Purkinje shift, 230
etching of aluminum after, 191, 192, 193, 194
etching of steel after, 195-196
etching of titanium after, 198
Q sandwich braze, 416
qualification, of liquid penetrant testing personnel. See personnel qualification sanitary ware, filtered particle testing, 327, 331, 332
quality assurance, nuclear power plants, 374-376 scale contamination, 163, 164
quality control removal, 174
liquid penetrants, 109-117 scattering, of light. See light scattering
precleaning aircraft components, 183 scotopic vision, 229
test systems and procedures, 118-122 sealants, aircraft structures, 405
quenching cracks, 130 seals
aluminum comparator blocks, 122, 247-251 nuclear power plants, 366
steel comparator blocks, 252 open face honeycomb seals, 398-401
seams, 147-148
welded, leak testing, 149, 150
R selenium cell photoelectric meters, 235
self-contained liquid penetrant test units, 203-205
racing cars, in service liquid penetrant testing, 426-428
self-developing liquid penetrants, 392-393
radiography, light alloy castings, 354
for heat source capsules for deep space missions, 407-409
radiometers, 235
performance, 386-391
reactive materials, 75-76
sensitivity level, 39
recognition training, liquid penetrant inspectors, 153
service discontinuities, 127
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, American Society for Nondestructive
service expectations, of test parts, 10
Testing (ASNT), 13, 376-377, 381-382
settling out, developers, 117
red eyeglasses, 14, 230
Shannon, John Pop, 20
red visible indications, 36, 47, 95
sheet metal, 129, 344
reference brightness conditions, 267-268
cracks, 143
reference panels. See test panels
shims, 416
refractomer test, for hydrophilic emulsifier concentration control, 114
shipbuilding applications, 421-424
refractory materials, 330
short wave ultraviolet radiation, 77
refrigerant-113 (trichlorotrifluoroethane), 298-299
shot peening, 8, 29, 35, 184
rejection criteria. See acceptance/rejection criteria
effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 187, 188
removal, liquid penetrants, 34, 87-89
etching of steel after, 195-196, 197
aerospace applications, 383-384
etching of titanium after, 198
avoiding overremoval, 51
shrinkage cavities, 149-150
and diffuse liquid penetrant indications, 134
shrinkage discontinuities, 128-129
liquid penetrant classification by removal method, 36-37
automotive parts, 427
oil field down hole tubular parts, 420
light alloy castings, 353
purpose and control of, 48
SI multipliers, 27-28
reprocessing parts after inadequate, 53
SI system, 27-29
and signal-to-noise ratio of testing, 48
base units, 27
tests for effectiveness, 119-120
conversions to, 28
See also cleaning; water washable liquid penetrants; postemulsifiable liquid
derived units, 27
silver solder, 417
removers, 38, 44-45
signal-to-noise ratio, of liquid penetrant testing, 48, 282-283
care and maintenance in storage, 101-102
silicon carbide, 339
care and maintenance in use, 106
slow solubility liquid penetrants, 321
comparison evaluation, 258
small dot liquid penetrant indications, 134
field precautions, 73
Smith Sparling, Rebecca, 24, 25
liquid oxygen applications, 394-395
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). See SAE International
spray application of foamed hydrophilic, 215
Sockman, Loy, 24-25
tests for contamination by, 114-115
sodium compounds, 41
water recycling, 216
cleaning compound restrictions, 170
resin contamination, 35
soft metals. See aluminum and alloys; titanium and alloys
reverse osmosis, for liquid penetrant removal from waste water, 309-310
soil contamination, 34, 163, 164
rhodopsin, 14, 229
precleaning, 169, 174
rolled products, 129, 130
solder, silver, 417
rough surfaces
solvent based lacquer developers, 93
background fluorescence caused by, 61
liquid penetrant comparators, 264

490 Liquid Penetrant Testing

solvent developers (nonaqueous developers), 38, 55, 93 strong acid or alkali contamination. See acid contamination; alkali
aerospace applications, 385 contamination
application techniques, 58 structural weldment crack enhancement, aircraft, 402-403
care and maintenance, 107-108 sulfamic acid, 299
control and maintenance of baths, 116-117 sulfur compounds, 41
postcleaning, 180 analysis methods, 301-302
solvent precleaning, 167, 171-172 analysis specifications, 300-301
solvent removable liquid penetrants, 37 cleaning compound restrictions, 170
basic process, 44-45 corrosive effects, 292-294
field techniques, 66-67 in early emulsifiers, 87
primary metal production applications, 345 restrictions on, 288
solvent rinse, 87 sources in liquid penetrant materials, 288
solvents surface contamination. See contamination
contamination from, 104 surface preparation, 162
flash points and relative toxicity of common, 173 surface tension, liquid penetrants, 45, 84, 85
spot dry time versus flash point of volatile, 87 surface volume, liquid penetrants, 86
solvent wipeoff, 44-45, 87 surfactants
field techniques, 66 as pollutants, 306, 308
spar caps, 62 in water soluble developers, 107
Sparling. See Smith Sparling Switzer brothers, 20
specialized liquid penetrant test units, 202, 208 Switzer, Joseph, 20, 21, 22-23, 25
specifications, 140 Switzer, Robert C., 19-22, 23, 25
aerospace applications, 380-385 synthetic voids, 45
aircraft structural integrity program, 405 Le Systeme Internationale dUnites (SI system), 27
for evaluating liquid penetrant indications, 63-64, 154-158
See also military specifications and names of issuing organizations
spindles, 60 T
spot dry time, volatile solvents, 87
television scanning systems, 239, 240
spray application systems, 210, 212-215
temperature, of test parts, 138
automated aerospace systems, 218-225
temperature units, 27
electrostatic, 38, 58, 213-215, 218-225
test panels
spray cans
comparison tests, 258
care and maintenance in storage, 101
controlled surface cavities, 261-263
care and maintenance in use, 103
crack pattern reproducibility, 261
developers, 116
for fluorescent background measurement, 264-272
field use of solvents, 172
fractured glass step wedge test panels, 266-271
in portable equipment, 202
liquid penetrant system monitor panel, 259-261, 316-317
sprockets, 60
nickel chrome surface cracked, 254-258
Staats, Henry N., 326
synthetic cracks, 120-122
stacking fault energy, 297
See also comparators
stainless steel, 345
thermal cracks, 129
austenitic, 288-292
thread gages, 417
cleaning fluids, 298-299
threshold limit value (TLV), 75
fatigue cracks, 246
time units, 27
grit blasted test panels, 264-265
tin, 41
liquid penetrant requirements, 10, 41
titanium and alloys
liquid penetrant testing, 350
6Al-4V alloy, 280
stress corrosion mechanism, 295-299
cleaning compound restrictions, 170
stress corrosion testing, 289-292
etching, 198, 199
sulfide corrosion, 293
fatigue cracks, 246, 247, 280
tube cracks, 140
liquid penetrant restrictions, 10, 41
welding, 362
mechanical processing, 184
See also American Iron and Steel Institute and steel
mechanical processing effects on liquid penetrant testing, 188, 190-191,
standards, 477-481
acceptance/rejection. See acceptance/rejection criteria
process induced versus laboratory induced cracks, 251
liquid penetrant testing in nuclear power plants, 364
stress corrosion cracking, 251-252
military. See military specifications
titanium liquid penetrant comparator blocks, for stress corrosion cracking,
See also names of issuing organizations
stationary liquid penetrant test systems
transmittance, 29
multiple component test units, 205-207
1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform), 171
self-contained test units, 203-205
trichloroethylene, 171
steam cleaning, 167
trichlorotrifluoroethane (refrigerant-113), 298-299
steel, 344, 345
tubular products
comparator blocks, 252-253
cracks, 140, 143
D6A6 (type), 253
nuclear power plants, 366
etching, 195-196
oil field down hole, 419-420
fatigue cracks, 281
tumble deburring, 184
liquid penetrant restrictions, 10, 41
effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 188, 189
liquid penetrant testing, 350-351
etching of aluminum after, 191, 192
mechanical processing, 184
etching of steel after, 195-196
mechanical processing effects on liquid penetrant testing, 188, 190-191,
etching of titanium after, 198
turbine blades, 60, 362
postcleaning to prevent corrosion, 179-180
acceptance/rejection criteria of cast, 155, 156-157, 158
process induced versus laboratory induced cracks, 251
fatigue cracks, 144
sulfide corrosion, 293
hydrophilic postemulsification testing, 316
See also American Iron and Steel Institute and stainless steel
29-out-of-29 method, 283-284
stratification, for liquid penetrant removal from waste water, 311
stress corrosion cracking, 132, 145
austenitic steels, 295-299
chlorine effects, 289-292
nuclear plant piping, 371, 372-373 ultrasonically enhanced liquid penetrant testing, 402-403
prevention, 297-298 ultrasonic cleaning, 167, 172
susceptibility, 296-297 ultrasonic testing, residue removal, 169
titanium comparator blocks, 251-252
strip metal, 129, 344

Index 491
ultraviolet lamps, 13, 230-238 washability break, 113
care and maintenance, 70, 237-238 washing
for filtered particle testing, 333 aerospace applications, 384
in mechanized conveyorized system, 211 primary metal production applications, 345
in multicomponent test units, 207 wash stations
physiological effects of, 238 in automated aerospace systems, 218, 223, 224
placement, 61 in mechanized conveyorized system, 210
portable, 202 in multicomponent test unit, 206, 207
reflected radiation from, 79 in self-contained test unit, 203-204
safety considerations, 76-77 spray rinsing equipment, 216
in self-contained test units, 205 waste pollution, 306-313
ultraviolet radiation, 77, 78 waste water clarification, 315, 318-322
effect on inspector performance, 278 waste water recycling. See water recycling
effects on eye, 61 waste water treatment, 306-313
exposure limits, 78-79 water contamination, 34, 163, 165
eye response, 79-80, 227-228 in emulsifiers, 106
filters, 112 emulsifier tanks, 54
hazards, 78-80 in postemulsifiable liquid penetrants, 103
intensity required versus ambient visible light, 95-96 removal, 176-177
near ultraviolet radiation (ultraviolet-A radiation). See ultraviolet radiation test for in lipophilic emulsifiers, 112-113
measuring, 77-78, 234-235 water tolerance of liquid penetrants, 109
measurement instruments, 235-236 in water washable liquid penetrants, 103
scattering by fluorescent liquid penetrants, 93-94 water content measurements, 110
ultraviolet-A radiation (near ultraviolet radiation). See ultraviolet radiation water immiscible solvent removers, 311-312
ultraviolet-B radiation, 77, 78 water pollution
ultraviolet-C radiation, 77 avoidance, 307-308
ultraviolet radiation mechanized scanning systems, 239-242 emulsifiers, 88, 89
United States Air Force (USAF) specifications water recycling, 311, 312
QPL-25135, 38 hydrophilic remover systems, 216
QPL-AMS-2644, 38-39, 246 and prewash concept, 314-317
United States Coast Guard (USCG) requirements, 423 water soluble developers (aqueous soluble developers), 38, 55, 93
United States Navy (USN) specifications, 422-423 advantages and disadvantages, 58
NAVSEA 250-1500-1, 100 aerospace applications, 384-385
NAVSEA Technical Publications, 422 application techniques, 57
NAVSHIPS 250-1500-1, 422 care and maintenance, 107
Unites States Auto Club, 427 control and maintenance of baths, 115-116
units, 27-29 postcleaning, 180
upper explosive limit (UEL), 75 storage, 101
water suspendible developers (aqueous suspendible developers), 38, 55, 93
advantages and disadvantages, 57-58
V aerospace applications, 385
application techniques, 57
valve bodies, 134, 362
care and maintenance, 107
valves, fatigue cracks, 145
control and maintenance of baths, 115-116
vapor arc lamps, 226
postcleaning, 180
See also mercury vapor arc ultraviolet sources
storage, 101
vapor blasting, effect on crack indications in aluminum alloys, 187, 189
water washable liquid penetrants, 36, 87
vapor degreasing, 87, 167, 170-171
basic process, 42-43, 48-51
aircraft components, 182
care and maintenance in use, 103
vapor density, 75
development of, 23, 24
varnish contamination, 163, 164
postcleaning, 179
removal, 174
primary metal production applications, 345
ventilation, 76
waste water clarification, 318
viewing indications, 42
water tolerance of, 109
fluorescent liquid penetrants, 45-46, 59, 95-96
weld discontinuities, 46
visible liquid penetrants, 45, 59, 95
welded seams, leak testing, 149, 150
viscosity, liquid penetrants, 45, 85, 86
weld residue contamination, 164
viscosity units, 28
visible liquid penetrant testing (color contrast liquid penetrant testing), 36
aerospace structural weldment crack enhancement, 402-403
advantages, 46
crack indications, 142
basic processes, 42-46
in heat source capsules, 409-412
brazed ring seals, 401
nuclear power plants, 366, 369, 370-371, 372
color, 90-91
residual stresses, 362
contrast, 59, 61, 90, 95
sources of discontinuities, 129-130
development of, 22, 23-25
field techniques, 67
developers, 116
light sources for, 226
liquid penetrants, 40, 84-85
plastics, 430
white light illumination
selection, 47
eye response to, 228-229
viewing indications, 45, 59, 95
interference with fluorescent liquid penetrant testing, 226-227, 236-237
vision acuity, 13-14, 96
sources, 226
and object brightness, 229
wipe-and-watch technique, 347
See also eyes
wire brushing, 170
vision acuity examinations, 13
work rolls, steel rolling mills, 350-351
vision threshold, 228
visual examination. See inspection and viewing indications
vitamin A deficiency, 139
volatility, liquid penetrants, 40, 86
and safety, 75 X-ray fluoroscopic incoming testing, aerospace industry, 358
volume units, 28

W Ziegfield, Flo, 20
wall thinning, 2
Ward, R.A., 22, 23

492 Liquid Penetrant Testing

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Figure Sources

The following list indicates owners of figures at time of submittal. Chapter 12

Figure 1 Reynolds Metals Company, Richmond, VA.
Chapter 1 Figures 2-3 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 1-2 D&W Enterprises, Limited, Littleton, CO.
Figures 3-5, 7-11, 14 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Chapter 13
Glenview, IL.
Figures 1-4 Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH.
Figure 6 Alys Alburger Braun, Somis, CA.
Figure 5 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX.
Figures 6-7 Stone and Webster, Boston, MA.
Chapter 2
Figures 1-11 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL. Chapter 14
Figure 1-6 Boeing Company, Long Beach, CA.
Chapter 3 Figure 8 Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, OH.
Figures 1-11 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 9-14 Rockwell International, Canoga Park, CA.

Chapter 4
Chapter 15
Figures 1-2, 5, 7, 9 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Toolworks, Glenview, IL.
Figure 1 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 3-4, 6 Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.
Figure 2-3 International Pipe Inspectors Association, Houston, TX.
Figure 8 Met-L-Chek, Santa Monica, CA.
Figure 4 Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, MI.
Figure 5 Gregory F. Monks, QC Technologies, Incorporated, Noblesville, IN.
Chapter 5 Figure 6 Dennis G. Hunley, Quality Assurance Corporation, Indianapolis, IN.
Figures 1-6, 8, 12-15, 18-25 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Toolworks,
Glenview, IL.
Figures 7, 26 Allied Signal Aerospace Company [formerly AiResearch
Manufacturing Division, Garrett Corporation], Los Angeles, CA.
Figure 16-17 Turbodyne Technologies, Incorporated, Woodland Hills, CA.

Chapter 6
Figures 2-11 Boeing Company, Long Beach, CA.
Figures 12-25 Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO.

Chapter 7
Figures 1-4f, 4h, 6-8a, 25-26, 31, 34, 36-43 Magnaflux Division of Illinois
Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 8b, 8c Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.
Figures 9-15 Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO.
Figure 17-24 Northrop Grumman Corporation, Los Angeles, CA.
Figures 33, 35a-35b Spectronics Corporation, Westbury, NY.
Figures 35c Ely Chemical Company, Aurora, IL.

Chapter 8
Figures 2-4 Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.
Figures 5-7, 9-12 Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO.
Figure 13 Turco Products, Incorporated, Long Beach, CA.

Chapter 9
Figures 1-7 D&W Enterprises, Limited, Littleton, CO.

Chapter 10
Figures 1-6 Westinghouse Hanford, Hanford, WA.
Figure 7 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 8-10 Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate, CA.

Chapter 11
Figures 1-13 Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, IL.
Figures 14-15 Robert L. Crane, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

Movie Sources

All video is copyrighted by ASNT or reproduced by permission of the Chapter 6

copyright holders. The following list indicates copyright ownership at time of
submittal. The participation of ASNT Past President Charles N. Hellier, III as Movie. Postcleaning American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
narrator and instructor in many of these movies is gratefully acknowledged. Columbus, OH.

Chapter 2 Chapter 12
Movie. Bleeding suggests discontinuity severity Hellier Associates, Movie. Rejectable discontinuity Hellier Associates, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Incorporated, Niantic, CT. Movie. Porosity in casting American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Movie. Fluorescent liquid penetrant Hellier Associates, Incorporated, Columbus, OH.
Niantic, CT. Movie. Fluorescent bleedout reveals shrinkage ASM International, Materials
Movie. Liquid penetrant seeps into discontinuity ASM International, Park, OH.
Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Solvent removes excess liquid penetrant from part surface ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Nonaqueous wet developer enhances visible dye contrast ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Hydrophilic prerinse Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Dip in hydrophilic emulsifier; dwell Howmet Castings,
Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Water wash Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Developer application Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Viewing of developed indications Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Developer is applied American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Wipe part American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Visible red dye liquid penetrant bleeds out American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. Indication in root pass of weld Hellier Associates, Incorporated,
Niantic, CT.
Movie. Water wash Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Developer application Howmet Castings, Whitehall, MI.
Movie. Nonaqueous wet developer enhances visible dye contrast ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Shake the spray can Hellier Associated, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Movie. Nonaqueous wet developer enhances visible dye contrast ASM
International, Materials Park, OH.

Chapter 3
Movie. Visible red dye liquid penetrant bleeds out American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.

Chapter 5
Movie. Fluorescent bleedout reveals shrinkage ASM International,
Incorporated, Materials Park, OH.
Movie. Quenching cracks Hellier Associate, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Movie. Linear discontinuity American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Open and partially open cracks American Society for Nondestructive
Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. Pitting and porosity American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Porosity in casting American Society for Nondestructive Testing,
Columbus, OH.
Movie. Process control can mask discontinuities American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. False indications Hellier Associates, Incorporated, Niantic, CT.
Movie. Nonrelevant indications can mask relevant ones American Society
for Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.
Movie. Nonrelevant indication from part geometry American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Columbus, OH.


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